Dutch Joris Demmink Affair Reveals Heroin, Cocaine and Pedophile Entrapment Affairs; Orange Royal Family Similarly Linked to Child Abuse and Mafia Networks
Ten eerste: Deze site is niet geschreven door een Republikeinse activist of iemand die een hekel heeft aan het koningshuis. Koning Willem Alexander en Koningin Maxima lijken sympathiek genoeg en, kijkende naar de informatie in dit artikel, zijn mogelijk simpelweg het "slachtoffer" van het milieu waarin ze zijn geboren. Misschien dat het ondertussen wel tijd wordt dat er eens in de 20-25 jaar gestemd moet worden of het volk het koningshuis wilt behouden, maar buiten dat ben ik zelf redelijk neutraal. Dare I say, ik denk zelfs dat ik ''voor'' zou stemmen. Kastelen, koningen, koninginnen, prinsen en prinsessen... net wat kleurvoller en romantischer dan republieken. Zolang alles maar symbolisch is. Ach, al is het maar voor de kinderen.
Ten tweede: Deze site is niet bepaald een supporter van de "leiders" van het anti-Demmink offensief: de ultra-radicale Micha Kat, zijn financier Jan Poot, Jack Abramoff maatje Robert Rubinstein, de omver gereden Gay Krant en Panorama schrijver Fred de Brouwer, IRT veteraan Klaas Langendoen, de overleden Rote Armee Fraktion advocaat en morele verdediger Pieter Bakker Schut, zijn weduwe, super-desinformer en "liberal CIA" favoriet Adele van der Plas, het Baybasin heroine cartel, Adam Curry met zijn nogal uitgebreide CIA familie, cocaine-snuivende crimineel Steve Brown, miljonair JFK manipulator Wim Dankbaar, of zelfs Koen Voskuil van het Algemeen Dagblad. Stuk voor stuk vertellen ze niet bepaald de waarheid.
Ditzelfde geldt voor radicale verdedigers van Demmink, voornamelijk Heineken ontvoerder maatje en crime reporter Peter R. de Vries, die het geweldig vindt om te vertellen aan TV-kijkend Nederland hoe overduidelijk irrationeel deze "complot mafia" wel niet is zonder zelf degelijk onderzoek te doen en daarmee het Nederlandse volk met talloze vragen laat zitten. Aangezien De Vries heeft samengewerkt met Dankbaar in het verspreiden van typisch Amerikaanse desinformatie met betrekking tot de John F. Kennedy moord, is het redelijk makkelijk om de conclusie te trekken dat De Vries en al zijn meningen in de prullenbak gegooid kunnen worden.
Hoewel er zeker wat vragen zijn aan Demmink's adres, o.a. over jeugdige ex-vriend Libor Ctvrtlik, en diens praktijken in de pornofilm Das Fickende Klassenzimmer, lijken meer dan een aantal getuigenverklaringen tegen Demmink vals en, in de mening van deze auteur, het resultaat van manipulatie die in de context van een supranationaal "CIA" netwerk (om het maar een naam te geven) moet worden gezien. Dat klinkt misschien een beetje "te" op het eerste gezicht, maar kan ook redelijk makkelijk worden gedemonstreerd. Dat wordt dus ook gedaan in dit artikel.
Hierbuiten: er zijn wel degelijk aanwijzingen dat relatief veel kindermisbruik plaatsvindt op het hoogste niveau en dat mensen in dit milieu zich hier niet druk om lijken te maken. Ook zijn er heel aantoonbare banden (geweest) tussen het koninklijk huis, de Klaas Bruinsma-Etienne Urka-John Engelsma-Charles Geerts mafia, en Inlichtingen & Operaties. Deze laatste groep is de Nederlandse tak van het CIA Gladio/"stay behind" netwerk geweest. Deze banden moeten veel dieper onderzocht worden, omdat juist vanuit dit milieu veel manipulatie van de Nederlandse staat lijkt te hebben plaatsgevonden. Afpersingspraktijken op het gebied van kindermisbruik lijken hier onderdeel vanuit te maken. En is het niet heel erg vreemd dat alle namen die uitgelekt zijn homosexuelen omvat?
Trouwens, een site die ik wel steun is Kleintje Muurkrant op Stelling.nl. Het is de enige site waar ik consequent veel van heb geleerd en daarnaast schrijft men daar ook nog eens op absoluut hilarische wijze. Ik lig continue in een deuk van artikelen hier en wou dat ik zo kon schrijven--in het Engels uiteraard. Nooit heb ik de site betrapt op het verzinnen van feiten en over de lijn is het allemaal heel accuraat. Wel moet ik altijd de oorspronkelijke bronnen opzoeken voor m'n eigen piece-of-mind, maar dat is geen probleem.
Een laatste punt: deze site gaat over begrijpen, niet over beschuldigen of zelfs actievoeren. ISGP is altijd gefocused op "het grote plaatje". Om dit grote plaatje te begrijpen zullen allerlei verschillende schandalen met zoveel mogelijk namen besproken moeten worden.
First off, this article has not been written by an anti-monarchist Republican activist who happens to loathe the Dutch royal family. King Willem Alexander and his wife Maxima come across as rather sympathetic. I even found Prince Bernhard's support for conservation and his individualist and worldly attitude quite commendable - especially for a superclass member. That having been said, plenty of questions can be asked about the history and present activities of the royal family, which the mainstream media clearly has no interest in doing. But luckily there is ISGP, so a lot of these questions are discussed in this article.
Secondly, this site is not particularly supportive of the "leaders" of the anti-Demmink campaign: the ultra-radical Micha Kat, his financier Jan Poot, Jack Abramoff buddy Robert Rubinstein, the driven over Gay Krant and Panorama writer Fred de Brouwer, IRT veteran Klaas Langendoen, the deceased Rote Armee Fraktion lawyer and moral defender Pieter Bakker Schut, his window, super-disinformer en "liberal CIA" favorite Adele van der Plas, the Baybasin heroin cartel, Adam Curry with his rather high level and extensive CIA family, cocaine-snorting criminal Steve Brown, millionaire JFK assassination manipulator Wim Dankbaar, or even Koen Voskuil of the Algemeen Dagblad. None of them have exactly been speaking the truth.
The same goes for radical defenders of Demmink, particularly Heineken-kidnapper friend and crime reporter Peter R. de Vries, who just loves to the explain to TV-watching Holland just how irrational this "conspiracy mafia" is, without doing any decent research himself and with that leaving the Dutch people with numerous questions that most likely will never be answered. Considering De Vries has cooperated with Dankbaar in the spreading of typically American disinformation with regard to the John F. Kennedy assassination, it is rather easy to draw the conclusion that De Vries and all his opinions can be thrown out with the garbage.
While certainly a number of pertinent questions can be asked to Demmink, among others about his youthful ex-boyfriend Libor Ctvrtlik, and the activities of this Ctvrtlik in the porn movie Das Fickende Klassenzimmer, more than a few witness testimonies against Demmink appear to be lies and, in the opinion of this author, the result of manipulation that should be seen in the context of a supranational CIA network (to give the beast a name). That might sound a little over the top at first glance, but this can also be rather easily demonstrated - which is done in this article.
In addition: there most certainly is evidence that quite a bit of child abuse takes place at the highest level of society and that people in this milieu for the most part care little about this problem. Also, there have been very demonstratable ties between the royal house of Orange, the Klaas Bruinsma-Etienne Urka-John Engelsma-Charles Geerts mafia, and Intelligence & Operations. This last group was the Dutch branch of the CIA Gladio/"Stay Behind" network. These ties have to be investigated much deeper, because it appears that it's from this milieu that a lot of manipulation of the Dutch state has taken place, seemingly including pedophile entrapment operations. And isn't it just really strange that all Dutch names that have been leaked over the years with regard to pedophilia include homosexuals? Literally the only cases discussed here that do not involve homosexuals - the Westerflier Cult and Catharina's Cult - have been dug up by ISGP from the Dutroux X-Dossiers, dossiers that actually were first brought out and extensively discussed by ISGP.
A final important point is that this site is about understanding, not about accusing or even activism. ISGP has always been focused on the "bigger picture". To understand this bigger picture, all kinds of scandals have to be discussed with as many names as possible.
On April 20, 1998 NCRV's "Netwerk" program aired an episode about underage boy prostition ring that centered around pedophile pimp Lothar Glandorf. The activities of Glandorf and clients were exposed when in 1994 the German police asked its Dutch colleagues to help find the missing 13-year-old Manuel Schadwald, whose disappearence was beginning to cause controversy in Germany. Information gathered by the German police indicated that Schadwald was used as a child prostitute by Lothar Glandorf, a pimp for young boys who ran a brothel in Rotterdam South. A partner of his, Henk S. (last name seems to be Smolders), operated from the famous Cube Blocks ("Kubuswoningen") in the center of Rotterdam. Sadistic pedophiles are known to have been clients of these men. Despite numerous delays, the Dutch police complied, and began to tap Glandorf's phone. Subsequently a "Joris" was caught calling Glandorf on a weekly basis to order boys for sexual abuse. Both men were subsequently arrested, with Glandorf going to jail.
As for Schadwald, at one point three members of an observation team of the Dutch police were convinced they saw Schadwald in the presence of Lothar Glandorf, but, while waiting for orders from superiors, failed to intervene. Schadwald was transported to a place unknown, never to be seen again. Strangely, the Dutch police never reported back to their German colleagues that they had lost track of Schadwald. Also, a detective interviewed by Netwerk claimed that the relevant police journal, the only source mentioning the observation, had been lost. This turned out to be a lie. The journal existed, which confirmed the above facts.
The program strongly hints that a high government official with the name "Joris" was involved in the network and also that some kind of cover up is in place about the disappearance of Schadwald. Netwerk reenacts conversations between child pimp "Lothar" [Glandorf] and the client with the name "Joris". To imitate Joris, Netwerk uses a very snooty voice of a man who sounds like he is at least in his 40s. He is described as "an official who has a high position in the government. His name appears in the State Almanac for the Kingdom of the Netherlands." What follows is a screen capture of one of the phone taps and the conversations that can be heard and read:
JORIS: I just wanted to ask, is anything nice available this weekend? GLANDORF: What do you want? JORIS: Well, I thought maybe something new has arrived, or something like that. You said something about... GLANDORF: No, no, nothing new. Not really new. JORIS: Two Germans would... GLANDORF: Yes, but I sent those to Henk. JORIS: Oh, then I know enough already. GLANDORF: [laughs] ... JORIS: And Ricardo? GLANDORF: That's a story apart. He is not yet this far. ... Today Omar is there, Michael and Brian. JORIS: Might that be something for me? GLANDORF: You never had him? ... GLANDORF: Who did you have yesterday? JORIS: Oh, I have to think about that for a second... That Daniel. GLANDORF: He is good, isn't he? JORIS: Yes, good, but it hurt a lot [for him]. [laughing]. GLANDORF: Oh! [laughing softly] JORIS: Let's see, who else did we have? Christoph. ... That friend of Marcine. ... GLANDORF: Who did you just have? Jorik? JORIS: Uh, yeah, you know him? GLANDORF: The little one? With the dark hair? JORIS: Yes, him. GLANDORF: He's nice, isn't he? JORIS: Yes, but I think he has an STD. GLANDORF: Why? JORIS: Well, when he comes, some kind of slime comes out. ... GLANDORF: Oh Jesus, but that's such a beautiful boy. JORIS: Yes, a very beautiful boy, but he doesn't really do much, right? GLANDORF: No, not really, does he? JORIS: But that doesn't really matter. ... Joris calling from Gorzow, Poland, bringing back a child: JORIS: That doesn't give any problems at the border, right? GLANDORF: No, but you do have to let him cross the bridge, but he knows that himself. JORIS: Oh, he has to cross the bridge? That he does that himself? Ok, I'll take care of that. GLANDORF: Yes, don't do that, otherwise they arrest you for human trafficking. Well, not that they do that. But you never know. |
As for who this "Joris" is, a newspaper article, probably from early 1996, entitled "240 Uur Dienstverlening na Misbruik van Jongens", shown at 3:32 of the Network broadcast, already seems to confirm we're not dealing with Demmink. He has a different name and a different age:
"This morning the Rotterdam Court sentenced the 40-year-old J. F., of The Hague, to 240 hours of community service. Subsequently he was given six months probation. Two weeks ago the man admitted to having abused a number of underage boys in two brothels in Rotterdam in 1994." |
A 1996 newspaper report explains that "J.F." was a judicial advisor at a government department "who used his judicial expertise to help the pimps smuggle boys from Poland to the Netherlands. ... Last year the suspect also spent two months in prison on similar suspicions." Throughout 1995 and 1996 a number of well-to-do clients of this network, some of them foreigners, were brought to justice. [1] According to a Volkskrant article of 2007, the government department of "J.F." was the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. It correctly states that an earlier EenVandaag broadcast, which aired a segment of the 1998 program, falsely suggested that it was Demmink in the telephone taps. [2]
Update: Right before closing off this article, I just happened to run into the last name of "Joris" in the "EenVandaag/Richard Carl Samson file", which I came across while searcing for information on a company called "Videorama". More on Videorama later, but our "J.F." appears to be Joris Francken. [3] In November 1998 and December 1999 this person was present at the United Nations and World Health Organization-ran Codex Alimentarius meetings in Switzerland and Washington, D.C. as "Head of Delegation" and "Senior Policy Officer Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport." He continued his activities of implementing the Codex Alimentarius food standards in the Netherlands until at least 2010. [4]
According to Micha Kat, "In a direct conversation this Joris admitted that he is the Joris from the Netwerk broadcasts." If that's true, and that is always a bit of a question with Kat, clearly Francken was never fired for his pedophile activities and subsequent conviction. That begs the question: who was responsible for Francken all this time? That would be Elst Borst, minister of health, welfare and sport from 1994 to 2002 and deputy prime minister of the Netherlands from 1998 to 2002. Bizarrely, she was found murdered at home in February 2014, age 81 - perpetrators unknown. I actually can't remember another occasion that a sitting or former minister of the Netherlands was murdered. It's a very rare occasion.
Both Francken and Bos served under prime minister Wim Kok. After Kok's 8 years in office came to an end in 2002, his services to the nation were immediately rewarded with advisory board appointments to a number of leading Dutch multinationals: ING Bank, Royal TPG Post, Royal Dutch Shell and Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM). Kok also joined a number of elite NGOs, including George Soros' International Crisis Group and CMi, the latter along with Bilderberg chairman Etienne Davignon, accused of child abuse in the Belgian X-Dossiers. In 2003 Kok was invited to Bilderberg, in which Davignon is far from the only member accused of child abuse. In addition he became president of the Club of Madrid, a gathering of international retired presidents and prime ministers, including Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Ruud Lubbers, Mikhail Gorbachev, John Major, Jose Maria Aznar, Jacques Delors, Helmut Schmidt and many others. Kok has been keeping busy.
There still seems to be a bit of skepticism if Joris Francken really was the person in the phone taps. One can absolutely argue that the 1998 Netwerk description of "Joris", if Joris Francken was meant, was a little overstated. And if it is true that Netwerk journalists and Micha Kat have gone through the entire 1998 State Almanac and didn't find another Joris besides Demmink that would be very suspicious, not to mention that, according to Kat, the EenVandaag journalists from 2007 also claimed that the phone taps involved Demmink. [5] It's Kat, so it might be best to ignore these statements. And it seems that both were involved in the same network anyhow. Also, who knows, maybe the 1998 Netwerk program was the first in a long line of manipulations trying to draw attention to Demmink's activities. Why only focus on "Joris"? Why that description of him? Certainly rumors about Demmink were already making their rounds in 1998. As the reader will find out, everything surrounding the anti-Demmink campaign smacks of political manipulation.
In October 2003 there were publications of journalist Fred de Brouwer in Panorama and Gay Krant magazines. The 1994 police tap and the Manuel Schadwald case are not mentioned. Instead, the articles focus on Demmink having picked up children from the Anne Frank Plantsoen in Eindhoven and reports that a deceased, possibly murdered, former driver of Demmink, Rob Mostert, had seen him abuse one or more boys on the backseat of his government car.
The key witness regarding the Anne Frank Plantsoen and some of Joris Demmink's adventures in the Czech Republic was the bisexual former child prostitute Frank Leenders. After the controversy generated by the articles in Panorama and Gay Krant, and the NOS identifying Joris Demmink by his full name that same evening, Leenders was also interviewed by the police. A problem arose at this point: Leenders claimed that most of what he said about Demmink wasn't true. And according to him, Fred de Brouwer had asked him to provide these statements to the police in exchange for 500 euros. During a television interview a year later Leenders denied having been offered any money by De Brouwer, but really his only terse reply was: "Not as far as I know [has money been discussed]." But the official police hearing of November 2003 speaks for itself. In it Leenders is quoted as saying:
"Fred of the Panorama has asked me to testify to the police. He has asked me to say I know Joris Demmink from the Czech Republic. He also asked me to finger Joris Demmink as the man who abused a lot of young children in both the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. ... "No, nothing of this is true. I have prepared this story with Fred of the Panorama. Fred promised me that I would be paid for this. I would receive 500 euros if I would testify to the police in the manner that I have done. The only aspect that is true is that several times I have seen Joris Demmink at the Anne Frank Plantsoen." [6] |
Gerard Hamers, the attorney of Frank Leenders, didn't particularly help his client's cause when he explained:
"Well, as far as I know, no money has been offered to him by Panorama. But it is true that my client, exactly in that part of the interview that he was not entirely lucid anymore, doesn't know exactly what he has said, that it has been said: "Yes, I've been offered money." But that's exactly that aspect of the testimony about which he says: "But Gerard, this testimony is not correct." So it is a little unclear. But it is clear that Panorama has denied it and that there really isn't any supporting evidence of it. I'm afraid that he has been manipulated to such an extent that he thought, "Well, let's just say that also."" [7] |
Next law psychologist Hans Krombag is given the documents of the police hearings and asked about his opinion. Krombag explains:
"The police interview looks absolutely correct. ... If you take the official interview literally, he himself has volunteered the information that part of his testimony, namely that part that incriminated the top official, that that was false, and that he has made these statement on the advise of a journalist." [8] |
Readers will have to make up their own mind, but maybe Frank Leenders shouldn't be considered the most reliable witness in the world. Leenders made quite some statements about Demmink too. He even spoke about a child Demmink "fucked to death" with a dildo in an unpublished section of an interview with De Brouwer, which was leaked to the internet by Micha Kat. That all sounds terrible, but maybe only one aspect of Leenders' interview with Fred de Brouwer should be given priority by the police (in case something illegal has transpired), that aspect in which he talks about physical traits of Demmink.
"He has a birthmark of his left butt cheek. Large, a centimeter or three big, round. And a very small dick. [laughing] You could almost call it a tooth pick. I almost never felt him. ..." |
If this information is correct, we'll see from there.
In April 2007 Demmink again reached the evening news. This time lawyers Adele van der Plas and husband Pieter Bakker Schut sue Demmink on behalf of their client, the Kurd Huseyin Baybasin, locked up in a Dutch jail on drug trafficking charges. Van der Plas and Schut claim that their client, which they have had since at least 2002 [9], is completely innocent. He was locked up by the Dutch authorities after pressure from the Turkish government. Personal pressure actually, because the Turkish government supposedly has evidence that Joris Demmink raped boys in Turkey in the 1990s. If Demmink wouldn't see to it that Baybasin was put away, they would start revealing evidence. [10]
We'll get back to the details of these claims later. What is certain is that the picture Van der Plas and Bakker Schut have been painting of Baybasin, that of a courageous whistleblower and freedom fighter, is not exactly correct. Huseyin Baybasin is also known as "Europe's Pablo Escobar" and "the Emperor", and was head of the Kurdish Baybasin heroin cartel until his arrest in 1998. His brother, Abdullah Baybasin, took over as head of the family at this point. By the time of Abdullah's own arrest in 2004 he was "estimated by [British] police to have controlled up to 90% of the heroin which entered the country." On top of that Abdullah ran violent extortion rackets in London. Turkish and Kurdish shop owners, businessmen, and criminals as human traffickers all paid fees to Abdullah in order for them to continue their practices. As one would expect from a family controlling almost all of the British heroin trade, Abdullah and Huseyin Baybasin were government informants. Why not let The Guardian explain:
"Members of an international crime gang were allowed to move to Britain while flooding the country with heroin because their leader had secretly worked as an informer for Customs & Excise, according to evidence brought before an immigration appeals tribunal. The Baybasin Cartel, a notorious Kurdish gang, is estimated by police to have controlled up to 90% of the heroin which entered the country after its leading members settled in the home counties in the mid-1990s. "Gang members also became involved in protection rackets and extortion in the UK, and were linked to a series of turf disputes which resulted in up to 25 murders. On one occasion, Baybasin mobsters were involved in a shoot-out across a busy shopping street in north London on a Saturday afternoon. "The gang was already notorious among law enforcement agencies across Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia when its members were allowed to move from Turkey to London, allegedly after their leader, Huseyin Baybasin, agreed to tell Customs investigators what he knew about the involvement of senior Turkish politicians and officials in the international heroin trade. "According to evidence presented behind closed doors in a series of immigration hearings, Baybasin was encouraged by Customs to come to the UK and arrived via Gibraltar in either late 1994 or early 1995. He first met Customs officers in a hotel near Tower Bridge, London. "That evidence, which has been seen by the Guardian, suggests that many of Baybasin's associates were subsequently able to settle in the UK because Customs & Excise accepted that they would be in danger in Turkey once he had been recruited as an informer. They are thought to have entered the country illegally, using forged Dutch passports, and no attempt was made to regularise their immigration status for several years. Nevertheless, one witness statement prepared for the tribunal, from a man who helped to set up the meeting with Customs, talks of the UK becoming a "sanctuary" for the gang's leaders. "As well as continuing to run their vast drug trafficking operation from London, gang members were feared for their willingness to employ extreme violence, and terrorised members of the Turkish and Kurdish communities in the UK. They and their relatives also persuaded a number of politicians to support their attempts to obtain British travel documents. Among those who agreed to help was Tony McNulty, the current immigration minister, who wrote a number of letters on behalf of Baybasin's wife after her husband was arrested in the Netherlands. "Baybasin, 49, is now serving a life sentence in a Dutch jail for drug smuggling, kidnapping and ordering a number of contract killings. His wheelchair-bound brother, Abdullah, 45, who took the helm after his conviction, was also arrested and successfully prosecuted only after a lengthy operation by the National Crime Squad, during which detectives hid a tiny camera in the London office from which he masterminded the gang's affairs. ... "It was at Abdullah Baybasin's asylum hearings that the alleged deal with Customs & Excise was disclosed. Despite having already served a prison sentence for firearms offences and despite having to give evidence from Belmarsh high security prison, where he was on remand, Abdullah was given indefinite leave to remain in the UK last year. "Several other relatives also remain in this country. They include Huseyin Baybasin's two other brothers, Sirin, 43, and Mesut, 33. Sirin was once extradited from Spain to Italy to stand trial on drug smuggling charges but acquitted. Mesut told the Guardian that he fully expects the National Crime Squad "to come for us" in the near future, but insisted that he and his brother were innocent and were being victimised. "It is unclear whether Customs was operating with ministerial approval. Michael Howard, who was home secretary at the time, and Ann Widdecombe, the then immigration minister, said they could not recall the name Baybasin. Revenue & Customs, which now includes Customs & Excise after a merger with Inland Revenue, said it could not comment on any matter concerning alleged informers." [11] |
In other words, the Baybasins gave information on drug traffickers in the Turkish government and as a reward were given a practical monopoly on British heroin imports. How does that work? In addition, the family was "alleged to have extensive heroin smuggling operations in Turkey, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, and Spain." [12] Here's another rather shocking article on Abdullah Huseyin, this time from The Independent:
"When police tried to enter the nondescript terraced house in Green Lanes, north-east London, they soon realised it was no ordinary family home. The front door was so well fortified the officers had to smash a hole in a wall, break down two heavy metal gates and knock through a triple-glazed window to get in. "Upstairs, they broke through a sound-proof, 4in-thick door and found a torture chamber. Two large black metal hooks had been screwed into the ceiling, and wired to the mains. Victims would be suspended and beaten between electric shocks. "They had made the mistake of crossing Abdullah Baybasin. Despite being wheelchair-bound since the mid-1980s, the 45-year-old father of one headed a Kurdish and Turkish crime syndicate and was considered to be one of Britain's most powerful gangsters. "Baybasin co-ordinated a massive drug-smuggling ring, ran extortion rackets and forced other criminals to pay him a "tax" for permission to operate. He is linked to more than a dozen brutal murders. "The gangster, known as "Uncle", will be sentenced next month, having been convicted of plotting to supply heroin. He pleaded guilty to conspiring to blackmail and pervert the course of justice. Ten other members of his gang have been jailed for between five and 16 years for offences including kidnap and supplying heroin. "Baybasin came to England from Turkey in 1997 to claim asylum. Although unable to walk since he was hit in the spine during a shoot-out in an Amsterdam bar, he managed to establish himself in north London and recruited young Kurds to form a gang called the bombacilars, the bombers. Armed members would force their way into shops and small businesses and demand money. "On one occasion, 20 of them, armed with samurai swords, metal bars, pool cues and a gun, forced their way into a Turkish café in Hackney, north-east London. One man had his index finger chopped off by the gang and shots were fired. "For years, Baybasin had ensured he was never in the same room as even the smallest quantity of drugs in case of a police raid. But in March 2001 he became too closely involved in a deal, and that began his downfall. Detectives hid a tiny video camera and microphones in the office behind a Green Lanes sports club from which Baybasin was operating. The watchers say it was like spying on scenes from The Godfather. ""People were clearly in awe of him," one says. "Baybasin would turn up two or three times a week. People would come and kiss his hand. When he spoke, it would be in a soft whisper so only the people closest to him could hear." Their cameras recorded shopkeepers and local businessmen being brought into the room and beaten until they agreed to pay protection. "You could hear people being kicked and punched. The violence erupted out of nowhere." "Guns were distributed, petrol bombs were assembled and punishments for those who had refused to pay were discussed. Police had footage of one of the gang members being stripped and threatened with a machete over a breach of discipline. Fellow criminals did not escape Baybasin's attentions. Human traffickers had to pay £1,000 for each person smuggled. Pimps and drug dealers would also hand over money. "Much of their fear stemmed from Baybasin's family connections and the reputation of his elder brother, Huseyin, who is in prison in the Netherlands. "Better known as The Emperor, Huseyin began his criminal life selling black-market cigarettes in Istanbul. Then he moved into hashish trafficking, then heroin. As his business grew and the money began to roll in, Huseyin bought business and property interests in Britain, including a seaside hotel in Brighton and foreign exchange bureaus. He also owned dozens of beach resorts, electrical shops and car-hire businesses along Turkey's southern coast. "In 1984, he was arrested in London with a load of heroin and sentenced to 12 years. But after just three years he was transferred to Turkey and immediately released, prompting allegations of high-level Turkish corruption. "In 2001, in Amsterdam, "the Emperor" was convicted on charges of conspiracy to murder, kidnapping and drug smuggling and sentenced to 20 years, later increased to life. Abdullah moved in. "Like many senior gangsters, Abdullah was also an informant for Customs and Excise, which allowed him to sabotage rivals and operate with protection. This fell apart when the now-defunct National Crime Squad began investigating. "By the time of his arrest, police estimate he was controlling 90 per cent of Britain's heroin trade as well as earning hundreds of thousands of pounds from blackmail and extortion. "Angry members of the Green Lanes community got together and decided to fight back. In November 2002 a battle broke out between 40 men armed with guns, knives and baseball bats outside a café, the Dostlar Social Club, in Green Lanes, owned by a relative of Baybasin. Twenty men were injured and an innocent man, Alisan Dogan, a 43-year-old Kurdish cleaner, was knifed to death. "A Met unit set up to tackle organised crime in the Turkish community remains active. The street price of heroin is at an all-time low, proving supplies are plentiful and Turkish crime is as strong as ever. "Outside the Kelkitt café in Green Lanes local businessmen were not breaking out the champagne. "The Baybasins are a huge clan and they are everywhere," said one. "Abdullah has many relatives in London. I don't believe we've heard the last of the Baybasins."" [13] |
Here is a brief timeline of Abdullah's past transgressions:
Mid-1980s: Hit in the back and paralyzed after a shoot-out in an Amsterdam bar.
1994: Comes to England with his brother Huseyin Baybasin, who informs the authorities about the involvement of the government of Tansu Ciller in the heroin business.
1998: After the arrest of his brother in the Netherlands, suspected of being at the helm of £25 billion heroin empire.
2004: Arrested in London after having been caught with 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) of heroin. Sentenced to 22 years in prison.
2010: A retrial acquits Abdullah Baybasin, setting him free. Immediately returns to Turkey.
2011: Abdullah is arrested in Turkey "on new drug supply allegations." [14]
2013: A British judge orders Abdullah to repay £700,000 after being found guilty of extensive extortion rackets. He is still in jail in Turkey. [15]
That's right, even after his release from jail in 2010 British authorities continued to find evidence of Abdullah's violent crimes. As for the Huseyin, locked up in the Netherlands:
1970: Claims to have been involved at this point, as a 14-year-old, in a series of arsons on ferryboats in Istanbul. Claims he did various other dirty jobs for Turkish politicians.
1976: Arrested with 11 kg (24 lb) hashish found in his house. Sentenced to 2 years in prison.
1985: Arrested in the UK for possession of a load of heroin and a fake passport. Sentenced to 12 years.
1989: Handed over to Turkey, where he is released after 4 months, "prompting allegations of high-level Turkish corruption."
1989: Four days after his release from prison, apprehended again in Turkey for carrying an unlicensed gun and narcotics. He flees abroad. Later claims the Turkish government wanted to force him into working for them again as heroin trafficker.
1992: Turkish government puts out an additional arrest warrant on Huseyin after the affair with the Kismetin-1 drug ship. His partner in the drug trade at this point was Kurdish mobster Behcet Canturk, who apparently had government backing at this point. In January 1994 Canturk was abducted and killed by Turkish anti-PKK militias.
1994: Appears in London again, along with his brother Abdullah and associates. Has become a UK government informant about the involvement of Turkish officials in the drug trade. Soon moves to the Netherlands, which, according to the Prosecutor's Office, "is the only place he feels safe... from a group of Turkish state assassins." [16]
1995: Arrested in the Netherlands for smuggling narcotics on a ship with the name Lucky S. During his arrest he claims his heroin trade was controlled and protected by Turkish government officials.
1998: Arrested as a result of an international police effort. He and his elder brother Abdullah are suspected of being at the helm of £25 billion heroin empire. Sentenced to 20 years in prison. His brother remains free for the time being. His lawyer is Adele van der Plas.
2002: Claims that Huseyin continues to run his international cartel right from his jail cell.
In May 1996, while in jail on drug trafficking charges, Baybasin gives an interview to Aydınlık ("Illumination"), then a weekly magazine of the Workers' Party, the leading opposition group in Turkey. He explains that the heroin transports are controlled by former police chief and then-minister of the interior Mehmet Agar. [17] In another interview with the Volkskrant he explains that Turkish president Suleyman Demirel and prime minister Tansu Ciller are equally involved. [18]
Demirel was president of Turkey from 1993 to 1996. Ciller was prime minister from 1993 to 1996 and deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs in 1996 and 1997. Agar was director of security in Istanbul in the early 1980s. From 1993 to 1995 he was the general director of the General Directorate of Security, and with that effectively the national police chief. In 1996 Agar served as minister of justice and minister of the interior.
Incredibly, six months after the Aydınlık interview with Baybasin, the famous Susurluk car crash happened, the result of sabotage to the brakes. Agar was supposed to be in the vehicle also, but declined to ride with the group after a last minute tip off from one of his mafia friends. The incident caused a major national scandal. Here's how Gladio investigator Daniele Ganser described the affair:
"On November 3, 1996 a speeding black Mercedes hit a tractor and overturned on a remote highway near the Turkish village of Susurluk, some 100 miles south of Istanbul. Three of its four passengers were killed: A high-ranking police officer who commanded Turkish counter-insurgency units named Husseyin Kocadag, a convicted fugitive wanted for murder and drug trafficking who directed the Grey Wolves named Abdulla Catli [who carried six different Turkish government IDs], and Catli's girlfriend Gonca Us, a former Turkish beauty queen turned Mafia hit-woman. The only survivor was Sedat Bucak, a right-wing member of the Turkish parliament and warlord whose militia had been armed and financed by the Turkish government to fight the Kurds. A policeman, a parliamentarian, a druglord and a hit-woman were a somewhat unusual combination of passengers as the press immediately noticed... "For weeks on end the press and the TV channels were dominated by the scandal and the newest revelations of the corrupt 'Susurluk state'. Nearly 100,000 workers marched in protest in the Turkish capital demanding the truth about the stay-behind soldiers while people on the streets in opinion polls expressed their belief that the Turkish judicial system was not working properly and that the government was corrupt, declaring that they were sick and tired of all the violence and secret operations." [19] |
Agar resigned as minister of the interior five days after the incident. The rather militarist Tansu Ciller remained deputy prime minister for still some time and even praised Abdullah Catli by stating: "Those who fire bullets or suffer their wounds in the name of this country, this nation, and this state will always be respectfully remembered by us." [20] Media that became too critical of Ciller would get Grey Wolves-linked militias rioting in front of their doorstep. After Ciller's resignation in 1997, she led the True Path Party until 2002. Mehmet Agar took over after that, but the party was basically a lost cause by then. In any case, there clearly was a close alliance between Ciller and Agar, who Workers' Party leader Dogu Perincek in late November 1996 termed "the [CIA] station chiefs of America [in Turkey] ... [in place] to ensure that Turkey performs as America's intervention force in the territories of crises". [21] Perincek's party had great access to inside sources and often was the first and only to publish classified reports of the National Intelligence Service (MIT).
"Perincek made an interesting new claim during the interview and said that the police chief Huseyin Kocadag, one of the victims of the Susurluk road accident, was the "French connection" of the drug trafficking into Turkey from Syria. According to Perincek, the distribution of drugs which enter Turkey from Syria is organized by the MIT and CIA through "undertaking companies." ... Perincek [also] called on left wing parties to unite and said that the left was being divided." [22] |
From December 1994 to March 1995 Ciller, Agar and allies as Catli were plotting to overthrow Azeri president Heydar Aliyev. Coincidentally, in September 1994 the "Contract of the Century" had been signed in which American, British, Turkish, Russian (who were complaining about their minor share) and a few other countries carved up the Azeri Caspian Sea oil reserves under the Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC). But it appears the coup was more about Afghan heroin than Caspian oil. Ciller and Agar wanted to install a previous president, Abulfaz Elchibey, who would allow Afghan heroin to pass unrestricted through Azerbaijan into Turkey. [23] Already back then Ciller's chief aide Suleyman Kamil Yuceoral was paying Afghan warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostum for heroin shipments. [24]
Tellingly, since the Afghan invasion in 2002, Dostum has been a principal ally of the United States and soon resurfaced as a key player in the Afghan heroin trade. Craig Murray, British ambassador to Uzbekistan from 2002 to 2004 remarked:
"I stood at the Friendship Bridge at Termez [Uzbekistan] in 2003 and watched the Jeeps with blacked-out windows bringing the heroin through from Afghanistan, en route to Europe. I watched the tankers of chemicals roaring into Afghanistan. Yet I could not persuade my country to do anything about it. "Litvinenko was working for the KGB in St Petersburg in 2001 and 2002. He became concerned at the vast amounts of heroin coming from Afghanistan, in particular from the fiefdom of the (now) head of the Afghan armed forces, General Abdul Rashid Dostum, in north and east Afghanistan. "Dostum is an Uzbek, and the heroin passes over the Friendship Bridge from Afghanistan to Uzbekistan, where it is taken over by President Islam Karimov's people. It is then shipped up the railway line, in bales of cotton, to St Petersburg and Riga. ... "The UK, United States and Germany have all invested large sums in donating the most sophisticated detection and screening equipment to the Uzbek customs centre at Termez to stop the heroin coming through. But the convoys of Jeeps running between Dostum and Karimov are simply waved around the side of the facility." [25] |
Of course, the only reason the words of Murray made the Daily Mail is because he implicated Putin in the drug trade. Maybe Putin is; maybe he isn't. Certainly he has less worries when it comes to financing questionable black operations that need to circumvent congress. And while Karimov is an ally of Putin, also the CIA has used him for extraordinary rendition flights. He had a number of suspected terrorists beaten, raped, and boiled alive, with whatever information they gave shipped off to the CIA, who shared it with MI6. [26]
President Karimov and his daughter Gulnara, in 2008 photographed hanging out with Nat Rothschild [27], are quite literally mafia. Uzbekistan's biggest mafia boss, Salim Abduvaliyev, has been a close friend of the family for many years and has been selling government positions to the highest bidder. [28] His primary mafia rival, Gafur Rakhimov, is more important to discuss in this case. Rakhimov, described as "allegedly a major trafficker of heroin into Europe," was a close ally of Zionist-oriented Solntsevskaya mafia bosses Sergei Mikhailov and Semion Mogilevich. [29] A life-long friend of Rakhimov is leading billionaire Uzbek-Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov, another ally of Solntsevskaya. [30] At the Russian Geographical Society [31], Usmanov shared the board with oligarchs as Vladimir Yevtushenkov, chairman of the Solntsevskaya mafia- [32] and Rothschild-linked [33] Sistema Group; Rothschild partner Oleg Deripaska [34], who has Solntsevskaya ties [35]; the Solntsevskaya-linked former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov [36]; and Pyotr Aven, who together with Mikhail Fridman, German Khan and Alexander Knaster runs the Solntsevskaya-linked Alfa Group, accused of heroin trafficking. [37] That's not all. Mikhail Fridman sits on the international advisory board of the Council on Foreign Relations [38] and Deripaska, a major donor to the CFR through Basic Element, has additional ties to former CIA directors through the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the JFK School of Harvard and as a client of GlobalOptions, Inc. [39] In addition, Rakhimov is known to have had business ties with Michael Cherney [40], another controversial Mossad-protected criminal oligarch [41] that has been hosting neocons as Richard Perle and Frank Barnett at his Jerusalem Summit [42] and employed former CIA directors James Woolsey and John Deutch at his Intelligence Summit. [43]
What does this mean? Maybe that the heroin doesn't end up with Putin, just because it is shipped to or through Russia. A lot of it, possibly all, could just as well end up with these oligarchs and mafia elements.
In August of 2009 Hamid Gul, Pakistani ISI director from 1987 to 1989, was quoted saying: "Abdul Wali Karzai is the biggest drug baron of Afghanistan." [44] This is the late brother of the Afghan president from 2004 to 2014, Hamid Karzai, who ran a CIA backed militia against Taliban and Al Qaeda elements. He had been earlier accused in newspapers of involvement in the heroin trade. [45] In July 2011 he was shot by his trusted head of security, Sardar Mohammad, who had been acting erratic for some weeks. [46] Hamid Gul was also quoted as saying:
"You said very rightly that the drug routes are northward through the Central Asia republics and through some of the Russian territory, and then into Europe and beyond. But some of it is going directly. That is by the military aircraft. I have so many times in my interviews said, 'Please listen to this information, because I am an aware person.' We have Afghans still in Pakistan, and they sometimes contact and pass on the stories to me. And some of them are very authentic. I can judge that. So they are saying that the American military aircraft are being used for this purpose. So, if that is true, it is very, very disturbing indeed." [47] |
This statement reminds us of the whole drug trafficking business surrounding Russian GRU firm Far West, which, since 1998 had a secret and strategic partnership with Dick Cheney's KBR Halliburton and controversial Saudis as Prince Turki al Faisal and Adnan Khashoggi. Other reported ties of Far West have included the Pakistani ISI, Uzbek dictator Islam Karimov, and Muslim terrorists as Shamil Basayev, Ayman al-Zawahiri and seemingly also Osama bin Laden at some point. Important here is the fact that KBR Halliburton built Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, where Far West was shipping cargo from in military airplanes, apparently heroin. [48]
"Yes, [the Americans] are in ideal situation for this. They control the Bagram airfield from where the Air Force transport planes fly to a U.S. military base in Germany. In the last two years this base became the largest transit hub for moving Afghan heroin to other US bases and installations in Europe. Much of it goes to Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia. From there the Kosovo Albanian mafia moves heroin back to Germany and other EU countries. ... Drug traffickers enjoy relative safety on military bases. There is no serious control there. German police cannot work there. However, outside of military bases German law-enforcement is in effect. True, any police can be bought. But the level of corruption in Germany is not as high as, say, in Russia. This is why it is more convenient for Americans to establish distribution centers in other places. I believe that, in time, such centers will move to their military installations in Poznan, Poland, and also in Romania and Bulgaria. ... Corruption in these countries is almost as high as in Russia. ... About 15-20 tons of heroin a year [is brought to Europe by America]. When Poznan become open, I think it could rise to 50, even 70 tons. Behind this business are the CIA and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). Actually, this is what they did already in Indochina in the 1960s-70s and in Central America in the 1980s. ... In the first place [the reason is] personal enrichment. Second, special services make huge amounts of money out of drug trafficking. They can spend this money at their own discretion, without the knowledge of the Congress and even the U.S. president. Finally, with this money secret services can solve certain political problems. For example, they can enter into mutually profitable agreements with Afghan warlords, who give "protection" to drug business in their fiefdoms. This also gives secret services powerful influence on Kosovo Albanian diaspora in Europe, which is more than one million strong. It is a kind of "fifth column" of the United States in "the old Europe." ... The new American route for drug trafficking creates an alternative to the old ones, which included transit through Russia. The new route is no longer controlled from inside Russia, but by other forces. So the smaller drug traffic through Russia is, the weaker is the drug mafia, which has contacts with external forces." [49] |
What is certain is that the United States never had a serious policy to stop the opium trade in Afghanistan. It just targets the two percent of the trade linked to Al Qaeda and Taliban fundraising. [50] Most of the rest is left untouched, except maybe a PR stunt here and there. Of course, Hamid Karzai has done his best to protect this policy. In his 2006 speech and Q&A at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York he explained that it would take decades to wipe out the heroin trade. He spoke about the "association between the terrorists [Taliban] and the drug dealers" that was causing all the problems and conveniently argued that back in 2000 the Taliban's "profit of selling drugs was going down" and therefore temporarily ceased production to drive up prices for the next year. "The next year the poppies would have come back in full strength," assured Karzai. That still doesn't explain why the Taliban was able to stop 90 percent of opium production in one year while it increased 50 percent from its previous high under U.S. rule. Then again, how serious can we take Karzai when, during the same CFR meeting, he asks: "What is the finished product called? Heroin?" [51] This question is coming from the president of a country that dominates the worldwide heroin supply and who, at the same time, had a brother deeply involved in the heroin trade. Here is the perspective of the reporter that interviewed Hamid Gul in 2009:
"Two of the U.S.'s own intelligence agencies, the CIA and the DIA, estimate that the Taliban receives about $70 million a year from the drugs trade. [That's] only about two percent of the total estimated profits from the drug trade, a figure placed at $3.4 billion by the UNODC last year. "Meanwhile, the U.S. has just announced its new strategy for combating the drug problem: placing drug traffickers with ties to insurgents —and only drug lords with ties to insurgents [Al Qaeda/Taliban, reportedly about 2 percent] — on a list to be eliminated. The vast majority of drug lords, in other words, are explicitly excluded as targets under the new strategy. Or, to put it yet another way, the U.S. will be assisting to eliminate the competition for drug lords allied with occupying forces or the Afghan government and helping them to further corner the market." [52] |
We would almost forget that we were discussing the coup of Tansu Ciller and Mehmet Agar against Azerbaijan, alleged over heroin trade routes. The more one looks into the background of Ciller, the more one realizes that Workers' Party leader Dogu Perincek was right when he wrote that Ciller was basically a CIA station chief of Turkey. Ciller studied and taught in the United States, including postdoctoral studies at Yale, and received U.S. citizenship in 1970. She went back to Turkey, became a professor at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, and president of Istanbul Bank. In 1990 she entered politics by joining the conservative True Path Party (DYP) and as economic advisor to prime minister and soon president Suleyman Demirel. It appears that all this time her U.S. citizenship was kept secret. She maintained close ties with the Gulen movement, which is increasingly seen as an arm of the CIA to influence the Central Asian theater. [53] Through family friend Roger Tamraz, a reported CIA informant, she can be tied to the old criminal BCCI network, including Tamraz himself, Saudi intelligence chief Kamal Adham (mentor to Prince Turki of Le Cercle), Salem bin Laden (1001 Club) and Khaled bin Mahfouz. American politicians as Jimmy Carter, John Connally and Alexander Haig, all linked to fascism, the CIA and the international mafia, were also within the grasp of Tamraz. [54] She also cultivated a good relationship with the Mossad, blocked Russian oil tankers from going through the Bosporus, and promoted a Caspian oil pipeline that circumvented Russian territory. [55] Just before leaving office, the United States sold 120 Army Tactical Missiles to Turkey, with the CIA worrying at the time of the ousting of Ciller that "Turkey [is] a state at risk of collapsing." [56]
While never having been invited to Bilderberg or the Trilateral Commission, Ciller had her share of high level liberal establishment ties. The least important of these might be that she visited Davos in 1998. Very crucial, however, is that already in 1995 she was a co-chair of the State of the World Forum, along with George Shultz, James Baker, Ted Turner, Mikhail Gorbachev and Elie Wiesel, not to mention Dutch prime minister Ruud Lubbers. Among the financiers were the Rockefellers, Warren Buffett and Joe Firmage with conference participants that included Henry Kissinger, Maurice Strong, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and a peculiar bunch of new age gurus. [57] At a 1997 NATO conference in Brussels Ciller greeted Madeleine Albright with "It's the two of us [women], Madeleine. I'm so excited!" [58] indicating the two got along rather well. Albright and her later National Democratic Institute for International Affairs has been intervening relentlessly in eastern Europe over the years. In 2001 Ciller, already of marginal influence in Turkey, was received by Henry Kissinger in New York. [59] It must be stressed that we're almost exclusively talking here about individuals at the top of ISGP's Superclass Index.
After the Susurluk incident and Ciller's declining popularity among the masses, Koc Holding, Turkey's largest multinational and primary Bilderberg representative in the country, still wanted to get rid of not just a too pro-Islamic prime minister Necmettin Erbakan, but also Ciller, at that point deputy prime minister and foreign affairs minister. She went in the attack by accusing Koc Holding of "joining forces with major daily newspapers in an attempt to topple Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan's government," and asking listeners at a rally if they were willing to "surrender to a government formed by monopolistic capital and a cartel of the media?" [60] Clearly the accusations were hypocritical, because the only alternative she offered the people was a cartel of the military, mafia, and Gladio terrorists. The attack also didn't work. With a little help of the Koc-allied military, Erbakan was out of office by June 30, 1997. The increasingly unpopular Ciller, who had been forced into a partnership with Erbakan, was not given the option of forming a new government.
Whether Ciller's outing was a good development or not for the West remains to be seen. In 2002 the Tayyip Erdogan era began. As briefly discussed in ISGP's article on the Boston Marathon Bombing, reportedly Erdogan and his allies made a lot of promises to persons as Henry Kissinger to sail a pro-West and pro-Israel course. For over 10 years it was relatively quiet until in May 2013 protests broke out over a lack of freedom in the press and a threat that Islamic-inspired laws were to be introduced. A police crackdown only resulted in more protests and criticism of the international media. Erdogan went into survival mode after investigations into him personally, his family members and other individuals surrounding him, famously trying to ban Twitter, Facebook, and other websites. Even after his election as president, a more symbolic position than prime minister, he is thought to keep a strong hold over the cabinet. Always seen as a closet Muslim extremist, Erdogan is also suspected of being supportive of the Islamic State. Needless to say Erdogan has been in continuous conflict with the Koc Group since 2013, as well as the allegedly CIA-backed Gulen movement that stands accused of having infiltrated the government.
One aspect not discussed yet are any British government links to the heroin trade, important because Huseyin Baybasin's brother, Abdullah, became the British heroin king after his arrival in the country in 1994/1995. The following words are of Vladimir Filin, chairman of Far West and thus himself accused of drug trafficking, who seems to be in a perpetual love-hate relationship with the CIA and seemingly MI6.
"Besides the Tajik, this business attracted the government circles of Turkmenistan. The country is well located for this: the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan [Russian town on the northern Caspian Sea], and Azerbaijan. Afghan heroin comes to Azerbaijan from Iran as well. It used to come from Turkey too before last spring when they closed Batum [Turkish city on the Black Sea]. I believe it won't stay closed for long. ... "Approximately in 2002 British MI-6 and DIS (British military intelligence) took control of this drug business [towards Russia]. They control it indirectly, of course, but very effectively. In the end of 2001 the British came to the Kanduz province. It's their zone in Afghanistan. Within the multinational forces they are responsible for drugs control in the entire Afghanistan, not just in their zone in the north. To be more precise, officially they are supposed to fight poppy cultivation. Not the Americans, but the British are responsible for that. They began by flooding with drugs their own country. The use of heroin in Britain went up 1,5 times within one year. And four fifth of all heroin was trafficked through Tajikistan. After that they decided that it was enough for Britain and turned to the Russian market. They recruited big narcobarons, who were prominent statesmen of Tajikistan and had influence with the Tajik diaspora in Russia. ... This is a typical commercial recruiting through intermediaries, a traditional British method. Yes, indirectly they control about 70 percent of both whole and retail sales of heroin. They do this through Tajik and Russian citizens, recruited on a commercial basis. ... "True, already back [in the mid-1990s] the British entered into the [heroin trafficking] picture, represented by Aga Khan IV Foundation. But that had only local significance. ... Why necessarily the army [to protect heroin shipments]? Aga Khan IV Foundation always did this as well. And then not the entire army was involved in this." [61] |
The mentioning of the Aga Khan IV Foundation is incredibly interesting, because the Aga Khan's are generational members of Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club, which we will be mentioning A LOT in this article. The 4th Aga Khan (1001 Club) was a roommate of Jay Rockefeller at Harvard and nephew Prince Sadruddin's roommate at Harvard was John Train, a Pilgrims Society executive and intelligence asset. Look up their biographies in the 1001 Club membership list for an interesting read. The family represents the Muslim Ismaili sect and is very close to the Rothschilds, Lazards and Rockefellers--all of them also belonging to the 1001.
It is also interesting to note that Filin mentions Turkmenistan, a country that was reportedly also involved in the heroin coup of Ciller. However, it seems that heroin reaches the West via a multitude of routes through all kinds of different countries. Filin is primarily concerned here with Russia's enormous heroin problem that exploded immediately after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. The more one looks into the Afghan heroin trade, the more it seems that the United States, nor any other government, really controls the flow of drugs. It is just allowed to flourish and of the annual 6,000 tons of produced opium only a very small part is smuggled by CIA, MI6 or other government elements. In 2012 the price of a kilo of opium was $2,000 in Afghanistan and $100,000 in the United States or Europe. If the heroin would be sold in Canada or Australia it would have had a value of roughly $350,000 per kilogram. [62] If the U.S. government smuggled 20 tons of opium in a year, as Filin stated, and sold it in the United States or Europe that would amount to a private, unaccounted income of $2 billion dollars, enough to fund quite a few black operations.
Clearly Ciller and Agar were deeply involved in the heroin trade in the 1990s and Huseyin Baybasin and his brother Abdullah were simply one of a number of drug traffickers used by the Turkish government.
Amazingly, there is actually evidence and increasing controversy that the Dutch government extensively copy-pasted phone tap recordings to get Huseyin Baybasin behind bars. Locking up the dealer for 20 years, the absolute maximum, is also intriguing. [63] In addition, Adele van der Plas has made a July 1997 document available, in between the two arrests of Baybasin related to drug trafficking, which appears to demonstrate that Demmink most certainly played an important role in blocking Baybasin from extradition:
"[Mr. N.J.M. Ruyters] explains that an extradition decision (and thus asylum decision) can't be made now. Baybasin case is used as leverage "in order to get something done from the Turkish authorities in another case." At this moment negotiations are taking place by Foreign Affairs. Considering Mr. Demmink will go on vacation this Thursday it will be attempted to finalize the decision making Thursday-morning at the latest." [64] |
An exact quote of Ruyter also indicates that the Turkish government might well use information of Baybasin against the Netherlands if he were to be extradited: "The Dossier Baybasin can be used by Turkish authorities as leverage to play out other cases." [65]
This document doesn't seem to be questioned. However, Van der Plas also fences with the 2006 "EK RAPOR" report of Turkish intelligence official Huseyin Celebi. It is close to 70 pages long, contains the names of various high officials, but unfortunately is written entirely in Turkish without Van der Plas having made a full translation available. [66] It is possible to distill various key names from the text and come to the conclusion that it indeed involves blackmail from Tansu Ciller towards minister of justice Winnie Sorgdrager and her assistant Joris Demmink over parties that Demmink would have attended in Turkey, among them a 1995 one in Bodrum.
Luckily, the report is discussed by the Court of The Hague in September 2012. According to the court, the document seems to be genuine and to contain numerous correct references to Dutch dossier numbers. It's only a summary file, however, and may overreach its data in various aspects.
"According to the [EK RAPOR] report the appealer [Baybasin] was punished for his mediating role at the time between the Turkish military authorities and the PKK as well because he publicly talked about the involvement of high government officials and politicians in the international heroin trade. ... "According to the report, it is a fact that [Baybasin] was arrested shortly after he traveled to the Netherlands in 1995 (correct: on 24 December 1995 the arrest took place with extradition as purpose). According to the report, in early 1997, when [Baybasin] couldn't be extradited, the plotting of the conspiracy against [Baybasin] by the then-Dutch and then-Turkish government officials began at a meeting between the Turkish "prime minister" [then vice prime minister and foreign affairs minister], Mrs. Tansu Ciller, and the Dutch minister of justice, Sorgdrager, in the presence of among other "her assistant", Mr. J. Demmink. At this point the "Demmink dossier" would have been placed on the table to enforce the message of Ciller that [Baybasin] should be silenced. "In support of the EK RAPOR there is the written declaration of a Turkish investigative journalist, Mehmet Ceviker, who also states to have investigated the case against [Baybasin], with the same result as the investigation of Celibi." [67] |
While it is hard to imagine that the lengthy EK RAPOR report is a forgery, at the same time we do not exactly know what interests are at play here. If the information in the report has been invented, then we have to assume that influential elements in the Turkish government have their reasons for doing this, not just a Baybasin or Van der Plas. The main obstacle is that Joris Demmink claims to have last visited Turkey in 1986. [68] Now, Van der Plas has provided the world with another one page document from Turkey that purports to show the dates that Demmink traveled into Turkey. The problem with this document, besides the data, is that it doesn't show any stamps, logo's, or Turkish names, and is only a translation. The translating agency is real enough, but is the original document?
The document is overwhelmingly ignored, most likely because most people suspect it's a forgery. Thus the main problem is that we don't have any external, for everyone-to-verify evidence that Demmink has indeed visited Turkey after 1986/1987. Of course people went looking for this evidence. On a number of forums and internet sites it is claimed that there is proof that Demmink visited Turkey as chairman of the K4 committee, a working group with the European Union. This is false. Because Demmink was the chairman of the K4 committee in March 1997 [69], it has been inferred here and there that in March 1998 he was also "the chair of the K4 Committee [...] visiting Istanbul and Ankara." [70] A little checking proves this false. Demmink stepped down as the committee chair in June 1997 [71] and another easily available document shows that by October 16, 1997 Demmink had been replaced with another chairman. [72] Isn't it interesting then that Adele van der Plas in an October 2012 press release wrote that:
"The dates indicated on the [Demmink entry data] list match directly to the visit to Ankara from the EU K4 Committee, a European committee in which Demmink had represented the Netherlands." [73] |
The same month she presented this document and this claim as evidence to the U.S. Helsinki Commission, concerned with human rights, at the U.S. Congress. [74] Because the Netherlands refused to prosecute Demmink and reopen an investigation of her client--drug lord Huseyin Baybasin--she asked for Holland's triple A status on child abuse to be taken away and for the International Court of Justice in The Hague to be moved to a different country. The committee investigated the claims, but eventually found them to be bogus:
"The Public Prosecutor has only learned from hearsay that a participant at the March 1998 K4 Committee meeting in Ankara, Turkey, and a participant at the July 1996 INTERPOL meeting in Antalya, Turkey, could declare that Mr. Demmink was present during the meetings. Nonetheless, the Public Prosecution Service has requested the minutes and the list of participants of the INTERPOL congress held in Turkey in 1996. Mr. Demmink’s name appears in none of the documents. It has also been established which European officials participated in the March 1998 K4 Committee meeting in Ankara, Turkey. Mr. Demmink was not one of them. Moreover, his role in that Committee had ended on June 30, 1997, more than nine months before the meeting took place." [75] |
To summarize: Adele van der Plas has been lying in front of the U.S. Congress about the Demmink affair. Interestingly, besides the Dutch-American Robert Rubinstein, who became involved in the Demmink campaign at this point, a person with name Taras Kuzio wrote a few articles for United Press International completely in favor of Van der Plas. His description of Micha Kat is particularly hilarious:
"Investigative journalist and civic activist Micha Kat is threatened with imprisonment for a range of alleged crimes, one of which is writing "danger: pedophile" on Demmink's home. Kat is well known for his website klokkenluideronline.net -- whistle blower online -- where he exposes scandals in The Netherlands." [76] |
What's even more hilarious is that if there ever was a western intelligence asset active in the rather unstable Ukraine, it would be Kuzio, with his background at the University of London, Yale, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the OSCE, the NATO Information and Documentation Center (director) and as an "observer" for Madeleine Albright's National Democratic Institute of International Affairs during the 2004 Ukrainian presidential elections, which really was a U.S./NATO coup. There's more to the biography of Kuzio, but you get the point. [77]
Let's face it, we are only halfway into the article and it already begins to look like Van der Plas and Bakker Schut have been nothing but agents of these obscure but very powerful forces. Besides their involvement with Huseyin Baybasin, why not take a brief look at the history of these lawyers:
Pieter Bakker Schut (d. 2007): Went to University of Leiden where he joined the elite Minerva fraternity, where most of the royals also go to. In the 1970s he was the lawyer of the Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF), a communist terrorist group that here and there is suspected to have been a CIA/NATO Gladio operation. Bakker Schut completely supported the ideals of RAF, including the casualties its terrorism caused. He also supports drug trafficking on the pretense that the government shouldn't make drugs as cocaine and heroin illegal. [78] Later on he defended Dutch gangsters Mink Kok and Sam Klepper. [79] Kok is a drug trafficker and illegal arms dealer with major ties to international intelligence services. As for Sam Klepper, coincidentally, in 1991 a large cache of "Stay Behind"/Gladio weapons were found in his home. [80] Volkert van der Graaf, who murdered the Dutch would-be prime minister in 2002, also immediately asked for Bakker Schut to defend him. He ended up with a close colleague of Bakker Schut instead. More on this aspect later.
In 2010 lawyer Adele van der Plas set up the Bakker Schut Foundation (Bakker Schut Stichting). She hires Klaas Langendoen to research the Turkish allegations against Demmink. Langendoen, the former chief of the Criminal Intelligence Service, stood at the core of the IRT affair in which Mink Kok was allowed to import 15 tons of Cali cartel cocaine without obstruction. The IRT affair had all the hallmarks of Iran Contra style drug trafficking, controlled by the CIA, through Robert Nieves of the CIA.
In 2012 Langendoen and the Bakker Schut Foundation produces the 20 minute mini-documentary Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers Rule a Nation, in which clearly quite a bit of money has been pumped. It features the alleged victims that Demmink made in Turkey in 1995. Demmink, however, claims to have last been in Turkey in the late 1980s. Judging from the other evidence gathered against Demmink don't be surprised if that is the truth.
Why not go into a little more detail about these apparent CIA-DEA ties of Klaas Langendoen, Mink Kok and the like. Just before finishing up this article, I ran across a story that I had completely forgotten about. It's an incredible key piece of information. In fact, I mentioned it in the original article, written in 2010, that has now been replaced. Let's cite it again:
to those involved, the top official [the district attorney] put the
blame for this contra action at the feet of the organization of top
criminal Mink K. [Kok]. "In his opinion the stories were launched by
what he called 'the club': Mink K. and two former detectives with whom
K. would have worked together in the IRT affair," says an insider." |
This citation comes from a June 16, 2007 Telegraaf article. [81] Now let's take a look at a 2014 version of the Telegraaf:
"The cause of that was an accusation of participation in a pedophile network by Richard Samson, bookkeeper of child pimp [Karel] Maasdam, at the address of Hans Vrakking, the chief prosecutor in Amsterdam [and head of the Rolodex investigation]. Subsequently the [intelligence service] began investigation 'Tartarus', in which Vrakking was questioned in early 1999. He explained to the BVD [intelligence service] that accusations were completely bogus. "Those stories have been launched by the Club: Mink K., Klaas Langendoen en Joost van Vondel," according to Vrakking." [82] |
While I would be able to guess it today, that apparently was not the case in 2010. Langendoen and Van Vondel were the partners of Mink Kok in the IRT drug trafficking affair. In a burst of unusual logical deduction for a mainstream media outlet, the Telegraaf itself explained some of the implications of this information:
"The former Haarlem police duo Langendoen and Van Vondel used to play a questionable role in the tracking of drug trafficking by Mink K. "It is remarkable that the same ex-detective Langendoen recently did an investigation in Turkey into minors who would have been abused there by Demmink. He did this investigation at the behest of lawyer Adele van der Plas, who accuses Demmink of child abuse. Langendoen was unavailable for comment yesterday." |
If that's not a solid hint that Pieter Bakker Schut, Adele van der Plas, Klaas Langendoen, Mink Kok and the Baybasin heroin cartel are part of a criminal disinformation network regarding child abuse in the Netherlands, then I don't know what is.
As just stated, back in the early 1990s Langendoen and Van Vondel played a key role in the IRT affair. However, the more one tries to understand the affair, the vaguer it gets. Langendoen and Van Vondel allowed drug shipments to pass through customs in order to be able to find and arrest the major mafia bosses behind the trafficking, a typical American strategy that before and since the IRT affair has largely been illegal in the Netherlands. A June 1999 article explains the affair in the following manner:
"Criminals didn't import 100 kilos [of cocaine] with help from the Dutch police, as the 1996 Van Traa Commission concluded, but 15,000 kilos of cocaine has been brought to market. But for the rest everything is a-okay. "Various justice officers, an independent Wierenga Commission (1994), the parliamentary enquete [Van Traa] commission (1995) and the rijksrecherche [FBI] (1996) never managed to fully clarify the IRT affair. What is certain is that under the leadership of two Haarlem detectives, Langendoen and Van Vondel, who worked for the IRT team, about 100,000 kilos of soft drugs was brought onto the market during infiltration attempts [i.e., authorized pass-throughs]. But many questions remained unanswered. It is unclear, for example, how the police financed the drug imports and there was evidence that cocaine was imported royally. ... "Teeven and his chief officer H. Vrakking - who in 1993 decided to dissolve the IRT team... - have always been anxious to demonstrate that especially the Haarlem branch of the IRT team [i.e., Langendoen and Van Vondel] was out of line. ... Teeven recently opened negotiations with the for arms trafficking sentenced Mink K., who earlier had been a target of the IRT." [83] |
The primary target of the IRT team was mafia boss Klaas Bruinsma. After he was murdered in 1991 his successors as John Engelsma, porn boss Charles Geerts, and especially Etienne Urka became the target of the IRT. No one was caught, however, and reportedly the IRT was so "fixated" on the Bruinsma/Urka network that they forgot to pay attention to the network of Mink Kok, who, together with his allies, managed to smuggle 15 tons of cocaine through the backdoor. [84] Certainly Kok's partner, Jan Femer, referred to the IRT years of 1991-1993 as the "golden years": "We could bring in almost anything: hash, coke, heroin, semtex, whatever we wanted." [85] Kok was arrested in August 1994 in relation to an assassination a year earlier. Found at one of his safe houses were "ninety-three kilograms of cocaine, three sub-machine guns, a gun silencer, two bayonets, ten live hand grenades, fifty-six kilograms of Iremite high explosive, eight bolt-action rifles, nine automatic pistols, two revolvers, seven sawn-off shotguns and nearly twenty-seven thousand rounds of live ammunition." [86]
Despite this finding, Kok's role in the IRT affair, the importing of cocaine, and especially his relationship to Langendoen and Van Vondel have never been clearly spelled out. We are forced to tie together bits and pieces. The first of these bits and pieces emerged in 1999 with another arrest of Mink Kok. This time even more weapons were found, with the police having begun to suspect that he was involved in the import of 15 tons of cocaine:
"Mink K was arrested by police last September following a raid on an apartment at 332 Nachtwachtlaan, Amsterdam, in connection with the import of 15,000 kg. of cocaine with a street value of $500 million. In the empty apartment, detectives discovered more than 200 weapons, including P-90 machine-pistols with laser-sights, grenade launchers, infrared night-scopes, riot guns, bullet- proof vests, electronic detonators with remote-controls, and 233,700 XTC pills with the cartoon logo "Tom and Jerry"." [87] |
Kok soon walked free after it was apparently leaked out on purpose that he was a government informant. [88] In 2001 more pieces surfaced with the trial of Kris J., head of the Dutch branch of the Cali cocaine cartel and an influential force within the Colombian leadership. [89] Kris was also a recruit of the IRT group. In 2013 more information was brought to light during a trial in which a prosecutor believed that Kris was still enjoying government protection. The prosecutor brought forward a formerly secret government document in which it was explained that Kris J. had "infiltrated" in the group of Mink Kok to become their cocaine importer. Langendoen is cited in the same document:
"Kris was not able to transport narcotics to the Netherlands without us. The government took care of a lot of the work, such as clearing, transportation, the papers, and to make sure that the containers weren't inspected with each new operation. That's how Kris J. became a drug baron. He enjoyed status. "Kris had enemies in the Netherlands, but a lot of credit in the organization in South America, consisting of Colombian criminals. Thanks to him a lot of money was made by them. "Of the negotiations with Kris J. [about his safety] nothing has been put on paper. The government didn't want that. ... Maybe [he] needs [protection] a whole life." [90] |
At this point it's not hard to see that the 15 tons of cocaine, with a street value estimated at $500 million, indeed must have been brought in by Kris J. and Mink Kok. It appears Langendoen and Van Vondel knew all about it. And so did their alleged American partner: senior DEA official Robert Nieves. [91] Scrapped from the IRT report was the fact that Van Vondel and Langendoen had set up a factory in Ecuador with finances coming from drug traffickers working as U.S. informants. The Dutch government tried to get an explanation from American DEA officials, but these decided to hide behind their diplomatic immunity. [92] Nieves apparently was among them.
The name Robert Nieves makes a lot of sense as a partner of the Dutch cocaine importers. First, because these type of controlled pass-throughs are typically a thing of the Americans. These type of operations are highly unusual in the Netherlands. Secondly, in the early 1990s Nieves was head of the DEA's cocaine investigation section and in that function was deeply involved in the effort to infiltrate and undermine the Medellin and Cali cartels. [93] For those that don't know: cocaine comes from South America; heroin first came from the Golden Triangle in the Far East and since the 1980s primarily from Afghanistan in the Middle East.
Curiously, in the late 1986 - early 1987 period both cartels were trained by Mossad colonel Yair Klein and British special forces in military tactics and assassination. [94] Clearly this had a lot to do with these cartels becoming so hard to take down. While there is a video of Colonel Yair Klein training the Medellin paramilitary unit, most likely Nieves will still refer to it as a "conspiracy theory", as he has been doing extensively when the work of Gary Webb or related publications are brought up. [95] The fact is that there is every indication that Nieves was dirty while serving Costa Rica.
One additional anomaly with regard to Robert Nieves is that contra leader Dr. Hugo Spadafora is tortured to death a week after informing Nieves about Contra drug trafficking in collusion with General Manuel Noriega of Panama. Asked what Spadafora discussed with him, Nieves' only answer is "nothing important." [96] Two U.S. Customs/CIA informants/investigators enter Costa Rica a little later, looking for drug dealer Robert Vesco (early member of Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club--there it is again) and potentially corrupt elements within the DEA. Nieves chases them down and almost gets one of them, Joseph Kelso, killed by suggesting to the Costa Rican police that they provoke Kelso into resisting arrest. [97] In 1995, after retiring as the DEA's chief of the international division, Nieves goes to work for Guardian Technologies, a body armor manufacturing company in Virginia. The two founders in 1989 were Iran Contra veterans Oliver North and Joseph Fernandez [98], the latter a CIA station chief in Costa Rica in the mid-1980s, at the same time that Nieves served here as the DEA's special agent. In 1988 Fernandez was charged with obstruction and false statements regarding Iran Contra, but these charges were later dismissed when the attorney general refused to release information necessary for Fernandez's release.
Besides allegedly having recruited Mink Kok, Nieves is also reported to have been a good friend of the CIA's Enrique Prado, whom people in the Organized Crime Squad (OCS) and the CIA's Senior Intelligence Service (SIS) dubbed a "doper" or "Major General Doper", a reference to a person tied to drug trafficking. [99] Prado's youth friend is Florida mafia boss Alberto San Pedro, described in the newspapers as "a top cocaine dealer in Dade County and a major corruptor in Hialeah [with] lots of powerful friends in important places -- from Hialeah City Hall to the governor's mansion to the Capitol in Washington." [100] Hialeah, a suburb of Miami with the highest percentage of Cuban immigrants. It is also home of the Ted Shackley Chapter of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) with numerous CIA veterans who helped manage the anti-Castro Cuban exile community. San Pedro counted then-Florida governor Bob Graham among his supporters back in December 1985. Graham:
"I'm concerned that Mr. San Pedro is sort of being cast under a shadow [due to a 1971 murder conspiracy conviction]... It has been a long time since the criminal offense for which he's requesting pardon was committed and he has an impressive statement of his community record." [101] |
As the same newspaper article explains, "San Pedro was subsequently arrested Feb. 13 [1986] on charges of bribery, and then arrested March 2 on charges of murder conspiracy and cocaine trafficking." From 1987 to 2005 Bob Graham was a senator. Together with his close friend, Porter Goss, he headed the 9/11 Joint Intelligence Inquiry, a curious appointment considering on the morning of 9/11 Goss and Graham had breakfast with Pakistani ISI General Mahmud Ahmed, a reported financier of 9/11 ringleader Mohammed Atta. Goss is a CIA covert operations veteran in the Latin American sphere who soon became the CIA director. We also find Graham at the CIA front National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the CIA External Advisory Board, the National Security Caucus, and the Renaissance Weekends.
Enrique Prado was initially rejected for CIA service due to his family's connections, which, of course, included Alberto San Pedro. During the Iran Contra days under the ultra-right Ronald Reagan administration things changed. Prado was recruited by the CIA and sent oversees to help train the Contra armies. Of course, the White House also needed experienced drug traffickers to import Contra cocaine in return for weapons. Quite possibly Prado was recruited directly by CIA director William Casey and Colonel Oliver North at the National Security Council in this effort, because San Pedro was reported to have been cleared by the Secret Service to visit Ronald Reagan at the White House. In any case, Prado was a fast riser. Here is his background, taken from his biographies at Falken Industries and Crosshatch International, where he respectively serves on the advisory board and the management board:
"Mr. Prado spent his first ten years at CIA as a paramilitary officer, including 18 months of service in Central America as the first CIA officer living in the anti-Sandinista "Contra" camps, running counter-terrorism operations in Peru and the Philippines. Other key positions included head of the CIA's Korean Operations and Chief of CIA Liaison in Seoul [as well as Deputy Chief of the East Asia Division]. He is fluent in his native Spanish. ... "[He] served as the Deputy Chief on the original Osama bin Laden Task Force [back in 1996]... As Chief of Operations in the CIA's Counterterrorism Center (CTC) after the September 11th attacks, Mr. Prado coordinated special operations (SPECOPS) activities with the National Security Council and FBI, as well as with elite U.S. military representatives from DELTA and SEAL-Team Six, then detailed to CIA. ... "Upon retirement from the CIA, he worked as a Special Adviser to MITRE Corporation and subsequently served as Vice President for Special Government Programs at Blackwater U.S.A." |
At the Counter-Terrorist Center (CTC) Prado became a protege of Cofer Black, whom ISGP discussed earlier for his massive failures (or "failures") in stopping 9/11. A bio from ISGP's 9/11 article, part 2:
"CIA station chief Sudan 1993-1995, during the initial Osama bin Laden controversies. Claimed bin Laden had tried to kill him in Sudan. Director CIA Counterterrorist Center (CTC)/ national intelligence officer for counterterrorism July 1999-July 2002. In charge of the CTC's bin Laden tracking unit in this period. Failed to prevent 9/11, but was promoted nevertheless. Dramatically emphasized that 300-400 CTC agents wasn't enough to protect the US "worldwide", but did not mention the FBI's domestic capabilities or those of allies. Black was heavily criticized for not passing on information to the FBI that 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar (of Flight 77; picked up and housed by a Saudi intelligence agent who was overseen by Saudi royals with close ties to the Bush family) had entered the United States. The CTC didn't even put the two on a watch list until right before 9/11, despite knowing they arrived in the US from an Al Qaeda conference. Ran the CIA's extraordinary rendition flights to torture terrorists in third world countries. Ambassador at large and coordinator for counter-terrorism, State Department, under President George W. Bush December 2002 - November 2004. Vice chair Blackwater USA 2005-2008, where he continued his old anti-terrorist CIA projects for Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush. Chairman Total Intelligence Solutions, part of the same Erik Prince Group that controlled Blackwater and equally operated in coordination with JSOC ground and drone assassinations in Pakistan. He and Prince have held speeches to the AFIO." |
A June 27, 2012 Wired article on Enrique Prado added important details on his activities for the CIA and the transition of CIA operations to Blackwater:
"Prado was also reportedly put in charge of a "targeted assassination unit," that was never put into operation. (The CIA shifted to drones.) But according to Wright, the CIA handed over its hit squad operation to Blackwater, now called Academi, as a way "to kill people with precision, without getting caught." Prado is said to have negotiated the deal to transfer the unit, which Wright wrote "marked the first time the U.S. government outsourced a covert assassination service to private enterprise." As to whether the unit was then put into operation, two Blackwater contractors tell Wright the unit began "whacking people like crazy" beginning in 2008. Prado also popped up two years ago in a report by Jeremy Scahill of The Nation, in which the now ex-CIA Prado was discovered to have built up a network of foreign shell companies to hide Blackwater operations, beginning in 2004. The Nation also revealed that Prado pitched an e-mail in 2007 to the DEA, explaining that Blackwater could "do everything from everything from surveillance to ground truth to disruption operations," carried out by foreign nationals, "so deniability is built in and should be a big plus."" |
After Blackwater gained notoriety in 2009 for having privatized the War on Terror, Prado set up his Constellation Consulting Group, which carried out its own private anti-terrorist operations around the world, in Mali and Niger among other places. Prado's presence at Crosshatch International, anno 2014 still with the CIA's Larry Sanchez, is also peculiar. [102] It's a division of Jefferson Waterman International, a CIA front firm also already discussed in ISGP's 9/11 article, part 2 (as has MITRE):
"Also involved in setting up and running the New York Police Department's intelligence bureau [besides the CIA's David Cohen, suspected by ISGP of running the operation to bring down the WTC towers] was Larry Sanchez, another veteran CIA operations officer. He later went back to working for the CIA and was sent to the Persian Gulf. [115] Amazingly, today Sanchez is also a director of Jefferson Waterman International (JWI) subsidiary Crosshatch International. [116] Executive vice president and CFO of JWI is Samuel M. Hoskinson, a senior intelligence officer who held a speech at Le Cercle in 1998 promoting the geopolitical strategies of Brzezinski. In 2005, along with Frank Carlucci and another person from JWI, Hoskinson set up the private group Alliance for a New Kosovo. ... [Hoskinson] serves as the president of the Southeast Europe Economic Development Foundation [founded by Albanian president, prime minister, mafia kingpin and drug dealer Behgjet Pacolli, who, through Hashim Thaci, is also linked to Osama bin Laden]. ... Daniel C. Arnold, accused of opium trafficking along with the CIA's Ted Shackley (and apparently still involved in recent times) [117], is a director of JWI. " |
By this point the reader may have almost forgotten what we were talking about in this section: the ties of Mink Kok and Klaas Langendoen to Robert Nieves. As the reader can see, Nieves has had his fair share of bizarre ties and friendships, all of them linked to illegal CIA and DEA operations of the most sensitive kind. It should be clear at this point that Nieves himself was rather closely involved in the Iran Contra affair and good friends with Colonel Oliver North.
Looking back at the Netherlands it would make sense to ship Cali cocaine to Mink Kok, considering he might well be the Netherlands most important illegal arms dealer. There's little doubt he acquired these weapons with some degree of government backing. Kok is known to have carried out assignments for the AIVD (Dutch intelligence), MI6 and, of course, is said to have had contact with the American CIA since the 1980s. [103] He is also reported to be in the arms trafficking business with the IRA, ETA and Palestinian terrorist groups. [104] Unverified claims have even been made in the Dutch underworld that Kok has been photographed with Oliver North in Germany. [105] Considering Kok is part Jewish, knows how to speak Hebrew, studied the Torah and spent time in the Kibbutz, one can also assume that he has Mossad ties. In 2011 he was arrested in neighboring Lebanon, where he is married into the influential Qoleilat family, in the possession of 53 kilos of cocaine. [106]
The main problem here is, we don't know what was done with the $500 million the 15 tons of cocaine was worth that Kris J. and Kok brought into the Netherlands. Kris was allowed keep the proceeds of his drug trafficking and Kok obviously got his share. There's a good chance that Kok was required to purchase or move weapons in return. But in the early 1990s the Cold War and Iran Contra were a thing of the past, so we don't really have a clear outside motive for the IRT affair except to say that black market weapons would come in handy in many places of the world at any time.
In October 2012, just after the Bakker Schut Foundation of Adele van der Plas and Klaas Langendoen released Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers Rule a Nation, pressure on Demmink was increased even more by the new The Rusty Nail Foundation (Stichting De Roestige Spijker), financed by the Jewish-Dutch-American Robert Rubinstein. According to Rubinstein, it were Adele van der Plas and Micha Kat's financial angel, Jan Poot, who inspired him to set up the foundation [107], the website layout of which shows remarkable similarities to Micha Kat's Klokkenluiders Online and a number of other anti-Demmink sites. A bio of Rubinstein, put together from various sources:
Worked in a Kibbutz in Israel 1974-1975; worked for CIFAIR, a Schlumberger subsidiary 1975-1978; worked in the Netherlands; anno September 2010 he was 1 of 5 members of the "Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Advisory Committee" of BNP Paribas Investment Partners; set up the Triple Bottom Line Investment (TBLI) conferences, which for over a decade have brought together many hundreds of mid-level banking and NGO managers in bi-annual conferences worldwide; in 2011 he appears to have donated between $1,000-$2,499 to the United Jewish Fund & Council of St. Paul in the U.S.; set up De Roestige Spijker Foundation in October 2012, immediately after the Algemeen Dagblad "expose" (with criminals as witnesses) about Joris Demmink's alleged pedophile adventures. |
Not having an "establishment" background, with his TBLI Conferences, focused on sustainable business development, Rubinstein slowly began to climb the elitist latter. Looking at the 2013 and 2014 conferences, they brought together mid-level managers of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (set up by Rockefeller/Kissinger ally, super-fascist and Yakuza kingpin Ryochi Sasakawa), the Ford Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation. [108] Only a few names among roughly 300 per year spring out, but are interesting nevertheless:
Charles Rockefeller: a son Jay Rockefeller, representing United Purpose.
Prince Michel Of Yugoslavia: senior advisor to Diligence, LLC, a CIA front firm.
Stephen Brenninkmeijer: a member of the billionaire and secretive family that finances Opus Dei, the Knights of Malta and the Jesuits.
Sebastian Von Stauffenberg: member of the person who ran a failed plot against Hitler, with another member visiting Le Cercle; close associate of a member of the noble de Bourbon family.
Jack Abramoff: chairman United Students of America Foundation (USA Foundation), Heritage Foundation; founder International Freedom Foundation (IFF) in 1985; member Council for National Policy; member National Security Caucus Foundation (NSCF) anno 2002; secretary and treasurer Maldon Institute 1999-2003; director American Alliance of Christians and Jews (AACJ) since 2002.
The person to focus on here is the very out-of-place (i.e., not allied at all with the liberal sustainable development crowd) Jack Abramoff, who attended the TBLI Conference of 2013. Considering he is the only one in a long list of names without representing a company it may just be true that he acted as a co-moderator of the event, along with Rubinstein. In any case, Rubinstein and Abramoff were photographed together at the 7th Annual White House Correspondents' Association Dinner After Party in April 2012. [109] Considering Rubinstein put up his Roestige Spijker Foundation in October 2012 and Abramoff first appeared at the TBLI Conference of 2013, it might be important to ask if Abramoff has had any hand in guiding Rubinstein's actions. He most certainly would have been ideal conduit for the U.S. intelligence establishment. Like the DEA's Bobby Nieves, he's got a lot of experience in that area.
Abramoff is a peculiar individual. He is just about the only Zionist who has always been very cozy with America's hawkish Religious and New Right establishments surrounding the American Security Council, which today has largely transformed into the pro-Israel neocons. In fact, Abramoff was an agent of the American Security Council when he put up the International Freedom Foundation (IFF) of 1985 in support of Apartheid South Africa's regime. Abramoff's establishment was afraid that the end of the apartheid regime would lead to Soviet domination of southern Africa, so it sponsored meetings to help out persons as General Christoffel van der Westhuizen to assassinate black majority leaders and carry out bombings in townships to divide the black population. All these sordid affairs are discussed in ISGP's American Security Council article.
Abramoff always kept these American Security Council ties. His National Security Caucus Foundation (NSCF), on which he sat until it was dissolved in the early 2000s, was an extension of the American Security Council (ASC). John Fisher, the old head of the ASC, was president of the NSCF, and other former ASC executives were also on the NSCF board with Abramoff. National Security Caucus (NSC) co-chairmen around the turn of the century also featured many familiar names: Senator Trent Lott, Richard Shelby, John McCain, Bob Graham, Ted Stevens, Joe Lieberman and Chuck Robb. This was still a very powerful national security network in its latter days. [110] From 1999 to 2003 Abramoff also sat on the American Security Council and Cerle-linked (or CIA and MI6-linked) Maldon Institute. This was all right before he got himself into legal trouble.
Abramoff is better known for his absolutely ruthless lobbying efforts, which were first exposed in 2004 and for which he even went to jail in the 2006-2010 period. Abramoff and his allies had approximately bought access in one-fourth of Congress and the Senate and were able to kill or pass bills for their clients almost at will. [111] All details are contained in Abramoff's biography in the American Security Council members/biographies list. One particularly relevant aspect is that Abramoff's lobbying team helped prepare Ralph Hall's (R-TX) statements on the House floor in which he attacked the credibility of escaped 15-year-old sex worker "Katrina", in an attempt to discredit her testimony regarding the state of the sex slave industry on the Mariani Islands. [112] It was part of an effort of Abramoff and his team to maintain a state of virtual slave labor on the islands in the interest of local government and industry.
Then we have Abramoff's buddy Rubinstein endlessly complaining about corruption in the Netherlands, pretending that the United States and the rest of the world are a lot better. What's wrong with this picture? As we will see, not just a few, but literally all of Rubinstein's arguments are false. All the witnesses he mentions are only part of slander campaign.
In October 2012 major Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad published two articles supposedly containing more witnesses to Demmink's sexual affairs with underaged boys. It is alleged that Demmink was a good friend of Dick Willard, a pedophile pimp murdered in 1991 by two of his former sex slaves. The investigative reporter, Koen Voskuil, makes use of three witnesses who claim to have seen Demmink at Willard's home back in the 1980s and to have seen underaged boys get into Demmink's car. [113]
Problem? At least two of his witnesses are criminals. One used to be the leader of a local weed gang. The other is a person with the name Nico van Empel. When one checks the archives of Algemeen Dagblad, one quickly finds that this person was used in 2010 by crime reporter Peter R. de Vries. Van Empel was persuaded to use a hidden camera to try and extract a confession from his youth friend, Koos Hertogs, a pedophile serial killer who raped and murdered at least three girls aged 11, 12 and 18. [114] Van Empel himself also has a criminal background and seems to spend most of his time these days in Thailand and Laos.
In March 2014, during the Demmink trial, a result of efforts of De Roestige Spijker, supposed victim-witness Bart van Well was heard. Only a handful of sites even reported his name. What little there's available, van Well claimed to have met Demmink twice as a client/victim of him. Subsequently Demmink's lawyer brought up the issue that in the past Van Well claimed to have met Demmink more often. Van Well shut down and didn't want to comment about this discrepancy to the NOS, a leading mainstream media outlet. [115]
Looking around who this person is, I see a "Bart van W." already sent an email to conspiracy site Kleintje Muurkrant in 2004. He reacts to previously posted emails of Piet van Haut, who claims to have been abused by Marc Dutroux and friends, along with "hundreds" of other children. [116] Back in 1996, Van Haut wrote such letters to the investigators in Neufchateau, while locked away in psychiatric hospital. A quick check of who Piet van Haut is, reveals he used to the most famous con artist of Belgium. Back in 2003 he appeared on an episode of Jambers, of which a Youtube clip still exists. Amidst numerous clippings of press reports about the controversy that is Piet van Haut, the Jambers narrator explains:
"Piet van Haut is 35-years-old. ... Piet van Haut stood trial among other things for fraud. He pretended to be a prosecutor general and examining magistrate. As a representative of a sheikh, he had flown around in a Boeing. Piet van Haut is not only described in the press as a con artist, but also a psychopath. He doesn't try to hide his psychiatric past, by the way. ... And then an ever stranger element shows up in this already unlikely story. Piet van Haut claims that he is incredibly rich. Certain documents I'm allowed to film. Others not. But I have seen with my own eyes a document of an international bank which on his name reports very high sums [2 billion euros]. Piet van Haut also often messed with finances to catch people in his web. ... Since recently Piet van Haut is free, but in the mean time he is on trial for similar facts." |
On the program Van Haut repeats in detail how he was neglected as child and sexually abused, leading to his present disorders. In 2004 Bart van W. claimed to Kleintje Muurkrant that back in the 1980s Piet van Haut "was active as "administrative assistant" of Karel van Maasdam," a person considered part of the Rolodex network. Bart goes on to describe various ties between pedophile pimps, gangster Klaas Bruinsma, and prominent homosexuals in the media. He also backs up Van Haut's claim that Dutroux was active in Amsterdam. [117]
Whether or not all or some of these claims are accurate, all the information from Bart van Well and Piet van Haut seems a little contrived. They only mention low level names and all of them were already familiar from the Glandorf, Dutroux and Rolodex cases. They just tie some these known pedophiles together and that's it. It doesn't solve anything. Demmink becomes a hot topic, and boom, all of sudden Bart also has had experiences with this person. It's just not particularly believable. It comes across as a "hire-a-witness" scheme. What also doesn't help credibility is that "Bart van W." wrote in the same catchy, witty, stand up comedy style that Kleintje Muurkrant always does. And for that matter, Paul van Haut is also conveniently eloquent, sounding more like an investigative journalist than an ordinary victim-witness.
No, we need someone a bit more credible than Bart van W. There is every indication he is no different than other alleged Demmink victims.
The well-known Rolodex pedophilia investigation was carried out in 1998, with primary targets being chief prosecutors (i.e., district attorneys) Henry Hans Holthuis, Henk Wooldrik and Jan Wolter Wabeke. Evidence had been obtained that these men were clients of pedophile pimp Karel Maasdam. Professor Ger van Roon of the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam was seen as another primary target around whom much of the abuse centered. [118] In a later stage former defense minister Job de Ruiter was also fingered as one of the suspected child abusers of Rolodex, but little attention has been given to him. [119] The royal family's judicial advisor, Frits Salomonson, was also mentioned, but accusations against him had already been voiced publicly in 1996. [120] On March 22, 2014, NRC Handelsblad published an interview with a number of key Rolodex investigators. The most important was Hans Vrakking, chief prosecutor in Amsterdam from 1992 to 2001, who initiated the Rolodex inquiry. Vrakking confirmed that investigators had at least been aware of Demmink:
"In the intelligence work it turned out that compromising information had been received by the BVD [Dutch intelligence, now AIVD] about Demmink. The driver of Demmink, Rob Mostert (died in 2000), told the BVD that "he couldn't stand it anymore." He was troubled that Demmink occasionally had sex with boys in his government car. In the end, after a discussion with [Fred] Teeven it was decided not to investigate the information about Demmink, because it lay outside the reach of the Rolodex case. We tactically focused ourselves on two chief officers [Wabeke and Wooldrik] and the VU professor [Ger van Roon]. Thus the name Demmink most certainly was mentioned, but not investigated deeper. It was also not clear to us if minor boys were involved with Demmink. The information only spoke about sex in the government car. "And then something very strange happened. I will never forget it. One morning the telephone rings: Harry Borghouts, the secretary general of the ministry of justice [predecessor of Demmink], calls. What are you involved in, he yelled. You are busy investigating one of my officials. I said: about whom are we talking here? He said: Demmink. Then I said: we investigate many things here, but Demmink is not part of the investigation. "The day after this phone conversation--we had different searches planned--it turned out that the investigation had been leaked and thus was dead. The suspects didn't make any calls anymore and everything we wanted to seize turned up missing. Nothing came in anymore. End of the road." [121] |
Rolodex investigator Jaap Hoek confirmed that secret phone numbers of leading justice officials were found in the possession of boy prostitutes. [122] Leen de Koter, a detective of the vice squad involved in the Rolodex case, confirmed that the investigation had been "destroyed". [123] Yet another colleague explained:
"Well, what I remember is that we really didn't make any progress in the investigation, because it had been leaked. That was clear. The persons whom it concerned were in the know of the investigation. The taps didn't result in anything anymore. Normally you see continued [illegal] activities, but these were all gone. You still try to make something out of nothing, but you're really wasting time at that point. It was leaked, yes." [124] |
Prosecutor-general Rene Ficq added:
"To this day I do not understand how Borghouts got it in his head to call me up while it involved secret intelligence. Borghouts claims that he heard about the Rolodex investigation from Demmink and Demmink says he heard it from some chief officer in the Justice Department. That is absolutely impossible. I was the only chief officer who knew about the investigation." [125] |
Due to the reluctant testimony of former Rolodex detective Emile Broersma, we know today that the investigation into chief prosecutors Hans Holthuis, Jan Wolter Wabeke and Henk Wooldrik was torpedoed by Joop de Wijs, chief of the National Police Services Agency (Korps Landelijke Politiediensten)--and with that also chief of the Central Detective Information Service (CRI: Centrale Recherche Informatiedienst), which had been given the green light to begin observing the prosecutors. It was De Wijs who, in an act of blatant corruption, informed suspect Hans Holthuis that he was about to be targeted by a CRI surveillance team. [126] Needless to say, Demmink and his superior, secretary general Borghouts, knew the same day and began to pressure Hans Vrakking and Rene Ficq into dropping the investigation. As everyone involved explained, at this point the investigation was dead in the water.
In addition, detective Emile Broersma also made it clear that Demmink most certainly was placed under observation by the CRI in late 1998, along with Holthuis, Wooldrik and Wabeke, all of them on suspicions of "involvement in organized child abuse." [127] Broersma should know: he headed the CRI surveillance operation against these persons, which, of course, was canceled within a few days due to the leak of his boss.
Isn't all this bizarre? Nobody, not even a Hans Vrakking, seems to be telling the absolute truth about Demmink's role as a suspect in the Rolodex investigation. Or, in case of Broersma, they have to be pressured into it. And even then one can only hope they tell the truth.
In the previous section it is mentioned that Hans Vrakking, head of the Rolodex investigation, was aware that Rob Mostert, one of Demmink's drivers, "was troubled that Demmink occasionally had sex with boys in his government car." A manager at the Justice Department, John Moeleker, confirmed that the entire top of the department was aware of the complaint of Rob Mostert, but it had never been investigated because Mostert died soon after, in 2000, before Demmink was offered a promotion to become secretary general of the Justice Department. [128] Chairman of the Judicial Works Council explained that the complaint had been "lost". [129] However, besides the deceased Rob Mostert, a number of other drivers reportedly also filed complaints about Demmink. Tjeerd Postma, until 1998 head of general and technical services, and in that position in charge of the drivers' schedules, explained:
"I told the BVD [Dutch intelligence, now AIVD] about driver's complaints of nightly visits to a club and about a government trip to Brussels, where Demmink had sex with a young boy on the back seat of his government car, while the driver could see everything through the rearviewmirror." [130] |
According to Postma, the club in question was located in The Hague's Kazernestraat, an elite neighborhood. The club wasn't identified by name, however. It might well be the Societeit de Vereeniging, an old, elite private gentlemen's club with still almost completely secret membership. Located in a mansion bought from King William II of Orange in 1852, about the only members known are a mayor and ex-mayor of The Hague.
Postma claimed that an external advisor of the Judicial Works Council also stated to the AIVD that Demmink "ordered boys in his government car." He explained to have been told about this by members of the Judicial Works Council. [131]
Maybe the most prominent media report about Demmink's former drivers was a 2014 Paul & Witteman show with crime reporter Peter R. de Vries, who took Hans Bakker with him. [132] Bakker has been Demmink's main driver from 1992 to 1996, after which he was promoted to alternate head of Bureau Transportation until 2002. Tjeerd Postma stated, and later testified, that it had been Hans Bakker who told him about Demmink having sex with a boy in the back seat of the car. According to Postma, in 1992 Bakker told him that Demmink "had picked up a boy in an obscure neighborhood in Brussels" and carried out some "pretty embarrassing acts with [that] boy." Bakker didn't state that the boy was underage (in Belgium 16-years-old is sexually mature; in the Netherlands 18-years-old) and never filed a complaint. [133] Anno 2014, however, Bakker claimed he never saw anything:
"[Demmink] wasn't really nice, we thought. He was primarily difficult. Demanding. Drivers often complained that they had to wait for him so long, not knowing when he would come back. Other top officials and politicians would sometimes come out to explain it might take another hour when they were somewhere. Demmink never did that. You just had to wait and there were drivers who complained about that. Mr. Demmink worked hard at the time. It often became late because of that. "I know for certain that if Rob [Mostert] would have experienced something like that, even if it was only once, that I would have known about it. I knew him well. I have also been to his funeral. I spoke to his wife and daughter at some point later in time, and they also classified those rumors as nonsense. That the death of Rob would have been 'suspect', as it has been written, is even more nonsense. He died at home from an heart attack. A disease running in his family. "I have even been called by the AD recently, with a story that I would have been present at a sort of meeting, where the Demmink case and the rumors about sexual abuse were discussed. Absolutely not true. I have never been present there. I also said that. It didn't happen. But what can be read in the newspaper? That "now" I deny the story... You get it? In other words: previously he admitted it, but now he apparently has reasons to deny." [134] |
This last section refers to the 2014 Algemeen Dagblad article we have just been citing most witnesses from. The peculiar thing is, this article was co-written by reporter Koen Voskuil, who we still need to discuss as one of the apparent major manipulators in the Demmink case. The section Bakker criticizes:
"[Tjeerd] Postma, until 1998 responsible for the driver's schedules, explains to have heard the story about sex on the back seat of the government car from the driver in question, Hans Bakker. He now strongly denies this. "It's all been invented."" |
Postma, who actually remembered Demmink as "a charming man [with] lots of humor", stated he's aware of Bakker's denial, but had "no explanation for it." [135] I can come up with at least three explanations, but none of them solve anything without evidence. Why would Postma or other personnel make up stories like this? In fact, most likely they haven't. In addition to statements of other justice officials, even Demmink ally and predecessor, justice secretary general Harry Borghouts, explained that he "had warned [Justice] Minister [Piet Hein] Donner that Demmink would be a liability as his follow up due to the rumors." [136] While I doubt Borghouts actually did that, it does strongly indicate that rumors were going round and that the AIVD was aware of them.
There are not many rumors actually: We have the alleged 1992 statement of Hans Bakker, which in 2014 he denied making on national television, mainly in cooperation with crime fighter Peter R. de Vries; and we have the alleged complaint of Rob Mostert, about which we have no real details, but which Hans Bakker also vehemently denied could have ever been made. Question: what complaints were Hans Vrakking, chief prosecutor of Amsterdam; Harry Borghouts, secretary general of justice; Justice Department employees Tjeerd Postman and John Moeleker, and senior people at the Judicial Works Council referring to? They sound pretty darn similar to the complaints Hans Bakker denied were ever made. Reportedly Socialist Party MP Krista van Velsen also first heard about the accusations against Demmink in the mid-1990s:
"I believe that I first heard about this case some time in 1995. And since that period it really has never been quiet. A lot of journalists have involved themselves in this case. There have been several investigations into top officials who did "something" with kids that is not acceptable. I think it's incredible that all those investigations consequently never lead to any prosecutions or convictions. ... "With this accumulation of accusations that this man would be involved in the abuse of young children, it doesn't seem out of the ordinary for me to put this man on non-active. I have asked the minister of justice which arguments he has to not do that, because I would love to know. To be honest, I really can't come up with any arguments to not put this man on non-active." [137] |
How serious we need to take Van Velsen, who is a hardcore anti-nuclear activist, and therefore most likely an intelligence asset, is a good question, but she makes a decent argument here. Labor Party MP and later mayor of Utrecht, Aleid Wolfsen, added:
"A top official can't be embroiled in controversy. Either there is no ground beneath [the accusations] and then it has to be helped out of the world very quickly, or when the top official remains controversial, he can't function. And if there's a criminal investigation opened against him or is about to be opened, he really can't function either." [138] |
Tjeerd Postma's claim about the "club" in the Kazernestraat in The Hague seems to be entirely irrelevant to child sexual abuse. It was just about a driver who complained he had to wait endlessly until deep into the night until Demmink came out again. [139] Possibly this happened on more than one occasion. A quick check on Google Maps actually reveals that the Supreme Court of The Hague is located at the Kazernestraat. The street, very narrow, is about 300 meters long and almost exclusively consists of houses. On one end of the street there is a student home, some shops, Argentine restaurant San Telmo and Café De Sport (a bar/pub) and one or two additional bars. This area is basically the only location Demmink could have been. I see no evidence of a shady pedophile or criminal joint, so without more information this line of inquiry can be safely closed.
In any case, in 2002 the AIVD gave its approval for the promotion of Demmink to secretary general of justice. Soon after, in 2003, the at least partly bogus Panorama and Gay Krant articles appeared, with the author, Fred de Brouwer, dying under suspicious circumstances when the affair reached a peak in early 2014. [140] A coincidence? Who knows. Who says there isn't an influential group somewhere that has its own reasons to start rumors against Demmink? Quite possibly they hired someone to run over Fred de Brouwer, knowing that Demmink would be blamed. In my experience, looking at ISGP's list of suspicious deaths, 99 percent of the persons in that list were corrupt insiders to begin with.
Maybe we should mention the contents of the 2007 EenVandaag/Samson file in relation to former Demmink driver Rob Mostert. In it we read:
"When I saw somewhere in 92 that [notorious pedophile pimp Warwick Spinks] left together with Mostert in the government car of Joris Demmink I knew more was at play. However, I do not know what. ... "[Mostert] was the driver of Joris Demmink and often dropped off Holthuis and Joris Demmink. Also acted as general manager of Joris Demmink. And often traveled with him to Prague, Turkey, and other places. His role is unclear for the rest, but he died under suspicious circumstances. In my opinion he was a man who knew a lot. "[Pedophile] Joodse Dave: Seen twice with JD and Ben and Dave, Mostert and Holthuis." |
Is this information true? Who knows. But it is a perspective to keep in mind. While I assume most of the information of Samson is true, at least in the list in question, I also pretty much assume there's manipulation when it comes to information about Joris Demmink. Listening to a later interview of him at an anti-Demmink podcast is also a very typical experience for the conspiracy community: he does not reveal a single interesting additional fact about the network. In addition, his behavior during the interview is just bizarre, waiting for 4-5 seconds before answering each question in one of the most horrible voices I have ever heard. [141] I was left wondering what would come out of him when given a nice, large dose of Ayahuasca. The whole building will probably be haunted for decades to come. Anyway, he's a spook and he has probably been leaking on higher authority. And now that he has done that, he just fills people's ears with nothing but nonsense.
"Richard-Carl Samson" is just one these bizarre creatures that slithers through the dark nethervoid of organized crime, police informants, and the intelligence services. He claims to have worked as an accountant for pedophile pimp Karel Maasdam from 1990 to 1998 and to have provided a list of names to Fred Teeven during the Rolodex investigation. He says he joined Maasdam after an invitation of an old friend, Cor Nouwens, but really agreed because he wanted to uncover the illegal activities of the network. [142] In other words, he was "undercover" on his own initiative for 8 years. Looking at the origins of the rolodex investigation there's not a hint that Samson had anything to do with initiating it. [143] Judging by his line of work and from his extremely creepy voice and manners, as well as the fact that he is married to a man 25 years younger, I instantly assumed he's an accomplice of the network. And according to one online account he most certainly is. [144] Let's face it, no sane person spends 8 years "undercover" in a pedophile network. Maybe a few days, maybe even a few weeks, but then you go to the police. Subsequently I bumped into Samson's name as the person used by "the club" of Klaas Langendoen and Mink Kok (there they are again) to accuse Rolodex initiator Hans Vrakking of child abuse. For obvious reasons these accusations were dismissed in no time. Clearly Samson was only helping to undermine the investigation.
However, having read the Samson file, I do not believe it to be disinformation. Without this file I would have never learned the name Joris Francken. It simply contains too many names, too many detailed statements, and too many obscure but coherent facts, some of which are discussed in this article. It is also obvious that the file does not simply consist of Samson's words. It is a list of written questions to which Samson is replying. Looking online to the origin of the file, it was leaked to Scribd in mid-2012 by a nutball and hopelessly religious anti-Assad spammer, a typical intelligence asset. Allegedly Samson himself wasn't to happy with the leak. [145] Before the document was removed from Scribd, it was copied by Boublog.nl, a site which back in the day linked to ISGP's 2007 Beyond the Dutroux Affair. Boublog posted the article and file online on November 8, 2012, after which a commentator explained that the list belonged to EenVandaag [146], which in June 2007 rather incorrectly tied Demmink to the 1994 phone taps that were almost certainly about Francken. The first page of the list actually reads, "List names, edited and provided with comments by RCS [Richard-Carl Samson] on 30 July 2007," thus it dates from the exact period of the EenVandaag broadcast. Another commentator noted:
"I heard from a well-known journalist that the names on the list are correct, but that indeed the writer [Samson] is not entirely reliable and that the comments per name are not 100% correct [...] The comments with the names is largely correct, but occasionally it's not. That's what my source says, and he is quite trustworthy." [147] |
Efforts of Boublog to confirm that the list was from EenVandaag were not particularly successful. Jan Born, whom "rechercheur" had named and who was involved in the 2007 EenVandaag program, initially ignored Boublog, but after a second attempt gave a terse reply that read: "I never make statements to questions related to journalistic investigations," which many took as confirmation that the list indeed came from EenVandaag. [148]
Although I can't be 100 percent certain, until Jan Born or EenVandaag starts to strenuously deny any involvement with the list, I'm assuming EenVandaag is the source. For now, it fits all the facts and I have little interest in giving a hopelessly manipulative Samson sole credit for the list.
Demmink is known to have had a little fun with at least one young boy. That's his "boyfriend" from 1993 to 2000: the Czech Libor Ctvrtlik. Demmink was in his fifties; Ctvrtlik 23-years-old. [149] But... it isn't clear when Ctvrtlik had that age: in 1993 or 2000? Maybe the media should try to figure that one out. And also why such a young, good looking kid would have a relationship with such an old man. Or why Demmink thought it was socially acceptable to brag about the career of his "boyfriend" as a porn actor. In fact, Ctvrtlik played in a homosexual porn movie titled Das Fickende Klassenzimmer. On May 18, 2014, KRO Brandpunt broadcasted segments of the film. Ctvrtlik, the teacher, might be 18, but the rest of the kids look about 13 to 15. Jaap Hoek, former vice squad detective, concurs:
"There are clips here of boys who are definitely not 18 years, but I can't say if they are 14 or 12 years old. Once again it is the usual 16-17 year old border case." [150] |
How shady is this, especially in light of all the other controversy? For those that may want to try and confirm a few things: A Libor Ctvrtlík seems to work for Alinvest in the Czech Republic. Email: ctvrtlik[at]metalimex.cz. Phone: 554 222 277. Mobile: 602 708 921. Maybe it's him.
Primarily based on the Ctvrtlík case, as well as the endless stream of rumors, I think that Demmink's colleagues in politics should be a little less scornful. Who actually are these friends? There are quite a few, actually. When Demmink retired in November 2012, every justice minister, past, present and future, visited his reception, along with other former ministers, chiefs of police, members of Parliament and the Senate, high level friends of the judiciary, and one former chief of Dutch intelligence. A lot of them were simply laughing in the face of Jan Roos, a reporter of PowNed TV who did his best to keep the atmosphere light while still asking pointed questions. [151] No, it wasn't the first time a nation's leadership seems to consist of a group of arrogant, socially awkward aliens from another galaxy. Have we really been invaded by Andromeda?
Another route was created here at ISGP to try and figure out Demmink's network of friends. An Superclass Index for the Netherlands was created, based on the amount of NGOs persons have been involved with. The results are as follows and can be compared to a number of international associates:
Netherlands: alive
* Daughter married a grandson of Prince Bernhard, Prince Maurits, in 1998. |
Netherlands: deceased
Looking at the Superclass Index for the Netherlands, it turns out that Demmink knows quite a few of the top people. Obviously the basis for that was set during his student days. Demmink used to be a member of the Minerva fraternity at Leiden University. Virtually all Dutch royals have belonged to this fraternity and a host of other prominent or influential Dutchman. This includes various other persons that have been or will be mentioned in this article: Cees van Lede, Oscar Hammerstein, Rutger Schimmelpenninck, Pieter Bakker Schut, and undoubtedly a few others. [152] As a news article in 2010 demonstrated, "at least two-thirds of influential Holland" have been members of leading fraternities at the University of Leiden, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Groningen, or Maastricht. Of these, Minerva, with a 10% stake, is the most important. [153]
Going to the other extreme of Demmink's career, today, after his retirement, he serves as an advisory board member E.M. Meijers Institute, at the law faculty of Leiden University. Hans Holthuis, the child abuse suspect to whom the chief of police leaked the Rolodex investigation, serves on the faculty's advisory board, along with Rockefeller man and 1001 Club member Cees van Lede. [154]
The most interesting group Demmink has been involved with is the Club of The Hague, an on average 60-65 member advisory council of the Hague Process on Refugees and Migration that comes together once a year. Less than a dozen members of this advisory council come from the Netherlands. Chairman is HRH Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands. Secretary is Jozias van Aartsen, a former secretary of state. Demmink has been a member of the Club of the Hague since at least 2005, all these years together with Ruud Lubbers. Other members in Demmink's period include, or have included: HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, Jacques Delors, Jan Pronk, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Herman Wijffels, Erik Brenninkmeijer and Sir Peter Sutherland. [155] The names in bold appear in the above Superclass Index.
F.l.t.r.: Sir Peter Sutherland, King Willem Alexander and Maxime Verhagen at the Trilateral
Commission in 2011. Demmink knows Sutherland through The Hague Process.
Pronk, Ballin and Wijffels are simply part of the Dutch domestic elite and among the many friends Demmink seems to have. However, the Club of The Hague demonstrates that Demmink has also been meeting and discussing with the most establishment/NGO-connected persons from Great Britain (Sir Peter Sutherland), the Arab world (Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan), and, of course, the Netherlands (Ruud Lubbers), with Jacques Delors of France being the most important associate of Etienne Davignon (accused of child abuse) in the European integration process along liberal lines. Except for Pronk and Demmink, all these persons have visited Bilderberg.
The Brenninkmeijers, a member of which was seen at the Club of The Hague, the earlier-discussed TBLI Conferences of Robert Rubinstein, the 1001 Club and other places, are in a category of their own. This is the large multi-billionaire family that controls the C&A department store chain. In 2008 it was reported to control a 24 billion euro fortune spread out among roughly 1,000 "clan" members. The family is notorious for being ultra-Catholic and ultra-secretive [156], with virtually no members in politics. However, a bit of checking quickly revealed numerous ties to the upper echelons of the Jesuits, Opus Dei, the Knights of Malta, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and even, in the United States, the National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management, at one point also the home of future CIA director Leon Panetta. [157] Members of the Brenninkmeijer family seem to maintain quite a bit of contact with like-minded Knights of Malta families as Van Hovell tot Westerflier, Van Voorst tot Voorst and relatively unknown members of the Orange royal family. Banking seems to be by far their most preferred occupation. [158]
A quick check to see if Demmink has been involved with the Alting von Geusau family (of the Superclass Index), generational members of Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta [159] and linked to the CIA/Opus Dei Cercle Group [160], revealed the Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HiiL), where Demmink sat on the supervisory board and participated in conferences in the 2009-2012 period. Also participating was Frans and Marie Jose Alting von Geusau (Frans visited Le Cercle twice), as well as the already familiar former secretary of state Jozias van Aartsen and former minister of justice Ernst Hirsch Ballin. [161] In addition, Marie Jose Alting von Geusau was director of the Center for International Cooperation (CILC), which Demmink cooperated with while serving as secretary general of the Justice Department. At a 2009 CILC conference, Demmink was handed a book by Hans Warendorf, head of Amsterdam law firm Warendorf Attorneys and Notaris [162], which includes two Brenninkmeijers among its partners. [163]
The Alting von Geusau family has considerable ties to the Dutch national security state and, certainly for a radical Catholic family, quite a few ties to high level diplomatic circles. [164] As for the national security relations, members of the family seem to have known Dutch intelligence agent Cees van den Heuvel rather well. [165] Van den Heuvel appears to have been one of the most important persons in the Dutch Gladio/"Stay Behind" network throughout the Cold War. [166] From the late 1950s until certainly December 1985, Van den Heuvel cooperated with Carl Armfelt, an aristocrat with a reported background that includes CIA director Allen Dulles, CIA covert operations chief Frank Wisner, future CIA director William Colby, the setting up of a parallel CIA-controlled Gladio/"Stay Behind" networks in Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium; the World Anti-Communist League, the American Security Council-controlled Freedom Studies Center, preparations of an anti-Desi Bouterse coup in Suriname, "communist" and "gangster" terrorism in Belgium, black propaganda against Olof Palme, anti-Labour government activities in Great Britain, and a few more things. [167] Van den Heuvel even brought a chapter of the MK-ULTRA-linked Human Ecology Fund to the Netherlands [168] and has always been a person this author suspects of having brought pedophile entrapment techniques to the Netherlands under the disguise of anti-communist psychological warfare. Due to support of Prince Bernhard, Van den Heuvel's private Interdoc network, which was linked to Le Cercle, MI5, MI6 and the like [169], was financed by major Dutch multinationals as Philips, Shell and Unilever, as well as Richard Mellon Scaife on behalf of the CIA. [170]
The Alting von Geusau family, although less important, moved in similar circles, including the Americans. In 1982 Frans Alting von Geusau was a speaker at the Committee on Future Dutch-American Relations in the United States and its counterpart in the Netherlands, organized by the JASON Foundation/magazine of Cees van den Heuvel and his son, Alexander Alting von Geusau. Other speakers included ultra-right Cold Warriors as Richard Perle, Eugene Rostow, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Admiral Dennis Blair (National Security Council at the time and old friend Iran Contra's Oliver North) and Anton Pannenborg (Philips; 1001 Club). [171] Frans met much of Otto von Habsburg's CIA and Opus Dei clique when visiting Le Cercle in 1985.
As discussed in other ISGP articles, more than a few Cercle visitors appear to be deeply involved in pedophile child abuse and entrapment operations, with the Belgian Baron de Bonvoisin at the forefront. The thing is, if these (numerous) accusations against the Belgians can be confirmed, at the very least Carl Armfelt must have been aware of them and must not have cared too much. Cees van den Heuvel should have been aware of them too. One would expect that Cercle visitor and Knight of Malta (almost certain, due to his sons) Frans Alting von Geusau would be aware of them. And at that point, of course, we are getting awfully close to Joris Demmink, who in more recent years has known and worked with members of the Alting von Geusau family.
For some reason Demmink was actually educated at NATO Defense College in Rome in 1975-1976. He also worked at the Defense Department before joining the Justice Department. While almost exclusively concerned with judicial matters, in the 1981-1982 period he worked as the Defense Department's Surinam coordinator. If one incredibly detailed and seemingly accurate testimony about the Carl Armfelt/Cees van den Heuvel network is accurate, then in May 1981, after reports of a visit of Surinam dictator Desi Bouterse to Cuba, the United States, headed by the ultra-right Ronald Reagan, started to become interested in overthrowing Surinam. The private networks of Oliver North and Carl Armfelt were the preferred method and reportedly Armfelt began recruiting Belgian Nazi militants as Madani Bouhouche to get the job done. [172] Bouhouche has been accused in the Dutroux X-Dossiers of running security for these elite child abuse rings.
The question, of course, is: did Demmink know anything about these coup plans? The answer might be no, but it cannot be denied that this is a potential second tie to the Carl Armfelt/Cees van den Heuvel network. And just as important: maybe people should ask why Demmink has become the prominent victim of a smear campaign of persons associated with the American intelligence services, the American Security Council/Iran Contra crowd in particular? Quite possibly we are dealing here with a Jean Pierre Grafe and Elio Di Rupo-type affair, as described in Beyond the Dutroux Affair. Public accusations of child abuse were made against these individuals some time before rumors of the X-Dossiers came to the surface. These accusations were, however, bogus and quickly fell through. They were inspired by a police commissioner whose name I found in the Dutroux X-Dossiers as a child abuser. In that same dossier, I also found accusations against Grafe and Di Rupo, completely different accusations that were never made public. It appears the purpose of the controlled release was to help discredit the upcoming X-Dossiers and one gets the impression that Grafe and Di Rupo knew to just bend over and take it, because at any point more accurate rumors could begin to surface. It may well be that this is the case with Demmink. He is being used for a greater political purpose and he just has to deal with it. That doesn't mean he has been actively involved with this criminal covert group, however. It may just be that there are pictures, videotape, or other solid evidence somewhere.
We can even look at the death of Fred de Brouwer, which appears to have involved a driver that purposely targeted him (unless mainstream news reports are wrong, who knows). 99% of the 400 or so suspicious deaths ISGP has reported on involved corrupt insiders. De Brouwer, who shortly before his death warned the Poot family and Robert Rubinstein that Demmink was capable of sending professional assassins after someone [173], almost certainly was such a corrupt insider. If it was an assassination, who would have ordered it? Demmink? He does not appear to have that type of authority, certainly not on his own. However, reportedly Carl Armfelt and Cees van den Heuvel were involved in cleaning up some their "Stay Behind" recruits. Also, the more liberal-oriented elements of the Dutch government also have such authority. One could take out De Brouwer to raise suspicions against Demmink; the other could do it as a warning to stop producing fake witnesses. Or, maybe more likely, it could do it in an effort to discredit any future allegations of establishment child abuse. Demmink, compromised, sits right in the middle, no influence on anything.
Whatever the truth here, Demmink doesn't seem to be allied with these ultra-right-wing intelligence networks. Demmink knows members of the Alting von Geusau family, even the occasional Brenninkmeijer, but being openly gay does not exactly jive with conservative Catholic doctrine. In 2012 Demmink was photographed at the inauguration of Cardinal Wim Eijk, but we also know that the reactionary Brenninkmeijers were complaining to the head of the Jesuits about this promotion. No, in good Dutch liberal tradition, Demmink is primarily committed to the idea of multiculturalism, always strongly pushed by Bilderberg circles, which he has the closest ties to.
In the period 1984-1990 a firm with the name Text Lite was active. Frits Salomonson, judicial advisor and very close friend of the Dutch royal family [174], was president of the advisory board from August 1984 to June 1988. [175]
The largest financier was Bank van Lanschot [176], headed by one of Prince Bernhard's closest aristocratic friends, the Catholic-raised Bib van Lanschot, a 1001 Club member seemingly not entirely opposed to the Jesuits and Opus Dei [177]. There's evidence that Van Lanschot stood at the center of the Dutch Gladio or "Stay Behind" network, along with the earlier discussed Cees van den Heuvel. [178] A fact I only ran into long after finishing this article might also be interesting to mention: Van Lanschot was founding treasurer general of the World Veterans Federation (VFW) from 1951 to 1957, president from 1957 to 1994, and honorary president until his death in 2001. An important founder in 1943 of the precursor of the VFW, the American Veterans Committee (AVC), was Gilbert Harrison. He became chair of the AVC in 1948 and then co-founded the VFW with Van Lanschot and others. Harrison was editor-in-chief of the liberal-oriented magazine The New Republic, but also extremely close to the clique of top "liberal CIA" officer Cord Meyer. In 1952 Harrison co-founded the curious New World Foundation with the wealthy Anita McCormick Blaine, a sister-in-law of Edith Rockefeller, in turn a sister of Pilgrims Society member John D. Rockefeller, Jr. In ISGP's Pilgrims Society article the deep CIA involvement of the Rockefeller is discussed in great detail.
Another large stake in Text Lite was held by Stichting Administratiekantoor Korf (Korf Administration Office Foundation). "Rob B." (Rob Boon) was the fiscalist at Korf and also served as fiscal advisor to Text Lite. Salomonson's close friend and law partner, Oscar Hammerstein, was secretary of Korf. [179] Both Hammerstein and Salomonson soon joined another law firm, Boekel de Neree, where they became a partner of Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck [180], scion of one of Netherlands' oldest aristocratic families with more than a few ties to the royal family and the Dutch intelligence service. [181]
Text Lite collapsed in 1990. Schimmelpenninck was appointed curator and remained so until December 1994, at which point an independent commission revealed that Text Lite went down as a result of financial misconduct among its leadership with a 30 million guilder (14 million euro) hole in the books. Salomonson was accused of not having kept proper oversight of the firm. [182] Apparently Schimmelpenninck never suspected anything in the 4-5 years that he was curator of a firm closely affiliated with two law partners of his: Salomonson and Hammerstein. The Dutch media asked no questions about this either.
At the point that the Text Lite scandal arose in December 1994, "Rob B." of Korf, who also acted as fiscal advisor to Text Lite, had just been sent to two months in prison and fined 25,000 guilders (12,000 euros) for his involvement in the laundering of 17.5 million guilders of the Femis drugs bank. He was also involved in a related case of money laundering, a company with the name Advideo. [183] Femis was primarily used by Pakistani-UAE-Belgian diamond dealer Fouad Abbas and "Octopus" mafia head Johan "Hakkelaar" Verhoek to launder Pakistani hash by the oil tanker, a total of 300 tons with an estimated value of 1 billion guilders (450 million euros). [184] The Hakkelaar was a somewhat reluctant partner of mafia boss Klaas Bruinsma. When Bruinsma was murdered in 1991, the Hakkelaar was seen as a primary suspect, but has never been convicted for it. Funny enough, in 1996 the Van Traa Commission also linked Klaas Bruinsma to Text Lite:
"According to Van de Bunt [of the Van Traa Commission], drug money was laundered by Text Lite. The murdered drug trafficker Klaas Bruinsma would have injected millions in start up capital in the firm. According to Van de Bunt the now retired attorney, Mr. F. Salomonson, as advisory board president, would have been in the know of the criminal activities. While Van de Bunt didn't provide the name of the company, [due to the description] newspapers were soon able to tell that it was about Text Lite." [185] |
At the time that "Rob B." was sentenced for laundering the 17.5 million of the Femis Bank, Salomonson's law partner and close friend, Oscar Hammerstein was in jail, awaiting trial on similar accusations. He was released, however, because it couldn't be proved that he "purposely cooperated in a fraudulent construction." [186] Salomonson had taken over as lawyer of the chief suspect, wealthy Surinam businessman Shyam Guptar [187], a friend of Desi Bouterse [188], and thus himself got involved in the case. Salomonson and Hammerstein were also accused of laundering Bruinsma funds through Verenigde Hollandse Sigaren / later Verenigde Handelsmaatschappij Scheveningen (VHS) [189], which rose to a market value of over 200 million euros. Ed Maas, a major financier of Pim Fortuyn's campaign for prime minister in 2002, was the main shareholder and chairman of VHS. [190] The charges never hurt him too much, because he didn't go to jail and today is roughly worth 250 million euros. Hammerstein, also deeply invested in Fortuyn's party, has always served as Maas' lawyer. [191] Also invested in VHS with a 30 percent stake were real estate baron Reinout Meier-Mattern and his partner Robert Jan Doorn, at the time suspected of ties with the Octopus gang of "The Hakkelaar". Never convicted on these charges, Meier-Mattern was later arrested in Belgium. [192] Doorn, who introduced hard core libertarianism into the Netherlands with his Phoenix Foundation in 1977, is probably the most colorful of all: he has been tied to 1001 Club member Maup Caransa (whom we will come across more often in this article), numerous money laundering cases, arms trade, drug trafficking, mercenary armies, the Octopus gang, the IRT affair, the Femis Bank, and a never-solved poisoning of a realtor. [193] Amazing company Hammerstein and Salomonson keep.
So, who are the mafia bosses "the Hakkelaar" and Bruinsma? Was there anyone behind them? Hard to say, but sometimes this appears to be the case. Allegedly Bruinsma's financial possessions, including his stock in VHS, had been secretly moved out of his reach weeks before his murder in 1991. [194] In 1996 there was a break in at the National Detective Team in which a laptop and several floppy discs went missing, allegedly with information on VHS on them. [195] As for the Hakkelaar, we know that Charly Wong, a fellow gangster and high level police informer [196], some time before his (unrelated) kidnapping, gruesome torture and murder, stated: "There are other people behind the Hakkelaar, which, in time, I will get back to. ... Those are the bosses, and these really work at the level of governments." [197] Maybe we shouldn't trust the word of a gangster, certainly not of an eccentric cokehead like Wong, but this particular statement might just be true. Other reports fingered Oscar Hammerstein as one of the Hakkelaars' legal advisors, which wouldn't hardly have been out of the ordinary. Hammerstein was also said to have ties with the Italian mafia. What made matters a little bit more sensitive, reportedly Hammerstein was often spotted in the company of then-Crown Prince Willem Alexander. [198] This only makes sense, considering his best friend, Frits Salomonson, was extremely close to the royal family. Hammerstein himself explained it wasn't unusual to find himself talking to Queen Beatrix whenever he picked up the phone for Salomonson. Back in the day, both Salomonson and Hammerstein were members of the elite Minerva fraternity, together with much of the royal family, not to mention Joris Demmink and Pieter Bakker Schut. Both also served as "praeses" (basically a squad or platoon commander) in the Minerva-linked Pro Patria ("Pro-Homeland") [199], a patriotic militia for drunk students that serves as a ceremonial guard during events associated with the royal family. Once a year Prince Bernhard came to talk to its leadership. Reportedly Demmink also served in Pro Patria.
Holland's most famous comedian, Youp van 't Hek, actually wrote a few words about Pro Patria in a 1990s fax to Frits Bolkestein, a right-wing Bilderberg participant who has played a central role in the rise of Holland's "populist" candidates Geert Wilders and Thierry Baudet. In his 1998 book Fax, we read:
"As you know I come from the circle of preppy frat boys and I inquired a little with some guys who in that period were stomping around at Leiden's Minerva. ... Don't let them tell you anything Frits [Bolkestein, a Bilderberg visitor], that Pro Patria is a very creepy little club about which the most disgusting stories are making the rounds. Stories I don't even dare to write down and which are so terrible that they couldn't have been made up by the most treacherous mind. Even if 10 percent is true, then you become uncontrollably nauseous for a long time." |
True, I haven't seen a truly authoritative source on Demmink being part of Pro Patria, but the fact that he was in Minerva already is enough coincidence really.
As for Klaas Bruinsma, a close "friend" of his from 1989 until his death in 1991 was the 15 years younger (future princess) Mabel Wisse Smit, at that point still a student. This information leaked out in 2003, just before her marriage with Prince Johan Friso, a younger brother of King Willem Alexander. Friends and family of Mabel subsequently claimed that Bruinsma and Mabel met each other through a sailing club that her stepfather Peter Wisse Smit, director of the large Rabobank in Blaricum, and Bruinsma both belonged to: the Nederlandse Zeil- en Roeivereeniging in Muiden. [200] Other reports indicate that Bruinsma and Peter Wisse Smit also knew each other from the Koninklijke Watersport Vereeniging Loosdrecht (KWVL), where Wisse Smit was a director and Bruinsma a financier. [201] It appears Peter Wisse Smit had become good friends with Bruinsma, either through Mabel or even before that, and introduced him to establishment circles. [202] He may well have been a contact of the Bruinsma mafia at the Rabobank also, looking at ties at the time between the Bruinsma mafia, including John Engelsma and porn king Charles Geerts, and the director of the Rabobank in Vlodrop, Limburg province. [203] Unfortunately, not a single investigation has been done into the background of Peter Wisse Smit.
And for that matter, the investigation into Mabel's ties to Bruinsma are also hopelessly incomplete. The first to expose the matter was Quote magazine. A reporter here picked up via old fraternity members that in 1989 a 21-year-old Mabel had brought along Klaas Bruinsma to a student party in Amsterdam. It was also reported that in mid-2002 friends of Mabel had asked fraternity members to be quiet about her past with Bruinsma, undoubtedly because her relationship with Prince Johan Friso was becoming serious. While the overwhelming response in the media was a deafening silence, Mabel soon thereafter did confirm that she had known Bruinsma, although denied having had sex with him. [204] Then it took another 2 months [205] for Peter R. de Vries to finally cause a national scandal by interviewing two former Bruinsma mafia members who claimed the ties between Mabel and Bruinsma had been much closer than she admitted to: they had had a love affair.
The most prominent witness of Peter R. de Vries was the Dutch-Chilean gangster Charlie da Silva. In 1984 da Silva was sent to prison on murder and cocaine smuggling charges. Guess who defended him? Oscar Hammerstein [206], who apparently at this point was getting involved with the Text Lite firm, along with law partner Frits Salomonson and the Bruinsma mafia. In prison da Silva gets to know Bruinsma. Soon thereafter 30-some crucial audiotapes against da Silva disappear and he is out of prison again in 1988. Immediately he becomes one of the more important bodyguards of Klaas Bruinsma. [207] De Silva also got to make another friend in prison: Peter R. de Vries' mafia buddy, Heineken kidnapper Cor van Hout. What a small world this is.
In 1989 da Silva sees Mabel appear at Bruinsma's ship. In his 2003 interview with Peter R. de Vries he explains that Mabel was the only girl allowed on board, that Bruinsma's bodyguard Tony Tines (died in a mysterious car crash in 1994, as investigated by De Vries) usually picked her up, that Bruinsma made him wear a suit after Mabel came around, that everybody carried guns and that bags of cash were brought onto the ship on a daily basis. Just about the only thing she wasn't told about were RPG rocket launchers that were on board, mainly just as toys to shoot with. However, it appears that Mabel is lucky that da Silva explains he liked her and won't tell the media everything he has witnessed. For some time it remains quite a spectacle to hear the gangster refer to a future princess in the royal family as "the tall one's" "broad" or "bitch". [208] De Vries himself seems reluctant to dig deeper into the relationship between Bruinsma and Mabel's father. [209]
In the following days other (formerly) organized crime members confirm the love affair between Bruinsma and Mabel: Han Jahae, Arie Olivier, Eef Hoos, and one or two others. [210] Reports place Mabel and Bruinsma not just together at an Amsterdam student party and the Neeltje Jacoba, but also at the Apollo Hotel, the Amstel Hotel [211], where Bruinsma operated from for some time, and the organized crime-linked Yab Yum whorehouse. [212]
Sure enough, immediately after these revelations a counter-offense began by other Bruinsma mafia members, including Bruinsma successor Etienne Urka [213], and friends of Mabel. First it is claimed that Mabel wasn't present or hardly present at the yacht of Bruinsma; then it is alleged that Mabel had a relationship with one of the ("innocent") skippers of Bruinsma's vessel while Mabel's friend Ottolien Lels claimed that she was the one who had a relationship with Bruinsma. [214]
Something is wrong here, however. Why would a mafia boss, one of Bruinsma's primary successors, cooperate with Mabel's friends in debunking a relationship between Bruinsma and Mabel? Curiously enough, back in March 1975, Urka may have provided the authorities with a crucial tip that prevented the kidnapping of Queen Juliana. [215] Also, in 1999 then Crown Prince Willem Alexander ran the New York Marathon with John Engelsma, who, together with Etienne Urka, was known to have taken over the Bruinsma empire in 1991. [216] Of course, soon after "Mabelgate" in 2003 Engelsma claimed that at the time Bruinsma was able to hide his criminal ties from Mabel. [217] Everything for queen and country it seems, also in case of the mafia.
Whatever exactly happened between Bruinsma and Mabel, the latter admitted that she met Bruinsma in 1989 and kept in touch until his murder in June 1991. Eventually she stuck to the claim that she spent six nights on the boat of Bruinsma. [218] That's a lot already. Maybe, just maybe, the claim of an anonymous organized crime member is true: that Mabel and friends used cocaine and slept with a number of gangsters until Bruinsma decided that Mabel was his. [219] Even pro-Mabel publications essentially admit that she and her friends were a little crazy, hopping on an airplane to Paris to seduce (and apparently sleep with) rich-looking men in return for expensive gifts. Apparently Mabel preferred Arab sheikhs. [220] Later on she had a relationship with Muhamed Sacirbey, who was soon arrested on charges of having embezzled large amounts of United Nations and Bosnian government funds. Reportedly Mabel was also a target for kidnapping by Servian intelligence in this period in order to put pressure on Sacirby. [221] She sure knows how to pick 'em.
Surely Mabel would have made an ideal CIA honey trap, but, let's face it, there is no evidence that she ever was. With internships at Shell, ABN AMRO, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and finally the United Nations, she did seem destined for high office very early on. Only one year after graduating in 1993, she founded the European Action Council for Peace in the Balkans, in which Margaret Thatcher and Valery Giscard d'Estaing became involved. Soon she became a key agent for the Open Society Institute of George Soros, which does little else than sponsor permanent pro-West revolutions in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Curiously, one of Mabel's Open Society Institute email addresses was found in a Scientology email list. [222] In any case, the relationship between Soros and Mabel flourished. In 2007 both founded the European Council on Foreign Relations. She almost seems to have been destined to marry a member of the Dutch royal family. If not, certainly a person of great "internationalist" standing. Unfortunately for Mabel, she lost her husband, Prince Johan Friso, after a skiing accident in 2013.
Is Bruinsma's early connection with Mabel a coincidence? Maybe. But there are an awful lot of coincidences here. Mafia bosses Klaas Bruinsma, Etienne Urka and John Engelsma all seem to have had close direct or, through Oscar Hammerstein and Frits Salomonson, very close indirect ties to the Dutch royal family. Rutger Schimmelpenninck, partner in Boekel de Neree and curator of Text Lite, also has very close ties to the royal family.
Let's also not forget about Bank van Lanschot, the largest investor in Text Lite, the firm associated with Salomonson, Hammerstein and the Bruinsma mafia. While Bank van Lanschot didn't seem particularly pleased with the collapse of Text Lite, the bank's head, Bib van Lanschot, still was deeply involved in the CIA's "stay behind" network, a close friend of Prince Bernhard, and a member of Prince Benhard's 1001 Club. Salomonson, for that matter, reportedly sat on the advisory board of companies belonging to the 1001's Freddy Heineken [223] and certainly used to be a lawyer for Heineken Breweries. [224] Then we have BCCI founder Aga Hasan Abedi, a Pakistani, who was also a member of the 1001 Club, and so was Rothschild banker Alfred Hartmann, an absolutely key BCCI official involved in Iraqgate and other affairs as well. The Pakistani-UAE-Belgian diamond dealer Fouad Abbas, who imported the majority of the (Pakistani) hash into the Netherlands by oil tanker in the late 1980s and early 1990s, in cooperation with Bruinsma partner "the Hakkelaar", used both the Femis Bank and the (Pakistani) BCCI to launder the proceeds. [225] The ISI was and is in control of Pakistan. Most likely they would have had to approve of Abbas' activities if he got his hash out of Pakistan in the same manner that throughout the 1980s, and possibly beyond, the ISI was the partner-in-crime of the CIA and Saudi intelligence in laundering heroin money coming from Afghanistan, mainly though the BCCI. [226] The proceeds were used to finance Mujahedin militias as those of Osama bin Laden.
Who is to say that Abbas, Bruinsma and "the Hakkelaar" weren't used as pawns in a game much larger than they were, much as Mink Kok seems to have been used time and again? They are allowed to flourish a little bit, receive a little protection, a little legal aid, and when their time is up some rival gang takes them out and that one gets the protection when necessary. It's entirely possible. But where would the manipulation of these mafia groups come from? Most likely CIA Gladio/"stay behind" networks, which, during the Cold War, revolved around Prince Bernhard and individuals as Bib van Lanschot and Cees van den Heuvel. So finding ties between these elements and organized crime might be less of a mystery than one would initially anticipate.
As for the legal aid, is it really a coincidence that the Moszkowicz family has been defending leading mafia bosses since the 1980s? Oscar Hammerstein's defense of Charlie da Silva is nothing compared to this. Let's see: Klaas Bruinsma, Johan "de Hakkelaar" Verhoek, Freddy Heineken kidnappers Cor van Hout and Willem Holleeder, Willem Endstra, Charles Geerts, a bodyguard and friend of Sam Klepper, as well as Surinam dictator Desi Bouterse. [227] Controversially, it was at the 1996 wedding of Bram Moszkowicz that (alleged child) porn king and Bruinsma heir Charles Geerts struck a deal with suspected "fifth Heineken kidnapper" Rob Grifhorst to buy sex theater Casa Rosso. [228] Until the disbarment in 2012, Bram Moszkowicz was the darling of the media, along with Peter R. de Vries playing a very prominent role in the public soap opera surrounding "Gangster, Inc." in the Netherlands.
Unsurprisingly, De Vries had daily lunches with Bram's father, Max, back in the 1980s, and also met Klaas Bruinsma a dozen times. [229] In 1992 and 1993, after accusations of Parool journalist Bart Middelburg, a criminal court twice ruled that the De Vries and Bruinsma indeed had engaged in a "mutually profitable relationship" when it came to reports about the Bruinsma organization. [230] Who knows, maybe even De Vries spotted Mabel during one of his lunches with Bruinsma. De Vries had a similar type of relationship with Freddy Heineken (1001 Club) kidnapper Cor van Hout, with whom he wrote a (best-selling) chronology of the Heineken kidnapping that has not gone entirely unquestioned. In 2006 De Vries even briefly expanded into the domain of conspiracy. He embraced millionaire JFK conspiracy theorist Wim Dankbaar with whom he produced a two hour documentary on the JFK assassination. The documentary mirrors the work of Jim Garrison: the overall conclusion that the CIA was responsible seems very reasonable, but the majority of witnesses and other evidence used is bogus. [231] Soon thereafter Dankbaar goes off the deep end with some of his theories and a major public feud erupts between the two men, with De Vries continually railing against the "conspiracy mafia". He has engaged in a similar feud with gangster Steve Brown, but more about that later.
Besides Moszkowicz as a mafia lawyer, we also had Pieter Bakker Schut, of course, together with his wife a long term protector/employee of the Baybasin heroin cartel, along with Klaas Langendoen. During the Cold War Bakker Schut defended the potentially CIA-Gladio-tied Rote Armee Fraktion. In 1999 he also defended Sam Klepper and John Mieremet [232], who came out of the Bruinsma organization [233] and had been in the possession of Gladio weapons. [234] He was also the lawyer for Mink Kok [235], who had numerous CIA, MI6 and AIVD ties. All of this has already been discussed, of course. While Kok's group was able to smuggle 15 tons of Cali Cartel cocaine with the aid of the CIA-connected IRT team of Klaas Langendoen, we shouldn't forget that it is entirely possible that also the Bruinsma organization was given a helping hand to prevent it from being broken up too quickly, or that it was used as one of many tentacles in CIA blackmail operations. As gangster Steve Brown wrote:
"The group of Lange Frans [Bruinsma] is known for its great eavesdropping equipment, among them bugs, directional microphones and hidden cameras. Every moment of the day they knew what the detectives of the IRT-Noord-Holland/Utrecht were doing. In what type of service cars, with type, license plate and color, in which investigation they were involved, which transport was happening, where and what they ate and when they flushed the toilet. "And not just the police, but also a well known Amsterdam whorehouse [Yab Yum?] was bugged. In special rooms [there were] hidden cameras and microphones... After all, only on paper is a joint like that in the hands of a couple of slick eels, while officially a man as Etienne Urka is calling the shots. Before the murder on Klaas Bruinsma, Etienne and his people had tons of fun in there, without ever having to pay a dime." [236] |
These lawyers buzzing around organized crime figures always remind of Belgian lawyer Jean Paul Dumont. This person defended numerous controversial figures in Belgium's history, but also had close ties to the fascist Gladio/"stay-behind" militias and Otto von Habsburg's network controlling them, along with the CIA. His name can be found in the Dutroux X-Dossiers, together with a number of CIA connected aristocrats and politicians, as well as the occasional organized crime figure. The Netherlands might well have a similar structure, but the media would have to dig deeper to figure out these ties.
If we look at accusations of child abuse, we see a lot of the same characters appear that have been discussed in the previous section. In 1996 Salomonson was accused by his neighbors of having sex with young boys, usually of Moroccan descent, and that at one point gunshots were heard inside the house. [237] The press preferred to only highlight the accusation that Salomonson had a "sex torture room" in his house. [238] It took 9 years, but eventually the neighbors were completely acquitted of any wrong doing, such as lying or making libelous statements. [239]
During Salomonson's trial another witness came forward, a former escort boy, affiliated with of Boys Club in Valks, who claimed to have offered a compromising picture of Salomonson in an SM outfit having sex with four boys to paparazzi magazine Prive. The editor of Prive, Willem Schmitt, who declined to publish the photo, confirmed the information. Asked why he didn't act on the information, Schmitt simply said: "I'm not going to press charges against the attorney of Her Majesty." [240] Also a couple came forward during the trial, which claimed to have observed Prince Claus, the late husband of Queen Beatrix and very close friend of Salomonson, having sex with a young boy. [241] Strangely, in 1982 Prince Claus and Salomonson were embroiled in a scandal that they had been visiting gay bars in New York during an official state visit. Infrared recordings would have been made by the Americans. Willem Oltmans, who also got himself involved with Georges de Mohrenschildt of the JFK assassination, was able to quash the scandal. [242] Also rumors exist that Claus was called back from his diplomatic post in Ivory Coast for similar reasons back in 1962, but less is known about this affair. [243]
Excerpts from the EenVandaag/Samson file.
Salomonson's name also appeared in the EenVandaag/Samson file, together with law partner and close friend Oscar Hammerstein:
"Oscar Hammerstein: Pedo and has been a customer of Alex [Maasdam]. 'On the back seat of the scooter with a little kid?? Frequented the homo and pedo scene. Knew much, but was vague about his role and significance. It was known that he and Salomonson were involved in the same practices. It is not known if he knew the network. Visited Alex, but never went into the bedroom [with kids]. Things were being arranged for him, however. ... "Fritz Salomonson: Boyfriend and lover of Hammerstein. Was also involved with him business-wise. Often made rides with boys and motorcycles and regularly held parties for the "in" crowd. Had contacts with Yugo boy and has recommended Turkey to JD." [244] |
While I can't find anything about Salomonson, Hammerstein most certainly is a motorcycle fanatic. [245] And as discussed, Salomonson, Demmink and Hammerstein were all members of the Minerva fraternity and the Pro Patria student militia (along with many members of the royal family). All three were gay and involved in the same line of work and seemingly the same illegal network. So there may well have been contact. We cannot say for certain if Demmink visited Turkey back in 1996, but that is actually not stated here; just that Salomonson brought up Turkey to Demmink. This detail is also not the biggest issue, because we are undoubtedly dealing with manipulation when it comes to accusations against Demmink. Remember, Klaas Langendoen, a key player in the Turkey aspect of the Demmink campaign, appears to have had a hand in Samson's bogus accusations against Hans Vrakking, the initiator of the Rolodex investigation.
Others around Hammerstein have also been accused of child abuse. Micha Kat accused his law partner Gerard Spong in the 2000-2011 period of pimping out his own son, Xander, to his pedophile homosexual friends. Maybe we should question Kat's claims, but reportedly the mother agrees. Kat also went over to Spong's house, had a lengthy discussion with him about the issue, and immediately thereafter had a row with Hammerstein who wanted to know exactly what Spong had said. At the time of the Demmink trial Hammerstein also publicly and rather irrationally attacked the credibility of Gay Krant editor Henk Krol, the person who published the 2003 article on Demmink. [246]
Spong is also one of these lawyers very much tied to national security affairs. Back in the mid-1970s, he was briefly part of a team assembled by Pieter Bakker Schut (there he is again) that was to defend the Rote Armee Fraktion. While Spong was much more careful than Bakker Schut in openly sympathizing with these terrorist murderers, he was still there. In between many notorious minor cases, in 1996 Spong defended the right-hand of "the Hakkelaar", Koos Reuvers. Moszkowicz himself defended "the Hakkelaar". Incredibly, in 1997 and 1998 Klaas Langendoen and Joost van Vondel of the related IRT drug trafficking affair (and later the Baybasin heroin cartel/Demmink case with Bakker Schut) picked Spong as their lawyer. Back in 1982 Spong lost four friends (of 12 in total) in the 1982 "December Murders" carried out by Surinam dictator Desi Bouterse. The dictator later claimed to have evidence that Spong "served as one of the most important informants of the CoPa-team [Cocaine-Paramaribo], the unit of police, justice and BVD that prepared the [legal] case against Bouterse." The original CoPa team, active in 1989-1990, was dissolved for reasons the investigators at the time couldn't understand. They also claimed that already at that point Desi Bouterse--defended by... Moszkowicz--was identified as a major cocaine dealer. Who knows, maybe the dissolving of the operation had something to do with Hammerstein and Salomonson's involvement at the time with alleged cocaine trafficker and money launderer Shyam Guptar, a friend of Bouterse. As the reader might remember, "the Hakkelaar", Klaas Langendoen and Joost van Vondel were all rather close to that affair. Actually a number of lawyers tried to tie these events together, but were prevented in doing so by the judges. Funny detail: Surinam dictator Desi Bouterse has also accused Spong, the son of prominent Surinam doctor, of having a "genetic defect" for "fondling boys in the restroom." Another coincidence?
We also find Spong and Hammerstein in the Pim Fortuyn case, along with Pieter Bakker Schut. Hammerstein was an important party member [247] and close friend of Pim Fortuyn [248], a raging and flamboyant homosexual who was assassinated a week before the 2002 prime ministerial elections. The first lawyer Volkert van der Graaf asked for? Pieter Bakker Schut. [249] Immediately after a close left-wing ally of Bakker Schut, Britta Bohler, took the case, handing it over to her employee, A.A. Stijn Franken. [250] Looking at her background, in 1991 Bohler joined Loeff Claeys Verbeke, the same law firm Salomonson and Hammerstein worked for a few years earlier. From 1994 to 1999 she was secretary of Greenpeace Nederland--which is actually co-financed by the very "left-wing" Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Ted Turner Foundation [251]--and in the 2007-2011 period served as a senator for the Green Party. Bohler has had a number of politically very sensitive clients, among them Kurdish PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, an ally of the Baybasins; Samir A. of the terrorist Hofstad Group; the anti-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who ended up leaving the Netherlands working at Richard Perle's American Enterprise Institute and visiting parties of the Rothschild family; and Maarten Mourik, whose case almost prevented King Willem Alexander from marrying his present wife, Maxima. Three years after the assassination of Fortuyn, van der Graaf received a little bit of aid with the very obvious AIVD information leak to crime reporter Peter R. de Vries (there he is again) that Fortuyn had been a child abuser. [252] Interestingly, I distinctly remember an old internet report from around 2002 that already made the accusation that Fortuyn was abusing Moroccan boys (like Salomonson). I haven't been able to find it again though, now 12 years later and the internet filled with reports from 2005.
In any case, Hammerstein and Spong tried to sue prominent members in the media and government for having demonized Fortuyn and creating the culture that led to his assassination. [253] In that sense Hammerstein and Spong seem to be representatives of the people and beacons of rationality. Or... maybe they were controlled opposition, diametrically opposed to the "environmental mafia" now picking up the defense of Volkert van der Graaf, with both helping to steer the public away from the question if the government actually killed Pim Fortuyn. As already reported in a previous article of ISGP, Fortuyn really was a rather sophisticated pro-Israel, anti-Arab neoconservative hardliner who came out of the Republican Society, a bizarre little network of counter culture figures, whether anarchist green party leaders or neocons like Pim Fortuyn. It only has about 100 publicly-listed members, but these include virtually all government-approved critics of Bilderberg and the royal family, along with an army of columnists for every Dutch newspaper that there is. It's a total controlled opposition outfit along the lines of the John Birch Society in the Netherlands, but specifically tailored to the needs of the Dutch state. You are a critic of Bilderberg? Fine. Be an outspoken Republican or radical green party anarchist or communist. Those are the possibilities. Theo van Gogh, Fortuyn's close friend who was butchered by an Arab in 2004, was a Republican Society member. Bizarrely, van Gogh and author Tomas Ross, also of the Republican Society, became involved in spreading clear cut disinformation about the Fortuyn assassination. Both also had family backgrounds in Dutch intelligence. [254]
This is also where Hammerstein comes in again. A friend of Fortuyn and also van Gogh, in 2004 he put up the funds for "alternative" media outlet The Stopped Smoker (De Gestopte Roker), a continuation of van Gogh's activist internet platform The Healthy Smoker (De Gezonde Roker). [255] It appears to have cost him several tens of thousands of euros a year. [256] This means he provided a new platform for soon-to-be major Demmink campaign leaders Pamela Hemelrijk and Micha Kat. Of course he got into a public row with Kat in 2014, but their interests clearly diverged. The other financier of the The Stopped Smoker was the More Freedom Foundation (Stichting MeerVrijheid), a predictably Old Right libertarian controlled opposition outfit. On its advisory board is a person from the Ludwig von Mises Institute and another with an extensive background in NATO, the Dutch version of the Council on Foreign Relations (Clingendael) and various conservative American institutes. [257] Controlled opposition inspired from the United States, that's all what it is.
In his 2014 book Hammerstein-- obviously--fiercely criticizes the green activists that targeted Fortuyn, comparing them to Muslim extremists. [258] However, let's face it, the green movement is controlled by the globalist group, in the Netherlands centered around Hammerstein's beloved royal family. For example, there are a few very clear hints to the 1001 Club and Rockefeller money in the Pim Fortuyn assassination.
On March 14, 2002, three environmentalists, who lived on an occupied farm, threw a cake in Fortuyn's face. Hammerstein went along to the police with Fortuyn to press charges. [259] One of the perpetrators? Baroness Pauline Tuyll von Serooskerken [260], a member of a sustainable development-obsessed family with three members in Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club and with additional ties to the British aristocracy. [261] One member of the family slithered into Fortuyn's LPF [262]; another joined the peculiar Party for the Animals. [263] Then we have the assassin Volkert van der Graaf, who for years worked closely together with the Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth ("Milieudefensie") [264], ran and financed by such individuals as Robert Anderson (1001 Club), Maurice Strong (1001 Club), the Rockefellers (1001 Club), Aurelio Peccei (subordinate of Gianni Agnelli of the 1001 Club) and the billionaire Ted Turner. [265] To this day, this fact is very hard to come by, as is the support of these same elements for Greenpeace, which started out as a nuclear protest group. In case of Friends of the Earth, it also has ties to the intelligence-ran UFO community, backed by these same interests. [266] While a right wing intelligence plant in this network immediately stood ready after the assassination to blame an organized and sinister "environmental mafia", secretly "controlled" by the green parties, and to explain that there was no direct tie between Van der Graaf and the cake throwers [267], both revolved around the tiny Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth. [268] So little reporting has been done in this area that in 2013 Baroness Pauline could go on mainstream television without questions being asked. She can also list on her LinkedIn to have worked for Milieudefensie/Friends of the Earth in 2010 without questions being asked. [269] Also underreported is the fact that Van der Graaf was already well-known in elite Privy Council/Council of State circles where we was filing a constant stream of lawsuits against the state over environmental issues. One person very familiar with him was Piet Hein Donner [270], appointed minister of justice a month after Fortuyn's assassination by the person who had his election as prime minister guaranteed with the death of Fortuyn. Such a small world, as always. Anno 2014 Van der Graaf is a free man, by the way, but this is not usual based on Dutch law.
There's one more important piece of (circumstantial) evidence against Salomonson and Hammerstein and it's a very personal one to ISGP. In 2009 this author found out that in the Dutroux X-Dossiers, first brought out by ISGP in 2007, the Westerflier estate in Diepenheim (next to Markelo) was named as one of the locations where children were abused by an establishment ritual abuse cult. The entire summary file reads:
"There is a group in HOLLAND, 300 people, who form a sect. They organize orgies with children (3 years and older). Members: attorneys, judges, police officers. ... "Meetings at country properties - hotels... Example: Villa WESTVLIER near MARKELO [and] NOORDWIJK beach. ... Rape and torture of children. Large meetings: 50 adults and 50 children - drinking, drugs, orgies, rape. Video recordings of abuse of children. ... "This [abuse] creates multiple personalities in children. Explanation of MPS [DID]. ... For example, MPS [DID] is created by introducing small children to a cat who is supposed to grow in them and become a panther. It monitors them to see if they want to talk or leave the clan. These are maintained by MPS [DID] psychotherapists. MPS even allows the continuous monitoring of adults by maintaining a [psychological] balance. ... "Children of members of the group participate in festivals. ... Meeting on the first Saturday after the full moon, Christian holidays, or birthdays. Groups of 12 children. ... A Christmas involves the sacrifice of a 1-year-old child who suffers abuse, but is replaced with a doll when the real torture begins. Mock burial of a 15-year-old child as punishment. "Member of the sect: Jacqueline BALM. Sect infiltrated by Rowin VERKIJK. Witness who provides physical evidence: [Rogier] Rumke [b. 1954 in Amsterdam]. The Dutch authorities do not believe the revelations of BALM and do not get involved. Statements and / or letters disappear. BALM disappeared on order of the clan." [271] |
Villa Westflier in Diepenheim, 1966, when it was a girl's home.
A quick check revealed that the Westerflier Villa has been the spare home of the Schimmelpenninck family since the 19th century. To be exact, it was bought in 1854 by Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (1821-1893). The family primarily lives at the neighboring Villa/Domain Nijenhuis, bought by another Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (1761-1825) in 1799. [272] The family also owns Castle Duivenvoorde since 1889. [273] As the reader may remember, a prominent member of the Schimmelpenninck family, Count Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (b. 1949) and law partner of Salomonson and Hammerstein, took control of the liquidation of Text Lite and, whether or not that should be held against him, for five years never found evidence of the fraudulent business practices of his partners or ties to the Bruinsma mafia. Here is Count Schimmelpennink's biography, as well as that of a cousin, a Baron.
Count Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (b. 1949): direct descendant of the family who has owned the estate since 1799); partner in Boekel de Neree 1979-1999; Curator for Fokker, Text Lite, the Dutch branch of Lehman Brothers, Barings Holland (head 1995-1996), and the DSB Bank; partner in Houthoff Buruma since 1999. Baron Coen Schimmelpenninck van der Oye (b. 1943): since 1991 chairman High Council of Nobility, in which the family has played an important role since the 19th century; director Prince Bernhard Culture Fund [274]; one of three directors of the in 2002 founded Stichting Sigillis Regiis Praesidio, related to intellectual property of House of Orange-Nassau. [275] |
Prince Bernhard's involvement in the Westerflier network was reported to me in 2010 by a person who spoke to one of the witnesses mentioned in the summary above and who has also supplied the ISGP site with various important documents. He invited me to talk to the same witness, but I declined, preferring to leave that task to journalists. Two other alleged perpetrators were mentioned too, but, while interesting, they are not worth the risk to mention: one is a lawyer who since 2011 has been appearing on various political talk shows. The other is a politician who has visited Bilderberg at some point.
Interesting detail of the former anonymous suspect: for quite some months on this person's LinkedIn page always an individual appeared at the top who has a banking background at ABB partners Basel, UBS Bank and Barclays Bank in an African country, but has also been educated at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar. Talk about a potential recruitment of the CIA...
Prince Bernhard, father of Queen Beatrix, with Prince Claus, husband of Queen Beatrix.
As for Bernhard, supposedly he was spotted on the premises of a cult event by a member of military intelligence that had infiltrated the cult. What I did find interesting and never realized until earlier this year is that virtually next to Villa Westerflier in Diepenheim, the one owned by the Schimmelpenninck family, Castle Warmelo is located. Prince Bernhard's mother lived here from 1952 until her death in 1971, together with her life-long live-in partner: Colonel Alexei Pantchoulidzew. Prince Bernhard, Queen Beatrix, Prince Claus and the kids would often visit here. At least two persons deeply involved in Intelligence & Operations, the Dutch "stay behind" network, reportedly also often visited Warmelo. [276] This wouldn't be particularly odd, considering Prince Bernhard was good friends with the first two CIA directors: General Walter Bedell Smith and Allen Dulles [277], with Bernhard's friends Bib van Lanschot and Cees van den Heuvel allegedly having played key roles in setting up this network. [278] Also, should we mention the alleged statement of a former CIA deputy director of operations that Allen Dulles put up a "pedophile academy" in the 1950s [279], or some of the other, related accusations against senior CIA covert operations personnel? Or that one of the most important persons in the Intelligence & Operations network, Cees van den Heuvel (check ISGP's index of institutes for his name to find key names and institutes in this network), brought a chapter of the MK-ULTRA-linked Human Ecology Fund to the Netherlands? [280] Maybe we should. In any case, Diepenheim was quite the cozy, aristocratic village. Some of the attendants of a 1964 horse riding event included:
"Mr. M.J.A.S. [mayor Mauk] Gerke [involved in the old round table conferences on the Dutch Indies] ... J.W.J. Baron de Vos van Steenwijk van Diepenheim, Mrs. W.M. Baronesse de Vos van Steenwijk. ... Mrs. T. Gravin Schimmelpenninck van Nijenhuis, Geb. von Meister, ... Colonel A. Pantchoulidzew... " [281] |
As the above oversight demonstrates, Prince Bernhard, his mother, the Schimmelpennincks, the (intermarried) von Meisters, and Princess Armgard all have long-standing ties to the old IG Farben complex. [282] The Schimmelpenninck/von Meister family primarily lived in the Nijenhuis Villa and/or estate. The Schimmelpennincks also owned the neighboring Westerflier Villa. [283] From 1948-1969 it contained a home for slightly handicapped girls and from 1969 to August 1975 it stood empty, after which the villa was divided into apartment blocks and different families lived here. [284] When did the alleged abuse take place? Hard to say, but one would think that prior to 1975 would be the most likely answer. And, as the original document says, Westerflier was just one of the locations.
Unfortunately none of the other locations are very specific. However, I did find another report in the Dutroux X-Dossiers that did mention a few specific locations:
"CONTACT with CATHARINA. She has contact with MEERT on 17 and 31/01/97. Person of 60-year-old whose name is Groen (according to her) [ISGP: this is a Dutch name]. She provides a diary. Her father is a rich businessman who owns a villa in LUGANO. All his life CATHERINA was abused by her father and his friends on satanic holidays. "She houses a person named Ruth CHAPMAN who is a former victim-participant in a satanic sect. She suspects that she still is a member of the sect. CHAPMAN gave her valuable documents and diskettes. CATHERINA gave them to Gd [Gendarmerie]. CHAPMAN would be part of a pedophile ring. Her assignment would be to abduct children in Belgium and bring them to the Netherlands for pedophile movies. "CATHARINA said to have undergone several abortions. From 9 years on it is common to give hormones to children to promote gender change [or increase the maturation process]. "She went to a place of abuse [at the] Italian consulate. In DORDRECHT the attic of the house IN DE SPIJKERMANDT is converted for use by a Nazi sect. Bodies disappear via a butcher in ROTTERDAM at the Van Hellemondstraat. The headquarters of the sect are in ZURICH at the Hotel du Lac. ... She was raped at the IEPENBURG airport, in GENEVA in an old United Nations house, and in BELGIUM Verviers: Old cloister: retirement home and a hotel opposite the station. LIEGE: near a police vehicle entrance, near the cathedral. JUMET: restaurant near a bunker. When she was 25 she witnessed a snuff movie at Lake LUGANO. "Members: Notaries VAN MAASTRICHT, GLAVINMANS and senior army officers. Victims come from Eastern European countries (Poland, ... )." [285] |
Let's see what we can find. The names "van Maastricht" and "Glavinmans" are more likely to be spelled as "van Mastrigt" and "Glavimans" or "Glaviman". Unfortunately no notaries can be found with these names, certainly no prominent ones. Ruth Chapman is a very common female British name and turns up nothing either. Most of the locations mentioned lack specific details, at least in this summary written down by the police. There are only two exceptions: the locations in Dordrecht and Rotterdam.
Dordrecht is a town close to Rotterdam. When we spell "In the Spijkermandt" as "In the Speykermandt", there indeed is a building located with that name in Dordrecht. It is an old warehouse in the Kuipershaven (Kuipers Harbor), built in 1715 by a merchant in nails (in Dutch: "spijkers"). After that it was a warehouse for sugar and wine. In 1929 the building became a residence. In 2009 it appeared to be a student home of some sort and today, anno 2014, a small company is located here. I guess it's safe to say whatever happened here is a thing of the past.
In de Speykermandt, 2009, decades after Dordrecht and Wassenaar judge Ernst Muller lived here.
An interesting detail is that this building does indeed have a very distinct attic, as the reader could have seen in one of the earlier ISGP articles on this case. Pictures from the inside of the attic, which I found at the Dordrecht Archive, indicate that it wouldn't have been a very ideal place for a cult. It's quite small, in part because beams are obstructing part of the walking space. Looking a little deeper, the neighboring Speykerhuijs had no interesting occupants. However, in the 1960s and 1970s a judge with the name "Ernst Muller" could be found living in "In the Speykermandt". Both first and last name sound very German, with "Muller" being the Dutch version of "Müller". Nothing is known about this person, except that he was a judge in Dordrecht and Wassenaar. [286] However, a judge with a double German name living in the Netherlands does little to quell rumors of a Nazi pedophile cult once having been active at this home. It's also not incompatible with the claim that roughly 300 "attorneys, judges, [and] police officers" were active in the Westerflier cult. Furthermore, maybe it shouldn't be overlooked that Wassenaar is considered the most elite town in the Netherlands. Would I love to know more about judge Ernst Muller.
Next up, Rotterdam, once the base of operations for Lothar Glandorf and Henk Smolders, at least when it came to the pedophile aspect of the network. The "Van Hellemondstraat" of Catharina sounds a lot like the Van Helmontstraat (Van Helmont Street), right smack in the middle of what has traditionally been a shady Rotterdam district known for prostitution - back when it was illegal and unregulated. The district mainly consists of larger and smaller warehouses and is part of one of Rotterdam's many harbors. And coincidence or not, it turns out that from 1971 and into the 1980s there used to be a meat processing plant at no. 21 in the Van Helmont Street named "Schop Vleeswaren & Conservenfabriek" ("Schop Meat & Preservation Factory"). [287] The street is approximately 250 yards long. The meat factory occupied up to half of one end of the street.
Van Helmontstraat, 2009. On the right is where the meat processing plant used to be.
Is there any truth to the claims of Catharina? Who knows, maybe it's one of many pieces of disinformation. But I know one thing for certain: if I were affiliated with the police or Justice Department, I'd be digging all over this place in the Van Helmont Street, in Diepenheim, and be looking into judge Ernst Muller.
Is the Westerflier/Schimmelpenninck link to the accusations against Salomonson and Hammerstein just a coincidence? Might be. It might also be a coincidence that the Bruinsma mafia and its heirs are linked to child abuse. Or its associates for that matter. Hash importer Fouad Abbas, who sold hash to the Hakkelaar-Bruinsma mafia, laudering the proceeds through the Femis Bank and BCCI, was reported to be involved in human trafficking and child prostitution. Justice chose not to investigate these claims, largely because it had recruited Abbas as a crown witness against the Hakkelaar. [288]
Readers might remember "Rob B." (Rob Boon), who, together with Salomonson, Hammerstein and Abbas was involved in apparent money laundering at Text Lite, Stichting Administratiekantoor Korf and the Femis Bank, largely for the Bruinsma mafia. It was already mentioned that Boon was also targeted by the Justice Department for fraudulent practices at Advideo. A quick look into this last company reveals a whole new cesspit with various claims being made involving famous Dutch media personalities, cocaine parties, sex farms, Dutch intelligence-financed assassinations to protect the royal family, and seemingly a violent child abuse network. The generally very accurate and informed Dutch conspiracy-research Kleintje Muurkrant didn't go into too much detail, because its editors decided that they "would like to last a little longer." [289]
As for the Bruinsma mafia itself, first a minor recap. Bruinsma's heirs, after he was assassinated in 1991, was the triumvirate Etienne Urka, John Engelsma, and Charles Geerts. Urka helped save Queen Juliana in 1975 and Engelsma was spotted running the 1999 New York Marathon with then-Crown Prince Willem Alexander. Both were supporters of Mabel Wisse Smit when she ran into trouble due to her history with the Bruinsma mafia. So was Geurt Roos, an important bodyguard of Bruinsma. Charles Geerts has no known ties to the royal family, but is known to have been rather friendly with mafia attorney Bram Moszkowicz.
Engelsma and Geerts, together with Amsterdam Red Light District mafia boss Gerard Cok, also ran a major international porn business with the name Scala. From Hong Kong to New York Scala has been linked to "money laundering and tax evasion ... a series of murders, drug trafficking, pornography, and millions of dollars in allegedly dirty cash." [290] Along with drug trafficking, the most frequent accusation against Scala, including one from Scotland Yard in 1987, is that it distributes child pornography. [291] The Scotland Yard detective named a second company belonging to this triumvirate that was involved in child pornography: Videorama. Because I lost access to Lexis Nexis and other databases, I had to limit myself to Google for information on this company. Nothing to be found. Except--by sheer "coincidence"--the EenVandaag/Samson file that also mentions Oscar Hammerstein and Frits Salomonson as clients of pedophile pimp Karel Maasdam. It indeed ties Videorama to the Bruinsma mafia, which Geerts has always been part of. Here are the relevant portions related to the Bruinsma mafia:
"Charles Geerts: - Alias: Fat Geerts... - Was link to Bruinsma; - Financed films of Maasdam; - owner of Skala at the time. Geerts was the portal to the underworld and also [the one] to take care of connections between the under and upper world. It was known that he preferred very satanic sex and also with extreme child fantasies. For a long time, until 93, Geerts bought up almost all productions of Alex. What was [considered] less [interesting] went to Gero [in Germany] or to Belgium or to the United States. Geerts was considered a leader in the porn world and in distribution, but had a guy in the office who did the homo scene. "Klaas Bruinsma: - Possible alias: Hennie van Videorama, where tapes of Maasdam went. - Would have contact with Maasdam via Fat Charles Geerts. - Bodyguard Geurt Roos came at Maasdam. ... Hennie as nickname is unknown to me. ... Bruinsma's rol and inroads to the network are still not clear to me. From experience I only knew that there were financial channels between Alex [Maasdam], Lothar [Glandorf] and Dave and Fat Geerts. It was also typical that for reasons unknown--and also without anybody being supposed to know--I myself had to drive to the house of the group with Alex because he needed money. ... "Various people from the Bruinsma group often came to the home of Alex, who facilitated a lot for them through Iwan [Mahabier] or others. Iwan was the forward post of the Bruinsma people/group and Alex [Maasdam]... [He had his] own tel. no., own security, own guest rooms, etc. ... [He] did the lady customers. Also did private gigolo, surprise acts and stripping. [Note: anno 2014 Mahabier can be found as a stripper on Myspace] Has been on the air in the Taxi program. ... [Iwan] was directly of the Bruinsma group. Acted tough, but was only a petty thief. ... Was often useful as arrant boy. ... Considering his size, background, etc. certainly a dangerous guy. Officially I experienced twice that he had to do jobs/clean ups. In one case it made the media. ... "Geurt Roos: - Bodyguard Bruinsma; - Came at the home of Maasdam. Was the first line of contact with the top of Bruinsma and heirs. Also made sure that the furniture of Bruinsma came to Alex and arranged for weapons. ... Occasionally he was at the room with primarily Moroccan boys, but according to his own words was bi. Sometimes Roos also brought money and videos to Geerts." |
What more is there to say? The accusations against Bruinsma, Geerts, Scala and Videorama speak for themselves. And this same group has its ties to members of the Dutch royal family. Not mentioned yet, in 1989 Geerts put up a $500,000 bail for U.S. porn boss Reuben Sturman, a good friend of his. [292] Back in the 1970s and 1980s Sturman and his partner Robert DiBernardo, both working for the Gambino crime family (DiBernardo was murdered on orders of John Gotti, soon after he (once again) was indicted for production and distribution of child pornography), maintained a virtual monopoly on the hardcore porn industry in the United States. [293] They were also repeatedly accused of involvement in the production and distribution of child pornography, which until the late 1970s still was somewhat sanctioned. A gigantic portion of this type of material actually was imported from the Netherlands at the time. [294]
We aren't done yet. The biographies of Charles Geerts and business partner Gerard Cok already appeared in ISGP's Beyond the Dutroux Affair, because Cok, through the firm All Meat, was a shareholder in the Belgian night club Co-Cli-Co. [295] Victim-witness X1 testified that her close fried Clo had been tortured to death here. Her pimp, Tony Vandenbogaert, was another shareholder in the club and helped provide children to the elite of the elite in Belgian society, among them leading Bilderberg, 1001 Club and Cercle members as Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, Paul vanden Boeynants, the Lippens brothers, Etienne Davignon, Karel van Miert, etc.
The EenVandaag/Samson list also reminds us of the 2004 letter of Bart van W. which also reported that Klaas Bruinsma was in regular contact with elements of the homosexual pedophile network:
"Boys Club de Amstel ... ran by a certain Mr. Kroner [Kreuner]. A business partner of him was liquidated in the 90's, an acquaintance of de Dominee [Klaas Bruinsma], who regularly visited there. ... Getting back to Piet van Haut: This fantasy-filled caricature also brought along a certain Marc [Dutroux], later known as the Monster of Belgium. This Marc had contacts with Duscedo, of the imperium of the gentlemen Tukkers and consorts. [Incorrect, unclear sentence follows, so loosely translated:] With Charles Geerts pulling the strings." [296] |
One thing the EenVandaag/Samson file does is tie together many of the pedophile pimps in a very coherent way. Lothar Glandorf, Henk Smolders, Alex Maasdam, Warwick Spinks and a host of others I never heard about before are discussed in quite a bit of detail. Looking at a few scattered newspaper reports about these individuals, one gets the impression that everyone is doing their own thing. However, maybe the EenVandaag/Samson file paints a more realistic picture with its explanation that all these pimps are in business with each other, with the mafia and various government persons never far away. Excerpts from the EenVandaag/Samson file about leading pedophile pimps can be found below. Be wary of any statements related to Joris Demmink:
"Cor Nouwens: - Previous owner Music Box [formerly gay bar with boy/man escorts]. Cor Nouwens hails from Breda. I spent my youth with him. He had a photo studio and was famous early. I lived next door to his parents. Was and is pedo. ... Through Cor and Alex I unfortunately got to know the network. Cor arranged boys for Alex and vice versa. Music Box was the hustler joint of Amsterdam. Cor knows a lot, but is very reserved and afraid [to speak]. "Karel Maasdam, alias Alex Pet...: - Attorney, Madem. - Address: Insulindeweg 106-D, Amsterdam. ... Way too much, so discuss separately. "Ben de Aannemer (Ben Bril?): - In direct contact with 'famous mostermerk' (???) In my opinion the leader of the network in combination with two others: Englishman Warwick [Spinks] and Rotterdammer/German Lothar [Glandorf]. "Lothar Glandorf: Together with Ben the leaders of the network. The impact and power of him was vastly underestimated. In Rotterdam he was the king of the homo scene. Was and is very dangerous... I have even seen Lothar on multiple occasions with Ben and Hans [Holthuis] and JD [Joris Demmink] for appointments in the weekend and out on the boat. "[Glandorf] had a lot of power and influence over Dave and Alex [Maasdam] and also visited them 2x p/week to trade boys and persons. Always went on to Ben in Amsterdam North. Dave also managed other people and had 2 guys who arranged the dirty work, or he called in Geerts/Bruinsma. "Henk Smolders: - Address: Kubuswoningen, Blaak, Rotterdam. ... Was the general manager of Lothar. Many of the boys in the circuit knew him and were very negative [about him]. "Warwick Spinks: Got to know Warwick at Cor Nouwens. ... Loved them real young. Was also often seen with Dave. At a certain point he regularly stopped by at Alex's during the week. When I heard what he was involved with I knew he was the real leader of the network together with Ben. Very carefully through the backroads he went to Belgium and England [and Eastern Europe] to get very young stuff for escorts. Where he got them was never talked about. ... [Brought boys to live] at [Ger van] Roon or with Ben. When I saw somewhere around 92 that he and Mostert together left in the government car of JD I knew that more was at play. However, I do not now what. Also Holthuis was taken various places by Warwick. Warwick was never seen together with Bruinsma people. At a certain moment Warwick went to arrange trips and more to Bodrum and to Prague without informing Alex and this hurt the relationship. Especially because Demmink and Holthuis were almost exclusively seen with Warwick in this time period. Salomonson has also once been in the car with people who went to Prague which had been organized by Dave and Warwick and in which Joris Demmink was also involved. ... Warwick had a large and expensive apartment close to the Music Box (always two boys stayed which he never used or took with him) and he either had lots of money or nothing. "Robbie van der Plancke: - Killer of [Gerrie] Ulrich; key in the Zandvoort case; still in prison. ... The connection between the pedo network, Alex, Belgium and the [Apollo] yacht, who also personally knew Demmink and Ben. Worked at Dave and at Alex for a brief while and was often seen with Warwick. Always carried a lot of cash and pretended to be the guy who made it. He was also involved in at least two discussions of the Bruinsma group in relation to an incident on the Apollo [ship]. "Arthur Tukkers (8-6-1948, Amsterdam): ... Director recording room Dusedo-Moi ... Unimportant... [A wholesaler in erotic articles for gays; reportedly also controlled by Charles Geerts] "Alex Kreuner: - For a while owner of The Boys aan de Amstel. Just as Cor Nouwens and others [involved] in the network... Played the big boy, but wasn't. "Manuel Schadwald (victim from Germany) : Brought into the milieu by his own father for money. Really was a bit of scoundrel, but Lothar like him and his father occasionally would be allowed something in [the] SM [domain]. Was invited by Alex because he fit with Demmink. Became a victim of a boat ride with extreme sex. Arranged via Ben and Bruinsma [heirs] that he disappeared. Father who was there was put under pressure. "Gero: - Producer for child porn in Dusseldorf. ... This business is controlled by the German mafia. Even Alex didn't have direct access to the bosses." |
Foreigners come in, disinformation comes out
Interestingly enough, soon after making a first reference to Prince Bernhard possibly having been involved in a child abuse network, I noticed that similar statements began flowing around, except maybe a little less credible. Although, in this specific case my own source may not have been very reliable either. Normally he simply provided documents.
Already with the 2012 mini-documentary Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers Rule a Nation, produced by rather obvious CIA disinformers Klaas Langendoen and the Rockefeller/Soros-favorite Adele van der Plas, I had the distinct impression that some of the material was inspired by ISGP's Beyond the Dutroux Affair.
In 2013 the "testimony" of victim-witness Toos Nijenhuis came out with accusations of ritual abuse against Prince Bernhard and high level people in the Catholic clergy. While "Nijenhuis", in relation to the Westerflier Cult, might be a coincidence, also here I got the impression that Beyond the Dutroux Affair was being imitated to an extent. Although, I have to admit I didn't watch her "testimony" beyond 2 minutes, simply because it's almost impossible to understand what she was saying. The recording is very bad and Toos is crying non-stop.
Another highly curious coincidence is that the first interviewer of Toos Nijenhuis is a Canadian priest with the name Kevin Annett. Isn't that curious? Unlike the United States or the English-speaking world in general, the Netherlands, or mainland Europe, had no sophisticated online disinformation network. The mainstream media ignored a lot of issues, but there weren't giant floods of organized disinformation spreading across the internet on mainland European issues. It happened, but was relatively mild. Since 2003 we have our own Alex Jones, Micha Kat, but he has always been pretty marginal, largely due to his unprofessional site(s), some of them pretending to be independent from each other. [297] One would think he could do better on a covert salary of roughly 4,000 euros a month from businessman Jan Poot. [298]
Then, in 2012, Kat's disinformation campaign against Demmink gets a little support from a peculiar Jack Abramoff-affiliated Dutch-American: Robert Rubinstein. In no time the smear campaign against Demmink, with the active involvment of one of Holland's largest newspapers, reaches such a scale that a (fake) trial is unavoidable. What's the purpose? Good question. Possibly to put pressure on certain aspects of the Dutch government. Possibly to deaden the nerves of the public and the mainstream media, so that in the future they will never take accusations of high level child abuse seriously again. Possibly to discredit the alternative media as a bunch of crazies. Possibly to clog up the internet, making it next to impossible to find anything credible. Possibly all at the same time.
Can one take serious the literally thousands of conspiracy "non-blog", "non-sites", and "non-Youtube" channels that have been established? It is absolutely mind boggling. Take Toos Nijenhuis. Within a year she has close to 70,000 different references in Google. Her story has spread to at least hundreds of different sites. Although, sites? No, "non-sites". Cheap, made-in-an-hour, copy-paste non-sites. A tiny, miniscule sample of the sites with Toos Nijenhuis' name on them, together with their Mozrank:
barracudanls.blogspot.com (4.83) sacredintuitiveelements.com (0) misdaadjournalist.nl (3.79) eassurvey.wordpress.com (3.91) hetuurvandewaarheid.info (3.83) dublinsmickdotcom.wordpress.com (3.28) christianspooksite.wordpress.com (4.58) theshamecampaign.com (3.24) niburu.co (4.97) dondevamos.canalblog.com (4.09) |
galacticconnection.com (4.62) alertsweden.bloggo.nu (3.75) olympiczion.nl (3.68) dionidream.com (4.38) theflowofperceptions.blogspot.com (3.56) theglobalelite.org (4.25) terragermania.com (4.59) tora-yeshua.nl (4.39) wijwordenwakker.org (3.74) teoriadaconspiracao.org (4.22) |
These are some impressive rankings. Let's compare: Amazon: 7.94. Youtube: 7.66. New York Times: 7.31. Rense: 6.43. Infowars: 6.37. Daily Mail: 6.06. Old ISGP.eu: 4.62. ISGP today (backup): 3.29. Old ISGP made the 4.62 ranking only after multiple links of Infowars and Rense. Old ISGP also had maybe 40-50 Wikipedia links. Where do these other sites get their high rankings from? Most of them should have a ranking of 0 to a maximum of 2. It appears many different sites, whether they oppose or support each other, get pretty decent ranking, even when there is nothing of substance on them.
Also, just looking around at these sites and it really seems as if ISGP is being paid careful attention to. Just the other day I noticed a new Youtube video that mentions many of the names ISGP considers to be behind 9/11. It's largely a rip off of ISGP's 9/11: Surpranational Suspects article, except that a bunch of disinformation has been added. And... it has 600,000 views within a year. My much more accurate version can't get 600 a year at this point in 2014. So who's steering so many viewers to all these BS videos and ignoring much more accurate ones? Networks of sites as those above.
I first noticed Annett during the process of writing ISGP's Coast to Coast AM article on a podcast of Alfred Webre, who enjoys talking to "Tolec" from Andromeda. In 2014 Annett released more "information" from a "witness" with the name Anne Marie van Blijenburgh who stated that those involved in child abuse network include Queen Beatrix, Prince Friso, Princess Mabel Wisse Smit, former justice ministers Piet Hein Donner, Ernst Hirsch Ballin and Ivo Opstelten, ranking justice official and intelligence services overseer Harm Brouwer, prime ministers Jan Peter Balkenende and Mark Rutte, prominent neocon opposition figure Geert Wilders, chief of staff for defense General Dick Berlijn, globalist financier George Soros, an Elsevier crime reporter and a number of other prominent people. Organized crime, the old "Octopus" network specifically, takes care of procuring the victims and cutting them up during meetings. [299] While pretty much no one touches ISGP, in a short period of time, Annett's information was copied by such sites as:
mijnvrijdenkersruimte.blogspot.com (3.57) nieuwsvaneuropa.wordpress.com (2.06) weoccupyearth.wordpress.com (3.15) followingworldchange.wordpress.com (3.75) childabuserecovery.com (3.86) ashtarcommandcrew.net (0.00) |
keltisch-druidisch.de (5.29) vereniging.vrije-mens.org (4.45) verborgenwaarheid.nl (0.00) ommekeer-nederland.nl (4.48) alberichswahrheiten.wordpress.com (2.59) stopmensonges.com (4.22) |
Clearly whoever put these testimonies together knows his way around Dutch politics, the NGO structure, and the underworld, but still, I was a little quiet while reading this, simply because it is hard to understand that nobody is getting prosecuted. I would instantly file charges, especially easy to do if 15 of my friends and associates are also smeared and when I know all the biggest lawyers on the planet. Of course, the basics of the story don't seem to check out at all, but isn't it strange that the information seems to mirror the information presented in this article? Even the name Johan Friso, who was rumored to be gay before he met Mabel, appeared in the EenVandaag/Samson File (EenVandaag: "Would know more about the pedo network" Samson: "Discuss later"), along with leaders of the Bruinsma mafia. Looking at these people's disdain of anyone with even the most polite questions about Bilderberg or Demmink, I certainly wouldn't put them above some of the accusations made here. Populist Euroskeptic and anti-immigration activist Wilders is also a very peculiar individual. He could become prime minister in any election at any time, but due to the occasional overly confrontational remark regarding Muslims he always manages to push away just enough people to prevent his election. (update: Wilders did it again in March 2017. He caused a HUGE drop in ratings - he was alone on top for much of the preceding year - in the weeks before his election by not showing up at any debate) Also seeing years back how he was promoted oversees by the ultra-radical Zionist and neocon outfit, the Intelligence Summit, I have always suspected that Geert Wilders is a recruit of an intelligence agency of some sort, as has happened a lot with communist and Euroskeptic parties. Examples of the latter are the UK Independence Party (UKIP) of Sir James Goldsmith and a bunch of Cercle-affiliated persons; and the U.S. Tea Party, backed by Richard Mellon Scaife. This has been discussed in various older articles of ISGP.
Of course, all this doesn't mean at all that these senior Dutch politicians are involved in Dutroux-like activities. Believe it or not, I'm still quite skeptical of that, even for Belgium. However, I also consider the possibility that we are dealing here with a Jean Pierre Grafe and Elio Di Rupo-type affair, as described in Beyond the Dutroux Affair. Public accusations of child abuse were made against these individuals some time before rumors of the X-Dossiers arose. These accusations were, however, bogus and quickly fell through. They were pushed by a chief of police whose name I found in the Dutroux X-Dossiers as a child abuser. In that same dossier, I also found accusations against Grafe and Di Rupo, accusations that were never made public. It appears the purpose of the controlled release was to help discredit the upcoming X-Dossiers and one gets the impression that Grafe and Di Rupo knew to just bend over and take it, because at any point more accurate rumors could begin to surface. I think this is a possibility with Demmink also, or even the "leaks" of Anne Marie van Blijenburgh. Just implicate everyone and everything to drown out any future accusations that might be real. This has already happened in the United States years ago with Cathy O'Brien and the like.
There might be another foreign link in the Demmink Affair: Adam Curry. From May to September 2008 he headed My Wake Up Call on Arrow Classic Rock where he regularly discussed conspiracies. Nothing really revealing, just the usual material: the illuminati, the New World Order, etc. Tweets of him include "SBS=Illuminati Control*** John de Mol=Illuminati Master". Curry's daughter goes right along with these tweets. [300] During a half-decent 9/11 speech on the air with My Wake Up Call he immediately let's his audience know again where he comes from when he throws out the sentence: "Of course we have something in the world called the New World Order, which probably goes back to the Romans or something." It was also Adam Curry who put Micha Kat on the air on July 10, 2008 to talk about the Demmink affair, and with that, presented Kat to a large audience that had never heard of him before. As usual, Kat was way out of line with his statements about Demmink: Demmink raped "hundreds" of children, Demmink was the one on the 1994 phone tapes, and more false or unsubstantiated accusations along these lines. Needless to say, Curry and Arrow Classic Rock were put under legal pressure to not make the broadcast available afterwards via mp3. Some suspect that the Micha Kat affair played a role in Curry's dismissal after only a couple of months, but the fact is, listeners preferred music over Curry's early morning ramblings, especially because there's an already existing shortage of this type of music on the Dutch radio.
Here are two interesting coincidences, however, that shouldn't be ignored: in the late 1990s Curry bought the home of Frits Salamonson [301] and... his uncle in the United States is none other than Donald Gregg [302], a person who should already be familiar to avid ISGP readers. Gregg was a senior CIA employee from 1951 to 1982, including a few years as the South Korean station chief. From 1982 to 1989 he was national security advisor to then-vice president George H. W. Bush. Gregg, Bush, CIA director William Casey and Frank Carlucci, then at the Defense Department, were all part of the same little subversive CIA clique that appears to have purposely taken over the White House in order to prevent another overly "left-wing" Jimmy Carter. During the subsequent Bush administration, Gregg became the U.S. ambassador to South Korea, after which, from 1993 to 2009, he was chairman of the Korea Society, with friends as George H. W. Bush and Alexander Haig on the advisory board. Gregg was involved in several other NGOs: the CFR, the Council of American Ambassadors, the United States Asia Pacific Council and the Pacific Century Institute (chair). The latter two institutes also put Gregg in close touch with South Korea, which seems to be his main personal interest.
On to the controversial side of Donald Gregg: not only is he considered an absolutely key person in the Contra cocaine importing scandals alongside Bush, Colonel Oliver North, Felix Rodriguez and CIA director William Casey, he's also the one who granted establishment pedophile pimp and blackmailer Craig Spence access to the White House for a number of midnight tours, together with boy prostitutes, some of them underage. [303] This resulted in the well known June 29, 1989 newspaper headline Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush: 'Call boys' took midnight tour of White House. The strange thing about this affair is that it was largely exposed and documented--and very in depth--by the Washington Times, controlled by the South Korean Moonie Cult of Sun Myung Moon, who, as a virtual General Douglas MacArthur worshipper, appears to have been deeply involved in these kind of pedophile networks. [304] Because Donald Gregg has been so invested in South Korea over the years and was the one who brought Craig Spence to the White House, one can only wonder about the depth of his involvement or at least his knowledge about these networks. His name also surfaces in the testimony of CIA officer Richard Brenneke as having been a key player in the October Surprise and the international cocaine and heroin business with the Gambino and Gotti crime families in an effort to raise funds for illegal anti-communist operations. [305]
Clearly there are parallels here with what is happening in the Netherlands. Also here a lot of attention is being given to homosexual pedophile activities, with its heterosexual counterpart pretty much ignored. For what purpose? Good question. All this certainly makes one wonder how close Curry is with his CIA uncle, a close ally of the Bushes whom Curry insinuates are behind 9/11. It appears he's pretty close actually, and not just to Gregg. In the past few years he has occasionally made tweets in support of his uncle. [306] On August 20, 2014, Curry also helped him promote his memoirs:
"My uncle Don Gregg has written his memoir. A fantastic book from a true American patriot. His message is not always in line with the established order, in fact he writes about deliberately defying an order out of personal dedication to what is right, and right for his country."
[307] |
Among the four responders to an accompanying tweet was Cat Buckley [308], an associate editor of Vanity Fair magazine. A quick check reveals that she is a granddaughter of William Buckley, Jr. [309] of Skull & Bones, Knights of Malta, CIA and National Review fame. She's the daughter of Christopher Buckley, another Skull & Bonesman who used to be the chief speechwriter for vice president George H. W. Bush, at the same time that his father-in-law Donald Gregg was Bush's national security advisor. Until 2011 Christopher Buckley was married to Lucy Gregg, Donald Gregg's daughter. I guess that explains why Curry is close to both the Gregg and Buckley families. One wonders if he has met the Bush family in person.
Possibly Curry is familiar with the Hunt family also. In the 2007-2008 period, years before Christopher Buckley divorced, he was also known to have a relationship with Jolie Hunt. [310] It appears Jolie Hunt, who has been photographed attending a party together with Cat Buckley, is a member of the famous Hunt family, also of CIA fame. The Buckleys and Hunts have been very close ever since William Buckley, Sr. and E. Howard Hunt--of Kennedy assassination and Watergate fame--struck up a close friendship. [311]
As for Curry's choice of women, his present wife, Micky Hoogendijk, lost her first child in a car bomb, with her husband at the time, artist Rob Scholte, losing both of his legs. There were suspicions that the bomb was really meant for Oscar Hammerstein (there he is again!), but it seems Scholte had plenty of unsavory connections of his own. Later on, around 2004, Hoogendijk had a relationship with Tjalling van K.V., who in 2009 turned out to be the biggest (party) drug dealer on Ibiza. He had his apartment stacked with XTC pills and LSD. Tjalling was not just anyone. Vrij Nederland, for example, was wondering aloud why an apparent beach bum like him had so many friends with expensive-sounding double surnames and well-paying jobs back in the Netherlands. His brother and sister, the latter the owner of a posh interior design store on the expensive Amsterdam Prinsengracht, protected Tjalling and even sent expensive gifts to the Guardia Civil in a clear attempt to pacify/bribe the Spanish authorities. [312] No, once again high society doesn't seem to be so polite and boring as we always assume it is.
Hoogendijk is not really important here, however. Curry is the real question. One wonders how it is possible that Curry is honestly exposing the Bush family over 9/11 and that at the same time his family is best friends with the Bushes. It certainly seems Curry has no need to embarrass himself on public radio, because he can get all his conspiracy questions answered by his family. Maybe the most likely explanation is that he is used as a trusted disinformer, as family relations seem to play an important role in the high level intelligence networks, simply because family, especially ones that are not poor, are the easiest to trust. William Buckley, Jr. was even mentioned in ISGP's recent article on Coast to Coast AM. Retired Jesuit Malachi Martin used to work for his National Review before becoming a bogus Vatican demonologist and exorcist on the huge Coast to Coast AM radio show. Maybe that's where they should send Curry also.
Does it really matter that Annett generates his bogus data or that Curry loves to talk about the Illuminati and New World Order? Hard to say. Credible information that comes out in the future will be taken less seriously and is easier to bury. On the other hand, broadband internet has existed since the turn of the century and look to what extremes the national security state has to go to keep conspiracies from leaking out. While people might not know any specifics for a long time, public consciousness could still shift to being open to conspiracy and to acknowledge that truths are being hidden in piles of garbage.
Speaking of piles of garbage, one more curiosity I noticed recently is Steve Brown, an America-born former criminal and "crime reporter" who these days spreads around a lot of anti-Demmink internet disinformation of the brand we discussed earlier. He might be a decent clue as to what type of people are being used to spread disinformation.
Anyone who has seen Brown's Youtube videos knows that he is a slightly borderline. Brown has been stalking crime reporter Peter R. de Vries since the late 1990s, ever since an exposé of De Vries exposed Brown's fraudulent practices and led to him being fired as a freelance agent by mainstream outlets as Panorama and RTL. When Brown refused to leave De Vries alone, further exposés followed: ties to organized crime, heavy cocaine use, an incredibly aggressive temper, and other fraudulent practices he was involved in. De Vries also exposed how Brown tried to bribe a cocaine-addicted Rony Ostrowski ("Ronny O.") into a confession that he knew De Vries was taking bribes from organized crime. Furthermore, Ostrowski explained he had earlier provided fake anonymous testimony for one of Brown's documentaries. [313]
Yes, that's your leading Demmink critic right there. It gets worse. There exists a video on-line in which Brown is having a discussion with an old acquaintance of him: Sam Klepper, who, together with his friend John Mieremet [314], was one of the most violent gangsters the Netherlands has known. As already mentioned twice earlier in this article, it was also at Klepper and Mieremet, who used to be part of the Bruinsma mafia, that weapons from a Gladio/"stay behind" cache were found back in 1991. [315] Rony Ostrowski, by the way, was tied to the 1977 kidnapping of Dutch businessman Maup Caransa [316], yet another member of Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club. Caransa also featured in a story related to the drugs bank Femis. [317]
While most people would without question take the side of Peter R. de Vries in this conflict, de Vries himself is also plenty controversial. Back in the 1980s he used to have daily lunches with Max Moszkowicz, from whom he learned the ins and outs of criminal law. [318] We mentioned the Moszkowicz family earlier as decades long lawyers of organized crime figures Klaas Bruinsma, Johan "de Hakkelaar" Verhoek, Freddy Heineken kidnappers Cor van Hout and Willem Holleeder, Willem Endstra, Charles Geerts, as well as Surinam dictator Desi Bouterse. Geert Wilders has been another client of the family.
In this period De Vries had already struck up a great friendship with Cor van Hout. Based on his information De Vries wrote a bestseller on the Heineken kidnapping, which in 2011 was also turned into a movie. The two split the royalties, with repeated claims that the other Heineken kidnappers received their share through Van Hout. [319] In more recent times, the book has been criticized for a lack of accuracy, but without diving deep into the affair it is hard to say who is right. But, of course, it is hard to imagine that De Vries would have put anything in the book that would have upset Van Hout. In the late 1980s and early 1990s De Vries was also meeting with mafia boss Klaas Bruinsma, with a judge later ruling that the two had engaged in a "mutually profitable relationship." [320]
During his career as a crime reporter on national television he has produced a number of important politically sensitive coups. These include the facts that Mabel Wisse Smit had a closer relationship with Klaas Bruinsma than previously assumed and that Pim Fortuyn was indeed shadowed by the intelligence services. He also did a very decent special on the Gladio operations in the Netherlands.
On the other hand, why De Vries in 2006 allowed himself to get involved with and even rely on millionaire conspiracy theorist Wim Dankbaar with regard to the JFK assassination is anybody's guess. Unsurprisingly, since that time De Vries and Dankbaar have also had very public feuds over a variety of conspiracy-related issues. Dankbaar is behaving like the stereotype conspiracy theorist: he is often very irrational in his conclusions and tends to stalk his victims of what he sees as conspiracies. De Vries takes the opposite stance, always criticizing the "conspiracy theorists" or the "conspiracy mafia." The Demmink case is a great example. As already discussed, in October 2012 he was placed opposite to Algemeen Dagblad reporter Koen Voskuil, who made use of three criminals to produce additional testimony regarding Demmink's guilt. One of these witnesses, of course, has been recruited years before by De Vries in order to drag a confession from "best friend" Koos H., a pedophile serial killer. This was never mentioned in the newspapers or on the air. As for De Vries, he represented the other end of the spectrum:
"It is quite an interesting story and that is also the reason that a couple of years ago I myself dove into the [Demmink] case, because the thought that the top bos in the Justice Department might have been a pedophile and pulled all kinds of strings, that charmed me quite a bit as crime reporter. I wouldn't have hesitated to go after him if there was a core of truth in there. Subsequently, for a couple of months, I dove into that, together with my colleague Kees van der Spek, and I've done quite an extensive investigation into the same complex of facts and I just have to say very honestly that I absolutely didn't find a shred of evidence. And what I see is, despite that, that a small clique of conspiracy theorists continually keeps regurgitating these facts and that things even go as far that in the AD it is claimed that this Joris Demmink may have been involved in the murder of Marianne Vaatstra. ... It's really too insane for words. ... Turkey... To get back to those pedophile charges, I really did my best to find a link in that, but [didn't find anything]." [321] |
This opinion of De Vries might largely be true, but he is not helping anyone by drawing attention to potential motives behind the attacks against Demmink, like has been done in this article. What has been created at this point--once again--is two polar opposites: De Vries and various allies in the media versus a bunch of stereotypical "conspiracy theorists" like Wim Dankbaar, Micha Kat and Steve Brown. In this case the "gullible" mainstream media has been caught in the middle. What about the strange ties of these "conspiracy theorists"? What about Klaas Langendoen and Pieter Bakker Schut? What about the Baybasin heroin cartel? What about De Vries' own background?
This type of artificial Hegelian Dialectic seems almost universal in conspiracy matters. Going back to Kevin Annett for a moment: most sites just copy-paste his information. But also a few equally cheap-looking websites have been set up that claim he is a fraud. But none of them point to the bigger picture. The tactic seems to be to provide something for everyone: for the believers and the skeptics, but nothing in between. And, of course, to confuse the heck out of anyone even remotely interested in these subjects.
Possibly we should see the feud between Micha Kat and the Moszkowicz family in the same light. In 2011 Kat also hired himself a Moszkowicz, Yehudi in this case. Within months the two were at each other's throats, with Kat writing stories with titles as Yehudi M.: The Jewish Nazi-Lawyer and things along those lines. Subsequently a frustrated Yehudi uses his car to drive into a group of followers of Kat. More lawsuits follow. [322] But in 2014, at the (fake) trial of Demmink, everything seems to be perfectly fine again between the two. [323]
It seems conspiracy land is held together with negative energy of public feuds. And in this past year I can't help but think that the good old CIA-controlled Gladio/"stay-behind" network has been and still is used as a control mechanism in the Netherlands. At the top relations pass through the royal house of Orange with its domestic and foreign Bilderberg friends, although I very much doubt if they have influence over anything that is going on domestically or internationally. Surrounding them is a army of lawyers and intelligence operatives--divided in loyalty between liberal and conservative elites--that help in the management of primarily the media and organized crime. Some of the key operatives appear to be, or have been, the Moszkowicz family and a few of their trainees, Pieter Bakker Schut and Adele van der Plas, Klaas Langendoen, Oscar Hammerstein, Frits Salomonson, and Peter R. de Vries. Everyone affiliated with the Republican Society, dominated by anti-royalist conspiracy writers, columnists for all major newspapers, a few media personalities, and a number of neocon and green-left politicians, belongs in the same category. It's seems to be so crucial that both the mainstream and alternative media are controlled that money nor effort is being wasted in maintaining that control. Organized crime as well as jails in general might just be a very effective recruiting ground. Steve Brown is not the only online activist that I have seen with criminal ties, or alleged criminal ties.
If we look at the 1001 Club, with all its bizarre intelligence operatives, Maup Caransa and Freddy Heineken were both members. Caransa was originally said to be kidnapped by the Rote Armee Fraktion, quite possibly a Gladio operation whose very supportive lawyer was later Demmink critic Pieter Bakker Schut. However, the kidnapping appears to have been done by organized crime. Who knows, but then we have personalities as Peter R. de Vries and Steve Brown revolving around the affair. Heineken was kidnapped by gangsters that Peter R. de Vries has had a profitable relationship with for decades. In 2012 one of the kidnappers, Willem Holleeder, was even allowed on national television to speak in front of hundreds of students. The RARA fires at the Makro in the 1985-1987 period might fit in the same category. The owners, the Fentener van Vlissingen family, of the 1001 Club, complained about the lack of action by the police and government to catch the terrorists, who reportedly were acting in the interest of black South African nationalists. [324] As described in ISGP's American Security Council article, at the time there existed a huge feud between conservative and liberal elites about whether or not to implement black majority rule. The conservative elites ran extensive terrorist and assassination campaigns to prevent South Africa from being "taking over by the communists." Key persons of the Dutch Gladio, Prince Bernhard and Bib van Lanschot (whose sister married a Fentener van Vlissingen), were also members of the 1001 Club. This is not to say that a Fentener van Vlissingen or other 1001 Club members are true "liberals"--everything is relative compared to the conservative establishment. In the same article that Fentener van Vlissingen was criticizing the government's response to RaRa, he also explained just how worried big business was about communism and socialism during the Cold War:
"In the early 1970s the SVH transferred its holding to the Dutch Antilles. 'Just as during the years prior to the Second World War, we decided to transfer part of the capital to another hemisphere.' It weren't just the Russians the SVH-leadership was afraid of, but they also feared the rise of socialism in Europe. 'For the first time France and Italy were about to get communist governments. And the left of the Labour Party in England was also very significant. If it were to come between a monster alliance between them and Brezhnev and the socialist structures in Europe, we would be able to continue with the company outside Europe." [325] |
Not discussed until this point is that the name Kees Lunshof, a name already dropped for years by Micha Kat and who also appears in the EenVandaag/Samson file. EenVandaag tried to verify through Samson that Lunshof was a friend of Joris Demmink, that he had tried to shield Demmink from negative exposure, and that he himself may also have been a customer of pedophile pimp Alex Maasdam. Samson's only answer was: "About this I'm ready to speak in a later stadium." [326] Until his death in recent years, Lunshof's column for the Telegraaf was considered key reading material by everyone in the upper levels of government and the houses of parliament. Maybe he was not quite the Seymour Hersh of the Netherlands, but certainly something approaching that. While filling in the biography of 1001 Club member Frits J. Philips, for whom Bib van Lanschot worked for quite a number of years, I also ran into Kees' father, Henk Lunshof, who during the Cold War was considered a rabid anti-communist, certainly for Dutch standards. Throughout his career the elder Lunshof worked for Elsevier magazine of the powerful Van den Brink family, involved in the 1001 Club and also founders of the shady Republican Society. While no accusations of child abuse exist in relation to these persons (although the 1001 Club is filled with them), the following account about the circle Kees Lunshof came from once again makes it abundantly clear just how concerned these business magnates are with the unhindered flow of democratic process and to what extent they may be cooperating with the intelligence services:
"[1001 Club member Frits J.] Philips had been approached by H.A. Lunshof [Henk Lunshof; co-founder and chief editor Elsevier Weekly 1945-1947, editor 1953-1959, chief editor 1959-1965, continued as a writer until 1973; died in 1978], who was on a crusade against the leftist tendencies in the liberal press. The controversial Lunshof was columnist and chief editor of Elsevier. His position was in jeopardy, however, because the anti-communist course of the weekly magazine under his leadership wasn't doing the subscription growth any good. ... "In the advisory meeting of 25 March 1964 [1001 Club member Sidney] van den Bergh [whose nephew became chair of the Dutch Republican Society] told that he had heard from [Philips director] Guepin that at Philips 'serious consternation has arisen about the editorial course of the NRC and that they were willing to make funds available to change this course.' According to van Lennep these same feelings towards the NRC could also be found in Rotterdam business circles. "In a next meeting Van den Bergh, who at that point could hardly still take Lunshof serious, said that Lunshof claimed to have gotten insight in dossiers of the German secret service through German president [Heinrich] Lubke. From these it became clear to him that the communists were trying to infiltrate the Dutch newspapers and that they had succeeded in this at the Handelsblad and the NRC with several young editors. So the worries of Lunshof and the NRC did not just go for the NRC, but also, to a lesser extent, the Handelsblad, of which 'many prominent Amsterdammers', according to Lunshof, thought 'there was a threat that it would move too far into leftist water, especially due to deputy editor Hofland.' To increase the pressure, Lunshof hinted to Van den Bergh of a potential withdrawal of Elsevier as publisher of the Handelsblad and the erection of a rival newspaper. "Van den Bergh and other commissioners of the Handelsblad didn't trust the manipulative Lunshof one bit, but did share his worries about the "red ideas" of the NRC. However, in discussions with the NRC management and their colleagues the commissioners of the Handelsblad were quickly satisfied [commissioners tend to be much more powerful than officially given credit for] after finding out that over there they also were not interesting in the red virus and that banning leftist ideas from the newspaper could be seen as a joint objective." [327] |
I'll give it a 50-50 chance that the elder Lunshof participated in one or more meetings of Le Cercle, which, of course, has its own fair share of visitors accused of running child abuse networks. In any case, the affairs surrounding 1001 Club members Caransa and Heineken reminds one of similar events in Belgium. Remember what CIA "stay-behind" terrorist Martial Lekeu reported, as discussed and sourced in the Beyond the Dutroux Affair article:
"When I joined the Gendarmerie I became a devout fascist. At the Diana Group I got to know people who had the same convictions as me. We greeted each other like the Nazis... "[Our] plan consisted of two parts: a cell political terrorism and a cell gangsterism. I worked in the cell gangsterism. I was one of the specialists who had to train young guys with rightist leanings, to knead them into a well trained gang prepared to do anything. After that I had to break all contact with them, so they could exist as an independent group and do robberies without them realizing they were part of a well-planned plot... "They'd have two plans. The first one was to organise gangs to do hold up of hostage, you know, killing; the second one was to organise the so called "Left movement" who will do a terrorist attempt just to make believe, make the population believe that these terrorist attempts were done by the Left." |
Who says our network of prominent Dutch gangsters hasn't been groomed to some extent? Maybe they were approached with good deals and various kinds of protection they haven't been aware of. Remember how things were in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s? All the major mafia bosses were on the payroll of the CIA and used for anti-Castro operations. In the mean time the FBI pretended to the public that organized crime didn't even exist. In the mid-1970s many of the key mafia bosses were offed before they could be brought in front of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), which had reopened the investigation on the Kennedy assassination. What about the Netherlands? Who says organized crime figures in the Netherlands act completely independent? Who says it isn't managed? Something for the media to focus on as entertainment for the masses? Something occasionally to be used to justify increased spending on police forces? Add to this the occasional Muslim terrorist threats or attacks to justify increased budgets for the intelligence services, etc. Who says this isn't what is happening? What is this alleged business between Tansu Ciller's heroin trafficking network, the Baybasin Cartel, and the Dutch state? Or what about Klaas Langendoen and the Cali Cartel cocaine imports? The Israelis and British training these cartels? Even in recent times we have Enrique Prado, an alleged drug trafficker and mafia hitman working at the top levels of the CIA, Blackwater and the War in Terror in general. The Netherlands is a small cog in a transatlantic network largely policed by the United States. We have a lot of investigating still to do.
I'm not sure what is the most important aspect of this article: a discussion of the evidence against Joris Demmink, putting the case in perspective to other accusations or to a supranational CIA-controlled drug trafficking network, or maybe simply the presented evidence that the royal house of Orange has been rather cozy with domestic organized crime and pedophile elements. I'll let the reader decide on that.
Of course, unless it has to do with superficial issues, the royal family is really above reproach. But is it really so strange to suspect that a Prince Claus or a close friend as Frits Salomonson has actually been involved in child abuse? A lot of the family's associates in Bilderberg and the 1001 Club have been accused of these kind of practices. And what was that scandal again in Great Britain from 2008? Indeed, the butler of the Queen Mother for over 30 years was accused of being a pedophile by three different victims. [328] The British Queen's private warning to the butler of Diana, "There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge," [329] is not particularly soothing either. What are the chances that those powers, whatever they are, are not active in the Netherlands also? Probably not too big.
As for Demmink, whatever his exact beef, or lack of it, was with Turkish prime minister Tansu Ciller or the Baybasin heroin cartel, in the end I have to say that I'm not entirely convinced that he is guilty of pedophilia. That having been said, I think it is highly curious to see how strenuously a Peter R. de Vries or Demmink's colleagues in government are trying to shield him. I think the rumor of Demmink having had sex with a boy in his government car in Belgium, where the legal age is 16 instead of 18, is suspect. His young Czech "boyfriend" Libor Ctvrtlik from 1993 to 2000 is even more odd, especially knowing that Ctvrtlik starred in what appears to be a homosexual porn movie with numerous underage "stars". As for Ctvrtlik himself, we don't know how old he was in 1993, which, of course, is very odd, considering the amount of official and unofficial investigations opened against Demmink.
What I find especially curious when it comes to virtually all mainstream and alternative reports about child abuse is that it involves homosexual pedophilia, at least when it comes to the Netherlands: Salomonson, Prince Claus, Demmink, Wabeke, Holthuis, Wooldrik, Hammerstein, Spong, Fortuyn, Francken, Lunshof, a number of pimps, as well as accusations against a number of prominent media personalities by Bart van Well. It almost seems as if only homosexuals are capable of child abuse in the Netherlands, which, of course, can never be true.
Literally the only non-homosexual pedophile ties discussed in this article have been brought in by myself: Westerflier and Catharina, but these cases are not given even one percent of the attention compared to the "evidence" against Demmink, even though it represents an incredibly bizarre coincidence with the Frits Salomonson case and might well be the most interesting lead pointing to a top level child abuse network in the Netherlands with the full knowledge of the royal family. 300 "attorneys, judges, [and] police officers." is also something quite different than the isolated case of Demmink or even a Salomonson. In other words, this is a case that should be given priority, along with the Catharina case where certain important statements have been verified as correct.
One thing is certain though, also in the Netherlands, at the highest levels of government, and its affiliated NGO network, child abuse of any kind seems to be no big deal. There's an incredible amount of indifference internationally at this level. Taking the amount of accusations in consideration, at the very least this alone should be seen as a little suspicious.
2016: Prince Bernhard accused of serial child molestation in mainstream news
You look at the elite pedophile Westerflier Cult Prince Bernhard supposedly was involved in and you look at the pedophile accusations against Prince Claus (Bernhard's son-in-law), against King Willem Alexander godfather Frits Salomonson, against Prince Bernhard's British and Belgian Bilderberg friends, against some of his 1001 Club friends, and then you look at some of his CIA and domestic intelligence ties, or links between the royal family and the Bruinsma mafia, and you just know that something is wrong, not just with Bernhard or his family, but with the entire superclass ruling the West. Still, it is always a bit of a surprise when additional information comes out along these lines, but in late October 2016 it happened again.
October 27, 2016, De Telegraaf, 'Biografe Withuis: Prins randde tienermeisjes aan; Meisjes niet veilig bij prins Bernhard' ('Biography Withuis: Prince molested teen girls; Girls not safe with Prince Bernhard'):
Prince Bernhard has molested young girls in Soestdijk Palace. This is revealed in the biography of Jolande Withuis about our former Queen Juliana. For six years she worked on the book, which counts no less than 800 pages. Withuis reaffirms the image of the scoundrel of Orange, the nickname Prince Bernhard received. From her biography:
"Governess Nitschmann locked her door to keep the prince away from her body. Her very young successor was sexually molested by him. A 16-year-old guest was groped by the prince under her blouse and kissed on her mouth in her guest room; she was able to kick him out of the room and poured her heart out to a trusted staff member; who believed her, considering she had been familiar with Bernhard's behavior from various other sources. A young member of Juliana's theatre club was molested by Bernhard when she accepted his invitation to look at some paintings, after which the play director wouldn't allow the youthful actrice to walk the palace by herself anymore whenever the prince was home."
From her biography it also becomes clear that Queen Juliana was a lonesome woman and that her marriage with Bernhard was even worse than was known until now. Withuis writes that Prins Bernhard has systematically humiliated her from the beginning of their relationship: "He may be a prince, he isn't a gentleman", cites Withuis an observer who saw that Bernhard treated Julian "most undesirably" during their honeymoon. Bernhard was often away for travel, leaving Juliana alone a lot."
Partial list.
Justice Department and Cabinet
Joris Demmink Justice department |
Source(s): March 5, 2014, Nu.nl (largest Dutch news site), 'Demmink and officers named in child abuse case' ('Demmink en officieren genoemd in zedenzaak'): "The names of Demmink and the three officers, - Holthuis, Wabeke en Wooldrik... " Born in 1947. Graduated from Leiden University in 1971, where he was a member of the elite Minerva fraternity. Joined the Judicial Affairs Department, Defense Department, in 1971, alternate head 1973-1977, head 1977-1982. Educated at NATO Defense College in Rome 1975-1976. Surinam coordinator at the Defense Ministry 1981-1982, during the coup period. Minister of justice from November 1982 to November 1989 under prime minister Ruud Lubbers, Frits Korthals Altes, brings Demmink to the Justice Department in 1982. Director Directie Police (Police Oversight), Ministry of Justice, 1983–1988. His task is to improve the efficiency of the police at all levels. Chairman Organizing Jurisprudence (Organisatie Rechtspleging), Department of Justice, 1988-1990. Director-general, Jurisprudence (Rechtspleging: the administration of justice), Ministry of Justice, 1990-1993. Director-general, International and Immigrant Affairs, Ministry of Justice 1993–2002. Secretary general, Ministry of Security and Justice (known as the Ministry of Justice until 2010), 2002-2012. Retired in 2012 at age 65. Demmink's ties to the Dutch and international elite: Advisory board member E.M. Meijers Institute, law faculty, Leiden University, anno 2014. Member supervisory board and conference participant, The Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HIIL), 2009-2012. Cooperated with the Center for International Cooperation (CILC). Since at least 2008 a member of the Club of The Hague, which acts as the advisory council of The Hague Process. Details discussed further down in this article. June 13, 2007, Een Vandaag (Dutch TV), 'Again consternation over secretary-general of Justice' ('Opnieuw ophef over secretaris-generaal van Justitie'), Socialist Party (SP) MP Krista van Velzen interview: "With this accumulation of accusations that this man would be involved in the abuse of young children, it doesn't seem out of the ordinary for me to put this man on non-active. I have asked the minister of justice which arguments he has to not do that, because I would love to know. To be honest, I really can't come up with any arguments to not put this man on non-active." June 13, 2007, Een Vandaag (Dutch TV), 'Again consternation over secretary-general of Justice' ('Opnieuw ophef over secretaris-generaal van Justitie'), Labor Party (PvdA) MP Aleid Wolfsen interview: "A top official can't be embroiled in controversy. Either there is no ground underneath [the accusations] and then it has to be helped out of the world very quickly, or when the top official remains controversial, he can't function. And if there's a criminal investigation opened against him or is about to be opened, he really can't function either." Rob Mostert and Hans Bakker (chauffeur until 1996, 2 years FT for Demmink; two years before PT; promoted in 1996) were his chauffeurs. |
Henry Hans Holthuis Justice department |
Source(s): Ibid. Solicitor/Advocate-General at the Court of Appeals in The Hague 1985-1988. Principal of the Training and Education Centre of the Judiciary in Zutphen 1988-1991. Chief Public Prosecutor of the District Public Prosecutor's Office in Zwolle 1991-1995. Chief public prosecutor and head of the National Office of the Public Prosecutor's Service of The Netherlands, based in Rotterdam 1995-2000. Appointed registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in 2000. December 12, 2000, ICTY press release: "Throughout his career Mr. Holthuis has made contacts with numerous international organisations, including Procureurs de la République in France, the Special Anti-Mafia Prosecutor General in Rome, and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] and Drug Enforcement Agency [DEA] in Washington. Mr. Holthuis is a member of a number of national organisations including the Dutch Association for the Judiciary, of which he is a member of the board and for the last four years has been Chairman of the Public Prosecutors Section." The Nieuwe Revu and the Metro newspaper revealed his identity as one of the two district attorney's in June 2007. |
Jan Wolter Wabeke Justice department |
Source(s): Ibid. Gay. Utrecht University. Chief justice in Utrecht 1986-1988. Cantonal judge 1988-1992. Attorney general at the Court of Justice, The Hague 1992-1994. Chief justice Breda region 1994-2001. Director of the Dutch branch of the WWF. Financial officer Klachteninstituut Financiele Dienstverlening. Appears to have been bribed by Delta Lloyd in 2008. Judge at the Court of Appeal in The Hague and deputy judge at the Court of Appeal in Amsterdam 2010-. Member supervisory board Catharina Ziekenhuis Eindhoven. Chairman supervisory board Het Blauwe Fonds and Design Academy Eindhoven. Justice (deputized) bij Court of Appeal Amsterdam. |
Henk Wooldrik Justice department |
Source(s): Ibid. Born in 1942. Justice officer at the Public Prosecutor's Office in Amsterdam and Haarlem 1974-1990. Chief of justice in Zutphen 1996-2001. Chief of justice in Haarlem 2001-2004. |
Job de Ruiter Defense secretary |
Source(s): October 24, 2006, Pamela Hemelrijk (used to work for Holland's largest newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, but also a radical) column in Metro newspaper: "And then we aren't even talking about the then Secretary of Defense Job de Ruiter, who, I read, not only was guilty of this cover-up [defective landmine affair in which top Army officials were involved], but was also blackmailed over the fact that he was committing immoral offences with underaged boys." *) January 1, 2004, Hans Laroes, editor in chief of the NOS News, to the Council for Journalism: "[Detectives] spoke about a 1998 investigation [Rolodex], ran from a very secret location in Utrecht: an investigation into a network of top public officials, two [of 19] district attorneys, a former minister [Job de Ruiter], a former attorney of the Queen [Salomonson] and a single professor [Ger van Roon] who would have sex with underaged boys.". Born in 1930. Law professor at the Free University of Amsterdam. Attorney general 1977-1982 under prime minister Dries van Agt. Secretary of defense 1982-1986 under Ruud Lubbers. He and Lubbers tried to place nuclear-tipped Tomahawk missiles at Woensdrecht Air Base, but this effort failed. Prosecuter-general in Amsterdam 1986-1990. Leader of the European Mission Chairman of the Srebrenica investigation in 1995. His identity in the 1998 Rolodex investigation was revealed in a column in the Metro Newspaper on October 24, 2006. Chairman supervisory board Nationale Postcode Loterij (largest Dutch lottery) and the Nationale Sponsor Loterij until 2001. Member Fireworks Disaster Enschede Commission (Commission-Oosting) 2000-2001. |
Royals and lawyers
Hammerstein and Spong also accused.
Frits Salomonson | Subsidiary
subdistrict court judge in Amsterdam. Judicial advisor to Queen
Beatrix, the daughter of Prince Bernhard, and Prince Claus 1976-1996.
Friend of Beatrix since her student days. "Uncle Frits" to the children
of Beatrix and Claus. Member of the Guardianship Council of Prince
Willem Alexander, the son of Queen Beatrix, until 1996. On the advisory
board of Banque de Suez in the 1980s. Lawyer for Banque de Suez Holland
in and around 1992. Long time associate of lawyer Oscar Hammerstein,
who has numerous ties to Dutch organized crime. Head of the advisory
board of a company named Text Lite 1984-1986, and remained on the
advisory until the company collapsed in 1990. The collapse of Text Lite
would grow into a scandal by 1994. Partner in the law firm Boekel de
Nerée 1991-1995, where Rutger Schimmelpenninck was another partner
(since about 1979). Schimmelpenninck became the curator for Text Lite,
but eventually withdrew as he did not want to file a claim against
Salomonson. Mentioned (but not by name) in the Van Traa Commission
papers as a significant money launderer for the Klaas Bruinsma empire through the company Text Lite. Withdrew as advisor
to Queen Beatrix over this affair. Lives in Belgium these days. |
Prince Claus | 1926-2002.
Husband of Queen Beatrix since 1966. Not a spectacular career. In 1982
there were reports that Claus and Salomonson had been visiting gay bars
in New York and that the Americans had taken pictures of their
escapades. An unpublished Der Spiegel article over that affair also
mentioned sources from Bonn that claimed Claus had been called back from
his diplomatic post in Ivory Coast in 1962 because of improper sexual
behaviour and because he had an affair with an East-German diplomat (KGB
blackmail?). Until this point, there's no reason to have taken up Claus
in this list. That changes when one learns that during Salomonson's
trial a sworn testimony of a couple came to pass in which they claimed
to have seen Claus in a brothel in a compromising position with a 12 or
13 year old boy. True or not, there's enough circumstantial evidence here to not let this go unreported. |
Prince Bernhard | Rumors of involvement in Westerflier Cult (details provided in private to author), followed by accusations in October 2016 of Bernhard having been a serial sexual molester of women, including underage ones. |
Warwicks Spinks and others also mentioned in the EenVandaag/Samson file.
Ger van Roon Professer |
Source(s): March 5, 2014, Nu.nl (largest Dutch news site), 'Demmink and officers named in child abuse case' ('Demmink en officieren genoemd in zedenzaak'): "The names of Demmink and the three officers, - Holthuis, Wabeke en Wooldrik... The investigation was focused on Ger van R. [Roon], professor at the Vrije Universiteit."
Professor of political history at the Free University of Amsterdam. A friend of Joris Demmink. Children from eastern Europe who came in from Amsterdam's central train station often went directly to the apartment of van Roon, where "sinister sex parties" were held, according to police files. Van Roon was in contact with such members of the pedophile underground as Karel Maasdam, "German Willy" (transported children) and Lothar Glandorf. The latter ran an elaborate pedophile brothel in Rotterdam and traded in hundreds of children from England to eastern Europe (Demmink was a client of his brothel). March 5, 2014, Nu.nl (largest Dutch news site), 'Demmink and officers named in child abuse case' ('Demmink en officieren genoemd in zedenzaak'): "The names of Demmink and the three officers, - Holthuis, Wabeke en Wooldrik... The investigation was focused on Ger van R. [Roon], professor at the Vrije Universiteit. ... According to [witness Leendert] de Koter, there is every indication that Ger van R. was protected. It appears he was tipped off that his phone was being tapped. He also clearly was prepared for a search of his home, according to the former detective. "The coffee was standing by, one could say." ... A request with the then-National Detective Information Service to put observation teams on Demmink and the officers was rejected by the head of the service, according to De Koter. The head at that point was present Amsterdam police chief Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg.The so-called preliminary witnesses hearing of, among others, De Koter is taking place at the request of Stichting De Roestige Spijker [The Rusty Nail Foundation]..." |
Karel Maasdam Pedophile pimp |
March 6, 2014, De Telegraaf, 'AIVD onderzocht vermeend pedo-netwerk': "Een informant in het Rijksrechercheonderzoek Rolodex, eveneens gericht op pedonetwerken, had de hoofdofficieren destijds genoemd als klanten van de Amsterdamse ’kinderpooier’ Karel Maasdam, die in opdracht van rijke pedofielen handelde in minderjarige jongens. In het BVD-onderzoek werd ook bancaire informatie opgevraagd van professor Ger van Roon, die bekendstond als pedofiel en wiens huis gebruikt werd voor pedoseksfeesten..." Pedophile pimp. His clients included justice officers Wabeke, Holthuis, Wooldrik. It appears Maasdam had ties with Klaas Langendoen, Joost van Vondel and Mink Kok of the IRT drug trafficking affair, who used him to spread disinformation. March 6, 2014, De Telegraaf, 'AIVD onderzocht vermeend pedo-netwerk': "The cause of that was an accusation of participation in a pedophile network by Richard Samson, bookkeeper of child pimp [Karel] Maasdam, at the address of Hans Vrakking, the chief prosecutor in Amsterdam [and head of the Rolodex investigation]. Subsequently the [intelligence service] began investigation 'Tartarus', in which Vrakking was questioned in early 1999. He explained to the BVD [intelligence service] that accusations were completely bogus. "Those stories have been launched by the Club: Mink K., Klaas Langendoen en Joost van Vondel," according to Vrakking." |
Lothar Glandorf Pedophile pimp |
Source(s): April 20, 1998, NCRV Netwerk TV (Dutch mainstream evening news; today Youtube uploaded). Transcripts of police wiretaps are shown on-screen from September 30, 1994 and other dates between "Loth" and "Joris". Pedophile pimp active in Rotterdam South until he was arrested in 1994. The "Joris" who wasn't Joris Demmink was a client of his. Obviously the Rolodex investigators were aware who Glandorf was. |
Organized crime
Klaas Bruinsma | Source(s): EenVandaag/Samson file Famous and ruthless mafia boss. Klaas Bruinsma, bodyguard Geurt Roos and Charles Geerts (Bruinsma heir) all mentioned in the above file for involvement in and protecting pedophile networks. Bruinsma knew Mabel Wisse Smit very well in the 1989-1991 period. |
Charles Geerts Major international porn dealer and mafia boss |
Source(s): EenVandaag/Samson file; Scotland Yard and numerous other other accusations against his companies Scala and Videorama Nicknamed "Fat Charles"; went into the porn business in the early 1960s; became a millionaire many times over and headed companies as Intex and Scala. Arrested in the US in 1985 for trade in illegal pornography. Suspected of trade in child pornography at the time by US authorities, but nothing was proved. In 1987, it became known that Scotland Yard suspected Geerts of being one of the international child pornography kingpins. Inspector Donaldson of Scotland Yard stated: "Videorama, as well as Scala Agenturen BV, has been involved in child pornography"; his firm Scala laundered money for Klaas Bruinsma and Reuben Sturman; client of Faber, De Jong & Blom in the 1980s, together with notorious figures as Klaas Bruisma, John Engelsma, Etienne Urka, men from Sam Klepper's gang, and others; present at the wedding of Bram Moszkowicz, Holland's most famous lawyer and former lawyer of Willem Holleeder, one of the most notorious gangsters in Holland. Geerts was a good friend of the late Klaas Bruinsma, once Holland's most well-known and ruthless gangster. In the late 1980s, Bruisma was the largest drug dealer in Europe. Bruinsma had a close relationship with Mabel Wisse Smit, these days daughter-in-law of Queen Beatrix. At least in the years before his death, Smit regularly visited Bruisma on his yacht. Bruisma is often named in one breath with other (former) Dutch gangster as Willem Holleeder, Mink Kok, Sam Klepper and John Mieremet. |
W. F.M. Mijnhardt | July 2, 2001, Kleintje Muurkrant, 'Roze Balletten (5)' / Rogier Vleugels of Fringe Intelligence July 2, 2001, Kleintje Muurkrant, 'Roze Balletten (5)': "Ronnie behoorde in die dagen tot het netwerk van de Gooise onroerend-coed-boer W.F.M. Mijnhardt, die zijn kapitaal niet alleen gedurig uitbreidde met speculatiewinsten uit de o.g.-sector maar volgens de nieuwe uitgave van het intelligenceblad Fringe ook uit coke- en diamantsmokkel (mail met FRINGE INTELLIGENCE voor inlichtingen). Een rijksrechercheonderzoek bracht aan het licht dat de organisatie van Mijnhardt 253 notabelen, onder wie burgemeesters, bankdirecteuren en functionarissen van politie en OM, onder schot hield met beelden van hun sexuele hoogstandjes in het Spiegelhuis, een luxe bordeel in Zeist. Dankzij dat materiaal kregen Mijnhardt's bv's opvallend gunstige hypotheken en vergunningen los. Het Spiegelhuis zou overigens niet de enige locatie zijn geweest waar notabelen van dit slag voor de camera's uit hun bol en hun broek gingen. Ook in Ameide zou dat zijn gebeurd tijdens zogenaamde roze balletten. Het wachten is op een Nederlandse dokter Pinon." |
[1] | April 12, 1995, Trouw, 'Man krijgt drie jaar cel voor verkrachten schandknapen': "De Rotterdamse rechtbank heeft dinsdag een 41-jarige bezoeker van jongensbordelen veroordeeld tot drie jaar gevangenisstraf, waarvan zes maanden voorwaardelijk, met een proeftijd van twee jaar. De rechtbank acht onder meer bewezen dat de man enkele jongens heeft verkracht. De man is de eerste klant van een omvangrijk netwerk van zo'n 25 minderjarige schandknapen, die terecht stond. In totaal vervolgt justitie de komende maanden 26 mannen die zich in vier Rotterdamse privéhuizen hebben vergrepen aan jongens vanaf 13 jaar. De 41-jarige man uit Maassluis was een vaste klant van de clubs. ... Officier van justitie mr. P. Oskam eistte twee weken geleden vier jaar onvoorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf." |
[2] | July 14, 1997, Lidy Nicolasen for Volkskrant, 'Een hardnekkige fluistercampagne': "Een oprisping veroorzaakt het tv-programma EenVandaag in juni met een herhaling van een oude aflevering van Netwerk. Er is een (nagespeeld) telefoongesprek, waarin een bekakte stem vraagt naar voor die avond beschikbare jongens. De suggestie ligt er dik op, hier spreekt Demmink, de stem hoort toe aan ene Joris. De bekakte stem is die van een onbekende, dus ook niet van de Joris die wél is veroordeeld tot een taakstraf. Dat gebeurde in 1998. Die Joris was een lagere, inmiddels ontslagen ambtenaar van WVC. Demmink werd op 1 november 2002 secretaris-generaal, na screening van de AIVD. De geheime dienst kan een gerechtelijke veroordeling niet missen en een veroordeelde kan nooit de hoogste baas van Justitie worden." |
[3] | See the EenVandaag/Samson pdf: "Joris Francken (juist achternaam?) - Ambtenaar op ministerie, veroordeeld tot 240 uur dienst. - In media verward met Joris D. [Demmink]" |
[4] | *) www.row.minvws.nl (one of over 50 pages or documents on this Ministry of VWS site mentioning Francken): "Verslag van het Deskundigenoverleg Gezondheidsbevorderende Levensmiddelen (logo’s) van het Regulier Overleg Warenwet op maandag 13 december 2010 in de Apollozaal 1 (B 402a) op het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport, Parnassusplein 5 te Den Haag. Aanvang: 13.30 uur. Genodigden/aanwezigen: ... Hr mr. J.M. Francken (VWS-VGP)..." *) January 2002, Journaal Warenwet, p. 7, 'Warenwet' (immediate after the article 'Codex Alimentarius voor beginners': "Met deze uitgave beschikt u over het meest complete naslagwerk op het terrein van de warenwetgeving! In deze uitgave vindt u: - tekst Warenwet inclusief de Landbouwkwaliteitswet en een deel van de Bestrijdingsmiddelenwet (Residubesluit) ... Auteurs: drs. D. van Battum, mr. B.J. Beer, mr. J.M. Francken, ir. G.M. Koornneef Losbladig: meerdere banden Prijs: hoofdwerk € 216,50..." *) fao.org/docrep/meeting/005/x0818e/x0818e03.htm#bm03: "The Codex Committee on Natural Mineral Waters held its Sixth Session in Bern, Switzerland, from 19 to 21 November 1998, at the kind invitation of the Government of Switzerland." #bm9: "Appendix I: List of Participants/Liste des participant/Lista de participantes: ... NETHERLANDS/ PAYS-BAS/PAISES BAJOS Joris Francken (Head of Delegation) Senior Policy Officer Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport PO Box 20350 2500 EJ Den Haag Tel.: +31 70 340 68 48 Fax: +31 70 340 55 54 E-mail: jm.francken@minvws.nl" *) July 2-7, 2001, Codex Alimentarius Commission, Twenty-fourth Session Geneva "[Attached report:] Report of the thirty second Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH)... Washington DC, 29 November- 4 December 1999 ... [Participats:]... Mr Joris Francken, Senior Policy Officer, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport." |
[5] | October 17, 2012, Micha Kat voor klokkenluideronline.is: "We horen Joris Demmink [on the 1994 phone taps]. Hij is de enige topambtenaar met die naam die in 1998 voorkomt in de Staatsalmanak. Zowel Micha Kat als de Netwerk-journalisten destijds, Martin Froberg en Roelf van Til, hebben de betreffende editie van de Staatsalmanak helemaal doorgenomen en kwamen geen andere Joris tegen. Beide journalisten hebben tegenover ons bevestigd dat het gaat om Joris Demmink. EenVandaag (Jan Born en Sander ‘t Sas) dat zich in de beroemde Demmink-uitzendingen van 2007 voor een groot deel baseert op het werk van Netwerk uit 1998, durft het letterlijk en meerdere malen te zeggen: het is de topambtenaar van Justitie en noemt zelfs zijn naam: Joris D. Daarnaast wordt Demmink direct in verband gebracht met het Rolodex-onderzoek en ook met de Netwerk-uitzendingen uit 1998. EenVandaag weet het zeker: we horen Joris Demmink kinderen bestellen en het programma aarzelt dan ook niet de betreffende tape opnieuw uit te zenden, maar zegt dan niet zoals Netwerk dat we ‘een ambtenaar horen die een hoge positie heeft bij de overheid en wiens naam voorkomt in de Staatsalmanak van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden’ maar schrijven de zwaar incriminerende teksten direct toe aan Joris Demmink. ... Maar het verhaal over de 'andere Joris' blijft in leven. Naast Stan [de Jong] worden ook anderen ingezet het verhaal levend te houden -meest recent Koen Voskuil van het AD- en steeds weer worden we benaderd. Dit leidt ertoe dat ene Joris Francken in beeld komt van het ministerie van VWS. In een direct gesprek geeft deze Joris toe dat hij de Joris is uit de Netwerk-uitzendingen. Maar Francken is allerminst een topambtenaar en staat ook niet in de Staatsalmanak, laat staan dat hij zich met dienstauto's bij bordelen kan laten voorrijden en tienduizenden euro’s per maand kan uitgeven aan zijn 'hobby'." |
[6] | 2004, TweeVandaag (Youtube clip, 'De aanklacht van Frank L. vs Joris Demmink') |
[7] | Ibid. |
[8] | Ibid. |
[9] | July 31, 2002, Volkskrant, 'Advocate: bewijs tegen Baybasin dun': "Hüyesin Baybasin (46) was dinsdag niet aanwezig in het extra beveiligde gerechtsgebouw in Amsterdam-Osdorp, 'de Bunker'. 'Mijn cliënt heeft geen vertrouwen in de onafhankelijkheid van het hof', verklaarde advocate Adèle van der Plas." |
[10] | April 3, 2007, Volkskrant, 'Aangifte wegens pedofilie tegen hoge ambtenaar': "De tot levenslang veroordeelde crimineel Hüseyin Baybasin heeft aangifte gedaan tegen onder anderen een topambtenaar van het ministerie van Justitie. ... Volgens Baybasin en zijn advocaten hebben de Nederlandse en Turkse autoriteiten samengespannen om hem 'het zwijgen op te leggen'. ... Om Baybasin achter tralies te krijgen heeft het OM honderden afgeluisterde telefoongesprekken gemanipuleerd, aldus de advocaten. Ook de Turkse autoriteiten zouden daar de hand in hebben gehad. Een verzoek tot nader onderzoek naar deze bewijsstukken wees de rechter af. Een groot deel van de aangifte baseren Van der Plas en Bakker Schut op een rapport dat volgens hen van de Turkse overheid afkomstig is. Het rapport analyseert volgens de raadslieden de rol van Turkije en zijn ambtenaren in internationale drugssmokkel in de jaren ‘90. In dat rapport zou onder meer staan dat Turkije, Nederland, Engeland en Duitsland er gezamenlijk op uit waren Baybasin de mond te snoeren. Ook zouden in het document passages staan over feesten in Turkije waar de topambtenaar [Demmink] seks met jonge kinderen zou hebben gehad." |
[11] | March 27, 2006, The Guardian, ' Heroin dealer was secret informer for Customs and Excise' |
[12] | Winter-Spring 2005, Volume 25, Number 1, SAIS Review of International Affairs, Brian G. Carlson, 'Huseyin Baybasin -- Europe's Pablo Escobar', pp. 69-70 |
[13] | April 30, 2006, The Independent, 'Organised crime: The Godfather of Green Lanes. The gang led by the man they called 'Uncle' was linked to 90 per cent of the heroin trade in Britain. But only now is the full story emerging of the brutal operation he ran from his fortified terraced house.' |
[14] | September 9, 2013, London Evening Standard, 'Drugs kingpin ordered to repay £700,000 he claimed was profit from selling loo rolls': "A gangland boss who claimed to be making money selling cheap toilet rolls has been ordered to repay nearly £700,000 after a judge ruled his fortune came from running a “ruthless” and violent extortion racket in London. Abdullah Baybasin, a Turk who uses a wheelchair after being shot by a rival, was originally convicted of drug running and blackmail after Woolwich crown court heard his gang used machetes, baseball bats and guns to terrorise Turks and Kurds in the capital. His 22-year sentence on the drugs charge was quashed after an appeal and a legal ruling which led to the collapse of a retrial. However, a new hearing at Woolwich has resulted in an order to hand back just over £200,000 of the criminal profits generated by his protection scam, plus £488,000 in legal aid, after his claims that he came by his wealth via legitimate wholesale were dismissed as being “beyond credibility” by Judge Stephen Dawson. The judge also threw out further excuses over 19 incidents in which Baybasin, 52, was secretly recorded discussing the purchase of a gun, collecting extortion payments, and dividing spoils of his gang’s unlawful activities. The judgment says Baybasin, given UK asylum in 1997, returned to Turkey in 2010 after being freed from the 12-year sentence imposed for blackmail in 2006. Now banned from Britain, he is in a Turkish jail after being held in 2011 on new drug supply allegations. Judge Dawson said Baybasin’s “available” assets which should go to pay his debts total £724,000, including compensation he got for “poor treatment” in jail and a quarter share of his former £1.3 million Muswell Hill home." |
[15] | Ibid. |
[16] | February 9, 2001, Volkskrant, 'Baybasin voelde zich alleen in Nederland veilig': "Baybasin is even stellig over Turkije. De Turkse staat is volgens hem een corrupte misdaadbende, gespecialiseerd in heroïnehandel. Hij kan dat weten, vertelde hij in een reeks interviews, omdat hij in het begin van zijn criminele carrière samenwerkte met politie en prominente politici. Tijdens een celstraf in Engeland zou hij 'wakker zijn geworden'. In de Volkskrant: 'Het is onrechtvaardig dat kleine mensen in de drugshandel worden gepakt, terwijl de groten bij de overheid vrijuit gaan.' De Nederlandse criminologen Bovenkerk en Yesilgöz vinden verhalen over de Turkse corruptie geloofwaardig. De Nederlandse rechter verbood in 1997 de uitlevering van de Koerd aan Turkije, dat hem zocht wegens heroïnehandel, uit angst dat de verdachte in dat land zou worden gefolterd of gedood. Baybasin ontwikkelde zich zo tot een diplomatiek probleem tussen Nederland en Turkije. In dezelfde tijd vroeg Baybasin om staatsbescherming, omdat hij op de hielen zou worden gezeten door een groep Turkse staatmoordenaars. 'Baybasin voelde zich alleen in Nederland veilig', stelde het Openbaar Ministerie twee weken geleden vast. De aanklager omschrijft hem als de bikkelharde leider van een zeer gewelddadige internationale drugsorganisatie. Moord en gijzeling zouden tot de gewone werkmethodes behoren. Omdat gevreesd werd voor de corrupte contacten van Baybasin, werd het politieonderzoek lang geheim gehouden voor de Turkse overheid. ... Volgens Baybasin is de strafzaak een fabricatie van de Turkse veiligheidsdienst. De aanklager denkt daar na zesduizend afgeluisterde telefoongesprekken anders over." |
[17] | *)
eagle.westnet.gr/~cgian/triangle.htm (accessed: December 5, 2000): "The most significant event of 1996 in Turkey was marked by the accident in Susurluk and the developments and revelations it caused. A simple traffic accident lifted the veil over the network of ties between the contra-guerrilla, the Mafia, the police and official state representatives. ... December 12, 1996: Huseyin Basbasin, arrested in 1995 in Holland for smuggling drugs on board of the Lucky-S, claims he smuggled drugs together with Yunus Agar and Yalcin Akcadag (Mehmet Agar's uncle) under the cover of the oil business. Baybasin stated they were transporting oil from Libya, took drugs on board on route, shipping it to Holland. Baybasin further said: "Nobody was allowed near the ship by the police. The police president Suleyman Basgol [Istanbul Kadikoy district police] was there as well. Nobody can claim to have seen nothing. It was all controlled by the Istanbul police." According to Baybasin, Mehmet Agar makes $500.000 a month and he demands that Agar should give an explanation where all his wealth came from." *) May 18, 1996, Issue 465, Aydınlık (Illumination) weekly magazine, aligned with the Workers' Party (repeatedly closed down and reopened; today a daily newspaper), 'Huseyin Baybasin: "Mehmet Agar with heroin spoils the ship": "I tell you in 1989, I witnessed an old important event: Istanbul Police still in the top level officials authorized (Baybasin this person's name explains, but the writing does not want to), Yunus Agar, Mehmet Agar's uncle Yalcin Akcadag oil trade are doing. Oil trade talk, this oil tankers and very large scale drug business is doing all the world knows it. This ship is moored in the marina to open anyone could meet, because they knew who they belong to. ... This ship tons of marijuana and the drugs they brought with. For example, when they get fuel from Libya, to drop the drugs were taking over the road. ... Where were getting there, can you install. However, it usually was happening in Lebanon exit the installation process. The ship was filled with sacks. Sacks writes in Arabic on, but we knew whether it was heroin, marijuana does. Where there is police to cease the seizure of the ship and the ship was waiting to approach anyone was paying attention. I have witnessed this many times. Nobody can say I do not know. Başgöl Solomon was there, the Police Department was doing at that time, can not say I have not seen many times she has seen what I have seen in my ship. All these were carried out under the supervision of the Istanbul police. There are police standing guard maybe he did not know what was in the ships, but they were fulfilling the instructions given to them. Police to intervene without causing anyone to ship like this would ensure the safety of-record. ... They were sent to the European market in particular. The whole point of this drug to drug sold in Europe were being shipped. I'm in until 1984 that works tirelessly to have personally witnessed. I pulled myself from these things after 84. Alone, then what has been done and that I was a member of the Marina Yacht Club, my relationship with the environment because I know very closely. Look, Mehmet Agar's father is a retired cop. There was no fortune uncle Yalcin: Now, are investigated. Mehmet Agar and his family's wealth come from? Or are Mehmet Agar announced his fortune. All this can not be achieved by a civil servant's salary will appreciate the public. Let My current monthly income of 500 thousand dollars. Their income from my income more than doubled. This money is coming from? Even if you only need to ask. ... I, for instance, came from Turkey consulate in London and representative in NATO could do interviews about the drug traffic. Sent from Turkey to Europe for drugs mentioned project the creation of this route, the time of the Istanbul Police Chief Şükrü Balcimn was pro-jean. With the money that we get from our drugs abroad, many say to be used as sales points and a mosque was established. ... Our representative of Turkey to NATO in Brussels in years working in the family name or a Tüfekçioğlu Tüfekçi or talked to. I also went to the house of this person. Girls were 13-14 years of age. The house was in Ostende in Belgium. I met several times in 1982-1983 with the NATO official. We spoke on the most recent in 1984. ... Of course. A portion of the ship were done with working in the framework of NATO. At that time I did not know what it means to NATO. I know that time is that our group's use of military vessels. But which of these vessels is that I do not belong to NATO. Once within the framework of NATO's activities around the world, all vessels in the territorial waters of circulating drug carries. All leads. In particular, this ship is taking America. Drugs entering the United States is not possible in other ways. Recently, the amount of drug in the vessels had been careful not to exceed 200 and 250 pounds." |
[18] | August 4, 1997, Volkskrant, 'Sorgdrager voor uitlevering Koerd na garanties Turkije': "Baybasin is suspected of smuggling 3,100 kg of heroin. ... A half year ago the Kurd admitted in an interview with the Volkskrant to have smuggled heroin. In that drug trade, according to Baybasin, also Turkish politicians would have been involved, like former president Demirel and ex-vice prime minister Ciller. Their party, DYP, the True Path Party, has been built with drug money, according to the Kurd. "I was a heroin trader with a diplomatic passport," Baybasin said, who at that point was in hiding, waiting for Sorgdrager's decision [to extradite him]." |
[19] | 2005, Daniel Ganser, 'NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe', pp. 89-90. |
[20] | 1998 Report from the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, chapter II, "Susurluk scandal: Counter-guerilla Affairs", pp. 39–86 (see note on p. 39). |
[21] | November 26, 1996, Turkish Daily News, 'Perincek: "I am the architect of the struggle against the Mafia-Gladio dictatorship"': "[Perincek] boasts that his minuscule Workers' Party (IP) has come to assume the role of the main opposition party. Perincek said that the real opposition in Turkey was being carried out by the IP through its revelations of National Intelligence Service (MIT) reports and continued: "It was our struggle that toppled the former Minister of the Interior, Mehmet Agar; similarly, our struggle will topple Tansu Ciller." ... Perincek said: "I am the architect of the struggle against the Mafia and Gladio dictatorship." ... "This government can be toppled by hitting the Ciller-Agar couple and their gangs. Ciller and Agar are the [CIA] station chiefs of America [in Turkey]." ... Perincek made an interesting new claim during the interview and said that the police chief Huseyin Kocadag, one of the victims of the Susurluk road accident, was the "French connection" of the drug trafficking into Turkey from Syria. According to Perincek, the distribution of drugs which enter Turkey from Syria is organized by the MIT and CIA through "undertaking companies." ... Perincek was one of the only person who talked about secret organizations within the state before the road accident at Susurluk. While the road accident vindicated Perincek's claims, it has become a subject of interest as to where from and how such information had reached to him. When we asked this, Perincek replied that he had begun his struggle 25 years ago. "We discovered the Gladio and the Counter-guerilla operations in the 1970s," he said. "There are hundreds of files of information in our hands. No other party can tackle these problems. The flow of information is from the underworld to the daylight. We are the light. This is why this information finds us. Other left wing parties have relations with the mafia or they have been in coalition with Ciller. Would the information about Ciller go to the ANAP or CHP? This is why the information eventually finds us. None of the other parties is courageous enough to pursue this struggle. The IP has never been involved in any dirt; we are the castle of morals. The famous MOSSAD, CIA and MIT agent, Hirram Abbas, said before his death that the IP had paralyzed the MIT." In a country where many investigative journalists are killed following their revelations, how could Perincek reveal these claims in a report to the press and yet survive without any threats to his life? This is another dimension of the question marks emerging around the IP leader. Perincek replied with his usual scepticism claiming that the MIT made us ask this question, and said: "Leaders of revolution never die. I am neither Ugur Mumcu nor Abdi Ipekci. They were valuable journalists without protection, and they became targets because of revelations they made on Turkey. It is easy to murder a writer in his car. But I am a party leader. It is not easy to kill me. But there have been attempts on my life too." ... He said that there were new files in MIT's hands on Tansu Ciller and Mehmet Agar, and called on the intelligence service to hand over these reports immediately to the relevant offices." ... Perincek claimed that two main currents are causing the fragmentation of the left in Turkey, one of which is the IP and the other is the rest of the left who are organized around the axis of the Kurdish question. Other left parties, according to Perincek, are neo-liberal parties with a weak character. "These parties defend the world order at the economic, cultural and political levels. The largest representative of this current are the Freedom and Democracy Party (ODP) and the second the republicans. They say that foreigners should intervene in Turkey to solve the Kurdish problem. If you notice, they hold joint conferences with the advocates of Sharia in Diyarbakir and Istanbul in order to solve the Kurdish problem. It is impossible for this sector of the left to unite with workers." Perincek called on left wing parties to unite and said that the left was being divided. He then said that foreigners were playing games with Turkey and continued: "The key question here is to ensure that Turkey performs as America's intervention force in the territories of crises. This is the mission that is trying to be loaded on Turkey."" |
[22] | Ibid. |
[23] | 1998 Turkey Human Rights Report, Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, p. 50: "At pages 10 and 11 of the MİT report prepared by former MİT Undersecretary Sönmez Köksal, the following information pertaining to Azerbaijan coup was given: "A. Gökdemir, then-Minister of State responsible from Turkish Republics, General Director of Security M. Ağar, İbrahim Şahin and Korkut Eken planned the coup to overthrow Aliyev with the approval of T. Çiller. However, the attempt of coup failed after the MİT informed S. Demirel and the President informed Aliyev." After the sections regarding the attempt of coup appeared in the media, the sections mentioning the names of Turkmenistan President Saparmurad Niyazov Türkmenbaşı and Azerbaijan President Haydar Aliyev led to diplomatic crisis between Turkey and Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan officially requested a statement denoting that this section of the report was "untrue." Thereupon, Prime Minister made a statement on 23 January: "In the broadcast related with the Susurluk Report in Arena Program on Kanal D Channel yesterday (22 January), an information was given concerning the presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. This information was based on allegations by a (now dead) person (Ömer Lütfü Topal) who had a gambling house. No investigation pertaining to the accuracy of these allegations was carried out and the claims of the said person were written in the report. Therefore, they do not reflect any opinions by Prime Ministry Inspection Board." In another written statement he gave on 18 February, Yılmaz disclosed that he gave instructions to reconsider Ömer Lütfü Topal-Azerbaijan relation "upon the sensibility of Azerbaijan President Haydar Aliyev." Yılmaz stated that intelligence agencies reconsidered the connections of Emperyal Company in Azerbaijan, that the relation or cooperation of Topal with President Aliyev's son was only Topal's allegation and that it was determined that there was no source to verify the allegation." CHP İçel MP Fikri Sağlar stated on 19 February that the report revealed that the coup was not related with the oil route. Sağlar argued that the coup was related with Afghanistan which was the starting point of narcotics, reminded that the name Yüceoral was involved in sending money from discretionary fund to Uzbek General Raşit Dostum who was one of the parties fought in Afghanistan. He said, "The first and most important stop of narcotics coming out of Afghanistan is Azerbaijan. The drugs then come to Turkey and distributed in Europe. So, it should be considered that the gang members that are said to be involved in drug trafficking attempted the coup in order to take control of drug trafficking. It is also interesting that Yüceoral who is said to have sent money to Horzum is involved in coup attempt against Aliyev." Meanwhile, it was understood that important names of the Susurluk Scandal like Korkut Eken, İbrahim Şahin, Abdullah Çatlı and Ayhan Çarkın went to Azerbaijan approximately three months before the coup attempt and trained OMON police units. It was stated that the team went to Azerbaijan on 12 December 1994 and trained a special unit of 60 people. This team was composed of special team members. It was also alleged that they brought large amounts of weapons and munitions in Azerbaijan. It was claimed that the weapons taken to Azerbaijan were some of the "lost" weapons that were bought from Israel via HOSPRO company. Korkut Eken said in his testimony to the inspectors of the Ministry of Interior Affairs that the weapons had been used in an important mission in a country the name of which he could not disclose. It was learnt that then Special Operations Department Chief İbrahim Şahin went to Baku as the special guest of Cevadov some time after this group went to Azerbaijan. It was stated that Şahin was on an official visit upon the invitation letter by Cevadov. Ruşen Cevadov, commander of OMON units that participated the coup attempt and Deputy Minister of Interior Affairs Affairs, was killed by Aliyev forces on 17 March 1995. It was stated that Cevadov who acted as the leader of the coup attempt led the coup attempt through a satellite phone sent from Turkey." |
[24] | Ibid. |
[25] | July 27, 2007, Craigmurray.org.uk, 'Afghanistan'. |
[26] | September 14, 2008, Craigmurray.org.uk, 'Evidence of Karimov's Crimes--and CIA participation'. |
[27] | October 24, 2008, Daily Mail, 'Rothschild and the daughter of one of the world's most brutal dictators'. |
[28] | January 16, 2011, Kavkaz Center, 'Wikileaks: Mafia-controlled gangster regime rules Uzbekistan': "New revelations by the website Wikileaks refer to one of the main figures of president Islam Karimov's regime. His close links to the underworld cover all spheres of the government and even the department of staff. In a classified report by U.S. Ambassador Jon Purnell, sent on May 5, 2006, it is stated that Salim Abduvaliyev helps businessmen to secure GOU tenders and job applicants to "buy"government jobs. ... "Salim has reportedly sold a wide range of government positions, including regional Hokim, police chief, and Ministry of Internal Affairs job." |
[29] | 1999, BBC Panorama, 'The Billion Dollar Don': "[FBI special agent 1976-1998, Bob Levinson:] In May of 1995, the number 2 man in the most powerful gang, the Solntsevskaya organization, a man by the name of Victor Averin, was celebrating a birthday. Traditionally the birthdays are used as an excuse to get members of the group together, primarily the leaders, brigade leaders. And so a meeting was planned. We got wind of it. [Narrator:] The FBI saw Averin's birthday guest list as a who's still who of Russian organized crime. There was Sergei Mikhailov, alleged head of the notorious Solntsevskaya organization, a gang linked by the FBI to Mogilevich; Gafur Rakhimov, the most powerful gangster in Uzbekistan, allegedly a major trafficker of heroin into Europe; Jamal Khachidze, narcotics, Moscow; and Aleksander Sedov, reputedly one of the most vicious killers in Russia. ... But the one man who escaped the indignity. The one man the Czechs and FBI most wanted to have a chat with avoided being in the restaurant that night. By remarkable twist of faith, Mogilevich flew in for the party, but it appears that his plane arrived late. [Interviewer:] Were you intending to go to that party? [Semion Mogilevich:] Yes. By the time I arrived at the U Holubu [restaurant with over a dozen strippers present], everything was already in full swing. So I went to a neighboring hotel. [Narrator:] No one was ever charged. No criminal offense had been committed. But the message of the Czech police to the Russian brigade commanders was clear: get out and stay out."" |
[30] | June 8, 1998, Valery Lunev (of Far West), '"Bradtke" go to oil' (translated from Russian): "Who is a 45-year-old native of Uzbekistan Alisher Usmanov Usmanov? Investigators and prosecutors, he is well known since the days of "stagnation", when in August 1980 he was sentenced to eight years in prison Military Tribunal of the Turkestan Military District on set of three articles of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan. However, a fully appointed term in prison Usmanov not served as March 26, 1986 was conditionally released early because of "sincere regret" and "good behavior". After leaving the "hospitable" wall zone, a 33-year-old Alisher Usmanov at first felt some discomfort associated with the fact that the "sidekick" was started shamelessly exploit Uzbek competent in the field of specific financial transactions. The scheme here was this: Usmanov "introduced" to the Board of Directors of the "First Russian independent bank," which soon gave large loans to one of the "interested" company, dispose of them in a very peculiar way. The company bought the currency and translated it somewhere abroad where traces consistently lost money. Usmanov has gradually become more independent and grown a close relationship among the "powers that be". Today, among its main contact listed as the head of "Rosvooruzheniye" Eugene Ananev, the former head of the Ministry of Energy, who now works in the leadership of Gazprom, Pyotr Rodionov and Yeltsin's press secretary Sergei Yastrzhembsky, on whose apartment Usmanov even lived for a while until you got your own apartment. Very supportive of Mr. Usmanov were some influential persons, as Soskovets and Viktor Chernomyrdin. Yet the native element Usmanov, where he feels completely his own, - a few other people. As they say, a "great sympathy" refers to the "smart Uzbeks" Solntsevskaya gang leader Sergei Mikhailov, nicknamed "Michas", now languishing in a Swiss dungeon. It is worth mentioning here and Vyacheslav Ivankov, better known as "Jap" and serving time in the U.S., as well as "Taiwanchik" [Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov; associate of Mikhail Chernoy] authority countryman "Gafoor" controlling drug trafficking in the countries of Eastern Europe, tillage Brooklyn gang in New York City and the leaders of the "Chechen community, "which enumerate a long list does not make sense. Suffice it to mention only previously convicted the former treasurer of Dudayev, now the president of the international company "common Caucasian home" Hodzhahmeda Nukhaev, known in the criminal world by the nickname "Hoja". One of the most important components of success Usmanov is, according to investigators, "outline" efesbeshnoy the roof. " Allegedly, thanks in part to her Alisher Usmanov became the founder and director of a number of commercial structures. For example, the steel industry is actively working financial-industrial group "AtomRudMet", "financial brain" which is Usmanov. He also directs the Company "Interfinservis", was previously the deputy chairman of the "Mapo-bank" and the deputy general director of the joint venture "Intercross", the founders of which - individuals, including the "authorities." As Vice-President of the Uzbek-Belgian joint venture "VITA", he was a member of the "First Commercial Bank" and was deputy. Chairman of the Board of the aforementioned "Russian First Independent Bank." By the way, it is curious that both banks have started to work at the end of May 1992 with a difference of one day, and then "drowned" almost simultaneously with a lot of money customers. Today, however, high-risk operations, Alisher Usmanov, who finished a solid position, no longer holds. In general, the situation has changed. Many individuals who have a strong position in the legal business, organized crime used to "launder" money and their investments in major projects, such as oil and gas structures or export of arms. Recently-controlled Usmanov and Ananyev "MAPO-Bank" things are not going very well. His financial situation was complicated by an indirect confirmation of which are non-payment of wages, dismissal of more than two hundred employees and formal care themselves Usmanov and Anan. It is said that they had problems with the payment of debts "authoritative" partners. Thus, the claims Solntsevskaya "business" is estimated at $ 30 million, allegedly used to buy EMC Oskol. Perhaps, with the help of the rich "Rosvoorruzheniya" where Ananev works director general, be able to agree?" |
[31] | rgo.ru/en/society/structure/board-trustees (accessed: October 25, 2014): "The board of tustees. The board of trustees of the Russian Geographical Society was found in 2010. ... Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, chairman... Aven, Pyotr [chair Alfa Group]... [Prince] Albert II[of Monaco]... Vekselberg, Viktor [chair Renova]... Gryzlov, Boris... Dudley, Robert Warren [CEO BP]... Deripaska, Oleg... Dod, Evgeny [chair RusHydro]... Dyukov, Alexander [president Gazprom]... Evtushenkov, Vladimir [chair Sistema]... Ivanov, Sergei... Potanin, Vladimir [chair Norilsk Nickel]... Prokhorov, Mikhail... Sveliev, Vitaly [chair Aeroflot]... Timchenko, Gennady [Novatek]... Usmanov, Alisher [Gazprominvestholding]... Chemezov, Sergey [CEO Russian Technologies]... " |
[32] | *) May 13, 2013, The Guardian, 'Peter Mandelson joins board of Russian firm 'with organised crime links': "The oil-to-telecoms conglomerate was implicated in a leaked secret cable about criminal activity, sent in 2010 by the then US ambassador to Russia, John Beyrle. Sistema [linked to various Russian think tanks; a very elite company], which is majority owned by its billionaire chairman and co-founder, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, is linked to one of Russia's largest organised crime gangs, Solntsevo, according to the cable released by WikiLeaks. It is alleged that Evgeny Novitsky, the former president of Sistema and one of the current board members Lord Mandelson has been nominated to replace, is a member of Solntsevo. Reporting on information he had been given, Beyrle said Novitsky "controlled the Solntsevo criminal gang". If appointed Mandelson will join Roger Munnings, Britain's special representative for trade and investment between the UK and Russia, on the board of Sistema." *) February 12, 2010, U.S. Embassy in Moscow, Cecret cable from U.S. ambassador to Russia John R. Beyrle (released through Wikileaks, the New York Times also made it available on its website): "1. (C) Summary: Moscow Mayor Yuriy Luzhkov remains a loyal member of United Russia, with a reputation for ensuring that the city has the resources it needs to function smoothly. Questions increasingly arise regarding Luzhkov's connections to the criminal world and the impact of these ties on governance. Luzhkov remains in a solid position due to his value as a consistent deliverer of votes for the ruling party. Unfortunately, the shadowy world of corrupt business practices under Luzhkov continues in Moscow, with corrupt officials requiring bribes from businesses attempting to operate in the city. End Summary. ... Luzhkov's national reputation as the man who governs the ungovernable, who cleans the streets, keeps the Metro running and maintains order in Europe's largest metropolis of almost 11 million people, earns him a certain amount of slack from government and party leaders. He oversaw what even United Russia insiders acknowledge was a dirty, compromised election for the Moscow City Duma in October, and yet received only a slap on the wrist from President Medvedev. 3. (C) Muscovites are increasingly questioning the standard operating procedures of their chief executive, a man who, as of 2007, they no longer directly elect. Luzhkov's connections to the criminal world and the impact that these ties have had on governance and development in Moscow are increasingly a matter of public discussion. ... Analysts identify a three-tiered structure in Moscow's criminal world. Luzhkov is at the top. The FSB, MVD, and militia are at the second level. Finally, ordinary criminals and corrupt inspectors are at the lowest level. ... 6. (C) XXXXXXXXXXXX, told us that Moscow's ethnic criminal groups do business and give paybacks. It is the federal headquarters of the parties, not the criminal groups, who decide who will participate in politics. XXXXXXXXXXXX argued that the political parties are the ones with the political clout; therefore, they have some power over these criminal groups. ... 7. (S) XXXXXXXXXXXX, told us that Luzhkov's wife, Yelena Baturina, definitely has links to the criminal world, and particularly to the Solntsevo criminal group (widely regarded by Russian law enforcement as one of the most powerful organized crime groups in Russia). According to the Internet article, "On the Moscow Group," Vladimir Yevtushenko, the head of the company Sistema, is married to Natalya Yevtushenko, Baturina's sister. Sistema was created with Moscow city government-owned shares, and Sistema initially focused on privatizing the capital's real estate and gas. Sistema's president, Yevgeny Novitsky, controlled the Solntsevo criminal gang. Today, Sistema has spun off into various companies, which implement projects that typically include 50 percent funding from the Moscow city government. 8. (S) According to XXXXXXXXXXXX, Luzhkov used criminal money to support his rise to power and has been involved with bribes and deals regarding lucrative construction contracts throughout Moscow. XXXXXXXXXXXX told us that Luzhkov's friends and associates (including recently deceased crime boss Vyacheslav Ivankov ["Yaponchik", Russian mob boss in the U.S., released as a counterweight to Chechen mob] and reputedly corrupt Duma Deputy Joseph Kobzon) are "bandits." He told us that he knew this because he formerly had contacts in these criminal groups, but many of his contacts have since been killed. XXXXXXXXXXXX said that the Moscow government has links to many different criminal groups and it regularly takes cash bribes from businesses. The people under Luzhkov maintain these criminal connections. ... 9. (S) XXXXXXXXXXXX told us everyone knows that Russia's laws do not work. The Moscow system is based on officials making money. The government bureaucrats, FSB, MVD, police, and prosecutor's offices all accept bribes. XXXXXXXXXXXX stated that everything depends on the Kremlin and he thought that Luzhkov, as well as many mayors and governors, pay off key insiders in the Kremlin. XXXXXXXXXXXX argued that the vertical works because people are paying bribes all the way to the top. He told us that people often witness officials going into the Kremlin with large suitcases and bodyguards, and he speculated that the suitcases are full of money. The governors collect money based on bribes, almost resembling a tax system, throughout their regions. XXXXXXXXXXXX described how there are parallel structures in the regions in which people are able to pay their leaders. For instance, the FSB, MVD, and militia all have distinct money collection systems. Further, XXXXXXXXXXXX told us that deputies generally have to buy their seats in the government. They need money to get to the top, but once they are there, their positions become quite lucrative money making opportunities. Bureaucrats in Moscow are notorious for doing all kinds of illegal business to get extra money. ... XXXXXXXXXXXX told us that Luzhkov has many enemies because his wife has the most lucrative business deals in Moscow and many people think Luzhkov has received too much money. The son of the head of the interior police, Vladimir Kolokotsev, told XXXXXXXXXXXX that Kolokotsev's number one job is to get Luzhkov out within a year. Kolokotsev was credited with removing long-standing Governor Yegor Stroyev from Orel. XXXXXXXXXXXX asserted that Luzhkov is "on his way out," although he acknowledged that the Kremlin has not identified a suitable replacement yet. ... 12. (C) According to many observers, the lawless criminal climate in Russia makes it difficult for businesses to survive without being defended by some type of protection. XXXXXXXXXXXX explained how bribes work in Moscow: a cafe owner pays the local police chief via cash through a courier. He needs to pay a certain negotiated amount over a certain profit. The high prices of goods in Moscow cover these hidden costs. Sometimes people receive "bad protection" in the sense that the "krysha" extorts an excessive amount of money. As a result, they cannot make enough of a profit to maintain their businesses. If people attempt to forego protection, they will instantly be shut down. For example, officials from the fire or sanitation service will appear at the business and invent a violation. According to XXXXXXXXXXXX, everyone has bought into the idea of protection in Moscow, so it has become a norm. In general, Muscovites have little freedom to speak out against corrupt activities and are afraid of their leaders. 13. (C) XXXXXXXXXXXX explained that Moscow business owners understand that it is best to get protection from the MVD and FSB (rather than organized crime groups) since they not only have more guns, resources, and power than criminal groups, but they are also protected by the law. For this reason, protection from criminal gangs is no longer so high in demand. Police and MVD collect money from small businesses while the FSB collects from big businesses. According to XXXXXXXXXXXX, the FSB "krysha" is allegedly the best protection. He told us that, while the MVD and FSB both have close links to Solntsevo, the FSB is the real "krysha" for Solntsevo. This system is not an incentive for smaller businesses and nobody is immune; even rich people who think they are protected get arrested. According to Transparency International's 2009 survey, bribery costs Russia USD 300 billion a year, or about 18 percent of its gross domestic product. ... 14. (S) Despite Medvedev's stated anti-corruption campaign, the extent of corruption in Moscow remains pervasive with Mayor Luzhkov at the top of the pyramid. Luzhkov oversees a system in which it appears that almost everyone at every level is involved in some form of corruption or criminal behavior. Putin and Medvedev's dilemma is deciding when Luzhkov becomes a bigger liability than asset." |
[33] | *) May 13, 2013, The Guardian, 'Peter Mandelson joins board of Russian firm 'with organised crime links': "The oil-to-telecoms conglomerate was implicated in a leaked secret cable about criminal activity, sent in 2010 by the then US ambassador to Russia, John Beyrle. Sistema [linked to various Russian think tanks; a very elite company], which is majority owned by its billionaire chairman and co-founder, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, is linked to one of Russia's largest organised crime gangs, Solntsevo, according to the cable released by WikiLeaks. It is alleged that Evgeny Novitsky, the former president of Sistema and one of the current board members Lord Mandelson has been nominated to replace, is a member of Solntsevo. Reporting on information he had been given, Beyrle said Novitsky "controlled the Solntsevo criminal gang". If appointed Mandelson will join Roger Munnings, Britain's special representative for trade and investment between the UK and Russia, on the board of Sistema." *) April 4, 2014, Telegraph, 'Peter Mandelson refuses to defend links to Russian defence firm': "Lord Mandelson, the former Labour business secretary, faces calls to surrender his directorship at Sistema, a large Russian conglomerate. The post is thought to pay around £200,000 a year plus a share of profits. Sistema is the majority shareholder in RTI, a defence technology company which produces radars and satellite communications. It has won major Russian state contracts to build a land-based missile early warning system, and provided IT for the Sochi Olympics. RTI also produced video surveillance equipment for the 2012 presidential elections, which President Putin won amid complaints of fraud. Lord Mandelson’s work for Sistema continues despite David Cameron putting all British arms exports and military co-operation with Russia under review with a presumption to suspend them, in the wake of the annexation of Crimea." sistema.com/about-sistema/corporate-governance/board-of-directors/ (accessed: August 18, 2016): "Vladimir Evtushenkov, Chairman... Peter Mandelson: ... Graduated from Oxford University, where studied politics, philosophy and economics. ... In 2010 Lord Mandelson became Chairman of Global Counsel and a senior adviser to Lazard; he became Chairman of Lazard International in 2013. He is [Founding] President of the [Rothschild-founded/financed] Policy Network think tank and High Steward of Hull. Member of the Board of Directors of Sistema PJSFC since 2013, member of the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee and Investor Relations and Dividend Policy Committee of the Board of Directors of Sistema PJSFC." *) For quite a few years now Nat Rothschild, Lord Mandelson, Canadian Zionist gold miner Peter Munk, a member of the elite 1001 Club; and oligarch Oleg Deripaska have been the closest of friends and business partners. Picture of the four in Russia. Mandelson is well known representative of Rothschild interests. As ISGP's Superclass Index shows, he has become among the most connected men in Great Britain. The connections of the other men can also be found here. *) Evgeny Novitsky was at various times a director, president and chairman of Vladimir Yevtushenkov's Sistema. oaorti.ru/en/about/corporate-governance/board-of-directors/novitsky/ (accessed: August 18, 2016): " - 1995 — 2005: President of Sistema JSFC. - January 2005 — February 2006: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sistema JSFC. - February 2006 — June 2013: Member of the Board of Directors of Sistema JSFC. - 2011 — June 2013: Independent Director of Sistema JSFC. - June 2013 — 2015: Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of RTI JSC. - 2015 — 2016: Chairman of the Board of Directors of RTI JSC." |
[34] | *) August 2, 2007, Stratfor Associates, 'Mikhail Fridman: Background Investigation': "Like many of Russia's oligarchs, Fridman considers himself a Jew first and a Russian a distant second. ... Fridman is closely tied into the Muscovite Solntsevo (Solntsevskaya) Organization, one of Russia’s largest and most powerful organized crime associations, via funding from Alfa. ... Russian media have frequently tied many oligarchs to the Solsnetskaya organization, though a Russian prosecutor Stratfor spoke with said the evidence that Fridman and [Pyotr] Aven are involved with the group has been officially removed from all records. ... Specifically, Alfa Group is now involved in transporting drugs from Southeast Asia through Russia into Europe, laundering money of Colombian drug cartels, and bribing organs of justice in Russia in order to keep the entire operation below law enforcement's radar. Despite Fridman’s officially "clean" record so far as violence is concerned, he is believed to be at least partially responsible for many of the assassinations that plague Russian society, particularly regarding journalists."" |
[35] | April 6, 2004, Compromat.ru (original from Stringer-agency.ru), 'Последний бой?' ('The last fight?'): "In December 1999 an impressive company gathered at the Herots [hotel] in the Israeli city of Eilat. Present: Mr. [Michael] Cherney [Solntsevskaya-connected oligarch], Semion Mogilevich [head of Solntsevskaya mafia]... Vadim Rabinovich (denied entry into the United States and Great Britain - !), Oleg Deripaska, Oleg Taranov ([head of the Ukrainian] National Agency for the Management of State Property) and Andrey Derkach [member of parliament and son of the head of the security service of Ukraine, Leonid Derkach [under Kuchma]." |
[36] | February 12, 2010, U.S. Embassy in Moscow, Cecret cable from U.S. ambassador to Russia John R. Beyrle (released through Wikileaks, the New York Times also made it available on its website): "1. (C) Summary: Moscow Mayor Yuriy Luzhkov remains a loyal member of United Russia, with a reputation for ensuring that the city has the resources it needs to function smoothly. Questions increasingly arise regarding Luzhkov's connections to the criminal world and the impact of these ties on governance. ... Luzhkov's connections to the criminal world and the impact that these ties have had on governance and development in Moscow are increasingly a matter of public discussion. ... Analysts identify a three-tiered structure in Moscow's criminal world. Luzhkov is at the top. The FSB, MVD, and militia are at the second level. Finally, ordinary criminals and corrupt inspectors are at the lowest level. ... 6. (C) XXXXXXXXXXXX, told us that Moscow's ethnic criminal groups do business and give paybacks. It is the federal headquarters of the parties, not the criminal groups, who decide who will participate in politics. XXXXXXXXXXXX argued that the political parties are the ones with the political clout; therefore, they have some power over these criminal groups. ... 7. (S) XXXXXXXXXXXX, told us that Luzhkov's wife, Yelena Baturina, definitely has links to the criminal world, and particularly to the Solntsevo criminal group (widely regarded by Russian law enforcement as one of the most powerful organized crime groups in Russia). According to the Internet article, "On the Moscow Group," Vladimir Yevtushenko, the head of the company Sistema, is married to Natalya Yevtushenko, Baturina's sister. Sistema was created with Moscow city government-owned shares, and Sistema initially focused on privatizing the capital's real estate and gas. Sistema's president, Yevgeny Novitsky, controlled the Solntsevo criminal gang. Today, Sistema has spun off into various companies, which implement projects that typically include 50 percent funding from the Moscow city government. 8. (S) According to XXXXXXXXXXXX, Luzhkov used criminal money to support his rise to power and has been involved with bribes and deals regarding lucrative construction contracts throughout Moscow. XXXXXXXXXXXX told us that Luzhkov's friends and associates (including recently deceased crime boss Vyacheslav Ivankov ["Yaponchik", Russian mob boss in the U.S., released as a counterweight to Chechen mob] and reputedly corrupt Duma Deputy Joseph Kobzon) are "bandits." He told us that he knew this because he formerly had contacts in these criminal groups, but many of his contacts have since been killed. XXXXXXXXXXXX said that the Moscow government has links to many different criminal groups and it regularly takes cash bribes from businesses. The people under Luzhkov maintain these criminal connections." |
[37] | *) Mikhail Fridman, founder and head of the Alfa Group, is among a tiny group of Russian elites invited to the global advisory panel of the CFR. Cheney has been a director of the CFR and continues to be a member. *) August 2, 2007, Stratfor Associates, 'Mikhail Fridman: Background Investigation': "Under the guidance of Richard Cheney ... Halliburton Company over the past five years has emerged as a corporate welfare hog, benefiting from at least $3.8 billion in federal contracts and taxpayer-insured loans. ... Halliburton, which lobbied for the Ex-Im loan after the State Department initially asserted that the deal would run counter to the "national interest," will receive $292 million of those funds to refurbish a massive Siberian oil field owned by the Russian company, the Tyumen Oil Co., which is controlled by a conglomerate called the Alfa Group." *) August 2, 2007, Stratfor Associates, 'Mikhail Fridman: Background Investigation': "Like many of Russia's oligarchs, Fridman considers himself a Jew first and a Russian a distant second. ... Fridman is closely tied into the Muscovite Solntsevo (Solntsevskaya) Organization, one of Russia’s largest and most powerful organized crime associations, via funding from Alfa. ... Russian media have frequently tied many oligarchs to the Solsnetskaya organization, though a Russian prosecutor Stratfor spoke with said the evidence that Fridman and [Pyotr] Aven are involved with the group has been officially removed from all records. ... Specifically, Alfa Group is now involved in transporting drugs from Southeast Asia through Russia into Europe, laundering money of Colombian drug cartels, and bribing organs of justice in Russia in order to keep the entire operation below law enforcement's radar. Despite Fridman’s officially "clean" record so far as violence is concerned, he is believed to be at least partially responsible for many of the assassinations that plague Russian society, particularly regarding journalists."" |
alfabank.com/investor/governance/directors/fridman/ (accessed: Ocotber 29, 2014): "Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group Consortium... Fridman is a Member of the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations..." Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven built up Alfa Group since the 1990s. |
*) October 10, 2008, Wall Street Journal, 'Russia's Deripaska Faces Western Investigations': "In the past, authorities in the U.S. have accused Mr. Deripaska of having ties to organized crime, which he has denied. In 2006, the Federal Bureau of Investigation persuaded the State Department to revoke a U.S. visa he had obtained, according to diplomatic and law-enforcement officials. ... Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, whose business is facing a squeeze amid the credit crisis, also is under investigation by U.S. and U.K. authorities in connection with a $57.5 million wire transfer last year, according to people familiar with the matter. ... The wire transfer being investigated in the U.S. and U.K. originated with a Russian company Mr. Deripaska controls, UC Rusal, passing through Barclays PLC offices in New York and London, according to emails, other documents and people with knowledge of the transaction. Some of the funds ended up with Deripaska consultants in Washington who, according to lawyers and government officials, are being investigated by the Justice Department and Manhattan district attorney for possible money laundering or other crimes. The transfer is one of dozens under scrutiny. ... Mr. Deripaska has been working with a small group of advisers in Washington and London who have helped him deal with inquiries and lawsuits over his alleged ties to organized crime, according to business records and interviews with people involved in the work. The advisers include Alexander Mirtchev and Thomas Ondeck, who operate a Washington consulting firm called GlobalOptions Management [with former CIA directors William Webster and James Woolsey on the board. Founded by CIA asset Neil Livingstone, once of the American Security Council]." *) October 24, 2008, Harper's magazine, 'Oleg Deripaska and the Buying of Washington: Controversial oligarch funds local think tanks': "Through his holding company, Basic Element, Deripaska is a major donor to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). According to the Council's website, Basic Element is a member of the "President's Circle," the second-highest corporate donor level. ... Basic Element has also offered "generous financial support" to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Back in December 2005, Deripaska gave a speech at Carnegie entitled "Restructuring Soviet Enterprises: Challenges and Solutions." His funding for the think tank soon followed. ... Deripaska has also bought himself a Harvard pedigree. Thanks to a contribution to the university, he serves as an International Council Member at Harvard's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs [with Nat Rothschild and former CIA director John Deutch]." |
January 16, 2003, Compromat.ru (original from Stringer-agency.ru), 'Михаил Черной: "Моим хобби, если можно так сказать, является помощь хорошим, честным людям."' ('Michael Cherney: "My hobby, so to speak, is to help good, honest people"'): "The first contacts with the criminal underworld Michael [Cherney] got in Uzbekistan. Along with his brother Leo, Michael created the first industrial cooperative in Uzbekistan. In this co-op Michael organized the production. In keeping their business, the brothers relied on the support of the criminal world of Tashkent. The money for the promotion of their business, the Cherney brothers acquired through links with the Uzbek criminal community, especially with Gafur Rakhimov [allied with Solntsevskaya; close since his youth with oligarch Alisher Usmanov] and Tofik Arifova. The questionable cooperative was used by criminal organizations to launder the proceeds of racketeering, prostitution, trafficking in arms and drugs. Also in Uzbekistan, Cherney met with Iskander Makhmudov, which is still considered his most reliable partner, along with Oleg Deripaska." |
*) The reports about Michael Cherney's ties to organized crime are endless. Of course former CIA directors James Woolsey and John Deutch knew about them when they joined Cherney's Intelligence Summit. *) April 6, 2004, Compromat.ru (original from Stringer-agency.ru), 'Последний бой?' ('The last fight?'): "In December 1999 an impressive company gathered at the Herots [hotel] in the Israeli city of Eilat. Present: Mr. [Michael] Cherney, Semion Mogilevich [head of the Solntsevskaya mafia] ... Vadim Rabinovich (denied entry into the United States and Great Britain - !) [suspected Solntsevskaya chief], Oleg Deripaska [billionaire oligarch and chief Rothschild partner in Russia], Oleg Taranov ([head of the Ukrainian] National Agency for the Management of State Property) and Andrey Derkach [member of parliament and son of the head of the security service of Ukraine, Leonid Derkach [under Kuchma]." *) January 16, 2003, Compromat.ru (original from Stringer-agency.ru), 'Михаил Черной: "Моим хобби, если можно так сказать, является помощь хорошим, честным людям."' ('Michael Cherney: "My hobby, so to speak, is to help good, honest people"'): "The first contacts with the criminal underworld Michael [Cherney] got in Uzbekistan. Along with his brother Leo, Michael created the first industrial cooperative in Uzbekistan. In this co-op Michael organized the production. In keeping their business, the brothers relied on the support of the criminal world of Tashkent. The money for the promotion of their business, the Cherney brothers acquired through links with the Uzbek criminal community, especially with Gafur Rakhimov [allied with Solntsevskaya; close since his youth with oligarch Alisher Usmanov] and Tofik Arifova. The questionable cooperative was used by criminal organizations to launder the proceeds of racketeering, prostitution, trafficking in arms and drugs. Also in Uzbekistan, Cherney met with Iskander Makhmudov, which is still considered his most reliable partner, along with Oleg Deripaska." *) August 7, 1996, Novaya Ezhednevnaya Gazeta (through Rumafia): "The names of Mikhail and Lev Chernoy [Cherney], as well as the criminal authority Alimzhan Tohtahunov (Tayvanchik) [Taiwanchik] are mentioned in spring 1996 telephone recording of the president of the National Sports Fund, Boris Fyodorov, with Boris Berezovsky, Valentin Yumashev and Tatyana Dyachenko [Yeltsin's daughter]. On the record, Mikhail Chernoy, his brother and Tayvanchik were mentioned as people who are closely connected with the criminal groups, as well as that they have contact with the former head of the Russian Federal Security Service, Mikhail Barsukov, and the former head of presidential security, [General] Aleksandr Korzhakov." *) April 18, 2007, No. 37, "Time and Money", www.zakon.co (through Rumafia): "In 1995, there was an attempt on Chernoy's [Michael Cherney's] life. KGB officers shadowed him for 3 months: his contacts were recorded, his movements were tracked, domestic and international calls were secretly wiretapped. With the completion of information gathering, the Russian customers, according to information in the media, decided to eliminate Chernoy physically. For this, a hired killer was chosen, who agreed to fulfill an order for 100 thousand dollars, but who later turned out to be a secret agent of the Israeli police. This prevented the attack on Chernoy and guaranteed the detention of the former security officials who participated in the preparation of his murder." *) May 6, 2007, www.rosbalt.ru (through Rumafia): "Chernoy [Cherney] was repeatedly suspected of the laundering criminal money and close links with international criminals by the law enforcement agencies in several European countries. ... Mikhail Chernoy is still not allowed to enter the UK, the USA, Switzerland, France and Bulgaria." *) November 1, 2000, Vedomosti, No. 203 (285) (through Rumafia): "In August 2000, Chernoy [Cherney] was expelled from Bulgaria with the deprivation of the right of residence on its territory and its entering in ten years period. National Security Service of Bulgaria concluded that Mikhail Chernoy is linked with international criminal organizations and that he threatens the national security of Bulgaria. After the events in Bulgaria, Chernoy was forced to cede "MobiTel" to Israeli businessman Lev Levaev. In October 2003, Chernoy attempted to visit a match of his football club "Levski", but the Bulgarian authorities denied the attempt of the owner of the club." *) May 22, 2009, Peoples.ru: "At the same time people from the inner circles of Chernoy [Cherney] were arrested – among them Oleg Chernomorets, the city council member of the resort town Eilat and Elena Sakir, the secretary of Chernoy. They were accused of organizing meetings of the Russian criminal leaders on the bank of the Red Sea." *) January 15, 2010, Vedomosti, No. 5: "In January 2010 the Court of Tel-Aviv passed a sentence to one of the participants of the case on illegal collection of information about Mikhail Chernoy [Cherney]. It was reported that personal information about the businessman received through wiretapping of Chernoy, was collected by the order of a citizen of Russia Alexei Drobashenko who during that period occupied one of the senior positions in the company of Oleg Deripaska. The press wrote that it was this information which formed the basis for the criminal case against Chernoy in Spain." |
[42] | *) October 2, PR Newswire, 'Richard Perle to Receive 'Scoop' Jackson Award at Jerusalem Summit': "Richard Perle, a leading US strategist and past assistant Secretary of Defense under the Reagan Administration will receive the Annual Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson Award at the Inaugural Jerusalem Summit (Oct. 12-14), which will take place in Jerusalem. ... Joining RICHARD PERLE in Jerusalem will be fellow Americans DANIEL PIPES, ALAN KEYES, CAL THOMAS, FRANK GAFFNEY, JOHN BATCHELOR and MIKE EVANS. Israeli participants will include EHUD OLMERT, BENYAMIN NETANYAHU, UZI LANDAU, Rabbi BENI ELON, EFRAIM EITAM, URI LUPOLIANSKY and leading Knesset members, academics and businessmen. Organizers of The Jerusalem Summit are Israel's Government Ministry of Tourism, the Jerusalem Municipality, the Michael Cherney Foundation and the National Unity Coalition for Israel." *) See ISGP's article The Supranational Suspects Behind 9/11 for more details. |
[43] | February 16, 2006, New York Sun, 'Furor Erupts Over Recordings of Saddam': "Two former CIA directors have resigned from the board of the organization planning tomorrow to make public secret recordings of Saddam Hussein and his advisers. In the last week both [CIA directors] John Deutch and James Woolsey abruptly left their positions at Intelligence Summit, according to its president, John Loftus, who said their departure is part of a campaign by the directorate of national intelligence to punish him for releasing the recordings. The reason both men gave for their resignations was new information they received regarding one of the summit's biggest donors, Michael Cherney, an Israeli citizen who has been denied a visa to enter America because of his alleged ties to the Russian mafia. [they undoubtedly knew this before the VISA refusal]" |
[44] | April 30, 2013, Jeremy Hammond, 'The CIA's Suitcases of Cash to Afghan Drug Lords': "I’ve frequently written about how the mainstream media exaggerates the role of the Taliban in the Afghanistan opium trade and downplays the role of the Afghan government, U.S.-backed warlords and drug lords with connections to the regime, and the CIA. Occasionally, a mainstream media report sheds some light on the elephant in the room. The New York Times this week reports on how the CIA has been handing over suitcases of currency to the regime of Hamid Karzai, but that there is little evidence that the payments bought the influence the C.I.A. sought. Instead, some American officials said, the cash has fueled corruption and empowered warlords, undermining Washington’s exit strategy from Afghanistan. “The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan,” one American official said, “was the United States.” This is of course completely unsurprising. Iran, the Times also notes, has similarly been giving cash to the Afghanistan government, but Interestingly, the cash from Tehran appears to have been handled with greater transparency than the dollars from the C.I.A., Afghan officials said. The Times suggests that Instead of securing his good graces, the payments may well illustrate the opposite: Mr. Karzai is seemingly unable to be bought. But other information reported by the Times suggests that the money isn’t about bribing Karzai into compliance. They remind readers, for example, how Mr. Karzai’s half brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, was paid by the C.I.A. to run the Kandahar Strike Force, a militia used by the agency to combat militants, until his assassination in 2011. The article doesn’t mention the fact that Ahmed Wali Karzai was suspected of being a major drug lord. Following the link to an earlier Times piece, it notes towards the end of the article that most American and Afghan officials believed: that he had connections to the opium trade…. That may be putting it mildly. In August of 2009, discussed the Afghan drug trade with former chief of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) Gen. Hamid Gul, and he told me the president’s half-brother was the leading drug lord in Afghanistan. The Times article adds further down the page, with regard the suitcases of cash from the CIA, that Much of it also still goes to keeping old warlords in line. One is Abdul Rashid Dostum, an ethnic Uzbek whose militia served as a C.I.A. proxy force in 2001. He receives nearly $100,000 a month from the palace, two Afghan officials said. Other officials said the amount was significantly lower. The article similarly doesn’t mention that Dostum is likewise a leading figure in the Afghan drug trade. Here is the relevant excerpt from my interview with Gen. Gul, in which we discussed both Karzai and Dostum: Turning the focus of our discussion to the Afghan drug problem, I noted that the U.S. mainstream corporate media routinely suggest that the Taliban is in control of the opium trade. However, according to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Anti-Government Elements (or AGEs), which include but are not limited to the Taliban, account for a relatively small percentage of the profits from the drug trade. Two of the U.S.’s own intelligence agencies, the CIA and the DIA, estimate that the Taliban receives about $70 million a year from the drugs trade. That may seem at first glance like a significant amount of money, but it’s only about two percent of the total estimated profits from the drug trade, a figure placed at $3.4 billion by the UNODC last year. Meanwhile, the U.S. has just announced its new strategy for combating the drug problem: placing drug traffickers with ties to insurgents —and only drug lords with ties to insurgents — on a list to be eliminated. The vast majority of drug lords, in other words, are explicitly excluded as targets under the new strategy. Or, to put it yet another way, the U.S. will be assisting to eliminate the competition for drug lords allied with occupying forces or the Afghan government and helping them to further corner the market. I pointed out to the former ISI chief that Afghan opium finds its way into Europe via Pakistan, via Iran and Turkey, and via the former Soviet republics. According to the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, convoys under General Rashid Dostum — who was reappointed last month to his government position as Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Afghan National Army by President Hamid Karzai — would truck the drugs over the border. And President Karzai’s own brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, has been accused of being a major drug lord. So I asked General Gul who was really responsible for the Afghan drug trade. “Now, let me give you the history of the drug trade in Afghanistan,” his answer began. “Before the Taliban stepped into it, in 1994 — in fact, before they captured Kabul in September 1996 — the drugs, the opium production volume was 4,500 tons a year. Then gradually the Taliban came down hard upon the poppy growing. It was reduced to around 50 tons in the last year of the Taliban. That was the year 2001. Nearly 50 tons of opium produced. 50. Five-zero tons. Now last year the volume was at 6,200 tons. That means it has really gone one and a half times more than it used to be before the Taliban era.” He pointed out, correctly, that the U.S. had actually awarded the Taliban for its effective reduction of the drug trade. On top of $125 million the U.S. gave to the Taliban ostensibly as humanitarian aid, the State Department awarded the Taliban $43 million for its anti-drug efforts. “Of course, they made their mistakes,” General Gul continued. “But on the whole, they were doing fairly good. If they had been engaged in meaningful, fruitful, constructive talks, I think it would have been very good for Afghanistan.” Referring to the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, General Gul told me in a later conversation that Taliban leader “Mullah Omar was all the time telling that, look, I am prepared to hand over Osama bin Laden to a third country for a trial under Shariah. Now that is where — he said [it] twice — and they rejected this. Because the Taliban ambassador here in Islamabad, he came to me, and I asked him, ‘Why don’t you study this issue, because America is threatening to attack you. So you should do something.’ He said, ‘We have done everything possible.’ He said, ‘I was summoned by the American ambassador in Islamabad’ — I think Milam was the ambassador at that time — and he told me that ‘I said, “Look, produce the evidence.” But he did not show me anything other than cuttings from the newspapers.’ He said, ‘Look, we can’t accept this as evidence, because it has to stand in a court of law. You are prepared to put him on trial. You can try him in the United Nations compound in Kabul, but it has to be a Shariah court because he’s a citizen under Shariah law. Therefore, we will not accept that he should be immediately handed over to America, because George Bush has already said that he wants him “dead or alive”, so he’s passed the punishment, literally, against him.” Referring to the U.S. rejection of the Taliban offer to try bin Laden in Afghanistan or hand him over to a third country, General Gul added, “I think this is a great opportunity that they missed.” Returning to the drug trade, General Gul named the brother of President Karzai, Abdul Wali Karzai. “Abdul Wali Karzai is the biggest drug baron of Afghanistan,” he stated bluntly. He added that the drug lords are also involved in arms trafficking, which is “a flourishing trade” in Afghanistan. “But what is most disturbing from my point of view is that the military aircraft, American military aircraft are also being used. You said very rightly that the drug routes are northward through the Central Asia republics and through some of the Russian territory, and then into Europe and beyond. But some of it is going directly. That is by the military aircraft. I have so many times in my interviews said, ‘Please listen to this information, because I am an aware person.’ We have Afghans still in Pakistan, and they sometimes contact and pass on the stories to me. And some of them are very authentic. I can judge that. So they are saying that the American military aircraft are being used for this purpose. So, if that is true, it is very, very disturbing indeed.” An alternative interpretation is that, far from failing to accomplish their goal, the suitcases of cash from the CIA have been quite successful in achieving their aim." |
[45] | October 8, 2008, New York Tims, 'Reports link Karzai's brother to Afghanistan heroin trade'. |
[46] | July 14, 2011, Washington Post, 'Ahmed Wali Karzai's killer had been a Taliban foe'. |
[47] | April 30, 2013, Jeremy Hammond, 'The CIA's Suitcases of Cash to Afghan Drug Lords' |
[48] | See ISGP's article The Supranational Suspects Behind 9/11 for details. |
[49] | September 14, 2004, Far West chairman Vladimir Filin to Pravda.info, 'Александр Нагорный: Наркобароны из ЦРУ и МИ-6' ('Drug lords of the CIA and MI- 6') |
[50] | See note 44. |
[51] | Hamid Karzai's 2006 CFR speech can be found on Youtube: Council on Foreign Relations channel, 'Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai'. |
[52] | See note 44. |
[53] | |
[54] | April 18, 1997, Hurriyet Daily News, 'Ciller's Consultant Tamraz May Testify in Congress': "Roger Tamraz, the CIA-informant oil executive and banker who impressed then Prime Minister Tansu Ciller in 1995 with his promises of making the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline a reality (for a hefty fee) may soon show up in front of a Congressional committee investigating the allegations surrounding Democratic fund raising practices. ... What Tamraz might also be questioned by U.S. lawmakers is his close links to the BCCI banking scandal and Ghaith Pharaon, his classmate from Harvard Business School. In 1973, Tamraz forms his own investment bank, First Arabian Corporation backed by such powerful Saudi investors as Sheikh Kamal Adham, also known as "Al-Turki" since he was raised in Istanbul. Adham is the brother of late King Faisal's wife Queen Iffat and known as Saudi Arabia's top intelligence officer with strong links to the CIA. Other shareholders in Tamraz' bank include Prince Abdullah bin Musaid bin Abdul Rahman; Sheikh Salem bin Ladin; and Ghaith Pharaon. The relations between Tamraz and Pharaon grew stronger after Tamraz bailed out Pharaon's Bank of the Commonwealth in Detroit in 1975. In 1977 Pharaon becomes part-owner of the Main Bank of Houston. Co-Owners of the bank include John Connally, Governor of Texas who was riding the same car when President Kennedy got shot in Dallas in 1963, and Saudi banker Khaled bin Mahfouz. Mahfouz's father was the founder of Saudi Arabia's largest privately owned bank, the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia. "Pharaon's troubles started in late 1977 when he bought shares in the National Bank of Georgia belonging to [then [Governor] Jimmy Carter's political confidant, T. Bertram Lance," [an] American Spectator story reads. Attending Pharaon's lavish parties in Georgia were [the] likes of Carter himself and Alexander Haig, ... who is well-known to the Ankara establishment. It later turned out that [the] National Bank operation was a front for BCCI and Pharaon was acting in fact on behalf of his BCCI backers." *) 1991, Russ Bellant, 'Old Nazis and the New Right: The Republican Party and Fascists', pp. 18-19: "One American involved in this [P2 Lodge] intrigue was Philip A. Gurarino, 79, an adviser on senior citizens' affairs to the Republican National Committee... Guarino was also involved in John Conally's Committee for the Defense of the Mediterranean, which disseminated propaganda on the Italian Communist Party supposed threat to the West. ... Guarino was also described in St. Peter's Banker, a book about activities involving P-2, as an "honorary member of P-2." 45 Foreign members of P-2 were rare. One other of the select was Jose Lopez Riga, founder of the Latin American death-squad group known as the Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance. ... Connally ... was a friend of [Michele] Sindona. 50 .... Guarino's dealings with the P-2 network began no later than 1976, when the Mafia-linked Sindona financed an ad hoc group called Americans for a Democratic Italy, cochaired by Guarino and Paul Rao, Jr. who is described in St. Peter's Banker as "a prominent member of the Italian-American community and attorney for the head of the Gambino family."47 Sindona and Gambino family members were indicted in 1982 for "operating a $600 million-a-year heroin trade between Sicily and America." 48 ... Another friend and guest at Connally's Texas ranch was Roberto Calvi, a Vatican banker and P-2 member, according to Larry Gurwin in The Calvi Affair. Calvi was in Gelli's inner circle, serving as an "executioner," one of a dozen hooded men with axes who served Gelli in the secret initiation rites for new members of P-2. The ceremony included the mixing of the initiate's blood with that of Gelli and his "executioners," the testing of courage with vipers, and an oath that bound the new P-2 member to Gelli and the netherworld of fascism for life. 51 Cal vi's life was cut short, however, when he was found hanging from a bridge in London in 1982." *) 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies', p. 74: "Frank Gigliotti [one-time assistant to a hypnotist; Presbyterian clergyman; worked with teenaged boys, for whom he organized a social club named the Guiseppe Mazzini Club; recruited by the OSS; active in Italy] of the US Masonic Lodge personally recruited Gelli and instructed him to set up an anti-Communist parallel government in Italy in close cooperation with the CIA station in Rome. 'It was Ted Shackley, director of all covert operations of the CIA in Italy in the 1970s', an internal report of the Italian anti-terrorism unit confirmed, 'who presented the chief of the Masonic Lodge to Alexander Haig'. According to the document, Nixon's Military adviser General Haig [later Pilgrims Society executive] ... 'authorized Gelli in the fall of 1969 to recruit 400 high ranking Italian and NATO officers into his lodge'. (60)... the secretive anti-Communist P2 members list confiscated [in 1981] counted at least 962 members, with total leadership estimated at 2,500..." *) Jimmy Carter was close to Ryochi Sasakawa, an old Black Dragon Society member and Yakuza chief who wielded enormous political influence in Japan. |
[55] | January 16, 1996, Executive Intelligence Review, 'The Great Game and the Pipeline Wars': "Russian-Turkish relations are not exactly cordial on the topic. Turkish Prime Minister Tansu Ciller recently told Moscow that Turkey would refuse passage rights to any more large oil tankers passing through the Bosphorus from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, claiming environmental danger of oil spills as the reason, and threatening to allow Greenpeace to stage protests there. Moscow replies that this is merely an excuse for Turkey, and that the real reason is to force the Central Asia pipelines to route overland through Turkey, in place of Russia. ... This is why Russia insists on the Novorossiysk-Bulgaria route, to avoid Turkey entirely. Moscow is apparently pre- pared to use strong measures to secure this option. "Of course," Bondarevsky stated, "if Turkey persists in its de- mand, there are options which could be used to pressure Tur- key." He noted the presence of large numbers of Kurds in the very region where the Ciller government would have to route the oil pipeline. "In the 1920s, the Kurds helped Armenia against the Azéris. The Kurds could well respond today again to the unreasonable pipeline project of the Turkish gov- ernment."" |
[56] | March 5, 1996, Federation of American Scientists' Arms Sales Monitor, No. 32, 'Turkey': "According to the 12 February issue of U.S. News & World Report, a classified report by the CIA's "State Failure Task Force" has identified Turkey as a state at risk of collapsing. The anti-western Islamic party won a plurality in parliamentary elections last December. Prime Minister Tansu Ciller's party lost just weeks after the sale of 120 Army Tactical Missiles, which showed the strong backing of the United States for her government. Human rights and political abuses continue in Turkey's prosecution of its war on Kurdish militants (PKK) and civilians. The PKK initiated a unilateral cease-fire in mid-December 1995. To date, the Turkish government has not responded." |
[57] | 2004, James Garrison, 'America As Empire: Global Leader Or Rogue Power?': "The Forum was an offshoot of the Gorbachev Foundation/USA, which Garrison founded in 1992, in partnership with Mikhail Gorbachev, Senator Alan Cranston, who served as chairman of the board of trustees, and George Shultz, secretary of state under President Ronald Reagan, who served as chairman of the board of advisors. Mr. Gorbachev serves as the convening chairman of the State of the World Forum. An international group of leaders serve with him as co-chairs, including ... James Baker, Tansu Ciller, Sonia Gandhi, Jane Goodall, Ruud Lubbers, ... her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan, Jose Ramos-Horta, Jehan Sadat, George Shultz (retired as co-chair in 1998), Maurice Strong (retired in 1996), Ted Turner, Desmond Tutu, Elie Wiesel..." *) More sources and names in ISGP's Coast to Coast AM: Cult of National Security Trolls article. |
[58] | February 24, 1997, New York Times, 'Albright Struts Across a World Stage, Radiating Star Quality' |
[59] | May 12, 2001, Hurriyet Daily News, 'Ciller discusses Armenian issue with Kissinger'. |
[60] | May 13, 1997, Hurriyet Daily News, 'Koc Hlding, TUSIAD criticize Ciller'. |
[61] | September 14, 2004, Far West chairman Vladimir Filin to (his own) Pravda.info, 'Александр Нагорный: Наркобароны из ЦРУ и МИ-6' ('Drug lords of the CIA and MI- 6'). |
[62] | July 5, 2012, Dawn.com (Pakistan), ''Over 200 tonnes of heroin is smuggled via Pakistan a year'': "Anti-drug smuggling agencies here seize only a small fraction of the heroin smuggled from Afghanistan through Pakistan and trafficked in the global market, it emerged on Thursday. Between 210 and 240 tonnes of heroin was smuggled from Afghanistan and reached the global market after passing through Pakistan last year, said a customs official, Habib Ahmed, while speaking to Dawn on the sidelines of an international conference, titled “Control drugs — control crimes”, organised by Pakistan Customs. Even the global figures of heroin seizures were not very encouraging, he said, adding that out of every 500 tonnes produced, 58 tonnes (11 per cent) were seized in 2009. He said that while consolidated figures for seizures of heroin in Pakistan were not readily available with him, the total figure was well below one tonne. Regarding heroin production, he said that 6,000 tonnes of opium, which was over 90 per cent of the global produce last year, was grown in Afghanistan, while 610 tonnes of opium was produced in Myanmar, 25 tonnes in Laos, 10 tonnes in Mexico and nine tonnes in Colombia. Since conversion ratio of opium to heroin was around 10 to 1, it was roughly estimated that Afghanistan produced 600 tonnes of heroin last year, he added. He said that over 85 per cent of the heroin produced in Afghanistan was grown in the provinces — Hilmand (66 per cent), Kandahar (nine per cent), Farah (10 per cent) — neighbouring Pakistan. He said that heroin produced in Afghanistan took four routes to reach global markets — some 25 per cent of the product (nearly 150 tonnes) was smuggled through a northern route to reach Russia after passing through Central Asian republics to cater to 1.8 million addicts. Between 35 and 40 per cent of the heroin (between 210 and 240 tonnes) was smuggled through Pakistan to reach the global markets, ranging from the Americas to Australia, Africa to Europe and China. While two other routes used by the smugglers passed through the Balkans and the Caucasus. He said the heroin was mostly seized from passengers usually at airports or occasionally at the sea port from the cargo, which usually was in kilograms, showing that the bulk of the heroin — over 200 tonnes that is estimated to be worth between $25 and $30 billion — annually passed through Pakistan “safely”. He said that Pakistan was primarily a transit country for opiates / heroin produced in Afghanistan while it also had an estimated 500,000 heroin addicts out of whom around 60,000 injected drugs. There are, according to WHO estimates, between 46,000 and 210,000 adult HIV positive cases and 689 out of 2,903 reported HIV positive cases are Injecting Drug Users (IDUs). Giving a comparison of heroin prices, the customs official said that a kilo of heroin cost $2,000 in Afghanistan, $4,000 in Pakistan, $376,000 in Australia, $325,000 in Canada, $255,000 in Japan; $131,000 in the US, $100,000 in Europe, $96,000 in Russia and $52,000 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He said that if an Afghan farmer produced opium he would earn roughly six times more than what he would earn if he had sown a wheat crop. The ratio changed every year, he said, adding that in 2004 it was 12 times while in 2008 and 2009 it dropped to just three times. He said that out of a total of $80 billion heroin trade, the farmers got only $1 billion while the rest went to different pockets in the contraband supply chain. He said that over $80 billion was spent on the treatment of around 21 million addicts across the world." |
[63] | May 10, 2014, Volkskrant, ''Politie vervalste tapgesprekken Baybasin'': "De politie en het Openbaar Ministerie hebben bewust tapgesprekken vervalst in de zaak van de voor moord en drugshandel veroordeelde Hüseyin Baybasin. Gesprekken zijn 'geknipt en geplakt' en onjuist vertaald om de 57-jarige Koerd achter de tralies te krijgen. Tot die conclusie komt wetenschapsfilosoof Ton Derksen in het boek Verknipt bewijs dat maandag wordt gepubliceerd. 'Op een heleboel manieren is dit de ernstigste zaak die ik heb gehad', zegt de emeritus-hoogleraar van de Nijmeegse Radboud Universiteit. 'Er is zo massief en aantoonbaar gelogen. Ik heb honderd telefoontaps beluisterd, en elke keer weer vond ik manipulaties.' Derksen deed eerder onderzoek naar onder meer de justitiële dwaling in de zaak van Lucia de Berk, de Haagse verpleegkundige die tot levenslang werd veroordeeld omdat justitie dacht dat ze zeven patiënten had vermoord. Zij werd in 2010 alsnog vrijgesproken. Derksen analyseerde de tapgesprekken op vijf verschillende manieren, zowel technisch als inhoudelijk. Hij vond in de zestien taps die door de rechter als bewijs tegen Baybasin werden gebruikt negentig indicaties van manipulatie, en elf vertaalfouten. 'Je stuit op heel vreemde dingen. Baybasin zou bijvoorbeeld vanuit Gilze in Nederland naar Istanbul gebeld hebben, en zegt dan: kom nu maar even langs. Dat kan dus niet.' Al tijdens de rechtszaak werd er gediscussieerd over de betrouwbaarheid van de in totaal zesduizend tapgesprekken - het belangrijkste bewijs tegen Baybasin. Zowel de rechtbank als het gerechtshof en de Hoge Raad kwamen tot de conclusie dat de taps betrouwbaar waren. Bart Jacobs, hoogleraar computerveiligheid die in 2009 een onderzoek naar de audiobestanden begeleidde, concludeerde destijds dat er 'een beperkt aantal onregelmatigheden' waren. Hij deed dit onderzoek in opdracht van de Commissie Evaluatie Afgesloten Strafzaken (CEAS), de commissie vond de resultaten onvoldoende om de zaak te heropenen. Derksen uit in zijn boek felle kritiek op de hoogleraar computerveiligheid. Jacobs vindt juist dat Derksen 'onzorgvuldig gebruik heeft gemaakt van de bevindingen in het audio-onderzoek' van destijds. Het Openbaar Ministerie wil niet reageren op de beschuldigingen van Derksen, omdat de zaak opnieuw bij de Hoge Raad ligt. Baybasin werd in 1998 in Nederland gearresteerd, en in 2002 tot levenslang veroordeeld. Sindsdien strijdt hij om zijn onschuld te bewijzen. Volgens hem en zijn advocaat Adèle van der Plas is hij het slachtoffer van een complot: Nederland zou hem hebben veroordeeld in opdracht van Turkije. Als Nederland niet mee zou werken zou Turkije Joris Demmink, destijds topambtenaar, vervolgen wegens pedofilie. Voor dit complot echter heeft Derksen 'geen enkele aanwijzing' gevonden. 'Ik geloof daar niets van.'Hij noemt de naam van Demmink dan ook niet in het boek." |
[64] | |
[65] | April 11, 2007, Kleintje Muurkrant at Stelling.nl, 'Cold Turkey (14)', document geciteerd, worden van Ruyters): "Nee, dat kan niet [Baybasin uitleveren]. Het dossier Baybasin kan door de Turkse authoriteiten gebruikt worden als dwangmiddel om andere zaken uit te spelen. De heer Demmink gaat donderdag op vakantie. Uiterlijk donderdagavond zullen we hierover uitsluitsel geven." |
[66] | Originally the EK RAPOR report was linked here, but I figured a small photocopy of relevant texts would be enough. Saves some bandwidth. |
[67] | October 2, 2012, Parket bij de Hoge Raad, ECLI:NL:PHR:2012:BX6402, conclusie-rapport. (uitspraken.rechtspraak.nl) |
[68] | February 12, 2013, U.S. Government Printing Office, 113th Congress, 1st session, Demmink Resolution Reponse: "Mr. Demmink asserts that he was not in Turkey at the time of the alleged offenses. In fact, at no time after 1986 has he been in Turkey." |
[69] | April 9, 1997, Council of Europe, 'Ad hoc Working Party to assist the Chair and the Secretary General to establish the position of the Council of Europe with a view to strengthening its cooperation with the European Union (GR-EU)': "An exchange of views between the Troika of the K4 Committee and a delegation from the Council of Europe took place at the seat of the Council of the European Union, in Brussels, on 25 March 1997. ... Mr Demmink opened the dialogue and mentioned the need for a more structured approach to co-operation between the Union and the Council of Europe. ... Appendix: List of main participants K4 Troika: - Mr Joris Demmink (Netherlands), Chairman..." wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?id=574639&Site=COE |
[70] | May-August 1998, vol. 8, no. 3 and 4, Statewatch Bulletin, 'EU officials meet with Security Police and Ministers', ref. no. #2349: "The EU high-level group of officials visiting Istanbul and Ankara included the chair of the K4 Committee, the chair of the Migration Working Group, with representatives from the Commission and the General Secretariat of the Council (DG H). On 9 March in Istanbul the EU group met with Mr Cernal Aydin, Deputy Head of the Security Police in the Istanbul Police Department and Mr Orgun Aksu, head of the foreigner's branch of the Police Department. They said they were aware of "illegal immigration by land from the neighbouring region" from the six named countries (see above). Among their requests was help on the "readmission of third country nationals to Bangladesh and Pakistan". On 10 March the EU group met officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior. Mr Erkan Gozer, Director General for Consular, Legal and Property Services told them that Turkey was a: "transit point given the attraction of the EU to illegal third country national immigrants seeking asylum for economic purposes."" database.statewatch.org/article.asp?aid=2349 *) February 20, 1998, Council of Europe document, note from: Presidency, to: K4 Committee, 'Influx of migrants from Iraq and the neighbouring region: progress on implementation of the Action Plan': "In addition to this action a report is made of the Presidency's contacts with the Turkish authorities at a meeting in Ankara on 19 January [and further meetings in Ankara and Istanbul from 8 - 10 March by the Chairman of K4 accompanied by the Commission and Council Secretariat.]" |
[71] | *) January 16, 2013, Question for written answer to the Council, Rule 117, Lucas Hartong (NI), P-000381-13, 'Subject: Visits by former top Netherlands official to Turkey': "At the end of last year, Mr Ehler, chairman of the European Parliament’s Delegation for relations with the United States, received a letter from three US congressmen, namely Messrs. Joseph Pitts, Frank Wolf and Christopher Smith, concerning former Netherlands top official Demmink. Congressman Ted Poe has also recently sent a letter to Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey urging him to disclose the state of affairs of this long-standing issue. I would like to ask the following questions in this connection: 1. Can the Council indicate who took part in the K4 official delegation to Ankara and Istanbul on 9‐10 March 1998? 2. Can the Council indicate whether more K4 delegations visited Turkey between 1990 and 1999 and whether or not Mr Demmink was part of them? What were the dates and the locations of those trips? 3. Can the Council indicate whether Mr Demmink may have been part of other delegations to Turkey between 1990 and 1999, other than in the context of K4?" europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=WQ&reference=P-2013-000381&language=EN *) April 15, 2013, reply: "The Council has the following information on the visit by the K4 Committee to Turkey on 9-10 March 1998. According to the report of this visit, the EU high-level group of officials visiting Istanbul and Ankara included the chair of the K4 Committee, the Chair of the Migration Working Group and representatives from the Commission and the General Secretariat of the Council. The Council has no information on the names of the participants. However, Mr Demmink was not the (acting) chair of the K4 Committee in March 1998, as the Netherlands Presidency already ended as at 1 July 1997. The Council has information on two visits by the K4 Committee to Turkey between 1990-1999: as indicated above, a visit on 9-10 March 1998 and also a visit on 10 December 1998 to Ankara. As in the case of the 9-10 March visit, the Council has no information on the names of the participants during the second visit. The Council has no information as referred to in question number 3." europarl.europa.eu/sides/getAllAnswers.do?reference=P-2013-000381&language=EN |
[72] | wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?id=594947 (accessed: October 10, 2014): "Strasbourg, 19 November 1997, Restricted. Report of the meeting of 16 October 1997 in Brussels between the Troïka of the K4 Committee and a Delegation from the Council of Europe. ... List of participants (not complete): K4 Troika: - Mr Guy Schleder (Luxembourg), Chairman; - Mr Marc Mathekowitsch (Luxembourg); - Mr Joris Demmink (Netherlands), previous Chairman; - Mr Timothy Walker (United Kingdom), next Chairman; - Mr Peter Edwards (United Kingdom)." |
[73] | October 25, 2012, PR Newswire, 'Turkish Victims Ask Netherlands Court to Prosecute Dutch Justice Ministry Secretary General Joris Demmink': "Two Turkish men who previously pressed charges against Secretary General Joris. Demmink of the Ministry of Justice for rape and sexual abuse of minors (i.e. children under sixteen years of age), lodged an appeal to the Court of Justice in the Hague on October 24 requesting that Demmink be indicted. The two men, Mustafa Y. and Osman B., had been victims of Demmink themselves. When they were 12- and 14-years-old, the victims have testified that Turkish police had lured them to a hotel room where Demmink raped them. ... There is plenty of supporting evidence available, according to both victims. Both men have identified Mehmet Korkmaz as the policeman who brought them to Demmink, while Korkmaz himself stated in a video interview that he had brought Mustafa and other boys to Demmink for sexual abuse. Korkmaz's then boss, the former police chief of Istanbul, confirmed that his police protected Demmink during his visits to Turkey during the 1990s. In a report, the senior Turkish security officer Huseyin Celebi describes Demminks' vulnerability to blackmail after he was caught engaging in child abuse in 1995 in Turkey. Celebi also laid out the dates from 1990s during which Demmink had visited Turkey. These dates cover the period mentioned in both police reports. The Dutch National Public Prosecution Service additionally received a similar list of dates of Demmink entering the country from the Governor of Istanbul. The dates indicated on the list match directly to the visit to Ankara from the EU K4 Committee, a European committee in which Demmink had represented the Netherlands. The National Public Prosecution Service completely skipped over this supporting evidence. For these reasons, Osman B. calls the investigation made into his charges a direct "cover-up"', where the presented evidence of five Turkish witnesses and two official Turkish documents has been systematically ignored. ... For more information on the allegations against Joris Demmink, please visit: www.ArrestDemmink.com. http://www.bs-foundation.nl/. CONTACT: Darren Spinck (202-669-4418 Darren@gscgrouppr.com) SOURCE Bakker Schut Foundation" |
[74] | October 4, 2012, U.S. Commission of Security and Cooperation in Europe, Helsinki Commission Briefing, 'Testimony: Adèle van der Plas, Advocate': "Mr Chairman and members of the Commission. First of all I want to thank your commission for the invitation to inform you about four child abuse cases we are working on for so many years already. I myself represent two Turkish victims who were raped and sexually abused when they were 11 and 14 years old. The perpetrator was a high ranking Dutch government official, nowadays Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, Mr. Joris Demmink." |
[75] | February 12, 2013, U.S. Government Printing Office, 113th Congress, 1st session, Demmink Resolution Reponse: "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Secretary of State should seek to amend Article 22 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice to move the seat of the Court from the Netherlands. ... Whereas Necdet Menzir, Chief of the Istanbul Police Department in the 1990s and former Minister of Transport, affirms that Mr. Demmink visited Turkey numerous times between 1995 and 2000 using a variety of aliases on official and private visits... Officer Mehmet Korkmaz, a Turkish police officer in Istanbul from 1995 to 1997, has stated that he was responsible for Mr. Demmink's security on three of Mr. Demmink's alleged visits, and that he brought Mustafa, at that time a street child, as well as other children to Mr. Demmink for Mr. Demmink to sexually abuse; Whereas Turkish security officer Huseyin Celebi reported to Chief of the General Staff; the Chief of Police, the Attorney- General of the Supreme Council and the Ministry of Justice in Turkey in January 2007 that Mr. Demmink visited Turkey every year between 1995 and 2003, using aliases and attempting to hide his presence in Turkey; Whereas a participant at the March 1998 K4 Committee meeting in Ankara, Turkey, has come forward to affirm that Mr. Demmink was also present at the meeting in Turkey in 1998; Whereas a participant at the July 1996 INTERPOL meeting in Antalya, Turkey, has come forward to affirm that Mr. Demmink was also present at the meeting in Turkey in 1996; Whereas Mr. Demmink has officially denied ever visiting Turkey in the 1990s; Whereas Mr. Demmink's travel records from 1997 to 2000 were allegedly destroyed, according to the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Directorate-General for Immigration Affairs;" ANSWER: Mr. Demmink asserts that he was not in Turkey at the time of the alleged offenses. In fact, at no time after 1986 has he been in Turkey. In a preliminary fact-finding investigation, the possible travel motives of Mr. Demmink in Turkey during this period were checked. This investigation delivered no confirmation whatsoever that the official was in Turkey at this time. The National Police Internal Investigations Department (NPIVD) questioned 17 witnesses besides the official. The Public Prosecutor has only learned from hearsay that a participant at the March 1998 K4 Committee meeting in Ankara, Turkey, and a participant at the July 1996 INTERPOL meeting in Antalya, Turkey, could declare that Mr. Demmink was present during the meetings. Nonetheless, the Public Prosecution Service has requested the minutes and the list of participants of the INTERPOL congress held in Turkey in 1996. Mr. Demmink’s name appears in none of the documents. It has also been established which European officials participated in the March 1998 K4 Committee meeting in Ankara, Turkey. Mr. Demmink was not one of them. Moreover, his role in that Committee had ended on June 30, 1997, more than nine months before the meeting took place." gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-113hres62ih/html/BILLS-113hres62ih.htm |
[76] | *) March 7, 2013, Taras Kuzio for UPI (outside view), 'The IJC should be removed from the Netherlands': "In a ground-breaking resolution the U.S. House of Representatives recently introduced a bill to move the International Court of Justice from The Hague where it has been based since it was founded as the judicial organ of the United Nations after World War II. The resolution was submitted by U.S. Rep. Christopher H. Smith, R-N.J. who is co-chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission. The U.S. government-funded USHC has been monitoring human rights and compliance with Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe accords since 1976. But, the sponsored resolution refers to a different aspect of human rights, that of sex trafficking, which at any given time enslaves 4.5 million people. On Oct. 4 of last year the USHC had a briefing entitled "Listening to Victims of Child Sex Trafficking" that submitted evidence on Joris Demmink, secretary-general of the ministry of Security and Justice in The Netherlands from 2002-12. In the previous decade he was Dutch director general for International Affairs and Immigration. Everybody in a democracy, including Demmink, should have a right to be presumed innocent before proven guilty. At the same time, Dutch authorities shouldn't as Smith told the briefing, act "like an ostrich with its head in the sand." Despite mounting evidence the Dutch authorities, the congressional resolution states, have refused to "investigate the serious allegations" against Demmink therefore "bringing into question the rule of law in the Netherlands." The IJC is the principle institution to promote the rule of law between nations and it cannot be located, the U.S. Congress says, in a country where the rule of law isn't in place. Refusing to investigate serious charges is important in of itself but obstruction goes much deeper. Investigative journalist and civic activist Micha Kat is threatened with imprisoned for a range of alleged crimes, one of which is writing "danger: pedophile" on Demmink's home. Kat is well known for his website klokkenluideronline.net -- whistle blower online -- where he exposes scandals in The Netherlands. The Dutch Association of Journalists wrote last month to the Turkish Embassy in The Netherlands complaining about "threats, intimidation and ill treatment" against Turkish journalist Burhan Kazmali, who was the first to report on allegations against Demmink. The U.S. Congress and journalists Kat and Kazmali have faced obstruction over allegations surrounding Demmink's alleged sex tourism to Turkey, the Philippines and other countries when he had two official Dutch positions. Demmink has been accused by three Turkish boys, now adults, of having raped them in Turkey between 1994 and 2003. One boy was delivered to him by Turkish policeman Mehmet Korkmaz while a second boy was locked in a hotel bedroom with Demmink, who allegedly raped him. Turkish authorities allegedly possess a video of Demmink raping an under-age boy together with other incriminating evidence of Demmink's sexual tourism in Turkey in the 1990s, which he continues to deny having visited at that time. Former Chief of Police of Istanbul, Necdet Menzir, and Korkmaz, who was responsible for Demmink's security during three visits, both contradict his claim that he hasn't visited Turkey. Three witnesses in Turkey are being intimidated into dropping their allegations against Demmink and their lives and families have been threatened. The Dutch journalists' organization protested that Kazmali has been physically assaulted for doing his job as a journalist. These very serious allegations go beyond sex trafficking into the world of national security, providing an additional explanation as to why the allegations aren't investigated. In March 1998, Kurdish businessman and political activist Huseyin Baybassin was detained in The Netherlands at the insistence of the Turkish authorities. Four years later, Baybassin was sentenced to prison for 20 years on charges of conspiracy to murder, kidnapping and drug smuggling which was increased to a life sentence a year later. A life sentence without the possibility of parole is unprecedented in The Netherlands - even for serial killers. But the reasons for the severe sentence have since become clearer. Turkish and Dutch media have revealed many facets of this case and how evidence used to charge Baybassin included falsified telephone call tapes and pressuring of witnesses. An Turkish intelligence report cited by Baybassin, known by its abbreviation EK RAPOR and prepared by intelligence officer Huseyin Celebi, revealed how Demmink's sexual tourism in Turkey under different aliases was used to blackmail the Dutch authorities to neutralize a senior Kurdish separatist leader. The Petraeus affair -- in which CIA Director David Petraeus was forced to resign because of an extramarital affair -- showed how the United States treated a case of potential blackmail as a threat to its national security. Petraeus, who held a senior position comparable to Demmink, ran a dangerous risk of being blackmailed by foreign powers." *) December 6, 2012, Taras Kuzio for United Press International (UPI) (outside view), 'Dutch Untouchables': "U.S. Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas and a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, repeated claims made by others inside The Netherlands and outside, that Demmink had used his influence to obstruct investigations into his sexual tourism. Demmink also allegedly intimidated witnesses and journalists to refrain from continuing their investigations. Dutch authorities have never interviewed three key witnesses in the allegations. The first, Turkish policeman Mehmet Korkmaz, claims that in the 1990s he abducted boys for Demmink to sexually assault. The second, former Chief of Police of Istanbul Necdet Menzir, alleges Demmink was in Turkey in the 1990s when his officers were assigned to protect him. Demmink has always denied he visited Turkey at the time. The third, Huseyin Celebi, was a senior Turkish intelligence official who in 2006 wrote a report on Demmink's sexual tourism in Turkey during the 1990s and early 2000s. Celebi alleges that Demmink used aliases to visit Turkey." |
[77] | Taras Kuzio's Wikipedia page (accessed: October 10, 2014): "Taras Kuzio received a BA in Economics from the University of Sussex, an MA in Soviet Studies from the University of London and holds a doctorate in political science from the University of Birmingham; he was a postdoctoral fellow at Yale University. After finishing studies he headed the Ukrainian Press Agency in Great Britain. In 1992-1993 he has worked as a research fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies [IISS]. From 1993-1995 he served as editor of the Ukrainian Business Review and directed the Ukrainian Business Agency. From 1995-1998 he was a senior research fellow with the Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies at the University of Birmingham in England. In 1996 he became a Senior Research Fellow in the Council of Advisers to the Ukrainian Parliament. In June 1998 he was appointed director of the NATO Information and Documentation Center in Kyiv, Ukraine.[2] He served as a long-term observer for the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe during the 1998 and 2002 parliamentary elections in Ukraine and as a National Democratic Institute observer [of Madeleine Albright] in the 2004 Ukrainian presidential elections [which was a U.S./NATO coup]. In 2004-2006 he was a Visiting Professor in George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs' Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES).[3] He was also an Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Visiting Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, in Washington D.C.[4] He has given presentations to the United States Congress and numerous think tanks including the Jamestown Foundation.[5] He is author and editor of many books and articles published in a wide range of academic journals on post-Soviet and Ukrainian politics, inter- national relations, and nationalism. He writes regularly for the Jamestown Foundation’s Eurasian Daily Monitor, Oxford Analytica, and Jane's Information Group." |
[78] | *) October 16, 2007, Nederlands Dagblad, 'Bakker Schut goeroe politieke advocatuur': "De verdediging van Volkert van der Graaf, op 6 mei 2002 de nadrukkelijk politiek gemotiveerde moordenaar van Pim Fortuyn, weigerde hij echter. Het verdedigen van politieke terroristen en drugscriminelen lag voor hem in het verlengde van elkaar. "Bij de RAF-verdachten kon ik sympathie opbrengen voor hun ideologische gedachtegoed. De daden die mijn clienten pleegden waren iets anders. Maar bij mijn huidige clienten heb ik ook niets tegen de daden, de drugssmokkel zelf. Die lokt de staat immers uit doordat de overheid de handel illegaal heeft gemaakt. Ze accepteert op alle gebieden kapitalistische wetten met uitzondering van dit terrein. Dat is wel erg kras", zei hij daarover." *) October 15, 2007, Volkskrant, 'Strafpleiter Pieter Bakker Schut overleden': "Advocaat Pieter Bakker Schut is zaterdag overleden. Dat heeft zijn kantoor in Amsterdam maandag bevestigd. Hij werd 66 jaar. Bakker Schut begon zijn carrière aan het begin van de jaren zeventig in de sociale advocatuur. Halverwege dat decennium kreeg hij bekendheid, omdat hij verdachten van de Duitse terroristische organisatie Rote Armee Fraktion verdedigde. Ook was hij samen met zijn partner Adèle van der Plas advocaat van de ‘topcriminelen’ Hüseyin Baybasin en Mink K." |
[79] | Ibid. |
[80] | Panorama (magazine), Crimepedia, 'Sam Klepper (1960-2000)': "Op 29 augustus 1991 wordt Klepper samen met Mieremet gearresteerd wegens een wapenvondst. (Veel later, in 2007, wordt bekend dat deze wapens afkomstig zijn uit een geheim wapendepot van de omstreden Gladio-organisatie.) Klepper en Mieremet hebben veertig kisten met pistolen, mitrailleurs, handgranaten en explosieven in handen gekregen. Klepper wordt tot anderhalf jaar cel veroordeeld." |
[81] | June
16, 2007, De Telegraaf, ''Topambtenaren in pedonetwerk'; Geheim,
verzwegen onderzoek...' ('Top public officials in pedo-network; Secret,
suppressed investigation...') www.standejong.nl/documents/pedodoofpottelegraaf.doc |
[82] | March 6, 2014, De Telegraaf, 'AIVD onderzocht vermeend pedo-netwerk': " De geheime dienst AIVD deed jarenlang onderzoek naar de aanwezigheid van pedonetwerken in de top van het Openbaar Ministerie. Hierbij werden onder meer creditcarduitgaven van drie van deelname aan het misbruiknetwerk verdachte hoofdofficieren van justitie tegen het licht gehouden. Dezelfde officieren werden gisteren in de zaak-Demmink door politierechercheurs genoemd tijdens getuigenverhoren over seksfeestjes met minderjarige jongens. ... Het zogeheten onderzoek ’Peddo’ van de BVD richtte zich in 1998 op hoofdofficieren Hans Holthuis (Landelijk Parket) en Henk Wooldrik (parket Haarlem). Volgens een hoge justitiefunctionaris onderzocht de dienst eveneens de gangen van Jan Wolter Wabeke (parket Breda). Opvallende afwezige in dit BVD-onderzoek was Joris Demmink, de omstreden ex-topman van het ministerie van Justitie tegen wie inmiddels een strafrechtelijk onderzoek loopt. Het onderzoek naar de hoofdofficieren leverde geen strafbare feiten op. Een informant in het Rijksrechercheonderzoek Rolodex, eveneens gericht op pedonetwerken, had de hoofdofficieren destijds genoemd als klanten van de Amsterdamse ’kinderpooier’ Karel Maasdam, die in opdracht van rijke pedofielen handelde in minderjarige jongens. In het BVD-onderzoek werd ook bancaire informatie opgevraagd van professor Ger van Roon, die bekendstond als pedofiel en wiens huis gebruikt werd voor pedoseksfeesten, om zo zijn geldstromen in kaart te kunnen brengen. Nog tijdens de actie ’Peddo’ kreeg de BVD een aanvullend verzoek van toenmalig procureur-generaal René Ficq om onderzoek te verrichten naar ’destabilisering van het rechtsbedrijf’. Aanleiding daarvoor was de beschuldiging van deelname aan een pedonetwerk geuit door Richard Samson, boekhouder van kinderpooier Maasdam, aan het adres van Hans Vrakking, toen hoofdofficier van parket Amsterdam. Hierop startte de dienst het onderzoek ’Tartarus’, waarbij Vrakking begin 1999 ondervraagd werd. Hij verklaarde tegenover de BVD dat de beschuldigingen kant noch wal raakten. „Die verhalen zijn gelanceerd door de Club: Mink K., Klaas Langendoen en Joost van Vondel”, aldus Vrakking. Het Haarlemse voormalige politieduo Langendoen en Van Vondel speelde eerder een bedenkelijke rol bij de opsporing van drugshandel door Mink K. Opmerkelijk is dat dezelfde ex-rechercheur Langendoen onlangs in Turkije onderzoek deed naar de minderjarige jongens die daar door Joris Demmink zouden zijn misbruikt. Dit onderzoek deed hij in opdracht van advocate Adèle van der Plas, die Demmink beschuldigt van kindermisbruik. Langendoen was gisteren niet bereikbaar voor commentaar." |
[83] | June 10, 1999, NRC Handelsblad, 'Nog 15 ton coke in beerput justitie'. |
[84] | *) December 2, 2006, NRC Handelsblad, 'Pandje hier, pandje daar': "Otten doelt op het strafrechtelijk onderzoek naar de erven van Klaas Bruinsma, de in 1991 vermoorde hasjbaron met wie Geerts goed bevriend was. In het onderzoek naar de erven Bruinsma wordt Geerts door de Amsterdamse politie gezien als een van de kopstukken van die organisatie. Hij stond al enkele jaren nadrukkelijk in de belangstelling van politie en justitie. Een aantal prominente leden van de Bruinsma-organisatie had bij hem op de loonlijst gestaan en de naam van Geerts kwam ook bovendrijven bij een aantal grote financiële transacties waarbij leden van de Bruinsma-organisatie betrokken waren. In 1994 was die serie kwestieuze financiële transacties aanleiding voor een groot financieel-strafrechtelijk onderzoek naar Geerts en diens partners, de advocaat John Engelsma en de oud-bankier Gerard Cok. Toenmalig officier van justitie Fred Teeven, inmiddels Kamerlid voor de VVD, trof in 1998 een schikking met de drie mannen die in totaal ruim vijf miljoen euro moesten overmaken. Geerts komt midden jaren negentig nogmaals in beeld bij justitie in een onderzoek naar Etienne U. [Urka], Chi Tung Chang en Bert Cirkel. De laatste twee zijn zakenpartners voor wie Geerts tot op de dag van vandaag optreedt als financier. Ondanks een serie huiszoekingen bij Geerts op kantoor en thuis, wordt de seksbaron niet aangemerkt als verdachte." *) December 20, 1997, Volkskrant, 'Pornobaas hielp Etienne U. witwassen': "De zakenman, die een fortuin vergaarde met de internationale handel in seksartikelen, is voor justitie een oude bekende. Hij was in 1994 een van de hoofdverdachten in een groot politieonderzoek naar fraude en witwassen via gokkasten in Amsterdam. Ook kwam hij nadrukkelijk in beeld in het Delta-onderzoek, dat eindigde in het IRT-schandaal. Geerts, de Amsterdamse advocaat John Engelsma en Etienne U. zouden de criminele 'erfgenamen' zijn van de geliquideerde hasjbaron Klaas Bruinsma. Volgens een recente verklaring van de financieel adviseur van U. in Luxemburg, De Feijter, kwamen U. en Geerts in 1989 bij hem langs met een bijzonder verzoek. ... In de Amsterdamse Lutmastraat worden door U. in 1989 vijftien appartementsrechten gekocht. Dezelfde dag wordt het blote eigendom van de panden gekocht door advocaat Engelsma en een andere persoon. Het hele pakket wordt een jaar later doorverkocht aan oud-bankier G. Cok, voor 3,8 miljoen gulden, die het later zal doorverkopen aan Geerts. De winst voor U. bedraagt 1,7 miljoen gulden, tegen vijftigduizend gulden voor Engelsma en partner. U. stond in 1990 en 1991 als bedrijfsleider op de loonlijst van Recreade BV, een bedrijf van Geerts." *) October 4, 2006, Elsevier, 'Misdaad: Een opgeveegde kruimel': "Na de liquidatie van Bruinsma in 1991 vormde Mink Kok met Stanley Hillis en Jan Femer de leiding van de zogenoemde Delta-organisatie of 'Erven-Bruinsma'. Terwijl het Interregionaal Rechercheteam (IRT) dacht met Etienne Urka, Charles Geerts en advocaat John Engelsma de top van de organisatie in beeld te hebben, ging Mink Kok dankzij corruptie bij overheidsdiensten ongestoord zijn gang. De door het IRT 'gecontroleerde' hasjtransporten uit Colombia gebruikte hij om tonnen cocaïne 'binnen te trekken'. Tegelijk was hij informant van de politie. Behalve in de drugshandel was Kok op grote schaal actief in de internationale wapenhandel. Ook daarbij speelde hij een dubbelrol. In 1997 leverde hij op verzoek van de geheime dienst BVD – de voorloper van de AIVD – de Koninklijke Marechaussee een Joegoslavisch antitank-raketsysteem. Een paar jaar eerder was hij opgepakt na de vondst van wapens, semtex en 90 kilo cocaïne in een huis aan de Amsterdamse Newtonstraat. Kok kreeg zes jaar, maar mocht zijn cassatieverzoek in vrijheid afwachten. Begin 1998 wordt Kok in Frankrijk aangehouden op verdenking van omkoping van een Belgische justitiemedewerker. Officier van justitie Fred Teeven bezoekt hem in zijn cel. Kok sluit een deal als mogelijke kroongetuige en komt in oktober 1998 vrij. " *) September 19, 2007, Elsevier, 'Misdaad: Calculerende kopstukken': "Een van de weinige kopstukken die zich aan het front weet te handhaven, is de inmiddels 60-jarige Stanley Hillis, alias De Ouwe. Terwijl het Interregionale Rechercheteam (IRT) zich na de liquidatie van Bruinsma richtte op zijn vermeende opvolgers Etienne Urka, 'Dikke' Charles Geerts en John Engelsma greep Hillis samen met Mink Kok en Jan Femer in de luwte de macht in de Amsterdamse onderwereld. Het trio verdiende tientallen miljoenen met de handel in xtc. De afgelopen jaren onderhield Hillis nauwe banden met Holleeder. Hij zou een rol hebben gespeeld bij diverse afpersingen en liquidaties, maar is vreemd genoeg nog steeds op vrije voeten. Hetzelfde geldt voor zijn partner in crime Dino Soerel." |
[85] | June 13, 2013, BLVD Man, 'Crime time: Mink Kok, denker en delinquent'. |
[86] | July 4, 2000 session, European Court of Human Rights, Mink Kok vs. the Netherlands. |
[87] | February 7, 2000, Intelligence, N. 111, p. 1 |
[88] | April 18, 2001, NRC Handelsblad, 'OM voelt zich onterecht afgestraft': "Tip voor boeven: laat je bij het opsporingsapparaat inschrijven als informant. Word je gearresteerd, laat dan discreet uitlekken dat je inlichtingen aan justitie verstrekte. Goede kans dat het openbaar ministerie (OM) dan later door het gerechtshof wordt afgestraft in de vervolging wegens het bekend worden van je informantenstatus. Die les kan worden getrokken uit het gisteren gewezen arrest van het Amsterdamse gerechtshof. De raadsheren verklaarden justitie niet-ontvankelijk omdat publiekelijk bekend is geworden dat de 39-jarige van grootschalig wapenbezit verdachte Robert Mink K. informant was van het OM. Daardoor is hij in levensgevaar gebracht en moet hij vrijuit gaan." |
[89] | February 26, 2000, Volkskrant, ''Kris' J. zou in top van Colombiaans cocaïnekartel zitten': "Voormalig IRT-informant Kris J. werkt op hoog executief niveau binnen het Colombiaanse Calí-kartel. Dat stelt het Landelijk Rechercheteam (LRT) in het vertrouwelijk strafdossier van de veronderstelde criminele organisatie van de Haarlemmer. J. wordt door een aantal Colombianen 'papa' genoemd, maar zijn positie in het cocaïne-kartel is niet onaantastbaar. Vorig jaar werd een veronderstelde vertegenwoordiger van J. in Colombia vermoord en verbrand, vermoedelijk na een mislukte drugstransactie. Krisnapersath ('Kris') J. (38) transformeerde in tien jaar van kleine krabbelaar in de Haarlemse drugs- en gokwereld tot een gefortuneerd speler in de internationale georganiseerde misdaad. De snelle criminele carrière van de hindoestaanse Surinamer is mede mogelijk gemaakt door het miljoenenfortuin dat hij zou hebben vergaard met zijn dubbelrol als informant van het Interregionaal Rechercheteam (IRT) Noord-Holland/Utrecht. Na de parlementaire enquête naar de IRT-affaire, in 1997, begon het Openbaar Ministerie een nieuw onderzoek naar J. Die is dan al langer een bekende inwoner van Haarlem. Niet alleen heeft hij naam gemaakt in de drugswereld (hij zat eerder een straf uit wegens heroïnehandel), ook bemoeit hij zich intensief met het illegale gokken in de stad." |
[90] | April 11, 2013, Vrij Nederland, 'Kris J. en de overheid: een intieme relatie'. |
[91] | February 7, 2000, Intelligence, N. 111, p. 1: "A recent decision by the Amsterdam District Court to hold the trial of cocaine trafficker and arms dealer, Mink "K", behind closed doors, may have been made to cover-up the covert activities of a senior US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) officer, Robert Nieves, who "managed" K through a series of "cut outs". K, a former Dutch marine commando, allegedly worked for the US agency in the early 1990s, according to "Intelligence" sources in Amsterdam. A key figure in the Dutch IRT affair (see "Netherlands - IRT Affair Runs into Mink K & Veeckman", INT, n. 102 21), Mink K was arrested by police last September following a raid on an apartment at 332 Nachtwachtlaan, Amsterdam, in connection with the import of 15,000 kg. of cocaine with a street value of $500 million. In the empty apartment, detectives discovered more than 200 weapons, including P-90 machine-pistols with laser-sights, grenade launchers, infrared night-scopes, riot guns, bullet- proof vests, electronic detonators with remote-controls, and 233,700 XTC pills with the cartoon logo "Tom and Jerry"." |
[92] | September 10, 1996, NRC, 'Justitie hield rol VS in drugshandel geheim': "Het geheime rapport bevat verklaringen van kroongetuigen die aangeven dat Amerikanen een undercover-operatie van de Haarlemse politie in Ecuador financierden. In Zuid-Amerika werd door het Haarlemse recherche-koppel Langendoen en Van Vondel met hulp van een limonadeproducent ("sapman') een fabriek opgezet die moest dienen als dekmantel voor drugsimporten. De Haarlemse rechercheurs hebben eerder verklaard dat de in totaal drie à vier miljoen gulden voor de sapfabriek betaald werd door criminele informanten die ze nooit nader hebben aangeduid. In de geheime versie van het rijksrechercherapport zegt de "sapman' dat het geld door Amerikanen is betaald. ... Ook is een verklaring van sapman verdwenen waarin hij vertelt dat het geld voor de sapfabriek in Ecuador door ,,hogere machten'' werd betaald ,,om Colombiaanse boeren te steunen met het fabriceren van sappen'' zodat ze ,,niet in de verleiding komen om verdovende middelen te verbouwen''. Van de Amerikaanse Drugs Enforcement Administration (DEA) is bekend dat zij deze voorwaarden stelt bij het opzetten van nepfirma's. DEA-agenten hebben de rijksrecherche en ook de commissie-Van Traa niet te woord gestaan omdat zij zich beriepen op hun diplomatieke onschendbaarheid. ... Het ministerie van justitie, waaronder de CRI valt, verwijst naar het openbaar ministerie. Het OM zei vanmiddag dat de rijksrecherche buiten de verklaring van de "sapman' ,,geen enkele aanwijzing'' heeft voor betrokkenheid van "Amerikanen' bij de Haarlemse undercover-operatie." |
[93] | 2000, PBS, 'Interview: Bobby Nieves': "Nieves was a special agent with the DEA from 1973 to 1995. He [eventually] served as head of international operations..." *) July 6, 2012, Washington Times, Nieves: The Brian Terry Exception': "[Nieves:] As chief of major investigations in the 1990s, I managed DEA's highly sensitive undercover operations targeting the Medellin and Cali cartels. We routinely coordinated with our colleagues in the Department of Justice (DOJ) and enjoyed great success." *) 2007, Marian Husken, 'The criminal career of Mink K.' ('De criminele carriere van Mink K.') (digital): "Nieves had South America as his working ground and until 1998 maintained contact with the Colombian Cali cartel." *) 1998, Gary Webb, 'Dark Alliance: The CIA, the contras, and the crack cocaine explosion' (digital): "[Robert Nieves] became head of the cocaine investigations in Washington, then chief of major investigations, and at the time of his retirement in late 1995, he was serving as chief of the DEA's International Division. After his retirement, Nieves went to work for a body armor manufacturing company in Virginia--Guardian Technologies. That company is owned by Oliver North, and the CIA's former chief of station in Costa Rica, Joe Fernandez. ... The CIA's Costa Rican station chief, Joseph Fernandez, was so heavily involved with illegal Contra operations that he would be fired and indicted for his participation." |
[94] | August 30, 1989, Los Angeles Times, 'Tape Shows Israelis Training Cartels' Killers': "Experienced Israeli instructors trained private paramilitary units whose members included a leader of the Medellin drug cartel's death squads, blamed in the killings this month of four judges and nine court workers, according to a videotape prepared by the Israelis themselves. The 48-minute color videotape clearly showed former Israeli army Col. Yair Klein running military and assassination training exercises for about 50 men, including one known as Vladimir. Other foreigners speaking Hebrew were shown and heard on the videotape. Vladimir, whose real name is Alfredo Vaquero, is identified by Colombian authorities as the leader of the Medellin cartel's paramilitary organization. He was arrested 10 days ago and charged with murder in the slayings of the judges and court workers. In addition to Vladimir, the security authorities identified at least four key figures in Colombia's massive drug trade as attending a graduation ceremony at the end of the training program. A secret report prepared for a government security agent also disclosed that the trainees in the film had been recruited at the behest of Pablo Escobar and Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha, two leaders of the Medellin cartel. The video was prepared by Klein as a promotion for a company, The Spear of Glory, that he had established to train paramilitary groups, according to Gen. Miguel A. Maza Marquez, head of the Administrative Security Department, Colombia's equivalent of the FBI. ... [Maza] said that at least 11 British instructors also had trained paramilitary units for the Cali drug cartel, but he made clear that the Israeli trainers were his targets. "With this (videotape), everything is proved, and in this country everything has to be proved," he said. ... Klein, a former commander of an Israeli anti-terrorist unit, returned to Israel last year. He told Israel television that he had worked in Colombia for six months, from December, 1987, to May, 1988. The group he trained "included only farmers who have been physically injured by guerrilla bullets and survived or had their families killed," he said. "Nobody else was accepted into this organization." ... Maza, whose car was blown up last week in an apparent attempt by the drug dealers to kill him, said the Israelis had now left his country. The secret report asserted that Klein had told his employers that he and his men were going to Costa Rica and Honduras to train Nicaraguan rebels." |
[95] | 2000, PBS, 'Interview: Bobby Nieves': "[Nieves:] First of all, I don't know that those numbers are accurate. I think they probably include uncorroborated reports. You have to understand Central America at that time was a haven for conspiracy theorists. The Christic Institute, people like Gary Webb, others down there looking to dig up some story for political advantage. No sexier story than to create the notion in people's minds that these people are drug traffickers. What the American people have lost sight of, and what the liberals [and conspiracy theorists] would want you to lose sight of...is the fact that the Contra conflict was about indigenous people...fighting for survival...against the Communist government. They're lost in all these conspiracy theories. You never hear about them. At their height there might have been 10,000 Contras. Let's say that the [I.G.'s] right, and there were mentions of about 100 people. That's 1%, or less than 1% of the Contra movement that was even whispered about being engaged in this... All of these reports were looked at, all of these issues were found to be uncorroborated and unsubstantiated. There was no organized Contra drug trafficking supply line through Costa Rica. It just wasn't there. It's a fantasy, it's a conspiracy... Because I think certain black leaders have embraced the conspiracy theory as a way to gain some political advantage in the political mainstream. It's just that simple. Creating in the minds of constituents the fact that the government must be to blame for drug addiction in X, Y or Z location, seems to be a tool that some politicians like to use to gain some political advantage. It's only politics. That's all it is. ... You think something like this could be secret? Do you think if people misbehaved the way Gary Webb says they misbehaved that [it] would go unproven? It can't happen. It just can't happen. ...What the conspiracy theorist does is he takes a shred of proof. Bob Nieves was the DEA agent in Costa Rica. And at that time, Mr. X was an informant in that office. Therefore, it follows that he must have known all of these things. It's not so. I'm here to tell you it's not so. ... How do you know? Well, I don't know what John Hull was and wasn't. I do know this--if he misbehaved as much as they say he did, why isn't he in jail? ...People misbehave, you get the proof, [and] they go to jail. And the bottom line is [if] there is no proof . . . nobody goes to jail. So the conspiracy theory thrives on the notion that you can just keep digging up this dirt and adding all these angles and spins to a story because it has political value... We had put a program in place that allowed us to engage in some of the best investigative efforts that were done in that country. Now all of that gets put on the back burner in favor of these outlandish conspiracy theories that people want to put forth that this was some kind of a Dodge City where the Sheriff was wrong. And the fact of the matter is, it's not true. It just didn't happen that way, it's all fantasy." |
[96] | *) April 1987, Mother Jones, 'Dead men tell no tales: Some Contragate players will never get to testify', pp. 48-49: "At almost the same time that Zuniga disappeared, the body of another key player in the contra war was found stuffed in a U.S. mailbag in Costa Rica, just over the border from Panama. [September 13, 1985] The head had been removed, and the torso was covered with bruises. A preliminary autopsy revealed that the victim had been alive when he was decapitated. On the skin was carved the legend "F-8," a cryptic message Costa Rican officials believed linked the murder to the Panamanian military. The dead man was a Panamanian, Dr. Hugo Spadafora. ... Spadafora, like Che Guevara, was trained as a medical doctor and had even served briefly as his country's vice minister of health. Like Che, the Panamanian was attracted to revolutions at home and abroad, volunteering to fight with Marxist rebels in Guinea-Bissau in the mid-1960s, then with Pastora against Somoza in 1979. In 1982 he joined Pastora's contra forces, staying with them until 1984, when he broke off to form his own "democratic" contra army based in Costa Rica. Given Spadafora's quite public opposition to Panamanian leader General Manuel Antonio Noriega, there seems little doubt that his murder was ordered, or at least welcomed, in Panama. But the real reason for the killing may rest with Spadafora's knowledge of widespread drugs-for-arms trafficking with the contra movement in Costa Rica. The earliest indications of a contra drug operation in Costa Rica emerged in the summer of 1985, when an unnamed top Drug Enforcement Administration official from the U.S. Embassy in San Jose told the English-language daily Tico Times that contras were now part of the drugs-for-arms trade that was becoming increasingly common throughout Latin America. Spadafora believed that his political enemy, Panama's General Noriega, was involved in the contra drug trade. A later Associated Press story by reporters Brian Barger and Robert Parry mentioned a U.S. intelligence study that linked the forces of Eden Pastora, a Spadafora ally-turned-rival, to drug trafficking, alleging that some $250,000 in drug profits had been used to buy ammunition and a new helicopter. During the week before his abduction Spadafora visited the U.S. Embassy in San Jose where, according to the local daily La Nacion, he met three times with the United States' top drug investigator in Costa Rica, DEA special agent Robert Nieves. Nieves later dismissed their conversations as "nothing important," but sources familiar with the pair's conversation say Spadafora fingered a noted contra drug smuggler from Costa Rica, and said the smuggler had fled to Panama and was being protected by General Noriega's army. The cavalier attitude with which Spadafora's claims were apparently met fits a disturbing pattern of seeming indifference on the part of U.S. officials toward knowledgeable informants who raise concerns about contra activities. Had he lived, Spadafora could well have testified about cocaine smuggling in other contra camps and raised new questions about how seriously the DEA's information was being taken in Washington." *) 2001, Hugh Graham, 'Ploughing through the seas: The Nicaraguan Resistance and the CIA in the Jungles of Southern Nicaragua 1984-1987', pp. 140-141: "I sat through [Robert Nieves'] recited press release of recent drug seizures throughout Costa Rica as he diplomatically dolled out credit to Costa Rican drug enforcement agencies in joint operations. As I edged closer to drug trafficking among the Contras, he had less to say. When I asked him about Spadafora, he became uncomfortable, said he was unable to comment and that inquiries about the Panamanian had to be directed to the DEA in Washington. Nieves' abrupt discretion may have had to do with a related, unsavoury matter. There was reason to believe that Washington had instructed Nieves to keep the DEA off Vidal despite allegations of Videl's drug trafficking--and perhaps even to warn the Cuban about Spadafora. I was reminded of the ex-DEA man I had met three years before in the Key Largo Bar who had been pressured, apparently by the CIA, to drop the big case on the laundering of drug money. But unlike him, Nieves, apparently, had complied. He never acted on Spadafora's information; he was, in effect, protecting Hull and Vidal. ... US Customs launched an investigation of DEA man Bob Nieves and the Drug Agency office in the US embassy. Two freelance agents, typically expendable men with criminal records, were sent down to San Jose. In short order, they were hounded out of San Jose by Nieves and by the Costa Rican police. One of them took refuge at John Hull's [CIA] farm [before Hull turned him in]. ... That was the price of asking questions about the DEA, the Contra drug traffic, Vidal, and the murder of Spadafora. Now I understood Nieves' abrupt evasion." |
[97] | *)
1998, Gary Webb, 'Dark Alliance: The CIA, the contras, and the crack cocaine explosion' (digital): "Despite the severity of his crime--attempting to acquire cruise missiles for an unfriendly foreign government [Iraq]--Kelso was put on probation and promptly vanished. Supplied with a new identity and a matching passport [by the CIA], Kelso went back to work for the federal government, this time as an informant for the very agency that had just arrested him: U.S. Customs Kelso followed the [random] dealer's trail around Holland and England, and then [Larry] LaDodge [of U.S. Customs] picked up word that the doper had a ranch in Costa Rica. In mid-1986, Kelso went to find it. He also had another mission to perform while there: "a standing directive" from the CIA to gather intelligence about Robert Vesco[1001 Club], the millionaire swindler and fugitive who lived in Havana and been flitting through Costa Rica and Nicaragua during the time of the Contra was... Kelso continued his search for Vesco; he found the financier's private jet, he says, parked in a hanger in San Jose. When he checked to see who was apying th storage bills, he learned that it was the owners of a shrimp company called Frigorificos de Puntarenas--the cocaine-dealing CIA front that was helping Oliver North funnel U.S. government money to the Contras. ... While [U.S. Customs informants Joseph] Kelso and Brian Caldwell [doing an investigation on corrupt DEA agents involved in drug trafficking] were lounging in their rooms at the Irazu Hotel in San Jose, the DEA called the Costa Rican national narcotics police and asked them to arrest the two foreigners on the grounds that they were impersonating narcotics agents. One of Nieves's subordinates [came in with the Costa Rican police, confiscating material]... Kelso and Caldwell were hustled off to a construction warehouse owned by the Costa Rican electric company, where they were shoved around and interrogated about whom they were working for. When Kelso told of finding Robert Vesco's airplane, he said, the DEA agent became "extremely nervous... [and brought them to Costa Rican policy main office]..." Soon, Kelso said, DEA agent Nieves "comes in and he starts screaming, 'I'm going to blow your fucking ass away!' and 'You son-of-a-bitch!' and on and on and on... he's short-tempered anyway. ... [Kelso insults him on purpose]... According to Kelso, Nieves told him, "'You're a dead son-of-a-bitch.' You know? And he must have repeated, you know, 'We're going to blow your fucking head off!' about 50 times. ..." Kelso's story was confirmed by Costa Rican police officials who were questioned during the Costa Rican government's investigation of the incident. ... Kelso was taken to the U.S. embassy, where he said the DEA agents began copying the documents in his briefcase... What Kelso didn't know was that Rob Owen was the eyes and ears of both the CIA and Oliver North on the Southern Front. Kelso testified that after Owen got a look at the documents seized from the hotel room, he ordered the DEA agents to stop making copies, whisked Kelso out of the embassy, and dropped him back at his hotel. ... Shaken, Kelso ran to Costa Rican narcotics investigator Warren Treece's house and hid out. The next day, he said, Nieves called him there and ordered him back to the embassy. Kelso refused, and Nieves told him he would be at Treece's house in five minutes. "I said, 'Fuck you, try to find me,' and I slammed the phone down." And then he ran for his life. Treece and Alexander Z. McNulty, the chief of security for Costa Rican president Oscar Arias, took Kelso "up in the jungle" and dropped him off... Kelso said he had been instructed by his handlers to rendezvous at CIA operative John Hull's ranch if he got into trouble, because Hull had an airstrip where he could make a speedy getaway. In the dead of night, Treece and McNulty drove Kelso north to Hull's well-guarded compound and dropped him off with a dentist friend of Hull's, where he spent the night. The dentist drove Kelso onto Hull's ranch the next day. Rob Owen later recounted the meeting in a deposition: "This guy [Kelso] came in and said, , 'Look, I have been told that you are the one guy I should contact. There is a real problem here. I think the DEA people are trying to kill me. I am convinced that they were involved in narcotics trafficking and looking the other way. And I don't know who else to turn to.'" Hull, in an interview, confirmed that [Hull and Owen's bosses were too, by the way]. He wrote a report on Kelso's visit the next day, noting that Kelso claimed "[name deleted] of the U.S.A.-D.E.A. has maps of coke lab locations in Costa Rica but is protecting them. One large lab located in southern Nicoya. And another in Talamanca region." .... Though Kelso clearly seemed in fear of his life, Hull--who'd been accused repeatedly of facilitating Contra drug trafficking--was wary, thinking Kelso might have been sent by the Sandinistas to set him up on drug charges. ... He put Kelso in his guest house, under guard, until he could figure out what to do with him. About three in the morning, Kelso said, he was jolted out of bed by automatic rifle fire. Peering into the darkness, he saw a yard full of Costa Rican Rural Guards armed with AK-47 assault rifles and heard "this guy yelling something in Spanish." Kelso, wearing only undershorts, was pulled out of the guest house and, at gunpoint, marched across the yard toward Hull's house. [Kelso hit twice with rifle butt] Hull watched the impromptu parade from his porch with growing concern. "It was a very, very obvious attempt to get him to resist so they could shoot him," he recalled. "This colonel came running up and pointing his finger at me, saying, 'The [U.S.] Embassy says he's extremely dangerous. It's better I kill him than he kill me.'" According to the Costa Rican prosecutor's report, the embassy official who issued those dire warnings was DEA agent Nieves. Hull's report stated that the embassy told the Rural Guard colonel that Kelso "should be shot if he resisted arrest." The Contras on Hull's ranch surrounded the Costa Rican intelligence agents who were beating Kelso, Hull said, and pulled out 12-gauge riot guns, which they leveled at the Costa Ricans. "All their guns were down and all the Contra guys were ready to pull the trigger," Kelso said. The Contras reminded Hull of "Alabama guard dogs that had been told to bite a black and couldn't decide which one." Hull ran down and broke up the standoff, permitting the Rural Guard to take Kelso away. The woozy Customs informant was tossed into the back of an Isuzu Trooper and. taken to a Rural Guard facility in San Jose, where, he said, he was thrown "into this little dog—well, it's, you know, a cell, but it's like a dog cage." *) 1998, Alexander Cockburn, 'Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press', p. 296: "In April 1986, Castillo got a cable from Bobby Nieves, a DEA man in Costa Rica. Nieves told Castillo that he believed cocaine was being smuggled from John Hull's large ranch on the Costa Rican side of the border with Nicaragua to Ilopango air base in El Salvador. He advised Castillo to investigate goings-on in Hangers 4 and 5 at Ilopango. The cable concluded, "We believe the Contras are involved in narcotics trafficking." Soon thereafter Castillo was approached by Robert Chavez, the State Department's general counsel in El Salvador. ... [Chavez] had been advised by the CIA to grant [a visa] to a Nicaraguan pilot named Carlos Alberto Amador. But, Chavez said, when he checked the files he'd found that Amador had a record for drug smuggling. ... When the CIA duly raised a stink [about not granting the visa], Chavez said that he'd taken that action on the orders of Castillo. This was the moment, Castillo says he looks back on the entire affair, that the CIA began to go after him seriously. It wasn't long after this that Castillo got a visit from John Martsh, head of DEA operations in Latin America. "Cele, they're coming after you because of the Contra thing and the reports you wrote."" |
[98] | 1998, Gary Webb, 'Dark Alliance: The CIA, the contras, and the crack cocaine explosion' (digital): "[Robert Nieves] became head of the cocaine investigations in Washington, then chief of major investigations, and at the time of his retirement in late 1995, he was serving as chief of the DEA's International Division. After his retirement, Nieves went to work for a body armor manufacturing company in Virginia--Guardian Technologies. That company is owned by Oliver North, and the CIA's former chief of station in Costa Rica, Joe Fernandez. ... The CIA's Costa Rican station chief, Joseph Fernandez, was so heavily involved with illegal Contra operations that he would be fired and indicted for his participation." |
[99] | *) June 29, 2012, Daily Mail, 'Top CIA spy is accused of being a HITMAN for Miami mobsters': "Top CIA spy Enrique 'Ricky' Prado has been accused of working as a hitman for mobsters in Miami. The shock allegations are outlined in a new book, How to Get Away with Murder in America, by journalist Evan Wright. In the blockbuster story, Mr Wright claims the now retired agent started his career dropping bodies in Miami's criminal underworld and kept working for the mob even after joining the CIA. A veteran of the Central American wars, Mr Prado ran the Central Intelligence Agency's operations in Korea and was a top spy in America's espionage programs against China. Later he became deputy to counter-terrorist chief Cofer Black and before doing a stint at Blackwater, according to Wired. But Mr Wright, who is also the author of Generation Kill, the story of the Iraq invasion, alleges Mr Prado was involved with the Mafia throughout his revered career, which ended with him as head of the agency's secret assassination squad against Al Qaeda. 'In protecting Prado, the CIA arguably allowed a new type of mole — an agent not of a foreign government but of American criminal interests — to penetrate command,' Mr Wright says in the book. The author details years-long investigations into the Miami mafia by state and federal police that either went nowhere, were side-lined by those at the top or were derailed by light sentences. As well as Mr Prado, the book tracks the life of notorious cocaine trafficker Alberto San Pedro, one of Mr Prado's childhood friends. Mr Wright claims San Pedro hosted parties for Miami's rich and famous, lost one of his testicles in a drive-by shooting, tortured guard dogs for fun and imported tens of millions of dollars of cocaine into the United States each year, according to Wired. Meanwhile, Mr Prado was moonlighting as a killer, according to the journalist who claims investigators with the Miami-Dade Police Department's organised crime squad suspected him of participating in at least seven murders and one attempted murder. And the bodies continued to fall as Mr Prado was working his way up inside the CIA, the book purports, with one alleged victim, a cocaine distributor in Colorado, being killed by a car bomb." *) 2012, Even Wright, 'How to get away with murder in America' (digital): "But former OCS [Organized Crime Squad] investigators I interviewed about [Enrique] Prado often referred to him as a "doper," their generic term for anyone connected to the drug trade. When I informed Mike Fisten and Al Morciego of Ricky's SIS-2 rank, they dubbed him "Major General Doper." As the investigators see it, when the CIA hired Prado the agency was penetrated by a mole--a spy of divided, secret allegiances. Prado's allegiances weren't to another country but rather to the criminal underworld. If, as evidence suggests, he participated in murders after he joined the CIA, it wasn't simply to show loyalty to Albert. ... A decade ago, Prado's fried Robert Nieves appeared on PBS's Frontline to deny accusations that under his watch the DEA had allowed the CIA to smuggle cocaine into the United States in order to fund its contra efforts. These allegations were discredited, and Nieves's own record appeared spotless. But the fact that the former DEA agent turns out to have been close friends with a suspected drug trafficker and CIA officer involved in the contra program--a man he met while the DEA may or may not have been facilitating CIA drug smuggling--will no doubt revive old conspiracy theories. Nieves will probably not be the only official facing questions about his interactions with Prado. His current employer, Jefferson Waterman International, where Prado is a principal in its "security and intelligence" subsidiary, Crosshatch International, may also wish to examine its relationship with him. JWI, run by a former co-chairman of the National Intelligence Council, is dedicated to assisting businesses and government entities in counterterrorist and counternarcotics efforts. Prado is reportedly on assignment for JWI in Mexico, though a company spokesman refused to confirm or deny this. He did confirm that Prado held a senior position at Crosshatch. Major General Doper is still on the job. In March, another source confirms to me the FBI investigation into Prado's activities at Blackwater and the OCS-file murders, especially those allegedly involving Albert and Bobby Erra." *) October 4, 2010, The Nation, 'Blackwater's Black Ops: Internal documents reveal the firm's clandestine work for multinationals and governments.': "The coordinator of Blackwater's covert CIA business, former CIA paramilitary officer Enrique "Ric" Prado, set up a global network of foreign operatives, offering their "deniability" as a "big plus" for potential Blackwater customers, according to company documents. The CIA has long used proxy forces to carry out extralegal actions or to shield US government involvement in unsavory operations from scrutiny. In some cases, these "deniable" foreign forces don't even know who they are working for. Prado and Prince built up a network of such foreigners while Blackwater was at the center of the CIA's assassination program, beginning in 2004. They trained special missions units at one of Prince's properties in Virginia with the intent of hunting terrorism suspects globally, often working with foreign operatives. A former senior CIA official said the benefit of using Blackwater's foreign operatives in CIA operations was that "you wouldn't want to have American fingerprints on it." ... While the network was originally established for use in CIA operations, documents show that Prado viewed it as potentially valuable to other government agencies. In an e-mail in October 2007 with the subject line "Possible Opportunity in DEA—Read and Delete," Prado wrote to a Total Intelligence executive with a pitch for the Drug Enforcement Administration. That executive was an eighteen-year DEA veteran with extensive government connections who had recently joined the firm. ... For $5,000 a day, clients could hire Prado or former senior CIA officials Cofer Black and Robert Richer for "representation" to national "decision-makers." ... As Blackwater became embroiled in controversy following the Nisour Square massacre, Prado set up his own company, Constellation Consulting Group (CCG), apparently taking some of Blackwater's covert CIA work with him, though he maintained close ties to his former employer. In an e-mail to a Total Intelligence executive in February 2008, Prado wrote that he "recently had major success in developing capabilities in Mali [Africa] that are of extreme interest to our major sponsor and which will soon launch a substantial effort via my small shop." He requested Total Intelligence's help in analyzing the "North Mali/Niger terrorist problem." ... What relationship Prado's CCG has with the CIA is not known. An early version of his company's website boasted that "CCG professionals have already conducted operations on five continents, and have proven their ability to meet the most demanding client needs" and that the company has the "ability to manage highly-classified contracts." CCG, the site said, "is uniquely positioned to deliver services that no other company can, and can deliver results in the most remote areas with little or no outside support." Among the services advertised were "Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence (human and electronic), Unconventional Military Operations, Counterdrug Operations, Aviation Services, Competitive Intelligence, Denied Area Access...and Paramilitary Training." ... The Nation has previously reported on Blackwater's work for the CIA and JSOC in Pakistan. New documents reveal a history of activity relating to Pakistan by Blackwater. Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto worked with the company when she returned to Pakistan to campaign for the 2008 elections, according to the documents. ... Black wrote that [Kevin] Wilson [th security manager for global issues of Monsanto] "understands that we can span collection from internet, to reach out, to boots on the ground on legit basis protecting the Monsanto [brand] name.... Ahead of the curve info and insight/heads up is what he is looking for." Black added that Total Intelligence "would develop into acting as intel arm of Monsanto." Black also noted that Monsanto was concerned about animal rights activists and that they discussed how Blackwater "could have our person(s) actually join [activist] group(s) legally." Black wrote that initial payments to Total Intelligence would be paid out of Monsanto's "generous protection budget"..." |
[100] | *) June 1, 1986, Sun Sentinel, 'San Pedro 'Friends' Denounce His Name': "Once, Alberto San Pedro had lots of powerful friends in important places -- from Hialeah City Hall to the governor`s mansion to the Capitol in Washington. Now, those former friends are treating San Pedro like the plague. Caught by hidden police microphones bragging about bribing politicians, San Pedro is in the middle of the splashiest political scandal to hit South Florida in decades. Since his arrest three months ago on a variety of drug, bribery, weapons and murder-conspiracy charges, some Dade County public figures are biting their nails, worried lest their past association with San Pedro stain their careers. ... The case has all the elements of a good soap opera. On the tapes and in depositions, there are hours of talk about casual sex, mounds of cocaine, murders, shootings, political power and money. ... Metro-Dade police launched an extensive investigation. The key operatives were undercover officers, who pretended to be corrupt, and San Pedro`s kiss- and-tell girlfriend, Roxanna Greene, whom police paid $200 a week to spy. Greene told bizarre tales of living with and informing on San Pedro. Once, San Pedro, who reportedly had a Secret Service clearance to meet with President Reagan last year, chased her through his house trying to get her to sniff cocaine, as the drug flowed off a nail file onto the floor, she said. Another time she recalled going over a list of judges to be invited to the St. Lazarus party. ``And the judges would show up at the party like good little soldiers in a war,`` Greene testified." *) March 14, 1986, St. Petersberg Evening Independent, 'Graham's bathroom mirror used for letter supporting felon's request for a pardon'. |
[101] | March 14, 1986, St. Petersberg Evening Independent, 'Graham's bathroom mirror used for letter supporting felon's request for a pardon'. |
[102] | jwidc.com/people/crosshatch/ (accessed: October 5, 2014): "JWI’s specialized Security and Intelligence functions are delivered through its subsidiary, Crosshatch International. ... [officers:] Joseph W. Augustyn, President; Megan Gregory, Senior Associate; Clifford L. Karchmer; V. Phillip Lago; Captain Kevin R. McCarthy, (Delta Air Lines, Ret.); Enrique Prado; Larry Sanchez; Frank Skroski; Dr. Ken Stringer." |
[103] | *) 2007, Marian Husken, 'The criminal career of Mink K.' ('De criminele carriere van Mink K.') (digital): "Nieves had South America as his working ground and until 1998 maintained contact with the Colombian Cali cartel. Nieves took care of the cover up of illegal actions of the DEA and CIA and was involved in the so-called Iran Contra affair. Through Nieves a line ran to an arms factory in Virginia, which was owned by the notorious American colonel Oliver North and of Joe Fernandez, former CIA chief in Costa Rica. Cocaine would have been traded for weapons. ... Mink Kok's name is also dropped in another context: related to the British negotiator Terry Waite. Waite, employee of the Archbishop of Canterbury ... In this manner Mink Kok would subsequently have come into contact with the English security service [MI6]. Waite is also involved in the rescue mission of American hostages in the embassy in Tehraan under the leadership of Oliver North, which, by the way, failed. Sources of the mid-1990s told me that even a picture exists on which Mink Kok can be seen with Oliver North. That picture would have been taken during a meeting in Germany and the sources claim they have seen this picture themselves. It's a dark world because direct evidence is usually not shown. ... Kok doesn't want to say what he did, but does say he only traveled once with the British [MI6-created] passport. 'When I went to pick it up in London, I then traveled by boat to Belgium. From there I went to Germany.'" *) August 4, 2011, Vrij Nederland,'Wat moest de Lange in Libanon?': "De reis met [Stanley] Hillis moet ergens begin jaren negentig zijn geweest, in de tijd dat Libanon werd verscheurd door een burgeroorlog. In die periode zou Kok ook informatie hebben verzameld over de strijdende partijen, kennis die mogelijk van belang was voor inlichtingen- en opsporingsdiensten. Die instanties, zoals de Amerikaanse CIA, hadden moeite om in het land door te dringen. Kok zou als tegenprestatie speciale bescherming hebben genoten van de Amerikaanse geheim agent Robert Nieves, alias ‘Snowman’. Nieves had als werkterrein Zuid-Amerika en hij onderhield de contacten met het Colombiaanse Cali-kartel. Naar verluidt zou Kok ook nog zijn diensten hebben aangeboden aan de Engelse geheime dienst die destijds probeerde om een gegijzelde Britse onderhandelaar – aartsbisschop Terry Waite – te helpen bevrijden." *) June 13, 2013, BLVD Man, 'Crime time: Mink Kok, denker en delinquent': "De BVD gaat ook al een tijd de gangen na van Mink Kok, die volgens de dienst contacten onderhoudt met de IRA, de ETA en Palestijnse terreurgroepen voor wapenleveranties. Pikant genoeg bericht de NOS in haar tv-journaal dat Kok tegelijkertijd een belangrijke informant is van de dienst. Met name de BVD zou hij inlichtingen verstrekken over in het buitenland gebruikte wapensystemen. Volgens de NOS heeft Kok de dienst zelfs een exemplaar van een nieuw type granaat geleverd." |
[104] | Ibid. |
[105] | Ibid. |
[106] | August 4, 2011, Daily Star Libanon, ' ISF drug bust reportedly nets big fish': "Dutchman Robert Mink Kok, 50, along with three others, was arrested by the Internal Security Forces for possession of 53 kilograms of cocaine Sunday after months of investigation. Kok, known in the Netherlands as Mink K., began his drug career shortly after he dropped out of law school at the University of Amsterdam, when he joined a Kibbutz in Israel. There, he learned Hebrew and made connections that he would later use in his ecstasy export business. He later made a name for himself for being known as the first person to export ecstasy from the Netherlands, according to Dutch crime journalist Wim Van de Pol. Shortly after his stint in Israel, he traveled to Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, where he made connections and learned about the hashish market." |
[107] | March 27, 2013 Youtube upload, 'Talk to Myra Radio. Robert Rubinstein', 45 minute interview of a certain pro-Poot family "Myra" (talk2myra.com) with Robert Rubinstein: Words of Rubinstein: "My background is more focused on sustainable finance, the creation of an economy based on well-being, and I had contacts with different people this last year, such as Adele van der Plas, the Poot family, and they told me everything that was going on with Demmink. ... [falls away] ... Ah, hi, that's okay. I continually have these kind of troubles these days, ever since I began working against the Justice Department. .... I didn't expect the Dutch media to be this cowardly. ... I spoke to someone of Nieuwsuur [major Dutch news outlet]. He said: "Demmink is absolutely guilty, there's no doubt about that, but we are not allowed to write about it from the editor-in-chief, because we will get in trouble with lawsuits against us. So we just say nothing." ... Well, I heard this from a family that I have known, the Poot family, and I just couldn't have imagined that it was so bad. And then I met all kinds of people, like Adele van der Plas and all kinds of other people, and I said: "This is just ridiculous. This is so crazy. So absurd." Just look at the facts that have been brought forward. There are three Turkish victims that have filed a complaint. Three. There are two Dutchmen who filed a complaint. There's a police officer [responsible for Demmink's security] on camera who has said: "I have kidnapped children and I brought these children to Demmink to be raped." He said it on camera! A Turkish police officer has spoken about this. A Turkish journalist has spoke about this. ... There have been two Dutch journalists who have spoken about this. [etc., mentions a] ... But he is completely innocent. [Myra:] Yeah, I tell it every time. These is even a Youtube movie in which you can see that they are even demonstrating about this at our embassy. ... [After the failure of these protests] I just put up this foundation with a number of people, so that there is just gong to be this trial. ... I spoke with a female friend. She is an expert in child trafficking. And she said: "Don't worry, there aren't six victims of Demmink. There are hundreds. Hundreds." ... But it's a powerful organization. There's an uber-elite. ... I would be totally ashamed to call myself a journalist in this country. I now have a Dutch passport. I have been born in the Netherlands. I have since a year. ... I have spoken with female friends who previously worked for a very large newspaper in the United States [and they thought it was a very obvious case]... Henk Krol and Fred de Brouwer, those were [the only ones] prepared to do something. ... I'm telling you, [Demmink] is protecting the state, not the other way around. ... Is it really so hard to look if there is an invoice of the lawyer of the Brauw Blackstone, of Mr. Harro Knijf, for the hours that he works on this case? Who is paying for that? You can easily see that, right ? That doesn't have to take ten weeks, does it? ... There is just an uber-elite in this country. There isn't an active media. And there is no whistleblower protection. And not an active population. ... Those tens of thousands of children who have been abused by the church. Who has been arrested? Who went to jail for that? Who was in the front row when the Eijk cardinal was being inaugurated? J. D. Joris Demmink. [event happened on January 26, 2008 in Utrecht. Demmink was caught on camera] Oh, could there be a possible connection between not pursuing the cases against the Catholic priests and [Demmink] in the front row at the inauguration?" |
[108] | tbliconference.com/index.php/past-conferences/past-conference-attendees#.U5Cx33Y3DAk: "For the past 16 years TBLI CONFERENCE™ has held Conferences throughout Asia Europe and the USA. Below you can find links to all the attendees from all those events. Europe Switzerland 2013. USA New York 2013. Europe Switzerland 2012. Europe London 2011. Asia Tokyo 2011. Europe London 2010. Asia Tokyo 2010. Europe Amsterdam 2009. Asia Yokohama 2009. Europe Amsterdam 2008. Asia BangKok 2008. Europe Paris 2007. Asia Bangkok 2007. Europe Paris 2006. Asia Bangkok 2006. Europe Frankfurt 2005. Europe Amsterdam 2004. Europe Amsterdam 2003. Europe Brussels 2002. Europe Rotterdam 2001." *) The USA New York 2013 (first time in the U.S.) link links to a Regonline.co.uk report with an URL too long and impermanent to link here. It reads: "Report Name: Full Attendee List: 279 Records. ... Event #: 1172886. ... TBLI GROUP: Robert Rubinstein ... Jack Abramoff [only one not listed with his company]: Jack Abramoff ... The Rockefeller Foundation: Jay Kim, Investment Analyst ... The Sasakawa Peace Foundation [set up by Rockefeller/Kissinger ally, super-fascist and Yakuza kingpin Ryochi Sasakawa]: Junko Chano, Executive Director ... The Sasakawa Peace Foundation: Mari Kogiso, Senior Fellow... United Purpose: Charles Rockefeller [a son Jay Rockefeller]... Ford Foundation: Christine Looney, Senior Program Investment Officer, MRI. ... Goldman Sachs: Christina Bennison, Vice President. ... Governor of New York's Office and Cabinet: Richard Kauffman, Chairman for Energy Policy and Finance for the State of New York. ... MicroRate: Sebastian Von Stauffenberg [member the person who ran a failed plot against Hitler, with another member visiting Le Cercle; close associate of a member of the noble de Bourbon family], Chief Executive Officer... World Economic Forum [DAVOS], Cristiana Falcone, Adviser to the Founder and Executive Chairman..." *) The Europe Switzerland 2012 link links to a Regonline.co.uk report with an URL to long and impermanent to link here. It reads: "Report Name: Full Attendee List: 337 Records. ... Event #: 1255497. ... [seven representatives of ABN AMRO Bank] ... Prince Michel Of Yugoslavia: Diligence, Senior Advisor [also went in 2013] ... Stephen Brenninkmeijer [also went in 2013]: Willows Investments, Investor... Spencer Crawford: The Edmond de Rothschild Foundations, Social Entrepreneurship Practice [also went in 2013]..." *) bligroup.com/past-attendees/tbliconference-attendees-2001.html (2001 Rotterdam Conference): ABN AMRO, Mees Pierson, ING, Rabobank, Pricewaterhousecoopers, Euronext, Shell Pension Fund, Greenpeace. At least half of the visitors is foreign. Mid-level managers in all cases. Two Dutch names: A. C. F. Halsema, president of the Lions Club; and Renee van Tuyll van Serooskerken (also present in 2002), Triodos Bank, United Kingdom. |
[109] | 2012, zimbio.com, 'Capitol File's 7th Annual White House Correspondents' Association Dinner After Party' (picture is shown): "(L-R) Robert Rubinstein, producer and businessman Jack Abramoff and Janet Fellon attend the Capitol File's 7th Annual White House Correspondents' Association Dinner after party at The Newseum on April 28, 2012 in Washington, DC." |
[110] | Director National Security Caucus Foundation (NSCF; name 1978-1986: Congressional Division of the [ASC's] Coalition for Peace Through Strength) at the turn of the century, headed by long-time ASC head John Fisher and various other leading ASC veterans on the board. These connections continued until 2004 when the NSCF was dissolved. nscf.net/NSCF Board Members.htm (Oct. 16, 2004): "NSCF Board of Directors: John M. Fisher, Chairman and C.E. O. ... Rear Admiral Robert H. Spiro Jr. (USNR) Ret, President and C.O.O. ... James G. Gore, Jr., Esq. Secretary* ... Dr. Young H. Kim, Vice President* [Virginia] ... Manuel Celaya, Director [Colombia] ... Hon. Walter Fauntroy, Vice President*. Chairman, National Black Leadership Roundtable. ... Ruis Coias, Director [Portugal] ... Hon. Sang Chul Kim, Director, Chairman, Asia Pacific Society ... Jack Abramoff, Esq., Director ... Dr. Thomas K. Lee, Director ... Karen Vitiello, Vice President*. USAir, Inc. ... Gregg Hilton, Executive Director*... Andre Soussan, Director Politique Internationale ... Mrs. O. K. Edmunds, Director*... Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 ... * Members of the Executive Committee ..." *) nscf.net/congresscochairs.htm (accessed: February 23, 2001): "The Congressional Co-Chairmen of the National Security Caucus: ... (Text copyright 1997 by Congressional Quarterly Inc.) ... Trent Lott ... John McCain ... Richard Shelby ... Ted Stevens ... Bob Graham ... Joseph I.. Lieberman ... Charles [Chuck] Robb..." |
[111] | November 6, 2011, CBS 60 Minutes upload toYoutube, 'Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook' (digital version): "[Narrator:] He would provide freebees and gifts, looking for favors to his clients in return. He'd lavish certain congressman and senators with access to private jets and junkets to the world's greatest golf destinations, like St. Andrews in Scotland, free meals in his own upscale Washington restaurant, and the best tickets to all the areas' sporting events, including two sky boxes at Washington Redskins games. ... [Abramoff:] I spent over a million dollars a year on tickets to sporting events, concerts and all the venues and what not. ... I had two people on my staff whose virtual full-time job was to book tickets for these guys. ... The congressman or senator could take two dozen of his favorite people from their district. ... We'd say: You know, when you are done working on the hill, we would like you to consider to come work for us. And the moment I said that to them, or any of my staff said that to them, we would own them. Every request from our office, every request from our clients, everything that we want, they are going to do. And not only that, they are going to think of things we can't think of to do. ... Right, evil! Yes, terrible! Shameful. Absolutely! It's the worst thing that could happen [in our country]. [reporter and Abramoff both acting upset] I admit, I was involved in a system that I should not have been in. I'm a shamed of the fact that I was there. The very reason now why I'm speaking about it. ... [Narrator:] One of the offices he keyed on was his good friend, the majority leader Tom Delay, eventually hiring his deputy chief of staff and his press secretary, and going into business with Delay's chief of staff. ... We probably had very strong influence in a 100 offices at the time. ... In those days I would view that as a failure, because there were at least 335 offices that we didn't have strong influence in. ... [Bob Ney, senator from Ohio 1984-1995, congressman from Ohio 1995-2006, and part of Abramoff's corrupt network:] I wanted to be speaker of the house, and Jack Abramoff was the beautiful light of day to get to the person I had some conflicts with, Tom Delay. ... But I will still tell you, in that point in time, in order to get a drink at [Abramoff's restaurant] Signatures, you had to shove White House staffers of George Bush the heck away from the bar. It was packed with people and there were members [of both houses of congress]... Now, that doesn't mean that everybody did everything for Jack, but if you want to talk about strict interpretation of violation of the laws of food and drink, [they were broken to the extreme]... [Abramoff:] So, what we did, we crafted language that was so obscure, so confusing, so uninformative, but so precise, to change the U.S. code. ... [No one would know these laws were inserted] except the chairmen of the committees. Members don't read the bills. ... Bribery [you can] call it, because that's ultimately what it is. That's what the whole system is. ... It is done every day. And it is still being done. The truth is there are very few members that I could even name or can think of who didn't at some level participate in that. [Narrator:] [Abramoff] was devoutly religious and exhorbitantly charitable. He said he gave away 80 percent of his earnings. [Abramoff:] Most of the money I made, I gave away to either communal or charitable causes. So, frankly, I thought I was one of the most moral out there. [Narrator:] Things began to unravel for Abramoff when the Washington Post published a largely unflattering portrait of him in 2004, reporting that he charged his clients ten times more than any other lobbyist in town. [February 22, 2004, Washington Post, 'A Jackpot From Indian gaming Tribes: Lobbying, PR Firms Paid $45 Million Over 3 Years'] ... [Abramoff:] You can't take a congressman to lunch for $25 and buy him a hamburger or a stake, or something like that. But you can take him to a fundraising lunch and not only buy him that stake, but give him $25,000 extra, and call that a fundraiser. They get all the same access and the same interaction with that congressman. So the people who make the reforms are the people in the system. No, the system hasn't been cleaned up at all. There's an arrogance on the part of lobbyists, and certainly there was on the part of me and my team, that no matter with what they come up with, we are smarter than they are and we'll overcome it. We'll just find another way through. That's all." |
[112] | September 25, 2006, TPM Muckraker, 'For Abramoff, Lawmaker Slandered Teen Sex Slave': "In November of 1997, Rep. Ralph Hall (R-TX) publicly questioned the credibility of a teenage girl's claims that she'd been the victim of the sex trade in the Northern Mariana Islands. The statement, which Rep. Hall entered into the Congressional Record, was prepared by Jack Abramoff, the lobbyist for the islands. "[S]he wanted to do nude dancing," Hall's statement said of the fifteen-year-old girl. She had earlier told federal investigators that she'd been forced to work for a local nightclub in a nightly live sex show. You can read the entirety of Hall's statement here. Press accounts at the time detailed how the girl had been taken from her parents in the Phillippines, and forced to perform sex acts on stage and before video cameras at a Northern Marianas sex club. A 1998 Department of Labor report confirmed those reports. Hall's challenger in Texas' 4th District, history professor Glenn Melancon, has made the episode a campaign issue. "When investigators discovered child prostitution and forced abortions on the Mariana Islands, Congressman Ralph Hall was paid for covering it up and publicly attacking one of the raped children," read postcards his campaign distributed to voters. Hall has called the charge an "outright lie." His office did not respond to our request for comment on this story. But records show that Abramoff's staff contacted Hall's office fifteen times in the two months leading up to his statement in the Congressional Record. Hall has also denied being paid for making the statement, but oddly enough has revealed that "[Tom] DeLay gave him money 10 years ago," according the to the district's local paper, The Herald Banner. DeLay was Abramoff's closest ally in Congress with regard to the Marianas. But Federal Election Commission records do not show contributions to Hall from DeLay or his PAC during that period. The former Majority Leader was known for routing donations through third parties to hide their origin. Hall was a Democrat at the time he says he took DeLay's money -- he switched parties in 2004. Hall visited the Marianas islands on an Abramoff-sponsored junket in 1997, according to emails. ... For months, activists and members of Congress pushed for labor reforms in the Northern Marianas, an American territory that was rife with cases of human rights abuses. The teenaged girl Hall attacked (referred to by lawyers and activists by her stage name, "Katrina," to protect her anonymity) was just one of those cases. The billing records from Abramoff's lobbying firm, Preston Gates, show that Abramoff and his associates logged long hours helping CNMI dodge such charges. ... As detailed in the findings of a Department of Labor investigation, Katrina was taken away from her parents in the Philippines at the age of fifteen to work at a nightclub in the Northern Marianas. Once there, she was forced to sell drinks, dance naked, and perform videotaped "sex acts on stage with customers." She and the other employees lived in barracks set up by the Philippino club owner until Katrina was able to run away and contact the Philippine Consulate. She was eventually given asylum in Hawaii, where she lives today." |
[113] | *) October 6, 2012, Algemeen Dagblad, ''Justitiebaas had contact met pooier van jongetjes'': "Tot in de Amerikaanse senaat zijn hierover vragen gesteld. ... Meerdere ooggetuigen stellen nu dat Demmink begin jaren '80 contact had met crimineel Dick Willard. In de Haagse Schilderswijk stond Willard bekend als pooier van minderjarige jongens. Hij werd in 1991 vermoord door twee van zijn voormalige 'seksslaven'. ...
'Willard pochte over zijn klanten,' zegt de 62-jarige Nico van Empel. 'Ook over deze Demmink. Hij zei dat het een heel hoge ome was.' De topman van Justitie zou ook zijn geobserveerd door leden van een Haagse hasjbende. Hun leider verklaart: 'Mijn mensen zagen jongens bij hem in de auto stappen. Het ging om jongens van niet ouder dan 15 jaar." Demmink ontkent Dick Willard te hebben gekend. ... Knijff dreigt met juridische stappen tegen deze krant. Twee Haagse getuigen zeggen hun verhaal onder ede te willen herhalen." *) October 6, 2012, Algemeen Dagblad (off-line): "De hasjhandelaar zegt de identiteitspapieren van Demmink te hebben gezien toen hij begin jaren '80 inbrak in de bij homo's populaire sauna Ceasar Sports aan de Mauritskade in Den Haag. ... "Een directeur-generaal van Justitie die contact zou hebben met een zware crimineel, dat is op zich al opmerkelijk. Maar de bendeleden rapporteren later ook aan hun baas dat ze Joris Demmink hebben gezien met minderjarige jongens, aldus de Haagse bendeleider. "Mijn mensen zagen jongens bij hem in de auto stappen. Het ging om jongens van niet ouder dan 15 jaar. Het was algemeen bekend dat Dick Willard minderjarige jongens leverde voor seks. Later hebben we ook gezien dat er jongens bij hem thuis werden afgeleverd:' De Haagse crimineel noemt vervolgens het adres waar Joris volgens het kadaster sinds 3 juni 1985 woont." ... We sporen meerdere personen op uit Willards voormalige vrienden- en kennissenkring, maar lang niet iedereen durft een verklaring af te leggen over de machtige justitieman. Een voormalige vriend van Willard raakt zelfs spontaan in paniek als we de naam Joris Demmink noemen. "Ik weet wie je bedoelt, maar hier wil ik absoluut niets mee te maken hebben. Ik ontken niet dat ze elkaar kenden, maar laat mij er buiten". ... "Een bewoner van de Haagse Schilderswijk durft wél een getuigenis af te leggen. Hij heeft geen contact met de Haagse hasjhandelaar, maar onderbouwt diens verhaal. Want ook hij zegt begin jaren '80 te hebben gezien hoe Demmink een minderjarige jongen bij Dick Willard oppikte. De 62-jarige Hagenaar slaat direct aan als we hem een oude foto van Demmink tonen: "Dat is hem." Hij weet ook de locatie te noemen; een cafetaria van Dick Willard in de Weimarstraat." ... Hij herinnert zich dat Demmink het cafetaria meerdere keren met een 'Arabisch uitziend jongetje' verliet. "Dick Willard had altijd jongens om zich heen, meestal Marokkaantjes. Als Dick in de zaak was, hingen die jongens daar ook altijd rond. Demmink ging weleens bij Willard en die jongens aan tafel zitten. Ik heb hem ook meer dan eens de zaak zien verlaten met een van die jongens. Hij was een jaar of 15. Zeker niet volwassen, in elk geval." ... "Willard dwong deze minderjarige jongens, vaak met geweld, tot seks en prostitutie, zo verklaren meerdere van zijn voormalige kennissen. Zoals oud-crimineel Nico van Empel (61), die jarenlang bij Willard in de Haagse Doedijnsstraat woonde." ... Van Empel zegt dat Demmink meer dan eens bij het huis van Dick Willard naar binnen ging. "Eén van de klanten kwam in een dure auto die nogal opviel in deze straat, waar vooral Fordjes en Opeltjes stonden. Het was een man met een bril. Destijds wist ik niet wie het was, maar toen enkele jaren geleden foto's van Joris Demmink op internet verschenen, herkende ik hem meteen: dat was die klant van Willard uit de Doedijnsstraat. Ik heb ze meerdere keren samen gezien. Dick Willard pochte vaak over zijn klanten, ook over deze Demmink. Hij zei altijd dat het een heel hoge ome was. Willard waande zich onaantastbaar vanwege zijn contacten bij Justitie." ... "Net als de Haagse hasjhandelaar en de 62-jarige Hagenees is Van Empel echter stellig over het contact tussen de hoge justitieambtenaar en de criminele jongenspooier: "Ik ben er niet zomaar van overtuigd, het is 100 procent zeker dat Demmink bij Willard thuis kwam. Ik heb dat zelf gezien en durf het onder ede te verklaren!"" *) October 8, 2012, De Wereld Draait Door, Koen Voskuil, author of the Algemeen Dagblad articles on Demmink: "Well, tens of years... Since 2003, primarily on the internet, many rumors have appeared about this high level boss at Justice. But there wasn't a snippet of information on there what we revealed now, namely that already in the early 1980s he was in contact with a pimp who also was a pimp of underaged boys. We found several eyewitnesses in The Hague, also complementary evidence, who say--Yes, three eyewitnesses--that they have seen Joris Demmink with that man. [The pimp] himself cannot relate his story, because he was murdered in 1991. ... What is known is that it was a beast, this man, who also forced boys to have sex with clients without their consent. ... Last year their were criminal complaints of two Turkish boys against the secretary general of Justice. We thougt that was remarkable. And that point we thought: we should start checking what might be true of all these rumors. Ths can't just continue like that. ... Reports in Panorama and Gay Krant that Joris Demmink would have been seen in the Anne Frank Plantsoen where also underage boys would have offered their sexual services in return for payment. Later on it came out that a high level investigation had taken place in the late 1990s, the so-called Rolodex investigation. That investigation was blown from the inside, it seems. All the information leaked out. All the persons the Justice Department was targeting turned out to be in the know of [the investigation]. It was of no use anymore to do phone taps. ... In that year, over a year, I was also to put a lot of rumors to rest. ... We also stumbled on new information and that stayed upright." |
[114] | *) April 13, 2010, Algemeen Dagblad, 'Advocaten willen hogere dwangsom Peter R. de Vries': "Zondagavond toonde misdaadverslaggever De Vries de beelden die met een verborgen camera in de tbs-cel van Koos H. [raped and murdered at least 3 girls: 11, 12 and 18] in Vught waren gemaakt. Hij deed dat ondanks een verbod en een daaraan gekoppelde dwangsom van 15.000 euro die de rechter in Amsterdam vrijdag had opgelegd. Op de opnamen bekent de veroordeelde kindermoordenaar en -verkrachter onder meer de moorden op de drie meisjes. ... Een jeugdvriend van H., Nico van Empel, maakte de beelden op verzoek van De Vries tijdens acht bezoeken. ... Op zijn website reageert Peter R. de Vries vanmorgen dat het weer een spannende week wordt. ,,Kees van der Spek zit de uitzending te monteren en dat is best lastig als je niet precies weet wat er gaat gebeuren. Maar vooralsnog gaan we door alsof er zondag gewoon een uitzending komt. En het is te hopen dat die reportage de buis haalt, want deze gaat over de dubieuze rol van de vice-voorzitter van de Haagse rechtbank, die een persoonlijk contact met Koos H. had. Deze reportage gaat over een doofpot-affaire..." |
[115] | March 4, 2014, NOS, 'Getuige praat in zaak-Demmink': " In de rechtbank in Utrecht is de eerste getuige gehoord in de zaak-Demmink. Getuige Bart verklaarde onder ede dat hij eind jaren tachtig seks had met de voormalige topambtenaar. De destijds 15-jarige jongen werkte als prostitué en zou Demmink als klant hebben gehad. Bart stelt dat Demmink 250 gulden betaalde voor zijn diensten. Hij zou de topambtenaar twee keer hebben ontmoet. De achternaam Demmink viel toen niet. "Hij stelde zich voor als Joris." Jaren later zou Bart pas hebben ontdekt dat het om Joris Demmink ging. In zijn verklaring vertelde Bart hoe het eraan toeging in de seksindustrie in de jaren tachtig in Amsterdam. Er werkten meer jongens zoals hij bij verschillende bordelen. De klanten zouden vaak hooggeplaatste pedoseksuelen zijn geweest. De advocaat van Demmink stelde vanmiddag in de rechtbank dat getuige Bart in een eerdere verklaring heeft gezegd dat hij Demmink vaker dan twee keer heeft ontmoet. Hij zou aangifte hebben gedaan tegen Demmink en een hoogleraar die hem zouden hebben misbruikt in een appartement. Bart wilde daar vandaag niets over zeggen." |
[116] | December 7, 2004, Kleintje Muurkrant, 'Brieven uit de nor (6)', Bart van W. letter: "Geachte redactie, Eind jaren tachtig was Piet van Haut actief als “administratief medewerker” van Karel van Maasdam, woonachtig Insulindeweg 106/D. Hij verstrekte hand en spandiensten voor bovengenoemde. Ook figureerde hij in pornofilm(s) met minderjarigen, waaronder ik, opgenomen in recreatiepark De Eemhof. Rohypnol en cocaïne waren het toverwoord dat iedereen liet schitteren als Brad Pitt. Om later geconfronteerd te worden met het materiaal dat bij tegenwerking opgestuurd zou worden naar ouders. Ook deslachtoffers werden gechanteerd en gemanipuleerd. Deze film kwam tot stand in samenwerking met de heer Lothar Glandorf, die hiervoor de materiaaltjes leverde, allen veertienjarigen. Het transport werd geleverd door “Duitse Willie”, een pedofiel die tegen betaling jongens ronselde o.a. op het Centraal Station en DE kinderprostitutiestraat van Nederland, de Paardenstraat (nabij het Rembrandtplein) te Amsterdam. De Festivalbar was in die tijd de “place to be” voor pedofiel Nederland. Professor Van Rhoon, Ed van Thijn en heren van Justitie wisten deze plek zonder navigatiesysteem feilloos te vinden. Na een paar drankjes werden de heren ook vrolijk om de hoek geëscorteerd, waar zich toevallig een “clubje” (te weten Boys Club de Amstel) had gevestigd die indertijd gerund werd door de heer Kröner. Een zakenpartner van hem werd geliquideerd in de jaren ’90, een kennis van de Dominee, die daar ook regelmatig kwam. Paul de Leeuw en Eddy (de spreekbuis van Cash en Carlo) e.a. vertoefden hier ook graag. André van Duin liet zich hier ook graag rectaal onderzoeken. Maar goed ... terugkomend op Piet van Haut. Deze fantasierijke karikatuur kwam ook op de proppen met ene Marc, later bekend als het Monster van België. Deze Marc had contacten met Duscedo, het imperium van de heren Tukkers en consorten. Met aan de touwtjes van het marionettenbeeveetje Charles Geerts. Je weet wel. Die ja. Scala had in die tijd een bloeiende handel die onderandere verkocht werd in de Utrechtsestraat. Er schijnt ook ergens een bewakingsvideootje te liggen van deze videotheek, waarin de heer Salomonson, bekende voor ingewijden, hier een aantal videootjes koopt voor een van zijn cliëntèle. Een familielid daarvan is vrij recent overleden. Deze bandjes werden graag bekeken op de Keizersgracht 497. Het liefst in een donkere kamer die niet bedoeld was voor het ontwikkelen van foto’s. Ik kan het weten... Stay tuned en happy Christmas, Bart van W. Ex-cabaretier/schrijver." |
[117] | Ibid. |
[118] | *) March 5, 2014, Nu.nl (largest Dutch news site), 'Demmink and officers named in child abuse case' ('Demmink en officieren genoemd in zedenzaak'): "The names of Demmink and the three officers, - Holthuis, Wabeke en Wooldrik... The investigation was focused on Ger van R. [Roon], professor at the Vrije Universiteit." *) March 6, 2014, De Telegraaf, 'AIVD onderzocht vermeend pedo-netwerk': "Een informant in het Rijksrechercheonderzoek Rolodex, eveneens gericht op pedonetwerken, had de hoofdofficieren destijds genoemd als klanten van de Amsterdamse ’kinderpooier’ Karel Maasdam, die in opdracht van rijke pedofielen handelde in minderjarige jongens. In het BVD-onderzoek werd ook bancaire informatie opgevraagd van professor Ger van Roon, die bekendstond als pedofiel en wiens huis gebruikt werd voor pedoseksfeesten..." |
[119] | *) October 24, 2006, Pamela Hemelrijk (used to work for Holland's largest newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, but also a radical) column in Metro newspaper: "And then we aren't even talking about the then Secretary of Defense Job de Ruiter, who, I read, not only was guilty of this cover-up [defective landmine affair in which top Army officials were involved], but was also blackmailed over the fact that he was committing immoral offences with underaged boys." *) January 1, 2004, Hans Laroes, editor in chief of the NOS News, to the Council for Journalism: "[Detectives] spoke about a 1998 investigation [Rolodex], ran from a very secret location in Utrecht: an investigation into a network of top public officials, two [of 19] district attorneys, a former minister [Job de Ruiter], a former attorney of the Queen [Salomonson] and a single professor [Ger van Roon] who would have sex with underaged boys.". |
[120] | Ibid. |
[121] | March 22, 2014, NRC Handelsblad, ''Zaak-Demmink lijkt op een spektabel met guillotine'' |
[122] | May 18, 2014, KRO Brandpunt, Nederland 2 TV, 'Justice expands investigation into Demmink: Detectives hearing witnesses about sexual abuse': "[Narrator:] In a kazerne in Soesterberg a secret team starts an investigation. But not into Demmink. He is already in the know, it turns out and has been scrapped from the list of suspects. Also the investigation into the other high justice officials turns up empty. [Knoop:] Well, what I remember is that we really didn't make any progress in the investigation, because it had been leaked. That was clear. The persons whom it concerned were in the know of the investigation. The taps didn't result in anything anymore. Normally you see continued [illegal] activities, but these were all gone. You still try to make something out of nothing, but you're really wasting time at that point. It was leaked, yes." |
[123] | April 14, 2014, Volkskrant, 'Ex-agent: recherche deed onderzoek naar Demmink tot politietop ingreep': "Oud-zedenrechercheur Leen de Koter verklaarde vorige maand ook dat de naam van Demmink was gevallen en dat het onderzoek was 'stukgemaakt'." |
[124] | May 18, 2014, KRO Brandpunt, Nederland 2 TV, 'Justice expands investigation into Demmink: Detectives hearing witnesses about sexual abuse': "[Narrator:] This wasn't the first investigation into Demmink. In early 1997 the Crime Intelligence Service [CID] receives intelligence about him. Demmink would be involved in abuse of underage boys. Later that year also vice squad specialist Jaap Hoek becomes involved in the investigation, after an agenda has been found at a boy prostitute with compromising information about justice officers. [Jaap Hoek:] That was explosive. Numbers of justice officials in The Hague, secret phone numbers, what you shouldn't find at home with boy prostitutes. Let's be honest here. [Narrator:] In a kazerne in Soesterberg a secret team starts an investigation. But not into Demmink. He is already in the know, it turns out and has been scrapped from the list of suspects. Also the investigation into the other high justice officials turns up empty. [Knoop:] Well, what I remember is that we really didn't make any progress in the investigation, because it had been leaked. That was clear. The persons whom it concerned were in the know of the investigation. The taps didn't result in anything anymore. Normally you see continued [illegal] activities, but these were all gone. You still try to make something out of nothing, but you're really wasting time at that point. It was leaked, yes." |
[125] | March 22, 2014, NRC Handelsblad, ''Zaak-Demmink lijkt op een spektabel met guillotine'' |
[126] | April 14, 2014, Volkskrant, 'Ex-agent: recherche deed onderzoek naar Demmink tot politietop ingreep': "Volgens de oud-politieman heeft de CRI destijds Demmink en hoofdofficieren Jan Wolter Wabeke en Henk Wooldrik enkele dagen geobserveerd. De zaak liep stuk omdat er over het onderzoek gelekt werd, aldus Broersma. Volgens hem was de toenmalige chef van het Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (KLPD), J. de Wijs, daar persoonlijk verantwoordelijk voor. De Wijs zou een van de verdachten, toenmalig hoofdofficier van justitie van het landelijk parket Hans Holthuis, hebben ingelicht over het onderzoek. Dat werd vervolgens direct stopgezet." |
[127] | April 15, 2014, NRC Handelsblad, 'Ex-agent weerspreekt lezing Opstelten: er liep onderzoek naar Demmink': "De Centrale Recherche Informatiedienst (CRI), inmiddels opgegaan in de Dienst Nationale Recherche Informatie (DNRI), heeft onderzoek gedaan naar oud-topambtenaar Joris Demmink. Dat zei voormalig politieagent Emile Broersma, commandant van het observatieteam van de CRI, vandaag in de zaak. Broersma weerspreekt daarmee de lezing van minister Opstelten (Veiligheid en Justitie, VVD), die vol heeft gehouden dat Demmink niet in beeld was bij het zogenoemde Rolodex-onderzoek naar pedofilie. De oud-agent wilde geen antwoord geven op vragen van de rechter over observaties van Demmink. Hij beriep zich op zijn ambtsgeheim. Maar de rechter oordeelde dat hij de vragen móest beantwoorden, omdat de waarheidsvinding zwaarder dan het ambtsgeheim van de getuige woog. Onze verslaggever Marcel Haenen, bij de zaak aanwezig, beschreef op Twitter wat Broersma zei. Broersma heeft in 1998 Demmink en drie andere verdachten geobserveerd. Hij stopte daarmee, omdat “de zaak stuk was”. Er was volgens Broersma gelekt over het Rolodex-onderzoek naar verdachte Hans H., de hoofdofficier van Justitie van het landelijk parket en de baas van de CRI. ... [Twitter:] Marcel Haenen: Agent Broersma noemt het onderzoek naar Demmink ‘betrokkenheid bij georganiseerd misbruik maken van kinderen’. ... Ook hoofdofficieren Jan Wolter W. en Henk W. waren naast Demmink en H. verdachte, zo zei Broersma." |
[128] | March 29, 2014, Koen Voskuil en Tobias den Hartog for Algemeen Dagblad, 'BVD was gewaarschuwd over Joris Demmink': "De veiligheidsdienst BVD is al in 2002 gewaarschuwd dat oud-topambtenaar van justitie Joris Demmink mogelijk chantabel was, omdat hij op de achterbank van zijn dienstauto seks zou hebben gehad met 'jonge jongens'. Desondanks werd Demmink later dat jaar benoemd tot hoogste ambtenaar van Justitie. Een ambtenaar van justitie en een externe adviseur die er werkte hebben dat deze krant verteld. Justitieambtenaar Tjeerd Postma: ,,Ik heb de BVD verteld van klachten van chauffeurs over nachtelijke bezoeken aan een club en over een dienstreis naar Brussel, waar Demmink seks had met een jonge jongen op de achterbank van de dienstauto, terwijl de chauffeur alles zag door de achteruitkijkspiegel.'' Een externe adviseur van de justitiële Ondernemingsraad (OR) zegt dat hij tegen de BVD heeft verklaard dat Demmink 'jongetjes in zijn dienstauto bestelde'. Hij zegt dat te hebben gehoord van de OR. De BVD -voorloper van de AIVD- deed in 2001 en 2002 een onderzoek naar Demmink. Zo'n screening is gebruikelijk om uit te sluiten dat topambtenaren gechanteerd kunnen worden. Postma en de OR-adviseur waarschuwden de BVD dat het gedrag van Demmink hier aanleiding toe zou kunnen geven. Desondanks werd Demmink kort daarna gepromoveerd tot Secretaris-Generaal. Postma, tot 1998 verantwoordelijk voor de chauffeursdienst, verklaart het verhaal over seks op de achterbank van de dienstauto te hebben gehoord van de chauffeur in kwestie, Hans Bakker. Die ontkent dit nu stellig. ,,Het is allemaal uit de lucht gegrepen.'' Er zijn meer verklaringen over ongepast gedrag in de dienstauto. Volgens oud-Justitiemanager John Moeleker was de ambtelijke top van het ministerie op de hoogte van een klacht die een andere chauffeur, Rob Mostert, zou hebben ingediend over Demmink. Later hoorde Moeleker dat de zaak niet was onderzocht, omdat Mostert kort na zijn klacht overleed. Voormalig OR-voorzitter Rinus Bruël zegt dat die klacht is 'kwijtgeraakt'. Het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie laat weten dat er 'nooit een begin van juistheid is gebleken voor de geruchten en aantijgingen'. Volgens het ministerie heeft onderzoek van de veiligheidsdienst nooit iets opgeleverd dat bezwaarlijk was voor het functioneren van Demmink. Demmink laat via zijn advocaat weten dat hij de nieuwe beschuldigingen met klem ontkent. De AIVD, opvolger van de BVD, wil niet reageren." |
[129] | Ibid. |
[130] | Ibid. |
[131] | Ibid. |
[132] | April 2014, Paul & Witteman: Peter R. de Vries and former Demmink chauffeur Hans Bakker deny the accusations against Demmink. |
[133] | April 16, 2014, wicherwedzinga.nl ("Dr. Mr. W. Wedzinga: Voormalig raadsheer/rechter & universitair hoofddocent"), 'Demmink verhoren: Emile Broersma en Tjeerd Postma': "Bakker vertelde dat Demmink op de achterbank “behoorlijk gênante handelingen pleegde met een jongen.” Dat gebeurde in Brussel waar Demmink de jongen in “een obscure wijk had opgepikt.” Postma nam het voor kennisgeving aan, omdat Bakker geen klacht indiende en niets zei over minderjarigheid jongen. Postma briefde dit verhaal door aan de BVD. Hij vond dat Demmink zich chantabel opstelde. Tegen Peter R. De Vries zei diezelfde Bakker echter dat er geen sprake was van seks tussen Demmink en jongens op de achterbank. “Het is mij bekend”, zegt Postma op de vraag of hij weet dat Bakker verhaal nu ontkent. “Ik heb er geen verklaring voor.”" |
[134] | Peterrdevries.nl/hans-bakker (interview) |
[135] | April 16, 2014, wicherwedzinga.nl ("Dr. Mr. W. Wedzinga: Voormalig raadsheer/rechter & universitair hoofddocent"), 'Demmink verhoren: Emile Broersma en Tjeerd Postma': "Tegen Peter R. De Vries zei diezelfde Bakker echter dat er geen sprake was van seks tussen Demmink en jongens op de achterbank. “Het is mij bekend”, zegt Postma op de vraag of hij weet dat Bakker verhaal nu ontkent. “Ik heb er geen verklaring voor.” ... Postma kende Demmink al sinds januari 1990 en karakteriseert hem als een “zeer aimabele man, veel gevoel voor humor.” ... Postma benadrukt dat hij dit niet vertelt uit rancune. Hij vertelt dat Demmink in ’95 zelfs “van harte” instemde met de promotie van Postma. ... " |
[136] | April 15, 2014, HP/De Tijd, 'Vier tegen twee: Joris Demmink was wel degelijk in het vizier': "Tegenover HP/De Tijd beweerde Harry Borghouts, Demminks baas bij Justitie in 1998, dat Demmink niet in beeld was. Wel had Borghouts, zei hij, minister Donner gewaarschuwd dat Demmink als zijn opvolger een risico betekende gezien de geruchten. Dus het aantal personen dat zegt dat Demmink wél geobserveerd werd in het onderzoek staat nu op drie, plus Ficq die erover gebeld is. Overigens is ‘onderzocht worden’ geen enkel bewijs van schuld van Demmink aan kindermisbruik. En al helemaal niet op de achterbank van zijn dienstauto; de malle verdenking alleen al." |
[137] | June 13, 2007, EenVandaag (Dutch TV), 'Again consternation over secretary-general of Justice' ('Opnieuw ophef over secretaris-generaal van Justitie'). |
[138] | Ibid. |
[139] | April 16, 2014, wicherwedzinga.nl ("Dr. Mr. W. Wedzinga: Voormalig raadsheer/rechter & universitair hoofddocent"), 'Demmink verhoren: Emile Broersma en Tjeerd Postma': "Postma vertelde de BVD over de “nogal heftige klacht” van chauffeur Harry Dijkman uit 1992 over Demmink. Dijkman was “nogal ontdaan” omdat hij tijdens een nachtelijke rit erg lang moest wachten op Demmink bij een “gelegenheid” in de Kazernestraat in Den Haag. Dijkman voelde zich door Demmink behandeld “als minder dan een hond”, zegt Postma." |
[140] | *) March 16, 2014, De Telegraaf newspaper, 'Doodrijder Nederlandse journalist gevlucht' ('Driver who killed Dutch journalist has fled'): "BANGKOK - The Dutch journalist Fred de Brouwer who died last Friday in Thailand after a traffic accident with his scooter, was hit by a white car who is alleged to have followed him for a brief time before that. This is what eye witnesses have told the girlfriend of Fred, Araya, who also lives in Thailand. The person who caused the accident drove off after he ran Fred de Brouwer off his scooter. ... After the accident, the wounded journalist was initially taken up by the state hospital in Chonburi. But because they didn't have enough equipment there to treat him, it was decided to move De Brouwer to a better equipped hospital. However, that one refused him, after his family wasn't able to pay for the required bail of 200,000 bath (4500 euros). Subsequently de Brouwer died at the emergency department of a state hospital. In 2003 Fred de Brouwer (58) was the author of the first articles in GayKrant and Panorama about Joris Demmink [name not given at that point], the former secretary general (SG) of the Justice Department. At this moment Demmink is a suspect in a judicial inquiry about child abuse. ... Shortly after his publications, which had to be rectified, the journalist emigrated to Thailand, because, according to his own words, he didn't feel at home anymore in the Netherlands. The last couple of days he was in extensive contact with Dutch journalists about the Demmink case, among those reporters of De Telegraaf, in relation to hearings that are taking place at the moment about the former SG. According to his former colleage, Henk Krol, de Brouwer would have considered coming to the Netherlands to talk about his knowledge on the Demmink dossier in the television program Pauw & Witteman. The producers of Pauw & Witteman denies this. "The past few weeks we did have contact with Fred, but there was no agreement to come to the Netherlands and appear on our show," according to P&W producer Danielle van Lieshout." *) March 15, 2014, De Telegraaf newspaper, 'Auteur Demmink-artikelen omgekomen bij ‘verdacht’ verkeersongeluk in Thailand' ('Author Demmink articles died after 'suspicious' traffic accident in Thailand'): "Fred de Brouwer was driven over last night in the Thai coastal town Chonburi, after he fell from his scooter. According to bystanders the accident raises questions, because the car that drove him over would have had plenty of opportunity to evade him." |
[141] | June 18, 2014 Youtube upload, Talk2Myra podcast, 'De Rolodex Man spreekt', interview with Richard-Carl Samson. |
[142] | Ibid. |
[143] | March 22, 2014, NRC Handelsblad, ''Zaak-Demmink lijkt op een spektabel met guillotine'': "De Rolodex-zaak vindt zijn oorsprong in 1998 wanneer een vrouw zich meldt bij de Amsterdamse politie. Ze vertelt dat haar 12-jarige dochter is verkracht door haar vriend. Hij werd aangehouden en klaagde meteen over klassenjustitie: hoge heren zouden wel vrijuit kinderen mogen misbruiken. „Hij vertelde tijdens zijn verhoor onder andere dat twee hoofdofficieren van justitie een jongensbordeel in Amsterdam zouden bezoeken. Een hoogleraar aan de VU was er ook bij betrokken. De verklaringen waren zeer gedetailleerd. De man beschikte ook over geheime telefoonnummers van magistraten uit de Rolodex (telefoonklapper) van de eigenaar van een Amsterdams jongensbordeel. Hij wist zelfs precies te vertellen op welk tafeltje de telefoonklapper stond”, zegt Vrakking." |
[144] | November 8, 2012, Boublog, 'Een wonderlijke link naar het Rolodex onderzoek', same day reply to article by "Douwe Ritsema": "Niet te geloven dat deze oplichter nog leeft. Ruim 20 jaar geleden heb ik hem leren kennen als “hoogleraar psychiatrie”. Ook toen al was hij door de medici in het Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek opgegeven. Hij hield zich in die tijd o.a. bezig met het lot van hoerenjongens in een kroeg in een zijstraat van de Amstelstraat in Amsterdam. Later bleek dat hij zich door de eigenaar van die tent in natura liet betalen door zijn boekhouding te verzorgen. Hij kon dan elk jongetje uitkiezen en zich uitleven. Thuis had hij een Marokkaans jongetje als lustslaafje (zogenaamd omdat hij een vooraanstaand beschermeling was van Pro Juventute) en er woonde een jonge jongen uit Friesland, die ook erg beschadigd is door hem. Samson was destijds een dikke vette kerel met een babbel die zijn weerga niet kende. Je kon er niet onderuit; hij was gewoon die hoogleraar en hij had niet lang meer te leven. ... Hij is een fantast, een formidabel acteur en inderdaad terminaal ziek, maar dan in zijn hoofd. Verder heb ik begrepen dat hij van oorsprong uit Breda komt en daar zijn leven niet zeker is omdat half Breda door hem is opgelicht. En verder ben ik verbaasd dat hij tot op de dag van vandaag justitie wist te ontlopen. Wees een gewaarschuwd mens als ene Richard Carl Samson zich tot u wendt." |
[145] | February 19, 2013, Censored31 (nutball anti-Assad spammer; almost certainly AIVD asset), admin of censored31.blogspot.nl (Islamic News Info), reply to the November 8, 2012 article 'Een wonderlijke link naar het Rolodex onderzoek' about the Samson file at Boublog: "Zoals u nu wellicht weet ben ik het inderdaad die het rapport “lekte” via mijn scribd account: http://www.scribd.com/doc/86555793/ Numeriser0002 Omwille van één reden: ik wilde dit rapport niet publiceren op mijn blog omwille van de vele namen van slachtoffers maar wel ergens stockeren waar sommigen er toch even konden in piepen. Uiteindelijk werd het bijna 10.000 maal bekeken. Wat betreft RCS, hij was inderdaad de privé-chauffeur die jarenlang notities maakte (staat op band). Toen het hem te heet werd, kreeg hij voldoende geld van Maasdam om een bedrijfje op te richten. Als Blogger heb ik meerdere informatiebronnen en RCS was onbetrouwbaar. Hij was enorm verbaasd en schrok even toen hij vernam dat ik dit rapport had. Volgens hem waren er enkel en alleen vijf mensen die weet hadden van zijn notities. Bovendien beweerde hij een informant te zijn van de AIVD. Wat betreft taghut Assad is het bewezen dat hij misdaden pleegt tegen de mensheid en wordt van genocide beschuldigd in mijn amateuristisch rapport die ik samengesteld heb. [February 21:] u voorstel om stukken voor te leggen aan advocaat Baybasin [Adele van der Plas] vind ik constructief. Na overleg, houd ik u alvast op de hoogte." |
[146] | November 8, 2012, Boublog, 'Een wonderlijke link naar het Rolodex onderzoek', Nov. 9 reply to article by "rechercheur": "Volgens insiders is dit de lijst die door EenVandaag in 2007 is samengesteld. Ook zou Samson Jan Born en zijn collega's videomateriaal hebben laten zien, waarbij men bij het zien van de beelden kotsend is weggelopen. ... Overigens was Samson bestuurder van Stichting de Maasdam, kvk dossiernummer: 41212819.De akte van oprichting was 15-07-1993 en de stichting is op 21-5-2002 ontbonden. [this is some very unique information]" |
[147] | November 8, 2012, Boublog, 'Een wonderlijke link naar het Rolodex onderzoek', Jan Nov. 9 post of "Anna". |
[148] | November 8, 2012, Boublog, 'Een wonderlijke link naar het Rolodex onderzoek', Jan Born quoted in a Nov. 13 post of "mr. drs. Bou". |
[149] | May 18, 2014, KRO Brandpunt, Nederland 2 TV, 'Justice expands investigation into Demmink: Detectives hearing witnesses about sexual abuse': "[Demmink]: "I have often been in Prague, sometimes up to three times a year. I never visited the Pinochio Bar... My boyfriend was called Libor and then was 23-years-old. From 1993 to 2000 I have had a relationship with him." ... The boyfriend Demmink is talking about is this man, Libor Ctvrtlik. He has a remarkable profession: porn actor. Libor acts in homo erotic movies that are recorded in Prague. This is one of the DVDs Libor is playing a lead role: Das Fickende Klassenzimmer it is titled, with the boyfriend of Demmink having sex with his pupils. You have seen a number of clips of this DVD, on which it is claimed that these boys are above the age of 18. What is your impression? [Jaap Hoek, former vice squad detective:] There are clips here of boys who are definately not 18 years, but I can't say if they are 14 or 12 years old. Once again it is the usual 16-17 year old border case." |
[150] | Ibid. |
[151] | November 1, 2012, reporter Jan Roos for PowNed.tv, 'Kopstukken nemen afscheid van Demmink'. People filmed walking in to the Demmink reception. *) Nurten Albayrak: Chair Central Organ for Sheltering Asylum Seekers (COA: Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers) 2004-2011. Fired for corruption. *) Ernst Hirsch Ballin: Catholic. Christian Democrat Party (CDA). Minister for Suriname and Netherlands Antilles affairs and minister of justice under Ruud Lubbers 1989-1995. Senator 1995-2000. Council of State/Privy Council 2000-2006. Minister of justice 2006-2010. *) Herman Bolhaar: Chairman of the College of Prosecuter-Generals since 2011. *) Bert van Delden: President Court of The Hague 1990-2001. Chairman Commission of Oversight Intelligence and Security Services (CTIVD: Commissie van Toezicht Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdiensten). In 2013 criticised in this position for recommending the law should be adapted, so the Dutch intelligence could use its newly ordered hardware/software system to spy on the internet. Also criticised for not reporting that this system had been in order for two years. Chairman Shell Settlement Dispute Committee. Advisory board The Nederlandsche Bank 2004-2012. *) Arthur Docters van Leeuwen: Published erotic stories in the 1960s; head Dutch intelligence, the AIVD, 1989-1995; prosecutor-general 1995-1998. Chairman Authority Financial Markets 1999-2007; Bilderberg 2005. *) Piet-Hein Donner: Director of the Scientific Council for Government Policy 1993-1997. Minister of justice 2002-2006. Minister of social affairs and employment 2007-2010. Vice president of the Council of State/Privy Council since 2012. *) Thom de Graaf: MP D66 1994-2003. Vice prime minister 2003-2005. Mayor Nijmegen 2007-2012. Senator D66 since 2011. *) Harro Knijff: Lawyer of Joris Demmink. Employed at the prestigious De Brauw Blackstone. *) Frits Korthals-Altes: Minister of Justice 1982-1989. Foreign secretary in 1986. Chairman Senate 1997-2001. *) Gerd Leers: MP Christian Democrats (CDA) 1990-2002. Mayor of Maastricht 2002-2010. Minister for immigration, integration and asylum affairs 2010-2012. *) Jan Loorbach: Head of the Dutch Order of Attorneys 2010-2013. Lenghth: a giant 217 centimers. *) Ruud Lubbers (reported by Micha Kat): Prime minister 1982-1994. By far the most connected Dutchman to the international liberal elite. Also knows Demmink from the The Hague Process. *) Hilbrand Nawijn: Member List Pim Fortuyn 2002-2004. Minister for integration & immigration 2002-2003. MP 2003-2006. Looks cuddly, but is a hard core neocon. October 31, 2006, Spits newspaper, 'CIA cellen mogen best in Nederland', interview with Hilbrand Nawijn: "Really not a whole lot is wrong with our Dutch justice system. But I do think that, for instance, sexual abuse delinquents who also murdered, and terrorists, should be housed in a stricter regime. ... Maybe they can be placed in a kind of regime as in Guantanamo Bay. ... I wouldn't have any problems with [CIA black sites in the Netherlands]. We have to support the US very vigourously in the War on Terror. They are arming themselves against attacks on the West. I am glad that they take action in countries as Iraq. And personally, I think it's fine that they invade Iran. Real criminals are in power there." *) Ivo Opstelten: Mayor of four small cities 1972-1984. Mayor of Utrecht 1992-1999. Mayor of Rotterdam 1999-2008. Chairman VVD (leading Dutch party). Chairman Prince Bernhard Culture Fund until 2008. Mayor of Tilburg 2009-2010. Minister of security and justice 2010-. *) Jaco Oussoren: Police commandant. *) Bram Peper: Mayor of Rotterdam 1982-1998. Interior minister 1998-2000. *) Uri Rosenthal: Member Social Economic Council (SER) 1994-1999. Chair COT Instituut voor Veiligheids- en Crisismanagement B.V. 1996-2010. Senator VVD 1999-2010. Secretary of State 2010-2012. *) Winnie Sorgdrager: Minister of Justice 1994-1998. Senator in 1999. Member Council of State/Privy Council since 2005. Member Council of Journalism. *) Leo Spigt: Attorney whose business practices have been questioned in at least oe affair. *) Fred Teeven: Justice officer in the 1990s. Made a deal with John Engelsma, Charles Geerts and Gerard Cok, suspected of being international child abuse videos peddlers, in 1998, which allowed them to stay out of jail. Made a deal that same year with crime boss and intelligence asset Mink Kok. MP Leefbaar Nederland 2002-2003, where he was the follow up of Pim Fortuyn, when Fortuyn started his own (extremely successful) party. MP VVD 2006-2010. Deputy minister of security and justice 2010-. *) Rita Verdonk: Minister of immigration affairs and integration 2003-2006. Minister of justice in 2006. Minister of integration,child protection, prevention and rehabilitation 2006-2007. *) Frans Weisglas: MP VVD 1982-2006. Chairman Parliament 2002-2006. *) Bernhard Welten: Chief police commissioner Amsterdam 2004-2011. To Pow! reporter: "[Reporter:]You don't have any worries coming here? [Welten:] Absolutely not! Ah, fine, what kind of stories are going round about you? [Reporter:] Well, not that I'm pedo. [Welten:] Well, I tell you, you smell terribly from your mouth. [Reporter, as Welten walks away:] Now, that's really chique." Reporter asks other guests if he smells from his mouth. They deny. *) Hans Wiegel: Vice prime minister 1977-1981. Commissioner of the Queen of Friesland 1982-1994. Senator 1995-2000. |
[152] | Past Minerva students (simply from Wikipedia for the most part): Queen Beatrix of Orange | Queen Juliana | King Willem Alexander | Prince Constantijn | Prince Floris | Prinsess Margriet | Crown Prince Alexander der Nederlanden | Princess Anita | Princess Aimee | Princess Prinses Astrid of Belgium | Pieter van Vollenhoven | Laurens-Jan Brinkhorst | Joris Demmink | Oscar Hammerstein | Benk Korthals | Jaap de Hoop Scheffer | Ivo Opstelten | Alexander Pechtold | Alexander Rinnooy Kan | Rutger Schimmelpenninck | Max van der Stoel | Erica Terpstra | Maxime Verhagen | Paul Verhoeven | Gijs de Vries | Nout Wellink | Cees van Lede | Jan Wicher van Heerde | Pieter Bakker Schut |
[153] | December 11, 2010, Volkskrant, 'A student period at a fraternity has a lot of benefits' ('Een studententijd bij het corps heeft veel voordelen'): "Minerva, one of the foundations of our ruling elite. At least two-thirds of influential Holland has been a member of a fraternity... Ten percent [of Minerva], followed by Rotterdam fraternities (6%), the Utrecht fraternities (5%), and Groningen fraternities (4%)...." |
[154] | E.M. Meijers Instituut: *) law.leidenuniv.nl/org/onderzoeksinstituut/over/raadvanadvies.html (accessed: July 7, 2014): "composition of the council of advisors: ... Mr. J. Demmink (voormalig Secretaris-Generaal Ministerie van Justitie) Mr. G.H. Potjewijd (advocaat De Brauw (ondernemingsrecht), cum laude gepromoveerd in rechtsgeschiedenis) Mw. dr. H.G. Sevenster (Raad van State) " *) On the same page there's also a link to the advisory council of the faculty: law.leidenuniv.nl/org/bestuursorganen/raadvanadvies/raad-van-advies-algemeen.html (accessed: July 7, 2014): "Mr. H.J. Holthuis, raadsheer gerechtshof Amsterdam en voormalig griffier Internationaal Joegoslavië-tribunaal in Den Haag Mw. mr. J.S.L.M. Keijser-Overbosch, hoofd Juridische Zaken, Shell Nederland Raffinaderij BV Mr. C.J.A. van Lede, voormalig voorzitter Raad van Bestuur Akzo Nobel Mr. W.A.J. Mijs, Directeur Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken" *) Earlier: law.leidenuniv.nl/org/bestuursorganen/raadvanadvies/raad_van_advies-algemeen.jsp (accessed: July 1, 2007): "general information about the faculty's council of advisors. ... The members are: ... Mr. H.J. Holthuis, griffier Internationaal Joegoslavië-tribunaal in Den Haag Mr. E. Kist, voormalig voorzitter raad van bestuur ING-groep Mr. C.J.A. van Lede, lid raad van Commissarissen Akzo Nobel Mr. J.H. Schraven, voorzitter raad van Commissarissen Corus NL BV en voormalig voorzitter Vereniging VNO-NCW Mr. C.L. de Vries Lentsch-Kostense, advocaat-generaal Hoge Raad der Nederlanden Mr. P.A. Wackie Eijsten, advocaat en partner de Brauw Blackstone Westbroek..." |
[155] | *) thehagueprocess.org/about-us/board/ (accessed: July 25, 2014): "Board members: HRH Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands (Chairman), NL; ... Mayor Jozias van Aartsen (Secretary), NL" *) thehagueprocess.org/about-us/club-of-the-hague/: "The Club of The Hague is THP’s high-level advisory council. It provides policy direction and discusses key topics on the refugee and migration agenda within a human rights and development perspective. The Club currently includes 60 prominent individuals from the North and South hemispheres, either as active or associate members, all representative of the various stakeholders and regions covered by THP. The Club of The Hague was officially established by the Mayor of the City of The Hague in 2003 and since then has come together every year on November 22nd..." *) Annual report 2005, The Hague Process, pp. 32-33: "Appendix II: Members and advisors of the Club of The Hague (in 2005): HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan ... Delors, Jacques ... Demmink, Joris ... Evans, Gareth [president International Crisis Group] ... van Loon, Frans ... Lubbers, Ruud ... Pronk, Jan ... Shamir, Shimon..." *) thehagueprocess.org/About/Structuur/ClubOfTheHague/Members/ samenvatting.htm# (accessed: August 26, 2006): "HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan ... Jacques Delors ... Frans van Loon, NL; Ruud Lubbers ... Jan Pronk ... Shimon Shamir, Israel..." Strangely enough, Demmink is not mentioned on the site, but his name does appear in the 2006 annual report. *) 2010 annual report, The Hague Process, pp. 6, 30-33: "Joris Demmink, Club of The Hague member. ... Club of The Hague members, associates, and guests in 2008: ... HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan ... Delors, Jacques ... Demmink, Joris ... Lubbers, Ruud ... Pronk, Jan ... Shamir, Shimon ... Sutherland, Peter ... Wijffels, Herman..." *) Pdf file with members (only 65 in total) can be downloaded from thehagueprocess.org/about-us/club-of-the-hague/. Relevant info from the membership list: "Club of The Hague Members, status: Spring 2012: ... HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan ... Brenninkmeijer, Erik [Switzerland] ... Demmink, Joris ... Hirsch Ballin, Ernst ... Lubbers, Ruud ... Sutherland, Peter ..." Only 65 names from all over the world. |
[156] | *) June 21, 2011, Vrij Nederland, 'C&A: zuiver arisch in de oorlog': "Brenninckmeijers cooperated with the Nazis to keep and boost their business interests in Germany. In 1934 they donated 750,000 euros in today's money to the NSDAP after a speech of Joseph Goebbels. They sent bribes to Hermann Goring beginning in 1937 and even came up with the occasional anti-Jewish argument to satisfy the Nazi leadership. Even after WWII had begun, from 1940 to 1942, the Brenninkmeijer sent expensive gifts to Goring. Their C&A clothing stores primarily created uniforms for the Nazi army, the work largely being done through forced labor. Inhume: "Dat was anders met de talrijke stukken grond en de diverse panden van Joodse eigenaren die op twijfelachtige wijze werden verworven. Naast het filiaal in Bremen lag de herenkledingzaak Adler van de Joodse mevrouw Bialystock. Zij voelde zich niet meer veilig in Duitsland en wilde vluchten naar Nederland, waar haar man al zat. Hierdoor kon C&A het pand in 1938 voor zevenentwintig procent minder dan de vraagprijs kopen, nadat het eerst de 'niet-arische' makelaar van de verkopende partij had afgewezen. Omdat mevrouw Bialystock nog papieren nodig had voor haar vertrek naar Nederland, verzocht zij in het pand te mogen blijven wonen totdat het rond was. Hiermee ging C&A niet akkoord. Wel wist het de volledige schade op haar te verhalen, nadat bruin- en zwarthemden tijdens de Kristallnacht haar winkel kort en klein hadden geslagen. De koop was gesloten, maar nog niet geregistreerd bij het kadaster. De heer en mevrouw Bialystock werden uiteindelijk in 1942 in Auschwitz vermoord. Na de oorlog verzette C&A zich tegen pogingen een aantal van dergelijke transacties via de rechter te herzien. Het liet zich daarbij verdedigen door een bedrijfsjurist die tijdens de oorlog als SS'er in Polen nog betrokken was geweest bij het gevangennemen van Joden." A historian hired by C&A itself dug up these facts and the company's latest generation made these facts available themselves." *) April 25, 1971, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 'Unicena directors leave earnings to the imagination': "Unicena NV (Ltd), the holding company controlling the world chains of C & A and Ohrbach department stores, may be the biggest clothing retail business around. Only the 19 directors of Unicena, 11 of whom bear the name Brenninkmeyer, know for sure. Like the elusive Howard Hughes, the Brenninkmeyers don't like to talk about themselves or have their pictures taken. ... C&A is the fourth largest company in Holland - after Shell, Unilever, and Philips... General agreement in business circles is that Rudolf Wilhelm Brenninkmeyer, 37, a doctor of economics, currently heads up the Unicena board. But a Unicena executive commented: "Officially there is no chairman of the board. Nor is there one unofficially." In each country where the business has branches, a member of the ruling family is in charge. In Germany it is Cornelius, 40; in Belgium, Ludwig, 42; in France, Herman, 42, and the United States, Anthony, 41. ... Unicena's rigid policy demanding retirement at 55, with enerous pension rights, has kept its corporate management image consistly young and forward looking. The family is staunchly Roman Catholic. Church officials say they never waste their time when they approach the Brenninkmeyers for support of a church project. " *) September 5, 1983, New York Times, 'Secretive Brenninkmeyers: "In an unassuming building in Amsterdam's trim Weesper Straat, 50 or so executives meet four times a year to discuss the affairs of what is, by most standards, one of the world's most secretive business operations. The executives, all men, are members of the Brenninkmeyer clan, and they run what has been described as the world's largest retail clothing group. It is believed that some 200 family members, all bearing the Brenninkmeyer name - some use the Dutch form, Brenninkmeijer - operate in a dozen countries. Yet no one knows for sure. So secretive is the family that no one knows for certain how many stores it owns, how much clothing it sells or how much money it earns. None have ever granted an interview. 400 American Stores Still, analysts and public records are able to shed some light on the family and its holdings. In the United States, for example, it is known that the family owns and operates about 400 stores in 30 states, including Ohrbach's and Kreeger & Sons in New York City. Estimates of the group's annual world sales run as high as $6 billion, but some analysts regard even that figure as conservative. In West Germany, where the company's size mandates some disclosure, the C & A Brenninkmeyer subsidiary reported 1982 sales of $2.05 billion, a slight decline from 1981. ... The devoutly Roman Catholic family has been accused of religious bigotry, for example, and in a 1979 report, a group of trade unions in the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees, in Geneva, accused them of discriminating against non-Catholics and women and of squelching labor union activities. ... Today, Rudolf Wilhelm Brenninkmeyer, a man in his 50's, is believed to head the family and control its business interests through Intercena, the Amsterdam-based holding company that is the hub of the family's business activities. ....... The Brenninkmeyers entered the United States in 1961, when they acquired the Ohrbach's chain of clothing stores, which now has six stores in New York and six in Los Angeles. The family has since acquired five more chains: De Lodge's, Harvard Square, Maurice's, Miller's and Kreeger & Sons, which it controls through the Amcena Corporation, in New York. Amcena's president is Anthony Brenninkmeyer, 53, one of several family members working in the United States." *) June 16, 2000, Standaard.be, 'De mythe van de Brenninkmeijers, de C&A-clan' ('The mythe of the Brenninkmeyers, the C&A clan'): "The Brenninkmeyers call themselves the B's. These days there exist about a thousand of these B's. In principle those are all equal. But some are more equal than others. After all, not everyone is "partner". Such a partner is similar to a shareholder of one of the family companies. The C&A holding is only one of the many [companies] in the family empire. ... The statutes of the company have been written in such a way that there is not one obligation to publish any kind of figure. Which is what the chain never did until two years ago. And even now only as little as possible. The central rgan of the B's is the family council. Apparently it meets about 3 to 5 times a year. Who is represented in that council is not known. But women are unlikely to be present. Female Brenninkmeyers are always bought out, although Herman Brenninkmeyer promised that this would change in his controversial interview. The story goes round that during the solemn sessions of the council always an empty seat is reserved: for God. Because Catholic is what they are, the Brenninkmeyers. At least several marriages of prominent B's were blessed by the pope in person. Just as the fact that during the opening of a new branch a representative of the church can never be absent. ... Since forever the the family has been one of the most generous donors to the Catholic Church. In former times young Brenninkmeyers were raised with iron fist. Whenever they reached their early 20s, they were always sent to a so-called "bull monastery", host families spread out over the entire world who were known for their loyalty to "papal" ideology. There was abslutely no partying. A strict curfew (11 o'clock) was enforced. As soon as they were married, adultery and divorces were not done. Who did something like that, was excommunicated. The B's only talked about their finances in secret code language. Insight in the company's finances was a privilige only reserved for the B's, although that has been changing a little bit in recent years. But a strict oath of secrecy remains the rule." *) July 19, 2010, Quote, 'Egeria wil van FD en NRC 'winnaar' maken ' ('Egeria wants to make a winner of the FD and NRC'): ""Egeria, the Brenninkmeyer founded investment vehicle ... wants to merge the Financieele Dagblad and the NRC Handelsblad into thé quality paper of the Netherlands." *) In 2012 Albert Brenninkmeijer (born 1974) married Princess Carolina of Bourbon-Parma, a cousin of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, on 21 April 2012. The Dutch royals, including Mabel Wisse-Smit were present at the wedding. |
[157] | BRENNINKMEIJER JESUIT TIES: *) April 20, 2009, Reformatorisch Dagblad, 'Jezuïetenonderwijs had veel invloed' ('Jesuit education had a lot of influence'): "Without this [Jesuit] education the Roman Catholic community would have had considerably less influence the past two centuries than is the case now, is the conclusion of Tom van den Beld. Last week he was promoted at Radbout University in Nijmegen, based on the investigation 'Catholic boys from the cultured class: the Jesuit boarding school in Katwijk aan de Rijn, The Hague and Zeist'. 'Katwijk' educated scores of well-known Dutchmen, like former prime minister Jan de Quay and the kids of the department store family Vroom, Dreesmann and Brenninkmeijer. Ruud Lubbers and Hans van Mierlo came from the Canisius College in Nijmegen. The Jesuits shape to educate boys into intellectual people with a sense of responsibility and the skills to operate independently. The education was primarily aimed at the elite, as examples of impeccable, Roman catholc behavior." *) April 11, 2009, Trouw, 'Katholieke kweekvijver voor de macht' ('Jesuit cultivation pond for the powerful'): "At this [Jesuit] school [Katwijk a/d Rijn] generations of prominent Catholics were educated, like prime minister Jan de Quay, congressional chair Frans-Josef van Thiel, professor and politician Erik Jurgens, as well as numerous members of illustrious families as Brenninkmeijer, Houben, Ruys de Beerenbrouck, Van Lanschot and Michiels van Kessenich." *) May 30, 2012, Trouw newspaper, 'Echtpaar Brenninkmeijer fel gekant tegen benoeming Eijk - Vatileaks: C&A-familie schreef brief aan paus over kardinaal' ('Brenninkmeyer couple firmly opposed to appointment Eijk - Vatileaks: C&A family wrote a letter to the peope about cardinal'): "Uitgelekte documenten laten een interne strijd in het Vaticaan zien, maar ook bewijs dat de vermogende katholieke familie Brenninkmeijer bij de paus bezwaren geuit heeft tegen aartsbisschop Eijk. Onder de uitgelekte documenten van het Vaticaan zit een brief waarin het echtpaar Hubert en Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer kritiek levert op aartsbisschop Eijk. "Waarom worden in Europa bisschoppen benoemd die noch contact hebben met noch het vertrouwen genieten van de aan hen toevertrouwde kudde", schrijven ze aan de Spaanse jezuïet Adolfo Nicolas, de wereldwijde leider van de orde van de jezuïeten. Ze noemen daarbij de naam van aartsbisschop Eijk. De katholieke familie Brenninkmeijer, rijk geworden met C&A, geeft veel geld aan de rooms-katholieke kerk. Adolfo Nicolas noemt hen als weldoeners van de 'Kerk en de Sociëteit van Jezus'. Hij heeft deze brief van Hubert en Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer doorgegeven aan paus Benedictus XVI. De correspondentie staat in het boek 'Zijne Heiligheid' van de Italiaanse onderzoeksjournalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, dat ruim een week geleden uitkwam. ... De cultuurstrijd, met bijbehorende ondoorzichtige benoemingen en vriendjespolitiek, is naar buiten gekomen door kardinaal Vigano, die begin vorig jaar vertrouwelijke stuken hierover naar buiten bracht. Hij werd weggepromoveerd naar Washington. Officieel een erepositie, maar in de praktijk een straf." *) jezuieten.org/nl/wie-we-zijn/in-memoriam, 'In memoriam: deceased Dutch Jesuits' (accessed: June 2, 2014): "2008-2009: ... Harry VAN VOORST TOT VOORST. ... 2005-2006: ... Clemens BRENNINKMEIJER... 2003-2004: ... Godfried VAN VOORST TOT VOORST..." KNIGHTS OF MALTA TIES: *) September 1, 2012, The [Catholic] Tablet , 'Moves to heal 'malaise' in British Order of Malta': "A NEW council has been set up to reform the embattled British branch of the Order of Malta. A “caretaker council” will be responsible for implementing changes to the British Association of the Order of Malta (BASMOM) following concerns about the handling of a sacristan who was convicted of child pornography offences. The council includes Mark Brenninkmeyer, former chairman of the C&A clothing chain; Richard Fitzalan-Howard, a financier and cousin of the Duke of Norfolk; and Stephen MacklowSmith, a managing director at JP Morgan bank." *) Winter 2011-2012, Order of Malta UK newsletter: "Dear Companions, Before Christmas becomes too much of a distant memory, thank you to everyone who supported the Companions’ Carols in London and Conversazione in Scotland. Both events were a great success. In London we raised over £8k and in Scotland some £4k plus very substantial donation. If I can speak for south of the border, thank you very much to my committee for the Carols: Marisa Brenninkmeyer..." *) Jan Brenninkmeijer: lead secretary of Meldpunt Seksueel Misbruik RKK (Hotline Sexual Abuse RCC [Roman Catholic Church]) since 2011. Member Friends of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta. Member Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (headed by Michael Brenninkmeijer since 2013). Involved in the pharmaceuticalindustry 1984-1994. Co-owner and director bij Brenninkmeijer & Teeuwen 1996-2001. Active within the CDA (Christian Democratic Appeal). Former prime minister Jan Peter Balkende of the CDA shows up prominently at his LinkedIn account. Member CDA's Management Association. OPUS DEI SUPPORT: *) December 22, 2011, Handelszeitung, issue 51/52, 'Geheimbund Gottes - Gebot des Schweigens' (God's secret society - Law of silence'): "We find the names of big business families supporting the Opus Dei. The head canon of the diocese of Chur, Franz Stampfli, recalls a conversation with the legal counsel of a C & A-related foundation. He confirmed to him that the sponsors, members the Brenninkmeijer family, among other church projects, did not just support his diocese of Chur, but also the Opus Dei. Brenninkmeijers do not want to take a position out of "general considerations" for the private affairs of family members. Franz Stampfli is one of the stalwarts of the Diocese of Chur. For a time he was considered a candidate for bishop. Now he is retired, but still works as a pastor. He has had very few good experiences with the Opus Dei. In the late 1970s, when parents complained about religious teachers in middle schools in the diocese, his boss, the then vicar general, told him to investigate the matter. Stampfli found that the teachers were Opus Dei members and abused their position to tutor and bring young people into Opus Dei camps or Opus Dei youth organizations." NATIONAL LEADERSHIP ROUNDTABLE ON CHURCH MANAGEMENT (U.S.): *) theleadershiproundtable.org/TLR/aboutus/board-of-directors.html (accessed: October 7, 2014): "Lt. Gen. (Ret.) James M. Dubik, Chair, U.S. Army ... Mr. Hans Brenninkmeyer... Charles M. Geschke, Chairman of the Board, Adobe Systems Incorporated ... Directors emeriti: ... Mr. Anthony Brenninkmeyer ... Mr. Leon Panetta..." |
[158] | nl.linkedin.com/pub/maurits-van-h%C3%B6vell-tot-westerflier/33/8bb/807, 'Maurits van Hövell tot Westerflier' (accessed: June 2, 2014): "Education: Delft University of Technology. Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus. University Citicorp Institute for Global Finance, New York Past: Coverage Banker at Rabobank Utrecht e.o. ... Senior Banker, Managing Director Merchant Banking at Fortis Bank. Wholesale Banker ... at ABN AMRO Bank N.V. ... Director at Deutsche Bank. ... Viewers of this profile also viewed: ... Zweder van Hovell tot Westerflier [Education: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, University of Oklahoma, Universiteit Utrecht. ... Past: Business Manager M&A at Rabobank International. Recruiter Corporate Management Traineeship at Rabobank Nederland.] ... Dereck Hövell tot Westerflier, van [Rabobank]... PC van Oranje-Nassau ["Chairman at Dutch Association of Security Managers (VBN). Board Member at Dutch Red Cross"] ... [Princess] Aimée van Oranje ... John Bentinck van Schoonheten [old 1001 Club family] ... Diederik Van Hovell tot Westerflier ... Mimi Van Hovell tot Westerflier ["investigator at Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie. Past: ... policy advisor at Police Amsterdam-Amstelland. Employee international relations at Politie Amsterdam-Amstelland"] ... Bregje de Beaufort-Bosch van Drakestein ... Hein Brenninkmeijer ["Finance Director at Heineken Italia. Past: ... Director at Heineken International BV. (Executive) Director at Fortis. ... Associate (Director) at MeesPierson / Fortis ... Intern [at] Rothschild ... July 1996 – August 1996"] ... Roderic Van Voorst Tot Voorst [ABN AMRO]... Pieter Six ["Current Business Manager, Corporate Banking Asia at ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Past: Business Manager ING South Asia at ING ... Senior Marketing Manager Nationale-Nederlanden"]..." |
[159] | *) May 1985, No. 3, De Rooie Roeptoeter, p. 11: "Our townsman Prof. Jhr. F. Alting von Geusau has become a Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion ... In RRT no. 1 we already reported on his activities in the OSL [Oud Strijders Legioen]. This time attention is given to his involvement in other right wing clubs as Opus Dei, ICIO and Stichting Vrije Vrouwen [anti-feminist Free Women Foundation]." *) Annual Report 2012, Hoge Raad van Adel (High Council of Nobility) (translated from Dutch): "Aan de Souvereine Militaire Orde van Malta, Afdeling Nederland, werden in het verslagjaar verklaringen van admissie tot deze orde verstrekt ten behoeve van Jonkheer Jeroen Emmanuel Petrus Maria Alting von Geusau..." *) Annual Report 2008, Hoge Raad van Adel (High Council of Nobility) (translated from Dutch): "Aan de Souvereine Militaire Orde van Malta, Afdeling Nederland, werden in het verslagjaar verklarin-gen van admissie tot deze orde verstrekt ten behoeve van Gysbrecht Christiaan Johannes baron Speyart van Woerden en van jonkheer Christiaan Willem John Maria Alting von Geusau. Laatstgenoemde wenste admissie tot de Oostenrijkse afdeling van de Orde. Weliswaar kon de Raad verklaren dat hij aan de (statutaire) voorwaarden van de Nederlandse afdeling voldoet, maar heeft geen competentie tot beoordeling van de voorwaarden van buitenlandse afdelingen." |
[160] | 1985 Cercle particpants list (photocopy), Washington D.C. See ISGP's Cercle article. |
[161] | *) hiil.org/about-hiil/organs/committee-of-honorary-patrons/ accessed: December 2, 2010): "Committee of Honorary Patrons: J. van Aartsen (Jozias), Mayor of the Hague; Justice S. Breyer, Supreme Court of the United States..." *) hiil.org/about-hiil/organs/supervisory-board/ (accessed: December 2, 2010): "Supervisory Board: Mr. M. Tabaksblat (Morris), Chair Former CEO of Unilever, Chair of the ‘Tabaksblat’ Committee'; Prof. T. Beck (Thorsten), Professor of Economics, Tilburg University [and] Chairman of the European Banking Center; Mr. J. Demmink (Joris), Secretary-General The Dutch Ministry of Justice; Dr. B. Hess (Beat) General Counsel Royal Dutch Shell Group; Prof. Mr. M.J. Kroeze (Maarten) Chairof Company law at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam Dean of Research of the Erasmus School of Law; Mr. G. de Vel (Guy) Former Director-General Department of Legal Affairs Council of Europe [and] Member of the Executive Board of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights..." *) Concluding conference, International Criminal Procedure Expert Framework, 27 – 28 October 2011, Peace Palace, The Hague, The Netherlands. HiiL's summary report: "Joris Demmink (Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice and Acting Chair, HiiL Supervisory Board), delivered a welcoming address underlining the importance of international criminal law ... " *) HiiL's Law of the Future 2009, conference report, pp. 67-68: "ANNEX IV, List of Participants: ... Marie José Alting von Geusau, Centre for International Cooperation ... Joris Demmink ... " *) HiiL's Law of the Future 2011, conference report: "Alting von Geusau, F.A.M. ... Demmink, Joris ... Hirsch Ballin, Ernst ... Van Aartsen, Jozias [also honorary patron]..." July 18, 2011 HiiL conference, lawofthefuture.org, attendees: "Interactive panel - business: Chair: Mulder, Herman ... Coach: Alting von Geusau, F.A.M. ... [Then 20 ordinary members:] van Tuijl, Peter ... Demmink, Joris ... ." *) Innovating Justice Forum 2012, HiiL report: "The Innovating Justice Forum on 1 & 2 November 2012 ... Participants to the Innovating Justice Forum and experts interviewed: ... USA: ... Francis Fukuyama ... The Netherlands: ... Ernst Hirsch Ballin, ... Joris Demmink, Jozias van Aartsen, ... Morris Tabaksblat ..." |
[162] | April 1, 2009, mr-online.nl (advisory and research institute for the justice sector), 'Burgerlijk wetboek in het Engels vertaald': "Eind vorige week is "The civil code of The Netherlands" gepresenteerd in Den Haag op een bijeenkomst met als thema "Lost and Found in Translation", belegd door het Center for International Cooperation (CILC) in samenwerking met de Academie voor Wetgeving. Hans Warendorf, advocaat in Amsterdam en juridisch vertaler Engels, reikte het boek uit aan de secretaris-generaal van het ministerie van Justitie, mr. Joris Demmink. Deze uitgave van Kluwer law International is een unicum: voor het eerst verschijnt een Engelse vertaling van het gehele nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek. ... In een reactie wees Demmink op het belang van de vertaling van onze wetgeving bij de onderhandelingen over nieuwe Europese wetgeving. Zijn ministerie had dan ook aan het CILC fondsen beschikbaar gesteld voor een ‘pilot'-project ... Drs M.J. Alting von Geusau, directeur van CILC, bracht naar voren het belang van Engelse vertalingen van Nederlands moderne wetgeving voor het werk van CILC... " |
[163] | warendorf.nl/en/advocaten_notarissen/index.php (accessed: October 5, 2014): "The firm currently consists of 6 lawyers, 2 civil law notaries and 3 candidate civil law notaries. Mr. Warendorf and Mr. Heldring are of counsel. [Names:] Alex M. Brenninkmeijer ... Willem O. Russell [family intermarried with the Brenninkmeijers; joined the 1001 Club in 1979; three other family members in 1001 Club] ... Hans C.S. Warendorf..." |
[164] | sites.google.com/site/teldersdispuut/dispuut/organisatie-2 (linked to Leiden University): "Honorary chairmen: Prof. Jhr Dr F.A.M. Alting von Geusau ... Prof. Mr L.J. Brinkhorst [deputy foreign affairs minister and deputy prime minister; Bilderberg; Friends of Europe; The Rights Forum (pro-Palestinian)] ... Prof. Mr J.G. de Hoop Scheffer [NATO chief; Bilderberg; Munich Security Conference; JASON Foundation/magazine; Bahrain Center; ECFR; etc.] ... Honorary chairmen in memoriam: ... [Barons] van Asbeck ... Prof. Dr E.H. van der Beugel [1965 dissertation had Henry Kissinger's foreword; Bilderberg secretary; Atlantic Institute; Dutch Carnegie Fdn.]... Prof. mr P.H. Kooijmans [foreign affairs minister; chair Dutch Carnegie Fdn.; JASON Foundation/magazine; The Rights Forum (pro-Palestinian)] ... Former directors: ... 1976-1977: ... Mevr. Drs L.E. Schimmelpenninck-Korthals Altes..." |
[165] | *) Frans Alting von Geusau was a director Nederlands Instituut voor Vredesvraagstukken, founded in 1969. In 1979 he was a co-founder of the Centrum voor CVSE informatie, of which Cees van den Heuvel became the director. CVSE stood for Conferentie voor Veiligheid en Samenwerking in Europa and was primarily a project of the East-West Institute of van den Heuvel. Others involved in the CVSE: Max van der Stoel (high commissioner 1993-2001), Maarten van Traa (delegation head 1992-1994) and Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (temporary chair). *) October/November 1985, JASON Magazine: "Redactie JASON Magazine: Chief editor: Alexander Alting von Geusau ... General management: A. Alting von Geusau... Advisory Board: Dr. W. F. van Eekelen (chairman) ... C. C. van den Heuvel..." *) September/October 1977, JASON Magazine: "Vertegenwoordigers van drie politieke jongeren organisaties, PPR-jongeren, de Federatie van Jongeren Groeperingen in de PvdA (FJG) en de Jongeren Organisatie Vrijheid en Democratie (JOVD) vertelden hoe zij Oost-Europa zagen. ... De partijpolitieke stokpaardjes waren bij Ad Melkert (PPR jongeren) aanwezig in zijn aandringen op ontwapening, bij Gijs de Vries (JOVD ) in de vorm van de voorgestane "gelijkwaardigheid van alle mensen"..." |
[166] | *) ISGP's Index of Institutes shows Cees van den Heuvel's involvement in the following institutes that were considered related to the BVD/AIVD/Stay Behind networks: Centre de Recherche du Bien Politique (1950s; with BVD/AIVD chief Louis Einthoven) | Interdoc (founding head in 1963; with MI6 people) | Oost-West Instituut (East-West Institute; institute's Conferentie voor Veiligheid en Samenwerking in Europa: Frans Alting Von Geusau (co-founder) | Max van der Stoel (high commissioner 1993-2001) | Maarten van Traa (delegation head 1992-1994) | Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (temporary chair) | Nationaal Comite Verzetsherdenkingskruis (1981-1986: with Hans Teengs Gerritsen and Bib van Lanschot) | Stichting 40-45 (Stichting Dienstencentrum 1945-2000 from 1984-1987; with Prince Bernhard, Louis Einthoven, Hans Teengs Gerritsen and Bib van Lanschot). *) waterkant.net/suriname/forum/viewtopic.php?id=6043 (post of Novemer 9, 2009 of Anansi9 - original is not available anymore; so ridiculously detailed that only a tiny handful of people (maybe) could produce this, certainly in 2009; maybe disinfo here and there, but overall seems stunningly accurate, and, who knows, potentially used as a source by Professor Giles Scott-Smith in his 2012 book): "De naam was goed gekozen, 'De Dienst' werd zo genoemd omdat iedereen dan dacht: O ja, dat zal die dienst wel zijn. Het ging om een stay-behind organisatie die werkte als een parallelle inlichtingendienst, was onderdeel van Interdoc, een bureau gericht op misleiding en desinformatie en de Stichting 40-45, eerst gevestigd aan de Van Stolkweg 10 te Den Haag, later aan de Scheveningseweg 11, was opgericht door Louis Einthoven, Cees van den Heuvel, Hans Teengs Gerritsen en Bib van Lanschot en werd geleid door Cees van den Heuvel en de CIA-agent Carl Armfelt. Deze man, een Amerikaan van Zweedse afkomst woonde, net als ik, in Zeeland, hij verzorgde de opleiding en de uitrusting, ook regelde hij, via zijn vele connecties trainingsfaciliteiten bij het Nederlandse en Belgische leger. Het was nog echt de tijd van de koude oorlog. De stemming was erg anticommunistisch. Vooral Armfelt was een communistenvreter en de acties van 'De Dienst' waren daar ook naar. Het ging hier niet om een showdienst of om mensen die geheim agentje wilden spelen. Nee, het was een strak geleide dienst met cellenstructuur zodat je alleen bekend was met de mensen in je eigen cel. ... [Tijdens de voorbereiding van de Suriname coup] waren aanwezig, de militaire leiding, mensen van 'De Dienst', waaronder Cees van den Heuvel en Cal Armfelt en ook de financier en wapenhandelaar Faez Al Ajjaz. ... Eind van de jaren vijftig zette Armfelt met William Colby in Zweden een stay-behind organisatie op genaamd Sveaborg. Later werd Armfelt naar Nederland gestuurd om Cees van den Heuvel te assisteren bij Interdoc en kreeg tevens de opdracht om stay-behind organisaties op te zetten in België en Nederland. Zowel in Nederland als België waren reeds stay-behind organisaties maar vanaf het begin van de jaren zestig werd elke nationale stay-behind gedubbeld door een Amerikaans netwerk. Bij ons en bij de Belgen was dat de taak van Armfelt. In Nederland deed hij dat met het opzetten van 'De Dienst' en de WACL (World Anti Communist League) en in België, de WACL, de Westland New Post en was hij volgens mij ook betrokken bij de Bende van Nijvel en de CCC, beide groepen pleegden aanslagen in de jaren tachtig. Ik kom tot een dergelijke stelling omdat Armfelt in gesprekken die ik met hem voerde, aangaf dat hij een organisatie op zou gaan richten die in staat moest zijn in geval van nood het land te destabiliseren... Precies zoals tussen 1983 en 1986 gebeurd is in België. Frappant is ook dat na de laatste aanslag van de bende van Nijvel in november 1985 en de arrestatie van de leden van de CCC op 16 december 1985, negen dagen later, Armfelt zonder enige waarschuwing vooraf, hals over kop, met zijn Poolse vrouw en kinderen naar Port Rowan in Canada vertrok. Er werd toen gesuggereerd dat dit te maken zou hebben met de voorgenomen aanslag op Olaf Palme, volgens mij vluchtte hij uit angst, dat door deze arrestaties zijn rol hierin bekend zou worden. Ook was er sprake van bedreigingen in andere zaken. Op 8 november 2005 is hij in Simcoe, Ontario overleden. ... [Kolonel Görlitz] vertelde mij dat diezelfde nacht, Peter Meijer vermoord was en dat zij het ook op mij gemunt hadden. Peter Meijer was iemand met wie ik contact had over Suriname. Hij was werkzaam geweest bij de militaire missie in Suriname en op de hoogte van de betrokkenheid van Kolonel Valk en zijn missie bij de coup van Desi Bouterse. Peter Meijer zou die nacht met zijn volkswagen kever uit de bocht gevlogen zijn in een flauwe bocht nabij Delft. Görlitz vertelde mij ook dat het ongeluk in scene gezet was en dat het de bedoeling was geweest dat ik samen met Peter Meijer in die auto zou zitten. Volgens hem waren Armfelt en Van den Heuvel bij de aanslag betrokken en adviseerde mij om ondergedoken te blijven." *) Jan Portein, 'Het schaduwcommando van de prins - deel 1' on the site of Theo van Gogh (murdered, as was his friend Pim Fortuyn), 'Dit vond ik tussen mijn e-mail...' and Kleintje Muurkrant, no. 337, October 22, 1999: "[Hans] Teengs Gerritsen werkte in die periode voor de KLM en fungeerde daarnaast als agent van GS III, de Nederlandse militaire inlichtingendienst. Wie eenmaal aan het "cloak and dagger"-huisje heeft geknabbeld is verloren. Of je zus nou Grietje heet of niet. Een vaste regel die ook voor deze vrienden voor het leven gold. Dat bleek voor Teengs Gerritsen bijvoorbeeld zo'n vijftig jaar later toen hij samen met bankierstelg Bib van Lanschot [1001 Club] en oud-BVD topman Cees van den Heuvel de bal aan het rollen bracht voor een actie tot vrijlating van Aus der Funten en Fischer. De laatste twee Duitse oorlogsmisdadigers die in de koepel van Breda met hun barbaarse herinneringen leefden. De initiatiefnemers hadden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog alledrie tot het verzet behoord. Teengs Gerritsen en Van Lanschot maakten deel uit van de inlichtingendienst van de OD (6), Van den Heuvel van de groep Albrecht (7). Met name Van den Heuvel kon bogen op een glanzende subversieve carrière. Na zo'n zeventien jaar BVD-eieren te hebben uitgebroed werd hij in 1962 onder zijn voormalige BVD-chef L. Einthoven de drijvende kracht achter het beruchte ultra- rechtse informatiebureau Interdoc en vervolgens van allerlei stichtingen en instituten die serums verstrekten tegen het rode virus. Daartoe behoorden onder andere het zogenaamde Dienstencentrum 1945 (waarvan Teengs Gerritsen en Van Lanschot eveneens het lidmaatschap hadden verworven) en het Oost-West Instituut, beide aan de Scheveningseweg 11 in Den Haag. Van den Heuvel ondervond daarbij vrijwel vanaf het begin de krachtige steun van CIA-agent en WACL-voorganger Carl Armfelt, die eveneens op goede voet raakte met Hans Teengs Gerritsen (8). Tot de groep van uiteindelijk negentien complotteurs die de maatschappelijke verontwaardiging aan hun laars lapten en Lubbers in 1989 bewogen om de twee oude Duitse zielepieten uit hun Breda'se kooi te halen behoorden ondermeer: - Th. van Lier (oud-lid van de groep Albrecht, lid van de Raad van State, voormalig coördinator van O en I); - M. van der Stoel (oud-minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, lid van de Raad van State, volgens sommige publicaties voormalig coördinator O en I); - S.W. Couwenberg (ex-Interdoc, hoofdredacteur van het huisorgaan van het Oost-West Instituut, Civis Mundi); - G. Peijnenburg (oud-secretaris generaal ministerie van Defensie, oud-staatsecretaris van Defensie, lid van het Dienstencentrum); - E. Roest (admiraal b.d., oud-chef militair huis van de koningin, lid van het Dienstencentrum). Geen gezelschap dat je dagelijks tegenkomt in Walibi. Meer een club waarvan je mag vermoeden dat de spelers ervan een elleboogje in het gebit van hun tegenstanders planten als de scheids even niet kijkt. Dat Teengs Gerritsen ook tot de spelersgroep van O en I behoorde of van een andere club uit de parallellencompetitie valt hier niet één twee drie uit te destilleren. Maar wat te denken van de volgende zinnen uit een vrij recente brief van Slobodan Mitric? "Ik heb een brief naar u gestuurd met een kopie-foto van de zoon van de overleden Hans Teengs Gerritsen. Mijn dierbare, trouwe, beschaafde Hans Teengs Gerritsen. Hij heeft mij verteld dat hij niet in staat is verder te knokken om mij te helpen via de BVD. Omdat zijn kinderen met de dood bedreigd werden. Hij heeft mij beloofd rechtstreeks met de koningin contact op te nemen om onder vier ogen te vertellen wat er allemaal rond mijn zaak speelt. Een week daarna hebben ze geregeld dat TITANI (kennelijk de codenaam die Mitric voor Teengs Gerritsen gebruikte) een hartinfarct kreeg". Bij dat laatste valt misschien een tuiltje vraagtekens te plaatsen maar de rest sluit aardig aan bij een alinea uit een dit jaar verschenen boek van Willem Oltmans (9): "Teengs Gerritsen had een postbus in de buurt van het Noordeinde. Op een ochtend stond hij op het trottoir een zojuist ontvangen brief te lezen, omdat hij nieuwsgierig was naar de inhoud. Het was 8.30 uur en een auto stopte langszij. Het raam werd opengedraaid en Beatrix vroeg: "Oom Hans, is dat een brief die het daglicht kan verdragen?" De koningin kende haar pappenheimers uitstekend." Tot die pappenheimers hoorde ook ene Blok, een districtsvertegenwoordiger van de Stichting 40/45 uit Oosterbeek en een fanatiek jager en filmer. Een citaat uit een brief dd. 12/8/77 van Coen Janssen, toenmalig lid van de verzetsclub Expogé (ex politieke gevangenen) en ex-beroepsmilitair: "Ze zijn met zes man in Tanganjika geweest. ZKH, Blok, Teengs Gerritsen en nog drie anderen. Zijn daar op safari geweest. Blok filmt zeer goed. Heeft films van naakte danseressen gemaakt. Hij beschikte over het geheime telefoonnummer van Soestdijk. Hij was ook kind aan huis bij ZKH's moeder. Kende haar Poolse vriend (ex-Kolonel) zeer goed. Blok was er vrijwel dagelijks. Hij heeft wapens gehaald uit Tsjecho-Slowakije. Werd op Schiphol door de douane niet gecontroleerd. Ook Teengs Gerritsen was in Warmelo kind aan huis". Bestond er enig verband tussen Blok's steelse import van Tsjechische handwapens, Warmelo en de mogelijk parallelle praktijken van Teengs Gerritsen? En hoe en waarom zou deze de hulp hebben ingeroepen van de in de wereld van de oosterse vechtsporten met groot respect behandelde Slobodan Radojev Mitric, alias "Karate Bob"? We moeten terug in de tijd." |
[167] | *) 2014, Luc van Dongen, Stéphanie Roulin, Giles Scott-Smith, 'Transnational Anti-Communism and the Cold War: Agents, Activities, and Networks', p. 142: "Van den Heuvel associate Car Armfelt in Belgium and the Netherlands during the 1970s and early 1980s [1985], running anti-communist disinformation campaigns and according to some reports--parallel SB networks funded by the CIA. ... What can confirmed is that from the early 1970s Van den Heuvel did have contact with counter-subversion circles that belnged to the wider networks of the European SB [Stay Behind] world, for instance the American Society for Industrial Security and the Belgian security expert Robert Thomas, and members of the British Reserve Forces Association. It is possible that this does also point to a direct link between Van den Heuvel, Armfelt, right-wing counter-subversion and the CIA's anti-communist "black operations" in the 1970s." *) 2012, Professor Giles Scott-Smith, 'Western Anti-Communism and the Interdoc Network: Cold War Internationale', pp. 129-131, 302-303: "One of the more exotic characters to cross the Interdoc path was Carl Armfelt. Armfelt was the scion of a proud Swedish noble line... When Armfelt was born in New York in 1918 his father, a Finnish iplomat, was on a mission to the US to elicit support (from, among others, Henry Ford) for Finnish independence. Possessing US and Finnish nationality, Armfelt signed up with the US Army Corps in 1938 but was detained following Pearl Harbour due to suspected Nazi sympathies [may have been overblown]. Following World War II Armfelt's life becomes one full of rumour and counter-rumour. He was apparently recruited by Frank Wisner's Office of Policy Coordination, the original covert action wing of the CIA, and worked with William Colby in Sweden in 1951 to stablish anti-communist cells--the stay-behind network, otherwise known as Gladio. Armfelt's involvement in anti-Soviet campaigns included running guerrilla and sabotage operations around the time of the Hungarian uprising of 1956. By his own account he first met Van den Heuvel in the late 1950s in Scheveningen, but it was always a personal relationship, since the flamboyant aristocrat was too much of a potential liability for the Interdoc circle's credibility [Armfelt hung around in anti-communist but distrusted German and Russian refugee circles]. ... In 1968 Armfelt, aided by Van den Heuvel, moved to Knokke on the Belgian coast, conveniently located on the Dutch-Belgian border. Armfelt and Van den Heuvel were good friends, but this did not mean unquestioning support for each other's activities. ... Over the next few years Armfelt used his new base to run infiltration operations against radical student groups, anti-Soviet propaganda stunts, and contacts with various emigre groups. The rather reckless nature of these activities probably led the CIA to distance itself from Armfelt, who felt that the Agency was trying to blacklist him to disrupt his movements in the US. Armfelt was involved with the Freedom Studies Center of the Institute for American Strategy in Virginia [all American Security Council initiatives], opened on 1 October 1966 in Boston, Virginia under the leadership of the Ukrainian-American professor of economics Le Dobriansky. He was also in promoting the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) across Western Europe, a task which brought him in close association with the likes of CEDI's Otto von Habsburg and the Belgian right-wing lynchpins Marcel De Roover and Paul Vankerkhoven. ... Armfelt called in on Ellis ad Common Cause in early 1969 and described the set-up: "This 'Church of Christ' and its financial support was confidential!..." Ellis, who then heard Armfelt describe opnly how he wanted to contact right-wing Conservatives about "changing" the Labour government, admitted being "uneasy" with him: "It seemed all rather amateurish and Middle-West American." Armfelt's secretary, Hans Cornelder, investigated the US Vietnam seserters scene in Amsterdam and other European cities. ... Van den Heuevl, interview about Armfelt in 1996, admitted that the Swede was active in creating "cells" to form a "strong anti-communist front", probably in line with his WACL activities... From 1973 onwards [Armfelt] was also running activities opposing Prime Minister Olof Palme, whom he accused of being a Soviet agent supporting a Cuban international terrorist network. In 1985 he returned to Canada, but his link with Van den heuvel continued up to their joint 80th birthday celebration in 1998 in The Hague. Armfelt was always a loner and independent operator: he had many contacts but he was trusted by few of them. While he was constantly presenting new projects, it is highly uncertain how many of them actually went ahead. ... [Notes, p. 302-303:] Ellis had first come into contact with Armfelt in December 1964, when the Swede came to London "claiming to be in charge of an organisation specialising in counter-acting communist subversion": Ellis to Van den Heuvel, 7 December 1964... Strijdbaar toen en nu: Vriendenbundel bij de 80ste verjaardag van Kees van den Heuvel (1998), pp. 3–4. Armfelt, attending a dinner with Margaret Thatcher in 1992, took the opportunity to thank her "for putting a lid on the Dickey Ellis rumours and charges" (in relation to her opposition to Peter Wright's Spycatcher). Armfelt to Van den Heuvel, 20 September 1992..."" |
[168] | *) 2007, Beatrice de Graaf et al., 'Battleground Western Europe: intelligence operations in Germany and the twentieth century', p. 188: "Van den Heuvel to James L. Monroe [head Psychological Warfare Division, SHAEF; Responsible for the leaflet bomb; Close to CIA in Korean War prisoners; psychological warfare expert at the CIA-linked Human Resources Research Institute (HRRI; on the advisory board: Charles Dollard, president Carnegie Corp. (as chairman) and Dr. Leland DeVinney of the Rockefeller Foundation) until 1957; executive director CIA-funded Human Ecology Fund 1961-63; supervised the grants to MK-ULTRA scientists as Ewen Cameron], 21 July 1961, File: SOEV map I, Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, 1958-1964. ... Brian Crozier has stated that Jean Violet "More or less took over the colloques." Brian Crozier, interview, London, 4 November 2004." *) 2007, Beatrice de Graaf et al., 'Battleground Western Europe: intelligence operations in Germany and the twentieth century', pp. 172-178: "The Dutch were certainly given te initiative to develop plans for an institutional arrangement that could back up the twice-yearly colloques with a permanent base. Already in October 1959 Van den Heuvel led a study group that produced the report An Outline for an International Institute to Combat Communist Psychological Warfare, which proposed the formation of a network of national institutes that would then be connected by an overarching international coordination centre. The result of this study was the creation in 1960 of the Dutch national institute, the Stichting voor Onderzoek van Ecologische Vraagstukken (Foundation for the Investigation of Ecological Problems, SOEV), with Van den Heuvel, still in the BVD, as director. The SOEV was named after the CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology in New York, which Van den Heuvel had visited with a Study study group in February 1959. SOEV was meant to function as a coordination point in the Netherlands for the study of communist psychological warfare strategy and techniques, and possible methods for psychological defence, in the new context engendered by peaceful coexistence. Through Prince Bernhard’s contacts came the necessary financial capital from leading Dutch industrial concerns: AKU (later AKZO), Philips, Shell, Unilever. This was an extension of the active interest Dutch business had shown in combating communist influence during the 1950s. … The Dutch military … and certain political parties also made use of SOEV’s expertise. … SOEV’s task in the Netherlands was strengthened in 1962 with the Stichting ter Voorlichting over de Oost-West Verhouding (Institute for Information on East-West Relations). … in 1965 it was merged with SOEV to form Oost-West Instituut, thereby joining the training and advisory functions of SOEV with the scholarly-intellectual output of the journal. … psychological warfare capability within NATO had met opposition… Bonnemaison was forced to withdraw when in early 1963 de Gaulle close down the Cinquieme Bureaux. Already in January 1962 Einthoven learnt from his BND partners that French cooperation could no longer be guaranteed, and ‘that France could only “symbolically” join in with Interdoc.’ … De Gaulle was less interested in psychological warfare matters and the bureau had become a site of opposition to his policy for Algerian independence. What is more, de Gaulle’s reconfiguration of Atlantic affairs included a level of rapprochement with Moscow, a goal which obviously made problematic direct involvement in an international coalition developing anti-communist psychological warfare. … After 1962 French participants continued to be invited and to attend Interdoc meetings, but they came as individuals and not as official representatives." |
[169] | 1993, David Teacher, 'Rogue Agents: Habsburg, Pinay and the Private Cold War 1951-1991', pp. 17-18: "Crozier reports that he "was involved from the start" with Interdoc; amongst the other founding members in 1963 were two senior British intelligence officials: Charles H. "Dick" Ellis of MI6 and later of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation ASIO, and "an ex-MI5 man" whom Crozier declines to identify [Walter Bell]. ... British help for Interdoc came from, amongst others, the anti-union outfits Common Cause and the Economic League; by 1969, Neil Elles of Common Cause and John Dettmer of the Economic League would sit with Crozier, then Director of Forum World Features, on the Consultative Council of Interdoc. Interdoc's Italian founding member in 1963 also had intelligence connections. Professor Luigi Gedda was a well-known figure of the Catholic Right in Italy and one of the CIA's main agents." |
[170] | 2012, Professor Giles Scott-Smith, 'Western Anti-Communism and the Interdoc Network: Cold War Internationale' (digital version): ""Financially Shell continued to be a faithful supporter [of Interdoc], as accounts for 1978 still indicate a sum of 30,000 guilders from the multinational (alongside 10,000 from Philips and 5000 from Unilever). ... He possessed strong allies, in particular Gerard Peijnenburg, the [Defense] Ministry's Secretary General from 1969 to 1984, and Liberal politician Harm van Riel (an OWI board member), who raised concerns in parliament over the declining motivation of Dutch military personnel. Peijnenburg, as a board member of Stichting Fondsenwerving Militarire Oorlogs- en Dienstenslachtoffers (SFMO: Foundation for Fundraising for Military Casualties in War) was in a key position to direct its large-scale funds (over 70 million guilders in the 1980s) to several of Van den Heuvel's projects, including the Institute for Psychological Defense (Geestelijke Weerbaarheid)... But input was coming elsewhere in the 1970s, as the OWI's financial reports indicate: in 1976 "foreign funds" provided 90,000 guilders.... The most likely source of this support is the Americans... Van den Heuvel, constantly on the lookout for how to maintain this source, would refer to "our Pittsburgh friends" (Scaife) in a letter to Bell. .... Other groups on the anti-communist right - WACL, CEDI, the Pinay Circle - had gradually faded away from Interdoc's circle by the late 1970s. ... Throughout the decade [1970s] Van den Heuvel was supported by two new partners, ... A.C.A. (Tony) Dake and the well-connected businessman Ernst H. van Eeghen [1001 Club]. ... The Dake family's Haëlla Foundation was a crucial new source of funds for Van den Heuvel's activities, providing 30,000 guilders in 1976 alone. [15] Van Eeghen, whose family business interests included the oldest private bank in the Netherlands (Oyens & Van Eeghen, established 1797) and the foodstuffs conglomerate the Van Eeghen Group (established 1662), was another formidable independent operator." |
[171] | December 1982, JASON Magazine: "The idea was conceived to organize an exchange between Dutch and American policymakers, accompanied by some members of the Jason boards and editors... A counterpart American group, a committee on Future Dutch-American Relations, under chairmanship of Dr. Stanly R. Sloan, was set up too. ... The American delegation has got a wide view of Dutch society by visiting representatives of the different dornestic interest groups, both at the political and industrial level. ... [Those who gave speeches:] Dr. Ir. A .E. Pannenborg [1001 Club], vice president of Philips Company ... Prof. Dr. Jhr. F.A.M. Alting von Geusau, director of the John F. Kennedy Institute ... Richard Perle ... Eugene Rostow ... Helmut Sonnenfeldt ... Norman Bailey ... Dennis Blair ... " |
[172] | *) Background from mainstream source: November 25, 2000, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'De Surinaamse decembermoorden Bloed voor de revolutie': "De kiemen voor de haat die tot de slachtpartij leidden, werden volgens Horb gelegd in oktober 1982, de maand waarin Desi Bouterse de trotse gastheer was van premier Maurice Bishop van Grenada. Bouterse was een paar maanden eerder op bezoek geweest bij Fidel Castro en raakte steeds meer gefixeerd op het idee het postrevolutionaire Suriname om te vormen tot een volksrepubliek naar Cubaans model. Maurice Bishop, al evenzeer een revolutionaire hardliner (ook hij stierf uiteindelijk door toedoen van medestrijders), liet zijn gastheer in Paramaribo echter weten niet bijster onder de indruk te zijn van het revolutionaire élan aan de Suriname rivier. «Revolutie is geen tuinfeest met thee en whisky», zo sprak Bishop in zijn roemruchte speech. «De Surinaamse revolutie is te vriendelijk. De reactionaire krachten zijn te sterk. Je zal de krachten die niet voor je zijn, moeten elimineren, anders zullen ze jou elimineren.» Zijn gebeden zouden snel worden verhoord Bishop kwam vooral tot zijn hardvochtige oordeel omdat zijn Surinaamse bezoek van alle kanten werd gesaboteerd. De grootste vakcentrale, de Moederbond onder leiding van Cyrill Daal, greep het bezoek van Bishop aan voor een stakingsgolf, met als doel direct herstel van de democratie. ... Cardenas, orthodox marxist, bestrijdt de verhalen als zou Suriname anno 1982 tjokvol revolutionaire Cubaanse strijders hebben gezeten. Direct na de decembermoorden deed zelfs het verhaal de ronde dat de moordpartij zou zijn uitgevoerd door speciale Cubaanse eenheden. Er zouden honderden Cubanen rondlopen in Paramaribo. Cardenas bestrijdt dat fel. Volgens hem waren er dat jaar hoogstens twaalf Cubaanse adviseurs aanwezig in Suriname. ... [Wilfred] Lionarons stond zelf ook op de dodenlijst maar ontsnapte aan executie omdat hij in december 1982 een congres over de economische ontwikkeling van het Caribisch gebied bezocht in Miami. Lionarons: «Het aantal Cubanen in Suriname ten tijde van de decembermoorden was niet meer dan een handjevol. Ik kende ze wel. Het waren aardige, idealistische mensen, zeker geen beroepsmoordenaars. Dat Cuba direct betrokken was bij de decembermoorden is dan ook een indianenverhaal.» Ook gewezen Moederbond-medewerker Romeo Hoost, neef van de in december 1982 vermoorde advocaat Eddy Hoost en samen met Rob Wijngaarde de drijvende kracht achter de vervolging van Desi Bouterse in Nederland, ziet geen grote Cubaanse vinger in de decembermoorden. Hoost: «Tot aan december 1982 was er weinig te merken van Cubaanse invloed in Suriname. Pas na de decembermoorden, toen Bouterse helemaal in een internationaal isolement terecht was gekomen, werd die Cubaanse invloed groter. Bouterse was toen wel op ultralinks aangewezen. Zo begon hij toen avances richting Khadafi in Libië te maken, totdat de Franse regering, bezorgd over terroristische acties tegen het ruimtestation in Frans-Guyana, daar een eind aan maakte. Bouterse had simpelweg geen alternatieven meer. Die Cubaanse periode heeft alles bij elkaar toch maar kort geduurd. Nog niet eens een jaar. In 1983 kwam er een Braziliaanse generaal langs in Suriname die Bouterse te verstaan gaf dat het afgelopen moest zijn met de Cubaanse aanwezigheid in Suriname. Zo niet, dan was Brazilië over gegaan tot invasie van Suriname daar kwam het dreigement op neer. Dat was gelijk het einde van Bouterses flirt met Fidel.» Roy Horb is tijdens het bezoek van Maurice Bishop aan Paramaribo niet van de partij. Hij bevindt zich in Pittsburgh [home of major CIA asset Richard Mellon Scaife] in de Verenigde Staten, bij de Surinaamse ex-president [Henk] Chin A Sen [soon the leader of the resistance against Bouterse]. Het is een bezoek dat Bouterse later zal omschrijven als Horbs eerste toenadering tot de CIA. Horb ziet in dat de acties van de Moederbond Bouterse tot het uiterste hebben getart en stelt voor dat hij zelf een bemiddelingspoging doet tussen Daal en het Militair Gezag." *) See note 166 for details on Cees van den Heuvel alleged involvement in the Dutch Stay Behind network. *) waterkant.net/suriname/forum/viewtopic.php?id=6043 (post of Novemer 9, 2009 of Anansi9 - original is not available anymore; so ridiculously detailed that only a tiny handful of people (maybe) could produce this, certainly in 2009; maybe disinfo here and there, but overall seems stunningly accurate, and, who knows, potentially used as a source by Professor Giles Scott-Smith in his 2012 book): "In mei 1981 hoorde ik van Armfelt dat Desi Bouterse samen met Harvey Naarendorp een bezoek bracht aan Cuba. Dit was een indicatie dat Suriname nu echt de communistische kant op ging. Ondertussen was Ronald Reagan president van Amerika geworden. Dit had tot gevolg dat behalve de CIA ook de Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) en de National Security Councel (NSC), waar Oliver North de leiding had, zich aansloot bij plannen voor een eventuele overname van Suriname. Vanaf mei werd mij verteld actiever aan het werk te gaan met het voorbereiden van een eventuele overname, dat, indien het nodig was ze gelijk in konden grijpen. Het leek mij doordat de opdracht van Armfelt kwam op een Amerikaanse operatie maar op mijn vragen hierover kreeg ik te horen dat er geen Amerikanen bij betrokken mochten worden. Hij dacht meer aan Nederlanders, Belgen en Fransen. Gedacht werd ook aan huurlingen met een militaire achterrond. Weer kwamen dezelfde vragen naar voren: welke wapens? Hoe komen we daaraan? Hoe wordt alles gefinancierd? Maar meer nog, wie zou ik als back-up hebben in Suriname? Vanaf dat moment gingen de trainingen echt van start. Dit ging in samenwerking met de Westland New Post, een Belgische stay-behind organisatie opgericht in opdracht van Armfelt, waar een groot gedeelte van de opleidingen en werving plaatsvond. Door Armfelt werd ik in contact gebracht met een vriend en zakenpartner van hem, en wapenhandelaar die ik eerder ontmoet had op Cyprus, Faez Al Ajjaz. Ook stelde hij mij voor aan Madani Bouhouche. Hij was lid van groep G (Groupe ‘d action Politique) binnen de Rijkswacht van België. Later bleek dat Al Ajjaz voor de financiering zou zorgen en Bouhouche een liquidatie team zou leiden om Bouterse, Alibux en Naarendorp te vermoorden. Al Ajjaz bracht mij in contact met een goede vriend van hem, de huurlingenleider Bob Denard, die mij in twee weekenden een spoedcursus gaf in het plegen van een staatsgreep. Trainingswapens kregen wij via mijn directe meerdere kolonel Kurt Görlitz. Hij regelde ook faciliteiten zoals het gebruik van militaire schietbanen en gezamenlijke militaire trainingen met de Natres en O & I, de Nederlandse Gladio. Binnen deze groep werden ook deelnemers voor de coup geworven. Bouhouche zorgde voor de speciale aanvalswapens middels diefstallen uit Nato-depots en door een inbraak op 1 januari 1982 bij de elite eenheid DYANA van de Rijkswacht waarbij onder andere tien moderne Heckler en Koch automatische pistoolmitrailleurs met geluidsdempers en patroonmagazijnen met munitie werden gestolen. Deze waren bestemd voor speciale doelwitten bij de aanval in Suriname." |
[173] | martinvrijland.nl/2014/03/19/journalist-fred-de-brouwer-waarschuwde-voor-moord (photo of an opened email on a portable device, here translated from Dutch to English): "From: Fred De Brouwer <freddebrouwer@yahoo.com>. Subject: Answ.: The Case D. Date: 15 February 2014 08:05:18 CET. To: Peter Poot - Chipshol <pp@chipshol.com>. CC: Robert Rubinstein <robert@tbligroup.com>. Answer to: Fred De Brouwer <freddebrouwer@yahoo.com>. Dear Mr. Poot, dear Peter, Read the piece in De V. about your father who is putting a fortune in the Case D. Possibly moot, but I still would like to warn you/him. At the time I was informed in great detail how far the power of D. reaches and to which kind of measures he has been and is capable of. That includes murder - although its then called an 'accident' or 'tragic circumstances'. Examples were given back then with whom you are undoubtedly aware. Just so you know! Best, Fred de Brouwer." |
[174] | March 13, 1996, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'Attorney of Orange' ('Advocaat van Oranje'): "Publicitair gezien kan mr. F. Salomonson wel tegen een stootje. Verleden jaar kwam de huisadvocaat van het koningshuis, vriend en vertrouwensman van prins Claus en koningin Beatrix en lid van de voogdijraad ten behoeve van prins Wilem-Alexander..." |
[175] | December 14, 1999, Volkskrant, 'Belangenconflict kantoorgenoten Boekel de Nerée Curator Text Lite weg wegens enquêterapport': "Salomonson, die van augustus 1984 tot juni 1988 als president-commissaris fungeerde, heeft volgens het rapport ernstig gefaald." |
[176] | *) Ibid.: "Het grootste slachtoffer van het Text Lite-debâcle is de de bank Van Lanschot, die maar weinig heeft terug gezien van de verleende kredieten van 15 miljoen gulden." *) June 16, 1995, Trouw, 'Oprichters failliet Text Lite moeten over boekwinst belasting betalen': "De oprichters van Text Lite (zaktelexen) zijn de gebroeders A. en W. Hommel. Ze lieten een spoor van honderden gedupeerde beleggers achter met het faillissement van hun bedrijf. ... Verder werden de broers in 1984 door Van Lanschot Bankiers nog aangesproken voor een lening van 4,7 miljoen aan de rechtsvoorganger van Text Lite. De broers hadden zich tegenover Van Lanschot garant gesteld. In dit bedrag was een achterstallige rente van 450.000 gulden begrepen, die zij als aftrekpost voor hun inkomstenbelasting wilden opvoeren. Dat heeft de belastingrechter nu in hoogste instantie verijdeld." |
[177] | *) Bib van Lanschot's parents owned Castle Maurick. Raised Catholic. April 11, 2009, Trouw, 'Katholieke kweekvijver voor de macht' ('Jesuit cultivation pond for the powerful'): "At this [Jesuit] school [Katwijk a/d Rijn] generations of prominent Catholics were educated, like prime minister Jan de Quay, congressional chair Frans-Josef van Thiel, professor and politician Erik Jurgens, as well as numerous members of illustrious families as Brenninkmeijer, Houben, Ruys de Beerenbrouck, Van Lanschot and Michiels van Kessenich." *) April 19, 1997, Trouw newspaper, 'De duiveluitdrijver die van Nijenrode kwam': "Hij is nog geen jaar priester. Maar het dorp waar hij een maand na zijn wijding aantrad zette hij binnen de kortste keren op stelten. Pastoor Marc van Rossem (34) trok ten strijde tegen afgodsbeeldjes en krissen, vertelde kinderen dat de duivel bestaat en is tot ver in België bezig satan uit te drijven. ... [As a student he went to the] IESE-instituut van Opus Dei in Barcelona, een onderdeel van de universiteit van Navarra. Hij studeert er van 1985 tot 1987 en woont in een naast het instituut gelegen Opus Dei-huis. “Ik heb gedisciplineerd kunnen studeren, ook al omdat alles voor me gedaan werd: gekookt, m'n kamer schoongemaakt, m'n sokken gestopt, noem maar op. En we hadden een eigen priester in huis.” Het laatste jaar van zijn studie loopt hij stage bij Van Lanschot Bankiers in Den Bosch." |
[178] | See note 166. |
[179] | December 14, 1994, Volkskrant, 'Vrienden van Text Lite zijn nu bekende Nederlanders': "Nadien werden de aandelen [van Text Lite] doorgeschoven naar Stichting Administratiekantoor Korf. Voorzitter daarvan was O. Over, als secretaris fungeerde de Amsterdamse advocaat O. Hammerstein en als penningmeester de fiscalist Rob B. Die laatste was namens TRN - inmiddels opgegaan in Deloitte & Touche - als fiscaal adviseur aan Text Lite verbonden. Vorige maand werd hij tot twee maanden gevangenisstraf en een boete van 25 duizend gulden veroordeeld wegens betrokkenheid bij een witwasoperatie van 17,5 miljoen gulden. Dit bedrag zou hebben toebehoord aan de zogeheten Octopus-drugsbende, de organisatie waartoe ook Charles Zwolsman wordt gerekend. Tegen Hammerstein eiste de officier van justitie afgelopen vrijdag een jaar gevangenisstraf, waarvan de helft voorwaardelijk. Hij wordt verdacht van valsheid in geschrifte bij het opstellen van een notariële akte. Die zou zijn gebruikt om het bedrag van 17,5 miljoen gulden drugsgeld wit te wassen. In een reactie zegt Hammerstein dat 'ieder verband tussen personen uit 1987 en 1988 en Octopus op louter toeval berust'. Onnie K. tenslotte komt waarschijnlijk begin volgend jaar voor de rechter. Hij wordt eveneens verdacht van betrokkenheid bij de witwasconstructie." |
[180] | *) December 15, 1994, Trouw (major newspaper), 'Curator Text Lite withdraws: law partner is wrong': "Mr.
R. Schimmelpenninck has withdrawn as curator of the bankrupt Text Lite.
... Schimmelpenninck is part of the Amsterdam law firm Boekel de Nerée
and is a partner of Mr. F. Salomonson, the former president of the
advisory board of Text Lite." *) January 21, 1995, Volkskrant, 'Koninklijk raadsman zegt maten vaarwel': "Salomonson, die samen met Hammerstein een advocatenkantoor deelde voordat zij samen toetraden tot Boekel de Nerée, hield zich vrijdag op de vlakte." *) December 13, 1995, Volkskrant, 'Hammerstein eist geld van Telegraaf': "Kort na zijn aanhouding besloot het advocatenkantoor Boekel de Nerée [Oscar Hammerstein] uit de maatschap te zetten. ... Ook Boekel de Nerée is nog niet van hem af. Hij heeft een tuchtrechtelijke procedure aanhangig gemaakt, waarin hij de vennoten van het advocatenkantoor onbehoorlijk gedrag verwijt." *) December 14, 1999, Volkskrant, 'Belangenconflict kantoorgenoten Boekel de Nerée Curator Text Lite weg wegens enquêterapport': "Curator mr R. Schimmelpenninck van het failliete Text Lite heeft bij de Amsterdamse rechtbank zijn ontslag ingediend. Schimmelpenninck wil daarmee vermijden dat hij een schadeclaim moet indienen tegen zijn kantoorgenoot mr F.... 'Het feit dat mijn kantoorgenoot ter sprake komt in het enquêterapport over handelingen gepleegd in 1988, is voor mij aanleiding terug te treden als curator van Text Lite', bevestigt Schimmelpenninck. Hij wijst er wel op dat Salomonson pas vanaf 1 januari 1991, jaren na zijn optreden als president-commissaris bij Text Lite, verbonden is aan het advocatenkantoor Boekel de Nerée. Daarvoor had Salomonson samen met mr O. Hammerstein een eigen advocatenkantoor. Hammerstein stond vorige week voor de rechter op verdenking van valsheid in geschrifte bij het opstellen van een notariële akte, die gebruikt zou zijn om 17,5 miljoen gulden aan drugsgeld, afkomstig van de Femis-bank, wit te wassen. Hammerstein is als gevolg van deze affaire eerder dit jaar ontslagen bij Boekel de Nerée. In de jaren tachtig waren Salomonson en Hammerstein verbonden aan een ander Amsterdams advocatenkantoor, het huidige Loeff Claeys Verbeke." |
[181] | *) Schimmelpennincks have been advisors to the Orange royal family for more than two centuries. *) 2002, Tomas Ross, 'Omwille van de troon' ('Because to the throne') (digital): "[AIVD/Dutch intelligence chief Louis Einthoven, who cooperated very close with Cees van den Heuvel:] 'As you may know, Count Schimmelpenninck is Grand officer of the Civilian House of the Queen [Grootofficer van het Civiele Huis van de Konining] [ISGP note: actually Jonkheer Albert Gerard Schimmelpenninck, not a count] He and us share the same great concern related to Soestdijk Palace. ... In one of the [stolen] files I was talking about, a peace offer is mentioned by the father-in-law of Prince Bernhard, Colonel Alexei Panchulidze ["Tschuli"], at the end of '42. As you may know, for years the colonel has been living together with Bernhard's mother, Armgard, and before and during the war worked for the secret service of the Abwehr. According to his own words, he had enough of Hitler and the war and would have tried to make a peace offer in name of a group of prominent Germans. One of them was Rudolf Hess, the deputy fuhrer who in '41 flew to England. A mission, as is known, that failed because Churchill didn't want anything to do with an agreement with Germany.' 'Rightly so,' Schimmelpenninck says. He had his eyes open again and sipped from the wine. 'It would only have given Hitler a free hand against the Russians.' 'Absolutely,' Einthoven says. 'But Bernhard and others believed that the group still had to be supported in order to get rid of Hitler, so that true peace could be established.' ... [Schimmelpenninck:] 'The prince is a man of many qualities, Mr. Fabius. He is also a naive man, possibly also a quality... Enfin. He stayed in disagreement with Churchill. Together with the private secretary of Queen Wilhelmina, Mr. Van 't Sant, the prince wrote a letter, in which he made himself available to peace negotiations coming from Berlin. As far as we know, that letter was delivered to German officer [SS Gruppenfuhrer] Arthur Muller through the embassy of Lisbon. ... Muller would have given the letter to his superior Obergruppenfuhrer Von Bentivegni, who had to give it to Colonel Panchulidze. In turn, the colonel had to give it to Himmler... As absurd as it may sound now, also Himmler wanted peace. Undoubtedly it was in his own interest, but who cared about that? With Himmler it was possible to talk, not with Hitler; it's as simple as that. Enfin, the Reichsfuhrer never received the letter, simply because Von Bentivegini kept it behind, shall we say, for his own reasons. This happened after Stalingrad and Alamein, Mr. Fabius. Obergruppenfuhrer Von Bentivegni knew the allies wouldn't want a premature peace offering, just as well as he knew the days of the Reich were numbered. ... Of course [the latter was to be used as blackmail]. However noble the intentions of the prince were, obviously it was not done to that he wanted to negotiate with the Nazis directly behind the back of the upper command.' ... [Einthoven:] We only know that Von Bentivegni was in contact with [Leonie] Brandt during the war. She was working for the Germans after all, also in Ravensbruck [women's concentration camp]. Due to Miss Brandt's treason, dozens of women have been executed there. Obergruppenfuhrer Von Bentivegni was her lover. Or one of them. How that exactly went, we don't know, but what we do know is that Von Bentivegni died under mysterious circumstances in April '45 and that Miss Brandt subsequently returned to the Netherlands, heralded as a hero.' He grimaced. 'Also due to me.'" 'En zij had de brief.' 'Waarschijnlijk. Maar ook dat wist niemand toen. De weinigen die van het bestaan op de hoogte waren, meenden dat hij vernietigd was. ... [Einthoven:] 'The primary issue at this point is that Count Schimmelpenninck has the impression that the prince is being threatened. Or who knows, blackmailled.' Fabius listened closely. 'When I wanted to turn Leonie Brandt in, she threatened to make revelations. I had to take those seriously, after I spoke with Van 't Sant about it. Van 't Sant told me about the letter.'" *) 2011, Tomas Ross, 'Anjercode' ('Anjer Code'), (digital version): "The most likely recipient was Heinrich Himmler, certainly not the most peaceful of the Nazi clique, but an associate of Benhard's farther-in-law Panchulidze, to whom the letter ... In his turn, Himmler would have handed over the letter to Hitler, specifically on May 10, 1942. According to Hitler's notes (Hitler's Tischgesprache im Fuhrerhauptquartier) that day he would have received a letter of 'Lippe', but have thrown it away in disdain without or hardly reading it." |
[182] | *) December 14, 1999, Volkskrant, 'Belangenconflict kantoorgenoten Boekel de Nerée Curator Text Lite weg wegens enquêterapport': "Salomonson, die van augustus 1984 tot juni 1988 als president-commissaris [of Text Lite] fungeerde, heeft volgens het rapport ernstig gefaald." *) December 23, 1995, Volkskrant, 'Curator Text Lite gaat achter geld voormalig directeur Hommel aan': " De curator van Text Lite, mr A. van Hees, heeft het faillissement van de voormalige Text Lite-directeur Arie Hommel aangevraagd.... Van Hees zit met een tekort bij Text Lite van 30 miljoen gulden. Elke bestuurder kan hoofdelijk aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor het volle bedrag. Van Arie Hommel vordert hij bovendien nog 2 miljoen gulden die Hommel op onnavolgbare wijze uit Text Lite heeft gehaald, onder andere door leningen op te nemen en cheques te verduisteren." |
[183] | *) See note 179. *) December 15, 1994, Volkskrant, 'Zware straffen voor fraudeurs bij Advideo': "De rechtbank in Breda heeft fikse straffen uitgedeeld aan de hoofdrolspelers in het faillissement van het audio- en videodistributiebedrijf Advideo. Het faillissement zorgde begin dit jaar voor commotie. Niet alleen was Ruud W. [Ruud Wijnants] een bekende in de Gooise artiestenwereld, de benadeelde partij in het faillissement was Philips. Sinds 1982 bezat Advideo de distributierechten in de Benelux van PDM-tapes, gefabriceerd door Philips- dochter PD Magnetics. Philips had nog een miljoenenvordering op Advideo, en deed vorig jaar aangifte van oplichting. Ook curator mr A. van Hees wendde zich tot het openbaar ministerie. De Bredase rechtbank heeft Ruud W. onlangs veroordeeld. ... De kosten van zijn advocaat mr M. Wladimiroff kon Ruud W. niet zelf betalen; twintig bekende televisiesterren zouden het geld bij elkaar hebben gebracht. ... Opvallend is het feit dat de naam van fiscalist Rob B. zowel in het Advideo- als het Text Lite-dossier voorkomt. B. was namens het accountantskantoor Deloitte & Touche als fiscaal adviseur aan Text Lite verbonden. Hij trad onder meer op als penningmeester van een administratiekantoor, dat volgens het enquêterapport profiteerde van dubieuze aandelenemissies. Ook bij Advideo was hij volgens Van Hees enkele jaren bestuurder van een administratiekantoor. Begin dit jaar werd hij door rechercheurs verhoord over zijn rol bij Advideo." |
[184] | *) April 28, 1995, Volkskrant, 'Boekhouder' van hasjbende krijgt van hof drie jaar: "Ron G. heeft volgens het hof deelgenomen aan een criminele organisatie die vele tienduizenden kilo's hasj met een handelswaarde van bijna een miljard gulden van Pakistan naar Nederland en Canada smokkelde. De bende, ook wel bekend onder de naam Coral Sea [under the leadership of Fouad Abbas], naar een van de [olietanker] smokkelschepen, opereerde professioneel." *) Juli 11, 1996, Volkskrant, 'Huisbankier van de Hakkelaar Bij Femis in Baarle-Nassau werd het geld in vuilniszakken naar binnen gedragen': "De Blaricumse autohandelaar, beter bekend als 'De Hakkelaar', wordt ervan verdacht leiding te hebben gegeven aan het verhandelen van enkele honderdduizenden kilo's Pakistaanse hasj. Een groot deel van de opbrengst bracht V. onder bij de Femisbank. Ook voor de aankoop van onder meer smokkelschepen werden overboekingen gedaan in de kantoorvilla van Femis in Baarle-Nassau. Tussen eind 1988 en januari 1991 stortte de bende van de Hakkelaar bij Femis in totaal 68,8 miljoen gulden. Sinds de oprichting in 1977 was Femis een toevluchtsoord voor bezitters van zwart geld. In haar folder belooft de geldinstelling de rekeninghouders 'financiële privacy'. Over contante stortingen deed men niet moeilijk. Bovendien was Femis de enige Nederlandse bank waar de klanten anoniem rekeningen konden aanhouden, waardoor het traceren van de herkomst van het geld vrijwel onmogelijk werd. Nu wordt langzaam duidelijk waar een deel van dat geld, dat soms met vuilniszakken tegelijk werd binnengedragen, precies vandaan kwam. Waar het geld vervolgens, buiten de rekeninghouders om, naar toe ging weten zelfs de curatoren nog niet. Een codewoord, dat samen met twee pasjes toegang gaf tot de rekening, mochten de klanten zelf verzinnen. Johan V. en leden van zijn bende deden dat meer dan twintig keer. De Hakkelaar leefde zich uit in zijn liefde voor auto's en geld. Hij bedacht 'BMWWMB', 'AIRBAG' en 'LEKKER'. ... Een belangrijk deel van de zaak tegen de Hakkelaar berust op stortingsbewijzen, computeruitdraaien en getuigeverklaringen van medewerkers van Femis. Kroongetuige Abbas deed tegenover twee rechercheurs van de fiscale inlichtingen- en opsporingsdienst (FIOD) de geldstromen van Johan V. uit de doeken. Johan was traag met betalen, vertelde Abbas. Daarom zocht hij voor Pakistaanse hasj-handelaren andere afnemers in Nederland. ... Abbas leverde buiten medeweten van Johan V., aan wie hij exclusiviteit voor Pakistaanse hasj beloofde, containers vol aan Henk Orlando. Maar ook die bleek traag van betalen." |
[185] | August 1, 2002, Trouw, 'Geen onschendbaarheid voor advies aan parlement': "De hoogleraar strafrecht en voormalig topambtenaar bij Justitie moet ruim 68000 euro schadevergoeding betalen aan een advocaat die hij in 1996 in het rapport van de commissie-Van Traa betichtte van 'verwijtbare betrokkenheid' bij het witwassen van drugsgeld. ... Van de Bunt, destijds directeur van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum van Justitie, schreef een bijlage over de georganiseerde criminaliteit bij het rapport van de enquêtecommissie. Daarin gaf hij enkele voorbeelden. Zo beschreef hij onder meer het bankroet van het bedrijfje Text Lite. In Text Lite werden volgens Van de Bunt drugsgelden witgewassen. De vermoorde drugshandelaar Klaas Bruinsma zou miljoenen aan startkapitaal in de firma hebben gestoken. Volgens Van de Bunt was de inmiddels gepensioneerde advocaat mr. F. Salomonson als president-commissaris van Text Lite op de hoogte van de criminele activiteiten. Hoewel Van de Bunt de naam van het bedrijf niet noemde, wisten kranten spoedig te melden dat het om Text Lite ging. De link met mr. Salomonson was toen snel gelegd. Volgens Salomonson is er nooit geld witgewassen. Er is ook geen strafrechtelijk onderzoek geweest naar malversaties." |
[186] | June 21, 1991, Volkskrant, 'Ook gerchtshof spreekt advocaat vrij in fraudezaak'. |
[187] | March 13, 1996, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'Attorney of Orange' ('Advocaat van Oranje'): "[Brief van de curator van de Femis Bank aan Frits Salomonson:] "Hoewel de kans dat bij u als advocaat van [Shyam] Guptar huiszoeking zal worden gedaan wellicht niet groot is..."" |
[188] | *) February 4, 2006, Vrij Nederland, 'Rob B., fiscalist van de onderwereld': "Op papier behoorde de onderneming toe aan een andere cliënt van Rob B., de Surinaamse rijsthandelaar Shyam Guptar, een huisvriend van oud-legerleider Desi Bouterse." *) August 10, 2012, Waterkant (Suriname), '"Ze vinden Guptar een man van miljoenen"': ""Ze vinden Guptar een man van miljoenen." Dit verzucht Shyam Guptar, rijsthandelaar en ooit één door de Nederlandse justitie beticht van grootscheepse drugshandel. De strafzaken in zowel Suriname als Nederland hebben intussen geen bewijs opgeleverd. Maar de man die zich ooit de rijkste rijsthandelaar van Suriname noemde, heeft toch een Nederlands vonnis aan zijn broek. Volgens de rechter is Guptar ruim een half miljoen euro verschuldigd aan voormalige cliënten. Dat is nog uit de tijd dat hij grootaandeelhouder was in de Surinaamse vliegmaatschappij ITA. ... " |
[189] | *) April 12, 1999, Volkskrant, 'Staat stelt criminoloog schadeloos': "Ook VHS is volgens haar advocaat O. Hammerstein ten onrechte in verband gebracht met het witwassen van misdaadgeld via de effectenhandel in het eindrapport van de commissie." *) March 13, 1996, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'Attorney of Orange' ('Advocaat van Oranje'): "Hammerstein en Salomonson kwamen trouwens eerder ook al, gekoppeld aan deze materie, in het nieuws met de affaire rond het fonds Verenigde Hollandse Sigaren (VHS), later omgedoopt in Verenigde Handelsmaatschappij Scheveningen, in de wandelgangen ook wel Vele Handen Stelen geheten. Volgens de Economische Controledienst was ook dit fonds via wazige aandelenconstructies betrokken in het Bruinsma-netwerk van witwasserijen. Net als in de Text Lite-zaak verliep dit via het kantoor van Janzing BV, alwaar Hammerstein via de Stichting Administratiekantoor Korf aandeelhouder was." |
[190] | January 29, 2005, Trouw, 'Justice is after Ed Maas' ('Justitie aast op Ed Maas'): "Ed Maas, chairman of real estate company VHS." |
[191] | *) April 12, 1999, Volkskrant, 'Staat stelt criminoloog schadeloos': "Ook VHS is volgens haar advocaat O. Hammerstein ten onrechte in verband gebracht met het witwassen van misdaadgeld via de effectenhandel in het eindrapport van de commissie." *) September 25, 2008, Quote, 'Ed Maas: 'I don't live in Dubai' ('Ed Maas: 'Ik woon niet in Dubai'): "Does attorney Oscar Hammerstein lie? Yes. Thursday morning real estate investor Ed Maas all of sudden was on the line (in the last Quote 500 he was worth 260 million euros). ... Maas couldn't be reached, so editor Arno Wellens decided to call his attorney Oscar Hammerstein. ... To the question if Maas still lived in the Netherlands, Hammerstein resolutely answered: 'No... and I'm also not going to tell where he does live, for his own safety.' Maas: 'Oh, such nonsense. Hammerstein denies, by the way, that she said that.' [Quote:] 'Then Hammerstein is lying, because we literally have it on tape.'" |
[192] | December 8, 2005, Volkskrant, 'Real estate baron Meier-Mattern jailed in Belgium' ('Vastgoedbaron Meier-Mattern vast in Belgie'): "The controversial Dutch real estate baron Reinout Meier-Mattern has been arrested in Belgium on Tuesday. ... In the early nineties Meier-Mattern became embroiled in controversy with his businesspartner Robert Jan Doorn and their R and R Group of Companies. They were suspected of ties with the drug trafficker Johan V., aka the Hakkelaar. ... R and R had taken a solid 30 percent stake in the troubled real estate fund VHS..." |
[193] | *) April 20, 2007, Volkskrant, 'Gooi fraud king now has a biography' ('Gooise fraudekoning heeft nu een biografie': "The largest money launderer in the world is what business magazine Forbes called him in the late eighties: Robert Jan Doorn. The life story of the Gooi castle owner, tax evader, libertarian, and mega swindler is now written down in the (non-authorized) biography The Man Who Wanted to Remain Invisible... [The case] didn't come to a conviction, and that is typical for Doorn, who succeeded in staying out of the hands of Justice. ... He played a leading role in the affair surrounding the real estate fund VHS, that would have been partly funded with drug money. ... Groot and Libbenga describe in the book a range of large and small swindles in which Doorn is involved. Art fraud, the hunt for hidden Nazi treasures in the neighborhood of Prague, stock fraud in the US and England and the collapse of zeppelin builder Rigid Airspace Design." *) stelling.nl/kleintje/335/Portein.htm (accessed: October 10, 2014; Kleintje is generally very accurate): "Femis was in de vroege jaren zeventig opgericht door de Nederlander Hendrik Owel om de Molukse RMS een gezonde financiële basis te bezorgen bij haar strijd voor de bevrijding van Ambon en omgeving van het Javaanse juk. Alsmede de opbouw van een welvarende Molukse natie. Dat laatste ideaal was in Owel's visie alleen te bereiken via het instellen van een vrijhandelsgebied. Het was dan ook geen wonder dat in later jaren Robert Jan Doorn zijn invloed liet gelden binnen de Femis Bank. Een Libertariër van het ergste soort, die in 1980 met assistentie van Amerikaanse huurlingen en -volgens hardnekkige geruchten- financiële hulp van zijn vriend Maup Caransa - probeerde om via een staatsgreep op de Nieuwe Hebriden [north of New Zealand] Owel's idee te verwezenlijken. Doorn raakte na die affaire in zo mogelijk nog wilder vaarwater en kreeg bemoeienissen met onder auspiciën van de Amerikaanse mafia georganiseerde zwendelpraktijken met aandelen. Net als voor Arthuro Scussel was 1990 voor Doorn geen topjaar. Hij werd in verband met bovengenoemde zwendel zelfs als eerste Nederlander aan Zwitserland uitgeleverd." *) Wikipedia, Robert Jan Doorn page: "... A Dutch businessman and libertarian, who is considered a controversial person and as one of the most notorious money launderers in the world. ... Doorn kwam in contact met de makelaar Maup Caransa en de Amerikaanse international goudhandelaar Harry Schultz, die later een grote invloed op Doorn zou hebben met zijn ideeen over libertarisme. ... Begin jaren negentig is Doorn de spil in het gevecht om de macht bij het beursgenoteerde vastgoedfonds VHS, dat als gevolg daarvan onder curatele van De Nederlandsche Bank komt te staan. Dan ook duikt zijn naam op bij het IRT-onderzoek naar de Octopus bende, die geld in vastgoed en beursfondsen zou hebben geinvesteerd. Een informant van het rechercheteam bracht hem onder meer in verband met de nooit opgehelderde vergiftiging van een vastgoedhandelaar." |
[194] | September 24, 1999, Stelling, 'Van Oude Koeien en Troebel Water': "En vervolgens bij het wonderlijke steekspel tussen voormalig glazenwasser Ed Maas en libertarier pur sang Robert Jan Doorn over het meerderheidsbelang in het onroerend goed-bedrijf VHS (14) Tijdens de duistere onderhandelingen, waarin Oscar Hammerstein een prominente rol vervulde, bleek een pakket aandelen zoek te zijn. De FIOD ging van de veronderstelling uit dat het bewuste pakket aan de Dominee had toebehoord. Deze was op 27 juni 1991 vlak voor de deur van Hilton-Amsterdam met terminale gevolgen op een zeer magere heer met een zeis gestuit. Maar een paar weken voor die fatale ontmoeting was Bruinsma volgens professor Van Duyne al stiekem van praktisch al zijn financiele middelen beroofd. Mochten zowel de FIOD als Van Duyne gelijk hebben, dan was het pakket VHS-aandelen dus voor het plotseling van de Dominee al verdwenen. Eind 1992 toen Maas al ruim en breed het meerderheidsbelang VHS van Doorn had overgenomen en iedereen in feite de zoektocht naar het verdwenen pakket aandelen had opgegeven zorgde Kool voor een oudejaarssurprise door te melden dat hij over ruim 21 procent van het totaal aantal VHS aandelen beschikte. Of dat synoniem was aan het vermeende Bruinsma-pakket is nooit helder geworden." |
[195] | November 2, 2002, Stelling, 'Shredder(1)': "Op 16 december 1996 werd ingebroken bij het Landelijk Recherche Team (LRT). De dieven gingen er vandoor met een laptop en een paar floppy's. Een paar weken later onthulde Kuifje R. de Vries dat het LRT onder andere aan het snuffelen was in het wel en Wee van Ed Maas. En met name veel belangstelling had voor diens verovering van het vastgoedfonds VHS... die hem via Robert Jan Doorn op het pad van Oscar Hammersetin had gebracht. Maas en Hammersteinvonden de uitzending van Kuifje niet netjes en in de tweede seance over dat onderwerp maakten beiden (!) hun opwachting in de studio. Kuifje werd teruggebracht tot zijn werkelijk proporties en gedwongen tot een mea maxima culpa. Ed en Oscar verzorgden vervolgens een aflevering van Bassie en Adriaan waarin zij een kluis voor het gebouw van het LRT deponeerden en de case was closed." |
[196] | 2007, Steve Brown, 'Killing fields Amsterdam', pp. 123-126: "Charlie Wong was a separate case. He was a walking encyclopedia about anything and everyone in the underworld. ... What he didn't know at the moment, he always knew the next day. ... Name, date of birth, present residence, and what the person in question at that moment was involved with and to which group he belonged... In short, as if the information came directly from the police database. ... [At one point] Wong, to make an impression on his [extortion] victims, had given them a print out of the police computer with their past transgressions on original Justice [Department] paper. ... [The victims went to the police.] ... The police officers didn't understand at all how these people got these documents. When they demanded an investigation into the origins... they were told by the department in question that they didn't want to burn their fingers on this one and if they would, that it might well cost them their job. ... As for the extortion case, because the Yugoslavians were also involved, apart from Wong and Geurts, they, as ordinary policemen, couldn't help them either: in fact, they were even so honest to explain that they feared for their life if they would get involved. ... Thus everybody in the underworld knew that Charlie Wong was working with the police and, in fact, at a high level. A well-known anekdote in the underworld is that when he was chased again by the Yugoslavians he simply drove straight into a police station. They Yugo's couldn't stop laughing. ... As I said alrady, once Charlie had been very rich. Charlie was a loose kid of the first hash hour. In that period Charlie drove around in a white Porsche, expensive wababaloeba designer watches on his wrist, the most expensive clothing (usually an all white suit), a sea going yacht and a second home in Friesland. On every finger a daily coked-up photomodel, it couldn't get any better. ... [Later on:] Charlie had crumbled into a cokehead of unprecedented magnitude. One of his nostrils much larger than the other. He didn't have a steady home and that I mean literally. He usually slept with whoever he had visited that day and it has happened that he slept at the Amstelstation. A very mobile man indeed. ... It has happened that I had a meeting with him at my house in the Michelangelostraat and that he, because I wasn't there, had to wait for a few hours in front of the door, while he was stopped by the neighborhood police no less than four times with the question what he was doing there in that posh neighborhood. They thought he was sitting there to rob nice, old ladies that came out of the ABN Bank [on the corner of the street]... Every time Charlie had hustled somebody or tipped away [into prison], while snorting, he would yell: "Don't fuck with the Wong!" ... In June 1992 Wong was apprehended in the Bijlmer with a gunshot in his arm. A kilo of cocaine was found in his car. At the request of the Apeldoorn police [...] he was not arrested, but, after a check up in hospital, sent on his way." |
[197] | March 13, 1996, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'Attorney of Orange' ('Advocaat van Oranje'): "Al eerder had de Amsterdamse gangster Charly Wong de aandacht op Text Lite gevestigd. Wong was al decennia actief in de hard- drugshandel. Hij gold als een kopstuk. Hij onderhield betrekkingen met vrijwel alle misdaadondernemingen, onder meer die van Klaas Bruinsma en Steve Brown, maar was ook actief in de legale bovenwereld. Ook bij de Text Lite-affaire viel vaak zijn naam. Wong was echter loslippig. Lange tijd was hij de souffleur van Parool-misdaadverslaggever Bart Middelburg. Wong schermde met verhalen waarin hij stelde dat de erven van van het Bruinsma-imperium, zoals Johan de Hakkelaar, zich gedekt wisten door mensen uit de top van de Nederlandse maatschappij. 'Achter meneer de Hakkelaar zijn nog andere mensen, waarop ik te zijner tijd zal terugkomen, dat is gedocumenteerd met tape en papieren. Dat zijn de bazen, en die werken echt op het niveau van regeringen', zo wordt uit de mond van Wong opgetekend in het boek Operatie Delta van Middelburg en Kurt van Es. Het dreigement van Wong werd nooit waargemaakt, aangezien hij in 1993 mysterieus verdween en pas maanden later dood in de bossen bij Lelystad werd aangetroffen. In zijn keiharde analyse van contacten tussen de onderwereld en de bovenwereld borduurt de commisie-Van Traa voort op Wongs erfenis." |
[198] | December 13, 1995, Volkskrant, 'Hammerstein eist geld van Telegraaf': "De Telegraaf schreef over 'Mr Oscar H., van het gerenommeerde kantoor Boekel de Nerée, compagnon van de Deken mr Els Swaab, intieme vriend van de huisadvocaat van het Koninklijk Huis mr F. Salomonson, wonende in een kapitaal pand aan de Keizersgracht'. Later berichtte de krant dat Hammerstein banden zou onderhouden met de Italiaanse mafia, dat hij regelmatig in het uitgaansleven werd gesignaleerd met Prins Willem-Alexander en dat hij als raadgever optrad van Johan V. (alias de 'Hakkelaar') die aan het hoofd staat van de Octopus-bende. Allemaal bezijden de waarheid, aldus Hammerstein. Met een kop als 'Officier beperkt eis wegens aids bij verdachte' maakt De Telegraaf volgens hem op flagrante wijze inbreuk op zijn privacy." |
[199] | *) No reliable source for Demmink's membership in Pro Patria exactly, but he's listed on the Dutch Wikipedia site as one: nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro_Patria_(studentenvereniging) *) 2014, Oscar Hammerstein, 'Oscar Hammerstein: Ik heb de tijd': "[Describes his Party hard lifestyle in Greece] ... In het najaar zocht ik die vrienden dan weer op in hun weekendhuizen op Long Island, The Pines, en The Hamptons... In mijn studententijd was ik ook lid van ... 'Pro Patria'. Waarom? Al mijn huisgenoten waren daar lid van en het was reuze gezellig. Ik heb het zelfs tot praeses van de vereniging geschopt en stond tweemaal als commandant van de Leidse weerbaarheid [Pro Patria] op het Binnenhof in de Erewacht. Bij de inhuldiging van koningin Beatrix in de Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam op 30 april 1980 stond ik als commandant van de Erewacht aan de achteringang van het Koninklijk Paleis. Even leek het erop dat we in onze negentiende-eeuwse uniformen nog werkelijk in actie moesten komen tegen het schorem dat de inhuldiging probeerde te verstoren. ... Salomonson had net als ik in Leiden gestudeerd, was vanzelfsprekend lid geweest en praeses van Pro Patria. ... In de praktijk van Salomonson kon je van alles meemaken. Wanneer ik tijdens zijn vakantie zijn praktijk waarnam, kon het gebeuren dat ik onverwacht een stem aan de telefoon kreeg die veracht veel leek op de stem die de troonrede uitsprak [Koningin Beatrix]. ... "Het is een interessante tak van de familie Oranje-Nassau omdat Dorethea Frederike Hammerstein trouwde met een zoon van Anna Dorothea von Vincke (1681-1763). Niet alleen prins Claus maar ook prins Bernhard is een afstammeling van die tak. Prins Claus en prinses Beatrix waren dus familie van elkaar, en niet eens zo heel ver. Alles bij elkaar moet dit voldoende verklaring zijn waarom ik als student zo graag in de erewacht heb willen staan, zowel op Prinsjesdag als bij de inhuldiging van koningin Beatrix." |
[200] | October 4, 2003, Volkskrant, 'Extreem effectief in het leggen van contacten': "In Nederland wordt juist getwijfeld aan het beoordelingsvermogen van Wisse Smit. De toekomstige reserve-koningin, die ijvert voor berechting van oorlogsmisdadigers en strijdt tegen corruptie, zou een gangsterliefje zijn. De econome en politicologe, die op haar 25ste al een plek veroverde op het internationale diplomatieke toneel, had als studente omgang met topcrimineel Klaas Bruinsma. De Chileen Charlie da Silva, voormalig bodyguard van Bruinsma, zei in het tv-programma Peter R. de Vries dat Mabel heeft geslapen met de drugsbaron op diens boot Neeltje Jacoba. Da Silva riep Mabel op niet te liegen. De verhouding duurde tot Bruinsma in 1991 werd geliquideerd: 'Zij wist wie De Lange was.' ... Aanvankelijk heette zij een aanwinst voor het Koninklijk Huis. De koningin noemde haar 'een hele lieve en begaafde schoondochter'. Aan haar achtergrond - geboren in Pijnacker en opgegroeid in het Gooi - leek niets te mankeren. Op negenjarige leeftijd verloor Mabel haar vader Henk Los. Haar moeder hertrouwde met de bankier Peter Wisse Smit. Ze kregen een dochter. Mabel en haar zus namen de naam Wisse Smit aan. Peter Wisse Smit, die in 2000 overleed, was verbonden aan de sjieke Koninklijk Nederlandse Zeil- en Roeivereeniging in Muiden. Hiervan zouden Wisse Smit en Bruinsma, die een peperduur zeiljacht bezat, elkaar kennen. De omgeving van Wisse Smit reageert ontsteld op het rumoer. 'Dit is echt verschrikkelijk voor haar', zegt een bekende. 'Zij is ontzettend integer en loyaal in vriendschappen en in haar werk. Bovendien heeft zij zich altijd ingezet voor maatschappelijke kwesties. Zo richtte ze in 1995 samen met haar vriendin Willemijn Verloop War Child op. Dit gedoe verdient Mabel niet.' ... Mabel wordt omschreven als 'vrij onconventioneel'. Na haar studie kon ze overal terecht (ze liep ook stages bij Shell in Maleisië en de ABN-AMRO bank in Barcelona). Maar Wisse Smit ging niet voor corperate money. ... Curriculum Vitae: 1968: Geboren te Pijnacker; 1986: diploma Gemeentelijk Gymnasium in Hilversum; 1993: studeert af aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam in economie en politieke wetenschappen (cum laude); 1994: oprichtster European Action Council for Peace in the Balkans; 1995: medeoprichtster War Child Nederland; 1997: directeur Open Society Institute in Brussel; 2003: verloving met prins Johan Friso." |
[201] | October 11, 2003, Volkskrant, 'Mabel en de Media': "Op de zaterdag erna blijkt De Telegraaf de correspondentie tussen Peter R. de Vries en de RVD in handen te hebben. De krant leidt uit de brieven af dat ook Peter Wisse Smit, Mabels vader, mogelijk contacten heeft onderhouden met Bruinsma. Bruinsma zou de kas hebben gespekt van de Koninklijke Watersport Vereeniging in Loosdrecht, waar Peter Wisse Smit bestuurslid was, suggereert de krant. De Vries: 'De journalist van De Telegraaf heeft me verteld dat hij de correspondentie heeft verkregen uit het parlement. Maar de RVD weigert te vertellen wie de correspondentie allemaal in handen hebben.' Zelf wilde De Vries de informatie nog niet publiceren. 'Ik heb het nog niet nader onderzocht.'" |
[202] | October 18, 2003, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'Mabelgate, en nu terzake: De lange arm van IRT en Srebrenica: "Behalve Da Silva voerde tv-detective Peter de Vries een tweede getuige à charge op, Eddy Sweering, een voormalige boekhouder van het Bruinsma-imperium. Hij stelde dat zijn vroegere baas nauwe contacten had met Mabels stiefvader, de Rabo-bankier Peter Wisse Smit. Hij zou de vader zelfs eerder hebben gekend dan de dochter en Bruinsma zou door hem zijn geïntroduceerd in diverse exclusieve Gooise verenigingen. "Dat is goed voor mijn reputatie", zou Bruinsma tegen zijn medewerkers hebben gezegd, "en goed voor jullie toekomst."" |
[203] | June 13, 2002, Volkskrant, 'Ook affaire-Vlodrop besmet Rabo': "Weer een affaire bij de Rabobank. Na Hulst, Doetinchem en Eemnes, is het nu de beurt aan Vlodrop, een klein Limburgs kerkdorp aan de Duitse grens. Justitie doet onderzoek naar witwassen en valsheid in geschrifte. Naar verluidt gaat de verdenking richting de voormalig directeur, maar die wil geen commentaar geven. Ook op het Utrechtse hoofdkantoor is men terughoudend. 'Er zijn onregelmatigheden gesignaleerd en daar hebben we aangifte van gedaan', stelt de bank. Het gaat om witwassen en valsheid in geschrift. Verdere details worden niet verstrekt. De vraag is hoe lang de Rabobank de toorn van De Nederlandsche Bank kan weerstaan. Want de affaire in Vlodrop staat niet op zichzelf. Begin jaren negentig werd de Rabobank al opgeschrikt door een zeer omvangrijke witwasaffaire bij de vestiging in het Zeeuwse Hulst. Maffiabaas Klaas Bruinsma en pornokoning Charles Geerts zouden het filiaal hebben gebruikt. Ook de naam van de Amsterdamse advocaat John Engelsma werd genoemd. Het weekblad Elsevier onthulde de affaire die tot grote beroering leidde. Het leek erop dat de maffia de Rabobank in Hulst had gekaapt en de toenmalig directeur zat in het complot. Een rechtsgang bleef de Rabobank bespaard, maar de schrik zat er goed in." |
[204] | October 11, 2003, Volkskrant, 'Mabel en de Media': "De eerste die onthulde dat Mabel Wisse Smit in kringen rond onderwereldfiguur Klaas Bruinsma heeft verkeerd, was maandblad Quote; maar een rel werd de affaire pas na de bemoeienissen van Peter R. [de Vries] ... Pegtel, die tijdens haar studie geschiedenis lid was van het Amsterdamsch Studenten Corps, besluit een verhaal te schrijven. Ruim anderhalve maand lang belt ze haar netwerk af om te graven in het leven van Wisse Smit. 'Al snel vroeg iemand: wist je dat Mabel op een feestje een keer is binnengekomen met Klaas Bruinsma?' Volgens haar bron vielen de aanwezigen destijds van hun stoel van verbazing. Wisse Smit zou de in 1991 vermoorde mafiabaas Bruinsma in 1989 als gast hebben meegenomen naar een huiskamerfeestje met vrienden in een anti-kraakpand nabij het Vondelpark, waar ook leden van het corps aanwezig waren. Toch besluit ze Bruinsma niet in haar verhaal op te nemen. 'Mijn bron was zelf niet op het feestje. Dat vond ik te mager.' Maar op 10 augustus, net als haar verhaal bij Quote ligt, hoort ze van een tweede corpslid hetzelfde verhaal. 'Een toevalstreffer. Ook hij was er destijds niet bij, maar hij kende wel iemand die het had gezien. Ik wist zeker dat hij de waarheid sprak. Op het allerlaatste moment besloot ik de tekst te veranderen.' Vrijdag 15 augustus ligt Quote in de winkel. Achter in het verhaal staat een zinnetje over Bruinsma. Reactie: nul. Het hele weekend blijft het stil. Totdat Weekend en De Telegraaf in het begin van de week op het idee komen de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst (RVD) te bellen, die de woordvoering doet voor leden van het Koninklijk Huis. 'Ik heb de RVD gevraagd of er kennis was tussen Mabel Wisse Smit en Klaas Bruinsma', zegt Telegraaf-journalist Jan-Kees Emmer. De vragen leiden tot een opvallende verklaring. Op 20 augustus geeft de RVD in De Telegraaf meer informatie dan tot dan toe naar buiten is gekomen: Wisse Smit en Bruinsma hebben elkaar enkele keren tijdens zeilwedstrijden getroffen. Ze waren kortstondig 'bekenden' van elkaar, ze hadden een 'zakelijke noch intieme' relatie en Wisse Smit zou de contacten hebben verbroken zodra ze hoorde van Bruinsma's achtergrond. Bij Pegtel van Quote komen eindelijk ook wat reacties binnen. Niemand betwistte de inhoud, aldus de journaliste. 'Achteraf hebben verschillende mensen laten weten dat ze het verhaal van Bruinsma ook kenden. Mensen van het corps praten nou eenmaal niet zo makkelijk. Sommigen zeiden dat ze één tot anderhalf jaar geleden gebeld zijn door een groepje vrienden van Mabel, dat hun vroeg te zwijgen over de connectie met Bruinsma. Ik heb ook nog een jongen gesproken die zelf op het feest was. Hij bevestigde hun aanwezigheid, maar kon me niet zeggen hoe ze zich gedroegen. Daarvoor was hij te dronken en te stoned. Zo'n feestje was het.'" |
[205] | October 22, 2003, Telegraaf, 'Affaire rond Mabel ontwikkelt zich in hoog tempo': "- 30 juni: het paar maakt de verloving bekend. - 15 augustus: het tijdschrift Quote meldt dat Mabel met Bruinsma op een feestje was verschenen. Dit is voor de AIVD geen reden om opnieuw onderzoek te doen. - 2 oktober: de eerste televisie-uitzending van Peter R. De Vries waarin oud-lijfwacht Da Silva melding maakt van een intieme relatie tussen Mabel en Bruinsma." |
[206] | panorama.nl/crimipedia/charlie-da-silva: "Daags na de moord kan Charlie da Silva al worden gearresteerd, mede doordat de Amsterdamse narcoticabrigade al geruime tijd bezig is met een onderzoek naar de cocaïnehandel van de Chilenen. Bij de berechting van Da Silva, in april 1984, benadrukt zijn raadsman, de nog jonge advocaat Oscar Hammerstein, dat Charlie da Silva zich bedreigd heeft gevoeld door Astudillo, en dat hij ook bang is geweest voor de veiligheid van zijn vrouw en kind. Het gaat je niet in je kouwe kleren zitten, die liquidaties, legt Charlie da Silva de Amsterdamse rechtbank uit. “Iemand doodschieten is niet gemakkelijk,” voert hij daarbij als verzachtende omstandigheid aan. De rechtbank is niet erg onder de indruk van dit melodramatisch verhaal. De officier van Justitie eist vijftien jaar gevangenisstraf en Charlie da Silva krijgt twaalf jaar. In hoger beroep krijgt de zaak een spectaculaire wending. In de Scheveningse gevangenis leert Da Silva een aankomend topcrimineel met uitstekende connecties kennen: Klaas Bruinsma. Die zit daar een straf uit wegens zijn betrokkenheid bij de liquidatie van oud-bokser Leo Frantzen. De Chileen en de Nederlander raken bevriend. Klaas kan zo’n nietsontziende moordenaar met zakelijke contacten in Zuid-Amerika wel gebruiken en vervolgens gebeurt er iets bizars. Tijdens de voorbereiding van het hoger beroep verdwijnen dertig geluidsbanden met telefoongesprekken. Deze vormen het bewijs tegen Charlie da Silva, want in één van die telefoongesprekken krijgt hij de opdracht om één van de liquidaties uit te voeren. Deze verdwijning komt aan het licht wanneer advocaat Hammerstein, namens zijn cliënt Charlie da Silva, het gerechtshof om de oorspronkelijke geluidsbanden vraagt. Hammerstein betuigt voor het Hof dat, na het ontbreken van zulk belangrijk bewijsmateriaal, het absoluut onmogelijk is dat er nog sprake van een eerlijk proces kan zijn. Het Hof verlaagt de straf van Charlie da Silva vervolgens van twaalf naar acht jaar. In de loop van 1988 komt Charlie da Silva alweer vrij en hij sluit zich aan bij het syndicaat van Bruinsma, hij wordt een van de vele bodyguards van Klaas. Aanvankelijk woont Da Silva samen met Bruinsma permanent in een suite in het Amstel Hotel. Wanneer de grond hen te heet onder de voeten wordt, gaan ze op de voormalige reddingboot Neeltje Jacoba wonen. Op dit schip is de jonge Mabel Wisse Smit (ook wel: ‘die wijf van die lange‘) regelmatig te gast bij Bruinsma." |
[207] | Ibid. |
[208] | *) October 2, 2003, Peter R. de Vries on SBS, interview with Charlie da Silva. |
[209] | October 10, 2003, NRC, 'Het Beeld': "In de mediaoorlog tussen de verdedigers van de reputatie van Mabel Wisse Smit aan de ene kant en Peter R. de Vries, misdaadjournalist, aan de andere werd er gisteren weer flink op los geschoten. De laatste kwam in zijn eigen programma met redelijk overtuigende weerleggingen van recente getuigenverklaringen à décharge. Telefonisch vanuit Chili hield Klaas Bruinsma's voormalige lijfwacht Charlie da Silva voet bij stuk, en scoorde vooral punten tegen De Dikke Trui. Zo noemden hij en Bruinsma Jochem Visser, de schipper van het door de misdaadkoning gesponsorde racejacht Amsterdamned. Visser gooide de hoorn op de haak, toen De Vries hem wilde confronteren met nieuwe uitlatingen van Da Silva, die de schipper beweerd had in het geheel niet te kennen. Een nieuw element, waar we de komende dagen veel meer over zullen horen, is De Vries' beschuldiging dat de RVD vertrouwelijke correspondentie met hem gelekt heeft naar politici. De vragenlijst van De Vries aan de RVD ging ook in op de relatie tussen Bruinsma en Mabels overleden stiefvader, Rabo-topbankier Peter Wisse Smit. Die kwestie had De Vries wegens gebrek aan bewijs buiten de vorige uitzending willen houden, zegt hij, ook al meldde Bruinsma's boekhouder S. vorige week on the record dat de vader wellicht Bruinsma langer kende dan de dochter. De Telegraaf citeerde toch uit de RVD-correspondentie, naar De Vries beweert na ontvangst van een kopie 'uit het parlement'. De hulptroepen van Mabel maakten gisteren op tv geen sterke indruk. Een Italiaanse Europarlementariër, een van de ondertekenaars van een internationale verdedigingsbrief, gaf in Nova blijk de kern van de zaak niet goed te hebben begrepen. En Mabels boezemvriendin, multinationaal liefdadigheidsondernemer Willemijn Verloop, onthulde bij Oog in oog aan Astrid Joosten dat de prinses in spe verkeerd was geadviseerd, namelijk om vooral haar mond te houden. Geadviseerd door wie? Daarop moest Verloop het antwoord schuldig blijven. De inzamelingsactie van Verloops instelling War Child was al evenmin gebaat bij haar bekentenis dat de ontgroening bij het Leidse studentencorps haar mede had geïnspireerd zich in te zetten voor slachtoffers van oorlogsgeweld." |
[210] | *) October 11, 2003, Volkskrant, 'Mabel en de Media': "Zodra Peter R. de Vries op 2 oktober in zijn uitzending het hele verhaal bekend maakt, breekt het welles-nietes-spel in de media los. Opvallend is hoe de onderwereld zich roert. Figuren als Geurt Roos en Etienne U. laten al dan niet via hun advocaten aan de pers weten dat Da Silva een 'fantast' zou zijn. Meesteroplichter Arie Olivier en 'voormalig bommenlegger' Eef Hoos beweren in Nieuwe Revu juist dat Mabel wél een relatie had met Bruinsma. Ene Colombiaanse Yenis beweert daarnaast een foto te hebben waarop Mabel en Bruinsma zoenend te zien zouden zijn." *) Arie Olivier: "Ik heb Mabel zeker meer dan tien keer met Klaas Bruinsma gezien in het Apollo Hotel in Amsterdam. Zij was zijn vriendin, dat wist iedereen daar. Ze zaten in de lounge of ze aten een hapje in het restaurant. Mabel was een niet zo heel opvallend studentikoos type, maar ik herinner me haar muizentandjes nog. Bruinsma was in het Apollo Hotel altijd samen met zijn lijfwachten, zoals die Charlie da Silva. Die jongens zaten apart in een hoek van de lounge of in de bar. Hun wapens lagen wel eens open en bloot op hun tafeltje. Dat vond iedereen heel raar." Han Jahae: "Ik heb Charlie wel eens gezien, in het gezelschap van Tony Tines, die andere lijfwacht van Bruinsma die bij een verdacht auto-ongeluk is omgekomen. Ze waren samen gepakt wegens wapenbezit en ik heb die zaak toen voor Tony gedaan. Voor zover ik kan beoordelen waren Charlie en Tony onbetwist Bruinsma's lijfwachten. Ik heb de afgelopen week heel wat mensen gesproken die Charlie goed gekend hebben en er is niemand die betwist dat Charlie de rol heeft gespeeld die hij zegt te hebben gespeeld. Er is geen discussie dat Mabel volop meesnoepte uit de Bruinsma pot." *) Eef Hoos: "Ik heb Bruinsma een keer samen met Mabel gezien, dat moet midden of eind 1989 zijn geweest. Ze zag er toen minder spits uit dan nu. Ik weet het nog zo goed, omdat ik aan Bruinsma vroeg "Zo, heb je weer verkering?" "Ja", antwoordde Klaas, "deze komt net van haar moeder. Maar dit is een echt een presenteerblaadje, want haar vader heeft een topfunctie bij de bank. En als ik wat langer met haar omga, dan kom ik door die vader overal binnen" Klaas wilde graag gebruik maken van diens connecties. Hij vertelde me ook dat Mabel - althans in het begin - niet wist wie hij was. Maar later is ze dat wel te weten gekomen. Of hij echt een intieme relatie met haar gehad heeft, durf ik te betwijfelen, Klaas heeft mij in elk geval verteld, dat hij impotent was. Het heeft volgens mij ook maar een maand of vijf, zes geduurd." |
[211] | October 14, 2003, Nu.nl, 'Wisse Smit 'vaak' in Amstel Hotel met Bruinsma'': "Mabel Wisse Smit heeft volgens 'zeer betrouwbare' bronnen rond het kabinet ook 'vaak' een nacht met topcrimineel Klaas Bruinsma in het Amstel Hotel doorgebracht, dat meldt het Algemeen Dagblad. Bij deze ontmoetingen zou sprake zijn van van 'één op één' contact. De krant noemt dit opmerkelijk, omdat Wisse Smit en haar verloofde Johan Friso steeds hebben volgehouden dat er geen sprake was van een 'liefdesrelatie' met Bruinsma. Het kabinet besloot vorige week af te zien van de toestemmingswet voor het huwelijk tussen de prins en zijn verloofde. Johan Friso heeft op dat moment afstand gedaan van zijn recht op troonopvolging. Wisse Smit moest, na publicaties in de media, erkennen dat zij had gelogen tegen de minister president over de 'aard, duur en frequentie' van de relatie." |
[212] | November 17, 2007, Trouw, 'Beroemd Yab Yum moet dicht om onderwereld': "Yab Yum, Nederlands meest roemruchte bordeel, moet van de gemeente Amsterdam binnen vier weken dicht. In de strijd die het Amsterdamse gemeentebestuur met prostitutie en onderwereld heeft aangebonden, is een opvallend slachtoffer gevallen. De chique club Yab Yum heeft te verstaan gekregen dat het binnen vier weken dicht moet. Het nieuws haalde gisteren zelfs de internationale persbureaus: Yab Yum is namelijk niet zomaar een bordeel. Het heeft zichzelf altijd gepresenteerd als de meest exclusieve club van Nederland, en met succes. Maar het blijkt nu ook nauwe banden te hebben met de onderwereld. ... Eerder probeerde de stad om seksondernemer Charles Geerts zijn vergunningen te ontnemen. De juridische procedures daarover liepen nog, toen Geerts eerder dit jaar eieren voor zijn geld koos, en zich uit zijn panden liet uitkopen. De actie tegen Yab Yum kan volgens een woordvoerder gezien worden als de ’tweede fase’ in het offensief tegen de georganiseerde misdaad die nog altijd verweven is met de gelegaliseerde prostitutie. ... Ook voor 1999 was de club al het domein van louche figuren. In 1996 werd de Yab Yum-portier Bert Bons voor de deur van het pand doodgeschoten. Het zou een afrekening zijn in de strijd tussen de in 2003 geliquideerde crimineel Cor van Hout enerzijds, en Klepper en Mieremet aan de andere kant. En in de jaren tachtig was Yab Yum de favoriete hangplek van drugshandelaar Klaas Bruinsma. Daar zou hij ook gesignaleerd zijn met Mabel Wisse-Smit." |
[213] | October 11, 2003, Volkskrant, 'Mabel en de Media': "Zodra Peter R. de Vries op 2 oktober in zijn uitzending het hele verhaal bekend maakt, breekt het welles-nietes-spel in de media los. Opvallend is hoe de onderwereld zich roert. Figuren als Geurt Roos en Etienne U. laten al dan niet via hun advocaten aan de pers weten dat Da Silva een 'fantast' zou zijn." |
[214] | *) October 8, 2003, Trouw, 'De kwestie-Mabel Wisse Smit': "Ook Het Parool twijfelt openlijk aan de bron van Peter R. de Vries. De schipper van de boot van Bruinsma zegt zich Mabel niet te kunnen herinneren, terwijl hij in die tijd veel met Bruinsma omging. Mabel krijgt in het weekeinde steun uit onverwachte hoek. Dé lijfwacht van Bruinsma, Geurt Roos, spreekt en wel met Radio 1. Het is een openlijke aanval op de bron van De Vries. Roos noemt Charlie da Silva 'een drol en een fantast'. En ook topcrimineel Etiënne U. laat van zich horen. Via zijn advocaat zegt hij vastberaden dat er 'geen sprake is geweest van een 'liefdesrelatie' tussen Bruinsma en Mabel. Het is 2-1 voor Mabel. ... Ditmaal van Mabels zeilvrienden. In de Volkskrant zegt schipper Visser dat Mabel geen relatie had met Bruinsma. Ze wordt verward met 'een andere dame', zegt hij. Opmerkelijk is dat Visser twee dagen eerder tegen Het Parool zei zich Mabel Wisse Smit niet te kunnen herinneren. Die ommezwaai legt hij niet uit. Die avond spreekt een andere zeilvriend van Mabel. Deze Arne Klunder, bemanningslid van Visser, zegt bij 'Barend en Van Dorp' dat niet Bruinsma maar hij een relatie had met Mabel. Een dag later staat de ware vriendin van Bruinsma op. Ottolien Lels, vriendin van Mabel, stuurt een brief naar de Volkskrant en bevestigt de lezing van de andere zeilers. Letterlijk schrijft ze: ,,In de periode voorafgaande aan de dood van Klaas Bruinsma was ik de 'andere dame' over wie Visser spreekt.''" *) October 7, 2003, Volkskrant, 'Verklaring Ottolien Lels': "Ik bevestig de verklaring van Mabel Wisse Smit en in aansluiting daarop die van de heren Jochem Visser in de Volkskrant en Geurt Roos en Etienne U. in andere media. Ik herken de manier waarop zij haar contact met Bruinsma beschrijft. Mabel Wisse Smit had geen liefdesaffaire met Klaas Bruinsma. In de periode voorafgaande aan de dood van Klaas Bruinsma was ik de 'andere dame' over wie Visser spreekt. Ik heb aan boord van de Neeltje Jacoba overnacht, alleen met Klaas Bruinsma en samen met anderen, onder wie ook Mabel Wisse Smit. Ik kan me Charlie da Silva niet herinneren, wel anderen in Bruinsma's omgeving. Klaas Bruinsma probeerde mij zoveel mogelijk buiten zijn zakelijke activiteiten te houden. Pas na zijn overlijden werden die mij in hun volle omvang duidelijk." *) October 11, 2003, Volkskrant, 'Mabel en de Media': "Zo beweert Da Silva Ottolien Lels niet te kennen, en was Geurt Roos in die periode gebrouilleerd met Klaas Bruinsma." |
[215] | Historiek.net, 'Molukkers in Nederland': "Op 3 maart 1975 worden twee Zuid-Moluke jongeren met een auto vol wapens aangehouden door de politie. Ze zijn van plan om met een gehuurde rachtauto Paleis Soestdijk te rammen om daarna Koningin Juliana te gijzelen. Na de arrestatie van de Zuid-Molukkers wordt de gijzeling voorkomen. De gouden tip zou komen van criminel (en later lijfwacht van Klaas Bruinsma) Etienne Urka." |
[216] | April 30, 1997, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'Oranjebitter': "Het was wel een heel opmerkelijke foto van prins Willem-Alexander die Het Parool zaterdag 19 april jongstleden in de bijlage PS plaatste. De foto stamt van 1 november 1992, toen de kroonprins zich aan de marathon van New York had gezet. Hij deed dit in een gezelschap 'loopvrienden', dat zich had verzamelt onder de naam The Centurions of the Netherlands. ... Tot zover normaal allemaal. Pal achter Kneterman echter, gekleed in dezelfde uitmonstering als de andere Centurions, treffen we echter het verbeten gelaat van niemand minder dan mr. John Engelsma, advocaat van de wijd en zijd beruchte Amsterdame firma Engelsma & Korvinus. ... Engelsma wordt al sinds jaar en dag - onder meer door Parool-misdaadverslaggever Bart Middelburg - beschouwd als de juridische consigliere van het drugssyndicaat van de zogeheten 'erven-Bruinsma', maar wist de aantijgingen in die richting tot voor kort met succes per kort geding te bestrijden. Verleden maand schroomde de Haarlemse officier van justitie echter niet om Engelsma's naam openlijk te noemen. Volgens Gonzales is Engelsma lid van het driemanschap dat de scepter over Delta [the successor to the Bruinsma empire] zwaait. In dit illustere trio zouden naast Engelsma ook de onlongs te Parijs gearresteerde Etienne Urka en pornobaas 'Dikke Charles' Geerts zitting hebben." |
[217] | October 2003, no. 42, Nieuwe Revue, 'John Engelsma, advocaat van Bruinsma' |
[218] | *) October 8, 2003, Trouw, 'De kwestie-Mabel Wisse Smit': "Een pafferige Chileen kijkt de camera in en zegt geheimzinnig: ,,Ken je me nog, Mabel? Ik jou wel.'' De ex-lijfwacht van Bruinsma verzekert dat 'die meid sliep met de Lange'. Dit wordt beaamd door een tweede criminele bron: boekhouder van het hasj-imperium Ed S. Mabel neemt de uitzending hoog op en reageert per fax. Ze schrijft zes keer te hebben geslapen op de boot van de crimineel. Haar verklaring haalt alle dagbladen. Mabels fax wijkt af van haar eerdere woorden. Bij haar verloving zei premier Balkenende dat Mabel Bruinsma kende van zeilwedstrijden. Maar, zo verzekerde de premier, ze onderhield geen zakelijke of een intieme relatie met de topcrimineel." *) April 24, 2004, Trouw, 'Een bruid met dynamiek': "Terwijl de liefde nog pril was, bracht Mabel Friso op de hoogte van haar 'jeugdzonde': haar omgang met topcrimineel Klaas Bruinsma. Mabel vertelde Friso dat zij geen intieme of liefdesrelatie met elkaar hadden gehad en dat zij in de eerste maanden geen weet had gehad van zijn criminele activiteiten. Toen zij daar wel achter kwam veranderde zij de relatie en zag zij hem tot aan zijn dood nog wel, maar niet meer zo vaak. In totaal bracht zij zes keer de nacht door op een van Bruinsma's boten, waaronder de Neeltje Jacoba." |
[219] | Zijonline.nl (crime site), 'Prinses was bevriendje van tal van Amsterdamse criminelen! 'Ook ik ben met Mabel Wisse Smit geweest!'': "Juist in de week dat prinses Mabel Wisse Smit de media beschuldigt van liegen over haar affaire met de inmiddels geliquideerde supercimineel Klaas Bruinsma, doet een andere crimineel een boekje open over de vrouw van prins Johan Friso, de tweede zoon van Koningin Beatrix. Deze beruchte crimineel - naam bekend bij de redactie van ZIJonline- deelde ook het bed met Mabel. En hij was bepaald niet de enige zware jongen die in de armen van Mabel de nacht doorbracht.... De bron van Zijonline, die vanwege zijn criminele verleden anoniem wenst te blijven, doet vandaag een exclusief boekje open over de tijd dat prinses Mabel nog geen koninklijke familie had, maar zich onder de topcriminelen van de Amsterdamse maffia begaf. [Words of the organized crime member:] " Het verhaal van De Chileen (Charlie Da Silva, red) bij Peter R. de Vries, kan ik niet helemaal bevestigen. Maar het zou allemaal goed kunnen. Wat ik wel uit eigen ervaring weet is dat Mabel en haar vriendin (Ottolien Lels, red) in die tijd echte golddiggers waren. Dat ze op mannenjacht gingen naar Parijs en in ruil voor seks zich lieten vertieren, lijkt op hoe ze zich binnen onze groep manifesteerden. Ik weet niet of het de drugs waren, die Mabel zo losjes maakte maar net als de Chileen zou ik ook kunnen roepen: Hey Mabel, ken je me nog? De criminele ex-minnaar van Mabel vertelt dan in detail over zijn ervaringen met de vrouw die nu prinses is! "Ik weet wel dat ze een heus feestbeest was en geen enkele seksuele schaamte kende. Ook ik ben een paar keer met haar naar bed geweest, net zoals andere leden van de groep. Zeker in die tijd had zij een goddelijk lichaam en een fantastisch temparament. Je zou haar toen in meerdere opzichten een droomvrouw kunnen noemen." De bedpret eindigde voor onze zware jongen toen Klaas bruinsma zich over Mabel ontfermde. "Op een gegeven moment werd ze exclusief Klaas Bruinsma's vaste "liefdes" speeltje. Samen gebruikte ze veel "bab" (cocaïne, red). Ze mag nog blij zijn dat Peter R. de Vries in de uitzending, die ervoor zorgde dat ze geen parlementaire toestemming kregen voor hun huwelijk (02 oktober 2003, red), nog zeer zuinig coulant voor haar is geweest. Ook De Chileen weet veel meer van Mabel in haar "gangstertijd", dan dat hij dat wereldkundig heeft gemaakt. Over haar vriendin Ottolien wil ik zelfs kwijt dat zij jarenlang een relatie heeft gehad met één van mijn collega's. Dat deze Ottolien in plaats van Mabel Klaas Bruinsma liefje was, is dan ook gelogen. Mabel had bij ons als bijnaam de Marmot. Een naam die ze ondermeer had te danken aan bepaalde kwaliteiten. Dat Mabel nu via een boekje en een optreden afgelopen weekend bij NOVA de "Zwarte Piet" durft te geven aan de media, met het verwijt dat de pers het verhaal zouden hebben opgeblazen, vind ik nogal naïef. Ik ben niet de enige die zo zijn "amoureuze" ervaringen heeft mogen hebben met Mabel. Het zijn er een aantal meer, waarvan ze er niet als vanzelfsprekend op hoeft te vertrouwen dat deze hun mond houden. Bovendien werden wij in die tijd constant door de politie geschaduwd, die hebben duizenden foto's van ons gemaakt. Ik weet zeker dat zij ook op die foto's staat en dat deze foto's te vinden zijn in het Amsterdamse politiearchief. Ze zou er beter aan doen om gewoon alles publiekelijk op te biechten: haar seksuele omgang met meer maffiamensen dan alleen Klaas Bruinsma, haar drugsgebruik van toen, de wijnkelder op de Prinsengracht, kortom alles wat een uiterst avontuurlijke jongedame zich maar kon wensen... Journalisten zullen blijven graven en pas ophouden als ze ze zelf met de volledige waarheid komt uit die dolle tijd."" |
[220] | 2009, Cor de Horde, 'De nieuwe vrouwen van Oranje' (digital): "Just for fun [Mabel] occasionally goes to Paris with friends and there in the hotel lobby of the extremely expensive Ritz she seduces unknown but rich looking men. She prefers the oil sheikh. An exciting and fun game, because at one point or another it can go wrong. But sometimes it also results in a Rolex watch. She also dates soccer players of Ajax. ... In 1993 Mabel graduates cum laude in both directions, quite an accomplishment, judging by the fact that in the mean time she also maintains a rich social life. At this point she has had internships at Barcelona (ABN AMRO), Malaysia (Shell) and The Hague (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). ...In 1993 she takes up an internship at the United Nations." |
[221] | October 4, 2003, Volkskrant, 'Extreem effectief in het leggen van contacten': "Er is nóg een omstreden man in Mabels leven geweest. Een aantal jaren had zij een relatie met de mediagenieke Muhamed Sacirbey, ambassadeur van Bosnië-Herzegowina bij de Verenigde Naties (VN). Sacirbey is afgelopen maart in New York opgepakt, omdat de Bosnische autoriteiten hem verdenken van het ontvreemden van circa 2,5 miljoen dollar. ... Haar relatie met Sacirbey was niet ongevaarlijk. De Servische nationalisten haatten de uitgesproken Bosniër; er werden meerdere moordaanslagen op hem gepleegd. De verdachte top-crimineel Streten Jocic, die nu vastzit in Vught, zei tegen Vrij Nederland dat de geheime dienst in Belgrado the flying Dutch lady (Wisse Smit) wilde laten ontvoeren. De beruchte oorlogsmisdadiger Arkan zou de operatie moeten uitvoeren, maar het hoofd van de geheime dienst bedacht zich op het laatste moment. Jocic' advocaat bevestigt de beweringen van zijn cliënt. Mabel wordt omschreven als 'vrij onconventioneel'." |
[222] | October 12, 2003, Geenstijl, 'Mabelgate: drugs- en Scientology connectie': "Cokebabe Mabel Wisse Smit blijkt dubbel fout. Toen ze werkte voor het 'Open Society Institute' (OSI) van miljardair George Soros, bleek ze * kuch* 'onkosten vergoedingen' ter waarde van ruim 9800 euro te hebben uitbetaald aan een pro-drugslobby. Ze gaf het geld aan ene meneer 'Mike Trace', en man die slechts acht weken aan de top stond van de 'United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime' in Wenen. Trace moest echter snel weer aftreden omdat een Zweedse onderzoeksgroep de hand legde opdocumenten waaruit bleek dat Mabeltje names het OSI geld aan hem had uitgekeerd. Hij gebruikte het geld voor het plannen van cgressen en het organiseren van een lobby tegen de harmonisatie (lees: strengere aanpak) van de drugshandel in de wereld. ... En wie kan de onschadelijkheid van drugs nu beter beoordelen dan ervaringsdeskundige Mabel? De 'golddigger' zorgde er natuurlijk 'geheel toevallig' voor dat ze een steentje bijdroeg aan het buiten de tralies houden van de Klaas Bruinsma's van deze wereld. ... Uieindelijk reserveerde het OSI ruim $225,000 om de plannen van de VN voor de wereldwijde aanpak van handel in harddrugs te kunnen ondermijnen. ... Wel is hetzo dat de ideeën van het OSI - en dus van Mabeltje - redelijk overeenkomen met het Nederlandse liberale drugsbeleid... Mabel W. S. blijkt, toen ze werkte voor het 'Open Society Institute' (OSI) van miljardair george Soros, contact the hebben gehad met Scientology. Haar voormalige emailadres staat namelijk op een interne Scientology-mailing, samen metdat van enkele andere Scientology-leden." |
[223] | September 24, 1999, Stelling.nl, 'Van Oude Koeien en Troebel Water': "Heineken, in whose BV's here and there the name Frits Salomonson also turned up as advisory board member." |
[224] | 1983, Common Market Reporter, p. 565: "Heineken Brouwerijen B.V., represented by F. Salomonson, of the Amsterdam Bar..." |
[225] | *) Juni 11, 1996, Volkskrant, 'Pakistan krijgt geen inzage in verklaring drugsdealer Abbas': "In een 'appendix' van het contract dat Abbas sloot met het OM staat dat de verklaringen niet ter beschikking zullen worden gesteld aan 'enige autoriteit buiten Nederland.' Abbas is bang dat hij anders in het buitenland zal worden vervolgd. De rechtsgeldigheid van de regeling wordt in twijfel getrokken door A. Moszkowicz en G. Spong, advocaten van respectievelijk Johan V. en Koos R., de hoofdverdachten. Volgens hen gaat justitie te ver met de deal, ook omdat Abbas zelf vele miljoenen verdiende in de hasjhandel. In een hotel in Londen werd Abbas in het afgelopen half jaar 23 dagen verhoord over zijn hoofdrol in de internationale hasjhandel. De gesprekken met rechercheurs van de Fiscale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst (FIOD) verliepen aanvankelijk moeizaam. Fouad Haji Abbas Abdullah werd geboren op 15 juli 1939 in Bombay. Hij maakte fortuin als goudhandelaar in Dubai. De bouw en exploitatie van het hoofdkantoor van de Commercial Bank of Dubai, waarover een zakelijk conflict ontstond, maakte een einde aan zijn status van multi-miljonair. Abbas vluchtte naar Antwerpen. Met het bedrijf TTS Diamonds probeerde hij een nieuw bestaan op te bouwen. Hij was 'wanhopig', vertelde hij de Nederlandse rechercheurs. 'Stealing is against my nature so the hashish-business was the only thing I could do.' Begin 1987 werd hij voorgesteld aan Johan V, 'a very strong guy in the hashish-business'. Het was het begin van een vruchtbare samenwerking, die meteen begon met een transport van 16 duizend kilo hasj. Abbas had contact gelegd met de Pakistaan Abdul R. Deze had nog een schip met hasj rondvaren, waarvan de lading niet was afgehaald. Om de veilige aankomst van de partij in Nederland te vieren werd Abbas getracteerd op een barbecue bij Johan thuis. Het Novotel in Breda was een geliefde plaats van de afdracht van de verdiensten. Meestal een tot anderhalf miljoen gulden per keer, in duizendjes. Om alle contanten uit Nederland, Canada, maar ook Engeland kwijt te raken, maakte Abbas gebruik van wisselkantoren en banken in zeven landen, waaronder de Femis-bank in Nederland en de BCCI. Het geld werd rondgebracht in plastic tassen, koffers, houten kratten en zelfs tweedehands-campers die speciaal voor dat doel werden gekocht en verscheept van Canada naar Dubai, waar banken niet moeilijk doen over grote stortingen in vreemde valuta." *) home.scarlet.be/edragas/Femis.html: "In oktober 1991 duiken er plotseling berichten in de pers op dat er banden zouden bestaan tussen Femis en de BCCI, de Britse bank die door de Maffia is gebruikt om drugsgelden wit te wassen. Volgens de curatoren was er geen speciale band tussen beide bedrijven. Noch uit de Femis-administratie noch uit gegevens uit onderzoeken in de VS is van enige bijzondere relatie tussen BCCI en Femis gebleken. Wel zijn er betalingen over en weer geweest en juist daarvoor heeft de FIOD weer belangstelling." *) January 4, 1995, Volkskrant, 'Getuige in Coral Sea-zaak kent IRT-methode al van vóór 1991 Douane liet vaker bewust drugs door': "Vorig jaar werd bekend dat het Interregionale Rechercheteam Noord-Holland/Utrecht (IRT) in één onderzoek aan de Amsterdamse douane had gevraagd drugstransporten ongemoeid te laten. Dat betrof het zogenoemde Delta-onderzoek naar de 'erven' van de in 1991 doodgeschoten drugshandelaar Klaas Bruinsma. In het kader van dat onderzoek werd er in 1992 en 1993 veelvuldig door douanesurveillanten de andere kant opgekeken bij het binnenlopen van met drugs geladen schepen. Volgens de ex-douanier werd deze omstreden praktijk ook al eerder door het IRT toegepast. Maar onduidelijk is om welke onderzoeken het daarbij gaat. De advocaten van H. en R., P. Doedens en J. Boone, slaagden er echter niet in het hof ervan te overtuigen extra getuigen op te roepen naar aanleiding van deze verklaring. Het hof zag geen verband tussen de doorgelaten containers voor 1991 en de Coral Sea-bende. Wel lieten de raadsheren toe dat er nog een medewerker van de Fiscale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst (FIOD) wordt gehoord. ... Een van die schepen heette Coral Sea II, waarnaar de bende later werd vernoemd. De bende heeft - totdat zij in 1991 werd opgerold - met die schepen zo'n 300 duizend kilo hasj gesmokkeld. ... Boone beweerde dinsdag dat de Femis een frontstore is, een door politie en justitie opgerichte nepbank die diende om (witwassende) criminelen op te sporen. Volgens de advocaat is het onmogelijk dat de politie al in een vroeg stadium van het onderzoek wist welke anonieme bankrekeningen bij welke personen hoorden. De FIOD-medewerker zal hierover volgende week vragen moeten beantwoorden." *) January 4, 1995, Trouw, 'IRT liet vaker drugs door Ook getuige in Coral Sea-hasjzaak onthult omstreden werkmethode': "Het opgeheven Interregionale rechercheteam Noord-Holland/Utrecht (IRT) heeft veel vaker grote drugtransporten laten passeren dan tot nu toe is aangenomen. Het IRT gebruikte deze 'werkmethode' al in het voorjaar van 1991, toen het team bezig was met het onderzoek naar de later vermoorde mafiabaas Klaas Bruinsma. Dat blijkt althans uit een verklaring van een ex-douanier van de Amsterdamse recherche. De man heeft gisteren bij het gerechtshof onder ede bevestigd, dat het IRT al in het voorjaar van 1991 aan de douane vroeg om bepaalde containers met drugs niet in beslag te nemen. De hasj moest ongemoeid worden gelaten, omdat het IRT de grote bazen achter het transport wilde pakken. Als de verklaring van de ex-douanier juist is, betekent dit dat het IRT al vanaf het eerste begin containers vol drugs het land heeft laten binnenkomen, zonder in te grijpen. Tot nu toe was bekend dat dit gebeurd is in het 'Delta-onderzoek', een van de latere onderzoeken van het IRT. De werkmethode is fel bekritiseerd, omdat uiteindelijk de verdachten niet werden gepakt en de drugs vrij het land binnenstroomden. Het leidde tot de opheffing van het IRT. De ex-douanier moest gisteren als getuige verschijnen in het hoger beroep tegen de Coral Sea-hasjbende, een drugorganisatie die door justitie verantwoordelijk wordt gehouden voor de wereldwijde record-smokkel van 280 000 kilo hasj. ... De jongste theorie van advocaten mr. J. Boone en mr. P. Doedens is, dat het onderzoek naar de Coral Sea-drugbende al veel eerder is begonnen dan in het dossier staat vermeld. De Fiod zou daarbij zijn geïnfiltreerd in de beruchte Femis-bank, de bank waar veel grote criminelen miljoenen guldens aan zwart geld parkeerden tot deze in 1991 failliet ging. De Fiod zou, denken de advocaten, niet pas ná het faillissement de geldstromen binnen de onderwereld in kaart hebben gebracht, maar al daarvóór. Femis zou door justitie gebruikt zijn als lokaas. Maar mr. J. Teeven, tegenwoordig officier van justitie maar in 1991 nog teamleider bij de Fiod, ontkent het verhaal. In januari 1991 legde de douane het schip Coral Sea II aan de ketting, met 24 ton Pakistaanse hasj. Daarna ging de Femis-bank failliet. En pas maanden later bleek dat er een verband was tussen een bepaalde rekening bij Femis en het smokkelschip. Langzaam aan bleek dat de Coral Sea nog veel méér transporten had gevaren. “En zo is het bij elkaar gekomen”, aldus mr. Teeven, die gisteren als getuige werd gehoord door het hof." |
[226] | *) December 13, 2003, The Guardian, 'Smart money' (a combined review of Loretta Napoleoni's 'Modern Jihad: Tracing the Dollars Behind the Terror Networks' and Jeffrey Robinson's 'The Sink: Terror, Crime and Dirty Money in the Offshore World'): "William Casey, Reagan's CIA chief, used Pakistan and its BCCI bank as fronts to train Afghan rebels against the Soviets. Covert operations required a "black network" within the bank and its state equivalent, the notorious ISI. The bank financed and brokered covert arms deals, complete with full laundry service. The short and logical step from there was a BCCI/ISI/CIA move into drug smuggling to feed the needy, and leaky, money pipeline to the Mujahedin. The Pakistan-Afghan connection became the biggest single supplier of heroin to the US, meeting 60% of demand, with annual profits a stratospheric $100-$200 billion." *) December 7, 1992, Newsweek, 'The BCCI-CIA Connection: Just How Far Did It Go': "As Norman Bailey, a former National Security Council official, said, the CIA was not interested in "blowing the BCCI cover."" *) September 1, 1991, Washington Post, 'Pakistan's illicit economies affect BCCI bank...': "According to diplomatic sources, Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Turki bin Faisal -- working with Pakistan's main intelligence agency -- distributed over $1 billion in cash to Afghan guerrillas during the late 1980s... The financial transactions were handled principally between Saudi intelligence and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI), the main liaison between the United States, Saudi Arabia and the Afghan guerrillas, the sources said... As for drug trafficking, the sources acknowledged that Pakistan's ISI routinely condoned heroin manufacture and sales by some Afghan guerrilla groups. But they said there were also occasions when ISI cooperated with U.S. government efforts to eradicate poppy fields in Afghanistan." |
[227] | *) May 13, 2000, Volkskrant, 'Moear: Max Moszkowicz sr. kreeg bonus van twee ton': "Volgens drugshandelaar Thea Moear kreeg strafpleiter Max Moszkowicz senior een extra bonus van twee ton voor zijn inspanningen in 1984 voor haar compagnon Klaas Bruinsma. Het geld zou 'buiten z'n gewone salariëring om' aan Moszkowicz zijn betaald, aldus Thea Moear in het boek De Godmother. 'We hádden alleen maar zwart geld. We betaalden advocaten altijd handje-contantje. Moszkowicz had het misschien liever ook zwart, want wit zal-ie wel genoeg hebben gehad.' Moszkowicz is onbereikbaar wegens verblijf in het buitenland. Kantoorgenoot en zoon Bram Moszkowicz: 'Mevrouw heeft te veel gebruikt van de spullen die ze verkocht. En als het al is gebeurd, en dat kan ik mij niet voorstellen, dan is het keurig in de boeken gezet.'" *) January 21, 1996, Volkskrant, 'Drugsbaron V. [Hakkelaar] verdacht van ontregelen justitie': "Met de arrestatie van Johan V., alias de Hakkelaar, denkt het Openbaar Ministerie in Amsterdam niet alleen de leider van de grootste hasjbende in de Nederlandse geschiedenis te pakken te hebben, maar ook een van de aanstichters van de ontregelingscampagne bij justitie. Met de getuige [tegen de Hakkelaar] heeft justitie een schriftelijke overeenkomst gesloten. Onderdeel van de deal is dat hij niet zal worden vervolgd voor misdrijven waarbij hij zelf betrokken was. Een kopie van het contract is de verdediging, vader Moszkowicz en zijn zoon Abraham [Bram], ter hand gesteld. De raadslieden beschikken ook al over de belastende verklaring van de getuige. Volgens A. Moszkowicz zal tijdens de rechtszitting blijken of 'Nederland nog een rechtsstaat is'. Hij uitte kritiek op het gebruiken van een 'kroongetuige' die volgens hem uitsluitend uit eigenbelang handelt en daarom niet betrouwbaar kan zijn." *) January 17, 1998, Volkskrant, 'Een zwart-geldroute in kaart gebracht': "Strafpleiter Bram Moszkowicz, raadsman van Cor van Hout, weigert commentaar te geven." *) October 30, 2012, Volkskrant, 'Van Bouterse tot Brard: de spraakmakende zaken van Bram Moszkowicz': "De vandaag geroyeerde strafpleiter Bram Moszkowicz mocht vele prominenten tot zijn cliëntèle rekenen. De Surinaamse president Desi Bouterse, Heinekenontvoerder Willem Holleeder, vastgoedhandelaar Willem Endstra en PVV-leider Geert Wilders maakten gebruik van zijn diensten." *) October 5, 2010, Volkskrant, 'Geert de Zwijger': "Advocaat Bram Moszkowicz heeft Geert geadviseerd er 'om juridische redenen' het zwijgen toe te doen." *) October 14, 2000, Volkskrant, 'Lijfwacht mag naar uitvaart van vermoorde topcrimineel': "Pieter B., een van de aangehouden lijfwachten van de dinsdag in Amsterdam doodgeschoten topcrimineel Sam Klepper, krijgt verlof om dinsdag de begrafenis van zijn baas bij te wonen. ... Advocaat A. Moszkowicz, raadsman van B., zegt dat zijn cliënt een 'zeer goede kennis' is van Klepper. Dat is de reden dat B. wordt toegestaan de uitvaart bij te wonen. ... Klepper en zijn veronderstelde criminele compagnon J.M. [John Mieremet] lieten zich doorgaans behalve door lijfwachten afschermen door 'contra's'. Dat meldt een bron bij justitie. Deze personen leggen zich toe op het frustreren van opsporingsonderzoeken. Zo werden onder meer observatieteams van de politie gehinderd in hun werk." Pieter B. |
[228] | February 20, 2007, NRC, 'Moszkowicz ziet cliënt niet als dossiernummer': "Samen met Jan Otten kocht Dikke Charles in 1996 sekstheater Casa Rosso van Rob Grifhorst, ooit genoemd als ‘de vijfde Heinekenontvoerder’ en een zakenrelatie van Holleeder. „De deal is geboren tijdens het trouwfeest van Bram Moszkowicz”, aldus Jan Otten. Het verhaal wordt bevestigd in een verklaring die Grifhorst ooit aflegde bij de Amsterdamse politie: „Ik heb Geerts voor het eerst van mijn leven ontmoet op 10 augustus 1996, dat was op de bruiloft van Moszkowicz.” Dit is het soort verhalen waarvan de meeste van zijn collega’s gruwen, zelfs als ze een zwak hebben voor Moszkowicz." |
[229] | October 12, 2011, KRO, Nederland 2 TV, Oog in Oog, Sven Kockelmann interviewed Peter de Vries: October 12, 2011: "A piece has appeared in Het Parool, written by Bart Middelburg. You sued him, because he said that you functioned in the clan of Bruinsma as part of the PR division. ... In first instance the judge dismissed your case. In the appeal process the judge also dismissed your case. [De Vries:] Yes, but with that, the question isn't answered if I wrote about it in Actueel. [A diversion, as he refers to an earlier discussion.] Look, if you had just told me you wanted to talk about this then I had taken [the article] with me. ... I believe Klaas Bruinsma has already been dead for 20 years [completely moot point]. ... [Sven:] The judge says that the accusations in this article are legitimate: "Thus indeed an image emerges of mutually profitable relationship [between Bruinsma and de Vries.". A literal citation from the verdict of the court. [De Vries:] Yes, is it mentioned in there that I haven't written about Bruinsma in the Actueel? [Again goes back to earlier, now largely irrelevant issue.] Can you find that? [Sven:] Yes, that is located somewhere, namely that the court... Here, I'll read it to you: "Publication... Passiveness towards the Bruinsma organization... Supporting Bruinsma. ... In these [Actueel] articles the name of the organization is never mentioned and never the actual suspicions." [De Vries:] Well, that's just not true. ... [Sven:] You knew Cor van Hout well. ... [De Vries:] Yes. [Sven:] You were very clever in contacting the Heineken kidnappers when they fled to Paris. For two years you sent daily messages to Cor van Hout in jail. ... You sat at the table with him for a very long time. Then that book appeared. He shared in the royalties, and now his widow. Part of the royalties also went to the other kidnappers. That went through Thomas van der Bijl, who also dug up the lost money in Paris. He was kind of like the book keeper of the group. [Peter R. de Vries listening closely and knodding along] When that movie will be brought out that you are going to make, will Willem Holleeder also receive money from the royalties. [De Vries:] No, he doesn't get royalties. He also never received royalties of the book. ... Also the widow of Thomas van der Bijl says that the money meant for Cor van Hout, that he shared it with the other kidnappers. [De Vries:] No. [Story how the royalties go to the innocent children of Cor van Hout.] ... [Story turns to de Vries' criticism on Geert Wilders] ... [Sven:] In an earlier interview, in a written interview, you once stated that Max Moszcowicz, the father of the now famous Bram Moszcowicz, learned you a lot about law and with whom you were often having lunch, which were a bit like law colleges." |
[230] | ibid. |
[231] | In 2006 de Vries produced a 2 hour documentary on the Kennedy assassination based on the work of millionaire conspiracy theorist Wim Dankbaar. The documentary mirrors the work of Jim Garrison: the overal conclusion that the CIA was responsible seems very reasonable, but the majority of witnesses and other evidence used is bogus. It features a blantantly fake grassy knoll witnesses, a fake former lover of Oswald, and, as always, a great amount of effort is spent on misidentifying the "three tramps," despite the fact that the (little) known arrest records say: Harold Doyle, John Forrester Gedney and Gus W. Abrams. The faces of these persons fit the three tramps pretty darn well. To top things off, a veteran FBI insider enters the scene who brings de Vries and Dankbaar in touch with James Files, a mafia hitman of the Chicago Outfit who claims to have been the shooter at the grassy knoll. There's no evidence, of course. All I can say is James Files' claim that he put the bullet casing on top of the picket fence after the shooting is not a element that comes back in the testimonies of the persons who were the first to enter this area after the shooting. Two sets of tracks were found, cigarette buds, and mud on a bumper--that's it. |
[232] | October 17, 2007, Trouw, 'Pieter Bakker Schut 1941-2007': "In de jaren zeventig was Pieter Bakker Schut advocaat van Duitse RAF-terroristen. Later stapte hij over op harde criminelen. ... Tot aan zijn overlijden heeft Bakker Schut volgehouden dat de terroristen Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ennslin, en Jan-Carl Raspe van de Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF) in hun cel in de Stammheim-gevangenis door de Duitse justitie moeten zijn vermoord. Aan de officiële lezing van de Duitse autoriteiten dat de drie RAF-terroristen, die sinds 1972 in de gevangenis verbleven, zelf een einde aan hun leven maakten, heeft Bakker Schut nooit geloof willen hechten. De processen tegen RAF-leden die later volgden en waarbij hij zelf als een van de raadslieden optrad, waren naar zijn oordeel doordrenkt van politieke belangen en effectbejag naar de burger. ... De in Haarlem geboren Pieter Bakker Schut, die meer dan 27 jaar een advocatenduo vormde met zijn vrouw Adèle Gertrude van der Plas en die sinds 1994 kantoor hield aan de Prinsengracht in Amsterdam... Hij verdedigde met zijn vrouw onder meer Mink K., de topcrimineel die als geen ander het ene na het andere juridische gevecht met justitie levert. Met succes diende Bakker Schut in 1999 namens de criminelen Sam Klepper en John Mieremet bij de Nationale Ombudsman een klacht in tegen politie en justitie in Amsterdam. Het kwam erop neer dat Mieremet en Klepper in de P.C. Hooftstraat met enige bombarie op straat als een stel ’outlaws’ waren aangehouden en zich aldus moesten laten ’bekijken door het massaal toegestroomde winkelende publiek’. Klepper en Mieremet werden enkele jaren geleden vermoord. |
[233] | panorama.nl/crimipedia/sam-klepper: "In het midden van de jaren 80 sluit Klepper zich samen met John Mieremet aan bij Klaas Bruinsma. Hij wordt de leider van de divisie speelautomaten in diens organisatie. Op 31 januari 1986 wordt Klepper, samen met Gijs van Dam sr., gearresteerd met 500 kg hasjiesj in een busje. Klepper wordt tot 15 maanden cel veroordeeld. ... Op 29 augustus 1991 wordt Klepper samen met Mieremet gearresteerd wegens een wapenvondst. (Veel later, in 2007, wordt bekend dat deze wapens afkomstig zijn uit een geheim wapendepot van de omstreden Gladio-organisatie.) Klepper en Mieremet hebben veertig kisten met pistolen, mitrailleurs, handgranaten en explosieven in handen gekregen. Klepper wordt tot anderhalf jaar cel veroordeeld. In juli 1992 komt Klepper weer vrij." |
[234] | Ibid. |
[235] | October 17, 2007, Trouw, 'Pieter Bakker Schut 1941-2007': " [Pieter Bakker Schut] verdedigde met zijn vrouw onder meer Mink K., de topcrimineel die als geen ander het ene na het andere juridische gevecht met justitie levert." |
[236] | 2001, Steve Brown, 'Drugsbaron in spijkerbroek', pp. 293-294. |
[237] | June 13, 2008, Ton Biesemaat (editor Pro Republica) for Standejong.nl (earlier not published by Must Magazine), 'Over schandknapen, het hof en de dingen die maar niet voorbij gaan… Voormalig adviseur en huisvriend van Beatrix verliest juridische strijd': "De kern van deze zaak die zo dicht tegen hofkringen aanleunt is dat de heren Houben en Sietsema in conflict raakten met hun buurman mr. Frits Salomonson. Het begon over een keukenafvoerpijpje aan de Amsterdamse Keizersgracht. Die burenruzie liep zo uit de hand dat Houben en Sietsema een brief stuurden naar de destijds Amsterdamse burgemeester Schelto Patijn. In de brief maakten ze ook gewag van de activiteiten van Salomonson met volgens hen minderjarige jongens. Veelal waren dat Marokkaanse schandknapen. Volgens Houben en Sietsema had Salomonson zelfs in zijn huis een SM-kamer ingericht. Ook zou Sietsema eens schoten hebben gehoord. Dat was de aanleiding voor het gerucht dat er mogelijk een lijk in de tuin of het pand van Salomonson zou zijn begraven of verstopt. Het mag duidelijk zijn dat dit lijk nooit is gevonden." |
[238] | March 13, 1998, Volkskrant (large Dutch newspaper), 'Ex-advisor of Beatrix slandered: heavy fines' ('Ex-raadsheer van Beatrix belasterd: zware geldboetes'): "Thursday the Amsterdam court put heavy fines on two Amsterdammers who accuse Mr. F. Salomonson, the former advisor of Queen Beatrix, of 'sexual torture practices' ... Mr. O. [Oscar] Hammerstein, attorney of Salomonson. 'You can't just voice Dutroux-like accusations.' Salomonson, until two years ago attorney in Amsterdam, until 1996 lived in an apartment at the Keizersgracht. His neighbors were J. Sietsema and P. Houben. In march of that years Salomonson sold his apartment to Houben. ... Houben had informed the mayor of Amsterdam, Patijn, that the first floor had been a 'sexual torture room or dark room'. ... A similar letter went to the public counselor. Subsequently Sietsma sent the press report around..." |
[239] | June 13, 2008, Ton Biesemaat (editor Pro Republica) for Standejong.nl (earlier not published by Must Magazine), 'Over schandknapen, het hof en de dingen die maar niet voorbij gaan… Voormalig adviseur en huisvriend van Beatrix verliest juridische strijd': "Op dinsdag 4 oktober 2005 werd Prins Claus weer nieuws. Alleen de pers miste dat nieuws. Die dag verklaarde zelfs de advocaat-generaal van het OM bij het Haagse gerechtshof aan de –hoe ironisch- Prins Clauslaan: “Na bestudering van het dossier zie ik niet in waarom ik geen vrijspraak eis in dit smaadproces.” Inderdaad werd een paar weken later de heer Houben volledig vrij gesproken door het hof. Na een jarenlange juridische strijd had mr. Frits Salomonson, voormalig juridisch en financieel adviseur van koningin Beatrix en prins Claus, de strijd verloren. Zijn tegenstanders de heren Pierre Houben en Jacob Sietsema hadden geen smaad gepleegd in een brief gericht aan de burgemeester van Amsterdam. Wat stond er in die brief over mr. Frits Salomonson en wie is hij? Victorie voor mr. Hans Anker Wie mr. Frits Salomonson is kunnen zijn tegenstanders Jacob Sietsema en Pierre Houben niet meer vertellen. Sietsema is overleden en Houben woont na een zware hersenbloeding die zijn spraakvermogen uitschakelde in een verzorgingshuis. Maar mr. Hans Anker, één van de beroemde Friese advocaten-tweeling, die het proces tegen Salomonson namens Houben voerde weet wel over zijn cliënten te vertellen dat ze geen fantasten waren. Dat maakt de beschuldigingen tegen mr. Frits Salomonson des te serieuzer. Mr. Frits Salomonson die voor de kinderen van Beatrix en Claus ‘Oom Frits’ was. Na het verlaten van de rechtzaal stelde Hans Anker aan Must de vraag: “Hebben jullie ook het idee dat ze van deze zaak af willen?” Dat konden wij slechts beamen met in het achterhoofd het verhaal van Houben en Sietsema over de praktijken van mr. Frits Salomonson. Na de volledige vrijspraak door het Haagse hof heeft mr. Hans Anker de strijdbijl nog niet begraven: “We gaan nu beginnen om volledige schadevergoeding te laten betalen in deze procedure.” Daarmee lijkt de in België woonachtige mr. Frits Salomonson nog niet van de zaak af die hij zelf onder de aandacht bracht door Houben en Sietsema aan te klagen." |
[240] | *) July 15, 1999, Volkskrant, 'Oud-adviseur koningshuis van ontucht beticht': "De voormalig juridisch adviseur van het koninklijk huis mr. F. Salomonson wordt ervan beschuldigd seks te hebben bedreven met minderjarige jongens. Een oud-medewerker van de Boys Club van Valks, J. te Boekhorst, verklaarde dat woensdag onder ede voor de rechtbank in Amsterdam. De getuige zei verder in 1987 compromitterende foto's van Salomonson te hebben aangeboden aan het weekblad Privé. Het tijdschrift durfde de foto's niet te publiceren. Toenmalig hoofdredacteur W. Smitt van Privé bevestigde dat verhaal voor de rechter. Salomonson zal Smitt aanklagen wegens meineed, heeft zijn advocaat mr. O. Hammerstein laten weten, omdat het verhaal 'volslagen lariekoek' zou zijn. Salomonson had zelf de rechtzaak aangespannen tegen twee voormalige buren, J. Sietsema en J. Houben. Deze hebben Salomonson er meermalen van beschuldigd een seksmartelkamer te hebben ingericht in zijn huis. De jurist wilde hen laten vervolgen wegens smaad. Op verzoek van de verdediging kwam Te Boekhorst daarop getuigen over de pedofiele praktijken. Salomonson was jarenlang juridisch adviseur van het koningshuis , en lid van de Raad van Voogdij van prins Willem Alexander." *) June 13, 2008, Ton Biesemaat (editor Pro Republica) for Standejong.nl (earlier not published by Must Magazine), 'Over schandknapen, het hof en de dingen die maar niet voorbij gaan… Voormalig adviseur en huisvriend van Beatrix verliest juridische strijd': "In het proces dat Salomonson tegen Houben/Sietsema aanspande riep de verdediging ook de in de jaren tachtig escort-jongen JtB op. JtB vertelde Must (op verzoek volledige naam weggelaten): “Ik kende Salomonson persoonlijk uit de scéne in die tijd. Er bewogen zich meer vooraanstaande mensen in dat milieu. Maar ik ga jullie geen verdere namen noemen. De Amsterdamse politie was toen bewust blind.” JtB vertelde toen ook aan de Amsterdamse rechtbank dat hij foto’s in zijn bezit had gekregen van Salomonson die in SM-outfit stond afgebeeld samen met vier minderjarige jongens. Jtb had de foto’s aangeboden aan Privé-hoofdredacteur Willem Smitt. Die had hem geadviseerd de foto’s vanwege het persoonlijke risico te vernietigen. Smitt bevestigde het verhaal van JtB voor de rechtbank. De officier van justitie vroeg Smitt tijdens het proces waarom hij geen aangifte van kinderporno had gedaan. “Ik ga geen aangifte doen tegen de advocaat van Hare Majesteit”, antwoordde Smitt toen. In dat proces werden Houben en Sietsema tegen een telkens op te leggen dwangsom van 25.000 gulden veroordeeld te zwijgen over eventuele pedofiele contacten van Salomonson." |
[241] | June 13, 2008, Ton Biesemaat (editor Pro Republica) for Standejong.nl (earlier not published by Must Magazine), 'Over schandknapen, het hof en de dingen die maar niet voorbij gaan… Voormalig adviseur en huisvriend van Beatrix verliest juridische strijd': "Rechter F. G. Baudoin negeerde volgens een getuige in dit proces ook een bij een notaris opgemaakte beëdigde verklaring van een echtpaar dat zij Prins Claus in een bordeel hadden gezien in een ‘compromitterende’ houding met een 12- tot 13-jarige jongen." |
[242] | June 13, 2008, Ton Biesemaat (editor Pro Republica) for Standejong.nl (earlier not published by Must Magazine), 'Over schandknapen, het hof en de dingen die maar niet voorbij gaan… Voormalig adviseur en huisvriend van Beatrix verliest juridische strijd': "Zijn naam duikt voor het eerst in de pers op als in 1982 de Telegraaf-journalist Josje Hagers het gerucht verspreidt dat Prins Claus samen met mr. Frits Salomonson in New York enkele bars voor homoseksuelen had bezocht. De RVD ontkende het incident en kreeg een medestander in journalist Willem Oltmans die een heuse persconferentie in het leven riep om het incident te neutraliseren. Die gezamenlijke actie van RVD en Oltmans had ook nog een ander effect. Men wist dat ook het gerenommeerde Duitse weekblad Der Spiegel lucht gekregen had van de affaire en op het punt stond te gaan publiceren. Op de achtergrond werd ook het Spiegel-artikel met de titel ‘Linksgestrickt’ pootje gelicht door het verbond van hof, RVD en Willem Oltmans. Het artikel zou daardoor nooit de kiosken halen. Wat stond er in dat artikel over Prins Claus en zijn vriend Salomonson? “Toen de heer Spierenburg, chef van de veiligheidsdienst aan het hof, zijn mannen die als immer aanwezige beveiligers voor Claus de prins in het oog moesten houden, er naar vroeg [de affaire in New York – red. Must], kreeg hij te horen dat deze politiebeambten al lang wisten over deze homoseksuele escapades. Ze hadden het –uit welke motieven dan ook- hun meerderen niet gemeld. Toen daarna de handel en wandel van de prinsgemaal door de jaren heen onder de loep werd genomen, kwam iets opmerkelijks naar voren. Bijvoorbeeld, toen in Bonn werd nagevraagd en van daaruit informatie binnen kwam dat Claus in 1962 van zijn [diplomatieke – aanvulling redactie Must] post in Ivoorkust werd teruggehaald op gronden die met ongeoorloofde seksuele activiteiten van de ‘zweiten Botschaftssekretär’ te maken hadden.” Maar het gerucht over Salomonson en Claus in New York zong ook rond in de vorm van een extra verhaal. De Amerikanen zouden foto’s van Claus en Salomonsons avontuurtjes in New York hebben gemaakt. Dan komen we op het gebied van de chantage van een belangrijke overheidsvertegenwoordiger. Ook over het incident waarbij volgens het ongepubliceerde Spiegel-artikel Claus als diplomaat uit Ivoorkust-Afrika werd teruggeroepen valt nog wel het een en ander te vertellen. Een ander gerucht wil dat Claus in 1962 in Ivoorkust een verhouding had met een DDR-diplomaat. Daarmee zou deze affaire vallen onder een mogelijk spel van inlichtingendiensten." *) 1996, Willem Oltmans, 'Persona Non Grata', p. 76: "In 1983 draaide de internationale pendant van de rode knop van professor Van Hamel op volle toeren. Er dook een buitengewoon hardnekkig en smerig roddelverhaal op rond de vermeende homoseksualiteit van prins Claus. De zaak werd hier te lande aangezwengeld, door wie anders, Josje Hagers, hofjournaliste van De Telegraaf onder dekking van Johan Olde Kalter, de opvolger van J.G. Heitink. Josje vertelde me de nodige saillante details over infrarode camera's, die opnamen hadden gemaakt van Claus met zijn vriend Frits Salomonson in nichtenbars in New York tijdens het officiële bezoek van koningin en prins aan de vs. Er was een internationaal schandaal in de maak, zoals in 1956 met de zaak Greet Hofmans, via het blad Der Spiegel in Hamburg. Zij zouden de spits afbijten en De Telegraaf zou volgen. Op de manier zoals het gegaan is bij het artikel in Time-magazine: Oltmans werkt met de Sovjets om Beatrix op de troon te krijgen en De Telegraaf neemt het geklets alleen maar van Time over. Ik telefoneerde met de directeur van de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst, Gijs van der Wiel. Hij bevestigde, dat mejuffrouw Hagers al enige maanden op het oorlogspad was met dit indianenverhaal. Hij ontkende het dus, maar zolang zij niets had geschreven kon de rvd geen maatregelen nemen. Ik probeerde Hagers er van te overtuigen dat het onzin was prins Claus van nichterij te beschuldigen." |
[243] | June 13, 2008, Ton Biesemaat (editor Pro Republica) for Standejong.nl (earlier not published by Must Magazine), 'Over schandknapen, het hof en de dingen die maar niet voorbij gaan… Voormalig adviseur en huisvriend van Beatrix verliest juridische strijd': "Ook over het incident waarbij volgens het ongepubliceerde Spiegel-artikel Claus als diplomaat uit Ivoorkust-Afrika werd teruggeroepen valt nog wel het een en ander te vertellen. Een ander gerucht wil dat Claus in 1962 in Ivoorkust een verhouding had met een DDR-diplomaat. Daarmee zou deze affaire vallen onder een mogelijk spel van inlichtingendiensten." |
[244] | See the EenVandaag/Samson pdf. |
[245] | August 8, 2002, Volkskrant, 'Onconventionele advocaat met grote overlevingsdrang': "Daar gaat Oscar Hammerstein op zijn zware design-motorfiets over de Amsterdamse Keizersgracht." |
[246] | *) klokkenluideronline.is/2014/04/hammerstein-wedzinga-en-joris-demmink (accessed: October 9, 2014): "Dan Oscar Hammerstein. Deze lijkt wel krankzinnig te zijn geworden met zijn opzichtige verdediging van Demmink en zijn pathetische aanvallen op Henk Krol. [Oscar Hammerstein tweets: April 13, 2014: Aandachtzieke Henk #Krol fantaseert er op los bij die lustige spijker @nrc #demmink; April 21, 2014: Volgende schandaal rond #HenkKrol: Frontaal Naakt. » De studiereizen van Henk Krol #50+ http://www.frontaalnaakt.nl/archives/de-studiereizen-van-henk-krol.html … via @frontaalnaakt] ... In het begin kon ik niet geloven dat deze tweets authentiek waren. Hammerstein. De grote partner-in-crime van uber-pedofiel Frits Salomonson met wie hij zo’n beetje alles heeft uitgevroten wat in het wetboek van strafrecht verboden is, tot en met witwassen van drugsgelden aan toe. Salomonson, die volgens een getuige in zijn martelkelders kinderen verminkte en zelfs vermoordde samen met Demmink en Claus. Vervolgens kroop hij in bed met Gerard Spong die zijn eigen zoon Xander uitleverde aan de pedo-netwerken en meenam naar de sauna voor zijn vrienden, aldus de moeder van Xander. Ook wordt Spong genoemd als aanwezige op de horror-boot Apollo van KPMG. Enige jaren geleden belde Hammerstein Micha op nadat deze op bezoek was geweest bij Gerard Spong. In dat gesprek probeerde Spong uren lang alle verhalen over zijn kindermisbruik te ontkrachten door ze toe te schrijven aan de wraakzucht van de moeder van Xander. Hij liet daartoe zelfs allerlei processtukken zien. Direct na dat gesprek, ik stond koud buiten op de Keizersgracht, belde Oscar. Waarom hij niet bij dat gesprek aanwezig kon zijn. Wat was er besproken tussen mij en Gerard? Ik moest echt helemaal niets geloven hoor, van al die rare verhalen over kinder-kelders en pedo-feesten. Allemaal waanzin! Enzovoort enzovoort. Ik was verbijsterd: ik had een doodsbange Hammerstein aan de lijn die kennelijk vreesde dat amice Spong hem ‘erbij had gelapt!’ Wat een wereld. Maar echt geloofwaardig als verdediger van Demmink… nee, dat is Hammerstein allerminst." *) May 27, 2013, Micha Kat for Klokkenluiders.is, 'Vraag het aan Gerard Spong': "Ooit hadden wij ook bewondering voor Gerard Spong. Ooit. De omslag kwam toen hij via een doorzichtige spin, ingezet via een georkestreed optreden bij College Tour van de NOS, het voortouw ging nemen bij de demonisering van Geert Wilders in opdracht van the powers that be. Mind you, dit was de man die enige jaren daarvoor nog de strijd aanbond met de demonisering van Pim Fortuyn en hetzelfde dagblad dagvaardde als waarbij hij morgenavond te gast is: NSB Handelsblad. Toen Spong werd ingezet tegen Wilders wisten we: hij wordt gechanteerd. Omdat hij lid is van een bepaald netwerk waarover we geen enkele mededeling kunnen en willen doen. Wel kunnen we zeggen dat hij zijn zoon Xander (foto) op 13-jarige leeftijd heeft laten ontvoeren om hem in dit netwerk in te zetten. Ook kunnen we zeggen dat hij zeer nauwe betrekkingen onderhoudt met J. Demmink. Reden genoeg voor enige interessante vragen morgenavond. Van Marcel Haenen hoeven we niets te verwachten. Spong beschuldigt -dit in het kader van de wederhoor- de moeder van Xander van het verspreiden van ‘infame geruchten’ over hem. Feit is dat Xander bij haar werd weggehaald vlak nadat Demmink SG werd. HIERONDER EEN AANVULLING VAN DE MOEDER VAN XANDER: Ff een correctie inzake artikel Xander. Hij is op 13jarige leeftijd ontvoerd, vlak NADAT Demmink SG was geworden en de moeder heeft aangifte gedaan. Ze had het ouderlijke gezag en er was geen formele omgangsregeling. Pas toen Xander 6 was ging hij op advies van prof bullens onbegeleid met de vader mee. Tevens stond in het rapport van Bullens dat Xander gehersenspoeld was en tijdens de zitting kwam aan de orde dat Xander geld verdiende door in de sauna vrienden van zijn vader te masseren en dat het schadelijk voor een kind is als hij zijn primaire opvoeder (moeder in deze) niet meer zou zien. Dat tennis was een hoax en in hoger beroep zaten advocaten van Buruma er als neprechters. Xander heeft sinds internationale vrouwendag vlak NADAT Demmink met pensioen ging contact met zijn moeder gezocht." |
[247] | September 30, 2003, Volkskrant, 'Maas en Hammerstein toch weg uit LPF-bestuur': "De LPF-bestuurders Ed Maas en Oscar Hammerstein treden toch terug als respectievelijk voorzitter en secretaris van de Lijst Pim Fortuyn." |
[248] | 2014, Oscar Hammerstein, 'Oscar Hammerstein: Ik heb de tijd' (digital): "Op 5 april 2002 deed ik samen met Pim Fortuyn aangifte op het politiebureau Jan Hendrikstraat in Den Haag nadat een aanslag op hem was gepleegd in Perscentrum Nieuwspoort. Kort voordat hij op 6 mei 2002 vermoord werd, bracht ik nog een avond met hem door bij hem thuis in Rotterdam. ... Het waren dierenactivisten [die eerder een taart in Fortuyn's gezicht gooiden] van wie bekend was dat ze er niet mee zaten om grof geweld te gebruiken tegen mensen wanneer in hun ogen de rechten van dieren werden aangetast. Fanatici die alleen maar te vergelijken zijn met moslim-extremisten en andere gekken die zich ter rechtvaardiging van de tereur die zij uitoefenen, beroepen op een bijzondere band met de Schepper." |
[249] | *) October 16, 2007, Nederlands Dagblad, 'Bakker Schut goeroe politieke advocatuur': "De verdediging van Volkert van der Graaf, op 6 mei 2002 de nadrukkelijk politiek gemotiveerde moordenaar van Pim Fortuyn, weigerde hij echter. Het verdedigen van politieke terroristen en drugscriminelen lag voor hem in het verlengde van elkaar. "Bij de RAF-verdachten kon ik sympathie opbrengen voor hun ideologische gedachtegoed. De daden die mijn clienten pleegden waren iets anders. Maar bij mijn huidige clienten heb ik ook niets tegen de daden, de drugssmokkel zelf. Die lokt de staat immers uit doordat de overheid de handel illegaal heeft gemaakt. Ze accepteert op alle gebieden kapitalistische wetten met uitzondering van dit terrein. Dat is wel erg kras", zei hij daarover." |
[250] | *) 2003, EO Visie, 'Dubieuze netwerken' (book review of Peter Siebelt's 'Eco Nostra' (note: Siebelt is an ultra-right intelligence asset): "Pieter Siebelt vindt het niet toevallig dat Volkert van der G. direct na de moord zei dat hij mr. Pieter Bakker Schut als advocaat wilde. "Een advocaat die grote sympathien voor de 'Rote Armee Fraktion' koesterde, en zich later in uiterst extreme kringen bewoog. Als zulke terroristen opgepakt waren, schilderde Bakker Schut hen af als politieke gevangenen. Zijn advocatenkantoor werd later overgenomen door Ties Prakken. Toen Prakken naar de universiteit van Maastricht vertrok, ging de Duitse Britta Bohler, ook een dame met een interessant verleden, er de scepter zwaaien. Bohler werd Volkert's advocaat." *) May 14, 2002, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'De Spongen en de Bohlers. Profiel: De politieke advocaat': "Politieke advocaten zie genoemde voorbeelden zijn tegendraads. Bakker Schut weigerde de leden van de RAF terroristen te noemen. Hij vond de term politieke strijders beter. Over bommen zij hij: Het kan onmogelijk zijn om op vreedzame wijze en verandering van de samenleving te bereiken. Dat De Telegraaf hem ervan verdacht de advocaat van Volkert te zijn, is dus niet vreemd. Mevrouw Bohler sprak ook al over de vrijheidsstrijder Ocalan en voelde zich verbonden met diens strijd. ... De advocate van verdachte Volkert van der G., mr. A.A. Stijn Franken verbonden aan hetzelfde kantoor als mevrouw Bohler (Bohler, Franken, Koppe, De Feijter) schijnt eveneens een uitzonderlijk type te zijn. Het feit dat de van de moord op Pim Fortuyn verdachte Van der G. Franken als advocaat wenst, is voor velen overigens al een aanwijzing dat de mood op Fortuyn een politieke moord is. ... [Fortuyn advocaat Gerard Spong] is typisch iemand die de moord op Fortuyn tot een politieke aanslag verheft [maar dat uiteraard niet doet]." |
[251] | September 22, 2003, PR Newswire Europe, 'Non-profit watchdog files IRS complaint against Greenpeace, seeks Federal probe': "Because Greenpeace receives significant donations from large entities, such as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Turner Foundation, the report also calls into question the accountability of these donors. "Foundations that make tax-exempt contributions are responsible for verifying that their funds are used appropriately," Hardiman said. "In this case, the funds clearly are not being used appropriately, which means one of two things: Either the foundations have no idea how their money is being spent, or the foundations are knowingly helping Greenpeace break the law."" Ted Turner also came up with the idea for Captain Planet. |
[252] | *) December 12, 2005, Kleintje Muurkrant, 'Kuifje en de diskettes (4)': "Maar dat was nog niks met de uitspraak die Pim Fortuyn gebezigd zou hebben: “eerst neuken we alle Marokkaanse jongetjes en dan zetten we ze het land uit”. Dat was een van de verbijsterende lowlights die gisteravond voorbijkwamen tijdens de uitzending van Kuifje R., die in zijn geheel gewijd was aan de vondst van een stel diskettes van het Rotterdamse AIVD-filiaal. Volgens een rapportage die tot de verzameling snuffelpareltjes behoorde was Fortuyn blijkbaar al begonnen aan het eerste bedrijf van die missie." *) December 8, 2005, NOS, '"Zoekraken diskettes heel ernstig"': "De Regionale Inlichtingendienst RID, onderdeel van het regionale politiekorps, deed in 2002 in het geheim onderzoek naar Rotterdamse politici. Twee diskettes met daarop vertrouwelijke gegevens van de RID kwamen in handen van misdaadjournalist Peter R. de Vries. ... De politie Rotterdam-Rijnmond is een onderzoek begonnen naar het uitlekken van de geheime informatie. Korpsbeheerder en burgemeester Opstelten van Rotterdam zei in een reactie dat hij wist dat de RID onderzoek deed naar politici, maar stelde niets te weten over de inhoud van de diskettes. Wel zei hij dat uit het onderzoek moet blijken wie verantwoordelijk is voor het naar buitenkomen van de gegevens. ... De Vries wil de gegevens, onder andere over Pim Fortuyn en diens partij Leefbaar Rotterdam, zondag in zijn programma openbaar maken. Volgens de AIVD mag de informatie niet naar buiten worden gebracht omdat het om staatsgeheimen gaat. De AIVD eist de diskettes terug. Op de schijfjes zou informatie staan over Nederlandse geheimagenten die infiltreerden in milieubewegingen. Ook zouden vooraanstaande lokale en landelijke politici zijn gevolgd. Over hen zouden dossiers zijn bijgehouden. Deze zouden onder meer het seksleven van Fortuyn beschrijven en handelen over de Leefbaar Rotterdammer Dries Mos. "De inlichtingendienst had bijzonder veel belangstelling voor de escapades van Fortuyn en stelt vast dat hij seksuele contacten had met minderjarige Marokkaanse jongens", aldus De Vries. De journalist zegt dat hij in zijn programma toch aandacht zal besteden aan de diskettes. Hij zal naar eigen zeggen niet alle informatie laten zien, want sommige dingen zijn volgens de verslaggever "gewoon te geheim". |
[253] | June 5, 2002, Nova TV, 'Familie Fortuyn steunt aanklacht Spong en Hammerstein': "Het nieuwe bestuur dat de Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF) woensdag heeft gepresenteerd distantieert zich van de aanklacht tegen politici en journaisten. De advocaten Spong en Hammerstein willen de aanklacht doorzetten. De advocaten willen de politici en journalisten voor de rechter dagen omdat ze zouden hebben aangezet tot haat tegen Fortuyn. Volgens het nieuwe bestuur is het aan de familie van Fortuyn om hierover te beslissen. In de studio een reactie van Marten Fortuyn, de broer van Pim Fortuyn." |
[254] | See ISGP's article on the Republican Society (in "miscellaneous") for more information. |
[255] | Anno 2014 site explains that Hammerstein did put up the funds: meervrijheid.nl/?pagina=1070 (accessed: october 10, 2014): "Op 15 december [2004] is www.degestopteroker.nl online gegaan. De site is opgezet door journalisten, fotografen en een cartoonist die eerder meewerkten aan De Gezonde Roker, de website van Theo van Gogh. Na de moord op Theo van Gogh besloten de medewerkers dat ze door wilden gaan met een nieuwe site (Theovangogh.nl wordt omgebouwd tot een bibliotheek). Internet is hét medium voor het vrije woord... Wat biedt De Gestopte Roker? Wekelijkse columns, analyses en journalistieke verhalen van onafhankelijke scribenten als Pamela Hemelrijk, Micha Kat, Paul van Buitenen en Bernadette de Wit, brieven van Paul Ruys aan bobo’s en elke week een ‘misselijke grap’ van cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot. ... De Gestopte Roker wordt gesponsord door advocaat Oscar Hammerstein en is gebouwd met hulp van de Stichting MeerVrijheid.nl, naar een ontwerp van Gregorius Nekschot." |
[256] | March 12, 2005, Volkskrant, 'Complotdenkers.nl': "Ze maken er wel een zooitje van, de zelfbenoemde beheerders van het erfgoed van wijlen Theo van Gogh. Toen de website van de vermoorde cineast, degezonderoker.nl noodgedwongen werd gestopt, richtten opgewonden columnisten en complotdenkers als Micha Kat, Pamela Hemelrijk en Bernadette de Wit de website degestopteroker.nl op, om lucht te... Lang mocht de nagedachtenis niet duren: nog geen half jaar na de moord op Van Gogh staan de erfopvolgers als kemphanen tegenover elkaar. De gestopte roker is gestopt, meldt de site nu, na slechts acht afleveringen. Reden: de financier, advocaat Oscar Hammerstein - ervaringsdeskundige als beheerder van het gedachtegoed van Pim Fortuyn - weigert met geld over de brug te komen, ondanks eerdere beloften aan de makers. Die kosten bedragen vijfduizend euro voor de bouw van de site, driehonderd voor de hosting en duizend euro per maand voor de eindredactie. Op een andere website, frontaalnaakt.nl, wijt De Wit dit alles aan 'de egocentrische, amateuristische cultuur in het bestuur'. Helaas is zij onbereikbaar voor nader commentaar op dit ferme statement, evenals alle andere betrokkenen, die ieder in het buitenland blijken te vertoeven." |
[257] | meervrijheid.nl/?pagina=779 (accessed: october 10, 2014): "Raad van Aanbeveling: Hans Labohm [Dutch representative to NATO in Brussels 1971-1974; ministry of foreign affairs 1974-1987; permanent representative to the OECD 1987-1992; guest scholar and advisor to the board at Clingendael, the Dutch CFR, 1992-2005; expert reviewer Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but a skeptic of human influence on climate change; advisor to the Exxon-financed and right-wing Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow; expert of the conservative Heartland Institute] Auke Leen [Docent economie Universiteit van Leiden.] Mary Ruwart: [libertarian activist] Walter Block [senior fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute; economics professor Loyola University]..." |
[258] | See note 248. |
[259] | Ibid. |
[260] | May 15, 2002, De Telegraaf, 'Taartengooister blijkt barones': "Een van de drie opgepakte activisten die Pim Fortuyn met 'taarten' van braaksel en uitwerpselen besmeurden, blijkt een barones uit een vermaard adellijk geslacht te zijn. Het gaat om de 27-jarige Pauline van T. van S., wier ouders in Duitsland wonen. De links-radicale barones stuurde onlangs af in psychologie aan de universiteit in Groningen. Volgens haar familie verbleef zij op een hen onbekend adres. Haar onderkomen blijkt een gekraakte boerderij op het Hoenderloose landgoed Deelerwoud, waar de adellijke activiste gisterochtend rond vijf uur samen met een tweede taartensmijter, Jelle G., in de boeien werd geslagen door arrestatieteams. De krakers hadden 'hun' onderkomen gebarricadeerd en de oprit afgesloten met hekken en kettingen. Omwonenden die door het tumult rond de politieactie werden gewekt, meldden dat hun kinderen regelmatig contact hadden met de krakers, onder wie Pauline van T. van S. en Jelle G. "Ze zijn altijd bijzonder vriendelijk. Maar de krakers gebruiken waarschijnlijk veel drugs. We hebben vaak vuile spuiten en naalden zien rondslingeren." Volgens de eigenaar jonkheer [Volker] Repelaar [Repelaer] van landgoed Deelerwoud werd zijn boerderij een halfjaar geleden gekraakt. "Ik heb daarvan vergeefs aangifte gedaan. Nu politie en justitie, nota bene pas twee maanden later, dat tuig hebben geïdentificeerd en blijkt dat mijn pand een broeinest van illegale activiteiten is geworden, wordt er opeens wel opgetreden. Ik ben daar woest over." Een team van 55 rechercheurs onderzoekt of de drie banden hebben met Fortuyns vermoedelijke moordenaar Volkert van der G. Volgens hun advocate, mevrouw mr. Van den Brûle, heeft het drietal inmiddels verklaard Van der G. niet te kennen." |
[261] | A long list of written out sources are available in the 1001 Club membership list in the biographies of various Tuyll van Serooskeren family members. |
[262] | *) May 8, 2002, Trouw, 'Impopulair bij dierenactivisten': "Wat zeker is: Pim Fortuyn maakte zich met zijn plannen om varkens in een varkensflat te fokken en het opheffen van het fokverbod voor nertsen zeer impopulair onder dierenactivisten." *) lpf-gelderland.nl/bestuur2.htm (accessed October 8, 2002): "Gelderland. Op 20 september j.l. is de LPF-Gelderland gesticht en hebben bestuursverkiezingen plaats gevonden. Het Gelderse LPF bestuur bestaat uit: -, voorzitter Olof Wullinker [INSEAD; Catholic Radboud University]; - Leontien van Nieuwenhuijzen, secretaris [active at Erasmus and Radbout universities]; - Anne Zweers, penningmeester [Pastor - "spiritual caretaker" - Dutch military]; - Rob van der Zee, alg. bestuurslid; - Trudy van Tuyll van Serooskerken - van der Heide, [owner physical therapy practice since 1970] alg. bestuurslid." *) January 10, 2003, PimFortuyn.nl forum: "Trudy van Tuyll: Hallo allemaal, Iemand van jullie forum zond mij een mail betreffende dit Forum. Voor alle duidelijkheid hierin worden een paar zaken verward en dat is voor mij hoogst ongelukkig. Ik ben niet de taartgooister, maar wel een aktief lid van de LPF zittende in het bestuur Gelderland. Tevens heb ik me voor de LPF kandidaat gesteld voor de Provinciale Staten en ben zelf geen dieraktiviste of wat dan ook maar. Tegen het zinloos vernietigen van dieren ben ik wel ten strijde getrokken dmv de Stichting Boer en Vee. Die distantieerd zich echter van alle aktiviteiten die te maken hebben met de andere familieleden. Verder ben ik hoogst aktief in de Partij en wil dit ook blijven, maar dan wel graag zonder alle negatieve gezeur daar omheen. We hebben het al lastig genoeg met z'n allen en meer rompslomp is niet nodig, lijkt me. Op de Lijst-PimFortuyn.nl kunt alles wat U over mij wilt weten lezen. Trudy" |
[263] | Partijvoordedieren.nl/partij/kandidaten/kandidaten.html (accessed: December 8, 2002): "Kandidatenlijst Partij voor de Dieren: 1. mr Thieme, M.L. (Marianne) (v) Maarssen [member extremist Seventh-Day Adventist Church], Beleidsmedewerker stichting Bont voor Dieren; 2. Saaman, D.M. (Diana) (v) Wehl, Biologisch varkenshouder en landbouwjournalist; 3. drs Stoop, L.A.M. (Bert) (m) Groningen Webredacteur Animal Freedom. ... 6. Jonkvrouw van Holthe, S.A.T. (Selby) (v) Houten, Huisvrouw / psychotherapeut ... 14. Barones van Tuyll van Serooskerken, M.E. (Bobbie)(v) Doorn Edelsmid..." |
[264] | *) milieudefensie.nl/organisatie/foe/index.htm (August 18, 2007): "Milieudefensie is the Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth International." *) December 15, 1999, De Toren, 'Milieuorganisaties in het geweer': "Milieudefensie en de vereniging Milieu-offensief [VMO, of Volkert van der Graaf] hebben een reeks milieuvergunningen van de gemeente Hardenberg voorgedragen voor vernietiging door de Raad van State." *) May 8, 2002, Trouw, 'Impopulair bij dierenactivisten': "Wat zeker is: Pim Fortuyn maakte zich met zijn plannen om varkens in een varkensflat te fokken en het opheffen van het fokverbod voor nertsen zeer impopulair onder dierenactivisten. ... Uit welke motieven Fortuyn is vermoord, is onduidelijk. De dader werkte bij de Vereniging Milieu-offensief, een milieu-organisatie die via juridische procedures de bio-industrie bestrijdt. De club werkt samen met het veel grotere Milieudefensie [Dutch branch Friends of the Earth]. Eind jaren '90 procedeerden ze samen tegen de uitbreiding van veehouderijen. ... Milieu-offensief is een vrij kleine club, met een kantoor in Wageningen." |
[265] | *) 1988, Jack Raymond for the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 'Robert O. Anderson: Oil Man /environmentalist and His', p. 8: "[Robert Anderson] helped David Brower establish Friends of the Earth, though he disagreed with Brower's political activism and some of his views." 1973, Volume 16, American Opinion, Robert Welch, Page 34: "Robert O. Anderson, who shunted $200,000 into the organization to get it started, Friends of the Earth isn't about to go under." 1976, Sheldon M. Novick, 'The Electric War: The Fight Over Nuclear Power', p. 187: "These people, a good many became our original board of directors for Friends of the Earth, and a good many of them still serve. The chairman of Atlantic Richfield was one of that group, wasn't he? BROWER: Robert Anderson--Robert O. Anderson--was one of the people who came in with some initial support for the John Muir Institute, never for Friends of the Earth. Altogether he put in about seventy thousand dollars to help its program and to help some Aspen conferences, at least the first one. And then he lost interest when Friends of the Earth sued to stop the pipe [the trans-Alaskan pipeline, in which Atlantic-Richfield was a major partner]. Along with the Wilderness Society and others." *) 2014, Gloria Crook, 'Trans-Dimensional Daughter' (digital) (speech around 1990): "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is Angela Buller, and I am one of the senior students at the Robert Muller School. ... I am privileged to be here today to introduce to you our next distinguished speaker. Mr. Ted Turner is chairman of the board and president of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. ... He sits on the boards of numerous humanitarian institutions, including the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Change, Friends of the Earth, and the NAACP." *) United Nations Environmental Programme, Sasakawa Prize section: "Dr. Aurelio Peccei: Winner 1984: The inaugural UNEP Sasakawa Environment Prize was awarded posthumously to Dr. Peccei ... [who] ... in his new role turned the Club of Rome, which he had helped found, into one of the world's leading bodies promoting sustainable and fair development. He gave tirelessly to the causes which he espoused, as a member of the UNESCO Panel of Counsellors on Major World Problems; a member of the Governing Council of the Society for International Development; a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the International Training for Third World Countries; and as a member of the Friends of the Earth Advisory Council." *) Maurice Strong papers at Harvard University Library: "Box [*] Sierra Club: 1976 May-1978 Aug. ... Box [**] Friends of the Earth, Ottawa: 1976 Nov-1979 May; n.d. (Includes "Friends of the Earth Foundation Advisory Council") rbf.org/grant/10735/friends-earth-3 (Rockefeller Brothers Fund): "Friends of the Earth: $17,500 [in 2009]: For media capacity building and coordination with climate equity advocacy organizations... $200,000 [in 2011]: For continued support of its initiative, Advancing and Protecting Sustainability Standards in Development Finance. ... $100,000 [in 2013:] For continued support of its Economic Policy program's initiative, Advancing Sustainability Standards in International Finance and Trade. ... $170,000 [in 2014:] For continued support of its Economic Policy Program's initiative, Advancing and Protecting Sustainability Standards in Development Finance." *) January 18, 2005, Capital Research,'The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Rockefeller Family Fund: How a Great Capitalist’s Fortune Came to Fund Anti-Capitalist Causes': "The Rockefeller Family Fund also gave substantially to groups challenging Bush administration environmental policies. Donations by the Fund in 2003 and 2004 included $150,000 to the Campaign to Protect America’s Lands to “stop anti-environmental public lands decrees through sustained grass roots and media efforts,” $25,000 to the Friends of the Earth Foundation." |
[266] | *) Steven Greer, head of the very questionable Disclosure Project, claims he has given a speech to the board of directors of Friends of the Earth. Greer has received backing from Laurance Rockefeller and interacted with various key globalists. He also worked with Edgar Mitchell of IONS (see below). *) noetic.org/search/?q=renewal: "Harriett M. Crosby serves on the IONS [of Edgar Mitchell, deeply involved with UFO and abduction research, with Maurice Strong as an advisor] Board of Directors. She is Co-Founder and President of the Initiative for Social Action and Renewal in Eurasia (ISAR), supporting grassroots environmental activism in the former Soviet Union. She trained in psychology at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, worked for Colorado Outward Bound as a mountaineering instructor, collected Tibetan folk tales in Ladakh, worked on the White House Council on Environmental Quality, and now practices meditation, pottery, organic gardening and wildlife rehabilitation. She currently serves on the boards of Friends of the Earth [secretary], the Institute for Deep Ecology, 20/20 Vision, Taxpayers for Common Sense, ISAR, and IONS. ... [also: founded Institute for Soviet American Relations in 1983 with Peace Corps special assistant to the director Nancy A. Graham]" |
[267] | March 22, 2003, Reformatorisch Dagblad, 'Drie taarten, vijf kogels: Over Biologische Bakkers Brigade zal Volkert van der G. ongetwijfeld het stilzwijgen bewaren': "Op 14 mei 2002 rijdt een arrestatieteam in de vroege ochtend het prachtige bosgebied van het dorp Hoenderloo binnen. De agenten doen een inval in een kleine boerderij en lichten Pauline van Tuyll van Serooskerken en Jelle Goezinnen van hun bed. De derde verdachte, Margriet Goris, wordt in Leiden gearresteerd. Het is acht dagen na de moord op Fortuyn en twee maanden na de taartactie; pas nu besteedt justitie aandacht aan de leden van de Biologische Bakkers Brigade. De boerderij waarin twee van de activisten worden gearresteerd, behoort tot het landgoed Deelerwoud en is in december 2001 gekraakt. Om een wit voetje te halen bij de lokale bevolking hebben de krakers in een gebouwtje vlak bij de weg een "weggeefwinkel" ingericht. Potten en pannen, boeken en allerhande prullaria staan er uitgestald. Desgevraagd zegt een aantal dorpsbewoners geen last te hebben van die "vreemde en een beetje vieze types." "De bewoners wisselen met de dag", zegt een wandelaar. Het zijn geen lokalen, maar mensen uit Apeldoorn, Utrecht en Leiden. Op 17 mei zijn de activisten weer vrij. Er zijn volgens de rechter-commissaris geen wettelijke gronden om ze langer vast te houden. ... Op de publieke tribune zit de goeroe van de internationale taartbeweging, Noël Godin. De Brusselaar wordt gezien als het lichtende voorbeeld van de beweging: hij besmeurde meer dan dertig mensen, onder wie Microsoft-topman Bill Gates. Hem werd eens gevraagd of Haider op zijn taartlijst staat. "Haider kun je niet met slagroom bestrijden", antwoordde Godin. "Voor Haider adviseer ik vitriooltaarten (zuur). Ook een dynamiettaart is denkbaar. () Haider moet je definitief verhinderen nog verder grote schade aan te richten." Deze uitspraak krijgt een bijzondere betekenis als bedacht wordt dat de Nederlandse actievoerders Fortuyn betitelden als de "Hollandse Haider." Ook Kees Hudig, campagnemedewerker bij de extreem linkse financieringsorganisatie XminY, is bij het proces aanwezig. Onder de schuilnaam Kees Stad leidt hij een eigen taartbrigade, "Banketbakkers zonder grenzen", en publiceert hij opruiende teksten. Dat hij met de taartgooiers sympathiseert, bleek al in maart 2002. Toen schreef hij vol leedvermaak over de taartaanslag op Fortuyn: "Het effect was dat het zelfingenomen heerschap op tv en in de kranten voor het eerst heel anders afgebeeld werd dan hij zelf wilde en dan het publiek gewend was. Niet een triomfantelijk lachende en enigszins olijke nette heer, maar een beteuterde, wanhopige of woedende smeerkees werd getoond." Anderhalve week voor de moord op Fortuyn is Hudig aanwezig op een bijeenkomst van antiglobalisten, waar wordt besloten op 11 mei 2002 tegen Fortuyn te gaan demonstreren. Voor die datum is Fortuyn al dood. Twee van de taartactivisten, Jelle Goezinnen en Margriet Goris, waren aan het Leidse anarchistenbolwerk Eurodusnie verbonden, dat achter veel eerdere taartacties zat. Goezinnen kwam in 1999 in het nieuws toen hij minister Zalm een slagroomtaart in het gezicht drukte. Ooit werd de activist voorgeleid bij een hulpofficier van justitie in Amsterdam, die hem beschuldigde van radicale acties, zoals het loslaten van nertsen. Daarom is het opmerkelijk dat het zo lang moest duren voordat hij werd gearresteerd naar aanleiding van de Fortuyn-actie. Ook veel eerdere taartacties waren te herleiden naar de Leidse krakers. ... Steeds weer duiken er geruchten op over de banden die Fortuyns moordenaar en zijn vriendin met de taartgooiers zouden hebben. Op internet staan de meest fantastische verhalen. Het OM ontkende tot tweemaal toe een verband. Onderzoeker Peter Siebelt gaat in het nieuwste nummer van zijn nieuwsbrief Wetenswaardigheden dieper op de zaak in. Siebelt, een internationale vraagbaak op het gebied van actiegroepen en terrorisme, is al maanden bezig het netwerk rond Volkert van der G. in kaart te brengen. Van der G.''s vroegere woonplaats Wageningen speelt hierin een belangrijke rol. Siebelt laat aan de hand van een stapel documentiemateriaal zien hoe diverse actiegroepen in de universiteitsstad met elkaar verbonden waren: taartgooiers en Volkert van der G. behoorden tot dezelfde kringen. "De schakel tussen Van der G. en de taartbrigades is Judith Scheltema", vertelt Siebelt. "Van der G., zijn vriendin Petra L. en Scheltema waren goede vrienden. Gezamenlijk was het drietal jarenlang in Wageningen actief tegen onder meer genetisch gemanipuleerd voedsel - Scheltema in de actiegroep NoGen, Petra L. in de Stichting Lekker Dier en Van der G. in de actiegroep de Ziedende Bintjes." Volgens Siebelt woonde Scheltema enkele jaren samen met Van der G. op het alternatieve Wageningse wooncomplex Droevendaal. Momenteel bivakkeert ze met haar organisatie Vluchtelingen Onder Dak in het activistenbolwerk de Wilde Wereld, dat nauwe banden onderhoudt met het Leidse taartersbolwerk Eurodusnie. Bezoek van vreemden wordt niet op prijs gesteld in de Wilde Wereld. De politie is er al helemaal niet welkom. Scheltema was zelf ook bij een taartactie betrokken. Op 23 januari 2001 protesteerde zij samen met een dertigtal anderen tegen een voorlichtingsbijeenkomst van de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND) over de nieuwe vreemdelingenwet. Op hun borden stonden teksten als "Stop racistische bevolkingspolitiek". Tijdens de bijeenkomst sprak Bea Peters van de IND over de nieuwe vreemdelingenwet. Tijdens haar betoog werd Peters herhaaldelijk onderbroken door boze opmerkingen, zoals de mening dat de IND zich schuldig maakt aan "deportatie" en het verwijt dat er voor de demonstrerende asielzoekers geen tolk aanwezig was. Siebelt: "Wanneer Peters het pand verlaat krijgt zij een stuk taart in haar gezicht. En een dag na de moord op Fortuyn zegt Judith Scheltema tegen een journaliste dat Volkert zo''n lieve, rustige jongen is." Als de onderzoeker zijn materiaal overziet, kan hij de taartacties onmogelijk als ludieke en tamelijk onschuldige pesterijtjes zien. "De taartgooiers geven zelf aan dat ze gezaghebbende figuren willen beschadigen." Ook vindt hij dat justitie het netwerk van Volkert onvoldoende heeft uitgekamd. Hij kan de drie taarten en de vijf kogels niet los van elkaar zien. "Voor mij is duidelijk dat er wel degelijk een verband is tussen de wereld van de taartgooiers en die van Volkert van der G."" |
[268] | Ibid. |
[269] | nl.linkedin.com/in/paulinevantuyll (accessed: May 31, 2014): "Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - Master of Arts, Psychologie 1995 – 2002. ... vennoot Tuyll-Goris Producties October 2003 – December 2010. ... Radbouduniversiteit Nijmegen Social Geography 2009 – 2010. Activiteiten en verenigingen: Mastercursussen Sociale Geografie; Internationale Migratie, Globalisering en Ontwikkeling, Multiculturele Samenleving & Cross-border Governance. ... Diverse internetfilms, oa Milieudefensie 2010. Authors: Pauline van Tuyll. ... Birsen FAIRbeeld Producties, April 2, 2013, Authors: Pauline van Tuyll. ... Health Care for international students and staff of Wageningen UR, Wageningen University and Research Center, August 20, 2013. Authors: Pauline van Tuyll, Gerda Wink." |
[270] | August 2, 2002, Volkskrant, 'Justitie negeerde eerder wilsverklaring': "Op 25 september 2001 ontmoeten ze elkaar. Volkert van der G. voert het woord namens de Vereniging tot Behoud van Natuurmonumenten, die bij de Raad van State bezwaar heeft aangetekend tegen een oprichtingsvergunning voor een groothandel in 'watervogels'.... Piet Hein Donner luistert aandachtig naar het betoog van de milieuactivist. Als een van de 26 staatsraden bij de Raad van State is hij onder meer belast met bestuursrechtelijke conflicten. Donner is tevens voorzitter van de milieukamer, de afdeling die al heel wat bezwaren van de Vereniging Milieu Offensief, de juridische actiegroep van Van der G., heeft toegewezen. Maar dit beroep zal stranden: op 7 november verklaart Donner het ongegrond.Nu is Donner minister van Justitie en is Van der G. de verdachte van de moord op Pim Fortuyn. Donner is als minister verantwoordelijk voor de gezondheid van de gedetineerde Van der G., die gisteren zijn vierde week van hongerstaking inging. De verdachte protesteert met deze actie tegen het permanente cameratoezicht in zijn cel, dat hij als een inbreuk op de privacy beschouwt.Donner heeft zich sinds zijn aantreden anderhalve week geleden nog niet uitgelaten over Van der G., diens hongerstaking en de camera-kwestie. Wel stelt hij zich van de ontwikkelingen op de hoogte, aldus een woordvoerder van Justitie." |
[271] | Anonymous letter, no PV, dated December 13, 1996. Search Dutroux X-Dossier summary file in ISGP's Beyond the Dutroux Affair for "Markelo". |
[272] | *) records.ancestry.com, 'Wally Marianne Lucius': "Born in Frankfurt Am Main, Hessen, Germany on 23 Jul 1864 to Eugen Lucius [Hoechst co-founder] and Maximiliane Emma Becker. Wally Marianne married Lodewijk Hieronymus Schimmelpenninck and had 2 children. She passed away on 6 Mar 1941 in H Nyenhuis, Diepenheim, Netherlands. ... [Child:] Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (1892-1945)" *) nijenhuisenwesterflier.nl/geschiedenis_wf.html (accessed: May 8, 2014; translated from Dutch): "De bekende katholieke familie Van Hoevell tot Westerflier bezat het landgoed ongeveer een eeuw (1628-1721), maar heeft het toevoegsel gehandhaafd om zich te onderscheiden van de protestante familie Van Hoevell van Nijenhuis." *) nijenhuisenwesterflier.nl/geschiedenis_wf.html (accessed: May 8, 2014; translated from Dutch): "De familie Van der Sluys verkocht het [Westerflier] huis in 1854 aan Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck, de kleinzoon van de raadpensionaris Schimmelpenninck, die een halve eeuw daarvoor het Nijenhuis had gekocht [1799]. Sindsdien is het landgoed in de familie gebleven. Het was tot 1935 particulier bewoond, daarna werd het verhuurd en was het enige tijd (1948-1969) een tehuis voor uit huis geplaatste meisjes. Later was het opgedeeld in vier appartementen en in 2005 kwam het huis leeg te staan. Huis Westerflier was toen in een slechte staat en in 2008/2009 is het huis grondig gerestaureerd. Nu wordt het door twee huishoudens bewoond. Het huis is niet te bezichtigen." *) nijenhuisenwesterflier.nl/geschiedenis_nh.html (accessed: May 8, 2014; translated from Dutch): "In 1799 werd het landgoed gekocht door Gerrit Schimmelpenninck... het landgoed in de familie gebleven en tot op heden steeds bewoond geweest. Het huis is in 1860 en 1914 uitgebreid met in totaal vier torens..." *) nijenhuisenwesterflier.nl/beleid.html (accessed: May 8, 2014; translated from Dutch): "De landgoederen Nijenhuis en Westerflier zijn particulier bezit. Ze zijn samen ondergebracht in een BV. Er zijn vier aandeelhouders, allen nazaten van de familie Schimmelpenninck. ... er afspraken met de overheid zijn gemaakt die aan de ene kant betekenen dat het landgoed in stand gehouden wordt, dat het op wegen en paden opengesteld is voor publiek e.d. en dat het landgoed aan de andere kant fiscale voordelen heeft. Dit laatste speelt vooral bij vererving. ... Twee van de vier eigenaren wonen permanent op het landgoed, één heeft er een recreatieverblijf en ook de vierde eigenaar is zeer regelmatig op het landgoed aanwezig. De eigenaren vergaderen regelmatig ... Landgoed Nijenhuis en Westerflier is geen eiland in de omgeving. Naast de circa 100 mensen die op het landgoed wonen, lopen er diverse fiets- en wandelroutes over het landgoed en gebruiken veel mensen uit Diepenheim en omgeving het landgoed als recreatiegebied." |
[273] | koninklijkhuis.nl: "8. Stichting Horst en Voorde (opgericht 1972) Doel: het bevorderen van de natuurwetenschappelijke en recreatieve waarden van de in de gemeente Wassenaar en Voorschoten gelegen landgoederen De Horsten [1000 acre property of the Orange royal family], Duivenvoorde [castle owned by the Schimmelpenninck family since 1889] en Twickel en van de daar tussenin of nabij gelegen gronden. Bestuurders van de stichting: A.H. Graaf Schimmelpenninck, drs. J. Baars, mr. E.H.V. Dahmen, A. Vriesendorp-Dutilh." |
[274] | December 18, 2008, Prince Bernhard Culture Fund (cultuurfonds.nl), press release, 'Rinnooy Kan new chairman of Culture Fund', ('Rinnooy Kan nieuwe voorzitter Cultuurfonds'): "The board of director of the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund has appointed Dr. A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan as chairman. In this position he follows up Ivo Opstelten [mayor of four small cities 1972-1984; mayor of Utrecht 1992-1999; mayor of Rotterdam 1999-2008; chairman VVD (leading Dutch party); mayor of Tilburg 2009-2010; secretary of security and justice 2010-], who resigned his chairmanship after being appointed president of the National Charity Lotteries [Nationale Goede Doelen Loterijen. Alexander Rinnooy Kan [D66 member; Ph.D. in mathematics/statistics; economics professor Erasmus University; visiting professor UCLA Berkeley and MIT in the 1980s; director ING bank 1996-2006; named the most influential person in the Netherlands 2007, 2008, 2009; Bilderberg 2010; member Trilateral Commission 2010-2012; professor of Economics and Business Studies Amsterdam University 2012-] is chairman of the Social Economic Council [since 2006]. ... Per March 1, 2009 the board of directors of the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund consists of: Dr. A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan (chairman), Sir. S.E. Beelaerts van Blokland (vice-chairman), Dr. C.G.A.A. Brekelmans, Mr. R.J.C. van Helden, Mr. J.Ch.L. Kuiper, M.J.M. van Rooy, Dr. C.O.A. [Coen] Baron Schimmelpenninck van der Oije, Ms. Dr. J.A.J. Stam and Ms. H. Troostwijk." |
[275] | koninklijkhuis.nl: "7. Stichting Sigillis Regiis Praesidio (opgericht 2002) Doel: Het verwerven, beheren en (in rechte) handhaven van intellectuele eigendomsrechten die betrekking hebben op/verband houden met het Huis Oranje-Nassau. Bestuurders van de stichting: drs. C.O.A. Baron Schimmelpenninck van der Oije, mr. A.R.J. Croiset van Uchelen, mr. P.A. van Onzenoort." |
[276] | Jan Portein, 'Het schaduwcommando van de prins - deel 1' on the site of Theo van Gogh (murdered, as was his friend Pim Fortuyn), 'Dit vond ik tussen mijn e-mail...' and Kleintje Muurkrant, no. 337, October 22, 1999: "Teengs Gerritsen werkte in die periode voor de KLM en fungeerde daarnaast als agent van GS III, de Nederlandse militaire inlichtingendienst. Wie eenmaal aan het "cloak and dagger"-huisje heeft geknabbeld is verloren. Of je zus nou Grietje heet of niet. Een vaste regel die ook voor deze vrienden voor het leven gold. Dat bleek voor Teengs Gerritsen bijvoorbeeld zo'n vijftig jaar later toen hij samen met bankierstelg Bib van Lanschot en oud-BVD topman Cees van den Heuvel de bal aan het rollen bracht voor een actie tot vrijlating van Aus der Funten en Fischer. De laatste twee Duitse oorlogsmisdadigers die in de koepel van Breda met hun barbaarse herinneringen leefden. De initiatiefnemers hadden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog alledrie tot het verzet behoord. Teengs Gerritsen en Van Lanschot maakten deel uit van de inlichtingendienst van de OD (6), Van den Heuvel van de groep Albrecht (7). Met name Van den Heuvel kon bogen op een glanzende subversieve carrière. Na zo'n zeventien jaar BVD-eieren te hebben uitgebroed werd hij in 1962 onder zijn voormalige BVD-chef L. Einthoven de drijvende kracht achter het beruchte ultra- rechtse informatiebureau Interdoc en vervolgens van allerlei stichtingen en instituten die serums verstrekten tegen het rode virus. Daartoe behoorden onder andere het zogenaamde Dienstencentrum 1945 (waarvan Teengs Gerritsen en Van Lanschot eveneens het lidmaatschap hadden verworven) en het Oost-West Instituut, beide aan de Scheveningseweg 11 in Den Haag. Van den Heuvel ondervond daarbij vrijwel vanaf het begin de krachtige steun van CIA-agent en WACL-voorganger Carl Armfelt, die eveneens op goede voet raakte met Hans Teengs Gerritsen (8). Tot de groep van uiteindelijk negentien complotteurs die de maatschappelijke verontwaardiging aan hun laars lapten en Lubbers in 1989 bewogen om de twee oude Duitse zielepieten uit hun Breda'se kooi te halen behoorden ondermeer: - Th. van Lier (oud-lid van de groep Albrecht, lid van de Raad van State, voormalig coördinator van O en I); - M. van der Stoel (oud-minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, lid van de Raad van State, volgens sommige publicaties voormalig coördinator O en I); - S.W. Couwenberg (ex-Interdoc, hoofdredacteur van het huisorgaan van het Oost-West Instituut, Civis Mundi); - G. Peijnenburg (oud-secretaris generaal ministerie van Defensie, oud-staatsecretaris van Defensie, lid van het Dienstencentrum); - E. Roest (admiraal b.d., oud-chef militair huis van de koningin, lid van het Dienstencentrum). Geen gezelschap dat je dagelijks tegenkomt in Walibi. Meer een club waarvan je mag vermoeden dat de spelers ervan een elleboogje in het gebit van hun tegenstanders planten als de scheids even niet kijkt. Dat Teengs Gerritsen ook tot de spelersgroep van O en I behoorde of van een andere club uit de parallellencompetitie valt hier niet één twee drie uit te destilleren. Maar wat te denken van de volgende zinnen uit een vrij recente brief van Slobodan Mitric? "Ik heb een brief naar u gestuurd met een kopie-foto van de zoon van de overleden Hans Teengs Gerritsen. Mijn dierbare, trouwe, beschaafde Hans Teengs Gerritsen. Hij heeft mij verteld dat hij niet in staat is verder te knokken om mij te helpen via de BVD. Omdat zijn kinderen met de dood bedreigd werden. Hij heeft mij beloofd rechtstreeks met de koningin contact op te nemen om onder vier ogen te vertellen wat er allemaal rond mijn zaak speelt. Een week daarna hebben ze geregeld dat TITANI (kennelijk de codenaam die Mitric voor Teengs Gerritsen gebruikte) een hartinfarct kreeg". Bij dat laatste valt misschien een tuiltje vraagtekens te plaatsen maar de rest sluit aardig aan bij een alinea uit een dit jaar verschenen boek van Willem Oltmans (9): "Teengs Gerritsen had een postbus in de buurt van het Noordeinde. Op een ochtend stond hij op het trottoir een zojuist ontvangen brief te lezen, omdat hij nieuwsgierig was naar de inhoud. Het was 8.30 uur en een auto stopte langszij. Het raam werd opengedraaid en Beatrix vroeg: "Oom Hans, is dat een brief die het daglicht kan verdragen?" De koningin kende haar pappenheimers uitstekend." Tot die pappenheimers hoorde ook ene Blok, een districtsvertegenwoordiger van de Stichting 40/45 uit Oosterbeek en een fanatiek jager en filmer. Een citaat uit een brief dd. 12/8/77 van Coen Janssen, toenmalig lid van de verzetsclub Expogé (ex politieke gevangenen) en ex-beroepsmilitair: "Ze zijn met zes man in Tanganjika geweest. ZKH, Blok, Teengs Gerritsen en nog drie anderen. Zijn daar op safari geweest. Blok filmt zeer goed. Heeft films van naakte danseressen gemaakt. Hij beschikte over het geheime telefoonnummer van Soestdijk. Hij was ook kind aan huis bij ZKH's moeder. Kende haar Poolse vriend (ex-Kolonel) zeer goed. Blok was er vrijwel dagelijks. Hij heeft wapens gehaald uit Tsjecho-Slowakije. Werd op Schiphol door de douane niet gecontroleerd. Ook Teengs Gerritsen was in Warmelo kind aan huis". Bestond er enig verband tussen Blok's steelse import van Tsjechische handwapens, Warmelo en de mogelijk parallelle praktijken van Teengs Gerritsen? En hoe en waarom zou deze de hulp hebben ingeroepen van de in de wereld van de oosterse vechtsporten met groot respect behandelde Slobodan Radojev Mitric, alias "Karate Bob"? We moeten terug in de tijd." |
[277] | *) Allen Dulles (Cap & Gown; Pilgrims Society; OSS; CIA director; SMOM; nephew of a Jesuit; Paperclip; co-founder US Military-Industrial Complex; Warren Commission), John J. McCloy (Pilgrims Society; Rockefeller guy; chair CFR; released the most important nazis; Warren Commission), McGeorge Bundy (Skull & Bones; Army Intelligence; chair Ford Foundation), general Walter Bedell Smith (Pilgrims; Chief of Staff of SHAEF; CIA director), and general Eisenhower became other close associates and friends of Bernhard since WWII. *) November 25, 2008, NRC Handelsblad, 'De prins en ik' ('The prince and I'): "During the Hofmans affair the story circulated that CIA chief Allen Dulles [an old friend of Bernhard] had traveled to Soestdijk to be warned by the prince of the commnist danger the faith healer would pose. That's what Bernhard believed, even though it was fiction. Hofmans was not an agent of Moscow. When I asked Bernhard about this years later, in the mid 1960s ... he said: "I can't talk about that." "U say it isn't true?", I said. "Ah, I really can't talk about that," was the repeated answer. No confirmation, but also no denial." *) November 25, 2011, www.perrypierik.com, 'Bernhard, Prince of the Netherlands (1911–2004), was involved in arms trade and military plans to take over Indonesia, says Dutch historian Gerard Aalders': "Press release: Bernhard, Prince of the Netherlands (1911–2004), was involved in arms trade and military plans to take over Indonesia, says Dutch historian Gerard Aalders. In 1948 Professor Duyff, a World War II resistance hero and close friend to the Prince, was sent to Indonesia on a mission to contact arms dealers and bankers in order to investigate the possibility of a military coupe in Indonesia. The Prince realised that he would have to mobilise the public opinion for such an operation. The Dutch government was opposed to the Prince’s plans, so Bernhard was forced to organize his own network, the so-called Tie Club [Dassenclub]. The network was run by important people such as Unilever frontman J.W.Beijen, Philips CEO Frans Otten and Moscow-ambassador Walter Bedell Smith. Gerard Aalders’ new book sheds new light on the life of the Prince. Until now, the dominant view was that of historian Cees Fasseur, who claimed that Bernhard was politically and financially naive. Gerard Aalders proves this wrong. Bernhard Zakenprins. ... ISBN 978-94-6153-015-8" |
[278] | |
[279] | See ISGP's article on the alleged statements of Robert T. Crowley. |
[280] | See note 168. |
[281] | mijnstadmijndorp.nl/deelnemers/old-deepn-diepenheim/collecties/knipselindex-old-deepn/collectieitem/113207 |
[282] | *) See note 273. *) 2002, Tomas Ross, 'Omwille van de Troon': "In early 1930 his mother Armgard had sent Bernhard to paris for further study. He went to live there with his uncle and aunt, who had to keep him in check. ... There he worked for the German chemical concern IG Farben..." *) November 9, 2011, Volkskrant, 'Illuster geslacht': "Lodewijk Herbert graaf Schimmelpenninck [son of Marie Therese Ruth VON MEISTER and Rutger Jan Eugen SCHIMMELPENNINCK], die op 27 oktober overleed, onderschatte zijn voorbeeldfunctie niet. ... [after WWII] werkte hij korte tijd bij de Twentsche Bank en de Nederlandse Spoorwegen. Hij was ook betrokken bij de onderhandelingen voor de totstandkoming van de EGKS in 1952, de allereerste voorloper van de huidige Europese Unie. In 1948 trouwde hij. ... Hij kreeg vier zonen. De oudste is de bekende advocaat en curator Rutger-Jan Schimmelpenninck. ... In 1964 werd Lodewijk rechter, en later president van de rechtbanken in Alkmaar en Haarlem. Uiteindelijk besloot hij de zorg op zich te nemen van het familiebezit in Diepenheim: de vijfhonderd hectare grote landgoederen Nijenhuis en Westerflier, die later werden ondergebracht in de Natuurschoonwet BV. Parttime zou hij daarna nog veelvuldig als rechter of raadsheer optreden. ... Zijn tweede vrouw woont nog op het Nijenhuis in Diepenheim. De bedoeling is dat landgoederen daar in familiebezit blijven, hoewel nog niet bekend is wie van Lodewijks kinderen daar in de toekomst zal gaan wonen." *) de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Friedrich_Wilhelm_Meister (translated from German): "Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Meister (* February 17 1827 in Hamburg , † January 3rd 1895 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German businessman and industrialist. Along with Eugen Lucius and Adolf von Brüning he was among the founders of the later Hoechst AG . ... Meister's son, Karl Wilhelm Meister, a lawyer, was President of the Government of Wiesbaden 1905-1919 and of the League of Nations in Geneva 1930-1933, where he died in 1935. In 1902 his [other son], Herbert, became a member of the board of the inking units and later IG Farben. Meister's son, Walther vom Rath, was a long time Chairman of the inking units and later vice chairman of IG Farben." *) de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walther_vom_Rath (translated from German): "Carl Rudolf Walther vom Rath was as the second of three sons and third of five children of businessman Wilhelm von Rath" *) de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_von_Meister (translated from German): "Herbert Eugene Albert Meister (* December 26 1866 in Frankfurt am Main , † January 2nd 1919 in Are Lingen ) was a CEO of Hoechst . ... Meister was the son of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Meister born, one of the founders of the Hoechst group... After the death of Gustav Brüning 1913, he became CEO [of Hoechst]. In 1916 he resigned from the Board and was a member of the Supervisory Board." *) *) Genealogy.net: "Albert Eugen Herbert VON MEISTER. Geburt: 1866-12-26, Main. Tod: 1919-01-02, Main." Count Louis Schimmelpenninck-Nyenhuis [1858-1942] sat on Hoechst board. *) records.ancestry.com, 'Wally Marianne Lucius': "Born in Frankfurt Am Main, Hessen, Germany on 23 Jul 1864 to Eugen Lucius [Hoechst co-founder] and Maximiliane Emma Becker. Wally Marianne married Lodewijk Hieronymus Schimmelpenninck and had 2 children. She passed away on 6 Mar 1941 in H Nyenhuis, Diepenheim, Netherlands. ... [Child:] Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (1892-1945)" *) *) Ancestry.de: "Children of Wally Marianne Eugenia LUCIUS and Lodewijk Hieronymus SCHIMMELPENNINCK [1858-1942; Hoechst supervisory board] [is]: ... . Rutger Jan Eugen SCHIMMELPENNINCK [1892-1945]... [who, in 1918, married] Marie Therese Ruth VON MEISTER [1898-1981] ([daughter of:] Albert Eugen Herbert VON MEISTER [1866-1919; son of Hoechst co-founder]). ... Children of Marie Therese Ruth VON MEISTER and Rutger Jan Eugen SCHIMMELPENNINCK [include]: ... ii. Lodewijk Herbert SCHIMMELPENNINCK [1921-2011] ... [and] ... iii. Rutger Jan Moritz Albert SCHIMMELPENNINCK [b. 1924]" *) *) Eugen Lucius (1834-1903). Co-founder Hoechst in 1863. *****) Wally Marianne Eugenia Lucius (1864-1941). Marries a Schimmelpenninck. *) *) Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Meister (1827-1895). Co-founder Hoechst in 1863. *****) Eldest son: Karl Wilhelm von Meister (1863-1935). German politician and diplomat. Supervisory board Hoechst 1919-1925, and I.G. Farben 1925-1935. Hoechst merged with other companies in December 1925 to form I.G. Farben. *****) Second son: Herbert von Meister (1866-1919). Member supervisory board Hoechst since 1898-1913 and 1916-1919. President Hoechst 1913-1916. *****) Son-in-law: Walther vom Rath (1857-1940). Married Maximiliane Meister (1864-1942) in 1886. Chairman supervisory board Hoechst 1902-1925. Vice chairman I.G. Farben 1925-1940. ***********) Wilhelm vom Rath (1887-1971). Important in I.G. Farben U.S. ***********) Eugenie vom Rath. Mother of Walther Leisler Kiep *) OTHER I.G. FARBEN directors: Carl Bosch (CEO BASF 1919-1925; chair I.G. Farben 1926-1935; chair supervisory board 1935. Died in 1940.), Carl Duisberg (became chair supervisory board I.G. Farben 1926-), Hermann Schmitz (BASF; director managing board I.G. Farben 1926-1935, CEO 1935-1945). Max Ilgner (his brother, Robert Ilgner, became an American; vice president American I.G. Farben. alternate managing board member I.G. Farben’s 1934-1938, full member since 1938. Ran I.G. Farben's N.W. 7 intelligence unit; arrested and briefly put in prison after the war; involved in the Evangelical Church in Germany; set up the Circle of Friends of Former N.W. 7 Employees in 1949; became executive chair of a Swiss- and Dutch-owned wood chemistry firm in Zug, Switzerland), Gerhard Fritze (married an Ilgner; friends with Prince Bernhard and his mother, Princess Armgard) , Prince Bernhard (worked for I.G. Farben subsidiary in Paris as part of NW7; would have gone to work for Fritze in the Netherlands, but couldn't to avoid controversy). *) *) 2002, Paul L. Robertson, 'Authority and Control in Modern Industry', pp. 207-208: "In addition to the three founders, the Hoechst company (... [Wilhelm] Meister, [Eugen] Lucius & [Adolf] Bruning) consisted of five factory workers, one chemist and an office girl, when it was established in 1863. ... When Eugen Lucius, who had no son, resigned as the chairman of the supervisory board in 1902, he was succeeded by Walter vom Rath, [Wilhelm] Meister's son-in-law. ... ... [In 1913 Gustav von Bruning] was succeeded [as president] by Herbert von Meister, Wilhelm's second son, who had had a seat on the executive board since 1898, after studying chemistry. Adolf and Walter von Bruning, the second and third sons of Adolf, and Graf Louis Schimmelpenninck-Nyenhuis, husband of the only daughter of Eugen Lucius, were also members of the supervisory board in 1913, but it is not clear if they concerned themselves with the management of the company." *) *) December 1945, Congressional session, 'IG Farben material submitted by the War Department', p. 62: "Wilhelm vom Rath [1887-1971], a stockholder and a powerful figure in many of I.G. Farben's American enterprises, was the son of Walther vom Rath, vice chairman of I.G. Farben´s board of directors from 1925 until his death in 1940." |
[283] | Ibid. |
[284] | See note 272. |
[285] | PV 150.006, February 20, 1997. Search the Dutroux X-Dossier summary file. |
[286] | Stadsarchief Dordrecht: 2014, Angnetha Balk-Kok, 'De bewoningsgeschiedenis van de pakhuizen van ouds genaamd 'Het Speykerhuijs' & 'In de Speykermandt'. From memory, Muller lived in 'In de Speijkermandt' in the late 1960s and 1970s. He lived there while a large fire broke out. Forgot the exact date unfortunately. *) Dortenazoeker.nl: "Service year 1966: ... 28797= Mr. Ernst Muller, rechter arrondissements rechtbank Dordrecht, Wassenaar / Dordrecht Kuipershaven 48 [In de Speijkermandt], eigenaar Kuipershaven F703huis, tuin, erf." |
[287] | Example: register.boip.int: "Schop Vleeswaren- en Conservenfabriek Rotterdam B.V., Van Helmontstraat 21, Rotterdam, Nederland. Aangetekend: 26-06-1981. ... Publicatiedatum van de inschrijving: 1-12-1971." |
[288] | February 4, 1997, Volkskrant, 'Ook criminele kroongetuige heeft goede naam': "Abbas en zijn vriendin An Deckers eisten maandag in een kort geding voor de rechtbank in Amsterdam rectificatie en een schadevergoeding van tienduizend gulden. De EO was in Antwerpen tijdens een onderzoek naar uit Nederlandse asielcentra verdwenen kinderen gestuit op de namen van Abbas en Deckers. Wethouder van jeugdzaken P. Sörensen liet weten bronnen te hebben die betrokkenheid bij het ronselen van kinderen voor prostitutie konden bevestigen. De uitzending leidde tot enig oponthoud in het proces tegen de Hakkelaar, maar de rechtbank wees verzoeken om nader onderzoek af. Abbas verscheen gisteren zelf niet om de aantijgingen te ontzenuwen. Hij geniet een beschermde status en is ondergedoken." |
[289] | *) December 15, 1994, Volkskrant, 'Zware straffen voor fraudeurs bij Advideo': "De rechtbank in Breda heeft fikse straffen uitgedeeld aan de hoofdrolspelers in het faillissement van het audio- en videodistributiebedrijf Advideo. Het faillissement zorgde begin dit jaar voor commotie. Niet alleen was Ruud W. [Ruud Wijnants] een bekende in de Gooise artiestenwereld, de benadeelde partij in het faillissement was Philips. Sinds 1982 bezat Advideo de distributierechten in de Benelux van PDM-tapes, gefabriceerd door Philips- dochter PD Magnetics. Philips had nog een miljoenenvordering op Advideo, en deed vorig jaar aangifte van oplichting. Ook curator mr A. van Hees wendde zich tot het openbaar ministerie. De Bredase rechtbank heeft Ruud W. onlangs veroordeeld. ... De kosten van zijn advocaat mr M. Wladimiroff kon Ruud W. niet zelf betalen; twintig bekende televisiesterren zouden het geld bij elkaar hebben gebracht. ... Opvallend is het feit dat de naam van fiscalist Rob B. zowel in het Advideo- als het Text Lite-dossier voorkomt. B. was namens het accountantskantoor Deloitte & Touche als fiscaal adviseur aan Text Lite verbonden. Hij trad onder meer op als penningmeester van een administratiekantoor, dat volgens het enquêterapport profiteerde van dubieuze aandelenemissies. Ook bij Advideo was hij volgens Van Hees enkele jaren bestuurder van een administratiekantoor. Begin dit jaar werd hij door rechercheurs verhoord over zijn rol bij Advideo." *) July 1, 2001, Stelling, 'Roze Balletten (4)': "In de derde aflevering van deze reeks (zie 26 juni) voerden wij onder andere Ruud Wijnants ten tonele. Ooit directeur van CNR en sedert 1982 baasje van Advideo. Een bedrijf dat PDM-videotapes op de markt bracht voor Philips, maar niet keurig alles in Eindhoven afrekende. Begin 1994 ging Advideo down met een slordige 30 miljoen in de min en Ruud werd op 18 januari gearresteerd. ... Zo was Ruud al eens eerder tegen een deficit opgelopen met de uitgave van de krant Tele-Express in Spanje. Samen met Willibrord Frequin en Willem van Roy... Van Rooy is de laatste jaren in het wat ruigere werk terechtgekomen. Hij is tegenwoordig naast uitbater van de Amsterdamse Gallery Donkersloot, waar ook Hilversumse sterren en meteoorstenen hun volgeklodderde dundoeken aan den volke tonen, tevens in zaken met vertegenwoordigers uit een wat somberder circuit. ... En juist in dat circuit circuleert een verhaal over bizarre gebeurtenissen op sexueel gebied in de Amsterdamse Catharina van Renessestraat [bij Station Zuid, WTC], waarbij de term "roze balletten" licht verbleekt. Misschien brengen we dat ook nog eens naar buiten. Maar voorlopig willen we nog even langer mee." *) June 26, 2001, Stelling, 'Roze Balletten (3)': "Bij verhalen over roze balletten horen onlosmakelijk verhalen over moorden. De Belgische zaak-Pinon is daarvan een sprekend voorbeeld. Maar met een beetje goede wil is ook in de zaak-Ameide een dergelijke connectie aan te wijzen. In 1977 toen Willem van Kooten samen met Norbert Schmelzer en Cees van Leeuwen de sexboerderij in Ameide exploiteerde, was hij onder andere mede-eigenaar en commissaris van platenmaatschappij CNR. In die functie benoemde hij in datzelfde jaar de nog jonge Ruud Wijnants tot directeur van het bedrijf. Wijnants werkte nauw samen met de Belgische platenproducent en homosexueel Bart van Laar. Op de wilde feesten (roze balletten?) die dit duo in de jaren erna organiseerde werd het Gooise matras flink opgeschud, waarbij de champagne krachtig bruiste en menige neusvleugel werd getracteerd op een snuifje. Op 10 november 1981 werd Bart vermoord. Een jonge vriend van hem kreeg de zwarte piet en een verblijf in een staatslogement. Hij is altijd blijven ontkennen dat hij de moord had gepleegd. Grote leverancier van coke aan het Hilversumse wereldje was in die tijd de Amsterdammer Gerard Vittali. In 1977 de minnaar van Methilde Willink, de ex van schilder Karel Willink. Mathilde fungeerde regelmatig als muilezel voor het overbrengen van coke uit Italie naar Nederland. Maar ze werd wat al the loslippig en dientengevolge op 25 oktober van dat jaar gezelfmoord met haar eigen pistooltje. Vittali betrok daarna een villa in Laren en organiseerde voor tout Hilversum wilde feesten (roze balletten?), waarbij opnieuw de champagne krachtig bruiste en menige neusvleugel werd getracteerd op een snuifje. De dader van de zelfmoord op Mathilde zou de Amsterdamse onderwereldjongen Robbie Taiman zijn geweest. Zoals zovelen in dat milieu van tijd tot tijd tipgever van het OM, met name inzake corruptie bij de Amsterdamse Caransa-affaire. In 1978 werd hij to zes jaar gevangenisstraf en een TBR-toetje veroordeeld wegens een gewapende roofoverval. Taiman onderhield een liefdesaffaire met een aan het Koninklijk Huis geparenteerde barones. Op 14 april 1982 werd hij dood aangetroffen in zijn cel in de Bijlmerbajes. Gezelfmoord met een scheermes. Verschillende figuren uit de scene beweerden direct na zijn overlijden dat zij kort daarvoor waren benaderd door de BVD met het verzoek Taiman om te leggen tegen een wedde van 100.000 gulden. Het waarom van Robbie's dood is nooit duidelijk geworden. Wie het weet mag het zeggen." (dit laatste stuk is ook te vinden op Panorama.nl) |
[290] | April 4, 1995, South China Morning Post: "HONG KONG has become the focus of a five-year Dutch money laundering and tax evasion investigation linked to a series of murders, drug trafficking, pornography, and millions of dollars in allegedly dirty cash... The investigation revolves around alleged tax evasion by Dutchman Charlie Geerts, who runs the largest pornographic business in Europe and who was arrested last November. His company, Scala, based in Holland where pornography is legal, is also under investigation, as is a Hong Kong company believed to have been used as a front to launder about $100 million since 1988... A source said profits from European drug trafficking were brought to Hong Kong and laundered through the company here, then wired back to Holland as large loans for gang members." *) February 13, 1990, Toronto Star, 'U.S. porn king jailed 10 years for tax evasion': "CLEVELAND, Ohio - The world's largest distributor of hard-core pornography - and the main importer into Ontario - has been sentenced to 10 years in jail and fined $2.5 million for tax evasion and obstruction of justice. Reuben Sturman [protected by the NYC Gambino crime family] "directed a 20-year-long conspiracy to evade taxes and conceal his ownership" of a far-flung pornography empire, U.S. government lawyers said here during yesterday's sentencing... Charles Geerts of Holland, a friend of Sturman and an international distributor of child pornography, according to investigators, put up $500,000 of Sturman's bail without security or collateral." |
[291] | *) Inspector Donaldson of Scotland Yard stated: "Videorama, as well as Scala Agenturen BV, has been involved in child pornography." I backed up this quote for my 2007 Beyond the Dutroux Affair article and dated it to 1987. Can't find it anywhere online, so I suspect I took it from Lexis Nexis or Proquest newspaper archives, which I don't have access to at the moment. *) Nieuwe Revu, 'The truth about child pornography', as brought into view by Zembla, De X-dossiers - Part II (March 18, 2003): "For months the Nieuwe Revu involved itself in the world of child pornography... in that small world the same name is mentioned time and time again: Charles Geerts. He would, to this day, be involved in the trade in child pornography. But Geerts himself denies. Firmly." *) February 13, 1990, Toronto Star, 'U.S. porn king jailed 10 years for tax evasion': "Charles Geerts of Holland, a friend of [Reuben] Sturman [protected by the NYC Gambino crime family] and an international distributor of child pornography, according to investigators, put up $500,000 of Sturman's bail without security or collateral." *) Zembla TV (very mainstream Dutch TV), De X-dossiers - Part II (March 18, 2003): "On top of that, the American Justice department suspects the Amsterdammer [Charles Geerts] of other serious facts, which would have been committed in Europe, like trade in child pornography, anesthetics and weapons. Certain things have been confirmed by a spokesperson of the company of Charles G., the wholesale in videos and sex magazines, Intex Nederland BV... According to Marie, the Intex director was already closely monitored for years at all American airports without ever being arrested. Van Marie: "I think it has to do with child pornography. The Americans have been fixated on Holland for years and still think this is the center of child pornography. One and a half years ago, however, we were visited by the police and cleaned up all the child pornography [reference to minimum age differences between countries]." *) January 19, 2007, Deutsche Press-Agentur, 'Amsterdam's prostitute windows gain temporary reprieve': "Amsterdam (dpa) - An Amsterdam court Friday granted a temporary reprieve to 33 sex businesses in the city's Red Light District, reversing a decision by the city authorities to withdraw their licences. The court ruled the Amsterdam city authorities, who allege the businesses are linked to organized crime, had no "urgent need" to close down the businesses - largely the prostitutes' windows for which the area is famous... The 33 business, most of them owned or financed by businessman Charles Geerts, are estimated to make up around a third of all the prostitutes' windows in the "Wallen," ..." |
[292] | See note 290. |
[293] | July 10, 1986, Associated Press, 'Report Depicts Organized Crime's Role in Pornography': "''There ... seems (to be) strong evidence that significant portions of the pornographic magazine industry are either directly operated or closely controlled by La Cosa Nostra members or very close associates,'' the commission [Attorney General's Commission on Pornography] says. ... Thomas Bohling of the Chicago Police Department told the commission that law enforcement officials believe that ''the pornography industry is controlled by organized crime families. If they do not own the business outright, they most certainly extract street tax from independent smut peddlers.'' The pornography commission's 2,000-page report issued Wednesday points to Reuben Sturman of Cleveland, ''widely believed to be the largest distributor of pornography in the world,'' as an example of the link between the Mafia and the porn industry. ... Mafia-figure-turned-informant Aladena Fratianno told the commission that if Sturman ''has a problem he goes to'' Robert DiBernardo. DiBernardo was identified in a federal grand jury indictment last month in New York as a captain in the Gambino Mafia family. Palladino, the adult bookstore operator worried about having a competitor, called DiBernardo his ''compare'' and had gone to him for help before seeing Angiulo, according to the FBI. Sturman and DiBernardo were ''partners, plus ... if Debe (DiBernardo) wanted (Sturman) to do something, he (Sturman) would do it,'' said Fratianno. DiBernardo was described to Fratianno as the ''main man in the country'' in the pornography business in the mid-1970s, when Fratianno was seeking ways to expand his own West Coast porn business. ... DiBernardo vanished June 5 and is believed by law enforcement investigators to have been slain. He was last seen driving away from his business office in lower Manhattan, from which he controlled a pornographic film distributorship and other operations. The Gambino family boss, Paul Castellano, to whom DiBernardo was closely allied, according to the commission report, was shot to death last December and a war for control of the family has ensued. Sturman controls General Video of America, one of the largest distributors of sexually explicit videotape cassettes in the country, according to information supplied to the commission. Other information included in the report says that Los Angeles police found 580 of the 765 adult video arcade machines in the city to be owned by companies controlled by Sturman. ''Law enforcement authorities believe that the Sturman empire has financial control of nearly 200 businesses in 19 states, one Canadian province and six foreign countries,'' including Great Britain, Panama, Liberia, the Netherlands and Lichtenstein, says the commission report. Swiss bank accounts have been established for several Sturman business associates and some of his foreign corporations, according to a report financed by the Justice Department. Sturman has been under indictment since 1985 on charges of conspiring to evade millions of dollars in taxes by laundering $7 million through foreign bank accounts." |
[294] | *) September 16, 1985, Los Angeles Times, 'Child Smut Business Going Underground: Grows Uglier as Customers Trade Children, Not Just Pictures, Police Say': "Customs, which examines all incoming mail from high-risk countries, has given special attention to Denmark and the Netherlands because 85% of all commercially produced child pornography is imported from those countries." *) January 24, 2013, New York Times, 'The Price of a Stolen Childhood': "Until the 1970s, magazines with titles like Lolita were rife with sexual images of minors and routinely sold alongside adult pornography at red-light bookstores. In 1978, Congress made child pornography illegal, and four years later, the Supreme Court upheld a state law banning its sale. The court’s decision changed the market along with the law. "The commercial distributors started to go out of business," said Kenneth Lanning, a retired F.B.I. agent who consulted on child pornography cases for decades. For a time, distribution and production plummeted. But then came the Internet." *) June 8, 1977, Attorney General's Commission on Pornography, Part 4, Chapter 4: Organized Crime, Appendix 5: "Sturman is allegedly responsible for the publication "Lolly Tots", a pornographic magazine featuring children. He is also allegedly involved in producing stag films featuring children that are distributed by Parliament News in California, one of the largest distributors of this type of pornographic material." *) 1980, LeRoy G. Schultz, 'The Sexual victimology of youth', p. 333: "During the April 1977 child pornography decline, as a result of public pressure, it was reported that Reuben Sturman. the primary national distributor of pornography, notified his 800 distributors and his 100 retail stores that he would not provide defense money for anyone in his employ who is arrested for selling or distributing child pornography." *) January 8, 1978, Washington Post, 'Porno Wholesalers Operate Out of 3 Baltimore Warehouses': "Films and written materials confiscated in past raids [at firms owned or suspected to be owned by Sturman] varied in taste from the so-called soft-core magazines found on drugstore shelves to hard-core displays of child pornography, incest, bestiality, scatology and homosexuality, police say. ... The man publicly associated with Sovereign News, Reuben Sturman, is not a member of an organized crime family but has some connections with mob leaders, according to published reports and independent sources. It was impossible to reach a representative of Noble News or Sovereign News for an interview. ..." *) June 14, 1986, New York Times, 'Police Hunt Reputed Mob Officer Reported Missing for Past Week': "Robert DiBernardo, a reputed captain in the Gambino crime family and a key target of a Federal investigation into child pornography, is missing, authorities said yesterday. ... Mr. DiBernardo and Mr. Rothstein are officers of Star Distributors, a company that Federal prosecutors are investigating for involvement in child pornography." *) March 11, 1972, New York Times, 'Lefkowitz Opens Securities Study': "DeBernardo, according to the Attorney General's Office, was identified in the 1971 report by the State Investigation Commission as "a prominent dealer in pornography" and a member of the New Jersey Mafia headed by Simone Rizzo DeCavaleante." *) "March 31, 2015, bitterqueen.typepad.com, 'Alfred Miniaci Had Suspected Ties To Mafia Filth': "[The following information appears] detailed in the new book The Mafia and the Gays by Phillip Crawford Jr. ... The FBI's New York field office had been monitoring DiBernardo's role in the smut trade since 1968 when he was arrested by the NYPD on his first obscenity charge for distributing a porno mag entitled Young Stuff. In 1986 federal postal inspectors discovered cartons of magazines seemingly depicting underage boys "engaged in sexually explicit conduct" at smut shops in Times Square and Greenwich Village which allegedly were distributed by DiBernardo, and during a subsequent March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." Unfortunately, the feds were precluded by intervening events from indicting DiBernardo on the kiddie porn. In a power play for control over the Gambino family John Gotti whacked family boss Paul Castellano on December 16, 1985, and only months later whacked Castellano's trusted capo DiBernardo on June 5, 1986." *) February 13, 1990, Toronto Star, 'U.S. porn king jailed 10 years for tax evasion': "Charles Geerts of Holland, a friend of Sturman and an international distributor of child pornography, according to investigators, put up $500,000 of Sturman's bail without security or collateral." |
[295] | The details of the Co-Cli-Co business are largely described in the book 'The X-Dossiers' and followed up upon here: Zembla TV (very mainstream Dutch TV), De X-dossiers - Part II (March 18, 2003) |
[296] | See note 116. |
[297] | *) Kat claims to have nothing to do with the Deroestigespijker.nl website, but it is partly a clone of Demminkdoofpot.nl in terms of design, not to mention Kat's klokkenluideronline.is/.net/.nl. They all have a "Plaats uw reactie! Laatste reacties:" column at the right-center of the site. The right column on the sites also has a similar design, only on demminkdoofpot.nl it starts with a "voorwoord" and "nawoord" of "Drs. J. Poot". The problem with De Roestige Spijker foundation/website is that it's a completely anonymous website. No names at all are mentioned. Micha Kat is not publicly involved with Waarinholland.nl, but in a Youtube movie with the title 'Interview Micha Kat-Hans Mauritz deel 2 van 3', at 7:42 (uploaded: April 17, 2014) he states: "It certainly was a breakthrough that we at the site Waarinholland [Waarinholland.nl] at a certain have published the notas of De Vries to the OM [district attorney]..." *) Martin Vrijland, a major disinformer with some of the most ridiculous theories out there, was a close associate of Kat before turning on him. |
[298] | March 28, 2014, Micha Kat and Martin Vrijland on Frontier Radio, of Frontierworld.nl (yet another hyper vague conspiracy and new age site, with Vrijland also being a major disinformer (who praised Kat for 1,5 years before turning on him), but this interview is VERY useful), 1:36:00: "[Vrijland:] Ben Ottens [Kat compares Ottens to Edward Snowden and such] ... Yehudi Moszkowicz ... Robert J. Rubinstein [TBLI Foundation] ... Why don't you investigate Ben Ottens [Roestige Spijker secretary] and Robert Rubinstein [Roestige Spijker Foundation founder], while you did put Knijf [lawyer of Demmink] under the magnifying glass? [a condescending Micha Kat:] Because, Martin, I have to run this joint all by myself... [Vrijland:] Me too. [Kat:] ... and I just have my limitations, and if I have to chose who I'm going to investigate: Joris Demmink, Harro Knijf, or Ben Ottens. Well, then to me Ottens doesn't enter the picture at all anymore [This makes absolutely no sense, as it doesn't explain why Kat refuses to ask questions about Rubinstein or Ottens]. [Vrijland:] But you often have meetings at the home of the family Poot and they do pay you, right? So you are basically on the same side [as Otten], aren't you? There are also witnesses who claim that you have been at their [Poot family's] home all the time for years. You yourself have told me that they pay you money: 4,000 euros a month. So, yeah, how far are you separated from each other? You have nothing to do with the Roestige Spijker, which falls directly under the Poot family. You fall under the Poot family, but you don't know the so-called co-officers who fight the battle alongside you? [Micha Kat:] Well, yeah, sorry, it is up to you believe me or not. I do regularly meet with the Poot family [major revelation 1]. The Poot family has also co-founded Klokkenluidersonline [major revelation 2]. I have done all kinds of work for the Poot family [major revelation 3]. I put a website up for them: Schipholwanbeleid.nl [major revelation 4 - and rambles on to justify], a very successful website to expose the mismanagement of Schiphol [airport], because the mainstream media only reports positive things about Schiphol and the other side of the story is never told. That is how it started. I put up that website, schipholwanbeleid.nl, and thought up the name and managed it. I do research for them. So we have co-founded Klokkenluidersonline.nl together in 2003, so 11 years ago already, with the idea that it should provide counter-balance to the mainstream media. Well, I thought, that's just great, because now I have the publicity, backed by a [financial] party, so that I can just do my own thing, against the mainstream media. ... That turned out to be very successful, because I already have got 25,000 individual visitors a day [most likely only very briefly with the recent mainstream media exposes] with Klokkenluidersonline and that is now just the leading website of the new media, thanks to Chipshol, thanks to the Poot family. Vrijland: Did Otten help Poten [in his schemes]? .... [Micha Kat:] I'm glad you ask. I do have close contact with Chipshol, but I have no contact at all with the Roestige Spijker. ... I do speak to Rubinstein [Mossad agent who founded De Roestige Spijker, so Kat certainly is connected to this site - with its very similar design to his other sites] on occasion, but I have nerver talked to Ottens. Never. ... [just before the show ends, Micha Kat pointedly interjects:] But, seriously, I'm very curious now, is Martin on welfare or not? [Vrijland made no secret of this earlier and already stated that he asked Kat to put up the money to be able to go to the hearing of Demmink witnesses. Kat keeps repeating the question, however. After the threat that Kat's line will be cut if he doesn't start behaving, the show ends.]" |
[299] | September 10, 2014, Kevin Annett for his "International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels" (itccs.org), 'Transcript of Anne Marie van Blijenburgh's testimony about child murders in Belgium [sic]': "Today is the fifth of June 2014 and my name is Anne Marie van Blijenburg ... I have been married for twenty four years to Kees van Korlaar. Together with his three brothers, Kees van Korlaar forms a criminal organization known as the Octopus syndicate (ed. Note: This is slang term in Holland for Ndrangheta, the modern Italian-based mafia). They have worked from 1960 on to today. By order of Queen Beatrix they have organized the murder, torture, rape and killing of children in a public setting. They organized that through youth detention centers in the Netherlands. ... And the criminals asked Johann Friso to bring his relatives and friends with him, so the whole building was filled with very important people from the Netherlands: ministers, high ranking officers and all kinds of people that the criminals could photograph so they could blackmail those people... The people who I recognized there were Prince Johan Friso, his psychiatrist Guus Pareau Dumont, I recognized Johann's wife Mabel Wisse Smit, she was there with an old man, I think it was George Soros, I recognized Herr Donner... I recognized Ernst Hirsch Ballin... a Mr. van den Emster, he was for years the head of all the judges inthe Netherlands, I recgnized Dick Berlijn. ... I recognized a very important journalist. I recognized Carla Eradus, the wife of Friso's psychiatrist Guus Parea Dumont, Carla is the president of the court in Amsterdam, a judge. ... Mark Rutte ... Geert Wilders... There were about fifty people every time I was taken there. I have been taken there three times. I have seen every time they killed a child, I have seen two boys killed and one girl killed. ... I presume they came from detention centers... He's still alive [my husband] and he's still killing people. ... They kill perhaps ten or twenty people a year... I have shown the police four places in the Netherlands they use as graveyards for people they killed. Never, never, has any policeman ever taken the trouble to look."
[300] | March 21, 2013, 6:20 tweet of Adam Curry to @chrissiecurry and @shownieuws. Christina Curry, March 21, 2013: "@shownieuws DAN ZIT DE ILLUMINATI GEWOON MET MIJN COMPUTER TE SPELEN. #weareallbeingwatched #neejohhebgewoonmebrilnietop." |
[301] | April 3, 1999, week 14, Glamour & Glitter, 'Patricia Paay koopt huis met martelkamer': "Na jaren in Amerika gewoond te hebben, keren Patricia Paay en Adam Curry terug naar Nederland. Voor de lieve som van vier miljoen gulden heeft het echtpaar een statig grachtenpand in hartje Amsterdam gekocht. Maar, hoe fraai ook, het pand kent een nogal lugubere voorgeschiedenis... Tot voor kort was het namelijk in gebruik van Fritz Salomonson, de Amsterdamse advocaat die onze koninklijke familie voorzag van juridisch advies. De homosexuele jurist, die veelal in Belgie verbleef, had in zijn woning een opkamer, die volgens zijn buren werd gebruikt als 'martelkamer'! Daarin leefde Salomonson zich jarenlang uit met mannelijke prostituees, mede aan de hand van SM-gerei. De macabere verhalen konden Patricia Paay en Adam Curry er echter niet van weerhouden om het peperdure pand te kopen. Immers: de voormalige 'martelkamer' werd een tijdje geleden omgebouwd tot propere logeerkamer..." |
[302] | adam.curry.com/html/BookDonaldGreggPotSh-1408555374.html: "Book: Donald Greeg - Pot Shards: Fragments of a Life Lived in CIA, the White House, and the Two Koreas. By Adam Curry: My uncle Don Gregg has written his memoir. A fantastic book from a true American patriot. His message is not always in line with the established order, in fact he writes about deliberately defying an order out of personal dedication to what is right, and right for his country. Last Modified: Wed, 20 Aug 2014..." |
[303] | *) Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, pp. 169, 330 (Feb. 2006 edition): "[referring to Bonacci:] Travel to Hawaii, New York, Washington (in connection with Craig Spence) to compromise public figures by performing homosexual pedophile sex with them... King acquired contacts in Washington's homosexual prostitution scene, one of whom was the late Craig Spence. A lobbyist and political operative, Spence maintained a call boy ring that catered to the political elite and, unlike most D.C. call boy rings, offered children to its clients. Spence's activities made banner headlines in the Washington Times on June 29, 1989: 'Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIP's with Reagan, Bush.' Spence's access was so good, that he could arrange nighttime tours of the White House for his clients. The Times added on August 9, 1989, that Spence 'hinted the tours were arranged by 'top level' persons, including Donald Gregg, national security advisor to Vice President Bush..." Spence, according to friends, was also carrying out homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA. According to a Washington, D.C. investigative journalist who researched the Spence ring, 'The way we discovered Larry King and this Nebraska-based call boy ring, was by looking through the credit card chits of Spence's ring, where we found King's name.' Another investigator, with personal knowledge of the call-boy rings operating in Washington, put it this way: 'Larry King and Craig Spence were business partners. Look at two companies, 'Dream Boys' and 'Man to Man', both of which operated under another service, 'Bodies by God.'" *) November 13, 1989, Washington Times, 'In Death, Spence Stayed True to Form': "Craig Spence is found dead in a Boston hotel room. Near his body is a newspaper clipping that details legislative efforts to protect CIA agents called to testify before government bodies. Friends of Spence reported that he had claimed the CIA used the call boy service to compromise other federal intelligence officials and foreign diplomats. One friend quoted Spence as saying, "Casey's boys are out to get me." |
[304] | Mainly see ISGP's American Security Council article. |
[305] | *) May 7, 1990, TimesDaily, 'Jurors say they
never doubted Brenneke': "In the testimony in Denver that led to his
trial, Brenneke said he had met [Heinrich] Rupp in 1957 when they worked
together for Air America, the CIA propietary airline. In October 1980,
Brenneke told the judge, he and Rupp helped to arrange a series of
meetings in Paris concerning the 52 Americans taken hostage by Iranian
militants in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. Brenneke told the judge that
Rupp had flown George Bush, then the Republican vice presidential
candidate, to the secret meetings. At his trial last week, however,
Brenneke testified he did not actually see Bush in Paris. He claimed
that the negotiations were attended by the late CIA director William
Casey, then head of Ronald Reagan's campaign, and Donald P. Gregg, who
at the time was a CIA agent and is now U.S. ambassador to South Korea.
During Brenneke's trial, Gregg testified he was at the Delaware seashore
the weekend Brenneke said the meetings took place and produced snapshots
to prove it [snapshots showed Gregg at the beach in bright sunlight
while the weather had been overcast that entire weekend, according to a
weather bureau witness called in by Brenneke's lawyer]." *) June 21, 1991, Richard Brenneke disposition to the Arkansas State Attorney's Office, October Surprise/Mena scandal: "Yes. I can identify people who in fact received the cocaine, not "might have." I can tell you that they were members of John Gotti's family in New York. One of them was an individual known to me by the name of Sal Reale. ... Mr. Reale at that time was the Director of -- I believe it was that time, was the Director of Security for Kennedy International Airport in New York City. ... Mr. Reale was a -- was one of Mr. Gotti's lieutenants [and before that of the Gambino family]. I watched the two of them interact. Mr. Gotti would provide directions, Mr. Reale would carry them out. It was his job to make sure that cargo being shipped through Kennedy was not lost, but properly located, and in some cases avoiding customs -- avoided the customs procedures. ... I don't recall the nature of [the New York City meeting at which Gotti and Reale were present]. I do recall that it was a private club that I was taken to, and I had an opportunity to meet with them at that time. It was either late '84 or early 1985. But in that three or four month time span, it would have had to have been one or the other. ... When I found that we were bringing drugs into the United States, and that we were receiving money which was being put into accounts which I knew to belong to the United States Government, as I'd set them up specifically for that purpose, I called Mr. Don Gregg, who was a CIA officer with whom I was acquainted, and complained about the nature of what we were doing. At that time, he was George Bush -- Vice President George Bush's National Security Advisor. I am more than willing to look for it in my telephone records. ... I was told that it was none of my business, what I was flying in and out of the country. That I was hired to do specific things, and if I would do those things and not pay any attention to anything else, we would all be very, very happy. I didn't like that. ... Shut up and do your job. ... Yes. Subsequently I talked to Mr. Gregg on a number of occasions as well as to other people in the Vice President's office to voice my concern over the use of drugs in -- importing drugs into the United States and using the cash generated from that to perform operations which I perceived to be not put before Congress in any form. ... Between 1984 and 1986. And I'd be happy to furnish you with copies of my telephone [records]..." |
[306] | *) March 17, 2013 tweet of Adam Curry: "Donald Gregg says it's time to enter dialogue with North Korea l.curry.com/37f" *) August 20, 2014 tweet of Adam Curry: "Book: Donald Greeg - Pot Shards: Fragments of a Life Lived in CIA, the White House, and the Two Koreas l.curry.com/8h8" |
[307] | See note 319. |
[308] | *) August 20, 2014 tweet of Adam Curry: "Book: Donald Greeg - Pot Shards: Fragments of a Life Lived in CIA, the White House, and the Two Koreas l.curry.com/8h8" *) Cat Buckley responds to the tweet that same day with : "@adamcurry Well Put!!" |
[309] | *) June 26, 2008, New York Social Diary, 'Manhattan Seranade': "The author was there. I took a picture of Jolie Hunt [William F. Buckley, Sr. became very close to E. Howard Hunt in the CIA, so might be the same family; Reuters; Financial Times; IBM; AOL] and Cat Buckley. Ms. Buckley is the daughter of Ms. Hunt's Main Personal Interest, Christopher Buckley and grand-daughter of the late Pat and Bill Buckley [William F. Buckey, Jr.]. ... I left the Mosbacher-Alexander party..." |
[310] | *) 2001, John B. Judis, 'William F. Buckley, Jr.: Patron Saint of Conservatives', p. 344: "Buckley had remained close friends with Howard Hunt for the two decades since Hunt had been his case officer in the CIA. He had also occasionally done favors for Hunt and the CIA--arranging in 1964 for Hunt to stay at his brother Reid's house in Madrid while Hunt was on secret CIA business in Spain. ... Through Buckley, Hunt had also become close friends with Brent and Patricia Bozell and with Reid Buckley. One of Hunt's daughters, Kevan, enrolled at Smith, was a friend of Christopher Buckley, whom she visited in Stanford." |
[311] | October 20, 2008, Gawker, 'Chris Buckley's Annus Horribilis': "He lives just outside Washington with "his wife, Lucy." That would be Lucy Gregg Buckley, with whom he has two in-wedlock children. But, you know, in New York, Buckley's lady of interest has been, for some time, Ms. Jolie Hunt. She has rather openly been his girlfriend for more than a year now! Honestly, we don't know what's up with Chris Buckley but his life seems complicated." |
[312] | July 27, 2009, Vrij Nederland, 'Facebook van een crimineel': "De Amsterdamse patricier Tjalling van K.V. zit sinds twee weken vast op Ibiza. ... In zijn appartement vonden de politiemensen onder meer ruim dertigduizend xtc-pillen, elf kilo MDMA-poeder, lsd en paddo's. Op een persconferentie kwalificeerde de Guardia Civil de drugsvangst als ' de grootste in de Balearen sinds jaren'. ... Een pikanterie bepaalde vooral de nieuwswaarde: Tjalling van K.V. is de ex van actrice Micky Hoogendijk. Hoogendijk is Bekende Nederlander en de huidige vriendin van de Nederlands-Amerikaanse presentator-ondernemer Adam Curry. Hier en daar werd velein opgemerkt dat Hoogendijk - ooit de echtgenote van de drugs- en Ibiza-minnende kunstenaar Rob Scholte - 'niet in haar laatste lijntje is gestikt'. ... Als reactie twitterde Hoogendijk nogal nuffig: 'Vriendje van vijf jaar geleden. Pfff... en wat heb ik daar mee te maken?' ... Een keur aan kleurrijke en ogenschijnlijk nette mensen was aan hem gelinkt. Kunstenaars, consultants, dj's, managers, BN'ers, prominente Amsterdammers en alternatief genezers. Een private banker, een directeur van een forensisch instituut, een acterend model. Shiny happy people. Uit Londen, uit Brazilie, uit Madrid, Denemarken en Thailand. Maar vooral Nederlanders. Met welluidende namen als Scholten van Aschat, Van Vliet Bergman, Labouchere, Ongerboer De Visser en Oudshoorn Spaargaren. ... Alsof het een bezwering is, verzucht [zijn] zus, zelf eigenares van een chique interieurzaak aan de Amsterdamse Prinsesgracht: 'Wij zijn nette mensen, meneer.'" |
[313] | Old 50 minute episode of Peter R. De Vries: Misdaadverslaggever, Youtube: 'De vete tussen Freunden Peter R. de Vries en Steve Brown uit Amsterdam Noir. |
[314] | April 26, 2013 upload, Youtube clip, Steven Brown channel, 'Klepper en Mieremet willen Bas van Hout vermoorden door Steve Brown'. 22 minutes. |
[315] | See note 23. |
[316] | Old 50 minute episode of Peter R. De Vries: Misdaadverslaggever, Youtube: 'De vete tussen Freunden Peter R. de Vries en Steve Brown uit Amsterdam Noir. (newspaper report shown near the beginning and Ron O.'s link to the Caransa kidnapping mentioned) |
[317] | stelling.nl/kleintje/335/Portein.htm (accessed: October 10, 2014; Kleintje is generally very accurate): "Femis was in de vroege jaren zeventig opgericht door de Nederlander Hendrik Owel om de Molukse RMS een gezonde financiële basis te bezorgen bij haar strijd voor de bevrijding van Ambon en omgeving van het Javaanse juk. Alsmede de opbouw van een welvarende Molukse natie. Dat laatste ideaal was in Owel's visie alleen te bereiken via het instellen van een vrijhandelsgebied. Het was dan ook geen wonder dat in later jaren Robert Jan Doorn zijn invloed liet gelden binnen de Femis Bank. Een Libertariër van het ergste soort, die in 1980 met assistentie van Amerikaanse huurlingen en -volgens hardnekkige geruchten- financiële hulp van zijn vriend Maup Caransa - probeerde om via een staatsgreep op de Nieuwe Hebriden [north of New Zealand] Owel's idee te verwezenlijken. Doorn raakte na die affaire in zo mogelijk nog wilder vaarwater en kreeg bemoeienissen met onder auspiciën van de Amerikaanse mafia georganiseerde zwendelpraktijken met aandelen. Net als voor Arthuro Scussel was 1990 voor Doorn geen topjaar. Hij werd in verband met bovengenoemde zwendel zelfs als eerste Nederlander aan Zwitserland uitgeleverd. In 1990 luidden net als voor de BCCI ook voor de Femisbank al enige tijd de klokken. De toenmalige eigenaren en een stel alerte klanten haalden naar goed gebruik in deze kringen op tijd hun deel van de boedel binnen. Toen Justitie uiteindelijk ingreep, hadden de resterende tegoeden achter de talloze code- en nummerrekeningen dan ook het peil bereikt van de Dinkel na een hete zomer. Weliswaar werden uiterst interessante gegevens aangetroffen in de administratie van de bank, maar met enige uitzonderingen daargelaten bleek de informatie toch boterzacht." |
[318] | See note 229. |
[319] | Ibid. |
[320] | Ibid. |
[321] | October 8, 2012, De Wereld Draait Door, Koen Voskuil, author of the Algemeen Dagblad articles on Demmink |
[322] | Leugens.nl, Doorgedraaide journalist hard aangepakt: advocatenkantoor dagvaardt Micha Kat': "Gelezen: Dagvaarding “Micha Kat wordt gedagvaard door Vissers & Moszkowicz Advocaten om te verschijnen in kortgeding bij de voorzieningenrechter te Amsterdam op 6 februari 2012 om 13.30 uur.” Dat staat op Vissers-moszkowicz.nl van Marjolein Vissers en Yehudi Moszkowicz in Utrecht. Het kantoor, de eigenaren en personeel ondergaan op de site Klokkenluideronline.nl, telefonisch en per mail laster, met ernstige, ondermeer antisemitische beledigingen en stalking. Het kantoor werkte eerder voor Kat en de Stichting achter de website, tot beider genoegen. “Tot medio mei was de relatie tussen partijen, althans tussen de heer Kat en mr Vissers, prima. Het contact verliep per email aangezien de heer Kat vanaf 27 februari 2011 tot medio mei in Laos zou verblijven.” Kat vroeg bijstand voor zaken tegen de Leeuwarder Courant, Nieuwe Revu en rechtbank Den Haag, de laatste om het toelaten van camera’s af te dwingen. Vissers vroeg een schriftelijke garantie voor de opdracht en betaling. De vader van Vissers en grootvader van Moszkowicz kwam ten val, ze ging hem verzorgen en opdrachten kwamen in de knel, aldus de dagvaarding. Daarop ontstonden volgens Marjolijn Vissers de problemen, te weten te groot wantrouwen van Kat en aantijgingen. Wel betaalde Kat en was tevreden volgens Vissers, die citeert: “Revu door de knieen; morgen 11-2-11‟. „Maar mijn huidige advocaten zijn super! Marjolijn Vissers van Vissers Moszkowicz heeft zelfs al een eerste grote overwinning binnengehaald in mijn zaak tegen weekblad Revu: Vanaf september 2011 escaleerde de relatie tussen advocaat en cliënt: ” Vanaf dat moment heeft de heer Kat de maatschap en de mrs Vissers en Moszkowicz getracht te chanteren en af te dreigen op internet en per telefoon. Mr Vissers en mr Moszkowicz hebben inmiddels aangifte gedaan van belediging, smaad, laster, discriminatie, belaging, bedreiging en afdreiging.” (afdreiging is afpersing) Vervolgens verschenen artikelen op Klokkenluideronline.nl als: 7 januari 2012: “De Moszkowicz-family en de Nazi’s” 13 januari 2012: “Yehudi M.: De Joodse Nazi-Lawyer”. 14 januari 2012: “Breaking: Yehudi dreigt met family” en “Yehudi Moszkowicz spreekt”. 16 januari 2012: “Extra: De corrupte advocaaat Yehudi Moszkowicz intimideert het hosting bedrijf van Klokkenluideronline…” Met als vervolg: “Video Marjolein Visssers probeert voorzitter Haagse Hof Boele op te zetten tegen Micha Kat, misdadig en klachtwaardig gedrag”. Een filmpje op Vimeo.com met als titel: “Yehudi Moszkowicz trek je eigen stekker eruit” De meeste artikelen bevatten behalve beledigingen en onjuistheden ook materiaal van de website van het kantoor, die auteursrechtelijk beschermd zijn. Kat stalkte ook de advocaten. Ze eisen in kort geding dat Kat ophoudt met beledigen en stalken, de artikelen verwijdert en rectificeert, zoekdiensten aanschrijft om de artikelen uit indexen te laten verwijderen. Dat alles onder een dwangsom van 5.000 euro per overtreding. Ze willen ook een voorschot van 50.000 euro wegens geleden en nog te lijden schade." June 23, 2013, Micha Kat's Klokkenluiders.is, 'Anngifte tegen Yehudi Moszkowicz': "[Yehudi besloot] met zijn auto in te rijden op een groep sympathisanten van de klager [Kat] in the tuchtzaak tegen hem." |
[323] | Martin Vrijland Youtube video when he was with Kat at the 2014 Demmink trial. While extremely unreliable, Vrijland did film Kat and Yehudi smiling and taking again to each other. 'MichaKat YehudiMoskovizs'. |
[324] | No. 5, 2002, Historisch Nieuwsblad, 'Ondernemer Paul Fentener van Vlissingen: 'Ik moest iets studeren waarmee ik altijd mijn boterham kon verdienen'': "Politics already was nothing for him, he thought, but Van Vlissingen developen a deep-seeded distrust only after the Makro (supermarket) fires, who only began a year after his chairmanship. In September 1985 terror group RARA set fighter to the Makro in Amsterdam, because of the presence of Makro branches in South Africa. The building was completely destroyed. In December 1986 and n January 1987 also the Makro's in Duiven and Nuth went up in flames. RARA announced that more fires would follow within weeks. That's when the SHV withdrew from South Africa. Van Vlissingen: 'It was one of the hardest decisions we ever made. While RARA demanded that we leave, our black employee council begged: 'Don't leave!' and the ANC gave a public statement to absolutely not support the attacks. Everybody knew that we were resisting Apartheid in our own way. Against South-African law I scrapped apartheid at the restrooms. Employees working for the ANC and who were arrested, we continued to pay. That's also what got us into trouble with the Apartheid regime.' Van Vlissingen thinks it is incomprihensible that nobody has ever been been sentenced for the biggest terrorist attack in the Netherlands after the war. 'Cabinet Lubbers was just talking nonsense. When I asked the minister of domestic affairs to preventively put a police car at the Makro branches, I couldn't get that, because there was no personnel for that.'" |
[325] | Ibid. |
[326] | See the EenVandaag/Samson pdf. |
[327] | 2012, Pien van der Hoeven, 'Het succes van een kwaliteitskrant: history of the NRC Handelsblad' (digital). |
[328] | October 2, 2008, The Telegraph, 'Paedophile royal butler 'took victims to tea with Queen Mother'': "His
third victim, who was treated to the royal tea party, came forward
after reading publicity on the case when Kidd was charged by police. ...
The offences were committed between 1974 and 1977, 1981 and 1983 - when
he was in the employ of the Queen Mother - and 2005 to 2008." |
[329] | November 6, 2002, The Daily Mirror, 'Shadows that haunt the queen': "THERE are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge. Are those the words of a conspiracy theorist? Someone who sees plots in every shadow? No, they are not. They were spoken by the Queen, this country's head of state. They were part of the remarkable three-hour conversation which Her Majesty held with Paul Burrell after Diana died and which led to the collapse of his trial. Most of what was said between them will remain a secret. The years of loyalty which Paul gave to the royals cannot be forgotten, despite the disgraceful way in which he was treated. He has not a word of criticism of the Queen. On the contrary, he does nothing but express his admiration for her. And she, surely, must respect and trust him. If she did not, she would not have spoken that remarkable sentence. Who or what did she mean by "powers at work in this country"? She could not have been referring to other members of the royal family, could she? Or to Diana's family, the Spencers? Surely not. She was talking of some other force. The Queen is sometimes portrayed as an ageing woman of no great intellect or ability. That is not the impression of almost everyone who has ever had dealings with her. On the contrary, politicians and others who have worked with her speak of her great knowledge and boundless interest in a huge variety of subjects. She is, to put it crudely, no mug. She knows what is going on. And she clearly believes some things are happening which cannot be easily explained. That raises a number of massive questions, not least how the prosecution of Paul Burrell was allowed to proceed. Suddenly it no longer seems the trial went ahead because the Queen dottily forgot about their meeting. Almost three years before the police swooped, she seems to have had remarkable foresight. Was it the dark forces she spoke of who pressed on with Paul Burrell's case, ignoring the hugely damaging effect it might have on the monarchy? Or did they do it because they believed it would irreparably wreck Diana's reputation and memory? If that is so, they were wrong to think her butler would do their dirty work for them by exposing her secrets. They will have totally misjudged the man. But they have also misjudged the Queen. She understands that uncontrolled powers can attack anyone. Even the monarch. This is not the end of the Paul Burrell case. It may only just be beginning." |