Globalist Feminism and LGBTQ: A "Revolution" Funded by "Liberal CIA" Foundations as Soros, Ford, Buffett and Rockefeller

1. | Intro |
The Numbers | |
2. | We're not all "equal" |
3. | Emotional differences between men and women |
Elite-financed feminist groups of the Women's March
Additional elite-financed feminist / LGBTQ groups
1. | Alek Minassian | 3. | Gloria Steinem |
2. | Thaddeus Russell | 4. | Melissa Silverstein |
"Various CIA projects [included the] backing of a group [creating] wall posters attributed to fictitious groups, leaflet campaigns, and public heckling. ... Poster distribution and sign-painting teams... leaflets [and] picture books [were spread]. ...
"The propaganda projects probably had a substantial cumulative effect over these years ... in helping to polarize public opinion...
"The CIA supported an anti-communist women's group active in Chilean political and intellectual life."
1975, Church Committee, 'Covert Action in Chile: 1963-1973', pp. 14-15, 18-19, 22. Sounds like the foundations and NGOs are doing what the CIA once did.
"Percentages of female judges at Dutch courts. North Holland [Amsterdam]: 70%. Central Netherlands: 64%. The Hague: 63%. Rotterdam: 61%."
May 22, 2014, Trouw (major Dutch newspaper), 'Vrouwelijke rechters in de meerderheid' ('Female judges in the majority'). Council of Europe numbers for 2021 reveal 60.2% of judges, 60.2% of prosecutors (same percentage), 67.6% prosecutor staff, and 45.6% of lawyers are women. 1 One noteworthy thing is that certainly with the female judges and prosecutors is that all "research" coincidentally comes down to political correctness, cutting-and-pasting, forgery, hiding and pushing out counter-evidence, etc.
""In 2021, Slovenia has 3,455 non-judge staff (of which 3 027 are Female [i.e. 88%])... 79,9% of the total number of judges [is] Female. ... 69,2% of the total number of prosecutors [are] Female. ... There are 40,81 professional judges per 100 000 inhabitants [which is far] above the EU median of 24,1 judges per 100 000 inhabitants. ... Gender balance: ... Professional judges: ... EU Median: ... Female: 62.2%. ... Prosecutors: ... EU Median: ... Female: ... 59.6%."
2021 Council of Europe study numbers. 2
The primary purpose of this oversight is to demonstrate that the entire international feminist and LGBTQ obsession of the media and politics, especially since the Obama years, actually is heavily financed by superclass elites and its countless "liberal CIA" foundations: Soros, Buffett, Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Gates, etc. In particular, we are talking here about so-called "grassroots" action groups regularly staging "independent" protests to demand for "social change". It's all stage-play. The organizers and many of the core participants always are tied in with international NGOs and political parties, with whole armies of antifa anarchists and communists being coordinated by the European Union and Soros' Open Society Foundations. The U.S. has its own structures.
In a way, elites backing these type of movements is nothing new. Planned Parenthood, a key NGO for feminist causes until the present day, was founded in 1921 and maintained in the early decades through the efforts of key Eastern Establishment (Pilgrims Society) families as Morgan, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Warbug-Rothschild, Vanderbilt, Schiff and others. This was fine, and even beneficial, until the late 20th century, when these networks started to take an ever more extreme character, with women being put up against men, the destruction of traditional (and very necessary) gender roles in society, and now possibly even the total destruction of the whole concept of "gender". Politics, the media, NGOs and Hollywood actors are all playing a very key role in this agenda.
Initially it wasn't worth getting into, but now that so many company managers, government employees and even ordinary citizens are drinking the (extremist) feminist and LGBTQ - i.e. "gender communist" - kool-aid, it might not be bad to include a few chapters on this page with scientific numbers that demonstrate the obvious, namely that there are most certainly considerable evolutionary, emotional differences between men and women. And that these are being ignored and exploited by the superclass, in no small part to artifically separate large voter-blocks (women, gays, transgenders, etc.) and turn them away from (equally managed) anti-Third World immgration "populist" thought.
You bet that elites have studied these numbers and know exactly how to pressure and appeal to the emotion of women. They pay attention to all the numbers: first the polls and then how to sway all these polls into their favor by manipulating the population along threat-based, gender and ethnic lines. 1% perfect can make all the difference; that's how politics works.
We're not all "equal"
How does that popular mantra go? "We're all equal!" It sounds nice, and most people still assume it's true without thinking about it - but we're not. It's a lie. Ignoring skin color, races around the world are not "equal" in genetic IQ, crime numbers, physical traits, technological achievement, culture, etc. Similarly, men and women are not "equal". They have very different physical and even emotional traits. Fact is, two members of both the same species and gender aren't even "equal". There will always be differences in IQ, height, dick size, fast twitch muscle percentage, or inherited wealth.
Hence, maybe it's about time to shelve the "equality" mantra. The more one thinks about it, the sillier it sounds. Maybe when we're all flying high on LSD, then we're all "equal", but down here on planet Earth, Darwin rules. We can aspire to be nice to each other and treat each other honorable as far as possible on this planet with its limited space and resources, but that's about it.
For the love of God (and Darwin), see the "equality" mantra in perspective. And recognize that it is being used as propaganda.
Emotional differences between men and women
The following oversight is based on a course at Rotterdam University (realistically a college) related to "violence" that I took in 2010. I picked the course simply because I was lazy and late with picking one - and this was one of the handful left. I actually hoped to learn something about Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) / Multiple Personality Disorder (DID) in relation to ISGP's Beyond the Dutroux Affair article, because the course largely dealt with violence against children. No such luck, but already at the time - well before any "social justice awareness" - I remember being struck that the differences between male and female violence were so clearly spelled out. Despite being extremely recognizable, it already was something that you would never see in the media at that point. One wonders if this course even survived in later years. However, these teachings were based on mainstream psychology. Here's an easy-to-grasp oversight of those teachings:

Below is an oversight from a 2011 study from Canada that focused on mapping the differences in emotional make up of men and women. I reorganized the row and added some extra numbers and percentages to make these differences much easier to grasp:

The graphs below come from the same study as above, and are based on the same data, but now analyzed by age. The oversight shows a number of remarkable (yet recognizable) differences and evolutions for the two genders:

The data also revealed a difference between Asian and white people in terms of traits as compassion and volatility. The study didn't go into much detail on this issue, however, so we'll leave that be.
Obviously, as all the references in the full study above alone make clear, there is much more data to be found. This is all the time available for now though.
List of elite-backed feminist groups involved in the Women's March
- Annual report 2014 reveals AT&T, Bloomberg, CNN, ABC News, CBS, Ford Motor Company, HBO, NBC, Wall Street Journal and USA Today among the group's financiers.
- Catholic for Choice was a partner organization in the 2017-founded Women's March on Washington in protest of the presidency of Donald Trump.
- November 3, 2001, Zenit: The World Seen From Rome (Vatican-backed non-profit magazine), 'Private Foundations Fueling Family-Planning Programs: Ford, Rockefeller, Packard, Gates — the Who's Who Behind Abortion-Group Support': "The Ford Foundation also gives regular support to Catholics for a Free Choice [sic], a group strongly criticized in a declaration by the U.S. bishops' conference in May 2000 as "an arm of the abortion lobby in the United States and throughout the world." In 1999, the Ford Foundation gave money to the branches of Catholics for a Free Choice in Uruguay, Brazil and Mexico totaling almost $1 million. ...
Examples of last year's grants [of the Packard Foundation] include $2 million to Catholics for a Free Choice over three years for its activities in Latin America, with a further $655,000 to the Mexican branch." - Ford Foundation grants list for 2006-2015: "Catholics for Choice: ... [2015:] $400,000 ... [2013:] $300,000 ... [2010:] $300,000 ... [2008:] $300,000."
- Annual report 2016, Center for Reproductive Rights, p. 26: "$500,000+: ... Hewlett Foundation ... Open Society Foundations ... Rice Family Foundation ...
$100,000–$499,999: ... Ford Foundation ... Libra Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation ... Packard Foundation ... Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation ... $50,000–$99,999: ... Pamela Buffett, The Rebecca Susan Buffett Foundation ... Moore Family Foundation... $25,000–$49,999: ... Craigslist Charitable Fund ... $10,000–$24,999: ... Mott Foundation ... "
- Feminist group with a globalist, multicultural orientation - like all other groups here.
- 2000 annual report, Equality Now, pp. 21-23, 25: "Advisory Council: ... Gloria Steinem ... Friends of Equality Now [pictures of women from all races on each page]: ... AOL Foundation ... Bertelsmann, Inc. ... Davis, Polk & Wardwell ... ... The Feminist Majority ... Thomas Middelhoff [head of Bertelsmann] ... National Black Women's Health Coalition ... Gwyneth Paltrow ... Planned Parenthood ... Nina Rosenwald ... Shearman & Sterling ... Meryl Streep ... Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. [publisher New York Times] ... Time Warner, Inc. ... Joss Whedon [already listed in 1998-1999 report] ... Foundation and Corporate Support: ... Ford Foundation ... Home Box Office ... MacArthur Foundation ... NOVIB. [Soros'] Open Society Institute."
- 2006 annual report, Equality Now, pp. 0, 18, 22-27: "Joss Whedon is a screenwriter and director from the United States whose work and powerful female characters, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, challenge the negative stereotypes of women constantly presented by Hollywood. ...
In May 2006, Equality Now held a benefit event ... Writer/director Joss Whedon, introduced by Meryl Streep, also spoke at the event as a special honoree. ...
Board of Directors: Navanetham Pillay, Honorary Chair. Jessica Neuwirth, President. Susana Chiarotti. Sapana Pradhan-Malla. Meaza Ashenafi. Maha Abu-Dayyeh Shamas. Colette De Troy. Yukiko Tsunoda.
UK Trustees: [A lot of the same names] ... Gloria Steinem. Advisory Council: ... Alanis Morissette ... Gloria Steinem. ...
The Friends of Equality Now: ... Governor Mario M. Cuomo ... [major superclass and national security state member] Paula Dobriansky ... Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association ... European Women's Lobby ... ... Jane Fonda ... Hollywood Reporter ... Ashley Judd ... Nicholas Kristof ... Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights ... The Norman Foundation ... Governor Eliot Spitzer ... [New York Times publisher] Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. ... United Jewish Appeal ... United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Universal Studios. V-Day. ...
FOUNDATION & CORPORATE SUPPORT: Stanley and Fiona Druckenmiller Fund [Stanley was chief investment officer of George Soros' Quantum Fund througout the 1990s. Ford Foundation (Nairobi). ... Open Society Institute/Justice Initiative. Oxfam GB. Oxfam Novib. ... Twentieth Century Fox."
- George Soros'' grants list: "Feminist Majority Foundation. Year: 2003. Amount: $10,000."
- Packard Foundation grants database at "Feminist Majority Foundation. Date: 2013: ... $100,000. ... 2014: ... $100,000. ... 2015: ... $200,000. ... 2017: ... $200,000."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "Feminist Majority Foundation, 2006, $335,000."
- (accessed: May 5, 2018): ""
- (accessed: May 5, 2018): "Thank You to the Following Supporters: ... Berk Foundation ... Gloria Steinem Fund ... NoVo Foundation: Special Thanks to: Jennifer Buffett. ... Eileen Fisher Community Foundation ... Harnisch Foundation. Tides Foundation. V-Day Fund [receives millions annually from major foundations]... In-kind Donors: Google Inc."
- (accessed: April 16, 2018): "Girl Rising..."
- Group was found by ISGP after looking up visitors of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). Actress Freida Pinto, known from movies as Slumdog Millionaire (2008) and Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011), visited the the Clinton Global Initiative in 2015 as an ambasador of Girl Rising. A little additional checking revealed that Girl Rising was involved in protests against Donald Trump. Financing for Girl Rising comes from many of the usual suspects, many of them represented at the CGI (Cisco, Ford Foundation, Goldman Sachs, Unilever, Microsoft, Google, Brookings Institution, etc.)
- Girl Rising is not not focused on general western feminism, but rather in globalist feminism, putting huge emphasis on open borders to the Third World and feminism for people in Third World countries.
- (accessed: April 11, 2018): "Freida Pinto: ... Pinto is a Global Ambassador and producer for Girl Rising India, and a Global Ambassador for Plan International."
- (accessed: April 11, 2018): "Funding & Sustainability Partners: ... Cisco ... Ford Foundation ... Goldman Sachs. HP. ... Intel ... Nike Foundation ... Sandisk ... Skoll Foundation. Unilever. USAID. ...
Friends of Girl Rising: Bank of America. ... Charles Schwab ... CNNFilms ... Facebook ... JP Morgan Chase ... LinkedIN ... Peace Corps ... Vanity Fair ... We Are Here Movement ...
Strategic Partners: ... Brookings Institution ... Clinton Global Initiative ... General Sports Authority, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ... Microsoft Education ... Shearman and Sterling LLP ... Tides Foundation ..." - Long-term anti-Trump activism:
- January 23, 2017,, 'Freida Pinto's Friend Sat on Her Shoulders at Women's March!'.
- April 13, 2017, NY Post, 'Freida Pinto became besties with Michelle Obama and Meryl Streep': "Freida Pinto [is] playing Jas Mitra, the lead in his new, politically charged series "Guerrilla"... The six-part Showtime series [is] about a young woman who joins an underground cell to protest racism in early 1970s London...
The India-born actress supports Girl Rising, an education and empowerment concern, and traveled to Morocco and Liberia with Michelle Obama and Meryl Streep to meet young women overcoming incredible odds. That journey was captured in the 2016 CNN documentary "We Will Rise: Michelle Obama's Mission to Educate Girls Around the World." ...
"[In the movie] something happens at the rally that shakes them up when their friend Julian [Nicholas Pinnock] is wrongly framed by the cops. They need to make an example of someone because he’s outspoken." ... Together, they form a cell dead set on destroying the Black Power Desk, a counter-intelligence unit within the Special Branch whose sole purpose was to rout out black activism.
Although the events in this series happened more than 40 years ago, the issues discussed couldn’t be timelier, given the antipathy toward immigrants both in the US and Brexit-embracing England." - February 15, 2017,, 'Women's protest march in US wasn’t only against Trump, but also injustice: Freida Pinto': "Thousands of women across the US came together for a peaceful protest march on the day Donald Trump swore in as the 45th US President.
India-born internationally acclaimed actress Freida Pinto says the peaceful protest march on Donald Trump’s swearing in ceremony as the 45th US President, was not against him only but was a culmination of what many men, women, and children were feeling against widespread injustice in the country. ...
Trump has earned the ire of people from all quarters after his controversial executive order to temporarily bar entry into the US to refugees and citizens from seven Muslim-majority nations. ...
Freida says that nobody has the right to stop people from legally going anywhere. ... "If they are immigrants, they shouldn't be banned from legally going to any place where they could possible have or start leading a better life. Even for LGBT communities, your rights can not be taken away from you... So it was really a march to protest against all these injustices as opposed to one person that we were trying to protest against," added the actress..."
- Feminist group also concerned with "race and class equality" that was founded in 2001 Haitian social worker Joanne Smith, through Open Society Institute (Soros) sponsorship:
- (accessed: July 14, 2018): "Girls for Gender Equity, Founder and Executive Director: ... Ms. Smith is a Haitian-American social worker born in New York City. She founded GGE in 2001 with the support of the Open Society Foundation to end gender-based violence and promote gender, race and class equality."
- The group has been financed by Soros' Open Society Foundations and the Buffett family's NoVo Foundation:
- "The work of Girls for Gender Equity has been made possible by generous funders and donors. Thank you for believing in women and girls’ leadership! Appreciation: Open Society Foundations. The NoVo Foundation congratulates Girls for Gender Equality on its 10 year Anniversary."
- 2011 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Girls for Gender Equity, Inc. ... $100,000..."
- 2013 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Girls for Gender Equality: ... $200,000..."
- 2014 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Girls for Gender Equality: ... $275,000..."
- 2015 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Girls for Gender Equality: ... $1,720..."
- 2016 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Girls for Gender Equality: ... $4,010..."
- Information on financing was removed from the website about two months after Girls for Gender Equality director Tarana Burke started the super-prominent #metoo movement in the wake of the sexual abuse scandals of Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, who happens to be a long-time party boy of George Soros and other people in the David Rockefeller sphere, most notably Blackstone Group founder Peter Peterson.
- (accessed: March 27, 2017 (first known listing of Burke): "- Joanne N. Smith, MSW, Founder/Executive Director. ...
- Tarana Burke, Senior Director of Programs." - October 20, 2017, New York Times, 'The Woman Who Created #MeToo Long Before Hashtags': "Days earlier, amid the allegations against Mr. Weinstein, the actress Rose McGowan, who is among those accusing him of sexual harassment, was briefly locked out from her Twitter account, where she had been vocally speaking out against sexual harassment in Hollywood.
The following day, women online participated in a daylong boycott of Twitter, organized around the hashtag #WomenBoycottTwitter. Ms. Milano joined the boycott. ... When Ms. Milano [subsequently] tweeted out the #metoo hashtag without crediting Ms. [Tarana] Burke, some noted that black women had again been left out of the story. ...
Ms. Milano, who said she had been unaware of Ms. Burke's campaign, moved to correct the problem. She reached out to Ms. Burke two days after she sent out the #metoo tweet and is hoping to collaborate. "She has been very grateful and gracious," Ms. Burke said. On Thursday, Ms. Milano went on "Good Morning America," where she publicly credited Ms. Burke for her Me Too campaign. ... Ms. Burke created the "Me Too" campaign in 2007. ...
Black, Latino and other women of color started their own campaign. April Reign, a digital media strategist and the woman behind the #OscarSoWhite hashtag, began to organize people around the #WOCAffirmation or women of color affirmation."
- (accessed: March 27, 2017 (first known listing of Burke): "- Joanne N. Smith, MSW, Founder/Executive Director. ...
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "The League of Women Voters was founded by Carrie Chapman Catt in 1920..."
- Immediately before the 2016 Trump-Clinton election the League of Women Voters effectively blocked three states from implementing a measure in which citizens had to prove they were prove they actually are citizens:
- September 10, 2016, Reuters, 'Appeals Court blocks Kansas, Alabama, Georgia on voter ID rule': "A U.S. Court of Appeals on Friday blocked an effort by Alabama, Georgia and Kansas for voters to furnish proof of citizenship when registering at the polls, which opponents say disenfranchises voters, especially minorities.
The decision effectively strikes down a rule that requires voters in the three states to provide proof they are United States citizens. Elsewhere, voters only need swear that they are citizens in order to cast a ballot.
"With just weeks to go before a critical presidential election, we are grateful to the court of appeals for stopping this thinly veiled discrimination in its tracks," Chris Carson, president of the League of Women Voters, which had sued to block the new requirements, said in a statement.
Conservatives in Republican-controlled states have moved to tighten voter identification rules ahead of the Nov. 8 election.
Supporters say tougher rules help prevent fraud, but in-person voter impersonation on election day is virtually non-existent, a 2012 study at Arizona State University showed. Opponents, mostly Democrats, say the rules discriminate against minorities.
Seven percent of Americans do not have proof of U.S. citizenship such as a birth certificate, according to the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law.
The Appeals Court of the District of Columbia said the League of Women Voters had shown there would be irreparable harm if the rule was permitted, and had also shown it was likely to win the case on its merits."
- September 10, 2016, Reuters, 'Appeals Court blocks Kansas, Alabama, Georgia on voter ID rule': "A U.S. Court of Appeals on Friday blocked an effort by Alabama, Georgia and Kansas for voters to furnish proof of citizenship when registering at the polls, which opponents say disenfranchises voters, especially minorities.
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "Friday, January 20, to Sunday, January 22, 2017 On to Washington! Attend the rally yourself! Leave a message for Happie to learn full details: (847) 668-3608. For more information on the march, go to Charter buses will leave Chicago about 5-6 pm on Friday, arriving early morning in DC..."
- Financing of this group has included George Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Carnegie Corporation, the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Joyce Foundation:
- 2001 annual report, Soros Foundations Network, p. 171: "The League of Women Voters received funds to support citizen education projects in 14 state and local League organizations."
- about/programs/us-programs/grantees/league-women-voters-education-fund-0 (accessed: February 17, 2017): "League of Women Voters Education Fund. Year: 2011. ... Amount: $150,000."
- about/programs/us-programs/grantees/league-women-voters-education-fund-1 (accessed: February 17, 2017): "League of Women Voters Education Fund. Year: 2011. ... Amount: $165,000."
- Carnegie Corporation: grants database (accessed: February 17, 2017): "2006, League of Women Voters Education Fund, $50,000 ... 2007: ... $350,000. ... 2010: ... $200,000. ... 2012: ... $40,000."
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund: accessed: February 17, 2017): "$18,000 for 1 year. Awarded: March 2, 2011. ... For its project, Increasing Voter Participation in New York State."
- (accessed: February 17, 2017): "With support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Joyce Foundation and the Ford Foundation, the League and CLC brought together redistricting activists and experts to determine how to influence the results of the upcoming redistricting processes in states following the 2010 Census."
- 2010 annual report, Joyce Foundation: "League of Women Voters [different national chapters]: $50,000 ... $120,000 ... $75,000 ... $105,000 ... $250,000 [and] $60,000."
- Ms. Foundation for Women (MFW) is closely linked to the Ford Foundation and financed by a number of other major foundations as well:
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "Margaret Hempel, Director, Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Justice. ... Margaret's first tenure at the foundation was from 1990 to 1999. She served as a program officer and then as deputy director... She returned in 2008 to direct the foundation’s SRHR work. ... Before joining the foundation as a director, Margaret served for two years as vice president for programs at American Jewish World Service [partner Women's March] ... She also spent seven years as vice president for programs at the Ms. Foundation for Women and was responsible for grant-making... Margaret has also worked for several international agencies... She has a master’s degree from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University."
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "Margaret Hempel, Anna Shireen Wadia Senior Program Officer, Inclusive Economies. ... Anna has been with the foundation since 2009 and also worked with Ford earlier. She was previously a consultant for the Annie E. Casey and Ms. Foundations... Anna managed community and economic development programming for the Ms. Foundation for Women in the United States and for the Ford Foundation and Catholic Relief Services in Africa. ... She holds a master's degree in public affairs from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and a bachelor's degree from Yale University."
- printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=7170 (accessed: February 2, 2017): "MFW receives strong financial support from ... Packard Foundation ... the Ford Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Open Society Institute ... the Rockefeller Foundation ... the Surdna Foundation, the Turner Foundation ... and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2015: "Ms. Foundation for Women: ... $400,000 $200,000 $350,000 $100,000 $750,000 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $300,000 $400,000 $150,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $1,500,000 $300,000."
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "Foundation donors in recent years have included the ... Packard Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the Ms. Foundation for Women ... the Rockefeller Family Fund, and the Rockefeller Foundation."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2015: "9to5, National Association of Working Women: ... $250,000 $200,000 $550,000 $250,000 $250,000 $300,000 $500,000 $250,000 $350,000 "
- 2001 annual report, Joyce Foundation: "9-to-5 Working Women Education Fund: ... $100,000." At this point future president Barack Obama still was a trustee of the Joyce Foundation.
- Secretive with regard to its financing. No annual reports on its website while in the past annual reports did not reveal donors.
- NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund stands for National Organization for Women Legal Defense and Education Fund:
- (accessed: February 3, 2017): "Gene Boyer, 1925-2003: Gene Boyer was one of the 28 women who gathered in Betty Friedan’s hotel room on June 28, 1966, and participated in the discussion that inspired NOW. She served as NOW’s national treasurer from 1968 to 1974, and was instrumental in forming the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund (now Legal Momentum) in 1970, serving on its board and as its president."
- 1998 annual report, NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, p. 18: "$100,000 and Above:
The Ford Foundation.
Open Society Institute. ...
$50,000 to $99,999: ... Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter ... New York Times Foundation ... PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ... Rockefeller Family Fund ... Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. ...
$25,000 to $49,999: ABC, Inc. AT&T ... Hearst Corporation... $10,000 to $24,999: ... General Motors Corporation..."
- groupProfile.asp?grpid=6186 (accessed: February 2, 2017): "NOW has received funding from the American Express Foundation ... the ChevronTexaco Foundation ... the Ford Foundation, the Hilton Foundation ... the New World Foundation, the New York Community Trust, the New York Times Company Foundation, George Soros's Open Society Institute, the Rockefeller Family Fund..."
- printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=6990 (accessed: February 2, 2017): "NARAL has received financial support from ... [the] Packard Foundation ... Ford Foundation ... Nathan Cummings Foundation ... Open Society Institute ... Mott Foundation, the Streisand Foundation, the Turner Foundation, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation."
- November 3, 2001, Zenit: The World Seen From Rome (Vatican-backed non-profit magazine), 'Private Foundations Fueling Family-Planning Programs: Ford, Rockefeller, Packard, Gates — the Who's Who Behind Abortion-Group Support': "The NARAL Foundation was given no less than $10 million [by] the Packard Foundation [in 2000]. ... NARAL received another multimillion-dollar grant [from the Packard Foundation in 2001], this time for $7.5 million. ... In 1999 the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL) Foundation received almost $3.3 million [from] the Turner Foundation."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2015: "NARAL Pro-Choice Washington Foundation, 2007, $200,000."
- printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=6990 (accessed: February 2, 2017): "Recent benefactors of NAF include the Compton Foundation, the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, the Educational Foundation of America, George Soros's Open Society Institute, the Scherman Foundation, the Turner Foundation, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation."
- November 3, 2001, Zenit: The World Seen From Rome (Vatican-backed non-profit magazine), 'Private Foundations Fueling Family-Planning Programs: Ford, Rockefeller, Packard, Gates — the Who's Who Behind Abortion-Group Support': "The National Abortion Federation received $1.2 million [from] the Packard Foundation [in 2000]."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: "National Abortion Federation, 2008, $100,000."
- groupProfile.asp?grpid=6186 (accessed: February 2, 2017): "Among NWLC’s major benefactors are ... [the] Packard Foundation ... the Ford Foundation ... the Ms. Foundation for Women; the Nathan Cummings Foundation ... the Open Society Institute; the Rockefeller Family Fund; and the Turner Foundation."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2015: "National Women's Law Center: ... $250,000. $500,000. $540,000. $200,000. $500,000. $500,000. $200,000. $450,000. $3,000,000. $300,000. $150,000. $100,000. $150,000. $100,000."
-, part of the NWLC, was pushed by a good number of Hollywood actresses in January 2018:
- January 7, 2018 tweet of Kate Bosworth: "Stand with women across every industry to say #TIMESUP on abuse, harassment, marginalization, and underrepresentation
[Timesupnow quote:] "We seek equal representation, opportunities, benefits and pay for all women workers, not to mention greater representation of women of color, immigrant women, diabled women, and lesbian, bisexual and transgender women, whose experiences in the workforce are often significantly worse than their white, cisgender, straight peers."" - (accessed: May 19, 2018): "TIME'S UP Legal Defense Fund ... is housed at and administered by the National Women’s Law Center. ...
Leaders of the TIME'S UP Legal Defense Fund: [in separate PDF:] Time's Up legal defense fund: Leadership Team [four members]:
- Christina M. Tchen ... Prior to joining Buckley Sandler, she served as an Assistant to President Obama, Executive Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls, and Chief of Staff to First Lady Michelle Obama. ... Tchen serves on numerous strategic advisory boards for organizations, businesses, and nonprofits, including the U.S. Afghan Women's Council, Quantum Leaps, Inc., Civic Nation, the United State of Women, Women in the Service Change Initiative, and Gender Equity is Common Sense. ...
- Roberta Kaplan: ... founding partner of Kaplan & Company, LLP, one of a handful of women-led elite ligitation boutiques in the country... Along with the new non-profit Integrity First for America, Robbie is also suing more than two dozen Neo-Nazis and white supremacists who are responsible for coordinating the violence that took place in Charlottesville, VA in August 2017. ...
- Hilary Rosen: ... Hilary was chairman and CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America and served that organization from 1987 to 2003. She is the for mer Political Director and Editor-at-Large of and current on-air contributor at CNN. Earlier in her career she worked on Capitol Hill for Sen. Dianne Feinstein... She currently also serves on several nonprofit boards including the [Soros-founded] Center for American Progress Action Fund and LPAC. ...
- Fatima Goss Graves: .... President and CEO of the National Women's Law Center. ... She currently serves as an advisor on the American Law Institute Project on Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct on Campus and was on the EEOC Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace and a Ford Foundation Public Voices Fellow."
- January 7, 2018 tweet of Kate Bosworth: "Stand with women across every industry to say #TIMESUP on abuse, harassment, marginalization, and underrepresentation
- Project of V-Day at ("V" as in the peace sign with your hands). Slogan: "A global activist movement to end violence against women and girls."
- V-Day was founded in 1998 by prominent feminist Eve Ensler with the money she made from her play 'The Vagina Monologues' - which made her famous. Countless actresses were involved in 'The Vagina Monologues':
- (accessed: September 29, 2018): "1998: Birth. V-Day begins with a 2500 seat, sold out benefit performance of The Vagina Monologues on February 14, 1998 at New Yorks Hammerstein Ballroom. $250,0000 is raised for local NYC anti-violence groups. The evening features over twenty actors, including: ... Eve Ensler. Calista Flockhart [girlfriend of Harrison Ford since 2002, married him in 2010]. Whoopi Goldberg. ... Rosie Perez. ... Winona Ryder. ... Gloria Steinem. Marisa Tomei. ...
1999: London. V-Day holds benefit performance in London [to raise] funds for national and international NGOs that work to end violence against women. Performers included Gillian Anderson, Cate Blanchett, Sophie Dahl, [top CNN reporter] Christiane Amanpour ... and Kate Winslet. Media coverage for V-Day led to red boas on the front pages of six London papers the day after the event. ...
2001: On February 10th, V-Day sells out New Yorks Madison Square Garden 18,000 seat arena, with over seventy actors performing. In a single evening, $1 million is raised. ...
2001: In December, V-Day and Equality Now co-sponsor the Afghan Women's Summit for Democracy in Brussels. More than fifty Afghan women gather to define their blueprint for post-Taliban Afghanistan. ..."
- (accessed: September 29, 2018): "1998: Birth. V-Day begins with a 2500 seat, sold out benefit performance of The Vagina Monologues on February 14, 1998 at New Yorks Hammerstein Ballroom. $250,0000 is raised for local NYC anti-violence groups. The evening features over twenty actors, including: ... Eve Ensler. Calista Flockhart [girlfriend of Harrison Ford since 2002, married him in 2010]. Whoopi Goldberg. ... Rosie Perez. ... Winona Ryder. ... Gloria Steinem. Marisa Tomei. ...
- In modern times Ensler has been a close ally of the elite, George Soros-backed Drug Policy Alliance:
- April 14, 2016,, 'A Public Letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon': "A growing number of city, state and national governments no longer treat drug use and possession as crimes. Some are beginning to legally regulate cannabis for medical and even non-medical purposes."
- Accompanying list of signatories: "Lord Paddy Ashdown ... Frits Bolkestein ... Larry Brilliant ... Warren Buffett ... Frank Carlucci ... Jimmy Carter ... Howard Dean ... Michael Douglas ... Hedy d’Ancona ... Eve Ensler ... Jane Fonda [married to Ted Turner 1991-2001] ... Christopher Forbes ... Vicente Fox ... Peter Gabriel ... David Geffen ... Glenn Greenwald ... Christie Hefner ... Webb Hubbell ... Reverend Jesse L. Jackson ... Gary Johnson ... Van Jones ... Michael Keegan ... Norman Lear ... John Legend ... Michael Moore ... Ethan Nadelmann ... Pierre Omidyar ... Dean Ornish ... Bill Richardson ... Alexander Rinnooy Kan ... Bernie Sanders ... George Shultz ... Anne-Marie Slaughter ... Gloria Steinem ... Sting ... Thorvald Stoltenberg ... George Soros ... Andries A. van Agt ... Bregje F. van Eekelen ... Mabel van Oranje ... Paul Volcker ... Elizabeth Warren..."
- Annual report 2012, V-Day, p. 3: "This year, we began a journey to mount V-Day’s largest and most ambitious campaign to date – ONE BILION RISING. ... [We] created a strategy to reach our ambitious goal of ONE BILLION people. ... ~ Susan Celia Swan, Executive Director."
- "Susan graduated from [all women's college] Barnard College, Columbia University with a BA in Political Science...
One of original team who helped playwright Eve Ensler found and create V-Day [in 1998]...
She has held senior executive positions in communications and new media at Atlantic Records and Sony Music Entertainment. While at Atlantic, she worked with recording artist Tori Amos to develop and launch RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network), now the leading hotline and provider of services to women and girls in the United States. ...
Her independent consulting firm - Swan, LLC ... represented clients including the ACLU, Just Vision, Columbia Records, and Robert Greenwald. ...
Susan was Executive Producer of One Billion Rising, a short film that world premiered at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival. ...
Executive Director V-Day, May 2009 – Present...
Vice President, Media and Artist Relations, Sony Music Entertainment (550 Music), 1998 – 1999...
Vice President, Media Relations and New Media, Atlantic Records 1992 – 1998...
Millicent Carey McIntosh, Feminism Award, Barnard College May 2013..." - Finances:
- (accessed: December 6, 2001): "I am on an airplane leaving Brussels where I have been for the last four days at the Afghan Women's Summit. ... We want to bless [Ted Turner ex-wife] Jane Fonda for her remarkably generous donation of $50,000... We thank the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Institutue of the Soros Foundations, UNIFEM, and Kavita Ramdas of the Global Fund for Women. We thank Pearl Jam for sponsoring all costs associated with three of the attendees. We thank Gloria Steinem, Robin Morgan, and Ellie Smeal for their guidance. ... Eve Ensler, December 6, 2001."
- Annual report 2008, V-Day, p. 35: "$1,000,000+ NoVo Foundation [Buffett family] | $500,000+ Rockefeller Foundation. ... $50,000: ... Carnegie Corporation ... William Donner Foundation ... $25,000+: ... Bloomberg Foundation | Diana DeVegh c/o The One World Fund | Turner Foundation ... Sheryl Sandberg & David Goldberg ... $10,000+: ... Pamela Buffett on behalf of Rebecca Susan Buffett Foundation ... Abigail E. Disney ... Tides Foundation ... Goldman Sachs ...
2008 Media Sponsors: Oprah & Friends Radio..." - Annual report 2009, V-Day, p. 35: "$200,000: Carnegie Corporation of New York... $50,000+: Sheryl Sandberg ... Wallace Global Fund ... $20,000+: ... Jessica Alba ... Anne Hathaway ... Ron & Cheryl Howard ... Turner Foundation ... $10,000: ... Abigail E. Disney...
- Annual report 2012, V-Day, p. 43: "[Donors:] $20,000+: ... Jane Fonda [Turner Fdn. trustee] ... Turner Foundation ...
$5,000+: ... Ford Foundation Matching Gifts Program ... Microsoft Matching Gifts Program...
$2,500+ Atlantic Philanthropies ... Foundation to Promote Open Society..." - Annual report 2013, V-Day, p. 42: "[Donors:] $2,000,000+: Novo Foundation ... $50,000+: ... Packard Foundation ... Skoll Foundation ... $20,000+: ... Turner Foundation ... Wallace Global Fund ... "
- Annual report 2014, V-Day, p. 34: "[Donors:] $200,000+: ... Ford Foundation ... $50,000+: ... Packard Foundation ... 20,000+: ... Turner Foundation ..."
- Annual report 2015, V-Day, p. 44: "[Donors:] $1,000,000+: Novo Foundation ... $100,000+: The David and Lucile Packard Foundation... $20,000+: ... Anne Hathaway ... Institute for International Education... Turner Foundation Inc... William Donner Foundation..."
- Board members and guests:
- (accessed: Dec. 16, 2006; first board with Salma Hayek): "Jane Fonda. Salma Hayek. ... Kerry Washington..."
- (accessed: May 15, 2008; first board with Rosario Dawson): "Rosario Dawson. Jane Fonda. Salma Hayek. ... Kerry Washington..."
- Annual report 2008, V-Day, p. 33: "Eve Ensler: President. ... Rosario Dawson .... Jane Fonda ... Salma Hayek ... Kerry Washington..."
- Annual report 2009, V-Day, p. 11: "- A reception hosted by Harry Belafonte, Peter Buffett ... at the Urban Zen Center...
- V-Day’s third annual LA Luncheon hosted by Jessica Alba, Eve, Anne Hathaway, Sherry Lansing, Paula Wagner, and V-Day Board members Carole Black, Ilene Chaiken, Rosario Dawson, Linda Pope, and Kerry Washington, with guests including Charlize Theron, California First Lady Maria Shriver..." - Annual report 2012, V-Day, p. 38: "Jennifer Buffett. Rosario Dawson. ... Eve Ensler. Jane Fonda. Salma Hayek [final year]. ... Sheryl Sandberg. ... Charlize Theron. Kerry Washington."
- Annual report 2014, V-Day, p. 30: "Carole Black. Jennifer Buffett. ... Rosario Dawson. Eve Ensler. Jane Fonda. ... Sheryl Sandberg [2009-2014; also co-financier] ... Charlize Theron [2011-2014; also co-financier]. Kerry Washington."
- (accessed: May 4, 2018): "Carole Black ... Jennifer Buffett ... Rosario Dawson. Eve Ensler. Jane Fonda."
- Founded in 1921 as the American Birth Control League (ABCL) by Morgan, Carnegie and Rockefeller favorite Margaret Sanger. In 1923 the ABCL founded the first legal birth control clinic, the Clinical Research Bureau (CRB). After having served as president of the ABCL from 1921-1928, Sanger was forced out by the board. However, Sanger took the CRB with her, along with key financiers. The ABCL eventually died a quiet death.
Sanger renamed her now spun off CRB the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau. Her financial patrons helped the Bureau through the great depression and in 1939 became the Birth Control Federation of America - which in 1942 was renamed to Planned Parenthood Foundation of America.- 2005, Vicki Cox, 'Margaret Sanger', pp. 73, 80-84: "[Margaret Sanger] admitted knowing racial labor leaders, including Emma Goldman. But she struck back saying, "I also know Mrs. Andrew Carnegie and Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. ..." ...
Sanger planned another conference, the Geneva Population Conference, for August 31, 1927. It was a mammoth undertaking. She flitted around Europe... She brought in scientists and academics from around the world to study population growth, funding the gathering with grants from J. D. Rockefeller, other wealthy benefactors, and, of course, Slee.
A shock awaited Sanger on their return to New York. The American Birth Control League's Board of Directors wanted Sanger to have less control of the organization. ... The directors took over much of Sanger's power... Fed up, Sanger resigned as president on June 12, 1928. ... The board ... underestimated Sanger's importance to the organization. Along with Sanger, J. Noah Slee resigned as the League's treasurer and chief benefactor. ... The League was never financially sound again. Sanger, however, refused to give up control of the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau [of the League]. ... Remarkably, the Bureau was scarcely affected by the Great Depression. Sanger's contacts with the Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, and, of course, J. Noah Slee kept it afloat.
- 2005, Vicki Cox, 'Margaret Sanger', pp. 73, 80-84: "[Margaret Sanger] admitted knowing racial labor leaders, including Emma Goldman. But she struck back saying, "I also know Mrs. Andrew Carnegie and Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. ..." ...
- From the very beginning Planned Parenthood was backed by Eastern Establishment money, most notably by the Morgan, Rockefeller and Carnegie family. Early trustees include Carola Warburg Rothschild, Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, Mrs. John M. Schiff (of the Baker family, who were key Morgan partners), Mrs. Thomas W. Lamont Jr. (key J.P. Morgan partner) and Mrs. Thomas S. Lamont (also a key J.P. Morgan partner). Others involved include (additional) Pilgrims Society members William H. Draper Jr. (special international consultant and vice chair), Alfred Ogden (trustee) and Alexis Coudert (director for 25 years). In addition, the Du Pont family has been extremely prominent in Planned Parenthood.
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "Bingham, Barry - Board of Directors ... Kahn, Addie Wolff - Board of Directors ... Lamont, Elinor P. - Executive Committee; Board of Directors ... Lamont, Florence Haskell Corliss - Board of Directors ... Rothschild, Carola Warburg - Board of Directors ... Sanger, Margaret - Honorary Chairman; Executive Committee; Board of Directors. Schiff, Mrs. John M. - Board of Directors ... Vanderbilt, Anne - Board of Directors ... "
- 2014, Mark Crispin Miller, Gerard Colby, 'Du Pont Dynasty: Behind the Nylon Curtain': "Today, Delaware's League for Planned Parenthood is big on voluntary sterilizations... The chairman is Garrett Van S. Copeland, son of the late Du Pont ex-chairman, Lammot du Pont Copeland; Kathleen du Pont is Vice President; the Advisory Committee includes Emily du Pont... and Du Pont in-laws H. Ingersoll Brown and Annette Reese. ... Mrs. Reynolds du Pont, the past president of Delaware's Planned Parenthood..."
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund annual reports for the years 1951-1953, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1975 (and likely a number of other years in this period) all reveal donations to Planned Parenthood.
- groupProfile.asp?grpid=7083 (accessed: February 2, 2017): "PPFA also receives considerable funding (about 28 percent of its total revenues) from foundations. Among these are the ... Arca Foundation ... Gates Foundation ... Packard Foundation ... Ford Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation ... Ms. Foundation for Women, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Open Society Institute, Pew Charitable Trusts ... the Rockefeller Foundation ... Mott Charitable Trust ... the Turner Foundation, and the ... Hewlett Foundation."
- November 3, 2001, Zenit: The World Seen From Rome (Vatican-backed non-profit magazine), 'Private Foundations Fueling Family-Planning Programs: Ford, Rockefeller, Packard, Gates — the Who's Who Behind Abortion-Group Support': "In 1998 the Packard Foundation gave a total of $51.7 million for population programs. That soared to $79 million the following year. ... Three branches of Planned Parenthood in the United States received a total of almost $3 million. ... The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is also a supporter of family planning. In 1999 the Planned Parenthood Foundation of America received $5 million, with another $4.6 million going to International Planned Parenthood Federation activities."
- Ford Foundation grants list 2006-2016: Planned Parenthood Federation of America received just over $13 million in 23 separate grants. Los Angeles and Michigan branches received another $2 million approximately and the "International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region" and "International Planned Parenthood Federation-Worldwide, Inc." received several million as well.
- George Soros: (accessed: May 4, 2018): "Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. Year: 2011. ... Amount: $20,000,000."
- 2011-2012 annual report, Planned Parenthood, p. 10: "Board of Directors: ... Jennifer Allen Soros [wife of Jonathan Soros, a son of George Soros]..."
- May 3, 2017, 'Hillary Clinton and Shonda Rhimes Are Honored by Planned Parenthood': "The organization honored Hillary Clinton as its Champion of the Century and Shonda Rhimes as a Champion for Change. ... A star-studded room heeded the call. Julianne Moore, Scarlett Johansson, Diane von Furstenberg, Michael Bloomberg... Meryl Streep presented Rhimes with her award..."
- November 12, 2006,, 'Trump Win Fuels Donations, IUD Demand at Planned Parenthood'.
- Officially I can't tie this key Women's March project to a major establishment (at the moment), but a few minutes looking into this supposedly grassroots project reveal hints that it may not have been grassroots at all. As usual, the two founders, Krista Suh and Jayna Zweiman, went to the top Eastern Establishment universities (Harvard and Colombia), with Zweiman having been a contributor to "liberal CIA" outfit/Soros front the Huffington Post in 2012:
- January 21, 2017,, 'An Interview With Jayna Zweiman, Founder of the Pussyhat Project Inspired by the Women's March': "It all started when Krista Suh decided to act on her passion for gender equality... long with her friend, Jayna Zweiman, the two women launched the "Pussyhat" project..."
- (accessed: February 2, 2017; Zweiman wrote a September 21, 2012 article here): "Jayna Zweiman earned her Masters of Architecture from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design and a Bachelor of Arts in visual arts and economics from Brown University. She is Founder of Spacelab, an independent multidisciplinary practice working between architecture, art and new media ... and is also a founder of Billet & Happ curatorial group."
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "In 2005, I flew to NYC with way too much luggage to attend Barnard College of Columbia University [private women's school]. ... [I was an] Art History major as well as Editor-in-Chief of the [Bernard] college newspaper. ... Upon graduation in 2009 I flew back to sunny California... I got accepted into the awesome FOX Writer's Initiative for my script IVYBOUND, a one-hour comedy which Fox later optioned. I've worked with Ashton Kutcher [in creating Mr. Social], the Primetime Emmy's..."
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "Mr. Social Ashton Kutcher executive produced a show I co-created called Mr. Social. ...
Primetime Emmys: I was a Writers' Assistant for the 63rd Primetime Emmys; we wrote thousands of jokes for the event. ...
Fox Writers Fellowship: FOX optioned the first TV pilot I ever wrote. I was chosen for the Fox Writers Initiative program. ... Barnard College, Columbia University, New York City, B.A., Art History, 2009 ...
I especially love teaching at the Korean Education Center to children from ages 10-18. ...
I'm an Ivy League Mensan who’s traveled all 7 continents! Favs: Antarctica... I throw ultra-glam parties & believe every woman should throw a huge bash for herself at least once in her life (NOT including her wedding!)"
- 2009 Form 990, WAND: "Schedule of Contributors: ... Ford Foundation ... 350,000. ... Tides Foundation: ... 40,000. ... Craigslist Charitable Fund: ... 25,000."
- Founded in January 2017 to coincide with the Donald Trump presidential inauguration. While originally meant to be a protest group against sexism and anti-abortionists (in light of the Trump election) founded in January 2017 right before the inauguration of Donald Trump, the Women's March (on Washington) came to include groups revolving around transgenders (Transgender Law Center, National Center for Transgender Equality), global warming (because Trump doesn't want to acknowledge the issue), rent-a-skeptics (American Atheists, Center for Inquiry, etc.; to counter the Christian conservative influence on Trump), guns (New Yorkers Against Gun Violence), and pro-Third World immigration (for Trump's stance against unrestrained Third World immigration).
- The Women's March and partner groups also established international protests.
- A huge amount of partner groups participating in the Women's March are backed by the major Eastern Establishment foundations. We're not just talking about the Open Society Foundations of George Soros (which receives the most attention by far), but also the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, MacArthur Foundation, Packard Foundation and even media corporations as CNN, CBS, ABC and others. All feminist groups listed here are financed by these elements and also belonged to the Women's March.
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "Exclusive Premiere Sponsor: Planned Parenthood. Presenting Platinum Sponsor: Natural Resources Defense Council. ... Movement friends: American Civil Liberties Union. American Federation of Teachers. Human Rights Campaign. Peace is Loud. United Healthcare Workers East."
- (accessed: February 2, 2017): "Premier Partners: Planned Parenthood. Natural Resources Defense Council. Partners: ... ... Catholics for Choice ... Center for American Progress [Soros, Clinton, Podesta-ran think tank]... Earth Day Network ... Greenpeace USA ... Occupy Wall Street ... People For the American Way ... Sierra Club ... "
- January 2017, Women in the World blog of the New York Times, 'Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 'partners' of the Women's March on Washington; What is the link between one of Hillary Clinton’s largest donors and the Women’s March? Turns out, it’s quite significant'
- Feminist group founded in 2005 by Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda and Robin Morgan.
- (accessed: April 16, 2018): "Gloria Steinem, Co-founder, Women's Media Center; writer, activist. ...
Jane Fonda, Co-founder, Women's Media Center: actor, activist, author...
Robin Morgan, Co-founder, Women's Media Center [and the Sisterhood Is Global Institute]...
Julie Burton, President, Women's Media Center [advisory council Feministing]...
Anita L. DeFrantz, Former President, LA84 Foundation, International Olympic Committee board member...
Maya Harris, Co-Chair, Women's Media Center; Civil Rights Lawyer, Public Policy Advocate, Former Senior Policy Advisor for Hillary Clinton. ...
Pat Mitchell, Co-Chair, Women's Media Center; Chair of the Sundance Institute. ...
Rebecca Adamson, Founder and President, First Peoples Worldwide." - Donors:
- Ford Foundation 2006-2017 grants list: "Women's Media Center... 2010: $200,000. ... 2011: $500,000. ... 2013: $250,000. ... 2014: $500,000. ... 2016: $400,000."
- Founded in 2017 with a Soros grant at the Ford Foundation-backed Transgender Law Center.
- Financing:
- December 13, 2017,, 'Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project launches to build community power': "The Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project (BLMP), a first-of-its-kind program housed at Transgender Law Center and made possible by a 2017 Open Society Foundations Soros Justice Fellowship... "As a Black transgender Nigerian migrant, I have too often felt isolated, invisible, and alone in the U.S.,” said Ola Osaze, 2017 Soros Justice Fellow and National Organizer of the Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project at Transgender Law Center (TLC).""
- Strike action held on March 8, 2017, on International Women's Day. It asked that women not work that day to protest the policies of the administration of Donald Trump.
- March 8, 2017, Fox News, ''Day Without a Woman' supporters got $246M from Soros': "Schools in at least four states canceled classes so teachers and staff members could participate in "Day Without a Woman" demonstrations. ... The strike was created by the same organizers of the historic Women's March on Washington in January...
Of the march's 544 partners, 100 groups received funding from Soros that totaled $246 million, according to the conservative Media Research Center. Such groups included Planned Parenthood, the Center for American Progress and People for the American Way (PFAW), the report claims."
- Pride activist group at the Rotterdam Erasmus University that was responsible for successfully lobbying the university board in introducing "gender neutral" restrooms. Far from all students, both boys and girls, were happy with this, respectively mainly looking at it as awkward and unsafe.
- May 2, 2024, YouTube upload by 'Omroep PowNed', 'Studenten in opstand tegen genderneutrale wc's op Erasmus uni!': "[Nawin Ramcharan, member University Council:] So that is Erasmus Pride. They have lobbied for this with the university. And the university has gone along with it."
- Erasmus Pride essentially is an organ of Erasmus University. However, among its four "partners" (funding is not known) - two of them being the Erasmus University - there also is Nike. The Warren Buffett family's NoVo Foundation has been pumping multi-millions annually into the Nike Foundation, with Nike's founder, chair, and CEO Philip Knight, having been a regular visitor of the Sun Valley Meetings, alongside Buffett and Bill Gates, another "liberal CIA" partner of Buffett:
- (accessed: May 11, 2024): "Nike ... Erasmus University ... The Living Room [at Erasmus University for "diverse and inclusive" R&R]..."
- (accessed: May 21, 2018): "GSA Network is a next-generation LGBTQ racial and gender justice organization that empowers and trains queer, trans and allied youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize an intersectional movement for safer schools and healthier communities."
- Financing:
- 2000, Form 990, Open Society Institute: "Gay Straight Alliance Network. ... 4-Dec-00. $30,000."
- 2009 report, Open Society Foundations, 'Youth Initiatives Grants': "Gay-Straight Alliance Network: To support Free Zone, a youth-produced travelling media exhibition in high schools. ... $20,000. 2002. ... $20,000. 2003."
- (accessed: April 8, 2013): "$100,000 and above: ... James Irvine Foundation. Open Society Foundations. Tides Foundation's State Equality Fund.
$25,000 - $99,999: Arcus Foundation ... Ford Foundation ... San Francisco Foundation..." - (accessed: May 21, 2018): "$300,000 and above: .... Ford Foundation. The California Endowment.
$100,000 - $299,999: Arcus Foundation. California Wellness Foundation. Communities for Just Schools Fund. LGBTQ Racial Justice Fund and Astrea Lesbian Foundation for Justice.
$10,000 - $99,999: ... Open Society Foundations. Tides Foundation, on recommendation of Mr. Weston Milliken.
$10,000 and under: ... Pacific Gas & Electric. Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Tides Foundation, on recommendation of Mr. Ralph Alpert. ... The Skoll Fund."
- LGBTQ group founded in 1985.
- Financing (tons of financing from the media, including Hollywood):
- 2015 annual report, GLAAD, p. 46: "Million Dollar Lifetime Club: Absolut Vodka, Anheuser-Busch Inc., Arcus Foundation, AT&T... IBM Corporation... MTV Networks... Wells Fargo.
Foundations: ... AIDS United ... Dow Chemical ... Google, Inc. Comcast Foundation ... New York Community Trust. ...
Corporate Partners: ... 21st Century Fox ... Amazon ... Bloomberg ... CBS ... Citibank ... [Warren Buffett's] Coca-Cola ... Comcast-NBCUniversal ... Disney ... Facebook ... HBO ... McGraw Hill Financial ... Netflix ... PepsiCo ... Sony ... Weinstein Company. Time Warner ... Univision ... Viacom ... WWE..."
- 2015 annual report, GLAAD, p. 46: "Million Dollar Lifetime Club: Absolut Vodka, Anheuser-Busch Inc., Arcus Foundation, AT&T... IBM Corporation... MTV Networks... Wells Fargo.
- Founded in 1987.
- Financing:
- 2005-2006 annual report, Global Fund for Women, pp. 78, 132-134: "Founding donors: These individuals provided vital fundingto help establish the Global Fund in 1987. ... William R. Hewlett (deceased) ... David Woodley Packard [son of HP co-founder David Packard] ... Ted Turner ...
Corporate & Business Donors: ... American Express Foundation ... Credit Suisse First Boston ... Deutsche Postbank AG ... Johnson & Johnson. JP Morgan Chase Foundation* ... Levi Strauss Foundation ... Nike Foundation ... Reebok Foundation ... Starbucks Foundation ...
Foundations & Donor Advised Funds: ... Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice ... Doen Foundation [Nationale Postcode Loterij] ... Flora Family Foundation ... Ford Foundation* ... San Francisco Foundation* ... William and Flora Hewlett Foundation* ... Kellogg Foundation ... Libra Foundation ... MacArthur Foundation* ... Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust* ... Oak Foundation. Open Society Institute. ... Tides Foundation ..."
- 2005-2006 annual report, Global Fund for Women, pp. 78, 132-134: "Founding donors: These individuals provided vital fundingto help establish the Global Fund in 1987. ... William R. Hewlett (deceased) ... David Woodley Packard [son of HP co-founder David Packard] ... Ted Turner ...
- December 8, 2015, GLAAD, 'Arcus and Novo Foundations pledge $20 million for trans organizations': "Today, the Arcus Foundation and the [Warren Buffett family's] NoVo Foundation announced a Global Trans Initiative that will donate at least $20 million over five years to transgender-focused organizations and activists."
- Non profit law firm / civil rights organization that focuses on protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities. The organization has offices throughout the U.S.
- Lambda Legal was added after reading the following report, after which any Soros/"liberal CIA" ties were looked up:
- April 15, 2018, The Guardian, 'David Buckel, prominent New York LGBT lawyer, dies after setting himself on fire': "A prominent gay rights lawyer and environmental advocate has burned himself to death in New York on Saturday, reportedly using fossil fuel in a protest against ecological destruction. ...
The New York Times said it received an emailed copy of the note, which said: “Most humans on the planet now breathe air made unhealthy by fossil fuels, and many die early deaths as a result – my early death by fossil fuel reflects what we are doing to ourselves.” ...
Buckel was the lead attorney in a lawsuit regarding Brandon Teena, a transgender man who was murdered in Nebraska. Hilary Swank won an Academy Award for her portrayal of Teena in the 1999 film Boys Don't Cry.
Buckel also served as marriage project director at Lambda Legal, a national organisation that fights for LGBT rights, where he was the strategist behind same-sex marriage cases in New Jersey and Iowa."
- April 15, 2018, The Guardian, 'David Buckel, prominent New York LGBT lawyer, dies after setting himself on fire': "A prominent gay rights lawyer and environmental advocate has burned himself to death in New York on Saturday, reportedly using fossil fuel in a protest against ecological destruction. ...
- Donors/partners:
- 2004, Soros Foundations Network Report, p. 151: "OSI's Constitutional and Legal Policy program expanded its grantmaking initiative to protect the fairness and impartiality of the nation's courts. The [OSI-funded] Justice at Stake Campaign—a coalition of organizations working to educate Americans about threats to the fairness and integrity of the courts—partnered with two leading gay rights organizations, the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and the Human Rights Campaign."
- grants database: "Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund. Year: 2011. ... $50,000..."
- (accessed: April 17, 2018): "Rockefeller Brothers Fund: ... $180,000 for 2 years. Awarded: March 10, 2016."
- 2006-2017 Ford Foundation grants list: "Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. ... 2006: $450,000. ... 2009: $300,000. ... 2011: $500,000. ... 2014: $250,000."
- (accessed: January 10, 2019): "The Lesbians Who Tech + Allies San Francisco Summit is the largest LGBTQ professional event in the world. We focus on increasing the visibility of LGBTQ women, trans and gender nonconforming individuals, LGBTQ people of color, and demographics that are underrepresented in the tech sector and LGBTQ spaces."
- Past speakers:
- (accessed: Oct. 11, 2021): "Past Speakers: ... Megan Rapinoe ... Elizabeth Warren ... Kamala Harris ... Melinda Gates ... Hillary Clinton ... Mellody Hobson ... Bozoma Saint John, CMO, Netflix. ... Jen Wong, COO, Reddit ... Mary Trump [niece of Trump who wrote the 2020 book 'Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man'] ... Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Obama ... Rosie O'Donnell ... [Congresswoman] Katie Porter ... Susan Wojcicki ... Sheryl Sandberg ... Gloria Steinem ... Marc Benioff ... Nancy Pelosi... Chani Nicholas: Astrologer ∧ Author..."
- (accessed: Sep. 19, 2020): "We are a tech conference first — a tech conference where the speakers happen to be 80% queer women, 50% women of color, 25% Black & Latinx, and 10% transgender and/or non-binary. ... Past Speakers: ... Laurene Powell Jobs [widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs]..."
- Financing:
- Mainly through Sun Valley Meeting corporations.
- (accessed: January 10, 2019): "Past Sponsors: Goldman Sachs ... Nike. Oculus from Facebook ... Google ... Intel ... Bank of America ... Amazon. PayPal. Spotify ... IBM ... Microsoft. GoDaddy. Uber. LinkedIn. Adobe. Bloomberg. ... JPMorgan Chase & Co. ... OKCupid ... Dropbox ... Central Intelligence Agency. ... Raytheon. SpaceX. Symantec."
- Financing:
- 2006-2017 grants list, Ford Foundation: "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center: ... 2007: $250,000. ... 2011: $20,000. ... 2012: $250,000."
- LGBTQ group founded in 1978.
- Financing:
- 2006-2017 grants list, Ford Foundation: "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association: ... 2014: $100,000. "
- 2015, Open Society Foundations, 'Open Society Initiative for Europe: Our Grantees', p. 16: "International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association-Europe $4,624. ILGA-Europe's 19th Annual Conference...
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association-Europe $100,000." - The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association-Europe gets two-thirds of its funding from the European Commission.
- Mission:
- (accessed: April 10, 2024): "Mama Cash was the first international women’s fund in the world, established in the Netherlands in 1983. We work to ensure that feminist collective action led by women, girls, and trans and intersex people is resourced, supported and connected within and across social movements. We use our role as a feminist funder, our experience supporting feminist activism, and our geopolitical location in the Netherlands to mobilise and move funding to feminist initiatives, groups, individuals and women’s funds."
- Financing:
- (accessed: April 10, 2024): "Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Nationale Postcode Loterij (Dutch Postcode Lottery). ... Ford Foundation ... Oak Foundation..."
- Financing:
- January 5, 2010, Accuracy in Media, 'NAMBLA-gate: The Strange Case of Kevin Jennings, Part Two': "The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) ... received $50,000 from the Open Society Institute in 2007. The Soros group gave $70,000 to the Transgender Law Center in San Francisco in the same year."
- 2006-2017 grants list, Ford Foundation: "National Center for Transgender Equality: ... 2013: $200,000. ... 2015: $200,000."
- Financing:
- July 23, 2009,, 'U.S. Programs Awards 27 "Seize the Day" Grants': "National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: $355,000, 2 years."
- (accessed: May 21, 2018): "National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: Year: 2010. ...Amount: $50,000."
- Financing:
- (accessed: May 21, 2018): "The recommendations focus on pro-LGBT public policy changes the Obama administration can implement...
We would like to thank the Open Society Institute for their generous funding of this initiative."
- (accessed: May 21, 2018): "The recommendations focus on pro-LGBT public policy changes the Obama administration can implement...
- Russian feminist protest punk rock group (antifa), founded in August 2011 in Moscow. Grew out of a political protest/performance art collective named Voina ("War"). The group staged unauthorized performances around town, singing about feminism, LGBTQ rights, and in opposition to Putin and the Orthodox Catholic church he is allied with. All in all it has about a dozen members.
- The three leading members of the group - Nadezhda Tolokonnikova (Nadya Tolokno, the most famous and attractive; married to Pussy Riot co-founder Peter Verzilov), Maria Alyokhina, Yekaterina Samutsevich - were arrested in March 2012 for public hooliganism. Samutsevich was released in October 2012. The former two only in December 2013.
- July 27, 2012, The Guardian, 'Pussy Riot: stars get behind jailed Russian punk band as trial looms': "US rockers Faith No More started the trend by inviting members of the [Pussy Riot] group that remain free to join them on stage during a performance at Moscow's Stadium Live club. This was followed by Glasgow band Franz Ferdinand, California rockers Red Hot Chili Peppers ["liberal CIA"] and Sting ["liberal CIA"], who all issued messages of support."
- Pussy Riot continued its protests over the years:
- December 15, 2015,, 'Pussy Riot to open women-only museum in Montenegro': "[It's] called New Balkan Women's Museum. It will employ only female staff and and promote only women artists."
- July 17, 2018, The Guardian, 'Pussy Riot members jailed for World Cup final pitch invasion'.
- July 31, 2018, Die Welt, 'Pussy Riot World Cup pitch invaders re-arrested after leaving prison in Moscow': "A reporter from French news agency AFP saw Veronika Nikulshina, Olga Kuracheva and Olga Pakhtusova being forced into a police van seconds after their release. ... A fourth activist [Pyotr Verzilov] tweeted that he was detained by riot police after being freed from a different Moscow detention center."
- September 10, 2018, The Guardian, ''Crazy accusations': two Pussy Riot members arrested in Moscow'.
- September 27, 2018, BBC, 'Pussy Riot's Pyotr Verzilov blames Russia for 'poisoning''.
- September 5, 2019,, 'Pussy Riot member, six others, arrested in Moscow: spokeswoman': ""It's the second time in a month that she's been arrested," the group's spokeswoman said. ... Police officers said she was being questioned over damage to government property by a group of youths..."
- Many historic U.S. punk bands are elite-tied antifa. Russia's Pussy Riot is the same. Whatever its exact origins, key members have been fully backed by the establishment and integrated with western "liberal CIA" networks.
- Promoted at the "liberal CIA"-financed Sundance Film Festival with the documentary Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer (2013).
- The daughter of Bolivian billionaire Gustavo Cisneros (a very close friend of the Rockefellers through their Museum of Modern Art (MoMa), the 1001 Club, etc.), Adriana Cisneros, has been involved with peculiar Clinton/Podesta-allied Satanic artist Marina Abramovic at the time of MoMa's 2014 Zero Tolerance: Miami exhibit, in which familiar names as Yoko Ono and Pussy Riot turned up:
- (accessed: April 11, 2017): "Zero Tolerance: Miami: in Partnership with MoMA PS1 December 3 - December 21, 2014. ... The artists in Zero Tolerance: Miami include: ... Yoko Ono, Pussy Riot..."
- Pussy Riot members sit on the board of the Courage Foundation:
- (accessed: April 2, 2017): "Courage has a growing Advisory Board, meet some of our first members: Maria Alyokhina [and] Nadezhda Tolokonnikova [of Pussy Riot] ... John Perry Barlow [co-founder of the "liberal CIA"-funded Electronic Frontier Foundation and "liberal CIA"-funded Freedom of the Press Foundation, etc.]. [NSA whistleblower] William Binney. [NSA whistleblower] Thomas Drake. Daniel Ellsberg [co-founder FPF]. Chris Hedges. John Kiriakou [CIA analyst who disclosed the CIA's use of waterboarding]. ... [bizarre 9/11 no-planer and hologram theorist] Annie Machon ... Ray McGovern..."
- Leading Pussy Riot founder Nadya Tolokonnikova is a counsellor of One Young World, together with globalist world leaders, actors, businessmen, etc.
- (accessed: May 15, 2018): "Justin Trudeau ... Kofi Annan ... Emma Watson ... Muhammad Yunus ... Desmond Tutu ... Cher ... Bill Clinton ... Bob Geldof ... Meghan Markle ... Jamie Oliver ... Arianna Huffington ... Sir Richard Branson ... Jimmy Wales [Wikipedia] ... Nadya Tolokonnikova, Pussy Riot Member and Political Activist. President Vicente Fox ... Lauren Bush ... Carl-Henric Svanberg, Chairman, BP & Volvo ... John Kerry..."
- De Balie (Netherlands): Supervisory board: Alexander Rinnooy Kan (chair; elitist). General director: Yoeri Albrecht (Open Soc. Fdns. EU advisory board). Visitors: Pussy Riot.
- Financing:
- (accessed: May 21, 2018): "In 2003, with a grant from The Open Society Institute, a new non-profit, Queers for Economic Justice, was born. ...
Queers for Economic Justice currently receives funding from the Funding Exchange, the New York Foundation, the North Star Fund, Open Meadows Foundation, the Open Society Institute and Resist."
- (accessed: May 21, 2018): "In 2003, with a grant from The Open Society Institute, a new non-profit, Queers for Economic Justice, was born. ...
- Financing:
- 2006-2017 grants list, Ford Foundation: "Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders, Inc.: ... 2011: $400,000. ... 2012: $225,000 [and] $200,000. ... 2014: $400,000 [and] $200,000. ... 2015: $250,000. ..."
- Financing:
- January 5, 2010, Accuracy in Media, 'NAMBLA-gate: The Strange Case of Kevin Jennings, Part Two': "The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) ... received $50,000 from the Open Society Institute in 2007. The Soros group gave $70,000 to the Transgender Law Center in San Francisco in the same year."
- 2006-2017 grants list, Ford Foundation: "Transgender Law Center: ... 2013: $200,000. ... 2015: $250,000."
- December 13, 2017,, 'Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project launches to build community power': "The Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project (BLMP), a first-of-its-kind program housed at Transgender Law Center and made possible by a 2017 Open Society Foundations Soros Justice Fellowship... "As a Black transgender Nigerian migrant, I have too often felt isolated, invisible, and alone in the U.S.,” said Ola Osaze, 2017 Soros Justice Fellow and National Organizer of the Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project at Transgender Law Center (TLC).""
- Feminist group with pictures on its website revealing it is involved in street protests. It was founded by two women with deep pre-existing ties to NGOs sponsored by George Soros and allies.
- (accessed: May 5, 2018): "We work on a range of issues—reproductive rights, healthcare, economic security, violence, and racial justice — and we center the voices of all women, especially women of color, immigrants, and LGBTQ women."
- (accessed: May 5, 2018): "- Nita Chaudhary is co-founder and co-Executive Director of UltraViolet... Before founding UltraViolet, Nita was the National Campaigns and Organizing Director at [George Soros-backed] Political Action. ...
- Shaunna Thomas is co-founder and co-Executive Director of UltraViolet. ... Shaunna was introduced to organizing and advocacy through the 2004 presidential election, which inspired the next five years of her work at Young People For, a Project of [the Soros, Ford Rockefeller-backed] People For the American Way Foundation..."
- Financing:
- July 1, 2015, InsidePhilanthropy, 'How This Rockefeller Outfit Advocates For Economic Justice For Women': "Recent support [of the Rockefeller Family Fund] has gone to the UltraViolet Education Fund..."
- 2006-2017 Ford Foundation grants database: "Ultraviolet Education Fund... 2015: $710,000."
- 2016 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Ultraviolet Education Fund: ... $150,000..."
- Packard Foundation: (accessed: May 5, 2018): "2016: ... $125,000. ... 2017: ... $240,000 [and] $50,000..."
- 2011-founded group that is involved in street protests and aids women locked into arranged/forced marriages. Seems to project problems of the Muslim world in particular on all U.S. citizens.
- (accessed: May 5, 2018): "Girls and women in many communities in the US often are pressured, tricked, threatened or beaten into marriage. ... Unchained At Last is the only nonprofit in the US dedicated to helping women and girls leave or avoid arranged/forced marriages and rebuild their lives. ... Unchained and its important work have been featured by the New York Times, NPR, BBC and many other news outlets."
- Finances:
- (accessed: May 5, 2018): "NoVo Foundation [Buffett family] ... New York Community Trust [plus 11 other foundations]..."
- 2016 Form 990-PF Tax Return, NoVo Foundation: "Unchained at Last: ... $40,000..."
- (accessed: April 16, 2018): "Women Moving Millions is a growing global community of 290 members in 14 countries. Each of our members has given and/or pledged $1 million or more to organizations or initiatives (of their choosing) that benefit women and girls."
- (accessed: June 12, 2012): "Women Moving Millions (WMM) was conceived in 2006 and established in 2007 by visionary sisters Ambassador Swanee Hunt and Helen LaKelly Hunt. ... Phase I (April 2007 to April 2009) of the Women Moving Millions initiative was launched in partnership with the [Soros, Ford Foundation, etc.-backed] Women’s Funding Network (WFN) and immediately made history by inspiring donors to make $1+ million gifts...
Currently, Women Moving Millions is a program of The Sister Fund... [We] anticipate it will operate as an independent tax exempt entity and public charity in 2012." - (accessed: April 16, 2018): "Individual Donors: .... William H. Donner Foundation ... Corporate Circle: Pimco Foundation. Impact Partners: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Charles Schwab Foundation... Visionary Partners: Fidelity Charitable. Supporting Partners: ... Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women. J.P. Morgan. ... Pearson."
- (accessed: April 16, 2018): "- Jennifer Alcorn: ... Senior Program Officer, Philanthropic Partnerships, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. ... Prior to joining the Foundation, Jennifer served as a Director of Partnership Operations with the United Nations Foundation. ...
Zainab Hawa Bangura*: ... Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, United Nations. ...
- Kathy Calvin: CEO [of Ted Turner's] United Nations Foundation ... Before joining the UN Foundation as Chief Operating Officer in 2003, she served as President of the AOL Time Warner Foundation. She previously served in senior positions at AOL, Hill and Knowlton, and U.S. News & World Report. From 1976 through 1984 she was Senator Gary Hart’s press secretary. ...
- Geena Davis [actress]: Founder & Chair, Geena Davis Institute for Gender in Media. ...
Arianna Huffington ...
- Pat Mitchell: ... Chair of the Sundance Institute; Trustee Emeritus of the Mayo Foundation; founding member Mikhail Gorbachev's Green Cross International; Acumen Fund Board Member; Jordan River Foundation U.S. Board Chair; Women’s Media Center Board Chair; a member of the Council on Foreign Relations; and serves on the board of V-Day, a global movement to end violence against women. ...
- Demi Moore: ... She partnered with CNN Freedom Project for the documentary Nepal’s Stolen Children to highlight the work of anti-trafficking advocate Anuradha Koirala.
- Mabel van Oranje: Chair, Girls Not Brides. ... She is also co-founder and the executive chair of the European Council on Foreign Relations. She is a member of the (advisory) boards of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, Crisis Action, Global Witness, the Malala Fund, the Open Society Foundations and The Elders. ... In 1993, Mabel founded the European Action Council for Peace in the Balkans and was its CEO until 1997. In 1997, she joined the Open Society Foundations in Brussels as Executive Director, becoming OSF’s London-based International Advocacy Director in 2003. Mabel helped found the Dutch foundation War Child (1995)...
- Gloria Steinem..."
- (accessed: April 17, 2018): "With more than 100 women’s funds and foundations engaged, Women’s Funding Network is the largest philanthropic network in the world devoted to women and girls. ... Our mission is to bring together the financial power and influence of funders of gender equity in order to address and solve critical and complex social issues ranging from poverty to global security."
- February 2, 2018, Forbes, 'The Rising Activism in Women's Philanthropy': "Cynthia Nimmo, president and CEO of Women’s Funding Network—an association of 100 foundations whose members invest over $400 million annually to improve the lives of women and girls around the world—agreed, saying, “Women are absolutely more active now. They are demanding equality, pure and simple."
- Donors/partners:
- 2016 annual report, Women's Funding Network: "Institutional Giving: ... Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors ... Kellogg Foundation. Corporate Foundation Giving: Comcast NBC Universal.
- 2010 annual report, Women's Funding Network, p. 11: "Donors: ... American Express Travel. Bank of America Merrill Lynch. ... Council on Foundations. ... Packard Foundation. ... Ford Foundation. Global Fund for Women. Goldman, Sachs... Libra Foundation ... Ms. Foundation for Women. ... NoVo Foundation. Open Society Institute. PepsiCo... The Sister Fund. ... Tides Foundation ... Kellogg Foundation..."
- Person with an Armenian-sounding name that was behind the April 23, 2018 Toronto Van Attack. This type of attack had recently been employed by radical Muslims, among those linked to ISIS. However, it was quickly reported by the Canadian authorities that Minassian didn't have a (Muslim) terrorist motive and that it appeared he was just a mentally deficient loner.
- Back in early 2017, this author already indicated that 4Chan forum members, who started the Pizzagate "affair", appear to constitute an ultraright controlled opposition action group. Next thing we know, throughout 2017, Soros-associate and "liberal CIA" anti-Trump activist Shia LaBeouf, was involved in an international "capture the flag" battle, with various 4Chan members posting fascist propaganda. And here in April 2018 we have Alek Minassian talking about 4chan and a "Incel Rebellion" ("Involuntary Celibate" Rebellion) right before his terrorist attack on 25 individuals, mostly women. Considering the international liberal elite-backed feminist war, this incident should be labeled a highly curious event.
- In addition, literally the week before, a lawyer purposely burned himself to death in an environmental protest. Thinking this was odd, this author checked if this lawyer had received Soros or related "liberal CIA" funding. He had, through his employer Lambda Legal. Coincidences keep stacking up.
- Update: Minassian was a student at the Seneca School of Computer Studies and and a team member at its Centre for Development of Open Technology (CDOT). The "inclusive" and "diverse" Senaca College is partnered with the Mozilla Foundation, in turn financed by foundations as MacArthur, Ford, Knight and others.
- (accessed: May 5, 2018): "Seneca has a significant partnership with the Mozilla project, creators of the popular Firefox web browser. The Mozilla Foundation and Corporation have provided financial support including funding an educational liaison position at Seneca, supporting numerous funded research and academic projects, and sponsoring FSOSS."
- September 17, 2014,, 'Seneca College realizes value of open source': "The relationship with Mozilla [since 2005] opened the doors for CDOT to contribute to large-scale projects."
- April 24, 2018, Buzzfeed, 'Toronto Van Attack Suspect Alek Minassian Praised An Anti-Women Community On Facebook; Authorities say the 25-year-old plowed through crowds on one of the busiest streets in Toronto, killing at least 10 people and injuring another 15.' (mostly women; tried to get the police to shoot him): "A Facebook profile for the suspect, deleted shortly after the attack, included a post written Monday with anti-women references.
[Screenshot of Facebook message:] "Alek Minassian. 2 hrs. Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 000010, wishing to speak to Sgt 4chan please. C23249161. The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger! [killed 6 people at UCSB after writing an anti-women manifesto]"
In the hours after the attack, an unverified Facebook profile for the suspect emerged with a post referencing the anonymous online forum 4chan, which is often the source of online hate and hoaxes. A Facebook employee speaking on background confirmed to BuzzFeed News that the since-removed profile for the suspect was authentic. ...
Reddit banned the Incel ["involuntary celibate"] community from its website last year after updating its policy to ban glorification and incitement of violence. The chat board frequently advocated for sexual violence and hate against women. ...
Minassian spent two months in late 2017 as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, the National Defence confirmed on Tuesday.
[Screenshot of Minassian's LinkedIn:] Education: Senaca College: 2011-2018..." - April 25, 2018, The Guardian, ''Raw hatred': why the 'incel' movement targets and terrorises women'.
- Grew up in a socialist/hippy antifa family. Went to ultra-radical Antioch College. Got his Ph.D. at Columbia University and then taught at Columbia's all-female Barnard College, a college very strongly represented among America's extremist feminists. Adjunct professor of American Studies at Occidental College (has received funds from foundations as Ford, Packard and Hewlett), followed by the position of affiliate scholar at the Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, another private liberal arts college.
- (accessed: March 5, 2018): "London School of Economics and Political Science, 1986-1987, General Course in History ... B.A., Antioch College, 1989, History and Philosophy ... M.Phil., Columbia University, 1995, History (U.S.) ... Ph.D., Columbia University, 2000, History (U.S.) .... Instructor, Columbia University, Program in the Core Curriculum, 1997-98 ... Adjunct Assistant Professor of History, Columbia University, 2000 ... Visiting Assistant Professor of History and American Studies, Barnard College, 2001-2006 ... Director of American Studies, Barnard College, 2003-2006 ... Visiting Professor of History, New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang College, 2006-2008 ... Adjunct Professor of History and American Studies, Occidental College, 2010-2016 ... Visiting Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Willamette University, 2016-present..."
- Contributed to The Daily Beast in 2009. Allowed to write three articles in the Huffington Post in May 2011. Invited to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast on September 23, 2014, December 23, 2015 and April 27, 2017.
- (various 2009-2010 articles).
- Predictably anti-Israel:
- July 4, 2010, Thaddeus Russell for the Daily Beast, 'Does Israel Make Us Safer?': "Obama will have the chance to be the first American president since the founding of Israel to ask The Question. ... Does the existence of Israel make Americans and Jews safer? ... There was not a single act of Arab terrorism against Americans before 1968, when the U.S. became the chief supplier of military equipment and economic aid to Israel. ...
Thaddeus Russell is the author of the forthcoming A Renegade History of the United States (Free Press/Simon & Schuster, 2010). He teaches history and cultural studies at Occidental College and has taught at Columbia University, Barnard College, Eugene Lang College, and the New School for Social Research [its Center for Public Scholarship is funded by elite foundations]."
- July 4, 2010, Thaddeus Russell for the Daily Beast, 'Does Israel Make Us Safer?': "Obama will have the chance to be the first American president since the founding of Israel to ask The Question. ... Does the existence of Israel make Americans and Jews safer? ... There was not a single act of Arab terrorism against Americans before 1968, when the U.S. became the chief supplier of military equipment and economic aid to Israel. ...
- September 20, 2011, The Guardian, 'A Renegade History of the United States by Thaddeus Russell – review'.
- Thaddeus Russell on the Joe Rogan Experience:
- September 23, 2014, Thaddeus Russell on the Joe Rogan Experience: Complaining that colleges are completely liberal and irrational feminism. Also talking about U.S. imperialism. Also: "There's [the] White Savior Complex. Remember Kony 2012? That's like the greatest example of that. Yeah, well, for good reason [it vanished quickly]. That's like the greatest example of that. A really awesome writer named Teju Cole ... talked about Kony 2012 a and the White savior complex. A lot of my work is on this. It's mostly white people. All elite people. Who take it upon themselves to save their social inferiors, right? And they want to go out and find them, first of all. Find these poor, sad people in the world, wherever they are. Whether it's in the ghetto in Compton, or Rwanda, or wherever, and go save them and change their lives. Uplift them and make them more like us. It's the psychological and cultural core of imperialism and to me it has lead to the deaths of millions of people. ... There's also this very arrogant, paternalistic impulse that a lot of people have, in particular white people. But certainly elite people. I know, I hate white people. I'm glad you are with me on this." This is a strange interpretation. Kony 2012 was nothing more than U.S. government-backed propaganda, as is so much of the propaganda to intervene in other countries. But it's just that: propaganda. At least Teju Cole made that point near the bottom of his article.
- March 21, 2012, Teju Cole in The Atlantic, 'The White-Savior Industrial Complex' (Teju Cole's tweets also made it to the New York Times): "Success for Kony 2012 would mean increased militarization of the anti-democratic Yoweri Museveni government, which has been in power in Uganda since 1986 and has played a major role in the world's deadliest ongoing conflict, the war in the Congo. But those whom privilege allows to deny constellational thinking would enjoy ignoring this fact. There are other troubling connections, not least of them being that Museveni appears to be a U.S. proxy in its shadowy battles against militants in Sudan and, especially, in Somalia."
- September 23, 2014, Thaddeus Russell on the Joe Rogan Experience, 1:10:00: "There was this crazy, repressive culture, and Americans lived in it. ... Good Americans - meaning white people - do that: they don't fuck, and they work. That also kinda extended to dancing. ... It was terrible to dance in American culture to dance - if you were a white person.Leisure was bad. ... Then along come these people from another place, West Africa, where none of these ideas existed. The Protestant work ethic? What are you talking about? ... They also believed in moving your body as a good thing, a beautiful thing. To them, moving it in sensual ways, dancing and otherwise, [was fine]. They didn't believe sex outside marriages was wicked. ... They thought women who had sex outside of marriage were fine, that it was no problem. ... They come over here as slaves. ... They had no intention of adapting this insane, oppressive culture that white people were all about. ... So they developed their own... this African-American culture... Jazz. ... White people never could have developed such a thing."
- April 27, 2017, Thaddeus Russell on the Joe Rogan Experience: "
[Russell:] "Woman" is an invention; it's a social construct. ... What much of the transmovement now is doing, what makes me so sad, is that "I am naturally, biologically, in my core, a woman." No! No one is! The whole point of this movement used to be you can choose to be a gender. Or you can chose not to be a gender. ... They're making these abstractions real again. They're making these claims that are similar to Sam Harris' claims, and to old racist claims, to old sexist claims that if you are born a particular way, biologically, this is who you are. ...
[Joe Rogan:] You're losing me in a huge way. You don't think you are born a man? No? Why are you a man? For all sorts of reasons? None of them being the XY chromosome ... you have testicals [and] a penis... you naturally gravitate towards male activities as boxing, kickboxing? ...
[Russell:] There are certain inventions, certain social constructs, that do nothing but bad things. ... And they're only social constructs, like race and gender. ... With race, the same thing happens with sickle-cell anemia. This is what everybody invokes when they claim race is real. Only black people get sickle-cell anemia. Well, guess what, the numbers there are about the same as the number of men who are infertile. Why then are people with sickle-cell anemia definitely black? ... Are there any two females who are identical? No. There are no two organisms that are identical. ..." - October 19, 2010, Huffington Post, 'Why I Got Fired From Teaching American History': "I was raised by pot-smoking, nudist, socialist revolutionaries as an egghead white boy in black neighborhoods in Berkeley and Oakland. I nearly flunked eighth grade and finished high school with a C average. Then I went to the anarchist, ultra-hippy Antioch College in Ohio, which accepted all their applicants, didn’t give grades, and didn’t have a history department.
So even though I managed to pull myself out of that background and into and through Columbia for a PhD, then onto a job at an elite college, I was highly uncomfortable moving from the world of weed to the world of tweed. I hated being "Professor." I cursed in class. I talked about sex. I used politically incorrect terms. My students said they had never heard the things I was teaching them in class. They called me "Bad Thad."
I showed them that during the American Revolution drunkards, laggards, prostitutes, and pirates pioneered many of the freedoms and pleasures we now cherish — including non-marital sex, interracial socializing, dancing, shopping, divorce, and the weekend — and that the Founding Fathers, in the name of democracy, opposed them. I argued not only that many white Americans envied slaves but also that they did so for good reason, since slave culture offered many liberating alternatives to the highly repressive, work-obsessed, anti-sex culture of the early United States. I demonstrated that prostitutes, not feminists, won virtually all the freedoms that were denied to women but are now taken for granted. By tracing the path of immigrants from arrival as “primitives” to assimilation as “civilized” citizens, I explained that white people lost their rhythm by becoming good Americans. I presented evidence that without organized crime, we might not have jazz, Hollywood, Las Vegas, legal alcohol, birth control, or gay rights, since only gangsters were willing to support those projects when respectable America shunned them. ...
College students are normally taught a history that is the story of struggles between capitalists and workers, whites and blacks, men and women. ...
Several distinguished professors from Columbia showed up, since the university has final say on all tenure decisions at its sister college, Barnard. [They were very hostile] ... Emails [soon] came into the hiring committee from “important places,” I was told, calling my ideas “improper,” “frightening,” and “dangerous.” They said my ideas had no place in the academy and insisted that I be terminated. ... After I was told that I would be leaving Barnard, hundreds of students protested in faculty and deans’ offices and the Columbia Spectator devoted an editorial to my case, but to no avail."
- September 23, 2014, Thaddeus Russell on the Joe Rogan Experience: Complaining that colleges are completely liberal and irrational feminism. Also talking about U.S. imperialism. Also: "There's [the] White Savior Complex. Remember Kony 2012? That's like the greatest example of that. Yeah, well, for good reason [it vanished quickly]. That's like the greatest example of that. A really awesome writer named Teju Cole ... talked about Kony 2012 a and the White savior complex. A lot of my work is on this. It's mostly white people. All elite people. Who take it upon themselves to save their social inferiors, right? And they want to go out and find them, first of all. Find these poor, sad people in the world, wherever they are. Whether it's in the ghetto in Compton, or Rwanda, or wherever, and go save them and change their lives. Uplift them and make them more like us. It's the psychological and cultural core of imperialism and to me it has lead to the deaths of millions of people. ... There's also this very arrogant, paternalistic impulse that a lot of people have, in particular white people. But certainly elite people. I know, I hate white people. I'm glad you are with me on this." This is a strange interpretation. Kony 2012 was nothing more than U.S. government-backed propaganda, as is so much of the propaganda to intervene in other countries. But it's just that: propaganda. At least Teju Cole made that point near the bottom of his article.
- Silverstein has ran the feminist website since it was founded in 2008. Major foundation financing is not immediately visible, but Silverstein does have a position at Columbia University's all-women Bernard College, a college that seems to put out an unusually high number of future prominent feminists. It should also be noted that Columbia University is one a handful of universities that is considered acceptable for a top government position (cabinet-level).
- (accessed: May 30, 2018): "Melissa Silverstein is a writer, blogger and marketing consultant with an expertise in the area of social media regarding women and Hollywood. She is the founder and editor of Women and Hollywood, one of the most respected sites for issues related to women and film as well as other areas of pop culture. She is the Artistic Director and co-founder of the Athena Film Festival – A Celebration of Women and Leadership at Barnard College in NYC."
- Her Guardian biography left a few things out, however. Silverstein has been involved in a variety of elite-backed feminist groups:
- (accessed: April 6, 2010): "She has also worked on several high profile public education campaigns including Take Our Daughters to Work Day and the Pro Choice Public Education Project, and she [in 1998] was the founding project director for [Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, etc.-backed] The White House Project [with directors as white race baiter Abigail Disney, Arca Foundation executive director Anna Lefer Kuhn and Open Society Foundations (Soros) vice president Gara LaMarche] and prior to that was the chief of Staff at the Ms. Foundation for Women. She is on the advisory boards of the Women's Media Center and Women, Action & Media (WAM!) and is a member of NY Women in Film and TV."
- Athena Film Festival, as directed by Silverstein:
- (accessed: May 30, 2018): "Founding Sponsor: Artemis Rising Foundation. Premiere Level: Amazon Studios. Gold Level: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. ... Morgan Stanley ... Bronze Level: ... Center for Reproductive Rights ... The New York Women's Foundation..."
- (accessed: April 16, 2018): "Gloria Steinem ... Harry Belafonte ..."
- Former anti-Vietnam War and anti-communist activist who was on the CIA (leadership's) payroll from 1958 until her exposure in 1962. After that developed/continued the usual Eastern Establishment ties and established herself as one of the premier feminist leaders by the 1970s. By the turn of the century she was advisory board chairman of the George Soros-backed feminist group Equality Now.
- Mother-in-law of actor Christian Bale - one of many pro-Third World immigration propagandists. Close feminist ally in Equality Now of Hollywood stars Meryl Streep and Marvel Avengers creator Joss Whedon.
- Born in 1934. Poor background, partly due to her mother's nervous breakdown at age 34 and the subsequent divorce from her husband. She graduated from Smith College, Mass., one of the nation's largest liberal arts colleges for women (Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush went to it as well), in 1956. Graduated as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. 1956-1958 Steinem spent in India as a Chester Bowles Asian Fellow, where she was briefly associated with the Supreme Court of India as a Law Clerk to Mehr Chand Mahajan, then Chief Justice of India.
After returning to the U.S. in 1958, she served as director of the Independent Research Service, an organization funded in secret by a donor that turned out to be the CIA. Steinem was aware she was recruited and funded by the CIA. She worked to send non-Communist American students to the 1959 World Youth Festival.
In 1960, she was hired by Warren Publishing as the first employee of Help! magazine. In 1962 Esquire magazine features editor Clay Felker gave freelance writer Steinem what she later called her first "serious assignment" regarding contraception. That same year her CIA tie was exposed in the press, right while she was protesting the emerging Vietnam War at the Pentagon.
In 1963, while working on an article for Show magazine of Pilgrims Society member and the psychedelics-affiliated Huntington Hartford, Steinem was employed as a Playboy Bunny at the New York Playboy Club (the Playboy Foundation also became "liberal CIA" and psychedelics-affiliated) and soon wrote about the way Playboy Bunnies were exploited, often sexually.
Conducted an interview with John Lennon, the prominent ally of LSD guru Timothy Leary (who also was a visitor to Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion), for Cosmopolitan magazine in 1964.
Employed by New York magazine in 1968. In 1969, she covered an abortion speak-out for New York Magazine, which was held in a church basement in Greenwich, New York. She felt what she called a "big click" at the speak-out, and later said she didn't "begin my life as an active feminist" until that day. In 1969, she published an article, "After Black Power, Women's Liberation" which brought her to national fame as a feminist leader. - Gloria Steinem was deeply connected to the CIA in the 1958-1962 period, and really also the Rockefeller elite, much more than she led on in a 1963 interview about her CIA ties:
- Circa 1963, Gloria Steinem video interview part of the JFK Assassination Archives: "Interviewer: Gloria, at the festival you worked for the Independent Research Service. Exactly when did your own association with the CIA start and in what fashion? Did they come to you, or did you go to them?
GS: In 1958 when I came home from India I discussed with student leaders past and present, many of them acted with the National Student Association, this kind of small foundation to encourage Americans to go. They thought it was a good idea too. I was then told by foundations and professors and friends that I should not do this, that I would get in trouble with the House of American Activities Committee, the American Legion - all of those 50s people. And I became convinced that it was impossible. It was at that point that the student leaders said to me that they had in the past received funds for international programs from the CIA and felt that this was important and could also be funded by the CIA.
Interviewer: Did you feel that you really tried? Did you go around to all the wealthy private foundations, wealthy private people and explain your point of view and explain why you felt it was important that that the United States be represented at these things in a certain way? What did they tell you?
GS: They told me, well, the Ford Foundation for instance told me for instance, we were too liberal and too controversial and that we would endanger their cultural programs in Austria; the first festival was being held in Vienna. It was not encouraging at all, and the private individuals to whom I went, often had particular points of view to put forward, which would have been much much more restricting than the CIA funds were - which were free and no one was told what to say.
Interviewer: What do you mean they were free? It was easier to work with the CIA than a private organization?
GS: That's right. That's right. And the reason I think that comes as a surprise as it did to me at the time and I had the conventional liberal's view of the CIA as a right wing incendiary group and I was amazed to discover that this was far from the case. That they were enlightened, liberal, non-partisan activists of the sort twhohat characterized the Kennedy administration, for instance.
Interviewer: You have now been working for the CIA since 1962. You still criticize, you were down there recently in Washington?
GS: Yes. Yes. When the story broke that I had for four four years been a Central Intelligence agent I was demonstrating outside the Pentagon underneath Mr. McNamara's office against bombing in Vietnam. This did not precisely fit with the image of a CIA agent, but then, neither does the CIA." - 1992, Kai Bird, 'The Chairman: John J. McCloy and the Making of the American Establishment', pp. 483-484, 727: "In the summer of 1959, just before [top Rockefeller agent John] McCloy took his family for an extended trip to Europe, [CIA psychological warfare expert] C.D. Jackson wrote to remind McCloy that later that summer a World Youth Festival was scheduled to take place in Vienna. Jackson asked McCloy to contribute an article, perhaps on the "benign and constructive aspects" of the U.S. occupation of Germany. The piece would appear in a daily newspaper to be published in Vienna in conjunction with the festival. McCloy agreed, and the article was published (in five languages) in a newspaper distributed by a twenty-five-year-old Smith graduate named Gloria Steinem. ...
By the time Jackson first approached McCloy, in the autumn of 1958, he and Cord Meyer, head of the CIA's International Organizations Division (IO), had a plan. The Agency would provide discreet funding to an "informal group of activists" who would constitute themselves as an alternative American delegation to the festival. The CIA would not only pay their way but also assist them to distribute books and publish a newspaper in Vienna. Among other individuals, Jackson and Meyer hired Gloria Steinem to work with them. Steinem had recently returned from a two-year stint in India, where she had been a Chester Bowles Asian Fellow. ...
Convinced that a contingent of liberal but anticommunist American students should go to Vienna, [Steinem] heard through her contacts at the National Student Association that there might be funding available to finance American participation in the festival. Working through C.D. Jackson and Cord Meyer, Steinem then set up an organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts called the Independent Service for Information on the Vienna Youth Festival. She obtained tax-exempt status, and Jackson helped her raise contributions from various American corporations, including the American Express Company. But most of the money came from the CIA, to be managed by Jackson in a "special account." The entire operation cost in the range of $85,000, a not inconsiderable sum in those years. (Steinem's organization, later renamed the Independent Research Service, continued to receive support from the CIA through 1962, when it financed an American delegation to the Helsinki Youth Festival.) Steinem ended up working closely with Samuel S. Walker, Jr., vice-president of the CIA-funded Free Europe Committee. Because the Austrians did not want to be associated with the Free Europe Committee, the Agency set up a commercial front called the Publications Development Corporation (PDC). Walker was made president of this dummy corporation, funded in part by "a confidential one-year contract" worth $273,000 from the Free Europe Committee. His job was to supervise the book-and-newspaper operation at the Youth Festival."
- Circa 1963, Gloria Steinem video interview part of the JFK Assassination Archives: "Interviewer: Gloria, at the festival you worked for the Independent Research Service. Exactly when did your own association with the CIA start and in what fashion? Did they come to you, or did you go to them?
- (accessed: March 13, 2018): "In 1972, Gloria Steinem co-founded Ms. magazine, remained one of its editors for fifteen years. She continues to serve as a consulting editor for Ms., and was instrumental in the magazine's move to join and be published by the Feminist Majority Foundation [financed by foundations as Ford, Soros and Turner]. In 1973, Ms. Steinem joined with Patricia Carbine, Letty Cottin Pogrebin and Marlo Thomas to create the Ms. Foundation for Women [financed by the same elite foundations, as well as Gates, Rockefeller, Nathan Cummings and Surdna]. ...
In 1968, she had helped to found New York magazine, where she was a political columnist and wrote feature articles. As a freelance writer, she was published in Esquire, The New York Times Magazine...
Ms. Steinem helped to found the Women's Action Alliance [Franklin A. Thomas, president of the Ford Foundation 1979-96, was one of the board members; Thomas also became a major Hillary Clinton and Obama supporter]... She also co-founded the [Ford Foundation-funded] Women's Media Center in 2004. She was president and co-founder of Voters for Choice, a pro-choice political action committee for twenty-five years, then with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund when it merged with VFC for the 2004 elections. She was also co-founder and serves on the board of Choice USA..." - Steinem is involved in the Sisterhood is Global Institute (SIGI), together with close friends Jane Fonda and SIGI founder Robin Morgan, her co-founders of the Women's Media Center.
- (accessed: April 16, 2018): "The Sisterhood Is Global Institute: The Think Tank of International Feminism. ... Founders: Robin Morgan, President. Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986). Board of Directors: Robin Morgan, President . ... Jane Fonda ... Gloria Steinem. International Board of Advisors (until 2006): Maha Abu-Dayyeh (Palestine). Marjorie Agosin (Chile). Peggy Antrobus (Caribbean). Amna Badri (Sudan) ... Nawal El Saadawi (Egypt) ... Jane Fonda (US) ... Pregs Govender (South Africa). Terry Greenblatt (Israel) ...Ruchira Gupta (India) ... Jila Kazerounian (Iran) ... Molara Ogundipe (Nigeria) ... Achola Pala Okeyo (Kenya) ... Durga Sob (Nepal) ... Gloria Steinem (US). Maria Suarez Toro (Costa Rica). Titi Sumbung (Indonesia)."
- Steinem is on the advisory board of elite Women Moving Millions, together with Soros agent Princess Mabel Wisse Smit of Orange, Jane Fonda, Arianna Huffington, and senior leadership of the United Nations Foundation and Bill Gates Foundation.
- Accompanying list of signatories: (letter of George Soros' super-elite Drug Policy Alliance): "Warren Buffett ... Frank Carlucci ... Jimmy Carter ... Michael Douglas ... Jane Fonda [see larger list of names in her biography] ... Gloria Steinem ... George Soros ... Mabel van Oranje ... Paul Volcker..."
- May 4, 2006, Daily Kos, 'George Soros and Gloria Steinem': "At a fundraiser at Soros' apartment last night, Judy [Aydelott ] was surrounded by true believers, including Soros and Steinem. ... It's hard to believe that Soros would turn over his apartment to 100 people last night, including Steinem and Carl Reiner [Saul Bloom in Ocean's Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen of George Clooney et al, and Marty Pepper in Charlie Sheen's Two and a Half Men] and former Kennedy speechwriter Ted Sorenson, if he didn't believe that Aydelott was a true progressive."
- March 10, 2015, Daily Mail, 'Girl power! Jane Fonda and famed feminist Gloria Steinem attend Donor Direct Action launch party in NYC': "Actress Jane Fonda, 77, and journalist Gloria Steinem, 80, attended the Donor Direct Action launch party at the Ford Foundation."
- "Gloria Steinem ...
- Harry Belafonte: ... he emerged as a strong voice for the civil rights movement and was by the side of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. when he gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech at the 1964 March on Washington. Mr. Belafonte's activism has extended throughout his life, including acting as goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, campaigning to end the practice of apartheid in South Africa, and speaking out against U.S. military actions in Iraq. He is the founder of The Gathering for Justice..." - January 23, 2017, Breitbart, 'Report: George Soros Tied to More Than 50 'Partners' of Anti-Trump Women's March': "Activists Gloria Steinem and Harry Belafonte are serving as honorary co-chairs. In 2005, Belafonte founded the Gathering for Justice group, which has since been the recipient of numerous grants from Soros' Open Society Foundations."
- Women's Media Center
- (accessed: Dec. 6, 2024).
- (accessed: Dec. 6, 2024).
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