The people with the endless bios: An introduction to the world we live in
This is an old article and would have been taken down were it not that it contains some valuable information here and there. Other articles on this site contain a lot of additional information which usually has been put in a better context. In this period I was still heavily influenced by the typical John Birch Society propaganda found everywhere.
Turns out it's quite a challenge to write a decent introduction to the information available on this website. The issue at hand is enormously complex and a lot of work still needs to be done. We'll give it a try anyway and discuss the history of the globalist movement, including 19th century Britain, the US, Canada, Israel, the European Union, and the opening up of both Russia and China. In the process we'll determine the absolute core of this globalist network and provide an extensive biography with each name. Then we'll put forth a theory that might explain why ordinary politics and the hidden globalist group go hand-in-hand without the latter being exposed by anyone on "the inside," whatever that means. At the end we'll take a look at who's behind the sustainable development movement and the United Nations while discussing the rather disturbing information that was brought to light by George Hunt in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I suggest you pay attention to the fine print in this article and read the biographies provided, otherwise it will be much more difficult to see how this relatively small group of people are all closely knit together.
The basic premise of this article is that an old boys network of low-profile, privately-funded, and intelligence-ridden institutes exercise a huge amount of influence over local governments, the media, universities (science), and the policies of the multinational corporations (who fund these networks). The names of about 150 of these institutes [update: 1200+ these days] have been listed in appendix A and about 1400 names plus biographies, ranging from the most complete available to very basic, are available in the different membership lists. A smaller list of globalist institutes are chronologically ordered in appendix B, together with the persons who founded them and some of the connections they had. Appendix C contains the genealogies of the Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller, and Morgan families, which might come in handy at times. A partial Cecil bloodline is also listed there, although that one has been compiled for a different reason.
Below you can see a simplified sketch of the network that will be discussed. At this point I consider The Pilgrims, Le Cercle, and the 1001 the umbrella organizations (don't take this to literally), because together they encompass all aspects of the globalist movement: the leadership of all the other private globalist institutes, Anglo-American business and banking, Paneuropean Catholic fanatics, multinationals worldwide, old blue blood family lines, Western and Middle-Eastern intelligence, the illegal arms trade (1), and the environmental movement. Taken together, there's little doubt these organizations form a privatized, permanent, and transnational government which exercises a huge amount of direct and indirect influence over many parts of the world. Additionally, there's also the question if there's a central core within this group that might set the policies, or if there's another, even more hidden group that really sets the agenda (largely a reference to rumors about the military-industrial complex). We just don't know at this point. [2014 note: clearly this information is extremely dated.]
The Pilgrims Society is the organization which consistently recruits only very elitist members of society, many with nearly endless resumes. Le Cercle, an outgrowth of the reactionary Vatican-Paneuropa network, is more mixed, and most participants are intelligence insiders. The 1001 Club recruits the most influential businessmen, often in mining and bulk shipping, from all over the world, but also some lower level WWF employees. The WWF is very tight-lipped about this club though, as you can see in the 1001 Club article on this website.
In any case, one thing that is clear is that more than a few roads lead to London. The British are strongly represented in the Pilgrims, the 1001 and Le Cercle. (2). The Pilgrims Society was set up by the British aristocracy, mainly bankers and diplomats. The person who actually came up with the name 'Pilgrims' was a great grandfather of the late Princess Diana (3). The British monarch became the official head of the Pilgrims Society and members of the royal family have always attended the London meetings.
The 1001 Club was mainly created by Prince Philip and the South-African billionaire Anton Rupert (update: Cercle visitor). Officially the 1001 only coordinates the WWF, but many members, who represent a huge chunk of the international conservationist movement, seem more occupied with the West's need for inexpensive natural resources.
Le Cercle was set up by interests tied to the Habsburgs and radical elements in the Vatican. Soon, an important trade representative of the City of London, Sir Peter Tennant, was attracted, and about two decades later British aristocrats, the last three of them Privy Councillors, took over leadership of Le Cercle. Its latest head is a former Rothschild banker.
Where the globalist movement started
The globalist movement appears to be a continuation of the old British dream of a worldwide English-speaking empire, with allies in the Zionist movement and the modern American economic empire.
[cut out a whole section. too simplistic.]
Quigley has described how the Round Table, with their main US ally J.P. Morgan, set up the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Institute for Pacific Relations in the 1918-1925 period. He seems to have missed the Pilgrims Society, which was founded in London in 1902, followed by a New York chapter in 1903. This Round Table -or wider Pilgrims Society group- also established the Federal Reserve and the Rockefeller Foundation, both in 1913 (all these people can be found in the Pilgrims Society membership list). The Carnegie network, which was (and is) especially influential on the Western educational system, was also set up during this time period, starting with the Carnegie Institution of Washington in 1902, an organization for scientific discovery; the Carnegie Endowment in 1910, which became an intelligence and big business ridden geopolitical think tank for global peace; and the Carnegie Corporation of New York in 1911, which is the grant making part of the Carnegie network. Today this institute donates dozens of millions a year to all the major universities in the United States and southern Africa (16). Grants are also made to organizations like the CFR, the RIIA, the American Assembly, the UN, the American Red Cross, the Museum of Jewish Heritage, and the American Museum of Natural History. ![]() Andrew Carnegie, our little Hegelian Social Darwinist (literally), once born in a poor family of handloom weavers, had a very different background than most of his later associates. Around 1870 he already was a wealthy self-made man, but only after some crucial help from the London banker Junius S. Morgan (father J.P. Morgan; worked for George Peabody, supposedly a Rothschild agent) in 1874, he rose to became the most powerful industrialist of the US, next to J.P. Morgan. His primary associates, who inspired and guided him in the founding of the different Carnegie Institutions, were Daniel Coit Gilman (Pilgrims; incorporated Skull & Bones into the Russell Trust), Nicholas Murray Butler (head of Columbia University; major totalitarian Hegelian US educator; president of the Pilgrims Society; Bohemian Grove; associate of J.P. Morgan and Robert Cecil - 1st Viscount of Chelwood; co-founder League of Nations), and Elihu Root (Pilgrims; official founder CFR; close friend of Butler). Of course, even in the early days there existed a wider network of private clubs where society's elite met with each other. The freemasonic lodges had been around for two centuries, just as its Celtic counterpart, the Druid groves. The annual Bohemian Grove event had become an exclusive elite gathering after news of the Cremation of Care reached the papers in Washington and New York at the turn of the 20th century. There was the Cosmos Club in Washington, and in London you had (and have) the White's Club, the Roxburghe Club, the Other Club (since 1911) and the Grillion's Club. At the student level you had clubs like Skull & Bones (Yale), Scroll & Key (Yale), the Porcellian Club (Harvard), Cap & Gown (Princeton), the Ivy Club (Princeton), The Apostles (Cambridge), and the Rhodes scholars (Oxford). There were many more regional clubs where members of the old aristocratic families and the newly rich interacted with each other (and as a result, outside of the clubs). This network acted as the permanent government of the time; officials only reached the White House if they had enough friends within these circles. And when these people left office again, this network made sure they got another (better paying) job. The tiny group of Round Table financiers; the Warburgs, Jacob Schiff, the Rockefellers, the Morgans, and the Rothschilds, can probably be referred to as the secret government of the time and even today we know very little about the things they discussed in the backrooms. What we do know is that they had (and have) quite an obsession with "global peace" since the early part of the 20th century (17). |
During and right after WWII a lot of things changed. The United States became the most powerful nation on the planet. The United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF, and NATO were born, all set up by members of the CFR, the RIIA, and its "umbrella organization": the Pilgrims Society (19). By this time the Morgan family had lost control of the family bank, although it was still safely in the hands of other Pilgrims Society members. The Rockefellers now certainly became the undisputed number one family of the United States. Following the overt institutions, their covert counterparts soon followed: the United States Council for International Business in 1945, the Mont Pelerin Society in 1947, Atlantik-Brücke in 1952, Bilderberg in 1954, followed in the 1960s and 1970s by many dozens of other low-profile (as in, not or seldom mentioned in the news or schoolbooks, so their influence on society is for the most part unknown) national and international think tanks and discussion groups. The whole globalist movement became much more professional and organized. The Atlantic Institute of International Affairs, the Pinay Circle, the Economic League, the US-USSR Trade and Economic Council, the Trilateral Commission, and the 1001 Club are all examples of enormously influential institutes that seldom (or never) have received any serious attention in the mainstream media.
Ironically, almost everyone believes that the overt organizations have brought us this globalized world we live in today, while in reality it has been the covert network that initiated the process in almost every case. |
The speed at which the globalization process advanced, further increased in the 1980s and 1990s. The main focus of the globalist movement now became the European Union, where many of the later key institutions were established. Among these were the European Round Table in 1983, the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe from 1987 to 2002, the European Institute in 1987, the EU-Japan Business Roundtable in 1995, the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue in 1995, the Centre for European Reform in 1996, Friends of Europe in 1999, and the European Financial Services Round Table in 2001.
A university study in international relations might be an exception (to some degree), but generally these institutes are not mentioned in the textbooks. The average person, even today, knows very little, if anything, about them. The education system only teaches the public-political side of the European Union: the European Council, the Council of Ministers, the European Parliament, the European Court of Justice, and the European Commission. The question then becomes, do these private institutions have any influence, and if they do, just how much? Unfortunately, as far as I have seen, the combined influence has never been examined, but about all these institutions individually it has been reported that their influence is quite substantial. For example, the Belgian Jan Puype, the only journalist at the moment who has attended a meeting of the ERT, reported (translated from Dutch) (20):
Puype: "I was a guest at the birthday party of the ERT, which existed 20 years in 2003. That gave a surreal feeling. I was the only journalist and walked between De Benedetti, Davignon, Leysen, Prodi, 'What am I doing here for God's sake', I was thinking. But is was very interesting to see how things were done, of course..." Solidair: "In your book you describe how ERT-chairman Gerhard Cromme [ThyssenKrupp; CFR] teaches European Commission chairman Romano Prodi a lesson for criticizing the United States." Puype: "I thought I was hallucinating. Prodi was put in his place like a little kid. It became even more remarkable when the Commission chairman started to speak himself. He held a speech like 'friends, I will not do it again and I will be good from now on'. A completely different Prodi then the man I saw on television raising his finger in the air against the Americans." "You can't say that the ERT decides everything that happens in Europe, but her influence is enormous... The ERT has a very efficient way of lobbying. The members write papers on the direction Europe should be going in terms of the environment, competition, technology, etc. Once these papers are finished inside the ERT, the machine starts running. The club sends out a team of delegates consisting of the most important members to the European Commission. Individual members take the messages to their national governments. The ERT thinks very pro-active. She is often the first to work on certain issues. That is also her strength. The introduction of the single currency, the Maastricht-Treaty, the Channel Tunnel, or the [EU's] expansion to the east: that all started at the ERT." |
Is this surprising? Not really if you look at the founders of the ERT. These were the Belgian Etienne Davignon and the Swedish Pehr Gyllenhammar (21). At that time, Gyllenhammar -who is usually seen as the primary founder- was an 11-year member of the International Advisory Committee of the Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank. Additionally, during the time that Gyllenhammar was busy establishing the ERT, he was approached by Henry Kissinger to join the board of his newly established Kissinger Associates (22). In 1999 Gyllenhammar became a senior partner and managing director of Lazard Partners (after having been a senior advisor since 1996) and today he is vice-chairman of Rothschild Europe, chairman of the Rothschild pension funds, and the founding chairman of the earlier mentioned European Financial Services Round Table. Gyllenhammar is also a member of the advisory board of PlaNet Finance, "an international non profit organization, which aims at alleviating poverty by contributing to the development of the microfinance sector." Other members of the board are UN secretary general Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Lazard chief Michel David-Weill, Lazard partner Felix Rohatyn, the Opus Dei-oriented Jacques Delors, former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres (unusually globalist-oriented for an Israeli) and Etienne Davignon.

April 6 & 7, 1983, first meeting of the ERT. Gyllenhammar and Davignon are sitting in the bottom row, persons 4 and 5 from the left.
Davignon, as a vice-president of the European Commission, earlier challenged Gyllenhammar to put together a group of top European businessmen to lobby the European Commission (which became the ERT). At some point Davignon became a close friend to Kissinger (24) and also joined the board of Kissinger Associates (25), although seemingly in a later stage. The shortest possible version of Davignon's biography without omitting too many important facts goes something like this: Chair and still vice-chair Société Générale de Belgique; one of the largest private shareholders of the Suez Group (which he does not control); former director Anglo-American Corporation; co-founder and president Association for the Monetary Union of Europe; chairman CSR Europe (European business network); founder EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation; chairman EU-Japan Business Dialogue; co-founder and president Friends of Europe; director of the European Institute; member Council on Foreign Relations; member Trilateral Commission; supposedly a former governor of Ditchley; chairman Royal Institute for International Relations (Belgian version of RIIA); and honorary chairman of Bilderberg since 1999 *, after Lord Carrington resigned.
* Update: Etienne Davignon has been mentioned as a child abuser in the Belgian X-Dossiers. He's not the only one. His good friend and business partner Maurice Lippens has actually been accused of child torture and murder on several occasions. Maurice has shared a number of boards of major Belgian banks with Davignon, and has also been to Bilderberg, not to mention the Trilateral Commission. See the article 'Beyond the Dutroux affair' for more details.
Now wait a minute. Carrington was another ultra-connected early director of Kissinger Associates (26). That means we have two heads of Bilderberg, covering the period from 1989 until today, that sat on the board of Kissinger's shadowy company. And whatta ya know? Lord Roll, Bilderberg chairman from 1985 to 1989 was another board member of Kissinger Associates since 1984 (27). You almost get the impression that Kissinger and his closest associates (Rockefeller and Rothschild) pick the leadership of Bilderberg.
The short version of Carrington's bio, a president of the Pilgrims Society since 1983, reads: Director Rio Tinto, historically a Rothschild company; Barclays Bank, Hollinger (Owned by Canadian Privy Councilor Conrad Black; Evelyn de Rothschild sat on the same board, as did Kissinger and many other very important globalists), a few metal companies, and Hambros Bank; Privy Councilor; Order of the Garter; insider of Brian Crozier's (Le Cercle; ultra-right MI6 propagandist) Shield Committee that got Margaret Thatcher elected; governor Ditchley; governor Atlantic Institute for International Affairs; member RIIA; member CFR; member Trilateral Commission; and secretary-general NATO. The biography of Lord Eric Roll reads: Rockefeller fellowship; took part in the Schuman Plan discussions; worked at the OECD, the IMF, and the World Bank; co-head S.G. Warburg & Company (set up and headed by Pilgrims Society member Sir Siegmund Warburg. The firm was the London partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co); advisor UBS; member Court of the Bank of England; governor Atlantic Institute for International Affairs; Governor Ditchley; member CFR; member Trilateral Commission (and almost certainly a member of the Pilgrims Society).
Some of today's most important globalists. Click on a name to view their biography. These bios have been compiled by PEHI and are (by far) the most complete available today. Agnelli, recruited early on by the Rockefellers (like everyone in this row except seemingly Davignon), has been followed up by John Elkann.
Now you know immediately why I created the images above and below. The biographies of these people are just way too long, because they constitute the absolute core of the globalist movement. Some created many of the post-WWII private institutions, like new ager Maurice Strong (Pilgrims; Rockefeller-Rothschild protege) in the environment movement, Etienne Davignon in Europe, Henry Kissinger (Rockefeller protege) and David Rockefeller (Pilgrims) everywhere else. The Rothschilds, together with Prince Charles, are the architects of the sustainable development movement, according to Maurice Strong (28). The Rothschild family is truly enigmatic, because in many mainstream articles it is acknowledged that they still wield tremendous influence behind the scenes, yet no one seems to be bothered trying to find out what it is exactly they're involved in. One thing is for sure, most of the time when they arrange a meeting with a head of state, the press does not report it.
Other top tier globalists of today. Cisneros, a 1001 Club member and Knight of Malta, is the Latin American media baron in part responsible for the media war against Chavez. He is a very close associate of David Rockefeller, just as George Shultz and the Desmarais family in this row. The Rothschilds have a close working relationship with the Rockefellers in the environmental movement, the United Nations, and trade with the former communist world. Prince Charles already played polo with Evelyn de Rothschild in his student years and later set up the Interfaith consultations with him. Otto is a central player in the reactionary Vatican-Paneuropa network.
The aged Otto von Habsburg has been one of the most influential behind-the-scenes players in Europe since WWII. The Catholic Habsburgs, including Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein, still run Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi's Paneuropa Union (29). The Paneuropa Union was originally funded by Louis de Rothschild and Max Warburg while Leopold Amery and Nicholas Murray Butler (Pilgrims Society) were among its most devoted overseas patrons (30). After WWII, Coudenhove-Kalergi and Otto von Habsburg, together with their associates in such organizations as Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta, began rebuilding their Vatican-Paneuropa network with the aim of recreating a new Holy Roman Empire. Over the years it included organizations as the Mouvement d'Action pour l'Union de l'Europe, the Académie Européenne de Sciences Politiques, Ordre du Rouvre, the Institut Européen pour la Paix et la Sécurité, the Société Internationale de Wilton Park, l'Institut Europeen de Developpement, Cercle des Nations (the broader Cercle de Lorraine today), the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the Mont Pelerin Society and the Coundenhove-Kalergi Foundation. Today, Otto Habsburg is an advisor to the Coundenhove-Kalergi Foundation, together with Count Hans Huyn (Le Cercle), Jakob Coudenhove-Kalergi (nephew of Richard, the founder of the Paneuropa Union), Prince Carlo della Torre e Tasso (Italian branch of the Thurn und Taxis family), and Max Turnauer (ambassador of the Order of Malta in Liechtenstein). Nikolaus von Liechtenstein, the younger brother of Hans-Adam II, is an executive member of the the Coundenhove-Kalergi Foundation. When Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi died in 1972, Otto von Habsburg took over the presidency of the Paneuropa Union and today he still serves in that position.
One of the most important outgrowths of the reactionary Vatican-Paneuropa network is an organization called Le Cercle. It was established in the 1950s by such Opusian luminaries as Antoine Pinay, Jean Violet and Otto von Habsburg. Leading officials in intelligence, business and politics, often retired, were brought together with the idea of building a strong Europe around a Franco-German alliance. At least initially, it was dominated by Catholic interests from mainland Europe, but in 1980 leadership was taken over by the British. Among these British leaders was a son of the earlier mentioned Leopold Amery and an employee of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. David Rockefeller was recruited in 1967 by Vatican agent Carlo Pesenti, and said he was completely unaware of the existence of this group before this time. However, he and his Chase associates thought the Habsburg clique was far too reactionary and he decided to withdraw. At the time, Kissinger was about the only other person from the United States attending meetings of Le Cercle. (31)
Le Cercle is where the above listed Pilgrims Society member Paul Volcker re-enters the picture. As newly appointed chairman of the Federal Reserve System, a position Carter picked for him after having been advised by David Rockefeller (Pilgrims) and Robert Vincent Roosa (Pilgrims) (32), he was identified by BND officer Hans Langemann as a person who attended the December 1, 1979 meeting of Le Cercle in the Madison Hotel in Washington (33). Others that attended the meeting were the German Karl-Heinz Narjes (Bundestag; soon went to the ECC), Opus Dei-oriented CIA director William Colby, Knight of Malta and Heritage Foundation head Ed Feulner, Julian Amery (later head of Le Cercle; Privy Councilor; his father was Leopold Amery, one of the closest Rothschild allies and helped in building up the Paneuropa Union and Israel), and Jean Violet (tied to the Synarchist Movement of Empire through CSAR; Nazi collaborator; French intelligence officer; Opus Dei; Habsburg employee; recruit of Nazi general Reinhard Gehlen; co-founder and chairman of Le Cercle who represented French big business). Whatever these people were discussing, the history books never recorded it.
Volcker has more interesting connections. After stepping down as head of the Federal Reserve he went to work for the Canadian Power Corporation, which was majority owned and headed by a good friend of his, Paul Desmarais, Sr. Besides having been described as a close personal friend of every Canadian Prime Minister since 1968, Desmarais has also been a member of the advisory councils of Carlyle, Chase Manhattan Bank (his son Andre now is a member of J.P. Morgan Chase's International Council), and Barrick Gold Corporation (set up by international arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi whose first employer was the Bin Laden family and has close ties to the British throne; Barrick also employed Bush Sr.; the later discussed Rothschild buddy Vernon Jordan; and was headed by Peter Munk, a 1001 Club member and skiing partner of Prince Charles). In 1992 he was appointed a member of the Canadian Privy Council, the same year that Maurice F. Strong, Conrad M. Black, and Charles R. Bronfman (brother of Edgar Bronfman, Sr.) were also made members. Power Corporation is one part of a large international business empire, that together with the relatively obscure Frère family, virtually co-owns the state of Belgium (GBL; Suez; SG; Tractebel). Desmarais and his son hold many directorships in these Belgian and French companies.
At the time of the Oil-for-Food scandal it turned out that Nadhmi Auchi's General Mediterranean Holdings
had a majority share in BNP Paribas (34), the bank that handled all of the Iraqi loans and has subsidiaries all over the Middle-East. Auchi is a member of Le Cercle and is up to his ears involved in illegal arms trafficking, British Intelligence, and the British throne itself. Look for his bio in the membership list of Le Cercle.
And even though Volcker did not establish any important globalist institutions, we're still not done with him. In March 1992 he became chairman of the newly created J. Rothschild Wolfensohn & Company, Wolfensohn & Co.'s London-based joint venture (35). The venture lasted until 1995 when James Wolfensohn was about to become head of the World Bank. Who was his advisor there? The earlier mentioned Maurice Strong, the United Nations bigwig that built up the conservation movement side-by-side with Edmund de Rothschild and David Rockefeller. Volcker went on to visit Bilderberg and Ditchley, became an advisor to the Japan Society, chaired the Group of 30 and the Oil-for-Food scandal investigation, and became a trustee of the American Assembly. He became a director of Hollinger (of Privy Councilor Conrad Black on which Kissinger, Carrington, and Evelyn de Rothschild also sat. Pilgrims Society member Raymond G.H. Seitz, a newer generation top-globalist, also sat on that board) and the Bankers Trust and became a member Circle of Presidents of the RAND Corporation. He already was a trustee of the Aspen Institute and a visitor of the Bohemian Grove Mandalay camp. At some moment, he became a member of the Chief Executive's Council of International Advisors of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). ![]() Hong Kong, October 4, 2005 The HKSAR was established after Hong Kong was given back to the Chinese in 1997, although the capitalist system of Hong Kong will remain unchanged until the year 2047. The International Advisory Council advises the HKSAR's Chief Executive on strategic issues pertinent to the long-term development of Hong Kong. Other members of the International Advisory Council of the HKSAR are a combination of CEOs of the largest corporations in Western Europe and North America. Among them are Andre Desmarais, Peter Sutherland (Pilgrims)), Maurice R. Greenberg (chair AIG which is in partnership with Kissinger Associates; vice-chairman CFR; Bilderberg; Trilateral Commission; Bohemian Grove; trustee Rockefeller University; trustee Asia Society; patron American Australian Association; almost certainly a Pilgrim), Sir John Bond (Chair HSBC; Court of the Bank of England; Multinational Chairman's Group), and Gerald M Levin (Once rated the fourth most powerful person in the media; CFR; Trilateral Commission; Sun Valley Meetings). Rupert Murdoch (Owns a worldwide media empire; close friend and business partner of Jacob Rothschild; CFR; Sun Valley Meetings) used to be a member of the Advisory Commission back in 2000. Seems not a whole lot changed in Hong Kong after it was given back to China. |
China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Russia
A lot of people have been asking about the relationship of the globalist movement to China. Not only how it is today, but also how it evolved over the past 60 years. The short answer is that at least today it appears to be very cozy. On the other hand, it's obvious that China is preparing itself for a conflict about the dwindling natural resources, especially with Japan and the United States. The globalist group does not seem to be worried about this at all. Why is that?

Two of the first British corporations with large investments in the Far-East. They still exist and the Keswick family (Pilgrims; 1001 Club) of Jardine Matheson bought a 20% stake in Rothschilds Continuation Holdings in 2005. They are the only non-Rothschild shareholders. (77)
In the 19th century, Shanghai had become an international centre of trade (mainly opium to China vs useful goods to the West) in which the British, Americans, and a few other Western countries had large investments. In 1927, general Chiang Kai-shek purged Shanghai of about 5000 communists and together with the powerful Green Gang triad (involved in the opium and gold smuggle, the sex trade, slave-girl trade, brothels, assassinations, and in keeping an eye on labor unions) he was part of, gained absolute control over the city. Also in 1927, Chiang married Soong May-ling, the daughter of one of the most powerful Chinese [triad] families that emerged after the fall of the Qing dynasty. This merchant and banking family converted to christianity and became oriented towards the West. Among other things, May-ling's sister married Sun Yat-sen, the person who established the Republic of China after the Qing dynasty had fallen, ending over 2000 years of imperial rule. Chiang Kai-Shek was Sun's protege. After the Japanese attacked Shanghai in 1937 and invaded the Chinese mainland, the West kept supporting Chiang's resistance, which prevented Japan from sending more troops to the Pacific region. When Japan was finally defeated in 1945, the Communists, headed by Zhou Enlai and Mao, fought the nationalists, led by Chiang and supported by most of the wealthier Chinese businessmen, as well as the United States. Chiang and 2 million of his followers lost the war and retreated to Taiwan in 1949 while Mao took power in mainland China. Enlai became his Prime Minister.

Shanghai, 1930s
Du Yuesheng, the leader of the Green Gang triad and an ally of Chiang fled to the British colony of Hong Kong where he died in 1951. Baron Robert Rothschild - bio - from Belgium, a predecessor of Etienne Davignon as chef de cabinet and a later primary founder of the European Economic Union with Paul Henri Spaak (36), was also present in China at the time. In 1944, at his own request, he came to the Embassy of Chongqing as first secretary, where the headquarters of Chiang's government were located at the time. Here he also met Mao's envoy, Zhou Enlai, whom Rothschild "grew to like." After the Japanese surrendered Rothschild went to Shanghai where he was consul general from 1946 until Chiang's government fell. Then he moved to Washington.

Chiang Kai-shek and his biggest supporter, Henry Luce. Luce, born in China in an elite Anglo-Saxon family, went to Oxford and Yale. Ended up in Skull & Bones. Family members and associates were leading Pilgrims Society members. Founded Time with another S&B member in 1923, which was funded by J.P. Morgan men (Pilgrims). In 1963, Luce bought the Zapruder Film for $150,000 and the exclusive rights to the story of Oswald's wife. He married an intelligence-connected Dame of Malta who became an ambassador to the Vatican.
Even though it's not hard to see which side the West (globalist movement) took, it's also hard to deny that this same group did plenty of business with the communists, before and after 1945. The Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations funding the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) think tank from 1925 to 1961 is one example of these people keeping the door open to the communist world. Gary Allen and especially Antony Sutton have documented the Red trade in great detail. Ford built vehicle-plants in the USSR as early as 1929 and was later followed by Fiat (Agnelli). Chase Manhattan was financing many project over there, as were hundreds of smaller corporations. In 1957, Lord Bertrand Russell and Rockefeller protege Cyrus Eaton, Sr. were two of the primary founders of the Pugwash Conferences, which tried to reduce tensions between the communists and the West (37). Aristotle Onassis was one of the persons who initially proposed that the first meeting could be held at one of his estates. In 1960, David Rockefeller was among the primary founders of the Dartmouth Conferences, which aimed at preventing nuclear conflict with the Soviets (38). In 1967, at the height of the Vietnam War, the Rockefeller's International Basic Economic Corporation (IBEC) and Cyrus Eaton Jr. publicly established a joint venture to invest around the world, including the Soviet Union. The press release even mentioned that these two were busy making it easier for the Soviets to obtain US patents. IBEC, the Rockefeller company, was headed by Richard S. Aldrich, a cousin of the Rockefellers and part of a Pilgrims Society family that also co-founded the Federal Reserve (39). Two years later, in October 1969, N.M Rothschild & Sons announced that they were about to conclude a joint venture of their own with IBEC, again to invest around the world, although no specifics were given this time (40). At the 1972 Dartmouth Conference it was proposed to establish a US-USSR trade organization, which soon developed in the secretive US-USSR Trade and Economic Council, organized by top-globalist George Shultz (41) Then finally, in 1972, the first SALT treaty was signed, making Henry Kissinger, a Rockefeller protege and Rothschild friend, an international hero for accomplishing the first (public) breakthrough in US-Soviet relations.

David Rockefeller meets Zhou Enlai almost 30 years after Baron Robert Rothschild left Zhou behind. The picture was probably taken in June 1973. Earlier, in the 1964-1965 period, David had met with Khrushchev and Brezhnev. At these meetings it was agreed to increase trade between the US and USSR, which led to the 1967 Rockefeller-Eaton joint venture, followed in 1969 by a deal with the Rothschilds. In 1973, the secretive US-USSR Trade and Economic Council was established, just as the National Council for US-China Trade.
Whatever covertly happened between the globalist movement and China before the early 1970s, from this time on Henry Kissinger started conferring with Zhou Enlai, still China's prime minister and usually seen as less radical than Mao himself. Kissinger made two secret trips to China in 1971 to lay the ground work for Nixon's 1972 public visit. In the following years, Kissinger made subsequent secret trips to China to make sensitive intelligence exchanges. Robert C. McFarlane was among those who went with him, in his case between 1973 and 1976. The National Council for US-China Trade was established in May 1973 (42), the same month in which Chase Manhattan Bank opened a Moscow office at 1 Karl Marx Square (43). This was also the first year that the secretive US-USSR Trade and Economic Council meetings were going on; its Overseas Development Council at one point chaired by David Rockefeller (according to his digital Who's Who). The US-China Council served as an unofficial discussion board between the Chinese government and the CEOs of the US and has been instrumental in opening up formal relations with China in the 1978-1979 period. David Rockefeller is known to have met with Zhou at least once in June of 1973 (44).
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It has been stated that Maurice Strong (Rockefeller-Edmund de Rothschild protege) was responsible for Kissinger's initial visit, because one of his (supposed) cousins, Anna Louise Strong (above, mid) had such a close relationship with the communist governments of China and Russia (45). As a writer and journalist she alternately lived and worked in the US, Europe, the USSR (whom she praised), and China. This picture is from the 1960s and can be seen at Wikipedia. Israel Epstein (first left; Jewish writer from Poland; emigrated to China), Frank Coe (second right; co-founder United Nations, IMF, and Morgenthau plan (named after a Pilgrim); surrounded in his life by Carnegie-Rockefeller sponsored pro-communist IPR officials; emigrated to China), and Solomon Adler (British Jew who went to work for the US Treasury, went back to the UK, and subsequently emigrated to China). Frank Coe and Solomon Adler were responsible for the hyperinflation in the aftermath of WWII which was a primary cause for Chiang's loss to the Communists. What was it again that Disraeli said in his 19th century novel Coningsby? According to the Rothschilds, "Lionel and his wife Charlotte appear to have been the inspiration for certain characters in his three novels Coningsby..." (9) Novels aren't always fiction. |

Kissinger and Zemin at the American-China Society, March 19, 2001.
Zhou and Mao died in 1976 and in the end Zhou's protege, Deng Xiaoping, became the number one man in China. In 1978, he publicly opened up the diplomatic and economic relations with the West. Direct foreign investments in the Chinese economy were now allowed and in reaction the National Council for US-China Trade was reorganized into the US-China Business Council in 1979. The initial meeting of this Council, hosted by the State Department at the Dean Acheson (Pilgrims; Skull & Bones) Auditorium was chaired by Michael Blumenthal (CFR; TC; BB) and Cyrus Vance (Pilgrims; Rockefeller protege). Ironically, David Rockefeller was late at this meeting and had to sit on the floor in an aisle (46). Later on, in 1987, Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, and Robert McFarlane were involved in the creation of the America-China Society (47), another private discussion group that works closely with the Asia Society, the Committee of 100, the US- China Policy Foundation,
the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, the China Reform Forum, the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, and other similar organizations. At least until 2001, Kissinger served as chair of the America-China society while McFarlane and Vance served as vice-chairs. Some changes to the institute were made in the 2001-2002 period, but because it's so low profile it's hard to tell what exactly has been done to it.

Kissinger and Rongji at the American-China Society, March 16, 2001.
After China publicly opened its doors in the late 1970s, the Canadian globalists immediately moved in also. In 1978, Maurice Strong and Paul Desmarais Sr. established the Canada-China Business Council. Anno 2005, Desmarais Sr. is the honorary president of this council while his son Andre is the honorary chairman. As mentioned earlier, Andre is also one of today's HKSAR advisors, like Volcker (Pilgrims), Greenberg, Sutherland (Pilgrims), and formerly Murdoch. Andre, like Paul Sr. once, also sits on J.P. Morgan Chase's International Council.
Both the Canadian and American globalists have close connections to the China International Trade and Investment Company (CITIC), which, according to the 1999 Cox Report on Chinese Espionage is "the most powerful and visible PRC [Chinese government]-controlled conglomerate." (48) CITIC is a holding company of about 40 to 45 corporations specializing in categories such as construction, the automobile industry, the machine tool industry, technology, banking, real estate, publishing, and TV networks. Like other companies, the leadership reports directly to the Chinese ruling party.
CITIC was founded in 1979 by Rong Yiren (Elected vice president of the People's Republic of China in 1993) after Deng Xiaoping opened up the economy. Rong Yiren, as expected, turns out to be a close associate of the Rockefellers since day one. From the Wilderness quoting Michel Chossudovsky (49):
"The 1979 visit of Deng Xiaoping to the US was followed in June 1980 by the equally significant encounter in Wall Street of Rong Yiren, chairman of CITIC, and David Rockefeller. The meeting, held in the penthouse of the Chase Manhattan Bank complex, was attended by senior executives of close to 300 major US corporations. A major agreement was reached between Chase, CITIC, and the Bank of China, involving the exchange of specialists and technical personnel to "identify and define those areas of the Chinese economy most susceptible to American technology and capital infusion." |

CITIC Plaza, Guangzhou (Canton City).
Another person who was involved in setting up CITIC was the Chinese/Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka Shing, who has been in business with Robert Kwok and Henry Fok, two alleged leading Triad mafia bosses. The men stayed business partners over the years and in 1997 members of the Kwok and Fok family, Li Ka Shing, Commerce Secretary William M. Daley (CFR; chair of Al Gore's presidential campaign; midwest chair of J.P. Morgan Chase and Bank One Corp.; vice chair National Committee on U.S.-China Relations next to Maurice Greenberg and Lee Hamilton), and others were having a private meeting on board of the Monkey's Uncle, a ship owned by one of the largest investment banks in the world, Goldman Sachs (50). Li, a close business associate of Jay Rockefeller (51), is chairman of Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa. The latter company has two 25 year leases on the harbors at both ends of the Panama Canal, though it does not control the canal as a whole. Li became a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire and a Commander in the Leopold Order of Belgium. Among many other business ventures and rumors about Chinese intelligence, drug trafficking, and illegal arms sales, Li owns the China Overseas Shipping Company (COSCO), which counted among its advisors Peter Kwok (of the Triad gang who are business partners of Richard Blum and the powerful senator Dianne Feinstein) and Alexander Haig (Pilgrims executive since 1983). In 1996 it was caught shipping 2000 AK-47s to Los Angeles street gangs, the largest seizure of smuggled automatic weapons in US history (52). The shipment came from the Poly Group, a Chinese governent & army run arms manufacturer that sells anything from machine guns to weapons of mass destruction to countries a lot of people in the West aren't happy with. Both CITIC and the Poly Group were headed by Wang Jun at the time (CITIC still is), the son of one of the Eight Immortals of communist China, Wang Zhen. Zhen was a Deng-supporting former president of the Communist Party and a vice-chairman of the Central Advisory Commission of China. All these companies are directly controlled by the Chinese government. But who controls the Chinese government?
Larry Yung is today's head of CITIC Pacific of Hong Kong and a director of the overall Chinese CITIC Group. He is the son of the main founder and first chairman of CITIC, the earlier mentioned Rockefeller-associate Rong Yiren. In 1999, Andre Desmarais (HKSAR advisor, J.P. Morgan Chase advisory board) received the rare privilege to buy a 4.2% stake in CITIC Pacific and subsequently became a director of the company. Since then, his family's Power Corporation has received generous access to the Chinese market.
As expected, Rockefeller-Rothschild associate Kissinger was also involved with this Chinese conglomerate. His consultancy firm, Kissinger Associates, set up the China Ventures fund with CITIC in 1989, which would be in the same year that he defended the Tiananmen Square massacre, arguing against sanctions being placed on China (53). Four months later, Alexander Haig, founder of the even more low-profile Worldwide Associates, a good friend of Sun Myung Moon, and another notorious early investor in China, decided as the only American to join the Tiananmen festivities when the People's Republic was celebrating its 40th anniversary. Kissinger, later, in 1997, became the central advisor to the Business Coalition for US-China Trade, a group of about a 1000 leading companies willing to invest in China (54). This China Lobby was primarily responsible for China joining the WTO in December 2001. The World Trade Organization itself is largely controlled by the LOTIS committee and the British Invisibles (whose president is the Duke of Kent, a member of the Pilgrims Society and head of the United Grand Lodge).

What's that thing on his head? John D. "Jay" Rockefeller IV. Son of John D. III who died in 1978. Business partner of Li Ka Shing, who is "a strong believer in synergy," and once invited by Clinton on a trip to China. The Clintons are very close to the Rothschild family.
Democrats or Republicans doesn't really matter anymore these days as hundreds of large corporations are investing in China. Among them are Power Corporation, Entergy, Halliburton, Bechtel, IBM, Lockheed Martin, Loral Space Communications, Walt Disney, Wal Mart, Philip Morris, and others. The Democrats generally get the blame for having communist sympathies, but it shouldn't be overlooked that Clinton's closest supporters were people like Jay Rockefeller, Evelyn de Rothschild, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Vernon Jordan (Lazard; TC; BB; Sun Valley) and Frank Biondi (big media guy; Sun Valley). Early China-trading, Democrat-supporting individuals as Robert S. Strauss, Bernard L. Schwartz (chair Loral), Dianne Feinstein, and Ron Brown are also part of this group. Henry Kissinger and especially David Rockefeller, who were the initiators of the whole China program (not Clinton), show that we are not dealing with a standard Democrat crowd here.

Update: the first real steps to the creation of North American Union were made in 2005 under the Bush administration. A treaty was signed to improve security cooperation and trade with Mexico and Canada and plans were made to build a super highway from Mexico to Canada. The treaty and plans have been removed from the media and will probably only resurface when the Democrats are in power. In the past, they at least tried to keep up the illusion that the Republicans stand for "small government" and "national sovereignty"
To expand on Clinton's connections with the above people: In 1998, the Clintons invited Li Ka Shing's business partner, Jay Rockefeller, to China (55). Both are anything but strangers over there. Clinton has spent Christmas Eve at the Martha's Vineyard house of the Jordans and often went there to do some fund raising. In 1998, Jordan did everything he could to diminish the impact of the Lewinsky Affair. Even after Clinton was out of office, in late August 2004, he and his wife Hillary, Evelyn de Rothschild, Vernon Jordan, and Prince Andrew were all hanging out at the Vineyard at their very own "Anyone but Bush" party. Rothschild and Jordan were jointly celebrating their birthdays that day (56). Earlier, in November 2000, two years after Kissinger had introduced the two to each other at Bilderberg, Evelyn and Lynn got married in London. After the wedding they seemingly flew to the US, since they were having diner with Senator Moynihan (worked for Averell Harriman in the 1950s; UN, DLC background) and the Clintons the very next day (57). According to EIR, the Clintons invited the married couple to spend their wedding night at the White House. In 2000, Evelyn clandestinely financed the creation of the Policy Network, a "super think tank" that coordinates between the Democratic Leadership Council and Labour’s inner circle (58). At the same time, Rothschild's wife is among the biggest supporters of the New Democrats in the US, just as Bernard L. Schwartz, Robert S. Strauss, and Frank Biondi.
Back to China. Both Democrats and Republicans tend to ignore the issue, but these days a growing number of people start to express their worries about China's military and economic expansion. Already in 1999, the Cox Investigation reported (59):
"...[there is] certainly a long-term strategy on the part of Beijing to gain control of the world's key strategic chokepoints... Everywhere in the Pacific when the U.S. withdraws or is negligent militarily, politically, the Communist Chinese move in... Communist Chinese bases have been established in Burma; the South China Sea... Paracel Islands; the Straits of Malacca... the Spratly Islands; the central Pacific... Tarawa; and the coast of Hawaii. [and the Panama Canal in Central-America] "Growing commercial prowess controlling ports in Vancouver, Canada, and in the Caribbean, China recently completed military/ intelligence agreements with Cuba to build communications-intelligence facilities... the Chinese are stepping up their military-to-military relationships with South American nations [Venezuela; Columbia; Brazil]." |
If it were possible to consider China a nation friendly to the United States it might be understood why both the Clinton and Bush Administration haven't undertaken any action. Unfortunately, the Cox Report made it clear that this viewpoint is not realistic (60):
"The People's Republic of China (PRC) has stolen design information on the United States' most advanced thermonuclear weapons... In a single 1996-1997 operation, the Los Angeles office of the U.S. Customs service seized over $36 million in excess military property that was being shipped overseas illegally... 37 inertial navigation systems for the U.S. F-117 [Night Hawk - Stealth aircraft] and FB-111 aircraft...
Thousands of computers and computer disks containing classified Top Secret and higher information...
Patriot missile parts...
500 electron tubes used in the U.S. F-14 fighter...
Tank and howitzer parts...
26,000 encryption devices... For example, a multi-axis machine tool profiler, designed to build wing spans for the U.S. F-14 fighter, originally cost over $3 million but was purchased by the PRC for under $25,000... night-vision technology... In 1996, Hong Kong Customs officials intercepted air-to-air missile parts being shipped by [CITIC]... " |
All in all, the Cox Investigation and reporters like Charles R. Smith (61) have delivered more than enough evidence that China is continually expanding its presence around and within the United States while seemingly no one within the US government is paying serious attention to it. Advanced sensitive technology was illegally shipped to China with full or partial knowledge of the Clinton administration. Examples that have been mentioned are supercomputers, satellite and ICBM missile technology, radiation-hardened computer chips; basically anything besides complete military hardware. The latter, of course, was sent the other way around, to US street gangs. A great deal, isn't it?
Like mentioned before, blaming it on the democrats seems a little too simplistic though and the globalist group is probably a better choice. It's not really like the Republicans are doing a whole lot about the China problem either. In fact, the Carlyle Group, which has employed George H.W. Bush, has also started to invest in China (62) while Neil Bush has fired up his own China ventures in recent years. The Bushes have very long-standing political and business ties to China. George H.W. Bush was US ambassador to China from 1974 to 1976, during a time when David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger were busy with the initial opening up of China. Prescott Bush Jr., brother of George H.W. Walker, started investing in Shanghai and mainland China during the 1980s and became good friends with Jiang Zemin, president of China from 1993 to 2003. Neil Bush now continues his uncle's legacy, as he went in business with Jiang Mianheng, the son of Jiang Zemin. Just as Haig, Prescott was criticized for meeting with Chinese leaders only months after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. In that same year, his ties to a company called Asset Management were investigated, which was reportedly the only corporation that was able to circumvent sanctions and import communications satellites into China (remember the earlier mentioned Loral). When Asset Management went broke in that same year, a bailout was arranged by a Japanese investment firm, West Tsusho, which was being investigated for alleged ties to organized crime (63). Ironically, on April 12, 1992, a New York Times article detailing some of this trade, started out with (64): "... the White House is also preparing for the likelihood of attacks from Democrats over business dealings that have involved several of President Bush's relatives." Within several years the conservatives would be accusing the "communist democrats" of similar behaviour.
The Bushes aren't a very good example here, but who can really blame anyone from doing (legal ethical) business in China? A businessman just goes where the money is while at the same time the one billion plus Chinese people are likely to create an increasingly free and open society with these investments (not knowing what makes the world go round is a different thing). It's the government's task to decide whether or not restrictions are put on free trade, in this case because of a threat to national and international security. And more importantly, they need to enforce these regulations. This is just a theory, of course, because what isn't mentioned is that the elected governments are largely steered by a permanent, transnational, privately-funded body consisting of several thousand international 'members'. These members are a combination of highest level businessmen, lawyers, politicians, justice department officials, scientists, military officers, and intelligence officers. As you can see in this article, the most important of these people meet at organizations like the Pilgrims Society, the 1001 Club, Le Cercle, Ditchley, the Trilateral Commission, and many other national-regional groups like the CFR, RIIA, the Bohemian Grove, the Business Roundtable, their European counterparts, and dozens of other privately funded national think tanks. This group has been getting increasingly organized over the 20th century, but has always centered around the international banking houses. If you paid attention to the small details in this article you should have noticed how a small clique of the most influential globalists, besides virtually always having close ties to the Rockefeller-Kissinger-Rothschild triumvirate, all are connected to a major bank: Rothschild, Lazard, Morgan Chase, UBS Warburg, Goldman Sachs, Société Générale (today controlled by Power Corp and the Charleroi Group), etc. BNP Paribas, Barclays, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and the small Allen & Co. are a few other well known banks that play an important role in this network.
On a smaller scale
Smaller local private institutes tie into the exact same network as described above and are often visibly controlled by a banking house. A few examples from the international affairs institutes:
- The CFR is chaired by Peter G. Peterson, a long time friend and business partner of Henry Kissinger, Maurice R. Greenberg, and David Rockefeller. Besides a director of Rockefeller Center Properties, he has been chairman of the NY Federal Reserve, chairman of Lehman Brothers, and founder and chairman of The Blackstone Group, today a leading global investment and advisory group allied with Kissinger Associates and AIG. If Peterson is not a Pilgrims Society member [update: he is], he would be the only chair of the CFR and probably the only chair of the NY Fed who wouldn't have been one. Peterson has been described as a close associate of General Richard G. Stilwell, who has attended Le Cercle and has been head of a worldwide anti-communist/socialist covert warfare program.
- The Chicago CFR (CCFR) is a sister organization of the New York-based CFR. At the moment, the chairman of the Chicago CFR is the multibillionaire banker and industrialist Lester Crown. Lester controls the family holdings, including large stakes in Maytag and Bank One, which is part of J.P. Morgan Chase since 2004. In 2000, Crown and Jerry I. Speyer (chair Tishman Speyer, located in Rockefeller Center; CFR; vice chair of the NY Fed; vice chair of the Rockefeller's Museum of Modern Art; chair of the Rockefeller's New York Partnership; director RAND) bought the shares of Rockefeller Center from their partners David Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, the Agnelli family (1001 Club; Bilderberg; Chase; ERT), and Stavros Niarchos (1001 Club; Onassis family) (65). Crown is also a member of the CFR, vice-chairman of the Aspen Institute, and vice-chairman of the (Chaim) Weizmann Institute of Science.
- Today's chair of Chatham House (Royal Institute for International Affairs) is Dr. DeAnne Julius, a director of British Petroleum and the banking and insurance giant Lloyds TSB. She was a founding member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England from 1997 to 2000 and served on the Court of the Bank of England from 2001 to 2004. In addition, Chatham House has three presidents, all Privy Councilors. One of them, Lord Hurd of Westwell, was chairman of the British Invisibles, a group that represents most of the banking houses and multinationals of London. The controversial freemason and Pilgrims Society member Lord Robertson is another president of RIIA. He is a governor of the Ditchley Foundation and visited Bilderberg in 1998 and 2001.
- The Institute of Jewish Affairs, now the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, is closely affiliated with the RIIA and was headed by Lord Jacob Rothschild from 1992 to 2002. He's is very influential, a close associate of Kissinger, but hardly shows his face in public. His full bio is available in this article.
- Chairman of the Canadian Council on Foreign Relations is Roy MacLaren. This person went to Bilderberg in 1994 & 1999, is a member of the Trilateral Commission, a governor of the Ditchley Foundation, a member of Canada's Privy Council, and a director of Deutsche Bank, Canada.
- From 1999 until his death in 2005, the German Institute of International Affairs was headed by Baron Alfred von Oppenheim (a family that has intermarried with the Warburgs in the past; 1001 Club family) of the private banking firm Sal Oppenheim & Cie. This person, identified as a governor of the Atlantic Institute of International Affairs in 1987, was also a long time leading figure of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Cologne, the Franco-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce. Other globalist institutions in Germany were founded and headed by the same kind of individuals: The American Council on Germany was founded in 1952 by John J. McCloy (Pilgrims; Rockefeller man). This Warburg family member also created Atlantik-Brücke that same year, a private forum between US and German representatives that organizes biennial meetings which are off-limits to outsiders. Today it has the blessing of George H.W. Bush, is chaired by an intelligence-connected Thyssen arms dealer who was part of Kohl's inner circle - bio -, and its treasurer is Max Warburg.
- Many of the Belgian private institutes, including the Royal Institute for International Relations and Friends of Europe, are founded and headed by Davignon and his cronies: the Lippens, Solvays, Boëls, and Janssens. Three generations of Lamberts used to be important Rothschild agents in Belgium who owned Groupe Bruxelles Lambert. I don't know the Lambert's influence on this important financial group today, which is jointly owned by the Desmarais and Frère families, but Baron Philippe Lambert is a board member of the RIT Capital Partners (RIT stands for Rothschild Investment Trust) since 1988. All of these people have visited a combination of the CFR; ERT, Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, and most other European institutions. The Davignon group heads some of the Belgian counterparts to Dutch-owned banks as ING & Fortis, which I don't have that much information about.
- The head of the Dutch Institute of International Relations (Clingendael), which is many times smaller than the British and American versions, is Henri "Hans" van den Broek. Broek went to Bilderberg in 1986, 1988, and 1995. In 1998, his daughter, Marilène van den Broek, became the wife of Prince Maurits of Orange-Nassau, a grandson of Prince Bernhard. After this marriage he subsequently became chairman of the Dutch Carnegie Foundation in 1999 and head of Clingendael in 2000. In 2005, he became an Honorary Minister of State, what makes him an advisor to the Queen. Research in the Netherlands about this alternative network seems to be more or less dead. The influence of the Dutch Privy Council, the 'Raad van State', would make a good start though. It is a body of the most senior and trusted politicians that advises on all the new legislation before other parts of the government generally take a look at it.
Besides funding all the universities in the US and Southern Africa and having its own Foreign Policy think tank, the Carnegie Network is of course also represented in the academic world of the local international affairs institutes. Besides Hans van den Broek, without specifically looking for it, I bumped into Richard N. Haass (Pilgrims (speaker)); Warren Christopher Pilgrims); and Thierry de Montbrial (key French BB member) . The Pilgrims, who represent the vast majority of all the globalist institutes, are loaded with Carnegie scholars, trustees, and presidents.

A theory: the 'greater good'
We still aren't done yet, but maybe you already noticed how all these people tie into the network that was made a sketch of at the beginning of this article. Even though today's membership lists are far from complete, it has been shown that most heads of the local globalist institutions are regular members of the multinational globalist organizations. The most important of these multinational institutes we know of are Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the ERT, Ditchley, the Pilgrims Society, the 1001 Club, and Le Cercle. Put together, all the members of these institutes are the West's permanent government; the aristocracy of our individual democracies if you will. This aristocracy acts like a miniature version of planet earth in which the members work out differences among each other while the internal problems do not get discussed (directly) outside the small circle of maybe a few thousand.
Are we really talking about something unusual when a group of businessmen is accused of lobbying congress or government directly? Or if government officials have a conflict of interest? Is this really so spectacular? No, of course not. When someone investigates the globalist group he will soon realize that conflicts of interest are the norm, not the exception, and to say that these people are lobbying government officials is a bit of an understatement. The two merged a long time ago and most high level politicians move in and out of the private sector in between government jobs. Already in 1913, Woodrow Wilson wrote (66):
"... If the government is to tell big business men how to run their business, then don't you see that big business men have to get closer to the government even than they are now? Don't you see that they must capture the government, in order not to be restrained too much by it? Must capture the government? They have already captured it." |
There's this famous quote that goes like, "Countries do not have friends. They only have interests." Over time it has been attributed to John Dulles, De Gaulle, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, and probably dozens more. This simple truth, which every statesman and globalist insider has heard of (and probably repeated), tells us that the ordinary 'peasant,' who's living outside the Acropolis so to speak, is being lied to on a continuous basis, simply because this is the only reason that is never given. The best example these days is the recent Iraq War; First it's about Saddam's ties to Arab terrorists, then it's about WMD, and finally, in desperation, the line is added that Saddam is just an evil dictator and the Iraqi people are better of without him. General Hermann Goering probably gave us one the best explanations ever why the common citizen is being lied to (67):
"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." |
An amazing statement, and like Goering said, it has nothing to do with the political systems of the countries we live in (even though some are much more comfortable than others). Have you ever noticed that the political opposition (ignoring the smallest parties who always have a shortage of money and media exposure) in cases of war seldom point to conflicts of interest or that the real reason behind a war is strategic and economical gain (or continuity)? The reason behind that seems to be that all these parties are part of the same globalist, aristocratic faction, just as the heads of the media. But the difference seems to be that the opposition has a different take on the conflict; They might be more strongly connected to other business (or other) interests that do not particularly benefit from the conflict at hand. Or they have the same interests, but do not agree with the method used, war in this case.

Example of a secret masonic handshake
Today's Israeli-Iranian conflict might be a good example. Netanyahu of the Likud party is very supportive of a pre-emptive bombing campaign to Iran's nuclear reactors, while Sharon, now out of the picture because of a stroke, was much more interested in diplomacy. The latter probably includes attempts to internally destabilize Iran. Both Sharon and Netanyahu are closely connected to some of the most influential globalist insiders like George Shultz and Henry Kissinger, whom they both meet frequently. Does this mean they are ordered to play a game of good cop, bad cop while at the same time they are meeting in some secret masonic lodge on the Moon to do secret handshakes, play poker, and get drunk? No, it doesn't. We really don't have to go there to explain why "everybody is in on it." It only means they had the desired basic mindset to be supported by a large enough portion of the international money group to make it to the top tiers of the elected government. Once there, once they have been carefully screened to make sure they are a reliable 'investment', these people can agree and disagree with other politicians as if this unofficial third party doesn't exist.
Even though the vast majority of these people haven't got the motivation, the means, or the knowledge to expose this network, they do have to abide to certain rules. One of these rules is that they always have to consider the overall opinion of the globalist group, because the lone politician will find that money starts flowing in his opponent's (or other nation's) pockets as soon as he starts making decisions a lot of people in this network don't like. Not to mention the pressure that will be put on this individual from all sides. Hugo Chavez of Venezuela is an example in which even the full range of the internal corporate media censored him, manipulated (rather shocking) news events, and ultimately played a major role in the failed April 2002 coup (68). The earlier mentioned Rockefeller associate Gustavo Cisneros played a major role in that event.

Woodrow Wilson, such a smart and informed man, yet he couldn't prevent the Pilgrims Society members (only one is unconfirmed) from setting up the Federal Reserve. George Baker was the most obvious Morgan man. Senator Aldrich the Rockefeller representative. Warburg might have represented Rothschild. Senator Aldrich's closest ally in congress, Edward B. Vreeland, was a Pilgrim too, together with his brother.
Another rule these overt leaders seem to abide by is that they do not allow any kind of attention to be focused on this organized international establishment, directly or indirectly. The direct exposure is obvious. The indirect ways this network might be exposed are numerous. Too many accusations of conflicts of interest or corruption will lead to continuous (potentially very costly and unhealthy) retaliations, but more importantly, to an increasingly skeptical and investigative public that might even start to accept the existence of certain conspiracies. In turn this will lead to a gradual exposure of the ruling elite, like it already has to some degree. No one in the this group is going to benefit now and even the world order might dramatically shift in the end because it loses its power to covertly defend its mineral interests around the world. Therefore it is obvious that unwritten rules exist to settle things among each other while as little as possible is shared with the public. This will not always be possible though and after certain exposures a policy of damage control is enacted. Especially since the present Bush administration it seems that damage control has become more or less a continuous thing even though the internet also has a whole lot to do with that. I myself would probably not be writing this article if 9/11 never happened or the internet wasn't available. So as you can see, one thing leads to the other. Conspiracy talk cannot be allowed, because it undermines the whole structure. Especially since the introduction of the internet.
In the book that was cited before, Woodrow Wilson also explained how already in his time there was an undefinable group which cut short any attempt to undermine its power. He calls it 'the monopoly' and seems to suggest that no single individual, however influential, has absolute power within this group or completely understands it (69):
"... if [a businessman] enters certain fields, there are organizations which will use means against him that will prevent his building up a business which they do not want to have built up; organizations that will see to it that the ground is cut from under him and the markets shut against him. For if he begins to sell to certain retail dealers, to any retail dealers, the monopoly will refuse to sell to those dealers, and those dealers, afraid, will not buy the new man's wares. "... Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." |
The bottom line is that individual members of high society can basically express their minds the way they want to, simply because they already agree with the basic required philosophies of the existing network. As long as they recognize their limits, the bankers, CEOs, media bosses, their political foes, and some of the most senior justice officials (their peers), will keep them from being prosecuted on all too severe charges, simply to defend the 'greater good'. If however an individual seriously violates the simple unwritten rules, the globalist network will drop him like a hot rock. Say goodbye to the cashflow, the (positive) media exposure, many of the influential friends you had, and in the end, your career.

David Gergen starts to stutter as soon as he is asked about the Bohemian Grove by Alex Jones. That's one of the unwritten rules in action: 'Don't discuss these institutes with the peasants.'
The above theory might be useful for someone who wants to explain how many upper level politicians and businessmen can be "in the know" while none of them is speaking out about this structure. It's impossible to do without the consent of the media and certainly not without ruining your career and/or the career of your relatives. Besides that, people who will not go along with this network will be filtered out well before they can ever reach the senior positions in government or most multinationals. If a person doesn't have the preferred mindset no money will flow in his direction in the first place. It's important to understand that "in the know," at least in this case, only refers to people in top positions who are aware (and are willing to go along with it) that the political power of the West, as with all civilizations, is based on the covert defense of its economic interest. It's called realpolitik and there's really nothing exotic about it. And since we are the good guys who bring enlightenment to this planet, the end justifies the means.
Today's sustainable development movement

Just wrote down the names of some of the most important globalists mentioned in this article and started to draw lines whenever I found two people that had worked together as business partners or friends. Conclusion: Those that constituted the core of the globalist movement of the past 30 years or so are closely knit together. And remember, the available information is still far from complete. Besides Conrad Black, you can check the details in the biographies provided with this article.
Of course, the above theory does ignore that there is a core group within the globalist movement which has almost singlehandedly organized the broader Western aristocracy over the last century. In the first half of the 20th century, this inner group mainly consisted of the Morgans, Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Rothschilds with also some Privy Council, Garter, Round Table, and Pilgrims families (like Cecil) playing an important role. After WWII, the Rockefellers, with a small army of their proteges, became the undisputed kings of globalism. It is this group of cowboys that virtually shaped the second half of the 20th century as has been shown in this article and its appendixes. Kissinger, who is close to both the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds has been one of their most important political aides since the early 1950s. But besides having an obvious political and economic agenda, both the Rockefellers and Rothschilds have also created the UN-affiliated sustainable development movement. Maurice Strong; Steven C. Rockefeller, the second son of Nelson A. Rockefeller; and even Laurance Rockefeller have added an additional new age touch to this movement.

October 25, 1996, David Rockefeller and supposed prophet Muhammed-descendant Karim Aga Khan (his nephew was a member of the 1001 Club, an important U.N. official, and equally well-connected) at the Hadrian Award Ceremony. Patricia Buckley (sister of William F. Buckley) and Cyrus Vance (the big Rockefeller guy) were chairs of the event. Michael David-Weill (owns Lazard) gave a speech praising Karim, just as David Rockefeller. At the meeting David mentioned that Jay Rockefeller was a roommate of Karim at Harvard. Lord Jacob Rothschild couldn't attend, but sent a note congratulating Karim with his award. The Aga Khans supposedly also trace their lineage to the ancient Zoroastrian Persian royals, some ruling Muslim houses in Egypt, and the Assassins (of Knights Templar fame). All of these people are big in the WWF-UN movement.
In the 1960s and early 1970s, the Rothschilds, British royals, and Rockefellers set up their sustainable development movement with the creation of the WWF, the Club of Rome, the World Wilderness Conferences, and the WWF- affiliated 1001 Club. In 1983, the report 'Changing Climate' was released by the National Academy of Sciences, which sparked the first debate about a possible greenhouse effect, rising sea levels, and overall human-induced climate change. Chairman of the climate committee was William "Bill" A. Nierenberg (a Detlev Bronk (head Rockefeller University; Pilgrims Society) protege, CFR member, and JASON scholar), a Rockefeller frontman. Four years later, both David Rockefeller and Edmund de Rothschild were present at the Fourth World Wilderness Congress in Denver and Southern Colorado. Here Edmund de Rothschild was recorded talking about alternative energy, "manufacturing dry ice to maintain the polar caps," a second Marshall Plan (for the second world, China and Russia, and funded through the IMF, it is speculated), third world debt relief, and the creation of a World Conservation Bank which swaps debt for land (mp3). Maurice Strong introduced Rothschild at this conference as the founder of the conservation banking program (mp3). The year before, Strong and his wife had established the Manitou Foundation at their southern Colorado Baca Ranch, which was bought from the earlier mentioned Adnan Khashoggi and became a highly interesting new age center. In the mid 1990s, the Conservation Fund, with the generous support of Laurance Rockefeller, conducted extensive mountain research around the Baca and established the Manitou Habitat Conservation Plan (70). Several years later, in 1997, Maurice Strong and Mikhael Gorbachev would set up the Earth Charter Drafting Commission with Steven C. Rockefeller who would head the institute until 2000 when the Earth Charter was formally launched. This was done at the Peace Palace in the presence of Queen Beatrix (daughter of Bilderberg Bernhard who was also involved in creating the WWF and the 1001 Club). The palace was built in 1913 by Andrew Carnegie, is the location of the Carnegie Foundation in The Netherlands, and is headed by the earlier mentioned Bilderberger, Hans van den Broek.

July 2005, 18 years after Edmund de Rothschild's words, the international Live 8 event pushes the G8 to drop third world debt and to negotiate for fairer trade rules. Lynn Forester de Rothschild personally managed to get US television to show the event after they had bailed out. In the process she directly lobbied the White House. (78) Update: the massive global warming campaign of 2007, led by Maurice Strong-buddy (the Edmund de Rothschild and Rockefeller protege) Al Gore, and its Live Earth concert, just dwarfs all previous globalist propaganda schemes.
The dark side of the sustainable development movement
George Hunt, a business consultant, was present at the earlier mentioned 1987 Fourth World Wilderness Congress as a member of the staff. He initially wanted to buy a ticket, but this proved to be much too expensive ($650). At the conference he noticed it had very little to do with the conventional environment movement and was surprised to see people like Maurice Strong (1001 Club), Edmund de Rothschild (Pilgrims Society), David Rockefeller (Pilgrims Society), and James A. Baker (Pilgrims Society; Cap & Gown; trustee American Institute for Contemporary German Studies; Atlantic Council of the United States; National Security Planning Group; Bohemian Grove; CFR; Carlyle; advisor George W. Bush in his 2000 election). In his two videos, produced in 1989 and 1992, he plays audio recordings of several of the 1987 speakers, including Maurice Strong and Edmund de Rothschild (71). There's not really a reason to label these recordings as fakes and denounce George Hunt as a fraud. In fact, Hunt could hardly have done a better job at presenting his evidence. However, some of the evidence this person has uncovered is so amazing, that most people will remain skeptical (like me), no matter how much evidence is presented. If what Hunt is claiming is true, then it confirms the overall picture that has been sketched in this article. First take a look at the following Fourth World Wilderness Conference (1987) statement from David Lang (spelling unknown; a Montreal banker, according to Hunt):

George Hunt. Update: Typical John Birch scam artist.
"I suggest therefore that this be sold not through a democratic process - that would take too long and devour far too much of the funds - to educate the cannon fodder, unfortunately, that populates the earth. We have to take almost an elitist program, [so] that we can see beyond our swollen bellies, and look to the future in timeframes and in results which are not easily understood, or which can be, with intellectual honesty, be reduced down to some kind of simplistic definition." [snobby emphasis on 'simplistic'] - mp3
There's more. In his 1992 video Hunt shows a document (72), obtained by a friend, which has been taken from a UN-affiliated public hearing held at Iowa State Capitol in Des Moines on September 22, 1991. The last paragraph of this document reads:

Hunt's document. (79)
"Therefore the following policy must be implemented... all nations [should] have quotas for reduction on a yearly basis... by military force, when required... Security Council has complete legal, military, and economic jurisdiction in any region in the world... take possession of all natural resources, including the watersheds and great forests, to be used and preserved for the good of the Major nations of the Security Council... the UN will explain that not all races and peoples are equal, nor should they be. Those races proven superior by superior achievements ought to rule the lesser races, caring for them on sufferance that they cooperate with the Security Council."
On March 2, 2012, I asked for a photocopy of this Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development document, located at the library of the University of Iowa.
"I am only after one document in particular and I am not sure it's there (it's also rather peculiar). Apparently it is a letter from the office of Senator Dick Gephardt (writer and recipient unknown). I hope it is easy to find through the schedule. The headings are:
"The pressing need
"Perils to be heeded
"What the Worldwide Fund for Nature is saying
"What must be done"
I received an answer back that same day from the Special Collections Department Manager of the university:
"I looked through the file but did not find the letter in question. The schedule does not appear to shed any light, either. The correspondence present consists of letters of appreciation to organizers of the conference for their part in making it a successful meeting."
So I took a better look at the claims of George Hunt, now with a little bit of additional experience. For the first time I really noticed that Hunt's paper reads "Cobden Clubs - Secretariat for World Order". That's an obvious hoax. And I can't anything about the "Cobden Clubs", nor has it ever appeared in my research on the Pilgrims Society, so that's made up to.
As for why Hunt picked Dick Gephardt, this person had announced his presidential candidacy in February 1987, six months before the conference Hunt attended and made his video about. In 1992 and other years Gephardt was named as a potential vice president. So it's obvious Hunt had political motives to take interesting information (everything at the conference) and inject a central piece of disinformation -- the United Nations policies described here.
I had earlier asked Hunt to provide with a photocopy of the document. He ignored my request, only adding me to his spam-list. One look at his website reveals he's very religious and basically an anti-Jewish propagandist a la the Liberty Lobby.
This worldview is the same as some British imperialists used to daydream about, like Cecil Rhodes and his gang. Coincidentally, the paper contains references to both leaders of the Round Table and their respective wills and credos:
Deleted: fake. |
So, as you can see, if this 1991 document is real, it means we have come full circle in this article. And you may not believe me, but this wasn't planned beforehand. Just as I didn't select the most important globalists by first looking into their Rockefeller-Rothschild connections. I selected them over time when filling in the biographies of the names that appeared in the different membership lists. A small minority stood out above the rest, but only when I expanded their bios to be included in this article, it turned out that not a few, but almost every single one traced his history back to the Rockefeller family and their Chase Manhattan Bank. That only reinforced a theory that has been going round for decades, of course.
But before we call it quits, let's make a few additional observations about the 1991 document. First of all, Hunt, unfortunately, doesn't provide any details about this meeting, like who sponsored it or who was attending. There's only one quickly accessible source that confirms this meeting ever took place. Dr. Burns H. Weston, Law professor (emeritus) at the University of Iowa, lists the following reference among his 'Invited Lectures, Papers and Other Public Appearances' (73):
"Proposals for International Legal Environmental Reforms (UNA Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development, State Capitol, Des Moines, Iowa, September 22, 1991)" |
That's the exact same meeting Hunt is talking about, because the date, location, and title all match. The UNA prefix isn't included in Hunt's document though, but my initial thought was that it stood for 'United Nations Association'. Coincidentally, the United Nations Association, amid numerous references to New World Orders and Iraq (like in the Hunt document), is mentioned several times on Dr. Weston's website. In one case it reads (74):
"Proposals for International Legal and Institutional Environmental Policy Reforms, in Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development (United Nations Association-Iowa Division, October 1991)" |
Update, November 2006: Turns out that UNA indeed stands for the United Nations Association. Nothing about the meeting seems to have been taken up by regional or national newspapers, but the OCLC Worldcat database lists the following details about a paper on the meeting George Hunt was talking about:
Preparing for Earth Summit '92 |
The aspects of the meeting mentioned by George Hunt - the Earth Summit; Canada's involvement; the combination of environment, national resources and banking - all match perfectly with this book or report. Unfortunately, it is not possible to access the report via the Worldcat database, so it needs to be ordered... from somewhere, sometime.
The United Nations Association, which is part of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, is a worldwide body that promotes the work of the regular United Nations by setting up education centers and study programs at the most important universities. The top echelons, as always, tie into the Anglo-American establishment. It was founded in 1944 under the name American Association for the United Nations (AAUN) which was merely a name change of the League of Nations Non-partisan Association (LNA). George W. Wickersham (director CFR 1921-1933; president CFR 1933-1936; Pilgrims Society; Law Partner of William Howard Taft) was one of the two official founders of the LNA, erected to push the United States into the League of Nations. In 1945, Nelson Rockefeller (Pilgrims) and John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (Pilgrims) played important roles in the creation of the actual United Nations, the location of its headquarters, and even how these headquarters were designed (75). Chase Manhattan Bank would manage [at least many of] the different accounts of the UN programs and in 1969 John D. Rockefeller III chaired a United Nations Association-USA panel that was instrumental in creating the United Nations Population Fund (76). According to the archives of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the AAUN and the UNA-USA received grants from 1945 to 1961 and from 1963 to 1983, including additional funding for several specialized projects in the Americas and Japan. In 1999, the Business Council for the United Nations, originally founded in 1958, was incorporated within UNA-USA.

April 11, 2001. Kissinger, a person who is usually described as someone who doesn't have much influence anymore since the 1970s, is invited to speak at the UNA-USA. Lord Jacob Rothschild has decided to accompany him. Princess Firyal of Jordan is standing on the left while John C. Whitehead is standing behind Kissinger and Rothschild. This picture was published in a U.N. Business Council issue, which also reported about a November 1-2, 2001 meeting at the U.N. headquarters entitled 'The Net World Order: eBusiness & the Global Digital Divide.' Not that it really matters, but 'NWO' is a very common term in contrast to what some skeptics claim.
Besides one of the two founders, former chairmen of the UNA-USA that have been identified as Pilgrims Society members are Elliot L. Richardson (Pilgrims), Cyrus Vance (Pilgrims) and John C. Whitehead (Pilgrims). In 1998, John C. Whitehead got Rockefeller Brothers Fund trustee William H. Luers (close friend of Pilgrims Society member Richard Holbrooke) appointed as head of UNA-USA, a position this person still occupies anno 2006. Today's directors include the earlier mentioned Maurice R. Greenberg (mentioned earlier; close Rockefeller-Kissinger friend), Lee H. Hamiltonand people from Lazard, Warburg Pincus, Allen & Company, and Boeing. It is interesting that William H. Draper III (Pilgrims family) is also one of today's directors, because his Draper Fund is mentioned in Hunt's paper: "... The immediate reduction of world population, according to the mid-1970’s recommendations of the Draper Fund, must be immediately effected." Other known members of the Pilgrims Society that have been directors of UNA-USA in the past are William A. Hewit, Arthur Hobson Dean, John E. Leslie, Paul A. Volcker, and Robert V. Roosa. The present chairman of the Pilgrims of Great Britain, Robert M. Worcester, has been named in his biography as a vice-president of UNA-UK.
At this moment it's probably safe to draw the conclusion that the United Nations Association has been dominated by Rockefeller-connected Pilgrims Society members. So, if we assume for a minute that 'UNA' stands for the UN Association (which it does), the document that George Hunt has given us, in combination with the audio fragments, might now be a little bit less far-fetched. The document has an elitist professional look and feel to it; is written by someone with knowledge of high level politics and banking (it differs between the German and Anglo-Saxon version of banking); and has a certain "insiders" quality to it, in which statements are thrown around that would normally scream for clarification. Besides mentioning Prince Philip a few times and stating that Maurice Strong is "somebody who spent too much time at his wife’s New Age center," the document also seems to confirm that the (still Paneuropa supporting) Vatican and some other parts of the world, even at the highest level, are not entirely on the same page as the Anglo-Saxons:
"... mounting opposition from Third World elements, certain forces in the Eastern European and Russian regions, and by the Vatican..." |
[Update, November 2006: See the article on Le Cercle for more information on the Vatican-Paneuropa network, as opposed to the Anglo-American-Israel system.]
Update: The document remains fake.
By now, even if we ignore the last document, I think it's pretty safe to conclude that the whole Anglo-Saxon globalist conspiracy, good or bad, is not a myth, but proven fact. You be the judge on how organized this conspiracy is, but it's not normal that A) All of the most important globalists, even with incomplete membership lists, can be traced to only a handful of societies, especially The Pilgrims; B) that all of the important globalists can be traced to the Rockefeller-Kissinger-Rothschild triumvirate; C) that the influence of these organizations and people are seldom, if ever, mentioned by the mainstream news and has never been recorded in the history books; D) that everyone, at least in the West, is afraid of the word "conspiracy" when the whole process of international relations seems to be one giant conspiracy, not to mention all the other areas that are being affected; E) that it absolutely cannot be explained, from a conventional point of view, how our free press and open society have not been able to detect this conspiracy any time sooner (actually, they still haven't). Whether this conspiracy is a good thing or bad thing really does not matter in this case.
Maybe you also noticed how our triumvirate is not only very well connected to finance and politics, but also to intelligence. During WWII, Kissinger was recruited into the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps by mystery man Fritz Kraemer. Kraemer became an important Pentagon official who tutored people like General Vernon A. Walters (SMOM), General Alexander Haig Jr. (Pilgrims executive; SMOM), General Edward G. Lansdale, and inspired persons as Donald Rumsfeld. After WWII and his Counter-Intelligence days, Kissinger started to work for the Operations Research Office, the Psychological Strategy Board, and its successor, the Operations Coordinating Board. All these organizations were involved in special operations against foreign nations, not to mention domestic operations like Paperclip, Bloodstone, Mockingbird, and MK-ULTRA. During this time, Kissinger worked for people like Gordon Gray and Nelson Rockefeller. He was chairman of the secretive Forty Committee from 1969 to 1976, a covert apparatus of the National Security Council, which, just as some of the previous organizations, overlooked all special operations of the US throughout the world.
Nelson Rockefeller served as a chairman of the Forty Committee (whatever it was called at the time) during the Eisenhower administration. Nelson's brother, David, had a brief stint as Military Intelligence officer during WWII and due to his father's connections was able to build up an intelligence network in a short amount of time. In 1967, David was recruited in the Pinay Circle, the secret and shady private international intelligence group that emerged from the Vatican-Paneuropa network. Virtually the only other US participant at the time was Henry Kissinger. Laurance Rockefeller, a brother of Nelson and David, was a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve. The close Rockefeller associate George Shultz was a member of the National Security Planning Group under Reagan, which could well have been some kind of incarnation of the Forty Committee. This group was chaired by the earlier mentioned Robert McFarlane, who was a close associate of Henry Kissinger, George Griggs, and Pilgrims Society member Lord Peter Inge, the latter being a big time insider of British intelligence, the military-industrial complex and the royal family. Today Jay Rockefeller is vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and a close business partner of Li Ka Shing (good friend of the late Deng Xiaoping and long time economic advisor to the PLA leaders; chair and long time owner of Hutchinson Whampoa; HSBC director; CITIC director; funder of democrat Bill Clinton; close associate of the late Ron Brown, the Clinton secretary who brokered the deal between Loral and CITIC to export ICBM technology), a very powerful Chinese businessman closely associated with that country's military industrial complex, not to mention the triads.
As for the Rothschilds, the new N.M. Rothschild & Sons representative to the Trilateral Commission, Pilgrims Society member Lord Guthrie, is a former commander of the SAS, a former Chief of the Defence Staff, a Knight of Malta, Gold Stick to the queen, and part-time unofficial warmongerer for the Anglo-Saxon empire. Lord Lamont, personally appointed to the N.M. Rothschild & Sons board in 1993 by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild against the advice of the other board members, became head of Le Cercle (Pinay Circle) in 1996. Lord Jacob Rothschild's father, of course, was a Cambridge Apostle, an MI5 and MI6 agent, and a close associate of the famous Cambridge (Soviet) spies. Senator Moynihan, a close friend to both the Clintons and the Rothschilds, was chairman of the 1997 Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy, which shed some light on the inner workings of the Black and Deep Black Programs, the latter officially known as Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs).
Except Lord Guthrie, whose full bio can be read in the Pilgrims Society membership list, this was just a summary of what we came across in this article. Considering the almost unlimited connections of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and people like Henry Kissinger, you could go on for a very long time. And maybe not a surprise, even Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project mentioned the three names above as being involved in the stuff he is investigating. I guess time will tell. At least we now have a reasonably solid base to work from in identifying planet Earth's permanent government.
[1] | Very little is ever proven about these illegal arms dealings, but quite a number of people in these globalist groups stand accused of involvement in it. Kissinger Associates, which included Pehr Gyllenhammar, Lord Carrington, Lord Roll, Lawrence Eagleburger, Brent Scowcroft, and Etienne Davignon, played a central role in the 1990 Iraq Gate (BNL) affair. Nerio Nesi of the Atlantic Institute, who might have known nothing, had to resign over it at the BNL in Italy. Société Générale under Davignon's leadership stands accused of sponsoring Iraq's Babylon Project. Chirac and Donald Rumsfeld have also been accused of 'illegal' weapons sales to Iraq. Nadhmi Auchi (Le Cercle) was closely involved with this and projects in Saudi-Arabia, including clandestine sales of submarines, howitsers, medium-range laser guided bombs, Black Hawks, and EH101 helicopters, just as Jonathan Aitken (Le Cercle chair). The German Walther Leisler Kiep, former governor of the Atlantic Institute and chair of Atlantik-Brucke, was part of a Thyssen arms dealing scheme which included the illegal selling of high-tech German Army tanks to the Saudies. Another German, Franz Josef Strauss of Le Cercle, also stands accused of having taken a $500,000 bribe of Thyssen. The Bushes and Harrimans, together with the Thyssens, have been involved in the illegal selling of arms even before and during WWII. Adnan Khashoggi has been accused of selling weapons to the Medellin Cartel of Pablo Escobar. All these illegal dealings are tied to intelligence and many members of Le Cercle are involved in it. |
[2] | ---- |
[3] | July 18, 1918, New York Times, 'Founding of the Pilgrims Societies': "The idea originated with an American. The name "Pilgrim" was suggested by Mr. Burke Roche, M.P. The plan of organization was submitted in June, 1902, to Lord Roberts through General Joseph Wheeler..." ![]() James Boothby Burke Roche was also known as the 3rd Baron Fermoy. More information on the founding of the Pilgrims in Appendix B |
[4] | 1966, Carroll Quigley, 'Tragedy and Hope' (originally written in 1949) 1981, Carroll Quigley, 'The Anglo-American establishment' Quigley was a history professor at Princeton University and Harvard and made a strong impression on Bill Clinton. Although the existence of Quigley's Rhodes' Secret Society and Round Table have never been verified, the network he describes and its aims appear to be very accurate. |
[5] | Some more information can be found in: 2005, Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions (PEHI), 'Bohemian Grove symbolism - Deeper meaning, or not a deeper meaning? That is the question' |
[6] | Wikipedia, Baron Edmond de Rothschild started to buy up land in Palestine in 1882. |
[7] | The Queen's fondness of Disraeli is confirmed in her official biography at |
[8] | The connections of the Cecils are described in great detail in Carroll Quigley's 'The Anglo-American establishment.' Disraeli often visited Hatfield House. |
[9] | According to the Rothschild Archive: "Born Jewish, but baptized at the age of twelve, Disraeli became a Tory MP in 1837. He served as Prime Minister in 1868 and between 1874 and 1880, moving to the House of Lords in 1876 upon being made Earl of Beaconsfield. Disraeli and his wife were close friends of the Rothschilds, and Lionel and his wife Charlotte appear to have been the inspiration for certain characters in his three novels Coningsby (1844), Sybil (1845) and Tancred (1847)... Amongst the many occasions on which Disraeli appears in this exhibition is a letter from Disraeli to Lionel de Rothschild." |
[10] | According to the LCF Rothschild Group: "As brokers and financiers, as bankers to royal houses and governments, as railway magnates, politicians, personalities, patrons and philantropists, the Rothschilds have never forgotten how to "walk with Kings - nor lost the common touch". The Rothschilds have thus remained united in every endeavour, from the creation of De Beers and the financing of Royal Dutch to the privatisation of the Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas." |
[11] | 2004, Geoffrey Jones, 'Multinationals and Global Capitalism' |
[12] | 1979, Terence Henry O'Brien, 'Milner: Viscount Milner of St. James's and Cape Town, 1854-1925'. On page 97 it states: "Milner went to Paris on some business with Alhponse [Sic] de Rothschild... Business calls in the City included a formal visit to Rothschilds... weekend with Lord Rothschild at Tring, and visit with Edward Cecil [1867-1918], [and] Lord Salisbury [1861-1947] at Hatfield [House]..." |
[13] | Here we're not talking about the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, but the 1st Viscount of Chelwood, who, as is common with the Cecils, has exactly the same name as his father. |
[14] | 1957, Israeli Knesset, letter from James de Rothschild to David Ben-Gurion |
[15] | June 2000, Gems in Israel (points to tourist attractions), 'Ramat Hanadiv Memorial Gardens'. David Ben-Gurion is quoted as said: "I doubt if one can find, in the entire history of the Jewish people in the Diaspora – a period of almost two thousand years - any person who equals or who can compare with the remarkable figure of the builder of the Jewish settlement in the renewed homeland in our day, that of Baron Edmond de Rothschild." |
[16] | Many individual Carnegie Corporation grant receivers are listed in the biography of Andrew Carnegie in the Pilgrims Society membership list. You can check them in the database of the Carnegie Corporation, which can be accessed from their website. |
[17] | The global government theme evolved from the idea of a worldwide British Empire. The League of Nations, which was concocted in the early stages of WWI, was created by Round Table and Pilgrims Society members. |
[18] | - Forget this note - |
[19] | More information can be found in Appendix B. |
[20] | February 16, 2005, #7, Solidair, interview with Jan Puype. |
[21] | 2000, Mikael Nyberg, 'The Hidden Agenda of the European Union' Additional details: The ERT was informally created by Etienne Davignon in 1978. In 1982 he challenged Pehr Gyllenhammar to expand this group, which led to the ERT in 1983. Davignon was a vice-president of the European Commission during all this time. |
[22] | April 20, 1986, New York Times, 'Kissinger Means Business'. In this article it is mentioned that the following people are directors of Kissinger Associates: Alan J. Stoga, William D. Rogers, Saburo Okita, Pehr Gyllenhammar, William E. Simon, Y.K. Kan, Robert O. Anderson, Lord Roll, and Edward L. Palmer. * October 27, 1982, New York Times, 'Kissinger and the Art of Staying in the Public Eye': Tells us that Lord Carrington and General Brent Scowcroft (vice-chairman of KA 1982-1989) joined the firm. * June 1, 1984, New York Times, 'Eagleburger Is Joining Kissinger Associates': Mentions Lawrence S. Eagleburger (president of KA) * October 16, 2003, New York Times, 'I.M.F. Official Is Named President of New York Fed': Mentions Timothy F. Geithner as a director of KA from 1985 to 1989. * Other known members of KA are or have been Etienne Davignon, David J. Rothkopf and Paul Bremer. * Side note: Lord Carrington, Lord Roll, and Etienne Davignon were all chairmen of Bilderberg. Brent Scowcroft, Lawrence Eagleburger, Etienne Davignon, and Lord Roll have all been identified as governors of the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs in 1987. |
[23] | Yves-André Istel has been chairman of the European Institute for at least several years now. He was vice chairman of Rothschild Inc. from 1993 to 2002 and is today still a senior advisor to that firm. Earlier, he had been a co-chairman of the First Boston Corporation and a managing director of Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb. His YA Istel Foundation is a sponsor of the Peace Parks club, just as the Rothschild Foundation, and David Rockefeller (Laurance used to be a sponsor too). According to the European Institute (sent an email), neither the Rothschilds nor the Rockefellers were involved in the creation of this Institute, although they do support its work. |
[24] | May 17, 2005, Radiovisie Belgium (radio station), 'Panorama: Heizel 1985, Requiem voor een cupfinale': "... de gebrekkige communicatie in het stadion, waar de ordetroepen zelfs geen commandopost hadden (die stond buiten). De radiotoestellen van politie en rijkswacht werkten slecht; er waren maar een paar vaste telefoonlijnen in het hele stadion, mobiele telefonie stond nog in de kinderschoenen. (Noot: Europees Commissaris Steve Davignon kon wel met zijn autotelefoon zijn goede vriend (en voetbalfan) Henry Kissinger verwittigen dat deze tot nader bericht beter in zijn hotel bleef.)" Translation of the last part: "European Commissioner Steve Davignon was able to inform his good friend (and soccer fan) Henry Kissinger with his carphone that he could better stay at his hotel room." |
[25] | April 2002, CSR Europe Magazine, page 18, 'Connecting business and social priorities - The SN Airlines Case': "Mr Davignon is currently Chair of Société Générale de Belgique and of CSR Europe, and is Member of the Board of Générale de Banque, Suez- Lyonnaise des Eaux, BASF, ICL, Solvay, Kissinger Associates and several SGB group companies." Davignon is long time chairman of the Advisory Board of CSR Europe. |
[26] | Ibid. October 27, 1982, New York Times, 'Kissinger and the Art of Staying in the Public Eye'. |
[27] | Ibid. April 20, 1986, New York Times, 'Kissinger Means Business'. |
[28] | 1989, George Hunt, 'The New World Bank, Religion, & Rulers': September 1987, Fourth World Wilderness Conference, Maurice Strong introduces Edmund de Rothschild: "One of the most important initiatives that is open here for your consideration is that of the Conservation Banking Program. As mentioned this morning, we have [inaudible] here the person who really is the source of this very significant concept. He was/is one of the trustees of the International Wilderness Foundation which sponsored this meeting. He was at the first of these conferences. His conversion to the relationship between conservation and economic development has been a pioneering one... Many of the energy developments that we have seen have come from his early anticipation of our energy needs... And I'm just delighted to have this opportunity of introducing to you, Edmund de Rothschild." |
[29] | Internationale Paneuropa Union. |
[30] | 1984, prof. Kees van der Pijl, 'The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class' Original sources: * 1925, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, 'Praktischer Idealismus' * 1958, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, 'Eine Idee erobert Europa. Meine Lebenserinnerungen' (Nicholas Murray Butler reference) |
[31] | For information about the Paneuropa network and Le Cercle take a look at the PEHI article on Le Cercle. The sources for the information provided here are listed there. |
[32] | July 25, 1979, New York Times, 'Consummate Master of Monetary Tactics; Paul Adolph Volcker Man in the News Ebullient Sense of Humor The Roosa 'Brain Trust' (Originally pointed out by Eustace Mullins): "He learned the business from the bottom up, "and he really learned it," recalls his mentor, Robert V. Roosa, now a partner at Brown Brothers, Harriman in New York. Mr. Volcker was part of the Roosa "brain trust," first at the New York Federal Reserve in the 1950's and then later when Mr. Roosa moved over to the Treasury as Under Secretary for monetary affairs in the Kennedy Administration... He also served in the management positions at the Chase Manhattan Bank. And David Rockefeller, the chairman of Chase, and Mr. Roosa were strong influences in the Mr. Carter's decision to name Mr. Volcker for the Reserve Board chairmanship." |
[33] | November 1988, #17, Lobster Magazine, 'Brian Crozier, the Pinay Circle and James Goldsmith' |
[34] | February 28, 2005, Newsmax, 'Pentagon Document: U.S. Paid Pro-Saddam Figures, Chinese and French' |
[35] | March 15, 1992, New York Times, 'Making a Difference; Volcker's Newest Venture': "Mr. Volcker, who left the Fed in 1987, is taking on a new assignment, chairman of a joint venture called J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn Company, which will offer investment banking services in Europe." |
[36] | 1998, The Weekley Telegraph, Baron Robert Rothschild Obituary |
[37] | Government of Canada's Digital Collections |
[38] | It's not mentioned a whole lot, but according to the website of the Presidential Medal of Freedom: "He [David] was also a co-founder of the Dartmouth Conference and the Trilateral Commission, both of which have opened new pathways of communication for world leaders." * John W. Robbins, Ph.D, quoted David Rockefeller from the October/November 1977 issue of the 'Journal of the US-USSR Trade and Economic Council': "It was at the seventh session of the Dartmouth Conference in Hanover [New Hampshire] in 1972 that the idea of forming a joint high-level Trade and Economic Council was first proposed." Rockefeller didn't mention who proposed it (possibly because it was him), but it shows again that he was a prominent member within these groups. If you want to read the whole story from John W. Robbins about the US-USSR Trade and Economic Council go to #41. |
[39] | January 16, 1967, New York Times, 'Eaton Joins Rockefellers to Spur Trade with Reds'. Remember that this was one year before the Tet offensive, the height of the Vietnam War. |
[40] | October 20, 1969, New York Times, 'Mutual Fund Venture Set'. The whole message reads: "The International Basic Economic Corporation of New York and N.M. Rothschild and Sons of London announced over the weekend that they expected to conclude a formal arrangement early next year to set up and manage mutual funds for sale to the public throughout the world. The joint undertaking is expected to commerce operations with managed assets totalling about $13-million." |
[41] | April 27, 1987, John W. Robbins (Ph.D.), 'Birds of a Feather: American and Soviet Traders are Flocking Together' * Additionally: January 1986, the Phoenix Letter of Antony Sutton (link) |
[42] | More information can be found in Appendix B. |
[43] | February 24, 1974, New York Times, 'Alexei Kosygin has a friend at Chase Manhattan' |
[44] | March 2, 2005, China Institute Of International Studies, 'Contributions Made by Zhou Enlai to the Establishment and Dissemination of the Five' |
[45] | May 15, 2005, Pittsburgh Live,
'His Gray Eminence Maurice Strong'. Original source: Elaine Dewar, 'Cloak of Green' |
[46] | January 31, 2002, Robert B. Zoellick, U.S.-China Business Council speech |
[47] | Annual Report 2001, National Committee on United States-China Relations: "Following approval by the boards of directors of the two organizations, the America China Society (ACS) is now in the process of merging with the National Committee. When the merger is finalized, ACS will officially become the America- China Forum of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. ACS was founded in 1987 by former Secretaries of State Henry A. Kissinger and Cyrus Vance to improve understanding between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, and counts former presidents, secretaries of state, national security advisors, and other former senior officials and business leaders among its directors." * According to an official biography of Robert C. McFarlane posted at Partnership for a Secure America: "He is a co-founder (with Dr. Henry Kissinger) and Vice Chair of the America-China Society..." McFarlane has been to China with Kissinger in the 1973-1976 period to make intelligence exchanges. * Today's National Committee on U.S.-China Relations says it was erected in 1966 and no mention is made of the America-China Society. Kissinger is among the directors of this group. |
[48] | 1999, Cox Report on Chinese Espionage, 'PRC Acquisition of U.S. Technology' |
[49] | June 20, 2005, Larry Chin for From the Wilderness, 'China in America's cross-hairs: Robert D. Kaplan and neocon hawks clamor for new Cold War'. Original source: 1986, Michel Chossudovsky, 'Towards Capitalist Restoration' |
[50] | June 7, 2000, Charles R. Smith for WorldNetDaily, 'Cash register' Li Ka-Shing' |
[51] | March 23, 1999, Charles R. Smith for WorldNetDaily, 'Dead men tell no tales -- Part 2' |
[52] | April 1997, Taiwan Communiqué, No. 75, 'The China-connection' |
[53] | April 21, 1997, Insight Magazine, 'China Trade - Lion Dancing With Wolves' |
[54] | Ibid. April 21, 1997, Insight Magazine, 'China Trade - Lion Dancing With Wolves' |
[55] | June 19, 1998, US Senate press release, 'Rockefeller to Accompany Clinton to China' |
[56] | Augustus 30, 2004, New York Newsday, 'Off one island and onto another' |
[57] | June 27, 2001, Forbes, 'Can't Buy Me Love - Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, 70, and Lynn Forester, 46' |
[58] | September 22, 2002, The Sunday Times, 'Rothschild bankrolls Mandelson think tank' |
[59] | November 22, 1999, Insight on the News, 'PC Answers On Panama Canal' |
[60] | 1999, Time Magazine, 'Cox Report on Chinese Espionage' |
[61] | 2004, Charles R. Smith, 'Deception - How Clinton Sold America Out to the Chinese Military' |
[62] | December 07, 2004, People's Daily Online, 'Carlyle eyes two more Chinese companies' |
[63] | November 27th, 2003, Los Angeles Times, 'US: Bush's Brother Has Contract to Help Chinese Chip Maker' |
[64] | April 12, 1992, New York Times, 'The 1992 Campaign; The Business Dealings of the President's Relatives: What the Record Shows' |
[65] | December 22, 2000, USA Today, 'Deal is made to sell Rockefeller Center' |
[66] | 1913, Woodrow Wilson, 'The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People' |
[67] | 1948, Gustave M. Gilbert, 'Nuremburg Diary'. According to the book, Goering stated this on April 18, 1946. Gilbert was the Nuremberg prison psychiatrist and was given access to all prisoners. |
[68] | 2002, 'The Revolution will not be Televised' |
[69] | 1913, Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People: |
[70] | The official Manitou Foundation website reads: "In the mid 1990’s, Manitou and specialists of The Conservation Fund, with generous support of Laurance Rockefeller and the Jackson Hole Preserve, devoted several years to extensive studies of Manitou’s mountain properties, culminating in the creation of the Manitou Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP). Comprehensive assessments were made of the terrain, slope, soil types, drainage and erosion patterns; botanical studies and wildlife patterns - corridors, birthing areas, human interface issues; forest health and wildfire concerns, and so forth. This culminated in a master conservation easement being laid on almost all of the Manitou Mountain Tract to the east of the Chalets." |
[71] | George Hunt videos: * 1989, 'The New World Bank, Religion, & Rulers' * 1992, 'The UNCED Earth Summit meeting' |
[72] | September 22, 1991, State of Iowa - Executive Department, Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development (This is the document George Hunt holds up to the camera in 1992). * Additional info: Burns H. Weston, a professor at Iowa State University, on his website, mentions the meeting from which one of George Hunt's friends retrieved the above paper. The following reference can be found in his 'Invited Lectures, Papers and Other Public Appearances' list: "Proposals for International Legal Environmental Reforms (UNA Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development, State Capitol, Des Moines, Iowa, September 22, 1991)." |
[73] | Dr. Burns H. Weston personal website, ' Invited Lectures, Papers and Other Public Appearances 1990 - 1994' Additional confirmation: "Box 24 UNA-USA, Iowa Division (cont.) Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development, September 22, 1991" |
[74] | Dr. Burns H. Weston personal website, 'Bibliography Reports, Opinions and Working Papers' |
[75] | More information on the founding of the United Nations in Appendix B. |
[76] | UNA-USA History, the following text only appears in the source code, not on the page itself: "The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) is created after a recommendation by a UNA-USA panel, chaired by John D. Rockefeller III." |
[77] | June 23, 2005, ABC Money, 'Jardine Strategic acquires stake in Rothschild holding company' |
[78] | August 19, 2005, Liz Smith (same author writing about the same Martha's Vineyard event as #56. Some of these writings made it into New York Newsday): "At another Biondi dinner party, two of the guests were Sir Evelyn and Lady (Lynn) de Rothschild who have a house this summer at Edgartown. The ebullient American, Lynn, was at dinner in a gauzy little nothing, sporting an enormous ring. Vogue's Billy Norwich gazed at it and asked if the bauble came from JAR (Joel Rosenthal's multi-coveted international gems shop). Lynn laughed and showed that the ring was just a bunch of colorful beads held together on an elastic string. "I paid only a few dollars for it in a local dress shop." Billy pressed, "Well, do you have any good jewelry, Lady de Rothschild?" She laughed. "Lord de Rothschild, does your wife have any good jewelry?" Evelyn just smiled and sat back in his chair. He seems very proud of his Yankee girl and he is getting used to the way Americans tease him... Lynn was deeply involved in the recent Live 8 event and was even instrumental in getting U.S. television to carry the show after they dragged their feet, worrying that the event might become politicized. She spoke with Karl Rove several times seeking and getting White House help." |
[79] | Prince Philip Mountbatten wrote the foreword to the 1987 book 'If I Were An Animal,' by Fleur Cowles. His foreword was titled 'People as Animals' and read: "I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduced in numbers that it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist? ... I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus." * In an August 1988 interview with the West German Deutsche Press Agentur he is supposed to have said: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." |
Special thanks
Charles Savoie | For having done so much invaluable work on the Pilgrims Society. His articles can be found here. |
David | For helping with the Morgan genealogy and providing some digital Who's Who biographies, which turned out to be a highly valuable additions to this article. Lord Beaverbrook's comment about the Who's Who, "a strange record of numerous suppressions," is certainly true though. |
The Pilgrims Society | For confirming Paul Volcker was a member, that today's Rothschilds are not among the members, and subsequently ignoring my other inquiries. If you're interested in confirming the membership of Maurice R. Greenberg [not (yet) a member], Peter G. Peterson [update: identified as a member in a 2005 report], John C. Whitehead [update: confirmed as a vice-president and executive in 2006 by the Pilgrims Society itself], and maybe Alan Greenspan, I'd love to hear it. |