The sunken continent that never was: Atlantis not to be found at Gibralter, not at Bimini, and not near Cuba
The story of Atlantis is one of the most widely known myths -- or legends, if you will -- in the world today. Every other week the story is discussed on Coast tot Coast AM or related new age shows, often by representatives of the Edgar Cayce Association. Even in the mainstream media the sunken continent is regularly brought up when yet another researcher is looking for Atlantis in yet another part of the world: in the Mediterranean, around the Canary Islands, the Azores, near Great Britain, in the Caribbean, or other places. The purpose of this article is to once and for all demonstrate that there is no reason to even remotely suspect that Atlantis could ever have existed. In fact, it should be so blatantly obvious to any serious researcher that the story of Atlantis doesn't check out, that it becomes hard to not question the motives of those who keep promoting the theory.
As many readers may already know, the story of Atlantis is based on only a single source: Plato, the famous philosopher and mathematician from Ancient Greece. In 360 B.C., Plato wrote down a conversation between him, Socrates, and men with the names Critias, Hermocrates and Timeaus. Criticias is the one who informed the group about Atlantis. It was a story told within his family, father to son. His great grandfather originally heard the tale from a person with the name Dropidas, who in turn claimed to have been told by Solon (±640-558 B.C.), a well known ruler of Athens who played a key role in bringing about the first known form of democracy in the world. Assuming that no one later on has made up the story, then it was Solon who was informed about Atlantis by an Egyptian priest while on a (state) visit to Sais in Egypt. According to Criticias, the words of the priest were as follows:
"Whatever happened either in your country or in ours, or in any other region of which we are informed-if there were any actions noble or great or in any other way remarkable, they have all been written down by us of old, and are preserved in our temples. Whereas just when you and other nations are beginning to be provided with letters and the other requisites of civilized life, after the usual interval, the stream from heaven, like a pestilence, comes pouring down, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education; and so you have to begin all over again like children, and know nothing of what happened in ancient times, either among us or among yourselves. As for those genealogies of yours which you just now recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than the tales of children. "In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones. ... There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes." [1] |
Which deluge Solon and the Hellenic Greeks remembered is a good question. Maybe the most likely one is the Minoan eruption of about 1,600 B.C. The eruption and subsequent tsunami wiped out several Minoan settlements on smaller Greek islands and caused an estimated 20 meter (66 ft) high tsunami on Crete. The tsunami doesn't seem to have hit the Athens region and mainland in general all that hard, but the eruption would have been seen everywhere in the region. It had a Dense-Rock Equivalent (DRE) at least 50 times larger than Mount St. Helens in 1980 and 11 times larger than Mount Pinatubo in 1991. Possibly it was as large as the 1815 Mount Tambora eruption of 100 km3 DRE, which famously made 1816 the "year without summer". There have been various earthquakes and tsunamis in the Mediterranean, but nothing as big as this. The priest continued:
"In the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land [Greece] the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived. And this was unknown to you, because, for many generations, the survivors of that destruction died, leaving no written word. For there was a time, Solon, before the great deluge of all, when the city which now is Athens was first in war and in every way the best governed of all cities, is said to have performed the noblest deeds and to have had the fairest constitution of any of which tradition tells, under the face of heaven." [2] |
According to Criticias, Solon got really excited upon hearing these words. This, of course, is the type of information he can come home with and tell his people. Solon asks for more information about his ancestors:
"You are welcome to hear about them, Solon ... both for your own sake and for that of your city, and above all, for the sake of the goddess [Neith, identified with Athena] who is the common patron and parent and educator of both our cities. She founded your city a thousand years before ours, receiving from the Earth and Hephaestus the seed of your race, and afterwards she founded ours, of which the constitution is recorded in our sacred registers to be eight thousand years old. As touching your citizens of nine thousand years ago, I will briefly inform you of their laws and of their most famous action." [3] |
Interesting. So the priest tells Solon that Athens' origins date back to about 9,000 B.C. and Egypt, Sais in this case, goes back to 8,000 B.C. That's nice of the priest, to inform the Greeks that their race is older. Solon must have loved to hear that. But there's a problem: there's no evidence for a civilization in either place at this point. People were still hunter-gatherers. The first farming communities were established in Iran around 8,000 B.C. Roughly a thousand years later they begin to appear in the region of Greece and the Nile Delta in Egypt. The Goddess that the Egyptian priest is talking about is Neith, which they identified with the Greek Athena. Neith's cult was centered around Sais and goes back to the very beginnings of Ancient Egypt, not to 9,000 B.C., but to about 3,100 B.C., immediately after King Menes (Narmer) unified Egypt and became the country's first pharaoh. The Egyptian priest continues with some more obvious flattering of the Greeks:
"All this order and arrangement [of Greek and then Egyptian society] the goddess first imparted to you when establishing your city; and she chose the spot of earth in which you were born, because she saw that the happy temperament of the seasons in that land would produce the wisest of men. Wherefore the goddess, who was a lover both of war and of wisdom, selected and first of all settled that spot which was the most likely to produce men likest herself. And there you dwelt, having such laws as these and still better ones, and excelled all mankind in all virtue, as became the children and disciples of the gods. Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories." [4] |
Finally, after what can only be described as an enormous amount of ass kissing -- a very typical thing to do in the ancient world -- the priest gets down to the story of Ancient Greece's war with Atlantis, which seems to fit in the same appeasement strategy. He puts the war at the exact birth of Greece.
"One [deed] exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent. "Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia [Central Italy]. This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind. She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars. "But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. For which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island." [5] |
To summarize the story of Atlantis:
The Egyptian priest is praising Solon's Greece into the heavens.
At 9,000 B.C. Atlantis was located "in front of" the Strait of Gibraltar and reportedly the size of a small continent.
Atlantis had conquered virtually all regions along the Mediterranean.
The Ancient "Hellenes" (Greeks) save the Egyptians and basically the entire world from Atlantis at the dawn of civilization.
Earthquakes and tsunamis conveniently swallow Atlantis and most of Greece's men immediately after the Greeks defeated Atlantis, hence virtually no one lived to talk about it.
Reportedly the Atlantic Ocean in front of the Strait of Gibraltar is impossible to navigate due to the remnants of Atlantis.
There are a few obvious problems with this story:
Archeological research, including ever more accurate carbon dating, as well as genetic evidence, demonstrates that there was no known large scale civilization back in 9,000 B.C. People were still primitive hunter-gatherers.
Geological research demonstrates that there never was a small, let alone continent-size, sunken island anywhere close to the Strait of Gibraltar, or anywhere else, in the past 12,000 years or beyond.
The written script was invented in three different locations around the same time. First in Sumer in about 3,500 B.C., followed by Egypt a century later, and the Indus Valley Civilization another century later. If the Atlantis story is true, that would mean that there has at least been 5,500 years of accurate word-to-mouth storytelling.
Writings before the modern era are seldom coherent. They included an incredible amount of metaphors, bias, mythology, theatrics, and embellishments.
Democracies with freedom of expression did not exist until thousands of years after the written script had been invented. Rulers and ruling classes could tell the public just about whatever they would find the most useful to stay in power. It also was a dangerous world with many permanent enemies and constant warfare. The fact is, the Egyptians could always use another ally against rival civilizations in the Near East and Mediterranean.
Below is a world map as it was known at the time of Plato and Socrates. Clearly the farther away one gets from the Mediterranean and the Near East, the less accurate the map becomes. Herodotus' map doesn't even list Great Britain or the western coast of Africa. Anything to the south of Lower Egypt is completely unknown territory at this point. Clearly the Greeks did not like to sail far beyond the "Pillars of Heracles".
At this point it seems to be rather safe to conclude that the story of Atlantis is fiction. Obviously the Egyptians and Greeks were aware of natural disasters as asteroid impacts ("fire from the heavens"), earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, but knowledge of these types of phenomena -- not to mention war -- were just worked into the otherwise fictional account of Atlantis.
Both Egypt and Greece would have benefited from a little create storytelling in Solon's era. Under Pharaoh Psamtik I, beginning around 656 B.C. when partly conquered by the Assyrians, Egypt grew increasingly close to Hellenic Greece. Egypt managed to remain politically independent from Assyria for 50 years, but in the end it was forced to fight alongside Assyria against the expanding Babylonian empire. In 605 B.C. the combined Assyrian-Egyptian military was destroyed by Babylon, leading to the annexation of Assyria and the freedom of farther-away but badly weakened Egypt. Soon after, in 593 B.C. Solon, came to power in Greece. Babylonian conquests continued for some time. In 587 B.C. the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II managed to destroy Jerusalem. An alliance between Greece and Egypt made all the sense in this time period. And most likely the story of Atlantis was simply fabricated to keep Solon and Greece as a whole deeply invested in Egypt.
With the story of Atlantis set straight, it's time to start looking at Edgar Cayce, the "sleeping prophet", who began to revive the theory of Atlantis in the 1930s. A first problem with Cayce is that quite a few people still seem to be of the opinion that he was a respectable, spiritual and honest person. The giant Coast to Coast AM radio show, with its extremely close association with the Cayce Association and its claims [6], has a lot to do with protecting this legacy. Granted, on the surface a few of Edgar Cayce's ideas seem quite interesting, at least to spiritually-inclined individuals, but once a person digs deeper, he or she will find that every word spoken by Cayce was very vague. And much of what he said is clear, demonstrable nonsense.
What instantly discredits Cayce the most is his enormous amount of psychic readings on Atlantis. He has given extensive (but always rather vague) readings on Atlantean civilization. It's quite actually a challenge to find Cayce's own words, unless one happens to stumble across the right book: Atlantis (published in 2009, under Cayce's name), and even that is not perfect. His full sessions cannot be found on the website of the Cayce Association and his work is seldom quoted at length by representatives of the association. Much like the bible, they prefer to cite isolated, numbered passages from the Cayce readings in order to make his words sound more interesting and reasonable than they really were. Here are two of Cayce's passages on Atlantis:
"The position as the continent Atlantis occupied, is that as between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand – and the Mediterranean upon the other." |
"The first of the eruptions that awoke from the depth of the slow cooling earth, and that portion now near what would be termed the Sargasso Sea first went into the depths." |
The Sargasso Sea is located roughly 500 miles east of Florida, at the center of several major currents of the Atlantic Ocean. The sea varies in depth from 1,500 to 7,000 meters ( 5,000 to 23,000 ft), which makes it a somewhat unlikely candidate for Atlantis. Even more unfortunate for Cayce is that knowledge of geology has also greatly increased since his lifetime. Below the reader can see a map created by the National Geophysical Datacenter (NGDC), which belongs to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA). It shows global sea levels at the end of the last ice age, roughly 10,000 B.C., and how the land masses were shaped as a result.
Shorelines have expanded, especially in North-East America and western Europe, but Atlantis is nowhere to be found. On top of that, and as already explained, Atlantis does not fit into the timeline of human history at all - based on archeological, geological and genetic research in endless different places of the world. If Atlantis existed, not only should it be visible on the map above, evidence for it should also be found in the genes of American and Latin American Indians. But it doesn't. Instead, gene research proves that American Indians evolved from a small group of Early Modern Humans (EMH) crossing the Bering Strait roughly 15,000 B.C. There's just no evidence that people from the Mediterranean crossed the Atlantic Ocean. If Cayce's version of Atlantis were true, the evidence should be found in our genes. So once again the conclusion is: Atlantis did not exist and Cayce was wrong.
To be fair, Cayce's story of Atlantis is actually more complex. Not that it really changes anything, but for the sake of being thorough, we'll include it here. According to Edgar Evans Cayce, the youngest son of Edgar Cayce who spent years analyzing all of his father's readings, in 10,000 B.C. only the last few remaining islands of Atlantis went down. The lost continent already existed for over 200,000 years at this point. If that's not enough, Atlantean civilization also possessed high technology with laser-like beams powering the various islands. Then, around 50,000 B.C., a chunk of the continent sank as the result of a war between the Atlantean "Aryans" and the "Sons of Belial" in which earthquake-triggering high technology was used. Then, in 28,000 B.C., more of the continent sank. Only a few islands remained. And these islands all went down in 10,000 B.C., at the end of the last ice age [7]
Still with me? It's a great story, of course, but once again, where is the evidence? Evidence without resorting to pseudoscience and outright lies - which is exactly what Edgar Evans Cayce has been doing. For example, in a speech made around 2002, one of the things he tells his listeners is that "discoveries in Africa have extended man's time in the earth to millions of years instead of hundreds of thousands." [8] Check ISGP's historical timeline, based on widely available sources that all corroborate each other. The fact is that 200,000 years before present Anatomically Modern Human (AMH) and "modern" Neanderthal began to roam the earth. The more primitive Homo Erectus, first seen around 1.5 million years ago, was still around for another 50,000 years. What Cayce is referring to is that roughly 4 million years ago the first truly human-like apes surfaced: Ardipithecus Ramidus ("Ardi") and Australopithecus Afarensi ("Lucy"). But how does that change the timeline of human history? How does Atlantis all of a sudden fall into this timeline? Of course, it doesn't. Atlantis doesn't fit and it has never fitted. Cayce is just deceiving his audience.
A million other questions can be asked about Cayce's version of Atlantis. What were the effects of mega-eruption of the Toba volcano 75,000 years ago on Atlantis? It almost wiped out Anatomically Modern Human. They were down to a few thousand in Africa. Where are the fossils of modern humans? Where are the ruins? Where is the "death ray" technology? How did primitive human-like apes produce this kind of technology - and without leaving traces of it? Where is the geological evidence of a massive sunken continent? Where is the genetic evidence?
The fact is: there isn't any evidence that Atlantis, or any high technology civilization, has ever existed on earth, not 12,000 years ago, not 200,000 years ago. Today we have experts in plate tectonics and continental drift. They have found no evidence of a giant sunken continent. Atlantis is made up, first by the Egyptians, then by Cayce and his followers.
This is an excellent opportunity to look a little bit deeper into the Cayce Association, so prominent today in the most fringe aspects of the new age and conspiracy circles. Besides Atlantis, Edgar Cayce is also famously associated with claims about the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx, and the still undiscovered "hall of records" underneath the Sphinx, that should reveal all of Atlantis' secret technologies. On the surface, people may think that this is possible, that this hall of records really might be there. But this picture should change dramatically upon reading Cayce's actual words during his psychic readings in the 1930s:
"[The Great Pyramid] was one hundred years in construction. Begun and completed in the period of Araaraat's time, with Hermes and Ra. 10,490 to 10,390..." "[How?] By the use of those forces in nature as make for iron to swim. Stone floats in the air in the same manner. This will be discovered in '58." [9] |
So according to Cayce, the Great Pyramid was constructed more than 12,000 years ago by floating the stones into place. That sounds like a really plausible theory. As for the hall of records, Cayce actually designated three different ones: one on the sunken island of Atlantis, another underneath the Sphinx in Egypt, and another in the Yucatan, underneath one of the Mayan or Aztec temples. I picked some of the excerpts of Cayce's readings that I could find rather quickly. They should do the job of making it clear without a shadow of doubt that this is what Cayce claimed; that they were not later inventions. Those interested can always try to decipher his full readings. These include various other cryptic references to hidden underground chambers. Cayce's own words:
"Also there will be the opening of the temple or hall of records in Egypt, and those records that were put into the heart of the Atlantean land may also be found there. ... [5750-1, 1933] "….the preservation of the data, that has yet to be found from the chambers of the way between the sphinx and the pyramid of records. ... [1486-1 – November 26, 1937] "As indicated, the records of the manners of construction of same are in three places in the earth, as it stands today: In the sunken portions of Atlantis, or Poseidia, where a portion of the temples may yet to be discovered, under the slime of ages of seawater – near what is known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. And in the temple records that were in Egypt, where the entity later acted in cooperation with others in preserving the records that came from the land where these had been kept. Also the records that were carried to what is now Yucatan in America, where these stones (that they know so little about) are now – during the last few months – being uncovered." [440-5, December 20, 1933] "The [hall of records] in the Atlantean land that sank, which will rise and is rising again; another in the place of the records that leadeth from the sphinx to the hall of records, in the Egyptian land; and another in the Aryan or Yucatan land, where the temple there is overshadowing same." [2012-1] "A record of Atlantis… with who, what, where, would come the opening of the records that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis; for with the change it must rise again. This in position lies, as the sun rises from the waters, the line of the shadow (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx, that was later set as the sentinel or guard, and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Spinx’s paw (right paw)..." [378-16] [10] |
Clearly this kind of material really works on the imagination of people. A hidden hall of records, with all the secrets of an advanced ancient civilization? To find something like that, that's definitely one of the most exciting things anyone can ever overcome. It even gets my imagination going. But, unfortunately, it is all made up. Even if there is some kind of hall of records somewhere on this planet -- which is highly unlikely -- we can be sure that it won't contain any secrets of Atlantis - because Atlantis never existed, certainly not in the context presented by the Egyptians and Edgar Cayce. That's the harsh reality every open-minded person will have to face.
It's actually very much the question if Cayce's information about Atlantis was a case of well meant but inaccurate imagination. Cayce's full claims can only be compared to the most outrageously ridiculous conspiracy nonsense that is being put out today at an ever increasing pace. Cayce actually believed that he had been "Ra-Ta", a God-like human being with supernatural powers that built the Great Pyramid around 10,500 B.C. The Cayce Foundation has always stood by this belief. Examples? Here are the words of Lynne Salomon Miceli, the founder and former director of the New York Center Cayce Foundation, in a 2014 blog post:
"The focus of our study is the era approximately 10,500 B.C., when, according to the Cayce readings, Ra Ta, or Ra (an early incarnation of Edgar Cayce) was High Priest in Egypt." [11] |
And here are the words of Cayce's son, Hugh Lynn Cayce, in a paper included on the Cayce Association's cd-rom:
"In this first Life Reading [of Edgar Cayce] an Egyptian incarnation [Ra-Ta] was described during which the entity, now known as Edgar Cayce, developed abilities which are now being expressed through "readings." "[As] this incarnation in Egypt [Ra-Ta] about 10,500 B.C. has an important influence on the present work of the [Cayce] Association in studying and presenting Edgar Cayce's abilities, we feel that this information should be given out and clarified. This paper is the first step. ... "This building on the pyramid lasted for a period of one hundred years, as now termed. It was formed according to that which had been worked out by Ra-Ta in the mount, as related to the position of the stars about which this particular solar system circles in its activity... Libya - or the constellation of Libra. Is it not fitting, then, that [he] must return? This priest Ra, now Edgar Cayce..." [12] |
The ironic thing is, back in 1984 the Cayce Foundation funded a carbon-dating effort of the Great Pyramid and a few other structures. [13] On average a date of 2,900 B.C. came out for the Great Pyramid, which Edgar Evans Cayce still managed to spin to his followers in such a way that he could make the case for a 10,500 B.C. origin for the great Pyramid. [14] Since then, additional carbon datings and insights have cleared up the questions surrounding the first study. [15] All carbon datings roughly point to 2,600 B.C., the time of Pharaoh Khufu/Cheops, who the Egyptians and the Greek historian Herodotus already associated with the Great Pyramid. [16]
We'll get back to the Great Pyramid at a later stage.
Some readers who have looked at the website of the Cayce Association at this point might wonder why David Wilcock is relentlessly promoted here. After all, Wilcock is part of the worst of the worst of the conspiracy community, weaving together tails of aliens, gods, secret bases, and the "New World Order" into elaborate science fiction scenarios, trying to pass them off as genuine. Here is just one of too many examples:
"Recently, these sources informed him that the earthquakes that occurred in Colorado and the Washington DC area, surrounding August 22nd and 23rd [2011], were, in fact, apparently nuclear strikes against underground military facilities. ... "80 different countries have now formed an alliance against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque cabal. ... "UPDATED Monday 9/19. New info from Fulford. 87 countries are now onboard. Poland meeting was apparently disinfo. ... "MANY additional bases have now had all personnel and materials mysteriously removed. It happened within the last week. ... Audio recordings reveal the sounds of furniture sliding all over the place and people yelling for up to 24 hours before it stops." [17] |
Wilcock wrote the above text in 2011, the same year that his book The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies reached the 16th place in the The New York Times best sellers list. [18] A person like this is able to write best-selling books? What kind of world are we living in? Apparently in a world in which there exists a massive new age radio show with the name Coast to Coast AM (formerly Art Bell) that loves to promote persons as Wilcock. These days, the more outrageous the claims, the more airtime.
Wilcock's rise to prominence on the Coast to Coast AM radio show, where he is has been invited roughly once a year since 2004, coincided with the publication of his first book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? in which he "reluctantly" disclosed to the world that he is the present day reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. And if he considers himself to be the present-day reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, he also considers himself to be the present-day reincarnation of "Ra-Ta", the builder of the Great Pyramid in 10,500 B.C. The Cayce Association (ARE) fully supports these claims of David Wilcock. According to Wilcock's story, leading ARE members actually fingered him 1997 as Edgar Cayce's reincarnation, just in time to fulfill Cayce's old prophecy that he would return in 1998. Wilcock:
"According to the Cayce readings, Ra Ta was an early incarnation of Cayce in Egypt at 10,500 BC ... "Cayce did make a prophecy that the Priest, Ra-Ta, would return in 1998. The person who seems to make the best case for fulfilling that prophecy is David Wilcock. ... "As our story unfolds, we will make the case that Wilcock himself, in a previous lifetime as Ra-Ta, actually helped to create the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and now in this life as David Wilcock he's revealing the science behind the pyramid's power. ... "The Cayce readings tell us that Ra-Ta was a very unusual child, in that he had pale white skin and blue eyes in an area where the others did not look this way. His mother explained that the "gods (think ETs) from that area" had engendered her pregnancy, hence making Ra-Ta an ET-human hybrid." [19] |
In his 2004 book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Wilcock describes how he became ARE's figurehead :
"Through studying and applying the work of William Buhlman's Adventures Beyond the Body, I perfected the art of out-of-body travel in the summer of 1997... This led to a direct meeting with beings on the other side who told me with great seriousness [to move to Virginia Beach] ... Indeed, I had already been considering a move to Virginia Beach, as the Association for Research and Enlightenment, or A.R.E., had the only university on the East Coast [Atlantic University] where metaphysical topics could be studied on the path to a Master's degree in Transpersonal Psychology. With just about seven hundred dollars to my name, I arranged for my pilgrimage to Virginia Beach. Shortly after my arrival, several A.R.E. members (including at least two high-ranking staff personnel) recognized me as being the spitting image of a young Edgar Cayce, and I had almost dared to wonder if it were indeed possible. I queried my Dream Voice in November of 1997 regarding my connection with Cayce and was told that I was Cayce's reincarnation." ... Yet it was made clear to Wilcock by his Dream Voice that among many other topics, he was meant to disclose the esoteric significance of the prophecies of Jesus regarding ascension and rapture, and the transition of planet Earth from the third density to the fourth density. ... Hidden within another Cayce reading [5755-1] is the obvious inference that Ra-Ta was, in fact, the same entity recognized in Egyptian mythology as Ra the Sun God." |
Wilcock had already set up a website in 2002, but it wasn't until the publication of his book in 2004 that he burst into the limelight with many appearances on Coast to Coast AM and shows as the History Channel's "Ancient Aliens". He has collaborated with men as Richard Hoagland, Graham Hancock, and, even before reaching any prominence, with the Disclosure Project's Steven Greer [20] - all three proven scam artists. [21]
This is one of these sections that I hadn't planned for at all, but seeing Cayce's description of Bimini as the most likely place where Atlantis can be discovered, it's hard not to be reminded of the controversy, still to this day, surrounding Bimini "Road." One would expect that there is a connection here. And as it turns out, there is. Back in the 1960s, followers of Edgar Cayce began looking in the waters of Bimini in the hope of finding remnants of Atlantis. In 1968 two pilots, both Cayce followers, spotted what would become known as the Bimini "Road". Associates of them went down into the water (only 15 feet/5.5 meters deep) and in no time speculation arose in the media that remnants of Atlantis were found. [22] The Rockwell Corporation and astronaut Edgar Mitchell joined the party. [23]
The problem with these Atlantis statements is that they were questionable from the very start. At least three different scientists who went down to analyze the structure in depth came to the conclusion that it is natural. [24] The underwater structure is simply beachrock. Nobody even denies that; Atlantis-proponents just don't like to emphasize it. Eventually, in 1978, Eugene Shinn of the U.S. Geological Society carbon dated the structure to roughly 3,000 B.C. Furthermore, what are some of the basic characteristics of beachrock? It is located parallel along coastlines, usually a few meters offshore, and can be up to several kilometers long. It's also flat, anywhere from about 20 cm to 3 meters thick. Another characteristic is that it can crack and form small gaps. And finally, coastal erosion due to sea level rise can expose it. This is all basic information from Wikipedia and a few geological websites. Nothing fancy. It is very mainstream knowledge these days.
Above the reader can see some of the best and most impressive photos of Bimini "Road". Without the hype that has been generated, and without Cayce's readings, would anyone seriously believe that these structures are man-made? And if so, would anyone go as far to suggest that the "advanced" building techniques displayed here are so significant that we need to rewrite human history in the Americas? Unlikely. It all looks impressive and gives off an illusion of being man-made, but the rocks do not appear to be that perfectly laid down. Besides, where are all the other ruins? From the very beginning Cayce followers, including Bimini "Road" founder J. Manson Valentine, reported to have spotted these type of ruins too [25], but where are they? Where is the evidence? It's just not there. We are looking at natural formations.
In a way the beachrock at Bimini resembles a very rare and very impressive natural phenomenon called "tessellated pavement". It can be found in at least two places in southern Australia. Pictures of these formations can be seen below. The first two are from Tasmania. The last one is from Kuringai National Park on the Australian mainland.
Natural phenomena. Also see Giant's Causeway on Northern Ireland's coast at the top of this page.
The conclusion on Bimini Road? Almost 50 years of hype based on nothing.
Throughout the 1970s a primary founder of Bimini Road, zoologist J. Manson Valentine, claimed to be discovering other ruins around Bimini, including Egyptian-like pyramids. [26] He teamed up with Charles Berlitz, author of best sellers on Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, the Dragon's Triangle, the Philadelphia Experiment, doomsday prophecies, and Roswell. That last subject may well be the only truthful historical event he has ever written about, but Berlitz clearly distorts the subject by focusing on the extremely unreliable Socorro crash site, 200 miles away from where 80+ witness claim the real event took place. [27]
Valentine died in 1994, but his type of "unique" thinking has continued through colleagues, many of whom ended up as regulars on Art Bell in the 1990s. Today the Art Bell show is known as Coast to Coast AM. Night after night it continues to promote long-discredited ideas as the Bimini "Road", Atlantis, 12,000 year old Egyptian pyramids, pyramids on Mars and really even crazier ideas than that. All this is done by what really amounts to a family of misfits authors, many with very suspect ties to intelligence and various establishment figures. [28] The Coast to Coast AM network is also the biggest platform available to the Cayce Association to keep spreading its fantasies on Atlantis and Caribbean ruins. David Wilcock is very popular, of course. But Cayce Association leaders as Edgar Evans Cayce, John van Auken, Greg Little, and Kevin Todeschi have all been invited to Coast to Coast AM, often on a regular basis. [29] Here is an example from 2005, the words of Greg Little:
"The civilization, according to Cayce, began around 200,000 years ago and stretched from the Straits of Gibraltar to the Bahamas. Its final destruction occurred around 10,000 BC, but priests who used crystals to "communicate with other worlds" were warned about the coming cataclysm. This led them to construct three "Hall of Records," which were located in Egypt (under the Sphinx), at Piedras Negras, Guatemala and near the Bimini Islands. "Little detailed his underwater investigations at Bimini and Andros Islands-- his most recent trip there was in May 2005. In regards to what is called the "Bimini Road," he described a formation of six-sided rectangular slabs which are 2ft. by 3ft. each. The stones were not actually part of a road, but rather composed a harbor works, that was used as a huge breakwater for maritime activity, he suggested. Little said that seven different categories prove these stones were man-made, and they probably date back at least 10,000 years." [30] |
And here is Greg Little in 2013:
"According to Edgar Cayce, the civilization of Atlantis dated back some 200,000 years, and was an island empire spread across the Atlantic ocean, from Spain to the Bahamas. He talked about the Atlanteans using specialized crystals that took light from the sun, and focused it into a beam to generate electricity, and other types of power. Cayce said that Atlantis underwent three periods of destruction, with the most recent possibly around 10,000 BC, when comet fragments lead to a tsunami that caused the main part of the island to sink into the ocean, Little recounted. He also shared that Cayce was in correspondence with both Tesla and Edison." [31] |
No matter what the evidence to the contrary, the Cayce cult and Coast to Coast AM will continue to lie to and manipulate millions of people. There's a whole set of outside authors and remote viewers at Coast to Coast AM who coincidentally just all happen to back up the claims of the Cayce Association. [32] But no matter what all these people claim, the fact is that the existence of underwater ruins around the Bimini or other Caribbean islands has never been proved. And certainly no pyramids or large buildings have ever been found.
But, you say, what about those ruins in Cuban waters? Well, let's see how credible these reports are. They parallel earlier claims of J. Manson Valentine which were never even remotely verified. But maybe, just maybe, the Cuban ruins are different.
The story begins in May 2001 when Reuters reports that Paulina Zelitsky and her husband, Paul Weinzweig, claim to have found a large underwater city -- complete with pyramids -- off the western tip of Cuba. [33] The couple is mapping the seabed around the island for Fidel Castro's government. This time the discovery is not made in shallow water, as was the case with Bimini "Road" in 1968, but at a depth of no less than 700 meters (2300 ft). Sonar images and a computer-generated 3D model accompany some of the articles that would be produced on the alleged discovery. In 2002 the Washington Post repeats the claims of Zelitsky and Weinzweig. [34]
While the articles at the time looked extremely promising, there never was any follow up in the English-language mainstream press. One person who did instantly dive onto the Cuban Atlantis story as soon as it was released in 2001 was Linda Moulton Howe, Coast to Coast AM's resident journalist on the "latest" in the field of cattle mutilations, UFOs, and ancient civilizations. In July 2002, Howe recorded the following words from Zelitsky:
"We saw on ocean bottom where the bays and coastal lines of the island that sank. We think there was a series of islands between Cuba and the Yucatan. There could have been sinking 15,000 years ago. "One area between the fractures. Not on the fractures. It is between the fractures was left undisturbed and just sank flat without fractures. On this area, we can observe those megalithic structures, or constructions. And they have completely different and independent delineation from geological faults... "That's one thing. The stone we recovered from ocean bottom is very polished granite. All of the peninsula of northwest part of Cuba, all of this peninsula is limestone, very fractured limestone. So, geologically, it is totally foreign to Cuba. But it's also not known in Yucatan because Yucatan is also limestone, not granite. Granite is found only in the center of Mexico. ... "The whole island sank. Probably what we think happened is that Cuba and Yucatan at one historical time were both joined. But little by little, this land was fractured into islands and sank to the ocean bottom. So, the land on which we discovered megalithic structures sank somewhere between 15,000 and maybe 50,000 years ago, which is quite recent geologically." [35] |
Interestingly, Howe and Zelitsky have (or had) a supporter in the form of Manuel Iturralde Vinent, a Ph.D. geologist of the National Museum of Natural History in Havana. In 2007 Iturralde was appointed president of the Cuban Geological Society. Iturralde's words to Linda Howe in July 2002 were:
"I do not yet know if the megalithic structures are granite. I have been working with the data provided by Paulina for three months and I have been observing the side-scan sonar images, the video images with some samples recovered from different places within the area with the megalithic stones and also from an area located to the south of this region. "My impression is first that the structures that are in the megalithic area at the 600 to 700 meter depths, I cannot explain these structures by any geological means right now. ... I am not telling that they are artificial, but what I say is right now I don't have a good explanation as to the origin by natural cause of these structures. "They might have an artificial origin. But in this case, we are opening into a very interesting situation because given the depth of this structures and if we calculate the timing when these might have been uplifted, it will take us up to 50,000 years ago. This is if we follow the rules of the normal tectonic movement as we have been recording them in the past 100 years in Cuba. But these figures are well known in the world. More or less, the sea floor can move down as quickly as 16 millimeters a year. That's one of the very interesting issues that are related to this discovery. Meaning that the area is still active seismically and you are seeing that parts of Cuba are still sinking. Current geological knowledge and data indicates that the area is still very active and sinking even now. "We are not done with this research. We need to still do more research, collect more samples, provide more observation to be sure about what we are talking about. But something is very safe to say now is that we are not dealing with blocks that have been falling down from the slope. They are very unique structures. They really are not easy to understand and I do not have any easy explanation for them in a natural geological process. That's my conclusion now. I need more time and more data before going forward." [36] |
This was basically the first and last thing we heard from Iturralde on the alleged sunken city. He continues to be one of Cuba's most respected geological scientists, but appears to have never spoken about Cuba's Atlantis again. Howe also never did a follow up interview with Iturralde, even though the first results of the "polished granite" rock samples were expected to come in within two weeks. [37] Pictures or video of this "polished granite" have never been shown to the public either. Also, no evidence has ever been presented that demonstrates or indicates that the Yucatan Channel contained islands that have sunk in the past 15,000, 50,000 or 100,000 years. Mainstream science is of the opinion that the whole Gulf of Mexico was above water back in the Triassic and Jurassic eras, roughly 150 million years before present, and that's basically it. Detailed information on the period that the land bridge between the Yucatan and Cuba sank is not (freely) available to the public. It's up to Zelitsky to come with the evidence for her claim that islands here sank deep below the ocean in the relatively recent past. Of course, we're talking here about the deep areas, which is where the underwater Cuban city is supposed to be located - not the relatively shallow areas that submerged after the last ice age. The same burden of proof is on Zelitsky for her claim that "Cuba has submerged three times in our information of the islands." [38] her words are not backed up with any papers whatsoever. Sea levels have fluctuated heavily in the past, let's say, 500,000 years, but have never exceeded today's level. Is a volcanic eruption or tectonic shift responsible for Cuba's sinking and reappearance? Or are we talking about many tens of millions of years ago? It's really up to Zelitsky to provide her evidence.
In any case, the story disappeared after 2002. Both in the mainstream and the alternative, nothing new came out. Then, in July 2005, the regional Diario de Yucatan and Cuba's Guerrillero newspapers produced a status update: a new expedition was being prepared.
"The Russian-Canadian oceanographer Paulina Zelitsky reveals that likely, this autumn, between October and November, she will lead a new expedition, from the Port of Progress, to finish the work that could not be concluded last year at the suspected site of a lost underwater city near Cuba; to map the area and to make a hi-resolution film of the location. National Geographic will finance most of the trip. "For several months the team has been readying a specially equipped ship in Canada for the expedition. The inclusion of at least 100 people in the mission is anticipated, with a plan to transport and to deploy a minisubmarine and several robots to lower to depths of up to half a mile. "In October of 2004, Paulina Zelitsky and her well-equipped team made an expedition to the area where the underwater discovery was made, also leaving from the Port of Progress, to prove the island collapse theory, but they could not complete the mission due to technical deficiencies of the submarine that rendered it unable to take images from the marine bottom. At that time, the apparatus was only able to make superficial dives, although the scientists managed to film a pyramid of almost 35 meters height (approx 115 feet) and to extract stones embedded with animal fossils incapable of living at a depth of 700 meters.(2,300 feet). "This year’s expedition does not look to prove the hypothesis of a sunken island. "We think that this is no longer a hypothesis, it is a fact, supported by scientists who specialize in geology and archaeology", says the investigator. "The existence of pyramidal structures deep underneath Cuban waters is verified. We only needed to gather the details". "Paulina Zelitsky has been steadfast in her theory of the collapse of the city as a result of a powerful earthquake more than 12,000 years ago. "All the team’s scientists are in agreement with the understanding that the geologic formation of the Yucatan Peninsula is as a result of seismic activity. In fact, the Peninsula and the zone of the collapse are located near a zone of high seismicity", she says. "This discovery demonstrates that the first North Americans arrived earlier than previously thought and that all did not arrive on the continent by means of the Bering Straits. Many others arrived from Asia by means of the Pacific Ocean. There is even a new theory according to which surmises that the Mayans of Yucatan come from Central America - put forth last week, the investigator remembers. British archaeologists said that they found human tracks in Puebla that date from 40 thousand years ago, which contradicts the general idea that America was populated not more 13,500 years ago. "Pyramids and building were captured by Paulina Zelitsky’s equipment in 2000, showing that between Cuba and Yucatan lies a city submerged to more than 600 meters of depth with structures very geometrically cut, passages, tunnels and even temples with diverse symbols that arose in a place where officially human beings never lived. According to the investigators, these structures seem to be remains of streets, pyramids and buildings. "Most of these blocks have gigantic dimensions, reaching to five meters of height and several tons of weight. It has been confirmed that the stones were cut, carved and polished to make them fit them with others and thus form greater structures. These constructions, the scientists agree, are megalythic, are aligned in symmetrical form, are very well organized and, as if they were ordered and city-planned set on a "beach" of very fine, volcanic crystal sediment, like sand." [39] |
It's not clear what has become of this expedition. Nothing ever appeared on National Geographic or any other network. It took another five years, until November 2010, for the alleged discovery to reach the "mainstream" media again, this time in the form of a History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" episode. The problem? Even 10 years after the original discovery, absolutely zero new evidence was presented by the History Channel. The only ingredient that has changed is the quality of the computer-generated 3D model - which is no proof at all. Manuel Iturralde Vinent is not interviewed. Linda Howe, of course, does make an appearance. So does Andrew Collins, author of Gateway to Atlantis who has appeared twice on Coast to Coast AM. Then there is John Van Auken, a key figure in the Cayce Association and frequent guest at Coast to Coast AM. On the program Auken continues to present Bimini "Road" as something worthy of investigation, with Collins suggesting that the alleged ruins on the Cuban seafloor are "evidence for a prehistoric culture that would probably go back tens of thousands of years. And this might be very exciting indeed." [40]
Once again, how does the timeline given by Zelitsky, Van Auken, Collins and, to an extent, also by Iturralde, even remotely fit in with the historical timeline of the world that we know as a fact? A timeline that is based on archeological evidence from around the world, on carbon dating, and on genetic research? We know that Early Modern Humans (EMH)/Cro-Magnon crossed the Bering Strait about 15,000 B.C. It took another few thousand years at the most to generate a significant population in Central and South America. Only in 1,200 B.C. the Olmecs began to built cities. First San Lorenzo, around 1,200 B.C., centuries later followed by cities as Monte Alban and La Venta. Of course, History Channel's "Ancient Alien" program also did an episode on the South American ruins. Key guests included Edgar Cayce-incarnate David Wilcock and Graham Hancock. Do we need to say more? The History Channel has literally been plucking its guests from the Coast to Coast AM guest register for its "Ancient Aliens" program.
The thing is, there's nothing wrong with being open-minded, but it's highly irresponsible to provide a group of cultists with an influential and seemingly respectable scientific platform -- the History Channel -- and let them expound their ridiculously manipulative theories without even as much as pointing out that there is massive evidence to the contrary. Make no mistake, almost everything associated with the Coast to Coast AM radio show and the Cayce Association is a manipulative cult.
We've given a dozen examples already, but here's another: Linda Howe. In one of her early interviews with Zelitsky, she gets to hear that whatever is down at the seafloor, shows similarities with Aztec and Mayan ruins in Central America. Zelitsky explicitly denies any similarities with Greek not Egyptian architecture, artifacts or symbolism. Of course, Howe totally ignores that information and subsequently tries to convince her readers that one of the symbols is actually related to the Minoans [41], an Ancient Greek civilization going back to about 2,700 B.C. Then she rushes over to Ancient American magazine editor Frank Joseph. This may sound like a legitimate magazine, but the exact opposite is the case here. Joseph has written book after book about Plato's Atlantis and connections with the United States. One of his books is entitled.... here it comes... Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Lemuria. There he is again: Edgar Cayce. You just can't escape him. Joseph has also helped to promote the 1909 hoax of a huge hidden cave with Egyptian hieroglyphics in the Grand Canyon. [42] Howe also quoted Joseph saying:
"The Atlanteans were plugged into the Trojans. The Trojans themselves had a story of Atlantis. Their founder was Dardanus who came from Atlantis. Elektra, when she was sinking into the sea. This is highly complex, thinly woven stuff, you know!!" [43] |
Dardanus was the son of Zeus and Electra in old Greek mythology. Here Joseph appears to have ben inspired by another old hoax article, one that appeared in William Randolph Hearst’s New York American in 1912, which claimed a link between Troy and Atlantis. [44] As already explained, the only source in existence on Atlantis is the conversation recorded by Plato - and we have already completely debunked this story.
Let's go wild here. Let's find out if there is anything unusual about the background of Paulina Zelitsky and her husband Paul Weinzweig. Let's see, Zelitsky is a Canadian. But she hasn't always been Canadian. She used to be a Soviet submarine engineer with a top secret clearance. Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s she was helping to build a top secret submarine base on Cuba. [45] In 1971 the KGB and GRU forcibly tried to recruit her, in part to become a "honey trap", but Zelitsky decided to defect to Canada instead. Here she met her future husband, the equally Jewish Paul Weinzweig. Weinzweig is the oldest son of prominent classical music composer John Weinzweig and best-selling author Helen Weinzweig. [46] Paul received his Ph.D. in sociology in 1970. After a period of "volunteer research work in West Africa at a community mental health project," he became a social sciences educator of some renown. [47] Ties to other prominent Canadian families as Bronfman, Desmarais and Maurice Strong are unknown, but in the late 1980s both Zelitsky and Weinzweig went to Russia and played roles in the "perestroika" movement. Zelitsky went here to help "forge the cooperation between Soviet and American submarine builders," [48] while Weinzweig was invited to Russia to promote his book The Ten Commandments Of Personal Power: Creative Strategies for Shared Happiness and Success, which was even turned into a 14-part TV series. [49] Fast forward in time: in 1999 Zelitsky and Weinzweig are contracted by Fidel Castro to map Cuba's waters. The reason for the company's existence has been stated openly:
"The company's main mission is to hunt for shipwrecks filled with gold and jewels, and to locate potentially lucrative oil and natural gas reserves in deep water that Cuba does not have the means to explore. Treasure hunting has become a growth industry in recent years as technology has improved, allowing more precise exploration and easier recovery from deeper ocean sites." [50] |
The couple seemed to have no particular expertise in treasure hunting and deepwater exploration -- as the couple had only just set up their company, Advanced Digital Communications [51] -- but clearly Zelitsky had the right kind of background to venture into this arena. Certainly Zelitsky and Weinzweig didn't have to worry about American competition, as Cuba is still under a U.S. embargo, preventing U.S. companies from working with the Cuban government. Possibly on a side note, at least one group is trying to change this policy: the Americans for Humanitarian Trade with Cuba, today known as the U.S.-Cuba Trade Association. Since 1998 the association promotes the reopening of economic and political ties with Cuba for the first time since corrupt dictator Fulgencio Batista was overthrown by Castro in 1959. Directors since about 1998 include David Rockefeller and some of his closest friends as Paul Volcker, John Whitehead and Carla Hills; top level ex-CIA officers James Schlesinger and Frank Carlucci; reported illegal black operations veteran, Gen. Jack Sheehan; and JFK and 9/11 film maker Oliver Stone. [52]
Does Zelitsky know these people? Hard to say. Considering these names are part of the exact same old boys network that appears to run the Coast to Coast AM radio show [53], this might not be entirely irrelevant information. Also, when Zelitsky defected in 1971, Richard Helms, a close friend of David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger [54], was CIA director. James Angleton, later a ranking official in the radical American Security Council, still was the CIA's counterintelligence chief. Considering Zelitsky had extensive knowledge of the most important Soviet submarine base in Cuba, where at any one moment submarines with nuclear tipped ballistic missiles were present (a kind of permanent Cuban missile crisis), one would assume that Helms and Angleton at the very least knew who Zelitsky was.
Curiously, in volume II of her biography, The Sea is Only Knee Deep, Zelitsky feels the need to spread a little CIA propaganda along the lines of the 2006 German documentary Rendezvous with Death, which used anti-Castro CIA assets -- not to mention General Alexander Haig [55] -- to make the case that Castro was behind the Kennedy assassination.
"Even today, long after Castro himself admitted that he had hoped to provoke a war with the US by personally shooting down the American U-2 reconnaissance plane on October 26, 1962, this dramatic fact remains unrecognized because the Western world traditionally underestimated the degree of audacity and cunning treachery of the Cuban dictator. The American Government continues to deny the complicity and conspiratorial role of the Cuban Government in the assassination of President Kennedy despite published evidence from former CIA operatives and testimony by former American Secretary of State General Alexander Haig." [56] |
These are some radical opinions. The main reason the Cubans downed the U-2, after observing it for more than an hour, was because commanders feared it had discovered a local Russian ICBM transport. The situation is little different from China, which shot down five U-2 spy planes over the course of 104 U.S. overflights. You overfly a foreign country, you run the risk of having your plane shot down. That's just what happens.
Then the question can be asked why Castro allowed the ICBMs on Cuban soil. The main reason appears to be that he feared a U.S. invasion, which is exactly what the CIA leadership and Joint Chiefs were trying to provoke at the time, elements that became allied in the private American Security Council. They were praying for the day that Castro (and earlier the Soviet Union) would react to the numerous sabotage and outright terrorist actions of anti-Castro Cuban militias as Alpha 66. It is also these men who came up with the notorious Operation Northwoods, calling for false flag operations to justify an invasion of Cuba.
Also, as documented by this site, all leads in the JFK assassination point to this radical right-wing U.S. group, most notably Ted Shackley, a life-long protege of Richard Helms and the head of JM/WAVE, the CIA's anti-Castro CIA station in Miami at the time of the assassination. That's the same Shackley later reported to be in touch with anti-"communosocialist" assassins and terrorists of the Italian P2 Lodge, acting as an intermediary for Alexander Haig. [57] Of course, ever since ISGP found out that Shackley ran Le Cercle, this makes a ton of sense. Haig's name also showed up as an insider in the Jonestown Cult, another, seemingly a CIA MKULTRA-type mind control operation. [58] The fact is, Shackley and his colleagues at the CIA wanted an invasion of Cuba and at the very least a hardline stance against the Soviet Union. That's why they had Oswald hand out pro-Castro leaflets and most likely that's also why they sent him to the Soviet Union. The only thing that prevented an invasion of Cuba in the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination is the fact that there were other powerful forces in the government, mainly tied to the State Department, who preferred a diplomatic solution to Cuba.
The Kennedy brothers were Castro's best friends in the U.S. government. They followed a policy aimed at reducing tensions with the Soviet Union, then under the rule of the radical Nikita Khrushchev, and did what they could to restrain CIA-sanctioned raids of anti-Castro (often pro-Batista) Cuban exile militias against Cuba. They were the ones who caused the certain failure of the CIA-led Bay of Pigs invasion by withdrawing air support at the last moment. Of course, the CIA and Joint Chiefs knew that the militants could never succeed on their own. They were hoping for was a protracted conflict on the Cuban island that sooner or later would drag in the United States on the side of militants. Obviously the Kennedy brothers were completely despised by the CIA, the Joint Chiefs, the anti-Castro militants -- not to mention the mafia -- in the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs fiasco. So to suggest that Castro was behind the Kennedy assassination is absolutely beyond ridiculous. If the dictator wanted war, obviously followed by certain defeat, he could have provoked it at a moment's notice.
Zelitsky has made other interesting statements in her biography. From volume I of The Sea is Only Knee Deep:
"Paulina concludes in her arguments that the main strategy of the current Russian Government [Putin, since 2000] is to attain global dominion, naturally prioritizing it in the Arctic which is absolutely strategically important for Russia in military and economic terms. The "sabre-rattling" strategy adopted by the current Russian government not just in Arctic but also in the Gulf of Mexico is directed toward military intimidation of their Arctic neighbors in order to maintain full military control and develop Arctic resources without interference from other Arctic neighbors. The nuclear deterrent cycle is about to repeat once again with Russian government rebuilding its previously abandoned military bases in Cuba and once again secretly sending its navy equipped with nuclear missiles to Cuba. The threatening rhetoric promising nuclear alienation in Russian state media and television is a planned Cold War confrontation intended to calm down the objections to actions of Russians in the Arctic. The ambitions of current Russian state are global and totalitarian and the methods correspond to envisioned objectives." |
It's increasingly hard to argue that Putin is any kind of benign leader, although it cannot be denied that he has been much better for the Russian people than Yeltsin, who allowed the Russian mafia and oligarchs to destroy and plunder the country. He even joined them in the process. Would Zelitsky ever point this fact out? Unlikely. So even though she may largely be right in her words about Putin's Russia, there's no balance in her opinions. Also, she takes a remarkable interest in geopolitical strategy between the U.S. and Russia, an area of expertise generally reserved for foreign policy experts and intelligence agents.
Ironically, without knowing anything about her background, ISGP initially went looking for a connection with former CIA director James Woolsey, a person who occupies a second place in ISGP's Superclass Index, due to involvement in more than 80 different NGOs, almost all of them related to national security with a distinctly Israeli or neoconservative flavor. Woolsey also has very close behind-the-scenes connections to the Coast to Coast AM radio show [59] and has been mentioned in relation to the cover up of conspiracy-related matters. [60] Woolsey basically appears to be the key CIA handler of neoconservative American Zionists and a key liaison to the Israeli national security state. The way things are beginning to look at this point, Zelitsky would probably get along quite well with Woolsey.
And there's still more to discuss. A few overlooked and almost forgotten articles reveal that in 2009 Zelitsky was arrested immediately after her plane landed in Mexico City. Apparently she had gone in business with a politically-influential, but very questionable Mexican family, who wanted to force her into paying back an earlier investment. [61] How she managed to get out of Mexico is quite a story:
"[Her husband] Weinzweig began to transfer money through the embassy to get her a blanket, and clothes, but luckily for Zelitsky, a Mexican judge heard her case that night and threw it out based on lack of evidence. She was to be freed. It was approximately midnight. When prison staff tried to make her exit the front door, in only the beltless sweat suit, and without a penny in her pocket, she says she refused out of fear of being kidnapped or killed outside the prison doors. ... "According to Zelitsky, the lawyers told her that her fears were true, that six cars with kidnappers were waiting for her at the front gates of the prison that night, and they needed to get her to safety in some other fashion. ... "She spent the next six days being moved between different safe houses until the Mexican judge made a final decision that all criminal allegations should be removed due to a lack of evidence and she was escorted to the airport by her lawyers on December 12, bought a plane ticket and flew home to Toronto. "Just like that," she said. "They told me that I couldn't imagine what had gone on to set me free." ... "[Zelitsky] says [she has survived] two failed assassination attempts on her life in the last two years... " [62] |
These articles about Zelitsky's James Bond adventures reveal a few other interesting facts. Back when she discovered the Cuban ruins, newspapers and Linda Howe only described her as running "Advanced Digital Communications, or ADC, with offices in both Victoria, British Columbia, and Havana, Cuba. Her specialty is deep ocean exploration." [63] Maybe in the early 2000s that was her only line of work. But by 2009 she was also running a company with a different kind of specialty:
"Zelitsky is the Director of Integrated Control Systems and Marine Services. Her business is security technologies. On Nov. 30, she flew to Mexico City when invited by PEMEX, Mexico's state-owned petroleum company, to give a presentation on security technologies her company was currently installing for PEMEX. "As referenced in the Dec. 13, 2009 Washington Post article, Mexico's drug cartels siphon liquid gold, drug traffickers in Mexico are reportedly using sophisticated drills, rubber hose, and fleets of stolen trucks to tap into pipelines and steal oil. "Zelitsky says that one method of masking the activity is to pump water back into the pipeline, preventing a pressure drop in the system and making detection more difficult. Her company has developed a technology to detect it and she has been part of four different contracts with PEMEX in the last five years. She was going to Mexico City to give a presentation on 'detection and location of intrusions' technology. And that is when she was arrested." [64] |
That's quite a bit of interesting information. PEMEX is Mexico's state oil company. Back in 2009 it provided the Mexican government with 40% of its annual income. [65] Since then this percentage has gone down to about one-third, due to declining oil reserves. [66] A bigger problem in this case is that the Mexican government and PEMEX officials stand accused of having laundered billions of dollars in oil revenues for their own personal profit. [67] Why would people with so much power hire Zelitsky as a consultant? One would think positions like that are reserved for trusted individuals only.
The question is also how deep elements of the U.S. government are involved in the PEMEX corruption, as it seems that back in the 1980s the CIA, undoubtedly through groups as the American Security Council, was running much of the Direccion Federal de Seguridad (the Federal Security Directorate controlling various cartels) and various cartel heads, all in conjunction with the Mexican government itself. [68] This was all done under the guise of fighting communist and socialist influences, as the American Security Council was doing worldwide, usually in conjunction with death squad leaders and other drug traffickers.
The post-Cold War neocon continuation of the American Security Council is the Center for Security Policy, where James Woolsey has served as co-chairman and whose founder, along with at least one other board member, have connections to Coast to Coast AM. In any case, Woolsey always shows up in oil, gas and alternative energy issues in relation to national security. At Booz Allen Hamilton, where Woolsey could be found as one of its vice presidents in the 2002-2008 period, his specialty was described as "energy and security issues." [69] He can or could also be found at ViZn Energy Systems (Zinc Air), the Energy Future Coalition, the American Council On Renewable Energy, and Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE).
Even more important, in 2011 Woolsey was a key founder of the U.S. Energy Security Council, which falls under the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS). The magazine of the IAGS and U.S. Energy Security Council is the Journal of Energy Security. In 2011 it described the importance of PEMEX and the problems surrounding the company. According to the magazine, "Thanks to [the supergiant] Cantarell [oil field], Mexico became, after Canada, the United States' most trusted supplier of foreign oil." [70] Clearly this is a strong hint that America's national security establishment has a deep interest in guaranteeing PEMEX's continued, uninterrupted existence. At the same time it seems clear that we are talking about massive corruption at PEMEX.
So, even though a direct link between Woolsey and Zelitsky cannot be established, one important question to ask is what Zelitsky is doing in these high government and big business circles. Is it just a coincidence that a person like this comes up with a still unconfirmed discovery that has been refueling Atlantis theories for well over a decade now? She certainly has gotten herself into a strange situation with this discovery, her questionable geological remarks, her association with Coast to Coast AM "journalists" as Linda Howe, followed by her James Bond adventures with powerful and questionable Mexicans. She never quit the security business either. Today she is still involved in "perimeter security" and something called the "Pipelines Security Group" [71], about which no further information can be found. Has she met with former CIA directors Richard Helms, James Woolsey, John Deutch, or James Schlesinger? Impossible to say for sure, but she definitely shares (or shared) one important passion with them: pipeline security.
What conclusion to draw about Zelitsky? Very little, except that she doesn't seem to be the most trustworthy individual. Even besides the fact that Atlantis never existed, we shouldn't be surprised at all if absolutely nothing can be found in the Cuban depths: no ruins, no artifacts, no strange inscriptions - nothing. Keep in mind, it's been fourteen years now after the initial discovery and absolutely no evidence has been produced.
Update: I must be psychic. As it turns out, Shackley's private CIA network, largely working through George H. W. Bush, has been infiltrating PEMEX and the Mexican president's office since the 1960s. These operations were very successful. Through the family of an agent with the name Ricardo Chavez, they were able to recruit numerous people at the top of PEMEX, not to mention the Mexican president himself. In 1976 Mexican president Jose Lopez Portillo put CIA agent Jorge Diaz Serrano in charge of PEMEX, a position he kept until 1981. [72] Two years later Diaz Serrano was arrested and eventually convicted of embezzling $54 million, $34 million of which had gone into his own pocket. [73] In other words, the controversy surrounding PEMEX began with a CIA takeover of the company. Would Shackley's group and the CIA have let go of PEMEX? Doubtful. Zelitsky seems clear-cut evidence that CIA-controlled contracts are still flowing towards PEMEX, as they did in the 1970s and 1980s.
Yes, I'm going say it: until proven otherwise, in my book Zelitsky is CIA.
Anybody who carefully reads the original story of Atlantis and compares it to the knowledge that we have today about geology, archeology, and genome research, should come to the conclusion that Atlantis has never existed. More than likely the Ancient Egyptians did a little creative story-telling to endear the Greek ruler Solon to the them. The evidence for this conclusion is overwhelming and already discussed at the very beginning of this article.
Now that we know the Atlantis story is a complete fabrication, maybe the primary question should be why a giant radio show as Coast to Coast AM, in cooperation with the Cayce Association and History Channel's Ancient Aliens program, continues to promote the story of Atlantis. Is it about money? Or is there more to the story? In any case, with Zelitsky and her husband - reportedly another Cayce enthusiast [74] - helping to provide the necessary fuel for these theories, the quest for an Atlantis that never existed will probably continue for many years to come.
[1] | *) 360 B.C., Plato, 'Timaeus' (Atlantis story is also described in Plato's 'Critias' of the same year) *) Full text: (accessed: May 2, 2014) *) Full text: (accessed: May 2, 2014) |
[2] | Ibid. |
[3] | Ibid. |
[4] | Ibid. |
[5] | Ibid. |
[6] | Cayce Association leaders as Edgar Evans Cayce, John van Auken, Greg Little, David Wilcock, and Kevin Todeschi have all been invited to Coast to Coast AM, often on a regular basis. Other guests back up the claims of Edgar Cayce. For example, is it really a coincidence that coast to Coast AM regular Graham Hancock came up with an age of 10,500 B.C. for the Great Pyramid, the same date the Edgar Cayce claimed it was built - by himself, as "Ra-Ta"? Many of the Coast to Coast-visiting remote viewers talk about Atlantis, in addition to pyramids on Mars. Some of these remote viewers cooperate extremely close with the Cayce Association, with the latter comparing Cayce's readings to a form of remote viewing. |
[7] | *) 2002 (estimated), Edgar Evans Cayce, 22 minute speech on ARE cd-rom: "Now, instead of a land existing 10,000 years ago, it was a different story than Plato had. It is a land that had existed over 200,000 years ago and it was wrecked with three, rather than one, major disasters. One was about 50,000 B.C., when part of the continent sank. One about 28,000 B.C., when the remaining land was split into islands. And one was about nine to 10,000 B.C., when the last islands went down. This is probably what Plato alluded to. ... Now, of the 700 readings on Atlantis, about 3 percent, or 21 readings, were associated with that 50,000 B.C. period or earlier. About 52, or 7 percent, were associated with the second destruction. About 352 readings, or 50 percent of them, were associated with the final destruction. Now, that leaves 375 readings, or 40 percent, that you couldn't determine the date. He didn't mention any date, or there was not enough particular information about that incarnation to be associated with any particular period. ..." This speech briefly mentions the war between Atlantis and the Sons of Belial triggering volcanic eruptions. *) 2002 (estimated), Edgar Evans Cayce, 22 minute speech on ARE cd-rom: "The civilization reached by the Atlanteans, according to Cayce, 50,000 years ago sounded as high or higher than that of today. There are some things spoken of that haven't even been discovered yet. For example, in a reading, 262-39, given on February 21, 1933, he is speaking of an Atlantean power source that sounded like some kind of ray. And he said this will be discovered in the next 25 years. Well, 25 years from 1933 is 1958. And between 1955 and 1958 there was the discovery of the anti-electron and anti-proton, in other words: anti-matter. ... that [can give] you an explosion or power source much greater than that of an hydrogen or atomic bomb. Now, another thing that happened in 1958 exactly... [is the discovery of the laser]." Analysis: Cayce's 262-39 reading is completely incomprehensible, but he does say that "[energy] was administered much like sending out from various central plants a Death Ray, or the super-cosmic ray, from the stratosphere." Of course, anybody can come up with a vague concept like this. And the first antiproton was experimentally confirmed in 1955 - not "between 1955 and 1958". |
[8] | 2002 (estimated), Edgar Evans Cayce, 22 minute speech on ARE cd-rom, near the end: "Well now, radio-carbon dating has pushed man's time in the Americas to 17,500 in Pennsylvania, 20,000 in California, and 35,000 in South America. Discoveries in Africa have extended man's time in the earth to millions of years instead of hundreds of thousands. Maybe it's time to update the book." Provides no evidence for any of claims and can't find the original sources. It's the complete reverse of modern genetic research, which indicates Early Modern Humans (EMH) / Cro-Magnon came into the Americas through the frozen Bering Strait. Also, it doesn't explain why there is no evidence of advanced Atlantis-like civilizations going back this far. |
[9] |, Don Caroll for the ARE blog, 'The Stars Above, the Great Pyramid Below: 10,400 BCE': "Text of Edgar Cayce Reading 5748-6 (Q) What was the date of the actual beginning and ending of the construction of the Great Pyramid? (A) Was one hundred years in construction. Begun and completed in the period of Araaraart's time, with Hermes and Ra. (Q) What was the date B.C. of that period? (A) 10,490 to 10,390 before the Prince entered into Egypt." The prince is actually a reference to biblical figure Jacob, who (allegedly) lived a between one and three millennia or more before Christ, but Cayce's claim has apparently been widely interpreted as roughly meaning 10,500 B.C. |
[10] | 2009, Edgar Cayce, 'Atlantis'. Consists of the raw transcriptions of the words of Edgar Cayce. This is an Edgar Cayce Foundation publication and contains most of the quotes listed. |
[11] | April 11, 2014, Lynne Salomon Miceli (founder and former director of the A.R.E of N.Y. Center) for ARE Blog (Edgar Cayce Foundation), 'Remembering the Prime Directive of the Cayce Work'; "One of the advantages of working for Atlantic University is that I can attend the weekly lunchtime meetings of the Egypt Study Group in the A.R.E. Visitor Center. Ann Clapp, who compiled the Edgar Cayce Library Series volumes on Egypt, founded the group at the urging of Elizabeth Waitekus, now co-facilitator with Ann. This group has waxed and waned during the past 16 years but its current mode is of exuberant growth. The focus of our study is the era approximately 10,500 B.C., when, according to the Cayce readings, Ra Ta, or Ra (an early incarnation of Edgar Cayce) was High Priest in Egypt. Also incarnated in Egypt at the time were numerous members of what we have come to call Cayce’s “soul group.” This era, the readings tell us, was “one of the most momentous occasions or periods in the world’s history” (Edgar Cayce reading 900-275). Great efforts were made to develop human beings physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to fulfill our highest potential. This effort was pursued in the ancient temples: the Temple of Sacrifice, the Temple Beautiful, and the Great Pyramid. " |
[12] | ARE cd-rom from about 2002, Hugh Lynn Cayce, 'The Story of Ra-Ta'. |
[13] | 2010, Mark Lehner (came to Egypt on a Cayce Foundation scholarship, but slowly came to renounce Cayce's theories and became a close friend and colleague of Zahi Hawass for decades), Ancient Egyptian Research Association (, 'How Old are the Pyramids?': "The earliest experiments in radiocarbon dating were done on ancient material from Egypt. Willard F. Libby’s team obtained acacia wood from the 3rd Dynasty Step Pyramid of Djoser to test a hypothesis they had developed. Libby reasoned that since the half-life of C14 was 5568 years, the Djoser sample’s C14 concentration should be about 50% of the concentration found in living wood (for further details, see Arnold and Libby, 1949). The results proved their hypothesis correct. Subsequent work with radiocarbon testing raised questions about the fluctuation of atmospheric C14 over time. Scientists have developed calibration techniques to adjust for these fluctuations. ... In 1984 we conducted radiocarbon dating on material from Egyptian Old Kingdom monuments (financed by friends and supporters of the Edgar Cayce Foundation). We then compared our results with the mid-point dates of the kings to whom the monuments belonged (Cambridge Ancient History, 3rd ed.). The average radiocarbon dates were 374 years earlier than expected. In spite of this discrepancy, the radiocarbon dates confirmed that the Great Pyramid belonged to the historical era studied by Egyptologists. ... In 1994-1995 the David H. Koch Foundation supported us for another round of radiocarbon dating. We broadened our sampling to include material from: The 1st Dynasty tombs at Saqqara (2920-2770 BC). The Djoser pyramid (2630-2611 BC). The Giza Pyramids (2551-2472BC). A selection of 5th Dynasty pyramids (2465-2323 BC). A selection of 6th Dynasty pyramids (2323-2150 BC). A selection of Middle Kingdom pyramids (2040-1640 BC). We also took samples from our Giza Plateau Mapping Project Lost City excavations (4th Dynasty), where we discovered two largely intact bakeries in 1991. Ancient baking left deposits of ash and charcoal, which are very useful for dating. The 1995 set of radiocarbon dates tended to be 100 to 200 years older than the Cambridge Ancient History dates, which was about 200 years younger than our 1984 dates. Comparison 1984/1995: The number of dates from the two projects was only large enough to allow for statistical comparisons for the pyramids of Djoser, Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. There are two striking results. First, there are significant discrepancies between the 1984 and 1995 dates for Khufu and Khafre, but not for Djoser and Menkaure. Second, the 1995 dates vary widely even for a single monument. For Khufu’s Great Pyramid, they scatter over a range of about 400 years." *) Undated, Zahi Hawass (, 'Mark and Me': "My great friend Mark Lehner has been working at Giza for the past thirty years. ... He is one of the most respected Egyptologists in the world and a professor at the University of Chicago. ... As we got to know each other [in 1974], Mark told me that he had come to Egypt from North Dakota with a scholarship from the Cayce Foundation. Edgar Cayce was a famous American psychic who would enter trances and diagnose illnesses; he would then suggest prescriptions to cure these illnesses. One day, in a trance, Cayce announced that in a previous life he had lived in Atlantis, and that when the island sank he took the technology of the Atlanteans to Egypt where he buried the records of his people in a box below the right paw of the sphinx. This room became known as the Hall of Records. I did not share Mark’s beliefs, but I still respected him and we became friends. In 1975 Hugh Lynn Cayce, Edgar Cayce’s son, came to Egypt and Mark introduced us. He and more than 300 supporters went to meditate in the Great Pyramid, and, although I and other archaeologists gave them lectures on the history of the pyramids and the sphinx, we did not manage to change their minds. Mark, however, had learnt a lot about the history and archaeology of Giza by this time and was starting to question his beliefs. In 1977 Mark and I gave joint lectures in ten cities around the United States. As we travelled to Virginia Beach, Mark told me that he no longer believed that the sphinx was ten thousand years old, and that he had abandoned his belief in the Cayce mythology. That same night, at a party that we both attended, a famous psychic announced that two men – one Egyptian and one American – would find the Hall of Records in the year 2000. It was clear that he meant Mark and me, and I said to myself that it was a strange world. During this tour Mark and I developed a strong bond and we have been close friends since." |
[14] | 2002 (estimated), Edgar Evans Cayce, 22 minute speech on ARE cd-rom (16:10): "Some of you may not know. The ARE sponsored an effort to carbon date the Great Pyramid. Of course, you can't carbon date stone, but you can carbon date any kind of organic matter that is in there. ... When the results did not go back as far as we hoped, we weren't able to get any samples from inside the pyramid, they only let you take samples from the outside, it did show that the structure was 400 years older than the Egyptian archeologists believed. And that kind of upset them, because the pharaoh they thought built it, didn't built it or he lived in a different time. Also, it showed that the blocks at the top were 400 years older than the bottom. That couldn't have been build from the top down, so that means that there have been repairs made, which is pretty good evidence that it is much older than they think." *) Explanation of Mark Lehner (came to Egypt on a Cayce Foundation scholarship, but slowly came to renounce Cayce's theories and became a close friend and colleague of Zahi Hawass for decades): The discrepancies in dating primarily showed up in trying to date charcoal in the pyramid's mortar. Ancient Egyptians continually re-used wood, which had become scarce. It appears charcoal of sometimes centuries old wood ended up in the pyramid's mortar during the process of heating and making it. See the note below. *) Edgar Evans Cayce then mentions Robert Schoch and the Sphinx. 18:20: mentions the Cuban Atlantis and having contacted Paulina Zelitsky. Mentions Linda Howe and how Ancient Egypt used to be fertile. |
[15] | *) June 18, 2010, vol. 328, Science magazine, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, et al., 'Radiocarbon-Based Chronology for Dynastic Egypt', pp. 1554-1557: "We obtained short-lived plant remains from museum collections (e.g., seeds, basketry, plant-based textiles, plant stems, fruits) that were directly associated with particular reigns or short sections of the historical chronology. We avoided charcoal and wood samples because of the possibility of inbuilt age. We also avoided mummified material because of concerns about contamination from bitumen or other substances used in the mummification process and human material because of the possibility of riverine or marine components in the diet (which might contain older carbon). ... [measured/calculated pyramid dates, B.C.:] ... Djoser: ... 2691-2625; Sneferu: ... 2649-2582; Khufu: 2629-2558 [2580 B.C. is and remains conventional estimate]; Djedefra: ... 2610-2536; Khafra: 2604-2528; Menkaura: ... 2581-2504." All of these dates back up dates that were already estimated in the past. *) 2010, Mark Lehner (came to Egypt on a Cayce Foundation scholarship, but slowly came to renounce Cayce's theories and became a close friend and colleague of Zahi Hawass for decades), Ancient Egyptian Research Association (, 'How Old are the Pyramids?': "Date agreements We have fair agreement for the 1st Dynasty tombs at North Saqqara between our historical dates, previous radiocarbon dates, and our radiocarbon dates on reed material. We also have fair agreement between our radiocarbon dates and historical dates for the Middle Kingdom. Eight calibrated dates on straw from the pyramid of Senwosret II (1897-1878 BC) ranged from 103 years older to 78 years younger than the historical dates for his reign. Four of the Senwosret II dates were only off by 30, 24, 14, and three years. Significantly, the older date was on charcoal (see “old-wood problem” below)." *) 2010, Mark Lehner (came to Egypt on a Cayce Foundation scholarship, but slowly came to renounce Cayce's theories and became a close friend and colleague of Zahi Hawass for decades), Ancient Egyptian Research Association (, 'How Old are the Pyramids?': "The old-wood problem Ancient Egypt’s population was restricted to the narrow confines of the Nile Valley with, we assume, a sparse cover of trees. It is likely that, by the pyramid age, the Egyptians had been intensively exploiting wood for fuel for a long time. Because of the scarcity and expense of wood, the Egyptians would reuse pieces of wood as much as possible. Some of this recycled wood was burned, for example, in mortar preparation. If a piece of wood was already centuries old when it was burned, radiocarbon dates of the resulting charcoal would be centuries older than the mortar for which it was burned. We thought that it was unlikely that the pyramid builders consistently used centuries-old wood as fuel in preparing mortar. The 1984 results left us with too little data to conclude that the historical chronology of the Old Kingdom was wrong by nearly 400 years, but we considered this at least a possibility. Alternatively, if our radiocarbon estimations were in error for some reason, we had to assume that many other dates obtained from Egyptian materials were also suspect. This prompted the second, larger, 1995 study. ... If the Middle Kingdom radiocarbon dates are good, why are the Old Kingdom radiocarbon dates from pyramids so problematic? The pyramid builders often reused old cultural material, possibly out of expedience or to make a conscious connection between their pharaoh and his predecessors. Beneath the 3rd Dynasty pyramid of pharaoh Djoser, early explorers found more than 40,000 stone vessels. These vessels included inscriptions of most of the kings of the 1st and 2nd Dynasties, but Djoser’s name occurred only once. Did Djoser gather and reuse vases that were already 200 years old from tombs at North Saqqara? In the 12th Dynasty, Amenemhet I (1991-1962 BC) left clear evidence of this kind of recycling. He took pieces of Old Kingdom tomb chapels and pyramid temples (including those of the Giza Pyramids) and dumped them into the core of his pyramid at Lisht." |
[16] | *) Circa 450 B.C., Herodotus, 'The Histories', 2009 translation of George Rawlinson, pp. 95-96: "The priests said, Egypt was excellently governed and flourished greatly; but after him Cheops succeeded the throne, and plunged into all manner of wickedness. He closed the temples, and forbade the Egyptians to offer sacrifice, compelling them instead to labour, one and all, in his service. Some were required to drag blocks of stone down to the Nile from the quarries in the Arabian range of hills; others received the blocks after they had been conveyed in boats across the river, and drew them to the range of hills called the Libyan. A hundred thousand men laboured constantly, and were relieved every three months by a fresh lot. It took ten years' oppression of the people to make the causeway, for the conveyance of the stones, a work not much inferior, in my judgment, to the [great] pyramid itself. This causeway is five furlongs in length, ten fathoms wide, and in height, at the highest part, eight fathoms. It is built of polished stone, and is covered with carvings of animals. To make it took ten years, as i said - or rather to make the causeway, the works on the mound, where the pyramid stands, and the underground chambers, which Cheops intended as vaults for his own use: these last were built on a sort of island, surrounded by water introduced from the Nile by a canal. The pyramid itself was twenty years in building. It is a square, eight hundred feet each way, and the height the same, built entirely of polished stone, fitted together with the utmost care. The stones of which it is composed are none less than thirty feet in length. The pyramid was built in steps, battlement-wise, as it is called, or, according to others, altar-wise. After laying the stones for the base, they raised the remaining stones to their places by means of machines, formed of short wooden planks. The first machine raised them from the ground to the top of the first step. On this there was another machine, which received the stone upon its arrival, and conveyed it to the second step, whence a third machine advanced it still higher. Either they had as many machines as there were steps in the pyramid, or possibly they had but a single machine, which, being easily moved, was transferred from tier to tier as the stone rose - both accounts are given, and therefore I mention both. The upper portion of the pyramid was finished first, then the middle, and finally the part which was lowest and nearest the ground. There is an inscription in Egyptian characters, on the pyramid which records the quantity of radishes, onions, and garlic consumed by the labourers who constructed it; and I perfectly well remember that the interpreter who read the writing to me said that the money expended this way was 1600 talents of silver. If this then is a true record, what a vast sum must have been spent..." |
[17] | September 16, 2011, David Wilcock for his Divine Cosmos website, 'Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed' |
[18] | September 18, 2011, New York Times best sellers list, nonfiction books: "16* THE SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS, by David Wilcock. (Dutton, $29.95.) Wilcock peers at the hidden science and lost civilizations behind the 2012 prophecies." |
[19] | *) Wynn Free at (created and edited by David Wilcock from 2002-2007), 'The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce', Chapter 3 (check Webarchive): "The complete story of the Wilcock / Cayce / Ra connection that Wilcock has been so reluctant to tell over the last four and a half years is finally here, all in one place, by writer, poet and musician Wynn Free of the Spirit of Ma’at magazine… Wilcock is continually receiving strong indications that the times of great economic changes are now upon us, thus we have decided to release an embargo on this material that we have imposed over the last six months." *) Wynn Free at (created and edited by David Wilcock from 2002-2007), 'The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce': "As our story unfolds, we will make the case that Wilcock himself, in a previous lifetime as Ra-Ta, actually helped to create the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and now in this life as David Wilcock he's revealing the science behind the pyramid's power." *) Wynn Free at (created and edited by David Wilcock from 2002-2007), 'The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce', Index (check Webarchive): "Cayce did make a prophecy that the Priest, Ra-Ta, would return in 1998. The person who seems to make the best case for fulfilling that prophecy is David Wilcock." *) 2004, Wynn Free with David Wilcock, 'The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?', pp. 85-89: "According to the Cayce readings, Ra Ta was an early incarnation of Cayce in Egypt at 10,500 BC ... Ra-Ta started his life by being born in a less-civilized area, ruled by the tribe of "Zu," (perhaps the ancient Sumerians) somewhere between the Caspian Sea and the Caucasian Mountains. The Cayce Readings tell us that Ra-Ta was a very unusual child, in that he had pale white skin and blue eyes in an area where the others did not look this way. His mother explained that the "gods (think ETs) from that area" had engendered her pregnancy, hence making Ra-Ta an ET-human hybrid. Even though she was the daughter of the leader of the Zu / Sumerian tribe, the tribal elders were very spooked by the bizarre birth and appearance of Ra-Ta, as well as the problem that she did not have a husband, which was frowned upon in their culture. Therefore, the elders ordered her and Ra-Ta to be banished from the land with a group of assistants to protect them. Over time, they made their way to the slopes of what is now Mount Ararat in Turkey. During this time period, the civilization of Atlantis had just begun spreading out into other areas from the central land of "Poseidia" in the area of what is now Cuba and Florida. The Turkish area that Ra-Ta and his mother came to had only recently started to have diplomatic relations with the Atlanteans, and thus was still behind the times in the technological sense. As Ra-Ta grew up, it became clear that he had prophetic abilities and could channel very accurate psychic information. At 21 years of age he had a prophetic dream that a worldwide cataclysm would occur in the not-too-distant future. Most of the island continent of "Poseidia" was going to be inundated, and his own area would also suffer cataclysms. His intuition and scientific research on the Global Grid of "energy lines" combined to suggest that Egypt would be the safest place to go for weathering out these Earth Changes, since it was situated at the center of the Grid. (This has now been scientifically verified through studies of the Becker-Hagens grid, as reported in Wilcock's Convergence series.) When the Earth's poles shifted, Egypt would be the balance-point for their movement. Ra-Ta communicated this prophecy to the King's son Arart, and a pioneering group of 900 people led by Arart with Ra Ta as their spiritual leader made the journey from Turkey to Egypt. After a long and arduous journey, they arrived in the Egyptian city of Luz. Initially there was mistrust and scrutiny, but eventually the Egyptians accepted the Atlanteans and exalted them. Arart was proclaimed King and Ra-Ta was accepted as their high priest. Over a period of time, spiritual and moral reforms were instituted by Ra-Ta and he became beloved by the people. He built temples for self-healing and transformation, and was able to perform many miraculous acts. By this time, many other Atlanteans had been receiving visions of the coming inundation, and were emigrating away from the island continent of Poseidia in the Atlantic in droves. As part of what was "really a very busy life," [294-148], Ra-Ta began using an Atlantean anti-gravitational craft to travel abroad and interact with the Atlanteans and other cultures over 10-year periods of time. During these travels, he learned much more about Atlantean science and technology, which included many very advanced concepts about how science and spirit fit together. Furthermore, the Atlanteans wished to create a storehouse of their accumulated knowledge and wisdom so that it would not perish, and they also understood that Egypt would be one of three safest places for a copy of their records to be stored. Similar records were being prepared in Poseidia itself at the Temple of Ilta, and another location in the Yucatan area of Mesoamerica. Since Ra-Ta was the ambassador and spiritual leader of Egypt, negotiations were conducted with the Atlanteans about how to proceed in the process of storing and preserving the records. ... So peace and harmony reined once more in Egypt. Ra-Ta went on to live an unusually long life, which the Cayce Readings attribute to him spending a great deal of time within a pyramid in order to harness the rejuvenate energies that it produces. Church supposes that Hermes helped Ra reverse his aging trend as well. It was during this period of the return from banishment that the pyramids were constructed. Cayce gave Hermes credit as the architect, while Ra Ta, now known as Ra, was the second most significant collaborator. By some esoteric means, the stones were levitated and set in place." |
[20] | *) 2004, Richard C. Hoagland David Wilcock for Enterprise Mission, 'Interplanetary "Day After Tomorrow?" Part 1: An Enterprise Mission Hyperdimensional Report'; David Wilcock's The Shift of the Ages has chapter 8 dedicated to the work of Richard Hoagland. *) Wilcock conducted a 1,5 hour interview with Graham Hancock, turned into a very cheap type of documentary by inserting some images and sound effects. Hancock wrote the introduction of Wilcock's 2011 book The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies. *) March 22, 2013, Steven Greer and David Wilcock on Greer's World Puja Radio Network show: "I'm really pleased today to have with me David Wilcock, who has been involved in some of the work that we have been doing for many years. He actually came to the Disclosure Project National Press Club event back in 2001 ... and he's gonna be here to talk with me about higher concepts and consciousness and transformation... [Actually:] Well, [actually] I came to the closed executive summary briefing for VIPs and members of congress, which was on May 10th, 2001. I wish I could have been at the one at the National Press Club on May 9th. ... Sergeant Clifford Stone went way farther in that meeting than he did in front of the National Press Club. ... We all knew that getting into that room could get us killed... I sat right after Helen Thomas... I became aware of you [listening to] Art Bell. ... [Greer:] When I first started out on this subject in 1990, you know, I had written to folks like Budd Hopkins [very close to Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein] and others, and I took everything at face value, that those accounts were what they appeared to be... Oh, by the way, can you come to the premiere [of the movie Sirius]?... We have some VIP seats set aside." |
[21] | *) Richard Hoagland: claims there are pyramids on Mars. In 2002 he used faked THEMIS data to "prove" there is a frozen city on Mars. January 19, 2012, Richard Hoagland on Coast to Coast AM (taken from Youtube clip): "Dr. Joseph Farrell, Dr. Pharell... He can write an incredible book in a month [Giza Death Star (2001) and LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy (2010) to name two] and does excellent homework. So if you want a real tutorial in the history of torsion field physics and how the Nazis were involved, and the Soviets were involved, and the U.S. government was involved, and the so-called Philadelphia Experiment seems to be part of the secret field. ... It's suppressed science. It's the way the universe really works. This is what Einstein was looking for... And those buildings came down in New York, somebody, now, I can't tell you who, but somebody brought down two 1,500 foot skyscrapers in seconds. I gave a whole presentation in Amsterdam, a couple three years ago, laying out the point by point case building on the work of brilliant genius named Dr. Judy Wood, who [Coast to Coast AM host] George [Noory] got on and actually interviewed. I was able to get a copy of Dr. Wood's book, which is sitting here on my desk, called 'Where did the towers go?'... These buildings didn't collapse, they were dematerialized. They were dustified. ... I was able to get a copy of Dr. Wood's book in the hands of Jesse Ventura. Jesse Ventura went on national television and starting talking about Dr. Judy Wood and then suddenly weird things started happening in Jesse's life and he shut up." *) Graham Hancock. For his claims about the Ark of the Covenant and how the Ark's "technology" built the Great Pyramid in 12,500 - which tries to back up Edgar Cayce's/David Wilcock's claims. *) Steven Greer. ISGP has already thoroughly debunked his extremely manipulative Disclosure Project. This information has largely been gathered in Archives 2006. |
[22] | *) Wikipedia contains the basic story. *) Undated, Andrew Collins for, 'Atlantis as the Bahamas': "All we need to know is that from the 1930s onwards, followers of the `sleeping prophet' investigated the immense Great Bahama Bank, the former Bahaman landmass on which Bimini is situated, looking for evidence of possible archaeological features. Then in 1968, the all important first year of discovery alluded to in Cayce's prophecy, two commercial pilots, Capt. Robert Brush and his co-pilot Trigg Adams, sighted a curious rectangular feature in the shallow blue waters off Andros, the largest island in the Bahamas group. On their return to Miami, Brush and Adams reported the discovery to two friends, who, like themselves, were already followers of Edgar Cayce. They were J. Manson Valentine, a zoologist and research associate of Honolulu's Bishop Museum, as well as the Honorary Curator of the Museum of Science at Miami, and Dimitri Rebikoff, a noted French oceanographer and underwater surveyor. Having listened to their story, plans were made to locate the site both from the air and in the water. ... In a press release issued at the end of August 1968, Valentine and Rebikoff announced to the world that the discovery constituted evidence of an Atlantean `temple', a statement which created an international furore in the news-media." |
[23] | 1992, Robert F. Marx and Jenifer Marx, 'In Quest of the Great White Gods: Contact Between the Old and New World from the Dawn of History,' pp. 252, 254: "Valentine and I agreed that it would be prudent to wait for government permission before doing anything, but Rebikoff was terribly impatient and made frequent trips to the sites. During one, he reported seeing a number of marble columns that some amateur divers had found in only four feet of water near Entrance Point on North Bimini Island, and we later saw these columns ourselves. In early November 1970 I was surprised to read in the newspapers that North American Rockwell Corporation, which has substantial landholdings on Bimini, had been granted exclusive exploration rights on all underwater ruins in the Bimini area. … As a result of Gifford's encouraging report [Gifford was skeptic; did expeditions in 1972 and 1979], Rockwell decided to mount a major expedition to uncover one of the walls, with astronaut Edgar Mitchell as the leader of the expedition. About twenty-five people were invited to participate, including Rebikoff and a number of psychics from the Edgar Cayce Foundation. Until just three days before the expedition was to begin, I thought I was to be in charge of the actual excavation of the wall; then my invitation was withdrawn on the pretext that there wasn't enough room on the boat. However, I discovered that in fact the Rockwell people were afraid I would publish an unfavorable account of the excavation that would make their stockholders unhappy. I was determined to see what went on and persuaded a friend, Art Hartman, to take me over in his boat while the Rockwell expedition was in progress. We found their salvage vessel, the Venture, anchored over one of the walls where just a month earlier Rebikoff had reported sighting sixteen-foot-high pillars holding up some of the massive fifteen-ton blocks. We anchored alongside the Rockwell vessel despite shrill warnings that we would be arrested for diving in an area in which they had exclusive excavation rights. We weren't worried, because we had permission from the Bahamian government to dive there, although not to excavate. In any case, nature had already done the excavation. The bottom was clear of sand. We could see that the wall wasn't a wall at all. The stone blocks, which were three to four feet thick, rested on the hardpan seafloor. If anything, the site resembled a road or causeway similar to many I've seen in Yucatan and elsewhere. When challenged about the sixteen- foot-high columns he'd reported seeing, Rebikoff said he had actually seen them on another wall, , which, unfortunately, had been covered over by sand. The most important information gleaned from this expedition was that none of the blocks was attached to the sea bottom, proving that they are not natural formations. Before leaving Bimini, I talked to some of the island's fishermen, asking if they knew of any other underwater walls or ruins near the island. One showed me a bronze coin he said he had found n the beach near where most of the walls and columns were found." |
[24] | 1988, Journal of Scientific Exploration (non-mainstream), Vol. 2, No. 2, Douglas G. Richards of the Cayce foundation, Archaeological Anomalies in the Bahamas, pp. 186-188: "The study by Gifford, on the other hand, was far more thorough. Gifford, in work for his Master's thesis in marine geology, did extensive investigation of a small section of the road site, supported in part by the National Geographic Society. Unlike Harrison, Gifford measured and mapped the blocks, and performed a detailed analysis of the composition of the blocks. Gifford became convinced that the blocks had been formed naturally, and advanced this point of view in a lengthy paper (Gifford & Ball, 1980), and in a short journal note in response to the Rebikoff (1972) article (Gifford, 1 973b). Despite his skepticism about the road site, Gifford joined forces with two amateur archaeologists, Talbot Lindstrom and Steven Proctor, the founders of the Scientific Exploration and Archaeological Society (SEAS). SEAS espoused the transatlantic diffusionist viewpoint… Zink's major contribution was a detailed mapping of the entire site, far more than the few blocks studied by Gifford. His data confirm Gifford's conclusions: There is only one course of blocks, arrayed in rows approximately parallel to shore. [turned up a few “anomalies”, but nothing that seriously points to an artificial structure.] … The remaining study of interest was by Eugene Shinn, an orthodox geologist (McKusick & Shinn, 1980; Shinn, 1978). One of the articles reporting his work (McKusick & Shinn, 1980) notes that he is a member of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), but that the study was at his own expense and not part of a USGS-sponsored project. That even a skeptical article has a disclaimer of this sort is indicative of the controversial nature of the subject. Shinn addressed the important question of whether or not the blocks were arranged by man. … [Concluded they were natural] … In their Nature publication, McKusick and Shinn (1980) were so intent on debunking that they failed to address anomalies generated by their own work, and devoted much of the article to an attack on transatlantic diffusionists and the Cayce "religious cult." They interpret the Bimini controversy as a "clash between scientific interpretation and religious dogma."" |
[25] | *) Valentine, J. Manson, "Underwater Archaeology in the Bahamas," Explorers Journal, New York, 1976. *) Valentine, J. M. (1973, April). Culture pattern seen. Muse News, 4, 3 14-3 15, 33 1-334. *) Valentine, J. Manson, "Archaeological Enigmas of Florida and the Western Bahamas," Muse News, Miami Museum of Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1969. *) Undated, Keystone Research (irrational conspiracy source), 'Ruins Under the Ocean Floor': "Dr. Manson Valentine, an underwater archaeologist from Miami, Florida, investigated this indication of ancient constructions within the Bahama Banks. According to him, during one of his trips in an undisclosed area within the Bahama Banks, he took pictures of a network of modular straight lines intersecting at right, obtuse and acute angles that resembles an architect's complex urban development (Valentine, 1976). By comparison, they look like those Nazca lines in Peru where geometrical mélange of triangles, quadrangles and trapezoids can be found (McIntyre, 1975). Valentine even suggested that the pyramidal structures along the Bahama Banks looks like those of the pyramids in Egypt." |
[26] | Ibid. |
[27] | *) 1980, Charles Berlitz and Bill Moore, 'The Roswell Incident'. Problematic aspects discussed in the American Security Council article. *) Manson Valentine cooperated with Berlitz in his doomsday book. |
[28] | Separate article. |
[29] | Kevin Todeschi visitedin th 1990s. The other names and when they came on the show can be found in the guest database of Coast to Coast AM. |
[30] | July 26, 2005, Greg Little on Coast to Coast AM, 'Edgar Cayce & the Atlantis Search'. |
[31] | February 21, 2013, Greg Little on Coast to Coast AM, 'Cayce & Atlantis/ Billy Meier' |
[32] | Lyn Buchanan. Joe McMoneagle, Ingo Swann, Steven Schwartz back up the Cayces. |
[33] | December 8, 2001, Reutrs, 'Explorers View 'Lost City' Ruins Under Caribbean': "HAVANA (Reuters) - Explorers using a miniature submarine to probe the sea floor off the coast of Cuba said on Thursday they had confirmed the discovery of stone structures deep below the ocean surface that may have been built by an unknown human civilization thousands of years ago. Researchers with a Canadian exploration company said they filmed over the summer ruins of a possible submerged ''lost city'' off the Guanahacabibes Peninsula on the Caribbean island's western tip. The researchers cautioned that they did not fully understand the nature of their find and planned to return in January for further analysis, the expedition leader said on Thursday. The explorers said they believed the mysterious structures, discovered at the astounding depth of around 2,100 feet and laid out like an urban area, could have been built at least 6,000 years ago. That would be about 1,500 years earlier than the great Giza pyramids of Egypt. ''It's a really wonderful structure which looks like it could have been a large urban center,'' said Soviet-born Canadian ocean engineer Paulina Zelitsky, from British Columbia-based Advanced Digital Communications (ADC). ''However, it would be totally irresponsible to say what it was before we have evidence,'' Zelitsky told Reuters. Zelitsky said the structures may have been built by unknown people when the current sea-floor actually was above the surface. She said volcanic activity may explain how the site ended up at great depths below the Caribbean Sea. In July 2000, ADC researchers using sophisticated side-scan sonar equipment identified a large underwater plateau with clear images of symmetrically organized stone structures that looked like an urban development partly covered by sand. From above, the shapes resembled pyramids, roads and buildings, they said. ''ULISES'' ASSISTS UNDERWATER ODYSSEY This past July, ADC researchers, along with the firm's Cuban partner and experts from the Cuban Academy of Sciences, returned to the site in their ship ''Ulises.'' They said they sent a miniature, unmanned submarine called a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) down to film parts of the 7.7-square-mile area. Those images confirmed the presence of huge, smooth, cut granite-like blocks in perpendicular and circular formations, some in pyramid shapes, the researchers said. Most of the blocks, measuring between about 6.5 and 16 feet in length, were exposed, some stacked one on another, the researchers said. Others were covered in sediment and the fine, white sand that characterizes the area, the researchers said. The intriguing discovery provided evidence that Cuba at one time was joined to mainland Latin America via a strip of land from the Yucatan Peninsula, the researchers said. ''There are many new hypotheses about land movement and colonialization, and what we are seeing here should provide very interesting new information,'' Zelitsky said. ADC's deep-water equipment includes a satellite-integrated ocean bottom positioning system, high-precision side-scan double-frequency sonar, and the ROV. The company currently is commissioning what it calls the world's first custom-designed ocean excavator for marine archeology to begin work both at the Guanahacabibes site and at ship wrecks. ADC is the deepest operator among four foreign firms working in joint venture with President Fidel Castro (news - web sites)'s government to explore Cuban waters containing hundreds of treasure-laden ships from the colonial era. The Canadian company already has discovered several historic sunken Spanish ships. In an earlier high-profile find, ADC was testing equipment in late 2000 off Havana Bay when it spotted the century-old wreck of the American battleship USS Maine. The ship had not been located since it blew up mysteriously in 1898, killing 260 American sailors and igniting the Spanish-American War. The rush of interest in Cuba's seas in recent years is due in part to the Castro government's recognition that it does not have the money or technology to carry out systematic exploration by itself, although it does have excellent divers. American companies are prohibited from operating in Cuba by the long-running U.S. embargo on the Communist-run island." |
[34] | October 10, 2002, Washington Post, 'Atlantis In Cuban Depths or Anomaly?': "The images appear slowly on the video screen, like ghosts from the ocean floor. The videotape, made by an unmanned submarine, shows massive stones in oddly symmetrical square and pyramid shapes in the deep-sea darkness. Sonar images taken from a research ship 2,000 feet above are even more puzzling. They show that the smooth, white stones are laid out in a geometric pattern. The images look like fragments of a city, in a place where nothing man-made should exist, spanning nearly eight square miles of a deep-ocean plain off Cuba's western tip. "What we have here is a mystery," said Paul Weinzweig, of Advanced Digital Communications, a Canadian company that is mapping the ocean bottom of Cuba's territorial waters under contract with the government of President Fidel Castro. "Nature couldn't have built anything so symmetrical," Weinzweig said, running his finger over sonar printouts aboard his ship, tied up at a wharf in Havana harbor. "This isn't natural, but we don't know what it is." The company's main mission is to hunt for shipwrecks filled with gold and jewels, and to locate potentially lucrative oil and natural gas reserves in deep water that Cuba does not have the means to explore. Treasure hunting has become a growth industry in recent years as technology has improved, allowing more precise exploration and easier recovery from deeper ocean sites. Advanced Digital operates from the Ulises, a 260-foot trawler that was converted to a research vessel for Castro's government by the late French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau. Since they began exploration three years ago with sophisticated side-scan sonar and computerized global-positioning equipment, Weinzweig said they have mapped several large oil and gas deposits and about 20 shipwrecks sitting beneath ancient shipping lanes where hundreds of old wrecks are believed to be resting. The most historically important so far has been the U.S. battleship Maine, which exploded and sank in Havana harbor in 1898, an event that ignited the Spanish-American War. In 1912, the ship was raised from the harbor floor by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and towed out into deeper water four miles from the Cuban shore, where it was scuttled. Strong currents carried the Maine away from the site, and its precise location remained unknown until [Zelitsky's] Ulises' sonar spotted it two years ago. Then, by sheer serendipity, on a summer day in 2000, as the Ulises was towing its sonar back and forth across the ocean like someone mowing a lawn, the unexpected rock formations appeared on the sonar readouts. That startled Weinzweig and his partner and wife, Paulina Zelitsky, a Russian-born engineer who has designed submarine bases for the Soviet military. "We have looked at enormous amounts of ocean bottom, and we have never seen anything like this," Weinzweig said. The discovery immediately sparked speculation about Atlantis, the fabled lost city first described by Plato in 360 B.C. Weinzweig and Zelitsky were careful not to use the A-word and said that much more study was needed before such a conclusion could be reached. But that has not stopped a boomlet of speculation, most of it on the Internet. Atlantis-hunters have long argued their competing theories that the lost city was off Cuba, off the Greek island of Crete, off Gibraltar or elsewhere. Several Web sites have touted the images as a possible first sighting. Among those who suspect the site may be Atlantis is George Erikson, a California anthropologist who co-authored a book in which he predicted that the lost city would be found offshore in the tropical Americas. "I have always disagreed with all the archaeologists who dismiss myth," said Erikson, who said he had been shunned by many scientists since publishing his book about Atlantis. He said the story has too many historical roots to be dismissed as sheer fantasy and that if the Cuban site proves to be Atlantis, he hopes "to be the first to say, 'I told you so.' "" |
[35] | 2002, Linda Moulton Howe for her Earthfiles (Art Bell/Coast to Coast AM regular), ' Update About Cuba Underwater Megalithic Research': "A half mile down in the waters of Cabo de San Antonio off the western tip of Cuba's Guanahacabibes marked by red X is a 20-kilometer square area of clean, white sand punctuated by tall, megalithic stones or structures first reported in May 2001 by Paulina Zelitsky, Ocean Engineer, Havana, Cuba. A half mile down in the waters of Cabo de San Antonio off the western tip of Cuba's Guanahacabibes marked by red X is a 20-kilometer square area of clean, white sand punctuated by tall, megalithic stones or structures first reported in May 2001 by Paulina Zelitsky, Ocean Engineer, Havana, Cuba. "They (megalithic stones) are very unique structures. They really are not easy to understand and I do not have any easy explanation for them in a natural geological process." — Manuel Iturralde-Vinent, Ph.D., Geologist, National Museum of Natural History, Havana, Cuba July 10, 2002 Havana, Cuba A year ago in May 2001, I first reported at the startling comments made by ocean engineer, Paulina Zelitsky in Havana, Cuba about her finding earlier in 2000 "possibly a sunken city built in the pre-classic period and populated by an advanced civilization similar to the early Teotihuacan culture of Yucatan. ...Researchers using sonar equipment have discovered at a depth of about 2,200 feet (700-800 meters) a huge land plateau with clear images of what appears to be urban development partly covered by sand. From above, the shapes resemble pyramids, roads and buildings." Since then, I have interviewed Paulina and her husband, Paul Weinzweig, several times about the evolution of their research and goal to get a specially built robot down to the megalithic site which could have lights for videotaping and drilling equipment to sample from the megalithic stone structures. The couple operates the Advanced Digital Communications known as ADC in Canada and Havana which contracts to perform deep ocean research. Originally, ADC had hoped to have a robot on the ocean floor by the summer of 2002, but its cost of $2 million has been an obstacle. So far, the National Geographic Society continues to express interest in adding its resources and media production efforts to the exploration, but to date no official contract has been signed. So, Paulina and Paul have taken on other assignments to pay bills while periodically sending remote operated vehicles known as ROVs down to pick up small rocks that lay on thick sand around the large megalithic stone "structures." Some of those samples have gone to geologist Manuel Iturralde-Vinent, Ph.D., who works for Cuba's National Museum of Natural History in Havana. Since early spring 2002, Dr. Iturralde-Vinent has studied side-scan sonar images and videotape from the half-mile-deep site and has concluded that he cannot assign a completely natural geological explanation for the large, rectangular-shaped rocks that stand up on a vast, white field of deep sand spread over 20 square kilometers. However, he is waiting for the first analyses of rock samples expected around July 19th. Until then, he is reserving opinion about the composition of the megalithic structures. However, Paulina Zelitsky describes the structures are polished granite not indigenous to either Cuba or the Yucatan. This week I talked with both Paulina Zelitsky and Dr. Iturralde-Vinent about their current research and theories about what might have happened off the extreme northwestern Cuba peninsula known as Guanahacabibes. Interviews: Paulina Zelitsky, Ocean Engineer, Advanced Digital Communications, Havana, Cuba: "Samples that we recovered from the ocean bottom have justified our structures that we call megalithic structures. The samples are granite stone, completely polished, with some incrustations of fossils. Fossils of organic creatures that normally live on the surface, not on the ocean bottom. This is very interesting because this is evidence that the whole surface sank to the depth of 700 meters (2,297 feet, or about a half mile down). The area has been seismically active for thousands of years. And what we find on the ocean bottom are fractures from which the magma and volcanic ash came out. From these structures we were able to delineate a configuration of the land that sank because you can see them clearly. The land that sank is very obvious from our image of the ocean bottom. And you can see bays, like harbors, and it's all at the depths of 900 and 700 meters. Geologically, does Dr. Iturralde-Vinent and others have any idea what happened volcanically? Was it one large eruption or series of eruptions? Series of eruptions and as he is saying, it is still active. A series of eruptions that created major tectonic movement to such a degree that land is sinking. For example, Cuba has sank and re-emerged a couple of times! But that was long ago, geologically. Now, what happened more recently geologically is that land sank that joined to Yucatan islands between Yucatan and Cuba, they sank. Also, geologically and botanically in terms of organic life, Yucatan and Cuba the extreme northwestern part of Cuba which is Peninsula Guanahacabibes (Gwan-uh-cah-BEE-buh) are completely identical. Completely identical. It's the same limestone and the same organic life and the same botanic and animal represented. It's very obvious that land that was joining that is now on ocean bottom is land that was joining Yucatan and Cuba. But this land was sinking because of tectonic movement which were occurring. Of course, earthquakes and volcanoes were accompanying the tectonic movements. Tectonic movement is not something that moves softly. It is always accompanied by dramatic volcano and earthquake activity. But we saw on ocean bottom where the bays and coastal lines of the island that sank. We think there was a series of islands between Cuba and the Yucatan. There could have been sinking 15,000 years ago. One area between the fractures. Not on the fractures. It is between the fractures that was left undisturbed and just sank flat without fractures. On this area, we can observe those megalithic structures, or constructions. And they have completely different and independent delineation from geological faults, from our geology of the sunken land, or the geology of island Cuba. Completely independent delineation of their own. As if they came from some place else? We don't know yet. But it obviously didn't come from Cuba. That's one thing. The stone we recovered from ocean bottom is very polished granite. All of the peninsula of northwest part of Cuba, all of this peninsula is limestone, very fractured limestone. So, geologically, it (megalithic granite structures) is totally foreign to Cuba. But it's also not known in Yucatan because Yucatan is also limestone, not granite. Granite is found only in the center of Mexico. It covers approximately a beautiful, beautiful, flat, clean area. Nothing else in this area. And it covers approximately 20 square kilometers of this area. It's flat, completely flat. Huge white silicon field. In the middle of all of that are these megalithic structures surfacing out of it. What is the scientific consensus so far about how 20 square kilometers could get down a half mile? The whole island sank. Probably what we think happened is that Cuba and Yucatan at one historical time were both joined. But little by little, this land was fractured into islands and sank to the ocean bottom. So, the land on which we discovered megalithic structures sank somewhere between 15,000 and maybe 50,000 years ago, which is quite recent geologically. What for you is the next most important step you can take to collect one or more samples directly from the megalithic structures? I wouldn't be able to do any serious work without a robot that is working on the ocean floor because I need stability in order to be able to make an opening in the megalithic structures. We need to make an opening to enter. National Geographic is interested in investigating the site with submersibles. So that might be another opportunity. Do the submersibles have the ability to drill into stone? No. Submersibles don't. They just have the ability to observe with human eyes. Or videotape. Or video camera, yeah. But it must be operated by humans. If you can get the special robot constructed and down there that costs $2 million, you would be able to photograph with good light and be able to drill into a megalithic structure? Oh, yes. I would be able to make opening and enter inside the structures. What I am the most interested in doing is to enter inside because if there are some artifacts, they should be inside the structures and not outside. Then if National Geographic, or other interested organization, can get funding together, you might be able to go forward full time on research and get the robot down to both photograph and drill into the structures? Yes, that's right. And discover a completely new page in our history." Manuel Iturralde-Vinent, Ph.D., Geologist, National Museum of Natural History, Havana, Cuba, who presented a scientific paper about the deep water megalithic structures in March 2002 at an International Geophysical meeting in Havana: "I do not yet know if the megalithic structures are granite. I have been working with the data provided by Paulina for three months and I have been observing the side-scan sonar images, the video images with some samples recovered from different places within the area with the megalithic stones and also from an area located to the south of this region. My impression is first that the structures that are in the megalithic area at the 600 to 700 meter depths, I cannot explain these structures by any geological means right now. So, I am not sure that I can find a geological explanation for the origin of these structures. So I'm clear the structures don't fit into any natural explanation currently? Yeah, we think that in natural geological terms, I cannot give a logical explanation now. So, I am not telling that they are artificial, but what I say is right now I don't have a good explanation as to the origin by natural cause of these structures. They might have an artificial origin. But in this case, we are opening into a very interesting situation because given the depth of this structures and if we calculate the timing when these might have been uplifted, it will take us up to 50,000 years ago. (Meaning, when the land mass now down a half mile might have been above sea level.) This is if we follow the rules of the normal tectonic movement as we have been recording them in the past 100 years in Cuba. But these figures are well known in the world. More or less, the sea floor can move down as quickly as 16 millimeters a year. That's one of the very interesting issues that are related to this discovery. Meaning that the area is still active seismically and you are seeing that parts of Cuba are still sinking. Current geological knowledge and data indicates that the area is still very active and sinking even now. We are not done with this research. We need to still do more research, collect more samples, provide more observation to be sure about what we are talking about. But something is very safe to say now is that we are not dealing with blocks that have been falling down from the slope. They (megalithic stones) are very unique structures. They really are not easy to understand and I do not have any easy explanation for them in a natural geological process. That's my conclusion now. I need more time and more data before going forward."" |
[36] | Ibid. |
[37] | Ibid.: "Since early spring 2002, Dr. Iturralde-Vinent has studied side-scan sonar images and videotape from the half-mile-deep site and has concluded that he cannot assign a completely natural geological explanation for the large, rectangular-shaped rocks that stand up on a vast, white field of deep sand spread over 20 square kilometers. However, he is waiting for the first analyses of rock samples expected around July 19th. Until then, he is reserving opinion about the composition of the megalithic structures. However, Paulina Zelitsky describes the structures are polished granite not indigenous to either Cuba or the Yucatan." |
[38] | November 19, 2001, Linda Moulton Howe for Earthfiles, 'Update on Underwater Megalithic Structures near Western Cuba': "The story about a possible megalithic site half a mile down off the western tip of Cuba first broke this past May when a Reuters News Service reporter interviewed the deep ocean engineer who first reported unusual sidescan sonar of the discovery. Her name is Paulina Zelitsky. Ms. Zelitsky was born in Poland, studied engineering in the Soviet Union, was assigned to work on a secret submarine base in Cuba during the Cold War, and eventually defected to Canada. There she met her current husband, businessman Paul Weinzweig. Now the couple own and operate a company called Advanced Digital Communications, or ADC, with offices in both Victoria, British Columbia, and Havana, Cuba. heir specialty is deep ocean exploration. ADC made news in November 2000 when Paulina Zelitsky found the wreckage of the famous U.S.S. Maine that blew up and sank in 1898. It was three miles off the Havana coast and two-thirds of a mile down. Her team videotaped the battleship which matched old photographs. Now this year, Ms. Zelitsky reports that about 2,200 feet off Cuba's western tip she has found "a huge land plateau with clear images of what appears to be manmade large-size architectural designs partly covered by sand. From above, the shapes resemble pyramids, roads and buildings." This week I talked with both Paulina Zelitsky and Paul Weinzweig and learned that in addition to the sonar images, this late summer they were able to get some light and a videotape camera down to the underwater site in a Remote Operated Vehicle known as an ROV. Over the past several months, I have had an agreement with Mr. Weinzweig in which I can discuss their progress with the site, but will only report publicly when I have permission. The following is the portion of our most recent discussion on the record for broadcast that includes the surprise of Paulina Zelitsky joining the interview. Interview: Paul Weinzweig...: For the record you can say that the Center for Marine Archaeology and Anthropology at the Cuban Academy of Sciences is currently analyzing video data which we have from the perimeter of the site from megalithic stones. They are working on inscriptions that they have detected on these stones and they are analyzing them at this time. ... The estimated sizes of these stones - they are roughly about two by five meters. Very large stones. That's about six feet by fifteen or sixteen feet, something like that (six feet on each of four sides and sixteen feet high). ... Yes, the same kind of stone that you see on Easter Island and in Stonehenge. Very large and smooth and light colored that bear no relationship to the surrounding ecology. And also there is evidence of smooth cut and fit, that is one on top of another, as if the basis of a pyramid or large building. ... They are not anywhere specific on the stones, these inscriptions. They could be in the middle of the stones and various parts of the stones across. One thing we found, the anthropologist found, was an American cross. It's a Central American cross. ... Yes, we can't tell really the depth. There is limited lighting and limited perspective as well because of the - we had technical problems with the ROV. ... Well, there is no light at all except for what we provide. That's OK. We have good lighting now and we have a low light camera to add to our two or three other cameras we have there as well. To our zoom camera and we have several cameras that work down there and we have good lighting. There was a lot of debris in the water at that time, created by a strong current, probably by plankton. ... Well, hopefully, if we get all our systems back together within the next two months and we get a break in the weather. ... Greek-like inscriptions [is a comment the investigators at the museum made]. Well, hieroglyphic-like inscriptions. [But] Greek-like. Hold on just a minute. Why don't you talk to my boss. ... [Paula"] Yes, thank you. I was overhearing my husband and I don't want you to make any bad mistakes mixing Greek, because it is not Greek. It has the same tendency, but it is not Greek. We don't know what it is and scientists are trying to decipher it. Yes, and symbols as well. There are different signs, more like American nature, like they have found in Central America. Pyramids. And strong delineation of the structures which suggest pyramidal type, American pyramidal type, not Egyptian pyramidal type. ... And that type of cross is called an American cross. We find it in Cuba in a variety of caves and on the island. They are very ancient, pre-Columbian, probably thousands of years before Columbus. You know, Cuba has submerged three times in our information of the islands. ... You find [these type of crossess] in Cuban caves around the island, not only in the south but in the north. And those caves are underwater caves. One cave I know of is on land and it has this type of symbology as well. ... They are trying to match it to Central American, but it is distinctive on its own. It's very difficult to say that ancient American symbology is identical to this. It is not identical. It's similar, but not identical." [Howe:] After hearing about the symbol of crossed ovals and mysterious lettering, I began searching. I called the Archaeology and Anthropology Department at the University of Pennsylvania which has one of the finest collections of Olmec, Mayan and other Mesoamerican artifacts in the world. This weekend I spent several hours searching the library's rare books of Mayan and Mesoamerican glyphs. I could not find a single cross of ovals until I opened up a book called The Language of the Sea Peoples. There in a section comparing hieroglyphs from the Minoan island of Crete with hieroglyphs known as 'Linear C Language" used by an ancient Minoan culture called 'Luwian,' I found it. ... How would an ancient Minoan symbol end up a half mile down amid other apparent megalithic structures off the western tip of Cuba? [note: it's not Minoan at all. It's a simple design with only minor similarities to Minoan. In fact, it looks very Central/Southern American.]" |
[39] | July 10, 2005, Diario de Yucatan (Mexico; translated), photos by Pinar del Rio - Guerrillero ("Organ of the Provincial Commettee of the Cuban Communist Party in Pinar del Río.") 'New National Geographic/Zelitsky Expedition to Cuba "Underwater City" Site Planned' |
[40] | November 11, 2010 (original broadcast), History Channel, Ancient Aliens, Season 2, Episode 3, 'Season 2 Episode 3 - Underwater Worlds' |
[41] | See note 38. |
[42] | *) The cave described in the article below was never found and the Smithsonian, they never had researchers working for them with the names S. A. Jordan and G.E. Kinkaid. *) April 5, 1909, Arizona Gazette, 'Explorations in Grand Canyon: Mysteries of Immense Rich Cavern Being Brought to Light: Remarkable Finds Indicate Ancient People Migrated From Orient': "The latest news of the progress of the explorations of what is now regarded by scientists as not only the oldest archaeological discovery in the United States, but one of the most valuable in the world, which was mentioned some time ago in the Gazette, was brought to the city yesterday by G.E. Kinkaid, the explorer who found the great underground citadel of the Grand Canyon during a trip from Green River, Wyoming, down the Colorado in a wooden boat, to Yuma, several months ago. According to the story yesterday to the Gazette by Mr. Kinkaid, the archaeologist of the Smithsonian Institute, which is financing the explorations, have made discoveries which almost conclusively prove that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in solid rock by human hands, was of Oriental origin or possibly from Egypt tracing back to Ramses. If their theories are borne out of the translation of the tablets engraved with hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the fictionist. Under the direction of professor S.A. Jordan, the Smithsonian Institute is now prosecuting the most thorough explorations, which will be continued until the last link in the chain has been forged. Nearly a mile underground, about 1480 feet below the surface, the long main passage has been delved into, to find another mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel. Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and another 634 feet. The recent finds include articles which have never been known as native to this country and doubtless they had their origin in the Orient. War weapons, copper instruments sharp edged and hard as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached by these strange people. So interested have the scientists become that preparations are being made to equip the camp for extensive studies and the force will be increased to thirty or forty persons. Before going further into the cavern, better facilities for lighting have to be installed, for the darkness is dense and impenetrable for the average flash light. In order to avoid being lost, wires are being strung from the entrance to all passageways leading directly to large chambers. How far this cavern extends no one can guess, but it is now the belief of many that what has already been explored is merely the "Barracks", to use an American term, for the soldiers, and that far into the underworld will be found the main communal dwellings of the families and possibly other shrines. The perfect ventilation of the cavern, the steady drought that blows through, indicates that it has another outlet to the surface. Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born in Idaho and has been an explorer and hunter all his life. Thirty years having been in the service of the Smithsonian Institute. Even briefly recounted, his history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque. "First, I would impress that the cavern is almost inaccessible. The entrance is almost 1486 feet down a shear canyon wall. It is located on government land and no visitor will be allowed there under penalty of trespass. The scientists wish to work unmolested, without fear of the archaeological discoveries being disturbed by curio or relic hunters. A trip there would be fruitless and the visitor would be sent on his way. he story of how I found the cavern has already been recounted, but in a paragraph: I was journeying down the Colorado river in a boat, alone, looking for mineral. Some forty two miles up the river from El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw on the east wall, stains in the sedimentary formation about 2000 feet above the river bed. There was no trail to this point, but I finally reached it with great difficulty. Above a shelf, which hid it from view of the river, was the mouth of the cave. There are steps leading from this entrance some thirty yards from what was at the time the cavern was inhabited, the level of the river. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the entrance, I became interested, secured my gun and went in. During that trip I went back several hundred feet along the main passage, till I came to the main crypt in which I discovered the mummies. One of these I stood up and photographed by flashlight. I gathered a number of relics, which I carried down the Colorado to Yuma, from whence I shipped them to Washington with details of the discovery. Following this, the explorations were undertaken". "The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to 9 feet toward the farther end. About 57 feet from the entrance, the first passages branch off to the right and left, along which, on both sides, are a number of rooms about the size of ordinary living rooms of today, though some are 30 to 40 feet square. These are entered by oval shaped doors and are ventilated by round air spaces through the walls into the passages. The walls are about 3 feet 6 inches in thickness. The passages are chiseled or hewn as straight as could be laid out by any engineer. The ceilings of many of the rooms converge to a center. The side passages near the entrance run at a sharp angle from the main hall, but toward the rear they gradually reach a right angle in direction". Over a hundred feet from the entrance is a cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which was found the idol, or image, of the peoples god, sitting cross-legged, with a Lotus flower or Lily in each hand. The cast of the face is Oriental, and the carving shows a skillful hand, and the entire is remarkably well preserved, as is everything in this cavern. The idol most resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it represents. Taking into consideration everything found thus far, it is possible that the worship most resembles the ancient people of Thibet. Surrounding this idol are smaller images, some beautiful in form, other crooked necked and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil. There are two large cacti with protruding arms, one on each side of the dais on which the god squats. All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble. In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all descriptions, made of copper. This people undoubtedly knew the lost art of hardening this metal, which has been sought by chemists for centuries without result. On a bench running around the workroom was some charcoal and other material probably used in the process. There is also slag and stuff similar to matte, showing that these ancient peoples smelted ores, but so far, no trace of where of how this was done has been discovered, nor the origin of the ore. Among other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and gold made very artistic in design. The pottery work includes enameled ware and glazed vessels. Another passageway leads to granaries such as are found in the Oriental temples. They contain seeds of various kinds. One very large storehouse has not been entered, as it is twelve feet high and can be reached only from above. Two copper hooks extend on the edge, (continued on page 7) which indicates that some sort of ladder was attached. These granaries are rounded and the materials of which they are constructed, I think, is a very hard cement. A grey metal is also found in this cavern which puzzles the scientists, for it's identity has not been established. It resembles platinum. Strewn promiscuously over the floor everywhere are what people call "Cats eyes" or "Tiger eyes", a yellow stone of no great value. Each one is engraved with a head of a Malay type." "On all the urns, on the walls over the doorways and tablets of stone which were found by the image are mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institution hopes yet to discover. These writings resemble those found on the rocks about this valley. The engraving on the tablets probably has something to do with the religion of the people. Similar hieroglyphics have been found in the peninsula of Yucatan, but these are not found in the Orient. Some believe that these cave dwellers built the old canals in the Salt River valley. Among the pictorial writings only two animals are found. One is of prehistoric type". The tomb or crypt in which the mummies are found is one of the largest of the chambers, the walls slanting back at an angle of about 35 degrees. One these are tiers of mummies, each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. At the head of each is a small bench on which is found copper cups and pieces of broken swords. Some of the mummies are covered with clay and all are wrapped in a bark fabric. The urns or cups on the lower tiers are crude, while as the higher shelves are reached, the urns are finer in design showing a interstage of civilization. It is worthy of note that all the mummies examined so far have proved to be male, no children or females being buried here. This leads to the belief that this interior section was the warriors barracks. Among the discoveries no bones of animals have been found, no skins, no clothing nor bedding. Many of the rooms are bare but for the water vessels. One room, about 400 by 700 feet, was probably the main dining hall for cooking utensils are found here. What these people lived on is a problem, though it is presumed that they came south for the winter and farmed in the valleys, going back north in the summer. Upwards of 50,000 people could have lived in the cavern comfortably. One theory is that the present Indian tribe found in Arizona are descendants of the serfs or slaves of the people which inhabited the cave. Undoubtedly a good many thousands of years before the Christian era a people lived here which reached a high state of civilization. The chronology of human history is full of gaps. Prof. Jordan is much enthused over the discoveries and believes that the find will prove of incalculable value in archaeological work. One thing I have spoken of may be of interest. There is one chamber the passageways to which is not ventilated and when we approach it a deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our lights would not penetrate the gloom and until stronger ones are available, we will not know what the chamber contains. Some say snakes, but others boo-hoo this idea and think that it may contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients. No sounds are heard, but it smells snaky just the same. The whole underground institution gives one of shaky nerves the creeps. The gloom is like a weight on ones shoulders and our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker. Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly day-dreams back through the ages that have elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in space". In connection with this story, it is notable that among the Hopis the tradition is told that their ancestors once lived in an underworld in the Grand Canyon till dissension arose between the good and the bad, the people of one heart, the people of two hearts. (Manchoto) who was their chief, counselled them to leave the underworld, but there was no way out. The chief then caused a tree to grow up and pierce the roof of the underworld and then the people of one heart climbed out. They tarried by Palsiaval (Red River), which is the Colorado, and grew grain and corn. They sent out a message to the temple of the sun, asking the blessing of peace, good will and rain for the people of one heart. That messenger never returned but, today at the Hopi village, at sundown can be seen the old men of the tribe out on the housetops gazing towards the sun, looking for the messenger. When he returns, their land and ancient dwelling place will be restored to them. That is the tradition. Among the engravings of animals in the cave is seen a image of a heart over the spot where it is located. The legend was learned by W.E. Rollins, the artist, during a year spent with the Hopi Indians. There are two theories of the origin of the Egyptians. One is that they came from Asia: another is that the racial cradle was in the upper Nile region. Heeren, an Egyptologist, believed in the Indian origin of the Egyptians. The discoveries in the Grand Canyon may throw further light on human evolution and prehistoric ages."" |
[43] | November 19, 2001, Linda Moulton Howe for Earthfiles, 'Update on Underwater Megalithic Structures near Western Cuba': "How would an ancient Minoan symbol end up a half mile down amid other apparent megalithic structures off the western tip of Cuba? [note: it's not Minoan at all. It's a simple design with only minor similarities to Minoan. In fact, it looks very Central/Southern American.] I took that question to the Editor-In-chief of Ancient American magazine, Frank Joseph. Frank has studied the end of the Bronze Age around 1200 B. C., which was three thousand two hundred years ago. He is also the author of a 1998 book entitled Atlantis In Wisconsin. He has another new book about to be relased entitled Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Lemuria. That book will be in stores by the first of December. And a third book to be released in 2002 is called The Destruction of Atlantis. Frank Joseph has devoted more than two decades to studying physical evidence of a global Atlantean culture which he believes was destroyed in a worldwide catastrophe in 1200 B. C. that ended the Bronze Age." |
[44] | February 14, 2013, Jason Colavito, 'The Atlantis Hoax of 1912': "One of the big assertions ancient astronaut and alternative history writers use to justify their belief that ancient myths provide a reliable guide to history is Heinrich Schliemann’s discovery of Troy, allegedly by following directions from Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. As I’ve written about before, this is in fact a myth, concocted by Schliemann as a publicity stunt. But the myth took hold, and in 1912, an audacious newspaper hoax sought to capitalize on it. William Randolph Hearst’s New York American, in its October 12 edition, carried a two-page spread allegedly written by Paul Schliemann, the grandson of Heinrich, asserting that his grandfather had bequeathed to him research that led him to absolute proof of the existence of Atlantis. According to Paul, Heinrich had asserted that when he excavated Troy, he found a vase inscribed in “Phoenician hieroglyphics” which stated that “King Chronos of Atlantis” had sent it. The Phoenicians, of course, write with an alphabet, not hieroglyphics. “Heinrich” supposedly claimed that at the Louvre, he found “Central American” vases from Tiwanaku (which is actually in Bolivia, in South America) which also had the same decorations and patterns as the Trojan vase. Like an Edwardian Scott Wolter, Heinrich Schliemann said he examined the Trojan and Louvre vases under a microscope to determine whether they were made of the same clay. They were, and that clay could only have come from Atlantis! “Heinrich” also claimed that he read a papyrus written by the Ptolemaic scribe Manetho (who, in reality, is known only from later Greek summaries of his work) that confirmed Egyptian knowledge of Atlantis 16,000 years ago. From there, Paul takes up the story, and it descends into a Da Vinci Code or Indiana Jones type of thriller, involving hidden messages spread around the world, including among the Maya and the Buddhists, Atlantean artifacts hidden in ancient sculptures, and so on. It’s fun in its way, and perhaps as a novel might have amounted to something. The whole story can be read here. Of special note is that “Paul Schliemann” or whoever the real author was makes use of Augustus Le Plongeon’s theories about the Maya as the font of civilization, especially his claims about “the Land of Mu,” which identified with Atlantis. Many of the connections the fake Schliemann made between artifacts around the world are obviously derived from Ignatius Donnelly and Le Plongeon, but in places they also anticipate James Churchward. In point of fact, the real Heinrich Schliemann did not believe there was a reality behind Atlantis. It’s interesting to see, though, that a century ago the media were just as willing to profit from the same fictions and lies that the History Channel and H2 make money on today. It is even more interesting to see that in 1912, even lies were expected to have a better understanding of history and a greater command of the relevant literature than anyone who appears on television today." |
[45] | 2013, Paulina Zelitsky and Paul Weinzweig, 'The Sea is Only Knee Deep - Vol. 1', Chapter 1 opening: "In the autumn of 1968 ... after less than a year working with a Soviet marine design team in Cuba, I [Paulina] was assigned temporarily to a small group designing a top secret Cuban submarine base, home to a fleet of Soviet nuclear subs armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. … By 1971, for reasons that will become clear, I wanted to defect from both Cuba and the Soviet Union. … Soviet State Security, both the KGB and possibly the GRU, had attempted to conscript me into their Cuban services (for reasons I will speculate upon later in the story)." |
[46] | February 16, 2010, Globe and the Mail, 'Helen Weinzweig, Toronto author of surreal fiction, dead at age 94': "Weinzweig was the wife of John Weinzweig, the famed Canadian composer, but she came into her own with the 1980 publication of her second novel, Basic Black with Pearls (Anansi), which won the Toronto Book Award in 1981. ... Helen Weinzweig is survived by her sons Paul and Daniel. Her husband John Weinzweig died in 2006." |
[47] | "Paul Weinzweig was born in 1943 and grew up in Toronto, Canada where he received his formal education. He is the older son of John Weinzweig, a prolific composer and university teacher of contemporary musical composition, celebrated as "the dean of Canadian composers" and Helen Weinzweig, a late blooming, award winning Canadian novelist and short story writer. Paul earned a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Toronto (1970) and went on to do volunteer research work in West Africa at a community mental health project. He has taught in the social sciences at several Canadian universities and helped to pioneer and present televised distance education. Paul served as Associate Director of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations where he managed negotiations between university teachers and the new provincial distance education authority (TV Ontario) that laid the ground rules for the participation of university teachers in the new electronic educational media." |
[48] | Amazon book description of Paulina Zelitsky's The Sea is Only Knee Deep - Volume 1: "Paulina returned to the Soviet Union in 1987 to help to forge the cooperation between Soviet and American submarine builders during Perestroika." |
[49] | "In 1987, during the advent of Perestroika, Paul was invited to the Soviet Union where his book on creativity and self-realization was published in Russian. The book became a best-seller and he was encouraged to make a television series for Soviet Central Television based on the book's themes. The 14-part TV series ("To the Promised Land..."), blending Russian performing arts with talks on social and psychological change, became part of a fund-raising effort by Paul and his wife Paulina to support the renowned but struggling Natalya Sats Musical Theater." |
[50] | October 10, 2002, Washington Post, 'Atlantis In Cuban Depths or Anomaly?' |
[51] | "In the late 1990s, with his wife and partner Paulina Zelitsky, Paul helped organize and manage a company that conducted deep ocean archaeological exploration." |
[52] | *) January 14, 1998, Miami Herald, 'Coalition forms to urge withdrawal of Cuban embargo': " A group of business, government and religious leaders announced Tuesday the creation of a coalition to press for ending the U.S. ban on sales of food and medicine to Cuba. The group, called Americans for Humanitarian Trade With Cuba, includes David Rockefeller, chairman of his family's trust; Archer Daniels Midland chairman Dwayne Andreas; and former U.S. officials Carla Hills, President Reagan's trade representative, and Lloyd Bentsen, President Clinton's first treasury secretary. With little more than a week before Pope John Paul II travels to Cuba, the coalition is seeking to portray the 36-year U.S. trade embargo as inhumane and unworthy of U.S. ideals, calling it the harshest in the world. The pope has also criticized the trade ban, which raises Cuba's costs by forcing it to rely on more-distant exporters. ... Retired Army Gen. John J. Sheehan, former head of the U.S. Atlantic Command, recalled that he supervised processing of nearly 40,000 Cuban refugees seeking U.S. asylum at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, beginning in 1994. Many were children suffering from malnutrition, he said. ..." *) July 28, 1999,, 'Cuban Americans Storm Washington Demanding Lawmakers End USMedicine and Food Embargo on Cuba': "PRNewswire -- A jumbo jetliner of over 200 Cuban Americans from Miami working to end the US food and medicine embargo on Cuba will land in Washington, DC, today for a press conference with elected officials at 12:30, House Triangle, Capitol Lawn, and Hill meetings. The visit tops a recent chain of events analysts say is provoking lawmakers' to remove humanitarian restrictions from current embargo policy. ... Americans For Humanitarian Trade With Cuba is a national bipartisan coalition of American business, political, Cuban American, medical, labor and religious leaders focused solely on restoring sales of U.S. food and medical supplies to Cuba. Based in Washington DC, AHTC has 25 State Councils across the US, many chaired by Cuban Americans. Advisory Council: Carla Anderson Hills ... Frank C. Carlucci ... A.W. Clausen ... Francis Ford Coppola ... Richard E. Feinberg ... Mark O Hatfield ... Elliot L. Richardson ... David Rockefeller ... James Rodney Schlesinger ... General John J. Sheehan (retired) ... Oliver Stone ... Paul A. Volcker ... John Whitehead ... Source: Americans For Humanitarian Trade With Cuba." *) May 20, 2004, PRNewswire, 'Prominent American Leaders Call Upon Administration to Lift All Restrictions on Humanitarian Trade and Travel to Cuba': "A bipartisan group of prominent business leaders, ex-government officials, elected officials and humanitarian leaders from across the nation today, in an open letter to President Bush, called on the administration to work with the majority of members of Congress who seek to lift all restrictions on humanitarian trade and free travel to Cuba. ... The letter was issued by Americans For Humanitarian Trade With Cuba (AHTC) ... [Letter signed by:] David Rockefeller ... Carla Anderson Hills ... Paul Volcker ... Frank Carlucci ... James Schlesinger ... John Whitehead ... General Jack Sheehan ... Peter H. Coors ... Craig L. Fuller ... Francis Ford Coppola ... Oliver Stone ... A.W. Clausen..." *) April 26, 2005, PR Newswire, 'US American Industry gets prepared for Cuba; foundation of an official "US-Cuba Trade Association"': "PR Newswire - More than thirty companies, state agencies, and organizations from 19 states announced the official formation of the U.S.-Cuba Trade Association (USCTA). ... The Association's Board of Advisors, chaired by William D. Rogers, former Assistant Secretary of State and a Vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates, includes David Rockefeller; Carla Hills ... Frank Carlucci ... James Schlesinger ... A.W. Clausen..." *) (accessed October 6, 2012): "Board of advisors: Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State, Colin Powell; David Rockefeller, Rockefeller Center Properties; Carla Anderson Hills, Former U.S. Trade Representative; Frank Carlucci, Former Secretary of Defense; A.W. Clausen, Former CEO, Bank of America; Former President of World Bank; Craig Fuller, Former Chief of Staff for VP Bush; James Schlesinger, Former Director of CIA and former Sec. of Defense; ... [the rest of the board not interesting] ... Francis Ford Coppola, Producer/Director; Oliver Stone, Producer/Director." |
[53] | ISGP has a separate article on this. |
[54] | *) Helms grandfather and younger brother were members of the Pilgrims Society, which also included John D. Rockefeller Jr., Nelson Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker, John Whitehead, George Shultz, Peter Peterson and many others. *) Henry Kissinger wrote the foreword of Richard Helms' 2003 biography: A look over my shoulder: a life in the Central Intelligence Agency. *) May 27, 1983, Washington Post, 'Presents and Formers For Kissinger's Birthday': "Henry Kissinger, former You Know What, brought out an international pack of political swells this evening, gathered together at a private dinner-dance at the Pierre Hotel to celebrate his day of birth. David Rockefeller was there. A host of other Formers, including Helmut Schmidt, Peter G. Peterson, Lady Bird Johnson, Happy Rockefeller, Jihan Sadat and Richard Helms were there. ... The highest ranking Present present, from the political point of view, was probably George Shultz." |
[55] | *) Wilfried Huismann is the person who produced 'Rendezvous with Death'. There's every indication that he is an ultra-right-wing propagandist. In 2001 he produced a documentary about "Henry Kissinger’s involvement in Chile, Vietnam and Colombia ... [and] Kissinger himself [being] responsible for the deployment of "weapons of mass destruction" in Vietnam, as well as during the invasion of Cambodia." He then produced a documentary about the CIA-overthrown Salvador Allende, claiming that "the Soviet Union let Salvador Allende fall because they did not believe in his nonviolent revolution." Did another German documentary on Pinchet, undoubtedly skipping CIA involvement and support from ultra-right corners of the American Security Council, Le Cercle and the WACL. Most recently he did an expose on the WWF. *) Gus Russo helped Huismann in creating his documenary. Having worked with PBS, CBS and ABC, Russo has made a career out of upholding the official JFK story. *) Der Spiegel, 'JFK Assassination: Did Castro Kill Kennedy?': "A new documentary slated to run on German TV this Friday uncovers new evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered President Kennedy on behalf of the regime of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. The film also claims that the KGB recommended Oswald to Havana as the man for the job. ... Sources in the film claim that Cuban intelligence agents contracted Lee Harvey Oswald, a willing drifter, to kill the president in retaliation for several foiled assassination attempts plotted by JFK's brother, then-attorney general Robert Kennedy, against Castro. ... Oscar Marino, a former Cuban secret agent who has broken with Castro, tells the camera that Havana wanted Kennedy dead because "he was an enemy of the Cuban Revolution" -- a sworn and public enemy who had even sent a team of CIA-contracted militants to overthrow Castro in 1961. (That mission failed at the Bay of Pigs.) "Why did we take Oswald?" he says. "There wasn't anyone else. You take what you can get ... Oswald volunteered to kill Kennedy." The film will air on the German public TV channel ARD on Friday and Huismann says there are currently no plans to distribute it in the United States. ... General Alexander Haig, for example, thinks Kennedy's successor, President Lyndon B. Johnson, "was convinced Castro killed Kennedy, and he took it to his grave." ... Keenan, 81, is another source for Huismann. He was an FBI agent sent personally by J. Edgar Hoover to Mexico City in the days after Kennedy's assassination to investigate claims that Oswald had some connection with the Cuban embassy there. After three and a half days, he was recalled. "I was a messenger," he says in the film -- intended to deliver the news to elements of the Cuban government that Washington wouldn't push the case. "It was clear I was being used. I felt ashamed," Keenan says in the film. "We missed a historical chance" to clear up the assassination. Huismann also talks to a retired surgeon in Madrid named Rolando Cubela, who became a rival of Castro's after helping him lead the 1959 revolution. In the documentary, Cubela claims the CIA contracted him to kill Castro with a poisonous fountain pen. This mission -- meant to occur on Nov. 22, 1963, the very day Kennedy died -- failed, and Castro is still in charge of Cuba almost 43 years later. "He bested us," says retired CIA officer Sam Halpern at the end of Huismann's film. "He came out on top. And we lost." ... Huismann is a German who has lived in Chile and made previous films about both Castro and Salvador Allende. He co-wrote "Rendezvous With Death" with Gus Russo..." *) General Alexander Haig in 'Rendezvous with Death': "I participated in [the Cuban Coordinating Committee] as a covert action [operative], as a young major, assigned to Cy Vance, who was then secretary of the army. There were a number of program which I can describe that were bound to provoke Castro. For example, the conduct of three raids a week against Cuba itself. Bridges were demolished, sugar mills, other facilities of the Cuban infrastructure. Bobby, I am confident with the knowledge of his brother, conducted at least eight attempts to assassinate Castro. Now, during out covert program that I was involved with, which were the raids against mainland Cuba, we were constantly warned by reports from Havana from Castro himself: stop, stop. ... Following the swearing in of Lyndon Johnson, he came to Washington immediately. He convened a meeting in Robert McNamara's office, attended by the Cuban Coordinating Committee. And in that meeting he said: "We simply must not allow the American people to believe that Fidel Castro could have killed our president." And the reason was that there would be a right-wing uprising in America, which would keep the Democratic Party out of power for two generations. He was convinced Castro killed Kennedy and he took it to his grave. During that meeting I received a message, which I assumed came from the Central Intelligence Agency. I think it did. And in it it described the visit not just to Mexico but to Cuba by Lee Harvey Oswald under the auspices of the Mexican embassy. Now, I brought that message immediately to the meeting, because they were dealing with the subject with the Cuban Coordinating Committee and our covert programs, etc. And I was sent a message from that meeting that this was a non-message, that I had not seen it." |
[56] | (accessed: May 15, 2014) |
[57] | 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies', p. 74: "Frank Gigliotti [one-time assistant to a hypnotist; Presbyterian clergyman; worked with teenage boys, for whom he organized a social club named the Guiseppe Mazzini Club; recruited by the OSS; active in Italy] of the US Masonic Lodge personally recruited Gelli and instructed him to set up an anti-Communist parallel government in Italy in close cooperation with the CIA station in Rome. 'It was Ted Shackley, director of all covert operations of the CIA in Italy in the 1970s', an internal report of the Italian anti-terrorism unit confirmed, 'who presented the chief of the Masonic Lodge to Alexander Haig'. According to the document, Nixon's Military adviser General Haig [a later Pilgrims Society executive], who had commanded US troops in vietnam and thereafter from 1974 to 1979 served as NATO's SACEUR, and Nixon's National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger [Le Cercle] 'authorized Gelli in the fall of 1969 to recruit 400 high ranking Italian and NATO officers into his lodge'. (60)... the secretive anti-Communist P2 members list confiscated [in 1981] counted at least 962 members, with total leadership estimated at 2,500... 52 were high-ranking officers of the Carabinieri paramilitary police, 50 were high-ranking officers of the Italian Army, 37 were high-ranking officers of the Finance Police, 29 were high-ranking officers of the Italian Navy, 11 were Presidents of the police, 70 were influential and wealthy industrialists, 10 were Presidents of banks, 3 were acting Ministers, 2 were former Ministers, 1 was President of a political party, 38 were members of parliament and 14 were high-ranking judges. Others on lower levels of the social hierarchy were mayors, Directors of hospitals, lawyers, notaries and journalists." |
[58] | John P. Judge, audio can be heard in the 8-hour long 2006 documentary 'Evidence of Revision: The Assassination of America' (be careful of the over-focus on LBJ in the JFK assassination): "They had medical tags, that you can even see in Time magazine, on the [murdered Jonestown] people, but an order came down from Zbigniew Brzezinski, through Haig, through Robert Pastor, on site to strip bodies of all identification and tags." A full transcript can be found on ISGP, as well as a basic background on John Judge, who appears to have been a security state asset. |
[59] | James Woolsey had a 1993 dinner with soon-to-be Coast to Coast AM regular Steven Greer. Also present was Coast to Coast AM visitor John Petersen, head of the Arlington Institute, where Woolsey was also a director. Other directors of the Arlington Institute were Coast to Coast AM visitors Catherine Austin Fitts and UFO cultist Joe Firmage. Joe Firmage has been financing Coast to Coast AM visitors Robert and Ryan Wood (MJ-12 document researchers) and UFO researcher Michael Lindemann. Bill Moore, an associate of the Arlington Institute who has conducted an interview with Woolsey, has been invited to Coast to Coast AM. Through CSIS and such Woolsey is also close to liberal establishment elites who have their own connections to various leading Coast to Coast AM visitors. Woolsey's close neocon ally, Frank Gaffney, founder of the Center for Security Policy, where Woolsey used to be co-chair, has been a highly unusual guest at Coast to Coast AM. Then there is leading Coast to Coast AM regular Richard Hoagland, who appears to have long-standing connections to the Center for Security Policy's George Keyworth II. |
[60] | August 11, 2013, Steven Greer in a speech at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center: "Over the last decade I've provided maybe around $800,000 in grants to various inventors and teams who wanted to try to do this. They either couldn't do it by themselves working out of their garage or once they close and knew they could do it [they were shut down]. Like a few years ago, a man who did contract work for the CIA for years, and now down at Redstone Arsenal, under contract for the intelligence community... He was trained by William S. Bener at the University of Washington. ... He came forward. He said, 'Look, my handlers, or Shepards he called them, in the intelligence community... I can work with you not on something that flies, like a UFO, ... but I can work on building a stationary object that can run your house and car and business without pollution, off the grid, based on a zero point energy science.' ... So I did [provide the funding]. About the time that thing was gonna get operational, within sixty days of delivery - and he is doing this in his spare time. At his farm, not to far from Huntsville, Alabama - ... A former CIA director, who I had briefed, and who then betrayed us and became chief counsel of Booz, Allen, Hamilton [James Woolsey], the same outfit Snowden worked for, showed up at his command, his SCIF, which was a Secure Communications and Intelligence Facility, with a team of people who threatened him, his wife. And basically this guy said, "I'm outta here."" |
[61] | December 3, 2009, Toronto Star, 'Caledon woman's Mexican arrest 'crazy,' lawyer says': "An Ontario woman has been unlawfully arrested and detained in Mexico City, according to her Mexican lawyer and Canadian relatives. Paulina Zelitsky, 64, of Caledon was detained Monday without a warrant in Mexico City, moments after stepping off an airplane, said her Mexican lawyer, Roberto Garcia. Reached in Mexico City by telephone Wednesday night, Garcia told the Star that five police officers were waiting for Zelitsky at Mexico City International Airport. They whisked her into custody and she was held at a district attorney's office until Tuesday. She is now being held at a Mexico City prison called Santa Martha Acatitla, which houses about 2,000 inmates, Garcia said. Zelitsky is facing fraud charges and awaiting trial. Garcia said the charges against his client are unwarranted and her arrest was executed outside of the law. "Yes, this is irregular, it is not common," Garcia said. "This is not how it works in Mexican regulation but this is what happened." Garcia explained that according to Mexican law, an arrest without a warrant can only be made under two scenarios: if someone is caught in the act of committing a crime, or if there has been proof of caso urgente, or "urgent case." To prove "caso urgente," there must be sufficient evidence an individual is attempting to evade arrest by fleeing the country. In Zelitsky's case, no such argument can be made, he said. "She was arriving to the country. How can you say that she wanted to avoid Mexican justice?" Garcia said. "This is crazy." According to her family members, Zelitsky was flying to Mexico City on a business trip on Monday. She is the managing director of a Mexican-based company called Integrated Control Systems, which provides high-tech security solutions to government and industries. According to her husband and business partner, Paul Weinzweig, his wife's arrest was orchestrated by Mexican businessmen who believe ICS owes them money. Weinzweig said the Department of Foreign Affairs notified him of his wife's detainment on Monday. A spokesperson for Foreign Affairs said Wednesday night the ministry is "investigating reports of a Canadian who was arrested in Mexico City, Mexico." "The Canadian mission in Mexico City is in contact with local authorities to gather additional information, and is providing consular assistance as required," said Alain Cacchione in an email. Zelitsky's husband is the son of renowned composer and Order of Canada officer John Weinzweig. Zelitsky has worked extensively as an oceanographer and in 2000, she led a team of deep-ocean explorers that discovered underwater stone formations near Cuba, believed by some to be a lost city. Both Garcia and the family believe Zelitsky's legal imbroglio stems from a business deal that occurred four years ago. Under the deal, a politically connected businessman named Jorge Martinez and his three brothers were to invest $1 million U.S. in ICS in return for shares of the company. But allegedly, the Martinez brothers only invested three-quarters of the promised amount and were never awarded the shares, said Zelitsky's son Edward Tapanes, who worked with his mother at ICS at the time. In 2007, the Martinez brothers filed a civil suit against Zelitsky but that was never resolved due to lack of evidence, Tapanes said. Zelitsky wound up leaving Mexico in 2008 soon after an attempt was made on her life. According to Mexican news reports, Zelitsky was the victim of a failed kidnapping attempt in the municipality of Cunduacán, after an "armed commando" fired three shots at her chauffeured vehicle. Her family said the incident left her shaken and she only decided to fly back this Monday because she felt enough time had passed. Garcia explained that the Martinez brothers had actually filed a criminal complaint against Zelitsky in August, which was used to secure her arrest. They purport that Zelitsky evaded arrest by leaving Mexico in November 2008, an argument that holds no water considering she wasn't charged until 10 months later, Garcia said. Zelitsky's family believes officials have been bribed to secure her arrest. The Martinez brothers come from a politically connected and wealthy family. Tapanes, who was able to reach his mother on Tuesday, said the Martinez brothers approached Zelitsky after her arrest and said they could arrange for her immediate release if she paid them a sum of money. He said his mother is feeling "overwhelmed" but is a "very strong lady."" |
[62] | December 23, 2009, (Ontario, Canada), 'Home for the holidays: a Caledon woman's Christmas miracle is freedom from Mexican prison' (Caledon Enterprise Exclusive): "Paulina Zelitsky is happy to be home. In fact, the 64-year-old Caledon resident is happy to be alive. Just a few weeks ago, Zelitsky thought she was going to be in a Mexican prison for a year. "I would have died," she said. "If I had stayed there that long, I would have died." Zelitsky is the Director of Integrated Control Systems and Marine Services. Her business is security technologies. On Nov. 30, she flew to Mexico City when invited by PEMEX, Mexico's state-owned petroleum company, to give a presentation on security technologies her company was currently installing for PEMEX. As referenced in the Dec. 13, 2009 Washington Post article, Mexico's drug cartels siphon liquid gold, drug traffickers in Mexico are reportedly using sophisticated drills, rubber hose, and fleets of stolen trucks to tap into pipelines and steal oil. Zelitsky says that one method of masking the activity is to pump water back into the pipeline, preventing a pressure drop in the system and making detection more difficult. Her company has developed a technology to detect it and she has been part of four different contracts with PEMEX in the last five years. She was going to Mexico City to give a presentation on 'detection and location of intrusions' technology. And that is when she was arrested. "I was arrested in the airport, but I wouldn't call it arrested, I would call it kidnapped," said Zelitsky. According to the Caledon resident, she was grabbed by Mexican police without any charges or any warrant or court order, and put into the back of a car where she waited for an hour and a half without contact. She says that the conversations of police made it clear they didn't know why they were arresting her. "They didn't know why," she said, "They said they were told to bring me for questioning." And her story gets more intense as she began to deal with the authorities. According to Zelitsky, she was then taken to the office of Ministerial Police of the City of Mexico where she sat in a cubicle for four hours before they let her call PEMEX to cancel the meeting, and call the Canadian Embassy for aid. She said it was thanks to the help of a female officer that the Canadian embassy was even called. The embassy then contacted Zelitsky's husband Paul Weinzweig, here in Caledon, and he in turn contacted her corporate lawyer in the City of Mexico. Her corporate lawyer, said Zelitsky, asked her permission to have a team of attorneys in Mexico, Zinser-Esonda Abogados [Zinser, Esponda y Gómez Mont, Abogados 199-2008 - Fernando Gomez Mont was minister of the interior 2008-2010,following up his predecessor who died in a plane crash], handle her case. She was told this legal firm is very well known in Mexico for their effective fight against corruption and injustice, even at the highest political level. They informed her, in the Ministerial Police Office late that night, that the Mexican investor in her company came to the department the same night to file accusations about her taking the money he invested on the false pretence that she would work for PEMEX, and that instead she fled to Canada with the money without ever doing the work. Having a Mexican business partner is a requirement of Mexican law. She says she told her new legal team that she had five years of formal legal evidence to the contrary, that Pemex too would have evidence to the contrary. She says she spent the night on a couch in the police detachment, where the only thing to keep her warm was a baby blanket given to her by the kind female officer. At noon the next day, she states, her lawyers arrived and told her more details of the accusations. They said that a procedural matter in Mexico could take up to a year, but that they liked the case and they would be willing to handle it, and could expedite the evidence should her family assume the large cost for their services. She agreed to pay and waited for the results of their negotiations with the Attorney General. When they returned, "They told me the Attorney General was insist(ing) that it still be full process with review of all evidence, and that meanwhile I would wait one year in prison." She said that she was unable to eat or sleep by that time and her feeling was simply: Despair. At approximately 12:30 a.m., she says she was transported to a jail, placed into a dirty, semi-open washroom at the entrance and told to remove all her clothing. She did, thinking she would get a prison uniform. But, she says, a pile of dirty clothes covered in human feces was her option, so she chose to remain naked in the cold washroom. The temperature in Mexico City that night was approximately 0 C. "I was freezing," she said. "My feet hurt from my high heel shoes, and I could hardly stand, but I was not putting on those clothes." After an hour of standing naked in the cold washroom, Zelitsky says that prison staff brought her a cleaner sweat suit. Then, she was taken to a section of the prison designated for drug trafficking, and she was put into a dark cell with other women ranging from 66-79-years-old. "It was incredible," she said. "I was the baby." There were no beds in the cell, so, Zelitsky says, the women made a spot for her on the floor, next to the hole that served as the latrine. The next day, she was taken to the director's office because the Canadian Embassy called requesting to talk to her. She claims he told her that she had no right to a phone call longer than two minutes, and when she complained to him that her clothes were not separated and registered for her departure he answered that it didn't matter anyway because she wouldn't see freedom for at least six months. "It was just intimidation all the time," she said. "Just intimidation." She says that the Canadian Embassy linked a phone call to her husband and she physically fought off prison staff to keep talking. She told her husband to do whatever was needed to get her free. That she would die if she stayed in the prison. She says she still could not eat and felt very weak and cold. Weinzweig began to transfer money through the embassy to get her a blanket, and clothes, but luckily for Zelitsky, a Mexican judge heard her case that night and threw it out based on lack of evidence. She was to be freed. It was approximately midnight. When prison staff tried to make her exit the front door, in only the beltless sweat suit, and without a penny in her pocket, she says refused out of fear of being kidnapped or killed outside the prison doors. The location was remote, about a two hour drive from Mexico City. During her argument with that staff, her team of lawyers contacted the prison and said she was going to be arrested again, this time by the immigration department, because she had no documents. Out of desperation she agreed and she was taken to an immigration detention centre. "What was I to do," she said. "At least they had beds." According to Zelitsky, the lawyers told her that her fears were true, that six cars with kidnappers were waiting for her at the front gates of the prison that night, and they needed to get her to safety in some other fashion. One of her lawyers showed up with her passport, and she was set free. It was 3 a.m. She spent the next six days being moved between different safe houses until the Mexican judge made a final decision that all criminal allegations should be removed due to a lack of evidence and she was escorted to the airport by her lawyers on December 12, bought a plane ticket and flew home to Toronto. "Just like that," she said. "They told me that I couldn't imagine what had gone on to set me free." The lesson for Zelitsky, after a stint in prison, and what she says have been two failed assassination attempts on her life in the last two years, "It was stupid to take the risk once again. It is not business per usual any longer and traditional business instinct is not a right counsellor in such extreme situations. I have to think about what it could have cost. And that could have been my life." But today, no matter the cost, Paulina Zelitsky and Paul Weinzweig has exactly what they want for Christmas. Each other."" |
[63] | November 19, 2001, Linda Moulton Howe for Earthfiles, 'Update on Underwater Megalithic Structures near Western Cuba': |
[64] | December 23, 2009, (Ontario, Canada), 'Home for the holidays: a Caledon woman's Christmas miracle is freedom from Mexican prison' (Caledon Enterprise Exclusive). See note 62. |
[65] | March 15, 2011, Journal of Energy Security, 'The Perilous Intersection of Mexico’s Drug War & Pemex': "The stillness of early Sunday morning December 19, 2010 was shattered by a thunderous explosion. Residents across San Martin Texmelucan, a small town about 60 miles from Mexico City, were awakened to the latest, and one of the most deadly incidents, involving possible fuel theft at Pemex, Mexico’s national oil company. Many were more than just jolted awake: Over 100 homes were damaged or completely destroyed; 30 people perished and more than 50 were injured. It was a national calamity for a nation and state oil firm that sorely did not need it. ... Indeed, oil—and energy more broadly—is not a sector of the economy where Mexico needs any further impediments. Pemex’s huge hurdles, which are derived largely from its inability to replace declining oil production and navigate a burdensome nationalistic legacy, are legendary. ... Pemex, due to its onerous fiscal and tax regime, accounts for about 40 percent of the government’s budget. ... Without broad tax and fiscal reform in the nation, Pemex will remain a financial linchpin, albeit an increasingly tenuous one. ... Cantarell catapulted Mexico and Pemex into position as one of the world’s most important oil exporting nations, particularly in the Western Hemisphere. Nowhere was this more evident than in the oil commerce between Mexico and its northern neighbor, the United States. Thanks to [the supergiant] Cantarell [oil field], Mexico became, after Canada, the United States’ most trusted supplier of foreign oil. ... The facts are unfortunate but fairly plain to see: Mexico’s oil production is in serious decline. In 2004, Pemex oil production peaked just below 3.5 million barrels per day (mbd); in 2009, it dipped to roughly 2.7 mbd. And though some success at stabilization has been made, production in 2010 still ended at just under 2.6 mbd." |
[66] | March 4, 2014, Huffington Post, 'Pemex Blues: The Downside to Mexican Energy Reform': "Trickle-down economics and all of its bunk theories aside, corruption is the other problem everyone is thinking about but nobody is really talking about with concern to this plan. Currently, Pemex supplies Mexico with one third of all its revenue, paying nearly $70 billion in taxes on a 99.7% tax rate." |
[67] | March 4, 2014, Huffington Post, 'Pemex Blues: The Downside to Mexican Energy Reform': "To the casual observer, one third of all revenue from a single source should seem a little odd given the diversity of other economies with similar GDP's to Mexico. And indeed it should be a red flag to the average Mexican citizen given that Pemex Executives and Mexican politicians have reportedly embezzled billions of dollars from the nationalized corporation. Peña-Nieto's plan fails to address such corruption." |
[68] | Sources for complete CIA and Mexican government complicity in the Mexican drug trade are in sources related to DEA agent Kiki Camarena's death. |
[69] | (Accessed: March 31, 2014): "Before he joined VantagePoint in March 2008, Mr. Woolsey was a Partner with Booz Allen Hamilton in McLean, Virginia, specializing in energy and security issues..." |
[70] | March 15, 2011, Journal of Energy Security, 'The Perilous Intersection of Mexico’s Drug War & Pemex'. |
[71] | (Accessed: March 31, 2014): "Paulina Zelitsky, P. Eng Representative of Fiber Sensys Inc. ... [Perimeter] Security and Investigations. Groups and Associations: 01 The Pipelines Security Group. Distributed Sensing. Fiber Optic Sensors." |
[72] | 2005, Joseph Trento, 'Prelude to Terror', pp. 17-18, 53, 131: "Most of Robert Crowley's work in managing the CIA's connections with business was with huge corporations like International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) and Ford. But, he explained, "sometimes we would suggest someone go off on their own. Sometimes the Agency needed more control. It was much easier to simply set someone up in business like Bush and let him take orders." ... Sherwood confirmed that Bush's specific role was "to provide cover to allow our people to set up training facilities and invasion launch points against Cuba in the 1960-61 period. ... We had to pay off politicians in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and elsewhere. Bush's company was used as a conduit for these funds under the guise of oil business contracts. We used his company to find Cuban refugees jobs. Bush wasn't even told what the money was for, although he damn well knew what we were up to." John Sherwood went to great pains to point out that Bush's role was not covert. "He never did any spying, he simply helped his government arrange to place people with oil companies he did business with. ... The major breakthrough was when we were able, through Bush, to place people in PEMEX--the big Mexican national oil operation." PEMEX, with a long history of corruption, was also a longtime target for CIA infiltration. It was Bush's bizarre involvement with a Mexican national and longtime CIA asset, Jorge Diaz Serrano, that left the only Bush-CIA paper trail. Serrano would eventually rise through the Mexican oil business to assume command of PEMEX [1976-1982], only to be later convicted of stealing tens of millions of dollars. ... According to William Corson, the CIA had recruited Diaz Serrano to assist in logistics involving the anti-Castro efforts. ... Bush's relationship with Diaz Serrano began [through] Edwin Pawley... [In the early 1970s] Wilson reactivated another one of his agents from the 1960s, Ricardo Chavez... Wilson used him for one of his most successful operations: penetrating the Mexican political hierarchy. As Wilson put it, Chavez's wife's family "was very well connected with the President of Mexico, and through her family we recruited the top people in PEMEX and the Mexican government. ... We operated right out of the President's office and home. ... Quintero and Chavez were virtually taking over a CIA/Army Intelligence operation. They planned to use three different companies: API, Fijamex, and a new Bermuda-based company, International Research and Trade (IRT), that would prove to be very important to Shackley, Secord, Clines, and von Marbod. API would submit a bid to Fijamex for a contract offered by PEMEX. [whole scheme is explained]" |
[73] | May 8, 1987, New York Times, 'Pemex Case Sentencing': "Jorge Diaz Serrano, the former head of the Mexican state oil monopoly Pemex, has been sentenced to 10 years in jail on charges of personally enriching himself during his tenure. The sentence handed down Wednesday also ordered Mr. Diaz Serrano to pay the Government $54 million to cover losses it suffered because of an embezzlement scheme that was said to have netted him $34 million. Mr. Diaz Serrano headed Pemex during the 1976-81 oil boom years and was once considered a potential candidate for the presidency of Mexico. He has maintained his innocence since his arrest in July 1983 and has said he would appeal the verdict." |
[74] | 2002 (estimated), Edgar Evans Cayce, 22 minute speech on ARE cd-rom (21:30): "I had some correspondence with [Paul] Weinzweig. I asked him if he ever heard of Edgar Cayce and he said he had, and that he had great respect for him. I sent him a copy of a book and he said he would let me know what happens down there." |