$150 Billion in Foundation Funds Attacking Trump and Pushing Third World Immigration; Soros, Ford, Carnegie, Gates, Rockefeller, Etc.
- New article, old ground
- The reasons for Third World immigration pushing
The U.S. - mainly - Witnessing the death of white America and conservatism
- Obama reelected with... 39% of the white vote
- How liberalism, without a third party, has become the enemy
- Pro-immigration elite brought us today's graying populations
- Pro-immigration elite, supposedly "anti-racist", brought us the Holocaust
- How foundations influence, obstruct and even kill state leaders
- Trump: actually pro-Third World immigration
- 2020: Black Lives Matter and "white guilt" go mainstream
Europe - mainly - The "anti-racism" wars of the EU and George Soros
- The Netherlands:
- Obama and U.S. foundations trained black German activists
- Conclusion: redirect the foundations, starve the action groups
- Epilogue
Raw sources on liberal elite-backed groups - Obama-related: Woods Fund; Gamaliel, Joyce and Annenberg foundations
- Anti-Trump-specific activism
- General immigration groups
- EU-based immigration and "anti-racism" groups
- Black activist groups
- Latino immigration groups
- Arab/Muslim groups
- Pro-Palestine, pro-Iran / anti-Israel activism
- Music / TV / Movies
- Extremist pro-immigration quotes of elites: politicians, CEOs, etc.
- Notes
"While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their [colonialist] exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life... With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites..."
1957 hoax by a "conservative CIA" asset during the early Rockefeller-funded Civil Rights movement. Nevertheless a hoax that appears to be shockingly accurate and prophetic.
Obama-related: Woods Fund; Gamaliel, Joyce and Annenberg foundations
The Woods Fund is a pro-Third World immigration and black activism-related foundation that does the bidding of much larger liberal establishment foundations as Rockefeller, Open Society, Ford, Carnegie, etc., all listed on the main "liberal CIA" page. Obama's elite Joyce Foundation is also detailed there.
1. | Gamaliel Foundation (Obama) | 3. | Barack Obama |
2. | Woods Fund (Obama) | 4. | William "Bill" Ayers |
* '17 TMBCO: Trump Muslim Ban Counter-Offensive (Bill Gates Foundation-tied). Also, there will be many more, but there's no time to investigate them all. |
1. | Am. Friends Services Comm. | 18. | Lutheran Immigration Service |
2. | American Immigration Council | 19. | MA Immigrant/Refugee Advoc. Coa. |
3. | Catholic Legal Immigr. Network | 20. | Midwest Immigrant Center |
4. | Center for Immigrant Democracy | 21. | Migration Policy Institute |
5. | Citizens/Immigr. Equal Justice | 22. | National Day Laborer Org. Network |
6. | Equal Justice USA | 23. | National Immigrant Justice Center |
7. | Fair Immigration Reform Mov. | 24. | National Immigration Forum |
8. | FWD.us | 25. | National Immigration Law Center |
9. | Immigrant Defense Project | 26. | New York Immigration Coalition |
10. | Immigr. Legal Resource Center | 27. | NY State Defenders Association |
11. | Immigr. Workers Citizenship | 28. | Partnership for New Americans |
12. | Immigr. Workers Freedom Ride | 29. | Pluralism Project |
13. | Immigration Advocates Network | 30. | Refugee Rights Project |
14. | Immigration Policy Center | 31. | Refugee Women and Children |
15. | IAC / Workers World Party | 32. | United We Dream Network |
16. | Internat. Migration Initiative | 33. | Urban Justice Center |
17. | Jewish Council for Edu. & Res. | 34. | US Comm. for Refugees/immigrants |
1. | 100 Black Men of America | 18. | Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya: 1963-78 |
2. | Africa-America Institute | 19. | Inner City Youth Roundtable, NY |
3. | Ella Baker Center | 20. | Malcolm X Grassroots Movement |
4. | Black Alliance for Just Imm. | 21. | Know Your Rights Camp |
5. | Black-Led Movement Fund | 22. | Martin Luther King: SCLC |
6. | Black Lives Matter | 23. | Martin Luther King: SNCC |
7. | Blackbird | 24. | Million Hoodies Movement |
8. | Black Youth Project | 25. | Movement for Black Lives Fund |
9. | BlackOUT Collective | 26. | NAACP (Adv. Colored People) |
10. | Black Org. for Dignity | 27. | National Urban League |
11. | Color Of Change | 28. | Organization for Black Struggle |
12. | Dignity and Power NOW | 29. | Project South |
13. | Dream Corps | 30. | Southerners on New Ground |
14. | Five Percent Nation | 31. | Southern Poverty Law Center |
15. | Grassr. Alliance Police Account | 32. | TransAfrica Forum |
16. | Hip Hop Summit | 33. | UndocuBlack Network |
17. | Inst. for Res. in Afr.-Am. Studies |
1. | LatinoJustice | 5. | National Council of La Raza |
2. | Latino Victory | 6. | Nat. Day Laborer Organizing Netw. |
3. | United Latin US Citizens | 7. | Voto Latino |
4. | Mex. Am. Legal Defense Fund |
Arab/Muslim immigration groups
1. | Am.-Arab Anti-Discrimi. Comm. | 8. | Council on Am.-Islamic Relations |
2. | Am. Society for Muslim Adv. | 9. | Confronting Islamophobia Conf. |
3. | Arab American Action Network | 10. | Muslim Advocates |
4. | Arab American Association | 11. | Nat. Netw. of Arab US Commun. |
5. | Arab American Institute | 12. | Park51, Ground Zero Mosque |
6. | Arab Fdn. Freedoms & Equality | 13. | Women's Islamic Initiative |
7. | Center for Arab American Philan. |
Pro-Palestine, pro-Iran / anti-Israel activism
1. | Arab Minority Rights Israel | 17. | Machsom Watch |
2. | Al-Haq | 18. | Mada el-Carmel |
3. | Al-Shabakah | 19. | Mercy Corps |
4. | Arab NGO Network for Dev. | 20. | Meretz political party |
5. | Aralez (NL) | 21. | New Israel Fund |
6. | Assoc. for Civil Rights Israel | 22. | Palestine Human Rights Campaign |
7. | Breaking the Silence | 23. | Palestine Legal |
8. | B'Tselem | 24. | Palestinian Centre for Human Rights |
9. | Economic Cooperation Fdn. | 25. | Palestinian NGO Network |
10. | Gisha | 26. | PA Alliance of American Iranians |
11. | Hotline Refugees/Migrants | 27. | Peace Now |
12. | Grassroots Jerusalem | 28. | The Rights Forum |
13. | Institute for Palestine Studies | 29. | Campaign to End Israeli Occup. |
14. | Ir Amin | 30. | Yesh-Din |
15. | Jewish Voice for Peace | 31. | Zochrot |
16. | J Street |
1. | 2010: Blanda Upp video (SW) | 4. | 2017: Logan (X-Men series) |
2. | 2015: Er Ist Wieder Da | 5. | NL: Arab gangster rap promotion |
3. | 2016: MTV's "Hey, white guys" | 6. | Countless Netflix series |
EU-based immigration and "anti-racism" groups
Largely focused on the Netherlands for now. Some of the groups mentioned here cannot be linked as tightly to "liberal CIA" foundations, but are important to list here in light of future articles. They still are very "multiculture" propagandist with ties to Soros, EU and/or national government-funded groups.
1. | Best for Britain | 11. | Lowlands |
2. | Collective Against Islamophobia | 12. | Maagdenhuis Foundation |
3. | 21 March Committee | 13. | Migration Policy Group |
4. | De Grauwe Eeuw / Dark Century | 14. | Muslim Education Fdn. (Rotterdam) |
5. | Democracy & Media Foundation | 15. | Top Notch |
6. | Euro-Medit. Center on Migration | 16. | UNITED / Week Against Racism |
7. | EU Network Against Racism | 17. | University of Color |
8. | Grote Prijs NL/Statement Agency | 18. | WijZijnHier.org |
9. | Init. Black People Germany | 19. | XminY |
10. | Kick Out Zwarte Piet/Blackface |
"A government report said today that whites and ethnic minorities in Britain had become deeply divided and that they were leading separate lives with no social or cultural contact and no sense of belonging to the same nation."
December 12, 2001, New York Times, 'British Life Is Fractured Along Racial Lines, a Study Finds'. Old news, but elites don't want to listen. It's the same all over Europe and everywhere else. Keep in mind Far Eastern and Latin American immigration, which you primarily see in the U.S., while not perfect (especially the latter), is far less problematic than Africans and Arabs. |
"Separating people can be an act of love. Bringing people together can be an act of hate."
~ Possibly this author. |
This oversight and introduction is an offshoot of ISGP's article The Grassroots Myth: "Liberal CIA" Network of New Left Foundations, Media and Activist Groups - Much More Than Just Soros. Considering the unusually heated nature of the Third World immigration and black activism subject, I thought it best to put this all on a separate page.
I didn't exactly intend to write about it, but seeing all the highly aggressive and irrational protest groups arise against president Donald Trump, apart from the extreme bias in the dominant liberal media against him and literally every last supporter of his, made this additional oversight necessary. Does that mean Trump is perfect? No. But that is not the point. Balance and rationality is.
Also the situation in terms of "white guilt"-pushing by elites and the tearing apart of western societies is getting exponentially more extreme. We have to understand the forces behind what could essentially be described as the apocalypse for western society, with Israel similarly being broken open by "liberal CIA" NGOs looking to make it a haven for Arab and black immigration.
The reasons for Third World immigration pushing
Maybe first things first. More than a few readers have asked me the same question that I myself asked for many years (and still do to a degree): why? Why would anyone be hellbent on destroying a wonderfully advanced and stable society with Third World immigration? Well, it seems Rockefeller & co. realized a long time ago that striving towards a "one world government" is little more than sound economic principle for all mutinationals, making it possible to organize and shape them towards this common cause, in the process taking over and dominating all national governments. As for the specific reasons for immigration pushing, take your pick:
- Endless neoliberal stock market growth for the companies in question.
- Endless supplies of cheap labor from Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
- Division and ignorance at the workplace due Third World immigration additionally helps to undermine labor unions, and in general to keep wages low and labor laws at a minimum.
- A white minority will make it many times easier to overcome opposition to expand "free trade" borders towards places as Russia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America; i.e. expand the European Union towards Africa and the Middle East and the NAFTA towards all of the Americas (David Rockefeller himself and Dick Cheney-supported the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), which failed in 2005).
- Higher economic output (feminism) and less tax pressure on multinationals, because you don't have half the population at home (one parent) raising two to three kids, each requiring child support, with way too many kids wanting to go to college.
- Mass third world immigration - through a lack of sophistication and identity with western history - will break white culture, including its increasing penchant to ask questions about past conspiries and who is ruling them from behind the scenes. Controlling the conspiracy narrative in the age of the internet seems to be costing governments and corporations billions a year.
- Heavy increases in crime due to Third World immigration can be used to create police states - in a very surreptitious way - that not only have economic benefits, but also allows for a much easier clampdown on "conspiracy talk".
- The less democracy, the more it will allow elites to propagandize interracial marriages to combat "racism", and even force them by law to quickly reshape whole continents with a more homogeneous race and a nice balance of low and high IQ.
Granted, all of these theories came about as a process of simply taking some time to answer the question, "What would be my motivation for pushing Third World immigration if I was heading a large multinational?" It actually had to be done this way, because I have never seen the above theories discussed, apart from the most obvious: "cheap labor". We could do the same theorizing with other areas of globalist propaganda of past and present:
- Contraception funding and promotion since at least the 1970s, combined with HIV alarmism until the present day, may have been a good development for the most part - but it also very effectively decreased white birth rates.
- LGBTQ: the more gays, bisexuals and transsexuels around, the lower the birth rate and the more "activists" can be generated to create artificial strife with.
- Feminism: The more women in the workplace, the higher the economic output of the country and the less time they have to make and raise babies; and the more irrational and vicious the war for "equality" and against men, the less men will be able to be "men" (at work and at home), the more they withdraw from political debates, and the less they will band together to try to overthrow the system - which they have done throughout history.
As for the disadvantages of this globalist agenda:
- Such an agenda requires endless brainwashing, propaganda and manipulation to keep the masses ignorant of the real agenda.
- Without hardly any kids and both parents forced to work full time to survive, it destroys the traditional family structure (in this regard, it is fascinating how Black Lives Matter, in its official website writings, wants to "disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure...", an early disastrous policy of Bolshevism).
- There's a constant need to destroy highly stable, evolved and intellectual 1st world societies by ramming much more criminal, ignorant "refugees"/workers from 3rd world societies into them.
Let's face it, none of these "negatives" have ever been an obstacle for the powers that be. Forcing Third World immigration is little more than reversed and toned-down slavery. White people were too expensive in the 1600s and 1700s; and they still are too expensive today. Corporations simply operate according to their nature: survival of the fittest. It is up to the massess to become aware, rise up, and force the media and their pliable little politicians to work for them as well; not just a giant network of conspiring corporations. It's the only way. Continuing to vote "liberal CIA" or "conservative CIA" is not going to save your country, your continent, or your race.
This theory actually also explains why multinationals, many of which survive to this day and are part of the globalist movement, poured enormous amounts of funds into an emerging Nazi Germany. Or why the globalist group has been so unbelievably lax towards China for decades on end, allowing the CCP to build the country up into an enormously threatening superpower.
Money has a tendency to explain the world. Money, power - and sex. There could be more to it, but the reasons for immigration pushing listed here are a pretty sound basis.
Witnessing the death of white America and conservatism
Based on the picture sketched by the mainstream media (certainly over here in Europe), you'd think Trump got elected without anyone really voting for him, certainly not with any enthusiasm. However, the fact is that a whopping 58% of the native white population (only 61% of the U.S. in late 2016) voted for him. If Trump would have been slightly more rational across the board, he would possibly have gone over 60% support. The only white group that strongly went against him were young, college-educated and seemingly highly politically-activated women, who in part fed on Trump's "Grab 'em by the pussy" statement.
These facts sure disappeared from the news quickly, didn't they? You heard a ton of complaining about the "popular vote" and how "totally unexpected" the Trump election was (not with the right poll), but these facts were not really seen as important enough to properly analyze. The more isolated people felt in their support for Trump, the better.
Similarly the view was pushed that almost nobody bothered to show up at the Trump inauguration in January 2017 (estimated at 800,000 on average) by only comparing it to Obama's 1.8 million of January 2009. What the media - and bizarrely even Trump with statements as, "It looked honestly like a million and a half people." [1] - failed to explain is that the Trump inauguration in numbers was on par with Bill Clinton's first inauguration in 1993 and more than twice as large as George W. Bush's first inauguration in 2001.
As most people will probably remember, the first Obama administration was one giant hype train: he was the first black president in U.S. history and with that was presented as the savior of the United States and the rest of the world, certainly after 8 years of Bush administration controversy, including questions about 9/11, unilateral actions, and an endless War on Terror. By 2013 Obama's inauguration numbers had fallen with 44% to 1 million, while earlier Bush's second inauguration number at 400,000 represented an increase of 33%. [2]
These are the real facts. And thus we once again have to conclude that the dominant liberal mainstream media is hiding, underrepresenting and distorting facts. In this article and oversight we're dealing with supposedly "independent" and "grassroots" activist groups which supposedly have no connection whatsoever with the ruling liberal establishment, including the mainstream media. Except... they have.
The information presented on this page should quickly make it clear that most of the key "liberal CIA" foundations as Rockefeller, Open Society (Soros), Ford, Carnegie, Packard, MacArthur and Gates that I discussed in early 2016 as having poured vast amounts of money into "new left" media outlets, sustainable development and anti-corporate activists groups, also help keep afloat the U.S.' entire pro-Third World immigration and black activism network. As a result, and in coordination with Democrat Party elites in particular, they have been able to activate these Third World immigrants and the black population against Donald Trump and his supporters.
The result can be seen in the map above. Black-dominated districts all vote Democrat, but as soon as the percentage drops below 50%, the white population - which, as in Europe, will be more "reactionary" due to what they see around them - still manage to swing their districts towards the Republicans. The giant influx of Latinos since the 1990s, however, is creating more and more minority-dominated districts in the south-western United States, rendering all voting activity of the native white population obsolete and swinging these districts to Democrat. All natives can do from that point on is retreat north or accept that they now are a minority in their own state.
It must be said, the tendency of Latinos to vote Democrat is less than that of the systematically poorer blacks, but once a district rises to about 55-60% foreign, which is getting increasingly common in the south-west, any political struggle is generally over. Clearly California (which until 1988 often voted Republican) and New Mexico are states that have been conquered from Republicans in this manner. Arizona is about to be next. Certainly looking at the fact that the white population in the United States is decreasing with a staggering 0.42% per year, it should be clear that this scenario is only a matter of time.
States swinging from R. to D. | Original 2016 result | Change |
Florida (29) and Arizona (11) | R. 306 vs D. 232 | R. 266 vs D. 272 |
Texas (38) | R. 306 vs D. 232 | R. 268 vs D. 270 |
From this perspective it is very easy to see why liberal globalist elites, in the 2008-2016 period working through the Democrat Party under top "liberal CIA" asset Barack Obama (Rockefeller Republicans traditionally were the other liberal establishment option), have been so obsessed with bringing Third World inhabitants into the United States. Bring enough of them into Arizona and Florida and it's going to be next to impossible for conservatives and their Republican Party to ever win an election again. Bring in even more, especially into Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Texas and Utah and by 2050 white people in the United States, and their cultural heritage, are basically lost.
An exaggeration? Hardly, Georgia's white population alone dropped from 72% in 1980 to 55% by 2013, with the Latino share increasing 9-fold. [3] By the time most readers run into this article, Georgia's white population will have fallen below 50%. As in Europe, this change (read: deterioration) is causing great friction among whites, who are starting to flee the Latino and "Asian" (read: Muslim) immigrant hordes. One example is the Georgian town of Norcross that went from 95% white to just 20% in a generation. Employers here now often require whites to be bilingual in their own state, simply because so many foreigners banding together have no desire to learn English, or adapt in general. [4]
If everything goes as planned by the liberal superclass, and the country doesn't break down into full-scale sectarian warfare, the North America Union might be a reality by 2100. All we can do is pray for the most peaceful and prosperous outcome in which the West remains the dominant, stabilizing power in the world.
Pray for Europe as well, because with all the Arabs and African blacks dominating the inner cities these days, complete with hugely increased crime levels and a destruction of any kind of unity, it's looking even worse.
Obama reelected with... 39% of the white vote
Fascinatingly, hard evidence that white people in the West - the United States at the front - are losing their country to the Third World, is posted every 4 years in the form of election exit polls per ethnicity on the website of the New York Times. The trick is to pay attention to it - which took this author about 15 years.
Unfortunately, Muslims (probably hidden under "Asian") and Jews are missing from these polls, but even with that we can see that if it had been up to the native white people, not a single Democrat president would ever have been elected. Gerald Ford would have easily beat Jimmy Carter in 1976, George H. W. Bush and Bob Dole would both have beat Bill Clinton, and John McCain and even more so Mitt Romney would have absolutely smoked Barack Obama.
Looking at these polls, Donald Trump's election is a near miracle. Among white people, he smoked Hillary Clinton even harder than Romney did Obama, but there are just too many Third World immigrants - who are too "activated" by the "liberal CIA"-funded NGOs. More and more of them are coming in every day.
Readers can also see the importance of a strong black candidate - such as the often-mentioned Rockefeller ally Oprah Winfrey - these days. Polls show that whether a candidate is white or black doesn't matter much to white voters. But it does matter a lot to black voters, who start turning up at higher numbers than usual and - looking at the 2008 Obama election - will vote for that candidate another 7 percent points more than for a white candidate. Quite possibly it ups the Latino vote as well. Would Trump stand a chance against a well-spoken Oprah? Good question.
Looking at the above and other exist polls of the last few decades in the New York Times oversight and it instantly becomes clear how elections are a game of percentages. To affect change in these percentages, all you have to do is target various subsections of the population and see how it leads to change in the various polls. If there's no change, or not enough, try a different form of propaganda. Certainly it should be immediately clear now why elites:
- are riling up blacks and other minorities against the white majority;
- have been driving blacks and Latinos to the voting booths through a variety of NGOs;
- are financing extremist feminism and creating a divide between men and women;
- are financing extremist LGBTQ activists who blame white males in particular for everything;
- have been driving women to the voting booths and getting them onto the streets to protest;
- have been targeting the entire school system with the above issues, including open borders propaganda;
- ban anti-open borders opinions from the top layers of the education system and government departments;
- are intimidating the white masses against speaking out against relentless Third World immigration through the media and politics.
If only 1 or 2% in each subsection switches votes as a result of this propaganda, that can easily mean the elites are getting the election result they desire. Arguably, the cumulative effect of long-term propaganda is much greater than this.
How liberalism, without a third party, has become the enemy
It's amazing really how the liberal superclass has turned liberalism into the enemy of the West. You care about the environment? Then you vote Democrat - and thus for relentless Third World immigration. You care about a decent minimum wage? Then you vote Democrat - and thus for relentless Third World immigration. You care about weed and psychedelics legalization, abortion rights, minority rights, social security programs, medical care, decent taxation of the upper classes? Anything social? Anything progressive? Well, you are going to vote Democrat - and thus for relentless Third World immigration.
The situation in Europe is largely similar. While you often have a multi-party system with half a dozen competing parties, all of them typically represent shades of Bilderberg gray, certainly when it comes to European integration, open borders to the Third World, the environment and support for the Palestinians. Labour Party? Green Party? Socialist Party? Liberal Party? Christian Democrat Party? It makes very little, if any difference, on these issues. Any talk by these party leaders of curbing immigration is generally populist window dressing for highly ineffective measures.
Many of these European parties, by the way, have played a role in organizing overseas anti-Donald Trump rallies in the wake of his election by getting together a few hundred or a few thousand of their party members and having friends in the media point a camera on to them. A bunch of Oxfam-financed (in turn backed by the more familiar foundation names) activist groups generally delivered the remaining protesters.
In Europe there's often an openly fascist party as well - which hardly anyone votes for. Then there is a more mainstream conservative party (neocon or anti-Semite old/new right) that many (otherwise liberal) people reluctantly vote for as these parties represent the only solution to the most nagging problem of all: Third World immigration. Among the better known names in this category are Nigel Farage, Pim Fortuyn (assassinated), Geert Wilders, Jorg Haider (car accident) and Jean-Marie le Pen. They differ quite a bit, but in the end they all oppose the European Union and immigration. You just can't have one without the other.
This is why ISGP has taken the stance for years at this point that a third party is needed, both in Europe and the United States: one that fully embraces modern, liberal thinking, but at the same time is strongly anti-Third World immigration. Immigration and race mixing are still seen as desirable by this (liberal) Third Party, but in a controlled manner that takes place over a number of centuries in order to prevent balkanization, tribalism and enormous frustration among the native culture - and possibly even sectarian war and genocide.
To be honest, I have never heard any ordinary person I talked to about this disagree with this line of reasoning. On the contrary, it makes all the sense in the world to most (liberal) people. So why don't we have political parties with these programs? Considering temporary political parties are descended from permanent liberal and conservative establishments, the "by design" answer might not be entirely incorrect.
Pro-immigration elite brought us today's graying populations
Really one of the most bizarre angles of the immigration crisis is that it is largely the liberal elite's fault to begin with. As discussed in a little more detail in the "liberal CIA" oversight on feminism, the introduction of birth control measures - such as legalized abortion, condoms and the pill - has been spearheaded by the Morgans, Carnegies and Rockefellers. Unfortunately, while effective in reducing population growth in the West, the Third World didn't want to listen - Africa and a number of Asian countries in particular. So today we are still left with a massively overpopulated planet and people from all over the Third World banging on our doors.
On top of that, the population growth in the West dropped off too quickly due to aggressive promotion of these birth control measures through elite-backed non-profits as Planned Parenthood, leaving us with a serious population aging problem and a society in which adequate medicare programs are hardly even feasible anymore, especially not in western Europe. Graying populations are putting an ever increasing amount of stress on the younger generation.
So, how do our elites solve this problem? Well, they open the floodgates to the Third World, that same Third World, especially in Africa and the Middle East, that never had a functioning democracy, or in case of Africa, even a civilization to speak of. In order to make it happen, elites just suppress all numbers on crime, religious extremism and genetic IQ; and run permanent psychological warfare operations against the native masses to keep them as docile as possible.
To give just one example of crime numbers, 28% of South African men openly admit to having raped at least one woman in their lives, with much of Africa having numbers not too far behind, and we're actually allowing people from these regions to enter our society? Without a debate? Really? Then to think that elites have actually managed to rally American feminists to the cause of unrestrained Third World immigration. If they want their feminist rights to survive, maybe they should do less campaigning and make more babies.
And maybe liberal elites should have started a propaganda campaign 40 years ago, when the first "guest workers" arrived in Europe from the Middle East, that this type of Third World immigration would continue to increase - including the crime numbers and cultural destruction - if the native masses do not produce more babies. At least then we, the masses, would have been provided with a reasonable alternative and we would only have ourselves to blame if things didn't work out. This situation is by far the worst in Europe.
All this begs the same eternal question: should we be ruled by undemocratic, shadowy, manipulative elites who think they know what's best for us? Or should we have a free media in which the masses actually get a voice? And in which realistic, productive debates take place, so we can work towards real solutions in which everybody knows what is going on? Wouldn't that create much more of a united and productive civilization? Quite possibly. Certainly it would rank much higher on that oh-so-beloved "social justice" scale than what we have today. Really, why rely on elites that essentially are doing little more than trying to correct their past mistakes with even bigger mistakes? Like this last one: an open borders policy complete with pitting immigrant and minority ethnic groups against native populations through the stimulation of the use of slurs as "haters" and "racists"... Nothing good can come from that.
Pro-immigration elite, supposedly "anti-racist", brought us the Holocaust
When you think deep about the liberal establishment's anti-"racism" or anti-"hate" campaign, you realize that it is these same Morgan, Carnegie and Rockefeller elites, in addition to other Anglo-American Pilgrims Society families, who pre-World War II backed the "Nordic" and eugenicist theories that helped inspire Hitler's race obsession. Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race, for example, quite literally was a Pilgrims Society-Morgan-Carnegie-Rockefeller publication. These facts are discussed in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article, but basically Hitler took the Anglo-Saxon concept of an ideal "Nordic" race, renamed this race "Aryan", and determined that the Jews were the least desirable race of all. What he did next is history.
Of course, these same Pilgrims Society elites thought it a wonderful idea to financially support the fascist regimes of Europe - Hitler, Mussolini and Franco - and even to sponsor a little domestic fascism in the form of the American Liberty League and a number of related groups. These facts also have been discussed at length in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article.
Now, today, of course, these same elites are intimidating the masses by promoting the use of slurs as "fascist", "hater", and "racist" to any anti-immigration politician and his or her followers, to the point that hardly anyone even dares to publicly ask one legitimate question about the whole subject.
Isn't it incredible how elites always manage to cause problems by forcing extremes onto the masses? Religion is probably the best example of that. Over the past several thousand years humans were forced to believe all kinds of different cultic religious nonsense and now that we in the West have finally been moving beyond that, we are increasingly being forced to accept the religion of no religion: absolute atheism. Or we have this equally peculiar new age network of Deepak Chopra and the like. It's all very strange.
Of course, the question in relation to this latest liberal elite-pushed utopian ideal of a fully "multicultural" western society is if it's going to result in a similar disaster that we saw after they introduced their favorite race theories in the early 20th century: over 60 million dead and a virtual annihilation of the Jewish people.
Because like it or not, the white tribe is making up an ever smaller portion of the global population and, especially in Europe, is rapidly giving its living space away to a hodgepodge of Third World societies - some openly hostile to the West - that have never able to get their own houses in order. We essentially are the only tribe that is doing that. Our open-mindedness and sense of social justice is our greatest strength, but if balance is lost because our actions come from a place of weakness where we don't dare to say "enough is enough", it can also result in our ultimate downfall.
How foundations influence, obstruct and even kill state leaders
The Trump phenomenon of a mainstream media in full panic and upset mode is not entirely new to the Dutch people. In 2002 Pim Fortuyn would have been elected as Holland's prime minister, were it not that he was assassinated by an environmentalist a week before the election. Throughout the entire election campaign, Fortuyn was relentlessly demonized by the media and all political parties (soon even his own, from which he was booted mid-election) while the average native, especially in the major cities with massive Third World immigration, was wildly excited about his arrival onto the political scene.
After the assassination it was widely accepted that the political and media establishment (surrounding the royal family of Orange and its Bilderberg and 1001 Club groups) played a role in Fortuyn's death. Nobody was punished, of course, and now we see with Trump that the same phenomenon has arrived. It is entirely possible that Trump is murdered tomorrow by a radical feminist, environmentalist, black activist, or disenchanted Third World immigrant because of the heated climate these billion dollar foundations, the mainstream media, and both mainstream Democrat and Republican politicians are creating. And because it is the United States, the situation is actually even more extreme than with Fortuyn. Is anyone in doubt that these liberal establishment interests are begging for someone to assassinate Trump in all but words? And if it comes that far, will anyone believe that they are not breaking out the champagne behind closed doors?
In short: foundations can kill political leaders through demonization in the public's eye. And they might even kill more directly, as the environmentalist that assassinated Pim Fortuyn received close to $200,000 for his little environmental club from a Dutch foundation closely allied with the Ford and Rockefeller foundations. His club also was a spin-off of the Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth, a club more directly financed by Ford and Rockefeller money. Subsequently you had the chair of Greenpeace Holland, another group financed by Ford, Turner and Rockefeller money, stepping down to rush to the aid of this environmentalist. Of course, none of these ties were discussed in the mainstream (or even alternative) media; only ISGP has.
What we see with Trump is not just massive amounts of international activist groups being financed and provided with media attention, but even that these foundations are actively undermining his executive orders through judicial officers that they have in their pockets. The most stunning example of this is attorney general Bob Ferguson and federal judge James Robart, both from Washington state, effectively blocking a January 27, 2017 executive order of Trump to not allow any more refugees into the country from a number of Middle Eastern countries.
I didn't pay much attention to the case until reading that only a few months earlier Robart had shut down a case involving Seattle police reform with the statement "black lives matter!" He was utterly irrational in his closing statement, ignoring severely higher black crime numbers to make the case that black people are persecuted minorities. So I checked his background and in no-time noticed his trusteeship and chairmanship of Whitman College, which has been repeatedly financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation during his tenure. And guess what? The Seattle Children's Home and the Children's Home Society of Washington, which Robart respectively served as president and trustee of, have received large sums of money from not just the Gates Foundation, but also the MacArthur Foundation and other big interests. There's also Robart's old law firm, Seattle's Lane Powell PC, which has clients as Microsoft and just about every other American multinational, many of which support pro-Third World immigration NGOs.
Then you look at Robart's partner-in-crime, attorney general Bob Ferguson, in shutting down Trump's executive order and you notice that Ferguson has a long-standing involvement in NGO networks and used to work at Preston Gates & Ellis, the law firm of "liberal CIA" kingpin Bill Gates, Sr., the same Bill Gates, Sr. who has been deeply involved in running the Gates Foundation in coordination with the Rockefeller, Ford, Packard and other foundations, all of which are involved in financing anti-Trump protest groups. To underscore the Microsoft influence one more time, Microsoft openly supported the counter-action of Ferguson and Robart against Trump's executive order, together with Amazon. This last company is owned by the billionaire Jeff Bezos, a fervent Hillary Clinton supporter who these days also owns the Washington Post.
A watered-down executive order of Trump's immigration ban once again was blocked on March 15, 2017, this time by Hawaiian federal judge Derrick Watson and Maryland federal judge Theodore Chuang. Both are educated at Harvard, the number one Eastern Establishment university, have worked for very prestigious (liberal elite-oriented) law firms, and were appointed to the federal court by Trump's arch-rival Barack Obama. Isn't it ironic here that two East Asians and one black person (Obama) are making decisions here on an issue that primarily affects white Americans? Granted, looking at crime numbers, East Asians don't benefit from Third World immigration either, but hopefully one does get the point that the blocking of this order essentially comes down to one massive conflict of interest.
Ironically, Barack Obama saw a February 2015 executive order of his trying to keep 4 million immigrants in the United States blocked by Republican federal judges from Texas and other states. One looks at these sweeping immigration executive orders and one can't help but wonder if maybe such decisions should be left to popular opinion of the native masses who have been in the country for generations. Of course, that's just a pipe dream, as the liberal establishment is desperate to pump as many Third World citizens into the West as it can.
Having so often read articles in primarily the "alternative" media about presidents abusing the executive order system to bypass congress, it has been quite revealing to see that most of these orders could easily have been blocked if the liberal establishment really would have wished they were. All they have to do is have a friendly federal judge block the executive order. Whether it sticks or not, a lot of media attention gets drawn to the case, forcing a particular policy of a president into the open. It once again makes one wonder about the immense forces any truly independent elected president would be up against. There are just so many ways to shut a presidency down: through congress, the senate, the media, NGO activism and now the system of federal judges.
Also looking at the incredibly hard time Trump has with filling his State Department and a number of other government departments with qualified personnel, we find more evidence of the influence of this $150 billion foundation network. Most senior officers in government have a degree of involvement in the private think tank world surrounding the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg and Aspen Institute - which all receive a mix of corporate and foundation funds - had scholarships paid for by these foundations, or went to a handful of key universities - mainly Harvard, Yale, Princeton - that receive massive financing from these foundations. All of this is discussed in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article. Essentially, these foundations have enslaved the whole upper-most tier of society with the money they dole out. Very few individuals in this highest level network appear to be interested in aiding the Trump government in any way, if only because they can forget about getting any position of substance at liberal elite-dominated NGOs and corporations if they do. Even if they do express to be interested, it's next to impossible for Trump to tell what the real objectives of these people are. Quite possibly they will undermine him down the line. So Trump rejecting literally everyone who has criticized his presidential campaign in the past might have been a wise move.
Although he does appear to have a will of his own (or certainly is restricted by old/alt right support base), Trump has a degree of support from the highest-level neoconservative corners, filtering down from his presidential campaign advisor James Woolsey. Now, imagine a truly independent, third party presidential candidate. Imagine it's you. Imagine you somehow manage to circumvent the mainstream and similarly-controlled alternative media, get your voice out to the masses, and manage to get elected president with such an overwhelming majority that vote tampering is out of the question. How are you gonna get past the electoral college confirmation? How are you going to have your key, totally independent cabinet officials ratified by the senate? How are you going to fill approximate 4,000 government positions while no one from previous administrations - the only persons with the necessary experience - is there to help you? How are you going to stop infiltration and internal sabotage? Simply looking at the truly stunning amount of disinformers trying to latch themselves to a tiny site as ISGP, I can only imagine what a president-elect would have to deal with. How are you going to stop the judiciary from overturning all your executive orders? As the James Robart case appears to demonstrate, foundation money can buy federal judges.
Not all of this can be pinned on the foundations, but the private funds they have at their disposal, and their cooperation with numerous multinationals, do seem to hold most of this "soft power" establishment network together. Without these funds, it becomes infinitely harder to "own" people. They shift loyalties, start doing their own thing, etc.
Trump: actually pro-Third World immigration
Fully in-line with ISGP's premise from the start that he is merely a "conservative CIA" actor, Trump has not only spread large amounts of conspiracy disinformation, but has actually quietly supported the globalist open borders program. During his election campaign, he briefly made some statements of Latin Americans being rapists. After his election, he tried to ban Muslims from the country. Despite popular demand, this executive order was obstructed by Obama- and Bill Gates Foundation-tied federal judges.
In February 2018 his "Four Pillars" program, focused on reducing uncontrolled immigration (border security and banning a diversity/immigration lottery and the dreaded chain migration, where whole families are brought in after a single member has been granted citizenship), was blocked by pro-business Republicans and leftists. Meanwhile, his attempts at building a border wall have also been thwarted to a large extent. For the most part, very quickly after his inauguration, Trump's focus largely shifted towards waging a variety of trade wars with China, Russia and Europe.
Worse, if we look at the small print, we find that Trump has done nothing at all to stop the white percentage from declining with 0.5% a year. He has not advocated higher birth numbers for whites and has quite openly continued to sign off on increased Third World immigration. For example, during his 2019 State of the Union address, Trump said:
"Legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society in countless ways. I want people to come into our country, in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally." [5]
As Breitbart very accurately pointed out, Trump is using the usual "legal/good, illegal/bad dodge". In contrast to Europe, where people criticize Third World immigration as a whole, the debate in the United States has been manipulated into a "legal/good", "illegal/bad" argument. In other words, if the government officially approves Africans, Arabs and Latinos to enter the United States, it is "good".
But one can ask: how is that good? Yes, they pay taxes. Fine. Them adding to GDP is already neutral, because it is the distribution of wealth that matters most. For the rest these immigrants keep wages low, which to a degree is important for international competition, but mainly benefits big business. Most problematic, of course, is that you are still dealing with the exact same cultural, genetic IQ and ethnic crime issues as with "illegal" immigration. The whole social and cultural element of society is purposely overlooked. And what is left of a society that has no social and cultural backbone anymore? Is such a society even worth saving?
As for the numbers, under Trump indeed we've seen "the largest numbers ever" of Third World immigration into the U.S., standing in 2019 at about 1.2 million per year. As Breitbart explained:
"That is a massive inflow of legal immigrant workers who are eager to take jobs at lower wages from the 4 million young Americans who enter the workforce each year. The inflow of extra labor generates massive profits and gains for CEOs, employers, investors, and real estate owners."
When the Coronovirus pandemic hit the United States in March 2020 with over 3 millions workers already unemployed by the end of the month, Trump's secretary of state Mike Pompeo announced that his State Department had decided to waive in-person interviews for "blue collar" temporary foreign VISA workers (effectively not "immigrants") in the H-2 program, who mainly enter the agriculture, landscaping, restaurant, and hotel industries. [6] At the exact same time, it was reported that the H-1B VISA program would continue unmitigated, bringing in "white collar" foreign workers into America's Fortune 500 tech, banking, health care, engineering, science, teaching, insurance and other industries. According to Breitbart, this process is based on greed, where the lower labor costs are divided among CEOs and stock holders, increasing the wealth gap. [7] Undoubtedly that's a good part of what is going on, but it's a good question if that is all there is to it.
One thing should be clear though: these VISA programs do not just exist to supplement American labor shortages. No matter how they invest the profits, they exist to increase the profit margin of American corporations. They want low-wage slaves. And they want to indefinitely expand the economy through immigration and erasing all economic borders. The 1994 NAFTA agreement is an example of that. It very much looks as if big business is looking to turn American, Canada and Mexico into one country, eventually to be followed by all of the Americas. In fact, despite heavy lobbying from David Rockefeller and allies, the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement fell through in 2005. This would have turned all of the Americas, except for Cuba, into a free trade zone, once again making it easier to bring all of Latin America into the United States.
To summarize, looking at immigration numbers and policy, a vote for Trump has demonstrated to make no effective difference in the wholesale replacement of white people by Third World wage slaves. The multinationals are picking the fruit by getting all the unorganized cheap labor they desire and governments and society as a whole will have to deal with all the costly, bad apples. Voting for Trump has indeed proved to be a "protest" and a "populist" vote on the immigration issue. He has been unable to implement any radical changes, and it could well be that he was never supposed to. Look, for example, also how Silicon Valley has been relentlessly propagandizing against him, censoring him and his followers in every way they can. But what has Trump effectively done about it? Nothing. He even continues to use Twitter as his primary platform to communicate with the world. He just doesn't change anything.
Just by looking at Trump's cabinet appointments, many are right-wing globalists close to George Shultz and Henry Kissinger through NGOs as the Hoover Institution, CSIS and Spirit of America. Ivanka Trump's closest ally since the election campaign has been Trilateral Commission member and Goldman Sachs Foundation president Dina Habib Powell. In addition, (alleged) arch-conservatives as Trump, with their love for "small government" and hatred of labor rights/ "socialism" (a minimum wage, a maximum number of working hours, etc.), have always been on the side of cartels and monopolies. And the only thing they want is cheap Third World immigration.
2020: Black Lives Matter and "white guilt" go mainstream
Anything you put money in and the media gives attention to grows: so much seems clear. Back in 2014-2015 Black Lives Matter was rather a fringe group. In 2017, despite an extreme media bias in favor of the group, support for Black Lives Matter stood at 35% among whites, mainly among women and children. For a long time it looked as if the group would just fizzle out. Then, in May 2020, there was the murder, or virtual murder, of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
Floyd's case is not dissimlar to the first "I can't breathe" incident, Eric Garner of 2014. Garner had been arrested 31 times over a period of 34 years over anything from assault to grand larceny. Garner died after resisting arrest and being put in a choke hold, this while weighing 350 pounds and suffering from "heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea." The 6'4" George Floyd wasn't a saint either. Far from it. And he too resisted arrest while suffering from serious health issues.
Between 1997 and 2007, Floyd had been arrested with an average of once a year for theft, robbery with a firearm, criminal trespassing, repeated cocaine possession and eventually, in 2007, for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. In this last case he was part of a gang of six who broke into a house, held the two Latino women and their one-year-old daughter inside at gunpoint, while searching the house for money and drugs. Floyd threatened one of the women by pressing a gun in her abdomen, while an associate beat her after she screamed for help. For this last incident he stayed in prison until 2014, after which he moved to Minneapolis.
In Minneapolis Floyd does appear to have tried to change his ways a bit. Unfortunately, and as all too common in the black community, he appears to have prided himself with being an "OG", or "original gangster", a type of status required to help connect the church to wayward black youth. He also kept struggling with drug abuse and all too easily resorted back to thieving.
To illustrate, the day of his fatal arrest he paid for a pack of cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill. After store personnel confronted him outside, with Floyd sitting on his car, he refused to return the money and was described by personnel as being "awfully drunk" and "not in control of himself ... not acting right." The coroner's report appears to explain why: "fentanyl intoxication; recent methamphetamine use." Also, as he was arrested, Floyd dropped two small baggies with a white substance that were not observed by the police.
Maybe worse, Floyd didn't just act erratically to the police. He acted like a typical criminal by being obsessed with obstructing and annoying the police in every possible way: always playing the victim, always claiming to be innocent, always insinuating or claiming police brutality, always maximally obstructing while claiming not to do that.
Conveniently, the bodycam footage of the arrest was only released with a solid two month delay, but it shows exactly what many already suspected. The officers are trying to be civil, but Floyd is just being dumb, annoying and erratic beyond belief. Let's produce a quick transcript of the bodycam footage:
"Whoa! Damn man, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please, please, I didn't do nothing.
[Only now the cop points his gun to Floyd, who has to be asked non-stop if he can put his hands on the wheel. Floyd only does this for 1 second, and as a result represents a serious threat.]
"Eh! Alright! What did I do though? [Turns away to passenger, still flapping his arms:] What we do? God! I got shot before. I got shot. Yes sir! I'm sorry, sergeant. I'm so sorry.
"Goddamn man, I got shot the same way as before. Oh, I'm so sorry, officer. [Starts crying] Please, I don't have any beef with you. Don't shoot me, please man. Please! ... I just lost my mom, man [note: two years before]. Please don't shoot me, Mr. Officer. ... You not gonna shoot me, man? Okay, man [I'll get out of the vehicle]. Please, man. Please, man.
[Floyd doesn't step out, doesn't sit still, and doesn't keep his hands on the wheel, so the officer starts pulling his arm. A woman screams at him: "Stop resisting!" Next Floyd is gently escorted to the wall and then a police car:]
"Oh! Ouchie, man! Damn, man!
[Officer: "Keep him on his feet!"] [Much inaudible, but Floyd is kept up against a police car and threated very gently:]
"I'll do anything, man. I'm not resisting, man. I didn't do nothing to you all. I'm not that kind of guy. Please, Mr. Officer. Don't leave me by myself, man. I'm claustrophobic.
[Friendly police officer: "Well, you are still going in the car." Another: "Do you have anything sharp on you?"] [Inaudible whining of Floyd, followed by:]
"I'm claustrophic for real, Mr. Officer. Can you please beg 'em for me, Mr. Officer? For me? Stay with me, man.
[Officer: "I will." - Floyd stays outside of the car:]
"Please man, I didn't do nothing. I didn't do nothing to you all.
[Refuses to get in the car. Officer: "We'll roll the windows down." Others: "Take a seat!"]
"Why don't you all believe me? I'm not that kind a guy, man. Imma gonna die in there, man. I'm gonna die!
[Officer: "Take a seat!"]
"And I just had Covid, man. I won't go back to that! [Keeps yelling and resisting; won't go in the car] Man, when I stop breathing, it's gonna go out on me, man. Okay, okay, okay, let me count to three and then I'm going in. I'm not trying to win. I'll lie on the ground. I'll do anything. I'm claustrophobic. God, I'm claustrophobic.
[Both pushing and pulling him in onto the backseat of the car, still quite gently:]
"No, I can't. Choke. I can't breathe, officer! Ah! Ah! My wrist, man! My wrist! I'll lay on the ground. I'll lay on the ground. [Now he's on the ground and instantly start yelling:] I can't breath! I can't breath!"
The woman sitting in the car with him - who claims Floyd is her "ex-man", initially isn't too cooperative either. When asked to move back towards the wall, she goes, "Me? What did I do?" When asked why Floyd is "getting all squirly and not showing his hands?", she goes, "Because he's been shot before. [Points to her brain:] He got a thing going on. No, [he's not on something] [note: this is a lie]. He got a thing going on. We have problems all the time with the police, especially when that men stood [with] that gun like that."
So Floyd has trouble with the police all the time? That's nice to hear. It's also not particularly surprising looking at his behavior. As said, it's how most repeat criminals - Third World ones in particular - behave to police officers and prison guards, all the time. The amount of abuse these officers take is absolutely incredible. And Floyd is fitting that profile. In any other country outside the West, he would have been hogtied and thrown in the trunk, tortured, or beaten to death with behavior like that. But here we allow it, with many online viewers actually taking Floyd's pleas serious.
What you have here is a situation in which otherwise extremely/overly polite police officers simply can't tell for certain if Floyd is trolling them, or whether he is in genuine danger. That having been said, what Chauvin did was problematic to say the least. He kept his knee pressed into the neck of Floyd, despite him begging minutes-long for it to be removed: "Please, the knee in my neck, I can't breathe. ... Mama. ... Don't kill me." If anything, Chauvin pressed down on Floyd's neck harder, with the arteries on the side of the neck pinned inbetween the pavement and the knee. Even after Floyd went unconscious, with bystanders pointing this out again and again, Chauvin just kept on pressing, even grabbing his mace to let bystanders know not to intervene. His fellow officers detected no pulse and suggested that they roll Floyd over; Chauvin still wouldn't let off.
Yes, Floyd was yelling at the cops from the first second, "Please don't kill me. ... My mom just died. ... Ouchie! ... I just had Covid, man. ... Choke. I can't breath, officer! Ah! Ah! My wrist, man! ... God, I'm claustrophobic." He's also the one who volunteered to "lie on the ground". Chauvin also couldn't know about the fact that Floyd was "Arteriosclerotic [with] hypertensive heart disease", seemingly strongly contributing to his death.
All that still is no excuse for Chauvin's actions. There are migitating circumstances, but simply following the law he needs to be prosecuted not just for manslaughter, but really murder. There is no way around that. Everything is on video and that is the law. Should his fellow officers be prosecuted. In my view, no. They were very polite and correct to Floyd all the way through, and it was Floyd himself who wanted to lay on the ground. The officers also repeatedly suggest to Chauvin to ease off, but Chauvin is the one in charge and refuses to listen. He screwed over the rookie officers under his care with his actions, and really even every white person in the West.
ISGP looks at this differently, however. No matter what Chauvin's actions, the problem simply is one of unresponsible race mixing. Floyd and his entourage at the arrest scene gave off the impression of having very low (genetic) IQ, as none of them could talk or behave properly. Low genetic IQ is a major problem with pure black gene, as are the corresponding extremely high violent crime numbers that cause. Pure black gene has no business living in the West, except on a case by case basis. It's unsustainable and immoral to have them here in large numbers. They should be living in the Caribbean or Africa. No man, no problem.
BLM protests
Now that we got the details of this case out of the way, it might be more important to focus on the aftermath: namely, the media implementing the usual white guilt warfare, and with that actively inciting black riots and hatred against white people throughout the world. Protests and riots were organized under the Black Lives Matter banner, the same elite-funded group that caused the Ferguson riot of 2014 and the Baltimore riot of 2015. This time, however, the riots and looting went from coast to coast and even spilled over into Europe.
From the start, the Black Lives Matter movement was heavily influenced by George Soros, the biggest pusher of open borders to the Third World who also happens to be a veteran of Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, the European CFR, the International Crisis Group, the Munich Security Conferences, the Bretton Woods Committee and more, operating in half of them alongside the likes of David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. His Open Society Foundations has got huge influence within the European Commission and the European Parliament, where at least 30% of MPs are considered "reliable friends".
Does that sound like an individual without any ulterior motives? Hardly, even more so because George Soros is the biggest pusher of unlimited Third World immigration into the West. Already in the late 1990s, he was sitting on the board of Refugees International, well ahead of the times.
As has been documented in great detail on this page, a handful of newspapers also figured out that Soros pumped $33 million into a wide variety of black activist NGOs that ended up (violently) protesting in Ferguson (2014) and Baltimore (2015) under the Black Lives Matter umbrella. In addition, DeRay Mckesson, a gay black man who has been a major force in the #BlackLivesMatter movement from the start, lived in a home owned by a director of the Baltimore chapter of Soros' Open Society Foundations. The Center for American Progress, founded by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager John Podesta and funded by Soros, the Ford Foundation and Bill Gates, was another early financier, as were artists as Beyonce and Jay-Z. The donations of the latter two went through the "liberal CIA" New World Foundation, with its historic ties to the Rockefellers, Bilderberg and Hillary Clinton.
Meanwhile, in 2016, the Ford Foundation set up the overarching Black-Led Movement Fund, with the intention of pumping $100 million into it over the next few years through a variety of allied "liberal CIA" foundations. Soros' Open Society Foundations and the Kellog, Tides and Nathan Cummings foundations were among these additional donors. In later years, Silicon Valley corporations and entertainment figures have been particularly active in donating several hundred thousand to several million dollars at a time to a variety of black activist groups. Hollywood has also been extremely supportive of a black insurrection in the West through films as Django Unchained (2012) and Black Panther (2018), not to get into the mass immigration aspect.
Predictably, with this amount of money and support, Black Lives Matter never went away. It staged all kinds of protests during the Trump campaign and subsequent presidency, often pitting it against rather pro-Nazi, pro-KKK "alt right" white supremacists (i.e. "conservative CIA"). In Europe it has had a limited presence as well. But it wasn't really until the murder of George Floyd that the group all of a sudden started having mainstream acceptance. In the days after, just about every major social media model, Hollywood actor, or other major entertainment industry star with a social media account made #BlackLivesMatter posts.
Soon there was George Soros again, right when mass protests started to simmer down a bit. On July 13, 2020 his Open Society Foundations announced another investment in "emerging [black] organizations and leaders" totalling an enormous $220 million. That's a confirmed $353 million dollars from just the Soros and Ford foundations alone over the 2014-2020 period, with countless additional donations to black groups to be found in grants lists in between.
This time corporations were not left in the dust by the "liberal CIA" foundations. In early July 2020, Silicon Valley giant PayPal - which never died despite crypto offering far cheaper (read: free), equally reliable payment systems - pledged $530 million to support black businesses hurt in the Corona crisis. Bank of America had done the same thing a month earlier, pledging no less than $1 billion over just four years to black and other minority causes. Days after, Nike, whose Nike Foundation receives millions from the Warren Buffett family annually, pledged $100 million over 10 years.
That is a combined treasure chest of $2 billion dollars, with likely billions more going to invested in black activism and riots over the next decade. That makes it hard to believe that somebody is not looking to destabilize and burn down the West at record pace - whatever the reason.
In contrast to the "liberal CIA" foundations and the executive board of Silicon Valley giants, a lot of what we see on social media actually is mere token-support; people being afraid to lose their income if they don't get on board with Black Lives Matter. On Instagram this especially went for those individuals only making a #BlackOutTuesday (June 2, 2020) post, with more than a few of them not even realizing, or wanting to realize, that they shouldn't be making any social media posts that day.
In case it involved a (rare) celebrity that was perceived as not giving enough support on social media, they were heckled by a variety of foreigners, dedicated white antifa and young teenagers with (heavily upvoted) comments as "Did you donate?", "Open your purse bae", "This isn't helping", "Post some links and sign some petitions this is bare minimum", etc.
Most worrying is that also a scary amount of hardcore white guilt propaganda, including white privilege claims, could be spotted for the first time. Let's cite a little from of what I personally noticed, mainly among mid-level models (and I didn't pay a whole lot of attention). It's pretty shocking and makes one see just how many people, women at the front it appears, have no issues at all with committing treason if there is enough pressure from above. Mass treason has become the norm.
- English social media model with 1 million followers:
"please respectfully don't come onto my page and tell me that all lives matter, we know that, but this is not about you, this is about discrimination and this is about racism and this MUST stop, I hope this post filters out people that I don't wish to have following me anymore and I send all my love to everyone who is going through pain right now." - Australian-UK bisexual girl with 100,000 followers (and similarly superhot Goth girlfriend) reposting a quote of the Marxist Mimi Zhu:
"Non-black people must do better. ... Call your racist family member out. Move beyond the internet to show your outrage and grief. Take action and do not remain complicit. ... This reminder can no longer be gentle. ...
"[Reposting Matt "nyc proud fairy" Bernstein:] Dear white followers ... At some point [you have] thought: "but I'm not racist." I have thought that too. ... all white people benefit from the same institutionalized racism. this does not mean all white people hate people of color -- it means that we all still benefit from their enduring oppression. we benefit from eurocentric school curriculums, we benefit from racial profiling, we benefit from racist jokes."
"[Repost:] Black Lives Matter: Key London Dates. Keep an eye on #LDNBLM on social media for updates. ... IMPORTANT: ... wear non-identifiable clothing." - Girl located in Hawaii with a transgender fascination:
"Black Lives Matter: Protest safely. Know your rights. ... SO: Turn off cellular data. ... Conceal tattoos, piercings and dyed hair. Wear brandless, shapeless black clothing. Wear masks, goggles, long sleeves and gloves to protect against tear gas and pepper spray. DO NOT: Take photo or video. Speak to the press. ... Speak to law enforcement without a lawyer. BRING: CASH... If you pay with a card, your activity can be traced.
"[Repost:] Now that you've made your statements & reposted those stories, how will you take it further? ... Do you listen to the black community? Make space for them? Do you protect black women from the relentless attacks they survive in your workplace? In your neighborhood? Do you address the colourism, the microaggressions? ... Do you still use your voice & stand by your words when you don't have a protective liberal bubble that repeats your thoughts?" - Australian girl with 120,000 followers:
"#BlackLivesMatter ... How to help the George Floyd protests from Australia. Channel the energy and anger you are feeling into action." - Canadian fitness model with 300,000 followers reposting a post of actor Jerry Seinfeld's wife:
"Follow Blacknationapp ... If someone doesn't understand white privilege, show them this video. [vague video, apparently of white kids not wanting to give a black guy his credit and $100 bucks after he wins a sprint] ... [Repost of some some white pornstar-looking model:] Between the Trump, the protests, Covid, racism [spell-corrected], What a mess! ... Stay Woke!" - Asian-Latina, very new agy model with 3.5 million followers who is employed by a leading entertainment company -- reposting a very feminine male black model:
"A powerful show of unity and support. The white community kneeling down in front of the black community to ask for forgiveness after years of racism. The black community followed that up by kneeling down as well [not shown, and not with whites standing up] and they all eventually joined in prayer." - White model - similarly new age - employed by the same entertainment company, with 1 million followers:
"[Puts up art of 2pac - a godfather of gangsta rap - with the song lyrics:] I see no changes, all I see is racist faces. Misplaced hate makes disgrace to races. ...
"[Photo of a protest sign:] We said: Black Lives Matter. NEVER SAID: Only Black Lives Matter. WE KNOW: All lives matter. (duh). We just need YOUR HELP with #BlackLivesMatter, for BLACK LIVES are in DANGER.
"[Repost from a black screenwriter and director:] The Blackout Tuesday does NOT mean to simply post a black picture and leave social media for the day. It means to stop promoting your own stuff for 24 hours, and instead amplify the voices & projects of Black creators, writers, directors, activists and more. Pass it on.
"[Holds up a sign at a rally herself:] Imagine all the people living life in peace." - Canadian tattoo model with close to 1 million followers:
"Black Lives Matter. ... In the past few days I've seen accounts uploading and sharing footage of what's actually going on in the world, and we need to see that now more than ever. We cannot rely on big media to feed us manipulated coverage." - Famous YouTuber, actor, Flat Earth criticist, and generally all-round-cool-guy Logan Paul:
"I'm embarrassed that it's taken me 25 years to realize this: It is not enough to be not racist. You have to be anti-racist. Condemn those who feign superiority because of the color of their skin.
"Friends – hold friends accountable. Hold your family accountable. Hold yourself accountable. And most importantly, we must hold our authorities accountable – police officers, politicians, policy-makers. As Killer Mike said, bully the politicians at the voting booth. Make your voice heard. Attend a protest. Speak up against injustice. If you're white, if you look like me, use your privilege.
"And for those of you who do not think white privilege exists, you are f**king blind. You are delusional, and you are part of the problem. ... Acknowledge and weaponize your privilige. I believe we are going to a protest today. And you bet your fucking ass I'll be in the front line. ...
"If you are an influencer or a celebrity friend of mine, I hope you are using your platform to spread the message of solidarity and unity. ... We must now reverse engineer the system, as a collective. We must open our eyes and realize that there is only one race, and that is the human race.
"On behalf of Breonna Taylor, we must change. On behalf of Ahmaud Arbery, we must advance. And on behalf of George Floyd and the hundreds of others who have been unjustly murdered in this country, we must evolve."
"[Instagram picture of 13-year-old-or-so gay black girl holding up a sign that reads, "Support Black Lives the way you appropriate black culture":] You can't be black AND gay," she joked. [Note: that's a problem of the intolerant black community, as well as Muslims - not our fault] ... White people -- it's been over 400 years of injustices and the "United" States of America still haven't figured it out. Become an ally. Get uncomfortable, have the difficult conversations, show up to a protest, support black owned businesses, unlearn and educate yourself about the black experience. Amplify the voices of your brothers and sisters... our white ancestors caused this shit, we gotta fix this shit. Racism ends with our generation." - Conspiracy-loving half-white-half-Arab European Playboy model known to have moonlighted as a Dubai prostitute:
"Corona is a hoax. Black lives matter indeed [is not]. ... I cried my eyes out watching the news updates two days ago [surrounding George Floyd]. ... Did George Soros pay rioters? Hell yes [Explanation: There exists disinfo about Soros paying individual protestors; the fact that he funded BLM as a whole is left out.]. Are bricks laid down for people to throw by the government? Hell yes. [Explanation: Virtually all brick piles could be linked to construction projects planned before Floyd's death. Others were guarded by police or in the process of being removed over rioting precautions.] So when I use my brain to think about these subject.. I get called out for being racist.. does my curiosity to the bigger picture behind the death of a man [disinfo taken from "the_truth_hunters"] make my sadness less? No.
"[Imagine of aliens in their UFO over the Earth:] "[Humans] kinda became delusional and imagined these invisible borders, beliefs and structures separating them..."
[Links to a post of black conspiracy disinformer "Dr. Malade Fanfaron" with the caption "hairlines don't lie", suggesting police officer Derek Chauvin is not the real killer of George Floyd (no issue to be seen, except that after 8 years his hair withdrew a bit on the sides):] "Family they are pulling the sheets over our eyes!!! Let's not let the fall dummy fool us to believe the real killer has been captured... Stay woke!" - "What do you think about this?" link of Adriana Lima to Instagram channel "Consciouss_Thoughts" of "Young Pharaoh", another black version of Alex Jones:
"They couldn't just kill motherfuckers directly. So they tried to do it with the vaccines. That didn't work, so now they are trying to instigate you to be violent. ...
"They put these deep state motherfuckers in law enforcement to encite and instigate violence, and mistrust between the citizens and law enforcement. And then they are gonna use that to create riots - like they just did - to enact martial law. And then they wanna bring in martial law to bring in the New World Order. So it's not, "Fuck ALL of the police." You have to realize the police has been infiltrated.
"Now if you don't believe me, look at the police tearing their own shit up! [Explanation: cops taking out a broken windshield, after kids destroyed it - of which there is video...] [And here] the police is promoting crime. It's not US! It's THEM! ... Look, they are telling this bitch what to spray. She is spraying "Black Lives Matter" on the wall. ... That's not [even] a black person. Look, she put the "A" on the wall. The "A" is for "Anarchy". [Explanation: The police officers are talking to someone while a fat teenage girl keeps spraying an already totally vandalized wall. An older fat woman telling the young one to spray something isn't police...] ...
"Get your dumb ass in the house and demand that these motherfuckers arrest Bill Gates, George Soros and everybody else. [Note: Still hasn't explained that Soros funded and pretty much ran BLM early on.] Stop rioting! This is what they want. They started it. ... Freemasons are real! It's not a f*cking fantasy. They have infiltrated every layer of this motherf*cking country! And they are using it to make everybody hate [each other]. ... Now, this nigger admitted that he was a paid protestor. ... Nigger said you go to GeorgeSoros.com! [Explanation: involves a 2017 troll video of "liberal CIA" outlet The Young Turks.] ... It's not the white people doing this! I'ts the freemasons! ... Who put the motherfucking bricks down there? I know niggers didn't do this. ... The government supplied the bricks for you to use in the riots. [Explanation: See previous model.]"
A few things can be observed in these Instagram posts:
- Obviously a total and complete absence of information that blacks commit 5 to 30x the heavy crime compared to whites and purely genetically lack about 15 IQ points compared to whites - largely explaining the levels of crime.
- The reposted messages generally are very passive-aggressive, specifically designed to foster a gang-mentality and make people who oppose Black Lives Matter feel isolated, unloved, "racist" and mentally handicapped. The principles on which many statements were put together, clearly have a common "liberal CIA" origin, indicating that there are handlers or "influencers" operating in the background of at least some semi-celebrities.
- Probably the most bizarre is the coordinated, psywar-like effort to relentlessly instill "white guilt" into the white masses, while increasingly elevating black people to the status of being the masters of the white race. It is extremely reminiscent of the hoaxed 1957 quote of later famous conspiracy author Eustace Mullins:
"While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their [colonialist] exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life... With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites..."
You can hardly profess this opinion though - due to the existence of this hoax. That's very convenient, because let's face it, this is exactly what is going on. If intermarriage, forced-interracial-sex-to-combat-"racism", or mass rape of white women by black men will be the endgame, remains to be seen. Personally, I can't unremember an encounter with an otherwise friendly black man here in the Netherlands - part of some black group I unfortunately forgot the name of - who explained to all whites he encountered that:
"When black people get into power, all your dicks are gonna go off. We are gonna cut your bellies open. Torture you. And rape all your women. That's just what is gonna happen. You've been doing it to us, so we are going to do it to you."
I guess we'll see what the future brings. - The instructions on Black Lives Matter flyers - in a deniable way - seem to be specifically designed to create an atmosphere of animosity towards ALL law enforcement and to promote rioting and looting by explaining in great detail how activists can prevent being identified in any way (Really? Why feel the need if you peacefully protest? Why dress up like the black antifa army?). The flyers also very often do not specifically mention "peaceful" protesting, despite knowing full well that black people have a particular affinity for rioting and looting - and hate the police.
- We have a Playboy model and Adriana Lima linking to black conspiracy disinformation artists who both appear to have escaped from black supremacy cult The Nuwaubian Nation. Their only purpose is to help brainwash black people in a slightly different way than through Black Lives Matter and keep everyone running around like headless chickens. They will protest Trump's attempts to bring back order, elites will be kept in place, and third World immigration will continue. So nothing changes.
- Not seen in these above quotes, but certainly very prominent among Black Lives Matter pushers are quotes of Martin Luther King Jr. ("There comes a time when silence is betrayal."), top superclass member Desmond Tutu ("If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chose the side of the oppressor.") and Nelson Mandela were making the rounds everywhere. Ironically, all three were solidly backed by the Rockefeller family, representing the exact same elite interest as George Soros supporting Black Lives Matter.
So, what on Earth are we witnessing here? All the psychological warfare, propaganda, disinformation and misdirection related to white guilt - discussed in ISGP's White Guilt Warfare Manual - that for years we've seen coming from politicians, the dominant liberal media, Silicon Valley CEOs, Hollywood actors, musicians, Twitter trolls, and "liberal CIA"-funded action groups -- now all of a sudden are also being propagandized by countless seemingly ordinary Instagram models. A great many others have also been providing token support for Black Lives Matter with their #BlackOutTuesday posts of June 2, 2020.
It's really interesting to see how easy it is to commit treason. The whole idea that you can lean back and fix everything with "love", as so many girls in particular like to promote, is utterly irrational. It might be acceptable in the classical role play in which women simply take care of the home and the kids, but in today's "equal, feminist" society, that type of laziness and irresponsibility should not be tolerated. Neither maybe putting out any messages without using capital letters and periods...
What is additionally worrying is that going through comment sections of various Instagram channels - much of it dominated by youngsters from the Third World - is that no one really understands what is going on. Most - at least those who dare to comment - agree with the notion that the cops shouldn't be so racist. But what they forget are the vastly heightened crime numbers for blacks - and lower genetic IQ numbers - making any kind of "equality" within any multicultural society virtually an impossibility.
In any case, for the time being Black Lives Matter is an international phenomenon, and almost globally on social media. And it's all due to $100 million+ in "liberal CIA" foundation money, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the media, and the radicalization of lots and lots of blacks, gays, lesbians, trannies and youths - women in particular.
Even the Anonymous hacking group was activated again on May 31, 2020, days after Floyd's death and very actively started promoting violent, destructive rioting and lootings, firmly establishing this group as well as being under the same "liberal CIA" influence.
What has been going on throughout the West, really is a very well-funded CIA coup, as many countries around the world have experienced in the past 70 years. It doesn't seem to have any purpose though besides collapsing white culture and ending western civilization, replacing it with some kind of big business-oriented multi-etnic social nightmare.
Europe: "anti-racism" wars of the EU and George Soros - with sometimes the White House mixed in
In terms of immigration the situation in Europe is completely different, but ultimately just as bad and controversial. The most criminal ethnic group in the United States by far - blacks - have been in the United States for centuries because of the slave trade to Latin America and America's south. The second most problematic group - Muslims - "only" stand at about 2% of the U.S. population anno 2018. A portion of these Muslim immigrants is black, such as the Somalis, and actually will soon demonstrate to have higher crime numbers than American blacks, especially in the sex crimes department. The most dominant immigration group in the United States are the Latinos. While problematic in terms of culture, crime and genetic IQ, ultimately it's a culture that is somewhat compatible with the West. There's a difference though between the American Indians of Central America and the predominantly Hispanic white civilizations in the southern portion of South American.
Compare this to western Europe where African blacks and Arab Muslims - very criminal cultures, with the latter also extremely ideologically hostile to western ways of living - are pouring into Europe at almost similar rates as the Latin Americans into the United States, and it's not hard to see why opposition to immigration in Europe is at an even higher rate as it is in the United States. Traditional western culture in major western European cities has been all but wiped away, apart from a handful of commercial and upper class districts.
Absolutely none of this matters to the liberal superclass, however. Crime numbers are hidden and white people, especially the men, are increasingly turned into the enemy. The primary culprit here in Europe is George Soros. While in the United States he is strongly supported by the Ford Foundation and a number of more minor foundations, when it comes to Europe, Soros' Open Society Foundations in particular has developed a very close relationship with the European Commission and the European Parliament. Meanwhile, his International Crisis Group and European Council on Foreign Relations is employing an army of former EU prime ministers and presidents, all continuing the battle for open borders. Obviously, Soros is just a "left-wing" offshoot of the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg, other globalist NGOs fully dedicated to open borders.
As for examples of Soros' influence with the European Commission and the European Parliament, on November 14, 2017, former Euroskeptic UKIP head Nigel Farage held one of his infamous speeches at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, during which he targeted Soros in unusually candid language:
"I'm going to come back to "so what" and it may have some personal interest for you as well. ... "I just wonder ... when we're talking about political subversion, when we're talking about collusion, I wonder whether we're looking in the wrong place. And I say that because George Soros recently gave Open Society, his organisation, ... he recently gave it 18 billion dollars. And his influence here and in Brussels [with just the $2 billion that it was previously already] is truly extraordinary. "Open Society boasts that they had 42 meetings last year [in 2016] with the European Commission. They have even published a book of "reliable" friends in the European Parliament and there are 226 names [out of 751] on that list - including yours, sir. I thought you'd find this interesting. "We even had last week [former Belgian prime minister and EMP] Mr Verhofstadt lobbying on behalf of Mr. Soros at the Conference of Presidents [of the EU] in a battle that is going on with Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary." |
To provide more examples of Soros' influence in Europe, in 1997 the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) was founded. It consists of a EU-wide network of roughly 120 "grassroots" antifa-type action groups that "combat racism". Roughly 80% of the funds are paid for by the European Union, 17% by George Soros. Of course, ENAR is silent about the vastly higher crime numbers Third World immigrants bring. It also riles up foreigners against the police by continually making an issue out of "police brutality", even though many countries in western Europe have incredibly soft-handed police services that basically are 100% talk and 0% violence. Members of foreign ethnicity youth gangs are walking over them at will. It's a completely unpractical and irrational agenda copied from the United States.
Another example is UNITED for Intercultural Action. The organization boasts that it is "supported by more than 550 organisations from all European countries" that, during the annual "European Action Week Against Racism" fights against "nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees." Obviously, the list of membership organizations consists of countless antifa groups, such as the "Antifaschistisches Info Blatt, Germany" and the "Antifa Netwerk, Belgium", combined with peculiar immigration groups with names as the "Ass. Iranian Students" and the "National Afro-Swedish Association, Sweden". One wonders how many of these groups are ran by informants of the EU's national security services. In any case, these groups are deployed throughout Europe each year on March 21, simulating "grassroots" protests, along with other elite-backed antifa, communist and anarchist groups, such as those part of the European Network Against Racism (ENAR).
Also with UNITED, part of the financing comes from George Soros' Open Society Foundations, although the majority seems to come from various bodies of the European Union and national governments in Europe. The Rothschild Foundation also chips in, likely on behalf of the Jews to counter anti-Semitism. With millions upon millions of Muslim pouring into Europe, this is only going to get worse though.
Another interesting group is the Migration Policy Group, which claims to have "played a pivotal role in shaping European migration, integration and anti-discrimination policies and law [with] many original MPG initiatives [having] become established features of the European Union's legal and policy landscape." Financing for the Migration Policy Group has come from Atlantic Philanthropies and Soros' Open Society Foundations.
From the EU to the national level
The Netherlands: EU and Soros-backed Dutch antifa and intelligence networks
Soros' influence goes deeper than just through the structures of the EU itself. Here in the Netherlands, Soros' Open Society Foundations helps finance the Euro-Mediterranean Center Migration & Development (EMCEMO), a collective of more than 100 antifa, green, anarchist, communist, feminist, Islamic and black African protest groups. Everything and everyone is lumped together, from the Society of Ethiopians and the National Council of Moroccans, to the New Communist Party and mainstream left-wing parties as the GreenLeft and Labour. Some of the involved groups can also be found in the previously-discussed European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and UNITED, large collectives of action groups coordinated and funded by the EU and Soros, with a little Rothschild money mixed in.
All EMCEMO membership groups annually protest in the Netherlands during UNITED's "European Action Week Against Racism" surrounding March 21. In fact, one member of the Soros-funded EMCEMO group is the 21 March Committee, another overarching antifa, communist, Muslim, etc. collection of protests group: about 60 in this case. Of the 30 or so that are eligible for government financing, 10 actually receive it. Two major groups, EMCEMO and UNITED, as we already know, receive EU and George Soros financing. Another, the Report Islamophobia Foundation has also received Soros funding. The Dutch branch of the huge Women's March is there, whose U.S. counterpart is deeply tied to Soros, Ford Foundation, Warren Buffett and other elite funds.
So many additional interesting names are to be found in the 21 March Committee: the Socialist International, the white-hating, increasingly popular DENK Party of extremist Turkish Muslims, various anti-Black Pete outfits, whom we will get in a minute; etc. Much it is also to be found in EMCEMO and/or UNITED.
There's also the Pirate Party Amsterdam, headed by fetish model Ancilla Tilia van de Leest. She's quite easy to identify as an intelligence asset for her appearance in February 2016 on the "conservative CIA" Infowars radio show of Alex Jones. On the opposite side of the spectrum, she's a signer of the standwithsnowden.com petition, along with George Soros, Alex Soros, and a long list of prominent "liberal CIA" assets. Apart from her Pirate Party activism, she's a privacy advocate (including the right to cash money - which banks increasingly oppose). In this last capacity she serves as one of four board members of the Dutch Privacy First Foundation, a type of NGO that in the U.S. generally receives funding from foundations as Ford, Soros and Rockefeller. Lo and behold, in the 2015 annual report, p. 12, we read that the Privacy First Foundation is funded by the earlier-mentioned, Soros-allied Democracy and Media Foundation:
"Since early 2015, this project is supported financially by the Democracy & Media Foundation (Stichting Democratie en Media)." |
Anno 2018 the Democracy & Media Foundation still is listed as a "partner" on the website of Privacy First. Ironically, in the past I have regularly seen Privacy First being featured on Nu.nl as a genuinely "independent" watchdog of Dutch intelligence and its various schemes to counter "terrorist activity" - a problem which obviously is only going to grow worse as more and more Arabs are brought into Europe. I always was suspicious of this watchdog agency, and, as usual, for good reason, it turns out. Clearly Privacy First is just an artifically propped-up authority, brought into existence to similate a largely non-existent democratic process.
Privacy First is not the only such group either. Bits of Freedom, with its annual Big Brother Awards that are occasionally mentioned on the news, is the Netherlands' leading "citizen's privacy protection" platform. Financiers? Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation and... the Democracy & Media Foundation. The overseeing international organization is Privacy International, similarly financed by the Soros and Ford foundations.
As for additional details on the Democracy & Media Foundation, it is the most significant minority stakeholder in The Press Group, responsible for printing most leading Dutch newspapers. Also on other occasions, besides Bits of Freedom, it has cooperated with George Soros' Open Society Foundations. In recent years both were funding anti-"Islamophobia" street protests groups - immediately ahead of elections.
Supervisory board chair of the The Democracy and Media Foundation is Alex Brenninkmeijer, a member of an elite family tied to Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club, the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and the Jesuits. Ironically, since 2014 Brenninkmeijer is national "ombudsman", tasked with "handling complaints of citizens about government conduct." Don't you just feel the soft blanket of protection coming from this office? The question, of course, is: for whom? The people? Or the government? And what does "government" even mean at this point? The fact that in 2014 Brenninkmeijer officially criticized the police for the 2011 arrest of the initial Black Pete protesters Quinsy Gario en Jerry Afriyie probably tells us enough. We'll get to these protesters in a minute.
Yet another interesting name within the Dutch 21 March Committee is the Nederland Palestina Komitee. This group was founded way back in 1969 by Kees Wagtendonk, a rather obvious agent of Dutch intelligence, and, more importantly here, by Mahmoud Rabbani, at the time the honorary consul of Kuwait and Jordan in the Netherlands. Rabbani quite clearly also was intelligence, because he became a close friend of the aristocratic banker Bib van Lanschot, reportedly a founder of the Dutch branch of the CIA's Stay Behind network, together with his friend Prince Bernhard. Coincidentally, Prince Bernhard invited both Van Lanschot and Rabbani to his elite 1001 Club, of which ISGP is the first to publish the membership lists.
If we switch back from the 21 March Committee to its Soros-funded partner group EMCEMO, we find more interesting members that absolutely need discussing. Prakken d'Oliveira is a major example. This is the "human rights" law firm of the curious Ties Prakken and Britta Bohler, which can also be linked, through the earlier-mentioned Bits of Freedom. The latter has previously been discussed on ISGP as a former member of the curious, suspected controlled opposition political group the Republican Society, together with her polar opposite, Pim Fortuyn. Fortuyn was assassinated in May 2002 by "liberal CIA"-funded environmentalist Volkert van der Graaf. The first thing Van der Graaf did after his arrest was request former Rote Armee Fraktion lawyer Pieter Bakker Schut to be his representative. Schut declined, but his activist ally Britta Bohler accepted, stepping down as chairman of ("liberal CIA"-funded) Greenpeace to do so. Bohler's later law partner, Ties Prakken, used to be the law partner of Schut, who, along with his wife, also played a pivotal role in the prominent Joris Demmink child abuse scandal in the Netherlands. In fact, his wife, fellow lawyer Adele van der Plas, is responsible for spreading copious amounts of conspiracy disinformation in the Demmink affair. Looking at these ties, Ties Prakken's role as a representative of the Collective Against Islamophobia and Discrimination seems mild in comparison. Key though is that Prakken, Bohler and Bakker Schut for decades have been involved in the managing and defending of controversial, often security state-tied, left-wing "radicals".
Incredibly, even at the local level here in my birth town of Rotterdam, the Soros influence can be observed in the form of the Platform for Islamic Education Rijnmond Foundation (SPIOR). In 2017, ahead of the election, it organized a debate about Islam and the state of "Islamophobia" in which all leading Dutch parties, except the leading populist one, participated. Representatives of SPIOR also regularly appear on local Rotterdam television to comment in favor of Islam-related issues and occasionally also are featured on national TV or a national newspaper. Apart from Soros' Open Society Foundations, funding also comes from the Soros-partnered Democracy and Media Foundation, the Oranje Fonds of the Orange royal family, the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund-linked VSB Fonds, the Maagdenhuis Foundation, which we will get back to; and Oxfam Novib.
The attack on Sinterklaas' Black Petes
Going back to the national level in the Netherlands, the Soros-funded EMCEMO group includes more interesting names, apart from the afore-mentioned antifa, communist, Muslim, and seemingly security state-linked groups. There's the New Urban Collective and StopBlackface.com, both founded and headed by a person named Mitchell Esajas; and the National Institute for the Netherlands Slavery Past and Heritage, employing a certain Quinsy Gario. There's also Kick Out Zwarte Piet, headed by semi-violent racist Jerry King Luther Afriyie. These three African blacks have regularly made the news starting in 2011 in their efforts to get the Zwarte Piet / Black Pete aspect of the children's feast Sinterklaas banned. They've done so in a vicious, propagandist manner by continually calling all native Dutch whites racist and by resorting to claims of non-existent "police brutality".
All that is fascinating, of course, considering Dutch police records, quite similar to other international ones, reveal that Dutch blacks are roughly 15 times more involved in cases of rape than whites (numbers on murder and robberies haven't been produced, even internally as far as we know), with the number only going up if violent street rape and gang rape is isolated. The majority of victims? White women. That alone makes one wonder if any native white Dutch should take any claims of racism or police brutality coming from the black community serious. Of course, the rape number just mentioned has never appeared in the media. And you won't hear any black activist talking about it either.
The entire European and Dutch aspect of this oversight and article actually started with African-Dutch Mitchell Esajas. After doing a whois of the website StopBlackface.com, of which Kick Out Zwarte Piet of Afriyie also is part, his name came up as admin. A quick check immediately revealed Esajas not to be any kind of grassroots activist at all: he's an Antillean black employed at the University of Amsterdam.
As for a more detailed history, Esajas received a BA in business administration from the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam back in 2006. After setting up the New Urban Collective in 2010, at that point with unknown ties, he went back to the Vrije University of Amsterdam for his MBA and a degree in Social & Cultural Anthropology in the 2011-2013, spending the summer of 2012 at the UCLA in California for a course in Management & Environmental Science. This course was paid for by the Google, Shell, ABN-AMRO and other globalist business-partnered ECHO Foundation, otherwise known as "The Expert Center for Diversity Policy". By October 2013, the first screen capture of Esajas' New Urban Collective, reveals that the president-director of Shell - a decades-long Bilderberg company - stopped by to help mentor Third World immigrant members of the Collective on how to "network" and "present yourself" to top multinationals when studying at universities as the University of Amsterdam (a well-known recruiting ground for multinationals). Representatives of ABN-AMRO and other corporations and NGOs also were present.
In the 2014-2017 period - during the height of his anti-Sinterklaas activism, which he doesn't mention on his LinkedIn - Esajas was employed at the University of Amsterdam. Immediately after he set up the The Black Archives, overseen by his Soros-linked New Urban Collective and tied to the University of Amsterdam as well. The Black Archives is focused on teaching black people about their history of oppression by the white man. Tellingly, in February 2018 it was running an exhibition entitled Black & Revolutionary.
It almost appears as if globalists, in Black Lives Matter fashion, have been busy setting up a black resistance cell - a fifth column if you will - at the University of Amsterdam. Then we look over at Esajas' fellow-anti-Black Pete demonstrator Quinsy Gario - who first made the national news when arrested with a "Black Pete is racist shirt" in November 2011 - and we find that this person was educated in Comparative Women's Studies in Culture and Politics at the Genderstudies department of the University of Leiden. This is the same university where countless royals go to, as well as much of the Dutch elite. Seeing a black person at university, or even college, is already quite a rare phenomenon in the Netherlands, but also a male one with a predominant interest in feminism? Now here's something really special going on! Just about the only other black male feminist at a major university might be, well, Gario's ally, Mitchell Esajas, whose Black Archives, predictably, is concerned with feminism as well.
There's always more to be found. At the time Gario studied at the University of Leiden, the Genderstudies department was headed by Professor Gloria Wekker, who in 2001 became the first black professor in the Netherlands. Certainly anno 2015 she still was the only one with such a position, which, once again, makes one wonder if this is due to racism or racial IQ. To immediately make clear just how peculiar Wekker is, she has a history of support for pedophilia, with a close ally, Dr. Gert Hekma of the University of Amsterdam, claiming that Muslims are more cultured for "giving space" to sexual relationships and marriages with young teenagers, a type of "relation" that is still "repressed" in the West.
Anyway, parallel to what's going on in the Netherlands, Wekker has been writing for some time now about how subconsciously racist (Dutch) white people really are. In 2016 she was appointed to head a "Diversity Commission" at the University of Amsterdam after "spontaneous" protests broke out at the university's headquarters, The Maagdenhuis, where the demands included a more "diverse" and "less white" university. Spontaneous, right? And we should just ignore that the Maagdenhuis Foundation has been financing feminist, "anti-racist" and globalist propaganda initiatives alongside George Soros' Open Society Foundation and the royal family's Oranje Fonds? That's just a coincidence, right? In any case, the Diversity Commission led to the appointment of a "diversity officer" at the University of Amsterdam, which undoubtedly will mean that larger numbers of Arabs and blacks are going to be forced into college rooms here. Meanwhile, Wekker has been professing innocence:
"Look, I didn't invent the Diversity Commission, right? That was a wish of the youths sitting in the Maagdenhuis. They have all colors of the rainbow. Also white students want change. I have never seen such a thing before."
As part of an update, this chapter got a huge tail section in 2024, when massive anti-Israel "student" protests broke out at universities around the Netherlands, most notably the University of Amsterdam with its Maagdenhuis - and all in the wake of what happened at major universities in the United States, most notably Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania and MIT. 1 Just looking at these "students", it is clear that huge numbers do not study at these universities at all. They all dress like hobos, most don't seem to speak Dutch, and no regular, white student is going to risk flunking or getting kicked off their education for participating in rather extreme rioting.
Studying these latest riots, the author rather quickly ran into a first coincidence: the young, handsome, well-spoken formal spokesperson of the student "protest" at the University of Amsterdam, a certain Raoul Koudijs, earlier signed a petition of the antifa Aralez Foundation, founded in 2020 by two brothers. Turns out, these brothers were "lead organizers" of the 2015 student protest at the University of Amsterdam, helped bring Dr. Gloria Wekker to the university to run her "Diversity Commission", and were assisting her on this commission.
Checking up on the ties of one of the brothers, Chris van der Ploeg, and you find that he has been allowed publication or has been embraced otherwise by typical "liberal CIA"-tied foundations and publications:
- Follow the Money.
- Covert Action Magazine (USA).
- Platform Authentieke Journalistiek, which in turns has received payments from the Soros-allied Stichting Democratie en Media, the "liberal CIA" Oxfam Novib, and the TNI [Transnational Institute, the Dutch branch of the heavily "liberal CIA"-funded Institute for Policy Studies
At this point it starts to make sense that Dr. Gloria Wekker, similar to Henry Kissinger and a number of persons ISGP has suspected of operating as globalist-type CIA agents, was a Fulbright Scholar in 1987-1992, did pro-black research in the U.S. funded by UCLA and the Ford Foundation, was a grantee of the Prince Bernhard Fund in 2000-2005 for her migrant research, and was on the advisory board of the Orange Fund in 2005-2007. It makes sense that she was a mentor to key anti-Black Pete demonstrators as Mitchell Esajas and Quinsy Gario, who have been given enormous amounts of screen time on Dutch television. And it makes sense that she was brought into the "student protests" by the Ploeg brothers, later of the Aralez Foundation, with their own peculiar "liberal CIA" ties. You're talking here about a globalist intelligence network - which anything from the Fulbright scholarships to the royal house of orange is part of - its goal being to help implement the white replacement agenda.
Apart from governments, the media and foundations, universities are also key in the manipulation of society. In case of Zwarte Piet, Rotterdam's Erasmus University can also be linked to this managed debate. On November 19, 2015, Piet Magazine / Pete Magazine was launched at Erasmus University, which contributed funds and researchers to produce this one-issue magazine. With the byline Manual for a Modern Sinterklaas Celebration, Pete Magazine became available in book stores around the country, featuring all kinds of media personalities urging the Dutch to get rid of the traditional Black Pete. Some of them have already been discussed by ISGP as controlled opposition assets, such as leading crime reporter and JFK assassination disinformer Peter R. De Vries and feminist politician Hedy D'Ancona, who in the past showed up in the secretive Republican Society and the elite The Rights Forum, both linked to the Pim Fortuyn assassination.
The intro on page 3 of Piet Magazine suggests that Quinsy Gario and other activists initiated the changes surrounding Black Pete, leaving out the evidence discussed here that persons like Gario were/are government and superclass assets. Page 4 once again reveals the Soros-allied Democracy and Media Foundation as a co-financier of the project. Another major financier was the Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst, which receives its funds from the Amsterdam City Council and finances hundreds of small art projects - politicized or not - in the Netherlands.
Looking at the list of co-founders and editors of Piet Magazine, we find Samir Azrioual, educated not just at Erasmus University, but also in diplomacy at Clingendael, the Dutch version of the U.S.-based CFR and also the much newer Soros-founded European CFR. Clingendael is a very elite institute. Azrioual also works for the Stichting De Verre Bergen / De Verre Bergen Foundation, owned by the Van der Vorm family. Despite being worth 9.2 billion euros anno 2018 (about $11.5 billion), the Van der Vorm family is very private. The family has controlled the Holland-Amerika Lijn (HAL) since the 1950s and has been involved with a number of other major Dutch business fortunes. The semi-controversial Hans Melchers, of Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club, has been a long-time minority shareholder in the HAL Trust.
There's also a certain Dr. Jiska Engelbert of the Erasmus University, whom has published papers on the Palestinian cause, populism the U.S. and the Netherlands, with one of her papers having the title Pussy Riot and the Twittering of cosmopolitan selves. It seems clear where Dr. Engelbert's allegiances lie.
The same list reveals New York University and Barrow Group (Broadway)-educated actress Anousha Nzume as a co-founder and editor of Piet Magazine. In November 2016 she founded a pro-"diversity" and feminist podcast, Dipsaus, that is financed by the Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek / Fund for the Stimulation of Journalism, in turn fully financed by the Dutch government. In 2017 she was given a lot of media attention with her book Hallo Witte Mensen (Hello White People), once again to slander white people for their "white privilege". The title of the book is extremely condescending as Dutch people never-ever call themselves "white". They refer to white people as "blank", i.e. colorless. Black activists have increasingly used the term "white", simply to antagonize native Dutch people. The media often goes along with it.
In similar fashion, various media outlets have also been trolling native whites that whenever Arabs or blacks refer to "Dutch" people as "potatoes", it isn't racist, "because Dutch people eat potatoes." Nevermind that whites also often are called "milk bottles" and "cheese heads", which, of course, also totally is not linked to racism by these same media outlets. It makes it look as if elites primarily are concerned these days with trying to wipe white people off the map.
To summarize, it's pretty clear that the fully globalist organs of the Dutch government, including the media and various NGOs, are behind the Black Pete "outrage". Just looking at the - as it turns out - closely related Black Pete and Maagdenhuis protests alone, it is very clear that Dutch society is being manipulated by globalist elites through the Hegelian dialectic, problem-reaction-solution, and/or gang-countergang operations - if we have to give the beast a name. Protests groups are set up and financed by the government, or a government-linked foundation, to create "outrage" surrounding certain subjects that globalist elites want to see changed, the globalist-controlled media subsequently give huge, disproportionate attention to these little groups of protesters, and subsequently the media and equally globalist-controlled politicians have the perfect excuse to set up endless debates surrounding an issue, all the while pretending that it is "the people" who want change. In other words, they are creating problems out of thin air. What they are doing literally comes down to criminal manipulation of society and outright treason.
The US-UK anti-colonial/confederate "Statue Storm" reaching Holland
Another great example and total extension of these managed globalist "outrage" operations are the increasingly vocal "debates" in the Netherlands surrounding the removal of colonial-era statues and street names, and the instating of memorial days for white colonialist crimes. You see debates about these issue everywhere, including my personal go-to site, Nu.nl, Holland's largest news aggregate website, controlled by a Bilderberg and CIA-linked company. But where did these debates originate from?
Well, let's look at the situation in the United States first. The Confederate "Rebel" Flag here has been under attack by antifa-type protesters for well over a decade. Any U.S. statues related to Christopher Columbus, who discovered the Americas in 1592, have been under attack by protesters for several years now, with antifa groups sometimes calling for these statues to be replaced with local Native Indian tribal chiefs. Similarly, any Confederate-related statue is under attack in the United States, with more and more being removed or forcefully taken down by crowds of young, chanting antifa extremists.
I actually was surprised to see just how many statues have already been removed, with the process only having increased after the fatal-but-questionable "Unite the Right" clashes with Black Lives Matter activists in Charlottesville in August 2017. A list of removed statues reads as follows:
- In March 2017 approximately 25 (very loud) students, who organized themselves in an action group called "Waves Against Columbus", were responsible for the decision of Pepperdine University to remove its Christopher Columbus statue - despite thousands of silent autographs to keep the statue in place.
- In May 2017 a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee was removed in New Orleans. Three more Confederate statues were removed in the same period in New Orleans.
- In September 2017 another General Lee statue was removed in Dallas.
- In July 2017 the bust of the white founders at King's College in London was removed and replaced with a "wall of diversity".
- In July 2017 the Confederate Memorial in St. Louis was removed.
- In August 2017 the statue of General Robert Lee in Charlottesville became the center of a violent clash between antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters and equally extreme and equally questionable Unite the Right protesters, many of whom Nazi and KKK supporters.
- On August 14, 2017, in protest of the antifa death at Charlottesville, a similar antifa crowd pulled down the Confederate Soldiers Monument in Durham, North Carolina. Video shows a chanting crowd of youngsters in their 20s and 30s, basically frothing at the mouth, pulling down and then kicking the statue - or pretending to spew on it. Noticeably a lot of women were involved, also very obvious from the high-pitched, ecstatic chanting and yelling. "We are the revolution. No KKK, no fascist USA. No cops!""
- In August 2017, immediately after Charlottesville, the globalist New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the removal of two busts of Confederate general Robert E. Lee and Lt. Gen. Stonewall Jackson in New York.
- In August 2017, immediately after Charlottesville, the Confederate statue of "Old Joe" in Gainesville, Florida was removed.
- In August 2017, immediately after Charlottesville, four major Confederate monuments quickly and quietly removed in Baltimore.
- In August 2017, immediately after Charlottesville, the statue of former Confederate Chief Justice Roger Taney was removed in Annapolis.
- In August 2017, immediately after Charlottesville, the University of Texas in Austin removed four Confederate statues.
- On August 22, 2017, immediately after Charlottesville, a Muslin writer for the "liberal CIA" Guardian newspaper called for the removal of Lord Nelson's Column in London's Trafalgar Square. A television debate on Channel 4 followed, but for the time being there's not been a lot of traction.
Looking at signs carried by U.S. "statue storm" protesters, we find socialist and communist websites as pslweb.org and workers.org. These are the exact same kind of Socialist International websites and surrounding protesters that dominate antifa networks all over Europe. They are full-on globalist, with endless anti-Trump, "anti-racism", pro-Palestine, anti-Israel, pro-LGBTQ rights, and pro-Third World immigration propaganda. In fact, workers.org has three major categories on its website: "No borders!", "Fight racism" and "LGBTQ oppression". These are the exact same globalist pillars as all Soros and Ford Foundation NGOs promote, so clearly there is a very close (financial) connection. The problem with these Socialist International-type groups is that their financing is extremely well hidden. I've suspected for years they are completely ran by globalist-oriented security services, but it's hard to come up with proof.
Granted, in Europe this is much harder to prove than in the U.S., where the hardcore Stalinist Workers World Party (workers.org) is very closely tied, through leading membership, to Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) and the International Action Center, both of Ramsey Clark, a very obvious globalist asset. Back in the day Clark used to sit on the board of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, founded by a Ford Foundation associate director. Flanking Clark on the CSDI board was Stewart Mott, the son of the founder of the multi-billionaire "liberal CIA" Mott Foundation.
More important even is that throughout the 1970s and 1980s Clark sat on the board of the elite Africa-America Institute, an NGO that saw its CIA financing taken over by the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations. Rockefeller Foundation trustee, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission member, and close Clinton advisor Vernon Jordan was among the more important fellow advisory board members of Clark here. Clark is a very obvious deep cover, globalist, "liberal CIA" asset who helps pervert the communist cause into a globalist one.
One assumes that the European Socialist International (also communist and anarchist) groups have similar peculiar ties, but they are very tough to unravel.
Now, having seen the evidence for a peculiar Soros-Rockefeller elite-backed globalist-Stalinist-type operation against all Confederate and colonialist imagery, is it really a coincidence that a similar controversy has been emerging not just in the UK, but also over here in the Netherlands? Unlikely.
In the Netherlands, the main object of protest has been Jan Pieterszoon Coen (1587-1629), a governor general of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) who committed genocides in Indonesia in the early 1600s. Granted, controversy surrounding Coen has existed for centuries - although mainly local. For example, when Coen was given a statue in his birthplace Hoorn in the late 19th century, the royal family refused to attend the opening ceremony for fear of riots. So much for all white people being murderous racists. The statue is still there though. After some debate about the statue in 2011-2012, a new text was placed next to it, explaining Coen's crimes.
In recent all of a sudden the whole of the Netherlands was brought in on renewed protests surrounding Coen and colonial crimes of 400 years ago. For example, groups as Anti-Fascistische Aktie, part of the EU-Soros-backed United network, co-financed by XminY (co-financed an "anti-Islamophobia" campaign with Soros and the Democracy and Media Foundation), and observed by Dutch intelligence; and Black Life Matters NL, the U.S. version of which has been financed by Soros and the Ford Foundation, have been involved in such protests. At the time of the January 2015 premiere of the Dutch movie Michiel de Ruyter, these two groups were protesting that the movie doesn't make it clear that Michel de Ruyter also was involved in the slave trade. De Ruyter (1607-1676) is a famous Dutch seafarer who founded the Dutch Marine Corps is 1665. His involvement in the slave trade seems to be limited and he wasn't nearly as bad as Coen.
Later in 2015 De Grauwe Koets / The Bleak Koets protest group emerged, a spin on De Gouden Koets / The Bleak Koets on whose age-old paint work, as it turns out, a number of slaves are depicted. Primary spokesperson of the protest groups was Christa Noella, an unusually pretty but deranged Muslim Indonesian girl. Already in a September 2015 speech, Noella made it clear that De Grauwe Koets was synonymous with De Grauwe Eeuw / The Bleak Century protest group, which attacked Holland's "infatuation" with its "Gouden Eeuw" / "Golden Age" of the 17th century. Right on time, in October 2015, prime minister Mark Rutte - who does his best to come across as a "populist", despite visiting Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission with the Dutch royals - delusionally called for a return of Holland to the "Golden Age", only fueling protests of the Black Lives Matter kind. In 2016 The Bleak Century vandalized the statute of Jan Pieterszoon Coen in Hoorn, writing "genocide" on it, together with a VOC logo involving a noose; protested the Coen Tunnel, and the fact that problematic colonial era street names still exist.
It gets crazier than that though. The Bleak Century also filed complaints against a children's party involving the theme "cowboys & Indians" and protested an Indian tipi camp in the city of Breda. After documenting this, I distinctly remember walking in on family late in the evening and hearing a discussion about this on the national news, prompting me to wonder why on Earth this tiny little group of nut-cases is important enough to be discussed on the news. Of course, we know the answer to this already. Equally predictable, group members have been involved in protesting "police brutality", the Black Pete phenomenon of Sinterklaas, general "racism" of Dutch whites, and "Islamophobia."
Strangely, in October 2017 the large Algemeen Dagblad newspaper was only able to trace the Muslim Indonesian Michael van Zeijl as a member of De Grauwe Eeuw. It didn't take me personally a lot of time to figure out that Christa Noella most certainly was a member of this group as well. The police and media soon caught up. In February 2018 Christa Noella was arrested by Dutch police for apparently having had something to do with an earlier call of Van Zeijl's to shoot Sinterklaas in the head during his next arrival in the Netherlands, with the idea to ruin the Sinterklaas "myth" for all Dutch children once and for all. It was a sarcastic comment, but it's not surprising that the police services and AIVD were more than a little worried about these comments of Van Zeijl. And it shouldn't be the only comment for concern.
On July 18, 2016, on her Facebook, Christa Noella, for example, wrote: "No justice. No peace. Snipe the police!", supplemented with a cartoon picture of a masked black Jihadi slitting the throat of a police officer. That's in the same period that Noella invented the rather prominently-discussed hashtag #geen4meivoormij / #no4mayformee, a reference to the annual World War II Memorial Day. According to Noella, this memorial day is useless "when we simply allow the emerging fascism and Muslim hatred in Netherlands to run its course." How globalist of her. Turns out, the Netherlands actually has a National Memorial Day for Slavery History (Nationale Herdenking Slavernijverleden) set on July 1. In 2013, at its 150th anniversary, King Alexander actually gave a speech for this celebration, which appears to be about the first time this day reached any big media at all. Worryingly, and not surprisingly, in recent years there have been reports that this memorial day has become more and more popular. In other words: black extremism and activism is being fueled.
If we go back to Christa Noella for a second, when I first looked at her Facebook page in early 2018, her top image was that of a firebombed limousine (like a violent version of all the Occupy Wall Street activists), with all her posts basically spewing hatred against white society.
As for Noella's friend, Michael van Zeijl, he clearly has been influenced by his father, Willem van Zeijl, another Indonesian Muslim extremist (Indonesia is 87.5% Islamic). Look at the father's Facebook page, he and his family and friends are "antifascists", "squatters", police haters, animal rights activists, anti-Black Pete activists and pro-Palestine/anti-Israel activists. They are also extremely and very openly racist against every inch of white culture and ally themselves with Islamic opposition to the Dutch. Willem van Zeijl also regularly makes references to being a troll or being attacked by trolls. Well, that's exactly what he is. It appears though that as of writing this article, in late August 2018, that all of their accounts have been deleted. It really is about time, considering the ultra-toxic climate they have been creating.
The strange thing, of course, is how this little group of Facebook trolls could have garnered so much media attention in the form of the shadowy "The Bleak Century" action group, spawning so many new debates about us needing to remove royal paintings, statues, tunnel names and street names - not to mention Black Pete and anything cowboy and Indian-related. Clearly this was by design, even more obvious when we look at the similar situation in the US and UK. Or the anti-Black Pete protests.
Anne Fleur Dekker: more evidence Bilderberg loves antifa
While it appears to impossible to figure out and prove financing and control of The Bleak Century protest group, it did have one fascinating ally in the form of Anne Fleur Dekker. Today Dekker claims to have had nothing to do with The Bleak Century, but the fact is that until early February 2018 Dekker was a Facebook friends of the obviously ultra-radical and violence-inclined Christa Noella. The latter openly wondered in a February 8, 2018 Facebook post, "Why do you have to criminalize us in a talk show, while at the same time in private messages you are currying favor to get involved with us and showing respect towards us?"
That association is interesting because the brother of Anne Fleur Dekker's mother - thus her uncle - is VVD politician, banker and Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) / Social-Economic Council council member Robin Linschoten. Not just that, Dekker has explained that she, her uncle and her mother all are very tight, all taking care of her grandmother.
Especially Linschoten's role as a crown member of the SER, a private government economic advising body, in the 1996-2009 period, is fascinating. Why? Well, its chairman from 2006 to 2012, Alexander Rinnooy Kan, went to Bilderberg in 2010. The previous SER chairman, from 1999 to 2006, RABO Bank chair Herman Wijffels, visited Bilderberg in 1997 and became a major pusher of new age and UFO disinformation (2012, Disclosure Project, alien moon bases, crop circles, etc.). Klaas de Vries, SER chair in 1997-1998, went to Bilderberg in 2003. As interior minister, he played a role in covering up the 2002 Pim Fortuyn assassination. Former prime minister Wim Kok, of the SER, visited has Bilderberg and became a Soros employee at the International Crisis Group. Senator Elco Brinkman, of the SER and about whom a few rumors exist that have never even made to the internet, has also visited Bilderberg. So did Victor Halberstadt, who actually was a Bilderberg steering committee member and honorary secretary general. In other words, for 13 years Linschoten was surrounded by questionable, globalist, Bilderberg elites at the SER council.
Now, as usual, I had no clue. I simply picked up on Anne Fleur Dekker's convictions and extreme prominence and went to see to what extent she is a genuine "grassroots" activist. Well, this is what came out pretty quickly. Similarly, her behavior and opinions are very predictable.
A quick bio on Dekker: Over the course of 2017 Dekker shot up to become the best known antifa-type activist of the Netherlands. She's a confirmed Marxist and feminist. An opponent of the G20 "elites", she went to Hamburg in July 2016 to participate in the G20 protests there. The trip was paid for by Joop.nl, the Netherlands' most "lefty" government-financed news website. Predictably... just like these G20 "elites", Dekker is an open borders extremist. In similar fashion, Dekker was an active member of DWARS, the activist-oriented youth division of the GreenLeft party that is part of the EU-Soros-Rothschild-financed United network; and the 21 March Committee, partnered with several Soros and EU-backed NGOs. She also was a member of the Socialist International, which has been represented at such groups as the Clinton Global Initiative, along with individuals as Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett and the leadership of the Ford and Rockefeller foundations.
As for her opposition, the mainstream media has been attacking her in quite manipulative ways. However, they are just playing their role, similar to Dekker playing her role. Apart from the mainstream media, Dekker's primary enemies in the Netherlands are "the populists": the PVV of Geert Wilder, the newer Forum voor Democratie of Thierry Baudet, and a tiny network of mainly online shock blogs and news websites supporting them: GeenStijl, PowNed, De Dagelijkse Standaard, The Post Online, and, well, that's about it. These are roughly the Dutch versions of Breitbart in the U.S.
Dekker is slightly different though than the average antifa. She has a problem: she's Jewish. As discussed at length on ISGP, the antifa networks are joined at the hip with Islamic groups in their opposition of "the populists". Despite having been part of the boycott and divestment movement against Israel, in early February 2018 Dekker felt she had to speak out against the blatant anti-Semitism of these Islamic groups. The result? Overnight she lost 75 percent of her online following, was harshly attacked by this segment, and was booted out of the 21 March Committee and the Socialist International. Surprise, surprise. It's very unfortunate that for the most part the loss of this "following" often is ascribed to ordinary segment of society, while in reality it largely involves a controlled opposition, globalist and security state network.
This situation put Dekker outside of carefully-crafted security state boxes as the mainstream (globalist/CIA), "the antifa" ("liberal CIA") and the new "alt right" movement ("conservative CIA"). As Dekker herself recently admitted, criticism of Islam has more or less been banned to prevent giving the "alt right" any fuel. Stated clearer, criticism is largely banned by the liberal superclass to make people fear standing up against Third World immigration, including "alt right" party leaders. It's interesting then to see what Dekker is going to do in subsequent years now that she doesn't fit into any pre-established network. Either she'll be used as some kind of minor middle ground voice, or she's going to have to switch sides. For the time being it is interesting to see that in April 2018 Dekker announced a (love) relationship with "alt right" figure Paul van der Bas, a member of the Forum voor Democratie, so loathed by Dekker in previous years; and a policy adviser for the pro-Israel lobby group Center for Information and Documentation on Israel (CEDI).
It has been a long story, but Dekker, whose uncle was associated with countless Bilderberg members at the SER, used to be a close ally of The Bleak Century. It's just one more indication that elites are using antifa networks to stir up trouble and push society towards more "diversity".
Hiphop and rap: pushed to promote interracial sex?
Since 2018 ISGP has quietly been working on "liberal CIA" oversights for the music industry. One thing that has become incredibly clear here as well is that a lot of bands and artists, similar to Hollywood, in many different genres, have incredibly dogmatic, "anti-racism" and open borders opinions.
In addition, the increased dominance of rap and reggaeton in the last few decades seems to take a special place. For the strangest of reasons, Fidel Castro and Marxist Venezualan leaders Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro have been very sympathetic to the black cause in the United States, fully agreeing that the "imperialist-capitalist" U.S. is keeping this race down purely out of racist motivation. After a meeting with globalist propagandist actor and musician Harry Belafonte, a huge lover of Cuba, who since the early 1980s has been "deeply struck by the fullness of the integration of race" here, Fidel Castro and his minister of culture even set up programs to promote hip hop music.
Certainly over here in the Netherlands, there's an extreme government-tied push to promote Muslim and black rap, a ton of it very slick, sexist and of gangsta rap kind. Pretty much all of these artists here are linked to one government friendly, "Big Three" record industry-tied record label, Top Notch, with a couple of others belonging to the allied record label of former criminal, Moroccan rapper and media darling Ali B. (he's on late night television, every night, doing stand up comedy or singing) These foreign-dominated hip hop artists are all over television, all over the radio, and on many of the award shows. A prime example is Top Notch's 2015 compilation album New Wave. In January 2016 it actually won the prestigious "Popprijs", with the jury arguing that "it's a history project. ... As is customary with a cultural revolution, it reaps both praise and revulsion. ... New Wave gives us a look into the future." The crowd fell quiet and left en masse while this "New Wave" of drugs, drinking, woman-degrading teenage boys of various ethnicities, including trailer trash white, took the stage.
The awarding of this price - mind you, not by the public - shouldn't be too surprising. Immediately after, a spokesperson of the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund-linked Grote Prijs NL / Statement Agency used the large-scale walk off by the public as an excuse to complain that "the Dutch musical landscape is still frightingly white." Next, she mentioned Top Notch and Ali B.'s agency (where Boef is signed) as her partners in making a "fist of positivism ... to undermine the stigma of bicycle-stealing testosterone bombs (code for: gang-assaulting and -raping Arabs and blacks, as statistics show) by stacking it against as many beautiful, colored things as possible. By showing them how much fun [black] Antillean parties are, how rich [black] Surinam music is, how exciting hip hop can be."
That's not all, apart from Pink Pop, the largest and most famous Dutch music festival is Lowlands. It's not just a music festival though. Every years, it invites a series of Labour, Green and even Muslim party leaders to give speeches to the crowd in between band appearances. Obviously, it is all very pro-open borders. In 2016 Lowlands even went as far as inviting prominent Arab street terrorist Ismael Irgun to give a speech on how bad and judged he felt when prime minister Mark Rutte called his group "scum", this after news reports that this group was terrorizing an entire neighborhood - an increasingly common phenomenon in the Netherlands. The message is clear: the waves of Third World immigration will never end, no matter what the cost.
In any case, it seems clear that forms of Third World rap music are pushed by the government not just to "give color" to the musical landscape, but also in an effort to force whites to adapt to more primitive, "macho" cultures from and force them onto the dance floor dance floor with blacks and Arabs. By far the best way imagible is to target the young and impressionable; girls in particular. The fact that these last two ethnic groups have vastly higher group sexual assault and rape numbers - primarily committed against young, white "whores" - is hidden as much as possible. Fact is, if a white girl has been assaulted by these nationalities, it should be the norm that the parents sue the media and government for hiding these crime statistics.
Obama-Soros conspiracy to train black German activists
Considering this author is from the Netherlands, for now only the EU-wide and Dutch-centered groups have been researched quite in-depth. Through researching anti-Black Pete networks in the Netherlands, there's still a very interesting exception I ran into with regard to Germany: the Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland / Initiative for Black People in Germany. It supports all the usual "anti-racism", "anti-colonialist" and "anti-Afrophobe" initiatives you find in other activist groups, which makes sense, considering the Initiative is part of the EU and Soros-funded European Network Against Racism (ENAR), along with roughly 120 other similar NGOs. In fact, advisory committee member Jamie Schearer also is a member of the board of ENAR.
The most interesting aspect here is that in 2013 activists of the Initiative for Black People in Germany, under the leadership of Schearer, were brought over to the United States for a "study tour" that included many interesting meetings:
"The Initiative for Black People in Germany concluded its participation in a study tour to the United States of America for Europeans of African descent sponsored by Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) with the support of the U.S. Helsinki Commission and the U.S. Department of State. Study tour consultations included key meetings and participation in events with: - Advisers to the President Barack Obama at the National Security Council, ... - U.S. civil rights organizations and leaders including Rev. Jesse Jackson... - Foundations and Research Institutions including the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, [the elite, David Rockefeller-linked] German Marshall Fund of the United States, Women Ambassadors Foundation, and [George Soros'] Open Society Foundation..." |
What even to say at this point? It should be perfectly clear by now that there's no such thing as "grassroots" activism against colonial statues, Black Pete, or anything deemed "racist" in this modern age. We've seen the EU and George Soros conspiring to undermine nationalism in every EU country by financing and steering at least a 1000 different "grassroots" protest groups through ENAR, United, EMCEMO, the 21 March Committee, and so much more. And now we also see clear evidence that the Obama White House and his National Security Council and State Department, as well as a number of additional U.S.-based globalist NGOs, were deeply involved in the guiding of at least one of these "grassroots" activist groups - meaning there are likely more.
Quite clearly here we're looking at a giant conspiracy of epic proportions; a slow permanent coup against all non-elite white people living in the West.
Conclusion: redirect the foundations, starve the action groups
As the previous sections demonstrate, permanent unelected foundations, especially the multi-billionaire ones we see today, have extraordinary influence over temporary elected governments. They've always had massive influence through personal relationships and the financing of think tanks around the globe, but unwanted elected officials as Donald Trump and Pim Fortuyn have been able to bring out the worst in this network and in that manner allowed it expose itself.
It's clear that somehow legal action has to be taken to shut down the influence this $150 billion foundation network has over our so-called democratically-ran society. In any fair process, it shouldn't be too hard to prove that top foundations as Rockefeller, Ford, Gates, MacArthur, Carnegie, Open Society (Soros) and Packard have been involved in a criminal conspiracy to undermine and corrupt the democratic process. They should immediately be put under investigation, which should result in the freezing of their assets for the coming years and greatly increase public awareness. If convicted, all these foundation leaders should end up in jail, their foundations liquidated or strictly limited to running programs in regions as Africa. Partial oversight of elected officials would also be welcome.
Obviously, a whole lot of multinationals, including those owning the mainstream media, would come under scrutiny as well. The same goes for all the pseudo-alternative media outlets dominating "counter culture" thinking in our society.
One assumes that once this problem is dealt with, with proper legislation in place to prevent a similar situation from arising, that it would greatly benefit the voice of the people. With that, of course, I'm primarily talking about the native white and remaining foreign masses after necessary corrections have been made to the West's extremist Third World immigration programs. After all, a lot of the people from the Third World came here through actions of a criminal conspiracy in the highest levels of our society.
I, for one, find it shocking that not more people are asking questions about the extremist "open borders" policy towards the Third World of the media, the political elite and this bizarre network of protesters. I mean, imagine being the 15 millionth (or the first) white person getting smuggled into Japan, because things are economically and politically better there. The Japanese people protest and you start holding up signs calling all Japanese who don't want you there "haters", "racists" and "Nazis"... I think we can all agree that that would be wildly inappropriate and that you deserve an immediate deportation for the blatant disdain you've showed for the citizens of your host country. Clearly you're not there to integrate; you are there to take over.
And just because the Japanese might have a selfish and treasonous superclass that's egging foreigners on to demonize native citizens, doesn't mean you should listen. Do that and you've committed treason before even becoming an official citizen. The fact is, the Japanese, as do all other people, have a right to their own country, their own culture, and their own way of life. Let's not pretend otherwise. Or that a stable, global civilization can be achieved by hastily dumping nationalities of all parts of the globe into one place.
Somehow, I think, the establishment running this $150 billion NGO network knows that. They don't ignore popular opinion and crime numbers by accident. So that leaves us with the question: what is the end game here? I know Alex Jones is sure on this issue; I'm not.
- gamaliel.org/AboutUs.aspx (accessed: February 20, 2017): "Gamaliel was founded in 1986 to train community and faith leaders to build political power and create organizations that unite people of diverse faiths and races."
- Barack Obama used to be involved in the Gamaliel Foundation's network from 1985 to 1988:
- gamaliel.org/25thAnniversaryGala.aspx (accessed: February 20, 2017): "During Barack Obama's three years directing a Gamaliel affiliate called the Developing Communities Project, he was asked why he became a community organizer. ... Chicago's rich history of community organizing began with the work of Saul Alinsky in the 1930s."
- Financing:
- 1998 annual report, Mott Foundation: "Gamaliel Foundation: ... $160,000..."
- 1998 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation: "Gamaliel Foundation, Chicago, Illinois. $120,000 toward general support."
- 2010 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation: "Gamaliel Foundation ... $325,000."
- 2012 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation: "Gamaliel Foundation ... $150,000."
- 2004-2005 annual report, Carnegie Corporation: "Gamaliel Foundation, Chicago, IL: Seven-month grant of $25,000 toward coordination of its national immigrant civic integration project."
- George Soros' Open Society Foundations grants lists on opensocietyfoundations.org (accessed: February 20, 2017): "2008: ... $300,000. ... 2010: ... $300,000. ... 2012: ... $200,000. ... "
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "Gamaliel Foundation: ... 2006: $200,000 [and] $1,000,000. 2007: $200,000. 2009: $350,000. 2008: $1,000,000. 2010: $700,000. 2014: $200,000 [and] $100,000. 2013: $275,000. 2015: $400,000."
- woodsfund.org/about-foundation/racial-equity (accessed: February 16, 2017): "Woods Fund Chicago seeks to support and promote work that dismantles structural racism..."
- woodsfund.org/about-foundation/history-of-the-fund (accessed: February 15, 2017): "Established in 1941 by Frank H. Woods and Nelle Cochrane Woods and their three sons. Woods, a Lincoln attorney and nationally prominent telephone company executive, provided a major endowment in the 1950s, and his wife's estate later provided additional assets. ...
From 1994 through 2015, Woods Fund Chicago distributed more than $62 million to 465 nonprofit organizations in the Chicago region." - Barack Obama - Bill Ayers - Rashid Khalidi controversy:
- woodsfund.org/about/staff (accessed: February 15, 2017): "Board of Directors: ... William C. Ayers ... Barack Obama..."
- woodsfund.org/about-foundation/past-board-of-directors (accessed: February 15, 2017): "Past Board of Directors: ... William C. Ayers*: Board of Directors 1999-2008. ... Barack Obama*: Board of Directors 1994-2002."
- Information is so obscure that anno 2017 it's next to impossible to find a decent source that Obama only was chairman of the Woods Fund in 1998.
- 2010, Stanley Kurtz, 'Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism', pp. 346-348: "Obama's ties to the University of Chicago professor Rashid Khalidi [Yale Wolf's Head; CFR; University of Chicago and Colombia University professor; Rockefeller Foundation, etc.-backed Palestinian activist; editor-in-chief Journal of Palestine Studies of the Institute for Palestine Studies, which has been financed and chaired by Palestine/Lebanese businessmen who have been close partners of Bechtel for decades] are part of a broader web of connections between Obama, Ayers, and Chicago's leftist foundations. Although Khalidi denies having been a spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organization in the 1970s, the evidence that he was is very strong. [60] To make sense of the ties between this prominent Palestinian activist and Obama's radical world, keep in mind that Obama was a frequent dinner guest in the Khalidi home. [61] At the same time, Bill Ayers was a friend to both Rashid Khalidi and his wife, Mona. [61]
Laying out the connections between this trio chronologically is revealing. In 1995, Ayers helped select Obama as board chair of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, then launched Obama's political career at his home, with his friend Khalidi present. [63] From 1996 to 1998, Obama funded Ayers's wife and fellow radical Bernardine Dohrn through the Woods Fund and worked with both Ayers and Dohrn in the fights against the juvinele crime bill. In 1999, Obama brought Ayers onto the board of the Woods Fund. In 2000, the Khalidis hosted a fundraiser for Obama's congressional run against Bobby Rush. [64] Soon after, Obama and Ayers began channeling Woods Fund money to the Arab American Action Network, a group founded by Rashid and Monica Khalidi (and viewed by some as harshly anti-Israeli). [65] ...
Obama's signature crime legislation was his effort to combat alleged racial discrimination by the Chicago police. In 2003, the Defender said Obama had "made a career" out of his annual battle for a bill against "racial profiling." [66] For years, Illinois Republicans had bottled up Obama's profiling bills. [67] When State Senate control passed to the Democrats in 2003, the bill finally passed--just in time to boost Obama's U.S. Senate campaign. ... Obama's claim that high black incarceration rates are due to racist traffic stops is utterly fanciful..."
- Example projects financed with top liberal foundations/NGOs and/or related ties:
- linkedin.com/in/ricardomillett (accessed: February 16, 2017): "Director of Evaluation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, April 1993 – May 2001 ... President, Woods Fund of Chicago, May 2001 – March 2006..."
- woodsfund.org/about-foundation/staff/grace-b-hou (accessed: February 16, 2017): "Grace B. Hou: Grace has been the President of Woods Fund Chicago since February 2012. ... German Marshall fellow [of the German Marshall Fund]."
- woodsfund.org/about-foundation/staff/amina-j-dickerson (accessed: February 16, 2017): "Amina J. Dickerson: Board Chair [Woods Fund] ... Previously she ... held executive posts with the National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution, Chicago Historical Society and DuSable Museum of African American History. ... certificate in arts management from Harvard University... Previously, she served as Distinguished Visitor with the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation..."
- March 18, 2014, macfound.org, 'Strengthening Democracy: Remarks by MacArthur President Robert Gallucci': "The Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, Open Society Foundations, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, ... the Atlantic Philanthropies and others are all supporting work to strengthen democracy. One of our most valued colleagues is the Joyce Foundation ... Community organizing is one powerful way for this to happen – and the Woods Fund and others in Chicago have supported this essential work for decades."
- Coordinated with the Joyce Foundation and MacArthur Foundation in setting up and running the he Grassroots Alliance for Police Accountability (GAPA). MacArthur channeled $300,000 through the Woods Fund for this.
- November 1, 2008, Capital Research, 'ACORN: Who Funds the Weather Underground's Little Brother?': "The Institute's donors include ... Rockefeller Family Fund Inc. ($4,130,000) ... Kellogg Foundation ($829,285), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust ($500,000), Open Society Institute ($350,000), ... Woods Fund of Chicago ($145,000 — $75,000 in 2001 when Obama and William Ayers were on its board, $70,000 in 2002)... the Tides Foundation..."
- centerforleadershipinnovation.org/partners (accessed: February 16, 2017): "Ford Foundation ... Hewlett Foundation ... IBM ... Joyce Foundation. JP Morgan Chase... Kellogg Foundation ... Knight Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation. The McKnight Foundation. ... Mott Foundation ... Pew Charitable Trusts ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The Rockefeller Foundation ... Surdna Foundation ... Woods Fund of Chicago..."
Barack Obama, Jr.'s biological father
- In 1959 Obama's biological father, Barack Obama Sr., was among 81 Kenyan students sent to the U.S. for study by the African-American Students Foundation and the Pilgrims Society-linked Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation. His political mentor, Tom Mboya, was instrumental in this. Top "liberal CIA" propagandist Harry Belafonte and the Rockefeller-funded MLK Jr. were involved in the airlift personally.
- Obama Sr.'s guest house at the University of Hawaii's East-West Center is tied to numerous "liberal CIA" NGOs and reportedly was financed by the elite Asia Foundation - exposed as a recipient of CIA financing in 1967.
- Obama, Sr. later also studied at Harvard. He was a protege of CIA agent Tom Mboya, a non-communist left-wing rival of similar (semi-)CIA ally Kenyan president Jomo Kenyatta. Mboya arranged the East African Kennedy Airlifts to the U.S. from 1959 to 1963, with help from (extremist pro-Cuba Hollywood left-winger) Harry Belafonte and the Rockefeller-backed MLK Jr. He was assassinated in 1969 in what may well have been a government conspiracy, with Obama's father being present and a witness. How much misdirection there is in Obama's alleged insinuations that Kenyatta was behind the murder, is hard to say.
- 1980, Ellen Ray, William Schaap, a.o., 'The CIA in Africa', pp. 60-63, 76: "At the end of the 1950s, Maida Springer Kemp (the CIA contact officer for Mboya)* visited Jamela in Zimbabwe and gave him funds to travel to Tunis and various trade-union centers in Europe. ...
The CIA’s program in Kenya could be summed up as one of selective liberation. The chief beneficiary was Tom Mboya, who in 1953 became general secretary of the Kenya Federation of Labor. During the “Emer- gency,” when all other African political organizations were banned, the KFL was the leading vehicle for the independence movement. It was ha- rassed, its offices were ransacked, and many of its leaders were detained. But it survived and Mboya became a hero. Both a credible nationalist and an economic conservative, Mboya was ideal for the CIA’s purposes — the main nationalist hero and eventual chief of state, Jomo Kenyatta, not be- ing considered sufficiently safe. Mboya even propounded a brand of Afri- can socialism which favored "free" (i.e. anticommunist) trade unions and encouraged foreign investment, foreign banking, and foreign land owner- ship. African socialism...
Mboya soon joined the CIA jet set, traveling the world from Oxford to Calcutta on. funds from such conduits as the Africa Bureau and from the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. (ICFTU, which played a key role in Kenya, is an aggrega- tion of international trade union secretariats set up in 1949 to counter an upsurge of left-wing trade unionism outside the communist bloc. ...
"Mboya later became ICFTU representative in the region. His articles were published by other CIA recipients, including the International Union of Socialist Youth, the International Student Conference, and the World Assembly of Youth. Meanwhile the American press was touting him as a future leader of East Africa. Even the Wall Street Journal's article on Mboya was headed: “Businessmen Favorably Impressed."
"The ICFTU also supported Mboya and his African socialism through his KFL, a model "free trade union"— aid which reached £1000 a month in outright grants during the early ’60s." ..." - 1987, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi (professor University of Haifa), 'Who Israel Arms and Why': "The CIA has been involved in Kenyan politics, offering regular payments to national leaders such as Tom Mboya and to Kenyatta himself (Kwitny, 1984b), and Nairobi has become a base for various Western intelligence services, including the Israeli one."
- 2011, Sally H. Roberts, 'The Other Barack: The Bold and Reckless Life of President Obama's Father': "The morning of July 5, 1969, dawned cool and sunny in downtown Nairobi... Obama was pleased to see Tom Mboya pull up in front of Chhani's Pharamcy and get out of his car. Mboya has just returned from a meeting of the Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa the day before. ... Several feet from the door stood a slight man in a suit, holding a briefcase in his left hand with the right hand in his pocket. Two shots sounded. Mboya sank to the ground. ...
Obama was in a highly vulnerable position. His longtime mentor was now gone. ... Obama could easily have chosen not to testify [and hope] his career would survive. ... " I told him this was like suicide. If they killed Mboya, they can kill you," said Peter Aringo, shaking his head. "He said, 'No, I have to speak my mind.' ... He knew that he might be killed himself if he testified. He knew that Kenyatta wanted that case to die. But he went ahead and did it."
Some considered Obama a hero for doing so. "Tom's death was a shattering thing. The shock was as strong for us as it was in the the United States with [John F.] Kennedy's killing," said Achola Pala Okeyo, a Kenyan anthropologist and international women's advocate. " It was unthinkable that Kenyatta, someone who had come out of the liberation movement, would preside over such a killing. People could not say anything or they would have been killed. Barack was one of the very few people who were bold enough to speak out." Obama may have known more than the little he revealed in the witness box. Years later Obama confided in two of his friends that he had seen Mboya's killer and believed that he was the only witness who could identify him. Of the nine eyewitnesses to the shooting who testified at the hearing, not one was able to identify [Nahashon] Njenga in a police lineup [who reportedly worked as a bodyguard for high politicians, reportedly said, "Why don’t you go after the big man?" after his arrest and eventually was unusually swiftly hanged, on Nov 8, 1969]. [33] Obama told Pake Zane, his friend from his Hawaai days, during a 1974 visit to Nairobi that he chose not to identify Njenga publicly because prior to the trial he had received a death threat on his family. He also claimed that a car that struck him while he was walking in the city in 1973 was a failed attempt on his life in retaliation for his testimony. Indeed, Mboya's murder remains so deeply shrouded in mystery and suspicion, to this day the Mboya family in Nairobi will not comment on whether Obama confided in them about what he had seen for fear of repurcussions.[34] Many Kenyans who are unrelated to the incident decline to speak about it publicly. Zane, an American well removed from Nairobi's punishing political culture, would have appeared a safe and perhaps irresistable confidant. "Barack said he was the only one who witnessed the assassin and the only one who could identify him," Zane recalled. "But if he told he said he and his family would be killed. He did not say exactly who had threatened him. He just said, 'the people who killed Mboya.' And I believed him. ...
It is also true that Obama clearly took liberties with the truth when it suited his purposes. At the time he made his revelation to Zane, embellishing the truth would have been tempting....
The blood of political assassinations runs deep through contemporary Kenyan history. ... Mboya was neither the first nor the last. Four years earlier Pinto had been shot. In January 1969 C. M. G. Argwings-Kodhek, a prominent activist lawyer, died in what was officially decalred to be a car accident. But when his body was later exhumed, a bullet was found in his body and many believed he had been assassinated.[35] Then came J. M. Kariuki, a onetime personal secretary to Kenyatta who then turned and accused him of corruption and neglect of the poor. In 1975 he was found murdered in the Ngong Hills with several of his fingers missing. By the mid-1970s, as the historian and anthropologist David W. Cohen wrote, "a tradition of assassination was firmly in place as part of the parcel of governance in Kenya. ... What Obama did in testifying was highly risky."[36]"
- 1980, Ellen Ray, William Schaap, a.o., 'The CIA in Africa', pp. 60-63, 76: "At the end of the 1950s, Maida Springer Kemp (the CIA contact officer for Mboya)* visited Jamela in Zimbabwe and gave him funds to travel to Tunis and various trade-union centers in Europe. ...
- Obama Sr. died in 1982 after his third car crash. He appears to have been a chronic drunken driver.
Barack Obama, Jr.'s mother and stepfather
- Obama, Jr. hardly knew his biological father and learned almost everything from his biological mother, who first met Obama Sr. is a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii in 1960. They married in 1961.
- In the 1960s, Obama's biological mother, Ann Dunham (whose mother was a vice president of the Bank of Hawaii), worked in Indonesia for "liberal CIA" and "liberal CIA"-associated NGOs as the Ford Foundation and USAID (both known to have taken over CIA financing to prevent future controversies), as well as the Indonesia-America Friendship Institute. In 1972 she received a grant of the CIA-tied Asia Foundation to get her M.A. in anthropology at the University of Hawaii.
- eastwestcenter.org/news-center/web-articles/spotlight-on-alumni-ewc-alumna-ann-dunham-mother-to-president-obama-and-champion-of-womens-rights-and-e (accessed: February 21, 2017): "Dunham's research and consulting work took her around the world. She became a consultant for the United States Agency for International Development [USAID] setting up village credit programs, then a Ford Foundation program officer in Jakarta championing women's issues, and later in 1986 she served in Pakistan as a consultant to the Asian Development Bank focusing on women's welfare. In 1988, she joined Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Indonesia's oldest bank, and helped develop the world's largest sustainable microfinance program..."
- 2009, Ann Dunham, 'Surviving against the odds: village industry in Indonesia', pp. xli–xliv (January 8, 1976 letter): "Actually I had hoped to move to Jogja at midyear, but was unable to win a contract release from my old school in Jakarta (they sponsored me via an Asia Foundation grant for my first two years in Hawaii)."
- 2008, Ann Dunham, 'Tentang penulis', pp. 211-219: Dunham talking about Asia Society financing to get her M.A. in anthropology at the University of Hawaii in 1972-1973 and and additional grant from the East-West Center in 1973-1978.
- Obama's stepfather and husband of his mother Ann Dunham, Lolo Soetoro, went to work for Union Oil (Unocal) in the government relations department in 1970.
Barack Obama, Jr.'s wife Michelle Obama
- Director of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (CCFR) / Chicago Council on Global Affairs (CCGA) until 2008, the last four years under president Lester Crown, a top Zionist superclass member (CSIS, CFR, Peres Center, etc.) whose family controls the defense contractor General Dynamics. The Crown family was a major backer of Barack Obama's senate and presidential campaigns. Thought Obama had a "stellar record" on Israel matters.
- thechicagocouncil.org/ chicago_council_board_directors.php (accessed: December 19 2008): "Lester Crown BOARD CHAIRMAN. Chairman, Henry Crown & Company ... Michelle Obama: Vice President for Community and External Affairs, The University of Chicago Medical Center. ... Margot Pritzker..." Most directors belong to leading U.S. multinationals.
Barack Obama, Jr. - the U.S. president
- Born in 1961 on Hawaii.
- BA in political science with a specialty in international relations and in English literature from Columbia University 1983. It appears that it was here that Obama first got on the radar of Trilateral Commission founder and top superclass member Zbigniew Brzezinski, who, fresh from his years as Carter's national security advisor, was a professor in foreign/Russian relations here in this period. Obama later credited Brzezinski as a major inspiration to his thinking. Nothing official has been written about this relationship.
- Obama introduced Brzezinski during his 2007 presidential election campaign in Iowa as "an outstanding friend and somebody whom I have learned an immense amount from, and for him to support me on this campaign and then be willing to come out here to Iowa is a testimony to his generosity." (September 12, 2007, Obama/Brzezinski Clinton, Iowa "Road to '08" speech. Transcribed from a 2008 CNN video of Obama election campaign. The relevant Youtube clip is titled 'Obama I've learned an immense amount from Dr. Brzezinski' and was uploaded on March 13, 2008. Interestingly, the clip only has 35,000 views exactly 7 years later.)
- Worked for Business International Corporation (BIC) in 1983-1984. BIC was later exposed as a "liberal establishment" group to have employed CIA agents - a pattern quite similar to Obama's parents.
- Obama also worked for Ralph Nader's NYPIRG in 1984-1985. Founding director of NYPIRG, Donald K. Ross, a first rate "liberal CIA" asset, worked as an advisor to the Rockefeller family from 1985 to 1999.
- Project leader of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South-Side from 1985 to 1988. DCP is part of the Rockefeller, Ford, Open Society-backed Gamaliel Foundation. Gamaliel has been inspired by community organizer Saul Alinsky.
- At Harvard Law School 1988-1991. Elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review in this period. Both Columbia and Harvard are among the four key Eastern Establishment and Pilgrims Society-dominated universities. Yale and Princeton are the other two.
- Professor at the University of Chicago Law School 1991-2004.
- Trustee of the Rockefeller, Ford and Open-Society foundations-allied Joyce Foundation and Woods Fund, both in Chicago and both from 1994 to 2002. Of all fellow-foundations, the Joyce Foundation was closest to the Rockefeller Family Fund while the Woods Fund was closest to the Joyce Foundation and MacArthur Foundation, whose leadership in turn has been extremely close to the Rockefellers.
- From 1995 to 1999 Obama was chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a project of the elite Annenberg Foundation of Pilgrims Society member Walter Annenberg. Co-founder of the CAC, former Weathermen terrorist and Obama's good friend Bill Ayers helped him get this job. Obama remained on the board of trustees until 2001.
- Obama's Illinois Chicago campaign was ran from Bill Ayers' home.
- September 23, 2008, Wall Street Journal, 'Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools': "From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001. ... The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers... Barack Obama's first run for the Illinois State Senate was launched at a 1995 gathering at Mr. Ayers's home. The Obama campaign has struggled to downplay that association..."
- Chairman of the Woods Fund of Chicago in 1998. It is in this year that Obama's good friend Bill Ayers was brought to the attention of the Woods Fund board. Ayers joined the board in 1999 and served together with Obama here until 2002.
- Through the Woods Fund, Obama and Ayers help finance the Arab American Action Network, founded and headed by the wife of their good University of Chicago friend Professor Rashid Khalidi [Yale Wolf's Head; CFR; University of Chicago and Colombia University professor; Rockefeller Foundation, etc.-backed Palestinian activist; editor-in-chief Journal of Palestine Studies of the Institute for Palestine Studies, which has been financed and chaired by Palestine/Lebanese businessmen who have been close partners of Bechtel for decades]. As late as 2003 Obama attended a farewell dinner of Khalidi, which during his presidential election campaign briefly became a minor issue.
Obama's government career
- Member of the (local) Illinois Senate from the 13th district January 1997 - November 2004.
- Obama was continually trying to pass a bill in the Senate related to "racial profiling". It finally passed in 2003 when the Democrats gained a majority, just in time for Obama's Senate campaign.
- Senator from Illinois January 2005 - November 2008, when he was elected U.S. president.
- President of the United States January 2009 - January 2017.
Obama's controversial executive orders and policies
- During his term in the presidential office, Obama allowed the build up of the terrorist monster army ISIS to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria, in the mean time allowing Iraq to become destabilized.
- When on September 11, 2012 the Libyan terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, resulting in the death of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, Obama and secretary of state Hillary Clinton purposely lied to the public that the terrorist attack really had been a protest that had gotten out of hand. At this point Libyan weapons were already flowing to ISIS through the CIA, MI6 and Arab League countries. It was also evidence that Obama had allowed Libya to descend into a radical, Jihadist mess.
- Obama signed the controversial NDAA in action on New Year's Eve 2012, when as few people as possible no one was paying attention to what he was doing.
- January 2, 2012, Mother Jones, 'Obama Signs Controversial Defense Bill On New Year's Eve': "Following a long tradition of tactical White House holiday news dumps, President Barack Obama quietly signed the National Defense Authorization Act Saturday. ...
Detention of American Citizens: ... Left unsaid, perhaps deliberately, is the distinction that has dominated the debate over the defense bill: the difference between detaining an American captured domestically or abroad. This is why ACLU Director Anthony Romero released a statement shortly after Obama's [own] arguing the authority in the defense bill could "be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield.""
- January 2, 2012, Mother Jones, 'Obama Signs Controversial Defense Bill On New Year's Eve': "Following a long tradition of tactical White House holiday news dumps, President Barack Obama quietly signed the National Defense Authorization Act Saturday. ...
- Forced through measures that allowed millions of illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S.:
- June 15, 2012, npr.org, 'With DREAM Order, Obama Did What Presidents Do: Act Without Congress': "[Obama] is using his executive authority to defer deportation proceedings for young immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally..."
- November 14, 2014, CBS News, 'Obama to immigration critics in Congress: "Pass a bill"': "Obama on Thursday defended the actions he's taking to shield about 5 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally from deportation as "lawful" and consistent with what his predecessors have done."
- In September 28, 2016 Obama used his presidential veto to prevent the 9/11 families from sueing the Saudi Arabian government for its involvement in the 9/11 attacks:
- September 28, 2016, Washinton Times, 'Congress overrides Obama's veto of 9/11 bill': "Congress on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to override President Obama's veto of legislation that would allow 9/11 victims' families to sue the Saudi Arabian government over its alleged support for the terrorists who carried out the attacks. It is the first override of Obama's presidency. ...
The Senate vote was 97 to 1 and the House tally was 348 to 77. Traveling aboard Air Force One Wednesday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest called the vote "the single most embarrassing thing the United States Senate has done possibly since 1983...""
- September 28, 2016, Washinton Times, 'Congress overrides Obama's veto of 9/11 bill': "Congress on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to override President Obama's veto of legislation that would allow 9/11 victims' families to sue the Saudi Arabian government over its alleged support for the terrorists who carried out the attacks. It is the first override of Obama's presidency. ...
- On Christmas Eve 2016, outgoing President Obama signed the Countering Foreign Disinformation and Propaganda Act as part of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act.
- December 29, 2016, Counterpunch, 'Obama's Christmas Gift to Trump: a Ministry of Truth'.
- March 21, 2017, Washington Times, 'Obama tried to legalize migrant accused of murdering 15-year-old stepdaughter': "The Obama administration last year began the process of granting legal status to a 36-year-old illegal immigrant with a long criminal rap sheet whom agents had twice tried to deport, and who now stands accused of killing his 15-year-old girlfriend, mother of one child with him and pregnant with another.
The Texas case, involving Armando Garcia-Ramirez, a Mexican, is raising new questions about immigration enforcement under President Obama...
"This guy is the reason that Trump got elected," said Rep. Duncan Hunter, California Republican. "No matter how many times people say it's not true, and the media says things like this are on the fringe, this is why Trump got elected. And in California, this is not a fringe case."" - After the 2016 Donald Trump election over Hillary Clinton, Obama became a "stay behind" in Washington and used his newly founded Obama Foundation and Organizing for Action to rally protests against the Donald Trump presidency. At the same time his old friend Bill Ayers became active through Refuse Fascism, which has also been rallying protests. So did the elite-backed Indivisible group, which partnered with Obama's Organizing for Action.
Obama's post-presidency controversies
- Born in 1944. BA in arts and American Society, University of Michigan in 1968. Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago (retired). Michigan leader of Students for a Democratic Society 1968-1969. His group fought for racial equality and women's rights.
- In 1969 a co-founder of the Weathermen, a left-wing terrorist group that grew out of the Michigan SDS group. The Weathermen became responsible for minor bombing attacks on the U.S. Capitol (March 1971), the Pentagon (May 1972), State Department (January 1975), and several police and Justice Department-related targets in New York. These attacks were in protest of the Vietnam War and anti-U.S. imperialism and anti-racism (pro-Black Panther) in general.
- Ayers' girlfriend, Diana Oughton, and two others blew themselves up in March 1970 while making a series of dynamite nailbombs for the Weathermen's operations. Pieces of 57 sticks of dynamite, four 12-inch (300 mm) pipe bombs packed with dynamite and nails, and 30 blasting caps were recovered. Reportedly the nailbombs were to be used at a soldier's dance in Fort Dix, which, if true, would make the Weathermen vastly more ruthless and terrorist than the attacks it became known for.
- February 28, 2006, Mark Rudd for Harper's magazine (a "liberal CIA" magazine; never published), 'The Kids are All Right': "This is the final draft of an article written for Harpers' Magazine in the summer of 2005, accepted but never published. It is for a general audience. ...
I didn't mind a bit when Columbia kicked me out later that month, May, 1968 since I had a new occupation, revolutionary. I spent the next year as a regional and national traveler for SDS, speaking at dozens of college campuses and helping chapters organize. In the course of these travels I met other SDS'ers who felt that we should be supporting the people of the Third World—including non-white people in this country—in their revolt for freedom against U.S. imperialism, and so we formed a faction in SDS which eventually became known as the Weathermen...
We dispersed some of the few hundred remaining Weathermen into clandestine and semi-clandestine collectives to begin the preparations for "going under." Some began amassing weapons and explosives and learning to use them; others rented "safe houses" and acquired phony ID and cars. On the morning of March 6, 1970, three of my comrades were building pipe bombs packed with dynamite and nails, destined for a dance of non-commissioned officers and their dates at Fort Dix, N.J., that night. Still trying to "bring the war home," their bombs were crude mirrors of the anti-personnel weapons the U.S. was raining down on Indochina. Inexperienced and freaked-out, somebody must have crossed two wires leading to the detonator."
- February 28, 2006, Mark Rudd for Harper's magazine (a "liberal CIA" magazine; never published), 'The Kids are All Right': "This is the final draft of an article written for Harpers' Magazine in the summer of 2005, accepted but never published. It is for a general audience. ...
- In 1973 the U.S. government dropped most charges against members of the Weather Underground after it was revealed the FBI had used illegal COINTELPRO-related law enforcement tactics. This allowed Ayers, at that point a fugitive for several years, to come back into the open. His wife and fellow-Weatherman terrorist, Bernardine Dohrn, who still had a few charges left against her person, turned herself in to the police only in 1980. She was out and free after one year of jail. Ayers became a professor at the University of Illinois. Dohrn became associate professor of law at the Children and Family Justice Center at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law in the 1991-2013 period.
- After Dohrn was out and free, Ayers and Dohrn took care of the children of fellow-Weathermen terrorists Kathy Boudin (whose father represented clients as Fidel Castro and Joan Baez) and David Gilbert, who went to prison for their role in the 1981 Brink robbery on an armored car in cooperation with the Black Liberation Army. A guard and two police officers were killed in the attack. Some time after her release in 2003, Boudin, who earlier survived the accidental Weathermen nailbombs explosion of 1970, was appointed adjunct professor at Columbia University's School of Social Work. Columbia is one of four key Eastern Establishment universities, along with Harvard, Yale and Princeton.
- More Weathermen facts:
- In September 1970 it was the Weather Underground that helped Timothy Leary - in his career repeatedly aided by an elite ''liberal CIA'' network - escape from jail.
- Bizarrely, well-known alternative corporation and voter fraud investigator Greg Palast went to the University of Chicago - ground zero for the Weathermen, Bill Ayers and soon also Obama - on the recommendation of a Weathermen member at UCLA. Palast and his sister have deep Mossad and "liberal CIA" ties.
- Ayers received an M.Ed from Teachers College, Columbia University in Early Childhood Education (1987). Ed. D, Teachers College, Columbia University in Curriculum and Instruction (1987). Chicago assistant deputy mayor for education 1989-1990. Vice-president of the curriculum studies division of the American Educational Research Association.
- Trustee Chicago Annenberg Challenge and played a role in making Barack Obama chairman of this Challenge in 1995. Brought onto the board of Barack Obama's Woods Fund - a charity closely allied with the elite MacArthur Foundation in particular - in 1999.
- cryptome.org/ayers-vita.doc (Bill Ayers official CV): "Randolph Distinguished Visiting Professor, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 2005-2006. Visiting Scholar, Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachussetts, 2003. Founder, Director, Center for Youth and Society, 1999-2002. Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Chicago School Reform Collaborative (The Annenberg Challenge), 1995-2000. Founder, Co-Director, Small Schools Workshop, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1992-2002. Editor, Teaching for Social Justice Series, Teachers College Press."
- September 23, 2008, Wall Street Journal, 'Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools': "From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001. ... The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers... Barack Obama's first run for the Illinois State Senate was launched at a 1995 gathering at Mr. Ayers's home. The Obama campaign has struggled to downplay that association... [Despite denials] documents in the CAC archives make clear that Mr. Ayers and Mr. Obama were partners in the CAC. ...
The Obama campaign has cried foul when Bill Ayers comes up, claiming "guilt by association." ... As CAC chairman, Mr. Obama was lending moral and financial support to Mr. Ayers and his radical circle."
- IndivisibleGuide.com claims to be a grassroots effort at resisting Trump, based originally on an online document entitled Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda that appeared online in December 2016 and quickly began to circulate throughout the internet. Mainstream media attention followed in the days and weeks thereafter:
- December 16, 2016, The New Yorker, 'The Crowdsourced Guide to Fighting Trump's Agenda': "On Wednesday, around 7 P.M., a Google document entitled "Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda" began making the rounds online. Its origin was the Twitter account of Ezra Levin, a thirty-one-year-old associate director at a national anti-poverty nonprofit [link: cfed.org/about/team/ezra_levin/] [who] had roughly six hundred and fifty followers. His tweet's simple message, Please share w/ your friends to help fight Trump's racism, authoritarianism, & corruption on their home turf," belied three weeks of unpaid work by some three dozen mostly young progressives... until 2011, Levin was the deputy policy director for Congressman Lloyd Doggett...
Angel Padilla (one of Levin's friends from Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School..)..." - January 2, 2017, New York Times, 'To Stop Trump, Democrats Can Learn From the Tea Party': "Ezra Levin, Leah Greenberg and Angel Padilla are co-authors of "Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda.""
- February 12, 2017, CNN, 'What is Indivisible? Political group hopes to be flip side of tea party': "It started out ... as a conversation between a liberal husband and wife about what to do about Donald Trump. It's morphed into a nationwide movement, comprising 7,000 affiliated groups in all 50 states and almost every congressional district.
That husband and wife, former congressional staffers Ezra Levin and Leah Greenberg, were like a lot of Democrats after the 2016 presidential election -- shellshocked."
- December 16, 2016, The New Yorker, 'The Crowdsourced Guide to Fighting Trump's Agenda': "On Wednesday, around 7 P.M., a Google document entitled "Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda" began making the rounds online. Its origin was the Twitter account of Ezra Levin, a thirty-one-year-old associate director at a national anti-poverty nonprofit [link: cfed.org/about/team/ezra_levin/] [who] had roughly six hundred and fifty followers. His tweet's simple message, Please share w/ your friends to help fight Trump's racism, authoritarianism, & corruption on their home turf," belied three weeks of unpaid work by some three dozen mostly young progressives... until 2011, Levin was the deputy policy director for Congressman Lloyd Doggett...
- Bizarrely, both the authors of the document - Ezra Levin, Leah Greenberg and Angel Padilla - and the mainstream media promote the creation and spread of the document in question as "grassroots", despite overwhelming, in-your-face evidence that the usual combination of establishment money and media attention is at play here. A look at the authors:
- Ezra Levin: Angel Padilla: MA from Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Princeton is one of four key Eastern Establishment universities. Associate director of the the NGO Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), which is financed by dozens of multinationals, as well as familiar foundations as the Annie E. Casey, Mott, Ford, Kellogg and Tides.
- cfed.org/about/team/ezra_levin/ (accessed: December 30, 2016; page removed in January 2017): "Ezra Levin is CFED's Associate Director of Government Affairs. ... Previously, Ezra served as Deputy Policy Director for Congressman Lloyd Doggett... Master in Public Affairs from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University."
- cfed.org/about/supporters/major/ (accessed: February 21, 2017): "Institutional Funders: ... Annie E. Casey Foundation. Bank of America Charitable Foundation. ... Charles Schwab Bank. Charles Schwab Foundation. ... Mott Foundation. ... Ford Foundation ... JPMorgan Chase Bank ... Levi Strauss Foundation ... San Francisco Foundation ... Kellogg Foundation ... Wells Fargo. ... Grants...: ... LexisNexis ... Supporters of the 1:1 Fund: ... Google ... LinkedIn ... Tides Foundation..."
- Angel Padilla: Friend of Padilla at Princeton's Wilson School. Analyst at the National Immigration Law Center, which is subsized with hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars by Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Corporation and Packard Foundation.
- February 10, 2017, Politico, 'Inside the protest movement that has Republicans reeling': "They know conservatives are spreading unfounded rumors that their success is being driven by wealthy donors like George Soros, which they flatly deny. "It doesn't matter who we take money from — we're always going to get blamed as a Soros group, even if we don't take money from Soros," said [Angel] Padilla [co-founder/co-author and secretary Indivisibleguide.com], now an analyst with the National Immigration Law Center. "That's one of the attacks and that's fine.""
- Leah Greenberg: Another extremely highly educted youngster. She works for Humanity United of eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar, a top "liberal CIA" asset. She also was a fellow of the Robertson Foundation at Tufts, which is advised by top superclass members Senator Chuck Robb and [Kissinger [protege] Brent Scowcroft. In between she worked for the State Department and Congressman Tom Perriello.
- Robertson Foundation for Government: rffg.org/fellows/classof2013/greenberg/ (accessed: February 21, 2017): "Graduated magna cum laude from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University with a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy, specializing in security studies and negotiation and conflict resolution. ...
Investments Manager with Humanity United [where] she coordinates the Partnership for Freedom...
Leah previously served as an advisor to the Special Representative for the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review Office at the Department of State. Before attending Fletcher, she served as a public affairs officer with the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking Persons, where she focused on interagency engagement, and as a staff assistant in the Office of Congressman Tom Perriello of Virginia." - humanityunited.org/about/ (accessed: February 21, 2017): "Launched in 2008, HU is part of The Omidyar Group..."
- rffg.org/leadership/ (accessed: February 21, 2017): "Advisory Board: ... Charles S. Robb, Former U.S. Senator [and] Brent Scowcroft..."
- ourpublicservice.org/annual-report_13-14/our-future.php: "[Donors:] ... Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund ... Robertson Foundation for Government ... [etc.]"
- Robertson Foundation for Government: rffg.org/fellows/classof2013/greenberg/ (accessed: February 21, 2017): "Graduated magna cum laude from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University with a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy, specializing in security studies and negotiation and conflict resolution. ...
- Ezra Levin: Angel Padilla: MA from Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Princeton is one of four key Eastern Establishment universities. Associate director of the the NGO Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), which is financed by dozens of multinationals, as well as familiar foundations as the Annie E. Casey, Mott, Ford, Kellogg and Tides.
- Website and action group erected in late December 2016 by feminist, black activist, communist and other extremists specifically to label Trump a fascist and undermine his presidency and followers in every possible way.
- Website is completely focused on "activating" blacks, Muslims, Latino and every other minority group. Completely ignores the 58% of white people who voted for Trump, which would have been 60% and possibly slightly higher if white, college-educated women hadn't been "activated" against Trump for many months leading up to the elections by liberal elite financing.
- Looking at the site, by February 1 RefuseFascism.org has been involved in protests in Birmingham, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Houston, Seattle, New York City, Boise, Honolulu.
- refusefascism.org (accessed: December 26, 2016; first archive date): "[Black youth holding up sign:] No! This fascist regime must be stopped before it starts! ...
In New York and EVERYWHERE on New Year's Eve Say NO! ... Demonstrate Against the Trump / Pence Regime in New York and Across the Country...
In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America!
Carl Dix [black person] lays out the Plan for the Month of Resistance.
Watch the full organizing meeting with speeches from Carl Dix, Immortal Technique [previously deeply involved in 9/11 "Truth", working with groups of PENTAGON NO-PLANE disinformation assets], PZ Myers, Jeremy Scahill [investigative reporter for "liberal CIA" outfit THE NATION on Blackwater and such], Andy Zee, Isabel Cardenas, Rev. Doris Johnson, Imam Ayub Abdul-Baki, Sunsara Taylor, Chase Iron Eyes, and Fran Luck" - refusefascism.org/about-contact/initiators/ (accessed: January 13, 2017): "Initiators include (list in formation):
- Bill Ayers, activist, educator [strange decades long terrorist (Weathermen) / activist; old friend of Barack Obama in Chicago with the Annenberg Foundation and "anti-racist" Woods Fund; advisory board Truthout].
- Herb Boyd [Malcolm X-inspired black person who teaches "black studies"], activist, author, journalist and teacher.
- Isabel Cardenas, Salvadoran-American activist, Los Angeles.
- Carl Dix, founding member, Revolutionary Communist Party, USA [black person, police violence protestor who founded the Stop Mass Incarceration Network - without focusing on the fact that black people commit 8 times more murders than white people and 15 times the amount of violent robberies].
- Niles Eldredge, evolutionary biologist.
- Charles Gaines, [black] visual artist. ...
- Everett Iron Eyes Sr., Water Administrator, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
- Robin D. G. Kelley [black American history professor at elite universities as Colombia and Oxford].
- Gary B. Nash, [Princeton-educated] Professor of American History at UCLA [specialized in the revolution, slavery and race]*.
- Fran Luck, Executive Producer of Joy of Resistance, Multicultural Feminist Radio at WBAI [of the "liberal CIA"-financed Pacifica Radio].
- PZ Myers, evolutionary developmental biologist [and rent-a-skeptic, prominent author on atheism, and acquaintance of top-rent-a-skeptic Richard Dawkins].
- Arturo O'Farrill, [Latino] composer and musician [bandleader Chico O'Farrill].
- Milton Saier, PhD, Professor of Molecular Biology, UCSD*.
- Yusef Salaam, one of the Central Park Five [black Muslim and rape convict who was later set free while Trump had called for his execution].
- Ted Sirota, jazz musician.
- Bob Stein, [Columbia and Harvard educated; founder [Mellon Foundation-linked] Institute for the Future of the Book.
- Sunsara Taylor, writer, Revolution Newspaper ["the voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party"; anti-Bush activist; extreme feminist: advisory board World Can't Wait; initiator Stop Patriarchy; led the nationwide Abortion Rights Freedom Ride in the summer of 2013; photographed holding up signs that read "Abortion on Demand and Without Apology"; anti-porn and anti-"sexualization of young girls" activist].
- Cornel West, [black] writer, professor [at Harvard, Yale and Princeton, Socialist International activist, pro-Palestine activist, old Malcolm X and Black Panther supporter, and someone who thinks blacks are being oppressed by whites in the U.S.].
- Michael A. Wood Jr. [former Baltimore police officer who has spoken out about police violence; appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast in July 2015 and June 2016]
- Frank Wulf, United Methodist minister.
- Andy Zee, spokesperson, Revolution Books [pro-communist and pro-black activism book store located at 437 Malcolm X Blvd./Lenox Avenue].
- David Zeiger, [anti-war] filmmaker." - RefuseFascism receives donations through the Soros-co-funded Alliance for Global Justice, which also is the fiscal sponsor of the World Can't Wait of RefuseFascism co-founder Sunsara Taylor and the Stop Mass Incarceration Network of RefuseFascism co-founder Carl Dix:
- refusefascism.org/donate/: "To support our educational activities and make a tax-deductible donation by mail, make your check out to Alliance for Global Justice (our fiscal sponsor; you can use the abbreviation AFGJ)..."
- March 1, 2012, capitalresearch.org, 'Cheering on Chaos: George Soros Prepares for the Troubles Ahead': "Soros is a major backer of a left-wing group that is funneling money to the Occupy Wall Street movement. The nonprofit organization at the receiving end of Soros's largesse, Alliance for Global Justice, is managing donations benefiting the communists, socialists, anarchists and hippies who were occupying Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan.
The Alliance for Global Justice has received grants from George Soros's philanthropy, the Open Society Institute ($100,000 since 2004), and from the far-left Tides Foundation ($60,000 since 2004) that allows high-profile donors to give secretly to radical causes."
- October 20, 2017, Al Jazeera, ''Take a knee' anti-racist protests move beyond the NFL': "On Tuesday, Carl Dix and Linda Solotaire, both members of the RefuseFascism.org activist group, confronted Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones at the Conrad New York Hotel lobby. As the pair shouted at Jones and accused him of upholding white supremacy, the Cowboys owner was whisked away by his security team. Dix, a 69-year-old African American, said he and his fellow protesters had gathered at the hotel to rally against the NFL owners meeting there. They singled out Jones due to the owner's recent threat to bench players who protest during the national anthem. "I told him, 'You are trying to silence and muzzle these NFL protesters is in the tradition of silencing and abusing African Americans in this society,'" Dix told Al Jazeera by telephone."
- The Obama Foundation was founded in 2008.
- After Barack Obama's presidential term came to an end, the Obama Foundation played a role in upstructing the anti-immigration and anti-ObamaCare agenda of Donald Trump through Organizing for Action and other means.
- Founded in January 2013 by Barack Obama campaign chairman Jim Messina and First Lady Michelle Obama. Obama White House staffer became executive director. Obama campaign senior adviser David Axelrod became an important consultant.
- The non profit was set up to promote Obama's political agenda, including Obamacare and Third World immigration increases. It maintained/,aintains the barackobama.com website and controls the @barackobama Twitter account.
- Organizing for Action drew criticism for providing access to the president to donors, especially those over $500,000 who would be invited to the board of advisors.
- Early financing:
- May 4, 2013, Los Angeles Times, 'Rich liberal donors throw weight behind Obama agenda': "[The Soros-dominated] Democracy Alliance, an invitation-only group that makes funding recommendations to its members, selected the pro-Obama Organizing for Action and immigration reform groups such as the National Immigration Forum as some of its top 2013 priorities at its spring conference in Laguna Beach last week, according to leaders of the organization. ... The group has a low profile but carries significant sway on the left, with deep-pocketed members that include billionaire investor George Soros and Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes."
- Drummond Pike of the Tides Foundation has been a co-founder and treasurer of the Democracy Alliance.
- After the 2016 Donald Trump election over Hillary Clinton, Obama became a "stay behind" in Washington and used his newly founded Obama Foundation and Organizing for Action to rally protests against the Donald Trump presidency.
- February 11, 2017, New York Post, 'How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump's presidency': "Obama isn't just staying behind in Washington. He's working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government... He's doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action [ran] by old Obama aides and campaign workers...
Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group's account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following Trump's upset victory. ... OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots. ... [OFA] will be aided in that effort by the Obama Foundation...
It will be aided in that effort by the Obama Foundation, run by Obama's former political director, and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, launched last month by Obama pal Eric Holder to end what he and Obama call GOP "gerrymandering" of congressional districts.
Obama will be overseeing it all from a shadow White House located within two miles of Trump. It features a mansion, which he's fortifying with construction of a tall brick perimeter, and a nearby taxpayer-funded office with his own chief of staff and press secretary. Michelle Obama will also open an office there, along with the Obama Foundation."
- February 11, 2017, New York Post, 'How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump's presidency': "Obama isn't just staying behind in Washington. He's working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government... He's doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action [ran] by old Obama aides and campaign workers...
- Post-2016 election financing/backing:
- February 19, 2017, Breitbart, 'Obama's Organizing for Action Partners with Soros-Linked 'Indivisible' to Disrupt Trump's Agenda'.
- July 26, 2016, The Independent, 'DNC 2016: From Jane Fonda to Julianne Moore, American celebrities vow to join forces to ensure Donald Trump's demise': "More than a hundred celebrities have [allied against] Donald Trump... The high-wattage effort has been put together the #UnitedAgainstHate campaign which is part of MoveOn.org ... whose biggest backers have included George Soros."
- unitedagainsthate.com/artists/ (accessed: May 4, 2018; 81 names of 129, or 63%, listed are female; tons of obscure actors): "Paid for by MoveOn.org Political Action, pol.moveon.org. ...
We are a coalition of artists who, today, are joining millions of Americans in our commitment to defeat the presumptive Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump. ...
His rhetoric and policy proposals exclude, degrade, and harm: Mexican and Latino people, Black people, Muslim people, LGBTQ people... Refugees...
We are united against violence... sexism... racism... xenophobia... homophobia [and] fascism. We are Artists #UnitedAgainstHate. Signed, Mark Ruffalo ... Russell Simmons ... Michael Moore ... Jane Fonda ... Maggie Gyllenhaal ... Franchesca Ramsey ... Third Eye Blind ... DJ Spooky ... Olivia Wilde ... Meg Ryan ... Bryan Cranston ... Woody Harrelson ... Alyssa Milano ... Piper Perabo ... Dita Von Teese ... Ryan Murphy ... Julianne Moore ... Lena Dunham ... Moby ... Kathleen Turner ... Julia Stiles ... Michael Mann ... Paul Haggis ... Doug Liman ... Rain Phoenix [sister of Joaquin and River Phoenix] ... Taylor Schilling ... Macklemore and Ryan Lewis ... Cynthia Nixon [Sex & the City] ... Chloe Grace Moretz ... Neve Campbell... Shonda Rhimes [creator, writer and executive producer of Grey's Anatomy] ... Kerry Washington ... Adam McKay [co-founder Funny or Die]..."
- Student body president at the University of Washington in the mid 1980s. Director of an emergency services office in Portland of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps after graduation. Executive director of the King County Democrats 1991-1992. Ligitator at Preston Gates & Ellis, the law firm of "liberal CIA" kingpin Bill Gates Sr., around 1999-2003. Jack Abramoff worked for Preston Gates in the 1994-2001 period as the liaison the Christian Right. Metropolitan King County Council member since 2003. Attorney general of Washington state since January 2013.
- Initiated the action to overturn Trump's executive order to ban Muslim refugees from a number of countries from entering the United States while the U.S. comes up with a plan to combat ISIS.
- February 8, 2017, Politico, 'Trump's Approval Rating Slides Despite Support for Travel Ban': "Fifty-five percent of registered voters said they approve of the immigration order [of Trump to ban people from various Muslim countries], while 38 percent disapprove, according to the national Morning Consult/POLITICO survey conducted Feb. 2 through Feb. 4. Thirty-five percent of voters strongly approve of the ban that was first implemented on Jan. 27." Note: This should mean the vast majority of the native white people, who still only constituted 61% of the U.S. population when this poll was taken, agree.
- Became internationally-known on January 30, 2017 when he, Governor Jay Inslee (another major Democrat Party operative and sustainable development promoter) and federal judge James Robart effectively stopped President Donald Trump's ban on Muslim immigration from a number of countries on grounds of religion discrimination. Bill Gates' Microsoft and Jeff Bezos' Amazon (both fervent Clinton/Democrat supporters) backed the initiative.
- January 30, 2017, Techcrunch, 'Amazon, Expedia and Microsoft to support Washington state lawsuit on Trump immigration order': "Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced Monday that he's filing suit in federal court against Trump..."
- January 30, 2017, Reuters, 'Microsoft working with Washington State on suit against Trump immigration order': "Microsoft Corp said it has been cooperating with the Washington State Attorney General's Office, which is suing in federal court to stop President Donald Trump's order restricting immigration from several Muslim countries.
Microsoft said it was providing information about the order's impact "in order to be supportive. And we'd be happy to testify further if needed," spokesman Pete Wootton said in a statement."
- kingcounty.gov/Ferguson/Biography.aspx (accessed: March 5, 2008): "After graduating from [the University of Washington in 1984], Bob spent a year with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Portland, Oregon, running an emergency services office and tutoring children in an inner-city environment. Bob continued his public service and political activity by serving as Executive Director of the King County Democrats from 1991-92. As a law student at New York University, Bob received a public interest grant to represent Yaqui Indians in Guadalupe, Arizona. ...
Back in Seattle, Bob joined Preston Gates and Ellis [of top liberal CIA asset Bill Gates, Sr., the father of the Microsoft founder] as a litigation associate. ... Bob devoted hundreds of hours to pro bono work, particularly with non-profit groups working to preserve open space in King County..." - law.nyu.edu/news/bob-ferguson-washington-attorney-general (accessed: February 10, 2017): "Ferguson received a Public Interest Law Center (PILC) [receives financing from the Ford Foundation and many other foundations and businesses] summer grant to work in Guadalupe, Arizona, with the Yaqui Indian Community..."
- Born in Seattle in 1947. Graduated from Whitman College in 1969. Graduated from Georgetown Law School in 1973. Administrative editor of the Georgetown Law Journal. Lawyer at Lane Powell Moss & Miller 1973-2004, managing partner 2003-2004. Federal judge in the state of Washington 2004 - June 2016 and senior federal judge since June 2016. Major ties to instititions financed by the "liberal CIA" Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. I only found these ties after more than an hour of looking around; they have been completely ignored until now. More on these ties below.
- This explains why James Robart became both famous and infamous in August 2016 for stating that "black lives matter" during an overly dramatic closing speech in court (ignoring the much higher black crime numbers compared to white) and then even more famous and infamous in 2017 for undoing President Donald Trump's executive order to ban immigration from various Muslim countries where a lot of potential terrorists come from.
- August 17, 2016, Washington Times, 'Federal judge declares' black lives matter' in court': "Judge Robart, a George W. Bush appointee, said proposed police reform legislation should include putting a civilian in charge of police oversight, shutting down a police-led disciplinary board and creating a civilian position of inspector general. ...
The judge ended Monday's hearing by citing a statistic that claimed 41 percent of the shootings nationwide by police were of blacks. "Black lives matter," he said, drawing an audible reaction in a courtroom, The Times reported. Judge Robart added that the recent targeted shootings of police officers across the country signaled the importance of strengthening police and community relations.
Commissioner Enrique Gonzalez said he's "very encouraged that a federal judge has actually said that black lives matter, because now we know that not only is this movement happening in the streets … even a federal judge has acknowledged that people of color have been on the receiving end of police brutality and this needs to change," The Stranger reported." - February 3, 2017, YouTube, 'Federal judge James Robart's #BlackLivesMatter declaration' (primarily dislikes): "The importance of this issue is, to me [deep sigh], is best demonstrated by the news [shaking his head and pretending to be distraught] which was much reported again today [another deep sigh]. According to FBI statistics, police shootings involve 41% black people, [looks and sounds like he is about to cry] despite being only 20% op the population living in those cities. [shaking head again] 20% of the population; 41% of the casualties. Black lives matter!"
- February 4, 2017, USA Today, 'Meet James Robart, the judge who halted Trump's immigration ban'.
- August 17, 2016, Washington Times, 'Federal judge declares' black lives matter' in court': "Judge Robart, a George W. Bush appointee, said proposed police reform legislation should include putting a civilian in charge of police oversight, shutting down a police-led disciplinary board and creating a civilian position of inspector general. ...
- James Robart's father was a low-level employee for Standard Oil of California, the old Rockefeller company. He himself worked for the high-powered Seattle Lane Powell PC from 1973 to 2004.
- law360.com/firms/lane-powell/clients (accessed: February 10, 2017): "Bank of America ... Wells Fargo ... JPMorgan Chase ... Morgan Stanley ... Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ... Deutsche Bank ... Goldman Sachs ... Chevron ... Citigroup ... HSBC ... Barclays ... Freddie Mac ... BP ... Exxon Mobil ... Microsoft ... ConocoPhillips ... Fannie Mae ... General Electric ... Google ... Royal Bank of Canada ... UBS ... Visa ... American International Group [AIG] ... Samsung ... Sony .. T-Mobile..."
- James Robart has been a trustee Whitman College since 1999, and was chair by 2008. Whitman College has received major grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- 2007, Whitman College, 'Comprehensive Self-Study Report', pp. 138-139: "Governing Board (6.B) Whitman College Board of Trustees: (dates in parentheses indicate first year elected; year the current term expires) ... James L. Robart '69 (1999; 2008)..."
- December 2008, Whitman magazine, 'Board Chair shares law school wisdom': "James "Jim" Robart '69, federal district judge and chairman of the Whitman College Board of Trustees..."
- Annual report 1999, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, p. 45, grants: "- Whitman College (http://www.whitman.edu) Pemrose Memorial Library Capital Campaign, Walla Walla, WA, $500,000."
- Annual report 2001, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, p. 21, grants: "- Seattle Children's Home $200,000...
- Whitman College Board of Trustees $1,000,000..." - Form 990, 2008, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: "Whitman College Board of Trustees ... Employee Matching Gift ... 4,800..."
- James Robart and his wife have served as foster parents for many years, mostly for children from southeast Asia. More worrying, he was president and trustee of the Seattle Children's Home, which has received massive funding from all the big foundations as well:
- www.wawd.uscourts.gov/judges/robart-bio (accessed: February 22, 2017)): " James L. Robart: ... Former President and Trustee, Seattle Children's Home."
- Annual report 2001, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, p. 20, grants: "- Seattle Children's Home $200,000..."
- October 9, 2006, Seattle Weekly News, 'A Broke Home': "Where did the $2.3 million go and what did donors get for their money? Those are among the questions lingering over the woodsy, half-block campus of Seattle Children's Home on Queen Anne Hill. As one of the city's oldest and most respected institutions (not to be confused with the Children's Home Society of Washington), the nonprofit home attracts the deep-pocket support of the city's rich and famous. Its $8 million annual budget, $5.5 million of it provided by public agencies, is buttressed with hefty private donations from Bill Gates, Paul Allen, the McCaw family, the Nordstroms, Boeing, and the MacArthur Foundation."
- In addition, Robart has been a trustee and state advisory board member of the Children's Home Society of Washington. although the Children's Home Society of Washington is not keen on listing donors in its annual reports, it's clear that here also very similar big business / big foundation ties can be found, including to the Bill Gates Foundation:
- www.wawd.uscourts.gov/judges/robart-bio (accessed: February 22, 2017)): " James L. Robart: ... Former Co-Chair, Second Century Society, Children's Home Society of Washington. Former Member, State Advisory Board and Former Trustee, Children's Home Society of Washington."
- Annual report 1999, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, p. 46, grants: " - Children's Home Society of Washington, Seattle, WA, $100,000."
- Form 990, 2003, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, p. 15, grants: "Children's Home Society of Washington ... $150,000.00."
- Form 990, 2012, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, p. 10, grants: " Children's Home Society of WA ... Seattle ... 4,000..."
- June 16, 2016, childrenshomesociety.org, 'Partners announce Lake City Neighborhood Project': "Children's Home Society of Washington, Lake City Future First and Lake City Neighborhood Alliance have received a $100,000 Neighborhood Planning Grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation."
- topfoundationgrants.com/grant_display.php?id=15957: "Organization - Children's Home Society of Florida. Grant Amount - $400,000. Foundation - Kellogg Foundation."
- The Children's Home Society of Washington is a member of the Children's Alliance, a logo and link of which is also listed on its website. In tunr, the Children's Alliance is financed by many of the major liberal CIA foundations:
- Annual report 2014, Children's Alliance, pp. 7-8: "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ... Boeing Company ... Annie E. Casey Foundation ... Packard Foundation ... RiverStyx Foundation ... Seattle Foundation ... Kellogg Foundation ... Matching gifts were received from: - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. - Microsoft..."
- I learned of this protest via top Dutch news aggregate website Nu.nl (I'm Dutch). It took place in Utrecht, a city still relatively spared from Third World immigration compared to cities in the West, Rotterdam in particular.
- Watching clip of the protests I noticed a number of things:
- There appear to be no more than a few thousand people, with the event being little more than a media-op: a bunch of people holding signs crammed together around a central stage with a few cameras on it of the mainstream media.
- A lot of the signs are highly irrational and direct copies from protests in the United States, London and elsewhere, including: "Love Trump's Hate", "Fuck Racism", "Dump Trump", "Build Bridges, Not Walls", "Together Against Hate". A poster of The Women's March is also visible.
- Why is a little girl of 10-years-old holding up a sign that reads "Nasty Pussies outsmart Dumb Pricks"? Granted, she's not old enough to understand the writing on her own sign, but it's weird nonetheless.
- The "Together Against Hate" signs also read "Rood. Jong in de SP." which is the youth organization of the Dutch Socialist Party.
- A considerable group is holding up a photoshopped image of prominent Dutch politician Rita Verdonk in a Superman suit. Verdonk is a former minister of immigration and integration in one of the usual pro-Bilderberg administrations/parties.
- There's a whole group waving Palestinian flags. The Palestinian cause is backed by the Dutch liberal establishment through groups as Oxfam and The Rights Forum. Keep in mind that Palestine is ran by the Jihadist, terrorist and Iran-controlled Hamas group, that 90% of Palestinians supported Osama bin Laden and 80% supported attacks on U.S. troops in the Gulf.
- Why are such a huge amount of the signs in English? Are these protestors even Dutch? Or has their been an umbrella group recommendig the use of English signs (for the international media)?
- Nu.nl interviews three seemingly random persons attending the protest. Bizarrely, two have very thick American accounts. Either these people have been traveling internationally in Trump protests or they're drawn from some kind of American community in the Netherlands. The amount of Americans living in the Netherlands with a decent grasp of the Dutch language - can't be too many. Another young person interviewed also has an accent I can't place.
- I don't know who these people are, but I have never heard any Dutch native voice the opinion that Third World immigration in its present form is beneficial to our culture.
- Turns, a group called "Holland Against Hate" largely organized the protest. It was set up by Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) staffers Wouter Booij and Mikal Tseggai.
- pvda.nl/nieuws/holland-against-hate/: "Wat een goed initiatief om morgen in Den Haag met duizenden mensen op te staan tegen het beleid van Donald Trump! ...
Daarom heb ik mij dit weekend direct bij Wouter Booij, Mikal Tseggai en de andere initiatiefnemers van 'Holland against hate''aangemeld voor de manifestatie van morgen. Ik roep je op om ook te komen en je stem te verheffen. Tegen onverdraagzaamheid, racisme en verdeeldheid. ...
De tijd van onderschatten of bagatelliseren van politici als Trump of Wilders is voorbij." - January 31, 2017, Nu.nl, 'Protest tegen Trump op Malieveld, topvoetbal in Engeland en Spanje': "Volgens de organisatie, actiegroep Holland Against Hate, hebben ruim 2.000 mensen toegezegd om 16.00 uur te demonstreren voor een ''open, vrije en tolerante samenleving''."
- pvda.nl/nieuws/holland-against-hate/: "Wat een goed initiatief om morgen in Den Haag met duizenden mensen op te staan tegen het beleid van Donald Trump! ...
- Mikal Tseggai is also a member of the Africa Team of the Centre for the Promotion of Imports (CBI) from developing countries, Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. Obviously, CBI finances all kinds of international projects alongside the Ford Foundation and Open Society Foundations. On her Twitter a number of shocking tweets can be found, such as:
- September 2, 2014 tweet of Mikal Tseggai: "Picture by @ItalianNavy, migrants from #Eritrea and #Syria, hoping for a better life at the other side of the sea." The average IQ in Eritrea and surrounding countries is in the 60s and largely genetic. They have huge unemployment and crime numbers once they get to the West. Almost no native Dutch citizen supports these people coming here.
- Conclusion: The "grassroots" anti-Trump protests in the Netherlands have been set by the usual pro-Bilderberg political parties in Holland, most notably the PvdA (Labour Party) and VVD. The controlled opposition Socialist Party (discussed in ISGP's Pim Fortuyn article) also played a role.
- Extra: The Socialist International in the Netherlands (Internationale Socialisten) and its primary national outlet Socialisme.nu essentially are Rockefeller globalist controlled opposition. They're not just in favor of a proper balance between employees and employers, but are virulently pro-Third World immigration and pro-Palestine. Socialisme.nu is chock-full anti-Trump propaganda. Headlines of early 2017 include: "Stand up against racism and discrimination!", "Women's March on Amsterdam", "Rotterdam for Hebron #DismantleTheGhetto" and "Feminism in battle against Trump."
- Instead of a true "grassroots" efforts, the February 4, 2017 London anti-Trump / pro-Third World immigration protest was largely organized by a network of extremist "socialists"/anarchists (almost certainly ran by security services), Muslim extremists, and a number of liberal elite-backed NGOs. The same goes for other, closely-related demonstrations in London.
- Signs to be seen not just during the February 4, 2017 London protests, but also in previous months against Trump and anti-immigration measures, include:
- Amnesty International: NGO backed by foundations as Ford, Gates, Packard, Hewlett, Rockefeller and others. Example:
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "Amnesty International Limited: ... 2012: $125,000. ... 2013: $500,000. ... 2015: $1,150,000.
Amnesty International USA: ... 2006 $400,000. ... 2008: $1,000,000. ... 2009: $500,000."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "Amnesty International Limited: ... 2012: $125,000. ... 2013: $500,000. ... 2015: $1,150,000.
- Oxfam: NGO backed by foundations as Ford, Gates, Packard, Hewlett, Rockefeller and others. Puts money into a lot of obscure pro-Palestine and pro-Third World immigration groups, but is generally quite secretive with what it is financing and where its funds are coming from.
- ACLU: People can be spotted in London holding "We the People" signs it appears with ACLU logos. The ACLU is massively financed by elite foundations as Open Society, Ford, etc.
- Save the Children: Well-established and elite-backed NGO:
- savethechildren.org/site/ c.8rKLIXMGIpI4E/b.6229539/k.523C/ Strategic_Foundation_Partnerships.htm: "Strategic Foundation Partnerships: ... ... Gates Foundation ... Hilton Foundation ... Open Society Foundations. ... Hewlett Foundation. ... Hearst Foundation."
- Global Justice Now: Movement founded as Action for World Development in 1969 by Oxfam and Christian Aid, both financed by elite foundations as Ford.
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "Oxfam [millions] ... Christian Aid: 2015: $235,000 [and] $150,000."
- (British) Refugee Council: What it says. A degree of elite financing:
- 2015 annual report, British Refugee Council: "Grants: ... Oak Foundation ... Open Society Foundation: Move On."
- Stop the War Coalition: Founded days after 9/11 to campaign against the upcoming Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: Long-time ally of the Stop the War Coalition. Chair 2003-2010 and general secetary 2011- of the CND, Kate Hudson, has been a director of the Stop the War Coalition since 2002.
- Socialist Worker: Extremely prominent in all the protests with signs as "Dump Trump," "Open the borders, let them in," etc. Ultra-radical Rockefeller globalist-like controlled opposition movement that cranks out daily doses of anti-Trump and pro-Third World immigration propaganda. This group was also used in the Netherlands to add a little volume to anti-Trump crowds. No details on financing.
Interestingly, in November 2015 this group was massively involved in a campaign to NOT bomb ISIS with the reasoning that it will also kill innocents. How interest, considering the liberal establishment has been using ISIS to get rid of Assad. - British Socialist Party: People walking around with Socialist Party signs that read "#RefugeeLivesMatter: Take the wealth off the 1%."
- Syria Solidarity Campaign: No information on financing, but the group has been involved in multiple protests in London.
- Solidarity with Refugees: Very well-designed website, so it appears there is a degree of money behind the movement. No details on financing.
- International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network: Website states it crusades for "the liberation of the Palestinian people. ... IJAN is part of the international movement against Zionist militarism and repression. We have active chapters in the United States, Argentina, the UK, Spain, Canada, and France." Sounds like something Oxfam, Open Society and the Ford Foundation would love, but cannot finance (directly?) due to its overly radical nature.
- Muslim Association of Britain: Considered a key Muslim Brotherhood branch in Britain and very radical. Pro-Palestine. Long-time ally of the Stop the War Coalition and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
- Friends of Al-Aqsa: Peace in Palestine: Another radical Islamist group. Palestine is ran by the Jihadist, terrorist and Iran-controlled Hamas group, 90% of Palestinians supported Osama bin Laden and 80% supported attacks on U.S. troops in the Gulf.
- Youth Fight for Jobs: Cheap-looking website. Action group set up in 2009 to campaign for basic labor rights.
- Amnesty International: NGO backed by foundations as Ford, Gates, Packard, Hewlett, Rockefeller and others. Example:
- Earlier protest reveals all the same organizating groups: September 18, 2016, Daily Mail, 'Thousands demand Government action on migrant crisis': "Thousands of people have taken to the streets of London chanting "refugees are welcome here" in a bid to urge the Government to take more action on the migrant crisis. Organised by Solidarity with Refugees, groups and charities including Amnesty International, Oxfam, Save the Children, the Refugee Council and Stop the War Coalition joined forces for the Refugees Welcome demonstration."
- On February 18, 2017 the international media report on a supposedly grassroots protest march in Barcelona in which 160,000 people are protesting that the Spanish government is not accepting more refugees from the Middle East than the 1,100 they have accepted so far.
- Only one major type of blue sign is seen with the slogan: "Casa Nostra, Casa Vostra", meaning "Our house, your house"
- A little checking around reveals this is the name/group the protest march has been organized under. Its website casanostracasavostra.cat, lists hundreds of NGOs, universities and corporations that are supporting the protest march, although not a word about finances.
- At the top of the list of NGOs we see Lafede.cat: Organitzacions per a la Justícia Global, Oxfam Intermón and SOS Racisme Catalunya. Oxfam is well known international group financed by the Ford Foundation, Bill Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Packard Foundation and other key foundations in pro-Palestinian and pro-Third World immigration activism and environmental causes. The board of directors of Lafede.cat - an umbrella group of 113 different organizations (many seemingly involved in the protest) - reveals various ties to Oxfam and SOS Racisme Catalunya. The latter group originated in France in the 1980s as a pro-Muslim, anti-Le Pen group. It received $100,000 from the Ford Foundation in 2009 (not checked deeper). SOS Racisme Catalunya has cooperated with George Soros' Open Society Foundations since at least 2016:
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "SOS Racism - Hands off my Buddy: ... 2009: $100,000."
- October 13, 2016, opensocietyfoundations.org, 'Zeshan Muhammad v. Spanish Ministry of Interior': "The Open Society Justice Initiative has assisted Zeshan Muhammad in the filing of an administrative claim with the Ministry of Interior. SOS Racisme Catalunya, an organization based in Barcelona that has been fighting racism for 25 years, is working jointly with the Justice Initiative in this case."
- casanostracasavostra.cat/en/who-we-are/initial-signatories-declaration (accessed: February 18, 2017): "Initial signatories of the declaration: The hereunder signatories subscribe the declaration of Casa Nostra, Casa Vostra, and [gave] support to the campaign right from the beginning. List of signers, Organizations, Universities, Schools: Lafede.cat - Organitzacions per a la Justícia Global. Oxfam Intermón. SOS Racisme Catalunya. Stop Mare Mortum. Proactiva Open Arms. ... CEAR - Comissió Catalana d'Ajuda al Refugiat... [etc.]"
- Not looked more in-depth due to time restraints and language barriers.
Also interesting. On Sunday October 29, 2017 an anti-Catalan separation demonstration was organized by the Societat Civil Catalana (SCC) bringing tens of thousands of people into the streets. A total of 300,000 people joined them, which was broadcasted around Europe. A quick check reveals that the president of the SCC at the time was Mariano Goma, a member of the elite Club of Rome. societatcivilcatalana.cat/es/organization (accessed: October 29, 2017): "President: Mariano Goma... Member of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome. Provincial President of the Red Cross of Lérida between 2004 and 2014." The Red Cross also receives financing of top liberal establishment foundations.
- The April 22, 2017 Earth Day global "March for Science" protest against the Trump presidency is a little different than the others. Instead of "hate" and "intolerance" against Third World immigrants standing central, science, most notably Trump's skepticism of global warming, was the key point.
- The protest was organized globally through the Earth Day Network, a group founded in 1970 (the first Earth Day) that has been dominated by liberal elites as Laurance Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Queen Noor of Jordan and others. Interestingly, John Kerry (Bilderberg family and later Obama's secretary of state), two of his family members and Ralph Nader were board members in the 1990s, while John Podesta, Bill Clinton's chief of staff and Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman; and Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton's key "rival" on the left in the 2016 presidential campaign, sat on the international advisory board of the Earth Day Network at the time it organized its April 22, 2017 global anti-Trump campaign. Talk about a conflict of interest.
- Obviously the vast majority, if not all, of the environmental groups involved in the March for Science have received major direct or indirect financing of the billionaire foundations. These include the Earth Day Network, Nature Conservancy, Union of Concerned Scientists and Carnegie Science.
- Many, if not all, of the science-oriented groups have massive government and corporate backing, anything from the CIA and NSA to the The National Academy of Sciences. This makes sense, considering all these elements rely on engineers and scientists day in, day out and the usual rise in CO2 ppm in the Earth atmosphere is pretty easy to confirm for oneself. Also prominent are professional rent-a-skeptics groups as the Center for Inquiry, Skeptic Magazine, Skeptical Inquirer Magazine and the Skeptics Society. The highest listed group at marchforscience.com/partners/ (accessed: April 23, 2017), ScienceDebate.org, has top superclass member and former Lockheed chief Norman Augustine on the advisory board, with the Washington Post science editor and an editor of The Skeptical Inquirer as founding members (all listed at sciencedebate.org/board (accessed: April 23, 2017)).
- Here in the Netherlands the minister for education, Jet Bussemaker, took part in the March in Science, another example of national political parties and their membership playing a key role in creating these protests.
- In other words, while many less worse than some of the other protests, the March for Science still can't be labeled "grassroots".
- Just one week after the April 22, 2017 Earth Day global "March for Science" and Washington, D.C. was again filled with 200,000 protesters, this in the wake of the Trump administration taking down the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) website on climate change. The new overarching protest group was called the People's Climate Movement.
- Groups already mentioned by ISGP for deep foundation ties: peoplesclimate.org/partners/: "Steering Committee: ... 350.org ... Center for Community Change [Ford Foundation-founded decades ago; massive foundation backing] ... Color of Change ... NAACP ... Natural Resources Defense Council [massive foundation backing] ... Sierra Club ... Union of Concerned Scientists..." The names here only constitute 13% of the total steering committee members, although certainly some of the most significant.
- Looking at the People's Climate Movement website three things become clear:
- There are more and more small-time protest groups to be found whose finances and certainly connections are not so easily determined.
- Many of the groups are "social justice" groups campaigning against "racism".
- The interests of these groups are particularly bizarrely fused together through listed groups as GreenLatinos and Green Muslims.
- A quick check reveals that GreenLatinos, which is listed as a "steering committee" member of the People Climate Movement, is a former high level Clinton administration official and and Obama administration lobbyist:
- greenlatinos.org/about_us (accessed: April 29, 2017): "Mark Magaña is the Founding President & CEO of GreenLatinos, a national coalition of Latino environmental, natural resources, and conservation leaders. ...
Mr. Magana was the first Latino to serve as senior staff at both the White House and in Congressional leadership -- as Special Assistant to President Clinton for Legislative Affairs and Senior Policy Advisor to the House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Robert Menendez. [More political appointments] ...
As an early supporter of Senator Obama's Presidential Campaign, Mr. Magaña founded the National Latinos for Obama in February, 2007. Through Latinos for Obama, he built a national grassroots organization and mobilization effort."
- greenlatinos.org/about_us (accessed: April 29, 2017): "Mark Magaña is the Founding President & CEO of GreenLatinos, a national coalition of Latino environmental, natural resources, and conservation leaders. ...
- A check of Green Muslims reveals ties to the Obama administration through executive director Colin Christopher and a whole bunch other directors. Christopher actually is deeply connected to the State Department, national security programs, the Obama administration and "liberal CIA" foundation-financed NGOs:
- greenmuslims.org (slider; accessed: April 30, 2017): ""In my meeting with President Obama and Muslim community leaders [photo visible], I expressed Green Muslims' interest..." - Colin Christopher, Executive Director, Green Muslims."
- linkedin.com/in/colincchristopher/ (accessed: April 30, 2017): "George Washington University ... B.A. ... Cum Laude, Political Science, Minors: International Affairs-Middle East, Sociocultural Anthropology ... 2002 – 2006.
- American Institute of Indian Studies (Lucknow, India). U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholar. 2008 – 2008.
- U.S. National Security Education Program. Degree Name David L. Boren Graduate Fellow (India) [Sen. David L. Boren is a superclass member]. ... 2009 – 2010.
- Program Officer, Institute of International Education [receives massive financing from the Ford Foundation, etc.], 2007 – 2008, New York... Managed program finances and assisted 130 Pakistani Fulbright grantees [Fulbright program is also very elite] with cultural immersion. ...
- Deputy Field Organizer, Obama Presidential Campaign, 2008 – 2008, Madison, Wisconsin. ... Recruited, trained, and managed two teams of 10-15 people each from rural and suburban areas. Created and coordinated social media and messaging strategies for field operations targeting swing voters. Secured victory in every team turf...
- Webmaster ... Inside Islam: Dialogues and Debates, 2010-2012 ... University of Wisconsin-Madison. ... Organized the Islam and Democracy Conference, the Green Faith Panel, and hosted other public forums... - Research Fellow, World Organization for Resource Development and Education, 2013 – 2013...
Executive Director, Green Muslims, 2014 – present...
- Fellow at Clean Energy Leadership Institute ...
- Policy Education Coordinator, Network Lobby, 2014 - present..."
- greenmuslims.org/about/ (accessed: April 30, 2017): "In 2007, a small group of Muslims hosted a zero-trash potluck iftar during the month of Ramadan. [apparently the start of the group] ...
- Asma Mahdi, Interim Executive Director: ... work[ed] for the [UCLA] Sustainable LA Grand Challenge [financed by the billionaire "liberal CIA" Pritzker family] ... she worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in Washington, DC,...
- Rumin Sarwar, Managing Director: ... currently works in public health policy research in Washington, DC.
- Ambreen Tariq, Director of Communications. ... Ambreen is the founder of @BrownPeopleCamping, an Instagram blog aimed at promoting greater diversity in the outdoors community and on public lands. She currently works for the federal government and previously worked for the Environmental Protection Agency and the [Obama] White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
- Ryan Strom, Legal Counsel: ... Worked at various federal agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Interior..."
- Undoubtedly countless other groups of the People's Climate Movement have Clinton, Obama, or billion-dollar NGO links. No time to check them all out.
- Pro-Trump, Nazi-dominated, anti-immigration protest march of August 11-12, 2017 in Charlottesville that made headlines around the world, especially after one of the protestors killed a counter-protestor. The intended purpose of the rally was to oppose the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park. The removal of nationalist/colonialist statues very clearly is a globalist plot, because the exact same battle is going on right now in the Netherlands, where this author is from. Many ordinary white people oppose the removal of these statues, simply because - good or bad - they are part of their cultural heritage, and it is more than a little weird that we are supposed to be so submissive to tiny groups of overly sensitive Third World immigrants. It's is extremely convenient therefore to the globalist group to associate the protection of these statues (or support of Trump) with Naziism.
- The main organizer of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia is said to have been a certain Jason Kessler (read at the bottom of this entry why the National Policy Institute - which can be linked to the American Security Council, "conservative CIA", and conspiracy disinformation - is more important in relation to the rally): BA University of Virginia in 2009. Voted for Obama in the past. Quite clearly revolved in anti-fascist (antifa) "liberal CIA" circles around the time of the "liberal CIA"-funded and controlled Occupy Wall Street in 2011. He always was a strange duck, however, even in these circles, for trying to radicalize all the groups he got himself involved in: Occupy Charlottesville, Food Not Bombs and an atheist social club. Countless of Jason Kessler's old associates appear to be antifa activists. They make it clear that Kessler did a u-turn around 2015.
- August 17, 2017, Daily Progress, 'Kessler described as one-time wannabe liberal activist': "Laura Kleiner, a Democratic activist who lives in Staunton, said she dated Kessler for several months in 2013. She said Kessler was very dedicated to his liberal principles, and that he was a strict vegetarian, abstained from alcohol and drugs, embraced friends of different ethnicities and was an atheist.
"He broke up with me, and a lot of it was because I was not liberal enough," she said. "I am a very progressive Democrat ... but he didn't like that I ate fish and that I'm a Christian." Kleiner said Kessler was well aware that she was of Jewish heritage, and that he showed no signs of being anti-Semitic. She also said he had a roommate for several years who was an African immigrant." ...
In an interview earlier this week, one of Kessler's neighbors, Zoe Wheeler, said she knew of two different African roommates who lived with him, and never thought Kessler was a racist, even after he started to make waves in the local news late last year. ... "If you spend too much time on the web and you're alone, you've got a lot of guys plying you with all kinds of ideas," she said. ... "I celebrate a diversity of cultures, and that was something that seemed to have been a part of his life, too," Kleiner said. "I was really surprised to hear the stories that he's changed and is now far-right. It's really shocking and disappointing. He's an extremist in whatever he decides to do.""
- August 17, 2017, Daily Progress, 'Kessler described as one-time wannabe liberal activist': "Laura Kleiner, a Democratic activist who lives in Staunton, said she dated Kessler for several months in 2013. She said Kessler was very dedicated to his liberal principles, and that he was a strict vegetarian, abstained from alcohol and drugs, embraced friends of different ethnicities and was an atheist.
- Unite the Right founder Jason Kessler clearly was involved in Occupy Wall Street in late 2011. It also seems clear this was one of several "liberal CIA" outlets he got involved in with the express purpose of trying to radicalize them:
- August 17, 2017, Daily Progress, 'Kessler described as one-time wannabe liberal activist': "According to a woman (who wished to remain anonymous) who was part of the Occupy movement camp in what was then called Lee Park, Kessler was present there for several weeks in late 2011. She said Kessler ultimately removed himself from the camp after activists there started to make it known that his presence was not welcomed. "He was just so disagreeable that he'd start fights between other people. He was very manipulative and very aggressive," the woman said. "He wanted people to be more violent and aggressive. He wanted to be the leader of things.
The former occupier said Kessler also tried to attach himself to other "leftist" groups around that time, such as Food Not Bombs and an atheist social club. She said Kessler had attempted to insert himself in those groups and radicalize them. ...
Last fall, The Daily Progress reported that Kessler published a blog post in February 2016 in which he reflected on the potential of war between different racial groups in the future. He argued that white people would need to fight to avoid becoming a minority in America — a phenomenon he's described in recent months as "white genocide."" - August 18, 2017, Newsradio WINA, 'Jason Kessler participated in Occupy, says another activist': "Evan Knappenberger, a member of the Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice [very low budget, but also VERY clearly a Soros-allied group; national group seemingly funded by the Soros-allied Proteus Fund], participated in Occupy Charlottesville. He says Kessler did, too, for nearly a week.
"He came to our meetings, he participated in our meetings, and he voted on our issues," says Knappenberger. "He presented himself as one of us."
Kessler told WINA News by way of an email that he was in what was then known as Lee Park, but not as a member of Occupy. "I went to the park with a friend as (a) cameraman. They didn't like being filmed, became paranoid and told me to leave. I left with several occupiers stalking me down the street. I contacted the police about the incident but they didn't do anything."
But Knappenberger says he never saw a camera and that Kessler stayed in a tent of his own with literature. "I don't remember exactly what he brought with him, but it was very violent in nature," he says. "He quickly went from talking about this and that to 'we need to have Molotov cocktails' and 'we need to dig up the bricks to throw them at the cops.'"
Knappenberger says that alarmed the rest of the group, whose foundational principals were non-violence and social justice. Eventually, Knappenberger says, they voted Kessler out. "It started this whole dynamic that ended badly," he says. "Jason got vehemently upset. He would yell incoherently. We asked the police for help in intervening and they refused. They said 'You're here in the park, you wanted to do this; this is your problem, not ours.' So I basically had to force him out of the park with my own physical presence and I followed him home from a distance. He screamed at me the whole time, incoherently, the most rash, scream-like, disturbing sounds. But that's how we had to get rid of him.""
- August 17, 2017, Daily Progress, 'Kessler described as one-time wannabe liberal activist': "According to a woman (who wished to remain anonymous) who was part of the Occupy movement camp in what was then called Lee Park, Kessler was present there for several weeks in late 2011. She said Kessler ultimately removed himself from the camp after activists there started to make it known that his presence was not welcomed. "He was just so disagreeable that he'd start fights between other people. He was very manipulative and very aggressive," the woman said. "He wanted people to be more violent and aggressive. He wanted to be the leader of things.
- Jason Kessler started warning of a "white genocide" in his personal blog posts from at least early 2016. On his blog in late 2015 he "exposed" (why did others not notice it?) old anti-white, anti-white women tweets of Charlottesville city council member Dr. Wes Bellamy, a black man. At the time Kessler was cooperating with an action group looking to prevent the removal of Rebel heritage statues.
- November 28, 2016, The Cavalier Daily (University of Virginia's Student Newspaper), 'Homophobic, sexist, anti-white language abundant in Charlottesville vice mayor's tweets': "Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy published several tweets between 2009 and 2014 using gay slurs, comments against white people, lewd slang for female genitalia and other profanities. Many of the old tweets show a stark contrast between his more recent posts lauding women's and LGBTQ rights. Bellamy made his Twitter account private this Saturday. The tweets surfaced on social media after local blogger Jason Kessler posted criticism of the tweets on Nov. 24. ...
"I DONT LIK WHIT PEOPLE SO I HATE WHITE SNOW!!!!! FML!!!!" he tweeted in Dec. 2009. Other tweets compared white women to the devil and criticized the appearance of white women in sundresses. ... "Word...RT: TAXSTONE: Eat it while she asleep if she moan it aint rape," the retweet read. ... [Another:] This weekend I'll be on a whitegirl diet u niggers should try it." ...
Virginia Flaggers, a group which has opposed removing statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson from Lee Park and Jackson Park, respectively, urged people to contact City Council and "demand he be removed from office" in a Facebook post Saturday.
Bellamy responded to his critics in a Facebook post Sunday evening. "I am not a black supremacist, a racist, a misogynist nor am I any of the other things [Kessler] purports me to be," Bellamy said." - Kessler's key role in getting Wes Bellamy out, provided him with enough status to write for other ultraright news outlets and to start becoming a protest leader. He wrote three pieces for the Daily Caller in April-May 2017. The Daily Caller was co-founded by a former Dick Cheney advisors and is co-financed by "conservative CIA" foundations as Koch and Bradley. In the same period he wrote for the ultraright anti-immigration site Vdare.com. Founder and "president" of Unity & Security for America (his unityandsecurity.org website had a bad look, even for late 1990s standards).
- Kessler is said to have been one of the main organizers of the August 2017 Unite the Right rally. That might be so, but the fact is that Richard Spencer and his National Policy Institute were just as prominent, if not more, and provide a direct line to the CIA, the American Security Council, the CIA, and conspiracy disinformation. If Kessler had handlers, and that pretty much must have been the case, it's quite possible, if not likely, it involved someone affiliated with the National Policy Institute. Then again, Kessler also received logistical/legal support from the Soros and Ford Foundation-financed ACLU, generally only a champion of "liberal CIA" causes. What is clear is that Kessler is saying everything ordinary white people want him to say, but pushes all of them out of any statue rallies with his Nazi extremism.
- August 13, 2017, Heavy.com, 'Jason Kessler: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know': "We believe that rampant immigration is bursting our civilization at its seams," the description [on Kessler's website] reads. "Unnecessary foreign interventions and attacks on Western history and heritage are detrimental to the survival of the tradition which brought us reason, logic, medicine, human rights and took us into outer space."
- August 15, 2017, ABC News, '$3 million lawsuit filed against organizers of Charlottesville white nationalist rally': "Kessler organized the rally to protest the city's planned removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee at Emancipation Park, which was formerly known as Lee Park. ... The [uber-liberal Soros, Ford Foundation, etc.-financed] ACLU of Virginia, which is representing Kessler in a lawsuit against the city of Charlottesville for revoking his original permit for the rally. ...
Also named in the lawsuit is Richard Spencer, who organized a similar demonstration on May 13 in protest of the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue, according to the complaint. Spencer, a Virginia resident, helped to organize and promote the Unite the Right rally, the court document states. ...
Several other people whom the lawsuit claims organized and promoted the Unite the Right rally -- including former Ku Klux Klan imperial wizard David Duke -- and organizations such as the Traditionalist Worker Party, the League of the South, Vanguard America, The Nationalist Front, National Policy Institute [of Richard Spencer], the Council of Conservative Citizens, AltRight.com, American Freedom Keepers were also named in the lawsuit for allegedly inciting violence that day. Kessler is a member and agent of Vanguard America [basically consists of a mega-cheap, Wordpress-templated Nazi website], according to the complaint." - August 13, 2017, The Guardian, 'Far-right rally organiser chased away after Charlottesville speech': "Jason Kessler, the organiser of Saturday's far-right rally in Charlottesville, was chased away by protesters in the city on Sunday afternoon after he tried to give a press conference. He tried to hold a joint media appearance with the "alt-right" leader Richard Spencer in the city centre..."
- Jason Kessler was interviewed by Alex Jones on August 14-15, 2017 (Jones eventually starts attacking Kessler for being a globalist plant to bring down Trump): "What I tried to was organize the chaotic element and sometimes the politically incorrect elements of the alt-right movement into a civil rights movement for white people. Was our opening step perfect, no, it wasn't. What happened was, there was a coordinated attack by the establishment to defame us and to defame President Trump by association. This was not a Neo-Nazi rally. This was not even a white nationalist rally, even though I did invite some people who did identify as a white nationalist.
What this rally was about was, number one, standing up for these monuments, because it wasn't just the Robert E. Lee statue being taken down. They took down Christopher Columbus at Pepperdine University [in Southern California in March 2017]. They removed the bust of the white founders at King's College in London [in July 2017, replaced it with a "wall of diversity"], because it wouldn't be sensitive enough [to immigrants]... That's what I'm saying [the pyramids need to be taken down, because they were build by slaves] It is only being used a cudgel to attack white people. These historical errors like slavery, or perhaps wars of conquest, these are things that everybody did, but historical revisionists are only using it against white people.
[Alex Jones: "The leftists/globalists have turned it into a white thing. They use that as a political bully to make the bloc of white people submit to the [multi]cultural tyranny. Now if you don't submit to your kid being taught to have sex when they're five by the pedophile lobby, you are anti-gay. You understand that half the people in white nationalist groups are feds? Southern Poverty Law Center has been caught running ... white supremacist compounds. Did you know about the Jewish guy that was caught attacking Jewish cemetaries? They were blaming it on Trump supporters."]
Yeah, those were false flags, Alex, like this Nazi swastika put out there in the media. I never saw anybody with that. I explicitly told people: "Do not bring KKK [and] Nazi symbolism to this rally." This is not what we are about. ... There were a lot of people who were just normal Trump supporters. ... There were just elderly people in there, just waiting to hear some speeches. ...
At one time I was an Obama supporter. I did not see the error of my ways until about two years ago [in 2015] when the [black] shootings were happening and they were blaming everything on the racist beliefs at the time. And I knew that the crime statistics were off. I felt like a lot of the other identity politics stuff, with pushing the gender wage gap, that was off. I knew it was. And towards the end of Obama's presidency I could see that he had conceited the White House to very radical left-wing cultural marxists who hated whites, who hated men, who hated Christians.
[Jones attacks Kessler for being a globalist Fed, and also says "It's almost totally fake [the Nazi movement]. To find a real KKK member that can actually talk or get out of their mother's trailer is very rare."] As far as the Occupy stuff, I was interested in that at the time, but I never one of the Antifa people or whatever. But I did see that there was a globalist elite. ... While I do totally disavow the Occupy Movement and the leftists, I do think there is a concentration of elite power in the government and in the mega-corporations. ... I don't know that the leadership of the movements are leftist co-conspirators as you say. ... The same damn day that my rally was announced, a KKK rally was announced for July 8. We looked into this guy. ... He is Chris Barker, he's the leader of the Loyal White Knights [of the KKK] and he is a federal informant."
- afsc.org/about (accessed: February 12, 2017): "Founded in the crucible of World War I by Quakers..."
- afsc.org (accessed: February 12, 2017): "Take action against the Muslim ban and all executive actions that target immigrants and perpetuate racism. ...
What allies can do to fight Islamophobia..." - January 17, 2017, afsc.org, 'What allies can do to fight Islamophobia': "Immediately following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, Islamophobia and hate crimes toward Muslims spiked dramatically. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center...
National media, for example, frequently paint a portrait of Muslim immigrants as dangerous...
According to a June 2016 Quinnipiac poll, the number of Americans who oppose a temporary ban on Muslim immigrants are only a slight majority, with 52 percent opposed as compared to 40 percent in favor. [NOTE: "strangely", cites an OLD poll well before Trump's election and fails to mention a majority, especially the native white population, SUPPORTED Trump's decision at the time of this article] The same poll reveals that only 55 percent of Americans believe that Islam is a peaceful religion. This narrative is fueling Islamophobia..." - afsc.org/key-issues (accessed: February 12, 2017): "- AFSC directly supports immigrant and refugee communities across the U.S. ... - The incarceration rate in the U.S. is the highest in the world... - Racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, ageism, religious discrimination, and colonialism are all barriers to building a just and peaceful world. AFSC works with communities in the U.S. and across the globe to foster diversity, inclusion, and equality."
- Financing:
- 2003 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 73: "American Friends Services Committee ... $100,000..."
- 2013, 2014, 2015 annual report, American Friends Services Committee: "Foundations giving $25,000 or more [40+ are listed]: ... Four Freedoms Fund ... Open Society Foundations ... United States Institute of Peace ... Kellogg Foundation... Named endowments: ... Stern Fund..." Tides Foundation also listed for 2013 as an above $25,000 donor.
- Formerly known as the American Immigration Law Foundation.
- americanimmigrationcouncil.org front page article titles (accessed: February 20, 2017): "'A Primer on Expedited Removal' [raises the concern that low-level extradition officers have too much power and that illegal immigrants seldom see the inside of a court room] ... 'Immigrant Rights Groups File Class Action Suit Challenging Trump Administration's "Muslim Ban"' ... 'The High Cost and Diminishing Returns of a Border Wall' ..."
- Financing:
- April 15, 2002, opensocietyfoundations.org (George Soros) press release, 'OSI Announces Post 9/11 Grants': "American Immigration Law Foundation: $50,000 to support advocacy, documentation and public education around the detention of non-citizens post September 11."
- Carnegie Corporation grants listed in the Carnegie.org database: "
- 2015, American Immigration Council, $200,000...- 2013 ... $50,000... - 2008 ... $250,000... - 2007 ... $25,000..." - Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "American Immigration Council: ... 2007: $300,000. 2009: $300,000. 2011: $350,000. 2013: $75,000. 2014: $140,000 [and] $350,000. 2015: $180,000."
- 2003 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 73: "Center for Immigrant Democracy ... $40,000."
- Founded in 1988 and reportedly "the nation's largest network of non-profit immigration programs."
- April 15, 2002, opensocietyfoundations.org (George Soros) press release, 'OSI Announces Post 9/11 Grants': "Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.: $60,000..."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.: ... 2006: $220,000. 2010: $300,000. 2013: $1,100,000. 2014: $300,000. 2015: $900,000."
- ciej.org (accessed: February 10, 2017): "We are a coalition of families facing permanent separation due to the 1996 immigration acts AEDPA and IIRIRA."
- April 15, 2002, opensocietyfoundations.org (George Soros) press release, 'OSI Announces Post 9/11 Grants': "Citizens and Immigrants for Equal Justice: $50,000 for advocacy activities on behalf of detained immigrants and their families."
- opensocietyfoundations.org (George Soros) listed grants: "Equal Justice USA of the Quixote Center ... 2001 ... $80,000...
Equal Justice USA ... 2009 ... $75,000 ...
Equal Justice USA Inc. ... 2012 ... $400,000. ... "
- Biology professor Bret Weinstein was responsible for a nationally reported affair at Evergreen State College in the spring of 2017. Since the 1970s Evergreen annually "celebrated" a "Day of Absence", which minorities left campus for a day to somehow underscore their importance. In 1992 Evergreen added a "Day of Presence" to "celebrate" everybody being together again. After the Trump election in 2016 and inauguration in January 2017, Evergreen's "First Peoples Multicultural, Trans, and Queer Support Services" came up with the idea to ban white people from campus instead. Otherwise "a deeply progressive person" Weinstein disagreed, writing in an email "On a college campus, one's right to speak — or to be — should never be based on skin color." In protest, he just showed up during "Day of Absense" and became the target of a student protest (about) who were yelling he was racist and demanded his removal. :
- September 13, 2018, thestranger.com, 'Why Liberal Arts Schools Like Evergreen Would Benefit from Conservative Professors': "The drama started after Bret Weinstein, once a much-loved [biology] professor, was falsely accused of being a white supremacist by a group of students, who first took over his class and later led protests against Weinstein and others on campus. Students barricaded themselves in the library, held administrators hostage, and roamed campus with bats and batons. The alt-right got wind of the story after Weinstein gave an interview on Fox News and some of the students and faculty who opposed Weinstein were harassed."
- May 26, 2018, Fox News with Tucker Carlson, ''It's Turned Authoritarian': Former WA Prof Who Refused to Leave Campus Over His 'Whiteness' Blasts College': "Wow, they have done quite the opposite of apologizing. They have, in fact, hired a PR team that periodictally demonizes myself and my wife."
- "Last year, organizers [at Evergreen] said that on the Day of Absence, they wanted white people to stay off campus [instead of minorities]. Bret Weinstein, a biology professor, posted a message on a campus email list in which he objected to the proposal to ask white people to avoid campus."
- Bret Weinstein: Thiel.
- evergreen.edu/multicultural (accessed: December 10, 2018): "First Peoples Multicultural, Trans, and Queer Support Services [contact agency for the Day of Absence/Presence]: We offer support services for students of color and LGBTQ+ students on campus."
- evergreen.edu/multicultural/day-of-absence-day-of-presence (accessed: April 17, 2017): "The Day of Absence, as it was originally known, began in the 1970s when Faculty member Maxine Mimms, inspired by the play, approached administrator Stone Thomas about the idea of joining with other faculty and staff of color in spending a work day away from campus as a grassroots collective action. In the decades following, Day of Absence grew to become an opportunity for all students, faculty and staff at Evergreen to explore and celebrate the richness of our diversity by facilitating conversations about issues of difference. In 1992, Day of Presence was added in order to reunite the college community and honor diversity and unity as a whole campus."
- Mumia Abu-Jamal: Black cop killer who was not an attendant or graduate of Evergreen, but allowed to be the 1999 commencement speaker at Evergreen's graduation ceremony while still on death row (a tape was played). Luckily, there was a lot of protest around the country with at least some students walking out. Evergreen defended itself by explaining it asked Abu-Jamal to speak "to galvanize an international conversation about the death penalty, the disproportionate number of blacks on death row, the relationship between poverty and the criminal justice system." Abu-Jamal had been radicalized from high school. Before he murdered the officer, he was a Black Panther Party member, served as president of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists and supported the MOVE Organization in Philadelphia - all tied to "liberal CIA" globalist interested.
- Andrew Mickel: White Indymedia journalist who executed a random cop in November 2002 by shooting him in the back, finishing him off with a headshot and leaving a note "Don't Tread On Us". Only caught after writing on the internet he did it to counter "the corporate irresponsibility" and "police state tactics" going on (Bush and 9/11 had just happened) and that he founded a group called "Proud and Insolent Youth Incorporated".
- Justin Solondz and Briana Waters: Attended Evergreen while involved in the May 2001 University of Washington firebombing incident as part of an Earth Liberation Front cell called "The Family".
- Rachel Corrie: political activist for the pro-Palestine International Solidarity Movement, famously ran over by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza in 2003.
- Robert W. McChesney: Host of Media Matters radio program 2002-2012. Founder of the "liberal CIA"-financed Free Press agency in 2003.
- Ken Silverstein: Journalist for Mother Jones, Washington Monthly, The Nation, Slate, and Salon. Founder in 1993 of CounterPunch, soon primarily associated with Alexander Cockburn. Washington editor for Harper's. Every single one of these publications is "liberal CIA".
- Soundgarden and Sub Pop record label: Soundgarden founders Kim Thayill and Yamamoto and Sub Pop founder Bruce Pavitt all went to a high school outside Chicago with an "alternative learning program" and then ended up at Evergreen. Sub Pop was the early record label for Soundgarden, Nirvava, Mudhoney and other bands that stood at the basis of the "grunge" era with its "Seattle sound". More than a few individuals within this network, including Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell, have been heavy-duty anti-Trump globalist propagandists.
- Matt Groening: Also a contributor to Evergreen's Cooper Point Journal in the mid 1970s. Simpsons cartoon creator. Bohemian Grove. Groening's brother-in-law also was Evergreen.
- The Washington State governor who signed Evergreen State College into existince in 1967 and later, from 1977 to 1983 served as president of Evergreen, was Daniel J. Evans, in 1973 one of 65 founding U.S. Trilateral Commission members. David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski founded the Trilateral Commission and only invited their closest allies. Evans would continue as Senator of Washington State in 1983 and visit Bilderberg in 1986 and 1988.
- Daniel J. Evans: Born in 1925. Congressman from Washington State 1956-1964. Governor of Washington State 1965-1977. Supporter of Nelson Rockefeller for president in 1968. Founding Trilateral Commission member in 1973 until at least 1978. President of Evergreen State College 1977-1983, whose legislation he signed in 1967 to set it up. Chairman of the Pacific Northwest Electric power and Conservation Planning Council. 1981-1983. Senator from Washington 1983-1989. Bilderberg '86, '88. Trustee Carnegie Fund for Advancement of Teaching. Chairman (emeritus) of the Alliance to Save Energy. John Heinz III and 1998-2013 UN Foundation president Tim Wirth are other past chairmen of the alliance. Anno 2018 still listed as director and member of the leadership council of the Initiative for Global Development, headed by Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell and stacked with plenty more superclass members.
- 1973 Trilateral Commission membership list: "Daniel J. Evans, Governor of Washington. ... David Rockefeller..."
- 1978 Trilateral Commission membership list: "Daniel J. Evans, President, The Evergreen State College; former Governor of Washington. ... David Rockefeller ... John D. Reckefeller, IV ... David Packard..."
- June 4, 1974, Evergreen State's Cooper Point Journal, pp. 14, 16: "Governor Dan Evans, perhaps Evergreen's strongest political supporter, thinks the college has had problems primarily because it is a new school with a different philosophical bent ...
The first speaker ... was ex-CIA agent and faculty member Andrew Hanfman [since the Fall of 1972; taught 5 languages: German, Russian, Swedish, Norwegian and Italian; oversaw Spanish and French instructions]. ... He quoted [Benjamin] Disraeli, and followed through with a thoughtful analysis of the present American social revolution.
The second speaker was [black] faculty member Maxime Mimms [who came up with the Day of Absence] who told the graduates that she hoped they were not "prepared for a job, or prepared for graduate school, but prepared to live.""
- Evergreen financing since the 1980s:
- November 1988, Evergreen State College Review, p. 10: "organizations who gave to the Evergreen Fund, July 1, 1987-June 30, 1988: The President's Club ($1,000 or more): ... AT&T ... Boeing ... Pacific Coca-Cola Bottling [Coca-Cola is Warren Buffett] ... Hewlett Packard Foundation ... Exxon Education Foundation..."
- December 7, 1992, Evergreen State College Review, p. 35: "Gifts or Grants of $1,000+: AT&T ... Exxon ... Ford Foundation ... Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation ... Microsoft ... Nike ... Pacific Coca-Cola Bottling Company. The Pew Charitable Trust... Tides Foundation ... Matching Gifts of $1,000+: Boeing ... Intel ... Shearson Lehman. Shell Oil Foundation... "
- February 27, 2004, evergreen.edu, 'Ford Foundation Awards $145,000 to Evergreen's Longhouse Education and Cultural Center'.
- August 1, 2006, evergreen.edu, 'Ford Foundation awards Evergreen $250,000 to expand Native American programs'.
- 2006-2017 Ford Foundation grants list: "Evergreen State College. 2007: $300,000. ... 2008: $200,000. ... The Evergreen State College Foundation: 2008: $75,000... 2010: $500,000. ... 2014: $500,000..."
- 2011 and 2012, Form 990, Soros' Open Society Foundations: "Evergreen State College Foundation: ... Matching Gifts ... 750..."
- fairimmigration.org (accessed: February 12, 2017): "8.1 million immigrants eligible this year to begin the process for citizenship now."
- fairimmigration.org/about/ (accessed: February 12, 2017): "Since 2000, the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) has been the meeting place and united voice of the dynamic grassroots movement advocating for comprehensive immigration reform and the civil rights of immigrants in America. ...
FIRM is a project of the Center for Community Change, a national organization dedicated to improving the lives of low-income people and people of color. " - communitychange.org/about/funders/ (accessed: October 25, 2004): "Institutional Funders. The Center for Community Change is supported by a diverse group of foundations and individuals. Below is a partial list of major institutions that have been critical in supporting and strengthening our efforts. Arca Foundation... Carnegie Corporation of New York... Ford Foundation... HKH [Hochschild] Foundation... Knight Foundation... Mott Foundation... Open Society Institute [Soros]... Packard Foundation... Rockefeller Foundation... Tides Foundation..."
- FWD.us is a major group founded in 2013 by Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, as well as Bill Gates, to initiate Third World immigration reform. Anno 2017 looking at the dozens of founders, leaders and financial backers, there are a lot of Indians and a few Asians (which is good). There is not a SINGLE black or Muslim person. While this is to be expected for the tech sector, it appears many key members still absolutely refuse to address the GIGANTIC crime and religious extremism numbers with black and Muslim groups.
- fwd.us/about_us (accessed: July 4, 2017): "FWD.us' mission is to mobilize the tech community to support policies that keep the American Dream achievable in the 21st century. We support comprehensive immigration reform..."
- fwd.us/supporters (accessed: July 4, 2017): "Our Founders: ... John Doerr ... Bill Gates [of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation] ... Mark Zuckerberg [and a group of Dropbox executives]...
Major Contributors: ... Tim Armstrong [AOL chair] ... Steve Ballmer [former Microsoft CEO] ... Barry Diller ... Reed Hastings, Founder and CEO, Netflix ... Marissa Mayer, CEO and President, Yahoo! ... Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman, Google ... Kevin Systrom, CEO and Co-Founder, Instagram ... Babak Pahlavan, Director of Product Management, Google ..."
- immdefense.org/mission/ (accessed: February 12, 2017): "We work to transform a racially biased criminal legal system that violates basic human rights and an immigration system that tears hundreds of thousands of immigrants with convictions each year from their homes, their families, and their communities. We fight to end the current era of unprecedented mass deportation"
- Defending Immigrants Partnership:
- immdefense.org/126-defenders-31-states-1-national-training/ (accessed: February 19, 2017): "The Defending Immigrants Partnership (DIP) held its Sixth National Training on Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions in Denver in May 2012. ... This training was supported by a generous grant from the Ford Foundation."
- immdefense.org/defending-immigrants-partnership/ (accessed: February 19, 2017): "The Defending Immigrants Partnership (DIP) is an unprecedented collaboration between the Immigrant Defense Project, National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, and the Immigrant Legal Resource Center... Since 2002, DIP has provided defenders the means to make systemic improvements in their representation of noncitizen clients."
- immdefense.org/wp-content/ uploads/2011/02/NJ-Chart.pdf (accessed: February 19, 2017): "Defending Immigrants Partnership, which is supported by grants from the Open Society Institute Gideon Project and from the Ford Foundation."
- Founded in 1979.
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center website statement: "The ILRC seeks to improve immigration law and policy, expand the capacity of legal service providers, and advance immigrant rights."
- ilrc.org/board-of-directors (accessed: January 30, 2017): "Advisory Board: - John Burton, Chairman, California Democratic Party [and] Former President Pro Tem, California State Senate.
- Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Leader, United States House of Representatives." - Annual report 2013 "At a Glance" of the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC), pp. 2-4: "Donations & Revenue: - Grants: 81%. ... Thank you to ILRC's 2013 supporters! ... - ACLU ... Carnegie Corporation of NY ... Ford Foundation ... Knight Foundation ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund ..."
- Annual report 2015, Immigrant Legal Resource Center: "Thank you to our 2015 Supporters! ... Carnegie Corporation ... Ford Foundation ... Open Society Foundations ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund .. Tides Foundation ..."
- Founded in 2001 by the Culinary Workers Union Local 226.
- 2013 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 73: "Immigrant Workers Citizenship Project, Washington, D.C.: $25,000..."
- 2004-2005 annual report, Carnegie Corporation, p. 49: "Immigrant Workers Citizenship Project... Five-month grant of $25,000..."
- discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6910 (accessed: February 20, 2017): "IWCP has received funding from the Arca Foundation ... the California Endowment, the Carnegie Corporation ... the Ford Foundation, the J.M. Kaplan Fund, the Open Society Institute, the Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust, and the Rockefeller Foundation."
- Group active in 2003. Had 900 immigrants on a cross-country tour to promote the Third World immigration cause in dozens of cities, as well as nationally.
- iwfr.org/about.asp (accessed: August 26, 2006): "Just as the Freedom Rides of the early 1960's exposed the brutality of legal segregation in the South, the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride will expose the injustice of current policies toward immigrants.
Immigrant workers work hard, pay taxes, and sacrifice for their families. ... [They only] want what we all want: a fair shot at the American Dream.
But our broken immigration system keeps millions of hardworking immigrants from becoming full members and enjoying equal rights in this nation of immigrants." - iwfr.org/default3.asp (accessed: August 26, 2006): "The Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride finished with a huge, daylong Celebration of America's Immigrants in New York's Flushing Meadows Park Oct. 4. More than 125,000 union and community supporters joined the nearly 1,000 immigrant workers who had crossed the country in an unprecedented effort to put immigration issues squarely on the national political agenda for 2004 and mobilize national support for changes in immigration policies."
- Numerous support organizations of the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride are organizations backed by Eastern Establishment foundations:
- iwfr.org/endorsement.asp (accessed: June 7, 2005): "The organizations and individuals below have signed on to support the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride [hundreds:] ... ACORN ... Gamaliel ... National Council of La Raza ... National Immigration Forum. National Immigration Law Center. ... ACLU ... Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee ... The Center For Equal Justice Under Law ... NAACP ... Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (PRLDEF) ... Individuals: ... Noam Chomsky ... Martin Sheen ... Howard Zinn..."
- immigrationadvocates.org/about/ (accessed: February 20, 2017): "...collaborative effort of leading immigrants' rights organizations designed to increase access to justice for low-income immigrants..."
- immigrationadvocates.org/about/item.2463-Our_Staff_Partners_and_Supporters (accessed: February 20, 2017): "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Carnegie Corporation of New York. Ford Foundation. ... J.M. Kaplan Fund. ... MacArthur Foundation. ... Knight Foundation. Open Society Foundations."
- Research and policy arm of the American Immigration Council, which is heavily subsized by top liberal foundations as Ford, Carnegie and Open Society (Soros).
- openborders.info/ipc/ (accessed: February 20, 2017): "The Immigration Policy Center (website) is the research and policy arm of the American Immigration Council. IPC is focused on immigration to the United States and takes an explicit pro-immigration and pro-immigrant stance with respect to immigration."
- Both the Stalinist Workers World Party and the equally pro-communist International Action Center, which came out of the WWP in 1991-1992 under the leadership of past "liberal CIA" associate Ramsey Clark (just before of the CIA-Rockefeller-Ford Foundation Africa America Institute and the like), pretend to be communist/heavily socialist groups, but in reality are completely obsessed with globalism, supporting the exact same issues as "liberal CIA" foundations as George Soros' Open Society Foundations and the Ford Foundation: Third World immigration, LGBTQ rights and feminism:
- workers.org (accessed: April 29, 1999): "Workers World has united Black, Latino, Native, Asian, Arab and white in the struggle against racism. It has brought together women and men, lesbian, gay, bi, trans and straight, youth and seniors, workers and the unemployed, native-born and immigrants to fight for better conditions for all. ... But you can't just patch up this racist, sexist society. Capitalism rests on the exploitation of the many by the few."
- iacenter.org (accessed: April 10, 1997): "The IAC was initiated in 1992 by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark and many antiwar activists to expose the US bombing of innocent Iraqi civilians and the massive destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure. The Center coordinated an International War Crimes Tribunal which implicated the US in gross violations of international law. Since then, the IAC has been a leader in the movements to end US/UN sanctions against Iraq; oppose the expansion of NATO and US/NATO bombing of the Bosnian Serbs; end the thirty-five year blockade of Cuba; and continually oppose US military involvement throughout the globe, from Haiti to Somalia, from Panama to the Philippines, to Palestine. Intrinsic in its mission is the IAC's dedication to end racism, sexism, and homophobia. ...
[IAC is committed to:] - Full rights for immigrants. - Exposing the CIA-Drug connection. - Lesbian, Bi, Gay and Transgender rights. ... - Defending women's rights. ... - Stop police brutality and neo-Nazi gangs, [Soon also the exposure of depleted uranium in Iraq]"
- Birth of the International Action Center out of the WWP in 1991-1992 under the leadership of "liberal CIA" asset Ramsey Clark (also, for at least 8.5 years World Workers Party prominently linked to the IAC on its website):
- November 4, 2002, WorldNetDaily, 'Has anti-war movement been hijacked? Terror alliances, radical politics
revealed at forefront': "The World Workers Party created the IAC in 1992, and put Ramsey Clark, now kingpin of the anti-war movement, at the head of it. ... [We now have a] "new" anti-war movement, which has been increasingly dominated by the international A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition, an organizational front group formed by the International Action Center. Closely allied with IAC is the World Workers Party, a quasi-Stalinist organization that supports authoritarian regimes and communist dictatorships. ...
The founder of the IAC and director for A.N.S.W.E.R. is Ramsey Clark, who is introduced at IAC rallies as the former attorney general under the Lyndon Johnson administration. [Clark] has been retained by the State of Iraq to serve as legal counsel for the regime. ... Not surprisingly, criticism of Saddam Hussein is not aired at IAC/A.N.S.W.E.R.-controlled protest events. ... Clark client, Rwanda genocide indictee Pastor Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, was accused of telling Tutsis to hide in his church and then summoning Hutus to massacre them. The genocidal leader later led killing squads in the "hell on earth" that Rwanda quickly became. ...
The controversial ties of IAC remain almost completely unreported by the mainstream media, but increasingly are being exposed by a handful of enterprising journalists..." - March 13, 2003, FrontPage Magazine, 'ANSWER's Steering Committee': "The group at the forefront of the recent anti-war rallies, International A.N.S.W.E.R (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) [is communist] ....
The most influential member of ANSWER's steering committee, Ramsey Clark's pet project known as the International Action Center (IAC), is considered by many observers to be little more than a communist front organization for an obscure Stalinist organization known as the World Workers Party (WWP). Yet, the IAC is not the only member of ANSWER's steering committee committed to extremist causes. The Korean Truth Commission and Pastors for Peace are staunch allies of Kim Jong Il and Fidel Castro, respectively... [There's also] the Muslim Student Association and the Free Palestine Alliance...
Since its inception in the early nineties, Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark's International Action Center has been documented to be a front organization for the World Worker's party. ... Through a deliberate infiltration strategy in which key WWP operatives have assumed high level positions in Clark's organization, the WWP has been able to exert tremendous ideological sway over the IAC, and subsequently, ANSWER. As noted by Kevin Coogan, a contributor to the Hit List who has extensively investigated the WWP-IAC connection, "it is undeniable that without the presence of scores of WWP cadre working inside the IAC, the organization, for all practical purposes would cease to exist."
It was Ramsey Clark's seduction by the WWP that marked the beginning of the WWP's movement to the forefront of liberal activism. In 1991, the National Coalition was born out of the ashes of another WWP front organization known as the People's Anti-War Mobilization (PAM). The WWP's role in the creation of the National Coalition was immediately made apparent through the selection of prominent WWP member Monica Moorehead as the head of the new organization. The National Coalition quickly established its headquarters in a Manhattan office building adjacent to the offices of Ramsey Clark, which was already infested with WWP members. Gavriella Gemma, a WWP and National Coalition coordinator, was a legal secretary in Ramsey's office, and was allegedly instrumental in bringing Clark into the WWP fold. Clark quickly fell under the sway of the WWP, and within months was announced as the organization's official spokesman. ...
Brian Becker, member of the secretariat of the World Workers Party, is now a national co-director for the IAC. Other WWP members overtly associated with IAC are Sarah Sloan (youth coordinator), Teresa Gutierrez (co-director) and Gloria La Riva (correspondent, Workers World.) Of course, IAC WWP members are never identified as such at ANSWER rallies." - workers.org (accessed: February 29, 2000; IAC link starts to appear permanently on the website): "[Right column:] International Action Center."
- workers.org (accessed: December 16, 2008; links button with IAC link soon disappears): "Links: ... International Action Center [only significant long-term link]..."
- November 4, 2002, WorldNetDaily, 'Has anti-war movement been hijacked? Terror alliances, radical politics
revealed at forefront': "The World Workers Party created the IAC in 1992, and put Ramsey Clark, now kingpin of the anti-war movement, at the head of it. ... [We now have a] "new" anti-war movement, which has been increasingly dominated by the international A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition, an organizational front group formed by the International Action Center. Closely allied with IAC is the World Workers Party, a quasi-Stalinist organization that supports authoritarian regimes and communist dictatorships. ...
- Summary of some of the overlap in leadership between the IAC and the World Workers Party:
- Ramsey Clark: joined the WWP in 1991, before setting up the IAC as one of its front groups.
- Teresa Gutierrez: Long-time co-coordinator of the International Action Center, working closely with Ramsey Clark, and a member of the governing body of the WWP. Workers World Party nominee for Vice President of the United States in the 2004. Deputy secretary general of the International Migrant Alliance, an active member of the Chican@ movement and activist for immigrant rights, and a "proud lesbian."
- John Parker: candidate of the Workers World Party in 2004. Coordinator at the IAC.
- Brian Becker: national co-director IAC and secretariat member of the World Workers Party.
- Sarah Sloan: WWP and IAC youth coordinator.
- Gloria La Riva: Workers World correspondent and IAC.
- 9/11-no-planer and chemtrails disinformer Michel Chossudovsky, founder of the website GlobalResearch.ca, has been a long-time supporter of the IAC:
- iacenter.org/Koreafiles/ktc_062202-endsr.htm (accessed: September 3, 2018): "June 22, 2002 INTERNATIONAL ACTION DAY AGAINST WAR AND FOR PEACE: ... International Endorsers: Individual and Organization: ... Michel Chossudovsky, Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada. ... World Workers Party, USA. Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), Canada. ... William Blum. Journalist, Writer, USA."
- Project of George Soros' Open Society Foundations.
- January 28, 2017, Breitbart, 'George Soros-Financed Groups Scheme to Stop Trump's Temporary Refugee Halt Order': "Immigration lawyers from groups financed by billionaire George Soros, a champion of open border policies, were signatories to a lawsuit filed Saturday to block President Donald Trump's executive order halting visas for 90 days for "immigrants and non-immigrants" from Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Iran, and Iraq. lll Taryn Higashi, executive director of the [Urban Justice] Center's International Refugee Assistance Project [financed by Rockefeller Brothers Fund, etc.], which is listed on the Trump lawsuit, currently serves on the Advisory Board of the International Migration Initiative..."
- opensocietyfoundations.org/about/programs/international-migration-initiative (accessed: January 30, 2017): "Through empowerment, policy change, and legal action, we target reforms that meaningfully improve the working and living conditions of migrants."
- A Soros-funded super PAC that not necessarily is about immigration, but which did spell out why Third World immigration is so important to Democrats and the globalists in particular:
- jcer.info/candidates (accessed: September 16, 2014): "The Jewish Council for Education & Research is proud of our endorsement of Barack Obama during the 2008 and 2012 elections. We stood with other Jewish voters who comprised a critical contingent of the Democratic coalition, joining African Americans, Asians [note: partly code for Arabs], Latinos and the LGBT community who all gave Obama at least 70% of their vote."
- OpenSecrets.org (Center for Responsive Politics), 'Jewish Council for Education & Research': "38 records found. Total for this search: $422,940. ... Soros, Alexander... 3/28/12: $200,000. ... 10/26/12: $100,000. [plus three dozen much smaller contributors.]"
- September 27, 2012, Gawker, 'Samuel L. Jackson Has Had It with Mitt Romney, Tells Obama Supporters to 'Wake the Fuck Up'': "In a new political ad from the Jewish Council for Research and Education — the Alexander Soros-funded super PAC behind Sarah Silverman's successful pro-Obama spots — action movie star Samuel L. Jackson sends up his ultra-viral narration..."
- April 15, 2002, opensocietyfoundations.org press release, 'OSI Announces Post 9/11 Grants' (Soros' Open Society Foundations): "Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service: $60,000 to help secure pro-immigrant sentiments and policies post September 11 through grassroots education, media outreach, and advocacy related to immigrants in INS detention with a focus on vulnerable immigrants such as asylum seekers and torture survivors."
- iracoalition.org/roknav-resources-allies (accessed: February 20, 2017): "Migration Policy Institute ... Center for Community Change [Ford, Rockefeler, etc. backing] ... [and other liberal establishment foundation-backed groups]..."
- Carnegie Corporation: carnegie.org grants database (accessed: February 20, 2017): "2007: Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition, $10,000 ... 2008: ... $50,000..."
- April 15, 2002, opensocietyfoundations.org press release, 'OSI Announces Post 9/11 Grants' (Soros' Open Society Foundations): "Midwest Immigrant & Human Rights Center: $50,000 to respond to the needs of immigrants and refugees in the Midwest caught in the wide dragnet cast by new anti-terrorist laws and policies."
- migrationpolicy.org/about/mission (accessed: February 20, 2017): "Founded in 2001 by Demetrios G. Papademetriou and Kathleen Newland, MPI grew out of the International Migration Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace."
- migrationpolicy.org front page (accessed: February 20, 2017): "'Data and Analysis Related to Trump Administration Executive Orders on Immigrants and Refugees' ... 'Trump Executive Order on Refugees and Travel Ban: A Brief Review' ... 'Leaked Draft of Possible Trump Executive Order on Public Benefits Would Spell Chilling Effects for Legal Immigrants'"
- migrationpolicy.org/programs/us-immigration-policy-program/data-and-analysis-related-trump-administration-executive (accessed: February 20, 2017): "None of the more than 3 million refugees who have entered through the resettlement program has killed anyone in a terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Singling out refugees will not make America safer. ...
The United States is the largest refugee resettlement country in the world, with 69,933 newly arrived refugees granted protection in 2015. ...
Approximately 86,000 Syrian immigrants resided in the United States in 2014. ... More than 18,000 Syrian refugees have been resettled in the United States since civil war broke out in Syria in 2011; nearly half are under age 14." - migrationpolicy.org/about/funders (accessed: February 20, 2017): "Our major donors include: Annie E. Casey Foundation ... Atlantic Philanthropies ... Bertelsmann Stiftung ... Booz Allen Hamilton ... Boston Foundation ... Carnegie Corporation ... Carnegie Endowment ... Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. ... Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), Oxford University. Chicago Council on Foreign Relations ... Ford Foundation ... Foundation for Population, Migration and Environment (BMU), Switzerland. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. German Marshall Fund of the United States. Global Commission on International Migration. ... JM Kaplan Fund ... King Baudouin Foundation ... Knight Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation ... Manhattan Institute ... Andrew W. Mellon Foundation ... Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation ... Open Society Foundations ... Public Welfare Foundation. The Rockefeller Foundation. Russell Sage Foundation. ... Smith Richardson Foundation. ... Urban Institute ... U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Walmart ... Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation. W.K. Kellogg Foundation. World Bank. World Health Organization ... Government of Finland ... Sweden ... Norway ... Gemany ...Netherlands ... Spain ... Italy ... Greece ... Canada ... Mexico ... Taiwan..."
- Carnegie Corporation grants database at carnegie.org (accessed: February 20, 2017): "2015, Migration Policy Institute, $1,250,000..."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "Migration Policy Institute: ... 2006: $1,200,000. 2006: $250,000. 2007: $200,000. 2008: $1,000,000. 2009: $150,000. 2010: $1,400,000. 2013: $900,000. 2014: $1,200,000."
- ndlon.org/about-us/our-history/ (accessed: Apil 20, 2010): "(NDLON) was officially founded in July 2001 in Northridge California at the first- ever national gathering of day laborer organizations. ...
In response to the vitriolic anti-immigrant Sensenbrenner Bill of 2006 (HR 4437), NDLON coordinates a coast-to-coast run to bring attention to immigration reform...
Since early 2006, the anti-immigrant group, the Minuteman Project, had specifically targeted day laborer corners in their hate-campaign against immigrants. ...
2007-2010: ... NDLON mobilizes human rights supporters against the passage of SB 1070 — Arizona's anti-immigrant bill legalizing racial profiling — by launching the "Turning the Tide" campaign." - ISGP ran into the group, because it launched the altoarizona.com website that was pushed by Rage Against The Machine singer Zack de la Rocha.
- altoarizona.com (accessed: Apil 20, 2010): "[Bottom:] National Day Labor Organizing Network (NDLON)"
- Financing:
- 2006-2017 Ford Foundation grants list: "National Day Laborer Organizing Network ... 2006: $200,000. ... 2007: $250,000. ... 2008: $500,000. ... 2009: $100,000 [and] $676,000. ... 2010: $850,000. ... 2011: $100,000. ... 2012: $1,250,000. ... 2013: $450,000. ... 2014: $1,200,000. ... 2015: $400,000. ... 2016: $800,000."
- George Soros' Open Society Foundations: opensocietyfoundations.org/about/programs/us-programs/grantees/national-day-laborer-organizing-network (accessed: May 17, 2018): "National Day Laborer Organizing Network. Year: 2010. ... Amount: $187,500...."
- The National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) is a program of the Heartland Alliance, which in turn is financed by major Eastern Establishment foundations.
- immigrantjustice.org/about-heartland-alliances-national-immigrant-justice-center (accessed: January 30, 2017).
- Annual report 2015, Heartland Alliance, pp. 2-3: "2015 Contibutions. $500,000+: Anonymous ... Oak Foundation ... $100,000 - $499,000: ... The Atlantic Philanthropies ... Boeing Company Charitable Trust ... Ford Foundation ... Home Depot Foundation ... JP Morgan Chase Foundation ... Libra Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation ... Open Society Institute ... Kellogg Foundation ... " Same donors in 2014.
- Annual Report 2005, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 45: "Heartland Alliance, Chicago, Illinois: $100,000..."
- immigrationforum.org (accessed: February 21, 2017): "National Immigration Forum is one of the leading immigrant advocacy organizations in the country, with a mission to advocate for the value of immigrants and immigration to the nation."
- Donors:
- George Soros' Open Society Foundations grants listed at opensocietyfoundations.org (accessed: February 21, 2017): "2009: ... $2,500,000. ... 2011: ... $300,000."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "National Immigration Forum: ... 2007: $550,000. 2008: $500,000. 2010: $500,000. 2012: $800,000. 2015: $600,000."
- nilc.org front page headlines (accessed: February 21, 2017): "'Court Orders Government to Allow Those Impacted by Trump Immigration Order to Stay' ... 'President Trump's Executive Order Targeting Refugees and Muslims' ... 'Understanding Trump's Executive Order Affecting Deportations and "Sanctuary" Cities'" One of the photos shows an attractive smiling Muslim women with a headscarf holding up the familiar sign "Love Trump's Hate."
- nilc.org/about-us/what_we_do/ (accessed: February 21, 2017): "Established in 1979, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants." Page displays a large Inca/Aztec painting with Latinos and a Native Latin American tribesman.
- February 10, 2017, Politico, 'Inside the protest movement that has Republicans reeling': "They know conservatives are spreading unfounded rumors that their success is being driven by wealthy donors like George Soros, which they flatly deny. "It doesn't matter who we take money from — we're always going to get blamed as a Soros group, even if we don't take money from Soros," said [Angel] Padilla [co-founder/co-author and secretary Indivisibleguide.com], now an analyst with the National Immigration Law Center. "That's one of the attacks and that's fine.""
- National Immigration Law Center (NILC) donors:
- George Soros: opensocietyfoundations.org/ about/programs/us-programs/grantees/national-immigration-law-center (accessed: January 30, 2017): "2009: ... $200,000..."
- George Soros: opensocietyfoundations.org/ about/programs/us-programs/grantees/national-immigration-law-center-2 (accessed: January 30, 2017): "2012: ... $630,000"
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "National Immigration Law Center: 2006: $300,000. ... 2007: $400,000 [and] $750,000. ... 2008: $500,000 ... 2009: $593,250 [and] $750,000. ... 2009 $900,000 [and] $100,000. ... 2010: $1,000,000. ... 2011: $1,000,000 [and] $850,000. ... 2012: $675,000. ... 2014: $1,025,000. ... 2015: $650,000."
- Annual Report 2015 National Immigration Law Center (NILC): "We are humbled by the generous support from the following groups and individuals: ... Carnegie Corporation ... Packard Foundation ... Ford Foundation ... J.M. Kaplan Fund ... Open Society Foundations ... Unbound Philanthropy... UCLA School of Law. Union Bank. ... Western Union."
- 2005 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 51: "National Immigration Law Center, Los Angeles, California: $150,000 for general support..."
- April 15, 2002, opensocietyfoundations.org press release, 'OSI Announces Post 9/11 Grants': "New York Immigration Coalition: $75,000 to support Coalition activities as the main advocacy voice for immigrants in New York City."
- thenyic.org/supporters (accessed: February 11, 2017): "Ford Foundation ... JM Kaplan Fund ... New York City Council ... New York City Department of Education ... Open Society Foundations ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund ... Tides Foundation .... Bloomberg Philanthropies... Shearman & Sterling LLP [and other law firms]..."
- March 21, 2020, Deadline, 'Rihanna & Jay-Z Donate $1 Million Each To COVID-19 Relief Efforts In L.A. & New York City': "Funds will directly support organizations, including the ACLU, New York Immigration Coalition... Last week, [Rihanna's] CLF announced $5 million in grants to on-the-ground partners working on the frontlines of the coronavirus response in the United States, Caribbean and in Africa..."
- April 15, 2002, opensocietyfoundations.org press release, 'OSI Announces Post 9/11 Grants' (Soros' Open Society Foundations): "New York State Defenders Association: $75,000 to address the legal needs of immigrants detained or jailed by the INS or other law enforcement agencies, including the many taken into custody since September 11."
- 2015 annual report, National Partnership for New Americans, pp. 3, 26: "We represent the collective power and resources of the country's 37 largest regional immigrant rights organizations in 31 states. ... Our members are part of the family of organizations that comprises the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) and the Movement of Immigrants in America (MIA). ...
Our Sponsors: ... Open Societies Foundation [sic]. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. ... J.M. Kaplan Fund. ... Welcoming America. Coalition for Immigration Reformn Implementation. ... [George Soros-backed] Migration Policy Group. ... J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Bloomberg Philanthropies. Western Union. Prado Family Fund. UNITE HERE International Union. [Ford Foundation-founded] Center for Community Change, Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM)..."
- pluralism.org/about/our-work/history/ (accessed: July 12, 2017): "The Pluralism Project [gives] special attention to the new presence of Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, and Zoroastrian religious communities."
- pluralism.org/about/our-work/funding-and-partnerships/ (accessed: July 12, 2017): "We are grateful for past funding from: Ford Foundation ... Harvard Divinity School. Harvard University, Office of the Provost. The Henry Luce Foundation. ... Pew Charitable Trusts. ... Rockefeller Foundation. The Templeton Foundation."
- April 15, 2002, opensocietyfoundations.org press release, 'OSI Announces Post 9/11 Grants' (Soros' Open Society Foundations): "Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project, Inc.: $60,000 to support the Project's work with the Detention Watch Network. ... Detention Watch Network: $80,000..."
- April 15, 2002, opensocietyfoundations.org press release, 'OSI Announces Post 9/11 Grants' (Soros' Open Society Foundations): "Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children: $60,000 to support the Detention and Asylum Project..."
- Large "anti-racism" group founded in 2008 that is involved in street protests:
- unitedwedream.org/about/ (accessed: April 30, 2018): "We are the Largest Immigrant Youth-Led Community in the Country. When you're undocumented, you face a lot of discrimination, and that creates a lot of fear. At United We Dream, we transform that fear into finding your voice. We empower people to develop their leadership, their organizing skills, and to develop our own campaigns to fight for justice and dignity for immigrants and all people. This is achieved through immigrant youth-led campaigns at the local, state, and federal level. ...
We embrace the common struggle of all people of color and stand up against racism, colonialism, colorism, and xenophobia. We stand against sexism, misogyny and male-centered leadership while uplifting womxn leaders and the leadership of LGBTQ people." - November 9, 2017, Huffington Post, 'Hundreds Of Students Flood Senate Building To Protest For Dream Act; Young activists walked out of class in Washington, D.C., and across the country.' (note: the chanting and screaming is just insane, with the entire building being swarmed, many of black and Latino): "At the rally on Thursday, organized by immigrant advocacy group United We Dream, protesters filled the [Hart Senate Office] building, chanting and holding banners that read: "Congress pass the clean Dream Act now." ...
The rally drew around 500 students from four D.C. colleges and at least one high school. They joined around 350 young, undocumented members of United We Dream who had traveled from across the country. Students at a dozen schools in a handful of cities across the country, including New York City, San Diego and Houston, also staged local walkouts in solidarity.".
- unitedwedream.org/about/ (accessed: April 30, 2018): "We are the Largest Immigrant Youth-Led Community in the Country. When you're undocumented, you face a lot of discrimination, and that creates a lot of fear. At United We Dream, we transform that fear into finding your voice. We empower people to develop their leadership, their organizing skills, and to develop our own campaigns to fight for justice and dignity for immigrants and all people. This is achieved through immigrant youth-led campaigns at the local, state, and federal level. ...
- Financing:
- unitedwedream.org/2015/ (accessed: April 30, 2018): "We are grateful to our funding partners for your support and impact. Thank you for standing strong with the immigrant community: ... Arcus Foundation | Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice | Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund | Ford Foundation | Four Freedoms Fund | Hagedorn Foundation | Hill-Snowdon Foundation | Houston Endowment | J.M. Kaplan Fund | Latino Giving Houston | Marguerite Casey Foundation | Open Society Foundations | Unbound Philanthropy | Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock | Wild Geese Foundation."
- Ford Foundatin grants lists 2006-2017: "United We Dream Network, Inc. ... 2013: $2,350,000. ... 2014: $875,000. ... 2015: $500,000."
- Bizarre pro-refugee propaganda group that, looking at its board, might better be renamed to "Urban Warfare Center". Its expertise with refugees appears to be built on creating anti-Assad and anti-ISIS militias.
- How I ran into the Urban Justic Center: January 28, 2017, CNN Live, feed of a press conference of congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, who pretends to be crying over Donald Trump's temporary ban on Arab countries sensitive to incoming ISIS terrorists while surrounded by a small cheering crowd holding up signs with words as "racism":
"Hi everyone, my name is Mark Doss [looks Iraqi] I am the supervising attorney of the International Refugee Assistance Project at the Urban Justice Center. In conjunction with ... the ACLU, the National Immigration Legal Center, the Yale Law School Legal Aid Clinic [we] filed the law suit on behalf of Hameed [Hameed Darweesh, an Iraqi interpreter], a client, and one other person who is still detained [after Trump's ban on asylum seekers from Arab countries]." This broadcast is also picked up on by the New York Times, Reuters and numerous other news outlets. - Funders of the Urban Justice Center:
- opensocietyfoundations.org listed grants to the Urban Justice Center: $46,000 (2005); $50,000 and $13,000 (2006); $25,000 and $7,050 and $18,159 (2007); $15,000 (2008).
- swp.urbanjustice.org/swp-funders (accessed: January 30, 2017) (note: a little understated): "Oak Foundation. Elton John AIDS Fund. Open Society Foundations. M.A.C. AIDS Foundation. ... State of New York, Martha Mertz Foundation, Price Family Foundation, IOLA Legal Services Fund, and individual supporters."
- rbf.org/grantees/urban-justice-center (Rockefeller Brothers Fund; accessed: January 30, 2017): "Grants: - $25,000 for 1 year. Awarded: November 16, 2015 ... For its program, the International Refugee Assistance Project, for its efforts related to the Syrian refugee crisis.
- $150,000 for 2 years. Awarded: August 19, 2015. ... For its Iraqi Refugee Assistance project.
- $50,000 for 1 yearAwarded: June 19, 2014. ... For its Iraqi Refugee Assistance project." - Annual report 2016, Urban Justice Center: "Grants: $1m+: NYC DSS HRA, NYS OCA, NYS OTDA.
$999k - $250k: ... NYC City Council [and a dozen more government and private sources]
$249k - $80k: ... Department of Justice ... Oak Foundation, The Ford Foundation, New York Foundation ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. ... Fund For The City Of New York ... Levi Strauss Foundation, NYC Mayor's Office, craigslist Charitable Fund ... Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Surdna Foundation ... United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture...
Donors: $130k - $70,001: Robert J. Abernethy, American Interational Group, Inc.
$70k - $25,001: ... craigslist Charitable Fund ... Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP ... Debevoise & Plimpton LLP [plus numerous other law firms].
$25k - $10,001: [dozen more law firms and] Shearman & Sterling LLP...
$10k - $5,001: [dozen more law firms and] JPMorgan Chase Legal Department ... Microsoft...
$5k-$2,001 ... Deutsche Bank [plus 100+ individuals]."
- refugeerights.org/our-work/board/ (accessed: January 30, 2017): "Urban Justice Center: ... Board of Directors:
- Robert Abernethy [studied national security affairs at Harvard under superclass members Henry Kissinger and Graham Allison; at key CIA contractor Hughes Aircraft 1972-1974; trustee Brookings; director Atlantic Council; member CFR; advisory board SAIS] ...
- Michael Breen: President and CEO, Truman Center and Truman National Security Project [and US Army, Yale, Office of White House Counsel; co-founder International Refugee Assistance Project...
- Walt Cooper, Veterans Affairs Administration | Board Chair [and] West Point ... Oxford ... Rhodes Scholar ... Ph.D. in political science from Harvard ... Special Forces [in Iraq] ... Forging close-knit collaboration with Iraqi security forces, provincial leadership, and international partners, Walt's team was cited by General David Petraeus in Congressional testimony ... speechwriter for General Petraeus ...
- Taryn Higashi, Executive Director, Unbound Philanthropy. ... From 1997 to 2008, Taryn managed the migrant and refugee rights portfolio at the Ford Foundation and served as Deputy Director of the human rights unit from 2001-2008. ...
- Zach Iscol: decorated Marine officer ... Board of Advisors for the Center for a New American Security, holds fellowships with the Truman National Security Project and the Institute for Global Leadership at Tufts University. ...
- Subhi Khudairi, Founding Managing Partner and President, Khudairi Group. ... native of Baghdad, Iraq and currently lives in Dubai... "
- refugees.org/who/history.htm (accessed: April 28, 2013): "USCR was founded in 1958 to coordinate the United States' participation in the United Nations' International Refugee Year (1959). In the forty years since, USCR has worked for refugee protection and assistance in all regions of the world."
- Doesn't include donors it its (super-short) annual reports or anywhere on the site. Some older information can be found, however:
- refugees.org/article.aspx?id=1182 (accessed: April 4, 2005): "Funding Sources: ... Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Ben and Jerry's Foundation. ... Ford Foundation ... New York Community Foundation ... U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees. The Vermont Community Foundation. The Windham Foundation."
- refugees.org/article.aspx?id=1182 (accessed: August 30, 2006): "Funding Sources: ... The Clowes Fund, Inc. The Citigroup Foundation. The D.C. Bar Foundation. ... Ford Foundation ... [law firms, local and national governments and the UN again]..."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2017: "U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Inc. ... 2007: $350,000. ... "
- clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/meetings/annual-meetings/2015/speakers (accessed: April 11, 2018): "Lavinia Limón: ... Lavinia Limon has more than 40 years of experience working on behalf of refugees and immigrants and currently serves as President and CEO of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). USCRI has 125 community-based partners and one overseas office providing refugee resettlement, immigration, and other services, and works worldwide to defend the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced persons. ... She was the Executive Director of the International Institute of Los Angeles for six years and during the Clinton Administration served as the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the Department of Health and Human Services while simultaneously serving as the Director of the Office of Family Assistance."
- Overarching "anti-racism" protest group in the Netherlands consisting of the usual components: communists, hardcore socialists, anarchists and Muslim extremists disguised as "anti-fascists" (antifa). Some of the listed groups received direct financing from city councils or the national government. Partner EMCEMO is financed by George Soros' Open Society Foundations and lists almost all the same partner groups. Over-arching partner group UNITED for Intercultural Action organizes the European-wide late March "Week Against Racism", which the 21 March Comite is the Dutch branch. UNITED includes hundreds of EU-wide groups and is financed by the European Union and George Soros' Open Society Foundations.
- February 7, 2018, CarelBrendel.nl, 'Gesubsidieerde clubs spelen belangrijke rol in Amsterdamse anti-FVD-betoging': "Ten of the sixty members of the 21 March Committee ... received subsidies from local government. ... A good number of members of the the 21 March Committee are political organizations that have no right to subsidy [and some for other reasons]. ... That's why about half fall off for government funding. A subsidy score of 10 out of 30 with the remaining organzations I think is noticeable."
- Carel Brendel: About the only one criticizing and investigating the 21 March Committee. Son of Cajo Brendel, a hardcore, connected communist. Former reporter Het Parool, Vrij Nederland (VN) and Algemeen Dagblad. Former editor Amersfoortse Courant. Wrote a book on the left, published by the Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, founded by the same person who set up the Republican Society-linked Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies (NIOD). Uniquely, as a leftist, wrote about the threat of Muslim extremism.
- 21maartcomite.nl/?page_id=886 (accessed: February 15, 2018): Supporting organizations for March 18, 2017, International Day Against Racism and Demonstration (69 listed in total, the vast majority very small):
- Stichting Meld Islamofobie: co-financed by Soros' Open Society Foundations and the Stichting Democracy and Media.
- EMCEMO: Soros-financed.
- Womens March: U.S. march dominated by "liberal CIA" foundation financing (Soros, etc.).
- UNITED for Intercultural Action: Over-arching group that organizes the "Week Against Racism" EU-wide. EU, Soros and Rothschild-financed.
- UNITED: Same group.
- Collectief tegen Islamofobie: Lawyers of the group previously linked to "liberal CIA" by ISGP.
- DENK Amsterdam: Political party ran by Turkish Muslim extremists.
- Commision for Filipino Workers, Dekolonisatie Netwerk voormalig Nederlands Indie, Demned Raad van Gemeenschappen uit Koerdistan, IOMA/Inspraak Orgaan Marrokaanen Amsterdam: more extremely biased Third World immigrant groups.
- Nederland Palestina Komitee: linked to Dutch intelligence and the 1001 Club of Prince Bernhard, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
- No Border Network: pictures on the ultra-basic Wordpress site (no-border.nl) reveal a huge number of Arabs and blacks among the protestors.
- New Urban Collective: linked to Kick Out Zwarte Piet (and strangely, the "populist" Forum for Democracy), the University of Amsterdam, the Dutch government and various companies.
- Stop Blackface
- Internationale Socialisten: the Socialist International.
- Pirate Party Amsterdam.
- XminY
- Protest group with no website and super-obscure, but supported by the lawyer Ties Prakken, earlier discussed on ISGP as a long-time law partner of Pieter Bakker Schut, the old Rote Armee Fraktion lawyer and drug legalization lawyer whose wife largely ran the elaborate and extremely disinformative anti-Joris Demmink child abuse affair with IRT/CIA asset Klaas Langendoen.
- Ties Prakken also works with Britta Bohler, who in 2002 stepped down as Greenpeace Holland chairman to defend the environmental terrorist Volkert van der Graaf who had just murdered Holland's prime minister-to-be Pim Fortuyn. Bizarrely and completely unreported, both Bohler and Fortuyn were members of the small Republican Society, as were disinformers of the Pim Fortuyn case, anti-Bilderberg and royal family authors, Green-Left leaders who hated Fortuyn, and a whole group of other "contrarians". ISGP suspected that Bohler, an old associate of Pieter Bakker Schut, too is a controlled opposition assets for the Dutch state. And now we have these new Islamophobia ties.
- prakkendoliveira.nl/nl/advocaten/ (accessed: February 15, 2018): "Prof. Britta Bohler ... Prof. Ties Prakken." Loaded with migration and human rights lawyers.
- December 21, 2010, Bureau De Helling: Wetenschappelijk Bureau GroenLinks, '"Mensen pikken niet alles": Interview met Ties Prakken': "Prakken heeft afwisselend in de advocatuur en in de wetenschap gewerkt. Zo was zij meer dan tien jaar verbonden aan de Universiteit Utrecht, waar ze samenwerkte met Toon Peters en Pieter Bakker Schut."
- December 1, 2014, Nieuwwij.nl, 'Open brieven van Collectief tegen Islamofobie en Discriminatie': "Het Collectief tegen Islamofobie en Discriminatie has sent open letters to the chairman of the House of Representatives and the party leaders of Congress in relation to the statements about Muslims last week by PVV member De Graaf (See photo.). The House of Representatives chairman is asked to take measures against Islamophobia. On behalf of the Collective the letter is signed by Ties Prakken (lawyer), Jan Jaap de Ruiter (Arabist) [former Pentecostal, now an Arab expert employed at the University of Tilburg]; has appeared in newspapers and government TV; debated Nourdeen Wildeman, a Dutchman who became a Muslim in 2007 and soon after a prominent preacher published by Volkskrant, Joop, The Post Online, WijBlijvenhier.nl], Marlene Bosman [Investigator and information officer Bureau Discriminatiezaken and employee Soros and Dutch government-financed Euro-Mediterraan Centrum Migratie & Ontwikkeling], Abdou Menebhi (Emcemo) and Mohamed Rabbae (LBM)."
- De Grauwe Eeuw is an obscure anti-colonialism activist group in the Netherlands that emerged at the time of the premiere of the Dutch movie Michiel de Ruyter in January 2015. De Ruyter (1607-1676) is a famous Dutch seafarer who founded the Dutch Marine Corps is 1665. A group of activists of Anti-Fascist Aktie and Black Life Matters NL were yelling for 15 minutes that the movie doesn't make it clear that Michel de Ruyter also was involved in the slave trade. A group of 15 Marines was countering the protests, but really couldn't do better than saying De Ruyter "also helped some slaves".
- Later in 2015 the Grauwe Koets was involved in protesting the Gouden Koets of the royal family which contains a mural with slaves. During a September 5, 2015 protest Christa Noella led a protest in which she called her group De Grauwe Koets and made references to "De Grauwe Eeuw". In 2016 she received national media attention for her hashtag #geen4meivoormij related to the May 4 national remembrances of the deaths of World War I and II, soon followed by calls to kill police officers. She again made the news on February 16, 2018 when she was arrested in the wake of the arrest of her close associate Michael de Zeijl, a key representative of De Grauwe Eeuw action group, who threatened to assassinate Sinterklaas in light of the contrived Zwarte Piet / Black Pete controversy.
- September 7, 2015 YouTube upload by "LKlover21", 'de Grauwe Koets - Christa Noëlla': "We chose that perspective [of the oppressed]. That's why we call the Golden Century the Grauwe Century and the Gouden Koets de Grauwe Koets. ... We want to get rid of the colonial propaganda... Gone with the street names in honor of colonial dirt bags... Gone with the propaganda on the koets, the term "the Golden Century" and the VOC mentality of the former premier, Jan Peter Balkenende and the present premier, Mark Rutte, who calls us to return to the atmosphere of the "golden century" as if it is nothing... Every time when the colonial past is praised, the descendants of those made slaves are getting a slap in the face. Every time [with] Piet Heijn, Michiel de Ruyter and Jan Pieterszoon Coen..."
- May 3, 2016, LindaNews, 'Christa doet niet mee aan 4 mei: 'Het is veel te eenzijdig'': "Christa Noëlla (foto) uit Leiderdorp kreeg zo ongeveer half Nederland over zich heen nadat zij deze week de hashtag #geen4meivoormij in het leven riep. Volgens Christa heeft Dodenherdenking geen zin ‘wanneer we het opkomende fascisme en de moslimhaat in Nederland gewoon zijn gang laten gaan.'"
- July 8, 2016, Christa Noella on her Facebook: "No justice. No peace. Snipe the police! [include a cartoon picture of a masked black Jihadi slitting the throat of a polcie officer]"
- February 16, 2018, De Dagelijkse Standaard, 'Bam! Politie arresteert ‘Geen 4 voor mij'-meisje vanwege oproep tot moord op Sinterklaas': "The police appears to suspect that she [Christa Noella] has something to do with the call to kill Sinterklaas... [Michael van Zeijl on Facebook on October 29, 2017:] "There's nothing else left... we have to put a price on the head of Sinterklaas. Double reward if it happens during the national entrance so that all kids can be witness to it, even are covered en masse in his brains and bone splinters. Dead as can be, without a doubt. Thus [Dutch government TV] NPO cannot start a nonsense story with a new Sinterklaas and we are done with that fest once and for all.""
- Facebook reveals that Christa Noella is an extremely close associate of "De Grauwe Eeuw" founder Michael de Zuijl, similar to Noella, a person of Indonesian origin (although their names don't reveal that).
- De Grauwe Eeuw has continued to protest (and counter-protest) against Dutch East-India Company (VOC) slavery practices of the 16th and 17th century and the practices of Jan Pieterszoon Coen, the 1621 "Butcher of the Banda Islands" in Indonesia. In 2016 De Grauwe Eeuw campaigned against the name of the Coen Tunnel, vandalized a statue of Jan Pieterszoon Coen, demanded a change in a number of street names, and has refused to speak to the "white media". Bizarrely, it even campaigns against cowboys and Indians themes.
- Michael van Zeijl is the son of Willem van Zeijl, someone of Indonesia heritage who inspired his son with his ideas. Neither of them are merely just interested in drawing attention to the bloody heritage of Jan Pieterszoon Coen and such. Predictable, similar to the entire Soros-financed network, they are "antifascists", "krakers", police haters, animal rights activists, anti-Black Pete activists and pro-Palestine/anti-Israel activists. They are also extremely and very openly racist against every inch of white culture and ally themselves with Islamic opposition to the Dutch (Indonesia is 87.5% Islamic). Willem van Zeijl also regularly references to being a troll or being attacked by trolls.
- February 16, 2018, Willem van Zeijl Facebook reaction: "I'm built in a factory where they produce trollbots, that aside."
- February 4, 2018, Willem van Zeijl Facebook reaction: "Thanks trollers!"
- February 4, 2018, Willem van Zeijl Facebook reaction: "Thanks trollers!"
- Sandew Hira's opinions of 2013 basically served as the blueprint for De Grauwe Eeuw in 2015:
- January 30, 2013, Vice.nl, 'Sandew Hira legt uit waarom Nederlanders dom en naïef doen over het slavernijverleden': "Sterker nog: er staat een standbeeld in Hoorn van Jan Pieterszoon Coen. Nederlanders die zich in de koloniën erger gedroegen dan nazi's worden gezien als helden. ...
Nederlanders van nu nemen nog altijd geen afstand van de Nederlanders van toen. Men praat hier over de Gouden Eeuw, niet over de Eeuw van de Grote Misdaad. ... Voor Europeanen is de Holocaust de ultieme misdaad. Maar als je het wetenschappelijk bekijkt, klopt daar geen moer van. De grootste misdaad was de transatlantische slavernij. Bij de slavernij waren er 400 miljoen slachtoffers, bij de Holocaust waren dat er 6 miljoen. De slavernij duurde 350 jaar, de Holocaust 4." - November 30, 2015, PowNed, 'Bouterse: Ik ben onschuldig.': "Desi Bouterse ontkent dat hij op 8 december 1982 vijftien politieke tegenstanders heeft vermoord. Hij heeft dit gezegd in een 'getuigenisgesprek' dat hij had met columnist Sandew Hira. ... Hira, wiens broer een van de vijftien slachtoffers was..."
- January 30, 2013, Vice.nl, 'Sandew Hira legt uit waarom Nederlanders dom en naïef doen over het slavernijverleden': "Sterker nog: er staat een standbeeld in Hoorn van Jan Pieterszoon Coen. Nederlanders die zich in de koloniën erger gedroegen dan nazi's worden gezien als helden. ...
- October 27, 2017, Algemeen Dagblad, 'Wie gaan er schuil achter De Grauwe Eeuw?': "Michael van Zeijl, het enige lid van De Grauwe Eeuw dat deze krant kon traceren. ... Ze vinden Nederland een racistische samenleving, bekladden beelden en praten niet met 'witte pers'. Onlangs deed actiegroep De Grauwe Eeuw aangifte vanwege een kinderfeest met een cowboythema. Maar wie gaan er schuil achter de anonieme beweging? ...
En als Blom dat niet regelt [that the Coen Tunnel is renamed], schrijft de actiegroep, zullen acties volgen. "Die zullen ook gericht zijn aan uw persoon."...
Eerder bekladde de groep beelden van Bontekoe en Coen in Hoorn, met teksten als 'Weg met koloniale verheerlijking'. De gemeente Utrecht kreeg het dringende verzoek een aantal straatnaamborden aan te passen, en zelfs de organisator van een tijdelijk tipi-tentenkamp in Breda ontving een felle brief." - January 26, 2018, Nu.nl, 'Klassieke Nederlandse helden onder vuur: 'Het is een botsing van culturen'' ('Classical Dutch heroes under fire: 'It is a collision of cultures'')
- Niece (her mother's brother) of VVD politician, banker and SER council member Robin Linschoten, and born in well-to-do Blaricum:
- VVD MP 1982-1994 and minister of social affairs and employment 1994-1996.
- From 1996 to July 2009 crown member (supervisory board; recommended by cabinet, appointed by King Alexander of Orange) of the private government economic advising body, the Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) / Social-Economic Council, whose chairman from 2006 to 2012, Alexander Rinnooy Kan, went to Bilderberg in 2010. The previous SER chairman, from 1999 to 2006, RABO Bank chair Herman Wijffels, visited Bilderberg in 1997 and became a major pusher of new age and UFO disinformation (2012, Disclosure Project, alien moon bases, crop circles, etc.). Klaas de Vries, SEC chair in 1997-1998, went to Bilderberg in 2003. As interior minister, he played a role in covering up the 2002 Pim Fortuyn assassination. Former prime minister Wim Kok and Senator Elco Brinkman of the SER, also visited Bilderberg. So did Victor Halberstadt, who actually was a Bilderberg steering committee member and honorary secretary general.
- May 25, 2018, Volkskrant, 'Anne Fleur Dekker: 'Het ging van 'linkse trut' tot 'als ik je tegenkom snij ik je keel door''' ('Anne Fleur Dekker: 'It went from 'leftist bitch' to 'if I run into you I'll slit your throat'''): "[Reporter:] Your uncle, the brother of your mother, is Robin Linschoten... [Dekker:] 'There's still an appeal running, so he is not in jail. The Linschoten-side of the family is tight. Together we take care of my grandmother. My uncle I regularly see. Nice man. It is a problem for my family that he received that sentence [for tax fraud], certainly for my mother. She now is also taking care a little of him. She's really keeping the whole family running. ...
[Last week] for the first time she was not congratulated by her father [for her 24th birthday], whom she hasn't seen in two years, but with whom now also 'apparently' the scarce WhatsApp contact had stopped." - February 22, 2018, RTL Z television interview, 'Anne Fleur Dekker: demoniseren Baudet is levensgevaarlijk': "My parents voted VVD mainly because they had their own company. Entrepeneurs. At home we were always busy with society. We watched the news every evening. But my parents did not really go too in depth with parliamentary politics."
- Director and chief risk officer of the DSB Bank July-October 2009, right before DSB Bank went down.
- Gymnasium-educated. Joined DWARS, the activist-oriented youth division of the GreenLeft party after seeing Al Gore's 2006 film An Inconvenient Truth. DWARS is one of several hundred Europe-wide "anti-fascist" and pro-Third World immigration grous of the UNITED / Week Against Racism organization, financed by the European Union and George Soros' Open Society Foundations. Editor-in-chief VEGAN Magazine November 2016 - early 2017.
- Organized an anti-Trump and anti-Geert Wilders protest on January 20, 2017, during Trump's inauguration.
- Has contributed to Joop.nl (a super-leftist, pro-Third World immigration site often ridiculed by right-wing blog GeenStijl.nl) and De Socialist, a monthly publication of the Internationale Socialisten / Dutch Socialist International.
- At the July 2017 G20 protests in Hamburg, were leftist caused quite a bit of damage:
- May 25, 2018, Volkskrant, 'Anne Fleur Dekker: 'Het ging van 'linkse trut' tot 'als ik je tegenkom snij ik je keel door''' ('Anne Fleur Dekker: 'It went from 'leftist bitch' to 'if I run into you I'll slit your throat'''): "For example [the G20 demonstrations] I was there as an activist and maintained a blog for Joop.nl. I was interviewed by all kinds of media. I belonged to a group which didn't do any weird stuff; of the riots at the G20 we didn't see anything. Only back in the Netherlands did I see the narrative of the news. But by then I was already personally torpedoed: I would lie, I would be violent. [GeenStijl-tied satirical alt-right shock blog] PowNews published a piece with the heading 'All of Holland Hates Anne Fleur Dekker'. On my activist friends I couldn't fall back. ...
I also said that the G20 elite with her wars and climate change causes much more misery than a handful of anarchists who torch a few cars [and plundered a supermarket and damaged a McDonalds and other buildings]." - July 9, 2017, Anne Fleur Dekker for joop.bnnvara.nl, 'G20-actiedagboek' ('G20 action day book'): "We zijn dus een uur staande gehouden [at the border]. De bus werd grondig onderzocht en onze spullen ook. Er werden vragen gesteld over de reis en mensen met een niet-Nederlandse achtergrond werden extra verhoord. Tot zo ver Schengen dus. En privacy. ...
De sfeer is goed, maar politie-repressie dreigt continue. ... We moesten als een dief in nacht het stadspark betreden, omdat er overal politiecontroles zijn ...
Op deze manier [by linking the disovery of weapons and explosives at nearby criminels to the protestors] framen politie en media de protesten als gewelddadig en worden de grenzen opgerekt van de repressie waar Merkel en co. mee weg kunnen komen. ...
Dit is echt fantastisch: mensen zijn klaar met de militarisering en de verkeersblokkades van de politie en 'strijden' met ons mee. ...
De politie initieerde het geweld tegen de demonstranten, waar wij alleen maar leuzen riepen..."
- May 25, 2018, Volkskrant, 'Anne Fleur Dekker: 'Het ging van 'linkse trut' tot 'als ik je tegenkom snij ik je keel door''' ('Anne Fleur Dekker: 'It went from 'leftist bitch' to 'if I run into you I'll slit your throat'''): "For example [the G20 demonstrations] I was there as an activist and maintained a blog for Joop.nl. I was interviewed by all kinds of media. I belonged to a group which didn't do any weird stuff; of the riots at the G20 we didn't see anything. Only back in the Netherlands did I see the narrative of the news. But by then I was already personally torpedoed: I would lie, I would be violent. [GeenStijl-tied satirical alt-right shock blog] PowNews published a piece with the heading 'All of Holland Hates Anne Fleur Dekker'. On my activist friends I couldn't fall back. ...
- Was invited to write a column for the "alt-right" shock blog GeenStijl.nl. She declined and strangely described deputy editor-in-chief Bart Nijman as rather left-wing:
- May 25, 2018, Volkskrant, 'Anne Fleur Dekker: 'Het ging van 'linkse trut' tot 'als ik je tegenkom snij ik je keel door''' ('Anne Fleur Dekker: 'It went from 'leftist bitch' to 'if I run into you I'll slit your throat'''): "I really like Bart Nijman by the way. He is quite leftist really and I believe he votes Party for the Animals [funded by major 1001 Club-linked bank and very globalist]. That right-wing stuff is just how they make their money.'"
- February 22, 2018, RTL Z television interview, 'Anne Fleur Dekker: demoniseren Baudet is levensgevaarlijk': "[I'm writing a book about] alt-right in the Netherlands, so really extreme. ... It's a kind of neo-conservative movement that is drawing a lot of youths in particular which is very right and quite xenophobe and sexist, which is primarily manifesting itself online. And when you ask people, for example, so why are you so afraid of - let's just mention something - refugees. If you just ask this question - just not immediately scream, "Why are you against refugees?! I don't talk to you! You are a racist!" - so why do you have a problem with these people? Then you get an answer like, "Well, refugees all get an affordable home for rent and myself do not," then you already have one aspect of the problem. [Laughing:] The problem is, there are not enough affordable homes for rent. Not the fact that those refugees are coming [apart from talking around the real facts, this is a lie: the refugee "crisis" is causing endless shortage on the rental market] ...
[I started out] really descriptive [with the book], how these people and this movement really works, [but now] to letting these people speak for themselves. And in the beginning I wouldn't have done that, because I thought you shouldn't give these people an audience. But now [after all these attacks on my person with so many manipulations] I learned that you really should talk to them. ...
I'm an outspoken feminist." - January 20, 2017, ANP interview with Anne Fleur Dekker, ''Trump en Wilders zijn wolven in schaapskleren'': "The neoliberal policies of the last few years apparently have resulted in people being so afraid of, for example, losing their homes, that they are being forced to vote for a populist. ... They are promising better health care, for example, but when you look at how they vote, they don't realize that. On top of that, they are very easy with giving a discriminating solutions... Trump, for example, always puts the blame on Mexicans. Wilders, for example, always puts the blame on Muslims and refugees. ... You are only going to be more suppressed."
- May 31, 2017, Jonge Democraten Rotterdam, debate between Anne Fleur Dekker (GreenLeft Marxist) and Yernaz Ramautarsing (grew up in Surinam; because he only made 100 euros per month here and by reading the usual books of George Orwell, Ayn Rand en Salman Rushdie he changed his views from Marxism to (alt-)right; studied political science at the University of Amsterdam 2010-2014; candidate for the Libertarian Party in 2012; contributor to Elsevier, de Dagelijkse Standaard and The Post Online; director at Forum for Democracy Youth Division; at the center of a huge political riot in Feb. 2018 for claiming racial IQ, including with his native Surinam, is a real issue; shouted down and banned from politics, with media headlines as ''Uitspraken Yernaz Ramautarsing misselijkmakend'' (RTL) and ''Uitspraken ras en IQ volmaakt idioot'' (Telegraaf)): "I would describe the left as a political movement that stands for radical equality: ethnicity, gender, religion... A movement that also is very busy with climate. It wants the Earth to continue to exist for the next generations... The left is quite a broad spectrum, certainly in the Netherlands... Marxism is a certain political movement that I support, what is very leftists. Well, not very leftist, I mean, in the broad spectrum. [Laughter and disbelief]...
[Ramautarsing reply:] I think that we are now seeing that we have ended up in a cultural war. I think that is kinda a positive thing ... because eventually the right is much stronger, because we make the money and they spend it. ... Right-wing people generally are the ones making the most amount of money, who pay the most taxes, and have to pay for all those leftist hobbies. As long as they keep their hands out of my pockets, you know, then we can talk about things. If you want to talk about me not having to pay for things, then I'm open for a talk."
- In this same debate at 18:00 Dekker explains to have campaigned for a year with the FNV and to have succesfully gotten rid of the minimum youth wage - meaning 21 and 22 years old are getting paid like grown ups, with 18 to 20 year old getting paid higher wages. Ramautarsing is totally against this development.
- Dekker also made a big point of sexism and feminism in this debate, another key pillar of liberal elites. - Dekker regularly gets TV and radio time:
- January 20, 2017, ANP interview with Anne Fleur Dekker, ''Trump en Wilders zijn wolven in schaapskleren''.
- March 28, 2017, Hart in Zaken interview with Anne Fleur Dekker on all kinds of things.
- March 31, 2017, Pauw (NPO/VARA): about Anne Fleur Dekker feuds with Thierry Baudet and Geert Wilders. An appearance at NPO 2 Radio soon followed.
- September 14, 2017, VPRO, De Lowlandsshow 2017 (gave a speech at this ultraleft music festival for youths; organizer Mojo appears to have quite a few ties to liberal elite-inclined artists and businesses; already in the early 1990s Mojo donated to Amnesty International).
- November 30, 2017, EenVandaag, 'Interview met Anne Fleur Dekker over abortus'.
- Januari 25, 2018, Jinek (Eva Jinek is a former (18-years younger) partner of ever-present lawyer Bram Moszkowicz, who briefly headed an offshoot of the neocon/alt-right PVV): About Dekker starting a viral Twitter campaign (#freehermien) to save a cow who fled during a trip to the butcher.
- February 22, 2018, RTL Z television interview, 'Anne Fleur Dekker: demoniseren Baudet is levensgevaarlijk'.
- Bizarrely, Anne Fleur Dekker was Facebook friends with the hyper-aggressive, De Grauwe Eeuw-linked, Indonesian-Muslim Christa Noella until an overall (predictable) break between Dekker and Muslims over Dekker's objection to antisemitism (she's Jewish and has been attacked for it). In fact, due to Dekker's (obvious) claim that "activists of color" often are involved in antisemitism she also was removed from the "anti-racist" anarchist-communist-Muslim alliance the 21 March Comittee:
- February 8, 2018, Facebook post of Christa Noella: "Na mijn post vanmiddag, waar ik de belachelijke vertoning van Anne Fleur Dekker bij RTL Late Night aan het licht heb gebracht, heeft ze me uiteraard ontvriend en geen reactie gegeven. Ja op een ander platform op Twitter begon ze verder te janken maar op FB geen woord. Ik heb eeuwig mijn mond gehouden over haar opportunistisch gedrag. Maar na die uitzending van gisteren is het toch echt klaar. Waarom moet je ons als individuen in een talkshow criminaliseren, terwijl je ondertussen wel in privé berichten aan het slijmen bent om betrokken te worden en je respect te uiten naar ons? Was die actie gisteren van deze imago activist een poging om haar imago op te krikken? Lekker omhoog likken en omlaag trappen."
- February 15, 2018, De Telegraaf, 'Activiste Anne Fleur Dekker niet meer welkom bij antiracisme-comité' (Soros-linked 21 March Committee).
- February 22, 2018, RTL Z television interview, 'Anne Fleur Dekker: demoniseren Baudet is levensgevaarlijk': "Well, that is primarily online really, on Twitter [that I'm harshly attacked] ... the social justice warriors who are targeting me very heavily, while the only thing I have said is that you can just drink coffee with each other. ["But you are also not welcome anymore with the anti-racist 21 March Committee. You have said goodbye to the Socialist International. ..."] I'm not welcome anymore with the [21 March] Committee, but I do go to the demonstrations. ...
In that week that I came out that we should talk to each other and that you can have friends who vote for [something you oppose], in that week people just broke with me en masse and apparently also the Committee. [After some hesitation:] Yeah, I believe the direct reason was that anti-Semitism story, that I was accusing people of color of anti-Semitism. [Very carefully:] Anti-Semitism is just not really spoken about. ... Not real friends I lost, because real friends don't [abandon you]. But certainly a lot of support I lost. People who all of a sudden unfollowed or unfriended me on Facebook. A really large portion has fallen away, yeah [80% or so]...
If you really harshly criticize Islam, for example, then you are feeding Islamophobia. That's kind of the rule [with the social warrior left]. But I'm kinda done with that. ... You should just be able to criticize people of color for anti-Semitism and sexism. ...
Well, if you are talking about Volkert van der Graaf, that really was a lone person [but] I do think that anybody in the Netherlands who has a really outspoken opinion, whether he is left of right, really is in danger. ... If you are looking at De Grauwe Eeuw - and I really wasn't ever in involved in that. In fact, they ran a whole campaign against me - yeah, I don't know. One person needs to be crazy enough. ... Those people on the side of De Grauwe Eeuw, I don't known them personally at all."
- In 2018 it also became known that Dekker is in a relationship with Paul van der Bas of the Forum voor Democratie, the "alt-right" party of Thierry Baudet whom she has been vilifying forever:
- June 7, 2018, jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com, 'Pro-Israel activist dates far-left celebrity and the Dutch go bananas': "Part of the intense interest is because "we're living in a polarized society with an us vs. them mentality," said Van der Bas, 25, a member of the rightest party called Forum for Democracy. "I believe that 20 years ago, two young people falling in love from opposite ends of the political spectrum wouldn't have been so unusual." [note: that's because every single party was globalist, i.e. pro-Third World immigration]
Bas, who works as a policy adviser for the Center for Information and Documentation on Israel, or CIDI, said. "We don't constantly talk politics. We do all the stuff that normal couples do." ...
She also told Volksgrant that she was the victim of date rape in 2013. ...
Months earlier, Dekker and van der Bas were exchanging barbs in the media. Dekker had been invited to speak at a commemoration of World War II victims. Dekker made waves at the event as an occasional supporter of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel — last year she tweeted "I do as much BDS as possible" — and for saying that Dutch Jewry's main watchdog on anti-Semitism had no place at a Holocaust commemoration ceremony.
Van der Bas told the PowNed right-wing news site in November that Dekker's ignorance, as he described it, means she should stay on Twitter instead of "abusing a memorial ceremony." ... Dekker has said she no longer subscribes to the BDS movement. ...
She accompanied him later that month [May 2018] to a book launch by Baudet, the right-wing politician."
- June 7, 2018, jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com, 'Pro-Israel activist dates far-left celebrity and the Dutch go bananas': "Part of the intense interest is because "we're living in a polarized society with an us vs. them mentality," said Van der Bas, 25, a member of the rightest party called Forum for Democracy. "I believe that 20 years ago, two young people falling in love from opposite ends of the political spectrum wouldn't have been so unusual." [note: that's because every single party was globalist, i.e. pro-Third World immigration]
- The Dutch Stichting Democratie en Media, which has been financing and otherwise covering "grassroots" anti-"islamophobia" and anti-"Afrophobia" campaigns and national Muslim projects in coordination with George Soros' Open Society Foundations, has a large minority share in The Press Group / De Persgroep, the publisher and/or distributor of basically ALL leading newspapers in the Netherlands:
- persgroep.nl/over-de-persgroep/bedrijfsstructuur#text_tab-2 (accessed: February 12, 2018): "The distribution of shares is as follows: - De Persgroep NV: 58,5%. - Stichting Democratie en Media: 38,8%. - Stichting de Volkskrant: 2%."
- persgroep.nl/over-de-persgroep/bedrijfsstructuur#text_tab-3 (accessed: February 12, 2018): "De Persgroep Printing: [It publishes] the leading newspapers of the Netherlands: AD, de Volkskrant, Trouw, Het Parool, NRC Handelsblad en nrc.next. ...
De Persgroep Distributie: ... The Persgroep Distribution daily delivers about 1.2 million newspapers. These are the national newspapers of De Persgroep Nederland (de Volkskrant, the AD, Trouw and Het Parool), as well as NRC Handelsblad, nrc.next, het Nederlands Dagblad, Zaman and part of the printing of het Reformatorisch Dagblad, De Telegraaf and the Wegener Dagbladen."
- From at least 2016-2018 Alex Brenninkmeijer has been supervisory chairman of the Stichting Democratie en Media. The Brenninkmeijer family was involved in Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club, together with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bechtels and countless European elites, as well as those involved in the Pierson and ABN AMRO banks, represented as advisors to the Stichting Democratie en Media. In addition, the Brenninkmeijer family has been involved internationally in the Knights of Malta and has been linked to Opus Dei and Jesuits.
- stdem.org/en/who-we-are/anbi-status/ (accessed: February 12, 2018): "Per January 1 2016 the Supervisory Board consists of: - Dhr. A.F.M. Brenninkmeijer (chairman). ... The Democracy and Media Foundation brings in the following advisors in certain cases: - Otto Beelaerts [an aristocratic family], ABN AMRO MeesPierson. ... - Esther van Munster, Triodos MeesPierson Sustainable Investment Management..."
- Regularly the Democracy and Media Foundation is offering financial compensation to volunteers of "anti-Islamophobia" campaigns, sometimes even to influence national elections. George Soros' Open Society Foundation has been a partner in these projects:
- stdem.org/2016/12/14/kom-in-actie-tegen-moslimdiscriminatie/ (accessed: December 19, 2016): "Budget: €500 – €50.000 per aanvraag. Het gemiddelde bedrag dat door Stichting Democratie en Media per project wordt toegekend is €15.000. De deadline voor het inzenden van aanvragen voor financiering is 3 december 2017 (23.59 uur). ...
Deze oproep is tot stand gekomen in samenwerking met Open Society Foundations. Beide fondsen willen met deze oproep bijdragen aan een versterking van effectieve initiatieven tegen structurele discriminatie van moslims in Nederland. ...
[Election notice removed later on:] Let op: Voor initiatieven die inspelen op de aanloop van de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen geldt een vervroegde deadline: uiterlijk 15 januari 2017. Voor initiatieven die gekoppeld zijn aan de Kamerverkiezingen geldt echter een versnelde procedure." - stdem.org/voorbeelden-md/ (accessed: February 12, 2018): "Examples [of joint financing by SDM and Open Society Foundations] – Oproep tegen moslimdiscriminatie:
- Meld Islamofobie: ...
- SPIOR Verkiezingsdebat: ... In aanloop naar de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 2017 organiseerde SPIOR het Nationale Islamdebat. Dit verkiezingsdebat in de Essalam-moskee richtte zich in het bijzonder op islamofobie in Nederland. ... Politici van het CDA, D66, DENK, GroenLinks, de Ondernemerspartij, PvdA en SP namen deel aan dit debat.
- Delete_it: Delete_it is een project van journalisten Anass Bendrif en Issa Shaker welke resulteerde in de korte film/video ‘Delete_it'. In dit project werd een sociaal experiment gefilmd om de online discriminatie van moslims te agenderen." - stdem.org/oproep-tot-aanvragen-moslimdiscriminatie-geopend/ (accessed: February 12, 2018): "Heb jij een creatief idee voor een campagne om moslimdiscriminatie aan de orde te stellen? ... Stichting Democratie en Media is op zoek naar jouw initiatief. Stuur je aanvraag voor financiering uiterlijk 3 december 2017 in.
Er zijn verschillende andere fondsen die open staan voor projecten om moslimdiscriminatie tegen te gaan: voor projecten met concrete activiteiten waar het duurzaam verbinden van mensen centraal staat kun je terecht bij het [royal family-linked] Oranje Fonds [focused on integration with the former Caribbean colonies of the Netherlands] (contactpersoon: Mirjam.Lammers@oranjefonds.nl), voor projecten over bewustwording van vooroordelen bij het VSBfonds en voor activistische initiatieven bij XminY."
- stdem.org/2016/12/14/kom-in-actie-tegen-moslimdiscriminatie/ (accessed: December 19, 2016): "Budget: €500 – €50.000 per aanvraag. Het gemiddelde bedrag dat door Stichting Democratie en Media per project wordt toegekend is €15.000. De deadline voor het inzenden van aanvragen voor financiering is 3 december 2017 (23.59 uur). ...
- November 25, 2017, The Post Online, 'Parool-stichting Democratie en Media ging op pad met extreemlinkse actiegroep': "SDM program maker Maartje Eigeman climbed aboard one of the busses of the controversial action group Kick Out Zwarte Piet (KOZP)."
- Soros-funded and tied anti-discrimination NGO in the Netherlands that tries to get reports of discrimination judicially prosecuted. MDRA became embroiled in a scandal in 2020 when black OM officer Jacobien Vreekamp, also on the board of MDRA, set free Black Lives Matter activist rapper Akwasi Ansa (signed to "liberal CIA" Top Notch rap label). At that point Kick Out Zwarte Piet founder Mitchell Esajas also sat on the board of MDRA.
- Funding (alongside other Dutch "anti-racist" NGOs):
- 2014, Open Society Fdns., 'Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE) report: "Projects supported in the Netherlands up to 2014: Grants awarded in 2012: Meldpunt Discriminatie regio Amsterdam: ... 2 years (ongoing). $49,275. ...
Art1: Mainstream NGO dealing with all kind of discriminations. A closer look at ethnic profiling, minority trust in police and effects for public safety. ... 2 years (ongoing). $92,000. ...
Amnesty International Netherlands: ... $250,669. ...
Critical Mass: Engages in playful ways with youngsters in field of discrimination, conflict and exclusion. ... $187,000. (OSF total support: 332,500 USD...) ...
Humanity in Action the Netherlands: Network of students and young professionals engaged in human rights and discrimination. ... $45,000. ...
ProDemos: ... $217,249. ... Netherlands Commission of Lawyers for Human Rights, NJCM: ... to scale up strategic litigation efforts on the field of anti-discrimination, ethnic profiling, asylum and other relevant issues. ...... $201,899. [Etc.]"
- 2014, Open Society Fdns., 'Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE) report: "Projects supported in the Netherlands up to 2014: Grants awarded in 2012: Meldpunt Discriminatie regio Amsterdam: ... 2 years (ongoing). $49,275. ...
- 2020 Akwasi-OM-Kick Out Zwarte Piet affair:
- September 14, 2020, Parool, 'KOZP-voorman Esajas: 'Ik invloed? Dan had het OM geen tijd verspild aan uitspraken Akwasi'': "Mitchell Esajas, voorman van Kick Out Zwarte Piet (KOZP), heeft op Facebook gereageerd op de commotie die is ontstaan, omdat hij met officier van justitie Jacobien Vreekamp in het bestuur zat van het Meldpunt Discriminatie regio Amsterdam. ... Ze stopten er allebei in juli [2020] mee. ...
Vreekamp is de officier van justitie die besloot rapper Akwasi niet te vervolgen. ... Akwasi deed eerder dit jaar tijdens een Black Lives Matter-demonstratie strafbare uitspraken: hij zou Zwarte Piet in zijn gezicht trappen als hij die zou zien. Toch wordt Akwasi daar niet voor vervolgd. Het Openbaar Ministerie besloot daarvan af te zien als de 32-jarige hiphopper afstand zou doen van zijn uitspraken. ...
'[Esajas:] De enkele jaren dat wij gezamenlijk in het bestuur hebben gezeten, we never nooit inhoudelijk een zaak die nog in behandeling was, hebben besproken. Het bestuur kwam gemiddeld slechts vier à zes keer per jaar bijeen en hierbij hebben we het alleen over het Meldpunt gehad.'
Esajas vindt het jammer dat Vreekamp, volgens hem een expert op het gebied van discriminatiezaken, nu van een andere discriminatiezaak is gehaald. Daarbij gaat het om 25 verdachten die ervan verdacht worden journalist Clarice Gargard in 2018 bedreigd en beledigd te hebben op social media, toen zij verslag deed van een demonstratie tijdens een intocht van Sinterklaas. ...
Esajas schrijft ook dat hij vierkant achter Akwasi staat... Esajas schrijft verder dat de commotie uit extreem-rechtse hoek komt en de aandacht afleidt van het echte probleem: institutioneel racisme." - 2013 annual Report, MDRA, p. 57: "Directeur: Jessica Silversmith [part of: March 17, 2016 YouTube upload by "Buurttelevisie Amsterdam", 'Islamofobie: niet accepteren, maar melden': "Jessica Silversmith" ... "Larbi Ben Alilou: Schuldhulpverlener [at the Soros-funded] EMCEMO" ... [Spoken words:] "Hate, discrimination, repugnance, because I am Muslim. ... People are afraid of us." ... "This film has come about in part due to a subsidy of the Open Society [Fdns.] and the Gemeente Amsterdam."]...
Onderzoeker: Ineke van der Valk voor het project Monitor Moslimdiscriminatie [2017, 3rd report, p. 4: ["Dit onderzoek is tot stand gekomen met financiële bijdragen van [Soros'] Open Society Foundations en stichting het Palet en met steun van het Meldpunt Discriminatie Regio Amsterdam en RADAR Rotterdam."]
Bestuur [Board]: ... Jacobien Vreekamp (aangetreden september 2013)." - linkedin.com/in/mitchellesajas/ (accessed: April 24, 2022): "Bestuurslid, Meldpunt Discriminatie Regio Amsterdam, Feb 2017 - Jun 2020. 3 yrs 5 mon."
- Dec. 2, 2016, Parool, 'Jessica Silversmith: 'Krenkende opmerkingen lijken normaal geworden'': "Ze was de eerste die overging op het registreren van klachten, zodat trends in de cijfers konden worden waargenomen. Het leeuwendeel van de klachten leidt niet tot vervolging, en dat irriteert Silversmith."
- September 14, 2020, Parool, 'KOZP-voorman Esajas: 'Ik invloed? Dan had het OM geen tijd verspild aan uitspraken Akwasi'': "Mitchell Esajas, voorman van Kick Out Zwarte Piet (KOZP), heeft op Facebook gereageerd op de commotie die is ontstaan, omdat hij met officier van justitie Jacobien Vreekamp in het bestuur zat van het Meldpunt Discriminatie regio Amsterdam. ... Ze stopten er allebei in juli [2020] mee. ...
- Akwasi Ansa is one the Black Lives Matter activists always supported in the media and also by the Dutch royal family of Orange:
- Jan. 14, 2024, NOS, 'Akwasi dankbaar voor steun na racistische berichten rond deelname 'De slimste mens'': "Rapper en omroepbaas Akwasi heeft veel steunberichten gekregen na zijn deelname aan televisiequiz De slimste mens en de golf van racistische berichten die daarop volgde."
- Jan. 16, 2024, Nu.nl, 'Akwasi kreeg steun van koning Willem-Alexander: 'Bizar en bijzonder'': "Koning Willem-Alexander heeft Akwasi maandag een hart onder de riem gestoken tijdens de nieuwjaarsreceptie in het Koninklijk Paleis in Amsterdam."
- 2015-2016 annual report, EMCEMO, pp. 48-49: "6.2. Financial support: - Amsterdam City Council. - [George Soros'] Open Society Foundation.
6.3. Partners [100+]: ...
- Commitee 21 March [a network of many activist groups in light of the EU and Soros-backed Week Against Racism] ...
- AFA Fryslan, Anti Facistische Actie [afanederland.org (accessed: Feb. 15, 2018): "Last Saturday the first Netherlands Antifa Conference too place in the OCCII in Amsterdam. About 200 anti-fascists visited... Thus there were discussion about the battle against Black Pete, the battle surrounding LHBTQI [Lesbo, Homo/Hetero, Bi, Transgender, etc.] ... and the war being waged against [Third World] migrants. ... Comrads of Antifa Munster gave a presentation about the rise of the ["populist"] AfD in Germany and their battle against it [giving us] much inspiration related to actions against the [Dutch "populist"] PVV and Forum for Democracy."]...
- AFVN-Bond van Antifascisten [afvn.nl/over-ons/: "The AFVN was founded by Henk and Alie van Luttikhuizen, old [WWII] resistance members who until the Prague Spring of 1968 were members of the CPN [Communist Party Netherlands]. ... Chairman of the Bond from 1976 to 2002 was Henk van Luttikhuizen... From September 2013 to September 2015 Kees van der Pijl, professor emeritus of the University of Sussex [sponsored by the Leverhulme Trust and author of the 1983 book The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class], was chairman. ... The [AFVN] is focused on: ... - spotting a revival of fascism (neo-fascism) [Pim Fortuyn, Geerts Wilders, Thierry Baudet, etc. in their view] and fight it with every legal means possible; - the battle for peace and friendship between cultures; [and] to battle any form of discrimination." ...
Here the AFVN actually critices the Soros-financed color revolutions: oud.afvn.nl/oekraine/ Oekraine_ontleding_van_een_staatsgreep.htm] ...
- Al Nisa, Women against Islamophobia ...
- Groenlinks, landelijk ...
- Kick Out Zwarte Piet ...
- Landelijk Beraad Marokkanen ...
- 1 Mei Komitee ...
- Nederlands Palestina Komitee [co-founded by Mahmoud Rabbani, a member of Prince Bernhard's elite 1001 Club (Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bechtel, etc.] who was close to Dutch intelligence elites, as well as communist Piet Nak, obvious Dutch intelligence asset Kees Wagendonk, etc.]...
- NCPN, Nieuwe Communistische Partij ...
- New Urban Collective [of anti-Zwarte Piet crusader Mitchell Esajas] ...
- National Instituut Nederlands Slavernijverleden en Erfenis [employs Quinsy Gario, an anti-Zwarte Piet crusader with Esajas] ...
- PvdA, Partij van de Arbeid Amsterdam [Labour Party] ...
- Prakken d'Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers [of the curious Ties Prakken and also Britta Bohler, the attorney of Pim Fortuyn assassin Volkert van der Graaf, an environmentalist] ...
- Samen Sterk Vrouwen West [financed by Amsterdam City Council and the Soros-allied R.C. Maagdenhuis Foundation] ...
- Slavernij Online [founded by Sandew Hira, who thinks it's a disgrace the Dutch are still "glorifying" and/or covering up the genocide of Jan Pieterszoon Coen. He wants to rename Holland's "Golden Age" the "Age of Great Crime" and thinks the slavery system is more important to remember than the Holocaust.] ...
- SP, Socialistische Partij, landelijk ...
- Stichting Meld Islamofobie [jointly financed by Soros and Democracy and Media Foundation] ...
- Stop Blackface ...
- Unie van Marokkaanse Moskeeen in Nederland ...
- United for Intercultural Action [Soros and Rothschild-supported] ...
- University of Color [headed by Suriname-born Dr. Gloria Wekker, who is professor of social and cultural antropology at the University of Utrecht and a mentor to leading anti-Zwarte Piet and feminist activist Quinsy Gario]....
- VENA, Vereniging van Ethiopiers ...
- Zwarte Piet Niet ....
- Transnational Migrant Platform ...
- Transnational Institute TNI [Dutch brand of the [Soros, Ford, Rockefeller-financed] Institute for Policy Studies in the U.S.]"
- Founded in 1997, the European Network Against Racism consists of a EU-wide European Union and George Soros-funded network of 120 NGOs that "combat racism". ENAR is silent about the vastly higher crime numbers among Third World immigrants and riles foreigners up against to police by continually making an issue of "police brutality", even in countries as the Netherlands where the police is basically 100% talk and 0% violence.
- enar-eu.org/Open-letter-on-violation-of-the-right-to-freedom-of-assembly-and-conduct-of-law (accessed: February 10, 2018): "The European Network Against Racism is a network of over 120 NGOs working to promote race equality across the EU. We support calls for the abolition of the racist figure of Zwarte Piet, as well as other Afrophobic stereotypes, which are common throughout Europe's media, school textbooks, cultural and political life. Blackface and other stereotypes reproduce colonial imagery and perpetuate racism."
- 2015 annual report, European Network Against Racism, pp. 17, 23: "Finances: ...
- European Commission DG Justice: 78,98%.
- Open Society Foundations [George Soros]: 16,66%.
- Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust: 2,49%.
- Donations: 0,63%.
- Membership fees: 0,99%. ...
L'Oreal. Adecco Group. Sodexo. ...
This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union and the Open Society Foundations." - 2015 annual report comments: 7 out of 9 staffers are female. 6 out of 11 officers are women. Of the officers, only the treasurer, a German male, is a western European native. The rest are East European, Muslim and African.
- 2015 annual report, European Network Against Racism, p. 24: "Core funding:
- European Commission DG Justice: €800.458,70.
- Open Society Foundations: €98.289,17.
- FOSI - Islamophobia against Muslim women project: €46.160,60.
[Same interests for the rest]..."
- The Statement Agency is ran co-ran by Lieke de Boer, who also is one of the managers of the Talent Programme of Grote Prijs van Nederland (Grand Prize of the Netherlands), officially partnered with the elite Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, the government tied Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie (Fund for Culture Participation) and the equally government and elite-tied VSB Fonds.
- groteprijsvan.nl/partners/ (accessed: February 20, 2018): "VSB Fonds ... Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie ... Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds ... Music Managers Forum ... Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst ... Performers Sena..."
- VSB Fonds: anno 2018 chaired by Labour Party member and Haarlem mayor Bernt Schneiders, with the supervisory board being chaired by Labour Party member Dr. Louisa Gunning-Schepers, president-commissioner of the Schiphol Group and crown member (supervisory board; recommended by cabinet, appointed by King Alexander of Orange) of the Bilderberg-dominated Sociaal Economische Raad (SER). Bizarrely, Gunning-Schepers was chair of the University of Amsterdam when she was forced to leave ober discontent of her handling of the Maagdenhuis occupation that demanded "more multicultural diversity" at the university. I just finished summarizing that supposedly completely unrelated event under the University of Color entry. Louisa is the daughter of Jan Willem Gunning, a professor at the University of Amsterdam and University of Oxford and a World Bank employee. The family is distantly related to the Pierson banking fortune of Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club and also the famaily that financed the radical Party of the Animals.
- 2016 annual report, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, p. 47: "K. Boutachekourt - chairman.
- Director Public Management Consulting (hoofdfunctie).
- Member supervisory council NOS (Nederlandse Omroep Stichting) [Dutch state television]...
- Supervisory council de Melkweg (major concert center).
- chairman Marmoucha, foundation for the promotion of North African music [read: Moroccan gangster rap], part of the pop podium Paradiso [another major concert center]
- Secretary Algebra Foundation, knowledge Circle for Moroccan Dutchmen.
- Member suspervisory board Business Administration faculty, Vrije Universiteit.
- Member suspervisory board Social Sciences faculty, Vrije Universiteit."
- Both De Grote Prijs van Nederland and Statement Agency are tasked with the pushing of "multicultural" black and Muslim gangster rap onto the native Dutch public, something that the closely allied Top Notch record label also is dong.
- February 10, 2016, Trouw, 'Meer kleur in muziek, graag' ('More color in music, please'): "Lieke de Boer [of the royal family and government-backed Grote Prijs van Nederland and Statement Agency] shows the picture on her iPhone, taken in January from the stage of the Groning Oosterpoort, when it became known that [Top Notch's] New Wave had won the Popprijs and the hip hop collective stormed the stage... The audience remained quiet, and subsequently left the auditorium. ...
The consternation surrounding the Popprijs demonstrates two things, Lieke de Boer says. One: that hip hop music is established enough to win the most important music award [note: the jury decided, not the public]. Two: that the Dutch musical landscape is still frightingly white. And De Boer wants to do something about that. ...
She names record label Top Notch and management officer SPEC (a.o. Ali B.) with whom she can make a 'fist of positivism'. ... "I want to undermine the stigma of bicycle-stealing testosterone bombs [read: women-harassing and molesting Arabs] by stacking it against as much beautiful, colored things. By showing them how much fun Antillean parties are, how rich Surinam music is, how exciting hip hop can be." She claims that when Dutch cultural life forms a better refelection of society, that that will automatically lead to less racism. ...
[Lieke] started two-and-a-half years back with Statement Agency, the booking/production office behind New Wave, rapper Fresku, and together with Top Notch the Surinam music project Sranan Gowtu." - January 16, 2016, Telegraaf, 'Popprijs verrassend naar New Wave' ('Popprijs surprisingly to New Wave'): ""New Wave gives us a look into the future," according to [the jury], "With music, as is customary with a cultural revolution, reaps both praise and revulsion. [It's a] historic project." When the name of the winner was made known, the room fell quiet for a while [note: a video shows that people were actually leaving en masse]."
- February 10, 2016, Trouw, 'Meer kleur in muziek, graag' ('More color in music, please'): "Lieke de Boer [of the royal family and government-backed Grote Prijs van Nederland and Statement Agency] shows the picture on her iPhone, taken in January from the stage of the Groning Oosterpoort, when it became known that [Top Notch's] New Wave had won the Popprijs and the hip hop collective stormed the stage... The audience remained quiet, and subsequently left the auditorium. ...
- Also interesting: another manager of Grote Prijs, Froukje Bouma, is a co-organizer of "sustainable hip hop festival GROW": black and Muslim gangster rap meets green (where you can "make music with plants" and such), a fascinating combination. Urban Greeners set up this (super-minor) festival, a group financed by the Almere city council and Triodos Foundation, set up by a banker of the MeesPierson bank, linked to Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club.
- groteprijsvan.nl/managers/lieke-de-boer/ (accessed: February 20, 2018): "Lieke de Boer richt zich met haar bureau Statement Agency op meer diversiteit in Nederland. Zij doet o.a. boekingen, management, videoproducties en projectmanagement. Het bureau ondersteunt artiesten en projecten zoals: Fresku, Teemong, MocroManiac, Pietju Bell, Woenzelaar, Killer Kamal en Trafassi. Statement Agency werkt veel samen met Red Bull, 3FM, Nouveau Riche, Spinnin' Records, VPRO, Woo Hah Festival en Top Notch. Zo werkte Lieke ook mee aan acts zoals New Wave en Sranan Gowtu."
- groteprijsvan.nl/managers/froukje-bouma/ (accessed: February 20, 2018): "Froukje Bouma (28 jaar) werkt als artiestenmanager bij SPEC, het managementbureau van Ali B en zijn vrouw Breghje. Naast Ali's management, vertegenwoordigen ze o.a. Ronnie Flex, Boef, Mula B en Youtubers StukTV en Monica Geuze [old girlfriend of Lil' Kleine; Instagram shows her working with Ali B. and having dinner with (Bilderberg) prime minister Mark Rutte]. Voorheen werkte ze als festivalorganisator voor onder meer Welcome to the Village, één van de groenste festivals van Europa, en is ze mede-oprichtster van duurzaam hiphopfestival GROW op een onbewoond eiland in Almere, wat dit jaar zijn tweede editie had."
- groteprijsvan.nl/managers/winston-bergwijn/ (accessed: February 20, 2018): "Winston 'Winne' Bergwijn is bekend onder de artiestennaam Winne waarna hij in 2005 bekend werd in de hiphop-scene door het nummer Top 3 MC. Hij heeft zijn contract getekend in het jaar 2016 bij Top Notch. Ondertussen is hij docent aan de Herman Brood Academie..."
- Annual Dutch pop music festival, organized by Mojo Concerts / Mojo.nl, the same organization that organizes Pinkpop and North Sea Festival. In more recent years Lowlands has interspaced pop artists with super extreme left activists and politicians to indoctrinate youths with (extremist) feminist and (hopelessly unrealistic) multicultural propaganda - similar to George Soros' Open Society Foundations and all other "liberal CIA" foundations (no direct ties, but certainly very close indirect ones). Lowlands went as far to invite Ismail Ilgun, a Turkish street gangster and one of the leaders of a gang that terrorized Dutch people in Zaan. Despite being termed "riff raff" by Bilderberg-visiting prime minister Mark Rutte, Ilgun was invited to national TV stations with his gang to make excuses for his behavior, was signed to state media-linked Muslim/black gangter rap record label Top Notch, and was invited to give a talk to youths at Lowlands. Other Muslim gangster rappers who became elite-backed in the Netherlands are Ali B. and Boef.
- Lowlands ultra-left speakers:
- July 5, 2017, Nu.nl, 'Ismail Ilgün en minister Ploumen spreken op Lowlands': "Former 'harassment vlogger' Ismail Ilgun is going to tell at Lowlands what it did with him that the whole of the Netherlands attacked him after his instigative [YouTube] clips from the Zaan neighborhood Poelenburg. Meanwhile he is making positive clips for the AD [Algemeen Dagblad newspaper] and has a contract with the record label Top Notch. That also led to lots of criticism.
Also demissionary minister Lilianne Ploumen (Humanitarian cooperation) [Erasmus University; GreenLeft party member and former chair Labour Party; Foster Parents manager early 1990s; AIDS and feminism activist] is going to speak at Lowlands. She was able to get into the international limelight due to her fund She Decides [financed by Mark Rutte government], meant to undo the anti-abortus decision of the Trump administration... Other speakers are feminist Anne Fleur Dekker, director Tineke Ceelen of Stichting Vluchteling and the activist ALS-patient Garmt van Soest. Every year Lowlands has next to music a program with society themes." - Ismail Ilgun speech at Lowlands: "When even the prime minister says that you get out... Now can I deal with criticism that I get, but I was young then... School is just nothing for me... [stopped listening after two minutes; super-annoying and hard to understand]..."
- bkb.nl/sprekers-llowgenda-bekend/ (accessed: February 19, 2018): "This year [2016] [Moroccan-Indian] GreenLeft leader Jesse Klaver [member Bilderberg-dominated Social Economic Council] and DENK politician Sylvana Simons [major anti-Zwarte Piet campaigner; DENK is dominated by Muslim extremist Turks] talk about their political motivations, secretary of state of security and justice Klaas Dijkhoff shares his vision on the refugee crisis, and actor Nasrdin Dchar asks what is necessary to feel more connected together [multiculturally]...
A Dutchman with Turkish roots? Publisher Zihni Ozdil [Erasmus University; GreenLeft; party leader Europarty, which campaigned for the end of the existence of the Netherlands; columnist NRC; organized a debate between Forum for Democracy and extreme left elements] makes a sharp analysis. He is followed by [Volkskrant] columnist Sheila Sitalsing [Erasmus University; Elsevier; Rotterdams Dagblad history]... Hadjar Benmiloud [columnist NRC and Metro; Amsterdam candidate Pirate Party], founder of the feminist platform Vileine explains why anno 2016 everybody should be a feminist."
- July 5, 2017, Nu.nl, 'Ismail Ilgün en minister Ploumen spreken op Lowlands': "Former 'harassment vlogger' Ismail Ilgun is going to tell at Lowlands what it did with him that the whole of the Netherlands attacked him after his instigative [YouTube] clips from the Zaan neighborhood Poelenburg. Meanwhile he is making positive clips for the AD [Algemeen Dagblad newspaper] and has a contract with the record label Top Notch. That also led to lots of criticism.
- The YouTube video of Ismail Ilgun's speech at Lowlands reveals that Lowlands had a partnership here with BKB Het Campagne bureau. This bureau was founded by Alex Klusman and Erik van Bruggen, Labour Party political creatures. Bruggen even was part of prime minister Wim Kok's campaign team. Kok, who visited Bilderberg in 1993 and 2003, eventually was appointed to the board of George Soros' International Crisis Group and became president of the almost equally elite Club of Madrid. BKB also organizes President's Nights every four years. In 2011 BKB helped Bill Clinton come to the Netherlands at the Convention of Achlum.
- bkb.nl/provocatieve-verhalen-en-inspirerende-ideeen-voor-jongeren/ (accessed: February 19, 2018): "LLowgenda is het maatschappelijk-politieke programma dat wij op Lowlands organiseren."
- bkb.nl/bkbers/alex-klusman/ (accessed: February 19, 2018): "Born: 1969, Zambia. Moved in 1978 to the Netherlands. ...
- Member campaign team PvdA [Labour Party] for city councils, provinces, parliament and the European Parliament elections. - Coordinator Stichting voor het nieuwe Zuid-Afrika.
Study: International relations and French language, University of Groningen." - bkb.nl/bkbers/erik-van-bruggen/ (accessed: February 19, 2018): "
- Close aide to then PvdA [Labour Party] chairman [1992-1997] Felix Rottenberg. - Member of the campaign team of Wim Kok. - Co-founder of renewal movement Niet Nix [with Felix Rottenberg and Lennart Booij]. - Candidate duo-chairmanship of the PvdA [Labour Party], together with Lennart Booij." - bkb.nl/bkbers/bianca-pander/: partner ...
"- Volunteer John Kerry-campagne. - Research and outreach assistant Center for Economic and Policy Research...
- American Studies & Engels, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. - Political Science, Northern Arizona University." - bkb.nl/bkbers/isabelle-rade/ (accessed: February 19, 2018): "Partner ... Study: Politicologie, afstudeerrichting European Politics, Universiteit van Amsterdam... Knows a lot about: sustainable development..."
- Mojo.nl doesn't seem to be financed by major liberal CIA foundations. It only has a few partnerships with companies as BNP Paribas, Douwe Egberts (once helped Ali B. out of financial trouble), etc. And some of the founders have ties to managers of U2 and some of the 1970s U.S. bands. There's also a statement that already in the early 1990s Mojo Concerts was donating to Amnesty International.
- Soros and Orange royal family-allied foundation located in the Amsterdam Maagdenhuis. Also the location of the boards of the University of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam College.
- Bizarrely, in 2015 it was occupied by a "student" group demanding, among other things, "more diversity" at the University of Amsterdam, which led to newspapers aiding the protest, Dr. Gloria Wekker - a former Fulbright scholar and royal family-tied mentor of Quinsy Gario, the feminist black guy who started Holland's anti-Zwarte Piet protests - coming over to the University of Amsterdam to head a new diversity commission. She had the students Chris and Max de Ploeg, key protest organizers, aiding her, after they called for to lead the reorganization. In addition, "liberal CIA" asset Noam Chomsky signed the petition. So did UCLA pro-Occupy Wallstreet, pro-gay, super-feminist, and pro-Palestine activist Judith Butler (also explained in the New York Times that "All Lives Matter" claims to counter Black Lives Matter are misguided). Prominent Dutch comedian Freek de Jonge was also involved in the Maagdenhuis protests.
- Three quick examples of Soros and Dutch royal family of Orange alliance of the Maagdenhuis Foundation:
- ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/intpract/living-library?pdf=1: "Since 2007 Living Library was/is supported by: The Embassy of Netherlands in the Republic of Lithuania. The Netherlands Foundation R.C. Maagdenhuis. Open Society Foundation in Lithuania (OSFL). EU Campaign "For Diversity. Against Discrimination."
- opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/ default/files/donor_compendium.pdf (accessed: February 20, 2018): "Compendium of Potential Donors: ... Co-operating Netherlands Foundation for Central and Eastern Europé (CNFCEE) [in] Hilversum... The CNF were established in 1991 as a co-operation of four Dutch Foundations that intended to assist the social transition process of post-communist societies in Central Europe. ... The core of the CNF is formed by four co-ordinating foundations being: - The Queen Juliana Foundation. - Foundation Het R.C. Maagdenhuis..."
- spior.nl/financiering-2/ (Platform for Islamic Education Rijnmond Foundation; accessed: February 17, 2018): "Finances: ... de Gemeente Rotterdam ... Oranje Fonds [honeymoon gift to King Willem Alexander of Orange and Queen Maxima] ... Oxfam Novib ... Stichting Democratie en Media, the Open Society Foundations [of George Soros], het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, het VSBfonds ... Stichting het R.C. Maagdenhuis..."
- In May 2024 there was an even bigger anti-Jew / anti-Israel protest at the University of Amsterdam.
" Van alle bekende kandidaten en lijstduwers die Bij1 ooit had – Quinsy Gario, Gloria Wekker, Anousha Nzume, Anja Meulenbelt en Simone van"
- A lesbian black Surinam women who studied Suriman lesbian sexual practices.
- Early student history as a Fulbright fellow (a very globalist-focused network with many superclass elites involved over the decades) and similar sponsorship by centers with a historical "liberal CIA" Ford Foundation tie, or backed by the U.S. government in general:
- 2018, Institute of Social Studies (The Hague), Development and Change, Rivke Jaffe of the University of Amsterdam, 'Reflections: A Conversation with Gloria Wekker': "I doubt that I would have been given money in The Netherlands to study [Suriman "lesbian-sex-friends" practice] mati. I had to go to the US, where I received a Fulbright grant, to study mati in Suriname... "
- uu.nl/medewerkers/RestApi/ Public/GetFile?Employee=172 (accessed: May 14, 2024; University of Utrecht - CV of Gloria Wekker): "1987-1988: Fellowship Fullbright Foundation [sic.: Fulbright Fdn.]. ... 1987 – 1992: Sponsorship Fullbright Foundation [sic.: Fulbright Fdn.]. ... 1990 – 1991 Institute of American Cultures Fellowship, Award of the four ethnic studies centers at UCLA, covering non-resident tuition and fees, research expenses. 1990 – 1991: Inter American Foundation Fellowship, Washington DC, to support field research in Suriname. ... 1987 – 1989 Research Assistant at the Center for African-American Studies [CAAS] at UCLA."
- iac.ucla.edu/about-us/background (accessed: May 12, 2024): "IAC [Institute of American Cultures] was established in 1969 through a Ford Foundation grant to foster ethnic studies at UCLA through the American Indian Studies Center, [etc.]..."
- 1989, UCLA Center for Afro-American Studies (CAAS; f. 1969-), CAAS Report, pp. 28-38 (Google Books): "Gloria Wekker ... also received a 1989-90 predoctoral fellowship... "Digging the Afro-American Past," a conference on archeology and the Black experience, took place at the University of Mississippi in Oxford on May 17-20, 1989. The conference [was] funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities [and] drew three UCLA graduate stuents: Rachel Chapman (Anthropology), Gloria Wekker (Anthroppogy)..."oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark: /13030/c8m046sd/entire_text/ (accessed: May 12, 2024; 'Finding Aid for the Center for African American Studies. Administrative files. 1941; 1969-1990.'): "Box 6: CAAS Ford Foundation grant. 1970-1974. ... Box 5: Progress report to Ford Foundation. 1971-1975. ... Box 9: Rockefeller Foundation "Sex-ratio and gender roles" proposal. 1986-1987. ... Box 11: Proposal to Rockefeller Foundation "Flyers in search of a dream." 1986."
- From at least 2000 Wekker's research on migrants is funded by the Prins Bernard Fonds, named after former Bilderberg chairman Prince Bernhard:
- uu.nl/medewerkers/RestApi/ Public/GetFile?Employee=172 (accessed: May 14, 2024; University of Utrecht - CV of Gloria Wekker): "2000: Subsidy for a volume Veranderingen van het Alledaagse on the influence of migrants on everyday Dutch culture in the twentieth century, to be published in 2005 and subsidized by the Prins Bernard Fonds, the Netherlands. ... 2003: Additional subsidy for Veranderingen van het Alledaagse from the Mondriaan Foundation, the Netherlands. ...
2005 - 2007: Advisory council of the “Orange Fund”. Royal Fund, under the protection of their Royal Highnesses Prince Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima, to advance social cohesion in the Netherlands."
- uu.nl/medewerkers/RestApi/ Public/GetFile?Employee=172 (accessed: May 14, 2024; University of Utrecht - CV of Gloria Wekker): "2000: Subsidy for a volume Veranderingen van het Alledaagse on the influence of migrants on everyday Dutch culture in the twentieth century, to be published in 2005 and subsidized by the Prins Bernard Fonds, the Netherlands. ... 2003: Additional subsidy for Veranderingen van het Alledaagse from the Mondriaan Foundation, the Netherlands. ...
- uu.nl/medewerkers/RestApi/ Public/GetFile?Employee=172 (accessed: May 14, 2024; University of Utrecht - CV of Gloria Wekker): "1994 – 2001 Assistant Professor, Women's Studies Department in the Humanities, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. ... 1997 Advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), Directorate Coordination Emancipation Affairs, the Hague. Drafting the policy framework for E-Quality, experts on gender and ethnicity, with Dr. Ph. Essed. ... 1999-: Director GEM, Expertise center on Gender, Ethnicity and Multiculturality in higher education, Utrecht University. ... 2001 – 2003: Member of the committee of Experts on Gender and Ethnicity, advisory body to the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS), The Hague. ... 2001-: Full Professor, Women‟s Studies in the Humanities, Institute for Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University. Aletta-chair on Gender and Ethnicity. ..."
- Proteges include the activists Mitchell Esajas [Zwarte Piet], Quinsy Gario, Philomena Essed:
- July 2, 2016, Volkskrant, 'De revanche van de antiracismewetenschap: Antiracismewetenschappers Gloria Wekker en Philomena Essed, die Nederland waren ontvlucht, zijn herontdekt.': "Witte onschuld. Esajas heeft de term niet zelf bedacht. Hij heeft deze van de Surinaams-Nederlandse antropologe Gloria Wekker (66)... Esajas is een oud-student van Wekker. ... In 2011 geeft het groeiend verzet tegen Zwarte Piet het startschot voor een antiracisme golf. Sociale media spelen daarbij een essentiele rol. ... Esajas en consorten worden social mediapersoonlijkheden met een redelijk groot bereik. Onder hen is ook Quinsy Gario, eveneens een pupil van Wekker en [Philomena] Essed [Graduated in cultural antropology from the University of Amsterdam in 1984. Published the book Alledaags Racisme / Everyday Racism in 1984. According to the Dutch Wikipedia, "it was highly appreciated by activists and non-governmental organizations. According to the Encyclopedia of Afro-European Studies, Essed threatened with her work the positive image of a tolerant Netherlands." Involved in numerous other "anti-racism" projects. Ph.D. in social sciences from Amsterdam University in 1990. Taught at the University of Amsterdam until 2003. Member Temporary Expert Commission on Emancipation 1998-2001. Visiting professor of African-American Studies and Women's Studies at the University of California, Irvine 2001-2005. Professor at the private Antioch University. Researcher at Utrecht University's Graduate Gender Program, headed by Dr. Gloria Wekker, since 2006. Teacher for the SANPAD RCI program in South Africa and for the Black Europe Summer School. Replacement council member Dutch College for Human Rights 2004-. Made a Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau 2011.]. De antiracismewetenschappers die in de vergetelheid dreigden te raken krijgen via hun media savvy discipelen een tweede leven gegund. Esajas: 'Ik ben onderdeel van de generatie die Philomena Essed en Gloria Wekker herontdekt. Wij hebben de technologische middelen. Wij kunnen makkelijk mensen mobiliseren, demonstraties organiseren, instituten bekritiseren, informatie verspreiden.'"
- migpolgroup.com/about-us/ (accessed: April 11, 2018): "Since our establishment in 1995, we have played a pivotal role in shaping European migration, integration and anti-discrimination policies and law – many original MPG initiatives have become established features of the European Union's legal and policy landscape. ...
Our work is organised into three... [1.] International movement of persons [2.] Diversity and Integration [3.] Anti-discrimination and Equality. ...
MPG receives support from a variety of organisations and sponsors: Private foundations, such as The Atlantic Philanthropies and the Open Society Foundation." - migpolgroup.com/anti-discrimination-equality/ (accessed: April 11, 2018): "The Migration Policy Group, Human European Consultancy and Utrecht University have established and manage a European Network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination which provides independent information and advice on the transposition and implementation of EU law on gender equality and non-discrimination."
- 2015/2016 Activities Report, Migration Policy Group, 'Monitoring and reporting online hate speech in Europe': "The aim of the Monitoring and Reporting Online Hate Speech in Europe project (eMORE) is to contribute to developing, testing and transferring a knowledge model on online hate speech and offline hate crime in a number of EU Member States. ...
SIRIUS – European Policy Network on Migrant Education: ... [was] funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. ... After 2014, the network continued as a voluntary initiative [including] Erasmus University Rotterdam (Risbo). In 2016, MPG ... obtained core funding for SIRIUS from Open Society Foundation."
- StopBlackface.com, headed by establishment-"guided" black teacher Mitchell Esajas at the University of Amsterdam, is the overarching Dutch activist platform for Kick Out Zwarte Piet (stopblackface.com/kozp/ - headed by semi-violent racist Jerry Afriyie) and also Zwarte Piet is Racisme (zwartepietisracisme.tumblr.com, set up by University of Utrecht-educated black feminist Quinsy Gario in 2011) and ZwartePietNiet.nl.
- Reportedly Esajas has studied anthropology under Dr. Gloria Wekker. He has organized with her.
- advalvas.vu.nl/campus-cultuur/gemoederen-lopen-hoog-op-bij-racismedebat/ (accessed: May 14, 2024): "“Er heerst in Nederland een sfeer van ontkenning en verloochening”, sprak de Utrechtse hoogleraar Gloria Wekker gisteren op een bijeenkomst over racisme in de kerkzaal van het VU-hoofdgebouw. ... De bijeenkomst, georganiseerd door de mensen achter de actiegroep I Too Am VU, met raspoliticus en VU-student Mitchel Esajas van het New Urban Collective als gangmaker,..."
- Since 2011 these groups have been organizing annual protests during the "arrival" of Sinterklaas and his Zwarte Pieten (Black Petes) from "Spain" on a boat full of presents for children. Traditionally this has been an enormously festive period for Dutch children, so these groups of "guest workers" are quite literally trying to ruin a children's fest.
- When in November 2014 an Arab speaker was arrested for yelling "fuck the king" for no reason, Kick Out Zwarte Piet criticized (hardly existing) police brutality and organized a free speech protest. Meanwhile, "populist" politicians as Pim Fortuyn argued that racism should fall under freedom of speech as well.
- stopblackface.com/kozp/ (accessed: February 12, 2018): "- Kick Out Zwarte Piet (Zwarte Piet is Racisme & Zwarte Piet Niet) doet een beroep op iedereen om op zaterdag 18 november [2017], tijdens de landelijke Sinterklaasintocht, naar Dokkum te komen en samen een statement te maken voor een inclusief Sinterklaasfeest én een samenleving zonder racisme. ...
While on their way to a peaceful protest against the racist caricature of Black Pete, the buses of Kick Out Zwarte Piet were blocked on the road by a group of about 30 aggressive men and women with cars, motorcycles and trucks. The blockade lasted about 45 minutes... [no sign in the pictures of any type of aggression, just parents trying to protect their children from negativity by stopping their cars on the highway; additional pictures also reveal major activism in Rotterdam]...
- In november 2014 organiseerde KOZP een geweldloos protest tijdens de nationale intocht in Gouda, bekijk hier een videoverslag." - stopblackface.com/statement-kozp-fuck-de-koning-fuck-zwarte-piet-fuck-institutioneel-racisme/ (accessed: February 12, 2018, but dates the demonstration dates back to November 2014): "Vorig jaar organiseerde Kick Out Zwarte Piet, een samenwerkingsverband tussen Zwarte Piet Niet, Zwarte Piet is Racisme campagne en StopBlackface, op 16 november een vreedzame manifestatie tegen Zwarte Piet op het Beursplein in Amsterdam. Abulkasim al-Jaberi hield hiernaast diverse andere sprekers een speech waarin hij zei: "Fuck de koning". Ondanks een verder vreedzaam verloop van de demonstratie werd Abulkasim met onnodig machtsvertoon voor het oog van talloze vreedzame demonstranten gearresteerd wegens majesteitsschennis. Op woensdag 6 mei 2015, is bekend geworden dat het Openbaar Ministerie overgaat tot vervolging. Dit toont aan dat de vrijheid van meningsuiting in Nederland niet voor iedereen geldt. ...
"Fuck Racisme – Fuck de Koning" demonstratie – 10 mei 2015: KOZP is solidair met Abulkasim Al-Jaberi, roept het OM op om de zaak te seponeren en een onderzoek in te stellen hoe het strafrecht racisme- en discriminatiezaken effectiever kan aanpakken."
- stopblackface.com/kozp/ (accessed: February 12, 2018): "- Kick Out Zwarte Piet (Zwarte Piet is Racisme & Zwarte Piet Niet) doet een beroep op iedereen om op zaterdag 18 november [2017], tijdens de landelijke Sinterklaasintocht, naar Dokkum te komen en samen een statement te maken voor een inclusief Sinterklaasfeest én een samenleving zonder racisme. ...
- The Netherlands has had a very long tradition of "Sinterklaas" in early December. Sinterklaas is accompanied by "Zwarte Pieten" ("Black Petes") who are supposed to climb in and out of chimneys to deliver packages to children. The European Union and liberal elites as George Soros started a campaign in 2013-2014 to change this tradition with the argument that it is racist, leading to annual televised protests in subsequent years and largely a ban on blackfacing by 2017.
- December 11, 2014, Dagelijksestandaard.nl, 'Europa wil Zwarte Piet kapotmaken': "Invitation to a discussion on the Zwarte Piet and Afrophobia in the EU – 16/12 [2014] – ... Dear Member of the Parliament, MEP Malin Björk (GUE/NGL, Sweden), in collaboration with the [Soros-financed] European Network Against Racism (ENAR), invites you to a discussion entitled "Afrophobic stereotypes vs tradition: the case of the Zwarte Piet in the Netherlands". This event will take place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 16th. This debate, which will gather Black-led organisations from across Europe...
[We're] bringing evidence on the existence of a specific form of racism called Afrophobia, that specifically targets Black people in Europe. As you may know, the 'Zwarte Piet' figure, a traditional blackfaced character, perpetuates colonial stereotyped image of Black people and further contributes to the dehumanisation of Black people." - January 6, 2015, StopBlackFace.com, 'Press release – negotiations with the Dutch embassy set the foundation for a racism-free celebration of St. Nicholas in Germany': "Representatives of the Initiative of Black People in Germany eV (ISD), Zwarte Piet Niet, Kick Out Zwarte Piet and the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) discussed on Friday, 12 December 2014, the need for the racist caricature 'Zwarte Piet' in Nicholas Celebration abolished in Germany."
- StopBlackFace.com is registered by Mitchell O. Esajas, a black guy at the University of Amsterdam who forgets to mention his founding of StopBlackFace.com on his LinkedIn. The Black Archives he is organizing is teaching black people about their history of oppression by the white man. Of course, it also includes information on feminism. In February 2018 it was running an exhibition entitled Black & Revolutionary.
- linkedin.com/in/mitchellesajas/ (accessed: June 20, 2018): "
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Bachelor, Business Administration, 2006. ...
- Co-founder & Chairman: New Urban Collective [later allied with Soros-funded EMCEMO pro-immigration group and certainly by 2013 pulled Shell's president-director to help teach his black students, as well as ABN-AMRO and other top Dutch multinationals]: Jan. 2010 - Present.
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Msc. Business Administration [and] Social & Cultural Anthropology ... 2011-2013...
- University of California, Los Angeles: Summercourse, Management & Environmental Science, 2012-2012. ...
- Winner ECHO Award WO 2012. ECHO Foundation [Expert Center for Diversity Policy; in a diversity mentoring program] Apr. 2012 - Sep. 2012. ...
- Intern Sustainability & Water management, KPMG [top superclass firm; co-finances ECHO Foundation]: Oct. 2012 - Apr. 2013. ...
- Study advisor Bsc. Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Amsterdam: Sep. 2014 - Dec. 2017. ...
- Co-founder: The Black Archives: Jan. 2017 -" - theblackarchives.nl/over-ons.html (accessed: June 20, 2018): "New Urban Collective [of Mitchell Esajas] oversees The Black Archives... [Co-founder] Waldo Heilbron [of] the Universiteit van Amsterdam did research into post-colonialism, Trans-Atlantic slave trade and its heritage, racism and history writing."
- ECHO Foundation: echo-net.nl/category/partners/in-het-bedrijfsleven/ (accessed: June 20, 2018): "L'Oreal [also finances European Network Against Racism (ENAR)] ... Schiphol Group ... ABN AMRO [Bank] ... Google ... Nederlandse Spoorwegen ... Shell ... KPMG [and government departments]..."
- theblackarchives.nl/lsquogeen-wegen-blokkeren-maar-bruggen-bouwenrsquo---nuc--tba-statement.html (accessed: May 14, 2024): "In 2014 en 2015 heeft NUC [New Urban Collective] financiering van [Soros'] Open Society Foundation ontvangen voor een project om het koloniale verleden en racisme in de hedendaagse samenleving bespreekbaar te maken. NUC heeft hier onder meer enkele debatten, filmavonden en educatieve activiteiten mee bekostigd, o.a. het event "Decolonizing the University" in oktober 2015 op de Vrije Universiteit, het netwerkevent voor het European Network for People of African Descent in dezelfde maand en bijgedragen aan het symposium "Moving Traditions: Zwarte Piet Hoort Thuis In Het Museum" in december 2015. Zo vond er een screening plaats van de CNN documentaire “Blackface” en panelgesprek met de documentairemaker Roger Ross Williams o.l.v. Clarice Gargard."
- Nov. 13, 2018, Mitchell Esajas for bnnvara.nl/joop/ (essentially an antifa publication), 'Wij laten ons niet intimideren door rechtse stemmingmakerij': "In werkelijkheid worden NUC en KOZP niet door ABN AMRO en KPMG gefinancieerd. Ik wilde het geheim houden maar eigenlijk krijgen we geld van de Illuminati via Jay-Z en Beyonce, ze waren laatst even langs gekomen bij The Black Archives. Soros en zijn Open Society Foundation hebben ons inderdaad duizenden euro’s gegeven om hun agenda voor werelddominatie uit te voeren. En vlak voordat Obama werd vervangen door Trump heeft hij ons wat geld toegestopt voor onze geheime agenda. Jerry wordt gesteund door de familie van Martin Luther King, duhhhh, hij heet toch Jerry King Luther Afriyie. Daarnaast worden de bankrekeningen van KOZP en Nederland Wordt Beter gespekt door een geheim genootschap van witte pieten en een Ashanti-koning uit Ghana."
- Mitchell actually makes use of the word "micro-aggression", a word elevated to a national joke by U.S. comedians in recent years. 2017 paper, Mitchell Esajas, 'Je moet twee keer zo hard werken : Racisme, discriminatie en de sociaaleconomische positie van Surinaamse Nederlanders': "34% van de respondenten heeft te maken gehad met kwetsende grappen ofwel micro agressies: goedbedoelde opmerkingen die wel degelijk racistisch of discriminerend zijn en mensen op de werkvloer uitsluiten."
- linkedin.com/in/mitchellesajas/ (accessed: June 20, 2018): "
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Bachelor, Business Administration, 2006. ...
- Esajas was involved in the European Network Against Racism (ENAR):
- June 18, 2018, ENAR, 'The European Network Against Racism: 1998-2018, a short history', pp. 2, 19: "This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union, the Open Society Foundations, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Sigrid Rausing Trust. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ENAR and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission, the Open Society Foundations...
From left to right: .... Mitchell Esajas... ENAR Afrophobia steering group, Brussels, 2013." - Dec. 2015, ENAR, 'Afrophobia in Europe: ENAR Shadow Report 2014-2015', pp. 0, 12: "Published by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) in Brussels, in December 2015, with the support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the ENAR Foundation. ...
National researchers and experts: ... Netherlands: Mitchell Esajas & Jessica De Abreu. New Urban Collective."
- June 18, 2018, ENAR, 'The European Network Against Racism: 1998-2018, a short history', pp. 2, 19: "This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union, the Open Society Foundations, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Sigrid Rausing Trust. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ENAR and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission, the Open Society Foundations...
- Nov. 12, 2020, eenvandaag.avrotros.nl, 'Draagvlak voor Zwarte Piet steeds kleiner, meeste mensen denken dat de traditionele piet helemaal verdwijnt': "Iets meer dan de helft, 55 procent, vindt dat het uiterlijk van 'Zwarte Piet' niet moet worden aangepast. Dat was vorig jaar 71 procent."
- Quinsy Gario:
- framerframed.nl/en/mensen/quinsy-gario/ (accessed: February 12, 2018): "BA degree in Theater, Film & Television Studies, minoring in Postcolonial Studies and Gender Studies, he is started to follow the MA program Comparative Women's Studies in Culture and Politics at the Genderstudies department of the University of Utrecht [under the directorship of extremist black activist Gloria Dekker] but decided to focus on his artistic output instead.
Under the name T. Martinus he has published in the NRC Next... Some of these clips have appeared on MTV here in the Netherlands. He is also a member of the pan African art collective State of L3, an editor at the feminist journal LOVER and has written as a columnist voor NiNsee [Nationaal Instituut Nederlands Slavernijverleden en Erfenis; National Institute Dutch Slavery Past and Heritage]." - June 28, 2013, Socialisme.nu, 'Quinsy Gario: 'Men wil de menselijkheid van de slachtoffers van slavernij niet zien'': "Quinsy Gario, one the initiave takers of the collective Roet in het Eten. ... [Gario:] "I myself, for example, very much look up to Barryl Biekman, Kwame Nimako, Philomena Essed, Gloria Wekker, Felix de Rooy and Sandew Hira.""
- July 2, 2016, Volkskrant, 'De revanche van de antiracismewetenschap: Antiracismewetenschappers Gloria Wekker en Philomena Essed, die Nederland waren ontvlucht, zijn herontdekt.': "Witte onschuld. Esajas heeft de term niet zelf bedacht. Hij heeft deze van de Surinaams-Nederlandse antropologe Gloria Wekker (66)... Esajas is een oud-student van Wekker. ... In 2011 geeft het groeiend verzet tegen Zwarte Piet het startschot voor een antiracisme golf. Sociale media spelen daarbij een essentiele rol. ... Esajas en consorten worden social mediapersoonlijkheden met een redelijk groot bereik. Onder hen is ook Quinsy Gario, eveneens een pupil van Wekker en [Philomena] Essed [Graduated in cultural antropology from the University of Amsterdam in 1984. Published the book Alledaags Racisme / Everyday Racism in 1984. According to the Dutch Wikipedia, "it was highly appreciated by activists and non-governmental organizations. According to the Encyclopedia of Afro-European Studies, Essed threatened with her work the positive image of a tolerant Netherlands." Involved in numerous other "anti-racism" projects. Ph.D. in social sciences from Amsterdam University in 1990. Taught at the University of Amsterdam until 2003. Member Temporary Expert Commission on Emancipation 1998-2001. Visiting professor of African-American Studies and Women's Studies at the University of California, Irvine 2001-2005. Professor at the private Antioch University. Researcher at Utrecht University's Graduate Gender Program, headed by Dr. Gloria Wekker, since 2006. Teacher for the SANPAD RCI program in South Africa and for the Black Europe Summer School. Replacement council member Dutch College for Human Rights 2004-. Made a Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau 2011.]. De antiracismewetenschappers die in de vergetelheid dreigden te raken krijgen via hun media savvy discipelen een tweede leven gegund.Esajas: 'Ik ben onderdeel van de generatie die Philomena Essed en Gloria Wekker herontdekt. Wij hebben de technologische middelen. Wij kunnen makkelijk mensen mobiliseren, demonstraties organiseren, instituten bekritiseren, informatie verspreiden.'"
- Newspaper appearance history of Quinsy Gario and Jerry Afriyie (only Gario was talked about early on):
- May 11, 2009, Algemeen Dagblad, 'Cultuur snuiven in de Bijlmer': Special on "artist" Quinsy Gario, featured to give a positive spin on "high crime numbers, teen moms and shady practices in basement boxes"-dominated Southeast Amsterdam.
- November 14, 2011, Algemeen Dagblad, 'Demonsteren tegen Zwarte Piet is gevaarlijk' ('Protesting against Black Pete is dangerous'): "Bij Eva Jinek op zondag (WNL) ontlokte de mededeling van de arrestatie van vier mensen gekleed in een T-shirt met de tekst „Zwarte Piet is racistisch" nog voorspelbare reacties... Vier politieagenten waren in een winkelstraat minuten lang aan het sjorren aan een op de grond liggende zwarte man, die zich beriep op zijn vrijheid van meningsuiting. De ten overstaan van families met kinderen wegens opruiing gearresteerde demonstrant werd geïdentificeerd als de Antilliaanse dichter en theatermaker Quinsy Gario."
- From here, Gario started to make the Algemeen Dagblad and other news outlets annually with his Sinterklaas protests. He has been featured 89 times in the Algemeen Dagblad from 2009 to January 2018.
- July 4, 2016, GeenStijl.nl, 'Anti-Zwarte Pieters: 'Quinsy is dief, racist en lul!'': "Quinsy Gario and Jerry King Luther Afriyie... Beiden werden toentertijd in 2011 gearresteerd bij de Sinterklaasintocht in Dordrecht, maar het is over met de liefde tussen de twee. ... Quinsy zou twee Zwarte Piet is Racisme-shirts hebben gestolen, Jerry zou hem daarna hardhandig hebben aangepakt."
- October 30, 2016, Leidsch Dagblad, ''Kom allemaal naar Leiden'': "LEIDEN - Een massaal protest tegen Zwarte Piet tijdens de sinterklaasintocht op de Leidse Beestenmarkt, op zaterdag 19 november. Dat is waar de actiegroep Kick Out Zwarte Piet (KOZP) tot oproept. ... Die oproep werd zondagavond, tijdens een bijeenkomst in de Vrijplaats aan de Middelstegracht, gedaan door Jerry Afriyie, hét gezicht van de strijd tegen de - in de ogen van de tegenstanders - 'racistische karikatuur' Zwarte Piet. ...
Volgens Afriyie zijn er verschillende actiebewegingen die er verschillende werkwijzen op nahouden. "De één gaat zingen op de Dam, de ander gaat met een knuppel naar een intocht. Ik vind dat ze allebei de ruimte moeten krijgen. Ik praat veel met intochtcomités en burgemeesters en achter de schermen geven ze allemaal toe dat het fout is. Maar je kunt ons niet eeuwig aan het lijntje houden en verwachten dat we vreedzaam blijven demonstreren."" - November 7, 2016, Dagelijkse Standaard, 'Pietenhater Jerry Afriyie is zelf ordinaire racist: organiseert date-avond, maar blanken mogen niet komen'.
- November 21, 2017, Parool, ''Zwarte Piet is toegevoegd, je kunt hem ook weghalen'': "Nagenoeg alle bekende gezichten uit de Zwarte Pietdiscussie betraden het podium: activist Jerry Afriyie, politica Sylvana Simons, documentairemaker Sunny Bergman en voormalig hoofdpiet Erik van Muiswinkel.Mitchell Esajas zat afgelopen weekend in een van de bussen die onderweg naar de intocht in Dokkum werden tegengehouden door grimmige wegblokkades. Hij is de figuren die de blokkades opwierpen op een wrange manier dankbaar, zei hij. "Ze hebben ons punt precies bewezen. Ze laten zien hoe diep institutioneel racisme zit en hoe ver sommigen gaan om zelfs op levensgevaarlijke wijze hun punt te maken.""
- framerframed.nl/en/mensen/quinsy-gario/ (accessed: February 12, 2018): "BA degree in Theater, Film & Television Studies, minoring in Postcolonial Studies and Gender Studies, he is started to follow the MA program Comparative Women's Studies in Culture and Politics at the Genderstudies department of the University of Utrecht [under the directorship of extremist black activist Gloria Dekker] but decided to focus on his artistic output instead.
- Pro-Islam foundation in Rotterdam, a huge haven for Muslim immigration. Representatives are regularly interviewed on national television and more regularly on local television. SPIOR also regularly appears in major Dutch newspapers as Algemeen Dagblad en Trouw. SPIOR has used its financing to set up political debates. If this local foundation receives so much establishment financing, undoubtedly many others receive funds as well.
- spior.nl/financiering-2/ (accessed: February 19, 2018): "Finances: ... de Gemeente Rotterdam, het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (via het Dienstencentrum voor GVO en HVO), het Oranje Fonds [honeymoon gift to King Willem Alexander of Orange and Queen Maxima], Kerk en Wereld, het Kansfonds, het Fonds Sluyterman van Loo, Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht, de Haëlla Stichting, Oxfam Novib, Stichting Swart van Essen, Stichting Democratie en Media, the Open Society Foundations [of George Soros], het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, het VSBfonds, de Janivo Stichting, KNR (commissie PIN), Stichting het R.C. Maagdenhuis, Stichting Brentano's Steun des Ouderdoms, het Sint Laurensfonds, het FondsDBL, het FondsNutsOhra, de Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds en het Fonds Lidmatenhuis."
- Super-influential and super-multi"culture" music label (Universal, for whom the owner works, takes care of distribution and sales since March 2008) that coincidentally is founded by a person with deep ties to state television and liberal elite newspapers. Also very peculiar is the fact that this record label is at the center of an effort to promote Islamic and black gangster rap as a "cultural enrichment" to Dutch society, and Dutch youths in particular. No direct ties to major foundations, but still very interesting to the Netherlands.
- Has cooperated with the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund and Labour Party-connected Statement Agency and Grote Prijs van Nederland, all in an effort to make Arab and black gangster rap part of Dutch "culture".
- Dutch Music label founded in 1995 by Kees de Koning: a former journalist for Trouw newspaper (mid 1980s), assistant to Hans Dulfer at the VPRO (Dutch government TV) program Midnight Hour (late 1980s), a co-founder of PC gaming magazine Power Unlimited, and until 2001 a contributor to newspapers de Volkskrant, HP/De Tijd en Blvd (lifestyle-magazine and glossy for women). These days, Trouw and the Volkskrant are published and distributed by De Persgroep whose largest minority shareholder is the Democracy and Media Foundation, allied with George Soros in the spreading of anti-Islamophobia propaganda. HP/De Tijd is also extremely pro-Third World immigration and very establishment.
- In 2009 Kees de Koning was appointed director of Artist Development for the Netherlands at Universal Music Group, which controls 25% of the global music distribution.
- September 25, 2009, vpro.nl, 'Kees de Koning wordt hoofd Nederlandse stal Universal': "Kees de Koning promoveert binnen Universal Music. Per 1 december volgt hij Wilbert Mutsaers op als Director Artist Development. Mutsaers vertrok eerder dit jaar naar 3FM. In zijn nieuwe functie geeft De Koning leiding over de Nederlandse stal van het major label. ...
Daaronder valt niet alleen zijn eigen label Top-Notch, dan anderhalf jaar geleden bij Universal werd ondergebracht..."
- September 25, 2009, vpro.nl, 'Kees de Koning wordt hoofd Nederlandse stal Universal': "Kees de Koning promoveert binnen Universal Music. Per 1 december volgt hij Wilbert Mutsaers op als Director Artist Development. Mutsaers vertrok eerder dit jaar naar 3FM. In zijn nieuwe functie geeft De Koning leiding over de Nederlandse stal van het major label. ...
- Top Notch has contracted just about every famous Dutch hip hop/gangsta rap artist, including:
- Postmen (Anouk's old partner);
- Ronnie Flex;
- Lil' Kleine;
- Opgezwolle;
- Broederliefde;
- Lange Frans (huge media personality who believes the disinformation that a second shooter was present at the Pim Fortuyn assassination), etc.
- It also contracted Turkish street terrorist-turned-media favorite Ismail Ilgun (similar to Boef and Ali B.).
- Black Lives Matter activist and rapper Akwasi Ansah, embroiled in a 2020 scandal in which he was protected by a black prosecutor also on the board of Meldpunt Discriminatie alongside Kick Out Black Pete founder Mitchell Esajas, is signed by a Top Notch.
- Ismail Ilgun made national television after yet another bout of Moroccan neighborhood terrorism and fights with the police. He actually was invited as a spokesperson of a gang of thugs to make excuses for their behavior. Next, Top Notch provided him with a contract and he was invited to give a speech to a mass of youths at Lowlands, along with GreenLeft, Labour and Marxist feminists:
- September 9, 2016, Algemeen Dagblad, 'Rutte: gewoon tuig van de richel in Zaanstad': "De groep Turks-Nederlandse jongeren die in Zaanstad overlast veroorzaakt, is volgens minister-president Mark Rutte 'gewoon tuig van de richel'. ... Minister Ard van der Steur (Veiligheid en Justitie) heeft vrijdag contact gehad met de burgemeester en alle hulp aangeboden, aldus Rutte. Buurtbewoners beklagen zich al langere tijd over het gedrag van de groep. Wel vindt hij dat de zaak niet groter moet worden gemaakt dan het is. "De politie heeft het onder controle."
Gisteren nog werd in de wijk een cameraman en een verslaggeefster van het SBS6-programma Hart van Nederland ernstig bedreigd door een aantal Turk-Nederlandse jongeren en weggejaagd. Ze dreigden de verslaggeefster onder meer thuis op te zoeken. ,,Al duurt het 365 dagen, ik weet je adres te achterhalen'', zei een van de hen.
De jongeren zorgen al langere tijd voor veel overlast. Van kleine treiterijen bij de supermarkt tot rellen met de politie, ze filmen alles en zetten dat op YouTube. Met succes, want hun 'treitervlogs' zijn erg populair en worden honderdduizenden keren bekeken.
Oprichter Ismail ilgun zat gisteravond met een aantal vrienden bij Pauw om te reageren op alle kritiek. ... Volgens Ilgun gebeuren er ook genoeg positieve dingen in de wijk, maar wordt dat nooit getoond. Raadslid Juliëtte Rot, die zelf ook een keer bekogeld zou zijn met eieren...
Op sociale media werd er veel gesproken over de uitzending. Vooral dat de vrienden van Ilgun hun zonnebril oplieten in de studio en dat ze een buurthuis in de wijk willen, schoot veel mensen in het verkeerde keelgat..."
- September 9, 2016, Algemeen Dagblad, 'Rutte: gewoon tuig van de richel in Zaanstad': "De groep Turks-Nederlandse jongeren die in Zaanstad overlast veroorzaakt, is volgens minister-president Mark Rutte 'gewoon tuig van de richel'. ... Minister Ard van der Steur (Veiligheid en Justitie) heeft vrijdag contact gehad met de burgemeester en alle hulp aangeboden, aldus Rutte. Buurtbewoners beklagen zich al langere tijd over het gedrag van de groep. Wel vindt hij dat de zaak niet groter moet worden gemaakt dan het is. "De politie heeft het onder controle."
Gisteren nog werd in de wijk een cameraman en een verslaggeefster van het SBS6-programma Hart van Nederland ernstig bedreigd door een aantal Turk-Nederlandse jongeren en weggejaagd. Ze dreigden de verslaggeefster onder meer thuis op te zoeken. ,,Al duurt het 365 dagen, ik weet je adres te achterhalen'', zei een van de hen.
- In September 2017 it became known that Top Notch is a partner of Ali B., the liberal elite's long-time favorite domesticated Moroccan gangster and rapper who is singing his songs, doing stand up and appearing as a guest on prime time television 7 days a week. Ali B. would have been contracted by Top Notch as well, but early on De Koning wasn't impressed with his talent.
- September 2, 2017, Nu.nl, 'Platenlabel Ali B werkt samen met concurrent TopNotch': "With his SPEC Entertainment Ali B is the largest competitor ... of Top Notch... "We simply have to work together as well", Ali continues. "For example, we take care of the management of Ronnie Flex, who brings out his songs through Top Notch. ... In the mean time we are even busy putting up a joint ad company. If you add up our reach, we simply are the biggest channel to reach the youth in the Netherlands.""
- June 4, 2014, Revu, 'Kees de Koning (Top Notch): 'Ik vond dat Ali B te veel praatjes had'': "Ik weet nog dat ik [Ali B] leerde kennen toen ik met Raymzter bezig was. Ali B had samen met hem het liedje Kutmarokkanen geschreven, wat de eerste grote hit van Raymzter was. En Ali B ging altijd mee naar zijn optredens. ... Toen wilde ik toch wel een deal maken, maar toen had ik hem en zijn vriendin al zo lang links laten liggen dat zij ook zoiets hadden van: we gaan lekker ergens anders heen."
- Since a couple of years, Top Notch also started producing other music besides hip hop/gangsta rap: Rotterdam post-punk band Rats on Rafts, hardcore-punk band Aux Raus and reggae-popzanger Damaru. Most artists feel very multiculturish (ghettoish) and communist. Artists contracted by the label tend to get airtime by state television.
- Since 2007 Kees de Koning also is the manager and a close friend of famous Dutch rock singer Anouk, who coincidentally has 6 children with 4 different black guys (rappers and athletes), sometimes 20 years younger than herself. Strangely, she found that at least one of the guys lied to her throughout her relationship. She also is one of the few Dutch who has vehemently spoken out against Zwarte Piet, calling it a racist tradition. Apart from her band, she is also employed by billionaire TV tycoon John de Mol as a coach in the program The Voice of Holland.
- January 8, 2016, vernoeming.nl, 'Anouk is weer zwanger: geeft ze haar zesde kind een van deze zeven namen?' (Anouk was almost 41 at the time of this report): "The father of child number 6 is the 21-year-old Dominique Schemmekes. Together with [black] rapper Remon 'Postman' Stotijn [married 2004-2008] Anouk has sons Benjahmin Kingsley (13) and Elijah Jeremiah (11) and dochter Phoenix Ray (10), with rapper Robert 'Unorthadox' Coenen son Jesiah Dox (5) and with basket baller Seraino Dagliesh son Sion Jethro (1.5)."
- June 29, 2011 Tweet of Anouk: "Please god, could you send me a beautiful and honest man with a huge penis? That's all. Thank you."
- December 14, 2004, Nieuwsblad.be, 'Anouk baart vierde cd en is zwanger van derde kind': "Donkere mannen, Remon toch, zijn ook wat macho. Ik heb het liever te macho dan te soft. ... Je kent de uitdrukking wel. Once you go black, you never go back . Bij mij is dat zeker het geval. Ik vind donkere types niet alleen aantrekkelijker, ze zijn passioneler en beter in bed."
- October 28, 2013, Algemeen Dagblad, 'Anouk steunt Zwarte Piet niet: fans woedend'.
- October 28, 2013, NRC, 'Anouk is vóór aanpak van Zwarte Piet-traditie. Zo reageerden Facebookers'.
- May 23, 2017, Het Parool, 'Boef grote winnaar FunX Music Awards': "Rapper Boef heeft dinsdagavond vier FunX Music Awards in de wacht gesleept. Boef won onder meer de prijs Artist of the Year. Met zijn hit Habiba won Boef ook in de categorie Best Video. Daarnaast kreeg hij de prijs Best MC uitgereikt. Het nummer Tempo won in de categorie Best Collab, een samenwerking van Boef met Jairzinho, Sevn Alias en BKO. Boef was dinsdagavond sowieso de grootste kanshebber, want hij was door de luisteraars zeven keer genomineerd.
Broederliefde wist van de zes nominaties twee te verzilveren. In de categorie Best album versloeg Hard Work Pays Off 2 van Broederliefde het album Slaaptekort van Boef. Broederliefde won bovendien de award voor Best Group. De FunX Award voor Best Song ging naar Ronnie Flex en Frenna voor hun nummer Energie. ...
Tijdens de vierde editie van de awardshow waren er optredens van Jayh, Broederliefde, Boef, Ronnie Flex, Jonna Fraser, Mula B, F1rstman en Sevn Alias. De awards werden uitgereikt door Churandy Martina, Dave Roelvink ... Monica Geuze en Miss Nederland Zoey Ivory." - March 19, 2018, hln.be, 'Twee Nederlandse vrouwen door vier mannen verkracht in hotelkamer tijdens weekendje Antwerpen' (most Dutch media censored the ethnicity of the perpetrators): "De jonge meisjes wilden tijdens hun weekendje weg graag Antwerpen ontdekken én hadden kaartjes voor de Ballin Night die in discotheek Roxy werd gehouden. De Nederlandse rapper Ronnie Flex trad er samen met enkele Nederlandse dj's op. In de discotheek raakten de meisjes met vier mannen aan de praat, maar dat is ook ongeveer het laatste wat ze zich van die avond herinneren. ...
Eén van de mannen zou de meisjes een lift hebben gegeven naar een prestigieus boetiekhotel in het centrum. Nadien zou hij de andere mannen op de hotelkamer hebben binnengelaten. ... "De nachtwaker heeft 's nachts twee Afrikaanse jongens buitengezet die een kamer wilde huren omdat hun vriend er met iemand logeerde. De nachtwaker is aan de kamer van het koppel geweest en hoorde daar een relaxed, ontspannen gesprek. 's Morgens heeft de dame van de receptie vier Afrikaanse jongens opgemerkt [who were later arrested]." ...
Naomi, een Nederlandse aanwezige op het Ballin-feest, voelde zich naar eigen zeggen helemaal niet op haar gemak in Club Roxy. "Er was geen gezellige sfeer zoals ik die gewend ben. Aan de zijkant stonden jongens te loeren. Ik voelde me net een prooi." ...
Chriss Davis van Ballin ... zegt dat altijd gelet wordt op de mix en veiligheid tijdens feesten. "Zo zorgen we dat zestig procent van de bezoekers vrouw is, zodat de sfeer goed blijft en om te voorkomen dat er gevochten wordt. ..." - September 1, 2015, Dumpert.nl, 'Ronnie Flex flipt na zandhappen', comment with 21 likes: "Dezelfde beveiligers die je 15-17 jarige zoon in elkaar slaan als hij een keer verkeerd kijkt, houden je dochter vast als ze "backstage" uitgenodigd word na het optreden. En ik spreek godverdomme uit ervaring, en heel die sector houden elkaar de handjes boven het hoofd als het gaat om de aanranding/verkrachting van 15-17 jarige meisjes. Echt mensen, ik weet dat dit "het internet" en "dumpert" is, maar alsjeblieft houd vooral je dochters weg bij deze "artiesten"."
- February 16, 2018, Media Courant, 'Ronnie Flex wordt jurylid in RTL 4-show It Takes 2': "De populaire rapzanger Ronnie Flex is te zien als nieuw jurylid in het derde seizoen van het RTL 4-programma It Takes 2 met presentatoren Gordon en Jamai Loman."
- May 23, 2017, Het Parool, 'Boef grote winnaar FunX Music Awards': "Rapper Boef heeft dinsdagavond vier FunX Music Awards in de wacht gesleept. Boef won onder meer de prijs Artist of the Year. Met zijn hit Habiba won Boef ook in de categorie Best Video. Daarnaast kreeg hij de prijs Best MC uitgereikt. Het nummer Tempo won in de categorie Best Collab, een samenwerking van Boef met Jairzinho, Sevn Alias en BKO. Boef was dinsdagavond sowieso de grootste kanshebber, want hij was door de luisteraars zeven keer genomineerd.
- unitedagainstracism.org/about-united/supported-by/ (accessed: February 15, 2017): "European Network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees... UNITED is supported by more than 550 organisations from all European countries [and] many prominent individuals...
Since 1992 financial support was received from various sponsors such as: European Commission ... Council of Europe ... World Council of Churches, Olof Palmes MinnesFond, Cultural Council Sweden ... Green Group-, Socialist Group-, and GUE/NGL Group in the European Parliament, European Cultural Foundation ... Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... National Integration Office Sweden ... Norwegian Youth Council ... Swiss Coordination Office of Youth for Europe, Federal Service for Combating Racism ... Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture ... Rothschild Foundation ... Open Society Foundations" - unitedagainstracism.org/campaigns/ (accessed: February 15, 2017): "
- 21 March: European Action Week Against Racism ...
- We Fit Together! 21 March - European Action Week Against Racism
- Enjoy Diversity! 21 March ...
- Open Borders. Open Minds. European-Wide Action Week Against Racism. March 18-26, 1995.
- 9 November: International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism." - weekagainstracism.eu/about/ (accessed: February 15, 2017): "Every year around 21 March, the UNITED network coordinates the European-wide Action Week Against Racism. ... We urge NGOs, community organisations, schools, local councils and all manner of groups and individuals to join forces and confront racism with direct action."
- unitedagainstracism.org/archive/pages/suplistinfo.htm (accessed: February 15, 2017): "[A tiny fraction of the 500+ allied NGOs:]
- Antifa 65 - Pohjanmaa, Finland...
- Antifa Netwerk, Belgium...
- Antifaschistisches Info Blatt, Germany...
- AFA-AM - Anti-Fascist Brigades, Belarus...
- Anti-Fascist Web Portal, Russia...
- Anti-Fascistische Aktie Nederland..."
- ARIS - Anti-Racism Information Service, Switzerland...
- Antirasistisk Senter - Anti Racism Center, Norway...
- Art. 1 - Dutch National Ass. Against Discrimination, Netherlands...
- Ass. Iranian Students - Vereniging Iraanse Studenten, Netherlands...
- CARF - Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, Great-Britain...
- DWARS, Netherlands... [GroenLinks Youth]...
- National Afro-Swedish Association, Sweden...
- universityofcolour.com/page/20 (accessed: February 11, 2017): "University of Colour: We aim to decolonize the university. Our collective aspires to create a more balanced university at both curricular and demographic level that includes non-Eurocentric perspectives and ideas. ... Our first two lectures [now in March 2015] were a huge success. Listen back to prof. dr. Gloria Wekker's "Towards a Decolonial University" here and Sandew Hira's "Decolonizing the Mind"... Please note that anyone can organise any event under the University of Colour name at the Maagdenhuis. ... Take care, Soraya, Max, Emma & Phaidra, On behalf of The University of Colour."
- Dr.Gloria Wekker, the only black professor in the entirety of the Netherlands, is primarily concerned with "decolonializing" and feminizing Dutch universities. As the former director of University of Utrecht...
- universityofcolour.com (accessed: February 11, 2017): "On October 12th, the first Diversity Commission of the University of Amsterdam, headed by Professor Gloria Wekker, presented its findings to the academic community. ..."
- October 21, 2016, Trouw, 'Gloria Wekker: 'Ik ben optimistisch, ook witte student wil verandering'': "Studenten van de UvA zijn bijna allen wit, de hoogleraren man. Trek mensen aan met een andere achtergrond, zegt de Commissie Diversiteit [of Gloria Dekker]. ...
Wekker is voorzitter van de Commissie Diversiteit van de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), die vorige week haar eindrapport presenteerde. De commissie werd in het leven geroepen na de Maagdenhuisbezetting van de winter van 2015. In eerste instantie eisten studenten en medewerkers een democratischer universiteit. Tot actievoerders zich verenigden in the University of Colour, omdat ze vonden dat er in het protest te weinig aandacht was voor diversiteit. ...
De UvA gaat nu een 'diversity officer' aanstellen, een functie die bijvoorbeeld de VU al langer kent. ...
[Wekker:] "Ik heb de Commissie Diversiteit niet bedacht hè, die was een wens van de jongeren die in het Maagdenhuis zaten. Zij hebben alle kleuren van de regenboog, ook witte studenten willen verandering. Ik heb dat nooit eerder zo gezien."" - nucnet.nl/waarom-is-de-universiteit-zo-wit-tijd-voor-diversiteit-op-de-universiteit (accessed: February 16, 2017; dates to April 2015): "Gloria Wekker ... Dat men er automatisch vanuit ging dat ze vanwege haar sekse en etniciteit – vrouw én zwart – koffie kwam schenken en niet geen college kwam geven was een reflectie van de vanzelfsprekendheid van witheid op de universiteit. Gloria Wekker is nog altijd de enige zwarte professor in Nederland. Haar positie als vrouw in een door mannen gedomineerde omgeving kan echter kan overigens ook een rol hebben gespeeld aangezien er meer vrouwen dan mannen afstuderen maar slechts één op de zeven hoogleraar is.[6] ... In het boek Innocence Unlimited (Onbeperkte Onschuld) ... stelt ze dat dit [koloniale] verleden haar sporen heeft achtergelaten in het Nederlandse collectieve onderbewustzijn waarin men, vaak onbewust, nog steeds denkt en spreekt in termen van raciale hiërarchieën en categorieën maar paradoxaal genoeg niet over ras wilt spreken en schrijven."
- sg.uu.nl/nieuws/2013/gender-en-etniciteit-het-hoger-onderwijs (accessed: February 16, 2017): "Antropoloog prof. dr. Gloria Wekker werd in 2001 tot hoogleraar Gender en Etniciteit benoemd. Ze was daarmee de eerste zwarte vrouwelijke hoogleraar aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Ook was ze directeur van het Expertisecentrum Gender, Etniciteit en Multiculturaliteit [of the University of Utrecht]...
Volgens Wekker heeft dat te maken met onze geschiedenis: "Nederland is 400 jaar een koloniale natie geweest, toen dat ophield zeiden we ineens: 'nu gaan we voortaan als gelijken door het leven.' Maar dat kan natuurlijk niet."" - November 14, 2014, zwartepietisgeweldig.logze.nl, 'Professor heeft vreemde ideeën over seks': "Wekker heeft samengewerkt met dr. Gert Hekma van de UvA, hoogleraar homo- en lesbische studies. Hekma stelt dat je kinderen moet dwingen om seks te hebben om ze zo te leren dat seks lekker is. Dat neigt flink naar pedofilie en Hekma kreeg dan ook honderden doodsbedreigingen toen zijn uitspraken bekend werden in het blad van Vereniging Martijn (de pedofielenpartij) waarin hij geïnterviewd werd over zijn nieuwste boek Homoseksualiteit in Nederland van 1730 tot de moderne tijd. ...
Hekma is dus voorstander van pedofilie. En daar heeft Wekker mee samengewerkt. Misschien wist ze het niet, hoor ik u al zeggen, maar een artikel van Wekker verscheen in Paidika, The Journal of Paedophilia (Paidika, de krant van pedofilie) dat tussen 1987 en 1995 verscheen: Girl, It's My Boobies You're Getting, No? dat eerder al werd opgenomen in de bundel Op een oude fiets moet je het leren: erotische en seksuele relaties tussen vrouwen en jonge meisjes en jongens onder de titel Meisje, is bobi krijg je, no? Creoolse Vrouwen in Suriname en Erotische Relaties met Kinderen en Jongeren.
Hieruit blijkt dat Wekker niet vies is van een beetje seks tussen volwassenen en kinderen.
Marthijn Uittenbogaard, de oud-voorzitter van de inmiddels verboden pedofielenvereniging Martijn, heeft op internet een website gelanceerd met daarop duizenden pro-pedofilieteksten: pedowiki. Hierop staat Wekker ook vermeld, mede dus om het feit dat ze niet tegen zulke dingen is als seks in relaties waar een groot leeftijdsverschil in zit." - June 15, 2011, Lover: Feministische Journalistiek, 'Gefluit en Boe-Geroep': "Hekma vertelde daarna over zijn samenwerking met Gloria Wekker en Isabel Hoving – vanuit een expliciet antiracistisch en postkoloniaal kader... Het publiek wist ook niet dat Hekma ‘pedofilie' als compliment gebruikte. De gewraakte zinsnede van Hekma was namelijk niet een herhaling van het bekende stereotype van de ‘achterlijke moslim' maar het tegenovergestelde: een bewering dat islamitische culturen voorop lopen op Europese culturen door, in zijn ogen, ruimte te geven aan seksuele relaties die in het westen nog onderdrukt worden."
- wijzijnhier.org/who-we-are/: "We Are Here is a group of [Sub-Saharan] refugees in Amsterdam that does not get any housing provided by the government but also is not allowed to work and therefore should live on the street."
- A Whois on the domain, reveals that it is registered by a certain Roeben Zwart with email address @antiorde.nl, which is Dutch for "anti-order". Antiorde.nl displays a collection of Satanic- and Muslim-looking symbolism. Zwart himself looks like a mix between a junkie artist and Satanist (antiorde.nl/info.html). Zwart's YouTube channel involves all kinds of Antifa protests in the Netherlands and Berlin in favor of Muslim/African refugees, as well as bizarre "antiorde psychosis loop" and "antiorde ambient noise drone loop" videos, and Zwart's cat, "Taliban".
- Founded in 1968. Until 1973 part of the rather elite globalist group (Oxfam) Novib. Not much money, considering it needed 600 additional donors in 2011 to survive. Indymedia.nl aided in attracting more donors. Makes small donations to all kinds of small protest groups in the Netherlands and internationally against "racism" (the "antifa"), sexism (transgenders and such) and repression. Involved in Keer het Tij and Wereld Sociaal Forum / World Social Forum.
- In 2017 XminY cooperated an anti-Islamophobia project financing campaign with the Democracy and Media Foundation / Stichting Democratie en Media and Soros' Open Society Foundations.
- In 2002 YminX gave a 450 euro grant to the give-away shop that employed two of three persons involved in a throwing a cake into the face of Pim Fortuyn, who was later assassinated by an environmentalist who benefited from "liberal CIA" financing. The third person in the cake throwing incident was a Baroness whose family is deeply linked to the 1001 Club of Prince Bernhard, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Bechtels.
- Leadership XminY:
- 1998-2005: Hans van Heijningen: with his wife in Nicaragua 1984-1992, where they aided the communist Sandinista population against the CIA-backed Contra death squads. Involved in ATTAC.
- 2005-: Tuur Elzinga: University of Amsterdam-educated involved in a variety of activism during his student days. Socialist senator 2007-2016. Involved in ATTAC.
- March 21, 1997, BuroJansen.nl, 'De Telegraaf en het links complot': "De Tentakels van RaRa [the Revolutionaire Anti-Racistische Actie: a minor terrorist group campaigning against South African Apartheid], een produkt van Joost de Haas en Martijn Koolhoven, verscheen in de zomer van 1993 paginagroot in de zaterdagkrant. Het verhaal, geïllustreerd met een ingewikkeld schema, suggereert een directe lijn tussen de RAF [Rote Armee Fraktion] en de RaRa. Verbanden tussen een verzameling organisaties wijzen op de voorbereiding van een ‘ondergronds solidariteitswerk' met illegale vluchtelingen, gefinancierd door XminY. Dit netwerk wordt, sinds de jongste aanslagen op onder andere staatssecretaris Kosto, door de BVD aangeduid als het ‘Umfeld' van de RaRa – alles volgens De Telegraaf."
- eenandergeluid.wordpress.com/afa/ (accessed: February 11, 2017): "De Anti Fascistische Aktie (AFA) is een Nederlands netwerk van lokale linkse of extreemlinkse groepen en personen. ... De AFA wordt gemonitord door de AIVD. Deze beschouwt de AFA als extreem links, gewelddadig en een potentieel gevaar voor de democratische rechtsorde. ... AFA wordt gesubsideerd door het XminY Solidariteitsfonds."
- February 8, 2018, Metro, 'Campaign to stop Brexit gets £400,000 from billionaire': "A campaign group fighting to overturn Brexit has been handed £400,000 by billionaire investor George Soros. The donation to Best for Britain came through one of Mr Soros's foundations."
- February 8, 2018, opensocietyfoundations.org, 'Open Society Foundations Support Campaign on Brexit': "The first Best for Britain grant was awarded after the UK general election, on June 22, 2017. ... In addition to two Best for Britain grants totaling under £400,000, the Open Society Foundations have pledged to the European Movement UK £182,000 and awarded £35,000 to Scientists for EU."
- Rights group for Germany's black people whose activists have been brought over to the United States for activism training, supported by Barack Obama's National Security Council and various elite foundations. Within Europe they connected with the EU and George Soros-funded European Network Against Racism (ENAR), together with roughly 120 other similar NGOs.
- November 29, 2013, isdonline.de, 'Press Release: Study tour USA': "The Initiative Black People in Germany concluded its participation in a study tour to the United States of America for Europeans of African descent sponsored by Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) with the support of the U.S. Helsinki Commission and the U.S. Department of State. The study tour sought to advance empowerment, equality, inclusion and civil rights for Europeans of African descent through a series of consultations in Washington, DC with government officials, foundations, research institutions, and academia. The Initiative Black People in Germany joined organizations from 9 other countries (Austria, Moldova, Hungary, Ireland, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, and Ukraine), taking leading roles in advocating for people of African descent facing challenges throughout western countries in Europe. The Initiative Black People in Germany was represented by advisory committee member Jamie Schearer.
Study tour consultations included key meetings and participation in events with:
- Advisers to the President Barack Obama at the National Security Council, ...
- U.S. civil rights organizations and leaders including Rev. Jesse Jackson, National Action Network, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, ..."
- Foundations and Research Institutions including the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, [the elite, David Rockefeller-linked] German Marshall Fund of the United States, Women Ambassadors Foundation, and Open Society Foundation..." - jamieschearer.com/ueber-uns/ (accessed: February 12, 2018) : "Born in Berlin, Jamie C. Schearer studied Political Science, American Studies and Ethology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland Bund eV (ISD), member of the board of the [George Soros-funded] European Network Against Racism (ENAR)... Since February 2014, she has led the organization of four European Network Meetings for Political Organizations of People of African Descent..."
- January 6, 2015, StopBlackFace.com, 'Press release – negotiations with the Dutch embassy set the foundation for a racism-free celebration of St. Nicholas in Germany': "Representatives of the Initiative of Black People in Germany eV (ISD), [the Dutch] Zwarte Piet Niet, Kick Out Zwarte Piet and the [George Soros-financed] European Network Against Racism (ENAR) discussed on Friday, 12 December 2014, the need for the racist caricature 'Zwarte Piet' in Nicholas Celebration abolished in Germany."
- Charity ISGP ran into while researching the history of CIA crack-cocaine affair drug dealer Freeway Ricky Ross. When Ross came out of jail for a second time in August 1993, skipping one or two life sentences after aiding a police corruption investigation (a favorite focus of the "liberal CIA" network), he immediately set up a center where youths could learn to produce art, especially hip hop / gangsta rap music. Despite the fact that Ross still had to face cocaine trafficking charges in Texas (received 8 months), 100 Black Men already was helping him - the biggest drug dealer in U.S. history - set up this center. Right after, Ross went to a Texas jail for 8 months, came out broke, and started trafficking drugs again, this time getting 20 years to life.
- November 14, 1993, Los Angeles Times, 'Crenshaw: Ex-Drug Dealer Out to Stage Turnaround': "He is attempting to transform the vacant theater, one of several properties he bought before going to prison, into a youth center. Called Freeway Academy, the center would house various programs, with a particular emphasis on arts and music.
Ross said he used profits from his old drug business to launch the venture, and has garnered about $30,000 in private donations. A cadre of rappers, including Ice-T, Ice Cube and D.J. Pooh are recording an album, due out in January, that will benefit the center. ...
The front offices of the theater are now painted and outfitted with furniture donated by individuals, companies, community-based groups such as 100 Black Men, and others who support the project." - Gary Webb, 'Dark Alliance': "the Freeway Academy project began gathering steam. In early December 1993, a Los Angeles-based community group, 100 Black Men, held a dinner in Ross's honor, "and more than 200 people filled the Regency West to make sure he has the right backing to accomplish his task," the Los Angeles Sentinel reported.
"Magic Johnson had came. He said he was going to help. Ice Cube, Snoop Doggy Dogg, I mean, all the rappers from L.A. that I had knew from the past said that they was going to come out and help," Ross said. "I was like on just another type of high, you know? I was going to churches and doing speeches. ... I was talking to the president of Polygram Records, Ed Eckstein, who was talking about giving me a record company."" - 100blackmen.org (accessed: November 11, 1999): "Members include: ... Andrew Young, Former Ambassador. Colin Powell... Kenneth Chennault, President, American Express. Richard Parsons, President, Time Warner. Bill Cosby..."
- 100blackmen.org/sp-sponsors.htm (accessed: July 25, 2003): "AT&T. ING. UPS. Shell... Burger King. ... Disney. Kraft.. UBS. GM. Bank of America. Miller... Coca Cola ... Wells Fargo..."
- 100blackmen.org/our-sponsors/: "100 Black Men of America, Inc. is thankful for the many partners, sponsors, and supporters... Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ... Coca-Cola Company [of Warren Buffett] ... Shell ... U.S. Army. UPS. Walmart. Wells fargo."
- November 14, 1993, Los Angeles Times, 'Crenshaw: Ex-Drug Dealer Out to Stage Turnaround': "He is attempting to transform the vacant theater, one of several properties he bought before going to prison, into a youth center. Called Freeway Academy, the center would house various programs, with a particular emphasis on arts and music.
- Used to be called the African-America Institute. Primarily concerned with the situation in Africa. Added here because various interesting/extremist black civil rights movement leaders (Julian Bond, Ramsey Clark) have been involved in this very elite Rockefeller-network dominated group, with this group's initial CIA funding having been taken over by foundations as Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller.
- Annual reports and original CIA ties:
- 1976 annual report, African-America Institute, pp. 18, 24-25: "CONTRIBUTORS OF UNRESTRICTED AND CAPITAL FUND GIFTS: ... Alcoa Foundation ... Atlantic Richfield Foundation ... Bankers Trust Company, Barclays Bank International Limited Charitable Trust, Bethlehem Steel Corporation ... Caterpillar Tractor Company, The Chase Manhattan Bank NA, Chemical Bank, Chevron Overseas Petroleum, Inc. ... Continental Oil Company, Corning Glass ... Eli Whitney Debevoise ... Exxon ... Ford Motor Company Fund. General Electric Company, General Mills Foundation, General Motors Corporation ... IBM World Trade Corporation ... Mobil Foundation, Inc. ... Newsweek ... PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. ... David Rockefeller, Steven C. Rockefeller, Rockefeller Brothers Fund ... Union Carbide Africa and Middle East, Inc., United States Steel Foundation, Inc. ...
CONTRIBUTORS TO SPECIFIC PROGRAMS: ... Carnegie Corporation ... The Ford Foundation ... Henry Morgenthau III ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund ...
NON-TRUSTEE MEMBERS OF THE INVESTMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Jon L. Hagler, Vice President for Investments and Treasurer, The Ford Foundation. Loren D. Ross, Investment Manager, The Russell Sage Foundation. John R. Stone, investment Officer—Economist, The Ford Foundation. ...
AAI board of trustees and international advisory council. TRUSTEES: Honorary Chairman and Trustee Emeritus: Harold K. Hochschild. Chairman: Dana S. Creel, Vice Chairman, Rockefeller Brothers Fund. ... Julian Bond [co-founder of the Martin Luther King-allied SNCC in 1960, communications director 1960-1966; first president of the Southern Poverty Law Center 1971-1979; taught at Harvard and the University of Virginia over the years; chairman NAACP 1998-2010] ... Maurice Tempelsman, Leon Tempelsman & Son. INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL: ... Ramsey Clark ... Robert K.A. Gardiner, Commissioner of Economic Affairs, Ghana. ... Hubert H. Humphrey, United States Senator. ... Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. [Bilderberg, Trilaterial Commission, Rockefeller Foundation, New World Foundation, the latter with close ally Hillary Clinton] ... Philip M. Klutznick ... " - 1986 annual report, African-America Institute, pp. 20-22: "Board of Trustees: ... Vice Chairman: Maurice Tempelsman ... Julian Bond ... [David Rockefeller daughter] Peggy Dulany [Rockefeller], President Synergos Institute. ... [top new age globalist] Maurice F. Strong, President American Water Development, Inc. ... Carl Ware, President The Coca-Cola Foundation [Coca-Cola's chief shareholder was/is Warren Buffett]... Roger Wilkins, Senior Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies....
Life Trustees: [former chair] Dana S. Creel [of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund] ... Mathilda Krim, Co-Chairperson, American Foundation for AIDS Research [amFAR]. Alan Pifer, President Emeritus & Senior Consultant Carnegie Corporation...
International Advisory Council: ... John Brademas ... Ramsey Clark ... William H. Draper, III ... Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. ... Philip M. Klutznick ... Stephen J. Solarz..." - 1983, Edward Berman, 'The Ideology of Philanthropy: The Influence of the Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller Foundations on American Foreign Policy', pp. 131-132: "The AAI was founded in Washington, D.C., in 1953 and soon became an important nongovernmental organization concerned with African-American relations. [11] Its private character was a major consideration when government officials began searching for an organization to administer the growing African scholarship programs in the mid-1950s, in response to impending independence for several West African countries. ... The Central Intelligence Agency was centrally involved in the institute's affairs and remained so for nearly a decade. The chairman of the institute's board of trustees during the 1950s admitted that "the largest proportion of the more than $1 million which AAI spent in the 1950s came from the CIA." Nor did he find this particularly noteworthy, since he felt that "AAI's scholarship programs, as well as its other activities, served the interests of African students, the countries from which the students came, and the interests of the United States." Officers of the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations were distressed, however, when rumors about the CIA's support for the institute began to circulate more widely in the early 1960s. ... First, they feared that the public disclosure that such ostensibly independent organizations as AAI were in fact part of the American foreign-policy nexus would destroy whatever credibility they had developed for their own overseas projects, as well as their fellowship programs. The increasingly vocal Third-World claims regarding the omnipresence of the CIA, which was intent on insuring the continuance of indigenous regimes aligned with American interests, gained credibility as documentation of covert CIA activities affecting foreign nationals was revealed. Second, the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations were closely identified with the AAI through board memberships and program subsidies, associations that seemed certain to raise questions about their claims of disinterested concern for Third-World development. Several years before the 1967 disclosure about CIA funding for the institute, representatives of the foundations gathered and decided that deliberate action was necessary to place funding of the institute on a more respectable footing. Without undue delay, consequently, officers of the three foundations--joined by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, whose president also served as chairman of AAI's board of trustees--agreed to underwrite the budget of the institute. Part of this effort to legitimate the institute's standing involved the recruitment of a new president. Ford Foundation officer Waldemar Nielsen agreed to accept the position, with the proviso that CIA funding ceased. Nielsen and institute trustee Harold Hochschild met with McGeorge Bundy, then President Kennedy's special assistant for national-security affairs and subsequently Ford Foundation president, who assured them that the CIA funds would be replaced by comparable funding from the Agency for International Development (formerly the International Cooperation Administration). After this meeting the level of Ford Foundation grants to the institute increased significantly. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s the ostensibly independent and nongovernmental AAI undertook numerous tasks for the United States government, as indeed did the major foundations."
- 1976 annual report, African-America Institute, pp. 18, 24-25: "CONTRIBUTORS OF UNRESTRICTED AND CAPITAL FUND GIFTS: ... Alcoa Foundation ... Atlantic Richfield Foundation ... Bankers Trust Company, Barclays Bank International Limited Charitable Trust, Bethlehem Steel Corporation ... Caterpillar Tractor Company, The Chase Manhattan Bank NA, Chemical Bank, Chevron Overseas Petroleum, Inc. ... Continental Oil Company, Corning Glass ... Eli Whitney Debevoise ... Exxon ... Ford Motor Company Fund. General Electric Company, General Mills Foundation, General Motors Corporation ... IBM World Trade Corporation ... Mobil Foundation, Inc. ... Newsweek ... PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. ... David Rockefeller, Steven C. Rockefeller, Rockefeller Brothers Fund ... Union Carbide Africa and Middle East, Inc., United States Steel Foundation, Inc. ...
- opensocietyfoundations.org/about/programs/us-programs/grantees/black-alliance-just-immigration (accessed: February 11, 2017): "Black Alliance for Just Immigration. Year: 2011. ... $100,000... To support the work of Black Immigration Network (the Network) within the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)..."
- borealisphilanthropy.org/black-led-movement-fund (first uploaded: September 2016; accessed: February 5, 2017; Ford Foundation tie removed from URL by 2020): "The Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF), led by Borealis Philanthropy, is a collaborative and pooled donor fund established by the Ford Foundation and Anonymous Donors. ... Specifically, the collaborative effort [has] become [the] integral components of what many call the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL).
The BLMF's strategy is supported by two other components: the first is the Blackprint Strategy, a collaborative process underway to identify movement needs and resource priorities to bring $100 million in new resources to the Movement for Black Lives. ... The second component is the BLMF [Black Lives Matter Foundation] Organizational Development Initiative..." - Netwoirk:
- borealisphilanthropy.org/blmf-grantees (accessed: February 5, 2017): "The Black-Led Movement Fund Grantees:
- Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI): ... works to end racism, mass criminalization and economic disenfranchisement of African American and Black immigrant communities.
- Black Lives Matter, National and Canada ...
- Blackbird: ... emerged from the first 100 days of turmoil and action in response to the murder of Mike Brown in Ferguson, MO. As early as the second week of community uprisings, Blackbird helped create the conditions for collaboration among a crowded (yet divided) field of organizations and emerging leaders...
- Black Youth Project ... organization of Black 18-35 year olds dedicated to creating justice and freedom for Black people... The organization is guided by Black, queer, and feminist leaders.
- BlackOUT Collective: ... uses direct action and direct action training as a critical movement strategy to work towards liberation of Black people.
- BOLD Organizing, National [note: three BOLD members founded Black Lives Matter]. Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity (BOLD) aims to rebuild and recenter Black organizing and Black-led organizations ... by creating a network of Black leaders with a shared political analysis.
- Dignity and Power NOW: ... aims to build the political power and resilience for currently and formerly incarcerated people...
- Enlace, National. Formed to promote and protect the human and labor rights of residents and immigrants of North and Central America, Enlace's leadership views the private prison lobby as the single greatest obstacle to the passage of immigration reform...
- Freedom Inc.: ... organizes communities to end violence against women, gender non-conforming and transgender individuals, and state violence against communities of color.
- Million Hoodies Movement for Justice: ... a racial justice network that works to build the next generational of leaders fighting mass criminalization in Black communities through grassroots organizing...
- Organization for Black Struggle (OBS): ... [founded to] fill a vacuum left by assaults on the Black Power Movement. Since its founding, OBS has been committed to fighting for political empowerment, economic justice, and cultural dignity.
- Project South: ... connecting Black youth...
- Southerners on New Ground (SONG) ...
- UndocuBlack Network: ... grew out of a need to tackle xenophobia and racism Black undocumented people were experiencing. The Network aims to increase understanding of Black undocumented migration..."
- borealisphilanthropy.org/blmf-grantees (accessed: February 5, 2017): "The Black-Led Movement Fund Grantees:
- Additional funding
- May 27, 2020, borealisphilanthropy.org, 'Meet the New Grantees of the Black-Led Movement Fund': "The Black-Led Movement Fund is a donor collaborative supported by ... Nathan Cummings Foundation, Open Society Foundations... Kellogg Foundation, a donor-advised fund at the Tides Foundation..."
- July 13, 2020, Open Society Foundations press release, 'Open Society Foundations Announce $220 Million for Building Power in Black Communities'.
- Black Lives Matter was founded in July 2013.
- Various Soros and other "liberal CIA"-tied leading artists have supported Black Lives Matter. These include Beyonce and Jay-Z, Rihanna, Prince, Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande (with their agent/mentor Scooter Braun, a close Alex Soros friend), Justin Timberlake and a few other artists. These artists and their elite ties are all discussed in ISGP's "Liberal CIA": Music Industry article. Hollywood, including Harvey Weinstein ally Quentin Tarantino, has also supported Black Lives Matter.
- Soros and Ford Foundation financing of Black Lives Matter (from early on):
- January 16, 2015, Daily Mail, 'Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create 'echo chamber' and drive national protests': "
- Hedge fund mogul's Open Society Foundations made huge donations.
- Organizers bussed in from New York and D.C. to take over campaigning.
- Different cash recipients would repeat each others' messages.
- Helped to keep events and messages at the top of news agenda Soros cash, from speculating on markets, is given to many liberal causes.
- Outlets which covered the research, and the movements themselves, included one, Colorlines, which Soros himself has funded. ...
The slew of organizations reportedly created their own online 'echo chamber', by using their extensive social media presences to 'like', repost and comment on articles putting across their point of view. The director of Soros's fund said that they have no direct control over the groups they give to, and said they are all trying to improve accountability.
... The Soros cash was also put to work driving buzzwords and social media campaigns to propel Ferguson into the national consciousness. One recipient of his funding is the Organization for Black Struggle, which in turned established a group called the Hands Up Coalition, that has helped make ubiquitous the 'hands up, don't shoot' slogan.
... Soros also gave money to the Drug Policy Alliance, which worked on the perpetuation of the 'black lives matter' buzz phrase, which has been incorporated into speeches by political figures including Hillary Clinton.
... He is currently ranked at number 17 on the Forbes 400 richlist, with an estimated worth of $24billion." - January 14, 2015, Washington Times, 'George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action': "Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times. ...
In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations. The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre. ...
Mr. [Kenneth] Zimmerman [of Soros' Open Society Foundation] said OSF has been giving to these types of groups since its inception in the early '90s, and that, although groups involved in the protests have been recipients of Mr. Soros's grants, they were in no way directed to protest at the behest of Open Society. ...
The plethora of organizations involved not only shared Mr. Soros' funding, but they also fed off each other, using content and buzzwords developed by one organization on another's website, referencing each other's news columns and by creating a social media echo chamber of Facebook "likes" and Twitter hashtags that dominated the mainstream media and personal online newsfeeds. Buses of activists from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference in Chicago; from the Drug Policy Alliance, Make the Road New York and Equal Justice USA from New York; from Sojourners, the Advancement Project and Center for Community Change in Washington; and networks from the Gamaliel Foundation — all funded in part by Mr. Soros — descended on Ferguson starting in August and later organized protests and gatherings in the city until late last month. ... "I went to Ferguson in a quest to be in solidarity and stand with the young organizers and affirm their leadership," said Kassandra Frederique, policy manager at the Drug Policy Alliance, which was founded by Mr. Soros, and which receives $4 million annually from his foundation. She traveled to Ferguson in October. Ms. Frederique works with Opal Tometi, co-creator of #BlackLivesMatter — a hashtag that was developed after the killing of Trayvon Martin in Florida — and helped promote it on DPA's news feeds." "Ms. Tometi runs the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, a group to which Mr. Soros gave $100,000 in 2011, according to the most recent of his foundation's tax filings. ...
With the backing of national civil rights organizations and Mr. Soros' funding, "Black Lives Matter" grew from a hashtag into a social media phenomenon, including a #BlackLivesMatter bus tour and march in September. "More than 500 of us have traveled from Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Nashville, Portland, Tucson, Washington, D.C., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and other cities to support the people of Ferguson and help turn a local moment into a national movement," wrote Akiba Solomon, a journalist at Colorlines, describing the event. Colorlines is an online news site that focuses on race issues and is published by Race Forward, a group that received $200,000 from Mr. Soros's foundation in 2011. Colorlines has published tirelessly on the activities in Ferguson and heavily promoted the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and activities. At the end of the #BlackLivesMatter march, organizers met with civil rights groups like the Organization for Black Struggle and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment to strategize their operations moving forward, Ms. Solomon wrote. OBS and MORE are also funded by Mr. Soros. Mr. Soros gave $5.4 million to Ferguson and Staten Island grass-roots efforts last year to help "further police reform, accountability and public transparency," the Open Society Foundations said in a blog post in December. About half of those funds were earmarked to Ferguson, with the money primarily going to OBS and MORE, the foundation said. OBS and MORE, along with the Dream Defenders, established the "Hands Up Coalition" — another so-called "grass-roots" organization in Missouri, whose name was based on now-known-to-be-false claims that Brown had his hands up before being shot. The Defenders were built to rally support and awareness for the Trayvon Martin case and were funded by the Tides Foundation, another recipient of Soros cash. Hands Up Coalition has made it its mission to recruit and organize youth nationwide to start local events in their communities — trying to take Ferguson nationwide. Hands Up Coalition has dubbed 2015 as "The Year of Resistance," and its outreach program strongly resembles how President Obama's political action committee — Organizing for Action — rallies youth for its causes, complete with a similarly designed Web page and call to action. Mr. Soros, who made his fortune betting against the British pound during the currency crisis in the early '90s, is a well-known supporter of progressive-liberal causes and is a political donor to Mr. Obama's campaigns. He committed $1 million to Mr. Obama's super PAC in 2012. Mr. Soros' two largest foundations manage almost $3 billion in assets per year, according to their most recent respective tax returns. The Foundation to Promote Open Society managed $2.2 billion in assets in 2011, and his Open Society Institute managed $685.9 million in 2012. In comparison, David and Charles Koch, the billionaire brothers whom liberals often call a threat to democracy — and worse — for their conservative influence, had $308 million tied up in their foundation and institute in 2011. One of the organizations that Mr. Soros funds, and which fueled the demonstrations in Ferguson, is the Gamaliel Foundation, a network of grass-roots, interreligious and interracial organizations. Mr. Obama started his career as a community organizer at a Gamaliel affiliate in Chicago. ...
Representatives of Sojourners, a national evangelical Christian organization committed "to faith in action for social justice," attended the weekend. The group received $150,000 from Mr. Soros in 2011. Clergy representatives from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference, where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright serves as a trustee, also showed up. Mr. Wright was Mr. Obama's pastor in Chicago before some of his racially charged sermons, including the phrase "God damn America," forced Mr. Obama to distance himself. SDPC received $250,000 from Mr. Soros in 2011. During Gamaliel's weekend protest event, Sunday was deemed "Hands Up Sabbath," where clergy were asked to speak out about racial issues, using packets and talking points prepared for them by another religion-based community organizing group, PICO. PICO is also supported by the Open Society Foundations, according to its website. The weekend concluded Monday, when clergy members were asked to lead in acts of civil disobedience, prompting many of them to go to jail in the hopes of gaining media attention. It worked, as imagery of clergy members down on their hands and knees in front of police dominated the mainstream news cycle that day — two months after Brown's shooting. "After the initial shooting, we were all hit in the face with how blatant racism really is," said the Rev. Susan Sneed, a Gamaliel organizer who helped stage the October weekend event. "We began quickly hearing from our other affiliates offering support." ...
MAU has listed on its website that it has partnered with Gamaliel network churches. They've also received training on civil disobedience from the Advancement Project — which was given a $500,000 grant from Mr. Soros in 2013 "to build a fair and just, multi-racial democracy in America through litigation, community organizing support, public policy reform, and strategic communications," according to the Foundation's website." - August 16, 2016, Washington Times, 'Black Lives Matter cashes in with $100 million from liberal foundations': "For all its talk of being a street uprising, Black Lives Matter is increasingly awash in cash, raking in pledges of more than $100 million from liberal foundations...
The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition.
That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the [Soros-tied] Center for American Progress. ...
In doing so, however, the foundations have aligned themselves with the staunch left-wing platform of the Movement for Black Lives, which unveiled a policy agenda shortly after the fund was announced accusing Israel of being an "apartheid state" guilty of "genocide."" - July 13, 2020, Open Society Foundations press release, 'Open Society Foundations Announce $220 Million for Building Power in Black Communities': "The Open Society Foundations today is announcing investments totaling $220 million in emerging organizations and leaders building power in Black communities across the country, placing a bet on their ability to carry today's momentum toward a better tomorrow.
The largest share of this support—$150 million—will be through a set of five-year grants to Black-led justice organizations... Among the recipients [are] Black Voters Matter ... Circle for Justice Innovations... Repairers of the Breach and the Equal Justice Initiative. ...
Open Society launched its Racial Justice Initiative in 2003 and has steadily grown support for those addressing systemic inequality experienced by historically marginalized communities of color.
In subsequent years, the Foundations helped launch the Campaign for Black Male Achievement, investing nearly $20 million over several years, and gave $50 million to help the ACLU's campaign to reduce mass incarceration. Last year, Open Society-U.S. invested $25 million in multiyear grants to state organizations led by, and accountable to, people of color, as well as $15 million to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund."
- January 16, 2015, Daily Mail, 'Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create 'echo chamber' and drive national protests': "
- Soros and his Open Society Institute have been financially supporting the highly-educated Black Lives Matter movement activist DeRay Mckesson by providing him with a home/headquarters and seemingly also by playing a key role in managing his campaign from behind-the-scenes:
- Mckesson has been provided with a media platform by the Huffington Post and The Guardian. Guest lecturer at Yale Divinity School in 2015. Awarded the Howard Zinn Freedom to Write Award in 2015 for his activism (Howard Zinn is an elite antifa kingpin since the 1960s). Co-founder of Campaign Zero, which aims to lessen police violence, in the wake of the Ferguson protests. Ran for mayor of Baltimore in early 2016, ending at the 6th place.
- July 12, 2016, The American Mirror (another ultraconservative website, but it presents facts here), 'Cozy: BLM leader lives in home owned by Soros' Open Society board member': "#BlackLivesMatter leader DeRay Mckesson may claim to be leading a grassroots revolution for racial and economic justice, but he has close connections with the privileged and elite. Mckesson lives in a home owned by philanthropists James and Robin Wood in Baltimore, Maryland. It's the same address he used when declaring his residency on his campaign committee registration form for his failed mayoral run in the city's Democratic primary earlier this year.
The Woods have owned the home since 1996 and are wealthy donors to the Baltimore chapter of George Soros' Open Society Institute.
Robin is so active that she was made a board member of the far-left non-profit back in 2008, according to the OSI's website. ...
Soros groups have had several connections to #BlackLivesMatter organizers and activists. According to Politico, the Soros backed group The Democracy Alliance donated to several race-based movement organizations that ally with the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
Internal documents from Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, a group organizing the protests in Ferguson after the death of Michael Brown, showed activists being paid." - osibaltimore.org/author/robinjimmywood/ (accessed: August 18, 2016): "
- Donors.
- Robin is an OSI-Baltimore Board Member. ...
Robin Williams was a California girl and Jimmy Wood, a native Baltimorean whose grandfather, Carl Murphy, published The Afro-American newspapers. Both attended the University of California at Irvine—she as an undergrad and he for med school after earning his bachelor's degree from then-named Morgan State College. ...
They moved to Baltimore in 1995, Jimmy had the opportunity to return to his hometown to become director of the orthopedic faculty practice at Sinai Hospital. For the past five years, he has been chief of orthopedics at Harbor Hospital and Robin threw herself into nonprofit work in Baltimore... In 2008, Robin joined the OSI-Baltimore board of directors. She is also now attending the University Of Maryland School of Law." - September 14, 2015, Buzzfeed, 'The Success And Controversy Of #CampaignZero And Its Successful, Controversial Leader, DeRay Mckesson': "Last year, in late September, several dozen leaders from the nonprofit sector, black activists, and donors gathered in Washington to figure out what needed to be done to amplify the activism broadly called Black Lives Matter... Inside the Washington office of the Open Society Foundations, the grant-making network founded by liberal financier George Soros, there was a sense that Black Lives Matter was on the cusp of something bigger — and a real desire among people with money to make that happen. But there was an open question: How would Black Lives Matter effect actual change in a real, concrete way? How would the movement not disappear? ...
The early front-runner [as to a solution] is a platform called #CampaignZero, led by DeRay Mckesson, the well-known activist who, like his project, is controversial inside and outside the Black Lives Matter movement.
Created by Mckesson and the activists Johnetta Elzie, Samuel Sinyangwe, and Brittany Packnett, among others, Campaign Zero focuses on decriminalizing or "de-prioritizing" minor infractions like marijuana possession, trespassing, and public alcohol consumption (also called broken-windows policing), which affects poorer communities of color. ...
Campaign Zero has also become a source of contention within the broader Black Lives Matter movement, especially with the increased prominence of Mckesson, the Bowdoin graduate who left behind a six-figure salary as the senior director of human capital with the Minneapolis Public Schools system to protest in Ferguson. Critics say the plan is marked by a lack of transparency — who helped formulate the plan, they ask [note: that obviously is the Soros clique]. More importantly, some critics argue Campaign Zero might be interfering with other activism...
The Black Lives Matter organization, with 26 chapters around the country, is not in regular contact with Mckesson and the Campaign Zero team, nor does Campaign Zero consider itself part of the organization's network. But because they are both under the umbrella of the broader Black Lives Matter movement, their campaigns, rallies, disruptions, and direct actions often affect each other."
- Black Lives Matter is very pro-feminist and pro-LGBTQ, something that is not very popular in the black community. In line with this, and quite bizarrely, it specifically attacks the "nuclear family" structure (husband, wife, children as a unit), wanting to replace it with a form of "communal" living. This is very much in line with big business pushing women full-time, full life into the workplace to boost economic output while getting children to replenish the workforce from across the border.
- blacklivesmatter.com/what-we-believe/ (accessed: June 6, 2020): "We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered. ... We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead. ... We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise)."
- blacklivesmatter.com/what-we-believe/ (accessed: June 11, 2020): "We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and "villages" that collectively care for one another, especially our children..."
- Other donors to Black Lives Matter and related groups:
- June 11, 2020, Reuters, 'PayPal pledges over $500 million to support minority-owned U.S. businesses': "PayPal Holdings Inc (PYPL.O) said on Thursday it was pledging $530 million to support black and minority-owned businesses in the United States and foster diversity. ...
Bank of America Corp has pledged $1 billion over four years to help communities address economic and racial inequality. Goldman Sachs last week created a $10 million fund for racial equity, while Nike Inc pledged $40 million over four years and $100 million over 10 years. ... PayPal said $10 million of the total pledged will be used for emergency grants to black-owned U.S. businesses hurt by the effects of the coronavirus lockdown." - June 4, 2020, Fox News, Tucker Carlson Tonight: "Recently, the CEO of Cisco announced his company is donating $5 million to the Black Lives Matter foundation. Airbnb is donating half a million dollars, so is Dropbox. Video game make Ubisoft is giving $100,000. Intel has pledged a million dollars to assorted antiracism groups and is pressuring its employees to donate more of their money to the foundation... the Black Lives Matter Foundation. ... And then there's Pepsi. Pepsi is donating too."
- June 2, 2020, San Jose Spotlight, 'San Jose-based Cisco promises $5M for charities fighting racism, discrimination': "Cisco donations will go to the Equal Justice Initiative, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Color of Change, Black Lives Matter Foundation and a slew of other human rights organizations."
- June 11, 2020, Reuters, 'PayPal pledges over $500 million to support minority-owned U.S. businesses': "PayPal Holdings Inc (PYPL.O) said on Thursday it was pledging $530 million to support black and minority-owned businesses in the United States and foster diversity. ...
- Black Lives Matter role in / influence on March 19, 2016 Donald Trump rally in Tucson, Arizona:
- March 19, 2016, nbcnewyork.com, 'Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked in Tucson; Road Blocked at Fountain Hills Rally': "For hours, about two dozen protesters parked their cars in the middle of the main road to the event, unfurling banners reading "Dump Trump" and "Must Stop Trump," and chanting "Trump is hate." Traffic was backed up for miles, with drivers honking in fury. ... Officers from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office arrested three protesters who tied themselves to their cars to delay getting towed...
A number of protesters interrupted his campaign speech on Saturday. At first he dismissed them, and then kicked them out, including a group carrying a "Black Lives Matter" sign [a large group of white women holding up a sign: "White People Showing up for Racial Injustice: Black Lives Matter"]." - March 20, 2016, USA Today, 'Trump blames 'agitators' for violence at rallies': "Violent clashes continued to shadow the campaign of Republican front-runner Donald Trump who characterized protesters as paid "agitators" bent on derailing his presidential bid.
Though he acknowledged that the beating of a demonstrator at a weekend Tucson rally was "tough to watch," Trump suggested Sunday that he was more concerned that his rallies and speeches were being specifically targeted for disruption.
"I wouldn't use the word upset," Trump said on ABC's This Week, referring to the Saturday Arizona clash in which a [white] man draped in an American flag was repeatedly punched and kicked [by a black Trump supporter]. "I think it's very unfair that these (protesters)...sick protesters can put cars in a road blocking thousands of great Americans from coming to a speech and nobody says anything about that."" - March 20, 2016, YouTube upload of Ricky Vaughn, 'Viral video: Black cop tells the TRUTH about Trump rallies' (Facebook clip of black cop Brandon Tatum about the March 19, 2016 Tucson rally of Donald Trump): "I'm making this video to give you guys some insight on my experience at a Donald Trump rally. The reason I wanted to go is because I don't wanna believe what other people tell me, because sometimes through the media, through other people, it can be very disingenous. ... So, I had an opportunity. Donald Trump came to Tucson, Arizona, where I live. ... Very shocking. ...
The thing that stood out to me the most were these protesters. ... They're just outrageously screaming and yelling and not really saying anything but hateful slurs, calling him a racist... These people are the most evil, hateful people I have ever seen. I could not believe what I saw. ... The violence [also] was coming from these protestors that they eventually kicked out. Some they couldn't even kick out. They were locking arms and they were yelling probably 60% of Trump's speech. I mean, he ignored 'em ... which is not really portrayed in the media. ...
Moving forward, Donald Trump came up and he gained my respect. He didn't say anything hateful. ... I didn't hear any tones of that. I didn't get that perception from the people who were following him. Everybody was just excited for what he had to say. And I think he said a lot of positive things. ... I think his character is a lot different from what you perceive it to be in the media. He spoke about immigration very, very vividly [and] how he [only] has a problem with illegal immigration. He talked about that wall... I didn't see anything negative. He didn't talk about Muslims and hating Muslim people and stuff like that. He addressed radical Islam. ... I was very impressed that he wasn't a crazy psychopath like some would say [in the media]. ...
[Back to the protesters:] The group that I posted were yelling, "F. Donald Trump", in front of these kids. You have families down there. I see this one lady covering her daughter's ears, because these people are just outlandish and out of control. And I'm a police officer and I have been through a lot of dramatic situations. And I have to be honest: I felt very uncomfortable there. ... I didn't feel safe sometimes. I was a little nervous. I was watching my back.
Most of them were African-Americans acting [like] a fool [the second largest group white women]. I'm talking about cussing and screaming and getting in people's faces. ... I'm talking about tackling people. There was a guy trying to walk up the staircase; they were grabbing his legs. I mean, it was a crapshow. ... These people were acting so outrageous. ... I'm very shocked. I gained a lot of respect for Donald Trump. ...
I wish the Ku Klux Klan guy gets in the media. I wish the guy who got his butt kicked because he spit on somebody ... gets in the [media]. And I hope there is a picture of this mother covering her kids' ears and walking him away because these people are yelling, "F. Donald Trump", sticking their [middle] fingers up and yelling and screaming "Black Lives Matter", I hope that the media captures that. I hope that they capture the disclaimer [of Trump] not to attack these people. I hope they capture the disclaimer that Donald Trump reserved the right to kick these people out, because he has fully rented out the venue and it's a private event. I hope they show all these people at the front door blocking thousands of people from coming in and blocking their freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. ...
I don't know what other events were like, but this was an eye-opening experience for me. I didn not expect these people to be that crazy. ... And you know for a fact they'd be on CNN if they pull on somebody too hard, because they're only going to capture the second half of it."
- March 19, 2016, nbcnewyork.com, 'Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked in Tucson; Road Blocked at Fountain Hills Rally': "For hours, about two dozen protesters parked their cars in the middle of the main road to the event, unfurling banners reading "Dump Trump" and "Must Stop Trump," and chanting "Trump is hate." Traffic was backed up for miles, with drivers honking in fury. ... Officers from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office arrested three protesters who tied themselves to their cars to delay getting towed...
- More:
- February 11, 2017, Toronto Sun, 'Black Lives Matter co-founder appears to label white people 'defects'': "A co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto argued that white people are "recessive genetic defects" and purportedly mused about how the race could be "wiped out," according to a post on what appears to be her Facebook page.
Yusra Khogali has faced increased scrutiny over the past year after BLM Toronto gained political influence following their disruption of the Toronto Pride parade and confrontations with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne."
Only last week during a protest in front of the US consulate Khogali shouted into a microphone that "Justin Trudeau is a white supremacist terrorist" and urged the crowd to "rise up and fight back." "Look at us, we have the numbers," she said."
- February 11, 2017, Toronto Sun, 'Black Lives Matter co-founder appears to label white people 'defects'': "A co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto argued that white people are "recessive genetic defects" and purportedly mused about how the race could be "wiped out," according to a post on what appears to be her Facebook page.
- More:
- July 9, 2020 YouTube upload by "KGW News", 'KGW: What it's like to be a Black officer policing Portland protests | Raw interview' (black police officers Jakhary Jackson; clearly biased against white people): "I got to see folks that really do want to see change, like the rest of us that have been impacted by racism. And then I got to see those people get faded out by people who have no idea what racism is all about. Never experienced racism. That don't even know that the same tactics they are using were the same tactics that were used against my people. ... So a lot of times someone of color, black, hispanic, Asian, would come up to the fence and directly wanna talk to me. "Hey, what do you think about George Floyd? ..." I come up to the fence, someone white comes up, "F the police. Don't talk to him." That was the most bizarre thing. Because I could see it coming. I even had an African-American girl tell me, "Why is it that you guys aren't talking to us?" I said, "Honestly, this is now the I think the 23rd day of doing it and every time I try to have a conversation with looks like me, someone white comes up and blocks them, and tells them not to talk. And then right when I said that, this white girl just popped right in front of her. And she says, "He just said that was gonna happen." I said, "Told you." ... She looked at the girl and said, "Why did you do that?" And staright up, "I have been called the n-word. She has been called the n-word. Why are you talking to me this way? Why do you feel she can't speak for herself?" ... She couldn't answer my question. All she said is, "Someone told me to do it." So that has been a very strange thing to watch. ...
It's divisive and it is hurting the community. ... They are still coming out and having these violent interactions with other citizens and the police. And at some point you just go, "What is the end goal? You know, Bloody Sunday?" ... And then having folks screaming and yelling that they are being peaceful protestors, but you are not peaceful, because it is violent. And I actually had a cousin who went to one of the marches, and he left, because this has turned into something else. This is weird. So having an African-American male marching and then leaving... Like I said, it's been very eye-opening.
But I did have great conversations. I met two young brothers ... who were out cleaning up the street. ... just running and cleaning up. And a few of us of my team, we just had to go over and we had to shake their hands, because I was so moved by them. ... Their words: "We are from here. This is our city. I don't understand why people are coming here and destroying it." [This was after] I had taken an explosive. ... I feel lucky that I didn't get seriously injured. I was told that people were taping marbles, rocks, to these explosives. ... I'd been hit with a full beer can. A rock in my chest. A frozen water bottle had hit me." ...
It says something when you're at a Black Lives Matter protest and you have more minorities on the police side [protesting peacefully] than you have in a violent crowd and you have white people screaming at black officers, "You have the biggest nose I've ever seen!" ... Are these [other protesting] people gonna say something to this person [to correct him]. Nah. And that is just one example. ... [white officers] getting accused of being racist, when you see those officers helping people of color... [People telling you] what you are doing with your life, that you need to quit your job, [that] you are hurting your community, you are not part of the community. ... And you, as a privileged white person telling somebody to do with their life. ...
We are pulled off the street and we are not able to take 9/11 calls. I had a young Africa-American male [say], "You have a group of white people throwing a temper tantrum downtown, but if my grandma needs help, you are not even around to help her."" - July 17, 2020, summit.news, 'As Violent Crime in New York Soars, De Blasio Assigns 27 Cops to Protect 'Black Lives Matter' Mural': ""Just heard that @NYCMayor has 1 & 8 securing the #BlackMindsMatter mural at Trump Tower," tweeted former police commissioner Bernard Kerik. "That's one sergeant and eight cops, x 3 tours a day! Violence, shootings, and murder is up in NYC and this clown has three sergeants and 24 cops guarding a mural! If true, #SICKENING." ...
His claim was backed up by [the black] Derrick Gibson, who is running for governor of New York. Gibson said that he spoke to cops on the scene who said "they are getting paid to baby sit paint, and not happy about it."" ...
De Blasio and his wife helped paint the BLM mural on July 9 before it was subsequently vandalized...
Even before the recent riots, major crime in New York City had soared by 22 per cent thanks to bail reforms that allowed suspects to avoid jail and re-offend. Last month, it was reported that there had been 38 murders over the last 28 days up until June 14, twice as many as the previous year. On Monday alone, 18 people were shot in 14 separate incidents. Six NYPD officers were also injured during clashes with protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge on Wednesday. The city has already cut next year's police budget by $1 billion. - Melina Abdullah:
- Chair of the department of Pan-African Studies at California State University, Los Angeles. Co-founder LA chapter of BLM.
- Paternal grandfather was Günter Reimann, a German economist. Prior to World War II, he was a member of the Communist Party of Germany and at the forefront of the underground resistance to Adolf Hitler within Nazi Germany. His son, Abdullah's father, was "a union organizer and self-proclaimed Trotskyist.".
- Supporter of Jew- and white-hating conspiracy disinformer Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam.
- Involved in West-African witchcraft.
- July 9, 2020 YouTube upload by "KGW News", 'KGW: What it's like to be a Black officer policing Portland protests | Raw interview' (black police officers Jakhary Jackson; clearly biased against white people): "I got to see folks that really do want to see change, like the rest of us that have been impacted by racism. And then I got to see those people get faded out by people who have no idea what racism is all about. Never experienced racism. That don't even know that the same tactics they are using were the same tactics that were used against my people. ... So a lot of times someone of color, black, hispanic, Asian, would come up to the fence and directly wanna talk to me. "Hey, what do you think about George Floyd? ..." I come up to the fence, someone white comes up, "F the police. Don't talk to him." That was the most bizarre thing. Because I could see it coming. I even had an African-American girl tell me, "Why is it that you guys aren't talking to us?" I said, "Honestly, this is now the I think the 23rd day of doing it and every time I try to have a conversation with looks like me, someone white comes up and blocks them, and tells them not to talk. And then right when I said that, this white girl just popped right in front of her. And she says, "He just said that was gonna happen." I said, "Told you." ... She looked at the girl and said, "Why did you do that?" And staright up, "I have been called the n-word. She has been called the n-word. Why are you talking to me this way? Why do you feel she can't speak for herself?" ... She couldn't answer my question. All she said is, "Someone told me to do it." So that has been a very strange thing to watch. ...
- Formed in 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to try and strengthen the political voice of black Americans. Pushes black Americans, which overwhelmingly vote liberal/Democrat and against conservatives/Republicans, to become much more politically active by voting and staging protests.
- colorofchange.org/about/ (accessed: April 24, 2017): "Color Of Change is building a new, effective strategy for changing the rules society lives by, and ending the injustices Black people face."
- A key founder of Color of Change was Rockefeller and Soros agent Van Jones:
- March 2011, Slate, 'Shut Up Everybody: Why conservatives and liberals are ratcheting up their monitoring of the media.': "Breitbart's not happy, but only some of his animus is directed at Color of Change, a racial-diversity umbrage machine co-founded in 2005 by James Rucker and Van Jones. It had marshaled 43,000 calls to HuffPo demanding that the front page be Breitbart-free..."
- Financing:
- George Soros' Open Society Foundations grants database at opensocietyfoundations.org (accessed: April 24, 2017): "Citizen Engagement Laboratory - Color of Change [and] Presenté. Year: 2010. Location: Oakland, CA. Amount: $300,000. ...
Color of Change. Year: 2012. Location: Berkeley, CA. Amount: $400,000." - Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "ColorofChange Org Education Fund, Inc. 2014: $300,000 [plus] $700,000 [plus] $110,000. ... 2015: $700,000."
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund: rbf.org/grantees/colorofchangeorg-education-fund-inc (accessed: April 24, 2017): "Oakland, CA, www.colorofchange.org: ... $250,000 for 2 years. Awarded: March 10, 2016. ... Program Goal: Advance a Vital and Inclusive Democracy in the U.S.: Elections and Voting Rights..."
- Bauman Foundation: baumanfoundation.org/grantee/215 (accessed: April 24, 2017): "2014-15: $75,000. General Support."
- June 14, 2020, Daily Mail, 'Brad Pitt matches Jennifer Aniston's $1 million donation to racial justice organization Color of Change': "'He went to the protests this week and was at her home the day after,' a source said. ...
Angelina Jolie gave $200K to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, while The Weeknd donated $500K to various causes and Drake forked over $100K to a national bail fund to help Black Live Matter protesters who get arrested."
- George Soros' Open Society Foundations grants database at opensocietyfoundations.org (accessed: April 24, 2017): "Citizen Engagement Laboratory - Color of Change [and] Presenté. Year: 2010. Location: Oakland, CA. Amount: $300,000. ...
- Movement founded in 1964 by Clarence 13X in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City. Clarence 13X was a former member of Mosque No. 7, which was part of the Nation of Islam (NOI) and headed by Malcolm X, who broke with the Nation of Islamin 1964 and was assassinated by the group in February 1965. Clarence 13X started calling himself "Allah" and would become known as "Allah the Father".
- Louis Farrakhan, the long-time head and reviver of the Nation of Islam, is a conspiracy disinformering 9/11-no-planer and UFO cultist. The other key sister group of the Five Percent Nation, the Nuwaubian Nation, also is a UFO and conspiracy disinformation cult - founded and headed by a raging pedophile. The Five Percent Nation can be tied to Nelson Rockefeller and the Eastern Establishment and also promotes bizarre theology and has an obsession with numerology.
- The Nation of Islam taught and teaches that black people have been the original inhabitants of the Earth for the past "66 trillion" years and that white men were created by the Biblical Jacob as "devils", Clarence 13X's Five Percent Nation disavowed the belief in an external all-powerful god (Allah), instead claiming that black men are gods themselves, and that each member should worship himself. The Five Percenters also included numerology in their teachings.
- 2007, Michael Muhammad Knight, 'The Five Percenters: Islam, Hip-hop and the Gods of New York': [The following is points are] read as a standard Five Percenter manifesto: "What We Teach:
1. That black people are the original people of the planet earth.
2. That black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization.
3. That the science of Supreme Mathematics is the key to understanding man's relationship to the universe.
4. Islam is a natural way of life, not a religion. ...
7. That the blackman is god and his proper name is ALLAH. Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head." Point 7 here is the main difference with the traditional Nation of Islam, which even includes the 85-10-5 percent teaching. - April 12, 2014, Yahoo!, 'Why the Five-Percenters Hate You': "If the Nation of Islam is actual Islam's eccentric nephew, then the Nation of Gods and Earths, as the 5 Percenters are called, is that nephew's unhinged offspring. ... I was in a unique position to recognize [Jay-Z's necklace], having seen the image tattooed on plenty of black men in prison and having learned something about the doctrine during my incarceration. I even had a bit of interaction with the 5 Percenter Nation of Gods and Earths. I'll never forget my introduction: "Black man god, white man devil!""
- The meaning of "Five Percent" is the theory taught by Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad that 85% of the masses are kept in ignorance by 10% of the ruling class, with 5% having figured out the truth and trying to educate the 85%.
- Clarence 13X was shot in December 1964 but lived. Claimed that he died and returned to his body a short time later.
- 2007, Michael Muhammad Knight, 'The Five Percenters: Islam, Hip-hop and the Gods of New York': [The following is points are] read as a standard Five Percenter manifesto: "What We Teach:
- Clarence 13x was arrested in May 1965 after his Five Percenters caused riots in Harlem. Told the judge that he was Allah, and that the city would face grave judgment if he were not released. Sent to Bellevue Hospital Center for a psychiatric examination. Deemed incompetent to stand trial and faced indefinite commitment after claiming he was Allah and a "Master Gambler" to psychiatrists. Interned at the Matteawan State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Continued to be in touch with his following. Released in March 1967 after changes in government laws on the detention of the criminally insane.
- First contact between Clarence 13X and Barry Gottehrer, head of the 1966-founded Summer Tak Force / Urban Action Task Force (intelligence agency and social program founded to contain riots in the ghettos), founded under New York City mayor John V. Lindsay, took place in May 1967. Lindsay, a Yale Scroll & Key member whose brother was a head of Morgan Guaranty Trust and a Pilgrim, was part of the network of friends of Governor Nelson Rockefeller, a financier of Martin Luther King and the like. By 1967-1968, one year before the assassination of Clarence 13x, personal ties had developed between the Five Percent leader these Eastern Establishmentarians. In addition, the Five Percent's headquarters in Harlem - the "Allah School of Mecca" - was financed by the Ford and Rockefeller foundations-financed National Urban League (which earlier in the 1960s allowed Jim Jones, founder of the antifa suicide Jonestown Cult to speak to it).
- 1998, Dennis C. Dickerson, 'Militant Mediator: Whitney M. Young Jr.', p. 186: "Mayor John Lindsay [from Jan. 1966 to Dec. 1973; Yale Scroll & Key; brother was head of Morgan Guaranty Trust and a Pilgrim], [Pilgrim] Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller, and other officeholders appointed [National Urban League head and Rockefeller Foundation trustee Whitney] Young to various committees to advise them about urban initiatives. In 1967 Lindsey asked Young to join Mrs. W. Vincent Astor [Pilgrims Society member Brooke Astor, a close friend of David and Laurance Rockefeller], CBS network head [and Pilgrims Society member and friend of CIA director Allen Dulles] William S. Paley, and others on the Urban Design Council of New York. ... Young did not want to invade the turf of the executive director of the New York Urban League, Eugene Callender. If Callender could also attend the meetings, then Young promised to help in his determined effort to improve citizen-police relations."
- 1968, Senate Appropriations Committee report HR 15399, p. 69: "Through the efforts of the Citizens Summer Committee and a movie premiere, more than $650,000 was raised for the Mayor's Commission on Youth, a tax-exempt organization which served as a conduit for the chairman of the Summer Task Force, to provide play streets, special citywide sports clinics and mobile theaters, music and movie programs, airplane rides and bus trips."
- 1969, Alan Shank, 'Political Power and the Urban Crisis', p. 213: "But Lindsay cared; he worked hard to pacify the ghettos. The Mayor's Summer Task Force, financed with $700,000 donated by private companies [through the Citizens Summer Committee], organized neighborhood task forces that searched out natural young leaders to work in the streets [and put riots down]. ... The task force also paid for the free plane rides, boat rides, movies and jazz concerts that kept kids off the hot junkyard streets."
- 2001, Vincent J. Cannato, 'The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and His Struggle to Save New York', p. 130: "In addition, a Citizens Summer Committee [CSC] was formed in 1967, headed by Tom Hoving, now back at the Metropolitan Museum, and Andrew Heiskell, chairman of the board of Time Inc. Working with the mayor's Commission on Youth, the Citizens Summer Committee raised $650,000 from corporate sponsors such as Union Carbide, Chemical Bank, Chase Manhattan, Mobil Oil, and Metropolitan Life to provide summer programs for inner-city [black] youths. The programs funded included Operation Bookmobile in Bedford-Stuyvesant and Bushwick areas of Brooklyn; the Harlem Cultural Festival...
In September 1967, Lindsay announced that the Summer Task Force [partly funded through the CSC] would become the Urban Action Task Force and operate year-round, overseeing smaller task forces that operated out of individual neighborhoods. [28] As head of the Urban Action Task Force, Gottehrer grew extremely close to the Five Percenters..." - 2007, Michael Muhammad Knight, 'The Five Percenters: Islam, Hip-hop and the Gods of New York', pp. 95-99: [Clarence 13x] had already approached the [Rockefeller and Ford foundations-funded] Urban League, which was unwilling to hand over a school to the most feared gang in New York [for having] threatened an armed revolt. ...
Three days after the successful bus trip [for 300 Five Percenter youths arranged by mayor John V. Lindsay aide Barry Gottehrer], Allah attended a meeting between Mayor Lindsay and black community leaders at Gracie Mansion. Among those present were CORE's Floyd McKissick and Manhattan borough president Percy Sutton. ... "Everyone was hustling for a slice of the anti-poverty pie," recalls Gottehrer. At one point Lindsay tried to dip out of the room, only to be pulled back in by leaders threatening riots if they were denied a chance to speak. The only men that refrained from addressing the mayor were Allah and Charles Kenyatta [Charles 37X; pastor, bodyguard, close friend and confidant of Malcolm X who taught the "hate-whitey" philosophy; organized the Harlem Mau Mau Society after Malcolm's death, but not a blood relative of Rockefeller-CIA-backed President Yomo Kenyatta of Kenya; survived several assassination attempts for his work to supposedly clean up the ghettos; became a Baptist; resented by his family for marrying the Korean Sung Bok Lee]. ... [John V. Lindsay aide] Barry Gottehrer ... developed such a close friendship with Allah that Deputy Mayor Richard Aurelio asked him whether his priorities were in order. Davidoff also grew concerned. He once accompanied Gottehrer to the Glamour Inn for a night with Allah, "who was in rare form," remembers Gottehrer, "high less on cocaine than on his wit." Davidoff was later shaking his head. "Anyone who likes to spend time with a guy like that has got to be either stupid or crazy," he told Gottehrer. "And I know you're not stupid." Gottehrer called Rev. Eugene Callender, who had become head of the Urban League in 1966, and Allah did get his school: a small building with a storefront... Through the [Ford and Rockefeller-funded] Urban League, Gottehrer arranged for the Five Percenters to acquire the building at a cost of a dollar a year. The new headquarters was situated in harmony with Allah's Supreme Mathematics, located on Seventh (God) Avenue. Even the address, 2122, held up in the "science of everything in life"...
The Five Percenter school followed a standard Urban League program, serving a range of ten to thirty students with three certified teachers and three streetworkers. ... Allah offered suggestions for how his school should run, but they mattered little to Harv Oostdyk, his corporate sponsor [as educational director of the Urban League], or the Urban League that had not wanted to work with Five Percenters in the first place. ... Gottehrer also witnessed Allah's Suns challenging the relevance of their classes, for different reasons: "... Five Percenters had their own ideas. ... They felt free to reject as much as they accepted from the teachers the Urabn League hired." ...
Allah continued to search for ways to help his young Gods. Through a Five Percenter named Dumar he met with Ed Carpenter, headmaster of Harlem Prep, which had been founded by Rev. Eugene Callender [executive director of the New York City Urban League]. ... Ed Carpenter and Allah became instant friends. Carpenter ... agreed to accept any Five Percenter that Allah sent him. Al-Shakeim and Born Allah were elected president and vice-president of Harlem Prep's first student government. ...
At the memorial ceremony for [Martin Luther] King in Central Park [in April 1968], Mayor Lindsey, Percy Sutton, and Charles Kenyatta were among those looking on as Allah was embraced by Governor Nelson Rockefeller. Not everyone was impresssed. ...
Bernard Lewis, believed to have been the first inmate killed in Governor Rockefeller's bloody recapture of the yard [after the 1971 Attica Prison Riot], was a Five Percenter with the righteous name IJamel Lateek. ..."
- Clarence 13X was shot again in 1969 and died. His murder remains unsolved.
- 2005, Felicia M. Miyakawa, 'Five Percenter Rap: God Hop's Music, Message, and Black Muslim Mission', p. 20: "Gottehrer reports contemporary rumors that Father Allah was assassinated by the Nation of Islam, rumors that nearly incited a civil war between the Nation of Islam and the Five Percenters. A report filed by an unidentified FBI agent in the New York office proposes that Allah, Charles Kenyatta (leader of the Mau Maus), and Anthony Reed, Jr., were all shot by a small group of extortionists associated with an organization known as the Fair Play Committee [the original Black Panthers (founded in 1966 in Oakland and Harlem)]. Supposedly, Reed was hired by the Committee to shoot Kenyatta and Allah because they were working for the mayor, and the Reed was killed because he "knew too much." ... Five Percenters themselves are divided in their theories concerning Father Allah's death. Whereas some believe his death was ordered by the CIA, legendary MC Rakim Allah believes the rumors of Nation of Islam involvement. ...
Since Father Allah's death there has been no titular leader of the Five Percent Nation [for safety reasons]."
- 2005, Felicia M. Miyakawa, 'Five Percenter Rap: God Hop's Music, Message, and Black Muslim Mission', p. 20: "Gottehrer reports contemporary rumors that Father Allah was assassinated by the Nation of Islam, rumors that nearly incited a civil war between the Nation of Islam and the Five Percenters. A report filed by an unidentified FBI agent in the New York office proposes that Allah, Charles Kenyatta (leader of the Mau Maus), and Anthony Reed, Jr., were all shot by a small group of extortionists associated with an organization known as the Fair Play Committee [the original Black Panthers (founded in 1966 in Oakland and Harlem)]. Supposedly, Reed was hired by the Committee to shoot Kenyatta and Allah because they were working for the mayor, and the Reed was killed because he "knew too much." ... Five Percenters themselves are divided in their theories concerning Father Allah's death. Whereas some believe his death was ordered by the CIA, legendary MC Rakim Allah believes the rumors of Nation of Islam involvement. ...
- The Five Percenters continued to exist as a non-hierarchical organization. Its headquarters, the "Allah School in Mecca" in Harlem, continues to be the group's (unofficial) headquarters. Anno 2018 the group doesn't have a website or any published leaders, but many rappers have been tied to it. Members refer to Harlem as "Mecca", with Manhattan basically being Mecca's suburbs. Brooklyn is known as Medina. A number of white Five-Percenters exist. Only in 2003 legal in prison and not seen as a gang, even though the Five Percent Nation has deep gang affiliations, keeping the peace between various gangs.
- Rappers tied to the Five Percent Nation:
- 2005, Felicia M. Miyakawa, 'Five Percenter Rap: God Hop's Music, Message, and Black Muslim Mission', pp. 21-22: "Within five years of Father Allah's death [in 1969], hip-hop culture was forming in Nw York City's African American and Latino neighborhoods... The Five Percent Nation, essentially a youth movement, found resonance in hip-hop... Furthermore, both matured in New York City, taking root first in Brooklyn, Harlem, and the Bronx. Pioneering hip-hop DJ Kool Herc remembers Five Percenters taking part in hip-hop parties as early as the mid-1970s. Recalling the heavy gang presence at early hip-hop parties, Kool Herc says, "a lot of Five Percenters ... used to come to my party... You might call them 'peace guards'..." Rap first gained national attention in 1979, and by 1987 the first MC to openly claim membership in the Five Percent Nation - Rakim Allah - had appeared on the commercial rap scene.
The year 1987 also saw the emergence of MCs and crews faithful to the Nation of Islam, revitalized under Louis Farrakhan's leadership. Public Enemy [is] largely responsible for bringing the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan to the attention of American youth. Chuck D has made no mystery of his mission... The schism between the Nation of Islam and the Five Percent Nation has been bridged under the leadership of Minister Louis Farrakhan, whom Five Percenters greatly respect. Furthermore, the rise of conscious rap in general and Five Percenter rap in particular must be in part credited to Farrakhan... One of Farrakhan's key steps was appointing Prince Akeem, an MC, to the position of minister of youth. ... [Farrakhan] was invited to give the keynote speech at a recent hip-hop summit organized and sponsored by one of rap's leading moguls, Russell Simmons. Billed as the first annual Hip-Hop Summit, the gathering took place ... 12-13 June 2001." - 2001, Russell Simmons [Def Jam founder and brother of Run-DMC founder], 'Life and Def: Sex, Drugs, Money, and God': "The Five Percenters are members of a religion that [like the Nation of Islam] developed in jail among black inmates from the New York area. ... It began as an offshoot of the Nation of Islam, but it never had the discipline or strong organizational structure of the NOI. ... The Nation of Islam is more visible and respectable in terms of its presentation, and is clearly more powerful than the Five Percenters as an organization. However, during the period when the gangs I hung with in the 70's gave way to 80's Hip Hop culture," writes Simmons. "It was the street language, style and consciousness of the Five Percent Nation that served as a bridge."
- March 24, 2010, hiphopwired.com, 'The GODS Of Hip-Hop: A Reflection On The Five Percenter Influence On Rap Music & Culture': "[Many rappers] have utilized elements of the teachings of Nation of Gods and Earths, commonly known as Five Percenters. This includes Jay-Z, Nas, Rakim, Busta Rhymes, Wu-Tang Clan, Brand Nubian, Poor Righteous Teachers, Gangstarr, Big Daddy Kane, LL Cool J, Big Pun; even Erykah Badu and the Digable Planets whose Grammy-Award winning 'Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)" contains a line alluding to the Five Percent. ...
The demise of the positive element of Hip-Hop was not just part of the normal course of artistic cycles. "Being that I'm from Harlem, and that's where the Five Percenters were founded in the 60's, I think it was something that impacted me personally," says Immortal Technique. As for the teachings being shifted from the spotlight, Immortal sees it as profit driven. "[Corporate America] said, you know what "I'm not here for your revolution, I'm not here for this Black medallion [Five Percenter] Shyte and it became almost cool to be ignorant.""
- 2005, Felicia M. Miyakawa, 'Five Percenter Rap: God Hop's Music, Message, and Black Muslim Mission', pp. 21-22: "Within five years of Father Allah's death [in 1969], hip-hop culture was forming in Nw York City's African American and Latino neighborhoods... The Five Percent Nation, essentially a youth movement, found resonance in hip-hop... Furthermore, both matured in New York City, taking root first in Brooklyn, Harlem, and the Bronx. Pioneering hip-hop DJ Kool Herc remembers Five Percenters taking part in hip-hop parties as early as the mid-1970s. Recalling the heavy gang presence at early hip-hop parties, Kool Herc says, "a lot of Five Percenters ... used to come to my party... You might call them 'peace guards'..." Rap first gained national attention in 1979, and by 1987 the first MC to openly claim membership in the Five Percent Nation - Rakim Allah - had appeared on the commercial rap scene.
- Chicago-based project financed by the MacArthur Foundation, Joyce Foundation and Woods Fund.
- Future U.S. president Barack Obama served as a trustee of both the Joyce Foundation and Woods Fund from 1994 to 2002.
- January 5, 2017, englewoodportal.org, 'MacArthur [Foundation] announces $11.6 million in new Chicago investments': "Grassroots Alliance for Police Accountability – $300,000 to the Woods Fund of Chicago [as an intermediary]..."
- woodsfund.org/minute/news/grassroots-alliance-police-accountability (accessed: February 15, 2017): "Woods Fund Chicago, in partnership with the Chicago Community Trust, the Joyce Foundation, the ... MacArthur Foundation, the McCormick Foundation, and the Polk Bros. Foundation, has provided seed funding to support the Grassroots Alliance for Police Accountability (GAPA)."
- Limited foundation ties, apparently due to wealthy people of NYC's hip hop community being involved. There are ties, however, to the "liberal CIA" network of activism. In addition, key founder Russell Simmons was an employee of the Bronfman family at the time and friendly with the likes of George Soros, Lord Jacob Rothschild and Warren Buffett.
- Soros ties of founder Russell Simmons and a number of leading participants:
- May 27, 2003, HSAC media advisory: "Russell Simmons, Sean "P. Diddy" Combs and the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, together with Andrew Cuomo and the Mothers of the New York Disappeared will release national celebrity video ads calling for the repeal of the Rockefeller Drug Laws at a press conference..."
- December 20, 2004, New York Sun, 'The Soros Factor': "In June 2003, when the governor and legislative leaders brought hip-hop entrepreneur Russell Simmons into their late-night, closed-door negotiations on the Rockefeller drug laws, a lobbyist for [Soros'] Drug Policy Alliance, Deborah Small, was at Mr. Simmons' side."
- January 1, 2009, New York Post, 'Party Guy Soros is Afloat': "The shindig aboard the yacht had a hip-hop flavor, as rap mogul Russell Simmons, Run-DMC's Rev. Run Simmons, Jay-Z and Beyonce were among the revelers."
- The Hip Hop Summit Action Network is a Nation of Islam outfit. Russell Simmons and long-time president and CEO Benjamin Chavis, are key supporters and members of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farakhan, a raging Jew hater and conspiracy disinformation peddler. Farrakhan even gave a speech at the official founding of the Hip Hop Summit Action Network in 2001.
- March 23, 1997, Chicago Tribune, 'Joining with Farrakhan': "Benjamin Chavis' [later HSAC president and CEO] recent announcement that he had joined the Nation of Islam might have bewildered some Christians..."
- September 26, 2009, Russell Simmons, 'Minister Louis Farrakhan: My Second Father': "When we think of Minister Louis Farrakhan, we often think about the man who helped guide Muhammad Ali or the man who came up together in the Nation of Islam with Malcolm X [whom they subsequently had murdered it appears]. Do we ever think he's the man who helped hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of black people to love themselves? Well, we should. ...
Our parents would tell us that when we grow up we should make a choice to either join the army or "be a Muslim or something." The Nation of Islam secured our housing projects, promoted dignity and transformed men with criminal pasts. Those men would then, in turn, raise refined, educated black children. Hard to dispute this. It took guys off the street and created a powerful, non-violent movement. The Nation of Islam has never been associated with any form of violence [apart from the murder of Malcolm X by Nation of Islam members?]...
It is true that some blacks are still not "free" and stuck in a slave mentality, due to the lingering affects of 400+ years of slavery. It is the recognition of this condition that the Nation continues its important work in ghettos across America, giving steady doses of spirituality or sense of higher self to many men and women who need it. ...
This past week, it was my honor to host the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan at my apartment in NYC. He was joined by his sons Louis Jr., Mustapha and Joshua Farrakhan, along with their personal chef and at least 75 security personnel. It was quite a scene to see how they set up shop at my apartment. This was a week where I didn't miss my 6am prayer because I could hear them already awake and ready to start the day off right. This was a week where the word "Allah" was on the tip of everyone's tongue. And was a very special time when I got to hang with my "second dad" and my other brothers. We reminisced about the three marches where more than three million people marched on Washington. We talked about how we brought Snoop, Ice Cube and other LA rappers together with members of the east coast rap community and how he helped mediate the beef between 50 Cent and Ja Rule and countless other instances where he was there to help hip hop. And of course we talked about his keynote address at the hip hop summit that created the Hip Hop Summit Action network. ... He has talked about the oneness of god for years, about the sameness of all religion and all people." - August 4, 2016, Variety, 'Russell Simmons and Rabbi Team to Reconcile Communities; Foundation for Ethnic Understanding unites Jews, Muslims, and African-Americans': "Shortly after, in the wake of the [October 1995] Million Man March, Simmons sought to organize a meeting among such Jewish leaders as [superclass member] Elie Weisel, Israel Singer, and [Simmons' Branfman-allied pal Marc] Schneier, and a coalition of black figures that included the controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Schneier was the only member of the Jewish delegation to show up. ...
The next day, there was [my opening] hip-hop summit [of June 2001] with [Rockefeller man and Scientologist] Will Smith, [founding director] Puffy, Eminem — everyone — and the keynote speech was delivered by Farrakhan. He quoted the rabbi 20 times — it's on tape. I'll never forget that. One little meeting, and he's quoting a rabbi over and over.""
- Purpose (major role is youth and minority vote registration, because these overwhelmingly vote Democrat-gloablist):
- hsan.org/content/main.aspx?pageid=11 (accessed: December 29, 2003): "Beginning in 2001, Hip-Hop Summits have been successfully convened to raise the relevance of the Hip-Hop Community. ... Funds raised through HSAN sponsorships will provide vital support for literacy education activities with the National Urban League, Voter education and registration with Hip-Hop Team Vote, WWE's Smackdown Your Vote, NAACP along with others."
- September 22, 2003, hsan.org, 'Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, World Wrestling Entertainment Join Forces to Register More Than 2 Million Voters': "The announcement was made by Russell Simmons... and Vince McMahon, Chairman of WWE... Also [present] were Honorary Smackdown Your Vote! Co-chair and WWE Superstar Bradshaw, WWE Superstar Maven, Rev. Run of Run-DMC ... Hip-Hop Summit Action Network President and CEO Benjamin Chavis, and WWE's Smackdown Your Vote! Executive Director Gary Davis."
- Leadership and ties:
- hsan.org/content/main.aspx?pageid=120 (accessed: September 5, 2005): "The Hip-Hop Summit Action Network has partnered with [the Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Ford Foundation and Carnegie Corporation-dominated] National Urban League and Verizon Foundation to promote literacy and leadership to urban teens."
- hsan.org/Content/main.aspx?pageid=9 (accessed: October 15, 2003): "HSAN is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of community leaders and influential members of the Hip-Hop music industry. Its Chairman is Russell Simmons. Dr. Benjamin Chavis Muhammad [former youth assistant to the Rockefeller-funded MLK and his SCLC; youth campaigner for RFK; first met Russell Simmons at Def Jam in 1986 while managing various hip hop artists; executive director NAACP 1993-1994, but removed for stealing at least $64,000 of its funds (he blamed "Jews" for his removal); organized youth voters with Run-DMC in his NAACP days; founder National African American Leadership Summit (NAALS) in 1995; national director 1995 Million Man March Organizing Committee; added the name "Muhammed" after joining the Jew-hating Nation of Islam in 1997] serves as the organizationís President and CEO. Dr. Muhammad is a 40-year veteran of the Civil Rights Movement and former Executive Director and CEO of the ["liberal CIA"-backed] NAACP [1993-1994]."
- hsan.org/Content/main.aspx?pageid=10 (accessed: October 15, 2003): "Board of Directors: Russell Simmons, Chairman... Lyor Cohen, Vice-Chairman, Island Def Jam Music Group... Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs... Damon Dash [co-founder of Jay-Z's] Roc-a-Fella Records... Jermaine DuPre, So So Def Recordings... Dr. Manning Marable, Columbia University [radical black activist Marxist fuded by the Soros and Ford foundations]... Kedar Massenberg, Motown Records... Kwesi Mfume, [president and CEO of the "liberal CIA"-backed] NAACP [from 1995 to 2004]... Hilary Rosen [of the] RIAA..."
- Conference participants:
- June 14, 2001, BBC, 'Farrakhan calls for 'responsible' rap': "Among those listening were rap moguls Sean "Puffy" Combs and Russell Simmons, rapper-producers Wyclef Jean and Jermaine Dupri, and rappers LL Cool J, Queen Latifah and Redman. ... Rapper and film star Will Smith arrived at the summit after Farrakhan's speech but echoed some of the same concerns." Eminem also present, according to Simmons.
- hsan.org/content/main.aspx?pageid=44 (accessed: January 12, 2004): "Houston Hip-Hop Summit, Saturday, January 31, 2004: ... Summit Participants include: Russell Simmons. Sean 'P.Diddy' Combs. Beyonce. ... Busta Rhymes. Jermaine Dupri ... Damon Dash. Reverend Run [of Run DMC]..." A picture of Ice Cube speaking is also visible on the site at this point.
- hsan.org/Content/Main.aspx?pageId=1 (accessed: May 10, 2005): "Saturday, May 14 [2005], Detriot, MI: ... Come join Russell Simmons, Eminem, Fantasia, Reverend Run, Master P, Common, Lil Jon..."
- Founded by radical black activist Dr. Manning Marable at Columbia University in 1993. In 2002 Marable founded the Center for Contemporary Black History (CCBH) here as IRAAS' research unit.
- Dr. Manning Marable: Marxist. Early on a member of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism; visiting fellow/scholar of the Ford-Rockefeller-Soros-funded Institute for Policy Studies at some point. Founder and director of the Institute for Research in African-American Studies (IRAAS) at Columbia University 1993-. Director of the Center for Contemporary Black History at IRAAS 2002-. Founder and and member of its Souls journal Editorial Advisory Board, along Princeton's Dr. Cornel West. Led a delegation of fifteen prominent African Americans to Fidel Castro's Cuba in late 1996. Worked with the NAACP. Co-founder and national co-chair of the US Communist Party-tied Black Radical Congress in 1998. Wrote a bio on Malcolm X right before his death.
- Financing:
- 2010, Jeanette Davidson, African American Studies, p. 99: "MM [Manning Marable]: ... [My] Institute for Research in African-American Studies, where we are sitting right now ... we call it IRAAS-- ... has been very fortunate in that the Soros Foundation, the Open Society Institute, and the Ford Foundation have funded part of our work over the years [seems to refer to his Center for Contemporary Black History], as well as IRAAS, and I also contribute, especially to Souls, personally to underwrite the journal."
- columbia.edu/cu/ccbh/html/ccbh_about_mm.html (accessed: February 5, 2019): "With the support of the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation), CCBH's Africana Criminal Justice Project has: conducted a national survey of Black Studies departments to promote the development of new courses on race, crime and justice..."
- First post-colonial prime minister of Kenya 1963-1964 and first president 1964-1978.
- Included here after researching the background of the band Rage Against the Machine. Before becoming the primary founder of RATM (and also Tool with his high school friend Adam Jones), Tom Morello went to Harvard and worked for the globalist Senator Alan Cranston [followed up the CIA's Cord Meyer in 1949 as president of United World Federalists; on the board of Commission on Population Growth under John D. Rockefeller, III; trustee chair of the Gorbachev Foundation USA; participant in the Rockefeller-Buffett-Turner-ran State of the World Forum conferences in the 1990s; founder in 1999 of the UN-allied Global Security Institute, together with Gorbachev and Jane Goodall], with plenty of bizarre conspiracy disinformation and Third World immigration being promoted by his band members over the years, as well as Tool's singer, Maynard James Keenan.
- An additional fascinating thing is that Morello's father was a Mau Mau guerrilla, whose uncle, in turn, was African nationalist leader Jomo Kenyatta. This got ISGP looking into who exactly Jomo Kenyatta was. Turns out, he was build up by the Rockefeller Foundation and later ended up on the CIA payrolls.
- First up is Mau Mau. The history of this guerrilla is extremely hard to understand, which the following report of EIR should make clear (ISGP takes no position on this conflict):
- December 5, 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, 'Who created the Jones cult - and why': "In Brig. Gen. Frank Kitson's book, Gang-Countergang Warfare, [he] describes the methods he employed to crush the Mau Mau in Kenya. After capturing Mau Mau tribesmen whom he paraded as "defectors," Kitson organized synthetic Mau Mau gangs, putting his own men in black face, who carried out murderous raids upon villages sympathetic to the original Mau Mau aims.
The net effect was to undermine the Mau Mau's base of operations, driving them into a narrow region where they could be mopped up. While in prison, Mau Mau tribesmen were subjected to intense behavior modification by teams from the Moral Rearmament Movement, that was spawned by the British "High Priesthood" of the Oxford Movement, whose agents later formed the Moonies [note: EIR always blames British intelligence, although in the Mau Mau operation it's likely to be accurate]."
- December 5, 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, 'Who created the Jones cult - and why': "In Brig. Gen. Frank Kitson's book, Gang-Countergang Warfare, [he] describes the methods he employed to crush the Mau Mau in Kenya. After capturing Mau Mau tribesmen whom he paraded as "defectors," Kitson organized synthetic Mau Mau gangs, putting his own men in black face, who carried out murderous raids upon villages sympathetic to the original Mau Mau aims.
- Jomo Kenyatta bio: Secretary Kikuyu Central Association in Kenya, the representative body of the Kikuyu, Kenya's largest tribe, within the colonial British government, 1922-1929. In London February 1929 - September 1930 as representative of the Kikuyu Central Association. Had a meeting with Kenya's colonial governer, Edward Grigg, at the Rhodes Trust. Always had trouble paying his bills, also later on. Spent time in Moscow in Summer - October 1929. Strongly involved with the Communist Party of Great Britain.
In London and Europe again in the May 1931 - September 1946 period. Attended meetings of the Fabian Society in the summer of 1931. In June he visited Geneva, Switzerland, to attend a conference on African children run by the Save the Children charity (likely already financed by the Rockefellers or Carnegies). Got deeper involved with communism. Involved in the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers in Soviet Moscow, under the influence of his friend and pan-Africanist George Padmore until 1935.
Student and linguistic informant at University College London (UCL) 1935-1937. Due to a grant of the Rockefeller Foundation-financed International Institute of African Languages and Cultures (later known as the International African Institute; its reports were funded by the Carnegie Corporation), Kenyatta was able to take a social anthropology course at the London School of Economics (LSE). This required the specific approval of Rockefeller protege Bronislaw Malinowski, head of LSI's social anthropology, because Kenyatta was missing the minimum requirements. Elspeth Huxley, married into the famous Huxley family, was among his classmates. David Rockefeller was studying at LSI in 1938, as was JFK.
Kenyatta became a protege of Malinowski. In 1938 Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd published his book, Facing Mount Kenya, the foreword written by Rockefeller man Malinowski. Strangely, although maybe not with the Rockefellers so closely involved, Kenyatta promoted Kenyan nationalism with his book by painting tradiotional Kikuyu tribe culture as preferable over European Democracy. In the book he even provided a rather positive picture of female genital mutilation, a long-time practice of his tribe.- August 1985, Helena Wayne Malinowska for American Ethnologist, 'Bronislaw Malinowski: The Influence of Various Women on His Life and Works', pp. 529, 536: "Bronislaw Malinowski ["Bronio"], my father, was strongly influenced by women all his life... Bronio's star rose. In 1926 he spent six gloriously successful months as guest of the Rockefeller Foundation in the USA. ... In these months in America Malinowski visited and was feted by universities and other institutions in many states... When the sponsorship of the Rockefeller Foundation ended, he [briefly went to] the University of California at Berkeley. ...
I suppose the most famous [student of Malinowski at LSE] now is Jomo Kenyatta, to whose book Facing Mount Kenya [1938] my father wrote the introduction." - June 13, 2017, blogs.lse.ac.uk, 'Bronislaw Malinowski – LSE pioneer of social anthropology': "On 1 August 1927 [one year after his Rockefeller Foundation sponsorship], Bronislaw Malinowski took up the Chair in Social Anthropology at LSE,[1] the first of its kind in London. ... He established the School as a key centre in Europe of the study of what were then referred to as 'primitive peoples'. ...
The 1927 Anthropology Chair was one outcome of [Laura Spelman] Rockefeller [the wife of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.] largesse towards LSE social sciences.[9] Malinowski was no passive beneficiary, however: Cox has observed that he was 'an extraordinary entrepreneur', bringing influential people to the School, making contacts with the Colonial Office, and generally propagating, in LSE's pragmatic idiom, the practical uses of anthropological research [such as how to best negotiate and trade with Africans]." - January 2, 1935, French-language letter of Marcel Mauss to Alfred Radcliffe-Brown (translated): "I know of Malinowski's despotism. Rockefeller's weakness with regard to him is probably the cause of his success. ... His big work on magic and agriculture will surely be a very good exposition of the facts. This is what he excels at. And the subventions from Rockefeller for a whole army of stooges which he has had at his disposal will certainly have allowed him to have done something definitive."
- 1938, Jomo Kenyatta, Facing Mount Kenya, p. XVII: "It was my friend and teacher, Professor Malinowski, who made this [book and my scientific thinking] possible for me through the International Institute of African Languages and Culture..."
- 1935 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, PDF p. 370: "International Institute of African Languages and Cultures, London, England: $60,000 [$1.1 million in 2018]." This institute was also financed in 1929, 1930, 1931, 1934.
- August 1985, Helena Wayne Malinowska for American Ethnologist, 'Bronislaw Malinowski: The Influence of Various Women on His Life and Works', pp. 529, 536: "Bronislaw Malinowski ["Bronio"], my father, was strongly influenced by women all his life... Bronio's star rose. In 1926 he spent six gloriously successful months as guest of the Rockefeller Foundation in the USA. ... In these months in America Malinowski visited and was feted by universities and other institutions in many states... When the sponsorship of the Rockefeller Foundation ended, he [briefly went to] the University of California at Berkeley. ...
- Jomo Kenyatta bio continued: During World War II Kenyatta evaded military conscription by taking an agricultural job while living in Sussex, England. Spoke at the 5th Pan-African Conference in October 1945 in Manchester, an anti-colonialist body organized by his old socialist/communist mentor George Padmore and Ghanan socialist independence leader Kwame Nkrumah (overthrown in a CIA assisted coup in 1966 under LBJ). Returned to Kenya in 1946.
Appointed president of the Kenya African Union, the political body of the indigenous Africans, during the annual meeting of June 1947. Created alliances with all other indigenous tribes and even Indians living in Kenya by building a relationship with India's prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The minority whites in Kenya were increasingly abandoned by England's Labour government, wanted minority white rule and sought an alliance with apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia. They despised Kenyatta. As president of the Kenya African Union looking for peaceful resolutions, Kenyatta strongly denounced the murderous African nationalist Mau Mau rebellion that targeted both whites and black Africans opposing them. This rebellion started in 1952. Much like Nelson Mandela, Kenyatta was imprisoned for years, only to come out as the nation's first independence leader.- history.com/this-day-in-history/kenyatta-jailed-for-mau-mau-uprising (accessed: August 23, 2018): "[Jomo Kenyatta] played little part in the Mau Mau uprising of 1952 but was imprisoned for nine years along with other nationalist leaders. Upon his release in 1961, Kenyatta became president of the Kenya African National Union and led negotiations with the British for self-rule. In 1963, Kenya won independence, and in 1964 Kenyatta was elected president. He served in this post until his death in 1978."
- 2012, Bridgette Kasuka, 'Prominent African Leaders Since Independence', p. 64: "Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, as he was popularly known ... is credited with leading Kenya to independence and setting up the country as a relatively prosperous capitalist state. He pursued a moderate pro-Western, anti-Communist economic philosophy and foreign policy. ... [He] also oversaw Kenya's admission into the United Nations. ... The biggest beneficiaries of "land reform" were his fellow Kikuyus and his own family. ... He failed to mould Kenya ... into a homogeneous multi-ethnic state. [It] remains a de-facto confederation of competing tribes.
Jomo Kenyatta was the uncle of Ngethe Njoroge, Kenya's first representative to the United Nations and the great uncle of Tom Morello, the guitarist of Rage Against The Machine. His niece, Beth Mugo, married to a retired ambassador, is a member of parliament and currently serves as Minister of public health."
- Reportedly Kenyatta ended up on the payroll of the CIA:
- February 19, 1977, Washington Post, 'White House Reviewing Intelligence Operations': "The Dalai Lama [a decades-long globalist Rockefeller ally], the exiled god-king of Tibet, was on the CIA payroll for some time after he fled to India in 1959 to escape the Communist Chinese take over of Tibet... It is also not known if these payments continue.
The sources said that there are six to eight other leaders of countries who have at one time or another received covert payments from the CIA.
It was learned, meanwhile, that the court-censored manuscript of a book by two former government intelligence officers named [King] Hussein [of Jordan - and also part of the CIA's Cercle group] along with [the Rockefeller Foundation-educated] Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Joseph Mobutu of Zaire [of the Prince Bernhard-Rockefeller-Rothschild-Bechtel-tied 1001 Club], Forbes Burnham of Guyana [on whose watch the 1978 CIA-tied Jonestown massacre took place], Nuguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam [who was a reported CIA drug trafficking partner] and Willy Brandt of West Germany as national leaders who had secret financial relationships with the CIA." - 2018, Godfrey Mwakikagile, 'Africa in Transition: Witness to Change', p. 147: "Godfrey Mwakikagile, 'Africa in Transition: Witness to Change': "Many leaders who led their countries to independence, including Jomo Kenyatta... were on the CIA payroll; so was Kenyatta's heir apparent Tom Mboya [the mentor of Obama's father]. They were the founding fathers, eyt sellouts, bought by the CIA. Even Emperor Haile Selassie, a revered figure and symbol of African independence and resistance to foreign rule... was on the CIA payroll. ...
But there were exceptions such as Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Ahmed Sekou Toure, Patrice Lumumba, Modibo Keita, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Ahmed Ben Bella, Milton Obote, Kenneth Kaunda, Muammar Gaddafi and Marien Ngouabi; and later, Robert MUgabe, Samora Machel, Agostinho Neto, Jerry Rawlings, Murtala Muhammed and Thomas Sankara. They did not succumb to CIA temptations." - 2009, Godfrey Mwakikagile, 'Africa 1960 - 1970: Chronicle and Analysis', p. 643: "Even some of Africa's eminent leaders, Jomo Kenyatta and Emperor Haile Selassie, were on the CIA payroll. The CIA also had a large staff in Nairobi including a number of Kenyan government officials besides Kenyatta himself... In fact Nairobi has always been one of the CIA's main stations in Africa. ... But the largest CIA station in Africa was in Kinshasa when Mobutu was in power."
- February 19, 1977, Washington Post, 'White House Reviewing Intelligence Operations': "The Dalai Lama [a decades-long globalist Rockefeller ally], the exiled god-king of Tibet, was on the CIA payroll for some time after he fled to India in 1959 to escape the Communist Chinese take over of Tibet... It is also not known if these payments continue.
- 2001 report, Soros Foundations Network, p. 176: "The New York City Community Initiative was established to provide exceptional grassroots organizations... Funding to the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement supported community-organizing activities in central Brooklyn."
- mxgm.org (accessed: May 2, 2018): "White-supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism have been at the root of our people's oppression. ... We will continue to fall victim to genocide. ... We are building a network of Black/New Afrikan activists and organizers committed to the protracted struggle for the liberation of the New Afrikan Nation – By Any Means Necessary!"
- mxgm.org (accessed: May 2, 2018): "Chapters: Atlanta, Detroit, Fort Worth - Dalles, Jackson, New Orleans, New York, Oakland."
- malcolmxbanquet.com/about_us (accessed: May 2, 2018): "Community Aid and Development Corporation (CAD) sponsors the Annual Malcolm X Banquet along with the Atlanta chapter of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. ... We are a member of the Georgia Black United Fund. ... The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM) [exists to] promote self-determination in our community and nation."
- Georgia Black United Fund: ga-buf.org/sponsors.html (accessed: May 2, 2018): "We'd like to take the time to highlight and thank some of our premier sponsors below. Coca-Cola [for decades controlled by Warren Buffett]. Autotrader. Alcatel-Lucent. [Etc.]"
- Malcolm X, a Muslim extremist who, unlike Martin Luther King, rejected integration and purely non-violent resistance, was assassinated in 1965, three years before Nelson Rockefeller-funded Martin Luther King:
- July 23, 2017 YouTube upload by "Malcolmsrevenge", "Malcolm X, Do You Hate All White People?" (1963)': "Mr. Mohammed teaches us to love our own kind and to let the white men take care of themselves. For a white man today, sir, after kidnapping, millions of black people from Africa, stripping them of all human characteristics... I think that it would take a whole lot of nerve for white people today to ask negroes do they hate them."
- July 23, 2017 YouTube upload by "Malcolmsrevenge", "Malcolm X, Do You Hate All White People?" (1963)': "The white man pays Reverant Martin Luther King... so that [he] can continue to teach the negros to be defenseless. That's what you mean by being non-violent. Be defenseless in the face of one of the most cruel beasts that has ever taken people into captivity. That's the American white man. And they have proved it throughout the country by the police dogs and the police clubs. A hundreds years ago they used to put on a white sheet and use a blood hound against negros. Today they have taken off the white sheet and put on police uniforms. ...
- May 7, 2011 YouTube upload by 'Raymond Fisher', 'Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Debate': "[Malcolm X:] Just as Uncle Tom back during slavery used to keep the negros from resisting the blood hound or resisting the Ku Klux Klan by teaching them to love their enemy or pray for those who use them despitefully, today, Martin Luther King is just a 20th century, or modern, Uncle Tom."
- Quite literally "Black Power Camps" / "Black Panther Camps" founded in October 2016 by famous "taking a knee" NBA star Colin Caepernick. The organization's ten-point plan was inspired by the Black Panther Party.
- Funders:
- June 4, 2020, Breitbart, 'Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to Give $3 Million to Colin Kaepernick's Social Justice Group': "[June 4, 2020 tweet of @jack [Dorsey:] More #startsmall grants. $3mm to Colin @Kaepernick's @yourrightscamp "to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization to elevate the next generation of change leaders.""
Ironically, while he made this pledge, Dorsey continued to allow Anonymous to incite Black Lives Matter rioting and looting on its reactivated Twitter channel.
- June 4, 2020, Breitbart, 'Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to Give $3 Million to Colin Kaepernick's Social Justice Group': "[June 4, 2020 tweet of @jack [Dorsey:] More #startsmall grants. $3mm to Colin @Kaepernick's @yourrightscamp "to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization to elevate the next generation of change leaders.""
- Based on a handful of available letters, Nelson Rockefeller contributed at least $239,000 in 2018 dollars to Martin Luther King's efforts in the 1960s. Rockefeller also organized at least one additional fundraiser for King at the Rockefeller's Pocantino retreat and his Rockefeller Brothers Fund helped coordinate the Voter Registration Project with King and allies. Rockefeller Brothers Fund also paid for the Martin Luther King memorial at Morehouse College, along with other foundations.
- August 15, 1962 from New York City governor Nelson Rockefeller to Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Dear Dr. King: I enclose a personal contribution of $5,000 to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.... I hope this interim support will be helpful. In the meantime, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund is in touch with the Southern Regional Council and will be following developments as to the voter registration drive being conducted by SCLC and others."
- August 22, 1962 letter from Martin Luther King, Jr. to New York City governor Nelson Rockefeller: "My dear Friend: This is just a note to express my deep personal appreciation to you for your contribution of $5,000 [$41,000 anno 2018] to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. ... You have proved to be a real friend to all of us engaged in this struglle. ... Your constant moral and financial support are of inestimable value for the continuance of our humble efforts. ... I hope to see you soon. In fact, I think we are to be together on September 7."
- February 5, 1964 from New York City governor Nelson Rockefeller to Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Dear Martin: My son, Rodman, has told me that he is hoping that you will be able to attend a luncheon at Pocantino Hills on Saturday, February 29th, in connection with the raising of funds for the Urban League of Westchester County and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. ... We will definitely be there Saturday afternoon and were hoping that you and Mrs. King would give us the pleasure of having dinner with us that evening and spending the night at our house."
- November 1, 1965 letter from Martin Luther King, Jr. to New York City governor Nelson Rockefeller: "We will be eternally grateful to you for taking time out ... to serve our humble church. ... Let me also express my appreciation to you for the generous contribution of $25,000.00 [$198,000 in 2018] that you are making to our new tax exempt society to the $25,000.00 that I am donating from the Nobel Peace Award. ... The Gandhi Society for Human Rights [will be] a significant source for good... I can assure you that our organization could not make it withhout friends like you, and neither could I."
- Martin Luther King Jr., the NAACP's Roy Wilkins and Leslie Dunbar of the Field Foundation and Norman Foundation in the 1960s created the Voter Education Project, responsible for registering two million African American voters. Dunbar hired (the black) Vernon Jordan, Jr., to head the Voter Education Project. Jordan soon after joined the board of trustees Rockefeller Foundation, became a very close ally of the Clintons, became one of the most regular Bilderberg attendees, and to this day is a leading superclass member.
- Morehouse College, where Martin Luther King, Sr. sat on the board:
- 1968 review, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "Morehouse College — $250,000 toward the College's. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Fund..."
- morehouse.edu/kingcollection/supporters.php (accessed: April 28, 2018): "The Morehouse [Martin Luther] King Collection gratefully recognizes the generous support of its institutional sponsors which include Goldman Sachs, the Ford Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation."
- 2017, Meryl Gordon, 'Bunny Mellon: The Life of an American Style Legend': "The death of Martin Luther King jolted Paul Mellon out of genteel complacency. ... Bunny [his wife] had been concerned about racial equality ever since her childhood, when she saw the distressing photos of the workers' living conditions at her father's cotton mill. Paul would ultimately pour $300 million into scholarships for minorities..."
- Added here after learning that Hollywood actor Samuel L. Jackson was an usher at the funeral of Martin Luther King, was part of Bill Cosby's activist group that continued a protest that MLK had planned, and soon after lived in a Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), a group born out of the Nelson Rockefeller-supported Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC) of Martin Luther King:
- November 1, 2010, Michael Barker at Swans.com, 'Elite Philanthropy, SNCC, And The Civil Rights Movement': "In 1953 the Field Foundation first began supporting the NAACP, (6) while in the same year the Schwartzhaupt and Wiebolt Foundations began funding the Highlander Center [at least in later decades backed by Ford and Rockefeller Brothers Fund] "to initiate voter education projects in the deep South, thereby encouraging an approach that would later make Highlander into a 'movement halfway house' for the civil rights movement, providing leadership training and tactical advice to the Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC)." ... The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was founded in 1957 by Martin Luther King, Bayard Rustin, and Stanley Levinson, and the following year, Ella Baker set up their first office in Atlanta, becoming their first full-time executive secretary. ...
In late February of 1960 ... with $800 [$6,700 in 2018 dollars] of SCLC money, the prestige of Martin Luther King, the organizing wisdom of Ella Baker, and the enthusiasm of the rare young people who were leading the new student movement, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee [SNCC] was born. ...
By the late 1930s the philanthropic behemoth, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, had already diverted more than $250 million to institutions concerned with problems of race; while another key educational body for distributing elite philanthropy was the United Negro College Fund, founded in 1944 with the support of John D. Rockefeller Jr."
- November 1, 2010, Michael Barker at Swans.com, 'Elite Philanthropy, SNCC, And The Civil Rights Movement': "In 1953 the Field Foundation first began supporting the NAACP, (6) while in the same year the Schwartzhaupt and Wiebolt Foundations began funding the Highlander Center [at least in later decades backed by Ford and Rockefeller Brothers Fund] "to initiate voter education projects in the deep South, thereby encouraging an approach that would later make Highlander into a 'movement halfway house' for the civil rights movement, providing leadership training and tactical advice to the Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC)." ... The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was founded in 1957 by Martin Luther King, Bayard Rustin, and Stanley Levinson, and the following year, Ella Baker set up their first office in Atlanta, becoming their first full-time executive secretary. ...
- As it turns out, the SNCC also received Rockefeller funding, but in a more covert matter:
- June 25, 1965, Life magazine, 'Part II: The Making of the President--1964: How GOP Rivals Destroyed Themselves': "The Rockefeller family ... has abolitionist roots that go back through a century of American life. His great-grandfather Spelman had run a station of the Underground Railroad in Ohio before the Civil War, to help runaway slaves get to Canada. His family had endowed the first Negro women's college (Spelman). In all, they had given apprximately $80 million to negro causes and institutions. ... But his counelors moaned that even an abolitionist running for President would not go as far as Rockefeller went. If there were any hope of peeling off Southern delegates from Goldwater at the convention, why, WHY did he have to encourage the Negro revolution of 1963 in the South just at that time? Two gifts of $5,000 and $10,000 each to Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference were openly on record. But what was not announced was even more upsetting: a loan of $20,000, arranged through the Chase Manhattan Bank, to the firebrands of the revolution, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Principle demanded it. ... Principle had similarly demanded ... the politically unappetizing project of fallout shelters."
- The communist-socialist-globalist "liberal CIA" asset Howard Zinn - so big in Hollywood since the late 1990s through former neighbor Matt Damon and others - was one of the major leaders of the SNCC in the 1963-1967 period.
- SCLC director Ella Baker was the primary founder of the SNCC. The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights / Ella Baker Institute would later be financed by George Soros:
- April 26, 2007, OpenSocietyFoundations.org, 'Award-Winning Social Justice Leader to Speak at Luncheon Honoring New OSI-Baltimore Community Fellows': "Van Jones, a visionary, award-winning human rights lawyer who founded the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights... His organization, the Ella Baker Center, is a grantee of the Open Society Institute.""
- An important co-founder of the SNCC, Julian Bond, who also founded the elite-backed "anti-racist" Southern Poverty Law Center, developed rather close ties to the Ford Foundation. An even more key fact is that Bond, throughout the 1970s and 1980s, served on the board of the Africa-America Institute, along with major globalists as Vernon Jordan, Maurice Strong, and David Rockefeller's daughter, Peggy. This institute was initially financed by the CIA, although saw this taken over by the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations in the early 1960s to prevent a backlash. Bizarre communist-globalist controlled opposition asset Ramsey Clark served on the AAI's advisory board throughout the 1970s and 1980s. As for Bond's Ford Foundation ties:
- August 18, 2015, Equals Change Blog of FordFoundation.org, 'History was his story: A remembrance of Julian Bond': "While an undergraduate at Morehouse University in Atlanta, Professor Bond founded and led the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Rather than sitting comfortably in a classroom studying justice, he went to the street and demanded it, created it. ...The Southern Poverty Law Center, the Alabama-based organization Bond co-founded with Morris Dees...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke often of the "beloved community," and Julian [Bond] was its foremost ambassador—from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee... [He later called] for the African American community to embrace the cause of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters."
- August 18, 2015, Equals Change Blog of FordFoundation.org, 'History was his story: A remembrance of Julian Bond': "While an undergraduate at Morehouse University in Atlanta, Professor Bond founded and led the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Rather than sitting comfortably in a classroom studying justice, he went to the street and demanded it, created it. ...The Southern Poverty Law Center, the Alabama-based organization Bond co-founded with Morris Dees...
- In the June 1963 - January 1967 period, the SNCC, the SCLC, the NAACP and other groups all fell under the umbrella of the Council for United Civil Rights Leadership (CUCRL), set up with a huge amount of funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and various corporations:
- July 18, 1963, New York Times, 'Joint Negro Council Allocates $565,000 to Rights Groups'.
- July 27, 1963, New Pittsburgh Courier, 'Council for United Civil Rights Leadership: Where Are Negro Donors In $1,500,000 Campaign?'.
- naacpldf.org/press-release/ldf-hosts-75th-anniversary-alumni-reunion-ford-foundation (accessed: February 5, 2017): "On September 16, 2015, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) held an historic reunion at the Ford Foundation in New York City. The special 75th Anniversary celebration brought together over 200 esteemed attorneys... This event was made possible through the generous sponsorship of the Ford Foundation, a loyal supporter of LDF's work for many decades."
- A Ford Foundation grants list for the 2006-2016 period reveal 20 donations to the NAACP totaling roughly $10 million.
- naacpldf.org/news/george-soros-foundation-pledges-1-million-naacp-legal-defense-fund (accessed: February 5, 2017): "On March 26, 2013, financier and philanthropist George Soros announced a pledge of $1,000,000 to the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF)..."
- Civil rights (for blacks) NGO founded in 1910. Throughout the civil rights era of the 1950s and 1960s and beyond, the National Urban League was especially closely tied to the Rockefeller Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund, although foundations as Ford have also been instrumental in NUL support.
- 1998, Dennis C. Dickerson, 'Militant Mediator: Whitney M. Young Jr.', pp. 219-220: "Lindsley F. Kimball, who sponsored Young's candidacy to head the National Urban League, remained an important liaison with the Rockefeller Foundation. He served as a trustee of the foundation from 1947 through 1971 and its treasurer from 1959 through 1965. Kimball became a League trustee in 1959 and its president in 1964. Both terms ended in 1968. At the same time Young's relationship with the Rockefeller Foundation extended further. John D. Rockefeller III informed the League leader in 1968 that he had been elected to the Rockefeller Foundation board of trustees. In urging Young's acceptance, Rockefeller added, "It would mean much to me." ....
So impressive were his skills that the president of [the Rockefellers'] Standard Oil of Ohio offered Young a position in the company. [25] [Young] developed remunerative relationships for the National Urban League with the Rockefeller philanthropies, the Ford Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundatin, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York. ... Special programs gained financial support from such sundry sources as the Richard King Mellon, Field [CIA-linked through its head, Leslie Dunbar], and Stern Foundations. These and other philanthropies contributed $62,000 to the National Urban League in 1961 and $707,000 in 1966. Various foundations donated $2,900,000 in 1969... Much of Young's success with the foundation funding lay with the special ties between the League and the Rockefeller philanthropies. Although ongoing relationships with these important foundations predated Young, he extended them and drew to the League unprecedented financial support. Between 1941 and 1969 the Rockefeller Brothers Fund gave the NUL $1,518,184 ... Approximately $1,444,334 [of which] flowed into League coffers from 1961 through 1969. A similarly productive relationship occurred with the Rockefeller Foundation [receiving] between 1964 and 1971 ... $1,850,000..." - May 27, 1994, New York Times, 'Correction': "A brief article on Tuesday about the selection of Hugh B. Price to serve as president of the National Urban League misstated his employer. He is a vice president of the Rockefeller Foundation, not the Ford Foundation." Price was president from 1994 to 2003. Later a senior fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution and advisory board member of the Future of American Democracy Foundation.
- 2006-2017 Ford Foundation grants list: "National Urban League, Inc. 2008: $500,000 [and] $437,500. ... 2010: $200,000. ... 2011: $1,000,000. ... 2013: $250,000. ... 2014: $250,000. ... 2015: $125,000."
- 1998, Dennis C. Dickerson, 'Militant Mediator: Whitney M. Young Jr.', pp. 219-220: "Lindsley F. Kimball, who sponsored Young's candidacy to head the National Urban League, remained an important liaison with the Rockefeller Foundation. He served as a trustee of the foundation from 1947 through 1971 and its treasurer from 1959 through 1965. Kimball became a League trustee in 1959 and its president in 1964. Both terms ended in 1968. At the same time Young's relationship with the Rockefeller Foundation extended further. John D. Rockefeller III informed the League leader in 1968 that he had been elected to the Rockefeller Foundation board of trustees. In urging Young's acceptance, Rockefeller added, "It would mean much to me." ....
- Founded in 1971, the Southern Poverty Law Center is an American nonprofit legal advocacy organization specializing in civil rights and public interest litigation. It is noted for its legal victories against white supremacist groups as the KKK and Aryan Nations, its classification of hate groups and other extremist organizations, its legal representation for victims of what it classifies as hate groups, and its educational programs on what the group perceives to be "tolerance".
- While irrational KKK and Nazi-hate is bad, the Southern Poverty Law Center, as all liberal establishment-backed groups, is super pro-Muslim, super pro-black and super pro-Third World immigration, all the while ignoring the MUCH higher crime numbers associated with these groups, the incredibly high Sharia-law and anti-West feelings among ALL Muslims, evidence of genetically lower IQs among black people in general, and really the wishes of traditional Judeo-Christian and secular white civilization. In essence, like the entire liberal establishment, the group is acting as a major white guilt Fifth Column within western society. Obviously extremely anti-Donald Trump from the second he made himself available as a presidential candidate..
- Giant endowment of $303 million in 2016. Foundation support:
- discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6989 (accessed: January 30, 2017): "By the end of that [2010] fiscal year, [the Southern Poverty Law Center's] total assets amounted to $260,547,642. These funds were derived not only from many thousands of individual donors, but also from scores of charitable foundations. Among these are the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the J.M. Kaplan Fund, the Minneapolis Foundation, George Soros's Open Society Institute, the Ploughshares Fund, the Public Welfare Foundation, the Vanguard Public Foundation, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. To view a list of additional SPLC funders, click here."
- discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=1716 (accessed: January 30, 2017): "Additional funders of the Southern Poverty Law Center: ... J.P Morgan Chase Foundation ... Jay Pritzker Foundation ... Skoll Foundation..."
- October 7, 2012, Capital Research, 'Southern Poverty Law Center: Wellspring of Manufactured Hate': "SPLC's leaders are among the highest paid in the nonprofit field. As Chief Trial Counsel, Morris Dees receives $343,676. Richard Cohen, the Center's president, is paid $339,764. ... SPLC boasts many high-dollar donors. The top 10 for recent years are: Picower Foundation ($3,813,112, 1999 – 2008) [founded in 1989 by Jeffrey Picower; deeply linked to the Bernie Madoff scandal; 2009, Erin Arvedlund, 'Too Good to Be True: The Rise and Fall of Bernie Madoff': "In 2007 ... the Picower Foundation revealed that Madoff had served on three of its boards and that all of the foundation's money had been invested with [this] one man..."; restarted in 2014 under his wife Barbara Picower, with Theodore Roosevelt IV on the advisory board] ... Rice Family Foundation ($535,000, 1999 – 2010) [Charles E. Rice was a founding CNP governor in 1982; great opponent to Governor Nelson Rockefeller's election as vice president of the U.S. in 1974 over the issue of abortion; worked for decades under chief Rockefeller man Theodore Hesburgh at Notre Dame Law School]; Rockefeller Philanthropy ($510,000, 2008 – 2010)..."
- Rockefeller Foundation, 2013 Form 990: "Southern Poverty Law Center ... Matching gift ... $150"
- May 15, 2009, The Nation, 'King of the Hate Business': "What is the arch-salesman of hate-mongering, Mr. Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center doing now? He's saying that the election of a black president proves his point. Hate is on the rise! Send money! ... [Southern Poverty claims] millions of extremists [are] primed to march down Main Street draped in Klan robes, a copy of Mein Kampf tucked under one arm and a Bible under the other..."
- Founded in 1981 as the TransAfrica Forum. Renamed in the 2000s to simply TransAfrica.
- TransAfrica used to be largely focused on ending Apartheid in South Africa. By the turn of the century, the group also was linked the idea of having the U.S. government pay reparations to descendants of transatlantic slaves:
- March 3, 1985, Los Angeles Times, 'Boycotting South Africa': "The cultural boycott of South Africa ... is frightening because Harry Belafonte and his cohorts (Trans-Africa and Artists and Athletes Against Apartheid) are now using the same techniques they abhor themselves. ... If entertainers do not do exactly as they say and espouse their political beliefs with respect to South Africa, they will be targeted for public embarrassment and economic sanctions. ...
Why doesn't TransAfrica and Belafonte target the major film studios for listing on the U.N. blacklist? All of them do business with South Africa by selling their films over there." - August 27, 2001, NPR, 'Making Amends; Debate Continues Over Reparations for U.S. Slavery': "Read TransAfrica President Randall Robinson's Restatement of the Black Manifesto, calling for slave reparations, from his book, The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks. ... [The Rockefeller-financed Martin Luther] King called instead for "a check that will give (African-Americans) upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.""
- March 3, 1985, Los Angeles Times, 'Boycotting South Africa': "The cultural boycott of South Africa ... is frightening because Harry Belafonte and his cohorts (Trans-Africa and Artists and Athletes Against Apartheid) are now using the same techniques they abhor themselves. ... If entertainers do not do exactly as they say and espouse their political beliefs with respect to South Africa, they will be targeted for public embarrassment and economic sanctions. ...
- Actor Danny Glover joined the board of TransAfrica in the 1990s and became chairman in 2002. He still was chairman when the website of TransAfrica went down in mid 2018 due to an unpaid ISP bill:
- transafricaforum.org/about/index.shtml (accessed: August 17, 2000): "Established in 1981, TransAfrica Forum (1) provides substantive commentary and scholarship on policy issues related to Africa and the Caribbean and (2) educates Americans, in general, and African Americans, in particular, on such topics as human rights, democracy, and global economic policy. ...
Board of Directors: Edward Lewis -- Chairman. Publisher and Chief Executive Officer Essence Communications. ... Danny Glover ... Charles Ogletree, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School..." - ransafricaforum.org/about/index.shtml: (accessed: February 6, 2002; first capture with Glover chairman): "Danny Glover -- Chairman... Edward Lewis, Chairman and CEO, Essence Magazine... Bill Fletcher -- President [senior staffperson in the national AFL-CIO; Senior Scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies; an editorial board member of BlackCommentator.com]..."
- transafricaforum.org/about/index.shtml (accessed: August 17, 2000): "Established in 1981, TransAfrica Forum (1) provides substantive commentary and scholarship on policy issues related to Africa and the Caribbean and (2) educates Americans, in general, and African Americans, in particular, on such topics as human rights, democracy, and global economic policy. ...
- Financing:
- 2000 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, pdf page 30 of 78: "TransAfrica Forum, Washington, D.C., $40,151 toward the costs of a series of cultural exchanges between Cuba and the United States entitled, "Afro American Cuba.""
- 2004 grants list, Tides Foundation: "TransAfrica Forum: $50,000."
- latinojustice.org/about/about.html (accessed: June 8, 2009): "LatinoJustice PRLDEF Funders: Carnegie Corporation of New York. Ford Foundation. ... Open Society Institute ... Time Warner..."
- May 26, 2009, The American Spectator, 'Sotomayor's Radical Legal Group Helped Kill the Estrada Nomination': "President Obama's radical new nominee to replace Associate Justice David Souter on the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor, used to serve on the board of LatinoJustice PRLDEF...
A search of philanthropy databases reveals other significant donors to LatinoJustice to be Carnegie Corporation of New York ($1,025,000 since 2000), Ford Foundation ($2,280,000 since 2001), Rockefeller Foundation ($1,275,000 since 2000), and JPMorganChase Foundation ($70,000 since 2001)."
- 2014-lauched group that burst into the alternative media limelight through its October 30, 2017-launched ad in which a pick up truck driver with a rebel flag was trying to run down a group of immigrant children: Latino, Muslim, black.
- latinovictory.us/staff/ (accessed: October 30, 2017): "President: Cristobal previously served as Hillary for America's National Deputy Director of Voter Outreach and Mobilization... Prior to launching Latino Victory with Henry R. Munoz III and Eva Longoria, Cristobal spent more than five years in philanthropy serving at both the Open Society Foundations and the Ford Foundation. During that time Cristobal led more than $60M in investments designed to increase political participation in communities that have been historically excluded from our democracy."
- latinovictory.us/national-committee/ (accessed: October 30, 2017): "Julissa Arce: ... contributor for CNBC and the Huffington Post. ... Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch...
Nathaly Arriola: ... served the Obama Administration in the White House as Press Secretary...
Cecilia Cabello: ... She was tapped as Hillary for America's California State Director during the 2016 general campaign and California Deputy Political Director for the 2016 primary campaign. ...
Teresa Chaurand: ... served as the Special Assistant to the President [Obama] for the Outreach & Recruitment Team...
[Etc.]" - In 2018 George Soros was the largest donor to Latino Victory:
- Opensecrets.org, 'Latino Victory PAC: Donors': "Contributors, 2018 cycle: ... Soros Fund Management: ... $200,000 [plus] $150,000 [plus] $150,000... "
- Latino Victory also holds marches protesting further Global Warming.
- The oldest surviving Latino civil rights organization in the U.S., founded in 1929.
- LULAC appears to be primarily financed by corporate contributions, but it does maintain long-standing partnerships with key foundations:
- discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6189 (accessed: February 11, 2017): "LULAC receives funding from the AT&T Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Institute, and the Verizon Foundation."
- 2004, lulac.org, 'All for One & One for All: A Celebration of 75 Years of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)', pp. 62: "In 1957, Tijerina, as LULAC president, appeared before the Texas State Board of Education to sell the idea of preschool language training for Hispanic American children. ... Seeking in later years to expand the Little Schools of the 400, Tijerina went to the Ford Foundation, which offered to contribute $100,000..."
- lulac.org/advocacy/issues/education/ccss/ (accessed: February 11, 2017): "LULAC has leveraged the support of partners like the Helmsley Charitable Trust, Univision, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, AFT, and NEA, to help advance the interests of Latino children."
- November 2013 newsletter, lulac.org, 'LULAC Invited to Present at Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Key Partner Convening in St. Petersburg, Florida – Nov. 21-22, 2013': "Thanks to the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, LULAC National's education policy team has been able to continue advocating on behalf of Latino children. "
- lulac.org/about/corpall/ (accessed: February 11, 2017): "Anheuser-Busch Inc. AT&T Services, Inc. Bank of America. ... Comcast ... Exxon Mobil. Ford Motor Company ... General Motors ... Nissan-Americas ... PepsiCo. Pfizer Inc. Shell ... The Coca-Cola Company. ... Walt Disney ... Time Warner ... Toyota ... Walmart..."
- Encyclopedia Britannica: britannica.com/topic/Mexican-American-Legal-Defense-and-Education-Fund (accessed: February 10, 2017): "MALDEF [is a] legal-aid resource and activist organization established in 1968 by Mexican American lawyers in San Antonio, Texas, with help from a grant by the Ford Foundation. Modeled on the Legal Defense Fund of the NAACP..."
- Carnegie Corporation grants database on Carnegie.org (accessed: February 10, 2017): "Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. ... 2015: ... $1,500,000. ... 2014: ... $1,000,000. ... 2009: ... $300,000. ... 2007: ... $250,000."
- 2010 annual report, Joyce Foundation: "Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund: ... $75,000." Barack Obama used to serve as a trustee of the Joyce Foundation.
- Founded in 1968, the NCLR is the largest Latino nonprofit advocacy organization. It advocates in favor of progressive public policy changes including immigration reform, a path to citizenship for immigrants living in the country illegally, and reduced deportations. The NCLR has various local chapters in major cities and is headquartered in Washington, D.C.
- December 2007, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'The National Council of La Raza: Mainstreaming Its Agenda', p. 6: "La Raza's current biggest donor is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has given it $20,822,840 since 2000, according to philanthropy database Foundation Search. ... La Raza also continues to be funded by the Ford Foundation ($10,615,000 since 1999) ... Mott Foundation ($3,070,000 since 1999), ... MacArthur Foundation ($2,475,000 since 1999), Annie E. Casey Foundation ($1,635,358 since 2002), W. K. Kellogg Foundation ($1,072,000 since 2002), George Soros's Open Society Institute ($1,060,000 since 1999), Carnegie Corporation of New York ($925,081 since 2002), and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation ($455,137 since 2003).
Corporate foundations generously fund La Raza as well. Grantmakers include the PepsiCo Foundation ($3,665,790 since 2001) [etc.]" - 1998 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation: "National Council of La Raza ... $100,000..."
- 2003 annual report, National Council of La Raza, p. 30: "NCLR Contributors: ... Alcoa Foundation ... Annie E. Casey Foundation ... Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ... California Endowment. Carnegie Corporation ... Mott Foundation. ChrevonTexaco ... DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund ... Packard Foundation ... Du Pont ... Ford Foundation ... Joyce Foundation. IBM. The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation ...Lockheed Martin ... Bradley Foundation... [numerous other corporations]"
- nclr.org/index.php/support_us/ corporate_partner_opportunities/ corporate_board_of_advisors/(accessed: February 10, 2017): "Since 1982, NCLR has benefited from the expertise of its Corporate Board of Advisors... American Airlines. AT&T. Bank of America. Chevron Corporation. ... Coca-Cola ... Ford Motor Company. General Mills, Inc. General Motors. ... McDonald's ... PepsiCo, Inc. ... Shell ... Time Warner Inc. Toyota ... Walmart."
- Labor rights umbrella group founded in July 2001 with more than three dozen nation-wide member groups, most of them advocacy groups for Latin American immigrants - legal or illegal - into the United States. Examples of groups:
- CASA Latina (Seattle, WA).
- Central American Resource Center (Los Angeles, CA).
- Centro Cultural (Cornelius, OR).
- Centro Legal de la Raza (Oakland, CA).
- Centro Humanitario Para Los Trabajadores (Denver, CO).
- Hispanic Resource Center (Mamaroneck, NY).
- Jornaleros Unidos de Freehold (Freehold, NJ).
- La Raza Centro Legal (San Francisco, CA).
- Proyecto de los Trabajadores Latino Americanos (Brooklyn, NY).
- Union Latina de Chicago.
- Congreso de Jornaleros de Nueva Orleans.
- Hispanic Center of Ossining.
- Voces de la Frontera (Milwaukee, WI).
- Wind of the Spirit/Viento del Espiritu (Morristown, NJ).
- Finances:
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "National Day Laborer Organizing Network: ... 2006: $200,000. ... 2007: $250,000. ... 2008: $500,000. ... 2009: $100,000 [plus] $676,000. ... 2010: $850,000. ... 2011: $100,000. ... 2012: $1,250,000 [plus] $254,000. ... 2012: $254,000. ... 2013: $450,000. ... 2014: $1,200,000. ... 2015: $400,000."
- George Soros' Open Society Foundations grants database at opensocietyfoundations.org (accessed: April 24, 2017): "
National Day Laborer Organizing Network. ...
Year: 2010. Location: Los Angeles, CA. Amount: $187,500. ... Year: 2011. Location: Los Angeles, CA. Amount: $325,000 ..."
- votolatino.org/supporters (accessed: February 10, 2017): "Supporters: Foundations: The Ford Foundation. Open Society Institute. California Endowment. ... Knight Foundation. Mitchell Kapor Foundation. ...
Corporate Partners: iTunes. Pfizer. PG&E. Southwest Airlines.
Media Partners: AOL/Huffington Post ...
Community Partners: ... LULAC: League of United Latin American Citizens. MALDEF ... NAACP. NALFO: National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations. NALEO: National Association of Latino Elected Officials. ... National Council of La Raza ... Project Vote... "
- Founded in 1980 by the Princeton-educated James Zogby, the brother of the famous polling agency owner whose Arab American Institute is backed by George Soros and the Carnegie Corporation. Zogby has beena major Democrat Party operative who supported Bernie Sanders and then Hillary Clinton.
- discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6173 (accessed: February 11, 2017): "ADC receives financial backing from the Boston Foundation, the General Motors Foundation, the Public Welfare Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation, and the Joseph R. and Helen Shaker Family Foundation. The group has also received Saudi funds through third parties such as mosques and charitable organization."
- ADC presidents Hamzi Moghrabi, Hala Maksoud and James Abourezk have defended Jihadist terrorist group Hezbollah and Hames.
- The ADC has supported Michael Moore and Cynthia McKinney.
- Originally called the American Sufi Muslim Association.
- The American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) was founded in 1997 by the couple Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan.
- asmasociety.org/about/b_dkhan.html (accessed: May 19, 2010): "Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is Chairman of the Cordoba Initiative, an independent, multi-national project that works to "Re-connect the Muslim World and the West." In 1997, Imam Feisal founded the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA), the first Muslim organization committed to bringing American Muslims and non-Muslims together... For the past 25 years, he has been Imam of Masjid al-Farah, a New York City mosque. Currently, he sits on the board of Trustees of the Islamic Center of New York. ...
Imam Feisal appeared regularly at the Council on Foreign Relations and the World Economic Forum (Davos), and in national and international media such as CNN, BBC, The New York Times, Washington Post, Frontline and Foreign Policy. ...
most recently, along with his wife, Daisy Khan [they] were the recipients of the Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Award... - asmasociety.org/about/b_dkhan.html (accessed: May 19, 2010): "Daisy Khan, [until 2014] Executive Director and Co-Founder, American Society For Muslim Advancement. ... ASMA [is] a New York-based non-profit dedicated to strengthening an expression of Islam based on cultural and religious harmony and building bridges between Muslims and the general public. At ASMA, she has led numerous interfaith events... She has launched two groundbreaking flagship programs: the Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow (MLT) and Women's Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality (WISE), global movements to empower Muslim youth and women.
She has appeared on numerous media outlets, including CNN, Al Jazeera, and BBC World's Doha Debates, and she often contributes to documentaries on Islam and Muslims. She is a weekly columnist for the Washington Post's "On Faith" and is frequently quoted in print publications such as Time Magazine, Newsweek, Chicago Tribune, and the New York Times."
- asmasociety.org/about/b_dkhan.html (accessed: May 19, 2010): "Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is Chairman of the Cordoba Initiative, an independent, multi-national project that works to "Re-connect the Muslim World and the West." In 1997, Imam Feisal founded the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA), the first Muslim organization committed to bringing American Muslims and non-Muslims together... For the past 25 years, he has been Imam of Masjid al-Farah, a New York City mosque. Currently, he sits on the board of Trustees of the Islamic Center of New York. ...
- asmasociety.org/about/p_support.html (accessed: May 19, 2010): "- Carnegie Corporation of New York. - Ford Foundation. - Rockefeller Brothers [Rockefeller Foundation]. - Rockefeller Philanthropy [Advisors]. - Rockefeller Brothers Fund. ... - Henry Luce Foundation. ... - The Ms. Foundation."
- asmasociety.org (accessed: June 3, 2015; right column external links): "Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow (MLT) ... WISE Muslim Women..."
- Chicago-based community center founded in 1995 to help the local Arab population with schooling, integration, etc. It also fights racial profiling. Starting in 2016, AAAN became deeply involved in organizing anti-Trump protests:
- aaan.org (accessed: February 15, 2017): "Day 5 of the resistance to Trump's executive orders: press conference and protest at Chicago's Department of Homeland Security. ... #NoMuslimBan #Not1More #RealSanctuary...
On Wednesday, February 1st, outside the offices of the Department of Homeland Security in Chicago, thousands again will take to the streets calling on Trump to rescind his executive order, for the release of all detainees in Chicago and across the country... for an end to the criminalization of Black and other people of color, and for an end to all detentions and deportations.
Conveners and supporters: Arab American Action Network, Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Chicago, Organized Communities Against Deportations, United African Organization, Korean American Resource and Cultural Center, PASO-West Suburban Action Project, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, National Immigrant Justice Center, U.S. Palestinian Community Network, Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, Chicago Teachers Union, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Arab American Family Services, Syrian Action Network, Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, American Muslims for Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace-Chicago, Centro de Trabajadores Unidos, Black Lives Matter-Chicago, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare Illinois and Indiana, United Working Families, Fight for 15-Chicago, elected and appointed officials, and many other advocacy, immigrant rights, and legal groups."
- aaan.org (accessed: February 15, 2017): "Day 5 of the resistance to Trump's executive orders: press conference and protest at Chicago's Department of Homeland Security. ... #NoMuslimBan #Not1More #RealSanctuary...
- Small, but important to mention because this little club, apart from its Chicago-based anti-Trump protests, ties deeply into the network of Barack Obama before he became president. Obama was good friends with the founder and president of the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), Mona Khalidi, and her husband Rashid Khalidi, a first-rate Rockefeller Foundation-backed elitist who can be found at the Journal of Palestine Studies of the Institute for Palestine Studies. Obama also helped finance the AAAN through the Woods Fund, on which board he and Bill Ayers sat.
- aaan.org/board.html (accessed: April 28, 1999): "Board of Directors: Mona Khalidi, President..."
- woodsfund.org/about-foundation/past-board-of-directors (accessed: February 15, 2017): "Past Board of Directors: ... William C. Ayers*: Board of Directors 1999-2008. ... Barack Obama*: Board of Directors 1994-2002 [chair in 1998]."
- 2012, David Horowitz, 'The New Leviathan', p. 33: "In 2001 and 2002, when Obama was serving on its board, the Woods Fund gave $110,000 in grants to the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), the organization headed by Khalidi's wife, Mona."
- woodsfund.org/grantmaking/community-organizing/2015-awards (accessed: February 15, 2017): "Arab American Action Network: General operating support. $27,250."
- Other backing to the AAAN has come from the National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC) and the Center for Arab American Philanthropy (CAAP), both of which are backed by foundations as Ford, Open Society (Soros), Kellog and Youthspark (Microsoft):
- 2012 annual report, NNAAC, pp. 6, 10: "Member organizations: ... Arab American Action Network... Advisory Board 2013: ... Hatem Abudayyeh, Executive Director, Arab American Action Network..."
- 2012 annual report, CAAP: "2012 Community Grantmaking Recipients: ... Arab American Action Network..."
- April 21, 2015, InsidePhilanthropy, 'A Foundation Of, By, and For Arab Americans': "Center for Arab American Philanthropy: ... $5,000 in 2014 to the Chicago-based Arab American Action Network to support an anti-racial-profiling campaign led by the nonprofit's youth-advocacy staff."
- sparkplugfoundation.org/past-grants (accessed: February 15, 2017; foundation often listed in conjunction with the major ones in cases of supposed discrimination): "Arab American Action Network: ... Training and empowerment for Arab American youth to fight oppression, profiling and discrimination. $10,000.00 ... 2006 Fall..."
- Founded months after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to support Arab groups in New York.
- January 2017, Asra Nomani for tje Women in the World blog of the New York Times, 'Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 'partners' of the Women's March on Washington' "Another Soros grantee and march "partner" is the Arab-American Association of New York, whose executive director, Linda Sarsour, is a march co-chair. When I co-wrote a piece, arguing that Muslim women don't have to wear headscarves as a symbol of "modesty," she attacked the coauthor and me as "fringe.""
- arabamericanny.org/our-supporters-1/ (accessed: February 11, 2017): "North Star Fund. Proteus Fund... New York Foundation. New York Immigration Coalition. National Network for Arab American Communities. Unitarian Universalist Association."
These NGOs all receive major financing from foundations as Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller or are closely allied to them in the financing of many other projects. - Received $13,500 in the 2011-2013 period from the Center for Arab American Philanthropy, which is partnered with the Kellogg Foundation, Mott and Microsoft foundations.
- Founded in 1985 by the Princeton-educated James Zogby, the brother of pollster John Zogby, who has served as president since.
- James Zogby is a member of the executive committee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
- October 15, 2016, James Zogby for "liberal CIA" media outfit Huffington Post, 'Why I Support Hillary Clinton': "I was deeply involved with the Bernie Sanders' campaign. ... I not only oppose Donald Trump, I find him to be the most frightening figure to emerge on the political scene in my lifetime. On October 14, 2016, the Washington Post summed up the case against Trump in one sentence describing him as "bigoted, ignorant, deceitful, narcissistic, vengeful, petty, misogynistic, fiscally reckless, intellectually lazy, contemptuous of democracy, and enamored of America's enemies". They concluded by noting that "as president, he would pose a grave danger to the nation and the world"."
- In the late 1970s James Zogby was a founding member of the Palestine Human Rights Campaign. In 1980 he co-founded the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.
- Examples of establishment grants to the Arab American Institute:
- Soros' Open Society Foundations: April 15, 2002, opensocietyfoundations.org press release, 'OSI Announces Post 9/11 Grants': "Arab American Institute Foundation: $75,000..."
- opensocietyfoundations.org: "Arab American Institute Foundation ... 2008 ... $75,000. ... 2009: ... $150,000. ..."
- Carnegie Corporation: carnegie.org grants database (accessed: February 10, 2016): "2005, Arab American Institute Foundation, $118,000 ... 2007, Arab American Institute Foundation, $200,000. ..."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "The Arab American Institute Foundation ... 2009: $75,000."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2007-2016: "The Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality: ... 2009: $140,000. ... 2011: $200,000. ... 2013: $200,000 ... 2015: $100,000..."
- centeraap.org/about-us/partner-organizations/ (accessed: February 11, 2017): "The Center for Arab American Philanthropy ... funders: W.K. Kellogg Foundation. C.S. Mott Foundation. Microsoft Youthspark [sister of the Bill Gates Foundation]."
- CAIR has been primarily financed by Rahim Sabadia, the president of defense contractor Sabtech Industries. Sabadia, a member of the Council of Pakistan-American Affairs and board member of the One Nation Foundation, lost his security clearance after controversy about CAIR emerged.
- In 2012, Omar Zaki, Sabtech's former executive vice president, was elected CAIR's national chairman. Before that, Zaki sat on CAIR's board of trustees. In 2011 he appeared on Fox News to talk about the Muslim Brotherhood's role in Egypt.
- The Sabadia Family Foundation donates primarily donates to Muslim charities, but they also include:
- 2005, Form 990, Sabadia Family Foundation: "
Council on Amer. Islamic Relations [CAIR] ... 122,800. ...
Elanor Roosevelt ... 1,000...
Pacifica Radio ... 100. ..." - 2008, Form 990, Sabadia Family Foundation: "
Council on Amer. Islamic Relations [CAIR] ... 77,000. ...
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors ... 200,000. ..." - 2009, Form 990, Sabadia Family Foundation: "
Council on Amer. Islamic Relations [CAIR] ... 197,000. ...
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors ... 100,000. ...
Doctors Without Borders [chaired by Dr. Richard Rockefeller, the son of David Rockefeller] ... 1,000. ..."
- 2005, Form 990, Sabadia Family Foundation: "
- More financing/backing of CAIR:
- July 6, 2006, cair.com press release, 'CAIR Participates in Dialogue on Migration in Italy': "A representative of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) recently took part in a week-long symposium on migration issues at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study and Conference Center at Lake Como, Italy. At the symposium, co-sponsored by the German Marshall Fund (GMF) and Rockefeller Foundation, CAIR National Legal Director Arsalan Iftikhar took part in a panel discussion on "Law Enforcement and Community Relations." Speakers at the event included representatives of the European Union, Georgetown University, the United Nations and other international leaders, academics and intellectuals."
- October 18, 2016, Capitalresearch.org, 'Keeping Up with CAIR's Islamic Radicalism': "Information about CAIR's revenue sources is surprisingly difficult to come by. IRS filings reveal donations to CAIR by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors ($30,000 since 2008), Silicon Valley Community Foundation ($90,000 since 2008), and Tides Foundation ($5,000 since 2002).
CAIR was founded in 1994 by Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad, and Rafeeq Jaber. The three men were linked to the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), which was established by senior Hamas operative Mousa Abu Marzook and created to serve as Hamas' public relations and recruitment arm in the United States. CAIR opened an office in Washington, D.C., by using a $5,000 grant from the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), a charity that the Bush administration closed down in 2001 for collecting money "to support the Hamas terror organization.""
- Terrorism-related convictions of CAIR employees:
- Bassem Khafagi: CAIR's community affairs director who in 2003 was deported back to Egypt on bank and visa fraud charges.
- Abdurahman Alamoudi: CAIR board member sentenced to 23 years in prison in 2004 for directing at least $1 million to Al Qaeda. Vocal supporter of the struggle of Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel.
- Randall Todd Royer: CAIR civil rights director sented to 20 years in prison in 2004 on weapons and explosives charges.
- Ghassan Elashi: Co-founder CAIR Texas. Sentenced to a 7-year prison in 2005 on terrorism-related charges.
- Rabih Haddad: CAIR Ann Harbor fundraiser who was arrested in 2001 on illegal weapon possession and deported back to Lebanon.
- CAIR has been under investigation by the FBI for many years for its ties to Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.
- October 7, 2008, Dallesnews.com, 'FBI: CAIR is a front group, and Holy Land Foundation tapped Hamas clerics for fundraisers'.
- January 30, 2009, Fox News, 'FBI Cuts Ties With CAIR Following Terror Financing Trial': "The FBI is severing its once-close ties with the nation's largest Muslim advocacy group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, amid mounting evidence that it has links to a support network for Hamas."
- December 15, 2015, Breitbart, 'FBI Chart and Documents Portray CAIR as Hamas-Related Organization'.
- May 28, 2014, Middle East Forum, 'Rahim Sabadia: Portrait of a Disgraced Defense Contractor': "The most notorious SFF [Sabadia Family Foundation] grantee was the Holy Land Foundation itself, which collected $3,300 in 2001, the year that federal authorities finally shut it down [over Hamas support]. Also enjoying Sabadia's generosity in 2001 was the American Muslim Foundation, which pocketed $700. That organization was led by the high-profile Islamist Abdurahman Alamoudi, who is now serving a long prison term following his role in an international assassination plot. Additionally, the SFF has gifted $1.177 million (2001–12) to Islamic Relief USA, which is a subsidiary and funder of Islamic Relief Worldwide, a charity that, according to an Americans for Peace and Tolerance report, "has multiple associations with Hamas fundraising and with the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in the U.S., Europe, and Sudan." The SFF's roster of beneficiaries also betrays a fondness for radical mosques and imams."
- CAIR has promoted the usual "Islamophobia" agenda:
- discoverthenetworks.org/printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=6176 (accessed: February 11, 2017): "Contending that American Muslims are the victims of wholesale repression, CAIR has provided sensitivity training to police departments across the United States, instructing law officers in the art of dealing with Muslims respectfully. ...
Along the same lines, a civil suit filed by the estate of 9/11 victim and former high-ranking FBI counter-terrorism agent John O'Neill, Sr. asserted that CAIR's goal "is to create as much self-doubt, hesitation, fear of name-calling, and litigation within police departments and intelligence agencies as possible so as to render such authorities ineffective in pursuing international and domestic terrorist entities."" - September 24, 2012, Frontpage Magazine, 'Terrorist? Don't Ask, Don't Tell The new Obama administration protocol putting the nation at risk': "Federal Bureau of Investigation agents are to be instructed that "mere association with organizations that demonstrate both legitimate (advocacy) and illicit (violent extremism) objectives should not automatically result in a determination that the associated individual is acting in furtherance of the organization's illicit objective(s)," the touchstone document states. ...
Such an evidentiary threshold may be appropriate for a criminal trial, but it sets the bar far too high for mere investigations. This new rule no doubt provides aid and comfort to the much-investigated phony civil rights group known as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
After first handcuffing FBI agents investigating terrorism, the touchstone document also invokes the gods of political correctness by making FBI agents afraid of being called "racist" – even though almost all Islamic terrorism suspects come from the same part of the world."
- February 5, 2016, New York Foundation (nyf.org) blog, 'Confronting Islamophobia in America Today': "Last Tuesday, foundation colleagues, government officials, and community leaders came together for an urgent convening to address the recent escalation of anti-Muslim rhetoric that is affecting New York's Muslim community. Co-sponsored by the Ford Foundation, the New York Community Trust , Philanthropy New York, and the New York Foundation, Confronting Islamophobia in America Today was a six-hour event..."
- Founded in 2005 as an offshoot of the National Association of Muslim Lawyer. Muslim Advocates' executive director Farhana Khera cooperated closely with Soros' Open Society Foundations in setting up programs that pushed for the closing of Guantanamo Bay, abolishing torture and extraordinary rendition programs, warrentless surveillance, and a reduction of ethnic profiling.
- Muslim Advocates also pushes the Islamophobia agenda:
- December 7, 2015, muslimadvocates.org, 'Anti-Muslim Bigotry Rises Alongside Hateful Rhetoric': "[picture of two white well-to-do senior citizens holding up signs "Stop attacks on Muslims!" and "Stop Anti-Muslim Bigotry"]
In the wake of the Paris attacks, hate crimes against American Muslims continue to increase at a disturbing rate. Many of you have shared news about incidents of anti-Muslim bigotry and hate across the country. These incidents occur in an "open season" to attack American Muslims, created in part by xenophobic and divisive rhetoric from public officials and other public figures."
- December 7, 2015, muslimadvocates.org, 'Anti-Muslim Bigotry Rises Alongside Hateful Rhetoric': "[picture of two white well-to-do senior citizens holding up signs "Stop attacks on Muslims!" and "Stop Anti-Muslim Bigotry"]
- Financing:
- October 10, 2016, Frontpage Magazine, 'Soros Money, Muslim Advocates Leader, Helped Weaken Homeland Security Policies': "Muslim Advocates [has received] $1.8 million in grant money from George Soros's Open Society Foundations...
Muslim Advocates' Executive Director Farhana Khera [largely created] the National Security and Human Rights Campaign (NSHRC)... Papers released by the anonymous hacker group DC Leaks show that OSF budgeted $21 million for the NSHRC from 2008-2010. OSF spent an additional $1.5 million in 2010. The NSHRC also received a matching $20 million contribution from Atlantic Philanthropies... NSHRC's goals included: - Closing Guantanamo Bay [etc.]." - opensocietyfoundations.org/ (accessed: February 11, 2017): "Muslim Advocates. Year: 2008. Amount: $200,000. ... Year: 2009. Amount: $320,000. ... "
- 2006-2017 Ford Foundation grants list: "Muslim Advocates... 2006: $100,000. ... 2008: $100,000. ... 2009: $200,000. ... 2011: $200,000. ... 2013: $150,000. ... 2014: $415,000. ... 2017: $600,000."
- October 10, 2016, Frontpage Magazine, 'Soros Money, Muslim Advocates Leader, Helped Weaken Homeland Security Policies': "Muslim Advocates [has received] $1.8 million in grant money from George Soros's Open Society Foundations...
- www.nnaac.org (accessed: February 11, 2017): "Now is the time to resist! Take on hate! ... Trump's ban on Muslims, shut down of borders criminalize our communities..."
- 2012 annual report, National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC), pp. 3, 10: "NNAAC supporters: Ford Foundation ... Four Freedoms Fund ... Open Society Foundations ... Proteus Fund... Advisory Board 2013: ... Hatem Abudayyeh, Executive Director, Arab American Action Network..."
- The controversial proposal to build a giant mosque combined with "interfaith center" at Ground Zero was initiated by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the founder of American Society for Muslim Advancement, under the Cordoba Initiative. Rauf's ASMA had been backed since its founding in 1997 by the Carnegie Corporation, Ford Foundation, the various Rockefeller foundations, and other Eastern Establishment foundations. Rauf, along with his wife, also was and is involved in elite think tanks as the CFR and Davos. Both are leading crusaders against "Islamophobia".
- Due to widespread dissatisfaction, the building of the Ground Zero mosque was canceled.
- Daisy Khan, a regular speaker in the media on "Islamophobia", is executive director of the Women's Islamic Initiative for Spirituality and Equality (WISE). She used to work on the 106th floor of the World Trade Center as project manager for Shearson Lehman Brothers. In 1997, with her husband, she founded the Eastern Establishment-backed American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA), of which she was executive director until 2014.
- wisemuslimwomen.org/muslimwomen/bio/daisy_khan/.
- Pro-Palestinian charity founded in 1996.
- adalah.org/en (accessed: February 12, 2017): "- Will Israeli public security minister face criminal probe for racist incitement against Arab citizens? ...
- Israeli government transfers authority over state land to private body that advances rights of Jewish citizens only ...
- New law lets Israel expropriate private Palestinian land ...
- Bedouin kids have no school bus stops, posing danger to their lives ..." - adalah.org/en/content/view/8268 (accessed: Julyn 2, 2015; still available anno 2021 with OSF still listed, but many others removed): "Donors: Ford-Israel Fund (USA). Open Society Foundations (USA). OxfamNOVIB (The Netherlands) [Oxfam is Ford Foundation, etc. backed and Prince Bernhard was co-founder and chair of OxfamNOVIB]. The European Commission. New Israel Fund... UN Development Programme (UN) ... (The pooled funds of Switzerland (the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)), Denmark (the Royal Danish Representative Office to the PA), Sweden (the Swedish International Development Cooperation (Sida)) and the Netherlands (Netherlands Representative Office to the PA)..."
- August 15, 2016, Times of Israel, 'Soros email hack reveals plans to fight 'racist' Israeli policies': "The group obtaining the most money [from OSF] is Adalah, a legal rights group for Arab Israelis, which received a total of $2,688,561 over the period [2001-2015]."
- Pro-Palestinian charity founded in 1979. Slogan: "Defending Human Rights in Palestine since 1979."
- January 20, 2015, Insidephilanthropy.com, 'These Funders Haven't Given Up on the Palestinians, or Hopes of Peace': "A few foundations in the U.S. and Israel cling to hope—not just the hope for peace, but the vision of a liberal and democratic Palestinian state. They include the Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations [OSF]... OSF money goes to Al-Haq, a group focused on promoting human rights and the rule of law in the Occupied Territories."
- February 12, 2016, Opensocietyfoundations.org, 'How Businesses Profit from Israeli Settlements': "Al-Haq is a grantee of the Open Society Foundations."
- alhaq.org/about-al-haq/donors (accessed: February 12, 2016): "Minister for Foreign Affairs and trade of Ireland ... Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ... Open Society Institute ( OSI) ... Federal Government of Belgium ... ICCO Cooperation ... Spanish Agency of International for Development Cooperation ( AECID) ... UNDP..."
- al-shabaka.org/about/: "Al-Shabaka, The Palestinian Policy Network, is an independent, non-partisan, and non-profit organization whose mission is to educate and foster public debate on Palestinian human rights and self-determination..."
- March 27, 2016, New York Daily News, 'Promoting peace or assaulting Israel? The Rockefeller Brothers Fund supports groups that encourage or participate in the BDS movement': "The movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel (BDS), which singles out the Jewish State among all nations to delegitimize and isolate, continues to gather steam. ...
Why does the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, a premier philanthropy based in Manhattan, finance non-governmental organizations intent on annihilating the Jewish state? ...
In the words of Palestinian BDS leader Omar Barghouti, "A return for refugees would end Israel's existence as a Jewish state." ...
Middle East Policy Network, aka Al-Shabaka, received $100,000 from RBF in 2015. In 2013, Al-Shabaka hosted a conference called "Political Agency for Palestinian Return," arguing that anti-Israel boycotts are "the most effective and strategic campaign for refugee return."" - 2016 annual report, Al-Shabaka: "Major donors: ... Foundations: Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Hassib J. Sabbagh Foundation [named after a CFR member and financier; founder Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC), a firm partnered with the Bechtels, SRI and Saudis; close friend of Arafat]. American Friends Service Committee [in turn financed by the Kellogg Foundation, George Soros' Open Society Foundations, and the Tides Foundation]. Heinrich Boell Stiftung [finances a ton of projects alongside the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford and MacArthur foundations].
Supporting donors: ... Alfred Khoury and Dina Rizk Khoury [family helped set up and run CCC]... "
- July 23, 2011, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 'Ford Foundation still funding anti-Israel groups': "As [the] Ford [Foundation] was announcing its decision not to support the 2009 anti-racism forum [in Durban], its Web site touted a 2008-09 grant for $305,000 to the Arab NGO Network for Development, which features a map on its Web site that fails to note the existence of Israel. One of the two Palestinian members on its coordination committee is the pro-boycott Palestinian NGO Network, or PNGO, a key organizer at Durban."
- This group, and its many allied antifa groups, was found out about by this author in May 2024 while studying the University of Amsterdam "student" protests against the looming Israeli invasion of Rafah, . There were many (recognizable) oddities about the protests. The "student activists" continually seemed to look like bums, came across as mentally handicapped, much of the time didn't even speak the Dutch language, resorted to intimidation of the press, had trouble expressing their political positions, and didn't allow ordinary protestors to talk to the press (a common trend), with even dedicated "spokespersons" often refusing to do so, certainly in case of "conservative CIA"-type media outlets as Pow Ned.
- As it turns out, a certain young, white, handsome Raoul Koudijs, a few years before a Ph.D. candidate in computer sciences at the University of Amsterdam, was the main spokesman of the May 2024 protests at the campus of the University of Amsterdam, and its related Roeterseiland campus -- organized under the banner of the "Amsterdam Student Encampment".
- May 6, 2024, AT5, 'Tegendemonstranten veroorzaken opstootje bij demonstratie Roeterseiland' (video interview with "Raoul, spokesperson Solidarity Camp"): "There came a group of, yeah, anti-Palestinian activists. They threatened us. They punched me in my face [no mark is seen]. With other people they even brought a torch into their face, risking burns. We have tried to show them the door in the most peaceful manner possible. That luckily worked." Note: footage clearly shows an Arab face of one the "anti-Palestinians" throwing torches when his scarf falls off, so it may well be that they were Arab radicals.
- May 8, 2024, NRC, 'Politie treedt niet op tegen pro-Palestijnse betogers op UvA-campus: een ‘overwinning’ voor de betogers, die zich klaarmaken voor overnachting': "Raoul Koudijs (27) treedt op als woordvoerder van de demonstranten. Hij was maandag ook aanwezig bij het protest op Roeterseiland..."
- instagram.com/amsterdam.encampment/ (accessed: May 11, 2024). First post on May 6: "Students of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Amsterdam University College (AUC), and the Vrije Universiteit (VU), are taking back this campus in solidarity with the people of Palestine... For seven months, and as a barbaric escalation of almost a century of Zionist colonial violence in Palestine, Israel - with the complete material and moral support of the Dutch government and society - has been destroying hospitals and schools, killing civilian men, women, and children, blocking humanitarian aid, and committing countless war crimes with no repercussions."
- On October 24, 2023 - so two weeks after the genocidal Hamas attack on Israel - Koudijs signed a hopelessly biased letter of the antifa Aralez Foundation (stichtingaralez.com) calling Israel a genocidal state. Apart from about 200 white and Arab names, the letter also was signed by about two dozen obscure antifa organizations:
- stichtingaralez.com/tag/dekolonisatie/ (accessed: May 11, 2024; /vision/): "Western civilization is built on colonialism and has institutionalized genocide and ecocide, in a drive against all life on earth."): "October 24, 2023 [so two weeks after the genocidal Hamas attack on Israel]. 'Statement: Voor Gelijke Rechten in Historisch Palestina'.
... Het huidige bloedbad komt niet uit de lucht vallen. Het Israëlische leger heeft altijd open en bloot de gehele bevolking van Gaza onder vuur genomen onder de Dahiya doctrine. ... Tijdens de ‘Great March of Return’ (2018-9), toen inwoners van Gaza ongewapend en vredig, zonder enige betrokkenheid van Hamas, naar de Israëlische bezetting muur liepen, werden ze massaal afgeslacht. ... De staat Israël is in 1948 opgericht door de etnische zuivering van 720.000 Palestijnen. ... Ondertekend door de volgende individuen: ... Raoul Koudijs...
Ondertekend door de volgende organisaties: #IkBekenKleur. 7th Gen Creatives. Access Denied Agency. Afrogrooves. AstaroTheatro. Black Rennaissance. CTRL+ALT+IDENTITY. Decolonial International Network. Dekolonisatie Netwerk. Den Haag BIJ1. Disarming design from Palestine. Emcemo. Equal Trade Alliance. Feminists Against Ableism. Hindostaans & Queer Histori Bersama. Lectoraat Sociale Rechtvaardigheid en Diversiteit in de Kunsten. AHK. Mas Newen. Migrante Netherlands. Ngangitie Schal. Regeneratie coöperatie. Rotterdam BIJ1. Samidoun Palestijnse Gevangenen Solidariteitsnetwerk. Seniorengroep Voor Elkaar Leiden. Stichting 3 mei, een liefdevol verzoek. Subjective Editions."
- stichtingaralez.com/tag/dekolonisatie/ (accessed: May 11, 2024; /vision/): "Western civilization is built on colonialism and has institutionalized genocide and ecocide, in a drive against all life on earth."): "October 24, 2023 [so two weeks after the genocidal Hamas attack on Israel]. 'Statement: Voor Gelijke Rechten in Historisch Palestina'.
- Turns out, the Aralez Foundation was founded by the brothers Chris Kaspar de Ploeg and Max Arto de Ploeg. Chris is a social sciences University of Amsterdam alumni. He was the "lead organizer" of the prominent 2015 Maagdenhuis ("liberal CIA") / University of Amsterdam occupation (in which Max also was deeply involved), became a major Amsterdam antifa organizer, and developed plenty of "liberal CIA" ties. Whatever the role of Chris de Ploeg was in the May 2024 University of Amsterdam protests/riots (in succession of the wave in the U.S.), in the opening stages of the protest/riot on May 6, 2024 he did sign a militant anti-Israel petition with 3,697 others named 'Gaza Solidarity Encampment Amsterdam: No Police Violence on our Campus'. Other signers included professors of the University of Amsterdam. Raoul Koudijs somehow was not included in the list.
- Nov. 27, 2022, It's Just a Ride podcast, episode 11: Chris de Ploeg: "... Onderzoeksjournalist Chris de Ploeg. ... Ps. Chris is de jongere broer van Max, onze gast in aflevering drie!"
- stichtingaralez.com/our-team/2/ (accessed: May 11, 2024): "Chris Kaspar de Ploeg: Cofounder & coordinator. ... Max Arto de Ploeg: Cofounder & coordinator.
Chris Kaspar de Ploeg (1994) is an investigative journalist, grassroots organizer, speaker, moderator and author of Ukraine in the Crossfire. He has worked with [strongly U.S. and Dutch "liberal CIA"-tied] Platform Authentieke Journalistiek and [Prince Bernhard Cultuurfonds and VSB Bank-funded] De Groene Amsterdammer and his work has been published in various other media. Chris was a lead organizer in the historic student movement of 2015 that occupied the humanities faculty and the managerial headquarters of the University of Amsterdam for nearly two months, under the banners of De Nieuwe Universiteit and the University of Colour. After he graduated cum laude from Amsterdam University College, with a major in the social sciences, Chris went on to work as a cultural-societal programmer at Studio/K, where he has organized with dozens of grassroots groups to bring social justice events to the neighborhood of East Amsterdam. Chris has also been a member of the Market Theater since 2019, both as a researcher and performer, to bring social justice theater for free to various local markets in Amsterdam." - chrisdeploeg.com/about/ (accessed: May 11, 2024): "His dozens of articles have appeared in various quality publications across the globe, such as De Groene Amsterdammer (NL), [the "liberal CIA"-tied] Follow the Money (NL), OneWorld (NL), De Wereld Morgen (BE), the Monthly Review (USA), [strongly U.S. and Dutch "liberal CIA"-tied] Covert Action Magazine (USA) and Dissident Voice (USA). Chris ... organised [with] Friends of the Congo, Students for Justice in Palestine, Free West Papua Campaign, HIJOS and many more. He is one of the co-founders and lead organizers for Arts of Resistance, a grassroots coalition bridging social movements and the arts, and for Aralez, a pan-decolonial foundation based in Amsterdam."
- authentiekejournalistiek.org/team/ (accessed: April 16, 2019): "Het vaste team van Platform Authentieke werkt regelmatig samen met andere freelance journalisten: Chris de Ploeg: ... In 2016 schreef Chris mee met Platform Authentieke Journalistiek aan een artikelserie over het EU associatieverdrag met Oekraïne. Hij was daarvoor ook actief bij de grootschalige studentenprotesten in Amsterdam van 2015, wat leidde tot verscheidene publicaties in De Groene Amsterdammer en De Omslag."
- covertactionmagazine.com/ author/chriskasperdeploeg/ (accessed: May 11, 2024): "'Weapons Are Not Helping: How Do We End the War in Ukraine?' ... 'Alarmism About China Distracts from Ongoing Western Imperialism'"
- April 16, 2022, Covert Action Magazine, 'Weapons Are Not Helping: How Do We End the War in Ukraine?': "Although Russia certainly did not start the eight-year-long war in Ukraine, Putin did massively expand the war zone ... It is no secret that neo-Nazis have been integrated into the Ukrainian Army, such as the Azov Battalion. ... Researchers on right-wing extremism in Europe and North America point out that many neo-Nazis are now heading to Ukraine to gain experience in warfare against Russia. It is not an inconceivable scenario that these fighters later return to their home country and open fire at a mosque."
- openletter.earth/gaza-solidarity-encampment-amsterdam-no-police-violence-on-our-campus-26044387: signed by 3698 people (accessed: May 11, 2024): ""On Monday May 6, a coalition of students from the University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, and Amsterdam University College have set up a Gaza solidarity encampment on the Roeterseiland campus in Amsterdam. Students demand that the universities fully comply with the Freedom of Information case so that their ties with Israeli institutions and companies are disclosed; that the universities cease all academic collaborations with Israeli institutions that participate in genocide, apartheid, and the exploitation of the Palestinian people and their land; and that the universities cease all contracts with and divest from Israeli companies, and international companies/funds, that profit from genocide, apartheid, and exploitation of the Palestinian people and their land. ...
We also recognize that students, like all of us, have been watching almost 7 months of live-streamed onslaught on Gaza while governments and institutions in the West have mostly remained silent, supported the Israeli war effort, repressed critiques of that war effort, displayed blatant double standards, disregarded international law, withheld humanitarian support for a war-stricken Gaza, and more generally lacked ethical leadership that rises to the occasion." ...
Signatures: ... 1. Enzo Rossi, Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam. 2. Lillian Cicerchia, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam. 3. Candida Leone, Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam. 4. Martijn Hesselink, Professor, European University Institute, Florence. 5. Sarah Bracke, Professor of Sociology of Gender and Sexuality, University of Amsterdam. 6. George Blaustein, Senior Lecturer, Universiteit van Amsterdam. 7. Dimitris Bouris, Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam [and ATHENA Jean Monnet Chair, which is funded by the EU]. 8. Ali Hamdan, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam. 9. Brunilda Pali, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam. 10. Marthe, Assistant professor, VU, Amsterdam. 11. Nathan van Kleij, Lecturer, University of Amsterdam. 12. Sirri, Lana, Researcher, University of Amsterdam. 13. Jan Teurlings, Assistant professor, Universiteit van Amsterdam. 14. Mirthe Jiwa, Lecturer, University of Amsterdam. 15. Federico savini, Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam. 16. Lisa Haushofer, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam. ... 19. Carolina M. Frossard, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam. 20. Joke Hermes, lecturer, University of Amsterdam. ...23. Michiel Leezenberg, Associate professor, University of Amsterda. 24. Mia Lerm Hayes, Prof., UvA, Amsterdam. 25. Mieke Lopes Cardozo, Associate professor, University of Amsterdam. ... 27. Valentina Carraro, asst. prof, UvA, Amsterdam. ... 32. Geraldo Vidigal, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam [etc., etc.]"
- Max Arto de Ploeg, Chris' older brother, also was deeply involved in the prominent occupation of the University of Amsterdam's Maagdenhuis, which already has been labeled "liberal CIA" for joint project funding with George Soros' Open Society Foundations and the Orange royal family:
- stichtingaralez.com/our-team/2/ (accessed: May 11, 2024): "Max Arto de Ploeg is a community builder, grassroot organizer, moderator, musician, teacher, and public speaker. His expertise is in colonial history, neo-colonialism, climate and racism. As an organizer he was the founder and program coordinator of the Decolonial School in Amsterdam (2016 period March-June) in which he was one of the lead organizers of the University Colour student movement for decolonization (2015-2016 period). After and during the Maagdenhuis occupation (2015), he was involved in setting up the Diversity Committee at the University of Amsterdam, where he worked as a student assistant and coordinator for Gloria Wekker during the committee’s investigation (2016-2017). He was a cultural & social programmer at Studio / K (period 2017-2018). Currently, Max works as an event organizer for an Inclusive City at Pakhuis de Zwijger and is the projectleader of the yearly Week Against Racism and Together Against Racism coalition in Amsterdam."
- Some articles on the May 2024 University of Amsterdam protests:
- May 7, 2024, De Telegraaf, '‘Na rellen UvA: ‘Dit waren niet alleen studenten’', words of Telegraaf reporter Marcel Vink, interviewed because he was onsite for some time: "Yeah, it is a bit of a question if they only were students. I myself do not think so. I have spoken someone who was there, and he was in particular suprised how well it was organized. It was very clear: people took charge. They were telling everyone, "You have to do this. You have to do this." So it was almost organized military-style, this person was saying. At the moment that a barricade was breached and people were scattered, regroupings very quickly took place. That is not something that the average student who demonstrates will do. So there are stories that this was so well organized that there weren't just students, but that there also were people - even called profi's [?] by someone - who attached themselves and really immediately took charge."
- May 7, 2024 YouTube upload by 'Omroep PowNed', 'Extremisten met leraren terug bij UvA: 'Schande van de politie!''. At 3:30 the reporter tries to interview an old eccentric-looking female professor of the University of Amsterdam that is making pictures of chanting hobo-looking antifa students who seem to have come from all over the place. Next a 35-year-old-or-so decently handsome University of Amsterdam professor is interviewed. He says the students shouldn't have been evicted by the police. When countered with "... after fireworks and stones were thrown at the police", the professors gets a look outrage and indignition on his face, and says, "I'm not going to comment. I wasn't there yesterday-evening." He keeps at that argument.
Next a woman is interviewed chanting "Cops off campus!" with a group of others, less than 1 foot away from the police. She only speaks American English and seems Muslim. Next the reporter interviews an Arabic-looking woman who says she speaks Dutch to which the reporter replies: "How chill that you can speak Dutch here for once." She has a very thick German accent though. When asked about the fireworks that force the police to remove the protestors, she says, "But it also a little how the media spins it. ... It was avery peaceful protest and then Zionists came... masked men [note: who actually were Arabic] who came to throw fireworks onto the protestants. And the police stood next to it and did nothing." The reporter goes: "I have also seen two Jewish people, not Zionists, who were being beaten up with a stick... what is manipulated about that story then?" She responds: "I think that the way you are asking me questions, is that you want to get a certain answer from me. You are not going to get them. [Do not] you use video with me." Next she turns it around saying she wants the University of Amsterdam to sever all ties with Israel. - May 8, 2024 YouTube upload by 'Omroep PowNed', 'Halsema na 24 uur overstag: UvA-extremisten geveegd door ME!'. Around minute one an independent man from the street is interviewed. A young man with Arafat scarf and a woman with rainbow colors stand in the background, observing him. The woman keeps making mocking faces. The guy does the same, but varies it a bit more. The man says, "We have it here about Free Palestina. I fully agree with that. [guy in background heavily nods in confirmation, but then mockingkly smirks and looks away again as the man continues:] But in order to come to a solution it may also be handy and good to let these people [hostages] free."
Next the reporter interviews the two activists. They refuse to say anything. Next a tall youth invades the space of the journalist, to intimidate him and block the cameraman, right in front of the police. He too says nothing, except purposely yawning to mock him.
Next masked activists walk up to the reporter, who says he received word that activists are specifically looking for Telegraaf and Pow Ned reports, to stick paraplus in his face. They block the camera in front of the police and go, "Call press information. ... We are just walking here too. We do not touch you! You touch us!" The police doesn't say or do anything, as the reporter is driving back 60 meters (likely on orders).
Next a representative of the antifa "organization", who is walking around a VVD MP (of the party of prime minister Mark Rutte) and to whom the reporter is continually referred, ignores the reporter and walks off.
Street stones have all been taken out of the street. Graffiti on monumental buildings read things like "No borders, no nations!" Activists are all chanting "Revolution!" A ton of activists dress like hobos with Arafat scarfs. Almost all are white. - May 10, 2024 YouTube upload 'Omroep PowNed', 'Halsema over aanval op PowNed: 'Ingrijpen was niet mogelijk!'': Protestors hold up signs, "Being against genocide has fuck all to do with anti-semitism, loser. Cease fire now.", "All eyes on Rafah!", and "Palestine with be free! From the river to the sea! Fuck Israel!" A Palestinian guy talks to the press, but is reprimanded from doing that. A white guy holding up the first sign eventually does talk to the media, actually is well-spoken and decently normal (a rarity), and explains protestors are afraid of their words being twisted and have not been treated the best by the media (which actually is not true).
- May 10, 2024, Het Parool, 'Paroollezers over UvA-protest: ‘Dat de UvA met gemaskerde activisten in gesprek gaat, is een gotspe’'.
- May 10, 2024, Nu.nl, 'Studentenraad UvA eist aftreden van universiteitsbestuur om aanpak protesten'.
- May 10, 2024, De Volkskrant, 'Universiteit en overheid, wees trots op betogende studenten'.
- Bizarrely, the brothers Max and Chris are 25% Portuguese-Jewish (their father looks Iberian white) and half Armenian, both people who experienced genocides, one by the Nazis, the other by the Turks. Both clearly are sons of low level social lawyer Denis de Ploeg (54 years old on Sep. 7, 2016):
- Nov. 27, 2022, It's Just a Ride podcast, episode 3: Max de Ploeg: "[At age 18 saw a clip about the U.S. prison-industrial complex and decided he wanted to do something about it.] I think I have a bit from my father. He has been social attorney for a very long time. That has now been wegbezounigd. He hasn't been able to do it for a long time in a manner that he thinks does right to the clients. He always is all-in. ... He decided to quit [after being forced to]. ... He himself is a white Nederlander. [Using the insulting term "white", not "blanch"] Half-Jewish-half-Dutchman. But due to the Holocaust he didn't get much Jewry while growing up. So basically Dutch-raised. .... But from that view, if you are a white man, higher educated, you don't experience certain things. ... So within a certain framework, he trying to bring justice. My view is a little bit more system-critical, and from colonialism, racism, etc. also looked at the world, and that is not something your really learn from the attorney-business. ... He has started to see that over time, so it's not like we are at fully opposing sides. ... Yes, he is half Portuguese Jewish and half Dutch, and my mother is Armemian,so that is where I have my skin and hair color to thank for. ... My family in Paris does speak Armenian [but I don't]. One thing I would like to do ... is to look at the Armenian Genocide from a more global context. ... I think the Armenian Genocide also had a lot to do with that Turkey at the time wanted to modernize, form a Nazi state. ... Dutch society saw me as a Moroccan or Turk. So you get the experience how that is.... Being followed in the supermarket because you might steal something. Not being able to get into clubs if you do not have white friends with you. [Comment: Max also slightly has a Turk/Morrocan accent to be fair.]
[At 2 hours he pushes the black Malidoma Patrice Somé from Burkina Faso as one of his favorite authors]..." - Nov. 27, 2022, It's Just a Ride podcast, episode 11: Chris de Ploeg: "I can give you a very concrete starting point [for my activism]. I remember that when I was 15, I had seen a documentary about the prison-industrial complex. Yeah, yeah, [Max said the same thing to you how it started for him.] He had shown it also to me. *Laughter* I had given a presentation at school and such. ... The prison-industrial complex ... also is about racial profiling. As a black man in the United States, you have six times as much chance of ending in prison than in Apartheid South Africa - just to provide a scale. [This is a strange comparison, because black people were not as free to do as they please as in the modern U.S., and were separated off from white society. Fact is, black crime around the world is much higher than white or any other race.]... [Max] has more dark skin color than I. He has a little bit more the color of my mother. I from my father. So he also has endured some racist experiences. ...
Even Obama, who really had a campaign in 2008 with the [financial] crisis that he would take on the banks, and afterwards his entire administration was filled with Goldman Sachs and Wall Street, you know? ... It's legal, but... Legality is totally not an argument for me. Slavery was legal too. So many scandalous things in history were legal. [Judicial] right very long has been a tool of might." - Sep. 7, 2016, Advocatenblad.nl, 'Bezuinigingen op rechtsbijstand: ‘Ik weet niet of we dit nog lang trekken’': "Denis de Ploeg (54), (foto) arbeidsrechtadvocaat bij Advokatenkollektief OOST te Amsterdam: ‘The 900 point limit is not that relevant to us. Our problem is of a completely different order. Many cuts have been made over time, including the 900-point limit. Furthermore, the rate per point has been reduced and with it the fixed compensation. The light cases have also been filtered out for us. ... This means that the heavy cases remain. These take a lot of time and we get far too few points for this. In 2015, we were paid an average of approximately 600 points per lawyer. And while almost ninety percent of our business is on an additive basis [meaning the government pays the lawyer]. I recently had an employment case for which I received eight points, even though it took me more than twenty-four hours. The continuous changes to regulations also make matters more complicated and the amount of work increases. I don't know if we can last much longer. You can keep cutting costs, but at some point it will stop. I also have my heart for those seeking justice. I already hear a lot from clients that they cannot pay their own contribution.'"
- akoost.nl/nieuws/symposium-europese-burgers-zonder-verdediging (accessed: May 12, 2024): "Juist deze burgers worden als gevolg van overheidsbezuinigingen geconfronteerd met tal van maatregelen waardoor zij in de problemen raken, terwijl de overheid aan de andere kant het recht op gefinancierde rechtsbijstand voor deze groep burgers steeds verder beperkt. Toegang tot het recht en goede en betaalbare rechtsbijstand is juist voor hen van groot belang. Een advocaat van ons kantoor, Denis de Ploeg, zal op dit symposium spreken. ... aeud.org [European Democrat Lawyers]..."
- akoost.nl/nieuws/advocatenwissel (accessed: May 12, 2024): "At the end of 2017, Denis De Ploeg left Advokatenkollektief Oost after many years of pleasant cooperation."
- rocketreach.co/denis-de-ploeg-email_41426386 (accessed: May 12, 2024): "Denis de Ploeg, based in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands, is currently a jurist JKC [Judicial Knowledge Center] at KCC UWV [Client Contact Center, Dutch Employee Insurance Agency], bringing experience from previous roles at KCC UWV and Advokatenkollektief Oost."
- Nov. 27, 2022, It's Just a Ride podcast, episode 3: Max de Ploeg: "[At age 18 saw a clip about the U.S. prison-industrial complex and decided he wanted to do something about it.] I think I have a bit from my father. He has been social attorney for a very long time. That has now been wegbezounigd. He hasn't been able to do it for a long time in a manner that he thinks does right to the clients. He always is all-in. ... He decided to quit [after being forced to]. ... He himself is a white Nederlander. [Using the insulting term "white", not "blanch"] Half-Jewish-half-Dutchman. But due to the Holocaust he didn't get much Jewry while growing up. So basically Dutch-raised. .... But from that view, if you are a white man, higher educated, you don't experience certain things. ... So within a certain framework, he trying to bring justice. My view is a little bit more system-critical, and from colonialism, racism, etc. also looked at the world, and that is not something your really learn from the attorney-business. ... He has started to see that over time, so it's not like we are at fully opposing sides. ... Yes, he is half Portuguese Jewish and half Dutch, and my mother is Armemian,so that is where I have my skin and hair color to thank for. ... My family in Paris does speak Armenian [but I don't]. One thing I would like to do ... is to look at the Armenian Genocide from a more global context. ... I think the Armenian Genocide also had a lot to do with that Turkey at the time wanted to modernize, form a Nazi state. ... Dutch society saw me as a Moroccan or Turk. So you get the experience how that is.... Being followed in the supermarket because you might steal something. Not being able to get into clubs if you do not have white friends with you. [Comment: Max also slightly has a Turk/Morrocan accent to be fair.]
- Pro-Palestinian civil rights group, founded in 1972.
- acri.org.il/eng/portal.aspx?id=1 (accessed: Oct. 3, 2008): "[Topics:] Right to Equality. Arab Citizens. Migration. ... Migrant Workers. LGBT Rights. ... Police Brutality. ... The Occupied Territories."
- english.acri.org.il/refugees-asylum-seekers (accessed: May 10, 2020): "ACRI actively protests the deportation or incarceration of asylum seekers and refugees, including children, from countries recognized as unsafe-- an abhorrent practice made legal by the Prevention Against Infiltration Law..."
- Funding:
- 2005 annual report, ACRI, p. 40: "Thank you. ... Our supporters ... We are especially grateful for the ongoing generosity and commitment of the New Israel Fund. [Donors:] Ford Foundation ... European Union ... Christian Aid ... New Israel Fund. ... [P. 9:] Gay and Lesbian Rights..."
- 2007 annual report, ACRI, p. 40: "Thank you. ACRI has many supporters...: Ford Foundation ... European Union ... British Foreign and Commonwealth Office ... Christian Aid ... American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). The New Israel Fund."
- ngo-monitor.org/ngos/ association_for_civil _rights_in_israel_acri_/ (accessed: Nov. 21, 2021): "Open Society Institute: ... 2019: ... 371,700 [NIS]..."
- Awarded: Gideon Levy (1996: Gideon Levy; Haaretz journalist who supports the one-state solution, mass Arab immigration, and always finds a way to exonerate Hamas terrorism).
- International movement that calls for divestment and sanctions against Israel over its treatment of Palestinians. It is very popular through social media.
- Funding comes from the Ford, Soros and Rockefeller Brothers Fund foundations, as well as the EU, UN and USAID:
- December 8, 2016, Times of Israel, 'The Rockefeller BDS empire, the New Israel Fund and campus anti-Semitism': "RBF provides hundreds of thousands of dollars to a number of organizations that delegitimize the Jewish state and promote the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, both on and off campus. These RBF’s BDS-promoting grantees that are active on American universities include Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Palestine Legal and the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).
Several of the RBF grantees promote agendas that deny Israel’s legitimacy and advocate “one-state” formulas designed to eradicate the Jewish state. Zochrot, for example, envisions a “de-Zionized Palestine,” while Adalah systematically works in the U.S. and Europe to label Israel as a fundamentally “racist” state. Additionally, Grassroots Jerusalem, Who Profits and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (formally the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation) are all leaders in BDS campaigns in the U.S. and internationally.
In other words, the New York-based fund has made the waging of economic, political and cultural warfare on Israel a central theme of its grant-making." - May 25, 2017, Tablet magazine, 'The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and BDS: How a storied philanthropy came to lend its legitimacy—and money—to groups that push boycotting Israel': "[David] Rockefeller was 98 years old by the time the BDS grants began. Rockefeller himself did not attend RBF board meetings, and only occasionally appeared at events connected to the Fund. ...
RBF began dispensing grants to institutions like Hebrew University, Just Vision, and Breaking the Silence in 2011. Daniel Levy, a minor Israeli diplomatic official during the negotiation of the Oslo Accord who since became a co-founder of J Street (and member of the group’s advisory board) and is now the London-based president of the U.S./Middle East Project, joined the RBF board in 2013. The board traveled to Israel and the Palestinian territories in early 2014 and met a range of activists and political figures on both sides of the Green Line. “The visit had profoundly changed members of the board,” Heintz said in a May 2016 interview. Nearly all of RBF’s funding for pro-BDS groups began within a few months of the trip. ...
There’s a certain irony that RBF is giving David Rockefeller’s money to groups that boycott the state of Israel. Beginning in 1951, Chase served as the Israeli government’s U.S. fiscal agent for State of Israel bonds. In 1964, when Rockefeller was Chase’s chairman, he faced down a boycott threat from the Arab League, which warned Rockefeller that it would add Chase to their boycott list if the bank didn’t halt its sale of Israel bonds. Rockefeller didn’t buckle under the pressure, and the Arab states never followed through on their threat. ...
I asked Debs whether Rockefeller had ever elucidated his views on the Israeli-Arab conflict. “He felt that the Israelis could do more, but he was fully supportive of anything toward the peace process,” Debs said. Rockefeller never went into specifics about his ideal solution to the conflict, though. “David wouldn’t do that.” ...
In 1970, Rockefeller quietly advocated a more “balanced” U.S. approach to the Israeli-Arab conflict and was part of a group of oil and banking executives that secretly met with Richard Nixon at the White House to urge that the United States reassess its alleged favoritism toward Israel. When news of the meeting leaked, future New York Mayor Ed Koch, then a U.S. congressman, released a statement blasting Rockefeller. Koch and Rockefeller later became friends, and going by his memoirs, Rockefeller was genuinely concerned about any perception that he was hostile to Israel: His first visit to the country was in March of 1971, a trip that was “one positive outcome of the Koch controversy,” Rockefeller wrote.
Rockefeller was a key figure in mainstreaming Jews into New York’s institutional life, ensuring Jews served on the boards of the Museum of Modern Art and Rockefeller University. Former New York Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch describes Rockefeller as “rather shy and unaggressive,” and credits him with helping to repair New York City’s finances in the 1970s, an effort in which Ravitch was also involved."
- December 8, 2016, Times of Israel, 'The Rockefeller BDS empire, the New Israel Fund and campus anti-Semitism': "RBF provides hundreds of thousands of dollars to a number of organizations that delegitimize the Jewish state and promote the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, both on and off campus. These RBF’s BDS-promoting grantees that are active on American universities include Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Palestine Legal and the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).
- NGO established by veterans of the IDF who criticize Israel's policy in the occupied territories.
- Financing:
- May 2, 2018, Anadolu Agency (Turkish newspaper), 'Soros denies funding Israel anti-deportation protests': "Soros ... has supported a number of NGOs with left-wing agendas, such as Breaking the Silence and B'Tselem."
- May 28, 2023, Jerulasem Post, 'Israel is experiencing NGO tax bill deja vu - analysis': "Breaking the Silence, whose representatives travel the world, claiming Israel committed war crimes, received 55.6% of its funding from foreign governments in 2017-2019, according to NGO Monitor. They include Switzerland, France, Norway, Spain, Ireland, Denmark, Belgium and more."
- Pro-Palestinian rights NGO.
- btselem.org/about_btselem (accessed: Nov. 22, 2021): "Ever since its 1989 foundation, B'Tselem devoted itself primarily to documenting Israeli violations of Palestinians' human rights in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip. [It] strives to end Israel's occupation... liberty and equality to all people, Palestinian and Israeli alike..."
- In 2014 B'Tselem's field researcher was caught denying the Holocaust and generally behaving in a very hateful, propagandist manner. Unsurprisingly, B'Tselem is continually accused of towing the Hamas line:
- October 7, 2014, Times of Israel, 'Israeli rights group admits employee denied Holocaust': "B'Tselem conceded earlier this week that one of its employees denied the Holocaust, retracting an earlier statement which had initially rejected the allegations.
The organization condemned the remarks by [field] researcher Ataf Abu Rub, who was recorded by an undercover freelance journalist in a Channel 2 report several weeks ago... Abu Rub ... accused [the journalist] - as a German - of supporting the Jews financially. Shortly after, Tennenbaum turned to a translator, not seen on camera, and said: "But ask him if he remembers that we also killed them." Then Abu Rub laughed and said: "It's a lie, I don't believe it."
Last week, the deputy attorney general overturned a ban blacklisting B'Tselem from receiving national service volunteers." - Sep. 25, 2016, Jerusalem Post, 'B'Tselem's lies': "The latest report by B'Tselem on Operation Protective Edge which was published this week and titled "Whitewash Protocol" isn't a real report. It's incitement. ... The lies hit the reader from the opening lines in which the report determines unequivocally that 63% of those killed in the operation were innocent civilians with no connection to Hamas. The IDF's number [is] 36%. Even Israel's harshest critics admit that Hamas inflated the numbers to serve its propaganda. ...
B'Tselem doesn't have the tools, or any real way, to know who among those killed was a terrorist and who wasn't, but the NGO instinctively prefers to adopt Hamas's position. ... Its identification with the Hamas narrative is so total that it's difficult to overlook the fact that the CEO of the organization, [LGBTQ activist] Hagai El-Ad, refuses to call Hamas a terrorist organization [back in 2014]. ... He is unmoved by Hamas's persecution of the LGBT community and abuse of women who are considered property of their husbands." - October 16, 2016, ynetnews.com, 'B'Tselem's disgraceful appearance at the UN Op-ed': "The UN has become a backward body plagued with non-democratic nations that initiate and supports anti-Israeli resolutions. ... One of [the Israel haters] is Venezuela, still controlled by the successors of the anti-Semite Hugo Chavez, whose citizens are suffering from starvation. Or Malaysia, which for many years was ruled by Mahathir Mohamad, who declared himself a proud anti-Semite. So B'Tselem's claims that they are trying to save Israel from itself are becoming absurd."
- May 13, 2017, Haaretz, 'Opinion | Who Are B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence Serving?': "Many members of the BDS movement, who are trying to eliminate Israel, feel the materials from B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence advance their goals. At least some soldiers who provide statements to groups as Breaking the Silence and B'Tselem think they are helping improve the ethical behavior of the Israel Defense Forces in the territories. But it turns out these organizations are aiming for much bigger things. ... Their goal is not cautious documentation, but propaganda."
- January 7, 2011, Jerusalem Post, 'Column One: Agents of influence': "B'Tselem disseminated a shocking story to the local and international media. B'Tselem claimed that the previous day, Palestinian shepherd Samir Bani Fadel was peacefully herding his sheep when he was set upon by a mob of Israeli settlers. He alleged that these kippa-clad Israelis drove up in a car and chased him away. Then they torched the pasture and burned 12 pregnant ewes alive and badly burned five others. B'Tselem furnished reporters with graphic photos of the dead sheep.
While the media published the account without a shred of skepticism, the police found Fadel's account hard to believe. Observant Jews neither drive nor light fires on Saturdays. And indeed, when questioned by police investigators, Fadel admitted he made the whole attack up. He accidentally killed his herd himself when he set fire to a pile of bramble. Too embarrassed to admit his mistake, he decided to blame the Jews and become a local hero. B'Tselem was only too happy to spread his lies.
On January 3, Channel 2 aired a video produced by B'Tselem. The video purported to show residents of Yitzhar – a community in Samaria – throwing rocks at Palestinians from the neighboring village Bureen for no reason whatsoever. Channel 2 presented the footage as further proof – if anyone needed it – that the Israelis who live in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem are a bunch of lawless, hate-filled, violent fanatics. Unfortunately for B'Tselem and Channel 2, Yitzhar residents also own a video camera. And they also filmed the event. The Samaria Regional Council released the video to the media on Tuesday. The Yitzhar video exposes the B'Tselem video as a complete fraud. As it happened, on Monday afternoon a group of Palestinians joined by Israelis and/or foreigners descended on Yitzhar and attacked its residents with bricks and rocks of all sizes. Among the assailants was the cameraman who shot the footage presented on Channel 2. Not only did the videographer – who has blond hair – participate in the violent assault on Yitzhar. He staged the incident by alternately throwing rocks, filming, and directing his fellow attackers where to throw their rocks. The Jews of Yitzhar only began throwing rocks to fend off their attackers." - June 14, 2018, B'Tselem chairman David Zonsheine for the Rockefeller and Ford Foundation-financed The Guardian, 'Israel is about to destroy this Palestinian village. Will Britain step in?' (attacked as being a propaganda piece).
- January 12, 2021, NBC News, 'B'Tselem labels Israel an 'apartheid regime' for first time'.
- October 7, 2014, Times of Israel, 'Israeli rights group admits employee denied Holocaust': "B'Tselem conceded earlier this week that one of its employees denied the Holocaust, retracting an earlier statement which had initially rejected the allegations.
- Funding:
- btselem.org/about.htm (accessed: Feb. 22, 1999): "Commission of the European Union. ... Ford Foundation (USA). ICCO (Netherlands). International Commission of Jurists (Sweden). Joyce-Mertz Gilmore Foundation. New Israel Fund (Israel). Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Norway). Sivmo (Netherlands)." Per Jan. 14, 1997: "Novib (Netherlands)."
- btselem.org/english/About_BTselem/Donors.asp (accessed: Jun. 13, 2007): "British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Christian Aid (UK). Commission of the European Communities. DanChurchAid (Denmark). [all kinds of European government-tied agencies] Ford Foundation (USA). ICCO (Netherlands). New Israel Fund (Israel). Norwegian Foreign Ministry."
- btselem.org/about_btselem/donors (accessed: Oct. 26, 2021): "European Commission. European Endowment for Democracy. ... Moriah Fund. New Israel Fund. ... Open Society Foundations. ... Royal Norwegian Embassy ... Stichting Niks Voor Niks ... UNDP. UNICEF. UNWomen."
- May 28, 2023, Jerulasem Post, 'Israel is experiencing NGO tax bill deja vu - analysis': "B’Tselem received 49.7% of its funding from foreign governments in [2017-2019], with international donors including the EU, Norway, the Netherlands, France, the UK and more, and is active in promoting the claim that Israel is an apartheid state."
- A think tank founded in 1991 by Dr. Yair Hirschfeld and former Minister of Justice Dr. Yossi Beilin [of Meretz], both initiators of the Oslo Peace Process. The objectives are to build Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab cooperation in the political, economic, and civil society spheres as part of a two-state solution.
- ecf.org.il/asset/ homePage.htm ('About' > 'History'; accessed: February 10, 2013): "The Economic Cooperation Foundation (ECF) was founded in 1990 by Dr. Yair Hirschfeld, the initiator of the Oslo Peace Process, Dr. Yossi Beilin, former Israeli Cabinet Secretary, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Minister of Finance and Minister of Justice, Mr. Boaz Karni and Dr. Nimrod Novik, Special Ambassador and Advisor to the National Security Council and former Advisor to Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
For about a decade, the founders cooperated on several policy initiatives prior to launching ECF. These included the secret dialogue between Prime Minister Peres and King Hussein of Jordan, which culminated with the 1987 London Agreement ...
ECF's first major initiative was the launching of the secret talks with the PLO in Oslo, Norway, which culminated in the signing of the Declaration of Principles (DOP) in September 1993 and the ensuing White House ceremony with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, US President Bill Clinton and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat.
With their Palestinian counterparts, the Architects of Oslo then developed, negotiated and concluded the Beilin-Abu Mazen Understanding, the first jointly developed detailed concept of a comprehensive permanent status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. Although never signed, the Understanding not only demonstrated that bridging the gaps was possible, but it also served as the reference point for all subsequent permanent status negotiations."
- ecf.org.il/asset/ homePage.htm ('About' > 'History'; accessed: February 10, 2013): "The Economic Cooperation Foundation (ECF) was founded in 1990 by Dr. Yair Hirschfeld, the initiator of the Oslo Peace Process, Dr. Yossi Beilin, former Israeli Cabinet Secretary, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Minister of Finance and Minister of Justice, Mr. Boaz Karni and Dr. Nimrod Novik, Special Ambassador and Advisor to the National Security Council and former Advisor to Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
- Funding:
- ecf.org.il/asset/ homePage.htm ('Our Donors'; accessed: February 10, 2013): "During 2010-2011, ECF enjoyed the support of: USAID. Ford Foundation. [Etc.]"
- ecf.org.il/about-ecf/supporters (accessed: January 23, 2022): "During 2011-2019, ECF's work was made possible thanks to the generous support of: ... USAID ... USIP ... Rockefeller Brothers Foundation [sic] ... Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Government[s] of Denmark ... the United Kingdom ... France ... Germany ... Switzerland ... Norway ... Sweden [and] the Netherlands. European Union. United Nations Office[s]. Private Donors."
- ngo-monitor.org/funder/rockefeller_brothers_fund/ (accessed: January 23, 2022): "Economic Cooperation Foundation: $70,000 for 1 year. March 01, 2014. ... $5,000 for 1 year. December 01, 2012. ... 70,000 for 1 year. November 01, 2012."
- Founded in 2005 to protect Palestinian rights.
- gisha.org/english/index_eng.htm (accessed: Feb. 13, 2006): "Gisha [is] an Israeli not-for-profit organization that seeks to protect the fundamental rights of Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories by imposing human rights law as a limitation on the behavior of Israel's military."
- Funding:
- gisha.org/UserFiles/File/ Donations_Gisha2007-2009.pdf (accessed: Jan. 24, 2011): "2007: ... Foundation Open Society Institute: 199,151 [NIS: Israeli New Shekel]. Norwegian Foreign Ministry: 181,603. Foundation for Middle East Peace: 31,582. European Union: 152,835. Drosos: 64,362. Dutch Foreign Ministry: 142,481. ...
2008: Open Society Institute: 177,692. Norwegian Foreign Ministry: 330,071. Foundation for Middle East Peace: 37,875. European Union: 362,338. Drosos: 266,495. UK Government Global Opportunities Fund: 180,117. Oxfam GB: 27,500.
2009: Foundation Open Society Institute: 283,725. Norwegian Foreign Ministry: 647,963. ... UK Government Global Opportunities Fund: 135,597. Oxfam GB: 373,770 . - gisha.org/en/institutional-donors/ (accessed: Nov. 24, 2021): "New Israel Fund ... Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... Oxfam SDC-Danida. Oxfam Novib. Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Salesforce.com Foundation (in kind donation). Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. The Embassy of Finland in Tel Aviv. United Nations Development Programme."
- gisha.org/UserFiles/File/ Donations_Gisha2007-2009.pdf (accessed: Jan. 24, 2011): "2007: ... Foundation Open Society Institute: 199,151 [NIS: Israeli New Shekel]. Norwegian Foreign Ministry: 181,603. Foundation for Middle East Peace: 31,582. European Union: 152,835. Drosos: 64,362. Dutch Foreign Ministry: 142,481. ...
- grassrootsalquds.net/grassroots-jerusalem/about-platform (accessed: February 12, 2017): "For Palestinians, it's a hub to organise, develop financial independence, share resources, and strategically resist the divisive effects of the occupation. For others, it's a hub to connect to Palestinian life in Jerusalem: from protests to musical performances, from political tours to volunteer opportunities."
- grassrootsalquds.net/grassroots-jerusalem/supporters (accessed: February 12, 2017): "2014 Financial Support Grassroots Jerusalem is grateful for financial support from the following donors: ... European Commission: 28% ... European Endowment for Democracy: 33% ... Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 8% ... French Consulate: 7%."
- hotline.org.il/english/about.htm (accessed: April 6, 2005): "The Hotline for Migrant Workers (HMW), established in 1998... There are an estimated 250,000 migrant workers in Israel. Because most do not speak Hebrew and lack citizenship, they are not able to effectively advocate for themselves. They are vulnerable to abuses and violations of their human and legal rights. Workers find that if they leave an employer, even if he's abusive, they will automatically become 'illegal', and risk immediate deportation. ""
- Funding:
- hotline.org.il/english/about.htm (accessed: April 6, 2005): "We wish to thank the following foundations and businesses for their generous support of our work: The New Israel Fund, The Richard and Rhoda Goldman Foundation, the Moriah Fund..."
- hotline.org.il/en/about-us/our-donors/ (accessed: January 23, 2022): "The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR). The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture. ... Moriah Fund ... New Israel Fund ... UJA New York..."
- The European Commission and State Department are listed as minor donors in, respectively in the 2009 and 2011 financial reports. The Sigrid Rausing Trust is generally always listed as a major donor (2009, 2011).
- Founded in 1963 with long-time financiers and chairmen being Hasib Sabbagh (CFR member and financier, and also a Carter Center financier, until his death in 2010) and the Khoury brothers. Sabbagh and the Khoury brothers, who operated in exile in Lebanon, were good friends of Palestinian / PLO leader Yassar Arafat.
- palestine-studies.org/content/board-trustees (accessed: February 13, 2017): "Trustees: ... Samer Said Khoury (Palestine, Lebanon)... Deceased trustees: ... Honorary Chairman: Said T. Khoury (Palestine, Lebanon, 2014). Hasib Sabbagh (Palestine, Lebanon, 2010)."
- palestine-studies.org/jps/abstract/42299 (February 13, 2017): "Hasib Sabbagh, who died on 12 January 2010 after a long illness, was arguably the preeminent Palestinian entrepreneur in the business and contracting fields in the post-1948 period. Born to an old and distinguished Greek Catholic family of Safad in Eastern Galilee, Sabbagh established the Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) in 1945 in Haifa with several partners after graduating in engineering from the American University of Beirut. Under his dynamic leadership and with the cooperation of his life-long partner, Said Khoury, the CCC (which Sabbagh reconstituted in Lebanon after the fall of Palestine) evolved from a modest local enterprise into the giant global multinational corporation that it is today. Using the CCC as his base, he began as of the early 1970s to devote his great energy to the service of Palestine, not only through his philanthropic ventures promoting social and educational causes, but also through his behind-the-scenes political mediation and reconciliation efforts.
WALID KHALIDI [author of the obituary], a founder of the Institute for Palestine Studies and its general secretary, has taught at Oxford University, the American University of Beirut, and Harvard University."
- Sabbagh and the Khourys founded and operated Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC), a firm partnered with the Bechtels and Saudis in the oil business (the Rockefellers had brought in the Bechtels) and also was represented at the Bechtel-dominated and every elite Stanford Research Institute (SRI) back in the 1970s.
- 1972, issue 12, journal of the Stanford Research Institute/SRI International, pp. 43-46: "SRI INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE: ... Stephen D. Bechtel [Bohemian Grove; 1001 Club], Senior Director, Bechtel Corporation; ... Paul L. Davies [Jr.; Bohemian Grove camp Peidmont; brother-in-law of Stephen Bechtel Jr. and uncle of Riley Bechtel.], Senior Partner, Lehman Brothers; Gwin Follis, Past Chairman Standard Oil Company of California; ... SRI INTERNATIONAL ADVISERS: Kamel Abdul Rahman, Chairman The Consolidated Contractors Co. S.A.L. (Lebanon) [founder CCC with the Khoury brothers and Hassib Sabbagh, all Palestinians living in exile in Lebanon (came to know and work with Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, Rafik Hariri, Nursultan Nazarbayev, etc.); subcontractor of Bechtel since the early 1960s for pipelines, oil fields and residential buildings in Kuwait, Libya, Saudi Arabia (partnered with Prince Talal bin Abdul-Aziz, a brother of the Saudi king and father of billionaire investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal), Iraq (Iraq Petroleum Company; build the Abu Graib prison later used by Saddam) and Iran (Anglo-American Oil Company)]; Giovanni Agnelli [1001 Club; Bilderberg steering committee]... Sir Archibald Forbes [executive Pilgrims Society] ... Adnan M. Khashoggi ... Marcus Wallenberg [1001 Club]..."
- 2007, Michael Gross, '740 Park: The Story of the World's Richest Apartment Building': "Among the [Palestinian] refugees were the founders of a competitor, the Consolidated Contracters Company, formed in 1945 to build apartments for Jewish British army veterans. CCC, as it is known, also did work for Iraq Petroleum. In 1950, Kar joined a CCC regrouped in Syria and then moved to Aden, now South Yemen, to build the largest refinery on the gulf.
CCC next moved to Beirut and, thanks to subcontracts from the Bechtel Group of Texas, rode the postwar Arabian oil boom to become one of the largest contracting companies in the Middle East. Today it's a billion-dollar concern with forty thousand employees in sixty nations, building oil pipelines, refineries, and highways, even the Saudi port of Jubail, and providing offshore services to the oil and gas industries of the Arabian Gulf." - bechtel.com/newsroom/releases/2013/07/bechtel-led-consortium-rail-project-saudi-arabia/ (accessed: February 13, 2017): "The consortium, which includes Bechtel, Almabani General Contractors, Consolidated Contractors Company, and Siemens (BACS), will be responsible for the design, construction, train cars, signalling, electrification and integration of the new lines to the system [in Saudi Arabia]."
- In 2006, the Institute for Palestine Studies launched the Congressional Monitor project, which tracks every legislative initiative introduced in the U.S. Congress that mentions Palestine or Israel or has bearing on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
- Financing:
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "Institute for Palestinian Studies: ... 2006: $150,000. ... 2008: $100,000."
- The editor of the Institute for Palestine Studies' Journal of Palestine Studies, Rashid Khalidi, has received major Eastern Establishment media and foundation backing:
- palestine-studies.org/jps/editorial-board (accessed: February 13, 2017): "Editor Rashid I. Khalidi (Columbia University)..."
- palestine-studies.org/resources/palestinian-delegation (accessed: February 13, 2017): "RASHID KHALIDI is the author of seven books about the Middle East, including Palestinian Identity, Resurrecting Empire, The Iron Cage, and Sowing Crisis. His writing on Middle Eastern history and politics has appeared in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, and many journals. For his work on the Middle East, Professor Khalidi has received fellowships and grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the American Research Center in Egypt, and the Rockefeller Foundation, among others. He is Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University in New York."
- Khalidi was a member of Yale's Wolf's Head secret society and is a member of the Council on Foreigns Relations. He used to be extremely close to future U.S. President Barack Obama.
- palestine-studies.org/institute/fellows/peace-today-us-must-end-support-sharons-expansionist-legacy (accessed: February 15, 2017): "Upon the death of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, we [Democracy Now] look at how his legacy of separating Gaza from the West Bank and building a "separation wall" to seal off Israeli settlements has impacted the peace process in the Middle East today. We speak with Noam Chomsky, world-renowned political dissident, linguist, author and Institute Professor Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University; and Avi Shlaim, Emeritus Professor of International Relations at Oxford University, widely regarded as one of the world's leading scholars on the Israeli-Arab conflict."
- Noam Chomsky: "[We need a] two state settlement on the internationally recognized border, which was before the 1949 ceasefire line, possibly with minor and mutually [agreed upon] adjustments. And this is supported by the entire world. It has been blocked by the United States for 35 years. We should shift that policy and join the world."
- November 30, 2010, Youtube video of The Real News, 'Chomsky on Palestine and Israel': "[Host:] They thought the two-state solution is dead and that there really is one state and that they're all living under the same one state. It's just that some people get to vote and others don't. And that the issue is now that there is a movement called one person, one vote, and that the Palestinians and the Jews that want a Democratic state should simply that over that one state that is there.
[Noam Chomsky:] Sure, I've been in favor of that since the 1940s. But it is pie in the sky. ... It's omitting an elementary fact: there aren't two alternatives. There are three alternatives. They're only talking about two. One is the international consensus on two states. Second alternative is let's all live together in one state. The third alternative, which is the one being implemented, is that the U.S. and Israel take what they want and continue to take what they want.
The United States is perfectly happy to have articles in newspapers that say, "Fine, let's everybody live together." Meanwhile, they are participating with Israel in separating Gaza from the West Bank, crucial fact [and virtually completed], and providing the decisive support for the implementation of the program that is sometimes called the Sharon Plan: take over whatever you want in the West Bank... to support the completely illegal expansion of Jerusalem."
- Pro-Palestine activist group founded in 2000 and focused on Jerusalem.
- ir-amim.org.il/en/about (accessed: Nov. 24, 2021): "Ir Amim ("City of Nations" or "City of Peoples") focuses on Jerusalem within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ... Ir Amim was founded in 2000, and became active as a non-profit organization in 2004."
- Funding:
- ir-amim.org.il/en/supporters (accessed: Nov. 24, 2021): "Generous support in 2019-2020: ... European Union. Foundation for Middle East Peace. ... Irish Embassy, Tel Aviv. Moriah Fund. Norwegian Embassy, Tel Aviv. Open Society Foundations. ... Swedish Foreign Ministry. Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. United States Institute of Peace (USIP)."
- jewishvoiceforpeace.org front page (accessed: February 12, 2017): "- Refugees are welcome here.
- Indivisible: A practical guide for resisting the Trump agenda
- Take the Pledge: Stop Trump's anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant attacks.
- [Man wearing a "Stop Profiling Muslims" shirt] As Trump issues Executive Orders targeting Muslims, Arabs, refugees and immigrants, we pledge to resist in every way possible. We will love, defend, and protect one another." - Rockefeller Brothers Fund: rbf.org/grantees/jewish-voice-peace-inc (accessed: February 12, 2017): "A Jewish Voice for Peace Inc. ... $140,000 for 2 years. Awarded: June 18, 2015 ... For general support."
- March 27, 2016, New York Daily News, 'Promoting peace or assaulting Israel?': "The movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel (BDS), which singles out the Jewish State among all nations to delegitimize and isolate, continues to gather steam. ...
The American Anthropological Association will vote on a BDS resolution in April. The University of South Florida, Northwestern and Vassar voted to boycott Israel, and a divestment campaign is underway at Columbia. This spring, Israel Apartheid Week, a BDS hate fest, is being held at college campuses around the U.S.
Seeing left-wing universities embrace the anti-Semitic movement is disappointing but not entirely surprising. But why does the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, a premier philanthropy based in Manhattan, finance non-governmental organizations intent on annihilating the Jewish state?
BDS demands "the end of Israel's occupation and colonialization" of all Arab lands, dismantling the security wall that protects Israelis from Palestinian terror and the right of return to Israel of several million descendants of original Arab refugees. In the words of Palestinian BDS leader Omar Barghouti, "A return for refugees would end Israel's existence as a Jewish state." ...
In 2015, [Rockefeller Brothers Fund] granted $140,000 to Jewish Voice for Peace. JVP supports BDS "as part of our work for freedom, justice and equality for all people," and praises Palestinians "rising up en-masse against Israel's brutal, decades-old regime of occupation, settler colonialism and apartheid." How is contributing to JVP advancing a just and durable peace?" - January 1, 2013, Haaretz, 'Palestinians to Outnumber Jewish Population by 2020, Says PA Report': "The estimated number of Palestinians in the world at the end of 2012 is 11.6 million, of whom 4.4 million are in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem and 1.4 million live inside Israel.
The PCBS [Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics] said the number of Arabs in Israel and the occupied territories is estimated at 5.8 million at the end of 2012, compared to a predicted 6 million Jews."
- Founded in 2008 under the banner of being "The Political Home for Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace Americans".
- jstreet.org (accessed: February 11, 2017): "Tell your Senators to reject Trump's pick for Ambassador to Israel. Trump's choice for US Ambassador to Israel has called J Street supporters 'kapos,' displayed hostility toward the two-state solution and shown scorn for the values of the vast majority of American Jews."
- jstreet.org/about-us/board-of-directors/morton-h-halperin/ (accessed: February 11, 2017): "Morton H. Halperin, J Street Education Fund Chair, J Street Board Chair. Dr. Morton H. Halperin is a Senior Advisor to the Open Society Institute and Open Society Policy Center."
- September 30, 2010, National Review, 'J Street's George Soros Problem': "J Street, the liberal organization founded to counteract the influence of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (neoconservatives, led by William Kristol, have, in turn, established the Emergency Committee for Israel to counteract J Street--you can check it out here), has been receiving substantial donations from the financier George Soros. Until now, J Street had denied that this was the case. But Lake received tax records indicating that Soros and his two children have donated at least $245,000 to J Street. Indeed, according to the Washington Post, J Street is receiving a separate $500,000 gift over three years from Soros."
- J Street has received important financing of the Ploughshares Fund: May 22, 2016, Jerusalem Post, 'J Street defends itself against charges it got paid to back Iran deal': "J Street was the single largest beneficiary last year of the Ploughshares Fund, a group that seeks to eliminate the world's nuclear stockpiles, with over $575,000 in grants that funded advocacy for the Iran nuclear deal. ... J Street and J Street Education Fund received a total of $576,500..."
- NGO consisting of pro-Palestine Jewish women, founded in 2001.
- machsomwatch.org/en/about: (accessed: Nov. 24, 2021): "In January 2001, three Jewish Jerusalemite women first saw a military checkpoint in the West Bank and obeyed their conscience. ... We painfully watch how destructive the occupation is for our own children, the soldiers who only 'obey orders' during their military service."
- Funding:
- 2016 annual report, Machsom Watch, p. 6 (final page): "We would like to thank our donors in 2016: Open Society Institute. New Israel Fund."
- Pro-Palestine research center in Israel founded in 2000.
- mada-research.org/en/about-us/ (accessed: Nov. 24, 2021): "Mada al-Carmel was founded in Haifa in 2000. ... The only Palestinian research center of its kind in Israel... Generating counter-perspectives to dominant narratives on the Palestinian experience in Israel. ... To promote the cause of gender equality in the Palestinian community and beyond."
- Funding:
- mada-research.org/en/financiers/ (accessed: Nov. 24, 2021): "Cordaid. European Union. Galilee Foundation. Global Fund for Women. Mediterranean Fund for Women. Norwegian Church Aid. Open Society Institute."
- Humanitarian relief agency not specifically focused on the Palestinian issue. Also not as radically activist against Israel or presidents/prime ministers as Donald Trump, which probably explains why it gets such widespread support from American corporations and foundations. Still critized by neocon Zionists for being extremly pro-Palestine. Maybe the Mercy Corps shouldn't be listed here, but it still illuminates the disagreement between Israel and the rest of the West in how the Palestinians (who for 90% supported Osama bin Laden and attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq) should be treated.
- mercycorps.org/countries/west-bank-and-gaza (accessed: February 13, 2017): "The Gaza Strip, home to 1.8 million people, has been under a blockade since 2007, which has paralyzed its economy and led to severe shortages of water, electricity, food and fuel. According to the U.N., at least 80 percent of the population is dependent on external assistance."
- mercycorps.org/articles/foundations-corporations-and-organizations (accessed: February 13, 2017): "We offer our gratitude to the following foundations, corporations and organizations which have contributed $5,000 or more in cash, gifts, material aid or pro bono services during our 2009 fiscal year (July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009). ... Arca Foundation ... Aspen Institute ... BP Foundation ... Carnegie Corporation ... Chevron Texaco ... Goldman Sachs ... Google Foundation ... Hewlett Foundation ... Flora Family Foundation... Microsoft Matching Gift Program ... Nike Foundation ... Tides Foundation... Wal-Mart ... Whole Foods Market Services... [dozens more companies]..."
- 2008 annual report, Mercy Corps: "Strategic partners: ... Boeing ... BP ... Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ... Nike ... Open Society Institute ... Wal-Mart ...
The following foundations and corporations contributed $5,000 or more during our 2008 fiscal year: ... BBC ... Nathan Cummings Foundation ... Google.org ... Tides Foundation ... Trizec... [hundreds listed]..." - Ford Foundation grants lists 2007-2016: "Mercy Corps: 2009: $170,282 ... 2015: $250,000 ... 2010: $335,991 ... 2013: $357,324. ... 2014: $175,000 ... 2015: $100,000 ... 2015: $349,600 ..."
- The most left-wing political party in Israel, founded in 1992 through a merger of Ratz, Mapam and Shinui. With its focus on LGBTQ, feminism, Arab minority rights and environmentalism, it is a typical "liberal CIA" party you'd expect to find in the West. Unsurprisingly, it's historical party leaders can all be tied to Israel's "liberal CIA" NGO network.
- "Liberal CIA" NGO ties of Meretz party chair Nitzan Horowitz (2019-),
- acri.org.il/english-acri/engine/story.asp?id=42 (Association for Civil Rights in Israel; accessed: March 30, 2005): "Board: ... Mr. Nitzan Horowitz... [wasn't listed in 2003] ... Donations and Grants: ... New Israel Fund. The Ford Foundation. NOVIB."
"Liberal CIA" NGO ties of Meretz party chair Tamar Zandberg (2018-2019):
- Sep. 17, 2018, Jerusalem Post, 'Uri Zaki, Ari Fuld's left-wing sparring partner, grieves his friend': "[Uri] Zaki is founder of the political group Democracy Defense Front and is former CEO of B'tselem, the controversial Israeli human rights group... He was an active member of the left-wing party Meretz, but resigned in March to support the rise of his spouse and fellow party member [Tamar] Zandberg, who became chairwoman."
- April 2, 2018, Times of Israel, 'Netanyahu: 16,250 migrants to resettle in 'developed countries,' rest will stay; PM says ‘political difficulties’ prevented intended deportation to Uganda and Rwanda, brought about new deal with UN': "The new head of the left-wing Meretz party, Tamar Zandberg, tweeted that the cancellation of the expulsion [of 40,000 new Arab immigrants by the Netanyahu government] was "simply an amazing and inspiring achievement of a determined and just civil and public campaign. Pride.""
- "Liberal CIA" NGO ties of Meretz party chair Zahava Gal-On (2012-2018):
- btselem.org/page/130894 (accessed: Jan. 23, 2022): "B'Tselem USA Presents Human Rights Panel at J St Conference ... "Holding Israel to a Universal Standard or to a Higher Standard on Human Rights?" Panelists: Zehava Gal'on, Chair of Meretz and member of Knesset, Founding Executive Director, B'Tselem ... Moderated by: Uri Zaki [husband of Meretz chair Tamar Zandberg], Director of B'Tselem USA. J St Conference, Washington DC, 26 March 2012."
- July 10, 2013, Times of Israel, 'Left's sweeping opposition to NGO bill may prove counterproductive': ""The right's vision is of an Israel that is abhorred, alone and untouchable," MK Zahava Gal-on (Meretz) told the Haaretz daily. "The bill is meant to harm human rights organizations," she declared."
- October 26, 2021, Jesse Edberg at blogs.timesofisrael.com, 'A Response to Zehava Gal-On': "Galon began as a journalist for the defunct Politika newspaper and the notorious anti-Israel NGO B'Tselem before ascending the ranks of Ratz, the precursor to the modern neo-Marxist Meretz party we all know and tolerate. Galon was first elected to the Knesset under the Meretz banner in 1999 and remained in the Knesset until 2017, aside from a brief absence from 2009-2011. From 2012 until her resignation in 2017, Galon served as the chairwoman of Meretz. Since 2017, Galon has brought her career full circle, starting her own NGO dedicating to maligning Israel as an "apartheid state" on the international stage and returning to journalism from the columns of Haaretz. ...
Galon's column is relatively tepid until the penultimate paragraph, where icon of the Israeli left lays out the strategy for the bloc going forward: "The correct reply to the right is simple: Listen you racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynist animal, which is trying to drag us into a Taliban-like regime – we're not afraid of you. We have principles: equality, love of mankind, freedom, brotherhood. Now get out of here, before we treat you the way we treated the original fascists."
The way Galon characterizes the right is nothing new. The only interesting aspect of Galon's characterization of the right is its almost direct quotation of American leftwing politicians and their rhetoric; "racist, homophobic, xenophobic"..." - October 30, 2012, Times of Israel, 'Haaretz changes tack on major story that alleged widespread ‘apartheid' attitudes in Israel': "Several Israeli politicians weighed in quickly too. "It is not surprising that following four years of Netanyahu's government, most Israeli citizens support apartheid," declared left-wing Meretz leader Zahava Gal-on, on her party's website that same day.
"The Israeli regime is not a copy of the South African regime, but it certainly belongs to the same family," said Jamal Zahalqa, leader of the Arab Balad faction. MK Ahmad Tibi of Raam-Taal added that "racism has long become mainstream in Israeli society," Haaretz itself reported in a follow-up news item a day later. ...
The original question asked whether respondents agree with the opinion of a hypothetical American author who claims that "there is apartheid in Israel." To this question, 39% answered that apartheid exists in a few issues, 19% said apartheid exists in many issues, and 31% said that apartheid does not exist at all in Israel. ...
Another finding was somewhat misrepresented in the Haaretz coverage, a comparison with the original poll shows. The survey's final question (Question 17) asked respondents their views about separate highways for Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank. Fifty percent answered that such a situation "is not good, but there's nothing to do about it," 24% said that "it is a good situation," and 17% said the situation was "not good, and should be stopped." In a Haaretz's pie chart, however, 50% are said to regard separate roads as "necessary" rather than "not good, but there's nothing to do about it." And the 50% and 24% findings are bracketed together, and misleadingly summarized as showing 74% "supporting" separate roads. ...
Most Israeli Jews also opposed denying voting rights to Israeli Arabs (by 59% to 33% in answer to the poll's Question 6). And more respondents (Question 13) opposed (48%) than favored (38%) the annexation of even those parts of the West Bank with Jewish settlements in them."
- "Liberal CIA" NGO ties of Meretz party chair Haim Oron (2008-2012):
- mfa.gov.il/MFA/MFA-Archive/2000/Pages/Haim Oron.aspx (accessed: January 23, 2022): "[As of] 25 Jun 2000. ... Haim Oron (Meretz) ... He was a founding member of the Peace Now movement."
- March 27, 2011, peacenow.org.il, 'Israeli Leftists Hold National Conference in Tel Aviv': "Organized officially by Peace Now... The conference hosted a number of current and former Knesset MKs from the Left, such as Daniel Ben-Simon (Labor), Colette Avital (Labor), Ophir Pines (Labor), Haim Oron (Meretz), and Naomi Chazan (Meretz), among others. The panels and the round-table discussions did not have a significant showing of Israeli Arabs or politicians or activists from Israeli Arab parties.
Panel discussions were often heated, with disagreement mainly focused on the concepts of whether or not to form a new leftwing party or make an alliance of all of the leftwing parties, including the non-Zionist Left." - February 1990, B'Tselem report, 'The system of taxation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as an instrument for the enforcement of Authority during the Uprising', p. 6: "For assistance in preparing the report, acknowledgements are due to MK Haim Oron..."
- "Liberal CIA" NGO ties of Meretz party chair Yossi Beilin (2003-2008):
- One of the key founders in 1991 of the Economic Cooperation Foundation, which initiated the Oslo Accords and was financed by European governments, USAID, the UN, the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
- "Liberal CIA" NGO ties of Meretz party chair Shulamit Aloni (1992-1996):
- June 16, 2011, Jewish Ideas Daily, 'No Ford in Israel's Future?': "With little fanfare, the Ford Foundation has initiated a phased withdrawal from its long, largely behind-the-scenes campaign to influence Israeli politics. News reports have focused mostly on the foundation's 23-year-long patronage of the New Israel Fund (NIF)... But Ford's involvement in Israel's affairs goes well beyond the NIF. ...
The [Ford] Foundation remained on the periphery of an interlocking directorate of agencies, including the Foundation for Peace in the Middle East, that conducted a withering pressure campaign to force Israel back to the 1949 armistice lines. Another agency, the now-defunct International Center for Peace in the Middle East [founded in 1982], provided a front for disaffected Israeli and American Jews including Abba Eban and Rita Hauser to lobby for precipitous U.S. recognition of Arafat's PLO." - January 26, 2014, Knesset News, 'Meretz founder and former minister Shulamit Aloni dies at 85': "She was one of the founders of the Movement for Civil Rights and Peace... fought in the 1948 War of Independence as a member of the Palmach - an elite force of the Jewish underground military in pre-state Israel. ... Aloni offered free legal advice, particularly to women who were discriminated against for religious reasons... She was also one of the founders of the [Ford Foundation-financed] International Center for Peace in the Middle East and worked to advance peace between Israel and the Palestinians. ...
In 2001, Ford became a major funder of the Arab and far-Left groups behind the UN-sponsored and virulently anti-Israel Durban Conference. With a few degrees of separation, it also continued to back the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against the Jewish state. Whether by supporting innocuous-sounding agencies like One Voice and the Peres Center for Peace, or by bankrolling tendentious opinion surveys on behalf of the so-called Geneva Initiative, Ford has contributed significantly to efforts at undermining the possibility of reaching a negotiated solution. It has also lent moral support to J Street as that organization takes Lustick's crusade to re-define the term "pro-Israel" to ever more grotesque extremes." - yesh-din.org/site/ index.php?page=about.us&lang=en (Yesh Din board; accessed: May 2, 2010): "- Shulamit Aloni...
- June 16, 2011, Jewish Ideas Daily, 'No Ford in Israel's Future?': "With little fanfare, the Ford Foundation has initiated a phased withdrawal from its long, largely behind-the-scenes campaign to influence Israeli politics. News reports have focused mostly on the foundation's 23-year-long patronage of the New Israel Fund (NIF)... But Ford's involvement in Israel's affairs goes well beyond the NIF. ...
- Galia Golan serves as an early Ford Foundation tie to the founding of Peace Now and the Meretz polical party:
- 2019, Galia Golan, 'Galia Golan: An Academic Pioneer on the Soviet Union, Peace and Conflict', pp. 62-63: "Ford Foundation Fellow, 1975-1977, 1985-1986; ... MacArthur Foundation Research Fellow, 1987-1990; ... Member, Executive, Peace Now - the Israeli Peace Movement, 1978-2012. ... Founding Member, National Executive of Meretz, 1992-; Chairperson, National Council of Meretz, 1995-1996. ...
Consultant, Israel Defense Forces, 1985-1988. ... Fellow, Stanford-Berkeley Program on Soviet International Behavior, 1985. ... Fellow UCLA-Rand Program on Soviet International Behavior, 1988. ... Fellow, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 1989, 1990. ... Visiting Scholar, Rand Corporation, 1992, 1993. ... Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1991."
- 2019, Galia Golan, 'Galia Golan: An Academic Pioneer on the Soviet Union, Peace and Conflict', pp. 62-63: "Ford Foundation Fellow, 1975-1977, 1985-1986; ... MacArthur Foundation Research Fellow, 1987-1990; ... Member, Executive, Peace Now - the Israeli Peace Movement, 1978-2012. ... Founding Member, National Executive of Meretz, 1992-; Chairperson, National Council of Meretz, 1995-1996. ...
- Pro-Palestine NGO. Tussled in court with Benjamin Netanyahu's son, Yair, over nothing really:
- Aug. 2, 2017, Times of Israel, 'Yair Netanyahu slams leftist group for scathing Facebook post': "He accused Sixty One, which is run by the dovish Molad NGO, of being a “radical, anti-Zionist organization funded by the Foundation for the Destruction of Israel [a reference to the New Israel Fund, in a Hebrew play on words] and the European Union.” ... before signing off with a character of a middle finger and poop emoji. ...
“You got angry, you lied about us without a shred of evidence of receiving funds from Israel’s enemies,” the group fired back. “Do you really want to burden him [the prime minister] with more libel lawsuits just because of your behavior?”" - April 26, 2021, Times of Israel, 'Yair Netanyahu rages at ‘vile’ leftists, ‘pedophile’ Barak, in libel testimony': "Appearing at the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court, the younger Netanyahu railed against the left-wing think tank Molad, which is accusing him of libel against it, and a range of other left-wing groups and individuals who have been critical of him or his father. ... “You are despicable and vile leftists,” the younger Netanyahu said. ... “I have never had an armored vehicle. I have exactly the same vehicle that the pedophile Ehud Barak has,” he said... After a representative from Molad suggested out loud that Yair Netanyahu was in a “precarious mental state,” the prime minister’s son shouted at him: “A disgusting and fat traitor, that’s what you are.” ...
Alkalay sued Yair Netanyahu for sharing a post on social media that called the journalist a “planted mole from the Wexner Foundation” — a group that the Netanyahu family accuses of funding left-wing organizations and campaigns... Additionally, 75 prominent alumni of the Wexner Israel fellowships, including a former state prosecutor and several retired generals, are currently suing Yair Netanyahu for libel over Twitter posts branding them members of a “secret cult.” ... In one post flagged by the lawsuit, Netanyahu referred to them as a “cult of pedophiles taking control of our country and carrying out a coup over the past four years.”"
- Aug. 2, 2017, Times of Israel, 'Yair Netanyahu slams leftist group for scathing Facebook post': "He accused Sixty One, which is run by the dovish Molad NGO, of being a “radical, anti-Zionist organization funded by the Foundation for the Destruction of Israel [a reference to the New Israel Fund, in a Hebrew play on words] and the European Union.” ... before signing off with a character of a middle finger and poop emoji. ...
- Funding (also from the New Israel Fund):
- rbf.org/grantees/molad-center-renewal-democracy (accessed: Aug. 11, 2023; Rockefeller Brothers Fund): "$40,000 [on] Jun 30, 2021. ... $50,000 [on] Jun 8, 2020. ... $100,000 [on] Jul 9, 2018."
- July 12, 2017, Haaretz, 'Attacking Soros: Israel’s Unholy Covenant With Europe’s anti-Semitic Ultra-right': "Molad, a think tank that received partial support from the Open Society Foundations."
- Aug. 15, 2016, The Algemeiner, 'Hacked Emails of Jewish Billionaire George Soros Reveal Plan to Fight Israel’s ‘Racist’ Policies': "The website DC Leaks has released a confidential report... According to the leaked documents, Soros gave more than $2 billion to Adalah... Other organizations that received funding from Soros according to the report include: Mada al-Carmel, Kayan-Feminist Organization, Mossawa Center, Molad, The Galilee Society, Al-Tufula Center, Ma’an, Injaz, Sidreh, Lakiya, Baladna, Arab Association for Human Rights, National Committee of Heads of Arab Local Authorities in Israel and PILI Foundation. Several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) received large grants through the New Israel Fund (NIF)..."
- The New Israel Fund is generally attacked by prominent neocon Zionists for its soft stance on the Palestinians. And granted, it is one of the few pro-Israel NGOs the Eastern Establishment has put any funds in. Considering polls reveal that the Palestinians are supportive of Osama bin Laden to the tune of 90%, and the massive and irrational support of the Eastern Establishment for Arab and African immigration to the West, it is hard to say to what extent the New Israel Fund should be labeled "moderate".
- February 2, 2016, The Hill, 'The New Israel Fund encourages anti-Israel acts'.
- Financing:
- August 15, 2016, Times of Israel, 'Soros email hack reveals plans to fight ‘racist' Israeli policies': "Another [Open Society Foundations] grantee is the New Israel Fund, a clearinghouse for Israeli civil rights groups, which received $837,500 from 2002 to 2015. ... The documents are available on a website, reportedly backed by Russia, that uses anti-Semitic stereotypes to attack Soros."
- Annual report 2004, New Israel Fund (accessed: February 12, 2017), p. 17: "Donors: $100,000 and Above: ... Jacob & Charles Bronfman Philanthropies. ... Nathan Cummings Foundation ... Jewish Agency for Israel ... Open Society Institute ... $50,000 - $99,999: .... Pfizer Foundation. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals."
- nif.org/content.cfm?cat_id=1447&currbody=1 (accessed: July 2, 2006): "Ford Israel Fund: The Ford Foundation Israel Fund is a Donor Advised Fund established in 2003 by the Ford Foundation at the New Israel Fund."
- Annual report 2005, New Israel Fund (accessed: February 12, 2017), pp. 21, 28: "$100,000 and above: ... Jacob & Charles Bronfman Philanthropies ... $25,000-$49,999: .... American Joint Jewish Distribution Committee ... Samuel Bronfman Foundation ... International Council: Martin Indyk, Chair... "
- Annual report 2006, New Israel Fund, pp. 24-25: "Endowed Funds: .... Ford Foundation ACRI Fund. Ford Foundation Endowment Fund. Ford Foundation SHATIL Fund.
$100,000 and above: ... Jacob & Charles Bronfman Philanthropies ... Nathan Cummings Foundation ... European Union ... Open Society Institute. Alfred I. Tauber... $25,000-$49,999: Edgar M. Bronfman..." - Rockefeller Brothers Fund: rbf.org/grantees/new-israel-fund (accessed: February 12, 2017): "New Israel Fund: ... $9,000 for 1 year. Awarded: September 27, 2016 ... For its research and report on anti-Semitism on U.S. campuses."
- November 25, 2016, Jewish News Service, 'The Rockefeller BDS empire, the New Israel Fund, and campus anti-Semitism': "The NIF is being paid by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF)—a main backer of the anti-Israel activism that [really] contributes to, enables and devolves into anti-Semitism on college campuses."
- Founded in 1978 by James Zogby, also of the Eastern Establishment-backed Arab American Institute.
- palestinelegal.org/about/ (accessed: February 12, 2017): "Founded in 2012, Palestine Legal is the only legal organization in the United States exclusively dedicated to supporting the movement for Palestinian rights. ... Palestine Legal is a fiscally sponsored project of the Tides Center...
The movement for Palestinian rights is growing steadily in the United States – from the mushrooming of campus groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, to the rise in boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns, to everyday people moved to change the status quo in the region." - Rockefeller Brothers Fund: rbf.org/program-strategy/peacebuilding (accessed: February 12, 2017): "$50,000 for 1 year. Awarded: June 23, 2016 ... For its Palestine Legal project."
- November 25, 2016, Jewish News Service, 'The Rockefeller BDS empire, the New Israel Fund, and campus anti-Semitism': "The NIF is being paid by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF)—a main backer of the anti-Israel activism that [really] contributes to, enables and devolves into anti-Semitism on college campuses. ... These RBF's BDS [boycott, divestment and sanctions]-promoting grantees that are active on American universities include Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Palestine Legal and the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)."
- pchrgaza.org/en/ (accessed: February 13, 2017): "- Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. ...
- PCHR Strongly Condemns Israeli Knesset's Approval of "Regulation Bill" and Calls upon International Community to Stop Immediately Treating Israel as State above Law." - pchrgaza.org/about/funding.htm (accessed: February 4, 2005): "Ford Foundation (USA). NOVIB (Holland). Open Society Fund (USA). ... Grassroots International (USA). European Commission. Ireland Aid. Royal Danish Representative Office. Representative Office of Norway."
- pchrgaza.org/en/?page_id=586/ (accessed: February 13, 2017): "Funding: ... Foundation to Promote Open Society... Grassroots International ... Oxfam Novib [Oxfam is Ford Foundation, etc. backed and Prince Bernhard was co-founder and chair of OxfamNOVIB]..."
- ngo-monitor.org/ngos/palestinian_ngo_network_pngo_/ (accessed: February 11, 2017): "Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) ... Founded September 1993. ... Funding: Recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars in Ford Foundation money. "
- July 23, 2011, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 'Ford Foundation still funding anti-Israel groups': "Although PNGO is no longer receiving grants from [the] Ford [Foundation], which has assets above $13 billion and gives away more than $500 million annually, the network works closely with at least three Ford grantee organizations."
- NGO founded in 1978.
- It's primary aim is for Israel to abandon all its settlements in the West Bank and return to its 1967 borders - hence still a two-state solution. One wonders though if it will stay at that once this goal has been accomplished. More than likely Peace Now will start to campaign for the Palestinian's "right to return" and a one-state solution.
- For decades Peace Now has focused on projects called "Settlement List", "Outposts List" and "Settlement Watch", in which Peace Now activists keep track of settlement growth and activities, pass this information on to western governments and elites opposing this program, and then tries to put a stop to them through activism. As a result, Peace Now became seen as a foreign spy agency, leading to a bill being passed in Israel in January 2008 that requires NGOs to disclose their foreign funding. Peace Now clearly does more than merely spying though, as is generally only mentioned in the media. It is deeply involved in operations to dismantle new outposts before they can be turned into settlements:
- July 9, 2004, peacenow.org.il, 'Removing a trailer from Migron area': "On the night of September 7, 2004, this outpost was dismantled by activists from Peace Now. ... Peace Now showed that dismantling outposts is possible today! If Peace Now activists can accomplish this there should be no excuses from the State of Israel.
The outposts are in fact new settlements. Today, there are around 100 outposts in the West Bank. Around 50 have been erected since March 2001, and they were supposed to dismantled last year according to Israel's obligations to the Road Map.
Link to Haaretz" - January 17, 2008, ''Peace Now' Will Have to Publicize EU Contributions; 'Peace Now' Will Have to Publicize EU Contributions [by Law]': "The [new] bill is designed chiefly to fight Peace Now, a far-left Israel-based organization promoting Israeli retreat to pre-1967 borders and the end of all Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria. Peace Now is largely funded by foreign governments in the European Union.
In 2005, for instance, European Union countries funded Peace Now to the tune of 1.75 million shekels (some $400,000), and three times that amount in 2006. The biggest donors were Great Britain and Norway, which are opposed to the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria - thus that the money they give Peace Now essentially serves those governments' foreign policy interests. Given Peace Now's surveillance activities over Israeli communities and IDF military installations in Judea and Samaria, the organization is thus "in effect spying on Israel for foreign governments," Bedein reported.
The Knesset Interior Committee confirmed in 2004 that Peace Now had received 50,000 Euros from the government of Finland to conduct intelligence activities in Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, the Golan, Gaza and Jerusalem. The Israel Penal Code for Espionage defines "photography of sensitive areas of Israel for any foreign power" as an act of espionage, punishable by ten years imprisonment.
It was reported last month that Peace Now was suspected of setting up a financial scam to mask the European sources of its funding. The Non-Profit Associations Registrar suspects that Peace Now used a non-profit organization called Sha'al, which supposedly dealt with educational matters, to receive and disburse millions of shekels over a period of many years."
- July 9, 2004, peacenow.org.il, 'Removing a trailer from Migron area': "On the night of September 7, 2004, this outpost was dismantled by activists from Peace Now. ... Peace Now showed that dismantling outposts is possible today! If Peace Now activists can accomplish this there should be no excuses from the State of Israel.
- Additional known funding (very obscure):
- ngo-monitor.org/article/ open_society_institute_osi_ (accessed: Nov. 3, 2010): "Funding for Israeli political advocacy NGOs: Adalah (821,432 NIS in 2007); Ir Amim (193,500 NIS in 2008); Gisha (283,725 NIS in 2009); B'Tselem (251,225 NIS in 2008); Yesh Din (195,650 NIS in 2007); Peace Now (149,138 NIS in 2007)..."
- October 11, 2006, Jerusalem Post, 'US-Jewish dove groups want AIPAC out; Jewish billionaire George Soros organizing coalition of dovish groups.': "Morton Halperin, a director of Soros' Open Society Institute... confirmed to JTA that the meeting took place late last month. He would not add details. ...
JTA has learned from a variety of sources that a follow-up meeting focused on funding will take place in New York on Oct. 26. Soros is to attend [as well as] Peter Lewis ... Edgar and Charles Bronfman ... and Mel Levine... Others in attendance were Debra DeLee, president and CEO of [Peace Now's US sister organization] Americans for Peace Now [and many other Dovish Jews]...
Oct. 26 also is the date of a New York City retreat for board members of the Israel Policy Forum, a dovish pro-Israel group whose executive director, David Elcott, is leading the new initiative with Halperin. It's not clear whether the potential funders will meet at the board retreat, or separately. ...
If it comes to fruition, it would be Soros' first major venture into Israel advocacy. Soros drew fire from some Jews in 2003 when at a conference on funding for Israel he suggested that Israel bore some responsibility for the outbreak of anti-Semitism in Europe because of its stiff response to Palestinian terrorism during the intifada."
- Galia Golan serves as an early Ford Foundation tie to the founding of Peace Now and the Meretz polical party:
- 2019, Galia Golan, 'Galia Golan: An Academic Pioneer on the Soviet Union, Peace and Conflict', pp. 62-63: "Ford Foundation Fellow, 1975-1977, 1985-1986; ... MacArthur Foundation Research Fellow, 1987-1990; ... Member, Executive, Peace Now - the Israeli Peace Movement, 1978-2012. ... Founding Member, National Executive of Meretz, 1992-; Chairperson, National Council of Meretz, 1995-1996. ...
Consultant, Israel Defense Forces, 1985-1988. ... Fellow, Stanford-Berkeley Program on Soviet International Behavior, 1985. ... Fellow UCLA-Rand Program on Soviet International Behavior, 1988. ... Fellow, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 1989, 1990. ... Visiting Scholar, Rand Corporation, 1992, 1993. ... Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1991."
- 2019, Galia Golan, 'Galia Golan: An Academic Pioneer on the Soviet Union, Peace and Conflict', pp. 62-63: "Ford Foundation Fellow, 1975-1977, 1985-1986; ... MacArthur Foundation Research Fellow, 1987-1990; ... Member, Executive, Peace Now - the Israeli Peace Movement, 1978-2012. ... Founding Member, National Executive of Meretz, 1992-; Chairperson, National Council of Meretz, 1995-1996. ...
- Despite the criticism on the NGO, supported by former left-wing prime minister Ehud Barak:
- October 6, 2011, Y-net, 'Peace Now honored for supporting reservists': "The Peace Now movement has recently received a certificate of merit from Defense Minister Ehud Barak for its support of reserve soldiers. The certificate was personally signed by Barak..."
- The curious switcheroo of Sheffin Paz, still very often mentioned in newspapers:
- April 11, 2016, Haaretz, 'The Former Left-wing Activist Who’s Now Racist and Proud': "40 years go ... she was with the Peace Now group... Later, as a member of the left-wing Meretz party and as a prominent lesbian activist, she [protested] President Ezer Weizman [over] homphobic and chauvinistic comments. Paz also stood alongside transgender people and drag queens ... in 1998.
Today, though, Paz, 63, is the most prominent activist in the struggle to deport asylum seekers [wearing] a black t-shirt emblazened with "The Liberation Front of South Tel Aviv." ... Paz and her activists put on their "uniforms" and patrol the streets at night, intimidating asylum seekers... "It's all about proportionality [the amount who come over]. ... Paz has merged the LGBT's Pride flag into the struggles she is leading. "[Sometimes] people were confused for a moment and didn't understand who was who. I love it best breaking stereotypes."
Indeed, members of Likud Pride - an affiliated gay group - became regular attendees at demonstrations organized by Paz." - April 3, 2018, Times of Israel, 'After flip-flop, Netanyahu formally cancels deal to let 16,000 migrants stay': ""The agreement with the United Nations to absorb the infiltrators [in Israel] is bad for Israel," [future prime minister Naftali] Bennett said. ...
"The agreement is a disgrace to Israel and a direct result of the total failure of government policies," Sheffi Paz said. "This proposal was presented to the heads of the campaign as a fait accompli and was presented as a 'victory' along with the expectation that we will give it our approval. The residents of south Tel Aviv will continue their campaign.""
- April 11, 2016, Haaretz, 'The Former Left-wing Activist Who’s Now Racist and Proud': "40 years go ... she was with the Peace Now group... Later, as a member of the left-wing Meretz party and as a prominent lesbian activist, she [protested] President Ezer Weizman [over] homphobic and chauvinistic comments. Paz also stood alongside transgender people and drag queens ... in 1998.
- Part of an extensive network financed by the Rockefeller-Soros-Ford Foundation clique through the Ploughshares Fund to promote Obama's 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.
- Annual report 2016, Ploughshares Fund: "Public Affairs Alliance of American Iranians, Washington, DC. To support activities to educate policymakers and the public on the benefits of the nuclear agreement with Iran. $50,000.00."
- Pro-Palestine Dutch NGO registered in October 2008, but active since 2009.
- Founded by former Dutch prime minister 1977-1982 Dries van Agt and a number of other senior government officials, including Prince Bernard in-law and top superclass member Hans van den Broek, who was chair of the Dutch Carnegie Foundation 2000-2007 and president of the Dutch CFR. As is clear, the Dutch establishment surrounding the Orange royal family is relatively anti-Israel.
- rightsforum.org/over-ons/dries-van-agt (accessed: July 17, 2015): "Dries van Agt (CDA) is oprichter en erevoorzitter van The Rights Forum. Hij was van 1977 tot 1982 minister-president. Nadien was hij commissaris van de Koningin in Noord-Brabant en ambassadeur van de EU in Japan en de Verenigde Staten."
- rightsforum.org/over-ons/raad-van-advies (accessed: October 6, 2016): "Frans Andriessen ... Laurens Jan Brinkhorst [at Friends of Europe with Bilderberg chair Etienne Davignon and other Bilderbergers] ... Hans van den Broek [foreign minister 1982-1993; daughter married a grandson of Prince Bernhard, Prince Maurits, in 1998; chair Dutch Carnegie Foundation 2000-2007; president Dutch CFR] ... Hedy d'Ancona ... Thom de Graaf ... Jan Pronk ... Klaas de Vries ..."
- December 12, 2009, israned.nl, 'De eigen waarheid van The Rights Forum': "Last week under a lot of attention the "new" Rights Forum was presented... Less known is that this forum isn't new at all: according to the Chamber of Commerce, this umpteenth anti-Israel club already was erected in October 2008. The registration reveals more interesting information, for example about the directors. In the managing of this (un)clean club, Van Agt is aided by Jaap Hamburger (EAJG) and Mouin Rabbani. This last one lives in Ramallah and Amman as far as we know. .... Is it possible that this club is also financed from "development funds" in a separate fund of Oxfam...? This could entirely be true, because in the last couple of years the Germany-born Martin Siepermann almost exclusively worked for clubs that have been supported by Oxfam"
- uscpr.org (accessed: February 11, 2017): "US Campaign for Palestinian Rights [was] formerly known as the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (2002-2016)."
- ngo-monitor.org/ngos/us-campaign-to-end-israeli-occupation/ (accessed: February 11, 2017): "Research reveals that on December 7, 2015, it received a grant of $30,000 (under the name of Education for Just Peace in the Middle East) from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for one year."
- Pro-Palestine group founded in 2005:
- yesh-din.org/en/about-us/ (accessed: Nov. 24, 2021): "Yesh Din was established in 2005... We view the occupation [of Palestine] as a main source of the violation of the human rights and therefore seek to end it."
- High-powered board:
- yesh-din.org/site/ index.php?page=about.us&lang=en (accessed: May 2, 2010): "
- Shulamit Aloni: [ultra-left Meretz party co-founder] Lecturer on human rights. Former Israeli minister of education and culture, minister of communications, minister of science and arts. ...
- Michael Ben Yair: Lawyer. Former attorney general of the State of Israel. ...
- Rut Dayan: ... project director in Latin America for the Inter-American Development Bank.
- Colonel (Ret.) Paul Kedar: Former Israeli consul in New York; head of Ministry of Defense delegation to Europe; IDF attache to Turkey. ...
- General (Ret.) Shlomo Lahat. Former mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.
- Yair Rotlevy: Industrialist. ...
- General (Ret.) Shlomo Gazit: Former Head of Military Intelligence. ...
- Yehudit Karp: lawyer, former Deputy Attorney General.
- Brigadier General (Res.) Ilan Paz: former head of the Civil Administration.
- Ruti Cheshin: President and one of the founders of the Jerusalem Foundation."
- yesh-din.org/site/ index.php?page=about.us&lang=en (accessed: May 2, 2010): "
- Funding:
- Jan. 7, 2011, Jerusalem Post, 'Column One: Agents of influence: The time has come to determine just how “Israeli” these organizations that form such a big part of the int'l political war against Israel are.': "Yesh Din, which specializes in conducting domestic lawfare against the IDF, is funded by the Irish, Dutch, British, German and Norwegian governments, the EU, and George Soros’s Open Society Institute."
- February 2013, Yesh-Din report, 'The Road to Dispossession', p. 2: "Yesh Din's activity in 2012 was made possible thanks to the support of the Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Norway, Ireland, European Union, The Civil Conflict Resolution Programme of the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (Germany), The Norwegian Refugee Council, Oxfam Novib, Foundation Open Society Institute, The Moriah Fund, Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)(UK) and individual donors."
- yesh-din.org/en/about-us/ (accessed: Nov. 24, 2021): "Yesh Din's work is made possibly through the generous support of individuals and foundations including: ... Catholic Agency For Overseas Development (CAFOD). Caritas. Consulate of France. The European Union. The Federal Republic of Germany. Foundation for Middle East Peace. Irish Aid. New Israel Fund. The Embassy of Norway. Norwegian Refugee Council. Oxfam. Rockefeller Brothers Fund. ... Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The European Commission (ECHO). United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office."
- zochrot.org/en/content/17 (accessed: February 12, 2017): "Zochrot ("remembering" in Hebrew) is an NGO working since 2002 to promote acknowledgement and accountability for the ongoing injustices of the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948 [when Israel was created] and ... a chance for a better life for all the country's inhabitants. ...
Vision: Return of the Palestinian refugees to their country [present-day Israel]..." - 2009 annual report, Zochrot: "Our partners in 2009 include: ICCO, Misereor, CCFD, Broederlijk Delen, Trocaire, HEKS-EPER, Mennonite Central Committee, medico international, Oxfam Solidarity [Oxfam is Ford Foundation, etc. backed and Prince Bernhard was co-founder and chair of OxfamNOVIB in the Netherlands], Oxfam GB, SIVMO, ifa – ZIVIK, Amberstone Trust, Sparkplug Foundation."
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund: rbf.org/grantees/zochrot (accessed: February 12, 2017): "Zochrot ... $20,000 for 1 year. Awarded: October 16, 2015. ... For general support."
2010: Sweden's Blanda Upp / Mix it Up video
- Music video that is part of the Swedish Grotesco series (Swedish comedy group and the name of a comedy series of the group), season 2, episode 1, Sverige, first broadcasted on November 8, 2010 on SVT, Swedish national public TV broadcast. Involves a Skane pig farmer and his party, the Skane Pig Democrats Party, making it to congress, where they are not wanted by the other parties. Skane is the southern most region of Sweden. Malmo is located here. After a speech of the seemingly nationalist pig farmer to congress, the show switches to the completely separate (except for the theme) music video.
- The Swedish government is among the most extreme, unabashed pro-Third World immigration promoters in existice. Various quotes have been gathered in this article.
- Blanda Upp's lyricist, Michael Lindgren, a.k.a. DJ Trexx, and Grotesco cohorts also produced pro-EU and anti-Putin comedy/propaganda while working for Sweden's top government broadcasting channel SVT.
- More later.
- Seemingly a German comedy movie released in 2015. In it, Hitler finds himself resurrected in 2014 Germany. Soon, he starts talking to people and finds out that their major issue is Third World immigration. He receives massive support.
- Red flags start popping up rather quickly in this movie. For starters, criticism of Third World immigration is unbelievably lucid - yet immediately associated with Hitler and extremist Naziism:
- When Hitler is walking the streets, white people (and a few Asian tourists) all are extremely accepting of him, with many wanting to take pictures with him.
- One of the first women Hitler talks to says: "I do not vote on principle. I think that the elections are rigged. Because nothing changes. [Hitler: "Everyone is afraid to speak out."] Yes. We cannot say anything. It gets treated as xenophobic. Foreign children are a nuisance. They throw stuff out the window. When I intervene, parents threaten me. ... Can I take a picture with you?"
- A white person Hitler talks to calls for "labor camps" for (mainly foreign) youths and criminals.
- A goup of older white men: "We also have this [immigration] problem in Germany. All these suspicious-looking beardmen [Arabs] should be thrown out. Some were born here. You still have to return them. [Let them go] to these Salafists."
- White woman in her late 20s / early 30s: "That more and more immigrants arrive, that I don't really like. But we little people can do nothing. ... That is true [that we can all work together]. [Hitler: "The mixing of races is not a good thing either." Explains how you shouldn't cross-breed dog races, because then you have no more dog races.]"
- Roughly a 58-year-old man: "IQ from people out of Africa [negroes], and I only speak of Africa, arriving in Germany, ranges on average between 40 and 50 [note 52 is lowest measured, average is in the 60s for rural areas and 70s for cities]. Here in Germany we have more than 80 [note: 100 on average]. ... I think their IQ is now maximal about 60% [note: if social-economic factors are taken out, about 75%]. The more migrants arrive, the less IQ will decline. That's how it works."
- Roughly a 70-year-old white man: "We Germans do not dare to speak up, because the stigmas are still present."
- Hitler listens to "nigga, nigga" hip hop. Is told it means "friend"; and is not an insult. Then starts calling his associate "nigga".
- Hitler tells a group of youths to beat up an antifa punk (leather jacket with "Germany has to die.") - and they do. The makers of the film later say they had to intervene here, but the fact is, this antifa punk deserved to get beaten up.
- Speech:
- Hitler soon gets himself on television with an incredibly powerful speech that silences everyone: "Why make joles about foreigners? When you have rats at home, you don't call a clown, but an exterminator. ... The TV in my hotel is this thin. It is a miracle of human genius. But what do we see on TV? Trash. ... How bad must times be, that be bombard people with such nonsense? In what country do we live? ... The birth rate is the lowest in history. No wonder. Who still wants to have children in this country? We are running towards the cliff. But because of the televion, we cannot see it. What we see is a cooking show."
- Ending:
- At the end Hitler's film maker calls him a monster, to which Hitler replies: "Am I? Then you should also condemn those people who elected this monster." That's a pretty strong condemnation of the white race.
- Next the filmmaker shoots him. But Hitler resurrects, saying: "You cannot get rid of me. I'm part of you. Of all of you." Then the matrix becomes visible.
- The writer and director of Er Ist Wieder Da is David Wnendt. Not surprising, he actually is pro-Third World immigration with his foreign office (spook?) father having been in charge in immigration/integration policy at the German foreign ministry:
- January 19, 2012, Berliner Zeitung, '"Ausländerfeindlichkeit ist Mainstream" Der Regisseur David Wnendt und die Hauptdarstellerin Alina Levshin über ihren Film "Kriegerin"'.
- October 23, 2015, The Independent, 'Look Who's Back: New film asking what would happen it Hitler returned to Germany has a worrying answer; The largely positive reaction to Hitler may remind some of the way Mao Zedong is treated in China or Joseph Stalin in some parts of Russia'.
- de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Wnendt (accessed: July 24, 2019): "David Wnendt is one of five children of the diplomat Werner Wnendt... Wnendt grew up in Islamabad, Miami, Brussels, Prague and Meckenheim in the Rhineland. ...
Wnendt was successful with his graduation film at the film school, Kriegerin (2011). The drama is about a right-wing radical girl from East Germany (presented by Alina Levshin), who turns into a courageous-sensitive humanist through the acquaintance of a girl from a middle-class house (Jella Haase) and a young refugee from Afghanistan... Through relevant dating sites, he came into contact with extreme right-wing women and recorded the interviews with them in part. ...
The premiere of Kriegerin end of 2011 coincided directly with the announcement of the extreme right-wing terrorist organization National Socialist Underground ("Zwickauer terror cell"), which is held responsible for a series of murders of small business owners with a migration background." - de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Wnendt (accessed: July 24, 2019): "[After graduation he] worked for the German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in a project on tin and tungsten occurrences in Myanmar between 1976 and 1978, and then in 1979 as a member of the Administration of Mineral Resources section of the Institute for Geoscientific Community Tasks in Hanover. ...
In 1980, Wnendt joined the Foreign Service and became Second Secretary at the Embassy in Kenya in 1982 after completing his senior career examination and was a member of the German delegation to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) annual conferences. Shortly thereafter, however, he became First Secretary at the Embassy in Pakistan in 1982, where he was responsible for development programs and the aid program for refugees from Afghanistan.
Between 1985 and 1989, Wnendt served as a consultant for European integration policy in the European and Planning Department of the Foreign Office in Bonn and then from 1989 to 1991 as Permanent Representative of the Head of the Consulate General in Miami. He then took on the position of Spokesman for the Ambassador and Head of Permanent Representation to the European Union from 1991 to 1995, during which time he was also a member of a working group on the peace process in the former Yugoslavia.
After Wnendt was Head of the Office of the Minister of State for European Integration at the Foreign Office between 1995 and 1998, he served as Permanent Representative of the Ambassador in the Czech Republic from 1998 to 2000 and subsequently as Foreign Policy Advisor to the Federal President's Office between 2000 and 2003. ...
Appointed on November 5, 2001 Honorary Officer of the National Order of Merit of Malta."
- The "Hey, White Guys" New Year's resolution video was released by MTV on its Youtube channel on December 19, 2016. Within a day the video gathered a 56 to 1 dislike to like ratio (before that a 137 to 1 ratio) and was removed by MTV amidst a hail of controversy.
- The actors in the MTV clip are extremely passive-aggressive and condescending as they explain that:
- "white guys' should realize how privileged and racist they are;
- "good" white guys who stand up for black racial injustices should not "brag" about this (by saying they're "woke")';
- white guys with black friends, can still be racist and thus should stop using that as as argument against them being racist;
- cops (who are getting shot at records rates by black activists) do not have the right to protest against being targeted by black "activists";
- Donald Trump's election has been disastrous (without directly saying it or saying why);
- Kanye West should be marginalized for having supported Trump (without directly saying it);
- Transcript of the "Hey, White Guys" video: "
[White guy 1:] Hey fellow white guys.
[Indian-looking South Asian guy 1:] It's about to be a new year.
[Black guy 1:] And there's a few things we think you could do a little better in 2017.
[Black girl 1:] First off, try to recognize that America was never "great" for anyone who wasn't a white guy.
[Black girl 2:] Can we all just agree that "Black Lives Matter" isn't the opposite of "All Lives Matter". Black Lives just matter. There's no need to overcomplicate it.
[White guy 2:] Also, "Blue Lives Matter" isn't a thing [i.e., cops campaigning that they shouldn't be shot at random by black people isn't worth anything].
[Black guy 1:] Cops weren't born with blue skin, right? I mean, yeah, they weren't born blue.
[White guy 3:] Stop bragging about being "woke" [translation: stop bragging about being a "white-privileged" activist for black racial injustices].
[Indian-looking South Asian guy 1:] Stop saying "woke".
[White girl 1:] Learn what mansplaining [word that feminists have invented for male critics and their supposedly flawed logic] is and then stop doing it. ...
[Black guy 1:] We all love Beyoncé and yeah, she's black, so of course she cares about black issues. I'm talking to you, Fox News. I'm talking to you, Fox news.
[Black girl 2:] Feel free to take Kanye West though. You guys can have him [because he publicly met with Donald Trump].
[Black guy 1:] You know what you did, Kanye.
[White guy 4:] Nobody that has black friends say that they have black friends.
[Black guy 1:] And just because you have black friends, doesn't mean you're not racist! You could be racist with black friends!
[Indian-looking South Asian guy 1:] Look guys, we know no one is perfect.
[Black girl 1:] But honestly, you could do a little better in 2017.
[Black guy 1:] Some of you guys do a great job; some of you don't.
[White guy 3:] Please, because 2016 is bad. 2017 can't be worse than this, right? Cause this is bad!" - Additional explanation on the term "woke":
- April 19, 2016, New York Times, 'Earning the 'Woke' Badge'": "Earning the "woke" badge is a particularly tantalizing prospect because it implies that you're down with the historical fight against prejudice. ... When Black Lives Matter activists started a website to help recruit volunteers to the cause, they called it StayWoke.org. "Woke" denotes awareness, but it also connotes blackness. It suggests to white allies that if they walk the walk, they get to talk the talk."
- Update: as it turns out, both lead actors of Logan, Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) and Sir Patrick Stewart (Professor Xavier) are MAJOR globalists. Jackman works for NGOs as Global Citizen and Stewart was the first patron of the United Nations Association UK (UNA has counted the involvement of Henry Kissinger, the Jordanian royal family, the Rothschilds, etc.), working closely with key Soros agent Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, head of the International Crisis Group, who followed up Stewart as patron of UNA-UK. Must be yet another of these coincidences. Stewart in particular ranted and raved against Brexit and the Donald Trump election, claiming that basically all of it is the result of white racism and right-wing propaganda.
- The author of this oversight watched Logan in March 2017, soon after it came out. Not knowing anything about the film, halfway through I grabbed my phone to check if anything had been written about this otherwise fairly decent movie in terms of pro-immigration propaganda. Turns out, there has. Granted, the opening scene starts out with Logan / Wolverine taking out a group of Mexican/Cholo gangbangers, but for the rest, suspicions of propaganda are obvious:
- It's 2029. In the beginning of the film, Logan, a limo driver, transports a wealthy Texan wearing a cowboy head saying: "Yeah, it was a good trip. Killed it up and down the fence." What he means by that is hard to say. This is followed by four passengers of Logan screaming "USA", "USA" from the top window to Mexican immigrants (obvious from the border patrol car they're passing).
- Logan has a biological daughter of about 8-years-old who grew up in an illegal mutant laboratory in Mexico. Annoyingly, the kid talks Spanish throughout the film (or Charles talks Spanish to hear) without subtitles, but in the end it turns out that the kid speaks English as well. Apart from this it is a little weird this kid converses like a grown up near the end.
- Halfway into the movie, Logan, Charles and the Mexican kid stop to help a black family. As usual in Hollywood, the black family behaves like a well-to-do white middle class family.
- While my suspicions really started here, in no time it turns out that this wonderful black family is cruelly suppresed by a gang of gun-loving, white, racist southerners wearing cowboy hats. Logan has to step in to protect the family.
- The main villain is called Donald Pierce, which some have suspected is jab at Donald Trump. It has to be said that Pierce first was part of the X-Men universe in 1980. At the same time Logan is the first (and apparently last) time that Pierce became part of the movie series.
- Turns out, suspicions that Logan involves pro-immigration propaganda are confirmed by the words of writer and director James Mangold:
- March 6, 2017, Vulture.com, 'Logan Director James Mangold on Trump's Influence, the Film's Last Line, and the Biggest Problem With Superhero Movies': "I first was writing the story [of Charles in Kentucky] in late 2013 or late 2014, but I think I moved it to [and beyond] the Texas border somewhere in 2015. ... To me, the sense of nationalism and anxiety of people who are Other seemed to fit very well into an X-Men idea."
- While many Hollywood series and movies portray unrealistic ethnic role models (blacks, Arabs and Latinos all behaving upper middle class white, whites becoming more criminal than blacks (while blacks have vastly higher crime rates), or blacks portraying traditionally white roles, such as Merlin or Lancelot (Once Upon a Time)), Logan has taken the propaganda a step up.
- Modern-looking news site for youths concerning the Arab world and Muslims migrants everywhere.
- Headings on StepFeed.com's news site visible per April 23, 2018:
- 'Rights groups release video in solidarity with Arab LGBT community'
- 'Saudi Arabia opens up its first cinema since the 80s ... and the internet broke'
- 'Video of Saudi woman driving on highway goes viral, gets arrested'
- 'Kuwaiti woman wants a divorce because husband is obsessed with PlayStation'
- 'Saudi Arabia elected to join UN Women's board ... to promote gender equality'
- 'Arab women are savagely trolling men's ridiculous expectations'
- 'Someone asked if 'Coachella is white people Hajj' ... and the internet broke'
- 'The Weeknd is coming to the UAE and fans are beyond excited'
- 'Mo Salah is officially the best player in the Premier League this season'
- 'Arab woman refuses handshake ... gets denied French citizenship'
- 'Someone canceled his cab ride when he found out the driver is Muslim'
- 'Saudi man kills three daughters and stabs wife, sparks outrage online'
- '12 ways to piss off Egyptians in less than 5 minutes'
- '5 prominent Jews who have criticized the Israeli government's actions'
- 'QUIZ: What type of Arab mother do you have?'
- 'Video of dance flash mob in Riyadh hospital sparks controversy'
- 'Jewish actress Natalie Portman just took a stand against Israel'
- 'Hyperloop connecting Abu Dhabi and Dubai set to be completed by 2020'
- Very unusually, anno 2018 the StepFeed website doesn't give ANY indentification as to who founded it and who runs it. The only information available basically is that it located in Dubai. Clearly there is U.S. "liberal CIA" influence, because the site pushes LGBTQ issues HARD, alongside Muslim migration to the West. It also supports the Palestinian cause and seems to try to foster a sense of "unity" among Arabs of different countries. It's enough to do a little digging.
- Turns out, the site was founded by a Lebanese named Ray Dargham. Dargham's father was involved in the Beirut-based Arab Economic Forum, a regionally very influential conference (iktissadevents.com). Ray first became interested in entrepreneurship while participating in a three-month program of INJAZ, an Arab-oriented educational group founded by USAID in 1999. In 2001 INJAZ became a Jordan-based NGO. Considering the Jordanian royal family has supported INJAZ and are the chief U.S./superclass allies in the Middle East, this continues the superclass ties of INJAZ. In 2008, Ray Dargham became a student at the American University in Beirut.
At the end of his study Dargham founded the Step Conference, which began attracting all kinds of "liberal CIA" and Silicon Valley media outlets (including BuzzFeed) and entrepeneurs by 2015. At that point he also founded the Step Group, whichs owns StepFeed.com. As one BBC-employed Arab journalist, Faisal Irshaid, asked in an April 4, 2016 tweet: "Is this the Arab World's Buzzfeed? http://stepfeed.com." It quite clearly is. - March 21, 2018, Forbes Middle East, 'How Ray Dargham Built STEP Conference Into One Of The Region's Most Influential Tech Events': "In many ways, this Forbes Middle East 30 under 30 honoree learned his father's trade. Dargham senior worked for Al-Iktissad Wal-Aamal, a Beirut media company, which also organized events like the Arab Economic Forum. He often attended those conferences. ...
Dargham became interested in entrepreneurship when he participated in a three-month program organized by INJAZ... In 2008, he enrolled at AUB... Instead of applying for jobs during his final year at AUB, he conceived the STEP Conference. Five days after graduating in 2011, he moved to Dubai. It helped that his older brother lived there, where he worked in advertising. To fund his idea, he formed a company, with support from his brother. ... Dargham secured clients such as Rotana, which allowed him to hold his first small event in 2012 in a co-working space. ... [At the most recent conference] present were representatives from Facebook, Buzzfeed and [Elon Musk and Richard Branson's] Hyperloop One—altogether a crowd coveted by advertisers, from Cadillac and Pepsi to du. ...
With his conference gaining momentum [in 2015], Dargham felt the time was right to launch the media platform that consisted of websites such as Stepfeed and Yallafeed." - injaz.org.jo/Pages/viewpage.aspx?pageID=111: "INJAZ was founded in 1999 as a project under a USAID-funded program, Save the Children. In 2001, INJAZ became an independent, nonprofit Jordanian organization. ... INJAZ is strongly positioned in Jordan. It has cooperation agreements with key ministries..."
- stepgroup.co/group-team (accessed: April 23, 2018; shows a group of fully westernized, "poppy" young adult Arabs): "Co-Founder & CEO, Ray Dargham. ... Our Brands: StepFeed. YallaFeed. Step Conference. Step Music. 3arab."
- Rutgers University professor since 1988 ($123,500 annual salary anno 2014). Author of the 2001 book Pragmatism, Feminism, and Democracy: Rethinking the Politics of American History. Wrote a number of interesting tweets:
- May 31, 2018 tweet of Rutgers professor James Livingston (@annihilista): "OK, officially I now hate white people. I am a white people, for God's sake, but can we keep them--us--us out of my neighborhood? I just went to Harlem Shake on 124 and Lenox for a Classic burger to go, that would my dinner [sic], and the place is overrun with little Caucasian assholes who know their parents will approve of anything they do. Slide around the floor, you little shithead, sing loudly you unlikely moron. Do what you want, nobody here is gonna restrict your right to be white. I hereby resign from my race. Fuck these people."
- May 4, 2018 tweet of Rutgers professor James Livingston (@annihilista): "Politico on Jimmy O'Keefe, the stealth documentarian of the alt-right. As his faculty adviser back in his pre-camera days, ca. 2004, I offer this as entertainment."
- April 17, 2018 tweet of Rutgers professor James Livingston (@annihilista): "I read the whole thing, which is a kind of obituary fore and aft, because I admire Davidson. I like the way he threads Iraq, the Great Recession, and the Trump machine... 'Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency'."
- A quick check reveals that - as expected - Rutgers University has been receiving millions from the Ford Foundation:
- 2006-2017 grants list, Ford Foundation: "Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey: ... 2006: $300,000 [and] $850,000. ... 2007: $270,000 [and] $74,977. ... [millions in donations 2008-2016] ... 2017: $400,000.
Rutgers University Foundation: ... 2007: $846,000. ... 2008: $150,000 [and] $125,000. ... [millions in donations 2009-2016] ... 2017: $500,000."
- 2006-2017 grants list, Ford Foundation: "Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey: ... 2006: $300,000 [and] $850,000. ... 2007: $270,000 [and] $74,977. ... [millions in donations 2008-2016] ... 2017: $400,000.
- James Livingston also contributed an article to the "liberal CIA" funded The Nation magazine:
- thenation.com/authors/james-livingston/ (accessed: June 6, 2018): "James Livingston, a professor of history at Rutgers University, is the author of Against Thrift. He is completing a new book, Fuck Work. [Articles:] October 15, 2014, 'Vanishing Act'."
- Issues with daughter:
- March 6, 2014, Daily Mail, 'Divorced father ordered to pay HALF his daughter's $225,000 Ivy League law school tuition after SHE cut contact with him 5 years ago': "Rutgers University history professor James C. Livingston was told to pay $112,500 so that his daughter can attend Ivy League Cornell Law School. Despite communications between father and daughter breaking down, Mr Livingston said he would pay $7,500 a year for her to attend Rutger's law. ...
The law school tuition is only a few thousand dollars short of Mr Livingston's annual college salary of $123,500. Mr Livingston divorced from his wife Patricia Rossi in 2009 after 26 years of marriage."
- March 6, 2014, Daily Mail, 'Divorced father ordered to pay HALF his daughter's $225,000 Ivy League law school tuition after SHE cut contact with him 5 years ago': "Rutgers University history professor James C. Livingston was told to pay $112,500 so that his daughter can attend Ivy League Cornell Law School. Despite communications between father and daughter breaking down, Mr Livingston said he would pay $7,500 a year for her to attend Rutger's law. ...
Extremist pro-immigration quotes of elites: politicians, CEOs, etc
"If two equally qualified people are applying for a job in a workplace with few immigrants, the one named Mohammed should get the job. It should be seen as a plus to have a different ethnicity than the Swedish one."
October 22, 2000, Goteborgs-Posten newspaper, interview with Swedish immigration minister Mona Sahlin. 2 A communist Vietcong supporter at age 13 due to her family. Her father was an advisor to Swedish prime minister Ingvar Carlsson (PM 1986-1991, 1994-1996; initially deputy PM Sweden 1982-1986 under PM Olof Palme, assassinated in 1986). She herself was a 1993 "Global Leaders for Tomorrow" (the later "Young Global Leaders") of Davos. Her mainstream career: MP from Stockholm 1982-1986, 2002-2011; minister 1990-1991 (labor), 1998-2000 (labor; small business; responsible for the sensitive Estonia sinking inquiry), 2000-2004 (immigration/integration), 2004-2006 (environment); chair of the Swedish Social Democratic Party 2007-2011 (first chair not to serve as prime minister since 1907); invited to Bilderberg in 1996; appointed chairman of the Council of Europe Against Racism. (Oct. 22, 2000, Aftonbladet, Sahlin trött på att åka taxi med läkare. wwwc.aftonbladet.se/nyheter /0010/22/sahlin.html (unavailable in webarchive anno 2024).) |
"Swedes have to be integrated into the new Sweden. The old Sweden isn't coming back."
May 17, 2001, leading Swedish politician and 1996 Bilderberg visitor Mona Sahlin to Swedish radio P1 Morgon. |
"I can't figure out what Swedish culture is. I think that's sort of what makes so many Swedes jealous of immigrants. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that binds you together. And what do we have? We have midsummers eve and "dorky" things like that."
March 2002, leading Swedish politician and 1996 Bilderberg visitor Mona Sahlin, invited to Bilderberg in 1996. (March 2002, Euro Turk journal, p. 11, 'Mona & Goran', article in relation to an Islamic "honor" murder of a woman.) |
"Is this country owned by those who lived here for three or four generations, or is Sweden what those who come here in the middle of their lives make out of it while they develop it? For me, it's clear that it is the latter and that we would have a better and stronger society if it was more open! ... What [the immigrants] make out of Sweden is Sweden!"
December 24, 2014, TV4 interview with Fredrik Reinfeldt 3, Swedish prime minister 2006-2014 and Bilderberg visitor in June 2006 (two months before the elections that made him PM and at the invitation of Jacob Wallenberg; Bilderberg steering committee member Carl Bildt was his long-time foreign minister). HE's been an occasional Davos visitor since at least 2011. 4 |
"Primarily Swedish is only barbarism. The rest of the development has come from outside. ...
"I am a typical Swede. My great-grandfather was the fruit of a romance between a colored American circus performer and a Latvian maid. It's Swedish. Mixed."
"I spent two days staying with Abdullah and Shahida Rehman and their family in Birmingham. The experience has strengthened my conviction about the right way to build a more cohesive Britain. First, a concerted attack on racism and soft bigotry. You can't even start to talk about a truly integrated society while [Muslim and black] people are suffering racist insults and abuse...
"No Muslim I've ever met is offended by Christmas, or supports its replacement with 'Winterval'. But many Muslims I've talked to about these issues are deeply offended by the use of the word 'Islamic' or 'Islamist' to describe the terrorist threat we face today. ...
"The picture is bleak [among white Britains]: family breakdown, drugs, crime and incivility are part of the normal experience of modern Britain. Many British Asians [read: British Muslims] see a society [here] that hardly inspires them to integrate. Indeed, they see aspects of modern Britain which are a threat to the values they hold dear - values which we should all hold dear. Asian families and communities are incredibly strong and cohesive, and have a sense of civic responsibility which puts the rest of us to shame. Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian [read: British Muslim] way of life, not the other way around.
"Saying goodbye to Abdullah I was given gifts of T-shirts, shoes and a traditional robe which he said would be perfect for any visit to Pakistan. It's another reminder that integration is a two-way street. If we want to remind ourselves of British values - hospitality, tolerance and generosity to name just three - there are plenty of British Muslims ready to show us what those things really mean."
May 13, 2007, David Cameron in (Rockefeller and Ford Foundation-funded) The Guardian, 'What I learnt from my stay with a Muslim family' says UN migration chief'. Cameron was chair Conservative Party 2005-2016, prime minister 2010-2016. Visited Bilderberg in 2008 and 2013, and Davos since at least 2008. As Cameron does not appear on formal Bilderberg visitor lists, a source: June 7, 2013, Daily Mail, 'Cameron to attend secretive Bilderberg conference (but will not say who he meets')': "The spokesman said he thought it was the first time Mr Cameron had joined a meeting of the shadowy group. But as Tory leader he attended in 2008." |
"The idea of a clash between Islam and "the West" ... has misled our policies and our narratives. ... Religion plays a role in politics... Religion can be part of the process. ... I'm not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture. ... Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe's history, in our culture, in our food and - what matters most - in Europe's present and future."
June 25, 2015, Federica Mogherini, as the E.U.'s representative for foreign affairs and security policy, at the "Call to Europe V: Islam in Europe", FEPS conference'. Since at least 2016 Mogherini has been sitting on the advisory board of the elite Munich Security Conferences, anno 2020 along with George Soros. In early 2020 she became a trustee of Soros' International Crisis Group. She has been involved in countless other globalist NGOs. Ironically, Mogherini comes from Italy, a country that, like Spain, had to fight off Muslim invasions for several centuries. And in contrast to what she says, Islamic culture has played NO (positive) role whatsoever within Europe's borders. Mogherini publicly started crying after the subsequent Muslim bombings in Paris and Brussels. I would too if I had sold my soul like this. |
"It appears that young people throughout the world are going on strike and not having children [except in Africa]. ...
"[So] there will be 500 million working-age sub-Saharan Africans with a secondary or higher education [but] in Europe that will fall below 300 million... [This] will lead to the continued movement of people across borders for generations to come. I would argue this is a good thing...
"Vicious hate crimes have scarred societies from Norway to France, where this Spring a serial killer targeted both Muslims and Jews... Landlords refuse to rent houses to people of color. Immigrants are subjected to psychological and physical abuse. Employment is denied based on faith or ethnic origin. Police engage in racial profiling."
June 15, 2012, Sir Peter Sutherland speech at the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, Ireland, as the UN Special Representative for International Migration 2006-2017. However, did he speak in this capacity? Or more as the head of Goldman Sachs, BP and the WTO? Or as a Bilderberg steering committee member, the European chair of the Trilateral Commission, and the vice chair of the European Round Table of Industrialists? |
"[The pope and I] talked in general about [immigration] being part of globalization and just as the rich [inaudible] is in favor of free movements of goods, persons, capital and so on, and services, it also has to be in favor of people. Globalization is about more than goods and services. ...
"Governments have to lead by giving the positive news that migrants are good for a community, economically and every other way rather than constantly expressing them as a burden... My reaction is that their reaction [of countries who refuse additional refugees] is not a good reaction. It's a bad reaction and it doesn't show the sort of solidarity that the European Union is meant to be about...
"Those figures [250,000 refugees arriving across the Mediterranean annually] are laughable in the context of the total European population of 500 million [including eastern Europe]. These figures you are talking about are literally a drop in the ocean. We could easily handle that. Germany could take a lot more and still have deficiency in terms of its aging population. ... There is a demand for labor that they fulfill and often in areas of activity where there's a huge deficiency in the national economy. For example in the [unskilled] nursing profession, in the [elderly] care profession [where we force the long-term unemployed to work, as well as sweeping the streets and the like].
"[Massive lie 1:] Today's population in Germany is over 55% in favor of having more migrants. ... [Massive lie 2: Migrants] have a lower unemployment rate, a significantly lower unemployment rate, than the national population. ...
"It's going to take a long time to solve the inherent problems of North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, so we're going to live with the issue of migration for a very long time. ... One can say that some [Western] interventions in the past have led to [refugee increases] rather then contributing to solving [it]. I mean, the collapse stage in Libya [is one, apart from ISIS emerging in Iraq]..."
July 30, 2015, top-superclass member Sir Peter Sutherland to RTE News (Ireland), as the United Nations secretary general for International Migration and Development and president of the International Catholic Migration Committee, providing questionable statistics and subtlely demanding that all European countries fall in line with the superclass-introduced, pro-immigration policy. Among many other positions, Sutherland has been chair of Goldman Sachs, chair of BP, European chair of the Trilateral Commission, founding head of the WTO, goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, a member of the first Delors (EU) Commission, a steering board member of Bilderberg, a member of the European Round Table, a honorary president of the European Movement in Ireland and director of the Centre for European Reform, the European Institute and DAVOS. He has also been involved with the Pilgrims Society. |
"Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural. ...
""The United States, or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies and therefore they accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others. And that's precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.""
June 2012, BBC, 'EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief'. Earlier words of top-superclass member and Trilateral Commission chair Sir Peter Sutherland, who looks at the immigration issue seemingly through purely economic and empire building glasses, but selling his agenda in a variety of other ways. Here he is muddling the difference between past European emigration to primitive, conquered lands and today's Third World emigration into First World Europe. |
"[Clinton:] If you look at America, we're only having a 2.1 replacement of our native-born population from natural births. We can't continue to grow this economy unless we grow diversity and taking in more immigrants - so we gotta be comfortable about it. I mean, aren't you glad that a Cambodian woman found her way to Louisiana to help people over there? [loud cheering] [Bush:] My only regret is she didn't find her way to Texas."
July 13, 2017, presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush during a moderated conversation at the graduation class of the Presidential Leadership Scholars program at the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas, Texas. |
"I'm increasingly embarrassed to be a white male these days [host laughing hysterically], with what I see other white males say. But it just shows, with very few exceptions, like [Dick Cheney's daughter] Liz Cheney there are so few Republicans in Congress who value truth, honesty, and integrity. And so they'll continue to gaslight the country, the way Donald Trump did. ...
"Donald Trump's press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of "high crimes & misdemeanors". It was nothing short of "treasonous". Not only were Trump's comments "imbecilic", he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???""
~ March 1, 2021, media apperance at MSNBC's Deadline and a July 16, 2018 tweet by John O. Brennan, the CIA director over 2013-2017 who visited Bilderberg in June 2017 as a new senior advisor for Kissinger Associates. |
[1] | January 22, 2017, New York Times, 'White House Pushes ‘Alternative Facts.' Here Are the Real Ones.'. |
[2] | January 20, 2017, Snopes, 'Was Obama's Inauguration Crowd Larger Than Trump's?'. - Clinton, 1993: 800,000. - Clinton, 1997: 250,000. - Bush, 2001: 300,000. - Bush, 2005: 400,000. - Obama, 2009: 1,800,000. - Obama, 2013: 1,000,000. - Trump, 2017: 700,000 to 900,000. |
[3] | September 18, 2014, New York Times, 'In Georgia, Politics Moves Past Just Black and White'. |
[4] | September 10, 2016, Boston Globe, 'Being white, and a minority, in Georgia'. |
[5] | February 6, 2019, Breitbart, 'Trump Reverses Wage-Boosting Campaign Commitment, Demands More Legal Immigration: 'We Need People''. |
[6] | March 28, 2020, Breitbart, 'State Department Accelerates Foreign Workers into U.S. Jobs Despite Mass Coronavirus Unemployment'. |
[7] | March 27, 2020, Breitbart, 'Trump's DHS Starts to Import 85,000 H-1B Graduate Gig Workers'. |