The JASON Group: national security science
The JASON Group is another good example of how ISGP has been able to effectively take away the mystery of previously "secret" groups.
In 2005 this site published a list of virtually all historical JASON members, and based on their biographies pieced together a pretty coherent history. As happened with most other groups on this website, within a couple of months readers copied the names and basic information to Wikipedia, making it seem as if this information has been available forever. Links to ISGP, also in good fashion, were eventually removed from Wikipedia.
However, individuals that oversee the JASON Group appear to not have liked it that an unknown Dutchman pieced together the basic JASON Group story from readily available sources.
Shortly after the original ISGP article on the JASONs was published, this author ended up on the email list of a JASON member and received a PDF in which it was described how nuclear power plants could be protected from terrorist attacks. The reader can find the details in the FAQ of this site, but about a week later that email mysteriously disappeared again from my inbox. Also, a surprisingly high number of ISGP visitors from the Washington, D.C. area and a number of defense-related institutes have taken a specific interest in the JASON Group.
Thinking about the email in hindsight, it may not have been an accident or even a mild form of intimidation at all that I received it. I couldn't have been on their contact list, as there's never been any email correspondence between me and a member of the JASONs. I also didn't recognize the names on the email list. But the one thing this email did accomplish was turn me into a potential national security threat, making it perfectly legal to tap my phone, mail and email (which all three appear to have happened, although part of it might be related to Le Cercle).
What also happened within a year of having put out the initial article and membership list of the JASONs was the publication of the first officially-sanctioned book about this group, written by science author Ann Finkbeiner. Apparently the book was aimed at the conspiracy community, as Finkbeiner was allowed to talk to a crowd of millions on conspiracy disinformation show Coast to Coast AM. I distinctly remember receiving an email reply from radio host Ian Punnett, thanking me for a list of penetrating questions related to the JASONs that he could ask Finkbeiner (which would have appealed greatly to his audience). However, during the two-hour interview Punnett didn't ask one single critical question. It was pretty mindblowing, considering almost 100 percent of Punnett's audience would want to know everything about the JASONs connections to secret flying saucer retrieval programs, men in black, and things along those lines. But nothing. Not one question. Not even to give Finkbeiner a chance to deny it. All she did was dictate the JASON Group's official history and off she went. In other words, everything the show was about, was given up that one night Finkbeiner was a guest. To this day it remains a curious episode to me, even for Coast to Coast AM.
The following article once was exclusively about the JASON Group, but today it has been expanded to include a discussion on the MITRE Corporation, which has overseen the JASON Group for decades. And as the reader will find out, when MITRE is discussed, also the network of defense corporations and intelligence agencies that it is part of has to be given attention.
In a nutshell, the JASON scholars are a select group of scientists who conduct studies for different parts of the U.S. government. The group is referred to as the JASON Defense Advisory Group or simply the JASON Group. Today their headquarters is located at the JASON Program Office at the MITRE Corporation, a not-for-profit federally funded research and development company.
JASON was founded in 1958-1959 by scientists as Sidney Drell, Kenneth Watson, John Wheeler, Charles Townes and Marvin Goldberger [1]. It was created as a special part-time division within the newly-established Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA), a federally-funded academic think tank that acted as a counterweight to research done by the different military branches, private corporations and the CIA - despite the fact that it is not unusual for the institute to be ran by a retired general or senior CIA officer. According to the official history of IDA:
"IDA traces its roots to 1947, when Secretary of Defense James Forrestal established the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group (WSEG) to provide technical analyses of weapons systems and programs. In the mid-1950s, the Secretary of Defense [Charles E. Wilson] and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [likely Admiral Radford] asked the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to form a civilian, nonprofit research institute. The Institute would operate under the auspices of a university consortium to attract highly qualified scientists to assist WSEG in addressing the nation's most challenging security problems... IDA only works for the government... IDA does not work directly for the military departments... IDA does not work for private industry." [2]
To provide a bit more detail: In 1956, James R. Killian Jr., president of the MIT Corporation and a close associate of Vannevar Bush, suggested to Eisenhower that the country's best scientific talents should be brought together in an effort to break all Russian encryption systems. In response, Eisenhower appointed Bell Labs president of research, Dr. William O. Baker, as head of a commission to see what could be done with Killian's proposal. In February 1957, the Baker Commission announced its support for Killian and one of the responses of Eisenhower and his secretary of defense, Charles E. Wilson, was to ask Killian, as president of MIT, to set up the Institute for Defense Analyses, which was to be done in cooperation with such universities as Caltech, Columbia and Stanford. Vannevar Bush, who used to be vice president of MIT before the war, briefly returned to MIT to take the chairmanship, from 1957 to 1959.
The purpose of IDA was to take over WSEG from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and to supply it with new ideas and technology concepts. Killian became chairman of the board of trustees of IDA. Other early members of the think tank were Eric A. Walker, mainly associated with the Office of Naval Research, and later JASON scholar Charles H. Townes, who had recently co-invented the maser, the predecessor of the laser. Both became leading officers of IDA, just as General Maxwell D. Taylor, the CIA's Richard M. Bissell, Jr. and today, Suzanne Woolsey, wife of former CIA director James Woolsey (the latter three were presidents of IDA). Someone like Admiral Harry Train also became involved with IDA after his retirement, although only as an ordinary trustee. The official history of IDA continues as follows:
"In 1958, at the request of the Secretary of Defense, IDA established a division to support the newly created Advanced Research Projects Agency. Shortly thereafter, the mandate of this division was broadened to include scientific and technical studies for all offices of the Director of Defense, Research and Engineering. Subsequent divisions were established to provide cost analyses, computer software and engineering, strategy and force assessments, and operational test and evaluation... Throughout its history, IDA also has assisted other federal agencies." [3]
Although several subsidiary groups were created within IDA, it is almost certain that the newly created division to support the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA; later DARPA) was the JASON Group. ARPA appears on JASON documents under the heading 'Controlling Office Name' and JASON was created in the same 1958-1959 time period. IDA also talks about the mandate of the division expanding to perform studies for the DoD and such, which is also what happened with the JASON Group.
The above compilation of three different JASON studies shows how the organization it was part of changed over time. [4] In the late 1960s it was incorporated within IDA; in the late 1970s it had been moved to Stanford Research Institute International (SRI); and in the late 1980s the JASONs had become part of the MITRE Corporation. Most studies were commissioned by DARPA, but other contractors have been the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Army Research Office, the NRO, and a few other organizations.
James Killian was the most central player in the creation of all these civilian research institutions under Eisenhower. He not only founded IDA in 1957, but also the President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), and became chairman of both. In 1958, he established ARPA and as head of IDA, he approved the proposal to create the JASON Group. In 1958, Killian was also asked to create the Communications Research Division (CRD) within IDA, a Princeton-located top secret think tank for the NSA. Then, in 1959, Killian oversaw the creation of MITRE. He became a trustee of MITRE in 1960 and from 1967 to 1969 he was chairman of the board of trustees of this think tank, which was very similar to IDA and RAND. He remained on the board until 1982. In 1960, together with the earlier-mentioned William O. Baker and JASON scholars Richard Garwin and Sidney Drell, Killian was a co-founder of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), an intelligence agency that remained secret for about a decade - although its existence was only announced officially after the Cold War had ended. [5] Back in 1957, Vannevar Bush is said to have suggested Killian as the follow-up to defense secretary Charles E. Wilson, but Eisenhower selected Neil McElroy instead.
Most JASON studies have to do with the development of new cutting edge technology concepts for the electronic battlefield. The contractors evaluate the papers written by JASON members and then decide whether or not to do something with it. Many other studies have to do with the nuclear weapons arsenal. In the early 1990s, a couple of studies were done on climate change; in the mid 1990s studies started into the human genome; and still a couple of years later this science was combined with nanotechnology. Almost all studies are conducted to see if these technologies can be used to maintain a military advantage over whatever enemies the United States may have. Recent studies have also involved the concept of Homeland Security. A good example of this is the 2002-2003 study 'Biodetection Architectures'. Since a lot of JASONs are university professors, most studies are conducted in the summer months when students are on leave. It is believed that each year about 15 studies are conducted, half of them classified. A study can be done by as little as two or three JASON members to as many as 17 or 18.
In the JASON membership list you will find 11 Nobel prize winners, usually received for achievements in physics. The vast majority of JASONs have Ph.D.'s in this field although some have chosen to specialize in electrical engineering, mathematics, oceanography, chemistry or biological sciences. Generally, JASONs, especially the older ones, are very well rounded and can be involved in a wide variety of studies spanning multiple decades. One of its founders, Sidney Drell, was still active in 2003. Freeman Dyson is another member whose career with the JASONs spans four decades. Some other long-time members are Stanley Flatte, Richard Garwin, Curtis Callan and Alvin Despain. These were active since the 1970s or the early eighties and were still performing studies at the beginning of the 21st century. According to different sources, JASON consisted of about 45 to 50 members at any given time. Counting the members manually per decade in the membership list confirms that and seems to indicate the list is almost complete. Information about the 1960s remains scarce though, but the group started out with about 15 members and rapidly expanded. [6]
The universities below are represented by the 119 JASON members that can be found in the membership list. The list below to the side refers to the universities these individual JASON members have been employed, not where they got their education.
University | Percent. |
Universities of California | 50% |
Princeton, Princeton (NJ) | 14% |
Stanford, Silicon Valley (CA) | 13% |
Harvard, Boston | 8% |
MIT, Boston | 8% |
Columbia, New York | 7% |
Chicago | 5% |
Cornell, Ithaca (NY) | 4% |
Texas | 4% |
Maryland | 4% |
Michigan | 4% |
Washington | 3% |
Rockefeller, New York | 2% |
Yale, New Haven | 1% |
Dartmouth, Hanover (NH) | 1% |
Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, Caltech, the Scripps Institution for Oceanography, and a bunch of faculties in the Los Angeles area are all managed by the University of California. This is one reason for the large amount JASONs affiliated with this university. A second reason is that Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore are the most important labs in the United States for research in nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, which has always been a primary occupation of JASON members. The South-West is also the location where most of the weapons systems and other cutting edge technology is developed. Stanford, although many times smaller than the UC complex, is another university really focused on science and technology. It is located right in the middle of Silicon Valley and quite a few JASON members have been employed at its Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC); and more often than not, they held the senior positions. Another significant portion of JASON members have been employed at Princeton and some of its most veteran members worked at the physics lab of this university: Curtis Callan, Freeman Dyson and Francis Perkins. They were all active for JASON from the sixties or the early seventies until the turn of the century. Another prominent physicist at Princeton was John Wheeler.
Most JASONs never played any significant role in politics. There are a few exceptions of course and these exceptions tend to be members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Of the 119 individuals in the membership list, only 11 are members of the CFR. These 11 are the ones who usually chair all kinds of national science committees, advise presidents on scientific matters, and work for a variety of large corporations. Non-CFR JASONs often have impressive biographies too, but they tend to focus on other things than Washington politics or Wall Street business.
Some of the more interesting JASONs
Even though there are not a whole lot, below you can find a short list of some of the more interesting individuals in the JASON Group. Take a look at the membership list for additional details.
Name |
Biography |
Luis W. Alvarez | 60's-70's | Developed the detonators for 'Fat Man' during the Manhattan Project. On board the Enola Gay as it dropped the bomb. Pushed for the development of thermo-nuclear weapons. Together with J. Allen Hynek he was a member of the January 1953 Durant Panel Report in which the recent UFO waves were debunked as paranoia and considered no threat to national security. According to the panel the phenomenon should be ignored because the "irrelevant reports" were "clogging the channels of communication". According to Hynek the Pentagon wouldn't allow any other position on the subject. Involved with IDA ad MITRE. Deeply involved in pyramid research in Egypt 1960s-1980s. Analyzed the Zapruder film in 1967, which convinced the Church Committee in 1976 that Kennedy's headshot could have been caused by a bullet from behind, indicating Oswald was the sole assassin. Received the Nobel Prize in 1968. In 1980, together with his son, Alvarez published the theory that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Member of the National Academy of Sciences' 1982 Committee on Ballistic Acoustics that did its best to dispute the HSCA's conclusions of an over 95% probability of a grassy knoll shooter at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Alvarez was also part of a Los Alamos committee in 1979 which in all likelyhood covered up Israeli nuclear bomb tests in the Indian Ocean by claiming the detected flashes could have been due to "unusual weather conditions". (2006, Michael Karpin, 'The Bomb in the Basement'). It is known that one of Alvarez's colleagues, the rabidly anti-communist hardliner and father of the hydrogen bomb, Edward Teller, a leading member of the American Security Council, was close to the Israeli leadership and advised the country on nuclear matters. It is also known that Israel received enormous support from elements in French and U.S. intelligence in setting up a secret nuclear weapon program. |
Lewis M. Branscomb | 1960's | Recipient of the Vannevar Bush Award of the National Science Board and the Rockefeller Public Service Award in 1957. Vice president and chief scientist of IBM Corporation. Director at IBM. President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) 1964–1968. Has been a director of Mobil Corp., RAND, MITRE, Lord Corp., C.S. Draper Laboratories and Arcturus Pharmaceutical. Member of the American Ditchley Foundation. Prominent in the War on Terror movement since 9/11. |
Sidney D. Drell | 60's-21st |
Member of the CFR and the President's Science Advisory Committee (PASC). Co founder of the NRO and the JASON Group. Worked with the CIA. Member National Security Council. Very influential individual, especially in things pertaining to the nuclear weapons arsenal. Trustee of the Institute for Advanced Studies 1990s-today, chaired by James Wolfensohn from 1979 to 2008. Back in the 1999-December 2001 period he used to serve here with Fuji Bank chairman Toru Hashimoto and Michael Bloomberg. Along with Jacob Rothschild, Wolfensohn was a strategic partner of Fuji Bank with offices in the middle of the South Tower impact floors - from which molten metal and a few smoke puffs were seen coming.
Anno 2012 Drell is on the advisory council of the Israel Democracy Institute, together with Henry Kissinger, George Shultz and James Wolfensohn. Close associate of MITRE trustee chairman James Schlesinger, a former CIA director also with less direct ties to the events of 9/11. |
Richard L. Garwin | 60's-21st |
Co-founder of the NRO. Director of Science and Technology of the CFR. Served on the President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) and chaired its panels on Military Aircraft, Anti-submarine and Naval Warfare. Informed Henry Kissinger on certain science topics. Expert in electromagnetic weaponry, but admitted he didn't have access to all the of the compartmented programs that are going on. Member of the National Academy of Sciences' 1982 Committee on Ballistic Acoustics that did its best to dispute the HSCA's conclusions of an over 95% probability of a grassy knoll shooter at the time of the Kennedy assassination. |
Murray Gell-Mann | 60's - 80's | Received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1969 for his work in creating the 'standard model' in physics. Concerned with global policy matters such as population growth, conservation and biodiversity, sustainable economic development, and geopolitical stability. Co-chairman of the Science Board of the Santa Fe Institute. Member of the CFR and the Royal Society of London. Trustee of the World Conservation Society together with the Astors, Rockefellers, Phipps, Schiffs and other elite Pilgrims Society families. In February 2006, Gell-Mann attended The Amazing Meeting in Las Vegas, a benefit for the James Randi Educational Foundation. Phil Plait (the "bad astronomer") also spoke at the conference. |
Joshua Lederberg | 1980's |
Member of the CFR. Throughout his career a science advisor to the government and employed by the Rockefellers. President of the Rockefeller University 1978-1990. Chairman of Jimmy Carter's President's Cancer Panel in 1979. In 1994, he headed the Defense Science Board Task Force on Persian Gulf War Health Effects, which investigated Gulf War Syndrome. It concluded that there was no evidence of a "specific Gulf War Syndrome" and no evidence of biochemical exposures. |
Gordon J.F. MacDonald | 70's-90's |
Member of the CFR. Consultant to NASA. President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC). Expert in weather control technology who predicted it would be able to cause droughts or severe rain by the year 2018. In the 1970s, according to the very unreliable Nexus Magazine, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: "Political strategists are tempted to exploit research on the brain and human behavior. Geophysicist Gordon J. F. MacDonald-specialist in problems of warfare-says accurately-timed, artificially-excited electronic strokes 'could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the Earth... In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period..." |
William A. Nierenberg | 70's-90's | Member of the CFR. Director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from 1965 to 1986. Member of the Board of Science Advisors at Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP). Science advisor to NATO and the U.S. State Department. Served on the advisory board of the Electric Power Research Institute. Chairman of the first National Academy of Sciences study (1983-1984) on the greenhouse effect, possible sea-level rises, and climate change, which was conducted in the early part of the eighties (titled: 'Changing Climate' and 'Acid Rain'). Frequent visitor of New York and well known at the Rockefeller University. He was a protege of Detlev Bronk, president of the Rockefeller University. |
As the JASONs have been operating under the wing of the MITRE Corporation since the late 1970s, it might be relevant to take a look at this (federally-funded) company also. It seems that the JASONs are not an insignificant part of MITRE, as annual reports of the company list only two staff members, one of them the "Director, JASON Program Office". Maybe this was to be expected, as both have James Killian as their founding father.
Overall the men and women who serve on the board of trustees of MITRE are much better connected than the average JASON. Quite a bit of overlap can be found with senior positions at the CIA, NSA, NRO and other defense corporations. A few trustees have also considerable political connections. Below the most interesting MITRE trustees of the past twenty years have been selected. These names have been lifted from the MITRE website and annual reports dating back to 1996, using Webarchive.
Name |
Biography |
Dr. Cindy L. Williams | pre-1996 (director) |
Director MITRE and served in "other capacities". Doesn't appear in MITRE reports of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Director of the in 2007 founded Scowcroft Institute, together with Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lawrence Eagleburger, John Deutch, Bobby Ray Inman and marine Corps General James L. Jones. Pentagon official. |
Martin C. Faga | 1996-today |
CIA engineer and R&D officer in the air force. Assistant secretary of the air force for space and director of the NRO 1989-1993. President and CEO of MITRE May 2000-2006 and a trustee since then. Held directorships in Alliant Techsystems and Electronic Data Systems (Dick Cheney and James Baker board served on the board in the late 1990s). Member Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) and today chairman of the Space Foundation. From 2006 until today he has been serving as a director of GeoEye under the chairmanship of air force general James Abrahamson, a former visitor of Le Cercle with close ties to the events on 9/11 through Crescent Investment Management, Stratesec, Inc. and potentially also through the White House Commission on Aviation Safety (with John Deutch and others) and the chairmanship of International Air Safety, LLC. Abrahamson has been chairman of GeoEye since 2001. |
Jane F. Garvey | 2004-today |
Director of Logan International Airport 1988-1991, where ten years later Flight 11 and Flight 175 departed from with as final destination the World Trade Center towers. Head FAA 1997-2002, appointed by Bill Clinton (who is closely tied to terrorist flight school owner Wally Hilliard and the South Tower impact floors) and ultimately responsible for the FAA failures on 9/11. Trustee MITRE Corporation since 2004. In 2008 Garvey joined JPMorgan Chase for a mid-level managing position, tying her to other men closely linked to the WTC impact floors. |
Adm. David Jeremiah | 1999-2008 |
Appears in MITRE's annual reports since 1999. Together with the CIA's Richard Armitage, a member of the advisory board of ManTech International 1994-2005, whose advisory board was chaired by the CIA's Richard J. Kerr (MITRE) from 1994 to 2002. Director ManTech since 2004, also with Kerr and since 2005, Armitage. Trustee JINSA by 2000, together with Perle, Woolsey (CIA), Dick Cheney, Michael Ledeen and others. Member Defense Science Board. Member Defense Policy Board on 9/11, with Kissinger (Cercle), Perle (Cercle), Woolsey, James Schlesinger (CIA and MITRE), General Jack Sheehan of Bechtel and Fred Ikle (Cercle). Director of the CIA's In-Q-Tel, together with Paul Kaminski and the CIA's Buzzy Krongard. Director
Geobiotics, LLC and Todd Shipyards Corporation, Member President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Member NRO advisory board. Director and board chairman Wackenhut (G4S) since 2002, with defense industry insider John S. Foster, Jr. (ASC; TRW; DARPA; chairman Defense Science Board) on the board. Advisory board Northrop Grumman. |
Adm. Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr | 2009-today |
Special assistant to the deputy director for intelligence, CIA (time period unknown). Did work for the Chief of Naval Operations. Senior military assistant to Donald Rumsfeld and present at his breakfast meeting at the Pentagon on 9/11. Chairman Alenia North America, Inc. Vice chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff 2005-2007. Director SRA International, Inc. Appointed director of QinetiQ in 2008, as follow-up to former CIA director George Tenet. Director of Boeing since 2009. Director Atlantic Council. Member Secretary of the Navy Advisory Panel anno 2010, together with James Woolsey, Dov Zakheim, Maurice Sonnenberg, Admiral Richard Mies (former Stratcom Commander at Offutt AFB who particpated in Warren Buffett's golf tournaments). Guiding coalition Project on National Security Reform, founded in 2006, together with Brent Scowcroft, Norman Augustine, Gen. James L. Jones, Thomas Pickering and other members of the national security establishment. |
Gen. Paul F. Gorman | 1996-2002 |
CIA national intelligence officer. Deputy chief of staff for training at army headquarters 1973-1977. Commander U.S. Southern Command, headquartered in Noriega's Panama 1983-1985. Claimed to the senate he had only heard rumors of Noriega's involvement in the drug trade. Assistant professor for research in the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia. In 1993 founder of the Virginia Neurological Institute with Kissinger Associates and CIA men as Lawrence Eagleburger, Brent Scowcroft, Robert M. Gates, as well as Zionist activist Edgar Bronfman and multibillionaire John Kluge, an employer of Lynn Forester (seven years later: de Rothschild). Trustee MITRE Corporation since about 1995/1996. Member Army-DARPA advisory board. Advisory board General Atomics. Consultant to the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) and the Defense Science Board. |
John J. Hamre | 2001-today |
Rockefeller Fellow at the Harvard Divinity School. Under secretary of defense (comptroller) 1993-1997. U.S. deputy secretary of defense 1997-2000. President and CEO of CSIS from 2000 until today. CSIS has been dominated since the 1980s by Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Maurice Greenberg and other close friends of these men. Trustee MITRE since January 2001. Chairman Defense Policy Board since 2007, appointed by Robert Gates. |
Richard J. Kerr | 1994-2008 |
Joined the CIA in 1960. A picture exists of Kerr meeting with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in Islamabad in 1988. Deputy director CIA 1989-1992, under William Webster and Robert Gates. Acting director in September 1991. Chairman advisory board ManTech 1994-2002 and director after that (most of the time with David Jeremiah of MITRE and Richard Armitage, another CIA covert operations insider). Director Aegis Research Corporation 1996-2002 (taken over by ManTech). Member scientific advisory board NSA. Advisory boards Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory and the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Director BAE Systems, Inc. since at least 2004, together with Lee Hamilton (joined in 2004). Both still served in 2012 when Michael Chertoff was elected chairman of BAE's board of directors. Headed 'Project Lessons Learned' in 2003-2004, a review of CIA intelligence failure on WMD in Iraq. August 19, 2005,, In-Q-Tel: "Norman Augustine, Lee Ault, James Barksdale, John Seely Brown, Howard Cox, Michael M. Crow, David Jeremiah, Anita K. Jones, Paul Kaminiski, Richard Kerr, Jeong Kim and William Perry exercise investment and voting control of the shares beneficially owned by In-Q-Tel, Inc." |
Donald M. Kerr | 2009-2012 |
MS in microwave electronics, Cornell, 1964. Ph.D. in plasma physics, Cornell, 1966. Employed at Los Alamos 1966-1976. Staff member US Energy Department 1976-1979. Director Los Alamos National Laboratory 1979-1985. Director of EG&G, Inc. 1985-1992, president 1989-1992. Executive vice president and director SAIC 1993-1996. Anno 1992 director Atlantic Council and trustee Charles Stark Draper Laboratory. Director Resources for the Future from at least 1992 to 1998 (John Deutch joined in 1998). Assistant director FBI in charge of the Laboratory Division 1997-August 2001. CIA deputy director for science and technology 2001-2005. Director NRO and assistant to the secretary of the air force for space 2005-2007. Board of directors of U.S. Space LLC. Deputy director of National Intelligence 2007-2009. Joined MITRE in 2009, the exact point that Richard J. Kerr left - so likely a close relative. |
Gen. Montgomery Meigs | 2003-today |
Commander U.S. Army Europe 1998-2002. Educator. Joined MITRE in 2003, but not on the board in 2006 and 2007. President and CEO of Business Executives for National Security since 2010, where Henry Kissinger, Maurice Greenberg and William Webster can also be found. |
John P. Stenbit | 2005-today |
Engineer Aerospace Corporation 1962-1968, and TRW 1968-1978.
Vice president of TRW 1977-2001. Directorships: Defense Science Board, Naval Studies Board, NSA advisory board, the Technical Advisory Group to the NRO, the Strategic Advisory Group to STRATCOM, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, MITRE, SMA, Cogent Systems, Viasat, Loral Space & Communications, SI-International, Cryptek, Defense Systems Group, Lockheed Martin, Crossroads, McDonald Bradley and NexQL. Assistant secretary of defense 2001-2004. Chaired the CIA's Science and Technology Advisory Panel. Chairman Research, Engineering and Development Advisory Committee for the FAA administrator. Anno 2012 a director of Technology Partners, LLC, together with William Perry, John Deutch (CIA director; SAIC; Raytheon) and Paul G. Kaminski (In-Q-Tel, Inc. General Dynamics, the Defense Science Board (chairman 1993-1994 and again since 2009), the Atlantic Council, etc.) |
Overall it's possible to see that the MITRE trustees are on a different level than the average JASON Group member when it comes to the amount of connections they have. This also explains why in the whole period reviewed here only one member of the JASONs made it to MITRE's board of trustees: Murray Gell-Mann.
The most connected person within the MITRE corporation hasn't been named yet. That is former CIA director and defense secretary James R. Schlesinger, a trustee since 1985 (two years after Killian left) and chairman of the trustees from 1987 all the way to the present day. As ISGP's Superclass Index shows, Schlesinger is very much connected to both the absolute elite of the liberal and conservative/defense establishments, despite being only known as a conservative. Schlesinger shares boards with Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Peter Peterson, Richard Perle and other extremely connected persons within these two establishment. The institutes Schlesinger has been involved with:
Liberal establishment |
Conservative establishment |
RAND Corporation | RAND Corporation |
Center for the National Interest | Center for the National Interest [7] |
Homeland Security Advisory Council | Homeland Security Advisory Council [8] |
Council on Foreign Relations | Center for Security Policy [9] |
CSIS | OSS Society |
National Comm. on US-China Relations | AFIO |
US-Cuba Trade Association | Defense Policy Board [10] |
Military Order of the Carabao [11] | |
Foreign Policy Research Institute | |
Henry M. Jackson Foundation |
What does this information tell us about the JASON Group? It tells us that whatever secrets the JASONs keep, that these secrets are shared with the MITRE trustees and undoubtedly with its chairman, James Schlesinger. And at that point you have immediately landed at the top of the CIA and the Pentagon.
It appears that MITRE never sponsored the AFIO or the OSS Society, but other corporations have, primarily SAIC and Lockheed Martin, as well as General Atomics, General Dynamics, TRW and Motorola. [12]
One thing that might be interesting to analyze at this point is how deep CIA officers other than Schlesinger are involved in various defense and technology corporations. It might be especially interesting to be on the lookout for corporations that have been helping to finance Schlesinger's AFIO and OSS Society: primarily SAIC and Lockheed Martin, but also General Atomics, General Dynamics, TRW and Motorola. Connections between high level CIA officers and relatively controversial firms as Wackenhut and E-Systems (taken over by Raytheon) are also of special interest. We will primarily be looking at CIA directors, deputy directors and executive directors. Names marked with an * have additional information added, because their biographies aren't listed anywhere else on this site.
William Raborn CIA director 1965-66 |
Director E-Systems 1970-1990. Director SAIC and Wackenhut, but time periods unknown. |
James Schlesinger CIA director 1973 |
Trustee MITRE Corporation 1985-1987, chairman 1987-today. Director Sandia National Laboratory since at least 2004. |
George H. W. Bush CIA director 1976-1977 |
Senior counselor/partner of the Carlyle Group 1993-2003, together with James Baker and headed by his CIA friend Frank Carlucci. |
Frank Carlucci Deputy CIA director 1978-81 |
Director Wackenhut 1983-1986. Chairman Carlyle Group 1992-2003, which controlled BDM International 1990-1997 and much of EG&G 1999-2002. Director General Dynamics 1991-1997. Co-founder Frontier Group around 2005/2006 with Norman Augustine (founding chairman and CEO Lockheed Martin 1996-2005) and Sanford McDonnell (chairman and CEO McDonnell Douglas 1970s-1980s). Also interesting: director Neurogen Corporation 1985-2006, and chairman from at least 1998 to 2004. Suzanne Woolsey was on the board 1998-2006, three years before the company disbanded. The advisory board was stacked with Yale psychologists and pharmacologists. Neurogen's focus was on "small molecule drugs for the treatment of ... insomnia, pain, Parkinson’s disease, ... anxiety and schizophrenia." Admiral Bill Owens: Rhodes Scholar and senior military assistant to Carlucci in the 1988-1989 period when Carlucci was secretary of defense. Vice chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff 1995-1996. Vice chairman SAIC 1996-1997, president and COO 1997-1999 (gone by 2000). Vice chairman and CEO Nortel, where Carlucci served earlier. Certainly in 2003-2005 both Owens and Carlucci served as a trustee of the Center for Excellence in Education (together with Thomas Pickering), so it can be assumed they were friends for decades. Director ViaSat, Telstra, Daimler Chrysler, Polycom, Carnegie Corporation, Brookings Institute. |
Norman Augustine * Recruited by George Tenet to help the CIA with incorporating new technology, like Buzzy Krongard. Close to many former CIA directors. |
Chairman Defense Science Board 1982-1986. Chairman and CEO Martin Marietta 1988-1995 (joined in 1991-1993 by the CIA's James Woolsey).
Director ConocoPhillips 1989-1994 (at least), together with Lawrence Eagleburger. Director of Riggs National Corporation 1989-1994, together with James Schlesinger. Co-founder, chairman and CEO Lockheed Martin 1995-2005. Approached by CIA director Tenet in 1997 to help the CIA in utilizing modern technologies to the best of its abilities (with Buzzy Krongard and later with Paul Kaminski, another chairman of the Defense Science Board, and David Jeremiah of MITRE). Chairman of the Defense Science Board. Member advisory board Homeland Security under the leadership of former CIA directors James Schlesinger and William Webster. Around 2005/2006 co-founder Frontier Group with Frank Carlucci. Joined the advisory board of BioEnergy International in 2009 where Robert McFarlane and James Woolsey welcomed him. Woolsey at that point: "Having known and worked with Norm Augustine for many years... [I am excited to see him join the board]." In 2011 founding member United States Energy Security Council, together with James Woolsey, Robert McFarlane, George Shultz and others. |
Bobby Ray Inman Deputy CIA director 1981-82 |
Director ONI 1974-1976. Director NSA 1977-1981. Director SAIC 1982-2003. Reported director E-Systems. Reported director of Wackenhut, but this is incorrect. Vice chairman of Caltech's JPL trustee/oversight committee from at least 1995, chairman 1997-2002, and regular member until today. Joined by Suzanne Woolsey at Caltech and JPL in 2006. Also interesting: director construction firm Fluor Corporation 1985-December 2003. Replaced at Fluor by Suzanne Woolsey, who was elected to the board in January 2004. Lord Robin Renwick, of a Pilgrims Society family, was a director of Fluor 1997–2008. |
Richard J. Kerr Deputy CIA director 1989-92 |
Trustee MITRE Corporation 1994-2008. Chairman advisory board ManTech 1994-2002, director since then (all the time with the CIA's Richard Armitage and David Jeremiah). Director Aegis Research Corp. 1996-2002 (taken over by ManTech). Scientific advisory board NSA. Advisory boards Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory and the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Director BAE Systems, Inc. since at least 2004, together with Lee Hamilton (joined in 2004). Both still served in 2012 when Michael Chertoff, former secretary of Homeland Security, was elected chairman of BAE's board of directors. |
Donald M. Kerr CIA employee, close to Richard it appears |
Director Los Alamos National Laboratory 1979-1985. Director EG&G, Inc. 1985-1992, president 1989-1992. Anno 1992 trustee Charles Stark Draper Laboratory. Executive vice president and director SAIC 1993-1996. Trustee MITRE Corporation 2009-today. |
Robert Gates Deputy CIA director 1986-89 CIA director 1991-1993 |
Director SAIC 1993-1994. TRW 1994-2002. Trustee Charles Stark Draper Laboratory from at least 1997 to 2003. Potentially also interesting: advisory board VoteHere 2001-2003, a company managed in this period by Admiral Bill Owens, formerly president and vice-chairman of SAIC. Founding director Virginia Neurological Institute 1993-1998, together with Kissinger men as Brent Scowcroft and Lawrence Eagleburger, as well as Edgar Bronfman, General Paul Gorman (CIA; MITRE) and billionaire John Kluge. |
Gen. Paul Gorman Known CIA recruit |
Co-founder Virginia Neurological Institute in 1993. Later director of General Atomics, producer of unmanned drones as the Predator, Reaper, Sky Warrior and Avenger. |
Adm. Bill Studeman Deputy CIA director 1992-95, under Gates, Woolsey, Deutch |
Director ONI 1985-1988. Director NSA 1988-1992. Advisory board DIA, NRO. Member Defense Science Board. Vice president and deputy group manager of TRW 1996-2005 (company taken over by Northrop Grumman). |
James Woolsey Deputy CIA director 1993-1995 |
Director Fairchild Industries (1984-89), the Aerospace Corporation (1982-89), DynCorp (1988-89), Martin Marietta of Norman Augustine (1991-93) and British Aerospace (1992-93). As a lawyer in the 1980s and early 1990s, Woolsey represented even more defense corporations: SAIC, Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas, Litton Industries, Rockwell, the Titan Corporation, United Technologies, General Dynamics, as well as Carlucci's Carlyle Group and Freeport McMoRan. At the Arlington Institute of his friend John L. Petersen in 1992-1993 and about 2000-2007, where meetings were held in which it was claimed that aliens look like humans and are walking among us. He also acknowledged having had a private meeting with Steven Greer, who claimed Woolsey was shocked he had not been told about any supposed UFO back-engineering programs. However, Woolsey is a master in disinformation and may actually have controlled the disinformation circus around the Arlington Institute, the Disclosure Project and bringing these people to Coast to Coast AM. |
Suzanne Woolsey Wife of James Woolsey |
Executive director Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education at the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council 1989-1993, COO NAS/NRC 1993-2000, chief communications officer NAS/NRC 2001-2003. Director Neurogen Corporation 1998-2006, under the chairmanship of Frank Carlucci, a director of the firm since 1989 and chairman from at least 1998-2004. Replaced Bobby Ray Inman on the board of the Fluor construction firm in January 2004. Trustee Caltech since 2006 and since then member of the JPL trustee/oversight committee which had been run for many years by Bobby Ray Inman. Anno 2008: director of IntelligentMDx, with John Deutch and Nathan Myhrvold on the scientific advisory board. Trustee Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA, where the JASON Group was initially created) 2000-2010 and chairman since then. |
John Deutch Deputy CIA director 1995-1996 |
Director SAIC 1980-1993. Director Raytheon 1998-today. Like James Woolsey very much involvement in the alternative energy movement. Best example: chairman scientific advisory board Sun Catalytix Corporation at MIT since January 2010, the moment the company received $4 million in DARPA financing. The company's purpose: "We are commercializing a new ... affordable catalyst that splits water into oxygen and hydrogen fuel, mimicking photosynthesis. ... The elemental components of just 3 gallons of water have enough energy, when recombined, to satisfy the daily energy needs of a large American home. ..." |
Buzzy Krongard * Co-founder In-Q-Tel for the CIA; executive director CIA 2001-04 |
Former investmenment banker at Deutche Bank and chairman and CEO Alex Brown & Co. Founder of the In-Q-Tel in 1998 in cooperation with CIA director George Tenet. Purpose of the firm was to allow the CIA to keep up with modern technology. Still a trustee anno 2012, along with Jami Miscik, president and vice chairman of Kissinger Associates and David Jeremiah, chairman of Wackenhut. A trustee in previous years has been Paul Kaminski, director of Technology Partners (with John Deutch) and General Dynamics 1998-today. Krongard is also a director of Iridium Communications, Inc. In 2007 invited to join the advisory board of Blackwater, a company which he had allegedly arranged contracts in Iraq for. Involved in many other business ventures, but largely in banking and law domains. |
Discussed above have been a total of 15 persons who were high level CIA officers, with a few of them only having had high level CIA connections. Put together, these persons have represented the following high technology institutes and defense corporations (the Carlyle Group has been added for its considerable ties to the defense industry and strong CIA connections. Several companies/institutes potentially linked to MKULTRA type activies have also been added):
Aerospace Corporation | 1 | James Woolsey. |
BAE Systems (British Aerospace) | 2 | James Woolsey; Richard Kerr; (Lee Hamilton). |
Caltech JPL oversight committee | 2 | Suzanne Woolsey; Bobby Ray Inman. |
The Carlyle Group | 2 | Frank Carlucci; George H. W. Bush. |
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory | 2 | Donald M. Kerr; Robert Gates. |
DynCorp | 1 | James Woolsey |
EG&G | 2 | Donald Kerr; Frank Carlucci. |
E-Systems | 2 | Adm. William Raborn; possibly Adm. Bobby Ray Inman. |
Fairchild Industries | 1 | James Woolsey. |
Fluor construction | 2 | Bobby Ray Inman; Suzanne Woolsey. |
General Atomics | 1 | Gen. Paul F. Gorman. |
General Dynamics | 1 | Frank Carlucci |
IntelligentMDx | 2 | Suzanne Woolsey; John Deutch. |
In-Q-Tel | 1 | Buzzy Krongard; (Kissinger Associates). |
Lockheed Martin | 1 | Norman Augustine. |
Los Alamos | 2 | Richard Kerr; Donald Kerr. |
ManTech | 1 (3) | Richard Kerr, but also Richard Armitage, David Jeremiah. |
Martin Marietta | 2 | Norman Augustine; James Woolsey. |
McDonnell Douglas | 2 | Frank Carlucci; (Sanford McDonnell). |
MITRE | 3 | James Schlesinger; Richard Kerr; Donald Kerr. |
Neurogen | 2 | Frank Carlucci; Suzanne Woolsey. |
Nortel | 2 | Frank Carlucci; Adm. Bill Owens. |
NSA directorship | 2 | Adm. Bobby Ray Inman; Adm. Bill Studeman; Richard Kerr (advisory board). |
ONI directorship | 2 | Adm. Bobby Ray Inman; Adm. Bill Studeman. |
Raytheon | 1 | John Deutch. |
SAIC | 4 | John Deutch; Adm. Bobby Ray Inman; Adm. William Raborn; Adm. Bill Owens. |
Sandia National Laboratory | 2 | James Schlesinger; Richard Kerr. |
TRW | 2 | Robert Gates; Adm. Bill Studeman. |
Virginia Neurological Institute | 2 | Robert Gates; Gen. Paul Gorman; (Kissinger Associates and Edgar Bronfman) |
Wackenhut | 2 | Adm. William Raborn; Frank Carlucci. |
It appears that there are almost no companies or institutes that are completely dominated by ranking members of the CIA over a period of 10-15 years or more. MITRE does seem to be a bit of an exception and even in that case we can't really say if this has been a coincidence or not. It's perfectly possible that the next trustee chairman will have no identifiable links to the intelligence community or will only be in this position for a relatively brief period. In all other cases it cannot be demonstrated that CIA officers have played a dominant or overseeing role in these companies. Carlyle, Neurogen and the Virginia Neurological Institute might be exceptions, but these really aren't defense corporations. In case of SAIC, which has probably the most obvious CIA connections, the CIA-linked board members were not chairmen or CEOs. As to what this means, there are various possibilities:
Retired CIA officers have been involved with, but have no significant influence over these defense corporations and run little to no special projects through them.
Key leaders of the defense industry occasionally cooperate with the CIA and its need for secret projects, but do this only when they feel like it.
Key leaders of the defense industry are fully cooperating with the CIA with or without having been recruited as members. They allow senior CIA officers to run special projects through their companies.
Many more trustees, directors, CEOs and chairmen belong to the CIA than we are aware of, leading to the same conclusion as point 3, that the CIA uses these companies as it sees fit.
To summarize, we haven't really been getting much wiser. All that can be said is that the CIA has much closer ties to defense corporations than the liberal establishment surrounding the State Department and the New York banking institutions. Basically the 15 CIA officers mentioned above - taken together - have stronger links to the defense industry than the roughly 1,600 Pilgrims Society members of which ISGP has put together biographies until this point. That says something. It says that unless something changed in the past 30 years (the last full Pilgrims Society list dates to 1980), high technology and the defense industry remain the domain of the CIA and the Pentagon - not of the liberal eastern establishment running the CFR, Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission.
However, as has been established in the introduction article on this website, CIA directors and some other senior CIA officers virtually always have liberal establishment ties through various businesses and private institutes as the Atlantic Council and the Council on Foreign Relations. James Schlesinger of MITRE is one very important example of that. Frank Carlucci, Robert Gates, James Woolsey and John Deutch are some of the others. Norman Augustine of Lockheed Martin also has major connections to the liberal establishment, with a small handful of former officers of the company appearing in the Pilgrims Society. Various Pilgrims have also been on the board of General Dynamics. Among them was General Bernard Rogers, a Rhodes Scholar.
Possibly the only defense corporation that used to be controlled by interests connected to the liberal establishment, at least for a period, has been Raytheon. Charles Francis Adams, IV, a member of the Pilgrims Society, was a director of Raytheon from 1938 to 1942. He then headed the company from 1948 to 1972 as president and chairman and stayed on the board until 1997 - two years before his death. The primary founder of Raytheon has been defense scientist Vannevar Bush, who, through his presidency of the Carnegie Institution 1939-1955 and work financed by the Rockefeller Foundation, had considerable liberal/Pilgrims establishment ties. Today this liberal establishment connection is potentially continued through directors as Admiral Vernon Clark (director Rolls Royce; at Business Executives for National Security with Henry Kissinger, Maurice Greenberg, as well as former CIA/FBI chief William Webster) and former CIA director John Deutch (deeply concerned about sustainable development; long-time associate of Warren Buffett, Vernon Jordan, Katharine Graham, Cyrus Vance, Robert McNamara at the Urban Institute).
Interestingly, we already met Vannevar Bush as the close associate of Eisenhower's important science advisor, James Killian, a key player in setting up the Institute for Defense Analyses, the President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), DARPA, a Princeton-located think tank for the NSA, MITRE and the NRO - all during the Eisenhower years of 1952-1960.
The idea one gets is that Truman and Eisenhower wanted the country's most sensitive secrets in civilian hands and not with the military or defense corporations. The same would be true of most other presidents. It appears that Vannevar Bush and James Killian were deeply involved in setting up a national security structure with ultimate control by the secretary of defense and the president. During World War II Bush ran the National Defense Research Council (NDRC), as well as its follow-up, the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD). These groups controlled the deepest scientific secrets of the U.S. government, including the Manhattan Project under which the atomic bomb was developed.
Post-war civilian scientists oversaw the Research and Development Board, the Caltech-controlled Sandia National Laboratories, the Office of Naval Research, the National Science Foundation, the National Research Council, the position of president's science advisor and undoubtedly a few other research bodies. In 1951 all these groups came to be represented in the new scientific advisory committee of the Office of Defense Mobilization, headed by Charles E. Wilson, a former General Electric executive and Eisenhower's future defense secretary. The purpose of the office was to oversee "top secret research in all the sciences, including atomic." During the first three years of its existence it was an extremely influential body of the U.S. government, completely dedicated to making available raw materials and technical know-how for the war in Korea while at the same time preventing an economic collapse in the United States. Once again Killian was serving on the committee, together with J. Robert Oppenheimer, future Rockefeller University president Detlev Bronk (Pilgrims), Harvard president James Conant (Pilgrims) and half a dozen other individuals. Caltech, Princeton and Columbia were represented as well. [13]
The primary founder of the committee, Dr. Oliver E. Buckley, was a member of the general advisory committee of the Atomic Energy Agency and was the president's science advisor in 1951-1952, a position he had taken over from Vannevar Bush. Buckley had been president of Bell Labs from 1940 to 1950 and was chairman from 1950 to 1952. The company was owned by American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), whose board Bush joined in 1947 and remained on until 1962. Bell Labs itself had been the only corporation that was part of the OSRD during World War II. In 1949 it had been given control over Sandia National Laboratories, which, until that point, had been ran by a reluctant Caltech. Bell Labs controlled Sandia until 1993, when Lockheed Martin took over responsibility.
In 1957 Killian reorganized the scientific advisory committee of the Office of Defense Mobilization into the President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) and became its first chairman. PSAC has been replaced by various bodies since the Nixon administration. Killian's position as assistant to the president for science and technology still exists today. From 1981 to 1985 the position was held by George Keyworth II, later of the Center for Security Policy; Jack Gibbons held it for five years under the Clinton administration; and today's presidential science advisor is John Holdren - just to name a few.
It seems that certainly in the past these scientists did have access to the deepest secrets of the United States. This is probably most clear in case of nuclear energy. Do these government scientists still today have insight in all black programs? Hard to say. The days of FDR and Truman, whom were not the biggest friends of the Eastern Establishment nor the Conservative Military Establishment, are long gone. Remember how FDR introduced the New Deal and was continually at risk of being overthrown by the afore-mentioned elites.
The problem today is that there exists a civilian network of former heads of the CIA, the State Department and the Defense Department, working together with major foundations, corporations and universities that largely seems to be calling the shots when it comes to long term foreign and even domestic policy. At the same time the CIA elements of this private network seem to have a lot of sway with defense corporations, as has just been demonstrated. Presidents and vice presidents are largely picked and approved of by this network before they can put themselves up for election. Otherwise, the media will simply ignore them. So, really how "independent" are these government scientists? Whether the president or this permanent network puts them in charge of any clandestine government programs hardly seems to make much difference. And where are these programs ran from? A defense corporation? Lockheed-controlled Sandia base? Or maybe a military facility under the control of the secretary of defense? In the end, does it really matter?
Some of the leading JASON scholars have major ties to this permanent network and have even been hired as "hitmen" to help cover up the JFK assassination, the Israeli nuke program, or Gulf War Syndrome. Also when we look at the top national security scientists of times past, such as Vannevar Bush, James Killian or Detlev Bronk, in later years these men were associated with Merck, the Rockefeller University for Medical Research and Tulane, the first two reportedly linked to biological weapons research for USAMRIID under MKNAOMI and in case of Tulane there have been accusations of involvement in MKULTRA-related research. Also looking at ISGP's Superclass Index, there are not many scientists to be found here. JASON co-founder Sidney Drell doesn't make it in the top 100. A number of DOD scientists do, but overall we would have to conclude that scientists are always in the employ of the exact same "Powers That Be" as described in every other article of ISGP. Look at the 2013 Edward Snowden affair. Whether one looks at the leadership of the NSA, defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, or members of the Senate Intelligence Committee whom Snowden complained weren't properly informed, they're all friends and associates, with most of them listed in ISGP's Superclass Index.
Category |
Secrecy levels |
Additional levels of Compartmentalization | A USAP hidden behind another SAP or USAP, combined with the protection the private industry enjoys. Existence is unconfirmed, but entirely possible. Would be illegal, because all checks and balances are gone. Of course, if the argument is that senior government posts might be infiltrated by the Russians, Chinese or other foreign power, probably anything is allowed.
Waived Unacknowledged Special Access Programs / deep black programs Existence only orally mentioned to a few key congressional members. Besides "need to know" it appears that it depends on the personal relationship between government officials and business leaders to what extent they are told about these programs - including the president.
Unacknowledged Special Access Programs / black programs Congressional committees should still be notified on paper, but violations have been reported.
(Acknowledged) Special Access Programs | ||
Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS-SCI) |
Basic secrecy levels | Top Secret | NATO Cosmic Top Secret |
Secret | NATO Secret | |
Confidential | NATO Confidential | |
Public or semi-public | For Official Use Only | NATO Restricted |
Unclassified | NATO Unclassified |
If we look at the different levels of secrecy that exist for certain programs in the United States, it's best to look at the chart above. I personally have a hard time believing that any president, any president-appointed scientific body, or any corporation is able to hide any secrets from the private network just discussed, certainly in the long term. They may keep secrets from each other for various reasons, but overall I doubt any secret programs escape the attention of the "400" of the Superclass Index. The present heads of the CIA, Defense Department and State Department suddenly conspiring with the president to not keep their best friends, sponsors and mentors, with whom they still interact in a network of NGOs, out of the loop? Doubt it. Quiet complaints may come from Congress and even the Senate that they are not being kept properly informed about (Unacknowledged) Special Access Programs, but certainly after the Snowden Affair one gets the impression that they don't really want to. I didn't see key members of the Senate and Congressional intelligence committees stick up for Snowden, so one has to conclude that they're all "establishment", far removed from "the people".
As for the JASONs, go through the historical membership list and the reader will find that most of them do not have any significant background in the military, in intelligence or as engineers and directors of defense corporations. Only when one looks a level above the JASONs, at the board of the MITRE Corporation in this case, it is possible to find extensive links to these defense corporations, as well as the CIA, NSA, ONI and NRO. And only CIA directors and a few of their deputies seem to have a chance to make it all the way to secretary of defense in Washington, D.C. or national security advisor (but not secretary of state). It is ultimately these people who call the shots and maybe should be paid the most attention to. That's not to say that professors from leading universities couldn't have been brought into some of the most sensitive private research projects in the country, alongside their Pentagon colleagues, but specific evidence for this is lacking. I give the same advise as always: keep your eyes on the "400" of the Superclass Index. A couple leading scientists are to be found here, but they'll always have someone above them who appears higher in the same index.
[1] | February 10, 1986, American Institute of Physics, Interview with Kenneth M. Watson (Drell is mentioned as a co-founder in some of his biographies) |
[2] | 2005, Institute for Defense Analyses, IDA's History | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[3] | Ibid. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[4] | Federation of American Scientists (FAS), 'JASON Defense Advisory Panel Reports' |
[5] | August 18, 2000, NRO news, 'NRO Honors Pioneers of National Reconnaissance' |
[6] | Storming Media, 'MITRE CORP MCLEAN VA JASON PROGRAM OFFICE' If you click on the link to Storming Media you will find a list of JASON studies. In each individual description you can find several of the authors. When you compare all these names with other sources you'll find the same names. It turned out to be so easy it's almost embarrassing. That's why the JASONs needed to try and intimidate me? |
[7] | *) June 1, 2001, The National Interest, 'An Announcement': "Irving Kristol, who has been Publisher since the founding of the magazine, will step down and become Honorary Chairman of the Advisory Board. The new Publisher, we are pleased to announce, will be James Schlesinger, who needs no introduction to our readers. Conrad M. Black, another past contributor to our pages, will remain Chairman of the Advisory Board and will be joined in that position by Henry Kissinger. ... new nonprofit organization, The National Interest, Inc., will replace National Affairs, Inc. as the institutional publisher. This organization represents a partnership between Hollinger International, Inc. (of which Mr. Black is Chairman) and The Nixon Center in Washington, DC." *) Dov Zakheim's Linked-in paged says he has been vice chairman of the Center for the National Interest from May 2001-today: "Vice Chairman. Center of the National Interest. May 2001 – Present (11 years 6 months) Washington, DC. Senior Vice President. Booz Allen Hamilton..." (accessed: October 20, 2012) *) Number 78, Winter 2004/2005, The National Interest: "Chairman of the editorial board: Conrad Black. Co-chairman of the editorial board: Henry A. Kissinger. Publisher: James R. Schlesinger. ... Editorial board: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Eliot A. Cohen, Midge Decter, Martin Feldstein, Francis Fukuyama, Samuel P. Huntington, Josef Joffe, Charles Krauthammer, Michael Mandelbaum, Richard Perle, Daniel Pipes..." *) 2012, board of directors, Center for the National Interest, Guidestar: "Ambassador Richard Burt - Ambassador - McLarty Associates. ... Dr. Leslie Gelb - Council on Foreign Relations. Maurice Greenberg - Chairman - C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. ... Henry Kissinger - Honorary Chairman - Kissinger Associates, Inc. Julie Nixon Eisenhower - No Affiliation. ... Peter Peterson - Peter G. Peterson Foundation. ... James Schlesinger - MITRE Corporation. Brent Scowcroft - Scowcroft Group. ... Dov S. Zakheim - No Affiliation. Robert Ellsworth - Ambassador - Hamilton BioVentures." (accessed: October 20, 2012) |
[8] | June 27, 2006, Homeland Security, Press Release, 'Secretary Chertoff announces new members and leadership of the Homeland Security Advisory Council': "Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has announced the appointment of Judge William Webster as the Chair of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) and Secretary James Schlesinger as the Vice Chair of the HSAC. Webster previously served as the HSAC Vice Chair and Schlesinger previously served as an HSAC member." |
[9] | Annual report 2001, Center for Security Policy: "Anticipating the results of a congressionally-mandated Commission on National Security Space Management and Organization headed in 2000 by Donald Rumsfeld, the Center held a major roundtable on the requirements the U.S. will need to devote to space power, and exactly what is at stake for the nation. The event brought together more than 80 past and present senior military officers, government officials, industry leaders, lawmakers and journalists. Lead discussants included James Schlesinger... " |
[10] | (accessed 20 October 2012): "Defense Policy Board Membership (July 2004): ... Honorable Newt Gingrich ... [appointment end date:] 1/10/2006; ... Dr. Fred C. Ikle ... [appointment end date:] 11/19/2005; ... Adm. David E. Jeremiah ... [appointment end date:] 11/19/2005; ... Dr. Henry A. Kissinger ... [appointment end date:] 11/26/2005; ... Mr. Richard A. Perle ... [appointment end date:] 2/28/2004; ... Honorable Dan Quayle ... [appointment end date:] 5/6/2005; ... Dr. James R. Schlesinger ... [appointment end date:] 7/23/2004; ... Gen. John J. Sheehan ... [appointment end date:] 11/22/2003; ... Dr. Helmut Sonnenfeldt ... [appointment end date:] 11/26/2005; ... Dr. R. James Woolsey... [appointment end date:] 11/19/2005." |
[11] | Jan. 28, 2003, Village Voice, 'The Empire Strikes Back': "This Saturday, more than a thousand of America's top military and government leaders and their guests are scheduled to gather at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., for a secretive tribal rite called the 103rd Annual Wallow of the Military Order of the Carabao. ... Recent guests have included Colin Powell and General Richard B. Myers, current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many of the country's top military leaders are listed as members. (You have to be an officer to even be considered for membership.) Acting like a cluster of Klingons, the guys will toss around revered imperial slogans, such as "Civilize 'em with a Krag!" referring to the rifles used by Americans to kill thousands of Filipinos, who had fought Spain for their freedom and didn't want to be handed over to another colonial power. And there will be rousing speeches, like last year's address by top honoree James Schlesinger, the Nixon-era CIA director and defense secretary, who decades later is still an influential hawk urging a new war with Iraq. A place was reserved at the head table for President George W. Bush, who was a no-show, but Schlesinger, who received the Carabaos' Distinguished Service Award, delivered an appropriately bellicose speech, telling the crowd, "Someone once said that war is hell, and peace is heaven. But we know that the opposite is true: War is heaven, and peace is hell." An aide to Schlesinger told the Voice late last week that Schlesinger said he recalls saying, "You know, General Sherman had it all wrong. It's not war that's hell, it's peace that's hell." The aide added that Schlesinger didn't have time to talk further about the Wallow but that what he told the crowd was a "humorous remark made in reference to the defense budgetary situation." ... Ancient Strom Thurmond was plunked down at the 2002 Wallow's head table, where he was assigned a cigar alongside those reserved for Schlesinger, General Myers, Pete Aldridge (the Pentagon's chief of acquisition, technology, and logistics), Dov Zakheim (the Pentagon's comptroller), Gordon England (top deputy to Homeland Security czar Tom Ridge), Sean O'Keefe (the NASA director), and other bigwigs. Marine General Peter Pace, the vice chair of the Joint Chiefs, and Air Force Secretary James Roche, both Carabaos, were assigned the roles of hosting tables of their own. Among the assigned greeters was last year's Grand Paramount Carabao, General P.X. Kelley, a retired commandant of the marine corps, whose last real tour of duty was the 1992 GOP presidential primaries, when his pro-war TV pitches helped deliver the South for George Bush the Elder against isolationist Pat Buchanan. Joining Kelley on the Reception Committee were General Alfred M. Gray Jr., the marine commandant during the previous war with Iraq; Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, a chairman of the Joint Chiefs during Vietnam; and an assortment of other admirals and generals. ... Carabaos pop up in other situations involving minorities or others fighting discrimination. The last all-male Advisory Council at the Citadel, the South Carolina school that was the scene of serious gender discrimination battles in the '90s, was chaired by retired army general Jack Merritt, a Carabao, and included at least three other bulls: Moorer, retired marine commandant General Carl Mundy, and retired Atlantic Fleet chief Admiral Wesley McDonald." |
[12] | See ISGP's AFIO/OSS Society articles. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[13] | April 20, 1951, Lawrence Journal-World, 'President Drafts Top Science Men. Wants 11 Committee Members To Co-Ordinate Research, Defense': "Appointment of the group to advise Defense Mobilization Director Charles Wilson on top secret research in all the sciences, including atomic, was disclosed in a White House announcement." The names mentioned in the article are:
[14] | *) "Report date (dd-mm-yyyy): October 2008. Title and subtitle: High Frequency Gravitational Waves. Performing organization name(s) and address(es): The MITRE Corporation JASON Program Office. ... JASON was asked by staff at the National MASINT Committee of ODNI to evaluate the scientific, technological, and national security significance of high frequency gravitational waves (HFGW). ... Name of responsible person: Dr. Ronald Pandolfi..." *) April 29, 2010,, 'Conference Organizers Should Not Live in Caves', comment section, where Jack Sarfatti posts under his own name: "My main interest was Valentini's idea of signal nonlocality, which in Valentini’s words, could be used for "espionage" and breaking quantum cryptography security words. I am an informal "senior advisor" to Dr. Ronald Pandolfi, of the Science & Technology Directorate of the CIA and the MASINT [Measurement and Signature Intelligence] program. Indeed, I was Pandolfi's guest at a JASON meeting at General Atomics in June 2008 in La Jolla. Therefore, for Towler to tell the Times Higher Education Supplement that I thought Towler was in the pay of the CIA was blatantly false and I had previously admonished Towler not to spread that false story to the press." |
Additional references
[1] | March 1967, Jason Division of IDA, 'Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Southeast Asia' | |
[2] | March 3, 1968, New York Times, Sane Bids the U.S. Uphold Atom Ban' | |
[3] | April 29, 1972, New York Times, 'Lab Occupation Ends' | |
[4] | June 6, 1985, Washington Post, 'CIA Studies Sub Vulnerability' | |
[5] | November 12, 1985, LA Times, 'Scientists Dispute Test of X-Ray Laser Weapon Livermore Lab...' | |
[6] | June 4, 1986, LA Times, 'X-Ray Laser Test Data Inaccurate, GAO Study Finds' | |
[7] | June 20, 1986, LA Times, 'Defense Expert Physicist Expected to Be Named as Scripps Director' | |
[8] | February 18, 1990, Washington Post, 'Board Responded to a Narrow Question' | |
[9] | November 1994, JASON & The MITRE Corporation report, 'Science Based Stockpile Stewardship' (JSR-94-345) | |
[10] | August 4, 1995, JASON & The MITRE Corporation report about Nuclear Testing (JSR-95-320) | |
[11] | August 15, 1995, Washington Post, 'Relevancy, at Last' | |
[12] | October 1, 1995, Washington Times, 'Should we sign on to a nuclear test ban treaty?' | |
[13] | October 28, 1995, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Bechtel Lands Nuclear Test Job' | |
[14] | November 26, 1997, Washington Times, 'Ratifying the nuclear test ban treaty is a step toward nonproliferation' | |
[15] | September 27, 1999, United Press International, 'US Not Ready for Bio-War Attack' | |
[16] | December 17, 1999, LA Times, 'Adrift at a Tender Age' | |
[17] | September 18, 2001, San Francisco, Chronicle, 'Bacteria, viruses pose grave threat, experts say' | |
[18] | March 9, 2003, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Battlefield nukes Secret Vietnam-era report, just declassified, highlighted dangers' | |
[19] | March 9, 2003, LA Times, 'MILITARY STRATEGY; Making the Case Against Calamity' | |
[20] | March 9, 2003, LA Times, 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS; A Bad Idea in Vietnam, an Even Worse Idea Today' | |
[21] | March 9, 2003, Washington Post, ''67 Study Discouraged Use of Nuclear Weapons in Vietnam War' | |
[22] | December 15, 2004, United Press International, 'Report: Govt secrecy hurting warfighters' | |
[23] | December 19, 2004, United Press International, 'Group slams unwieldy security' | |
[24] | May 26, 2005, FAS, 'JASON on Sensors to Support the Soldier' | |
[25] | Wikipedia, 'JASON Defense Advisory Group' |