Pilgrims Society: U.S.-British Historical Membership List; Includes Biographies and Sources per Name
No source? Ignore the name. These were part of the first batch of names when ISGP hadn't yet unearthed any membership photocopies. These membership lists were primarily collected by ISGP in the 2008-2017 period. This list is primarily used for research purposes.
Name |
Life |
Biography |
Acheson, Dean Gooderham | 1893-1973 |
Source(s): 1950, The Pilgrims, membership list (complete list; photocopy) Yale Scroll & Key 1915. Harvard 1915-1918. Private secretary to the Supreme Court Justice 1919-1921. Became Under Secretary of the Treasury in 1933. Constructed the Marshall Plan with General Marshall and Will Clayton, according to Pilgrims Society member David K.E. Bruce. U.S. Secretary of State under Harry S. Truman 1949-1953. Accused of being soft on Communism and had a dispute with General Douglas MacArthur. McCarthy saw him as one the most dangerous Communists and believed that the "Acheson group had almost hypnotic powers over Truman." Member Council on Foreign Relations. His son, David C. Acheson ended up in the 1943 Skull & Bones class. Clubs: Metropolitan (Washington); Century (New York). Co-founder Committee to Maintain a Prudent Defence Policy in 1969, together with Paul Nitze. |
Ackroyd, Sir Cuthbert Lowell | 1892-1973 |
Source(s): 1969 list; Digital Who's Who UK. Served European War, 1914–19, Hon. Captain RA; HG, 1940–44 and on Advisory Council Eastern Command Welfare of Troops, 1939–44; Veteran, Hon. Artillery Company. Member Corporation of London, 1940–70; Chm. Guildhall Library Cttee and Art Gallery, 1945; Sheriff, City of London, 1945–50; Lord Mayor of London, 1955–56. Underwriting Mem. of Lloyd’s; Chm., Licensing Sessions, City of London, 1957–62; Vice-President Victoria League (Chairman, 1958–62); Hon. Treasurer UNICEF, British Section, 1956–59. Visiting Magistrate Holloway Prison, 1945–55. Governor and Almoner, Christ’s Hosp. (Blue Coat School), 1945–69; Governor: Charing Cross Hospital; Hospital for Incurables, Putney; Hospital for Sick Children, 1934–47; Royal Hospitals, 1945–48; Royal Bridewell Hospital; Royal Society for Deaf and Dumb; National Corporation for Care of Old People, 1954–63; Trustee: Morden College; Sir John Soane’s Museum, 1959–64; Pres., Metropolitan Institute for the Blind; Bromley Churchill Homes for the Aged. Church Commissioner for England, 1947–63; Church Warden Bow Church (Bow Bells); President, Nat. Brotherhood Movement (Inc.), 1947–48; Vice-Pres., British and Foreign Bible Soc.; Vice-Pres., Boys’ Brigade; Pres., Nat. Sunday School Union, 1954; Governor: Royal Coll. of Art; RNLBI; The Hon. Irish Society, 1964–67. FRSA; Mem., The Pilgrims of Gt Britain. Past Grand Warden, United Grand Lodge of England; Pres., Ward of Cordwainer Club, 1945–70; Master, Worshipful Co. of Carpenters, 1952–53; Hon. Freeman, Worshipful Co. of Woolmen; Freeman: City of Belfast; City of Washington, USA; Richmond, Virginia. Hon. Colonel 290 Field Regt RA, 1956–. Alderman (Cordwainer Ward) and JP City of London, 1945–70; one of HM Lieutenants for City of London, 1945–70; Commissioner of Assize, City of London, 1945–70; retired |
Ackroyd, Sir John Secretary |
1932-1995 |
Source(s): 1969 list; Digital Who's Who UK. Commissioned RA, 1951; Sword of Honour, Mons Officer Cadet Sch., 1951; served in Jordan, 1951–52. Oxford Univ., 1952; Steward, OUDS, 1954. Underwriting Mem. of Lloyd’s, 1959–; Engineer Planning & Resources Ltd, 1968–75. Mem. Gen. Council, Victoria League for Commonwealth Friendship, 1973; Hon. Sec., The Pilgrims of GB, 1966; Hon. Sec., RCM, 1986–91 (Mem. Council, 1981–91; FRCM 1988); Vice-Pres., Bromley Symphony Orch., 1979. Vice Dir, Dystonia Soc., 1994–. Patron, London and Internat. Sch. of Acting, 1983–. Mem. Court, City Univ., 1989–. Church Warden: St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside, 1973–87; The Church of All Hallows, 1973–87. FZS 1970 (Mem. Council, 1987–90); FRSA 1989. Freeman of the City of London; Liveryman Carpenters’ Co |
Acland, Sir Antony Exec. Committee |
b. 1930 |
Source(s): March 11, 2004, The Times, Announcements (Pilgrims luncheon): "Sir Antony Acland, Executive Committee, introduced the speaker, and Mr Robert M. Worcester, Chairman of the Pilgrims" Joined Diplomatic Service, 1953; ME Centre for Arab Studies, 1954; Dubai, 1955; Kuwait, 1956; FO, 1958–62; Asst Private Sec. to Sec. of State, 1959–62; UK Mission to UN, 1962–66; Head of Chancery, UK Mission, Geneva, 1966–68; FCO, 1968, Hd of Arabian Dept, 1970–72; Principal Private Sec. to Foreign and Commonwealth Sec., 1972–75; Ambassador to Luxembourg, 1975–77, to Spain, 1977–79; Deputy Under-Sec. of State, FCO, 1980–82, Perm. Under-Sec. of State, FCO, and Head of Diplomatic Service, 1982–86; Ambassador to Washington, 1986–91. Director: Shell Transport and Trading, 1991–2000; Booker plc, 1992–99. Chairman: Council, Ditchley Foundn, 1991–96; Tidy Britain Gp, 1992–96 (Pres., 1996–2002). Trustee: Nat. Portrait Gall., 1991–98; Esmée Fairbairn Foundn, 1991–2005. Chancellor, Order of St Michael and St George, 1994–2005. Pres., Exmoor Soc., 2007–. Hon. DCL: Exeter, 1988; William and Mary Coll., USA, 1990; Reading, 1992. HM Diplomatic Service, retired; Provost of Eton, 1991–2000. Brooks's. |
Acton, Lord | Born in Shropshire, England. Acton's family immigrated in 1948 to Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, where he was educated at St. George's College, Salisbury. Later he received his bachelor's and master's degrees in modern history at Trinity College, Oxford. In 1989, he took his seat in the House of Lords as the fourth Lord Acton, dividing his time between Iowa and London since his marriage to Patricia Nassif, a clinical professor at the UI College of Law. Later, the government of the United Kingdom put forth a proposal to restructure the House of Lords. This passed in November 1999, which resulted in the abolition of Acton's hereditary peerage. However, the Prime Minister appointed him as a Life Peer, and Acton returned to the House of Lords in April. Acton is also a writer whose articles have appeared in many American periodicals, including The New York Times Book Review, The North American Review, British Heritage, the Christian Science Monitor, The Chicago Tribune and The San Francisco Chronicle. In 1995, Acton and his wife wrote a book on the legal history of Iowa entitled, "To Go Free: A Treasury of Iowa's Legal Heritage," published by Iowa State University Press to commemorate Iowa's sesquicentennial. He also received the Iowa State Historical Society's Throne/Aldrich Award in 1995 for the best article on Iowa history published by The Palimpset. His articles have appeared in The Iowan and The Des Moines Register. His latest book is "A Brit Among the Hawkeyes," published by Iowa State University Press. Has spoken at the Iowa City Foreign Relations Council (ICFRC), which is in the neighborhood he often lives. He and his wife split their time between Ceder Rapids and London. He is a member of the Royal Africa Society and the Pilgrims Society. Lord Acton is writing a book about one his forefathers, Sir John Acton, who, according to him, ruled Naples and Sicily in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. | |
Adam, (David Stuart) Gordon | 1927-1995 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student, British Columbia, Can., 1941. Student, Upper Can. College, Toronto, Ontario, 1945. LLB, Queen's University, Belfast, 1948. MA, LLM, Cambridge University, England, 1950. AMP, Harvard University, 1969. Bar: Grays Inn, 1951. Career With War Office, London, 1952-53. Barclays Bank, London, 1954-87. Local director, Barclays 1959-68. General manager, Barclays 1968-87. Director Barclays Bank U.K., 1977-87. Deputy chairman, Trust Co., 1977-82. Chairman International Trust Group, London, 1983-89. Director Henry Ansbacher and Co. Ltd., 1989-95. Chairman Girls Education Co. Ltd., U.K., 1981-91. Chairman council Wycombe Abbey School, U.K., 1981-91. Governor U.K., 1977-95. Career Related Trustee Combined Trusts Scholarship Trust, 1977-95. Member of Boodle's, Kandahar Ski, Pilgrims. |
Adam, Sir Ronald Forbes | 1885-1982 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Deputy Director of Military Operations, War Office 1936. Commander Royal Artillery 1st Division 1936 - 1937. Commandant of Staff College Camberley 1937. Deputy Chief Imperial General Staff, War Office 1938 - 1939. General Officer Commanding III Corps, France 1939 - 1940. General Officer Commander in Chief Northern Command 1940 - 1941. Adjutant-General to the Forces, War Office 1941 - 1946. Retired General 1946. Chairman and Director-General of British Council 1946-1954. Member of the executive board of UNESCO 1950-1952, and chairman from 1952 to 1954. President of the United Nations Association. Principal of Working Men's College 1956-1961. Head of the National Institute of Adult Education, the Library Association the National Institute of Industrial Psychology, and the London University Institute of Education. Order of the British Empire. |
Adams, Charles Francis IV | 1910-1999 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Descendant of President John Adams and John Quincy Adams. Spent several years with his parents in St. Petersburg, Russia. Harvard College. Partner in Paine, Webber, Jackson, & Curtis banking firm 1937-1947. Director of Raytheon 1938-1942. U.S. Naval Reserve with active duty, commanding destroyer escorts in the Atlantic & Pacific theaters 1942-1945. Admitted to the staff of admiral Jonas H. Ingram, commander in chief of the Atlantic Fleet 1945-1947. President of Raytheon (sales grew forty fold in his almost 40 years with the company) 1948-1960 & 1962-1964. Chairman of Raytheon 1960-1962 & 1964-1972. Retired as director of Raytheon in 1997. Director of the First National Bank of Boston, the Gillette Company, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Sheraton Corporation, Bath Iron Works, Associated Industries of Massachusetts, the Boston Chamber of Commerce, Pan American World Airways, and the Massachusetts Higher Education Assistance Corporation. Chairman of the Board of Visitors of Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. Trustee of the Children's Hospital, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the Industrial School for Crippled Children, the Massachusetts Humane Society, the Naval War College Foundation and more. A fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Vice President of the Massachusetts Historical Society. |
Adams, George Bell | b. 1930 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Yale University, 1952. LLB cum laude, Harvard University, 1957. Associate Debevoise, Plimpton, Lyons & Gates, New York City, 1957-65; partner Debevoise & Plimpton, 1966-97, chairman corp. department, 1988-93, managing partner London, 1993-96, of counsel New York City, 1998—. Arbitrator China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission. Trustee Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York , 1977—, chairman board trustees, 1987—1991, vice chairman, chairman executive committee, 1981—1987; board directors, executive committee United Way of New York City, 1982—1995, chairman nominating committee, 1985—1993; fellow Pierpont Morgan Library 1977—, council of fellows, 1983—1987, Yale University Council, 1983—1990, chairman alumni publications, 1979—1983; trustee, member executive committee Am. Trust for Brit. Libr., 1998—; board visitors City University of New York Law School, 2003—; trustee Am. Association International Committee of Jurists, 1998—; board directors New Amsterdam Singers, 1997—, Lawyers Alliance for World Security, 1989—1998, Greater New York Fund, New York City, 1977—1984, president, 1981—1984. Fellow: Am. Bar Foundation, Royal Society for Arts; mem.: American Bar Association, Association Bar City New York , Century Association, Pilgrim Society, Racquet and Tennis Club, Cosmos Club. |
Adams, James Donald | b. 1891 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB cum laude, Harvard University, 1913. Member U.S. Geological Survey, Mount Ranier, Washington, summer 1913. Teacher English University Washington, 1913-14. Reporter New Bedford (Massachusetts) Evening Standard, 1915, Seattle Post Intelligencer, 1916-17, Providence Journal, 1916-17, assistant Sunday editor, 1919. With U.S. Army, 1917-19. Reporter, then editorial writer New York Sun and Herald, 1920-24. Assistant editor New York Times Book Rev., 1924-25, editor, 1925-43, contributing editor, conductor Page Two, weekly columnist "Speaking of Books", from 1943. Editorial adviser E.P. Dutton & Co., 1945-46. Member PEN (del. Edinburgh Congress, 1934, Buenos Aires, 1936), Poetry Society Am. (president 1945-46), Pilgrims Society, Authors Guild Authors' League Am., Society Silurians, Explorers Club, Century Club, Harvard Club, Dutch Treat Club. |
Adams, Randolph Greenfield | 1892-1951 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of John Stokes and Heloise Zelina (Root) A.; A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1914, Ph.D., 1920; studied law, same univ., 1 year; LL.D., Albion Coll., 1938; married Helen Newbold Spiller, June 16, 1917; children—Thomas Randolph, Richard Newbold. Asst. in history, U. of Pa., 1915-16; fellow in history, U. of Chicago, 1916-17, Carnegie fellow in internat. law, U. of Pa., 1919-20; asst. prof. history, Trinity Coll. (now Duke U.), 1920-23; dir. William L. Clements Library Am. History, U. of Mich., since 1923; rank of prof., visiting Carnegie prof. Am. hist., St. Andrews Univ., Scotland, 1929, Rosenbach fellow in bibliog., U. of Pa., 1938. Served as pvt., U.S. Army, 1917, attached to Base Hosp. 20, in France with U. of Pa. Unit, May 1918, 2d lt. Q.M.C., Sept. 5, 1918; hon. disch., May 5, 1919. Trustee, The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Inc. Mem. American Hist. Assn., Am. Bibliog. Soc. (pres. 1940-41), Am. Antiquarian Society, New York Historical Society, Mass. Historical Society, American Library Institute, Grolier Club, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Beta Kappa. Episcopalian. Author: Political Ideas of the American Revolution, 1922; A History of American Foreign Policy, 1924; Passports printed by Benj. Franklin, 1925; A Gateway to American History, 1927; The British Headquarters Maps, 1776-1782, 1928; Pilgrims, Indians, and Patriots, 1928; Three Americanists, 1939. Home: 2030 Norway Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. |
Adams, Robert Morton | 1900-1972 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1973' (obituary list) Son of Robert A. and Frances (Bennett) A.; M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 1921; LL.B., Fordham U., 1924; married Mercedes M. Cullinan, June 19, 1937; children—Robert Morton, Richard Holbrook, Stephen Bennett, Mercedes Molyneux. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1925; asso. firm Pennie, Edmonds, Morton, Taylor & Adams, and predecessor, 1921-30, partner, 1930-72. Trustee Norwalk (Conn.) Hosp., New Canaan (Conn.) Library. Served with United States Naval Reserve Force (USNRF), 1918-22. Mem. Am., N.Y. (bd. govs., officer 1938-41, 43-50, pres. 1946-47) patent law assns., Assn. Bar City N.Y. (exec. com. 1947-51), Pilgrims Soc., Alumni Assn. Stevens Inst. Tech. (pres. 1945-46), Beta Theta Pi, Delta Theta Chi. Roman Catholic. Clubs: University (N.Y.C.); New Canaan Country. Home: New Canaan CT |
Adams, Warren Sanford | 1910-2004 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Episcopalian. AB, Princeton University, 1930 LL.B., Harvard University, 1934 J.S.D., NYU, 1941. Bar: New York 1935. Private practice, New York City, 1934-40; counsel chems. div. WPB, 1941; Served to lieutenant colonel US Marine Corps Reserve, 1942-46. With CPC International Inc. (formerly Corn Products Co.), 1946-76, general counsel, 1960-72, vice president, 1962-72, senior vice president, general counsel, director, 1972-76. Board directors emeritus Washington Sq. Fund, New York City; trustee, counsel Whitehall Foundation, Inc. Member American Bar Association, The Pilgrims, English Speaking Union, Racquet and Tennis Club, Metropolitan Opera Club, Princeton Club, Ekwanok Golf Club (Vermont), Am. Society of Order of St. John (knight), Royal and Ancient Golf Club (Scotland), Boodles (London), Newport Country Club (Rhode Island), The Austin Club (Texas). |
Adamson, Robert | 1871-1935 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of Augustus Pitt and Martilla Ellen (Cook) A.; ed. pub. schs. of Ga.; married Ethel McClintock, Dec. 10, 1902. City editor Atlanta Constitution at 20, later asso. editor Atlanta Journal; polit. writer for New York World, 1899-1909; sec to Mayor William J. Gaynor, Jan., 1910, until latter’s death, Sept., 1913; sec. to Mayor Kline until 1914; fire commr. N.Y. City, Jan. 1, 1914-Dec. 31, 1917. Mgr. of campaign which resulted in election of Mayor Mitchel and fusion city govt., 1914. Dir. Petroleum Heat & Power Co. Mem, exec. com. Mayor’s Com. on Taxation; mem. Com. on Blighted Areas and Slums of President’s Conf. on Home Building and Home Ownership; chmn. Depreciation Fund Board under Contract No. 3, Interborough Rapid Transit Co. Mem. New York Chamber of Commerce; dir. 5th Av. Assn.; chmn. ins. com. Merchants Assn. and Chamber of Commerce. Democrat. Mem. Ga. Soc. of New York, Southern Soc., Pilgrims. Clubs: Bankers, Uptown, Rumson Country. Home: 25; E. 9th St., New York; (summer) Middletown, N.J. |
Addinsell, Harry Messiter | b. 1886 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition With New York Times, 1903, with Harris Forbes Co. (later Chase Harris Forbes Corp.), 1905-33, pres., 1931-33; chmn. exec. com. and dir. First Boston Corp. June 1934-Dec. 1947, Chairman bd., 1948-51, ret. 1951; dir. 1st Boston Corp. Served as capt., F.A., World War I. Mem. executive bd. Boy Scouts of America; mem. adv. com. Community Hosp. Trustee, treas. Cathedral St. John the Divine; dir. Episcopal Ch. Found. Mem. Mil. Order Fgn. Wars. Republican. Episcopalian (jr. warden). Clubs: Links, Downtown, Pilgrims, Brock (N.Y.C.); Piping Rock (Locust Valley); Southampton (L.I.). Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. |
Adeane, Sir Robert | 1905-1979 |
Source(s): 1974 list Eton; Trinity Coll., Cambridge. Rose to the rank of Col. during WWII. Enthusiastic big game hunter and accompanied Prince Philip to India and Nepal in 1961 where they shot tigers together. Chairman 117 Group, the later Drayton Group, 1966-1972, after the death of Harley Drayton. His follow-ups being Pilgrim Philip Shelbourne (Rothschild) and Angus Ogilvy. Shelbourne became the new chairman of the Drayton Group, Ogilvy the vice chairman, while with the individual trusts and companies this role was the other way around. Stepped down as chairman from all subsidiary companies and trusts, including Union Commercial Investment Co., Second Consolidated Trust, the Omnium Investment Co., the Premier Investment Co., Governments Stock and Other Securities Investment Co., British Industries & General Investment Trust, Raw Materials and General Unit Trust, and the Consolidated Trust. He did remain a director of these trusts and companies. Only remained chairman of the Colonial Securities Trust. Had also been a director of companies and trusts as Decca Co. Ltd; Ruberoid, Newton, and the Steenbok Investment Trust (managed the Queen's vast investments in South Africa). Adeane's cousin Michael was private secretary to Queen Elizabeth. Michael's son Edward was treasurer and private secretary to Prince Charles. February 18, 1972, The Times, 'Change of Title': "The impact of Philip Shelbourne on the 117 Group [note: reference to 117 Old Broad Street Group] is felt again, this time in a change of name. The group is to be known hereafter as The Drayton Group, and the most significant unquoted investment of the nine quoted investment trusts who make up the 117--or rather, Drayton--has changed its name from Securities Agency to Drayton Corporation. The name, of course, derives from Harley Drayton, who was boss of the whole 117 shooting match for 25 years until his death in 1966. ... There's no corporate entity called Drayton Group, any more than there was a corporate entity called The 117 Group--It's simply a collective of investment trusts who choose to work together." |
Adeane, Lord Michael E. | 1910-1984 |
Source(s): 1979 list (no Adeane on 1980 list) 2nd Lieut Coldstream Guards, 1931; ADC to Governor-General of Canada, 1934–36; Major, 1941; Lieut-Col, 1942. Served War of 1939–45: with 2nd Bn Coldstream Guards, 1940–42; on Joint Staff Mission, Washington, 1942–43; 5th Bn Coldstream Guards, 1943–45; in NW Europe from 1944 (wounded, despatches). Page of honour to King George V; Equerry and Asst Private Sec. to King George VI, 1937–52, to the Queen, 1952–53; Private Sec. to the Queen and Keeper of HM’s Archives, 1953–72. Lieut-Col (R of O) 1954. Director: Phoenix Assurance Co. Ltd, 1972–80; Banque Belge Ltd, 1972–80; Royal Bank of Canada, 1972–80; The Diners Club Ltd, 1976–82. Governor, Wellington College, 1960–81. Extra Equerry to the Queen, since 1972; Chairman, Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, since 1972; Member, British Library Board, since 1972. |
Adler, Maj. Gen. Julius Ochs | 1892-1955 |
Source(s): 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate); Who's Who digital edition Family started the New York Times. With New York Times since 1914. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations since the 1920s until his death. President and publisher of The Chatanooga Times, and general manager of The New York Times from 1935 until 1955. General manager at the Times after the death in 1935 of his uncle, Adolph Ochs. Vice chairman, director, Interstate Broadcasting Co., Inc. N.Y. As a General he commanded the 77th Infantry Division, responsible for the defense of Hawaii from 1941 to 1944. Invited by General Eisenhower to visit the liberated concentration camps in 1945, which inspired him to write a bunch of articles on his experiences. Member of the first Committee on Present Danger, which lobbied Eisenhower and the public to start preparing for a likely all-out war with Russia and China. Appointed as major general in the Army Reserve in 1948. Chairman executive body of the Greater N.Y. Councils Boy Scouts of America. |
Agnew, Cornelius G. | d. 1954 |
Source(s): November 24, 1954, New York Times, obituary of Cornelius G. Agnew Graduated from Princeton in 1891. Retired as vice president of the National City Bank in New York in 1930. Trustee and vice president of the Franklin Savings Bank. Honorary trustee of the Presbyterian Hospital. Trustee of the New York Zoological Society. Clubs: Downtown Association, University, Pilgrims and Sons of the Revolution. |
Agnew, Sir Geoffrey | 1908-1986 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) For well over 100 years, Old Master paintings have been at home in Thomas Agnew & Sons, at 43 Old Bond Street. During that time, Agnew's have built up a British country-house connection that is the envy of many of their colleagues. Theirs is a family firm - no one who is not an Agnew, or closely related to one, has ever been made a partner - and a firm with a family style, unmistakable for its low-keyed pertinacity. No visitor to Agnew's is ever made to feel unwelcome, though I can think of cases in which politeness was truly put to the test. One of the cardinal events of the summer in London was the memorial exhibition to Sir Geoffrey Agnew (1908-1986), who joined the firm in 1931 and was still active there at the time of his death. |
Aiken, Alfred Lawrence Exec. committee |
1870-1946 |
Source(s): December 14, 1946, New York Times, obituary of Alfred L. Aiken: "... he [Aitken] was for years a member of the board of The Pilgrims of the United States"; Who's Who digital edition Came from a distinguished Colonial family. Grand-nephew of President Franklin Pierce. Graduated from Yale in 1891. Began his career as a clerk in Mutual Life Assurance Company of Worcester, Mass., in 1892, leaving two years later to become assistant manager of the New England department of the New York Life Insurance Company of New York. Assistant cashier of the State National Bank of Boston 1899-1904. Treasurer of the Worcester County Institution for Savings, of which he was president from 1908 to 1913. Trustee Worcester Art Museum 1909-1934. President Worcester National Bank 1913-1914. Advisor to Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, when this person was chairman of the National Monetary Commission, a Congressional body set up after the financial panic of 1907 (December 14, 1946, New York Times, obituary of Alfred L. Aiken). Played a role in setting up the Federal Reserve System and was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 1914-1917. President of the National Shawmut Bank of Boston 1918-1923, and chairman 1923-1924. Director New York Life Insurance Co 1924-1936. President of New York Life Insurance & Co. in 1936. Director Fifth Avenue Bank. Trustee Franklin Savings Bank. Member Council on Foreign Relations. President of the Massachusetts Bankers Association. Member of the First and Second Liberty Loan Committees of New England. Member of the Board of Visitors of the Harvard University School of Business Administration. Trustee of Clark University and Wellesley College. President of the New England Society of New York. Executive member of the Association for Life Insurance Presidents and the Pilgrims Society. Belonged to the Order of the Loyal Legion, the Sons of the Revolution, the Union Club of Boston, Union League, Yale, Metropolitan, University and Grolier. Vestryman of St. James Episcopal Church. December 14, 1946, New York Times, obituary of Alfred L. Aiken: "Aitken was a great admirer of Alexander Hamilton..." Hamilton (d. 1804) was a founding father of the United States, who also was behind the creation of the Bank of New York in 1784 and more importantly, the First Bank of the United States in 1791. |
Airlie, 13th Earl of Exec. committee |
b. 1926 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list since 1979 (executive committee) Also known as David Ogilvy and a member of an old and very aristocratic family with close connections to the Royal family. Born in London, Lord Airlie was educated at Eton, and served in the Scots Guards during the Second World War. He remained in the army until 1950, when he attended the Royal Agricultural College in Cirencester, in order to learn more about estate management. He maintains two homes on the family's 69 000 acre (280 km²) estate in Angus : Cortachy Castle and Airlie Castle. He also has a home in Chelsea, London. On 23 October 1952, he married Virginia Fortune Ryan, the daughter of John Barry Ryan, an American multi-millionaire, and Margaret Kahn, whose father was the financier Otto Kahn. He subsequently took up merchant banking, joining J. Henry Schroder in 1953. He was appointed a director of the company in 1961 and chairman in 1973. In 1984, Lord Airlie resigned from Schroder in order to take up the position of Lord Chamberlain. He was following in the footsteps of his late father, who served as Lord Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, He remained in the post until 1997. He was made a Knight of the Thistle in 1985. Lord Airlie has also served as the Lord Lieutenant of Angus in Scotland, and as the Captain General of The Royal Company of Archers and Gold Stick for Scotland. His wife, formally known as the Countess of Airlie, is a Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth II. Privy Council. Royal Victorian Order. His younger brother was Angus Ogilvy: married Princess Alexandria of Kent, cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. Director Midland Bank and Samuel Montagu. Vice chairman and chair Drayton Group since 1966. March 7, 1972, The Times, 'Ogilvy trusts sold the bulk of Lonrho holding last October': "Mr Ogilvy, a director of Lonrho and representative on the board of the company's largest outside shareholder, the Drayton Group, transferred some 300,000 Lonrho shares to the trusts in the two years before the end of 1970." May 25, 1973, The Times, 'Drayton Group poser in battle for Lonrho': "Although Mr Angus Ogilvy, the Drayton Group deputy chairman, only recently resigned from the Lonrho board having been an associate of Mr Rowland's for over a decade, it is uncertain whether the Drayton trusts will support Mr Rowland." May 14, 1973, The Times, 'Who's who in the Lonrho board battle': "[Ogilvy] joined the 117 Old Broad Street Group (now the Drayton Group) in 1950; he was invited to its main board in 1956. Mr. Ogilvy first discovered Mr Rowland in Rhodesia in 1960 and chose him as the man to revive Lonrho. ... In 1961, Mr. Rowland's interests were injected into the London and Rhodesian Mining and Land Company which was part of the late Harley Drayton's 117 Old Broad Street financial group. ... Alan Ball: ... chairman in 1961 at the time of the merging of the Rowland interests. He stepped down to become deputy chairman after the liquidity crisis and when Mr [Duncan] Sandys became chairman. Now aged 48, Mr Ball has always been overshadowed by Mr Rowland... Edward Du Cann: ... Now chairman of merchant bankers Keyser, Ullmann, Mr Du Cann joined the Lonrho board in April last year when Keysers were appointed merchant bankers... How the board is split: ... Against [those who want to dismiss Rowland as CEO]: ... Nicholas Elliott [and seven others] ... For: Roland "Tiny" Rowland ... Alan Ball ... Duncan Sandys ... Edward Du Cann [and three others] ... Absent: Hon. Angus Ogilvy." An Department of Trade investigation concluded that Alan Ball and Angus Ogilvy were perfectly aware of what Rowland was doing. They worked with Duncan Sandys. Among many shady things that Lonrho did was breaking sanctions to Rhodesia. (July 7, 1976, The Times, 'Mr Ogilvy to resign directorships after Lonrho report criticizes him': "Criticizing several Lonrho directors, notably Mr Rowland ... Mr Alan Ball ... Mr Ogilvy, and Lord Duncan-Dandys.") November 1994, African Business, '"As a friend, I am good … As an enemy, I am excellent."': "However, it was not just that veneer that impressed an archetypal Etonian, the honourable Angus Ogilvy, future consort of princess Alexandra. After a visit to Rhodesia, Ogilvy reported back to London that the acumen being shown by Rowland, by then a mining consultant, made him the ideal person to revitalise Lonrho. From that moment on, Ogilvy and Rowland were to be intimate companions for 15 years. Tiny and his young wife Josie, and Angus and Alexandra, had adjoining flats in a block close to Park Lane. Despite his host of other directorships, Ogilvy rarely missed a chance to fly with Rowland in his executive jet, to help extend Lonrho interests through one African country after another. This was the greatest friendship in Rowland's life. The way it ended in calamity in the mid-seventies during an historic struggle for the control of Lonrho, may offer some clues to explain his implacability towards those who dare to cross him today. Ogilvy's hurried exodus from the board under palace pressure, and bruising revelations from the subsequent Department of Trade inquiry, broke up the relationship in paroxysms of recrimination and abuse. Significantly, Ogilvy was one of the few people who had known the full details of Rowland's pre-1948 life... Despite all this, Angus Ogilvy had bestowed on Rowland a sense of total acceptability: considering the war years, it had been quite something, after all, to be sitting at breakfast with a princess, the queen's cousin, who had strolled across in her dressing-gown from the adjoining flat. So when the break came, it seemed that Rowland resolved never again to be vulnerable to such an emotional letdown." Tiny Rowland: March 27, 1987, IPS, 'Angola: Unusual bedfellows in Savimbi offer to Luanda': "In another interesting twist, Lonrho Chief Executive Officer Tiny Rowland has well-documented ties to Savimbi and published accounts say that he has given de facto financial support to Unita in the past by purchasing timber and ivory harvested by the rebel movement." July 6, 1991, The Independent, 'Profile: To the victor, the spoils of endless war; Jonas Savimbi, Angola's president-in-waiting?': "Savimbi has never been short of rich and powerful friends. Tiny Rowland of Lonrho gave him money and lent him a jet in the early days of Unita. Any public appearance of Savimbi in London draws several right-wing MPs whose interest in the rest of Africa is minimal. In Washington, he has been a regular visitor to the Reagan and Bush White Houses." November 12, 1988, The Economist, 'Tiny and the elephants' graveyard': "These days Mr Rowland calls Mr Jonas Savimbi, leader of Angola's UNITA guerrillas, "the greatest man in Africa" and flies him about in the Lonrho jet. Since Mr Rowland is also friends with Zambia's President Kaunda, who gets on with the Angolan government, he is well placed to mediate in the peace talks between government and rebels that may follow the current ones involving Cuba and South Africa. Throughout his career, Mr Rowland has scorned the British establishment, whose retreat from Africa gave him the chance to make his fortune. But the less established countries with which he made common cause are not currently warming his heart. His dream of controlling Harrods, London's grandest shop, has been frustrated by the Al-Fayed brothers, who are Egyptian. And Mr Alan Bond, who seemingly hopes to take over Lonrho, is Australian." |
Albrecht, Ralph Gerhart | 1896-1985 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008); Digital Who's Who UK. Admitted to Bar of NY, 1924, US Supreme Court, 1927; senior partner, Peaslee, Albrecht & McMahon, 1931–61, counsel to firm, 1961; gen. practice, specializing in foreign causes and internat. law. Special Dep. Attorney-Gen. of New York, 1926; Special Asst to US Attorney-Gen., 1945; Mem. US War Crimes Commn and leading trial counsel in Prosecution of Major Nazi War Criminals, before Internat. Mil. Tribunal, Nuremberg, 1945–46, prosecuted Hermann Goering; counsel to German steel, coal and chem. industries in decartelization procs before Allied High Commn for Germany, 1950–53. Mem. Republican County Cttee, NY Co., 1933–35; Harvard Univ. Overseers’ Visiting Cttee to Faculty of Germanic Langs and Lits, 1949–63. Apprentice Seaman, USN Res. Force, 1918; served with Sqdn A (101st Cavalry, NY Nat. Guard), 1924–30; Comdr USNR, on active duty, 1941–45; Naval Observer, American Embassy, London, 1942 (letter of commendation from Chief of Naval Ops); Asst Dir OSS (War Crimes), 1945. Member: NY City Bar Assoc.; Amer. Bar Assoc.; Amer. Soc. of Internat. Law (Donor of Manley O. Hudson Gold Medal Award; Chm., Medal Cttee, 1958–78); Internat. Bar Assoc.; International Law Assoc.; World Peace Through Law Center (Cttee on Conciliation and Mediation of Disputes). Fellow: Nat. Audubon Society; Massachusetts Audubon Soc.; Amer. Geog. Soc., etc. Delegate, First Internat. Congress Comparative Law, The Hague, 1932. Republican; Mason. |
Albright, Archie Earl | 1920-1997 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB magna cum laude, Wittenberg College, 1942. Served to lieutenant US Naval Reserve, 1942-46. LLB, JD, Yale University, 1948. Bar: New York 1948. Member firm Patterson, Belknap & Webb, 1948-53. Assistant to president Stauffer Chemical Co., New York City, 1953, vice president, 1958-65, executive vice president, 1965-68; partner Kuhn Loeb & Co., New York City, 1968-69. President, chief executive officer Glore Forgan Staats, Inc., 1969-70, Loeb Rhoades & Co., 1971. Chairman board, chief executive officer Drexel Firestone, Inc., 1972-73. Vice chairman board, chairman financial committee Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc., 1973-78. Chairman board, director Transportation Equipment Corp., 1978-80. Chairman board GVC Corp., from 1980. Senior advisor First Chicago Corp., 1987-88. Chairman Ecogen, Inc., 1987-91. President, CEO, International Process Systems, Inc., Glastonbury, Connecticut, 1988-92. Chairman Bedford Holdings, Ltd., Newport Beach, California, from 1993. Chairman Consolidated Aerobotics Corp., Newport Beach, since 1996. Board directors Nuworld Marketing Corp., Atwood Richards, Inc. Visiting professor, member adv. council Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies. Trustee Legal Aid Society, National Repertory Theater; member adv. council Hampshire College; board directors Foreign Policy Association, Police Athletic League, Yale University Law School Fund; member New York Philharmonic Society; member pres.'s council Kirkland College. Member Association of Bar of City of New York , Council on Foreign Relations, Pilgrims Society, Yale Club (New York City), Links (New York City), Pine Valley Golf Club, Big Canyon Country Club (Newport Beach). |
Aldrich, Herbert Lincoln | 1860-1948 |
Source(s): (not in 1920 list); 1924, 1926-1927, 1940 lists Son of Andrew J. and Auretta (Roys) A.; student, Cornell U., 1883-84; married Mary Grace Sauerwin, of Baltimore, Md., Oct. 10, 1893. Founder and for many yrs. publisher of Marine Engring. (New York), also The Boiler Maker (New York). Mem. Soc. Naval Architects and Marine Engrs. (council), Loyal Legion. Mason. Clubs: Union League, Engineers’ (New York); Army and Navy (Washington, D.C.); Gipsy Trail, Camp and Country Club (Carmel: N.Y.). Author: Arctic Alaska and Siberia, 1887; also many articles in mags. Home: 50 Central Park West, New York, N.Y. |
Aldrich, Winthrop Williams Vice president and exec. committee |
1885-1974 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; (not on 1937 list); 1940 Pilgrims list; 1950 Pilgrims list; January 29, 1953, New York Times, 'Eisenhower named honorary Pilgrim': "The membership unanimously accepted the nominations of Winthrop W. Aldrich, Thomas K. Finletter, Walter S. Gifford, William Shields, John Mortimer Schiff and Harry F. Ward to the executive committee for the term expiring in 1956." Winthrop W. Aldrich was a son of Senator Nelson Aldrich, who helped the Rockefeller family establish the Federal Reserve. Winthrop's sister Abby married John D. Rockefeller Jr., making Winthrop the uncle of Nelson, David and Laurance Rockefeller. Nelson W. Aldrich (1841-1915; does not appear on the 1903, 1907 and 1914 lists): Father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Private in the Rhode Island National Guard during the American Civil War. Elected to Rhodes Island city council 1869. Rhodes Island city council president 1872-1873. Republican Congressman 1879-1881. Senator 1881-1911. His daughter marries John D. Rockefeller, Jr. in 1901. In 1906 Aldrich is accused of taking huge bribes from corporations in an article of Cosmopolitan. Attends the Jekyll Island meeting on November 22, 1910. Chairman Committee on Transportation Routes to the Seaboard, Committee on Rules, Select Committee on Corporations Organized in the District of Columbia, Committee on Finance, and the National Monetary Commission. Aldrich worked together with co-Pilgrim and congressman/banker Edward Butterfield Vreeland to establish the Federal Reserve. Nelson's grandson, Richard S. Aldrich (d. 1997), son of another Richard S. Aldrich (1884-1941; Congressman), became head of the the Rockefeller's International Basic Economic Corporation (IBEC) in the 1960s. In 1967, at the height of the Vietnam War, IBEC and Cyrus Eaton, Jr. (his father was a Rockefeller protege and co-founder of the Pugwash Conferences) publicly established a joint venture to invest around the world, including the Soviet Union. The press release even mentioned that these two were busy making it easier for the Soviets to obtain US patents. Two years later, in October 1969, N.M Rothschild & Sons announced that they were about to conclude a joint venture of their own with IBEC, again to invest around the world, although no specifics were given this time. In general, the Rockefeller family and their associates have been investing in the Soviet Union while the "Right-Wing conspirators", the anti-communists centered around groups as the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), have been condemning this. Richard S. Aldrich was a cousin of Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller and a nephew of the Governor's mother, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller. His attempt at a political career was fully supported by Nelson. |
Aldrich, Malcolm Pratt | 1900-1986 |
Source(s): 1969, 1980 lists Yale Skull & Bones 1922. Special assistant to assistant secretary of Navy for Air, US Navy, 1942-45; discharged with the rank of captain. Began in finance and philanthropy with Edward S. Harkness; hon. chairman Commonwealth Fund., New York City; hon. member board trustees American Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Member Maidstone, Links, Century Association, Links Golf. |
Aldrich, Hulbert Stratton Exec. committee |
1907-1995 |
Source(s): 1969 list; List of officers of Pilgrims of the United States 1970s-1990s; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 26, 1995' (obituary list) Born in Fall River, Mass., he graduated from Yale University. He lived most of his life in Manhattan and at a summer home in Little Compton, R.I. President of Greer School with Mrs. David Rockefeller (1942/1947). Joined the New York Trust Company in 1930, became a vice president in 1943, and president and a director in 1950. Oversaw several years of steadily growing profits at the bank, which was the ninth-largest bank in New York City when its directors decided in 1959 to merge with Chemical Corn Exchange Bank, then the city's fourth-largest bank. Aldrich became vice chairman and a director of the new bank, the Chemical Bank New York Trust Company. When the bank's holding company was formed in 1969, he became vice chairman and director of that company as well. Served on numerous corporate boards, including those of the IBM World Trade Corporation, Empire Savings Bank and the Presbyterian Hospital at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. Director of Ametek Incorporated, Empire Savings Bank, George W. Rogers Construction Corporation, Peter Paul Incorporated, president of Commonwealth Fund (succeeded Pilgrim Edward S. Harkness), and Royal Globe Insurance Group. Executive member of the Pilgrims since mid-1970s. Aldrich retired from Chemical Bank in 1972 and was elected to the board of Hill Samuel Group Ltd. of London and named chairman of its New York affiliate, Hill Samuel Inc. In addition to his daughter Anne, of Jamestown, R.I., he is survived by a daughter, Jane S. Aldrich of Florence, Mont.; four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Among his grandsons is Richard Aldrich Armellini, the son of his daughter Anne. In the 1989 his grandson was an assistant fund manager with the Boston Company. |
Alexander, Anthony Ernest | b. 1945 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition MA in Classics, Cambridge (England) University, 1967. Law Degree, Cambridge (England) University, 1968. Partner of Herbert Oppenheimer, Nathan & Vandyk, London, 1973-88, senior partner, 1988. In September 1988 Anthony Alexander, the Senior Partner of City law firm Herbert Oppenheimer Nathan & Vanayk, joined Denton Hall Burgin & Warren along with 17 partners and 62 other lawyers. With other partners deserting the firm in droves, Herbert Oppenheimer Nathan & Vanayk dissolved shortly afterwards. The firm's branch offices are in Cairo, Almaty, Moscow, Tashkent, Istanbul, Milton Keynes, Paris, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Muscat. Legal consultant Czech, Slovak, Federal Czechoslovak Governments, 1990-1993. Legal consultant to the government of Latvia, 1992-1994. Member The Law Society, City of London Solicitor's Co., The Pilgrims, Royal Institute International Affairs (nominated member). |
Alexander, James Waddell | Source(s): 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' President of Equitable Life Assurance Society of the US. |
Alexander, Charles Beatty | 1849-1927 |
Source(s): 1914 list Grandson of a co-founder of Princeton Theological Seminary, trustee of Princeton University, married into the Crocker fortune of 40 million (1888) dollars, director of the International Banking Corporation, Mercantile Trust Company; Equitable Trust Company, Equitable Life Assurance, Society of the U.S., Tri-State Land Company, Windsor Trust, member of the Society of the Cincinnati. |
Allen, Sir John Sandeman Exec. Committee |
1865-1935 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Entered Marine Insurance, 1882; Secretary of the Union Marine Insurance Company, 1892; General Manager, 1908; subsequently Vice-Chairman; retired, 1921; was Chairman of Liverpool Salvage Association, Chairman of Liverpool Underwriters Association, Chairman Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, 1922–26; Chairman Technical and Commercial Education, Liverpool, 1924–28; Lecturer on Foreign Trade, Liverpool University, 1923–24; and was member of the Committee of Lloyd’s Register, member of Liverpool City Council, Liverpool University Council: is Chairman of Commercial Committee of the House of Commons; Chairman, Coastal Trade Development Council; President International Parliamentary Commercial Conference; Member of Council of International Chamber of Commerce, and Chairman of Transport Section at HQ, Paris; is a member of the Executive Committee of The Pilgrims, the Royal Empire Society (Vice-President), Joint East Africa (Advisory) Board (Chairman), and the Association of British Chambers of Commerce (Vice-President); Vice-President, Trustee Savings Bank Association; Vice-President W. Lancs Association for Mental Welfare (Chairman 1924–27); Chairman Federation of Chambers of Commerce of British Empire; Hon. Treasurer, Mercantile Marine Service Association |
Alley, James Burke | 1894-1983 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1984' (obituary list) With 1st National Bank, Muskogee, Okla. 1914-16. Served with U.S. Navy, 1917-19. J.P. Morgan & Co., N.Y. 1916-17; Asst. sec. to v.p. and gen. counsel Indsl. Finance Corp., 1919-22. Mem. Council Foreign Policy Assn., Boston, 1923-25. Practiced law in N.Y.C., 1925-32. Partner, Glenn, Alley, Geer & Roberts, 1929-32. Counsel Reconstruction Finance Corp., in charge of bank reorganization and recapitalization work, 1932-35, gen. counsel, March 1935-June 1937. Dir. Commodity Credit Corp., Washington, First and Second Export-Import Banks of Washington, 1935-37. Mem. law firm Auchincloss, Alley & Ducan, 1937-83, firm name changed to Hooker, Alley & Duncan, May, 1944. Rep. banking group in Havana and Washington, defaulted Cuban public works obligations, 1937. Dir. African Metals Corp., Universitas, Ltd. Specializes in adminstrv. and anti-trust law and in law relating to orgn. and reorgn. of banking, business and railroad corps. Writer and speaker on subjects in field. Pres. bd. trustees, trustee Green Vale School, Glenhead, L.I. 1951-54. pres. Bd. Edn., Jericho, N.Y., 1945-46. Member Council on Foreign Relations. Clubs: University, Pilgrims (N.Y.C.); Metropolitan. |
Altschul, Frank | 1887-1981 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1982' (obituary list); Who's Who digital edition B.A., Yale, 1908. Served to capt. U.S. Army, 1917-1919. LL.D. 1967. LL.D., Bates Coll., 1952. Columbia, 1971. Asso. fellow Pierson Coll., Yale, New Haven. Honorary fellow University Coll., Oxford. Elected director of the American International Corporation in 1927 (was very involved with the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and several Pilgrims could be found on the board, including Percy Rockefeller). Senior partner of Lazard Freres. His father, Charles Altschul, had been the eighth employee hired by Lazard in San Francisco. Kicked out of Lazard by Andre Meyer and Michael David-Weill in 1943. First president of General American Investors Company, Inc. when it was established in 1927. Chairman of the General American Investors Company, Inc. 1948 to 1961. Member of the first Committee on Present Danger, which lobbied Eisenhower and the public to start preparing for a likely all-out war with Russia and China. Member of the Committee of One Hundred of the Beekman Hospital fund drive, along with Guaranty Trust directors Eugene W. Stetson, Clarence H. Mackay, and Charles H. Sabin, who was Treasurer; and William V. Griffin of Time Inc. Howard Cullman was its President. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) since at least 1926 and a member until his death. Director CFR 1936-1972. Secretary CFR 1944-1972. Vice president CFR 1951-1971. Vice chmn. National Planning Assn. and chmn. internat. com. A.E.F.; maj. O.R.C., 1924. Clubs: Pilgrims U.S., Century Assn., Grolier, Yale (N.Y.C.); Odd Volumes (Boston); Elizabethan (New Haven); Rowfant (Cleveland); Cosmos, Army and Navy, Metropolitan. His sister, Edith Altschul Lehman, was married to New York Governor Herbert H. Lehman. Their son, John Robert Lehman, was managing director of Lehman Brothers. One of Altschul's own sons became chairman of the Board of General American Investors and a limited partner of Goldman Sachs. |
Amery, Lord Leopold Stenett | 1873-1955 |
Source(s): Present at Pilgrims Society gatherings, according to several (London) Times articles (examples of newspaper reports: February 20, 1920; May 11, 1925; November 10, 1926/December 2, 1926; May 18, 1928; January 10, 1941 (at the top table); May 11, 1950; July 25, 1952); 1950 Pilgrims list Concealed his whole life the fact that he was a Jew. Leopold was extremely pro-Zionist and Churchill once said of him that he regarded the Empire as his own personal property. Member of the pro-Empire Coefficients dining club, which existed from 1902 to 1908. Other members of the Coefficients included Sir Edward Grey, Viscount Alfred Milner and H. G. Wells. Member of the Milner Group (Quigley's Round Table). Senior knight vice president of the Knights of The Round Table Club. Founded in 1720, this aristocratic British society exists to perpetuate the name and fame of King Arthur and the ideals for which he stood. It regularly met at the equally aristocratic Army and Navy Club. As political secretary to the War Cabinet (appointed by Lord Milner) he was the author of the final draft of the Balfour Declaration which committed Britain to establishing a Jewish 'National Home' in Palestine (this letter was sent to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild). He was highly significant in helping to create the Jewish Legion, the forerunner of what later became the Israeli army. As Dominions Secretary in the mid-1920s, he sympathetically presided over a seminal period in the growth of the Jewish community in Palestine. Leopold Amery has been described as "a passionate advocate of British imperialism"; he was on the staff of the Times, and wrote a 7 vol. history of the South African War for the Times; served in the Cabinet from 1916-1922; MP 1911-1945; first Lord of Admiralty 1922-1924; Supporter of Rothschild/Warburg-financed Paneuropa Union of Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. The envisioned Paneuropa Union did not include the British Empire, just as the pact of the Synarchist Movement of Empire which envisioned a united Europe with African colonies existing between the Communist world and the British Empire. Cercle co-founder Otto von Habsburg became Coudenhove's successor at the Paneuropa Union and co-founded the secret private intelligence group Le Cercle (which seemed to have sprung from France's Synarchist remnants) in the 1950s of which Leo's son Julian would become head in 1985. 1984, prof. Kees van der Pijl, 'The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class', digital edition: "After the publication of his book Paneuropa in 1923, in which he proposed European unity as a means to prevent war and raise the standard of living in Europe by introducing American mass production and consumption, Coudenhove was approached by Louis Rothschild and Max Warburg. Warburg offered him 60,000 gold marks to start a movement, of which the Dresdner Bank and Rothschild's Kreditanstalt of Vienna became the trustees. 66 The organization's prominent supporters and officials were, for the greater part, bankers and their friends except for France, where liberal leaders like Herriot and cartel protagonists like Loucheur were both prominent. In the Belgian national committee of the Paneuropa Union, Heinemanr of SOFINA was the treasurer; in Germany, von Gwinner, of the Deutsche Bank, and subsequently, H. Pitstenberg of the Berliner Handelsgesellschaft, a bank linked to AEG; Colijn was the leading figure in the Netherlands; and in Luxemburg, A. Mayrisch, of the ARBED steel trust was prominent. In Britain, finally, it was the Colonial Secretary, L.S. Amery, linked to the Vickers group, who promoted Coudenhove and eventually secured Churchill's support as well. One of Coudenhove's main concerns (shared by his banker supporters), however, was American support. In 1925, Max Warburg arranged for his brothers in the United States, Felix and Paul, to invite Coudenhove for an American tour [one of his most important partners here became Pilgrims Society president Nicholas Murray Butler, who fell under J.P. Morgan's influence]... As Schacht told Coudenhove, it was Hitler who would bring unity to Europe; soon after his taking power, the Paneuropa Union was outlawed in Germany and the Atlanticist industrialist, Robert Bosch, who had taken over its finances (and deposited them in Zurich), was forced to step down." Trustee of the Rhodes Trust and an important member of the Milner Group, of which Carroll Quigley spoke in detail. Favored appeasement with Germany until mid 1939. 1981, Professor Carroll Quigley, 'The Anglo-American Establishment - From Rhodes to Cliveden', p. 271-273: "It goes without saying that the whole inner core of the Group, and their chief publications, such as The Times and The Round Table, approved the policy of appeasement completely... After the remilitarization of the Rhineland, The Times cynically called this act "a chance to rebuild." As late as 24 February 1938, in the House of Lords, Lothian defended the same event... In the House of Commons in October 1935, and again on 6 May 1936, Amery systematically attacked the use of force to sustain the League of Nations... He quoted Austen Chamberlain in 1925 and General Smuts in 1934 with approval, and concluded: "I think that we should have got together with France and Italy and devised some scheme by which under a condominium or mandate certain if not all of the non-Amharic provinces of Abyssinia should be transferred to Italian rule. The whole thing could have been done by agreement, and I have no doubt that such agreement would have been ratified at Geneva." This last statement was more then seven weeks before the Hoare-Laval Plan was made public, and six weeks after its outlines were laid down by Hoare, Eden, and Laval at a secret meeting in Paris (10 September 1935)... Between Amery's two speeches, on February 5, 1936, Sir Arthur Salter, of the [Milner] Group and All Souls, offered his arguments to support appeasement. He quoted Smuts's speech of 1934 with approval and pointed out the great need for living space and raw materials for Japan, Italy, and Germany. The only solution, he felt, was for Britain to yield to these needs... The liquidation of countries between Germany and Russia could proceed as soon as the Rhineland was fortified, without fear on Germany's part that France would be able to attack her in the west while she was occupied in the east. The chief task of the Milner Group was to see that this devouring process was done no faster than public opinion in Britian could accept, and that the process did not result in any outburst of violence, which the British people would be unlikely to accept. To this double purpose, the British government and the Milner Group made every effort to restrain the use of force by the Germans and to soften up the prospective victims so that they would not resist the process and thus precipitate war. The countries marked for liquidation included Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, but did not include Greece and Turkey, since the group had no intention of allowing Germany to get down onto the Mediterranean "lifeline"..." Secretary of State for India 1940-1945, and arranged for India to have independence. Member Carlton Club. Leo's oldest son, John Amery, was a staunch anti-Communist who became a gun-runner for General Franco (Knight of Malta) and an Italian intelligence officer. He met with Jacques Doriot, a French Fascist leader (and quite possibly a high level Synarchist player), in the early 1930s and was recruited by the Nazis. In November 1942, he began making pro Adolf Hitler broadcasts in Berlin (it is quite possible that John never even knew of his Jewish heritage, because his father kept his background hidden to avoid being discriminated by the British establishment). In April 1943 Amery established the Legion of St. George and attempted to persuade British prisoners to fight for Germany against the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front. In the final months of the war Amery moved to Italy where he made propaganda speeches on behalf of Benito Mussolini. He also made broadcasts on Italian radio. Amery was captured by Italian partisans in Milan in April 1945, and soon afterwards was handed over to the British authorities. After being interviewed by MI5 John Amery was tried for high treason and hanged. He always claimed he never had the intention of harming any Allies and that he only was anti-communist (and a fascist). Leo's younger son, who tried to save his older brother's live when he was arrested for treason, would at the very least attend a number of Pilgrims Society meetings and in a later stage became head of the hard-right, anti-communist intelligence group Le Cercle, which coincidentally can be tied to some French Synarchy remnants. |
Amery, Lord Julian | 1919-1996 |
Source(s): Mentioned as a visitor of a Pilgrims meeting by The Times of January 29, 1964 and of December 13, 1973 (guest of honor was Henry Kissinger) Julian Amery was born in 1919 and educated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxford, before starting work as a left wing war correspondent in the Spanish Civil War from 1938 to 1939. Attache on British missions to Belgrade, Ankara, Sofia and Bucharest 1939-1940. Julian was an MI6 operative, although it isn't really known what he has been doing in this function. During WWII, he enlisted as a sergeant in the RAF, but was rapidly transferred to the Army, with the rank of Captain, and sent to the Middle East. Amery was a close associate of Lt.-Col. Billy McLean, a later Cercle member (and devout christian), since these days. Another rapid transfer sent him to Yugoslavia, to liaise with the partisans fighting Germany. In 1944 he was in Albania, working with the Albanian Resistance. Churchill’s personal representative to Chiang Kai-Shek (a notorious Triad leader, Opium smuggler, and all-round criminal) in 1945 (at the time that Baron Robert Rothschild was present there, at his own request, as secretary at the embassy in Chungking, the headquarters of Chiang Kai-shek's government; Jean Monnet had earlier bridged Kai-Shek's Chinese economy with the West). In 1950 he became a Conservative member of parliament. Married Harold Macmillan's daughter in 1950, although politically he was often at odds with him. Co-founder of the CIA-sponsored Congress for Cultural Freedom and met on 24/25 June 1950 with other founders as Melvin J. Lasky of Encounter, Arthur Koestler, Richard Lowenthal and others. Representative to the Round Table Conference on Malta in 1955. Representative to the Council of Europe 1950-1956. Parliamentary Under-Secretary for War under Macmillan 1957-1958. Same function at the Colonial Office 1958-1960. Member of the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Club in the 1950s and 1960s. Member of the Other Club since 1960, over the years together with the Duke of Devonshire (Cavendish), the 7th Marquess of Salisbury (Le Cercle), Lord Carrington (Pilgrims Society president), Lord Richardson of Duntisbourne (major Pilgrims Society member), Lord Rothschild, Lord Rees-Mogg, Prince Charles, Paul Channon (Le Cercle), Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Sir Edward Heath, Sir Denis Thatcher, and Winston S. Churchill. Member of the Privy Council since 1960. Secretary of State for Air 1960-1962. Minister of Aviation 1962-1964. With his friends David Stirling and Billy McLean, and help from the Cercle-affiliated royal houses of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, he set up a private SAS war in Yemen in the early 1960s in an effort to get Nasser out. 1999, Adam Curtis, 'The Mayfair Set' (broadcasted on BBC2), videoclip of a Julian Amery speech: "The prosperity of our people rests really on the oil in the Persian Gulf, the rubber and tin of Malaya, and the gold, copper and precious metals of South- and Central Africa. As long as we have access to these; as long as we can realize the investments we have there; as long as we trade with this part of the world, we shall be prosperous. If the communists [or anyone else] were to take them over, we would lose the lot. Governments like Colonel Nasser's in Egypt are just as dangerous." Stimulated considerable controversy by his enthusiasm for the Anglo-French Concorde project in the early 1960s. At this time De Gaulle first rejected British entry into the European Union January 1, 1992, The Times, 'Secret war waged on protesters; 1961 Cabinet Papers': "Harold Macmillan's government conducted a secret war against the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament during the autumn of 1961. R.A. Butler, the home secretary, told the cabinet that evidence should be obtained against the movement's organisers showing "a definite intention to commit breaches of the law". Searches would be made the day before the protests at the homes of CND members, he said. "Evidence might become available which would warrant the immediate arrest of some its main organisers on charges of conspiracy." Julian Amery, the secretary of state for air, said if any of the demonstrators gained access to an airfield "forceful action including the use of fire-hoses and police dogs will be taken."" Out of Parliament 1966-1969. Minister of State at Public Buildings and Works under Heath 1970. Minister of State at at Housing 1970-1972. Minister of State at the Foreign Office when Great Britain joined the European Union under Heath in 1973. Foreign Office 1972-1974. Since then served in the backbenches in Parliament until his retirement in the 1990s. From about 1970 to 1992 Amery was an active member and Patron of the Conservative Monday Club, where he became friendly with general Sir Walter Walker, subsequently writing the foreword for Walker's 1980 anti-Soviet book 'The Next Domino'. President of the Conservative Monday club was Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, the 5th Marquess of Salisbury, from 1961 to 1972 (KG; PC; married into Cavendish family). His son, the 6th Marquess of Salisbury, took over in 1974 and ran it until 1981. The 7th Marquess of Salisbury (since 2003) is a member of Le Cercle while the third son of the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, the supposed co-ordinator of the Round Table, is known to have been a member of the Pilgrims Society. The Cecils also are generational members of the Roxburghe Club, putting them in touch with the old ruling families of Britain, including Howard, Cavendish, Rothschild, Oppenheimer, and Mellon. February 22, 2002, The Independent, 'The Airey Neave File': "Critics of British policy in Ulster maintained that British intelligence became involved in treasonable policies. In 1987, the Labour MP Ken Livingstone used the cover of parliamentary privilege to suggest in the House of Commons that Airey Neave was a co-conspirator with MI5 and MI6 in disinformation activities involving the controversial whistle-blowing spies Colin Wallace and Peter Wright. He also alleged that, a week before his murder, Neave sought to recruit a former MI6 officer to set up a small group to involve itself in the internal struggles of the Labour Party... These were not the wildest allegations. There were improbable tales about how Neave, and others, had a decade earlier planned to set up an "army of resistance" to the Labour government of the Wilson era to "forestall a Communist take-over" and talked of assassinating Tony Benn should he become prime minister. Yet such was the febrile atmosphere of that Cold War epoch that some sceptics gave credibility to the possibility. This was, it must be remembered, the time, about 1970, when Auberon Waugh - fed by various sources, including his MI6 agent uncle Auberon Herbert - produced a series of clearly defamatory articles in Private Eye openly alleging that the former prime minister Harold Wilson was a KGB agent. Even as late as 1975, when Mrs Thatcher became leader of the Conservative Party, groups of senior Tories were secretly gathering to hear spy-writers such as Chapman Pincher [and Brian Crozier, an old friend with whom he worked] address them on the "grave dangers facing Britain from the left"... It was in response to such beliefs, according to claims by the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, that plans for secret armed cells to resist a more left-wing Labour government were drawn up by a group that included George Kennedy Young - the ex-deputy director of the British intelligence service MI6 and a notorious racist and anti-Semite - and Airey Neave. The claim gained unexpected credence when, despite official MoD denials, two former British Army generals - Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley, the former Nato commander of Allied Forces Northern Europe, and General Sir Walter Walker, another former head of Nato's forces - confirmed that a secret armed network of selected civilians was set up in Britain after the war and was secretly modernised in the Thatcher years and maintained into the 1980s. Moreover, Searchlight alleged, Neave and Young were key figures in an extreme-right group called Tory Action, which was at the centre of a smear campaign, involving the secret services, aimed at discrediting the Labour government in Britain in 1975." Like the Cecils, Amery was one of the most prominent supports of Ian Smith's racist white-minority government in Rhodesia in the 1970s. Smith's pro-business Rhodesian government had broken itself of from the Wilson government in 1965 to keep the wealthy white minority rule in place. Corporations like Lonrho supported this decision until the situation in the mid 1970s became untenable. Attacked Thatcher in 1979 in a bitter and powerful speech over her decision to abandon the Rhodesian Muzorewa-Smith government (Sept 5, 1996, The Independent, Amery's obituary). May 17, 2002 issue, Jeffrey Steinberg for Executive Intelligence Review, 'Ariel Sharon: Profile of an Unrepentant War Criminal': "On Nov. 15, 1982, a final meeting took place on several real estate purchases, mostly through Arab middle-men, to push the massive expansion of Jewish settlements throughout the West Bank at a handsome profit. Attending the meeting at Sharon's ranch were: Kissinger [Cercle], Lord Harlech (Sir David Ormsby-Gore), Johannes von Thurn und Taxis [1001 Club], Tory Parliamentarian Julian Amery [Cercle], Sir Edmund Peck, and MI-6 Mideast mandarin Nicholas Elliot [Cercle]." Appointed president/chairman of Le Cercle at the suggestion of Brian Crozier in 1985 and remained in this post until the early 1990s. Known to have attended the 1990 Cercle meeting in Oman. Present at a January 22, 1986 dinner hosted by Margaret and Denis Thatcher in honor of Shimon Peres. Jacob Rothschild and his wife, Mrs. Montefiore, Sir Geoffrey Howe, and Leon Brittan were among the few dozen guests. Chairman of the London branch of the Global Economic Action Institute, which which was funded by Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. July 6, 1986, Sunday Times, 'Top Thatcher aides linked to Moonie cult': "Two of Mrs Thatcher's top advisers, the head of the No 10 policy unit, Brian Griffiths, and her former economics guru, Professor Sir Alan Walters, have unwittingly joined an organisation funded by the Moonie cult along with a senior backbench Conservative MP. Both Griffths and Walters are listed as standing committee members of a free-market organisation called the Global Economic Action Institute, which holds economic and political conferences around the world. Following accusations by a cult monitoring group in the United States, the institute admitted last week that it was funded by the Moonie organisation. Also on the standing committee of the institute is the president of the Moonie church, Dr Mose Durst, who is listed as a senior director of the institute. The London arm of the institute is chaired by Julian Amery, the Conservative MP for Brighton Pavilion. The headquarters of the organisation are on Fifth Avenue in New York... In 1981 a British jury accepted that the controversial Moonie organisation - officially called the Unification Church - split families and used brainwashing to recruit and keep its predominantly young membership... Walters said that although he was told 'some time ago' by the institute's chairman, Robert Anderson, that the church was one of the funders of the institute, he felt that the actions of the institute should be judged on their own merit and he would not be resigning. Walters last week called for a more tolerant attitude towards the religion although he said that he was not a member." May 19, 1989, The Times, 'Social charter 'treat to employment': "Mr Julian Amery (Brighton Pavilion, C) said that Britain should agree to join the European Monetary System, not just when the time was right, but when British inflation was lower and there had been time to study the consequences of other EC countries abandoning their exchange controls." This would have put him at odds with Margaret Thatcher and later Cercle chairman Lord Norman Lamont. Consultant to the extremely corrupt Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) in the 1980s. August 7, 1991, Washington Post, 'BCCI Adept at Courting the Powerful and Rich': "In Britain, two senior Conservative members of Parliament and one former member listed themselves as consultants to BCCI -- part of what has been described as a global network of highly placed advisers. They are Sir Julian Ridsdale, a former defense minister; Julian Amery; and former Parliament member Sir Frederic Bennett, an honorary director of BCCI in Hong Kong until 1986 who received $10,000 a year from BCCI, according to the Sunday Observer. Amery declined to tell the Observer how much he received and could not be reached for comment here, but he has said he advised the bank on international affairs." Sir Frederic Mackarness Bennett (son of an appeaser and member of the Anglo-German Fellowship; owned a Rolls-Royce and four homes, one of them in the Cayman Islands; director Kleinwort Benson Europe (his mother was a Kleinwort); long time Lloyds underwriter; influential member of Parliament from the 1950s to the 1980s; member Monday Club; always warning people about the KGB threat and supported every regime that opposed the USSR; chair FARI in 1978; vice-president of the European-Atlantic Group; leading official in the private group Council of Europe in the late 1970s and 1980s; honorary director of the BCCI in Hong Kong until 1986; Member of the Privy Council since 1985; ridiculed his party's (Conservatives) for their Euroscepticism after his retirement in 1987; supported Pinochet; Freeman of the City of London; has been to Bilderberg and the Pilgrims Society) was a member of relatively high society. In October 1998 Bennett wrote in The Times: "Sir, Of course it is true that Britain owes General Pinochet (reports, October 19, 20; letters October 20) and his then Government a deep debt of gratitude for the attitudes and actions by Chile from the onset of the Falklands war and throughout the conflict. It is undeniable that they shortened the war, and saved many British servicemen's lives." Lord Norman Lamont of Le Cercle also defended Pinochet; Cercle member Kissinger helped him to power. Became a Baron in 1992. Mentor to Jonathan Aitken, a later chairman of Le Cercle and another member of the Privy Council. Consistently voted against the return of the death penalty. Announced he would leave the House of Commons in January 1991 to spent more time with his wife, who was ill. Lady Catherine Amery, Julian's wife, died in July 1991. At the memorial services were present: the Duke of Devonshire (Cavendish; Roxburghe Club), the Marquess of Salisbury (Cecil; Roxburghe Club), Viscount and Viscountess Cranborne (Cecil; Cercle; Roxburghe Club), Lord Charles Cecil, Philippa Viscountess Astor, Paul Channon (Cercle), Sir Erik Bennett (Cercle), Dr Omar Al-Zawawi (personal advisor to the Sultan of Oman of the Cercle), Jonathan Aitken (Cercle), Nicholas Elliott (Cercle), and Winston S. Churchill (MP). The Times described him after has retirement announcement: "Julian Amery has trod the boards for 40 years. Like many of his generation, he had a good war, and has been defending the British empire ever since. To listen to him orate is to return to the pre-war House of Commons; plummy and proud, he could have stepped neatly out of the pages of Chips Channon's diaries. More recently, hidden behind a camel-driver's beard, he has said ``a few words'' over the grave of his chief enemy, Russian communism." Died in December 1996. Robert Cecil, a good friend of his, wrote an obituary: "The evening before his memorial service, Julian Amery's children held a party in his house in Eaton Square... As we drank, the sense of Julian Amery's spirit in the room was overwhelming. It seeped from the faded green paint on the walls; from the well-used but elegant furniture; from the photographs of foreign monarchs and statesmen on the tables; from the presents they had given lying about the room, golden swords and daggers, oriental carpets, arcana from all over the world. Above all, it seeped from us: British Cabinet ministers and politicians, spies, adventurers, servants of Empire, post-imperial servants of the Crown in foreign lands, Omanis, Afghans, Romanians, Albanians, Persians, Jordanians, Americans. Some, including the British, were political exiles. Some were high in their countries' governments... He was a British politician who never became a member of the Cabinet, an Air Minister who later became Minister of Housing and Minister of State at the Foreign Office. He was caricatured by the press as a white supremacist, a right-winger, an anachronism. And for them it must have been true. He had a plummy voice to prove it. In fact, Amery was a politician with a certain idea of this country. He was a patriot who believed in a British mission to the world, but who was convinced that our place was in Europe. He was a romantic, reared on the romance of Empire and of the great game, but who made a study of the realities of power. He believed in British culture and tradition, but he sympathised with the traditions of the peoples of the book." |
Ammidon, Hoyt Exec. committee |
1909-1988 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008); Pilgrims of the United States officers list since 1982; Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1989' (obituary list) Student, Loomis School, Windsor, Connecticut, 1928. Student, Le Rosey School, Rolle, Switzerland, 1926. BA, Yale University, 1932. LL.D., Hofstra University, 1968. With Central Hanover Bank (now Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co.), 1932-88, assistant secretary, 1937-43, vice president, 1950-52, trustee, 1957. Personal-investment manager for Vincent Astor, 1952-58. President U.S. Trust Co., New York City, 1958-62, chairman, 1962-74; chairman board U.S. International Adv. Co., 1966-74. Director, executive committee, chairman audit committee Perkin-Elmer Corp., 1967-79. Director Alliance: Balanced Shares, Divident Shares, Insured California Tax.-Ex. Shelter Inc., Tax-Free Shares, Inc., Alliance Bond Fund, Mortgage Securities Income Fund and Tax-Free Income Fund, Tax-Free, Pacific General Devel. Co. Former chairman board WestAm. Properties, S.A.; member New York Banking Board, 1963-67. Commissioner Port New York Authority, 1969-72, vice chairman, 1970-72, chairman operations committee, 1970-72. Hon. chairman, founding member Am. Friends Can. Committee, Inc.; member national businessmen's committee A Better Chance, 1969-73; Member devel. board Yale University; member adv. board YMCA, Huntington Township, New York ; former board directors Memorial Hospital; member committee New York Clearing House Association; board directors emeritus Lincoln Center Performing Arts; board directors Federal Hall Memorial Associates, New York City, 1959-74, New York City National Shrines Associates, 1969-74, New York div. Am. Cancer Society, 1969-73; board governors Hundred Year Association of New York , 1963-71; trustee, president emeritus board Loomis School; trustee emeritus Cooper Union Advancement Sci. and Art; trustee, founding member Business Committee for the Arts, Inc.; life fellow Metropolitan Museum Art; fellow Pierpont Morgan Library, 1962-74; President board directors advisory council American Ditchley Foundation. Member Society Colonial Wars, Society Mayflower Descendants, Grad. Club Association New Haven, Association International Anciens Roseens, Pilgrims, U.S. Srs. Golf Association (former director), Chi Psi., Economic (New York City). Decorated grand official Order Crown of Italy; Fundacion Internacional Eloy Alfaro Panama; officer Am. Society Most Venerable Order of Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem; hon. Commander of the Order of the British Empire; recipient Medal of Merit St. Nicholas Society City New York, 1969; Gold medal St. Paul's Cathedral, London. His son, Hoyt Ammidon Jr., is managing director of Berkshire Capital Corporation (sharing the board with Peter C. Rockefeller) and a managing director of Chase Manhattan Investment Bank. |
Anderson, Arthur Marvin | 1880-1966 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Married Alice Mary Sloane in 1909 (seemingly a Pilgrims Society family). Began in banking business in N.Y.C. in 1904. Partner J.P. Morgan & Company 1926-1940. Director of Morgan's U.S. Steel Corporation. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations since the 1940s. Vice president J.P. Morgan & Company 1940-1948. Executive chairman J.P. Morgan & Company 1948-1953. Vice chairman J.P. Morgan & Company 1953-1955, Director executive commity J.P. Morgan & Company 1955-1959. Member of the advisory council of Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York since 1959. Director of Northern Pacific Ry. Has a ship named after him. |
Anderson, Fred Richard | b. 1941 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BM in Voice, University Redlands, 1963. Captain US Air Force, 1964-69. MDiv, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1973. Doctor in Ministry, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1981. Pastor Pompton Valley Presbyterian Church, Pompton Plains, New Jersey, 1973-78. President Pequennock (New Jersey) Senior City Housing, 1974-1978. Trustee Chilton Memorial Hospital, Pompton Plains, 1976-1978. Senior pastor Pine St. Church, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1978-92. Vice president YMCA, Harrisburg, 1987-1992. Senior pastor Madison Ave. Presbyterian Church, New York City, since 1992. Chair education board Reformed Liturgy and Music, 1983-89. Board directors Liturgical Conference, 1990-94. Board trustees Princeton Theological Seminary, since 1992. Trustee Harrisburg Hospital, 1990-1992. Member Appeal Conscience Foundation (trustee), North America Academy Liturgy, Presbyterian Association Musicians, Union League Club (New York City), The Pilgrims. |
Anderson, Nils | 1882-1965 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Organized in 1905, later became chairman of Debevoise-Anderson Co., N.Y.C. Exclusive rep. Brit. Iron and Steel Fedn., rep. govt. Gt. Britain for pig iron requirements, 1936-40; dir. Dragon Cement Co. Commr. State Bd. Control Instns. and Agys. of N.J., 1944; vice chmn. Talbot County chpt. A.R.C., Easton, Md.; N.J. del. Rep. Nat. Conv., Phila., 1940, Chgo., 1944, also state committeeman. Former v.p., dir. Easton (Md.) Meml. Hosp., Met. Opera Assn., Balt. Opera Club; overseer Graham-Eckes Sch.; mem. Rector’s Council, Bethesda Ch.-By-The-Sea, Palm Beach, Fla. Decorated Royal Order of Vasa (Sweden), 1953. Mem. N.Y.C. of C., Swedish C. of C. U.S.A. (dir.), Pilgrims Soc. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: Union (N.Y.C.); Century, Downtown Assn., Metropolitan (Washington); Chesapeake Bay Yacht, Bath & Tennis (Palm Beach, Fla.). Established Nils Anderson Scholarship at Mass. Inst. Tech., 1961. Home: 825 Fifth Av., N.Y.C |
Andrews, Archie Moulton | b. 1919 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Princeton University, 1941. Executive trainee at the Knights of Malta-controlled W.R. Grace & Co. 1941-42. Economic analyst at the State Department 1942-1943. U.S. rep. blacklist committee Ministry Economic Warfare, Am. embassy, London, 1943-45. with Dictograph Products, Inc., Danbury, Connecticut, 1946-63, president, 1962-63. Also director; president Acousticon-Dictograph Co. Ltd., Can., 1963, director, 1958-63, General Acoustics Ltd., England, 1950-63. Deputy director Bureau International Commerce, Department Commerce, 1964-69. Director U.S. trade mission to North Africa, 1966. Commercial counsellor to the American embassy, London, 1970-75. Director business services Office International Affairs, HUD, Washington, 1976-77. Director exporters service Office Export Administration, Department Commerce, 1978-86. Senior policy analyst Office of Technology and Policy Analysis, 1986-88. Retired, 1988. Sons of the American Revolution. Clubs: Princeton (Washington and New York City); Pilgrims; Diplomatic and Consular Officers. |
Angell, Ernest | 1889-1973 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1973' (obituary list) Son of Elgin Adelbert and Lily (Curtis) A.; A.B., Harvard, 1911, LL.B., 1913; LL.D., Bard Coll., 1954; married Elizabeth Chapin of the American Motors fortune in 1915 (div. 1939); Practiced in Cleve., 1913-17, in N.Y.C., 1920-73; mem. firm Hardin, Hess & Eder, 1922-36; regional adminstr. for N.Y., SEC, 1936-38; mem. firm Spence, Hotchkiss, Parker & Duryee, 1938-54. Served to capt., inf. U.S. Army, 1917-19; A.E.F. Trustee Briarcliff Coll. Chmn. N.Y. area Loyalty Review Board, 1948-50. Mem. Am., N.Y. State bar assns., N.Y. County Lawyers Assn., Assn. Bar City N.Y., American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU; past chmn.), Am. Assn. for Free Jurists (chmn. bd.). Member of the International Commission of Jurists meetings in Athens and New Delhi. Member Council on Foreign Relations. Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Century Assn., Harvard, River (N.Y.C.). Author: Supreme Court Primer, 1937; Les Aspects Constitutionnels des Libertes Publiques aux Etats-Unis, 1964. Editor: The Rule of Law in the United States, 1958, 62. Contbr. articles to lit. jours. and law revs. |
Angelson, Mark Alan | b. 1951 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Educated at Rutgers College, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and at Rutgers Law School. Angelson began his career in 1975 as a lawyer with Sullivan & Cromwell. From 1982 through 1995, he practiced with Sidley & Austin, serving as Co-Chair of International Operations and Resident Managing Partner of the law firm's offices in Singapore, New York and London. During this period, he participated in the development of substantial, notably successful law practices in each of those cities, and served on the boards of various multinational companies and not-for-profit organizations. From 1996 until 2001, Mr. Angelson served in various capacities, including as Executive Deputy Chairman, at Big Flower Holdings (NYSE: BGF), a printing and advertising services holding company, and its successor, Vertis Holdings, Inc. At Big Flower, he was involved in approximately 30 printing industry acquisitions and related financings, and the $2 billion leveraged recapitalization and sale of control of the company to Thomas H. Lee Fund IV and Evercore Capital Partners. Before assuming his current position, Mr. Angelson served as Chief Executive Officer of Moore Wallace Incorporated (TSX, NYSE: MWI), the third largest printing company in North America. He was a principal architect of the merger between RR Donnelley and Moore Wallace, and of the earlier merger between Moore Corporation Limited (TSX, NYSE: MCL) and Wallace Computer Services, Inc. (NYSE: WCS). Prior to joining Moore as CEO, Mr. Angelson served as Moore's Non-Executive Chairman and Lead Independent Director. Previously, Mr. Angelson served as Deputy Chairman of Chancery Lane Capital, the New York-based private equity investment firm that led the Chancery Lane/GSC Partners L.P. investment in Moore and recruited the Moore management team. Today he is Chief Executive Officer of Chicago-based R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (NYSE: RRD), the largest provider of printing and print-related services in the world, with approximately 43,000 employees, annual revenues of approximately $8 billion, nearly 600 locations around the globe and more than 40,000 customer relationships. The company provides these services to the catalog, retail, magazine, book, directory, advertising, financial, healthcare, telecommunications, automotive and many other industries. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (New York), a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (London), a Trustee of Northwestern University, a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the Pilgrims of Great Britain, the Yale Club of New York City, The Economic Club of Chicago, the Chicago Club and the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago. |
Annenberg, Walter H. | 1908-2002 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Son of Moses Annenberg, publisher of The Philadelphia Inquirer. The story of Moses & Max (older brother) Annenberg is a tale of a hardworking immigrants and financial geniuses who got their start working alongside violent Chicago gangsters while employed by newspaper titan William Randolph Hearst at the turn of the last century. After some time, the owner of the Tribune, Bertie McCormick, decided to hire Moses Annenberg away from Hearst. For a while, the Annenberg brothers were sending out thugs to battle each other. Fifteen years later, Max Annenberg was alleged to be an associate and friend of Chicago crime boss Al Capone. In 1924, Moses Annenberg got involved with a racing news service in Chicago and Milwaukee. Soon there were reports that those who didn't take the Annenberg race wire service were themselves the victims of beatings, fire bombings and, on occasion, murder. The crime syndicates had come to be dependent on Moses Annenberg. Without his service they couldn't operate their illegal gambling rackets. In 1938, the Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes, traveled from Washington D.C. to give a speech in Philadelphia condemning Moses Annenberg, who, at that time, was backing the Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania. Ickes charged it was Annenberg's violent tactics during the Chicago newspaper wars that inspired gangsters like Al Capone. Ickes said that "the hiring of Moses Annenberg by Hearst was the beginning of the subsequent flood of lawlessness that almost engulfed law enforcement in the United States." Moses, Walter, and 2 other business associates were indicted in 1939 for evading more than $2 million in taxes and another $3 million in penalties and interest. Moses was later separately indicted for conspiring to bribe a Philadelphia detective. In April 1940, Moses Annenberg agreed to plead guilty to one count -- "willfully" evading $1,217,296 -- and to pay almost $9 million in fines and penalties. In exchange for his plea the government agreed to drop all charges against his son, Walter Annenberg. In the 1940s, Walter Annenberg established Triangle Broadcasting, which at its peak controlled 6 AM radio stations, 6 FM radio stations, and 6 TV stations. He is also the founder and owner of Triangle Publications, which owned the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Daily News, TV Guide and Seventeen Magazine. Received the Alfred I. DuPont Award (Pilgrim) in 1951. Received the Marshall Field Award (Pilgrim) in 1958. Founded The Annenberg School for Communication at The University of Pennsylvania in 1958. Ambassador to England 1969-1974. During his assignment to Britain, Annenberg appointed Gordon Gray as chairman of his Triangle Broadcasting Company 1969–1975. Gray was very big in government and intelligence since 1947, the original director of the Psychological Strategy Board, and a heir to the R.J. Reynolds fortune. Annenberg founded The Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California in 1971. In 1988, News Corp. acquired Triangle Publications, including TV Guide. Founder-trustee and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, California. Annenberg also served as Trustee of the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships and the Winston Churchill Traveling Fellowships. He was Emeritus Trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The University of Pennsylvania and The Peddie School. Annenberg received honorary degrees from many international universities. Annenberg was named Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II. He was also named Officer of the French Legion of Honor, and presented with the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy. (received dozens of other awards and honors) He was a member of the Associated Press, the American Society of Newspaper Editors, International Press Institute, National Press Club, Overseas Press Club, American Newspaper Publishers Association, Sigma Delta Chi, the International Arts-Medicine Association, and the Inter-American Press Association. Has been awarded by the ADL. A former Commander of the United States Naval Reserve, Annenberg also was a member of the Navy League of the U.S. He also has his own foundation, the Annenberg Foundation. Walter Annenberg was a generous philanthropist who gave millions to universities, art museums, charities and PBS. He was a friend to kings and presidents. Member of the Pilgrims Society and the 1001 Club. |
Anson, Charles Vernon | b. 1944 |
Source(s): October 1, 2008, The Times, 'Luncheon: The Pilgrims' (Charles Anson among participants) Vice Chairman, Cubitt Consulting PR, since 2002; Chairman, South Downs Joint Committee, since 2009. Joined Diplomatic Service, 1966; Third, later Second Sec. (Commercial), Washington, 1968–71; FCO, 1971–74; Asst Private Sec. to Minister of State, 1974–76; Second Sec. (Commercial), Tehran, 1976–79; seconded to Press Office, 10 Downing St., 1979–81; First Sec. (Inf.), Washington, 1981–85; FCO, 1985–87; Dir of Public Relations, Kleinwort Benson, 1987–90; Press Sec. to the Queen, 1990–97; Gp Corporate Relns Dir, Grand Metropolitan, later Diageo plc, 1997–98; Hd of Communications, EBU, 1998–2000; Dir of Corporate Commns, Hilton Gp, 2000–01; Communications Advr, The Queen’s Golden Jubilee Weekend Trust, 2001–02. Trustee: Elizabeth Finn Trust, 2002–08; Brogdale Horticultural Trust, 2002–08 |
Apgar, Mahlon, IV | b. 1941 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Dartmouth College, 1962. Postgrad., Oxford University, England, 1965. MBA, Harvard University, 1968. Associate McKinsey and Co., Inc., New York City and London, 1968-74, principal, London and Washington, 1974-80. Principal Apgar & Co., Inc., Washington, Baltimore, 1980-. President, chief executive officer Wellington Real Estate, Washington, 1985-87. Senior vice president Wellington Management Co./Thorndike, Doran, Paine & Lewis, Boston, 1985-87. Managing director Alex Brown Realty Services, Baltimore, 1987-90. Research associate Harvard Program on Tech. and Society, 1968-69. Visiting lecturer City and Regional Planning Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1968-69. Principal advisor Secretary State Environment, London, 1972-74. Urban advisor Minister Municipal and Rural Affairs, Saudi Arabia, 1974-78. Devel. advisor Summa Corp. (Estate of Howard Hughes), L.A., 1983-84. Director World Affairs Council, Washington, 1982-87. Member investment committee Magdalen College, Oxford, 1986-. Member advisory council American Ditchley Foundation, New York City, 1979-. Trustee National Building Museum, 1990-. Fellow Royal Society Arts. Member Am. Society Real Estate Counselors, Urban Land Institute (trustee 1990-. Chairman commercial and retail council 1988-93, chairman international committee 1987-90, Urban Land Foundation (governor 1993—), Metropolitan Club (Washington), Brooks's Club (London), Harvard Club (New York City), Pilgrims Club (New York City). |
Appleby, Sir Robert Rowland | 1887-1966 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital Director, Past. Pres. and Chairman of the Board of The British Empire Chamber of Commerce in the USA, New York; Founder and Vice-Pres. British War Relief Soc. of USA; Member St George’s Society (Past Pres.). President of Robert Appleby & Co. Inc. (Exporters & Importers), New York. |
Appleton, Francis Randall, Jr. | 1885-1974 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 28, 1976' (obituary list) Son of Francis Randall and Fanny (Lanier) A.; grad. Groton Sch., 1903; A.B. cum laude, Harvard, 1907, LL.B. cum laude, 1910; married Joan Mary Egleston, May 29, 1935. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1911; asso. firm Winthrop & Stimson, 1910-16; mem. firm Appleton, Rice & Perrin, 1916 — (both N.Y.C.). Hon. life pres. Ipswich (Mass.) Hist. Soc., 1943-74; pres. N.Y. Farmers, Inc., 1940-47; bd. mgrs. Am. Soc. Prevention Cruelty to Animals, N.Y.C., 1922-43. Commd. capt., inf. O.R.C., 1916; active duty U.S. Army, 1917-19, A.E.F., 1918-19; advanced from capt. to lt. col., inf.; lt. col. inf. Res., 1919-46; Officers’ Hon. Ret. List, 1946, ret., 1952. Mem. Assn. Bar City N.Y., N.Y. State Bar Assn., N.Y. Soc. Colonial Wars, S.R., Am. Legion (founder mem.). Mem. Ascension Meml. Ch. (Vestryman 1929-70, churchwarden 1942-71). Clubs: Meadow Brook (past v.p., treas., sec.) (Westbury, L.I.); Racquet and Tennis, Westminster Kennel, Harvard (N.Y.C.); Somerset, Myopia (Boston); Porcellian (Harvard); Army and Navy (Washington); White’s (London, Eng.). Breeder registered Guernsey and Polled Hereford cattle and Shropshire sheep at Appleton Farms, Ipswich, Essex County, Mass., a 1000 acre farm granted to ancestor Samuel Appleton, 1638; owner Barberry Kennels (registered Am. Kennel Club, 1899), breeders of Smooth Fox Terriers; horse trainer, fox hunter. |
Armour, Norman Exec. committee |
1887-1982 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States officers list in early 1970s; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 26, 1983' (obituary list) Preparatory education, St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire. AB, Princeton University, 1909. LLB, Harvard University, 1913. AM, Princeton University, 1915. Married European nobility in the form of Princess Myra Kondacheff in 1919. Attaché U.S. Embassy, Paris, 1915, 3d secretary Petrograd, Russia, 1916, 2d secretary Russia, 1917-18, Brussels, Belgium, 1919-20; lst secretary of legation The Hague, Netherlands, 1920-21, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1921-22; assistant to under secretary state Washington, 1922-24; 1st secretary U.S. Embassy, Rome, 1924-25; counselor of embassy Tokyo, Japan, 1925-28, Paris, 1928-32; U.S. minister Canada, June 1935; ambassador Chile, 1938, Argetina, 1939, Spain, 1944-45; assistant secretary of state Washington, 1947-48; ambassador Venezuela, 1950-51, Guatemala, 1954-55. Member Princeton Club, Brook Club, Century Club (N.Y.C); Metropolitan Club, Alibi Club, Chevy Chase Club (Washington). Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. |
Armstrong, Anne Legendre | 1927- |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008); 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' Born in New Orleans. Daughter of an aristocratic New Orleans coffee merchant. Graduated from Vassar College. She married Tobin Armstrong, a Texas cattle rancher, in 1950, whom she met in 1942 on the 825,000 acre King Ranch. The King Ranch has been home to many international power elites including Prince Charles and Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis. Tobin was close friends with the Bushes. She served as vice chairman of the Texas Republican Party from 1966 to 1968. In 1971 and 1972, she was cochairman of the Republican National Committee. As counselor to the President, Armstrong was a member of the president's Domestic Council, the Council on Wage and Price Stability, and the Commission on the Organization of Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy. First American woman ambassador to Great Britain from 1976 to 1977. In 1977, Prince Charles visited the Armstrong Ranch to play polo with Anne's husband. Member, Board of Directors: General Motors, 1977–99; Halliburton Company, 1977–2000 (with Cheney); Boise Cascade Corporation, 1978–2000; American Express, 1975–76 and 1981–2000 (with Henry Kissinger and Vernon Jordan). She chaired the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board from 1982 to 1990 and was a trustee of Southern Methodist University and the Smithsonian Institution. Mem. and Governor, Ditchley Foundn, 1977–87. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS): Chm., Bd of Trustees, 1987–99; Chm., Exec. Cttee, 1999–2006. |
Armstrong, James Sinclair | 1915-2000 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student, Milton Academy, Massachusetts, 1934. AB cum laude, Harvard, 1938. JD, Harvard University, 1941. Postgrad., Northwestern University, 1948. Associate Isham, Lincoln & Beale, Chicago, 1941-45, 46-49, partner, 1950-53. Commissioner Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, 1953-57, chairman, 1955-57. assistant secretary navy for fin. management, also compt. Department Navy, 1957-59. Executive vice president U.S. Trust Co. of New York , 1959-80. Partner Whitman & Ransom, New York City, 1980-84, of counsel, 1984-93, Whitman Breed Abbott & Morgan, New York City, 1993-94, retired, 1995. Board directors, secretary, treasurer The Reed Foundation, Inc.; board directors The Bramwell Funds, Inc. Decorated officer Order Orange-Nassau (The Netherlands), Commander Order of the British Empire (U.K.). Chairman emeritus English-Speaking Union U.S.. Trustee emeritus, past president Gunnery School, Washington, Connecticut. Chairman emeritus National Institute Social Scis. Senior warden emeritus L'Eglise Francaise du St. Esprit. Trustee American Friends of the British Library. Member Am. Law Institute (life), Practicing Law Institute (member faculty The Securities and Exchange Commission Speaks program), Association of Bar of City of New York , Harvard Law School Association (life), Navy League of U.S. (life), New York Hist. Society (life), New York Society Libr. (life), Am. Society Venerable Order St. John of Jerusalem, Pilgrims of U.S., St. Andrews Society State of New York (life, past president), Huguenot Society Am. (life, past president), St. Nicholas Society City of New York (life), Scottish Heritage USA (life), Society Colonial Wars of New York (life), Squadron A Association (life), Victorian Society in Am. (life), Century Association, Church Club of New York (life, past president), Harvard Club, New York Yacht Club, Thurs. Evening Club, Union Club, Chevy Chase (Maryland) Club, Washington (Connecticut) Club, Washington Garden Club, Edgartown (Massachusetts) Yacht Club, Edgartown Reading Room. |
Armstrong, John Kremer | 1934-1997 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA with honors, Haverford College, 1956. Fellow Rotary Foundation, 1956-1967. Postgrad., University Delhi, 1957. LLB, Yale University, 1960. Associate Davies, Hardy and Schenck, New York City, 1960-68. Board regents Long Island College Hospital, 1968-1972. Partner Davies, Hardy, Ives and Lawther, 1968-72, Armstrong and Ulrich, New York City, 1973-81, Cole and Deitz, New York City, 1981-85, Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, New York City, from 1985. Lecturer Rotary Club, 1995-96, American Law Institute/ABA, 1995, 1996, National Health Lawyers Association, 1996-97. Trustee Brooklyn Botanical Garden, chairman board, 1982-89. Trustee Westchester Land Trust, 1991-, Aitken Neurosci. Institute, 1995-. Director Netherlands-America Amity Trust, 1992-94. |
Ashdown, Lord Paddy | b. 1941 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Joined the Royal Marine Commandos in 1959, serving until 1972. Served in Borneo and the Persian Gulf, before Special Forces training in 1965, after which he joined the elite Special Boat Service and commanded a Special Boat Section in the Far East. He then went to Hong Kong in 1967 to undertake a full-time interpreter's course in Chinese, and returned to England in 1970 when he was given command of a Commando Company in Belfast. After leaving the Marines, Ashdown worked for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as first secretary to the United Kingdom mission to the United Nations in Geneva. Responsible for the UK's relations with a several United Nations organisations and was also involved in the negotiation of several international treaties, and in some aspects of the European Security Conference (the Helsinki Conference). It has been speculated that this "cushy but dull" job was a cover for a role with MI6, but Ashdown has refused to comment. Labour-Liberal politician in the 1970s. Member of Parliament (MP) for Yeovil from 1983 to 2001, and leader of the Liberal Democrats from 1988 until August 1999. High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina from 27 September 2002 to 30 May 2006. On 14 March 2002 Ashdown testified as a witness for the prosecution at the trial of Slobodan Milošević at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. He said that he was on the Kosovo-Albania border near Junik in June, 1998. From this location, through his binoculars, Ashdown claimed to have seen Serbian forces shelling several villages. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon approached Lord Ashdown for the position of UN Representative to Afghanistan, but this apparently didn't went through because Afghanistan preferred another candidate. Fluent in Mandarin Chinese and other languages. Had a five-month affair with his secretary. Order of St Michael and St George. Order of the British Empire. Privy Council. Member of the Pilgrims Society and a director and co-president of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House). Served RM, 1959–71: 41 and 42 Commando; commanded 2 Special Boat Section; Captain RM; HM Diplomatic Service, 1st Sec., UK Mission to UN, Geneva, 1971–76; Commercial Manager’s Dept, Westlands Gp, 1976–78; Sen. Manager, Morlands Ltd, 1978–81; employed by Dorset CC, 1982–83. Contested (L) Yeovil, 1979; MP Yeovil, 1983–2001 (L 1983–88, Lib Dem 1988–2001); Leader, Liberal Democrats, 1988–99. L spokesman for Trade and Industry, 1983–86; Lib/SDP Alliance spokesman on education and science, 1987; Lib Dem spokesman on NI, 1988–97. High Representative of the International Community and EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2002–06. |
Ashforth, H. Adams | 1904-1991 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 15, 1992' (obituary list) Spent his entire business career with the family company, Albert B. Ashforth Inc., which he joined in 1921 while still a student at Yale. He graduated from Yale in 1923, and in 1929 he became president of the company on the death of his father, who had founded it in 1896. In 1973 Mr. Ashforth founded Ashforth Properties to develop business and residential properties in Fairfield County, Conn. He was a founder and director of the First Natinal Bank of Greenwich, which later merged with the Union Trust Company. |
Astor, 2nd Viscount | 1879-1952 |
Source(s): 1950 list Chm. of the Departmental Committee on Tuberculosis; Chm. of the State Medical Research Committee; MP (C) Plymouth, 1910–19; Inspector of Quartermaster General Services, Oct. 1914–Jan. 1917 (despatches); Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, 1918, to Ministry of Food, 1918, and to Ministry of Health, 1919–21; a British delegate to the League of Nations Assembly, 1931; Master Worshipful Co. of Musicians, 1934–35; Chairman of League of Nations Committee on Nutrition, 1936 and 1937; Chairman of Directors of the Observer; Chairman Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1935–49; Pres. South Western Division YMCA; late Hon. Col Devon and Cornwall Heavy Brigade (T); Lieut City of London; Hon. Freeman City of Plymouth, Lord Mayor of Plymouth, 1939–44; High Steward of Maidenhead |
Astor, John Jacob, 4th | 1864-1912 |
Source(s): 1907 list (listed as "Col. John Jacob Astor"; 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' Inventor. Made millions in real estate and in 1897, Astor built the Astoria Hotel which adjoined Astor’s cousin, William Waldorf Astor's, Waldorf Hotel in New York City, the complex became known as the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Lieutenant colonel in the Spanish-American War. Died on the Titanic in 1912. $87 million fortune at the time of his death. |
Astor, Vincent | 1891-1959 |
Source(s): 1914 list; 1924 list; 1940 list William Vincent Astor. Heir to the fortune of John Jacob Astor IV, who died on the Titanic.
Franklin D. Roosevelt supporter in 1932 and New Deal supporter after
WWII. Director of Chase National Bank. 1992, Allan R. Millett, Williamson Murray, Calculations', p. 232: Additional information came to Roosevelt from his New York neighbor and friend, Vincent Astor. Owner of Newsweek magazine and a director of both the Western Union Telegraph Company and the Chase National Bank, this multimillionaire had an interest in intelligence matters that predated FDR's election, and he used his business and social contacts to organize a loose informal intelligence circle marked by its Anglophile views. Through his contacts, Astor supplied political and economic data directly to FDR, including details on the movement of foreign funds passing through Chase bank. Not only could this help in keeping track of foreign purchases of raw materials and other strategic goods within the country, but it also could assist in counterintelligence work. Astor reminded FDR that "espionage and sabotage need money, and that has to pass through the banks at one stage or another."[61] In providing his own intelligence system to the President, Astor did not limit himself to working within the country. In 1938 he sailed his private yacht Nourmahal to the Pacific to gather information on Japanese-controlled islands. [62] Roosevelt would later appoint Astor as the intelligence coordinator in the New York City area, where, as a Commander in the United States Naval Reserve, he would work with the FBI, ONI, MID, and William Stephenson. 1987, Anthony Cave Brown, '"C": the secret life of Sir Stewart Graham Menzies, spymaster to Winston Churchill', pp. 123-124, 264: "As Sir J. W. Wheeler-Bennett, the royal historian, noted in his biography of King George VI: "Indeed, Britain did not abandon war planning against the United States until 1933. ... Despite the revival of the ancient [Anglo-American] grudge, however, there remained the small but important group of Americans, and a larger group of Britons, who believed that an Anglo-American understanding was fundamental to the containment and perhaps the liquidation of bolshevism. That group included Vincent Astor, a member of the American branch of the British family; Kermit Roosevelt, who had fought in the British army during the war; David Bruce, Andrew Mellon's son-in-law; Nelson Doubleday, the New York publisher; Winthrop Aldrich, the banker; Henry Gray, the New York lawyer; Judge Frederick Kernochan; and what has been described as "a distinguished selection of stockbrokers, philanthropists, and academics." 1993, Robert Finch, 'The Assassination of New York': "[In July 1937] The Herald Tribune planned to run an article on [Nelson Rockefeller's] speech [on real estate investment issues] in its Sunday supplement. Nelson had his uncle Winthrop intervene with Vincent Astor, who happened to be summering in Bermuda at the time, to the piece." |
Astor, Brooke | 1902-2007 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Also known as Mrs. Vincent Astor. President of the Vincent Astor Foundation. First women elected a trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Active New York socialite. Daughter of USMC General John Henry Russell, wife of Vincent Astor, president Vincent Astor Foundation from 1959 and on, which gave away about 195 million in all. President, trustee Astor Home for Children. Trustee Hist. Hudson Valley, Marconi International Fellowship. Trustee and hon. chairman, member devel. committee, member executive committee New York Public Library, New York City. Life trustee, member conservation committee New York Zoological Society. Trustee emeritus, member council of fellows Pierpont Morgan Library. Trustee emeritus, chairman visiting committee department Asian art, member acquisitions committee, executive committee ex officio Metropolitan Museum Art, New York City. Life trustee Rockefeller University. Member New York State Park Commission, 1967-1969. Member American Society in London. Decorated dame Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. |
Astor, John Jacob, 6th | 1912-1992 |
Source(s): 1950 list; 1974 list (John Jacob Astor and John Astor);(1980 list (Again the British list distinquishes between a John Jacob Astor and John Astor) Born in New York City, he was the son of John Jacob Astor IV (1864-1912) and Madeleine Talmadge Force (1893-1940). He never saw his father, who died when the RMS Titanic sank on April 15, 1912. His parents had married on September 9, 1911 and were returning home aboard the ship after about three months honeymooning in Egypt and Europe. Madeleine Astor was five months pregnant when her husband put her in one of Titanic's lifeboats and she was rescued eight hours after her husband went down with the ship. Under the terms of her extremely wealthy husband's will, Madeleine Astor received very little from an estate estimated to be as much as $100 million. Provided she did not remarry, nineteen-year-old Madeleine Astor received the annual investment income from a five-million-dollar trust fund and the use of their homes on Fifth Avenue in New York City and in Newport, Rhode Island. Because they were on their way home, and Mrs. Astor had conceived during their honeymoon abroad, no provision for the unborn child was made in his already set will. However, it is reported that their son received three million dollars at the age of maturity. The rest of her husband's estate was left to Vincent Astor, her late husband's son by his first wife. John Jacob Astor VI graduated from St. George's School in Newport, following which he married Ellen Tuck French in 1934 with whom he had one son but they were divorced in 1943. One year after their divorce he married Gertrude Gretsch. The couple had a daughter but their marriage also ended in divorce in 1954. He married a third time to Sue Sandford in 1954 who predeceased him. John Jacob Astor VI died in Miami Beach, Florida at the age of 79. His body was returned to New York for burial with his parents in the Trinity Church Cemetery. In 1984, his daughter, Jacqueline Astor, married in New York to John R. Drexel 4th of the Pilgrims family. |
Astor, David | 1912-2001 |
Source(s): 1954 list (joined in 1951); 1957 list; 1969 list David Astor. Educated at Eton College he went on to Oxford University where he suffered a nervous breakdown and left university in 1933 without obtaining a degree. Psycho-analyzed by Anna Freud. At Oxford in 1931 he met Adam von Trott zu Solz, later executed for the role he played in a failed assassination of Hitler, who had a lot of influence on him. During World War II, David Astor was wounded in France. In 1936, he joined the Yorkshire Post newspaper where he worked for a year then joined his father's newspaper, The Observer, where he would serve as editor for 27 years. He warned of the dangers of big government and of big business. Influenced by his friend and employee of The Observer, George Orwell. Best man at Orwell's wedding in 1949. He supposedly was anti-big government, very critical of corrupt politicians, pro-blacks, pro-life, etc. In 1977 The Observer was sold to Robert O. Anderson (1001 Club and friend of David Rockefeller), the American owner of the Atlantic Richfield oil company. (had lots of aggressive competition) |
Astor, Baron John J. | 1886-1971 |
Source(s): 1950 list; 1954 list (joined in 1918); 1957 list 1st Baron Astor. Joined 1st Life Guards, 1906; ADC to Viceroy of India, 1911–14; served European War, 1914–18; commanded Household Siege Battery; Hon. Colonel: 23rd London Regt (TA), 1928–49; Kent and Sussex RGA (TA), 1927–46; Lieut-Col 5th Bn City of London Home Guard, 1940–44. MP (U) Dover Division of Kent, 1922–45. Director: GWR, 1929–48; Barclays Bank, 1942–52; Hambros Bank, 1934–60. Dir until Oct. 1962 when resigned: The Times Publishing Co., Phoenix Assurance Co. (Dep. Chm., 1941–52, Chm. 1952–58), and London Guarantee and Accident Co. Ltd Member: Govt Broadcasting Cttee, 1923; Gen. Advisory Council, BBC, 1937; Council, St Dunstan’s, 1922–62. President: Press Club; Commonwealth Press Union; Nat. Assoc. for Employment of Regular Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen, 1936–62; Kent Council, British Legion, 1934–62; MCC, 1937; Kent County Cricket Club, 1929. Past Pres., Newspapers Press Fund. Vice-Pres., Royal Coll. of Music, 1934–62. Chairman: 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Imperial Press Confs; Middlesex Hosp., 1938–62; Middlesex Hosp. Medical Sch., 1945–62; Old Etonian Assoc., 1939–49; Hurlingham Club, 1929–49. Chief Proprietor of The Times Newspaper, 1922–66. |
Astor, Lord Gavin Exec. chairman and president |
1918-1984 | Source(s): 1954 list (joined in 1953); 1957 list; 1969 list (lists Gavin Astor as chairman of the executive committee since 1967); Pilgrims of Great Britain officers lists (chairman of the executive committee until 1977 and then president until his death); 2002, Anne Pimlott Baker, 'The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A centennial history'; Who's Who UK digital Son of John Jacob Astor V (1886-1971), who was educated at Eton College Oxford, used to be a director of Barclays and Hambro, and had bought The Times newspaper in 1922. 2nd Baron Astor of Hever. Educated at Eton and New College, Oxford. Controlling shareholder Times Publishing Co. Ltd. This company controlled the The Times Book Co. Ltd., Issuing House Year Book Ltd., St. Paul's Engineering Ltd., The Review (Insurance) Ltd., The Times Pension Trusts Ltd., The Times London Incorporated and The Gardeners' Chronicle Ltd. Director Times Publishing Co. Ltd. 1952-1959. Chairman Times Publishing Co. Ltd. 1959-1966. Sold The Times in 1966 to Lord Thomson of Fleet. June 29, 1984, The Times, Lord Astor Of Hever obituary: "[Lord Astor said:] The age when proprietors could successfully run their newspaper as a sideline is fading into an age where the survival and prosperity of newspapers depend upon brilliant commercial and professional management." Remained a director of The Times Newspaper Holdings until his death. Director of Reuters Ltd, 1955–61. Chairman and president of the Commonwealth Press Union 1959-1981. Director of Alliance Assurance, Electrolux and the Monotype Corporation. Held the medieval office of Seneschal of Canterbury Cathedral since 1974. Owned Hever Castle, but was forced to sell it in 1982. |
Astor, Hugh | 1920-1999 |
Source(s): 1954 list (joined in 1953); 1957 list; 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Second of the three sons of John Jacob Astor V, first Baron Astor of Hever. Educated in the family tradition at Eton and New College, Oxford. In 1940 he was commissioned into the Intelligence Corps and served in Europe and the Far East. Joined his older brother Gavin on the board of The Times in 1956. In 1959, when Gavin Astor became chairman, Hugh became his deputy. Having relinquished control to his sons, Lord Astor of Hever left Britain in 1962 with great reluctance. It proved impossible for the Astor brothers to manage The Times as they wished, and in 1967 they sold it to Roy Thomson, later Lord Thomson of Fleet. Hugh Astor retained his connection with the Times Trust but diverted his business abilities to directorships in book publishing (he was a director of Hutchinsons, 1959-78), banking, insurance and similar interests. Perpetuated his father's philanthropic interests, being deputy chairman of the Middlesex Hospital, 1965-74, chairman of King Edward's Hospital Fund for London, 1983-88, and also governor of the Peabody Donation Fund for almost 20 years. He served as Prime Warden of the Fishmongers' Company, and his support was quietly given to sea and airmen's charities, including the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Clubs: Brooks’s, Buck’s, Pratt’s; Royal Yacht Squadron, Royal Ocean Racing |
Astor, John | 1923-1987 |
Source(s): 1957 list; 1969 list; 1974 list. RAFVR, 1942–45. Berkshire County Council, 1953–74; Alderman, 1960; Chairman, Education Cttee, 1961–66. Vice-Chm., South Berkshire Conservative Assoc., 1958 until 1963, when adopted as candidate. MP (C) Newbury, 1964–Feb. 1974. |
Astor, Hon. Michael Langhorne | 1916-1980 |
Source(s): 1954 list (joined in 1950); 1957 list; 1969 list; 1974 list Served in Berkshire Yeomanry TA and GHQ Liaison Regt Sept. 1939–June 1945. MP (C) Eastern Division of Surrey, 1945–51. Chm., The London Library; Mem., Arts Council, 1968–71. Mem. Exec., Nature Trust, 1978–. White's. Brooks's. |
Astor, John Jacob, 8th Exec. committee |
1946- |
Source(s): Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list since 1995 (executive committee); Oct. 2, 2004, The Times, 'Announcements - The Pilgrims': "Lord Astor of Hever, Lord Fellowes, Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Sir Peter Marshall, Professor Richard Trainor and Lord Watson of Richmond were elected to the executive commitee at the annual meeting of the Pilgrims. ... Mr Robert Worcester, chairman, and Mr M. Peter Barton, honorary secretary, were re-elected." Better known under 3rd Baron Astor of Hever. Educated at Eton College, Birkshire (England). Lieutenant in 1966 in the service of the The Life Guards. Managing director of Honon et Cie in 1982. Managing director of Astor France in 1989. In 1994, Lord Astor of Hever was a British Parliamentary Observer in Johannesburg during the South African General Election. He was a member of the Executive, Association of Conservative Peers from 1996-1998. In 1999 he was elected to the House of Lords. From 1998-2001, he served as an Opposition Spokesman on Social Security and Health from 1998-2003. From 2001, he has been an Opposition Spokesman for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs, and International Development, and from 2003 to present, Opposition Spokesman for Defence. Deputy Lieutenant of Kent in 1996. Freemason. Trustee of the Astor Foundation, the Astor of Hever Trust, and the Canterbury Cathedral Trust. Chairman of the Rochester Cathedral Trust. |
Astor, Viscount William Waldorf | b. 1951 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) 4th Viscount Astor. Educated at Eton College, and in 1976 married Annabel, Lady Sheffield, with whom he has two sons and a daughter. Annabel is the stepdaughter of the Viscount's uncle Michael Astor. The Viscount's own stepdaughter, Samantha Sheffield, is a company director and is married to the Conservative Leader David Cameron. He was a Lord-in-Waiting (a House of Lords whip) from 1990 to 1993. He was then made a Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of Social Security until 1994 when he moved to the Department of National Heritage where he served until leaving the government in 1995. Viscount Astor is presently a director of Chorion Plc (since 1996) and Urbium Plc (since 2002). Sits as an elected hereditary peer in the House of Lords. |
Atkins, Ronald Raymond | b. 1933 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BS in Econs., University Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1954; JD, Columbia University, New York City, 1959. Bar: New York 1959. Associate Pell, Butler, Curtis & LeViness, New York City, 1959-61, partner, 1962-67; partner Bisset & Atkins, New York City, 1967—, also Greenwich, Connecticut, 1982—; also of counsel Davidson, Dawson & Clark, LLP, New York City; visiting committee Department Medieval Art and Cloisters, Metropolitan Museum Art.; member Council of Friends, NYU Institute Fine Arts; trustee Mianus Gorge Preserve, Inc., chairman, 1984-94, trustee Yale Libr. Associate 2004-. 1st lieutenant U.S. Army, 1954-56. Fellow Frick Collection, Pierpont Morgan Libr.; member American Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, Association Bar City New York , Medieval Academy Am., College Art Association, International Center Medieval Art chairman fin. committee 2005-. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Univ. Club (New York City), Grolier Club (New York City), Field Club (Greenwich, Connecticut), Penn Club (New York City), Greenwich (Connecticut) Croquet Club, St. Nicholas Society City of New York , Society Colonial Wars, Pilgrims of US. |
Atkinson, Frederick Griswold | 1904-1991 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 15, 1992' (obituary list) Student, Columbia College, 1926. With Cities Service Co. New York , 1926-34; with Procter & Gamble Co. of Cincinnati, 1935-40. Served as colonel US Air Force, 1942-45; brigadier general US Air Force Reserve, from 1945; special consultant to secretary Air Force, 1950-51. R.H. Macy & Co., Inc., New York City, 1940-70, vice president for personnel administrn., 1948-67, senior vice president, director, 1967-70, consultant, 1970-72. Trustee Seamen's Bank for Savings, New York City, 1955-72; chairman Am. Retail Federation Employee Relations Committee, 1951-55; chairman personnel adv. council National Industrial Conference Board, 1952-53; member labor-mgmt. Manpower Policy Committee, U.S. Department Labor. President board trustees St. Paul's Am. Church, Rome, Italy, St. James Am. Church, Florence, Italy; president board of foreign parishes National Episcopal Church; trustee General Theological Seminary, New York City, 1965-75, Roosevelt Hospital, Aspen Valley Hospital, Aspen Valley Medical Foundation, Voice Foundation, New York City; board directors U.S. Committee for UNICEF; chairman, president Kunkel Foundation, Palm Beach, Florida, 1987-90. |
Auchincloss, Reginald L., Jr. | d. 1992 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1993' (obituary list) Native of Manhattan, he graduated from the Groton School in 1936 and Yale University in 1940. He enlisted in the Navy after graduation from Yale and served in the Asian and Pacific theaters during World War II. After the war he was a partner in the Wall Street investment firms of Courts & Company and Inverness Investment Counseling. From 1970 to 1980 he served several terms as a trustee of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. |
Averett, Elliott | 1918-1982 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1982' (obituary list); Who's Who digital edition Son of Elliott and Martha (Snead) A.; married Julia Bancroft Fletcher, Dec. 12, 1947; children—Elliott III, Thomas Hamlett, Julia Hall. Student, Harvard Bus. Sch., 1958. With Bank of N.Y., 1940-82, asst. treas., 1949-52, asst. v.p., 1952-56, v.p., 1956-63, head nat. dept., 1958-63, exec. v.p., 1963-66, chmn. credit com., 1963-66, sr. exec. v.p., 1966-68, chief comml. banking officer, 1966-67, chief adminstrv. officer, 1967-73, pres., 1968-74, chief exec. officer, 1973-81, chmn. bd., 1974-82, also dir.; chmn. bd., chief exec. officer, dir. Bank of New York Co., Inc.; chmn., dir. Bank of N.Y. Internat. Inc.; Centennial Ins. Co., La. Land & Exploration Co.; trustee Atlantic Mut. Ins. Co.; mem. N.Y. State Adv. Com. on Comml. Bank Supervision, 1965-67. Mem. Life Saving Benevolent Assn. N.Y., Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.; trustee, treas. Seeing Eye, Inc., Morristown, N.J., 1958-70, pres., chmn., 1970-80, trustee, 1981-82; treas., v.p., bd. dirs. Greater N.Y. Fund, 1968-83, chmn., 1977; bd. dirs. Downtown Lower Manhattan Assn., United Nations Assn. U.S.A.; trustee Josiah Macy, Jr. Found.; mem. trustees com. N.Y. Community Trust, 1969-74; bd. govs. Hundred Year Assn. N.Y., Inc. Served to capt. AUS, 1941-46, ETO. Decorated Purple Heart, Silver Star medal. Mem. Assn. Res. City Bankers, Robert Morris Assos., N.Y., Clearing House Assn., Econ. Club N.Y., Am. Inst. Banking (chmn. adv. council N.Y. chpt. 1976-83), Am. Bur. Shipping, Internat. C. of C. (U.S. council). Clubs: Chicago; Down Town Assn. (N.Y.C.), Amateur Ski (N.Y.C.), Anglers (N.Y.C.); Somerset Hills Country, Pilgrims U.S, Union, Sky. |
Avon, 2nd Earl of | 1930-1985 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Nicholas Eden. British Conservative politician and younger son of Prime Minister Anthony Eden and his first wife, Beatrice (née Beckett). He succeeded his father as 2nd Earl in 1977, his elder brother Simon having been killed in action in 1945, shortly before the end of the Second World War. Lord Avon served as Lord in Waiting (1980-1983), Under Secretary of State for the Energy (1983-1984) and Under Secretary of State for the Environment under Margaret Thatcher from 1984 until shortly before his death from AIDS. Died unmarried at the age of 54 and his titles became extinct. Lord Avon was widely known to have been a homosexual. |
Babson, Arthur Clifford | b. 1909 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition With Union Terminal Coldstorage Co., Jersey City, 1932-36, asst. supt., 1935-36; with Babson’s Reports, Inc., Wellesley Hills, Mass., from 1936, v.p., 1940-78, cons., from 1978; dir., mem. fiduciary com. Cape Ann Nat. Bank & Trust Co. of Gloucester (Mass.); dir. Sierra Pacific Power Co., Reno, Home Group Inc., N.Y.C., Gen. Devel. Corp., Miami, Fla., GDV Corp., N.Y.C.; dir., mem. exec. com. City Investing Co., Beverly Hills, Calif.; dir., mem. investment adv. com. Home Ins. Co., N.Y.C. Chmn. Sherborn (Mass.) Bd. Selectmen, 1964-70; trustee Sawin Acad. U.S. Naval rep. lt. comdr., Ceylon and So. India, 1942-45. Mem. Pilgrims of U.S., Chi Psi. Episcopalian. Home: Sherborn, Mass. Deceased |
Bache, Jules Semon | 1861-1944 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; October 26, 1939, New York Times, 'Lothian Asks Unity In Democratic Aims': "Among those listening to Lord Lothian were John D. Rockefeller Jr., Lieut. Gen. Hugh A. Drum, Count de Saint-Quentin, the French Ambassador; J. P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont, John W. Davis, Major Gen. John G. Harbord, Jules S. Bache, Ancell H. Ball, Edwin H. Denby, James W. Gerard, Charles D. Hilles, George A. McAneny, Jeremiah Milbank, Henry Morgenthau and Frank L. Polk." American banker and art collector who made an enormous fortune on Wallstreet, organized the banking firm of J. S. Bache and Company, president and treasurer of Dome Mines Limited, director of Chrysler, Lake Superior Railroad, Louisiana Oil Refining, Tennessee Copper & Chemical, Southern Agricultural Company, U.S. Industrial Alcohol Company, New River Collieries, Cuba Distilling, American Indemnity, Anniston City Land, New Amsterdam Casualty, Ann Arbor Railroad, Empire Trust Company and others, member Council on Foreign Relations. |
Backus, Dana Converse | b. 1907 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; The Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1990' (obituary list) AB, Harvard, 1927. LL.B., Harvard, 1929. Bar: New York State 1930. Career Member firm Windels & Marx, Davies & Ives, from 1930, now retired. Contributor numerous articles to professional journals. Director, past president Citizens Union Research Foundation, New York City. Former director Citizens Union, New York , Standard & Poors Corp. American delegation Association United Nations to World Federation UN Associations, 1946-47. Member secretariat UN Conference, San Francisco, 1945. Member executive committee Committee for Defense of Constitution by Preserving Treaty Power, 1952-54. Served from captain to lieutenant colonel Judge Adv. Gen.'s Department Army of the United States, 1943-46. Member Association Bar City New York (past chairman committees including international law committee), Am., New York State bar associations, UN Association U.S.A., Pilgrims, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Harvard (New York City); Harvard (Long Island) (director); Manhasset Bay Yacht, Appalachian Mountain. |
Bacon, Robert Low | 1884-1938 |
Source(s): 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate) There are two Robert Low Bacons, father and son, the former living from 1860 to 1919 and the latter from 1884 to 1938. Bacon Sr. was one of J.P. Morgan's chief lieutenants from 1894 to 1903 and helped set up U.S. Steel and the Northern Securities Company. After leaving the company he subsequently became Assistant Secretary of State, Secretary of State and Ambassador to France. During WWI he worked for John J. Pershing, General of the Armies. Additionally, in December 1914 the National Security League was founded to support universal military training, military preparedness, patriotism, and the extermination of values which were "un-American." Choate served as initial honorary president, while the first acting president was Robert Bacon, a partner in J.P. Morgan. The energy displayed by war advocates was often misdirected against anyone suspected of unpatriotic actions, words, or even thoughts. In the name of the National Security League, University employees suspected of pacifism, disloyalty, or "subversive" thought were attacked. Many citizens of German descent suffered from suspicion and anti-German propaganda. Intense anti-German feeling swept the state and nation. It became unpopular, if not unpatriotic, to play German music, to speak or read German. Enrollment in German courses in the University dropped from 1,300 to 150. By 1917, the NSL had helped build war hysteria to a fever pitch. The 1947 national security state was built from blueprints drawn by the leaders of the NSL, who were funded by Morgan's U.S. Steel, the Rockefeller oil companies, and Coleman du Pont. Bacon Jr. was a banker and a Congressman from 1922 until his death in 1938. |
Bacot, John Carter | b. 1933 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York , 1955. LLB, Cornell University, 1958. With firm Utica, 1959-60; with Bank of New York , New York City, from 1960, president, 1974-84, chairman, CEO, 1982-98, board directors, 1992—2003; retired, 1998; non. executive chairman Foot Locker, 2001-2005. Board directors Home Life Insurance Co., Atlantic Reins. Co., Centennial Insurance Co., Bank of New York International Corp., Bank of New York Co., Inc.; trustee Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co.; chairman board trustees Hamilton College. Member Economic Club New York , Pilgrims of U.S., Association Reserve City Bankers, New York State Bar Association, Council on Foreign Relations, Montclair Golf Club, Links Club, Union Club. |
Badman, John, III | b. 1944 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Yale University, 1966. MArch, Yale University, 1969. Postgrad., Yale University, 1970. Master in Environmental Design, Yale University, 1971. General manager S.J. Willy, Architects, New Haven, 1971-73. Vice president Schumacher & Forelle, Great Neck, New York , 1973-77, executive vice president, 1986-87. Director planning and devel. Dravo Engineers, New York City, 1977-81. Senior vice president Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas, 1981-86, also board directors. Chairman, chief executive officer Ballantine and Badman, Inc., Real Estate Developers, Greenwich, Connecticut, 1986—. Ssenior vice president H.W. Lochner, Planners and Engineers, 1991-. Member American Institute of Architects, Society Colonial Wars (council 1987—, chairman executive committee 1996—, governor 1996—), The Pilgrims of the U.S., Colonial Order of the Acorn (chancellor 1997—), Baronial Order of the Magna Charta, Jamestown Society, National Council Architectural Registration Boards (cert.), New England Society New York , Round Hill Association, Mayflower Society, Plymouth Committee, Yale Club (New York City), Greenwich Country Club, Greenwich Polo Players Club, Adirondack League Club (Old Forge, New York ). |
Bainbridge, William Seaman | 1888-1947 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student Columbia; M.D., Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia), 1893; grad. Presbyn. Hosp., 1895, Sloane Maternity Hosp., 1896; post-grad. Coll. Phys. and Surg., 1896; abroad 2 yrs.; hon. A.M., Sburtleff Coll., Ill., 1899; M.S., Washington and Jefferson Coll., 1902; Sc.D., Western U. of Pa., 1907; LL.D., Lincoln Memorial U., and Coe College; Litt.D., Lincoln Memorial U., 1923; Dr. Honoris Causa, U. of San Marcos, Peru, 1941; Professor operative gynecology, New York Post-graduate Medical School, 1900-06; professor surgery, New York. Poly. Med. Sch. and Hosp., 1906-18; surgeon, N.Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp., 1903-18; surg. dir. N.Y. City Children’s Hosps. and Schs., Manhattan State Hosp., Ward’s Island; cons. surg. or gynecologist to 16 metropolitan and suburban hosps.; hon. prof. med. faculty, Univ. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Dir. Equitable Life Assur. Soc. of U.S., The Americas Foundation. Member Reserve Corps United States Navy, 1913-17; since Apr. 6, 1917 served as lieut. comdr., comdr. and capt. (med. dir.), M.C., U.S. N.R.; during World War operating surgeon on U.S.S. George Washington; med. observer for U.S. with allied armies in the field, later attached to surgeon general’s office to write report; cons. surgeon and chief, Physiotherapeutic Division, U.S. Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, New York; made consulting surgeon 3rd Naval Dist.; now cons. surgeon 3d Naval Dist. and attending specialist in surgery, U.S. Pub. Health Service, N.Y. City and vicinity. Official rep. of U.S. Govt. since 1921 at internat. congresses mil. medicine, surgery and sanitation; pres. 8th session Internat. office Medico-Military Documentation, Luxemburg, 1938, chmn. 9th session, Washington and New York, 1939. On official mission to all republics of Central and South America for Navy Dept. and State Dept., 1941. Decorated U.S. Naval Reserve Medal; Conspicuous Service Cross (N.Y. State); Officer, later Comdr. Legion of Honor (French); Officer Order of Leopold and Military Cross, 1st Class (Belgian); Commander, later Grand Officer Order of Crown of Italy, Vittorio-Veneto Commemorative Cross (Italian); Medaille Commemorative, Medaille Reconnaissance (French); Silver Medal of Merit (Italian R.C.); Officer, later Comdr. Order Polonia Restituta; Comdr. Order of White Lion (Czechoslovakia); Grand Officer Order of Crown (Rumania); Officer Orden del Libertador (Venezuela); Order of Gediminas (Lithuania); Cross of Merit (Hungary); Gold Cross of Merit (Poland); Comdr. Order of the Crown (Belgium); Comdr. Order of the Crown, Medal of Red Cross (Jugoslavia); Cruz de la Orden del Merito Naval (Spain); Comdr. Order of Saints Mauritius and Lazarus (Italy); Comdr. Order of the Sun (Peru); Comdr. of The Oak Leaved Crown (Luxemburg); Order of Merit, first class, Knight, Order of White Rose (Finland); Gold Medal Order of Distinguished Auxiliary Service, Salvation Army. Hon. mem. Royal Acad. Medicine of Belgium, Royal Acad. Medicine Rome, Soc. of Surgeons of Poland, Soc. of Surgeons of Paris, Assn. Mil. Surgeons of Mexico, Union Medicale Latine, Assn. Mil. Surgeons of Hungary, Acad. of Surgery of Peru, Nat. Acad. Medicine Mexico, Acad. Sciences and Arts, Mexico, Nat. Acad. Med. Venezuela, French Gynecol. Soc., Nat. Acad. of Medicine of Spain; fellow Am. Assn. Obstet., Gynecol. and Abdominal Surgeons, Internat. Coll. Surgeons (Internat. treas., 1935-46; surg. regent, New York State; chairman board trustees of U.S. chapter), American Geriatrics Society (hon.), International College Anesthetists, Royal Institute Pub. Health (life), fellow Royal Soc. Medicine (Eng.), A.M.A., N.Y. Acad. Medicine; mem. N.Y. State Med. Soc., Greater N.Y. Med. Assn., Assn. Mil. Surgeons of U.S. (pres. 1935), Internat. Med. Club of New York (pres. 3terms, 1934-38), Am. Acad. Physical Medicine (pres. since 1941), St. Andrews Soc., Soc. Colonial Wars, S.R., S.A.R., Huguenot Soc., Soc. of Cincinnati (hon.), Mil. Order Foreign Wars (comdr. gen. Nat. Comdry., 1926-32), Military Order World War, Society Legion of Honor, Am. Soc. French Legion of Honor, St. Nicholas Society, Soc. of Am. Wars, Am. Legion (comdr. Tiger Post 1932-35), Delta Upsilon, The Newcomen Soc., various foreign societies. Clubs: Authors, Columbia University, Pilgrims of United States, Quill (pres. 1938-39), Foreign Students Cosmopolitan, Union League, Nat. Arts, Rotary (pres. N.Y., Rotary 1933), Army and Navy of America (New York); Inter-allied Officers (London and Paris); Union Interalliee (Paris). Author: A Compend of Operative Gynecology, 1906; Life’s Day Guide-Posts and Danger Signals in Health, 1909; The Cancer Problem, 1914 (French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Arabic edits.); also brochures, med. papers and repts. |
Baker, George Fisher | 1840-1931 |
Source(s): 2002, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A centennial history', the combined 1903 Pilgrims membership list at the end of the book; 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate) Harvard. Fortune of the Baker family estimated at 500 million in 1924 and later grew to about a billion dollars. Chairman of Manhattan's First National Bank, First Security Co., and had directorships in at least 50 other companies. Close associate of J.P. Morgan who wanted him on every board of the companies he financed. Trustee of the Frick Collection (Frick was an associate of Andrew Mellon and was waging a war on his slave-workers). Donated $2,000,000 to Henry Pomeroy Davison (Pilgrim) when he needed money for Red Cross work during WWI. One of the largest philanthropist ever and never appeared in public. Aided the Unitarian Church of All Souls, together with his son - they received a memorial for these efforts in 1947. |
Baker, George Fisher, Jr. | 1915-1977 |
Source(s): 1969 list; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1978' (obituary list) Son of George Fisher Baker, Jr. (1878-1937; chair First National Bank of New York; dir. numerous corps.; trustee Mutual Life Insurance Co., United States Trust Co., The Frick Collection; commodore of the New York Yacht Club). Married to Frances Drexel Munn, but later divorced. April 19, 1958, New York Times, 'G. F. Bakers Divorced; Sealed Settlement of Property Filed in Trial at Reno': "Mrs. Frances Munn Baker was granted a divorce yesterday from George F. Baker Jr., of 1001 Park Avenue, New York, on the ground of extreme mental cruelty." Trustee of the George F. Baker Trust. Joined the family First National Bank in 1939 and became a director in 1949. December 12, 1977, New York Times, 'George F. Baker Jr., New York Socialite, Found Fatally Shot': "George F. Baker Jr., who was prominent in New York City society, was found shot to death early today on his 13,000-acre Horseshoe Plantation near here. A spokesman for the Leon County Sheriff's Department said Mr. Baker had apparently taken his own life with a shotgun. The family plantation was the site of an earlier tragedy on June 17, 1949, when Mr. Baker's younger brother, Grenville, was shot to death. The incident was ruled accidental. The older brother, who was 62 years old at his death, was named for his father and grandfather, both of whom served as chairman of the First National Bank. Mr. Baker joined the bank in 1939, a few months after his graduation from Harvard in 1938. He was made a director in 1949, and continued in that capacity for some time after the merger that established the First National City Bank, now Citibank. Mr. Baker was a director of the George Fisher Baker Trust, a charitable foundation begun by his grandfather. He had served as treasurer of the Community Service Society, treasurer of the Fund for Medical Process of the New York Zoological Society and trustee if the Frick Collection and of the National Art Museum of Sport." Member Pilgrims Society and 1001 Club. |
Baker, George Fisher, III | d. 2005 |
Source(s): 1990, 1995, 2002 lists Great-grandson of the wealthy banker George Fisher Baker and son of George F. Baker, Jr. (d. 1977). Graduate of St. Paul's School, Harvard College and Harvard Business School. Began his career at Lehman Brothers. Co-founded First Security Company and later Cambridge Capital and Baker, Nye Investments. Served on numerous charitable boards, including New York-Presbyterian Hospital, St. Paul's School, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy, Quebec-Labrador Foundation/Atlantic Center for the Environment (QLF). Philanthropist. Trustee of the World Conservation Society since 1977, together with the Astors, Rockefellers, Phipps, Cullmans, and Schiffs - honorary trustee since 2001. In 1898 his great-grandfather was among the early founders in World Conservation Society's history. Died in an airplane crash off the coast of Nantucket. |
Baker, James Addison III | 1930- |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power series: "... Pilgrim Society member James Baker III..." ISGP NOTE: STILL NEEDS CONFIRMATION. Graduated from Princeton University in 1952. Ivy Club. Attended Cap & Gown events, according to Kay Griggs, just as Allen Dulles, William Colby, Frank Carlucci, James Baker, George Griggs, and George P. Shultz (August 3, 2005, Rense). Houston lawyer. Friend of the Bushes. Undersecretary of commerce 1975–1976. Deputy manager of the 1976 and 1980 Ford and Bush presidential campaigns. Joined the Reagan administration in 1981. White House chief of staff 1981–1985. Treasury secretary 1985–1988. Attended the Fourth World Wilderness Conference in 1987, together with David Rockefeller, Edmund de Rothschild, and Maurice Strong. Planned the 1988 campaign that won George H.W. Bush the presidency. Secretary of State 1989–1992. Member National Security Planning Group. Played a prominent role in the Gulf crisis and the subsequent search for a Middle East peace settlement. Again White House Chief of Staff 1992-1993. United Nations special envoy to try and broker a peace settlement for the disputed territory of Western Sahara 1997. As an adviser to George W. Bush in the November 2000 presidential elections, he was influential in helping Bush secure the presidency by manoeuvring the disputed vote count in Florida to the Republican-leaning Supreme Court. Baker was the manager of the foreign debts of occupied Iraq since 2003. Senior counselor for the Carlyle Group and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Also a member of the Atlantic Council of the United States, the Bohemian Grove, and the Pilgrims Society. Honorary trustee of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies. Honorary Director of the Foreign Policy Association. |
Baker, John Milnes | b. 1932 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Middlebury College, 1955. March, Columbia University, 1960. Designer, draftsman Sir Basil Spence, London, 1960-61. Project manager, later project architect Rogers & Butler, New York City, 1962-64. Project architect John A. Pruyn, American Institute of Architects, 1965-66. Private practice architecture, 1967—1968, 1975—1979. Partner Manice & Baker, 1968—1974. Private practice architecture specializing in residential design Katonah, 1979—2005. Member American Institute of Architects, National Council Architectural Registration Boards, Am. Arbitration Association (panel member), Society Architectural Hists., St. Nicholas Society (past president), Holland Society New York (past trustee), Colonial Lords of Manors in Am. (vice president), Order Founders and Patriots, Society Colonial Wars, Pilgrims, Corinthians, Coffee House, Squadron A, Century Association (New York City), Bedford Golf and Tennis Club, Norwalk Yacht Club. |
Ball, George Wildman | 1909-1994 |
Source(s): 1969 list; 1974 list Born on December 19, 1909 in Des Moines, Iowa. Grew up in Des Moines and Evanston, Illinois, where the family moved in 1922 after his father, Amos Ball, Jr., received a promotion to the Standard Oil Company headquarters located in Chicago. Graduated at the top of his class from Northwestern Law School in 1933. The law school dean nominated him for a position in the General Counsel's Office, under the direction of Herman Oliphant, in the newly established Farm Credit Administration. Ball moved to the Treasury Department in November 1933 upon the appointment of Henry Morgenthau (Pilgrims) as Secretary of the Treasury. When Franklin D. Roosevelt named Morgenthau to this post, Morgenthau brought along Oliphant as his legal advisor, and he, in turn, brought along Ball. Worked here from 1933-1935. Who's Who: With General Counsel's Office US Department Treasury, Washington, 1933—1935; private practice Chicago, 1935—1942, Washington, 1946—1961; founder, partner Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton; associate general counsel Lend-Lease Administration, then Foreign Economic Administration, 1942—1944; director U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, London, 1944—1945; general counsel French Supply Council, Washington, 1945—1946; under secretary for economic affairs US Department State, 1961—1966, US ambassador to UN, 1968—1969; of counsel Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, 1966—1968, 1969—1994; chairman Lehman Brothers International, Ltd., 1966—1968; senior partner Lehman Brothers, 1969—1982. Present at the first Bilderberg and present at every meeting until just before his death. |
Ball, Sir (George) Joseph | 1885-1961 |
Source(s): 1950 list Called to Bar, Gray’s Inn (1st Cl. Hons), 1913; European War, 1914–19 (OBE). Director of Conservative Research Department, 1930–39; Deputy Chairman: National Publicity Bureau, 1934–39; Security Executive, 1940–42; Chairman, Hampshire Rivers Catchment Board and Hampshire River Board, 1947–53. Chairman of Henderson’s Transvaal Estates Ltd and of 5 subsidiary companies; Chairman, Lake View & Star Ltd; Director: Consolidated Goldfields of South Africa Ltd; Beaumont Property Trust Ltd and subsidiaries. Flyfishers’, Pratt’s, City of London, Bath, Army and Navy; Royal Lymington Yacht. December 10, 1992, The Guardian (London), 'Outsider With Plenty of Help From Inside': "There was Sir Joseph Ball former head of the secret service, who did business with him [Rowland] in Africa in the late 1950s..." August 1990, Nick Davies for The Guardian, 'Tiny Rowland – portrait of the bastard as a rebel': "This associate of Tiny’s wonders out loud at the bizarre co-incidence that one of the original directors of Lonrho who was responsible for hiring Tiny in 1961 was one Sir Joseph Ball, formerly of MI5 and the Home Defence (Security) Executive. If Rowland was a British agent in the Isle of Man, Sir Joseph would have been one of his controllers. In his book, My Life With Tiny, Richard Hall notes that until 1973 Tiny shared his boardroom with Nick Elliot of MI6 and that on several occasions he appeared to be marching in step with British intelligence: during the Biafran war when he was uncannily well-informed about British plans; and later in Sudan, when there was an attempted Communist coup and Tiny flew key Government figures back to the fray while MI6 ensured that Communist supporters were diverted to Libya and a firing squad. ... In a few respects, he might claim to be considerably less nasty than other leading entrepreneurs. For example, when James Goldsmith tried to destroy Private Eye in the mid 70s, Tiny Rowland offered the magazine all the money it needed to defend itself. When Shell and BP ignored sanctions and sold oil to the white regime in Rhodesia, Tiny leaked details to the press and exposed them. He has a bizarre history of consoling fallen millionaires: Jim Slater, Ernest Saunders, Freddie Laker, Sir Hugh Fraser, John De Lorean all found him offering help as they were threatened with ruin." May 25, 1997, Straits Times (Singapore), 'End of the affair for Britain's MI5?': "MI5 still has 2,000 employees and a (pound)200 million (S$ 474 million) budget. The battered Moscow Centre absorbs only 20 per cent of its resources. It needs another focus. The Zinoviev letter, which cost Labour the 1924 election, leaps to mind. Supposedly written by the Soviet Comintern chief to British closet communists, it is now thought to have been the handiwork of a senior Tory boss, Sir Joseph Ball, former head of MI5's investigative branch." May 17, 2005, Liquid Africa, 'Rowland was tiny in name, not in nature': "Ogilvy was seeking someone to run the mining company, London and Rhodesian Mining and Land Company, later renamed Lonrho. Despite his dubious background, Rowland passed the scrutiny of a senior Lonrho director, Sir Joseph Ball, a former member of the British secret service MI5 who played a key role in Home Defence during World War II." July 27, 1998, The Guardian, 'The smile on the face of capitalism': "After leaving school at 18, he joined his father's import- export business in London, then joined the shipping company run by an uncle. Tiny's weekend enjoyment was driving fast cars around the Home Counties; he liked Mercedes. He also travelled in Europe, and liked boasting that he had been jailed by the Nazis for helping Jews smuggle out their possessions. It was an apocryphal tale. He loved weaving such fantasies about his background, including inventing relations. In September 1939, Tiny's brother Raimund, doing his military service in Germany, joined the Wehrmacht, was commissioned, and fought all through the war. Military life was more humdrum for Tiny. Although he had hurriedly changed his name to Rowland, and held a British passport because he was born in India, he could not disguise his origins. He became a private in the Royal Army Medical Corps. There was no risk of his meeting his brother on the battlefield. Tiny spent three menial years in army hospitals in Scotland. His father was once again interned, this time in the Isle of Man, and Tiny Rowland was to join him, in the notorious Peel camp for high-risk Nazi sympathisers. Why this happened remains unclear. His wartime records are closely sealed. He always claimed that he went absent without leave, was arrested, sent back to Scotland, then taken under guard to Peel. Some say he was committed to Peel for showing pro-Nazi sympathies, but there is no credible evidence of that. It is far more likely that he went there to become an informer, as the price of being near his mother, dying of cancer. Certainly he was suspected by fellow-detainees of being a spy. ... Life took a decisive turn in 1948, when a business friend suggested that prospects looked splendid in what was then Rhodesia. It was an irrisistible challenge: Tiny left Britain, taking his favourite Mercedes and leaving behind a large unpaid tax bill. ... After 10 years of farming and dealing with mining prospects, Tiny was spotted by an aristocratic entrepreneur named Angus Ogilvy, who had interests in southern Africa. A new guiding hand was needed for Lonrho (the London and Rhodesia Mining and Land Company), which owned vast tracts of Rhodesia and held a healthy share portfolio in Britain. Lonrho had potential, but its management was sleepy. TINY fitted the bill, but there was a large question-mark over the background he had reluctantly disclosed to Ogilvy. A senior Lonrho director was Sir Joseph Ball, a former member of M15 and deputy chairman of the secret spy -hunting Home Defence (Security) Executive during the second world war. If Sir Joseph raised no objection, Rowland must have been clean." September 8, 2003, Daily Telegraph, 'Pioneers of Spin' (letter to the editor): "SIR - If W F Deedes found "a single civil servant" handling Number 10's press relations in 1937 (Comment, Sept 5), it must have been before May that year, when Neville Chamberlain became prime minister. According to a rising political correspondent, James Margach, who saw a good deal of him, Chamberlain was "the first prime minister to employ news management on a grand scale". Lobby briefings were put in the hands of Major (later Sir) Joseph Ball, a former MI5 officer who was director of publicity at Conservative Central Office and head of its research department. He came with a strong recommendation from the party chairman because of his wide experience "in the seamy side of life and the handling of crooks". The favourable press that Chamberlain's appeasement policies received owes a great deal to the sinister Sir Joseph - described by a Tory MP, whose house he bugged, as "a dislikeable man". Chamberlain himself joined him for lunches with hand-picked lobby correspondents. Ball even went so far as to run a newspaper, Truth, where far-from-truthful reports lauding Chamberlain appeared. Here, plainly, was a man who could have taught Alastair Campbell a few tricks." Chairman of Marly Gold Mining Areas Ltd., Gold Coast Selection Trust Ltd., Breman Gold Dredging, and Amalgamated Banket Areas Ltd. in the 1942-1943 period. Director of the London and Rhodesian Mining Company since at least 1945. Deputy chairman of the African Investment Trust (LRMC subsidiary) 1945-1950, chairman 1950-1958. Appointed director of the Gold Fields Rhodesian Development Company in 1948. Chairman London and Rhodesia Mining and Land Corporation 1950-1958. Who's Who of his son Alan H. Ball (1924-1987): Son of late Sir George Joseph Ball; ... KRRC, 1943–47. Lonrho Ltd and associated cos, 1947– ... Deputy Chairman, Lonrho Ltd, since 1982 and Director of associated companies (Chairman and Joint Managing Director, 1961–72; Executive Deputy Chairman, 1972–78). |
Barber, Charles Finch | b. 1917 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BS, Northwestern University, 1939. LL.B., Harvard, 1942. M.Phil. (Rhodes scholar), Oxford University, 1948. Associate Covington & Burling, Washington, 1948-54; assistant solicitor general U.S., 1954-56; general counsel Asarco, Inc. (formerly American Smelting & Refining Co.), New York City, 1956-63, vice president, 1959-63, executive vice president, 1963-69, president, 1969-71, chairman, chief executive officer, 1971-82, chairman fin. committee, 1982-84. Ind. director mutual funds advised by Salomon Brothers Asset Management; ind. director mutual funds and investment cos. advised by CIBC Oppenheimer; pub. director New York Stock Exchange, 1981-87, chairman regulatory adv. committee, 1988—, member fin. and operational surveillance committee, 1988—. Board manager Swarthmore College, 1966-74; board directors Americas Society, treasurer, 1982-98; member council Rockefeller University, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Lieutenant Commander US Naval Reserve, 1941-46. Member Council on Foreign Relations. Member American Bar Association, Am. Society International Law, American Institute of Mining (associate); member Conference Board (senior member), Copper Devel. Association (chairman 1977-79, director 1971-82), International Copper Research Association (director 1971-82), National Mining Association (hon. director), Am. Mining Congress (chairman 1980-83), Pilgrims, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Harvard (New York City); Metropolitan (Washington); Belle Haven (Greenwich). |
Barclay, Clifford H. and Clifford Henry | unknown |
Source(s): Both are listed on the 1980 list Important shareholder in British Controlled Oilfields in the early 1950s. Chairman of Stoy, Hayward & Co in the 1950s. Chairman Giltspur Investment and Finance in the 1950s. Bought himself into the Beaufort Borneo Rubber Company in 1956 and became a director. Resigned from the board of Giltspur in 1959 with S. Greenberg and E. J. Speyer. Joined the board of Barro Investments Limited around 1959 under the chairmanship of Major Sir Henry J. d'Avigdor-Goldsmid with H. M. Robinow being another director. Member of the Foundation for Management Education in the 1960s. President of the Film Production Association of Great Britain in the 1960s. |
Barco, James William | b. 1916 |
Source(s): 1974 list American ambassador to the United Nations 1960-1961. Vice-chairman Atlantic Council of the United States. Trustee American University in Cairo. Member Council on Foreign Relations. |
Baring, Mrs. Susan Mary | b. 1930 |
Source(s): Through her husband Birth name is Susan Mary Renwick. Married John Francis Harcourt Baring, the 7th Baron Ashburton (b. 1928), in 1955. The had 4 children, but divorced in 1984. Member Parole Board for England and Wales 1971-74 and 1979-83. Chair Hampshire Probation Ctee 1978-82. Vice-chm Central Council of Probation Ctees 1979-82. Vice-chm Inner London Probation Ctee 1999-2001 (chm 1996-99). Trustee Howard League for Penal Reform 1978-2001, Liberty 2004-. Chair Institute of Human Rights 1989-2004. It's quite likely that Susan is a member of the Pilgrims Society only because her husband was or is. Who's Who of the 7th Baron Ashburton: Eton (Fellow, 1982–97); Trinity Coll., Oxford (MA; Hon. Fellow 1989). Dep. Chm., Royal Insurance Co. Ltd, 1975–82 (Dir, 1964–82); Chairman: Outwich Investment Trust Ltd, 1968–86; Baring Stratton Investment Trust, 1986–97; Director: Trafford Park Estates Ltd, 1964–77; Dunlop Holdings Ltd, 1981–84; Bank of England, 1983–91; Jaguar, 1989–91. Receiver-Gen., 1974–90, Lord Warden of the Stannaries, 1990–94, Duchy of Cornwall. Vice-Pres., British Bankers’ Assoc., 1977–81; Pres., Overseas Bankers’ Club, 1977–78. Chm., Accepting Houses Cttee, 1977–81; Chm., Cttee on Finance for Industry, NEDC, 1980–86. Member: British Transport Docks Bd, 1966–71; President’s Cttee, CBI, 1976–79; Trustee and Hon. Treas., Police Foundn, 1989–2001; Member: Council, Baring Foundn, 1971–98 (Chm., 1987–98); Exec. Cttee, NACF, 1989–99. Trustee: Rhodes Trust, 1970–99 (Chm., 1987–99); Southampton Univ. Develt Trust, 1986–96 (Chm., 1989–96); Nat. Gall., 1981–87; Winchester Cathedral Trust, 1989– (Chm., 1993–2006). High Steward, Winchester Cathedral, 1991–. DL Hants, 1994. Hon. Fellow, Hertford Coll., Oxford, 1976. Chairman: Barings plc, 1985–89 (non-executive Director, 1989–94); Baring Brothers & Co. Ltd, 1974–89 (a Managing Director, 1955–74); BP Co. plc, 1992–95 (Director, 1982–95). Pratt's. Beafsteak. Has occasionally visited Bilderberg. |
Baring, Major Hugo Exec. committee |
1876-1949 |
Source(s): Apr 02, 1906, The Times, 'The Pilgrims. Dinner In New York To Lord Grey' (Hugo Baring listed as an attendant); 1907, Pilgrims of the United States, Dinner in Honor of James Bryce proceedings (listed as a member of the executive committee); 1907 list (lists Hugo Baring as an executive of the U.S. branch) Member of one of the most influential British banking families of its time, alongside the Rothschilds (Barings was easily London's biggest "American house", raising $500,000,000 for United States and Canadian government loans between 1860 and 1890). Son of Edmund "Ned" Baring, the later Lord Revelstoke (1828-1897), who was head of Baring Brothers and Co., a director of the Bank of England, and served as a lieutenant of the City of London. Hugo had a military career until the turn of the century, which he resumed in later years. Joined Baring & Co. in New York around the turn of the century. This firm represented Baring Brothers of London and had been set up in the late 19th century by Thomas Baring, a nephew of Hugo. Baring & Co. was dissolved in January 1908, after Thomas and Hugo decided to move back to London for "personal and family matters". The firm Kidder, Peabody & Co took over the role of Baring & Co. as New York representatives of Baring Brothers of London, as they had been before 1890. Married Lady Evelyn Harriet Ashley in 1905. Back in England Hugo became a director of the National Bank of Egypt and the London and River Plate Bank in 1908. Director of Parr's Bank and Andian National Corporation. Director of the Westminster Bank until 1945. Apparently not a director in Baring Brothers, although his brother and other close relatives were. Moved in aristocratic and Royal London circles. His only child was killed during the Dunkirk retreat during WWII. |
Baring, Sir Evelyn Exec. committee |
1918–1991 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list from the early to mid 1970s until his death in 1991 (executive committee) Also known as the 3rd Earl of Cromer. Only son and youngest of three children of Rowland Thomas Baring, second earl of Cromer (1877–1953), a managing director of Baring Brothers and a director of companies as Suez Canal Company and P & O, who worked at different times for King George V, Edward VIII, George VI and Elizabeth II. Educated at Eton College and at Trinity College, Cambridge, which he left after a year. Acted as page of honour to George V (who was his godfather) from 1931 to 1935, and to Queen Mary at the coronation in 1937. His wife was later a lady-in-waiting and from 1967 lady of the bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth II. After Cambridge, Evelyn acted as private secretary to the marquess of Willingdon, former proconsul, during his official goodwill visit to South America in 1938, and then, in October 1938, joined his family's merchant bank of Baring Brothers as a clerk. His career was cut short by the outbreak of war. He joined the Grenadier Guards in 1939 and (after accompanying the marquess of Willingdon to New Zealand in 1940) saw active service in north-west Europe. He was appointed MBE in 1945, and demobilized as a lieutenant-colonel in 1946. Evelyn rejoined Barings in 1946 and for a year he worked in New York with Kidder Peabody and J. P. Morgan, among others. On his return in 1948 he was appointed a partner. He joined a partnership with several long-serving members, and for many years played a comparatively junior role in the firm's affairs. Nevertheless he took up directorships of public companies such as Royal Insurance and Daily Mail and General Trust, the latter being the family business of his father-in-law, Lord Rothermere. On succeeding as earl of Cromer, he found diversion in the House of Lords. He spoke on subjects ranging from the technical (no par value shares) to the general (the Suez crisis, when dressed in the full uniform of a lieutenant-colonel of the Grenadier Guards). In 1954 he joined a parliamentary delegation to Brazil. The connections he developed doubtless assisted his appointment (at the request of Sir Roger Makins, the British ambassador) in 1959 as economic minister and head of treasury and supply delegation at the British embassy in Washington, which he combined with the UK executive directorships of, among others, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Governor of the Bank of England from 1961 to 1966. During this tenure he continually argued with Prime Minister Harold Wilson about economic policies. In 1966 Cromer returned to Barings, where he was now senior partner both in terms of years of service and in his partnership share. But, devoted as he was to his family's bank, the somewhat humdrum existence it now offered him was an anticlimax, and at times he was out of step with its understated style. Outside Barings he sat as chairman of a committee of inquiry into the working of Lloyds of London; had its report, which went unpublished for seventeen years, been acted on more fully, many of the market's later excesses might have been avoided. He became chairman of IBM (UK) Ltd and a director of Union Carbide Corporation of the USA, and joined a Board of Trade inquiry into export business generated by capital projects overseas. Edward Heath, who knew Cromer well, rewarded him with the appointment from January 1971 as ambassador in Washington. Relations between the Heath government and President Nixon and his secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, were not close, but it is considered that Cromer did well in difficult circumstances. These were the years of British entry into the Common Market, and here Cromer's financial background well qualified him to explain Britain's position to the Americans. It was also the time of the Yom Kippur War, for which British support was tepid, and, not least, of Watergate. On his return to London in March 1974 Cromer was still a comparatively young man, and he considered resuming his position at Barings; however, another generation of partners was now firmly in place and had embarked upon a process of overdue modernization. Instead Cromer became special adviser to the firm and resumed or took up afresh directorships of leading companies, including Shell Transport and Trading Company Ltd, IBM (UK) Ltd, P. & O. Steam Navigation Company, Imperial Group, and Compagnie Financière de Suez. He was made a privy councillor in 1966 and received numerous honours including appointment as GCMG in 1974 and KG in 1977. In 1980 he retired to Jersey but he returned to live in London in 1990. He died in London on 16 March 1991. A relative, John Francis Harcourt Baring (7th Baron Ashburton): "trustee Rhodes Trust, 1970—1999, chairman, 1987—1999" (digital Who's Who). John was chairman of Barings Bank from 1974 to 1989, director of the Bank of England from 1983 to 1991, and chair of BP from 1992 to 1995. He spent a year working at J. P. Morgan in New York. Knight of the Garter. Baring rose to lead Barings Brothers after Lord Cromer left the bank in 1970. His former wife, Mrs. Susan Mary Baring, has been present at at least one Pilgrims meeting. |
Barnard, J.Augustus | d. 1958 |
Source(s): December 5, 1958, New York Times, 'J.A. Barnard, 87, Investment aide' Graduated from Columbia College in 1892. General partner in Dominick & Dominick since 1901 and later became a limited partner. Served on the advisory council of the Better Business Bureau of New York City. Served on the Mexican border and in WWI. Member of the Union, Knickerbocker and Rockaway Hunting Clubs, the Downtown Association, the Pilgrims of the United States, Sons of the Revolution and Society of the Colonial Wars. |
Barran, Sir David | 1912-2002 |
Source(s): 1974 list Joined Asiatic Petroleum Co., 1934; served in Egypt, Palestine, Sudan, India, 1935–46. Pres., Asiatic Petroleum Corp., New York, 1958; Managing Director, Royal Dutch/Shell Group, 1961–72; Chm., Shell Oil Co., 1970–72; Director: Shell Transport and Trading Co. Ltd, 1961–83 (Dep. Chm., 1964–67; Chm., 1967–72; Man. Dir, 1964–73); General Accident Insurance; BICC; Glaxo Hldgs. Chairman: CBI Cttee on Inflation Accounting, 1973–74; Adv. Cttee on Appt of Advertising Agents, 1975–78 (Mem., 1973–78); Ct of Governors, Administrative Staff Coll., 1971–76; Governor, Centre for Environmental Studies, 1972–75. Pres., Embroiderers’ Guild, 1982–87. Comdr, Order of Oranje Nassau, 1971; Comdr, Order of Merit, Fed. Repub. of Germany, 1980. Chairman, Midland Bank Ltd, 1980–82 (Deputy Chairman, 1975–80). The Midland Bank is one of the major Pilgrims Society banks. Pilgrims and 1001 Club. April 11, 1973, The Times, 'The apostles of free enterprise': "British United Industrialists is a special case since there is no doubt that a substantial proportion of its funds are used to help the Conservative Party with its "free enterprise" publicity and general research. Each year Colonel Hobbs and a council of eminent but publicity-shunning businessmen led by Lord Renwick [1001 Club], co-founder of ATV and a once-bitten victim of nationalization (County of London Electricity Supply Co., taken over in 1947), persuade fellow industrialists to part with a sum thought to be between 300,000 pounds and 400,000 pounds which is then used to fund publicity for unreconstructed free enterprise. The precise distribution of funds is a well-kept secret. Following the introduction of the 1967 Companies Act, with its provisions on "political" donations, BUI promptly changed its status from limited company to unincorporated association: "To stop the snoopers finding out more about us than they need to", says the colonel. The senior of the other three prominent groups is the Economic League, whose president is Sir David Barran, former managing director of Shell Transport and Trading. The league was founded in 1919 "to diminish unrest and by positive propaganda to correct economic and other misstatements and impress upon employers and employed the vital necessity of increased production." The league's methods, pamphleteering at the factory gates, have remained the same for half a century, but the message has been adapted to meet changing circumstances. Today, simple economic exposition ... is laced with warnings about the dangers of the militant left wing, from communism, through international Socialism to yet more extreme creeds. The league's publicity director, Mr. Harry Welton .... admits that the league has at its disposal a fund of information about "subversives". The Economic League ... includes many notables from industry and commerce among its past and present council members--men such as ... the veteran Sir Harry Brittain, the polymath barrister businessman and journalist." |
Barratt, John Arthur Exec. committee |
d. 1944 |
Source(s): 1914 list; October 4, 1920, The Times, 'Court circular': "Mr. J. Arthur Barratt and Mr. Joseph Temperley, members of the executive committee."; March 4, 1944, The Times, 'Deaths': "On March 1, 1944, at Leeds, John Arthur Barrett, K.C... a founder of The Pilgrims" (according to Times articles, Barratt was present at many Pilgrims gatherings); 1933 officers list; Who' Who UK digital Read law 1878–81 with Hon. James C. Carter of New York, Counsel for US Behring Sea Arbitration; at New York Bar, 1880–98; US Supreme Court Bar; English Bar since 1901; expert on American Law before House of Lords (Committees); Member American Bar Association; Comité Juridique International d’Aviation; VP International Law Conference, The Hague, 1921; Vienna, 1926; a founder of The Pilgrims. President Emeritus Columbia Alumni (London). Organized the St. Louis World Fair and became Director General of the Pan American Union in Washington, the building for which was provided by Pilgrims Society member Andrew Carnegie. |
Barrow, Donald Fraser | d. 1991 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 16, 1991' (obituary list) Born in Schenectady, N.Y., and was a graduate of Bard College. He was a lieutenant commander in the Navy's air wing in World War II. After the war he joined Standard Oil of New Jersey, now Exxon, where he was in charge of travel arrangements. Rose to the executive level. After his retirement in 1967 he was with Travel Bureau, Inc. |
Bartlett, Edmund | unknown |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Chairman Schroder Banking Co. |
Bartram, J. Burr | unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 28, 1976' (obituary list) Commodore of the New York Yacht Club in the 1960s and 1970s. His son, J. Burr, Jr. founded the yacht brokerage firm of Bartram & Brakenhoff, Inc in 1967. Headed the syndicate that financed the design and building of Intrepid, the successful Cup Defender of 1967 and 1970. |
Bator, Peter Anthony | 1929-1984 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1984' (obituary list) AB magna cum laude, Harvard University, 1951. LL.B. magna cum laude, Harvard University, 1954. Sheldon fellow, Harvard University, 1955. Associate Davis Polk & Wardwell, New York City, 1955-61, partner, 1961-84; director Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Americas Inc. (and predecessors), New York City, 1969-84, Kreutoll Realization Corp., New York City, 1969-78. Vice president, trustee New York Infirmary-Beekman Downtown Hospital, New York City, 1972-84; member alumni standing committee Groton (Massachusetts) School, 1975-77. Member Harvard Law School Association New York City (trustee 1974-76), Am., New York State bar associations, Bar Association City New York , Am. Law Institute, Am. Institute International Law, International Law Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Incorporated Proprietors of Nauquitt, Inc. (president 1980-82), Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Knickerbocker (New York City), River (New York City), Downtown Association (New York City), Wall St. (New York City), Meadow Brook (New York City). |
Bayne, Stephen Fielding, Jr | 1908-1974 |
Source(s): 1969 list; a Stephen F. Bayne (without Jr.) is listed in the 1976 obituary list of US Pilgrims Married Lucie Culver Gould in 1934. Associate Superintendent of New York City schools since at least 1935. Protestant Episcopal Bishop. The first executive officer of the Anglican Communion since the late 1950s or 1960. September 8, 1958, Time Magazine, 'Bishops on Birth Control': "The Anglicans and Episcopalians, like most Protestant groups, do not share the Roman Catholic disapproval of birth control; contraception, they have long held, is permissible for both family planning and reasons of health. But the Anglican Communion's five-week Lambeth conference of bishops just concluded went a liberal's step further: it positively recommended contraception as a valuable liberating force in the family and in the enjoyment of sexual relations. Among the 131 resolutions published last week with the encyclical letter of the 1958 Lambeth conference was a report on "The Family in Contemporary Society." made by a 38-man committee, headed by Bishop Stephen F. Bayne Jr. of Olympia. Wash. Highlights: "The procreation of children is not the only purpose of marriage." Husbands and wives have the duty of practising sexual intercourse as an expression of their love. Though intercourse is not "the only language of earthly love." it is certainly the most intimate; "it has the depth of communication signified by the Biblical word so often used for it, 'knowledge' . . ." Therefore it is wrong to shackle sex to the conception of children." September 12, 1969, Time Magazine, 'A Life on the Brink': "As a result of the 1966 effort, a study group headed by Bishop Stephen F. Bayne virtually threw the entire concept of heresy out of the Episcopal Church." |
Baker, Philip D. | b. 1922 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) BS, UCLA, 1947. MBA, University California, Berkeley, 1948. Associate Marshall Plan, Germany, 1948-52; with White, Weld & Co., Inc., New York City, 1952-76, partner, 1960-72, senior vice president, 1972-76; president Institutes of Religion and Health, 1978-81; consultant National Executive Service Corps, 1978—. Chairman board Foundation Religion and Health, 1982-86; adj. associate professor Grad. School Business Administration, NYU, 1964-66. Trustee Valley Hospital, 1972-83, West Bergen Mental Health, 1998—; president Valley Health Services, 1987-94; pres.'s council Berea College, 1988—. Captain US Marine Corps Reserve, 1943-46. Member Investment Bankers Association of America (president 1971-72), Securities Industry Association (vice chairman board 1972). |
Baketel, H. Sheridan | 1872-1955 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of Oliver Sherman (D.D.) and Rosie Lueretia (Mack) B.; student Phillips Exeter Acad., Boston U.; M.D., Dartmouth, 1895; postgrad. work Harvard, also abroad; A.M., Holston Coll., 1908; married Zada Call: m. 2d, Corinne Phillippi Sellers; children—Mary (dec.). H. Sheridan. Editor Gaillard’s Med. Jour., 1905-08, Med. Times. 1908-15; began practice urology. N.Y., 1910; became lectr. med. econs. L. I. Coll. Medicine, Bklyn., 1915, pres. preventive medicine, 1915-31, emeritur prof., 1931-— (trans. to med. coll. State U. Med. Center of N.Y.C.); co-founder 1923, since editor-in-chief Med. Economics; pres. physiol. labs. Reed & Carnrick, Jersey City, 1925-51; chmn. Reed & Carnrick Inst. for Med. Research, 1946-51; some time urologist to N.Y. hosps. Chmn. bd. trustees Columbia U. Coll. Pharmacy, 1938-42. Del. to U.S. Pharm. Conv., 1930-40. Served with Med. R.C., U.S. Army, 1912-17; col. M.C. AUS, ret. 1949. Fellow A.C.P., Am. Pub. Health Assn., N.Y. Acad. Medicine: pres. Am. Pharm. Mfg. Assn. 1929-31; mem. A.M.A., Am. Urol. Assn. (life), A.M.A., Am. Med. Editors Assn. (pres. 1920), N.H. Med. Soc., S.A.R., Mil. Order World War, Am. Legion, Dartmouth Med. Alumni Assn. (pres. 1922-29), Newcomen Soc., Beta Theta Pi (past v.p.). Episcopalian. Mason (32°, Shriner). Clubs: Dartmouth, Nat. Republican, Pilgrims, Beta Theta Pi (N.Y.C.); Army and Navy (Washington); University (Jersey City); Connaught (London); Athenaeum (Portsmouth, N. H.). Author: The Treatment of Syphilis, 1920; also monographs. Asso. editor publ. Alpha Kappa Kappa. |
Balding, Bruce Edward | b. 1931 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Harvard College, 1953. MA, Harvard University, 1954. President Van Cleef Jordan & Wood, New York City, 1970-71, Controlled Equities, Inc., New York City, 1970-80. Vice president Hamilton Gregg Capital, 1977-80. President, 1980-84, Balding & Co., New York City, 1983. Director Power Construction Co., Thomas, West Virginia, 1990-. Board directors Davis & Elkins College, 1980-90; visiting board member Walnut Hill School, Natick, Massachusetts, 1992—; president National Institute Social Scis., New York City, 1994. Lieutenant U.S. Army, 1955-57, Korea. Member New York Society Security Analysts, New England Society, The Pilgrims, Links Club, Piping Rock Club, Harvard Club New York , Harvard Club Massachusetts. |
Balfour, Arthur J. | 1848-1930 |
Source(s): 1914, 1920, 1927 lists; 2002, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A centennial history', p. 19: "The Pilgrims decided to welcome the American entry into the war with a banquet for three years at the Savoy on 12 April 1917... The Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, an old friend of Joseph Choate [lawyer for John D. Rockefeller; close to J.P. Morgan] and himself a Pilgrim, presided." Puoil at Eton of William Johnson Cory, who has been described as the "coach of the cult of Victorian pederasty", because he had numerous sexual relationships with adolescent boys, his pupils... Member of the Milner Group. Member of "The Souls", a group of friends which were closely affiliated with the Cecil Bloc, the Rhodes Secret Society and the Milner Group. Lord Desborough, Margot Asquith and Alfred Lyttelton were among the group's members. First president of the British branch of the English Speaking Union. Member Carlton Club. Eton; Trin. Coll. Camb. (MA). MP (C) for Hertford, 1874–85; acted for a time with ‘Fourth Party’; Private Secretary to Marquis of Salisbury when Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1878–80; employed on Special Mission of Lords Salisbury and Beaconsfield to Berlin, 1878; Privy Councillor, 1885; President of Local Government Board, 1885–86; Secretary for Scotland with seat in Cabinet; Vice-President of Committee of Council on Education for Scotland, 1886–87; Lord Rector, St Andrews University, 1886; Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1887–91; Member of Gold and Silver Commission, 1887–88; elected Member of Senate, London University, 1887; FRS 1888; Lord Rector, Glasgow University, 1890; created Congested Districts Board for Ireland, 1890; Member l’Académie des Sciences morales et politiques (L’Institut de France); Leader House of Commons and First Lord of Treasury, 1891–92; Leader of Opposition, 1892–95; President British Association, 1904; Prime Minister, 1902–05; 1st Lord of Treasury and Leader of House of Commons 1895–1906; MP Eastern Division of Manchester, 1885–1906; Gifford Lecturer, Glasgow University, 1913–14 and 1922–23; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1915–16; Foreign Secretary, 1916–19; President of the Council, 1919–22 and 1925–29; MP (CU) City of London, 1906–22; Head of British Mission to America, 1917; British Mission to Washington Conference, 1921–22; President British Academy, 1921–28. Chancellor of Edinburgh University; Chancellor of Cambridge University, 1919; Elder Brother of Trinity House |
Ballantine, Arthur Atwood | 1883-1960 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition A.B., Harvard, 1904, LL.B., 1907; LL.D., Northeastern U., 1931; LL.D., Hamilton Coll., N.Y., 1933; D.C.L., Marietta, 1940; married Helen Bailey Graves, June 19, 1907; children—Barbara (Mrs. John Cross), William W. (dec.), Arthur A., Jr., Helen (Mrs. John Ferguson), John Winthrop. Began practice in Boston with Gaston, Snow & Saltonstall, 1906; admitted as mem. firm, 1912; became mem. Goodwin, Procter & Ballantine, 1914; now mem. Dewey, Ballantine, Bushby, Palmer & Wood, N.Y.C.; dir. Gen. Am. Investors, Incorporated, New York Life Insurance Company, N.Y. Trust Co.; trustee Bowery Savs. Bank; adv. counsel on taxation matters, U.S. Treasury Dept., 1917; solicitor of internal revenue, 1918; advisor Joint Com. of Congress on Internal Revenue Taxation, 1927; asst. sec. U.S. Treasury, Mar. 1931-Feb. 1932; under sec. of U.S. Treasury, Feb. 1932-May 1933. Instr. Harvard Law Sch., 1907-09, Northeastern Law Sch., 1907-14. Has specialized in law relating to pub. service corps., business orgns. and taxation; writer of articles on subjects in these fields. Dir. Philharmonic Symphony of N.Y.; hon. trustee Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Meml. Hosp. N.Y., United Hosp. Fund N.Y.; chmn., mem. council, hon. trustee Greater N.Y. Fund; chmn. bd., trustee practicing Law Institute; trustee Northeastern U., Springfield Coll. Recipient Certificate of award USN, 1948; Legion of Honor, 1953 (France); Order of White Lion, 1935 (Czechoslovakia). Fellow Am. Bar Found.; member Am., N.Y., N.Y.C. bar assns., Am. Law Inst., Council on Fgn. Relations (rep.), N.Y. County Lawyers Assn., Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Pilgrims U.S., S. A.R., Phi Beta Kappa Assos. (dir.), Phi Beta Kappa. Republican. Conglist. Clubs: Harvard, Links, University, Racquet and Tennis, Economic, Piping Rock, Century, Recess Downtown, River, Skating, Nat. Republican (N.Y.C.). Member Council on Foreign Relations. |
Ballard, Sumner | 1865-1941 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Began in insurance, N.Y. City, 1881; pres. Internat. Ins. Co. since 1908; pres. Reinsurers Underwriting Corp. since 1923; U.S. mgr. Skandinavia Ins. Co. of Copenhagen; dir. U.S. Fire Ins. Co., Niagara Fire Ins. Co., Nat. Liberty Ins. Co., Baltimore Am. Ins. Co., Sanborn Map Co. (v.p.), Nat. Bd. Fire Underwriters Bldg. Corp., Fire Companies’ Adjustment Bur., Jour. of Commerce. Fellow Ins. Inst. of America; mem. Nat. Bd. of Fire Underwriters (sec.), Soc. Mayflower Descendants, Soc. Colonial War, S.R., St. Nicholas Soc.; mem. Museum City of New York (life). Republican. Clubs: Metropolitan, Down Town, Turf and Field, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Pilgrims. |
Bancroft, Francis Syndey | 1881-1957 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student Knowlton Acad., St. John’s Sch., Montreal, Trinity Sch., N.Y.; married Beatrice Fairfax Jordan, Nov. 16, 1904; children—Francis Sydney, Harding Foster, Costance Jordan (Mrs. William M. Doolittle). With Excelsior Savs. Bank, N.Y.C., 1945-—, v.p., 1933-45, active v.p., 1945-49, pres., 1949-56, chmn. bd., 1956-—, trustee, 1931-—; v.p., dir. Pease & Elliman, Inc., 1952-—; pres. 103 E. 75th St. Apts., Inc., N.Y.C., 1925-—; sec. dir. Park Av. and 77th St. Corp., N.Y.C.; treas., dir. 535 Park Av. Corp.; dir. 928 Park Av. Apts., Inc., N.Y.C., 1021 Park Av. Corp; adv. bd. Mfrs. Trust Co., N.Y.C. Mem. Real Estate Bd., N.Y., Pilgrims Soc. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Church, Murray Bay (Can.) Golf; Eternity Fish and Game; Gavelle Fishing. His son, Harding Foster, became a CFR member. Francis S. Bancroft's son, Harding Bancroft: |
Band, David | 1942-1996 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition MA, Oxford University. Managing director Morgan Guaranty, Ltd., London, 1986-87. Executive vice president Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. Chairman J.P. Morgan Securities, Ltd., London, 1987-88. Director Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC. Chief executive officer Barclays de Zoete Wedd, London, 1988-96. Securities and futures authority at the The Securities Association. Deputy chairman The Securities Association, 1986-88. Board directors The Institute of International Finance. Member government deregulation task force. Chairman adv. board St. Edmund Hall Oxford. Fellow Royal Society Arts. Member International Institute for Strategic Studies, Pilgrims Society Great Britain, The Hon. Co. Edinburgh Golfers. |
Barnetson, Lord William | 1917-1981 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Freelance journalist in Spain during the Spanish civil war. Detached for special duty on the reorganization of West German newspaper and book publishing companies in the British Zone 1944-1948. Responsible for launching Die Welt and its later publisher was a protege of Barnetson. Leader writer, editor and general manager of the Edinburgh Evening News 1948-1961. Very influential in Edinburgh-area press councils. Became a director of United Newspapers in 1962. Chairman and managing director of United Newspapers 1966. Chairman of the Press Association 1967-1968. Chairman of Reuters 1968-1979. Chairman of the Commonwealth Press Union Council 1972-1977. Member of The Times Trust from 1973 and for some years. Sir William until 1975. Joined the House of Lords in 1975, under the sponsorship of Lord Drogheda and Lord Goodman. Chairman of the National Council for the Training of Journalists. Chairman of Thames Television. Chairman of The Observer 1976-1980. |
Barr, David Waddell | 1910-2001 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student, University Buffalo. With Moore Corp. Ltd., 1929–, with Am. Salesbook Co., Inc. Elmira, New York , 1929, controller Gilman Fanfold Corp. Niagara Falls, 1937, general sales manager, 1941, general sales manager Moore Business Forms, Inc. Niagara Falls, 1947-60, general manager Park Ridge, Illinois, 1960, vice president, 1962, executive vice president Toronto, Ontario, Can., 1966, president Can., 1968, chairman Can., from 1976; chairman board directors Moore Business Forms, Inc., F.N. Burt Co., Inc., Reid Dominion Packaging Ltd. Director Canadian Investment Fund, Ltd., Can. Fund, Inc., Dominion Insurance Corp., Bank of Nova Scotia, Can. Reassurance Co., Can. Reins. Co., Inco Ltd., No. Telecom Ltd., Royal General Insurance Co. of Can.; vice president, director Canadian Life Assurance Co. Chairman board St. Michael's Hospital. Mem.: Granite, National (Toronto); Canadian (New York ); The Pilgrims of U.S., Rosedale Golf, The York. |
Barringer, Paul Brandon | 1887-1973 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of Paul Brandon and Nannie (Hannah) B.; B.A., U. Va., 1907; LL.B. U. Mich., 1914; married Lucy Landon Minor, Nov. 28, 1917; children—Charles Minor, Rufus. Engaged in bus., N.C., 1907-10, Tex., 1912-13; admitted to N.Y. bar, 1915, also U.S. Supreme Ct.; asst. counsel Nat. Biscuit Co., 1914-15, Am. Sugar Refining Co., 1916-17; asso., then partner firm Jackson, Nash, Brophy, Barringer & Brooks, and predecessors, N.Y.C., 1919-73. Trustee, mayor Village of Matinecock, L.I., N.Y., 1928-38. Trustee Soc. St. Johnland, 1940-63, Locust Valley Pub. Library, 1937-73. Served to capt. U.S. Army, 1917-19; AEF in France. Mem. Am., N.Y. State bar assns., Assn. Bar City N.Y., Am. Law Inst., Phi Beta Kappa, Order of Coif, Zeta Psi, Phi Delta Phi. Democrat. Episcopalian (vestry). Clubs: Century Assn., Pilgrims, Down Locust Valley NY. |
Barrows, Robert L. | d. 1967 |
Source(s): January 24, 1967, New York Times, 'Robert L. Barrows, ex-advertising man' (obituary) Graduated from Brown University. Retired in 1949 as president of Barrows, Richardson and Alley Agency, which he helped organize in 1916, in New York City. Previously he had been a vice president and advertising director of the Curtis Publishing Company in Philadelphia. Trustee of the Bronxville Trust Company, later known as the First Westchester National Bank. Trustee of Lawrence Hospital. Member of the Union League and Pilgrims Society. |
Barton, Sir Peter Secretary |
Source(s): October 10, 2002, The Times, 'Announcements': "The Rt Hon The Lord Carrington, KG, CH, GCMG, Mc, retiring after 20 years as President, presided at the 2002 annual meeting of the Pilgrims, held on September 23 at the American Embassy. Lord Carrington was succeeded as President by Field Marshal The Rt Hon The Lord Inge KG GCB. The Rt Rev David Say KCVO was succeeded as Honorary Chaplain by the Rt Rev David Conner, Dean of Windsor. Mr Robert M. Worcester, Chairman, Mr M. Peter Barton, Honorary Secretary, Sir Hugh Cubitt, CBE, JP, DL, the Hon Glyn Davies, The Lord Slynn of Hadley, Sir John Ure KCMG LVO and Mr Peter Viggers MP were re-elected to serve on the executive committee." After 20 years practising Company and Securities law with clients including banks, merchant banks, The London Stock Exchange and various corporates and partnerships, in the mid 80s he joined L Messel & Co, the stockbroking subsidiary of Lehman Brothers, as co-head of the Corporate Finance Department. He then moved to Lehman, where he held the position of Managing Director and Head of European Financial Institutions in Europe. He was also Chairman of the European Investment Banking Commitments Committee, Head of Recruiting and a member of the European Investment Banking Operating Committee. In 1995 Peter joined Robert Fleming & Co as Chief Operating Officer, Investment Banking Division. He was appointed Director of Robert Fleming Holdings in 1996 and after that held various other positions, including relationship management with West European banks and Head of Eastern Europe, Investment Banking. Having recently retired as Deputy Chairman and Senior Independent Director of Alliance & Leicester plc, Peter is now Chairman of the Bank’s pension fund trustees and his other current appointments in the listed company sector are directorships of F&C US Smaller Companies plc, an investment trust, and Bramdean Alternatives Ltd, a recently listed fund of funds managed by Nicola Horlick’s management team. He was a director of Lambert Fenchurch Group prior to its going private. Amongst private company appointments, he is Chairman of Howard de Walden Estates Ltd and of The Guinness Partnership, formerly known as The Guinness Trust Group, a national housing association group. Peter has also been involved with numerous charitable and voluntary organisations. He is a member of the Audit & Scrutiny Committee of Oxford University and a trustee of The British Institute of International & Comparative Law and of The Leonard Ingrams Foundation (Garsington Opera). He is the Honorary Secretary of the Pilgrims Society of Great Britain and a member of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers, International Bar Association and the Law Society. Peter was High Sheriff of Greater London in 2000 and is a Deputy Lieutenant. Non-executive director of Bramdean Alternatives Limited. |
Bassler, Anthony | 1874-1959 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of Louis and Louisa (Black) B.; M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1898; married Harriette Matilda Seeley, July 1917; (died Dec. 14, 1951); children—Joan Mary, Anthony Seeley professor gastroenterology, N.Y. Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, 1911-25, Fordham University 1915-20; consultant in gastroenterology and internal medicine to 14 New York hosps.; sub chief advisory med. bds. of State of N.Y. Fellow Am. Coll. of Physicians; mem. A.M.A., Acad. of Medicine, Nat. Gastroenterologic Assn., N.Y.C., Internat. gastroenterol. assns., Am. Roentgen Ray Soc., Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions, Am. Therapeutic Soc. Clubs: Pilgrims Soc., Canadian (N.Y.C.); Westchester Country. |
Bastedo, Philip | 1908-1987 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1988' (obituary list) AB, Princeton University, 1929. JD, Harvard University, 1932. Deputy director Office Civilian Defense, Washington, 1942-43. Served with US Naval Reserve, Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 1943-45. Practiced in, New York City; member Wickes, Riddell, Bloomer, Jacobi & McGuire, 1941-70, of counsel, 1970-78. Trustee Hospital Special Surgery, president, 1958-72; trustee United Hospital Fund, chairman, 1978-84; treasurer, trustee American Academy in Rome, 1977-87; trustee MacDowell Colony. Member Council Foreign Relations, Pilgrims, Bar Association City New York Clubs: River, Century. |
Baxendell, Sir Peter | b. 1925 |
Source(s): Present at at least 6 Pilgrims gatherings, according to various Times articles. Director, Shell Transport and Trading Co., 1973–95 (Chairman, 1979–85). FREng (FEng 1978). Joined Royal Dutch/Shell Group, 1946; Petroleum Engr in Egypt, 1947, and Venezuela, 1950; Techn. Dir, Shell-BP Nigeria, 1963; Head of SE Asia Div., London, 1966; Man. Dir, Shell-BP Nigeria, 1969; Chm., Shell UK, 1974–79; Man. Dir, 1973, Chm., Cttee of Man. Dirs, 1982–85, Royal Dutch/Shell Gp of Cos; Chm., Shell Canada Ltd, 1980–85; Dir, Shell Oil Co., USA, 1982–85; Chm., Hawker Siddeley Gp, 1986–91 (Dir, 1984–91; Dep. Chm., Jan.–April 1986); Director: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, 1986–97; Inchcape, 1986–93. Mem., UGC, 1983–89. Mem., Governing Body, Imperial Coll., London, 1983–99 (Vice Chm., 1991–99). Hon. DSc: Heriot-Watt, 1982; QUB, 1986; London, 1986; Loughborough, 1987. Commander, Order of Orange-Nassau, 1985 |
Beach, Stewart (Taft) | 1899-1979 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Special lecturer on modern poetry short story N.Y. University, 1922-24; mng. editor The Independent, 1924-28; asso. editor The Outlook and Independent, 1928-29; editor, dramatic critic Theatre mag., 1929-31; mng. editor, editor Home and Field, also House Beautiful, 1931-39; contbr. fiction leading mags., 1939-42; exec. editor This Week mag. 1947-65. Served as capt to col., U.S. Army, 1942-46, chief publs. br., bur. pub. relations War Dept. Decorated Legion of Merit, War Dept. commendation Mem. The Pilgrims, Loyal Legion, Soc. Mayflower Descendants, Phi Beta Kappa, Chi. Clubs: Century Assn., University, Coffee House, Dutch Treat (N.Y.C.); St. Botolph (Boston). |
Beatty, Alfred Chester | 1875-1968 |
Source(s): 1914 Pilgrims list; Who's Who digital edition M.E., Columbia, 1898; D.Sc., Birmingham, Eng., 1938, LL.D., 1939; Went to Eng., 1913, naturalized, 1933. Director American Metal Co., Ltd. Awarded Columbia U. Medal, 1933; Egleston medal by Engring. Alumni, 1948; Gold Medal of Instn. Mining and Metallury, 1935. Decorated Grand Cordon of Order of St. Sava (Yugoslavia); Comdr. Order of Leopold II (Belgium). Fellow Soc. Antiquaries; mem. Am., London C.’s of C., Am. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs., Am. Soc. in London, Automobile Assn., Bibliog. Soc., Egypt Exploration Soc., Inst. Metals, Instn. Mining and Metallurgy, Royal Philatelic Soc., Pilgrims, L’Union Interllie (Paris). Clubs: Roxburghe; Travellers (Paris, France). Collector Oriental and Western manuscripts. |
Beaverbrook, Lord | 1879-1964 |
Source(s): January 10, 1941, The Times, 'Lord Halifax's Mission - Prime Minister's Mission' (Lord Beaverbrook prominently present at Pilgrims meeting) (probably not a Pilgrims member, because he was not particularly oriented towards an Anglo-American partnership) Also known as Sir Max Aitken. Beaverbrook was born in Ontario, Canada, the son of an immigrant Presbyterian minister. After studying law at the University of New Brunswick he became a life insurance salesman, going on to deal in bonds, and then made a fortune out of a controversial merger of three companies into the Canadian Cement Company. He moved to England in 1910 and, with the encouragement of British politician Andrew Bonar Law (who was also born in Canada), was elected as Conservative member of Parliament for Ashton‐under‐Lyne in the UK general election of December that year. After the outbreak of World War I he represented the Canadian government as an observer (with Canadian troops serving on the Western front) and established the Canadian War Records Office. He chronicled these events in his memoir, Canada in Flanders (1916–18). By 1916 he had returned to London and accepted the chairmanship of the War Office Committee for Propaganda. Beaverbrook played a supportive role in Lloyd George's bid for political power which brought down the Asquith government, although he did not get a cabinet post until 1918 when he served as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and minister of information. Bought a majority interest in the Daily Express in 1916, founded the Sunday Express in 1918, and bought the London Evening Standard in 1923. By 1934, daily circulation of the Daily Express reached 1,708,000, generating huge profits for Aitken whose wealth was already such that he never took a salary. Following World War II, the Daily Express became the largest selling newspaper in the world, by far, with a circulation of 3,706,000. He would become known by some historians as the first baron of "Fleet Street" and as one of the most powerful men in Britain whose newspapers could make or break almost anyone. Between the wars he used his newspapers to campaign for empire free trade, in opposition to the then prime minister, Stanley Baldwin. During World War II he rejoined the British cabinet as minister of aircraft production (1940–41) and minister of supply (1941), before becoming British lend‐lease administrator in the USA in 1942 and then Lord Privy Seal from 1943 to 1945. Beaverbrook resigned from the Conservative Party in 1949 and his newspapers became politically independent. He continued to campaign for free trade and later opposed British entry to the European Economic Community (EEC). Oxford Dictionary on National Biography on the 1st Lord Beaverbrook: "He liked attacking his enemies and supporting his friends. He loved picking up gossip to use in his newspapers, but he would also suppress a story if he were asked to by his wide circle of friends... His brief, and not particularly happy, experience of cabinet government in 1917–18 had not dulled his appetite for political power, and while he would not have looked as far as Lord Rothermere, who hoped to see Beaverbrook in 10 Downing Street, he certainly believed that press lords had the power to ‘coerce politicians’... Beaverbrook's press power continued to be the object of criticism, not least from the 1947 royal commission on the press. He maintained that this was intent on persecuting him, provoked by what was regarded—justifiably—as his policy of using his papers to blacklist people he did not like, and of retaining too tight a control over his editors. As usual, Beaverbrook adopted attack as the best means of defence, telling an astonished commission that he ran his papers for propaganda purposes, and that if an editor opposed a policy that was dear to his heart, such as empire free trade, then he ‘talked’ him out of it (‘Report of the royal commission on the press’, 43). Beaverbrook went on to say: ‘No paper is any good at all for propaganda unless it has a thoroughly good financial position. So we worked very hard to build up a commercial position on that account’ (ibid., 26). He admitted that the Daily Express's commercial position was built on its ability to give its readers what they liked; and the Political and Economic Planning Report on the British Press had noted in 1938 that the chief subjects covered in the Express in a chosen period (28 February–6 March 1938) were indeed law (including crime, police, divorce, and suicide), accidents, film stars and films, and sport. Such topics as industry, science, medicine, education, and labour relations came well down the list, and unemployment was completely absent. More evasively, Beaverbrook told the royal commission that editors must have a degree of latitude, but must also be carried along with the proprietor's views. The commission noted that Beaverbrook picked staff who shared his views and policies, and controlled the newspapers even when his presence was removed." Oxford Dictionary on National Biography on the 1st Lord Beaverbrook: "He backed Edward VIII in his attempt to retain the throne, hardly realizing that the king did not want to be saved at the expense of losing Mrs Simpson (whom Beaverbrook did not find attractive). Beaverbrook, who was no monarchist and confessed that he ‘scarcely knew the King’, was motivated by his desire, as he put it, to ‘bugger Baldwin’ (Birkenhead, 138). His strong support of appeasement in the late 1930s was more in line with political as well as public opinion [ISGP note: he apparently supported appeasement with a different objective in mind than the public]; few people in Britain wanted to admit that war on the continent of Europe was inevitable. Beaverbrook no doubt spoke for many when he supported the Munich agreement, with the Daily Express claiming on 22 September 1938 that Britain had made no pledge to protect the frontiers of Czechoslovakia, but he pushed the point too far. In March 1939 he denied that Neville Chamberlain had made any absolute guarantee to Poland, and when war broke out in September Beaverbrook's confident assurances over the past few years that there would be no war this year or the next looked, to say the least, hollow. Beaverbrook's hostility to the war was compounded by his notion that the renamed duke of Windsor might be persuaded to stump the country calling for a compromise peace. However, the British failure in an expedition to Norway in April 1940 changed his mind. On 10 May he lunched with Churchill and thereafter threw his energy behind the war effort. Churchill asked the king to appoint Beaverbrook minister of aircraft production, knowing how good Beaverbrook was at inspiring and driving staff. On 14 May, aged sixty, Beaverbrook took over responsibility for repairs to damaged aircraft, as well as production of new planes. On 2 August he became a member of the war cabinet... In September 1941 Beaverbrook went to Moscow to persuade the USSR to stay in the war. He met Stalin and believed that the two of them had established a rapport. He was certain that Stalin could be trusted, and urged Britain to help the USSR in every way it could. To this end he approved of the USSR's retaining much of eastern Poland, the Baltic states, part of Romania, and some of Finland after the war. His political position in Britain was strengthened when Churchill made him minister of production in February 1942. Beaverbrook's temperament was not suitable for the task, however, and he quarrelled with Ernest Bevin over control of shipbuilding and labour. His resignation came after only twelve days in office, on 20 February; but at least he was now free to devote himself to the cause of supporting the USSR in the war. In June 1942 he addressed a large crowd in Birmingham, calling for the allies to open a second front in Europe, and he pushed this cause with his usual energy and single-mindedness. Nevertheless, the suspicion that dogged Beaverbrook's motives persisted, for some thought that he was really scheming to supplant Churchill as prime minister. In September 1943 he returned to the cabinet as lord privy seal, where he used his business acumen to better effect in planning post-war air routes across the Atlantic; but he became bored with the detail of negotiations and decided that he would devote himself to assisting Churchill to win the general election that would follow the end of the war. Any notion that press lords could swing the electorate was damaged by the large Labour Party victory in 1945; and the Daily Express's claim that there would be ‘Gestapo in Britain’ if Labour won was a misjudgement of the public mood (Chisholm and Davie, 453–4). Beaverbrook's loss of touch was revealed also by his advice to Churchill in 1945 not to publish the Conservative Party's proposals for the health service, on the grounds that it was ‘inexpedient’ (Thomas, 38). He argued that free enterprise was the way forward, but he was not a consistently right-wing thinker: the cold war was, he thought, unnecessary. He still clung to the ideas of imperial unity, freedom from foreign entanglements, and a distant relationship with the United States of America, all of which—though not necessarily mistaken—were out of touch with the times. He remained the empire crusader, opposing British acceptance of an American loan in 1947, and, above all, against the British application to join the European Common Market (EEC) in 1961. His bitter attack on Europe derived its venom from his hatred of Germany. He complained that the EEC was ‘an American device to put us alongside Germany. As our power was broken and lost by two German wars, it is very hard on us now to be asked to align ourselves with those villains’ (Horne, 2.262)." At the beginning of WII, Beaverbrook immediately set about a coordinated British propaganda programme, responsible for the dissemination of war information at home, among Allies and in neutral countries. His close colleague, Lord Northcliffe, meanwhile was responsible for directing propaganda towards the populations of enemy nations. An employee of Lord Beaverbrook was Sefton Delmer, who was sent to head the German Daily Express office in the early 1930s. Here Delmer became a friend of Ernst Roehm, who arranged for him to become the first British journalist to interview Adolf Hitler. In the 1932 general election Delmer travelled with Hitler on his private aircraft. In 1933 he was also with Hitler when he inspected the Reichstag Fire. Delmer returned to England in 1940 and joined the SOE in its fight against the Nazis. Before and during the initial stages of WWII, Beaverbrook was a strong supporter of Anglo-German Peace, which also included Sir Harry Brittain, Lloyd George, Lord Halifax, Rab Butler, the Duke of Hamilton (royal housekeeper; the one Nazi second-in-command Rudolf Hess tried to reach in May 1941), King Edward VIII/the Duke of Windsor, Sir Nevile Henderson, Sir Samuel Hoare, and seemingly also some senior MI6 figures. Sefton Delmer wrote in his 1962 book 'Black Boomerang': "Beaverbrook had paid several visits to Berlin between 1935 and 1939 and on each occasion he had talked at length with Hitler and Hess. They were talks in which Hitler, sometimes in the presence of Hess, had gone out of his way to impress his British visitor with his essential reasonableness and good sense. Not without some success, as was shown by Beaverbrook's refusal to believe in 1939 that Hitler could be so foolish as to forego the immense gains that avoidance of war would certainly have brought him... In neutral Switzerland, the Aga Khan had told Ribbentrop's amateur agent, Prince Max Hohenlohe, that Lord Beaverbrook was all for peace and compromise with Hitler. 'Beaverbrook,' so the Prince in a letter to the German Foreign Office on July the 25th, quoted the Aga Khan as saying, 'is the only man who has the courage, the power and the standing to bring about a change in England even against Churchill, since Churchill has for a long time been in Beaverbrook's pay.'" Minister for Aircraft Production 1940-1941. On September 9, 1941 Beaverbrook first met with Rudolf Hess (Delmer): "Dressed, as ever, in his sober blue serge suit he walked into Hess's sick room, flung his soft black hat on a table and advanced towards Hess with the outstretched hand and wide cheery smile of an old friend. It was the very opposite to the frozen formality of Lord Simon... Hess now stated that the object of his flight to Scotland had been to make peace with Britain "on any terms", providing that Britain would then join Germany in attacking Russia. It was an odd statement for him to make in view of the fact that he had not mentioned the coming attack on Russia with so much as a word when he had his talk with Lord Simon. And to Kirkpatrick he had denied point blank that Hitler meant to attack Russia. Nor had the terms he put down in writing at the time of his talk with Lord Simon suggested Germany's readiness for peace with Britain "at any price"... Hess's main theme was that the British were wrong if they hoped that the conflict with the Soviet Union would so weaken both Russia and Germany that at the end of it Britain's 19th-century hegemony over Europe would be restored... 'world domination awaits the Soviet Union in the future, if her power is not broken now', Hess said." Oxford Dictionary on National Biography on the 1st Lord Beaverbrook: "He still aroused controversy, even in old age, with accusations of vendettas and sexual misbehaviour. Still accused of being unable to treat women with dignity, Beaverbrook nevertheless found a regular companion in Marcia Anastasia Dunn... Cecil King, who like Clement Attlee described Beaverbrook as ‘evil’, wrote that ‘he seemed to take pleasure in humiliating and corrupting his young men, preventing them from breaking loose by absurdly over-paying them’ (Gourley, 40)... Some even regarded Beaverbrook as essentially an outsider: the Canadian who, whatever his wealth and ambitions, remained outside the establishment." Some people in England thought at some point that Beaverbrook had aspirations to become prime minister of England himself. Apparently even some Germans thought that. Page 450 of the diary of Ernst von Weizsäcker, Joachim von Ribbentrop's state-secretary, dated Oct 21, 1941 (2001, David Irving, 'Hitler's war', p. 887): "The peace compromise with Britain which we are ready to accept consists of this: the British Empire remains intact (woe, if India fell into other hands or chaos); in Europe of course Britain must stand back. . . Britain – which will shortly be ruled by Beaverbrook – will come to realise that Germany's mission is to organise Europe against the Mongol flood from the east and that Germany and Britain will eventually have to stand side by side against the USA." Sir Max Aitken was Lord Beaverbrook's son. He rejected his title, the 2nd Lord Beaverbrook. Born in 1910 in Canada. Served as a pilot during World War II, earning the Distinguished Service Order and Distinguished Flying Cross. Reached the rank of Group Captain. Member of Parliament for Holborn 1945-1950. After the war he entered the family newspaper business as a director of the Express Group and Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd. Chairman of Beaverbrook Newspapers since at least the 1960s. Chancellor of the University of New Brunswick. 1001 Club member. Died in 1985. Privy councilor Jonathan Aitken, the former head of Le Cercle who was deeply involved in illegal arms transports, is a great nephew of the 2nd Lord Beaverbrook. He has become an opponent of Britain remaining in the European Union and deepining its integration with it, because he feels Britain will have very little influence on decision making in the EU. |
Beck, James Montgomery Exec. committee |
1861-1936 |
Source(s): June 26, 1916, The Times, 'Court Circular': "James M. Beck, a member of the American Pilgrims..."; 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, 'The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history', p. 102, showing a Pilgrims document with executive members on it dated November 11, 1919, in which the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII and Duke of Windsor) is thanked for accepting an invitation. Graduated Moravian College in Bethlehem. After an apprenticeship in law he was admitted to the bar in 1884 and entered the law office of William F. Harrity, with whom he formed a law partnership in 1891. Admitted to the bar of New York City in 1903, and in 1922 to the bar of England, he rose to be one of America's leading corporate lawyers. Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 1888-1892; United States Attorney 1896-1900; joined the New York law firm of Shearman and Sterling; continued his law practices in New York, Philadelphia and Washington until 1921; appointed Solicitor General of the U.S. 1921-1925. As a Congressman he was the leading spokesman in the campaign against Prohibition and he tried to fight the principles and legislation of the New Deal. Reelected three consecutive times, he resigned in 1934. Beck was one of the first Americans to make a case for the Entente, the alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia prior to World War I. His most famous book, "The Constitution of the United States" (1924), sold over fifty thousand copies. |
Beck, James Montgomery | unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1973' (obituary list) Likely a son or grandson of the Pilgrim above. |
Beckett, Maj.-Gen. Edwin Horace Alexander | b. 1937 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Sandhurst. Commissioned 1957 West Yorks Regt; regtl service in Aden (despatches 1968), Gibraltar, Germany and N Ireland; DAA&QMG 11 Armd Brigade, 1972–74; CO 1 PWO, 1976–78 (despatches 1977); GSO1 (DS) Staff Coll., 1979; Comdt Junior Div., Staff Coll., 1980; Comdr UKMF and 6 Field Force, 1981; Comdr UKMF, 1 Inf. Brigade and Tidworth Garrison, 1982; Director: Concepts, MoD, 1983–84; Army Plans and Programmes, MoD, 1984–85; C of S, HQ BAOR, 1985–88. Col Comdt, The King’s Div., 1988–94; Col, PWO, 1996–2001. Dir, Corporate Affairs, IDV Ltd, 1991–96; Founder and Chm., British Brands Gp, 1992–96 (Pres., 1997–99). Chairman: Calvert Trust Exmoor, 1994–2000 (Trustee, 1994–2003); Exmoor Trust, 1999–2007; W Somerset Local Action for Rural Communities, 2007–; Trustee, Directory of Social Change, 2002–08 (Vice-Chm., 2004). Head of British Defence Staff, Washington, 1988–91. Army and Navy. Pilgrims. |
Beckman, Francis Joseph | 1875-1948 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Grad., maxima cum laude, St. Gregory Prep. Sem., 1897; grad. in philosophy and theology, Mt. St. Mary’s Sem., Cincinnati, O., 1902; studied at Louvain U., Belgium, 1904-05, Gregorian U. of Rome, Italy (Jesuits), 1905-08, S.T.B., 1906, S.T.L., 1907, S.T.D., 1908. Ordained priest R.C. Ch., 1902; prof. philosophy, Mt. St. Mary’s Sem., 1908-12; rector (pres.) Mt. St. Mary’s Theol. Sem., 1912-24, also prof. of dogmatic theology; served as censor librorum, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, counselor of Archdiocese, synodal examiner, etc.; apptd. bishop of Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 23, 1924, consecrated, May 1, 1925; apostolic administrator Diocese of Omaha, 1926-28; apptd. asst. at papal throne with title Roman Count, 1928; archbishop of Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 1930-46; retired since 1946; apptd. Titular Archbishop of Phulla, Founder, CYO-Civic Orchestra, Dubuque, 1937; Dubuque Symphony Orchestra, 1938; Columbia Museum, Dubuque; Nat. Antiquarian Soc. Organizer, dir. and chmn. Catholic Students, Mission Crusade (1,000,000 members), 1918-40; spiritual director of Confraternity of Pilgrims (headquarters in St. Paul, Minn.). |
Bedford, 14th Duke of | 1940-2003 |
Source(s): Present at a 1967 dinner (as the Marquess of Tavistock) Le Rosey, Switzerland; Harvard University. Partner, De Zoete and Bevan, 1970–82; Chairman: Cedar Investment Trust, 1977–82; Berkeley Develt Capital Ltd, 1984–92; TR Property Investment Trust, 1982–89 (Dir, 1982–91); Director: Touche, Remnant Holdings, 1977–88; Trafalgar House Ltd, 1977–91; United Racecourses, 1977–94. Hon. Trustee, Kennedy Memorial Trust (Chm., 1985–90). Pres., Woburn Golf and Country Club. DL Beds, 1985. DL; Director, London Pacific Group Ltd (formerly Berkeley Govett & Co. Ltd), since 1985. |
Beekman, Fenwick Exec. Committee |
1882-1962 | Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student in St. Mark’s Sch., Southboro, Mass., 1896-1901, Columbia, 1901-03; M.D., U. of Pa., 1907; married Sabina Wood Struthers, Oct. 12, 1912; children—Fenwick, Gerardus, Robert Struthers; married 2d, Vera Byerley Lindo, Dec. 8, 1933. Cons. surgeon Hospital for Special Surgery; cons. surgeon Lincoln and Bellevue Hosps., North County Community Hospital, Glen Cove, N.Y.; consulting pediatric surgeon Fitkin Memorial Hosp. (Neptune, N.J.). Trustee N.Y. Soc. Library, Greenwood Cemetery, Bklyn. Served A.E.F., World War, discharged as maj. Med. Corps. Cited for “meritorious service in Battle of Cambrai.” Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons; mem. A.M.A., N.Y. Co. Med. Soc., N.Y. State Med. Soc., N.Y. Acad. of Medicine, N.Y. Surgical Soc., N.Y. and New Eng. Assn. Ry. Surgeons, N.Y. Hist. Soc. (trustee, past pres.), Am. Assn. for Surgery of Trauma, Am. Assn. Oral and Plastic Surgery, N.Y. Gen. and Biog. Soc. (trustee); founder mem. Am. Bd. Surgery, Am. Bd. Plastic Surgery. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: Union, St. Anthony, St. Nicholas, Grolier, Pilgrims (exec. com.). |
Bell, Edward Price | 1869-1943 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Entered newspaper work at Terre Haute, Ind.; reported Chippewa outbreak in Northern Minn., 1898, and race riots in N.C., same yr.; exposed, in The Chicago Record, jury bribing in Cook County, Ill., and legislative corruption at Springfield; London corr. Chicago Daily News, 1900-23, covering all great events in Eng. during that time; interviewed 5 British Cabinet ministers on German-World War; first corr. who ever interviewed a British sec. of state for foreign affairs; extensive experience with British fleet, armies, and flying services. Lectured widely to boys of pub. schs. in Eng., on importance of Anglo-Am. unity for preservation of free instns., and throughout the Middle West, on the duty of America to participate resolutely in the effort to organize a stable world peace. Devoted 1924 and 1925 to interviewing leading men of various countries, including President Coolidge. Marx, Mussolini, Poincare, Ramsay MacDonald, Mackenzie King, Kato, Shidehara, Tang-Shao-yi, Gov. Gen. Wood, Senator Osmena, Senator Quezon, and others, on internat. and interracial problems, especially those centering in the Pacific Ocean. Accompanied Herbert Hoover on his Latin-Am. good-will tour, 1928-29; attacked British-Am. bickering in the English and Am. press and originated the idea of a conf. in Washington of the heads of English-speaking states (Premier Ramsay MacDonald and President Herbert Hoover) to lay foundations of permanent peace in the English-speaking world, 1929; toured world (1934-35) for Literary Digest, interviewing at length premiers and foreign ministers of principal countries of Asia and Europe, also Pope Pius XI, on problem of world peace; political editor, Saturday Spectator, Terre Haute, Ind., since 1941. Served as pres. Assn. Am. Correspondents in London; hon. mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu; mem. Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Delta Chi. Presbyn. Author: World Chancelleries, 1925; Europe’s Economic Sunrise, 1927; Primary Diplomacy, 1933; Let Us Go Seaward, 1937; Studies of Great Political Personalities, 1938; Seventy Years Deep, 1940; also many short stories, chief of which are “Zory’s Race,” and “Billy’s Wife,” appearing mainly in the Strand Mag., London. Clubs: Pilgrims, American, American Luncheon (London). |
Bell, Elliott V. | d. 1983 |
Source(s): 1969 list Reporter for The New York Times when the great depression hit in 1929. Co-founder in 1938 and first president New York Financial Writers Association. Trustee Brookings Institution. Director of Chase Manhattan Bank. Chairman McGraw-Hill Publishing Company 1950-1967. Treasurer Council on Foreign Relations 1952-1964. Director Council on Foreign Relations 1953-1966. Vice president and trustee John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1965-1972. Editor and publisher Business Week. |
Bellas, Albert Constantine | b. 1942 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1964. JD, University Chicago, 1967. MBA, Columbia University, New York City, 1968. Summer intern The White House, Washington, 1963; associate Dillon, Read & Co., Inc., New York City, 1968-72; vice president Goldman Sachs & Co., 1973-76; general partner Loeb Rhoades & Co., 1976-78; senior executive vice president Shearson Lehman Brothers, 1979—1991; board directors Lehman Brothers, 1981—1991; managing director Offitbank, 1992—2000; chairman, CEO Neuberger Berman Trust Co., 2000—2003; managing director Neuberger Berman, LLC, 2000—2003; CEO The Solaris Group, LLC, 2004-. Allied member New York Stock Exchange, 1976-92; invest committee Society Neurosci., 2005-. Trustee St. Mary's Foundation for Children, 1999—2002, Lenfest Foundation, 2000—2003, Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, 2002—, investment committee New York City, 2002—; board management Century Association, 2002—2006, treasurer, 2002—2006; day school committee Brick Church, 1985—1988; board regents Mercersburg Academy, Pennsylvania, 1992—, executive committee, 1993—, chairman fin. committee, 1994—; board directors Lincoln Center Performing Arts, New York City, 1987—, audit committee, 1989—; board directors School Am. Ballet, 1975—1986, chairman, 1987—2004, chairman emeritus, 2004—; board directors Guild Hall, 1990—1996, 1998—, fin. committee, 1998—; board directors Partnership Children's Rights, 2006—, Pilgrims of US, 2007—. |
Belmont, August, Jr. | 1851-1924 |
Source(s): 2002, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A centennial history', the combined 1903 Pilgrims membership list at the end of the book; June 10, 1905, New York Times, 'Ryan Syndicate Buys Hyde Stock' (attended a Pilgrims dinner with Equitable Life directors Charles Stewart Smith, August Belmont and H. H. Vreeland) He was a son of August Belmont (1816-1890), the Rothschild agent, and Caroline Slidell Belmont. The younger August Belmont was an 1875 graduate of Harvard University, served as director of the National Park Bank, and was an avid thoroughbred racing fan (owned Man O'War, one of the most famous race horses). Following the United States' entry into World War I, Belmont, at age 65, volunteered to assist and was sent to France by the U.S. Army. Head of August Belmont & Co. His widow Eleanor Robson Belmont died at 100 in 1979. In the early 20th century Cornelius allied himself with August Belmont in the Interborough Rapid Transport Company, which would build the first New York subway. |
Benkard, Franklin Bartlett | 1902-1977 |
Source(s): On-line genealogy site (geocities.com/solongago.geo /kin/gen70022.htm) Graduated in 1925 at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, with his A.B. degree. Graduated in 1928 at Colombia Law School with his L.L.B. degree. Joined Kelly Drye Newhall & Maginnis, New York in 1925. Made a partner with Kelly Drye & Warren in 1941. Director and treasurer of the Julliard School of Music from 1941 to 1977. Appointed Associate Government Appeal Agent in 1944 Government Appeal Agent in 1945. In the Coast Guard Reserve patrolling the docks in New Jersey at night. After 1950, he became active in Head of the Harbor and did much to presence the zoning regulations. Director of the Midnight Mission Society (an organization who helped 'unfortunate girls' i.e. unwed mothers). Corporate lawyer specializing in banking law for at Hanover Bank. Member of: The Century Association Knickerbocker Club Bar, the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the American Bar Association, and the New York State Bar Association. Also a member of Holland Lodge No. 8 F. and A.M., the New York State Society of the Cincinnati, the Pilgrims of the United States, St Nicholas Society of the City of New York, and the Society of the Mayflower Descendants. |
Bennett, Sir Hugh | b. 1943 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1966, Bencher, 1993; an Assistant Recorder, 1987; QC 1988; a Recorder, 1990–95. Presiding Judge, NE Circuit, 1999–2002. Mem., Supreme Court Rule Cttee, 1988–92; Chm. (part-time), Betting Levy Appeal Tribunal, 1989–95. Hon. Legal Advr, Sussex County Playing Fields Assoc., 1988–95. Chm., Sussex Assoc. for Rehabilitation of Offenders, 1998–2004. Judge of the High Court of Justice, Family Division, since 1995. |
Bennett, Viscount Richard Bedford | 1870-1947 |
Source(s): Present at Pilgrims Society gatherings, according to several (London) Times articles (examples of newspaper reports: January 10, 1941 (with his old friend Lord Beaverbrook), December 6, 1945) Born in Canada into a strongly Conservative family, which became impoverished after the family's shipyard went broke after ships began to use steam. He was a good student. One day while Bennett was crossing the Miramichi on the ferry boat a lad some nine years younger came over to him and struck up a conversation. This was the beginning of an improbable but important friendship with Max Aitken, later an industrialist and British press baron known as Lord Beaverbrook (attended Pilgrims Society meetings). This became an important friendship later in life. Went to study law at Dalhousie University in 1890 and graduated in 1893. Partner in the Chatham law firm of Tweedie and Bennett. Max Aitken was his office boy, while articling as a lawyer, acting as a stringer for the Montreal Gazette and selling life insurance. Aitken persuaded him to run for alderman in the first Town Council of Chatham, and managed his campaign. Bennett was elected by one vote and was later furious with Aitken when he heard all the promises he had made on Bennett's behalf. Moved to Alberta in 1897 and continued to practice law. A lifelong bachelor and teetotaler, he led a rather lonely life in a hotel and later, in a boarding house. For a while a younger brother roomed with him. He ate his noon meal on workdays at the Alberta Hotel. Social life, such as it was, centered on church. There was, however, no scandal attached to his personal life. Bennett worked hard and gradually built up his legal practice. During his Calgary years, Bennett was known for a ferocious temper. Elected to the Canadian House of Commons in 1911, Bennett returned to the provincial scene to again lead the Alberta Tories in the 1913 provincial election but kept his seat in Ottawa when his Tories failed to take power in the province. He was appointed Minister of Justice in 1921 shortly before the federal Tory government of Arthur Meighen was defeated. Bennett returned to government as Minister of Finance in 1926 and became Conservative leader in 1927 at the first Conservative leadership convention. Prime Minister of Canada 1930-1935. Became known as "Iron Heel Bennett" for relentlessly persecuting Communism in his own country and curtailing civil liberties. |
Bennett, Sir Frederick | 1918-2002 |
Source(s): Known to have attended a luncheon of the British Pilgrims on February 23, 1982 (February 24, 1982, The Times, 'Luncheons - Pilgrims') (virtually everyone else listed is known to have been a member) Son of Sir Ernest N. Bennett (1868-1947), who was a soldier, a journalist, prominent Liberal and Labour politician, and a Knight of the British Empire. In 1912, during the Balkan war, Sir Ernest was press censor on the Turkish Staff in Thrace. Married into the Kleinwort banking family in 1915. Joined the Labour Party in 1916 (from being a Liberal MP). Chairman of the Near and Middle East Association. Present at at least one meeting of the pro-appeasement Anglo-German Fellowship on May 18, 1938, together with notorious appeasers as Frank and Henry Tiarks, Lord Londonderry and Lord Lothian. It's quite clear from a number of newspaper reports of the time that Bennett was a supporter of appeasement. He also publicly reasoned that people who live in countries under fascist rule voluntarily chose and prefer this form of government. March 23, 1938, The Times, letter to the editor: "Sir Ernest Tennant states in his letter in your issue of to-day's that "our people would never face the horrors and risks of another European war on such an issue (of giving military support to France in the event of a quarrel between Germany and Czechoslovakia)"... Should we wait until Hitler dominates the whole of Europe and until we have lost all our potential friends before making a stand?... The country does not demand a "new" foreign policy. It demands a lead, and that is just what it has not had since Mr. Eden [an anti-appeaser who resigned in February 1938] left the government. Finally, I would like to warn Sir Ernest Bennett against assuming the cool attitude of the Conservative Press is at all representative of the feelings of the nation in this crisis." February 13, 1939, The Times, 'Too much defeatism - Capt. Balfour on British Air Strength': "Sir Ernest Bennett said that while the Prime Minister [pro-appeasement Chamberlain] was working incessantly to establish peace and prosperity in Europe attempts were still being made to belittle his achievements and undermine his good work. Among his critics were a number of journalists and politicians who became almost frenzied in their diatribes against dictatorships and totalitarian States. Yet as a matter of fact if the Germans, Italians, Turks, or other nations had no liking for parliaments, and preferred to be controlled by individual leaders whom they admired and trusted, surely that was their affair, not ours... Let us then get on with our the task of solving our own problems by our own political methods, and leave other nations to govern themselves as they think fit." This view is not so surprising, because Tennant was a member of the Right Club, a secret society of anti-semite, pro-Nazis, which was active in the years prior to WWII. Members of this group, with the approval of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, pushed for an Anglo-German alliance against the Soviets. Other people in government and business often also supported the Anglo-German aliance, but were seldom as extremely anti-Jewish as the Right Club members. The members list only became public in the 1990s. Sources for Sir Ernest's membership: December 15, 1998, Daily Mail, 'Revealed: the Scots MP devoted to Hitler; The discovery of a little red book exposes fascist members of the upper classes' and January 9, 2000, The Independent on Sunday, 'Secrets of the Red Book: The Who's Who of British Nazis; Exposed: the establishment figures who wanted to turn the UK into a fascist dictatorship'. Sir Frederick Bennett owned a Rolls-Royce and four homes, one of them in the Cayman Islands. Director Kleinwort Benson Europe (his mother was a Kleinwort). Long time Lloyds underwriter. Influential member of Parliament from the 1950s to the 1980s. Member Monday Club. Always warning people about the KGB threat and supported every regime that opposed the USSR. Director of the hard-right Foreign Affairs Research Institute (FARI), together with Lord Chalfont (Pilgrims exec.; ties to British Intelligence and the SAS) and Cercle presidents Brian Crozier (worked for/with MI6, CIA, SDECE and other intelligence agencies) and Julian Amery (MI6; close to the CIA and SAS; advisor to the BCCI in the 1980s), and Cercle member Robert Moss (MI6; ties to CIA; hard-right propagandist). Chair FARI in 1978 to some point in the 1980s. Vice-president of the European-Atlantic Group. Leading official in the private group Council of Europe in the late 1970s and 1980s. Honorary director of the BCCI in Hong Kong until 1986. Member of the Privy Council since 1985. Ridiculed his party (Conservatives) for their Euroscepticism after his retirement in 1987. Supported Pinochet. Freeman of the City of London. Long-time steering committee member of Bilderberg. September 26, 2002, The Independent, 'Obituary: Sir Frederic Bennett': "Not always popular with his own side, he was even more infuriating to the Opposition, as he branded organisations such as CND as fronts funded with laundered money from the KGB and serving the purposes of the Soviet Union. He was acutely aware of the threat of Soviet expansionism, and the part that might be played by "ideological fifth columns" in weakening the resolve of the West and preparing countries for Communist takeovers. As detente became fashionable, he warned of the danger of making concessions to the Soviet Union and hailed its break-up as full justification of the nuclear deterrent and the peace-through-strength policy that he had always advocated. Frederic Mackarness Bennett was the son of Sir Ernest Bennett, who had sat as a Liberal MP in the 1906-10 parliament, joined the Labour Party during the First World War and was elected as the Labour MP for Cardiff Central in 1929. Bennett backed Ramsay MacDonald in 1931 and continued to sit as a National Labour MP until 1945, serving as Assistant Postmaster General in 1932-35. His son, educated at Westminster School, was articled to a solicitor, but joined the Middlesex Yeomanry in 1939 and was commissioned into the Royal Artillery in 1940. He was seriously injured conducting weapons research in 1941 and commended for gallantry and initiative. From 1942 until 1946 he served as a military experimental officer in the Petroleum Warfare Department and ended the Second World War a brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. During the immediate post-war period he led a technical intelligence mission in Germany. His first effort to get into the Commons as National Liberal candidate for the Burslem division of Stoke-on-Trent in 1945 failed. On demobilisation therefore he read for the Bar at Lincoln's Inn and qualified in November 1946. He was subsequently called to the Southern Rhodesian Bar in 1947, but practised mainly on the Midland circuit. But he also visited Greece twice as a guest of the Greek government to study the operations conducted against Communist insurgents. In the 1950 election he was the unsuccessful Conservative candidate for Birmingham Ladywood and until 1952 operated as the diplomatic correspondent of the Birmingham Post. However, in October 1951, at the age of 33, he was elected for Reading North and clearly found favour with the whips: in 1953 he was appointed PPS to Sir Hugh Lucas-Tooth, the junior minister at the Home Office. Boundary changes briefly checked his parliamentary career. Reading became a single seat and he went down to defeat in May 1955 by just 258 votes. Almost immediately Bennett re-entered the House as the successful Conservative candidate in the Torquay by-election at the end of 1955 and continued to command a comfortable majority until 1974, when his seat shorn of its South Hams wards was renamed Torbay. He retained this seat until 1987, despite a series of strong Liberal challenges. His successor finally lost the seat to the Liberals 10 years later. Although he loyally served Reggie Maudling as PPS in a whole series of ministerial posts between 1955 and 1961 and was one of the organisers of his leadership campaign in both 1963 and 1965, the only time Bennett was considered for office was in 1962 when the Chief Whip suggested him to Duncan Sandys as a possible junior minister at the Commonwealth Relations Office. Sandys was persuaded by his Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Nigel Fisher, that Bennett was too committed to his own line on Africa and the job went elsewhere. As a leading member of the party's Commonwealth Affairs Committee (successively its secretary and vice-chairman) Bennett had been openly critical of Iain Macleod's handling of African policy and had resigned as PPS when Maudling took his place as Colonial Secretary in June 1961. He wished to remain free to comment on affairs in Central Africa. Later he became one of Sir Roy Welensky's staunchest supporters. After voting in 1976 for the 11th time against the renewal of sanctions against the Smith regime in Southern Rhodesia, Bennett pointedly remarked that almost every African country which had achieved democracy on the basis of one man, one vote, had held a single election and had then relapsed into authoritarian rule. Although correctly regarded as a bitter critic of his government's policies in Africa, Bennett was by his own lights a realist. He had been ready to contemplate the break-up of the Federation in 1960 so long as Southern Rhodesia gained its independence and as an executive member of the demi- official Joint East and Central Africa Board had not objected to Jomo Kenyatta's release. Subsequently, at the second Kenyan Constitutional Conference, he acted as adviser to the minority tribal party, KADU. He was knighted in 1964. Bennett remained an active backbencher until his retirement, specialising mainly in foreign affairs, although he served on the Public Accounts Committee from 1974 to 1979. He had been appointed to the British delegation to the Council of Europe and Western European Union in 1974 and in 1979 was appointed its leader. He also led the European Democrat Group on the Council and chaired the Assemblies before standing down in 1987. Margaret Thatcher appointed him to the Privy Council in 1985. In 1981 Bennett won a libel action against the Sunday Express: they had cited from a supposed poll of MPs the finding that he was "universally and deservedly disliked by his parliamentary colleagues". That may explain why he was far less influential in his later years in Parliament than he had been over Africa. But he was also subject to distrust engendered by his receipt of honours from some very questionable regimes. Nevertheless he had his successes, notably with the preamble to Gibraltar's constitution in 1969 and the admission of Turkey into the Council of Europe. He continued to believe that Gibraltar should be integrated into the UK. Another of his campaigns was directed against British participation in the 1980 Olympics. To further this he had a gold medal struck to be worn by those athletes who did not take part. He wrote a pamphlet in 1960 that lived up to its title, Speaking Frankly, and published Detente and Security in Europe (1976) and on the bearing that first China (1978) and then the Near East (1979) had on these questions. But his most typical publication was Reds under the Bed, or the Enemy at the Gate - and Within, first published in 1979, which went through three editions by 1982. After leaving politics Bennett concentrated on his business interests. He was a director of several financial institutions, among them Kleinwort Benson Europe and Commercial Union Assurance, and of other companies, including Harlech Television. He was a long-standing Lloyd's underwriter. While representing Torquay, he lived at Kingswear Castle, but he also owned land in Wales and delighted in being Lord of the Manor of Mawddwy. Yachting, shooting and fishing were his principal means of recreation. Inevitably a man of such strong and often unfashionable convictions aroused dislike, but Bennett did not care. As he studied the state of the world in the closing years of his life, he could see much to justify the views that he had held with such tenacity. Frederic Mackarness Bennett, politician: born 2 December 1918; called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn 1946; called to the Southern Rhodesian Bar 1947; observer, Greek Communist War 1947-49; diplomatic correspondent, Birmingham Post 1950-52; MP (Conservative) for Reading North 1951-55, for Torquay 1955-74, for Torbay 1974-87; PPS to the Under-Secretary of State, Home Office 1953-55, to the Minister of Supply 1956-57, to the Paymaster-General 1957-59, to the President of the Board of Trade 1959-61; Kt 1964; married 1945 Marion Burnham; died Aberangell, Powys 14 September 2002." |
Bennett, William Tapley, Jr. | 1917-1994 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 26, 1995' (obituary list); Who's Who digital edition AB, University Georgia, 1937. Postgrad., University Freiburg, Germany, 1938. JD, George Washington University, 1948. DCL (hon.), Ind. State University, 1966. Instructor political sci. University Georgia, 1937; with National Institute Pub. Affairs, 1939-40, U.S. Department of State, 1941-85, officer in charge Cen.Am. and Panama affairs, 1949-51, officer in charge Caribbean affairs, 1951, deputy director office South America affairs, 1951-54, assigned to National War College, 1954-55, special assistant to undersec. state, 1955-57; counselor U.S. Embassy, Vienna, Austria, 1957-61; counselor embassy Rome, 1961; counselor with rank of minister Athens, Greece, 1961-64; ambassador to Dominican Republic, 1964-66; ambassador to Portugal, 1966-69; advisor Air University U.S. Department of State, 1969-71, deputy permanent rep. to United Nations, ambassador UN Security Council, 1971-77, permanent rep. to NATO with rank and status ambassador, 1977-83, assistant secretary for legis. and intergovtl. affairs, 1983-85; consultant Washington, 1985—. Assistant U.S. del. organizing conference UN, San Francisco, 1945; advisor U.S. del. UN General Assembly, New York City, 1950, alternate rep., 1971, 72, U.S. rep. 1973-76; secretary general 4th meeting of foreign ministers of Am. States, Washington, 1951; member U.S. del. to inauguration President Ibanez of Chile, 1952, Eisenhower mission to South America, 1953, U.S. del. 10th Inter-Am. Conference, Caracas, 1954, International Atomic Energy Agency Conferences, Vienna, 1957, 58; U.S. rep. UN Trusteeship Council, 1971-77, president 1972-73; chairman UN visiting mission to Papua New Guinea, 1972; chairman U.S. del. UN Devel. Conference, Geneva, 1973, 76, Economic Commission for Europe, Bucharest, 1974, UN Conference on Industrial Devel., Lima, Peru, 1975, Economic Commission for Asia and South Pacific, Bangkok, 1976; consultant Institute Foreign Policy Analysis Tufts Univ., Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 1985—; adjunct professor international relations University Georgia, 1985—. Member adv. board Harvard University Div. School, 1979-89; board visitors Air University, 1987. Lieutenant Army of the United States, 1944-46, ETO. Fellow Institute for Higher Defense Studies (senior ); member Am. Academy Diplomacy, Southern Center International Studies, Am. Council Germany, Georgia Bar Association, Foreign Policy Association (board directors 1987—, chairman delegation to USSR 1989), Atlantic Council (board directors 1985—), UN Association U.S. (board directors 1986—), Meridian House International (board directors 1988—), World Affairs Council Washington (board directors 1987—), DACOR, Council on Foreign Relations, Washington Institute Foreign Affairs, Pilgrims, Sphinx Society, Metropolitan Club, Chevy Chase Club, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Omicron Delta Kappa. |
Bennet, Courtenay Walter | unknown |
British Consul at New York in 1908. |
Bentley, Robert Asa Lincoln | b. 1908 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; The Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1990' (obituary list) Commissioned 2d lieutenant U.S. Army, advanced through grades to colonel; stationed at New York Port of Embarkation, 1941, Office of Q.M. General, Washington, 1941-43, Hdqrs. USAAF-CBI, India, 1943-46, 3d Army Hdqrs., 1950-51, G.H.Q., Tokyo, 1952-54, New York Military District Hdqrs., 1954-57; with res., 1957-68; retired, 1968; senior consultant Robert Bentley Assos., New York City, 1957– . Decorated grand cross Order Souverain et Militarie du Temple de Jerusalem; knight Commander Ordre Souverain de Saint Jean de Jerusalem; grand cross Eloy Alfaro International Foundation Panama; grand cross Order St. Constantine and St. George. Member Am. Management Association, Am. McAll Association (treasurer), Military Order World Wars, Military Order Foreign Wars (Commander), Reserve Officers Association, Order Lafayette, St. Andrew's Society, St. George's Society, St. Nicholas Society, Pilgrims, Am. Legion (past post Commander), Vet. Corp. Artillery, Retired Officers Association, Sons of the Revolution, New England Society Presbyterian. Clubs: Circumnavigators, Masons (32 deg.), Knight Templar. |
Benton, Peter Faulkner | b. 1934 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition 2nd Lieut RE, 1953–55. Unilever Ltd, 1958–60; Shell Chemicals Ltd, 1960–63; Berger Jenson and Nicholson Ltd, 1963–64; McKinsey & Co. Inc., London and Chicago, 1964–71 (led reorgn of British gas industry, 1967–71); Gallaher Ltd, 1971, Dir, 1973–77; Man. Dir, Post Office Telecommunications, 1978–81; Dep. Chm., British Telecom, 1981–83. Advr, Stern Stewart Inc., 1995–2002. Chairman: Saunders Valve Ltd, 1972–77; Mono Pumps Group, 1976–77; European Practice, Nolan, Norton & Co., 1984–87; Identica Ltd, 1992–93; Director: Singer and Friedlander, 1983–89; Woodside Communications, 1995–96; Mem., Supervisory Bd, Hiross Holdings AG, Austria, 1992–94. Dir, Turing Inst., 1985–94. Chairman: Enfield Dist HA, 1986–92; Enterprise Support Gp, 1993–96. Chm., Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigerating Equipment Sector Working Party, NEDO, 1976–79; Member: Electronics Industry EDC, 1980–83; Econ. and Financial Policy Cttee, CBI, 1979–83; Special Adviser to EEC, 1983–84; Nat. Curriculum Science Wkg Gp, 1987–88; Indust. Develt Adv. Bd, DTI, 1988–94; Ind. Mem., British Liby Adv. Council, 1988–93; Internat. Adv. Bd for Science and Technology to Govt of Portugal, 1996–2003. Adviser, Arthur Andersen Société Coopérative, 1993–98. Vice-President: British Mech. Engrg Confedn, 1974–77; European Council of Management, 1989–93. Chairman: Ditchley Conf. on Inf. Technol., 1982; Financial Times Conf., World Electronics, 1983; World Bank Conf. on Catastrophe Avoidance, Washington, 1988, Karlstad, 1989; Vis. Gp, Inst. for Systems Engrg and Informatics, Italy, 1993; Inst. for Systems, Informatics and Safety, 1996; Euromoney Conf., New Delhi, 1998; Jt Chm., European Mgt Congress, Prague, 1990. Royal Signals Instn Lectr, London, 1980; ASLIB Lectr, 1988; Adam Smith Lectr, 1991. Pres., Highgate Literary and Scientific Instn, 1981–88. Chm., N London Hospice Gp, 1985–89. Governor, Molecule Club Theatre, 1985–91. Director-General, British Institute of Management, 1987–92. |
Benton, William Burnett | 1900-1973 |
Source(s): 1969 list Graduated from Yale University in 1921. Part-time vice president of the University of Chicago 1937-1945. Chairman Encyclopedia Britannica 1943-1973. Assistant Secretary of State 1945-1947 (active in organizing the United Nations). Democrat Senator 1949-1953. In 1951 he introduced a resolution to expel Joseph McCarthy from the Senate. United States ambassador to (United Nations) UNESCO in Paris 1963-1968. Trustee of University of Chicago. Trustee of several schools and colleges. |
Beresford, Charles William de la Poer co-founder |
1846-1919 |
Source(s): 2002, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A centennial history', the combined 1903 Pilgrims membership list at the end of the book; 1907, Pilgrims of the United States, Dinner in Honor of James Bryce proceedings (listed as a vice president); 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' Baron. Became a Navy commander in 1875. Sat in Parliament as a Conservative 1875-1880. Bombarded Alexandria, Egypt in 1882. Aide-de-camp to the Prince of Wales 1875-1876. Accompanying him on a visit to India, became a close personal friend of King Edward VII. Again in Parliament 1885-1888 and resigned under protest, authored “The Break-up of China” (1899), his brother was Military Attaché at the British Embassy in Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1898-1903. In 1897 Beresford was promoted to rear-admiral and again entered Parliament, this time representing York. He retained this seat until 1900, although he spent much of his time in China representing the Associated Chambers of Commerce, and from 1900 onwards was second in command of the Mediterranean fleet. He returned to Parliament in 1902, this time for Woolwich, but resigned in 1906 when he was promoted to admiral and appointed chief of the Channel Fleet. He was in command of the Mediterranean Fleet from 1905 until 1907. The first Pilgrim dinner in New York was held in his honor. |
Bergen, Adm. John Joseph | 1896-1980 |
Source(s): 1980 Pilgrims list; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 28, 1981' (obituary list) Hired as an office boy in 1908 by the General Motors Corporation president. In the Naval Reserve during WWI. Became president of Flint Motor Company of New Jersey in 1922, and until 1927 he held executive positions at several other corporations. Founded John J. Bergen & Company in 1927. Staff member of Frank Knox, Secretary of the Navy, at the beginning of WWII. Graduated from the Naval War College in 1942. Served in the Pacific and as chief of staff of a Naval air base in Seattle. Achieved the rank of commander at the end of WWII. Director of Grunman Aircraft Engineering Corporation after WWII. Director of the United Aircraft Corporation. Chairman of the Louis Sherry Company, of Gar Wood Industries, and of the Hotel Corporation of America. Helped reorganize the Graham-Paige Corp., an automobile manufacturing concern, of which Bergen became chairman. For 30 years he was chairman of the Naval League dinners at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York. Chairman of the National Shrines Commission in New York. President of the New York Rangers hockey team. Director of the New York knickerbockers basketball team. Played a leading role in the construction of the new $100 million Madison Square Garden in New York City in 1968. Chairman of the Board of Directors of. Madison Square Garden. |
Berle, Adolf Augustus | 1895-1971 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition A.B., Harvard, 1913, A.M., 1914, LL.B., 1916; LL.D., Oberlin, Wesleyan, Columbia, Detroit Yankton; Hon. D., University of Brazil, University of the Andes, University Aix-Marseilles; married to Beatrice Bend Bishop, December 17, 1927; children—Alice Bishop (Mrs. Clan Crawford), Beatrice (Mrs. Dean Winston Meyerson), Peter Adolf. Practiced law, Boston, 1916-17, N.Y.C., from 1919; partner Berle & Berle; professor of corporation law Columbia Law School, 1927-64, professor law emeritus, 1964; lecturer at Air War Coll., from 1951; mem. bd. dirs. SuCrest, N.Y.C., Twentieth Century Fund, N.Y.C., Ecole de L’Europe Libre, France; spl. counsel RFC, 1933-38; chamberlain of N.Y.C., 1934-38; asst. sec. of state, 1938-44; U.S. ambassador to Brazil, 1945-46; chairman task force on Latin America, 1961; also consultant to Secretary of State, 1961-62. Del. U.S. Govt. to Inter-Am. Conf., for Maintenance of Peace, Buenos Aires, 1936-37. 8th Pan-American Conference, Lima, Peru, 1938, Pan-American Conference, Havana, 1940; pres. Internat. Conf. Civil Aviation, Chgo., 1944, and chmn. U.S. delegation. Served from pvt. to 1st lt. inf. O.R.C., 1917-19; expert on staff Am. Decorated Order of the Southern Cross (Brazil); Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy. Commn. to Negotiate Peace with Germany, 1918-19. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington); Pilgrims, Harvard, Century, Players, Anglers. Author: Studies in the Law of Corporation Finance, 1928; Cases and Materials in the Law of Corporation Finance, 1930; (with Dr. G. C. Means) The Modern Corporation and Private Property, 1932; Liquid Claims and National Wealth (with Victoria J. Pederson), 1934; New Directions in the New World, 1940; (with Prof. Wm. C. Warren) Business Organization: Corporations, 1948; Natural Selection of Political Forces, 1950; The 20th Century Capitalist Revolution, 1954; Tides of Crisis, 1957; Power Without Property, 1959; The American Economic Republic, 1963. Member Council on Foreign Relations. |
Bernstein, Leonard | 1918-1990 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power series: "I see that The Pilgrims of Great Britain entertained Leonard Bernstein on February 25, 1970." A well-known musical conductor, spoke these words about the 1963 Kennedy assassination on November 24, 1980, as written down by the Associated Press: "We don’t dare confront the implications. I think we’re all agreed there was a conspiracy and we don’t want to know. It involves such a powerful high force in what we call the high places, if we do know, everything might fall apart." |
Berthoud, Sir Eric | unknown |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) British Ambassador in Warsaw 1956-1960. Founder in 1963 of the Polish-British Round Table Conference and remained co-chairman until 1971. |
Bertron, Samuel Reading | 1865-1938 |
Source(s): 1903, 1907, 1908, 1914, 1924, 1937 lists. Yale Skull & Bones 1885. Founded banking firm of Bertron & Storrs, 1894, then pres. Bertron, Griscom & Co., Inc., New York and Phila. Director Atlantic Safe Deposit Co. Vice president United States Guaranty Trust. In June 1917, during WWI, Pilgrims Society member Elihu Root was sent to Russia by President Wilson to arrange American co-operation with the new revolutionary government. Samuel R. Bertron went with him. Names usually spelled as S. Reading Bertron" or "S. R. Bertron". Chairman of the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce. Member Council on Foreign Relations no later than 1922. American-Russian Chamber of Commerce involvement July-August 1916, The Russian Review, p. 134: "The American-Russian Chamber of Commerce was organized in January, 1916, and Mr. Charles H. Boynton is its president. Its object, as we have seen, is two-fold: ... to do business with Russia, and to know Russia. ... May 14, 1917, Queensland Times, 'American Mission to Russia: Its Personnel': "Washington, May 11. The American mission, which is to proceed to Russia, will include Mr. Elihu Root [Pilgrims '24-; not on a '20 list or earlier; chair of the pre-CFR group '18-'21; founding hon. chair CFR '21-], Mr. Cyrus [H.] McCormick [Jr.; he and his brother Harold ran the family's International Harverster Co.; director National City Bank; Harold married Edith Rockefeller, the daughter of John D. Rockefeller Sr., in 1895.], Mr. S. R. Bertron (a New York banker), Mr. Charles Russell (a Socialist), Mr. James Duncan (a Labour leader [president of the Granite Cutters' International Assoc. 1885-1928]), Dr. John Nolt, and Mr. Charles Crane, of Chicago. Major General Scoft [?] (chief of staff) and Rear-Admiral [James] Glennon (commandant navy yard, Washington D.C.), have been nominated to the United States mission which is going to Russia." August 8, 1917, New York Times, 'See Russia Soon as Strong as Ever; Charles H. Boynton, Just Returned from There, Has Confidence in Government and Army.': "... Boynton President of the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce..." November 1917, Judicious Advertizing, p. 34, 'Opportunities in Russia After the War; Their Attractiveness to Americans Pointed Out by C. J. Medzikhovski, [commercial attache] of the Russian Embassy; Tells of High Regard Which New Russian Government Has for America': "The export division of the Advertising Club of New York on Tuesday, Sept. 4 [1917] had as a speaker C. J. Medzikhovski, Commercial Attache of the Russian Embassy, who delivered an address on the industrial, financial and commercial possibilities of Russia. Among other things the speaker said: "The time is near when our common enemy will be crushed and when we will take up with happy hearts our joyful task--the building of a new, free Russia. The time to prepare for this great work is now and preparedness is advisable not only for us but also for you American manufacturers, merchants and bankers. After the war, exhausted by the past struggle we will need the support and assistance of strong and experienced friends, such as you Americans." Of course, this assistance will be of mutual benefit, and entry into Russian business will be very attractive. In confirmation I need but to remind you of the impressions brought from Russia recently by some of your leading busines men; for instance, Mr. Murphy, vice-president of the Guaranty Trust Company, Mr. McRoberts, vice-president of the National City Bank, Mr. Boynton, president of the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, and many others. All these gentlemen call your attention to the unlimited possibilities of Russia to America. There are railroads to be built, many kinds of plants and factories to be erected, coal mines and oil fields to be developed, etc. Look into their reports and you will see how tremendous is the field for your initiative, experience and fruitful work in Russia after the war."" December 1917, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, p. 321: "The [unrelated] Commission has called a public hearing [for] December 14, 1917... Jan. 3, 1918, Commerce Report of the Department of Commerce, 'List of Titles Referring to Russia', p. 12: "Bulletins of American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, New York: Sep. 8, 1917, The Economic World, p. 334 (in annual compilation): "Mr. S. R. Bertron , of New York City , was the member of the American Commission particularly charged with the study of the financial situation of the new Russian Government and of Russia's probable financial requirements in the way of assistance from the United States. ... Sep. or Oct. 1918, New York Chamber of Commerce's Monthly Bulletin, 'Executive Committee Approves an American Policy for Russia': "At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Chamber a report outlining an American policy for Russia, was adopted. This report was prepared originally by the Board of Directors of the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, which is composed of the following: 1918, Asia and the Americas, p. 265: "CHARLES H. BOYNTON is active in American - Russian relations. He was formerly president of the American - Russian Chamber of Commerce of New York and has recently returned from an extensive trip through Russia." Dec. 8, 1919, Far Eastern Fortnightly, p. 4: "Wm. C. Redfield, until recently Secretary of Commerce, is President of the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. S. R. Bertron, of Bertron, Griscom & Co., is the Chairman of the Executive Committee. Its membership includes a number of the most important business men and enterprises, who recognize the growing importance of Russia as an American problem and the necessity of keeping in" Jan. 1920, 'Siberian Opportunities: A Monthly Magazine of Russian-American Relationship', p. 3 (Harriman not yet a board member): "THE AMERICAN-RUSSIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WOOLWORTH BUILDING, 293 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. OFFICERS: WILLIAM C. REDFIELD [ICC ANNO 1921; secretary of commerce under U.S. president Woodrow Wilson 1913-1919], PRESIDENT SAMUEL MCROBERTS [founding member CFR '21-], VICE-PRESIDENT. Franklin Remington [ICC anno 1921], vice-president. John Bolinger, vice-president. Jerome Landfield, executive vice-president. Peter S. Duryea [vice-president of the Mercantile Trust Co.], Treasurer... 1956, Haynes Bonner Johnson, 'The Lure of Trade and the Recognition of Russia', p. 118 (confirmed by: 1926, Amtorg, American trade & industry, p. 47): '"In 1926 the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce was reorganized. Those comprising the initial Board of Directors were: S. R. Bertron, Bertron, Griscom & Company; P. S. Duryee, vice-president, Seaboard National Bank; Percival Farquhar, Railroads & Industries; Lamar Fleming, Anderson, Clayton & Fleming; W. Averell Harriman... George H. Howard, Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett; Charles M. Muchnic [of] American Locomotive Sales Corp. ... Edgerton Parson, vice-president, Marsh and McLennan Inc.; Reeve Schley, vice-president, The Chase National Bank." Jan. 16, 1928, New York Times, 'Says Our Trade Aids Moscow's Schemes': "The National Civic Federation made public yesterday a letter it has written to Reeve Schley, President, and S.R. Bertron, Chairman, of the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, declaring that American business men who are granting credits to Russia are indirectly helping the Communists carry on their revolutionary propaganda against America and other countries." Feb. 13, 1984, Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) under the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), 'USSR Report' p. 6: "The stand of the Republican Administration of Hoover was unequivocal and clearly delineated--not to recognize. It repeatedly declared this. ... On 25 August 1930 Assistant Secretary of State W. Castle reported confidentially to banker Bertron that the American Government did not intend to recognize the Soviet state and would not sign a trade agreement with it.[26] in December Stimson made an official statement for the press, which read: the recognition of the Soviet Government is ruled out, if it would not agree to the "preliminary terms" of the State Department.[27]" Jan. 20, 1931, U.S. Congress: House, 'Prohibition of Importation of Goods Produced by Convict Labor', pp. 115-116: "The following is a list of the board of directors of the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, elected at the annual meeting on January 30, 1931: Chairman: S. R. Bertron... H. H. Dewey, vice president International General Electric Co. ... W. A. Harriman ... J. J. Maguire ... Loyal A. Osborne, president Westinghouse... J. H. Rand, Jr. ... Reeve Schley, vice president, the Chase National Bank; Frederick P. Small, president American Express Co.; Alfred H. Swayne, vice president General Motors... H. H. Westinghouse, chairman Westinghouse Air Brake Co." 1936, American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, 'Handbook of the Soviet Union', p. 1: "S. R. Bertron... George A. Bryant, Jr., Exec. Vice Pres., The Austin Co. ... Stuart M. Crocker, V. Pres., Int'l Gen. Electric Co. ... Reeve Schley, V. Pres., The Chase National Bank. ... Thomas J. Watson... 1960, David William Scott (University of Wisconsin), 'The American Russian Chamber of Commerce and American Russian Trade, 1916 to 1935', p. 74: "Charles M. Schwab, chairman, Bethlehem Steel Corporation representatives of such firms as Remington Rand and Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company; and the Soviet commercial organization in the United States.[19] Although Schley and Sabin denied any political significance such as "endorsement of the present Russian government," they significantly did not deny any commercial ramifications. Thus the scene was set to reactivate the Chambers sufficient interest and the ready leadership of Schley and Gumberg. According to Schley, the revival of trade necessitated "some medium through which accurate information concerning Russia may be obtained" and thus "it has been decided to renew the activities of the Chamber."[21] Once again the Chamber became the only organization in the United States actively promoting trade with Russia. 1933 ARCC board CFR members (5 of 23: 22%): Bertron, Lamar L. Fleming Jr., Averell Harriman, Loyal Osborne, Allen Wardwell. PILGRIMS (3 of 23: 12%): Bertron, Harriman, Richard B. Sandrett Jr. COMBINED: 6 of 23: (26%). 1935-1936 ARCC board CFR members (11 of 40: 28%): S. R. Bertron, Stuart M. Cooper (vice president of General Electric), E. A. Emerson (President Armco International Corp.), Ralph E. Flanders (president Jones & Lanson Machine Corp.), William W. Lancaster (Shearman & Sterling), Sam A. Lewisohn (Adolph Lewisohn and Sons), Thomas A. Morgan (president Curtiss-Wright Corporation), Harold F. Sheets (V. Pres., Socony-Vacuum Corp), Philip D. Wagoner (president Underwood Elliott Fisher Co), Allen Wardwell, Thomas Watson. |
Berwind, Edward Julius | 1848-1936 |
Source(s): 2002, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A centennial history', the combined 1903 Pilgrims membership list at the end of the book Chairman Berwind-White Coal Mining Company. During his years at the helm of Berwind-White Coal Mining, Berwind was closely associated with J.P. Morgan in the consolidation, reorganization, integration, and expansion of his coal operations. Berwind was reputed to be the world's largest individual owner of coal mining properties. Berwind also was considered a hard-driving businessman. He refused to bargain with employees, and his mines were the last bastions of the open shop in the coal fields. |
Bethke, Robert Harder | b. 1916 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BS, University Chicago, 1937. With J.P. Morgan & Co., New York City, 1937-39; with Discount Corp. of New York , 1939-87, president, 1974-87, chairman executive committee, director, 1967-87, chairman board, 1978-81. Ind. counsellor (J.P. Morgan's) U.S. Steel and Carnegie Pension Fund, New York City, 1976-86; director Chemical Fund, Inc., International Investors Inc., World Trends Fund, Discount Corps. New York and D.C., Union Cash Management Fund, Inc., New York City; speaker in field treasury financing and money markets; member financial adv. committee U.S. Postal Service, 1973-77. Member planning board North Castle, New York , 1953-63; President, trustee North Castle Free Library, Armonk, New York , 1955-60; vice chairman, Greenburgh (New York ) Board Education, 1950-52; member finance committee New York City Mission Society, 1961-78; member fin. committee National Council Churches, New York City Served to lieutenant colonel Army of the United States, 1942-46. Member Am. Finance Association, Am. Economic Association, Pub. Fin. Association, Securities Industry Association (past chairman and member U.S. Treasury and federal agency committee 1966-80), Association Primary Dealers in U.S. Government Securities (director 1977-80), Pilgrims of Am., Alpha Delta Phi. Clubs: Whippoorwill Country (Armonk); Economic (New York City). |
Biddle, Gen. John | d. 1936 |
Source(s): January 11, 1919, New York Times, 'John W. Davis guest of London Pilgrims' (present at this gathering in London) Graduated from West Point in 1881. Served in the Spanish-American War as Lieutenant-Colonel in the Engineer Corps. Superintendant of the Military Academy when the United States 1916-1917. During WWI he served in France and then as Chief of Staff 1917-1918. Commanded the American troops in England 1918-1919. Served as US escort for the Prince of Wales and regularly attended dinners with the Prince of Wales in 1918-1919. Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. After WWII, Biddle was assigned to Camp Travis, Texas, followed by Camp Custer, Michigan. Retired in 1920. |
Biddle, Col. David H. | d. 1949 |
Source(s): 1924 list Son of Gen. James Biddle (according to the New York Times of September 16, 1949; apparently the one who died in 1910). Lived in Texas. Here David commanded the Fourteenth Cavalry at Fort Des Moines. In 1938 he came to the New York area as Eight Corps area coordinator. |
Biddle, Francis Beverly | 1886-1968 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power Series: "Nicholas Biddle also had descendants who were members of The Pilgrims, including David H. Biddle (charter member)... Francis Biddle (born 1886), The Pilgrims, director of Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 1938-1939..." Secretary to Associate Justice O. W. Holmes 1912. Became a successful corporation lawyer. Chairman National Labor Relations Board 1934-1935. Director Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 1938-1939. Appellate judge National Labor Relations Board 1939-1940. Attorney General of U.S. 1941-1945. U.S. judge for the trial of war criminals at Nuremberg 1945-1946. |
Biers, Howard | 1904-1967 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition B.S., U. Va., 1925; S.M., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1927; Dr. mont., Montanistische Hochschule Leoben, Austria, 1954; married Constance Lucie Mary Herzog, Nov. 10, 1937; 1 son, William Richard. Research metallurgist Union Carbide & Carbon Research Labs., Inc., N.Y.C., 1927-30; cons. engr., Paris, Brussels, London, 1930-40; tech. adviser to metals controller, tech. adv. com. mem. Dept. Munitions and Supply, Canadian Govt., 1940-48; also Canadian chmn. ferro alloy com. WPB; mem. (for Can.) Joint U.S.-U.K. Canadian Metall. Mission; spl. adviser Dept. Trade and Commerce; cons. engr. Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., N.Y.C., 1948-55, dir. sales devel. ore div., 1955-59; sr. cons. Union Carbide Internat. Co., 1959—. Recipient citation, Internat. Conf. World Metall. Congress, 1951. Fellow Inst. Metallurgists (Eng.); mem. Internat. Inst. Welding (pres.), Iron and Steel Inst. (hon. v.p.), Commission Permanente Internat. de l’Acetylene (Paris) (U.S. del), Am. Inst. Mining and Metall. Engrs. (hon. life), Iron and Steel Inst. (Eng.) (hon.), Am. Welding Soc. (hon chmn. com. Internat. Inst. Welding), Am. Soc. for Metals (hon.), Verein Deutscher Eisenhuettenleute (Germany) (hon.), Instituto del Hierro y del Acero (Spain), Societe Francaise de Metallurgie (France) (hon.), Association des Ingenieurs Sortis de l’Ecole de Liege (Belgium) (hon.), Instituto de la Soldadura (Spain) (hon.), Eisenhuette Oesterreich (Austria), Association des Ingenieurs de la Faculte de Mons (hon. Belgium), Chevalier de Tastevin. Clubs: University (N.Y.C.); The Travellers (Paris, France); The Pilgrims (London, Eng. and N.Y.C.); Brooks’s, The Athenaeum (London); Knickerbocker (N.Y.C.). |
Bigbie, John Taylor | b. 1923 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Princeton University, 1944. JD, University Virginia, 1948. Associate Breed, Abbot & Morgan, New York City, 1948-54; counsel National Association Life Underwriters, Washington, 1954-61; vice president, secretary, trust officer European-Am. Bank & Trust Co., New York City, 1961-72; European rep. Butlers Bank Ltd., London, 1972-73; also director; deputy chairman Antony Gibbs Fin. Services (C.I.) Ltd., 1974-77; international attorney and consultant, 1978—. |
Bigelow, David Skinner, III | b. 1931 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BS, U.S. Naval Academy, 1953. BCE, Rensselaer Poly. Institute, 1956. MBA, University Chicago, 1960. Commissioned ensign US Navy, 1953; advanced through grades to lieutenant Commander, 1960; resigned; management consultant McKinsey & Co. Inc., Chicago, 1960-64; cost manager Worldwide Massey-Ferguson Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Can., 1964-66; director, comptroller Massey Ferguson U.K., Ltd., Coventry, 1966-68, director tech. operations, 1968-70, director farm machinery manufacturing worldwide, 1970-73; managing director Motores Perkins SA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1973-75; senior vice president J.I. Case Co., Racine, Wisconsin, 1975-78; director general Poclain S.A., LesPlessis Belleville, France, 1978-81; vice president Tenneco Inc., Houston, 1982-83; president Poclain S.A., 1983-87; director D.M.L. Management Consultant, New York City, 1987-91, Bigelow Associate Management Consultant, Vermont, 1987—. Associate professor Rensselaer Poly. Institute, 1988-96; board directors Conex Continenal, Jonyany Machinery Co., 1995-97. ember Oriental Club, Interaliee Club, Pilgrims U.S., Williams Club, St. Botolph Club, Ekwanok Country Club. |
Bigelow, Mason Huntington | 1888-1971 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition A.B., Amherst Coll., 1909; LL.B., Columbia, 1912; married Elisabeth Macdonald, 1911 (dec. 1946); children—John, David, Katharine (Doman); married 2d, Ruth Miles Kinsey, 1946 (dec. March 1964). Admitted to New York Bar, 1912, mem. law firm Gould & Wilkie, New York City, 1915-67. Director Nat. Soc. Prevent-Blindness, pres., 1940-58, chmn. bd., 1958-67, hon. chmn., 1967-71, member of exec. com., from 1934; mem. exec. com. Nat. Health Council, 1946-57; trustee Am. Found. Blind, 1942-58, Ophtalmol. Found., 1945-61, N.Y. Assn. Blind (Lighthouse), 1952-60. Mem. Am. N.Y. State (chmn. exec. com. 1941-47, v.p. 1947, pres. 1948), bar assns., Assn. Bar N.Y.C. (v.p. 1944-46, exec. com. 1940-41), Civil Service Reform Assn. (executive committee), Alumni Columbia Law Sch. (standing committee, president alumni association 1944-46, board alumni visitors 1935-54), New York State Hist. Soc., Alpha Delta Phi. Clubs: Century, University, Pilgrims, Down Town (N.Y.C.). |
Bingham, Barry, Sr. | 1906-1988 |
Source(s): 1978 list; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1989' (obituary list) Son of Robert Worth Bingham (1871-1937). Student, Middlesex School, Concord, Massachusetts, 1923. AB magna cum laude, Harvard University, 1928. LLD, University Kentucky. With Courier-Jour. & Louisville Times Co., 1930-86, editor, pub., 1945-71, chairman board, 1971-86, retired, 1986. Trustee Berea College, 1938-76; trustee National Portrait Gallery; board overseers Harvard University; director Asia Foundation; chairman International Press Institute, 1964-66; hon. life member Chief of mission to France, ECA, 1949-50; National chairman Vols. for Stevenson-Kefauver, 1956. Served to Commander US Naval Reserve, 1941-45. Member English-Speaking Union U.S. (chairman board trustees 1974-77). Commander of the British Empire (CBE). Clubs: River Valley, Wynn-Stay, Jefferson (Louisville); Century (New York City). Democrat. Episcopalian. Robert Worth Bingham IV (1966-1999): Grandson of Barry Bingham, Sr. Son of Robert Worth Bingham III, who was killed at age 34, when Robert was only three months old. Graduated from Brown and Columbia University. In the 1990s he threw parties wild parties with the staff of his Open City Magazine, of which he was publishing founding editor, along with later-famous psychedelic guru Daniel Pinchbeck. Died of a heroin overdose in 1999 at age 33. |
Bingham, Robert Worth | 1871-1937 |
Source(s): Honorary member as U.S. ambassador to Great Britain. Not listed on any membership list, however. Member of a North Carolina family of aristocratic pretensions. Robert Worth Bingham rose to great heights as a newspaper publisher, political leader, philanthropist, and ambassador to Great Britain (1933-1937), but his life is surrounded by controversy to this day. Charges that he contributed to the death of his second wife (the richest widow alive at the time - of magnate Henry Flagler), an heiress whose bequest of five million dollars helped purchase the Louisville Courier-Journal and Times, followed him to the grave. For three quarters of a century the history of the Bingham family of Louisville, Kentucky, has been one of tragedy and controversy as well as wealth, power, and prestige. The breakup of the Bingham dynasty in 1986, vividly chronicled on CBS television's "Sixty Minutes" generated a flurry of books and articles on Bingham and his family, much of it portraying Bingham as a villain. In some accounts, Bingham drove his first wife to suicide and gave syphilis to the second before murdering her to gain control of her inheritance. Member American Bar Association; Society of Colonial Wars; Society of the Cincinnati; Sons of the American Revolution; Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Beta Kappa. |
Bingham, Lord Thomas Henry | 1934- |
After the 1992 collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), Lord Bingham of Cornhill was appointed to head an official inquiry into why the Bank of England failed to find out about the massive drug laundering going on at this bank. Bingham and a U.S. Senate inquiry castigated the Bank of England for its failures of supervision, but didn't conclude anything was done on purpose. Bingham was a member of the Privy Council since 1986, chairman Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts since 1994, trustee Pilgrim Trust (founded by Pilgrim Edward S. Harkness in 1930), president Seckford Foundation, member Advisory Council on Public Records, the Magna Carta Trust and the British Records Association, Lord Chief Justice of Great Britain 1996-2000. In 2002 wanted to legalize Cannabis. Became a member of the Order of the Garter in 2005. |
Birch, Sir John | b. 1935 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Cambridge University, 1959. MA, Cambridge University, 1961. Served HM Forces, Middlesex Regt, 1954–56. Joined HM Foreign Service, 1959; served: Paris, 1960–63; Singapore, 1963–64; Bucharest, 1965–68; Geneva, 1968–70; Kabul, 1973–76; Royal Coll. of Defence Studies, 1977; Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Negotiations, Geneva, 1977–80; Counsellor, Budapest, 1980–83; Hd of East European Dept, FCO, 1983–86; Ambassador and Dep. Perm. Rep. to UN, NY, 1986–89. Ambassador to Hungary, 1989–95. Dir and Chief Exec., British Assoc. for Central and Eastern Europe, 1995–2004. Dir, Schroder Emerging Countries Fund plc, 1996–2004; Sen. Directing Staff, RCDS, 2004–09. Chm., Adv. Bd, School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), 2006– (Mem. Council, 1995–99); Member Council: Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) 1997–2003; UCL, 1999–2008 (Vice-Chm., 2005–08; Hon. Fellow, 2009). Trustee, Wytham Hall, 1999–. Comdr, Order of Merit (Hungary), 2004. Decorated knight Commander Victorian Order, companion Order St. Michael and St. George. Director Aegis Defence Services. |
Bird, Mary Lynne Miller | b. 1934 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB magna cum laude, Syracuse University, 1956. Postgrad., Columbia University, 1958. Member research staff Center for Research in Personality, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1959-62, Center International Studies, Princeton (New Jersey) University, 1962-66, Institute International Social Research, Princeton, 1965, School International Affairs, Columbia University, New York City, 1966-67, Council Foreign Relations, New York City, 1967-69, Twentieth Century Fund, New York City, 1969-72; assistant to president World Policy Institute, 1972-74; director devel. Fund for Peace, 1974-78; director fellows program Executive Council Foreign Diplomats, 1978-79; director devel. Engender Health, 1979—1983; executive director Am. Geog. Society, 1983—. Consultant Federation American Scientists (FAS), Washington, 1974-75. Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science; member National Academy of Sciences (committee on geography, liaison member 1984-2000), Association Am. Geographers, Society Woman Geographers, Institute for Current World Affairs (trustee), National Council Geog. Education, 100-Yr. Association New York , Conference Latin Americanist Geographers, Planning Committee for National Assessment on Educational Progress in Geography, National Music Theatre Network (board directors), St. David's Society (past president), Colonial Dames Am., Daughters of Colonial Wars, Daughters of 1812, Pilgrims of U.S., Mid-Atlantic Club New York City (board directors), Princeton Club, Welsh Women's Club New York , Am. Society Association Executives, The Bohemians, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Eta Pi Upsilon, Pi Beta Phi. |
Birkett, Lord (William) Norman President |
1883-1962 |
Source(s): The 1969 lists Lord Birkett as president from 1958 to 1962; Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Queen's Counsel 1924. Judge of the King’s Bench Division, High Court of Justice, 1941–50. Lord Justice of Appeal, 1950–57. Chairman of the Court, University of London, since 1946; President of the Pilgrims since 1958. |
Bishop, Louis Faugeres, III | d. 1982 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 26, 1983' (obituary list) Colonel in the Army Reserve and served in Germany after graduating from Yale University in 1956. Public relations executive and former chairman of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Director of public relations for Times Mirror Magazines. |
Bissell, Pelham Saint George | 1887-1943 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Special attorney U.S. Dept. of Justice, Customs Div., 1921-24; counsel to U.S. appraiser Port of N.Y., 1922-24; dep. asst. atty. gen. State of N.Y., 1929; justice Municipal Court, New York, since Jan. 1, 1931 (re-elected 1940), designated acting pres. justice, 1934, pres. justice since June 7, 1934, (re-designated, 1939, 41). Chmn. Mayor’s Board of Survey, settling N.Y. City Building Service Employees strike, 1936; instituted small claims parts of Municipal Court in each of five boroughs of City, 1934; centralized jury cases in Brooklyn, Bronx and Queens and non-jury cases over $100 in Manhattan with centralized motion calendar. Sponsored and instituted Government Project whereby lawyers in needy circumstances are assigned by Municipal Court as trial counsel for indigent litigants, 1935. Mem. City Advancement Com. Boy Scouts of America. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Assn. Bar City New York, N.Y. County Lawyers Assn., St. Nicholas Soc., The Pilgrims, Soc. Colonial Wars (council), S.R. (past pres.), Soc. War of 1812, Mil. Order World War (past N.Y. State comdr.), Mil. Order Foreign Wars (past national commander general), Soc. Am. Wars (past comdr. gen.), La. Societe des 40 Hemmes et 8 Chevaux (past nat. pres.), Am. Legion (past comdr.), N.Y. Soc. Mil. and Naval Officers of World War, Res. Officers Assn. (state exec. com.), Vets. Foreign Wars (past judge advocate), N.Y. Hist. Soc., Columbia Alumni Fed. (dir.), Grant Monument Assn. (trustee), Grand Street Boys Assn., Ends of Earth Club, Junior O.U.A.M., Phi Delta Phi, Free Sons of Israel, Foresters of America, Phi Sigma Omega; fellow Inst. Am. Genealogy. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Elk, Sojourners (past pres. Manhattan chapter). Clubs; Union League, Military and Naval (v.p.), Church, Columbia Univ., Nat. Republican (New York), Army and Navy (Washington, D.C.). |
Black, Lord Conrad | b. 1944 |
Source(s): 2002 list (joined in 1995) Chairman and CEO of neocon international newspaper business Hollinger, Inc., the board of which, until 2003-2004, featured the elite of the elite served, inclduing Henry Kissinger, Lord Jacob Rothschild and scores of leading Pilgrims. Eventually Black went to jail for fraudulent business practices and obstruction of justice. Near the top of ISGP's Superclass Index for Canada, with involvement in more than a dozen key NGOs. Member 1001 Club. |
Black, Eugene R. | 1898-1992 |
Source(s): 1957 list Son of Eugene R. Black (1873-1934), who died in December 1934 and did not appear in the Pilgrims annual necrology of January 1935. February 1, 1992, New York Times, 'Eugene R. Black Dies at 93; Ex-President of World Bank': "He was virtually born into banking and public life, being the son and namesake of a banker who was a governor of the Federal Reserve Board, and of Gussie Grady Black, daughter of a Southern editor and orator, Henry Woodfin Grady. ... Eugene R. Black, Jr.: Son of Eugene R. Black, Sr. (1898-1992). BA, Yale University, 1945. BLitt, Oxford (England) University, 1948. Assistant to fin. vice president American Express Co., New York , 1949-52; general manager Inter-Americana de Financiamentos e Investimentos SA, Brazil, 1952-55; general partner Lazard Freres & Co., New York , 1955-79; special assistant to secretary for economic devel. Department of Interior, Washington, 1980-81. Board directors Lincoln Center Repertory Co., Am. Shakespeare Theater, New York City Cultural Council; chairman board directors Circle in the Square Theater; chairman Mayor's Report on the New York Theater, City of New York Mayor's Cultural Committee With US Marine Corps. Member Foreign Policy Association (director), Council for Latin America (director), Investment Banking Association (director foreign investment committee). |
Black, Richard S. | 1863-1931 |
Source(s): July 20, 1930, New York Times, suicide report about Richard S. Black Son of Maj. Thomas (British Army) and Elizabeth (Wickens) B.; ed. high sch., Cobourg; married Allon Mae, d. George A. Fuller, 1895 (died 1915); married 2d, Isabelle, d. Col. Henry, May 1922. Studied engring. and in 1882 joined surveying expdn. operating in the Northwest to Pac. coast; banking business in State of Wash., 1886; entered the George A. Fuller Co. as v.p. in 1896; was projector of enlarged corp. of same name ($20,000,000 capital), of which was pres. (now dir.) and since its consolidation with the U.S. Realty & Improvement Co., has been chmn. bd. Owned a number of hotels in New York, including the Plaza. Democrat. Mason. Member Chamber of Commerce of New York. Clubs: Metropolitan, Pilgrims, Travelers Club of Paris, St. James Club of London. Killed himself by shooting two bullets in his head, apparently at the same point. As no powder marks were found on his head their were initial suspicions of foul play. He left no suicide note. |
Blackenham, 1st Viscount | 1911-1982 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Educated at Eton College and married Hon. Beryl Nancy Pearson, daughter of Weetman Pearson, 2nd Viscount Cowdray. Alderman of London County Council between 1937 and 1952, fought in the Second World War with the Suffolk Yeomanry in Italy and was awarded the Legion of Honour. Conservative Member of Parliament for Woodbridge between 1945 and 1950, then for Sudbury and Woodbridge between 1950 and 1963. He was vice-chairman of the Conservative Party between 1952 and 1955 and chairman between 1963 and 1965. Hare served in the government of Anthony Eden as Minister of State of Colonial Affairs between 1955 and 1956 and Secretary of State for War from 1956 to 1958, under Eden and his successor, Harold Macmillan. He held the office of Minister of Agriculture from 1958 to 1960 and Minister of Labour between 1960 and 1963, both under Macmillan. He was created 1st Viscount Blakenham, of Little Blakenham, Co. Suffolk on 8 November 1963 and held the office of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Deputy Leader of the House of Lords between 1963 and 1964. |
Blaine, James Gillespie | 1888-1969 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of James Gillespie Blaine, Jr. (1868-1926), grandson of grandson of James Gillespie Blaine (1830-1893) and great-grandson of Maria (Gillespie) Blaine (1801-1871). A.B., Harvard, 1911; LL.D., Washington and Jefferson Coll., Washington, Pa., 1932; D.C.S., N.Y.U., 1950; married Marian Dow, Mar. 9, 1911 (deceased); children—Richard Gillespie, Charles Gillespie, Elisabeth (deceased), James G. III (dec.); married 2d, Countess Irina Woronzow-Daschkow, June 20, 1936. Vice pres. Liberty Nat. Bank and N.Y. Trust Co., 1919-27; pres. Fidelity Trust Co., 1927-30, co. changed to Marine Midland Trust Co. of N.Y., pres. 1930-54, chairman of board, 1955-59, honorary chairman, dir., from 1960; director Marine Midland Trust Co. Hon. chairman Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies; hon. v.p. Community Service Soc. N.Y. Chief of E.C.A. Mission to Belgium and Luxembourg, 1948-49. Mem. N.Y. State C. of C. (pres. 1948-50), The Pilgrims. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. |
Blair, Floyd Gilbert | 1891-1965 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; October 30, 1965, New York Times, obituary of Floyd G. Blair Grad. Phillips Exeter Acad., 1909; A.B. cum laude, Harvard, 1913, LL.B., 1916; married Lenore Scullin, Dec. 10, 1927 (div. Oct. 1952); children—David Gilbert, Mary Lenore. Admitted to Mass. bar, 1916; practiced with Goodwin Procter & Ballantine, Boston, 1916-19; with Root, Clark, Buckner & Howland, N.Y.C., 1919-22; v.p., dir. Cuban Estates, Ltd., 1922-24; mem. War Loan staff U.S. Treasury, as legal advisor on fgn. and r.r. matters to sec. treasury, also to world war fgn. debt commn., 1924-27; with National City Co., 1929-31, with National City Bank N.Y., 1927-29, v.p., 1931-56, ret.; v.p., trustee Charles Hayden Found., N.Y.C., 1955—; dir. Harriman Ripley & Co., Inc., N.Y.C., D. & R.G.W. R.R. Co. Chmn., trustee Philharmonic Symphony Soc. N.Y. Decorated knight Order White Lion (Czechoslovakia), chevalier Legion of Honor (France), knight comdr. Order of Leopold (Belgium), commendator Order Merit, cavaliere Saints Mauritius and Lazarus (Italy), companion Most Exalted Order White Elephant (Thailand), comdr. Order Brit. Empire. Mem. Am. Italy Soc., Am. Australian, Assn. (pres., dir.), SA.R., Soc. War 1812, Pilgrims, English Speaking Union, Council on Foreign Relations. Clubs; Recess, River, Knickerbocker (N.Y.C.); Metropolitan (Washington); Somerset (Boston). |
Blair, Paxton | 1892-1974 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Grad. Lawrenceville (N.J.) Sch., 1910; A.B., Princeton, 1914; J.D., Harvard, 1917; married Gertrude Hubbard Grosvenor, Dec. 5, 1925 (div. 1938); children—Joan Grosvenor (Mrs. Henry Paul Sullivan), Edwin Augustus Grosvenor, Joseph P.; married 2d, Edna D. von Rynkofski, Nov. 16, 1940; 1 son, David P. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1918, began practice in N.Y.C.; asst corp. counsel N.Y.C., 1934-43; justice Supreme Ct. State N.Y., 1945; solicitor gen. State of N.Y., 1957-65. Trustee Child Edn. Found., 1931, pres. 1942-53. Mem. N.Y. State Bd. Social Welfare, 1946-56; dir. Council for Basic Edn., 1956, pres., 1958-59. Dir. N.Y. County Lawyers’ Assn., 1958-60. Served as 2d lt., inf., U.S. Army, AEF, World War I. Mem. S.A.R., Am. Jud. Soc., Am., N.Y. State bar assns., Assn. Bar City of N.Y., Pilgrims, Phi Beta Kappa. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Church, University (N.Y.C); Fort Orange (Albany). |
Blaxill, Sidney | 1928-1987 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1988' (obituary list) Born in Cambridge, Mass., and graduated from Princeton University in 1949. Vice president Guaranty Trust of New York City, 1953-1967. Joined Morgan Stanley in 1968. He became a partner in 1969, managing director in 1970 and retired as an advisory director in 1982. From 1953 to 1968 he was associated with J. P. Morgan & Company of New York in the bank's investment department. Director Gulton Inds., Princeton, New Jersey, Marion Manufacturing, Marion, North Carolina President, trustee The Eden Institute, Princeton, 1983–. Republican. Episcopalian. |
Bliss, Robert Woods Exec. Committee |
1875-1962 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition A.B., Harvard, 1900, Arts.D., 1951; LL.D., U. Mo., 1933, Syracuse U., 1934; married Mildred Barnes, Apr. 14, 1908. Served in office of sec. of Porto Rico, 1900-01; pvt. sec. to gov. of Porto Rico, 1901-03; apptd. consul at Venice, June 18, 1903; 2d sec. of Embassy, St. Petersburg, Oct. 10, 1904; sec. of Legation, Brussels, Jan. 10, 1907; del. to the Internat. Conf. to consider revision of the arms and ammunition regulations of the General Act of Brussels of July 2, 1890, Apr. 8, 1908; sec. of Legation, Buenos Aires, Aug. 4, 1909; sec. of Embassy at Paris, Feb. 1, 1912; counselor of Embassy at Paris, July 17, 1916-20; attended and reported proceedings of Internat. Conf. for consideration of question of relief of aliens, Paris, June, 1912, charge d’affaires Am. Legation at The Hague, Sept.-Nov. 1918; represented U.S. govt. during stay of Prince of Wales at San Diego, Calif.; April, 1920; chief of Div. of Western European Affairs, Dept. of State, 1921; in charge of ceremonials, protocol, etc., Conf. on Limitation of Armament, Washington, D.C., 1921-22; chmn. bd. examiners, Diplomatic Service, 1921-22; apptd. E.E. and M.P. to Sweden, Jan. 30, 1923; apptd. ambassador to Argentina, Feb. 17, 1927; spl. ambassador to Centenary Celebration of Uruguay, Dec. 1930; retired at own request after 30 yrs’. service, July 31, 1933; appointed consultant in Dept. of State, Nov. 1942, special asst. to Sec. of State, Feb. 1944 consultant to Sec. of State since Dec. 1944, ret. Nov. 1945. Trustee Carnegie Instn. (exec. com.), Am. Federation of Arts (hon. pres.), The Museum of Primitive Art, American Museum Natural History, National Trust for Historic Preservation (vice chmn. bd., exec. com.), Am. Scandinavian Found.; dir. Am. Soc. French Legion of Honor, Washington Criminal Justice Assn. (1st v.p.), Free Europe U. in Exile, Am. Assn. Mus. Mem. bd. of overseers Harvard College, 1939-45; member joint committee on National Capitol, Smithsonian Art Commn. (v. chmn., exec. com.), Nat. Capital Sesquicentennial Commission; co-founder and mem. of Com. of Administration, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collections. Mem. Pilgrims U.S. (executive committee) mem. Council on Foreign Relations, American Foreign Service Assn. (president, 1946-47), Foreign Policy Assn., Metropolitan Mus. of Arts, Hort. Soc. of N.Y., Washington Nat. Monument Soc. (board managers), others. Clubs: Metropolitan, Chevy Chase, Alibi (Washington, D.C.); Harvard, Knickerbocker, Brook, Century, Grolier, India House, Coffee House (N.Y.C.); Jockey, Cercle de l’Union, Union Interalliee (Paris, Fr.). |
Blodgett, Thurston Pond | 1899-1971 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Grad. Phillips-Andover Acad., 1917; A.B., Yale, 1921; M.B.A., Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1923; married Dorothy H. Leach, May 19, 1923 (dec. March 1961); 1 son, Peter Edward; married 2d, Margaret C. Mangan, May 18, 1966. Research asst. Harvard Com. on Econ. Research, pub. Harvard Econ. Service, 1923-29; with Tri-Continental Corp., N.Y.C., 1929-71, v.p., 1930-64, dir., 1938-71; v.p., dir. Broad Street Investing Corp., Union Service Corp., Whitehall Fund, Tri-Continental Financial. Bd. dirs. YMCA of Greater New York; trustee R.I. Sch. Design. Episcopalian (vestry). Clubs: University, Grolier, Pilgrims, Church (N.Y.C.); Hope, (Providence). |
Blomquist, Robert Oscar | Unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 28, 1976' (obituary list) Unknown who this person is, but appears to have a son (with the same name) who was a senior officer at Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank from 1957 to 1976 (born in 1930; still alive anno 2007). This person's bio: With Chase Manhattan Bank, New York City, 1957-76, general manager U.K., 1970, regional executive U.K., Scandinavia, Africa, 1971, senior vice president, group executive Europe and Africa, 1971-74, National Banking Group, 1975-76; president, director Chase Manhattan Leasing Corp., Chase National Services Corp., Chase Manhattan Realty Leasing Corp., 1974-76; chairman Chase Banks-Internat., Chicago, L.A. and Houston, 1974-76; president, director Franklin State Bank, Somerset, New Jersey, 1976-80; vice chairman, director Mercantile Bank, N.A., St.Louis, 1980-87; executive vice president, chief credit officer Integra Fin. Corp., Pittsburgh, 1988-93; chairman board directors Lutheran Brotherhood Life Insurance Co., Minneapolis, 1993-99; retired. November 15, 1972, New York Times, 'Soviet Approves Office In Moscow, Chase Says': "The Chase Manhattan Bank announced yesterday that its application to open a representative banking office in Moscow has been approved by Soviet authorities. It will mark, when opened, the first representation of an American bank in the Soviet Union since the nineteen twenties. Robert O. Blomquist, a senior vice president of Chase, said the bank had been informed that the State Bank of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic had approved its request for a representative office. Chase has been advised, added Mr. Blomquist, that the necessary documents were being forwarded from Moscow. Until these are completed and space availability is determined the bank cannor say how soon its new office will open." |
Blood, Sir Hilary | 1893-1967 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Served European War, 1914–19, Capt. Royal Scots Fusiliers; Ceylon Civil Service, 1920–30; Colonial Secretary, Grenada, 1930–34; Colonial Secretary, Sierra Leone, 1934–42; Governor and C.-in-C. in the Gambia, 1942–47; Barbados 1947–49; Mauritius, 1949–54. Constitutional Commissioner: British Honduras, 1959; Zanzibar, 1960; Chm. Constitutional Commn on Malta, 1960; Chm. Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind, 1962–65; Chm. Royal Soc. of Arts, 1963–65; Vice-Pres., Royal Commonwealth Society, 1963. Hon. LLD Glasgow, 1944. KStJ 1946 |
Blum, Robert Edward | 1899-1999 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; 1980 list AB, Yale, 1921. LittD (hon.), Long Island University, 1959. LLD (hon.), Pratt Institute, 1986. BA (hon.), College of the Atlantic, 1992. Joined Abraham and Straus, Brooklyn, 1922; vice president Abraham and Straus, Inc., 1930-37, 42-64, secretary, 1936-60. Former director Equitable Life Assurance Society U.S., Brooklyn Union Gas Co., Church & Dwight Co., Inc.; past trustee Dime Savings Bank New York ; hon. vice president, former president Bahamas National Trust; member New York State Board Social Welfare, 1954-64; former member Temporary New York State Commission on Education Finance. Hon. trustee Am. Museum National History; life trustee New York Zoological Society; former trustee, vice president Brooklyn Pub. Libr.; former director New York World's Fair Corp., 1964-65; board directors, former president American Friends of Bahamas Foundation, Inc.; general chairman Prospect Park Centennial, 1966; member Mayor's Committee for Cultural Affairs, New York City, 1967; vice president, director Brooklyn War Memorial, Inc.; director emeritus, past treasurer Lincoln Center Performing Arts; vice chairman, member Brooklyn Sports Center Authority; member, past president Art Commission City of New York ; advisor, former member distribution committee New York Community Trust; member adv. board Maine Community Foundation, member executive committee; board directors Berkshire Taconic Foundation; life trustee College of Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine; trustee Church Homes Inc.; trustee emeritus Wendell Gilley Museum 2d lieutenant Field Artillery, Army of the United States, World War I; major Ordnance Department Army of the United States, World War II. Member Brooklyn Institute Arts and Scis. (president 1951-60, trustee 1936-72, hon. trustee 1972—, past chairman governing committee Brooklyn Museum, hon. trustee, hon. chairman adv. board), Brooklyn C. of C. (past vice president, director), Better Business Bureau New York City, Downtown Brooklyn Association (past president, director), Yale Club New York City, Century Association, Pilgrims. Member Council on Foreign Relations in the 1950s and 1960s. Married Ethel Mildred Halsey, August 15, 1928; children: John Robert Halsey, Alice Elizabeth Packard (Mrs. Robert H. Yoakum). Robert's son, John Robert Halsey Blum, has a daughter, Alice Blum. This Alice Blum married the son of Kay Griggs, the wife of Col. George R. Griggs. October 4, 1990, New York Times, 'Alice Blum Weds J. G. Pollard 4th': "Alice Packard Blum and John Garland Pollard 4th were married yesterday at St. John's Episcopal Church in Salisbury, Conn. ... Mrs. Pollard [Blum] is the daughter of John Robert Halsey Blum of Lakeville, Conn. ... The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. George R. Griggs of Virginia Beach, Va., and Mr. Pollard 3d of Urbanna, Va." According to Kay, John Blum's best friend "is this Rockefeller guy." John is also a member of the CFR since the 1960s. Extract of John Blum's Who's Who: "John Robert Halsey Blum Occupation: state agriculture commissioner Born: Brooklyn, July 21, 1929 Education BA, Yale University, 1951 LLB, Harvard University, 1956 Certification Bar: New York 1957. Career Associate Milbank, Tweed, Hope & Hadley, New York City, 1956-63, David Rockefeller, New York City, 1963-69;..." |
Blumenfeld, Ralph David | b. 1864 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of David and N. B.; ed. pub. schs., Watertown, Wis.; married Daisie Blumfeld, of Hampstead, Eng., Jan. 12, 1892. Reporter Chicago Record-Herald, 1884; editor Music and Drama, Chicago, 1885; corr. United Press, New York, 1886-87, London, 1887; editor New York Evening Telegram, 1889-90; London corr., 1890-92, gen. supt., 1892-94, New York Herald; mng. dir. Empire Typesetting Machine Co. (Eng.), 1894-1900; news editor London Daily Mail, 1900-02; editor in chief London Daily Express, since 1904. Founder Anti-Socialist Union of Great Britain. President of Institute of Journalists, 1928. Clubs: Carlton, Pilgrims, Savage, Constitutional, Newspaper (pres.), Company of Newspaper Makers (chmn.). |
Blyde, Lewis John Newbery | 1889-1970 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Stu. schs. of Eng.; married Lillian Clark, March 20, 1926 (dec. Feb. 1940); 1 son, Lewis John Newbery; married 2d, Ella Muriel Reakes, July 4, 1942. Came to U.S., naturalized, 1945. Banker, United Kingdom, Can., 1904-14; banker Bank of Montreal, Can., 1919-20, Mexico, 1920-23, N.Y.C., 1923-24; export, import exec. Kemsley Millbourn & Co., N.Y.C., 1924-32; investment exec. J. R. Timmins & Co., N.Y.C., 1933-40; exec. sec. Brit. War Relief Soc., 1940-43; sec. Brit. Commonwealth C. of C. from 1945; mgr. British Trade Promotion Centre, N.Y.C., from 1954. Awarded King’s Medal for services with Brit. War Relief Soc., 1946; hon. mem. Order Brit. Empire. Mem. Pilgrims Soc. U.S., Canadian Soc., St. George’s Soc., Newcomen Soc. Club: English Schools and Universities (N.Y.C.). |
Bobst, Elmer Holmes | 1885-1978 |
Source(s): 1971, Gary Allen, 'None Dare Call It Conspiracy', p. 223: “Bobst is listed as a member of the highly secret Pilgrim Society, which is even closer to the inner circle of the conspiracy than the CFR” [all the info Allen provided on The Pilgrims]; 1974 list; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1979' (obituary list) Re-organizer and head of the The American Cancer Society beginning in 1944. Chairman of Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical, CEO of the New Jersey pharmaceutical giant Warner Chilcott, and considered an architect of the modern pharmaceutical industry. He has also been the president of La Roche, a pharmaceutical company he admitted was involved in illegally selling morphine to the underworld. In the seventies, Pope John Paul II Center for Prayer and Study for Peace was located on his estate. Directors of this center were Kurt Waldheim (Secretary General of the United Nations, ex-nazi war criminal, friend of Arnold Schwarzenegger), Cyrus Vance (Secretary of State, Pilgrim) and J. Peter Grace (Pilgrim, head of the Knights of Malta in the United States). Bobst himself was a member of the Knights of Malta. Bobst once wrote to his close friend Richard Nixon (who started the 'War on Cancer' in 1971), "If this beloved country of ours ever falls apart, the blame rightly should be attributed to the malicious action of Jews." Bobst' granddaughters and great-granddaughters have accused him of sexually abusing them. All this didn't prevent that a huge library was named after him. |
Bogert, H. Lawrence | d. 1992 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1993' (obituary list) A native of New York City, Mr. Bogert graduated from St. Paul's School in 1930 and Yale University in 1934. He was a vice president of Bankers Trust Company until the World War II, when he served as a major in the United States Air Transport Command in the Asian theater. After the war Mr. Bogert joined the investment firm of Eastman Dillon, Union Securities and directed its investment-banking syndication operations. During his 25-year career with Eastman Dillon and its successor firms, Mr. Bogert also served as a governor of the Association of Stock Exchange Firms and was president of the Investment Bankers Association of America from 1967 to 1968. Mr. Bogert was a trustee for a number of organizations, including the Lenox Hill Hospital, the Buckley School, the Boys Club of New York, the Jupiter (Island) Medical Center, in Hobe Sound, Fla., the Jupiter Island Club and the Fishers Island Development Corporation. |
Boles, Edgar Howard | 1880-1950 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; February 6, 1950, New York Times, Edgar H. Boles' obituary A.B., Haverford Coll., 1902; LL.B., U. of Pa., 1905; LL.D., Muhlenberg Coll., 1924; Began law practice, Phila., 1905; asst. to gen. solicitor N.Y.C. R.R. Co., 1907-09; various official positions Lehigh Valley R.R. Co., becoming v.p. and gen. counsel until December 31, 1926; chmn. of bd., dir. Gen. Reinsurance Corp., 1926; pres., dir. Gen. Reinsurance Corp. and affiliates, Jan. 1927-Aug. 1946; chmn. bd., dir. North Star Reins. Corp.; dir. Herbert Clough, Inc.; dir. Lehigh Valley R.R. Co., Marine Midland Trust Co. of New York, Consol. Real Estate Co., Western Pacific R.R. Corp. Dir. Ins. Inst. of Am.; dir. Boys Clubs Am., Inc. Mem. The Pilgrims of U.S., Nat. Inst. Social Sciences. Republican. Clubs: University, St. Andrews Golf, Century. |
Bonn, Philip Edward Leo Africa | b. 1964 |
Source(s): Bonn's extensive biography at The Thompsons, Shipbuilders of Sunderland Genealogy website: http://members.cox.net/ghgraham/philipbonn1964.html His father, Christopher, was an Extra Equerry to HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, (after whom he named his son and heir - Philip). He was an Adjutant of Eton College, a courtier, accomplished polo player, and Freeman of The City of London. Philip was born in 1964.
10th in descent from King Charles II of the Stuart dynasty, who came to power in 1660 after Oliver Cromwell and son. Lineal descendant of the 1st Duke of Richmond, KG, and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Earls of Albemarle, KG. 12th in descent from "good king" Henry IV de Bourbon of France (1553-1610), a Huguenot pacifist who was assassinated by catholic extremists. Christened on March 25, 1964 at the Church of Our Most Holy Redeemer and St. Thomas More, Chelsea, by The Very Reverend Canon Alfonso de Zulueta, MA, 5th Count of Torre Diaz. He was Christened Philip; his Patronal Saint being his ancestor St Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, (who died in the Tower of London, 19th October 1595), the eldest son of Thomas, (4th) Duke of Norfolk. Educated at Moreton Hall RC Preparatory School, Eton College, and the University of Cambridge. Became interested in charitable endeavour and has also initiated several projects in the worlds of art and architectural design. Formerly a member of The Gala Committee for HM The Queen's Golden Jubilee. Advisor to The Royal House of Al-Saud. Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society. Officer of the British Red Cross. Strategic advisor to several major international institutions, and a specialist in governmental relations. Founding national chairman of the BRCS Queen Mother Memorial Fund in March 2002. The fund was set up to raise money for the British Red Cross international tracing and message service, which helps restore contact between families separated by war and disaster. Decorated with the medal of the Lebanese Red Cross in 2005. Invested as a Cavaliere dell'Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro (knight of the Royal Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus) by HRH Crown Prince Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples and Duke of Savoy (family came to power in a united Italy in 1863, and banned the Bourbon Kings of the Two Sicilies; family exiled from Italy after WWII; Carlo d'Amelio, a Rome attorney who oversaw the financial holdings of the House of Savoy, and, according to some accounts, also of the Pallavicini family, sat on the board of Permindex, the company suspected of having played a key role in the JFK assassination of 1963; head of the House of Savoy since 1983; anti-semitic; murdered a person, but was later acquitted; involvement in arms dealing on behalf of the Shah of Iran; member of the outlawed P2 lodge; officer in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM); patron of the Augustan Society, together with Otto von Habsburg; claims the title King of Jerusalem; had a 20-minute audience with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican right after the House of Savoy was allowed back into Italy in November 2002; punched his cousin and arch-rival Amadeo of Savoy, duke of Aosta, twice in his face at a 2004 dinner given by King Juan Carlos of Spain, which was held on the eve of the wedding of his son Felipe) on 4th November 2002 and was subsequently invested by His Royal Highness, in the presence of The Grand Chancellor, HRH Prince Emanuele Filiberto, Prince of Venice and Prince of Piedmont, in The Palais de Savoie, Aix-Le-Bain, France, on 25th March 2004. Duke of Norfolk Memorial Librarian. Formerly private secretary to the right reverend Monsignor Alfred Newman Gilbey. Protonotary apostolic supernumerary to the Pope. Member of the Vatican Library by special appointment of his eminence Jorge Maria, Cardinal Mejia, titular Archbishop of Apollonia. Appointed as Knight President, the Admiral the Viscount Keppel Naval Association of Great Britain in 2005. Delegate of Great Britain to Der Osterreicherischen Marine Verband in 2005. Invested as an honorary member of the Naval Association of His Imperial Highness Admiral Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the Hall of Glory in The Military Museum, Vienna, Austria, on 6th December 2005.
Invested as a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) in 2006. Descendant life-member of the Association of the Descendants of the Knights of the Garter. Life member of the Royal Stuart Society. Hereditary Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers (founded 1272). Member of The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain. |
Booth, Willis H. | d. 1958 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition University of California. 1893-97; LL.D. (hon.). University of Southern Calif., 1943; married Chancie Ferris, Jan. 21, 1899; 1 son, Ferris Holyoake. Formerly treas. L. Rooth & Sons, machinery, and v.p. Hotpoint Electric Heating Co., both of Los Angeles. Calif.; dir. Edison Gen. Electric Appliance Co. (now Hotpoint, Inc.), Excess Ins. Co. Am., Constitution Reins. Corp., Dividend Shares, Inc., Nat. Retailers Mutual Ins. Co., Comml. Solvents Corp., Internat. Bus. Machines Corn., Guaranty Safe Deposit Co., Nation-Wide Securities Co., Inc., Republican primary candidate for U.S. Senate, 1916. Dir. Swedish Chamber Commerce of U.S.A., Argentine-Am. C. of C., Nat. Fgn. Trade Council Am. Arbitration Assn.; hon. pres. Internat. C. of C.; past pres. Los Angeles C. of C., Assoc. C’s. of C., Pacific Coast: v.p. Nat. Inst. Soc. Scis. Trustee. National Indsl. Conf. Bd. Appointed by President Coolidge as rep. of U.S. Govt. on Permanent Internat. Commn. for Brazil; apptd. by Gov. Roosevelt as mem. of Special Commn. on Railroad Freight Rates in New York. Decorations: Legion of Honor (France); Order of the Crown of Italy; Order of Restituta (Poland); Golden Sheaf (China); Order of Orange-Nassau (The Netherlands); Knight Roval Order of the North Star (Sweden). Mem. Am. br. Newcomen Soc. of England, Am. Soc. of French Legion of Honor (dir.). Mason (K.T.). Clubs: Sunset (Los Angeles); Metronolitan. Lawyers. The Links, University, Pilgrims (New York); American (Paris, France) |
Borer, Harold Peter | 1892-1979 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 23, 1980' (obituary list) Student pub. schs.; married Elizabeth Meyer, Jan. 25, 1916; children—Harold, Kenneth, Donald. With Cunard Steam-Ship Co., Ltd., N.Y.C., from 1910, gen. passenger mgr., 1934-45, gen. mgr. U.S., from 1945; v.p., dir. Beach Blvd. Marina Inc.; pres., dir. Twenty-Five Broadway Corp. Decorated comdr. Order Brit. Empire; knight Order of White White White Rose (Finland), Knight of Malta. Mem. N.Y. Shipping Assn. (dir.), Brit. Mcht. Navy Club (dir.), Maritime Assn. N.Y. (dir.), St. George’s Soc., Pilgrims of Am. Clubs: Ponte Vedra; India House. |
Bossom, Baron Alfred Charles | 1881-1965 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Ed. Poly. Archtl. Sch., Archtl. Sch. of Royal Acad. Arts; married Emily Bayne, 1910 (dec. 1932); 3 sons, including Clive (others dec.). Came to U.S. 1903; undertook restoration of Ft. Ticonderoga, 1908; planned indsl. villages for various U.S. munition plants, 1915-17; a supervising architect U.S. Shipping Bd., 1917-18; architect Magnolia Petroleum Co.’s office bldg., Dallas, Seaboard Nat. Bank, N.Y., 1st Nat. Bank, Jersey City, Am. Exchange Nat. Bank, Dallas, Liberty Bank, Buffalo. Mem. English Parliament, 1931-59. Founder Alfred C. Bossom travelling studentship (awarded by Royal Inst. Brit. Architects for travel in U.S. to study archtl. econs.), also Coop. in Govt. (medals and prizes for high schs. N.Y.C.), Bossom lectures and scholarship (awarded under auspices Chadwick Trust for investigation and expansion of new processes in bldg.). Created baron, 1953. Fellow Royal Inst. Brit. Architects; mem. Archtl. League N.Y., Archtl. Assn. London, St. George’s Soc., N.Y.C. of C., Mid-European Assn. (chmn. exec. com., 1919-21), Am. Baltic League (sec. 1920-23), Royal Acad. Spain (corr.), numerous other socs. Author: An Architectural Pilgrimage in Old Mexico, 1923; Our House, rev. edit., 1965; also articles in profl. and banking jours. Clubs: Pilgrims, Riding, Apawamis, British Schools and Universities. |
Bossom, Sir Clive | unknown |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Chairman of the RAC Motorsport Council in the 1970s and early 1980s. Chairman British Motorsport Council. President of the British Automobile Racing Club. Appointed International President of International Social Services in 1984. |
Boucher, Richard A. | 1951- |
Source(s): Spoke to the London Pilgrims on November 28, 2002. He entered the Foreign Service in 1977. After studying Chinese, he served from 1979 to 1980 at the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou. In Washington he then worked in the State Department's Economic Bureau and on the China Desk, and returned to China with his wife from 1984 to 1986 as Deputy Principal Officer at the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai. Upon his return to Washington in July 1986, he served as a Senior Watch Officer in the State Department's Operations Center. From August 1987 to March 1989, he worked as Deputy Director of the Office of European Security and Political Affairs. He started as Deputy Press Spokesman for the State Department under Secretary Baker in March 1989 and became Spokesman under Secretary Eagleburger in August 1992. Secretary Christopher asked him to continue as Spokesman until June 1993. United States Ambassador to Cyprus from 1993 to 1996. United States Consul General in Hong Kong 1996-1999. Spoke to the Asia Society on March 24, 1998. US Senior Official for APEC, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, since July 1999. Spoke to the London Pilgrims on November 28, 2002. Has repeatedly condemned Israel's practice of killing terrorists and instead called for negotiations to settle the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. Supported the 2003 war against Iraq because it wasn't cooperating with the sactions. Member of the Bohemian Grove. |
Bowater, Sir Ian | 1904-1982 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Educated at Oxford. Joined the family business, W. V. Bowater and Sons, in his 20s. Director Bowater Paper Corporation. Left the family company in 1953 after a dispute with his cousin Eric, and became chairman of Bowater, a company with which he was involved since 1937. Remained chairman for the rest of his life. Director of Spicers in the 1950s and of T. B. Ford in the 1960s. Involved in a number of other countries. Deputy chairman of the Country Gentleman's Association. First president from 1965 to 1972 of the City and Metropolitan Building Society. Lord Mayor of London 1969-1970, and was the fourth member of his family in this position. Knighted in 1967 and 1970. Chancellor of the City University 1969-1970. |
Bowman, John McEntee | 1875-1931 |
Source(s): October 28, 1931, New York Times, obituary of John M. Bowman Son of John and Anne (McEntee) B.; ed. pub. schs.; married Clarice Paterson, June 28, 1919; children—Clarissa Anne, John McEntee. President of the Bowman Biltmore Hotels Corp.; also president of Bowman Management. Inc., operating another chain of hotels; pres. The Cuban Nat. Syndicate. |
Boyce, Baron Michael Cecil Exec. committee and president |
b. 1943 |
Source(s): January 29, 2009, The Times, 'Luncheon: The Pilgrims and the English-Speaking Union': "Admiral the Lord Boyce (Pilgrims’ Executive...)"; March 7, 2011, The Times, 'Luncheon: the Pilgrims': "Admiral Lord Boyce, GCB, OBE, DL, President, welcomed Pilgrims and their guests..." Son of late Comdr Hugh Boyce, DSC, RN and Madeleine Boyce. Joined RN, 1961; qualified Submarines, 1965 and TAS, 1970; served in HM Submarines Anchorite, Valiant, and Conqueror, 1965–72; commanded: HM Submarines: Oberon, 1973–74; Opossum, 1974–75; Superb, 1979–81; HMS Brilliant, 1983–84; Captain (SM), Submarine Sea Training, 1984–86; RCDS, 1988; Sen. Naval Officer, ME, 1989; Dir Naval Staff Duties, 1989–91; Flag Officer: Sea Training, 1991–92; Surface Flotilla, 1992–95; Comdr, Anti-Submarine Warfare Striking Force, 1992–94; Second Sea Lord, and C-in-C Naval Home Comd, 1995–97; C-in-C Fleet, C-in-C Eastern Atlantic Area and Comdr Naval Forces N Western Europe, 1997–98; First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff, and First and Principal Naval ADC to the Queen, 1998–2001; Chief of the Defence Staff, 2001–03; ADC to the Queen, 2001–03. Col Comdt, SBS, 2003–. Non-executive Director: VT Gp plc, 2004–10; W. S. Atkins plc, 2004–. President: Officers’ Assoc., 2003–; London Br., St John Ambulance, 2003–; RN Submarine Mus., 2005–; Member of Council: White Ensign Assoc., 2003– (Chm., 2007–); RNLI, 2004– (Trustee, 2006–; Chm., 2008–); Trustee, Nat. Maritime Mus., 2005–; Patron: Sail4Cancer, 2003–; Submariners Assoc., 2003–. Gov., Alleyn’s Sch., 1995–2005. Freeman, City of London, 1999; Liveryman, Drapers’ Co., 2009– (Hon. Freeman, 2005). Elder Brother, Trinity House, 2006 (Yr Brother, 1999–2006). Lord Warden and Admiral of the Cinque Ports, and Constable of Dover Castle, since 2004; Bath King of Arms, since 2009. Garrick, Naval and Military (Dir, 2003–; Vice Chm., 2005–08). Bio of his brother Graham Hugh Boyce (born in 1945): VSO, Antigua, 1967; HM Diplomatic Service, 1968; Ottawa, 1971; MECAS, 1972–74; 1st Sec., Tripoli, Libya, 1974–77; FCO, 1977–81; Kuwait, 1981–85; Asst Hd of ME Dept, FCO, 1985–86; Counsellor and Consul-Gen., Stockholm, 1987–90; Ambassador and Consul-Gen., Doha, 1990–93; Counsellor, FCO, 1993–96; Ambassador to Kuwait, 1996–99; Ambassador to Egypt, 1999–2001. Chairman, Middle East Board: Invensys, 2005–; Lehman Brothers, 2006–08; Vice Chm., VT Internat. Services, 2002–06; Member: Adv. Bd, Kuwait Investment Office, 2004–; Eur. Adv. Council, Air Products, 2007–; various consultancies. Mem. Internat. Adv. Bd, SOAS, 2007– |
Brademas, John | b. 1927 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA magna cum laude (Vets. national scholar), Harvard, 1949. PhD in Social Studies(Rhodes scholar), Oxford University, England, 1954. Dozens of honorary degrees. Legis. assistant US Senator Pat McNamara; administrative assistant US Rep. Thomas L. Ashley, 1955; executive assistant to presidential nominee Stevenson, 1955-56; assistant professor political sci. St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind., 1957-58; member 86th-96th Congresses from 3d Ind. District, 1959—1981; chief deputy majority whip 93d-94th Congresses, 1973—1977; majority whip 95th-96th Congresses, 1977—1981; member Council on Foreign Relations since the 1970s; member committee house administration, committee on education and labor, joint committee Libr. Congress; president New York University, 1981-92, fundraising campaign initiator, 1984, president emeritus, 1992—, founder John Brademas Center for Study of Congress, 2005—; member New York State Board Regents, Albany, 2004—. Chairman board directors Federal Reserve Bank New York ; director RCA/NBC, Columbia Pictures, Loew's Corp., Scholastic, Inc., New York Stock Exchange, Rockefeller Foundation, Oxford University Press-U.S.A.; past member board visitors John F. Kennedy School Government; board overseers Harvard University; member overseers' committee to visit Grad. School Education; past member National Hist. Publications Commission, National Commission on Financing Post-Secondary Education; member National Commission Student Fin. Assistance, 1981-83, chair grad. education subcom., Study National Needs Biomed. and Behavioral Research National Research Council, National Academy Sci. Committee Relations between Univs. and Government, National Commission Financing Postsecondary Education, National Hist. Publications and Records Commission; board directors Am. Council Education, member Commission National Challenges to Higher Education, 1986-87; chairman New York State Council on Fiscal and Economic Priorities; board directors Comfidex Corp., InsurBanc, Kos Pharms., NYNEX, Texaco Inc., Alexander S. Onassis Pub. Benefit Foundation, Center National Policy, DC, Society Preservation Greek Heritage, Queen Sofia Spanish Institute, US-Japan Foundation, World Conference Religions for Peace, Am-European Community Association; president King Juan Carlos I Spain Center, NYU Foundation; adv. board member mental illness prevention center, NYU Medical Center; vice chairman adv. council Ams., United Nations Educational; twentieth century fund task force member presidential appointments, 1996. Board directors Aspen Institute, Ams. for Arts., Berlitz International Inc., Carnegie International Endowment National Commission on Am. and the New World, National Endowment for Democracy, 1993-2001, Carnegie Commission on Sci., Tech. and Government, chairman committee on Congress; member National Commission Pub. Service, National Adv. Council on Pub. Service, US adv. council Transparency International, international adv. council, member Central Committee World Council Churches, fifth assembly del. United Methodist Ch, Nairobi, 1975; board dirs Center for National Policy, chairman executive committee; chairman National Adv. Committee of Fighting Back, chairman Pres.'s Committee Arts and Humanities, 1994-2001, Am. Ditchley Foundation, governor Ditchley Foundations; life trustee University Notre Dame; board directors Am. Council for the Arts, Academy for Educational Devel., Athens College (Greece), Council to Aid Education; trustee Committee for Economic Devel., national commission member jobs and small business, 1986; member Consultant Panel to Comptroller General of US, Board of Advisors of The Carter Center Emory University, Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, Trilateral Commission, Council on Spain and US, International Council, Central European University, Budapest, Am. Associates St. Catherine Foundation, Pilgrims Society Great Britain, Pilgrims Society US, VSA/arts, International Adv. Council Pharos Trust, Cyprus; founding board member Center Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe, Salonika, Greece, senior advisor; chairman national adv. committee, Fighting Back, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, adv. council David Rockefeller fellowships, New York City Partnership; hon. patron Fundación Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, member accreditation committee Red Latinoamericana de Cooperación Universitaria; director Am. Friends Girona Museum and Institute, Spain; national adv. board member institutions democracy, Annenberg Pub. Policy Center, University Pennsylvania; first congl. delegation chair, China, 1977, first Chinese-US univ. president seminar attendee, Beijing, 1985; co-chmn. ind. commission, National Endowment Arts, 1990. CED: Committee for Economic Development, ced.org/docs/tstlist.htm, (accessed Feb. 4, 1997): "CED Trustees: ... John Brademas ... Frank C. Carlucci ... John Diebold ... Joseph T. Gorman, chairman & CEO TRW Inc. ... Roderick M. Hills [husband of Carla Hills] ... Joseph E. Kasputys ... Peter G. Peterson ... Henry B. Schacht [Chase Manhattan; Rockefeller Foundation; Ford Foundation; Urban Institute] ... Walter V. Shipley [Chase Manhattan] ... George P. Shultz" Committee for Economic Development, ced.org/docs/tstlist.htm, (accessed Jan. 20, 1998): "CED Trustees: ... John Brademas ... Frank C. Carlucci ... John Diebold ... Joseph T. Gorman, chairman & CEO TRW Inc. ... Roderick M. Hills ... Joseph E. Kasputys ... Peter G. Peterson ... Henry B. Schacht ... Walter V. Shipley [Chase Manhattan] ... George P. Shultz" Committee for Economic Development, ced.org/docs/tstlist.htm, (accessed July 14, 1998): "CED Trustees: ... John Brademas ... Frank C. Carlucci ... John Diebold ... Joseph T. Gorman, chairman & CEO TRW Inc. ... Patrick W. Gross ... Roderick M. Hills ... Joseph E. Kasputys ... Peter G. Peterson ... Henry B. Schacht [Chase Manhattan; Rockefeller Foundation; Ford Foundation; Urban Institute] ... Walter V. Shipley [Chase Manhattan] ... George P. Shultz" Committee for Economic Development, ced.org/docs/tstlist.htm, (May 3, 1999): "CED Trustees: ... * denotes Lifetime Trustees ... John Brademas ... Frank C. Carlucci ... John Diebold ... Joseph T. Gorman, chairman & CEO TRW Inc. ... Patrick W. Gross ... Roderick M. Hills ... Joseph E. Kasputys ... Peter G. Peterson ... Henry B. Schacht ... Walter V. Shipley ... George P. Shultz*" Committee for Economic Development, ced.org/docs/ trustees_6_01.pdf, (October 1, 2001): "CED Board of Trustees: ... * Life Trustee ... John Brademas ... Frank C. Carlucci ... John Diebold ... Joseph T. Gorman, chairman & CEO TRW Inc. ... Patrick W. Gross ... Roderick M. Hills ... Joseph E. Kasputys ... Peter G. Peterson ... Henry B. Schacht ... * George P. Shultz ... CED Honorary Trustees: ... Robert O. Anderson ... A.W. Clausen ... Richard L. Gelb ... Katharine Graham ... George C. McGhee ... Ruben F. Mettler ... " Committee for Economic Development, ced.org/docs/trustees2004_05.pdf, (March 7, 2005): "CED Board of Trustees: ... * Life Trustee ... John Brademas ... Frank C. Carlucci ... John Diebold ... Joseph T. Gorman, chairman & CEO TRW Inc. ... Patrick W. Gross ... Roderick M. Hills ... Joseph E. Kasputys ... Peter G. Peterson ... * George P. Shultz ..." (only Schacht is gone. Carlucci would leave in 2004/2005 period) Committee for Economic Development, ced.org/docs/trustees.pdf, (January 25, 2009): "Members of the 2008 board of Trustees: ... Co-Chairmen: Joseph E. Kasputys [and] Donald K. Peterson ... Members: ... John Brademas ... Joseph T. Gorman ... Patrick W. Gross ... Peter G. Peterson ... * George P. Shultz ..." (only Schacht is gone) Committee on Economic Development website (accessed: October 30, 2012), February 2012 Trustees document: "Committee for Economic Development | Board of Trustees | February 2012: ... Co-Chairmen: ... Donald K. Peterson ... Executive Committee ... Patrick W. Gross ... CED Trustees: ... John Brademas ... Joseph Kasputys ... ... Peter G. Peterson ... George P. Shultz ..." June 22, 2011, PRNewswire, 'Roger Ferguson, President and CEO, TIAA-CREF, Named as CED Co-Chair': "The Committee for Economic Development (CED) has named Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer of financial services firm, TIAA-CREF, as a new co-chair. ... Mr. Ferguson succeeds Dr. Joseph Kasputys, Founder of IHS Global Insight, Inc. and Chairman of China Monitor, Inc., who has served as CED Co-Chair since June 2008. ... At all times, Roger was a very informed and wise observer of the American economic scene, both the private and public sectors,” said Peter G. Peterson, Chairman and Founder of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation and former U.S. Secretary of Commerce. Mr. Peterson is CED’s longest-serving Trustee." CCD: Council for a Community of Democracies (CCD), senior advisors, January 29, 2002 (webarchive; earliest possible - council founded in 2000): "CCD Senior Advisors, Board of Directors and Staff: Senior Advisors: John Brademas ... Frank C. Carlucci, Hodding Carter III, Max M. Kampelman ... John C. Whitehead. Staff: Walter Raymond, Jr., President. ... Board of Directors: Robert Hunter, Chairman. Walter Raymond, Jr., President. John Richardson, President Emeritus. ... Mr. Raymond was selected as President of the Council for a Community of Democracies in January 2001." On October 20, 2012: same people, with Madeleine Albright added and Paula Dobriansky on the board of directors. |
Bradford, Lindsay Exec. committee |
Source(s): 1958 officers list Son of William and Mary (Chittenden) B.; grad. Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass., 1910; A.B., Yale, 1914; LL.D., Colgate U., Hamilton, N.Y., 1939; married Katharine Walker, Apr. 22, 1922; childrenPriscilla (Mrs. Barney Holland), Dorothy Walker (Mrs. John B. Shapleigh, II), Lindsay. Investment banker, Hambleton & Co., N.Y.C., 1915-16, N.Y. Trust Co., 1920-27; with City Bank Farmers Trust Co., 1927-56, dir. 1934-56, pres. 1936-51, chmn. bd., 1951-56, ret., 1956; dir. Mercantile Stores, Phoenix Indemnity Co., Nat. Surety Corp., Burrwood Corp., Hotel Astor, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Delaware & Hudson Co., D. & H. R.R., City Investing Co., Consumers Power Co., El Paso Natural Gas Co. Served as ensign U.S. Navy, 1917-19. Trustee Barnard Coll., Bennington Coll., 1931-46, Russell Sage Found., Community Service Soc., N.Y. Found., trustee Carnegie Institute of Washington, Phillips Acad., Am. Acad. of Rome. Mem. Century Assn. Clubs: University, Racquet and Tennis, Union, Links, Yale (all N.Y.C.). Home: 215 E. 72d St |
Bradford, Lindsay, Jr. | Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 26, 1983' (obituary list) Son of the above person. |
Brafman, Guilherme | b. 1953 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA in law with honors, Cambridge (England) University, 1976. MA in law, Cambridge (England) University, 1979. Trainee solicitor Slaughter and May, London, 1977-79; solicitor Herbert Oppenheimer Nathan & Vandyk, 1979-83; partner Brafman Morris, 1983-89, Cameron Markby Hewitt, London, 1989—. Chartered arbitrator Royal Institute Chartered Arbitrators, London, 1986—. Panelist Am. Arbitration Association, 1988; legal lecturer, U.K., Brazil, U.S. Contributor numerous articles to professional journals., legal textbooks. |
Braga, George A. | d. 1985 |
Source(s): 1974, 1980 lists; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 23, 1985' (obituary list) Born in Manhattan and attended Johns Hopkins University. George A. Braga, a former sugar-company executive. In 1950, Braga became president of the Manati Sugar Company and chairman of the Czarnikow-Rionda Company, New York-based, family- owned concerns with sugar-producing properties in Cuba. Was named vice president of another family concern, the Francisco Sugar Company in 1954. The Cuban properties were taken over by the government when Fidel Castro came to power, but the New York brokerage houses remained intact. Braga retired in 1983. Had a brother, B. Rionda "Ronny" Braga, with whom he was in the sugar business. Braga's wife, Mary Braga, served on the board of trustees of the neocon Achelis and Bodman Foundation from the 1980s to the early 2000s. uflib.ufl.edu/spec/ manuscript/Braga/braga3.htm (accessed: May 22, 2017): "As early as the 1940s, for example, George and Ronny (B. Rionda) Braga brokered sugar on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange under the name of Braga Brothers." July 25, 1986, New York Times, 'B. Rionda Braga': "Mr. Braga, born in Manhattan, was director and president of the Francisco Sugar Group from 1954 until 1970, when he retired. From 1946 to 1969, he was vice president and director of the Czarnikow-Rionda Company, a family-owned sugar company in New York. He is survived by his wife, the former Mary Sayles Booker; two sons, David, of Manhattan, and Ames, of Millbrook, N.Y." April 23, 2015, Politico.com, '$35 million Virginia estate hits market': "Last week, [Mary] Braga's estate quietly put Oakendale up for sale with a nice round asking price of $33.5 million. Her husband, sugar baron B. Rionda Braga, died in 1986... And if you don’t think Oakendale is quite enough, Oak Spring Farm in neighboring Upperville is still on the market. The estate of Bunny Mellon, who passed away last March, which comes with 2,000 acres of rolling hills and an airplane runway big enough to accommodate a Boeing 737, is a bargain at just $70 million." |
Braga, David | - |
Source(s): 2014 list One of the sons of B. Rionda Braga, the sugar baron who ran his business with his brother and Pilgrims Society member George Braga. |
Brand, Admiral Sir Hubert | 1870-1955; | Source(s): Present at Pilgrims Society gathering, according to The Times of June 19, 1929 Rear-Admiral in the British navy, extra equerry to the King (1922), principal naval aide to the King (1931-1932), and a visitor of the Bohemian Grove in the early part of the 20th century (at least in 1929). One of his brothers, Lord Robert Brand, was a major player in Milner's Round Table and built up the Lazard Bank of London alongside Lord Kindersley (Pilgrims Society) of the Bank of England and the Hudson's Bay Company. Robert Cecil was a member of one of the most powerful dynastic families behind the British throne since the 1500s. The father of Robert Cecil also was a primary founder and coordinator of both the initial Rhodes secret society and the later Round Table, according to Carroll Quigley. Other family members of Sir Hubert Brand also played a large role in the British empire. |
Brand, Lord Robert H. | 1878–1963 |
Source(s): Present at Pilgrims Society gatherings, according to several (London) Times articles of the 1950s (examples of newspaper reports: April 5, 1950; January 10, 1951; July 21, 1955; February 1, 1957; April 5, 1957 - often alongside his Lazard partner Lord Kindersley) His father, Henry Robert Brand, the second Viscount Hampden of Glynde (1841–1906), was a governor of New South Wales, an influential Liberal Imperialist, a friend of Viscount Milner, a governor of Cape Colony and a high commissioner for South Africa. His mother, Susan Henrietta, was the younger daughter of Lord George Henry Cavendish. Fellow of All Souls Coll., Oxford. Through his father's influence Robert joined Milner's staff in Johannesburg in December 1902 and became thereby a member of ‘Milner's Kindergarten’, a group of Oxford-educated young men devoted to the ideal of the empire. Under the guidance of Milner Brand successively became assistant secretary, acting secretary, and, in March 1904, permanent secretary to the inter-colonial council of the Transvaal and the Orange River Colony. Secretary of the Transvaal delegates at the South African National Convention 1908-1909. During the convention Brand gained the trust of the Transvaal leaders and, most importantly, of Jan C. Smuts, to whom he acted as personal assistant. Together they prepared a draft constitution for the new union. Back in London in 1909, the future Lord Kindersley (Pilgrims Society) invited him to the Lazard bank. Soon after Brand became a managing director of Lazard, a position he held until 1944. He remained a director of Lazards until he retired in 1960. Served in South Africa, 1902–09, first under Lord Milner, as Secretary of the Inter-Colonial Council of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony and Secretary of the Railway Committee of the Central South African Railways; then under Lord Selborne, and later under General Botha; Secretary to the Transvaal Delegates at the South African National Convention, 1908–09; Member of the Imperial Munitions Board of Canada, 1915–18; Deputy-Chairman, British Mission in Washington for nine months, 1917–18; Financial Adviser to Lord Robert Cecil, when Chairman of Supreme Economic Council, Peace Conference, Paris, 1919; Vice-Pres., International Financial Conference of League of Nations, Brussels, Sept. 1920; Financial Representative of South Africa at the Genoa Conference, 1922; Member: Expert Committee advising German Government on stabilisation of the mark, 1922; Macmillan Committee on Finance and Industry, 1930–31; Head of British Food Mission, Washington, March 1941–May 1944, Representative of HM Treasury in Washington, May 1944–May 1946; Chairman, British Supply Council in North America, April–Nov. 1942, and June 1945–March 1946; UK delegate at Bretton Woods and Savannah Conferences. Mem., BBC Gen. Advisory Council, 1951–56. President of Royal Economic Society, 1952–53. Chairman, North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. Ltd, until 1957; Director: Lazard Bros & Co. Ltd, until 1960; Times Publishing Co. Ltd, until 1959; formerly Dir of Lloyds Bank Ltd. Hon. DCL Oxford, 1937 1981, Professor Carroll Quigley, 'The Anglo-American Establishment - From Rhodes to Cliveden', pp. 234-235: "In a similar fashion, the Milner group knew that the industrialists, the Junkers [landlords], the police, and the judges were cooperating with the reactionaries to suppress all democratic and enlightened elements in Germany and to help all the forces of "despotism" and "sin" (to use Curtis's words). One, for which Brand was chiefly responsible, was based on certain economic assumptions. Among these, the chief was the belief that "disorder" and social unrest could be avoided only if prosperity were restored to Germany as soon as possible. By "disorder," Brand meant such activities as were associated with Trotsky in Russia, Bela Kun in Hungary, and the Spartacists or Kurt Eisner in Germany. To Brand, as an orthodox international banker, prosperity could be obtained only by an economic system under the control of the old established industrialists and bankers... Moreover, Brand felt confident that the old economic groups could reestablish prosperity quickly only if they were given concessions in respect to Germany's international financial position by lightening the weight of reparations on Germany and by advancing credit to Germany, chiefly from the United States. This point of view was not Brand's alone. It dominated the minds of all international bankers from Thomas Lamont to Montague Norman and from 1918 to at least 1931." As a financier responsible for munitions [during WWI], Brand was the ideal person to send to Washington, where he acted as deputy chairman of the British war mission in 1917–18. He then went to Paris, to act as financial adviser to Lord Robert Cecil, chairman of the supreme economic council, during the peace conference. Brand spent the years 1941–6 primarily in Washington, serving as head of the British food mission in 1941–4, chairman of the British supply council in North America in 1942 (when he had to rescue it from the strains of departmental and personal jealousies) and again in 1945–6, and British Treasury representative in 1944–6. As Treasury representative he joined Keynes in the acrimonious and difficult negotiations for the ending of ‘lend-lease’ and for the US and Canadian loans to Britain, and as a UK delegate at the Bretton Woods and Savannah conferences in 1946, which established the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. During Brand's earlier sojourn in America he had married (in 1917) Phyllis Langhorne, daughter of a Virginia landowner and auctioneer, Charles Dabney Langhorne, and sister of Nancy Astor (he was a close friend of the Cliveden circle) Director of the Times Publishing Company Ltd from 1925 to 1959, a member of the General Advisory Council of the BBC from 1951 to 1956, president of the Royal Economic Society from 1952 to 1953, and a director of Lloyds Bank Ltd. He had been appointed CMG in 1910 and honorary DCL at Oxford in 1937, but only after the death of his son would he accept a peerage, in 1946 becoming Baron Brand of Eydon. In 1956, after the Suez crisis, Lord Brand stated that British intervention in the Middle East had been a "mistake", and emphazed that America should never again distance itself from the UK, because the Soviet Union immediately capitalizes on that. |
Brandi, Frederic H. | 1903-1978 |
Source(s): 1969 Pilgrims list; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1979' (obituary list) Father was a top coal executive in the German Steel Trust. Moved from Germany to the United States in 1926. CEO of Dillon, Read & Co. in the 1950s and 1960s, up until 1971 (replaced by Nicholas Brady, a Knight of Malta who, like Brandi, was a visitor of Bohemian Grove Camp Mandalay). June 20, 1962, New York Times, 'Dillon, Read Fills 2 Highest Posts': "The election of August Belmont [from a Pilgrims family who started out as Rothschild agents] as president and Frederic H. Brandi as chairman was announced yesterday by Dillon, Read Co., Inc. Mr. Brandi, who had been president, will continue as chief executive officer of the investment banking concern. The chairmanship is a new post." July 1, 1968, New York Times, '2 Added to the Board Of Farbwerke Hoechst': "The election of Frederic H. Brandi, chairman of Dillon, Read Co., Inc., to the board of directors of Farbwerke Hoechst A.G. of West Germany was announced over the weekend." Became director of the Amerada Petroleum Corporation in 1968. Chairman of the American-South African Investment Company Ltd. since 1971. Committee member of the 10th annual Charity Ball of the Hungarian Catholic League of America, which was organized in 1964 and aimed to support Hungarian students (remember that the Catholic church was clandestinely fighting Communism in thsi country). Other committee members, organizers and visitors included senior church figures, Robert C. Sprague, Mrs. Herman H. Kahn (Lehman Brothers partner), and a significant number of European aristocrats, including Marquis Alfred Pallavicini. |
Brandt, Mortimer S. | 1905-1993 |
Source(s): September 9, 1993, The Baltimore Sun, obituary; 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Born in New York, he was educated at home and began his business career with the General Motors Acceptance Corp. in the 1920s. Later joined Credit Alliance Corp. and was sent in 1927 to Toronto, where he established the Credit Alliance Corp. of Canada. It was while he was living in Canada that Brandt began collecting paintings. He finally left his job and returned to New York, where he enrolled in a fine arts program at New York University. Managed the Mortimer Brandt Gallery on 57th Street in Manhattan 1937-1969. Founding trustee of the Association for Advancement of American Art. Trustee of the Shaker Museum in Old Chatham, N.Y. Founding president of Cancer Care in New York from 1952 to 1957. Trustee for the Showcase for the Disabled and a delegate to the Welfare and Health Council of New York City. Member of the Pilgrims Society and was a past member of the Sunningdale Golf Club in England, the American Club and the Arts Club. Moved to London in 1969. Went back to the US in 1983. Died in 1993. |
Brewster, Edward Cox | unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1993' (obituary list) President of the Union Club in the 1960s. |
Brewster, Kingman, Jr. Vice president |
1919-1988 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States officers list (vice president from 1979 until his death in 1988); Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1989' (obituary list) Graduated from Yale in 1941, where he was chairman of the Yale Daily News. His junior year, he turned down an offer of membership in Skull and Bones. Brewster's first job in 1941 was as a special assistant in the governmental office of Nelson Rockefeller. In 1948, he received his law degree from Harvard Law School. After teaching at Harvard Law School from 1950 to 1960, he accepted the post of Provost at Yale, serving from 1960 to 1963. President of Yale from 1963 to 1977. His presidency was marked by the Black Panther trial and the admission of women as undergraduates. His secretary at Yale was Tracy Barnes, a former high level CIA official with friends as David K.E. Bruce (Pilgrim) and Paul Nitze (ultra-connected). After leaving Yale, he served as U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James (the United Kingdom) from 1977 to 1981. Counsel Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts, New York City, 1981-1983, resident partner in charge London office, 1984—1986, counsel, 1986-1988. Chairman English Speaking Union of U.S., 1981—1984. Master University College Oxford University, England, 1986—1988. Chairman international board United World College, 1986-1988. Member of the Century Association, Metropolitan Club and the Council on Foreign Relations. Former member corp. Belmont Hill School; former president board directors Buckingham Society; past board directors Educational TV and Radio Center; adv. committee on higher education Department of Health; former member board directors Common Cause; consultant National Endowment of the Humanities; member policy rev. board Pub. Agenda Foundation; former member corp., director Carnegie Endowment International Peace 1975-; member international adv. council Population Institute; board directors Salzburg Seminar in Am. Studies. Council of Management, Amer. Ditchley Foundn. Trustee, Reuters, 1984–. |
Bridestowe, Lord Thomas | b. 1932 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA magna cum laude, Yale University, 1954. JD, Harvard University, 1957. Instructor Harvard Law School, 1956-57; with Dewey Ballantine, New York City; partner Breed, Abbott & Morgan, Law Offices of Thomas R. Moore, New York City. Author: Plantagenet Descent, 31 Generations from William the Conqueror to Today, 1995. Decorated Knight, Queen Elizabeth II; named Class Marshall, Yale; recipient Coat of Arms, Queen Elizabeth II, Order of Crown of Charlemagne, Order of Plantagenet, Order of Barons of Magna Charta, Order of Descendants Knights of the Garter, Thomas R. Moore Distinguished Pub. Servant award, National Society to Prevent Blindness; Scholar of House, Yale. Board directors executive committee Citymeals on Wheels; president board directors National Society to Prevent Blindness; sec.-treas., trustee A.D. Henderson Foundation, Del., trustee, Florida; board directors Phoenix Theatre Inc., Institute Aegean Prehistory, Foundation Future of Man, Am. and International Friends of Victoria and Albert Museum, London; conservator New York Pub. Libr.; trustee Foundation for Renaissance of St. Petersburg (Russia), Malcolm Wiener Foundation; president board directors Laurence Levine Charitable Fund., Inc.; vice chairman New York Hist. Society; board directors Gov.'s Commission on Scholastic Achievement; constitutional advisor to President George Bush; advisor to King Michael of Romania. Mem.: St. Andrews Society, St. George Society, Confrerie de la Chaine des Rotisseurs (national president, director, executive committee world council Paris), Robert Burns Society, National Wine Coalition (board directors), Chevalier du Tastevin, The Pilgrims, Church Club, Univ. Club, Delta Sigma Rho. |
Bridport, 4th Viscount | b. 1948 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Born Alexander Nelson Hood. 4th Viscount Bridport since 1969. Appointed executive director of Chase Manhattan (in London) in 1983. |
Brinckerhoff, Charles M. | 1901-1987 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1988' (obituary list) BA, Columbia University, 1922. Metallurgical Engineer, Columbia University, 1925. With Phelps-Dodge Corp., Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co. and Andes Copper Mining Co., 1925-48; general manager Chile Exploration Co., 1948-56; vice president Andes Copper Mining Co., Chile Exploration Co., 1956-57, executive vice president, 1957-58; president, director Anaconda Co., 1958, vice chairman board, chief executive officer, 1964-65, chairman board, chief executive officer, 1965-69, chairman executive committee, consultant, from 1969, director, chairman board, president subsidiary and affiliated cos. Director National Mines Service Co., Pittsburgh; mining advisor Government of Iran, others. Member Mining and Metallurgical Society Am., American Institute of Mining (hon.; Saunders medal), Holland Society of New York (trustee from 1967, Gold medal), National Academy Engineering, Sigma Xi Clubs: University, Mining (New York City). Presbyterian. |
Bristol, Lee Hastings | 1923-1979 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 23, 1980' (obituary list) A.B., Hamilton Coll., 1947; postgrad. Grad. Inst. Internat. Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, U. Geneva, also Conservatoire de Musique, Geneva, 1947-48; L.T.C.L., Trinity Coll. Music, London, 1947; H.H.D., Los Angeles Conservatory, 1955; Litt.D., Webber Coll., 1957; Mus.D., Dickinson Coll., 1957; LL.D., Mo. Valley U., 1961, Findlay Coll., 1961; Mus.D., Combs Coll. Music, 1965; L.H.D., Hobart and William Smith Colls., 1965, Temple U., 1966; Ped. D., Ricker Coll., 1968; LL.D., Hamilton Coll., 1968; D.F.A., Westminster Choir Coll., 1969; married Louise Wells, May 20, 1950; children—Elizabeth, Henry Platt, Sara, Lee Hastings III. Asst. to pres. Bristol-Myers Co., N.Y.C., 1948-49, home research staff, dir. products div., 1951, asst. advt. mgr., 1951-52, advt. mgr., 1952-56, dir. pub. relations, 1957-62; stage mgr. TV prodn. dept. NBC, 1949-50; trainee Doherty, Clifford, Steers & Shenfield, Inc., advt., 1950-51; pres. Westminster Choir Coll., Princeton, N.J., 1962-69, pres. emeritus, 1976-79; vice chmn., exec. sec. Joint Commn. on Ch. Music of Episcopal Ch., 1969-73; Cathedral Colleague Cathedral St. John the Divine, N.Y.C., 1975; dir. Laymen’s Movement for a Christian World, Rye, N.Y., 1949-58, pres., 1954-55; mem. faculty Creative Problem-Solving Inst., State U. N.Y. at Buffalo, 1956-69; chmn. Greater N.Y. campaign Assn. for Help Retarded Children, N.Y.C., 1957-59, hon. chmn., 1959-60; co-chmn. nat. campaign Am. Nurses Found., 1960-61; hon. faculty U.S. Army Mgmt. Sch., Ft. Belvoir, Va., 1960-61; dir. Atlantic Corp., Newark, from 1961. Del. Gen. Conv. Episcopal Ch., 1973, 76. Mem. regional pub. relations adv. com. YMCA, 1959-61. Trustee, organist All Saints’ Ch., Bay Head, N.J., 1947-79, Creative Edn. Found., Buffalo, 1955-70; (pres. 1960-68); bd. dirs. N.Y. Philharmonic Symphony Orch., 1966-79; trustee Berkeley Div. Sch., New Haven, 1956-62, 65-70, Westminster Choir Coll., 1957-70, Miss Mason’s Sch., 1958-69, Princeton Pub. Library, 1960-61, Princeton Chamber Orch., 1964-66; bd. advisers Edward W. Root Art Center, Hamilton Coll., Clinton, N.Y., 1958-68, Bay Head, N.J. Chapel, 1963, Presser Found., 1969-72, 77-79, Diocese of N.J. Music Commn., 1969-76, Hamilton Coll., 1971-79, Union Theol. Sem., 1971-72, Pine Manor Jr. Coll., 1972, John Jay and Eliza Watson Found., 1969-79, Lillia Babbitt Hyde Found., 1970-79; council Royal Sch. Ch. Music, from 1972; v.p. Met. Opera Nat. Council, 1975-79. Recipient Outstanding Civilian Service award Dept. Army, 1962, Bishop of N.J. Medal of Honor, 1966, Partner in Edn. award Salem Coll., Man of the Year award Greater Princeton C. of C., 1969; decorated comdr. Order St. John of Jerusalem, 1973, Knight of Grace Order St. Lazarus, 1974. Fellow Royal Sch. Ch. Music, 1969. Fellow Hymn Soc. Am. (exec. com. 1948-79); mem. Am. Guild Organists (nat. council 1964-67), Am. Bible Soc. (trustee 1968-71), N.J. Hist. Soc. (trustee 1968-76), Pilgrims of U.S., Pub. Relations Soc. Am., Royal Coll. Organists, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Phi, Alpha Delta Sigma. Episcopalian (lay reader 1943-79, vice chmn. laymen’s work Province II, 1959-64). Clubs: Century Assn., University (N.Y.C.); Nassau (Princeton, N.J.); Bay Head (N.J.) Yacht; Manasquan River Golf (Brielle, N.J.); Bedens Brook (Skillman, N.J.). |
Brock, Charles Lawrence | b. 1943 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA with highest distinction, Northwestern University, 1964. JD, Harvard University, 1967. Postgrad. (Rotary Foundation fellow), University Delhi and India Law Institute, India, 1968. Grad., Advanced Management Program, Harvard Business School, 1979. Asso. firm Sullivan & Cromwell, New York City, 1969-74; vice president, corp. secretary, general counsel Scholastic Magazines, Inc. (now Scholastic, Inc.), 1974-80; interim CFO and COO Scholastic Magazines, Inc., 1975-76, pub. international div., 1976-80; president Scholastic Tab Publications Ltd., Can., 1976-80, Ashton-Scholastic Pty. Ltd., Australia, 1976-80, Ashton-Scholastic Ltd., New Zealand, 1976-80; chairman Scholastic Publications Ltd., U.K., 1976-80; senior vice president, management director Compton Communications, 1980-82; manager subsidiaries Compton Advertising, 1980-82; counsel Drinker, Biddle & Reath, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, 1982-84; partner Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, 1984-95, Brock Partners and predecessor firms, 1995—; chairman, CEO Brock Capital Group LLC, 2002—. Board directors, chairman audit committees B&H Bulk Carriers Ltd., B&H Ocean Carriers Ltd., B&H Maritime Carriers Ltd., Excel Maritime Carriers, 2002-; member Harvard College Board Overseers Committee on Univ. Resources, 1992—, chairman Harvard Board Overseers Nominating Committee 1996—, council Harvard Law School Association, 1983-85, secretary, 1988-90, treasurer, 1990—92, executive committee, 1986—, chairman membership committee, 1987—, international section, 1991—, 1st vice president, 1994-96, president 1996-98; board advisors College Arts and Scis., Northwestern University, 1989—, Campaign for Great Teachers Committee, 1989-90, John Evans Club, Northwestern University 1989—; guild hall trustee Academy of the Arts, 1990—, member executive committee, chairman nominating committee, 1986-90, chairman board, 1990-92; trustee, treasurer Family Dynamics, 1981-88. Reunion gift chairman Harvard Law School Fund, 1967-68, vice chairman, 1975-77, 40th reunion gift co-chmn., 2006-, vice chair, 1978-82; trustee Harvard Law School Association New York City, 1982-85, chairman placement committee, 1983-86, vice president, 1985-96, originator, chairman summer reception, 1982-; chairman Harvard Community Partners, 1984-86; co-chmn. annual giving St. Barnard's School, 1989-95; member adv. board Minority Attorney Reporter; deacon Brick Presbyterian Church, New York City, 1973-76, regent Cathedral St. John The Divine, 1997-. Member American Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, New York County Lawyers Association, Association Bar City of New York , Harvard Alumni Association (board directors 1989—, secretary 1998-2001, 1st vice president 2001-02, president 2002-03, chairman grad. schools committee 1992-95), Association Am. Pubs., Century Association, Harvard Business Club of New York (vice president 1984-86), Union Club, New York Yacht Club, Down Town Association, The Pilgrims, Piping Rock (Locust Valley, New York ), Maidstone Club (East Hampton, New York ), Ogeechee Golf Club, Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Sigma. |
Brokaw, Clifford Vail | b. 1928 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Yale University, 1950. JD, University Virginia, 1956. Associate White & Case, New York City, 1956-59; associate Blyth & Co., Inc., 1959-61; associate, then general partner W.E. Hutton & Co., 1961-67; general partner, senior vice president Eastman Dillon Union Securities & Co. and successor firm Blyth, Eastman, Dillon & Co., Inc., 1967-77; chairman, CEO Invail Capital, Inc., 1977-95; CEO IRT Corp., San Diego, 1977-95, chairman board, 1986-94. Board directors, chairman fin. committee Brazos River Gas Co., Mineral Wells, Texas, 1962-91; chairman board Cayman Resources Corp., Tulsa, 1977-88, board directors, 1992-95. Board advisors Marine Military Academy, Harlingen, Texas, 1985-91; member alumni association council University Virginia School Law, 1976-79; founder Brokaw chair corp. law University Virginia School Law, 1985, member dean's council, 1990—, business adv. council, 1995—; member industrial adv. committee School Engring and Applied School University Virginia, 1987-94; vestryman French Church du St. Espirit, 1986-88, treasurer, 1988-92, warden, 1989-93. Lieutenant colonel US Marine Corps Reserve, 1950-73. Member American Bar Association, Suffolk County Bar association, Pilgrims U.S., Military Order Carabao, Military Order World Wars, Military Order Foreign Wars U.S., Military Order of Purple Heart, National Institute Social Scis. (board directors 1991-94, president 1992-94), National Gavel Society, Ends of Earth, Huguenot Society Am. (council 1974-80, vice president 1986-89, president 1989-92), Am. Society Order of St. John (Commander), University Virginia Lawn Society, Brook Club, Burning Tree Club, The Meadow Club, Bathing Corp. of Southampton, Union Club (New York City), Masons, Shriners, Yale Club (New York City), Delta Theta Phi. |
Bromwell, Ault | unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1973' (obituary list) Unknown. |
Broome, Robert Edwin | 1898-1966 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition B.S., New York U., 1919; married Mildred Rawls, Oct. 15, 1922; children—Barbara (Mrs. William T. Hedberg), Shirley (Mrs. William S. Purdy), Richard E., Mildred (Mrs. Joseph P. Conrad), Judith (Mrs. Edgar R. Stoddart, Jr.). Has been vice president of Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of N.Y., 1929—, ret.; bd. mgrs. Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co.; dir. Ia. Public Service Co. Mem. Investment Bankers Assn. Am. (gov.). Republican. Presbyn. Clubs: Sleepy Hollow Country (Scarborough, N.Y.); the Bond, Union League (N.Y.), Pilgrims. |
Bross, Steward, Jr. | 1922-2003 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student, McGill University, Montreal, Can., 1942. LLB, Columbia University, 1948. Private practice, New York City; partner Cravath, Swaine & Moore, 1958-92, retired, 1992; adv. committee foreign direct investment program Office of Secretary Department Commerce, 1969; adv. committee regulations Office Foreign Direct Investment, 1968-70. Regent, trustee emeritus The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, New York City; warden emeritus Trinity Church, New York City Served as officer Canadian Navy, 1942-45. Member American Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, Association of Bar of City of New York , Pilgrims U.S., Economic Club New York , Union Club, Rockefeller Center Club, Links Club, Univ. Club New York. |
Brown, Caxton | 1979-1952 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student Poly. Inst., 1892-94, Colombia U., 1896-1900; married Mabel Josephine Nichols, Apr. 26, 1905; children—Nedra B. (Mrs. Churchill Lang-horne), Elaine B. (Mrs. Harvey E. Mole, Jr.). With Weston Electrical Instrument Corp. since 1901, beginning as repairman, chairman, executive com. since 1947; director L. Bamberger & Co., Summit Trust Co. Pres. Union County Park Commn. Mem. Alpha Delta Phi. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Baltusrol Golf (ex-pres.), Galloping Hill Golf (dir.), Pilgrims, Essex, Elec. Mfrs. (treas.). |
Brown, Elmer Ellsworth Exec. committee |
1861-1934 |
Source(s): January 24, 1935, New York Times, 'Rights in danger, Dr. Butler warns': "Those listed in the necrology, read by Major Elihu Church, secretary of the Pilgrims, were Henry H. Andrews, Elmer E. Brown, Walter D. Buchanan, Edward J. Burlingham, Colin C. Carter, James B. Clews, Robert Fulton Cutting, Ganson Depew, Cass Gilbert, Nathaniel T. Guernsey, John W. Herbert, Matthew Hinman, Charles L. Hussey, John P. Jefferson, Otto Kahn, Ivy Lee, George O. Squire, Frederick H. Wilkins, Thomas B. Kent, Alfred Watts Kiddle, Wilson Marshall, Percy A. Rockefeller, Valentine P. Snyder, William J. Parslow, Arthur C. Mower and Herbert Noble." Son of Russell McCrary and Electa (Sherman) B.; grad. Ill. State Normal U., 1881; A.B., U. of Mich., 1889; Ph.D., U. of Halle-Wittenberg, 1890; LL.D., Columbia, 1907, Wesleyan U., 1909, George Washington U., 1911, Rutgers, 1913, U. of State of N.Y., 1930; married Fanny F. Eddy, June 20, 1889 (died 1932). Sch. prin. and Y.M.C.A. sec. in Ill. and Mich.; acting asst. prof. science and art of teaching, U. of Mich., 1891-92; asso. prof., U. of Calif., 1892-93, prof., 1893-1906, hon. prof. same, 1906-11; U.S. commr. of edn., 1906-11. Chancellor New York University 1911-1933, and chancellor emeritus from 1933 on. Medallist, Royal Yugo Slav Red Cross; Commendatore Order of Crown of Italy; Comdr. Order of Crown of Belgium; Chevalier Legion of Honor (France). Chmn. Lake Mohonk Conf. Friends of the Indian and Other Dependent Peoples, 5 times, 1907-13. Conglist. Author: The Making of Our Middle Schools, 1903; Origin of American State Universities, 1905; Government by Influence, and Other Addresses, 1909; Victory and Other Verse, 1923; A Few Remarks, 1933. |
Brown, Franklin Q. Exec. committtee |
1862-1955 |
Source(s): 1940 list (executive committee) Dir. Lima Locomotive Works, Cuba Grapefruit Co., Ga. & Fla. R.R., Appointed chmn. adv. com. Div. of Finance, U.S. Railroad Administration, -1918. |
Brown, Franklin Q., Jr. | d. 1981 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1982' (obituary list) Native of New York state. A 1928 graduate of Harvard University and earned a master's degree in business administration there in 1930. Came to Washington in 1933 to work for the old Public Works Adminstration. He was a railroad examiner with Reconstruction Finance Corporation in 1936 and then went to New York as a junior economist with an investment banking firm. During World War II, he served with the Army Air Forces at the Pentagon and in Europe, returing in 1946 with the rank of colonel and the Legion of Merit. He joined the CIA a year later and retired as a 20-year veteran analyst. He was a member of St. John's Episcopal Church in Bethesda and did volunteer work at the National Cathedral. He was a member of the Chevy Chase Club. After Brown Jr.'s death, the family suggested that expressions of sympathy be in the form of contributions ot the National Cathedral. |
Brown, J. Carter | 1934-2002 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the United States, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Brown was descended from a long, distinguished family line beginning in 1638 in Rhode Island and for whose family Brown University is named. Brown's father, John Nicholas Brown (1900-1979), was one of the wealthiest men in America and served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy under president Truman. Very interested in the arts from a young age, just as his father. Attended an Arizona boarding school beginning at age nine, graduating to Groton in Massachusetts and then the Stowe School in Buckinghamshire, England, before entering Harvard University in 1952. After receiving a BA and MBA from Harvard he was elected to spend a year with the Harvard-trained art historian Bernard Berenson at Villa I Tatti, Florence. Brown pursued a Ph.D. at the Institute of Fine Arts in New York. Joined Washington's National Gallery of Art as a personal assistant to director John Walker (a childhood's friend of Pilgrims Society and 1001 Club member Paul Mellon) in 1961. Assistant director of the National Gallery 1964-1969. Director of the National Gallery 1969-1992. Induced Congress to increase the Gallery's operating budget year after year, from $3 million in 1969 to $52 million in 1992. During his tenure, the Gallery's endowment grew from $34 million to $186 million. The 1976 exhibition 'Treasures of Tutankhamun,' which Carter Brown brought from the British Museum set the tone for subsequent shows which would attempt to catch the general public's attention as well as the traditional art-goer's. In this, he had a celebrated rivalry with the Metropolitan Museum of Art's director, Thomas Hoving, who also vied for blockbuster exhibitions. Among Hoving's and Brown's many disputes was with the 1978 show 'The Splendor of Dresden: Five Centuries of Art Collecting'. While Brown waited for the State department to normalize relations with the (then) East German government, Hoving negotiated directly and stole the show from the National Gallery. Only after Brown met with the Metropolitan Museum Board members C. Douglas Dillon (Pilgrims Society) and David Rockefeller (Pilgrims Society) did the museums agree to share the show. In 1985 Brown organized the exhibition 'Treasure Houses of Britain: 500 Years of Private Patronage and Art Collecting', which included 700 art objects from more than 200 country houses in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland illustrating 500 years of British collecting. A grant from the Ford Foundation largely made the exhibition possible. Prince Charles and Lady Diana were present during the opening. Married Constance Mellon Byers in 1971, whom he divorced two years later. Paul Mellon had become one of his good friends. He would write an obituary of him in Yale Alumni Magazine in 1999. Married Pamela Braga Drexel (probably of the banking and Pilgrims family) in 1976 in Westminster Abbey, London. Chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts from 1971 to 2002. It reviews and oversees changes to Washington's monumental landscape. Instrumental in the development of three very popular additions to the cityscape, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1982, the Korean War Veterans Memorial in 1995, and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial in 1997. He also strongly supported the World War II Memorial and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian, which were opened two years after his death, in 2004. Just before his dead, when discussing the new World War II memorial between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument, he said about WWII: "For the first time in our history as a nation, we bonded together as a single unity— e pluribus unum." Identified as a director of Phillips in 2000, not the Dutch multinational, but one of the largest international fine art auctioneers, together with Lord Camoys (Lord Chamberlain; N.M. Rothschild; Barclays; Pilgrims Society), Sir Joseph Hotung (Ho Hung Hing Estates Ltd.; HSBC; Metropolitan Museum of Art) the Duke of Lugo (Credit Suisse),
and Gert-Rudolf Flick
(family held the largest share in Daimler-Benz, one of Germany largest corporations). Jury chair for the Pritzker Prize (the Nobel prize for architecture) since its inception in 1979. Gianni Agnelli and Lord Jacob Rothschild were two other jurors, and Rothschild took over the Prize's chairmanship after Carter Brown died in 2002. |
Brown, Michael John | b. 1932 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition MA in Jurisprudence, Oxford University, 1954. Partner Denton Hall & Burgin, London, 1959-80; senior partner Brown Cooper, 1981-96; consultant Brown Corp., 1996—. Chairman Urwick Orr & Partners, U.K., 1980-84, Pooh Properties Trust, U.K., 1973—. Member Society English and Am. Lawyers (hon. president 1989-92), Law Society Gr. Britain, Copinger Society (hon. president 1992-93), Variety Club Great Britain (hon. solicitor 1966-2000), Pilgrims, Garrick Club (hon. life), Sloane Club. |
Brown, Wylie | 1877-1960 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; May 16, 1960, New York Times, Wylie Brown's obituary Grad. Riverview Mil. Acad.; M.E., Cornell U., 1898; married Dorothy K. Woodward, Aug. 10, 1937. Chmn. bd., dir. Phelps Dodge Copper Products Corp. 1932-50; pres. and dir. Habirshaw Cable & Wire Corp., Brit. Am. Metals Co., Inc., Brit. Am. Tube Co., Inc., Am. Copper Products Corp.; dir. Phelps Dodge Corp.; chmn. bd. Hydropress Corp., 1952-56. Mem. Copper and Brass Research Assn. Clubs: Metropolitan, Union League, Cornell, Engineers, Recess, Wall Street (N.Y.); Blooming Grove (Pa.); Hunting and Fishing (pres.), Sleepy Hollow Country (Scarsborough, N.Y.); Plainfield (N.J.) Country, River, Pilgrims. |
Brownell, Gen. George A. | 1898-1984 |
Source(s): 1980 list Son of George Francis and Anne (Abbott) B. Served from pvt. to 2d lt. F.A. U.S. Army, 1918. A.B., Harvard, 1919, A.M., 1920, LL.B., 1922. Bar: N.Y. 1922. Practiced in, N.Y.; mem. firm Davis, Polk & Wardwell (and predecessors), 1922-30, partner firm, from 1930, of counsel, 1972-79. From lt. col. to brig. gen. USAAF (USAF), 1942-45; brigadier general O.R.C., 1947. Married Katharine Gray Dodge, June 8, 1946. Personal representative fo President Truman with rank of Minister to India, Middle East, 1946, Mexico 1948. Spl. asst. to sec. air force, 1950. Trustee Brooklyn Savings Bank, 1965-73; cons. to State Dept., 1946-57. Trustee Leake and Watts Childrens Home, 1932-76, N.Y. U. Med. Center, 1948-76, Lenox Hill Hosp., 1945-76, Seeing Eye Inc., 1939-74; bd. overseers Harvard, 1960-66. County Lawyers Assn., 1968. Fellow Am. Bar Found.; mem. Am. N.Y. State bar assns., N.Y. County Lawyers Assn., Bar Assn. N.Y.C. (v.p. 1968-70), Am. Law Inst. Club: Century (N.Y.C.). 2010, Nelson McAvoy, 'Coded Messages: How the CIA and NSA Hoodwink Congress and the People', p. 94: "On 28 December 1951, in response to Truman's request, Acheson and Lovett established the Brownell Committee to study the existing structure and make recommendations. George A. Brownell, an eminent attorney in New York City, headed the committee. Brownell served as chairman, assisted by Charles E. (Chip) Bohlen, counselor, State Department; William H. Jackson, special assistant to the DCI (Bedell-Smith); and Brig. Gen. John Magruder, USA (Ret), special assistant to the secretary of defense. The CIA and the Department of State provided the four staff members for the committe, all of whom had served previously in the special intelligence branches of the Army or Navy. The military organizations had no representation on the Brownell Committee or on its support staff, not even the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Logistically, during the period of the survey, the Brownell Committee and its support staff resided at the CIA (a civilian organization) and received administrative support from the CIA. This was very telling of where President Truman was coming from." As a result of the Brownell Committee and the subsequent discussions, from which the Joint Chiefs again were excluded, Truman established the National Security Agency in secret. The NSA fell under the authority of the Secretary of Defense instead of under the authority of the Joint Chiefs, giving the civilian authoraties a lot of direct influence. Brownell wrote the 1981 book 'Origin and Development of the National Security Agency': "In June 1952 an ad hoc committee was appointed by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State to study the Communications Intelligence (COMINT) activities of the U.S. The committee's report, known as the Brownell Report, was classified TOP SECRET. The Report concerns virtually all U.S. COMINT activities up to 1952. As a result, the National Security Agency was formed in November 1952." |
Brownell, Herbert Exec. committee & secretary |
1904-1996 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States officers list since 1979 (executive and treasurer until his death) AB, University Nebraska, 1924. LLD, LB, School Law, Yale, 1927. With Root, Clark, Buckner & Ballantine, 1927-29, Lord, Day & Lord, 1929-53, 57-77, of counsel, 1977-89; attorney general of U.S., 1953-57. Vice-chmn. Commission on Bicentennial of U.S. Constitution; board directors Ludwig Foundation for Cancer Research, DIA Art Foundation, Burkett White Miller Center. Member Am. Judicature Society, Association Bar City New York, Pilgrims Society, Order of Coif, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Delta Chi, Delta Upsilon. Clubs: Century Association, Links (New York City), Metropolitan (Washington). |
Brownlie, Ian G.M. | 1931-2002 |
He graduated from St. Paul’s School in Garden City, N.Y., and the Lawrenceville School in New Jersey. In 1962, he earned an M.B.A. from NYU’s Business School. Brownlie served in the Marine Corps from 1954–56 and retired from the Marine Corps Reserve as a captain. Professionally, he worked in real estate, specializing in commercial leasing, beginning his career with Brown, Harris & Stevens and was later affiliated with the Joseph F. Bernstein Co. He became a principal with Wm. A. White & Sons, which became Wm. A. White/Tishman East and was subsequently sold to Grubb & Ellis. Brownlie was a member of the Gardiner’s Bay Country Club, Shelter Island Yacht Club, the Union League Club of New York, St. Anthony Hall of New York, Inc., and the Pilgrims of the United States. He was active in politics in the Village of Dering Harbor, Inc., serving in various capacities — trustee, deputy mayor, and mayor (1970–98). |
Brownwood, David Owen | Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB with distinction, Stanford University, 1956 LLB magna cum laude, Harvard University, 1964. Law clerk Ropes & Gray, Boston, 1963; associate McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enersen, San Francisco, 1964-66; lecturer law University Khartoum, Sudan, 1966-67, Kenya Institute Administration, Lower Kabete, 1967-68; associate Cravath, Swaine & Moore, New York City, 1968-72, partner, 1973—2003, senior counsel, 2003—, recruiting partner, 1978-82, managing partner for legal staff, 1983-86; partner in charge London office, 1995—2001. Treasurer New York Law Institute, 1978-83, chairman executive committee, 1983-88, president, 1988-93. Member editorial board Harvard University Law Rev., 1963-64. National chair Harvard University Law School Fund, 1991—1993; board directors Royal Oak Foundation, 2003—, treasurer, 2004—; president Benjamin Franklin House Foundation, 2002—2007; trustee Greenwich Country Day School, Connecticut, 1985—1992, vice president, 1986—1988, president, chairman board trustees, 1988—1992; co-chmn. Harvard University Law School 25th Reunion Gift, 1988—1989, 40th Reunion Gift, 2003—2005; co-chmn Stanford University 50th Reunion Gift, 2005—2006; New York regional committee campaign Harvard Law School, 1991—1995; committee on univ. resources Harvard University, 1991—2006, member Harvard law school visiting committee, 1995—2001; keystone regional vice chair centennial campaign Stanford University, 1986—1992; executive committee Stanford University New York Council, 1992—1995; vice chairman Stanford University New York Major Gifts Committee, 1993—1995; co-chair Stanford University Eastern Council, 1993; board governors Stanford Associates, 1993—1995, president, chairman board governors, 1994—1995; board advisors Stanford University Trust (UK), 1995—2002; member national board Outward Bound USA, 1993—1996; trustee Greenwich Libr., 2003—, chair, planning committee, 2007—; board directors Literacy Assistance Center, New York City, 1983—1994, Collegiate Chorale, New York City, 2005—; co-chmn. board directors Literacy Assistance Center, 1987—1994. Fellow Am. Bar Foundation, New York State Bar Foundation; member American Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, Association Bar City New York , Stanford University Alumni Association (bd.dirs. 2004—, chairman fin. committee 2006—), The Pilgrims, Round Hill Club, Field Club of Greenwich, Sankaty Head Golf Club, Siasconset Casino Association, Harvard Club New York City. |
Bruére, Henry | 1882-1958 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Ph.B., U. Chgo., 1901; grad. studies Harvard and Columbia; law schs. Harvard and N.Y.U.; LL.D., Hobart Coll.; married Jane Munroe, August 4, 1904; children—Richard Treat, Geoffrey Munroe, Honora (Mrs. Colin McIver), Alison (Mrs. George Carnahan). Dir. boys’ clubs welfare work, Boston, 1901-03; dir. McCormick Works, Internat. Harvester Co., welfare work, 1903-05; organizer and dir. Citizen’s Betterment Bureau, later Bureau of Municipal Research, New York (made studies of city management, U.S. and Europe; helped introduce budget reforms, N.Y. City and elsewhere), 1907-14; chamberlain, City of New York, in charge of reorganization studies for Mayor’s depts., 1914-16; financial adviser Govt. of Mexico, 1917-19; dir. N.Y. State Div., U.S. Employment service, for war emergency, 1918-19; 4th, later 3d v.p. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 1923-27; 1st v.p. and treas. Bowery Savings Bank, 1927-31, pres., 1931-49, chmn. bd., chief exec. officer, 1949-52, hon. chmn. bd. dirs., 1952-—; mem. N.Y. adv. com. RFC, 1932-39; bd. reorgn. mgrs. C.&N.W. Ry., 1945. Spl. asst. to Pres. of U.S. in coordination of activities, 1933; dir. N.Y. World Fair, 1939; mem. N.Y.U.S. Savs. Bond Com. during war period; mem. Moore com. on constitutional Tax and Debt Limits and City-Sch. Fiscal Relations, 1949-51; mem. gov’s. commn. on School Buildings. 1950-51; hon. v.p. Budget Commn., N.Y.C.; chmn. Mayor’s adv. com. for better housing. Mem. Winter Park Long Term Planning Bd., 1957-—. Mem. personnel com. and nat. council Boy Scouts Am., 1927-56; hon. trustee N.Y. Pub. Library; trustee, treas. Inst. Pub. Adminstrn., trustee Gramercy Park, N.Y.; trustee Valerie Home, Inc., 1916-—, treas., 1931-55. Recipient gold medal, Nat. Inst. Social Scis.; distinguished service N.Y.C.; medal New York Citizens Budget Commission; honorary Phi Beta Kappa. President Nat. medal, U. Chgo.; citation Sec. Treasury, Mayor of Municipal League, 1951-53. Clubs: University, Players, Century, Pilgrims; University: (Winter Park, Fla.). |
Bryan, Frederick Van Pelt | 1904-1978 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1979' (obituary list) A.B., Columbia, 1925, LL.B., 1928; married Denise Frances Farquharson, Apr. 4, 1945; children—Antonia Denise (Mrs. Woodfin Camp III), Neville Johanna Farquharson (Mrs. William H. Peltz). Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1929; asso. firm Spence, Hopkins & Walser, N.Y.C., 1928-33; asst. corp. counsel, City, N.Y., 1933-37, 1st asst. corp. counsel, 1938-42; mem. firm Saxe, Bacon, O’Shea & Bryan, N.Y.C., 1946-56; mem. State Commn. to Study Orgnl. Structure Govt. City N.Y., 1953-54; counsel Temporary Commn. Cts. of State N.Y., 1954-56; U.S. dist. judge So. Dist. N.Y., 1956-78, sr. judge, 1972-78. Republican candidate for Congress, 18th Congl. Dist. N.Y., 1946; chmn. N.Y. State Eisenhower Clubs, 1952. Bd. dirs. Child Care Center, 1940-69, Windham Child Care, 1969-78; trustee Columbia, 1961-76, trustee emeritus, 1976-78; trustee Brit. Am. Ednl. Found. Served with USAAF, 1942-45, col.; dep. chief staff 2d Air Div., 8th Air Force, col. Res. ret. Decorated Legion of Merit (U.S.); officer Order Brit. Empire (Gt. Britain); Croix de Guerre with palm (France). Fellow Am. Coll. Trial Lawyers; mem. Columbia U. Alumni Fedn. (pres. 1951-55), Am., N.Y. State bar assns., Assn. Bar City N.Y., Am. Judicature Soc. (dir. 1968-70), Inst. Jud. Adminstrn., Am. Law Inst., The Pilgrims, St. George’s Soc., Phi Delta Phi, Delta Upsilon. Presbyn. |
Bryce, Viscount James president |
1838-1922 |
Source(s): 1969 list (lists Viscount Bryce as president from 1915 to 1917); 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' In 1886 he was made under secretary for foreign affairs; in 1892 he joined the cabinet as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; in 1894 he was President of the Board of Trade, and acted as chairman of the royal commission on secondary education; and in Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's cabinet in 1905 he was made chief secretary for Ireland; but in February 1907 he was appointed British ambassador at Washington, D.C. (until 1913) and took leave of party politics, his last political act being a speech outlining what was then the government scheme for university reform in Dublin, a scheme which was promptly discarded by his successor Augustine Birrell. Wrote a few books including "The American Commonwealth" (1888). In 1897, after a visit to South Africa, he published a volume of Impressions of that country, which had considerable weight in Liberal circles when the Boer War was being discussed. Meanwhile his academic honours from home and foreign universities multiplied, and he became a fellow of the Royal Society in 1894. In earlier life he was a notable mountain-climber, ascending Mount Ararat in 1876, and publishing a volume on Transcaucasia and Ararat in 1877; in 1899-1901 he was president of the Alpine Club. He was ennobled in 1914, becoming 1st Viscount Bryce. Following the outbreak of the First World War, Lord Bryce was appointed by Herbert Asquith to report on alleged German atrocities in Belgium. The report was published in 1915, and was damning of German behavior; Lord Bryce's reputation in America was important in influencing American opinion toward Germany before their entry into the war. Bryce was acquainted with the Vanderbilts, and had detailed documents about the 1915 Armenian extermination by the Turks. (Some have argued in the past century that these local tension were exploited by certain British and French elements) |
Bristol, Lee Hastings, Jr. | 1923-1979 |
Source(s): 1974 list Son of Lee Hastings and Elizabeth (Wigton) B.; A.B., Hamilton Coll., 1947; postgrad. Grad. Inst. Internat. Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, U. Geneva, also Conservatoire de Musique, Geneva, 1947-48; L.T.C.L., Trinity Coll. Music, London, 1947; H.H.D., Los Angeles Conservatory, 1955; Litt.D., Webber Coll., 1957; Mus.D., Dickinson Coll., 1957; LL.D., Mo. Valley U., 1961, Findlay Coll., 1961; Mus.D., Combs Coll. Music, 1965; L.H.D., Hobart and William Smith Colls., 1965, Temple U., 1966; Ped. D., Ricker Coll., 1968; LL.D., Hamilton Coll., 1968; D.F.A., Westminster Choir Coll., 1969; married Louise Wells, May 20, 1950; children—Elizabeth, Henry Platt, Sara, Lee Hastings III. Asst. to pres. Bristol-Myers Co., N.Y.C., 1948-49, home research staff, dir. products div., 1951, asst. advt. mgr., 1951-52, advt. mgr., 1952-56, dir. pub. relations, 1957-62; stage mgr. TV prodn. dept. NBC, 1949-50; trainee Doherty, Clifford, Steers & Shenfield, Inc., advt., 1950-51; pres. Westminster Choir Coll., Princeton, N.J., 1962-69, pres. emeritus, 1976-79; vice chmn., exec. sec. Joint Commn. on Ch. Music of Episcopal Ch., 1969-73; Cathedral Colleague Cathedral St. John the Divine, N.Y.C., 1975; dir. Laymen’s Movement for a Christian World, Rye, N.Y., 1949-58, pres., 1954-55; mem. faculty Creative Problem-Solving Inst., State U. N.Y. at Buffalo, 1956-69; chmn. Greater N.Y. campaign Assn. for Help Retarded Children, N.Y.C., 1957-59, hon. chmn., 1959-60; co-chmn. nat. campaign Am. Nurses Found., 1960-61; hon. faculty U.S. Army Mgmt. Sch., Ft. Belvoir, Va., 1960-61; dir. Atlantic Corp., Newark, from 1961. Del. Gen. Conv. Episcopal Ch., 1973, 76. Mem. regional pub. relations adv. com. YMCA, 1959-61. Trustee, organist All Saints’ Ch., Bay Head, N.J., 1947-79, Creative Edn. Found., Buffalo, 1955-70; (pres. 1960-68); bd. dirs. N.Y. Philharmonic Symphony Orch., 1966-79; trustee Berkeley Div. Sch., New Haven, 1956-62, 65-70, Westminster Choir Coll., 1957-70, Miss Mason’s Sch., 1958-69, Princeton Pub. Library, 1960-61, Princeton Chamber Orch., 1964-66; bd. advisers Edward W. Root Art Center, Hamilton Coll., Clinton, N.Y., 1958-68, Bay Head, N.J. Chapel, 1963, Presser Found., 1969-72, 77-79, Diocese of N.J. Music Commn., 1969-76, Hamilton Coll., 1971-79, Union Theol. Sem., 1971-72, Pine Manor Jr. Coll., 1972, John Jay and Eliza Watson Found., 1969-79, Lillia Babbitt Hyde Found., 1970-79; council Royal Sch. Ch. Music, from 1972; v.p. Met. Opera Nat. Council, 1975-79. Recipient Outstanding Civilian Service award Dept. Army, 1962, Bishop of N.J. Medal of Honor, 1966, Partner in Edn. award Salem Coll., Man of the Year award Greater Princeton C. of C., 1969; decorated comdr. Order St. John of Jerusalem, 1973, Knight of Grace Order St. Lazarus, 1974. Fellow Royal Sch. Ch. Music, 1969. Fellow Hymn Soc. Am. (exec. com. 1948-79); mem. Am. Guild Organists (nat. council 1964-67), Am. Bible Soc. (trustee 1968-71), N.J. Hist. Soc. (trustee 1968-76), Pilgrims of U.S., Pub. Relations Soc. Am., Royal Coll. Organists, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Phi, Alpha Delta Sigma. Episcopalian (lay reader 1943-79, vice chmn. laymen’s work Province II, 1959-64). Clubs: Century Assn., University (N.Y.C.); Nassau (Princeton, N.J.); Bay Head (N.J.) Yacht; Manasquan River Golf (Brielle, N.J.); Bedens Brook (Skillman, N.J.). Author: Hymns for Children and Grown-ups, 1952; Seed for a Song, 1958; Developing the Corporate Image, 1960; More Power To You, 1975; The Big Picnic, 1975; Renewal from Within, 1977. Composer anthems, sacred music, collections of songs. Contbr. articles and music to profl. jours. |
Brittain III, Alfred | b. 1922 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power series: "... Pilgrim Society member Alfred Brittain III..."; Needs conformation. BA, Yale, 1945. Director Bankers Trust Company Director since 1966. Chairman of the board of Bankers Trust New York Corporation and Bankers Trust Company 1975-1987. Director Philip Morris Cos. Inc., Collins & Aikman Corp., Royal Group Inc. Member of the Audit, Compensation and Corporate Employee Investment Committees. Trustee of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Member Council on Foreign Relations. |
Brittain, Sir Harry Co-founder, secretary & chairman |
1873-1974 |
Source(s): 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire'; 1940, 1969, 1974 lists; Oxford Dictionary of National Biography; numerous newspaper articles; Who's Who UK Educated at Repton and Worcester College, Oxford, where he obtained a BA and an MA in law. Called to the Bar in 1897 but only practiced for a week before retiring from law in favour of business and journalism. Worked on the staff of both the Standard and the Evening Standard. Co-founded the Pilgrims Society in London and New York in 1902 and 1903, and became the first chairman of the UK Pilgrims. Secretary to Sir C. Arthur Pearson, owner of the Evening Standard. Worked with Pearson in the formation of the Tariff Reform League in 1903. The aims of the Commission were to examine and report on Chamberlains's fiscal proposals and their probable effects on British trade and industries. Director of numerous daily and weekly newspapers and other business concerns. Founded the Empire Press Union in 1909, which became the Commonwealth Press Union in 1950. Members of the CPU are newspapers of which there are currently over 700 from 50 Commonwealth countries in membership. These are represented by their proprietors, senior executives and editors. The Union's aim is to uphold the ideas and values of the Commonwealth and to promote, through the Press, understanding and goodwill among its members. British representative on the American Citizens Emergency Committee in 1914, serving on a special mission throughout the USA in 1915. Staff member of General Lloyd as captain of the London Volunteer Regiment, 1916, as Director of Intelligence National Service Department, and as the founder and chairman of the American officers club in London, 1917-1919. Member of the Executive Committee of the Economic League, a very secretive organization which was was set up in 1919 to fight Bolshevism and kept files on thousands of 'subversives' until it was wound up in 1994. In today's money, they spent millions of pounds every year working against the British left. After the war he was the originator and honourary life member of the Association of American Correspondents in London, 1919 and the president of the Anglo-American delegation to Holland for the celebration of the Pilgrim Fathers tercentenary, 1920. President of the British International Association of Journalists 1920-1922. Patron of the Society of Women Writers and Journalists from 1925, and was the originator and organiser of the first Imperial Press Conference, 1932. He was a member of the Anglo-American Brains Trust, 1942-1944 and was awarded the Silver Medal of Merit and Diploma by the Poor Richard Club of Philadelphia for his lifelong services to Anglo-American fellowship and understanding in 1958. Conservative MP for Acton 1918-1929. Member of the executive of the Empire Parliamentary Association from 1919 to 1929. Steered the Brittain Act for the protection of British birds through Parliament in 1925. Member of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association from 1929. Honorary president of Friends of Italy 1936-1939. Member of the central council of the Anglo-German Friendship Society (mirrored by the Deutsch-Englische Gesellschaft), together with Lord Walter Runciman (Pilgrims) and Lord McGowan (ICI; Pilgrims). The driving force behind this foundation, founded in 1935, was Ernest Tennant, a merchant banker and friend of the Nazis international PR man von Ribbentrop since 1932. The group soon gathered 50 members of the House of Commons and House of Lords, 3 Directors of the Bank of England and "many generals, admirals, bishops and bankers". Pilgrim Lord Lothian and the Pilgrim the 7th Marquess of Londonderry were among its council members. After the 1938 'Kristallnacht' 19 member resigned, including its president, Lord Mount Temple (Louis Mountbatten's father-in-law). On the other hand, 888 members did not withdraw. In 1939 a book called 'Tory MP': "At meetings of the Anglo German Fellowship leading Nazis advertise the merits of Germany's internal and foreign policy; the society recommends and advertises the writings of Nazi politicians; it shows Fascist films; it arranges a "German educationalist" to address teachers in this country; it arranges invitations for its members to attend the Nazi congress at Nuremberg." In 1936 Harry Brittain, Admiral Domville, Mount Temple and Sir Frank and Lady Newnes were "Ehrengaste" (guests of honour) at the Nuremberg Rally. The day before the official opening a reception was held to enable them to meet Hitler and his chief officials. Brittain was an executive member of the Anti-Socialist Union. Amongst his other honours, he was created KBE for public services in 1918, and CMG in 1924. He was a founder of the Commonwealth Press Union, organized the first Imperial Press Conferences, a Knight of the British Empire, and had a journalistic scholarship named after him in 1960. April 23, 1994, The Times, 'Lady Brittain; Obituary': "Muriel Brittain was the second wife of Sir Harry Brittain, a pioneer journalist and traveller, the founder of the Commonwealth Press Union (CPU) and The Pilgrims. Although she began her long association with the CPU as Brittain's private secretary, Lady Brittain went on, after his death in 1974, to become something of a surrogate figurehead for the organisation, being invited to their conferences all over the world." Carlton Club. Executive of the Anti-Socialist Union; Executive Committee, Economic League; Honorary President of the Friends of Italy; member, Anglo-German Friendship Society; Tory MP. |
Brooke-Hitching, Sir Thomas Henry | 1858-1926 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Sheriff of London, 1902–03; one of His Majesty’s Lieutenants for the City of London; ex-member London County Council; Common Councilman, and ex–Mayor of Marylebone Borough Council; one of the prime movers in the creation of separate municipalities for the Metropolis; contested Elland Division (Yorks), 1906. Orders: Coronation Silver Medal; Officer of the Legion of Honour, France; Officer of Leopold II, Belgium; Grand Cross of St Saba, Servia; Grand Cross Danillo, Montenegro. |
Bronk, Detlev W. | 1897-1975 |
Source(s): 1969 US list Son of Mitchell and Marie (Wulf) B.; A.B., Swarthmore Coll., 1920; postgrad. U. Pa., 1921; M.S., U. Mich., 1922, Ph.D., 1926; recipient over 55 hon. degrees from univs. and colls.; married Helen A. Ramsey, Sept. 10, 1921; children—John Everton Ramsey, Adrian, Mitchell Herbert. Mem. univ. faculties, 1921-49; pres. Johns Hopkins, 1949-53; pres. Rockefeller U., N.Y.C., 1953-68, pres. emeritus, 1968-75. Coordinator research Air Surgeons Office, Hdqrs. Army Air Forces, 1942-46, vice chmn. Nat. Adv. Com. Aeros., 1948-58. Held 12 endowed named lectureships, 1938-75; dir. Johnson Research Found., U. Pa., 1929-49; chmn. National Research Council [carries out important research for the government], 1946-50; pres. Nat. Acad. Scis., 1950-62; chmn. bd. NSF, 1956-64; mem. Pres.’s Sci. Adv. Com., 1956-63; cons.-at-large, 1963-75; chmn. Panel on Internat. Sci., 1957-63; vice chmn. N.Y. State Sci. and Tech. Found., 1965-68, chmn., 1968-75; pres. N.Y. Hall of Sci.; mem. Inter-Am. com. on sci. and tech. OAS, 1969-75; mem. N.Y. State Pub. Health Council, 1972-75. Trustee Atoms for Peace Awards, Renssalaer Poly. Inst. (chmn. bd. 1966-71), Tulane U., U. Pa., Bucknell U., Haifa U., Marine Biol. Lab., Johns Hopkins, Population Council, Protein Found., Rockefeller Bros. Fund, Sloan-Kettering Inst. Served as ensign U.S. Naval Aviation Corps, 1918-19. Decorated officer Order Brit. Empire; recipient award for exceptional civilian service, 1946, Longacre award Aero. Med. Assn., 1948, Priestley award Dickinson Coll., 1956; Gold medal Internat. Ben Franklin Soc., 1958; medal Soc. Promoting Internat. Sci. Relationships, 1959, Gold medal Holland Soc., 1961, George Washington award Hungarian-Am. Soc., 1962, Franklin medal Franklin Inst., 1962; Presdl. Medal of Freedom, 1964; Pub. Welfare medal Nat. Acad. Scis., 1964; Nat. Sci. medal, 1969; Lehman award N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1974. Fellow A.A.A.S. (pres. 1952); mem. or hon. mem. many Am., fgn. prof. socs. (sometime officer several). Baptist. Clubs: N.Y. Yacht, University, Century, Lotos (N.Y.C.); Rittenhouse (Phila.); Maryland (Balt.); Seal Harbour Yacht; Cosmos (Washington); Athenaeum (London, Eng.). Home: New York, N.Y. Alleged MJ12. |
Brown, Franklin Q. exec. committee |
1862-1955 |
Source(s): appears as a member of the executive committee on the 1942 Pilgrims of the United States officers list Listed in Who’s Who as a mystery individual listing no date or place of birth, no marriage, and no educational background. Involved with Redmond & Corporation. Director of American Beet Sugar Company, American Light & Traction Company, S.A.L. Railway Company, J.G. White Engineering Corporation, Lima Locomotive Works, M. & Salt Lake Railroad, Cuba Grapefruit Company, Central Westchester & Fairfield Realty Company, Excess Insurance Company, and Insurance Securities Company, National Surety Company, president of Dobbs Ferry Bank, president of Independent Chemical Company, United States Railroad Administration. |
Brown, Sir Raymond (Frederick) | 1920-1991 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK Joined Redifon as engineering apprentice, 1934; Sales Man., Communications Div., Plessey Ltd, 1949–50; formerly Chm., Man. Dir and Pres., Racal Electronics Ltd (Joint Founder, 1950), and subsidiary companies; Head of Defence Sales, MoD, 1966–69; Chm., Racecourse Technical Services, 1970–84; Dir, National Westminster Bank, Outer London Region, 1978–84. Consultant Adviser on commercial policy and exports to DHSS, 1969–72; Mem., BOTB Working Gp on Innovation and Exports, 1972–74; Adviser to NEDO, to promote export of equipment purchased by nationalised industries, 1976–. Pres., Electronic Engrg Assoc., 1975; Pres., Egham and Thorpe Royal Agricl and Hortl Assoc., 1977–79. Liveryman: Scriveners’ Co.; Scientific Instrument Makers’ Co. Governor, SE London Technical Coll., 1980–81. Hon. DSc Bath, 1980. Chairman, Muirhead plc, 1972–85 (Chief Executive and Managing Director, 1970–82); Executive Director, STC PLC (formerly Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd), 1985–90. |
Bruce, David Kirkpatrick Este vice-president |
1898-1977 |
Source(s): 1969 U.K. list, along with his brother; Pilgrims of the United States officers list (vice president in the 1970s); Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1978' (obituary list) Direct descendant of Robert (I) the Bruce (1274-1329), King Of Scotland, who accepted the Knights Templar in Scotland. One of the closest allies of the Bruce (at the time) were the St. Clairs, which have also been represented in the Pilgrims Society. The daughter of King Robert I married Walter Stuart (Stewart), and their son became Robert (de Bruce) II. Father was the late U.S. Senator William Cabell Bruce (Sr.) of Maryland. His older brother was James Cabell Bruce, a very important New York-area banker. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1898. Attended Princeton University, but went on to serve in the US Army 1917-1920. Spent one year at the University of Virginia Law School and the next year at the University of Maryland Law School. Admitted to the Maryland Bar. Practiced law in Baltimore 1921-1925. Member of the Maryland House of Delegates 1924-1926. Went to Rome as a vice consul in the Foreign Service 1925-1926. Worked at the State Department 1927-1928. W.A. Harriman & Co. during the late 1920s. Member of the Virginia House of Delegates 1939-1942. American Red Cross chief representative in Great Britain 1940. OSS agent stationed in London where he worked with the Vatican 1941-1945. Eventually became director of the European Theater of Operations of the OSS. U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce 1947-1948. Chief of the European Cooperation Administration to France 1948-1949. Ambassador to France 1949-1952. Under Secretary of State 1952-1953. Special United States Observer at the Interim Committee of the European Defense Community 1953-1954. Also Special American Representative to the European High Authority for Coal and Steel 1953-1954. Ambassador to Germany 1957-1959. Ambassador to Great Britain 1961-1969. Husband of Paul Mellon's sister (richest woman in America at the time). Their daughter disappeared in 1967. Chief of the United States delegation to the Paris Peace Conference on Vietnam 1970-1971. Identified as a vice president of the Pilgrims Society in 1972, alongside John Hay Whitney. Ambassador to China 1973-1974. Presidential Medal of Freedom 1976. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and has visited Bilderberg. Episcopalian. |
Bruce, James Cabell | 1892-1980 |
Source(s): 1969 U.K. list Direct descendant of Robert (I) the Bruce (1274-1329), King Of Scotland, who accepted the Knights Templar in Scotland. One of the closest allies of the Bruce (at the time) were the St. Clairs, which have also been represented in the Pilgrims Society. The daughter of King Robert I married Walter Stuart (Stewart), and their son became Robert (de Bruce) II. Father was the late U.S. Senator William Cabell Bruce of Maryland. His brother was David K.E. Bruce. Graduated from Princeton University in 1914, after working in Woodrow Wilson's campaign for Governor of New Jersey. Received his law degree from the University of Maryland in 1916. Joined the staff of the International Banking Corporation in London, where he was employed when World War I began. Rose from private to major in the US Army, and served as a military aide to President Wilson at the Treaty of Versailles negotiations in 1919. Vice president of the Exchange Bank from 1921 to 1926 and vice president of the International Acceptance Bank in 1926-1927. In 1927, he was elected to the board of directors of the Commercial Credit Company of Baltimore, and a vice president of the National Park Bank of New York. Vice president of Chase National Bank from 1927-1931. From 1949 to 1950, he was the first director of the Mutual Assistance Program, the forerunner of NATO, and was ambassador to Argentina from 1947-1949. In 1931, James C. Bruce left Chase to return to the Baltimore Trust Company as its president. In 1932, Bruce was a director of the Commercial Credit Company of Baltimore. In 1933, he was president of the Baltimore Trust Company, and chairman of the board of the United Puerto Rican Sugar Company. The former president of the Davison Chemical Company, C. Wilbur Miller, filed suit against James C. Bruce, Albert H. Wiggin (Pilgrims) of the Chase National Bank, and others, alleging that they conspired to wreck his company because he refused to merge it with Rio Tinto Ltd. of England (New York Times, Jun. 28, 1933.), a company associated with the Rothschilds. One of the defendants in sixteen lawsuits alleging negligence by twenty-three officers and directors of the defunct Baltimore Trust, and settled his liability for $50,000 (1936). Became a vice president of the National Dairy Products Corporation in 1935-1947. In 1946, Bruce was vice chairman of the United Hospital Fund. US Envoy to Argentina in 1947-1950. Rejoined Dairy Products Corporation in 1950. Director of General American Investors, American Airlines, Avco Manufacturing Company, Chemical Bank, Chemical Corn Exchange Bank, Niagara Fire Insurance Company, Continental Insurance of the America Fore Group, Hanover Bank, Fruehauf Trailer Company, Commercial Credit Company, Grayson-Robinson Stores Inc., National Dairy Products Company and the Republic Steel Company, and Revlon. Co-chairman of the Business Men's Committee for Stevenson in 1956. Attended a 1960 dinner at the River Club of presidential candidate John F. Kennedy. |
Bruce-Porter, Sir Bruce | 1869-1948 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Hon. Certificate Surgery, Prox. Accessit, 1892–93; Hon. Mention Military Medicine and Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Army Medical School, Netley, 1893; late Military Member Council of Territorial Force Association, London; Col AMS (Territorial), retired, late commanding 3rd London General Hospital, 40 British General Hospital, Mesopotamia (despatches, CMG); Past President Hunterian Society; Vice-President Shaftesbury Society and Ragged School Union; late Physician King Edward VII’s Hospital for Officers; was member of Home Office Committee to inquire into existing Acts for treatment of Inebriates to suggest amendments; late Surg.-Capt. Army Medical Staff, etc.; Hon. member Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers. Knight of Grace and Member of Chapter General of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, England; DL County of London. |
Brzezinski, Zbigniew | b. 1928 |
Source(s): Confirmed by Jill Spiller, secretary of the US Pilgrims, in a telephone conversation on August 9, 2011 (reportedly Brzezinski changed his name at that point, but he was still a member). Brzezinski seems to have been a member for at least 10-20 years. Born in Poland in 1928. MA in Political Science of McGill University in 1950. PhD from Harvard University in 1953. Institute government and research fellow of the Russian Research Center at Harvard University 1953-1956. Guest lecturer at numerous private and government institutions since 1953. Participant in many international conferences since 1955. Assistant professor of government and research associate Russian Research Center and Center International Affairs at Harvard University 1956-1960. Associate professor of public law and government at Columbia University 1960-1962. Member of the faculty of the Russian Institute 1960-1977. Member of the Joint Committee on Contemporary China at the Social Science Research Council 1961-1962. Director of Research Institute of International Change 1962-1977. 1991 version, (1979 original) Deborah Davis, 'Katherine the Great', p. 177: "Without asking Katherine [owner of the Washington Post], [President] Kennedy appointed John Hayes, still the [Washington] Post Company's vice president for radio and television, to a secret CIA task force to explore methods of beaming American propaganda broadcasts to Communist China. The other members of the team were Richard Salant, president of CBS News; Zbigniew Brzezinski, a professor at Columbia University who had been on the agency [CIA] payroll for several years; Cord Meyer of the CIA [and Operation MOCKINGBIRD]; McGeorge Bundy, special assistant to the president for national security; Leonard Marks, director of the USIA; Bill Moyers, who went on to become a distinquished and highly independent journalist for CBS and then for PBS; and Paul Henze, the CIA chief of station in Ethiopia who had established secret communications capabilities there and who later worked on African problems for Brzezinski in the Carter White House." Member of the Policy Planning Council of the Department of State from 1966 to 1968. Always been very anti-communist. Columnist of Newsweek 1970-1972. Director of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1972 to 1977. Set up the Trilateral Commission at the request of David Rockefeller in 1973. Director of the Trilateral Commission 1973-1976. February 21, 1977, U.S. News & World Report, '"Trilateralists" at Top - New Foreign-Policy Elite': "Active or former members of the Trilateral Commission now head every key agency involved in mapping U.S. strategy for dealing with the rest of the world. The list includes President Carter at the White House, Cyrus Vance at State, Harold Brown at Defense and W. Michael Blumenthal at Treasury. Altogether, 16 high posts in the Administration are held by men and women associated with that organization. Some see this concentration of power as a conspiracy at work. On the left, the U.S. Labor Party alleges the Trilateral Commission was engineered by multinational companies in order to dominate American foreign policy. On the right, the John Birch Society suspects Trilateralists of being radical infiltrators of the Government. What is the Trilateral Commission? Who is behind it - and what does it do? Its name stems from the fact that its members represent countries in the three-sided Western Alliance - the U.S., Western Europe and Japan. Alliance strength. The commission was formed four years ago - in 1973 - by David Rockefeller, chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, with the help of Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Columbia University specialist on international relations. Rockefeller's motivation was his concern over a growing crisis within the Western Alliance. He and his collaborators felt that then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was pursuing a dangerous policy by stressing U.S. relations with its adversaries - Russia and China -to the neglect of relations with Japan and America's Allies in Western Europe. Rockefeller's aim was to reinforce Alliance unity through the commission and its roughly 200 members. These handpicked individuals came from business, academic and media groups. Brzezinski took a leave from Columbia to serve as director of the organization. He became the driving force behind the commission - "both the wind and the helmsman," in the words of one observer. Since its founding, the commission has met about once a year to discuss international issues. Scholars have been employed to write technical studies. Key invitation. In short, the organization is basically a floating seminar and research group like many others on the international scene. But there is one crucial difference: The founders, anxious to have a liberal Southerner in their ranks, invited Jimmy Carter, then the Governor of Georgia, to join. For Carter, it marked the beginning of his education in international affairs, providing him with what he called "a splendid learning opportunity" - partly under Brzezinski's tutelage. Carter's election to the Presidency and his appointment of 15 fellow members to key Administration jobs put the Trilateral Commission on the map." February 4, 1977, Washington Post, 'Brzezinski, the Power and the Glory': "In a book titled "Between Two Ages," he recommended closer ties between businesses and governments of the U.S., Western Europe and Japan, an idea that burgeoned into the founding of the Trilateral Commission. It was of the Trilateral Commission, financed by David Rockefeller, that Brzezinski first met Jimmy Carter." National Security Advisor to Carter 1977-1981. January 15-21, 1998, Le Nouvel Observateur, Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski: "According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention... That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter. We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire... Nonsense [that Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace]! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn't a global Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in common among Saudi Arabian fundamentalism, moderate Morocco, Pakistan militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing more than what unites the Christian countries." Cercle members William Casey and Turki Al-Faisal would step up the funding of the Afghan resistance in the early 1980s under Reagan. Advisor to Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. Professor of public law and government at Columbia University 1981-1989. According to Nexus Magazine, the following statement was made more than 25 years ago in a book which Brzezinski wrote while a professor at Columbia University: "Political strategists are tempted to exploit research on the brain and human behaviour. Geophysicist Gordon J. F. MacDonald [JASON scholar] -specialist in problems of warfare-says accurately-timed, artificially-excited electronic strokes 'could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the Earth... In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period..." Trustee and counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) since 1981. Co-chair of the CSIS Advisory Board (located at the Jesuit Georgetown University, from which Brzezinski holds honorary degrees). Member of the President's Chemical Warfare Commission in 1985. Member of the NSC's Defense Department Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy 1987-1988. Member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 1987-1989. Co-chairman of the Bush National Security Advisory Task Force in 1988. In 1991, identified as a member of the advisory council of Americares (former honorary chair), together with Cercle member general Richard Stilwell. J. Peter Grace is chair of the advisory council and it counts heavy involvement of the Bushes and SMOM. August 11, 1991, Hartford Courant, 'Americares' success hailed, criticized charity uses clout and connections...': "Other international relief agencies marvel at AmeriCares' ability to cut red tape, navigate complex international protocol, perform in the public spotlight and simultaneously claim some of the lowest administrative expenses among groups of its kind... Much of AmeriCares' success comes from its ability to harness three potent forces: powerful political connections, alliances with influential religious figures and groups and cooperative ventures with businesses... Knowledgeable former federal officials, many with backgrounds in intelligence work, help AmeriCares maneuver in delicate international political environments. Its connections with the Roman Catholic Church have brought AmeriCares an influential ally in the Knights of Malta, a Catholic group that helps deliver relief supplies. And its ventures with pharmaceutical companies have filled AmeriCares' warehouses with donated supplies... n the international relief community, where there is an expectation that groups will operate altruistically and free of political motives, some complain about the way AmeriCares aggressively seeks media coverage and appears to design its missions to benefit conservative political causes... Photographs on the office's forest-green walls show [Robert C.] Macauley [wealthy; founder and chairman of AmeriCares] with former President Reagan, Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa... Macauley's friendship with [George W.] Bush dates back to childhood... Bush's son, Jeb, and the president's grandson, George P. Bush, went with AmeriCares to Armenia in 1988 to help survivors of a devastating earthquake... The president's brother, Prescott S. Bush Jr. of Greenwich, is a member of AmeriCares' advisory board... The chairman of the advisory committee is J. Peter Grace Jr... Retired Army Gen. Richard G. Stilwell, former deputy undersecretary of defense in charge of intelligence under Reagan, is also on the advisory committee. Another member is William E. Simon... Simon was also president of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund, a now defunct private group formed by the Washington Times newspaper to send aid to the contras. (The Washington Times is owned by a group that includes officials of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church.) Gordon J. Humphrey, a retired Republican senator from New Hampshire who was a member of the Senate foreign relations committee, is also on the committee. And Zbigniew Brzezinski, the conservative former national security adviser for President Carter, is honorary chairman of the AmeriCares board of directors."... "Personally I have some questions about the way they focus," said one longtime worker in international aid. "They're connected into the American Republican power elite. You might say they work in areas where there is a large anti-communist benefit."... criticism has come from writers who contend that AmeriCares made shipments of aid to the contras in Nicaragua... Among the aid AmeriCares sent to Nicaragua in 1985 was newsprint for La Prensa, the anti-Sandinista newspaper... A review of AmeriCares' well publicized airlift missions shows that the organization sends aid rapidly and frequently to "hot spots" of public attention, places where disaster aid from America might reflect favorably on the U.S. government... In 1988, AmeriCares sent a series of airlifts to Armenia in the Soviet Union to help survivors of an earthquake. "That did more for the image of the United States than anything in recent history," Macauley said... In the early 1970s, at a time when his interest in international aid was beginning to coalesce into AmeriCares, Macauley heard about a Catholic priest named Bruce Ritter who was struggling to help runaway children on the streets of New York City... The alliance between Macauley and Ritter led to an audience with Pope John Paul II in Rome in 1982. (Ritter left Covenant House in February 1990 after accusations of sexual misconduct with some male runaways he was helping). The meeting with the pope gave life to AmeriCares. Although Macauley started AmeriCares in 1979, the organization did not go on its first relief mission until 1982, when the pope asked Macauley to send aid to his native Poland. AmeriCares' contacts with important Catholic figures brought it a valuable ally in the Knights of Malta, a Catholic organization that has helped distribute AmeriCares supplies. The Knights of Malta, formally known as the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Hospitallers of St. John and Jerusalem, is a worldwide Catholic charity founded in the 11th century to care for soldiers in the Crusades. Today, the group is based in Rome. J. Peter Grace, a member of AmeriCares' advisory board, is president of the American chapter of the Knights of Malta, based in New York City. William Simon, another AmeriCares advisory committee member, is also a member... The Knights of Malta make AmeriCares' job easier because of its worldwide network of volunteers, said Johnson, the president of AmeriCares. Members of the group, many of whom are independently wealthy, can be trusted to deliver the aid to its intended destination and do so more efficiently than AmeriCares, he said. "By using the Knights, there's very little opportunity for diversion," Johnson said. "They've all made their fortunes. Now they're interested in charity."... Because almost 50 countries afford the Knights of Malta the same status as a sovereign nation, they are often exempt from fees for border crossings and can pass customs inspections more easily. "The host country will generally waive inspection and duty," said Thomas L. Sheer, executive director of the American chapter of the Knights of Malta and an assistant to J. Peter Grace. "We can use that diplomatic status to move right through customs and to not pay customs fees. We can exploit that, particularly within a time of crisis."... Despite his ties to the Roman Catholic Church, Macauley is not Catholic, although he describes himself as a religious man. "They say I'm a right-wing Catholic conservative," Macauley said. "I'm not a Catholic, even though I go to Mass almost every day. I'm a very devout Protestant, I guess you'd call it." AmeriCares also receives small donations from Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. AmeriCares has kept the commitment to Poland it began at the behest of the pope. "We go to Poland every week, either by ship or by plane," Macauley said. Between 1982 and this March, AmeriCares sent $94 million in aid to Poland, almost a quarter of all the aid it has dispensed. When the pope called on Macauley to help Poland, Macauley turned to corporate America for help... To get donations for Poland, he and some colleagues sat down with lists of the boards of directors from the nation's largest pharmaceutical companies. Among them, the group found, they knew at least one person on every board." Co-founder and co-chairman of the Afghanistan Foundation in 1996 (renamed to Afghanistan-America Foundation after 9/11). 1998-2001, The Afghanistan Foundation, 'What is the Afghanistan Foundation?': "The Afghanistan Foundation is a 501c(3) non-profit, non-partisan, independent organization located in Washington, D.C., a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol building. It was founded in May 1996 and was incorporated in the District of Columbia in October 1996 by former U.S Congressman Don Ritter (R-PA, 1979-1993) along with committed Afghan and American leaders. Congressman Ritter currently serves as Chairman and President of the Afghanistan Foundation. As one of the leading Congressional proponents of U.S. assistance to the people of Afghanistan, and founder of the Congressional Task Force on Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation, Congressman Ritter played and continues to play a major role in moving U.S. policy toward a higher level of positive and practical involvement in the Afghanistan issue. ... The Foundation is honored to have as its National Honorary Co-Chairman two former White House National Security Advisors, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Gen. Brent Scowcroft. Also closely advising and working with the Foundation are Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad, RAND Corp., Dr. Tom Gouttierre, Director of the Center for Afghanistan Studies, University of Nebraska, Omaha, and Vice-President of the Afghanistan Foundation." August 21, 1998, Afghanistan Foundation, press release, p. 2: "The recent U.S. cruise missile strikes against suspected terrorist training camps in Afghanistan have highlighted that nation and its impact on the United States and its citizens. ... Ritter and the Foundation believe that since the withdrawal of Soviet forces, U.S. engagement in Afghanistan has declined and a tremendous vacuum was left in the region at great peril to American interests and objectives in the region. "The time is now ripe for the U.S. to reestablish its own capacity in the region and to re-devote, increase, and elevate our policy," said Ritter. ... The Afghanistan Foundation believes that U.S. National interests, including terrorism, narcotics trafficking and religious ferment in the region, plus the enormous opportunities for energy development make it necessary for the United States to aggressively work for a stable, independent and peaceful Afghanistan, encompassing the values we shared when we fought together to end the Cold War. The Afghanistan Foundation believes that it is a mistake to associate all Afghans with the acts of a few who are basically not Afghans. Ritter stated "The Bin Laden camp is akin to a foreign country inside Afghanistan and we understand he has his own financing and that his trainees come from a variety of countries with extremist movements from all over the world. He operates quite independently of Afghans." Ritter emphasized that "The target of these missile attacks was not Afghans, but rather, nationals of other countries who happen to reside inside Afghanistan."" Wrote a book titled 'The Grand Chessboard' in 1997, which describes a kind of upcoming 'Clash of Civilizations' (Samuel Huntington) and how the should isolate China and Russia from the mineral reserves of the Middle-East. Some of his main points were: 1) "About 75 per cent of the world's
people live in Eurasia, and most of the world's physical wealth
is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil.
Eurasia accounts for 60 per cent of the world's GNP and about three-fourths
of the world's known energy resources." Governor of the intelligence-linked Smith Richardson Foundation (since at least the 1990s), together with Douglas J. Basharov (Georgetown University; scholar American Enterprise Institute; first director of the U.S. National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect 1975-1979), Christopher DeMuth (president American Enterprise Institute and revived it), Fred Ikle (Under-Secretary of Defense under Reagan, close to covert operations; CSIS; IISS; Cercle), Gen. Edward C. Meyer (former Chief of Staff U.S. Army), Samuel Huntington, Donald Rumsfeld (board member Smith Richardson Foundation until at least 1998; at Jamestown Foundation, also with Brzezinski; politician under Nixon, Reagan, and George H. W. Bush; Ambassador to NATO; President G. D. Searle; CEO General Instrument; chair Gilead Sciences, where George Shultz and Etienne Davignon could also be found; Secretary of Defense under George W. Bush), Michel Oksenberg (travelled to China as NSC member with Cyrus Vance in 1977 and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1978; major U.S.-China policy advisor to every president since Carter), L. Richardson Preyer (Vick Chemical Company, founded by his grandfather; Banker; long-time Democrat Congressman; member House Select Committee on Assassinations), Lunsford Richardson (Another grandson of the founder of the Vick Chemical Company), Isabel V. Sawhill (senior fellow and vice president at Brookings; the Cabot Family chair), Ben J. Wattenberg (important during the election campaign of Nixon; served on various committees under Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr.; PBS host; senior fellow American Enterprise Institute), Martin Feldstein (studied at Oxford; George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard; Bilderberg; Trilateral Commission; Group of 30; director National Committee on United States-China Relations), Roderick MacFarquhar (Born in Pakistan; RIIA fellow; British MP; Harvard Professor; China specialist), Dr. Edward F. Zigler (Yale psychology professor emeritus; founder Zigler Center in Child Development and Social Policy), Jane Preyer (South-East director of the Environmental Defense Fund since 1997; exec Biofuels Center of North Carolina; former member, NC Legislative Commission on Global Climate Change; environmetalist author), James Woolsey (Oxford Rhodes Scholar; founder and president of Yale Citizens for Eugene McCarthy for President (who was anti-Vietnam war); CIA director 1993-1995, but had virtually no relationship with President Clinton and supposedly Woolsey was the only neocon allowed intp the administration; Neocon Democrat; great promotor of Global Warming theories; advisor Washington Institute for Near East Policy; advisor Institute for the Analysis of Global Security; member Set America Free Coalition; Senior Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton for Global Strategic Security; Patron Henry Jackson Society; chair Freedom House; member PNAC; Within a day after 9/11 Woolsey suggested Iraq might be a financier of bin Laden's operations). Former member of the National Advisory Council of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, together with Jeane Kirkpatrick, Jack Kemp, Senator Claiborne Pell, Senator Bob Dole, Richard Pipes, and Cercle member Edwin Feulner, Jr. Brian Crozier, former Cercle head, sits on the International Advisory Council of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. Still a significant influence in Washington today and generally respected by both neoconservatives and liberals. Appointed chairman of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy Advisory Board in 2005 (where he followed up Frank Carlucci) and a member of RAND's President's Circle. Anno 2006, a member of the advisory committee of the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC), which is advocating against Russian intervention in Chechnya (used to be co-chair). Other members of the advisory board include neocons Frank Gaffney, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., William Kristol (PNAC), Robert McFarlane, Richard Perle (friend of Cercle chair Brian Crozier), Richard Pipes (associate of Brian Crozier in the Reagan years), Caspar Weinberger, and James Woolsey. Director Polish-American Enterprise Fund and Polish-American Freedom Foundation. Trustee of Freedom House when under the chairmanship of James Woolsey. Freedom House lists USAID, US Information Agency, Soros Foundations and the National Endowment for Democracy, among its financial backers. September 9, 2004, ACPC member Richard Pipes in a New York Times article called 'Give the Chechens a land of their own': "A clever arrangement secured by the Russian security chief, Gen. Alexander Lebed, in 1996 granted the Chechens de facto sovereignty while officially they remained Russian citizens. Peace ensued. It was broken by several terrorist attacks on Russian soil, which the authorities blamed on the Chechens (although many skeptics attributed them to Russian security agencies eager to create a pretext to bring Chechnya back into the fold)... This history makes clear how the events in Russia differ from 9/11. The attacks on New York and the Pentagon were unprovoked and had no specific objective. Rather, they were part of a general assault of Islamic extremists bent on destroying non-Islamic civilizations. As such, America's war with Al Qaeda is non-negotiable. But the Chechens do not seek to destroy Russia - thus there is always an opportunity for compromise... Russia, the largest country on earth, can surely afford to let go of a tiny colonial dependency, and ought to do so without delay." Brzezinski is a critic of the Israel Lobby. Mark Brzezinski, Zbigniew's son, was accused of undermining Ukrainian elections in 2004 (together with the NDI, Eurasia Society, and George Soros). Soros has been accused of doing the same in Georgia and Russia, and having caused the financial instability in Asia in 1997. March 27, 2008, 24.kg News Agency (Kyrgystan), 'Zbigniew Brzezinski: Revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan was a sincere and snap expression of political will': ""I believe revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan was a sincere and snap expression of the political will," Zbigniew Brzezinski a world-known political expert said in an interview with Georgian Times. "However, it does not mean that democracy will start blooming in these countries at once. But people have, more or less, expressed their will," the expert said when asked about efficiency of the color revolutions in the Post-Soviet states." November 17, 2008, Chatham House speech of Zbigniew Brzezinski: "I'm also delighted to speak under the sponsorship of the Whitehead lecture series. John Whitehead, whom I've been priviliged to know for many years, I'll not talk about length, but suffice it to say that he was in my judgment the best Deputy Secretary of State the United States has ever had and he should have been Secretary of State. ... It's still nonetheless a fact, a sad fact, that the cumulative effects of national and financial self-indulge, of an unnecessary war of our own choice, and of ethical transgressions, have cumutively discredited that leadership. ... For the first time in human history, for the first time in all of human history, almost all of mankind is politically conscious and interactive. ... We are living in a time of the basic shift-away of the 500 years long global domination by the Atlantic powers. ... That shift is now taking us towards Asia. It is not the end of the preeminance of the Atlantic world, but it is now the surfacing of the Pacific region and most notably Japan, the no. 2 economic power, and China. ... And it is also complicated by the reappearance of Russia, which is something to be welcomed. ... Russia, which is still restless, [is] rather unclear about its own definition. Very undefinite about its recent past, and very insecure about its place in the world. And these new and old major powers face yet another novel reality - in some respects unprecedented. And it is that while the lethality of their power is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historical low. I once put it rather pungently, and I was flattered that the British Foreign Secretary repeated this, as follows. Namely, in earlier times it was easier to control a million people than to physically kill a million people. Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It's easier to kill than to control." Robert M. Gates replaced the neocon Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who had been pushing for war with Irak, in 2006. April 30, 2009, Time, 'Robert Gates': "Robert Gates was President George W. Bush's surprising choice as Secretary of Defense. When he accepted that onerous appointment — in the midst of a painful war and two years before the end of the President's term in office — he simply stated that he felt it was his duty to serve. Having known him for some 30 years, I know this statement was sincere. Gates, above all, is a patriot. But he happens to be also a very intelligent patriot, and that is truly reassuring. During his confirmation hearings before the Senate, Gates, 64, acknowledged the important role of Congress in any decision to initiate a new war. That earned him widespread bipartisan respect — and a wartime Secretary of Defense needs such support, particularly when the war is so unpopular. Gates' professional career has focused predominantly on national security issues. He served on the National Security Council (NSC) staff under Brent Scowcroft during the Ford presidency. He then became my special assistant when I was in charge of the NSC under President Jimmy Carter. He was the first person I would see every morning and usually the last one in the evening. I came to value highly his grasp of foreign affairs and his political judgment. His meteoric rise continued at the CIA, where he eventually became director under President George H.W. Bush. Cool, calm and collected, this is a man who would never be rattled by a sudden 3 a.m. phone call." Gates stayed on during the Obama administration. According to John Judge, Zbigniew was involved in the Jonestown cover-up by given the order to strip the bodies of all victims of identification. The bodies were slowly retrieved, mostly after decomposition had made it impossible to identify them. Zbigniew's order was given to Haig, who passed it on to Robert Pastor, who passed it on to Col. Gordon Sumner. ON DETENTE: March 26, 1979, BBC Summary of World Broadcasts (Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union in English 1015 gmt 23 Mar), ''Pravda' on Brzezinski's "Dangerous Programme of Confrontation"': ""The 'tough' public speeches made by Mr Zbigniew Brzezinski against detente are not an adornment to American oratorical art. They do not benefit US foreign policy either", Sergey Vishnevskiy writes in the newspaper 'Pravda' today. Commenting on the interview given by the Assistant to the US President for National Security Affairs to the '15 NATO countries' journal [SU/6069/A1/1]. "Brzezinski fancies he sees the hand of the Reds everywhere", the author writes. "The Russians, he says, are characterized by the constant desire to use the opportunities that avail themselves and to create instability in the world. And this, he says, can spur on would-be East-West antagonisms. Really, the old line again . . . " [Tass ellipsis] This is the same well-known confrontation conception. ... The question is: and where is the process of detente, this dominant tendency of international life? Detente for Brzezinski is only a hindrance, Sergey Vishnevskiy points out." January 5, 1979, BBC Summary of World Broadcasts (Czechoslovak Press Agency in English 0930 gmt 3 Jan 79), 'In Brief; CPCz paper on Brzezinski and detente': "'Rude Pravo' of 3rd January notes a report that the USA is to build two military bases in Luxembourg. This shows, it says, how sincere the US military-industrial complex is about detente. Zbigniew Brzezinski recently said that the USA was committed to the creation of a world in which there would be more co-operation and justice, but the two new bases in Luxembourg are facts, the paper goes on. The Pentagon has received 10,000 million dollars more than was originally provided in the military budget. Most of the new dangerous arms are located in West Europe, where there has always been a large concentration of military forces. In 1978, the number of troops and combat equipment in the FRG was further increased with the clear aim of changing the balance of military forces in an area which is very important for international stability. Brzezinski talked about the balance of forces as of a factor of stability, 'Rude Pravo' says, and adds that this balance exists, but many people in Washington are evidently losing sleep because of it." October 24, 1979, BBC Summary of World Broadcasts (Hungarian television 1800 gmt 21 Oct 79), 'Zbigniew Brzezinski Interviewed on Prospects for SALT-2': "[Brzezinski:] "In my opinion it is important to widen contacts between the United States and the Soviet Union. I feel SALT-2 provides the basis for much more specific contacts in what is potentially the most dangerous field of relations between the two countries. Namely, nuclear weapons. I have no illusions that SALT-2 will end the political and military race between the United States and the Soviet Union. But SALT-2 lends greater stability and more secure foresight in military fields. With greater stability and foresight we may attempt to widen co-operation in other areas also. I strongly believe that Soviet-American detente must be comprehensive and mutual. This is why I believe SALT-2 is a useful starting-point for extending widening and preservation co-operation. ... I do not believe foreign policy is based on trust. Foreign policy is based on one's own interests and the given abilities. For instance, in the case of SALT there is an American interest, that there should be a SALT and I assume that this is also the interest of the Soviet Union. This is why we could make an agreement. Simultaneously, I believe the United States should ahve the ability to pursue an effective foreign policy and to maintain its national security. To this end we must I believe carry out certain things which we are now doing in the military field."" July 12, 2012, The Guardian, 'The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking?': "The most quoted of the opposition spokespeople are the official representatives of the Syrian National Council. The SNC is not the only Syrian opposition group – but it is generally recognised as "the main opposition coalition" (BBC). The Washington Times describes it as "an umbrella group of rival factions based outside Syria". Certainly the SNC is the opposition group that's had the closest dealings with western powers – and has called for foreign intervention from the early stages of the uprising. In February of this year, at the opening of the Friends of Syria summit in Tunisia, William Hague declared: "I will meet leaders of the Syrian National Council in a few minutes' time … We, in common with other nations, will now treat them and recognise them as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people." The most senior of the SNC's official spokespeople is the Paris-based Syrian academic Bassma Kodmani. Kodmani is a member of the executive bureau and head of foreign affairs, Syrian National Council. Kodmani is close to the centre of the SNC power structure, and one of the council's most vocal spokespeople. This year was Kodmani's second Bilderberg. At the 2008 conference, Kodmani was listed as French; by 2012, her Frenchness had fallen away and she was listed simply as "international" – her homeland had become the world of international relations. Back a few years, in 2005, Kodmani was working for the Ford Foundation in Cairo, where she was director of their governance and international co-operation programme. Around this time, in February 2005, US-Syrian relations collapsed, and President Bush recalled his ambassador from Damascus. A lot of opposition projects date from this period. "The US money for Syrian opposition figures began flowing under President George W Bush after he effectively froze political ties with Damascus in 2005," says the Washington Post. In September 2005, Kodmani was made the executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) – a research programme initiated by the powerful US lobby group, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). ... More specifically, the ARI was initiated by a group within the CFR called the "US/Middle East Project" – a body of senior diplomats, intelligence officers and financiers, the stated aim of which is to undertake regional "policy analysis" in order "to prevent conflict and promote stability". The US/Middle East Project pursues these goals under the guidance of an international board chaired by General (Ret.) Brent Scowcroft. ... Sitting alongside Scowcroft of the international board is his fellow geo-strategist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who succeeded him as the national security adviser, and Peter Sutherland ... Earlier in 2005, the CFR assigned "financial oversight" of the project to the Centre for European Reform (CER). In come the British. The CER is overseen by Lord Kerr ... Another name on the list: George Soros – the financier whose non-profit "Open Society Foundations" is a primary funding source of the ECFR." Thomas Pickering, Paul Volcker, Peter Sutherland and Lee Hamilton also sit on the advisory board of the U.S. Middle-East Project, inc. AMERICAN ABROAD MEDIA America Abroad Media website, advisory board (accessed Dec. 13, 2002): " Advisory Board: ... Samuel Berger; Zbigniew Brzezinski; Robert M. Gates; David Gergen: Chuck Hagel; Lee Hamilton; Carla Hills; ... Samuel Huntington; John Kerry; Jeane Kirkpatrick; ... Robert McNamara; ... Brent Scowcroft; ... Strobe Talbott; James Woolsey; Philip Zelikow." America Abroad Media website, advisory board (accessed Oct. 28, 2004) (same names as above, but with the following added: " The Advisory Board of America Abroad Media includes: William H. Draper, III ... Richard Haass ... Lee Hamilton ... Thomas Pickering ... Felix Rohatyn." America Abroad Media website, advisory board (accessed Oct. 25, 2012) (same names as earlier, except Hills, Kirkpatrick, Huntington, McNamara, but with the following added): "Advisory Board: ... David Abshire; ... Madeleine K. Albright; Hunsang Ansary; ... Richard L. Armitage; Norman R. Augustine; ... Michael Chertoff; ... Paula J. Dobriansky; ... Bruce Gelb; Leslie H. Gelb; ... Martin Indyk; ... Thomas F. McLarty III; ... John C. Whitehead." AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR PEACE IN THE CAUCASUS: American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus website (previously: Chechnya) (accessed April 12, 2001): "Morton Abramowitz. Elliott Abrams. Kenneth Adelman. Bulent Ali-Reza. Richard V. Allen. Audrey L. Alstadt. Vadim Altskan. Antonio L. Betancourt. John Bolsteins. John Brademas. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Richard Burt. John Calabrese. Eric Chenoweth. Walter C. Clemens. Eliot Cohen. Nicholas Daniloff. Ruth Daniloff. Midge Decter. James S. Denton. Larry Diamond. Paula Dobriansky. Thomas R. Donahue. Robert Dujarric. John Dunlop. Charles Fairbanks. Sandra Feldman. Geraldine A. Ferraro. Catherine A. Fitzpatrick. Erwin Friedlander. Frank Gaffney. Charles Gati. William W. Geimer. Richard Gere. Douglas Ginsburg. Paul Goble. Marshall I. Goldman. Orlando Gutierrez. Barbara Haig. Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Robert P. Hanrahan. Paul B. Henze. Eleanor Herman. Peter J. Hickman. Norman Hill. Irving Louis Horowitz. Glen E. Howard. Bruce P. Jackson. Robert Kagan. Max M. Kampelman. Thomas Kean. Mati Koiva. Guler Koknar. Harry Kopp. William Kristol. Janis Kukainis. Saulius V. Kuprys. Kenneth D. S. Lapatin. Michael A. Ledeen. Robert J. Lieber. Seymour M. Lipset. Robert McFarlane. Mihajlo Mijajlov. Bronislaw Misztal. Joshua Muravchik. Julia Nanay. Johanna Nichols. Jan Nowak. William Odom. P.J. O'Rourke. J. Dimitry Panitza. Richard Perle. Richard Pipes. Norman Podhoretz. Moishe Pripstein. Arch Puddington. Peter Reddaway. Peter R. Rosenblatt. David Saperstein. Gary Schmitt. William Schneider. Alexey Semyonov. Andrew M. Sessler. Philip Siegelman. Sophia Sluzar. Helmut Sonnenfeldt. Gregory H. Stanton. Leonard R. Sussman. William H. Taft, IV. Barry Tharaud. Sinan Utku. George Weigel. Caspar Weinberger. Curtin Winsor. R. James Woolsey. Tatiana Yankelevich." American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (previously: Chechnya), about section, (accessed April 11, 2001): "The American Committee for Peace in Chechnya, formerly known as The American Committee for Chechnya, was founded on February 9, 2000, by the Committee's co-chairs Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, General Alexander M. Haig Jr., and Ambassador Max M. Kampelman. ACPC is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, privately funded committee representing a distinguished membership of Americans including academics, journalists, politicians, and foreign policy experts calling for a stronger response to the crisis in Chechnya. The committee is housed in the Washington, DC office of Freedom House. ACPC also cooperates with The Jamestown Foundation to distribute the newsletter Chechnya Weekly, authored by Stanford University Russia Scholar John Dunlop. The war in Chechnya is well into its second year and continues to be a massive humanitarian tragedy that has produced more than 400,000 refugees (40 percent of the population). Chechen civilians are subjected to indiscriminate shootings, bombings, mines, arbitrary arrests, summary executions, torture, rape, and beatings. Although the Kremlin continues to argue that the aim of this war is to root out Chechen terrorists, it is clear that the use of force is indiscriminate. Given a history of ethnic cleansing in the Caucasus during Stalin's deportations of Chechens in 1944 in addition to reports of atrocities and war crimes committed in the first war (1994-1996) and in the current conflict, the international community must not turn a blind eye to the humanitarian and political catastrophe in Chechnya. The American Committee for Peace in Chechnya is dedicated to promoting a peaceful resolution to the conflict by providing information on the war on our website, organizing events and activities to raise awareness and concern about the crisis, and providing recommendations to policymakers." July 4, 2001, Washington Post, 'An Opening on Chechnya', By Zbigniew Brzezinski, Max Kampelman and Alexander M. Haig Jr.: "It is thus all the more surprising that a remarkable passage in Putin's answer pertaining to the tragic war in Chechnya (quoted in the Moscow newspaper Strana) drew so little public attention. In fact, it was not much noted in the major American stories covering the interview. ... Putin, although offering the usual justifications for the Russian military campaign, then went on to note -- and the passage deserves to be quoted in full -- the following: "For us the question today of Chechnya's dependence on or independence from Russia is absolutely of no fundamental importance. What is of fundamental importance to us is just one issue. We will not allow this territory to be used any longer as a bridgehead for an attack on Russia. We will not allow it!" ... the war not only precipitated enormous suffering, it also adversely affected the process of Russia's gradual engagement with the democratic Western world. That engagement is in the interest of international stability; whatever impedes it affects the long-term interests of Russia, other European countries and the United States. That is why President Bush was justified in raising the issue of Chechnya with President Putin during their recent meeting. There have been some recent indications that Russian public opinion is beginning to reevaluate that war. For the first time since its start, more Russians -- according to two recent polls -- favor its peaceful resolution than its endless pursuit. ... The key point is that the international community should now explore more actively whether Putin's formulation can serve as a "bridgehead" for a peace that is long overdue. --- The writers lead the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya." American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus website, (January 19, 2007): "Members: Morton Abramowitz Elliott Abrams Kenneth Adelman Bulent Ali-Reza Richard V. Allen Audrey L. Alstadt Vadim Altskan Zeyno Baran Antonio L. Betancourt John Bolsteins John Brademas Zbigniew Brzezinski Richard Burt John Calabrese Walter C. Clemens Eliot Cohen Nicholas Daniloff Ruth Daniloff Midge Decter James S. Denton Larry Diamond Thomas R. Donahue Robert Dujarric John Dunlop Charles Fairbanks Sandra Feldman Geraldine A. Ferraro Catherine A. Fitzpatrick Erwin Friedlander Frank Gaffney Charles Gati Richard Gere Douglas Ginsburg Paul Goble Marshall I. Goldman Orlando Gutierrez Barbara Haig Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Robert P. Hanrahan Paul B. Henze Eleanor Herman Peter J. Hickman Norman Hill Irving Louis Horowitz Glen E. Howard Bruce P. Jackson Robert Kagan Max M. Kampelman Thomas Kean Mati Koiva Guler Koknar Harry Kopp William Kristol Janis Kukainis Saulius V. Kuprys Kenneth D. S. Lapatin Michael A. Ledeen Robert J. Lieber Seymour M. Lipset Robert McFarlane Mihajlo Mijajlov Bronislaw Misztal Joshua Muravchik Julia Nanay Johanna Nichols Jan Nowak William Odom P.J. O'Rourke Richard Perle Richard Pipes Norman Podhoretz Moishe Pripstein Arch Puddington Peter Reddaway Peter R. Rosenblatt David Saperstein Gary Schmitt William Schneider Alexey Semyonov Andrew M. Sessler Philip Siegelman Sophia Sluzar Stephen J. Solarz Helmut Sonnenfeldt Gregory H. Stanton S. Frederick Starr Leonard R. Sussman Christopher Swift Barry Tharaud Jack Thomas Tomarchio Sinan Utku George Weigel Caspar Weinberger Curtin Winsor R. James Woolsey Tatiana Yankelevich." All big names already on board on July 1, 2006, including Woolsey, Kean, Brademas, both Haigs, Brzezinski, McFarlane, etc. NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY: 1997, Constantine Menges, 'Partnerships for peace, democracy, and prosperity', p. 110: "The National Endowment for Democracy enjoys strong support across both party and ideological lines. ... Brzezinski (a NED board member), Frank C. Carlucci, and Brent Scowcroft have all voiced strong support for the work of the Endowment." ned.org/page_1/gen_info.html (accessed: November 12, 1996; and accessed April 18, 1997 (same names)): "John Brademas, Chairman. Paula Dobriansky, Vice Chairman. Edward Donley, Treasurer. Susan Kaufman Purcell, Secretary. Harry Barnes, Jr. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Lynn Cutler. Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Bob Graham. Antonia Hernandez. Fred C. Ikle. John T. Joyce. Emmanuel A. Kmpouris. Thomas H. Kean. Richard Lugar. Leon Lynch. Matthew F. McHugh. David M. McIntosh. Mark Palmer. Donald M. Payne. Stephen J. Solarz. Stephen Solaz. Julia Taft [wife of William Taft IV, who came to head Freedom House]. Paul Wolfowitz. Carl Gershman, President." Feb. 23, 1998: Brzezinski gone, but the rest still there. ned.org/page_1/gen_info.html (accessed: April 28, 1999): "John Brademas, Chairman. Paula Dobriansky, Vice Chairman. ... Bob Graham ... Fred C. Ikle ... Thomas H. Kean ... Julia Taft [wife of William Taft IV, who came to head Freedom House]. Paul Wolfowitz. Carl Gershman, President." ned.org/about/board.html (accessed: April 15, 2000): "The Honorable John Brademas (Chairman). The Honorable Paula Dobriansky (Vice Chairman). ... The Honorable Bob Graham ... The Honorable Morton Abramowitz ... The Honorable Lee H. Hamilton ... Dr. Fred C. Ikle ... Thomas H. Kean ... Dr. Paul Wolfowitz. Carl Gershman, President." ned.org/about/who.html (accessed: March 6, 2001): "Board of directors: Morton Abramowitz ... John Brademas ... Paula Dobriansky ... [Sen.] Bob Graham ... Lee H. Hamilton ... Fred C. Ikle ... Paul Wolfowitz ... Program Staff: Barbara Haig, Director of Program." Big chances in the next few months: ned.org/about/who.html (accessed: June 17, 2001): "Board of directors: Morton Abramowitz ... The Honorable Frank Carlucci ... General Wesley K. Clark ... [Sen.] Bob Graham ... Lee H. Hamilton ... Richard C. Holbrooke ... The Honorable Jon Kyl ... Program Staff: Barbara Haig, Director of Program." Jan. 10, 2002: Only Morton Abromowitz gone. 2012 board of directors (just about the only person still here is Francis Fukuyama): The Honorable Richard A. Gephardt (Chairman). ALSO AT FREEDOM HOUSE: freedomhouse.org/about.htm (accessed: January 17, 1997): "Chair Emeriti: Leo Cherne, Max M. Kampelman. Trustees: Zbigniew Brzezinski ... David Eisenhower [grandson] ... Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr., Theodore J. Forstmann ... Samuel P. Huntington ... Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, ... John Norton Moore ... Charles Morgan, Jr. ... Otto Reich ... Donald Rumsfeld ..." freedomhouse.org, (accessed: April 27, 1999): " Max M. Kampelman, Chairman Emeritis. Morton Abramowitz. Zbigniew Brzezinski ... David Eisenhower [grandson] ... Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr., Theodore J. Forstmann. Richard Gardner. ... Samuel P. Huntington ... Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, ... John Norton Moore. Charles Morgan, Jr. ... Otto Reich ... Donald Rumsfeld ... Paul Wolfowitz." freedomhouse.org/about.html (accessed: March 3, 2000): "Freedom House is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization that relies upon tax-deductible grants and donations under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Major support has been provided by: The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation * The Byrne Foundation * The Carthage Foundation * The Eurasia Foundation * The Ford Foundation * The Freedom Forum * Grace Foundation, Inc. * Lilly Endowment, Inc. The LWH Family Foundation * National Endowment for Democracy * The Pew Charitable Trusts * Sarah Scaife Foundation * The Schloss Family Foundation * Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc.* The Soros Foundations * The Tinker Foundation * Unilever United States Foundation, Inc. * US Agency for International Development * US Information Agency." freedomhouse.org/fhpeople.html (accessed: October 25, 2000): "Max M. Kampelman, Chairman Emeritus. Morton Abramowitz. ... Zbigniew Brzezinski. ... Paula Dobriansky. ... David Eisenhower ... Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Theodore J. Forstmann. ... Samuel P. Huntington. ... Jeane J. Kirkpatrick. ... John Norton Moore. ... Otto Reich ... Paul Wolfowitz " freedomhouse.org/aboutfh/bod.htm (accessed: April 13, 2001): "Bill Richardson, Chairman. Max M. Kampelman, Chairman Emeritus Ned W. Bandler, Vice Chairman Mark Palmer, Vice Chairman Walter J. Schloss, Treasurer Kenneth L. Adelman, Secretary Peter Ackerman J. Brian Atwood Zbigniew Brzezinski Peter Collier Paula Dobriansky William C. Doherty, Jr. Alan P. Dye Sandra Feldman Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Theodore J. Forstmann Norman Hill Samuel P. Huntington John T. Joyce Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Anthony Lake Mara Liasson Bette Bao Lord Jay Mazur John Norton Moore Peggy Noonan P.J. O'Rourke Orlando Patterson Susan Kaufman Purcell Otto J. Reich Peter W. Rodman Wendell Willkie II R. James Woolsey Andrew Young." Freedom House, annual report 2001, Section IV, board of trustees: "Max M. Kampelman, Chairman Emeritus. ... Zbigniew Brzezinski ... Thomas S. Foley. Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Theodore J. Forstmann ... Samuel P. Huntington ... Jeane J. Kirkpatrick ... John Norton Moore. Diana Villiers Negroponte [joined in Nov. 2001]. ... R. James Woolsey." Freedom House, annual report 2002, Section IV, board of trustees: "R. James Woolsey* Chairman ... Max M. Kampelman* Chairman Emeritus. Peter Ackerman*. ... Zbigniew Brzezinski. ...Thomas S. Foley. Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Theodore J. Forstmann. ... Samuel P. Huntington. ... Jeane Kirkpatrick ... John Norton Moore. Diana Villiers Negroponte ... Bill Richardson." Freedom House, annual report 2003, board of trustees: "R. James Woolsey* Chairman ... Max M. Kampelman* Chairman Emeritus. Peter Ackerman*. ... Zbigniew Brzezinski. ...Thomas S. Foley. Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Theodore Forstmann. ... Samuel P. Huntington. ... Jeane Kirkpatrick ... John Norton Moore ... Bill Richardson ... Diana Villiers Negroponte." JAMESTOWN FOUNDATION: jamestown.org/htm/boards.htm (accessed January 4, 1997): "Board of directors: ... Hon. Dick Cheney ... Patrick W. Gross ... Gen. Alexander M. Haig, Jr. ... Hon. R. James Woolsey. ... Board of advisers: Hon. Richard V. Allen ... Hon. Zbigniew Brzezinski, CSIS. Tom Clancy, author. Midge Decter, author. ... Hon. Max Kampelman ... Hon. John McCain, U.S. Senate. Hon. Sam Nunn ... Hon. Donald Rumsfeld." jamestown.org/htm/boards.htm (accessed April 15, 2000): "Board of directors: ... Hon. Dick Cheney ... Patrick W. Gross ... Gen. Alexander M. Haig, Jr. ... Hon. R. James Woolsey. ... Board of advisers: Hon. Richard V Allen ... Hon. Zbigniew Brzezinski, CSIS. Tom Clancy, author. Midge Decter, author. ... Hon. Max Kampelman ... Hon. John McCain, U.S. Senate. Hon. Sam Nunn ... Hon. Donald Rumsfeld." jamestown.org/htm/l2-foundation.htm (accessed May 4, 2000): "In the "near abroad" countries Russia's policy suggests the incipience of a new empire. Russian foreign policy is diverging sharply from that of the United States and the West, especially on issues such as NATO, Bosnia, Iran, Iraq, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. These developments, in a country heavily armed with intercontinental nuclear weapons, are disquieting." jamestown.org/htm/boards.htm (accessed April 12, 2001 - exactly the same on December 25, 2001): "Board of directors: ... Marcia Carlucci ... Patrick W. Gross ... Gen. Alexander M. Haig, Jr. ... Hon. R. James Woolsey. ... Board of advisers: Hon. Richard V Allen ... Hon. Zbigniew Brzezinski, CSIS. Tom Clancy, author. Midge Decter, author. ... Hon. Max Kampelman ... Hon. John McCain, U.S. Senate. Hon. Sam Nunn. ... James A. Williams [director DIA 1981-1985]" SCOWCROFT INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Bush School of Government and Public Service, Spring 2009 news letter, 'Bush School Advisor on Obama's National Security Team', (accessed October 27, 2012): "Two members of President Barack Obama’s national security team have close associations with the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. In addition to the Secretary of Defense, Dr. Robert Gates, who was interim dean of the Bush School prior to becoming president of the University, Obama’s new National Security Advisor, General James Logan Jones, Jr., is a member of the Scowcroft Institute for International Affairs’ Advisory Board. ... Other distinguished members of the SIIA Advisory Board include former Senator Howard Baker, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Professor John Deutch, Hon. Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Admiral Bobby Inman, Dr. Henry Kissinger, Hon. Virginia A. Mulberger, Ambassador Roman Popadiuk, Lt. Gen. Bernard L. Trainor, and Dr. Cindy Williams." April 9, 1989, C-Span "Booknotes" interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski: "In the mid 60s I was on the policy planning council of the Department of State. In 1960 I was marginally involved in the Kennedy campaign for the president's foreign policy brain trust. In 1968 I directed the foreign policy task forces for vice president [Hubert] Humphrey, who was running for the presidency. In 1972 I became director of the Trilateral Commission ... In 1976 I directed the foreign policy task forces for Jimmy Carter. Then I became national security advisor for four years. Then I went back to private life. Then, in 1988, I was co-chairman with Brent Scowcroft and Henry Kissinger of the foreign policy task force of vice president Bush. |
Buchanan, Robin William Turnbull | b. 1952 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Harvard Business Sch. (MBA, Baker Scholar). Mann Judd Landau, subseq. Deloitte & Touche, 1970–77; American Express Internat. Banking Corp., 1979–82; Bain & Company Inc., 1982–: Bain Capital, 1982–84; Man. Partner, London, 1990–96; Sen. Partner, London, 1996–2007; Sen. Advr, 2007–. Non-executive Director: Liberty Internat. plc, 1997–2008; Shire plc (formerly Shire Pharmaceuticals Gp plc), 2003–08. Member: Trilateral Commission; Professional Standards Adv. Bd, IoD; Adv. Council, Prince’s Trust. Mem., Highland Soc. of London. Mem. Editl Bd, European Business Jl. Fellow, Salzburg Seminar. Mem., Northern Meeting. FRSA. Liveryman, Co. of Ironmongers. President, London Business School, since 2009 (Dean, 2007–09). |
Buchanan, Walter Duncan | 1859-1934 |
Source(s): January 24, 1935, New York Times, 'Rights in danger, Dr. Butler warns': "Those listed in the necrology, read by Major Elihu Church, secretary of the Pilgrims, were Henry H. Andrews, Elmer E. Brown, Walter D. Buchanan, Edward J. Burlingham, Colin C. Carter, James B. Clews, Robert Fulton Cutting, Ganson Depew, Cass Gilbert, Nathaniel T. Guernsey, John W. Herbert, Matthew Hinman, Charles L. Hussey, John P. Jefferson, Otto Kahn, Ivy Lee, George O. Squire, Frederick H. Wilkins, Thomas B. Kent, Alfred Watts Kiddle, Wilson Marshall, Percy A. Rockefeller, Valentine P. Snyder, William J. Parslow, Arthur C. Mower and Herbert Noble." A.B., New York U., 1881, A.M., 1884; grad. Union Theol. Sem., 1883; D.D., U. of Omaha, 1896; LL.D., Whitworth Coll., Spokane, Wash.; married Grace Mortimer, May 16, 1882 (died 1908). Ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1884; pastor 7th Av. Mission of 5th Av. Ch., 1883-89, Chalmers Ch., New York, 1889-92, 13th Street Ch., 1892-99, Broadway Chapel (formerly 4th Av. Ch.) since 1899. |
Budd, Nicholas | Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, University California, Berkeley, 1967. JD, UCLA, 1970. Partner trade and commodities fin. practice group Denton Wilde Sapte, Paris, 1992—. Member UNCTAD Group of Experts on Risk Management, Geneva, 1992. Member International Bar Association, Brit. Institute for International Comparative Law, The Pilgrims, Wooldnoth Society, Travellers Club. |
Bullock, Calvin | 1867-1944 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Has been in investment banking business since 1894; pres. Nation-Wide Securities Co., U.S. Electric Light & Power Shares, Inc., Carriers & General Corp., Bullock Fund, Ltd., Dividend Shares, Inc., Canadian Investment Fund, Ltd. Mem. Chi Psi. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Bankers, Recess, Union, University, Williams, Piping Rock, Racquet and Tennis, Century, Bond, Pilgrims (New York); Denver; Everglades (Palm Beach); Boca Raton (Boca Raton, Fla.); Lenox (Lenox, Mass.); Mount Royal (Montreal). |
Bullock, Hugh Chairman & president |
1898-1996 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008); November 8, 1996, New York Times, 'Hugh Bullock, Pioneer in Managing Mutual Funds, Dies at 98'; Pilgrims of the United States officers list Son of the reclusive Calvin Bullock who set up the very powerful Bullock banking trust (unique among large banking houses in that it was a proprietary business), which included the Canadian Investment Fund (one of the most powerful Canadian investment trusts in the thirties. People were joking why king George V hadn't joined). Calvin Bullock's advertisements never carried the firm's address. His father also had a lot of personal interest in Napoleon, Lord Nelson and their battles. BA, Williams College, 1921. LL.D., Williams College, 1957. LL.D., Hamilton College, 1954. Investment banker, 1921-96. Head Bullock Co., New York City. President Calvin Bullock, Ltd., 1945-62, chairman board, chief executive officer, 1963-85; president, director Bullock Fund, Ltd., Canadian Investment Fund, Ltd., Dividend Shares, Inc., Canadian-Fund, Inc., 1945-85; former chairman, director Carriers and General Corp., Nation-Wide Securities Co., Monthly Income Shares; former chairman or president and director dozen investment cos. Decorated knight grand cross Order British Empire; knight of grace Order of St. John of Jerusalem (vice president Am. society); knight Commander Royal Order George I. Member Military Order Foreign Wars in U.S., Am. Legion, Pilgrims of U.S. (chairman, president), St. George's Society, New England Society, English-Speaking Union, Foreign Policy Association, Academy Political Sci., Investment Bankers Association Am. (governor 1953-55), Am. Museum Natural History, Association Ex-mems. Squadron A. (governor 1945-50), Calvin Bullock Forum (president 1945-85), Council on Foreign Relations, National Institute Social Scis. (president 1950-53), Newcomen Society, Academy Am. Poets (chairman), Ends of Earth (president), Gargoyle Alumni Association, Kappa Alpha. Clubs: Chevy Chase (Washington), Metropolitan (Washington), Racquet and Tennis (New York City), Downtown Association, New York Yacht (New York City), Bond (New York City), River (New York City), Williams, Church (New York City), Union (New York City), West Side Tennis (Forest Hills, New York ), Denver Country (Colorado), New York Yacht Club, Mount Royal (Montreal), Edgartown (Massachusetts), Yacht (commodore 1966-67), Edgartown Reading Room, White's (London). |
Bunker, Ellsworth | 1894-1984 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 23, 1985' (obituary list) Son of George R. and Jean Polhemus (Cobb) B.; A.B., Yale U., 1916, LL.D., 1959; LL.D., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1962, Windham Coll., 1963, Georgetown U., 1976, St. Michael’s Coll., 1978, U. Vt., 1979; married Harriet Allen Butler, Apr. 24, 1920 (dec.); children—Ellen (Mrs. Fernando Gentil), John Birkbeck, Samuel Emmet; married Carol C. Laise, Jan. 3, 1967. Dir. Nat. Sugar Refining Co., 1927-66, pres., 1940, chmn. bd., 1948-51; dir. Centennial Ins. Co.; trustee Atlantic Mut. Insurance Co.; U.S. ambassador to Argentina, 1951, Italy, 1952-53, India, 1956-61, also Nepal, 1956-59; mediator Dutch-Indonesian dispute over West New Guinea, 1962; cons. to sec. of state, 1963; U.S. rep. on council OAS, 1964-66; ambassador-at-large, 1966-67; ambassador to Vietnam, 1967-73; ambassador-at-large, 1973-78; pres. Am. Nat. Red Cross, 1953-56. Trustee Hampton Inst. (hon.), Asia Found., Expt. in Internat. Living (hon.), Vt. Council on World Affairs (hon. pres.), Fgn. Policy Assn. (hon.), New Sch. for Social Research (hon.), Bur. Social Sci. Research, Population Crisis Com.; trustee George C. Marshall Foundation; assoc. fellow Calhoun Coll., Yale U. Decorated grand cross knight Republic of Italy; recipient Presdl. Medal of Freedom with Spl. Distinction, 1963, 68, Am. Statesman award Freedoms Found., 1970, Sylvanus Thayer medal, 1970, Gen. George Catlett Marshall award, 1974, Presdl. award for disting. civilian service, 1979. Mem. Council on Foreign Relations, Am. Acad. Arts and Scis. |
Bunnell, C. Sterling | d. 1988 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1989' (obituary list) Born in Lorraine, Ohio. Joined First National City Bank shortly after graduation from Yale College and worked there until he retired in 1966. Rose to the executive level of the First National City Bank and later became a director of Citibank. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations since the 1950s. |
Burbank, Reginald | b. 1888 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1973' (obituary list) Son of Charles Henry and Jennie Halford (Brooks) B.; grad. Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass., 1908; A.M., Trinity Coll., Hartford, 1911; M.D., Cornell, 1915; married Marion B. Powers, Dec. 2, 1916; children—Marion (Mrs. John Walker McNeely), Jeanne, Margaret (Mrs. Arthur Curtis Welch), Reginald, Jr., m. 2d, Kathryn Poole Muse, July 26, 1943. Asst. surgeon New York Orthopedic Hosp., 1916-26; chief arthritis clinic Cornell Med. Coll., 1917-19; instr. arthritis, chief arthritis clinic, Bellevue Med. Coll., 1919-26; cons. on arthritis Brooklyn Hosp., from 1926; dir. arthritis clinic St. Clare’s Hosp., from 1940; practice of med. limited to gout, arthritis, allied rheumatoid diseases. Fellow New York Acad. Medicine; mem. Am. Soc. for Study of Arthritis (chmn.), Physicians Scientific Soc., Am. Soc. Bacteriol., N.Y. County Med. Soc., N.Y. State Med. Soc. Republican. Mem. Dutch Reformed Ch. Mason. Clubs: Union, Grolier. Contbr. numerous monographs to scientific jours. |
Burden, William Armistead Moale vice-president |
1906-1984 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 23, 1985' (obituary list) Vice president of The Pilgrims at least in 1973. His father had married Florence Vanderbilt. Interests in National Aviation Corporation, Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company, William A.M. Burden & Company, investments; and was a director of Aerospace Corporation; Allied Chemical Corporation; American Metal Climax (AMAX); Columbia Broadcasting System; Lockheed Aircraft Corporation; Union Oil & Gas Corporation; Cerro de Pasco Corporation (mining interests) and Manufacturers Hanover Trust. Burden was a member of National Aeronautics & Space Council, 1958-1959; Ambassador to Belgium, 1959-1961; member U.S. Citizens Commission for NATO, 1961-1962; trustee Columbia University; Foreign Service Educational Foundation; French Institute in the U.S.; regent, Smithsonian Institution and director of the Council on Foreign Relations 1945-1974. Member of the Atlantic Council of the United States. Governor Atlantic Institute. Trustee IDA. Regent Smithsonian. Chair Museum of Modern Art. The Vanderbilts intermarried with the Whitneys, partners in Standard Oil with the Rockefellers, and we note as of late 1973 John Hay Whitney was a vice president of The Pilgrims. Virginia Fair, daughter of Senator James Fair of California, a principal beneficiary of the Ophir Silver Mine, part of the Comstock Lode, married into the Vanderbilts. October 11, 1984, New York Times, 'William Burden, Ex-Museum President, Dies': "A great-great-grandson of the railroad baron Cornelius Vanderbilt, Mr. Burden founded the Wall Street investment company that bears his name. He also served as Ambassador to Belgium from 1959 to 1961 and amassed notable collections of books and art. ... Mr. Burden became a trustee of the Museum of Modern Art in 1943 and 10 years later was elected its president, responsible for general supervision of its affairs. Its director reported directly to him. The trustees re-elected Mr. Burden president annually until 1959, when he resigned to go to Belgium. They made him chairman from 1961 to late 1962, when they again elected him to the presidency, a post he occupied until 1965, when he resigned again. He remained a trustee and member of various key museum committees into the 1980's. During Mr. Burden's presidency, the museum in 1956 acquired additional property, at 23 West 53d Street, for offices and storage. He and Nelson A. Rockfeller, who had preceded him as president, set a $25 million goal for the museum's successful drive in 1959 to enlarge its plant and services. Mr. Burden was also at the helm in the early 60's when the museum added two wings, enlarged its sculpture garden and acquired the Whitney Museum building at 20 West 54th Street." |
Burger, Van Vechten | unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 23, 1980' (obituary list) Managing partner of Manhattan's Pershing & Co. in the 1960s. His son, Jr., later continued as chairman of Pershing. His daughter, Evan Burger, married William Donaldson in 1960. Donaldson had begun his career at the brokerage firm G.H. Walker & Company, which was run by Herbert Walker, the uncle of president George H.W. Bush. He later became under secretary of state with Henry A. Kissinger and then counsel to vice president [Nelson] Rockefeller. In the 1990s Donaldson became chairman and CEO of the New York Stock Exchange. |
Burger, Warren Earl | 1907-1995 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power series: " July 17, 1984 saw The Pilgrims hosting Warren Burger, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, in London; July 17, 1994 was the date on which they hosted William Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; and on May 18, 1998, they hosted Sandra Day O’ Connor, associate justice of the Supreme Court." Floor manager at the 1948 and 1952 Republican conventions. U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in 1955. Supreme Court Chief Justice 1969-1986. Automatically appointed chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution during his appointment as Chief Justice. Followed up by Pilgrims Society member William H. Rehnquist as Chief Justice. More than 800 dignitaties, including President Clinton, Attorney General Janet Reno and 13 sitting and retired Supreme Court justices attended the funeral services at Washington's National Presbyterian. |
Burgess, Edwin Haines | b. 1888 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition A.B., Pacific Coll., Newberg, Ore., 1909; B.S., State Coll. Wash., 1910, LL.D., 1951; LL.B., U. Pa., 1914; married Ruth Wayland, June 1915; 1 son, dec. Admitted to New York bar, 1915. Md. bar, 1947; practiced in N.Y.C. as asst. gen. solicitor and gen. solicitor Lehigh Valley R.R. Co., 1914-42; prin. high sch., Sprague, Wash., 1910-11; lecturer on New York Practice, Law Sch., U. of Pa., 1924-48; chmn. Trunk Line Assn., and chmn. Traffic Exec. Assn., Eastern Railroads, 1942-46; v.p. and gen. counsel Baltimore and Ohio R.R. Co., Balt., 1946 from; dir. Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts. Ry. Co., Dayton & Union R.R. Co. Chief counsel U.S. R.R.’s Wage Case, 1947, U.S. R.R. Rate Case, 1952. Trustee Oscar G. Murray Railroad Employes Benefit Fund. Chmn., Civilian Components Policy Bd., U.S. Dept. Def., 1950-51. Mem. Am., N.Y. State, N.Y. Co., Md., and Baltimore City bar assns., Am. Law Inst., Am. Classical League, Assn. Am. Univ. Professors, Assn. I.C.C. Practitioners (pres. 1941-42), Newcomen Soc. England, Pilgrims of U.S., Phi Beta Kappa. Congregationalist. Mason. Clubs: Railroad (New York). Maryland, Baltimore Country, Merchants (Baltimore); Traffic (Chicago). |
Burgess, Warren Randolph | 1889-1978 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1979' (obituary list) Son of Isaac Bronson and Ellen (Wilbur) B.; A.B., Brown U., 1912, LL.D. 1937; Ph.D. Columbia U., 1920; LL.D. (hon.), U. Rochester, 1948, Bowdoin Coll., 1959, U. Calif., 1962; with Federal Reserve Bank, N.Y.C., 1920-38, dep. gov., 1930-36, v.p., 1936-38; vice chmn. National City Bank of N.Y. 1938-48, chmn. exec. com., 1948-52; chmn. bd. City Bank Farmers Trust Co.; dir. Discount Corp., Internat. Banking Corp., U.P.R.R. Royal-Liverpool Group Ins. Cos. in U.S.; dep. to Sec. Treasury, 1953-54, undersec. of Treasury, 1955-57; married May Ayres, May 17, 1917 (dec. July 1953); married 2d, Helen Hamilton Woods, Mar. 5, 1955, who was the sister of Laurens M. Hamilton, in turn a grandson of J. P. Morgan, and great-great-grandson of Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the Treasury under George Washington. February 10, 1978, The Washington Post, 'L.M. Hamilton Benefactor of Blind in Nevis': "Laurens M. Hamilton, 77, a former resident of Fauquier County, Va., and a grandson of financier J. Pierpont Morgan, died Wednesday of a heart ailment at his home in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. Hamilton was also the great-great-grandson of Alexander Hamilton, first secretary of the Treasury under George Washington. He was born in Tuxedo, N.Y., and attended the Groton School in Massachusetts... In 1957, Mr. Hamilton represented the Hamilton family on the Alexander Hamilton Bicentennial Commission. He founded the Society of Friends for the Bind on the island of Nevis, West Indies, the birthplace of Alexander Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton was a 32d degree Mason. He also was a member of the Army & Navy Club of Washington and a former chairman of the board of trustees of the Aramaic Bible Foundation and of the Committee on Electoral Reform of the American Good Government Society. Survivors include his wife, Mary Anne, of the home;... a brother, Pierpont Morgan Hamilton, of Santa Barbara, Calif., and a sister, Mrs. W. Randolph Burgess, of Washington". Children—Leonard Randolph, Julian Ayres. U.S. permanent rep. on NATO, 1957-61; Regent prof. U. Cal. at Berkeley, 1962. Served as maj., asst. acting chief of statistics br. Gen. Staff World War I. Fellow Brown U. Trustee Robert Coll. Tchrs. Coll., (Columbia). Chmn., N.Y. State War Finance Com., 1943-44. Chairman of the Per Jacobsson Foundation. Other past chairmen have included Eugene R. Black (Pilgrims) and Marcus Wallenberg. Among the sponsors/directors of the Per Jacobsson Foundation were Viscount Harcourt (Pilgrims executive; IMF; World Bank; chair Morgan Grenfell & Co.), Gabriel Hauge (Pilgrims; chair Manufacturers Hanover Trust; treasurer CFR; Bilderberg steering committee) Herman J. Abs (chair Deutsche Bank), Marinus W. Holtrop (chair BIS and the Nederlandse Bank); Lord Salter (Privy Council; League of Nations; Pilgrims), David Rockefeller (Pilgrims; chair CFR; Chase Manhattan), Allen Sproul (Pilgrims; NY Fed), Maurice Frère (BIS; Sofina; Banque Nationale de Belgique; family today owns Frère-Bourgeois Group), Albert E. Janssen (Chair Société Belge de Banque), Jean Monnet (close associate of Salter; founder European Union; Le Cercle), Samuel Schweizer (chair Swiss Bank Corporation), and others. Decorated comdr. Legion d’Honneur (France). Fellow Am. Statis. Assn. (pres. 1937), Acad. Polit. Sci. (trustee, pres. 1939), Am. Hist. Assn., N.Y. State Bankers Assn. (pres. 1940-41, Res. City Bankers Assn. (pres. 1952), Am. Bankers Assn. (chmn. econ. policy Commn., 1940-44, pres., 1944-45, chmn. com. public debt policy, 1946-47); mem. Internat. C. of C. (chmn. monetary com. 1946-47), Atlantic Treaty Assn. (chmn. 1961-63, vice chmn. 1963—), Atlantic Council U.S. (chmn. 1971), Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Philos. Soc., Fgn. Policy Assn. (dir.), Delta Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Metropolitan (Washington); Century Assn., University, River, Chevy Chase, Cosmos. Author: Trends of School Costs, 1920; The Reserve Banks and the Money Market, 1927, rev. edits. 1936, 46. Editor: Interpretations of Federal Reserve Policy (by Benjamin Strong), 1930; (with James R. Huntley) Europe and America—The Next Ten Years. Contbr. articles to profl. jours. September 18, 1978, Washington Post, 'Banker-Economist W.R. Burgess Dies, Ex-Treasury Aide, NATO Ambassador': "W. Randolph Burgess, 80, a former undersecretary of the Treasury and U.S. ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, died o congestive heart failure Saturday at his home in Washington. Ambassador Burgess was a statisticans by training and a banker and economist by profession. He came to Washington in 1953 after a successful career in both the public and private sectors of Wall Street. He played a prominent role in formulating the nation's foreign and domestic economic and fiscal policies in the early years of the Elsenhower administration. In 1957, having served four years at Treasury, he was named ambassador to NATO. He also was the U.S. representative to the Organization for European Economic Cooperation. He was chairman of the "Group of Four on Economic Organization." This led to the replacement of the OEEC by the 20-nation Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The purpose of the OECD was to co-ordinate economic policies among the Atlantic nations and their relations with the developing world. In 1961, Ambassador Burgess returned to private life. He was chairman of the Per Jacobsson Foundation. He also was a founder and chairman of the Atlantic Council, a foreign policy study group, and remained active in it until shortly before his death. In 1970, he and James R. Huntley wrote a book called "Europe and America - the Next Ten Years." He was a member of the boards of several colleges and universities. Wararren Randolph Burgess was born in Newport, R.I. He grew up in the Chicago area. He graduated from Brown University in 1912 and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He did graduate work at McGill University in Montreal and earned a doctorate from Columbia University in 1920, having written a dissertation titled "Trends of School Costs." During World War I, he became acting chief of the statistics branch of the old War Department, the purpose of which was to keep track of the U.S. war effort. He left the Army with the rank of major. In 1920, he joined the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as a statistician. He remained with the bank for 19 years and was vice president in charge of its government security operations when he resigned in 1938. In 1927, he published "The Reserve Banks and the Money Markets." The book was revised in 1936 and again in 1946 and became a standard reference in its field. In 1938, Mr. Burgess joined the National City Bank of New York, now the Citibank. He was vice chairman of its board of directors when he joined the organization. In 1948, he became chairman of the bank's executive commmittee and chairman of the board of the City Bank Farmers Trust Co., the trust affiliate of the National City Bank. He retained these responsibilities until he joined the Treasury in 1953. He was president of the American Bankers Association in 1944-45 and president of the New York State Banker Association in 1940-41. He served on the President's Committee on Foreign Aid in 1951. Ambassador Burgess's first job at Treasury was as a special assistant to Secretary George M. Humphrey. His special responsibilities were management of the public debt and international policies. These were the responsibilities he kept when he was appointed to the newly created post of undersecretary of the Treasury for monetary affairs in 1954. He was appointed ambassador to NATO in 1957 after Humphrey resigned from the cabinet. Ambassador Burgess was a member of the board of fellows of Brown University and a trustee of Teachers College at Columbia University and of Robert College in Istanbul. He received honorary degrees from the universities of Rochester and California and from Bowdoin College. He was a commander of the French Legion of Honor. He was a fellow of the American Statistical Association and a member of the American Economic Association and the American Philosophical Society. His first wife, the former May Ayres, whom he married in 1917, died in 1953. In 1955, he married Helen Hamilton Woods, of the homes in Washington and Queenstown, Md., who survives him. He also is survived by two sons by his first marriage, Leonard R., of Berkeley, Calif., and Julian, of Greenwich, Conn., and two grandsons. The family suggests that expressions of sympathy be in the form of contributions to the Burgess Fellowship Fund, Brown University, Providence, R.I., or to the Atlantic Council, Washington, D.C." Member Council on Foreign Relations since the 1940s. |
Burke, Adm. Arleigh A. Exec. committee |
1901-1996 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States officers list Graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1923, and after five years of sea duty, earned a degree in chemical engineering at the University of Michigan in 1931. Became the Navy's most celebrated destroyer squadron commander of World War II. In 1949, during interservice disputes that followed the unification of the armed forces, Mr. Burke fell into disfavor with some officials of the Truman Administration by heading a group of high Navy officers that campaigned for supercarriers and against a strategic reliance on the Air Force's B-36 bombers. His role in what was called the Admiral's revolt seemed to scuttle his chances for promotion. But his name went back on the lists a year later, when he became a rear admiral, and in 1951, he became a member of the allied cease-fire commission in Korea for six months. In 1955, he was selected by Eisenhower over 92 more senior officers to be Chief of Naval Operations. In that post, he advocated a balanced and versatile fleet, new antisubmarine technology, the development of Polaris submarines and other nuclear systems, and new aircraft designs. He served three two-year terms, but insisted on retiring in 1961, when President John F. Kennedy offered him a fourth term. Co-founded the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in 1962 with David Abshire. Director of Chrysler (by 1967). Director United States Life Insurance Co., which sold insurance to active, retired and former military officers and their families. Other board members were General William Westmoreland, General Maxwell D. Taylor and Admiral Thomas Moorer. Mason. Joined Freeport Sulphur in 1969 (February 7, 1969, New York Times, 'Freeport Sulphur Co. Adds Admiral to Board'), controlled by the Pilgrims John Hay Whitney and Langbourne Williams. In 1971 the company name changed from Freeport Sulphur Company to Freeport Minerals Company (FMC) to reflect its role as a diversified mineral producer. May 6, 1963, New York Times, '44 in U.S. Establish Committee to Fight Communism in Cuba; New Group Set To Oppose Castro': "A new nonpartisan Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba has brought together prominent Americans, including Adm. Arleigh A. Burke, former Chief of Naval Operations; Edward Teller... Claire Booth Luce... Nicholas Duke Biddle..." The CIA's Paul D. Bethel was the groups executive secretary. Leo Cherne as another board member. CHERNE: Cherne: (rescue.org, bio on Leo Cherne, 'The Life of IRC Chairman Leo Cherne': "Mr. Cherne was a consultant to General Douglas MacArthur in Japan, served as chairman of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board and served as an advisor to nine presidents. ... Mr. Cherne was chairman of the board of directors of the IRC from 1951 to 1991 [joined board in 1946]. Until just weeks before his death, he remained active as chairman emeritus." ). Cherne was also chairman Freedom house; and at PFIAB; IOB. Leo Cherne papers, University of Texas, Papers, (1969) 1973-77 (1986): "1946: U.S. Adviser on taxation and fiscal policy to General Douglas MacArthur ... 1946-76: Chairman, Executive Committee, Freedom House. ... 1951-present Chairman, Board of Directors, International Rescue Commission." February 21, 1976, New York Times, 'Cherne Unit Not Tied to CIA': "Frank Weil, president of the Manhattan-based Norman Foundation, said today that he erred in his assertion yesterday that the Central Intelligence Agency had passed about $15,000 through his organization to the International Rescue Committee in the mid-1960’s. Mr. Weil said in a telephone interview that on checking the foundation’s records, he had discovered that none of the $27,000 it gave to the IRC from 1961 to 1965 had been provided by the intelligence agency. He said that the $50,000 in CIA funds passed through the foundation in that period had gone instead to four other organization… Leo Cherne, one of President Ford’s three appointees to a new intelligence oversight board set up to check for possible abuses of authority by the CIA and other intelligence agencies, is board chairman of the IRC. … The IRC project funded by the Norman Foundation was a medical service unit set up in the Belgian Congo to aid Angolan refugees and others. Mr. Weil said today that he "misrecalled" himself yesterday in a recollecting that a “mysterious gentleman” from the CIA had approached him in 1963 or 1964 with a specific request to pass agency money to the Congo medical project. … In a related development Freedom House, an organization with which Mr. Cherne has also been closely associated for many years, asked George Bush, director of Central Intelligence, whether the CIA had ever given it funds "directly or through any other entity." The request was in a letter sent to Mr. Bush that mentioned a report, also in today’s Times, that Freedom House received $3,500 from the J.M. Kaplan Fund between 1962 and 1964. Kapaln execs said they passed CIA funds to Institute for International Labor, but to Freedom House only their own.]” |
Burkhart, William H. | 1899-1976 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1978' (obituary list) Son of Louis H. and Elizabeth (Hoddle) B.; B.S., U. of Pa., 1921; married Frantzes Dinsmoor, Feb. 27, 1922; 1 dau., Diane Dinsmoor. Tech., management exec. Procter & Gamble Co., 1921-25; management exec. Gold Dust Corp. and Hocker Products Corp., 1925-39; management exec. Lever Brothers Co. 1939, prodn. v.p. 1949, dir. 1949, exec. com. 1950, exec. v.p., 1953-55, pres., 1955-59, chmn. bd., 1958-64; chmn. bd. Thomas J. Lipton, Inc., Lever Brothers, Ltd., Toronto, 1959-64, Thomas J. Lipton, Limited, Toronto, Ont., 1961-64. Served USNR, 1918-21. Mem. Soc. Chem. Industry, Alpha Chi Rho, Alpha Chi Sigma. Clubs: University (N.Y.C.); Sleepy Hollow Country, Algonquin (Boston). |
Burleigh, George W. Exec. committee |
1870-1940 |
Source(s): January 24, 1935, New York Times, 'Rights in danger, Dr. Butler warns': "In addition to Mr. Mellon, those elected members of the executive committee [of the Pilgrims] were George W. Burleigh, Edward F. Darrell, Louis C. Hay, Gates W. McGarrah, William Shields and Thomas W. Lamont, all of the class of 1935, Dr. William H. Wilmer of the class of 1936, and Dr. Ellsworth Elliot and Theodore Hetzler, class of 1937"; 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate) Son of George William and Louise Hannah (Bryant) B.; prep. edn., St. Paul’s Sch., Concord, N.H.; B.A., Princeton, 1892; M.A., 1895; studied law New York Law Sch.; married Isis Yturbide Potter, d. late Gen. Robert F. Stockton, Nov. 21, 1894. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1894; dir. Cayuga & Susquehanna R.R. Co., Church Properties Fire Ins. Corp. Private Vet. Corps Arty., N.Y., 1915, advancing to col. C.A.C.; comdr. 9th C.D.C., Sept. 1918-Oct. 1919; judge adv. gen. State of N.Y., 1921-24; col. J.A.G. Insp. Gen. (Res.). U.S.A.; then col. inactive reserve, U.S.A. Commander Legion of Honor (France); Comdr. Order of the Crown (Italy); Order of the Rising Sun, 3d class (Japan), Cross of Independence. Poland, Conspicuous Service Cross of State of N.Y. Mem. bd. mgrs. and treas. Seamen’s Church Inst. of America. Episcopalian; vestryman and clk. of vestry, Trinity Parish, New York. |
Burnham, Lord Edward Levy-Lawson | 1833-1916 |
Jewish and a member of the B'naï B'rith. His father acquired the Daily Telegraph and Courier in 1855, a few months after it was founded by Colonel Sleigh. Edward Burnham became the co-editor of the newspaper from 1855 to 1873 and later took the paper itself. The Daily Telegraph is now owned by Conrad Black's Hollinger Group. |
Burns, Arthur Frank | 1904-1987 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1988' (obituary list) Born in Stanislau, Austria, earned all his degrees at Columbia University and did all his teaching there. Economic adviser to president Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. Chairman of the Federal Reserve System 1970-1978. Member Council on Foreign Relations. Assistant statistics Columbia University, 1926, Gilder fellow, 1926-27; instructor econs. Rutgers University, 1927-30, assistant professor, 1930-33, associate professor, 1933-43, professor, 1943-44; research associate National Bureau Economic Research, 1930-31, member research staff, 1933-69, director research staff, 1945-53, chairman, 1967-68; chief statistician Ry. Emergency Board, 1941, Columbia University, 1941-42, visiting professor econs., 1942-44, professor, 1944-58; chairman President Adv. Board on Economic Growth and Stability, 1953-56, President Council Economic Advisers, 1953-56, Cabinet Committee Small Business, 1956; member Adv. Council on Social Security Financing, 1957-58; John Bates Clark professor econs. Columbia University, 1959-69, professor emeritus, 1969-87; member Temporary State Commission on Economic Expansion, New York , 1959-60, President Adv. Committee on Labor-Mgmt. Policy, 1961-66; chairman National Bureau Economic Research, 1967-68; member Gov.'s Committee on Minimum Wage, New York , 1964; visiting professor econs. Stanford University, 1968; counsellor to President U.S., 1969-70; chairman board governors Federal Reserve System, 1970-78; alternate governor International Monetary Fund, 1973-78; distinguished scholar in residence Am. Enterprise Institute, 1978-81, 85-87; distinguished professorial lecturer Georgetown University, Washington, 1978-81; ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany, 1981-85; board directors National Bureau Economic Research, 1945-87, hon. chairman, 1969-87; Anheuser-Busch distinguished guest lecturer St. Louis University, 1980; Kathleen Price Bryan lecturer University North Carolina, 1981; Founders' Day lecturer Xavier University, Cincinnati, 1981. Am. Democratic Legacy award Anti-Defamation League, B'nai B'rith, 1978, award Federal City Club, Washington, 1978, award Economic Club, New York City, 1978, Grand Cross of Order of Merit. Fellow Am. Economic Association (president 1959), Am. Statistical Association, Econometric Society, Am. Academy Arts and Scis., Academy Political Sci. (president 1962-68); member (board directors 1957-87), Am. Philosophical Society, Council Foreign Relations, Pilgrims Society, Institut de Sci. Economique Appliquee (corr.), Phi Beta Kappa Clubs: Cosmos, City Tavern (Washington); Century Association (New York City). December 8, 1959, New York Times, 'Members of Rockefeller Brothers Fund Panel': Board member of Rockefeller Brothers Fund in 1959, together with Laurance Rockefeller (chair), Gen. Lucius D. Clay, (New York Times), John W. Gardner, James R. Killian Jr., Henry Luce, Dean Rusk, David Sarnoff and Edward Teller. On the Foreign Policy panel/board sat Dean Rusk, Joseph E. Johnson, John D. Rockefeller III, David Sarnoff and August Heckcher. Mentor to Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. Also to Milton Friedman and George Stigler (co-founder Mont Pelerin Society). |
Burns, Ward | Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Amherst College, 1950. MBA, Harvard University, 1952. Special student, NYU, 1957. Manager Price Waterhouse & Co. (C.P.A.s), New York City, 1954-62; associate Laurence S. and David Rockefeller, Brussels, Belgium, 1962-65; with J.P. Stevens & Co., Inc., New York City, 1965-88, controller, 1969-78, group vice president, 1978-80, president, 1980-86, vice chairman, 1987-88. Also director, member executive committee; board directors Stevens Graphics, Inc., Atlanta, 1972-92; consultant ARS, Milan, Italy, HVL, Brussels, ARCO, Florence and Milan, 1963-65. Member editorial adv. bd.: Journal Accountancy, 1969-72. Member American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, New York State Society CPAs, Fin. Executives Institute, St. Andrews Society, Univ. Club, Links Club, Econs. Club New York City, The Pilgrims, Sky Club, Chappaquiddick Beach Club, Edgartown Yacht Club, Clove Valley Rod and Gun Club, Amherst Club (New York ), Harvard Club (Boston), Phi Alpha Psi, Phi Kappa Psi. |
Burt, Arthur Hartwell | b. 1892 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student, Pub. Schools, Cleveland Career With advertising department The Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland, 1912-14, salesman, 1915-16, architectural rep., 1916, manager architectural sales, 1918-24, Cleveland div. sales manager, 1924-30, national dealers sales manager, 1930-42, general manager trade sales, 1942-46, regional director North Central, 1946-52, general sales manager, 1952-53, vice president marketing and director, from 1953 Career Related Board directors Ozark Mining & Smelting Co., The Lowe Brothers Co., John Lucas & Co., Martin-Senour Co. Member Cleveland Senior Council Citizen's League, Am. Society Sales Executives, National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Association, Cleveland Advertising Club, Pilgrims of U.S., Pepper Pike Club, Canterbury Golf Club, Midday Club, Rotary (Cleveland). |
Burton, Sir Michael | b. 1937 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition MA. 2nd Lt, Rifle Brigade, 1955–57. Foreign Office, 1960; Asst Political Agent, Dubai, Trucial States, 1962–64; Private Sec. to Minister of State, FO, 1964–67; Second (later First) Sec. (Information), Khartoum, 1967–69; First Sec. (Inf.), Paris, 1969–72; Asst, Science and Technology Dept, FCO, 1972–75; First Sec. and Head of Chancery, Amman, 1975–77; Counsellor, Kuwait, 1977–79; Head of Maritime, Aviation and Environment Dept, FCO, 1979–81; Head of S Asian Dept, FCO, 1981–84; on secondment to BP as Head of Policy Rev. Unit, 1984–85; Berlin: Minister, 1985–92; Dep. Comdt, BMG, 1985–90; Head of Embassy Office, 1990–92; Asst Under-Sec. of State (ME), FCO, 1993; Ambassador to Czech Republic, 1994–97. Chairman: European-Atlantic Group, 2001–02 (Pres., 2002–05); British Czech and Slovak Assoc., 2001–; Mem. Council, RSAA, 2001–06, 2007–. Hon. Pres., Hinduja Foundn, 2003–. Order of Merit, Berlin, 1992. Oxford and Cambridge, Hurlingham (Chm., 2004–07), Pilgrims. HM Diplomatic Service, retired; independent consultant and lecturer. |
Bush, Irving T. | 1869-1948 |
Source(s): 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate); Who's Who digital edition; 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history'; Who's Who digital edition At 19 entered Bush & Denslow Mfg. Co., of which his father was pres., becoming sec. a yr. later; early became interested in relieving congestion of business and traffic in New York; began establishing warehouses, 1895, under title of The Bush Co., Ltd.; founded Bush Terminal Co., 1902, and has created the Bush Terminal, with 125 warehouses, 8 piers, 18 model loft or industrial bldgs., and facilities for receiving, shipping, storing. selling and mfg. goods. covering about 30 city blocks (200 acres) in South Brooklyn. N.Y., attracting over 300 mfg. and wholesale establishments. Also established the 30-story Sales Bldg., 42d St., N.Y. City. Pres. Bush Terminal Company and Bush Terminal R.R. Co. Mem. Chamber of Commerce of State of N.Y. (pres. 1922-24, v.p. 1924-28). Began to construct a 200 acre industrial park on the waterfront in Brooklyn in 1900. Founder of the Bush Terminal Railroad. President of Bush Terminal Co. Ordered the building of the London Bush House in 1919, which became the most expensive building at that time. It was meant to be an Anglo-American trade centre where buyers could purchase goods in one place. It lost it's original function after a few decades, but still exists today as an office to the BBC World Service. The main entrance is very grand, with two statues and four big columns reaching half the height of the nine-story building. Inscribed above the doors is the text, "To the friendship of English Speaking Peoples". The two statues symbolise Great Britain and America. They each hold a flaming torch and a shield which have the British lion and the American eagle on them. In between the statues is an altar embossed with a Celtic cross. Irving T. Bush has no known relation to the Presidential Bushes. Mem. The Pilgrims of the U.S., Sons of the Revolution, France-America Soc., Inc., Metropolitan Museum of Art and Am. Museum of Natural History, Am. Soc. of the French Legion of Honor, Inc. Conglist. Clubs: New York Yacht, India House, National Arts. |
Bush, Prescott Sheldon, Jr. | 1922-2010 |
Source(s): 2001 and 2002 lists (not on 1995 list; his younger brother, George H. W. Bush, resigned as president in January 1993, after holding government offices since 1967, except for 1977-1981). Son of wealthy senator Prescott S. Bush, Sr., also the father of President George H. W. Bush. This makes Prescott, Jr. the (older) brother of President George H. W. Bush and the uncle of President George W. Bush, who came into office around the time Prescott, Jr. joined the Pilgrims Society. Phillips Academy Andover. Yale University, but dropped out while his brother graduated and was invited to Skull & Bones. Consultant to Archer Daniels Midland and Anheuser-Busch. Director of Pan-Am 1942-1950. Ran for senator of Connecticut in 1982, but dropped out. Advisory board AmeriCares, the child abuse-linked Knight of Malta outfit in which almost the whole Bush family was involved in. Founding member and chairman of the U.S.-China Chamber of Commerce. Member of the U.S. delegation on the U.S.-Hong Kong Economic Cooperation Committee 1989-1992. Consultant for Wanxiang America. Developed the Shanghai International Golf and Country Club in Shanghai, China of which he is vice chairman. Chairman of the advisory board of Global Access, Incorporated. Member of the international advisory board of the Culture and Civilization of China. Director of Citizens Democracy Corps and of United Equity Holdings. Trustee George Herbert Walker Bush Presidential Library. George W. Bush for President in 2000. Bush-Cheney '04. Black America Political Action Committee. Pete Coors for Senate in 2004. Friends of Joe Lieberman in 2006. Anno 2017 he still doesn't have a Wikipedia. |
Bush, George H. W. | b. 1924 |
Source(s): No official membership (except for his older brother in later life), but, as resigning U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1973, he did sent a note to the Pilgrims that was read at the Annual Proceedings gathering, with, after an applause, Pilgrims president Bullock remarking: "I shall miss Ambassador Bush very much at the United Nations. I am sure all of you will."; held government office from 1967 to 1993, with the exception of 1977-1981 - so not a Pilgrims candidate - after which his older brother became a Pilgrim. Phillips Academy Andover. Yale University. Skull & Bones. Almost certaianly became a high-level CIA asset in the 1950s, providing cover to CIA agents with his oil business. Curious tie to the 1963 John F. Kennedy assassination. Member of Congress from texas 1967-1971. U.S. ambassador to the United Nations 1971-1973. Chair Republican National Committee 1973-1974. U.S. liaison to China 1974-1975. CIA director 1976-1977. Vice president under Reagan 1981-1989. President 1989-1993. |
Butler, Nicholas Murray Exec. committee & president |
1862-1947 |
Source(s): 1907, 1914 and 1920 lists (vice president and exec.); 1924 list (vice president); 1936-1937 list (president). Butler earned an A.B (1882), M.A. (1883) and Ph.D. (1884), all in philosophy, at Columbia, specializing in the writings of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. He studied for a year at the universities of Berlin and Paris. Became a staff member of the Department of Philosophy at Columbia College, later known as Columbia University. In 1882, Nicholas Murray Butler was appointed by Columbia president Henry Barnard to offer Saturday lectures for teachers. The turnout was enormous. Member New Jersey Board of Education from 1887 to 1895. Delegate to the Republican Convention 1888-1936. In 1891 Butler founded the Educational Review, a journal of educational philosophies and developments. He served as its editor until 1921. Organized the New York College for the Training of Teachers in 1892, affiliated with Columbia. Chairman the Paterson school 1892-1893. In these roles he led efforts to remove state political interference from local New Jersey school systems. In New York City, he did the same, spurring the creation of a citywide school board that emphasized professionalism and policy over political spoils (1895–1897). When New York City's consolidation was complete, New York State sought a similar reform with Butler's advice, completed in 1904. Participated in the formation of the College Entrance Examination Board in 1900. Had become a close friend of Pilgrims Society member Elihu Root by this time. President of Columbia University 1901-1945. Professor Carroll Quigley wrote in 'Tragedy and Hope', p. 937: "J.P. Morgan and his associates were the most significant figures in policy making at Harvard, Columbia and Yale while the Whitneys and Prudential Insurance Company dominated Princeton. The chief officials of these universities were beholden to these financial powers and usually owed their jobs to them... Morgan himself helped make Nicholas Murray Butler president of Columbia." Robert A. McCaughey wrote in 'Stand Columbia: A History of Columbia University in the City of New York, 1754–2004': "A compulsive name-dropper given to self-puffery, Butler was nevertheless an effective administrator [of Columbia], and J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, and E. H. Harriman sought to hire him to run their enterprises." Butler held the presidency in some of their railroad companies. President of the Germanistic Society of Columbia University in 1905-1906 and a director from 1908-1917. It organized and sponsored lecture series for German scholars in the United States. Travelled to Europe on occasion where he met with Kaiser Wilhelm and Mussolini in his early fascist days. Quote from the 1973 book 'The Glory and the Dream, a Narrative History of America, 1932-1972', by William Manchester, pages 67-68: "Nicholas Murray Butler told his students that totalitarian regimes brought forth "men of far greater intelligence, far stronger character, and far more courage than the system of elections," and if anyone represented the American establishment then it was Dr. Butler, with his 34 honorary degrees, and his thirty year tenure as president of Columbia University." (1957, Arthur M. Schlesinger, 'The crisis of the old order, 1919-1933', p. 204) Supposedly Butler agreed with some of the Nazi racial theories about the superiority of the Teuton race. Another quote attributed to him is: "The history of American education and of our American contributions to philosophical thought cannot be understood or estimated with[out] knowing of the life work of Dr. William Torrey Harris." Harris, a supporter of Emmanuel Kant and Georg Hegel, shaped modern American education to a large degree. He also was highly influential in popularizing Hegel's philosophies in the second half of the 19th century. Established a friendship with Governor Theodore Roosevelt in the early 20th century. President University Settlement Society 1905-1914. Became a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 1905. President American Academy in Rome 1905-1940s. President of the American branch of International Conciliation, an organization founded in 1905 by a Nobel peace laureate, Baron d'Estournelles de Constant (from an "old aristocratic family which traced its genealogy back to the Crusades", whatever that means). Chairman of the Lake Mohonk Conferences on International Arbitration, which met periodically from 1907 to 1912. President American Scandinavian Society 1908-1911. Influential in persuading Andrew Carnegie (a Pilgrims member, Hegelian, and Social Darwinist) to establish the Endowment in 1910 with a gift of $10,000,000 he served as head of the Endowment's section on international education and communication, founded the European branch of the Endowment, with headquarters in Paris, and held the presidency of the parent Endowment from 1925 to 1945. In 1912, Roosevelt ran for the presidency as the candidate of the Progressive Party, which drew most of its strength from Republicans, against the nominees of the constituted party: Taft for the presidency and Butler for the vice-presidency. By splitting the national vote, they permitted the Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, to win the election. President France-America Society 1914-1924. Nicholas Murray Butler, in an address delivered before the Union League of Philadelphia, Nov. 27, 1915: "The peace conference has assembled. It will make the most momentous decisions in history, and upon these decisions will rest the stability of the new world order and the future peace of the world." Both Nicholas Murray Butler and Elihu Root were staunch supporters of the League of Nations that would emerge after WWI. In 1916 Butler failed in his attempt to secure the Republican presidential nomination for Root. President American Hellenic Society 1917-1940s. William Bostock paper (University of Tasmania), 'To the limits of acceptability: political control of higher education' (2002): "On October 8, 1917, the famous historian Charles A. Beard resigned from Columbia University in protest over the dismissal of two colleagues, Professors Cattell and Dana, for having publicly opposed the entry of the United States into World War I. Cattell and Dana urged opposition to the draft, incurring the censure of Columbia President Nicholas Murray Butler and the Columbia Board of Trustees. There had also been a history of conflict over academic leadership and governance between Butler and Cattell, a distinguished psychologist." Michael Parenti, 'Against Empire' (1995), chapter 10: "A leading historian, Charles Beard, was grilled by the Columbia University trustees, who were concerned that his views might "inculcate disrespect for American institutions." In disgust Beard resigned from Columbia, declaring that the trustees and Nicholas Murray Butler sought "to drive out or humiliate or terrorize every man who held progressive, liberal, or unconventional views on political matters." Elihu Root, Nicholas Murray Butler, and Stephen P. Duggan, Sr. (CFR director) founded the Institute for International Education in 1919. Failed to secure the Republican presidential nomination in 1920. During the 1920s Butler was a member of the General Committee of the American Society for the Control of Cancer, chaired by Thomas W. Lamont, a Rockefeller banker and Pilgrims Society member. John D. Rockefeller, Sr. once wrote a public letter to Butler explaining why he supported the prohibition movement. According to Richard Koudenhove-Kalergi in his 1958 book 'Eine Idee erobert Europa. Meine Lebenserinnerungen' (translated): "One of my most energetic American friends and patrons was the president of the Columbia University, Nicholas Murray Butler, the president of the Carnegie Endowment at the same time. He wrote the foreword to the American edition of Paneuropa." Kalergi's Paneuropa movement was set up and funded by Max Warburg and Louis Rothschild in 1923. Paul and Felix Warburg were promoting the movement in the United States and Rothschild-ally Leopold S. Amery was a major supporter from the United Kingdom. Stephen P. Duggan, the CFR director and co-founder of the Institute for International Education, became the president of the American Cooperative Committee of the Pan-European Union (he held this position from 1925 to 1940). In 1927 Butler assisted the U.S. State Department in developing the Kellogg-Briand Pact. Failed to secure the Republican presidential nomination in 1928. President of the Pilgrims Society 1928-1946. Visitor of the Bohemian Grove and an honorary member by 1929. Butler gave the core members of the Frankfurt School’s Institute for Social Research a home in exile at Columbia University in 1934. These people were supporters of Georg Hegel, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, and Max Weber. Among these people was Herbert Marcuse, a Jewish Marxist Hegelian, who became the 'father of the New Left' in the 1960s. President Italy-America Society 1929-1935. Director of the New York Life Insurance Corporation 1929-1939. Nobel Peace Prize 1931. Received a gold medal from the National Institute of Social Sciences at the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria in 1932, together with J.P. Morgan. On November 19, 1937, Butler attended a meeting where Pilgrims Society member Robert Cecil, 1st Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, received a Nobel Prize for his work in establishing the League of Nations. Both Butler and Lord Cecil held speeches about the role the League of Nations should have. Although it is only a rumor, Butler is supposed to have said at this meeting (in private) that communism was a tool of the British financial powers to knock down national governments and to bring about a world government in the future. Chairman Carnegie Corporation of New York 1937-1945. Vice-president International Benjamin Franklin Society in 1939. Governor Pan American Trade Committee in 1939. Member of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, together with Pilgrims Thomas W. Lamont, John Davis, James Gerard, Frank Polk, and Bishop James de Wolf Perry. Governor of the Metropolitan Club, founded by J.P. Morgan in 1891, and which counted among its members two Vanderbilts, three Mellons, five Du Ponts, and six Roosevelts. He was a governor Honorary president American Society of French Legion of Honor from 1944 on. Decorated by China, France, Dominican, Republic, Cuba, Germany, Greece, Yugoslavia, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Holland, Chile and other countries. Member American Society in London. |
Butler, Percy James Exec. committee & treasurer |
b. 1929 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list Student Marlborough College (England), 1942-47; MA in Math. with honors, Clare College (England), 1952. With Peat Marwick McLintock, London, 1952– , managing partner, 1981-85, senior partner, 1986–1993; member executive committee and council Klynweld Peat Marwick Goerdeler, 1987-1993; chairman KPMG, 1990-1993; director Mersey Docks & Harbour Co., Liverpool, England Member Marlborough College Council, 1975–2001, chairman fin. committee, 1983–1992, chairman 1992-2001; treasurer Pilgrims Society, London, 1981–2000. Decorated Commander Order of Brit. Empire. Fellow Institute Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Member Church of England. Involved with organizing the International Banking and Finance Conferences in the 1980s. |
Butler, Sir Harold | 1883-1951 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Eton Coll.; Balliol Coll., Oxford; Brackenbury Scholar and Jenkyns Exhibitioner; 1st class Lit. Hum., 1905; Fellow of All Souls College, 1905–12. Entered Civil Service (Local Government Board), 1907; transferred to Home Office, 1908; Secretary to British Delegation, International Conference on Aerial Navigation, Paris, 1910; Acting Assistant Secretary, 1914; Secretary, Foreign Trade Department of the Foreign Office, 1916; Ministry of Labour, 1917–19; Assistant General Secretary Labour Commission, Peace Conference, 1919; Secretary-General International Labour Conference, Washington, 1919; Deputy Director, International Labour Office, 1920–32; Director, 1932–38; Warden of Nuffield College, Oxford, 1939–43; Commissioner for Civil Defence, Southern Region, 1939–41; Minister at HM Embassy, Washington, 1942–46. |
Butler, William Allen | 1853-1923 |
Source(s): 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, 'The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history', p. 102, showing a Pilgrims document with executive members on it dated November 11, 1919, in which the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII and Duke of Windsor) is thanked for accepting an invitation. Son of William Allen Butler. Brother of Charles Henry and Howard Russell B.; A.B., Princeton, 1876; LL.B., Columbia, 1878; married Louise T. Collins, Oct. 1, 1884. Admitted to bar, 1878, and then in practice at New York; then mem. Butler, Wyckoff & Reid; formerly mem. of Wallace, Butler & Brown, successors to Butler, Notman & Mynderse. Dir. Employers’ Liability Assurance Corp., Hanover Fire Ins. Co., Franklin Trust Co., Brunswick Site Co.; trustee Seamen’s Savings Bank. Treas. Church Extension Com. Presbytery of New York; mgr. Presbyn. Hosp., New York. |
Butler, Lord Richard "Rab" A. | 1902-1982 |
1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Student Marlborough; M.A., Pembroke Coll., Cambridge; LL.D., Cambridge, 1952, Nottingham, 1953, Bristol, 1954. Sheffield, 1955, St. Andrews U., Glasgow., Reading, 1959; D.H.L., Oxford, 1952; married Sydney Elizabeth Courtauld, Apr. 20, 1926 (dec.); children—Richard Clive, Adam Courtauld, Samuel James, Sarah Teresa Mary; married 2d, Mollie Montgomerie Courtauld, 1959. Fellow Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge, 1925-29; mem. Parliament, Saffron-Walden, 1929-65; parliamentary under-sec. state for India, 1932-37; sec. Ministry of Labour, 1937-38; under-sec. of state for Fgn. Affairs, 1938-41. Butler's close association to the government's policy of appeasement of Nazi Germany may have been instrumental in limiting his political career. Pres. bd. edn., 1941-45, minister of labor, 1945. Butler had been designated to be one of the regional representatives of King George VI as part of the secret plan of resistance had Britain been occupied by the Nazi forces. Little even today is known about this proposed plan. Chmn. Nat. Union of Conservative and Unionist Assns., 1945-51; chancellor of the Exchequer, 1951-55; Lord Privy Seal, 1956-59; also leader House of Commons, 1956-62, home secretary, 1957-62, chairman of Conservative party, 1959-62; first secretary of state, 1962-63, secretary of state for foreign affairs, 1963-65. High steward Cambridge Univ., chancellor Sheffield U., after 1959; now master of Trinity College, Cambridge University. Mem. Indian Franchise Com., 1931; mem. Privy Council com. for Reform of Channel Islands Govt.; 1946. Privy councillor, 1945. Decorated Companion of Honour, 1954; honorary fellow Corpus Christi College of Cambridge, 1952. President of Union Society, 1924. Modern Language Association, 1940, Nat. Assn. for Mental Health, 1946, Royal Soc. Lit., 1951, Brit. and Fgn. Schs. Socs., 1945; chmn. council Royal India Soc., Anglo Netherlands Soc., 1946. Clubs: Athenaeum, Carlton, Farmers, Beefsteak. Grillions (London). |
Buxbaum, James Monroe | b. 1928 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA cum laude, Harvard University, 1949. JD, Columbia University, 1955. PhD, Claremont Grad. School, 1979. Story editor, associate producer Seahunt and Aquanauts TV series, 1957-60; producer Flipper TV series, 1964-66; executive vice president Ivan Tors Films, Hollywood, California, 1967-68; general manager Am. Film Institute Center for Advanced Film Studies, Beverly Hills, 1968-69; professor California Poly. State University, San Luis Obispo, 1978—. Member Pilgrims of U.S. |
Cabell, Robert Hervey | 1867-1947 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Began as salesman with Armour & Co., 1892, promoted dept. mgr., 1898, mng. dir. European interests with hdqrs. in London, 1913-34, gen. mgr., Chicago, 1934, pres., 1935-40; retired Jan. 1940. Mem. British Meat and Allied Trades Com., 1914-18. Mem. Internat. C. of C., Pilgrims of U.S., Newcomen Society, S.A.R. Am. C. of C. of London (a founder). |
Cabot, Paul C. | 1898-1994 |
Source(s): 1957 list AB, Harvard University, 1921. MBA with distinction, Harvard University, 1923. LL.D., Harvard University, 1966. LL.D., Yale University, 1965. Senior partner, State St. Research & Management Co., Boston, 1924-94, retired Former chairman board, State St. Investment Corp., 1924-94 Treasurer, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1948-65 |
Caccia, Lord Harold Anthony Exec. committee |
1905–1990 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list 1970s, 1980s, until Lord Caccia's death in 1990 From an Italian family which kept close ties with their mother country. Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) 1945-1948. November 1, 1990, The Times, 'Lord Caccia; Obituary': "Early in 1962 Caccia, who had been advanced to GCMG in 1959 and GCVO in 1961, became permanent under secretary at the Foreign Office and head of the foreign service. He found the Foreign Office, or at least a part of it, deeply committed to the first unsuccessful attempt to enter the EEC, with which he was perhaps personally not much in sympathy. In keeping with his temperament he sought to give a more robust tone to British foreign policy generally: but the hard facts of Britain's position in the world, coupled with the administrative load which any holder of this post must bear, limited his capacity to initiate or influence policy." From 1965 to 1977 Caccia was provost of Eton, and he also accepted many outside appointments in banking, finance, industry, and insurance. He was director of the National Westminster Bank, chairman of the Orion Bank, a director of the Foreign and Colonial Investment and European trusts, director of the Prudential, chairman of Standard Telephones and Cables and of ITT (UK) Ltd, and a member of the advisory council of Foseco Minsep plc. He was chairman of the Gabbitas Thring educational trust, a member of the advisory committee on public records, and chairman of the Marylebone Cricket Club. Early council member of the Ditchley Foundation. November 1, 1990, The Times, 'Lord Caccia; Obituary': "[After his retirement:] As chairman of the council of the Ditchley Foundation he continued to work for Anglo-American understanding. Among other posts and honours which came to him were those of honorary fellow of his college, chairman of the Gabbitas-Thring Educational Trust and chancellor of the Order of St John of Jerusalem of which he was a Knight Grand Cross." |
Cadbury, Laurence John | 1889-1982 |
Source(s): 1969, 1974, 1980 lists Through George Cadbury Sr. (1839-1922), a grandson of John Cadbury (1801-1889), the founder of the Cadbury Bros., Ltd. industrial fortune, including what is now Cadbury Schweppes, a $6 billion business in beverages, confections (such as chocolate) and other items (very strong presence in West Africa). Succeeded his brother Edward as head of the family's chocolate company in 1944. Managing director of Cadbury Bros. Ltd. Order of the British Empire. Treasurer of the Population Investigation Committee in 1936. Governor of the Bank of England 1936-1961. Vice president of the Eugenics Society 1951-1952 and a long time fellow of the society. |
Cadbury, Peter Hugh George | b. 1943 |
Source(s): 2014 list (joined in 2009) Through Christopher Cadbury (1908-1995) and George Cadbury Jr. (1879-1954) and Sr. (1839-1922), a great-great grandson of John Cadbury (1801-1889), the founder of the Cadbury Bros. industrial/chocolate fortune, which has had a very powerful presence in West Africa. At age 33 (1976-1977), he became one of the youngest ever directors of Morgan Grenfell. Eventually rose to deputy chairman. Involved in several other corporations. Chairman of Peter Cadbury & Co. Limited. |
Cadwalader, John Lambert | 1837-1914 |
Source(s): 1907 list Son of General Thomas McCall Cadwalader (1795–1873). On his paternal side, his grandfather was Lambert Cadwalader (1742–1823) and his great-grandfather was Thomas Cadwalader (1708–1779). His mother was Maria Charlotte Gouverneur (1801–1867), who was sister of Samuel L. Gouverneur (1799–1867), and niece of Elizabeth (Kortright) Monroe (1768–1830), the wife of US President James Monroe. A.M., 1859; LL.B., Harvard, 1860; (LL.D., Princeton, 1897, U. of Pa., 1908, Harvard, 1913). In practice in New York for many years under name Strong & Cadwalader (later Cadwalader, Wiekersham Taft). Asst. sec. of state U.S., under Hamilton Fish, 1874-77. President N.Y. Public Library: pres. N.Y. Bar Assn., 1906-07; trustee Metropolitan Museum of Art, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Carnegie Endowment for Peace, Princeton University. |
Caldwell, Robert J. | 1875-1951 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition grad. Polytechnic Inst. of Brooklyn; LL.D., Rollins Coll., 1927; married Jean B. Holmes, Apr. 25, 1913 (dec.); children—Tracy Fairfax, Jean (Mrs. William M. von Hubler). Began as salesman in cotton house; established R. J. Caldwell Co. and Connecticut Mills Co., 1910, Canadian Conn. Cotton Mills, R. J. Caldwell, Ltd., and Conn. Cottons Co., 1913; retired from active business; formerly dir. of many corps. and of Seaboard Nat. Bank; mem. council of Profit Sharing Industries, Akron. Veteran of the 1st Cavalry, Nat. Guard of N.Y. During World War financed airplane Investigation which resulted in reorganization of Air Service. Was chmn. com. on industrial relations of Nat. Rep. Adv. Com. on Policies and Platform, also of indsl. relations com. of Nat. Rep. Club; spl. industrial commr. to Europe for U.S. Govt., 1919; guest of French Govt., 1919, in behalf of rehabilitation of devastated area; spl. economic commr. for U.S. Govt. to Great Britain, Czechoslovakia and Belgium, 1920, and was awarded honorary diploma Masarykova Akademia Prace, Prague, 1923; presented to the City of Prague in 1928, the first statue erected in Czechoslovakia, of President Masaryk. Served as first Am. del. to Fedn. of League of Nations Socs., Vienna, 1923; accomplished financial mission, 1923, to Czechoslovakia and Hungary, resulting in 1st internat. loan to Hungary through League of Nations; del. Internat. Y.M.C.A. Boys’ Conf., Austria, 1923; organizer and chmn. Exec. Com. of Russian Refugee Relief Soc. of America; exec. vice chmn. Mayor La Guardia’s com. for completing Czechoslovak Pavilion at New York Worlds Fair; dir. of the Save the Children Fedn., Am. Friends of Lithuania, Baltic Am. Soc. Mem. com. Religious Minorities of Ch. Peace Union; mem. Council on Foreign Relations; mem. Am. Com. of Internat. Labor Office of Geneva and Montreal; mem. France-America Soc., English Speaking Union, Pilgrims, Acad. Polit. Sciences, Am. Soc. Legion of Honor. St. George’s Soc. of N.Y. |
Camoys, Lord Thomas | b. 1940 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Educated at Eton College and Balliol College University of Oxford (MA). He was later to have an active role in banking. He was General Manager and a director of National Provincial and Rothschild (London) Ltd 1968, and Managing Director of Rothschild Intercontinental Bank Ltd 1969. He was Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Amex Bank Ltd 1975–77, and Chairman 1977–78. He was Deputy Chairman of Barclay de Zoete Wedd (BZW) from 1987, having been its Chief Executive 1986–88. Since 1993, he has been Deputy Chairman of Sotheby's, and was Chairman of Jackson of Piccadilly 1968–85. He was associated with Barclays Merchant Bank, serving as its Managing Director from 1978–84, and as executive Vice-Chairman 1984–86. He was also a director of Barclays Bank International Ltd 1980–94, Mercantile Credit Co Ltd 1980–84, National Provident Institution from 1982, the Administrative Staff College from 1989, and 3i Group from 1991. He was President of the Mail Users' Association from 1977–84, and a member of the Court of Assistants of the Fishmongers Company from 1980. He served the latter livery company as Prime Warden 1992–93. Lord Camoys was a member of the House of Lords select committee on the European Economic Community (EEC) 1979–81, and a member of the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England 1985–87 and the Royal Commission on Historic Manuscripts 1987–94. He was a consultor of the Extraordinary Session of the Administration of Patrimony of the Holy See (Vatican) from 1991. He was the first Roman Catholic Lord Chamberlain since the Reformation. He was a Lord in Waiting 1992–97, and has been a Permanent Lord in Waiting since 2000. Made a GCVO 1998, and a Privy Counsellor in the same year. He was a Deputy Lieutenant of Oxfordshire from 1993. Lord Chamberlain of the United Kingdom from 1998 to 2000, when he retired due to ill health. |
Camrose, 1st Viscount Exec. Committee |
1879-1954 |
Source(s): 1950 list (officers list) Founded Advertising World, 1901; owned and edited various other journals; Chairman of the Daily Telegraph; Chm., Amalgamated Press, Ltd; Editor-in-Chief of the Sunday Times, 1915–36; Prin. Adviser to Ministry of Information, 1939; DL (1941) Southampton. Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Telegraph since 1928. Carlton, Athenæum, Turf; (Vice-Cdre) Royal Yacht Squadron. |
Canfield, Cass | 1897-1986 |
Source(s): 1974 list Graduated from Harvard in 1919. Studied at New College, Oxford. Worked as a reporter and advertising salesman for the New York Post. Early member Council on Foreign Relations who helped set up its magazine Foreign Affairs in 1922. Manager London office of book publisher Harper & Collins starting in 1924. Julian Huxley was among the writers he signed. President of Harper & Brothers 1931-1945, board chairman 1945-1955, executive chairman 1955-1967, house senior editor 1967-1986. The publishing firm became known as HarperCollins in 1990. Member Atlantic Council. |
Capshaw, Hulon | 1891-1977 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Grad. Peabody Coll., 1911; A.B., U. Tenn., 1913; scholar Columbia, 1914-16, LL.B., 1916. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1916, bar U.S. Supreme Ct., 1926; with Cravath & Henderson, 1916-18, Olney & Comstock, 1919-21; pvt. practice, 1921-28; mem. Capshaw & Capshaw, 1928-29; judge N.Y. City Magistrates Cts., 1929-40. Served to ensign USNRF, World War I. Mem. N.Y. So. Soc. (sec. 1926-29), Tenn. Soc. in N.Y. (pres. 1935-37), Pilgrims of U.S., S.R., N.Y. Soc. Mil. and Naval Officers World War, Kappa Alpha (pres. nat. conv. Louisville 1929). Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: University (non-resident), Kappa Alpha (Southern) (pres. 1926-34), Down Town (non-resident), Laymen’s of Cathedral of St. John the Divine (pres. 1935-37). |
Carey, William Polk | b. 1930 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Grad., Pomfret School, 1948. Student, Princeton, 1948—1950. BS in Econs., Wharton School, University Pennsylvania, 1953. Vice president, general manager A. J. Orbach Co., Plainfield, New Jersey, 1955—1958; principal W.P. Carey & Co., Bloomfield, 1958—1963; president, director W.P. Carey & Co. and affiliates, New York City, 1973—1983, chairman, 1983—; president, director International Leasing Corp., 1959—1989; chairman executive committee, director Hubbard, Westervelt & Mottelay, Inc. (now Merrill Lynch), 1964—1967; department head Loeb, Rhoades & Co. (now Lehman Brothers), 1967—1971; vice chairman investment banking board, director corp. fin. duPont Glore Forgan, 1971—1973; general partner Corp. Property Associates, New York City, 1978—1997, chairman CPA series of pub. ltd. partnerships and real estate investment trusts, 1979—. Chairman Carey Instnl. Properties, New York City, 1991-2004, W.P. Carey & Co. LLC, W.P. Carey International LLC, 2000—; chairman executive committee Carey Diversified LLC, 1997-2000; adv. committee US Treasury Department, 1986-92; executive in residence Harvard Business School, 1999; advisor W.P. Carey School Business, Arizona State University. Trustee Johns Hopkins University, Newcomen Society; adv. board Johns Hopkins School Advanced International Studies, Carey Business School; life trustee Gilman School Baltimore, Pomfret School, Connecticut; trustee, executive committee Rensselaerville Institute, New York , 1979—; chairman board trustees Oxford Management Center Associates Council, 1984-94, hon. trustee 1994—; council management Templeton College, Oxford University, 1970-95; chm. St. Elmo Foundation, W.P. Carey Foundation, Pennsylvania Institute for Economic Research, 2001—; hon. director Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve; leadership committee James A. Baker III Institute for Pub. Policy Rice University, Council on Foreign Relations; governor National Association Real Estate Investment Trusts, 1993-97; chairman board overseers Rensselaerville Institute Conference Center, 2000—. Trustee Johns Hopkins University, Newcomen Society; adv. board Johns Hopkins School Advanced International Studies, Carey Business School; life trustee Gilman School Baltimore, Pomfret School, Connecticut; trustee, executive committee Rensselaerville Institute, New York , 1979—; chairman board trustees Oxford Management Center Associates Council, 1984-94, hon. trustee 1994—; council management Templeton College, Oxford University, 1970-95; chm. St. Elmo Foundation, W.P. Carey Foundation, Pennsylvania Institute for Economic Research, 2001—; hon. director Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve; leadership committee James A. Baker III Institute for Pub. Policy Rice University, council on foreign relations; governor National Association Real Estate Investment Trusts, 1993-97; chairman board overseers Rensselaerville Institute Conference Center, 2000—. Office: 50 Rockefeller Plz New York New York. |
Carlson, Richard Warner | b. 1941 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Editorial assistant L.A. Times, 1962-63; writer, columnist United Press International, San Francisco, Sacramento, 1963-66; investigative reporter, anchorman ABC-TV, San Francisco, 1966-71, anchorman, political editor LA, 1971-75; anchorman Station KFMB-TV (CBS), San Diego, 1975-77; producer, writer, director documentary films NBC-TV, Burbank, 1974; anchorman, host Carlson & Co., CBS-TV, San Diego, 1975-76; senior vice president Great American First Bank, 1977-84; director USIA/Voice of Am., Washington, 1985-91; U.S. ambassador to Republic Seychelles, 1991-92; president, CEO Corp. for Pub. Broadcasting, 1992-97; CEO Kingworld Pub. TV, Washington, 1997-99; vice chairman Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, 2003—; columnist The Hill Newspaper, 2003—. Vice chairman Foundation for the Defense of Democracies; board directors Executive Information Service, Radio Voyager, Inc.; president Gately-Carlson Consultant; lecturer, consultant in field. Chairman San Diego Coalition, 1980-81; governor Scripps Memorial Hospitals, La Jolla, 1981-90, Banff (Can.) TV Festival, 1996—, Am. Center Children's TV, 1996—; member California State Rep. Central Committee, 1982-85; appointed Pres.'s Council Peace Corps, 1982-84; member La Jolla Planned District Board, 1982-84; board directors Sharp Hospital Foundation, 1983—, Scripps Institute Medicine and Sci., 1995—; member La Jolla Town Council, 1983-85; member San Diego Crime Commission, 1984-85; trustee Fund for Am. Studies, 1988-91; member Rosalind Russell Arthritis Foundation, 1985-91; director Georgetown Club, 1995—. Member National Press Club, Thunderbird Country Club (Rancho Mirage, California), Mid-Ocean Club (Tuckerstown, Bermuda), Georgetown Club, Metropolitan Club, Diplomatic and Consular Officers Retired, The Pilgrims (New York City), Am. Ambassadors. |
Carmer, Carl | 1893-1976 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Ph.B., Hamilton Coll., Clinton, N.Y., 1914, Ph.M., 1917; M.A., Harvard U., 1915; Litt.D., Elmira Coll., 1937, Susquehanna U., 1944; L.H.D., Hamilton Coll., 1941; LL.D., U. Buffalo, 1962; married Elizabeth Black, Dec. 24, 1928. Instr. in English, Syracuse U., 1915-16, U. Rochester, 1916-17; chmn. pub. speaking dept. Hamilton Coll., 1919; asst. prof. English, U. Rochester, 1919-21; asso. prof. U. Ala., 1921-24, prof., 1924-27; columnist New Orleans Morning Tribune, 1927; asst. editor Vanity Fair, 1928-29, Theatre Arts Monthly, 1929-33; pres. Boscobel Restoration, Inc. Bd. overseers Coll. of Virgin Islands, 1963. Served as 1st lt. F.A., World War I. Recipient merit award Am. Assn. State and Local History, patriotic achievement medal Order Founders and Patriots of Am. Fellow N.Y. State Hist. Assn. (v.p.); mem. MacDowell Assn., P.E.N., Poetry Soc. Am., Authors Guild of Authors League Am., P.E.N., Poetry Soc. Am., N.Y. State Folklore Soc. (v.p.), Soc. Am. Historians (bd. dirs.), Nat. Assn. Student Personnel Adminstrs., Am. Acad., Victorian Soc. in Am. (bd. dirs.), Hudson River Conservation Soc. (1st v.p.), Phi Beta Kappa, Psi Upsilon. Presbyn. Clubs: Pilgrims, Century. |
Carlton, Newcomb | 1869-1953 |
Source(s): 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate); Who's Who digital edition; 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' President and chairman Western Union (During the 20s and 30s he was involved with laying the first transnational phone lines). In a Senate subcommittee hearing Carlton and others admitted that British Naval Intelligence was spying on the company and that this was the most common thing in the world. This practice went back to at least the first half of the 19th century. Carlton also was director International Acceptance Bank, Chase National Bank, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., American Express Co., the American Sugar Refining Co., American Telegraph and Cable Co., American International Corporation (very involved with the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917), and World Cable Systems. Stockholder of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and a friend to its senior partners. Member Newcomen Society. |
Carnegie, Andrew | 1835-1919 |
Source(s): 1907 list; 1914 list; 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' Born in Dunfermline, Scotland, in 1835. His father, William Carnegie was a master handloom weaver like his father and grandfather before him. Went to school at the age of 8. His family moved to America in 1848 to seek a better life and ended up just north of Pittsburgh. Carnegie went to work as a bobbin boy in a local textile mill owned by a fellow Scot. He made $1.20 a week. Shortly thereafter he got a better paying job in a bobbin factory of yet another expatriate Scot. His job was dipping the bobbins into an oil bath and firing the factory boiler. He also got to work in the Company office on occasion where he decided he needed to learn double-entry bookkeeping. Consequently, in addition to working 12 hour days, he went to night school across the river in Pittsburgh. He got a job at the O'Reilly Telegraph Company as a messenger boy. Carnegie delivered messages to all the important businesses in the city and soon knew a great deal about Pittsburgh's commercial affairs. In 1851 he became a full time telegraph operator. 1972, Herman Edward Krooss, Charles Gilbert, 'American Business History', p. 205: "In any event, Carnegie came to regard the matter as one of principle, and since Frick would not give in, Carnegie forced him to resign and then attempted to use the iron-clad agreement to force Frick to sell his stock at its book value. Frick, of course, objected. [9] He insisted that the $25 million value placed on the company by the iron-clad agreement was absurd. Since the company earned $21 million in 1899, his argument was valid, no matter how little it suited Carnegie. On the basis of earnings, the company was worth at least $210 million, and its prospects for future growth were, to say the least , encouraging . What added to Frick's case was that he had already offered to buy the company for $320 million. Carnegie had accepted the price and had given a $ 2 million option to buy . Frick negotiated with the Moore Brothers , well known corporation promoters , and they agreed to pay $ 1 million for an option . All it then took to satisfy Carnegie's share was another $ 170,000 , which Frick and Phipps deposited . But the plan never materialized because the promoters could not raise the necessary cash . The options were for- feited to Carnegie which did nothing to improve relations . The difference of opinion about the iron - clad agreement did come to court , but the pressure on Carnegie and his shaky legal case resulted in a settlement in 1900. The company was reorganized as the Carnegie Com- pany , Inc. with a capital of $ 320 million , half in common stock and half in bonds . Frick emerged with $ 30 million , but he was forever forbidden to hold office in the company.10 Meanwhile , other steel companies were allying and uniting in this era of trustification . .... It was reported that when Carnegie told Frick what he was about to do, Frick erupted. "For years I have been convinced that there is not an honest bone in your body. Now I know that you are a god damned thief." He thereupon advanced upon Carnegie with fists clenched. But Carnegie got to the door first. In a later formation of U.S. Steel, Frick received $15.8 million in bonds, $23.8 million in preferred stock, and $21.8 million in common." shoppbs.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/ carnegie/sfeature/p_campus.html (accessed: July. 21, 2023; original story in 1970, Joseph Frailer Wall, Oxford University Press, 'Andrew Carnegie'): "Princeton president Woodrow Wilson was determined. Officials of other universities had never had much luck in soliciting donations from Andrew Carnegie, but none had pushed so hard. Princeton had "Scottish connections," Wilson stressed: "She has been largely made by Scotsmen, being myself of pure Scots blood, it heartens me to emphasize the fact." In 1904, Carnegie visited Princeton. Accompanied by Trustee Grover Cleveland, Wilson took the steel baron over every inch of the campus. He reviewed plans for new graduate school facilities, pointed out the inadequate libraries and laboratories, introduced Carnegie to the faculty-and, most fatefully, toured the athletic facilities. Carnegie perked up at discussion of Princeton's football program. He disapproved of football, which he felt groomed America's promising young men for violence and deception. Football, Carnegie felt, was an indirect threat to the cause of peace. Presented with an opportunity to act, he seized upon it. "I know exactly what Princeton needs, and I intend to give it to her," he announced. "It is a lake," Carnegie told the surprised Wilson. "Princeton should have a rowing crew to compete with Harvard, Yale, and Columbia. That will take young men's minds off football." The cooperative effort of Rowing, Carnegie hoped, would provide a better model for global relations than gridiron sport. Two years and $400,000 later, the three-mile lake was completed. At the opening ceremony, Carnegie told grumbling undergraduates that he hoped the lake would replace the football field as the center of Princeton's athletic attentions: "I have never seen a football game, but I have glanced at pictures of such games, and to me the spectacle of educated young men rolling over one another in the dirt was-well, not gentlemanly."" |
Carr, Gilbert Harry Exec. Committee |
1884-1954 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition 2nd Imperial Light Horse, South African War, 1900–02 (Queen’s Medal 3 clasps). Served European War, Captain US Army AEF, 1917–19; Director-General, American Ambulance, Great Britain, 1940–45; Dep. Chm., London Cttee British War Relief Soc. of America, 1940–45, Chm. 1949–; Chm., The American Soc. in London, 1937 and 1938, Hon. Sec., 1939–47; Hon. Treas., 1947–; Vice-Pres., American Chamber of Commerce in London, 1942, 1951, Pres. 1951–52; Comdr, London Post American Legion, 1937–43; Dir., American Relief Soc., 1935–; Exec. Cttee the English-Speaking Union, 1946–52; Exec. Cttee The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 1948; Governor, The American Club, 1938–; National Chairman, The Incorporated Sales Managers Assoc., Great Britain, 1936–38. Managing Director, Producers International Sales Association Ltd, since 1930. |
Carrick, Sir Roger | b. 1937 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student Bulgarian Studies, London University, 1961. With Foreign Office, 1956—, 65-67; 3d secretary Brit. Legation, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1962-65; 2d secretary, then 1st secretary Brit. Embassy, Paris, 1967-70; head of chancery Brit. High Commission, Singapore, 1971-73; assistant head, then counsellor and deputy head of department Commonwealth Foreign and Office, London, 1973-77; visiting fellow Institute International Studies University California, Berkeley, 1977-78; counsellor Brit. Embassy, Washington, 1978-82; head of department Foreign and commonwealth Office, London, 1982-85; her majesty's consul general Chicago, 1985-88; assistant undersec. of state (economic) Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, 1988-90; her majesty's ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia Brit. Embassy, Jakarta, 1990-94; Brit. High Commissioner to Australia, 1994—. Churchill life fellow Westminster College, Missouri, 1987; named Knight Commander Order of St. Michael and St. George, United Kingdom, 1995 (Companion 1982), Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order (United Kingdom), 1972. Member Royal Overseas League London, The Lord's Taverners (Canberra), Australian Club (Sydney), Melbourne Club, Cook Society, Pilgrims. Has been present at meetings of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and is likely a member. HM Diplomatic Service, retired; international consultant; Chairman, Strategy International Ltd, since 2007 (non-executive Director, 2001–06). |
Carrington, Lord Peter Rupert President |
b. 1919 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; October 10, 2002, The Times, 'Announcements': "The Rt Hon The Lord Carrington, KG, CH, GCMG, Mc, retiring after 20 years as President, presided at the 2002 annual meeting of the Pilgrims, held on September 23 at the American Embassy. Lord Carrington was succeeded as President by Field Marshal The Rt Hon The Lord Inge KG GCB. The Rt Rev David Say KCVO was succeeded as Honorary Chaplain by the Rt Rev David Conner, Dean of Windsor. Mr Robert M. Worcester, Chairman, Mr M. Peter Barton, Honorary Secretary, Sir Hugh Cubitt, CBE, JP, DL, the Hon Glyn Davies, The Lord Slynn of Hadley, Sir John Ure KCMG LVO and Mr Peter Viggers MP were re-elected to serve on the executive committee." Carrington was educated at Eton and RMA Sandhurst. In 1938 he succeeded his father as 6th Baron Carrington and took his seat in the House of Lords on his 21st birthday in 1940. In WWII he served as a major in the Grenadier Guards and was awarded the Military Cross. Went into politics and joined the Conservatives. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry for Agriculture and Food 1951-1954. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Defence 1954-1956. High Commissioner to Australia 1956-1959. Became a member of the Privy Council in 1959. First Lord of the Admiralty 1959-1963. Minister without Portfolio and Leader of the House of Lords 1963-1964. Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords 1964-1970. Chairman of the Australia and New Zealand Bank since 1969-1970. Defence Secretary 1970-1974. Chairman of the Conservative Party 1972-1974. Secretary of State for Energy from January to March 1974. Stepped temporarily out of politics in 1974. Joined the board of Hambros Bank in June 1967. Director of Barclays Bank in September 1967-1970, but rejoined Barclays in 1974. Director of Barclays Bank International since July 1975. Has been a director of Rio Tinto (since 1974), Cadbury Schweppes, Hollinger International, Amalgamated Metal, and the British Metal Corp. Member of the International Advisory Council of Chase Manhattan. Attended the Trilateral Commission in the 1970s. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute for International Affairs. One of the few who was in the loop of Brian Crozier's (Le Cercle) Shield Committee that succeeded in getting Margaret Thatcher elected in 1979. British Foreign Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs 1979-1982. Rejoined Barclays Bank and Barclays International in 1982. Resigned over the Falkland crisis although he expressed his opinion that much of the criticism was unjustified. President of the Pilgrims of Great Britain since 1983. Chairman General Electric Co., London, 1983-1984. Director Kissinger Associates 1982-1984 and 1988-1997. Chairman of the board trustees of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London 1983-1988. Secretary General of NATO 1984-1988. Received the knight grand cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George (chancellor 1984-94). Member of the Order of the Garter since 1985. Identified as a governor of the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs in 1987. Chairman of Bilderberg 1989-1998. Director of Conrad Black's Telegraph newspaper in 1990, a board on which at different times Rupert Hambro, Raymond Seitz and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild could also be found. Governor of the Ditchley Foundations. Member of the Other Club, together with the Duke of Devonshire (Cavendish), the 7th Marquess of Salisbury (Cecil), Lord Rothschild, Lord Rees-Mogg, Lord Julian Amery, Prince Charles, Lord Richardson of Duntisbourne, Paul Channon, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Sir Edward Heath, Sir Denis Thatcher, and Winston S. Churchill. Member of the Grillion's Club, together with the Duke of Norfolk, the Duke of Devonshire (Cavendish), the 7th Marquess of Salisbury (Cecil), the Earl of Perth, Lord Richardson of Duntisbourne (major Pilgrims Society member), Nicholas Baring (vice chair Baring Brothers until 1989) and John Major. Member of the White's Club and the Pratt's Club. Patron of the British-American Project. |
Carroll, Mitchell Benedict | b. 1898 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Chief section European law and taxes U.S. Department Commerce, 1924-29; member Conference Tech. Experts on Double Taxation, London, 1927, Conference Governmental Experts on Double Taxation, Geneva, 1928, Law Commission Federal Aeronautique Internationale, 1929-31; special attorney international tax matters U.S. Treasury Department, 1930-31; member Am. Commission to negotiate double taxation treaty with France, 1930; director survey tax systems in 35 countries Fiscal Committee League of Nations, 1931-33, Am. member Fiscal Committee, 1934-37, chairman, 1938-46, acting president regional fiscal conferences, Mexico City, 1940, 43; chairman committee problems of foreign investments League of Nations, 1944-45; consultant State Department U.S., 1942-45, fiscal commission UN, 1948-55; president International Fiscal Association congresses, The Hague 1939, 47, Rome, 1948, 56, Monte Carlo, 1950, Zurich, 1951, Brussels, 1952, Paris (medal), 1953, Cologne, 1954, Amsterdam, 1955, Vienna, 1957, Knokke, Belgium, 1958, Madrid, 1959, Basle, Switzerland, 1960, Jerusalem, 1961, Athens, Greece (named hon. citizen), 1962, Paris (medal of honor), 1963, Hamburg, 1964, London, 1965, Lisbon, 1966, Stockholm, 1967, Rotterdam, 1969, Brussels, 1970, Washington, (hon. president), 1971, Madrid, 1972, Sydney, Australia, 1978, Copenhagen, 1979, Paris (Gold medal), 1980, W. Berlin, 1981, Montreal, 1982, Venice, 1983, specializing in international taxation; chairman seminar multinat. corps. World Trade Center, New York City, 1972; chairman Conference International Taxation, American Medical Association, 1972, 73, 77; member UN Commission on Transnat. Corps., 1975-77. Served as 2d lieutenant World War I. Decorated officer Order of Leopold I (Belgium). Member Institute Finances Publiques, American Bar Association (chairman double taxation committee, chairman section international and comparative law 1943-45), New York State bar associations, Council on Foreign Relations, Am. Foreign Law Association, Am. Society International Law, Council of the Americas (Americas Society), Academie Diplomatique International, Inter-Am. Bar Association (del. numerous conferences), Bar Association City New York , Chevaliers du Tastevin de Bourgogne (France). Clubs: Metropolitan, Metropolitan Opera (New York City, Washington); Pilgrims. |
Carson, William E. | 1870-1942 |
Source(s): 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' Chmn. State Conservation and Development Commn. of Va., 1926-34; a leader in establishing Shenandoah Nat. Park, the Colonial Nat. Hist. Park and system of state parks in Va.; a leader in movement by which the Va. State Historic Dept. was established and in the development of historic markers System along roadsides of Virginia; reorganized the State Forestry and Geol. depts.; also active in creation of Federal Reserve System; wrote the water power laws of Va.; est. Rapidan Camp and Skyline Drive through Shenandoah Nat. Park; presented recreation park to town of Front Royal; pres. Riverton Lime & Stone Co. |
Carter, John Bernard | 1934-1991 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 15, 1992' (obituary list) BA, Yale University, 1956. MBA, Harvard University, 1961. Postgrad., American College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, 1967. LLD (hon.), Morehouse College, 1986. With Equitable Life Assurance Society, New York City, 1960-90, chief insurance officer, 1981-82, president, chief operating officer, 1982-83, president, chief executive officer, 1983-90. Director Colgate-Palmolive Corp., Westinghouse Electric Corp. Trustee Marymount College, Tarrytown, New York , from 1984, Morehouse College, Atlanta; board directors Diabetes Research Foundation, New York City Partnership Inc., from 1988, Inner City Scholarship Fund, Dole Foundation, Foundation for Children with Learning Disabilities, Committee Economic Devel.; commissioner Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation, United Way of Tri State. With US Navy, 1956-59. Member Health Insurance Association Am. (past chairman), Life Insurance Council New York (past chairman), National Alliance Business (board directors, chairman board), Associates Harvard Business School (board directors). |
Carter, John Boyd, Jr. | 1924-2004 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Mortgage loan supervisor Am. General Investment Corp., 1947; independent oil operator, 1948-49; secretary, treasurer Texas Fund, Inc., 1949-52, member investment adv. board, 1951-58; president Texas Fund Research and Management Associates, 1950-52; ind. oil operator and fin. consultant, 1952-58; Southwestern rep. Lehman Brothers, 1959-65, general partner, 1965-77, managing director, 1970-77; senior vice president, director Pogo Producing Co., 1977-86; former chair board directors Houston National Bank; director Sterling Bank. Chairman board directors B.C.M. Tech., Inc.; president, board directors High Prairie Ranch Co.; adv. board Technas Ventures, Austin, Texas. Trustee Baylor College Medicine, Howard Florey Institute, Melbourne, Australia. Board directors Robert Kleberg Foundation, Private Enterprise Research Corp. Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, Texas State Historical Society. |
Carter, Peyton Franklin | - |
Source(s): according to Charles Savoie in an email to ISGP Head of Southeastern district operations since 1972, J.P. Morgan & Co. |
Case, John Crowther | 1892-1983 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1984' (obituary list) Student, Marlborough Coll., Eng., 1906-10, Institut Minerva, Zurich, Switzerland, 1911-12. Joined Vacuum Oil Co., 1912, asst. to mgr. producing dept., N.Y., 1920-25, mgr. producing operations, Europe, 1925-37; mgr. producing dept. Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., 1937, dir., 1943, v.p. dir. charge producing, 1946-57, ret., 1957; dir. Columbian Petroleum Co., Arabian Am. Oil Co. Chmn. bd. trustees Am. U. Beirut, 1955-64; bd. dirs. Near East Coll. Assn.; Mem. Morris Twp. Sch. Bd., 1928-50. Served as 1st lt., inf. 78th Div. U.S. Army, World War I, 1918-19. Mem. Am. Geog. Soc., Pilgrims, Council on Foreign Relations, Arctic Inst. N.Am. (chmn. bd. govs. 1955). Clubs: Alpine (London); Am. Alpine (N.Y.C.) (past pres.), Adirondack Mountain Reserve-Ausable (N.Y.C.), Century Assn. (N.Y.C.); Alpine of Canada (Benff); Morristown; Akademischer Alpen (Zû rich). |
Cates, Louis S. | 1881-1959 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Chairman American Mining Congress. Chairman Phelps-Dodge Corporation (the world's number two leading producer of copper and molybdenum and is the world's largest producer of continuous-cast copper rod) 1930-1947. The Phelps-Dodge company was a main financier of the 1934 fascist plot against FDR. The vice president of Phelps-Dodge Corporation, Cleveland Dodge, was one of the Crusaders' National Advisors, who were working together with The American Libert League to turn public opinion pro-fascist. They worked together with the du Ponts, Morgans, Harrimans and many other wealthy influential families, many of them Pilgrims. Mason. |
Cates, John Martin, Jr. | 1912-1994 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Yale, 1936. JD, Yale, 1939. Member of the executive committee of the Wolf’s Head Society of Yale. With McCutchen, Olney, Mannon & Greene, San Francisco, 1939-41; labor relations San Francisco Warehousemen's Association, 1941-42; with U.S. Maritime Commission and War Shipping Administration, Washington, 1942-47; Worked at the United States Mission to the United Nations and worked close with McGeorge Bundy and George Wildman Ball. Foreign affairs specialist on the United Nations and specialized agencies U.S. Department State, 1947-53; with National War College, 1952-53; legal adviser Am. embassy U.S. Department State, Bonn; also member War Criminal Parole Board, 1953-55; legal advisor, 1st secretary, negotiator compensation for agricultural land confiscated from U.S. citizens Am. Embassy, Mexico, 1955-57; chief political officer Am. embassy Venezuela, 1957-61; alternate U.S. rep. Council Organization of American States, Washington, 1961-63; counsellor, adviser on Latin Am. Affairs and Liason U.S. Mission to UN, 1963-70; counsellor U.S. Mission to Geneva, 1970-71. President Center For Inter-American Relations in New York 1971-1975. Director Pan-America Society 1974-1994. Member English Speaking Union (London). Executive member Society of Colonial Wars and the St. Nicholas Society. Member Council on Foreign Relations. Consultant, attorney, 1976-94. London counsel firm Pettit & Martin of San Francisco. Order St. John of Jerusalem (U.K.). Committeeman Boy Scouts of America, New York City, also Mexico, Venezuela, 1963-94. |
Catlin, George Edward Gordon | 1896-1979 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition; 1954 (joined in 1941), 1957, 1969, 1974, 1978 lists Educated at St Paul's School, New College, Oxford, and Cornell University, where he was professor of politics 1924-1959. He was lecturer at various universities, including Yale, Calcutta, Columbia, Peking and Berkeley. An Assistant Professor of Politics at Cornell by the age of 28 and subsequently twice acting chairman. In 1925 Catlin wrote the first of many articles advocating the closest Anglo-American cooperation on every level, in fact organic union. In 1926 he was appointed Director of the National Commission (Social Research Council) to study the impact of prohibition in the United States. Between 1928 and 1931 Catlin was attached to the personal staff of Sir Oswald Mosley, a period before Mosley had made his final break with the Labour Party. From 1929 onwards Catlin attempted to win a suitable Labour Party nomination and he unsuccessfully stood for Brentford in 1931 and for Sunderland in 1935. In 1929 he assisted H.G. Wells, Arnold Bennett and other literati in establishing The Realist magazine and between 1935 and 1937 he served on the executive of the Fabian Society. During the 1930s Catlin traveled abroad extensively, journeying to Germany where he witnessed the Dimitrov trial, with its sinister foreshadowing of what Nazism was to become, to Russia for a prolonged examination of the newly established Communist regime and to Spain during the depths of the Civil War. Throughout this period Catlin wrote a large number of journalistic pieces, principally for the Yorkshire Post. He served on the campaign team of Presidential candidate Wendell Wilkie during 1940 and his book, One Anglo-American Nation appeared in 1941. In 1931 Catlin met Gandhi for the first time in London and he became an early advocate of Indian independence, visiting the sub-continent in 1946 and again in 1947 and publishing his tribute to the assassinated leader, In the Path of Mahatma Gandhi, during 1948. He lectured in Peking in 1947, served as Provost of Mar Ivanios College in Indiana in 1953-54 and a Chairman and Bronfman Professor in the Department of Economics and Political Science at McGill University between 1956 and 1960. His autobiography, on which he had worked sporadically since the end of the First World War, was finally published in 1972 as For God's Sake, Go. Professor of Politics, Cornell Univ., 1924–35 (PhD Cornell); acting Head of Dept, 1928. Associated with Clarence Streit and Walter Lippmann, 1938–, and Jean Monnet, 1950–, in propaganda for Atlantic Union; draftsman of Constitution of Atlantic Institute, Paris. |
Catto, 1st Baron Exec. Committee |
1879-1959 |
Source(s): Present at Pilgrims meetings, according to The Times (examples of Times articles: March 5, 1931; July 14, 1939; June 27, 1950; November 7, 1950; June 19, 1952; October 15, 1952; July 21, 1955); 1950 officers list (since 1948); 1950 list Lord Thomas S. Catto. Began business career at 16 in shipping office, Newcastle on Tyne; went to Russian Caucasus and to Near and Middle East, 1898–1904; transferred to London as Manager, MacAndrews & Forbes, 1904. Returned to Near and Middle East as Assistant General Manager there of MacAndrews & Forbes, 1906–09; to New York as Vice-Pres. of that Company’s American business, 1909–19; since 1919, Chm. and Managing Dir. of Andrew Yule & Co. Ltd, Calcutta; and a Director of the London firm of Yule, Catto & Co. Ltd; a Director of Bank of England, Morgan Grenfell & Co. Ltd, Royal Bank of Scotland, Mercantile Bank of India Ltd, Royal Exchange Assurance, Union Castle Mail SS Co. Ltd, etc.; Director-General of Equipment and Stores and Member of Supply Council, Ministry of Supply, March–June 1940; resigned from all business and directorships in May 1940 at request of Chancellor of Exchequer (Sir Kingsley Wood) on acceptance of specially created war position (unpaid) in the Treasury, of Financial Adviser to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1940–44; Governor of Bank of England, 1944–49. British Admiralty Representative on Russian Commission in USA, 1915–17; Chairman British and Allied Provisions Commission and British Ministry of Food in USA and Canada, 1918; Member: Indian Govt Retrenchment (Inchcape) Commn. 1922–23; Coal Sales Commn, 1927–28; Chm. Cttee on Scottish Financial and Trade Statistics, 1950–52 First Baron Catto since 1936. Born in Scotland. joined MacAndrews & Forbes, an American firm with interests in the far east, and later became vice chairman of Andrew Yule and Company Ltd., under chairman, Sir David Yule. Lord Catto and Sir David Yule also formed Yule Catto and Company Ltd, which is now known as Yule Catto & Co plc and is listed on the London Stock Exchange. In 1917 Vivian Smith's firm, Morgan, Grenfell & Co., had acquired a predominating share in Andrew Yule & Co. of Calcutta and its associated business, George Yule & Co. of London, the great Indian commercial empire built by Sir David Yule, whom Catto was invited to succeed. Partner in Morgan, Grenfell by the 1930s (his son would become a partner in 1957). Established in London, Catto became a director of the Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation, the Mercantile Bank of India, the Tobacco Securities Trust Company Ltd, the Union Castle Mail Steamship Company Ltd, the Oriental Telephone and Electric Company Ltd, and the Royal Bank of Scotland. One other task he undertook in the 1930s was to act with Sir Ernest Harvey (deputy governor of the Bank of England) in reordering the affairs of the Royal Mail and the Elder Dempster shipping companies, an unpaid post to which he was drafted by Montagu Norman (1871–1950), the governor of the Bank of England. On 3 April 1940 Catto became a director of the Bank of England, and until July 1941 he served on the bank's advances and discounts committee, staff committee, and securities committee, and paid supervisory visits to the bank's branch in Newcastle. These were, however, secondary activities, because, only a fortnight after his appointment as a director of the bank, Catto succeeded Lord Woolton as director-general of equipment and stores at the Ministry of Supply. In July 1941 he resigned his directorship of the bank and moved to the newly created post of financial adviser to the Treasury. Catto thus joined the influx of outside experts assembled to assist the Treasury war effort, working alongside, among others, John Maynard Keynes. In this context, Catto represented commercial and banking experience, the kind of practical man of business Keynes had once scorned; he and Keynes, hitherto strangers, held widely contrasting economic views, but developed a strong mutual respect, and also friendship, and eventually became known to the press as lords ‘Catto and Doggo’. By the close of 1943 it had become evident that illness was about to end Montagu Norman's long reign at the Bank of England. In April 1944 Catto, then sixty-five, was chosen as Norman's successor and, having been released from his position at the Treasury, was elected on 18 April to the governorship in a brief ceremony held in Norman's room at the bank. Governor of the Bank of England from 1944 to 1949, and oversaw the nationalization of the bank (Lord Cobbold was his successor). Catto was appointed as the first governor of the publicly owned bank in March 1946, and on 25 July 1947, midway through his term of office, he was sworn of the privy council. In his last years as governor Catto divided his time equally between consolidating the bank's new domestic role and involvement in the financial aspects of international post-war reconstruction; in the latter context he played a significant part in discussions on the role of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank). |
Catto, Henry Edward, Jr. | b. 1930 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Graduate of Williams College. Deputy representative to the Organization of American States 1969-1971. U.S. ambassador to El Salvador 1971-1973. Chief of protocol of the White House and Department of State 1974-1976. U.S. representative to the United Nations Offices in Geneva 1976-1977. Assistant secretary of Defense for Public Affairs and Pentagon spokesman 1981-1983. Vice chairman and president of Broadcast Group at H & C Communications 1983-1989 (operator of network television stations Houston, Orlando-Daytona Beach, San Antonio). U.S. ambassador to Great Britain 1989-1991. Director of the United States Information Agency 1991-1993. Partner in the insurance firm Catto & Catto. Diplomat-in-residence at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Member of the Smithsonian National Board. Vice-chairman of the Aspen Institute. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Chairman, Atlantic Council of the United States, 1999–2007. Director Middle-East Investment Initiative (With Madeleine Albright and Thomas Pickering). Mem.: Alibi Club (Washington), Metro Club (Washington). |
Caldwell, Arthur P., Jr. | unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 23, 1980' (obituary list) Appointed vice president of the Chemical Bank and Trust Company in 1941, after some time as assistant vice president. |
Calhoun, John Calwell | 1843-1918 |
Source(s): 2002, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A centennial history', the combined 1903 Pilgrims membership list at the end of the book Was with the Confederate Army at the Battle of Fort Sumter. His wife, Linnie Adams, was grandniece of Richard M. Johnson, vice president of the U.S., 1837-1941. After the war he had agricultural interests in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas and was part of the management of the Cotton Exposition in 1884 at New Orleans. He was special ambassador to France in 1897, sent by the S.A.R.---Sons of the American Revolution (France assisted the Colonies in becoming free from the British). Calling himself a "financier" (perhaps the Erlangers put him in business) in the 1897-1942 volume, he was president of the Baltimore Coal Mining & Railroad Company and “Albertite Oilite & Cannel Coal Co. Ltd." |
Caulcutt, Sir John Exec. committee |
1876-1943 |
Source(s): March 5, 1931, The Times, 'Future Of India' (describes a Pilgrims Society gathering at which Sir John Caulcutt is present); May 1, 1935, The Times, 'American Tribute To The King' (describes a Pilgrims Society gathering at which Sir John Caulcutt is present); July 14, 1941, The Times, 'Deaths - Memorial Service - Dr. Archibald Fleming': "Sir John Caulcutt (member of the executive committee, The Pilgrims)..." His father, Richard Wilson, was a partner in the firm Wm. Williams, Brown & Co. of Leeds. In 1900 this bank and its associate house in London, Brown Janson & Co., were absorbed by Lloyds Bank. His father subsequently became general manager of Lloyds in Leeds. Sir John was a director of Barclays Bank since at least the 1920s and chairman from 1937 until his death in 1943. Elected chairman of the British Overseas Bank's Association in 1930. President of the Institute of Bankers 1935-1937. November 7, 1935, The Times, 'City Notes': "Sir John Caulcutt, in common with the majority of bankers and business men, is convinced that the world will have to return to some form of international gold standard, the absence of which is one of the principal obstacles to international trade." Chairman of the Export Guarantees Advisory Council and the Export Credits Guarantee Department until 1943. Knight Commander in the Order of St Michael and St George. |
Cave, Viscount George | 1856-1928 |
Source(s): November 13, 1920, The Times, 'Court Circular' (names Viscount Cave as one of the few present at a Pilgrims dinner (this is not the original source used, which is unknown at the moment)) Having served as standing Counsel to Oxford University for two years as well as Attorney General to the Prince of Wales, in 1915 Cave was appointed Solicitor General and knighted. The following year, he was made Home Secretary in Lloyd George's coalition government, a post he held for three years. In 1918, Sir George Cave was ennobled as Viscount Cave, of Richmond in the County of Surrey. The following year, he became a Lord of Appeal, and chaired a number of commissions, including the Southern Rhodesian commission and the Munitions Enquiry Tribunal. In 1922, he became Lord Chancellor in Bonar Law's government, and again served in this capacity in Baldwin's first administration. Having been made GCMG in 1921, he was also elected Chancellor of Oxford University in 1925. |
Cavell, Rt Rev. John Kingsmill | b. 1916 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Ordained May 1940; Curate: Christ Church, Folkestone, 1940; Addington Parish Church, Croydon, 1940–44; CMS Area Secretary, dio. Oxford and Peterborough, and CMS Training Officer, 1944–52; Vicar: Christ Church, Cheltenham, 1952–62; St Andrew’s, Plymouth, 1962–72; Rural Dean of Plymouth, 1967–72; Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral, 1967–72; Bishop Suffragan of Southampton, 1972–84; Bishop to HM Prisons and Borstals, 1975–85. Hon. Canon, Winchester Cathedral, 1972–84. Proctor in Convocation; Member of General Synod (Mem., Bd for Social Responsibility, 1982–84); Surrogate. Chm., Home Cttee, CMS London; Chm., Sarum Dio. Readers’ Bd, 1984–88. Chaplain, Greenbank and Freedom Fields Hosps, Plymouth; Member: Plymouth City Educn Cttee, 1967–72; City Youth Cttee; Plymouth Exec. Council NHS, 1968–72; Chairman: Hants Assoc. for the Deaf, 1972–84; Salisbury Diocesan Assoc. for the Deaf, 1988–91; Pres., Hants Genealogical Soc., 1979–84; Vice-Pres., Soc. of Genealogists. Life Fellow, Pilgrim Soc., Massachusetts, 1974. Patron, Southampton RNLI Bd, 1976–84. Governor: Cheltenham Colls of Educn; King Alfred’s College of Educn, 1973–84; Croft House Sch., Shillingstone, 1986–88; Chairman: St Mary’s Coll., Cheltenham, Building Cttee, 1957–62; Talbot Heath Sch., Bournemouth, 1975–84; Queensmount Sch., Bournemouth, 1980–84. Assistant Bishop, Diocese of Salisbury, since 1988; Hon. Canon, Salisbury Cathedral, since 1988. |
Cecil, James Mccosh | 1891-1954 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition President Cecil and Presbrey, Incorporated, advertising agency, N.Y. City, since 1939; dir. Childs Co., Aklon Corp. Nat. councilor, U.S. C. of C., 1939-42; chmn., N.Y. Council of Advt. Agents, 1931; dir., Am. Assn. of Advt. Agencies, 1932; vice pres., Netherland-American Foundation; pres. National Hospital for Speech Disorders, Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation, New York State; director, member exec. com. Nat. Civil Service League; mem. council N.Y.U.; trustee N.Y.U. Bellevue Med. Center; dir. Inst. for Psychotherapy, Music Research Found.; vice president Travelers Aid Soc.; gen. chmn. Greater N.Y. Red cross Fund, 1947-48. Decorated Officer Order of Orange and Nassau (Netherlands). |
Cecil, John Francis Amherst | - |
Source(s): 1924 list; 1940 list - |
Cecil, David George | 1905-1981 |
Source(s): Listed as Lord Burghley in the 1950 list; listed as 6th Marquess of Exeter on 1969 list. Athlete. member of the Conservative and Unionist Party and served as MP for Peterborough from 1931 until 1943. He was first elected in the 1931 General Election, when he ousted the sitting Labour MP J. F. Horrabin. Burghley was returned to the House of Commons again in the 1935 General Election. Burghley resigned his Commons seat in 1943 when he was appointed Governor of Bermuda, a post in which he served until 1945. In 1951, while in Eastbourne, his doctor was John Bodkin Adams the suspected serial killer (who also was the doctor for Edmund Hillary, the 10th Duke of Devonshire, and various other high society members). Lord Burghley until 1956. 6th Marquess of Exeter after that. Athlete. Later served as president of the Amateur Athletic Association for 40 years, president of the International Amateur Athletic Federation for 30 years and as a member of the International Olympic Committee for 48 years. He was also chairman of the Organising Committee of the 1948 Summer Olympics. |
Cecil, Lord Robert Gascoyne | 1864-1958 |
Source(s): February 21, 1922, The Times, 'Our Washington Advocate. Mr. Balfour As Peacemaker., Pilgrims' Tribute.' (Lord Robert and Lord William Cecil mentioned as attendants); December 31, 1924, The Times, 'Lord Cecil in New York. The press and the League [of Nations]': "Lord Cecil yesterday received reporters from New York newspapers in Mr. Thomas W. Lamont's house here, and for the better part of an hour submitted to a cross-fire of questions about the League of Nations and kindred matters... Last night Lord Cecil was the guest at a dinner given by the Council on Foreign Relations... and on Friday night the Pilgrims are giving a dinner in his honour."; Nov 22, 1929, The Times: "Speeches following the Pilgrims' Dinner in honour of Mr. Frank B. Kellogg, relayed from the Hotel Victoria. Mr. Kellogg's health will be proposed by Lord Cecil of Chelwood..."; Member of the very powerful Cecil family that has produced numerous members of the Order of Garter and the Privy Council, starting with Sir William Cecil in the 1500s. They intermarried with elite blue blood families as de Vere, Arundel, Plantagenet, and Cavendish. Sir William Cecil was a student of John Dee, the official founder of Enochian Magic. The family forged links with the Republic of Venice around 1600 and built Hatfield House, which still is the family's residence, in 1607. William Cecil and his protege Sir Francis Walsingham devised an intricate spy network during the latter years of Elizabeth I's reign that succeeded in uncovering numerous Catholic plots against the monarch. Some people of that time have stated Cecil himself was a plotter behind these assassinations. Sir William Cecil's daughter, Anne, married Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford and a member of what was quite possibly the bluest of blue blood families in existence. De Vere had worked for William Cecil and the throne since a young age and was later rumored to have written the works of Shakespeare. Lady Diana Cecil married the 18th Earl of Oxford. This Pilgrim was the third son of (his namesake) Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, who was a member of the Order of the Garter and the Privy Council. The 3rd Marquess of Salisbury was the Chancellor of Oxford University from 1869 to 1903, a fellow of All Souls, and a British prime minister for 14 years. Carroll Quigley described the Rhodes Secret Society and the Milner Group as having evolved from the 3rd Marquess' "Cecil Bloc". The 3rd Marquess grew to like Benjamin Disraeli, who he had previously been distrusted as a Jew. Disraeli eventually became a housefriend of the family and was invested into the Order of the Garter. Baron Lionel de Rothschild was another close friend of Disraeli. One of Cecil's sisters was the mother of Arthur J. Balfour (wrote a letter to Lionel de Rothschild in November 1917 declaring that the British government stood behind Zionist plans to build a Jewish national home in Palestine) and Gerald W. Balfour. Even today, the Hatfield House is the Hertfordshire home of the family, built between 1609 and 1611 by the 1st Earl of Salisbury; a Privy Councillor and Knight of the Garter who was the Chief Minister to James I. Robert Cecil, the third son of 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, was educated at home until 1877, which he considered superior to his later college education. Went to Eton College and Oxford where he studied law and turned out to excel at debate. Admitted to the Bar in 1887. Married Lady Eleanor Lambton in 1889. Law career from 1887 to 1906. Member of the Conservative Party to the House of Commons 1906-1910. Set up the RT Group in 1910 with Lionel Curtis and others. Independent Conservative member House of Commons 1911-1923. Worked for the Red Cross 1914-1915. Became a member of the Privy Council in 1915. Assistant Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1915-1916. Minister of Blockade from 1916 to 1918, being responsible for devising procedures to bring economic and commercial pressure against the enemy. Assistant Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1918-1919. Chancellor of Birmingham University 1918-1944. Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council of the Versailles Peace Treaty in 1919 and one of the principal draftsmen of the League of Nations Covenant. Co-founder of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1920 and president from 1920 until 1958 (International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) Vol. 35, No. 3 (Jul., 1959), pp. 281-284). Became the first 1th Viscount of Chelwood in 1923. Lord Privy Seal 1923-1924. President of the British League of Nations Union 1923-1945. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1924-1927. Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1937 for his work in establishing the League of Nations. During this meeting he and co-Pilgrims Society member Nicholas Murray Butler spoke in favor of expanding the role of the League of Nations. Present at the final meeting of the League of Nations in 1946 and ended his speech with the words: "The League is dead, long live the United Nations." Cecil's autobiography, 'All the Way', was published in 1949. Member Pilgrims Society. Member Carlton Club. Hon. Life President, United Nations Association. The 5th Marquess of Salisbury (KG; PC; married into Cavendish family) was president of the Conservative Monday Club from 1961 to 1972. This was the center of the pro-colonial movement in Britain, which even prepared for a coup against the "KGB-infiltrated" Labour government of Harold Wilson in the 1970s. General Walter Walker and later Cercle chairman Julian Amery were among the members of this club. His son, the 6th Marquess of Salisbury, took over the Conservative Monday Club in 1974 and ran it until 1981. September 13, 1965, The Times, letter of the 5th Marquess of Salisbury, 'Government in Rhodesia - Arguments against majority rule': "[Churchmen] fall into the all too common error of assuming that the only form of Government compatible with the Christian way of life is majority rule. Actually, at any rate, in the case of primitive peoples, that has, I believe, never been so: nor, judging by our experience with other African states which have recently gained their independence, is it so now. Democracy is the most difficult of all sytems to work. It requires the highest degree of civilization. Can anyone who knows Rhodesia say that the average African in that country is ready for it yet? It could no doubt be argued - though I am sure that the signatories of the letter would not use such an argument - that majority rule is more important than the Christian way of life. But do they really expect anyone who has personal experience of Rhodesia to believe that the people of that country, whether white or black, would benefit either spiritually or materially by the introduction of majority rule at the present time?" The 7th Marquess of Salisbury is a member of Le Cercle and the Privy Council, and good friends with the late Cercle chairman Julian Amery. The Cecils also are generational members of the Roxburghe Club, putting them in touch with the old ruling families of Britain, including Howard, Cavendish, Rothschild, Oppenheimer, and Mellon. |
Cecil, Lord William | 1854-1943 |
Source(s): February 21, 1922, The Times, 'Our Washington Advocate. Mr. Balfour As Peacemaker., Pilgrims' Tribute.' (Lord Robert and Lord William Cecil mentioned as attendants); December 15, 1922, The Times, ' American Help In The War' (mentioned as an attendant of a Pilgrims UK luncheon); February 2, 1924, The Times, 'The Pilgrims. Tribute To New Ambassadors.' (mentioned as an attendant); March 5, 1930, The Times, 'The Pilgrims - Dinner to Sir Esme Howard' (mentioned as an attendant) British royal courtier and a younger son of the 3rd Marquess of Exeter, which is a branch of the Cecil family parallel to the Marquesses of Salisbury line. Both of these branches are descended from Sir William Cecil (1520-1598). In 1892, Lord William Cecil became a Groom-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria and remained as such until her death in 1901. He was then an Extra Gentleman Usher from 1924 under King George V until his retirement in 1937. On 2 September 1885, he had married Hon. Mary Tyssen-Amherst, who succeeded her father as Baroness Amherst of Hackney in 1909. He and his wife had four children before her death in 1919 and Cecil was remarried in 1924, to Violet Collyer. |
(Cecil), 4th Marquess of Salisbury | 1861-1947 |
Source(s): January 11, 1919, New York Times, 'John W. Davis guest of London Pilgrims' ("Marquis of Salisbury" present at this gathering in London) Eldest son of the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, who died in 1903. In 1887 he married Lady Cicely Gore (the second daughter of the 5th Earl of Arran). Of his four children, two married into the Cavendish family. Educated at Eton and at University College, Oxford. Conservative Member of Parliament from 1885 to 1892 and from 1893 to 1903. Succeeded his father and entered the House of Lords in 1903. Notable Conservative leader in the House of Lords, and he served in his cousin Arthur Balfour's government as Lord Privy Seal (1903–1905), and later in those of Andrew Bonar Law and Stanley Baldwin as Lord President of the Council (1922–1924). Resigned as leader of the Conservative peers in June 1931 and became one of the most prominent opponents of Indian Home Rule in the Lords, supporting the campaign against the legislation. Winston Churchill was heading a similar attack in the Commons. Lord High Steward for the coronation of George VI in 1937. |
(Cecil), 5th Marquess of Salisbury | 1893-1972 |
Source(s): January 10, 1941, The Times, 'Lord Halifax's Mission - Prime Minister's Mission' (the Viscount Cranborne of that time was mentioned as an attendant of a Pilgrims UK dinner); September 17, 1943, The Times, 'British Aims in India' (Lord Cranborne supported in the toast); April 13, 1948, The Times, 'Dinner to Mrs. Roosevelt' (Marquess of Salisbury and his wife are named as attendants to the Pilgrims UK dinner; he had taken up the title the year before, after his father died); May 11, 1950, The Times, 'Court Circular' (assisted the chairman in the toast); June 19, 1952, The Times,'Easing World Tension - Mr. Eden's Hope, Value Of Western Strength'; September 21, 1955, The Times, 'News in Brief -The Pilgrims': "Mr. Harold E. Stassen, Secretary in President Eisenhower's Cabinet in charge of disarmament policy, will be the guest of the Pilgrims... The Earl of Halifax, president of the Pilgrims, will propose his health and will be supported in the toast by the Marquess of Salisbury, Lord President of the Council."; February 1, 1957, The Times, 'Dinners' (Marquess of Salisbury mentioned as an attendant of a Pilgrims UK dinner) For family history, see the bio of his namesake Lord Robert Cecil (1864-1958). As usual, his name was Lord Robert Gascoyne-Cecil. Until the death of his father in 1947, he was known as Viscount Cranborne. Elected to the House of Commons in 1929, and then called up to the House of Lords by a writ of acceleration in 1941. Prominent Tory politician in the 1940s and 1950s, serving in the governments of Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, and Harold Macmillan. Married to Elizabeth Vere Cavendish, a cousin of the 10th Duke of Devonshire and a great-granddaughter of the 7th Duke of Devonshire and his wife, herself a granddaughter of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. They had three sons, of whom only the eldest survived WWII. The 5th Marquess was known as a hardline imperialist. In 1952, as Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, he tried to make permanent the exile of Seretse Khama, kgosi of the Bamangwato people in Bechuanaland, for marrying a white British woman. During the 1960s, Lord Salisbury continued to be a staunch defender of the white-dominated governments in South Africa and in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). He was also a fierce opponent of liberal-left attempts to reform the House of Lords. The 5th Marquess of Salisbury was president of the Conservative Monday Club from 1961 to 1972. This was the center of the pro-colonial movement in Britain, which even prepared for a coup against the "KGB-infiltrated" Labour government of Harold Wilson in the 1970s. General Walter Walker and later Cercle chairman Julian Amery were among the members of this club. His son, the 6th Marquess of Salisbury, took over the Conservative Monday Club in 1974 and ran it until 1981. September 13, 1965, The Times, letter of the 5th Marquess of Salisbury, 'Government in Rhodesia - Arguments against majority rule': "[Churchmen] fall into the all too common error of assuming that the only form of Government compatible with the Christian way of life is majority rule. Actually, at any rate, in the case of primitive peoples, that has, I believe, never been so: nor, judging by our experience with other African states which have recently gained their independence, is it so now. Democracy is the most difficult of all sytems to work. It requires the highest degree of civilization. Can anyone who knows Rhodesia say that the average African in that country is ready for it yet? It could no doubt be argued - though I am sure that the signatories of the letter would not use such an argument - that majority rule is more important than the Christian way of life. But do they really expect anyone who has personal experience of Rhodesia to believe that the people of that country, whether white or black, would benefit either spiritually or materially by the introduction of majority rule at the present time?" |
Cecil family | - |
Source(s): Charles Savoie: "Two Cecils appeared in the circa-1969 list for The Pilgrims London... The Pilgrims of Great Britain, circa 1969, lists two members of the Cecil family (there may be intermarriages also beyond those 2 names). That family has been one of the three ruling families of England since medieval times." May be the 5th and 6th Marquesses of Salisbury. |
Cecil, George Henry Vanderbilt | b. 1926 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Older brother of William. |
Cecil, William Amherst Vanderbilt | b. 1928 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of the US, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Younger son of Cornelia Stuyvesant Vanderbilt and operator of the Biltmore Estate through his company, The Biltmore Company. Cecil is a graduate of Harvard University. Upon the passing of his mother, William inherited the Biltmore Estate once his brother, George Henry Vanderbilt Cecil, chose to take charge of the family dairy (known as Biltmore Farms) which was much more profitable at the time. William successfully transformed the Biltmore into a popular North Carolina tourist attraction and built a profitable winery on the grounds. He has a distinct legacy as a direct descendant of both William Henry Vanderbilt and, on his father's side, William Cecil, the chief adviser to Queen Elizabeth I in the 16th century. He is a second cousin of Gloria Vanderbilt. His wife Mary Lee Ryan is a first cousin of former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, as their mothers Janet Lee Bouvier and Marion Merritt Lee Ryan were sisters. |
Chadbourne, Frank M. | unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 28, 1976' (obituary list) New York socialite. |
Chadbourne, William Merriam | b. 1879 |
Source(s): 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate); Who's Who digital edition; 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' New York lawyer. Vice president of the China Society of America. A.B., Harvard, 1900, A.M., 1901, LL.B., 1903. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1904, and began practice with Hornblower, Byrne, Miller & Potter; now mem. Chadbourne, O’Neill & Thomson. Chmn. Felmont Petroleum Corp.; dir. Drilling & Exploration Co., Pittston Co., Park Sheraton Corp., Fgn. Indsl. Equipment Corp.; counsel U.S. Liquidation Commn. in Paris, 1919. Pvt. Squadron A, N.Y.N.G., 1908-14; 2d and 1st lt. 12th N.Y. Inf., 1914-17, including 9 mos. on Mexican border; 1st lt. and maj. N.A., 1917-18; adj. gen.’s dept. and Chem. W.S.; rep. of latter at Gen. Hdqrs., A.E.F., for 6 mos.; participated in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne campaigns; colonel C.W.S.O.R.C. Decorated Officer Legion of Honor (France), Jugoslovenska Kruna II (Yugoslavia), Order of Jade (China), Order of the British Empire. Mem. bd. mgrs. State Charities Aid; pres. Honest Ballot Assn.; an organizer Progressive Party in N.Y.; del. Prog. Nat. Conv., 1916; del. Rep. Nat. Conv., 1936, 40, mem. Fusion com., 1913, 17, 21, N.Y.C. municipal campaigns; mgr. N.Y.C. Fusion Campaigns, 1933, 37, 41; mem. Adv. Com. of Salvation Army; dir. N.Y. Wrold’s Fair, Inc., 1939 and 1940. Mem. exec. com. Serbian Child Welfare Assn., Am. Jugoslav Soc.; pres. Am. Friends Jugoslavia; chmn. United Yugoslav Relief Fund of Am.; dir. CARE; v.p. Bundles for Britain; dir. N.Y.C. Def. Recreation Com.; mem. Am., N.Y. State bar assns., Bar Assn. City of N.Y., S.R. (past pres. N.Y. State), Am. Legion, N.Y. Soc. Mil. and Naval Officers World Wars, Soc. Colonial Wars, Civil Service Reform Assn., Nat. Econ. League, Council on Foreign Relations, Phi Beta Kappa. Episcopalian. Republican. Mason. Clubs: University, Harvard, Republican, City, Downtown, Explorers, Adirondack Mountain, Appalachian Mountain (N.Y.C.); Union Interalliee (Paris). |
Chaffee, Gen. Adna Romanza | 1842-1914 |
Source(s): 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' A General in the United States Army. Chaffee took part in the Indian Wars, played a key role in the Spanish-American War, and was instrumental at crushing the Boxer Rebellion in China. He also fought in the Philippine-American War in 1901 and 1902. Chaffee was the Chief of Staff of the United States Army from 1904 to 1906, overseeing far-reaching transformation of organization and doctrine in the Army. |
Chalfont, Lord Alun Exec. committee |
b. 1919 |
Source(s): March 30, 1965, The Times (present at a Pilgrims meeting); March 5, 1966, The Times (present at a Pilgrims meeting); Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list since 1979 (until the late 1990s) May 28, 1995, The Independent, 'profile; Lord Chalfont; Old soldier above the battle': "From 1941 to 1944 he fought in Burma, and stayed in the Army to take part in a series of anti-terrorist campaigns. In 1957 he won the Military Cross. He is diffident about this, but finally admits he was involved in ambushes against communists in the Malayan jungle. "I was lucky enough to carry out some successful ones." By 1961 he was a colonel and had been writing a series of articles on Soviet strategy in the Royal United Services Institute journal. One reader was Sir William Haley, editor of the Times. He asked Gwynne Jones if he would resign to become defence correspondent. With all the exciting bits of an army life behind him, he said yes. Had he said no, he would presumably now be a retired general. His articles continued to impress, and in the run-up to the 1964 general election he was asked for advice by all three parties. "I had no political affiliation at all, so I was quite happy to tell the parties the same thing." When he was asked to drop by Downing Street that October day, he was expecting to be asked about something he had written. Instead Wilson asked him to become a minister. "If the word had been invented, I would have said I was gobsmacked," he says. He and Wilson both made much of his being the only "minister of disarmament" in the world, though he now says the title was misleading. He was made a lord because Labour had a slim majority and Wilson could not afford to risk a by-election. Gwynne Jones's chances of winning a by-election might not have been improved by his lack of politics, either. "I told Wilson that I would take the job if I was not expected to support every aspect of Labour policy. Wilson puffed on his pipe and said, 'Not many of us do.' "Lord Chalfont says he would have been just as happy to be in a Tory or Liberal government (he is now a cross-bencher). He is baffled by those who label him a turncoat. "I've never expressed any political views that could characterise me as left or right," he says. In 1968 Wilson sent Lord Chalfont to Brussels to negotiate the UK's entry into the Common Market. General de Gaulle said "non", and in less than a year he was back in London." Minister in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1964-1970. Privy Council since 1964. May 28, 1995, The Independent, 'profile; Lord Chalfont; Old soldier above the battle': "The 1970 election saw the end of his brief political career. He became foreign editor of the New Statesman and a columnist for the Guardian, and made a series of profiles of world leaders for the BBC. He also moved into business, joining the board of IBM [appointed in 1973]... During the 1980s... he was a director of Lazard Bros [consultant in the late 1970s; appointed non-exec. director in 1981] and a handful of other companies, president of the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, deputy chairman of the IBA (and since 1991, has been chairman of the Radio Authority). More suspicious for those seeking evidence of right-wing connections, he was president of the UK Committee for the Free World, an organisation dedicated to countering communist propaganda. He was a natural to join the board of the newly privatised VSEL in 1986. Here, more than anywhere else, he has played an active business role. He edged out the chief executive and did the job himself for eight months before Noel Davies was appointed." Pilgrims Society executive since 1979. Member Conservative Monday Club. Pro-apartheid. Director pro-junta British-Chilean Council. Part of the group that tried to overthrow Labour Prime Minister Wilson in the 1970s, with the excuse that he was a communist agent. Council member of Foreign Affairs Research Institute (FARI) with Cercle members/presidents Brian Crozier, Julian Amery, and Robert Moss, just as the aristocrat Sir Frederic M. Bennett. February 1984, Issue 3, Lobster Magazine, 'American Friends: the Anti-CND Groups': "In 1981 FARI published an absurd booklet by their chairman Sir Frederick Bennett MP claiming Russian money was being used by CND." September 1986, Issue 12, Lobster Magazine, 'The British Right - scratching the surface - Digression 2': "When Gable wrote his memo FARI was being funded by the South African government (although it is possible that Gable was unaware of this), and its Council included four men who have appeared in Searchlight: Julian Amery (connection with the Italian fascist party, MSI, in March 1979), Lord Chalfont (connections with Chile, August 1979), and Robert Moss and Brian Crozier (all over issue 18, 1975)." March 20, 2004, Daily Telegraph, Obituary of Geoffrey Stewart-Smith: "In 1974 he had sought to distance his Foreign Affairs Circle from the World Anti-Communist League because of the WACL's strong anti-Semitic element, saying: "We wouldn't touch them with a barge pole." However, he later admitted that another of his organisations, the Foreign Affairs Research Institute, had been mainly funded by the apartheid government in South Africa. The admission came in 1987 when Stewart-Smith appeared at the London Bankruptcy Court, disclosing debts of pounds 150,388 and no assets." April 1986, Issue 11, Lobster Magazine, 'Wilson, MI5 and the Rise of Thatcher - Covert Operations in British Politics 1974-1978 - Appendix 3': "FARI was also reported to be receiving money from the US company Lockheed (Counterspy November 1981)... FARI was said to have "strong CIA links" by Gerry Gable in a memo leaked to the New Statesman... evertheless FARI has grown and grown. In 1980 it began organising an annual 'balance of power' conference in Britain, attracting some of the top level figures on the new right: Feulner of the Heritage Foundation, Ray Cline of NSIC, Frank Barnet of NSIC and the Committee for the Present Danger, General Daniel Graham ex-'Team B', DIA etc." ajweberman.com/monica.htm: "In June 1978, FARI co-sponsored a conference in Brighton, England with the CIA-connected Institute for the Study of Conflict. Among those who attended was Richard Mellon Scaife. Also attending the conference was William Casey, who would later be appointed head of the CIA by Ronald Reagan." Chair Institute for the Study of Terrorism, a clone of Crozier's anti-communist Institute for the Study of Conflict. Member Committee for a Free Britain, which spent more than Pounds 200,000 on press advertisements attacking Labour during the 1987 election. Together with Richard Mellon Scaife, Michael Ledeen and other neoconservatives, Chalfont was a member of the Committee for a Free World. Member Media Monitoring Unit, which attempted to "expose" left-wing bias in television news and current affairs programmes. Chalfont was deputy chairman of the Independent Broadcasting Authority under Thatcher. Consultant to private security firm Zeus Security Consultants (this firm did high level government contract work), owned by Major Peter Hamilton, a close associate of Stephan Kock, the MI5, MI6, SAS agent who allegedly once headed a government assassination team, Group 13. Who's Who: Commissioned into South Wales Borderers (24th Foot), 1940; served in: Burma 1941–44; Malayan campaign 1955–57; Cyprus campaign 1958–59; various staff and intelligence appointments; Staff Coll., Camberley, 1950; Jt Services Staff Coll., 1958; Russian interpreter, 1951; resigned commission, 1961, on appt as Defence Correspondent, The Times; frequent television and sound broadcasts and consultant on foreign affairs to BBC Television, 1961–64; Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1964–70; UK Permanent Rep. to WEU, 1969–70; Foreign Editor, New Statesman, 1970–71. Dep. Chm., IBA, 1989–90; Chm., Radio Authy, 1991–94. Director: W. S. Atkins International, 1979–83; IBM UK Ltd, 1973–90 (Mem. IBM Europe Adv. Council, 1973–90); Lazard Bros & Co. Ltd, 1983–90; Shandwick plc, 1985–95; Triangle Holdings, 1986–90; Dep. Chm., Television Corp. plc, 1996–2001; Chairman: Industrial Cleaning Papers, 1979–86; Peter Hamilton Security Consultants Ltd, 1984–86; VSEL Consortium, later VSEL, 1987–95; President: Abington Corp. (Consultants) Ltd, 1981–; Nottingham Bldg Soc., 1983–90. Pres., All Party Defence Gp, H of L, 1995– (Chm., 1980–94). President: Hispanic and Luso Brazilian Council, 1975–80; RNID, 1980–87; Llangollen Internat. Music Festival, 1979–90; Freedom in Sport, 1982–88; Chairman: UK Cttee for Free World, 1981–89; Eur. Atlantic Gp, 1983–; Member: Nat. Defence Industries Council, 1992–; IISS; Bd of Governors, Sandle Manor Sch. MRI; MInstD. FRSA. Hon. Fellow UCW Aberystwyth, 1974. Hon. Col, Univ. of Wales OTC, 1991–94. Liveryman, Worshipful Co. of Paviors. Freeman, City of London. PC 1964; OBE 1961; MC 1957; Chairman: Marlborough Stirling Group, 1994–99; Southern Mining Corp., 1997–99. The Rt. Hon. Paddy Ashdown MP (special forces veteran; Pilgrims Society; co-president RIIA) in a letter to Margaret Thatcher, January 25, 1989 (reproduced in: 1993, Gary Murray, 'Enemies of the State', pp. 133-135): "You will recall that I raised with you at PMQs last week the subject of your appointment of Lord Chalfont as Deputy Chairman of the IBA. You expressed surprise that I should even ask. I do not want now to raise again the widespread concern that has been expressed about Lord Chalfont's views on television, although I share that concern... I have looked at the objects of Zeus which are stated, in the Articles of Association, as including: "To carry on business, as security experts and agents of all kinds and to provide advisory and consultancy services to Government and other Authorities and to encourage the adoption of security and precautionary measures and devices against industrial and other espionage." There is also well documented and public evidence that, at the time of the Sizewell operation, Zeus, or one of the companies which is in the Zeus group, was subcontracting such work to agents who had criminal records to engage in such work. I raise these matters in some detail because at the time of the instigation of the Sizewell operation, Lord Chalfont was Chairman of Zeus Security Consultants Limited. As at April 1988 he is named Consultant on the headed note paper of Peter Hamilton (Security Consultants) Limited. There is other evidence relating to those connected with Zeus and Government Departments which I would be happy to disclose to you should you wish it. Lord Chalfont has since joined a number of other directors of Zeus as a director of Securipol Limited, incorporated on 16 January 1986. Securipol shares a registered office and directors with Ensec Limited whose purpose is the undersea dumping of nuclear waste. Some prominent Conservatives are Directors of Ensec. The objects of Securipol, as stated in the Articles of Association, are almost identical to those of Zeus. According to the latest information at Companies House, Lord Chalfont has never resigned from the office of director at Securipol Limited." January 27, 1989, The Times, 'Ashdown is accused of Chalfont vendetta': "The Prime Minister accused Mr Paddy Ashdown yesterday of pursuing a vendetta against Lord Chalfont, who he has said is unsuitable for the post of deputy chairman of the Independent Broadcasting Authority because of links with private security companies... In a letter to Mrs Thatcher, Mr Ashdown said Lord Chalfont had been chairman of Zeus Security Consultants when it had been ''engaged by an unknown client for the investigation and surveillance of the objectors at the inquiry into the Sizewell B proposal''. He said Zeus changed its name to Peter Hamilton (Security Consultants) in September 1983 and ''as at April 1988 he (Lord Chalfont) is named as a consultant on the headed notepaper of Peter Hamilton (Security Consultants) Ltd''." August 24, 1990, The Guardian, 'Chalfont quits security firm: Broadcast chief recognises conflict of interest after security company offers inside information to ITV group': "Lord Chalfont was a director, between 1983 and 1986, of Hamilton Ingram's predecessor, Peter Hamilton (Security Consultants) Ltd. This had grown out of a company called Zeus Security Consultants, run by Peter Hamilton, one of whose tasks was covertly investigating anti-nuclear objectors at the Sizewell inquiry. Peter Hamilton, the joint managing director, is a former military intelligence officer who, like Lord Chalfont, served in Malaya and Cyprus." 1995, Gerald James (James used be a banker at Barings, a member of the highly influential Monday Club, and all his career moved in very high intelligence and financial circles. In the late 1980s his company was among those picked by "the cabal" to be sacrificed in the Iraqgate scandal in order to protect the real movers and shakers), 'In the Public Interest', pp. 154-155: "Various people are on record as to Kock's role in Intelligence. The CIA/State Department referred to him as SIS (MI6). Gerald Bull has said that he was a member of MI5 - 'He's a Yarpie - a South African. He works for the Midland Bank arms department, but he's also part of MI5 like Cuckney.' When I mentioned this to Lt.-Col. Colin Mitchell, former MP, late of the Argylls and now with Halo Trust, a charitable company involved in clearing mines from territories like Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Ethiopia and Mozambique, he told me, 'No, he was MI6.' In an unguarded moment Richard Unwin [friend of Stephen Kock; intelligence and arms company insider] told me that Kock, in his more active days, had been head of Group 13. The Foreign Office is said to draw Group 13 operatives from the SAS as well as from private security firms. Its duties involve 'service to the nation' of a kind only given to the most ruthlessly experienced SAS officers [assassinations]. Kock certainly still moved in such circles when he was working for Astra, and was close to former SAS personnel and men active in the private security business, including Major Peter Hamilton, a former Military Intelligence man who has admitted having 'spent much of his life in the Security and Intelligence world', and was linked to the 'highest echelons of British Intelligence'. Hamilton's firm, Zeus Security Consultants, provided services to the government, as did Defence Systems Ltd., the firm of another of Kock's friends, SAS Major Alastair Morrison MC [accomplished SAS veteran; helped set up Delta Force in the US; set up Defence Systems Limited in 1981, which "defended gold and diamond mines in Africa from thieves,.. oil pipelines in Latin America from guerrillas [and] guarded US and British embassies in the Middle East and elsewhere" (in 1997, former SAS personnel working for DSL were alleged to have trained a Colombian military unit linked to past atrocities and to have provided them with names of local citizens opposed to British Petroleum's project); sold DSL to Armor Holdings in 1997; helped set up Hart Group and Erinys; until March 2004 director of Erinys, which had an $80 million contract to guard Iraqi oilfields and installations; became head of Kroll Security Group in 2004; friend of Tim Spicer, the CEO of the controversial firm Sandline International and later founder of Aegis Defence Services; OBE]. Viscount Monckton [his father attended a number of Pilgrims Society meetings], who acted as one of Kock's patrons in 1967, was a director of Morrison's company, and Morrison was an associate, too, of Jonathan Aitken [intel-connected; unofficial arms negotiator; head of the private, hard-right intelligence group Le Cercle] both before and at the time that Aitken was director of Astra's BMARC [1980s]... Years later I bumped into Peter Shore [important politician and Privy Council member] in the changing rooms of the Roehampton Club... What I actually said to Shore was, 'Why has the main witness not been interviewed [in the Pergau Dam/ Malaysian arms deal affair]?' Shore, assuming that I meant Thatcher, began to reply - 'It's her prerogative as Prime Minister..." When I interrupted, telling him I meant Kock, Shore's telling response was, 'But that is another level of government altogether.'" Director at the security firm Securipol. Close friend of the extremely influential neoconservative John Lehman, apparently a top player in the military-industrial complex (and member of the 9/11 Commission). 1995, Gerald James, 'In the Public Interest', p. 179: "Lehman's own book makes clear his Intelligence connections, and I discovered too that he was a close friend of Lord Chalfont. Chalfont is himself Intelligence connected, listing among his credits 'various... intelligence appointments'." Chairman second neoconservative Jonathan conference. The second Jonathan Conference on international terrorism, organized in 1984, was opened by a keynote speech of secretary of state George P. Shultz (Bechtel executive and according to Dr. Greer part of a UFO insider study group; Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay; National Security Planning Group; chair advisory council J.P. Morgan Chase; ran Reagan's election campaign; largely put together the George Bush Jr. administration; etc.), who was a key organizer of the meeting with Douglas Feith and Benjamin Netanyahu. He claimed that "pre- emptive actions by Western democracies may be necessary to counter the Soviet Union and other nations that... have banded together in an international "league of terror."" This was the real birth of the War on Terror and a policy of pre-emptive strikes, which became standard almost 20 years later after 9/11. Caspar Weinberger (Also from Bechtel; Defense Secretary; National Security Planning Group; later Pilgrims Executive; member Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay) suggested that the United Nations might be called upon to deal with terrorism. Jeane Kirkpatrick, U.N. Ambassador at the time and still a very influential neoconservative, disagreed with that last notion and said it would be better to create a whole new organization to deal with international terrorism and "the power behind it, the Soviet Union". Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (worked for Averell Harriman in the 1950s; important United Nations official in the 1970s; important DLC operative; chairman of the 1997 Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy, which shed a little bit of light on the inner workings of the Black and Deep Black Programs, the latter officially known as Unacknowledged Special Access Programs; friend of the Rothschild family) and Yitzhak Rabin (Labour prime minister) supported Kirkpatrick. Senator Alan Cranston (D-Calif.), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, "told the conference that Iraq is shopping for a new nuclear reactor and is fortifying the atomic plant site bombed by Israel in 1981. He said he also has information that "unwitting" American firms provided Iraq with several components for chemical weapons used against Iran in the 44-month war between the two countries." Among the other participants were Israel's Minister of Defense Moshe Arens; Senators Alan Cranston (president of the World Federalist Society), Alfonse D'Amato (leading figure in Iran-Contra investigation), and Paul Laxalt (lieutenant governor Nevada 1962-1966; general chairman National Republican Party 1983-1987; chair of Ronald Reagan for President in 1976, 1980, and 1984; co-chairman George Bush for President in 1988 and 1992); Rep. Jack Kemp; William Webster (director FBI 1978-1987; director CIA 1987-1991; partner Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy since 1991; director Anhauser-Busch); presidential counselor Edwin Meese (Heritage Foundation); Michael Ledeen (CIA connected Zionist extremist); Arthur Goldberg; Eugene Rostow; columnist George Will and television newsmen David Brinkley. Number 5, 1985-1986, The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, 'International Terrorism, Recent Developments and Implications for Australia': "The possibility of democratic states taking extra-legal action in response to political terrorism was more clearly spelt out by Lord Chalfont when he chaired the Second Conference on International Terrorism hosted by the Jonathan Institute in Washington in June 1984. In his closing remarks Lord Chalfont made the following observations: 'If our intelligence services detect preparations for a terrorist attack on our countries, or on our embassies, or on our citizens, the most draconian action should be taken to prevent that taking place. If that means clandestine operations to eliminate the terrorists before they can kill us, then they should not be ruled out. And if a terrorist attack can be prevented then those who sponsor it, or shelter its perpetrators will not be immune from a terrible retribution.'" April 1987, Issue 13, Lobster Magazine, Book review of the Jonathan Institute's 'Terrorism: how the West can win': "This book is mostly junk, mere propaganda. I had it with me to read on the train when I visited Colin Wallace. I showed him the list of contributors and mentioned the Jonathan Institute. "Oh, a Mossad front, you mean", he said, and put it down. A Mossad front? I don't know. But misinformation at worst, wilfully partial at best, this sort of crude propaganda can only do the Israeli state harm in the long run." An internet piece, listing Executive Intelligence Review as its source, wrote: "Britain's role in promoting the Afghan experiment was crucial, although now it is often overlooked. Almost immediately after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Lord Nicholas Bethell, a career British Intelligence agent, formed Radio Free Kabul as a voice for the mujahedin. Bethell had been involved with Russian and Mid-East operations his entire career, and he was a close friend of British spy Kim Philby. Other members of Radio Free Kabul included Winston Churchill III, former Foreign Secretary Baron Chalfont, Lord Morrison of Lambeth the former head of the Foreign Office, and British Intelligence official Ray Whitney." Chalfont was a big supporter of Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars. November 19, 1986, The Wellsboro Gazette, '"Star Wars" could do more harm than good, experts say': "Lord Alun Chalfont of the British House of Lords, however, supports SDI as an alternative to nuclear escalation. "I feel those scientists who say it can't be done have a strange attitude toward research," he stated. "I have never believed that the idea of mutually-assured destruction is a useful policy. The consequences are devastating, terrible and unthinkable. For that reason, I think we need to look into a workable, non-nuclear defense." Director of Computer Sciences Corporation in the 1990s. |
Chamberlain, Arthur Neville | 1869-1940 | The first half of his career was spent in business and, after 1911, in the city government of Birmingham, of which he became lord mayor in 1915. In 1917 he was director of national service, supervising conscription, and the following year, at the age of 50, he was elected to Parliament as a Conservative. During the 1920s he served both as chancellor of the exchequer (1923–24) and minister of health (1923, 1924–29). In the latter position, he enacted a series of important reforms that simplified the administration of Britain's social services and systematized local government. In 1931 he again became chancellor of the exchequer and held that office until he succeeded Stanley Baldwin as prime minister in 1937. During the 1930s, Chamberlain's professed commitment to avoiding war with Hitler resulted in his controversial policy of "appeasement," which culminated in the Munich Pact (1938). After Germany's invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939, he pledged military support to Poland and led Britain to war in September. After the British debacle in Norway, he was forced to resign in May, 1940. He was lord president of the council under Winston Churchill until Oct., 1940, and died a few weeks later. 1966, Professor Carroll Quigley, 'Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time', p. 581-583: "The "anti-Bolsheviks," who were also anti-French, were extremely important from 1919 to 1926, but then decreased to little more than a lunatic fringe, rising again in numbers and influence after 1934 to dominate the real policy of the government in 1939. In the earlier period the chief figures in this group were Lord Curzon, Lord D'Abernon, and General Smuts. They did what they could to destroy reparations, permit German rearmament, and tear down what they called "French militarism."... The anti-Bolsheviks, including D'Abernon, Smuts, Sir John Simon, and H. A. L. Fisher (Warden of All Souls College), were willing to go to any extreme to tear down France and build up Germany." John Hargrave, 'Montagu Norman' (1942), p. 216-217 [quote from journalist Ladislas Farago]: "Between 1934 and 1937, Montagu Norman made several attempts to win Baldwin [UK prime minister 1923-1924, 1924-1929, and 1934-1937] over to his ani-Russian front. But this 'elder statesman' stubbornly resisted the Governor's persistent attacks; for even though he was no friend of Russian orientation, when faced with a choice he considered Hitler worse than Stalin. Nevertheless, Norman succeeded in planting the idea in the minds of several members of Baldwin's Cabinet... The greatest victory was scored when Arthur Neville Chamberlain, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, was also won for Montagu Norman's plan. This decision made him Baldwin's successer when Britain's elder statesman resigned after the Coronation [of George VII]. With Chamberlain's moving into 10, Downing Street, the Bank's anti-Soviet policy made its triumphant entry into Whitehall. It is easy to understand Chamberlain's decision to adopt this policy when one considers how closely he is connected with the financial clique and the armament industry. Among his extensive financial holdings is a considerable block of Imperial Chemical Industries shares, 883 preferential and 5,414 ordinary ones. His son, Francis Chamberlain, is on the staff of Imperial Chemical Industries' sales organization at the main office in Birmingham." |
Chamberlain, Thomas Gassner | 1892-1978 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1979' (obituary list) Asst. to U.S. commissioner of reclamation conduction land settlement investigation, Calif., 1915; teaching fellow in polit. science, U. Calif., 1915-17; admitted to Calif. bar, 1917, and began practice at San Francisco; member of firm of Chamberlain Willi and Ouchterloney. Served as 2d lt., 1st lt. and capt. U.S. Army, 1917-18; with 1st Div. Arty., A.E.F., at Verdun, Chateau-Thierry, etc.; settled in N.Y.C., 1919; with ex-President William H. Taft in speaking tour of U.S. for League to Enforce Peace, discussing foreign policy of U.S., 1919-20; also conducted tour of Calif. for Hoover campaign, later nat. tour for Pro-League Republicans, 1920; incorporator of cotton cooperative marketing assns. throughout South, negotiating loans of over $100,000,000 from banks and War Finance Corp., 1922-23; mem. Finance Com. of Nat. Republican Com., 1928; speaking tour U.S.; gen. counsel and dir. Pacific Egg Producers Cooperative, Inc., Taber & Co., Inc., Sunrise Egg Producers Cooperative, Inc., Am. Lyric Theater, Inc.; pres., Mark Twain Co.; gen. counsel. trustee N.Y. Infirmary, Booth-Ferris Found., Estate of Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain); counsel Sun-Maid Raisin Growers, Washington Coop. Egg and Poultry Assn., Sunland Sales Coop. Assn., Calif. Peach & Fig Growers Assn., Poultry Producers of Central Calif., Gordon Baking Co. Director League of Nations Association.; mem. Internat. Com. of YMCA. Bd. dirs. Met. Opera Assn. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., New York Law Institute, N.Y. C. of C., Phi Delta Phi, Kappa Sigma. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: The Pilgrims; Lawrence Beach; Everglades, Bath and Tennis (Palm Beach, Fla.); Skytop (Pa.); University, Sleepy Hollow Country, Downtown Athletic, Metropolitan, Metropolitan Opera, Rotary of N.Y. |
Chamberlin, Frederick | 1870-1943 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Historian. Graduated from Harvard. Regular Harvard correspondent for Boston Record; special correspondent for Boston Globe from Harvard; regular correspondent in Paris of Boston Herald and New Orleans Picayune, and special correspondent for Boston Globe, New York Sun, Harper’s Weekly, etc., on art, the stage, and music, 1894–95. Practiced law in Boston, 1895-1912; lit. work in Europe since 1912. Rep. campaign speaker. Spl. mission for U.S. Govt. to P.I., 1904; v. consul, Palma de Mallorca, 1920. Served as pvt. 1st lt., batln. adj. and insp. rifle practice, 5th Mass. Inf., 1900-04. Fellow Royal Hist. Soc., Soc. of Antiquaries. Clubs: P.E.N., Pilgrims. |
Chambers, Sir Paul | 1904-1981 |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Graduated from the London School of Economics in 1928. Secretary and commissioner of the board of Inland Revenue 1942-1947. Joined the board of Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in 1947 and was appointed finance director of the company the following year. Deputy chairman of ICI 1952-1960. Chairman of ICI 1960-1968. Formed the Industrial Policy Group in 1967 and was an outspoking critic of Labour and socialism. President of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research 1955-1962. Became president of the Institute of Directors in 1963. Former chairman of the London and Globe Insurance Company, the London and Lancaster Insurance Company, and the Royal Insurance Company. Director of the National Provincial and National Westminster banks. Pro-chancellor of the University of Kent 1972-1978. Treasurer of the Open University 1969-1975. Board member of the National Association of Freedom (NAFF). Visitor of Bilderberg in the 1960s. |
Chambers, William Ely | unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1973' (obituary list) Unknown. |
Champion, George | d. 1997 |
Source(s): June 29, 1986, New York Times, 'No longer a wasp preserve': "... it was George Champion, a former director of the Presbyterian Lay Committee, and a member of the Pilgrims of the United States." Graduated from Dartmouth College in 1926 and worked at the National Bank of Commerce in New York before joining the Equitable Trust Company in 1929. Became assistant cashier when Equitable merged with Chase National Bank in 1930. After two years with the Canal Bank and Trust Company in New Orleans, Mr. Champion returned to the Chase National Bank in 1933. Enjoyed one of the most important banking careers of his era. In 1953 he became head of Chase's domestic corporate banking division. When Chase and the Bank of Manhattan merged in 1955, he was named executive vice president of the new company. He became president of Chase Manhattan in 1957 and chairman in 1961. According to a spokeswoman for Chase, the company's assets grew from $9.3 billion to $19.3 billion and its deposits from $8.1 billion to $16.7 billion while Mr. Champion was chairman. Served as chairman and president of the Economic Development Council in New York. Chairman and chief executive of the New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Founded the Hopkins Institute. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations since the early 1960s. |
Chancellor, Sir Christopher | 1904-1989 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's Pilgrims list of circa 1969 lists Sir Christopher Chancellor as chairman of the executive committee from 1958 to 1967; The Times (London, England) (Sept 11, 1989), 'Sir Christopher Chancellor; Obituary' Joined Reuters in 1930; Reuters’ Gen. Manager and Chief Corresp in Far East with headquarters in Shanghai, 1931–39; Gen. Manager of Reuters, Ltd, 1944–59, Trustee, 1960–65; Chairman: Daily Herald, 1959–61; Odhams Press Ltd, 1960–61 (Vice-Chm., 1959–60); Chm. and Chief Executive, The Bowater Paper Corporation Ltd and associated cos, 1962–69. Director: Northern and Employers Assurance Co. Ltd, 1946–64; Bristol United Press Ltd, 1958–74; Observer Ltd, 1961–64. Chm., Madame Tussaud’s, 1961–72. Mem. Court, London Univ., 1956–62; Chm. Exec. Cttee of The Pilgrims Soc. of Great Britain, 1958–67; Mem. Board of Regents, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, 1963–68; Vice-Pres., National Council of Social Service, 1959–71; Dep.-Chm., Council of St Paul’s Cathedral Trust, 1954–62; Chm., Appeal and Publicity Cttee, King George VI National Memorial Fund, 1952–54; Dep.-Chm., Exec. Cttee, 1955–56; Chm., Bath Preservation Trust, 1969–76. King Haakon VII Liberty Cross, 1947; Officer Order of Orange Nassau, 1950; Comdr Royal Order of Danebrog, 1951; Officer, Legion of Honour, 1951; Comdr Order of Civil Merit (Spain), 1952; Cross of Comdr Order of Phœnix, 1953; Comdr Order of Vasa, 1953; Comdr Order of Merit (Italy), 1959 |
Channing, William E. Exec. committee |
unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list since the early 1970s Chairman of the American Society in London in the 1970s. Member of the organizing committee of English-Speaking Union. |
Chant-Sempill, Lt-Colonel Stuart W. Exec. committee & secretary |
1917-1991 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's Pilgrims list of circa 1969 lists Lt.-Col. Stuart W. Chant-Sempill as a vice president; Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list 1970s, until his death Married in 1948 to Lady Ann Sempill. World War II veteran and was shot in his knee during combat. After the war he joined the Rank Organisation's publicity department before being offered a second career in the army, which was short of French-speaking officers. Chant-Sempill who had a natural gift for languages became a liaison officer at SHAPE where he worked with Generals Eisenhower and General Montgomery. He then returned (as an OBE - Order of the British Empire) to public relations, first in a company he helped to start with Prince Galitzine, then as director of PR for the insurance brokers C. T. Bowring. Continued working until the age of 65, despite a stroke which paralysed his right side five years before. Produced his book after learning to write with his left hand. Became a vice-president of Wasps and was associated with the annual Oxford-Cambridge match through the Bowring Bowl the trophy awarded by C. T. Bowring to the winners. No particularly important figures present at his funeral. |
Chapple, Field Marshal Sir John | b. 1931 |
Source(s): present with his wife at Pilgrims meetings on at least 7 occasions, according to various Times articles. Joined 2nd KEO Goorkhas, 1954; served Malaya, Hong Kong, Borneo; Staff Coll., 1962; jssc 1969; Commanded 1st Bn 2nd Goorkhas, 1970–72; Directing Staff, Staff Coll., 1972–73; Services Fellow, Fitzwilliam Coll., Cambridge, 1973; Commanded 48 Gurkha Infantry Bde, 1976; Gurkha Field Force, 1977; Principal Staff Officer to Chief of Defence Staff, 1978–79; Comdr, British Forces Hong Kong, and Maj.-Gen., Brigade of Gurkhas, 1980–82; Dir of Military Operations, 1982–84; Dep. Chief of Defence Staff (Progs and Personnel), 1985–87; C-in-C, UKLF, 1987–88; CGS, 1988–92; Gov. and C-in-C, Gibraltar, 1993–95. ADC Gen. to the Queen, 1987–92. Col, 2nd Goorkhas, 1986–94. Hon. Col, Oxford Univ. OTC, 1988–95. Chm., UK Trust for Nature Conservation in Nepal (formerly King Mahendra UK Trust), 1993–; Trustee, King Mahendra Trust, Nepal, 1993–2006. Mem. Council, WWF UK, 1984–99 (Trustee, 1988–93; Amb., 1999– (Chm. of Ambs, 2003–)). Vice Patron: Army Mus. Ogilby Trust, 1995–; Gurkha Mus., 2003– (Trustee, 1973–2003); Nat. Army Mus., 2003– (Trustee, 1981–2003); President: Indian Mil. Hist. Soc., 1991–; Mil. Hist. Soc., 1992–; Soc. for Army Histl Res., 1993–; Trekforce, 1998–2006; Sir Oswald Stoll Foundn, 1998–; BSES Expeditions, 1999–; Bilimoria Foundn, 2005–; Kipling Soc., 2008; Friends of Imperial War Mus., 2008. Pres., Combined Services Polo Assoc., 1991–2006. FZS (Pres., 1992–94), FLS, FRGS, FSA, FRSA. DL Greater London, 1996. KStJ. DL; Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London, 1997–2005. |
Chappelear, Edgar Stratton | b. 1886 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Ed. Phillips Exeter Acad., Exeter, N.H., 1903-05; A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1909; M.B.A., Harvard, 1911; married Margaret Elizabeth Lacy, July 12, 1930; 1 dau., Joan Margaret. With Bankers Trust Co. since 1911, auditor, 1921-25, comptroller, 1925-27, v.p., 1927-51; dir. Credit-America Corp., West African Constructors, Ltd., Am. Cotton Supply Corp. Member War Industries Board 1917-1918. Mem. adv. com. Nat. Cotton Council of America. Mem. Newcomen Soc. of Eng. (Am. treas.), Pilgrim Soc., Delta Tau Delta. Presbyterian. Clubs: India House, Harvard (New York). |
Chapman, Alger | 1904-1983 |
Source(s): 1969 list; 1974 list; 1980 list Columbia. Ran election campaigns for Thomas Dewey, John Foster Dulles and Dwight Eisenhower in the 1940s and 1950s. Treasurer for the Republicans from 1949 to 1959, and would serve on its finance committee in 1974. In 1958, Chapman became chairman and chief executive officer of Beech-Nut Life Savers Inc., which merged with E. R. Squibb and Sons Inc., later becoming the Squibb Corporation. Chapman remained a director of Squibb after the merger, and also served as a director of ABC, the Bowery Savings Bank and the Bank of New York. He was involved in civic activities, for nine years chairing the board of trustees of Adelphi University and was also involved with the YMCA and the Police Athletic League. Director Capital Cities, with Thomas Dewey, Lowell Thomas and William Casey. It bought ABC in 1985. |
Chapman, Peter Herbert | b. 1953 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Columbia University, 1977. Vice president Salomon Brothers, Inc., New York City, 1977-86, The First Boston Corp., New York City, 1986—1990; senior vp. Bessemer Group, Inc., 1991-92; executive director CIBC Oppenheimer Corp., 1993-99; chairman PH Chapman Advisors, LLC, 1999—; principal CDK Group LLC, N.Y.C, 2002—. Board directors C.D. Stimson Co., Seattle, 1988-92. Board directors American International School, Florence, Italy, 1982-94, Mulsanne Capital Ltd. |
Charles, Michael Harrison | b. 1952 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Educated at Jacksonville Episcopal High School, the University of Florida, Florida State University and New York University. Mr. Charles is a well-known interior designer having worked for several major architectural firms before founding Michael H. Charles Associates in 1985. Member of the Advisory Council of the Hereditary Society Community of the United States of America (researches history and genealogy). His designs have been published in numerous magazines and books over the years and he was the recipient of the prestigious Wool Bureau Award for fabric design. Michael H.Charles Associates maintains offices in New York City and St. Augustine, Florida. Mr. Charles is a member of the Pilgrims of the United States, New York, as well as The Honourable Company of Freemen of London.. He is also a member of St. Thomas Church of Fifth Avenue wherehe serves as Head Usher, and on the Choir School Benefit Committee, as Acquisitions Chairman, and on the Stewardship Committee. He is a life member of the Society of Mary; Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament; Guild of All Souls; Society of St. King Charles the Martyr; and the Church Club of New York where he also serves as a member of Events Committee. Mr. Charles is Worshipful Master of the Masonic Independent Royal Arch Lodge #2 F&AM, of New York City. He has served as Junior Warden and Master of Ceremonies. Mr. Charles is also a member of Long I Grotto; Scottish Rite, Valley of New York, 32 degree; Ancient Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, New York City; Columbian Council, Cryptic Masons, New York City; Morton Commandery, Knights Templar, New York City; Paumonock Council, Knight Masons, New York City; Quartro Coranotti Lodge, London, England. He is a member of the Ponte Vedra Club of Jacksonville, FL; the Royal Scottish Automobile Club of Glasgow, Scotland; and the Lansdowne Club of London of London, England. Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia (life member); General Society of Colonial Wars (Secretary and life member of the New York Society; regular member of the Florida Society Society; Gentleman of the Council in New York and Florida Societies); Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York (life member; Member of the Council); Colonial Order of the Acorn (life member); Order of the Indian Wars of the United States (life member); General Society Sons of the Revolution (member in the States of New York and Pennsylvania; life member of NY Society; Fraunces Tavern Museum Board Member); Saint Andrews Society of New York (life member) Saint David Society of New York (life member); Saint George's Society of New York (life member; Board member; Chairman Activities; Chairman - Queen's Jubilee 2002; Ball Committee); Society of the Sons of Saint George of Philadelphia (life member); Military Society of the War of 1812 (life member); Veteran Corps of Artillery State of New York (life member); The Huguenot Society of America (life member; Registrar General; Member of the Membership Committee); Colonial Society of Pennsylvania Military Order of the Stars and Bars (life member; Commander of the New York Society); Order of the Southern Cross (life member); Dutch Settlers Society of Albany (life member); Huguenot Society of Pennsylvania (life member); National Society Sons of the American Colonists (life member; former Vice President General); Society of the Descendants of the ColonialClergy (life member); Hereditary Order of the Descendants of Colonial Governors (life member; Third Vice President General); Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry (life member); Flagon and Trencher (life member); Descendants of the Founders of New Jersey (life member); National Society Descendants of Early Quakers (life member); Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Philadelphia (life member); Order of Descendants of Colonial Physicians & Chirurgiens (life member); Sons and Daughters of the Colonial & Antebellum Bench and Bar 1585-1861 (life member); National Society Sons of the American Revolution (Florida State, Past Regional Vice President; Organizing President, St. Augustine Chapter; First Continental Chapter, New York City, Member of the Council); General Society of the War of 1812 (former Florida State President); National Society Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims (Florida and New York; Councilor - New York Branch); Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (Officer); Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (Prior of St. Michael & St. George New York City Priory; Silver Pilgrim Shell); Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus (Cavalieri) |
Chase, John | d. 1950 |
Source(s): February 2, 1950, New York Times, obituary of John Chase Vice president and a director of Pease Elliman, Inc., real estate firm at 660 Madison Avenue, New York. |
Charteris, Martin Michael Charles Exec. committee |
1913–1999 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list Baron Charteris of Amisfield. Went into the Army in 1933. Peacetime service in Northern Ireland, Burma and Egypt, but then contracted a virus which caused him to be invalided home in the early months of WWII. After recovery, he returned to active service in the western desert and was later posted to Palestine in military intelligence and promoted to lieutenant-colonel. Appointed a member of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1946. Continued his military career until 1949, when he was asked by Jock Colville, private secretary to Princess Elizabeth [later Queen Elizabeth II], whether he would accept if offered Colville's job. Charteris accepted. On succession, Elizabeth II followed the normal practice of keeping on her father's private office, so Charteris found himself fourth in seniority within that office, and he soldiered on for another twenty years as an assistant private secretary to the queen—organizing state visits abroad and taking her through her daily box of state papers. Privy Council member since 1972. Appointed KCB in 1972, and GCB in 1977. On retiring from the palace in 1977, Charteris was appointed provost of Eton College, a public school (privately funded and independent) for boys and popular with the Royal family. Became a non-executive director of Claridges, the Connaught hotels, De La Rues, and Rio Tinto. He was also a trustee of the British Museum and of Leeds Castle and, from 1980, a highly executive chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund. |
Chauncey, A. Wallace | b. 1891 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student, Brooklyn Latin School. Student, Pomfret (Connecticut) School. PhB, Yale University. Student, Columbia Law School. With William A. Read & Co. (later Dillon, Read & Co.), 1915-16; partner Chauncey, Hayes & Lord, investment bankers, 1919-22; secretary, director Philip Ruxton Inc., 1922-28; member executive committee, director International Printing Ink Corp., 1928-37; vice chairman executive com, director Interchem. Corp., New York City, 1937-59, member executive committee, director, consultant, from 1959. President, director Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn; board directors Chauncey Real Estate Corp., Millprint, Inc., International Printing Ink Ltd., Ault & Wiborg Corp., Ruxton Products. member Champlain Society (University Toronto), Pilgrims of the U.S., Newcomen Society of England in North America, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution State New York , Military Order Foreign Wars. U.S., Military Order World Wars., Society Am. Wars., Elizabethan Club (Yale University), Yale Club, Union Club, New York Yacht Club (New York City); Maidstone Club (East Hampton, Long Island); National Golf Link of Am. (Southampton, Long Island); Triton Fish and Game Club, Garrison (Quebec, Can.), Masons, Delta Phi, Aurelian Honor Society |
Chelwood, Lord | unknown |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Formerly known as Sir Tufton Beamish. Chairman of J. Compton, Sons & Webb (Holdings) Limited in the 1970s, until 1980. Director of GRA Property Trust and United Transport International. Appointed a member of the Nature Conservancy Council in 1978. President of the Conservative Middle East Council of the House of Lords in the 1980s. Great supporter of Britain getting involved in the European Union and relinquishing some of its sovereignty. Not at all worried about Britain becoming dominated by Brussels. Regularly critical of Israel's refusal to negotiate with the PLO and deny the Palestinians their own state. February 20, 1985, Lord Chelwood's letter in The Times, ''Selling' ideas to Israel' : "How can you dismiss so lightly the question of self-determination for more than four million Palestinians, over half of them refugees? The Palestinians' right to statehood is indisputably based on the UN Charter and numerous resolutions. President Sadat recognized this when he bravely told the Knesset that they "should have their own state". King Hoessein calls it "their basic right" . The Saudi-inspired Fez plan insists on it. So does the European Community's Venice Declaration. The Soviet Union has always done so. America has funked and fudged the issue by talking of "autonomy" and "homelands" (Camp David), or "self-government in association with Jordan" (Reagan Plan). Sadly Israel, a courageous minority apart, rejects out of hand the concept of occupied territory for peace. You suggest that the American government do not believe that they can "sell" the idea to Israel. Why not? Let them try." |
Childs, Thomas Warren | b. 1906 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BS in Engineering summa cum laude, Princeton University, 1928. Rhodes scholar, Oxford University, 1931. BA, Oxford University, 1930. B.C.L., MA, Oxford University, 1938. J.S.D., Yale University, 1932. Practiced with Sullivan & Cromwell, New York City, 1932-40, Paris, 1937-38; general counsel to Brit. Supply Council in North America; and executive assistant to minister resident in U.S. Washington, 1940-45; partner Lazard Freres, New York City, 1945-48; with Am. Metal Climax, Inc., 1948-62, vice president, 1953-62, director, 1961-62; chairman International Nickel Ltd. (formerly International Nickel Co. Ltd.), London, 1963-68; vice president Internat Nickel Co. of Can., Ltd., 1963-68; president Inco Projects Ltd., 1969-71, chairman, 1971. Director Schroders Ltd., Bermuda, Aegis Indemnity Ltd., Bermuda. Decorated Commander Order British Empire. Member council Ditchley Foundation, England, 1964-68; Served as general counsel for British Government War Supply Organization in U.S. and. Member Anglo-American Patent Committee, 1940-45. |
Choate, Joseph H. | 1832-1917 |
Source(s): 1907, Pilgrims of the United States, Dinner in Honor of James Bryce proceedings (listed as a vice president); 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate); Who's Who digital edition; 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history'; 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' Born at Salem, Massachusetts, the son of Dr George Choate, a noted physician, and was a nephew of Rufus Choate, a well known lawyer and politician. Graduated from Harvard Law school in 1854. Admitted to the Massachusetts bar in 1855. Admitted to the New York bar in 1856. Entered the law office of Scudder & Carter in New York City in 1856. Republican and frequent speaker in presidential campaigns, beginning with the one of 1856. His success in his profession was immediate, and in 1860 he became junior partner in the firm of Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, the senior partner in which was William M Evarts. This firm and its successor, that of Evarts, Choate & Beaman, remained for many years among the leading law firms of New York and of the country, the activities of both being national rather than local. Became a member of the Committee of Seventy in New York City in 1871, which was instrumental in breaking up Boss Tweed and his crime gang (Pilgrim Elihu Root also played a role in this process). Chairman at an 1882 meeting where the panel unanimously denounced the Jewish persecution in Russia (an Anson Phelps-Stokes was also chairman who's was a S&B member in 1896, just as many other Phelps). Lawyer for John D. Rockefeller during an 1888 Trust investigation of the Senate of New York State. Served on other occasions as attorney for the Rockefeller family. President of the 1892 Constitutional Convention working close with later Pilgrim Elihu Root. President of the New York state constitutional convention in 1894. Successfully challenged the Income Tax Act of 1894 (claimed it was communist). Candidate for the Republican senatorial nomination against Senator Thomas C. Platt in 1897. Ambassador to Britain 1899-1905, and very popular in this country. One of the US representatives at the second Peace Congress at the Hague in 1907. Here the United States failed in its effort to secure the establishment of a world court. Attended a 1908 Pilgrim meeting. Good friend of Pilgrims Society and Milner Group member Arthur Balfour. Long time friend of Skull & Bones, Pilgrims Society, and Corsair Club member Chauncey M. Depew, a J.P. Morgan man. Choate also was a member of J.P. Morgan's elite Corsair Club, just as William Rockefeller. Identified as a president of the Pilgrims of the United States in 1913. In December 1914 the National Security League was founded to support universal military training, military preparedness, patriotism, and the extermination of values which were "un-American." Choate served as initial honorary president, while the first acting president was Robert Bacon, a partner in J.P. Morgan. The energy displayed by war advocates was often misdirected against anyone suspected of unpatriotic actions, words, or even thoughts. In the name of the National Security League, University employees suspected of pacifism, disloyalty, or "subversive" thought were attacked. Many citizens of German descent suffered from suspicion and anti-German propaganda. Intense anti-German feeling swept the state and nation. It became unpopular, if not unpatriotic, to play German music, to speak or read German. Enrollment in German courses in the University dropped from 1,300 to 150. By 1917, the NSL had helped build war hysteria to a fever pitch. The 1947 national security state was built from blueprints drawn by the leaders of the NSL, who were funded by Morgan's U.S. Steel, the Rockefeller oil companies, and Coleman du Pont. Soon after WWI and the Russian revolution, many among America’s wealthy elite felt threatened by rising radicalism, particularly among unions. 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history', p. 11: "Many American Pilgrims tried to use their influence to bring the United States into the war [WWI] on the side of the Allies, none more so than Joseph Choate, who used the occasion of the Pilgrims dinner on September 30, 1915, in honor of Lord Reading and members of the Anglo-French Credit Commission, who were in New York to negotiate a war loan of 500 million dollars, to plead the cause of the Allies. The Pilgrims of Great Britain celebrated the entry of the United States into the war on April 1917 with a banquet at the Savoy." In April 1919, letter bombs, destined for John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan and others, were supposedly discovered in the U.S. postal system. The media quickly stirred up a massive Red Scare by blaming unions, communists, anarchists and foreign agitators. John Spivak says: “Trade unions were openly disbelieving and denounced with anger the so-called discoveries as a deliberate frame-up to provide excuses for more raids against organized labour” (A Man in His Time, 1967). This incident and others were used as pretexts for the Palmer Raids, during which the government rounded up more than ten thousand activists across the country. |
Christopher, Warren M. | 1925- |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power series: "Assorted Pilgrim Society members have served as Stanford University trustees, including former Secretary of State (1993-1997) Warren Christopher (below) of Chevron-Texaco..."; NEVER BEEN A MEMBER, ACCORDING TO PILGRIMS SOCIETY Studied law at Stanford. Deputy attorney general under President Lyndon Johnson. Deputy secretary of state under President Jimmy Carter (he was the chief American negotiator in the 1981 talks that ended the Iranian hostage crisis). Director Council on Foreign Relations 1982-1987. Vice-chairman Council on Foreign Relations 1987-1991. Stanford University trustee. Secretary of State 1993-1997 (particularly involved in seeking Arab-Israeli peace agreements and in negotiating a peace in Bosnia). Chairman of the Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department. Director of Chevron-Texaco, Lockheed, Southern California Edison and First Interstate Bancorporation. Anno 2005, chairman of the Carnegie Corporation in New York. Who's Who: |
Chrysler, Walter Percy | 1875-1940 |
Source(s): 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate) Founder of the Chrysler Corporation (now part of DaimlerChrysler A.G.). He began as a machinist's apprentice and rose within the industry to become vice president in charge of operations at General Motors in 1919. In 1920 he undertook the reorganization of the Willys Overland and Maxwell companies. In 1924 he brought out the first Chrysler car and within a short time he made the company one of the largest automobile manufacturers. |
Chrystie, Thomas Ludlow | 1872-1954 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1894, and since practiced in N.Y City; transfer tax appraiser, New York County, 1911-12; asst. atty. for N.Y. State comptroller, 1912; special assistant attorney general for Conn., 1934, for Mass., 1937. Secretary Citizens Com. of 9 on reorganization of New York Police Force, 1905-06. Trustee Columbia University, 1920-26. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Am. Law Inst., N.Y. State Bar Assn., New York County Lawyers’ Assn., Assn. Bar City of New York, Soc. Colonial Wars, Soc. of the Cincinnati, St. Nicholas Soc., Columbia Coll. Alumni Assn. (ex-pres.), The Pilgrims, Phi Gamma Delta. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: University, Down Town Assn., Columbia Univ., Phi Gamma Delta Club (ex-pres.), Columbia Varsity “C” Club (ex-pres.). |
Chrystie, Thomas Witter | 1902-1956 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of Thomas Ludlow Chrystie. Student Taft Sch., 1917-20; A.B., Columbia, 1924, LL.B., 1926. Instr. law Am. Inst. Banking, 1926-29; admitted to N.Y. bar, 1927, since practiced in N.Y.C.; mem. Chrystie & Chrystie, 1932-52, Webster Sheffield & Chrystie since 1952; dir. Woodmont Corp., Detroit. Dir. Soc. for Promoting Gospel Among Seamen Port of New York. Trustee of Columbia University, Taft Sch., Watertown, Conn., 1947-52; chmn. Columbia College, Council 1953-54. Mem. Assn. Bar City of N.Y. (exec com. 1950-54), Am. Law Inst., Am. N.Y. State bar assns., N.Y. Law Inst. (sec. since 1952), N.Y. Co. Lawyers Assn., Nat. Tax Assn., Soc. Cincinnati, St. Nicholas Soc., Pilgrims Assn. Columbia, Coll. Alumni Assn. (pres. 1949-51), Assn. Alumni Columbia Law Sch. (past treas.), Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Phi. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: Downtown Assn., Columbia U. (past sec.), Century, Shenorock Shore (Rye, N.Y.). |
Church, Edgar M. | unknown |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1984' (obituary list) Apparently from a family of investment brokers. Member Council on Foreign Relations. |
Church, Elihu Cunyngham Secretary |
unknown |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; January 24, 1935, New York Times, 'Rights in danger, Dr. Butler warns': "Those listed in the necrology, read by Major Elihu Church, secretary of the Pilgrims, were Henry H. Andrews, Elmer E. Brown, Walter D. Buchanan, Edward J. Burlingham, Colin C. Carter, James B. Clews, Robert Fulton Cutting, Ganson Depew, Cass Gilbert, Nathaniel T. Guernsey, John W. Herbert, Matthew Hinman, Charles L. Hussey, John P. Jefferson, Otto Kahn, Ivy Lee, George O. Squire, Frederick H. Wilkins, Thomas B. Kent, Alfred Watts Kiddle, Wilson Marshall, Percy A. Rockefeller, Valentine P. Snyder, William J. Parslow, Arthur C. Mower and Herbert Noble."; Appears as hon. treasurer on the 1942 Pilgrims of the United States officers list (as photocopied by Charles Savoie from the 1942 Pilgrims Society publication 'Pilgrim Partners - Forty Years of British-American Fellowship', of which only 100 copies were produced); August 18, 1963, New York Times, obituary of Elihu Church Multimillionaire. Rose to a Major during WWI. Engineer of Transportation of the Port Authority of New York. Clubs: Soc. of the Cincinnati, Soc. Colonial Wars, The Pilgrims, Sigma Xi, St. Nicholas Society, Century Association (New York City); Army and Navy Club (Washington, D.C.). |
Churchill, Sir Winston | 1874-1965 |
Source(s): 1903 list; 1907 U.S. list; Who's Who digital edition ("Pilgrims of U.S.") The son of Lord Randolph Churchill, who was (very) close to Nathaniel de Rothschild, and an American mother. He was educated at Harrow and Sandhurst. After a brief but eventful career in the army, he became a Conservative Member of Parliament in 1900. Invested into the Albion Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids on August 15, 1908. He held many high posts in Liberal and Conservative governments during the first three decades of the century. At the outbreak of the Second World War, he was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty - a post which he had earlier held from 1911 to 1915. In May 1940, he became Prime Minister and Minister of Defence and remained in office until 1945. As opposed to many other influential businessmen and politicians Churchill did not want peace with Germany. On January 27, 1942 during Parliamentary debates at the House of Commons Churchill confirmed: "We have also to remember how oddly foreigners view our country and its way of doing things. When Rudolf Hess flew over here some months ago he firmly believed that he had only to gain access to certain circles in this country for what he described as "the Churchill clique" to be thrown out of power and for a Government to be set up with which Hitler could negotiate a magnanimous peace." On 15 June 1942, Churchill suggested that British bombers wipe out three German villages for every one Czech settlement destroyed. Was of the opinion that top Nazis should be summarily executed without being tried. He took over the premiership again in the Conservative victory of 1951 and resigned in 1955. However, he remained a Member of Parliament until the general election of 1964, when he did not seek re-election. Queen Elizabeth II conferred on Churchill the dignity of Knighthood and invested him with the insignia of the Order of the Garter in 1953. Among the other countless honours and decorations he received, special mention should be made of the honorary citizenship of the United States which President Kennedy conferred on him in 1963. Chancellor of the University of Bristol 1929-1965. Usually spent winters at La Capponcina, owned by Lord Beaverbrook. Churchill's close friendship with Lord Beaverbrook is quite remarkable as the latter was a close friend to Rudolf Hess and Hitler who negotiated peace with them after their invasion of Europe. Churchill was responsible for killing that proposal. |
Clark, G. Russell | 1904-1991 |
Sources: April 13, 1991, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, obituary; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 15, 1992' (obituary list) Served as New York's superintendent of banks in the administration of Governor Nelson Rockefeller. He also was chairman of the Bank of North America in New York City, chief executive officer of the New York Clearing House Association and director of the First National Bank & Trust Co. of Kearny, N.J. Member of the Fort Lauderdale Country Club, the Lago Mar Beach Club, the Pilgrims Society of the United States, the Union League Club in New York City and served on the Heisman Trophy Committee for three years. |
Clarke, Gilmore David | 1892-1982 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 26, 1983' (obituary list) Son of Gilmore and Johanna F. (Knubel) C.; married Emma Elizabeth Vought, Aug. 16, 1917; children—Elizabeth Nelson (Mrs. Peter Tower), Edward Perry, Doris Jean (Mrs. Maurice C. Bond); married Mary Elizabeth Sprout, July 11, 1941 (dec. Sept. 1962); married Dolores Nancy Bedford, Apr. 5, 1968. Student, Dwight Sch., N.Y., 1907-09; B.S., Cornell U., 1913; L.H.D., Yale, 1940. Practiced as landscape architect, 1913-82; landscape architect Westchester County Park Commn., 1923-35; cons. engr., landscape architect numerous local, state, fed. commns., spl. constrn. authorities; mem. bd. archtl.-engring. consultants United Nations Hdqrs., N.Y.C.; mem. bd. design Met. Life Ins. Co. Housing Projects, 1938-49, chmn., 1945-49; prof. Coll. Architecture, Coll. Engring. Cornell U., 1935-50; dean Coll. Architecture, Coll. Engring. Cornell U. (Coll. Architecture), 1938-50, prof. landscape architecture emeritus, 1963-82; practice landscape architecture, also civil engring. firm Clarke & Rapuano, 1935-62; pres. Clarke & Rapuano, Inc., 1962-72; Cons. landscape architect N.Y. World’s Fair, 1964-65; Mem. Nat. Commn. Fine Arts, 1932-50, chmn., 1937-50; mem. Art Commn. City N.Y., 1950-53, N.Y. State Planning Council, 1935-41, Bd. Design N.Y. World’s Fair, 1949; landscape architect mem. Adv. Bd. Architects, U.S. Capitol, 1956-82; cons. N.Y. State Power Authority; mem. adv. com. on Arts, Dept. State; mem. Smithsonian Art Commn., 1940-67. Author: Sonnets-, 1949-1962, 1963-1966, A Septet of Sonnets, 1968-81. First scout commr. Borough of Bronx, N.Y.C., Boy Scouts Am., 1916-17; Trustee American Academy in Rome, 1931-71, trustee emeritus, 1971—; chmn. bd. trustees Bayard Cutting Arboretum, now emeritus; trustee American Museum of Natural History.; Adv. com. Grad. Sch. Design Harvard, 1932-44. Served from lt. to capt. 6th Engrs., 3d Div. U.S. Army, World War, 1917-19. Decorated Silver Star, Order of Purple Heart.; Recipient Medals of Honor Archtl. League N.Y., 1931, Medals of Honor Nat. Sculpture Soc., 1970; Frank P. Brown medal Franklin Inst., 1945. Fellow Am. Soc. Landscape Architects (pres. 1949-50), Royal Soc. Arts, Franklin Inst. (life); mem. AAAL, Nat. Inst. Arts and Letters, Am. Inst. Cons. Engrs., ASCE (life); hon. mem. AIA, NAD, Societe Francaise D’Architecture de Jardins, Tau Beta Pi. Republican. Presbyn. Clubs: Metropolitan (N.Y.C.), Century (N.Y.C.); Cosmos (Washington). Home: New York, NY |
Clarke, Robert Warner | b. 1896 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition President Richard W. Clark Corp., Investment Bankers, New York City, 1924-92; senior partner Richard W. Clark & Co. Member New York Stock Exchange; associate member Am. Exchange. Member Sons Revolution, Society Colonial Wars (counsel), The Pilgrims, The New England Society (director), Knickerbocker Club, Downtown Association, New York Yacht Club, Racquet and Tennis Club (New York City), Alpha Delta Phi. |
Clarke, Sir Tobias | b. 1939 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition; 1974 list Eton; Christ Church, Oxford (MA); Univ. of Paris; New York Univ. Graduate Business Sch. Bankers Trust Co., NY, 1963–80 (Vice-Pres., 1974–80). Associate Dir, Swiss Bank Corp., London, 1992–94. Underwriting Mem., Lloyds, 1984–; MSI 1993. Chm., Standing Council of the Baronetage, 1993–96 (Vice-Chm., 1990–92; Hon. Treas., 1980–92); Editor and founder, The Baronets Journal, 1987–99; Chm. Trustees, Baronets Trust, 1996– (Trustee, 1989–); Publisher, The Official Roll of the Baronetage, 1997. Lord of the Manor of Bibury. |
Clarkson, Lawrence William | - |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Counsel Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, Florida, 1967-72, program deputy director, 1972-75, program manager, 1974-75, vice president, managing director Brussels, 1975-78, vice president marketing West Palm Beach, 1978-80, vice president contracts Hartford, Connecticut, 1980-82, president commercial products div., 1982-87; senior vice president Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group, Seattle, 1988-91; corp. vice president planning and international devel. Boeing Co., 1992-93, senior vice president, 1994-99; president Boeing Enterprises, 1997-99; senior vice president Project International, 2000—. Chairman Hitco Carbon, 2002—, Interturbine NV, 2000—2002; board directors Partnership for Improved Air Travel, Washington, 1988—1991, Atlas Air, Avnet Inc. Trustee DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind., 1987—, vice chairman, 1996—2002; trustee Embry Ridde Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, Seattle Opera, 1990—, chairman, 1991—2002; overseer Tuck School Dartmouth, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1993—1999; corp. counsel Interlochen (Michigan) Center Arts, 1987, trustee, 1988—, chairman, 1996—2001; president Japan-America Society, Washington, 1993, Washington State China Relations Committee, 1992—1993; chairman National Bureau Asia Research, Council on Foreign Relations, U.S. Pacific Economic Corp. Council, 1993—2000. Mem.: Am. Institute Contemporary German Studies (board directors 1997—99), National Association Manufacturers 1993—99, The Pilgrims of the U.S., Wings Club (board governors 1987—91), Metropolitan Club DC, New York Yacht Club, Order St. John (Knight). |
Clarkson, Robert Livingston | 1892-1969 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Began as bookkeeper, Herrick, Hicks & Colby; later in bond dept. Effingham Lawrence & Co. and with Alexandre & Burnett, became mem. firm; began with Chase Securities Corp., 1919, v.p., 1921-25, vice chmn. exec. com., 1925, also asst. to pres. Chase Nat. Bank, 1925; vice chmn. bd. Chase Nat. Bank, 1926-28, pres., 1928-29, again vice chmn. bd., 1929; pres. Chase Securities Corp., July 1931; pres. The Chase Corp., May 1933-Mar. 1934; chmn. bd. Amerex Holding Corp., 1935, pres., chmn., 1936-50; chmn., exec. com. American Express Co. and Am. Express Co., Inc., 1935-60, chmn. finance com., exec. com., 1960-65; pres. Smith, Kirkpatrick & Co., Inc., 1966-65, chmn. bd., 1935-69; chmn. bd. Clarkson Industries, Inc., 1968-69; dir. RAC Corp., Highfield Mfg. Co., 550 Park Av. Corp., G. Schirmer, Inc.; dir., exec. com. Nat. Aviation Corp.; dir., mem. exec. com., chmn. retirement com. 20th Century-Fox Film Corp.; dir., chmn. retirement bd., exec. com. National Distillers and Chem. Corp. Trustee Musuem City N.Y. Served from seaman to ensign USN, World War I. Member of New York C. of C., Colonial Lords of Manors Am. (exec. com., treas.), Descs. Signers of Declaration of Independence, Mil. Order of World Wars (N.Y.), Soc. of the Cincinnati N.Y. (treas., del. Gen. Soc., trustee), English Speaking Union, St. Nicholas Soc. (life), Am. Legion, Bayville Athletic Assn. (hon.), Navy League U.S., Soc. N.Y. Hosp., Pilgrims of U.S. Republican. |
Cleaver, Sir Anthony | b. 1938 |
Source(s): Present at Pilgrims meetings in 2008 en 2009 (The Times). Chairman, Engineering and Technology Board, since 2007; Chairman: SThree plc, since 2000; Working Links (Employment) Ltd, since 2003; Novia Financial Holdings Ltd, since 2008. Joined IBM United Kingdom, 1962; IBM World Trade Corp., USA, 1973–74; Dir, DP Div., IBM UK, 1977; Vice-Pres. of Marketing, IBM Europe, Paris, 1981–82; Gen. Man., 1984, Chief Exec., 1986–91, Chm., 1990–94, IBM United Kingdom Holdings Ltd; Chairman: General Cable PLC, 1995–98 (Dir, 1994–98); IX Europe plc, 1999–2007. Chairman: UKAEA, 1993–96; AEA Technology plc, 1996–2001; MRC, 1998–2006; Nuclear Decommissioning Authy, 2004–07. Chairman: The Strategic Partnership Ltd, 1997–2000; Baxi Partnership, 1999–2000; UK eUnivs Worldwide Ltd, 2001–04; Asia Pacific Advisers (UK Trade & Investment, formerly Trade Partners UK), 2000–03. Director: General Accident plc (formerly General Accident, Fire & Life Assurance Corp.), 1988–98; Smith & Nephew PLC, 1993–2002; Loral Europe Ltd, 1995–96; Cable Corp., 1995–96; Lockheed Martin Tactical Systems UK Ltd, 1996–99; Lockheed Martin UK Ltd, 1999–2006. Dir, Nat. Computing Centre, 1976–80. Member Board: UK Centre for Econ. and Environmental Develt, 1985–98 (Dep. Chm., 1992–98); BITC, 1985–2000 (Chm., Business in the Envmt Target Team, 1988–99; Mem., President’s Cttee, 1988–91; Dep. Chm., 1991–2000); RIPA, 1985–90; Mem., Council, ABSA, 1985–97 (Dir, 1991–97); Pres., Involvement and Participation Assoc., 1997–2002. Chairman: Industrial Develt Adv. Bd, DTI, 1993–99; TEC Ind. Assessors Cttee, 1994–98; Council for Excellence in Mgt and Leadership, 2000–02; Member: Nat. Adv. Council for Educn and Trng Targets, 1993–98; Electronics EDC, NEDO, 1986–92; CBI, 1986–97 (Mem., President’s Cttee, 1988–92); BOTB, 1988–91; Nat. Trng Task Force, 1989–92; Adv. Council, Centre for Dispute Resolution, 1996–2007; Partnership Korea, 1997–99; PPARC Appointments Cttee, 1996–2000; Cttee on Standards in Public Life, 1997–2003; British Government Panel on Sustainable Develt, 1998–2000; Singapore British Business Council, 1999–2000, 2003–04. Dir, American Chamber of Commerce, 1989–91. Member: HRH Duke of Edinburgh’s Seventh Commonwealth Study Conf. Council, 1990–92; Council for Industry and Higher Educn, 1991–94; Carnegie Inquiry into Third Age, 1991–93. Chm., Portsmouth Univ. Business Adv. Bd, 1992–99; Member: Oxford Univ. Adv. Council on Continuing Educn, 1993–99; Oxford Univ. Develt Prog. Adv. Bd, 1999–; President’s Cttee, Oxford Univ. Appeal, 1988; Appeal Chm., Trinity Coll., Oxford, 1989–98; Chm., RCM, 1999–2007 (Mem. Council, 1998–99; Vice-Pres., 2008–); Member Council: Templeton Coll., Oxford, 1982–93; PSI, 1985–88; Pres., Inst. of Mgt, 1999–2000; Chm. Govs, Birkbeck Coll., 1989–98; Mem., Cttee of Chm. of Univ. Councils, 1992–98; Trustee, Oxford Univ. Higher Studies Fund, 1994–. Dep. Chm., ENO, 1998–2000 (Dir, 1988–2000). Pres., Classical Assoc., 1995–96. Pres., Business Commitment to the Envmt, 2000–. Freeman, City of London, 1987; Co. of Information Technologists, 1985– (Liveryman, 1994); Co. of Musicians, 2003– (Liveryman, 2005). FCGI 2004. Hon. FCIM 1989 (Hon. Vice-Pres., 1991–; Pres., London Br., 1993–2000); Hon. FCIPS 1996; FRSA 1987 (Chm., RSA Inquiry into Tomorrow’s Co., 1993–95). Mem. Council, WWF, 1988–92. |
Cleveland, Grover | 1837-1908 |
Source(s): 2002, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A centennial history', the combined 1903 Pilgrims membership list at the end of the book; 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' Graduated from Princeton. President of the United States from 1885 to 1889 and 1893 to 1897. Backed the first Pilgrims meeting in the US in 1903. Elected trustee, holding a majority of the stock of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of U.S., June 10, 1905. Member executive committee National Civic Federation. Trustee Princeton University. Chairman of the Association of Life Insurance Presidents, from Jan. 1907. 1990, Ron Chernow, 'The House of Morgan', p. 542-543: "By January 1895, gold was fleeing New York at a frightening pace... The beleaguered president, Grover Cleveland, was a friend of the House of Morgan and a staunch advocate of the gold standard. During the four years he spent on Wall Street between his two presidential terms, Cleveland worked in the law offices of Bangs, Stetson, Tracy, and MacVeagh. This was the law firm of Pierpont's father-in-law, Charles Tracy, located next door to the Morgan bank, at 15 Broad Street. Cleveland had been good friends with the shrewd Francis Lynde Stetson, Pierpont's lawyer for the railroad reorganizations and known on Wall Street as Morgan's attorney general. He also befriended many Wall Street people and was one of the twelve pallbearers at the funeral of August Belmont, Sr., in 1890. Although Pierpont was a Republican, he wasn't antagonistic toward the Democratic Cleveland. In 1884, he cast his lone Democratic vote for Cleveland precisely because the candidate endorsed sound money... Cleveland still clung to the hope of a public bond issue, which would spare his congressional obloquy. Not until a clerk informed Carlsile that only $9 million in gold remained in government vaults on Wall Street did Pierpont pipe up, saying he knew of a $10 million draft about to be presented. "If that $10 million draft is presented, you can't meet it," Pierpont said. "It will be all over before 3 o'clock." "What suggestions have you to make, Mr. Morgan?" replied the president. Pierpont laid out an audacious scheme. The Morgan and Rothschild houses in New York and London would gather 3.5 million ounces of gold, at least half from Europe, in exchange for about $65 million worth of thirty year gold bonds. He also promised that gold obtained by the government wouldn't flow out again. This was the showstopper that mystified the financial world--a promise to rig, temporarily, the gold market. " |
Cleveland, James Wray | b. 1859 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1881, and began practice at N.Y.C. with Title Guarantee and Trust Co. since 1889, v.p. since 1922. Served as 1st lt., 7th Regt., N.Y.N.G.; a.d.c. to Gov. Roosevelt, 1899-1901; insp., rank of lt. col., on staff maj. gen. comdg. N.Y. Guard, 1902-08. Mem. New York Clearing House (chmn. arbitration com. 1927), New York Chamber Commerce, Soc. Colonial Wars (gov. 1927), S.R. (treas. 1919-29), Pilgrim Soc., New England Soc., Huguenot Soc. Republican. Episcopalian. |
Clews, James B. | 1869-1934 |
Source(s): January 24, 1935, New York Times, 'Rights in danger, Dr. Butler warns': "Those listed in the necrology, read by Major Elihu Church, secretary of the Pilgrims, were Henry H. Andrews, Elmer E. Brown, Walter D. Buchanan, Edward J. Burlingham, Colin C. Carter, James B. Clews, Robert Fulton Cutting, Ganson Depew, Cass Gilbert, Nathaniel T. Guernsey, John W. Herbert, Matthew Hinman, Charles L. Hussey, John P. Jefferson, Otto Kahn, Ivy Lee, George O. Squire, Frederick H. Wilkins, Thomas B. Kent, Alfred Watts Kiddle, Wilson Marshall, Percy A. Rockefeller, Valentine P. Snyder, William J. Parslow, Arthur C. Mower and Herbert Noble."; 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate) Son of John and Sabina (Dayman) C.; g.s. James Clews, mfr. of celebrated Clews pottery. Staffordshire. Eng.; grad. Chamberlain Coll., Randolph. N.Y., 1888; married Mrs. Leta Nichols Livingston, 1909 (died 1919); 1 dau., Leta; married 2d, Mary Ann Payne, Oct. 2, 1926. In banking business, 1890—: head Henry Clews & Co., bankers; pres. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Mich. R.R. during reorganization period; dir. of many corps. Republican. Episcopalian. |
Clifford, Stewart Burnett | b. 1929 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1951. MBA, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1956. Assistant cashier Citibank, N.A., New York City, 1958-60, assistant vice president, 1960-63; executive vice president, general manager Merc Bank, Montreal, Canada, 1963-67, vice president planning Overseas div., 1967-68; vice president, administrator commercial banking group Citibank, New York City, 1969-72, vice president head world corp. department London, 1973-75, senior vice president domestic energy, 1975-80, senior vice president, head private banking and investment division, 1981-87, div. executive, head investment division, 1987-93; senior banker Private Bank US, 1993-94; consultant MB Investment Partners, New York City, 1995—. Trustee Spence School, New York City, 1976—1998, chair board trustees, 1984—1986; elder Brick Church; trustee Presbyterian Church Foundation, 1996—2001, Auburn Seminary, New York City; board directors National Institute Social Scis.; trustee emeritus Princeton Theological Seminary; committee univ. resources Harvard College; board directors Monumental Corp., Baltimore, 1974—1989, Harvard Alumni Association, 1989—1991; president 120 East End Ave. Corp, Woolley-Clifford Foundation; vice chairman Asphalt Green. Mem.: Ocean Reef Club (Key Largo, Florida), Harvard Club (New York City), Union Club (New York City, former president), Bath and Tennis Club (Palm Beach), Duxbury Yacht Club (Massachusetts), Pilgrims (New York City). |
Close, David Palmer | 1915-2004 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA, Williams College, 1938. JD, Columbia University, 1942. Served with Office of Naval Intelligence, US Navy, 1942-46. Practice law, Washington, 1946—2004; partner Dahlgren & Close (Washington D.C. law firm, apparently very low profile). Member adv. council National Capital area Boy Scouts Am., 1961-2000; board directors National Society Prevention Blindness, 1961-63; founding board member International Eye Foundation, 1965-2004, chairman, 1985-89 director emeritus; board directors DC Society Prevention of Blindness, 1957-63, president, 1961-63; former member board directors International Humanities, Inc., former president; former member board directors Marjorie Merriweather Post Foundation, sec.-treas., 1974-76, former secretary; trustee Williams College, 1963-68; trustee The Hill School, 1965-85, chairman, 1973-85; trustee Mount Vernon College, 1963-75, board president, 1971-74; former member Am. council UN University; board directors, Crestar Bank, 1973-88. Member American Bar Association, Inter-Am. Bar Association, DC Bar Association, Association Bar City of New York , Pilgrims, Order of St. John, Chevy Chase (Maryland) Club, Fauquier Springs Country Club (Warrenton, Virginia), Univ. Club (Washington). |
Clover, Richardson | 1846-1919 |
Source(s): 2002, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A centennial history', the combined 1903 Pilgrims membership list at the end of the book. In 1897-1898 he was chief of the Office of Naval Intelligence; member of the Board on Construction of Vessels, 1897-1899; member War and Strategy board, 1898; commanded U.S.S. Bancroft, May 1, 1898, until end of Spanish-American War; served as Naval Attaché in London, 1900-1903; commanded as Rear Admiral, the U.S.S. Wisconsin, Asiatic region, 1904-1905; and served as president of the Board of Inspection, 1906-1908. |
Cobbold, Lord Cameron | 1904-1987 |
Source(s): May 11, 1950, The Times (mentioned as a visitor of a Pilgrims meeting); November 7, 1950, The Times (mentioned as a visitor of a Pilgrims meeting); January 10, 1951, The Times (mentioned as a visitor of a Pilgrims meeting); October 15, 1952, The Times (mentioned as a visitor of a Pilgrims meeting); March 20, 1953, The Times (mentioned as a visitor of a Pilgrims meeting); March 19, 1954, The Times (mentioned as a visitor of a Pilgrims meeting); November 2, 1955, The Times (mentioned as a visitor of a Pilgrims meeting); June 2, 1956, The Times (mentioned as a visitor of a Pilgrims meeting); December 3, 1968, The Times (mentioned as a visitor of a Pilgrims meeting) 1st Baron Cobbold. Governor of the Bank of England from 1949 to 1961. Made a Privy Councillor in 1959. Lord Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth II from 1963 until 1971. In the 1960s, Cobbold was a director of Hudson's Bay Company, British Petroleum, and the Royal Exchange Assurance. Joined the international advisory board of the Chemical Bank New York Trust Company in 1966. Made a Knight of the Garter in 1970. Awarded the Royal Victorian Order. Sponsor/director of the Per Jacobsson Foundation. Past chairmen have included Eugene R. Black (Pilgrims), Randolph Burgess (Pilgrims) and Marcus Wallenberg. Some other sponsors/directors of the Per Jacobsson Foundation were Viscount Harcourt (Pilgrims executive; IMF; World Bank; chair Morgan Grenfell & Co.), Gabriel Hauge (Pilgrims; chair Manufacturers Hanover Trust; treasurer CFR; Bilderberg steering committee) Herman J. Abs (chair Deutsche Bank), Marinus W. Holtrop (chair BIS and the Nederlandse Bank); Lord Salter (Privy Council; League of Nations; Pilgrims), David Rockefeller (Pilgrims; chair CFR; Chase Manhattan), Allen Sproul (Pilgrims; NY Fed), Maurice Frère (BIS; Sofina; Banque Nationale de Belgique; family today owns Frère-Bourgeois Group), Albert E. Janssen (Chair Société Belge de Banque), Jean Monnet (close associate of Salter; founder European Union; Le Cercle), Samuel Schweizer (chair Swiss Bank Corporation), and others. |
Coe, William Robertson | 1869-1955 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Came to United States, 1883, naturalized, 1900. With ins. firm of Johnson & Higgins, Phila., 1884-93, transferred to New York office and mgr, adjusting dept., 1893-1902, dir. 1902-10, pres., 1910-16, chmn. bd., 1916-43; dir. and chmn. exec. com. bd. dirs. Virginian Ry. Co.; dir. Loup Creek Colliery Co., Wyo. Land Co. Mem. Average Adjusters Assn. since 1890 (chmn. 1900), Am. Antiquarian Soc. |
Coffin, Charles Albert | 1844-1926 |
Source(s): May 17, 1903, New York Times, 'Pilgrims' Society Grows': "Among those who have recently been elected members of the London branch of the Pilgrims are: The [7th] Earl of Aberdeen [and later 1st Marquess of Aberdeen], the Right Hon. Sir Richard Henn Collins, Master of the Rolls; Justice Darling, Justice Kennedy, Charlemagne Tower, American Ambassador to Germany; Stanford Newell, American Minister to The Hague; Capt. Richardson Clover and Major Cassatt, the Naval and Military Attaches to the American Embassy in London; Col. H. D. Hutchinson, Major-Gen. Sir E. Stedman, C. F. Moberly-Bell, manager of the London Times; Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart.; Bradley Martin, the Master of Elibank, M. P., Montagy H. Crackenthorp, and J.J. Shannon, R. A. Among the prominent Americans who have lately joined the English branch are Charles A. Coffin and Gen. Eugene Griffin, President and Vice President of the General Electric Company of New York; Benton Hatchett, the Michigan lawyer; Charles W. Burt of Winchester, Ky.; John W. Garrett of Baltimore, Secretary of the Legation at The Hague; Henry B. Platt, P. G. Bartlett, and Richard H. Peabody of New York." Son of Albert and Anstrus (Varney) C.; LL.D., Union, 1914, Bowdoin, 1922, Princeton, 1924; M.A., Yale, 1919; married Caroline, d. Rev. E. Russell, of Holbrook, Mass., Sept. 1872. President General Electric Co. from its organization until June 1913, and chmn. bd. until May 1922. Organized War Relief Clearing House for France and her allies, early in 1915, later consol. with American Red Cross; active in work of Am. Red Cross throughout the war. |
Cohu, Henry Wallace | b. 1897 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1984' (obituary list) BA, Princeton University, 1917. With Cohu & Co. and predecessor firms, 1919-56; ltd. partner Winslow, Cohu & Stetson, 1958-59. Director Eastern Industries, Inc., Cohu Electronics, Inc., Century Investors, Inc., Angostura-Wuppermann, Inc. Member board managers McBudney branch YMCA, New York City Ensign US Navy, 1917-19. Member Masons, Racquet and Tennis Club, Down Town Association, Knickerbocker Club (board governors) (New York City), Piping Rock (Locust Valley, Long Island, New York ). |
Colby, Jonathan E. | - |
Source(s): 1990 list. Son of former CIA director William Colby. Princeton University. J.D. at Yale Law School. Served in the Nixon administration as staff assistant on the National Security Council under Henry Kissinger. |
Colby, Elbridge A. | - |
Source(s): 2014 list Grandson of former CIA director William Colby. Harvard and Yale graduate. Policy advisor to the Secretary of Defense’s Representative for the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), as an expert advisor to the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission. Special assistant to the chief of staff in the office of the director of National Intelligence and a staff member of the President's Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, where he focused on the Iraq WMD intelligence investigation and served as a member of the report drafting team. He also was a political officer with the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad and with the State Department’s office of Israel-Palestinian Affairs. Adjunct staff member with the RAND Corporation. Principal analyst and division lead for global strategic affairs at the Center for Naval Analysis. Robert M. Gates Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, where he consulted extensively with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Strategic Command, and the U.S. Department of State on matters relating to defense, nuclear and nuclear deterrence, strategy escalation, and arms control. Involved with the Strategic Studies Institute. Member of the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS). Published articles in Policy Review, Orbis, the National Interest, the Washington Times, the Yale Journal of International Law, CSIS and the Hoover Institution.
Cole, Henry P. | d. 1985 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 22, 1986' (obituary list) Worked more than 50 years on Wall Street and was a partner in the firm of L. A. Mathey, Diamond Douglas. Born in Durham, N.C. and was an alumnus of Duke University. |
Cole, Howard Ellsworth | 1873-1950 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Began in the office of The Rockefeller's Standard Oil Co. of Cleveland, Ohio. Later assistant to the vice president. General manager of the Waters Pierce Oil Co. in Mexico. Later general manager for Standard Oil Co. of New York for Japan and Korea, residing in Yokohama. Returned to New York City as director of Standard Oil Co. of New York and retired in 1931 as senior vice president. April 28, 1930, Time Magazine: "Gathered at a luncheon in Manhattan's decorous Bankers Club one noon last week were 50 of the nation's Biggest Businessmen. The occasion: to collect the first $1.000,000 of a $2,750,000 fund to build and endow a new swimming pool, dormitories, infirmary, library, auditorium for the Shanghai American School. Among those interested in what Principal Elam J. Anderson had to say were: Martin Egan, staff member of J. P. Morgan & Co.; Motormaker Walter Percy Chrysler; Herbert Lee Pratt, board chairman of Standard Oil Co. of New York and his Vice President Howard Ellsworth Cole; President George Christian Scott of U. S. Steel Products Co." Director of the Rockefeller's Chase Bank. Director of Equitable Trust Company around 1917, together with Pilgrims Society members Otto Kahn and Charles B. Alexander. The company was acquired by the Chase bank in 1930. Mem. American Asiatic Association., Foreign Trade Council of America, Met. Museum, China Society of America, Persian Society, Ohio Society of New York. American Museum of Natural History, Pilgrims of U.S., Am. Geog. Soc., Bibliophile Soc. Mason. Clubs: Town Hall, Metropolitan, India House (N.Y.C.); Thatch House (London, England); Sleepy Hollow Country. |
Coleman, Charles P. | 1865-1929 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power series: "Charles P. Coleman of The Pilgrims (born 1865)..." Lehigh Valley Railroad (Vanderbilt and Rockefeller ownership). With Lehigh Valley R.R., in various capacities, 1888-97; purchasing agt. and asst. to pres., Bethlehem Steel Co., 1897-98; gen. purchasing agt., Lehigh Valley R.R., 1898-1903; sec.-treas. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 1903-10; pres. Saurer Motor Co., 1910, Internat. Motor Co., 1911-13; v.p. Internat. Steam Pump Co., 1913, co-receiver and receiver, 1914-16; v.p. Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp. (reorganization of Internat. Steam Pump Co.), 1916-18, pres. 1918—; also pres. Worthington Co., Inc., Henry R. Worthington. Democrat. Episcopalian. Director American-Russian Chamber of Commerce from its founding in 1922. Father of Leighton H. Coleman. |
Coleman, Leighton Hammond | unknown |
Emeritus director of RJ. Reynolds Industries. Son of Charles P. Coleman. |
Coleman, Warren | 1869-1948 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition grad. work Johns Hopkins, 1888-89; M.D., Univ. Med. Coll., New York, 1891; hon. M.A., Transylvania, 1899; married Mrs. Bertie A. Twiggs, March 18, 1946. Practiced New York, 1891-1938; physician City (Charity) Hospital, 1896-99; instructor pathology, University Med. Coll., 1891-98; asst. curator, Bellevue Hosp., 1892-98, asst. visiting phys., 1899, visiting physician, 1908-27, cons. physician since 1927; prof. clin. medicine and applied pharmacology, Cornell U. Med. Coll., New York, 1909-17; asst. prof. medicine, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll (now N.Y. Univ. Coll. of Medicine), 1918-31, prof. clinical medicine, 1932-33, now emeritus; prof. clin. medicine, U. of Ga. Sch. of Medicine, since 1938; cons. physician Lenox Hill Hosp. (N.Y. City); formerly cons. physician Monmouth (N.J.) Memorial Hosp., Med. Center of Jersey City (N.J.). Fellow Am. Coll. Physicians, A.M.A.; mem. Assn. American Physicians, American Board of Internal Medicine, New York Academy of Sciences, Georgia Academy of Science, Am. Nat. Red Cross, N.Y. Pathol. Soc., N.Y. Med. and Surg. Soc. (hon.), Society American Bacteriologists, American Gastroenterological Assn., A.A.A.S., Richmond County (Ga.) Med. Society (hon.), Assn. Military Surgeons, Sons of Revolution in State of Ga., Soc. of the Cincinnati in the State of Ga., Phi Alpha Sigma, etc.; non-resident fellow New York Acad. Medicine, retired member New York State Med. Soc., New York County Med. Soc., formerly member Am. Genetic Assn., Soc. Exptl. Biology and Medicine, Assn. for Study of Internal Secretions, Am. Bible Soc., Harvey Soc. Democrat. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Ch. Clubs: Century Assn., Pilgrims, Camp-Fire of America. |
Coleshill, Lord Vincent of | b. 1931 |
Source(s): Lord Coleshill's biography at the website of Cranfield University: "He is a Member of The Pilgrims." Richard (Dick) Vincent was born in London in 1931 and educated at Aldenham and The Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham. His command appointments have included a battery in the Commonwealth Brigade in Malaysia, Regimental Command in Germany and the United Kingdom (with an operational tour in Northern Ireland), Command of an Infantry Brigade and, as a Major General, Commandant of the Royal Military College of Science. Starting in 1983, Lord Vincent served for four years on the Army Board as the member responsible for the acquisition of new land weapon systems and equipment and he took up his first Chief of Staff appointment as Vice Chief of the Defence Staff in 1987. In this latter appointment he was directly involved in initiating high level military contacts with the former Soviet Union, where he travelled widely in response to the Gorbachev reforms. Lord Vincent was promoted Field Marshal and appointed Chief of Defence Staff in April 1991. He was then elected to the NATO appointment of Chairman of the Military Committee from 1993 to 1996 at a time when The Alliance forged closer relationships with the nations of central and eastern Europe and became increasingly involved with operations in former Yugoslavia, ultimately launching the NATO led IFOR operation in 1995. In addition to his military qualifications, he holds a DSc (Hons) from Cranfield University, is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Royal Aeronautical Society, Imperial College London and The City and Guilds of London Institute. He is a Freeman of the City of London, a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights, an Aldenham School Governor and a Governor of the Ditchley Foundation. He is a member of the Jordanian Order of Merit and the United States Legion of Merit in the rank of Commander. Since finishing his full-time military career in 1996, he has been created a life peer and held the appointment of Master Gunner, St James's Park until 2001. He is also Chairman of the Council of Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Chairman of Insys Limited (formerly Hunting Defence Limited), and a Director of Vickers Defence Systems. He became President of The Defence Manufacturers Association in 2000 (Vice-President 1996) and President of the Council of University Military Education Committees in 1999. In 1998 he became Chancellor of Cranfield University and is President of the Cranfield Trust and Patron of the INSPIRE Charity Foundation. He is a Member of The Pilgrims. Has received the Order of the British Empire and is a Knight Commander of the British Empire. Today he is a Chancellor of Cranfield University. |
Collier, Barron Gift | 1873-1939 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition One of the founders of INTERPOL and largest landowner in Florida, for whom is named Collier County. Collier senior was chairman of Police Magazine; special police commissioner for New York, 1922-1928; treasurer, American Electric Railway Association, director, Empire Trust Company; Baltimore Commercial Bank; Bank of the Everglades; Florida Trust & Banking Company; Waldorf Astoria Incorporated; First National Bank of Arcadia, Florida; Inter-County Telephone & Telegraph Company; Manhattan Mercantile Corporation; Florida Railroad & Navigation Corporation; Florida Gulf Coast Hotels; Street Railways Advertising Company; and others. Collier was a governor of the George Washington/Sulgrave Acting president of the Boy Scout Foundation of Greater New York and a director of Boy Scouts of America. Founder and trustee Museum City of New York; ; advisory board chairman of the International World Police. Commander in charge of foreign relations and chairman of the committee in charge foreign relations, International Association of the Chiefs of Police. Life member National Institute of Social Sciences. Member of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, International Chamber of Commerce, Italy-America Society, Rockefeller Center Club, France-America Soc., Inc., New York Southern Soc., The Pilgrims, Sons of Confederate Vets., Va. Hist. Soc., Tennessee Soc., United Hunts Racing Assn., Internationaler Club of Baden-Baden (Germany), Soc. of Arts and Sciences, Fla. Hist. Soc., N.Y. Board of Trade. hotel-online.com: "In 1908, the Izaak Walton Club was founded, and for some years Useppa served as the private vacation estate of publisher and wealthy Florida land-owner Barron Collier. Among the notables who frequented Useppa were Vanderbilts, Herbert Hoover, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Gloria Swanson, Shirley Temple and Zane Grey. The island was later abandoned and used by the U.S. government as a base for the Bay of Pigs invasion." |
Collins, Sir Richard Henn | 1842-1911 | Source(s): May 17, 1903, New York Times, 'Pilgrims' Society Grows': "Among those who have recently been elected members of the London branch of the Pilgrims are: The [7th] Earl of Aberdeen [and later 1st Marquess of Aberdeen], the Right Hon. Sir Richard Henn Collins, Master of the Rolls; Justice Darling, Justice Kennedy, Charlemagne Tower, American Ambassador to Germany; Stanford Newell, American Minister to The Hague; Capt. Richardson Clover and Major Cassatt, the Naval and Military Attaches to the American Embassy in London; Col. H. D. Hutchinson, Major-Gen. Sir E. Stedman, C. F. Moberly-Bell, manager of the London Times; Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart.; Bradley Martin, the Master of Elibank, M. P., Montagy H. Crackenthorp, and J.J. Shannon, R. A. Among the prominent Americans who have lately joined the English branch are Charles A. Coffin and Gen. Eugene Griffin, President and Vice President of the General Electric Company of New York; Benton Hatchett, the Michigan lawyer; Charles W. Burt of Winchester, Ky.; John W. Garrett of Baltimore, Secretary of the Legation at The Hague; Henry B. Platt, P. G. Bartlett, and Richard H. Peabody of New York." One of the leading judges at turn of the century. Justice of the Court of Appeals, Supreme Court of the Judicature, and member of the Privy Council. Master of the Rolls from 1901 to 1907. |
Collins, Robert Moore | 1866-1938 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; 1920 list B.S., Middlebury Coll., 1889, Litt.D., 1919. Reporter Akron (O.) Daily Beacon, 1889, Washington Post, 1890-93; reporter and editor Washington and New York offices Associated Press (chiefly political work), 1893-97, London office, 1897-99; chief corr. Philippines, and Boxer campaign, 1899-1900; corr. Reuter Telegram Co., of London, and Associated Press, in Far East, 1901-07; chief London Bur. of Associated Press, 1907-25; with Gen. Lawton when killed and sent first news of his death; sent first news battle Tientsin and accompanied relief expdn. to Peking; war corr. for Reuter and Associated Press with Gen. Karoki’s army throughout Russo-Japanese War. Unmarried. Mem. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Savage, Pilgrims. |
Collins, Sir William A. R. | 1842-1911 | Source(s): 1954 list (joined in 1951), 1969 list, 1974 list Head of the British publich firm William Collins, Sons, which was founded in 1819 in Glasgow, Scotland and merged Harper & Row in 1990 to form HarperCollins. HarperCollins is considered one of the "Big Five" English-language publishing companies, alongside Hachette, Macmillan, Penguin Random House, and Simon & Schuster. |
Compton, Richard J. | 1891-1951 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Dir. Lamb & Robinson, London. Served as 2d lt. field arty., U.S. Army, World War Gov. Am. Assn. Advt. Agencies. Republican. Episcopalian. |
Comstock, Louis Kossuth | 1888-1964 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition In practice as cons. engr., Chgo., 1891-97; supt. constrn. for Western Electric Co., 1897-1900; elec. engr. George A. Fuller Co., N.Y., 1900-04; organizer, 1904, L. K. Comstock & Co., pres., 1904-26, chmn. bd., 1926-43; chmn. Bd. Rev., WPB, 1941-46, to carry out stblzn. agreement with AFL and govt. agys. Has installed elec., mech. equipments in many of largest bldgs. and indsl. plants in N.Y., Chgo., Can., and other localities; cons. engr., N.Y.C., since 1946. Vice pres., former mem. bd. mgrs. Montclair (N.J.) Savs. Bank, 1934-43; commr., dir. Pub. Works, Montclair, N.J., 1936-43; chmn. Council on Indsl. Relations for Elec. Constrn. Industry, 1920-43. Mem. War Industries Bd., 1918; del. 4th Congress, Internat. C. of C., Stockholm, 5th Congress, Amsterdam, 6th Congress, Washington, 5th Internat. Congress, Bldg. and Pub. Works, London. Director China Society in America. |
Conant, James B. | Source(s): 1957 list; 1969 list President of Harvard University. Member of Vannevar Bush's National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) and chairman of the NDRC when Bush became head of the newly-created Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) in 1941. Member Pilgrims Society. |
Connell, Hugh P. | Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Moravian College, 1953. JD, University Pennsylvania, 1956. Student, Hague (The Netherlands) Academy International Law, 1959. LLM, University London, 1960. Intelligence analyst Army of the United States Counter Intelligence Corp., Berlin, 1956-58; lecturer international law Univ. London, 1960-62; with Coudert Brothers Law Firm, New York City, 1962-65; general counsel J. Walter Thompson Co., 1966, vice president, 1967, secretary, 1972, senior vice president, 1973, executive vice president, director, 1974, JWT Group Inc., New York City, 1980-86; founder, owner Crosswoods Vineyards Inc., N. Stonington, Connecticut, 1981-90; president, CEO, trustee Sea Research Foundation Inc., Mystic (Connecticut) Aquarium, 1991—2001. Trustee, past chairman board, chairman executive committee Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, 1978—. |
Connelly, Joan Breton | A.B. in 1976 (Classics) from Princeton University. M.A. in 1979 of Bryn Mawr College and a Ph.D. in 1984 (Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology). Affiliations: Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage, Trustee; Society of Anitquaries of London; Royal Geographical Society, Explorers Club; Society of Women Geographers; Archaeological Institute of America; Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (former trustee); Oxford Philological Society; Pilgrims of the United States. Fellowships/Honors: Honorary Citizenship, Peyia Municipality, Republic of Cyprus; Lillian Vernon Chair for Teaching Excellence, New York University; Appointed to the United States Cultural Property Advisory Committee by President George W. Bush, (February 2003); John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship; Visiting Fellowships All Souls College, Magdalen College and New College, Oxford; Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Fellowship; New York University Presidential (Mellon) Fellowship; New York University Golden Dozen Teaching Award; Metropolitan Museum of Art Classical Fellowship and Norbert Schimmel Fellowship. | |
Conner, David John | b. 1947 |
Source(s): October 10, 2002, The Times, 'Announcements': "The Rt Hon The Lord Carrington, KG, CH, GCMG, Mc, retiring after 20 years as President, presided at the 2002 annual meeting of the Pilgrims, held on September 23 at the American Embassy. Lord Carrington was succeeded as President by Field Marshal The Rt Hon The Lord Inge KG GCB. The Rt Rev David Say KCVO was succeeded as Honorary Chaplain by the Rt Rev David Conner, Dean of Windsor. Mr Robert M. Worcester, Chairman, Mr M. Peter Barton, Honorary Secretary, Sir Hugh Cubitt, CBE, JP, DL, the Hon Glyn Davies, The Lord Slynn of Hadley, Sir John Ure KCMG LVO and Mr Peter Viggers MP were re-elected to serve on the executive committee." Dean of Windsor (since 1998) and Bishop to the Forces (since 2001). As Dean of Windsor, he also holds the post of Registrar of the Order of the Garter, and is a Domestic Chaplain to the Queen. Prior to his appointment to Windsor, he held a number of posts: rector of Great St Mary's, Cambridge (the University church) 1987-1994. Bishop of Lynn (a suffragan in the Diocese of Norwich) 1994-1998. |
Connor, John Thomas | 1914-2000 |
Source(s): 1969 list; 1974 list AB magna cum laude, Syracuse University, 1936. JD, Harvard University, 1939. Associate Cravath, deGersdorff, Swaine & Wood, 1939-42; general counsel Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), 1942-44; Served to captain US Marine Corps Reserve, 1944-45; counsel Office Naval Research, also special assistant to secretary navy, 1945-47; general attorney Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, New Jersey, 1947, secretary, 1947-51, counsel, 1947-53, vice president, 1950-55, president, chief executive officer, 1955-65; U.S. secretary commerce, 1965-67; president Allied Chemical Corp., 1967-68, chief executive officer, 1968-79, chairman, 1969-79; retired chairman Schroders, Inc., New York City. Director, Chase Manhattan, General Electric, General Motors, Warner-Lambert Company. Member business council Council on Foreign Relations. |
Conner, Rt Rev. David John | b. 1947 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Asst Chaplain, St Edward’s School, Oxford, 1971–73, Chaplain, 1973–80; Team Vicar, Wolvercote with Summertown, Oxford, 1976–80; Senior Chaplain, Winchester College, 1980–86; Vicar, St Mary the Great with St Michael, Cambridge, 1987–94; RD of Cambridge, 1989–94; Bishop Suffragan of Lynn, 1994–98; Bishop to the Forces, 2001–09. Hon. Fellow, Girton Coll., Cambridge, 1995. Hon. Chaplain, The Pilgrims, 2002–. Dean of Windsor, since 1998; Register, Order of the Garter, since 1998; Domestic Chaplain to the Queen, since 1998. |
Conover, Samuel Seymour | 1869-1962 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition With Fourth National Bank of New York 1891-1902. Vice president and director Irving National Bank of New York 1902-1906, and president 1906-1907. President Fidelity Trust Co of New York 1907-1920. President and director of Fidelity International Trust Co., New York City, 1920-1930, Fidelity Safe Deposit Co., N.Y.C., 1917-1955. President and director of Marine Trust Co. of N.Y., 1930-1960 and chairman emeritus of the executive committee since 1960. Trustee American Irving Savings Bank, N.Y.C. Director Peoples Trust Co. of Bergen County, N. River Insurance Co., U.S. Fire Insurance Co., Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Member of the Van Kouvenhoven Conover Family Association. |
Cook, George Crouse | 1875-1960 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Administrator Crouse Estates, 1921-52; exec. president for Securities Trading Corp., New York, director several financial instns.; ind. naval architect and engr., Cramp & Sons Shipbuilding Co., Phila., 1901-21; U.S. Bureau of Lighthouses and U.S. Navy Dept., Washington, D.C., Howaldswerke, Kiel, Ger. and U.S. Mail Steamship Co., N.Y.C.; instr. naval architecture N.Y. Nautical Coll.; lectr. shipbldg. N.Y.C. Board Edn. Served with O.R.C., advancing to col., 1929; overseas France, Eng., 1917-19, dept. chief AEF headquarters staff Water Transportation Service; special assignment, N.Y. Dist., 1940-46; federal retirement, 1945. Member Institution Naval Architects (London, England), Society Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (New York), Congress Internat. des Travaux Maritimes (Paris), N.Y. Acad. Sci., S.A.R. (vet. life), Saint Nicholas Society of N.Y., Mil. Order World Wars (staff), Am. Soc. French Legion of Honor, Belgian League of Honor, Am. Legion (Paris, benefactor), Am. Heraldry Soc. (founder life), Am. Com. Japanese Aggression (v. chmn. 1938), Aide to Am. Forces (1st pres.), China Inst. of Am., Nat. Aero. Assn., Pilgrims of U.S. Clubs: N.Y. Yacht, Military and Naval, Harvard (N.Y.C.); Army and Navy (Washington); Union Interalliee (Paris, France). |
Cook, Harold Huntting | 1903-1981 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1982' (obituary list); Who's Who digital edition Son of Ferdinand H. and Mary W. (Aldrich) C. A.B., Williams Coll., 1926. With Spencer Trask & Co., N.Y.C., 1926-33. Utility specialist C.W. Young & Co., 1933-35. Manager bond department Reynolds & Co. 1935-1937. Secretary Reynolds Metals Co. 1937-1941. Again with Spencer Trask & Co. 1941-1968, gen. partner, 1944-68, sr. v.p., dir. Spencer Trask & Co., Inc., 1968-69, cons., 1969-72. Governor of the New York Stock Exchange 1962-1968. Chmn. alumni fund Williams Coll., 1945-47, mem. alumni exec. com., 1945-47; pres. bd. trustees Collegiate Sch., N.Y.C., 1949-52, Kimberley Sch., Montclair, N.J., 1949-52. Mem. Nat. Assn. Securities Dealers (gov. 1956-59), Investment Bankers Association. (gov. 1955-58), Pilgrims Soc., Soc. Colonial Wars, S.R., Alpha Delta Phi. Clubs: Bond of N.Y. (pres. 1958-59); Downtown Assn. |
Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson, Jr. | 1863-1912 |
Source(s): 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' Great grandson of Thomas Jefferson. Son of a diplomat and businessman. Graduated from Harvard in 1884. Founder of Boston's Old Colony Trust Co. in 1890 and subsequently became president and executive chairman. Director Bay State Trust Co., Am. Telegraph & Telephone Co. (AT&T), Edison Electric Illuminating Co., etc. Trustee Suffolk Savings Bank for Seamen and Others. Democrat. His son sat on the boards of United Fruit Co., the Old Colony Trust Co., Boston Edison Co., Mutual Life Insurance Co. and First National Bank of Boston. Another descendant with exactly the same name was a CIA agent in Korea and founded the Back Bay Orient Enterprises, a venture capital firm in South-Korea. |
Coombs, William Harry | b. 1947 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Master Mariner, Barrister at Law; called to the bar, Inner Temple, 1932. Served in Hooghli River Survey, 1909–13. Served European War, 1914–18, in Merchant Navy and RNR as Lieut. After further service in Merchant Navy appointed Asst Cartographer to Chinese Maritime Customs, 1920–21; originated Navigators Indemnity and founded Navigators and General Insurance Co., 1921; applied himself to reform and betterment of conditions of Shipmasters and Officers in Br. Merchant Navy, and in collaboration with late Adm. Philip Nelson-Ward, CVO, founded Officers (MN) Federation, 1928. Member of UK Delegations to: Internat. Maritime Confs, Geneva 1936, Copenhagen 1945, Seattle 1946; 2nd Internat. Conf. on Radio Aids to Navigation, NY, 1947; del. Internat. Conf. on Safety of Life at Sea, London, 1948. Pres., Internat. Mercantile Marine Officers Assoc., 1940–48; Younger Brother of Trinity House, 1948; Mem. National Maritime Board, Min. of Transp. Merchant Shipbuilding Adv. Council; Chm. Merchant Navy Officers Pension Fund. 1948–58; President: Navigators and General Insurance Co. Ltd; Army, Navy and Gen. Assurance Assoc. Ltd; Member of Court of the Hon. Co. of Master Mariners, and London Representative; Hon. Life Mem.: Soc. of Master Mariners (S. Africa); Soc. of Master Mariners (NZ); Trustee, Nat. Maritime Museum, 1959–67. Council of the Institute of Navigation (FIN, 1952), and of Inst. of Naval Architects; Chm. Transport Users Consultative Cttee (East Anglia), 1951–63; Member: Worshipful Company of Shipwrights, 1951; Baltic & Mercantile Shipping Exchange, 1960; Member Governors’ Boards of: HMS Conway, Southampton University Nautical College, and ‘Cutty Sark’ Society. Royal Thames Yacht, City Livery Yacht (Vice-Commodore), Royal Automobile, Pilgrims; Lloyd’s Yacht. |
Cooper, Sir Patrick Ashley | 1887-1961 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Studied law; recruited and trained first section AFA Cambridge OTC, 1907; served European War, RFA (wounded, despatches twice, Bt Major); Asst Dep. Director-Gen. Trench Warfare and Asst Controller Gun Ammunition; engaged in financial and industrial reorganisation from 1919. Governor Guy’s Hosp., 1926–53; Governor, Hudson’s Bay Company, 1931–52; retired from the Bank of England, 1955, after serving for 23 years as a Director; Vice-Chm. and Chm. of Northern Assurance Co., 1936–52; Member of Nat. Econ. Cttee, 1931; Mem. Bd of Trade Advisory Cttee, 1929–32; Member Air Ministry Advisory Committee, 1936; Member of Rhodesia-Nyasaland Royal Commission, 1938; Trustee of Public Debt of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and of Southern Rhodesia; Mem. of Supply Council and Director-General of Finance and Contracts, Ministry of Supply, 1939–42; Member London Passenger Transport Board, 1933–47; Ministry of Labour Appeals Tribunal, Further Education and Training Scheme, 1945. Member, Pilgrims of Great Britain; Director, Foundation for the Study of Cycles (USA). High Sheriff of County of London, 1944 and 1957; of Hertfordshire for 1946–47; Lord of the Manor of Hexton. |
Cooper, Sir (Harold) Stanford | 1889-1976 |
Source(s): 1974 list Served in RNVR, 1916–19. Member: Scott Cttee on Land Utilisation in Rural Areas, 1941–42. Vice-President: Royal Society of St George; Brit. Soc. for Internat. Understanding; Brit. Atlantic Cttee; Member: Council in England of Council of Christians and Jews; World Brotherhood, Europe. Formerly: Permanent Lay Mem. of Restrictive Practices Court; Vice-Chm., Ford Motor Co. Ltd; Chm. of various European Ford Cos. FRGS. Liveryman, Glaziers’ and Coachmakers’ Cos; Knight of the Round Table; Premier Comdr of Finnish Lion Order; Knight of Swedish North Star; Comdr of Order of Dannebrog; Knight of Order of Leopold. |
Copeland, Lammot Du Pont | 1905-1983 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; 1957 list; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 25, 1984' (obituary list) Son of Charles Copeland and Louisa d'Andelot du Pont (1868-1926 - daughter of Lammot du Pont I and sister of Pierre S. du Pont, Irenee du Pont and Lammot du Pont, who all headed the Du Pont corporate empire). Harvard. Worked in the laboratory of the Fabrics and Finishings Department at DuPont’s Fairfield. September 14, 1934, The Syracuse Herald, 'Wheat loan to China went to buy arms': "Irenee duPont [is a] charter member of the American Liberty League and a vice president of the [Du Pont] company... The committee heard that duPont representatives in Washington called on high Army and Navy officers in 1932 to protest against pending arms embargo legislation in Congress, and adopted the same tactics early in 1933 to defeat an embargo resolution sent to the Senate by President Hoover. The duPont Company's close relationship with the government caused Senator Bone to refer to it as "semiofficial" in character. "Well." said Irenee, smiling, "it is not 'semi-official' in the sense that Col. House advised with President Wilson, but it does cooperate with the government." A du Pont Company agent suggested that his home office make "representations" to the State Department in an effort to lift British restrictions on exports of explosives to China during hostilities in 1933, the committee learned today. The Canton and Nanking governments were fighting at that time... Lammot du Pont was shown in an office memorandum signed by him on March 30, 1932, to have called on the then assistant secretary, James G. Bodgers, in connection with negotiations with the Japanese Mitsui Company. Lammot wrote that the appointment was arranged by Senator John G. Townsend, Republican, of Delaware, and that Pierre S. du Pont and Dr. Stanley Hornbeck, Asiatic expert of the department, also were present. Correspondence purported to show that the United States Navy cooperated "100 per cent" with the Argentine Navy in 1930 and that the American Bureau of Ordnance functioned as "inspector" for the Argentine Navy. Because of the close relationship, the du Pont Company, it was shown, contemplated powder sales for cruisers, purchased by Argentina from Europe. Evidence was produced showing that the Delaware firm maintained close working agreements with the huge Imperial Chemical Industry, Ltd., of England, and the two companies enjoyed a virtual monopoly in the world's powder market. By agreement with the British concern, duPont had exclusive rights to business in Europe and South America. Asia was left to the Chemical Company. Each paid commissions on sales made by the other." In 1942, Lammot replaced his father, Charles Copeland, on Du Pont's board of directors and was appointed to the Board's Finance Committee. He served on the Development Department's postwar planning board during World War II and became secretary in 1947. Copeland was named vice president and chair of the Finance Committee in 1954 and was appointed to the Executive Committee in 1959. Copeland served as Du Pont's 11th president from 1962 to 1967. Copeland retired as president in 1967. He remained as chairman of the Board of Directors until 1971 and continued to sit on the board until 1982. Du Pont was also a director of Wilmington Trust Company, a director of Christiana Securities. Father in law to James Biddle (son of Charles J. Biddle; Princeton educated; curator of the American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation), who married Copeland's daughter Louisa (in the Episcopal Church). James Biddle is a direct descendant of Nicholas Biddle, head of the second Bank of the United States. The du Pont family was the largest funder of The American Liberty League, the main institute behind the 1934 fascist plot against FDR. Lammot, for example, donated at least 15,000 dollar to The American Liberty League and another 5.000 dollar to similar organisations. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. |
Copisarow, Sir Alcon | b. 1920 |
Source(s): Present at at least 5 Pilgrims meetings, according to various Times articles from 2003-2010. Chairman of Trustees, Eden Project, 1996–2000. Council of Europe Research Fellow. Served War, 1942–47; Lieut RN, 1943–47; British Admiralty Delegn, Washington, 1945. Home Civil Service, 1946–66; Office of Minister of Defence, 1947–54. Scientific Counsellor, British Embassy, Paris, 1954–60. Dir, Forest Products Research Laboratory, Dept of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1960–62; Chief Technical Officer, Nat. Economic Development Council, 1962–64; Chief Scientific Officer, Min. of Technology, 1964–66. Dir, McKinsey & Co. Inc., 1966–76; non-exec. Dir, British Leyland, 1976–77; Dir, TR Technol. and Hldgs, 1976–96; Mem., BNOC, 1980–83; Chm., APAX Venture Capital Funds, 1981–94. Special Advr, Ernst & Young, 1993–99; Chm., ARINSO Internat., 2000–03. By-Fellow, Churchill Coll., Cambridge, 2005. Chairman: Commonwealth Forest Products Pre-Conf., Nairobi, 1962; CENTO Conf. on Investment in Science, Teheran, 1963; Member: Scientific Manpower Cttee, Advisory Council on Scientific Policy, 1963–64; Econ. Develt Cttees for Electronics Industry and for Heavy Electrical Industry; Trop. Prod. Adv. Cttee, 1965–66; Press Council, 1975–81. A Chm., Gen. Comrs for Income Tax, 1975–95. External Mem., Council of Lloyd’s, 1982–90; Dep. Chm., Lloyd’s Tercentenary Trust, 1989– (Chm., 1988 and 2007; Hon. Lloyd’s Fellow 2008). Dep. Chm., Bd of Governors, English-Speaking Union, 1976–83; Chm., Youth Business Initiative, subseq. The Prince’s Youth Business Trust, 1982–87. Dir, Windsor Fest., 1983–2000. Trustee: Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, 1978–84; FMI, 1995–2001; Member Council: Royal Jubilee Trusts, 1981–87; Zoological Soc., 1990–91. Patron: Société des Ingénieurs et des Scientifiques de France, 1992–; Assoc. of MBAs, 2007–. Governor, Benenden Sch., 1976–86. Freeman, City of London, 1981. Hon. FTCL |
Corbett, John T. Treasurer & exec. committee |
d. 1981 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list since at least the early 1970s and until his death in 1981 Partner in the firm Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Well-known accountant. Limited involvement in politics. |
Corbin, Gen. Henry Clark | 1842-1909 |
Source(s): 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' Was a Northern Civil War combatant as a brigadier General of volunteers. He was detailed for duty in March 1877 at the Executive Mansion (White House) and was secretary of the Sitting Bull Commission. According to page 260 of the 1897-1942 Who Was Who, Corbin was "with President Garfield at the time he was shot and at his bedside at Elberon, where he died. In recognition of his services, and the part he took in war with Spain, Congress conferred upon him the rank of major General commanding the Atlantic Division, 1904." |
Cornelius, Jerry L. | b. 1938 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Owner, president Cornelius Photo Graphics, Inc., Photocraft, Inc. Tulsa, 1960– ; executive director Am. Society Photographers, Tulsa, 1981– . Author: 100 Years of Professional Photography in Oklahoma, 1980. Contributor photograph articles to trade journals. Served with US Marine Corps Reserve, 1955-57. Member Professional Photographers Am. (president Oklahoma chapter 1968-69, chairman commercial div., Photograph Craftsman award 1969, Master of Photography award 1977). Republican. Presbyterian. Lodges: Rotary (sgt.-at-arms 1977, board directors 1978), Pilgrims, Masons, Shriners, Scottish. |
Cornwallis, Lord | 1892-1982 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power series: "Lord Cornwallis, Knight of the British Empire---directly descended from Lord Cornwallis who invaded America at the direction of the British Crown during our Revolutionary War---was listed in The Pilgrims of Great Britain list I received!"; 1974 list; 1980 list. Knight of the British empire. Descended from Lord Charles Cornwallis (1738-1805), who invaded America at the direction of the British Crown and fought many battles, some directly against George Washington (although he seemed to have opposed the heavy taxes England imposed on the Colonies). The most recent (3rd) Baron Cornwallis is Fiennes Neil Wykeham Cornwallis, born in 1921. The name on the Pilgrims document probably referred to the second Baron Cornwallis. |
Correa, Henry A. | 1917-1991 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 15, 1992' (obituary list) BS in Business Administration, St. Louis University, 1937. With Robertson Aircraft Corp., St. Louis, 1937-38; chief pilot, sales manager Atlantic Aviation Service, Wilmington, Del., 1938-41; foreign sales manager Bendix International div. Bendix Corp., 1945-57; vice president foreign operations ACF Industries, Inc., New York City, 1958, vice president marketing, 1959-63, vice president executive department, 1964-65, executive vice president, director, 1965-67, president, 1967-81, vice chairman, from 1981. Director Petroleum & Resources Corp., Adams Express Co. Hon. trustee Children's Aid Society Served from 1st lieutenant to major Army of the United States, 1943-45. Member Quiet Birdmen. Clubs: Sky, Union, New York Yacht (New York City), John's Island, Riomar Bay Yacht (Vero Beach, Florida), Vero Beach. |
Cory, Lt.-Col. Evan James | 1863-1957 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Lieut-Colonel late RAMCT (1914–15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal); Knight of Grace and Justice of the Order of St John of Jerusalem; late DADMS 1st London Division; Surgical Specialist EEF and Gallipoli, 1915; in command 3/1st Welsh Field Ambulance, 1916; in command 309th Service Field Ambulance, 1917; Headquarters Staff War Office, AMDI, 1918–20; late Surgeon-Captain, 5th Welsh Regiment, 1908–15; late Surgeon, Lady Bute’s Hospital; Examining Surgeon, G. W. R. Engineering Dept; Medical Examiner, Board of Education, London; Member and Lecturer St John’s Ambulance Associations; FRSocMed; High Constable of Aberdare, 1908; late representative for Aberdare on University of Wales at Cardiff; late Member of the Joint War Finance Committee of the Order of St John’s and British Red Cross Society. on the Chelsea and Kensington ‘B’ Zone Home Guard; Knight and Member of the Chapter General Venerable Order of St John of Jerusalem; Hospitaller of Bridgend for the Priory of Wales, 1933. |
Cottenham, 7th Earl of | 1907-1968 |
Source(s): 1950 list President, Arundel and Shoreham Division Conservative Assoc., 1961–65 (Chairman Thakeham Branch, 1947–62); Late President: British Show Pony Soc.; Ponies of Britain Club; Tunbridge Wells and South-Eastern Counties Agricultural Soc. West Grinstead and District Agricultural Soc.; Queen’s Park Rangers Football Club; Metropolitan and Southern Counties Amateur Athletic Assoc.; Member: National Hunt Cttee, 1954; National Hunt Finance Cttee, 1957–62; Tattersalls Cttee, 1957–62; Steward, National Hunt Committee, 1962, Senior Steward, 1964; Member, Turf Board, 1963–64. Director: Peter Merchant Ltd (Chm. 1943–52, Man. Dir 1933–52); Lockhart Group Ltd (Chm. 1946–60, Man. Dir, 1946–52); Trust Houses Ltd, 1962; Lingfield Park Racecourse Ltd. |
Coudert, Frederic René | 1832–1903 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition His father fled France during the revolution to escape the guillotine. Coudert and his brothers founded Coudert Brothers LLP in 1853 in NY. It would become a powerful law firm, which still exists anno 2005. Coudert became a leading figure in New York’s legal, social and diplomatic circles. It is believed that he twice turned down appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States. He is also credited with helping to bring the Statue of Liberty to New York Harbor, raising funds and intervening to smooth over diplomatic entanglements. Today the firm has 27 offices in 18 countries. |
Coudert, Frederic René, Jr. Exec. committee |
1898-1972 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; 1907 list; appears as a member of the executive committee on the 1942 Pilgrims of the United States officers list (as photocopied by Charles Savoie from the 1942 Pilgrims Society publication 'Pilgrim Partners - Forty Years of British-American Fellowship', of which only 100 copies were produced); Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1973' (obituary list) Attended Browning and Morristown Schools in New York City; was graduated from Columbia University in 1918 and from its law school in 1922; served as a first lieutenant in the One Hundred and Fifth United States Infantry, Twenty-seventh Division, with overseas service, in 1917 and 1918; was admitted to the bar in 1923 and commenced practice in New York City; assistant United States attorney for the southern district of New York in 1924 and 1925; unsuccessful Republican candidate for district attorney of New York County in 1929; delegate to the Republican State conventions from 1930 to 1948; delegate to the Republican National Conventions 1936-1948; member of the State senate 1939-1946; elected as a Republican to the Eightieth and to the five succeeding Congresses (1947-1959); was not a candidate for renomination in 1958 to the Eighty-sixth Congress; engaged in the practice of law in New York City; member of State Commission on Governmental Operations of the city of New York 1959-1961; retired from the practice of law due to ill health and resided in New York City, where he died May 21, 1972. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. |
Coudert, Alexis Carrel | 1914-1980 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power series: "His Pilgrim Society kid brother, Alexis Carrel Coudert (born 1914)..." Younger brother of Frederic Coudert, Jr. Law clerk at the U.S. Supreme Court 1938-1939. Law professor at Columbia University. Director of French-American Banking Corporation, Peugeot Motors, Pellon Corporation, Unity Fire & General Insurance, and Planned Parenthood of Manhattan. 25 year managing partner of the Coudert Brothers. |
Cousins, Norman | 1915-1990 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition BA from Teachers College, Columbia University. Received dozens of honorary degrees in his life. Joined the staff of the New York Evening Post (Now the New York Post) in 1934, and in 1935, he was hired by Current History as a book critic. Befriend the staff of the Saturday Review of Literature (later renamed Saturday Review), which had its offices in the same building. Literature editor, managing editor Current History magazine 1935-1940. Editor Saturday Review 1940-1971. Under his direction, circulation of the Saturday Review would increase from 20,000 to a maximum of 650,000. Tireless advocate of liberal causes, such as nuclear disarmament and world peace, which he promoted through his writings in Saturday Review. Member editorial board Overseas bureau of the Office of War Information, World War II. Founding vice president of the United World Federalists under Cord Meyer, Jr. in 1947. The United World Federalists advocated for a more influential United Nations. After witnessing the beginnings of the Cold War and noticing communist infiltation in his own left-wing organizations, Meyer resigned as UWF president in 1949 and became one of the most important anti-communist crusaders employed by the CIA. Alan Cranston, a later Senator and US chairman of the Gorbachev Foundation, took over until 1952, after which Cousins became the long time president. The UWF was later renamed to World Federalist Association, and today is split in the Citizens for Global Solutions and the the Democratic World Federalists. President of the Citizens for Global Solutions. Member and president of the World Association of World Federalists. Director of the United Nations Association of the United States (UNA-USA). Member Council on Foreign Relations. January 22, 1952, Chester Times, 'World Government Coming, Cousins Tells County Group': "Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review of Literature, and vice-president of the United World Federalists, told more than 400 persons in Swarthmore Monday night that "world government is coming whether we like it or not."... At present the struggle is between the two great powers of the United States and Russia. One or the other will win out, and there will be a world government, regardless of type... He urged a type of integrated world organization similar to the United States, which followed the chaos of the Articles of Confederation after the Bevolutionary War, so that peace may come to a geographically shrunken globe under a legal method of adjusting differences of social, economic and religious points of views." June 23, 1965, Oakland Tribune, 'World of Law - Federalist Goal': "Human sovereignty should take precedence over nations sovereignty, Norman Cousins editor of the Saturday Review told the 11th World Congress of the World Federalists. Speaking to the 1,200 delegates from 31 countries assembled in San Francisco yesterday Cousins said: "What we seek is a world of law, a world authority with clearly defined, clearly limited powers designed to keep the peace; and with all other powers reserved to the member nations."" The World Federalist Association's Global Governance Award has been named after Norman Cousins. September 27, 1987, The New York Times, 'The mind over the body': "It was John D. [Rockefeller] Jr.'s granddaughter, Eileen Rockefeller Growald, who convened the meeting... And, at just about the same time, Norman Cousins, another mentor of Mrs. Growald..." Recipient Thomas Jefferson award for Advancement of Democracy in Journalism in 1948. Chairman of the Connecticut Fact Finding Commission on Education 1948-1952. Chairman board directors National Educational TV 1969-1970. Chairman National Programming Council for Public TV 1970-1971. Co-chairman of the Citizens' Committee for Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Member Commission to Study Organization Peace. Again editor of the Saturday Review 1973-1977. Chairman board editors of the Editor Saturday Review 1978 and editor emeritus from 1980-1982. Adjunct professor School of Medicine, UCLA., 1978-1990. Member of the Hiroshima Peace Center Association. Trustee Charles F. Kettering Foundation, Menninger Foundation and the Ruth Mott Foundation. |
Cotton, Sir Robert | 1915-2006 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 22, 1986' (obituary list) FCPA 1977. State President of Liberal Party (NSW), 1956–59; Federal Vice-Pres., 1960–61; elected to Senate, 1965; Minister for Civil Aviation, 1969–72; Shadow Minister for Manufacturing Industry (in Opposition), 1972–75; Minister for Industry and Commerce, 1975–77; Australian Consul-Gen. in NY, 1978–81; Ambassador to USA, 1982–85. Chm. (acting), Allders International Pty Ltd, Australia, 1987. Sen. Advr, Hill & Knowlton Inc., 1988–93. Mem. Bd, Reserve Bank of Australia, 1982–83; Dir, Thomson-CSF Pacific Holdings Pty Ltd, 1996–. Chairman: Australian Nat. Gall. Foundn, 1991–94; Australian Photonics Co-operative Res. Centre, 1992–. Hon. DSc Sydney, 1995. Chairman of Directors, Kleinwort Benson Australian Income Fund Inc., since 1986. Member: The Brook, Pilgrims (NY); Australian (Sydney); Commonwealth (Canberra). |
Cowles, Gardner | 1903-1985 |
Source(s): 1954, 1974 list; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 22, 1986' (obituary list) Married Lois Thornburg, May 17, 1933 (div. 1946); children: Lois Cowles Harrison, Gardner, III, Kate Cowles Nichols; married Jan Streate Cox, May 1, 1956; 1 dau., Virginia. Grad., Phillips Exeter Acad., 1921; A.B., Harvard U., 1925; LL.D. (hon.), Drake U., 1942, Coe Coll., 1948, L.I. U., 1955, Grinnell Coll., 1957, Colls. Hobart and William Smith, 1968; L.H.D., Bard Coll., 1950, Cornell Coll., 1951, Mundelein Coll., 1968; Sc.D., Simpson Coll., 1955; Litt.D., Iowa Wesleyan Coll., 1955, Morningside Coll., 1958. City editor Des Moines Register, 1925, news editor, 1926-27; asso. mng. editor Des Moines Register and Tribune, 1927, mng. editor, 1927-31, exec. editor, 1931-39, asso. pub., 1939-43, pres., 1943-71; chmn. bd., editor in chief Cowles Communications, Inc., N.Y.C., 1937-71, hon. chmn. bd., 1971-83, Cowles Broadcasting, Inc., 1983-85; dir. emeritus United Air Lines, UAL, Inc.; domestic dir. Office of War Information, Wash., 1942-43; resigned; with Wendell Willkie, round world flight, 1942. Trustee U. Miami, Drake U., Tchrs. Coll., Columbia U.; Trustee emeritus Museum of Modern Art [ran by the Rockefeller family]. Mem. Am. Soc. Newspaper Editors (former mem. bd.), Des Moines C. of C. (dir. 1930-47), Greater Des Moines Com. Harvard Class of 1925 (treas.), Phi Beta Kappa (hon.), Delta Sigma Pi, Alpha Delta Sigma. Clubs: Des Moines; Blind Brook (Purchase, N.Y.); Harvard (N.Y.C.), Links (N.Y.C.), Economic (N.Y.C.), Knickerbocker (N.Y.C.); Indian Creek Country (Miami Beach, Fla.), The Bath (Miami Beach, Fla.); Nat. Golf Links Am; Shinnecock Hills Golf (Southampton, N.Y.). Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. |
Cowley, 7th Earl | b. 1934 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Investment Research Analyst: Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco, 1962–64; Dodge & Cox, San Francisco, 1964–66; Asst Head, Investment Research Dept, Wells Fargo Bank, 1966–67; Vice-Pres., Investment Counsel, Thorndike, Doran, Paine & Lewis, Los Angeles, 1967–69; Sen. Vice-Pres., Exec. Cttee Mem., Securities, Real Estate and Company Acquisition Advisor, Shareholders Capital Corp., Los Angeles, 1969–74; Vice-Pres., and Sen. Investment Manager, Trust Dept, Bank of America, San Francisco, 1974–78; Gp Vice-Pres. and Dir, Internat. Investment Management Service, Bank of America NT & SA, 1980–85; Director: Bank of America Internat., London, 1978–85; BankAmerica Trust Co. (Hong Kong), 1980–85; Bank of America Banking & Trust Co. (Gibraltar), 1981–85; Bank of America Trust Co. (Jersey), 1982–85; Bank of America Banking & Trust Co. (Nassau), 1982–85; Bank of America Banking & Trust Co. (Cayman), 1982–85; ind. financial advr and co. dir, 1985–90; Director: Duncan Lawrie (IOM) Ltd, 1993–2001; Scottish Provident Internat. Ltd, 1998–2009; L-R Global Fund (New York), 2003–; Kazimir Russia Growth Fund (Moscow), 2005–; Mem., Gen. Cttee of Trustees, Lloyds Register Gp, 2006–. Served US Army Counter Intelligence Corps, primarily in France, 1957–60. Member: Assoc. of Conservative Peers, 1981–; Parly Arts and Heritage Gp, 1981–99, Defence Gp, 1982–99, and Anglo-Amer. Gp, 1987–99, H of L. Senior Investment Partner, Thos R. Miller & Son (Bermuda), Isle of Man, 1990–2000. |
Cowling, Peter John | b. 1944 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Joined RN 1963; commanded: HMS Naiad, 1979; HMS York and 3rd Destroyer Sqdn, 1988; Sen. Naval Officer, Middle East, 1991; Dir, Naval Ops, MoD, 1992; retired 1994. Dir, RSA, 1994–96; Head of Corporate Relns, Proshare, 1997–98; Dir, Nat. Maritime Mus. Cornwall, 1998–2003. Chm., Cornwall SSAFA, 2006–. Younger Brother, Trinity House, 1981– (Pilgrim, 1996–). Queen’s Gold Medal, 1967. Director, Falmouth Quay Consultants, since 2003. |
Cox, Howard Ellis | d. 1989 |
Source(s): The Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 24, 1990' (obituary list) Socially prominent lawyer in New York. Graduate of both the Harvard Law School and the Harvard Business School, was a partner in Cox, Treanor & Shaughnessy, a law firm he formed in 1946. He continued in active practice until his death. He was a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force and during World War II he fought in North Africa, Europe and the Pacific. He was an officer of the Military Order of World Wars, the Caterpillar Club, the French Croix de Guerre Society in America, the Society of Colonial Wars and the Sons of the American Revolution. He is survived by his wife, Anna; a daughter, Mary Ann, of Northampton, Mass.; two sons, Howard Jr., of Boston, and Edward, of Manhattan, who is married to Richard M. Nixon's daughter Tricia, and three grandchildren. Has a son who is a member of the CFR. |
Craft, Robert Homan | 1906-1999 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; 1980 list BS, University Pennsylvania, 1929. Assistant treasurer Guaranty Trust Co. of New York , 1937-40, 2nd vice president, 1940-43, vice president, treasurer, 1943-52 (merged in 1959 with J.P. Morgan & Co.); executive vice president American Securities Corp., New York City, 1953-56; president, vice chairman Chase International Investment Corp., 1956-60; president, chairman executive committee Paribas Corp., 1960-64; chairman fin. committee Mississippi River Corp., 1965-78, fin. vice president, 1965-70, also board directors, past chairman board directors; chairman fin. committee, member executive committee Missouri Pacific R.R. Co., 1965-76; chairman fin. committee Mississippi River Transmission Corp., also board directors. Trustee, member executive committee, chairman investment policy committee New York Bank Savings, 1944-64; chairman fin. committee Texas and Pacific Ry. Co., 1965-76; chairman fin. committee, member executive committee Missouri Improvement Co., Chicago & Eastern Illinois R.R., 1965-76, Mo.-Ill. R.R. Co., 1965-76; board directors, member executive committee Massachusetts Mutual Corp. Investors, Massachusetts Mortgage Income Investors; member executive committee Mercantile Trust Co., St. Louis, 1965-71, now advisor, board directors; member Lower Manhattan adv. board Chemical Bank New York Trust Co.; board directors Sentinal Funds, Michigan Chemical Corp., Modern Am. Mortgage Co., 1st. Beehive Co., Intertel Corp.; chairman A.B.S. Industries; board directors, member executive committee, investment policy committee Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.; board directors, chairman fin. committee Combined Commission Corp.; consultant Federal Reserve Board 1952. Board directors, treasurer New York Heart Association, 1941-66; vice chairman Youth Consultation Service, 1967, general chairman, 1968-96; member emeritus board advisors Arizona State University. Member Investment Bankers Association Am. (president 1956-57), Pilgrims of U.S., Univ. Club, Bond Club, Wall St. Club (past president, governor), Fox Meadow Tennis Club, Scarsdale (New York ) Golf Club, Blind Brook Club, Shenorock Shore Club, Rockefeller Center Luncheon Club, Augusta National Golf Club, Colony Club (Springfield, Massachusetts), Desert Forest Golf Club, Ponte Vedra Club (Florida), Desert Mountain Golf Club (Scottsdale, Arizona). Craft's son is a partner in the law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, and has represented such firms as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan Securities, Credit Suisse, Citigroup, UBS Securities and Merrill Lynch. |
Craig, Sir James | b. 1924 |
Source(s): April 14, 2008, The Times, 'The Pilgrims' (present at meeting) HM Diplomatic Service, retired; President, Middle East Association, since 1993 (Director General, 1985–93). Army, 1943–44; 1st cl. Oriental Studies (Arabic and Persian), 1947; Sen. Demy, Magdalen Coll., 1947–48; student, Cairo Univ., 1950–51. Lectr in Arabic, Durham Univ., 1948–55; seconded to FO, 1955 as Principal Instructor at Middle East Centre for Arab Studies, Lebanon; joined Foreign Service substantively, 1956; served: FO, 1958–61; HM Political Agent, Trucial States, 1961–64; 1st Sec., Beirut, 1964–67; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Jedda, 1967–70; Supernumerary Fellow, St Antony’s Coll., Oxford, 1970–71; Head of Near East and N Africa Dept, FCO, 1971–75; Dep. High Comr, Kuala Lumpur, 1975–76; Ambassador to: Syria, 1976–79; Saudi Arabia, 1979–84. Vis. Prof. in Arabic, and Lectr, Pembroke Coll., Univ. of Oxford, 1985–91. Director: Saudi-British Bank, 1985–94; Hong Kong Egyptian Bank, 1987–94; Special Adviser, Hong Kong Bank Gp, 1985–92; Chm., Roxby Engineering Internat., 1988–99. Pres., British Soc. for ME Studies, 1987–94; Vice-Chm., Middle East Internat., 1990–2005. Vice-Chm., Saudi-British Soc., 1986–2003; Chm., Anglo-Arab Assoc., 2000–03. Sen. Associate Mem., St Antony’s Coll., Oxford, 1989 (Hon. Fellow, 2008). Hon. Fellow, Middle East Centre, Durham Univ., 1987–. OStJ 1985; Mem. Council, Order of St John, 1985–90. |
Craig-Cooper, Sir Michael | b. 1936 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Director: Craig-Lloyd, since 1968; National Bank of Kuwait (International) plc, since 1993; Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London, since 2005. Solicitor, 1961. National Service, RA, 1954–56; TA, 1956–88; Comdr, Naval Gunfire Liaison Unit, 29 Commando Regt, RA, 1972–75; Mem., Greater London TAVRA (Chm., Employers Support Cttee, 1987–90). Jaques & Co., 1956–61; Allen & Overy, 1962–64; Inco, 1964–85; Director: Paul Ray Internat., 1984–92 (merged with Carre Orban & Partners, 1989); Tichborne Enterprises Ltd, 1993–; non-executive Director: Ely Place Holdings Ltd, 1994–; Craigmyle & Co. Ltd, 1995–; Westminster Forum (formerly WIB Publications) Ltd, 1996–. Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea: Councillor, 1968–74; Chief Whip, 1971–74; Chm. Finance Cttee, 1972–74; Alderman, 1974–78; Mem. Investment Cttee, 1973–. Contested (C) Houghton-le-Spring, 1966, 1970; Chm., Cons. Nat. Property Adv. Cttee, 1986–93 (Mem., 1993–); Pres., Kensington and Chelsea (formerly Chelsea), Cons. Assoc., 1983–2005 (Chm., 1974–77). Trustee: Copper Develt Trust Fund, 1974–85; Order of Malta Homes Trust, 1980–2003; Orders of St John Trust, 1988–2003. Mem. Council, Mining Assoc., 1977–82; Chm. Disciplinary Appeal Cttee, CIMA, 1994–2005. Comr, Royal Hosp. Chelsea, 1998–2005 (Pres., Friends of Royal Hosp. Chelsea, 2009–). Pres., Boys’ Brigade (London Dist), 2002–05. Freeman, City of London, 1964; Liveryman, Drapers’ Co., 1970– (Mem. Court of Assistants, 1987–; Master, 1997–98). DL Greater London, 1986; Rep. DL Kensington & Chelsea, 1987–2006. FClArb 1992. KStJ 1990 (Chm., Council for London, 1990–94; Mem., Chapter-Gen., 1993–99). Comdr, SMO Malta, 2001. Beefsteak, Pratt's, White's. |
Craigmyle, Ronald M. | 1896-1986 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Columbia University, 1920. BS in Business, Columbia University, 1921. With Minsch, Monell & Co. 1920-1924. Partner Burley, Peabody & Craigmyle, New York City, 1924-1926, Craigmyle & Co. (later Craigmyle, Pinney & Co., then Fahnestock & Co.), New York City, from 1926. Retired chairman Giant Portland & Masonry Cement Co. Vice president Intercollegiate Flying Association 1919-1921. Civic Mayor Village of Matinecock, New York, 1954-1967. Trustee Columbia University 1957-1963. Clubs: Piping Rock, Metropolitan, New York Stock Exchange Luncheon, Pilgrims Society, St. Andrews Society. |
Crane, Edward Matthews | 1896-1964 |
Source(s): April 15, 1964, New York Times, obituary Son of Edward Nichols and Cordelia (Matthews) C.; B.S., Princeton, 1918; married Margaret Monteith Atha, May 8, 1920; children—Edward Matthews, Harriet Gurney (Mrs. John H. Miller, II). With D. Van Nestrand Co., Inc., book pubs., 1920—; dir., sec., 1924-27, pres. 1927—; chairman D. Van Nostrand Co., Ltd., London; president D. Van Nostrand Co. Ltd. (Can.); dir. Book-Pub. Bur., Inc., 1944-47, The Seabury Press. Mem. Alien Enemy Hearing Bd., 2d Fed. Dist. of N.J. (by appmt. of Atty. Gen. of U.S.), 1942-45. Visiting expert in Germany, tech. advisor to O.M.G. on book pub. problems, June-July 1948; mem. Nat. Research Com. on Tech. Bibliog. 1945-61. Trustee, Newark Museum. Commd. 2d lt., Inf., U.S. Army, 1917, promoted 1st lt., 1918; served with 318th Inf., 80th Div., A.E.F., during World War I. Mem. Am. Soc. Engring. Edn. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Union, The Players (New York), Metropolitan (Washington); Essex (Newark); Rumson |
Crane, Jasper Elliot | 1881-1969 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition A.B., Princeton, 1901, M.S., 1904; student Mass. Inst. Tech., 1903-04. With the Arlington Co., Arlington, N.J., 1901-15. With E. I. dupont de Nemours & Co. since 1915 and vice president from 1929 to 1946. Director of Du Pont Co. and D. Van Nostrand Co. Chairman Temporary Emergency Relief Commn. of Del., 1932-34. Alumni trustee Princeton University 1939-1943. Trustee, Found. for Econ. Edn. Dir. Wilmington YMCA, Del. Hosp. Chmn. United Community Fund No. Del. 1946-50. Member American Chemical Society, Institute of Chemical Engineers, Society of Chemical Industry. Republican. Presbyterian (elder Westminister Ch. mem. gen. council Presbyn. Church in the USA 1939-1945. |
Crane, Stephen Andrew | b. 1945 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Princeton University, 1967. MBA, Harvard University, 1971. With Orion Capital Corp., New York City, 1976-82, treasurer, 1978-82, vice president fin., chief fin. officer, 1981-82; senior vice president, chief fin. officer and planning officer Corroon & Black Corp., New York City, 1982-89; president, CEO G.L. Hodson & Son, Inc. div. Willis Corroon Group PLC, 1989-93, Gryphon Holdings, Inc., New York City, 1993-. Trustee of the Committee for Economic Development. Member University Club, New York Athletic Club, Down Town Association, The Pilgrims. |
Crankshaw, Sir Eric Norman Spencer | 1885-1966 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power series: "Colonel Sir Eric Crankshaw, Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, was another example of how The Pilgrims have military men in their ranks..."; 1950 memberhsip list Army Lieutenant-Colonel, secretary of the Government Hospitality Fund, Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. Heavily involved with British empire building surrounding WWII. He met with many Pilgrims and organized some dinner parties. |
Cravath, Paul Drennan | 1861-1940 |
Source(s): 1907 list; 2002, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A centennial history', the combined 1903 Pilgrims membership list at the end of the book; present at a UK Pilgrims Society dinner, according to The Times of June 26, 1918; 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate); Vice president of the Council on Foreign Relations 1921-1933 and director from 1921 to 1940. Son of Erastus M. and Ruth (Jackson) C.; ed. Brooklyn Poly. Inst.; studied 2 yrs. in Europe; A.B., Oberlin, 1882, A.M., 1887; LL.B., Columbia, 1886, LL.D., 1923; admitted to bar, 1886; married Agnes Huntington, Nov. 15, 1892. Prize tutor in law, Columbia, 1886-89; mem. Cravath, de-Gersdorff, Swaine & Wood. Mem., representing U.S. Treasury, of “House Mission” to the Inter-Allied War Conf., Paris, Dec. 1917; advisory counsel of Am. Mission to the Inter-Allied Council on War Purchases and Finance, London and Paris, 1918. Awarded D.S.M. by Gen. Pershing, 1919; Chevalier Legion of Honor (French), 1919; Grand Officer Order of the Crown (Italian), 1921; hon. Bencher of Gray’s Inn, London, 1918; Knight Comdr. Order S.S. Maurizio e Lazzaro, 1923; Officer of the Crown of Roumania, 1923. Pres. Metropolitan Opera Assn. |
Cresswell, Rev. Cyril Leonard | 1890-1974 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Curate of Holy Trinity, St Marylebone, 1919–23; Rector of St George’s, Birmingham, 1923–26; Chaplain, St Mary’s Hosp., Paddington, 1926–31; Mem. Governing Bd and Finance Cttee, 1931–48; Hon. Chaplain, 1931; Hon. Organising Sec., Anglican Evangelical Group Movement, 1941, Chm. 1942–43; Hon. Sec., Cromer Convention, 1927–34; Hon. Auditor, Clergy Orphan Corporation; Asst Grand Chaplain, Grand Lodge of England, 1946; Chaplain, Sancta Maria Lodge and Prince of Wales Lodge; Provincial Grand Chaplain, Middlesex, 1952; Mem. Executive, The Grenfell Assoc. of Great Britain and Ireland, 1930; Pres., Paddington and St Marylebone Rotary Club, 1934–35; Mem. Community Service Cttee of Rotary International Assoc. for Great Britain and Ireland, 1935; Burgess of the Manor and Liberty of the Savoy, 1934; Mem. Propaganda Cttee, King Edward’s Hospital Fund for London, 1934; National Council of Social Service, 1935; Council of Bishop Wilson Theological Coll.; Court of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy; Trustee, Hyndman Bounty Trust, 1941–51; Council of Jerusalem and the East Mission, 1938–62; Gov., Cheltenham C of E Training Colls; Fellow, Royal Empire Soc.; Chaplain, The Saddlers’ Co., 1942; Chaplain, Ven. Order of St John of Jerusalem, and Ecclesiastical Representative on Chapter Gen., 1962; Golden Lectr, 1944–45 and 1945–46; Worshipful Co. of Weavers, 1947; Chaplain to the Company and Limborough Lectr, 1948–51; Freeman of City of London, 1948; Chaplain, Worshipful Co. of Farmers, 1949–67, and Mem. Court, 1949; Chaplain, Instn Electrical Engineers, 1951–61; Hon. Chaplain, Assoc. of Lancastrians in London, 1953–62 (Vice-Pres., 1962); Chaplain: Farmers’ Club, 1951–67. Chaplain of The Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy, 1933–61; Chaplain Emeritus of the Royal Victorian Order since 1961 (Chaplain, 1938–61) |
Crocker, Stuart Miller | 1898-1956 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition S.B., Harvard, 1921; married Helen Carrère Barbour, July 1, 1947. Solicitor, commercial div., Radio Corp. of America, 1920-21; asst. to chmn. bd. Gen. Electric Co., 1922-27; v.p., treas. United Electric Securities Co., 1928-29; v.p. Internat. Gen. Electric Co., Inc., 1930-43; asst. to exec. v.p. Gen. Electric Co., 1938-39, v.p., 1940-43; pres., dir. and chmn. exec. com. The Columbia Gas System, Inc., 1943-51, now chmn., chief exec. officer, chmn. exec. com.; chmn., dir. Columbia Gas System Service Corp.; dir. Guaranty Trust Co. N.Y., Amere Gas Utilities Co., Atlantic Seaboard Corp., Central Ky. Natural Gas Co., Cumberland and Allegheney Gas Co., Home Gas Co., Keystone Gas Co., Inc., Mfrs. Light and Heat Co., Natural Gas Co. of W.Va., Ohio Fuel Gas Co., Preston Oil Co., Va. Gas Distbn. Corp., Va. Gas Transmission Corp., United Fuel Gas Co. Dir. A.R.C., (N.Y. chpt.), Nat. Information Bur. Served with North Sea Mine Force, U.S.N., 1917-18. Vice chmn. U.S. Nat. Com. World Power Conf. Sec. Am. delegation 1st Com. of Experts, apptd. by Reparations Commission during formation of Dawes Plan, 1924; sec. Am. delegation 2d com. of experts, apptd. by Reparations Commn., which drafted Young Plan, 1929. Vice chmn. Citizens Family Welfare Com., N.Y.C., 1933; vice chmn. and exec. dir. United Hosp. Campaign, 1935, chmn., 1936, member citizens com., 1937-43; mem. council, 1943-—; exec. vice chmn. A.R.C. War Fund of Greater N.Y., 1942, mem. adv. com. 1943-46. Mem. Greater N.Y. Fund (members council), 1947-—. Trustee, chmn. exec. com. Roosevelt Hosp.; trustee Colgate U., Milton Acad., N.Y. Trade School. Mem. Acad. Polit. Sci., Am. Geog. Soc., Am. Mus. Natural History, Bibliophile Soc., Council on Foreign Relations, Nat. Inst. Social Sciences, Newcomen Soc. Eng. (Am. br.), Pilgrims of U.S., New Eng. Soc., North Sea Mine Force, Am. Gas Assn., C. of C. State of N.Y., Nat. Industrial Conf. Bd., Nat. Petroleum Council, Utilities Publication Com. Republican. Clubs: Harvard, Links, Madison Square Garden, Metropolitan, University, Economic (dir.) (N.Y.C.). |
Crooks, William C. | 1948-2004 |
Sources: November 24, 2004, Greenwich Post (CT), obituary Born in 1948. Educated at The Lawrenceville School for Forms I-V. He also attended Yale College and the University of Pennsylvania, and obtained a master of arts in international relations from the University of Pennsylvania, a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and an M.B.A. from The Wharton School of Business. He began his career as a lawyer with Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts in New York City before moving to the financial services business, most recently as a managing director with Morgan Joseph & Co. Inc., a New York-based investment banking firm. A Greenwich resident since 1977, Crooks was known for his love of history and his devotion to the Greenwich Historical Society where he served as president from 1996 to 1998, and chairman until September 2004. Died in 2004. Member of the Massachusetts Historical Society, the Society of Colonial Wars, the Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York, the Descendants of the Founders of Ancient Windsor, the Society of the Founders of Norwich, The Military Society of the War of 1812, The Pilgrims, and the Sons of the American Revolution. Member of The Round Hill Club, the Racquet & Tennis Club in New York, the Yale Club of New York and The New York Farmers. |
Cromwell, Jarvis | 1896-1992 |
Source(s): 1940 list; 1949 list; 1950 list; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1993' (obituary list) AB, Princeton University, 1919. Director Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co.; director emeritus Dan River, Inc. Chairman Greater New York Red Cross War Fund, 1945-46; trustee New York Hist. Society, Boys Club of New York , St. Luke's Hospital; board directors John and Mary R. Markle Foundation 1st lieutenant U.S. Army, 1917-18, major 17th regt. New York Guard, 1940-45. Member Racquet and Tennis Club, Princeton Club, Century Club. Republican. Episcopalian. |
Cromwell, Lincoln | 1865-1952 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; 1940, 1949 and 1950 lists Student Brooklyn Poly. Inst., 1879-82; A.B., Columbia, 1886, A.M., 1887, LL.B., 1889; prize fellow in science, 1886-89; Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1889; salesman for William Iselin & Co., commn. mchts., 1889-97, partner since 1897; chmn. of bd. William Iselin & Co., Inc., since 1931; dir. Iselin-Jefferson Co. and other corps.; trustee Bowery Savs. Bank, Bank of New York and 5th Av. Bank. Mem. bd. mgrs. St. Luke’s Hosp.; pres. Phi Beta Kappa Assos., 1946-47, now dir.; commr. Municipal Art Commission of New York, 1944-47; vice pres. of N.Y. chapter Am.-Scandinavian Foundation; v.p. Citizen’s Union of New York; dir. Legal Aid Soc. of New York, Grenfell Association America. Successively vestryman, treas., sr. warden Grace P.E. Ch., 1917-35. Chmn. of Mayor’s Commn. on Revision N.Y. Teachers’ Salaries, 1926-27; chmn. com. which arranged the contract between N.Y. City and U.S. Treasury to demolish old postoffice and build new federal courthouse and postoffice; mem. Governor’s Commn. on Defaulted Guaranteed Mortgages, 1934-36; Governor’s emergency scrip committee, 1932. With Council of National Defense and Quartermaster’s Department, 1917-18, and sect. chief War Industries Bd., 1918. Awarded Columbia U. Service medal, 1936. Mem. The Pilgrims, Council on Foreign Relations, Phi Beta Kappa (N.Y. Alumni pres. 1910), Delta Kappa Epsilon. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Century, Racquet and Tennis, City, Merchants (New York) |
Cromwell, William Nelson | 1854-1948 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's World Money Power series: "William Nelson Cromwell Foundation, after a high-powered attorney member of The Pilgrims..." Prominent lawyer in New York. Accountant with the New York law firm of Algernon S. Sullivan, partner in Sullivan and Cromwell 1879. Co-founder with Algernon S. Sullivan of Sullivan & Cromwell in 1879, the firm which counted the involvement of the Dulles Brothers and Arthur H. Dean since the 1910s and 1920s. Established the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation. Founder The Society of Friends of Roumania in 1920 under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Marie of Romania, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England. The New York-based Society under his tutelage promoted numerous exchanges between the two countries and published the distinguished Roumania: A Quarterly Review. Grand prior of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (SOSJ) 1919-1922. President of the Sovereign Council of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (SOSJ) since 1922. Stepped down from the SOSJ council 1932. According to Stephen Kinzer's 2006 book Overthrow, in 1898 the chief of the French Canal Syndicate (a group that owned large swathes of land across Panama), Philippe Bunau Varilla, hired him to lobby the US Congress to build a canal across Panama, and not across Nicaragua, as rivals would have it. On June 19, 1902, three days after senators received stamps showing volcanic activity in Nicaragua (although this was more the work of Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla), they voted for the Panama route for the canal. For his lobbying efforts, he received the sum of $800,000.[1] One of his main pro bono activities was in the founding of |
Cronkite, Walter | 1916-2009 |
Source(s): 1974 list; 1980 list Attended college at The University of Texas at Austin, where he worked on The Daily Texan, and became a member of the Nu chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity. Member of the fraternal organization of young men known as DeMolay (a member of the Houston Chapter). Dropped out of college his junior year in 1935 after starting a series of newspaper reporting jobs covering news and sports. Became a well known American broadcast journalist, best known as anchorman for The CBS Evening News for 19 years (1962–81). During the heyday of CBS News in the 1970s and 1980s he was often cited in viewer opinion polls as "the most trusted man in America," because of his professional experience and avuncular demeanor. Following Cronkite's editorial report during the Tet Offensive that the Vietnam War was unwinnable, President Lyndon Johnson is reported to have said, "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost America." 1991 version, (1979 original) Deborah Davis, 'Katherine the Great', pp. 175-176: "Paley's own friendship with Allen Dulles is now known to have been one of the most influential and significant in the communications industry. He provided cover for CIA agents, supplied out-takes of news film, permitted the debriefing of reporters, and in many ways set the standard for cooperation between the CIA and the major broadcast companies which lasted until the mid-1970s. But in 1948, despite the mutual intelligence connections, when [John S.] Hayes [built up a network of intelligence connections during WWII as head of the Armed Forces Network Radio, European Theater of Operations; friend of Frank Wisner and Allen Dulles; senior Washington Post-Newsweek official; chair Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty from 1976; member Carnegie Corp. Commission on Educational TV, 1965] and [Philip L.] Graham [married Katharine Meyer in 1940; friend of Frank Wisner and Allen Dulles; publisher Washington Post until his death in 1963] asked to buy WTOP-CBS radio, Paley had refused to sell. Within a year, though, an arrangement was worked out, Dulles having spoken of Graham and Hayes to Paley, and fifty-five percent of the WTOP stock was transferred to the Post Company. Wayne Coy [assistant to the publisher of the Washington Post 1944-1947; consultant to Time, Inc. from 1952 until his death in 1957] at the FCC approved the license reassignment, and CBS and the Post began sharing their Washington news staffs (reporters then worked interchangeably for print and broadcast). In 1950 Phil then bought a small Washington television station, license approved by Wayne Coy, and changed its call letters to WTOP-TV; it became a CBS affiliate. That year he and Hayes also hired a news analyst who for two years after the war had been chief correspondent for United Press International in Moscow, a man who had experience with American intelligence and was also endowed with a good television presence; the man's name was Walter Cronkite. He soon worked his way onto the network staff. Paley sold the remaining WTOP stock to Phil in 1953, a year before Wayne Coy died, giving the Washington Post Company complete control over the CBS radio and television outlets in Washington, which it retained until required by law to sell the television station in 1977. The [Washington] post men continued to see Paley and Cronkite every Christmas at a dinner given by Allen Dulles at a private club called the Alibi. The club is in an old, dark, red brick house on a block of office buildings. It bears a simple brass plaque and brass doorknob; membership is limited to men in or close to intelligence and is by invitation only." |
Cross, Morton Robinson | b. 1879 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student R.I. State Coll.; Burdette Bus. Coll., Boston. Secretary of the Tar Klin Zinc Mining Co., Marion Co., Ark., 1900, made mgr., 1901; came to N.Y. in 1902, and entered the real estate business with J. G. Underhill & Co.; became mgr. Gross & Gross Co., 1905, bought that co. out in 1910, and organized real estate firm of Cross & Brown Co., N.Y. City, then serving as pres. and director, later chairman of the board. Organizer, member of the exec. and financial committees and dir. former Gotham National Bank. Mem. Real Estate Bd. of N.Y. Bldg. Co., Inc. Dir. and chmn. of bldg. com. to erect the Real Estate Bd. of New York Bldg., 12 E. 41st St. Incorporator, first treas., v.p. and dir. West Side Assn. Commerce City N.Y., vice president of the executive committee and director of the Am. Arbitration Assn.; mem. exex. com., dir., 2d v.p. Automobile Old Timers, Inc.; bd. mgrs. William Sloane House, Y.M.C.A. Mem. Soc. Colonial Wars in State of N.Y., S.A.R. (Empire State Soc.), Pilgrims in the U.S., Soc. Calif. Pioneers. Clubs: Bankers, Union League, Uptown, Metropolitan Opera (N.Y.C.). |
Cross, William John | 1928-2003 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Dartmouth College, 1950. M.C.S., Amos Tuck School, 1951. With W.R. Grace & Co., 1951-1954, Time Inc., 1954-1961. With Readers Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, New York 1961-1986 and assistant treasurer from 1963-72, vice president from 1968-1984, treasurer from 1972-1084, president and CEO from 1984-1986. Remained a director of the executive committee after his retirement in 1986. |
Crossley, Sir Julian Treasurer |
1899–1971 |
Source(s): Charles Savoie's Pilgrims list of circa 1969 lists Sir Julian Crossley as honorary treasurer; his name appears in numerous (London) Times articles as an attendant of Pilgrims gatherings; Who's Who UK digital edition; 1950 officers list (since 1944). Attended Wellington College and in the holidays sailed on Lake Windermere. This gave him a love of sailing, and he later owned a sloop in which he and his family sailed around Britain and beyond. From 1917 to 1919 he was a midshipman in the Royal Navy; after the war he took a short course in modern history, from 1919 to 1921, at New College, Oxford. At Wellington and at Oxford Crossley was a good friend of William Macnamara Goodenough (later married his sister), son of Frederick Crauford Goodenough, chairman of Barclays Bank; this friendship shaped Crossley's life. He joined Barclays in October 1921, at first in its Cannon Street branch, then in 1922 was sent to Barclays' New York office as assistant to Barclays' local representative. Chairman of Barclays Bank from 1947 to 1964. Became chairman of Dominion Students' Hall Trust in 1965, and he was a governor of the Pilgrim Trust and of Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford. Also an active and valued vice-president of Wellington College from 1960 to 1966, and of the Commonwealth Institute. Member of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Club. Who's Who: Director, Barclays Bank Ltd, Barclays Bank DCO (Chairman, 1947–64); Chairman, Dominion Students’ Hall Trust; Governor (Vice-President, 1960–66), Wellington College; Governor, Queen Elizabeth House; Vice-President, Commonwealth Institute; Hon. Treasurer, The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain. Brooks's. |
Cruikshank, Harold T. | unknown |
Source(s): 1980, The Pilgrims of Great Britain, 'List of Members and Rules' (complete list; photocopy supplied to ISGP by B.J. in February 2008) Chairman of the American Society in London in the late 1970s. A Harold Cruikshank retired as director and senior vice president from Esso Europe in 1973. |
Crowe, Adm. William J., Jr. | 1925- |
At the beginning of the Great Depression, Crowe's father moved the family to Oklahoma City. Crowe's Naval career began at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, from which he graduated in 1947. From 1954 to 1955 he served as Assistant to the Naval Aide of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. From 1956 to 1958 Crowe served as Executive Officer of the submarine USS Wahoo. In 1958 he served as an aide to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations. In 1960 Crowe took command of USS Trout, homeported in Charleston, South Carolina, and served as Commanding Officer of that boat until 1962. From there, Crowe earned a Master's Degree and Ph.D. from Princeton University, returning to service in 1966 to take command of Submarine Division 31, homeported in San Diego, California. Appointed Senior Adviser to the Vietnamese Navy Riverine Force in 1970. Promoted to Rear Admiral and made Deputy Director, Strategic Plans, Policy, Nuclear Systems and NSC Affairs Division, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations in 1973. Director, East Asia and Pacific Region, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense 1975-1976. Commander Middle East Force 1976-1977. Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Plans and Policy 1977-1980. Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Southern Europe 1980-1983. Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command 1983-1985. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1985-1989. Chairman of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 1993-1994. Ambassador to the United Kingdom 1994-1997 (so at the very least a honorary Pilgrim). Chairman of two Accountability Review Boards charged with investigating the bombings of the embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam 1998-1999. He has sat on the Boards of Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Pfizer, Norfolk Southern Corporation, General Dynamics, and GlobalOptions, Inc. At present, Crowe serves as the Chairman of the Board of Visitors for the International Programs Center of Oklahoma University. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations' Task Force on Emergency Responders. Received the Medal of Freedom. October 25, 2002, PR Newswire, ‘GlobalOptions Announces New Senior Advisory Board Members’: “GlobalOptions, Inc. today announced new members to its Senior Advisory Board, which is chaired by Admiral William J. Crowe … The Board includes: … - Honorable R. James Woolsey [has all the credentials to be a Pilgrim], Vice Chairman … - Honorable Everett Alvarez* -- Former Deputy Administrator of the Veterans Administration and Deputy Director of the Peace Corps. - Ambassador Francis D. Cook … Sir Richard Needham -- Former Minister for Trade for Great Britain, Minister in Northern Ireland, and Member of Parliament … [two high-level Army Generals] … Honorable William H. Webster* -- Former FBI Director, former Director the CIA, and judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.” September 23, 2010, Washington Post, 'GlobalOptions sues ex-exec in security firms tiff': "GlobalOptions, the private Washington security firm that once billed itself as “a private CIA,” is suing a former top executive who left the company for a competitor this summer and allegedly lured others to go with him. ... Halsey Fischer, Global Options says in its suit, violated a no-compete contract when he resigned as the firm’s vice president for national sales and went to work for G4s, the multinational, U.K.-based security guards company that owns Wackenhut. ... It's the latest sign of tumult at GlobalOptions, founded in 1998 by Neil C. Livingstone, a behind-the-scenes adviser to Reagan White House official Col. Oliver North during the arms-for-hostages deal with Iran. Livingstone left the company in late 2006 to start a similar firm, Executive Action LLC, headquartered in Dupont Circle. He took the "private CIA" moniker with him." |
Cubitt, Sir Hugh Exec. committee |
b. 1928 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list since 1983 (executive committee); October 10, 2002, The Times, 'Announcements': "The Rt Hon The Lord Carrington, KG, CH, GCMG, Mc, retiring after 20 years as President, presided at the 2002 annual meeting of the Pilgrims, held on September 23 at the American Embassy. Lord Carrington was succeeded as President by Field Marshal The Rt Hon The Lord Inge KG GCB. The Rt Rev David Say KCVO was succeeded as Honorary Chaplain by the Rt Rev David Conner, Dean of Windsor. Mr Robert M. Worcester, Chairman, Mr M. Peter Barton, Honorary Secretary, Sir Hugh Cubitt, CBE, JP, DL, the Hon Glyn Davies, The Lord Slynn of Hadley, Sir John Ure KCMG LVO and Mr Peter Viggers MP were re-elected to serve on the executive committee." Leader of the Conservative-controlled Westminster City Council in the early 1970s (borough of London with city status. It is located west of the City of London). Appointed director of the National Westminster Bank and chairman of its Outer London Regional Board in 1977. Lord Mayor of Westminster in the late 1970s. Chairman of the Housing Corporation from 1980 to 1990. Chairman of Patron of Anchor Trust 1992-1998. Chairman of English Heritage's London advisory committee in the early 1990s. Chairman of Rea Brothers Investment Management Ltd. since 1996. JP; DL; Chairman, Peabody Trust, 1998–2003 (Governor, 1991–2003). The Hugh Cubitt House in London, where the offices of the Peabody Trust are located, is apparently named after this Pilgrim. Director, PSIT PLC (formerly Property Security Investment Trust PLC), 1962–97. Lieut RN, 1949; served in Korea, 1949–51; Flag Lieut to Adm., BJSM Washington, 1952 and to C-in-C Nore, 1953; retd 1953. Qual. Chartered Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 1958; Chartered Surveyor (FRICS) 1970. Partner: Rogers Chapman & Thomas, 1958–67; Cubitt & West, 1962–79. Regl Dir, 1970–77, Dir, 1977–90, Mem., UK Adv. Bd, 1990–91, National Westminster Bank; Chairman: Lombard North Central PLC, 1980–91; The Housing Corp., 1980–90; Rea Brothers Group PLC, 1996–98. Comr, and Chm., London Adv. Cttee, English Heritage, 1988–94. Mem. Westminster City Council, 1963–78; Leader of Council, 1972–76; Alderman, 1974–78; Lord Mayor and Dep. High Steward of Westminster, 1977–78. Pres., London Chamber of Commerce, 1988–91. Chairman: Anchor Trust (formerly Anchor Gp of Housing Assocs), 1991–98; Housing Assocs’ Charitable Trust, 1991–97; Chairman of Governors: West Heath Sch., 1978–91; Cranleigh Sch., 1981–95; Dir and Mem. Governing Body, RAM, 1978–98. Hon. Steward, Westminster Abbey, 1978–2002 (Chief Steward, 1997–2002). Mem., Bd of Green Cloth Verge of Palaces, 1980–98. Trustee, Titsey Foundn, 1983–. FRSA; Hon. FRAM 1985. JP Surrey, 1964; Chairman: Dorking PSD, 1991–93; SE Surrey PSD, 1993–95. High Sheriff of Surrey, 1983–84; DL Greater London, 1978. Boodle's. |
Cullimore, Charles Augustine Kaye | b. 1933 |
Source(s): Who's Who Digital Edition N Ireland Short Service Commn, 1955–57. HMOCS, Tanganyika, 1958–61; ICI Ltd, 1961–71; joined HM Diplomatic Service, 1971; FCO, 1971–73; Bonn, 1973–77; FCO, 1977–79; Counsellor, New Delhi, 1979–82; Dep. High Comr, Canberra, 1982–86; FCO, 1986–89; High Comr, Uganda, 1989–93. Chief Exec., Southern Africa Business Assoc., 1995–2001. Dir, Transparency Internat. (UK), 1996–99. Council Member: Royal African Soc., 2000–09; Overseas Service Pensioners’ Assoc., 2004–. Member: The Pilgrims, 1993–; Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), 1996–. HM Diplomatic Service, retired; Chairman, British African Business Association, since 2001 (renamed to Business Council for Africa UK). |
Cullman, Joseph F., III | 1912-2004 |
Source(s): 1969 list Philip Morris President & CEO from 1957-1970. Cullman was Executive Vice President and Senior Marketing Executive of Philip Morris in the 1950s. Exec. Vice President from 1955-57. President in 1958, held that position until 1967. Chairman from 1968-1972 and acquired title of CEO. Chairman of the Executive Committee, 1979-85. On the Board of Directors from 1954-1985. Director Ford Motor Company, IBM, Bankers Trust Company and others. Cullman is well-known for stating categorically "I do not believe that cigarettes are hazardous to one's health", which he said in a 1971 interview after the TV tobacco advertising ban was begun. When confronted on Face The Nation with a study that smoking results in smaller babies, Cullman's tactless response was "I would say that I did read that report, and I concluded from that report that it's true that babies born from women who smoke are smaller, but they are just as healthy as the babies born to women who do not smoke. Some women would prefer having smaller babies." He is a member of the Peace Parks Foundation. 1001 Club. |
Cumberland, William Wilson | 1890-1955 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition A.B., Occidental Coll., Los Angeles, Calif., 1912; A.M., Columbia, 1913; Ph.D., Princeton, 1916; LL.D. (honorary), Occidental College, 1937. Union College, 1953; married Edith Griffith Osmond, Sept. 14, 1916; children—Mary Catherine, Julian Osmond. William Wilson, Helen Edith. Supt. Chrystie Street House. N.Y.C., 1914; instr., asst. prof., asso. prof. and chief div. of research in agrl. economics, U. of Minn., 1916-19; leave of absence, 1917-19; research asso., U. of Calif. and Doheny Research Foundation, 1917-18; trade expert War Trade Bd., Washington, D.C., 1918; economic expert with Reparation and Financial commns., Am. Commn. to Negotiate Peace, Paris, France, 1919; financial expert Am. Mil. Mission to Armenia (Harbord Commn.), 1919; financial expert with U.S. High Commn., Am. Embassy, Constantinople, Turkey, 1919-20; asst. foreign trade adviser and foreign trade adviser, Dept. of State, Washington, D.C., 1920-21; financial commr. and supt. gen. of customs, Republic of Peru, 1921-23; gov. Reserve Bank of Peru, 1923-24; financial adviser, gen. receiver of Republic of Haiti, 1924-27; financial expert for Dept. of State, in Nicaragua, 1927-28; partner Wellington and Co., firm mem. New York Stock Exchange, 1928-45; partner Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., Mem. N.Y. Stock Exchange and investment banker, since 1945; dir. St. Louis Southwestern R.R., Alliance Realty Co., Chemetals Corp., Robert Gair Co., Inc., Am. Zinc, Lead and Smelting Co. Economist with NRA, Wash., 1933. Am. del. to Conference on German Long-Term Debts, Berlin, 1934; economic consultant United Nations Conference on International Orgn., San Francisco. 1945. Economists Nat. Com. on Monetary Policy. Mem. Acad. Polit. Science, Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Sci., Fgn. Policy Assn., Pan-Am. Soc., Am. Econ. Assn., N.Y. Soc. of Security Analysts. Am. Statis. Assn. (pres. New York Chapter, 1938-39), Phi Beta Kappa, Pilgrims. |
Cummins, Alexander Griswold | 1869-1946 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition A.B., Swarthmore Coll., 1889, Litt.D., 1909; student Gen. Theol. Sem., 1889-93; A.M., Columbia, 1893; studied and traveled abroad, 1894-96; D.D., Washington Coll., Md., 1921; LL.D., Gettysburg Coll., 1926; married Evelyn Atwater, Sept. 8, 1915. Deacon, 1892, priest, 1894, P.E. Ch., rector Christ Ch., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., since 1901. Founder and editor The Chronicle (monthly mag. of P.E. Ch.); sec. Protestant Episcopal Soc. for Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge; pres. St. Barnabas Hosp. Fund; state charities visitor Hudson River State Hosp.; mem. bd. of trustees Evangelical Edn. Soc.; Dutchess County Health Assn.; pres. Poughkeepsie Community House and Rescue Mission Foundation; chmn. Archdeaconry of Dutchess, Diocese of N.Y.; dir. Mid-Hudson Grenfell Assn.; formerly mem. standing com. and chmn. social service commn., Diocese of N.Y.; deputy for Diocese of N.Y. Provincial Synod N.Y. and N.J., 1918; mem. exec. com., sec.-treas. Protestant Episcopal Ch. League; sec.-treas., The Clergyman’s Mutual Ins. League. Sec. and part owner Enterprise Pub. Co. 1914-18; editor, Evening Enterprise, Poughkeepsie, 1917-18. Dir. Farmers and Mfrs. Nat. Bank, 1919-21. Mem. Churchman’s Assn., Ministers Assn. of Poughkeepsie, The Club, Rectory Club, The Pilgrims Soc., S.C.W., S.R., Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Beta Kappa. Republican. Clubs: Union League, Hunters Frat., Columbia U. (New York); Graduate (New Haven, Conn.); National, Connaught, Dartmouth House (London, Eng.); Clove Valley Rod and Gun (pres. 1909-1934); Amrita (Poughkeepsie); Organizer and dir. Three Brooks Associates Gun Club. Formerly prominent in athletic and field sports. |
Cunliffe-Owen, (Philip) Frederick Vice president and chairman |
1855-1926 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of late Sir Philip (K.C.B.) and Lady (nee Baroness von Reitzenstein) C.; married Countess Marguerite, d. late Comte Jules du Planty de Sourdis. One of editors of New York Tribune, 1889. V.p. Pilgrims Soc. America; dir. St. George's Soc. New York. Grand officer (with star) Order of Charles III of Spain; Osmanieh, Turkey; commander Order of the Crown. 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history', p. 37, quoting from a letter of former chairman Cunliffe-Owen to John Wilson Taylor, February 8, 1924: "That bounder Charles Sherrill, [who had been forced to resign as chairman of the Pilgrims]. By his tactlessness and indiscretion, he had queered himself with everybody, with the Government at Washington... with the British Embassy... as well as with the French Embassy, with the Morgans, the Standard Oil people and all the big interests including the Chamber of Commerce of New York..." |
Curley, Walter J. P., Jr. | 1922-2016 |
Source(s): 1990, 1995, 2002 lists High School: Phillips Academy Andover (1940). University: BA, Yale University (1944). University: University of Oslo, Norway (1947). University: MBA, Harvard Business School (1948). Caltex (1948-57). J. H. Whitney & Company Partner (1958-75). US Ambassador to Ireland (1975-77). US Ambassador to France, 1989-93. Sotheby's Chairman, International Advisory Board. Director Bank of Ireland, New York Life, Fiduciary Trust Company International, Paribas Bank, The New Yorker. Trustee New York Public Library. President French-American Foundation. Supporter Bush-Cheney 2000. Council of American Ambassadors. Council on Foreign Relations. George W. Bush for President. Trustee George Bush Presidential Library. French Legion of Honor. Mellon Family. June 2, 2016, Mayo News (Ireland), 'Former US ambassador to Ireland dies': "Born in Pittsburgh in 1922, Mr Curley was a graduate of Yale University and married to Mary Walton Curley, whose grandfather William Larimer Mellon [Sr.] was a founder of Gulf Oil Corporation." |
Curry, Andrew Gibson | 1901-1984 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 23, 1985' (obituary list) Student, Kings College School, Windsor, Nova Scotia. Student, St. Andrew College, Toronto. BA, University Toronto, 1922. With A.E. Ames & Co., 1922-66, partner, 1955-65, president, board directors, 1951-65, chairman board directors, 1965-68. Member Canadian Society New York , Pilgrims U.S., Downtown Executive Club, Bond Club New York , Can. Club, Metropolitan Club (New York City). |
Curzon, Lord George Nathaniel | 1859-1925 |
Source(s): March 31, 1906, The Times, 'Court Circular': "Earl Roberts will preside at the Pilgrims' banquet to Lord Curzon..."; June 06, 1908, The Times, 'Court circular': "Monday, June 15... Pilgrims' dinner to the Archbishops and Bishops of the Pan-Anglican Congress, Lord Curzon presiding, Savoi Hotel, 7:45."; January 11, 1919, The Times, 'The New Era. English-Speaking Nations' Task., Pilgrims' Welcome To New U.S. Ambassador': "Lord Curzon said he had been invited [to the Pilgrims' dinner], as the representative of the Foreign Office, to propose the health of the American Ambassador [John W. Davis, a co-founder of the CFR and a person close to the Rockefeller and Morgan interests]."; March 16, 1920, The Times, 'America And Britain. Sir A. Geddes On His Task., Speech At Pilgrims' Banquet' (Curzon was a speaker at the meeting); February 28, 1921, The Times, 'Court Circular': "The Prince of Wales, Lord Curzon, and Lord Reading at the Pilgrims' banquet to American Ambassador."; May 20, 1921, The Times, 'America And Silesia. A Mission For Mr. Harvey., To Sit On Supreme Council' (named as a visitor, alongside the Pilgrims' leadership); February 20, 1922, The Times, 'Pilgrims' Welcome To Mr. Balfour' (named as an attendant); July 12, 1923, The Times, 'Anglo-American Friendship. A Pilgrims' Welcome' (named as an attendant); July 22, 1924, The Times, 'U.S. Help For Europe. Mr. Hughes On The Dawes Plan' (named as an attendant) A brilliant student, at Eton College he won a record number of academic prizes before entering Oxford University in 1878. He was elected president of the Oxford Union in 1880 and although he failed to achieve a first he was made a fellow of All Souls College in 1883. After his graduation he went on a trip to the Near East with Edward Lyttelton. Was heavily influenced by the Milner Group and the Cecil Bloc throughout his career although in his later years he often did not agree with them (but made concessions). 1981, Professor Carroll Quigley, 'The Anglo-American Establishment', p. 24: "George Nathaniel Curzon... studied at Eton and Balliol (1872-1882). At the later he was intimate with the future Lords Midleton, Selborne, and Salisbury. On graduating, he went on a trip to the Near East with Edward Lyttelton. Elected a fellow of All Souls in 1883, he became assistant private secretary to Lord Salisbury two years later. This set his future career. As Harold Nicolson says of him in the Dictionary of National Biography, "His activities centered from that moment on obedience to Lord Salisbury..."" A member of the Conservative Party, Curzon was elected MP for Southport in 1886. It was a safe Tory seat and Curzon neglected his parliamentary duties to travel the world. This material provided the material for Russia in Central Asia (1889), Persia and the Persian Question (1892) and Problems of the Far East (1894). In November, 1891, Marquis of Salisbury (Cecils) appointed Curzon as his secretary of state for India. Curzon lost office when Earl of Rosebery formed a Liberal Government in 1894. After the 1895 General Election, the Conservative Party regained power and Curzon was rewarded with the post of under secretary for foreign affairs. Three years later the Marquis of Salisbury granted him the title, Baron Curzon of Kedleston, and appointed him Viceroy of India. Curzon introduced a series of reforms that upset his civil servants. He also clashed with Lord Kitchener, who became commander-in-chief of the Indian Army, in 1902. Arthur Balfour, the new leader of the Conservative Party, began to have doubts about Curzon and in 1905 he was forced out of office. Curzon returned to England where he led the campaign against women's suffrage in the House of Lords. In 1908 he helped establish the Anti-Suffrage League and eventually became its president. In 1916 the new prime minister, David Lloyd George, invited Curzon into his War Cabinet. Curzon served as leader of the House of Lords but refused to support the government's decision to introduce the 1918 Qualification of Women Act. Despite Curzon's objections, it was passed by the Lords by 134 votes to 71. Curzon was appointed foreign secretary in 1919 and when Andrew Bonar Law resigned as prime minister in May, 1923, Curzon was expected to become the new prime minister. However, the post went to Stanley Baldwin instead. He continued as foreign secretary until retiring from politics in 1924. Member of the Grillion's Club, according to Quigley. 1966, Professor Carroll Quigley, 'Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time', p. 581-583: "The "anti-Bolsheviks," who were also anti-French, were extremely important from 1919 to 1926, but then decreased to little more than a lunatic fringe, rising again in numbers and influence after 1934 to dominate the real policy of the government in 1939. In the earlier period the chief figures in this group were Lord Curzon, Lord D'Abernon, and General Smuts. They did what they could to destroy reparations, permit German rearmament, and tear down what they called "French militarism."... The anti-Bolsheviks, including D'Abernon, Smuts, Sir John Simon, and H. A. L. Fisher (Warden of All Souls College), were willing to go to any extreme to tear down France and build up Germany." |
Cushing, Harry Alonzo | 1870-1955 |
Source(s): 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate) Son of Alvin Matthew and Elizabeth (Pearsons) C.; A.B., Amherst, 1891; A.M., Columbia, 1894, Ph.D., 1896, LL.B., 1901; married Elizabeth Newton, Sept. 16, 1899. Admitted to bar, 1901, and since in practice at N.Y.C.; lectr., tutor history Columbia, 1895-1900, lectr. history and constl. law, 1901-03, prof. law, 1907-09. Mem. Assn. Bar City N.Y.; sec. N.E. Society of N.Y., 1908-42. Club: Century. Author: History of the Transition from Provincial to Commonwealth Government in Massachusetts, 1896; voting Trusts, a Chapter in Modern Corporate History, 1915, 27. Editor: The Writings of Samuel Adams (4 vols.), 1904-08. |
Cushing, Harry Cooke | 1895-1960 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Partner, Herrick, Berg & Co., 1920-32; exec. Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., 1932-37; v.p. E. H. Rollins & Sons, Inc., New York City, 1937-47; director American-Moroccan Corporation, Tower Petroleum Corporation; president and director Security Management Corporation; financial adviser Northfield Mines, Inc., Westfield Mines, Inc. Served as pvt. Troop B, Squadron A. New York Cav. on Mexican Border, 1916; served during World War I as capt. of Field Arty., U.S. Army, and asst. to chief of staff, 2d Army Corps, A.E.F., during Ypres-Lys and Somme offensives, 1918. Fellow Am. Geog. Soc.; mem. Sons of Revolution, Mil. Order of Foreign Wars, Mil. Order of Loyal Legion, Am. Legion, Delta Phi. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Union, Racquet and Tennis, Piping Rock, Creek, The Leash, Westminster Kennel, Church, Town-Town Assn., Knickerbocker (gov.), Brook (gov.), Pilgrims (N.Y.C.); Brook’s, White’s (London); Travelers (Paris). Author: Liaison in Foreign Financial Relations, 1931 |
Cutting, Robert Fulton | 1852-1934 |
Source(s): January 24, 1935, New York Times, 'Rights in danger, Dr. Butler warns': "Those listed in the necrology, read by Major Elihu Church, secretary of the Pilgrims, were Henry H. Andrews, Elmer E. Brown, Walter D. Buchanan, Edward J. Burlingham, Colin C. Carter, James B. Clews, Robert Fulton Cutting, Ganson Depew, Cass Gilbert, Nathaniel T. Guernsey, John W. Herbert, Matthew Hinman, Charles L. Hussey, John P. Jefferson, Otto Kahn, Ivy Lee, George O. Squire, Frederick H. Wilkins, Thomas B. Kent, Alfred Watts Kiddle, Wilson Marshall, Percy A. Rockefeller, Valentine P. Snyder, William J. Parslow, Arthur C. Mower and Herbert Noble."; 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate) Chairman City & Suburban Homes Co. Surrounded by other Pilgrims in daily life. |
Dale, John Denny | 1916-1993 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Hamilton College, 1936. MBA, NYU, 1954. PhD, NYU, 1962. Diplomate U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1967. Division manager Am. Steel Export Co., New York City, 1936-40; assistant to president Charles Hardy Inc., 1940, vice president, secretary, treasurer, 1941-45, president, 1945-55; tech. director Charles Hardy Ltd., London, 1946-63; chairman Manufacturers Marketing Co., New York City, 1949-50; president Dale Elliott & Co. Inc., 1955-65, 71-76, chairman, 1976-93. Fin. economist Litton Industries Inc., Beverly Hills, California, 1965-68; fin. economist Am. Export Industries, Inc., New York City, 1968-70; vice president Litton Industries Leasing Corp., Beverly Hills, 1965-68; economist Department Labor and Industry, State of New Jersey, Trenton, 1976-82; advisor to WPB, 1941, to Governor New York , 1948-51, to Chief Ordnance U.S. Army, 1952-55, Governor Monmouth Medical Center, 1954-71, to Port Authority N.Y./N.J., New York City, 1985-86. Member advisory board of the Whitney Museum of American Art. Member of the Order of St. John, the Knights of Malta, the Society of Mayflower Descendants, the Society of Colonial Wars, Society War of 1812, Huguenot Society (executive council 1982-90), Military Order Foreign Wars (past comdr.-gen. U.S.), St. Nicholas Society, Reserve Officers Association, The English Speaking Union, The Pilgrims and the Masons. Married Louise Boyd Lichtenstein in 1938. |
Daly, Donald Francis | b. 1928 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition AB, Yale University, 1950. Account executive Hemphill Noyes, New York City, 1957-63. Vice president Scudder Stevens & Clark, 1963-78. Partner Brundage Story & Rose, 1978-95. President Brundage Story & Rose Mutual Funds, 1990-95. Senior vice president Mellon Bank Private Asset Management, Philadelphia, 1995-96. Director of acquisitions Mellon Private Asset Management, 1996-98. Consultant Mellon Private Asset Management, 1998-2000. Advisory board member of Charles Schwab & Co. 1993-1994. Fellow Philadelphia Society Security Analysts. Member American Institute Investment Managers, Investment Counsel Association (former governor), Philadelphia Estate Planning Council, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Yale Club New York , Church Club Philadelphia, Point O'Woods Club, The Pilgrims. |
Dalzell, Fred Briggs | 1922-2004 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Grad., Lawrenceville School, 1940. Grad., Amherst College, 1944. Trustee South St. Seaport Museum With US Army Air Force, 1943-45. Member National Maritime Hist. Society, St. Andrew's Society, Pilgrims U.S. Clubs: Yacht (New York City). |
Darlington, Rev. Gilbert | d. 1980 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 28, 1981' (obituary list) Great-grandson of James Henry Darlington, the first Episcopal Bishop of Harrisburg, Pa. Episcopal clergyman who was the retired treasurer, publications director and investment officer of the American Bible Society. Lived in Manhattan. In the 1968, Dr. Gilbert Darlington, a General Officer of the American Bible Society at the time, undertook a personal mission to distribute Dr. Martin Luther King's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" in an attempt to raise public awareness of injustices to the African American community. |
Darlington, Henry | 1889-1955 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition A.B., Columbia U., 1910; grad. Gen. Theol. Sem., 1913; grad. student Columbia; D.D., Greek Sem. of St. Athanasius, 1923; married Dorothy Stone-Smith, Nov. 24, 1920; children—Peter (USAFR), Henry (USNR), Deacon, 1913, priest, 1914, P.E. Church; curate St. Thomas’ Church, New York, 1913-14; missionary in charge three chs. and founded Mission Serepta, 1914-15; rector St. Barnabas Ch., Newark, 1915-22, Ch. of the Heavenly Rest, N.Y., 1922-25, Ch. of the Heavenly Rest and Chapel of Beloved Disciple, 1925-50. Headmaster, Day School, Church of the Heavenly Rest, 1929-50; acct. exec. Necrgaard, Miller & Co., N.Y.C., 1951-54; limited partner Hill, Darlington & Co., N.Y.C., 1955—. Pioneer Ministry Spiritual Healing, and held regular services in the Parish, 1935-50. Organized, built and operated Turnpike Bridge Co., Delaware, N.J., 1914-26. Commd. 1st lt. chaplain N.A., Feb. 18, 1918; chaplain Coast Defense, East N.Y.; chaplain 50th C.A.C., 1st Army, A.E.F., France; hon. discharged, Feb. 1919; commd. capt. chaplain, N.Y. Nat. Guard, Feb. 28, 1924; assigned junior chaplain 44th Inf. Div. N.J. Nat. Guard, 1924; promoted chaplain major, June 12, 1933, advanced to senior chaplain; transferred to chaplain major 27th Div. N.Y. Nat. Guard; resigned, Sept. 1940; recommd. sr. chaplain lt. col., Hdqrs. N.Y. Guard, Nov. 1940; promoted col., Jan. 1945; permanent chaplain, association ex-members of Squadron A; transferred back to N.Y. Nat. Guard, promoted brig. gen., Oct. 1949; now on state reserve list. Chmn. Protestant Council’s Commission in Ministry to Veterans and Service Personnel. Chaplain general S.A.R., 1938-41, also various posts Am. Legion. Dir. N.Y. Co. Red Cross, 1949—; mem. N.Y. Co. Red Cross blood bank, 1950—; mem. veterans com., N.Y. Welfare Council. Decorated Officer Order of George I of Greece; received 10 and 15 Year medal New York National Guard. 10 and 15 yr. medal Squadron A, 10 yr. medal N.J. Nat. Guard. Formerly trustee Bard College, 1925-40; trustee The Protestant-Episcopal School. Member Society Colonial Wars, Sons Revolution, Society of Cincinnati (chaplain Rhode Island Soc.), Huguenot Soc., Pilgrims, Mil. Order Foreign Wars (chaplain gen., 1951), Mil. Order World Wars (chaplain, 1947), Mil. Chaplains Assn. U.S.A. (pres. 1952), S.A.R., N.Y. Chapter Mil. and Naval Officers World War, St. Nicholas Soc., Sojourners, St. Andrews Soc., Phi Delta Theta. Mason (32°, K.T., Shriner grand chaplain, N.Y.). Clubs: Union, Columbia U. |
Darlington, Henry, Jr. | b. 1925 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of Henry Darlington (1889-1955). BA, Columbia University, 1949. Salesman IBM, 1949-52; security salesman Cosgrave, Miller & Whitehead, 1952-55; general partner Hill, Darlington & Co., 1955-62; vice president B.J. Van Ingen & Co., Inc., 1956-59; registered rep. Cruttenden, Podesta and Miller, 1962; with syndicate department Loeb, Rhoades & Co., 1962-64, branch office administrator, 1964-67, vice president, 1967-71, registered rep., 1972-79; investment executive Shearson Loeb Rhoades, Inc. (now Salomon, Smith Barney), 1979-92; retired. Trustee Hoosac School, Hoosick, New York , 1968-75, Church Heavenly Rest Day School, New York City, 1968-74, Search and Care, New York City, 1972-87, vestryman Church Heavenly Rest, 1969-75; board directors Federation Protestant Welfare Agencies, 1962-89, assistant treasurer, 1971-79; board directors Episcopal Mission Society, 1979-89, St. Paul's Church, Rome, 1975-99, St. James' Church, Florence, Italy; trustee Board Foreign Parishes, 1975-97; warden Eglise Francaise du Saint Esprit, 1984-88. With US Naval Reserve, 1943-46, lieutenant Reserve, 1946-65. Member Sons of the American Revolution, St. Nicholas Society (president 1976-78), St. Andrews Society, St. George's Society, The Society of the Cincinnati, The Huguenot Society (president 1986-89), Society Colonial Wars in the State of New York , Florida and Vermont (governor 1991-93), Military Order of World Wars (New York chapter), New York Society Military and Naval Officers World War, Navy League U.S. (past secretary, treasurer We. Connecticut Council), Naval Order, Pilgrim Society, St. Andrew's Society, Most Venerable Order of Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, Army and Navy Club, Union Club, Univ. Club, Everglades Club, Piping Rock Club, Palm Beach Yacht Club, The Lansdowne Club, Delta Psi (trustee Alpha chapter 1953-58). |
Darrell, Edward Fairbairn | Exec. committee | d. 1941 |
Source(s): January 24, 1935, New York Times, 'Rights in danger, Dr. Butler warns': "In addition to Mr. Mellon, those elected members of the executive committee [of the Pilgrims] were George W. Burleigh, Edward F. Darrell, Louis C. Hay, Gates W. McGarrah, William Shields and Thomas W. Lamont, all of the class of 1935, Dr. William H. Wilmer of the class of 1936, and Dr. Ellsworth Elliot and Theodore Hetzler, class of 1937"; 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate); 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, 'The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history', p. 102, showing a Pilgrims document with executive members on it dated November 11, 1919, in which the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII and Duke of Windsor) is thanked for accepting an invitation. Founded E.F. Darrell & Co. in New York City in 1902. Member of New York Produce Exchange. President of St. George's Society. |
Darrell, Norris, Jr. | b. 1929 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Son of a CFR member. AB, Harvard University, 1951. LL.B. cum laude, Harvard University, 1954. Associate Sullivan & Cromwell, New York City, 1956-65, partner, 1965-92, senior partner European office Paris, 1968-71, senior counsel, 1993-. Trustee Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Inc., New York , 1974-81, United Student Aid Funds, Inc., Fishers, Ind., 1974-94, USA Group Inc., Fishers, Ind., 1993-2000, East Woods School, Oyster Bay, New York, 1974-79; hon. trustee Heckscher Museum, Huntington, New York ; board directors Lumina Foundation for Education, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind. Harvard Club New York , Pilgrims Society, River Club New York (board governors 1978-98), Cold Spring Harbor Beach Club, Edgartown Yacht Club. |
Davant, James Waring | b. 1917 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Student, University Virginia, 1939. From aviation cadet to lieutenant Commander US Naval Reserve, 1940-46. With Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis, 1945—1981, general partner, 1956—1981, member policy committee, 1963—1981, managing partner, 1964—1981, president, CEO, 1970—1971, chairman board, CEO, 1971—1980; chairman Paine Webber Inc., 1974—1981, retired, 1981. Chairman Association Stock Exchange Firms, 1966-68; board directors New York Stock Exchange, 1972-77, past chairman central market committee. Member Council Foreign Relations, Economic Club (chairman 1976-77, trustee), Pilgrims of U.S., Bond Club (New York City, governor 1965—, president 1972—). |
Davidson, 1st Viscount | 1889-1970 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition PC 1928; President: Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Councils; Anglo-Argentine Society; Patron, Maida Vale Hospital for Nervous Diseases. Called to Bar, Middle Temple, 1913; Private Sec. to Lord Crewe, Sec. of State for Colonies, 1910; to Rt Hon. L. Harcourt, 1910–15; to Rt Hon. A. Bonar Law, 1915–16; to Chancellor of Exchequer and Leader of House of Commons, 1916–20; MP (U) Hemel Hempstead Div. of Herts., Nov. 1920–Dec. 1923, and 1924–37; PPS to Leader of House of Commons, Nov. 1920–March 1921; to Rt Hon. S. Baldwin, Pres. Bd of Trade, 1921–22; to Mr Bonar Law, 1922–23; Chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster, 1923–24; Parly Sec. to Admiralty, Nov. 1924–27; Chm. Unionist Party, 1927–30; Chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster, 1931–37; Hon. Adviser, Commercial Relations, 1940, and Controller of Production, MOI, 1941; official tour of S America, 1942. Chm. Indian States Inquiry Cttee, 1932; Investigator Distressed Areas (W Cumberland), 1934; Chm. Ordnance Survey Interdeptl Cttee, 1935; Chm., Goodwill Trade Mission to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Cyprus, 1946. |
Davies, Glyn | Exec. committee | b. 1944 |
Source(s): October 10, 2002, The Times, 'Announcements': "The Rt Hon The Lord Carrington, KG, CH, GCMG, Mc, retiring after 20 years as President, presided at the 2002 annual meeting of the Pilgrims, held on September 23 at the American Embassy. Lord Carrington was succeeded as President by Field Marshal The Rt Hon The Lord Inge KG GCB. The Rt Rev David Say KCVO was succeeded as Honorary Chaplain by the Rt Rev David Conner, Dean of Windsor. Mr Robert M. Worcester, Chairman, Mr M. Peter Barton, Honorary Secretary, Sir Hugh Cubitt, CBE, JP, DL, the Hon Glyn Davies, The Lord Slynn of Hadley, Sir John Ure KCMG LVO and Mr Peter Viggers MP were re-elected to serve on the executive committee." Educated at Castle Ceareinion Primary School and Llanfair Caereinion High School. At the age of 50, he attended Aberystwyth University where he broadened his knowledge of Politics - he gained a Diploma in International Law and Politics. Davies' career in politics began in 1980 when he found his local District Council. He was Chairman of Montgomeryshire District Council from 1985–89, having previously served as Chair of the Planning Committee and Chair of the Finance Committee. Member of the National Assembly for Wales for the Welsh Conservative Party in the Mid and West Wales region from 1999 to 2007. Chair of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee in the First Assembly; and the Environment, Planning and Countryside Committee in the Second Assembly. Following the loss of his place in the National Assembly for Wales due to Conservative success elswhere in the region, Davies is seeking to challenge Lembit Opik, the Liberal Democrat MP for Montgomeryshire, at the next UK General election and was adopted as the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate. Former Chairman of the Development Board for Rural Wales and also served as a Member of the Welsh Development Agency and Wales Tourist Boards. |
Davies, Robert S. | d. 1990 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 16, 1991' (obituary list) Became a managing partner at Davies & Davies, an accounting firm established by his grandfather. He was a senior partner at his death. |
Davis, John Marcus | 1871-1944 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Ed. pub. and pvt. schs. and Houston (Tex.) Business Coll.; Successively clk., stenographer and chief clk., supts. and gen. mgrs. offices, S.P., Santa Fe and G.N. rys., until 1896; asst. supt. Northern S.S. Co., Buffalo, N.Y., 1896-98; asst. supt., later supt., G.N. Ry., 1898-1900; supt., Erie R. R., 1900-03; supt. and asst. gen. supt. G.N. Ry., 1903-06; gen. supt. U.P., and S.P. systems, Salt Lake City, Utah, later at San Francisco, Calif., 1906-14; gen. mgr. and v.p. in charge maintenance and operation B.&O. R.R., 1914-18, mgr. New York terminals same and S.I. Rapid Transit R.R., also mem. U.S. R.R. Administration Gen. Mgrs. Com., 1918-19; pres. Manning, Maxwell, & Moore, Inc., 1920-25; pres. D.L.&W. R.R. Co., 1925-41, chmn. bd. since 1941. Mem. advisory bd. N.Y. Ordnance Dist., U.S. War Dept. Dir. Cancer Research Fund and Moses Taylor Hosp. Mem. advisory bd. Sch. of Business (Columbia). Mem. New York Travelers Aid Society, Metropolitan Mus. of Art, Municipal Art Society, Soc. of the Genesee, Steuben County Society, Pilgrims of the United States. Clubs: Metropolitan, Recess, Railroad, Blind Brook Country, Sleepy Hollow Country (New York); Bohemian (San Francisco). |
Davis, John William | President | 1873-1955 |
Source(s): 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' (considered reliable, as most names, or descendants of those names, can be found in other sources. This pamphlet was presented to the House of Representatives by Congressman Jacob Thorkolsen on August 19, 1940. This pamphlet was placed in the New York Public Library on February 27, 1906, by Pilgrim Joseph H. Choate); Source(s): May 24, 1939, New York Times, 'Lindsay extolls Hull trade pact': "Among the Pilgrims who greeted Sir Ronald were J. P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont, John D. Rockefeller and John W. Davis."; October 26, 1939, New York Times, 'Lothian Asks Unity In Democratic Aims': "Among those listening to Lord Lothian were John D. Rockefeller Jr., Lieut. Gen. Hugh A. Drum, Count de Saint-Quentin, the French Ambassador; J. P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont, John W. Davis, Major Gen. John G. Harbord, Jules S. Bache, Ancell H. Ball, Edwin H. Denby, James W. Gerard, Charles D. Hilles, George A. McAneny, Jeremiah Milbank, Henry Morgenthau and Frank L. Polk."; 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, The Pilgrims of the United States - A centennial history' Democratic congressman from West Virginia 1911-1913. U. S. Solicitor general 1913-1918. Ambassador to Great Britain 1918-1921. Present at the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference. Chairman Davis, Polk and Wardwell law firm (clients included J.P. Morgan and Company and U.S. Steel). Chief Attorney for J. P. Morgan & Company. President of the English Speaking Union from 1921 to 1938. Founding president of the Council on Foreign Relations 1921-1933. Other founders of the CFR were Elihu Root and Paul Warburg. Director Council on Foreign Relations 1933-1955. Rejected appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court 1922. Democratic presidential candidate 1924. President of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York 1931-1932. Director American Telephone & Telegraph. Trustee Rockefeller Foundation. Davis supported the Crusaders, which was one of the Fascist front groups trying to overthrow FDR and his New Deal. The main organization was the American Liberty League. He was also a main organizer and executive member of the anti-New Deal Liberty League against FDR. Member of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, together with Pilgrims Thomas W. Lamont, Nicholas Murray Butler, James Gerard, Frank Polk, and Bishop James de Wolf Perry. Awarded the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire in 1953. |
Davis, Nicholas | b. 1939 |
Source(s): Who's Who UK digital edition Nat. Service, Queen’s Royal Regt, 1957; commnd Royal Regt of Artillery, 1959; served in UK, Cyprus, Hong Kong and Germany; COS, Catterick Garrison, N Yorks, 1982–85; Defence and Military Attaché, Hungary, 1986–91; retd 1992. Non-exec. Dir, Guildford and Waverley PCT, 2003–06. Trustee, Queen’s Royal Surrey Regtl Mus., 2003– (Chm., 2006–). Member: St John Council for Surrey, 1995– (Pres., Haslemere Div., 2000); Court, Univ. of Surrey, 1997–. Mem., Ex-Services Mental Welfare Soc. (Combat Stress), 2007–. Mem., Pilgrims Soc., 1996–. Gov., Corp. of Sons of the Clergy, 1997– (Mem., Court of Assts, 1999–2005). JP Inner London 1997–2002, SW Surrey 2002–09 (supplemental list); DL Surrey, 1997. Hon. Mem., Order of Vitéz (Hungary), 1994. DL; Independent Member: Standards Committee, Surrey County Council, 2001–May 2010 (Chairman, 2007–08); Standards Committee, Waverley Borough Council, since 2001 (Chairman, 2002–09); Secretary for Appointments and Chief Clerk, Duchy of Lancaster, 1992–2002. |
Davis, Pierpont V. | Exec. committee | 1884-1965 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; exec. committee 1958 list B.A., Yale, 1905. Began with Plympton Gardiner Co., investment bankers, N.Y.C., June 1906, and admitted to partnership in 1913. Resigned in 1916. Mem. New York Stock Exchange 1914-15. Became associated with National City Corporation in 1917 and was vice president from 1919 to 1934, when the company went into liquidation. Vice president and director of Brown [Brothers] Harriman & Co., June 1, 1934, renamed in 1939 to Harriman Ripley & Co. Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. was the main Wall Street connection for German companies and the varied U.S. financial interests of Fritz Thyssen, who had been an early financial backer of the Nazi party until 1938. Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. had bought and shipped millions of dollars of gold, steel, fuel, coal, and U.S. treasury bonds to Nazi Germany. President of Harriman Ripley & Co 1942-1956, and honorary president and director since 1956. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations since the late 1940s. Founding president of the Episcopal Church Foundation in 1950, which was co-founded by Averell Harriman, Prescott S. Bush, Eugene W. Stetson and George Whitney. |
Davis, Shelby Cullom | 1909-1994 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 26, 1995' (obituary list) Student, Lawrenceville School, New Jersey, 1926. AB, Princeton University, 1930. AM, Columbia University, 1931. Doctor Political Sci., University Geneva, 1934. Special corr., also asso. with Columbia Broacasting Co., Geneva, 1932-34; economist Investment Corp. Philadelphia, 1934-37; treasurer Delaware Fund, Inc., 1937-39; economic adviser Thomas E. Dewey, 1940; presidential campaigns; member New York Stock Exchange, 1941-94; chief foreign requirements section WPB, Washington, 1942, chief div. statistics and research New York , No. New Jersey, 1943; 1st deputy superintendent insurance New York State, 1944-47; managing partner Shelby Cullom Davis & Co. (investment bankers), New York City, 1947-69, 75-94; U.S. ambassador to Switzerland, Bern, 1969-75 Director Plimouth Plantation; chairman history adv. council Princeton University; board directors Hoover Institution, Fletcher School Diplomacy, Rockford College; chairman emeritus Heritage Foundation; past chairman National Right to Work. Member Fin. Analysts Association (president 1955-56), General Society Sons of the Revolution, Society Colonial Wars (governor), Mayflower Society Clubs: Knickerbocker, Univ., Sleepy Hollow Country, Princeton, Players (New York City); Hartford; Harbor (Maine); Down Town Association, Charter (Princeton); Everglades (Palm Beach, Florida). |
Davison, Henry Pomeroy | 1867-1922 |
Source(s): 1908 list (first year); 1914 list; 1920 list; 1940, John T. Whiteford, 'Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the British Empire' Came to the Astor Place Bank in 1891, the Liberty National Bank in 1894, and the First National Bank in 1902. Became a partner of J.P. Morgan & Company in 1909. Jekyll Island meeting 1910. Took part in the merging of three trust companies into the Guaranty Trust Company. Director of the Astor Trust Company, Bankers Trust Company and Liberty National, the First National Bank and the First Security Company. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. His son, Henry P. Davison, Jr., was in the Skull & Bones class of 1920, just as a couple of other members of the Davison family. This family is intermarried with the Aldrich, Rockefeller, Peabody and Stillman family (all Pilgrims). Involved with the Red Cross during WWI and received at least one 2 million dollar donation from co-Pilgrim George F. Baker. Jr., Henry Sturgis Morgan, and Thomas Stillwell Lamont were all chosen as partners of J.P. Morgan together in 1929. |
Dawes, Charles G. | 1865-1951 |
Source(s): June 19, 1929, New York Times, 'Anglo-American peace call sounded': "General Charles G. Dawes, the new American Ambassador to England, made his eagerly anticipated first public utterance in that capacity tonight at the Pilgrim Society dinner in his honor."; 1940 list Comptroller of the Currency 1897-1901. Organized the Central Trust Company of Illinois at Chicago in 1902. Organized Central Trust Co. of Ill., Chicago, 1902, of which he was pres., 1902-21, chmn. bd., 1921-25, hon. chmn. bd., 1930-31. Chairman of the General Purchasing Board of the Allied Expeditionary Forces during World War I (decided who got the contracts). Rose to the rank of Brig.-Gen. during WWI. The 1924 Dawes plan to save Germany's economy from total collapse was named after him. Nobel Peace Prize 1925. Vice President of the United States 1925-1929. Ambassador to Great Britain 1929-1932. Hon. chmn. bd. Central Republic Bank & Trust Co., 1931-32. Chmn. bd. City Nat. Bank & Trust Co. since Oct. 6, 1932. Chairman Reconstruction Finance Corporation starting in 1932. |
Day, Benjamin Mulford | b. 1886 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition Grad. Hamilton Inst., N.Y., 1905; LL.B., N.Y. U., 1907, LL.M., 1908. Admitted to N.Y. bar, and began practice in N.Y.C. Sec. com. on indsl. Interests and relations of Constl. Conv., State of N.Y., 1915; sec. Mayor’s Com. on Nat. Def., 1917; chief dep. collector internal revenue, N.Y., 1921-25; apptd. commr. of immigration, Ellis Island, 1926, re-apptd. 1930, resigned, 1931; apptd. mem. N.Y.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Bd., 1933. Pres. N.Y. Young Republican Club and sec. Nat. Republican Club. Capt. Mil. Intelligence Div., U.S. Army, 1917-19. Sec. judicial sect. of Am. Bar Assn., 1934; pres. N.Y. Soc. for Prevention of Crime, 1940, 41, 42. Mem. English-Speaking Union of U.S., Pilgrims of U.S., St. Nicholas Soc. of N.Y., Colonial Soc. of Pa., Phi Delta Phi. Baptist. |
Dean, Arthur Hobson | Exec. committee | 1898-1987 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; Pilgrims of the United States officers list; Pilgrims of the United States, 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Members, January 27, 1988' (obituary list) John Dulles' Law Partner in Sullivan & Cromwell 1929-1976. Consultant to Sullivan & Cromwell until 1979. Special Ambassador to Korea (1953-1954). Director Council on Foreign Relations 1955-1972. Attended the 1957 Bilderberg meeting. Chairman of the U.S. Delegation on Nuclear Arms Testing, Geneva, Switzerland in 1962. Vietnam War hawk. Member of Committee for An Effective and Durable Peace in Asia. New York Social Register. Century Club. Pacific Union Club. Member of the Foreign Policy Association. Director of the United Nations Association and Lazard Funds, Inc. Trustee Carnegie Foundation. Trustee of the Japan Society. |
Dean, Howard B. | - |
Source(s): 1969 list; 1974 list Appears to be the father of 2004 presidential candidate Howard B. Dean: Howard Brush Dean, Jr., a wealthy Dean Witter stock broker. |
Dean, Sir Patrick | Exec. committee | 1909–1994 |
Source(s): Pilgrims of Great Britain officers list On the outbreak of the Second World War, Dean accepted an appointment as assistant legal adviser in the Foreign Office and served throughout the war in that capacity, latterly being responsible for much of the legal preparation required for the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg. In 1945 he was offered, and accepted, appointment as an established member of the foreign service with the rank of counsellor, and in 1946 he was made head of the German political department of the Foreign Office, an appointment he held until 1950 during an important period of post-war reconstruction. He was appointed CMG in 1947. Dean was promoted in 1950 and served for two years as minister in the Rome embassy before returning to London as senior civilian instructor at the Imperial Defence College. This led naturally to the post of assistant under-secretary in the Foreign Office responsible for relations with the chiefs of staff and the intelligence services. He became chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) and remained in that capacity for over six years (1953-1960). In these early years of NATO and with no sign of softening in the attitude of Stalinist Russia, defence aspects of Foreign Office work had become of the greatest importance. Dean was advanced to KCMG in 1957 and spent several more years in the Foreign Office before being appointed in September 1960 to be the successor to Sir Pierson Dixon as UK permanent representative at the United Nations (UN). He was aged fifty-one. Dag Hammarskjöld was the UN secretary-general, then at the height of his influence; Kennedy was about to be elected president of the United States; and by the end of that year Adlai Stevenson was to be Dean's colleague in New York as United States ambassador to the UN. In retirement Dean took on mainly honorary (but also active and responsible) appointments such as chairman of the English-Speaking Union and chairman of the governors of Rugby School. He also served as a trustee of the Harkness fellowship foundation for fifteen years and as chairman of the court of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He was made an honorary fellow of Gonville and Caius College and of Clare College, Cambridge, as well as an honorary bencher of Lincoln's Inn; he was also elected an honorary doctor of law by six American universities. |
Debevoise, Eli Whitney | Exec. committee | 1899-1990 |
Source(s): Who's Who digital edition; P |