My Own UFO Encounters - And Some Related Psychic Experiences
- Intro
UFOs - Late 1980s: dancing lights
- Mid 1990s: a strange "comet"
- 2023: "something" over my house
- Conclusion: Get your own experiences
Extra experiences - Seeing-the-future-experiences
- Almost out-of-body experience?
- My psychic cockatiel
- The electric snake
- Meridian system
- Hell house
- 1 in 100,000 experience
- Notes
The following story, at least the one from the mid 1990s, was buried deep inside one of the UFO-related articles from 2016 to 2024. Maybe it is about time it is put more to the forefront. In 2020 the U.S. government formally released and acknowledged the authenticity of the "FLIR.mp4," "GOFAST.wmv" and "GIMBAL.wmv" videos 1 And even Shaq is talking about having not seen a UFO, but a typical "flying saucer". 2 And it's not like there's aren't a huge a mount of peculiar sightings going back 1940s. So how can I be left behind?
These are just a few of my experiences. In fact, in the appendices I threw in some extra related experiences, because they are very old experiences for me and maybe it's about time I wrote them down somewhere. It is, in fact, only a small part of all my "weird experiences", but all those other, mainly more recent, ones are being kept behind lock and key for the time being. With all the search engine, social media and other censorship and disinformation going on, there's no point in publishing any of it here. The ratio of honest, curious people versus national security-tied thieves, trolls and disinformers is just way too low at the moment.
You actually used to have forums to share discussions like these. But "free speech zones" in society are dangerous. They always are infiltrated and overseen by the above elements, followed by leaders of the local, national "rent-a-skeptic" chapters flocking in. 3 Hence, I'll just write down the story here. So Google and increasingly other search engines can censor it.
I'm not expecting anyone to believe anything of what I write here. I don't believe Shaq. I don't *not* believe him either. I'm just encouraging people that are interested to try and get their own experiences. That's almost the only thing that counts.
This page actually is a miniature Coast to Coast AM broadcast - except it's a truthful one. Maybe it's also the first article, except the UFO press reports oversight, for a Supernatural Research Center that has been planned for ISGP for over a decade.
Late 1980s: dancing lights
My first experience I can't be 100% certain actually occurred. It would be one of the first experiences I can remember:
I still have this memory of maybe being 5 to 7 years old and being on a camping trip with other kids. My family was there as well. It's night time. I'm lying on my back, looking at the stars. I'm pretty sure I was looking for something "out there". I see two of the "stars" moving. They are swirling and dancing around each other, moving in front of the "other" stars.
I'm mesmerized by it and think of pointing it out to others. But already at this age, somehow, I'm worried that I sound crazy and don't mention it to anyone.
Mid 1990s: a strange "comet"
The following experience I'm 100% certain of:
Back when I was a 13- or 14-year-old kid, camping with my parents in the south of France, I sat down on a chair in the middle of the night, in front of my tent. Having seen plenty of falling stars in my life, I was looking to see something way more interesting: a UFO!
It was just past midnight. The whole camping, situated on a mountain, had gone to sleep. Everything was dead silent. No falling stars could be seen, no planes, barely any clouds, nothing - for about 10 minutes. Then, whoosh! The light you see above appears at the *exact* center of my vision for just a second. It's 50 times larger than any asteroid streak I've seen and it's fully horizontal. It has nothing in common with an asteroid sighting. Or a plane or helicopter sighting for that matter.
Hyper-excited, I run to the caravan (trailer if you will) of my parents, but decide I want to see it again--just to be sure--before waking them up and dragging them outside. So I sit down again. Instantly again: Whoosh! The exact same thing for just a second, and again in the exact center of my vision.
I run back to the caravan again. Again I stop and mentally go: I need to see this again before waking them up. I sit there for another 10 minutes: nothing anymore.
I've sometimes tried to see something at night on other occasions, by making a mental connection of sorts and waiting for a few minutes. I've never seen anything anymore though. Maybe some day I'll try again, more seriously - if I ever get a little bit of a remote location again.
June 10, 2023: "something" over my house
Maybe the following event should be listed in an appendix, or not at all, but I've got to back it up somewhere. So why not here?
On June 7, 2023 I received a friendly email in which someone also asked me about the recent congressional UFO hearings at that time. Rational, polite questions about that subject are quite rare. In the mean time I have researched these (bogus) hearings and wrote a section on it in the Coast to Coast AM article - but at the time of the email I was preoccupied with other things and just blew it off, even semi-bragging that "I've seen stranger things".
Well, three days after replying to that email, I look out the window and see a silver object with lights fly towards my house. I'm instantly intrigued by it, run to get my phone and, as can be seen in the video, am just in time to capture the object flying over my house.
What was it? I don't know. It's an "unidentified flying object" (UFO). There didn't seem to be much wind that day, but it must be said, it exactly came from where the wind was coming from in those hours, which was a rare northern direction. Also the sunlight would roughly have come from about 45-60 degrees to the front-right of the object, so the lights could be sunlight reflecting off it.
It should be clear that any skeptic would instantly dismiss it as a likely piece of tinfoil or a kite. If it moved sideways, it would be dismissed as a drone. All fine, I don't agree or disagree with it. I just found it interesting enough to log here. I've lived in this part of town all my life and never seen anything flying around worth picking up my phone for, except on this occasion.
Conclusion: Get your own experiences
The first experience is too uncertain. The 2023 experience, who knows, maybe it was a tinfoil kite. The 1994 experience though is high strangeness - even though only to me personally. But based on that experience in particular, the logical advice here seems to be: go out and get your own experiences.
Despite the fact that Steven Greer with his CSETI events, and anybody involved in crop circle hoaxing (where small orbs of a different kind regularly are reported) is a disinformer, they seem to be right about one thing: the orb phenomenon can interact with people on a one-to-one basis.
Although there's always some doubt that I may have been mistaken - twice within a minute - to me it also seems clear evidence that some kind of intelligence ''out there'' can communicate with people individually under the right circumstances. I say: Go out into the wild at night and try it yourself. I doubt there's any need for meditation protocols. Maybe it helps to set an intent and connect, but in the end it seems what you mainly need is pure intentions and a natural curiosity. That's what did it for me.
The following episode might be interesting to mention, because it happened in the same period that I had my mid 1990s UFO sighting in France. There might be a connection.
Maybe I should mention something that also is 100 percent, or "essentially" 100 percent, fact to me. At the age of 13 in particular, so around the time I had my main UFO experiences, I also had... dreams of the future. In fact, I had so many dreams of the future it started to scare me.
This happened to me in the first grade of high school. Two episodes I remember vividly. In one I was walking on the main road towards school only to go "*Flash!* Holy shit! I dreamed about this." And I did, as always about two weeks earlier. It's like deja vu. Everything is there exactly as you remember from your dream: the street and the people in it in this case. This was one of the last - possibly the last - of these "future flashes", which was both a pity and a relief because they started to unnerve me.
The better example was me running after someone through class. I don't remember the name of the class, but it was some type of tradecraft thing by a teacher called Mr. Drost. As I am turning into the middle lane, I go, 'Wait, I dreamed this... I'm going to fall and...' right at that moment my crazy red-headed friend Arjan sticks out his leg. I trip over it and almost see myself fly in slow-motion towards a vice. As I'm flying through the air I go, 'Yep, I dreamed this.' *Bang!* My head collides with a steel vice.
Everyone is concerned and comes to see if I'm okay. I'm laughing and say:
"I dreamed this. Two weeks ago. I came through the middle lane and someone sticks out his leg. Normally I'd kill you, but I'll let this one fly."
It wasn't a big deal. In the same class, in the same period, a girl used a pendel on me, in one case in particular very accurately predicting the future. I don't know if I believe in that, but as I said, mentioning this stuff wasn't a big deal.
I last brought this up at my first full-time job, thinking someone described something similar. It wasn't the case though. My experiences were not like, "Oh, it's the same location I dreamed about." No, every detail is the same. It's like stepping into a scene you've been before.
They've never happened again since.
Almost out-of-body experience?
When I was 15 I tried to do my first out-of-body experience, based on material that I had found on the internet. I would just lay quiet, get my body to sleep, while keeping my mind awake, mentally projecting it out of the body. Really within 20 to 30 minutes I would find myself in some kind of unbelievably energetic, vibrating rollercoaster, with the "sound of silence" being absolutely deafening.
This is exactly how the stage before separation has been described by various authors on the subject. Unfortunately, I never actually separated and had that out-of-body experience. Hence, I cannot vouch for the legitimacy of this phenomenon.
What I can say is that as I got older, these experiments got harder. Already around the age of 20, it would take 45 minutes to 2 hours to get anywhere close to the same "roaring, vibrating" space. At that point I would also get a dull pain in my heart and an overwhelming urge to shake my torso, which was inimical to the whole out-of-body experience. I tried it a few times more, but the heart issue sooner or later always sabotaged each session.
Only years later did it become perfectly obvious that the dull heart pain represented a blockage in the meridian system. This is the energetic system used, for example, in acupuncture, but also can be worked with by anyone by themselves at home in a variety of ways. It is a very, very factual energy system. I've personally cured enough chronic diseases with it of which doctors and surgeons told me they "can't be fixed, only medicated", to have any debate about whether or not this energy system exists. It does. End of discussion. But... it's also exactly the kind of stuff that we will not be getting into here.
The point of tossing this in here is the personal suspicion that any kind of psychic or related supernatural abilities either remain dormant or quickly are diminished by blockages that invariably develop in the meridian system as a child grows up. Once you've established that the meridian system is real, it becomes quite a small step to be open to the idea that psychic abilities - despite all the scam artists - *can* be real. They are just mostly dormant with humans. But they may not be so dormant with whatever is flying up there in our skies. At least, my mid 1990s experience strongly points to that.
My psychic cockatiel
This section I copied from the mini-biography on Rupert Sheldrake, one of countless questionable Coast to Coast AM guests, in his case focused on such things as psychic dogs. I have a few experiences of my own to share regarding this phenomenon.
For starters, the dog of my parents, a German Shepherd, doesn't seem to be the slightest bit psychic - and I've been looking for it and observing her. When I occasionally watch the dog when my parents are gone for a day or so, she doesn't respond in any way until she hears the front door open. I can also sneak up on her in every possible way. While there may be differences between breeds and even dogs of the same breed, this one most definitely flunked every test I ever put her through.
Now, on the other hand, when I lived at home we had a cockatiel that lived to the age of 28 or so. I always took it for granted, but looking back, the bird appeared to be completely, 100% reliably psychic. At home I could do whatever the heck I wanted in full view of the main window, because the cockatiel would always let out one particular screech when my mother was about 50 meters / 55 yards away from the front door. He would actually stay all puffed up and sleepy until she actually walked in to the living room, but there always would be this one, unusual screech 30 seconds before the key would enter the front door lock.
It really was so reliable that when friends asked, ''Won't your mother be mad when she walks in right now?'' I'd always say the same thing: ''Don't worry, the bird will warn us. When he makes the single *pèèèèp* sound, we have about 30 seconds before she walks in.'' If I walked upstairs while stuff would be on the living room table I didn't want my mother to see, I wouldn't bother removing it, but left the living room door open, so I'd hear the bird's screech. The bird's "warning beacon" was 100% reliable, no matter what the season, the weather, the type of shoes (noise), or the wind direction (smell).
The bird couldn't see my mother until she stepped into the living room, at which point he would finally unpuff and ask for attention. Apart from that it's not even remotely credible to suggest he could hear her walking outside through very thick reinforced concrete walls and double pane windows that isolated sound - from a relatively busy two lane road with a tram in the middle - extremely well. Cars, cyclists, trams and other pedestrians would come by continually. Ironically, the bird never-ever responded when my mother sat in the tram that rushed by the window before she got out and walked back to the house. He only did it consistently when she was about 50 meters / 55 yards out, walking to the front door.
In similar fashion, my grandmother always remarked how the bird would know if I was about to arrive (after being gone on vacation for 3 weeks) when I was about 50 meters away, whether I'd be walking, on a bicycle, or in my car. The bird would always get hyper-excited at this point. Maybe it's sound (though I never noticed the bird having super-hearing on other occasions), maybe it's electromagnetics, but it might just as well be chi and/or some kind of energy field that the bird was tapping into. The idea that it can smell you seems silly. It's too consistent for that, with too much concrete, glass and doors in the way.
The real problem seems to be that simply no proper research has been done on this subject, while it appears to be such an unbelievably easy phenomenon to demonstrate. Then again, I looked all over the internet for information on psychic cockatiels. Couldn't find anything. That's about as weird as the phenomenon I observed myself.
The electric snake
The following is a log of mine from an event that happened on June 25, 2018, at 1 a.m., in my parents' house:
"Mother apps from the United States: I need to go water the plants. Told her to get an automatic watering set, but whatever, it's a luxury home. I finish up setting up my Cambo shroom set and I go over. Arrive at midnight. Give some water. Sit down at the kitchen bar. Only a small light where I'm working a little on laptop. Having done so much construction lately, I start to wonder how my father constructed the row of lights in the ceiling at the sliding door to the patio. I notice he drew a long wire along the ceiling from the garage through a casing and that the lights are in a plastic casing screwed onto the ceiling. Content, I go back to work. It's about 1 AM, deafening quiet and almost totally dark.
No more than a few minutes later, electric ticks emerge from the wire casing I was looking at (never touched it). They are synchronized: every half second the tick moves on a meter or so. The ticks move along the wire (where nothing is attached) and then through the light row - like an electric snake. It's eerie and weird. I've never heard that and I've been working here quite a few times alone at night under (almost) similar light conditions.
After about 20 minutes of silence the "electric snake" is back: exact same movement of the ticks. I'm a little unnerved, but I ignore it and continue to work on my laptop. Seconds later a similar ticking patterns emerges 2 meters in front of me from all the electrical appliances in the kitchen: nespresso machine, kitchen light (the only one that is on... but it doesn't flicker), blender, microwave, oven: they all tick once, from the left to the right in a synchronized manner.
While I'm looking wide-eyed into the kitchen, a similar rather loud synchronized ticking pattern emerges from the living room to my back-left: *tick*, *tick*, *tick*, *tick*: amplifier, radio, front speaker (or a double tick from amplifier-radio), television. I walk over: *tick*, *tick*, *tick*, *tick*: the television is producing the loudest tick, several times.
I go, "fuck this" and want to go home. Too much of a trip though, so I put on my headphones, dance to my new song - Chris Brown's Freaky Friday (more like Freaky Sunday) - and continue to work on my laptop."
Later on I hear from my parents that there is no electrical wire along the ceiling where the ticking first started. To this day I'm wondering if anyone else would have heard the ticks if they were there, or if the growing "mushies" back home were playing a psychic joke on me. Psychic connections with the mycelium and live schrooms are pretty normal to me, even after having not taken them for a year-plus. But nothing of this kind has ever happened.
Meridian system
This one is quite straightforward. The meridian system is the energy system as first described thousands of years ago in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupressure, acupuncture and many forms of qigong. In 2010 I started to create my own system with this, which lead me to cure a number of chronic diseases that doctors said could not be cured. In the process I have had many "energetic experieces" that I still need to write an article about.
Hell house
This one stays very, very secret for now. But it was, and possibly still remains, a major, physical mystery.
The 1 in 100,000 experiment
This mystery can be read at The mystery goes deeper tahn even described there, but if the full story will ever be told, I do not know.
- April 29, 2020, CNN, 'Pentagon officially releases UFO videos'.
- May 18, 2021, Jimmy Kimmel Live, 'Shaq on Kobe’s Hall of Fame Induction, Seeing a UFO & Most Expensive Thing He Ever Bought a Stranger'.
*) Conspiracy forums speak for themselves. It's just an endless stream of disinformation. In 2005 I briefly tried discussing on the forums attached to about 9/11 and was bullied out in minutes by all the no-plane pushers that formed one block to attack you.
*) Every Reddit conspiracy forum has superadmins that have always streneously blocked any posts about ISGP, preferring talk about chemtrails and other cookie-cutter disinformation. There are lots of complaints about a lack of freedom on Reddit.
*) Jan. 19, 2015, Omroep Brabant, 'Medium Robbert van den Broeke ontkent versturen gruwelijke foto's en bedreigingen: 'Dit ben ik niet'': "Constantia Oomen ... for years has been critical of the work of [prominent fake crop circle medium and media darling] Van den Broeke, is also involved in Stichting Skepsis [Skepsis Foundation] and at internet forums, such as [the largest Dutch forum] very critical of the West-Brabant medium."
*) Already in the 2000s I personally saw 9/11-no-planers and other disinformers active at the largest Dutch youth forum,, being opposed by similarly extremist "sekptics", some of them,as it turns out, attached to the Skepsis Foundation. Together they sabotaged every "alternative" discussion before it started. *) The comment section of, the Netherlands' largest news site, is super-heavily monitored for "anti-racism" and anything "anti-globalist" and even damaging to the government (this author tested with video-camera in hand), to the point it is engaging all-out psywar. More on that will be posted on this site later.
*) Looking at the Daily Mail's comment section, it should be called the Daily Hatemail. It's loaded with negative "alt-right" and even pro-government trolls. However, as a test, factual anti-immigration comments from this author were blocked from ever appearing.