The ''Grassroots'' Myth: ''Liberal CIA'' Network of ''New Left'' Foundations, Media and Activist Groups - Much More Than Just George Soros

"Liberal CIA [is] the best mafia you can deal with in the 20th century."
1983, Harvard's mushroom, LSD and DMT pioneer Dr. Timothy Leary. 1
- Initial questions
- “Liberal CIA” explained
- Rockefellers and friends as "superclass CIA"
- 1976 Church Committee: CIA loves elite foundations for cover
- The "real CIA"
- CIA at home or abroad: infiltrate, disinform, polarize, destabilize
- Google: "WH and State Dept. support [to do what] CIA cannot..."
- HP tied in with the CIA? George Soros too?
- "Liberal CIA" managing Brazilian governments
- Why you were never a rebel - but here's how you can be
- Notes
Categories of "liberal CIA" financing - The engine: key foundations
- Defunct media
- Magazines and radio
- Online news: US and international
- Online encyclopedias
- Activist movements
- Green movement
- New Religions Movement
- Psychedelics
- Psychedelics-science overlap
- Extra: cryptocurrency
- Individuals
- Feminism
- Pro-Third World immigration and black activism
- Appendix A: The No-Planers of 9/11 "Truth"
- Appendix B: Cult of National Security Trolls: Art Bell and C2C AM
- Appendix C: Alex Jones of Infowars Admits to CIA and "Army Special Forces" Family
"A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA."
Superclass member Allen Weinstein, co-founder of the National Endowment for Democracy. 2
"Any of the programs which ... were conducted as covert operations [can now, through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) network, be] conducted quite openly, and consequentially, without controversy."
1973-1976 CIA director William Colby (CFR 1975-), whose wife, Sally (CFR 1979-), was a NED director 1983-1992, treasurer anno 1986, and vice chair 1987-1988. 3
"It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the C.I.A. We saw that in the 60's, and that's why it has been discontinued. We have not had the capability of doing this, and that's why the endowment was created."
Carl Gershman (CFR 1993-), NED's founding president from 1983 to 2021. 4
"I agree with you that there is nothing to prevent an individual from exerting as much influence through his work in a private foundation as he could through work in the government or in many other kinds of organization."
March 17, 1952 letter of Richard Bissell, Jr., the soon-to-be CIA deputy director of operations under Allen Dulles, to Milton Katz of the Ford Foundation and Carnegie Endowment. 5
Total combined assets (2017): roughly $143 billion (apart from Google, Facebook and the Dutch Postcode Loterij). And there are at least two dozen other important ones.
1. | Extra! magazine | 7. | Public Radio International (PRI) |
2. | Harper's | 8. | Rolling Stone |
3. | In These Times | 9. | The American Prospect |
4. | Mother Jones | 10. | The Nation |
5. | National Public Radio (NPR) | 11. | The New Republic |
6. | Pacifica Radio | 12. | The Progressive |
1. | AlterNet | 12. | Inst. for Non-Profit News |
2. | Brave New Films | 13. | The Media Consortium |
3. | Business Insider | 14. | PBS |
4. | Buzzfeed | 15. | |
5. | Consortium News | 16. | The Daily Beast |
6. | Counterpunch | 17. | The Young Turks |
7. | Daily Kos | 18. | Truthdig |
8. | Democracy Now! | 19. | Truthout |
9. | | 20. | Vice Media |
10. | Free Speech TV | 21. | Vox Media |
11. | Huffington Post | 22. | Washington Monthly |
1. | The Guardian / The Observer | 5. | NL: Follow the Money |
2. | IPS | 6. | NL: Investigative Desk |
3. | Moscow Times | 7. | NL: |
4. | NL: |
Dedicated ISGP article: Psychedelics and elites.
1. | Buckminster Fuller Institute | 3. | TED Talks |
2. | Macy Foundation | 4. | TED Talks: Edge Foundation |
1. | Bitcoin Foundation | 4. | Ethereum / Vitalik Buterin |
2. | Vincent Briatore / The Allegiant | 5. | IOTA |
3. | Digital Currency Group | 6. | Ameer Rosic |
1. | Saul Alinsky | 13. | David Ray Griffin | 25. | John D. Marks |
2. | Noam Chomsky | 14. | Morton Halperin | 26. | Abby Martin |
3. | Ramsey Clark | 15. | Katrina v/d Heuvel | 27. | Michael Moore |
4. | Alexander Cockburn | 16. | Adam Hochschild | 28. | Greg Palast |
5. | William S. Coffin, Jr. | 17. | David Horowitz | 29. | David Martin Phillips |
6.. | Francis Ford Coppola | 18. | Arianna Huffington | 30. | John Podesta |
7. | Barbara Ehrenreich | 19. | Dahr Jamail | 31. | Bernie Sanders |
8. | Daniel Ellsberg | 20. | Van Jones | 32. | Joseph Stiglitz |
9. | Richard Falk | 21. | John Kiriakou | 33 | Oliver Stone |
10. | Buckminster Fuller | 22. | Nick Kristof | 34 | Howard Zinn |
11. | Amy Goodman | 23. | Norman Lear | ||
12. | Sen. Mike Gravel | 24. | Amber Lyon |
"The next day, in Washington, the same arguments were made by other NSA [National Student Association] leaders to Sol Stern, who was writing the story [why its CIA relationship shouldn't be exposed]. They actually advanced the intriguing contention that such a disclosure would be damaging to the enlightened men of the "liberal" internationalistic wing of the CIA who were willing to provide clandestine money to domestic progressive causes."
"I had all sorts of dirty tricks to hurt their circulation and financing. The people running Ramparts were vulnerable to blackmail. We had awful things in mind, some of which we carried off, though Ramparts fell of its own accord. We were not the least inhibited by the fact that the CIA had no internal security role in the United States."
CIA officer Edgar "Eddie" Applewhite about his 1967 operation against Ramparts magazine at the behest of Desmond FitzGerald. 7 |

It wasn't until 2014, while writing ISGP's Cult of National Security Trolls article, that I really began to notice the extent of the manipulation of the political and religious/spiritual left in society, largely by certain liberal Eastern Establishment families and individuals. I always could see it to some extent, but for years on end I was bogged down in research dealing with the "traditional" CIA: drug, death squads, assassination, the neocon alliance starting in the late 1970s, and more.
But... what about "the left"? Even more so because the CIA leadership itself always seems to be much more liberal and globalist than the ultraright militants it loves to use around the world - not unlike a Rupert Murdoch owning Fox News. Well, the problem was, there was just never that much to be found.
Of course, huge amounts of (questionable) articles exist about Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR and "the globalists" running them, but... those are pro-corporate liberal elites. We know that they simply must control just about the entirety of the media and most western political parties - from the liberals to labor and the greeners; even the socialists - just based on the endless and very systematic open borders propaganda coming from all of these groups. It almost appears as if there's a CIA aspect to that control, but this turns out to be very hard to define, let alone prove.
However, if we skip the obviously globalist, big business, liberal elite elements for a second... what about all this really low-level, seemingly grassroots activism, from psychedelic gurus of the 1960s to the much more modern Occupy Wall Street, Anonymous, Wikileaks and Edward Snowden, to all these relatively small "new left" media outlets? A lot of these elements do come across as propagandist, with most being as pro-open borders as Bilderberg elites.
And what about those strange activist sites of the early 2000s, when I was starting out with this type of research? Sites as Indymedia and GNN? What about "anti-establishment" left-wing political gurus as Noam Chomsky and Oliver Stone? Can they really lead us the way into the light? Chomsky's blatant denial of basic JFK and 9/11 questions is the reason that I hardly even bothered to read his work. It always surprised me how anyone ever could take him serious because of it. The same goes for Oliver Stone with regard to 9/11.
Most recently, I started to wonder what is up with all these strange "antifa" street protests in favor of open borders, especially when Trump came onto the scene. They just never fit with the opinions of the people around me. In fact, I've never heard any white person in person voluntarily claim that Third Wolrd immigration is a good thing, or even a "neutral" thing, with at least in private people acknowledging they see little more than problems with it.
In early 2015 these were definitely questions in my mind, but I didn't really try to find answers to them. Still, I did start to notice more and more peculiarities. The first one was that alternative media outlet Democracy Now! on occasion receives major financing from the Ford Foundation. At the time this blew my mind, because donations like these are very easy-to-spot proof that the government - or superclass - is financing supposedly independent opposition groups to the regular media. After all, the historical board of the Ford Foundation is very elite and deeply tied to the Rockefellers, the CFR and the CIA. In addition, a lot of the grants written by the Ford Foundation used to be on behalf of the CIA, similar to the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Corporation. 8 Officially the ties with the CIA were cut, but the type of funding and the board members stayed the same.
The Democracy Now! financing reminded me of "rumors" that the similarly "anti-establishment" The Nation magazine also has ties to the superclass. Ater a little looking around, turns out it does: the Ford, Soros and Rockefeller Brothers Fund foundations all have poured their money in over the years. How strange.
Around the same time I ran into the Drug Policy Alliance, an outfit with massive Eastern Establishment backing - from George Soros to George Shultz and everyone in between - that pushes not just marijuana legalization, but also stimulates research into MDMA, DMT, ayahuasca, ibogaine, mushrooms and other psychedelics. While today ISGP has a dedicated article on the history and elite ties of the psychedelics movement, mainly due to time constraints, at the time I did little with all this information, assuming for the time being that these ties and financing were incidental.
Actually, I did try to inform Joe Rogan about this last fact regarding the Drug Policy Alliance, considering his extreme interest in psychedelics, but that was about it. As usual, this effort fell on deaf ears. Rogan, as it turns out, transforms into an extremely suspicious character whenever conspiracy topics are brought up. This introduction is not the place to discuss this, but it's ironic that a year later Rogan actually invited Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance and Soros agent par excellence, to his podcast for the first time. During the hours-long conversation, not a word was mentioned by either person of all the big establishment money behind the Drug Policy Alliance. It's one of numerous instances that made me wonder to what extent the debate on the left is controlled by the superclass.
Questions and partial answers kept piling up throughout 2015 and 2016. Awaiting clarification, I actually couldn't finish more than half a dozen articles. In one I had to discuss superclass influence on the environmental movement, in another the so-called new religions movement, and in yet others topics as NSA domestic spying, Occupy Wall Street, the "new left" media, psychedelics, professional skeptics, George Soros, Jeffrey Epstein, Joe Rogan, or crop circles. As already determined to a large extent in the 2014 Cult of National Security Trolls article, each and every time the same elite foundations and individuals appeared to be operating in the background, also while exploring these related subjects.
I briefly tried discussing this elite network in sections of ISGP's Coast to Coast AM and Alex Jones articles, but by early 2016 the situation had become really unmanageable. Apart from virtually duplicate content being generated throughout the site, it was clear that a ton of additional research and organizing still was needed. Really the only way to go was to create a separate oversight of whatever this network is. The result the reader can find here.
This page is not exactly an article in the traditional sense. It's more like a quick reference guide by presenting brief summaries of a vast range of organizations and, even more important, supplementing it with credible sources. It's also structured in such a way that updating - including the updating of other ISGP articles that tie into this oversight - is made as easy as possible.
This easy updating aspect turned out to be essential, because an endless amount of additions have been made since the first version of this oversight. The main problem is that the discussion of this network, and certainly in the manner that it is done here, has been a rather unique endeavor. I had to gather sources from everywhere, in many cases having no other choice than to manually crawl through annual reports and Form 990s in order to figure out who has been financing what. From there I would run into other foundations and organizations that needed checking. You're talking thousands of hours of research and writing at this point for ISGP's "liberal CIA" series.
"Liberal CIA" explained: controlled opposition aspect of the liberal Eastern Establishment

Earliest history: Vincent Astor was a key founder of secretive private intelligence network "The Room" and Walrus Club pre-WWII, which liasoned with British intelligence chief Sir Stewart Menzies and spawned the OSS and CIA. Nelson Rockefeller was part of this network.
In 2016, while studying the liberal "new left" establishment for the first time, I sometimes ran across insiders to the liberal foundation network who were talking about working with "liberal CIA ... the best mafia you can deal with in the twentieth century" 9. Or you read about them appealing to the "enlightened men of the liberal internationalistic wing of the CIA who were willing to provide clandestine money to domestic progressive causes." 10
Subsequently, often from sources dating to later decades, I see these persons and their cliques flock around foundations as Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Soros, Tides, Turner and others. Then I find that the first two of these foundations, along with USAID, back in the 1950s and 1960s took over CIA financing of the important America-Africa Institute in order to prevent potential negative backlash. 11 Next, as already mentioned, it turned out that the first three, known as the "Big Three" foundations, had a good portion of their total grant-making dictated by the CIA in the 1950s and early 1960s, until this was exposed and supposedly these foundations became "independent" from the CIA. 12
Still later I run into obscure quotes of National Endowment for Democracy co-founders Allen Weinstein, Carl Gershmann, and former CIA director William Colby, all explaining how this foreign internation-type NGO was literally founded to turn covert CIA financing into much less controversial overt "humanitarian" funding, also allowing much greater sums to be transferred all over the world. 13 It should be noted here that "foreign intervention" NGOs as the NED, National Democratic Institute, International Republican Institute, Freedom House, and USAID all have incredible close ties to the "liberal CIA" NGOs. This is not just in heavily overlapping funding, but also in the historical preponderance of CFR members on the boards. The ties between these foundation have actually been discussied in ISGP's article on the CFR.
More and more all these endless little hints made me suspect that the Rockefeller family and their associates indeed are CIA. In fact, while updating this intro in 2023, the Institute for Non Profit News was discovered and added. Turns out it was founded in 2009 at the Rockefeller's Pocantico Center by a group of journalists "to plan the future of investigative journalism". With the aid of the usual Soros, Ford and other "liberal CIA" foundations, the INN started pouring money into more than 400 "independent news organizations", all with "anti-racism" as a core policy. That sounds very much like something the CIA would have been tasked to do at one point. And there are just endless examples of that.
Of course, evidence along these lines had been creeping up long before, but I never really attached establishment CIA operations to the "new left", "alternative" media and anti-Wall Street activist groups pushing for social reform. I never even knew these top foundations were so deeply involved in this. It's such a sensitive issue really that it is not a surprise that Google, with the aid of western governments and the "liberal CIA" foundations, and operating through NGOs as the Global Disinformation Index, have been cooperating in the manual downranking (read: censoring) of all conservative websites that, certainly since the Trump years, have increasingly been pointing out these "leftist" foundation ties. Even though they mainly focus on Soros, this is a sensitive issue. And they do on occasion expand beyond Soros.
Truth is, for the longest time, I was quite uncomfortable with the term "liberal CIA". Despite that, on a regular basis I kept finding evidence of its accuracy. For example, one late addition to this oversight is famous inventor and scientific theorist Buckminster Fuller. At first glance, it sounds utterly ridiculous to label Buckminster Fuller "CIA". But I maintained these suspicions based on Fuller's involvement in the (Laurance Rockefeller-influenced) Esalen Institute and because he has been such an inspiration to various members that built the psychedelic movement, not to mention the curious John Brockman of the Edge Foundation and TED Talks-tied annual Billionaires' Dinners. In the end, it's just a "gut feeling" based on a limited number of facts.
But, as usual, where there's smoke, there's fire. Months later I ran into the fact that Fuller's closest associate in writing a lot of his key work was E. J. Applewhite, a CIA covert operations officer who actually was assigned the job of undermining the (bizarre) left-wing Ramparts magazine. Apart from the fact that this is the gazillonth piece of evidence that the CIA has always been active domestically, and not exactly in a legal manner, it also clearly ties Fuller to the CIA.
Another few months later I find that Brendan O. Regan has been "Research Coordinator for R. Buckminster Fuller". There's no absolute proof, but looking at Regan's deep involvement in SRI and IONS, as well as a number of statements that exist about him, he appears to have been an important CIA officer (or asset) and in any case was an important national security insider.
Yet another few months later I find that early board members of the Buckminster Fuller Institute have included Margaret Mead, whose Macy Conferences can be linked to the CIA's MKULTRA program, among other ties of hers; Norman Cousins, a Pilgrims Society member who founded the United World Federalists under the CIA's Cord Meyer; and Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, a daughter of David Rockefeller and future vice chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Obviously, the Rockefeller family has been best friends with a number of past CIA directors, most notably the Dulles brothers, John McCone and Richard Helms.
So, what are we left to conclude here? Certainly that there is something going on here with Buckminster Fuller that we, the masses, have never been informed about. The same goes for all other persons, institutes and media outlets discussed here. There are all kinds of covert elite and national security/CIA overlaps. And, ultimately, shedding light on these anomalies is all that this oversight is trying to accomplish.
Rockefellers and friends as "superclass CIA"

Keep in mind, these debates usually are utterly realistic with "actors" having adopted a decades-long or even life-long cover-personality. I discuss this aspect in ISGP's Cult of National Security Trolls article.
Actually, soon after the original version of this introduction here was done, I added chapters to ISGP's Pilgrims Society article, including The Cold War Rockefeller CIA network, in which the CIA connections of the Rockefeller family and their closest friends are summarized. Turns out, the family not only maintained friendships with CIA directors, secretaries of state, national security advisors and presidents, Nelson and especially David Rockefeller (and through him, certainly also Laurance Rockefeller) were briefed by CIA division chiefs on covert operations and actively fronted for the CIA in the anti-communist "Cultural Cold War". The same goes for most of their closest establishment friends (most of whom have been Pilgrims).
In other words, for the longest time the CIA directorship and other key government positions involved in the oversight of the most secret operations actually were handed to key members of the liberal Rockefeller establishment, forming a kind of "superclass CIA" network that sat on top of the "bureaucratic CIA" - or even the Special Group, the CIA oversight body that fell under the national security advisor. Certainly not everyone agreed all the time (far from it), but a system was created in which proteges of political, banking and think tank elites invariably emerged as leading candidates for the exact same positions their mentors held. In this process, the concept of a separate Democrat and Republican Party can be tossed overboard, because both fall under the Rockefeller-led globalist system operating through the CFR, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission. This process was barely even interrupted with the November 2016 election of "conservative CIA" asset Donald Trump. Not only did Trump fail to do anything effective to stop Third World immigration, he too filled key cabinet posts with persons tied to Henry Kissinger, George Shultz and James Woolsey.
The ties of the Rockefellers and their friends to the CIA and national security state, as well as the grooming process in establishment circles, is described in much more detail in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article. With the passing of David Rockefeller in March 2017, the era of Rockefeller globalization might be over. But the elite NGOs and liberal CIA foundations remain in place and are bigger than ever. This structure is so massive it's hard to even paint an accurate image in words.
1976 Church Committee: CIA loves elite foundations for cover
In another huge coincidence - if we can even call it that at this point - it wasn't until early 2018, a solid two years after this article and everything above was written, that I ran into a very obscure part of the 1976 Church Committee report. Even today in 2018, I only found one obscure back-alley/data-dump link that includes the entire Church Committee report, including its foundation segment, and accessible for free. One assumes such a thing can only be due to the report's sensitivity. As for the foundation network, the report reads:
"During the 1950s and 1960s, the CIA turned increasingly to covert action in the area of student and labor matters, cultural affairs, and community developments. ... The CIA subsidized, advised, and even helped develop "private" organizations that would compete with the communists around the world. ... [Many] were U.S.-based student, labor, cultural, or philanthropic organizations whose international activities the CIA subsidized. ... "The philanthropic [CIA] fronts used prior to 1967 funded a seemingly limitless range of covert action programs affecting youth groups, labor unions, universities, publishing houses, and other private institutions in the United States and abroad. ... Support [was provided to, for instance] an international organization of veterans and an international foundation for developing countries [as well as] an organization of journalists and an international women's association. ... Agency funds were used to host foreign visitors [and] provide scholarships to an international cooperative training center at a United States university... The CIA assisted in the establishment in 1951 and the funding for over a decade of a research institute at a major American university. ... "By 1967, when public disclosure of NSA [National Student Association]'s funding ... caused a major curtailment of these activities, interest in the major covert action efforts in these areas was already waning. "There appear to be two reasons for this. First, there was considerable skepticism within the CIA as to the effectiveness of this approach. ... Richard Helms [explained], "The clandestine operator ... is trained to believe that you really can't count on the honesty of your agent to do exactly what you want or to report accurately unless you own him body and soul." "Second, it became increasingly difficult to conceal the CIA funds that supported these activities as the scale of the operations grew. By fiscal year 1967, for example, over $3 million [$22.5 million in 2018] was budgeted for youth and student programs and $6 million [$45 million in 2018] for labor. Most of the funds were transmitted through legitimate or "devised" foundations -- that is, fictitious entities established by the CIA. "The use of philanthropic organizations was a convenient way to pass funds, in that large amounts could be transferred rapidly, and in a form that need not alert unwitting officers of the recipient organizations to their source. In addition, foundation grants bestowed upon the recipient the apparent "blessing" of the foundation. The funding pattern involved a mixture of bona fide charitable foundations, devised foundations and funds, [CIA] "front men" drawn from a list of America's most prominent citizens, and lawyers representing undisclosed clients. "The CIA's intrusion into the foundation field in the 1960s can only be described as massive. Excluding grants from the "Big Three" -- Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie -- of the 700 grants over $10,000 given by 164 other foundations during the period 1963-1966, at least 108 involved partial or complete CIA funding. More importantly, CIA funding was involved in nearly half the grants the non-"Big Three" foundations made during this period in the field of international activities. In the same period more than one-third of the grants awarded by non-"Big Three" in the physical, life and social sciences also involved CIA funds. "Bona fide foundations, rather than those controlled by the CIA, were considered the best and most plausible kind of funding cover for certain kinds of operations. A 1966 CIA study explained the use of legitimate foundations was the most effective way of concealing the CIA's hand as well as reassuring members of funded organizations that the organization was in fact supported by private funds." 14 |
Although it's a shame that the reports circumvents mentioning the exact level of CIA ties of the "big three" foundations, and also excludes the names of all organizations (including "publishing houses") the CIA was financing, this report remains quite incredible. For starters, so many elements of this supposedly defunct CIA network are extremely recognizable in the modern world:
- There are the "big three": Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie - to this day key foundations in this "new" "liberal CIA" network.
- There is the shared "America's most prominent citizens" component.
- While the focus is a little different today, we also see that all the same type of NGO and seemingly non-NGO organizations are being funded.
- Arguably today's foundation network is making use of a variety of fronts to channel or launder a portion of its grants through. A lot of major foundations have been financing more minor foundations or institutes, which in turn finance other, often relatively obscure, or controversial, groups. The Tides Foundation, Threshold Foundation, Sunlight Foundation, and the Alliance for Global Justice are examples of this. The Proteus Fund is another candidate. It doesn't even have to be about controversy, such as with the Warren Buffett family's NoVo Foundation pumping multi-millions annually in the Nike Foundation and the New World Foundation, the latter chaired by Hillary Clinton in the 1980s and more recently the recipient of financing from Black Lives Matter activist and singer Beyonce. Today it is very common that foundation A is financing foundation B, with both making contributions to foundation or institute C. Much of this seems to be about creating the illusion of a more diverse funding base, making the situation look less conspicuous. Along that same line, it is basically the norm that major foundations switch places all the time with the institutes they finance. It seems very clear though that these grants are coordinated at a very high level.
To summarize, it looks as if today's modern "liberal CIA" network is an improved, more deniable version of the one first unearthed in 1967 and discussed more in-depth by the Church Committee in 1976. The foundations, supplemented with corporate financing in many places, are so large these days - with a good number of them focused on very overt "democracy-sponsoring" (i.e. coup-plotting) - that the CIA doesn't need to transfer black budget funds through them anymore. The Agency can just focus on... whatever it is they are focused on - which might well be the continued penetration of upcoming American businesses and foundations, western political parties, and any potential "alternative" media and activism networks. In this last instance, think 9/11 "Truth", for example, or many elements of the conservative controlled opposition network, which only has very few foundations backing it. Somebody has to pay all those John Birchers and conspiracy Nazis. Alex Jones and Jeff Rense are just two names that come to mind.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is heavily focused on healthcare issues in Africa, in the process more subtlely pushing for open borders from Africa to the First World. The Rockefeller Foundation also is strongly focused Africa, including the AIDS issue.
The relatively new Omidyar Network is involved in Africa, but also in the high-tech sector. Along with Soros, Google, and Rockefeller Brothers Fund, it supports Wikileaks and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, as well as some of the groups revolving around them, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
All of the above foundations are closely tied to the Clinton Global Initiave, clearly showing the U.S. Democrat Party to be the favorite of globalists today.
Multi-billionaire foundations as Hewlett and Packard, not listed here, are predominantly focused on environmental issues.
As for Soros, he is now spending up to a billion dollars a year undermining undesirable "populist" presidents all throughout the West, including Trump in the United States, and Eastern Europe - and has operations throughout the world, working alongside USAID, Madeleine Albright's National Democratic Institute, the National Endowment for Democracy and other NGOs. It is very much possible that Soros' entire Open Society Foundations network is loaded from top to bottom with (deniable) CIA agents. The Ford Foundation, at least in the United States, is very active along the same political lines - "anti-racism" and LGBTQ rights - and has been rumored to be an arm of the CIA for many decades at this point. Together, these two foundations alone are worth $32 billion.
That $32 billion was worth $4.3 billion in 1967. If these foundations spent the minimum number of 5% of that, together they would be spending $215 million back in 1967, over three times more than the CIA had trouble hiding back in those days. Then consider that all major "liberal CIA" foundations today are worth about $150 billion together, so back in 1967 these foundations - if they all would have existed with the wealth they have today - would have been spending a minimum of roughly $1 billion annually.
Looking at these numbers, it seems clear why the Rockefeller network, with close friends as former CIA director Richard Helms, developed such an obsession with developing corporate and billionaire philanthropy. In recent years alone, much of Silicon Valley has been recruited, which is obvious just by looking at their extremely uniform political allegiances: they're all Democrat and all pro-Third World immigration - and the only "dissenter", Peter Thiel, is a billionaire Bilderberg steering committee member deeply involved in the financing of what appear to be controlled opposition networks. Creating such a giant network of philanthropists makes sense if one wants to have a huge pool of money available that can transferred to tightly-controlled research institutes, action groups and "alternative" media outlets that need it to survive - with the ability to hide these CIA-type donations within a larger pool of funds that seemingly go to perfectly legitimate philanthropic organizations.
That having been said, modern billionaire philanthropy is questionable business at best. Much of it comes down to social and media pressure and rich people preferring to spent money on pet projects (and reaping prestige while pretending not to care about that), and getting some additional positive media attention for their businesses in the process. Instead, it can be argued that it would be better if most of the funds locked in elite tax-exempt foundations are taxed and spend by national governments on roads, public transport, healthcare, social security and related programs to help the poor, the environment, border security (limiting Third World immigration), projects to increase the native white birth rate, and so much more. Private philanthropy has traditionally hardly existed in north-west Europe and, certainly before the problem of mass Third World immigration, have been the best-organized post-World War II societies in the history of the world. The U.S., on the other hand, with all its corporate philanthropy, has been the best example in the West of severe labor exploitation, huge income inequality, a huge lack of social and health care programs, and a terrible state of public transport. What we have here instead is that hundreds of millions of dollars that should have been taxed, are spent on attacking a democratically-elected president, Donald Trump.
Someone could counter with the argument that Trump is a huge problem, especially with regard to social programs and the environment. True, but at the same time there's quite a bit of evidence discussed elsewhere on ISGP that "populist" extremists as Trump are little more than controlled opposition assets - and that a lot of extreme "left-versus-right" bickering that is so typical of the U.S. (and increasingly more in Europe all of a sudden with the rise of "populism") actually is sponsored by the national security state, with a huge portion of the left-wing element being taking care of by major foundations. Maybe if this extremely large network of globalist "liberal CIA" NGOs didn't exist, or was much smaller, all of a sudden the CIA wouldn't have the capability anymore to keep this conservative controlled opposition element in our society under control. That's speculation, but what is fact is that the foundations discussed here absolutely play an overwhelming role in managing left-wing dissent in our society. And also that they most certainly are behaving like they are part of a private intelligence agency.
Ultimately, I suspect that the whole "liberal CIA" network initially came together rather organically as a combination of genuine liberal ideas (but not necessarily socialist) within the Eastern Establishment and the need to satisfy and maintain an anti-communist left in the West. The core of this network early on was formed through the close relationship between David Rockefeller and CIA director Allen Dulles (whom David Rockefeller promised the Ford Foundation presidency if Dulles wasn't elected CIA director), Dulles' protege John McCone, and then Richard Helms. During this early period more and more CIA-linked conspiracies took place, including CIA drug trafficking, the 1963 JFK assassination, and MKULTRA. Meanwhile, opposition arose to the Vietnam War, more and more alternative media outlets became available, and eventually the internet came along, followed by an ever-worsening Third World immigration crisis and the 9/11 event, both of which sparked huge new waves of government skeptics. It appears that with each step this elite network became more elaborate and sophisticated in managing dissent in western society. Arguably control over left-wing thinking has always been deemed the most important, because it is the most sophisticated and, due to urbanization, increasingly widespread, with Third World immigration being the primary obsession of the liberal superclass. Thus, the need for elaborate control and promotion of globalism at all levels of the left led to the build up of foundations that could be promoted by (the already controlled) media as independent. In contrast, right-wingers only need to be portrayed as a bunch of crazy, conspiracy-mongering bigots or hopelessly impractical isolationists. The CIA budget might be able to handle that. But it appears it couldn't handle managing the left all around the West and in various other places in the world. Thus, the "liberal CIA" foundations were built up.
However, where the CIA and its covert domestic arm begins and the NGO leadership ends is impossible to say at this point. We need to get much more detail on how people are recruited and who exactly is steering assets around, and where, including those contacting ISGP.
The "real CIA"
The coincidences keep stacking up. Around the same time that I ran into the 1976 Church Committee report describing the CIA's fondness of using elite foundations - large or small - to launder its funds through, I also ran into a 1989 article series of Lyndon LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review. EIR might not be the most ideal stand-alone source, but their description of the "real CIA" is just too relevant to pass over here. It is very unique in its detail and ISGP fully agrees with them - a conclusion reached independently:
"The Anglo-American financial Establishment operates principally through an octopus-like structure made
up of think tanks, tax-exempt foundations, and law firms which, in turn, act to spawn civic movements, protest groups, political action committees, and even pseudo-religions, as it suits their purposes. ... "[This] "real CIA" [is] a vast octopus extending far beyond the compound at Langley, Virginia and penetrating many agencies of government, as well as most think tanks on behalf of private financier interests rather than any elected agency of government. ... The "real CIA" [is] running [a] vast social engineering operation against the American public... "Back in the immediate postwar period, some Establishment "spooks," such as IBM founder Thomas "Pop" Watson argued that the covert operations function should be run exclusively through private agencies such as the major Anglo-American multinational corporations, banks, and law firms, as they had been prior to World War II. "An uneasy compromise was struck, such that, even as the CIA was being established, parallel private agencies such as the Rand Corporation and the Ford Foundation were coming into being as well. From the outset, Rand, the Ford Foundation, and other foundations and think tanks were firmly under the top-down control of the "utopians," [Rockefeller globalists] whose vision of a postwar world federalist arrangement [global goverment with less powerful local authorities] was reflected in their sponsorship of the "post-industrial society" myth, the ecology movement, the New Age, and the drug-rock counterculture. "This world federalist faction has also been in the forefront of efforts to revive the Trust, a global power-sharing arrangement with Bolshevik Russia that had been attempted at the time of the Russian Revolution and up through Stalin's consolidation of power in the 1930s." 15 |
These comments were based on statements LaRouche was making in 1973, but the original quotes cannot be found at this point. The only thing available is that someone back in 1974 in EIR-predecessor magazine, the New Solidarity International Press Service, wrote that the "real CIA" is synonymous with the "Rockefeller-CIA cabal" and "CIA establishment" 16, and that "blowing official CIA activities and personnel to cover the activities of the real CIA" 17 is quite common practice by this establishment.
EIR actually appears to have been the only alternative publication to have picked up on the fact that the Eastern Establishment tried to form a privately-funded intelligence agency that would serve as the successor to World War II's OSS. Truman did not agree and played his part in seeing to the creation of the CIA in 1947. True, the CIA was founded and dominated by the Eastern Establishment as well, but at least it was set up as a federal apparatus. The original source for this privately-funded CIA network is a mainstream book from 1972 on the history of the OSS that was discussed in the Washington Post at the time. The book reads:
"Private enterprise at first hoped to fill the void [of what would become the OSS successor]. One former OSS Deputy Director approached Thomas Watson of IBM with a business proposition. Why not form a private intelligence organization and offer its services on contract to the government? These two men raised the initial capital for the venture, but their efforts were in vain. The White House soon approved the creation of [the] Central Intelligence Agency." 18
This is a pretty amazing statement, especially in light of the fact that the unnamed OSS deputy director and Thomas Watson - a Nazi collaborator whose family members have been generational members of the Pilgrims Society, alongside the Rockefellers - had already raised the funds for this operation. Did IBM put up the money by itself? Or did Eastern Establishment friends as Nelson Rockefeller, Vincent Astor, Winthrop Aldrich, the Mellons and future top-level CIA officer Kermit Roosevelt help put up these funds? After all, as this author rediscovered, pre-World War II there existed "The Room" and the Walrus Club in New York City, which constituted a private intelligence network combining British intelligence, the American OSS - through OSS chief William Donovan and Pilgrim elitist David Bruce - and the elite families just mentioned (except Mellon). Whether or not something was secretly done with Thomas Watson's private intelligence network is impossible to say, but it most certainly should be clear that these elite interests did, in fact, form a kind of private intelligence network that is more secret that the CIA itself. As a matter of fact, it has never been exposed, despite copious amounts of evidence for its existence. "Liberal CIA", "conservative CIA" and conspiracy disinformation networks, including those aspects funded by Laurance Rockefeller, all point in that direction.
As for LaRouche's comment that the "real CIA" of Eastern Establishmentarians regularly exposes the official, bureaucratic CIA, that is an interesting statement to reflect on in light of all the New York Times, Washington Post and modern "new left" magazine exposés about right-wing CIA activities, from ties to the National Student Association in the 1960s, to domestic activity related to the anti-Vietnam War movement in the early 1970s, followed by MKULTRA, the Phoenix Project and other right-wing CIA programs; to Iran-Contra and the BCCI in the 1980s, to Blackwater and extraordinary renditions right after 9/11. I certainly have noticed that quite a bit of CIA exposing has been done by otherwise very propagandist individuals and magazines with close links to foundations as Ford and Open Society (Soros). Thus it's a very odd game that is going on: much of the time things simply come down to "liberal CIA" exposing "conservative CIA" and vice versa. It's all posturing and screenplay - and the bigger picture is never revealed.
Zbigniew Brzezinski seems to have admitted this left-versus-right screenplay when he, with a triumphant expression on his face, explained back in 1989 on C-Span the criticism on his Trilateral Commission by members of the public:
"In the mid 60s I was on the policy planning council of the Department of State. In 1960 I was marginally involved in the Kennedy campaign for the president's foreign policy brain trust. In 1968 I directed the foreign policy task forces for vice president [Hubert] Humphrey, who was running for the presidency. In 1972 I became director of the Trilateral Commission ... In 1976 I directed the foreign policy task forces for Jimmy Carter. Then I became [his] national security advisor for four years. ... In 1988, I was co-chairman with Brent Scowcroft and Henry Kissinger of the foreign policy task force of vice president Bush [who was running for president]. ... "Not only did I run [the Trilateral Commission]. I helped to found and organize it with David Rockefeller. So if any of your viewers is conspiracy-minded, here is one of the conspirators. ... Look, the Commission operates openly. There's nothing secret about it. ... "I encounter this [criticism that the Trilateral Commission "guides the foreign policy of this country"] all the time when I speak around the country. The cooks that pop up with this theory come either from the extreme, loony left-wing perspective; or the extreme loony right-wing perspective. "If it's a loony right-winger [i.e., "conservative CIA" like Alex Jones], he will stand up and say, "You are a conspiracy people who want to empose a one world government and deprive us of our souvereignty." "And if it's an extremely loony left-winger [i.e. "liberal CIA" like Democracy Now! or related], he'll stand up and say, "You are a conspiracy of rich capitalists who want to control the world for the sake of global profits." "And that crazy outfit LaRouche started with the left and swung to the right, for example, over the last 15 years." 19 |
The reader should really keep in mind that the left-versus-right debate is very, very easy to spot. Almost all "liberal CIA" assets have the exact same opinions. In the minority of cases that they don't support Clinton or Obama it is always in protest of "corporatism" and sometimes "militarism". And no matter what, they are always pro-Third World immigration. Those two elements basically are never touched, along with the green aspect. Some of the more radical "liberal CIA" assets are 9/11 "truthers". While they may not necessarily all push the bogus idea that Flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon (an almost golden rule in 9/11 "Truth" circles), none of them have ever really gone into any detail about what exactly is wrong with the event. They just argue in favor of a new investigation.
Of course, it's possible to go into a lot of detail why the LaRouche organization - which is a little different from any other group, as also described by Brzezinki - simply is not credible enough to be mentioned here. That includes countless never-backed-up "Tavistock" and "Britain-did-it" claims in the articles just cited from. LaRouche's wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and other leading light of the LaRouche organization, post-9/11 were involved in Thierry Meyssan's Axis of Peace group, dominated by communists, extreme socialists, Holocaust deniers and, of course, 9/11-no-planers as Meyssan and others. Unsurprisingly, the LaRouche organization also virulently pro-Third World immigration and hates Trump - similar to virtual all media outlets and political parties in existence. In March 2016, Helga Zepp-LaRouche wrote:
"The images of refugees at the Greek-Macedonian border are the reflection of the total inhumanity of the EU...
"The monetarist paradigm is producing fascist movements, such as that of Donald Trump in the United States and Alternative für Deutschland in Germany. Here, a demonstration of 40,000 organized by the xenophobic, right-wing Pegida movement in Dresden, Germany." 20
Suddenly, the Larouche organization lost all middle ground here. Fact is, the LaRouche organization has always been an unusual brand of leftist socialism. It could never really be branded "right-wing", but it is fascinating nevertheless that Brzezinski singled out the LaRouche organzation at the time. That's generally reserved for controlled opposition groups.
Nevertheless, one can definitely make the case that a lot of old Executive Intelligence Review work, especially from the 1970s and 1980s, contains countless gold nuggets and accurate descriptions of elitist networks. For starters, almost no other conspiracy publication ever described Le Cercle or the 1001 Club, not when EIR did it at least. EIR also gave information on various elites that to this day have only been "rediscoverd" by ISGP through the ISGP's Superclass Index. Also when discussing "conservative CIA" networks, it didn't take long for this author to once again find EIR being the only outlet to describe the left-right controlled opposition paradigm, complete with NGOs and individuals also under investigation by ISGP.
Credible or not, the only thing really important here is that in 1989 Executive Intelligence Review described the "real CIA" as an Eastern Establishment structure consisting of "tax-exempt foundations [that] spawn civic movements, protest groups, political action committees, and even pseudo-religions..." - while this is exactly what ISGP has been researching in this "liberal CIA" series of articles. It may not be wise to mention EIR here, but at the same time it might also be interesting for readers to have this additional perspective on what the "real CIA" actually might be.
Despite it being much less certain, EIR's claim of a "power-sharing arrangement" with Russia has also been included for a very specific reason. This because it seems to be next to impossible to escape the grasp of the "liberal CIA" network - even when moving abroad. For every "right wing" CIA conspiracy based on black budget or drug money, there appears to be a foundation-backed "liberal CIA" one trying to counter it. Look, for example, at CIA support for Contra drug trafficking and death squads against the Sandinistas. When you look around in the elite foundation-backed "liberal CIA" network, it's possible to find many historic backers of the Sandinistas, generally all of them new agers, conspiracy disinformers, (black) civil rights activists, or later Third World immigration pushers (including Hillary Clinton and her long-time Rockefeler Foundation, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission advisor Vernon Jordan, both at the New World Foundation in the 1980s). Some of them also have ties to foreign communist or Muslim leaders, who seem to be equally content to hold the line on conspiracy disinformation: Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran and Malaysia's Mahathir Mohamed are four countries in this regard that come to mind. All that really is too much to discuss here.
So, witout going into any additional detail, the CIA and "real CIA", or "superclass CIA", are very hard to define entities. It is no wonder then that people have been talking about a "shadow government", "the Illuminati" and the "New World Order" for a vry long time. That alone is why ISGP sticks to the term "liberal CIA" for elite liberal foundation-backed propagandists - all with very similar globalist ideas - claiming to be "anti-establishment". The only way to make progress is to take things one step at a time and have clear definitions of what is being observed.
CIA at home or abroad: infiltrate, disinform, polarize, destabilize

Relevant information to the "liberal CIA" oversights keeps popping up over the months and years. I only found out about it in early April 2019, but in 1975 the Church Committee, set up to look into CIA abuses, published a report entitled Covert Action in Chile: 1963-1973. Going through the report and making a point-summary of how the CIA penetrated Chilean society at every level and started "polarizing" and "destabilizing" it in preparation for the Pinochet coup, I couldn't help but notice the incredible parallels with what we see today in the West.
In fact, it is pretty much impossible to deny that what the NGOs, street protest groups, and media outlets - respectively funded by "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" foundations - are doing today, is EXACTLY what the CIA is known to have been doing in Chile in the early 1970s. Extremist positions being played off against one another on a daily basis through the media and activist groups has basically become the norm. Let's cite a number of passages from the report:
"Various CIA projects [included the] backing of a group that supported anti-communist propaganda activities through wall posters attributed to fictitious groups, leaflet campaigns, and public heckling. ... Poster distribution and sign-painting teams... leaflets [and] picture books [were spread]. ...
"[This] "scare campaign" contributed to the political polarization [in society] of the period. Themes developed during the campaign were [later] exploited even more intensely... The propaganda projects probably had a substantial cumulative effect over these years, both in helping to polarize public opinion concerning the nature of the threat posed by ... leftists. ...
"The CIA supported an anti-communist women's group active in Chilean political and intellectual life. [It was] splintering the non-Marxist Radical Party [and] supporting CIA-selected [political] candidates...
"Projects [of the CIA] had been conducted since the 1950's among peasants, slum dwellers, organized labor, students, and the media... Other assets funded under this project placed CIA-inspired editorials almost daily in El Mercurio, Chile's major newspaper and, after 1968, exerted substantial control over the content of that paper's international news section." 21

Guess what? Sep. 2018-leaked private video of Brian Krassenstein: "The resistance is a really good group of people. [But] of course, higher-ups pay us. Yeah, people pay us. They want us to help sow the division and to take over Trump's Twitter feed. ... They don't want Trump supporters to be seen in that."
Who are they? And who, in turn, are they representing?
What more is there to add? The parallels with what the "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" foundations have been doing are uncanny. We really should be hunting for reliable insider testimony as to what exactly is going on within today's "charitable" networks.
Back in 1977, a lot of information came out, largely through Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein, about "Mockingbird", or the "Mighty Wurlitzer": i.e., the CIA's cooperation with the New York Times, Washington Post, Time, CBS, ABC and other media outlets. Generally the heads of these media corporations were close to the CIA leadership. On the other hand, it appeared that various media heads, such as Katharine Graham, were purposely not informed in any kind of official manner and looking away while the CIA was stacking their media outlets with reliable assets.
It appears that the same process is going on with many of today's activist foundations, NGOs and media outlets. If the CIA was involved in these (domestic) practices in the 50s, 60s and 70s, then why would they have stopped? Most likely the only thing they have done since then is to make things more deniable. The propaganda in the entirety of the media is just too tight, similar and systematic to not put forward the theory that some central, covert entity is orchestrating it, similar to Frank Wisner's good old "Mighty Wurlitzer".
Those interested in the Church Committee report, might find the following point-summary of everything mentioned in it very helpful. In pre-Pinochet Chile, the CIA, under the oversight of Henry Kissinger's 40 Committee, was:
- backing an anti-communist wire service, starting in the 1950s.
- establishing covert liaisons with Chile's civilian and military intelligence services.
- covertly financing the Christian Democrat party of Eduardo Frei, Chile's president from 1964 to 1970.
- implementing covert action and financing during the 1964 elections in support of Frei involving the "backing of a group that supported anti-communist propaganda activities through wall posters attributed to fictitious groups, leaflet campaigns, and public heckling." Apparently, this CIA-backed campaign involved an "important part" of the 1964 presidential elections.
- implementing covert action from about 1963 until its exposure in 1967 to increase Christian Democrat support and anti-communist sentiment among "peasants and slum dwellers". Not considered effective.
- running an NGO in Santiago to compete with the Marxists in aiding the poor 1963-1969. The project was terminated after the asset in charge refused to "use [it] on a large scale to deliver votes in the 1969 and 1970 presidential elections." Not considered effective.
- infiltrating labor unions starting in 1964 to counter communist-oriented ones. Not considered effective.
- providing covert financing in the mid 1960s of an "anti-communist women's group active in Chilean political and intellectual life."
- providing covert financing to the anti-communist right wing of the Radical Party in 1967. This wing lost and as a result set up up its own party, Radical Democracy, in 1969. This may have been the objective of the CIA as well, because in the run up to the 1970 elections it was working on "splintering the non-Marxist Radical Party..."
- providing (successful) covert financing of a dissident splinter group of Allende's Socialist Party that split the vote in the March 1969 congressional elections.
- backing "a right-wing weekly newspaper" during and after Allende's presidential campaign.
- funding "an asset" who produced radio shows that attacked left wing parties while "supporting CIA-selected candidates."
- infiltrating Chile's leading newspaper, El Mercurio, from the mid 1960s on, to produce daily anti-Allende editorials and news reports. The business section in particular was also read widely throughout Latin America. Newspaper assets were receiving direct instruction/suggestion from the CIA station in Chile on what to write.
- in general, working to "polarize public opinion concerning ... communists and other leftists..." through media and activist propaganda.
- running "spoiling operations" against Allende involving "the use of virtually all media within Chile" to propagandize the idea that "an Allende victory [would lead to] violence and Stalinist repression."
- disseminating "black propaganda ... to sow dissent between Communists and Socialists" in the run up to the 1970 elections.
- producing "hundreds of thousands of high-quality ... posters and leaflets [and] picture books" and setting up "sign-painting teams", all aimed against Allende in the 1969 and 1970 elections.
- creating "a newsletter mailed to approximately two thousand journalists, academicians, politicians, and other opinion makers."
- advising ITT, of which former CIA director John McCone was a board member, on how to covertly pass $350,000 to Allende opponent Jorge Alessandri, a former right-wing president of Chile who partially embraced Pinochet.
- advising "other U.S. businesses" (Pilgrims Society-dominated Anaconda Copper would be among them) on covertly providing another $350,000 to Alessandri.
- providing over $7 million to Allende opposition groups after he became president in 1970. This was used to buy media and radio station for opposing political parties, continue the existing propaganda campaign, foment strikes and build a large, unified front against Allende.
- directly (and indirectly) funding the paramilitary Patria y Libertad "in an effort to create tension [under Allende] and a possible pretext for intervention by the Chilean military."
- certainly indirectly funding the Rolando Matus Brigade, another anti-Allende paramilitary group.

Ironically, days after running into and summarizing the above Church Committee report, totally unrelated I scanned David Rockefeller's 2002 Memoirs for any mention of the War on Terror or Osama bin Laden. No success there, but the word "terror" did lead to a section of the book where Rockefeller talks about El Mercurio, Chile's dominant CIA-"penetrated" newspaper from the Church Committee report mentioned above. In a fascinating series of admissions, Rockefeller wrote:
"Allende, an avowed Marxist and leader of the Chilean Socialist Party, campaign in 1970 on a platform of radical land reform, the expropriation of all foreign corporations, the nationalization of banks, [putting] his country firmly on the road to Socialism. In March 1970, well before the election, my friend Augustin (Doonie) Edwards, publisher of El Mercurio, Chile's leading newspaper, told me that Allende was a Soviet dupe... If Allende won, Doonie warned, Chile would become another Cuba, a satellite of the Soviet Union. ...
"Doonie's concerns were so intense that I put him in touch with [Nixon national security advisor, 40 Committee chair, and secretary of state] Henry Kissinger. I later learned that Doonie's reports confirmed the intelligence already received from official intelligence sources, which led the Nixon administration to increase its clandestine financial subsidies to groups opposing Allende." 22
This tie actually is not too surprising, considering David Rockefeller already has been identified as a chief lobbyist of CIA intervention in Chile at the time, in no small part through his Americas Society. That having said, how often in this article and others has ISGP argued that David Rockefeller was CIA? Quite often. And here we have another example.
The Church Committee already explained that the propaganda put out by CIA-controlled publications, politicians and action groups about Allende being the next communist dictator were just that... propaganda. They were very much overblown. As discussed in ISGP's "conservative CIA" article, this does not mean that Allende's economic policies would have worked, but the CIA-backed Pinochet coup, soon leading to Milton Friedman-devised neoliberal "shock therapy" (Friedman was equally tied to David Rockefeller through the "right-wing" Chicago School), most definitely was strongly tied to the interests of U.S. big business.
Once again it's an interesting question why the various Rockefeller foundations have funded so many "new left" causes over the decades, most of whom identify with the Allende cause, while the Rockefellers and friends have been tied to a range of big business-linked CIA coups.
Google: "WH and State Dept. support [to do what] CIA cannot..."
As explained several times before, new chapters have been added to this "liberal CIA" article on a chronological basis to demonstrate how this author time and again is bumping into the same type of information. Here is yet another example.
Both Google, the company, and, otherwise known as the Google Foundation, have been part of this "liberal CIA" oversight since 2016. Google might not have as wide a focus as the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, the various Rockefeller foundations, or Soros' Open Society Foundations, but its "grassroots" activism funding does overlap here and there with these "liberal CIA" foundations. Examples that have been mentioned include the Sunlight Foundation, the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Wikipedia, the Wikileaks-linked Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the Tor Project, the Berkman Kleinman Center for Internet & Security (Berkman Center) and the Center for Democracy and Technology. As can be seen, Google focuses a lot on internet-related NGOs.
It is quite well known that Google is a company that has been very supportive of the Democrat Party since at least the late 2000s. Still, digging into these ties in preparation for a potential lawsuit against Google, it still was quite shocking to observe just how close these ties have grown, and how quickly. Google's long-time CEO (now through Alphabet), Eric Schmidt, has been very close to the Clintons and Obamas, their campaign managers, served as a de facto campaign manager, and had a very deep and personal relationship with the Obama White House. It's no surprise then to see just how extreme Google, through its search engine and through YouTube, is with censoring conservatives and teaching its AI search algorithms along social justice lines.

Google's ties to the Obama White House actually go deeper than a mere political-economic alliance. This author didn't realize this until June 29, 2019, upon reading an October 23, 2014 article of Newsweek (of all the publications) entitled Assange: Google Is Not What It Seems. In the article, Assange describes a June 2011 meeting with Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Schmidt's ally Jared Cohen. Schmidt had just become a Bilderberg steering committee member and would join the Trilateral Commission in 2015. Already since 1999, two years before being appointed Google CEO, Schmidt was a founding director of the New America Foundation, an NGO with deep ties to the David Rockefeller clique and "liberal CIA" financing. Schmidt's then-girlfriend, Lisa Shields, the long-time vice president of Global Communications and Media Relations of the Council on Foreign Relations, tagged along with him to Assange.
As for Cohen, when he met Assange with Schmidt, he only had just come over to the newly-founded Google Ideas / Jigsaw think tank from the State Department, where, under Bush, he initially advised secretary of state Condoleezza Rice - George Shultz's chief protege; and then, until 2010, Hillary Clinton under Obama. A Rhodes Scholar, today Cohen is a CFR member and can be found as a council member at Stanford's Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI), where, at least a decade ago, an International Advisory Council existed with close David Rockefeller names on it as George Shultz, John Whitehead and Paul Volcker, as well as Stephen Bechtel Jr. and a number of international Bilderberg names. Obama's future national security advisor, principal protege of top Democrat superclass member Madeleine Albright, was a regular advisor at the FSI in the 2000s.
Cohen was accompanied by Scott Malcomson, a foreign editor of New York Times Magazine from 2004 to 2011, tasked with editing a book Schmidt and Cohen were working on together at the time. Three months later, according to Assange, Malcomson joined the State Department as "the lead speechwriter and principal advisor to [Obama's national security advisor] Susan Rice". In addition, from 2013 to 2015, Malcomson, a CFR member, was employed as director of communications for George Soros' International Crisis Group. After that, he became a fellow of the "liberal CIA" Carnegie Corporation and the liberal superclass-tied New America Foundation, which is where Google CEO Eric Schmidt was a founding director in 1999, two years before his appointment as Google CEO. The Rockefeller Foundation, Eric Schmidt, the Bechtels, Bill Gates, Soros' Open Society Institute, etc. all have been major financiers of the NAF, with Soros' son, Jonathan, becoming of the directors in the late 2000s.
The reader probably gets the point that the individuals knocking on Julian Assange's door in 2011 represented the absolute elite of the elite. Most important though is that Google featured in leaked Stratfor documents of 2011, which Assange made reference to in his Newsweek article. In them, Stratfor's Fred Burton can be found having communicated in an "internal use only" email:
"GOOGLE is getting WH [Obama White House] and State Dept. support & air cover. In reality, they are doing things the CIA cannot. ... Google [has a] covert role in fomenting up-risings, to be blunt. The US Govt can then disavow knowledge and GOOGLE is left holding the shit bag. ...
"Cohen [was/is] working for the State Dept and WH to support Arab regime changes."
ISGP has earlier found the Stratfor leaks useful in relation to information on Russian oligarch and mafia involvement in drug trafficking. The mainstream media has also made reference to its documents regularly. Still, to be thorough, below an extensive screenshot can be found of the relevant Stratfor communications. In them, Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Google's security director Marty Lev are mentioned as the sources for his information.

In his Newsweek article, Assange provided a little addition detail on Jared Cohen's activities:
"[Jared Cohen] befriended Eric Schmidt as they together surveyed the post-occupation wreckage of Baghdad. ... Only a few months before he met with me, Cohen was planning a trip to the edge of Iran in Azerbaijan to "engage the Iranian communities closer to the border," as part of a Google Ideas' project on "repressive societies." ...
"State Department cables released as part of Cablegate reveal that Cohen had been in Afghanistan in 2009, trying to convince the four major Afghan mobile phone companies to move their antennas onto U.S. military bases. In Lebanon, he quietly worked to establish an intellectual and clerical rival to Hezbollah, the "Higher Shia League." And in London he offered Bollywood movie executives funds to insert anti-extremist content into their films, and promised to connect them to related networks in Hollywood."
This information is interesting for a number of reasons:
- An article on the Daily Mail about this covert operations connection of Google was absolutely dominated by vicious, anti-Assange trolls. Similarly, this information wasn't greeted with much enthusiasm on Reddit. It appears this information is quite sensitive. And also reveals another problem: the danger of online trolls, especially as AI technology (which Google is an industry leader in) increases in sophistication.
- It reinforces/confirms the idea that private foundations and corporations - in this case Google - are used as conduits for government operations that traditionally were reserved for the CIA, or possibly official State Department ambassadors.
- We can tie control over these operations back to the top of the superclass, from Madeleine Albright/Susan Rice to George Shultz/Condoleezza Rice and maybe even Zbigniew Brzezinski/Barack Obama. In fact, Google's Eric Schmidt became a Bilderberg steering committee member not long after he became Obama's closest big business ally.
- We can see how the operations of Jared Cohen and Google's Eric Schmidt on behalf of the Obama White House strongly overlap with Hollywood, most notably the alliance between John Prendergast, the former National Security Council Africa expert who started working for Soros' Open Society Foundations, and Hollywood stars as George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie. If Cohen, on behalf of this Obama-superclass network, basically has been bribing Bollywood into pushing globalist/open border propaganda, that strongly confirms this network's deep involvement in subverting Hollywood as well.
The role of the CIA remains a bit of mystery though. The more you look at it, the more you have to conclude it's little more than a bureaucratic institution that can be used by the liberal superclass - always in control of the highest cabinet positions - in exactly the same manner it can used the State Department, private corporations, the media, or NGOs to run its operations through. It does seem quite obvious, however, though, that the capabilities and the expertise of the CIA are used in some way to infiltrate and control the highest echelons of our society. The details of how this works, for the time being they remain a mystery.
HP tied in with the CIA? George Soros too?
Not just Google, but the "liberal CIA" Hewlett Foundation and Packard Foundation can also be tied to the CIA. And not just the regular CIA, but extremely questionable aspects. Enter Robert Booth Nichols, notorious for having been a close contact of journalist Danny Casolaro in the year before Casolaro's controversial death.
Nichols had major yakuza and American mafia ties in the 1980s. However, from the age of 22, so from around 1966-1967, Nichols already was working for the CIA. This came out in December 2008 when Nichols was questioned about his ties to wealthy con man Sam Israel III and why he never paid income tax. Also a number of elite ties are noteworthy. In his testimony he explained he had had conversations about not having to pay tax as a (mafia-tied) covert operative with David Packard and Hewlett-Packard's security chief. Furthermore, he pointed fingers at George Soros as being a person that can give highest-level cover in shady financial deals:
"I worked for parties that claimed to be with or stated they were with U.S. intelligence [since] when I was approximately 22... One of said the Central Intelligence Agency, another said military intelligence... The first [assignment] was ... to speak with a woman who stayed at the Surf Rider Hotel and find out why she was in Honolulu and who she was seeing and have cocktails with her, if possible. [Later] a trip to Australia to see who ... were [representing] anti-American interest in an area that was formally an R&R location, Sydney, for U.S. Forces. ... Sometimes they gave me 5,000, sometimes 25,000. ...
"I have been told by various people [to not pay] taxes. ... I would be told what to pay taxes on. ... I have discussions with this [about not paying tax] with Adrian Perry, Admiral [in Hawaii]. ... I have had discussions with it with James Hacker, worldwide chief of security, Hewlett-Packard; discussions with David Packard of Hewlett-Packard. I have had discussions with it with multiple other parties. ... All of these people told me that I was to not in any way disclose what I was involved in and the things that I was paid for and that included not filing taxes. ...
"From 2004 to today I have basically lived off the funds that I made from Sam Israel [that year]. [My job was] to obtain a sealed box ... from the Chinese. ... It had to be a hundred million dollar box [and reportedly involved a $250 million treasury note]... I believe they are obligations... [During the discussions with various henchmen] I said, ... "This type of business could not proceed in any way, I have been told, unless you are dealing at the absolute pinnacle or highest level because of certain measures that are taken for plausible deniability on the obligations, deniability." So he said to me George Soros -- and that's the only name I remember, but several names..." 23
"Liberal CIA" managing Brazilian governments
Jair Bolsonaro was the infamous "alt-right" president of Brazil from 2019 to 2022, and had all the hallmarks of being "conservative CIA", down to his "Chicago Boy" campaign advisor and finance minister, Paulo Guedes. That is for ISGP's "Conservative CIA" article to address though.
In Brazil, Bolsonaro is considered the polar opposite of Lula de Silva, Brazil's "leftist" president from 2003 to 2010, and again from 2023. "Lula", a former union chief, did many admirable things for his country. Continuing modest neoliberal economic policies of his predecessor, Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), he set out to redistribute Brazil's rapid economic growth of the 2000s to the lower classes, lifting between 20 and 30 million Brazilians out of poverty and protecting the Amazon from mining and agricultural exploitation. When he handed the government to his party ally, former Marxist terrorist-militant 24 Dilma Rousseff, in December 2010, he had no less than an 87% approval rating. 25
Da Silva has a secret though, and it does not involve the occasional kickbacks from private interests to leading members of his party, which led to the impeachment of Rousseff in 2016. No, it involves "liberal CIA" and globalism ties that manipulate his policies in the exact same manner as they are doing in the West. Cardoso introduced some of the first "anti-racist" measures, but Da Silva took it to a whole new level. Here is a list of some of his measures - and elite ties - along the way:
- In January 2003 "Lula" visited Davos for the first time 26, attended annually by anything from George Soros to IMF and World Bank representatives.
- On September 25, 2003, Lula gave a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York City. 27
- Also in 2003 his government created the Ministry of Racial Equality, since then always headed by a minority.
- In 2004 his government created the Secretariat of Citizenship and Cultural Diversity within the Ministry of Culture, that "among other things, funded community centers and sought to make police officers and other law enforcement officials more friendly to LGBTQ+ and intersex people." 28
- Also in 2004 he set up the 'Brazil without Homophobia'-campaign. 29
- In 2010 his government, through the Ministry of Racial Equality, sponsored the "Racial Equality Statute", from which "senators removed provisions for racial quotas in universities and businesses" due to it being too much in one step. 30 However, at this point already, "dozens of Brazilian universities recently adopted racial quotas for negros" 31, making one very interested in seeing who the university donors are, as well as the those funding the student protests that similarly were going on. As we shall see, foundations as Ford, Soros and Omidyar have been very active in Brazil along these lines.
Fascinatingly, it was 2019-2022 "alt right" / "conservative CIA" Brazil president who already in 2009 was cited on this issue in the international press as one of the few congressmen crusading against these race quote measures, even taking legal measures. Among the things Bolsonaro argued:
"What are you going to say to a teenager who goes to do a university entrance exam and gets a high mark, but doesn't get through, but another teenager has passed with a much lower mark because they have a dark skin? What would be the legacy of that for future generations?" 32
- In 2012 Lula's successor and party ally, Dilma Rousseff, the former Marxist terrorist, still pushed through racial quotas in Brazilian universities. The ruse was that state school students should get 50% of the university spots, because (predominantly white) private high school students are usually "better prepared" for university. However, the spots would be "distributed among black, mixed race and indigenous students according to the racial make-up of each Brazilian state." This policy would only be in place for 10 years, but we all know that that is not the way that things will go. 33 Before the government rammed through these changes, all the usual "grassroots activism" 34 and "debate" took place in Brazil, the main arguments always being that Brazil should "feel guilty about having been the world's biggest slave importer" 35 and "black people just magically have low social economic status." Call the last citation a paraphrase.
- In 2018, Rousseff, who was successfully impeached over corruption charges in 2016 with widespread support from the Brazilian population, was allowed to do a surprisingly uncritical "lefty" interview with "liberal CIA" outlet Democracy Now! - with both being very much criticized over it by ordinary citizens. 36
- In December 2022, after once again being elected president, Lula appointed a black, female "minister of racial equality" that was the sister of Marielle Franco 37, the black feminist LGBTQ activist and socialist politician who had been assassinated in 2018 by what strongly appears to have been a conspiracy by right-wing elements of Brazil's state security and military police. 38
Finding this odd and looking deeper, it turns out that way back in 2007, Franco worked as an intern in the "project monitoring and evaluation team" of the BrazilFoundation. 39 This is not a "Brazilian" foundation at all. It's headquartered in the United States, with members of the BrazilFoundation's board including Brazilian representatives of JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, UBS, HSBC, Citigroup, Boeing, Bear Stearns, Coudert Brothers, Credit Suisse, Lehman Brothers and BlackRock. 40 The Ford Foundation provided the BrazilFoundation with $350,000 in 2007 41, and president and CEO of the BrazilFoundation, at least anno 2019, Rebecca Tavares, has a history at the MacArthur Foundation, Levi Strauss and Ford Foundation, all major "liberal CIA" funders. 42
- In January 2023 Lula and two cabinet ministers, finance minister Fernando Haddad and the environmental minister, went to Davos again. Here Haddad met with directors of the IMF and Meta/Facebook, with the Saudi investment minister, due to Saudis looking to invest in Brazil; with Ian Bremmer, to be found at such places as the Bloomberg New Economy Forum advisory board with Henry Kissinger; and also with Mark Malloch Brown and Alexander Soros about "an agenda more focused on environmental issues and democratic issues ... without giving further details." The environmental minister also met with Alexander Soros. 43
- On May 5, 2023 finance minister Haddad again met representatives of Soros' Open Society Foundations, this time in Brazil. 44 At this point the foundation was pouring about $20 million a year into various Brazilian action groups. The biggest recipient at that point was the Instituto Clima e Sociedade / Climate and Society Institute 45, with its 2018-founded 'Marielle Franco Working Group (GTMF)' fighting for "racial equity and the acceleration of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives". 46 The Hewlett Foundation, IKEA Foundation and Oak Foundation are among its other institutional funders, with the Mott Foundation listed as a project funder. 47 Another Soros-funded action group was the 2019-founded Instituto de Referencia Negra Peregum / Peregum Black Reference Institute 48, focused on "the black and peripheral population, with and through black movements... to transform public policies and people towards an anti-racist society." 49 Other top financiers here are the Ford Foundation, Luminate, which is part of the Omidyar Network; the OAK Foundation and Volvo Brasil. 50
The Ford Foundation has been operating along these lines for a long time in Brazil. It has made regular donations, for example, to 'Geledes: Instituto da Mulher Negra' (Geledés: the Black Women’s Institute). 51 Founded in 1988, it instantly targeted the "Brazilian black youth [part of] the Hip Hop Movement in São Paulo" and "contributed to the deepening of the racial discussion with the leaders of the Movement." 52 Some would argue the Ford Foundation, on behalf of the CIA, was activating and radicalizing Brazil's black youth, similar to what it has been doing in the United States and European countries, seemingly even playing a role in glorifying gangsterism.
We can find all kinds of additional ties of the Ford Foundation to Brazil's black activists groups: the Instituto Brasileiro da Diversidade (IBD) 53, founded in 2005, was set up to combat the "inadequate representation of black people, women and people with disabilities [within] the 500 Largest Companies in Brazil." 54 Or the University of Brasilia 55, which "in 2003 ... became the first federal institution to implement a quota system for black students" 56, a decade before such laws started to be formally implemented by the Lula-Rousseff governments. Or the Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Afro-Brasileiros 57, that at the moment of this writing showcases a piece of African art on its frontpage with the caption, "Africans produced culture and knowledge, in sovereignty and freedom, extending their influence across the world for millennia before their enslavement in the Americas." 58 Or the Associação Nacional de Quilombos para Cooperação - Negra Anastácia, to "strengthen the national coordination of the [black] quilombola movement." 59
There also exist a bunch of overlapping LGBTQ-oriented groups, but it should be clear than any totally independent Brazilian government would immediately ban foundations as Ford, Rockefeller, Soros and Omidyar from its country, and make sure these divisive propaganda organizations cannot continue through other means. They might be able to operate in the country, but not in this manner.
- In June 2019, worried that Bolsonaro would try to turn back a lot LGBTQ rights, Brazil's Superior Court criminalized "homophobia" and "transphobia", making it punishable with "prison sentences of up to five years." 8 of 11 Superior Court judges voted in favor of the measure 60, which is not surprising because 7 of the 11 Superior Court judges at that point had been appointed by either Lula or Rousseff. 61
- In October 2023, after the genocidal Hamas attack on Israel, Lula showed such an adherance to the United Nations that he refused to label Hamas a "terrorist organization". He would label the attack itself "terrorist", but from his words it's clear he quietly approved of Palestinian terrorism against Israel. 62
There's something with Lula da Silva that precedes all of this. No later than early 2000, years before his first presidency, Lula was one of 112 listed members of the Inter-American Dialogue (IAD), a globalist group heavily funded by "liberal CIA" foundations as Ford, Hewlett, Kellogg, MacArthur, and Mellon; agencies as the World Bank and USAID; and big business as Texaco, BP, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, AIG, General Electric, Time Warner, Xerox and more. 63 U.S. members among the 112 included Rockefeller and CIA elites as Peggy Dulany Rockefeller, the daughter of David Rockefeller; Henry Kissinger's key protege Brent Scowcroft, founding Trilaterals Jimmy Carter and Cyrus Vance, the latter also past chair of the Rockefeller Foundation; Trilateral Robert Zoellick, the future World Bank president; Sally Shelton Colby ("on leave"), the wife and widow of CIA director William Colby and a key founder of "privatized CIA" front the National Endowment for Democracy; and others. 64 These are well-known names from ISGP's Superclass Index, so it might be more fruitful to analyze the handful of Brazilian visitors alongside Lula in a bit more detail 65:
- Lula da Silva: Within a few years Brazil's Worker Party president, following a profoundly "new left", social democrat, "liberal CIA" agenda of labor rights and conservationism, mixed with "anti-racism" propaganda.
- Roberto Teixeira da Costa: "Founder of the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI)" 66, yet another international offshoot of the CFR and RIIA.
- Henrique Meirelles: Harvard-educated. Chair Central Bank of Brazil under Lula 2003-2010. Advisor to the deans of Harvard's Kennedy School and MIT. Associated with various American and British banks. Minister of finance under the (unelected) Michel Temer 2016-2018, from the moment Temer replaced the impeached Dilma Rousseff. Temer, with Meirelles seldom mentioned, quickly introduced highly unpopular neoliberal economic policies. While partly needed due to a major economic slump, it appears Temer and Meirelles exploited the situation in favor of globalist big business. In the international media the main talk was about "pension reforms" being proposed by the Temer government, and really when Rousseff still was in power. These "pension reforms" led to massive country-wide protests and riots of "teachers, bus drivers, healthcare providers, oil industry workers and public servants" 67 all throughout April and May 2017 and even beyond. It is hard to find out what exactly was in these "reforms", but it turns out that they involved labor unions and labor laws being completely crushed:
"The law ... will remove all restrictions on outsourcing, dismantle labor rights, including provisions on vacations, overtime and working hours, give more freedom to employers to negotiate individually with workers rather than collectively through unions, and eliminate the “union tax” paid by all formal-sector workers, which is the principal form of financing for union activities in Brazil. ...
"Sergio Nobre, secretary-general of CUT [Unified Workers' Central], [spoke to] thousands of metalworkers gathered in Sao Paulo on Tuesday. ... Nobre said the law would serve the interests of large multinational companies, not workers. ... Brazil’s Congress debated the law without the participation of CUT or any trade union opposed to its provisions, says Nobre. ...
"Young people, specifically young black workers, will be especially harmed, because young workers are primarily employed in precarious jobs and are the majority of the unemployed, Julia Reis Nogueira, CUT national secretary of racial equality said in May." 68
Meirelles was not impressed, explaining he "does not see any strong or relevant political figures seeking to reverse the proposed measures on changing labor and pension laws," 69 and continued with more "reform". In August 2017 the decision was made to save another $100 million a year for the government by closing all "393 branches of the country’s Popular Pharmacy program [that] guaranteed free distribution, or at least a 90 percent discount, on 112 different medications for chronic illnesses." 70 This program had been set up by Lula early in his administration.
Temer's term and him sending troops into the Favelas also coincided with the assassination of black "liberal CIA"-type activist Marielle Franco by right-wing paramilitary forces. - Fernando Henrique Cardoso ("on leave"): Brazilian president 1995-2003, so apparently a member of Inter-American Dialogue already before 1995. Also foreign affairs minister April - Oct. 1992 and again Jan. 2001 - Dec. 2002, in the latter case as part of his own Brazilian Social Democratic Party government, the main left-wing opposition to Lula da Silva's Worker's Party (PT). Cardoso introduced the first rights for blacks 71, but despite being left-wing, is universally considered to have expanded the neoliberal economic policy under guidance of the World Bank and IMF that first was set in by President Fernando Collor de Mello (1990-1992), an agenda also largely followed by Lula. 72 It resulted in an increase in privatizations of state companies, followed by a lot of these companies going bankrupt due to changing market conditions and being bought up by foreign corporations. 73
All these neoliberal and globalist measures under Cardoso make sense, because in addition to his older Inter-American Dialogue tie, already in June 2002, while still serving as president of Brazil, he was invited to the board of trustees of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, in the United States. This was under the chairmanship of James Wolfensohn, the sitting president of the World Bank (1995-2005) and a long-time Bilderberg steering committee member. The Dow Jones, Goldman Sachs, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and the "liberal CIA" Carnegie Corporation were among the other interests represented. 74 - Dulce Pereira: Black woman brought to the U.S. on a scholarship in her youth. Came to live with a Democrat family and became a black civil rights activist. She also developed ties from that period with South African ANC activists. Back in Brazil in the 1990s she spread the "Afro-Brazilian" activist message through the media, at universities, in part through her position as president of the Fundação Cultural Palmares from 1996 to 2000. President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2003) supported her cause by appointing her executive secretary of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), which also includes African countries. Upon Lula once again having been elected president in 2022, he prominently met with Pereira, as "one of the leaders of the black movement", talking among other things about how "more than 60% of the black population in the country is directly impacted by extreme climate events." Lula's old minister of education and his new finance minister also was part of that meeting. 75
- Jacqueline Pitanguy: Born in Brazil. Moved to the U.S. as a teen, attending Pittsford High School in New York State, while "living with [an] Episcopalian family." 76 President of the Brazilian National Council for Women's Rights 1986-1989. Founder in 1990 and executive director of the Ford Foundation-funded 77 CEPIA group, "to promote education in defense of human rights, gender equality, repudiation of racism, respect for diversity." 78 Tellingly, CEPIA was represented at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit and the controversial white-hating World Conference Against Racism ("Durban Conference") in South Africa in 2001. 79 Inter-American Dialogue member 1992-, alongside Rockefeller elites. Visiting professor at Rutgers University, New Jersey, U.S., where she held the "Laurie Chair in Women’s Studies" anno 1993. In this position she was networking with Rutger's Center for Women's Global Leadership in "preparing for United Nations World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, Austria, 1993." 80 Rutgers, on average, receives up to a million dollars annually from the Ford Foundation. Founding board member of the Brazilian Commission on Citizenship and Reproduction, no later than 1994. Co-founder in 1997 and executive director of the Civil Society Forum in the Americas. Member of the governing council of the UNESCO Institute for Education. Anno 2011 the chair of the Brazil Human Rights Fund, founded in 2006 with $3 million in seed-funding from the Ford Foundation which has continued to be one of its most prolific financiers. 81
A businessman who helped set up Brazil's version of the CFR? A neoliberal, pro-black rights future president? A similarly-oriented minister of finance? A "liberal CIA"-type, even more pro-black rights future president? A United Nations-tied, Ford Foundation-backed feminist? A similarly elite-backed black activist? Many of them educated in the United States? This is a very recognizable pattern, and demonstrates that "Rockefeller CIA" - literally in this case with CIA director William Colby's widow involved - has the same basic recipe for every country in the world: supporting neoliberalism and Third World immigration by steering division in society through "the left" and "the right" - making sure neither is genuinely anti-multinational and thus can threaten their system.
Why you were never a rebel - but here's how you can be
For those who went through some of the organizations and sources in this oversight, it is probably quite clear that anyone who ever thought they were a rebel when they:
- protested the NSA's intrusion of privacy;
- accused the CIA of involvement in cocaine and heroin trafficking;
- attacked the Israel Lobby in the United States;
- scolded bankers during Occupy Wall Street;
- listened to Democracy Now!;
- took information from Sourcewatch;
- illegally smoked weed;
- took psychedelics or tried to use them to treat psychiatric disorders;
- tried to save the rainforest;
- entertained the holographic view of reality;
- or studied the link between quantum mechanics and spirituality;
in reality was an obedient citizen just following a path being created or already laid out by huge globalist forces where the line between CIA and big business seems to be non-existent. You're were literally copying the opinions of a Laurance Rockefeller, a Dr. Richard Rockefeller, a George Soros, a Jeffrey Bronfman, a Luce, a Mellon, a Pritzker, a Pierre Omidyar, or some major foundation as Ford or Carnegie that has been laundering its funds through the Tides, New World, Lannan, or Rudolf Steiner Foundation. Whatever political or spiritual idea in society reaches some prominence, tends to have big money behind it in the background. Granted, very publicly pointing to evidence of historical CIA drug trafficking or the problem of the Israel Lobby is pushing the limits of polite debate, but the fact it, it has most certainly been done in the "new left" media - and in more detail you would initially think. I sure was surprised to learn about it.
The good news is that this awareness within the alternative "new left" does not necessarily point to an evil plot. There's literally nothing wrong with any of these things. In fact, they represent areas of progress. Just be aware that there is also evidence that action and debate is being limited and in some cases, especially with regard to conspiracy, is distorted. So never allow yourself to fall into the trap of following authority in these alternative pursuits without asking a few hard questions. You absolutely are allowed to go beyond what has been presented, to set up your own parallel research and activist projects, or to draw your own conclusions. In the age of the internet you can put anything out there that you want and that you believe in.
Update 8 years after the original: Scrap that last line. You can put anything online, but search engines like Google will censor you like there's no tomorrow, so that mostly only the people you *don't* want to find it, will find it. The same goes for social media platforms.
The engine: key foundations- Founded in 1993. Based on the fortune of Pilgrims Society member and major superclass member Walter Annenberg. Has been involved in financing the environmental movement and, most importantly maybe, the website
- Foundation website: (accessed: January 15,2017): "When the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) was established in 1993, its founders, Ambassadors Walter and Leonore Annenberg, sought to increase the impact of the scholarship produced at Penn's Annenberg School for Communication, the Policy Center's home. ... The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania has developed such award-winning initiatives as"
- (accessed: January 16, 2017): "The Annenberg Foundation was endowed by Walter H. Annenberg in 1989. Annenberg's family business, Triangle Publications, includes both TV Guide and Seventeen magazine, as well as hundreds of radio and television stations across the U.S. ... Donations [total]: Natural Resources Defense Council, $805,000, [by] 2005. Sierra Club, $77,500, [by] 2001. - Tides Foundation & Tides Center, $1,450,000, [by] 2006."
- Annenberg also helps finance NPR and Public Radio International (PRI).
- September 22, 2008, Newsmax, 'Obama, Voter Fraud & Mortgage Meltdown': "Rathke had been active in Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), known for its violence, and in the domestic terrorist group, the Weathermen, which bombed government offices. William Ayers and his wife Benadine Dohrn, Chicago friends of Obama, also were members of the SDS and the Weathermen. Obama chaired the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, funded by a grant obtained by Ayers [who in December 2016 co-founded the action group, a frontal assault on the Trump administration and the 58% of all whites who voted for him]."
- The Chicago Annenberg Challenge which came to be chaired by Barack Obama and also counted the involvement of Obama's friend Bill Ayers (together they also came to serve on the board of the Woods Fund) was in part financed by the Joyce Foundation, of which Obama was a long-time trustee.
- Similar to the Tides Foundation, the similarly-oriented Arca Foundation was originally based on the R.J. Reynolds fortune.
- (accessed: November 28, 2015): "But Nancy Susan Reynolds had her own ideas — some decidedly modern ideas for a Southern woman, a wife and a mother of four — about what the world should and could be. She put those ideas into action in 1952, by founding the Nancy Reynolds Bagley Foundation, which later became the Arca Foundation. ... In 1968 Mrs. Reynolds renamed the foundation Arca..."
- (accessed: November 28, 2015): "As president of the Arca Foundation from 1970-1980, Jane Bagley Lehman [also chair of the Tides Foundation 1976-1988]..."
- January 12, 1985, New York Times, 'NANCY SUSAN REYNOLDS': "Nancy Susan Reynolds, the last surviving child of the founder of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, died today at her home in Greenwich, Conn., the company announced here. She was 74 years old. Mrs. Reynolds was a benefactor to many North Carolina institutions, particularly Wake Forest University. Her father, Richard, died when she was 8. Her mother was Katharine Smith Reynolds. She married Henry Walker Bagley, from whom she was divorced in 1953, and later married Gilbert Verney. They divorced in 1967. Mrs. Reynolds is survived by four children, Jane Bagley Lehman [who helped establish the Tides Foundation], Smith W. Bagley, Susan Bagley Bloom and Ann Bagley Grant. "
- April 21, 1988, New York Times, 'Jane Lehman, 55; Active in Philanthropy' (no mention of Tides or Arca foundations): "Jane Bagley Lehman, an investor and businesswoman who was active in philanthropy, died of lung cancer Monday in San Francisco, where she lived. She was 55 years old. Ms. Lehman, a granddaughter of R. J. Reynolds, the tobacco company founder, was born in Greenwich, Conn., and attended the Knox School in Cooperstown, N.Y., and the Carnegie-Mellon Institute. She was the former wife of S. A. Long, the prominent yachtsman, and of Orin Lehman, New York State Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Active in a number of philanthropic organizations, Ms. Lehman served on the board of the Save the Children Federation from 1962 until 1978. In 1976, after moving from New York to California, she helped form the Tides Foundation, which addresses environmental and social concerns, and was its chairwoman for the last 12 years. She was a director of the American Place Theater, the American Symphony Orchestra, public television station KQED in San Francisco and the Experiment in International Living in Vermont."
- "June 4 KPFA On the Air (2000, 60 minutes) A lively documentary providing food for thought about the potential for alternative visions of media and their relationships to community. KPFA, sister Pacifica station to our own KPFK, began broadcasting in April 1949, and soon became a beacon of open-ended discourse in the McCarthy period of the 1950s. Included among its guests were Langston Hughes, Dylan Thomas, Allen Ginsberg and Linus Pauling [Rockefeller-funded], along with Caspar Weinberger, Edward Teller, the father of the H-Bomb, and the John Birch Society. The video documents the growth of KPFA from the brainstorm of some WWII pacifists to a rare and dynamic voice for cultural and political pluralism through the 1950s, and as a voice for the social movements of the 1960s. It provides diverse perspectives on the complexities of building a multi-cultural media community. Alice Walker narrates viewers through this lively documentary on the history of this pioneer of listener-sponsored radio."
- "Pauling received his first grant from the Rockefeller Foundation in 1932 for a program of research in structural chemistry. Shortly thereafter, in the fall of 1933, Pauling applied for and later received a three-year grant from the Foundation to support his experimental researches. ... In 1934 Pauling received more funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, this time in support of his hemoglobin research. ... It is also clear that Pauling was, at least to a degree, shifting his research focus to match the lines of inquiry that the Foundation was interested in funding. In 1986, Pauling would note …I'd had one elementary course in organic chemistry and no biochemistry. Didn't know much about these things. I was getting support from the Rockefeller Foundation. Warren Weaver said to me, "Well it's alright. We've been giving you some money to determine the structure of the sulfide minerals. But the Rockefeller Foundation isn't really interested in the sulfide minerals. We're interested in biological molecules and life." So I said, "Well, I'd like to study the magnetic properties of hemoglobin and see whether the oxygen molecule loses its paramagnetism when it combines with the hemoglobin molecule." So they said, "Alright, we'll give you more money." And so it was, more or less, that Pauling's hemoglobin work received Rockefeller support on the order of $70,000 per year circa 1940. Listen: Pauling discusses the roots of his relationship with the Rockefeller Foundation [audio clip]... Pauling not only sought and gained special assistance from Rockefeller funds, but Rockefeller personnel also contributed to the development of his hemoglobin work throughout the 1930s. Alfred E. Mirsky, a professor in cell biology at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, was one of the first individuals with whom Pauling discussed potential hemoglobin research. Pauling quickly developed a personal friendship with Mirsky and clearly held his colleague in very high regard as a scientist. In a 1944 letter recommending Mirsky for a position at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Pauling wrote I do not know any one who is so keenly interested in the development of the field of science involving the applications of chemistry and physics to borderline problems of biology, and especially of genetics, and who has such a penetrating understanding of the work which has been done. I find that every conversation which I have with Dr. Mirsky gives me some valuable idea. He has a masterly ability to coordinate results into a significant whole." Indeed, over the years Pauling gave a number of lectures at the Rockefeller Institute and continued to benefit from a wide array of academic and personal relationships that began with the Foundation. The Foundation also continued to fund Pauling's work well into the 1950s, contributing mightily to the "big science" phenomenon that helped define academic research following World War II. The Rockefeller Foundation was pioneering in its recognition of the importance of supporting interdisciplinary work; in particular, it actively sought to foster research between biology and chemistry. In many ways, Pauling with the prototype scientist that the Foundation was looking to support. Looking back, few can deny the impact that this partnership made on the history of twentieth century science. For more information on Pauling's relationship with the Rockefeller Foundation, see the website It's in the Blood! A Documentary History of Linus Pauling, Hemoglobin, Sickle Cell Anemia. We also strongly recommend the book The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology (1993), written by the late Dr. Lily Kay."
- Foundation set up as the Bauman Family Foundation in 1982 by Lionel Bauman. Upon his death in 1987, Patricia Bauman and her husband John Landrum Bryant took over the managing of the foundation, which contains about $100 million in total assets.
- Grantees:
- As usual, the foundation supports a mix of "new left" media (The Nation, AlterNet, Media Matters, The New Press, National Security Archive), environmentalist, social justice, pro-black (NAACP, and pro-Third World immigration groups.
- (accessed: April 24, 2017): "Grantees for Fiscal Year 2009 – Current: ... Alliance for Justice ... AlterNet ... Brennan Center for Justice. Brookings Institution ... Center for American Progress. Center for Community Change ... Education Fund ... Earth Day Network ... Environmental Defense Fund ... Environmental Law Institute ... Federation of American Scientists ... MapLight ... Media Matters ... NAACP ... Nation Institute ... National Council of La Raza ... National Security Archive Fund ... National Women's Law Center. Natural Resources Defense Council ... New Press ... Project Vote ... Rock the Vote ... Rockefeller Family Fund. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors ... Sierra Club Foundation ... Tides Foundation ... Tufts University. U.S. PIRG Education Fund. Union of Concerned Scientists ... Urban Institute ... Voces de la Frontera. Voter Participation Center. Voting for America ... Wellstone Action Fund ..."
- Apart from the grants, the Bauman Foundation's board has major ties to the Rockefeller and Soros foundations:
- (accessed: Sep. 21, 2012): "Board of Directors: ...
- Anne Bartley: ... She has participated in founding several organizations, including ... the Threshold Foundation ... Democracy Alliance, America Votes... She is currently on the following boards: the Bauman Family Foundation, the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, America Votes, Rockefeller Brothers Fund...
- Jessica Bauman ...
- Patricia Bauman, President ...
- Deepak Bhargava: ... Executive Director of the [Ford Foundation-founded and major foundation-supported] Center for Community Change [who] currently serves on the boards of ... The Nation editorial board, the National Advisory Board for [George Soros'] Open Society Institute... Graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College.
- John Landrum Bryant, Vice President and Treasurer ...
- Gerald Torres: ... He is presently Chair of the Advancement Project and a Trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council. He is a graduate of Yale Law School." - (accessed: April 23, 2017): "
- Anne Bartley: ... She is currently on the following boards [as well]: ... the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, America Votes, Rockefeller Brothers Fund...
- Amy Bauman ...
- Jessice Bauman ...
- Patricia Bauman, President: ... She is Chair of the Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund, Co-Chair of the Brennan Center for Justice, a Trustee of Montefiore Medical Center... Ms. Bauman is a graduate of Radcliffe/Harvard College, Columbia University School of Public Health, and Georgetown University Law Center.
- Deepak Bhargava: ... currently serves on the boards of ... The Nation editorial board, the National Advisory Board for [George Soros'] Open Society Institute...
- John Landrum Bryant, Vice President and Treasurer...
- David Brock: ... founder and CEO of Media Matters for America [financed by George Soros, as are other political groups of Brock]...
- Gerald Torres ... "
- Founded in 2000 by Bill Gates of Microsoft. $44 billion endowment by December 2014. Bill and Melinda Gates were co-chairs until 2021, when Melinda divorced Bill over the Epstein scandal Gates was tied to. By 2014 Gates had donated $30 billion to the foundation. Warren Buffett was a trustee of the foundation from 2006 to 2021, leaving when the Gates-Epstein scandal broke out. At that point, Buffett had donated $32.7 billion to the foundation.
- (accessed: February 29, 2016): "- Bill Gates, Co-chair. - Melinda Gates, Co-chair. - William H. Gates Sr., Co-chair. - Sue Desmond-Hellmann, Chief Executive Officer. - Warren Buffett, Trustee."
- June 26, 2006, NPR, 'Buffett Gift Sends $31 Billion to Gates Foundation'.
- /leadership/warren-buffett (accessed: March 6, 2022); "As a trustee from 2006 – 2021... Warren’s contributions to the Gates [Fdn.] total $32.7 billion valued at the time of receipt."
- Elitist Vartan Gregorian has also been quite involved with the Gates Foundation from the start. Plenty of other CFR members can be found among top leadership and advisors for decades on end:L
- June 1997,, 'Bill and Melinda Gates establish library foundation dedicated to bringing internet to libraries': "The Gates Library Foundation... Board members include ... Vartan Gregorian..."
- April 16, 2000, New York Times, 'How to Give Away $21.8 Billion': "Vartan Gregorian, president of the Carnegie Corporation and a longtime adviser to Gates on the subject of philanthropy..."
- Gates Foundation advisors (with CFR overlap): Vartan Gregorian (1990s-2000s advisor; trustee Gates Library Foundation; CFR '84-) | Dr. Margaret Hamburg (member (international) scientific advisory comm. anno '22; CFR '86-) | Dr. Harold Varmus (member (international) scientific advisory comm. anno '22; CFR '01-).
- Gates Foundation trustees (only three): Bill and Melinda Gates never were CFR. Warren Buffett (trustee 2006-2021; CFR 2014-).
- Gates Foundation management board (with CFR overlap): with Patty Stonesifer (first CEO 2006-2008; co-chair; involved since 1990s; worked at Microsoft 1988-1997, including as senior vice president; CFR '03-) | Sylvia Mathews Burwell (management board and president of global development until '11; CFR '08-) | Christopher Elias (management board and president of global development '12-14; CFR '08-) | Allan Golston (president US Program anno '12-'14; CFR '11-) | Mark Suzman (president Global Policy & Advocacy 2014-; CFR '19-).
- The foundation is primarily focused on relieving poverty and sickness in Africa.
- The Gates Foundation is partnered with the Tides Foundation:
- (accessed: September 3, 2015): "In partnership with institutions like The California Endowment, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, [George Soros'] Open Society Institute, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, [Bill & Melinda] Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, and many others, we have granted hundreds of millions of dollars."
- The Gates Foundation has been a huge billion dollar donor to Seattle's University of Washington:
-, 'University of Washington donations received': "Andrew W. Mellon Foundation: $21,230,000.00 [1972-2018; 1972-1990: $3.2 million, on average $246,000 per year, which would be about $850,000 per year anno 2020] ... Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: $724,672,884.64 [2006-2018]"
- Warren Buffett is known to have financed and to be an advisory board member of Everytown for Gun Safety, and also to have financed the Washington Monthly magazine.
- Founded in 2004. Endownent of roughly $4.3 billion. Includes the Bloomberg Family Foundation.
- The founder and owner is Michael Bloomberg: Mayor of New York City 2002-2013. Democrat pre-2001, Republican 2002-2007 and Independent since 2007. Worked with Bill Clinton on climate change issues and endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2016. Member of The Giving Pledge with the Bronfmans, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and Jeff Skoll. Member and speaker to the CFR. Member Trilateral Commission. Visitor Sun Valley meetings. Involved in the 2015-founded Breakthrough Energy Coalition (BEC) with George Soros and Richard Branson. Trustee World Conservation Society and Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University.
- Michael Bloomberg founded Everytown Against Gun Violence with Bill Gates Foundation partner Warren Buffett in 2014. Close ally of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in particular, for example on anti-smoking and contraception issues, as well as the banning of hydrogenated cooking oils (with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg). In 2011 Bloomberg and George Soros set up Young Men's Initiative to reduce issues with New York City's black and Latino communities.
- Founded in 1911 by Pilgrims Society member Andrew Carnegie.
- Has helped finance new left NGOs as the Center for Community Change, Pacifica Foundation Radio (to launch Democracy Now!), Public Radio International (PRI),the Foundation for National Progress/Mother Jones magazine and AlterNet.
- Founded in 1895 by Pilgrims Society member Andrew Carnegie.
- Leadership has included: Harry F. Osborn | Cleveland Dodge | Robert Bliss | Lindsay Bradford | Vannevar Bush (president) | Walter Gifford | Caryl Haskins | Charles Townes | John Macomber | Walter Page II (trustee 1971-1979) | John Cadwalader | William I. M. Turner, Jr. (vice chair) | William Hewlett (trustee).
- Founded in 2001 by Bill Clinton. Heavily politicized. Through 2014 the foundation had raised almost $2 billion from U.S. corporations especially Wall Street; foreign governments and corporations; political donors; and various other moneyed interests.
- At this point the annual Clinton Global Initiative is part of the Clinton Foundation.
- (accessed: April 29, 2017): "President Bill Clinton, founder and board chair. Chelsea Clinton, vice chair of the board. ... Cheryl Mills ..."
- Anno 2017 Chelsea Clinton is director of InterActiveCorp, a company that controls The Daily Beast, Vimeo, and basically all western online dating apps: OKCupid, Tinder, BlackPeopleMeet, etc. Barry Diller, the former Fox chief and, since 2001, the husband of Diane von Furstenberg, has been the long time chair of InterActiveCorp, with Alexander von Furstenberg, Edgar Bronfman Jr. and Michael Eisner also serving on the board. See the Furstenberg Family Foundation for details.
Pictures from the Daphne Foundation's page of grantees: financing street protests everywhere.- Small foundation founded in 1991 by Abigail Disney and her husband. Abigail is the daughter of Roy E. Disney and a granddaughter of Roy O. Disney, the founder of The Walt Disney Company with Abigail's great uncle Walt Disney in 1923. Abigail has a BA from Yale, an MA from Stanford and a Ph.D. from Columbia in English literature.
- February 13, 2009,, 'Abigail Disney, President, Daphne Foundation': "In 1991, Abigail Disney and her husband, Pierre Hauser, founded the Daphne Foundation — the name is a composite of their initials — to support emerging and grassroots organizations... A grand-niece of Walt Disney..."
- (accessed: April 26, 2018): "The Daphne Foundation is directed by Abigail Disney, Pierre Hauser, Leah Doyle, Deborah Howes, Yvonne L. Moore and Ingrid Benedict (director)."
- Abigail Disney is a giant feminist, gun-hating, ethnic crime statistics suppressing, white guilt pusher:
- July 23, 2016 tweet of Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney): ""Donald Trump should not be elected. He should be hospitalized". @GloriaSteinem."
- October 3, 2017, Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney): "And let's be clear. 3% of Americans [who own almost half of the 300 million guns] is 9 million people. Most of them men. Most of them white."
- April 26, 2016, Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney) Twitter biography: "Filmmaker. man-loving feminist banshee. All-around nooge for social justice. Self-important but other-important too."
- April 25, 2018 tweet of Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney): "God. My people are so fucked up. This woman wants me to peel my white skin off."
- April 26, 2018 tweet of Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney): "This the NFL embracing a racist on the one hand and shunning an activist on the other. The NFL is dying and I’m sad to say I think it deserves to die."
- April 26, 2018 tweet of Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney): "Hey white people. Does this convince you that you don’t have to use the n-word to be a racist?"
- April 26, 2018 tweet of Abigail Disney (@abigaildisney): "kanye west just lost 9.2M followers in 7 mins for posting a photo of him wearing trump hat."
- The Daphne Foundation is primarily focused on financing Third World immigrant grassroots NGOs:
- (accessed: April 26, 2018; all the photos show black, Asian and Arab immigrant protestors waving banners): "African Communities Together. ... CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities. Communities United for Police Reform. Desis Rising Up and Moving. El Centro Del Inmigrante. ... Rockaway Youth Task Force. Vocal NY."
- Abigail Disney is an extreme white guilt promoter:
- In 2008, Abigail Disney launched the Peace is Loud, a globalist feminist NGO:
- "Founded by activist, filmmaker and philanthropist Abigail Disney, Peace is Loud inspires action through media and speaking events that spotlight women leaders on the frontlines of peacebuilding."
- Abigail Disney campaigned for higher taxes, alongside George Soros and allies:
- December 11, 2012,, 'Warren Buffett And George Soros Want Higher Estate Tax Than Obama Proposes': "Warren Buffett, George Soros, President Jimmy Carter, Bill Gates, Sr., and many others have signed a list of notable wealthy individuals who are calling on Congress and the President to raise [the] estate tax... [Others include:] Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary and Co-Chairman of Goldman Sachs... Abigail Disney... and Richard Rockefeller, MD, heir to Standard Oil founder John D. Rockefeller."
- March 21, 2017, 'Disney, Rockefeller, Soros among wealthy New Yorkers asking state to raise their taxes': "Eighty people including George Soros, Steven Rockefeller and Abigail Disney wrote to lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo saying they and other top earners should pay more to support schools, roads..."
- Abigail Disney was part of the bizarre cultic NXIVM / Ethical Humanitarian Foundation network of Keith Raniere and the Bronfman sisters.
- Founded in 1996. Assets of $1.72 billion as of December 31, 2016.
- Helps finance National Public Radio, the National Resources Defense Council, the Nature Conservancy with many millions. Universities as Harvard, Yale, Washington, UCLA, Florida and others also receive millions.
- Anno 2017, Doris Duke Charitable Trust chairman Peter Nadosy, a graduate of Harvard and Columbia and top executive of Morgan Stanley, also serves as a trustee of the Ford Foundation. In addition, the foundation is linked to Occupy Wall Street's Zuccotti Park.
- (accessed: March 26, 2017): "Peter A. Nadosy, Chair ... Past Board Members: ... John J. Mack [chairman Morgan Stanley] ... Nicholas Scoppetta [New York City Fire Commissioner January 1, 2002 - January 1, 2010, right after 9/11] ... John E. Zuccotti [chair and CEO Brookfield Office Properties; Zuccotti Park, famous for Occupy Wall Street, is named after him]"
- (accessed: March 26, 2017): "Peter A. Nadosy, managing partner of East End Advisors, serves on the Ford Foundation Board of Trustees. ... president of Morgan Stanley Asset Management in 1985, and vice chairman in 1995 ... Nadosy spent 27 years at Morgan Stanley. ... Nadosy is board chair of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation..."
- Founded in New York City in 1940 by Marshall Field III of Chicago (1893-1956), the grandson of a well-known Chicago merchant who founded the famous Marshall Field's department store.
- Marshall Field III bio:
- Born in 1893 in Chicago. Primarily raised in England and educated at Eton College, Cambridge University. Became extremely wealthy after receiving a significant proportion of his grandfather's $75 million (or $118 million) estate in 1905/1906 (age 12-13) when his father committed suicide and his grandfather died. Enjoyed his wealth for the next three decades of his life without much concern for the poor or minorities.
- Director of the elite Guaranty Trust Company in New York City from at least 1922 to at least 1929 (one source says 1933), alongside Averell Harriman, key Morgan bankers Tomas W. Lamont and John W. Davis, and other top elites of the Pilgrims Society and emerging CFR. Field himself joined the Pilgrims Society no later than 1924 and joined the CFR in 1927. He held membership in both groups until his death in 1956.
- January 4, 1922, New York Times, p. 33: "A.C. Bedford, Chairman, Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey; ... Marshall Field [III], Trustee, Estate of Marshall Field; Robert W. Goelet ... Eugene G. Grace, Pres. Bethlehem Steel Corp.; Daniel Guggenheim of Guggenheim Brothers; W. Averell Harriman, Chairman, W.A. Harriman & Co., Inc. ... Cornelius F. Kelley, Pres. Anaconda Mining Co.; Thomas W. Lamont, partner of J.P. Morgan & Co. ... Edgar L. Marston of Blair & Co.; Grayson M.-P. Murphy ... Charles A. Peabody, pres. Mutual Life Insurance Co. ... Edward R. Stettinius of J.P. Morgan & Co.; Myron C. Taylor ... George Whitney of J.P. Morgan & Co.; Harry Payne Whitney, banker..."
- July 9, 1929, New York Times, p. 49: " John W. Davis ... Marshall Field of Field, Glore & Co. ... Robert W. Goelet ... W. Averell Harriman ... Thomas W. Lamont ... Richard B. Mellon, Pres. Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh; Grayson M.-P. Murphy ... Eugene W. Stetson ... Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, banker; George Whitney of J.P. Morgan & Co.; Harry Payne Whitney, banker ... "
- Member Pilgrims Society from at least 1924 until his death in 1956 - based on historical Pilgrims Society membership lists.
- Resident member CFR 1927-1956, based on historical CFR membership lists. Marshall Field Jr. certainly was a non-resident member of the CFR anno 1955.
- Marshall Field's close British friend was one-time Cambridge classmate and later Churchil cabinet member Oliver Lyttelton, the son of Alfred Lyttelton (1857-1913), a Pilgrim who was intimately part of the Cecil Rhodes secret society and subsequent Milner Group, together with Lord Rothschild, Sir Arthur Balfour and other elites. This network is considered the origin of today's corporate suprenational globalist government.
- 1964, Stephen Becker and Marshall Field, 'Marshall Field III: A Biography', pp. 77, 97, 332, 459: "[Field] and Oliver Lyttelton (a classmate, now Viscount Chandos)... At Cambridge Oliver Lyttelton had wondered what Field would do with himself, and had suggested politics; Field rejected the suggestion immediately, pointing out that American politics was "a dirty business."...
Field's old friend Oliver Lyttelton ... was named Controller of Metals in 1939 ... member of [Churchill's] War Cabinet in 1941, and Minister of Production in 1942. His meetings with Field were infrequent, but the two remained friends. Lyttelton even found the opportunity to strike a glancing blow for Field, at the Rainbow Club in London in 1943. He was with a group of British and American officers; one of the latter offered the old, silly reproach that the British lacked a sense of humor. Lyttelton answered him, "I admit we have nothing as funny as the Chicago Tribune." [The anti-FDR, anti-intervention paper Field set up the Chicago Sun for] Through those men, and through dozens of friends and employees who had gone off, Field was personally tied to the war. But during the war years he remembered peace. ...
Field also spent some time with his old friend Oliver Lyttelton, who was then Secretary of State for the Colonies [from 1951 to 1954] and had his hands full, what with Malaya, the emerging African nations, British Guiana, and particularly, that year, Kenya. Lyttelton thought that Field seemed quite tired."
- 1964, Stephen Becker and Marshall Field, 'Marshall Field III: A Biography', pp. 77, 97, 332, 459: "[Field] and Oliver Lyttelton (a classmate, now Viscount Chandos)... At Cambridge Oliver Lyttelton had wondered what Field would do with himself, and had suggested politics; Field rejected the suggestion immediately, pointing out that American politics was "a dirty business."...
- Marshall Field's cousin was the British Ronald Tree, an intimate of Churchill on whose estate the super-elite U.S.-Canadian-British Ditchley Foundation was established in 1958:
- 1964, Stephen Becker and Marshall Field, 'Marshall Field III: A Biography', pp. 332, 381, 474: "In New York his cousin Ronald Tree was one of those... (Another friend, who also had a cottage there, was Edward M. M. Warburg). Tree shared with Field aspects of life that almost no one else close to him had experienced -- the English background; and their friendship, interrupted by the war, was renewed in their easygoing summertime life at Caumsett [on Long Island]. Field swam, played tennis, rode. ...
Winston Churchill's estate, Chequers, was considered unsafe, a prime target, on weekends of full moon, and on those weekends the Trees extended to the Prime Minister... the hospitality of their own home, Ditchley. ...
In March of 1955 [Field] had taken a vacation in Barbados, where Ronald Tree was living. ... Tree thought his cousin weary, more abstracted than ever." - March 31, 1985, New York Times, 'House with Lustrous Past': "Ditchley ... has changed little since it was built in about 1720 [and was inhabited by] the grandson of Charles II and his mistress Barbara Villiers, Duchess of Cleveland. ... In 1933 Ditchley Park was acquired from its last Lee owner, the 17th Viscount Dillon, by Ronald Tree, an heir to the Marshall Field fortune in Chicago. ...
At Ditchley Park [during WWII], Churchill met with his staff and, secretly, with members of the Roosevelt Administration, including W. Averell Harriman and Under Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal. Most importantly, he met with Harry L. Hopkins, Roosevelt's personal envoy, to draft the lend-lease agreements. ...
Ditchley ... now houses a lecture theater and the offices of the [super-elite] Ditchley Foundation. The other, formerly a chapel, is now the living quarters of the foundation director."
- 1964, Stephen Becker and Marshall Field, 'Marshall Field III: A Biography', pp. 332, 381, 474: "In New York his cousin Ronald Tree was one of those... (Another friend, who also had a cottage there, was Edward M. M. Warburg). Tree shared with Field aspects of life that almost no one else close to him had experienced -- the English background; and their friendship, interrupted by the war, was renewed in their easygoing summertime life at Caumsett [on Long Island]. Field swam, played tennis, rode. ...
- In the 1940s very close to the Warburg family and seemingly also John McCloy and Dean Acheson - all Pilgrims:
- 1964, James P. Warburg, 'The Long Road Home: The Autobiography of a Maverick', pp. 65, 218, 226: "Two of my Wall Street friends, Marshall Field and Averell Harriman, had seen and liked the play in rehearsal. ...
In politics as in private life, I felt disconnected and somewhat ... Marshall Field and I had become fast friends back in the ... [He] lived like an English duke on his estate on Long Island [and] had the British aristocrat's sense of 'noblesse oblige' and the appealing, fun-loving quality of a child. ...
When this idea found favor with [Pilgrim and CFR member Dean] Acheson and with [Pilgrim and CFR chair and David Rockefeller mentor] Jack McCloy in the War Department, I arranged with Marshall Field [III] to have myself accredited as a special correspondent for the Chicago Sun Syndicate. Thanks to the arrangements made by Acheson and McCloy, all doors in Germany were opened. General Lucius D. Clay, the United States chief of military government, gave me a thorough briefing on inter-ally relations and ordered his staff to provide whatever available information I might desire. He arranged permission for me to travel where and as I pleased throughout the Western zones of occupation, and placed a jeep at my disposal."
- 1964, James P. Warburg, 'The Long Road Home: The Autobiography of a Maverick', pp. 65, 218, 226: "Two of my Wall Street friends, Marshall Field and Averell Harriman, had seen and liked the play in rehearsal. ...
- Founding partner of Chicago-based investment banking firm Field, Glore & Co. early 1920s-1926. According to EIR (which did an incredibly accurate profile on Marshall Field III in 1983), by the mid 1930s Field was a director of Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, Chicago Union Traction, Rock Island and St. Paul Railroad, and Continental Illinois Bank.
- Supporter of Mussolini in the 1930s, alongside the usual elite bankers:
- 2015, John Patrick Diggins, 'Mussolini and Fascism: The View from America', pp. 124-125: "Safely settled [amidst major consternation in New York City upon his 1931 arrival], [Mussolini's] Foreign Minister [Dino Grandi] enjoyed a round of hearty welcomes: a dinner at Columbia University's Casa Italiana where Nicholas Murray Butler [Pilgrims Society president; key representative of the Morgan, Carnegie and Harriman interests], Marshall Field, and Ambassador de Martino were the main speakers; a White House ball, to which all the leading pro-Fascist Italian-American publishers had been invited; and a luncheon given by [New York Times] publisher Adolph Ochs, who complimented Grandi for supporting the same international policies as did the New York Times (the League of Nations and the World Court, "generous liquidation" of war debts, and disarmament) But the sweet amenities extended by the Establishment did not lessen tension. The Stimson estate, where Grandi resided, was guarded day and night by scores of security police."
- February 15, 1983, Executive Intelligence Review, "A profile of Chicago's Marshall Field clan': "A year later [in 1932], Field was decorated by the Italian government for his services. Field III also continued the promotion of Nordic race superiority begun by his grandfather, who founded Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History."
- In line with the Anglo-American establishment, Marshall Field III reversed his position on support for fascism when a peace treaty couldn't be worked out with Hitler due to FDR and British public opinion, and Hitler invaded the West to secure the Atlantic border:
-, 'Fight for Freedom, Inc. Records': "Fight for Freedom, Inc. (FFF), a national citizen's organization established in April 1941, was a leading proponent of full American participation in World War II. [It was] an offshoot of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies...
Other key individuals, many of whom sat on the Board of Directors [of FFF], included ... Harvard University president James B. Conant; [OSS founder] Colonel William J. Donovan [Rockefeller Fdn. representative during WWI and for J.P. Morgan in the early 1920s] ... [OSS co-founder and later CIA co-founder] Allen Dulles; Marshall Field [III], philanthropist and publisher of the New York-based evening newspaper PM; publisher Harold Guinzburg; .. and financier James P. Warburg. The FFF headquarters was a hub of activity, and at its peak, FFF maintained an office staff of twenty-five." - 1968, Mark Lincoln Chadwin, 'The Hawks of World War II', p. 170: "The [Fight for Freedom] Committee consisted of Mrs. Calvin Coolidge (a Vice-Chairman of the Fight For Freedom); ... Laird Bell, attorney and president of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations; attorney Henry B. Cabot; ... James B. Conant; William J. Donovan; ... Allen Dulles; Marshall Field [III]; Richard M. Griffith; Harold Guinzburg [publisher and co-founder of Viking Press, president of Viking/Penguin 1975, where he hired Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis; and father of Paris Review editor Thomas Guinzburg] ... Spyros Skouras [president 20th Century-Fox 1942-1962]... Dan Tobin, president of the Teamsters [Union]..."
- December 30, 1940, Congressional Record (revealing there was some controversy about him at the time, if only from ultraright, isolationist corners): "Members of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies are very much interested in companies selling war supplies and materials to the United States and to Great Britain. Many of them are directors and officials in these war-boom companies. ... Marshall Field, very active in financing the war propaganda in this country, has much money invested in ...
Marshall Field, one of the backers to most of the [pro-]war groups and very active for intervention, signer of the telegram, etc., is a director of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., with its millions of dollars worth of dollars, and of Marshall Field, also selling the Government goods."
-, 'Fight for Freedom, Inc. Records': "Fight for Freedom, Inc. (FFF), a national citizen's organization established in April 1941, was a leading proponent of full American participation in World War II. [It was] an offshoot of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies...
- Underwent psychoanalysis by Dr. Gregory Zilboorg in 1934 (similar to Ralph Ingersoll and Ernest Hemingway, as well as Edward M.M. Warburg and James P. Warbug), after his second divorce and immediately after the depths of the Great Depression. Reportedly heavily affected by the misery of the working class in this period and emerged as a more caring man. Hence, became a supporter of FDR's New Deal of 1933 and 1935, which gave many basic rights to workers (maximum working hours, minimum wage, a ban on child labor, etc.)
- Founder of his Field Foundation and Saul Alinsky's Chicago-based Industrial Areas Foundation, both in 1940. Founded the Chicago Sun in 1941 and build a Chicago-based newspaper and book-publishing empire.
- Marshall Field III / Field Enterprises (founded in 1944) owned:
- Picture Magazine (PM) (June 1940-June 1948): Left-leaning, strongly-pro-WWII-intervention magazine backed by Field, published in New York City. PM did not allow corporate advertizing and was only able to spread its daily newpaper (165,000 readers on average) because Field served as its "silent partner" from the start. Initially Field only owned 13%, but when other investors - like John Hay Whitney and other Pilgrims/CFR members with arguably future CIA ties - started to panic when circulation dwindled in late 1940, Field bought out all other investors.
- The Chicago Sun (1941-1948): Newspaper on December 4, 1941 to counter the isolationist policy of the Chicago Tribune, owned by Colonel Robert McCormick. Still very close to Wall Street at this point.
- 1975, Walter Trohan, 'Political Animals: Memoirs of a Sentimental Cynic': "In order to help [Marshall Field's] paper get an Associated Press franchise, then a guarded possession, FDR had FBI agents call upon various small-town publishers and urge them to support Field's bid for a franchise. J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, later showed me the order he had received to undertake a campaign, which he considered above and beyond his unit's functions."
- The Chicago Daily Times (1947-1948).
- The Chicago Sun-Times (1948-1983): Merger of the Chicago Sun and the Chicago Sun-Times.
- Parade magazine (1941–1958; became the country's most widely circulated Sunday supplement, with a circulation of over 25 million in 135 newspapers).
- Simon & Schuster book publisher (1944–1957).
- Pocket Books (1944–1957).
- World Book Encyclopedia (1945–1978).
- Chicago Daily News (1959–1978).
- Field Communications (1966–1983).
- WFLD television (1966-).
- Co-founder and primary financier of Saul Alinsky's Chicago-based Industrial Areas Foundation, which helped eliminate the worst poverty in the Back of the Yards neighborhood by organizing disssent against unscrupulous corporations and landlords. Alinsky's network expanded coast to coast, also towards organizing protests in black neighborhoods against corporations and local government.
- Initial purpose of the 1940-founded Field Foundation: support FDR's New Deal, help victims of the Great Depression, and fund a variety of NGOs against racism and in favor of the working classes:
- (accessed: August 13, 2020): "Established by Marshall Field III in 1940... Moved by the despair created during the Great Depression, he was inspired to help those struggling with poverty and endorsed a wide range of New Deal policies, activists and progressive thinkers. ...
Grants were made to among others, the American Council on Race Relations, Provident Medical Associates in Chicago (assisting African American physicians acquire specialized training) and the Research Center for Human Relations in New York (which worked on racial integration in housing)." - May 28, 2019, Philanthropy News Digest, 'Angelique Power, President, Field Foundation: Rethinking Racial Equity': "Angelique Power: As someone who in the day practiced what we refer to today as racial equity and social justice grantmaking, Marshall Field III was a leading financial supporter of Saul Alinsky, the godfather of community organizing.
Marshall Field V is on our board..."
- (accessed: August 13, 2020): "Established by Marshall Field III in 1940... Moved by the despair created during the Great Depression, he was inspired to help those struggling with poverty and endorsed a wide range of New Deal policies, activists and progressive thinkers. ...
- In 1945 Marshall Field III was a key seed financier of Roosevelt University (then Roosevelt College) in Chicago. It was founded by Edward J. Sparling, the president of Central YMCA College in Chicago, who left the university with scores of faculty and students in protest of suspicions that a quota system would be put in place by the college's board to limit the number of African Americans, Jews, immigrants, and women at the school.
- Starting in 1955, Marshall Field & Company (in which Marshall Field III only had a small stake, if any) financed the National Military Industrial Conferences and the American Security Council, both deeply intertwined with the ultraright elements of the CIA and DOD. Sears, Roebuck - tied to the pro-Civil Rights Norman Foundation - was a co-founder:
- Blog of Gregg Hilton [of the ASCF board], 'A Brief History of the American Security Council': "Financial support for the National Military Industrial Conferences was provided by Sears, Roebuck and Company, Motorola, Marshall Field's, and Montgomery Ward's. The conferences would not have been possibly without a $50,000 grant from the H. Smith Richardson Foundation."
- April 18, 1981, John S. Friedman, 'Culture War II', Nation 232, no. 15, pp. 452- 453: "The Smith Richardson Foundation, which has C.I.A. officials among its consultants reviewing grants, provides management training to C.I.A. and Defense Department employees through an affilate."
- In 1960, four years after Marshall Field died, the Field Foundation was split up in a temporary New York City branch, headed by his widow and spent down in 1989; and a more permanent Illinois (the state where Chicago is located) branch (headquarters), headed by his son, Marshall Field IV. The latter foundation has continued to this day.
- May 28, 2019, Philanthropy News Digest, 'Angelique Power, President, Field Foundation: Rethinking Racial Equity': "After [Marshall Field III] passed away in 1956, the foundation was broken up. His widow moved to New York and created the Field Foundation of New York, and his son, Marshall Field IV, stayed in Chicago and created the Field Foundation of [Chicago] Illinois. The Field Foundation of New York spent itself down after twenty years, while the Field Foundation of Illinois is what we today refer to as the Field Foundation."
- (accessed: August 13, 2020): "Following Field III's death in 1956, it was apparent that the Foundation was being pulled in different directions. At one end was his widow, Ruth Field, based in New York and interested in national funding and on other, Field's son, Marshall Field IV, who wanted to make the Foundation more Chicago-based. In 1960, the Foundation was divided into two separate entities: The Field Foundation of New York, which was led by Field III's widow, Ruth, and the Field Foundation of Illinois, led by Field's son, Marshall Field IV. By 1989, as Ruth Field had directed, the Field Foundation of New York fully spent its assets and closed."
- Throughout its existence, the Field Foundation has been extremely focused on racial integration in increasingly black- (and crime-)dominated Chicago. Headed by Leslie Dunbar from 1965 to 1980, who previously worked at the Southern Regional Council (research director 1958-1961; executive director 1961-1965), it was very much part of (radicalizing) the Civil Right movements and beyond:
- May 28, 2019, Philanthropy News Digest, 'Angelique Power, President, Field Foundation: Rethinking Racial Equity': "The Field Foundation in the early '60s was a significant supporter of Dr. Martin Luther King, especially around some of the voter registration campaigns that Dr. King led."
- January 12, 2017, New York Times, 'Leslie W. Dunbar, White Civil-Rights Leader of the '60s, Dies at 95': "[Dunbar] found a way to wed his liberalism to the cause of racial equality by pushing the Southern Regional Council, a politically moderate biracial civic and business group in Atlanta, into a more aggressive civil-rights role. ...
"When [Dunbar] came to the S.R.C. it was a pretty cautious organization, not quick to condemn segregation outright," said Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, a history professor at the University of North Carolina who worked at the council after Mr. Dunbar's time there. "I think Les really connected it to the grass-roots civil-rights movement as it gained momentum."" - January 7, 2017, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, 'Leslie Dunbar, behind-the-scenes figure in Atlanta's Civil Rights movement, has died': "Dunbar was a passionate voice for acknowledging and following the black leadership of the Southern struggle. With Southern Leadership Christian Conference's Martin Luther King Jr. and the NAACP's Roy Wilkins, he helped to create the Voter Education Project, using the funds of the SRC to sponsor it.
Dunbar hired Wiley Branton and later, Vernon Jordan, Jr. [close Clinton ally who became a Bilderberg steering committee and Trilateral Commission member and served on the boards of the Ford and Rockefeller foundation], to direct the project which is credited with registering 2 million African-American voters in the 1960's. Dr. Dunbar was a guest at the signing of the Voting Rights Act at the White House in 1965.
Also in 1965, Dr. Dunbar moved with his family to New York to direct the Field Foundation ... until 1980. ...
Dunbar [also of the Norman Foundation] steered Field Foundation funds to provide substantial, probably primary, support for Martin Luther King's Poor People's Campaign, which continued through organizational difficulties after Dr. King's assassination [in April 1968]. Dunbar was instrumental in providing financial sustenance to ... La Raza, a leading Latino advocacy organization. ... Dunbar was an early and passionate objector to the war in Vietnam...
Dunbar was a "scholar-at-large" with the [elite-backed] United Negro College Fund in 1984-1985, and taught at Xavier University in New Orleans. His working career concluded at the Ford Foundation, where he published, "Minority Rights, What Has Happened to Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians & Other Minorities in the Eighties."" - 2005, Gilbert Jonas, 'Freedom's Sword: The NAACP and the Struggle Against Racism in America, 1909-1969', p. 361: "The left-of-center "activist" foundation leaders and boards, including the Field Foundation under Leslie Dunbar, the New York Foundation under John Heyman, the New World Foundation under Vernon Eagle [also home to Hillary Clinton and Bilderberg steering committee member Vernon Jordan], the Stern Foundation under Phil Stern, the Norman Foundation under Andrew Norman, and the Helen Rubinstein Foundation under Diane Goldstein, individually and collectively rejected the NAACP [National Association for the Advancedment of Colored people] as too "middle-of-the-road" or "middle class"..."
- May 28, 2019, Philanthropy News Digest, 'Angelique Power, President, Field Foundation: Rethinking Racial Equity': "The decision to diversify the center of power at the foundation began in the 1980s [after Leslie Dunbar stepped down as head], and that's also something I attribute to Marshall Field V. It's because of Marshall that our last two board chairs — including Lyle Logan, who recently stepped down as chair after serving more than ten years in that role — have been persons of color. [So] we are not a family foundation [anymore], although we do have some family members on our ten-person board, including Marshall Field V, who is a director for life, and two other family members; everyone else [today] is a person of color."
- The Field Foundation has a considerable (official) CIA link during the time of the civil rights movement through the activities of Leslie Dunbar, the head of the Field Foundation from 1965 to 1980. Dunbar came from the Southern Regional Council (research director 1958-1961; executive director 1961-1965), which was accused of taking CIA funds under his leadership. Dunbar later went to work for the Ford Foundation, which also has historic CIA ties. Dunbar also was loosely connected to the Norman Fund, which also took CIA money, all coincidentally for pro-Negro activities.
- April 7, 1967, Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson's Washington Merry-Go-Round (Washington Post, Times Herald, etc.), 'CIA Funds Aided Negro Registration': "The main conduit for CIA money to help the Negro voter registration drive was the Southern Regional Council, which received $60,000 [$510,000 in 2019] of CIA funds in 1963. The money was channeled through the New World Foundation [later of Hillary Clinton and Bilderberg steering committee member and Trilateralist Vernon Jordan].
In 1962, $6000 [$51,000 in in 2019] of CIA funds went to the Southern Research Council through the Aaron E. Norman Fund. In 1962, the Georgia Council on Human Relations also got $2600 [$22,000 in 2019] of CIA money from the Norman Fund. ... Note: Fund officials deny any knowledge of CIA financial ties; nevertheless they are a fact. ...
The National Students Association, which received massive contributions of CIA money, was also encouraged by the CIA to push voter registration drives in the South [for blacks]. ...
The CIA money ... to help Negro voting registration and militant civil rights groups ... was funneled through private foundations right under the nose of the Central Intelligence Watchdog Committee headed by Sen. Dick Russell, Georgia Democrat, and Rep. Mendel Rivers, the South Carolina Democrat. Both have made speeches denouncing the civil rights movement." -, Interview with Leslie W. Dunbar, December 8, 1972. Interview G-0075, Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)': "There was this son of a bitch, this guy who was working for the CIA, Mitchell Rogovin. I'm sure you know him. He was the CIA's guy within the Internal Revenue Service, and then represented the CIA before the Church Committee. He had become a big liberal lawyer in Washington, doing all the legal work for people like the Institute for Policy Studies, and Highlander. He was over at the Internal Revenue Service, and DeWind and I went over to see him about the tax exemption for this new project. That was the only time I ever worked with him. ... It's just not so [Jack Anderson's accusations that my Southern Regional Council was given CIA money]. ... As far as I know, the truth of that CIA money is that the Norman Foundation [which I also was involved in to some degree] did take some CIA money as a conduit for some things that the CIA was doing in Africa."
- April 7, 1967, Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson's Washington Merry-Go-Round (Washington Post, Times Herald, etc.), 'CIA Funds Aided Negro Registration': "The main conduit for CIA money to help the Negro voter registration drive was the Southern Regional Council, which received $60,000 [$510,000 in 2019] of CIA funds in 1963. The money was channeled through the New World Foundation [later of Hillary Clinton and Bilderberg steering committee member and Trilateralist Vernon Jordan].
- From the same couple that established the older and larger William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.
- Flora Family Foundation history: "The Flora Family Foundation was established in 1998 by the family of William R. Hewlett (co-founder of Hewlett Packard Company) and his late wife, Flora Lamson Hewlett."
- (accessed: February 26, 2016)
- Founded in 1936 by Edsel Ford and Henry Ford. From 1947 to 1955 it owned 90% of the shares in the Ford Motor Company. By 1974 it had sold all its holdings in the the company.
- Back in the 1950s and 1960s, the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Corporation and USAID took over CIA financing of the important America-Africa Institute in order to prevent any kind of negative backlash in the future.
- 1983, Edward Berman, 'The Ideology of Philanthropy: The Influence of the Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller Foundations on American Foreign Policy', pp. 131-132: "The AAI [America-Africa Institute] was founded in Washington, D.C., in 1953 and soon became an important nongovernmental organization concerned with African-American relations. [11] Its private character was a major consideration when government officials began searching for an organization to administer the growing African scholarship programs in the mid-1950s, in response to impending independence for several West African countries. ... The Central Intelligence Agency was centrally involved in the institute's affairs and remained so for nearly a decade. The chairman of the institute's board of trustees during the 1950s admitted that "the largest proportion of the more than $1 million which AAI spent in the 1950s came from the CIA." Nor did he find this particularly noteworthy, since he felt that "AAI's scholarship programs, as well as its other activities, served the interests of African students, the countries from which the students came, and the interests of the United States." Officers of the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations were distressed, however, when rumors about the CIA's support for the institute began to circulate more widely in the early 1960s. ... First, they feared that the public disclosure that such ostensibly independent organizations as AAI were in fact part of the American foreign-policy nexus would destroy whatever credibility they had developed for their own overseas projects, as well as their fellowship programs. The increasingly vocal Third-World claims regarding the omnipresence of the CIA, which was intent on insuring the continuance of indigenous regimes aligned with American interests, gained credibility as documentation of covert CIA activities affecting foreign nationals was revealed. Second, the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations were closely identified with the AAI through board memberships and program subsidies, associations that seemed certain to raise questions about their claims of disinterested concern for Third-World development. Several years before the 1967 disclosure about CIA funding for the institute, representatives of the foundations gathered and decided that deliberate action was necessary to place funding of the institute on a more respectable footing. Without undue delay, consequently, officers of the three foundations--joined by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, whose president also served as chairman of AAI's board of trustees--agreed to underwrite the budget of the institute. Part of this effort to legitimate the institute's standing involved the recruitment of a new president. Ford Foundation officer Waldemar Nielsen agreed to accept the position, with the proviso that CIA funding ceased. Nielsen and institute trustee Harold Hochschild met with McGeorge Bundy, then President Kennedy's special assistant for national-security affairs and subsequently Ford Foundation president, who assured them that the CIA funds would be replaced by comparable funding from the Agency for International Development (formerly the International Cooperation Administration). After this meeting the level of Ford Foundation grants to the institute increased significantly. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s the ostensibly independent and nongovernmental AAI undertook numerous tasks for the United States government, as indeed did the major foundations."
- In January 1953 David Rockefeller guaranteed his friend Allen Dulles the Ford Foundation presidency in case the newly-elected president Eisenhower would not select him as CIA director. Eisenhower did select Dulles. Rockefeller, Dulles and Eisenhower all belonged to the Pilgrims Society, where this episode is discussed and sourced.
- When Rockefeller agent John McCloy (also a Pilgrim) was president of the Ford Foundation from 1958 to 1964, he appeased a number of executives by explaining that he went along with placing CIA agents in the Ford Foundation, because otherwise "the CIA would simply penetrate the foundation quietly by recruiting or inserting staff at the lower levels." This also has been discussed in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article.
- Henry Ford II was a member of the WWF's secretive 1001 Club, together with the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bechtels, Maurice Strong, Ford Motors president and Ford Foundation trustee Robert McNamara and other elites.
- The Ford Foundation has donated enormous amounts to all kinds of liberal mainstream and less mainstream programs since at least the 1950s. This includes Pacifica Radio, Democracy Now!, The Nation, Progressive magazine, The American Prospect magazine, Political Research Associates and other new left media outlets.
- Financier of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission:
- 1963, Ford Foundation, 'Ford Foundation Grants in New York', p. 30: "Bilderberg Conference program among Atlantic-community nations: $85,345."
- 2000 annual report, Ford Foundation, p. 112: "American Friends of Bilderberg. Inc. (Washington, D.C.). $75,000."
- The foundation behind Mother Jones magazine. Adam Hochschild was a co-founder of Mother Jones magazine. His father Harold K. Hochschild, key founder of the Hochschild Foundation, was chair / then honorary chair of the elite and at one point CIA-backed African-America Institute (AAI: now called the Africa-America Institute), with board members as:
- (February 13, 2006): "Programs Supported by the Foundation for National Progress: ... The flagship project of the FNP, Mother Jones magazine, launched in February 1976..."
- December 7, 2015, Mother Jones, 'There's One Piece of Democracy That Fat Cats Can't Buy': "It takes about $13 million to run Mother Jones at our current size. About 15 percent of that comes from advertising, while 15 percent comes from foundations (a few big ones like the MacArthur Foundation in Chicago, and a number of smaller family-based ones). Nearly 70 percent is from readers like you."
- 2007, Bob Feldman, draft of an article that would later appear in the peer-reviewed journal Critical Sociology, 'Left Media & Left Think Tanks: Foundation-Managed Protest?' (PDF): "Nor did [Beth] Schulman mention ... a $500,000 grant from the Schumann Foundation [of Bill Moyers] that Mother Jones/Foundation for National Progress received in 1995."
- 2007, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "Foundation for National Progress, San Francisco, CA. A two-year grant of $100,000 for general support..."
- (accessed: december 16, 2015): "Foundation for National Progress. Year: 2011. Location: San Francisco, CA. Amount: $320,000. Term: two years. ... To support Mother Jones' Dark Money reporting project."
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund: (accessed: december 16, 2015): "$25,000 for 1 year. Awarded: December 1, 2014. ... $25,000 for 1 year. Awarded: August 5, 2013. ..."
- ARCA Foundation, 'Supplementary Schedule of Grant Expenses. Year Ended December 31, 2009': "Name of Grantee: ... - Foundation for National Progress. - Foundation for National Progress (The Media Consortium). ... - Institute for America's Future, Inc. - Institute for America's Future, Inc. ... - Institute for Policy Studies. ... - Institute for Media Analysis. ... - People of the American Way Foundation. - People of the American Way Foundation. ... - Tides Foundation. ... - Veterans for peace (Iraq Veterans Against the War)."
- July 9, 2011, Bob Feldman article on Wrong Kind of Green, 'FLASHBACK: Democracy Now! Show Funder Censors Anti-War Journalist John Pilger': "According to the Lannan Foundation's Form 990 financial filing for 2008, Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! Productions was given three grants, totaling $375,000, by the Lannan Foundation. And that same year the Lannan Foundation also gave three grants, totaling $545,000, to The Nation!/Nation Institute alternative left media group and three grants, totaling $475,000, to Foundation for National Progress/Mother Jones magazine. But the Lannan Foundation apparently doesn't want to allow anti-war journalists who criticize the Democratic Obama Administration's failure to end the endless U.S. military intervention in Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Libya-Yemen-Somalia to speak freely in the United States these days, as indicated by Australian anti-war journalist and anti-war filmmaker John Pilger's recent experience."
- Discoverthenetworks, 'Foundation for National Progress': "In 1986 Mother Jones hired a young Michigan underground newspaper founder named Michael Moore as its editor. Five months later, Moore was fired after he rejected an article by socialist Paul Berman, a piece that Moore claimed was "unfairly critical" of the [anti-U.S-backed-Contra] Sandinista dictatorship in Nicaragua. Moore sued, claiming wrongful dismissal. He pocketed $58,000 in an out-of-court settlement of his lawsuit, then used the money to produce his first film documentary, "Roger and Me". ...
The Mother Jones magazine and website are owned by the non-profit, tax-exempt Foundation for National Progress (FNP)... FNP has been supported by other left-leaning foundations, among them the Arca Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Irving Harris Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, Kansas City Community Foundation, the Lannan Foundation, the Park Foundation, the Bill Moyers-run Schuman Center for Media and Democracy, and the Streisand Foundation. ... From 2002 to 2004, FNP received $410,000 in foundation grants." - September 30, 2012, Frontpage Magazine (ultraconservative), ''Panicked' Soros Bankrolls Obama Campaign: Did left-wing 'Mother Jones' spike a story revealing the radical mega-funder's true state of mind?': "The new donations were announced by Soros spokesman Michael Vachon at a luncheon Thursday hosted by the Democracy Alliance, an invitation-only club for radical plutocrats. (Former President Bill Clinton and former House Speaker nancy Pelosi were also in attendance.) Members of the ultra-secretive Democracy Alliance have committed to swamping Democrats and president Obama's re-election campaign in an ocean of cash this year. Donations could easily reach $100 million or much more before Election Day, especially because other Democracy Alliance members are following Soros's lead. The ultra-secretive group, founded in 2005, is a financial clearinghouse that recommends to its wealthy members [various] projects and groups... With that said, it is a fact that the [Mother Jones] magazine's 501c3 nonprofit, Foundation for National Progress, has received funding through Soros's philanthropies, Open society Institute ($225,000 since 2008) and Foundation to Promote Open Society ($100,000 since 2010). Democracy Alliance chairman and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay was a member of the magazine's board. Through the McKay Foundation he has given the Foundation for National Progress $165,000 since 1999. Democracy Alliance member and RealNetworks CEO Rob Glaser has given FNP $211,329 since 1999. Another member, Stephen M. Silberstein, has given $117,000 since 2001 through his eponymous foundation. The Soros-linked Tides Foundation, founded by Democracy Alliance member Drummond Pike, has kicked in $126,417 since 2003."
- Founded in 1999 and overseen by billionaire Barry Diller, his wife since 2001, Princess Diane von Furstenberg, Diane's son Alexander von Furstenberg and Alexander's sister, Princess Tatiana von Fürstenberg.
- (accessed: April 29, 2017): "BARRY DILLER: is the Chairman and Senior Executive of IAC and the Chairman and Senior Executive of Expedia, Inc. From 1995 to late 2010, Mr. Diller served as the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of IAC.
From October 1984 to April 1992, Mr. Diller served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fox, Inc. and was responsible for the creation of Fox Broadcasting Company in addition to Fox’s motion picture operations.
Before joining Fox, Mr. Diller served for 10 years as the Chairman and Chief Executive of Paramount...
He serves on the boards of The Coca-Cola Company and the Graham Holdings Company (formerly The Washington Post Company). ...
DIANE VON FURSTENBERG: ... Diane is married to Barry Diller. She has two children, Alexander and Tatiana...
- (accessed: April 29, 2017): "BARRY DILLER: is the Chairman and Senior Executive of IAC and the Chairman and Senior Executive of Expedia, Inc. From 1995 to late 2010, Mr. Diller served as the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of IAC.
- While very minor in the traditional ''Liberal CIA'' network here, the foundation has provided fund to People for the American Way, Oxfam America, Mercy Corps, and the National Resources Defense Council. It is also more focused than usual on Jewish causes due to Barry Diller's heritage.
- 2005 annual report, Oxfam America, p. 35: "$100,000+: ... Flora Family Foundation ... William and Flora Hewlett Foundation ... J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation ... Omidyar Fund ... Rockefeller Foundation ... $50,000 – $99,999: ... Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation ... Ford Foundation ... Libra Foundation ... McKnight Foundation ... New York Times Company Foundation, Inc. Park Foundation ... Yahoo Inc."
- (donor July 2008 - June 2009; accessed: April 29, 2017): "Arca Foundation ... Diller - Von Furstenberg Family Foundation ... Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ... Hewlett Foundation .. Rockefeller Foundation [etc.]"
- (accessed: April 29, 2017): "The Whitney Museum ... NYC Police Foundation ... The UCLA Foundation ... Tony Blair Faith Foundation ... Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith ... Human Rights Campaign ... Human Rights Watch ... International Rescue Committee ... People for the American Way ... US Holocaust Memorial Museum ... Carnegie Hall ... Metropolitan Museum of Art ... Paris Review ... Michael J. Fox Foundation ... Conservation International ... Natural Resources Defense Council..."
- Barry Diller is a financier of the major pro-Third World immigration group of Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft's Bill Gates.
- Diane von Furstenberg was married to Prince Egon von Furstenberg, whose mother was the eldest sister of Gianni Agnelli, the long-time Bilderberg participant and best friend of Henry Kissinger.
- Anno 2017 Diane's son, Alexander, is a director of InterActiveCorp, which, apart from The Daily Beast, controls just about every online dating app: Tinder, OKCupid, and a dozen others. Other directors of InterActiveCorp are Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Bill and Hillary; Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Michael Eisner and chairman Barry Diller. The latter was the predecessor of Rupert Murdoch at Fox and Diane von Furstenberg's present-day husband.
- (accessed: April 29, 2017): "IAC Senior Management: Barry Diller Chairman & Senior Executive ... Board of Directors: Barry Diller Chairman. ... Edgar Bronfman, Jr. ... Chelsea Clinton ... Michael Eisner ..."
- (accessed: April 29, 2017): "Match Group is the world’s leading provider of dating products, with a portfolio of over 45 brands, including Match, OkCupid, Tinder, Meetic, Twoo, PlentyOfFish, OurTime, BlackPeopleMeet and FriendScout24, each designed to increase users’ likelihood of finding a romantic connection. ... [Also:] ... Delightful ... HowAboutWe ..."
- (accessed: April 29, 2017): "The Daily Beast was founded in 2008 as the vision of Tina Brown and IAC Chairman & Senior Executive Barry Diller."
- April 29, 2017): " Apalon ... ... ... ... Investopedia. The Daily Beast ... Vimeo ... "
- Diane von Furstenberg signed The Giving Pledge on August 4, 2010, the same date as superclass members Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Michael Bloomberg, Peter Peterson, David Rubenstein (Carlyle) and Pierre Omidyar.
- Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg are visitors of the annual Allen & Co.-organized Sun Valley Meetings. Alexander von Furstenberg used to work for Allen & Co. early on in his career.
- Top superclass member Niall Ferguson has been a Furstenberg Family Foundation scholar: (accessed: April 29, 2017): "[Ferguson] is also ... the Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation Distinguished Scholar at the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC."
- (accessed: April 29, 2017): "The Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation has generously committed to providing a $10,000 grant to The Justice League to help us continue our mission of preserving and protecting crime victims rights. This grant will be presented at the "Women in the World" Summit held on March 12-14 at the United Nations. The Summit will be attended by celebrities, activists and dignitaries including Madeleine Albright, Christiane Amanpour, Meryl Streep, Hillary Clinton, Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan, Thomas Friedman, Katie Couric and Cherie Blair. (to name only a few)"
- In 2016, Furstenberg designed shirts for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
- The charitable arm of is, which is intertwined with the Google Foundation.'s philanthropic spending comprises of 1% of's annual profit plus the relatively small $100 million endowment of the Google Foundation:
- July 22, 2015, The Guardian, 'Google’s charitable chief: 'I have a strong sense of social justice'': "Most of the $100m spends comes from Google’s global profits – the company's founding documents stipulate that 1% of annual profits go to philanthropy. The rest comprises grants from the Google Foundation, which was established in 2005 with a $90m endowment following Google’s stock market listing, to support its philanthropic aims. ...
Doesn’t that notion of being a good citizen run counter to Google’s paying only £21.6m corporation tax in the UK on revenues of $5.6bn (£3.6bn) in 2013? If it paid more tax, surely there’d be less need for philanthropy."
- July 22, 2015, The Guardian, 'Google’s charitable chief: 'I have a strong sense of social justice'': "Most of the $100m spends comes from Google’s global profits – the company's founding documents stipulate that 1% of annual profits go to philanthropy. The rest comprises grants from the Google Foundation, which was established in 2005 with a $90m endowment following Google’s stock market listing, to support its philanthropic aims. ...
- Google has major Democrat Party, Rockefeller, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission, and, through its Jigsaw think tank, even covert operations ties. Its earliest history at Stanford also involved CIA, NSA, MITRE and DARPA oversight through the Digital Library Initiative (DLI) and Massive Digital Data Systems (MDDS) programs.
- The Google Foundation has helped finance immigration reform groups as (or at least top Google executives have) and, the key "fake news" "fact-checking" network of the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, the Wikileaks-linked Tor Project and Bureau of Investigative Journalism, and the Buckminster Fuller Institute.
- Google is tightly linked to the annual Billionairre's Dinners of the Edge Foundation.
- Larry Brilliant, the former executive director of the Google Foundation / got involved with Skoll Foundation and also has been very close to the psychedelics community, including through the Seva Foundation and Dr. Richard Rockefeller, David Rockefeller's son.
- The corporate entity Google has also been financing large amounts of activist groups and on top of that is a top Washington, D.C. lobbyist:
- April 12, 2016, Washington Post, 'Google, once disdainful of lobbying, now a master of Washington influence': "Google has soared to near the top of the city's lobbying ranks, placing second only to General Electric in corporate lobbying expenditures in 2012 and fifth place in 2013.
The company gives money to nearly 140 business trade groups, advocacy organizations and think tanks, according to a Post analysis of voluntary disclosures by the company, which, like many corporations, does not reveal the size of its donations. That's double the number of groups Google funded four years ago.
This summer, Google will move to a new Capitol Hill office, doubling its Washington space to 55,000 square feet — roughly the size of the White House.
Google's increasingly muscular Washington presence matches its expanded needs and ambitions as it has fended off a series of executive- and legislative-branch threats to regulate its activities and well-funded challenges by its corporate rivals. ...
Cato ... has benefited from the company's investments, receiving $480,000 worth of in-kind "ad words" from Google last year, according to people familiar with the donation."
- April 12, 2016, Washington Post, 'Google, once disdainful of lobbying, now a master of Washington influence': "Google has soared to near the top of the city's lobbying ranks, placing second only to General Electric in corporate lobbying expenditures in 2012 and fifth place in 2013.
- Small foundation founded in 1964 by Playboy head Hugh Hefner. Provided the $5,000 seed money for the founding of marijuana lobby NORML in 1970. Co-financier of George Soros' Drug Policy Alliance.
- Christie Hefner visited the liberal Edge Foundation Billionaires' Dinner of 2002.
- January 12, 2016, Inside Philanthropy, 'Here's What You Need to Know About Hef and His Philanthropy': "Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner started his famous publication in the early 1950s [1953], with Marilyn Monroe on the cover of the first issue. Playboy made news again recently when it announced that it would no longer publish photos of nude women. Now, guys really will have to read it for the articles. ... Perhaps you didn't know, though, that Hefner was, on some level, ahead of the curve on civil rights. His Playboy's Penthouse TV variety show, which ran from 1959 to 1961, included performances by integrated groups during a time when TV was mostly populated by white faces. ... and Playboy itself has also been a source of solid journalism over the years. .... The controversial mogul, who's currently worth $50 million by one estimate, established the Hugh M. Hefner Foundation all the way back in 1964. ... Typical grants range between $5,000 and $10,000. In a recent fiscal year, the foundation did $116,000 in grantmaking. ... Recent grantees include Student Press Law Center, People for the American Way, ACLU Foundation of Southern California, and Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)... Hefner's Rational Sex and Drugs Policy program [promotes weed and psychedelics legalization] ... Recent grantees include Drug Policy Alliance, Planned Parenthood, and The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction at Indiana University. additionally, Hefner has supported outfits such as Children of the Night [to save children from prostitution]..."
- October 12, 2015, New York Times, 'Nudes Are Old News at Playboy': "The latest [Playboy magazine] redesign, 62 years later, is more pragmatic. The magazine had already made some content safe for work, Mr. Flanders said, in order to be allowed on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, vital sources of web traffic. In August of last year, its website dispensed with nudity. As a result, Playboy executives said, the average age of its reader dropped from 47 to just over 30, and its web traffic jumped to about 16 million from about four million unique users per month. ... "The difference between us and Vice," [Playboy CEO Scott Flanders] said, "is that we're going after the guy with a job.""
- Additional tie of Playboy to the psychedelics community:
- 1984, Stewart Tendler and Davaid May, 'The Brotherhood of Eternal Love: From Flower Power to Hippie Mafia', chapter 2: "[LSD pioneer Michael] Hollingshead [who gave Leary his first LSD trip] founded the Agora Foundation in New York with the aid of Victor Lownes, the crown prince of the Playboy empire [under Hugh Hefner, whose confidant and vice president he was], and the finance of Howard Teague, a Nassau millionaire."
- Founded in 1966 by William Hewlett, the president of Hewlett Packard (HP) from 1964 to 1977. Today one of the biggest foundations with billions in assets. Extremely focused on sustainability, also through the Flora Family Foundation.
- Others involved in the foundation: Hal Harvey (environmental program director 2002-2008; founding president Energy Foundation 1991-2002; founder and CEO of the ClimateWorks Foundation 2008-2011), Larry Kramer (president; director ClimateWorks).
- Harold K. Hochschild Foundation (in existence 1980-2012) of the Hochschild family, which founded Mother Jones, finances all the usual NGOs: (accessed: November 30, 2011): "Friends of the Earth ... Greenpeace Fund ... International Forum on Globalization ... Sierra Club Foundation ... Wildlife Conservation Society ... Federation of American Scientists ... Institute for Policy Studies ... National Resources Defense Council ... The Tides Foundation ... Transnational Institute ... American Civil Liberties Union ... People for the American Way ... Center for American Progress ... Center for Media and Democracy ... Common Cause Education Fund ... Media Matters for America ... "
- Harold K. Hochschild's son, Adam Hochschild, was a co-founder of Mother Jones magazine. Harold himself was chair - and then honorary chair - of the elite and at one point CIA-backed African-America Institute (AAI: often called Africa-America Institute, but annual reports state otherwise), which was dominated by individuals from the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations. In fact, these foundations, along with USAID, took over funding from the CIA. All details provided in the Foundation for National Progress section, which founded and controls Mother Jones magazine, and also supports the Freedom of the Press Foundation which aids NSA whisleblower Edward Snowden and Wikileaks founder Julian Assagne.
- Based on the fortune of "lumbar baron" David Joyce (1825-1904). Joyce's Chicago-based heiress Beatrice Joyce Kean set up the Joyce Foundation in 1948.
- Endowment of $950 million by 2017.
- Barack Obama was a trustee of the Joyce Foundation from 1994 to 2002:
- October 16, 2008, World Net Daily, 'The Groups Obama Kept Off His Resume': "Obama joined the Board of Directors of the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation in 1994 and served on its board until 2002."
- 1998 annual report, Joyce Foundation, p. 21: "Board of Directors: John T. Anderson, Chairman. Richard K. Donahue, Vice Chairman. ... Barack Obama."
- 2001 annual report, Joyce Foundation, p. 66: "Board of Directors: Chairman: John T. Anderson. Vice Chairman: Richard K. Donahue. Ellen S. Alberding. Robert G. Bottoms. Carin A. Clauss. Charles U. Daly. Anthony S. Earl. Roger R. Fross. Carlton L. Guthrie. Marion T. Hall. Barack Obama. Paula Wolff."
- The Joyce Foundation grant activity was closely linked to Obama's chairmanship of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge [a project of the Annenberg Foundation] which Obama came to chair and also counted the involvement of Obama's radical friend Bill Ayers.
- Member of the Rockefeller Family Fund's Environmental Grantmakers Association and also an occasional donor to the Rockefeller Family Fund during Obama's term on the board and beyond:
- 1999 annual report, Joyce Foundation: "Environmental Grantmakers Association, Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.: ... $18,000 [and] Amount: $2,305. Duration: 1 year. Membership support."
- 2001 annual report, Joyce Foundation: "Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.: ... $250,000. ... Environmental Grantmakers Association, Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.: New York, NY $5,452 Membership grant. (1 yr.) [plus] $15,000."
- 2003 annual report, Joyce Foundation: "Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.: ... $200,000. To evaluate the performance of Great Lakes states in preventing water pollution and recommend improvements. ... Environmental Grantmakers Association, Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.: New York, NY $5,450 Membership grant. (1 yr.) [plus] $10,000."
- 2010 annual report, Joyce Foundation: "Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.: ... $110,000 [and] $200,000."
- Partner of all the key major foundations in the financing of environmental groups as Friends of the Earth, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Counci, World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace.
- Pro-immigration groups financed include the National Council of La Raza and the American Friends Service Committee.
- Feminist groups financed include the 9-to-5 Working Women Education Fund and the League of Women Voters.
- Also financed the Tides Foundation, Mother Jones' Foundation for National Progress, National Public Radio (NPR) and David Brock's Media Matters for America.
- 2001 annual report, Joyce Foundation: "9-to-5 Working Women Education Fund: ... $100,000. ... Canadian Environmental Defence Fund: ... $180,000 ... Environmental Law Institute: ... $50,000. ... Friends of the Chicago River: ... $29,600. ... Pollution Probe Foundation: ... $75,000. ... Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development: ... $60,000 ... Sierra Club Foundation: ... $160,000. ... World Wildlife Fund, Inc.: ... $150,000. ... Environmental and Energy Study Institute: .... $125,000. ... Environmental Defense, Inc.: ... $400,000 ... World Resources Institute: ... $78,750. ... William J. Brennan, Jr. Center for Justice, Inc.: ... $300,000. ... League of Women Voters of Illinois Education Fund: ... $579,616. ... Public Interest Research Group [PIRG] in Michigan Education Fund: ... $40,000. ... Alliance for Justice, Inc.: ... $75,000. ... Heartland Alliance: ... $75,000. ... University of Chicago Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture: ... $148,000. ... Northwestern University J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management: ... $760,000."
- 2010 annual report, Joyce Foundation: "National Wildlife Federation ... $337,860. ... Natural Resources Defense Council Inc. ... $450,000. ... World Resources Institute: ... $300,000. ... National Wildlife Federation: ... $400,000. ... Media Matters for America: ... $400,000. ... Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence ... $125,000 ... Legal Community Against Violence: ... $300,000. ... The Brookings Institution: ... $50,000 [and] $200,000. ... League of Women Voters [different national chapters]: $50,000 ... $120,000 ... $75,000 ... $105,000 ... $250,000 [and] $60,000. ... Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund: ... $75,000. ... Latino Policy Forum: ... $125,000. ... National Public Radio Inc.: ... $150,000. ... Taproot Foundation: ... $50,000. ... Aspen Institute Inc.: ... $49,650 [and] $1,000,000. ... GuideStar: ... $5,000. To support the completion of the GuideStar website for the 2008 IRS Form 990. (1 yr.) ... Philanthropy Roundtable: ... $1,000. 2010 Membership Grant."
- February 2014, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'The Joyce Foundation Betraying donor intent in the Windy City', p 5: "Joyce [Foundation] funds the Brookings Institution ($3,481,080 since 1998); Aspen Institute ($1,989,650 since 2005); ... and the John Podesta-founded, George Soros-funded Center for American Progress ($863,329 since 2005). It also funds the ... American Civil Liberties Union Foundation ($225,000 since 2002)... the Tides Center ($625,000 since 1998)...
It has funded the Chicago Annenberg Challenge ($370,000 since 1998)...
Joyce gave $75,000 in 2006 for a symposium on gun rights at Stanford Law School and $75,000 in 2008 for research on gun regulation. [etc.]"
- (accessed: March 26, 2016): "The W.K. Kellogg Foundation was established in 1930 by breakfast cereal pioneer W.K. Kellogg ... Today, the organization ranks among the world's largest private foundations, awarding grants in the United States, Mexico, Haiti, northeastern Brazil and southern Africa."
- (accessed: March 26, 2016): "In 2006, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation reached out to Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors building on its efforts to promote philanthropy in communities of color and to maximize innovation and impact. ... Over three years, 30 grants were awarded to 23 organizations through the Cultures of Giving Fund, a special project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors established with a grant from the Kellogg Foundation."
- (accessed: March 26, 2016): "Friends of the Earth $20,000 1999 ... Natural Resources Defense Council $85,934 1997 ... Tides Foundation & Tides Center $10,410,772 2006..."
- (accessed: September 3, 2015): "In partnership with institutions like The California Endowment, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, [George Soros'] Open Society Institute, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, [Bill & Melinda] Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, and many others, we have granted hundreds of millions of dollars."
- January 9, 2015, Capital Research Center (financed by Koch, Scaife and Bradley foundations), 'Trendsetters of the Left': "The American Prospect magazine functions as a nonprofit organization. In addition to publishing a magazine, it routinely organizes progressive conferences. ... Institutional donors to The American Prospect Inc. include ... W.K. Kellogg Foundation ($197,500 since 2012)."
- Origin as the Knight Memorial Education Fund in 1940. Name changed to the Knight Foundation in 1950. Renamed to the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation in 1993.
- Founded by James L. Knight and his brother John S. Knight of the Knight-Ridder group of newspapers.
- Located in Miami, Florida since 1990.
- Few CFR members on the board, but the president and CEO has been since at least 1998 (sources: annual reports 2000, 2007, 2022):
- Hodding Carter III: Member CFR 1977-. President and CEO Knight Foundation 1998-2005.
- Alberto Ibarguen: Member CFR 2001-. President and CEO Knight Foundation 2005-, still anno 2022.
- Paul E. Steiger: Member CFR '87-. Trustee Knight Foundation anno 2007.
- Stephanie Bell-Rose: Member CFR 1994-. Program officer Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 1988-1999. Founding president and managing director Goldman Sachs Foundation 1999-2009. Trustee Knight Foundation anno 2022. Trustee MacArthur Foundation anno 2022.
- Adriana Cisneros: Term member CFR 2011-2016. Daughter of Gustavo Cisneros, a past member of the international advisory board and a good friend of David Rockefeller. Trustee Knight Foundation anno 2022.
- Anno 2016 there's still very little information available about this foundation's exact grant-making. It certainly does fund Democracy Now!, Mother Jones magazine and The Nation magazine. Also put $2,000 in the pockets of Counterpunch magazine. Foundation founder J. Patrick Lannan can easily be linked to the CIA through his 36-year directorship of IT&T, notorious for involvement in Latin American coups and former CIA director John McCone on the board. Various other elites could also be found on the board.
- September 27, 1983, New York Times, 'J. Patrick Lannan, Ex-Director of I.T.T. and Backer of Arts': "Mr. Lannan was a director of the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation for 36 years. He retired as director emeritus last May. He was also a director and member of the executive commmittee of the Macmillan Publishing Company, and a past chairman of the board of trustees of the magazine Poetry. ... In 1962, Mr. Lannan was one of 10 Americans chosen by the American Schools and Colleges Association to receive its annual Horatio Alger Award. At that time, he was chairman of the Susquehanna Corporation, an investment-banking concern in Chicago, and was on the boards or the executive committees of 19 major corporations. Mr. Lannan established the Lannan Foundation to give financial help to needy artists and writers."
- (accessed: December 18, 2015): "Fed. Sec. L. Rep. P 94,481 Hilda Herbst, Plaintiff-appellee, v. International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation et al.,defendants-appellants, 495 F.2d 1308 (2d Cir. 1974) Annotate this Case U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - 495 F.2d 1308 (2d Cir. 1974) Argued Jan. 9, 1974. Decided April 3, 1974. ... defendants-appellants International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. [include] Harold S. Geneen ... Eugene R. Black ... J. Patrick Lannan, John A. McCone and ... Felix G. Rohatyn. ... This appeal from the District of Connecticut by the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT) and its directors..."
- 2015, Hayden Herrera, 'Listening to Stone: The Art and Life of Isamu Noguchi', p. 433: "The guest list for the Pace show's opening ... reads like a who's who of the Manhattan art world. It included ... Ann Rockefeller Costa, Mary T. Rockefeller... Angier Biddle Duke... Louis Auchincloss... Patrick Lannan, and Christophe de Menil."
- 2014, Charles R. Geisst, 'Encyclopedia of American Business History', p. 244: "[Lazard] benefited from the postwar merger boom in the United States. Meyer and a younger partner, Felix Rohatyn, aligned themselves with Harold Geneen at the ITT Corporation, and Lazard became ITT's major merger banker. The firm helped the corporation with many of its major acquisitions as it built itself into a conglomerate and also served other companies. Much of the firm's success in the 1960s and 1970s was built around the relationship with ITT."
- (accessed: December 18, 2015): "In 1960 J. Patrick Lannan, Sr., entrepreneur and financier, established Lannan Foundation. A self-educated scholar and liberal thinker, he believed strongly in the social importance of charitable programs and in the cultural importance of innovative and controversial forms of visual and literary art."
- (accessed: December 18, 2015): "Patrick Lannan, President Sharon A. Ferrill William E. Johnston John R. Lannan Lawrence P. Lannan, Jr. Frank C. Lawler, Vice President Mary M. Plauché Marian P. Day Karen Hetherington David Ungerleider, SJ Penn Szittya In memoriam: The board and staff of the foundation wish to express their appreciation for the invaluable contributions made by the late board members, James G. Butler, Colleen Lannan Dillon, Anne Lannan, Patricia Lannan Lawler, and Tscheng S. Feng, M.D. "
- July 9, 2011, Bob Feldman article on Wrong Kind of Green, 'FLASHBACK: Democracy Now! Show Funder Censors Anti-War Journalist John Pilger': "According to the Lannan Foundation's Form 990 financial filing for 2008, Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! Productions was given three grants, totaling $375,000, by the Lannan Foundation. And that same year the Lannan Foundation also gave three grants, totaling $545,000, to The Nation!/Nation Institute alternative left media group and three grants, totaling $475,000, to Foundation for National Progress/Mother Jones magazine. But the Lannan Foundation apparently doesn't want to allow anti-war journalists who criticize the Democratic Obama Administration's failure to end the endless U.S. military intervention in Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Libya-Yemen-Somalia to speak freely in the United States these days, as indicated by Australian anti-war journalist and anti-war filmmaker John Pilger's recent experience."
- "Richard Falk is Professor Emeritus of International Law and Practice at Princeton University and Research Fellow at Orfalea Center of Global Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara. He was chair of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation's Board of Directors until 2012, served as honorary vice president of the American Society of International Law, and is a member of The Nation editorial board. From 2008 – 2014 he served as special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories for the United Nations. "
- "Hamilton Fish is the President and CEO of The Nation Institute [and a Soros employee]...."
- (former employee of Pacifica Radio and host of Democracy Now!)
- "Glenn Greenwald is an editor, journalist, constitutional lawyer and commentator. [Won the] Online Journalism Award for Best Commentary for his coverage of U.S. Army Private Chelsea Manning in 2010. Foreign Policy magazine named him one of the top 100 Global Thinkers for 2013. His columns have been featured at Guardian US and Salon. He is currently an editor with Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill at Pierre Omidyar's new media project, The//Intercept..."
- "Jeremy Scahill ... has reported from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Nigeria, the former Yugoslavia and elsewhere across the globe. Scahill has served as the National Security Correspondent for The Nation magazine and Democracy Now!. Scahill's work has sparked several Congressional investigations and won some of journalism's highest honors. He was twice awarded the prestigious George Polk Award, in 1998 for foreign reporting and in 2008 for his book Blackwater. In 2013 he was a recipient of the Donald Windham-Sandy M. Campbell literature prize at Yale University. Scahill is a producer and writer of the award-winning film Dirty Wars, which premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and has been nominated for an Academy Award. He is currently an editor with Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald at Pierre Omidyar's new media project, The//Intercept, a publication of First Look Media."
- July 7, 2011, John Pilger for Global Research, 'The Strange Silencing of Liberal America': "How does political censorship work in liberal societies? When my film, Year Zero: the Silent Death of Cambodia, was banned in the United States in 1980, the broadcaster PBS cut all contact. Negotiations were ended abruptly; phone calls were not returned. Something had happened. But what? Year Zero had already alerted much of the world to the horrors of Pol Pot, but it also investigated the critical role of the Nixon administration in the tyrant's rise to power and the devastation of Cambodia. Six months later, a PBS official told me, "This wasn't censorship. We're into difficult political days in Washington. Your film would have given us problems with the Reagan administration. Sorry." ... The Lannan Foundation in Santa Fe, New Mexico, believes in free speech. The foundation's website says it is "dedicated to cultural freedom, diversity and creativity". Authors, film-makers, poets make their way to a sanctum of liberalism bankrolled by the billionaire Patrick Lannan in the tradition of Rockefeller and Ford. Lannan also awards "grants" to America's liberal media, such as Free Speech TV, the Foundation for National Progress (publisher of the magazine Mother Jones), the Nation Institute and the TV and radio programme Democracy Now! In Britain, Lannan has been a supporter of the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism, of which I am one of the judges. In 2008, Patrick Lannan personally supported the presidential campaign of Barack Obama. According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, he is "devoted" to Obama. On 15 June, I was due in Santa Fe, having been invited to share a platform with the distinguished American journalist David Barsamian. The foundation was also to host the US premiere of my new film, The War You Don't See, which investigates the false image-making of war-makers, especially Obama. I was about to leave for Santa Fe when I received an email from the Lannan official organising my visit. The tone was incredulous. "Something has come up," she wrote. Patrick Lannan had called her and ordered all my events to be cancelled. "I have no idea what this is all about," she wrote. Baffled, I asked that the premiere of my film be allowed to go ahead as the US distribution largely depended on it. She repeated that "all" my events were cancelled, "and this includes the screening of your film". On the Lannan website "cancelled" appeared across a picture of me. There was no explanation. None of my phone calls was returned, nor subsequent emails answered. A Kafka world of not-knowing descended. The silence lasted a week until, under pressure from local media, the foundation put out a brief statement that too few tickets had been sold to make my visit "viable" and that "the Foundation regrets that the reason fr the cancellation was not explained to Mr. Pilger or to the public at the time the decision was made". Doubts were cast by a robust editorial in the Santa Fe New Mexican, The paper, which has long played a prominent role in promoting Lannan events, disclosed that my visit had been cancelled before the main advertising and previews were published. A full-page interview with me had to be hurriedly pulled. "Pilger and Barsamian could have expected closer to a packed 820-seat Lensic [arts centre]." The manager of The Screen, the Santa Fe cinema that had been rented for the premiere, was called late at night and told to kill all his online promotion for my film, but took it upon himself to re-schedule the film for 23 June. It was a sell-out, with many people turned away. The idea that there was no public interest was demonstrably not true. ... The reaction to the Lannan ban has been illuminating. The brave, like the great whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, were appalled and said so. Similarly, many ordinary Americans called into radio stations and have written to me, recognising a symptom of far greater suppression. But some exalted liberal voices have been affronted that I dared whisper the word, censorship, about such a beacon of "cultural freedom"."
- (accessed: November 27, 2015): "$ Donations (Click headers to sort): ... Lannan Foundation $200,000. 1996."
- Small foundation. Listed here because it has provided the new age Esalen Institute, once a favorite of Laurance Rockefeller, with funding, along with the Mellon-linked Roy A. Hunt Foundation. The Gelb family is solidly part of the superclass.
-, 'Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation, Inc.': "11 Times Sq. New York City, NY... Background: Established in 1957 in NY - Founded by the late Lawrence M. Gelb, who, along with his wife, Joan Clair, founded the Clairol (now a personal-care product division of Proctor & Gamble) hair color company in 1931. ... Financial data: Year ended 2013-12-31. Assets: $2,996,676 (market value). Gifts received: $449,360. Expenditures: $571,629. Total giving: $534,000. Qualifying distributions: $538,770. Giving activities include: $534,000 for 74 grants (high: $82,000; low: $1,000)."
- Grants (Esalen Institute only in 2002 and 2003):
- 2002, From 990, Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation (grants): "English Speaking Union: 2,000. Esalen Institute: 10,000. ... George Bush Presidential Library: 50,000. ... Harvard Business School: 25,000 ... Krav Maga Assn. of America: 30,000 ... Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: 752,000 ... Museum of Modern Art: 3,000 ... Phillips Academy Andover: 110,000 ... Yale University: 302,000."
- 2003, From 990, Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation (grants): "Center for Security Policy: 10,000 ... Council of American Ambassadors: ... 15,000. Council on Foreign Relations: ... 35,000 ... Esalen Institute: ... 21,000 ... George Bush Forty One Endowment Fund: ... 25,000 ... Harvard Business School: ... 25,000 ... Metropolitan Museum of Art: ... 50,000 ... Museum of Modern Art: ... 3,500 .... New York City Police Foundation ... 265,000 ... Phillips Academy Andover: ... 60,000 ... Sierra Club: ... 2,000 ... Yale University: ... 23,000 ... "
- Summer 2004, Andover Bulletin, p. 42, 'Remembering Richard Gelb: Andover science benefactor dies at 79': "[Richard] Gelb's mother was named Joan Gelb, but professionally she called herself Joan Clair, and the signature product was Miss Clairol--the first home hair-coloring product to gain mass-market acceptance. ... When Bristol-Myers, a major pharmaceutical and health products company, decided to buy Clairol in 1959, Gelb stayed on as president of Clairol and became a director of Bristol-Myers in 1960. ... [Richard Gelb] helped found the New York City Police Foundation with Mayor John V. Lindsay, and with his brother, Bruce Gelb ‘45, he ran the Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation, a family philanthropic foundation named for his father."
- Gelb family members/directors:
- Lawrence M. Gelb: Father after whom the foundation is named. Director of Bristol-Myers Squibb since 1960.
- Bruce Gelb: Son of Lawrence. Attended Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, with George H. W. Bush in the early 1940s. BA from Yale in 1950 and an MBA from Harvard in 1953. Vice chairman of Bristol-Myers Squibb. Superclass member with involvement in the Wilson Center (council president), CFR, United States Information Agency (director), Center for Security Policy (honorary chair and regent) and several other groups.
- Richard Gelb: Son of Lawrence. Brother of Bruce. Yale and Harvard background. Director Bristol-Myers Squibb 1960-1967, president 1967-1976, CEO 1972-1993, chair 1976-1995. The company net earnings grew from $76 million to over $2 billion in this period. Charter member Phillips Academy 1976-1994. Co-founder New York City Police Foundation with mayor John V. Lindsay (Scroll & Key; brother Robert a Pilgrims executive). Director CFR. Trustee George Bush Presidential Library Foundation anno 2001. Trustee Committee for Economic Development (CED) anno 2001.
- Grants:
- Summer 2002, volume 14, number 2, Friends of Esalen newsletter, 'Esalen Institute Turns Forty', pp. 1-2: "We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many wonderful Friends of Esalen who generously support our operations and special projects. ... CENTURY CIRCLE - gifts of $10,000 or more: Anonymous in the name of Anumotana • Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation, Inc. (Richard and Tana Gelb)..."
- Second largest foundation in Maine tied to the billionaire Pritzker family.
- Ordinary grants, but at the same time tightly linked to the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) which counts the involvement of the billionaire Pritzker family, as well as the Rockefellers.
- (accessed: February 18, 2016): "Board of Directors: RICK DOBLIN, PH.D., is the founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). ... JOHN GILMORE is an entrepreneur and civil libertarian. He was an early employee of Sun Microsystems, early free software and open source author, and co-created Cygnus Solutions, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Cypherpunks, the DES Cracker, and the Usenet's "alt" newsgroups. ... Along with being a board member of MAPS, he is also on the boards of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Marijuana Policy Project. ... JOBY PRITZKER is Manager of Direct Investments at his family office Tao Capital Partners. Tao has made investments in innovative healthcare, sustainable food and agriculture, electric transportation, and other companies that seek to have a positive impact on the world. He has also made investments in the legal cannabis industry, such as MJ Freeway and Pax Labs. He is on the Board of the Libra Foundation, a family foundation with an emphasis on human rights. In addition to serving on the Board of MAPS, he is also the Chairman of the Board of the Marijuana Policy Project. ... "
- Other members of the billionaire Pritzker family:
- (accessed: March 1, 2016): "Rockefeller Philantrophy Advisors: ... Founding Advisory Board: ... Vice Chair: Gigi Pritzker Pucker, CEO, OddLot Entertainment..."
- February 6, 2009, White House, 'Obama Announces Economic Advisory Board': "President Barack Obama today signed an executive order establishing the new Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Modeled on the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower the Board will provide an independent voice on economic issues and will be charged with offering independent advice to the President as he formulates and implements his plans for economic recovery. The Economic Recovery Advisory Board will provide regular briefings to the President, Vice President and their economic team. The Board will be established initially for a two-year term, after which the President will make a determination on whether to extend the work of the Board. ... Paul Volcker will serve as Chairman and Austan Goolsbee as Staff Director and Chief Economist. Members of the Board include: ... Penny Pritzker, Chairman & Founder, Pritzker Realty Group ... Martin Feldstein, George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University."
- 2010 membership list of the CFR: "Pritzker, Penny S.; Pritzker, Thomas J. ... Rockefeller, David; Rockefeller, David Jr.; Rockefeller, John D. IV; Rockefeller, Nicholas; Rockefeller, Steven C. [Others:] Gorelick, Jamie S. ... Greenberg, Maurice R. ... Halperin, Morton H."
- 2012, Greg Palast, 'Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps': "Pritzker introduced Obama, the neophyte state senator, to the Ladies Who Lunch (that's really what they call themselves) on Chicago's Gold Coast. Obama got lunch, gold and better - an introduction to Robert Rubin. Rubin is a former Secretary of the Treasury, former chairman of Goldman Sachs and, when Robert met Barry, co-chairman of Citibank. Even atheists recognized Rubin as the Supreme Deity of Wall Street. Rubin opened the doors to finance industry vaults for Obama. Extraordinarily for a Democrat, Obama in 2008 raised three times as much from bankers as his Republican opponent. So what did Citibank's Rubin get for showering Obama with gold? Obama agreed to take care of Rubin's poodles, Larry Summers and Tim Geithner. They became Obama's first cabinet picks: Summers as Economics Czar and Geithner as his czarina, Secretary of the Treasury. Geithner and Summers were the gents who, under Treasury Secretary Rubin, designed the deregulation of banking. In effect, they had decriminalized the kind of financial flim-flammery that brought the planet to its knees while bringing Rubin, Pritzker and the banksters loads of lucre. So, in 2008, Summers and Geithner were put back in the saddle - Obama's horse but Rubin's saddle. Rubin received more than $100 million from Citigroup, the gargantuan commercial bank/investment bank/casino created by deregulation. It is worth a mention that Rubin's centi-million-dollar payoff went unchallenged by Citi's new owner, the US Treasury, which had put up more than a trillion dollars in loans and guarantees to pull Rubin's creature out of bankruptcy. Rubin rocked, but Penny was pissed off. Pritzker had taken this state senator/community organizer from the ghetto, made him a US Senator, then, as Obama's campaign finance chairwoman, raised a mind-blowing three-quarters of a billion dollars to make him president. In return, in 2008, Obama decided to make his patron Penny the Secretary of Commerce. But then, in November 2008, just as Obama was about to submit her nomination to Congress, a bunch of Pritzker's victims marched on Washington. They were not from her busted bank, but unhappy workers from the lucrative nursing homes that her family owns through a string of complex offshore trusts. Obama slammed the door on Penny pronto. In the 2012 campaign, Obama, to his credit, kept the door shut on Pritzker, reducing her to hosting an election fundraiser at her Gold Coast digs, which she had to bill as a Goldman Sachs PAC event. This marks possibly the first time anyone has used Goldman Sachs as a PR cover. The Pritzker family made its billions mostly from Hyatt Hotels and Hyatt nursing homes. Penny, on the Hyatt board of directors, is an infamously combative anti-union apostle. UNITE HERE, the union that represents Hyatt workers, has called for an international boycott of Hyatt hotels. In 2012, UNITE HERE and its parent, the AFL-CIO, were crucial to Obama's winning Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. So, in this last campaign, Obama had to keep his billionairess heiress on the down-low. But today, with the unions' money and votes already pocketed and counted, Obama can give working folks The Finger and give Penny her pound of flesh: the Commerce post. The New York Times says that, "At Commerce, Ms. Pritzker could provide the president with a new way to reach out to the business community." The last time Pritzker reached out to the business community was to sell them sub-prime mortgage securities, worthless bags of financial feces manufactured by Superior Bank. If Penny the Piggy Banker gets Commerce, we'll have to drop Obama's rating to sub-prime."
- June 25, 2013, press release, 'Rockefeller Calls Pritzker Force of Nature, Will Be Highly Effective Commerce Secretary': "Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller released the following statement today after the Senate voted 97-1 to confirm Ms. Penny Pritzker as Secretary of Commerce. Earlier today, Rockefeller spoke on the Senate floor about Ms. Pritzker's experience and skills that will make her a highly effective Secretary. "I congratulate Ms. Pritzker on her Senate confirmation. She is, in my view, a force of nature. The unanimous bipartisan support she received in the Committee, and the decisive 97-1 bipartisan vote today by the full Senate, reflects our confidence that she will be a highly successful driver for growth and change..."
- Anthony Pritzker, born in 1961 and worth $3.4 billion, sits on the advisory board of Center for Asia Pacific Policy of the RAND Corporation. Received an MBA from the University of Chicago.
- J.B. Pritzker, born in 1965 and worth $3.4 billion, serves as president of the Pritzker Family Foundation, in 2008 served as national co-chairman of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign. He also founded Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century.
- April 18, 2014, New York Times, 'Including the Young and the Rich: White House Hosts 'Next Generation' Young and Rich': "On a crisp morning in late March, an elite group of 100 young philanthropists and heirs to billionaire family fortunes filed into a cozy auditorium at the White House. Their name tags read like a catalog of the country's wealthiest and most influential clans: Rockefeller, Pritzker, Marriott."
- Generally referred to as the MacArthur Foundation. Founded in 1970 by John D. MacArthur and his wife Catherine, tightly linked to science, and closely allied with the Rockefeller interests.
- Important financier of Harper's and other new left magazines as Mother Jones and The Nation.
- Key board members and fellows of past and present:
- John MacArthur: Director 1970-1978.
- Elizabeth J. McCormack: Director since 1970, chair 1986-1995. Advisor Rockefeller Family & Associates and Rockefeller family in general. Member CFR 1975-.
- Jonathan Fanton: Chair 1999-2009. Trustee of Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 1992 and later an advisory trustee during his MacArthur Foundation chairmanship. Protege of Rockefeller representative Elizabeth McCormack.
- Murray Gell-Mann: JASON Group scientist. Director 1979-2002. Close ally of professional debunker James Randi.
- James Randi: Received a five-year grant in 1986 of $272,000 to help debunk spiritual issues, but spent most of it on ligitation issues involving psychic scam artist Uri Geller, who was propped up in the early 1970s by the elite Stanford Research Institute involving the CIA and the Bechtels. Randi has been accused of child abuse, but nevertheless has been allowed on the advisory board of the questionable False Memory Syndrome Foundation.
- Morton Halperin: Fellow 1985-1991. CFR member. Long-time top new left activist at the Center for National Security Studies of the Institute for Policy Studies and a later George Soros employee. Washington director of the ACLU 1984-1992. Once helped John D. Marks with his book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate about the CIA's MKULTRa project.
- Thorton Bradshaw: Director 1985-1986, chair 1986-1988. Chair RCA. Trustee of Rockefeller Brothers Fund in the 1980s.
- Walter Massey: Director 1989-1991. Bush 41's National Science Foundation director. Chair Bank of America and director of BP.
- John Holdren: Director 1991-2005. One of Clinton's science advisors 1994-2001. Obama's chief scientist since December 2008.
- Jamie Gorelick: Director 2001-2013. 9/11 Commission member. Member Defense Policy Board and the Trilateral Commission. Director CIA's National Security Advisory Panel.
- Robert Gallucci: President 2009-2014. Member Defense Policy Board. Director CIA's National Security Advisory Panel.
- Claude Steele: Director anno 2014. National Science Foundation.
- Ronna Tanenbaum: Advisor to president 2003-2004.
- March 26, 2014, Jonathan Fanton, 'In Conversation with Elizabeth McCormack': "My guest tonight is my good friend and mentor Elizabeth McCormack. We first met when she was working for John D. Rockefeller and I for Yale President Kingman Brewster. ... Fast forward 17 years when she was on the search committee for a new President of the MacArthur Foundation. She was my advocate. No surprise I was offered the job. For nearly four decades she has been my most trusted advisor. ... I never consider an important move without seeking her advice. And we continue to make common cause on the Board of the Asian Cultural Council. ... After Manhattanville, she became Director of the Rockefeller Philanthropy offices and remains a philanthropic advisor to members of the family. ... She chaired the Asian Cultural Council for 20 years; was vice chair of the MacArthur Board; a key member of the Board of the Atlantic Philanthropies; a member of the boards of [Catholic] Manhattanville [president], Spellman, Marlboro and Hamilton Colleges, as well as the Juilliard School. She has also been on the boards of the Population Council, The Trust for Mutual Understanding, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and recently she started the Partnership for Palliative Care which is her current major interest."
-, Elizabeth McCormack bio: "She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Century Association. Ms. McCormack was president of Manhattanville College from 1966 to 1974. She directed the Rockefeller Philanthropy offices and continues as a philanthropic advisor to members of the Rockefeller Family. ... Ms. McCormack has also been a friend and supporter of the [Rockefeller-funded] Population Council for more than three decades, having served as both a trustee and chair of the board of trustees."
- Founded in 1976 by Roderick MacArthur, a son of John D. MacArthur who founded the huge Rockefeller-allied John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation six years earlier. Despite conflicts between Roderick and his father and the considerable difference in assets, both foundations support similar causes, with the family being particularly closely tied to Harper's magazine.
- January 21, 1994, Chicago Tribune, 'Foundation Shrinks Its Circle Of Recipients': "After 13 years as head of the J. Roderick MacArthur Foundation, Lance E. Lindblom thought it was time to seek new challenges. ...
The philanthropy, with its $30 million in assets (a far cry from the $3 billion in assets of the Chicago-based John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, with which it is often confused), isn't closing up shop but is closing ranks. ...
They wonder how three siblings with busy careers in New York -- Solange D. MacArthur is a surgeon, Gregoire C. MacArthur is a film and documentary producer, and John R. MacArthur is president and publisher of Harper's Magazine-will find time to oversee a philanthropy with far -- flung interests.
The foundation's interest in social justice and civil rights is likely to remain. Those areas were of great concern to Rod MacArthur, who established the foundation in 1976. He died in 1984 at age 63.
MacArthur, a millionaire businessman, was often in the headlines because of feuds with his billionaire father, the late John D. MacArthur, and later with the giant foundation his father established. But he also was prominent as a longtime member of the American Civil Liberties Union's board of directors.
Over the years his foundation has supported investigations into racial discrimination in consumer credit, and death squads in El Salvador. It even helped produce the documentary film "Roger and Me," [the first film of Michael Moore] which took on General Motors Corp."
- Founded in 1953. The initial funds came from the Minnesota mining fortune of William and Maude McKnight. The family still controls the foundation.
- In 2015 it had a $2.1 billion endowment and made $88 million in grants.
- (accessed: March 10, 2016): "[Grants:] Environmental Working Group ... Natural Resources Defense Council. Sierra Club. Tides Foundation..."
- Like the Rockefellers, wealthy and elite Mellon family members have been generational members of the Pilgrims Society with long-standing rumors of CIA connections.
- 1985, Martin A. Lee and Bruce Schlain, 'Acid Dreams' (digital):"Members of the Mellon family maintained close ties with the CIA. The Mellon family foundations have been used repeatedly as conduits for Agency funds. Furthermore, Richard Helms was a frequent weekend guest of the Mellon patriarchs in Pittsburgh during his tenure as CIA director [1966-1973]."
- The Richard K. Mellon Foundation was founded in 1947. It primarily donates to local conservation and social Pennsylvania charities to the tune of $110 million annually. Its endowment stands at around $2 billion.
- The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation:
- Named after a wealthy industrialist and Pilgrims Society member.
- Founded in 1969.
- "Liberal CIA" foundation that is a particularly heavy financier of just about all prominent and semi-prominent colleges and universities in the United States, England, South Africa and a few other places in Europe and Latin America. For decades on end between 25-50% of the board of trustees belongs to the CFR: 4 of 9 (44%) in 1999 and 2004; 5 of 10 (50%, with another joining in 2019, making 60%) in 2017; and 3 of 10 (27%) in 2022. Generally, the chair and president have been memebrs of the CFR, but exceptions have been there.
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation trustees also in CFR: Nathan Pusey (president 1971-1975, after stepping down as Harvard president; CFR 1953-) | John Whitehead (trustee chair 1990-1997; CFR 1978-) | Hanna Holborn Gray (trustee 1980-2003, chair 1997-2003; acting president Yale 1977–1978, the first woman in that role; first female president Un. Chicago 1978-1993; CFR 1984-) | Anne Tatlock (trustee since at least the mid-1990s, chair early 2005-; CFR 2004-) | William G. Bowen (president anno 2003-2004; CFR 1987-) | Paul LeClerc (trustee anno '04; CFR '97-) | Walter Massey (trustee anno '05; CFR '97-) | Frank H. T. Rhodes (anno '99; CFR '85-) | Earl Lewis (president and ex officia" "ex officio" trustee '16-'17; CFR '14-) | Danielle Allen (chair anno '16; CFR '15-) | Kathryn Hall (anno '16-'17, chair anno '22; CFR '17-) | Jane Mendillo (anno '16-'17; CFR '14-; director Lazard 2016-; president and CEO Harvard Management Co. 2008-2014; director GM) | Leo Rafael Reif (anno '16-'17; CFR '12-; president MIT '12-) | Jonathan Holloway (anno '22; CFR '21-; president Rutgers Un. '20-) | Glenn Lowry (anno '16-'22; CFR '19-; managing director / "The David Rockefeller Director" of MoMa 1995-, still anno '22).
- In 2014 the foundation dispensed $241,257,410 in grants and had a $6 billion endowment.
- It finances dozens of leading universities in the United States, Oxford University in England, and even universities in South Africa and a handful in Latin America. Example:
- 2007 annual report, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, pp. 77-117 (these are far from all college and university donations from this report): "Columbia University: ... 6,000,0000 [and] 350,000. ... Columbia University Press: ... 447,000. ... University of Chicago: ... 6,000,000 [and] 600,000 [and] 589,000 ... Cornell: ... 3,000,0000 [and] 2,500,000 [and] 630,000 [and] 450,000 [and] 373,000... Yale: ... 1,500,000 [and] 500,000 [and] 415,000 [and] 41,000 [and more down] 1,300,000. ... Stanford: ... 1,500,000. ... Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Inc., Stanford, California: ... 2,000,000. ... University of California at Berkeley: ... 397,000. ... University of California at Los Angeles: ... 493,000 [and] 143,000 [and] 23,400. ... University of Southern California: ... 305,000 [and] 168,000 [and] 15,000. ... Princeton: ... 1,500,000 [and] 253,000 [and] 230,000 [and] 15,000 ... Johns Hopkins University: ... 3,000,0000 [and] 1,018,000. ... Harvard: ... 479,000. ... Duke University: ... 470,000 [and] 100,000. ... Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh: ... 234,000 [plus] 50,000. ... University of Pennsylvania: ... 750,000. ... University of Pittsburgh: ... 782,000. ... Pennsylvania State University: ... 164,000. ... University of Arkansas: ... 152,000. ... University of Minnesota: ... 672,000 [and] 517,000. ... University of Missouri at Saint Louis: ... 50,000. ... Dillard University: ... 500,000 [and] 50,000. Xavier University of Louisiana: ... 1,000,000. ... Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania: ... 1,400,000 [and] 196,000 [and] 135,000. ... Dartmouth College: ... 2,055,000. ... DePauw University: ... 1,500,000. ... Drew University, Madison, New Jersey: ... 950,000. Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota: ... 1,660,000 [and] 30,000. ... Claremont McKenna College: ... 150,000. Claremont University Consortium: ... 1,500,000. ... Indiana University: ... 80,000 [and] 45,000 [and] 40,000 [and] 36,000. ... Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee: ... 2,000,000 [and] 1,000,000 [and] 50,000. ... Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia: ... 3,000,0000 [and] 60,000 [and] 25,000. ... Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia: ... 700,000 [and] 400,000 [and] 86,000. ... Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts: ... 2,000,000. ... University of Texas at Austin: ... 312,000. ... New York Public Library: ... 1,000,000 [and] 450,000. ... The New School: ... 43,000. ... Barnard College, New York: ... 3,000,000. ... Bard College [in] New York: ... 633,000. ... Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts: ... 860,000 ... Appalachian College Association: ... 900,000 [and] 100,000 [and] 50,000. ... Associated Colleges of the Midwest, Inc., Chicago, Illinois: ... 4,000,0000 [and] 3,000,000 [and] 600,000. ... Allegheny College: ... 750,000 [and] 300,000. ... Austin College: ... 633,000. ... American Indian College Fund, Denver, Colorado: ... 500,000. ... Colby College, Waterville, Maine: 1,400,000 [and] 300,000. Colgate College: ... 800,000. ... College of the Holy Cross: ... 800,000. College of William and Mary: ... 1,500,000. ... Colorado College: ... 50,000 [and] 50,000. ... Randolph College [in] Virgina: ... 92,000. ... Reed College, Portland, Oregon: ... 1,500,000 [and] 225,000. ... Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia: To support the establishment of the Center for Women's Global Leadership: 50,000. ... University of Florida: ... 50,000. ... Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee: ... 550,000. University of Rochester: ... 749,000 [and] 69,500. ... Rochester Institute of Technology: ... 606,000 [and] 307,000. ... National Academy of Sciences: ... 300,000 [and] 200,000. ... The Kohala Center, Kamuela, Hawaii: ... 500,000. ...
University of Oxford [UK]: ... 210,000. ... University of York [UK]: ... 744,000. ... University of Cambridge [UK]: ... 1,423,000. ... University of Edinburgh [UK]: ... 160,000. ... Universite de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland: ... 985,000. ...
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa: ... 600,000. ... University of Cape Town [in] South Africa: ... 800,000 [and] 640,000 [and] 500,000 [and] 275,000 [and] 220,000 [and] 210,000. ... Stellenbosch University, Matieland, South Africa: ... 755,000 [and] 150,000. ... Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa: ... 640,000 [and] 100,000 [and] 100,000. ... Higher Education South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa: ... 230,000. ... The Foundation of Tertiary Institutions of the Northern Metropolis, Johannesburg, South Africa: ... 50,000. ... Cape Higher Education Consortium, Wynberg, South Africa: ... 50,000. -, 'University of Washington donations received': "Andrew W. Mellon Foundation: $21,230,000.00 [1972-2018; 1972-1990: $3.2 million, on average $246,000 per year, which would be about $850,000 per year anno 2020] ... Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: $724,672,884.64 [2006-2018]"
- 2007 annual report, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, pp. 77-117 (these are far from all college and university donations from this report): "Columbia University: ... 6,000,0000 [and] 350,000. ... Columbia University Press: ... 447,000. ... University of Chicago: ... 6,000,000 [and] 600,000 [and] 589,000 ... Cornell: ... 3,000,0000 [and] 2,500,000 [and] 630,000 [and] 450,000 [and] 373,000... Yale: ... 1,500,000 [and] 500,000 [and] 415,000 [and] 41,000 [and more down] 1,300,000. ... Stanford: ... 1,500,000. ... Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Inc., Stanford, California: ... 2,000,000. ... University of California at Berkeley: ... 397,000. ... University of California at Los Angeles: ... 493,000 [and] 143,000 [and] 23,400. ... University of Southern California: ... 305,000 [and] 168,000 [and] 15,000. ... Princeton: ... 1,500,000 [and] 253,000 [and] 230,000 [and] 15,000 ... Johns Hopkins University: ... 3,000,0000 [and] 1,018,000. ... Harvard: ... 479,000. ... Duke University: ... 470,000 [and] 100,000. ... Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh: ... 234,000 [plus] 50,000. ... University of Pennsylvania: ... 750,000. ... University of Pittsburgh: ... 782,000. ... Pennsylvania State University: ... 164,000. ... University of Arkansas: ... 152,000. ... University of Minnesota: ... 672,000 [and] 517,000. ... University of Missouri at Saint Louis: ... 50,000. ... Dillard University: ... 500,000 [and] 50,000. Xavier University of Louisiana: ... 1,000,000. ... Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania: ... 1,400,000 [and] 196,000 [and] 135,000. ... Dartmouth College: ... 2,055,000. ... DePauw University: ... 1,500,000. ... Drew University, Madison, New Jersey: ... 950,000. Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota: ... 1,660,000 [and] 30,000. ... Claremont McKenna College: ... 150,000. Claremont University Consortium: ... 1,500,000. ... Indiana University: ... 80,000 [and] 45,000 [and] 40,000 [and] 36,000. ... Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee: ... 2,000,000 [and] 1,000,000 [and] 50,000. ... Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia: ... 3,000,0000 [and] 60,000 [and] 25,000. ... Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia: ... 700,000 [and] 400,000 [and] 86,000. ... Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts: ... 2,000,000. ... University of Texas at Austin: ... 312,000. ... New York Public Library: ... 1,000,000 [and] 450,000. ... The New School: ... 43,000. ... Barnard College, New York: ... 3,000,000. ... Bard College [in] New York: ... 633,000. ... Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts: ... 860,000 ... Appalachian College Association: ... 900,000 [and] 100,000 [and] 50,000. ... Associated Colleges of the Midwest, Inc., Chicago, Illinois: ... 4,000,0000 [and] 3,000,000 [and] 600,000. ... Allegheny College: ... 750,000 [and] 300,000. ... Austin College: ... 633,000. ... American Indian College Fund, Denver, Colorado: ... 500,000. ... Colby College, Waterville, Maine: 1,400,000 [and] 300,000. Colgate College: ... 800,000. ... College of the Holy Cross: ... 800,000. College of William and Mary: ... 1,500,000. ... Colorado College: ... 50,000 [and] 50,000. ... Randolph College [in] Virgina: ... 92,000. ... Reed College, Portland, Oregon: ... 1,500,000 [and] 225,000. ... Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia: To support the establishment of the Center for Women's Global Leadership: 50,000. ... University of Florida: ... 50,000. ... Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee: ... 550,000. University of Rochester: ... 749,000 [and] 69,500. ... Rochester Institute of Technology: ... 606,000 [and] 307,000. ... National Academy of Sciences: ... 300,000 [and] 200,000. ... The Kohala Center, Kamuela, Hawaii: ... 500,000. ...
- The foundation is not focused at all on the so-called "new media, although occasionally these type of donations slip in:
- 2007 annual report, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, pp. 86-89: "Internet Archive: ... 667,000. ... George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia: To support the development of a set of automatic archiving relationships between the Zotero Web research tool and the Internet Archive: 514,000. ... Federation of American Scientists: ... 302,000."
- David Rockefeller friend and Pilgrims Society vice president (and Beckley Foundation drug legalization signer) John C. Whitehead has been chairman of the foundation. Another chair has been fellow-elitist Anne Tatlock, who escaped death on 9/11 due to an invite of Warren Buffett's golf tournament.
- Family member Richard Mellon Scaife (1932-2014) always took the opposite approach, donation numerous millions during his lifetime to ultraright national security and domestic policy NGOs and think tanks. Mellon Scaife is known to have been a CIA asset. However, other Mellon family members were said to have enjoyed similar OSS/CIA ties, but then to more liberal CIA elements. Scaife's foundations:
- Allegheny Foundation: awarded over $36 million in the 1985-2006 period.
- Carthage Foundation: awarded over $68 million in the 1985-2003 period. Merged into the Sarah Scaife Foundation effective December 31, 2014.
- Sarah Scaife Foundation: awarded over $235 million in the 1985-2003 period.
- Scaife Family Foundation: awarded over $77 million in the 1985-2001 period.
- In contrast to Richard Mellon Scaife, different Mellon family members have been tied to the generally "new left" psychedelics and modern UFO movement:
- The Mellon/Hitchcock family in the form of Billy Mellon Hitchcock and Peggy Hitchcock (the Hitchcock family is also linked to the Pilgrims Society) again played a key role in building the hippie movement and promoting the use of psychedelics by allowing the clique of Dr. Timothy Leary to stay at their Millbrook estate in the mid-1960s.
- Paul Mellon's Bollingen Foundation financially supported psychedelic guru Alan Watts in the early 1950s, bringing him to California and eventually Esalen, and in the early 1960s, bringing him to the Timothy Leary group at Harvard. Laurance Rockefeller also became part of Alan Watts circle in the early 1950s.
- Christopher Mellon, a great-grandson of William Lamar Mellon, Sr. similar to Billy Mellon Hitchcock, in 2017 showed up as a board member of Tom DeLonge's top-level UFO disinformation group To The Stars. Chris Mellon has maintained deep intelligence ties over the years.
- The Merck Family Fund (MFF) was established in 1954 by George W. Merck, president of the pharmaceutical corporation Merck & Company.
- The foundation has about $52 million in assets and distributes about $3 million per year, most of it to environmentalist groups as Friends of the Earth and the Natural Resources Defense Council.
- Founded in 1970 and basically the same with the Merck Family Fund, but makes its own grants.
- Founded in 1926 by the General Motors-affiliated industrialist Charles Stewart Mott of Flint, Michigan. Today one of the biggest foundations with billions in assets.
- Formerly known as the Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust.
- (totals; accessed: February 29, 2016): "Friends of the Earth $7,303,965 2004. Greenpeace $249,000 2002. ... Natural Resources Defense Council $3,523,090 2005. ... Sierra Club $2,737,436 2004. Tides Foundation & Tides Center $8,455,416 2005." Also donates through the Ploughshares Fund.
- Founded in 2006 by Warren Buffett, an annual Sun Valley Meetings participant who has kept a controlling share in Coca Cola since the 1980s. Overseen by Peter and Jennifer Buffett, a son and daughter-in-law of Warren Buffett.
- (accessed: February 29, 2016): "NoVo was created in 2006 after Warren Buffett pledged to donate 350,000 shares of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. stock to the foundation. ... Jennifer and Peter are the Co-Presidents of the foundation. They also co-chairs the Board of Directors. Peter Buffett is the youngest son of investor Warren Buffett."
- Financing/grants (tons of feminist groups and later, through the Tides Foundation, Native Indian groups; NGOs generally mentioned for the first year only):
- 2009 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Aspen Institute ... Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation ... Equality Now ... International Rescue Committee ... Ms. Foundation for Women ... National Women's Law Center ... New World Foundation: ... $5,000,000. ... Nike Foundation: ... $15,000,000. ... Paley Center for Media ... Rockefeller Family Fund [$700,000 total] ... Tides Center [$1.3 million total] ... Tides Foundation [$3,606,000] ... V-Day: ... $1,000,000. ... Women for Women Int'l ... Women Thrive Worldwide .... Women's Funding Network ... Women's Media Center."
- 2010 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Clinton Foundation:... Haiti Relief Fund... $500,000. ... Demi ∧ Ashton Foundation: ... $250,000. ... Nike Foundation: ... $15,000,000. ... Population Council... Rockefeller Family Fund [$750,000 total] ... RSF Social Finance: ... $1,500,000. ... Tides Center [$342,284 total] ... Tides Foundation [$1,960,000 total] ... Columbia University ... University of Illinois Foundation ... V-Day ... World Affairs Council [in] San Francisco ... Yale University ..."
- 2011 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: " ... $1,000. ... Girls Education and Mentoring Services ... Girls for Gender Equity, Inc. ... International Center for Research on Women ... Lions Clubs International Foundation: ... $33,333. ... Ms. Foundation for Women [$1,015,000] ... New World Foundation [$5,341,964] ... New York Community Trust [$50,000] ... New York Womens Foundation [$225,000] ... Nike Foundation: ... $12,700,000. ... Robin Hood Foundation: ... $25,000. Rockefeller Family Fund: ... $770,000. ... Tides Center [$954,000 total] ... Tides Foundation [$2,235,000] ... V-Day [$1,125,000 total] ... [TOTAL:] $46,285,435."
- 2012 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Stanford ... Equality Now [$420,000; annually] ... Foundation: ... $5,000. ... Fund for the City of New York ... Lions Club International Foundation: ... $33,333. ... Ms. Foundation for Women: ... $1,010,000. ... New World Foundation: ... $10,943,660. ... Nike Foundation: ... $13,000,000. ... Population Council ... Rockefeller Family Fund: ... $770,000. ... Tides Center: ... $795,000. ... Tides Foundation: ... $3,269,685. ... V-Day: ... $1,575,000. ... "
- 2016 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Tides Center ... Tides Foundation [106 individual donations totalling $26,193,158 to groups as: V-Day, Danish Refugee Council, International Domestic Workers Federation, RSF Social Ficance ($250,000), First Peoples Worldwide, First Nations Development Fund, Indian Land Tenure Foundation, Hopi Foundation, Worldwide Indigeous Science Network, American Indian Law Alliance, First Peoples Fund, American Indian Institute, Native Action, Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health, American Indian Community House, Native American Community Board, National Indigenous Women's Resource Center, The Rising Fund, Waadookodaading Ojibwe Language Immersion Charter School, Akwesasne Freedom School, Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation, etc.] ...
Ultraviolet Education Fund ... Unchained at Last ... Women for Afghan Women ... Women for Women International ... Women Make Movies, Inc. ... Women of Color Network ... Women Thrive Worldwide ... Women Win Foundation ... [Countless more feminist organizations]..."
- Founded in 1949 by the Jewish founder of the Sara Lee Corporation, Nathan Cummings (1896–1985). Sara Lee has been represented at Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission.
- Endowment of $415 million in 2015.
- The foundation has helped finance Alternet, PBS, Political Research Associates, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Friends of the Earth, the National Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club,
- Charles R. Halpern was president and CEO of the Nathan Cummings Foundation from 1989 to 2000. In 1991, as long-time founding chair, he helped set up the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society with Ram Dass (LSD guru Richard Alpert). Retreats were not just arranged by the Nathan Cummings Foundation, but also at the Rockefeller's Pocantino retreat.
- Founded in 1983. Umbrella organization for the:
- American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS);
- Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE);
- National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI);
- International Republican Institute (IRI).
- Financed by the USAID and to a lesser extent by somewhat conservative (but still Eastern Establishment) foundations as Smith Richardson, John M. Olin, Bradley and others. Closely tied to national security, covert (financial) operations and the superclass. NED finances opposition media in certain countries, monitoring agencies for elections, student protest groups, etc.
- September 22, 1991, Washington Post, 'Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups': "[NED co-founder Allen Weinstein:] "A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.""
- NED is only listed here for the time being because some of NED's financing ended up at Alexander Soros' Global Witness group. Jonathan Soros is a son of George Soros.
- 2005 annual report of of Jonathan Soros' Global Witness, p. 20: "Our Funders: ... Canadian Department of Foreign affairs and International Trade. .. The Gleitsman Foundation ... Hives ... IUCN ... The National Endowment for Democracy ... Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... Open Society Institute ... Oxfam GB ... Oxfam Novib..."
- Global Witness is very much concerned with the protection of the rain forest and human rights in third world countries.
- Co-financier of the Poynter Institute, the key cog in the international "fake news" "fact-checking" network that emerged around the time of the Donald Trump presidential election.
- Founded in 1954 with the fortune of the McCormick industrialist family. Key founder Anita McCormick Blaine also was a sister-in-law of Edith Rockefeller, in turn a sister of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Another key founder, Gil Harrison, controlled The New Republic magazine from 1953 to 1974 and was closely tied into the liberal CIA clique of CIA officer and CFR member Cord Meyer. Executive director 1957-1974 of the NWF was CFR member Vernon Eagle, who shared the board of the American Veterans Committee (AVC) with MEyer and Harrison.
- 2000, Gilbert Jones, 'One Shining Moment', p. 124: "Gil Harrison [the owner and editor of The New Republic magazine 1953-1974, co-founded in 1914 by CFR member Walter Lippman], an AVC colleague of [the CFR's and CIA's] Cord Meyer [and Vernon Eagle], phoned me during this period to demand that the [New] World Board accept the decision to halt the grant without resorting to legal action. ... Harrison formed the New World Foundation as a vehicle for funding his pet causes, mostly liberal, under Vernon Eagle's direction [executive director from 1957 until his death in 1974; Eagle was CFR 1957-1962; banker at Hanover Bank in New York and London 1944-1956; board American Veterans Committee (AVC) 1944-1959, treasurer 1945-1950]."
- July 14, 1999, New York Times, 'Brenda Hughes Moore, 56, Wife of Bishop and Rights Advocate': "Mr. Campbell died in 1971 at age 31, and the next year she married Vernon Eagle, then the executive director of the New World Foundation, which supported civil rights and community projects. The year after Mr. Eagle's death in 1974, she married Bishop Moore, who had officiated at her second wedding and had himself recently been widowed."
- webexhibits/building/blaine.html: "Anita McCormick Blaine ... Into the breach stepped Anita McCormick Blaine (1866-1954). The daughter of industrialist Cyrus Hall McCormick and his wife Nettie... Her endorsement of progressive Henry Wallace for President of the United States in 1948 perplexed even her closest friends and drew harsh criticism from right-wing commentators. But Anita McCormick Blaine went on to become an avid proponent of world government and international accord and remained committed to the cause for the rest of her life.".
- In the 1982-1988 period Hillary Clinton was a trustee, vice chair and chair of the liberal New World Foundation, which was putting money into the account of the Christic Institute of Garrison and Sheehan, as well as a variety of other far-left causes.
- June 28, 1994,, 'Limbaugh Responds to FAIR': ""Limbaugh’s Reign of Error" was printed in EXTRA!, the publication of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. "FAIR" was launched in the summer of 1987 with the financial assistance of The New World Foundation (NWF) which gave FAIR a $2,500 grant that year, according to NWF’s 1987-1988 annual report. The Chair of NWF's board in 1987 was Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Mrs. Clinton, a board member since 1982, resigned in March of 1988.)"
- Sep. 28, 1983, Subcommitee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, 'Report and recommendations concerning federal tax rules governing private institutions' p. 93, Appenddix D: "June 30 , 1983, Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer and Feld. Mr. Jordan is a partner in a Washington law firm and trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, the John Hay Whitney Foundation, the Taconic Foundation and a former trustee of the New World Foundation."
- 2014, ISGP, 'Cult of National Security Trolls: Art and Coast to Coast AM': "The New World Foundation... was established in 1954 with the fortune of Anita McCormick Blaine (1866-1954), a daughter of wealthy industrialist Cyrus McCormick (1809-1884). [145] A younger brother of hers, Harold, married Edith Rockefeller, a sister of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Another key founder of the New World Foundation was Gilbert Harrison, whom had married into the McCormick family in 1951. [146] Harrison was a typical Eastern Establishment liberal: educated at Balliol College, Oxford, summer home at Martha's Vineyard and from 1953 to 1977 editor-in-chief of the liberal magazine The New Republic. [147] That's not all. He worked closely with the CIA's uberliberal Cord Meyer, also through the New World Foundation. [148] Meyer's wife, Mary Pinchot Meyer, later explained that her husband, Harrison and associates were all old boy OSS/CIA and always plotting to get their own favorite presidential candidates in the White House. [149] Even within the NGO circuit ties between New World and the CIA were considered ''not inconceivable''. [150] Thus when fellow-Martha's Vineyard visitors Vernon Jordan and Hillary Clinton ran the New World Foundation in the 1980s and were funding Daniel Sheehan's Christic Institute, they simply continued the activities of Cord Meyer and Gil Harrison and might well be have been part of the liberal wing of the CIA. After all, we know the persistent reports and rumors about how Bill Clinton, as a governor of Arkansas, allowed the CIA to import drugs into the country through an airport in Mena [151] and about Roger Clinton's later lobbying for the Gambino crime family, a family that at one point may have benefited from these CIA drug important at Mena. [152] All of a sudden Bill Clinton working with Laurance Rockefeller in spreading UFO disinformation straight from the White House in what appears to be a complex disinformation operation doesn't seem to be that out of place anymore."
- 1998, David Brock, 'The Seduction of Hillary Rodham', pp. 111-113, 180: "When Hillary's term on the LSC board expired in 1982, the strenghted her ties to East Coast activist circles by joining the board of the New World Foundation, considered one of the nation's most left-leaning philanthropies. Based in New York, the organization was founded in 1954 by philanthropist Anita McCormick Blaine. Serving on New World's senior staff was Adrian W. DeWind, who during the 1970s was a member of Committee for Public Justice, founded by Lillian Hellman. That group monitored alleged FBI abuses of the U.S. Communist Party and the Black Panthers.
The New World Foundation is not a traditional philanthropy; it funds political movements rather than research, educational, or charitable efforts. … During Hillary's tenure, which lasted from 1982 through 1988 and included stints as vice chair and chair of the board of directors, the organization sharpened its focus on political activism. … The New World Foundation has given many grants to mainstream liberal groups like the Children's Defense Fund. But much of its money went to the hard left. The foundation supported the Christic Institute, which spent hundreds of thousands of dollars bringing charges against supporters of the Nicaraguan Contras that were later held in court to be frivolous. Many of the foundation grantees, such as the National Lawyers Guild and the Institute for Policy Studies, had ties to the Communist movement. Another grant recipient, the Africa Fund, lobbied on behalf of the most extremist elements within the Africa National Congress. Under Hillary's chairmanship, the foundation supported the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, better known as CISPES, which was founded in New York City in 1980 by Farid Handal, brother of El Salvador's Communist Party chief Shafik Handal. Farid had come to the United States to mobilize American support for the FMLN, the major Communist guerrilla organization in El Salvador.
The New World Foundation was also a benefactor of Grassroots International, which described itself as a "people-to-people partnership for social change." While a New World grantee, this organization was giving money to two Palestinian groups with ties to the Communist faction of the PLO—the Union of Palestinian Working Women's Committees and the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees.
Hillary appears to have gotten involved with the New World Foundation through Marian Wright Edelman; when Hillary joined the organization Edelman's husband Peter was a member of the New World's board, as was Democratic lawyer Vernon Jordan [p. 113]. When she signed onto the board in 1982, Hillary had already been serving since 1976 on the board of the Children's Defense Fund, where she had once worked as a young lawyer just out of Yale. She became chairman of the CDF board in 1986 and remained in the post until she stepped down during the 1992 presidential campaign. ...
Representatives of the [CDF] group lobbied both the executive branch and the Congress on a broad range of social welfare legislation, testified as experts on Capitol Hill, and issued widely cited statistical studies on such social problems as child poverty. Meanwhile, Hillary continued her war against the Reagan administration: CDF successfully fought off budget cuts in education, welfare, and child nutrition programs."
- Originally founded as the Norman Fund by Aaron E. Norman in 1936 and put into action by his children when Norman died in 1937. Norman was an early partner in Sears, Roebuck, a company also linked to the ultraright, CIA- and DOD-tied American Security Council.
- (accessed: December 6, 1998; unclear explanation): "The original capital of the Norman Foundation, Inc. was provided by the late Aaron E. Norman [who died at age 77 in 1936]... [Re]incorporated ... as the Norman Foundation, Inc. in 1970."
- November 24, 1971, New York Times, 'Mrs. Ruth Alice Halsband Dies; Chemist Led the Norman Fund': "Mrs. Ruth Alice Norman Well Halsband, chairman of the Norman Fund ... died yesterday. ... Mrs. Halsband was the daughter of the late Aaron E. Norman, who invested in 1895 in the infant mail-order house of Sears, Roebuck in Chicago, becoming vice president and general manager during its early expansion.
Before his death in 1936 [Aaron] established the Norman Fund, a philanthropic foundation of which his daughter became president and later chairman, The fund's major interests include intercultural and interracial relations and civil rights, and under Mrs. Halsband's leadership it has been active in providing legal services for defending the rights of blacks, notably voting rights, in the South. It has also assisted the starting of cooperatives in the rural South. ...
Mrs. Halsband was graduated from Smith College in 1922 and subsequently resumed a career in organic chemistry, receiving a Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1946." - (accessed: March 19, 2018; an unclear history written by Frank A. Weil): "The Norman Foundation [as the Norman Fund] began as an act of testamentary generosity by Aaron E. Norman at the end of his seventy-six-year life of success and concern for people who lacked economic and/or political control over their lives. Norman's two children began with what amounted to two personal foundations, combined as one... By the 1950s Norman's five grandchildren succeeded early in their lives..."
- By the 1960s the Norman Fund group of foundations was involved in financing the civil rights movement surrounding the Nelson Rockefeller-financed Martin Luther King:
- 2005, Gilbert Jonas, 'Freedom's Sword: The NAACP and the Struggle Against Racism in America, 1909-1969', p. 361: "The left-of-center "activist" foundation leaders and boards, including the Field Foundation under Leslie Dunbar, the New York Foundation under John Heyman, the New World Foundation under Vernon Eagle [also of Hillary Clinton and Bilderberg steering committee member Vernon Jordan], the Stern Foundation under Phil Stern, the Norman Foundation under Andrew Norman, and the Helen Rubinstein Foundation under Diane Goldstein, individually and collectively rejected the NAACP [National Association for the Advancedment of Colored people] as too "middle-of-the-road" or "middle class"..."
- CIA-tied in the 1960s in relation to the Civil Rights movement:
- April 7, 1967, Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson's Washington Merry-Go-Round (Washington Post, Times Herald, etc.), 'CIA Funds Aided Negro Registration': "The main conduit for CIA money to help the Negro voter registration drive was [Leslie Dunbar's] Southern Regional Council, which received $60,000 [$510,000 in 2019] of CIA funds in 1963. The money was channeled through the New World Foundation [later of Hillary Clinton and Bilderberg steering committee member and Trilateralist Vernon Jordan].
In 1962, $6000 [$51,000 in in 2019] of CIA funds went to the Southern Research Council through the Aaron E. Norman Fund. In 1962, the Georgia Council on Human Relations also got $2600 [$22,000 in 2019] of CIA money from the Norman Fund. ... Note: Fund officials deny any knowledge of CIA financial ties; nevertheless they are a fact. ...
The National Students Association, which received massive contributions of CIA money, was also encouraged by the CIA to push voter registration drives in the South [for blacks]. ...
The CIA money ... to help Negro voting registration and militant civil rights groups ... was funneled through private foundations right under the nose of the Central Intelligence Watchdog Committee headed by Sen. Dick Russell, Georgia Democrat, and Rep. Mendel Rivers, the South Carolina Democrat. Both have made speeches denouncing the civil rights movement." -, Interview with Leslie W. Dunbar, December 8, 1972. Interview G-0075, Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)': "As far as I know, the truth of that CIA money is that the Norman Foundation did take some CIA money as a conduit for some things that the CIA was doing in Africa."
- Aaron E. Norman grandson and Norman Foundation president was Frank Weil. Educated at Harvard, Weil served on the boards of the elite Bretton Woods Committee (Soros, Rockefeller, etc.), the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, the American Assembly, the Center for National Policy, the Council for Excellence in Government, and the elite Walter Mondale- and later Madeleine Albright-headed National Democratic Institute, a "democracy-sponsering" institute alongside Soros' Open Society Foundations, USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy and the like (a job formerly occupied by the CIA):
- August 13, 1994, New York Times, 'Teaching the Next Generation to Give of Themselves': "The Norman Foundation, in Manhattan, is another family philanthropy made up of grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Aaron E. Norman, an early partner in the Sears, Roebuck & Company merchandising empire [also linked to the American Security Council]. ... his grandson [is] Frank A. Weil, an investment banker and the foundation's president..."
- (accessed: December 6, 1998): "Andrew E. Norman, Chairman. Frank A. Weil, President. ... Deborah Weil Harrington. Eliza Weil Harrington. John Timothy Weil Harrington. ... Amanda E. Weil. Sandison E. Weil. William S. Weil. ... Abigail Norman. Margaret Norman. Rebecca Norman. Sarah Norman."
- (accessed: March 19, 2018): "Officers and Directors: ... [A couple of Normans] ... Amanda Weil, Vice President ... William S. Weil ... Non-Voting Members: ... Amanda Weil Harrington"
- December 1986, The International Democrat (newsletter of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs), p. 8: "NDI's Board of Directors: Chairman--Walter F. Mondala. Vice Chair--Madeleine K. Albright. ... Daniel Patrick Moynihan ... Nina Rosenwald ... Cyrus R. Vance ... Frank A. Weil..."
- The Norman Foundation makes a lot of grants to organize blacks and Latinos to protest and vote in the United States:
- August 13, 1994, New York Times, 'Teaching the Next Generation to Give of Themselves': "The Norman Foundation was an early supporter of the civil rights movement and continues to promote voter registration and to finance organizations upholding the legal rights of immigrants, people with disabilities, lesbian mothers seeking custody, battered women and environmental advocates."
- (accessed: March 19, 2018): "Grants - 2017: ...
- Workers Center for Racial Justice - $25,000, Chicago, IL...
- Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment - $25,000, Albuquerque, NM ... - Movement Building Black Leaders Organizing for Communities - $30,000, Milwaukee, WI ...
- Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity - $25,000, North Miami, FL ...
- Center for Third World Organizing - $25,000, Oakland, CA. Renewed support for training programs to expand and strengthen organizing in communities of color.
- Jolt - $30,000, Austin, TX. Renewed support for grassroots organizing and civic engagement activities in Latino communities in Texas."
- (accessed: March 10, 2016): "Pierre created eBay in 1995... After eBay became a public company in 1998, Pierre and his wife Pam co-founded the Omidyar Foundation to support nonprofits. ... They broadened their scope in 2004 to form a new entity, Omidyar Network, to make investments in for-profit companies as well as nonproit organizations."
- Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar is a "nouveau riche" who sits on top of a huge pile of money: billions. He and his wife have been pouring this money in an ever increasing amount of NGOs: the Clinton Global Initiative, The Elders (of Nelson Mandela), the Santa Fe Institute, the Berggruen Institute on Governance, the Global Philanthropy Forum, etc. This definitely shows that the Omidyars are working hard to become part of the "in" crowd. More evidence of these aspirations is that back in 2011 and 2012 the Omidyars were funding pro-West opposition groups against the pro-Russia Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovyc.
- Pierre and Pam Omidyar are occasional participants in the Edge Foundation's Billionaires' Dinners, which are closely tied to the TED Conferences.
- Months after the leaks of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Omidyar took control of all of Snowden's files by creating The Intercept media outlet and hiring the journalists that Snowden had been working with: Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras. At the same time, Omidyar has been maintaining business ties with Snowden's former employers at Booz Allen Hamilton.
- Already back in 2008 Omidyar was putting money in the Electronic Frontier Foundation while Laura Poitras in particular was working with other NSA whistleblowers as William Binney.
- Controlled by the billionaire philantrophist George Soros, in the United States closely tied to the Democrat Party and the Clintons, but who also has great influence on the policies of Bernie Sanders and all things "liberal CIA" that are taking his money. Partly infamous for his secretive Democracy Alliance network of Democrat Party financiers and staunch opposition to the Bush administration of 2000-2008.
- According to its form 990 for 2013, the Open Society Foundations "only" had a $1.6 billion dollar endowment, a number that has remained relatively stable over the years. In October 2017 Soros transferred almost all his remaining fortune - $18 billion in total - to his Open Society Foundations, putting the estimated total at $20 billion. ...
- October 17, 2017, New York Times, 'George Soros Transfers Billions to Open Society Foundations': "For decades, Mr. Soros funded the Open Society Foundations through annual donations of around $800 million or $900 million per year. ... George Soros [now] has given $18 billion to his Open Society Foundations... Mr. Soros is expected to contribute at least another $2 billion in the coming years. ...
"There is no foundation in the world, including the Ford Foundation, that has had more impact around the world than the Open Society Foundations in the last two decades," said Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation."
- October 17, 2017, New York Times, 'George Soros Transfers Billions to Open Society Foundations': "For decades, Mr. Soros funded the Open Society Foundations through annual donations of around $800 million or $900 million per year. ... George Soros [now] has given $18 billion to his Open Society Foundations... Mr. Soros is expected to contribute at least another $2 billion in the coming years. ...
- Soros has been a close associate of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and friends through the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, the Peterson Institute of International Economics, and the Bretton Woods Committee. The latter Soros visited annually from the 1990s until the 2020s, always alongside the likes of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Paul Volcker, Zbigniew Brzezinski and other close allies of the Rockefeller clique.
- (accessed: April 16, 2003): "[Peterson] Institute for International Economics: ... Board of Directors: Peter G. Peterson, Chairman ... Conrad Black ... *Carla A. Hills ... David Rockefeller. David M. Rubenstein. Renato Ruggiero. ... George Soros. Lawrence H. Summers. Peter D. Sutherland. Jean Claude Trichet. ... Paul A. Volcker. ... Karl Otto Pöhl ... Lee Kuan Yew... Ex officio: *C. Fred Bergsten. ... Honorary Directors: Alan Greenspan. ... George P. Shultz." Soros left the board after Dec. 2004. Lynn Forester de Rothschild joined the board in later years.
- Through annual attendance of the World Economic Forum in Davos since at least 1996, the a European Council on Foreign Relations that he founded in 2007, in turn tied to the Munich Security Conferences (on whose board Soros sits anno 2020), and his Open Society Foundations donations, Soros also has ENORMOUS influence on European Union policy. Part of this influence also runs through his involvement in Bilderberg and his close association with Princess Mabel Wisse Smit of Orange.
- The board of Soros' International Crisis Group has been stacked with international elites: Robert McNamara, Sen. George Mitchell, Vernon Jordan, Jacques Delors, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Armitage, Gen. Wesley Clark, Larry Summers, Lord George Robertson, Lord Chris Patten, Wim Kok, Joschka Fischer, Hushang Ansary, Prince Turki al Faisal of the House of Saud, oligarchs as Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Morton Abramowitz, Yegor Gaidar and Victor Pinchuk, and many others.
- Along with the Rockefeller, Ford, MacArthur and allied foundations a major financier of "new left" activist groups the Institute for Policy Studies and the People for the American Way, as well as "new left" media outlets as The Nation and Mother Jones.
- Since the early 1990s the chief financier of weed and psychedelic legalization projects, mainly through his Drug Policy Alliance.
- Key personnel:
- Princess Mabel Wisse Smit: Contoversial for past ties to Dutch organized crime boss Klaas Bruinsma, who in turn may have known a thing or two about Dutch elite pedophile networks. Married into the royal house of Orange. Co-founder with Soros of the European Council on Foreign Relations in 2007.
- Morton Halperin: Long-time elite civil rights activist.
- November 29, 2006, Open Society Foundations press release, 'How Do Progressives Connect Ideas to Action?': "As part of a series of discussions marking the tenth anniversary of the Open Society Institute's U.S. Programs, Bill Moyers and a distinguished panel of commentators addressed the health and future of the progressive movement... Robert Borosage, Campaign for America's Future [financed by Turner, Tides, Arca and Soros' Open Society Foundations], ... John Podesta, Center for American Progress ... Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation..."
- Soros' main obsession is pushing Third World immigrants into the West by pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into open border NGOs, mainly alongside the Ford Foundation. The reasons are hard to figure out, but likely to boost the economy, and stock market in particular, along neoliberal lines - also explaining "liberal CIA's" feminism and LGBTQ obsession (or the fact that the Soros-funded Black Lives Matter group wants to destroy the "nuclear family"):
- Already at the turn of the century, Soros sat on the board of the NGO Refugees International, well ahead of the times.
- November 22, 2016, Soros' Open Society Institute press release, 'Open Society Foundations Announce $10 Million Initiative to Confront Hate': "Harsh rhetoric and policy proposals during the 2016 presidential campaign [in which arch-Soros enemy Donald Trump won] drew on racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTI, and other forms of hate have encouraged a wave of physical and verbal attacks nationwide. The Southern Poverty Law Center has received over 700 reports of “hateful harassment and intimidation” since November 8 [and] there have been more than 1,000 bias-related incidents since the election."
- Well before he got involved with the Rockefeller clique through the CFR and such, Soros' wealth was tied to the Rothschild family, Edgar de Picciotto (1001 Club, like the Rothschilds) and Sir James Goldsmith - all considered CIA and/or Mossad assets:
- archive/category/finance/ (accessed: July 11, 2011): "In 1963, before accepting a new position at the investment firm Arnold & S. Bleichroder [Samuel Bleichröder founded the bank in Berlin in 1803. The U.S. branch also served as the U.S. branch for the Rothschilds.], he took a few months off to focus on a book of philosophy he had been writing for years. In 1966, still working at Arnold & S. Bleichroder, he used $100,000 of the firm’s capital as seed money to establish the First Eagle Fund. The success of that fund helped him build valuable relationships within the investment community. In 1973 he left Arnold & S. Bleichroder to set up his own hedge fund with $12 million with money from investors. Initially called the Soros Fund, it was eventually renamed the Quantum Fund."
- (accessed: February 10, 2018): "Quantum Fund (1970 to 1980) ... Jim Rogers and John Templeton both went to Yale and Oxford. Both later introduced by the Master of Balliol. Rogers worked for Arnold S. Bleichroeder in 1970, where he met Soros. They left in 1973 because new brokerage firm regulation prevents one from getting a percentage of profits."
- April 26, 2011, Arnaud de Borchgrave at Newsmax, 'Soros Backer: 'Widespread Moral Decline' Caused Debt Crisis': "Such was George C. Karlweis, the brain behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Edmond de Rothschild. His biggest claim to fame: George Soros and the launch of his Quantum Fund in 1969. An original $100,000 stake in Soros' fund was worth $150 million by 1994. Between 1970 and 2000, the return was 3,365 percent (for 10 consecutive years it did 42.6 percent per year). In 1992, Soros bet billions against the British pound — and broke the Bank of England ("Black Wednesday")."
- 2009, Erin Arvedlund, 'Too Good to Be True: The Rise and Fall of Bernie Madoff': "Beat Notz ... once worked at Lehman Brothers International in Paris. In 1968, he cofounded Haussmann Holdings with Groupe Worms in Paris. His partner, Christian Stucki ... in 1968, cofounded the Leveraged Capital Holdings fund with the Rothschilds [and] Georges Karlweis, managing director of the private bank to Edmond the Rothschild...
Haussmann Holdings played kingmaker to many future titans of the hedge fund industry. Haussmann gave the then-unknown money manager George Soros his start in the 1970s and later, Julian Robertson's Tiger Fund, Paul Tudor Jones, Louis Bacon, and others..." - May 27, 2016, Byron Wien (Harvard; Morgan Stanley; Blackstone; co-authored a book with George Soros; Open Society Foundations and Pritzker Foundation) for Real Clear Markets, 'Remembering My Mentor, The Smartest Man in Europe': "My good friend and mentor Edgar de Picciotto [semi controversial 1001 Club member], Chairman of Union Bancaire Privée in Geneva, has passed away. ... I came to know him well when we were both Supervisory Directors of Soros Fund Management and met for several days twice a year in Europe (Soros was an offshore fund.) When I started writing about him in 2002, I chose not to reveal his name to protect his privacy."
- May 16, 1998, The Independent, 'Profile: George Soros: God of all he surveys': "By the mid-Eighties Soros was becoming known in circles outside Wall Street and the City of London. He began entertaining lavishly, and attracted guests such as Sir James Goldsmith and George Weidenfeld."
- 1996, Robert Slater, 'Soros: The Life, Times & Trading Secrets of the World's Greatest Investor', pp. 200-202: "[Now] with a 13 percent ownership [in U.S. gold mining firm Newmont Mining by 1993], Soros was the firm's second biggest shareholder. Goldsmith remained first with a 30 percent share. Rothschild had just under 5 percent. Soros, Goldsmith, and Lord Rothschild were all close acquaintances. One link between Soros and the Rothschild firm was Nils Taube, Rothschild's chief investment officer, a nonexecutive director of the Quantum Fund, and a close Soros associate for many years. ...
The Observer, for example, referred to Soros's close ties with Jimmy Goldsmith and Nils O. Taube: "These kinds of connections, this impression of an insiders' gang, are what make more mainstream investors occasionally raise an eyebrow where Soros is concerned. His associates may talk about a sixth sense, but even some of their comments contribute to the impression that Soros has created for himself a comprehensive network for gathering information.""
- Democracy-sponsoring and CIA ties of George Soros since the late 1970s:
- 'June 28, 2016,, 'An evening with George Soros at Open Russia Club'': "I actually went to the Soviet Union in the 70s. I had a list of refuseniks and dissidents that I took with me. ...
It was Christmas of 86 when he [Andrei Sakharov] received a phone call from Gorbachev in Nizhny Novgorod, where Gorbachev asked him to return to Moscow ... and when I heard about it I understood that something had really changed. That was when I decided to return to the Soviet Union.
When I told him [Andrei Sakharov] that I wanted to set up a foundation in the Soviet Union, he said, 'young man, you are going to fill the coffers of the KGB. Actually the KGB played an important role in the setting up of the foundation. It was a reformist cell and they took me in their confidence. ...
This was a time when the dollar had tremendous value in the Soviet Union. 500 dollars was enough for a family to live for a year. [For me] it was a way to preserve natural science in Russia. I gave a 100 million dollars for that foundation. ...
I proposed this [new] Marshall Plan [for the Soviet Union], in Germany to Foreign Minister Genscher, and the representative of Margaret Thatcher broke out in spontaneous laughter when I suggested the European Union should pay for it. ...
All the oligarchs came to Davos and I met with them, and I urged them to support Yavlinsky ... Berezovsky was against it. This was to do with the loans for shares, where the loans were never to be repaid, and that was the beginning of the oligarchy. He [Berezovsky] was a really evil influence, he was the source of corruption of that [Yeltsin] family. He had more leeway than he thought he had in changing the system. He said to me, 'you don't understand, if I don't kill them, they'll kill me.' ...
Unfortunately in the case of Russia it was a failed revolution because it led to a revival of the Russian imperial dream. ...
The big difference between what happened then and what happened more recently is that the dominant belief then was international governance, you had the Communist Party with the Internationale and you had the European Union trying to do on a small scale what would have been a model for global governance. But that old ideology has been replaced by a new ideology based on nationalism, which was first implemented in the West by George W. Bush." - June 2, 2003, The New Statesman, 'NS Profile - George Soros': "Soros may not, as some have suggested, be a fully paid-up CIA agent. But that his companies and NGOs are closely wrapped up in US expansionism cannot seriously be doubted. ...
The conventional view, shared by many on the left, is that socialism collapsed in eastern Europe because of its systemic weaknesses and the political elite's failure to build popular support. That may be partly true, but Soros's role was crucial. From 1979, he distributed $3m a year to dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union. In 1984, he founded his first Open Society Institute in Hungary and pumped millions of dollars into opposition movements and independent media. Ostensibly aimed at building up a "civil society", these initiatives were designed to weaken the existing political structures and pave the way for eastern Europe's eventual colonisation by global capital. Soros now claims, with characteristic immodesty, that he was responsible for the "Americanisation" of eastern Europe. ...
The Yugoslavs remained stubbornly resistant [to the sponsored free market revolution in Eastern Europe] and repeatedly returned Slobodan Milosevic's unreformed Socialist Party [which was supported by Russia] to government. Soros was equal to the challenge. From 1991, his Open Society Institute channelled more than $100m to the coffers of the anti-Milosevic opposition, funding political parties, publishing houses and "independent" media such as Radio B92, the plucky little student radio station of western mythology which was in reality bankrolled by one of the world's richest men on behalf of the world's most powerful nation. With Slobo finally toppled in 2000 in a coup d'etat financed, planned and executed in Washington, all that was left was to cart the ex-Yugoslav leader to the Hague tribunal, co-financed by Soros along with those other custodians of human rights [abuses]. He faced charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, based in the main on the largely anecdotal evidence of (you've guessed it) Human Rights Watch. ...
In Kosovo, for example, he has invested $50m in an attempt to gain control of the Trepca mine complex, where there are vast reserves of gold, silver, lead and other minerals estimated to be worth in the region of $5bn. He thus copied a pattern he has deployed to great effect over the whole of eastern Europe: of advocating "shock therapy" and "economic reform", then swooping in with his associates to buy valuable state assets at knock-down prices."
- 'June 28, 2016,, 'An evening with George Soros at Open Russia Club'': "I actually went to the Soviet Union in the 70s. I had a list of refuseniks and dissidents that I took with me. ...
- Influence of George Soros and the Open Society Foundation in the European Union:
- George Soros financed the founding of the European Council on Foreign Relations in 2007. Mabel Wisse Smit of Orange and Bilderberg chairman Etienne Davignon were among the founding council members, along with countless other elites.
- November 2011, ECFR, Policy Brief, 'How to stop the demilitarisation of Europe', pp. 12-13: "Among members of the European Council on Foreign Relations are current and former prime ministers, presidents, European commissioners, parliamentarians, ministers, public intellectuals, business leaders, activists and cultural figures from the EU member states and candidate countries. ...
Carl Bildt (Sweden) ... Gerhard Kromme (Germany) [of] ThyssenKrupp ... Etienne Davignon ... Joschka Fischer (Germany) ... Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (Germany) ... Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (The Netherlands) [the] former NATO secretary general ... Wolfgang Ischinger (Germany): Chairman, Munich Security Conference ... Lionel Jospin (France) ... Ben Knapen (The Netherlands) ... Alexander Graf Lambsdorff (Germany)... David Milliband ... Mabel van Oranje ... Chris Patten ... Charles Powell ... George Robertson (United Kingdom): Former Secretary General of NATO ... Karel Scwarzenberg (Czech Republic) ... George Soros ... Dominique Strauss-Kahn [of the IMF] ... "
- November 2011, ECFR, Policy Brief, 'How to stop the demilitarisation of Europe', pp. 12-13: "Among members of the European Council on Foreign Relations are current and former prime ministers, presidents, European commissioners, parliamentarians, ministers, public intellectuals, business leaders, activists and cultural figures from the EU member states and candidate countries. ...
- George Soros' Open Society Foundation has been financing the European Network Against Racism, being the second largest financier behind the European Union itself. This network has been coordinating with 120 NGOs in the EU that stage "grassroots" anti-racism protests.
- November 14, 2017, former UKIP head Nigel Farage at the European Parliament in Strasbourg: "Well, as Mr. Moscovici said at the start of this, the leak of all these [Panama] papers, the lists of people with offshore holdings has come about because of the Society of Investigative Journalists. But what's not been said this morning and I think is relevant is that the funding of these investigations came from one George Soros. [Phillip Lamberts, a Green MEP, yells "So What!"]
I'm going to come back to "so what" and it may have some personal interest for you as well. ... Just last week the Electoral Commission in the UK launched an investigation to find out whether the "Leave" campaign took offshore money or Russian money. This came about as a result of questions asked in the House of Commons by one Ben Bradshaw, somebody linked to an organisation called Open Society.
I just wonder, when we're talking about offshore money, when we're talking about political subversion, when we're talking about collusion, I wonder whether we’re looking in the wrong place. And I say that because George Soros recently gave Open Society, his organisation, ... he recently gave it 18 billion dollars. And his influence here and in Brussels is truly extraordinary.
Open Society boasts that they had 42 meetings last year [2016] with the European Commission, they have even published a book of reliable friends in the European Parliament and there are 226 names on that list including yours, sir. I thought you'd find this interesting.
We even had last week Mr Verhofstadt lobbying on behalf of Mr. Soros at the Conference of Presidents in a battle that is going on with Viktor Orban the Prime Minister of Hungary.
If we are going to have a debate and we are going to talk about full political and financial transparency well let’s do it, so I shall be writing today to all 226 of you asking some pretty fair questions. Have you ever received funds, directly or indirectly, from Open Society? How many of their events have they attended? Could you please give us a list of the meetings of all their representatives including George Soros yourself?
And I think this Parliament should now set up a special committee to look into all of this and I say that because I fear we could be looking at the biggest level of international collusion in history."
- George Soros financed the founding of the European Council on Foreign Relations in 2007. Mabel Wisse Smit of Orange and Bilderberg chairman Etienne Davignon were among the founding council members, along with countless other elites.
- EU governments are protecting Soros' activities through their media, with unfortunately even prominent criticism not coming from total outsiders:
- November 27, 2017, VPRO (Dutch state television), 'Report: George Soros new scapegoat in Europe' ('Reportage: George Soros nieuwe zondebok in Europa'): "The Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban is pushing a hate campaign against speculator and philanthropist George Soros. [He] is being held responsible by Orban, for example, for the incursion of millions of refugees into Europe. Correspondent Tijn Sadee is making a report about the origins of the hate against Soros."
- 2013, US-UK Fulbright Commission and Oxford Thinking, 'Extending the Fulbright Legacy', p. 4: "former Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, and current Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski. The latter two men received tutorials from Dr Zbigniew Pelczynski, who also taught former President Bill Clinton while he was studying at Oxford."
- (accessed: March 6, 2018): "Dr. Orbán Viktor: ... From April 1988, supported by the Soros Foundation... From September 1989 supported by the Soros Foundation with a scholarship at Oxford's Pembroke College to study the history of liberal political philosophy [with Hegelian political philosopher Zbigniew Pelczynski, who also taught Bill Clinton and Walter Isaacson];"
- April 17, 1999, The Independent, 'New Kids on the Bloc': "Snapping at the heels of politicians such as Viktor Orban and Tamas Deutsch is an even younger generation of would-be MPs and political leaders, in their 20s, or even their teens. In Poland they study at the School for Leaders, in downtown Warsaw. It was set up by Professor Zbigniew Pelczynski, who taught at Oxford University for 40 years and was a one-time tutor there to Bill Clinton and Viktor Orban."
- In 1988 George Soros founded the Stefan Batory Foundation with a group of anti-communist Polish leaders:
- 2013 annual report, Stefan Batory Foundation, p. 13: "Most of our programme activity in 2013 was financed from the funds donated by the Open Society Foundations. With a multi-year grant from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation we continued to support NGO coalitions active in the Visegrad countries."
- Fascinating fact: Transylvanian prince Stephan Bathory's sister gave birth to "blood countess" Elizabeth Bathory, who tortured and murdered many dozens of peasant girls to death in her castle with the entire family covering up the crimes.
- George Soros parties have included Microsoft's Paul Allen, Harvey Weinstein, Steven Spielberg, and media stars as Beyonce, Jay-Z, Jon Bon Jovi, Denzel Washington, Eddie Murphy and others (notice the huge number of black stars):
- January 2, 2008, Fox News, 'Stars Party: A-List Celebs Are Yachting Types': "Dec. 30. The location was Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's Octopus, the sixth-largest private yacht in the world at 414 feet. I'm told guests got to rub elbows with Steven Spielberg, Denzel Washington and Brett Ratner, while both Jon Bon Jovi and Robbie Robertson played in separate jam sessions... Also there were Billy Joel with wife, Katie Lee; Harvey Weinstein and bride... financier George Soros... Charles Simonyi and Martha Stewart; Lorne Michaels; and Antonio "LA" Reid of Island Def Jam Records all hung out on the boat. My spies even spotted Warner Music Group’s Lyor Cohen, who was probably celebrating his company’s spectacular 75 percent loss in value for 2007. ... Liam Neeson..."
- January 1, 2009, New York Post, 'Party Guy Soros is Afloat': "George Soros got an early start to his New Year's celebration on Tuesday when he partied the night away with two young brunettes aboard fellow billionaire Paul Allen's yacht, Octopus, in St. Barts. A witness said the left-leaning financier showed up with the pair of lovelies and appeared quite "friendly" with them... At one point, Soros, 78, was seen trampling all over one of their gowns as he enjoyed a beverage. The shindig aboard the yacht had a hip-hop flavor, as rap mogul Russell Simmons, Run-DMC's Rev. Run Simmons, Jay-Z and Beyonce were among the revelers. Also on hand were ex-NBA star Alonzo Mourning, Eddie Murphy, Jon Bon Jovi and supermodel Victoria Silvstedt."
- George Soros' father, Tivadar Soros, taught George Esperanto and founded the Esperato-language periodical Literatura Mondo, that was published between 1922 and 1949. Esperanto is/was meant to be a global language. It is purposely constructed to be very simple to learn, at least to Europeans. It only has 16 grammatical rules.
- Soros' Jewishness, surviving World War II, globalist inspiration and anti-Zionist stance:
- Dec. 20, 1998, 60 Minutes Interview: "STEVE KROFT: Are you religious? MR. SOROS: No. STEVE KROFT: Do you believe in God? MR. SOROS: No."
- February 12, 2007, The New Republic, 'Tyran-a-Soros': "Soros is ostentatiously indifferent to his own Jewishness. He is not a believer. He has no Jewish communal ties. He certainly isn't a Zionist. He told Connie Bruck in The New Yorker—testily, she recounted—that "I don’t deny the Jews their right to a national existence—but I don't want to be part of it." But he has involved himself in the founding of an anti-AIPAC, more dovish Israel lobby."
- January 10-17, 1994, The New Republic, 'The Speculator': "The happiest year of my life, that year of German occupation. For me it is a very positive experience. It's a strange thing, because you see incredible suffering around you and, in fact, you are in considerable danger yourself. But you are fourteen years old and you don't believe that it can actually touch you. You have belief in yourself. You have belief in your father. It is a very happy-making, exhilarating experience." Considering he and his father were Jews under an assumed name sending other Jews to their deaths, this is quite the untactful remark.
- January 23, 1995, The New Yorker, 'The World According to George Soros': "He traces its origins [of feeling detached and duality] to 1944--a year that he has said he recalls more vividly than any other in his life--when, aged fourteen, he posed as the son of a Hungarian government official, sometimes accompanying the official as he delivered deportation notices to Jews, or took possession of property owned by them. Self-control and detachment were the keys to survival. Soros recalled that when his mother was questioned at the police station ... she convinced her interrogators that she was indeed the person her false papers stated she was... He added, however, that after she was released she collapsed, suffering what was "kind of a nervous breakdown"--and he was furious at her for showing such weakness. Sometimes it seems that even today Soros dares not let that control slip; when he was questioned by an interviewer for British TV about that year's experience, Soros rejected the suggestion that it has been traumatic, insisting, rather that it was "an adventure." ...
Soros has chosen to exclude Israel and Jewish causes, by and large, from his massive philanthropy... [Soros] continued, "My mother was quite anti-Semitic, and ashamed of being Jewish. Given the culture in which one lived, being Jewish was a clear-cut stigma, disadvantage, a handicap-and, therefore, there was always the desire to transcend it, to escape it." He confirmed what someone had told me-that his family name had long ago been changed from Schwartz. "So the assimilationist Jews of Hungary had a deep sense of inferiority and it took me a long time to work through that," he said, adding, however, that he succeeded in doing so many years ago... " I am escaping the particular. I think I am doing exactly that by espousing this universal concept"-of open society. "In other words, I don't think that you can ever overcome anti-Semitism if you behave as a tribe... the only way you can overcome it is if you give up the tribalness."
- Soros' influence in the Netherlands:
- Feb. 15, 2019, NRC, 'De strijd van George Soros tegen ‘illiberale neigingen’ in Nederland': "Bekend was al dat de OSF vóór 2014 subsidies gaf aan Nederlandse organisaties als ProDemos en KiesKompas, van de stemwijzers, het Meldpunt Discriminatie, de Anne Frank Stichting en enkele moslimorganisaties. Maar de volledige betrokkenheid bij het Nederlandse debat is nooit goed onderzocht. ...
Een van de eerste spraakmakende OSF-activiteiten in Nederland is dan ook een filmpje in 2013, gemaakt door de ‘Stichting Doetank’, waarin groepjes zwarte en witte jongens de straat op worden gestuurd om etnisch profileren door de politie aan de kaak te stellen. Destijds was niet bekend dat dit initiatief door de OSF werd gefinancierd.
Tegenwoordig kunnen ruim veertig organisaties in Nederland jaarlijks op zo’n zeven miljoen euro aan OSF-geld rekenen. Het grootste deel daarvan gaat naar organisaties die daarmee ook het Nederlandse debat beïnvloeden. De grootste ontvanger in 2016 was het Transnational Institute (TNI), dat onder meer 664.000 euro ontving voor een tweejarig programma over drugsbeleid. TNI adviseerde de Canadese regering bij de legalisering van marihuana, maar organiseerde ook in Nederland een conferentie over legale teelt van wiet. Medewerkers van TNI schreven in Nederlandse media opinie-artikelen waarin legalisering van wietteelt wordt bepleit en een repressieve aanpak van drugsgebruik wordt afgeraden.
De OSF steunt ook andere Nederlandse organisaties die campagne voeren voor een liberaler drugsbeleid. De Stichting O.P.E.N. ontving in 2016 25.000 euro. Deze club organiseert lezingen en conferenties om aandacht te vragen voor de therapeutische werking van harddrugs als lsd, xtc en paddo’s. ICEERS kon rekenen op ruim 180.000 euro. Daarmee wil de stichting geneeskrachtige planten introduceren in de reguliere gezondheidszorg. ICEERS promoot onder andere de hallucinogene drank ayahuasca uit de Amazone, die bij zou dragen aan persoonlijke groei."
- Feb. 15, 2019, NRC, 'De strijd van George Soros tegen ‘illiberale neigingen’ in Nederland': "Bekend was al dat de OSF vóór 2014 subsidies gaf aan Nederlandse organisaties als ProDemos en KiesKompas, van de stemwijzers, het Meldpunt Discriminatie, de Anne Frank Stichting en enkele moslimorganisaties. Maar de volledige betrokkenheid bij het Nederlandse debat is nooit goed onderzocht. ...
- Soros' personality and activities 1970s-1995:
- January 23, 1995, The New Yorker, 'The World According to George Soros': "Morton Abramowich: ... [Soros has] now become a player--but it's very recent, a new phenomenon. ... He has no patience with government. As I frequently say about George, he's the only man in the U.S. who has his own foreign policy--and can implement it." When I told Strobe Talbott, the Deputy Secretary of State, about Abramowitz's remark, Talbott, referring to Soros's foreign policy, responded, "I would say that it is not identical to the foreign policy of the U.S. government--but it's compatible with it. It's like working with a friendly, allied, independent entity, if not a government. We try to synchronize our approach to the former Communist countries, with Germany, France, Great Britain -- and with George Soros," he added with a grin. "[Soros is] a national resource--indeed, a national treasure."
Others, however, describe aspects of Soros that ... seem more threatening than venerable. He is portrayed as someone who has always tended to live by his own rules [and] who can be offended if a leader of a country where he is involved philanthropically is insufficiently subservient [and] who is intent on imposing his influence generally on an ever-expanding area of the world." ... There is "something pretty megalomaniacal about him," Thomas Simons, Jr., the coordinator of United States assistance to the New Independent States (of the former Soviet Union) [and generally a Soros fan], said... As [another] supporter put it, "to see himself as the sun, with other planets revolving around him." ...
Peter Rona, who is the head of the First Hungary investment fund, in which a Quantum fund owns a stake, and who has known Soros for about fifteen years, told me, "George has a very abstract mind--to the point that he is almost dehumanized. ... the more you're dealing with something about which no scientific hypothesis can be formed [i.e. feelings], no general laws applied, the worse he gets. ... The excellence of his judgments about markets exceeds by a comfortable margin his judgments about people." ... Byron Wein [a friend of Soros since the 1960s] told me that ... "He wants to achieve certain objectives--he gets his satisfaction from that, not from human relationships. ... George has transactional relationships. People get something from him, he from them." ...
Legions of traders passed through the revolving door of Quantum; some are said to have lasted only a day, others a week. ... Soros was an expert at targeting people's weaknesses--scathing in his sarcasm and eager to stir internecine rivalries as a means of augmenting his control. (Once, when he had just hired a group of six money managers, he is said to have summoned them all into his office and announced, "Gentlemen, in one year there will be five of you. Now leave.") A former employee told me that he has concluded that Soros has "a horror of intimacy." He said, "George spends most of his energy with other people pushing them away, including insultingly. ... You'd put your heart into something and George, in front of everybody, would say, "I'm shorting it." It was rude, brutal--he was in your face all the time." ...
Quantum [Fund] did have a board of directors, which Soros could not join, because he was an American citizen, but it did not matter. "The directors have no authority; they're there as a formality," says Edgar Astaire, who, after many years as a director, recently resigned to join the Quantum operation. "All the authority is George's." A current member of the board offered a similar assessment, commenting, "Under Netherlands [Antilles] law, the directors have less authority than the doorman." Regulatory oversight was also scant ... It operated in an extremely unregulated environment, and within that environment, many former employees say, Soros gravitated to areas--like currency trading--where oversight was even more minimal. As one expressed it, "George has his own rules--they're different, larger. He is unencumbered." ...
This person [a Soros friend] added that, in his view, Soros's remarkable career in the financial markets has not sated his "long quest for legitimacy ... because George knows that in the financial world many will say that his success is due more to his aggressive positioning and muscling of markets than to any thoughtful insights." ... [frinds saying he is tough to be friends with, because he is always demanding great ideas from them during their conversations]
He had harbored messianic illusions--what he describes as a sense of himself as superhuman--since childhood. ... "It was a bit of a guilty secret until I became successful, because it was incongruous..." Soros said to me, "God in the Old Testament has a number of attributes, you. Like invisible--I was pretty invisible. Benevolent--I was pretty benevolent. All-seeing--I tried to be all seeing!" Then, laughing, he said, "So I was playing it out." ...
In the early eighties, Soros paused. ... his junior partner at Quantum, Jim Rogers, left amid fierce acrimony; Soros's marriage, to Annaliese Witschak, broke up; he was having problems with his three children; and his fund was down 22.9 per cent for 1981. .... Two of his friends told me that this was the only period when they has ever seen Soros decidedly not in control, and quite vulnerable... One investor who attended the 1982 Quantum shareholders' meeting recalled, "He was tarnished goods. People were saying he'd lost it." ...
The investment process, of course, involves information as well as analysis; and Soros's access to information has long been the talk - and the envy - of many of his fellow-traders. A former associate recalled an episode in the early seventies which involved Quantum's portfolio of Japanese stock. ... "One night, at midnight, George called me and said, 'Sell the Japanese portfolio.' I said, "There are only two hours of trading left--sell the whole portfolio?' 'The whole portfolio.'" Soros was in Washington, D.C., when he called, this person continued, and in the next two days the United States government put restrictions on trading with Japan. "George is a terrific intelligence officer," this person added. ...
His first foundation, established in 1984... His brother, Paul [said]: ... "Up until that point, George wanted to be financially successful. But then it was 'O.K., you've made a hundred million dollars in one year, now what do you do?' ... Instead of donating five million dollars to a hospital, five million dollars to a university--the conventional way--he felt you could get much more bang for the buck by trying to do things to foster an open society in these [East European] countries." ... In this early period, especially, Soros was heavily involved in the work of the foundations. Colleagues recall the evident pleasure he took in reviewing hundreds of grant applications and, when he visited a region, in sitting around kitchen tables with local dissidents, discussing politics far into the night. ... He was a benevolent autocrat, however, and he stuck to his resolution to maintain a low profile. It was not really feasible to do otherwise. As Soros pointed out to me, the foundations were subversive [to the communists], and their real motivations had to be "under wraps"...
[Soros] has lobbied Strobe Talbott and others in the State Department and the National Security Counil. And at the Bretton Woods Conference in Washington last July [1994], Soros worked the corridors assiduously, attempting to persuade members of the European Union to help Macedonia. ...
The problem with Soros is the extremity of his views--his tendency to beautify one side and demonize the other--and the way in which that is reflected in his activism. ... To Soros fans like Strobe Talbott; Leslie Gelb, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations; and Mark Malloch Brown, the head of public affairs at the World Bank, Soros is the trailblazer they hope other businesspeople will follow, moving to fill the vacuum left by an over-extended and inadequate government. ... "George never wanted publicity," an old friend says, "but he feels he's past that--he feels he's impregnable now.""
- January 23, 1995, The New Yorker, 'The World According to George Soros': "Morton Abramowich: ... [Soros has] now become a player--but it's very recent, a new phenomenon. ... He has no patience with government. As I frequently say about George, he's the only man in the U.S. who has his own foreign policy--and can implement it." When I told Strobe Talbott, the Deputy Secretary of State, about Abramowitz's remark, Talbott, referring to Soros's foreign policy, responded, "I would say that it is not identical to the foreign policy of the U.S. government--but it's compatible with it. It's like working with a friendly, allied, independent entity, if not a government. We try to synchronize our approach to the former Communist countries, with Germany, France, Great Britain -- and with George Soros," he added with a grin. "[Soros is] a national resource--indeed, a national treasure."
- Soros' international financial attacks since 1992:
- June 4, 2010, Business Insider, 'The Real Story Of How George Soros Shorted The Pound, Etching His Name Into Financial History Forever': "Sebastian Mallaby, tells the tale of how Soros used his Quantum Fund to break the pound to pieces and pocket a billion dollars. ... Soros had AT LEAST $1.5 billion bet on the pound since August, 1992. The devaluation crisis occurred a month later in September. Instead of steadily building up a position in September of 1992, Soros told his lieutenants to "go for the jugular." Investor Louis Moore Bacon worked with Soros to find ways to dump the pound."
- Sep. 22, 1997, Los Angeles Times, 'Malaysian Leader, Soros Trade Barbs': "Mahathir, 71, who has overseen Malaysia’s growth during his 16-year rule, charged that Soros aimed to stop the fast-growing region in its tracks. "All these countries have spent 40 years trying to build up their economies," Mahathir said before the conference, "and a moron like Soros comes along with a lot of money" and undermines them. ... "Currency trading," Mahathir declared in a speech Saturday evening, "is unnecessary, unproductive and immoral. ... It should be illegal." ...
Soros denied that his hedge fund, the $9.1-billion Quantum Fund, had a role in devaluing the ringgit; in his own speech, he said that ironically the buying of Malaysian currency during the crash helped buffer the impact. Mahathir, he claimed, was using him "as a scapegoat for his own mistakes." But Soros admitted to zeroing in on the Thai baht and other currencies, sending regional stock markets spiraling downward. ... "Dr. Mahathir," Soros added, "is a menace to his own country."
In the past months, Soros has suggested meeting with Mahathir to discuss international economics. But Mahathir rejected such a meeting, calling Soros a "criminal" and a "moron." At the heart of their conflict is a fundamental disagreement over the free flows of capital and ideas--notions that underpin how countries should develop and interact in global society. ...
Mahathir refused to meet Soros face to face at the World Bank meeting, so they addressed each other obliquely, in seminars on consecutive evenings.
In his speech, Soros insisted that speculators are doing the Asian countries a service, providing a kind of shock treatment for governments that had ignored warning signals to get their economic houses in order. He cited the weaknesses in the fast-developing region that attracted his hedge fund's attention: lax supervision of the banking system, overly lenient credit policies in Thailand and Malaysia, and a lack of economic information.
An International Monetary Fund committee announced Sunday it is seeking new powers to encourage member nations to gradually lift most constraints on the movement of investment capital in and out of their markets.
But the recent sharp drop of Southeast Asian currencies and stock markets has made developing countries wary of any infringement on their ability to protect against sudden large movements of foreign money in or out of their economies." - Sep. 25, 1997, The Economist, 'Mahathir, Soros and the currency markets; Amoral maybe, but currency speculators are both necessary and productive': "The Mahathir view of the world rests on a belief that speculators' decisions are guided by their own appetite for profit, and therefore pay little or no attention to the underlying health of economies. But speculators do not select their targets at random. It is true that their objective is to make money, but the best way to do this in the long term is to spot currencies that are out of line with economic fundamentals, and whose price is therefore likely to change. The devaluations of sterling and the lira in 1992, the Mexican peso in 1994 and South-East Asian currencies this year all reflected economic imbalances. The changes in the prices of these currencies were necessary anyway; the speculators, arguably, just called the change first. ...
Currency trading also plays an important role in providing liquidity in the market for foreign-exchange, helping to match buyers and sellers. Suppose that speculation were banned, so anyone who had bought a foreign-currency denominated asset would have to keep it for a specified period, regardless of changes in economic conditions. In such a situation, there would be a strong incentive not to hold the currency at all. Investors in South-East Asia have, in part, been lured in by the knowledge that they can if necessary get out again quickly. This suggests that Mr Mahathir is wrong to claim that currency trading has no economic value. But it does not mean currency markets are perfect. Financial markets are vulnerable to “bubbles” and excess volatility." - August 14, 2019, China Global Television Network, 'How Hong Kong survived the 1998 financial crisis': "The 1990s saw the liberalization of capital markets in Asia. International hot money was pouring into Asia amid praise for the "Asian Miracle" and bloated optimism. ... But a storm was brewing.
On July 2, 1997, just a day after Hong Kong's return to China, Thailand became the first casualty in the Asian financial crisis, following a calculated attack on the Baht from international speculators. The country was forced to abandon the Baht's fixed exchange rate with the U.S. dollar, effectively crashing the currency.
The crisis quickly spread across the region as predatory hedge funds, such as Soros' Quantum Fund, feasted on the bloodbath by shorting the Asian markets. One after the other, the currencies of Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and South Korea were brought to the ground. The huge influx of foreign capital that had fueled Asia's boom was quickly pulled out, leaving a trail of destruction.
In 1997, Hong Kong's economy was more resilient than its Asian peers [and held out]. ... Since July 1997, Soros and others launched a series of attacks on the HK dollar. ... Soros was unstoppable, having amassed many billions of profits wreaking havoc around Asia. The reviled financier, who famously attacked the British pound in 1992 then the Mexican peso in 1995, held remarkable sway over international hot money. Few thought a small but open economy like Hong Kong stood a chance against the veteran investor. ...
"There is a standing offer for extending help, if help is required, in the use of the mainland's foreign reserves (140 billion U.S. dollars)." With this reassurance, on August 14, the HKMA and then Finance Secretary Donald Tsang declared war on speculators. After record trading of 79 billion HK dollars (almost 10 billion U.S. dollars), the Hang Seng Index was pushed up against crushing pressure from speculative selling, closing at 7,829 on the final day of the showdown on August 28. The HKSAR government defeated Soros, who was forced to walk away with losses. ...
The intervention, dubbed "gamble of the century," took great courage since it would damage the city's laissez-faire reputation. The move was widely criticized by ... Milton Friedman and then Federal Reserves chairman Alan Greenspan. [However] a decade later, Greenspan wrote that the HKSAR had made the right call. Soros himself also admitted in 2001 that the authorities did "a very good job when they intervened to arrest the collapse of the Hong Kong market."" - January 27, 2016, South China Morning Post, 'How Beijing and Hong Kong sent billionaire George Soros packing the last time he attacked Asian markets: The history of how George Soros has affected currencies and economies in Asia is remembered with some bitterness': "Billionaire investor George Soros said last week that a hard-landing in the Chinese economy was "unavoidable" and that he was shorting Asian currencies...
In 1998, Soros, whose aggressive currency trades were blamed for destroying the Thai and Malaysian economies in the Asian financial crisis a year earlier, turned his attention to attacking Hong Kong markets. On that occasion, Hong Kong, backed by Beijing, faced him with an unprecedented HK$118 billion [$15 billion] stock-buying spree to prop up stock prices and defend the currency peg in August 1998.
Chen Xingdong, the chief China economist with BNP Paribas in Beijing: ... "Many are worried that Soros could attack China, the yuan and the Hong Kong dollar as he did to ... the baht, but I don’t think he still has that power.""
- Remaining:
- November 3, 2017, New York Post, 'Portfolio manager accused of raping, beating women in penthouse Dungeon': "A former portfolio manager for an investment fund founded by financier George Soros sexually abused women at a Manhattan penthouse dungeon, according to a $27 million Brooklyn federal suit.
Howie Rubin, 62, whose high-stakes dealing was featured in the best-selling books “Liar’s Poker” and “The Big Short,” rented the lavish Metropolitan Tower pad in Midtown to indulge in brutal sex with women whom he paid between $2,000 and $5,000 per session, according to the suit filed Thursday.
The three unidentified plaintiffs in the case — including two Playboy Playmates — claim the married father raped and beat them to the point that they needed extensive medical attention, court papers say.
At the $8 million penthouse, they were shown to a side room featuring ropes, chains and sex toys along with other BDSM equipment. ...
The former Bear Stearns trader paid her $20,000 to repair the damage [of a damaged breast implant].
One plaintiff was tied up, gagged and shocked with a cattle prod in her groin before Rubin allegedly raped her, according to the filing.
Rubin — who collaborated with two female fixers and a lawyer — had the women sign non-disclosure agreements, the papers state.
The trio sought to “cover up Rubin’s sexual misconduct and criminal abuse of women and to serve as a cover for his wide-ranging human trafficking scheme,” wrote Balestriere."
- November 3, 2017, New York Post, 'Portfolio manager accused of raping, beating women in penthouse Dungeon': "A former portfolio manager for an investment fund founded by financier George Soros sexually abused women at a Manhattan penthouse dungeon, according to a $27 million Brooklyn federal suit.
- November 25, 2003,, 'OSI Statement on U.S. Campaign Finance Reform and Independent Organizations': "George Soros and Soros family philanthropies have provided its funding, and Mr. Soros chairs the board of the foundation, but all decisions about grants are made by a professional staff with significant expertise on these issues. Furthermore, these decisions are reviewed periodically by a board of trustees. There is not and has never been any relationship or coordination between the activities of the foundation and George Soros's personal investment decisions or [formal] political activities as a private citizen. ...
OSI's long-term goals have been to reduce the corrupting influence of very large donors to political parties and candidates, to increase public trust and participation, and to open the system so that candidates without access to financial resources can be heard by voters." - 2020 Trump-Biden elections:
- July 31, 2019, Politico, 'Soros launches super PAC for 2020': "Democratic megadonor George Soros is creating a super PAC, called Democracy PAC, to serve as a hub for his 2020 election spending. ... His $5.1 million contribution [to the PAC] was the single biggest check any megadonor has cut so far during the 2020 election cycle."
- March 11, 2020,, 'Soros' Democracy PAC Gave $7,000,000 Between Pro-Biden PAC & Liberal Senate Majority PAC': "George Soros' super PAC, Democracy PAC, gave Priorities USA Action $2 million in one shot on Jan. 10, according to Federal Election Commission data. ... Priorities USA, is going to be providing cover via ads for the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Joe Biden. ... Records also show that Soros' PAC gave $5 million to the liberal Senate Majority PAC, which tries to help Democrats win control over the Senate."
- March 28 - April 3, 2020, Advertising Analytics, 'The Week In Review': "The Advertising Analytics weekly recaps include advertising activity that we find particularly interesting. ... 18 ads aired on TV this week about the Coronavirus. Here are the three with the most airings: - "Hoax" from [the Soros-funded] Priorities USA [anti-Trump], 1.485 airings. - "Look Out for Each Other" from Amy McGrath, 772 airings. "Not Responsible" from Priorities USA, 520 airings [anti-Trump]."
- International NGO that is active in the United States and many European countries. Branches finance loads of sustainable development, feminism, birth control, pro-Third World immigration, and pro-Palestine activism groups. It has also been deeply involved in financing anti-Donald Trump protests in many different countries. Example:
- June 24, 2016,, 'Reject dangerous migration response plan, more than 120 NGOs tell EU leaders': "The European Union is set to open a dark chapter in its history unless it rejects the European Commission's proposal on migration, a coalition of more than 120 NGOs warned on Monday. ... The plan proposes using aid, trade and other funds to encourage countries to reduce the number of migrants reaching EU shores."
When one checks the NGOs in the accompanying PDF (without checking them all in detail), many receive financing from Oxfam, Soros' Open Society Foundations or other top foundations. A lot of them are quite obscure though., the no. 1 news aggegrate website of the Netherlands, thought it important enough to mention this press report of Oxfam. Easy access to the media is how these NGOs get their voice out.
- June 24, 2016,, 'Reject dangerous migration response plan, more than 120 NGOs tell EU leaders': "The European Union is set to open a dark chapter in its history unless it rejects the European Commission's proposal on migration, a coalition of more than 120 NGOs warned on Monday. ... The plan proposes using aid, trade and other funds to encourage countries to reduce the number of migrants reaching EU shores."
- (accessed: February 18, 2017): "Oxfam Canada is a member of Oxfam, a confederation of 15 national Oxfam's around the world. ... Together, Oxfam raises over $350 million annually." According to annual reports, a little over 60% of this comes from individuals and about 14% from foundations.
- Random examples of financing (it keeps the supporting NGOs' names out of its annual reports):
- Oxfam has a relatively large financial support base among the public. About 500,000 people regularly contribute to it in Great Britain alone. It is often the subject of benefit concerts or sports events as marathons.
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "Oxfam: ... 2006: $50,000. ... 2007: $50,000. ... 2008: $75,000 [and] $100,000. ... 2009: $75,000 [and] $200,000. ... 2013: $200,000. ... 2014: $905,000. ... 2015: $100,000. ...
Oxfam India: ... 2009: $200,000.
Oxfam-America, Inc.: ... 2009: $500,000. ... 2011: $150,000. ... 2013: $300,000 [and] $450,957. ... 2014: $120,000 [and] $300,000. ... 2015: $330,000. ...
Stichting Oxfam Novib: ... 2008: $120,000. ... 2009: $200,000. ... 2010: $170,000. ... 2011: $400,000. ... 2014: $300,000 [and] $300,000." - Hewlett Foundation: grants database (accessed: February 18, 2017): "Oxfam America: ... $2,500,000. Awarded: March 18, 2013. ... $110,000. Awarded: May 22, 2012. ... $330,000. Awarded: April 21, 2012. ... $500,000. Awarded: November 15, 2010. ... $1,200,000. Awarded: March 22, 2010. ...
Oxfam Novib: ... $900,000. Awarded: July 16, 2012." - Packard Foundation: (accessed: February 18, 2017): "Oxfam-America Inc. Date: 2015. ... Amount: $205,000..."
- Rockefeller Foundation: (accessed: February 18, 2017): "Oxfam: ... 2016: $125,000. 2013 - $500,000."
- Rockefeller Foundation: (accessed: February 18, 2017): "Oxfam America: ... 2016: $99,770."
- 1999 annual report, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: "Oxfam: ... $2,969,972."
- May 14, 2007,, 'Oxfam America Receives $7.1 Million From Gates Foundation for Gulf Coast Advocacy'.
- Examples of more overlap between Oxfam and George Soros' Open Society Foundations:
- Oxfam and Oxfam Novib has financed Jonathan Soros' Global Witness NGO.
- Open Society and Oxfam finances many of the same projects.
- "Jon Jacoby (accessed: February 18, 2017): ... Jonathan Jacoby is a program officer with the Open Society Human Rights Initiative. ... Jacoby was previously the special advisor for private-sector engagement to Oxfam International's executive director."
- (accessed: February 18, 2017): "Regional manager for the Latin America Program, Cathy Ross... From 1999 through 2005, she served as Oxfam America's Amazon program officer, based in Lima, Peru."
- (accessed: February 18, 2017): "Raymond C. Offenheiser President, Oxfam America: ... Prior to joining Oxfam, Ray represented the Ford Foundation in Bangladesh and the Andean and Southern Cone regions of South America. ... [advisory board] World Economic Forum, the Clinton Global Initiative, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Institute, the World Agricultural Forum, the Gates Foundation, Harvard Business School...
[Oxfam director] Barry Gaberman Senior Vice President, Ford Foundation (retired)...
[Oxfam director] Mohamad Ali: ... served as Chief Strategy Officer at Hewlett-Packard [Hewlett Foundation and Packard Foundation]...
[Oxfam director] Latanya Mapp Frett: Executive Director, Planned Parenthood Global...
[Oxfam director] Anne L. Garrels: Journalist, National Public Radio (retired)... She set up NPR's Iraq bureau and led the coverage from Baghdad for 6 years...
Laura Rusu Policy and Campaigns Media Manager, Oxfam America: ... She was also ... a consultant for the United Nations Population Fund and the Open Society Foundation of Romania."
- February 10, 2018, The Sun, 'Orgy chief REF SHAME: Oxfam boss who bedded hookers got new job using reference from charity': "Country director for Haiti Roland van Hauwermeiren, 68, admitted using [14 to 16-year-old] hookers at the charity’s rented villa known as the Eagle’s Nest and was allowed to quit, The Times said yesterday. ... Van Hauwermeiren went on to work in Bangladesh for Action Against Hunger. Yesterday, the French charity said it gave him the role after Oxfam sent a reference. ...
Oxfam says it may have been faked. The charity launched a 2011 inquiry into claims of sex abuse and intimidation by workers helping survivors of the quake, which killed 220,000 in 2010. It found there had been a "culture of impunity" among some staff. But bosses never informed local police about reports of underage sex. And it did not disclose its men were using prostitutes in a report to the Charity Commission."
- Founded in 1964 by Hewlett Packard (HP) co-founder David Packard, also the long-time chair of the foundation. Packard was Nixon's deputy defense secretary 1969-1971 and part of the superclass.
- Like the Hewlett Foundation, today one of the largest U.S. foundations with an endowment of about $6 billion.
- Others involved: William Reilly (trustee; president WWF until 1989, later chair; EPA administrator 1989-1993; chair ClimateWorks Foundation; director and counsel of the secretive Sustainable Markets Foundation; executive director Ralph Nader's NY-PIRG)
- Anno 2016 no grant reports have been made public through the internet for many years. Here are grants lists from old annual reports:
- 1995 annual report, Packard Foundation: "Nature Conservancy: ... $1,000,000 ... Yale University: ... $75,000 ... Bradley University [Illinois]: ... $500,000 ... Colorado State University: ... $1,000,000 ... Foundation of California State University: ... $225,000 ... Polytechnic University: ... $396,000 ... University of California, Santa Cruz Foundation: ... $1,000,000 ... University of California, Riverside Foundation: ... $250,000 ... Yale University: ... $2,000,000 ... Tides Foundation: ... $300,000 ... Council of Foundations: ... $100,000 ... American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: ... $275,000 ... American National Red Cross: ... $2,000,000 ... Hoover Institute: $200,000. Carnegie Institution of Washington: $150,000 ... International Rescue Committee: $100,000 ... George C. Marshall Foundation: ... $300,000 ... SETI Institute. Mountain View, California. Four-year support for Project Phoenix. $5,000,000. ... UN 50 Committee: ... $100,000 ... University of Arizona: ... $400,000 ... University of California, Berkeley: ... $2,000,000 ... Food Bank for Monterey County: ... $10,000 ... Ohio State University: ... $50,000 ... "
- 1997 grants list, Packard Foundation: "CONSERVATION: ... Big Sur Land Trust: ... $2,400,000 [and] $300,000 [and] $10,000 ... Save the Redwoods League: ... $20,000,000 [and] $300,000 [and] $50,000 ... Friends of the River Foundation: ... $300,000 [and] $200,000 ... Nature Conservancy: ... $100,000 ... Wilderness Society: ... $200,000 [and] $200,000 ... Nature Conservancy: ... $150,000 ...World Wildlife Fund: ... $174,645 [and] $98,000 [and] $15,690 ... University of Hawaii at Manoa: ... $310,000 ... Foundation for National Progress: ... For plans to increase public understanding and media attention on the status of the world's coral reefs. $30,000 ... New York Zoological Society: ... $284,000 ... Earth Island Institute: ... $150,000 ... National Public Radio: ... $200,000 ... World Media Foundation: ... For two years for the Changing Oceans project entitled Living on Earth to be broadcast on National Public Radio. $200,000... Nature Conservancy: ... $3,000,000 ... University of California, Santa Cruz Foundation: ... $309,757 ...
SCIENCE: ... San Jose State University Foundation: ... $3,200,000. - Stanford University: ... $240,000 ... Stanford University: ... $10,000,000 ... [various $50,000 donations to community colleges]..." - 2000 grants list, Packard Foundation: "CONSERVATION: ... Earth Island Institute: ... $150,000 ... Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund: ... $49,700 ... Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund: ... $329,877 ... Energy Foundation: $13,000,000 for the China and U.S. Clean Energy Programs. ... Environmental Defense: $350,000 ... Environmental Defense: $1,500,000 [and an additional] $2,000,000 for the MyWorld Internet Project... Greenpeace Fund: $450,000 for the Global Pirate Fishing Project. - H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment: $250,000 ... Harvard University: $250,000 for the Energy Technology Policy for a Greenhouse-Gas-Constrained World Project ... National Wildlife Federation: $125,000... Nature Conservancy: $5,750,000 [plus] $272,000 [plus] $1,350,000 [plus] $100,000 [plus] $560,000 [plus] $2,111,199 [plus] $50,000 [plus] $1,500,000 ... Population Action International: $50,000 ... Princeton University: $200,000 ... Save the Redwoods League: $825,000 ... Sierra Business Council: $5,000,000 [and] $1,800,000 ... Stanford University: $50,000 [and] $260,000 [and] $10,000 ... Tides Center: $50,000 [plus] $200,000 [plus] $250,000... Tides Foundation: $50,000 ... Tides Foundation of Canada: $640,000 ... University of California, Berkeley: $100,000 [and] $34,500 ... University of California, Davis: $300,000 [and] $199,559 ... University of California, Santa Barbara: $263,617 ... University of California, Santa Cruz: $414,000 ... University of Hawaii at Hilo: $48,116 ... University of Hawaii at Manoa: $50,000 ... University of Hawaii at Manoa: $397,771 ... University of Minnesota: $49,708 ... University of New Hampshire: $502,835 ... University of Rhode Island: $20,000 ... University of Rhode Island Foundation: $34,000 ... University of South Florida Research Foundation: $217,000 ... University of the South Pacific: $292,000 ... University of Washington: $643,491 ... WildAid: $100,000 ... Wilderness Society: $150,000 ... Wildlife Conservation Society: $750,000 ... Wildlife Conservation Society: $49,500 ... World Media Foundation: $200,000 for the environmental radio program Living on Earth [on NPR] ... World Resources Institute: $375,000 [and] $47,660 [and] $2,400,000 ... World Wide Fund for Nature: $500,000 [and] $45,000 ... World Wide Fund for Nature Indonesia: $524,660 ... World Wildlife Fund: $376,000 [and] $50,000 [and] $500,000 [and] $200,000 [and] $6,000,000 for the Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program [and] $655,000 ... World Wildlife Fund Canada: $200,000 to establish marine protected areas in British Columbia [and] $43,800 for marine protected area work in British Columbia..."
- 2001 annual report, Packard Foundation: "CONSERVATION: ... Big Sur Land Trust: ... $346,000 ... Nature Conservancy ... $4,000,000 ... Environmental Defense: ... $225,000 ... Nature Conservancy: ... $1,000,000 ... Sierra Legal Defence Fund Society ... $120,000 ... Tides Center: ... $500,000 ... Tides Foundation: ... $990,908 ... Wilderness Society: ... $100,000 ... World Wildlife Fund: ... $300,000. - World Wildlife Fund Canda: ... $100,000... Nature Conservancy: ... $817,400 ... World Wildlife Fund: ... $800,000 ... Nature Conservancy: ... $50,000 ... Tides Center: ... $415,000 ... University of California, Santa Barbara: ... $297,225 ... University of Rhode Island Foundation: ... $240,000 ... Wildlife Conservation Society: ... $405,000 ... World Resources Institute: ... $233,297 ... Environmental Defense: ... $2,000,000 ... Natural Resources Defense Council: ... $350,000... Nature Conservancy: ... $50,000 ... Stanford University: ... $50,000 ... Tides Center: ... $150,000 ... United Nations Environment Programme: ... $50,000 ... University of Minnesota: ... $145,000 ... WildAid: ... $250,000 ... Wildlife Conservation Society: ... $20,000 ... World Wide Fund for Nature [WWF] Australia: ... $162,582 ... World Wildlife Fund: ... $1,000,000 ... Energy Foundation: ... $7,034,800 ... Aspen Institute: ... $100,000 ... Colorada Conservation Trust: ... $250,000 ... Nature Conservancy: ... $250,000 ... Stanford University: ... $61,684 ... University of California, Santa Barbara: ... $250,000 ... Wildlife Conservation Society: ... $499,800 ... Center for Resource Economics: ... $80,000 ... Conservation Earth: ... $100,000 ... Earth Share: ... $375,000 ... Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources: ... $250,000 ... Land Trust Alliance: ... $500,000 ... MBA-Nonprofit Connection: ... $50,000 ... Oregon State University: ... $63,388 ... Rockefeller Family Fund: ... $100,000 ... Stanford University: ... $675,000 ... University of California, Davis ... $2,600,000 ... Wildlife Conservation Socity: ... $50,000 ... World Wildlife Fund: ... $50,000 ... Earth Action Network: ... $150,000 ... Population Action International: ... $500,000 ... University of Michigan: ... $60,000 ... University of Rhode island Foundation: ... $18,000 ... Worldwatch Institute: ... $500,000 ...
POPULATION: ... Brown University: ... $475,000 [for programs in Ethiopia] ... California Planned Parenthood Education Fund: ... $200,000 ... International Planned Parenthood Federation: ... $1,000,000 ... Johns Hopkins University: ... $125,000 [for] family planning services in India... National Abortion Federation: ... $4,000,000 ... Near East Foundation: ... $225,000 [for] displaced populations in New Dar El-Salaam El-Rabwa, Kartoum, Sudan... Pathfinder International: ... $3,500,000 ... Planned Parenthood of New York City: ... $50,000 ... Planned Parenthood Federation of American (PPFA): ... $1,500,000 ... Population Action International: ... $200,000 ... Population Council: ... $310,000 ... Population Services International: ... $3,000,000 ... Public Health Institute: ... $2,000,000 ... RAND Corporation: ... $50,000 ... Rotary Club of Bombay: ... $27,000 ... United Nations Foundation: ... $500,000 [and] $300,000... Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: ... $600,000 ... International Planned Parenthood federation: ... $800,000 ... Universidad de Guadalajara: ... $500,000 ... University of California ... $50,000 ... Columbia University: ... $150,000 ... Planned Parenthood Federation of America: ... $2,000,000 ... Planned Parenthood federation of Korea: ... $250,000 ... Planned Parenthood of Western Washington: ... $215,000 ... Population Action International: ... $1,000,000 ... Population Concrn: ... $250,000 ... Population Reference Bureau: ... $400,000 ... World Pupulation Foundation: ... $360,000 ... American Civil Liberties Union Foundation: ... $1,600,000... Catholics for a Free Choice: ... $1,000,000 ... National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League Foundation: ... $7,555,000 ... Planned Parenthood Federation of America: ... $1,000,000 ... Population Council: ... $1,200,000 ... "
- July 30, 2014, Luke Bolar and Cheyenne Steel, United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Minority Staff Report, 'The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama's EPA': "As depicted in the chart below, there are roughly a dozen prominent private foundations created by the Billionaire's Club that have huge sums of money at their disposal to spend on environmental causes. Among this list, the Committee focused on several extremely active private foundations, including the Rockefeller Brothers Fund [13], the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation [14], the David and Lucile Packard Foundation [15], the Schmidt Family Foundation [16], the Sea Change Foundation [17], the Park Foundation [18], and the Marisla Foundation.[19] ... For example, both the Park Foundation and the Schmidt Family Foundation have financed questionable scientists to produce anti-fracking research, which the Huffington Post, Mother Jones, and Climate Desk – all grant recipients themselves – eagerly report on. ... Examples of prescriptive grantmaking by some of the Billionaire's Club private foundations include a $50,000 grant from the Park Foundation to [Ralph Nader's] New York Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) for continuation of its widespread public education campaign on the issue of gas drilling in New York;" [23] ... In New York and Colorado, a pseudo grassroots effort to attack hydraulic fracturing has germinated from massive amounts of funding by the NY-based Park Foundation, as well as CA-based Schmidt Family Foundation and Tides Foundation. ... Jay Halfon is another pivotal player that has emerged in the environmental movement through his connections in New York. Halfon is currently on the Board of Directors for the Park Foundation, Earthworks, Sustainable Markets Foundation (SMF), and [127] Interestingly, Halfon does not even list his affiliation to SMF on his biography; yet Park Foundation heavily funds SMF and SMF is a fiscal sponsor" of [128] ... Previously, Halfon served as Executive Director of Donald Ross's NY-PIRG. "
- Has financed the Center for Media and Democracy (Sourcewatch), Robert Parry's Consortium News, Pacifica Radio, Democracy Now!, Truthout, In These Times magazine, The Nation, the Foundation for National Progress / Mother Jones, PBS Newshour, NPR, The American Prospect, Yes! magazine, the Institute for Policy Studies, Common Dreams, the International Forum on Globalization and other groups.
- (media grants; accessed: January 14, 2016): "
2015: ...
- Institute for Public Affairs. Chicago, IL. General operating support for In These Times magazine. $15,000.
- Lost Light Projects, Inc. Brooklyn, NY. General Operating Support for InsideClimate News. $25,000.
- MapLight. Berkeley, CA. Tracking Money and Influence in U.S. Congress. $15,000. ...
- Foundation for National Progress. San Francisco, CA. Mother Jones' reporting on Dark Money and Climate Desk reporting. $100,000. ...
- Center for Public Integrity. Washington, NY. General operating support. $250,000.
- Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY. General operating support $25,000. ...
- Nation Institute. New York, NY. The Investigative Fund $15,000.
- Center for Media and Democracy. Madison, WI. Investigative work on fracking and its impact on water. $50,000.
- Consortium for Independent Journalism, Inc. Arlington, VA. General operating support. $10,000.
- Foundation for National Progress. San Francisco, CA. General operating support. $15,000.
- Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications Association, Inc. Arlington, VA. General operating support of PBS NewsHour. $200,000. ...
- Center for Public Integrity Washington, DC General operating support $250,000 ...
- Foundation for National Progress. San Francisco, CA. The Climate Desk and Mother Jones' Dark Money Reporting. $100,000. ...
- Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY. General operating support. $25,000. ...
- Independent Production Fund. New York, NY. Moyers & Company. $500,000.
- Nation Institute. New York, NY. The Investigative Fund to facilitate the development and publication of socially significant investigative reporting. $10,000.
- Truthout Sacramento, CA. General operating support. $15,000.
"- Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Fracking and our Environment $50,000 ...
- Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY Democracy Now!'s live on-the-ground coverage of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, Poland $30,000 ...
- Foundation for National Progress San Francisco, CA General operating support $20,000
- Fund for Investigative Journalism Washington, DC Grants for Investigative Reporters $50,000 ...
- Positive Futures Network Bainbridge Island, WA The Path to a New Economy $15,000
- The American Prospect Washington, DC The Shale Rebellion, A Multi-Media Presentation $15,000.
- Institute for Policy Studies Washington, DC Support for OtherWords editorial service $15,000 ...
- Center for Public Integrity Washington, DC General operating support $250,000 ...
- Common Dreams, Inc. Portland, ME General operating support $15,000 ...
- Foundation for National Progress San Francisco, CA The Climate Desk and Mother Jones' Dark Money Reporting $100,000 ...
- Institute for Public Affairs Chicago, IL General operating support for In These Times Magazine $15,000 ...
- Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY Democracy Now! Productions $25,000 ...
- International Forum on Globalization San Francisco, CA Plutonomy Program $10,000
- Nation Institute New York, NY The Investigative Fund $10,000 ...
- Truthout Sacramento, CA General operating support $15,000...
"- Foundation for National Progress San Francisco, CA General operating support $30,000
- Positive Futures Network Bainbridge Island , WA The Path to a New Economy $15,000
- Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Fracking and Water Project $50,000 Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Corporate Research Project on the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) $5,000
- Common Dreams, Inc. Portland, ME General operating support $15,000 ...
- Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY To expand the live, on-the-ground news coverage during the 2012 Election Cycle and 100-city Community Media Tour $5,000...
- Fund for Investigative Journalism Washington, DC Investigative reporting grants to journalists for 12 groundbreaking stories in the US on critical issues not reported in the mainstream media $75,000
- Institute for Policy Studies Washington, DC Expand the reach of OtherWords editorial service as it ramps up its new Economic Hardship Reporting Project $15,000...
MapLight Berkeley, CA Tracking money and influence in the US Congress $15,000 "
- A set of foundations/trusts based on the Sun Oil Company fortune of Joseph Pew.
- (accessed: February 29, 2016): "The Pew Charitable Trusts (seven individual trusts in all) were endowed with various inheritances of the four children of Joseph N. Pew, who founded the Sun Oil Company. ... Donations: ... Environmental Working Group $1,895,000 1997. Friends of the Earth $555,000 2002. ... Natural Resources Defense Council $12,661,000 2000. ... Sierra Club $4,315,000 2002. ... Tides Foundation & Tides Center $140,465,400 2005..."
- (accessed: January 1, 2017): "The Board of Directors: ... - James S. Pew. - J. Howard Pew II. - J.N. Pew IV, M.D. - Mary Catharine Pew, M.D. - R. Anderson Pew. - Sandy Ford Pew. - Rebecca W. Rimel. - Doris Pew Scott. ... Government Relations: Tamera Luzzatto, Senior Vice President..."
- (accessed: January 1, 2017): "Tamera Luzzatto leads government relations at The Pew Charitable Trusts. ... Luzzatto served as then-Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's chief of staff from 2001 to 2009. Prior to her service with Senator Clinton, Luzzatto was on the staff of West Virginia Senator John D. Rockefeller IV for nearly 15 years, serving as legislative director and chief of staff. She was Senator Rockefeller's primary liaison to two major advisory panels which he chaired, the National Commission on Children and the Pepper Commission on Health Care. Luzzatto began her career working for ACTION, the federal umbrella agency at the time for the Peace Corps and other volunteer and national service programs.
She also serves on the Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery Advisory Committee and the personnel committee of the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. She graduated from Harvard University, magna cum laude, with a degree in government."
- The Ploughshares Fund is focused on global nuclear disarmament and in 2016 maintained net assets of 40 million.
- Founding Trilateral Commission member William M. Roth, who married the daughter of conservationist Pilgrims Society member Henry Fairfield Osborn Jr., was among the founders of Ploughshares:
- June 14, 2014, New York Times, 'William M. Roth, Shipping Heir Who Became Lifelong Public Servant, Dies at 97': "Mr. Roth also helped found the Ploughshares Fund..."
- (accessed: March 11, 2022): "For forty years, William Matson Roth (1917 - 2014) enjoyed dinner parties at the home of his close friend and Ploughshares Fund founder Sally Lilienthal. ...
Ploughshares Fund is honored to list Joan Osborn Roth and the late William Matson Roth as members of its Nuclear-Free Legacy Society." - October 26, 2006, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Sally Lilienthal -- founder of the Ploughshares Fund': "Together, the Lilienthals founded the Northern California Committee of the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, and in 1971..."
- Ploughshares is financed by a variety of elite foundations:
- Annual report 2015, Ploughshares: "Donors: ... Council of Ambassadors, Gifts of $100,000 or More: ... Carnegie Corporation ... Hewlett Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation ... Open Society Foundations. Open Society Policy Center. Rockefeller Brothers Fund. ... Skoll Global Threats Fund.
GIFTS OF $25,000 - $99,000: craigslist Charitable Fund ... Ruth duPont Lord Charitable Trust ... Council Envoys, Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999: ... Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust..."
- Annual report 2015, Ploughshares: "Donors: ... Council of Ambassadors, Gifts of $100,000 or More: ... Carnegie Corporation ... Hewlett Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation ... Open Society Foundations. Open Society Policy Center. Rockefeller Brothers Fund. ... Skoll Global Threats Fund.
- Controversially donated millions towards the promotion and maintenance of Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.
- Apart from elite NGOs as the Atlantic Council, the Center for American Progress, the Brookings Institution, CSIS and the CFR, Ploughshares has financed the Federation of American Scientists,, the Public Affairs Alliance of American Iranians (one of many initiatives to sell the nuclear deal with Iran), J Street, Nuclear Watch of New Mexico, NPR, and Public Radio International, National Resources Defense Council.
- May 20, 2016, Brietbart, 'Soros-Backed Group that Helped Sell Iran Nuclear Deal Funds Media, DC Think Tanks': "Ploughshares has partnered with a who's who of the radical left, including Code Pink, the pro-Palestinian J Street, United for Peace & Justice, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and Demo, a progressive economic advisory group where President Obama's controversial former green jobs czar, Van Jones, has served on the board."
- Huge Dutch National Postal Code Lottery (Postcode Loterij) was set up in 1989. It's the number two lottery in the Netherlands, behind the Staatsloterij/State Lottery.
- The Doen Foundation was founded in 1991 as an extension of the Postcode Lottery and has been its largest recipient over the decades:
- (accessed: December 28, 2019): "Supported since: 1991. Total received: €676.3 million. ... In 1991 the Doen Foundation was financed by the National Postal Code Lottery and received as assignment to operate as an extension of the lottery to support the smaller and newer organzation in the area of humans and nature."
- The Doen Foundation very much is a Rockefeller-type "new left" / "liberal CIA" foundation: very pro-environment, but also extremely open borders:
- (accessed: December 28, 2019; CBF: Dutch charity supervisor): "This is what we want to solve: Climate change, predatory exploitation on the planet and the loss of biodiversity, market forces extremism and over-commercialization, increasing fear and insecurity with [white] people, with populism, xenophobia and the exclusion of minorities as a result. Tough [Third World immigrant] integration and increasing polarization."
- (accessed: December 28, 2019): "Dit willen we oplossen: Klimaatverandering, roofbouw op de planeet en verlies van biodiversiteit. Doorgeslagen marktwerking en vercommercialisering, Toenemende angst en onzekerheid bij mensen, met als gevolg populisme, xenofobie en uitsluiten van minderheden. Moeizame integratie en toename polarisatie."
- The Postcode Loterij was founded in 1989 by Boudewijn Poelmann - who worked for Novib from about 1973 until 1983 - and others, including ex-UNESCO-pushing and Novib-founding priest Simon Jelsma (Prince Bernhard was prominently present at the founding of Novib). The specific purpose of the lottery was to raise funds for globalist causes, including nature conservation and "refugee programs":
- July 4, 1992, Trouw, 'Leiding gaat niet in op geruchten over Postcode-loterij': "De loterij is een bedenksel van B. Poelmann en de H. de Jong. Zij runnen het reclamebureau Novamedia in Amsterdam en "broedden op een manier om legaal eigen geld te drukken" (aldus ex-Novib medewerker Poelmann) voor altoos om bijdragen verlegen organisaties-voor-het-goede-doel.
Samen met ex-priester en mede-oprichter van de Novib, S. Jelsma en F. Leeman tillen zij eind '89 de postcode-loterij van de grond. Groots worden de zaken aangepakt. Via Joop van den Ende wordt voor 6 miljoen gulden een jaar wekelijks zendtijd gekocht op RTL... [Today] elke dinsdagavond zitten zeker een miljoen Nederlanders voor de buis om in RTL's Hitbingo te zien...
Tweederde van de netto-opbrengst [other sources say 1/3] gaat naar drie vaste begunstigden: Novib, Natuurmonumenten en VluchtelingenWerk Nederland. Deze organisaties doen nog op een andere manier zaken met Novamedia. Zij laten er hun bladen en reclamewerk drukken, leden administreren en besteden donateurswerving aan het bureau uit.
De rest van de te vergeven loterijinleg wordt verdeeld door de stichting DOEN (Duurzame ontwikkeling en natuurbescherming) over tientallen projecten. De bestuursleden daarvan waren tot gisteren dezelfde als die van NPL:de vier oprichters Jelsma, Leeman, Poelmann en De Jong. Ook het DOEN-bestuur is inmiddels teruggetreden, op voorzitter Jelsma na."
- July 4, 1992, Trouw, 'Leiding gaat niet in op geruchten over Postcode-loterij': "De loterij is een bedenksel van B. Poelmann en de H. de Jong. Zij runnen het reclamebureau Novamedia in Amsterdam en "broedden op een manier om legaal eigen geld te drukken" (aldus ex-Novib medewerker Poelmann) voor altoos om bijdragen verlegen organisaties-voor-het-goede-doel.
- Postcode Loterij founder Boudewijn also was a director of the globalist, Third World-focused Inter Press Services, funded over the decades by the United Nations, western governments, and "liberal CIA" foundations as Soros, Ford, Rockefeller and Mott:
- July 22, 1992, NRC, 'Bestuur van Loterij niet blij met ingreep van Kosto': "Door de tot de loterij behorende stichting DOEN (Duurzame Ontwikkeling En Natuurbescherming) worden jaarlijks miljoenen guldens overgemaakt naar Inter Press Service, het persbureau voor de Derde Wereld, gevestigd op hetzelfde adres als de Postcode Loterij. Tot voor enkele maanden was loterij-oprichter B. Poelmann directeur van IPS."
- July 21, 1990, Reformatorisch Dagblad, '"IPS-correspondent laveert vaak tussen wat hij wil en wat hij durft"; Onvrijheid pers in Derde Wereld groot probleem voor persbureau': ""Afrika is een ramp", zegt directeur Boudewijn Poelmann van het Amsterdamse kantoor van IPS. ... IPS is begonnen in 1964 omdat Europese media weinig aandacht besteedden aan nieuws uit de Derde Wereld. De eerste jaren werkte IPS in feite alleen in Latijns Amerika, maar in de loop der jaren is dat uitgebreid tot niet minder dan 90 landen nu. Ideële doelstellingen? Poelmann: "Geen andere dan de verspreiding van het vrije woord. Wij hanteren exact dezelfde criteria als andere journalistieke instellingen, maar dan toegespitst op de ontwikkelingen in de Derde Wereld"."
- July 18, 1992, NRC, 'Oprichters Postcode Loterij zichtbaar moe en aangeslagen': "In de vergaderzaal op de eerste verdieping zitten Boudewijn Poelmann en Simon Jelsma, oprichters en ex-bestuursleden van de Stichting Nationale Postcode Loterii... De 73-jarige Jelsma, mede-oprichter van de Novib... de eventuele belangenverstrengeling die hierdoor optreedt. Zo was Poelmann als directeur van Novamedia en secretaris van de Postcode Loterij ook nog tot begin '92 parttime-directeur van internationaal persbureau Inter Press Service."
- Leading Postcode Loterij founder Boudewijn Poelmann isn't just a clear globalist elitist through his involvement in Novib from the early 1970s until 1983, his 1983-1992 directorship of Inter Press Service, or his ties to Independent Media. He also is tied to super-globalist Richard Branson since 2009:
- (accessed: March 22, 2012): "Richard Branson...
- Boudewijn Poelmann: Chairman of Dutch Postcode Lottery. ...
- Marieke van Schaik: Managing Director of Dutch Postcode Lottery. ... She worked as a project manager in DOEN Foundation before joining the newly set up charity department of the Dutch Charity Lotteries (Nationale Postcode Loterij, BankGiro Loterij, VriendenLoterij) in 2000. ...
- Strive Masiyiwa: ... In 2003 he joined the Rockefeller Foundation Board of Trustees. He also serves on the board of AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Agriculture), an initiative chaired by former Secretary General of the UN Mr. Kofi Annan. ...
- Mark Shuttleworth: Founder of the [Linux] Ubuntu Project..." - February 23, 2019, Algemeen Dagblad, 'Lottery boss delegated money to Feyenoord': "The inventor and top boss of the Postcode Lottery, Boudewijn Poelmann ... is a co-owner of Feyenoord [soccer club]. ... Poelmann put pressure on the Doen Foundation, the largest receiver of the lottery's millions, to put forth her daughter company Qurrent as the shirt sponsor of the Rotterdam soccer club. The green-energy company was making losses, but still was able to become sponsor by a grant deal of Doen for 5.75 million euros per year, from 2017 until 2021."
- (accessed: March 22, 2012): "Richard Branson...
- The Postcode Loterij and the Doen Foundation have financed a number of projects that greatly affected Dutch society - and in ways that people are not aware of:
- The support of Third World immigration would be one of them.
- The Doen Foundation financed Volkert van de Graaf's NGO Mileu Offensief (Environmental Offensive) from 1992 to 1998 to the tune of 150,000 euros. In May 2002 Van der Graaf assassinated "populist" prime ministerial candidate Pim Fortuyn one week before Fortuyn most likely would have won.
- (accessed: December 28, 2019; Dutch branch of historically Rockefeller-, Turner-, Hewlett-, etc.-financed Friends of the Earth): "Supported since: 1996. Total received: €35.9 million euros."
- Openly supported and financed the "Climate Case" against a seemingly recalcitrant Dutch government, forcing the government to reduce greenhouse gases:
- (accessed: December 28, 2019): "On 24 June 2015 Urgenda, together with 900 fellow-plaintiffs, won the Climate Case against the Dutch state. The judge ordered the State to reduce the expulsion of greenhouse gases in 2020 with 25% compared to 1990. The State appealed this decision. On 9 October the The Hague court reinforced this decision of the judge. The State went into cassation. The ruling on this is set for December 20, 2019.
- December 19, 2019,, 'Historie is geschreven: de Urgenda-Klimaatzaak': "Urgenda wins the Climate Case after 7 years. ... Big tanks to lawyer Koos van den Berg... Also thanks to Freerk Vermeulen en his team at Nautah Dutilh which assisted Urgenda in the cassation procedure, which has let to this victory."
- (accessed: October 15, 2012): "Partners: Urgenda works together with and his supported by the following strategic partners: Alliander. Eneco. Ernst & Young ... Tauw ... Nationale Postcode Loterij. ASN Bank."
- 2016 annual report, Urgenda, p. 22: "Sinds February 2014 Urgenda has been a benefactor of the Postcode Loterij. We are very grateful with the contribution of the Postcode Loterij, because it can be used for cases where funding is very difficult to receive for."
- "Clinton Foundation ... Artsen Zonder Grenzen [Doctors Without Borders, chaired by David Rockefeller's son, Richard] ... Carbon War Room [founded in 2009 by globalist billionaire Richard Branson] ... Amnesty International ... European Climate Foundation ... Free Press Unlimited ... [Jonathan Soros'] Global Witness ... Greenpeace ... Oxfam Novib ... [Prince Bernhard, Rothschild, 1001 Club, etc.-tied] Peace Parks Foundation ... WWF ...
Stichting AAP. ... African Parks Network. ... AIDSfonds ... Amref Flying Doctors ... CARE Nederland ... Cordaid ... Dierenbescherming ... Girls Not Brdies ... Hivos ... Human Rights Watch ... ICCO ... Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation ... Milieudefense ... Oranjefonds ... Plan International ... Prins Claus Fonds ... Rode Kruis ... Save the Children .... Sea Shepherd ... Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland ... Stichting Vluchteling ... Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF ... VluchtelingenWerk Nederland ... The Climate Group ... The Elders [very elite] ... The Sentry [part of the Enough Project, set up Soros, a Clinton National Security Council agent, and top Hollywood actors] ... UNHCR ... UNICEF ... Urgenda ... Voedselbanken Nederland ... Wakker Dier ... War Child ... Women Inc. ... World Press Photo ..."
- The RiverStyx Foundation is a small foundation with about $26 million in assets anno 2015. It helps fund various social programs, including psychedelic research and marijuana legalization.
- Examples of projects:
- RiverStyx Foundation: (accessed: October 12, 2017): "Heffter Research Institute (2015): ... $ 217,000... (MAPS) 2015: ... $190,000... Drug Policy Alliance (2015): ... $150,000... San Francisco Foundation (2015): ... $75,000..."
- (accessed: February 8, 2016): "Rockefeller $1,000,000. David Bronner $154,500. Anton Bilton $105,000. The Libra Foundation. $90,000. Riverstyx Foundation. $86,000."
- 2014 annual report, Drug Policy Alliance (George Soros): "Foundation support: Hugh M. Hefner Foundation... Open Society Foundations... Riverstyx Foundation..."
- (accessed: February 8, 2016): "We've raised $255,000, from donors including Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Bernard and Audre Rapoport Foundation, George Gund Foundation, Youth Engagement Fund, Mayerson Foundation, Puffin Foundation, Rockefeller Philanthropies, Whitman Institute, the Riverstyx Foundation..."
- (Washington State University Foundation) (accessed: February 8, 2016): "Raytheon Company ... RiverStyx Foundation ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund..."
- 2011 annual report, Pathfinder International, pp. 11, 13: Riverstyx Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation listed as program sponsors. The Tides Foundation is another important sponsor.
- October 1, 2012, Seattle PI, 'A $4 million marijuana campaign warchest': "The campaign war chest for Initiative 502, which would legalize marijuana, swelled by more than $1 million on Monday with new donations from an Ohio insurance magnate and two executives of the Kirkland-based Riverstyx Foundation. Peter Lewis, chairman of Progressive Insurance, donated $670,000 and $32,000 — bringing his total donations to $1.555 million."
- New York City-based foundation, founded in 1988 by billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones, who in 2007 hosted an Obama fund raiser with George Soros. Primarily fiunanced by banks, but George Soros provided the foundation with $50 million in 2009. Over the decades the board has been dominated by visitors of the Sun Valley Meetings. Even the notorious Harvey Weinstein sat on the board since the turn of the century.
- Officers over the years:
- May 9, 1991, New York Times, 'Nowadays, Robin Hood Gets the Rich to Give to the Poor': "Paul Tudor Jones 2d ... put up $3 million to begin Robin Hood in 1987. ... The board of the Robin Hood Foundation includes Mary McCormick, president of the Fund for the City of New York, and Marian Wright Edelman, president of the Children's Defense Fund. John F. Kennedy Jr. Jann Wenner, the publisher of Rolling Stone and a board member, has a wide network in the entertainment world, and has given Robin Hood access to fund-raising prospects."
- (accessed: November 20, 2000): "Paul Tudor Jones II, Founder ... Peter D. Kiernan III, Chair: Managing Director, Goldman Sachs ... [former Soros Quantum Fund lead investor] Stanley Druckenmiller, Vice Chair ... John F. Kennedy, Jr. (1991-99): George Magazine ... Marie-Josée Drouin Kravis ... Diane Sawyer: Co-Host, Good Morning America and 20/20. ... John Sykes: President, VH1 ... Harvey Weinstein: Co-Chairman, Miramax Films..."
- (accessed: August 3, 2001): "Paul Tudor Jones II ... Stanley Druckenmiller, Chairman ... Marie-Josee Kravis, Vice Chair ... Ted Forstmann [Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Rumsfeld, Shultz, etc. involved in his companies] ... Gwyneth Paltrow ... Lachlan Murdoch ... Diane Sawyer ... John Sykes ... Harvey Weinstein..."
- October 2005, issue 8, Robin Hood Foundation bulletin, pp. 9, 11: "Robin Hood recognizes the generous annual support ($250,000 or more) of the corporate members of our leadership partners: Bank of America. Bear, Stearns ... Credit Suisse First Boston. Deutsche Bank. General Electric. ... Goldman Sachs ... Lehman Brothers ... Morgan Stanley ... Pfizer ... UBS...
Board of Directors: ... Tom Brokaw ... Jeffrey R. Immelt ... Paul Tudor Jones ... Marie-Josee Kravis ... Lachlan Murdoch ... Gwyneth Paltrow ... Diane Sawyer ... John Sykes. Harvey Weinstein." - (accessed: April 13, 2014): "Jacklyn Bezos ... Jeffrey R. Immelt ... Paul Tudor Jones II ... John Sykes ... Harvey Weinstein ... Jeff Zucker [since at least 2010]..."
- 2015 annual report, Robin Hood Foundation, p. I: "Veterans Advisory Board: Stephen A. Cohen, Co-Chair. Admiral Michael Mullen. ... Tom Brokaw ... Jon Stewart [since at least 2013]. Bob Woodruff..."
- (September 21, 2017): "Harvey Weinstein [etc.] ... Emeritus Board: ... Jeff Zucker [etc.]"
- (accessed: March 21, 2018): "Paul Tudor Jones II ... Jacklyn Bezos ... Emma Bloomberg [oldest daughter of Michael Bloomberg] ... Jeffrey R. Immelt ... John King Jr., Former Secretary of Education under President Obama ... Emeritus Board: [Harvey Weinstein not listed] Prize Advisory Board: Paul Tudor Jones II, Chair ... Jacklyn Bezos ... Casey & Laura Wasserman..."
- Financing and Soros-Tudor Jones-Weinstein-Jon Stewart ties:
- October 2005, issue 8, Robin Hood Foundation bulletin, pp. 9, 11: "Robin Hood recognizes the generous annual support ($250,000 or more) of the corporate members of our leadership partners: Bank of America. Bear, Stearns ... Credit Suisse First Boston. Deutsche Bank. General Electric. ... Goldman Sachs ... Lehman Brothers ... Morgan Stanley ... Pfizer ... UBS..."
- May 13, 2009,, 'The Show Goes On For the Robin Hood Foundation': "The Robin Hood Foundation's spring fundraiser took place last night at the Jacob Javitz Convention Center and some 3,200 people turned up to munch on grilled shrimp... Robin Hood remains the charity of choice for a big bunch of Wall Street chiefs and hedge fund titans... Jon Stewart managed to keep the crowd laughing with Bernie Madoff jokes, and George Soros gave the evening a big boost by making a $50 million pledge. ...
The attendees were divided into 3 sections to raise money. Section 1 was led by Anne Hathaway and she was joined by Harvey Weinstein and Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas (who also sang)... Oprah sat at the same table as George Soros and Christiane Amanpour. ... Brian Williams and Robert Kennedy were part of Team 3. Jon Stewart was a riot as usual. He spent a lot of time poking fun at the hedge funders..." - May 12, 2009,, 'George Soros Announces $50 Million Matching Grant to Fight Poverty in New York': "The Open Society Institute has pledged $50 million to the Robin Hood Foundation... Over the past 15 years Soros and the Open Society Institute have supported Robin Hood."
- Summer 2013,, 'Philanthropy by the Numbers': ""We run our shops differently, though we respect one another's efforts," Weinstein observes of Soros (who is himself a donor to Robin Hood)."
- January 2, 2008, Fox News, 'Stars Party: A-List Celebs Are Yachting Types': "Dec. 30. The location was Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's Octopus... Harvey Weinstein and bride [and] financier George Soros [were present]..."
- July 26, 2011, Stamford, 'Hedge funders grouse over Obama speech': "Barack Obama at the home of Paul Tudor Jones II in Belle Haven, on May 19, 2007. ... Paul Tudor Jones II and George Soros opened their Rolodexes for him at a star-studded fundraiser in Greenwich..."
- Set up by David Rockefeller and wife Peggy in 1989. Psychedelics researcher, Dr. Richard Rockefeller, David's son, used to sit on the board. Today David Rockefeller, Jr. does. Executive director is Lukas Haynes:
- Causes:
- (accessed: April 19, 2020): "George Mason University Foundation (for republicEn) ["engaging conservatives" and "free enterprise solutions to climate change"] ... $50,000 [and] $40,000. ... Jackson Hole Center for Global Affairs... $40,000. ... Environmental and Energy Study Institute... $25,000. ... Tides Foundation (for YEARS Project)... $25,000. ... Truman National Security Project ... $50,000 [and] $50,000 [and] $25,000. ... GreenFaith (for People's Climate Movement): ... $40,000. ... Sierra Club Foundation (for Climate Parents): ... $40,000. ... "
- (accessed: April 18, 2020): "[2018:] Council on Strategic Risks (for Center for Climate & Security), Washington, DC, $50,000. [2015:] Center for Climate & Security, Washington, DC, $25,300."
- (accessed: April 19, 2020): "2019: ... Brave New Films... $25,000. ... Tribeca Film Institute: ... $25,000. ...
2018: ... Brave New Films... $25,000. ... Hip Hop Caucus: ... $20,000. ... Tides Foundation (for YEARS Project): ... $25,000. ... United Workers Association: ... $20,000."
- Mission anno 2022:
- (accessed: March 9, 2022): "The RBF is committed to becoming an anti-racist and anti-sexist institution. This is central to our mission..."
- Founded in 1940 by the "Rockefeller Five", the five sons of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.: John D. Rockefeller III, Nelson, Laurance, Winthrop and David. Their sister Abby Rockefeller Mauze also came to play a role in the foundation.
- John D. Jr., Nelson and David Rockefeller were members of the Pilgrims Society, with David in particular also have played a very key role in the Council on Foreign Relations for decades on end.
- Sons and daughters of the "Rockefeller Five" became involved in the board in later decades: David Jr., Richard, Steven, Rodman, Peggy, Neva and Laura Rockefeller. Laurance and David Rockefeller remained involved as advisors even into the post-9/11 world.
- April 5, 1969, Fresno Bee, 'A New Minority: Rockefeller Pays No Taxes': "John D. Rockefeller ... the family's chief philanthropist, comments on another peculiarity of being a Rockefeller: "He does not have to pay income taxes because of his large charitable donations, but he voluntarily gives some money away." The head of the country's richest family pays absolutely no income tax unless he feels like it. The secret? The family fortune is hidden behind a battery of non-commercial foundations and over 70 charitable family trusts which insulate the Rockefellers from the ravages of the Internal Revenue."
- Important note: The fortune of the Rockefeller family is based on the old Standard Oil corporation and later on Chase Manhattan Bank, which David Rockefeller in particular has overseen (executive vice president 1955-1957, vice chairman 1957-1960, president 1960-1969, chair and CEO 1969-1981, continued for decades as a member of the international advisory council with Henry Kissinger, George Shultz and others). The family is somewhat notorious for cartel agreements with Nazi Germany before and during WWII.
- Important note: Nelson Rockefeller is known for having a high-level presidential advisor and envoy from FDR to Ford, often tasked with approving or overseeing the CIA 's covert operations. Bizarrely, as Gerald Ford's vice president, he was appointed chairman of the the 1975 President's Commission on CIA Activities within the United States. Earlier Ford had been a member of the Warren Commission that helped cover up the death of JFK, along with commission members Allen Dulles and John McCloy, both extremely close to Rockefeller.
- Important note: David Rockefeller is particularly well-known as the leader of the post-World War II globalist movement as chairman of the CFR, key steering committee member of Bilderberg, founder of the Trilateral Commission, a 24-year participant in the U.S.-Russian Dartmouth Conferences and involvement in dozens of other NGOs. He has also been a long-time member of the Pilgrims Society and, along with his brother Laurance, of the 1001 Club.
- Important note: Laurance Rockefeller has been a HUGE player in the manufacturing of the Roswell crash, alien abduction movement and the crop circle phenomenon. He has also been a huge player in the new religions movement through the Esalen Institute, Lindisfarne Association, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) and other groups and has also financed psychedelic research and bogus 2012 theories of the McKenna brothers through the Green Earth Foundation and the Heffter Research Institute.
- Important note: It appears Dr. Richard Rockefeller later financed considerably more legitimate research of MDMA of Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS).
- Important note: Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, a daughter of David Rockefeller, aided Buckminster Fuller in establishing his Buckminster Fuller Institute in the 1972-1979 period.
- Historical officers:
- 1941 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "TRUSTEES: - John D. Rockefeller, 3rd. - Nelson A. Rockefeller. - Laurance S. Rockefeller. - Winthrop Rockefeller. OFFICERS: - John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, President. - Nelson A. Rockefeller, Vice President. - Dana S. Creel, Director. - Arthur Jones, Secretary. - Philip F. Keebler, Treasurer. - Vanderbilt Webb, Counsel."
- 1951 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "TRUSTEES: - Detlev W. Bronk. - Wallace K. Harrison. - David Rockefeller. - John D. Rockefeller, 3rd. - Laurance S. Rockefeller. - Nelseon A. Rockefeller. - Winthrop Rockefeller.
OFFICERS: - John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, President. - Laurance S. Rockefeller, Vice President. - Dana S. Creel, Director. - Robert C. Bates, Secretary. - Philip F. Keebler, Treasurer. - John E. Lockwood, Counsel." - 1964 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "TRUSTEES: - Detlev W. Bronk. - Laura Rockefeller Case. - Wallace K. Harrison. - Abby Rockefeller Mauze. - Abby M. O'Neill. - David Rockefeller. - John D. Rockefeller, 3rd. - Laurance S. Rockefeller. - Martha B. Rockefeller. - Nelson A. Rockefeller. - Winthrop Rockefeller.
OFFICERS AND ASSOCIATES: - Laurance S. Rockefeller, President. - David Rockefeller, Vice President. - Dana S. Creel, Director. - Robert C. Bates, Secretary. - John P. Hodgkin, Treasurer. - John E. Lockwood, Counsel. ..." - 1972 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "TRUSTEES: Detlev W. Bronk ... Dana S. Creel ... Gerald M. Edelman ... John W. Gardner ... Jerome H. Holland ... Neva R. Kaiser [daughter of David Rockefeller] ... William McChesney Martin, Jr. ... Abbry R. Mauze ... Abby M. O'Neill ... David Rockefeller ... John D. Rockefeller 3rd ... Laurance S. Rockefeller ... Nelson A. Rockefeller ... Winthrop Rockefeller ... Winthrop P. Rockefeller ...
OFFICERS: Laurance S. Rockefeller, Chairman. Room 5600, 30 Rockefeller Plaza. ... David Rockefeller, Vice Chairman. Room 5600, 30 Rockefeller Plaza. ... Dana S. Creel, President. Room 5450, 30 Rockefeller Plaza. ... William M. Dietel, Executive Vice President ... Gene W. Setzer, Vice President ... Robert C. Bates, Vice President & Secretary ... Russell A. Phillips, Jr., Secretary ... David G. Fernald, Treasurer ... Domenica Giacalone, Assistant Treasurer ... Carl E. Siegesmund, Assistant Treasurer ... Edward H. Burdick, Assistant Treasurer ... John E. Lockwood, Counsel." - 1982 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "TRUSTEES: Thornton F. Bradshaw ... Laura R. Chasin [Laura Rockefeller Chasin, a daughter of Laurance Rockefeller] ... Mark B. Dayton ... William M. Dietel ... Gerald M. Edelman ... James H. Evans .. Peter C. Goldmark, Jr. ... Nancy Hanks ... Henry Kissinger ... Abby M. O'Neill ... George Putnam ... Blanchette H. Rockefeller ... David Rockefeller ... David Rockefeller, Jr. ... Laurance Rockefeller ... Winthrop P. Rockefeller ... Jeremy P. Waletzky.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: George Putnam, Chairman. James H. Evans. Henry H. Fowler. Henry Upham Harris, Jr. Eli Shapiro.
OFFICERS: David Rockefeller, Chairman. ... Laurance S. Rockefeller, Vice Chairman. ... Nancy Hanks, Vice Chairman ... Abby M. O'Neill, Vice Chairman ... William M. Dietel, President ... Russell A. Phillips, Jr., Executive Vice President ... Benjamin R. Shute, Jr., Secretary ... David G. Fernald, Treasurer ... Domenica Giacalone, Assistant Treasurer ... Ebba K. Corcoran, Assistant Treasurer ... Richard D. Parsons, Counsel ...
CONSULTANTS: Dana S. Creel..." - 1992 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "TRUSTEES: Catharine O. Broderick ... Colin G. Campbell ... Laura R. Chasin [daughter of Laurance Rockefeller] ... Jonathan F. Fanton ... Neva R. Goodwin [daughter of David Rockefeller]... T George Harris ... Kenneth Lipper ... William H. Luers ... Jessica Tuchman Mathews ... Abby M. O'Neill ... Richard D. Parsons ... David Rockefeller, Jr. [son of David Rockefeller] ... Richard G. Rockefeller [son of David Rockefeller] ... Rodman C. Rockefeller ... Steven C. Rockefeller [son of Nelson and Mary Rockefeller] ... S. Frederick Starr ... Russell E. Train ...
FINANCE COMMITTEE: ... Rodman C. Rockefeller... [James Wolfensohn was chair of the Finance Committee until 1991] ...
OFFICERS: David Rockefeller, Jr., Chairman ... Abby M. O'Neill, Chairman ... Steven C. Rockefeller, Vice Chairman ... Colin G. Campbell, President ... Russell A. Phillips, Jr., Executive Vice President ... Benjamin R. Shute, Jr., Secretary & Treasurer ..." - 2002 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "TRUSTEES: David J. Callard ... Richard Chasin [husband of Laura Rockefeller Chasin, a daughter of Laurance Rockefeller] ... Peggy Dulany [Rockefeller, a daughter of David Rockefeller] ... Jessica P. Einhorn ... Neva R. Goodwin [daughter of David Rockefeller] ... Stephen B. Heintz ... Hunter Lewis ... James E. Moltz ... John Morning ... Robert B. Oxnam ... Joseph A. Pierson ... David Rockefeller, Jr. [a son of David Rockefeller] ... Richard G. Rockefeller [a son of David Rockefeller] ... Steven C. Rockefeller [a son of Nelson Rockefeller] ... Edmond D. Villani ... Frank G. Wisner ... Tadataka Yamada, M.D. ...
ADVISORY TRUSTEES: Jonathan F. Fanton, President, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation ... William H. Luers, Chairman and President, United Nations Association [of the U.S.] ... Mrs. George D. O'Neill ... Richard D. Parsons ... David Rockefeller ... Laurance S. Rockefeller ...
FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Afsaneh M. Beschloss, President and Chief Executive Officer, Carlyle Asset Management Group... Gilbert Butler ... David J. Callard ... Stephen B. Heintz ... James E. Moltz ... Steven C. Rockefeller ... Robert B. Taylor ... Edmond D. Villani, Chair ...
OFFICERS: Steven C. Rockefeller, Chair. - Neva R. Goodwin, Vice Chair. ... Stephen B. Heintz, President. - William F. McCalpin, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. - Linda E. Jacobs, Vice President. - Benjamin R. Shute, Jr., Secretary. ..." - 2008 annual review, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, pp. 2-3 (the shorter "annual reviews" introduced in 2006 generally don't list trustees and officers): "RBF Trustees (pictured from left to right): Nicholas Burns, Anne Bartley, Steven C. Rockefeller, Vali Nasr, Valerie R. Wayne, Neva R. Goodwin, Stephen B. Heintz, Richard G. Rockefeller, ohn Morning, Miranda M. Kaiser, Joseph A. Pierson, Abby M. O'Neill, James Gustave Speth, Wendy O'Neill Wang, and James E. Moltz. ... Richard G. Rockefeller, Chair [and] Stephen B. Heintz, President."
- 2005 annual review, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, p. 25: "David Rockefeller, one of the RBF's founders and a trustee from 1940 through 1987, announced he had decided to make a major testamentary gift to the RBF endowment to create the David Rockefeller Global Development Fund. This fund will signifi cantly expand the RBF's capacity to address critical global challenges..."
- 2014 annual review, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, p. 5: "In June 2014, the Fund was devastated by the death of Dr. Richard Rockefeller [in a plane crash], a former trustee and board chair, and a dear friend. Richard was a leader in his generation of the Rockefeller family, continuing the principled philanthropy of his father, David, and uncles who established the RBF in 1940, while responding to the needs of a profoundly transformed world. In the last years of his life, Richard became deeply engaged in work with leading Chinese philanthropists and was excited about the future of Chinese philanthropy."
- Historical grants of Rockefeller Brothers Fund:
- 1942 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): "- American Aid to France. - American Association for the United Nations. - American Committee on United Europe. ... - American Institute of Pacific Relations. ... - American Red Cross. - American Relief for Italy. ... - Big Brother Movement. ... - Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York ... - Foreign Policy Association ... - International House, New York ... - International Rescue Committee ... - Metropolitan Museum of Art ... - New York Zoological Society ... - Planned Parenthood Federation of America ... - Protestant Council of the City of New York. - Protestant Fund of Greater New York ... - Queen Wilheimina Fund [Netherlands] ... - Russian War Relief ... - Union Church of Pocantico Hills ... - United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York. - United Negro College Fund ... - United Service to China ... - War Prisoners' Aid Committee..."
- 1951 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): "- American Association for the United Nations ... - American Committee on United Europe ... - American Institute of Pacific Relations. - American-Korean Foundation. - American Museum of Natural History ... - American Red Cross ... - Aspen Institute ... - Association on American Indian Affairs ... - Big Brother Movement ... - Conservation Foundation. - Eugenio Mendoze Foundation. - Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. - Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies ... - Foreign Policy Association ... - Institute of International Education ... Metropolitan Museum of Art. ... - New York Zoological Society ... - Planned Parenthood Federation of America. - Protestant Council of the City of New York. ..."
- 1964 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): "African-American Institute ... African Wildlife Leadership Foundation ... American Jewish Congress ... American Museum of Natural History ...American National Red Cross ... Asia Society ... Atlantic Council of the United States ... Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York ... Conservation Foundation ... Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York ... Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies ... International House (New York) ... International Rescue Committee ... Jackson Hole Preserve ... Museum of Modern Art ... Planned Parenthood Federation of America ... Population Council ... Protestant Council of the City of New York ... United Nations Association ... "
- 1972 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): "African-American Institute ... African Wildlife Leadership Foundation ... American Civil Liberties Union ... American Conservation Association ... American Museum of Natural History ... American Red Cross ... Asia Society ... Aspen Institute ... Atlantic Council of the United States ... Botswana Society ... Brookings Institution ... Canadian Institute of International Affairs ... Catholic University of America ... Center for Community Change ... Center for Inter-American Relations ... Colonial Williamsburg Foundation ... Columbia University ... Committee for Economic Development ... Conservation Foundation ... Council on Foreign Relations: ... $375,000 ... Dartmouth College ... Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York ... Foreign Policy Association ... Harvard University ... Hudson Institute ... Institute of International Education ... Institute of Politics, New Orleans... International House ... International Institute for Strategic Studies [IISS] ... International Rescue Committee ... International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources [IUCN] ... Japan Society ... Metropolitan Museum of Art [$1 million+] ... National Committee on United States-China Relations, Inc. ... National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America ... Nature Conservancy ... New York Public Library ... New York University ... New York Zoological Society ... Outward Bound ... Overseas Development Council ... Planned Parenthood of New York City ... Population Council, Inc. ... Population Institute ... Population Reference Bureau ... Rockefeller Family Fund ... Rockefeller University ... Scholarship, Education and Defense Fund for Racial Equality, Inc. .. Smithsonian Institution ... Stanford Research Institute: ... $100,000 ... United Nations Association ... "
- 1982 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): "Princeton University ... Bio-Energy Council ... Conservation Foundation ... Environmental Policy Institute ... National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ... Nature Conservancy ... Smithsonian Institution ... Urban Institute ... Yale University ... Carter Presidential Library ... Center for Community Change ... Columbia University ... Africa News Service ... Asia Society ... Smithsonian ... Trilateral Commission: ... $240,000 ... United Nations Association ... Harvard University ... Neurosciences Research Foundation ... Population Council: ... $2,600,000 ... Rockefeller University ... Cornell University ... Asia Society ... Japan Center for International Exchange ... Japan Society ... Sierra Club Foundation: ... $20,000 ... Worldwatch Institute: ... $150,000 ... African-American Institute ... "
- 1991 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): "THE SYNERGOS INSTITUTE: ... $250,000 ... International Institute for Energy Conservation: ... $300,000 ... National Committee on United States-Chian Relations ... $40,000 ... Environmental Defense Fund ... $150,000 ... World Resources Institute: ... $150,000 ... World Wildlife Fund and the Conservation Foundation, Inc.: ... $300,000 ... Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C. State of the World and World Watch magazine: ... $525,000 ... German Marshall Fund of the United States: ... $450,000 ... Johns Hopkins University ... $165,000 ... Asian NGO Coalition research Foundation ... Center for Cultural and Technical Exchange Between East and West ... Friends of the Earth [for] Asian development Bank monitoring project. $100,000 ... Philippine Environmental Journalists, Inc ... Wildlife Fund Thailand ... World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C. Climate change project. $150,000 ... Atlantic Council of the U.S. ...$133,500 ... Brookings Institution: ... $375,000 ... Carnegie Endowment: ... $170,000 ... Friends of the Earth: ... $100,000 [for] continued support for its Nuclear non-Proliferation Project ... Massachusetts Institute of Technology: ... $100,000 ... nNatural Resources Defense Council: ... $110,000 ... Princeton University: ... $120,000 ... Henry L. Stimson Center: ... $100,000 ... Hudson Institute: ... $100,000 ... Asia Foundation: ... $150,000 ... Asian Cultural Council: ... $400,000 ... The Brookings Institution: ... $180,000 ... Council on Foreign Relations: ... $60,000 ... Institute for International Economics: ... $160,000 ... Shanghai Institute for International Studies ... United States National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation: ... $42,000 ..."
- 2000 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): "CONSERVATION: Climate Institute: ... $100,000 ... Earth Council Foundation: ... $100,000 .... Greenpeace Fund: ... $100,000 ... National Resources Defense Council: ... $150,000 ... Nature Conservancy: ... $45,000 ... Rainforest Action Network: ... $200,000 ... Rockefeller Family Fund ... $150,000 ... Sierra Club of British Columbia Foundation ... $25,000 ... Tides Foundation: ... $100,000 ... World Resources Institute: ... $150,000 ... World Wildlife Fund: ... $100,000 ... Yale University: ... $25,000 ... Friend of the Earth, International, Amsterdam, Netherlands: ... $70,000 ... German Marshall Fund ... $450,000 ... Earth Island Institute: ... $52,700 ... Friends of the Earth--Japan: ... $200,000 ...
GLOBAL SECURITY: Aspen Institute: ... $500,000 ... Foreign Policy Association: ... $25,000 ... Georgetown University: ... $15,000 ... Harvard University: ... $25,000 ... New York University: ... $190,000 ... State of the World Forum: ... $25,000 ... United Nations Association: ... $250,000 ... The World Affairs Council of Northern California: ... $75,000 ... Georgetown University: ... $200,000 ... International Forum on Globalization: ... $150,000 ... Trustees of Tufts College: ... $225,000 ... United Nations: ... $100,000 ...Trilateral Commission: ... $64,000 ... Institute for Security Studies: ... $130,000 ... South African Institute of International Affairs: ... $49,000 ... "
- (accessed: March 6, 2016): "Martha, John, Laurance, Nelson, and David Rockefeller created the Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF) in 1967. Since then, RFF has worked at the cutting edge of advocacy in such areas as environmental protection..."
- Laurance Rockefeller in particular has been deeply involved in financing ecology-tied new age and psychedelics groups. The Esalen Institute, Green Earth Foundation, Heffter Research Institute, Lindisfarne Association, Manitou Foundation and Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research all come to mind. As ISGP's Art Bell / Coast to Coast AM article makes clear, for the most part Laurance Rockefeller has been backing scam artists, quite possibly on behalf of the CIA.
- More recently headed by Dr. Richard Rockefeller, a son of David Rockefeller who died in a plane crash in 2014. Dr. Richard Rockefeller was an important financier and promoter of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS).
- (accessed: March 6, 2016): "Recipients of RFF philanthropy include: Alliance For Justice; the American Civil Liberties Union's Women's Rights Project; the Brennan Center for Justice; Campaign for America's Future; the Center for American Progress; the Center for Community Change; Defenders of Wildlife; the Earth Day Network; Earthjustice; Environmental Media Services; the Environmental Working Group; the Friends of the Earth Foundation; the Greenpeace Fund; the Institute for Policy Studies; the Institute for Women's Policy Research; the Izaak Walton League of America; the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law; the League of Conservation Voters Education Fund; the League of Women Voters Education Fund; Mothers and Others for a Livable Planet;; the Ms. Foundation for Women; the NARAL Pro-Choice America, the NAACP National Voter Fund; the National Organization for Women Legal Defense and Education Fund; the National Wildlife Federation; the National Women's Law Center; the New World Foundation; the People for the American Way Action Fund; Planned Parenthood; Project Vote; the Proteus Fund; the Public Citizen Foundation; the Sierra Club; TechRocks; the Tides Foundation and the Tides Center; the Union of Concerned Scientists; the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund; the Waterkeeper Alliance; and the Wilderness Society."
- Founded in 1913 by Pilgrims Society John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and his son, Pilgrims Society member John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Almost exclusively donates to very traditional and prestigious charities, including many Third World sustainable development and social programs.
- December 9, 2013, Dr. Richard Rockefeller (a son of David Rockefeller) during a conversation with Dr. Larry Brilliant at The Commonwealth Club of California radio program: "I come from a lineage of John D. Rockefeller. In creating the Rockefeller Foundation he was deeply interested in root causes. And in some ways he invented strategic philanthropy and I kind of carry that desire with me. And I do believe [in] global warming as [a] root cause. Without treating global warming, we can't take care of any other environmental problems."
- May 7, 2013, email of Huma Ebedin to John Podesta, Sandy Berger and others, 'Re: CGI [Clinton Global Initiative] Monthly Tracking Report for April 2013'. (Wikileaks Podesta emails leak): "Annual Meeting Sponsorship: - Rockefeller Foundation renewed and increased its sponsorship from $350K to $1 million. ... - Ford Foundation renewed its sponsorship at $400K. - HP has agreed to provide at least $100K cash..."
- The Rockefeller Foundation is major force in advizing othe rfoundations what to do with their funds:
- August 13, 1994, New York Times, 'Teaching the Next Generation to Give of Themselves': "As children, generations of Rockefeller offspring were introduced to philanthropy... Thousands of families with much smaller and newer fortunes [are now] making sure the philanthropic spirit is instilled in their children. ...
What is at stake is who will take charge of 24,000 family foundations that gave away $6 billion last year... Getting young people interested in philanthropy... is important for another reason, said Dr. James A. Joseph, president of the Council on Foundations [who worked for Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton and was a CFR member and a director of the Brookings Institution and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED, which took over CIA funding)]... Young people stand to inherit $6 trillion to $8 trillion in the next 30 years, he said...
A number of foundation leaders, including Peter C. Goldmark Jr., president of the Rockefeller Foundation, act as informal mentors to young people with inherited wealth."
- August 13, 1994, New York Times, 'Teaching the Next Generation to Give of Themselves': "As children, generations of Rockefeller offspring were introduced to philanthropy... Thousands of families with much smaller and newer fortunes [are now] making sure the philanthropic spirit is instilled in their children. ...
- (accessed: March 6, 2016): "Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) is a nonprofit organization that currently advises on and manages more than $200 million in annual giving by individuals, families, corporations, and major foundations. Continuing the Rockefeller family's legacy of thoughtful, effective philanthropy, RPA remains at the forefront of philanthropic growth and innovation, with a diverse team led by experienced grantmakers with significant depth of knowledge across the spectrum of issue areas. Founded in 2002, RPA has grown into one of the world's largest philanthropic service organizations and, as a whole, has facilitated more than $3 billion in grantmaking to nearly 70 countries. ... Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors has a full-time staff of 40 in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco offices in addition to a group of carefully selected expert affiliates. RPA's senior staff members offer an average of 20 years each in grantmaking experience with major foundations, both domestic and international, including the Ford Foundation, the Levi-Strauss Foundation, the New York Community Trust, and the John A. Hartford Foundation. Senior staff are frequent speakers and are quoted often in national publications and media. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors currently serves more than 160 donors giving to countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America and North America."
- Minor Mellon-linked foundation, but listed here because it is a generous annual donor to the new age Esalen Institute. This, by the way, seems to be its only somewhat peculiar grant recipient.
- (accessed: March 11, 2016): "In the early 1900s, Roy A. Hunt worked his way up from mill clerk to president of Alcoa, the company his father helped found. After establishing The Hunt Foundation in 1951, he established the Roy A. Hunt Foundation in 1966 as an endowed resource so that future generations could be involved in charitable giving as a family. (The foundations merged in 1994). Three generations of Hunt family members now serve as trustees, continuing the Foundation's mission of supporting organizations that strive to improve the quality of life. The Foundation annually grants $3 million in the United States, primarily through proposals invited by the trustees and through the Foundation's special initiatives."
- (accessed: March 11, 2016): "Rachel and Roy had four sons, all of whom served as the Roy A. Hunt Foundation's initial trustees: Roy A. Hunt, Jr. was a banker at Mellon Bank where he was Vice President of Community Banking until his death in 1981. Alfred M. Hunt was a metallurgist who was elected to the Board of Directors of Alcoa in 1949 and served as Vice President and Secretary of the company until his death in 1984. Torrence M. Hunt spent his entire career at Alcoa before retiring as Vice President in 1982. He died in 2004. Richard M. Hunt, the only surviving son, was a Harvard faculty member for 42 years and its University Marshal for 20 years before retiring in 2002."
- 2015-2016 grants went to: American Red Cross Southwestern Pennsylvania Chapter, Boston College, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Climate Interactive, Doctors Without Borders, Duke University, Esalen Institute, Friends of the Earth, Harvard College, Natural Resources Defense Council, Oberlin College, Planned Parenthood, Princeton University, RAND Corporation, Save the Children Federation, University of North Carolina, World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh, World Resources Institute.
- (accessed: February 27, 2016): "Founded in 1936 as the Rudolf Steiner Foundation, RSF Social Finance began making loans to Steiner-inspired organizations in 1984. In the late 1990s, RSF's mission expanded to serve a broader range of clients whose intentions and values are compatible with Steiner's insights on associative economics and social renewal. Since 1984, RSF has made over $275 million in loans and over $130 million in grants, placing us in the top tier of social finance organizations worldwide. ... Inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner, we believe that money has a deeply spiritual dimension. In our view, money is a form of energy that connects one person to another and strengthens the bonds of community. "
- Tides Foundation grants:
- 2007 Tides grants list: "Rudolf Steiner Foundation. $1,629,000.00. U.S.A."
- 2008 Tides grants list: "Rudolf Steiner Foundation. $1,537,000.00. U.S.A."
- 2009 Tides grants list: "Rudolf Steiner Foundation. $1,500,000.00. U.S.A."
- Also received millions from the Buffett family's NoVo Foundation.
- entrepreneurs/2014-grantees/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): " Alliance for Leadership and Interconnection. Alliance for the Earth. Amazon Watch. American Himalayan Foundation. ... Biosphere Foundation. Buckminster Fuller Institute. ... Center for Ecoliteracy. Climate Solutions. ... Earth Incorporated. Earth Island Institute. Earthjustice. EarthWays Foundation, Inc. ... Friends of the Earth. ... Grassroots International. Green America. Green Belt Movement International. Greenpeace Fund. ... Natural Resources Defense Council. ... Nature Conservancy. ... Sierra Club Foundation. ... Sustainable Markets Foundation. ... Gaia Foundation. ... The Nation Institute. ... The Pachamama Alliance. ... Wildlife Conservation Network. World Wildlife Fund. ... Aspen Institute. ... Esalen Institute. ... MassVOTE Education Fund. ... Rudolf Steiner College. Rudolf Steiner Fellowship Foundation. Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor. ... Spirit in Action. Spirit Rock Meditation Center. ... Steiner Books. ... Tides Foundation. Truthout. ... Zen Foundation. Zen Peacemakers. ... Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation."
- entrepreneurs/2013-grantees/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): " ... Institute for Policy Studies. Jane Goodall Institute. ... Pachamama Alliance ... Sierra Club Foundation ... Buckminster Fuller Institute ... Tides Foundation ... Threshold Foundation..."
- entrepreneurs/2012-grantees/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): "Rainforest Action Network ... Sierra Club Foundation ... The Gaia Foundation ... Wildlife Conservation Network ... Pacifica Foundation... Truthout ... Foundation for National Progress ... Buckminster Fuller Institute... William J. Clinton Foundation..."
- entrepreneurs/2011-grantees/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): "Pachamama Alliance ... World Wildlife Fund ..."
- entrepreneurs/2008-grantees/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): "Pachamama Alliance ... Rainforest Action Network ..."
- december-2011-grant-making/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): "Another borrower, investor, and grantee (we should have a special award for being all three!) is Pachamama Alliance, one of our fellow neighbors here in the Presidio. Founded in 1995, Pachamama is dedicated to protecting the Earth's rain forests and the indigenous people who live within them. They seek to accomplish their mission by delivering educational experiences that are designed to inspire and educate individuals everywhere to bring forth a thriving, just, and sustainable world. The grant from RSF was specifically to support Pachamama's Rights of Nature program, an innovative initiative focused on establishing a legal basis for protecting our planet. Building upon success in Ecuador, the first country in history to include Rights of Nature in its constitution in 2008, Pachamama helped form the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, a group of internationally recognized experts and leaders working for the universal adoption and implementation of Rights of Nature." The Pachamama Alliance appears in grants lists of RSF in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014.
- Synonymous with the Levi Strauss Foundation, which appears often in "liberal CIA" circles, but this author ignored due to awareness of the Trilateral Commission - Ford Foundation background of the Levi Strauss Company leadership over the 20th century.
- The San Francisco Foundation was set up in 1948 by Daniel E. Koshland Sr. and based on the Levi Strauss fortune. Koshland's grandfather was wealthy Jewish wool merchant Simon Koshland. Simon's daughter Frances "Fanny" married Abraham Haas and his son Marcus married Eleanor Haas, the daughter of Abraham Haas. The Haas family came to inherit the Levi Strauss fortune. These connections are what brought Daniel Koshland, Sr. into the Levi Strauss Company, ran by Walter A. Haas, Sr., president of Levi Strauss & Co. 1928-1955 and chair 1955-1970. Haas, Sr. brought him in 1922, well before Koshland set up the San Francisco Foundation. The Haas family came to be deeply involved with the Rockefellers and other elites through the Trilateral Commission, Ford Foundation, Museum of Modern Art, the CFR, etc.
- September 21, 1995, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Walter Haas Dies': "Walter A. Haas Jr., patriarch of the San Francisco family that runs Levi Strauss & Co. ... [Haas, Jr.] received awards from three U.S. presidents, was a member of the prestigious Trilateral Commission [at least 1981-1995], ... a trustee of the Ford Foundation, a director of the National Park Foundation, the National Commission on Public Service and the Presidio Council. ... "There isn't any organization the Haases are not involved with: the [San Francisco] Museum of Modern Art [as executive vice president, with the NYC branch owned by the Rockefellers], the opera, the symphony, the university," said one observer. ... By 1958, he had succeeded his uncle, Daniel E. Koshland Sr., as president of Levi Strauss and in 1976, he succeeded his father as chairman of the board."
- Robert D. Haas (b. 1942) bio: Son of Walter A. Haas Jr. Chairman emeritus of Levi Strauss & Co. Former president Levi Strauss Foundation. Trilateral Commission. Trustee Ford Foundation. CFR member. Honorary trustee Brookings Institution. Former Chairman of Stanford's Humanities and Sciences Council.
- Future CFR member (1968-2013) and founding Trilateral Commission member in 1973, William M. Roth, served on the board of the San Francisco Foundation:
- (accessed: March 11, 2022): "William M. Roth: 1960-1963. ... Daniel E. Koshland: 1948-1974. ... Peter E. Haas Sr.: 1984-1994. ... Peter E. Haas Jr. 1996-2005."
- William R. Hewlett, founder of the Hewlett Packard Company and the multi-billionaire Hewlett Foundation (and Packard Foundation) was a trustee of the San Francisco Foundation from 1960 to 1969.
- (accessed: October 11, 2017): "In 1948, a group of forward-looking civic leaders, led by the late Daniel Koshland [Sr.], started The San Francisco Foundation with the help of a founding grant from The Columbia Foundation."
- (accessed: October 11, 2017): "1960–1969: William R. Hewlett [founder HP and Hewlett Foundation] ... Peter E. Haas, Sr. 1984–1994 [younger brother of Walter, Jr.; Harvard; president and CEO (1976–2005) and chairman (1981–1989) of the Levi Strauss & Co.]. ... 1994–2005: Peter E. Haas, Jr. [manager Levi Strauss and director and trustee of the foundation] ... "
- More on Koshland Sr. (1892-1979): Jewish. Grandson of Simon Koshland, one of the most successful wool merchants in San Francisco. UCLA-educated. Worked as a banker in New York City in the mid 1910s. Joined Levi Strauss in San Francisco in 1922, ran by his brother-in-law, Walter Haas, Jr. Served as vice president and treaser; then, from 1955 to 1958, as president and CEO of Levi Straus & Co. Usher at the wedding of Major Julius Ochs Adler (New York Times, Aug. 28, 1922), a member of the Pilgrims Society and a vice president and treasurer of the New York Times. Director Wells Fargo Bank and the American Trust Company. Director of the American Red Cross and national vice chairman of the United Negro College Fund campaign.
- His son, Daniel Jr., graduated from the super-elite Phillips Exeter Academy in 1937, went to UCLA, and worked in the secret Manhattan Project with Glenn Seaborg in purifying plutonium. After that, he went to the Rockefeller's University of Chicago to get his Ph.D. and did research at Rockefeller University. Served as editor of the elite Science journal from 1985 to 1995.
- The San Francisco Foundation had a $1.3 billion endowment by 2016, with grants heavily focused on sustainable development, pro-Third World immigration, feminism, psychedelics, Ivy League universities and other typical "liberal CIA" subjects. Also donates to the Trilateral Commission.
- 2004-2005, San Francisco Foundation, from 990 grants list: "Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics: $20,000 ... Agape Foundation: $1,300 [and] $15,000 [and] $2,000 [and] $10,000 [and] The Agape Foundation: $5,000 [and] $20,000 [and] $15,000 [Agape donated to Project Censored] ... Alternet: $500 ... [ACLU] ... CATO ... [the Soros-backed] Center for American Progress ... Earth Island Institute ... EarthJustice ... Episcopal Community Services ... Friends of the Earth ... Harvard Medical School: $200,000 ... Heffter Research Institute: $25,000 [and] $25,000 ... Immigrant Legal Resource Center ... KPFA [Pacifica Radio Foundation] ... La Raza ... Latino Community Foundation ... Long Now Foundation: $15,000 ... Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies: $20,000 [and] $170,000 [and] $1,000... NAACP ... NARAL Pro-Choice ... National Abortion Rights Action League Foundation ... National Resources Defense Council ... New Israel Fund ... Oxfam America ... Pacifica Radio Foundation: $1,000 ... Pierpont Morgan Library ... Planned Parenthood ... Ploughshares Fund ... Population Action International ... Princeton: $200,000 ... Rainforest Action Network ... Sierra Club ... Southern Poverty Law Center ... Stanford ... The Global Fund for Women ... The Nature Conservancy ... Tides Center ... Tides Foundation ... The Trilateral Commission: $5,000 ... University of California ... University of Chicago ... Whitney Museum of Art ... World Wildlife Fund ... Yale University ..."
- Founded in 1961, based on fortunes acquired through Pilgrims Society-linked corporations IBM and General Motors. Until the early 2000s known as the Florence and John J. Schumann Jr. Foundation. The foundation is a major contributor to left wing media outlets.
- For some strange reason even anno 2016 the Schumann Center has no website with current information as trustees and grants.
- Liberal elitist Bill Moyers was president of the Schumann Center since 1990:
- Director Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) 1967-1974.
- Steering committee member of Bilderberg.
- Trustee of George Soros' Open Society Foundations.
- (accessed: February 27, 2016): "USA. Moyers, Bill D."
- (accessed: February 27, 2016): "My guest George Soros, one of the world's best known and successful investors, making billions in times of boom or bust. ... In the interest of full disclosure, you should know that I served three years on the board of George Soros' foundation, the Open Society Institute, dealing with such issues as a free press, the rule of law, and human rights. But I've had no involvement in his political activities and nothing to do, with his business interests unfortunately. [This is pretty much a lie, as both men have almost completely similar political views and donate to the same causes]."
- February 26, 1991, New York Times, 'Florence F. Schumann, A Philanthropist, 99': "Florence Ford Schumann, a founder of a major philanthropic foundation in New Jersey and a generous contributor to health, education and community development causes, died on Friday at her winter home in Delray Beach, Fla. ... Mrs. Schumann was the principal donor to the Florence and John Schumann Foundation, which she established with her husband, John J. Schumann Jr., a former president and chairman of the General Motors."
- Foundation Center: (accessed: February 27, 2016): "In 1988, Florence Schumann and her children created the Schumann Fund for New Jersey to continue the lifelong philanthropy of Mrs. Schumann and her husband, John. The Schumann Fund for New Jersey traces its roots to the Florence and John Schumann Foundation. Florence Ford and John Schumann settled in Montclair soon after they married in 1917. During their forty-seven year marriage, they amassed a considerable fortune, combining inherited wealth from Florence Ford's father, one of the founders of the IBM Corporation, with John Schumann's business success, which culminated with his presidency of the General Motors Acceptance Corporation."
- July 20, 2009, PBS, 'Journalistic Foundations': "Moyers' guest was Wendell Potter, until last year the chief of corporate communications for Cigna, one of the largest U.S. health insurance companies. But after many years defending his company and the industry, Potter resigned and changed course and is now a severe and public critic of what he calls a "duplicitous and well-financed PR and lobbying campaign" by the industry to shape any future health care reform so that it "benefits Wall Street far more than average Americans." ... Potter's new job is as a senior fellow with an organization known as the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) and that another organization with a similar name — the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, of which Bill Moyers is president — is one of the funders of the CMD. This linkage was not disclosed on the broadcast."
- January 1, 2015, Washington Post, 'Bill Moyers signs off — for the final time, he swears': "As the longtime president of the New Jersey-based Schumann Center for Media and Democracy (2012 assets: $28.1 million), Moyers has helped direct millions of dollars in charitable grants to left-leaning journals and public broadcasting outlets over the years. Among the 2012 recipients of Schumann's largesse: "Democracy Now," the public-radio program ($750,000); Mother Jones magazine ($200,000); Boston public station WGBH ($25,000); and New York public broadcaster WNET ($140,000). In earlier years, Schuman has supported such liberal outlets as the Nation magazine, the Washington Monthly, In These Times,, and The American Prospect. Moyers's dual roles — as both TV host and philanthropist — have sometimes overlapped and even presented possible conflicts of interest. For example, Schumann helped finance, which was founded by Moyers's son John, who was also a former member of Schumann's board. Further, in 2011, Schumann gave $859,146 to the Independent Production Fund, according to the foundation's tax filing. The IPF has produced a number of Moyers's public television programs over the years. What's more, Moyers occasionally featured on his program some of the very organizations Schumann financed without disclosing the connection. In 2012, for example, "Moyers & Co." devoted an entire episode to an interview with Heather McGhee, the Washington policy director of Demos, a campaign-finance and advocacy organization. Schumann gave $375,000 to Demos in 2012 and 2011, the last years public records are available. Asked repeatedly about this, Moyers offered no response. ... Moyers' visibility has fallen in recent years, in part because "Moyers & Co." airs at different times on public stations, sometimes in the wee hours, which complicates national promotion. The program has been distributed not by Arlington, Va.-based PBS but by another outfit, American Public Television, leading to suggestions within public broadcasting that PBS has tried to distance itself from the politically explosive Moyers. PBS spokeswoman Jan McNamara declined direct comment on this, as did Moyers. ... As a "news analyst" who had worked alongside another conservative bête noire, CBS's Dan Rather, Moyers was already politically suspect when he produced and hosted a 1987 documentary for PBS about the Iran-Contra affair, "The Secret Government." The program so outraged conservatives that it sparked a new effort to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the intermediary that funnels federal funds to public broadcasters. The efforts against Moyers were renewed in 2005 when the conservative chairman of the CPB, Kenneth Tomlinson, sought to demonstrate liberal bias at PBS."
- Grants:
- "Florence Ford Schumann, who died in 1991, and her husband John Schumann, started this foundation in 1961. ... The current President of the Foundation is PBS's Bill Moyers. ... [Grants:] Center for Media & Democracy $75,000 1997 ... Friends of the Earth $100,000 1992 ... Natural Resources Defense Council $255,000 1992. Sierra Club $320,000 1996. Tides Foundation & Tides Center $5,407,500 1998."
- 2001, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- ... A grant of $2,000,000 for continued support of the bi-weekly magazine, The American Prospect... [total:] $2,139,000... Nation Institute... A grant of $15,000..."
- 2002, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- A grant of $25,000 to fund a series of our public debates, A terminal grant of $2,000,000 for continued support of the bi-weekly magazine, The American Prospect... - The Florence Fund, Washington, DC. A grant of $2,500,000 for the period ending December 31, 2002 of which $2,000,000 is specifically intended to support and operating costs, and $500,000 for a challenge grant on a $1 for $1 matching basis... - Nation Institute... A grant of $5,000..." Other beneficiaries: Atlantic Public Media ($225,000 for, Center for Digital Democracy ($50,000), Institute for Public Accuracy ($50,000), and ($25,000), and Public Radio International ($25,000).
- 2003, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- The American Prospect... A grant of $20,000 to fund research for a book on the roots of America's imperial foreign policy; a grant of $100,000 toward expansion of election coverage in 2004. ... - Foundation for National Progress... $110,000... - GRIST Magazine, Inc., Seattle, W.A. A grant of $25,000 to fund on-line reporting on environmental issues. ... - Nation Institute... $115,000... - Proteus Fund, Amherst, MA. A three-year one time only grant of $1,500,000 to support the Media Action Fund's paid media activism for grassroots environmental organizations. ... - Public Radio International, Minneapolis, MN. A grant of $125,000... WM Corporation, Washington, DC. A grant of $30,000 to support investigative journalism at The Washington Monthly; a grant of $100,000 to support investigative reporting on the 2004 political campaigns at The Washington Monthly."
- 2004, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- Electronic Frontier Foundation [for] publicly verifiable elections. $7,500. ... - People for the American Way, Washington, DC. A grant of $10,000 to support the activities of The Elections Protection 2004 project. - Proteus Fund, Inc. ... $250,000 ... on behalf of the Clean Election Law in Arizona. ... - The American Prospect... $155,000... - Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. A grant of $110,000 to fund the Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy's Study... - Cursor, Inc.... $40,900... - Democracy Now... A grant of $25,000 to fund Special 2004 election coverage... - The Florence Fund, Washington, DC. A grant of 2,000,000, to support the project and operating costs. Balance of $1.5 million was rescinded on May 18, 2004. ... - Foundation for National Progress... A grant of $100,000 to support the Mother Jones State of the Union project. ... - Free Press, Northampton, MA ... $600,000... - GRIST Magazine... $100,000... - Independent Media Institute... A grant of $150,000 to fund's alternative coverage of the 2004 election. - Institute for America's Future... A grant of $1.5 million for general support and for website. - A grant of $15,000 to fund the efforts of In These Times magazine to reach a broader audience. ... - Proteus Fund... A three-year one time only grant of $1,500,000. ... - Public Intelligence, Inc., New York, NY. A challange grant of $250,000 on a $1 for $1 matching basis to fund the program expansion of The Hightower Lowdown in print and on the Internet. ... Amount Paid 2004: $98,725... WM Corporation... $320,000 [Wahington Monthly]..."
- 2007, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- Common Dreams, Inc., Portland, ME. A grant of $250,000 for general support... - National Security Archive Fund, Inc. Washington, DC. A grant of $500,000 to fund the Torturing Democracy television documentary and website project."
- 2008, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- Sustainable Markets Foundation... An 18-month grant of $900,000 for general support of Project 350. ... - Educational Broadcasting Corporation... A two-year grant of $1,000,000... - Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting... A two-year grant of $500,000... -, Encilitas, CA. A grant of $500,000 for general support to strenghten editorial content through 2008. [$250,000 paid in 2007 and the rest in 2008]... - Foundation for National Progress, San Francisco, CA. A two-year grant of $100,000 for general support... - Free Press, Northampton, MA. A two-year grant of $1,250,000 for general support to advance citizen action on media reform. - Grist Magazine, Inc., Seattle, WA. A two-year grant of $500,000 for general support... - Independent Media Institute, San Francisco, CA. A two-year grant of $500,000 of which $330,000 is for general support of Alternet... - Institute for American's Future... $440,000... Institute for Public Affairs, Chicago, IL. A two-year grant of $200,000 for general support of In These Times... - Media Matters for America... $100,000... - Prometheus Radio Project, Philadelphia, PA. A grant of $150,000 for general support. - Tides Center.... An 18-month grant of $1,500,000 to establish the American Media Project."
- 2009, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (officers): "Robert F. Schumann... Chair Emerit... Bill D. Moyers... Pres./Trust... W. Ford Schumann... Chair Emerit... David S. Bate... Sec/Treas... Michael J. Johnston... VP/Trustee... Joan Konner... Chair/Trust... William McKibben... Trustee... Lynn C. Welhorsky... VP-Admin... Margaret Schumann... Trustee... W. Ford Schumann Jr. ... Trustee... "
- 2009, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- Common Dreams Inc. ... $200,000... - Democracy Now... $300,000... - Earth Island Institute ... $15,000 ... - Free Press ... $750,000 ... - Sustainable Markets Foundation ... $210,000 ... - Tides Center ... $750,000 ... - Voter Action ... $189,000..."
- 2011, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- ... $211,300 ... - Common Cause Education Fd. ... $100,000 ... - Truthout ... $250,000 ... - Voter Action ... $500,000 ... - Nation Institute ... $25,000 ..."
- 2012, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- Common Cause Education Fd. ... $200,000. ... - Common Dreams ... $200,000. ... - Democracy Now ... $750,000 ... - Free Press ... $250,000. ... - Institute for Policy Studies ... $110,000. ... - Mother Jones ... $200,000. - Nation Institute ... $80,000. - New York Public Radio ... $10,000."
- 2013, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- Democracy Now ... $750,000. ... - Common Dreams ... $250,000. ... Foundation for National Progress, DBA Mother Jones ... $93,750. - Nation Institute ... $295,000. ... - Center for Media & Democracy ... $250,000."
- Founded in 1999 by Jeff Skoll, with early strategic advice coming from Pilgrims Society executive, JPL advisory board member, former Carnegie Endowment president and trustee of Rockefeller Brothers Fund John W. Gardner.
- (accessed: March 26, 2017): "Jeff credits the Foundation’s strategic focus to a meeting with John W. Gardner, after whom the award is named. Gardner advised Jeff and Skoll Foundation CEO Sally Osberg to "bet on good people doing good things.""
- Endowment of about $300 million in the 2003-2007 period.
- In 2009 he created the Skoll Global Threats Fund, which he has been running with Google's Larry Brilliant ever since. Larry Brilliant is closely tied through the psychedelics community through The Well, the Seva Foundation and other endeavors.
- (accessed: March 27, 2017): "In 2009, [Jeff] Skoll founded the Skoll Global Threats Fund. Its initial focus is on five global issues that, if unchecked, could bring the world to its knees: climate change, water scarcity, pandemics, nuclear proliferation and Middle East conflict. ...
Larry Brilliant, the founding President of the Skoll Global Threats Fund, serves as Chairman of the Skoll Global Threats Fund and Senior Advisor to Jeff Skoll, helping Jeff build out the Jeff Skoll Group. He previously was Vice President of Google and Executive Director of ... In 1985, while in Ann Arbor, Larry founded the Seva Foundation... [Brilliant] co-founded The Well [and is a] member of the World Economic Forum Global Advisory Council on Catastrophic Risks. He was elected to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2008."
- (accessed: March 27, 2017): "In 2009, [Jeff] Skoll founded the Skoll Global Threats Fund. Its initial focus is on five global issues that, if unchecked, could bring the world to its knees: climate change, water scarcity, pandemics, nuclear proliferation and Middle East conflict. ...
- The Skoll Foundation is a sister foundation of the Omidyar Network, as both foundations are derived from the eBay fortune. Jeff Skoll was eBay's first full-time employee.
- (accessed: March 26, 2017): "As founder and chairman of the Skoll Foundation, the Skoll Global Threats Fund, Participant Media, and the Capricorn Investment Group, Jeff Skoll is bringing life to his vision of a sustainable world of peace and prosperity.
As the first full-time employee and first President of eBay, Jeff developed the company’s inaugural business plan and led its successful initial public offering. ...
After pioneering the creation of the eBay Foundation, Jeff [Skoll] founded the Skoll Foundation in 1999. ...
Awards and recognitions: ... The John W. Gardner Leadership Award. Officer of the Order of Canada." - Jeff Skoll is a good friend of actor George Clooney, whose films Good Night, and Good Luck (2005) and Syriana (2005, based on the CIA covert operations life of Robert Baer) he financed.
- Skoll played a key role in convincing Al Gore to turn his global warming slide show into the 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth and put up the financing of the film.
- Skoll has financed/produced numerous other politically-tinted films: Murderball (2005, about disabled people/athletes), American Gun(2005; an anti-gun film), Fast Food Nation (2006), Chicago 10 (about Vietnam War protestors), Charlie Wilson's War (2007), Angels in the Dust (2007, about South Africa's AIDS epidemic), Darfur Now (2007), Man from the Plains (2007, about Jimmy Carter) Standard Operating Procedure (2008, about the U.S. abuse at Abu Graib), Oceans (2010, released on Earth Day), Waiting for "Superman" (2010, a critique of U.S. public education). He also produced an Arabic version of the film Ghandi, screened in Palestine to promote non-violence.
- The Sunlight Foundation was founded in 2006, largely to help NGOs improve their IT capabilities. It has received MASSIVE financing from "liberal CIA" foundations as Soros, Omidyar, Ford, Rockefeller, Hewlett, MacArthur and others. Also very interesting is that Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has been sitting on the advisory board for over 10 years. Jimmy Wales employee Katherine Maher joined the board of directors in early 2018. You have to see her biography to believe it:
- Born in 1983. Claims she was first employed at 11 by superclass member Madeleine Albright. April 3, 2012, Katherine Maher for, 'A Seat at the Table: a Twitter-ful list of women crucial to foreign policy': "In 1994, I got a job working for Madeleine Albright. She was the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations [from 1993 to 1997]." Graduate in 2003 of the Arabic Language Institute's Arabic Language Intensive Program (ALIN) of The American University in Cairo, "instilling a deep love of the Middle East" in her. Studied at the Institut Français d’Etudes Arabes de Damas (L'IFEAD) in Syria in 2004. Visited Lebanon and Tunisia in this period. Internships at the CFR and Eurasia Group. BA from New York University in 2005. Manager at HSBC in 2005-2007. Innovation and communication officer UNICEF 2007-2010. ICT program officer for the super-elite "democracy-sponsoring" National Democratic Institute for International Affairs of Madeleine Albright 2010-2011. ICT innovation specialist 2011-2013. Advocacy director at the Washington, D.C.-based Access Now, financed by the Ford Foundation and other "liberal CIA" foundations, 2013-2014. Chief communications officer of the Wikimedia Foundation, founded in 2003 by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and the owner of Wikipedia, 2014-2016, executive director 2016-. Director of the Soros-Rockefeller-Omidyar-Ford Foundation-financed Sunlight Foundation since March 2018. Jimmy Wales has been sitting on the advisory board of the Sunlight Foundation since January 2007.
- Mission, Board of directors and advsiory board of the Sunlight Foundation:
- (accessed: February 7, 2007): "The Sunlight Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) educational organization, is designed to use the transformative power of the Internet and new information technology to enable citizens to learn more about what Congress and their elected representatives are doing, and thus help reduce corruption, ensure great transparency and accountability by government, and foster public trust in the vital institutions of democracy."
- (accessed: February 23, 2007; first board with Jimmy Wales, first listed in February 2007): "Board of Directors (in development): Michael R. Klein, Chairman. Ellen S. Miller, Sec-Treasurer. Esther Dyson, ED Venture. Nicholas J. Klein.
Advisory Board (in development): Yochai Benkler, Yale University. Charles Lewis, former director, Center for Public Integrity. Kim Malone, Google. Craig Newmark, CraigsList. Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia." - (June 7, 2014): "Board of directors: ... Stacy Donohue, Omidyar Network ... Andrew McLaughlin [CEO of Digg]...."
- (accessed: March 25, 2018): "Sunlight Foundation Board: - Mike Klein, Chairman, Co-Founder Sunlight Foundation. - Craig Newmark, Customer Service Rep and Founder of and craigconnects. - Katherine Maher, Executive Director of Wikimedia. - Zoe Reiter, Acting Representative to the United States of America for Transparency International. John Wonderlich, Executive Director, Sunlight Foundation.
Advisory Board: - Yochai Benkler, Harvard University. - Mitch Kapor... - Lawrence Lessig, Harvard University. - Charles Lewis, Founder, Center for Public Integrity. - Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia."
- The Sunlight Foundation received massive financing of key "liberal CIA" foundations, especially in the 2006-2015 period:
- "2005: Michael R. Klein: $3,500,000.00...
2006: Rockefeller Family Fund: $1,900,000.00...
2007: ... Omidyar Network: $2,000,000.00 ... Rockefeller Family Fund: $1,000,000.00 ...
2008: ... Pew Charitable Trusts: $2,305,000.00 ... Omidyar Network: $2,000,000.00 ... Michael R. Klein: $500,000.00 ... Rockefeller Family Fund: $500,000.00 ... Open Society Institute: $250,000.00 ...
2009: Omidyar Network: $4,000,000.00 ... Michael R. Klein: $850,000.00 ... Foundation to Promote Open Society: $300,000.00 ... Knight Foundation: $300,000.00 ... Rockefeller Family Fund: $100,000.00 ... Google, Inc.: $66,067.00... San Francisco Foundation: $1,000.00 ...
2010: Rockefeller Family Fund: $1,750,000... Omidyar Network: $1,472,184 ... Michael R. Klein: $1,000,000 ... Knight Foundation: $607,546 ... Pew Charitable Trusts: $376,250 ... Ford Foundation: $300,000.00 ... Adobe Systems Incorporated: $50,000.00 ... craigslist Charitable Fund: $50,000.00 ... Reid Hoffman [Peter Thiel ally and visitor of the Sun Valley Meetings]: $50,000.00 ... Google, Inc.: $20,000.00: For support of Design for America. ... [Peter Thiel's] Palantir Technologies Inc.: $10,000.00: For support of Design for America. ... Microsoft: $1,122.00...
2011: Omidyar Network ... Rockefeller Family Fund ... Knight Foundation ... Open Society Foundations ... Pew Charitable Trusts ... Atlantic Philanthropies: $100,000 ... Mark Cuban: $100,000 ... Hewlett Foundation: $60,000 ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund: $40,000... craigslist Charitable Fund: $25,000 ... Google, Inc.: $5,000...
2012: Google Foundation ( $2,100,000 ... Michael R. Klein: $1,500,000 ... Omidyar Network: $1,457,938 [and] $544,224 ... Rockefeller Family Fund: $500,000 ... Ford Foundation: $300,000 ... Hewlett Foundation: $250,000 ... Atlantic Philanthropies: $100,000 ... Foundation to Promote Open Society: $90,000 ... Kaphan Foundation: $75,000 ... MacArthur Foundation: $55,000 ... Google, Inc.: $45,000 ... Poynter Institute: $41,000 ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund: $40,000 ... Pew Charitable Trusts: $39,874 ... craigslist Charitable Fund: $25,000 ... University of Arkansas, Winthrop Rockefeller Institute : $1,000.00...
2013: Omidyar Network: $2,542,062 [and] $60,000 ... Knight Foundation: $750,000 ... Rockefeller Family Fund: $500,000 ... Hewlett Foundation: $250,000 ... Ford Foundation: $205,000 ... Open Society Foundations: $125,000 ... Foundation to Promote Open Society: $40,000 [and] $10,000 ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund: $40,000 ... Hewlett Foundation: $25,645 ... Mozilla Foundation: $2,000.00: For sponsorship of the PDF Liberation Hackathon. ... GitHub: $1,000.00: For support of TransparencyCamp 2013. ...
2014: Omidyar Network: $2,000,000 ... Knight Foundation: $1,492,000 ... Rockefeller Family Fund: $500,000 ... Hewlett Foundation: $250,000 ... Ford Foundation: $150,000 ... Park Foundation: $100,000 ... Internet Archive: $52,000 ... Open Society Foundation: $40,000 ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund: $40,000 ... craigslist Charitable Fund: $25,000 ... World Wide Web Foundation: $11,865 ... Microsoft Corporation: $5,000 ... Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Edwards Family Fund: $5,000 ... World Bank: $5,000 ... GitHub: $2,500... Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press: $250.00...
2015: Knight Foundation: $1,242,000 ... Bloomberg Family Foundations, Inc.: $667,540 ... Michael Bloomberg: $50,000 ... Hewlett Foundation: $250,000 ... Ford Foundation: $150,000 ... Mott Foundation: $75,000 ... craigslist Charitable Fund: $50,000 ... Google: $50,000 ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund: $40,000 ... Open Society Foundations: $20,000 ... Internet Archive: $13,000 ... Microsoft Corporation: $10,000 ... Omidyar Network: $10,000 ... World Wide Web Foundation: $8,135 ...
2016: Bloomberg Family Foundations, Inc.: $733,576 ... Ford Foundation: $150,000 ... craigslist Charitable Fund: $50,000 ...
2017: Bloomberg Family Foundations, Inc.: $733,576 ... craigslist Charitable Fund: $50,000..."
- "2005: Michael R. Klein: $3,500,000.00...
- Grants:
- (accessed: March 25, 2018): "... Centros de los Derechos del Migrante ... Center for Responsive Politics: $522,838 [and] $1,200,000 ... National Institute on Money in State Politics: $19,000 [and] $1,000,000 [and] $125,000... Participatory Politics Foundation: $263,970.00: To continue support for the OpenCongress project. ... [a lot of money also] ... Center for Public Integrity: $70,000 ... Center for Media and Democracy [Sourcewatch]: $140,000 [and] $134,177 ... Center for Independent Media ... Center for Democracy and Technology ... OpEdNews ... ... CorpWatch (Tides Center): $80,000 ..., Inc.: $72,000 ... Columbia Journalism Review ... (Fund for Constitutional Government) ... ... ... Understanding Government ... Knowledge As Power ... Public Justice Foundation of Texas ... OMB Watch: $150,000.00: To support Swing State Project ... Harvard Kennedy School's Science, Technology and Public Policy Program ... National Priorities Project ... Public Accountability Initiative ... Electronic Frontier Foundation: $15,000.00: To create a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) search tool for their site. ... DemocracyWorks ... Electronic Privacy Information Center [EPIC]: $50,000 ... Internet Archive []: $5,000.00: To support the preparation of online instructions and other guidance assisting users of the Internet Archive’s new TV news research service."
- The Stern Family Fund was controlled by Philip Stern, a wealthy Democrat activist who once received a Rockefeller fellowship and was close to Bilderberg steering committee member George Ball. Stern wrote for the Washington Post, New York Times Magazine, Harper's and Atlantic Monthly magazines. Did commentary for National Public Radio.
- In 1963, together with James Warburg, a founding financier of the Institute for Policy Research, later also massively financed by foundations as Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie and Soros.
- The Stern Family Fund has helped finance Project Censored.
- June 2, 1992, Washington Post, 'Philip M. Stern, 66, Dies': "Philip M. Stern, 66, a Washington philanthropist and author whose books included stinging criticisms of congressional campaign financing, the tax code, the legal profession and poverty amid the white marble monuments of Washington, died of brain cancer June 1 at George Washington University Hospital. Mr. Stern also was a former Democratic Party activist who had served as a deputy assistant secretary of state for public affairs in the Kennedy administration. During the 1950s, he was a campaign assistant to Democratic presidential nominee Adlai E. Stevenson, an aide to Rep. Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash.) and Sen. Paul H. Douglas (D-Ill.) and director of research for the Democratic National Committee. As a member of the D.C. delegation to the 1968 Democratic National Convention, he nominated Channing E. Phillips for president, the first black man to be nominated at a major party convention. Mr. Stern was a man of the highest Establishment credentials, and independently wealthy, but he spent much of his life fighting the status quo. As director of family philanthropic foundations, he awarded grants to organizations and individuals trying to bring about social change. "I like to find out-of-the-way people who don't have access to the foundation world," Mr. Stern once said. "I also like to try inventing new ways of solving problems." Among the recipients of his foundation grants was Seymour Hersh, who was given money in 1969 to investigate reports of a massacre of South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. soldiers at the village of Mylai. Hersh's stories on the massacre shocked the nation and the world. Other Stern grantees have included a group of students at Washington's Eastern High School who used the money to organize their own classes in black history in the late 1960s and early 1970s; drug treatment centers; a switchboard for runaways; free medical clinics; and the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington. More recent grantees include the Government Accountability Project, which protects whistleblowers in government and business; Teamsters for a Democratic Union, which campaigned for freedom and openness in the Teamsters Union; the Center for Science in Public Interest, which promoted labeling accuracy in health foods; and the Women's Legal Defense Fund. Last year, the Stern Family Fund distributed about $650,000 in philanthropic grants, according to Betsy Taylor, its executive director. "Phil always wanted to help the people who didn't have power," Taylor said. "He wanted to make the U.S. political and economic system more equitable. And he never wanted to stop being irreverent." Consumer advocate Ralph Nader called Mr. Stern the "most creative, versatile and persistent philanthropist of our generation." From his father and maternal grandfather, Mr. Stern not only inherited his fortune, but a family tradition of philanthropy. His grandfather was Julius Rosenwald, the former chairman of Sears, Roebuck & Co. whose Rosenwald Foundation gave away $22 million in a 16-year period, primarily to build schools in the South for black students. His father, Edgar Stern, was one of the youngest presidents of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange at the age of 27. He gave each of his three children money to start their own foundations. Philip Stern was born in New York City and reared in New Orleans. He served in the Navy as a supply and communications officer in the Pacific during World War II, then graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University. He was a reporter and editorial writer for the New Orleans Item newspaper after college, then came to Washington in 1949 on a Rockefeller Fellowship, working in the Department of the Interior and the State Department. He remained in Washington to work on Capitol Hill and for the Democratic Party until 1957 when he acquired the Arlington Sun newspaper with a group of associates. The associates included George Ball [Bilderberg], who later served as undersecretary of state in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and Clayton Fritchey, a syndicated newspaper columnist who later served as a special assistant to Adlai Stevenson when Stevenson was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. They renamed the paper the Northern Virginia Sun, and for four years before his appointment to the State Department, Mr. Stern was its editor and, for a time, its publisher. Eventually they sold the paper. ... He worked out of an office near Dupont Circle and got around town on a motorscooter, a blue knapsack often slung over his shoulder. ... His most recent book, "The Best Congress Money Can Buy," (1988) was about the influence of PACs on Capitol Hill as a result of their campaign contributions, and also a study of the high cost of running for elective office. ... Other books included "The Great Treasury Raid," (1962) an attack on the tax laws that permitted many giant corporations to pay less in taxes than their lowest-paid employees; "The Shame of a Nation," (1965) essays and photographs on poverty in juxtaposition with the monuments of Washington; and "The Oppenheimer Case," a meticulous account of the anti-communist hysteria that led to the revocation of the security clearance for atomic bomb physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. In 1980, Mr. Stern wrote "Lawyers on Trial," in which he castigated what he called "the Lawyers Monopoly" for charging excessive fees for routine legal work such as probating an estate or handling real estate transactions. In many such cases, Mr. Stern noted, fees are based on a percentage of the estate or sale and have no relationship to the amount of work involved. He spent several months in 1974 as a special investigative reporter on the life insurance industry for The Washington Post, and he also had written for the New York Times Magazine and for Harper's and Atlantic magazines. He had done commentary for "All Things Considered" on National Public Radio."
- The Surdna Foundation was founded in 1917 by John Andrus (Andrus is Surdna spelled backwards).
- (accessed: February 27, 2016: "The Surdna Foundation was founded in 1917 by John Emory Andrus to pursue a range of philanthropic purposes. John Andrus was born in 1841 in Pleasantville, New York... The son of a Methodist minister, Mr. Andrus was a lay leader of the Methodist Church. In his 60s, he was elected mayor of Yonkers, New York, and then served four terms in the U.S. Congress."
- nonprofitsector.html (accessed: February 27, 2016: "Columbia University - Graduate School of Journalism. New York, NY. $50,000. ... Democracy Now! Productions New York, NY. $50,000. General operating support... Foundation for National Progress/Mother Jones. San Francisco, CA. $100,000... Foundation for National Progress/Mother Jones. San Francisco, CA. $75,000... New America Foundation. Washington, DC. $50,000..."
- approvedgrants.html (accessed: February 27, 2016): "Bipartisan Policy Center. Washington, DC. $150,000. ... Brookings Institution. Washington, DC. $750,000 (3 years). ... "
- (accessed: February 27, 2016): "Democracy Now! Productions, New York, NY | $50,000. ... National Public Radio, Washington, DC | $45,156. ... New America Foundation, Washington, DC | $100,000."
- 2007 Surdna Foundation annual report, pp. 57, 60: "FOUNDATION FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS, San Francisco, California [Mother Jones] ... $100,000. ... NEW AMERICA FOUNDATION, Washington, DC. ... (2 years) $200,000..."
- Part of the Tides Foundation, located at the same address:
- (December 10, 2015): "The Threshold Foundation main office is located in Tides Foundation offices in San Francisco."
- Also, Tides Foundation founder Drummond Pike has sat on the board of the Threshold Foundation in the 2005-2010 period:
- 2005 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p. 21: "2005 Board of Directors: ... Drummond Pike, Director."
- 2010 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p. 26: "2010 Board of Directors: ... Drummond Pike, Director."
- Like Tides, Threshold has helped fund a number of questionable Coast to Coast AM-related groups and individuals:
- 2003 annual report, Threshold Foundation (part of the Soros/Rockefeller-allied Tides Foundation), p. 17: "Institue for Cooperation in Space (ICIS)/Center for Psychology And Social Change seeks to transform the war industry into a world-cooperative civil, commercial, entrepeneurial, and military space program. ICIS's initial objective is to ban space-based weaponry. This ban will awaken consciousness and stimulate a peace economy with a new marketplace of jobs and profits based on research and development of clean and safe technology, products, and services applied to solving urgent human, energy, sustainable development and environmental problems, and build a global security system using space technology to enhance world communication and information exchanges on all issues with respect to sacred life. $6,268 - general support. PO Box 398080, Cambridge, MA 02139."
- Coast to Coast AM guest Bev Harris has received grants in the $5,000-$10,000 range from the Tides Foundation and Threshold Foundation, which are very closely allied with the Rockefeller/Ford foundations.
- The Palast Investigative Fund has been backed by The Nation Institute, the Threshold Foundation and the obscure Sustainable Markets Foundation and is supported by other liberal elite elements. 2008 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p. 9: "Palast Investigative Fund / International Humanities Center Malibu, CA. Palast Investigative Fund works to uncover voter disenfranchisement in the United States, especially tactics used against voters of color. $35,000 — Palast Investigative Fund's New Attack on the Right to Vote in the USA."
- 2011 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p. 21: "Pachamama Alliance. Pachamama Alliance preserves the Earth's tropical rainforests by empowering the indigenous people who are its natural custodians and contributes to the creation of a new global vision of equity and sustainability for all. Pachamamma's work in the Amazon focuses on strengthening indigenous peoples' ability to powerful speak and stand for their own rights and interests, through capacity building to empower them to preserve the rainforest and their way of life. $29,314 — Kapawi Ecolodge Sustainability Overhaul project. San Francisco, CA |"
- Other projets financed by Threshold: Laurance Rockefeller's California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), Soros' Drug Policy Alliance, Rick Doblin's Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), CorpWatch, Democracy Now!, Friends of the Earth, Buckminster Fuller Institute, Students for a Free Tibet and the Rudolf Steiner Foundation.
- Essentially a clearinghouse for major foundations as Soros, Gates, Rockefeller, Ford, Hewlett and others to finance relatively obscure NGOs.
- Founded in 1976 by Drummond Pike, who used to be an employee of this foundation network, and, more importantly, Jane Bagley Lehman, a heir to the Reynolds tobacco and Lehman Brothers banking fortune.
- Came to the forefront in 2011 for its involvement in financing Occupy Wall Street.
- (accessed: December 10, 2015): "Drummond Pike founded Tides Foundation in 1976; the Tides Center in 1996, the Advocacy Fund in 1994, in 1999; Tides Inc. in 2003, Tides Shared Spaces in 2004; and the Tides Network in 2006. He served as Chief Executive of all until November 2010. Drummond continues to work with and advise a small number of principals on philanthropic and financial matters. ... His service on non-profit boards includes: Island Press, Environmental Working Group, Tides Canada Foundation, Democracy Alliance, JK Irwin Foundation..."
- September 30, 2012, Frontpage Magazine (ultraconservative), ''Panicked' Soros Bankrolls Obama Campaign: Did left-wing 'Mother Jones' spike a story revealing the radical mega-funder's true state of mind?': "The new donations were announced by Soros spokesman Michael Vachon at a luncheon Thursday hosted by the Democracy Alliance, an invitation-only club for radical plutocrats. (Former President Bill Clinton and former House Speaker nancy Pelosi were also in attendance.) Members of the ultra-secretive Democracy Alliance have committed to swamping Democrats and president Obama's re-election campaign in an ocean of cash this year. .... The Soros-linked Tides Foundation, founded by Democracy Alliance member Drummond Pike, has kicked in $126,417 since 2003."
- November 3, 2011, Frontpage Magazine (ultraconservative), 'Occupy Wall Street and Soros; Fingerprints Who is funding the neo-communist uprising?': "According to philanthropy databases, the Open Society Institute has given $24.6 million to the Tides network of philanthropies since 1999. Of that total, $18.2 million went to the Tides Foundation and the remaining $6.4 million went to the Tides Center which, like the Alliance for Global Justice, serves as a fiscal sponsor for small or new activist groups."
- Back in 1976 Tides Foundation founder Drummond associate director of the Youth Project, financed by the Center for Community Change, in turn financed by the Ford Foundation, and later by more than a dozen other key liberal foundations:
- (accessed: december 16, 2015): "Director; DRUMMOND PIKE ... Pike founded and served until 2010 as chief executive officer of Tides Network... Prior to founding Tides in 1976, Drummond served as executive director of the Shalan Foundation, an organization dedicated to economic change and environmental sustainability. He co-founded and served as associate director for the Youth Project in Washington, D.C."
- 2010, David Callahan, 'Fortunes of Change: The Rise of the Liberal Rich and the Remaking of America' (digital): "Tides was founded in 1976 by Drummond Pike, the son of a California investment banker who had fallen in with a group of activist heirs... [Pike was] as associate director of the Youth Project in Washington. The Youth Projecthad spun out of the Center for Community Change and was set up to channel money from young wealthy donors to progressive groups fighting for social change [just like Tides]."
- November/December issue of Poverty & Race journal of the Poverty & Race Research Action Council, 'Diector's Report- The Center for Community Change': "Union leaders, community activists, the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial and a special grant from the Ford Foundation established the Center for Community Change in 1967."
- 2012, Richard Magat, 'The Ford Foundation at Work' (digital): "Thus, the [Ford] Foundation supports the Center for Community Change ($9.2 million, 1969)..."
- (accessed: October 25, 2004): "Institutional Funders. The Center for Community Change is supported by a diverse group of foundations and individuals. Below is a partial list of major institutions that have been critical in supporting and strengthening our efforts. Arca Foundation... Carnegie Corporation of New York... Ford Foundation... HKH [Hochschild] Foundation... Knight Foundation... Mott Foundation... Open Society Institute [Soros]... Packard Foundation... Rockefeller Foundation... Tides Foundation..."
- ISGP's Cult of National Security Trolls: "More important than Drummond Pike in the Tides Foundation was Jane Bagley Lehman, a heir to the R.J. Reynolds tobacco fortune who used her money to set up Tides. Lehman served as chairman of Tides from 1976 to 1988. By the 1990s her daughter Susan Lehman Carmichael, served on the board of Tides Center. [140] Jane was married to Orin Lehman, an associate of the Lehman Brothers banking firm and member of the CFR and Century Association who was primarily focused on philanthropy. In the philanthropy business Orin first teamed up with Eleanor Roosevelt in 1947 [141] and from 1975 to 1993, as New York State Parks commissioner, he appears to have had a close working relationship with the Rockefeller family, especially Laurance Rockefeller [142], a name that should be very familiar by now to readers of this paper."
- January 1998, Foundation Watch, 'The Tides Foundation and Center: Unusual Philanthrophies Funnel Money to Activist Groups', p. 3: "When Tides was started in 1976, [Drummond] Pike was still executive director of the Shalan Foundation, a San Francisco-based philanthropy to liberal grassroots organizations. ... Pike founded Tides in 1976 with Jane Bagley Lehman, a granddaughter of R.J. Reynolds who served as the [Tides] Foundation's chairman until her death in 1988. Today Lehman's daughter, Susan Lehman Carmichael, serves on the board of the Tides Center. In 1992 the New York Times noted that Carmichael was a manager for a low-income housing developer in San Jose, California. Wade Rathke, chairman of the Tides Center and a member of the Foundation board... The Foundation's treasurer is Michael Kieschnick, a former economic advisor to California governor Jerry Brown. Kieschnick is a co-founder and president of Pike's Working Assets. He also is president and CEO of Muir Investment Trust and Muir California Tax Free Bond Fund, both offering "socially responsible" investments. Mary Mountcastle, treasurer for the Tides Center, also serves as the president of the North Carolina-based Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, which in 1995 had $308 million in assets."
- (accessed: September 3, 2015): "In partnership with institutions like The California Endowment, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, [George Soros'] Open Society Institute, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, [Bill & Melinda] Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, and many others, we have granted hundreds of millions of dollars."
- Grant lists reveal a number of major financial exhanges between Tides and Rockefeller Philantrophy Advisors, the Rockefeller Family Foundation, Hewlett Foundation and the Ford Foundation.
- 2004 annual grants list of Tides: "Rockefeller Family Fund: $325,000
- 2006 annual grants list of Tides: "Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: $150,000.00".
- 2007 annual grants list of Tides: "Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: $200,000".
- 2008 annual grants list of Tides: "Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: $200,000".
- 2009 annual grants list of Tides: "Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: $ 400,000".
- 2010 annual grants list of Tides: "Rockefeller Family Fund: 60,000... Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: 40,000...".
- 2011 annual grants list of Tides: "Rockefeller Family Fund 60000 ... Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 10000...".
- 2014 annual grants list of Tides: "Rockefeller Family Fund $50,000... Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors $25,000...".
- TOTAL ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATIONS 2004-2014: $1,520,000.
- 2005, annual grants list of Tides: "Ford Foundation ... $500,000."
- 2009, annual grants list of Tides: "Hewlett Foundation ... $230,959."
- 2010, annual grants list of Tides: "Chatham House ... 5,900."
- As ISGP's Cult of National Security Trolls makes clear, some of the Tides funds have found their way to Rockefeller-allied new age scam artists of million dollar radio show Coast to Coast AM, most notably Daniel Sheehan and John Perkins, but also a few others.
- (accessed: December 10, 2015): "In 1976, Tides was founded by Drummond Pike, one of the original social entrepreneurs; and over the years the organization has evolved from a great idea to one of the top 100 social sector organizations in the United States. Tides Foundation was started out of a need to facilitate the giving of philanthropists who were concerned with building a better future for individuals and communities all over the world. ... To date, Tides has managed project and grantmaking activities totaling more than $2 billion."
- (accessed: November 25, 2015): "Immediately after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Tides formed a "9/11 Fund" to advocate a "peaceful national response." Tides later replaced the 9/11 Fund with the "Democratic Justice Fund," which was financed in large measure by the Open Society Institute of George Soros, who has donated more than $7 million to Tides over the years. Reciprocally, the Tides Foundation is a major funder of the Shadow Party, a George Soros-conceived nationwide network of several dozen unions, non-profit activist groups, and think tanks whose agendas are ideologically to the left, and which are engaged in campaigning for the Democrats. ... Recent recipients of Tides Foundation grants include: the ACORN Institute; the AdBusters Media Foundation; ... the Pacifica Foundation..."
- September 22, 2008, Newsmax, 'Obama, Voter Fraud & Mortgage Meltdown': ""I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and appreciate your work." -- Barack Obama, Speech to ACORN, November 2007. ... Rathke had been active in Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), known for its violence, and in the domestic terrorist group, the Weathermen, which bombed government offices. William Ayers and his wife Benadine Dohrn, Chicago friends of Obama, also were members of the SDS and the Weathermen. Obama chaired the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, funded by a grant obtained by Ayers. For six years, Obama and Ayers worked closely on ... Cloward and Piven were joined over the years by nouveau billionaires led by George Soros. Through his Democracy Alliance, they funded ACORN and Soros groups such as America Votes and Center for Community Change. ... Incidentally, the Tides Foundation, essentially a money-laundering outfit for the radical left, almost certainly pays Gertz's salary. Its head, Drummond Pike, a leftover Communist-loving peacenik from the 1960s, is treasurer of the Democracy Alliance, a group of socialist billionaires... Soros and Media Matters founder David Brock are close friends who have collaborated on many projects. Pike paid off ACORN out of his own pocket to make a million-dollar embezzlement scandal go away. Pike's close friend is Wade Rathke - a some time Tides board member - who covered up his brother Dale's embezzlement at ACORN for eight years."
- Set up by Ted Turner, the billionaire owner of CNN, one of the most new age and devoted environmentalists. His wife from 1991-2001, Jane Fonda, has always been deeply involved in the foundation. By the 2000s Fonda had become a very close associate of former CIA-employed activist Gloria Steinem in feminist groups financed by George Soros, the Ford Foundation and similar foundations.
- June 8, 2000, Victoria Advocate, 'Honored for a cause': "A university decided to honor Ted Turner and Jane Fonda jointly... [The] Turner Foundation provides funds for research on ecology and population issues. Fonda is the vice president of the foundation."
- The Turner Foundation had an endowment of $350 million 2001, with Turner pumping an additional $1 billion in his United Nations Foundation.
- Ted Turner created the Captain Planet cartoon of the early 1990s and controls the related Captain Planet Foundation.
- Ted Turner and his foundation have been involved in or financed the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the World Resources Institute, the Ruckus Society, the State of the World Forum, the Institute for Policy Studies, the Center for Media and Democracy, and other groups.
- In 1998 Ted Turner founded the United Nations Foundation with a $1 billion gift and help from the new age Maurice Strong (also of the 1001 Club, Institute for Noetic Sciences, State of the World Forum) and Emma Rothschild, a half-sister of Lord Jacob Rothschild:
- (accessed: May 29, 2000): "R.E. [Ted] Turner [chair] ... Emma Rothschild ... Maurice Strong ... Muhammad Yunus..."
- (accessed: September 5, 2015): "R.E. [Ted] Turner (U.S.A.) ... Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah (Jordan) ... Kofi Annan (Ghana) ... Igor Ivanov (Russia) ... Emma Rothschild (U.K.) ... Muhammad Yunus (Bangladesh) ..."
- Most likely Ted Turner secretly financed the Georgia Guidestones, located 90 miles east of Atlanta, Georgia, where the headquarters of CNN is located and Ted Turner maintained/maintains his main residence, apart from his numerous enormous ranches.
- Ted Turner's daughter Laura could be found at the Environmental Working Group with Tides Foundation founder Drummond Pike:
- (accessed: december 16, 2015): "Director; DRUMMOND PIKE ...
LAURA TURNER SEYDEL ... Laura is the chairperson of the Captain Planet Foundation [founded by her father, Ted Turner]. ... Laura serves on the board of her family's foundations: the Turner Foundation, Jane Smith Turner Foundation... [She's on] the board of directors of the Rotary Club of Downtown Atlanta." ALICIA WITTINK is the former director of the Environmental Working Group who also serves/served as a trustee of the Park Foundation (conservation financier) and Mother Jones.
- (accessed: december 16, 2015): "Director; DRUMMOND PIKE ...
- Foundation of the family behind Walmart, the richest in the world with a combined forture of roughly $170 billion anno 2019. Endowment of roughly $2.63 billion in 2015 (not counted in this oversight).
- Not known to be particularly keen on charity/policy influencing:
- February 28, 2016,, '3rd Generation of Walton Family Makes Sharp Turn in Giving': "The Waltons also take enormous heat for giving relatively little in relation to their wealth. Last year, for example, they held more than 1.4 billion shares of Walmart stock in Walton Enterprises, a company formed to manage the family fortune. Annual dividend payments on those shares would total more than $2.77 billion in 2015, an amount greater than the foundation's assets of $2.63 billion."
- Considered neither "liberal CIA" or "conservative CIA" by ISGP. Occasionally donates to conservative groups, but mainly to (very safe, non-political) domestic environmental and education issues:
- (accessed: February 26, 2019): "[Conservative:] 2012: ... American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: $182,103 [and] $40,000. ... Barry Goldwater Institute for Public Policy Research: $100,000. ... George W. Bush Foundation: $159,000. ... Hoover Institution Stanford University $151,334 [and] $10,000. ... [conservative:] Philanthropy Roundtable: $115,000...
["Liberal CIA":] National Public Radio: $1,400,000 ... Nature Conservancy Inc. [tons] ... World Resources Institute $75,000. ... World Wildlife Fund $247,500 [and] $273,549 [and] $420,394 ... New Venture Fund: $2,166,199 [and] $470,000. ... Oxfam America Inc.: $50,000 [and] $225,000... [etc.]"
- (accessed: February 26, 2019): "[Conservative:] 2012: ... American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: $182,103 [and] $40,000. ... Barry Goldwater Institute for Public Policy Research: $100,000. ... George W. Bush Foundation: $159,000. ... Hoover Institution Stanford University $151,334 [and] $10,000. ... [conservative:] Philanthropy Roundtable: $115,000...
- The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is the "charitable" arm of Facebook, the top social media website founded in 2004 by Caligula look-alike and soon-to-be multi-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg.
- Zuckerberg, previously a student at the super-elite boarding school Phillips Exeter Academy (where several Rockefellers and friends went), founded Facebook at Harvard, with a test version of Facebook being ran at a number of Eastern Establishment universities and colleges. His first investor was Peter Thiel, a soon-to-be Bilderberg steering committee member whose Palantir firm already was backed by the CIA and DOD elite. To compare, Google was founded at Stanford, with the two founders soon putting the much older and connected Eric Schmidt in charge. Like Thiel, Schmidt soon became a Bilderberg steering committee member. Schmidt, Thiel, Zuckerberg and the Google founders are all regulars at the Sun Valley Meetings.
- The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is structured as an LLC, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative can make political donations, lobby lawmakers and invest in businesses for profit. The sum it can spent, falls together with the company's profits.
- Zuckerberg doesn't show up much in the "liberal CIA" network, but most definitely is a major Third World immigration propagandist through his immigration reform group and related public speeches. Starting in 2017, he also involved Facebook in the big foundation-backed anti-"fake news" "fact checking" network of the Poynter Institute.
- May 31, 2016, Washington Post, 'Tech billionaires like Democrats more than Republicans. Here's why.' (Reuters video of a Zuckerburg speech): "A I travel around the world, I'm starting to see people and nations turning inward against this idea of a connected world and a global community. I hear fearful voices for building walls and distancing people they label as others. For blocking free expression, for reducing immigration, for slowing trade, and in some cases around the world even for cutting access to the internet. It takes courage to take hope over fear, to say that we can build something and make it better than it has ever been before."
- February 25, 2016, The Blaze, 'Facebook Employees Defy CEO's Warning, Replace 'Black Lives Matter' With 'All Lives Matter' — Read Mark Zuckerberg's Leaked Response': "Some Facebook employees have been crossing out the phrase "Black Lives Matter" on the walls in order to replace it with the phrase "All Lives Matter" at the company's Menlo Park, California, office. ... Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote that he considers the behavior "malicious." ...
Zuckerberg wrote. "Despite my clear communication at Q&A last week that this was unacceptable, and messages from several other leaders from across the company, this has happened again." ... Two percent of Facebook's employees are African-American." - December 9, 2015, Time magazine, 'Mark Zuckerberg Offers Support to Muslims in Facebook Post'.
- For its anti-"fake news" "fact-checking" network, Facebook, similar to basically all other "fact-checking" groups out there, became part of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) of the big foundation-funded Poynter Institute.
- March 23, 2017, Bart Cammaerts (associate professor LSE who used to advise Elio Di Rupo, the Belgian prime minister accused of child abuse) for The Independent, 'Facebook's fake news fact-checking alert will be the saviour of the mainstream media; Social media's battle against fake news will challenge the vile attempts by populists to position the mainstream media as dishonest and journalists as part and parcel of the elite': "Yesterday Facebook started to roll out a fake news alert which will flag news stories that are disputed by fact-checkers. These fact-checkers need to be official signatories of the code of principles of the [Poynter Institute's] International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN)."
- Facebook was targeted by the STope hate for Profit campaign in mid 2020, backed by countless major corporations:
- June 29, 2020, Russia Today, 'What is the real goal of the 'Stop Hate for Profit' campaign against Facebook?': "Zuckerberg has stubbornly refused to fact-check political advertising on his platform, even as Facebook subjects all non-politicians' speech to microscopic examination by ideological crusaders loaded down with their own baggage and conflicts of interest...
Stop Hate for Profit's website [against Facebook] is operated by the Anti-Defamation League... Listed co-sponsors of the campaign include activist organizations Color of Change, the National Hispanic Media Coalition, and ... Free Press... All three of the aforementioned groups have at least one common financial backer: billionaire currency speculator George Soros' Open Society Foundations. Soros has made no secret of the fact that he wants Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg out of the top position, penning a series of increasingly unhinged op-eds earlier this year accusing the social media tycoon of colluding with US President Donald Trump to get the latter re-elected. ...
This isn't the first time these same forces have united to demand Facebook preemptively shut down speech they don't like under the guise of fighting "hate." In 2018, the Southern Poverty Law Center... The SPLC's partners in this endeavor? Color of Change, Free Press, and the National Hispanic Media Coalition. ...
Ironically, some of the participants don't appear to actually be pulling their ads from Facebook at all, as Gizmodo discovered last week. Companies eager to be seen as taking a stand against Facebook have pulled their most obvious ads, but apparently left in place advertising deals through the Facebook Audience Network, which displays ads targeted based on Facebook activity across third-party apps, or continue to advertise with Facebook subsidiary Instagram." - July 2, 2020, CNN, 'Facebook boycott: View the list of companies pulling ads': "Ford ... Honda ... HP ... Microsoft ... Pfizer ... Sony ... Starbucks ... Unilever ... Levi Strauss ... Verizon ... The North Face ... Puma ... Adidas ... Lego ... Ben & Jerry ... Coca-Cola ... Dunkin' ... Hershey's..."
- June 29, 2020, Russia Today, 'What is the real goal of the 'Stop Hate for Profit' campaign against Facebook?': "Zuckerberg has stubbornly refused to fact-check political advertising on his platform, even as Facebook subjects all non-politicians' speech to microscopic examination by ideological crusaders loaded down with their own baggage and conflicts of interest...
Defunct media- Picture Magazine, better known as PM, was founded by Ralph Ingersoll and existed from June 1940 to June 1948. The paper averaged about 165,000 readers over its lifetime, about 60,000 to little to break-even.
- PM was a (hardline) leftist, strongly-pro-WWII-intervention magazine, published in New York City. PM did not allow corporate advertizing and even attacked certain big business interests of profiting from business with the Nazis, making it look more than a little anti-establishment.
- First edition, top caption: 'Nazi Troops Marching into Paris'. In the text: "We are against people [the Nazis] who push other people around in this country or abroad."
- January/February 2012, Columbia Journalism Review, 'When the 99% Had a Paper; The brief, wondrous life of PM': "With Field's money and Ingersoll's ideas, PM made quite a splash. Reporters like I.F. Stone wrote hard-hitting exposés, revealing, among other things, how US companies shipped oil to Hitler's Germany through Franco's Spain. The paper also reported that the Red Cross segregated blood donations by race, and it took on big business, isolationist Charles Lindbergh, and the Catholic Church. ... Ernest Hemingway [also contributed]...
The other conclusion was that because Hitler was so dangerous, any tactic in opposing him was acceptable. Indeed, years before Joe McCarthy's Red Scare, PM's writers led a disturbingly similar witchhunt for supporters of Hitler, using many of the same deplorable tactics: the big accusation based on little evidence; guilt by association; the equation of dissent with treason; disregard for civil liberties; demands that suspects rat out friends and acquaintences. ...
Eventually, after losing at least $4 million on PM, Field insisted on a new approach. ...
Because there were no ads, PM had to be priced higher than the other dozen or so dailies in the city. Still, it had attracted more than 150,000 charter subscribers, and vendors at newsstands across the city were waiting. Months of pre-launch hype in other publications ensured that PM would not be overlooked; as the trucks rolled out, customers swarmed them, forcing the drivers to stop and sell copies out the back. People were offering quarters for a paper priced at a nickel. By day's end, the entire press run—some 450,000 copies—was gone.
The only problem was that the charter subscribers, the ones who were going to sustain the paper until it was profitable, never got copies of that first edition. The PM circulation manager lost the postcards with their names and addresses. This was typical of the way things went at PM. During the eight years it was published, it was a hell of a newspaper but a disaster as a business."
- Instead of relying on advertizers, PM relied on a number of founding investors. These turn out to be very elitist, with the magazine's creation falling in line with the Anglo-American establishment's reversal on support for Hitler, this after peace deals could not be made (due to FDR and British public opinion) and Hitler was forced to secure Western Europe first before invading communist Russia and Eastern Europe, his main objective (his "Drang nach Osten").
- September 1, 1985, Columbia Journalism Review, 'Books: The impossible dream: Ralph Ingersoll': "On the strenght of these ideas he rounded up $1.5 million from the likes of Sears, Roebuck heiress Marion Stern, Wall Street investment banker John Loeb ... Marshall Field 3rd [and his Field Foundation, later not entirely unconnected to the CIA; CFR 1926-; financier of Saul Alinsky 1940-], ambassador Chester Bowles [b. 1901; founder of Benton & Bowles advertising agency with future senator William Benton in 1929; CFR 1954-], chewing-gum manufacturer Philip Wrigley, and Standard Oil heir [Pilgrims Society vice president and Cold War CIA asset] John Hay Whitney [Pilgrims Society since at least 1933-; CFR 1945-]. Not exactly a collection of bomb-throwers."
- December 18, 1940, Congressional Record, p. 6926, 'The State of the Union -- The Strange Case Of PM (By Eugene Lyons)': "A newspaper backed by money drawn from Sears Roebuck, A & P, Chrysler Motors, Standard Oil, Wrigley Chewing Gum, Westinghouse Electric, Marshall Field, etc.--loaded with Stalin's past and present buddies--and in its initial weeks of publishing following substantially the current "party line". Such is the strange case of PM. ...
The ballyboo around the birth of PM has not canceled out the mystery of its conception and gestation. ... And article in The Nation, friendly to PM, alludes to the mystery but shies away in a hurry. "It's no deep secret," it states "that a number of Communists and fellow travelers have been given places on the staff." It's "more than an average number" and "can't be explained away as a coincidence."" - May 20, 2008, New York Times, 'Huntington Hartford, A. & P. Heir, Dies at 97' (Huntington Hartford II: 1911-2008): "In 1940, Mr. Hartford tried being a reporter for the New York newspaper PM, after putting up $100,000 to help get the paper started. If nothing else, the experience produced one of the all-time great excuses for missing deadline: he once sailed his yacht to cover an assignment on Long Island, and upon returning to the city could find no place to tie up and come ashore with the story. ...
Mr. Hartford, a grandson of a principal founder of the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, was treated like a prince as a boy, indulged by his mother and a staff of servants and eventually provided with a living of about $1.5 million a year. Not content merely to be rich, he longed to be a writer and, more than that, an arbiter of culture and a master builder..." - December 18, 1940, Congressional Record, p. 6926, 'Who is James Wechsler and Wat Is PM? Remarks of Hon. E. E. Cox of Georgia': "Mr. COX: Mr. Speaker, the newspaper PM published in New York, has seemingly engaged the services of one Mr. James Wechsler to flyspeck Members of Congress. ... Mr. Weschler is a contributor to the Young Communist Review. He is the author of the Workers Library Publishers, the official publishing house of the Communist Party in America. He has been a contributor to Champion, official publication of the Young Communist League, and at one time was a member of its editorial board. ... In March of present year he signed [a] letter protesting [a] ban on Communists in American Civil Liberties Union. ... He has spoken to the Communist American Student Union. ... In 1936 he was a member of the Communist Party campaign committee..."
Wechsler was national editor of PM 1942-1946. Already around 1939 he took a trip to the Societ Union and became a virulent opponent of Stalin. Wechsler was put in charge of both the news and editorial pages of the New York Post in 1949, from where he became a virulent critic of McCarthyism and anything conservative, including Eisenhower's vice president, Richard Nixon. December 10, 1957, Eleanor Roosevelt diary: "Actually I feel that I owe this honor to the New York Post and specifically to Mrs. Dorothy Schiff and Mr. James Wechsler, who suggested that I take this trip." - Field only owned 13%, but when other investors started to panic when circulation dwindled in late 1940, Field bought out all other investors. He sunk in millions.
- The Yale-educated Ingersoll, as Henry Luce's golden boy, was elite himself:
- September 1, 1985, Columbia Journalism Review, 'Books: The impossible dream: Ralph Ingersoll': "Ingersoll served as managing editor of The New Yorker ... leaving it in 1930 to become managing editor of Fortune, a pioneering job he did so well that Henry Robinson Luce promoted him to general manager for all of Time Inc. From that executive perch Ingersoll helped create ... the picture magazine Life. ...
No wonder that in 1937 Luce took his wunderkind out to lunch at the Ritz Carlton Hotel and offered him a million dollars in Time Inc. stock if Ingersoll would sign on to do his thing for another five years. Ingersoll, at the ripe age of thirty-six, turned down the officer, although he agreed to stay on for a while at $45,000 a year (a handsome sum at that time; Luce was paying himself $50,000).
The reason Ingersoll declined a long-term commitment was that he was possessed by the dream of starting his own daily newspaper -- one that would break with stuffy traditions... [his upcoming] newspaper PM." - Both Ingersoll and Marshall Field III were psycho-analyzed in the mid 1930s by Dr. Gregory Zilboorg, who also analyzed Edward M.M. Warburg and James P. Warburg. Zilboorg would be among the contributors to PM.
- September 1, 1985, Columbia Journalism Review, 'Books: The impossible dream: Ralph Ingersoll': "Ingersoll served as managing editor of The New Yorker ... leaving it in 1930 to become managing editor of Fortune, a pioneering job he did so well that Henry Robinson Luce promoted him to general manager for all of Time Inc. From that executive perch Ingersoll helped create ... the picture magazine Life. ...
- Ingersoll later claimed his newspaper perished, because Marshall Field III wasn't paying attention to it anymore. This is quite questionable, because Field's Chicago Sun was specifically founded six months after PM in coordination with FDR to counter Robert McCormick's Chicago Tribune, which was virulently anti-FDR and pro-isolationist. Already starting in 1940, Field became the seed financier of Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation, arguably a ploy to keep the impoverished masses out of the hands of the communists and the fascists. In other words, PM served a purpose to the elites. In addition, Field started focusing on the Sun in late 1941, while PM kept losing money for another 7 years, despite receiving plenty of additional funds from Field (over $4 million).
- June 21, 1966, memo from Yale-educated PM founder Ralph Ingersoll: "Before the end of the War it was actually operating in the black.... In my opinion at the time and these 20 years later−PM's death is most soundly attributable to a sustained and well-organized plot originating amongst Field's friends and associates in the business world who were alienated by Field's loyalty to PM and to me. The hostility was there from the beginning; the plot came together under the auspices of a man named Harry Cushing who was a retainer of Field's. The principal and successful offensive of this group was that it had as its objective Field's distraction from PM by persuading him to start the Sun in Chicago. Once they committed Field to the Sun venture, the end was inevitable. I can diagram it for you but merely put it on record here."
- A U.S.-backed German magazine founded by Melvin J. Lasky in 1948. The magazine was airlifted into Berlin during the 1948 Soviet blockade. Its purpose was to support U.S. foreign policy and win over German intellectuals views that were socially progressive but anti-communist. Der Monat continued as a prominent highbrow Germanophone journal, incorporating essays and articles from many Western European and North America intellectuals as well as dissidents from the Eastern Bloc.
- Melvin J. Lasky: German correspondent for CIA-backed magazines the New Leader and the Partisan Review. Founder of the CIA/Ford Foundation-backed Der Monat in 1948. Editor of the CIA-backed Encounter magazine 1958-1991. His sister Joyce Lasky Reed served as director of European affairs at the American Enterprise Institute.
- 1999, Frances Stonor Saunders, 'Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War', p. 140: "Perspectives never lived up to these expectations. Irving Kristol referred to it as 'that miserable Ford Foundation journal' (4). In the wake of its failure, the Ford Foundation was easily persuaded to take over sponsorship of Lasky's Der Monat. Set up under Lucius Clay's backing in October 1948, and financed through the 'Confidential Fund' of the American High Commission, Der Monat's official auspices strained its claims to be independent. Lasky longed to replace this subsidy and, with the help of Shepard Stone, a foundation executive who had worked under Clay in Germany, he finally secured a grant from the Ford Foundation, declaring in the October 1954 issue, 'From now on we are absolutely and completely free and independent.'"
- U.S. magazine published in Europe from 1952 to 1956 with financing from the Ford Foundation.
- 1999, Frances Stonor Saunders, 'Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War', pp. 139-140: "One of the Ford Foundation's first post-war ventures into international cultural diplomacy was the launch in 1952 of the Intercultural Publications programme under James Laughlin, the publisher of the New Directions series (which published George Orwell and Henry Miller), and a revered custodian of the interests of the avant-garde. With an initial grant of $500,000, Laughlin launched the magazine Perspectives, which was targeted at the non-Communist Left in France, England, Italy, and Germany (and published in all those languages). Its aim, he emphasized, was not 'so much to defeat the leftist intellectuals in dialectical combat as to lure them away from their positions by aesthetic and rational persuasion'. Further, it would 'promote peace by increasing respect for America's non-materialistic achievements among intellectuals abroad' (2).
Its board packed with cultural Cold Warriors, the Intercultural Publications programme also targeted those American intellectuals who felt their work was 'undermined by the prevailing stereotype of America as a mass-cult hell'. Malcolm Cowley was an early supporter of Perspectives, which offered a version of America far removed from 'movies, hardboiled detective stories, comic books, and magazines in which there is more advertising than text'. One academic, Perry Miller, argued that 'no propaganda on the American way should be included; that omission will, in itself, become the most important element of propaganda, in the best sense' (3).
Perspectives never lived up to these expectations. Irving Kristol referred to it as 'that miserable Ford Foundation journal' (4)."
- New left magazine of the 1960s that campaigned against the Vietnam War and was skeptical of the JFK assassination. even damaged the CIA with its expose that the Agency was using the National Student Association to recruit agents. Curiously, key editors of Ramparts switched from being left-wing progressives to key ultra-right neoconservatives. Today David Horowitz is among a tiny few ultraright editors paying attention to the Tides Foundation (but certainly not enough).
- New left editors of Ramparts who, strangely, turned ultra-right neocon in the 1980s:
- Peter Collier: Ramparts editor 1969-1972. Turned to the ultra-right after this, together with long-time collaborator and fellow Ramparts editor David Horowitz, with whom he founded the "conservative CIA"-funded David Horowitz Freedom Center in 1988. 1990s and beyond: Co-organizer of the Second Thoughts conferences with Horowitz which were about former Leftists who turned to the Right. Editor of the World Affairs Journal, together with Christopher Hitchens and raging neocons Joshua Muravchik and Robert Kagan.
- David Horowitz: Son of two Jewish-American Communist Party members. Educated at Columbia University and UCLA Berkeley. Editor of Ramparts 1969-1975, succeeding Hickle. Turned to the ultra-right after this. Together with Collier, Horowitz wrote the books The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty, The Kennedys: An American Drama, and The Fords: An American Epic.
Together with Collier, in 1988 the founder of the "conservative CIA"-funded (Olin, Scaife, Bradley, etc.) David Horowitz Freedom Center and the online magazine Frontpage Magazine, which today does the most hard-hitting exposes of Soros and allied New Left liberals available anywhere. Editors, columnists and contributors to Front Page Magazine include raging neocons as Ann Coulter, Charles Krauthammer, Michael Reagan, Daniel Pipes and Robert Spencer, as well as Alan Dershowitz, the Jeffrey Epstein lawyer (and Rothschild friend) also accused of child abuse.
Collaborator of Christopher Hitchens since the 1990s. Promoted a boycott of European goods for the opposition of Germany, France and Belgium to the Iraq War. Horowitz more recent books include The Anti-Chomsky Reader (2004; with Collier), Liberal Racism and How the Left Undermined America's Security. Runs Students for Academic Freedom, which attempts to make college campuses more conservative.
- Sol Stern: Studied at City College of New York, the University of Iowa, and UCLA Berkeley. His first article for Ramparts was in 1967 and entitled, A Short Account of International Student Politics and the Cold War With Particular Reference to the NSA, CIA, etc. It made the (correct) accusation that the CIA had supported the National Student Association. Anti-Vietnam War protester. Today can be found at the conservative/neoconservative Manhattan Institute. (accessed: November 15, 2015): "Sol Stern is a contributing editor of City Journal and a Manhattan Institute senior fellow. During 1966–72, he was an editor and staff writer for Ramparts magazine. Stern spent the next 12 years as a freelance writer and editor. From 1985 to 1994, he was director of issues, press secretary, and senior policy advisor in the Office of the City Council President of New York. In 1994, Stern was appointed executive director of a New York State commission on juvenile-justice reform. Stern's writings on education helped shape New York City's education reform movement. He is the author of Breaking Free: Public School Lessons and the Imperative of School Choice (2003). His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times Magazine, Commentary, The New Republic, New York Daily News, Newsday, Village Voice, New York, Sports Illustrated, and New Statesman. Stern holds a B.A. from the City College of New York and an M.A. in political science from the University of Iowa."
- Peter Collier: Ramparts editor 1969-1972. Turned to the ultra-right after this, together with long-time collaborator and fellow Ramparts editor David Horowitz, with whom he founded the "conservative CIA"-funded David Horowitz Freedom Center in 1988. 1990s and beyond: Co-organizer of the Second Thoughts conferences with Horowitz which were about former Leftists who turned to the Right. Editor of the World Affairs Journal, together with Christopher Hitchens and raging neocons Joshua Muravchik and Robert Kagan.
- Jann Wenner, the later founder of Rolling Stone magazine, was part a Ramparts contributor. So was Noam Chomsky.
- Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, p. 380 (Feb. 2006 edition): "[My close friend CIA director Bill] Colby told the truth again in December 1987, when he and I, and Henry Kissinger, and a couple of dozen prominent Americans, French, British, North Vietnamese, and former South Vietnamese leaders and journalists (Adm. James Stockdale [Gulf on Tonkin incident pilot]; Col. Harry Summers, Jr.; George Will; Al Santoli; Jean-Louis Arnaud; Ernesto Betancourt; Jacques Chaban-Delmas; Peter Collier; Sir James Goldsmith; Douglas Pike; Lam Ngoc Diep; Robert Komer; Olivier Todd; Nguyen Ngoc Quy; David Horowitz; Elliott Abrams; Tran Van Tong, to name a few) made our way to Paris, for three days, to sit around the very same table at which the Paris Peace Talks had been conducted 15 years earlier. There we all conducted our own International Conference on the Vietnam War. Though not heavily reported in the U.S., in the rest of the world the Conference was heralded as the first real truth session on what happened in Vietnam, on both sides, and why we ended up where we did."
- More research needed, as the ties between IPS, CNSS, CO-5 and CounterSpy are still somewhat obscure.
- Organizing Committee for the Fifth Estate (CO-5): founded in 1973 by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and part of its Center for National Security Studies (CNSS). IPS has always been massively financed by foundations as Ford, Soros, Rockefeller, Tides, etc. CO-5 published Philip Agee's controversial anti-CIA, anti-death squad magazine CounterSpy, published from 1973 to 1984. In 1975 issue Agee first began publishing names of CIA officers around the world. In 1978 Agee also founded CovertAction Information Bulletin, which was published until 2005. In 1992 the magazine was renamed CovertAction Quarterly.
- Center for National Security Studies, founded in 1974:
- Robert Borosage (founding director 1974-1975, advisory board after that; later Soros agent) | Morton Halperin (director 1975-1992; advisory board, including chair, since then; later Soros agent) | Peter Weiss (advisory board 1970s-1980s while IPS trustee). Board anno Nov. 2015: Kate Martin (director of ligitation 1988-1992; director 1992-) | Nancy Soderberg (vice chair; former National Security Council staffer; vice president Soros' ICG) | Vivian Schiller (chief digital officer NBC; president NPR; senior vice president NY Times and Discovery Channel) | Gen. William Smith (deputy commander NATO; president IDA).
- 1979, John Marks, 'The Search for the Manchurian Candidate', Author's Note: "This book has grown out of the 16,000 pages of documents that the CIA released to me under the Freedom of Information Act. ... From the documentary base, I was able to expand my knowledge through interviews and readings in the behavioral sciences. Nevertheless, the final result is not the whole story of the CIA's attack on the mind. Only a few insiders could have written that, and they choose to remain silent. I have done the best I can to make the book as accurate as possible, but I have been hampered by the refusal of most of the principal characters to be interviewed and by the CIA's destruction in 1973 of many of the key documents. ... The Center for National Security Studies [part of the elite-funded Institute for Policy Studies], under my good friend [future George Soros agent] Robert Borosage, provided physical support and research aid, and I would like to express my appreciation. My thanks also to [future George Soros agent] Morton Halperin who continued the support when he became director of the Center. ... I must acknowledge that the system worked almost not at all during the first six months of my three-year Freedom of Information struggle. Then in late 1975, Joseph Petrillo and Timothy Sullivan, two skilled and energetic lawyers with the firm of Fried, Frank, Shriver, Harris and Kampelman, entered the case. I had the distinct impression that the government attorneys took me much more seriously when my requests for documents started arriving on stationery with all those prominent partners at the top. An author should not need lawyers to write a book, but I would have had great difficulty without mine. ... My sister, Dr. Patricia Greenfield, did excellent work on the CIA's interface with academia and on the Personality Assessment System. ... There has been a whole galaxy of people who have provided specialized help, and I would like to thank them all: ... Humphrey Osmond ... Bill Richards ... Dr. John Cavanagh [founding fellow of the Transnational Institute (TNI), the Amsterdam branch of the Institute for Policy Studies, in 1973; executive director of IPS since 1998; director and president of the elite-funded International Forum on Globalization], and Senator James Abourezk and his staff."
- September 25, 2013, The Nation, 'Happy 50th Anniversary, IPS!': "Alongside its development of critical thinking, IPS [Institute for Policy Studies]... helped provide initial support for Mother Jones magazine. Susan George became a leader of the global movement against the global trade regime. Roger Wilkins sparked the Free South Africa Movement. Robert Borosage [of IPS] founded the Center for National Security Studies and the Campaign for America's Future."
- (accessed: December 12, 2015): "Kate Martin joined the Center in 1988 as Director of its Ligitation Project. She has served as Director of the Center since 1992, following the departure of Morton H. Halperin. Ms. Martin has taught National Security as a Professional Lecturer at George Washington University Law School and Strategic Intelligence and Public Policy at Georgetown University Law School. She also served as general counsel to the National Security Archive, a research library located at George Washington University from 1995 to 2001. ... She is a member of the Liberty and Security Initiative of the Constitution Project."
- (accessed: December 12, 2015): "The Center for National Security Studies is a project of the [elite-backed] National Security Archive Fund, Inc."
- In 1978 Agee co-founded CovertAction Information Bulletin, which was published until 2005. In 1992 the magazine was renamed CovertAction Quarterly. The magazine was later published by the Institute for Media Analysis, founded in 1986.
- January 10, 2008, NY Times, Philip Agee, 72, Is Dead; Exposed Other C.I.A. Officers: "His 1975 book, "Inside the Company: CIA Diary," infuriated American officials by identifying about 250 officers, front companies and foreign agents working for the United States. His example inspired several more books and magazines, including Covert Action Information Bulletin, written by close associates and sometimes with Mr. Agee's help, which published the names and often the addresses of hundreds more agency officers working under cover around the world. The exposés of Mr. Agee and others led Congress to pass the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, which made it a crime to intentionally reveal the identity of a covert intelligence officer. An investigation of the possible violation of that law in 2003 after Valerie Wilson was named as a C.I.A. officer led to the perjury conviction last year of I. Lewis Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff. "Phil Agee was really the first person to do whistle-blowing on the C.I.A. on the grand scale," said William H. Schaap, a New York lawyer and old friend who worked with him on anti-C.I.A. projects. "He blew the whistle on hundreds and hundreds of undercover operations." What Mr. Agee and his political allies saw as a moral imperative, his former colleagues at the intelligence agency saw as reckless and venal betrayal. He was accused of working with the Soviet K.G.B. and Cuban intelligence against the agency, though as a fellow traveler rather than as a formal agent. "You can package it any way you want — the simple reality is he defected to the enemy during the cold war," said Frank R. Anderson, 65, who worked as a clandestine officer for the C.I.A. abroad from 1968 to 1995. "He did everything he could to endanger his colleagues and fellow American citizens." Mr. Agee's efforts and those of his associates, Mr. Anderson said, placed in danger not only Americans doing covert work but also all the foreign citizens who had associated with them, whether as spies or in daily life. Even when it did not result in physical threats, the exposure of spies disguised as diplomats or businesspeople forced the agency to withdraw them and caused costly disruptions of intelligence efforts, Mr. Anderson said. At a ceremony in 1997 to mark the 50th anniversary of the C.I.A., George Bush, the former president and C.I.A. director, invoked Mr. Agee as a symbol of treachery. "Remember Philip Agee, who I consider a traitor to our country?" Mr. Bush asked. Mr. Agee was sometimes accused — wrongly, according to him and his friends — of bearing some responsibility for the death of Richard Welch, the agency's Athens station chief, who was assassinated in 1975 by the Greek terrorist group November 17. Barbara Bush, the former first lady, included such an accusation in her autobiography. Mr. Agee sued, and Mrs. Bush omitted the reference to him from later printings. "He really, truly did not want to see anyone hurt," said Mr. Wolf, the friend and co-author who carried on Mr. Agee's work of exposing agents. "He wanted to neutralize what they were doing — the whole gamut, from fixing elections and hiring local journalists to plant stories all the way up to creating foreign intelligence services that became agencies of oppression." Philip Burnett Franklin Agee was born July 19, 1935, into a prosperous family in Tacoma Park, Fla., and had "a privileged upbringing in a big white house bordering an exclusive golf club," as he later described in his 1987 memoir "On the Run." An altar boy, he attended a Jesuit high school and graduated from Notre Dame in 1956, joining the C.I.A. the next year after briefly attending law school. After three years of military training at the direction of the agency, Mr. Agee worked under cover for eight years in Ecuador, Uruguay and Mexico. His change of heart was influenced by Angela Camargo Seixas, a Brazilian leftist, who Mr. Agee wrote, had been arrested and tortured by Brazilian security forces; she later became Mr. Agee's lover. "When I joined the C.I.A. I believed in the need for its existence," he wrote in "CIA Diary." "After 12 years with the agency I finally understood how much suffering it was causing, that millions of people all over the world had been killed or had their lives destroyed by the C.I.A. and the institutions it supports." The book chronicles his growing disillusionment. An entry for Dec. 12, 1965, describes a meeting with top police officials in Montevideo, Uruguay, during which he heard moans from an adjacent room."
- (accessed: December 4, 2004): " The Web Site of the Institute for Media Analysis, Inc. ... Who Are We. It is part of the American myth that our major media are objective and unbiased, a mainstay of democracy. We believe, however, that the overwhelmingly dominant corporate media have become merely the voice of an increasingly unilateral and controlled empire, devoted to the indoctrination of the public in the interests of corporate, industrial, military, and ruling powers. There has been, throughout the post-World War II years, little analysis of this phenomenon, little criticism of the myth of the impartial media. The Institute for Media Analysis, Inc., was established in 1986 with the primary purpose of providing to the public educational materials relating to the workings of government and of the media, and in particular the relations between the two. IMA is a tax-exempt non-profit organization; its directors are Ellen Ray, William H. Schaap, Edward S. Herman, and William Preston, Jr. Over the years, IMA has published and produced books (including Jim Garrison's On the Trail of the Assassins, which became Oliver Stone's film, JFK), monographs, and a monthly magazine (Lies Of Our Times); sponsored national and international conferences, including a major conference on Anti-communism in American Life at Harvard University; provided speakers for university and other events and debates; made presentations to the United Nations and international conferences; and acted as fiscal sponsor for non-profit projects with similar purposes, including the Pacifica Campaign, Democracy Now!, the Center for Non-Profit Technology, and others. Pursuant to an agreement with CovertAction magazine, of which Ray and Schaap were among the original founders, IMA has the exclusive electronic rights to all issues published from the magazine's inception in 1978 through its millennial issue of 2000. In the future, all of this critical material, focusing on the machinations of U.S. intelligence operations, will be available on this web site's archives, as well all of the issues of Lies Of Our Times (1990-1994), devoted to critical analysis of the New York Times and other corporate media. "
- Funding for the Institute for Media Analysis:
- "The Stern Fund: The Story of a Progressive Family Foundation ... 1992 ... Editor: Institute for Media Analysis, Inc (31 de diciembre de 1992)"
- 2001-2002 annual report, Tides Foundation, p. 21: "Institute for Media Analysis: $50,750."
- "Institute for Media Analysis: ... 2009, $100,000."
- ARCA Foundation, 'Supplementary Schedule of Grant Expenses. Year Ended December 31, 2009': "Name of Grantee: ... - Institute for Media Analysis."
- October 2013, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 'Money-in-Politics Grantmaking Impact Assessment', p. 30: "Institute for Media Analysis, Inc.: $15,000. 2010-2011. To publicize the role of the National Chamber of Commerce in elections and election finance (GRITtv)."
- Guerrilla News Network, Inc. existed from 2000 to 2009. It got considerable online traction in both "alt right" and "new left" conspiracy circles with short documentary clips as The Diamond Life (2000) about the crisis in Sierra Leone and The Most Dangerous Game (2001) on the CIA's MKULTRA project. GNN reached its peak in visitorship in 2004-2005, but eventually disappeared, in part, it appears, because its establishment ties were extremely visible.
- (accessed: July 7, 2005): "Guerrilla News Network is an independent news organization with headquarters in New York City and production facilities in Berkeley, California. ... GNN was co-founded by Stephen Marshall and Josh Shore in the summer of 2000. ...
GNN is a for-profit company owned by four partners:
- Ian Inaba: Ian is a writer, producer and director. ... Ian has served as the CEO of Switch Technologies a technology and media development group in Berkeley, Ca. He was also previously a software executive for Check Point Software Technologies (NASD: CHKP) and an investment banker for Robertson, Stephens and Company. He is a graduate of the School of Engineering and Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. - Anthony Lappe: ... a writer and television producer who has written for more than twenty magazines and newspapers and has produced television news programming that has aired around the world. He has written for Black Book (where he was National Affairs Editor), Details, Gear, New York, Paper, The New York Times, and Salon, among many others. He currently writes a monthly column for Deng, a new Belgian news and entertainment magazine. In television, he worked as a correspondent for The New York Times Video News International (now NYT-TV), the world pioneer in small-format video-journalism. In 1996, he received two grants from the U.S. government to help train reporters from the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation in the West Bank. Later, he was a breaking news producer for Worldwide Television News (WTN), a documentary producer for MTV News and Specials and Fuse. He is a graduate of NYU and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He is a frequent guest on Air America Radio and numerous other radio stations around the country. His GNN blog, The Bunker, can be found here.
- Stephen Marshall: A writer and award-winning director, Stephen is the internationally-known creator of Channel Zero, the world's first global VHS newsmagazine. Distributed in Tower, Virgin and HMV record stores around the world, Channel Zero became an underground hit and one of the first successes of the small-format video revolution. The Village Voice wrote, "Leave it to a Canadian to revolutionize television." The Toronto Star called Channel Zero, "A mind blowing trip, one neither CNN nor 60 Minutes would ever take." In 1997, Marshall produced the provocative series The Electronic Eye: Canada as a Surveillance Society for the CBC's The National and consulted CNN Chairman Tom Johnson on the creation of a youth-based global news network.
Since co-founding Guerrilla News Network in the summer of 2000, Stephen has directed over 15 short documentaries, many of which have been selected for film festivals around the world. In 2002, his Crack the CIA won its category at the Sundance Film Festival. Later that year, he was tapped by Interscope Records to direct animated videos for rappers Eminem and 50 Cent. His controversial music video, Closer, directed for UK's Soulsavers was selected for RESFest 2004.
In 2004, he wrapped production on two feature films: BattleGround: 21 Days on the Empire's Edge, a doc feature he shot, directed and edited about the American occupation of Iraq, and This Revolution, a political thriller starring Rosario Dawson, set at the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York. BattleGround won the Silver Hugo for Best Doc at the 2004 Chicago International Film Festival and This Revolution went on to premiere at Sundance 05. His first book, True Lies, co-authored with GNN's Anthony Lappe was published by Penguin/Plume in October 2004.
Over the span of his career, Stephen has traveled and worked in over sixty countries. - Josh Shore: ... a film/television producer, media/brand strategist, and developer of transformative enterprises. Prior to starting GNN, he created and produced assorted original television shows for USA Network, Showtime, MTV and MuchMusicUSA (now Fuse), in addition to producing and directing material for E! and Comedy Central. For Guerrilla News Network, he has split his time between producing and directing GNN media, working with different grant-makers to support the creation of original GNN productions, and developing various television initiatives that seek to bring the culture of GNN to a wider audience. Aside from his work in television and Web media, Josh has served as a strategist to various individuals, corporations and non-profit organizations, helping them to tailor their offerings, build out their brands, and develop new (r)evolutionary business opportunities. Headquartered in New York City, Josh is a graduate of the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. His GNN blog can be found here. - (accessed: July 7, 2005): "GNN was co-founded by Stephen Marshall and Josh Shore in the summer of 2000. The partners first joined forces at MTV (Josh had brought Stephen in to consult on some radical television ideas for the station) [MTV is closely tied to the Soros-Buffett-Bill Gates-backed ONE Campaign and the similarly linked Clinton Global Initiative, as well as the Sun Valley Meetings] when they finally realized that the mainstream networks would never allow their hi-impact brand of television content and design to reach prime-time. GNN's inaugural project was a NewsVideo called The Diamond Life. Completed in the fall of 2000, the video features the music of Peter Gabriel and was produced in conjunction with his non-profit organization, [the Ford Foundation-financed] WITNESS.
Shortly after, GNN rounded out the core partnership with reporter Anthony Lappe; and investment banker-turned-producer Ian Inaba. Since 2000, GNN has grown from its critical mass audience from approximately an initial 300 unique visitors/day to an average of 25,000 and a high of over 300,000. Their first DVD compilation, Ammo For The Info-Warrior (play trailer: broadband, mediumband) features NewsVideos that have received hundreds of thousands of views on the net and been shown in film festivals and on television networks around the world. Among them is the Sundance-award winning short, Crack The CIA and the 2003 Media That Matters Film Festival Media Activism Award winner, Copwatch. In 2003, they produced AfterMath, a 30-min. documentary investigating the unanswered questions surrounding 9/11. Since its release, AfterMath has played in festivals and at public venues across the United States and Europe and has been translated into four languages.
GNN has also collaborated with and produced politicized music videos for artists such as Ad Rock (Beastie Boys), dead prez, Chronic Future, Eminem and 50 Cent.
GNN's music video for Eminem's politically-charged song, Mosh, hit number one on MTV's TRL the day it was released in October 2004. New York magazine called it "one of the most important pieces of mainstream dissent since the 60s."
GNN's first book, True Lies (Plume) hits the shelves in October 2004. ...
GNN's first feature film, This Revolution, starring Rosario Dawson [Hollywood actor whose V-Day feminist group is backed by foundations as Rockefeller, Ford, NoVo (Buffett), etc.] premiered at the 2005 [Ford, Soros, MacArthur foundation, etc.-backed] Sundance International Film Festival. To watch the trailer and for more info go here." - Guerrilla News Network was not just indirectly, but also directly financed by the Ford Foundation, with Ian Inaba being a trusted asset of George Soros, the Buffett family and the Ford Foundation:
- 2006 annual report, Ford Foundation, p. 114: "Guerrilla News Network, (Berkeley, CA): For post-production costs of "American Blackout," a documentary film chronicling the recurring patterns of voter disenfranchisement in the United States from 2000-2004. $62,650."
- "4 May 2011: The documentary filmmaker and Guerrilla News Network journalist talks about his shift to short form video and its impact."
- "Citizen Engagement Laboratory (CEL): CEL was founded in 2008 by Ian Inaba and Daniel Souweine, left-wing political activists ... Partners: ... Ford Foundation. The Kapor Center... Funding: ... - Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation: $4,500,029 since 2013. - Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program: $875,000 since 2013. - Open Society Foundations (formerly Open Society Institute): $1,320,000 since 2012."
- The Small Planet Institute is linked to GNN as well:
- (accessed: May 7, 2018): "Founders: ... Frances Moore Lappe is the author or co-author of 19 books about world hunger, living democracy, and the environment, beginning with the three-million copy Diet for a Small Planet in 1971. ...
Anna Lappe, Co-founder and Partner, is a national bestselling author, a respected advocate for sustainability and justice along the food chain...
Staff: ... Anthony Lappe, media adviser for Small Planet... Began his career in journalism as a freelance contributor to The New York Times and a producer for MTV News. ... executive editor of the Guerrilla News Network..." - (accessed: May 7, 2018): "We are administered by RSF Social Finance, which takes a small fee for each grant and we pay a small honorarium for the Fund's coordination."
- (accessed: May 7, 2018): "Founders: ... Frances Moore Lappe is the author or co-author of 19 books about world hunger, living democracy, and the environment, beginning with the three-million copy Diet for a Small Planet in 1971. ...
- Disinformation of GNN:
- Didn't accept conspiracies as the WTC demolition.
- GNN's The Most Dangerous Game (2001) on the CIA's MKULTRA project was well-produced, but, strangely, included Mark Phillips, the alleged "deprogrammer" of bogus CIA mind control victim Cathy O'Brien. Looking up the full transcripts of the conducted interviews for this minidocumentary it turns out that GNN was asking questions to alleged experts on "Project Monarch", a seemingly invented CIA mind control program on children involving torture and rape to induce DID / Multiple Personality Disorder. GNN was posing the questions in a way as if Project Monarch was total fact - which it most certainly is not. In other words, GNN was engaging in disinformation here. While The Most Dangerous Game was presented as only being "part 1", there never was a follow up. Phillips' general words on mind control might well be true though:
- Mark Phillips in GNN's The Most Dangerous Game (2001): "Mind sciences, or the study of human behavior in relation to the mind is the newest of all the arts ... and it is by far the one that is most cloaked in secrecy. ... Wars are not won on the battlefield. They’re won in the minds of the people. ... Mind control was a psychological warfare weapon that Adolf Hitler regarded as the answer for taking over the entire planet. ... I have often made a statement, and I still make it flippantly, the Nazis didn't lose the war; they just had to move."
- Founded in 1999 by John Moyers, a son of Bill Moyers of the Schumann Center. Its "op-ads" ran almost weekly on the op-ed page of the New York Times and a number of other publications. John Moyers left in 2003. Received millions from the Schumann Center.
- Anno 2016 is no longer active and has become absorbed by the Institute for America's Future, founded by CNSS founder and later Soros agent Robert Borosage. The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel is also involved in the institute.
- January 1, 2015, Washington Post, 'Bill Moyers signs off — for the final time, he swears': "As the longtime president of the New Jersey-based Schumann Center for Media and Democracy (2012 assets: $28.1 million), Moyers has helped direct millions of dollars in charitable grants to left-leaning journals and public broadcasting outlets over the years. Among the 2012 recipients of Schumann's largesse: "Democracy Now," the public-radio program ($750,000); Mother Jones magazine ($200,000); Boston public station WGBH ($25,000); and New York public broadcaster WNET ($140,000). In earlier years, Schuman has supported such liberal outlets as the Nation magazine, the Washington Monthly, In These Times,, and The American Prospect. Moyers's dual roles — as both TV host and philanthropist — have sometimes overlapped and even presented possible conflicts of interest. For example, Schumann helped finance, which was founded by Moyers's son John, who was also a former member of Schumann's board."
Magazines and radio- (accessed: December 20, 2015): "In 1980, when the parent company announced that Harper's Magazine would cease publication, John R. (Rick) MacArthur and his father, Roderick, urged the boards of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Atlantic Richfield Company [of 1001 Club member, major ecological funder, and close David Rockefeller friend Robert O. Anderson] to make a grant of assets and funds to form the Harper's Magazine Foundation."
- 2007, Bob Feldman, draft of an article that would later appear in the peer-reviewed journal Critical Sociology, 'Left Media & Left Think Tanks: Foundation-Managed Protest?' (PDF): "Between 1993 and 1996, Harper's Magazine (whose publisher, Rick MacArthur, is also an official of the J. Roderick MacArthur Foundation) has been subsidized by either John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation or J. Roderick MacArthur Foundation grants since the early 1980s. Since the publication of Schulman's 1995 Extra! article, the extent to which liberal foundations have been funding left media and think tanks has increased. In 1998, for instance, the Ford Foundation gave Progressive magazine a $200,000 grant. That same year, the Rockefeller Foundation also gave a $50,000 grant to Progressive magazine. In 2000, the Ford Foundation gave two more grants, totaling $250,000, to Progressive magazine; and, in 2002, an additional $120,000 in grant money was also given to Progressive magazine by the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation."
- A politically progressive/democratic socialist monthly magazine of news and opinion published by the Institute for Public Affairs in Chicago, Illinois. It was established as a broadsheet-format fortnightly newspaper in 1976 by James Weinstein, a lifelong socialist, with the aid of intellectuals including Julian Bond, Noam Chomsky and Herbert Marcuse.
- In These Times' current editor and publisher is Joel Bleifuss, whose articles have been featured on Project Censored's list of suppressed news stories more than those of any other American journalist.
- As of 2011, the magazine only has a circulation of 18,000.
- Notable contributors: Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn, Barbara Ehrenreich, Norman Finkelstein, Glenn Greenwald, Paul Wellstone.
- (media grants; accessed: January 14, 2016): "2015: ... - Institute for Public Affairs. Chicago, IL. General operating support for In These Times magazine. $15,000."
- January 1, 2015, Washington Post, 'Bill Moyers signs off — for the final time, he swears': "As the longtime president of the New Jersey-based Schumann Center for Media and Democracy (2012 assets: $28.1 million), Moyers has helped direct millions of dollars in charitable grants to left-leaning journals and public broadcasting outlets over the years. Among the 2012 recipients of Schumann's largesse: ...In These Times..."
- Important left-wing political magazine.
- September 25, 2013, The Nation, 'Happy 50th Anniversary, IPS!': "Alongside its development of critical thinking, IPS [Institute for Policy Studies]... helped provide initial support for Mother Jones magazine." IPS has been backed by foundations as Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie and Soros from its very beginnings.
- Adam Hochschild was a co-founder of Mother Jones magazine. His father Harold K. Hochschild was chair / then honorary chair of the elite and at one point CIA-backed African-America Institute (AAI: often called Africa-America Institute, but annual reports state otherwise), which was dominated by individuals from the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations. In fact, these foundations, along with USAID, took over funding from the CIA. All details provided in the Foundation for National Progress section, which founded and controls Mother Jones magazine, and also supports the Freedom of the Press Foundation which aids NSA whisleblower Edward Snowden and Wikileaks founder Julian Assagne.
- (February 13, 2006): "Programs Supported by the Foundation for National Progress: ... The flagship project of the FNP, Mother Jones magazine, launched in February 1976..."
- December 7, 2015, Mother Jones, 'There's One Piece of Democracy That Fat Cats Can't Buy': "It takes about $13 million to run Mother Jones at our current size. About 15 percent of that comes from advertising, while 15 percent comes from foundations (a few big ones like the MacArthur Foundation in Chicago, and a number of smaller family-based ones). Nearly 70 percent is from readers like you."
- January 9, 2015, Capital Research Center (financed by Koch, Scaife and Bradley foundations), 'Trendsetters of the Left': "As of last year, editors Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery each pulled in more than $167,000 annually. Many workers at the magazine belong to a union. The magazine itself is owned by the nonprofit Foundation for National Progress. The foundation receives funding from the usual leftist philanthropies. Among them are Lannan Foundation ($1,820,000 since 2004); Surdna Foundation ($825,000 since 2005); Schumann Center for Media and Democracy ($435,000 since 2003); Arca Foundation ($372,500 since 2004); and two George Soros philanthropies, Foundation to Promote Open Society ($360,000 since 2010) and Open Society Institute ($225,000 since 2008)."
- Very prominent new left, non-profit media outlet.
- Associated with the likes of Bill Moyers, a CFR member and former trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation (1969-1980) and Soros' Open Society Foundations (1990s-2000s), who also helps finance NPR through his Schumann Center.
- October 18, 2010, Politico, 'Open Society gives $1.8 million to NPR': "NPR is launching a new statehouse reporting initiative next year, kicked off by a $1.8 million grant from the Open Society Foundations."
- Ford Foundation grants to National Public Radio (Excel sheet downloadable from website listing all grants since 2006): "
- 117489. National Public Radio. ... 2011. $750,000.
- 119827. National Public Radio. ... 2013. $750,000.
- 103688. National Public Radio. ... 2006. $3,000,000.
- 109780. National Public Radio. ... 2008. $1,200,000.
- 108748. National Public Radio ... 2007 $150,000."
Total amount 2006-2015 to NPR: $5,850,000. - The Packard Foundation has been educating the public on environmentalism through NPR:
- 1997 grants list, Packard Foundation: "National Public Radio: ... $200,000 ... World Media Foundation: ... For two years for the Changing Oceans project entitled Living on Earth to be broadcast on National Public Radio. $200,000..."
- 2000 grants list, Packard Foundation: "World Media Foundation: $200,000 for the environmental radio program Living on Earth [on NPR]..."
- 1999 annual report, NPR: "Contributors to the NPR Endowment Fund for Exellence and Fund for New Initiatives: $2 million+: The Ford Foundation. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. $1 million - $1,999,999: ... Doris Duke Charitable Foundation .... Knight Foundation. ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. ... $250,000 - $499,999: ... Flora Family Foundation..."
- 2008 annual report, NPR: "FY08 Institutional & Corporate Foundations & Public Sector Grants: $500,000–$1 million: ... Annenberg Foundation ... Hewlett Foundation ... $250,000–$499,999: Carnegie Corporation ... Skoll Foundation. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. ... $100,000–$249,000: The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation. The Ford Foundation. The Joyce Foundation. ... Marisla Fund. ... Park Foundation ... John Templeton Foundation... $50,000–$99,999: ... Ploughshares Foundation ... under $24,999: ... Mary W. Harriman Foundation ... Oak Foundation..."
- (accessed: January 7, 2018): "Production Assistant, NPR Worldwide , NPR: May 2006 - Apr 2008..."
- Maintains a relative small radio network since the late 1940s, including radio shows for The Nation, Democracy Now! (which it founded) and Project Censored. Has always been supported by major foundations that have guaranteed its survival.
- (accessed: November 21, 2015): "Timeline through 1997. Pacifica History: From KPFK, Los Angeles. Overview: The Pacifica Foundation (now known as Pacifica Foundation Radio) was born in the late 1940's out of the (now nearly forgotten) peace movement surrounding World War Two. Lewis Hill, a conscientious objector and Washington, D.C. newsman, was fired from his mainstream reporting job when he refused to misrepresent the facts. ... Pacifica was born and in 1949 KPFA went on the air from Berkeley, California. KPFK, in Los Angeles, was the second of what would eventually become five Pacifica Stations to go on the air. It was 1959 and Terry Drinkwater was the first General Manager. Blessed with an enormous transmitter in a prime location, KPFK is the most powerful of the Pacifica stations and indeed is the most powerful public radio station in the Western United States. ...
1946: [The J.P. Morgan-affiliated] Lewis Hill moves from Washington DC to the San Francisco Bay Area and begins work toward creating an alternative radio station.
1949: Pacifica first goes on the air April 15 as KPFA-FM in Berkeley CA.
1950: Opponents to the Korean war are among the many minority viewpoints given freedom of speech on Pacifica during the McCarthy era.
1951: Pacifica receives the first major foundation grant (Ford Foundation) for the support of a non-commercial broadcast operation. ...
1953: Philosopher/author Alan Watts [later of the Esalen Institute] begins a regular program on KPFA that continues until his death in 1973.
1954: An on-the-air discussion of the effects of marijuana [also see the later elite-backed marijuana lobby] results in the California Attorney General impounding the program tape.
1955: Poets Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti bring the Beat Generation to the airwaves. A few years later the FCC questions Pacifica's broadcast of some of their works as "vulgar, obscene and in bad taste." ...
1957: Pacifica/KPFA wins its first George Foster Peabody Award for "distinguished service and meritorious public service" for programming that takes strong issue with McCarthyism.
1958: Nuclear war and the arms race are debated on the air by Nobel Prize winner [and Rockefeller-financed] Linus Pauling [of the Esalen Institute who opposed nuclear testing and weapons development] and [pro-nuke American Security Council/Center for Security Policy-affiliated] Edward Teller, the "Father of the H-Bomb."
1959: Pacifica begins its second station--KPFK-FM in Los Angeles--with Terry Drinkwater as General Manager.
1960-1963: The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) and the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS) investigate Pacifica programming for "subversion." Suspected writers include Bertolt Brecht, [Pilgrims Society member and the CIA's Cord Meyer friend] Norman Cousins [and others]...
1960: Commercial station WBAI in New York is given to Pacifica by philanthropist Louis Schweitzer [later chair and CEO of Renault and a Trilateral Commission visitor (certainly in 2001); a son of a managing director of the IMF]. Then-Governor Nelson Rockefeller, Mayor Robert Wagner, Jr. and Attorney General Louis Lefkowitz are among the speakers honoring the first day of Pacifica Radio in New York. ...
1991: Pacificia leads a coalition with PEN, Allen Ginsberg and broad- casters opposing Senator Jesse Helms' (R-NC) and the FCC's 24-hour ban against "indecency" on radio. ...
1993: Amy Goodman, WBAI News Director [WBAI is part of Pacifica] and co-anchor of WBAI's Morning Show, wins the following awards for the program "Massacre: The Story of East timor"...
February, 1996: Pacifica launches Democracy Now!: a daily grassroots election program focusing on the state of democracy in the U.S. and around the world. Hosted by Amy Goodman ... this program garnered unprecedented listener and foundation support and stimulated dialogue and action for social change." - Psychedelic guru Timothy Leary occasionally appeared on Pacifica, along with his friends Alan Watts and Allen Ginsberg. "Leary, Timothy, 1920-1996 This may not be a complete list of all recordings associated with this subject. Search the entire catalog here."
- 1992, John Whiting in The Dolphin, No.23, 'The Leghtening Shadow: Lewis Hill and the Origins of Listener-Sponsored Broadcasting in America': "So by the middle of 1951 KPFA was back on the air with an expanded schedule and a more powerful transmitter. Shortly thereafter, at the beginning of 1952, it moved to larger premises at 2207 Shattuck Avenue (where it was to remain until 1991), absolutely necessary to accommodate the growing army of staff and volunteers. The immediate future was secured a few months later by a Ford Foundation grant administered through the Fund for Adult Education, for $150,000 spread over three years. Lewis Hill's final report to the Fund was not intended to be merely a justification of the investment, but more importantly, a handbook for other potential community stations. Both Hill's and the Foundation's interests went far beyond the survival of a single FM station: they wished to explore the feasibility of a whole network of stations, TV as well as radio... Financial pressures were constant, and Hill was forced to plead regularly with individuals and foundations to make up the difference between expenses and subscriptions."
- Pacifica founder Lewis Hill history: (accessed: November 29, 2015): "I had known Lew Hill slightly in the early fifties, and later knew many people who had worked closely with him for several years; but when I attempted to assemble a short biography I came up against a blank wall. Several informants could outline in precise detail his opinions about pacifism, free speech and the public media, but none could tell me when or where he was born, who his parents were, where he had gone to school or college, what radio experience he had had, or what conscientious objectors' work camp he had been held in. Further questioning elicited a consensus that he "didn't talk much about his background, but mostly about ideas" (HRI) There was further agreement that: "...he was essentially a lonely person, because it was difficult for him to reach out to others. To simple people he was an unknown quantity and this made him feel lonely and he could never overcome it." (HRI, SRI) Morris Horowitz, a fellow conscientious objector, tells an illuminating story involving Bayard Rustin, one of the leaders of the pacifist movement during World War II and later of civil rights: I met Bayard in Washington once and he asked me, "Hey, do you happen to know Lew Hill?" and I said I did. He said, "They say that you can't understand what he's talking about." [laughter] I said, "That's not true at all. He's a very intelligent, very interesting talker, but he speaks in a formal, complicated way and you have to pay attention." He was an intellectual and he couldn't attain the common touch even if he tried. (HRI) After a long search, it was from Joy Hill, Lewis's widow, that I was finally able to learn the basic biographical details that few of his colleagues seem to have been aware of. They are best told in her own words: "He was born in Kansas City, Kansas, on May 1st, 1919. His father was an attorney; his grandfather had been a Missouri doctor. His father told the story of having been in law school at the University of Missouri at Columbia. After the first semester, which he "aced", he went to the dean when spring came and said, "I don't think I can stand to keep my shoes on any longer. Can I do my studying at home and come back for the finals?" The dean said yes, and he went home.... "His father made a million dollars selling an oil company to J.P. Morgan (he was the lawyer on the deal). Lew's mother's family was the Phillips family of Phillips Petroleum (Frank Phillips was her older brother). Lew's father then bought a small foundering insurance company in Tulsa, where they moved, and built it up and later went into politics. He was in the state legislature and for a part of one term he was Speaker of the Oklahoma State Legislature. But he had made a campaign pledge to clear out a graft situation in the school textbook purchasing division. He lost the reform bill by one vote, so he resigned because he had made this promise.... "Lew was sent off to military school because he was too bright for the public school, and he hated it, just despised it. He completed his first two years of college there, at Wentworth Military Academy. He was also Missouri State doubles tennis champion. But he injured his back playing football, and I really think in the long run that's what killed him.... "He went to Stanford University and he was in what they called the "university program". There were four or five really brilliant people who were working directly for their doctorate, which was for him unfortunate: when the war came along he had completed his thesis, which was on printers' changes in Troilus and Cressida between the fourth and fifth folios, but he hadn't taken his orals, so he ended up with never having a degree, even though he had about six years of college."(HJI) While at Stanford, Hill was introduced to the teachings of the Quakers and became a pacifist. When he was drafted in 1941 he registered as a conscientious objector and quickly moved to the top of the organization representing all objectors throughout America. (PRV p.8) The exact chronology is hard to determine, but in 1942 and 1943 he spent about fifteen months at a compulsory work camp for conscientious objectors at Coleville, California, "moving rocks from one side of the road to the other," as he put it. Between then and 1944 he was Director of the National Committee for Conscientious Objectors, and in that capacity he travelled extensively among the CO camps on the west coast, meeting like-minded people he would later ask to help him in his great radio project. He also worked for the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington D.C., where he met his wife-to-be..."
- More Pacifica financing apart from early Ford Foundation grant:
- 2005, Bob Feldman, 'Alternative Media censorship: Sponsored by CIA's Ford Foundation?': " In the early 1950s--when the CIA was using the Ford Foundation to help fund a non-communist "parallel left" as a liberal Establishment alternative to an independent, anti-Establishment revolutionary left--the Pacifica Foundation was given a $150,000 grant in 1951 by the Ford Foundation's Fund for Education. ... Besides subsidizing the Pacifica Foundation in the early 1950s, the Ford Foundation also spent a lot of money subsidizing many other noncommercial radio or television stations in the United States. According to Ledbetter's Made Possible By..., between 1951 and 1976, the Ford Foundation "spent nearly $300 million on noncommercial radio and television." In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Pacifica relied primarily on listener-sponsor contributions to fund the operations of its radio stations. And in the early 1970s, Pacifica also began to accept funds from the U.S. Establishment's Corporation for Public Broadcasting [CPB], according to Rogue State author William Blum--who worked as a KPFA staffperson in the early 1970s. But in the early 1990s, some Pacifica administrators decided to again seek grants from the Ford Foundation and other Establishment foundations. ... By 1995, billionaire speculator George Soros' Open Society Institute had given the Pacifica Foundation a $40,000 grant. And in 1996, the Carnegie Corporation of New York gave Pacifica a $25,000 grant to launch its DEMOCRACY NOW show. ... In 1997 came a $13,000 grant from the J.M. Kaplan Fund to Pacifica to provide support for DEMOCRACY NOW. And in 1998 came a $25,000 grant to Pacifica from the Public Welfare Foundation "to report on hate crimes and related issues as part of its `DEMOCRACY NOW!" public-affairs radio program and an additional $10,000 grant to support DEMOCRACY NOW from the J.M. Kaplan Fund. That same year the Ford Foundation gave a $75,000 grant to Pacifica... In 1998 and 1999, two grants, totalling $22,500, were also given to Pacifica by the Boehm Foundation, to support its DEMOCRACY NOW show. In early 2002, an additional Ford Foundation grant of $75,000 was given to Deep Dish TV "for the television news series, DEMOCRACY NOW, to continue incorporating the aftermath of the September 11th attack into future broadcasts." Besides being presently subsidized by the Ford Foundation to air Pacifica's DEMOCRACY NOW show, Deep Dish TV, with an annual income of $158,000 in 2000, was also subsidized by the MacArthur Foundation in the 1990s. Between 1993 and 1998, $190,000 in grants were given to Deep Dish TV by the MacArthur Foundation. And one of the members of Deep Dish TV's board of directors in recent years has apparently been a WBAI staffperson named Mario Murillo. Another Ford Foundation grant of $200,000 was given in April 2002 to the Astraea Foundation, whose former board finance committee chairperson, Leslie Cagan, is presently the chairperson of Pacifica's national board. Three other grants have been given to the Astraea Foundation by the Ford Foundation since 2000: two grants, totalling $75,000, in 2000; and a $200,000 grant in 2001..."
- default/files/pdia_20040101.pdf, p. 7: "Grants Program 1994 - 1997: ... KPFA Radio/Pacifica Foundation Susan G. Stone, project coordinator Public broadcaster KPFA Radio will produce, market, and distribute nationwide a five-part multicultural radio series on death a nd bereavement. The series will address the varied cultural traditions in the United States of experiencing, mourning, and commemorating death. $40,000 | One Year."
- Tides Foundation grant lists of the 2000s and beyond show annual contributions to Pacifica Foundation Radio in the $3,000 to $5,000 range, but much larger ones to Pacifica's Democracy Now! show.
- (Park Foundation media grants; accessed: January 14, 2016): "
- 2012: ... Pacifica Foundation. Berkeley, CA. WBAI ...$12,000...
- 2011: ... Pacifica Foundation. Berkeley, CA. WBAI ...$12,000...
- 2010: ... Pacifica Foundation. Berkeley, CA. WBAI ...$6,000... $6,000..."
- PRI is a media content creator and also distributes programs from many sources, competing with National Public Radio, American Public Media and the Public Radio Exchange to provide programming to public radio stations. It also runs the news website
- (accessed: March 26, 2017): "Our funders include: The Annenberg Foundation. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Carnegie Corporation ... Ford Foundation ... Henry Luce Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation ... Ploughshares Fund ... Skoll Foundation."
- Rolling Stone magazine has about 7-15 times the circulation (1.5 million in 2014) of the more purely left-wing political magazines as The Nation, Harper's, Mother Jones and The New Republic and therefore doesn't seem to be needing any funds from major foundations to keep its head above water. However, Rolling Stone is very closely allied with the afore-mentioned magazines.
- Also, its founder in 1967, Jann Wenner, used to be a contributor to the left-wing Ramparts magazine, which campaigned against the Vietnam War and even damaged the CIA with its expose that the Agency was using the National Student Association to recruit agents. Curiously, key editors of Ramparts switched from being left-wing progressives to key ultra-right neoconservatives. Reportedly successful CIA blackmail operations were ran against Ramparts contributors (by an associate of Buckminster Fuller and David Rockefeller daughter Neva Rockefeller), but certainly there is something very peculiar about the history of this magazine. And Jann Wenner, along with a person as Noam Chomsky, was right in the middle of it.
- More on Jann Wenner:
- November 27, 2017, Rolling Stone, 'Wenner officially came out in 1995': "Born in 1946 during the opening hours of the baby boom (his first pediatrician was Dr. Benjamin Spock [later CIA-tied "Boston Five" protestor, prosecuted by the equally strange Ramsey Clark]) ... Studying at Berkeley [and] devoted to LSD, he became the campus newspaper's drugs and rock correspondent, plunging into the Merry Pranksters scene Tom Wolfe describes in "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test." [discussed in ISGP's Psychedelics and Elitism article] He adopted the experienced jazz writer Ralph J. Gleason as his mentor, and eventually co-founded Rolling Stone with him. ... Rolling Stone owes much to The Sunday Ramparts, the short-lived biweekly paper spun off from Warren Hinckle's Ramparts magazine. ... Wenner officially came out [as gay] in 1995..."
- Certainly by 1991 Jann Wenner was a director of the Robin Hood Foundation, which soon would grow into a nexus of Hollywood - Silicon Valley - Wall Street power with ties to anything from Goldman Sachs to Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, with major funding coming from George Soros.
- In early 2018 Wenner sold his stake to PMC Media of billionaire Roger Penske, a director of the very elite company General Electric and a major player in the NASCAR world; and Jay Penske, his son and chairman and CEO of PMC Media. The father not so much, but the son is very leftist oriented. Anti-Trump magazines Deadline and Variety are also owned by PMC, with Jann Wenner remaining on Rolling Stone's editorial director and his son Guss as president.
- July 2, 2018,, 'Welcome to the New Rolling Stone; We've given the magazine and the website a new look for a new era': ""Rolling Stone President Gus Wenner, son of Rolling Stone founder and Editorial Director Jann Wenner. ... Earlier this year, Penske Media Corp. made a strategic investment in Rolling Stone. ... Jay Penske, CEO of Penske Media."
- November 9, 2016,, 'Robert De Niro, Harvey Weinstein Throw Election Night Party': "Robert De Niro, Harvey Weinstein, and Jay Penske (owner of PMC, parent of WWD) were throwing an election night viewing party that drew... Paul McCartney, Naomi Campbell, Martha Hunt, Martha Stewart. Even Rihanna reportedly stopped by... Paul Haggis camped out at a table... There would be no celebration for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton."
- August 9, 2012,, ' Owner Jay Penske Allegedly Assaulted a Woman, Peed on Her Boots'.
- November 20, 2015,, 'Paley Center For Media Sets New Board Of Trustees': "The Paley Center for Media has revealed the newest additions to its Board of Trustees. Among them is Jay Penske..." This NGO has received grants from the Ford and Soros (Open Society) foundations.
- A relatively small-circulation liberal magazine founded in 1990 by Robert Kuttner, Paul Starr, and Robert Reich that has been built up with massive foundation investment:
- Robert Kuttner: Background at Pacifica Radio (general manager), Village Voice Washington editor), The New Republic (economics editor), Business Week (20-year columnist), NPR (commentator), PBS (commentator). Writes for the Boston Globe and the Huffington Post.
- Paul Starr: BA Columbia. Ph.D. from Harvard. Princeton professor of sociology and public affairs. Senior advisor for President Bill Clinton's 1993 proposed health care reform plan.
- Robert Reich: Harvard and UCLA professor. Served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Clinton's secretary of labor 1993-1997. Has been contributing editor of The New Republic, The American Prospect (also chairman and founding editor), Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Formerly on the board of advisors of Truthout.
- Financing of The American Prospect:
- June 17, 2002, Boston Business Journal, 'Just what are the prospects for The American Prospect?': " blogger -- "web logger," for the nontechies -- Mickey Kaus has been reporting that The American Prospect is in financial trouble, but founder and co-editor Robert Kuttner says the magazine is doing just fine, thank you. ...In his May 30 column, he referred to the magazine, whose operations are split between Boston and Washington, D.C., as "foundering." The American Prospect went from a bimonthly to a biweekly publication in November 1999 with the aid of a multimillion-dollar grant from the Florence & John Schumann Foundation of Montclair, N.J. The magazine, which Kuttner described as one for "sensible liberals" who want authoritative articles on major policy issues, also was redesigned as an attempt to broaden its appeal and boost its then-18,000 circulation to upwards of 80,000 in five years. The magazine's circulation stands at 50,000 now, according to Kuttner, who noted little advertising is received. In May 1999, the Schumann Foundation gave the magazine $5.5 million for two years and was expected to commit to a total of $11 million after an evaluation period. In May 2001, the magazine received another $2 million for a one-year period. "Each year, they review it," Kuttner said. "We got the money, $2 million, this year. We're coming up on our regular review, and we expect another $3 million for the remaining two years, and that will be the end of the grant. By then, we expect to be self-sufficient. "That doesn't mean we break even, it just means we have enough foundation support to continue," continued Kuttner, who noted The Nation and The New Republic, also left-leaning publications, also fail to break even. "Our understanding with them (the Schumann Foundation) is we wouldn't have asked for money from them after the five years.""
- January 9, 2015, Capital Research Center (financed by Koch, Scaife and Bradley foundations), 'Trendsetters of the Left': "The American Prospect magazine functions as a nonprofit organization. In addition to publishing a magazine, it routinely organizes progressive conferences. ... Institutional donors to The American Prospect Inc. include Schumann Center for Media and Democracy ($2,165,000 since 2001); New York Community Trust ($2,000,250 since 2003); Ford Foundation ($1,775,000 since 2002); Popplestone Foundation ($1,725,000 since 2003); Open Society Institute ($1,115,000 since 1999); John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation ($674,000 since 1999); Annie E. Casey Foundation ($539,000 since 2007); Rockefeller Foundation ($330,000 since 2000); Foundation to Promote Open Society ($300,000 since 2009); Carnegie Corp. of New York ($207,000 since 2007); Surdna Foundation ($200,000 since 2004); and W.K. Kellogg Foundation ($197,500 since 2012)."
- 2001, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "A grant of $2,000,000 for continued support of the bi-weekly magazine, The American Prospect... [total:] $2,139,000... Nation Institute... A grant of $15,000..."
- (Park Foundation media grants; accessed: January 14, 2016): "2013: ... The American Prospect Washington, DC The Shale Rebellion, A Multi-Media Presentation $15,000..."
- American Prospect editor Ezra Klein: Howard Dean presidential campaign staffer in 2003 and one of the earliest bloggers to report from presidential campaign conventions. Intern at the Washington Monthly in 2004. Associate editor of The American Prospect where he maintained his blog since 2007. Blogger on politics and economy for the Washington Post 2009-2014. Also a contributor to MSNBC and Bloomberg in this period. Founder and editor-in-chief of, a successful progressive "new left" website, since 2014.
- Progressive magazine founded in 1865. Also owns Tom
- (belongs to The Nation): "A regular antidote to the mainstream media." Against spying, drone strikes, war profits, mercenary firms, etc. Writers include Noam Chomsky and daughter Aviva Chomsky, Andrew Cockburn (wrote the book Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship, with Leslie Cockburn), Alexander Cockburn (1941-2012), Patrick Cockburn, Robert Dreyfuss.
- Board members, editors and contributors to The Nation:
- Past and present Nation editors who were/are CFR members: Richard Falk: CFR member 1967-; Katrina vanden Heuvel: CFR member 1993-. Nation contributor and Institute for Policy Studies founder Richard Barnet .
- Jan. 28, 1984, The Nation, 'Special Issue: Central America' (on the Contras), p. 66: "Editorials: 66. Contra Kissinger... Articles: ... 88. Terminal El Salvador: Death Squads, d' Aubuisson & "Democracy"... 92. Guatemala Under Siege: Chaos in the Scorched Earth. ...
Editor: Victor Navasky. ... Interns: ... On leave: Kai Bird. ... Correspondents: Washington D.C.: Christopher Hitchens. ... Contributing Editors: ... [future 9/11-no-planer] Gore Vidal. Editorial Board: ... [future 9/11-no-planer] Richard Falk, Marcus G. Raskin [founder Institute for Policy Studies]...
"The Kissinger commission's report provides a convenient point of departure. That document simply assumes that the revolutionary tide sweeping the nations south of our border is an unnatural, malign - and reversible - force. ...
593: Out of Zaire: Where Mobutu's Millions Go [by] Jonathan Kwitny." - masthead.mhtml (Dec. 10, 2000): "Publisher and Editorial Director: Victor Navasky. Editor: Katrina vanden Heuvel. ...
Columnists: ... Alexander Cockburn, Christopher Hitchens [lifelong bisexual Marxist-socialist who became a pro-Iraq War neocon after 9/11 and attacked his mentor Vidal for "9/11 conspiracy theories"]...
Contributing Editors: ... Kai Bird ... Robert L. Borosage [director Institute for Policy Studies 1979-] ... Michael Moore ... Gore Vidal...
Editorial Board: ... Richard Falk ... Marcus G. Raskin...
President: Teresa Stack..." - masthead.mhtml (Mar. 22, 2009): "Editor & Publisher: Katrina vanden Heuvel. President: Teresa Stack. ...
Columnists: ... Alexander Cockburn...
Contributing Editors: Kai Bird, Robert L. Borosage ... Robert Dreyfuss ... Michael Moore ... Gore Vidal...
Editorial Board: ... Barbara Ehrenreich, Richard Falk ... Victor Navasky ... Marcus G. Raskin..." - marcus-g-raskin-0/ (accessed: Feb. 19, 2022; Raskin died in Dec. 2017): "Marcus G. Raskin, a Nation editorial board member... He is a former member of President John F. Kennedy's National Security Council staff and the co-founder of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC."
- /katrina-vanden-heuvel/ (accessed: Feb. 19, 2022): "Katrina vanden Heuvel is editorial director and publisher of The Nation. She served as editor of the magazine from 1995 to 2019. She writes a weekly column for The Washington Post."
- The Nation Institute:
- (accessed: June 9, 2007): "Founded in 1966, The Nation Institute has a fundamental commitment to the values of free speech and open discourse. ... Board of Trustees: Hamilton Fish, President. Arthur Carter... Victor Navasky... Howard Shapiro... Katrina vanden Heuvel..."
- (accessed: November 27, 2015): "David R. Jones, Board Chair ... Victor Navasky ... Katrina vanden Heuvel..."
- Katrina vanden Heuvel is the daughter of former Pilgrims Society member, Pilgrims Foundation officer and the intelligence-connected William vanden Heuvel, who is also a Rockefeller friend.
- The Nation magazine is massively financed by foundations as Ford, Rockefeller, Soros and others through its Nation Institute.
- Ford Foundation grants to The Nation Institute (Excel sheet downloadable from website listing all grants 2006-2015): "
- 116170. Nation Institute ... 2011 $300,000.
- 117715. Nation Institute ... 2011 $318,500.
- 119825. Nation Institute ... 2013 $300,000.
- 123060. Nation Institute ... 2014 $50,000.
- 121010. Nation Institute ... 2014 $370,000."
Total: $1,338,500. - (accessed: Aug. 11, 2022; Rockefeller Brothers Fund): " ... $30,000 for 12 months. Awarded: Apr 5, 2018 For its Journalism Fellowship program. ... $20,000 for 12 months. Awarded: Dec 5, 2017."
- July 9, 2011, Bob Feldman article on Wrong Kind of Green, 'FLASHBACK: Democracy Now! Show Funder Censors Anti-War Journalist John Pilger': "According to the Lannan Foundation's Form 990 financial filing for 2008, Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! Productions was given three grants, totaling $375,000, by the Lannan Foundation. And that same year the Lannan Foundation also gave three grants, totaling $545,000, to The Nation!/Nation Institute alternative left media group..."
- groupProfile.asp?grpid=6780 (accessed: December 17, 2015): "The Nation Institute receives funding from the Gilder Foundation, the Irene Diamond Fund, the JKW Foundation, the Lannan Foundation, the New York Community Trust, the Open Society Institute, the PLACE Fund, the Public Welfare Foundation, the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, and the Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust."
- 2001, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "Nation Institute... A grant of $15,000..."
- Ford Foundation grants to The Nation Institute (Excel sheet downloadable from website listing all grants 2006-2015): "
- Hamilton Fish V: George Soros employee. Fish is perhaps best known for his work revitalizing The Nation magazine, and its sister foundation, the Nation Institute. In 1977, Fish teamed up with Victor Navasky and began the work of recruiting investors to acquire The Nation. Together with the help of a group of limited partners that included E.L. Doctorow, Norman Lear [founder of People for the American Way], Alan Sagner, and Dorothy Schiff, Fish and Navasky began a decade-long partnership as publisher and editor of the country's oldest political weekly. ... From 1995 to 2009 Fish served as President of The Nation Institute, the foundation associated with The Nation magazine. ... At the invitation of The Nation Editor Katrina vanden Heuvel, he is overseeing preparations for the celebration of The Nation's 150th anniversary in 2015.
- July 18, 2000, New York Post, 'The Soros Convention': "Would Sen. John McCain be the keynote speaker of an alternative political convention with a distinct far-left aroma that intends to ridicule his Republican Party and is partially financed by the archenemy of the war on drugs, billionaire global financier George Soros? That is McCain's intent, even as other Republicans fall off the list of speakers. McCain is the star attraction July 30 opening the "shadow" convention to be held in Philadelphia while the Republicans meet there beginning July 31. ... McCain's determination to keep his date, while Jack Kemp and apparently Rep. Christopher Shays of Connecticut were breaking theirs, particularly upsets Republican leaders because of the Soros involvement. ... Involved in planning the alternative convention is Soros's political adviser Hamilton Fish V, leftist grandson of the legendary conservative Republican antagonist of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rep. Hamilton Fish III of New York. The current Fish sits on the board of the Open Society Institute ( OSI ), Soros's Washington front organization. OSI -- therefore, Soros -- is helping fund the alternative conventions. The Lindesmith Center in New York had been OSI's drug policy arm, lobbying for needle exchanges and medicinal marijuana on the road to total legalization. On July 1, it split off and is playing a direct role in the shadow convention, making sure the drug war comes under attack. Arianna Huffington, who not long ago was a conservative activist, has been raising money for the alternative conventions and personally getting on the telephone to dragoon speakers for the Philadelphia and Los Angeles events... McCain was first unaware of the Soros connection with the shadow convention but decided to fulfill his commitment there even after he found out. Republican leaders can only hold their tongues and shake their heads."
- April 12, 2012, Washington Post, 'Reed Whittemore, former poet laureate, dies at 92': "Reed Whittemore, who as a Yale sophomore in 1939 helped start a literary magazine [Furioso] that published some of the eminent poets of the age... [He] also served as literary editor for the New Republic magazine from 1969 to 1973... Mr. Whittemore’s [Furioso] magazine collaborator was James Angleton, his Yale roommate and future CIA counterintelligence chief. Furioso was run on a shoestring... “When we were short of money, which was most of the time,” Mr. Whittemore later told Time magazine, “we paid off our poets with fine Italian cravats from the stock that the Angleton haberdasher in Italy kept replenishing.” ... At 20, [Whittemore] co-founded the literary quarterly Furioso and used his persistence to lure contributions from established Modernist poets including Archibald Macleish, Ezra Pound, e.e. cummings and William Carlos Williams." Furioso featured Ezra Pound, amongst others.
- 2014, ISGP, 'Cult of National Security Trolls: Art and Coast to Coast AM': "The New World Foundation... was established in 1954 with the fortune of Anita McCormick Blaine (1866-1954), a daughter of wealthy industrialist Cyrus McCormick (1809-1884). [145] A younger brother of hers, Harold, married Edith Rockefeller, a sister of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Another key founder of the New World Foundation was Gilbert Harrison, whom had married into the McCormick family in 1951. [146] Harrison was a typical Eastern Establishment liberal: educated at Balliol College, Oxford, summer home at Martha's Vineyard and from 1953 to 1977 editor-in-chief of the liberal magazine The New Republic. [147] That's not all. He worked closely with the CIA's uberliberal Cord Meyer, also through the New World Foundation. [148] Meyer's wife, Mary Pinchot Meyer, later explained that her husband, Harrison and associates were all old boy OSS/CIA and always plotting to get their own favorite presidential candidates in the White House. [149] Even within the NGO circuit ties between New World and the CIA were considered ''not inconceivable''. [150] Thus when fellow-Martha's Vineyard visitors Vernon Jordan and Hillary Clinton ran the New World Foundation in the 1980s and were funding Daniel Sheehan's Christic Institute, they simply continued the activities of Cord Meyer and Gil Harrison and might well be have been part of the liberal wing of the CIA. After all, we know the persistent reports and rumors about how Bill Clinton, as a governor of Arkansas, allowed the CIA to import drugs into the country through an airport in Mena [151] and about Roger Clinton's later lobbying for the Gambino crime family, a family that at one point may have benefited from these CIA drug important at Mena. [152] All of a sudden Bill Clinton working with Laurance Rockefeller in spreading UFO disinformation straight from the White House in what appears to be a complex disinformation operation doesn't seem to be that out of place anymore."
- January 11, 2008, Martha's Vineyard, 'New Republic Editor Gil Harrison Relished Chilmark': "Mr. Harrison and his wife Nancy began summering on the Vineyard in the late 1950s. ... He was editor and publisher of The New Republic magazine from 1953 until 1974. During his tenure, the magazine was known for its early and forceful opposition to the Viet Nam war. ... He was the first American soldier to enter and report from Nagasaki after the dropping of the atomic bomb. He participated in the founding of the American Veterans Committee in 1943 [which] attracted politically-minded veterans who became politicians and members of President John F. Kennedy's cabinet. He attended Balliol College at Oxford in 1948 and left to work under Gen. Lucius Clay in Berlin during the Russian blockade. He founded the World Veterans Federation in Paris in 1950 and established the Foundation for a Unified and Democratic Germany in a United Europe. In 1951, he married Ann Blaine of Chicago, the great-granddaughter of Cyrus McCormick. The couple lived in Washington, D.C., until her death in 1977." ... Among his closest [Vineyard] Island friends was the late Michael Straight, who had also been an editor of The New Republic [and of the family which owned it.]."
- January 8, 2008, New York Times, 'Gilbert Harrison, 92, Ex-Editor, Dies': "Harrison was the owner and editor of The New Republic, an influential though rarely profitable publication, from 1953 to 1974. Under him, the magazine was a strong voice on behalf of the civil rights movement. After initially supporting the war in Vietnam, it became a forceful opponent of it, repeatedly criticizing presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon. In 1968, the magazine refused top endorse Hubert H. Humphrey, the eventual Democratic Party nominee, and proposed the creation of a new political party to be headed by Eugene J. McCarthy, the liberal senator from Minnesota who had unsuccessfully sought the presidential nomination. "Lot's of old friendships were strained, if not snapped," Mr. Harrison said in a 1974 interview with The New York Times, "but that's what this magazine is all about." In the early 1970s, with noted journalists like Walter Pincus writing about Watergate and Stanley Karnow writing on foreign affairs, the magazine's circulation rose to about 100,000. "We've never been in a better financial position than we are now," Mr. Harrison said in 1974, acknowledging that in the past "we've gauged our success by the size of our losses." "You can say lossess ranged from about $200,000 to $50,000 a year," he said. In 1974, for $380,000, Mr. Harrison sold the magazine to Martin Peretz [advisory board Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP)], then a 35-year-old social studies lecturer at Harvard. last year, Mr. Peretz sold his shares to CanWest Global Communications, a Canadian media conglomerate, but stayed on as editor in chief. Founded in 1914, by Willard and Dorothy Straight with Herbert Croly as first editor, The New Republic originally became known for its advocacy of Woodrow Wilson's world peace initiative. It later appealed to Depression-ear intellectuals "to take communism away from the communists." It championed Roosevelt's New Deal. At first it questioned, but then supported, the nation's entry into World War II."
- 2000, Gilbert Jones, 'One Shining Moment', p. 124: "Gil Harrison, an AVC colleague of Cord Meyer, phoned me during this period to demand that the World Board accept the decision to halt the grant without resorting to legal action. ... Harrison formed the New World Foundation as a vehicle for funding his pet causes, mostly liberal, under Vernon Eagle's direction [from 1957 until his death in 1974]."
- Liberal magazine founded in 1909 by Senator Robert La Follette. Initially called La Follette's Weekly, in 1929 it was renamed to The Progressive. It is alternately called Progressive magazine.
- Small circulation:
- 1999: 27,000.
- 2004: 65,000.
- 2010: 47,000.
- Authors published: Noam Chomsky, Seymour Hersh, Martin Luther King, Jr., George Orwell, Marcus Raskin, Bertrand Russell, I.F. Stone, James Wechsler, Howard Zinn, J. William Fulbright, Dennis Kucinich, George McGovern, Bernie Sanders, Adlai Stevenson, and Paul Wellstone.
- January 9, 2015, Capital Research Center (financed by Koch, Scaife and Bradley foundations), 'Trendsetters of the Left': "The Progressive, which was founded in 1909 by Sen. Robert La Follette of Wisconsin who began his political life as a Republican but changed his party affiliation to Progressive. The journal was originally called La Follette's Weekly. ... In the 1990s, the magazine published left-wing writers such as Noam Chomsky, Molly Ivins, and Howard Zinn. ... Among the major donors to The Progressive and the Progressive Media Project are the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation ($60,000 since 2000) and the Tides Foundation ($30,328 since 2004)."
- 2007, Bob Feldman, draft of an article that would later appear in the peer-reviewed journal Critical Sociology, 'Left Media & Left Think Tanks: Foundation-Managed Protest?' (PDF): "In 1998, for instance, the Ford Foundation gave Progressive magazine a $200,000 grant. That same year, the Rockefeller Foundation also gave a $50,000 grant to Progressive magazine. In 2000, the Ford Foundation gave two more grants, totaling $250,000, to Progressive magazine; and, in 2002, an additional $120,000 in grant money was also given to Progressive magazine by the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation."
Online news- (accessed: November 28, 2015): "Don Hazen is executive director of the Independent Media Institute and executive editor of AlterNet. The former publisher of Mother Jones magazine, he has edited several books, including, most recently, Start Making Sense: Turning the Lessons of Election 2004 into Winning Progressive Politics. Don conceived of and organized the two Media & Democracy Congresses that took place in San Francisco and New York City in 1997 and 1998, and has managed political campaigns in New York City for Ruth Messinger and David Dinkins. He holds an MA in counseling from the University of Massachusetts and a BA in politics from Princeton University."
- 2007, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "Independent Media Institute, San Francisco, CA. A two-year grant of $500,000 of which $330,000 is for general support of Alternet..."
- (accessed: May 10, 2006): " is a project of the Independent Media Institute. 2005-2006 Foundation supporters include: - Arca Foundation. ... - Branscomb Family Foundation. - Cloud Mountain Foundation. - Compton Foundation. ... - Nathan Cummings Foundation. - Open Society Institute. - Park Foundation. ... - RSF Social Community Fund [Rudolf Steiner Foundation]. - Schumann Center for Media and Democracy. - Threshold Foundation. - Town Creek Foundation. - Wallace Global Fund. - Working Assets Grantmaking Fund of the Tides Foundation."
- (accessed: May 10, 2008): " is a project of the Independent Media Institute. 2007-2008 Foundation supporters include: - Alki Fund of the Tides Foundation. - Arca Foundation. - Bauman Foundation. - Carnegie Corporation of New York. - Cloud Mountain Foundation. - Compton Foundation. - Funding Exchange (Donor Advised). - Glaser Progress Foundation. - LP Brown Foundation. - Nathan Cummings Foundation. - Panta Rhea Foundation. - Park Foundation. - Anonymous Donor of RSF Social Finance [Rudolf Steiner Foundation]. - Wallace Global Fund. - Working Assets Grantmaking Fund of the Tides Foundation."
- Loves to discredit conspiracy:
- October 24, 2006, Soros-funded AlterNet article copy from, 'Before the 9/11 Conspiracies, There Was the Oklahoma Bombing': "Much of the faulty logic and circumstancial evidence that justifies the 9/11 conspiracies are repeats of the theories that abounded in Timothy McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing. Over a month after I first wrote a column slamming the 9/11 Truth movement, I continue to get hate mail in massive quantities. A group of Truthers even picketed my office, and I'm still picking food particles out of my scarf after an incident in which the movement's house lunatic, a wild-eyed German blogger named Nico Haupt, tried to goad me into slugging him in a West Side diner. "Go ahead, heet me, then I haf beeg story!" he roared, scream-spitting half-digested detritus in my face. ... Obviously, Nico Haupt does not represent the "mainstream" 9/11 Truth Movement, whatever that is. Even in my own experience I know this to be true. The colleagues of Haupt's from whom I met that day were universally polite, respectful, and very sincere in their beliefs. True, they had some slightly bent ideas (one woman insisted with a straight face that the military was "behind all that Brad and Jennifer stuff"), but as a group they were nice, earnest people. Unfortunately, I get the sense that these same nice people have a tendency to turn hostile, venomous and unrelentingly paranoid once they get logged back into an email server, which is why most journalists I know won't go near the 9/11 Truth issue more than once, if at all. ...
In that case, it was mostly right-wing conspiracy theorists who came up with the idea that the McVeigh/Nichols fertilizer bomb could not possibly have felled the Murrah building, and that the real cause of the building's collapse was a much more powerful "second explosion" planned by the government and executed using more powerful demolition explosives. Here's the lede of a report from World Net Daily, which shortly thereafter would become a major purveyor of 9/11 conspiracy theories, from May 18, 2001: "Multiple witnesses reported hearing more than one explosion the day the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was bombed, while other explosives experts contend that the damage done to the building could not have been caused by a single bomb placed outside in a truck." Just like the subsequent 9/11 conspiracy theories, the Oklahoma "second bomb" champions applied intense focus to the initial news reports right after the explosions (ignoring reports published later, by which time various discrepancies were cleared up), during which time numerous reports surfaced indicating that second and third explosive devices had been found, and that secondary explosions had been heard. And just like the 9/11 Truthers, the Oklahoma conspiracists quoted TV anchormen and women who opined offhandedly that the bombings seemed to be the work of sophisticated demolitions experts. Remember the Dan Rather clip used in Loose Change in which the anchorman says the collapse of WTC-7 is "reminiscent" of a controlled demolition? Here's how that worked in OKC: "This is the work of a sophisticated group, this is a very sophisticated device," says one Oklahoma newscaster, in a much-circulated video of early Oklahoma news broadcasts, "and it has to have been done by an explosives expert." ...
One need hardly mention that "steel-reinforced" would a few years later become one of the most-widely circulated phrases on the internet (third place, after "rock hard penis" and "buy vicodin online"), in connection with both the Pentagon and the WTC, which were variously supposed to be impenetrable or unshakeable. "For that hole to have been caused by Flight 77," barks Loose Change about the Pentagon crash, "the Boeing would have had to smash through nine feet of steel-reinforced concrete, traveling 310 feet." Says of WTC: "First Steel-Reinforced Skyscraper To Ever Collapse in Fire!" "Steel-reinforced" made great waves with the Murrah revisionists, but the likes of Jasper and Grabbe were not quite reputable enough. For the conspiracy theory to really take off, a true authority was needed to put his stamp on the case. So along came Ted Gunderson, who carried the impressive title of a former Special Agent in Charge of the FBI. Gunderson's analysis of Oklahoma City was a staple of conspiracy websites. ... Both Oklahoma City conspiracy theorists and 9/11 revisionists circulated "eyewitness accounts" of strange men in suits confiscating evidence -- the last link in the coverup. Regarding the Oklahoma City bombing, here's an account from Compare that to this account (complete with photo) from of the cleanup at the Pentagon after 9/11..."
- October 24, 2006, Soros-funded AlterNet article copy from, 'Before the 9/11 Conspiracies, There Was the Oklahoma Bombing': "Much of the faulty logic and circumstancial evidence that justifies the 9/11 conspiracies are repeats of the theories that abounded in Timothy McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing. Over a month after I first wrote a column slamming the 9/11 Truth movement, I continue to get hate mail in massive quantities. A group of Truthers even picketed my office, and I'm still picking food particles out of my scarf after an incident in which the movement's house lunatic, a wild-eyed German blogger named Nico Haupt, tried to goad me into slugging him in a West Side diner. "Go ahead, heet me, then I haf beeg story!" he roared, scream-spitting half-digested detritus in my face. ... Obviously, Nico Haupt does not represent the "mainstream" 9/11 Truth Movement, whatever that is. Even in my own experience I know this to be true. The colleagues of Haupt's from whom I met that day were universally polite, respectful, and very sincere in their beliefs. True, they had some slightly bent ideas (one woman insisted with a straight face that the military was "behind all that Brad and Jennifer stuff"), but as a group they were nice, earnest people. Unfortunately, I get the sense that these same nice people have a tendency to turn hostile, venomous and unrelentingly paranoid once they get logged back into an email server, which is why most journalists I know won't go near the 9/11 Truth issue more than once, if at all. ...
- Liberal new left documetary-producing outfit founded by Robert Greenwald in the wake of 9/11. It produced documentaries on all kinds of key outrages of the Bush administration (except involvement in 9/11): election fraud, the Iraq War, Fox News, etc. It also attacked the drone wars under the Obama administration and then went on to undermine the Trump administration.
- On November 17, 2006 Robert Greenwald appeared on Axis of Justice radio of Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello and System of a Down Serj Tankian, discussed in ISGP's "Liberal CIA": Music article.
- Brave New World and Robert Greenwald productions:
- Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election (2002)
- The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron (2003)
- Uncovered: The War on Iraq (2004)
- Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (2004)
- Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005)
- Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (2006)
- Rethink Afghanistan (2009)
- Koch Brothers Exposed (2012)
- War on Whistleblowers (2013)
- Unmanned: America's Drone Wars (2013)
- December 11, 2017, Time, 'Donald Trump's Sexual Misconduct Accusers Speak: Watch Live': "This is the first time the women will appear together to tell their stories about Trump, according to Brave New Films..."
- (accessed: November 22, 2018): "In the video, 16 Women and Donald Trump, we put together the stories of women who have reported being sexually harassed or sexually assaulted by Donald Trump."
- Katrina vanden Heuvel, daughter of intelligence-tied Pilgrims Society secretary and executive William vanden Heuvel, has been a board member of Brave New Films:
- 2014 annual report, Brave New Films, p. 16: "Special Thanks To Our Board Members: ... Robert Greenwald ... Katrina vanden Heuvel..."
- Funding and partnerships:
- David Rockefeller Fund: (accessed: April 19, 2020): "2019: ... Brave New Films: ... $25,000. ...2018: ... Brave New Films... $25,000."
- 2006-2017 Ford Foundation grants list: "Brave New Films: 2009: $250,000. ... 2010: $575,000. ... 2011: $500,000 [and] $50,000 [and] $300,000... 2012: $500,000. ... 2013: $750,000 [and] $300,000 [and] $50,000. ... 2014: $300,000 [and] $250,000. ... 2015: $175,000. ... 2016: $200,000. ..."
- 2014 annual report, Brave New Films, p. 15: "$200,000 and Above: Bohemian Foundation. Ford Foundation. [Soros'] Open Society Foundations. Tides Foundation.
$100,000 and Above: Anonymous. The Californian Wellness Foundation.
$50,000 and Above: The Nathan Cummings Foundation... Wallace Global Fund ...
$20,000 and Above: ... Arca Foundation ... Park Foundation ... Paul Rudd ...
$5,000 and Above: ... Streisand Foundation ... $1,000 and Above: Alec Baldwin. ...
And the 3,232 donors who contributed $249 and under in 2014." - (accessed: September 19, 2018): "Open Society Foundations ... ACLU ... Amnesty International ... Human Rights Watch ... People for the American Way ... Indivisible ... The Nation ... Drug Policy Alliance ... NAACP ... Freedom for Immigrants ... NDLON ... United We Dream..."
- For-profit enterprise, so no direct financing by the major "liberal CIA" foundations.
- Very prominent 2007 "new media"-founded news site that is published in English, Chinese, Dutch, French, Italian, German, Polish and Japanese.
- Business Insider produces unique news and, at least in the past, often takes an anti-establishment perspective. It even employed future Pizzagate disinformation pusher David Seaman as a contributor from 2012 to 2014. At the time he mainly dealt with the pushing of Bitcoin and the NSA spying issues. It still kept the status quo, however:
- August 4, 2011, Business Insider, 'The Truth About George Soros' Radical Vision To Remake The Entire World': "Soros' 3-step program is focused specifically on the resolving the problems in Eurozone, but it's similar to Soros' vision of a "New World Order," which he has promoted for years. He's made himself a magnet for controversy in the process. A lot of it is outrageously overblown..."
- Liberal elite and Bilderberg ties of Business Insider:
- Business Insider was co-founded in 2009 by Kevin P. Ryan, who has a very elite history, including Yale, INSEAD, the CFR and DAVOS:
- (DAVOS; accessed: March 17, 2018): "Kevin P. Ryan: Founder and Chairman, Gilt Groupe Inc. ... BA, Yale University; MBA, INSEAD. ... positions with Euro Disney, France; Senior Vice-President, Business and Finance, United Media. ... Member: INSEAD International Alumni Council; Yale International Council; Council on Foreign Relations [CFR]; Advisory Board, Doctors Without Borders (until 2010 chaired by David Rockefeller son Dr. Richard Rockefeller, who founded the organization in 1989). Member of the Board: Yale Corporation, Human Rights Watch; NYC Investment Fund; INSEAD."
- Co-founder with Kevin Ryan is Business Insider editor-in-chief and CEO Henry Blodget: educated at the super-elite Phillips Exeter Academy. BA in history from Yale. Background at Harper's Magazine, CNN and Slate and knew a future The Atlantic editor at Yale:
- April 8, 2013, The New Yorker, 'Business Outsider: Can a disgraced Wall Street analyst earn trust as a journalist?': "Business Insider was started in 2007, by Kevin P. Ryan, an Internet entrepreneur, and Blodget, who became the C.E.O. and the editor-in-chief. ... Business Insider now draws twenty-four million unique monthly users, more than CNBC. Among business-oriented sites, only the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Bloomberg have more online users. ... it offers original reporting. ...
[Blodget's] father was a successful banker, and his mother was an elementary-school teacher. At Phillips Exeter Academy, he played tennis and worked on the school paper and the yearbook. He was accepted at Yale, where his father had been a star athlete. ... James Bennet, the editor of The Atlantic and a friend and former classmate, recalls Blodget... [Became] a proofreader at Harper’s, a reporter at a small newspaper in Massachusetts, and a reporter on the business-news desk at CNN... He joined Oppenheimer & Co. ... Blodget had left Merrill Lynch by then. ... In 2004, Blodget says, he contacted Jacob Weisberg, the editor of Slate... Weisberg ... arranged for him to blog regularly from the [Martha Stewart] trial. ... in early 2007, Ryan approached Blodget with the idea of an online business publication [Business Insider]... Two reporters from [joined]..." - In 2015 Business Insider was bought by German publisher Axel Springer SE (named after a rather transatlantic-oriented publisher), Europe's largest digital publishing house and owner of the Bild and Die Welt newspapers. Chairman and CEO of Axel Springer is Mathias Dopfner, who visited Bilderberg in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
- September 29, 2015, Business Insider, 'German publishing powerhouse Axel Springer buys Business Insider at a whopping $442 million valuation': "Business Insider [was] founded in 2007 by Henry Blodget, Dwight Merriman, and Kevin Ryan... Axel Springer already owned a portion of Business Insider from previous funding rounds. It is purchasing an additional 88% for $343 million, bringing its total ownership to 97%. Jeff Bezos' investment arm will own the remaining 3%. ...
Mathias Dopfner [is] CEO of Axel Springer SE...
Kenneth Lerer [a] Co-Founder of Huffington Post and Chairman of Buzzfeed, will receive a seat on the Board of Business Insider."
- April 8, 2013, The New Yorker, 'Business Outsider: Can a disgraced Wall Street analyst earn trust as a journalist?': "Business Insider was started in 2007, by Kevin P. Ryan, an Internet entrepreneur, and Blodget, who became the C.E.O. and the editor-in-chief. ... Business Insider now draws twenty-four million unique monthly users, more than CNBC. Among business-oriented sites, only the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Bloomberg have more online users. ... it offers original reporting. ...
- Business Insider US editor-in-chief Alyson Shontell:
- (DAVOS; accessed: March 17, 2018): "Syracuse University. July 2008, joined Business Insider as its sixth employee; started as a sales planner [rising to] Editor-in-Chief, Business Insider US [since August 2016]. Host of Business Insider's conferences; has a podcast, "Success! How I Did It," interviewing influencers ranging from Sheryl Sandberg to LeBron James and Steve Ballmer [all three Sun Valley participants]... Has appeared on ABC, Good Morning America, Al Jazeera, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN and CBC. Judge, Gerald Loeb Awards in business journalism."
- For-profit enterprise, so no direct financing by the major "liberal CIA" foundations.
- Ultra-liberal, Democracy Alliance-tied new media online news site founded in 2006 by Jonah Peretti, John S. Johnson III and Kenneth Lerer. Jonah Peretti and Ken Lerer co-founded the Soros and "liberal CIA" foundations-linked Huffington Post in 2005. Johnson is a contributor to the Huffington Post. Today Ken Lerer also sits on the board of the Bilderberg-owned Business Insider online newspaper.
- Buzzfeed co-founder and chairman John S. Johnson, III helps finance George Soros' Democracy Alliance and received funding from the MacArthur Foundation for one of his projects:
- (accessed: March 17, 2018): "John Johnson is the founder and chairperson of the Pacific Foundation [financier of George Soros and Drummond Pike's Democracy Alliance]... He is the chairperson and co-founder of [Founded] Eyebeam, a MacArthur [Foundation] and NEA funded, pioneering art and technology center for hackers, artists, and educators..."
- (accessed: March 17, 2018): "John S. Johnson, III, Board Chair."
- (accessed: March 17, 2018): "[4 listed:] - Free Press. - Eyebeam. - [Soros-founded] Democracy Alliance."
- November 14, 2016, Politico, 'Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, 'take back power'': "The Democracy Alliance was launched after the 2004 election by Soros, the late insurance mogul Peter Lewis, and a handful of fellow Democratic mega-donors who had combined to spend tens of millions trying to boost then-Sen. John Kerry's ultimately unsuccessful challenge to then-President George W. Bush."
- Jonah Peretti:
- June 1, 2017, Business Insider, 'How BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti took an instant messaging bot and turned it into a $1.5 billion media empire': "Jonah Peretti is the CEO and founder of BuzzFeed... Before starting BuzzFeed, Peretti launched The Huffington Post along with Ariana Huffington, Ken Lerer and the late conservative firebrand, Andrew Breitbart. ... Peretti recently spoke with Business Insider's US Editor-in-Chief, Alyson Shontell, for the podcast "Success! How I Did It." In this episode, we cover: ... How he first met Arianna Huffington, who invited him to her home and cooked him breakfast."
- Kenneth Lerer, co-founder and chairman of The Huffington Post, started as a co-founder and investor in BuzzFeed and is now the executive chairman as well
- April 16, 2007, The Observer, 'Obama’s Big Night in Town': "Mr. Obama’s Manhattan money-raising spree began well before sunset at the Central Park West apartment of Huffington Post co-founder Kenneth Lerer... Tom Brokaw [was present]..."
- (accessed: March 17, 2018): "Ken is a Managing Partner at Lerer Hippeau. He cofounded The Huffington Post and is Chairman of BuzzFeed. Ken sits on the boards of Viacom..."
- October 13, 2016,, 'Discovery and the Lerer family are combining in a $550 million deal': "Discovery CEO David Zaslav [is a Sun Valley Meeting participant]... Discovery Communications is putting $100 million into a deal with Group Nine Media, a new holding company that combines some Discovery assets with Thrillist Media Group, The Dodo and NowThis Media. ... The deal gives Discovery 35 percent of Group Nine, with the option to buy a controlling stake in two years. ... Thrillist, Dodo and NowThis are all run by or backed by members of the Lerer family... Discovery’s investment seems to parallel ones NBCUniversal made last year, when it bought minority stakes in BuzzFeed and Vox Media — which owns this site — for $200 million apiece. ...
Ken Lerer, who has spent years in digital, now has significant ties to three big traditional TV companies: ... Discovery-Group Nine and NBCUniversal-BuzzFeed [and] Viacom..."
- Ran by Robert Parry, a major critic on the Moonie Cult and allied ultraright national security networks linked to Iran Contra. Starts to spew venom, however, when questions about 9/11 Truth are brought up.
- Board of directors with disinformers:
- (accessed: December 29, 2019): "Board of Directors: Diane Duston, President. Julie Bergman Sender. Daniel Ellsberg [of the Soros and other "liberal CIA"-tied Freedom of the Press Foundation]. Sen. Mike Gravel [raging conspiracy disinformer with regard to Holocaust denial, 9/11 and UFO disclosure]. Ray McGovern [former top-level CIA officer and darling of America's anti-war movement, including 9/11 "Truth"]. Nat Parry. Sam Parry. John Pilger [who spread disinfo on the RFK assassination]. Gareth Porter."
- Has given space to Roberto Savio of the United Nations, Soros, Rockefeller, Ford Foundation, etc.-backed/ran Inter Press Service:
- July 25, 2019, Roberto Savio for, 'The Precipitous Barbarisation of Our Times': "In order to win election, U.S. President Donald Trump has made racism one of his banner issues and, in a country of immigrants, this has given him an increase of 5 points in opinion polls."
- Funding:
- (Park Foundation; accessed: February 29, 2016): "
- 2015: ... Consortium for Independent Journalism, Inc. Arlington, VA. General Operating Expenses. $20,000
- 2014: ... Consortium for Independent Journalism, Inc. Arlington, VA. General operating support. $10,000.
- 2013: ... Consortium for Independent Journalism, Inc. Arlington, VA. General operating support. $10,000.
- 2011: ... Consortium for Independent Journalism, Inc. Arlington, VA General operating support $20,000"
- (Park Foundation; accessed: February 29, 2016): "
- 2010 comments from Oliver Stone at the Santa Barbara Film Festival (from Youtube clip): "As [Robert] Parry said in his Consortium News website - I don't know if you are familiar with it - he was very involved in the 1980s and he just goes on about in very great detail how the right has bought the media from the 1970s with a conserted effort ... and now they've bought into the net heavily. So they are everywhere. And they have big money. And whereas the so-called liberals have not been able to purchase and hang in there for the fight. So it's over in that educational sense." It is exactly the liberal establishment Stone has been so close to through to CIA-Rockefeller-dominated U.S. Cuba Trade Assocation that still dominates the media. Like Parry, Stone also does not support any inquiries into 9/11.
- Robert Parry is an extremist critic of 9/11 conspiracy theories:
- September 15, 2010, Robert Parry for Consortium News, 'America's Decoupling from Reality': "...these activists, who became known as '9/11 truthers,' threw out all the evidence of al-Qaeda's involvement... cherry-picked a few supposed 'anomalies'... recycled many of the Right's sophistry techniques... Some supporters of the "inside-job" theory may have simply been destabilized by all the years of right-wing disinformation. Reality and real evidence may have lost all currency, replaced by a deep and understandable distrust of the nation's leaders and the news media."
- January 15, 2011, Robert Parry for Consortium News, 'The 9/11 'Truth' Parlor Game': ""truthers" insist that no plane hit the Pentagon; that Bush's team attacked it with a missile. However, nobody saw a missile. Nor would there be any way to explain the plane wreckage on the grounds, since nobody saw more Bush operatives driving around the Pentagon grounds planting fake pieces of the plane – even as emergency personnel and others rushed to the crash site. To label the "truther" version of the 9/11 events nutty would seem an understatement – and there are other parts, including stuff about fabricated voice messages, that are arguably crazier. Indeed, the "truther" account has sometimes struck me as a parody meant to bring ridicule on more serious conspiracy investigations such as those into the JFK assassination. As I pointed out in the earlier story – the one focused on Palin's victimhood – there has not been a single witness (or document) emerging from the ranks of Bush's supposed operatives to suggest that any of the "truther" narrative happened – even though the scope of this conspiracy would have required scores, if not hundreds, of participants. Having covered many real government conspiracies in my career, I can assure you that there are always witnesses who speak for a variety of reasons: a guilty conscience, a boast to a girlfriend, a plea bargain when they get in legal trouble on something else. In writing about Oliver North's secret Iran-Contra network in the 1980s, our team at the Associated Press had two dozen sources. For our first Contra-cocaine story in 1985, Brian Barger and I had a similar number of sources, including documents from Costa Rica and a White House official describing a CIA analytical report on a Contra helicopter purchased with drug profits. Yet for the "truther" conspiracy theory, more than nine years have passed and not a single witness has emerged who participated in planting the explosives floor by floor in the Twin Towers or carrying out the missile attack on the Pentagon or any other capacity that the conspiracy would have required. ... My concern about the "truther" movement dated back to almost its origin. Because of the position of as an Internet site which has investigated real conspiracies since 1995, I was in on many of the early e-mail exchanges regarding the 9/11 case. Essentially, the discussion broke down this way: Some participants felt that Bush had demonstrated his arrogance and incompetence when he brushed aside warnings about a likely al-Qaeda attack. (This is the position that I personally feel is best supported by the available evidence). A second group, however, took the same evidentiary frame and gave it a nasty twist, that Bush knew the attack was coming and "let it happen." (Though I don't believe there is sufficient evidence to support this conclusion, this analysis at least has the benefit of some factual foundation.) But there was a third group, which maintained that something more dramatic was needed, that Bush had so bamboozled the American people that they needed to be shocked out of their trance – and to do that required convincing them that "Bush made it happen." Perhaps, because of its splashier allegations, the "Bush made it happen" crowd -- with claims about "controlled demolitions" and a "missile hitting the Pentagon" -- emerged as the dominant force in the "truther" movement, eclipsing those who favored more targeted investigations into such areas as 9/11 funding and the role of Bush's allies in the Saudi royal family. ... Given how a mentally disturbed young person can process information (or disinformation), it is incumbent on all of us who speak in today's public square to be responsible, especially when we make serious allegations like suggesting that Bush and the U.S. government "made" 9/11 happen. ... By floating unsubstantiated and bizarre claims about "controlled demolitions" and a "missile hitting the Pentagon," the "truthers" actually make it harder to proceed with investigations into important areas of doubt about 9/11, like the financing and the Saudi role."
- Very popular online monthly magazine founded in 1994 as a printed newsletter and taken online in 1998. Founded by Ken Silverstein, the newsletter/online magazine was co-edited by Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn from 1996 to 2012, when Cockburn died.
- Contributors to Counterpunch have included: Robert Fisk, Ralph Nader, John Pilger [spread disinfo on the RFK assassination], Noam Chomsky, Cynthia McKinney, Israel Shamir (Wikileaks), Boris Kagarlitsky (a pro-West, anti-Putin, Transnational Institute/IPS-employed politician in Russia), John Stauber, and Fidel Castro.
- The right-wing 9/11 Truther Paul Craig Roberts, a favorite of Alex Jones, contributed to Counterpunch with his October 4, 2011 article The Day America Died.
- Counterpunch has prominently featured articles of members and steering group members of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), including former CIA officers and conspiracy disinformers Ray McGovern, David MacMichael and Bill and Kathleen Christison:
- May 19, 2003, Counterpunch, 'A Letter to Kofi Annan on the Missing Evidence': "As the role of intelligence on Iraq assumed critical importance over the past several months, we established Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) as a collegial body to monitor the unfolding of events. Our first analytic paper was a same-day commentary on Secretary of State Colin Powell's performance at the UN Security Council on February 5.
Respectfully yours, Kathleen McGrath Christison, Santa Fe, NM. - William Christison, Santa Fe, NM. - David MacMichael, Linden, VA. - Raymond McGovern, Arlington, VA. Steering Group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. The VIPS can be reached at:" - Ray McGovern, who as chairman of the CIA's National Intelligence Estimate during the Reagan and first Bush administration until 1990 provided these presidents with their daily intelligence briefs and post-9/11 became a favorite of Alex Jones and 9/11 Truth in general, has been a major contributor to Counterpunch from 2003 (April 23, 2003, 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'; June 27, 2003, 'Cheney, Forgery and the CIA') all the way to 2016 (May 19, 2009, 'How Colin Powell Got Duped by the CIA'; January 27, 2016, 'Iraq, Rumsfeld and Other Thugs', etc.) and beyond.
- Former CIA analyst David MacMichael, a conspiracy disinformer who has been associated with the Christic Institute and Michael Ruppert's CIA drug trafficking stories, has been an important contributor to Counterpunch since 2003 (March 15, 2003, 'Cooking Intelligence for War') until at least 2015 (July 23, 2015, 'Obama Should Release MH-17 Intel')
- July 23, 2015, VIPS for Counterpunch, 'Obama Should Release MH-17 Intel': "For the Steering Group, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity: [NSA whistlerblowers] - William Binney, - Thomas Drake, - Edward Loomis [and] - Kirk Wiebe [and other steering group members] - [Pentagon no-planer] Karen Kwiatkowski, - David MacMichael, - Ray McGovern..."
- Bill Christison, a Pentagon-no-plane and hijackers-still-alive disinformer, has been a major contributor to Counterpunch from 2002 until his death in early 2010, along with his wife Kathleen. Together they wrote numerous anti-U.S. imperialism, anti-Bush, anti-neocon and anti-Israel articles.
- May 19, 2003, Counterpunch, 'A Letter to Kofi Annan on the Missing Evidence': "As the role of intelligence on Iraq assumed critical importance over the past several months, we established Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) as a collegial body to monitor the unfolding of events. Our first analytic paper was a same-day commentary on Secretary of State Colin Powell's performance at the UN Security Council on February 5.
- Counterpunch stories have frequently featured in the lists of Project Censored, which is partly financed by the Stern Family Fund and Tides Foundation.
- Financing:
- The non-profit behind Counterpunch is called the Institute for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity. While seemingly almost as independent as Rolling Stone magazine, in 2011 Counterpunch received a $2,000 grant from the Lannan Foundation. It appears Counterpunch received no or very little foundation money besides this, although it appears if the magazine needs it, it appears can be counted upon.
- In addition, its primary editor, the anti-conspiracy theory Alexander Cockburn, has extensive experience at foundation-financed magazines as Harper's and The Nation.
- As it turns out, Cockburn's niece, Laura Flanders (July 31, 2012, Counterpunch, 'An Interview with Laura Flanders on Alexander Cockburn': "Laura Flanders ... obviously was very close to Alex [Cockburn]. [She was] his niece..."), was founding director of the women's desk of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), which has received millions in funding from elite NGOs as Ford, MacArthur and Rockefeller. She also produced and hosted CounterSpin, FAIR's syndicated radio program, for a decade and also wrote for similar "liberal CIA"-financed magazine as The Nation, Yes! Magazine, In These Times, The Progressive and Ms. Magazine.
- Alexander Cockburn biography:
- He and his brothers Andrew and Patrick (also prominent writers) are descended from Admiral Sir George Cockburn (1772-18530, who ordered the burning of Washington in 1814, and come from aristocratic Irish/British circles.
- Graduated from Oxford University in literature and language in 1963. Managing editor of the New Left Review 1966-1967, assistant editor Times Literary Supplement, and then at The New Statesman since 1967.
- Life-long leftist who openly identified himself as a Marxist, socialist and anarchist.
- Defended British socialist protesting the Vietnam War in a 1968 letter to The Times.
- Married to Emma Tennant 1968-1973, with whom he had a daughter in 1969.
- Moved to the United States in 1972. Became close friends with Noam Chomsky.
- Wrote for The New York Review of Books, Esquire, Harper's.
- Writer for The Village Voice 1973-1983, but eventually fired for criticism of Israel.
- Wrote the "Beat the Devil" column for establishment-financed The Nation since 1984.
- Wrote articles for the New York Press, Los Angeles Times, New Statesman, The Wall Street Journal, The Week and other mainstream media outlets.
- February 8, 1990, Alexander Cockburn in the Wall Street Journal, 'The McMartin Case: Indict the Children, Jail the Parents'. In this article, Cockburn attacked the McMartin Preschool Satani/ritual sexual abuse case, which to a degree may not have been incorrect approach, but maybe he should have dug deeper and looked for evidence of a CIA psyop that involved Ted Gunderson, his girlfriend Jackie McGauley, some of the original parents, and therapist Martha Cockriel.
- Actress Olivia Wilde was his niece, a daughter of his brother Andrew Cockburn.
- Outspoken critic of the Iran-Contra affair, Gulf War I, the Kosovo War, the Afghanistan invasion and the 2003 Iraq invasion.
- September 12, 2001, Alexander Cockburn: "The targets abroad will be all the usual suspects: rogue states (most of which, like the Taliban or Saddam Hussein, started off as creatures of US intelligence). The target at home will be the Bill of Rights." Protested the Patriot Act.
- Very outspoken critic of Israel. Attacked by neocon Jeffrey Epstein friend Alan Dershowitz of running an "anti-semitic" website, along with CAMERA and the ADL.
- Grew very critical of his old and very close friend Christopher Hitchens, who he basically mentored in the 1980s. Hitchens turned hardcore neocon in the 1990s.
- Critic of the liberal establishment, including the New York Times, Barack Obama and even some of his colleagues at The Nation.
- His 1998 book Whiteout might well be the best book around summarizing U.S. Cold War build up of, and cooperation with, opium lords, cocaine cartels and drug dealing death squads and dictators. The book not just attacks the CIA, but also makes it clear that these type of coups and operations were sanctioned at a higher level, by the national security advisor, president and often also the secretary of state.
- His 1998 book Whiteout makes it all the more peculiar that Cockburn has been such an aggressive and irrational critic of JFK and 9/11 conspiracies:
- 1996, Alexander Cockburn, 'The Golden Age Is in Us: Journeys and Encounters', p. 353: "In JFK Oliver Stone hadn't the slightest idea how to portray him, which pointed up the weakness of his artistic insight and the preposterous premises on which it was based. I see Oswald as one of those guys in the left-wing meeting who is by the door selling The Militant or pamphlet of choice as you go in. Then, in question time, he's up on his feet, asking WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? The people up on the platform. ... Perhaps one day Oswald will be recognized as a leftist who came to the conclusion that the only way to relieve the pressure on Cuba and obstruct the attempts to murder Castro was by killing President Kennedy. In this calculation he was correct. A year and a half later after the killing in Dallas, Lyndon Johnson suspended the CIA's assassination bids. Oswald's ambush was one of the few effective assassinations in the history of such enterprises. Today this radical exponent of the propaganda of the deed is traduced by assassination buffs as a creature of the right, the pawn of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and of other right-wing forces supposedly trying to bring Kennedy down."
- September 10, 2006, Alexander Cockburn on ZNet and Counterpunch, 'The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts': "You trip over one fundamental idiocy of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts -- -- the ones who say Bush and Cheney masterminded the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon -- in the first paragraph of the opening page of the book by one of their high priests, David Ray Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor. ... It's awful. My in-box overflows each day with fresh "proofs" of how the WTC buildings were actually demolished... It's the same pattern with the 9/11 nuts, who proffer what they demurely call "disturbing questions", though they disdain all answers but their own ... Anyone who ever looked at the JFK assassination will know that there are endless anomalies and loose ends. Eyewitness testimony... is conflicting, forensic evidence possibly misconstrued, mishandled or just missing. But in my view, the Warren Commission, as confirmed in almost all essentials by the House Committee on Assassinations in the late 1970s, had it right and Oswald fired the fatal shots from the Schoolbook Depository [untrue, the HSCA concluded there had been a second shooter]. The evidentiary chain for his guilt is persuasive, and the cumulative scenarios of the conspiracy nuts entirely unconvincing. But of course—as the years roll by, and even though no death bed confession has ever buttressed those vast, CIA-related scenarios—the nuts keep on toiling away, their obsessions as unflagging as ever."
- September 11, 2006, Joshua Frank for Counterpunch, 'Proving Nothing: How the 9/11 Truth Movement Helps Bush & Cheney'.
- September 15, 2006, Diana Johnstone for Counterpunch, 'In Defense of Conspiracy: 9/11: In Theory and Fact': "Now, let us suppose that Bushite plotters designed the attacks so that Bush could use them to claim that “they want to destroy us because of our freedom”. The choice of targets should support that claim. Suppose one of the planes had crashed into the Statue of Liberty; that would really carry the message that “they want to destroy our freedom”. For ordinary Americans, it would be just as shocking as the World Trade Center, while costing a lot less to American capitalism (an old gift from France would hardly be missed). For good measure, to show that the terrorists want to kill as many people as possible, they could have crashed into a couple of packed football stadiums."
- November 28, 2006, Alexander Cockburn for his Counterpunch, 'The 9/11 Conspiracists and the Decline of the American Left': "The Left is in terrible shape. What's the leading obsession of the Left right now? This whole, I think, mad idea that Bush and Cheney organised the attack on the World Trade Towers. I think it's absolutely insane. I think [Bush and Cheney] are capable of monstrous evil, I just think the theories they have - of no plane hitting the Pentagon - is nutty. It's like flying saucers." He noted that his friend Chuck Spinney had a friend on the plane who was later identified by his dental records because his teeth were found insie the Pentagon.
- December 16, 2006,, 'Into the Ring with Counterpunch on 9/11: How Alexander Cockburn, Otherwise So Bright, Blanks Out on 9/11 Evidence': "Counterpunch co-editor Alexander Cockburn set the tone of these pieces with an article describing theologian and ethicist David Ray Griffin, the author of The New Pearl Harbor (2004) and of The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005), as a “high priest" of the “conspiracy nuts""whom Cockburn denounces as cultists who “disdain all answers but their own," who “seize on coincidences and force them into sequences they deem to be logical and significant," and who “pounce on imagined clues in documents and photos, [“.] contemptuously brush[ing] aside" evidence that contradicts their own “whimsical" treatment of “eyewitness testimony and forensic evidence." It's a characteristically forceful performance, if at times slipshod. One small sign of carelessness may be the manner in which Cockburn slides from calling 9/11 skeptics a “coven" to comparing them, a few sentences later, to “mad Inquisitors" torturing the data (as the old joke goes about economists) until the data confess." Readers brought up to think that the victims and perpetrators of witch-crazes have not customarily been the same people may find this unintentionally amusing."
- Does think FDR had a sense that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor, but not that it would be as devastating as it would become
- Critical of the human-induced global warming theory in which he basically takes the conservative approach. For the rest was a major environmentalist.
- Strong supporter of Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader in 2000 and 2004.
- Supporter of Occupy Wall Street and gave a speech on Martin Luther King, Jr. at an Occupy rally in Eureka, California.
- Has two brothers: Andrew Cockburn and Patrick Cockburn.
- Andrew Cockburn: Oxford-educated; also came to the U.S.; exposed the serious deficiencies of the Soviet Army in 1982 for PBS; with his wife Leslie Cockburn he wrote the 1991 book Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship.; co-producer of 1997 film The Peacemaker with George Clooney and Nicole Kidman; in 2007 he wrote Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall, and Catastrophic Legacy; wrote a book in 2015 criticizing the drone assassinations.
- Patrick Cockburn: long-time Middle East correspondent for the Financial Times and The Independent and even before the 2003 Iraq invasion, which all Cockburns criticize, and expert and author on Iraq, together with Andrew; produced more books on Iraq and ISIS; contributor to Counterpunch.
- Alexander, Andrew and Patrick have all been contributors to The Nation.
- Daily Kos is a "grassroots" liberal political blog - partly financed by the Tides Foundation - founded on May 26, 2002 by Markos "Kos" Moulitsas around the period that this person was going through a CIA covert operations recruitment program from the summer of 2002 until mid 2003. Instead of joining the CIA covert ops department, Moulitsas went to work for the Howard Dean presidential campaign in mid 2003 while his site gathered the attention of Washington liberal political elites, including congressmen, senators and presidents. Subsequently, in 2006, Moulatsas organized the annual YearlyKos / Netroots Nation conferences, bringing together this same network of liberal politicians.
- Markos Moulitsas biography: Born in 1971. Salvadoran-Greek parents. Greatest inspiration is Salvadoran martyr and archbishop Oscar Romero, who was murdered by a U.S. government and American Security Council-linked death squad. MLRS Fire Direction Specialist in the U.S. Army in Germany 1989-1992. BA in political science, journalism and philosophy, Northern Illinois University, 1996, and the university paper's editor-in-chief 1995-1996. Boston University law school 1996-1999. Went into web development, right before the bust.
In a CIA covert operations recruitment program Summer 2002 (he has also claimed 2001) - mid 2003. By early 2002 a contributor to the political blog of Jerome Armstrong, a "liberal CIA" 1980s environmental activist for Eart First! and Greenpeace with a graduate degree in conflict resolutions who subsequently joined the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps. Founded Daily Kos on May 26, 2002. Founder Armstrong Zuniga and went to work for Howard Dean's presidential campaign in June 2003. Founded the YearlyKos / Netroots Nation conferences in 2006. Founder of BlogPAC in 2004, again with Jerome Armstrong. Founding fellow New Politics Institute in 2005.
Co-founder Vox Media on August 1, 2002 with Jerome Armstrong and Tyler Bleszinsky (at this point, Moulitsas was applying to be a CIA covert operations officer). Co-founder in 2005 of SB Nation, the soon-to-be prominent sports site, together with Tyler Bleszinski (also co-founder Vox Media in August 2002; media relations manager Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide 2000-2004) and Jim Bankoff (BA international studies; MBA Wharton; vice president AOL; founder TMZ; CEO Vox Media since 2009, the parent company of SB Nation and sites as (previously owned by AOL) and fellow-MMA site
Anno 2019 one of the Democrat columnists of TheHill, a "balanced" Washington, D.C. new site founded in 1994 by Jerry Finkelstein (1916-2012), whose son, Andrew Stein / Andrew Finkelstein (b. 1945), was married to Lynn Forester de Rothschild from 1983 to 1993 and has two kids with her. - June 9, 2003, Daily Kos post of Markos Moulitsas, 'Full Disclosure': "I've been on the road a lot the past few months [mainly] for my new political consulting firm (alongside my partner). I spent this weekend in Burlington, VT, where we officially accepted work on behalf of presidential candidate Howard Dean."
- October 5, 2007,, 'Kos Celeb': "I applied. I also applied at the State Department, but only the CIA showed interest. ... The interviewing process took a year, between security checks and all sorts of psych evaluations and drug tests.
I wasn't [well known] then. This was late 2002 and nobody knew I existed. I started blogging in early 2002, and it was around that summer, probably, that I applied. I don't think they knew about Daily Kos until I disclosed it. Part of my extracurricular activities and whatnot. ...
They actually asked, point-blank, "Are you willing to give up this political stuff to work for us?" And, after I thought about it long enough, I wasn't. It would have been a weird life." - June 2, 2006, Markos Moulitsas interview with Gregory Dalton at the Commonwealth Club of California (transcribed from YouTube posted interview): "I think a lot of the people that did have problems with the CIA, I mean, it was a very vocal minority. I think most people didn't really think about it that much, right? It wasn't really on their radar screens in the way that now it is because now we're in this huge war and it was the CIA that was warning the Administration against invading because there were no weapons of mass destruction.
Here's a little secret I don't think I've ever written about, but in 2001 I was underemployed, unemployed, underemployed [and] so I applied to the CIA and I went all the way to the end, I mean, it was to the point where I was going to sign papers to become Clandestine Services, and it was at that point that the Howard Dean campaign took off and I had to make a decision whether I was going to kind of join the [Howard] Dean campaign, that whole process, or I was going to become a spy. [laughter from audience] And it was going to be a tough decision at first, but then the CIA insisted that if I join that they'd want me to do the first duty assignment in Washington, DC and I hate Washington, DC. That was six years in Washington, DC before they'd post me overseas, I was like, yeah! That made the decision a lot easier.
But what was really amazing about that experience is that every single person I talked to in the CIA, and I must have talked to dozens of people, you know, psychologists and, you know, people in the leadership, and you go through this whole, like, six month process, really in depth. Every single one of them was liberal. Every single one of them, and, to the point where I was talking to somebody, we were talking about my Web site, because they came by my Web site, and she was agreeing with me on everything and this was before the war, right? And she kept saying, man, they're going to take us to war and, you know, it's, the evidence isn't there and this is crazy, and I was like, is this just you or what? And she's like, no, we're all like this here. We're all, this is a very liberal institution. And, in a lot of ways, it does attract people who want to make a better, you know, want to make the world a better place. I mean, people who are internationalist, in general. Rarely are people who say I want to go bomb the f–k out of some other country, right? ...
Of course, they've got their dirty ops and this and that, right? But, as an institution itself, the CIA is actually really interested in a stable world. That's what they're interested in. And stable worlds aren't created by destabilizing regimes and by starting wars. They're done so by other methods. You know, assassinating labor leaders, and, no, I'm kidding. But that was really surprising to me. So coming from the, and of course, I think a lot of conservatives would kind of take that as evidence that the CIA was out to undermine Bush or something because they are a bunch of liberals, and they are, they were a bunch of liberals. But ultimately that was an eye-opening experience for me, and at least ultimately I don't think it's a very partisan thing to want a calm, stable world, and even if you're protecting American interests, I mean, you know, that can get ugly at times, but generally speaking, I think, as an organization, their heart's in the right place and, if liberals before had a [inaudible], you know, this is before my time. I've never had a problem with the CIA, and, which is why I'd have no problem working for them.
But I don't know. I mean, also keep in mind I came to this country in 1980, so I don't, you know, a lot of this more historical hostility towards the CIA by the left is before my time, so I may be missing nuances or something that, but, from a modern perspective, you know, obviously things are a little different."
- Markos Moulitsas biography: Born in 1971. Salvadoran-Greek parents. Greatest inspiration is Salvadoran martyr and archbishop Oscar Romero, who was murdered by a U.S. government and American Security Council-linked death squad. MLRS Fire Direction Specialist in the U.S. Army in Germany 1989-1992. BA in political science, journalism and philosophy, Northern Illinois University, 1996, and the university paper's editor-in-chief 1995-1996. Boston University law school 1996-1999. Went into web development, right before the bust.
- (accessed: August 23, 2011): "Among luminaries posting diaries on [Daily Kos] are President Jimmy Carter, Senator Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and dozens of other senators, congressmen, and governors."
- In 2016 Daily Kos was added to this "liberal CIA" oversight due to a grant of the Tides Foundation and its fiscal sponsorship by the Tides and Rockefeller Philantrophy Advisors-tied Netroots Foundation. It wasn't until March 2017 that ISGP noticed that Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas' CIA ties or his Netroots Nation conferences
- Financing details of Daily Kos and Netroots Nation:
- 2013 grants list, Tides Foundation: "Daily Kos Foundation. $25,000.00. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA."
- (accessed: December 24, 2015): "Netroots Foundation provides fiscal sponsorship services to new organizations that align with our mission and goals. ... Our Current Projects: Daily Kos Foundation. Everyone Hacks..."
- (accessed: December 24, 2015): "Mentoring Staff & Advisers. Mentoring Staff: Liza Pike [wife of Tides Foundation founder and president Drummond Pike] ... Prior to joining Resource Media, Liza was a press officer for the Natural Resources Defense Council... ...
Melissa Foley (@melfoley) is the new media program director for Netroots Foundation [and used to work] as a senior member of the online communications team at Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection and as director of marketing and operations for a web-based social enterprise. ...
Advisers: ... Jane Levikow, Director of Sponsored Projects and Funds, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers..."
- (accessed: December 24, 2015): "Mentoring Staff & Advisers. Mentoring Staff: Liza Pike [wife of Tides Foundation founder and president Drummond Pike] ... Prior to joining Resource Media, Liza was a press officer for the Natural Resources Defense Council... ...
- (accessed: August 23, 2011): "AFL-CIO ... Daily Kos ... Headwaters Foundation ... Democracy for America ... ... Alliance for Justice ... ACLU ... The American Prospect ... ... ... Common Cause ... Democratic National Committee ... Equal Justice Society ... Friends of the Earth ... The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) ... Grassroots Solutions ... NRDC ... Planned Parenthood ... Progressives United ... Sierra Club ..." In later years, NORML also became a sponsor.
- Left-wing website and radio show that pretends to be anti-establishment, but is financed by foundations as Ford, Park and Tides.
- Democracy Now! was founded in February 1996 by Pacifica Foundation Radio, which has equally received major financing of foundations as Ford since the late 1940s to guarantee its continued existence. Democracy Now!'s founder and host, Amy Goodman, actually used to work at Pacifica.
- TheLegendOfAmyGoodman ByPaulDerienzo.htm (accessed: November 2, 2003): "The name that would not be spoken at the last meeting of the Interim Pacifica National Board in New York City was arguably the central figure of the five station Pacifica Foundation network and the host of Democracy Now! (DN) its most expensive, if not most popular program. Amy Goodman has been receiving an officially stated stipend from Pacifica of $440,000 a year, but according to Pacifica's Treasurer Jabari Zakiya Goodman is in fact receiving $1 million dollars a year for a minimum period of 5 years according to the fine print of her generous contract with Pacifica. Although the overall terms of Goodman's contract remain a secret, the actual document has not been released; we only have an unofficial summary of its terms, its generally believed that Goodman has been given ownership of her program, despite the fact that DN had been started through the donated nickels and dimes of the Foundation's thousands of mostly working class and poor contributors."
- Spread 9/11 Truth disinformation:
- September 11, 2006, host Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!: "Today, a 9/11 national broadcast exclusive, the first televised debate [between] the filmmakers of Loose Change and the editors of Popular Mechanics."
- Very realistic debate:
- Popular Mechanics representative: "It's a form of argumentation that is also used by creationists [and] holocaust denial works with very similar logic." And also: "People died. We're talking about real human beings here. You know, this wasn't a movie."
- Jason Bermas gets highly frustrated at times. Also replies with: "We are talking about real human beings and we need to respect them with the truth, sir."
- The debate was between Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas of Loose Change and James "Jim" Meigs and David Dunbar ofPopular Mechanics. Bogus topics discussed:
- Flight 93 crash or shoot down.
- Cell phone calls not possible.
- Flight 77 did or didn't hit the Pentagon (it obviously did).
- War games diverting resources (it didn't or shouldn't have).
- WTC discussion: starts out with basement/lobby bomb theories. Kevin Ryan discussed: UL indeed does not certify steel. Knock down with two lines quote. Knocked off 15 foot panels of marble (lobby nonsense again). Asked about scam artist Willy Rodriguez. Popular Mechanics: says jet fuel poured down elever shafts, "setting of secondary explosions." Also untrue: elevators slamming down caused the "explosions".
- WTC 7 (NIST report not yet released, so little hard-hitting info available). Bermas brings up the Barry Jennings disinformation Popular Mechanics wrongly states: "those fires burned unfought for 7 hours unchecked, fed by diesel tank generators."
- Financing:
- Free Speech TV is the parent TV company for outlets as Indymedia and Democracy Now!. Free Speech TV has received grants from foundations as Soros, Ford, Rockefeller, MacArthur and more.
- Ford Foundation:
- Ford Foundation Annual Report 1998: "Pacifica Foundation (North Hollywood, Calif.) $75,000 For a marketing promotion and program development activities for Democracy Now!"
- Ford Foundation Annual Report 2002: "Deep Dish TV, Inc. (New York, NY) $75,000 For the television news series "Democracy Now" to continue incorporating the aftermath of the September 11th attacks into future broadcasts."
- Ford Foundation Annual Report 2004: "Democracy Now Productions, Inc. (New York, NY) $150,000 To produce, broadcast and distribute a series of radio, television and Internet reports on the media reform movement in the United States."
- (Park Foundation media grants; accessed: January 14, 2016): "
- 2015: ... Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY General operating support $25,000...
- 2014: ... Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY General operating support $25,000...
- 2013: ... Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY Democracy Now!'s live on-the-ground coverage of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, Poland $30,000... Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY Democracy Now! Productions $25,000...
- 2012: ... Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY To expand the live, on-the-ground news coverage during the 2012 Election Cycle and 100-city Community Media Tour $5,000... Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY Democracy Now! Daily Global News Program $25,000...
- 2011: ... Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY General operating support $25,000...
- 2010: ... Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY General operating support $25,000...
- 2009: ... Democracy Now! Productions, Inc New York, NY General operating support $25,000... " - 2003 annual report, Threshold Foundation: "Democracy Now! ... $20,000..."
- 2004-2014 grants list, Tides Foundation: "
[2004:] Democracy Now! $15,250.00.
[2005:] Democracy Now! $15,000.00.
[2006:] Democracy Now! $54,809.00.
[2007:] Democracy Now! $17,500.00.
[2008:] Democracy Now! $74,716.00.
[2009:] Democracy Now! $20,000.00.
[2010:] Democracy Now! $43,871.00.
[2011:] Democracy Now! 69680.
[2012:] Democracy Now! 49084.
[2013:] Democracy Now! $50,000.00 ... $5,000.00 ... $250,000.00.
[2013:] Democracy Now! $5,000.00 ... $1,000.00 ... $500.00 ... $24,841.00 ... $19,196.00... "
TOTAL 2004-2014 funding from Tides to Democracy Now! is $715,447. - Schumann Center of Soros-ally, CFR member and Bilderberg steering committee member Bill Moyers:
- 2004, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "Democracy Now... A grant of $25,000 to fund Special 2004 election coverage."
- 2009, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "Democracy Now... $300,000."
- 2012, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "Democracy Now ... $750,000."
- 2013, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "Democracy Now ... $750,000."
- amy_goodman_moderates_ out_of_harms_way_alternatives _to_public_injection_in _ new_york_1248 (accessed: March 11, 2016): "September 30, 2015 | Wednesday | 6:00 pm ... Amy Goodman will moderate a panel entitled, Out of Harm's Way: Alternatives to Public Injection in New York. The event is sponsored by the Open Society Foundations Public Health Program, in partnership with Unitarian Church of All Souls. ..."
- 2007, Bob Feldman in peer-reviewed journal Critical Sociology, 'Report from the Field: Left Media and Left Think Tanks — Foundation-Managed Protest?', p. 440 (PDF): "Table 8. Foundation Grants to Other Left Think Tanks/Media Groups, 1996 to 2004. ... Institute for Media Analysis/ Democracy Now! Total $535,000. $40,000 from Glaser Progress Foundation "to support the daily national television news program" (2001). $85,000 from J. Roderick MacArthur Foundation (2001). $60,000 from Glaser Progress Foundation "for support of Amy Goodman's Democacy Now! " (2002). $100,000 from Lannan Foundation (2003). $100,000 from Glaser Progress Foundation "for support of the newscast Democracy Now! " (2003). $150,000 from Ford Foundation (2004)."
- July 9, 2011, Bob Feldman article on Wrong Kind of Green, 'FLASHBACK: Democracy Now! Show Funder Censors Anti-War Journalist John Pilger': "According to the Lannan Foundation's Form 990 financial filing for 2008, Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! Productions was given three grants, totaling $375,000, by the Lannan Foundation."
- April 1, 2015,, 'Disinformation Has Been Officially Bought By BuzzFeed': "... And, Happy April Fools' Day." So, this article actually constitutes an April Fools' joke, but in protest of April Fools' jokes I have no intention of removing from the list here. Well, there are more reasons why I prefer to be listed here for the time being:
- posts quite a few links to the Sierra Club, AlterNet, Graham Hancock disinformation, etc.
- Since December 2016 has a working relationship with the questionable and extremely disinformative forum, once the home of unbelievably extreme Coast to Coast AM disinformer John Lear.
- December 16, 2015, thread1097214/pg1, 'Welcome to the universe!': "We've entered a new partnership with a website many of you already know and love, Having both been "birthed" on the Internet in the mid-1990's, both of our sites have long represented the more sober approach to alternative news and views. So as the misinformation, disinformation, and missing information from mainstream media is reaching historic levels, especially with the electioneering in full swing in the US, it makes sense to join forces. Over the next few weeks, we may begin to see key content authors from slide over here into this forum to exchange content ideas with ATS members. And likewise, we'd like to see some of our more experienced ATS members slide over to and start adding your voice to the battle against disinformation. And as many of you probably have already guessed, our efforts mentioned in these two threads (Help Wanted: Full Stack Developers, Mobile Developers, UI/UX Designers, and other tech people..., help Wanted: Writers, Journalists, Illustrators, Videographers, and other content creators...) have something to do with the longer term strategies we and have been cooking up."
- December 26, 2015, Skeptic Overlord (William Irvine) for, 'A Sneak Peak at The New': "As some of you may be aware, The Disinformation Company and have entered into a collaboration."
- The Above Top Secret forum (ATS) has been ran over the years by Skeptic Overlord (William Irvine) and Springer (Mark Allin), who have been operating the forum under the Comanche, Oklahoma-registered The Above Network, LLC, respectively as CEO and COO. Valhall, Spinger's wife, has been an Oklahoma-based Halliburton employee, with rumors flying around that ATS is connected to some kind of military domain ( Don't know if the latter is true.
- (accessed: April 29, 2016): "Melissa Allin, P.E. Site EHS Leader, GE OGTC [since November 2015]. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Oil and Energy. ... Technical Team Leader II/HSE, Coordinator, Halliburton: 2000-2012 (12 years)... Columbia Southern University (B.S.), Environmental Management, 4.0, 2008-2012. - University of Oklahoma, Bacheler of Science (B.S.), Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical/Space Engineering, 3.92, 1987-1991. ... [a number of oil drilling-related patents]..."
- ATS has been extremely prominent in the UFO business since its beginning in 1997 and contains little but utter and complete BS - which is subsequently debunked by a group of rent-a-skeptics. The usual internet trolls (most likely of the national security kind) have been attacking ATS for banning anti-Semitism, disinformation regarding the Sandy Hook massacre (a favorite of no-plane extremist James Fetzer) and eventually doing away with another no-plane extremist (on top of everything else), John Lear, as well with Bill Ryan of Project Avalon and Project Camelot (two important conspiracy disinfomation projects). It's usually the more extreme national security websites that draw this kind of endless criticism in order to generate false debates and keep every sane person miles away.
- I can't imagine Disinfo putting out a news report that they have been bought by Buzzfeed, without some existing private relationship and/or approval from Buzzfeed (I'd definitely be complaining as Buzzfeed CEO). Also, Buzzfeed is an offshoot of the Huffington Post of one-time George Soros agent Arianna Huffington.
- (accessed: November 25, 2015): "Jonah Peretti: Founder & CEO... After co-founding the Huffington Post in 2005, Peretti launched BuzzFeed in 2006... Ken Lerer, Executive Chairman... He was the Chairman and Co-founder of The Huffington Post..."
- Co-founder with Jonah Peretti and Arianna of the Huffington Post in 2006 was Kenneth Lerer. Biography: executive vice president AOL Time Warner (acquired Huffington Post in 2011 for $315 million). Chair and CEO of Buzzfeed. Founding managing director Lerer Hippeau Ventures Jan. 2010-. Founder in 2013.
- It might be a reach, but Marcie Gainer, the executive editor of who put out the April Fools' joke is not just anyone. In 2013 she graduated from New York University, the same rather prestigious university as Alexander Soros, albeit in 2009. However, Alexander Soros, for example, has been mingling with CNN dissenter Amber Lyon who in March 2014 founded the "grass roots" news site on psychedelics
- biography of Gary Baddeley (accessed: August 16, 2016): "Mr. Gary Baddeley has been the President and Chief Executive Officer of The Disinformation Company Ltd. since 1997. ... From 1990 to 1996, Mr. Baddeley was an attorney at Phillips Nizer LLP in New York City, specializing in representation of clients in the music and television industries... Mr. Baddeley holds a JD from New York University School of Law and a B.Sc. from Kingston University."
- Turns out, the Disinformation Company was founded in 1996 and since that time controlled by relatively big interests. The website/company was founded by Tele-Communications Inc. (now Comcast), with the original team soon continuing it as a separate entity. It was later acquired by Razorfish. After being held privately for some time, in 2012 was bought by Red Wheel Weiser Conari, the second largest publisher of occult books after Llewellyn.
- I keep seeing little hints of "liberal CIA" at Disinfo over the years:
- Abby Martin of the elite-backed Project Censored has been a frequent contributor to (
- The Disinformation Company has published Jim Marrs' 2006 book The Terror Conspiracy that promotes Pentagon no-plane theories and other disinformation. It also published Marrs' 2008 Above Top Secret and 2009 The Sisterhood of the Rose.
- The Disinformation Company published the books Supernatural of Graham Hancock in 2007 and Robert Bauval's The Egypt Code (2008). Both authors have spread massive amounts of disinformation on Ancient Egypt.
- The Disinformation Company has served as a distributor of documentary films of Greg Palast and Alex Jones (Terrorstorm, Endgame) and films as The ACLU Freedom Files (2006) and MoveOn: The Movie (2009). The ACLU and MoveOn have been backed by liberal elites as George Soros. The Disinformation Company spread quite a bit of 9/11 Truth material over the years.
- Disinformation Company editor-at-large Russ Kick also ran the websites The Memory Hole I (2002-2009) and The Memory Hole II (2016). One of the most noticeable actions of The Memory Hole I was the publication of several hundred photos depicting the coffins of U.S. soldiers fallen in Iraq. The photos were acquired through a FOIA request.
- Parent TV company for outlets as Indymedia and Democracy Now!
- History:
- "Free Speech TV was launched in 1995... Free Speech TV evolved from the popular The 90's cable and PBS show and The 90's Channel... Following the World Trade Center tragedy on September 11, 2001, Free Speech TV helped launch the television premier of Democracy Now!, which remains one of the network's most popular shows.
Free Speech TV also launched GRITtv... During the Arab Spring, the network pre-empted much of its regular non-news programming to carry Al Jazeera English's exemplary on-the-ground journalism from Tahrir Square and other hotspots. ...
In 2011 and 2012, Free Speech TV coverage [included] the Occupy Wall Street movement."
- "Free Speech TV was launched in 1995... Free Speech TV evolved from the popular The 90's cable and PBS show and The 90's Channel... Following the World Trade Center tragedy on September 11, 2001, Free Speech TV helped launch the television premier of Democracy Now!, which remains one of the network's most popular shows.
- Elite tries/financing:
- January 26, 2005, Free Speech TV brochure-in-development-final (PDF on of Dr. Brian Klocke), p. 1: "Free Speech TV is a project of Public Communicators, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Since its inception in 1995, FSTV has been supported by member contributions and by grants and gifts from the Alphawood Foundation, Bioneers Fund, Donner Foundation, Chicago Instructional Technology Foundation, Denver Area Educational Telecommunications Consortium, Ford Foundation, Funding Exchange, Gill Foundation, Glaser Progress Foundation, Instructional Telecommunications Foundation, Just Media Foundation, Kieschnick Family Foundation, Kurz Family Foundation, Lannan Foundation, John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture, Needmor Fund, Open Society Institute, Otto Haas Charitable Trust #2, Park Foundation, Paul Robeson Fund for Independent Media, Phoebe Haas Charitable Trust, Portland Regional Educational Telecommunications Corporation, Rockefeller Foundation, Schreier Family Foundation, Unitarian Universalist Funding Program, The Waterman Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation, Willard L. Eccles Foundation, and the Working Assets Grantmaking Fund."
- (accessed: July 27, 2010): "Free Speech TV is owned and operated by Public Communicators, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization, founded in 1974. ... Foundations providing general operating and project grants include: Alphawood Foundation, Lannan Foundation, LEF Foundation, Otto Haas Charitable Trust, Park Foundation, and The Tides Foundation. ... Annual Income: $3,386,950."
- (accessed: November 19, 2018): "Mark Winston Griffith, Board Chair... Mark has served as a fellow with the Open Society Institute, the Revson Fellowship at Columbia University, and the Rockefeller Foundation's Next Generation Leadership program."
- (accessed: November 19, 2018): "Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting ... International A.N.S.W.E.R."
- The Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy is supposed to be a grassroots think tank, news and investigative blog in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. Criticizing even such things as CIA drug trafficking (while taking information but circumventing ISGP), its prime objective, however, as usual, is to push LGBTQ issues, attack white people, with the conservative ultraright having special focus.
- October 3, 2017, GRIDD, '35 years later, American Made movie tells part of the story of US Drug Policy, the CIA and Barry Seal' (in bold): "It is important to point out what the black community has been telling us for years [about CIA drug trafficking], which was something like, we don’t have the planes and the boats to bring these drugs into the US, this was always done by white people, yet it has had devastating effects in the black community. ... watch the 2014 film Kill the Messenger [instead], which is about journalist Gary Webb..."
- The Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy (GRIID) is part of a cluster of extremely cheap-looking websites and non-profits also involving and the Grand Rapids People's History Project (linked at the top of GRIID). In turn, this network is linked to and at least occasionally financed by the Grand Rapids Community Media Center, the Grand Rapids Community Foundation, the Knight Foundation and likely other "liberal CIA" foundations.
- January 14, 2009, Grand Rapids Community Media Center, 'Grand Rapids Citizen Journalism Launches with Knight Grant': "Grand Rapidians will have the opportunity to become citizen reporters with a soon-to-be established network of neighborhood news bureaus in the city, thanks to a $128,000 grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The Grand Rapids Community Foundation will use the funds to establish four neighborhood news bureaus in the city. Matching grants from the [Grand Rapids] Community Foundation and other sources will round out the launch of program.
In partnership with the Community Media Center (CMC), the news bureaus will give citizen reporters the tools...
There are more than 800 active citizen journalism outlets in the U.S. and the list is growing. Knight Foundation has supported this movement in many communities."
- January 14, 2009, Grand Rapids Community Media Center, 'Grand Rapids Citizen Journalism Launches with Knight Grant': "Grand Rapidians will have the opportunity to become citizen reporters with a soon-to-be established network of neighborhood news bureaus in the city, thanks to a $128,000 grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The Grand Rapids Community Foundation will use the funds to establish four neighborhood news bureaus in the city. Matching grants from the [Grand Rapids] Community Foundation and other sources will round out the launch of program.
- This cluster of Grand Rapids non-profits claims inspiration from the (Howard) Zinn Education Project.
- Arianna Huffington has a had a close relationship with George Soros since at least 2000 when she organized the first Shadow Conference for him, where she admitted to the world: "I have become radicalized." Soros put up 1/3 of the funds. The conferences were focused on the need for more than a two party system, the corrupting influence of money on politics, wealth inequality, and drug war/policy reform. Ethan Nadelmann, a key Soros representative since the early 1990s, made the usual proposals for drug policy reform at the first Shadow Conference. ( Nadelmann later became one of the contributors to Huffington Post and Arianna has made tweets in his favor. On June 8, 2013, for example, she tweeted: "Ethan Nadelmann: The real Drug Czar. @7im @rollingstone"
- October 6, 2004, David Horowitz and Richard Poe for Front Page Magazine (ultraconservative), 'The Shadow Party: Part I': "In 2000, Soros stepped up his attack on the status quo - dramatically raising his profile in U.S. electoral politics in the process - by sponsoring the so-called "Shadow Conventions." Organized by author, columnist, social climber and political gadfly, Arianna Huffington, the Shadow Conventions were counter-cultural events that gave a spotlight to critics of the electoral mainstream, most from the far left. ... Huffington declared that US politics needed a third force to break the deadlock."
- On June 8, 2013, for example, Arianna Huffington tweeted: "Ethan Nadelmann: The real Drug Czar. @7im @rollingstone" Nadelmann has been George Soros' point-man on psychedelics since the early 1990s.
- A major investor in Huffington Post since 2006 was Softbank Corporation, a director of which, Mark Schwartz, served as president and CEO of Soros Fund Management, LLC from 2001 to 2005. Before that, from 1999 to 2001, Schwartz was chair of Goldman Sachs Asia, an elite bank where he served in various positions since 1979.
- The non-profit Huffington Post Investigate Fund was founded in 2010, with much of the funding coming from Atlantic Philanthropies, at the time headed by LaMarche, formerly a vice president of Soros' Open Society Foundations.
- April 2, 2009, The Spectator, 'Soros Buddy Funds HuffPo "Investigative Journalism" Fund': "Arianna Huffington announced that her left-wing gossip website, the Huffington Post, is launching the Huffington Post Investigative Fund. ... The program's startup budget will be $1.75 million. The money will be provided by the Huffington Post and the Atlantic Philanthropies. The Bermuda-based Atlantic Philanthropies is headed by Gara LaMarche, who used to be a vice president of liberal uber-philanthropist George Soros's Open Society Institute. LaMarche is a member of Soros's Democracy Alliance, a billionaires' club..."
- December 22, 2009, Politico, 'Knight gives $200K to HuffPo Investigative Fund'.
- October 19, 2010, Business Insider, 'Huffington Post And Center For Public Integrity Create "One Of The Largest Investigative Newsrooms In The Country"': "Knight Foundation, a current funder of both the Center and the Investigative Fund, has promised an additional $250,000 to the Center in support of the newly combined news operation. ... The Knight Foundation recently committed $1.7 million to the Center specifically to expand its digital media platforms."
- (accessed: March 3, 2018): "California Endowment ... Carnegie Corporation ... Ford Foundation ... Kellogg Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation. Omidyar Network. Open Society Foundations. ... Park Foundation..."
- March 30, 2009,, 'Introducing the new Huffington Post Investigative Fund (And My Own Role in It)': "The Huffington Post Investigative Fund. It is being funded by The Huffington Post and The Atlantic Philanthropies, and will be headed by Nick Penniman [Washington director of Bill Moyer's Schumann Center; publisher Washington Monthly magazine 2005-2006; associate editor of the American Prospect]..."
- In the 1990s Arianna was an advisor to superclass member Newt Gingrich, a relatively liberal Republican congress member 1979-1999 and speaker of the House 1995-1999. In 1968 Gingrich had been southern regional director for presidential candidate Nelson Rockefeller, who lost to Nixon (Rockefeller's friend and right hand in his campaign, Henry Kissinger, still became Nixon national security advisor). Gingrich seems to have benefited from these ties, because he is solid superclass. NGOs Gingrich has been involved in: Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), American Enterprise Institute, Bohemian Grove, Hoover Institution, CFR, GenerationEdge (liberal, founded by Justin Rockefeller, son of Sen. Jay Rockefeller), Alfalfa, Project on National Security Reform, New Atlantic Initiative, Global Forum 2000, Defense Policy Board (2001-2010), US Commission on National Security, United States European Command Senior Advisory Group, National Defense Council Foundation (NDCF), American Foreign Policy Council, National Policy Forum, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Third Committee on the Present Danger, Herzliya Conference. Gingrich is also on the advisory board of the elite 1001 Club-linked Barrick Gold Corporation.
- In 1986 she married millionaire Michael Huffington, a son of the founder of natural gas exploration company Huffco. The couple had two children. Michael Huffington biography: Graduated from Stanford in economics and engineering in 1970. Summer intern for Congressman George H. W. Bush in 1968. First worked for First National Bank, an old Morgan bank, in 1972. Vice chair of Huffco 1976-1990. Reagan's deputy assistant secretary of defense for negotiations policy in 1986. Republican congressman from California 1993-1995. Spent $5.4 million on his own campaign. Subsequently failed to get elected to the Senate, a campaign on which he spent $28 million. In 1997 he divorved from Arianna and a year later announced he was bisexual. Co-chairman with actor and director Rob Steiner of Proposition 10, which increased the tax on cigarettes, in 1998. Co-chaired a June 29, 2006 dinner for governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. In December 2006, Michael became a blogger for his ex-wife's Huffington Post.
- July 17, 2008, New York Times, 'Roy M. Huffington, Independent Oilman, Is Dead at 90': "He earned a doctorate in geology at Harvard, then hit oil in 17 of the first 18 wells he drilled. He suspected that there might be natural gas in Indonesia, he once said, because its geology seemed to resemble that of the Gulf Coast. ... He gave to hundreds of charities and Republican campaigns, including those of his son, Michael, who won a Congressional seat in California but lost a senatorial bid there. The political commentator and blogger Arianna Huffington is a former wife of Michael's. In an essay on her Web site, the Huffington Post, she called Roy Huffington an oilman when oil exploration was still a romantic endeavor." ... After seven years of operation, the project produced enough gas to meet the fuel requirements of the equivalent of eight cities of 500,000 people and made Indonesia the world's largest LNG supplier. The project increased Mr. Huffington's personal net worth to more than $300 million, by Forbes's estimate, when he sold his businesses to the Chinese Petroleum Corporation in 1989. In 1990, when his old friend from the oil patch President George H. W. Bush, asked him to be ambassador to Austria, he accepted, and served for three years. He worked to improve business ties with the former Soviet bloc."
- On the board of Public Integrity, financed by similar interests and deeply tied to the liberal national media:
- (accessed: November 24, 2015): "MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL FUNDERS. New and ongoing support of $20,000 and above in 2014: Atlantic Philanthropies of New York ... Carnegie Corporation of New York ... Craigslist Charitable Foundation ... Democracy Fund ... Ford Foundation. Foundation for National Progress ... William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. W.K. Kellogg Foundation. John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. ... John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Robert R. McCormick Foundation. ... Omidyar Network. Open Society Foundations [Soros]. ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Rockefeller Family Fund."
- (accessed: November 24, 2015): "PAUL A. VOLCKER is chairman of the newly formed Economic Recovery Advisory Board under President Obama. " Volcker has been one of David Rockefeller's closest friends and colleagues.
- (accessed: November 24, 2015) (note: quite a few young people in their early to mid-30s): "PETER BALE, chief executive officer, joins the Center after three years at CNN International, where he ran and other digital products outside the United States. The International edition of the CNN site recorded double-digit growth in users ... ARIANNA HUFFINGTON is the chair, president, and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group, a nationally syndicated columnist, and author of fourteen books. In May 2005, she launched The Huffington Post, a news and blog site that quickly became one of the most widely-read, linked to, and frequently-cited media brands on the Internet. In 2012, the site won a Pulitzer Prize for national reporting. She has been named to Time Magazine's list of the world's 100 most influential people and the Forbes Most Powerful Women list. Originally from Greece, she moved to England when she was 16 and graduated from Cambridge University with an M.A. in economics. At 21, she became president of the famed debating society, the Cambridge Union. She serves on several boards, including HuffPost's partners in Spain, the newspaper EL PAÍS and its parent company PRISA; Onex; The Center for Public Integrity; and The Committee to Protect Journalists. ... JAMES A. KIERNAN is a former partner in and currently of counsel to Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, the New York-based international law firm. ... JENNIFER 8. LEE is a journalist and author who spent nine years at The New York Times. There she covered technology, Washington, crime, poverty and culture. Lee has played a lead role in the Knight News Challenge ... RICHARD M. LOBO is an entrepreneurial leader in American broadcasting, a veteran of NBC, CBS, PBS... In 1994, President Bill Clinton named Lobo Director of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting in the United States Information Agency. In 2010, President Barack Obama appointed him Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau, the administrative and technical arm of the Broadcasting Board of Governors. Lobo resigned in December 2013 and retired to South Florida. He is a member of the Latino Advisory Council of the Kennedy Center. ... OLIVIA MA [quite young; her father is a senior vice president at the Washington Post; her mother general counsel to the American Psychological Association; her father-in-law was a vice president and CEO at Georgetown University, where her mother-in-law also worked], Co-Chair of the Board of Directors, is the senior manager for the News Lab at Google, an effort whose mission is to collaborate with journalists and entrepreneurs to build the future of media with Google. Previously, she was Head of News and Media Partnerships for Google+, where she managed Google+'s partnerships with the media industry, and a founding member of YouTube's News and Politics team, where she oversaw the site's news programming and product strategy. ... . Prior to joining YouTube and Google, Olivia was the product manager for Plum, a social media-sharing website, and ran Current, a national college news magazine published in partnership with Newsweek. Olivia graduated from Harvard University with a degree in History and Literature. As well as holding the Co-Chair of the Board of Directors for the Center for Public Integrity. ... CRAIG NEWMARK ... Craig is the founder of craigslist, started in 1995 and now one of the world's most-visited websites. He continues to work with craigslist as a customer service representative (CSR). In 2011 Craig launched craigconnects to advance the use of technology and social media to benefit philanthropy and public service. ... In addition to the Center for Public Integrity, Craig serves on the board of directors of the Poynter Institute Foundation, Sunlight Foundation, Consumers Union/Consumer Reports, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, and the Board of Overseers of the Columbia Journalism Review. He also advises nearly twenty other renowned non-profit organizations. ... MARIANNE SZEGEDY-MASZAK is an editor in the Washington Bureau of Mother Jones magazine. ... MATT THOMPSON is the deputy editor of He was an editorial product manager at National Public Radio, where he worked with NPR member stations on the development of multiple local websites. He is also an adjunct faculty member at the Poynter Institute, having completed a four-year term on the organization's National Advisory Board in 2010. Before coming to NPR, Thompson served as an interim online community manager for the Knight Foundation. Earlier in his career, Thompson was deputy web editor for the Minneapolis Star Tribune and the first online reporter/producer for the Fresno Bee. He holds a degree in English from Harvard."
- May 29, 2011, New York Times, 'Olivia Ma, Sean Kelly': "Olivia Otey Ma, the daughter of Nathalie Preston Gilfoyle and Christopher Ma of Washington, is to be married Sunday at her parents' house to Sean Uberoi Kelly, the son of Narindar U. Kelly and Michael J. Kelly of Baltimore. Judge Diana Gribbon Motz of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Baltimore is to officiate. Ms. Ma, 28, will keep her name. She is a manager at YouTube in San Bruno, Calif., where she oversees the site's news programming strategy. She is a member of the board of the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit investigative journalism organization in Washington, and is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard. The bride's father is a senior vice president, handling new business development, at The Washington Post Company. Her mother is the general counsel of the American Psychological Association, also in Washington. Mr. Kelly, 40, is a general manager at Zynga, the developer of Farmville and other games, in San Francisco, where he helps create online games that involve interaction with other players. He graduated from Princeton and received a master's in interactive telecommunications from New York University. His parents are retired from Georgetown University, where his mother was the administrator of the student primary-care clinic and his father was a vice president and the chief operating officer."
- November 1, 2017, Washington Post, 'About The WorldPost': "The WorldPost, a partnership of the Berggruen Institute and The Washington Post... Publishing op-eds and features from around the globe, we work from a worldwide perspective looking around rather than a national perspective looking out.
Editorial board: Nicolas Berggruen, ... Walter Isaacson, ... Arianna Huffington, [Gianni Agnelli heir] John Elkann, Pierre Omidyar, [Google CEO] Eric Schmidt..."
- Founded in 2009 at the Rockefeller's Pocantino Center:
- (accessed: Dec. 7, 2023): "Strengthens and supports more than 425 independent news organizations... At INN, we believe that: ... Independence builds public trust [and] Antiracism work is necessary in journalism. ... In 2009, journalists from 27 nonpartisan, nonprofit news organizations gathered at the [RBF's] Pocantico Center in New York to plan the future of investigative journalism. The result of that meeting, the Pocantico Declaration, established the Investigative News Network (now named the Institute for Nonprofit News)..."
- (accessed: Dec. 7, 2023): "Once home to the Rockefeller family... Today, The Pocantico Center is the community-facing extension of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund..."
- Funders:
- (accessed: July 23, 2021): "$500,000+: Democracy Fund .... MacArthur Foundation ... Knight Foundation. $100,000 – $500,000: ... Facebook Journalism Project. Ford Foundation. Google News Initiative. ... Open Society Foundations. ... Robert R. McCormick Foundation. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The Miami Foundation. $10,000 to $100,000: craigslist Charitable Fund ... Edwards Family Fund. Field Foundation ... Joyce Foundation. Park Foundation."
- Founded in early 2006, the Media Consortium is a joint effort of several dozen alternative media outlets to promote themselves. Clearly streamlining their activities and making sure they largely promote the same points on immigration, integration, women's rights, political candidates and any type of conspiracy-related affairs is part of that.
- (accessed: March 14, 2017): "In 2005, two-dozen leaders of independent print, radio, television, and online media came together... In early 2006, we coalesced to to become The Media Consortium. ... Our mission is to amplify independent media’s voice, increase our collective clout, leverage our current audience and reach new ones. ... [Our] strategic principles [are:]
- Foster Collaboration and Coordination.
- Build and Diversify Media Leadership.
- Focus on Audience Development.
- Bring Money and Attention into the Sector." - Member media outlets:
- (accessed: July 7, 2006): "Air America Radio [home of The Young Turks 2006-2008]. [plus most of these below]..."
- (accessed: March 13, 2017): "Alternet ... The American Prospect ... CMD [Center for Media and Democracy - Sourcewatch] ... Democracy Now! ... Earth Island Journal. ... Greg Palast ... Grist [magazine] ... In These Times ... ... Mother Jones ... Ms. [magazine, formerly of the Ms. Foundation] ... The Nation ... National Catholic Reporter ... The Nation Institute ... News Taco ... OpenDemocracy ... Political Research Associates ... The Progressive ... The Real News ... Truthdig. Truthout. ... Washington Monthly ... Women's Media Center ... Yes! Magazine. The Young Turks."
- Financing/partnerships:
- March 2014, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, executive director Judy Clark, 'The Pocantino Center: Conference Outcomes Assessment', p. 7: "Some examples of the new organizations or coalitions that were created as the result of Pocantico conferences [of RBF] include: ...
- The Media Consortium, now a flourishing organization that fosters collaboration among its members and undertakes special projects [2005].
- The Investigative News Network (INN) [now the Institute for Nonprofit News, and also funded by RBF, Open Society, Surdna, Knight, etc.]..."- (accessed: March 14, 2017): "Jay Harris: ... In 2006 Harris helped found The Media Consortium... president of the board of Public Intelligence, Inc., the non-profit publisher of Jim Hightower's Hightower Lowdown... Between 1991 and 2009, Jay was the publisher of Mother Jones, the investigative news organization, and president/CEO Mother Jones' non-profit parent. Between 2012 and 2014, Jay served as publisher of The American Prospect... served on the governing board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists... vice chair of the [Soros-partnered] Independent Press Association."
- (accessed: March 14, 2017): "media consultant and the director of the We the People Campaign, a project, started with Jim Hightower and Katrina vanden Heuvel, to fight the dominance of corporate influence in elections and policy."
- Tides Foundation: (accessed: March 14, 2017): "Indy [Independent] media that have partnered with Tides: Alternet, [Al Gore's] Current [TV, which broadcasted The Young Turks and other shows], Democracy Now!, ... The Media Consortium, Mother Jones..."
-, Foundation for National Progress (financed by foundations as Rockefeller, Open Society, Ford, MacArthur, etc.) (accessed: March 13, 2017): "The Foundation for National Progress is the sponsor for The Media Consortium."
- 2007 annual report, Surdna Foundation, p. 54: "Foundation for National Progress ... Support for core program expenses for The Media Consortium ... $100,000."
-, grants lists (accessed: March 13, 2017): "Foundation for National Progress ... Year: 2010. ... Amount: 200,000. ... This grant supports the Media Consortium."
- 2010 annual report, The Media Consortium, p. 24: "The Media Consortium would like to give special thanks to its 2010 supporters: The Open Society Institute [of George Soros]... Arca Foundation, The Surdna Foundation ... Wallace Global Fund."
- May 15, 2013, CNS News, 'Soros Gave $6.1 Million to Groups Linked to Pressure on IRS to Target Conservative Nonprofits': "The [Media] consortium has also received $675,000 in Soros funds since 2000."
- March 2014, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, executive director Judy Clark, 'The Pocantino Center: Conference Outcomes Assessment', p. 7: "Some examples of the new organizations or coalitions that were created as the result of Pocantico conferences [of RBF] include: ...
- Prominent new left media outlet with endless historical CFR ties:
- PBS's main founder in 1969 and its initial president was Hartford Gunn Jr., who by 1972 was a member of the CFR.
- Jim Lehrer became an anchor of PBS in 1973, initially covering the Watergate affair, and from 1975-2011 served as anchor of what eventually became known as PBS NewsHour. Lehrer was invited to the CFR in 1980.
- The legendary Bill Moyers operated his Bill Moyers Journal at PBS over 1971-1981, and again from 2007 to 2010. In "alternative" circles he probably is best known for his critical reports on the Contra scandal during the Reagan administration. Moyers not only was a member of the CFR from 1966 to 1985, he also served as director from 1967 to 1974, overlapping with the chairmanship of David Rockefeller. In the exact same period he was a Bilderberg steering committee, underscoring his close relationship to David Rockefeller. Things didn't really stop there. In 1990 Moyers became president of the "liberal CIA" foundation the Schumann Center, through which he funded PBS and other NGOs. Over the 1990s and 2000s he served as a trustee of the Open Society Institute, owned by "that other lefty" CFR member and Bilderberger: George Soros.
- Chairman of PBS anno 2022 is Donald A. Baer, a member of the CFR since 1999. He joined the PBS Foundation's board in 2008 and has served as chair since 2011.
- 1998 annual report: "PBS BOARD OF DIRECTORS, As of October 7, 1998: ...
- Colin G. Campbell (PBS Chairman [1997-2001; director 1994-, vice chair 1996-1997]) [CFR '89-]: President Rockefeller Brothers Fund New York [until 2000]. ...
- Alberto Ibarguen [director 1997-, vice chair 2001-, soon new PBS chair; member CFR 2001-, director CFR 2006-2013; director PepsiCo 2005-; President and CEO Knight Foundation 2005-, still anno 2022.]...
- Sharon P. Rockefeller [wife of CFR member Sen. Jay Rockefeller]...
- Charles L. Brown [not CFR], Former Chairman & CEO, AT&T...
- Wilbert J. LeMelle [CFR 1977-], President Phelps-Stokes Fund...
- Russell W. Meyer, Jr. [not CFR] Chairman & CEO, The Cessna Aircraft Company..." - Pat Mitchell Seydel, an in-law of Ted Turner, was president and CEO of PBS 2006-2006, continuing as an "officer and advisor" of the 2004-created PBS Foundation:
- February 8, 2000, New York Times, 'PBS Names Turner Broadcasting Executive as Its New President': "... the appointment of Pat Mitchell [Seydel]..."
- /about/officers.html (accessed: Nov. 12, 2007): "Advisors and Officers: Pat Mitchell [CFR '03-]... Leadership: ... Paula Kerger [CFR '21-]... [chair and exec. director at this point never were CFR]..."
- October 31, 2001,, 'Rex Adams of Duke University's Fuqua School of Business Succeeds Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Chairman Colin Campbell as PBS Board Chairman': "Rex D. Adams [as been] a longtime executive with Mobil Corporation... "
- aboutpbs_corp_directors.html (accessed: Dec. 5, 2003): "Norman J. Ornstein (2005)* [until 2008]: Resident Scholar, The American Enterprise Institute... Alberto Ibarguen (Chair [took over late 2003 from Adams, stayed chair until late 2005, then left])(2004)** Publisher, The Miami Herald [also listed as such in 2005]... Pat Mitchell: President, Public Broadcasting Service..."
- aboutpbs_corp_directors.html (accessed: Dec. 24, 2009): "Charles T. ["Chuck"] Hagel [member CFR 1999-; SecDef 2013-2015]... Paula Kerger [CFR anno '22] ... Larry Irving (2011) ***: Vice President, Global Government Affairs, Hewlett-Packard... Sharon P. Rockefeller (2012) ** ... Geoffrey Sands (Chair) (2010) * Director, McKinsey & Company..."
- (accessed: March 9, 2022): "Chuck Hagel [member CFR 1999-; SecDef 2013-2015]... Paula Kerger [CFR anno '22] ... Jorge A. Plasencia [CFR anno '22]..."
- Funding:
- (accessed: December 17, 2015): "Florence Ford Schumann, who died in 1991, and her husband John Schumann, started this foundation in 1961. ... The current President of the [Schumann Center] Foundation is PBS's Bill Moyers."
- (media grants; accessed: January 14, 2016): "[2014:] Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications Association, Inc. Arlington, VA. General operating support of PBS NewsHour. $200,000."
- Ford Foundation grants to PFAW (Excel sheet downloadable from website listing all grants 2006-2015): "
- 103690: PBS Foundation. 2006. $2,000,000. ...
- 109788: PBS Foundation. 2008. $1,000,000. "
Total: $3,000,000. Also $3,990,000 to the Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications Association, Inc. in this same period. - September 20, 2006,, 'PBS Foundation and Skoll Foundation Establish Fund to Produce Unique Programming on Social Entrepreneurship': "The PBS Foundation and the Skoll Foundation announced today the establishment of the PBS Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Fund with a three-year, $2.5 million grant from the Skoll Foundation."
- used to be a member of the in early 2006 founded Media Consortium, which has been backed by Rockefeller Brothers Fund and George Soros' Open Society Foundations.
- David Talbot was the founder, CEO and editor-in-chief of the liberal news site 1995-2005. Briefly returned in 2011.
- David Talbot, 1970s-1980s: Freelancer for Rolling Stone. Hired by the Environmental Action Foundation in Washington, D.C. (partly financed by the Rockefeller Family Fund) to write the book Power & Light. Then an editor of the Rockefeller/Soros/Ford-financed Mother Jones magazine.
- In 2008 he wrote the best-seller Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, a semi-decent book on the JFK assassination, certainly as far as mainstream (or even alternative) books go:
- 2008, James DiEugenio for, 'Review: David Talbot's Brothers' (link). Not an all-revealing book, but certainly one that is skeptical of JFK's assassination and makes it clear that RFK himself was very suspicious of his brother's death.
- During the 2004 election season, the Clinton-, Ford Foundation-, George Soros- and CIA-affiliated Sidney Blumenthal was Washington D.C. bureau chief for From 2003 to 2007 Sidney, also a CFR member since 1992, served as a columnist for Salon. Biography and sources:
- Journalist for The New Republic, Washington Post and New Yorker in from the 1980s until 1997. Assistant and senior advisor to Bill Clinton August 1997 - January 2001. Regular columnist The Guardian 2003-2007. Aided Hillary Clinton in her senate and presidential campaign. Full-time employee Clinton Foundation 2009-2013, part-time consultant 2013-2015.
- May 18, 2015, New York Times, 'Clinton Friend’s Memos on Libya Draw Scrutiny to Politics and Business': "While advising Mrs. Clinton on Libya [in 2011-2012], Mr. Blumenthal ... was also employed by her family’s philanthropy, the Clinton Foundation. ... During the same period, he also worked on and off as a paid consultant to [the Ford Foundation and George Soros-financed] Media Matters and [the George Soros-financed] American Bridge, organizations that helped lay the groundwork for Mrs. Clinton’s 2016 campaign.
Much of the Libya intelligence that Mr. Blumenthal passed on to Mrs. Clinton appears to have come from a group of business associates he was advising as they sought to win contracts from the Libyan transitional government. The venture, which was ultimately unsuccessful, involved other Clinton friends, a private military contractor and one former C.I.A. spy seeking to get in on the ground floor of the new Libyan economy." - November 15, 2007,, 'Sidney Blumenthal departs': "He’s leaving Salon to join the Hillary Clinton campaign as a senior advisor. ... Sidney was our Washington bureau chief during the 2004 election, presided over one of the best accounts of George W. Bush’s missing year in the Texas Air National Guard, and has been a weekly Salon columnist since 2003."
- The very prominent online newspaper The Daily Beast was founded in 2008 by billionaire Barry Diller, the husband of Princess Diane von Furstenberg (whose former husband was a son of the sister of Gianni Agnelli, the key Bilderberger and best friend of Henry Kissinger). The Daily Beast is owned by the InterActiveCorp (IAC) of which Diller is the long-time chair, with Diane's son Alexander von Furstenberg on the board of directors, just as Edgar Bronfman Jr., Chelsea Clinton and Michael Eisner. While The Daily Beast is "for profit", Diller, Diane von Furstenberg and Alexander von Furstenberg together operate the "liberal CIA"-tied Diller - von Furstenberg Family Foundation while Chelsea Clinton is vice chair of the Clinton Foundation. The Bronfmans aren't just into funding neocon think tanks, but also show up in ultraliberal corners as the Tides Foundation and the Ayahuasca cult Uniao do Vegetal.
- (accessed: April 29, 2017): "The Daily Beast was founded in 2008 as the vision of Tina Brown and IAC Chairman & Senior Executive Barry Diller."
- Until his forced dismissal in April 2010 over various counts of plagiarism, the chief investigative reporter of The Daily Beast was none other than Gerald Posner, the extremist and irrational debunker of any John F. Kennedy assassination theory. With that, The Daily Beast essentially hired a widely suspected chief CIA controlled opposition asset as their chief investigative reporter.
- April 13, 2010, Huffington Post, 'Gerald Posner RESIGNS From Daily Beast Over Plagiarism Scandal': "The Daily Beast’s suspended chief investigative reporter has resigned over a plagiarism scandal."
- A look at The Daily Beast's front page on April 29, 2017 reveals numerous anti-Trump articles, numerous anti "alt-right" articles, an anti-Alex Jones article and a pro-Syrian immigration article. The usual.
- Anno 2017, InterActiveCorp also controls virtually all online dating apss: Tinder, OKCupid, BlackPeopleMeet, etc. It also controls countless prominent websites as,,,, etc.
- "New Left" radio show founded in February 2002 by the 32-year-old Wharton and Columbia University graduate Cenk Uygur on Sirius Satellite Radio, followed by Air America (2006-2008, when Air America was a founding member of the Rockefeller/Soros-backed Media Consortium) and eventually YouTube.
- Suspected for years by ISGP of being part of the "liberal CIA" network for a number of reasons (before noticing the additional Media Consortium and Justice Democrats links TYT wasn't added here):
- The Young Turks generally is very rational, but takes the usual extremist "liberal CIA" / Soros approach with regard to immigration and black activism. They make valid points on U.S. police brutality, but completely ignore that blacks, Latinos and Arabs have VASTLY higher crime numbers than white and Asian people.
- Similarly, The Young Turks aggressively pushes the "Islamophobia" line (Cenk himself was a Turkish Muslim who became a super-integrated American agnostic):
- December 18, 2016, TYT, 'Suicide Bombings Have NOTHING To Do With Islam'. (80% dislikes).
- October 12, 2016, TYT, 'Islamophobia Forces Family To Leave America The Young Turks'. (30% dislikes).
- September 27, 2016, TYT, 'Are Australians Islamophobic?'. (80% dislikes).
- April 2, 2015, TYT, 'Ayaan Hirsi Ali : "We Are At War With Islam"'. (66% dislikes). Ali is a Dutch immigrant from Africa who became an American neocon elitist after she fled the Netherlands after threats against her life by Muslim Jihadis.
- October 6, 2014, TYT, 'Ben Affleck Angrily Defends Islam Against Bill Maher/Sam Harris'. (45% dislikes). Note: people are far more likely to vote up than down.
- The Young Turks serves as the liberal anti-thesis to Alex Jones' Infowars machine. Mainly initiated by Jones, the two outlets have been at each other's throats for years.
- Both founder Cenk Uygur and long-time co-host Ana Kasparian have appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, which ISGP has also suspected of "liberal CIA" ties for years.
- In 2016 and 2017 former TYT contributor (2013-2015) Dave Rubin appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, complaining about Cenk Uygur's irrational and disingenuous handling of a debate with anti-Islamic neocon Sam Harris. Rogan, as usual, was all confused about Uygur and stayed at the surface.
- On April 7, 2014 Ana Kasparian appeared on Russia Today with "liberal CIA" asset Abby Martin (of Project Censored and such), who has also appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience (repeatedly).
- The following connections I primarily noticed while putting this oversight together:
- From January to June 2011 TYT founder and host Cenk Uygur moonlighted as an anchor at MSNBC Live, where he helped replace the liberal extremist Keith Olbermann (his bizarre anti-Trump, anti-"racism" rants in 2016 were particularly prominent) and Ed Schultz. Uygur left voluntarily at the end of this term, because he did not accept a lower profile weekend slot.
- From 2011 to 2013 The Young Turks ran a weeknight TV edition on the Al Gore-owned Current TV:
- January 3, 2013, The Young Turks, 'TYT is Independent, Not Owned by Current or Al Jazeera': "[Cenk Uygur:] Do I get a paycheck from Current TV? Of course, I host the television show! Right? But is that connected to the online show? No, those are separate entities.
[Steven Oh, chief operating officer of TYT 2010- and board director 2015-:] The Young Turks are not owned by Current TV. We're not owned by Al Gore. We're not owned by anybody. Al Gore and his tv station Current Television hired Cenk Uygur to do a single [read: parallel] show on their network. That's it. The company The Young Turks is completely independent... Whether Al Gore owns Current, Al Jazeera owns Current, doesn't really matter to our company and what we do here for our online show. ... There are these ridiculous, stupid comments online, like: "Cenk only said this because Al Gore pays him." God! It's so annoying! ... So we get no money from Al Gore, Al Jazeera, or George Soros." - As with the to-be-discussed Rockefeller and Soros-linked Media Consortium, it is very obvious that Current TV provided The Young Turks with additional exposure, even though it did not own the main part of the show. Clearly if TYT would not tow the "liberal CIA" line on immigration and other issues, they simply would never have gotten onto Gore's TV channel. Apart from that, Gore most certainly was paying Uygur. Gore, by the way, has been extremely close to Pilgrims Society and 1001 Club members since the 1970s and 1980s, including Maurice Strong, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, the Schiff family (through his daughter) and Theodore Roosevelt IV.
- January 3, 2013, The Young Turks, 'TYT is Independent, Not Owned by Current or Al Jazeera': "[Cenk Uygur:] Do I get a paycheck from Current TV? Of course, I host the television show! Right? But is that connected to the online show? No, those are separate entities.
- The Young Turks has been a member of the Media Consortium since it was founded in early 2006 (initially through Air America Radio, then under TYT), with the organizing meeting taking place at Rockefeller Brothers Fund's Pocantino Center and hundreds of thousands of dollars coming from George Soros' Open Society Foundations in subsequent years. Funds for the Media Consortium have also come through the Surdna Foundation and Foundation for National Progress. It also maintained a strategic partnership with the Tides Foundation.
- (accessed: February 16, 2009): "Write-in Vote For The Young Turks: We Hear You - TVNewser Cenk is competing for the coveted MSNBC hosting gig. And he's encouraging his audience to rally around him."
- (accessed: July 7, 2006): "Air America Radio [home of The Young Turks 2006-2008]. [etc., etc.]..."
- (accessed: March 13, 2017): "Alternet ... CMD [Sourcewatch] ... Democracy Now! ... Greg Palast [etc., etc.] The Young Turks."
- On January 23, 2017, right after the inauguration of Donald Trump, Cenk Uygur (Columbia University) founded the Justice Democrats PAC with former staffers of Bernie Sanders' failed presidential campaign, including Saikat Chakrabarti (Harvard) and Zack Exley (Harvard), a former organizing director of in a period that it was financed with millions from George Soros (he also was Chief Community Officer and Chief Revenue Officer for Wikipedia's Wikimedia Foundation 2010-2013). Bizarrely, Bernie Sanders' economists were very close David Rockefeller and George Soros men, who in turn have been very close friends of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
- January 23, 2017, Washington Post, 'Progressives launch ‘Justice Democrats’ to counter party’s ‘corporate’ legislators': "Justice Democrats cohered after the 2016 election, when Uygur began talking to veterans of the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) about ways to challenge Democrats from the left. The Justice Democrats project counts Saikat Chakrabarti and Zack Exley, two tech veterans of the Sanders campaign, among its founders."
- Financing:
- August 8, 2017, The Young Turks, 'Progressive media outlet The Young Turks has raised $20 million in venture-capital funding and plans to double its staff': "The firms 3L Capital, Greycroft,, and WndrCo, which is led by the business executive and Democratic Party kingmaker Jeffrey Katzenberg [of the Sun Valley], will invest $20 million in the progressive media company..."
- February 11, 2020,, 'Scoop: YouTube to fund launch of The Young Turks local news academy': "Sources say the investment is in the mid-six-figures range."
- Fairly prominent liberal news website founded in November 2005. Significant contributors have included Gore Vidal (a Pentagon-no-planer), Sam Harris, Robert Scheer, Chris Hedges, Daniel Ellsberg, Greg Palast, Scott Ritter and Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!.
- 2013 Tides Foundation grants list: "Truthdig LLC. $205,400.00. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA."
- (accessed: December 2, 2016): "[Zuade Kaufman] earned a bachelor's degree in film theory and criticism from the University of California at Santa Cruz. ... MA in journalism from the Annenberg School of Communications at the University of Southern California. ... She followed this with a course in publishing at Stanford University.
Convinced the future of journalism was online, in November 2005 she renewed her working relationship with Robert Scheer and together they founded Truthdig...
One of her recent initiatives, funded by [Warren Buffett's] NoVo Foundation, is publishing stories by women journalists... She established and is president of the Future of Journalism Foundation ... and she has set up a Truthdig fund at Tides Foundation to receive tax deductible contributions." - (accessed: December 2, 2016): "Support Global Voices: Truthdig Women Reporting. Your donations to the Global Voices project are tax deductible through Truthdig's designated fund at Tides Foundation..."
- Progressive "grass-roots" news website, founded in the summer of 2000 by Marc Ash. Registered in September 2001. Webarchive shows that has been up since April 2002 and since June 2010. Both display the same logo and are the same site. Right from the start in April 2002 semi-9/11 Truther William Rivers Pitt (born in 1971; son of Charles Redding Pitt, who served as chair of the Alabama state Democratic Party; press secretary for questionable 9/11 truther and chemtrail promoter Dennis Kucinich; editorial director Progressive Democrats of America) and Soros agent Arianna Huffington were listed at the top as contributors to the site.
- Right in 2002 Truthout had anti-Iraq War articles and a Repeal the USA Patriot Act series on its website, a video called A Tearful FBI Agent Accuses Superiors of 911 Cover-up, and a poll titled Should a 911 Probe Include the White House?. NSA whistleblower could regularly be found on the site.
- The board of advisors has included Dean Baker, Clinton secretary of labor Robert Reich (co-founder The American Prospect), Howard Zinn and Weatherman Underground founder Bill Ayers. Contributor Greg Palast, who can be linked to the Mossad top, in his youth was inspired by a Weather Underground member to go study at the University of Chicago.
- (accessed: March 22, 2012): "Contributing Writers: ... Noam Chomsky ... Bill Moyers ... Greg Palast ... John Pilger ... Mark Provost ...
Board of Advisers: Dean Baker ... Robert Reich ... Howard Zinn (deceased)." - (accessed: February 27, 2016): "Board of Advisers: Valerie Anderson, William [Bill] Ayers, Dean Baker..."
- (accessed: March 22, 2012): "Contributing Writers: ... Noam Chomsky ... Bill Moyers ... Greg Palast ... John Pilger ... Mark Provost ...
- Financed by a number of foundations:
- 2007, Schumann Center of Soros-ally, CFR member and Bilderberg steering committee member Bill Moyers, Form 990-PF (grants): "
-, Encilitas, CA. A grant of $500,000 for general support to strenghten editorial content through 2008. ..." - 2011, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- Truthout ... $250,000..."
- (Park Foundation media grants; accessed: January 14, 2016): "
- 2014: ... Truthout Sacramento, CA. General operating support. $15,000.
- 2013: ... Truthout Sacramento, CA General operating support $15,000. ...
- 2012: ... Truthout Sacramento, CA General operating support $15,000 ...
- 2010: ... Truthout Sacramento, CA General operating support $15,000" - 2014, Rudolf Steiner Foundation grants list: "Truthout."
- 2007, Schumann Center of Soros-ally, CFR member and Bilderberg steering committee member Bill Moyers, Form 990-PF (grants): "
- (accessed: February 27, 2016): "24 September 09: Reader Supported News is a new service by the creator of Truthout, Marc Ash [refers to himself in third person]. I started Truthout in downtown Los Angeles in the summer of 2000, as the Democratic convention unfolded a few blocks away. I did so without realizing that I would fail, and as a result, I succeeded. Truthout built its following among readers who wanted to better understand the most important stories of the day, but had grown tired of the hype and sales-pitching of the big corporate outlets. Reader Supported News (RSN) will carry forward the core concept that the reader is best served by financial control of the news service they depend on. No outside investment capital was used in the startup of RSN. No advertising money will be accepted by RSN. No grants will be sought by RSN. We like having the reader as our boss. The service is free to all - even if you cannot contribute, we are honored to have you join us as a reader. RSN will not be a non-profit."
- May 13, 2002, Counterpunch, 'Leaving the Truth Out?': "Truthout, an online newsletter and website boasting 250,000 subscribers, wants to outflank the distortions of mainstream media by disseminating news of interest to left-liberals. ... Truthout's editor, Marc Ash, claims the publication has no organizational affiliations and is entirely reader-supported — though five staffers, and the server power necessary to support a quarter-million users, don't come cheap. Given its incessant showcasing of Beltway Democrats — even career hacks like Daschle and Gephardt get flattering headlines whenever they say anything remotely progressive — I've sometimes wondered whether it's actually a James Carville-style undercover operation, aimed at cajoling Naderites back into the Democratic fold. (Suggestively, of all the questions I asked Ash about Truthout's history, purpose, and funding, the only one he was willing to answer was whether the publication is connected in some way with the Democratic Party. It is not, he said, and I'll take him at his word — though I suspect a list of contributors might make interesting reading.) At any rate, Truthout has frequently attacked the Bush administration for lying about its aggressive global agenda, and has criticized mainstream media for reporting those lies uncritically. Typically, however, an exception is made where Palestine is concerned."
- February 12, 2015, Gawker, 'Obama Secretly Partied With Bill Ayers Last Summer': "On Aug. 30, 2014, MSNBC anchor Alex Wagner and former White House chef Sam Kass got married at a private wedding north of New York City. It was widely reported at the time that President Obama, a longtime friend of the groom, attended the ceremony with his family. There were two other notable guests, however, whose attendance has been successfully kept secret: Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, the former campus radicals whose loose association with the Obama family over the years has inspired countless Fox News fever-dreams and led to Sarah Palin's famous accusation that Obama "pal[s] around with terrorists." We recently heard that Ayers and Dohrn, both former leaders of the Weather Underground, the militant left-wing group best known for bombing empty government buildings in the 1970s, were also present for the Wagner-Kass celebration at the Blue Hill at Stone Barns, a restaurant and event space in Pocantico Hills, New York. ... Ayers and Dohrn, who are 70 and 73, were linked to dozens of bombings of evacuated buildings belonging to the U.S. government and financial institutions, and helped design much of the Weathermen's philosophical framework. The pair went into hiding between 1970 and 1980 after a bomb—allegedly prepared to maim Army soldiers at New Jersey's Fort Dix—prematurely detonated in the basement of a Greenwich Village townhouse used by Weathermen to stage guerrilla attacks. Neither were ever charged for their involvement in any specific Weathermen bombing, but Dohrn—who spent three years on the FBI's Most Wanted list—eventually pleaded guilty to aggravated battery. Ayers went on to become a well-known scholar of education, and Dohrn became a professor at the Northwestern University School of Law and co-founded the school's Children and Family Justice Center. Obama has played down his association with the couple since 2008, when a variety of critics in both the Republican and Democratic camps began suggesting that he had formed his beliefs in the mold of Ayers's revolutionary politics. This accusation arose from the fact that Obama and Ayers lived in the same neighborhood, Chicago's Hyde Park, for a period of time in the 1990s. The two men and Dohrn attended the same parties, and had some of the same friends, but otherwise did not develop a close friendship. Still, Obama's first presidential campaign was forced to "condemn" the Weathermen—and, by extension, Ayers and Dohrn—after Ben Smith, then at Politico and now the editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed, reported that Obama had launched his 1995 campaign for the Illinois State Senate at the couple's home in Hyde Park, with the grace of their mutual friend and outgoing state senator Alice Palmer, who named Obama as her successor at the gathering. "Obama's relationship with Ayers is an especially vivid milepost on his rise, in record time, from a local official who unabashedly reflected a very liberal district to the leader of national movement based largely on the claim that he can transcend ideological divides," Smith wrote. The implication that Obama was influenced by the architects of the Weather Underground remains absurd."
- 9/11 Truth-related articles:
- August 12, 2002, columnist William Rivers Pitt for, 'All Along the Watchtower': "Stanley Hilton, a San Francisco attorney and former aide to Senator Bob Dole, filed a $7 billion lawsuit in U.S. District Court on June 3rd. The class-action suit names ten defendants, among whom are George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld and Norman Mineta. Hilton's suit charges Bush and his administration with allowing the September 11th attacks to take place so as to reap political benefits from the catastrophe. Hilton alleges that Osama bin Laden is being used as a scapegoat by an administration that ignored pressing warnings of the attack and refused to round up suspected terrorists beforehand. Hilton alleges the ultimate motivation behind these acts was achieved when the Taliban were replaced by American military forces with a regime friendly to America and its oil interests in the region. Hilton's plaintiffs in this case are the families of 14 victims of 9/11, numbering 400 people nationwide. These are the same families that rallied in Washington recently to advocate for an independent investigation into the attacks. The current 9/11 hearings are being conducted by Congress behind closed doors, a situation these families find unacceptable. Mr. Hilton, by filing his lawsuit, has joined the ranks of an ever-increasing body of Americans who subscribe to what they call the LIHOP Theory. LIHOP stands for Let It Happen On Purpose. The LIHOP Theory puts forward the accusation that Bush and his people allowed the September 11th attacks to take place, despite the fact that they had been repeatedly warned of an impending strike. The LIHOP Theory is straightforward: In the months before 9/11, American intelligence agencies received ominous warnings from the intelligence services of nations like Israel, Russia, Egypt and Germany. These warnings were pointed - an attack involving hijacked aircraft and prominent American landmarks was imminent, our security forces were told. Bush himself was briefed of these warnings weeks before they happened. Instead of responding vigorously to these warnings, the Bush administration and its security apparatus did nothing. LIHOP is, of course, the purest breed of conspiracy theory, involving high-ranking members of government from both parties, as well as the CIA, FBI and NSA. Like all good conspiracy theories, LIHOP is surrounded by disturbing facts and bits of evidence that are difficult to ignore. The warnings from all those foreign intelligence services, after all, are quite real. Egypt, Germany, Russia and the Israelis were vociferous in their concerns. The German intelligence service BND told US and Israeli intelligence that Middle East terrorists were "planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." The BND's information came through Echelon, the American-controlled network of 120 satellites that monitors all worldwide electronic communications. Egypt voiced similar warnings that same month regarding aircraft attacks. Delivered just before the G-8 summit in Genoa, Egypt's alert carried such weight that anti-aircraft batteries were placed around Columbus Airport in Italy. The Russians warned the US that same summer of 25 pilots who had been trained for suicide missions, and Putin himself delivered the warning "in the strongest possible terms" to the US government. The Israeli intelligence service Mossad delivered a warning to both the FBI and the CIA detailing "a major assault on the United States" against "a large-scale target" that was "very vulnerable." The Washington Post has reported that the NSA intercepted two messages on September 10, 2001, warning that something was going to happen the next day. "Tomorrow is zero hour," was one of the messages. The NSA's charter is to intercept, translate and pass on to FBI and CIA operatives important electronic signals from all across the globe. The Echelon satellite network which provided the German BND with their 9/11 information last June is part of that system. According to the NSA, the September 10th data was not translated until September 12th, but it stands to reason that they were privy to the same electronic data the other foreign services were using as the basis for their warnings. One US intelligence source claims the data provided "no actionable intelligence," a fair claim given the vagueness of the messages and the volume of material NSA must deal with. Yet in combination with the strident foreign intelligence warnings, the words intercepted by our large electronic ears on September 10th add to the growing questions. Then, there are the threads. A FEMA official told Dan Rather that the disaster agency had been at the World Trade Center on September 10th. Why Governor Jeb Bush of Florida signed executive order #01-261 on September 7th, putting his state's National Guard on heightened alert status, essentially placing Florida under martial law for no demonstrable reason. Why Attorney General John Ashcroft stopped flying on commercial aircraft in the weeks before 9/11, something he had commonly done since his entry into the administration. Why At the core of the LIHOP Theory lies motivation - what possible purpose could be served by the Bush administration allowing a terrorist attack to take place on American soil It is flatly inconceivable to most Americans that Bush and his people could demonstrate such callous disregard for American lives, and accusations that they allowed an attack to happen reek of the worst kind of poisonous partisan politics. LIHOP Theory, however, is not so easily dismissed. Two French intelligence analysts, Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, have published an extensively-researched book entitled "Osama bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth." In it, they allege that the Bush administration put energy policy before national security concerns. According to Brisard and Dasquie, a foundering pipeline project aimed at exploiting natural gas reserves along the Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan was revived by the Bush administration when it arrived in Washington in January of 2001. The pipeline project, which sought to bring oil and natural gas from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to a warm water port, had been the brainchild of American petroleum giant Unocal for much of the 1990s. After the destruction of two American embassies in Africa in 1998 by Osama bin Laden, the Clinton administration forbade any American companies from doing business with the Taliban, which had been sheltering bin Laden in Afghanistan. Unocal's pipeline project was frozen. After the Bush administration came to power, Brisard and Dasquie allege that reinvigorating the pipeline project became a high-priority matter of policy. Assistant Secretary of State Christina Rocca was dispatched to Pakistan to discuss the pipeline with Taliban officials in August of 2001. Rocca, a career officer with the CIA, had been deeply involved in Agency activities within Afghanistan. According to documents Brisard and Dasquie claim to hold, the main subject of their discussion was oil. A Pakistani foreign minister was also present at the meeting, and witnessed the exchange. How does this pipeline relate to September 11th According to Brisard and Dasquie, the main obstacle to the completion of the pipeline was the fact that it had to pass through Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The project would receive no international support unless the Afghan government somehow became legitimized. In bargaining for the pipeline, the Bush administration demanded that the Taliban reinstate deposed King Mohammad Zahir Shah as ruler of Afghanistan, and demanded that the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden for arrest. In return, the Taliban would reap untold billions in profit from the pipeline. According to Brisard and Dasquie, part of the Bush administration's bargaining tactics involved threats of war if these conditions for the legitimization of Afghanistan were not met. The BBC of London reported on September 18th, 2001 of the existence of war plans on Bush's desk aimed at Afghanistan. Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, stated that the war plans were slated for October of 2001. Conditions set by the Bush administration to avoid war involved the Taliban's handing over of bin Laden and the acceptance of King Zahir Shah. Naik went so far as to doubt that America would hold off on war even if these conditions were met. The result, according to the French analysts, was total disaster. The Bush administration fundamentally misunderstood the Taliban regime - to bring back the King and hand bin Laden over to the West would have been tantamount to suicide for the Taliban. Instead of acquiescing to the hard-sell tactics of the Bush administration, the Taliban unleashed their pet attack dog, Osama, upon America. They were going to lose everything, and chose to attack first in the hope that all-out war would break out in Central Asia and rally other Muslim nations to their cause. Motive suddenly becomes far more clear. The Bush administration very much wanted the Unocal pipeline to go through, and put intense pressure on the Taliban to see it happen. As this was happening, American intelligence services were flooded with warnings of an impending attack upon American targets by bin Laden and Al Qaida. The decision was made - let the attack come, and in the ensuing outrage American forces can carve out the guts of the Taliban government like a ripe gourd, replacing them with a 'legitimate' regime more receptive to the pipeline plan. Did the Bush administration have an inkling of the massive death and destruction that would come on September 11th Those who espouse the LIHOP Theory disagree on this point. Some believe that FEMAs presence at Ground Zero on the day before the attack, coupled with specific language within the international intelligence warnings pertaining to aircraft and high-profile targets, are prima facie evidence of specific prior knowledge. Others believe that the Bush administration only knew vaguely that an attack would come, but not where or when. They did not foresee the level of destruction, and were caught flat-footed when those planes appeared along the New York skyline. In the end, LIHOP Theory can encompass either view. Whether they had specific knowledge beforehand, or merely decided to let some attack happen somewhere, the final results were the same. The Taliban were routed and replaced by an interim government headed by a man named Harmid Karzai. Karzai was recently elected President of Afghanistan in his own right, legitimizing the Afghanistan government. Soon after this, Karzai announced the impending construction of a pipeline that would exploit Turkmenistan's natural gas reserves He named Unocal as the lead company for the project. Before becoming President, Karzai was an advisor to Unocal. For LIHOP Theorists, the evidence is clear. The Bush administration got the pipeline it wanted. Along the way, they used the horrors of 9/11 to place themselves above reproach. In the patriotic fervor that resulted from the attacks, both the press and the Democratic opposition were bracketed by the administration-espoused idea that any questions or criticism were tantamount to treason. The passage of the PATRIOT Anti-Terror Act has given the US government sweeping abilities to snuff dissent by defining it as terrorism, thanks to the loosely-defined wording of the bill. Bush enjoyed stratospheric approval ratings that persist to this day, and American citizens were given new enemies to hate. The Defense Department, and the weapons contractors who cater to them, received billions from the federal budget to do with as they pleased in order to address the objects of that hate. Even the most hardened political observer must admit the dismal truth - September 11th was the greatest thing ever to happen to the Bush administration. Attorney Stanley Hilton has brought LIHOP Theory into the federal court system with his class-action suit, and with the families of 9/11 victims he represents. It will be interesting to see what transpires when these two facts collide in an American courtroom. Given the current climate, it does not seem likely that much will come of it. After all, these conspiracy theorists are just a bunch of nuts. Right William Rivers Pitt is a teacher from Boston, MA. His new book, The Greatest Sedition is Silence, will be published soon by Pluto Press."
- October 5, 2010,, 'The Economic Hit Man Confesses Again: An Interview With John Perkins' (John Perkins is a no-planer with his Pachamama Alliance financed by the Rudolf Steiner Foundation and the Tides Foundation): "We have to put our foot down about this whole military-industrial-complex, the corporatocracy. We have to realize that we have to create a new economy in this country. And you're absolutely right, I mean, so many of the drug wars around the world, whether it's Colombia, Mexico or wherever, are driven by the fact that the corporatocracy makes a huge amount of money in sales of equipment. Colombia has been the number four recipient of US military aid in the world, following behind Egypt, Israel and Iraq. And I suspect that Afghanistan may have surpassed Colombia, but the drug war in Colombia has provided a tremendous source of revenue for big US corporations that are providing helicopters, planes and other military equipment. And now we're doing it in Mexico. In my opinion - and it's just my opinion - the CIA is very, very deeply involved in drug trafficking. We know about the Iran-Contra deal, where very mysterious things were going on; we know about the Opium Wars that were started under the British Empire, in India and China. These countries have a history of using drugs as a way to finance clandestine activities. And for a long time, in Vietnam and throughout the Golden Triangle of Asia, the CIA was funneling funds from drug use into its own clandestine operations. We know this goes on. I'm sure it's part of what's happening in Colombia and Mexico now. Again, it's a tremendous impetus for weapons suppliers and industries that support that. We have to remember that every time a missile is sold, or an AK-47 that's made in the U.S. or any other military equipment made in the United States or sold by a multinational corporation, it isn't just the manufacturer and distributor that make money, it's insurance companies that support these corporations, healthcare service companies, it's the banks, every one of these major military suppliers has a huge ripple effect on many other industries. And we, the people of the United States, must insist that we get out of this terrible dependency that we have on the military."
- Despite not taking any foundation funds, Vice Media is considered solid "Liberal CIA" for a whole bunch of reasons.
- The latest reason is that Vice has been very aggressively involved in the pushing of white guilt and even outright racism against whites. One example from Vice Netherlands is mentioned in ISGP's article 40 White Guilt Propaganda Tactics Used by Media... In this case Vice was among the handful of outlets daring to suggest that Arabs calling Dutch whites "potatoes' isn't racist because Dutch people eat... potatoes. Meaning that Arabs calling Dutch whites "cheese heads" and "milk bottles" also can't be racist, because us, white people, eat and drink these things too. Some other examples can be found below:
- April 7, 2013, Vice, 'New Atheism's Nasty Streak of Islamophobia'.
- September 7, 2015, Vice, 'Islamophobia Is On the Rise in London, with Hate-Crimes Up 70 Percent on Last Year'.
- October 22, 2015, Vice, 'White People Talk About Their White Privilege'.
- November 18, 2015, Vice, 'We Can't Let America Give in to Islamophobia; Paris is deeply associated with love, but after the horrific attacks of last week, which left 129 people dead, too many are trying to use the city to fill us with hate.'
- August 27, 2016, Vice, 'What an Alleged Hate-Fueled Murder Says About Islamophobia in America'.
- October 3, 2016, Manisha Krishnan for Vice, 'Dear White People, Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism Is Real; It's literally impossible to be racist to a white person. '.
- October 15, 2016, Vice, 'Want to Heal Yourself from 'Toxic Whiteness'? This Class Can Help; The people behind the self-help/intersectional feminism publication Everyday Feminism are offering a course that aims to educate people of privilege so "individual people of color don't have to."'.
- April 19, 2018, Vice, '100 Ways White People Can Make Life Less Frustrating For People of Color; Just a few suggestions to start with.'
- April 28, 2018, Vice, 'The Conservative Party Is Still Ignoring Its Islamophobia Problem'.
- August 7, 2018, Vice, 'How Long Can the Tories Ignore Their Islamophobia Problem?'.
- The initial reason of skepticism towards Vice was for its virtual monopoly on covering New Left controversial topics as euthanasia, ibogaine, drug policy reform, atheist qigong (Wim Hof), and more.
- A second reason was that an employee of Vice Media owner Shane Smith, Dell Cameron, was pushing no-plane-at-Pentagon theories on the Joe Rogan Experience, along with no-plane disinformer and "liberal CIA" asset Abby Martin and Pizzagate disinformer David Seaman.
- Turns out, Shane Smith is a friend of Joe Rogan and has visited his podcast on a good number of occasions. During podcast appearances Smith was:
- painting the usual apocalyptic doom scenarios on global warming (while legitimate worries exist, he brought the subject in the usual dogmatic evangelical manner).
- also painting more unrealistic doom scenarios how a regional nuclear war between India and Pakistan would pretty much result in the end of the world due to the destruction of the ozone layer. That's a highly suspect claim. Smith explained how Clinton had said to him that nothing scared him more than a war between India and Pakistan in the period that he was in office.
- Looking around, it turns out that in 2015 Shane Smith was invited to the elite Clinton Global Initiative, together with elites as George Soros and Bill Gates:
- "His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein [of Jordan]... Sir Richard Branson... Bill Gates, Co-chair and Trustee, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation... John McFarlane, Chairman, Barclays... George Soros... Jim Yong Kim, President, World Bank Group. ... Shane Smith, CEO and co-founder of Vice Media..."
- Already in November 2013 the supposedly ultraright Rupert Murdoch of Fox News invested $70 million in Vice Media, taking a 5% stake, with his son, James, joining the board (both have been decades-long visitors of the liberal-dominated Sun Valley Meetings).
- November 21, 2013, Hollywood Reporter, '21st Century Fox Deputy COO James Murdoch Joins Vice Media Board': "Vice Media, in which Fox this summer acquired a 5 percent [$70 million] stake. ...
The son of Fox chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch now serves as a director of the privately youth media company along with former Viacom CEO Tom Freston and others, sources said without providing details on when he started the role. Because Vice is not publicly traded, it doesn't have to announce such appointments or disclose who sits on its board."
- November 21, 2013, Hollywood Reporter, '21st Century Fox Deputy COO James Murdoch Joins Vice Media Board': "Vice Media, in which Fox this summer acquired a 5 percent [$70 million] stake. ...
- Oldest semi-establishment ties of Vice Media owner Shane Smith that can be found:
- Spring 1999, volume XV, no. 1, Rocky Mountain Institute newsletter: "BENEFACTORS: $10,000 and over: ARIA Foundation. Patricia Chernoff Charitable Trust. Compton Foundation, Inc. The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation. The Energy Foundation. The Golden Rule Foundation. Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund. William & Flora Hewlett Foundation. J.M. Kaplan Fund, Inc. Mellon Private Capital Management. New-land Foundation. The Cissy Patterson Foundation. Rockefeller Financial Services. Turner Foundation, Inc. Wallace Global Fund. ASSOCIATES: $1-$99: ... Shane Smith..."
- Update on funding:
- May 3, 2019, Variety, 'Vice Media Gets $250 Million in Debt Funding From George Soros, Other Investors': "The company's new debt financing was led by 23 Capital ... with participation by Soros Fund Management, Fortress Investment Group and Monroe Capital..."
- Vox Media was founded on August 1, 2002 by Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas, his close political ally Jerome Armstrong, and Tyler Bleszinsky, at that point the media relations manager of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide.
- In 2005 Moulitsas and Bleszinski founded the sports site SB Nation, which came to fall under the Vox Media umbrella. Another co-founder was Jim Bankoff (BA international studies; MBA Wharton; vice president AOL; founder TMZ; CEO Vox Media since 2009, the parent company of SB Nation and sites as (previously owned by AOL)).
- On April 6, 2014 the news site was launched. It took less than two years to break the top 1000 of most popular websites in the world.
- "Liberal CIA"/foundation ties of Vox Media:
- Considering Vox Media is a for-profit company, it does not receive financing from key "liberal CIA" foundations. However, Markos Moulitsas was going through a year plus-long recruiting process to become an undercover CIA agent while he founded Vox Media in August 2002 and possibly already was in the process of applying when he founded Daily Kos, a prominent "new left" blog site that has received partial financing of the Tides Foundation. Background sources on Moulitsas, the CIA, and NGO financing can be found at the Daily Kos entry on this page.
- In addition, in this same 2002 period Moulitsas built his initial fame through fellow-blogger Jerome Armstrong (with whom he founded Vox and other projects), who himself appears to have been a "liberal CIA" asset as a 1980s environmental activist for Earth First! and Greenpeace while obtaining a graduate degree in conflict resolutions and joining the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps.
- Add to this the "liberal CIA" ties of's Ezra Klein (who has long-standing political ties to Moulatsis and Armstrong): Howard Dean presidential campaign staffer in 2003 and one of the earliest bloggers to report from presidential campaign conventions (Vox Media founders Markos Moulitsas and Jerome Armstrong were key bloggers employed by the Howard Dean campaign in the same period). Intern at the foundation-backed Washington Monthly in 2004. Associate editor of the foundation-backed The American Prospect where he maintained his blog since 2007. Blogger on politics and economy for the Washington Post 2009-2014. Also a contributor to MSNBC and Bloomberg in this period. Founder and editor-in-chief of, a successful progressive "new left" website, since 2014.
- Even before noticing the CIA ties of Moulitsas and possibly Armstrong, ISGP already suspected of "liberal CIA" ties due to its extreme anti-Trump and pro-Third World immigration stance (ignoring Third World immigrant crime numbers) despite being so-called anti-establishment "new media". And then because of the Ezra Klein background.
- October 13, 2016,, 'Behind Michelle Obama’s heartfelt speech: 8 years of sexist and racist attacks'.
- November 7, 2016,, 'If Donald Trump becomes the face of American racism, racism wins'.
- November 9, 2016,, '"All the black and brown people have to leave": Trump’s scary impact on how kids think'.
- November 9, 2016,, 'Donald Trump’s win tells people of color they aren’t welcome in America The message is loud and clear.'
- January 4, 2017,, 'Study: racism and sexism predict support for Trump much more than economic dissatisfaction'.
- Also, in the past ISGP noticed how the comment sections of SB Nation-participating websites appear to be watched by a small but very dedicated group of extremist "anti-racism" contributors who sometimes moonlight as (questionable) conspiracy theorists.
- Anti-Trump pro-Third World immigration propaganda is regularly infesting SB Nation's sports pages. For example:
- January 15, 2018, Bloody Elbow, 'Joe Rogan criticizes 'Disney-fied' Star Wars: Characters were all black and Asian, with women running things'.
- January 18, 2018, Ariel Helwani for MMAFighting, 'Francis Ngannou calls President Trump 'a shame for America' in response to alleged immigration comments'. Comments, as usual, disabled, also for YouTube video, which is almost 50% downvoted.
- January 24, 2018, Karim Zidan (an Egyptian) for Bloody Elbow, 'Fighting Fascism: The gym owner behind Greece’s anti-fascist fight club'. Includes a Trump section, equating him with fascism.
- Turns out, Karim Zidan, who writes tons of articles for Bloody Elbow (on Nazis in MMA, MMA-related corruption in Russia, Third World "refugees", etc.), can be tied to George Soros rather easily:
- (accessed: June 21, 2018): "Exploring intersection of politics & sports. Editor @BloodyElbow (@SBNation). Bylines: @Deadspin, @BleacherReport, @OpenDemocracy. Appeared on: @RealSportsHBO. ... June 21, 2018 [retweets:] "#WorldCup. Modric, from child refugee to Croatia's World Cup captain. ... Reminder that some of the #CRO players were refugees. And they just banned together to defeat the most skilled footballer in the world."
- (accessed: June 21, 2018; 13 articles listed between June 2016 and June 2018)
- (accessed: June 21, 2018): "£5,000 - £10,000 [and] £20,000 - £25,000: ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund ... £40,000 - £60,000: Ford Foundation ... NoVo Foundation [of Warren Buffett]... £60,000 - £80,000: ... National Endowment for Democracy (NAWA). Oak Foundation... £80,000 - £100,000: ... Ford Foundation ... £100,000+: ... Mott Foundation ... Open Society Foundations [listed three times, 4 donors of this size in total; also listed in a lower tier]"
- Similar to Bloody Elbow, is part of the SBNation network with its comment section infested by antifa-type contributors. When Conor McGregor, right after his spectacular win over Donald Cerrone, gave out his support for Trump in a tweet, was completely silent on it, despite many media outlets mentioning it. reported on it, with the comment section being near 100% super-negative about it. In contrast, when Kevin Lee came out in support of Bernie Sanders, did dedicate an "he's such a brave boy"-type article to it.
- January 2, 2020, BloodyElbow, 'Conor McGregor praises 'phenomenal' GOAT President Donald Trump on Martin Luther King Jr. Day'.
- February 2, 2020, Damon Martin for MMAFighting, 'Kevin Lee Unafraid to Show Support for Bernie Sanders Regardless of Political Blowback from Fans and Fighters'.
- When on October 30, 2020 dominant lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov called for the "disfigurement" of "creature" French president Macron over supporting free speech in the wake of the decapitation of a French teacher who insulted Islam, again did not report on the affair ("site:" doublecheck, plus criticism over it). Weird of course, because this news would draw enormous debate. Bloody Elbow did report on it, translated "Allah" as "God" in a futile attempt to lessen the impact of the news, and again it is remarkable to see the level of antifa-support in the comment sections:
- October 30, 2020 @khabib_nurmagomedov Instagram post (still there after all the controvesy; translation): "May the Almighty disfigure the face of this creature and all its followers, who, under the slogan of freedom of speech, offend the feelings of more than one and a half billion Muslim believers. May the Almighty humiliate them in this life, and in the next. Allah is quick in calculation and you will see it. We are Muslims, we love our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than our mothers, fathers, children, wives and all other people close to our hearts. Believe me, these provocations will come back to them, the end is always for the God-fearing."
- November 1, 2020, Fox News, 'UFC star Khabib Nurmagomedov slams France's Macron amid recent attacks in country; Nurmagomedov shared a picture of the president with a boot mark across his face on social media': ""May the Almighty disfigure the face of this scum and all his followers..." the recently retired UFC star wrote."
- (created: Oct. 30, 2020; removed within days; also not in the Google cache).
- October 19, 2020, The Moscow Times, '2 Russian MMA Fighters Praise French Teacher's Decapitation – Reports': "Two Russian MMA fighters, Zelim Imadaev and Albert Duraev, have shown support for the decapitation of a French teacher by a Chechen refugee this weekend, reports said. ... According to Russian sports reporter Alexander Lyutikov's Instagram post Sunday, Imadaev called Anzorov a "hero" and Duraev joked that "freedom of speech has lost its beginning in France." ...
"These statements were made in [Instagram] stories and are meant to disappear soon, so I decided to save them here," Lyutikov wrote. Neither Instagram story was visible as of Monday, and Lyutikov said the social media company had blocked his post for violating its community guidelines on violence. Russian imageboards have circulated screenshots of Imadaev and Anzorov's statements on the Telegram messaging app.
Imadaev, 25, has logged three losses as a UFC fighter. Duraev, 31, is a former welterweight and middleweight champion of the Chechnya-based Absolute Championship Akhmat (ACA) organization who was awaiting entry into the UFC this year. UFC's website restricted access to Imadaev's profile while other Chechen fighters' profiles are still publicly available." - October 31, 2020,, 'Khabib Nurmagomedov on president of France: "May the Almighty disfigure the face of this creature"''. Only MMA newspaper apparently citing this quote. Interesting too how there are relatively few comments in the reply section, but that they are all very uncensored and aggressively "right-wing".
- October 31, 2020,, ''I Understand': France's Macron Backs Down on Caricatures of Prophet': "French President Emmanuel Macron has retracted his position on the ongoing, fierce debate about freedom of speech in France. In a remarkable u-turn speech, Macron said that his government does not stand behind the free display of caricatures depicting Prophet Muhammad. Macron clarified his new position on the cartoons in an interview with Al Jazeera. The caricatures, he argued, are not a governmental agenda. They emerge instead from free and independent newspapers. [the uncensored images are hard to find in any search engine]
After a 18-year-old Chechen refugee murdered French history teacher Samuel Paty on October 16 for showing caricatures of Prophet Muhammad to his students, the French president said that France will not give up the caricatures.
He suggested the drawings were an expression of France's secular values, and that Islamists wanted to hijack France's future. Macron's statements sparked outrage among Muslims around. ... Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan questioned the mental health of the French president, describing his remarks as "unacceptable."" - October 30, 2020,, 'Khabib Nurmagomedov attacks French President Macron over comments about Islam; The retired UFC star invoked the wrath of God on Emmanuel Macron...', comment section (most of the excuse-making posts are in the top half): "
- Ave_: "Screw all the right-wing provocateurs who are using this as an excuse to claim vindication for their racism and Islamaphobia. But (as far as I'm aware) neither the murdered schoolteacher nor Macron fit that description." ...
- Guevara [reference to communist leader Che Guevara and a super-active poster in this thread]: "Macron is a piece of shit, as is anyone seeking to adopt far-right talking points for political gain." ...
- Jesus H.: "He's not really calling for the disfigurement of Macron – it kinds of gets lost in translation. ... Either way, fuck that noise. France has a shaky record with Islamophobia, but the shit they've had to deal with the past few years from extremism is just too much. Khabib's tone is completely uncalled for." - Ramon Suarez: "Not a fan of Khabib's remarks at all as they constitute stochastic terrorism. I'm also not a fan of the fucking hypocrisy from Macron and Western secularists on this issue at a time when Muslims in their countries and around the world have been marginalized and terrorized by bigoted Western governments. The "desperate and despised people" of today are Muslims, considering the number of Muslim countries racked by death and destruction in Libya, Iraq, Gaza, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen. Meanwhile, Muslims watch as their own religion is defamed and attacked by "free speech" advocates who pass off sadism as satire. ...
You, like most Islamophobes in the West, will never own up to your hypocrisy and continue to sit in moral condensation against an entire religious group who have suffered indignities and crimes on a scale a thousand times greater than have ever been perpetrated on U.S. soil."
- uwcb: "We know that Muslims do not appreciate/approve images of Muhammad, so anyone who does understands how offensive it is. I don't think murder is the answer for the offense, but some ultra devout Muslims do. It's ignorant to intentionally provoke a community, then complain when some of them respond angrily."
- bluehorses: "Fuck anybody who uses incidents like this to justify Islamophobia, racism, nativism, etc but come on with this nonsense."
- Koqebwix: "As someone who watches French TV (and read French papers), I just want to add: Islamophobia is off the charts in France. Politicians and journalists are constantly spitting on muslims, it is so awful that it's just no more watchable. And on top of that, there is Charlie Hebdo, who puts some Der Stürmer level caricatures on their front pages. I'm not off course defending the terrorists, just saying that the media and politicians attacks are on all muslims, not only on the rare extremists. There is a real islamophobia problem in France, and it is not at all only from the far-right politicians."
- mistah.jackson.3: "Nice point [to Koqebwix]."
- Alejandro Castellanos-Jaramillo: "Islamophobia is bad under any circumstance and should be shunned."
- Hutchy: "this is literally the most baffling situation I've been exposed to on here... khabib is generally humble by and large... and otherwise absolutely horrendously evil, and people tie themselves in knots to make excuses for him. Its bizarre. ... Khabib incites terrible violence amongst his 2.7 million followers on social media against a SITTING FRENCH PRESIDENT and… cricket. ...
Go look at [Khabib's recent] retirement thread. Pick any one of the 10 retirement articles on the site, im not going to waste my time pulling quotes because I'd be here all day, there are 100s, 90% AT LEAST are unabashedly, slobbering blow job level positive. The worst thing khabib has done…..(reads comment again to make sure my eyes arent deceiving me)….wha…..what am I even reading right now? Bro, khabib publicly and openly and slavishly supports a dictator who is slaughtering gays by the 1000s [Ramzan Kadyrov]."
- RRage: "It amazes me, that there are many posts here which do not condemn these stupid views and try to deflect the conversation to a different problem. As expected, there are more than a few people here who start giving very informative lectures and links about why it happened and how politicians are using it for their gain, without ever condemning the actual barbaric deed and the sheer stupidity, irresponsibility and insensitivity of Khabib's comments."
- olddocross: "Khabib's comment does relate Macron. That he doesn't even find time to condemn the horrific murder of the teacher and instead incites violence against Macron is what is abhorrent.""
- While suspected earlier in light of an extremely irrational and ardent "debunker" of anything ethnic crime and IQ-related on the comment section, on February 12, 2018 a guy named "Kefka", in light of an article that the UFC ownership wants to introduce ring card boys, replied "Better to get rid of the concept of "ring girls" or expand the concept to include any gender? Thoughts?". A quick check revealed this person to be an anti-Trump and pro-Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein political operative on YouTube. See below:
- Bimonthly nonprofit magazine on U.S. politics, founded in 1969. It was a monthly publication from 1969 to 2008.
- The magazine's founder is Charles Peters, who started the magazine in 1969 and continued to write the "Tilting at Windmills" column in each issue until 2014. Paul Glastris, former speechwriter for Bill Clinton, has been Washington Monthly's editor-in-chief since 2001.
- Financing:
- 2003, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "WM Corporation, Washington, DC. A grant of $30,000 to support investigative journalism at The Washington Monthly; a grant of $100,000 to support investigative reporting on the 2004 political campaigns at The Washington Monthly."
- Carnegie Corporation: (accessed: April 1, 2016): "2011. Washington Monthly Corporation. $50,000. ... 2010. Washington Monthly Corporation. $50,000."
- Ford Foundation grants to Washington Monthly (Excel sheet downloadable from website listing all grants since 2006): "
- 109898. The Washington Monthly. 2008. $100,000.
- 123058. The Washington Monthly. 2014. $100,000." - April 22, 2002, New York Times, 'MEDIA; New Life for Washington Watchdog': "A lone investor has swooped in and taken control of a struggling political magazine and left investors like Warren E. Buffett with nothing to show for years of patient support... The magazine, The Washington Monthly, has teetered on the edge of financial ruin since it began in 1969, but the retirement last year of its editor and founder, Charles Peters, made the situation more acute. Paul Glastris, a former speechwriter for Bill Clinton, took over as editor in chief and has now found a white knight in Markos Kounalakis [Georgetown, Stanford, Wilson Center, Hoover Institution, World Affairs Council of Northern California affiliations, as well as chair of the "liberal CIA"-financed Internews], a journalist, businessman and author who has already donated ''in excess of $200,000'' to stabilize the magazine. Mr. Kounalakis will serve as president and publisher and said that he would contribute $500,000 to $1 million the next few years while searching for other supporters. The original shareholders had bought into Mr. Peters's vision of a monthly magazine that covered government, and not just politics. Over the last year, most cheerfully mailed back their stock certificates, which had value as mementos and little else -- so the magazine could be reorganized into a nonprofit. ''I've no problem turning The Monthly into a nonprofit (in fact, I think we already are a 'nonprofit'),'' Mr. Buffett wrote to the magazine. ''Despite the lack of financial return, society has already gotten its money's worth out of the publication.'' The Washington Monthly produced influential articles and an abundance of journalistic talent in spite of its small circulation and even smaller budget. But many of the longtime acolytes of the magazine feared that when Mr. Peters retired, The Monthly would wither away. James Fallows of The Atlantic Monthly and Nicholas Lemann of The New Yorker, two members of the unofficial alumni club, spent 18 months trying to line up financing for the magazine. After their efforts proved to be fruitless, Mr. Glastris took up the cause of endowing the magazine, which has a circulation of 16,500."
The Guardian and The Observer- Newspaper founded in 1821 as The Manchester Guardian, changing its name to The Guardian in 1959. It has two sister newspapers, The Observer and The Guardian Weekly, all part of the Guardian Media Group, owned by the Scott Trust.
- The Manchester Guardian Weekly - which seems to have held onto its name for much longer - all of a sudden was regularly ran into by this author when investigating ultraconservative groups as the American Security Council or Le Cercle Pinay, or anything that could be seen as "neo-colonialism":
- November 4, 1984, Manchester Guardian Weekly, 'Fighters for human rights face torture'.
- March 3, 1985, Manchester Guardian Weekly, 'Moon in Latin America: building the bases of a world organisation'.
- May 18, 1986, Manchester Guardian Weekly, 'Violent language of the right recalls pre-war days'.
- February 9, 1997, Manchester Guardian Weekly, 'SAS linked to Pretoria rogue force'.
- September 20, 1998, Manchester Guardian Weekly, 'Criminal Networks Enjoy Official Protection'.
- The Guardian is by far the most liberal and progressive paper of Great Britain. Apart from major support for Third World immigration, it is always at the forefront when it comes to taking the position of a Julian Assagne of Wikileaks or NSA whistleblowers as Edward Snowden and William Binney.
- Numerous of the foundation-backed U.S. media outlets listed here reproduce or link to content of The Guardian.
- Despite large notices on the website basically begging readers to take a paid subscription, The Guardian quietly receives millions from the traditional CIA/"liberal CIA" Rockefeller Foundation and hundreds of thousands from the Ford Foundation:
- 2006-2019 Ford Foundation grants list: "Guardian News and Media Ltd.: ... 2013: $100,000. ... 2014: $100,000. ... 2017: $300,000. ... 2018: $300,000..."
- Rockefeller Foundation:
- (accessed: December 29, 2019): "Grantee: Guardian News and Media Ltd. Location: London, United Kingdom. Amount: $151,850. Purpose: In support of generating and sharing insights from diverse, global journalists and editors around social and environmental themes..."
- (accessed: December 29, 2019): "Guardian News and Media Ltd.: ... Grant: 2016 - $3,000,000. ... Grant Term: 01/01/2017 - 12/31/2019. Grant Description: in continued support of [The Guardian's] Guardian Cities section to foster reader engagement and understanding of resilience as it affects poor and vulnerable communities in urban areas."
- 2017, Form-990, Rockefeller Foundation, pp. 55, 130: "Guardian News and Media Ltd. ... $30,317 [and] $2,000,000."
- 2018, Form-990, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 51: "Guardian News and Media Ltd. ... $1,000,000."
- Both The Guardian and Guardian Foundation ( are also backed by George Soros' Open Society Foundations:
- (accessed: July 14, 2021): "OUR FUNDING:
$500,000 and above: Packard Foundation ... Schumann Media Center. Wyss Foundation.
$250,000-$499,999: Energy Foundation. Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. Park Foundation. Skoll Foundation ... Open Society Foundations.
$100,000-$249,999: Craig Newmark Philanthropies. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
$10,000-$99,999: Aga Khan Foundation... Kaiser Family Foundation ... Tides Foundation.
$5,000-$9,999: Abby Rockefeller [eldest daughter of David Rockefeller]... $1,000-$4,999: Theodore Roosevelt IV... - 2020/feb/05/about-this-content (accessed: July 14, 2021): "This content is supported in part through philanthropic funding to from the Open Society Foundations, which works to build vibrant and inclusive democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens."
- (accessed: July 14, 2021): "OUR FUNDING:
- As usual, The Guardian undermines conspiracy talk from the left:
- April 11, 2019 YouTube upload by 'Magnolia Pictures & Magnet Releasing', '[Steve Bannon's] The Brink - Exclusive Clip - Guardian Interview' / 2019, Steve Bannon's 'The Brink' documentary, 59 minutes in (former Trump aide Steve Bannon interviewed by reporter Paul Lewis): "
[BANNON:] Have you seen [my 2018] Trump @War? ... This is not a persuasion film. It's a piece of propaganda, right? I consider propaganda to be positive. ...
says, with respect to you, the permission to hate seems to be a really big part of what Steve Bannon offers to voters. Hate black people, hate hispanics, hate Muslims, hate, hate, hate! Hate is energizing for a lot of people. [LEWIS:] Is the term globalist an anti-semitic slogan?
[BANNON:] Absolutely not.
[LEWIS:] There are people who would argue that it is. *Immediately moves on* George Soros, I mean, that is widely accepted as an anti-Semitic trope; the suggestion that George Soros is somehow ALL-controlling. He's influencing - everybody knows... [BANNON:] I totally disagree with. [LEWIS:] It is not something to disagree with, because it is an anti-Semitic trope.
[BANNON:] No, just because you stated that doesn't mean it is true.
[LEWIS:] George Soros is controlling the world!
[BANNON:] I didn't say controlling the world. I say he's the financier backing the NGOs.
[LEWIS:] So you aren't aware that many people will read that as being a nod and a wink towards anti-Semitism?"
- April 11, 2019 YouTube upload by 'Magnolia Pictures & Magnet Releasing', '[Steve Bannon's] The Brink - Exclusive Clip - Guardian Interview' / 2019, Steve Bannon's 'The Brink' documentary, 59 minutes in (former Trump aide Steve Bannon interviewed by reporter Paul Lewis): "
- Increasingly crazy anti-West:
- January 9, 2020, The Guardian, 'Donald Trump's rant against Iran is the howl of a dying empire': "All empires outstay their declared purpose, let alone their welcome. All end messily – the operative word is all – be they Roman, Napoleonic, British or Soviet. All are vanquished not by superior power, but by self-delusion and geography. The British empire had neither the right nor the need to invade far-flung parts of Asia and Africa. It was defeated by them. The US has claimed the right to intervene in theatres [around the world]...
Alien intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states is immoral, specifically banned under chapter one of the UN charter. ...
Twenty years of western interventions in the Muslim world have rested on two falsehoods. One is that terrorism poses an existential threat to western democracies, grotesquely underrating their inherent stability. [This is actually true, but what about WMDs, such as being developed by Iran...]"
- January 9, 2020, The Guardian, 'Donald Trump's rant against Iran is the howl of a dying empire': "All empires outstay their declared purpose, let alone their welcome. All end messily – the operative word is all – be they Roman, Napoleonic, British or Soviet. All are vanquished not by superior power, but by self-delusion and geography. The British empire had neither the right nor the need to invade far-flung parts of Asia and Africa. It was defeated by them. The US has claimed the right to intervene in theatres [around the world]...
- The Guardian, as progressive as it is, is extremely hostile and aggressive toward 9/11 "Truth" in particular, playing along the game of attacking bogus no-plane theories while refusing to ask a few decent questions of its own about the extremely flawed NIST report on the Twin Towers and WTC 7, or U.S., Saudi, Pakistani establishment ties to the hijackers. Example article:
- February 20, 2007, environmental and human rights activist George Monbiot for The Guardian, '9/11 fantasists pose a mortal danger to popular oppositional campaigns': "These conspiracy idiots are a boon for Bush and Blair as they destroy the movements some of us have spent years building.
"You did this hit piece because your corporate masters instructed you to. You are a controlled asset of the new world order ... bought and paid for." ...
These are a few of the measured responses to my article, a fortnight ago, about the film Loose Change, which maintains that the United States government destroyed the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. ...
To qualify as a true opponent of the Bush regime, you must also now believe that it is capable of magic. It could blast the Pentagon with a cruise missile while persuading hundreds of onlookers that they saw a plane. It could wire every floor of the twin towers with explosives without attracting attention and prime the charges (though planes had ploughed through the middle of the sequence) to drop each tower in a perfectly timed collapse. It could make Flight 93 disappear into thin air, and somehow ensure that the relatives of the passengers collaborated with the deception. It could recruit tens of thousands of conspirators to participate in these great crimes and induce them all to have kept their mouths shut, for ever. ...
Let me give you an example. The column I wrote about Loose Change two weeks ago generated 777 posts on the Guardian Comment is Free website, which is almost a record. Most of them were furious. The response from a producer of the film, published last week, attracted 467. On the same day the Guardian published my article about a genuine, demonstrable conspiracy: a spy network feeding confidential information from an arms control campaign to Britain's biggest weapons manufacturer, BAE Systems. It drew 60 responses. The members of the 9/11 cult weren't interested. ...
The 9/11 truthers remind me of nothing so much as the climate change deniers, cherry-picking their evidence, seizing any excuse for ignoring the arguments of their opponents. Witness the respondents to my Loose Change column who maintain that the magazine Popular Mechanics, which has ripped the demolition theories apart, is a government front. They know this because one of its editors, Benjamin Chertoff, is the brother/nephew/first cousin of the US homeland security secretary Michael Chertoff. (They are, as far as Benjamin can discover, unrelated, but what does he know?)"
- February 20, 2007, environmental and human rights activist George Monbiot for The Guardian, '9/11 fantasists pose a mortal danger to popular oppositional campaigns': "These conspiracy idiots are a boon for Bush and Blair as they destroy the movements some of us have spent years building.
- The Observer, owned by Rockefeller/Ford Foundation-funded Guardian Media Group, has a very liberal lineage. Pilgrims Society member David Astor (1912-2001), who came from a family of Anglo-American Pilgrims, built up the newspaper in post-World War II era and served as editor-in-chief for 27 years, from 1948 to 1975. As a friend of George Orwell, he warned people against big government and took a stance against the Apartheid. In 1975 he was forced to sell The Observer, but did this to David Rockefeller friend, Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth backer, Harper's magazine co-owner, and wealthy 1001 Club member Robert O. Anderson. Astor also stayed as a trustee of The Observer. In 1993 The Observer was acquired by the Scott Trust that also controls The Guardian.
- October 8, 2008, The Guardian, 'Guardian owner the Scott Trust to be wound up after 72 years': "The Scott Trust, the ultimate owner of the Guardian and the Observer, is being wound up after 72 years and its assets transferred to a new limited company. The trust, created in 1936 to protect the legacy of the longstanding editor and former owner of the Guardian, CP Scott, is being replaced by The Scott Trust Limited so that the independence of the Guardian is placed on a "very secure footing for the future"‚ Scott Trust chair Dame Liz Forgan said."
- Scott Trust chairs and directors:
- Alan Rusbridger (chair 2003-2016): Son of G.H. Rusbridger, the Director of Education of Northern Rhodesia back in the 1950s. Cambridge-educated. Reporter for The Guardian 1979-1986. Royal reporter following the Prince and Princess of Wales around Melbourne, Australia in November 1986. TV critic of The Observer 1986-1987. Washington editor of the short-lived London Daily News in 1987. Editor The Guardian 1988-1994, features editor 1994-1995, editor-in-chief January 1995-Summer 2015. Chairman Scott Trust Limited 2016-. Governor Ditchley Foundation, a kind of Bilderberg for the UK, US and Canada that is closely tied to the Pilgrims Society. Principal of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, a constituent college of Oxford University 2015-.
- Will Hutton (director and shareholder): Economics correspondent for BBC Newsnight 1983-1988. Then editor-in-chief at The Observer and director of the The Guardian. Bilderberg 1997. Allied with the Labour Party. CEO Industrial Society / Work Foundation 2000-2008. Principal of Hertford College, Oxford, 2011-. Governor of London School of Economics. European Advisory Board of Princeton University Press.
- Liz Forgan (chair 2003-2016): Oxford-educated. Teheran Journal as Arts Editor 1967-1968. Editor at the Hampstead and Highgate Express 1969–1974, London's Evening Standard 1974–1978, The Guardian's women's pages 1978-1982. Founding commissioning editor and then director of programmes at the UK's Channel 4 1981-1990. BBC Network Radio 1993-1996. Promoted to Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1998. Chair of the National Heritage Memorial Fund and Heritage Lottery Fund 2001-2008. Chair of the Scott Trust since 2003. Trustee of the Royal Anniversary Trust, the Media Trust and of the Phoenix Trust. Chair of the Churches Conservation Trust. Former board Member of the British Film Institute.
- Hugo Young (chair 1989-2003): Journalist The Sunday Times 1965-1967, chief leader writer 1967-1977, political editor 1973-1984. Left the paper after several conflicts with the more right-wing Rupert Murdoch, who had taken over the paper. Political columnist The Guardian 1984-2003. Very pro-EU integration and liberal. Wrote critical bios about Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair.
Inter Press Service (IPS)- Latin America and then Third World-focused global(ist) news agency founded in Rome in 1964 by Italian-Argentinean journalist Roberto Savio and Argentine political scientist Pablo Piacentini:
- (accessed: July 4, 2004): "Inter Press Service (IPS) was set up in 1964 as a non-profit international cooperative of journalists. Its founders were Roberto Savio, an Italian freelance journalist, and Pablo Piacentini, an Argentinean political scientist who was then a student in Rome. Savio served as Director General of IPS until 1999 and is now the agency's president emeritus. Piacentini served the organisation in various capacities and is currently editor of the columnist service.
In its early days, the primary objective of IPS was to fill the information gap between Europe and Latin America after the political turbulence following the Cuban [communist] revolution of 1959. The agency's network grew steadily and expanded to include Asia and Africa. The objectives broadened – to cover news from the "Third World", give a voice to the voiceless, promote information on development issues, and help create a better balance and flow of international news."
- (accessed: July 4, 2004): "Inter Press Service (IPS) was set up in 1964 as a non-profit international cooperative of journalists. Its founders were Roberto Savio, an Italian freelance journalist, and Pablo Piacentini, an Argentinean political scientist who was then a student in Rome. Savio served as Director General of IPS until 1999 and is now the agency's president emeritus. Piacentini served the organisation in various capacities and is currently editor of the columnist service.
- Savio is/was always part of the anti-"U.S. imperialism", anti-"populism", pro-Third World immigration, pro-environment Socialist International movement:
- July 25, 2019, Roberto Savio for the "liberal CIA", 'The Precipitous Barbarisation of Our Times': "In order to win election, U.S. President Donald Trump has made racism one of his banner issues and, in a country of immigrants, this has given him an increase of 5 points in opinion polls."
- March 1, 2004, (New Left Transnational Institute), 'Rendezvous at Mumbai': "The World Social Forum... In 2003, Porto Alegre brought together for the first time the two chief streams of global opposition - the movement against neoliberalism and that against US imperialism. This confluence was sustained and further consolidated in Mumbai. The Indian organizers gave some shape to the otherwise amorphous character of the 'politics of the open space' by holding a series of WSF-sponsored events focusing on five broad themes - imperialist globalization; patriarchy, gender and sexuality; militarism and peace; casteism and racism; religious fanaticism and sectarian violence. ...
14 Keynote speakers: ... Roberto Savio (Inter Press Service, Italy) ... Militarism: Jeremy Corbyn (UK) ... Imperialist globalization: Immanuel Wallerstein, Samir Amin, Walden Bello, Arundhati Roy, Abdul Amir Al-Rekaby (Iraqi National Democratic Coalition); Gender: Nawal El Saadawi (Egypt), Saher Saba (Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan), Brinda Karat (CPM); ... Mustafa Barghouti (Palestinian National Initiative); Religious fundamentalism: Shirin Ebadi (Iran), Pervez Hoodbhoy (Pakistan), Tanika Sarkar (India); Casteism: Blanca Chancoso (Ecuador), Ram Dayal Munda (Jharkhand tribals' leader), Gopal Guru (Dalit intellectual)... Luis Ayala (Chile), Alejandro Bendana (Nicaragua)..."
- Savio also founded in 2008:
- (accessed: December 29, 2019): "OtherNews Founder and President Roberto Savio – the compass of OtherNews – is a journalist, communication expert, political commentator, activist for social and climate justice and advocate of global governance."
- By 1996 IPS had permanent offices and correspondents in 41 countries, with its subscriber base consisting of over 600 print media, around 80 news agencies, 65 broadcast media and over 500 NGOs.
- Major historic "liberal CIA", United Nations, World Bank, EU, and West-European state-funding:
- (accessed: October 11, 1997; same list kept on site until at least 2002): "Each year, IPS hosts a meeting of representatives of its key donor agencies - the IPS Support Group... IPS revenue stems from sales of its news products and carrier services and the external financial support for its communication programmes and projects. In recent years, support has come from: ...
Mott Foundation ... Ford Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation ... W. Alton Jones Foundation ...
World Bank ... UNICEF ... UNIFEM ... UNDP ... UNESCO ... UNEP ... UNDCP ... UNFPA ... Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO ... World Health Organisation (WHO) ...
European Commission ... Canadian International Development Agency ... Comité Contre le Faim et pour le Développement - CCFD (France)... Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging - FNV (Netherlands). Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ... Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft ... Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - FES (Germany). German Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation - BMZ. Group of 77 - G77. ... International Organisation for Migration - IOM. International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ... Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Netherlands Organization for International Development. Cooperation - Novib. ... Norwegian Agency for Development - NORAD. Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ... Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - SIDA." - (accessed: December 29, 2019): "In 2010 IPS received support from: ... Mott Foundation ... Rockefeller Foundation ... Open Society Institute...
Governments of Brazil, Finland, Flanders (Belgium), Germany, Netherlands, Italy, United Kingdom, Norway, Spain, Uruguay; Oxfam Novib; SADC (from GTZ, DFID and AusAid); UNDP; UNEP; World Bank; IFAD; UNFPA; UNIFEM; UNICEF; UNESCO; CBD; GEF; UN Millennium Campaign; DFID; the European Commission..." - (accessed: December 29, 2019): "In 2009 IPS received support from: ... Rockefeller Foundation, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan Foundation... Open Society Institute...
In 2008: [Various] Governments ... as well as from Oxfam-Novib...
In 2007: ... Southern African Trust, C.S. Mott Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, ... Oxfam-Novib ... UNDP, UNFPA , UNEP, IFAD, UNIFEM / UN Democracy Fund, IOM, UNESCO, World Bank, UNICEF...
In 2006: ... Mott Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation ... Oxfam-Novib Netherlands, Oxfam Asia ... Sasakawa Peace Foundation... European Commission [and UN]...
In 2005: ... Mott Foundation, Ford Foundation-IDASA, Japan Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation ... Oxfam-Novib Netherlands, Open Society, Oxfam East Asia ... European Commission [and UN]..."
- (accessed: October 11, 1997; same list kept on site until at least 2002): "Each year, IPS hosts a meeting of representatives of its key donor agencies - the IPS Support Group... IPS revenue stems from sales of its news products and carrier services and the external financial support for its communication programmes and projects. In recent years, support has come from: ...
- IPS trustees:
- (accessed: June 20, 2009): "International Board of Trustees: ...
- Roberto Savio (Chairman, President Emeritus). ...
- Kofi A. Annan [trustee 2008-2011]... seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, served from 1997 to 2006...
- Martti Ahtisaari [Finland president 1994-2000 who held the] chairmanship of the Brussels-based International Crisis Group [of George Soros]. He is a member of the joint advisers' group for the Open Society Institute and the Soros Foundations. ...
- Boutros Boutros-Ghali ... The former U.N. Secretary-General (1992-1996)...
- Mario Soares [who was] president of Portugal from 1986 to 1996 ..." - (accessed: January 11, 2017): "International Board of Trustees: ...
- Roberto Savio (Chairman, President Emeritus). ...
- Martti Ahtisaari ...
- Mr. Toshiki Kaifu [who was the] 76th and 77th Prime Minister of Japan from August 1989 to November 1991. ...
- Mario Soares..."
- (accessed: June 20, 2009): "International Board of Trustees: ...
- Founded in 1992 under the umbrella of the Dutch-controlled Independent Media, which also started publishing the St. Petersburg Times and the Russian editions of Men's Health, Popular Mechanics, FHM, Playboy, etc.
- Committee for Tourism of Moscow City Government: (accessed: December 29, 2019): "The Moscow Times, Independent Press' [sic: Media] flagship edition, was launched in March 1992 as a twice-weekly, and relaunched in October 1992 as a daily. The foreign community and Russian business people depend a great deal on the newspaper for up-to-the-minute news on Moscow, Russia and the world. ... The Moscow Times first went online in 1997 at and relaunched in the spring of 2000 at"
- The founder of Independent Media is Dutch journalist Derk Schauer, who actually asked his friends Boudewijn Poelmann, Simon Jelsma and Frank Leeman for help in providing start-up funds for Independent Media. Poelmann was still Dutch and European director of the United Nations- and "liberal CIA"-funded Third World press agency Inter Press Service, with Poelmann, Leeman and Jelsma having founded the (huge) Postcode Lottery, specifically designed to finance global "liberal CIA" causes involving the UN, the environment, Third World immigration, AIDS, etc.
- July 4, 1992, Leidsch Dagblad, 'Een Kerstboom van BV's: Opzienbarend netwerk binnen Nationale Postcode Loterij': "The erection of [his] Nova Media Russia Poelmann explains by pointing to the wishes of friend Derk Schauer to set up the newspaper Moscow Times. "Derk I have known for 20 years. He needed support for his magazine and he called me." Together with the Russian [companies] of Jelsema and Leeman investments were made in Independent Press, which publishes Sauers' newspaper. This week the Postcode Lottery announced to put almost 180,000 gilders into a Russian training program for journalists. Does that money go to Independent Press? Poelmann: "It is impossible that the Doen Foundation [of the Postcode Lottery] will ever invest a penny in that company. At that point there would be a conflict of interest [but I guess not when we are financing parallel programs]. Even I get that.""
- This background immediately makes it clear why prominently refers to the Carnegie Moscow Center as one of its partners:
- (accessed: December 29, 2019): "Media Partners: ... Carnegie Moscow Center [created by the "liberal CIA" Carnegie Corporation]..."
- (accessed: December 29, 2019): "
- Daniel Kozin is a Russian-American editor and journalist who started his career at The St. Petersburg Times. He ... worked as a fixer on television documentaries for PBS NewsHour and ABC Australia.
- Evan Gershkovich, Reporter: ... Prior to joining The Moscow Times in 2017, he was a news assistant for The New York Times. ...
- Samantha Berkhead, News Editor: ... [Hails] from western New York. She previously worked as managing editor of the International Journalists' Network in Washington, D.C. [which receives huge "liberal CIA" foundation and corporate backing through the International Center for Journalists]."
- In 2005 Independent Media was bought by Bilderberg and accused CIA-company Sanoma (also has owned the Dutch for a long time now), forming Sanoma Independent Media.
- September 20, 2012, Moscow Times, 'Sauer Denies Leaving Sanoma Independent Media': "Independent Media was bought by Finnish-based international media holding Sanoma in 2005. Sanoma Independent Media is the parent company of The Moscow Times and about 50 other publications."
NL: "Fact-checking and open-source intelligence (OSINT)" research site founded by the British blogger Eliot Higgins in 2014. Basically a "grassroots" investigative group, much in line with what Anonymous is to political hacking.
- (accessed: December 31, 2019): "Bellingcat is an independent international collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists using open source and social media investigation to probe a variety of subjects – from Mexican drug lords and crimes against humanity, to tracking the use of chemical weapons and conflicts worldwide. With staff and contributors in more than 20 countries..."
- Frequently brought up in the media in relation to the Syrian-ISIS war, the 2016 coup in Turkey, and the 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) over Ukraine at the apparent instigation of Russia. Very much focused on anti-fascism (antifa) as well.
- (accessed: December 31, 2019): "Transnational White Terror ... Massive White Supremacist Message Board Leak..."
- Partners:
- October 15, 2015, Eliot Higgens in partnership with the super-elite Atlantic Council, 'Hiding in plain sight: Putin's war in Ukraine'.
- Funding:
- (accessed: December 31, 2019): "Bellingcat currently receives grants from the following organisations: Porticus. Adessium [Foundation]. The [super-elite] National Endowment for Democracy. [Soros'] Open Society Foundations. The Dutch Postcode Lottery."
- (accessed: December 31, 2019): "2019: ... € 500.000..." These funds were used to open a new office in the Netherlands.
NL: The Investigative Desk / Alternative research desk that sometimes manages to reach the Dutch national news on controversial affairs:
- July 27, 2021, Nu, 'Oppositie hekelt verkeerde informatie van Rutte over gesprekken met Rusland': "Several opposition parties think that prime minister Mark Rutte insufficiently informed Congress about talks of high Dutch civil servants with Russia. That's what investigative platforms Follow the Money and The Investigative Desk wrote on Tuesday."
- Funding:
- 2020 Director's Report, The Investigative Desk, p. 8: "The Dutch Journalism Fund granted us a subsidy of €85,132. The Open Society Foundations approved our request for an extension of the term of its contribution, so that we had €36,000 at our disposal."
NL: Follow the Money- Alternative research desk that sometimes manages to reach the Dutch national news on controversial affairs:
- July 27, 2021, Nu, 'Oppositie hekelt verkeerde informatie van Rutte over gesprekken met Rusland': "Several opposition parties think that prime minister Mark Rutte insufficiently informed Congress about talks of high Dutch civil servants with Russia. That's what investigative platforms Follow the Money and The Investigative Desk wrote on Tuesday."
- Mission and subscribers:
- "I'm co-founder and editor in chief of Follow the Money (, the first independent (for profit) platform for investigative journalism in the Netherlands. We strive for transparency and justice in a world that is ever more controlled by economic motives.
Follow the Money has more than 25.000 paying subscribers (February 2021)."
- "I'm co-founder and editor in chief of Follow the Money (, the first independent (for profit) platform for investigative journalism in the Netherlands. We strive for transparency and justice in a world that is ever more controlled by economic motives.
- Funding:
- (accessed: July 27, 2021): "Follow the Money is een besloten vennootschap (B.V.) die voor 100 procent eigendom is van FTM Media B.V. Boven deze vennootschap staat de stichting administratiekantoor FTM Media waarvan Arne van der Wal en Eric Smit de bestuurders zijn. Arne van der Wal [started at business magazine Quote in 1993; put together the 1997 Quote 500 list of the richest Dutchmen and next founded] en Eric Smit zijn in het bezit van meer dan 73 procent van de certificaten. Dick Haan, Erik Hallers en Jan Bart Fanoy zijn de andere drie aandeelhouders. ...
Follow the Money kwam tot stand met de hulp van het Stimuleringsfonds voor de Pers dat in 2009 besloot ons te steunen met een subsidie van 180 duizend euro. Daarnaast investeerden Van der Wal en Smit eigen middelen en heel veel zweet. Follow the Money ontving ook financiële steun van stichting Muckraker [founded by Eric Smith and chaired by Arne van der Wal], die onder andere werd gefinancierd door de Adessium Foundation. In 2016 ontvingen we bijdragen van het Stimuleringfonds voor de Journalistiek en SIDN Fonds voor het ontwikkelen van manieren om onze lezers meer bij onze journalistiek te betrekken. In 2017 kregen we voor de verdere ontwikkeling van dat project een subsidie van Google Digital News Initiative. In 2018 begonnen we met de ontwikkeling van FTM Lokaal waarmee we ons op lokale en regionale onderzoeksjournalistiek richten. Eind 2018 ontvingen we een subsidie van het Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek voor een samenwerkingsproject met de Regionale Publieke Omroepen (RPO)." - 2015 annual report, Stichting Muckraker, p. 3: "In 2015 zijn de voor Follow The Money-geoormerkte donaties afkomstig van de volgende donoren: -Adessium [funds in tandem with Soros' OSF: Digital Freedom Fund, European Digital RIghts, Wemos, etc.]: €50.000,-- -Stichting Hartwig [chaired by Rob Defares, the Dutch founder of IMC Financial Markets - which owned Bank Oyens & Van Eeghen, and Goldman Sachs' Designated Market Maker (DMM) on the NYSE - worth €1.6 bln in 2019]: €150,000,--"
- 2016 annual report, Stichting Muckraker, p. 3: "In 2017 is voor Follow The Money een bedrag van Euro 62,500 aan geoormerkte donaties ontvangen."
- 2017 annual report, Stichting Muckraker, p. 3: "In 2016 zijn de voor Follow The Money-geoormerkte donaties afkomstig van de volgende donoren: -Adessium: €75.000,--. -Private donoren: €14,000,--."
- (accessed: July 27, 2021): "Follow the Money is een besloten vennootschap (B.V.) die voor 100 procent eigendom is van FTM Media B.V. Boven deze vennootschap staat de stichting administratiekantoor FTM Media waarvan Arne van der Wal en Eric Smit de bestuurders zijn. Arne van der Wal [started at business magazine Quote in 1993; put together the 1997 Quote 500 list of the richest Dutchmen and next founded] en Eric Smit zijn in het bezit van meer dan 73 procent van de certificaten. Dick Haan, Erik Hallers en Jan Bart Fanoy zijn de andere drie aandeelhouders. ...
NL: De Groene Amsterdammer- Weekly political magazine founded in 1877.
- Martin van Amerongen was editor-in-chief 1984-1997, 1999-2002 (d. 2002). Alongside two Bilderberg veterans and Bilderberg steering committee member Pieter Korteweg, in 1996 Van Amerongen founded the Republican Society, which, among other things, invited just about the only widely-published authors and activists to have written articles and supported works critical of Bilderberg and Prince Bernhard. These include Gerard Aalders, who exposed Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club six months after this author published the first photocopies of membership lists of this group in 2009-2010 (Aalders gave credit); and 1988-2004 Groene Amsterdammer editor Rene Zwaap, who in 2005 co-founded the magazine De Republikein (editor-in-chief 2015-).
- In 1996, after setting up the Republic Society, Prince Bernhard invited Van Amerongen and maintained a relationship with him until Van Amerongen died in 2002, 2.5 years before Bernhard. From an interview with Van Amerongen we learn he was quite the heel licker of Bernhard:
- Dec. 7, 2004, Nederland 3 / VPRO documentary, Andere Tijden, 'Prins Bernhard', 20:00 (the Bilderberg interview was first broadcasted on January 6, 2004). "It was in early 1996 that I received a phone call. And that was Bernhard, who said, "Mr. Amerongen, I would like to talk to you some time." ... Now, I was received in the so called Elephant Room. ... He said, "What is it exactly that you have against me?" ... I said, "We really have nothing against you [except] the Lockheed Affair, but you are an old man and you have paid dearly for it; and the stuff with the NSDAP, the Reiter-SS [from 1933 on], but yeah, you were low German nobility. It would have been a small miracle if you could have, and would have wanted to, withdraw from that. And that was a type of language that that man is not used to. ...
We talked about the past, and in particular the Lockheed Affair. ... "The core of the Lockheed affair is that no one ever contradicted me. ... Because nobody ever contradicted me, I lost the boundaries between good and evil." ...
Yes [we talked about the Nazi stuff, but] not so very deep. More about [his brother] Aschwin. "That was a real Nazi. I was more like a bureau Nazi, but he was a real Nazi." [Aschwin] later also became communist and then a liberal. ... About his own role, which barely has been there, he was a young man in his mid 20s, we really didn't talk about. ... Contact we always maintained. Once a year we came together with a little club of "bad people" to drink a glass of wine on the evening of his birthday. All "bad people": landlords and such individuals. That always was really fun. And he phoned me up regularly, preferably on Sunday morning."
- Dec. 7, 2004, Nederland 3 / VPRO documentary, Andere Tijden, 'Prins Bernhard', 20:00 (the Bilderberg interview was first broadcasted on January 6, 2004). "It was in early 1996 that I received a phone call. And that was Bernhard, who said, "Mr. Amerongen, I would like to talk to you some time." ... Now, I was received in the so called Elephant Room. ... He said, "What is it exactly that you have against me?" ... I said, "We really have nothing against you [except] the Lockheed Affair, but you are an old man and you have paid dearly for it; and the stuff with the NSDAP, the Reiter-SS [from 1933 on], but yeah, you were low German nobility. It would have been a small miracle if you could have, and would have wanted to, withdraw from that. And that was a type of language that that man is not used to. ...
- De Groene Amsterdammer is "anti-racist" and gives attention to the usual "conservative CIA" opposition. A few random examples:
- (accessed: May 11, 2024; 2018-2019 anti-racism series).
- Dec. 4, 2014, De Groene, 'Het feest van impliciet racisme': "Als we vinden dat iedereen gelijke kansen moet hebben, dan is het vanzelfsprekend dat we iets aan Zwarte Piet moeten doen, om niet te zeggen laf om het te laten."
- June 21, 2021, De Groene, 'Advies aan de (in)formateur (8): Amade M’charek; ‘Wees inclusief in je strijd’; Als niet-zwarte vrouw van kleur vertolkt wetenschaps-antropoloog Amade M’charek een milde stem in de antiracistische beweging.'
- 12 augustus 2020, De Groene, 'Witte maskers': "We worden ons steeds meer bewust van de racistische (onder)stromen in de overheersing door Nederland van Indonesië. Hoe lichten we het dikke tapijt op waaronder het koloniale racisme voortwoekert? Want het is nooit ver weg."
- Feb. 7, 2024, De Groene, 'Rechts-extremistische vechtclubs: Witte strijders werven': "De uit de Verenigde Staten overgewaaide Active Clubs hebben ook in Nederland en België voet aan de grond gekregen."
- Funding:
- Claims exist that Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and VSBfonds [from VSB Bank] funded the digital archiving of old issues of De Groene Amsterdammer. While this makes sense, a proper source has not yet been seen by this author.
NL: Project Authentieke Journalistiek- Research journalism-focused group set up in 2014.
- Funding:
- "- 2014: ... TNI [Transnational Institute, the Dutch branch of the heavily "liberal CIA"-funded Institute for Policy Studies]: ... € 1.792,00. ... SOMO [The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations]: ... € 1.792,00. ...
- 2015: ... [Soros-allied] Stichting Democratie en Media: ... € 25.000,00. ... TNI [various jobs] ... SOMO [various jobs] ... [Google-funded] Follow the Money [first three jobs] ...
- 2016: ... Stichting Democratie en Media ... De Correspondent ... De Groene Amsterdammer ... Follow the Money ... TNI ... FNV Zorg en Welzijn ... Technische Universiteit Delft ...
- 2017: ... Milieudefensie [7 jobs of about €20,000 total] ... TNI [2 jobs] ... SOMO [4 jobs] ... Down to Earth Magazine [6 jobs] ...
- 2018: ... Stichting Democratie en Media: ... € 26.760,00. ... Muckrakers: ... € 3.500,00. ... SOMO [11 jobs] ... Milieudefensie [2 jobs] ... TNI [2 jobs]... Follow the Money [5 jobs] ... Follow the Money ... Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten ... Down to Earth Magazine...
- 2019: ... Lobbywatch: ... €10.000 [and again] €10.000 [for] Shell Papers. ... Follow the Money ... Transnational Institute (TNI) ... Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging ... Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten ...
- 2020: ... De Volkskrant: ... €6.000,00. ... Follow the Money: ... €10.000,00. ... TNI: ... €5.016,00 [and] €5.000,00. ... Oxfam Novib: ... €3.000,00. ... Stichting Democratie en Media ... 9-12-2020: Pointer: ZZP Coronasceptici. Onderzoek John Birch Society Onderzoek, complotdenkers en coronasceptici. Journalistieke organisatie. €1.000,00. ...
- 2021: ... Follow The Money: ... € 17.352,50. ... Stichting Democratie en Media: ... € 56.690,00. ... Oxfam Novib: ... € 7.600,00. ... Transnational Institute (TNI): ... € 4.000,00 ... [4 more Follow The Money assignments]. [Prince Bernhard Fund-funded] De Groene Amsterdammer: € 3.500,00 ... Transnational Institute (TNI): € 2.000,00... Donateurs: ... € 443,12."
- 2022: ... Stichting Democratie en Media: ... € 40.000,00. ... Follow The Money: ... € 11.250,00 [and] € 10.000,00 [and] € 5.300,00 [and] € 4.000,00 [and] € 5.900,00 [and] € 1.300,00 [and] € 1.297,00 [and] € 6.692,40. ... Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten: ... € 3.300,00. ... Donateurs: € 379,53. ... "
- "- 2014: ... TNI [Transnational Institute, the Dutch branch of the heavily "liberal CIA"-funded Institute for Policy Studies]: ... € 1.792,00. ... SOMO [The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations]: ... € 1.792,00. ...
Holland's largest news outlet from the 2000s, and into the 2020s. Despite being very "lefty" globalist, is a for profit business that does not receive typical "liberal CIA" foundation funding. Therefore it had to be moved to a separate page.
Online encycopledias and "fact checking" sites
- Member of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) of the big foundation-funded Poynter Institute.
- (accessed: July 4, 2017): "Africa Check is a non-profit organisation set up in 2012 to promote accuracy in public debate and the media in Africa. ... In addition to South Africa and Senegal, we work in countries including Nigeria, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Our work is published and discussed in media across the continent."
- (accessed: July 4, 2017): "Our initial funding came from a news innovation contest organised by Vienna-based International Press Institute (IPI) – with funding from Google. ... Sources of income: 2016. ... Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: ... 13%. ... OSF-SA [Open Society Foundation South Africa]: ... 12%. ... OSIWA [Open Society Institute West Africa] ... 1%. ... Omidyar Network: ... 24%. ... [Mark] Shuttleworth Foundation: ... 26%. ... Total income: £472,847. ...
For democracy to function, public figures need to be held to account for what they say. The claims they make need to be checked, openly and impartially."
- Agencia Lupa is a 2016-founded fact-checking group from Brazil and part of Joao Moreira Salles' Piaui magazine. Salles is the son of Walter Moreira Salles, Brazil's former foreign minister, ambassador to the U.S., and a major banker with deep Rockefeller and Ford ties.
- Member of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) of the big foundation-funded Poynter Institute.
- August 24, 2016, Poynter Institute, 'How are Latin American fact-checkers paying for their work?': "External fact-checking is growing in general and in Latin America in particular, but paying for this work remains a key concern. ... Lupa, from Brazil [was] founded as a private company in February 2016, it is primarily funded by Joao Moreira Salles, the founder of Piaui magazine."
- March 13, 2013,, 'Niobio faz dos Moreira Salles a família mais rica do Brasil': "In his Rio de Janeiro mansion, Walther [Moreira Salles] received guests like Henry Ford II, Nelson Rockefeller, Aristotle Onassis and Mick Jagger."
- Argentina-based fact checking website set up in 2010.
- Member of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) of the big foundation-funded Poynter Institute.
- (accessed: July 4, 2017): "To guarantee our sustainability and independence, we have ... a balance between different sources of financing: ...
Business: ... Barrick, BAT, ... Coca Cola, Danone, ... ExxonMobile, Facebook ... HSBC, ... Manpower ... Microsoft ... Shell...
International cooperation: ... - Scholarship for journalists from Brazil to Chequeado financed by the Ford Foundation via Global Learning Programs. ... - Hivos... - National Endowment for Democracy (NED) for the Justiciapedia project. - Omidyar Network for the project Regional innovation in fact-checking and data journalism. ... Open Society Foundations (OSF) for the Aceleracion de Chequeado project. ... - United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) for the journalistic research project with citizen participation..."
- What must be said first: VERY GOOD source on NGOs, their leadership and their financing. ISGP has quite a bit to thank Sourcewatch for and to an extent the work of ISGP and Sourcewatch overlap. In the past wondered why the admin of Sourcewatch was a little hostile to ISGP and now we know why, of course: big interests are behind Sourcewatch. Still, even anno 2016 it's probably the best source on individual NGOs out there. As they say in the hood: Respect!
- Sourcewatch was set up with a grant from the Threshold Foundation, controlled by the Tides Foundation. 2005 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p. 8: "Center for Media and Democracy: The only US organization dedicated to investigating and exposing deceptive public relations and propaganda campaigns and strengthening public interest reporting. The Center works to strengthen democracy by promoting media that are "of, by and for the people" and by removing the barriers and distortions of the modern information environment that stem from government - or corporate-dominated media. $15,000 - Disinfopedia Project [now Sourcewatch]. Madison, WI -" Another $1,000 was provided in 2006.
- (accessed: November 1, 2015): "About Us. The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) is a non-profit investigative reporting group. Our reporting and analysis focus on exposing corporate spin and government propaganda. We publish PRWatch, SourceWatch, and BanksterUSA. Our newest investigative site is ... We connected the dots between corporations, politicians, and terrible bills pouring out of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) – such as union-busting "Right to Work" (for less) bills being pushed by ALEC and its billionaire bankrollers like the Kochs, and the "Shoot to Kill" law cited in Florida to protect Trayvon Martin's killer -- crafted by the NRA and pushed out nationally by ALEC. ... The following foundations have provided at least one grant of $5,000 or more to support the work of the Center for Media and Democracy since its inception in 1993. Foundations in bold are current funders. ... Ford Foundation ... Open Society Institute ... Rockefeller Associates. Rockefeller Family Foundation ... Schumann Center for Media and Democracy ... Threshold Foundation. Tides Foundation. ... Turner Foundation."
- (Park Foundation media grants; accessed: January 14, 2016): "
- 2014: Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Investigative work on fracking and its impact on water $50,000 ...
- 2013: Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Fracking and our Environment $50,000 ...
- 2012: ... Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Fracking and Water Project $50,000 - Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Corporate Research Project on the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) $5,000 ...
- 2011: ... Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Corporate Research Project to investigate the influence of corporations on bills introduced in legislatures across the country $31,000"
- Member of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) of the big foundation-funded Poynter Institute.
- August 24, 2016, Poynter Institute, 'How are Latin American fact-checkers paying for their work?': "Colombiacheck, a nonprofit project of the investigative reporters' collective Consejo de Redacción, receives the totality of its current funding from the Open Society Foundations."
- basically is the liberal version of, a conservative website that tracks liberal NGO financing. Similar to, it appears to be a continuous work in progress (or is by design a little limited in the information it provides).
- Among the foundations has checked donations from are: Allegheny Foundation, Bradley Foundation, Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation, Donner Foundation, DonorsTrust, Earhart Foundation, Gilder Foundation, Hickory Foundation, Koch Charitable Foundation, John Templeton Foundation, Smith Richardson Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation, Diana Davis Spencer Foundation, etc.
- is ultimately a project of the David Brock-headed and George Soros-financed American Bridge 21st Century Foundation:
- (January 17, 2017): "For more information, please contact us:"
- (January 17, 2017): "Bridge Project is dedicated to opposing the conservative movement's extreme ideology and exposing its dishonest tactics. ... © 2011-2017 American Bridge 21st Century Foundation. All Rights Reserved."
- (January 17, 2017): "- Soros, George ... 03/17/16, $1,000,000. - Earhart, Anne G. ... 07/17/15 $500,000 ... - Lauder, Henry ... 08/08/16, $500,000."
- April 7, 2016, NBC News, 'Inside Hillary Clinton's Big Money Cavalry': "American Bridge 21st Century Foundation has given its sister super PAC nearly $3 million so far this election cycle...
It also does its own political work, sponsoring an effort it dubs "Bridge Project" that is "dedicated to opposing the conservative movement's extreme ideology and exposing its dishonest tactics." It also tracks the political activities of major Republican political organizations and individual donors...
It reported net assets of $572,546 as of June 30, 2014, with Brock, as chairman and treasurer, drawing a salary of $80,097 for an average of 10 hours of work per week, the filing indicates."
- Organized from late 2013 and founded in 2014. So unknown that even anno 2020 it doesn't have a Wikipedia. Has decribed itself as a "think/do tank in New York City dedicated to addressing social, technical, ethical, legal, and policy issues that are emerging because of data-centric technological development."
- Noticed for the first time by ISGP after top Dutch globalist Marietje Schaake referenced a paper of Data & Society in a propaganda article of hers on the Dutch extreme left (yet mainstream) news site
- April 29, 2019, Marietje Schaake for (extreme left), 'Haat aanwakkeren is geen korfbal' ('Fueling hate is no korfball'). The article very specifically counters recently featured anti-Semitic online trolls. It does so by citing the Soros-funded research site Bellingcat and linking to a report entitled 'Media Manipulation and Disinformation Online'. Written by the Soros-funded Data & Society Research Institute, the report touches on 4chan, Wikileaks, Pizzagate, etc. in the usually manipulative ways. It's controlled opposition to the extreme.).
- 2017, Alice Marwick (D&S advisor) and Becca Lewis (Ph.d. Oxford Internet Institute, part of the Berkman Center network, etc.) for the Data & Society Research Institute, 'Media Manipulationand Disinformation Online' (PDF). The papers starts out by writing: "Using social media, [8chan/pol/, through Wikileaks leaks] spread allegations that George Soros was funding liberal protesters to disrupt Trump rallies [goes on with Pizzagate-related claims]. Despite the spurious, even fantastical nature of such allegations, they spread through social media to far-right blogs..." Isn't it fascinating how the paper's funder and publisher, Data & Society, was created and funded by Soros and allies?
- Financing:
- (accessed: January 26, 2020): "Its creation was supported by a generous gift from Microsoft. ... Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. ... Craig Newmark Philanthropies. ... Ford Foundation. Hewlett Foundation. ... MacArthur Foundation. ... Knight Foundation. ... National Science Foundation. ... New York Times. ... NYC Media Lab. Open Society Foundations. ... Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative. ... UN Global Pulse. UNICEF. Union Square Ventures [key DuckDuckGo investor]. ... Kellogg Foundation. ...
Statement of Independence: ... We do not accept funding that would affect our ability to pursue work free of external interference..."
- (accessed: January 26, 2020): "Its creation was supported by a generous gift from Microsoft. ... Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. ... Craig Newmark Philanthropies. ... Ford Foundation. Hewlett Foundation. ... MacArthur Foundation. ... Knight Foundation. ... National Science Foundation. ... New York Times. ... NYC Media Lab. Open Society Foundations. ... Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative. ... UN Global Pulse. UNICEF. Union Square Ventures [key DuckDuckGo investor]. ... Kellogg Foundation. ...
- New left fact-checking website within Alexa's top 25,000 ranking throughout 2016. It is operated through the Annenberg Public Policy Center, which in turn is financed by the Annenberg Foundation, named after the late Pilgrims Society and superclass member Walter Annenberg.
- Foundation website: (accessed: January 15,2017): "When the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) was established in 1993, its founders, Ambassadors Walter and Leonore Annenberg, sought to increase the impact of the scholarship produced at Penn's Annenberg School for Communication, the Policy Center's home. ... The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania has developed such award-winning initiatives as"
- (accessed: July 4, 2017): "FactcheckEU is Europe's first crowd-checking platform. It is born out of the belief that as the EU becomes ever more integrated [read: instable due to Third World immigration] it becomes increasingly essential to develop watchdogs capable of monitoring the political debate. ... The project is run by NumbersEU, a non-profit organisation set up by Pagella Politica (Italy's top fact-checking website). It is currently made possible thanks to a grant from the Open Society Initiative for Europe. We are also grateful to Stiftung Mercator [allied with Soros, who gave a speech here] for its past support..."
- Set up in August 2008 by the couple Jamie KilStein and Allison Kilkenny, at that point comedians living in their car. In the early months Citizen Radio was known as Drunken Politics.
- Citizen Radio has been operating as a for profit which apparently has been solely financing itself through individual memberships. Ties to foundation-financed media outlets are overwhelming, however, and greatly helped push their readership to Citizen Radio. It also brough countless elite social justice advocates to their show.
- Guests of Citizen Radio have included Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Rachel Maddow of NBC's The Rachel Maddow Show, Jeremy Scahill of The Nation, Peter Singer, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos, Ralph Nader, Joe Rogan, Chris Hedges, Edward Snowden contact Glenn Greenwald, and Greg Palast.
- (accessed: August 10, 2011): ""Jamie Kilstein and Allison Kilkenny have created an important political radio show that balances humor and unreported news. At a time when media conglomerates dominate the airwaves, independent media like Citizen Radio is vital to national discourse." – NOAM CHOMSKY"
- Allison Kilkenny:
- (accessed: December 9, 2017): "Allison Kilkenny is an In These Times Staff Writer and the co-host of ... Citizen Radio. ...
Kilkenny’s work has appeared on/in The Nation, NPR, Huffington Post, The American Prospect, the Los Angeles Times ... Truthout, Alternet, Counterpunch... CBS’s Political Hotsheet, Newsweek, Al Gore’s Current TV, The Atlantic Wire, Salon’s Glenn Greenwald and Raw Story have all referenced her writing.
She has made numerous media and stage appearances on Democracy Now!, Pacifica Radio, BBC Radio, GRITtv with Laura Flanders, SIRIUS radio, and Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting’s CounterSpin, and she co-hosted a sold-out run of Citizen Radio Live! at the legendary Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theatre in New York."
- (accessed: December 9, 2017): "Allison Kilkenny is an In These Times Staff Writer and the co-host of ... Citizen Radio. ...
- Jamie Kilstein:
- (accessed: August 10, 2011): "Jamie has also been seen on Conan, Showtime’s The Greenroom, CNN’s The Joy Behar Show, The Paramount Comedy Channel in the UK The Comedy Channel in Australia and Showtime Comedy in the Middle East. He was featured on Think MTV, Comedy Centrals Weekly Evil and is a regular on SIRIUS Satellite Radio, and a contributor to The Onion newspaper."
- October 8, 2012 Youtube Jamie Kilstein, 'Jamie Kilstein - Conan O'Brien Show talking War Torture Drones', words of Conon O'Brien: "My next guest is co-host of the political podcast, Citizen Radio, and a talented comedian who is making his television debut with us right here tonight, the very funny Jamie Kilstein."
- October 21, 2014 Russia Today Breaking The Set (with Abby Martin), 'Taking Down the Daily Show with Allison Kilkenny and Jamie Kilstein'. Both were attacking Blackwater, protecting The Nation's Jeremy Scahill, and talking about feminism (Kilstein was the "male feminist"), veganism (Kilstein is a vegan), the importance of global warming, etc.
- (five articles from 2012 to 2016; super-extreme "new-left" outfit. For example: December 8, 2017, Wonkette, 'Trump Officially Less Popular Than Ass Lice, And We Have Women To Thank!').
- March 6, 2017, Jezebel, 'Progressive Performer Jamie Kilstein Ousted From Citizen Radio After 'Disturbing Allegations''.
- October 31, 2017 YouTube upload by JRE Clips, 'Joe Rogan asks Jamie Kilstein About Being a Reformed SJW': "[Jamie:] [Social justice] is why we became friends: you saw a gay rights thing I did on Twitter. [Joe:] Yeah... I was on Citizen's Radio when you guys first started. [Jamie:] Yeah, you were on our poster. ... The show started as a comedy show. It was called Drunken Politics before it was called Citizen Radio. I think we changed it maybe around Occupy Wall Street [early 2009 is when disappeared]..."
- October 30, 2017, JRE #1031, Joe Rogan on his Joe Rogan Experience: "..."
- (accessed: April 4, 2017): "FAIR [has been providing] criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. ... FAIR publishes Extra!, the newsletter of media criticism, and produces the weekly radio program CounterSpin, the show that brings you the news behind the headlines. In addition, FAIR’s thriving email list distributes articles and Action Alerts to our international network of over 50,000 activists."
- Founding editor-in-chief of Extra! magazine was Martin A. Lee, a guest lecturer at universities as Harvard and Columbia who wrote the 1985 book Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD, and the Sixties Rebellion, an authoritative history of the psychedelics movement surrounding Timothy Leary and Ram Dass.
- Jim Naureckas has edited Extra! magazine since 1990. Naureckas is a Stanford graduate who in the late 1980s covered Iran Contra for the "liberal CIA"-financed In These Times magazine. He also served as managing editor of the newsletter of the Ford Foundation-founded Council on Hemispheric Affairs, an off-shoot of the "liberal CIA"-financed Institute for Policy Studies.
- /jim/page/64/ (accessed: June 19, 2022): "Jim Naureckas is the editor of, and has edited FAIR's print publication Extra! since 1990. He is the co-author of The Way Things Aren’t: Rush Limbaugh’s Reign of Error, and co-editor of The FAIR Reader. He was an investigative reporter for In These Times and managing editor of the Washington Report on the Hemisphere. Born in Libertyville, Illinois, he has a poli sci degree from Stanford. Since 1997 he has been married to Janine Jackson, FAIR’s program director."
- (accessed: June 19, 2022): "James Weinstein gave him his first job in journalism, when he hired him in 1987 to write about the Iran/Contra Scandal for In These Times."
- Nov. 21, 1999, Washington Post, 'Rage Before Beauty': "[RATM's Tom] Morello is the son of an activist Italian American mother and a Kenyan diplomat who fought in the Mau Mau independence movement. They divorced a year after he was born. When mother and son moved to the Chicago suburbs, Morello became one of the first African American residents in a stifling hamlet called Libertyville. ...
"Tom grew up as a black kid in a white suburb and as a left-wing kid in a Republican suburb," says Jim Naureckas, a classmate at Libertyville High School who is now editor of Extra, a bimonthly published by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, one of several media watchdog groups supported by Rage. "His mother always made sure that Tom would not be a stranger to the black half of his culture, that he would be aware of the struggles for civil rights and so on," Naureckas says. "The lessons that she gave Tom from an early age made it clear there was a world beyond Libertyville."" - Encyclopedia of U.S. - Latin American Relations': p. 222: "Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA): ... organization promoting human rights and democratic institutions throughout Latin America. It emerged in 1975 in the aftermath of the 1973 Pinochet coup in Chile that overthrew ... Allende. As a result of the later revelations of White House complicityin that coup, as well as in Washington's subsequent interventionist backing of military-led juntas elsewhere in Latin America, a group of U.S.-area specialists ... gathered at the Ford Foundation in 1975 to create COHA.
The participants at its founding meeting--most of whom later became COHA's original trustees--included Professor Kalman Silvert of the Ford Foundation and New York University; Covey Oliver, former assistant secretary of state for Latin America under President Johnson; Professor Larry Birns of the New School and NEw York University; Rabbi Morton Rosenthal of B' nai B' rith; Thomas Quigley of the U.S> Catholic Conference; and Ernest Chanes, a prominent New York City civic leader. ...
COHA's credibility was enhanced by a string of Illustrious chairpersons, including its second chair, Chuck A. Perlik, the president of The Newspaper Guild, whose organization represented tens of thousands of U.S. and Canadian journalists."
- Financing of FAIR (which it keeps hidden rather well):
- Ford Foundation grants to (Excel sheet downloadable from website listing all grants 2006-2016): "Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting Inc. 2009: $150,000 ... 2007: $100,000. ... 2011: $200,000."
- (accessed: June 13, 2006): "From 1998 through 2005, the Ford Foundation made grants to FAIR totaling at least $450,000. It gave another $200,000 to Laura Flanders, the founder of the "Women's Desk" at FAIR who also served as a producer-host on Working Assets Radio. Flanders is the older sister of the Clinton administration speechwriter Stephanie Flanders and is the niece of neo-Marxist CounterPunch Editor Alexander Cockburn."
- 2007, Bob Feldman for the peer-reviewed journal Critical Sociology, 'Left Media & Left Think Tanks: Foundation-Managed Protest?' (PDF), p. 432: "Table 2. Foundation Grants to Extra!/Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), 1990 to 1995. ... Rockefeller Family Foundation: $20,000 in 1991.
Foundation for Deep Ecology: $15,000 in 1992. ...
MacArthur Foundation: $300,000 between 1992 and 1995. ...
Schumann Foundation: $150,000 in 1995."
- Founded in 2018.
- Funders:
- (accessed: Feb. 10, 2023): "Funders: Argosy Foundation. Catena Foundation. [The UK's] Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office [already in 2019]. Luminate [already in 2019]. National Endowment for Democracy. Craig Newmark Philanthropies. Knight Foundation [already in 2019]. Open Society Foundations. Bohemian Foundation. Reset [of the Omidyar Network]. Disinfo Cloud: In Partnership with the Global Engagement Center [of the U.S. State Department].
Select Partners: ... Twitch..." - (accessed: Dec. 6, 2023): "[All the same as above, except the NED, but added was:] Funded by the European Union. ... Auswärtiges Amt [German foreign office]."
- (accessed: Feb. 10, 2023): "Funders: Argosy Foundation. Catena Foundation. [The UK's] Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office [already in 2019]. Luminate [already in 2019]. National Endowment for Democracy. Craig Newmark Philanthropies. Knight Foundation [already in 2019]. Open Society Foundations. Bohemian Foundation. Reset [of the Omidyar Network]. Disinfo Cloud: In Partnership with the Global Engagement Center [of the U.S. State Department].
- Controversy:
- Feb. 13, 2023, Breitbart, 'Microsoft Suspends Foreign Disinformation ‘Experts’ That Blacklist Conservative Media': "After Breitbart News, the Washington Examiner, and the Daily Caller News Foundation highlighted how a Microsoft-owned ad network, Xandr, employed foreign think tank Global Disinformation Index’s (GDI) media blacklist, otherwise known as the “Dynamic Exclusion List,” Microsoft said it has stopped using its blacklist, pending review. ... 39 prominent conservative media outlets including Breitbart News, the Blaze, the Washington Times, Judicial Watch, MRC.TV, RealClearPolitics, the Daily Wire, and the Examiner were flagged as “false/misleading.”"
- February 21, 2023, Washington Times, 'State Dept.-backed group drops ‘disinformation’ index targeting conservative outlets': "The National Endowment for Democracy, a private foundation created by Congress whose annual funding is part of the State Department budget, said it will no longer provide grants to the index after pushback from the right, including congressional Republicans.
“Recently, we became aware that one of our grantees, the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), was engaged in an initiative, funded by a different donor, that focused on specific U.S. media outlets,” the NED said Tuesday in a statement to The Washington Times.
“We recognize the important work GDI has done with NED support in other countries to help preserve the integrity of the information space and counter authoritarian influence,” said the statement. “However, given our commitment to avoid the perception that NED is engaged in any work domestically, directly or indirectly, we will no longer provide financial support to GDI.”"
- People:
- (accessed: Oct. 20, 2019; three persons at the time, but was expanded later): "Advisory Panel: Anne Applebaum ... Peter Pomerantsev..."
- As prominently revealed in the top-left corner of the website anno 2017, is a project of the (establishment-financed) National Institute on Money in State Politics (NIMSP). Website slogan at the top: "The nation's only free, nonpartisan, verifiable archive of contributions to political campaigns in all 50 states."
- Annual Report 2009, National Institute on Money in State Politics (NIMSP): "The Institute is primarily supported by national foundations that focus on strengthening state democratic practices and accountability in government. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to these foundations whose grant awards made our work possible in the 2009 fiscal year: July 1, 2008–June 30, 2009: Carnegie Corporation ... Energy Foundation. Ford Foundation. Foundation to Promote Open Society. JEHT Foundation [tanked through major investments with Bernie Madoff in January 2009]. ... MacArthur Foundation. Open Society Institute. The Pew Charitable Trusts. Rockefeller Brothers Fund."
- Greg Palast's sister, Geri Palast, has been a member of the board of NIMSP. Both are deeply tied to liberal CIA groups and the Mossad.
- The most aggressive, condescending and ridiculous site crusading against "Islamophobia". Founded in 2009, it makes zero mention of its founders or funders and even anno 2017 no one appears to be interested in finding out these facts. However, the anti-"Islamophobia" agenda is completely in line with the liberal establishment agenda, not to mention countries as Iran who will use Muslims to create jihadist fifth-columns in western countries.
-'s byline is "the mooslims! they're heeere!", a perfect example of its condescending, ridiculing, trolling manner of attacking critics of Muslim society and Muslim immigration.
- Nathan Lean is an important contributor to and reportedly one of the groups founders. In 2015 Lean was appointed to the advisory board of Measuring Anti Muslim Attacks (TellMAMA: "Standing Against Prejudice & Bigotry"), which equally controversially appointed Nafeez Ahmed). Lean also is editor in chief of Aslan Media, which reportedly is linked to enemy jihadist state Iran:
- March 13, 2013, Robert Spencer for, 'EXPOSED: Aslan Media Editor-In-Chief Nathan Lean is “Garibaldi” of hate site Loonwatch': "Islamic supremacist Reza Aslan, who is one of the most prominent, popular and respected Muslim spokesmen on the scene, ... has recently been unmasked as a Board member of a front group for Iran’s bloody Islamic regime [National Iranian American Council]. Aslan employs ... Nathan Lean... Lean gets space in the Los Angeles Times and New York Daily News... Garibaldi interviewed Aslan for Loonwatch. ... Nathan Lean, psychotic stalker and hate-filled traitor to America."
- Upon's founding in 2009, it immediately listed the Dutch prime ministrial candidate (and neocon) Geert Wilders as one of its top enemies. The neocon Robert Spencer of the Intelligence Summit, American Congress for Truth and Jihad Watch is another prime target. So are Sam Harris and other neocons as Daniel Pipes and Douglas Feith.
- Ford Foundation grants to Media Matters for America (Excel sheet downloadable from website listing all grants since 2006): "
- 125034. Media Matters for America. ... 2015. $200,000.
- 120963. Media Matters for America. ... 2013. $82,000.
- 120414. Media Matters for America. ... 2013. $350,000.
- 121119. Media Matters for America. ... 2014. $750,000.
- 117714. Media Matters for America. ... 2011. $750,000.
- 119235. Media Matters for America. ... 2013. $500,000.
- 112869. Media Matters for America. ... 2009. $500,000.
- 114124. Media Matters for America. ... 2010 $466,466.
- 113834. Media Matters for America. ... 2009 $595,000."
Total: $4,193,466. - In recent years the Tides Foundation generally provides $100,000 or more to Media Matters per year.
- 2008, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): "- Media Matters for America... $100,000..."
- September 22, 2008, Newsmax, 'Obama, Voter Fraud & Mortgage Meltdown': "Soros and Media Matters founder David Brock are close friends who have collaborated on many projects."
- Harold K. Hochschild Foundation (in existence 1980-2012): (accessed: November 30, 2011): "Media Matters for America ... "
- Founded in 1981 as Midwest Research, Chicago. Changed its name to Political Research Associates in 1987. PRA studies the U.S. political right wing, as well as white supremacists, and paramilitary organizations. It has a full-time staff of six. The Executive Director is Tarso Luis Ramos. Dr. Jean V. Hardisty was the founder and director from 1981 to 2004. Chip Berlet was the group's senior analyst from 1981-2011. PRA publishes a journal, The Public Eye, quarterly.
- 2007, Bob Feldman, draft of an article that would later appear in the peer-reviewed journal Critical Sociology, 'Left Media & Left Think Tanks: Foundation-Managed Protest?' (PDF): "Between 1993 and 1996, Political Research Associates/Public Eye magazine also received grants of $80,000 from the Nathan Cummings Foundation, $90,000 from the Public Welfare Foundation, $69,2060 from the Tides Foundation and $75,000 from the List Foundation..."
- Ford Foundation grants to PFAW (Excel sheet downloadable from website listing all grants 2006-2015): "
- 116524 Political Research Associates 2011 $400,000.
- 104198 Political Research Associates 2006 $25,000.
- 121161 Political Research Associates 2014 $200,000.
- 120360 Political Research Associates 2013 $150,000.
- 124595 Political Research Associates 2015 $150,000."
Total: $925,000.
- is a big foundation-financed fact-checking website that has been operating since mid 2007. The website has been checking claims of leading politicians such as senators and congressmen for truth, giving each claim a ranking in its "Truth-O-Meter", the score ranging from "true" to "pants on fire".
- Throughout 2016 has had an Alexa ranking of 5000th to 8000th largest site in the world.
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "PolitiFact is an independent fact-checking website created by the Tampa Bay Times newspaper to sort out the truth in American politics. PolitiFact is funded primarily by the Tampa Bay Times and the ad revenues generated on PolitiFact's website. PolitiFact also relies on grants from nonpartisan organizations. PolitiFact currently receives funding from the Democracy Fund, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. In the past, PolitiFact has received funding from the Ford Foundation, Craigslist Charitable Fund and the Collins Center for Public Policy. In January 2017, PolitiFact launched a membership campaign and began accepting reader contributions. ...
Control of the newspaper and its operations, however, lies with a single executive. Upon retirement, that leader picks a successor. [Nelson] Poynter himself picked Eugene Patterson, who picked Andy Barnes, who picked the Times ' current chairman and CEO, Paul Tash. We know of no other news organization in the country that runs like this.
Since 2010, the Times has partnered with other news organizations to operate PolitiFact sites in the states. Some of these partners are newspapers, such as the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the Austin American-Statesman (both part of Cox Media Group); and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (part of Gannett Co. Inc.). We also partner with Scripps television stations based in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and Ohio; with Capital Public Radio based in Sacramento, Calif., and with Billy Penn, a Philadelphia-based mobile-first news website." - How ISGP got onto the trail of January 25, 2017,, 'Pants on Fire claim that George Soros money went to Women's March protesters'. The article debunks the claim that thousands of protesters of the Women's March were directly paid by George Soros' Open Society Foundations, but eventually doesn't dig deeper into the claim that "Asra Nomani [in] the Women in the World section of the New York Times website ... has now counted 65 organizations with some sort of tie, not necessarily financial, to Soros and his ... the Open Society Foundation. ...Nomani went through the list of 403 groups listed as partners of the march [Women's March]..." Considering Soros' foundation is a close partner of the foundations that have helped finance, we have an extremely blatant conflict of interest here.
- Leading organization within an international network of privacy protecting NGOs that challenge national corporations, banks and politicians with thier negative annual Big Brother Awards whenever they violate what these NGOs perceive to be intrusions on citizen's privacy.
- Financing:
- (accessed: November 7, 2019): "We are very grateful to the following organisations for their support: Adessium Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the International Committee of the Red Cross, International Development Research Centre, Luminate, Oak Foundation, [Soros'] Open Society Foundations, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. ... We do not accept funding from corporations..."
- Dutch branch, Bits of Freedom:
- On November 4, 2019 this author was listening to QMusic, one of the largest youth-oriented radio channels of the Netherlands, when its news program reported that Google, among other large corporations and important government officials, had been nominated for the "Big Brother Awards" of a group called "Bits of Freedom". Thinking it odd that such a totally random and seemingly kind of insignificant piece of information (because who says "Bits of Freedom" is trustworthy?) made it to the daily news, I checked the financing of this group. And from there also found out about its international branch.
- "Bits of Freedom, founded in 1999, is THE movement that stands up for internet freedom in the Netherlands. We focus on ... communication freedom and privacy."
- (accessed: November 7, 2019): "Bits of Freedom is systematically financed by six funds: Adessium Foundation, SIDN, Internet4ALL, Stichting Democratie & Media, Ford Foundation and [Soros'] Open Society Foundations."
- ("corporate donors"; accessed: November 7, 2019): "Mozilla..."
- "From October 2013 to September 2019 Hans de Zwart was [managing] directeur of ... Bits of Freedom. In the past he [worked at] Shell. ...
Hans is lid van de wetenschappelijke raad van advies van het Instituut voor Informatierecht (IViR) en van het onderzoeksproject Blockchain & Society. Van juni tot en met december 2019 vangt hij een ouderschapsverlof op in de Grantmaking Committee van het Digital Freedom Fund [ (accessed: November 7, 2019: [Soros'] Open Society Foundations ... Adessium Foundation ... Ford Foundation ... Democracy and Media Foundation...]." - (accessed: November 7, 2019): "Policy advisor and researcher at Bits of Freedom. She is especially focused on the relationship between State and civilian and the power proportions which come with that. Thus she works on the dossier on the secret services (the Sleepwet / the Dragnet Law) and the investigative powers of the police. ...
At Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ... she worked within the research group Security Technology and e-Privacy (STeP). ... Lotte was an intern within the section strafrecht at [the antifa-oriented] Prakken d'Oliveira and supported [the antifa-oriented] arrestants of political action. She was dossier holder on the Intelligence- and Security Services (Wiv) at the Public Interest Litigation Project."
- Media institute focused on checking facts in the media. Founded in 1975 as the Modern Media Institute, but changed its named in 1984 to the Poynter Institute for Media Studies.
- May 26, 2005, press release, 'Institute History: 30 Years Ago': "On May 29, 1975, Nelson Poynter announced that the Modern Media Institute would be started and that Donald K. Baldwin, former editor of the St. Petersburg Times, would become the Institute's first director. (In 1984 the school changed its name from the Modern Media Institute to The Poynter Institute.)"
- Funding:
- 2006-2016 Ford Foundation grants list: "Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Inc.: 2007: $125,000. ... 2008: $125,000 [and] $200,000. ... 2009: $750,000 [and] $150,000. ... 2010: $400,000. ... 2013: $300,000."
- June 28, 2016, Poynter Institute, 'Knight Foundation gives Poynter $758,000 to remake online journalism education'.
- In September 2015, around the time of the rise of Donald Trump as a major presidential candidate, Poynter founded the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).
- June 29, 2017,, '$1.3 Million in Grants from Omidyar Network, Open Society Foundations Will Expand Poynter's International Fact-Checking Network': "The funds ($1 million from Omidyar Network and $300,000 from OSF)... Poynter's IFCN has [previously] received funding from the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, the Duke University Reporters' Lab, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Omidyar Network, the Open Society Foundations and the Park Foundation."
- (accessed: July 4, 2017): "Verified signatories: AP Fact Check... Africa Check ... Agencia Lupa ... Chequeado ... ... PolitiFact ... Snopes [and more]"
- (subtitle) (accessed: November 22, 2015): "A project of People For the American Way dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities of the right-wing movement."
- PFAW has received massive funding from the Rockefeller, Soros, Ford, Tides and other foundations.
- Project of Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), which has received massive funding of the Rockefeller, Soros, Ford, Tides and other foundations. (accessed: November 22, 2015): "Institute for Policy Studies - RightWeb Menu."
- Fact-checking / "fake news" debunking website founded at a very early stage - in 1994 - by David Mikkelson and his (ex-)wife Barbara to debunk conspiracies surrounding UFOs, the Moon landing, etc. 9/11 in 2001, followed by a huge (controlled) conspiracy culture, allowed the site to explode.
- Anno 2,000 has an extremely high Alex rank of 2,000 globally. Even a pilot for a TV show on was created, but never aired due to a lack of interest by major media corporations.
- Anno 2017 Snopes is a member of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) of the Poynter Institute, financed by major foundations as Ford, Gates, Omidyar, Open Society (Soros), Park, Knight, etc. All, or virtually all other members of the Poynter Institute receive financing from this network of foundations. It appears, however, that has been able to survive quite easily on ad revenue over the years, most likely because it was so early in the business and largely doing it exclusively.
- Hilariously, "liberal CIA" fact check websites as and the fact checking section of (controlled by the same people of the Diller-Von Furstenberg Family Foundation) have "investigated" Snopes in the past and labeled it "free from bias". Mikkelson is a registered Republican and his (ex-)wife Barbara is a Canadian, so everything is okidoki.
- Additional facts:
- The founder of, David Mikkelson, divorced his overweight wife and married Erin O'Bryn / Elyssa Young, a porn actor and escort, and employed her as a administrator. If that's what he wants to do, fine. Good for him. It kinda sounds like a liberal thing to do. Bizarrely, Mikkelson's new wife has ran for congress in Hawaii and was involved in anti-Bush activism.
- December 21, 2016, Daily Mail, 'EXCLUSIVE: Facebook 'fact checker' who will arbitrate on 'fake news' is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes': "[Elyssa Young] ran for U.S. congress in Hawaii as a Libertarian in 2004, during which she handed out 'Re-Defeat Bush' cards and condoms stamped with the slogan 'Don't get screwed again'." It appears the accusations of's liberal bias hold quite a bit of water.
- His ex-wife started accusing Mikkelson of having used roughly $100,000 of company money for personal expenses, including hookers as Erin O'Bryn / Elyssa Young.
- December 21, 2016, Daily Mail, 'EXCLUSIVE: Facebook 'fact checker' who will arbitrate on 'fake news' is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes - and its staff includes an escort-porn star and 'Vice Vixen domme'': "Now they are divorced - with Barbara claiming in legal documents he embezzled $98,000 of company money and spent it on 'himself and prostitutes'."
- Leading fact-checker of is Kim LaCapria, who has been blogging as "Vice Vixen" and online expressed an interest in SM and sex toys. A quick check on her Twitter in late June 2017 reveals recent links to such articles as The Atlantic's The Normalization of Conspiracy Culture: People who share dangerous ideas don't necessarily believe them, which, of course, pretends Alex Jones and other conspiracy-inventing disinformers are not simply CIA assets.
- December 21, 2016, Daily Mail, 'EXCLUSIVE: Facebook 'fact checker' who will arbitrate on 'fake news' is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes': "One of the lead fact-checkers, Kim LaCapria, has also been a sex-and-fetish blogger who went by the pseudonym 'Vice Vixen.' ... She regularly provided intimate advice and reviewed sex toys, including a vibrating wand that 'drives boys mad.'"
- The founder of, David Mikkelson, divorced his overweight wife and married Erin O'Bryn / Elyssa Young, a porn actor and escort, and employed her as a administrator. If that's what he wants to do, fine. Good for him. It kinda sounds like a liberal thing to do. Bizarrely, Mikkelson's new wife has ran for congress in Hawaii and was involved in anti-Bush activism.
- It would be interesting to study what's criteria are for addressing any kind of story, as the vast majority of rumors I never heard of and are so outlandish nobody would have believed them anyway. The site almost seems as basic entertainment for those who have zero belief in any kind of conspiracies (and thus don't get annoyed by sites as Snopes).
- What is certain is that, or any of its predecessor sites, has never been discussed on, even though one would think this site would be one of its many targets. After all, Snopes is always looking fresh meat/rumors, right?
- StopFake was founded by students and faculty members of the Kyiv Mohyla School of Journalism in Ukraine in 2014 in response to the Russian occupation of Crimea.
- (Soros' Open Society Foundations; accessed: July 4, 2017): "We support independent journalism projects like, a fact-checking website that verifies news stories and refutes incorrect information and propaganda about events in Ukraine."
- The Internet Archive and its WayBack Machine on essentially has been making regular backups of the entire internet since 1996. ISGP has used it a lot over the years to dig up former board members of a variety of NGOs or to retrieve articles that have disappeared. It is an extremely effective tool. The only thing is how the Internet Archive can possibly be financially sustainable, especially with the archive backing up plenty of very large PDF documents going back to the late 1990s. The Internet Archive occasionally asks for a multi-million dollar sum in donations, but it is extremely hard to believe that individuals all over the world would donate this sum. Most people have never even heard of the archive.
- Turns out, one or more elite foundations have aided the Internet Archive in finances and logistics:
- 2007 annual report, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, pp. 86-89: "Internet Archive: ... 667,000. ... George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia: To support the development of a set of automatic archiving relationships between the Zotero Web research tool and the Internet Archive: 514,000. ... Federation of American Scientists: ... 302,000."
- May 24, 2013,, 'Internet Archive Receives $1 Million From Knight Foundation'.
- (accessed: March 25, 2018): "2012: ... Internet Archive []: $5,000.00: To support the preparation of online instructions and other guidance assisting users of the Internet Archive’s new TV news research service."
- The Internet Archive apparently is so comfortable financially that it donated $52,000 to the Sunlight Foundation, already backed by foundations as Soros, Rockefeller, Ford, Knight and Omidyar.
- Wikipedia was founded in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. The Wikimedia Foundation, through which Wikipedia can receive donations, was set up in 2003.
- ISGP has criticized the extreme censorship implemented by a good number of Wikipedia admins. While part of this is due to many admins being too "heady", in other cases they appear to be superclass trolls or individual protecting their interests by watching over their site. There is no good way to counter the censorship of senior admins.
- Over the years Wikipedia and Jimmy Wales have developed a lot of financial ties to the liberal superclass and key "liberal CIA" foundations - which quite possibly has allowed Wikipedia to financially survive without listing ads. Also Wikipedia's advisory board is absolutely stacked with people who also take "liberal CIA" foundation money for other NGOs they work for. A list of these ties:
- Wales joined the Sunlight Foundation in January 2007, about a year after it was founded. This foundation has received MASSIVE financing from "liberal CIA" foundations as Soros, Omidyar, Ford, Rockefeller, Hewlett, MacArthur and others.
- (accessed: March 25, 2018): "There was also an important meeting with the Open Society Institute's Information Project in New York, during December. They invited the Wikimedia board to join them for part of their yearly board meeting, and are interested in helping Wikipedia expand in key languages and into the developing world."
- Jimmy Wales spoke at a Ted Conference in 2005. Later on he also visited Davos and the Ambrosetti Forum. He met his wife, Kate Garvey, a second time at the 2010 DAVOS conference, after which they started dating. Garvey is Tony Blair's former diary secretary. Garvey also has been involved in activism. In 2005 she worked on the Make Poverty History campaign, which produced the Live 8 concerts. She was closely associated with the Soros-Bill Gates-backed Bono in these efforts. Later in 2005 she was appointed head of public and social affairs of the Freud Communications, founded by Matthew Freud, a great-grandson of the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, whose cousin was the father of modern propaganda: Edward Bernays. She served as a go-between between Matthew Freud and the Blair couple. In 2015 she was a co-founder of Project Everyone, a campaign group dedicated to promoting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
- March 17, 2008, New York Times, 'Open-Source Troubles in Wiki World': "Mr. Wales [is] greeting the most enthusiastic Wikipedia contributors from across the globe, receiving invitations to the World Economic Forum in Davos, attending George Soros's birthday party."
- March 17, 2008, New York Times, 'Open-Source Troubles in Wiki World': "Sue Gardner, the new executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation [2007-2014], which runs the various Wikipedia projects..." After resigning from Wikimedia, Gardner joined the Tor Project with financial backing from Pierre Omidyar's First Look Media.
- December 13, 2007, press release, 'Wikis Go Printable': "The Wikimedia Foundation today announced a partnership that will make it possible to obtain high quality print and word processor copies of articles from Wikipedia and other wiki educational resources. The development of the underlying open source software is supported by the Open Society Institute..."
-–2009 (accessed: March 25, 2018; not much, or hidden under "anonymous"): "Major Benefactors: Arcadia. Richard Lounsbery Foundation. Patrons: Anonymous (3). Leading donors: Anonymous (6) ... Sustaining donors: Anonymous (50)..."
-–2010 (accessed: March 25, 2018; all of a sudden a lot): "Foundation support: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation... Omidyar Network... Hewlett Foundation... Ford Foundation... Open Society Institute... Google Inc. ...Charitable Giving Fund of Tides Foundation.
Major benefactors: ... Bing [of Microsoft]
Patrons: ... Christopher Ruddy [CEO of ultraright Newsmax]
Sustaining donors: ... Joichi Ito..." -–2011 (accessed: March 25, 2018): "Major Benefactors: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. ... The Brin Wojcicki Foundation [Google]. Craigslist Charitable Fund ... The Ford Foundation... Google Matching Gifts Foundation ... Omidyar Network ... Hewlett Foundation.
Patrons: Christopher Ruddy ...
Leading Donors: ... Elon Musk..." - (accessed: March 25, 2018): "Melissa Hagemann: Melissa manages the Open Access Initiative within the Information Program of the Open Society Institute (OSI)/Soros foundations... She has held several positions within OSI including managing OSI’s Regional Library Program from 1995-1997 based in Budapest as well as the Science Journals Donation Program from 1998-2001. ...
Melissa has served on the Member of Experts' Group of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Library Initiative.
Matt Halprin: ... Halprin was also Partner at Omidyar Network... Halprin was appointed to the WMF Board in August 2009...
Benjamin Mako Hill: ... Faculty Associate at the [Ford-Soros-etc.-financed] Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society and an affiliate at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science — both at Harvard University. ...
Mimi Ito [sister of Joi Ito, a protege of "liberal CIA" psychedelics guru Timothy Leary]: ... most recently, she has led a three-year collaborative ethnographic study, funded by the MacArthur Foundation...
Mitch Kapor: ... Co-founded the [Omidyar-Rockefeller-funded] Electronic Frontier Foundation... former Chair of the Mozilla Foundation... [and long-time advisory board member of the Soros-Rockefeller-Omidyar-Ford Foundation-backed Sunlight Foundation]
Rebecca MacKinnon: ... she resigned from CNN, and was invited to stay at Harvard as a Research Fellow at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society [financed by foundations as Ford and Soros]. There she and fellow Wikimedia advisor Ethan Zuckerman co-founded [the Ford Foundation, etc.-funded] Global Voices Online... She serves on the Board of Directors for [the elite-linked] Tor...
Domas Mituzas: ... now working in operations at Facebook.
Trevor Neilson: ... Partner in the Global Philanthropy Group... He formed DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa) with Bill Gates, Bono and George Soros, served as a founding board member, and stays involved as a member of DATA's policy board. ... Served in the Clinton White House, for the Office of Scheduling and Advance and the White House Travel Office. He then became the Director of Public Affairs and Director of Special Projects at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation... Served as Executive Director of the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GBC) which was initially created with investments from Bill Gates, George Soros and Ted Turner. ...
Craig Newmark: ... founder of [and MAJOR "liberal CIA" financier alongside foundations as Ford, Rockefeller, Soros, etc.] ...
Barry Newstead: ... Partner with the Bridgespan Group, a nonprofit consulting organization [funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Omidyar® Network, Hewlett Foundation]
Jing Wang: ... [Her NGO] project [was] funded by Ford Foundation in Beijing...
Ethan Zuckerman: ... director of MIT's Center for Civic Media, and co-founder of Global Voices ( along with fellow advisory board member Rebecca MacKinnon. He is an affiliate at the [Ford Foundation, Soros-financed] Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, where his work focuses on technology in the developing world. Ethan also works with Open Society Institute's Information Program, along with Melissa Hagemann. ... Before that, he helped found, a popular community site on the early Web. ...
Alumni: ...
Danny Hillis: ... Vice President, Research and Development at Walt Disney Imagineering, and a Disney Fellow. ... He founded the [elite-funded] Long Now Foundation [of elite "liberal CIA" psychedelics/technology pusher Stewart Brand]
Jay Rosen: ... writes at the Huffington Post and Comment is Free, the Guardian's group blog. ... Written for The Nation, ... The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times,, and many others. ...
Raoul Weiler: ... Weiler founded and chairs the Brussels-EU Chapter of the Club of Rome (CoR-EU) and is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Club of Rome (CoR)." - December 7, 2007, Financial Times, 'Wikimedia director wants more women in online encyclopedia': "Katherine Maher is standing on a chair hanging a picture frame when I arrive at her small apartment in San Francisco's Noe Valley. The executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation — the non-profit that runs Wikipedia — travels so often..."
- Born in 1983. Claims she was first employed at 11 by superclass member Madeleine Albright. April 3, 2012, Katherine Maher for, 'A Seat at the Table: a Twitter-ful list of women crucial to foreign policy': "In 1994, I got a job working for Madeleine Albright. She was the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations [from 1993 to 1997]." Graduate in 2003 of the Arabic Language Institute's Arabic Language Intensive Program (ALIN) of The American University in Cairo, "instilling a deep love of the Middle East" in her. Studied at the Institut Français d’Etudes Arabes de Damas (L'IFEAD) in Syria in 2004. Visited Lebanon and Tunisia in this period. Internships at the CFR and Eurasia Group. BA from New York University in 2005. Manager at HSBC in 2005-2007. Innovation and communication officer UNICEF 2007-2010. ICT program officer for the super-elite "democracy-sponsoring" National Democratic Institute for International Affairs of Madeleine Albright 2010-2011. ICT innovation specialist 2011-2013. Advocacy director at the Washington, D.C.-based Access Now, financed by the Ford Foundation and other "liberal CIA" foundations, 2013-2014. Chief communications officer of the Wikimedia Foundation, founded in 2003 by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and the owner of Wikipedia, 2014-2016, executive director 2016-. Director of the Soros-Rockefeller-Omidyar-Ford Foundation-financed Sunlight Foundation since March 2018. Jimmy Wales has been sitting on the advisory board of the Sunlight Foundation since January 2007.
- One example of Wikipedia clearly keeping on corrupt admins is David Gerard:
- June 11, 2017,, 'David Gerard versus the block chain; a peek into an emerging wiki war': "The Ethereum community is concerned... The Wikipedia articles on cryptocurrency and blockchain are guarded again by the "skeptic activists" on Wikipedia, especially grand wizard skeptic David Gerard... David Gerard may not be a founder, but he is on the Board of Trustees of the RationalWiki Foundation. ... He is even writing a book about the blockchain... Whatever David Gerard cannot get away with on Wikipedia, he moves over to RationalWiki, another MediaWiki he manages a highly toxic troll farm."
- Elite ties:
- (accessed: May 6, 2020; 27 members): "LEADERSHIP: Marietje Schaake ... MEMBERS (*Steering Committee): Michael J. Abramowitz, President, Freedom House. ... *Michael Chertoff, former Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. ... Katherine Maher, Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation [Wikipedia]. ... John Frank, VP & Head of European Union office, Microsoft. ... *Clint Watts, Distinguished Research Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute; Non- Resident Senior Fellow, Alliance for Securing Democracy [housed at the German Marshall Fund; advisory board: Mike Chertoff, William Kristol and John Podesta] ... *Peter Chase, Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund (Brussels)..."
- November 3, 2011, Frontpage Magazine (ultraconservative), 'Occupy Wall Street and Soros; Fingerprints Who is funding the neo-communist uprising?': "The nonprofit organization that has taken Soros' money is the Alliance for Global Justice. It is managing donations benefiting the anarchists, socialists, communists, empty-headed Naomi Klein followers, and hippies now occupying [OWS'] Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan.
As of Nov. 2, the Alliance reported $206,000 in donations earmarked for Occupy Wall Street. ... Alliance for Global Justice is a "fiscal sponsor" which means that it serves as a financial clearinghouse for causes that haven't incorporated themselves as nonprofit organizations. Donors write a check to the Alliance and are then able to deduct the donations from their income tax. Fiscal sponsors take a percentage of donations as administrative fees and then pass on the rest to the cause favored by the donor.
Alliance for Global Justice has accepted grants from Soros's charity, the Open Society Institute ($100,000 since 2004) and from the radical Tides Foundation ($60,000 since 2004) which allows high-profile donors to give secretly to radical causes. A hotbed of anti-American activity, the Alliance takes money from the most extreme left-wing philanthropies operating in America today. The Alliance has accepted grants from the (pro-Fidel Castro) Arca Foundation ($185,000 since 2001), General Service Foundation ($165,000 since 2001), and Foundation for Deep Ecology ($30,000 since 2000), a group of environmental fundamentalists who regard human beings as the number one threat to planet earth.
Founded in 1998, the Alliance has a long history of anti-American activism. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Alliance and its president Katherine Hoyt are longtime supporters of the Sandinista (Communist) movement in Nicaragua and the Zapatistas, a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla movement in Mexico. The Alliance also provides funds for the antiwar group World Can't Wait (a spinoff of the Revolutionary Communist Party), and Courage to Resist, which encourages U.S. soldiers to desert and supports accused traitor Bradley Manning of WikiLeaks infamy. The Alliance has funded anti-Israel groups including Israeli Anarchists Against the War and Bil'in Center for Joint Struggle." - Tied to anti-Donald Trump activism through and related groups since 2016:
- "To support our educational activities and make a tax-deductible donation by mail, make your check out to Alliance for Global Justice (our fiscal sponsor; you can use the abbreviation AFGJ)..."
- (accessed: February 5, 2017): "Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox ... IndyOWS (Indiana) [Occupy Wall Street] ... InterOccupy ... Movement for Black Lives Fund ... Stop Mass Incarceration Network [linked to anti-Trump RefuseFascism] ... World Can't Wait [linked to anti-Trump RefuseFascism]..."
- Founded in 1920 by Felix Frankfurter and others. Over the decades focused on helping to protect freedom of speech:
- for artists, students, minorities (blacks, Native Americans, homosexuals, etc.), anti-war protestors, whistleblowers, socialists and, in case of local ACLU chapters, communists;
- by opposing police misconduct;
- by opposing certain government-introduced legislation;
- by opposing Christian school indoctrination as biblical creationism.
- The ACLU has 500,000 members with a budget of over $130 million. It also lobbies to try and have its own policies introduced as legislation: same-sex marriages, gay rights, birth control, etc.
- Examples of foundation financing of the ACLU:
- December 2, 2008, New York Social Diary, 'Prominent Social Presences': "He and his brother Charles, along with George Soros, the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation each contributed $10 million to the ACLU to defeat parts of the USA Patriot Act."
- November 7, 2014,, '$50-Million Gift to ACLU Provides Jolt for Criminal-Justice Overhaul': "The American Civil Liberties Union on friday announced a $50-million gift from the Open Society Foundations [of George Soros] that will go toward its effort to overhaul the criminal-justice system. ... A group dubbed Funders for Safety and Justice in California also came together two years ago to support statewide efforts. Its members include the Ford Foundation, Open Society, and the California Endowment. The Pew Charitable Trusts, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation also have done work on this issue."
- (accessed: April 9, 2016): "ACLU Foundation of Southern California ... Amount: $250,000. Date of Award: 2005-02-28..." This is one of many grants of the Hewlett Foundation to the ACLU.
- (accessed: April 9, 2016): "American Civil Liberties Union Foundation. Date: 2011. ... Amount: $700,000..." This is one of many grants of the Packard Foundation to the ACLU.
- Hochschild Foundation: (accessed: November 30, 2011): "American Civil Liberties Union..."
- April 2, 2014, Washington Times, 'George Soros' real crusade: Legalizing marijuana in the U.S.': "Mr. Soros also donates annually to the American Civil Liberties Union, which in turn funds marijuana legalization efforts... [Billionaire Peter] Lewis, who died in November, donated to legalization efforts in his name and through the ACLU and the Marijuana Policy Project, on which he served as the chairman of the board."
- October 1, 2012, Seattle PI, 'A $4 million marijuana campaign warchest': "The 78-year-old [Peter] Lewis is a longtime booster of [marijuana] legalization, hitherto best known as a financial angel of the Marijuana Policy Project and the American Civil Liberties Union."
- Marijuana lobby: NORML: (December 3, 2004): "Nadine Strossen, Esq., Co-Chair. President, American Civil Liberties Union ..."
- Pacifica Radio founder Lewis Hill history: (accessed: November 29, 2015): "He also worked for the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington D.C., where he met his wife-to-be..."
- Grateful Dead's Rex Foundation: (accessed: July 12, 2001): "1990 grants: American Civil Liberties Union 10,000."
- Major anti-war protest group that emerged three days after 9/11 and started organizing large-scale anti-War on Terror / Iraq invasion protests. Unfortunately, ANSWER also organized anti-Israel/pro-Palestine and "anti-racism" and pro-Third World immigration demonstrations.
- (accessed: July 20, 2004): "Thousands marched from the White House to Rumsfeld's house to say: "Bush and Rumsfeld - Guilty of War Crimes""
- (accessed: September 8, 2018): "Founded just three days after the September 11, 2001 attacks, ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) initiated ... the ANSWER Coalition demonstration of 200,000 people on October 26, 2002...
On January 18, 2003, 500,000 people packed the Mall in Washington, D.C. under the slogan "Stop the War Before It Starts." ...
On February 15, 2003, many millions of people, in nearly every country in the world, joined together in the largest coordinated antiwar actions in history.
On April 12, 2003, just 3 days after the U.S. invasion force conquered Baghdad the ANSWER coalition organized a demonstration of 30,000 people in downtown Washington, D.C. under the slogan "Occupation is not Liberation.""
- Few people know that ANSWER is front group of the Stalinist-communist World Workers Party (WWK) and its allied International Action Center of globalist CIA asset Ramsey Clark, despite the fact that Clark, his colleagues and allies around the world - communist distator supporters and Muslim extremists - being deeply involved in the group. Only very few media outlets have exposed ANSWER.
- November 4, 2002, WorldNetDaily, 'Has anti-war movement been hijacked? Terror alliances, radical politics revealed at forefront': "The World Workers Party created the IAC in 1992, and put Ramsey Clark, now kingpin of the anti-war movement, at the head of it. ... [We now have a] "new" anti-war movement, which has been increasingly dominated by the international A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition, an organizational front group formed by the International Action Center. Closely allied with IAC is the World Workers Party, a quasi-Stalinist organization that supports authoritarian regimes and communist dictatorships." More details in the World Workers Party / IAC section.
- (accessed: September 8, 2018): "Steering Committee: Free Palestine Alliance - U.S. ... [pro-Sandinista] Nicaragua Network ... [pro-North Korea] Korea Truth Commission. [Ramsey Clark's] International Action Center. Muslim Student Association. ...
Mexico Solidarity Network. Middle East Children's Alliance.
List of Coalition Co-Signers (as of June 20, 2002): [Top name:] Ramsey Clark ... Teresa Gutierrez - Co-Director, International Action Center, NYC ... [9/11-no-planer and chemtrails disinformer] Michel Chossudovsky ... Howard Zinn ... Michael Parenti Ph.D. ... Dick Gregory - comedian ... Green Party USA ... Bohemian Grove Action Network, Sonoma County, California ... Sonoma County Free Press, California [largely Latino, Arab and other Third World names for the rest]...
American Muslims for Global Peace. Al-Awda Palestine Right of Return Coalition, NY & NJ. ... Committee for a Democratic Palestine. ... Ben DuPuy - former Deputy Ambassador-at-Large, Haiti ... Muslims Against Racism and War."
- Financing (usually extremely hard to establish for communist antifa networks):
- (accessed: July 20, 2004): "Your donation will appear as Alliance for Global Justice on your credit card bill." The Alliance for Global Justice has been involved in the financing of very low-level activist groups and has accepted funds from foundations as Soros, Tides and Arca.
- January 5, 2017,, 'Donate! Save your Tax $$ and Fight Trump!': "Donations made, or checks dated by, midnight on December 31 to the Progress Unity Fund/ ANSWER are tax-deductible." PUF is a front from the World Workers Party and the IAC.
- Leading Harvard-based Internet study center, with a branch at Stanford.
- Financing came from Michael R. Klein, with Lawrence Lessig serving as the initial Berkman professor. Lessig maintained a long-standing tie to the Berkman Center and its Stanford affiliate. Lessig developed countless other "liberal CIA" ties and became the mentor of Aaron Swartz, the famous wizkid with whom he developed the Creative Commons open source license. Swartz was "liberal CIA", stood at the basis of the giant Reddit forum, and prominentlcommitted suicide in 2013. Much has been written about the Lessig and Swartz in ISGP's Sun Valley Meetings article, in the Reddit section.
- Financing:
- (accessed: June 5, 2019): "The Berkman Family ... Bradley Foundation ... eBay [Omidyar]... Ernst & Young Foundation ... Google, Inc. Hivos. IBM. Lenovo. ... MacArthur Foundation ... Knight Foundation ... Andrew W. Mellon Foundation ... Microsoft ... Craig Newmark Philanthropic Trust. Novell. The Oak Foundation. The Omidyar Network. The Open Society Institute of the Soros Foundation. Oracle Corporation. PayPal. Philip L. Graham Fund. Reuters, Inc. ... Sun Microsystems. United States Department of State."
- Founded in 2017.
- Officers:
- (accessed: January 25, 2020): "- Nani Jansen Reventlow: Nani is the Director of the Digital Freedom Fund. ... Associate Tenant at Doughty Street Chambers, an Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University...
- Aurum Linh: ... Aurum is a technologist and product developer embedded as a Mozilla Fellow within the Digital Freedom Fund." - (accessed: January 25, 2020): "- Raegan MacDonald: Head of EU Public Policy at Mozilla (Chair)... Raegan has previously worked at Access Now and is a board member of EDRi [European Digital Rights]. ...
- Rupert Skilbeck: ... previously was the Litigation Director at the Open Society Justice Initiative...
- Karmen Turk: ... She co-ordinates the Dynamic Coalition of Freedom of Expression and Media on the Internet of the UN Internet Governance Forum." - (accessed: January 25, 2020): "- David Kaye, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
- Dunja Mijatovic, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights ... and the former OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. ...
- Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament: ... Marietje Schaake has been named Stanford's Cyber Policy Center's International Policy Director."
- (accessed: January 25, 2020): "- Nani Jansen Reventlow: Nani is the Director of the Digital Freedom Fund. ... Associate Tenant at Doughty Street Chambers, an Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University...
- Elite ties and funding:
- Founding managing director Nani Jansen Reventlow and Marietje Schaake both are officers of the Dutch Prince Claus Fund, alongside Prince Constantijn of Orange, a younger brother of King Willem Alexander. Schaake is also a council member of Soros' ECFR, etc.
- (accessed: January 25, 2020): "DFF is currently supported by Open Society Foundations, Adessium Foundation, Luminate, and Ford Foundation. We previously received support from the Renewable Freedom Foundation and project funding from the Democracy and Media Foundation."
- Founded in 2006. Annual meeting.
- Financiers:
- (accessed: January 25, 2020): "The Secretariat is grateful to IGF Trust Fund donors, listed below in order of the size of their total contribution since 2006. Donors to the Trust Fund: Government of Finland. European Commission. ... ICANN ... The Internet Society (ISOC)... Government of Switzerland [and] the United States [and] the Netherlands [and] Germany [and] the UNited Kingdom [and] Japan. ... Tides Foundation ... Verizon ... AT∓ ... Facebook ... Microsoft ... Siemens ... Google ... Government of Norway [and] Sweden. Amazon. ... Walt Disney ... CISCO ..."
- Founded in 2001. Part of elite Balliol College at the equally elite Oxford University, and therefore is able to give out official, prestigious degrees.
- Also part of the Berkman Kleinman Center network, funded by "liberal CIA" foundation. Oxford also gets funds from the Ford Foundation and the like.
- Moved to "conservative CIA" oversight, because it is a "libertarian" think tank and mostly associated with "conservative thought". It is, however, a champion of Third World immigration and LGBTQ propaganda, all under the guise of "let the markets and everything be". The think tank is in the unique positions of getting both "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" funding.
- Research and activist center focused on protecting online-related privacy in the modern world.
- (accessed: June 6, 2019): "CDT is a champion of global online civil liberties and human rights, driving policy outcomes that keep the internet open, innovative, and free."
- Financing:
- May 3, 2016, Washington Free Beacon, 'Consumer Watchdog Took Millions From Google, Quiet on Privacy Concerns; Center for Democracy and Technology stays out of debate over tech giant's data mining (Updated)': "The Center for Democracy and Technology, a consumer watchdog group with outsized influence in Washington, took in $2.5 million from Google between 2010 and 2014, according to tax records. The donations amounted to more than double the amount contributed by any other company during the same period.
Critics argue that Google's funding for the CDT and other industry watchdogs has essentially turned these groups into an extension of the company's lobbying efforts and stifled debate about Google's heavy reliance on data collection." - April 12, 2016, Washington Post, 'Google, once disdainful of lobbying, now a master of Washington influence': "The American Civil Liberties Union, Heritage Action, Americans for Tax Reform and the Center for Democracy & Technology have formed a coalition calling for the government to obtain a probable-cause warrant before getting access to e-mails and other electronic data. The coalition, Digital 4th, is funded by Google. ...
As the public's outrage has grown [over the NSA-Silicon Valley ties], the tech giant has tried to keep the focus on limiting government surveillance, not on the data collection done by private companies." - (accessed: June 6, 2019; MacArthur Foundation): "Center for Democracy and Technology was awarded $3,075,000 between 2002 and 2015..."
- September 3, 2010, Forbes, 'Soros Makes The Kochs Look Like Political Skinflints': "Below, a partial list of groups funded by Open Society and Tides in 2008: ... Center for Democracy and Technology: $300,000.00."
- (accessed: June 6, 2019; Soros' Open Society Foundations): "Center for Democracy and Technology. 2016. $350,000."
- 2006-2018 grants lists of the Ford Foundation: "Center for Democracy and Technology: 2009: $100,000. ... 2011: $250,000. ... 2014: $150,000. ... 2015: $150,000. ... 2016: $300,000. ... 2018: $150,000."
- May 3, 2016, Washington Free Beacon, 'Consumer Watchdog Took Millions From Google, Quiet on Privacy Concerns; Center for Democracy and Technology stays out of debate over tech giant's data mining (Updated)': "The Center for Democracy and Technology, a consumer watchdog group with outsized influence in Washington, took in $2.5 million from Google between 2010 and 2014, according to tax records. The donations amounted to more than double the amount contributed by any other company during the same period.
- (accessed: November 25, 2015): "Since 1996, San Francisco Bay Area-based CorpWatch has been educating and mobilizing people through the website, articles and publications, and numerous action-campaigns. The organization is a project of the Tides Center. ... In addition, we are an affiliate member of Friends of the Earth International [which is massively financed by all the major liberal foundations]."
- Tides/Threshold Foundation annual grants lists reveal almost annual donations to CorpWatch in the $10,000 to $35,000 range.
- Foundation founded on August 9, 2013 as a trust for the legal defense of whistleblowers, primarily those related to major issues as Wikileaks and allied hackers, CIA waterboarding, NSA whistleblowers and Putin opposition (Pussy Riot).
- (accessed: April 2, 2017): "If you’d like to make a donation to Chelsea Manning’s official defence fund ... Edward Snowden’s official defence fund ... Jeremy Hammond’s official defence fund ... Matt DeHart’s official defence fund ... Emin Huseynov’s official defence fund ... Barrett Brown’s official defence fund ..."
- Financing/elite ties:
- While not sure of the origins of its funds at this point (it might be grassroots, considering the massive media attention to these whistleblowers), the foundation is completely dominated by individuals involved in other NGOs that most certainly do receive backing from foundations as Rockefeller, Ford and Open Society. Think of Wikileaks, Electronic Frontier Foundation and Freedom of the Press Foundation.
- Early Courage Foundation advisory board member Renata Avila was employed by Soros' Open Society Foundations for four years, overlapping with the period that she joined the Courage Foundation's board.
- (accessed: June 25, 2014; only 12 members still listed): "Renata Avila ... Annie Machon..."
- (accessed: September 13, 2016): "Renata Avila"
- (accessed: April 3, 2016): "Independent Consultant for Open Net at Berkman Center for Internet & Society. Company Name: Harvard University. Dates Employed: Feb 2008 – Present. ...
Country Researcher at Mapping Digital Media Project. Company Name: Open Society Foundation. Dates Employed: Nov 2010 – Sep 2014. ...
Member of the Board of Directors, Creative Commons. ... Dates Employed Dec 2013 – Present. ...
Following: ... TEDx and Guatemala. ... Joichi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab [and board member Mozilla Foundation, MacArthur Foundation and Knight Foundation]."
- Gavin MacFadyen was key Courage Foundation advisory board member until his death in October 2016. MacFadyen co-founded the Soros, Ford and Park Foundation-financed Center for Investigative Journalism in 2003 was a close ally and described "mentor" to Wikileaks' Julian Assagne.
- Early Courage Foundation acting director Sarah Harrison has been a key Wikileaks employee since 2010 and escorted Edward Snowden from Hong Kong to Russia in 2013. She first came to Wikileaks as an intern at the Soros, Ford and Park Foundation-financed Center for Investigative Journalism.
- December 29, 2014,, 'Sarah Harrison and Grace North at the 31st Chaos Communication Congress': "Courage Acting Director Sarah Harrison..."
- Funds appear to be partially coming from