Rediscovering Nature's Remedies: Traditional Food Shockingly Anti-Microbial, Anti-Inflammation, Anti-Plaque, Anti-Ulcer, and Anti-Cancer; Often Pharma-Potent Without Side-Effects, But Little Research Done
- Scientific quotes demonstrating natural cures
- Organizing was needed
- Science and users are key
- Search engines downranking forums is a (health) problem
- The West underrepresented in international studies
- A missing key here: the meridian system
- Western medicine, TCM, or supplements: all mostly symptom treating
- Believe in yourself
HEALTHY DIETS VS GLOBALISM - Globalist multinationals at the core of unhealthy food, environment, products and cures?
- Artificial sweeteners:
- Nutritive artificial sweeteners: same producers, same issues
- Seed oils:
- FDA corrupted by big pharma and food
CURING CANCER - Omissions from oncology course at top university: cancer cells use 200x more glucose than healthy cells; DNA over cancer cell metabolism
- Highest success natural cancer cures: all kill glucose-uptake of cancer, and attack it
- Why prevent or cure cancer? With over $300 billion in revenues?
- Are we ready for a cancer cure? A non-natural, druggy one?
- Stick to nature: what to avoid, what to eat
- Veganism is politics - and needs better defining
- Notes
How people have controlled or cured:
- Acid reflux
- Acne
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Blood pres.: high
- Cancer: general
- Cancer: colon
- Diabetes
- Ear infections
- Flu
- GI bugs: H. Pylori
- GI bugs: Candida
- GI bugs: IBS
- GI bugs: SIBO
- GI bugs: Parasites
- Gum bleeds
- Gum infection
- Heart disease
- Heavy metals
- Infertility
- Kidney stones
- Manboobs
- Microplastics
- Myopia
- Neuropathy: MS
- Neuropathy
- Osteoporosis
- Pain: post-surgery
- Psoriasis
- Smelly breath
- Smelly feet
- Testosterone: low
- Tongue: discolored
- T. Neuralgia
- Vaginal yeast
Natural compounds and their uses
Scientific quotes demonstrating natural cures
"Based on our data, the predicted incidence rate of colon and rectal cancer [CRC] in 2030 will increase by 90% and 124% in patients aged 20 to 34 years. ... A 1.5% per year increase [or 25% total] in the incidence of CRC ... from 1992 to 2005 aged 20 to 49 years of age has been previously observed. ... Similar results have been observed in young women with breast cancer."
Jan. 2015, JAMA Surgery. 1
"Juice mixtures (at a 7:3 ratio) showed synergistic effects [of] 71% [inhibition] with high amounts of cabbage and chlorella (CChH; 800 mg/kg), 74% with high amounts of cabbage and kale [versus] 75% with [traditional heartburn and peptic ulcer inhibitor drug] cimetidine. [Thus cabbage,] chlorella or kale [are perfect for] the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer and gastritis."
May 2013, Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition. 2
"Patients with peptic ulcer were treated with fresh cabbage juice... healing time for ... duodenal ulcer was only 10.4 days [compared to] 62 patients treated by standard [medical] therapy [at] 37 days. ... Gastric ulcer [healing time] with cabbage juice was only 7.3 days, compared with 42 days [with medical drugs]. ... Human consumption by heating or cooking may completely destroy this factor."
Jan. 1949, No. 1, California Medicine (PDF). 3
"Conclusions: Efficacy of Neem [herb] extract is comparable to 3% NaOCl [bleach] against C. [Candida] albicans and it is significantly better than [popular medical disinfectant] 2% CHX."
2014, Brazilian Journal of Oral Studies. 4
"A formulation containing Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata extracts ... in osteoarthritic patients ... was more successful than administering [NSAID] celecoxib 100 mg twice a day for symptom scoring and clinical examination."
2013, Molecular Medicine Reports (Indian study). 5 Celecoxib is similar to Ibuprofen.
"The success rate of treatment in the first group [vinegar only] was 91%, it was 95% in the second group [with the senna purge only] and 97% in the third group [combining both]; while the best success rate of the current antibiotic H. pylori eradication therapies as demonstrated in literature was maximally 83%... Natural measures of H. pylori eradication employing the senna purge and vinegar are superior in efficacy to the current antibiotic strategies. [We need a] change attitude of medicine..."
Sep. 24, 2015, General Medicine: Open Access journal (L.A.) (PDF). 6
Organizing was needed
For quite a few years I've regularly looked into a variety of natural supplements and natural solutions to various health issues. ISGP never was the place to do something with that though, so there wasn't really any structural organizing going on with these subjects. This lack of organization has been a bit of a waste of time. Word documents and notepad scribbles with brief summaries were strewn all over my laptops and phones, very often getting lost over time - after which, after a few years, I had to re-research the entire subject. Just the different variations of omega 3 fats and anything surrounding it I have research three times, after losing the scribbles the first two times. Garlic, turmeric, and cayenne all were subjects I had to re-research for this article, because I had lost my notes on these compounds too.
In the end, the solution was simple: spent a few days organizing all my research onto a single ISGP page. And make that page the first article and oversight of ISGP's "Health Center". It always was a desire to create such a center, but there happens to be some serious natural resistance in this author to actually make information along these lines freely available. The "health industry" is gigantic and filled with "commoners". The main grudge is that pill-sellers on YouTube and elsewhere will just copy the information they find here and build up their own prestige and wallets without giving credit, while ISGP gets ever more heavily censored and isolated by search engines from China to the United States.
It's a little different with the political content of ISGP: it's much more of a niche "market", and you simply can't tell the truth about what is on ISGP anyway. You will just get censored as well. So I've always been able to do my thing without spotting much, if any, competition.
However, not having a place to organize "health information" has become such a personal nuisance that I felt an oversight like this had to be created. Not doing it publicly, is not going to motivate me to create and update it - so here we go. And it must be said, while compiling the original oversight, an incredible amount of new natural substances were discovered and additional insights gained. Just the experiments on vitamin U dating back to the 1940s and 1950s were nothing short of shocking to me personally.
So it's not all bad. For personal development, this oversight is a great addition.
Science and users are key
There are basically three main sources of information in this oversight:
- Scientific studies.
- Online experiences of users at forums, comment sections of websites, social media, and product reviews - all compared and after having been taken in as a whole.
- Personal experiences of this author.
Contrary to what "authority" and its all too many followers tend to proclaim, online user comments are extremely useful. Scientific studies, for obvious reasons, are extremely narrow in scope, with seldom any mention of any other compounds. And whereas producers of video content have little interest in superficially mentioning additional health supplements in one YouTube video, especially when they haven't made any additional videos about it, commentators often go, "I tried this with that, and it worked for me." Or they may go, "I had similar experiences with that supplement."
Thus, user comments form an essential network, or glue, between an infinite number of compounds discussed in this oversight. It's user comments, for example, that first made me aware of:
- fenbendazole, underneath a video discussing wormwood 7;
- neem;
- berberine;
- moringa;
- zeolite;
- castor oil;
- and alpha-lipoic acid.
Ironically enough, there's a tendency to go, "Yeah, that can't be so special. I would have heard about it by now, right?" So you ignore whatever was recommended, at least for some time. But once you finally look into it, sometimes after hearing about it multiple times, the compound very often turns out to be many times more interesting than you initially thought.
Fact is, there are just an incredible amount of beneficial natural compounds out there that the average person has never heard about. You certainly aren't taught about them anymore in your witchy grandmother's kitchen, or at school. And your witchy grandmother didn't even hear about the vast majority of these compounds, except what mainly was part of her immediate surroundings and culture.
Secondly, online user comments are the only way outside of your immediate surroundings to get a sense of what works, and for what issues. If one person claims something worked for them, it may be something to keep in mind, but you can't always give too much credence to it, especially not when they took a host of other natural compounds.
However, when in 30 minutes you find 50 people complaining of migraines when ingesting artificial sweeteners from aspartame to sucralose, and another 15 complaining about (eventual) intestinal upset, especially with sucralose, it would be wise to pay attention. Subsequent research quickly started to conform this criticism as well.
So the thing is, where there's smoke, there tends to be fire. And user comments is what pointed me to the fire the quickest in this case. Beyond a minute or two, in this case I didn't even bother looking at Google's sanitized search results and Wikipedia's tedious, formal discussions, often devoid of all kinds of crucial facts. I went straight looking for criticism of users at forums. Without them, and without my own personal experience, finding the core issues would have been much more of a struggle.
Similarly, if "authority" says you cannot cure cancer by yourself, but next you are able to find a handful of people who did this through fasting and carbohydrate-poor diets; or dozens of others who claim they cured their cats, dogs, horses, friends and themselves from late stage cancer by ingesting a (still) cheap antiparasitical drug named fenbendazole: pay attention.
When "authority" says that you cannot rid your body of heavy metals without medical chelation therapy, but internet forums are full with people successfully detoxifying themselves with all kinds of natural compounds, including liquid zeolite: pay attention.
Of course, you need to be careful. Always be a little wary. But pay attention. Don't just dismiss.
As the reader can see, user input is extremely important. It's key in spreading information through networking. It's key in getting to the core problems and solutions quickly, saving enormous amounts of time. It's key for "group confirmation" - because in the end we are pack animals and we need other people around us having the exact same experiences as us.
Search engines downranking forums is a (health) problem
Therefore it is a tragedy, of course, that the world's most dominant search engine, long-time Bilderberg steering committee company Google, has been artificially propping up "authoritative" sources in its search indexes since 2017, with forums all but having disappeared from most of its search queries by 2020. This author is far from the only one complaining that you need to add "", "reddit", or "forum" to just about every Google query to get anything remotely genuine and interesting in terms of independent user feedback. 8 Other search engines increasingly are following Google's lead on this matter.
Meanwhile, user comment sections on news sites and Google's YouTube have been ever-heavier policed, from 2023 on increasingly by AI. "Conservative CIA" disinformation on Covid in particular has only made it harder to discuss anything not backed by the international medical establishment. In fact, Reddit itself is frequently attacked for extreme censorship by its "super-moderators", able to quash anything unwanted in a vast range of sub-reddits. This author has had his fair share of experiences with that as well.
Still, in the right subreddits, certainly away from political subjects, often a good degree of useful feedback can be harvested. With Reddit's dwindling visibility in search engines, it is hard to say how long this will continue. A whole lot of the lengthy, useful discussions you run into, date back to the 2010s. And manually searching for other, smaller forums on the internet is less and less practical. They may disappear all together in the future when search engines keep downranking these "free speech zones".
In that sense, one of the reasons to expedite the creation of this oversight, is to be able to harvest all relevant comments from forums and comment sections before they've disappeared into the mists of time. Who knows what comes in their place? Maybe zero online free speech. Maybe vast AI-driven disinformation, expanding from the conspiracy into the healthcare domain, Covid disinformation being a major excuse for it. Google's YouTube already is heavily censored, to the point its search on political subjects is completely and totally useless due to the almost exclusive pushing of mainstream media channels. And by 2023 alternative health channels on YouTube too started complaining about being secretly downranked in algorithms 9, or that they had content removed whenever YouTube thought it involved "medical misinformation" that opposes the United Nations' World Health Organization or "local health authorities". 10 Alternative health videos aren't even remotely "downranked" as much as the average ISGP subject, but already people are complaining and upvoting (in this case slightly irrational) comments as these:
"I hate that these [fenbendazole] videos are now being shown to me after my mom died. After looking for videos for these. I’m convinced YouTube is listening and trying hard to prevent me for finding results that could have saved my mom." 11
These videos indeed are hard to find. First you have to create your own "algorithmic suggestions bubble", and then wait over the years what YouTube happens to feed you almost by accident. Or, as explained here, you have to scan the comment sections for insights. But these too are heavily manipulated. Since 2022 empty "fawning", "worshippy", "loving" comments are artificially top-ranked, with channel owners, who often only tolerate their own views or official views, able to remove any comment at will. So channels basically all form their own cult. AI shadow bans a lot of comments as well. None of these are good developments.
In any case, user experiences are key. Especially when they are backed by provided personal proof, or by scientific studies - which, in all fairness, can often be overly limited in their scope, or actually contradict each other. They are not necessarily a holy grail just by themselves. In the end, science shouldn't forget that it is of zero value without users to benefit from it. And that is why users will continue to be included here. If you controlled or cured a health issue with some kind of supplement, and went through the effort of making a post about it, often at the cost of making yourself relatively vulnerable, you want the world to take your experiences serious too. Or at least take it into account.
The only thing that is not practical here though, especially time-wise, is to back up all the urls and all the (fictional) user names of persons making specific comments. Some comments are edited for spelling errors and other grammatical errors, but a lot of the forum comments you should be able to find for years to come by copy-pasting segments of them in between quotation marks in Google. Videos on YouTube on these subjects also are very limited, so you should be able to find back a lot of quotes from the respective entries here for a number of years just by searching for the relevant subject. Likely you will find all kinds of newer, overlapping feedback, assuming censorship hasn't gotten worse.
The West underrepresented in international studies
One interesting observation going through hundreds of scientific studies, is that the West all of a sudden isn't overrepresented when searching for studies on natural remedies for everyday diseases. Collecting the various scientific studies for this oversight with regard to natural remedies, China, and even more so Chinese people as a whole, are particularly heavily represented. The rest of the "research cake" is divided between countries as India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, and even Sudan. While it can't be said that every study that comes out Africa and the Middle East exactly is of the highest quality (I've seen plenty of spelling errors and some questionable data), all these countries have been represented by scientists that have carried out important research into natural compounds, often into compounds native to their region: neem, turmeric and boswellia in India, moringa in Indonesia (and India), green tea and Shiitake mushrooms in China and Japan, black seed oil in Saudi Arabia, Rooibos tea in (South) Africa, etc. The United States and Europe also have contributed important studies, of course, but you can tell there is a much more heavy focus on pharmaceutical drug testing, or anything related to typically "western diseases" as diabetes, coronary heart disease (CVD) and cancer.
If pathogens as staph (MRSA), tuberculosis, and gonorrhoea weren't developing immunity to traditional antibiotics, we likely would have seen far less of these studies still, not just in the West, but also around the world - because very often these "alternative" studies are justified by the phenomenon of "antimicrobial resistance" (AMR), and in particular "antibiotic resistance". This research into natural compounds remains obscure, despite the fact that antibiotics destroy the total gut microbiome in humans, often leading to months, years, or even lifelong additional health issues. Antibiotics essentially destroy the entire body if you give them enough time. Many also are ototoxic, leading to disastrous hearing problems as tinnitus. Even the "mild" Amoxicillin has been reported by people/victims to do that, and it's not even listed in the (very) lenghty " adverse effects" list in the instructions manual.
Compared to antibiotics, natural compounds always are much more selective in what they kill, and regularly even are comparable or better in the results obtained than antibiotics. Examples include certain natural protocols against Helicobacter Pylori, the eradication of bad mouth bacteria, or the healing of intestinal ulcers. You just don't know about these alternative remedies, because they're never mentioned and seldom studied. Most people in general have no clue in general that many of our traditional foods have strong anti-microbial activity, from garlic to vinegar. Imagine if people were aware, how it would also change (back) our eating habits.
Fact is, if I was a billionaire, I could easily finance dozens, if not thousands, of additional studies that really would take knowledge of the efficacy of natural compounds to a whole new level - assuming the media is willing to give attention to it. In that sense it is very depressing how little research is being done. Looking at all the governments, centi-millionaires, billionaires, and (food) corporations in the world, a billion dollars is not a lot of money. People are just not paying attention.
A missing key here: the meridian system
An important thing to admit is that this entire oversight is a scam. Why? Because I'm not talking about the meridian system. Unclogging these invisible, underground rivers throughout the body for over two decades while working on ISGP, is essentially what has been keeping me alive. Working on ISGP causes some sort of stress reaction, as well as various additional "economic-relational stressors" - in addition to apparently drawing in all the demons of the world that need to be exorcised. Within 3 months of starting what became ISGP, I started to develop dandruff. The other issues all appeared within 5 years:
- Massive dandruff from the back of the head, slowly moving down to the eyebrows, and eventually even the beard.
- Massive hear loss. It literally burned off my head with the dandruff.
- A fully clogged nose, leaving me gasping for air.
- Massive hay fever, literally preventing me from going outside ever larger portions of the years.
- Sensitive stomach issues, which I've had since the age of 15, a lot of it related to nervousness, and later exacerbated by way too much sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose and a mini-bout of Amoxicillin antibiotics.
- Apparent candida to coincidence with it: a white tongue, followed by a yellow one after just 5 (unnecessary) Amoxicillin pills.
Despite house doctors and specialized hospital doctors all saying they couldn't help me, except with maybe some pills, over time I cured or reduced by 90% all these "incurable" issues. Only to get sick again in most cases, because I kept working on ISGP and otherwise didn't change my lifestyle. So it's a neverending cycle of "get sick - cure yourself in mysterious, impossible ways".
The hair I actually gave up. And just put a tattoo on my scalp, while lasering as much "horshoe hair" away as I could. For me, on top of restoring the meridian flows through the scalp, it would simply require a ceasing of all intellectual endeavors and bring back the inner horny, dancy, cool monkeyman. This may not make sense to a lot of people, but let's not forget that not just myopia has been exploding since the 19th century; so has baldness. There are "going against nature" reasons for that.
But how did I fix or at least control the other issues? Taking medicines? No. Taking vitamin pills? No. Other natural compounds? No. As indicated, I worked with the meridian system. In fact, over 1,000-2,000 hours of experimentation I developed my own acupressure and qigong system. As a result, the meridian system is as normal as breathing to me. It's literally key to keeping me functional.
So in that sense I feel that this entire "pill and home remedy" oversight is a scam. It really isn't, of course, because it's a 50-50 thing. Or really a 1/4th-1/4th-1/4th-1/4th thing, if we include physical exercise, as well as surgery and certain medicines, as additional pillars to health. But if I don't at least hint that the meridian system is heavily involved in *actually* curing many of my personal "incurable" chronic diseases - and not so much the natural compounds listed here - I feel like I'm scamming readers.
I'm not publishing any details on this any time soon though.
Western medicine, TCM, or supplements: all mostly symptom treating
Another thing that might need to be said is that everybody is treating symptoms. Western doctors and pharmaceutical companies often are accused of doing so, and this certainly is true for the most part, but it also is true with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It even is true many times with taking natural supplements.
In case of the latter, we can give plenty of examples:
- You have high blood pressure. Instead of taking a pharmaceutical statin, it turns out moringa works wonders for you. So every day you take a moringa supplement and get rid of the statin.
- You successfully take high amounts of vitamin D, or moringa again for that matter, to treat your arthritis.
- You always have a stuffy nose. You take a NAC every day and the stuffiness clears up.
- You have joint pain. You take a daily turmeric supplement. It goes away.
- You have arthritis. You take a daily turmeric and boswella supplement. It goes away.
- You have low testosterone, but managed to increase into an acceptable range by taking Tongkat Ali, and maybe some DIM.
It should be clear that each time you cease taking the supplement, the underlying health issue comes back - while it does not come back for a "healthy" person. In other words, you are still chronically sick. You were just able to mask it with a pill. So why are you sick? Well, usually nobody knows.
True, sometimes the supplement may allow the body to heal over over time. And sometimes you are able to flush out heavy metals - for example, with zeolite - or various toxins from the kidneys or bladder - for example, with baking soda - that most definitely allow for long-term healing. But in many cases, supplements are simply countering symptoms of sickness.
My experiences with Traditional Chinese Medicine are exactly the same. They massage you. They put some needles in you. They prescribe some (expensive) herb "tonics" to balance out that completely invisible meridian system of yours. And after you do this for some time, and come back for a bunch of additional sessions, you may actually get the result you're looking for. The problem is, in many cases the underlying issue has not been fixed, and you need to keep coming back.
That was the case with me. As I realized only years later, most of my issues were caused by emotions. These negative emotions caused an imbalance in the meridian system, which caused the homeostatis of the body to be thrown off-whack, leading to the development of all kinds of physical issues. As somebody who again and again has been controlling and fixing certain issues, this process has become extremely recognizable. You literally can often feel the energy moving along meridians documented millennia ago: from ice cold, to intensely hot, to a little "acidy burning", to what it usually is: just a little trickling, itching, or some radiating, dull pain. Followed by an immediate reduction of physical symptoms.
It's not necessarily that a healthcare worker, especially a western one, isn't interested in figuring out the root cause. It actually is part of their education, and is meant to be figured out by asking questions as, "When did this issue first appear?" "What changed?" The problem isn't even necessarily that "emotions" are largely separated from "physical health", because it has been accepted that heavy emotions can cause physical symptoms as an upset stomach or migraine. The problem is that it isn't known that bad emotions cause SO many more diseases than we know today. Speaking from extensive personal experience, hay fever and dandruff are among them. But I've never seen a single person insert emotion into the conversation.
With TCM, it is more acknowledged that emotions are one of the causes of physical health, because emotions affect the meridian system. It is hard to say to what extent TCM practitioners are aware of this though in a very practical sense. There seems to be very little knowledge of "emotion X causes physical symptom Y". It also seems that there is a general custom, and similarly with western practitioners, to not "prod too much" on the emotional front because it is invasive and rude. They, in fact, literally created a separate branch of healthcare for that, called "psychology". So western and TCM practitioners generally proceed to just deal with the symptoms, which respectively is drugs versus meridian rebalancing and herbs.
What at least theoretically should happen is that in many cases you arrive at a doctor or TCM practitioner with a summarized psychological rapport about all your emotions about worklife, social life, and anything else that might greatly bother you - including timelines, also when certain physical complaints started. The problems there, of course, are a lack of time, a lack of money, a lack of radical honesty of the patient about all his shameful emotions, and also society being too politically correct to discuss a lot of emotions. Then there very much is the question if the emotional state can even be changed. Work, a lack of money, and family-obligations tend to keep people stuck in situations and emotions they don't want to be in.
But yeah, in the end, I personally feel western medicine, eastern medicine, and natural supplementation all predominantly are merely treating symptoms. They are just busy compensating for unhealthy diets, unhealthy environments, and unhealthy emotions. They can't "fix" a whole lot. Mostly, they can just "manage". But maybe to be "fixed" is to not be part of this dimension. It's a pretty imperfect place with endless oppotunities for emotional and physical damage. So there's that.
So, with western medicine, eastern medicine, and all-natural pill-popping culture we are dealing with limited frameworks. Just as psychology is, another one of the holy trinities in our society. I may have have stressed the importance of psychology as few lines back, but psychology too exists within an extremely limited framework. There are much more dangerous, but infinitely better "psychologists" out there than the one who have formal degrees. But those are, once again, a discussion for another time.
Now that I'm busy, similar to doctors and psychologists, physical therapists never helped me with anything either, except by giving me an echo on the state of muscles and joints. I always had to go online for (endless) research, or even come up with my own exercises to fix myself, because the ones they gave me didn't work.
In April 2024 I asked one who markets himself as a "master in sports" if he had ever heard of BPC-157 or TB-500. He never heard of it, despite a lot of high level athletes using it since the 2010s. To most people, being a doctor or physiotherapist is just that: a job that pays the bills, and gets you some prestige along the way. They have no passion. No real drive beyond those basics.
Also, Quantum Touch for me at one point was way more effective at treating back spasms than any purely physical physiotherapy massage. Somehow it got rid of knots that purely physical massage, or even dry needling (which only made thing worse), could not. It also did so on a long-term basis, of several years. To this day, traditional science doesn't understand why certain muscle knots ("trigger points") are much more stubborn than others 12, so how can you even expect physiotherapists to properly help a lot of people with something so common and basic? It's a huge gap in knowledge in physiotherapy, to the point you start wondering if it can even be called a legitimate profession without filling that gap.
Believe in yourself
The main message is that all the appointed experts in our society - the doctors, the pharmaceutical companies, the psychologists, and the media and politicians that protect their system - are grasping at straws. There's more they don't know than they do know in terms of what heals a person from chronic diseases.
They often are good at diagnosing, as doctors are trained to do so with a large number of common diseases. That's great, of course, but once diagnosed, hopefully correctly, there basically always are three possible solutions:
- Pray it goes way with rest, some exercise, or "healthy" dieting.
- Prescribe pricy drugs, often with major side effects.
- Surgery.
It has been demonstrated in this oversight that a lot of people can be helped better with natural supplements and proper dietary regiments - dietary regiments that partly go against what modern "dietary experts" claim is healthy (i.e., those who relate the opinion of powerful, globalist interests). Feel free to experiment with the information. Even add your own experiences to them.
Furthermore, the idea is that this oversight helps people to have more faith in themselves - that they have enough information at their fingertips to oppose the age old mantra to "not be a know-it-all, and just listen to the doctor", and try some supplements and health foods for themselves that they never even heard of before. And that they also dare to suggest alternative, natural remedies to friends and family.
This oversight is not even about contradicting your doctor. It's just about gaining knowledge that neither you, nor your doctor, were taught in the first place. Quite a few doctors are very open to this information. But for them too it is extremely time-consuming and hard to figure out what to advise their patients in terms of alternative supplements. Without much more research being done, with consistent result, and all of it easily accessible, doctors too basically are merely guessing as to what will work for a certain person. It is a slippery slope for them. Following "authority" is a lot easier and safer.
Globalist multinationals at the core of unhealthy food, environment, products and cures?
One thing we shouldn't overlook that the multinationals financing the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Davos always have included a range of leading artificial sweetener, maltodextrine, high fructose corn syrup, herbicide and vegetable oil producers, "supermarket food" producers and distributors, pharmaceutical multinationals, and corporations responsible for our microplastics epidemic. Two of those help make you sick, while the third keeps you in a state of "manageable sickliness" until the day you die. Companies as British American Tobacco (BAT) also used to be in the mix.
Scanning ISGP's list of 2,000 globalist NGOs, in which we increasingly often list the financiers of each NGO, we find - scanning for relevant markets - some of the following multinationals appearing, often a whole lot:
Artificial sweeteners
Vegetable/seed oil
Water |
Oil and (micro)plastics Supermarket food
As for the above corporations, be aware that the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Davos are just some of the better-known and historically the most central NGOs within the NGO network, not the least due to the deep involvement of David Rockefeller in the first three. Henry Kissinger flanked David Rockefeller for decades in Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission and took over David's central role from the 2000s until his own death in 2023.
There are plenty of other ties though. Archer Daniels Midland has been under the control of the Andreas family since 1971. Dwayne O. Andreas not only was a member of the Trilateral Commission in the 1980s and 1990s, he also was a trustee of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), once again alongside Henry Kissinger and other leading Trilaterals and CFR members. Archer Daniels Midland also was a funder of the International Republican Institute (IRI), which essentially has been operating as one of many "parallel CIA" foreign intervention groups, alongside the National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, the National Democratic Institute, etc. So immediately here you have a peculiar tie between the production of vegetable oil and artificial sweeteners... "national security".
This is just one example. All the corporations above - and that just involves a very quick scan for names - are funding the exact same network of globalist economic, political and foreign intervention NGOs. They are much more than just "a business", or even "a lobby". Together, they are much more powerful.
And this may play a role why it is so hard to get proper information on healthy nutrition and disease prevention.
Artificial sweeteners: migraine and gut microbiome disruption, even in offspring
As mentioned in a previous section, in 30 minutes time I found - all on Reddit subforums and in YouTube comments - 50 people complaining of migraines when ingesting artificial sweeteners. Some people only had issues with aspartame or sucralose. Others had similar issues with stevia and monk fruit extract. Another 15, similar to myself, were complaining about (eventual) intestinal upset, especially with sucralose. Apart from migraine, aspartame in particular has been associated with complaints of severe vision problems, including eyelid dermatitis 17, and an increase in epileptic attacks. 18
In fact, looking at a 1987 mixed Senate/FDA report, these effects, at least for aspartame, are nothing new. The problem is that in the same report it is explained that in 1984 the Centers for Disease Control dismissed these complaints with the argument that there's "no conclusive evidence that aspartame caused these adverse reactions." 19 As the reader can see in the report, the FDA reached a similar conclusion (as would the U.S. Congress' Government Accountability Office) 20:
The same report explains that complaints and questions of health have already plagued aspartame since 1974 21, the year the FDA (for some time) allowed aspartame onto the market for a limited number of foods: tabletop sweetener, chewing gum, cold breakfast cereals, and dry foods. In 1975-1976 its creator, G.D. Searle, was exposed by the FDA in front of congress for having made "deliberate decisions which seemingly were calculated to minimize the chances of discovering toxicity and / or to allay FDA concern," the complaints mainly being in relation to its medications Flagyl and Aldactone. 22 Among a dozen different type of deceptions listed by the sitting FDA commissioner 23 was the company's habit to "cut tissues and other tissue masses from live animals without testing them or reporting them to the agency." 24 Overlapping tactics included:
"Certain types of tumors noted on raw data entries of Flagyl tumor studies were unaccountably changed. Also, Searle had submitted to FDA an incomplete report on the number of tumors seen in animals who had been given Aldactone." 25
Questions were also raised about a dozen turned-in studies by G.D. Searle on aspartame. Brain cancer worries had been there from the start with aspartame. Worries only increased when "in FDA's files in 1978, [neurobiologist] Dr.[John] Olney found 12 brain tumors in 320 [aspartmate-]dosed rats as contrasted to none in 120 control rats." 26 Dr. Olney, earlier a partially successful activist against MSG 27, publicly continued this debate 28, but long story short, it doesn't appear that aspartame increases the incidence of brain tumors, at least not after daily ingestion for 1 or 2 decades. In fact, a National Cancer Institute-funded study from 1995 to 2000 on humans, demonstrated that the aspartame consumers group even had 27% less brain cancer than the non-consumers, with aspartame users having a theoretical 2% less chance of blood cancers. 29 That's not the entire story, at least not for the latter category. But we'll get back to that.
The main point is that 41% of scientists contacted for a 1987 senate report thought more research to prove aspartame safety was needed, mainly due to reports of neurological issues, migraine, intestinal upset, and mood swings. 30 The FDA dismissed all health concerns though, and allowed aspartame onto the market in the 1981-1983 period. In 1992 it stopped logging all complaints regarding aspartame.
Another point is that top neocon superclass member Donald Rumsfeld, fresh from his position as chief of staff of President Gerald Ford (whose vice president was Nelson Rockefeller, and secretary of state Henry Kissinger), was CEO and president of G.D. Searle from 1977 until 1985 31, when the company was sold to Monsanto. He reorganized the company, but only turned G.D. Searle into a profit powerhouse from 1982 on by using his close Reagan White House connections, not the least CIA deputy director, national security advisor, and secretary of defense Frank Carlucci, his old Princeton roommate, to get new FDA commissior Arthur Hayes, Jr. 32 to force through the legalization of aspartame. In just as shameless a move, in November 1983 Hayes switched his position as FDA commissioner to become senior medical adviser for Burson-Marsteller, Searle's public relations agency. 33
"Conspiracies don't exist", and yet, looking a bit deeper, somehow it wasn't entirely unexpected that past scientific research indeed has been "flawed", with an ever increasing amount of research backing up the complaints of aspartame users, including the gut microbiome issues. 34 Research even shows that artificial sweeteners as acesulfame and sucralose disrupt the microbiome in unborn children. 35 It also shows that if unborn children are exposed to aspartame through their mothers, that the chances for blood- and lymphatic cancer greatly increases during the latter half of the (full) lifetime of rats by up to 130% (2.3x) - and that with just 400ppm aspartame daily, slightly less than 2 cans of diet coke. 36 All of this is tied in with other studies showing that pregnant mothers who drink artificial sweeteners get babies with higher BMIs, while ingesting traditional sugar does not show a similar effect. 37
All kinds of other interesting, yet generally limited-in-scope, studies have been done. One 2008 study, for example, found a solid link between the build up in the brain of aspartame metabolite formaldehyde - a neurotoxic - and symptoms of migraine. The symptoms were reversible simply by ceasing the ingestion of aspartame. 38
Artificial sweeteners make you fat and diabetic
In 2023, even the World Health Organization (WHO) stopped recommending people ingest artificial sweeteners, in light of increasing research that they put people at "increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and mortality in adults." 39 The WHO also acknowleged research that shows artificial sugars don't lead to reduced weight. 40
On a society-wide scale such a conclusion certainly makes sense. Statistics show quite clearly that people have only become fatter in the age of diet products. 41 Diabetes has increased dramatically too. In 1980 an estimated 4.7% of the world population had diabetes. 42 In 2011 to 2014 this had risen to 8.5% 43, in 2021 to 10.5% 44, and it is projected to rise to 11 to 12% of the global population by 2045. 45
With regard to making people more obese, it is strongly suspected this has to do with the fact that artificial sweeteners do not suppress the food reward pathways after ingestion, in contrast to sugar and other natural foods. 46 In fact, humans and animals have two food reward pathways: taste and a calorie-calculating one that can operate independently from each other. Artificial sweeteners throw off this system. It tricks the body into getting a caloric sweetness reward that never comes. This leads to a continuous craving of additional food, often sweet food, which gets compensated with additional meals. This is not just theoretical. In at least one study, subjects drinking a glass of water with aspartame dissolved in it experienced greater hunger afterwards than those drinking water with regular sugar in it, or pure water. 47
Then there is the diabetes issue. One study providing an explanation here - besides mere overconsuming sugars - was conducted in 2014 by Israeli scientists. They fed groups of mice either the artificial sweeteners aspartame, sucralose, or saccharin - or two two natural sugars: glucose or sucrose. After 11 weeks the mice on natural sugars were doing just fine, but the ones on the artificial sweeteners were obese, all had developed "abnormally high blood sugar [i.e.] glucose intolerance", and were now at risk of "diabetes and a heightened risk of liver and heart disease." The reason for this was that the artificial sugars had promoted the growth of gut bacteria that "were the very same ones shown—by other researchers—to be particularly abundant in the guts of genetically obese mice." An antibiotic treatment eventually brought the gut microbes in the obese mice back to what it had been before, resulting in them processing sugar in a normal manner again and a return to normal blood sugar values. 48
In other words, artificial sugars aren't "inert" at all when going through the human intestinal tract, as so often propaganda has been, and has even been assumed by many researchers. 49 Predominantly the wrong bacteria are doing their best to digest them.
If artificial sweeteners work for you, great. I certainly have seen a few comments of people having lost 50lb or more simply by switching their regular coke with diet coke. You could also argue what is worse: eating and drinking 1.5 gram of aspartame a day? Or 1,500 grams (3.5 pounds) of table sugar by ingesting 2 large coke bottles plus a packet of cookies, a microwave meal and some icecream? Certainly on a hot summer day such amounts are perfectly attainable by many youths. In terms of cancer, it probably is a coin toss, also with what type of cancer.
Similar you can wonder what is going to wreck your gut more: 1 gram of sucralose or 1,000 grams of sugar a day? Well, for me personally, that question seems answered: small amounts of sucralose became inedible within 6 months due to burning intestine syndrome, something that never happened with decades of quite a lot of sugar-consumption. And a bunch of studies above also seem to confirm that regular sugar is safer.
Arguably it would be best that all artificial sweeteners are banned and replaced with natural alternatives only, in particular stevia, assuming it doesn't cause the same issues as we see above.
Artificial sweeteners: 100% of big business-funded studies positive, but 92% of outside research sees issues
Looking deeper into artificial sugars still, and going back to some of the positive studies... it quickly turned out that the first scientific article I initially read on Google Scholar proclaiming the safety of artificial sweetener sucralose 50, was semi-covertly financed by Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland, and the inventors and manufacturers of sucralose and various other leading artificial sweeteners. 51
Coincidence or not, the "Calorie Control Council" - the funding vehicle used - not only already was controversial in the 1970s for its saccharin-lobbying efforts 52, the companies involved - largely the same in the 1970s as today - we all just listed as major financiers of the CFR and Trilateral Commission.
Also relevant might be that the pharmaceutical firm Johnson & Johnson, once again a major funder of the CFR and Trilateral Commission, played a key role in monetizing sucralose from the late 1970s 53, and owned it until late 2015. 54 They sold it just in time for yet another detrimental study to come out against sucralose, in that case linking the artificial sugar to cancer development. This new study resulted in Washington, D.C. think tank the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) to relabel its sucralose dietary advice from "caution" to "avoid". 55
Various other industry-funded studies with regard to artificial sweeteners can be found with some effort too, but the thing is, big food and pharmaceutical industry's corrupting influence over "scientific" studies is an issue that actually has already been addressed with some regularity in various scientific publications, certainly with regard to artifical sweeteners. A 2019 article in the Food and Chemical Toxicology journal accused researchers funded by the same Calorie Control Council of ignoring and distorting all past proof that sucralose "unequivocally and irrefutably disrupts the gut microbiome at doses relevant to human use." 56 Three years earlier, in 2016, it was almost coyly concluded in the peer-reviewed PLoS One journal that:
"There is some evidence of funding bias in original research studies. Walton has reported that among a sample of studies of aspartame, 100% of the industry sponsored studies concluded that aspartame was safe, and 92% of the independently funded studies identified adverse effects of aspartame consumption [43]. Millstone observed that in a recent re-evaluation of aspartame safety by the European Food Safety Authority, 97% of the studies that reported no harm were industry sponsored, while 100% of the studies indicating possible harms were non-industry sponsored [44]." 57
In 2010 the peer-reviewed Journal of Food Law & Policy allowed the publication of the study 'Killing Us Sweetly', in which the artificial sugar industry and FDA were accused of blatant and extreme corruption when it comes to unsafe products being allowed onto the market. 58
This corruption is expanded on here too in a separate chapter named 'FDA corrupted by big pharma and food'. Basically, in case of artificial sweeteners, large multinationals ghostwrite their own biased research, pay "respectable" scientists to attach their names to various such studies 59, and hand them over to the FDA - which rubber stamps the research, maybe puts up some token criticism, and makes the sweetener (or drug) available to the public. As long as no overly disastrous health consequences are unearthed, and the multinationals keeping casting doubt about actually independent studies by continuing to fund their own sponsored research, all should be well.
Obviously only a small portion of the biggest CFR and Trilateral-tied multinational get away with these practices. But these happen to be the exact multinationals that keep popping in relation to all the most problematic food additives in western society.
Nutritive artificial sweeteners: same producers, same issues
The biggest producers of maltodextrin - with its stratospheric glycemic index - once again are Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland and long-time Johnson & Johnson partner Tate & Lyle. 60
Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland, with their long Trilateral Commission past, also are the biggest producers of another controversial nutritive artificial sweetener, high fructose corn syrup, trailed at considerable distance by Tate & Lyle. 61
In 2004 all three companies settled for more than $400 million in a price fixing scandal, before the case went to trial. 62 In 2012 all three companies again landed in hot water for falsely advertizing that high fructose corn syrup is "a natural corn sugar" and that "your body can’t tell the difference" between high fructose corn syrup and traditional table sugar. 63
There exist a lot of health worries about both, from fatty liver to diabetes and heart disease, but they are in countless products as cheap sugar replacements, especially in the United States.
High fructose corn syrup definitely is not healthy in the book of this author. It eventually caused similar "burning intestine" syndrome as sucralose. But I haven't gotten around to researching it.
Nausea and other reported health issues
Looking around, a lot of people report getting nauseous from seed oils. Not just rapeseed/canola oil, as I personally have been suspecting for myself, but also other seed oils. A lot more issues are being reported as well:
- Brain fog.
- Heart palpitations.
- Joint pain.
- IBS.
- Eczema.
- Acne.
- Insomia.
- Teeth that hurt.
It seems I'm lucky it is only limited to general nausea, and certainly doesn't happen with each and every seed oil-containing food. Living in Europe, I have mainly been suspecting rapeseed oil (as canola oil is still called in the Netherlands), which seems to be in just about everything. But in all fairness, the regular nausea is not just limited to rapeseed. Considering there's a shocking lack of studies with regard to vegetable and seed oils, despite having been put into everything, let's start with a few personal experiences first. We'll get to the science later.
- McDonalds hamburgers / mayonaise / ketchup: Anybody who has eaten hamburgers at McDonalds, or even made them him- or herself, might want to test how the body feels with a lot of (seed and vegetable oil-containing) sauces versus maybe purely natural handmade mayonaise (extra virgin olive oil plus raw eggs), or tomato sauce. You may find that the nauseating feeling after eating a number of burgers wasn't due to the meat after all... Certainly any handmade sauce from natural components will make your body feel many times better than typically supermarket-bought bottled sauces. Even the biological tomato ketchup and mayonnaise make me feel nauseous when eating them for two or three days in a row. Sure, by that time, the bottle or pot likely is over half empty, but if these are natural products - tomato, eggs, cold-pressed olive oil - that really isn't a problem. But it is. Always.
Checking the labels, the ordinary mayonnaise products I used contained 68-75% canola/rapeseed oil, with about 10% sugar. I seldom buy any mayonnaise with more sugar than that. The biological mayonaise contained 80% sunflower oil and no sugar. In that case it took a few more days to get that, "This is not healthy"-feeling, but it still became an issue. My body also wasn't exactly vibrating with "aliveness" after eating it.
For ketchup I always try to buy the one with as little sugar as possible. I thought I bought one with pure stevia, but it appears I bought one with 50% sugar, and the rest replaced with stevia. Looking at the ingredients list, there are no seed oils in it. Only some sugar. Who knows what the quality of the tomato sauce in it is, but I'm not sure what causes the nausea when I eat even a little bit too much ketchup. It's definitely less though than with tradiitonal full-on sugar-containing ketchups. - Croissants: The same is true for home-made versus supermarket-bought croissants. I love eating the latter - often from Albert Heijn - with strawberries or butter and cheese, but if I eat a 4-pack for four or five days in a row, my whole body starts feeling nauseous right after eating them. It is even worse with some of the ham-cheese croissants. I get a nauseating feeling from just one. Checking the ingredients lists for the first time, it turns out that the ham-cheese ones not only contain at least 6% palm-, rapeseed-, and sunflower oil, but also more maltodextrin than sugar. No wonder I have always gotten instantly nauseous.
The "petit croissants" Albert Heijn bakes itself, at least today, are based on actual butter and contain far fewer bad ingredients, including zero maltodextrin. I'm not sure that the butter can deal with the heat, but it also explains why I have always been able to eat these croissants for much longer before getting nauseous. - Supermarket-bought pizza Hawaii: Same thing. I love myself a pizza Hawaii for 1 euro 50 cents. But you feel a little nauseous after, even though all the ingredients are supposed to be healthy, and can be eaten without issue in a fully organic session. Funny detail: the only way to really ruin my intestines for a number of hours is eating a supermarket pizza followed by a package of cookies. I'll be constipated in no time with serious cramp, followed by diarrhea. It's the magic formula. But why is that? Isn't the pizza healthy?
Even without the cookies, eat these supermarket Pizza Hawaii's multiple days in a row and that mild nauseating feeling gets worse. I always add a boatload of extra cheese and some spinach, with the latter in the last 2-3 minutes. At the end I may add some fresh garlic. It all makes the pizza feel so much more alive and healthy. But it is clear that there is something "bad" still in there.
Let's check the ingredients list: About 5-6% rapeseed oil. Then there is quite a bit of sugar in there, which could well also be the main culprit. The quality of the tomato sauce might be an issue too. - Potato chips: I like unflavored potato chips (because flavoring adds all kinds of not-so-great additives the ingredient lists make clear), as these days it has very little transfats. Always eating a sizeable bag at once, these do not make me feel nauseous at all. Checking the ingredients lists, it's very straight-forward: 68% potato, 31% sunflower oil, 1% salt.
As an update though, I have to say that these potato chips do seem to be causing some temporary teeth sensitivity with me. The surface of the teeth also feels a bit more rough or sticky after eating a (large) bag. It's only something that I started noticing after having written this article, and being aware that teeth sensitivity is a symptom associated with seed oils. - Cookies: All the cookies I sometimes buy, but always regret (because they make me nauseous before I empty the box), contain a mix of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, mostly palm oil, sometimes also canola oil (sometimes named "koolzaadolie"), and gluten. You're talking about "roze koeken" ("pink cake"), "mergpijpes" ("chocolate marzipan rolls"), and others along those lines.
Comparing this to cookies I much more often buy, because they don't, or barely, make me feel nauseous, these happen to be butter and sugar-based. In fact, it turns out they fall into a category called "chocolate butter biscuits". Checking another supermarket, where I buy similar biscuits from a different brand, it's the same thing: they are butter-based and have not a drop of vegetable oil in them. These do have a bit of glucose syrup in them on top of sugar, but I know these are not really making me nauseous.
As a test, I also bought some traditional "kokosmakronen" (kokosmakron). I have to say, having eaten two different packages of 6 large such cookies a day, several times a week, they don't make me nauseous at all. They don't necessarily feel "healthy", and they did give me some minor gas, but they feel much better than other cookies. Checking the ingredients, there are no vegetable oils in them. The key ingredients, in order from largest to smallest content, are sugar, about 30% cocos, eggwhite, glucose-fructose syrup, and flower. That is way too much sugar and glucose-fructose syrup, but those again seem to be less bad than anything with vegetable oil added.
Making these quick observations, and maybe having to do a few more specific tests, I have to say that vegetable oils very often do seem to be a major culprit in making "pleasure foods" much more unhealthy compared to traditional, animal-based butter. The butter-based "petit croissants", the butter-based "chocolate biscuits", and the non-seed oil kokosmakrons: my body clearly likes them better. It's not perfect, but I can probably eat 50 to 100% more before I start to feel nauseous - possibly more with the kokosmakrons. If there is enough sugar in something though, sooner or later you won't feel so great.
Not all vegetable or seed oils are the same. But what exactly is the issue? The combination with sugar? (there's some speculation that sugar and rancid fats together lead to a lot of arterial plaque) Some seed oils being rancid once they have been processed a second time into various supermarket items? Or are they simply less good for the body? Hard to say at this point.
As said, I may need to do some more tests, and some more research. I actually tried to do it, but in the local supermarket I couldn't find a single mayonaise brand anymore with anything else than (cheap) rapeseed/canola oil, even in the very expensive "natural" products. All olive oil and sunflower oil products were gone. We'll do the tests though, some day.
Seed/vegetable oils not as healthy as animal fat - it appears
Studies do exist that a seed oil as corn oil protects organs in the body much less than pig fat and beef fat. 64 Some worries have also been raised that our body's fat composition has been changing due all the vegetable and seed oils introduced into out diet. Polyunsaturated omega-6 fat in our "adipose tissue [has] increased from 9.1% in 1959 to 21.5% in 2008, representing a 136% increase." 65 The half-time of this fat is two years 66, meaning that if this fat indeed happens to be bad for us, as has been suspected by some researchers and some studies appear to reveal 67, that, in contrast to sugar, we are stuck with it for a long time.
The health aspects of seed oils still needs to be researched by this author in more detail. In brief, even when the oils are not heated upon extraction, the (alternative) idea is that a lot of these seed oils simply aren't healthy for the human body - and that animal fat actually is. Extra virgin olive oil - which is cold pressed - is one of the exceptions and is considered healthy, at least in low daily amounts. Coconut oil might be really good too.
The seed/vegetable fat versus animal fat debate largely comes down to the age old arguments of the 1950s research by Ancel Keys and its subsequent Weston Price Foundation critics. Central here too is the debate whether forcing down low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or "bad cholesterol" with vegetable and seed oils by itself actually lowers the chance of heart disease and diabetes, or whether high or higher levels of LDL aren't necessarily bad at all and a whole host of blood values need to be taken into account - or the intake of sugar combined with fat. Popular YouTubers Dr. Sten Ekberg 68 and Dr. Eric Berg 69 have the latter position, and the reader is referred to those sources for the time being, as well as the Weston Price Foundation for the time being.
Rapeseed/canola oil: no proof it's safe after half a century, heart and Alzheimer's disease indications - yet allowed in every food
Rapeseed/canola oil is an interesting history to discuss all by itself, considering there is a huge conspiracy on "not doing research" surrounding it, despite it being in thousands of food producst in the West.
Maybe a first thing that needs to said is that, quite predictably by now, the main producers of this oil are globalist companies Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill, with BASF, Bayer / Monsanto, and DuPont being other main ones. 70 Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill also are international giants with the production of soybean and other seed oils. 71
Vegetable and seed oil science is interesting - because good research seems to be non-existent. There's just a top-down dogma being pushed - in line with vegan globalist agenda - that unsatured fats, including polyunsaturated fats, are healthy. Rapeseed oil (canola) is a perfect example. Early on in trying to find complaints about it, I read an extensive post on Reddit by someone saying, "There have been no -- no -- studies that demonstrate [rapeseed/canola oil] is safe for human consumption." 72
You start digging into it and, indeed, you just can't find any useful studies showing that Canola is safe, despite it having been pushed into thousands of different products in the West. In fact, you can find studies from 1975 concluding it leads to "a growth retarding effect in animals ... fatty infiltration in the heart muscle cells [and] fibrosis of the myocardium." 73
The formal story is that this was purely the result of rapeseed oil naturally containing erucic acid. So this was bred out, and now we all have to assume canola oil is safe - without any re-testing having been done. Apart from that, anybody who looks at the study that documented the heart issue effects 74, can see that erucic acid doesn't appear to have been the only factor at play. Not only does there need to be an explanation why the results for 5% and 25% erucic acid were largely identical, we also see that (almost) each time rapeseed oil was refined, the amount of cardiac lesions went up:
Surely they put out extra studies. It's been almost half a century - you assume. But no. Apparently, already in the 1960s, Canada, which started using rapeseed oil for motor oil during World War II, had bred versions of rapeseed with just 2% erucic acid. 75 And they started selling this under the name "canola" (Canada oil) to the world - with everybody simply having to assume that the oil is "safe now", because, "Look, high polyunsaturared fatty acids," "Look, omega 3s," "Look, almost no erucic acid." Most "studies" of canola, revolve around these central, universal assumptions. Look also, for example, at the segment the Discovery Channel did in 2010 on the (extensive) extraction, bleaching, and deodorizing process of Canola oil. At the start - which is heavily ridiculed in the comments - it simple concludes:
"Canola oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils. Compared to olive, sunflower, and soybean oils, it has the lowest level of saturated fat... and more healthy omega 3 fatty acids and is high in monounsaturated fat, which lowers cholesterol." 76
Where's the science? It doesn't exist, not in any direct sense. You look at Wikipedia for rapeseed or canola oil and the studies from 1975 showing heart lesions aren't referred to, nor is a 2017 one stating (very modern) canola oil is linked to brain deterioration. 77 Instead, prominently and shamelessly plugged is a 2013 study "sponsored by the Canola Council of Canada and the U.S. Canola Association" obviously demonstrating that canola oil is great for anything heart health and diabetes related, and "can now be regarded as one of the healthiest edible vegetable oils". All I can say is that all the different, multifaceted diets and tables included in the study are too complex to even bother to make sense of. 78 If they really wanted to convice the public that canola is that safe and healthy, they could have set up a much earsier-to-understand study, and included a few clear graphs.
The next portion of the Wikipedia article reads:
"A 2014 review of health effects from consuming plant oils rich in alpha-linolenic acid, including canola, stated that there was moderate benefit for lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, bone fractures, and type-2 diabetes.[48]" 79
This sentence is a carefully crafted piece of propaganda. The funding of the linked study is unknown and canola oil is barely mentioned, although it does indeed say:
"The total- and LDL-cholesterol–lowering effects of ALA are well documented in studies that used walnuts (27), flaxseed (28), or rapeseed/canola oil (29)..." 80
Considering the paper, which is focused on the plant-based form of omega 3, doesn't mention anything else, we check endnote 29. Turns out, this study, apart from a control, involved three mixes of oils, in which rapeseed oil/canola respectively constituted 11.5%, 9% and 52.5%. As usual with canola, the study doesn't show much of interest at all, but what is certain is that the group with 52.5% rapeseed oil/canola essentially showed no changed values compared to the control group. 81
So what do we have? Absolutely nothing, obfuscation with a bit of propaganda. I think most readers of ISGP know better than to try to adjust "facts" on Wikipedia when it involves big interests. Apart from Wikipedia's "liberal CIA" origins, look at what happened to this author's 1001 Club membership photocopies, which were the first to be published. They were just removed, and kept off, from the relevant Wikipedia page.
So next, you look at Google Scholar:
- The first article you run into is the incomprehensible 2013 one just mentioned in relation to Wikipedia, where it proudly is admitted to have been "sponsored by the Canola Council of Canada and the U.S. Canola Association". 82
- The second article you find has has been funded by the Canadian and Chinese governments, the two largest producers of Canola oil in the world. In particular, this study was funded by Genome Canada 83, a pro-GMO government group partnered with the Bill Gates Foundation and various corporations as Shell, the Suncor petroleum firm, and Alamos Gold, looking at its various boards. 84
- The third study I clicked on also was sponsored by the Canadian government, as well as "Richardson Oilseed Limited [and] Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 85
- A fourth study, which only compares canola oil to corn oil, is funded and produced by "Nuseed®" and "employees of Nutrasource Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Services Inc." 86
- A fifth study, from 2008, which only compared canola and sunflower, is one of a number canola-tied studies financed by "Fondo Balli" in Switzerland. 87 I am unable to find out what this group is or was. Maybe it even operated as some kind of front for bigger interests.
These studies also are extremely limited, superficial, and often very theoretical. It's not like they do any actual long or short-term studies on humans or rats. So was was admitted in an independent study from 2014, 39 years after serious health issues were documented with canola:
"Evidence for RO [Rapeseed Oil] is limited to short-term studies on the biomarkers of risk factors for CVD. Any benefits of RO [rapeseed oil] are likely to be due to α-linolenic acid; however, it is prone to oxidation during frying. We conclude that due to a lack of evidence from observational or intervention studies indicating that RO [rapeseed oil] has comparable health benefits to extra-virgin OO [olive oil], RO [rapeseed oil] cannot currently be recommended as a suitable substitute for extra-virgin OO [olive oil] as part of a Mediterranean-style diet." 88
A few additional independent studies that this author found and were published after the conclusion above was drawn, actually demonstrate that rapeseed oil loses out to (refined) sesame oil 89 and even severely to (refined) olive oil, in the latter case in terms of lowering triglycerides and LDL in human subject. 90 I.e. it loses out in the much-touted "heart health" benefits. That is not all. Just one, lone, "rogue" 2017 study testing olive oil and canola oil with regard to Alzheimer's development, showed that canola oil greatly deteriorates brain health, while olive oil does not. 91
Any type of government or European Union-level response? No, crickets.
Well, yes and know, immediately after writing the original version of this Canola oil chapter, YouTube suggestions of interviews with Dr. Alan Flanagan, a lawyer-turned-nutrition expert, popped up. Immediately Dr. Flanagan appeared to shoot some holes through my conclusions that olive oil comes out better than canola oil.
He talked about a November 2020 Iranian meta-analysis that analyzed 42 past studies of canola oil versus sunflower and olive oil. How many of these studies were funded by big interests is unknown, as only an abstract is publicly available. But in comparison to saturated fat (again, exact sources and diet constituencies unknown), LDL-C was lowered by -0.49 mmol/l. Compared to olive oil, canola oil gave -0.17 mmol/l lower values, and in case of sunflower oil, it was -0.14mmol/l. 92 So going by these metrics, all of a sudden olive oil is worse than both canola and sunflower oil.
A second study he mentioned was published in January 2021. It also shows canola oil is better in every way than olive oil, except maybe for triglyceride values, when looking at blood values. With Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) levels, canola blows olive oil out of the water: 38.1 versus 45.6, with sunflower oil at 42.5. Lower values allow for more free testosterone, and is often desired by men. In case of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) values, olive oil actually edged out canola oil by a tiny margin, with sunflower oil not improving any of the subjects' values. 93
With Dr. Flanagan, there are instant red flags though. He comes across as a heavy, dogmatic pusher not just of vegetable oils, but very specifically of canola oil. A quick check reveals that not only has he dedicated his life to formal education in a pretty impressive manner, he's actually on the Medical, Scientific and Research Committee of the Hyperlipidaemia Education & Atherosclerosis Research Trust UK (HEART UK - The Cholesterol Charity). 94 A quick check reveals that this "charity" essentially is a politically-correct outgrowth of the UK government and unnamed food and pharmaceutical companies. From the 2022 annual report we read:
"Diversity, equality and inclusion ... We work closely with ... scientists, doctors, pharmacists, dietitians and other health case professionals across the NHS [National Health Services], plus food companies, medicine manufacturers and across government bodies such as NHS England and the Office of Health... Principle Funding: ... Corporate partnerships. ... including food, gyms... and pharmaceutical companies. ... Food partners ... will apply to use our product approval logo on their products." 95
A quick check if Unilever, the UK-headquartered supermarket supplier for decades tied to Bilderberg, the CFR and Davos, had anything to do with HEART UK, it turns out HEART UK and Unilever have cooperated in the "development of national policy on cardiovascular health [and] heart-healthy choices." Among the joint initiatives was the development of Unilver's Flora, a new type of margarine for the international vegan community. 96
In other words: it is clear that Dr. Flanagan wouldn't have his job, and arguably not his YouTube cloud, if he had any other position than "seed oil good, saturated fat bad" opinions. And he really seems to have instructions to specifically push rapeseed/canola oil even over olive oil. Some noteworthy examples of his behavior:
- "There's even a recent intervention that looked at liver fat [and] compared to sunflower oil, lower liver fat levels." 97 One has to assume that Dr. Flanagan - despite it being a relatively insignificant difference - purposely didn't mention that olive oil edged out canola oil here.
- "Literally, literally no evidence that there is any ... lipid peroxidation. ... Like none!" 98 There have been no studies into this, in particular how rancid/non-rancid canola oil in all kinds of supermarket end products is, similar how it took many, many years for any independent testing of the omega 3 fish oil in supplements. Over half turned out to be rancid. Canola has been observed by people to oxidize relatively quickly and badly due to its high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega 3. 99
- At least in the main clip of of him on canola oil, I haven't heard Dr. Flanagan say anything about the 1975 heart lesions and the 2017 Alzheimer issues tied to canola oil, despite being otherwise very well-versed in the history of canola oil.
- As already explained here, Dr. Flanagan too is fully focused canola oil's LDL lowering effects, at the expense of a broader view of: is it safe? Doesn't it cause any other health effects? He is also accused of that by others:
"Very disappointed in this guest. His know it all attitude is not convincing to someone with an open mind who is seeking the truth. There are far more than mere story tellers on the other side of this debate. I’m still not convinced that LDL alone is the problem. And that actively lowering it can open us up to a cascade of other chronic disease. This guest simply ignores that aspect of the debate." 100 - One skeptical-type podcast 'The Proof with Simon Hill', which also has invited a USC University professor to debunk canola oil criticism, complete with a #HealthMythsDebunked hashtag 101, Dr. Flanagan has repeatedly been promoted as a leading voice against the "cholesterol denialists". 102 Dr. Flanagan, who likes to quote pompous national security skeptics as Neil DeGrasse Tyson 103, has also written articles that read, "Checkmate on Low-Carb Cholesterol Denialism" and "illustrating desperate last stand of LDL-Denialism." 104 He has also written on the Ancel Keys debate.
- Dr. Flanagan has been active on Reddit, countering "misinformation" by giving anecdotal "evidence" that keto and carnivore diets will lead to ultrahigh LDL-cholesterol values and warning that people on these diets "may die before their twenties." Ironically, despite having a lot of "yes-men" in the thread, he also was countered by someone writing:
"I’ve shared my recent cholesterol numbers while on keto here, but I’ll share again since your post seems to conflict with what I experienced. ... In [these] 2 months, I did strict keto: ...
"May 3: LDL: 192. HDL: 39. Tri: 190.
"June 30: LDL: 137. HDL: 45. Tri: 124. ...
"Most of the time, I’ll eat one meal a day and a healthy smoothie. I focus on getting 40-50% of my calories from protein and 40-50% from fat and 10% from carbs. I still eat red meat, cheese, eggs, bacon, bbq ribs, buffalo wings, nuts, etc almost daily. But I think the biggest difference is upping my fiber. I used to get maybe 2-5 grams per day, but now get at least 25 grams per day."
Another person wrote:
"Hahaha, starts talking about science. Claims there's no controversy. Everyone agrees on nutrition science! Fails to mention sugar. Ends with a personal anecdote instead of evidence. Classic missinfo." 105Moving on, the European Union allowed 10% erucic acid levels rapeseed oil / canola oil from 1977 to 1979 106, immediately after the mid 1975 heart issues in rats showed up. From July 1, 1979 107 until 2019, it allowed levels of 5%. 108 Reaffirming the 5% in 2014, in 2019 the EU lowered the limit to 2%, and for infants lowered it from 1% to 0.4%. 109 Interestingly, looking at the science the lower recommendations of the Contaminanten of the Foodchain (CONTAM) of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) based itself on, besides the old 1970s studies, it still was only looking at a 7 day study on young rats and a 14 day study on recenly-born pigs. That's it. 110 So it is good that the numbers were lowered, but why:
- was a 15-year study - between 2000 and 2015 - necessary to analyze a handful of studies you can fully analyze over the course of a day?
- do you consider it acceptable that over a period of 44 years you don't have any proper short-term or long-term safety studies with canola oil? Preferably on human subjects? Looking not just at erucic acid, but also at raw versus refined canola oil with barely any erucic acid in it?
- did you - apparently - ignore the 2017 study showing Alzheimer's symptoms in Canola oil subjects?
- has rapeseed oil/canola been allowed in just about every processed food in the West without any serious studies having been done?
- did you, similar to the FDA, ban the natural sweetener Stevia from the food supply between 1999 and 2011 for a lack of data on safety, despite that data actually being much more extensively present than canola oil? The concerns of the FDA at the time literally were, "the lack of studies [which] raised alarms... there weren't any good ones..." 111
Questions, questions. Questions the European Union won't be able to answer adequately, or the FDA for that matter. It also doesn't have to, because who is going to force it?
Already right before the lowering of the limit for erucic acid from 5% to 2% for adults and from 1% to 0.4% in infants in 2019, did German rapeseed/canola oil test between 0.02% and 1% erucic acid. In great Britain, in this period, there were some issues in Great Britain that certain tests revealed levels above 2%. All in all though, essentially 0% erucic acid will likely be the norm somewhere in the 2030s.
That's all nice and well, but when will proper, real world tests be done that canola A) is safe; and B) actually is healthier for humans than olive oil or coconut oil? It really seems that somebody is afraid to do these tests, and doesn't want anyone else to carry them out as well. 112 With that, we mean powerful globalist companies as Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, BASF, Bayer / Monsanto, and DuPont.
Rapeseed/canola oil: example of an out-of-control GMO
One aspect we haven't even mentioned yet is that rapeseed/canola oil is a perfect example of a genetically modified organism (GMO) that ran out of control. Rapeseed was breeded into a low-erucic acid version by convential means, before bioengineering even came around. However, after a solid decade of testing, in March 1995 Monsanto made its first deal to sell genetically-modified rapeseed that was resistant to its glyphosate herbicide. 113
That sounds interesting, but as a result, farmers not only increased their yields, but also the amount of glyphosate (part of Roundup) that they sprayed on their canola, leading to additional soil and groundwater pollution by a very potent herbicide. Glyphosate and the additional components in Roundup are considered so problematic that an ever increasing amount of countries have decided to limits its distribution or outright ban it.
Meanwhile, the "Roundup Ready" rapeseed/canola crop has been blowing its seeds across the globe. Initially it was only spotted in the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan. Some time before 2014 it was found in the wild in Switzerland, its seeds having fallen off a truck. 114 By 2021 wild genetically-modified rapeseed, which also flowers a little later than ordinary rapeseed, had also been spotted in Austria, France, Sweden and Great Britain, often cross-breeding with existing rapeseed plants. 115
In summery, you have a genetically-modified rapeseed plant that is resistant against a herbicide that may well be fully banned across the world two or three decades from now.
GMO is a sensitive issue. Governments love it. And corporations even more. In 2015 alone corporations spend $101 million lobbying the U.S. government to prevent something basic as the forced labeling of food packages with GMO notices. The companies involved in that lobbying process? At least in 2015? Once again, the same globalist multinationals we discussed in relation to artificial sweeteners, seed oils, pharmaceuticals, and more: Cargill, Bayer (Monstanto), Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Dow Chemical, Dupont, General Mills, Kellogg, Kraft Heiz, Monsanto, Nestle, Syngenta and Unilever US. 116
FDA corrupted by big pharma and food - who gladly kill millions for profit
NAC: 2022-
Looking at YouTube comment sections with regard to natural supplement videos, regularly comments are upvoted along the lines of:
"If the FDA banned it, it must be working."
It's a funny comment, but I never knew what to make of the claims that the FDA is a corrupt organization. It wasn't really upon reading that the FDA since early 2022 - during the COVID-19 crisis - has been trying to find ways to ban the extremely safe and useful N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) supplement 117, that I started to suspect something is really off with the FDA's policies. As reader can read in the NAC entry here, this is an extremely useful supplement to many people, in particular to those affected by sinus and lung issues - as a lot of people with COVID infections have. NAC literally cured my own (apparently) bleeding intestines over March-April 2024. Banning it, without any indication it has adverse health effects, is just an open display of crookedness.
So I started to look into the FDA. While this whole section still is preliminary, it's pretty shocking to realize just how corrupted the FDA has been by the usual globalist pharmaceutical and food production companies: Monsanto, Merck, Pfizer - you name it. And it is clear that if these companies fear a competitor enough, that they can drive the FDA to very extreme measures.
Let's take a look.
Vioxx: 1999-2004
In September 2004 Merck announced that it would take NSAID medicine Vioxx off the market due to a "potential" increase in heart attacks. It had first been released in 1999 and was generating several billion dollars in annual revenues.
The main problem is that already in May 2000 there had been a crisis meeting at Merck headquarters where company executives and marketing managers decided against taking any action over the so-called Vioxx Gastrointestinal Outcomes Research trial (VIGOR) that was underway showing Vioxx patients had five times more heart attacks than patients using the rival Naproxen medicine. 118 In 2001 Merck rejected a study suggested by the Cleveland Clinic involving "Vioxx in patients with severe chest pain." The doctor in question assumed Merck rejected the study, because it was fearful that the heart attack dangers of the drug would be reaffirmed:
"If they internally thought this drug was safe in patients with heart disease, there was no reason not to do it." 119
In the same period, Merck refused other requests and demands to study the drug's heart "concerns", and sent representives to convince critical scientists from publishing their damning research. 120 In August 2004 yet another study, from Kaiser Permanente, also showed a heightened heart attack rate, the average rate of studies eventually settling at 3.7 times higher. 121 Hence, the situation became untenable, resulting in Merck "voluntarily" withdrawing the drug from the market in September 2004.
The role of the FDA was just as questionable in the affair. On September 17, 2001, Merck received a letter from the FDA, not to inform Merck that Vioxx needed to be withdrawn from the market, but that Merck should refrain from underplaying Vioxx's heart attack "side effect". 122 Furthermore, in April 2002 Merck received permission from the FDA to market the drug for migraine and rheumatoid arthritis, as long it would list the heart attack findings from the VIGOR trial as a "side effect".
It also came out that Pfizer was no different than Merck. Not only did Merck not allow Vioxx to be additionally researched, Pfizer refused to do the same with its competing NSAID Celebrex, also after indications it heightened heart attacks. 123 It too was scolded by the FDA for ignoring these dangers in its marketing campaigns. 124 After the Vioxx affair came out, a Dr. Curt D. Furberg stated that his removal from an FDA advisory committee had not been so much the result of him publicly speaking out against the Pfizer COX-2 inhibitor drug Bextra, but because his team "showed that Bextra is no different than Vioxx, and Pfizer is trying to suppress that information." 125
The scandal got worse all the time. Congressional testimonies ensued, among them the following one on November 14, 2004. It was provided by Dr. David Graham, an officer in the FDA's Office of Drug Safety who was tasked with producing an FDA report on Vioxx's safety:
"A study report describing this work was put on the FDA website on election day [with George W. Bush running for reelection]. Among many things, this report estimated that nearly 28,000 excess cases of heart attack or sudden cardiac death were caused by Vioxx. I emphasize to the Committee that this is an extremely conservative estimate. ... A more realistic ... estimate ranges from 88,000 to 139,000 Americans. Of these, 30-40% [30,000-55,000] probably died. ... Dr. Eric Topol at the Cleveland Clinic recently estimated up to 160,000 cases of heart attacks and strokes due to Vioxx, in an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine. ...
"I was pressured to change my conclusions and recommendations, and basically threatened that if I did not change them, I would not be permitted to present the [Vioxx] paper at the conference. One Drug Safety manager recommended that I should be barred from presenting the poster at the meeting, and also noted that Merck needed to know our study results [in advance].
"An email from the Director for the entire Office of New Drugs, was revealing. He suggested that since FDA was “not contemplating” a warning against the use of high-dose Vioxx, my conclusions should be changed. CDER [the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research] and the [FDA's] Office of New Drugs have repeatedly expressed the view that ODS [Office of Drug Safety] should not reach any conclusions or make any recommendations that would contradict what the Office of New Drugs wants to do or is doing.
"Even more revealing, a mere 6 weeks before Merck pulled Vioxx from the market, CDER, OND and ODS management did not believe there was an outstanding safetyconcern with Vioxx. At the same time, 2-4 jumbo jetliners [in heart attack deaths] were dropping from the sky every week and no one else at FDA was concerned." 126Graham congressional report also included the email proof that both senior Merck and FDA leadership were continually pressuring, lobbying, and bullying lower level personnel with the aim of retracting all kinds of critical and observational statements in their reports. In one example, in that manner "cause of death: heart attack" became "cause of death: unknown", a bureaucratic trick that saved Merck from "a terrible situation" early on in its Vioxx adventure. 127
One persons implicated in these pressuring tactics was Edward M. Scolnick, Merck's top scientist from 1985 to 2003, who in an email "said he would personally pressure senior officials at the [FDA] agency if it took action unfavorable to Vioxx." 128 Officially, Scolnick served in the positions of "president of Merck Research Laboratories; executive vice president for science and technology at Merck & Co., Inc.; executive director and vice president in the department of virus and cell biology and senior vice president for basic research at Merck Research Laboratories." 129 His career never was impacted. Starting in 2004, and continuing all the way to at least 2024, Scolnick served as "a core member of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and chief scientist emeritus of Broad's Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research." 130
Over at the FDA, Dr. Sandra Kweder, who was one of those demeaning concerns of drug safety officer Dr. David Graham about Vioxx and delaying his report on the drug, was implicated. 131 At the time, from 2002, she served as the deputy director of the Office of New Drugs (OND) in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). As if there was no affair at all, she continued in that position until 2016, guiding "OND through a phase of substantial maturation". 132 After that, she was promoted to deputy director of the FDA's Europe Office and liaison to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), eventually ending up at the FDA's Office of Global Strategy and Policy in the early 2020s. 133
Despite no one getting punished and Merck never admitting any fault, the Vioxx affair continued until November 2007, when Merck settled for $4.85 billion with 47,000 plaintiffs and about 265 potential class-action lawsuits. 134
More on FDA corruption
In the mean time, additional scrutiny also fell on the FDA, because the manner in which it was helping Merck essentially commit genocide with its Vioxx drug, only giving it a little token resistance, really revealed very systematic corruption at the FDA.
In January and February 2006 the Union of Concerned Scientists, as part of its Scientific Integrity Program Public, together with Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), approached 5,918 FDA scientists with a list of questions.
If these groups sound like yet another "liberal CIA" "get Bush" project, you'd be right. The surveys were part of a government wide program, and a quick check reveals the usual Ford, Hewlett, MacArthur, and Flora Family foundations were among the financiers of the Union of Concerned Scientists in the period that this survey took place. It is such an important, fresh find, it has instantly been added to ISGP's "liberal CIA" oversight. PEER has always been smaller and more obscure, but also there typical "liberal CIA" foundation funding can quickly be spotted. 135
In any case, of the 997 FDA scientists who replied:
- 81% agreed, and only 6% disagreed, with the statement: "The public would be better served if the independence and authority of FDA post-market product safety systems were strengthened."
- 70% disagreed that the "FDA has sufficient resources to effectively perform its mission of “protecting the public health..."
- 47% confirmed - with only 32% denying - that they knew: "of cases where commercial interests have inappropriately induced or attempted to induce the reversal, withdrawal or modification of FDA determinations or actions." As for HHS and FDA "political appointees": 43% confirmation. And as for Congressional members and NGO "advocacy groups": both at 39% confirmation.
- 44% disagreed, with another 13% (57% total) having no opinion, to the statement: "I respect the integrity and professionalism of FDA leadership."
- 32% disagreed and 53% did "not agree" with the statement: "FDA routinely provides complete and accurate information to the public."
- 22% agreed with the statement: "I feel that FDA decision makers implicitly expect me to provide incomplete, inaccurate or misleading information to the public, regulated community, media, or elected/senior government officials."
- 19% agreed with the statement: "I have been asked explicitly by FDA decision makers to provide incomplete, inaccurate or misleading information to the public, regulated industry, media, or elected/senior government officials."
- 15% admitted they had been asked, "for non-scientific reasons, to inappropriately exclude or alter technical information, or conclusions based on that data, in an FDA scientific document." 136
This survey revealed that a lot of people within the FDA, and quite possibly mainly people in senior positions, had been dealing with similar corruption issues as Dr. David Graham described and proved to parliament in November 2004.
The FDA keeping Stevia banned
All of it raises the question exatcly how much influence multinationals actually have over the FDA, because it is clear they have a whole lot. The FDA keeping the natural non-caloric Stevia sweetener banned as much as it could between 1991 and 2008, all had to do with Monsanto and other artificial sweetener production companies pressuring the FDA to do so.
The FDA didn't even have the right to ban Stevia, because its statutes since the 1958 Congressional Food Additives Amendment read that any "substance used in food prior to January 1, 1958, [that is determined] through either scientific procedures or experience based on common use in food to be safe under the conditions of its intended use." 137 Stevia has been used for thousands of years in Latin America and its use in the United States went back further than 1958, without any safety complaints. It ignored its own statutes and still did so based on an "anonymous trade complaint". The FDA always refused to disclose which compnay filed the complaint, but we do know that by 1987 the forever-notorious Monsanto corporation, "the makers of NutraSweet, a widely used synthetic sweetener, asked the FDA to require testing of ... stevia." 138 So Stevia was banned by the FDA in 1991 - illegally. Also not with any good reason. The FDA purely based itself on a few old, flawed studies and went:
"The tests weren't very good; it was hard to tell what was even tested. But there weren't any good ones either. It was really the lack of studies that raised alarms." 139
Critics immediately countered that at least 180 studies in England, Japan, and Brazil, all of which found stevia safe. 140 Within a year, the FDA was confronted with 900 studies, all showing that Stevia was safe. Despite that, the FDA still refused to allow Stevia back onto the market. Only due to the 1994 Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act, which prevented the FDA from any food supplement not proved to be unsafe, was the FDA forced to allow Stevia back onto the market. But it only allowed it as a supplement. It kept banning it from the general food supply, in contrast to all the toxic artificial competitors: aspartame, acesulfame, sucralose, and saccharin.
In 1998, the FDA halted shipments to a Texas-based company called Stevita, which sold stevia as a legitimate supplement alongside various stevia "cookbooks". The FDA effectively ordered the company out of business by ordering to burn all its stevia books and stop teh selling of supplements. Only after the media started asking questions, did the FDA slowly back off. It did not allow the selling of the "cookbooks" though. 141
It wasn't until May 2008, when Cargill, Merisant, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi indicated to the FDA they were no looking to create their own stevia products, the the FDA suddenly released the sweetener to the food market. 142
Clearly Stevia was one of these "hold the line" subjects for the globalist multinationals in questions. If big interests really feel threatened, the corruption very quickly and very visibly rises to the surface. Even into the 2020s, and in Europe, it is quite odd why almost all mutinational food-producing companies prefer the toxic, gut-destroying sucralose, or acesulfame, or the controversial aspartame, over Stevia. You really have to look hard dor any Stevia products.
It boggles the mind. Some people online claim that Stevia still gives them migraines. And there may be some studies demonstrating there could be some risk to the gut microbiome - maybe. The author would have to re-research that subject too. But overall, Stevia is a much better alternative than all other artificial sweeteners. As one scientists summarized:
"Few substances have ever yielded such consistently negative results in toxicity trials as have stevia. Almost every toxicity test imaginable has been performed on stevia extract [concentrate] or stevioside at one time or another. The results are always negative. No abnormalities in weight change, food intake, cell or membrane characteristics, enzyme and substrate utilization, or chromosome characteristics. No cancer, no birth defects, no acute and no chronic untoward effects. Nothing." 143
It's also strange the European Union banned Stevia as a food additive between 1999 and 2011, looking for yet more research with regard to its safety. Why demand it for Stevia? But at the same time allow all this self-produced, "ghost-written" 144, crooked research on artificial sugars that its CFR- and Trilateral-tied multinationals have been putting out as "proof" that these products are "safe"? And what is up with rapeseed oil in the European Union in literally thousands of products? There's not single study out there demonstrating its safety.
Omissions from oncology course at top university: cancer cells use 200x more glucose than healthy cells; DNA over cancer cell metabolismIn 2010, for a few extra points for my physiotherapy education, I did a "tumorbiology" (oncology) course at the Erasmus University Medical Center. It's a prestigious university in the Netherlands. Anno 2024 it is ranked number 47 in the world in clinical and health sciences, and number 22 in business and economics. 145 I also ended up with a decent grade for the oncology class: an 8.
Despite that, I couldn't help but feel that students weren't getting a lot of practical knowledge - unless they eventually were looking to make money with either prescribing or developing anti-cancer gene therapies. To cut right to the chase, here's what I definitely was NOT taught (details and sources in the 'cancer: general' section):
- Higher sugar intake is statistically linked to higher rates of all kinds of cancer, both in the West and Third World where sugar was introduced at a later stage. 146
- In 1922, a hyper-obscure professor named "A. Braunstein" discovered that diabetes patients, who can't process glucose without external insulin, in the presence of cancer in their body, all of sudden showed zero glucose in their urine. 147
- This coincided with the much better known work of Otto Warburg, who in the 1920s discovered that cancer cells prefer glucose as fuel under all circumstances, even when oxygen is present. This became known as the Warburg Effect, and also as "aerobic glycolysis". 148 To illustrate better: Under normal circumstances with oxygen present, healthy cells make use of oxidative phosphorylation, a process up to 18x more efficient in producing energy in the form of ATP. Glycolysis, ordinarily reserved for environments without oxygen, is a much faster way of generating energy though, which is why cancer cells always prefer it. It allows them to multiply and spread faster.
- Cancer cells use at least 50 to 100 times 149, and generally around 200 times 150, as much glucose (and glutamate) as healthy cells.
- PET scans work so well in finding cancer, because they observe increases in (low radioactive) glucose absorption. 151
- The general idea is that cancer cells can't feed on ketones, the body's preferred fuel when it is starved from carbohydrates. 152 Hold that thought though.
- Already in the early 1960s, the ketogenetic diet - which uses almost no carbohydrates - has been shown to either slow down, and at least sometimes fully reverse, the spread of cancer. 153
- Unfortunately, in more recent times evidence - both in studies and YouTube vidos of cancer patients - has been emerging that various cancers can adapt to consuming ketones. The best-known example of this is brain cancer, but this is not the only type. In brain cancer the ketogenic diet still has some result, as longer survival times have been reported than in people sticking to an ordinary diet in roughly 75% of cases. 154 As for those who react positively to the ketogenic diet, at least one modern study on lab mice showed that it didn't extend survival time in brain cancer beyond 10%, or 25% in combination with a drug, due to "drastic metabolic remodeling in the tumor." 155
In other words, the ketogenic diet has its place. But we need a lot more studies involving A) the exact food consumed; B) on what cancers it works and doesn't work, and to what extent; C) in what stages is has what amount of effect; D) and what drugs or other practices make it more potent. - Not only have an increasing amount of people reported that fasting helped stop or shrink their cancer (or their dog's cancer), but in particular a lot of people claim that fasting for 48 hours before chemotherapy, and for 24 hours after, enormously helps reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. In fact, at least one study in mice showed that only 25-33% of the damage was done to healthy cells when fasting. 156
- Oncolytic viruses - engineered or naturally occurring viruses that prefer to infect cancer cells - are "much more effective at attacking cancer cells" in environments with less glucose. 157
- Tumors are surrounded by a "stroma": semi-healthy cells that are manipulated by the tumor to do its bidding. This includes changing their energy metabolism from the efficient oxidative phosphorylation to the same aerobic glycolysis as just discussed with the Warburg effect. The glycolysis, while inefficient, can produce more energy quicker, and creates lactate as a waste product, which is absorbed by nearby cancer cells to further ramp up energy production.
- An explanation why Coca-Cola and cookies often are given to patients in hospital during their chemotherapy treatment.
- Thinking of it, the different stages of cancer - stage 0 to 4 - also weren't mentioned, which is an interesting omission as well.
Interesting facts, no? We all know about DNA defects, radiation, asbestos, about "fat being bad" - but I sure haven't found anyone in my immediate surroudings anno 2024 who knew any of these facts. And we're talking knowledge that sometimes is over a century old. Looking at how obscure some of these facts are, including the exact amount cancer cells digest glucose in relation to healthy cells, it appears a lot of oncologists also don't know, and don't care.
So, what were we taught in this oncology course at a prestigious university? Let's see, because I still have all the personal summaries and papers associated with the course. Going through it, it is all about RNA, DNA, other aspects of celbiology, different types of cancers, solid and non-solid tumors, terms related to statistical data, etc. As for causes of cancer, food isn't even mentioned. With regard to "exogenous" causes of cancer, "viruses" are mentioned (which seemingly only involves the Rous sarcoma virus), as are radiation and chemicals. Soot and asbestors are singled out as examples of the latter case.
That's it, but what is funny is that I clearly remember the lecturing professor - while discussing "exogenous" causes - saying to the students that, "It is estimated that about one-third of cancer cases are linked to our diet." That peaked students' interest, including mine, but the professor didn't elaborate and it wasn't part of the cirriculum. At least not for the first 5 of the 6 weeks.
Only in the very last class, the food aspect was mentioned, and only when specifically dealing with colon cancer. This by definition is not giving the right picture, because high sugar intake increases the risk of all kinds of cancer, not just colon or rectal cancer. But students didn't even need to worry about sugar, because sugar wasn't even listed as a cause of cancer. Only the following food was listed:
- Red meat.
- Processed meat, as ham and salami.
- Smoked meat (benzopyreen and such).
- Burned fat.
- High fat consumption.
- Alcohol.
- Aflatoxine.
- Food additives as nitrosamines.
This, of course, is largely known, at least on a basic level without all the exact names of food addictives and organic compounds. This information has been in the media plenty of times. No statistics were mentioned in relation to these risk foods, so this information didn't add much to anyone's knowledge. Only in the last minutes did the entire course get interesting, when the following foods were mentioned as being "cancer preventative":
- Fiber, "especially found in vegetables and fruit".
- Vitamin A.
- Vitamin C.
- Selenium.
- Red wine.
- Various substances: lycopenes from tomatoes, "compounds" in onions and lettuce/cabbage types.
All of this is true, and it might be interesting to know for readers that this information was part of an official tumorbiology course at a leading cancer research university. However, after this little list of cancer preventative natural compounds was dropped on people's laps, without further details or questions being asked about it at the exam, it was "Thank you!" and "Goodbye." Quite similar to the professor mentioning that diet is strongly linked to cancer, without elaborating.
Of course, it is ridiculous that the sugar and glucose effects mentioned in the beginning of this section were completely shunned from this oncology course at a leading cancer research university. We have to assume that someone with a lot of influence didn't want that knowledge in there. Since the international antifa protests, not just in the United States, but also right here in the Netherlands, we can see - or, better, this author could see - just how tightly university leadership is tied into the globalist movement. So it is not at all odd to find out that university leadership is bending to the will of globalist multinationals - who often sponsoer university programs and said activists - to make sure to leave out "unverified" information regarding cancer, sugar, and anything else unwanted. Suspicions about artificial sweeteners and vegetable oils weren't mentioned either, for example.
Highest success natural cancer cures: all kill glucose-uptake of cancer, and attack it
After artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils and herbicides, it didn't take long to run a fourth time into these globalist multinationals.
Basically this author has seen four types of natural therapies that has (very) regularly resulted in people curing themselves, or their animals, of late stage cancer.
- Fenbendazole, a cheap dewormer drug for animals, which in at least one study on lab mice was turbocharged against injected cancer cells by adding additional vitamins. 158 It has virtually no side effects. It works in at least four ways, which are quite similar to how fenbendazole kills worms in the intestinal tract:
- It prevents cancer cells from taking up glucose.
- It kills cancer cells' microtubials, prevent the cells from replicating.
- It stimulates the production of new, healthy tumor antigen p53, which kills cancer cells, but "is mutated in about 50% of cancers." 159
- It stimulates the DNA repair gene P21. 160
- Gerson Therapy, a form of veganism, but mainly very strictly on the raw vegetable side.
- Ketogenic diet, and then mainly with considerable focus on raw vegetables and natural cancer-fighting rooth vegetables and spices.
- Fasting, in combination with the above diet. It activates the bodies autophagy system that attacks all unhealthy cells.
Follow the Cancer: General and Fenbendazole links here for sources on all of the information here.
To summarize, the first two methods, as far as I personally have gathered, have the highest number of success stories, to the point it really blew my mind how easy so many success stories could be found. Fenbendazole, for example, hasn't been a success story for everyone, but there are few (natural) supplements here that can even come close to the number of glaring success stories I saw on it, compared to "it does nothing for me"-stories. Fenbendazole almost fully keeping injected cancer cells in lab mice (in questionable health) under control, after the adding of a few extra vitamins; and sending 3 of 3 human test subjects into full cancer remission in a small 2021-published study, only adds to its credibility 161, if the 2019-aired Joe Tippens television segment, which included a credible cancer researching doctor confirming his story, wasn't enough already. In short, it was breathtaking to gather all the success stories and go over some of these studies.
Gerson Therapy-esque success stories really surprised me in number too. I haven't really formed a full opinion about it though. I'd say there are way too many success stories of people curing their cancers with pure vegetable consumption, to dismiss it. And it fits with other therapies and data.
The other two therapies have worked as well, certainly together. However, protocols, especially with raw vegetable and herb use, and fasting abilities, vary (it's easier for an overweight person than an already skinny person), and it is considerably harder to find a lot of success here. The stories that are there, are very convincing though.
Most people also haven't combined these methods. Certainly I have not seen anyone yet who has done a strict Gerson-type vegetable diet in combination with fenbendaloze. Or maybe a little bit of meat and fasting mixed in, to see what ratio of meat and vegetable works the best. Some of these therapies only became more well-known in the late 2010s and throughout the 2020s, so there is still much to be learned.
None of these therapies actually are in conflict with the scientific information presented in the previous section. At the very least, all of these therapies starve cancer cells of their beloved glucose, opening the door for anti-cancer properties of vegetables, root vegetables and spices to better do their work - apart from the body's own autophagy process. Hence, it is also not in conflict with the oncology course at the Erasmus Medical Center, which side-stepped anything having to do with glucose, but didn't oppose it; and for the rest superficially admitted the cancer-fighting potential of vitamin A, vitamin C, onions and tomatoes.
Why prevent or cure cancer? With over $300 billion in revenues for chemotherapy drugs alone?
So we have oncology educations and science sidestepping anything related to sugars and cancer for about a century now. What they should have been reporting since the 1920s - namely that cancers use about 200x the glucose than healthy cells - a handful of studies only have been doing since roughly the 2020s. Diets, fasting, and a cheap drug named fenbendazole, all of whom prevent cancer from taking up sugar, among other pathways, have all been ignored for decades. All of these therapies have barely even really been attacked. Not in a direct matter at least. They're just ignored.
At least thousands of people online tied into these natural treatments, suspect it is because multinationals make a lot of profit, with the finger generally being pointed at food, insurance, and especially pharmaceutical companies. The general accusation in YouTube comment sections in particular is that there's no money in a cancer cure. Why not see if there is some merit to these accusations?
First question: who invented fenbendazole in the early 1970s? That turns out to be the Belgian firm Janssen Pharmaceutica, owned since 1961 by the American pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson. The major Panacur-brand distributor since at least 2010 has been Merck, another American pharmaceutical giant. As already mentioned in a previous section, both of these American corporations are among the most frequently listed pharmaceutical firms donating to globalist think tanks as the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Davos.
It's perfectly logical to ask: why don't these corporations finance research to prove fenbendazole is as effective an allround anti-cancer drug as at least hundreds of people online are claiming? And various studies show? Why are they not analyzing why for at least some people fenbendazole did not work? Why are they not trying to improve on fenbendazole's anti-cancer effectiveness? Why are they not immediately setting up clinical trials with the following test groups?
- A control group without any treatment (immoral and unnecessary with humans, even more so working with placebos).
- Fenbendazole.
- Fenbendazole, plus extra (natural and-or synthetic) vitamins and minerals.
- Fenbendazole, plus extra vitamins and minerals, plus anti-cancer vegetables and supplements (turmeric, garlic, etc.).
- Fenbendazole, plus extra vitamins and minerals, plus keto diet.
- Fenbendazole, plus extra vitamins and minerals, plus keto diet, plus fasting.
- Keto only.
- Fasting only.
- Keto and fasting only.
- Fenbendazole, plus Ivermectin, as people widely report anti-cancer success with this as well.
- All the above, plus chemotherapy and/or laser treatment.
- Etc.
Let's be serious: wouldn't this be the "weirdest" cancer study ever? Of course it would be. It would be something called "practical". And it would have to come from a government, or some wealthy individual, or someone completely away from the (lobbying) influence of pharmaceutical companies. Because why would pharmaceutical companies do a study like this? Why would they promote healthy eating, (natural) vitamins, and a half-century-old drug that costs pennies to fabricate?
That's not a dig at the pharmaceutical companies or capitalism. It's just reality. If I was Bill Gates-wealthy, I would first get rid of all my stock in pharmaceutical companies and maybe related insurance firms before announcing I would do or support studies like these.
The fact is that every chemotherapy session produces roughly $100,000-$150,000 in revenues for drug companies, with insurance companies and many oncologists, through "markups", prescribing extra expensive "brand" chemotherapy drugs over "generic" ones. Even when UnitedHealthcare increased $12 markups for generic cancer drugs to $500, it didn't change a thing, because prescribing "brand" cancer drugs netted oncologists up to $1,400. 162 The "brand" medicines also have a habit of being 3.5 to 20x overpriced years after first development. 163
These practices appear to be a huge burden on the healthcare system, and at least one reason why universal healthcare is becoming increasinly impossible to maintain in many western countries. Apart from citizens having to pay for these "brand" medicines through ever higher monthly insurance costs and higher "own risk" barriers (a Dutch term for the amount you have to pay yourself, before insurance starts to cover the costs for the rest of the year in question), imagine not having medical insurance at all, as often is the case in the United States... If you have no insurance or little money, with their being a major "own risk" barrier, you often delay diagnosis until it is too late. And when you go bankrupt during cancer treatment, you die:
"Cancer patients who go bankrupt are nearly 80 percent more likely to die than patients who don't." 164
We're not even talking about the horrendous side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, which are even worse than antibiotics. I personally have read plenty of stories ranging from people developing lifelong tinnitus because the inner ear has been damaged, to saliva glands having been destroyed, memory loss due to radiation or chemo ("chemo brain"), and new tumors developing due to the radiation treatment itself. In all fairness, not developing natural remedies, or further developing a highly effective, low side-effect drug as fenbendazole, or recommending that people fast before chemotherapy, makes the pharmaceutical industry a dark business. It's in the business of torture and death.
And we're not even talking about the demonstrated corruption in previous sections. The Vioxx Scandal alone demonstrates that big pharma companies as Merck and Pfizer, in collusion with the FDA, aren't the slightest bit bothered with killing hundreds of thousands of people if that is what it takes to make a profit. The same goes for all the food and pharma companies literring the world with artificial sweetners and rancid vegetable oils. It is hard to escape the conclusion that they all literally are in the business of death.
This business is lucrative though. In total, the oncology cancer drug market reached $147.2 billion in revenues in 2021, and has been expected to grow to an enormous $300 billion by 2030-2031. 165 In fact, many major pharmaceutical firms derive an ever greater portion of their revenues from selling chemotherapy drugs, including Johnson & Johnson and Merck. The following 2010-2019 study demonstrated exactly that:
And here are some more statistics:
So, as a preventive measure and because I'm a bit worried about potentially cancerous polyps in my colon without willing to spent a minor "own risk" fortune on a colonoscopy, I bought a two month supply of fenbendazole. Price? 37 euros for 30 pills, each with 500mg of fenbendazole. Add some (natural) vitamins and some fresh vegetables, both of which are more expensive than the drug, and you should have a decent chance of sending the worst of metatastic cancers in full remission, Joe Tippens style, with about 3 months of daily use. Add a little keto, add a little fasting, and a few anti-cancer supplements... and at the very least your chances of survival should be many times higher than what it used to be.
Saying this will probably mean I'll be dead in 3 months, but for the rest of the world: it should greatly increase your chances of stopping any cancer in its tracks and reversing it, with or without the help of additional traditional therapies.
Getting back to the profit aspect, when it involves multinationals financing the globalist movement, nothing ever is as simple as merely "profits". As indicated earlier, the globalist movement might well be Satan itself and operates as a global intelligence agency. It controls all media, all action groups, all national politics, from the "far left" ("liberal CIA" and antifa) to the "far right" ("conservative CIA") and everything more "mainstream" in between. In ISGP's "conservative CIA" article, for example, it has been documented how in the early 2000s Microsoft and Pfizer helped fund a William Buckley / "conservative CIA"-type controlled opposition network in the Netherlands.
Obviously, some kind of repression is going on. Somebody really doesn't want people to have cheap, basic cancer cures. Even fasting protocols before and after chemotherapy, despite many people's extremely positive experiences and at least one major study on mice showing it limits healthy cell damage to just 25-33% of what it is without fasting 166, are not implemented. "Experts" know all about the studies in question, but are cited in (globalist) media outlets, even outside the U.S., coming up with excuses for people to not experiment with it:
"There are still just so many unanswered questions about fasting with cancer. ... Just because it works on mice, doesn't mean that this also goes for humans." 167
A decade after the study in question was published, crickets. No follow-up research, even though, theoretically, you'd think there would be an incredible rush to confirm if fasting also works for humans. But no, the research isn't done, or if it's done, it's dragged out over the decades.
After a while, you can only conclude that something, or someone, doesn't want a cheap, quick cure for cancer. Maybe we will hear more about the promising anti-cancer drug Dostarlimab of GlaxoSmithKline, which in 2022 was reported to have have cured every single colon cancer patient in its 18-person trial study. For the time being though, that drug costs $11,000 per dose, once again coming to a total of $100,000 per six months of treatment. 168 Not $80 to $300 for fenbendazole.
Are we ready for a cancer cure? A non-natural, druggy one?
One additional thing that might be said is that maybe we are not ready for the "cancer cure". If our idea of "curing cancer" is to abuse our bodies year-in, year-out with bad artificial food, only to expect to take a "magic pill" and be "cured", then maybe we don't deserve a cancer cure at all. We really have to look at both prevention and curing in the same breath. Treating symptoms really is not a good way to go about things. That goes for many chronic diseases: diabetes, heart disease, some forms of arthritis, etc.
Don't get me wrong. I'd be very much relieved if tomorrow there is a cure-all cancer drug pill without too many side-effects. But if people start to rely on that, it could be dangerous for the development of the human gene pool. There's a reason why people in Africa tend to be lean and muscular. It's because they are benefiting from their ancestors having moved their bodies a lot, and having eaten certain ways.
If we start sitting in cubicles at work, move around in electric vehicles, sit in front of the computer and TV when at home, and on top of that eat boatloads of sugar, artificial sweeteners, and rancid fats, the bodies and genes of our children and grandchildren are going to reflect that. In fact, sucralose alone has already demonstrated to affect the gut microbiome of offspring, and even myopia - a huge, emerging global crisis - has genetic aspects. So you can't fix situations like these with a "magic pill". We've got to look at our way of life in general.
Maybe an anti-caner pill, or anti-diabetes pill, might not be as imminently dangerous as finding a "cure" for the radiation of atomic bombs. But long term, there are many risks.
Stick to nature: what to avoid, what to eat
Similar to the cancer industry, the diet industry is massive. There exist all kinds of different diets and views on what is healthy and unhealthy food. There are a few things that "anti-establishment" "health freaks" on both sides of the diet spectrum - pro-meat versus pro-plant-based - tend to agree on though. And that is that the following foods and food additives best be avoided in the long run:
- Processed seed oil, except cold-pressed.
- Processed vegetable oil, except cold-pressed. Extra virgin olive oil and maybe coconut oil is fine, also for cooking. Don't let it burn though.
- High fructose corn syrup.
- Maltodextrin.
- Artificial sweeteners as aspartame, acesulfame, saccharine, sucralose, and even stevia and monk fruit extracts.
- Sugar.
- Transfats.
- Heavily processed meats.
- Anything with microplastics, antibiotics, or other contaminants in them.
- Too much wild fish, due to heavy metal and microplastics contamination.
- Almost anything with shiny packaging in the supermarket.
In general, I personally would say: stick to nature. Stick to what our human bodies have evolved with for hundreds of thousands and, in monkey form, even millions of years. Just seeing how so many natural compounds, from olive oil to garlic and neem, predominently attack bad bacteria to us instead of just eradicating everything, or just purely at random, strongly indicates that there has been eons of synarchistic co-development between us and "them". That's not something to dismiss, and replace by artificial substances created and altered by chemists for the sake of corporate profit, with an attitude of "knowing better than nature". Sometimes man does improve ion nature. But many times it doesn't, and is unwilling to admit so because it leads to financial ruin.
Of course, "sticking to nature", doesn't mean that everybody has to have the exact same "ideal" diet. Just the fact that white people are the only race not lactose intolerant for the most part, shows that there are differences between what "natural" foods people can and cannot properly absorb. Depending on gut microbiome diversity, gut health, taste buds, and to a degree racial background (some Asian societies digest starches better through more AMY1 gene copies; Eskimos process fat differently through FADS1, FADS2 and FADS3 gene changes), people are going to prefer different foods.
Some people, like this author, thrive on meat. Personally, I digest nothing better than it. Dairy is a close second, and makes me feel satiated and strong, while a lot of carbohydrates, especially those in supermarket bread, give me loose stools and-or flatulence, make me feel weak, and keep me insatiated throughout the day. Some people have the exact opposite experience though. A lot have trouble with dairy in particular, and don't consider it healthy. A smaller percentage can't even properly process fatty meat. They might prefer to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit instead.
It's all fine. In fact, the less people thrive on a heavy meat- and dairy-based diet, the easier this planet is to manage resources-wise. But as long as you stick to natural food, and include herbs and (root) vegetables listed in this oversight, which have been part of our traditional kitchen for thousands of years and (now) are known to combat many diseases, who can blame you of doing anything wrong?
Veganism is politics - and needs better defining
In the 1980s and 1990s there were discussions about the health benefits of vegetarianism: not eating meat, but continuing to eat dairy. Certainly from the late 2000s, in no small part through YouTube and social media, even vegetarianism was supplanted by a barrage of discussions that we really should all be vegans. The fact is, at the moment this simply is the result of globalist propaganda related to the reduction of carbon emissions per international treaties as the 2015 United Nations Paris Agreement. There's no debate possible, similar to how white replacement is rammed through white people's throats whether they like it or not. It's going to be a fight to the death for average citizens to try and stop it.
There's no need to get into this agenda in any detail here, because that already is being done in ISGP's intro article, complete with sources. The main problem with veganism - taking this author's "stick to nature" approach - is that we get away from exactly that: nature. Because veganism bans the following foods:
- All meat.
- All fish, including sushi.
- Cheese.
- Milk.
- Kefir.
- Yoghurt.
- Quark.
- Butter.
- Eggs.
Humans have been digesting these natural foods for ten thousand years and more. So what is there left to eat? What comes into its place? Let's see:
- Rice and potatoes.
- Vegetables.
- Fruits.
- Nuts.
- Supermarket bread.
- Historically transfat-laced, "plant-based" margarine instead of natural butter.
- Peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles instead of cheese.
- All the sugary, rancid, artificial garbage foods and food additives of the previous section, because there's barely been any talk of banning these.
- Maybe insects in the future, although its viability has been questioned, with it being particularly ironic how also with this sub-agenda, "animal rights" seem to be of no concern with globalist elites; only with average citizens.
- Artificial, laboratory-grown meat, likely in the future based on animal muscle cells with actual proper protein levels.
- Artificial, laboratory-grown dairy, likely in the future also based on animal cells.
Almost reality: a world without barbecues, hamburgers (without the rancid "plant-based" sauces), grilled cheese, ham-cheese and -egg sandwiches, or French kitchen restaurants. Of course in a world without white people or Jews, family structures, manually driven cars, or part-time working women - if it is up to the same globalist movement pushing veganism. Maybe not the best of foresights.
True, the growing of real meat and dairy through stem cell technology is very promising. If it is just as tasty and healthy as real meat, it is an amazing development that takes away the need for millions of farm animals to be slaughtered each year. The radicalness of the globalist agenda remains very worrying though. The production of real meat literally is a lucky windfall for the human population, because globalist elites would have pressed on regardless.
Here's kinda where we need to end this section. Despite having spotted a surprising amount of people on YouTube claiming to have cancer despite having lived "healthy" as a "vegan" 170, while chugging "healthy" chocolate-flavored Owyn "meal replacement shakes" all the way to their deathbeds, I can't make the argument that veganism is unhealthy. I can only say that a chemical blend of "healthy" "vegan" shakes containing cane sugar, monk fruit extract, pea protein, pumpkin seed protein, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil - heated and rancid or not - and Tapioca dextrin thickener, apparently does not stop or combat your cancer. 171
Ironically enough, that stands in total contrast to the earlier-mentioned Gerson-esque therapy. I say "esque", because the real anti-cancer results have been reported by people seemingly only chugging down kilograms of vegetables a day. That is as extremely vegan as it comes, and it also is just about as anti-cancer as it comes. It might be even more potently anti-cancer than a whole food keto diet that includes a good degree of animal meat and fat. So there's an interesting and extreme contrast there.
That immediately brings us to the question what "veganism" is. Eating rice with beans is. Only eating vegetables is. But so is consuming heated, hydrolyzed, rancid plant oils and a bucket of sugar a day - as a lot of "good citizen" vegan cancer patients seem to be doing. It's not surprising either, especially not for men, because in the absence of all dairy and meat, you are ready to eat just about anything.
Researching vegetarianism/veganism and the work of Ancel Keys versus Weston A. Price in what type of diet is the best for human health, is one of the first things that set me personally onto the "conspiracy path" back in the early 2000s. Even before that, in the 1990s, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that a hospital flyer on "healthy food" put "cake" and "meat" into the same "bad" "saturated fat" folder. Seeing the war on meat and dairy of the modern era, this kind of fraud starts to make sense, but it always blew my mind that "professionals" and "scientists" could put out such an abysmal piece of nonsensical food advice.
However, I already explained in the beginning of this article, I can't remember any of the arguments in any detail, because anything you don't organize, simply is forgotten over time. I do remember being convinced by the work of Weston Price and how his followers discredited the work of Ancel Keys. So a largely meat and dairy-based diet, without all the plant-based oils, was the way to go for me. I've never regretted it to this day. In fact, looking at how much more expensive (actual) butter became in the 2010s, it is clear that a lot of other people started leaving behind their plant-based margarines as well, likely because even magazines as Men's Health put questionmarks with non-animal fat diets.
The thing is, in order to write anything useful, I'd have to go over all the old research again. And also plenty of new research. And also dig deeper into any flawed, crooked, and-or sponsored scientific studies as we've seen with articificial sweetener sucralose. It also is a good question to ask why food additives as maltodextrin and high-fructose corn syrup even are legal. It's going to be fascinating to see how the FDA and European food authorities were able to proclaim it "safe".
That's for another day to think or write about though.
Acid reflux
- Sometimes drinking 100 ml / 4 ounces of water with a half a teaspoon of baking soda (giving the water a very base pH) helps greatly, sometimes throughout life and until very old age without issue. This seems to be needed when too much acid is produced.
- Others had to do the opposite by ingesting a bit acid helps, in particular apple cider vineger. THis might be needed when too little acid a certain point is produced.
- If stomach ulcers are the problem, trying "vitamin U" vegetables as cabbage and kale, which can quickly heal ulcers.
- Ulcers often are tied to Helicobaacter Pylori infections, which can be eradicated naturally by Senna leaves, vinegar and Mastic gum.
- Probiotics as kefir and sauerkraut might give strong reactions, but can also rebalance the gut microbiome, if only temporary, over a period of time, removing the acid reflux.
- Adding fresh garlic and turmeric to your food all can aid in the suppression and eradication of bad bacteria, as well as heavy metals, from your stomach and colon.
- You do need to figure out the foods you are most sensitive too. When you give your stomach a few days of rest by eating foods that you can tolerate, and then do 16-24 hour fasts, in between, you often can start adding more types of food. Also see which foods you can tolerate combined versus separately. In this rest and experimentation period, you may want to separate carbohydrates, protein and different types of fat as much as possible.
- Reddit tips:
- Reddit: "Foods that helped me: Baby carrots, raw broccoli, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cucumber, spinach, cabbage, red/yellow apples, oats, brown rice, black beans, avocados, egg whites, chicken breast, shrimp.
Foods that made it worse: Anything remotely spicy (even black pepper), processed snacks, chocolate, coffee, tea, bananas, tuna, bread, fast food, fried food, pizza, fatty meats (bacon, sausage, red meat, chicken thigh), deli meats, egg yolks, soft cheese, anything high in fat/oil (mayo etc.) tomatoes, citrus, mint, milk, butter, sodas, pecans, peanuts, peanut butter, alcohol.
Food tricks:
- Chew slowly and deliberately all the time. The more work your teeth do, the less work your stomach has to do.
- I always, ALWAYS ate an apple or cucumber slices as soon as i woke up. You want your stomach acid to "chew" on things throughout the day that isn't your actual stomach. Fiberous fruit and veg is very helpful.
- Breakfast was usually instant oats cooked with water and honey. Not appetizing but made me feel way better.
- Eat a salad with a small amount of low cal (not acidic) dressing before eating lunch/dinner. This helps "prep" your stomach before eating a big meal.
- Snack on raw veg in between meals if you feel it starting to flare up. Baby carrots are great.
- Sip water throughout the day. I've heard gulping water or drinking during a meal can introduce air to your stomach which can irritate it. I can't confirm if that's true but I followed it anyway.
- Chew a non minty, non acidic flavored gum (I found watermelon). Saliva naturally calms your stomach.
- Don't eat anything 2 hours before bed.
Non food tricks:
- Sleep sitting upright. This sucks but it really helps.
- Find a way to legitimately destress for a few moments. Stress absolutely can make acid reflux worse. I would use deep breathing and meditation after meals. Journaling helped too. Even if you don't use these tactics when you're better, it's worth a shot now.
- Light exercise is helpful. Nothing too strenuous or where you have to bend over. I took a lot of walks and found yoga youtube videos for acid reflux." - Reddit (Sep. 9, 2022 post): "I eaten a banana in the morning a day before yesterday since then i am facing acid reflux problem. Since July 2021 I have got 3-4 acid reflux symptoms. I don't know what causing it. When I am sleeping Saliva is coming out from my mouth. My heart is burning sometimes." Answers: "Apple cripples me with reflux and causes globus for me :/", "Apples are a no go for me."
- YouTube comment: "It seems like this is not working for me, I tried taking apple cider before meals and it only made my acid reflux worse, the only thing that works for me is being on a keto diet, fat, meat, and vegetables are okay, but whenever I eat something starchy or that it has sugar in it, the acid reflux is back."
- Reddit: "Foods that helped me: Baby carrots, raw broccoli, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cucumber, spinach, cabbage, red/yellow apples, oats, brown rice, black beans, avocados, egg whites, chicken breast, shrimp.
- Not eating chocolate and cookies did the trick in the author's youth, but this of course does not go for everyone.
- Taking a zinc supplement has worked for some. This also means you might want to rid yourself of other vitamin and mineral defiencies as well.
- Other people have reported good results with DIM, Chlorophyll, NAC, or sea buckthorn oil.
- DIM even has worked in reducing steroid-derived bodybuilders' back acne. It strongly reduces estrogen.
- If nothing works, bloodwork might be useful, not just for any potential vitamin or mineral deficiences, but also for estradiol, testosterone, prolactin, and cortisol levels. See what hormones are out of whack.
- One step that often works is cutting out all refined sugar (fruits are fine for at least many/most people):
- YouTube comment: "I had rheumatoid arthritis in my hands and feet, extremely painful. I was taking methotrexate shots every week, that caused liver problems. Did some research and found out that sugar caused inflammation and is very addictive. I stopped eating sugar and stopped all my medicine and the swelling went away. No more pain, no more liver problems, no more arthritis."
- YouTube comment: "I started a keto diet where I eliminated sugars totally. By accident my severe arthritis inflamation disappeared! I still have arthritis... It's not fun. But STOPPING SUGARS definitely reduces arthritis pain."
- In one study, a mix of 300mg of turmeric (70% curcumin extract) and 150mg boswellia, 2x a day, reduced symptoms of arthritic pain more powerfully than 2x a day 100mg the NSAID Celecoxib (similar in effect to Ibuprofen) - without any of the long-term side effects.
- Vitamin D in extra high doses, moringa, turmeric and boswellia have been used with success on their own by people combating arthritis. Moringa seems to be particularly potent, although it still doesn't work for everybody. It could be useful to mix compounds, to see if there is an enhanced effect. Example comments:
- Jan. 4, 2019, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 'Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 to 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experience': "In the 1930s and 1940s reports were published describing the successful use of vitamin D in treating psoriasis [14], asthma [15], rheumatoid arthritis [16,17]... Doses ranging from ... 150,000 to 600,000 IUs a day ameliorated the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis [16,17]..."
- YouTube comment: "My wife cured her Rheumatoid arthritis in six months taking 200,000iu’s of [vitamin] D3, vitamin K2, magnesium and moringa. Started in June of 2019 and by Dec her blood levels for rheumatoid arthritis were 4. Her levels were 186. Now she’s on a maintenance dose of 50,000iu a day."
- YouTube comment: "Moringa helped me for arthritis."
- Baking soda has been used with success by some in combating arthritis, apparently by helping to detox the body:
- YouTube comment: "I learned from a old gym rat to drink soda and water before workout, it does enhance your energy increase stamina , then moved on. 8 yrs ago arthritis got bad. Aches and pain everywhere, so went back to drinking baking soda 3 times a day, beginning as I get up still asleep. I take 12 Oz [350 ml] warm distilled water and one level teaspoon baking soda, u immediately go to the can and blow it out. The urine stinks like hell. I call it flush and clean, but ... I'm 80 [and] pretty much pain free now. Been 5 yrs 3 X a day steady use . Full of energy. ... No doubt in my mind that the arthritis came from the lack of nutrients and chemicals."
- YouTube comment: "This is a great post. A pinch or two of baking soda in 4 oz or so of cool water just makes you feel good instantly. Especially so if you have ankylosing spondylitis arthritis."
- In one study 300mg of boswellia extract taken 3x a day showed a reduction in symptoms in 70% of bronchial asthma patients, compared to 27% in the control group. Boswellia can be very effectively mixed with turmeric/curcumin in the treating of inflammation. Considering turmeric on its own has also demonstrated to improve symptoms of asthma, this could be a potent mixture for this disease too.
- 10,000 IU+ a day of vitamin D has been used to get it under control.
- Jan. 4, 2019, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 'Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 to 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experience': "In the 1930s and 1940s reports were published describing the successful use of vitamin D in treating ... asthma [15]... Doses ranging from 60,000 to 300,000 IUs were shown to control asthma [15]..."
- Onions, and certainly turmeric and NAC have helped for some with asthma, sometimes fully taking it away. Example testimonies:
- YouTube comment: "Turmeric with black pepper changed my life! No asthma, no allergies, no stomach issues."
- YouTube comment: "As a lifelong asthma sufferer, I can attest too the fact that I am now at 1-1/2 years of not having to take so much as one puff off a rescue inhaler, or ADVAIR (Corticosteroid) thanks to NAC. As you stated it is a game changer."
- Traditional vitamin supplementing doesn't seem to work well against asthma:
- Feb. 2011, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 'Diet and asthma: nutrition implications from prevention to treatment': "It has been hypothesized that the increase may be due to changing antioxidant intake, increasing dietary ratio of n-6:n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and vitamin D deficiency (and supplementation). Observational studies have reported associations between asthma and dietary antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C, carotenoids, selenium, polyphenols, and fruit), PUFA, and vitamin D. However, supplementing the diets of adults with asthma with antioxidants and n-3 PUFA has minimal, if any, clinical benefit."
- Possibly largely the same cures as asthma. In particular with NAC supplementation a lot of Bronchitis sufferers report that it went down or fully disappeared.
Blood pressure: high
- Turmeric, Cayenne pepper and Moringa all have abilities to bring various crucial blood values back into the normal range. This includes lowering blood pressure.
Cancer: general
- Cancer stages:
- Stage 0: Carcinoma in Situ or pre-cancer. Abnormal cells are present but have not spread to nearby tissue. Often considered pre-cancer and generally highly curable through surgery.
- Stage 1: A small, local cancer.
- Stage 2: A larger cancer that has spread to surrounding tissue.
- Stage 3: A larger cancer still with more regional spread, also into the nearby lymph nodes.
- Stage 4: Metastatic cancer. I.e., it has spread to other parts of the body.
- Steps to prevent, halt, and cure cancer, as discussed in more detail and sourced below:
- Remove vitamin and mineral deficiences and increase them over the bare minimum.
- Include "vitamin U" vegetables.
- Include natural cancer-fighting supplements and foods (vegetables/spices).
- Include fenbendazole.
- Remove all refined and artificial sugars, as well as all artificial food (heated vegetable oils, etc.).
- Go on a ketogenic diet, but make sure to include a maximum amount of fresh (cancer-fighting) vegetables and spices, and eat biological meat and dairy. Maybe experiment with cutting out dairy.
- Do fasting to induce autophagy (an additional step beyond just ketogenic diet).
- Fasting before and after chemotherapy to greatly reduce its detrimental effects.
- If fenbendazole, plus keto (with lots of raw greens/spices), plus fasting still doesn't work, do full Gerson Therapy (only fresh greens).
- If you get Gerson Therapy to work, introduce 10-20% meat if you will, or maybe nuts, and see if it continues to work. If that works, you can try 40-50% non-greens. If this works, it's great because juicing and eating 8-18kg a greens a day can be extremely tedious.
- Possibly play with a glutamine blocker.
- Do bloodwork to make sure you have no vitamin or mineral deficiences. You want your immune system working and testosterone levels up.
- Make sure to have a decent vitamin D level and a decent level of "zinc" and some natural vitamin C to optimize the strength of your immune system. NAC might be a great preventative choice too.
- Make sure that you have enough magnesium, because this mineral is strongly involved in preventing genetic mutations - which could lead to cancer.
- Eat a lot of "vitamin U"-containing vegetables as cabbage, kale, carrots, and especially spinach, because these are known to quickly heal the stomach lines and have various cancer fighting effects on top of that - without feeding much sugar to the cancer. With use of carrots, pretty decent-tasting smoothies can be made from all these vegetables, even without the use of fruits.
- Once or twice daily ingest fresh garlic, onions, and supplements as turmeric, DIM, wormwood, and NAC, because these are some of the more cancer-fighting supplements.
- The (still) relatively cheap dog dewormer Fenbendazole seems to be able to cure all kinds of endstage cancer in cats, dogs, and people - judging by the countless online testimonials. In other people, at least at lower doses, it halts the growth of the cancer.
- Get rid of sweets, and certainly once you have cancer, of all sugar/carbohydrates, because that is exactly what cancer feeds on, and is also one of the ways Fenbendazole stops cancer. Many or most cancer cells cannot feed on ketones, but healthy cells always can. It is interesting just how long it took for this author to get any decent sources one exactly how much more sugar cancers use. Turns out, the reported range goes from 50 to over 200 times. It's incredible that this is such obscure information, despite PET scans being used to find cancers based on glucose consumption:
- (accessed: May 31, 2024; "Medically Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD, MPH on July 10, 2023 Written by Linda Rath"): "Cancer cells use about 200 times more than normal cells. Tumors that start in the thin, flat (squamous) cells in your lungs need even more glucose to fuel their growth."
- July 31, 2018, BMB Reports of the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 'Cancer stem cell metabolism: target for cancer therapy': "While cancer cell metabolism does not efficiently produce ATP, it allows cancer cells to rapidly divide and grow. Consequently, cancer cells produce a substantial portion of their energy from aerobic glycolysis which is more rapid than OXPHOS, although the aerobic glycolysis is considerably less efficient in terms of the amounts of ATP produced per unit of glucose consumed. This inefficient metabolic process is useful for producing the nucleic acids, amino acids, and lipids necessary for rapid cell growth via glycolysis and OXPHOS intermediates (8, 9). To compensate for this inefficient metabolic process for energy production per unit of glucose consumed, cancer cells uptake glucose and glutamate at a rate of more than about 200 times that of normal cells."
- April 2022, Biochemie, 'Glucose deprivation using 2-deoxyglucose and acarbose induce metabolic oxidative stress and apoptosis in female mice bearing breast cancer': "Cancer cells generate energy primarily by increasing the rate of glycolysis by 200 times that of normal cells of origin. ... This difference can be used as a target for cancer therapy by glucose deprivation."
- Jan. 31, 2014, Lewis C. Cantley of Cornell Medical College, BMC Biology journal, 'Cancer, metabolism, fructose, artificial sweeteners, and going cold turkey on sugar': "One example of a paradox from our research was the observation that pyruvate kinase, which is the enzyme in glycolysis that synthesizes ATP, actually tends to get turned down in cancer cells. This is paradoxical because cancer cells are typically utilizing glucose at 50- to 100-fold the rate of the normal tissue surrounding it, so why would they want to turn down one of the steps in that pathway and make less ATP? In the end, we figured out that it’s because that allows the cells to use the intermediates in glycolysis for other purposes than just making ATP, such as making NADPH, or making ribose, or making serine or glycine [3]."
- Feb. 2017, Federal Practitioner journal, 'Ketogenic Diets and Cancer: Emerging Evidence': "In 1922, Braunstein noted that glucose disappeared from the urine of patients with diabetes after they were diagnosed with cancer, suggesting that glucose is recruited to cancerous areas where it is consumed at higher than normal rates. During that same time, Nobel laureate Otto Warburg found that cancer cells thrive on glycolysis, producing high lactate levels, even in the presence of abundant oxygen. Warburg conducted many in vitro and animal experiments demonstrating this outcome, known as the Warburg effect. ...
In 1962 ... during 8 weeks of ketogenic dieting, 2 pediatric female astrocytoma patients experienced improved mood and showed decreased glucose uptake on PET-computed tomography (PET-CT) of their tumor sites. One of these patients continued the diet and remained disease-free another 12 months.12 These early case reports provide compelling evidence for further research into the role of glucose metabolism in cancer treatment. ...
By the mid-20th century, KD use in epilepsy treatment and cancer research had waned. However, in the mid-to-late 1990s, with the establishment of the Charlie Foundation, the diet slowly started regaining recognition." - /dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/radioactive-glucose (accessed: May 1, 2024): "A radioactive form of glucose (sugar) often used during a positive emission tomography (PET) scan, a type of imaging test. In PET, a small amount of radioactive glucose is injected into a vein, and a scanner makes a picture of where the glucose is being used in the body. Cancer cells show up brighter in the picture because they are more active and take up more glucose than normal cells do. When used with PET, radioactive glucose helps find cancer cells in the body."
- Nov. 9, 2023,, 'Can Antiparasitic Drug Fenbendazole Treat Pancreatic Cancer?': "Fenbendazole ... has shown promise [and] may inhibit cancer cell growth and induce cancer cell death through various mechanisms, such as disruption of microtubule formation and inhibition of glucose uptake."
- Oct. 3, 2022, Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute, 'Why cancer incidence in the Arab counties is much lower than other parts of the world?': "Fasting might also additionally lessen glucose levels within the blood, making it tougher for cancers to grow. Cancer cells feed on glucose, eating it at a far better degree than ordinary cells do. During fasting, one manner cells attempt to preserve strength is with the aid of using [sic] making it less complicated for cell membranes to metabolize insulin. This improves insulin’s capacity to get rid of glucose from the blood. Reducing the glucose to be had to most cancers cells might also additionally restrict cancerous growth."
- I haven't really seen a factual explanation at this point from authoritative sources dismissing the cancer - glucose tie. They deny ketogenic diet works, but the details in their explanations are lacking. While keto doesn't seem to cure (most) people of cancer, it does appear to considerably slow down the progression of the disease.
- (accessed: May 25, 2024): "Early (preclinical) studies showed that some cancer cells can’t use ketones as energy. So, changing the diet to be high in fat and low in carbohydrate will lower glucose levels and starve cancer cells. Normal body cells adapt and can use ketones to survive. But these are early studies which are mostly in animals."
- Move as much as possible towards a Ketogenic Diet, in which you start burning fat-based ketones instead of carbohydrates/glucose for fuel. As said, many cancer cells cannot feed on ketones, but healthy cells always can. Just making this dietary switch seems to prolong life, sometimes by 50-70%, thus giving anti-cancer treatments (much) more time to work. It seems the ketogenic diet cannot be relied upon by itself to reverse the cancer. Sometimes it may decrease or fully reverse it. Other times it will just slow down the cancer's progression. In fact, if you have a glioma (brain cancer), you have a type of brain cancer that can switch to consuming ketones - and there seem to be more of those type of tumors. In 75% keto still slows down progress though in case of brain cancer. 172 Adding something as fasting, various supplements, or Fenbendazole seems to be key.
- Oct. 1, 2014, International Journal of Cancer, 'Ketone supplementation decreases tumor cell viability and prolongs survival of mice with metastatic cancer': "Previous studies indicate that unlike healthy tissues, cancer cells are unable to effectively use ketone bodies for energy. Furthermore, ketones inhibit the proliferation and viability of cultured tumor cells. ... Mice were fed a standard diet supplemented with either 1,3-butanediol (BD) or a ketone ester (KE)... Dietary ketone supplementation with BD and KE prolonged survival in VM-M3 mice with systemic metastatic cancer by 51 and 69%, respectively (p < 0.05). Ketone administration elicited anticancer effects in vitro and in vivo independent of glucose levels or calorie restriction."
- Feb. 2017, Federal Practitioner, 'Ketogenic Diets and Cancer: Emerging Evidence': "As early as 500 bc, fasting was used as an effective treatment for many medical ailments. Fasting continued into modern times, and in 1910, Guelpa and Marie proposed fasting as an antiepilepsy treatment. In 1921, Woodyatt noted that starvation or use of high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets in individuals with no significant medical comorbidities yielded acetone and β-hydroxybutyrate, 2 energy sources produced by the liver in the absence of glucose. A low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet was thought to be an alternative to fasting or starvation, having many of the same desired effects while continuing to nourish healthy cells. The term ketogenic diet (KD) was later coined by Wilder and Peterman...
When glucose is scarce, the body senses the need to make an alternative form of energy for cells. The liver then produces ketones and fatty acids, which provide for normal cells but do not benefit cancer cells. ... Ketogenic diets mimic the fasting state, wherein the body responds to the lack of glucose by producing ketones for energy. Excess lactate production, which is part of the Warburg effect, compensates for ATP production defects caused by dysfunctional mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.2,4 The resulting tumor dependence on glucose can be exploited with KD use. Ketogenic diets selectively starve tumors by providing the fat and protein that otherwise could not be used by glucose-dependent tumor cells. ...
In 1962, the New York Department of Mental Hygiene published an article about 2 women whose metastatic cancers disappeared after a series of daily hypoglycemia-induced insulin comas (brief and reversible). ... Their cancers (grossly visible cervical cancer and metastatic melanoma) became undetectable as early as 2 months into treatment. ... The patient had a radiographic response and good tumor control for about a year, before discontinuing the diet. She transitioned to chemotherapy, which included bevacizumab (antivascular endothelial growth factor), but the disease progressed and she died. ... In addition, during 8 weeks of ketogenic dieting, 2 pediatric female astrocytoma patients experienced improved mood and showed decreased glucose uptake on PET-computed tomography (PET-CT) of their tumor sites. One of these patients continued the diet and remained disease-free another 12 months.12 These early case reports provide compelling evidence for further research into the role of glucose metabolism in cancer treatment. ...
Conclusion: Data from case reports and trials suggest KD use is safe and tolerable for patients with cancer. Although it would be ideal to conduct a larger trial using a randomized therapeutic approach, the current emphasis on drug-based trials is a formidable obstacle. Other major obstacles are patient initiative and adherence." - In contrast, at least one study makes the case that cancers grow 2.5x as fast and spread 10x as fast when fueld by ketones.
- L-Glutamine role in cancer proliferation (low in vegetables, high in meat and dairy - and maybe an explanation why pure keto doesn't fully stop cancer in many cases):
- Jan. 2018, Biomolecules & Therapeutics (Seoul), 'Targeting Glutamine Metabolism for Cancer Treatment': "Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and muscle (5) and is largely utilized for energy generation and as a precursor for the biomass required for rapid cancer cell proliferation (Windmueller and Spaeth, 1974). ... Most cancer cells are dependent on glutamine and cannot survive in the absence of exogenous glutamine, which has been termed “glutamine addiction” (Eagle, 1955)."
- March 19, 2021, Sanford Burnham Prebys, 'Starving tumors by blocking glutamine uptake; Scientists have identified a drug candidate that blocks the uptake of glutamine and slows the growth of melanoma.'
- Reddit comment: "central brain glioma, only otherwise ever confirmed in babies—in 2011, when I was 23. Still here, over a decade later, having had a noteworthy career. ... Tried fenbendazole: no difference. Now on Lamictal to block glutamate, and still seeing slow growth."
- Do intermittent fasting or, if you have the fat, fasting for a few weeks, to induce autophagy - which is the body getting rid of damaged cells, including cancer. This is barely ever talked about, but it is stimulated by fasting. It is based on research by Yoshinori Ohsumi, and later also endorsed by Thomas Seyfried. The following post is extremely interesting and seems to indicate fasting by itself is at least as effective as Fenbendazole, or maybe even more effective when combined with a keto-diet:
- YouTube comment: "I've been treating my American Bulldog with fenbendazole for cancer. She was given 2 months to live by the Vet oncologist almost 4 years ago. She's been terminal with metastatic aggressive anal gland cancer but she doesn't know it. She gets full deworming dose of Panacur C 3 days on 4 days off. No side effects and perfectly healthy, except the tumor is still there. I don't bother with any tests or scans, just monitor the tumor and giver her Panacur and a bunch of anti cancer food and supplements. I also fast her 36-48 hours once a week. She does't like fasting but it shrinks the tumor more than anything. The Vet oncologist measures her tumor and tests her blood every few months. He doesn't treat her cancer but prescribes Gabapentin for her arthritis because she's 13.5 years old. He's so fascinated the she's still alive and doing well because dogs don't live with this type of cancer even with the best treatment more than 2 years. We tried a couple of chemo drugs but they didn't work. Fenbendazole works. Joe Tippins has the human dosage."
- YouTube comment: "My mom has stage 4 stomach cancer and has gone through all chemo therapy. She couldn't eat for 20 days and had toxic fluid in her stomach pumped out several times. She should be dead but miraculously she is getting better and i think it's because the tumors can't grow as fast bc she is 76 and she had not eaten. I think one can starve cancer of what it usually thrives on.... just a hunch."
- Oct. 3, 2022, Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute, 'Why cancer incidence in the Arab counties is much lower than other parts of the world?': "Several mechanisms have been adopted to explain the significant decreased incidence of cancer in the Arab countries, among them fasting, food full of special recipes filled with spices, significant lower rates of smoking and alcohol drinking, and genetic predisposition. ...
The role of autophagy in cancer is complex and its function can vary from one to another: biological factors such as tumor type, stage of progression, and genetic status; oncogene activation and tumor suppressor inactivation, thus autophagy may be associated; and to prevent tumor formation or to enable adaptation, proliferation, survival, and metastasis of cancer cells [14]. Protocols aimed at inducing autophagy rather than blocking it are currently being intensively studied in oncology [15, 16] ...
Fasting might also additionally lessen glucose levels within the blood, making it tougher for cancers to grow. Cancer cells feed on glucose, eating it at a far better degree than ordinary cells do. During fasting, one manner cells attempt to preserve strength is with the aid of using making it less complicated for cell membranes to metabolize insulin. This improves insulin’s capacity to get rid of glucose from the blood. Reducing the glucose to be had to most cancers cells might also additionally restrict cancerous growth."
- Fasting for 24-48 hours before chemotherapy and 24 hours after also is key in greatly limiting its damage:
- June 5, 2014, Cell Stem Cell journal, 'Prolonged Fasting reduces IGF-1/PKA to promote hematopoietic stem cell-based regeneration and reverse immunosuppression': "Cycles of prolonged fasting (PF) reduce damage in bone marrow stem and progenitor cells and protect mice against chemotoxicity ... In agreement with our previous results with [chemotherapy drugs] etoposide and doxorubicin, we observed a significant protective effect of cycles of 48-hours PF against CP-induced mortality (Figure 1B and S1A) (Raffaghello et al., 2008) [the graph in 1B shows 100% survival rate after 84 days versus just 42% for non-fasting group]. The PF cycles also led to a decrease in the DNA damage caused by CP in leukocytes and BM [bone marrow] cells (Figure 1C and S1B). [damage in leukocytes seems to be 25-50% less; damage in bone marrow seems to be only 1/3rd to 1/4th] ...
Prolonged fasting cycles regulate stem cell populations independently of chemotherapy and help reverse from immunosenescence [immune destruction and dysfunction]..."
- June 5, 2014, Cell Stem Cell journal, 'Prolonged Fasting reduces IGF-1/PKA to promote hematopoietic stem cell-based regeneration and reverse immunosuppression': "Cycles of prolonged fasting (PF) reduce damage in bone marrow stem and progenitor cells and protect mice against chemotoxicity ... In agreement with our previous results with [chemotherapy drugs] etoposide and doxorubicin, we observed a significant protective effect of cycles of 48-hours PF against CP-induced mortality (Figure 1B and S1A) (Raffaghello et al., 2008) [the graph in 1B shows 100% survival rate after 84 days versus just 42% for non-fasting group]. The PF cycles also led to a decrease in the DNA damage caused by CP in leukocytes and BM [bone marrow] cells (Figure 1C and S1B). [damage in leukocytes seems to be 25-50% less; damage in bone marrow seems to be only 1/3rd to 1/4th] ...
- Persons who cured stage 3 and 4 cancer through diet - without Fenbendazole - include Fred Evrard 173, a French guy with last name "Guy" 174, Chad Hodge 175 and others. Interviews with them are to be found on YouTube. To do so they:
- generally did traditional chemotherapy to reduce the size of the cancer;
- didn't eat a single thing for 24 to 48 hours before the chemotherapy, and 24 hours after, to greatly reduce side effects;
- rejected all other dietary advice or sugary sweets - such as Coca-Cola and cookies - given by doctors and nurses throughout the chemotherapy process;
- did (intermittent) fasting to induce autophagy;
- did a Ketogenic Diet devoid of carbohydrates;
- ate a large amount of cruciferous vegetables, which we know, through "vitamin U" can cure intestinal ulcers in a matter of days;
- ate raw garlic, known to fight cancer. (they didn't seem to know about the other anti-supplements here)
- FredevrardAcademy YouTube comment to Gerson Therapy success story: "Fantastic. It’s great to know they’re more of us. I cured a stage 3 colon cancer with a 21 day fast, juicing, and a strict, organic ketogenic diet (but I including organic, grass-fed meat). Four months later, I was 100% cancer free."
- Gerson Therapy is an interesting one. It claims to be particularly effective for the following cancers: lung, colon, breast, lymphatic, ovarian, and prostate cancer. It claims to be largely ineffective against the following cancers: bladder, bone, brain (or metastases to the brain), endometrial (uterus), kidney, thyroid, testicular, and pancreatic cancer, as well as leukemia and multiple myeloma (even more since discontinuing "raw liver juice"). 176
- One 2009 study is regularly brought up as proof that "Gerson Therapy" doesn't work, as it killed patients in 4.5 months versus 14 months for chemotherapy. However, this was a test of Gonzalez Therapy. 177 This protocol is quite different. It has vegetable and fruit juicing and the peculiar coffee enemas in common. But the Gonzalez Protocol can include "red meat". Mainly it is heavily focused on Gonzalez's "pig enzyme therapy", which has zero place in Gerson. A similarly frequently-cited subsequent "scientific" review of the same study in 2010, entitled 'Gerson Regimen', in which Gerson Therapy is summarized as being "closely related Gonzalez therapy", isn't overly useful in that regard either. 178 It also appears Gonzalez, whose early work was funded by top globalist food firms Procter & Gamble and Nestle 179, never exactly produced miracles with pancreatic cancer therapy: "Among 11 patients with inoperable, biopsy-proven, stages II to IV pancreatic adenocarcinoma, he reported 81% survival at 1 year and 45% at 2 years. [3] Four of the 11 patients survived for 3 years." 180
- Eric Ewing below indicates that at least the core of of Gerson Therapy does work.
- Looking at the Gerson Therapy protocol, designed in the 1930s and seemingly kept close to its original formula, it includes raw and cooked vegetables. It also allows daily consumption of fruits, dried fruits, potatoes, 1-2 slices of rye bread, plain yoghurt (after 6-8 weeks), and weekly consumption of brown rice (with permission) and sweet potatoes. The following heavy duty sugar-containing foods also are allowed: "maple syrup (grade A dark color — formerly grade B), honey, brown sugar or unrefined blackstrap molasses — 1–2 teaspoons (15–30 ml) of any per day, maximum. At the same time, spices, which can be very beneficial, are not emphasized: "only small amounts." 181
- In contrast, when we look at modern people having cured their cancer, regularly apparently without surgery or chemo, and even when they refer to Gerson Therapy, they mostly only talk about having cut out carbohydrates and only, or mainly, eaten vegetables. This is tough to do. You need to eat about 12kg of carrots, spinach, or lettuce for 2,800 calories compared to 1.5kg of pork shoulder carbonade. Because of this discrepancy, it doesn't seem to matter matter that vegetables have about 1/5th the L-glumatine, which cancer loves besides sugar, because in the end you might well up with more L-glutamine when you eat 10x more of them in a day. You also get a lot more sugar, which cancer lovers. So with Gerson Therapy you may not so much starve the cancer better than with keto, but the active cancer-fighting properties of vegetables might come more into play. Alternately, some people the diet's restriction of methionine is a (another) key factor in killing cancer. Hard to say.
- Experiences:
- July 7, 2018 YouTube upload by 'KCTV5 News' (Kansas, owned by Gray Television, Inc.), 'Lee's Summit man used food as medicine to fight Stage 4 cancer' (Eric Ewing October 2016 was diagnozed with stage IV skin cancer in Oct. 2016. He only shows himself with vegetables, including huge amount of carrots. IG: @stage4ninjawarrior): "[ERIC EWING:] [The suggested chemotherapy in reality] didn't increase your chances of survival by 1%. [So] I went guns a-blazing with the Gerson Therapy. ... It's eating whole plant-based foods and juicing 13x a day for 2 years.... So every hour, on the hour, from the time that you wake up to the time you go to sleep, you are making a juice. And you do that for 2 years. ... Tumor number 13 is the only one left, shrinking in my left lung. ...
[Narrator:] [Gerson Therapy] also means no more dairy, meat, sugar, alcohol, or processed foods. ... Dr. David Clark is the naturopath that Eric has worked with locally for his supplements. He has watched as Eric's tumors have disappeared, one by one. The Gerson Therapy now also is the focus of a new therapy called A Food Cure, just released in California three weeks ago. It follows 6 cancer patients at varying ages through their fight. ... And I have great news to pass along: Eric just had another scan and learned that 13 and final tumor is now officially gone. He is now tumor free." - YouTube comment: "I have stage 4 metestatic breast cancer (over 5 years) and have never felt better! I agree with the vegetable thing....I eat greens before each meal (about 2 lbs [900 grams] per day) not as much as this [Gerson] guy, but my scans are showing the cancer hasn't moved in over the 5 years."
- YouTube comment: "I did Gerson for 1.5 years for my cancer. I still haven’t had treatment and am doing well. [I had] non-Hodgkin lymphoma. ... I believe it helped my immune system strengthen to fight this disease. I now follow a whole food plant based diet and continue to do well and live a normal life. I finished Gerson about a year and half ago, and highly recommend it for other chronic diseases too."
- YouTube comment: "I used Gerson, plus other natural therapies. I'm now 21 years past my 'use by' date. [Update after a dismissive, obsessive "skeptic:] I never had medical treatment. It's intriguing why you are so terrified of natural good health that you attack my character."
- YouTube comment: "My friends husband was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer so he started this juicing diet and it worked! It's been 8 years since his diagnosis and he is now cancer free. I have to say that he has really strong willpower and continues to juice and eat organic."
- YouTube comment: "I am a tremendous skeptic in complete defiance. My sister treated her GBM-4 with Gerson and macrobiotics - she was given 2 months to live. Well, that was 5 years ago. She's healed and healthy in complete remission with food as her medicine. It's crazy."
- YouTube comment: "My wife stage 4 blood cancer survived due to her chance in diet. Basically 100% veg, complete plants based food, cold water towels kepts on her tummy for 15min three times a day. Apple, pinaple juice, etc."
- YouTube comment: "My friend had prostate cancer and I went with him to the Gerson retreat and helped him to continue the treatment and he’s now 4 years in remission."
- YouTube comment: "I knew a man who was given six months to live and he went to the Gersen Clinic in the 70s...he lived over 40 years longer than he was supposed to live. His melanoma had metastisized to his lymph glands. I've eaten the way he taught me since 1986, but I haven't done the juicing like that. I have not had any sickness of any kind and I was sick all the time as a child."
- YouTube comment: "I did the whole plant food diet 43 years ago with bone cancer and colon cancer. I didn't do any treatments." Reply: "Exactly. My father had cancer and did the same. It does work for some people despite what Dr DUKE STEELE bleats on about. ... he trolled my comment I wrote about here before and in fact laughed about my father passing from Leaukemia. He's sick. [My father] used green juicing in conjunction with his medicine and went into remission. He lived an extra 25 years from his diagnosis."
- YouTube comment: "Love this, I actually had someone tell me about 4 years ago in Olathe Kansas that he beat his cancer like this as well - exact same treatment, juicing lots of fruits and vegetables."
- YouTube comment: "My sister had stages 4 cancer (removed 2 breast) and never had chemo or radiation except juicing green everyday 6 times a day she removed processed food, dairy, meat, and sugar in her life. She only eats veggies, fruits, high fiber food, vitamins and healthy low carbs, and exercise in her regimen it’s been 12 yrs right now and she’s healthy and live her life to the fullest."
- YouTube comment: "I knew a lady who did the Gerson treatment and had a relapse. She thought she was cured so she went back to eating dairy and other things and stopped juicing. Well, she lost the battle to cancer. Using Gerson treatments doesn't mean the cancer won't come back. You have to keep on the strict diet forever or the cancer comes back."
- YouTube comment: "I remember reading this girl's story from women's day magazine, she had lung cancer and never smoked. Determined to live for her kids she started juicing tons of green apples, some carrots. Unfortunately I don't have exact ingredients. If anyone knows the story, she did beat cancer from [the] article."
- YouTube comment: "This is true. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and given 6 months to live. I introduced him to my diabetic diet and advised him to only eat fresh or frozen. He lost 60 pounds and lived 6 more years."
- YouTube comment: "My uncle of 54 have próstata cancer, Doctor prescribe quimio therapy, but he come to Mexico and go to an specialist in cancer, they changed his ways and no more beef prohibited no fryer chips, no Coca-Cola prohibited no sugar nothing on can, all green and freshly, now he is healthy, he is 64, no more Cancer (Recipe all days: 1 cup of water + 2lemon’s juice) and remember no red beef."
- July 7, 2018 YouTube upload by 'KCTV5 News' (Kansas, owned by Gray Television, Inc.), 'Lee's Summit man used food as medicine to fight Stage 4 cancer' (Eric Ewing October 2016 was diagnozed with stage IV skin cancer in Oct. 2016. He only shows himself with vegetables, including huge amount of carrots. IG: @stage4ninjawarrior): "[ERIC EWING:] [The suggested chemotherapy in reality] didn't increase your chances of survival by 1%. [So] I went guns a-blazing with the Gerson Therapy. ... It's eating whole plant-based foods and juicing 13x a day for 2 years.... So every hour, on the hour, from the time that you wake up to the time you go to sleep, you are making a juice. And you do that for 2 years. ... Tumor number 13 is the only one left, shrinking in my left lung. ...
- Gerson Therapy-esque success (heated vegetables, mixed with raw):
- YouTube comment: "I did this [fasting] 22 years ago when I had cancer. Dinner was all steamed green. Veggies. I was also pregnant. Drs wanted to terminate. I stayed away from drs and my son is now 21. I'm still here and I still fast all day and only have dinner and don't have any issues."
- Extra keto experiences:
- Reddit comment: "I am so sorry to learn of your wife dealing with cancer. ... My colleague had cancer and he decided to go for the KETO diet (which they say it doesn't work) and oddly before they could even get him into chemo-therapy, the cancer shrunk, and he went into remission.
It is my understanding he was very aggressive with the KETO diet and continued onward, until it (cancer) virtually disappeared from his body. The UChicago Hospital told him that he was a nutcase, belittling him.
His job relocated him to Cleveland, so he went to Cleveland Clinic there, and they monitored him very closely for a long time before declaring that he was totally cleared of all cancer. The Professor (Oncologist) there studied him, and tried it on several other patients (because all other stuff failed) and was really impressed that the KETO diet worked very well for them too.
KETO diet is not for everyone! My wife tried it for her bad foot, and it actually made it worse!" The comment was to this one, with 30 upvotes, versus the previous comment with -4 total votes: "This [castor oil] stuff [with regard to absorbing toxins] is bullshit, but my wife is a cancer patient and things like this give her hope..." - YouTube comment: "My uncle was told by doctors when he was 21 that he wouldn’t live to see his 30’s if he didn’t have his colon out. He had polyps and cancer in his bowel. He opted to change his diet instead. No processed foods, mostly veggies, some grass/grain fed meat, very little dairy. They couldn’t believe when his scans came back clear a year later. He was super healthy until he went off his diet around the time he was 42... he died at 48."
- Nov 18, 2015 YouTube upload by 'WCPO 9', Starving away' cancer: One of our reporters tried it'.
- Reddit comment: "I am so sorry to learn of your wife dealing with cancer. ... My colleague had cancer and he decided to go for the KETO diet (which they say it doesn't work) and oddly before they could even get him into chemo-therapy, the cancer shrunk, and he went into remission.
- Whole food diet changes alongside chemo and-or surgery (less details):
- YouTube comment: "My uncle did the same thing. He ate raw vegetables to fight his cancer. The Doctor was surprised because he beat it."
- YouTube comment: "3 years ago I had a tumor the size of a tennis ball on my left ovary and was in agony. I found an amazing holistic Dr who used Chinese herbs to shrink liquid from tumor and get me out of pain until I could have surgery at cancer center. Because of pandemic I could not get surgery for months. I ate clean and rid my body of sugar and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. There is something to be said about natural everything. I beat cancer and I am blessed beyond belief."
- YouTube comment: "I had stage 4 colon cancer. I did have surgery....twice but no Chemo. According to my medical team that was a very bad move and perhaps it would have been if I didn't do anything and take responsibility but I did and changed everything. Not only food but all chemicals, no preservatives or processed food,water and looked at my emotional life and I'm doing great I will also add I don't battle cancer, I don't battle anything. That fear just made it harder so I stopped the fear and surrendered to the process I chose and focused on that. 3.5 years later I'm doing fabulously....and still eat an organic whole food plant based lifestyle."
- YouTube comment: "This is very true, my friend was diagnosed with stage 4. She basically did the same thing. Fruits and vegetables. No meat, processed or microwaved foods. Her doctors were amazed. They thought it was the chemo and drugs. She didn't tell them what she was doing. She wasn't even taking most of the prescribed medicine. She didn't want to be discouraged. Her doctors were labeling her as a "miracle". They had basically counted her out. She was very disciplined. Now, IF this way of eating helped fight cancer, just imagine what else it could do. Just saying..."
- YouTube comment: "One of my best friends was given 3 years to live with bladder cancer and by changing his diet to a similar one as Gerson he lived 17 years!!"
- YouTube comment: "My sis was diagnosed breast cancer on 2005... had surgery... refused doing chemo and radiation... totally changed her diet... started exercising, meditation. Until today, May, 2023... she is cancer free..."
- Vitamin C to beat cancer:
- YouTube comment: "I know of 2 people who beat late stage cancers using vit C dosages. One went to a mexican clinic for very wealthy people the other one dissolved vit C tablets in water in a gallon milkjug. He carried it with him, drank it constantly according to my friend. (i think it was lung cancer) I do not know how much, or how long he did this. But his "year to live" turned into another 20 years and he died of old age."
- Ivermectin is often mentioned as aiding in the eradication of cancer:
- YouTube comment: "Since I have been treating my chickens with Ivermectin monthly, I have lost zero to cancers and those horrid respiratory infections. Just saying."
- People being skeptical of Gerson (or vegetable only) and fenbendazole treatments being in (local) news. For Gerson it makes a degree of sense due to the globalist vegan agenda:
- 4,800 YouTube likes: "Of course it's controversial among medical professionals [a person curing himself of stage 4 skin cancer with vegetables only]; they can't make any money off of it."
- 493 YouTube likes: "How was this even allowed on air? Big pharma didn’t tell you you’re not allowed to show people anything that doesn’t enrich them??"
- 103 YouTube likes: "I’m surprised that they even ran this video knowing how backwards this world is."
- 57 YouTube likes: "I know someone who did this personally. I’m surprised its on the news."
- Some chemotherapeutic agents come from natural compounds:
- Dec. 8, 2023 YouTube upload by 'vlogbrothers' (a skeptical nerdboy ranting against alternative "natural" treatments], 'Did Natural Cancer Treatments Save My Life?': "Three out of the four chemo drugs that I was on [for Hodgkin's Lymphoma (lymphatic cancer)], are natural. ... Vinblastine comes from the [extremely poisonous] Madagascar periwinkle. It is just in a cute little flower. It was known to the indegious people in Madagascar [Well, despite being poisonous, it was used in Ayurveda and TCM, apparently in the latter system for diabetes, malaria, and Hodgkin's lymphoma]. Scientists found it out it had a bunch of anti-cancer properties. Another one... Doxorubicin, was found in microbes in the soil of the base of an Italian castle [and is an antibiotic with cardiotoxicity]. The third, Bleomycin, was also found in a soil microbe called Streptomyces verticillus [which is an antibiotic or antibiotic-derived compound]."
Cancer: colon
- Often the result of polyps that over the span of ten years turn cancerous.
- See 'Cancer: General', because it largely includes dietary advice that is of direct effect on the colon.
- NAC should definitely not be skipped as a prevention and potential cure, considering it can attack stomach infections, can lower high Proliferation Indexes of 45% to just 2% (the speed at which (cancer) cells divide), and possibly even lower at higher doses or longer periods; and results in at least a 50% reducation in polyp recurrance in the long run.
- The (very expensive) medical drug Dostarlimab is a very promising rectal/colon cancer medicine:
- June 5, 2022, New York Times, ‘A Cancer Trial’s Unexpected Result: Remission in Every Patient’: “I believe this is the first time this has happened in the history of cancer,” Dr. Diaz said. … A complete remission in every single patient is “unheard-of,” [Dr. Venook] said. … Dostarlimab, known as checkpoint inhibitors. The medication was given every three weeks for six months and cost about $11,000 per dose. It unmasks cancer cells, allowing the immune system to identify and destroy them.”
- June 5, 2022, New England Journal of Medicine, 'PD-1 Blockade in Mismatch Repair–Deficient, Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer': "A total of 12 patients have completed treatment with dostarlimab and have undergone at least 6 months of follow-up. All 12 patients (100%; 95% confidence interval, 74 to 100) had a clinical complete response, with no evidence of tumor on magnetic resonance imaging, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose–positron-emission tomography, endoscopic evaluation, digital rectal examination, or biopsy. At the time of this report, no patients had received chemoradiotherapy or undergone surgery, and no cases of progression or recurrence had been reported during follow-up (range, 6 to 25 months). No adverse events of grade 3 or higher have been reported."
- Ivermectin might be useful:
- Aug 13, 2021, Frontiers in Pharmacology journal, 'Ivermectin has New Application in Inhibiting Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth'.
- Diets that limit or fully eliminate carbohydrates: Carnivore-, Paleo- and the Ketogenic Diet in particular.
- Dropping all artificial foods.
- Doing a blood test to see if there are any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Undoing a vitamin D defiency, for example, can increase insulin sensitivity.
- Moringa, berberine, and to a lesser extent raw garlic, onions, omega 3, turmeric, and capsaicin in Cayenne pepper, all are food supplements linked to improving symptoms of diabetes and pre-diabetes.
- Drinking Rooibos tea apparently can improve insulin sensitivity through a compound only found in this tea.
- Vitamin U-containing vegetables, such as spinach, can cure diabetic wound healing.
- Black seed oil was able to increase the testosterone in diabetic rats with 70%.
- Some people have testified that R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA) helped improve their diabetes values and certainly was able to take away their diabetic neuropathy.
Ear infections
- Traditional home remedies have included 3-4% vinegar, 3% hydrogen peroxide, and 70-98% alcohol. These actually kill bad bacteria and viruses a whole lot quicker than very expense pharmacy drops the doctor prescribes and you often are supposed to take for two weeks, three times a day.
- If you use any of these home remedies, make sure to always follow it up with coconut oil or olive oil. Not only are these oils mildly antimicrobial, if you don't do this and the infection takes a while to disappear, the skin of your ear sooner or later will guaranteed turn into rubber. It will stay that way for months and years on end, unless you treat it with oil for a few days. That "rubberizing" of your ear channel, and undoing it, is not theory: this author has experienced it. You really should use natural oil right from the start, because it will prevent your ear from becoming hyper-sensitive and swelling up whenever you use substances as vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or alcohol. This sensitivity can take weeks or months to develop, but once it's there, it's not easy to get rid off - if at all.
- Alcohol, especially the 90%+ variant, really should be avoided, unless it's an acute situation and nothing else is available. It's very aggressive and within a couple of applies, your skin could already dry up and swell up, closing up your ear channel - which subsequently might be very hard to open up.
- Olive oil, which can be used indefinitely without doing damage it appears, can sometimes be used in the long run to control any infection from spreading. It also keeps the skin supple.
- Even when using olive oil or coconut oil every day, your ear should not clog up. The oil just gets absorbed over a period of a few hours. This author has dripped both oils into his ears for a long time without the slighest build up. It's not a guaranty though with others, so always be careful.
- Salt water can sometimes be used to kill the microbes - if they happen to be sensitive to salt. Not all microbes are of course, considering plenty are to be found in the sea as well. Watch out though. Water often is left deep in the ear, loses its salt, and starts a new infection that quickly requires vinegar to get under control again. Even with salt water it is important to use olive oil after. Or flush the ear once every few days. Salt water can lead to heavy itching sensation within a few weeks of daily use.
- Coconut oil has slightly different, mild anti-microbial properties than olive oil, and could be tried first for a few weeks, or as maintenance and protection in the long run. In colder climates it first needs to be molten though, as it will be solid at room temperature.
- Warming up the oil close to body temperature will make it run in easier, deeper, and will guaranty that any dizziness is purely due to an infection; not a temperature difference. You, of course, also can warm the vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or alcohol a bit, but obviously those substances won't have any issue running in.
- Supplementation during the flu with vitamin C decreases the time of sickness by 8% in adults and 14% in children, although it isn't clear whether natural or the much more common (and less effective) synthetic vitamin C was used in studies. Zinc decreases it on average by 25-33%. Vitamin D decreases and prevents it as well, according to most (but not all) studies, although exactly by how much is unknown to this author.
- April 29, 2018, Hindawi: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 'Self-Care for Common Colds: The Pivotal Role of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea' (PDF).
- Maintaining very high levels of vitamin D - which most people are deficit or borderline deficit in - is increasingly touted as giving a great boost to the immune system. This author is skeptical though, as at least one study show that testosterone starts to decline beyond roughly 95 nmol/L (40 ng/mL), for which the average person only needs 800-1000 IU in daily supplementation. Similarly, compared to 400 IU (nothing in between was included), higher doses of 4,000 and 10,000 IU a day only decrease bone mineral density. 4,000 IU on average puts one at a 120 nmol/L (48 ng/mL) in 5 months, and an average of 168 nmol/L (67 ng/mL) after a year of daily supplementation. If you want to be a little higher with vitamin D, maybe aim for 125 nmol/L (50 ng/mL), which puts you in the high range of professional soccer plays in summer. It may possibly decrease your free testosterone by 1% and total testosterone by 2.5%, and slightly bring your bone density to baseline, but you *might* also just get that little bit of extra flu protection, and may just feel a bit better.
- Nov. 7, 2011, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 'Seasonal pattern of vitamin D in male elite soccer players': "The concentration of 25(OH) D3 was 111.5± 30.5, 92.3 ± 30.8 and 102.5±37.1 nmol/L (Average ± DS) in autumn, winter and spring respectively. The concentration of 25(OH) D3was 111.5± 30.5, 92.3 ± 30.8 and 102.5±37.1 nmol/L (Average ± DS) in autumn, winter and spring respectively. ... Parallel to the vitamin D reduction, there was another significance reduction (p<0.05) of BMC [Bone mineral content] from 3453.5 ± 339.4 to 3409.1 ± 278.0 g (Average ± DS) between autumn and winter."
- Drinking Green tea while the flu goes around has been shown to lessen its manifestation in the drinker, and also lessen the duration of the sickness.
- Eating fresh garlic has shown to play a preventive role as well.
- Turmeric supplementation reduces the incidence of flu sickness.
- NAC supplementation has been shown to lead to a 54% decrease in the number of people experiencing flu symptoms.
- Experiences:
- Personal experience: 5-6 weeks after beginning to daily supplement with 15,000 IU's vitamin D, 40mg of zinc, 1,000 mg of (natural) vitamin C, and 800mg of NAC, I got sick - which happens all too regularly.
This time was odd though. It was the first "non-sick sick" sickness, and that despite it appearing to have been a serious flu. It lasted for 9-10 days, with many people in this period reporting being sick for a good 2-3 weeks. I went from the usual throat soreness (and not doing anything about it) to a very mild 1/10 headache for several days with full functionality. Right when swallowing started to become painful, thoat soreness disappeared altogether. And only for a few hours the headache went to a 2 out of 10. There was no lethargy, or general coldness, shivering, or muscle soreness. I could just continue to work, even very focused behind the PC.
However, after 3-4 days, all of sudden there was the usual day of mucus coming out of my nose. It was a huge amount, similar to any serious disease. However, I had gone through it without symptoms. Subsequently, for 5 more days I had the lone, unusual symptom of a pure headache in various places. Some days I felt nothing, only for it to heavily return upon wake up, or after a day of working behind the PC. All in all, throughout the 9-10 days, I lost 2.5 days that the sickness was too bad to work behind a PC. But I could do any other physical job.
It's anecdotal and we'll see in the future, but I very much suspect the supplements played a key role in managing the symptoms. I never took any of them before, except synthetic vitamin C. A blood test two weeks after the sickness passed, showed very high 200 nmol/L (80ng/mL) vitamin D levels, and also zinc levels near the top of the range.
- Personal experience: 5-6 weeks after beginning to daily supplement with 15,000 IU's vitamin D, 40mg of zinc, 1,000 mg of (natural) vitamin C, and 800mg of NAC, I got sick - which happens all too regularly.
Gastrointestinal bugs: Helicobacter Pylori
- We can separate the section "gastrointestinal bugs" into multiple sections. One is Helicobacter Pylori. Basic protocols often aren't necessarily all that different, except that Helicobacter Pylori requires a specific protocol beyond just "rebalancing the gut microbiome" to get rid off.
- Helicobacter Pylori is a sexually transmissable "stomach bug" (that also resides in the mouth), which causes ulcers and eventually cancer, affecting 75% to near 100% of African countries, and about 50 to near 100% of all undeveloped countries - and hence similar numbers for Third World immigrants coming into the West:
- Dec. 1, 2018, United European Gastroenterology Journal, 'Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in sexual partners of H. pylori-infected subjects': "Results: Prevalence of H. pylori infection in sexual partners of H. pylori-infected subjects is 74.5% whereas prevalence of H. pylori infection in the control group is 32.3%. ... Members of a couple are four times more likely to be both H. pylori infected if one of the couple has reflux symptoms." It appears the longer you are in a sexual relationship with somebody infected with Helicobacter Pylori, the bigger the chance of you getting infected as well.
- Nov. 1, 2014, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 'Ethnicity is a strong predictor for Helicobacter pylori infection in young women in a multi-ethnic European city': "We measured IgG anti-H. pylori and CagA-antibodies in serum of pregnant women included in a population-based prospective cohort study. ... In total, 3146 (46%) of the 6837 tested women (mean age 29.7 ± 5.3) were H. pylori-positive and 1110 (35%) of them were CagA-positive. The H. pylori prevalence in Dutch women was 24%, which was significantly lower than in non-Dutch women (64%; p<0.001). In particular, H. pylori positivity was found in 92% of Moroccan (OR 19.2; 95% CI 11.8-32.0), 80% of Cape Verdean (7.6; 5.0-11.5), 81% of Turkish (9.0; 6.7-12.1), 60% of Dutch Antillean (3.3; 2.3-4.7), and 58% of Surinamese women (3.0; 2.3-3.8). Among H. pylori-positive Dutch subjects, 19% were CagA-positive compared with 40% of the non-Dutch subjects (p<0.001)."
- April 11, 2017, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, Physical and Biological Sciences, Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology, 'Structure and function of Helicobacter pylori CagA, the first-identified bacterial protein involved in human cancer': "H. pylori CagA is an exogenous cancer-promoting protein that is injected intermittently into gastric epithelial cells by H. pylori. Once established, however, gastric cancer cells no longer require H. pylori and CagA for maintaining their transformed phenotype."
- April 2013, Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology, 'Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori and its recurrence after successful eradication in a developing nation (Morocco)': "[At] Hassan II University Hospital of Fez [in Morocco] patients with H. pylori infection were treated with a 1-week triple therapy or 10 day sequential therapy. Those tested urea breath test negative after 3 months of treatment were followed prospectively with repeated urea breath test at 6 months and 1 year. H. pylori status at endoscopic examination was determined by rapid urease test, histology, and culture. Results: Four hundred and twenty-nine patients were enrolled in the study, among them 324 patients (75.5%) presented with H. pylori infection. Two hundred and fifty-six (83.3%) patients had successfully eradicated H. pylori following treatment, among them, two patients (0.8%) were reinfected with H. pylori over 12 months. The rate of reinfection was 0.42% in the first 6 months and of 0.45% in the first year of the study. Conclusion: The results of the present study demonstrate that firstly, prevalence of H. pylori is high (75.5%) in our area."
- First do a basic Helicobacter Pylori stool test, which you can buy for $10-20, giving you 2 to 3 tries.
- At least temporarily stop eating refined sugars, and possibly for a while go on a Carnivore-, Paleo- or Ketogenic Diet that excludes almost all carbohydrates, which is what Helicobacter Pylori, like most "bad bacteria" in your intestinal tract, prefers to feed on.
- Aug. 30, 2016, Scientific Reports, 'Dietary Patterns are Associated with Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Chinese Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study': "This study demonstrated that a diet rich in carbohydrates and sweets was positively associated with the prevalence of H. pylori infection; interestingly, a diet characterized by high intake of animal offal, animal blood, fish, seafood, and poultry was associated with a reduction of prevalence of H. pylori infection."
- The formal protocol of eradicating Helicobacter Pylori involves a 10-day cocktail of amoxicillin and clarithromycin antibiotics, plus proton pump inhibitor drug pantoprazole. The highest success rate with this cocktail - which is bound to screw up your gut microbiome, quite possibly for life - is at most 81% with standard length therapy.
- However, a more effective natural way to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori is with Senna leaves, vinegar, or a combination of the two, which range from 92 to 97% success rate.
- Mastic gum also has a high success rate of curing Helicobacter Pylori, given a few weeks with more than 1 gram of gum a day. Using this in combination with Senna leaves, vinegar, olive oil or other Helicobacter Pylori-suppressing compounds, such as garlic or Turmeric, might be best.
- High quality extra virgin olive oil, taken at a rate of 30 grams a day, seems to have the ability to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori in about a month in at least 30% of subjects. That may mean that a regimen spanning multiple months could do so in nearly 100% of cases.
Gastrointestinal bugs: Candida
- Pay attention to the protocols to eradicate the stomach bug Helicobacter Pylori, because what kills Helicobacter Pylori also has a habit of killing Candida.
- At least temporarily stop eating refined sugars, and possibly for a while go on a Carnivore-, Paleo- or Ketogenic Diet that excludes almost all carbohydrates, which is what Candida, like most "bad bacteria" in your intestinal tract, prefers to feed on.
- Drinking the probiotic kefir. It certainly can undo the typical white candida tongue.
- Eating probiotics as Sauerkraut.
- Candida likes alkaline environments. The gas it produces also is an alkaline one. However, baking soda still eradicates Candida:
- Jan. 2024, issue #1, Zagazig Nursing Journal, 'Sodium Bicarbonate: A New Promising Home Strategy for the Treatment of Vaginal Yeast Infection' (a 2021 study showed the same thing): "The current study concluded that after using baking soda, all symptom[s] of a vaginal yeast infection has been subsided."
- Antibiotics often are the cause of Candida overgrowth, so try not to take these unless it's an absolute last resort:
- YouTube comment: "I suffered from recurring yeast infections and my OBGYN kept prescribing antibiotics/medication. I finally was able to rid of it myself by eliminating junk food, bread, sodas, juices and candy. 15 year problem was resolved in 6 months - 9 months."
- YouTube comment: "I first got a bad candida infection after a 2 weeks course of antibiotics. Literally overnight I started getting hundreds of small, white, sticky lumps all over my face, neck shoulders and upper back. I had also become intolerant to dairy products. That was 25 years ago. I eventually cut out all dairy produce and greatly reduced my sugar intake. That was after seeking help and being put on a strict diet for several weeks to starve and kill the candida. I think back to when I raised the initial issue with my Dr and how he was adamant that the antibiotics weren't to blame. I knew he was wrong. It took me years of struggle with the infection and trying to research the condition in the attempt to find a solution. I still get very small flare ups from time to time but I think I now need to try and get rid of the issue for good. So thanks for the advice. I will introduce probiotics to my diet and will greatly reduce my carbs and sugar intake once again."
- Reddit comment: "Finally found a treatment that works [for candida]!!! Been trying for 4 years now, my candida was messing up my bladder, and making my head foggy. ... Been have BM all day with all those weird looking things in it, and my bladder pain is gone.
What worked:
- HELLA BAKING SODA (4 pills at a time 4 times a day) (not for those with sodium/high blood pressure).
- PH test strips.
- Potassium Citrate.
- Sodium Bicarbonate [Soda] + Organic Grade B Maple Syrup (1 part Sodium Bicarbonate 3 parts maple syrup + water to cover) cooked on low 10 mins taken a tbs at a time a few time a day. It works like a 'Trojan horse' the SB binds to the sugars and the candida eats it and gets poisoned.
- 'Bladder Confidence' Homepathic found on amazon super cheap for 4 bottles.
- The key is to keep your ph above 7 because bad stuff can't survive in high alkalinity."
- Experiences:
- Personal: This author undid his white tongue (and briefly yellow one due to antibiotics) by drinking kefir. It seems you do have to keep drinking the kefir in many cases though. Once you stop, the balance in your gut can quickly go awry again.
- Reddit comment: "I cured my SIBO [Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth] with kefir and celery juice."
Gastrointestinal bugs: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Prematurely added here due to various claims that "70-80%" of IBS cases involve Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). While there is considerable overlap, this claim actually is untrue:
- Dec. 4, 2006, study by the Swedish Medical Research Council (grant number 13409) and Faculty of Medicine, University of Göteborg, 'Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth [SIBO] in patients with irritable bowel syndrome [IBS]': "162 patients with IBS who underwent small-bowel [research]...
Results: SIBO (as per standard definition) was found in 4% of both patients and controls. Signs of enteric dysmotility were seen in 86% of patients with SIBO and in 39% of patients without SIBO (p = 0.02). Patients with SIBO had fewer phase III activities (activity fronts) than patients without SIBO (p = 0.08), but otherwise no differences in motility parameters were seen. Mildly increased bacterial counts (⩾5×103/ml) were more common in patients with IBS than in controls (43% vs 12%; p = 0.002), but this was unrelated to small intestinal motility. No correlation between bacterial alterations and symptom pattern was observed.
Conclusions: The data do not support an important role for SIBO according to commonly used clinical definitions, in IBS. However, mildly increased counts of small-bowel bacteria seem to be more common in IBS, and needs further investigation. Motility alterations could not reliably predict altered small-bowel bacterial flora." - May 14, 2018, Journal of Gastroenterology (Chinese study), 'Prevalence and predictors of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis': "Fifty studies (8398 IBS, 1432 controls) met the inclusion criteria. Overall pooled prevalence of SIBO in IBS was 38% (95% CI 32–44) and was higher among individuals with IBS (OR 4.7, 95% CI 3.1–7.2) compared with controls. The pooled prevalence of SIBO in IBS was higher in studies diagnosed by breath tests (40%, 95% CI 33–46) compared with cultures (19%, 95% CI 8–30)."
- Dec. 4, 2006, study by the Swedish Medical Research Council (grant number 13409) and Faculty of Medicine, University of Göteborg, 'Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth [SIBO] in patients with irritable bowel syndrome [IBS]': "162 patients with IBS who underwent small-bowel [research]...
- No additional research done, but treatment in terms of killing bad bacteria, and maintaining good health, will largely coincidence with Candida and SIBO.
Gastrointestinal bugs: Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- There are three types of SIBO that a SIBO test find, all caused by different bad bacteria and archaea having migrated to the small intestine (often they find a combination of the two):
- Hydrogen Dominant: Bacteria as Enterococcus, E. coli, and Klebsiella produce hydrogen. Symptoms often overlap with diarrhea IBS.
- Hydrogen Sulfide Dominant: Bacteria that produce hydrogen sulfide include Citrobacter, Clostridium, Collinsella, Desulfovibrio, Escherichia, Enterobacter, Fusobacterium, Klebsiella, Prevotella, and Proteus. Symptoms often also overlap with diarrhea IBS.
- Methane Dominant: Archaea as Methanobrevibacter smithii cause this gas. Symptoms show more overlap with constipation IBS.
- As discussed by "C C" lower down, it appears killing bacteria in the small intestine very often just attacking a symptom, because what is really needed is improving the peristaltic motion of the small intestine back to a normal speed, so that bad bacteria have no ability to even survive in it.
- Due to bad gasses and potentially rotten food particles being absorbed into the bloodstream, a lot of additional symptoms can come with SIBO besides gas forming: heartburn and acid reflux, nausea, fatty stools, food sensitivities and intolerances, brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, skin symptoms as eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and rashes; depressionm and axiety, weight loss; and pain in the back, the side, or pelvic areas due to expanding gas.
- There are two aspects to getting rid of SIBO, all which have only been figured out by Redditors in the 2010s and early 2020s:
- A kill phase for bad bacteria, which, to varying degrees wil get the peristaltic motion of the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) of the small intestine working again. If you are NOT going to use natural herbs in this phase, and resort to traditional drugs as Xifaxan, Neomycin and Flagyl, you might to skip this phase all-together, and first try point two by itself.
- A specific focus on getting the MMC back to normal strength and motion again, so food is quickly enough pushed through the small intestine, so bad bacteria have no chance of inhabiting this part of the bowel system. Artichoke plus gember extract is known to greatly increase the motility of the small intestine, both through studies and user experience. For many SIBO sufferers, the reaction actually is too powerful, so be careful.
- SIBO kill phase with natural supplements:
- As for eradicating the bad bacteria, the protocols here for Helicobacter Pylori and Candida should be paid attention to. The same goes for anti-parasite measures in case other protocols fail.
- One compound not mentioned is NAC. As documented over in that section, this author personally had it remove, or 99% suppress, "something" bad from either his stomach or part of the intestine that initially caused pitch black diarrhea.
- A lot of people have used a combination of allicin (in raw garlic or supplements), berberine and neem - twice daily - to get rid of their SIBO complaints. There seems to be no reason really why you shouldn't mix turmeric, and maybe NAC, in there as well.
- Some people report having issues with either neem or berberine though. These could be temporary, or they could be some kind of lasting sensitivity.
- SIBO kill phase experiences with natural supplements:
- Personal note by this author: Ever since taking 5 antibiotic pills, I've had intestinal issues with a lot of gas, leading to a lot of burping. Kefir eventually for 90-95% got rid of candida tongue and acid reflux that was tied into this, but the burping remained. Raw garlic had no effect on this. Eventually, after stopping kefir and the acid reflux and white tongue coming back over a period of 5-6 weeks (except when eating foods separately maybe), adding neem and turmeric to meals seemed to reduce the issue by near 100%, even when eating lying down. Even the burping - which started getting out of hand - got much less. Adding berberine seemed to reduce the issue further, although it is not clear if it added anything on top of the neem and turmeric. It must be said too that I did considerable work on the throat qigong-wise, leading to regular sore throats and possibly blockages being removed tied to acid reflux (blockages in the ren meridian in the upper chest certainly can be factor, personal experience says). I suspect the qigong is not even close to the main cause of the great reduction of symptoms though.
- Reddit comment: "Pretty sure a month of Neem, berberine and allicin got rid of my methane SIBO. I use it occasionally for maintenance as well."
- Reddit comment: "Took berberine for about 2 weeks and it was doing me so well. Was fixing my dysbiosis, and killing off mold in me. I then switched to neem and it wrecked my gut. More histamine and puffier face."
- Reddit comment: "Berberine, Neem, and Allicin: Has anyone done a 14 day round of the[se] supplements above for hydrogen dominant SIBO? I am currently on day 10 and I am miserable and not sure if what I’ve been doing is right. My diet has been my normal diet (I am gluten & dairy free), but somewhat carb heavy and High FODMAP. I have read that Dr. Pimentel recommends feeding the bacteria to make sure it’s out and alive to be properly killed.
In addition to this I have been taking SIBO-MMC as my pro kinetic supplement and SIBOZyme before every meal (game changer for me tbh). I started these about a month before the other supplements with the low FODMAP diet. Since I’ve started the Allicin, Neem, and Berberine, I am constantly nauseous, have heartburn, and then just straight diarrhea (which I was dramatically constipated before the protocol). I still am a tiny bit bloated but it’s nowhere what it used to be (this could be promising? Especially considering my now high FODMAP & carb heavy diet). All in all, I am doing this without a doctor. I have a friend guiding me who has cured SIBO herself with the help of a naturopath." Follow-up reply 13 months later: "I did [start to feel better], they worked great. My theory was that the SIBO-MMC and SIBOZyme did wonders as well. My SIBO has come back slowly, but it was gone for about a year after this protocol." - Reddit comment: "Berberine 500mg twice daily made my bowels perfect like nothing ever has. However it killed my DHT (strong testosterone) because it is a 5AR inhibitor. This helped my male pattern baldness, but it killed my libido, motivation, energy level, etc. So while I had perfect bowels and mental clarity, I suffered from the effects of testosterone deficiency. It sucks because it was so good for my gut. Makes me wonder if I've had SIBO this whole time."
- Reddit comment: "I’ve been taking Berberine for years and am a huge believer. It has a lot of research behind it for type 2 diabetes control, and that’s what I started using it for as I was in the prediabetes stage. Within a few months, my blood sugar was back in fully healthy range. It also allowed me to start eating dairy again (I’ve had a good intolerance for a long time). It kills off bad bacteria and can reduce diversity, but it’s helped me a ton. I will say I felt kind of shitty the first 2 weeks I took it—lot of stomach upset—but this was the die-off period."
- Reddit comment: "Hi! My doc has me on a 4-week regimen of Berberine & Neem. I'm hesitant about it because I took different antimicrobials (FC Cidal and Dysbiocide, 2 years ago), which absolutely wrecked my gut/skin. From the studies, it looks like berberine doesn't have a detrimental effect on good bacteria but I'm hesitant to believe this. If you've taken berberine or neem, what have been your experiences?" Reply 1: "I’ve taken Berberine for a good year straight. I had no side effects." Reply 2: "I took berberine for a couple of years before I became interested in the microbiome. ... I didn't notice any effect beside pigmented bowel movements, but I also haven't experienced any dysbiosis since I adopted a WFPB [Whole-Food, Plant-Based] diet 15 years ago, so maybe no incremental GI benefit would be expected." Reply 3: "Also taken berberine for over a year. No problems."
- SIBO peristaltic motion restoration studies:
- Dec. 4, 2006, study by the Swedish Medical Research Council (grant number 13409) and Faculty of Medicine, University of Göteborg, 'Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth [SIBO] in patients with irritable bowel syndrome [IBS]': "162 patients with IBS who underwent small-bowel [research]... Signs of enteric [intestinal] dysmotility were seen in 86% of patients with SIBO and in 39% of patients without SIBO (p = 0.02)."
- 2016, issue 1, European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 'The effect of ginger (Zingiber officinalis) and artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) extract supplementation on gastric motility: a pilot randomized study in healthy volunteers': "Prodigest® is the standardized combination of artichoke and ginger extracts. ... The mean gastric area at baseline was 3.2 ± 0.5 cm(2); after the meal, this figure was 8.4 ± 0.7 cm(2) with Prodigest® and 11.0 ± 1.5 cm2 with placebo (p<0.001). The after-meal gastric area was significantly smaller, with a -24% difference, following the combination of extracts, as compared with placebo (p<0.001). ... This pilot study shows that Prodigest®, a standardized extract of ginger and artichoke, significantly promotes gastric emptying in healthy volunteers without being associated with notable adverse effects."
- No additional research.
- Positive SIBO peristaltic motion restoring experiences with natural supplements:
- July 31, 2022 YouTube upload by "C C", 'How I Cured My SIBO "IBS" (+Gastritis, Duodenitis, NAFLD, & POTS) *w/ Brain Fog*' (note: he had very severe SIBO for 6 years): "They've also figured out that certain herbals that do statistically, apparently, as well as even as Xifaxan, at killing massive amounts of bacteria, like FC Cidal [Thyme and other ingredients], Dysbiocide [wormwood and other herbs], CandiBactin-AR [Thyme: 183mg, Oregano: 100mg, Sage: 75mg, Lemon Balm: 50mg], -BR [Berberine: 400mg, Chinese Skullcap Root, Ginger Root], some of these things. ...
Ginger, if I remember, more stimulates the stomach; and artichoke more stimulates the small bowel. ... I found .... ginger and artichoke put together, into a singular pill, called Prodigest... It later got licensed off [and known as] Motility Pro. I ordered that. It wasn't even much money. And just, that was it - for me. But also for a lot of others. I see in the Subreddit, it has become quite popular. It is not the only thing, but it's a leading one. ...
When you are taking this stuff, you are not gonna wonder whether it's working. You take it in the morning, so that it quickly gets through the stomach without wasting time and the acid eating it away. If you take it after food, it is going to sit in your stomach for a while. And you are going to taste it. You are gonna feel it. You are gonna have gurgle, gurgle, gurgle right in the dead center of your abdomen where you don't even remember what activity feels like. ... Everything started getting better. ... Everything is getting better. And it is staying better. And I had other benefits too. When I started taking that, I lost 35 pounds in a very short amount of time. ...
There's another popular one called SIBO MMC. I heard that one was even stronger. It is a different combination of things. I think ginger is in there too." - YouTube reply to above video: "It worked! The artichoke and ginger treated all my symptoms of SIBO! Stimulating your gut motility so the bacteria don't have a chance to proliferate and produce gas is huge! After taking these supplements, I am not bloating and can eat. THANK YOU! from someone who has suffered for 24 years with IBS, gastritis and SIBO and has tried antibiotics, diets, herbs, and many supplements with no real long lasting help. You are an answer to prayer!"
- YouTube reply to above video: "Started my 8 year old son on Ginger + artichoke, after months of SIBO and crying (I was freaking out big time), this sorted it out!! YOU are angel :) Thank you soo Much!!! I had already done the H pylori test, and had him on the Oregano oil , but the motility thing is EXACTLY what the problem was!!!! Doctors don't have a clue, but you do!"
- YouTube reply to above video: "IT WORKED!!!! after two years of depression, and SIBO issues. Finally! Thanks a million. I didn't want to send this message until I make sure it works, and I'm happy to finally be able to write it. You deserve the nobel prize."
- YouTube reply to above video: "Hi, the artichoke and ginger pills worked for me, outstanding improvement. Thank you so much."
- YouTube reply to above video: "My now 12yo has been dealing with SIBO for 4 terrible years. So many doctors, natural people, antibiotics, breath tests. After trying Motility Pro for a couple months he has gained 25lbs, has an unrestricted diet, mental health has improved significantly, and we feel like we have our son back. Again we can’t thank you enough!"
- YouTube reply to above video: "i watched this yesterday and went and got natures way artichoke extract. i took it before dinner and noticed way less digestive issues that night. woke up the next morning and did a coffee enema. i released soooo much waste. way more than the normal coffee enema would have me."
- July 31, 2022 YouTube upload by "C C", 'How I Cured My SIBO "IBS" (+Gastritis, Duodenitis, NAFLD, & POTS) *w/ Brain Fog*' (note: he had very severe SIBO for 6 years): "They've also figured out that certain herbals that do statistically, apparently, as well as even as Xifaxan, at killing massive amounts of bacteria, like FC Cidal [Thyme and other ingredients], Dysbiocide [wormwood and other herbs], CandiBactin-AR [Thyme: 183mg, Oregano: 100mg, Sage: 75mg, Lemon Balm: 50mg], -BR [Berberine: 400mg, Chinese Skullcap Root, Ginger Root], some of these things. ...
- Less positive experiences with peristaltic motion restoring experiences with natural supplements (although it does "something"):
- Reddit SIBO thread comment: "I was able to find out that i have SIBO... Doctor ... looked through my many papers, and immidiately prescribed me Rifaximin, 8 pills for 14 days (1,6 g/day). The first few days i felt really good and than the symptoms started coming back a little while still taking it. ...
[Now a] basic [supplement] brand, and it contains 200 mg artichoke leaf extract, 50 mg ginger extract and 8 mg peppermint oil. ... about 1 hour after lunch i felt my guts moving like crazy and after a while a really big BM [Bowel Movement], from solid to liquid (sorry for the crudeness), I went like 2-3 times after that so in total that was around my 5th BM that day. ... [Day 2:] it was one of the worst nights in a long time. My whole abdomen felt like exploding from the inside, my heart was pounding, my head felt weird, i was constantly burping even after water. ... It is the fifth day and I have decided to stop. It didn't help for the overall BM and i can feel no movement at all. My symptoms are basically back to square one with an added pain in the right side of my abdomen probably from straining." Reply: "Woke up in pain in the middle of the night after taking it earlier in the day and the same thing happened a few days later when I kept trying. Not found an alternative..." - Reddit SIBO thread comment: "I am able to tolerate ginger (high dose) and make me feel great. I am able to take artichoke like 300mg a day. Then i took 7000mg. There is this European preparation. My stomach started making the mmc sound and i thought it was working. Then i got really bloated and got a lot of cravings. I am still try to recover to how i felt before. Not sure why artichoke extract would do this. Maybe the calcium fillers. But its interesting that the first reaction was mmc going in overrdive. Thank god ginger works..."
- Reddit SIBO thread comment: "I was able to find out that i have SIBO... Doctor ... looked through my many papers, and immidiately prescribed me Rifaximin, 8 pills for 14 days (1,6 g/day). The first few days i felt really good and than the symptoms started coming back a little while still taking it. ...
- Then again, bad bacteria growing in the small intestine though may just be a symptom of the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC), which is what really needs to be addressed.
- July 31, 2022 YouTube upload by "C C", 'How I Cured My SIBO "IBS" (+Gastritis, Duodenitis, NAFLD, & POTS) *w/ Brain Fog*' (note: he had very severe SIBO for 6 years):
- Doctors have all kinds of therapies for the stomach and the large intestine, but not so much for the small intestine. Doctors often are clueless with regard to symptoms. Example: "This doctor ... basically was just like, "Oh you, you have chronic pelvic pain. We are just going to sell you these shots [to be] injected into your groin for like $18,000 a shot. ... It was a total screwjob. It was crazy. They wouldn't even let you talk to them unless you had out-of-network benefits in your insurance plan. ... I've had doctors literally tell me, ask me, to call my insurance company to find out what they are allowed to prescribe me. Who is the doctor? They are! That is the problem. Doctors don't work for us. We all think they do, but they don't. They work for the insurance companies standing over our shoulder. That is who is paying the bill."
- After his symtoms got worse and worse, a doctor suggested flagyl, an antibiotic for pelvic inflammatory disease, as a "quick cure". It worked great for 3 days, after which it led to such disastrous side effects that he was forced to quit.
- Often recommended: Low FODMAP Diet (reduce fermentable food), no red meat, no gluten, etc. is generally recommended. Low FODMAP Diet leads to nutritional deficiences after 90 days. Low Fermantation Diet is a better alternative.
- At the core, SIBO is related to the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) of the small intestine, in particular when the peristaltic motion doesn't happen enough and powerful enough to push the food through fast enough. As a result, bacteria are able to move into and survive in the small intestine, where usually there is too much movement to do so. The bacteria start to leech onto the food, causing SIBO symptons.
- The bacteria are not the problem. They are a symptom.
- You can kill off all the bacteria, but they will just grow back.
- In some people, killing off the bacteria automatically increases strength and frequency of the Migrating Motor Complex's peristaltic motions enough for the bacteria to not come back. Or at least not for many weeks, months, or even a year-plus.
- "C C" used a drug called Xifaxan. It's the opnly thing that worked for him, but the SIBO would be back in 2 days - either because he had very severe SIBO or because the drug killed off too many good bacteria as well. Maybe both.
- For others, apart from maybe herbal remedies to kill off the bacteria, you need to add artichoke and ginger extract to increase the power of the MMC back to normal. There are even specific combined supplements for this: mainly Motility Pro.
- "C C" had a version of SIBO in which he, on top of hydrogen and methane, also was producing dilactic acid, leading to "dilactic-acidosis" or lactic acidosis (author not sure), resulting in paralyzing brain fog for every 3 minutes. This already was "life ending". Eventually it also led to Duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum, which connects the stomach with the small intestine) and gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining, leading to ulcers). These latter symptoms are usually caused by Helicobacter Pylori, but "C C" turned out not to have that. His problem, once again, turned out to be SIBO: now the produced gas was preventing his stomach acid from draining off quick enough after meals.
- "C C" describing traditional "kill phase" therapies of himself and Redditers: "Xifaxan is cool, because it gets completely absorbed by the body before it enters the large intestine, so you don't have any of those nasty side effects, which is really neat. A cool drug. Part of why it is so expensive [$3,000-$4,000 per 60 tablets for brand medicine; about $45-$400 for generic for 60 pills]. [But] it all depends on what bacteria are going on with you. There are a zillion different ones. ... What do they do [to kill SIBO bacteria]? They'll do the Xifaxan or they'll do the Xifaxan plus Neomycin. Some people, if they put up a fight about the Neomycin, they'll do Xifaxan plus Flagyl, the thing that I was on. If none of that works, they'll do this elemental diet. Which is essentially that they give you water plus powder in it that has vitamins to keep you alive. Because the only way that you are going to starve the bacteria, is if you starve yourself. Because bacteria can eat carbohydrates [and] carbodydrates are in virtually all foods. ... So they gotta go with this extreme thing. ... Neomycin is kind of a scary drug, man. You probably will just get tinnitis - forever. Just like, "Whoa, whoops, sorry." ... They don't tell you that. ... I don't think a lot of people are making an informed choice about that. Their doctor is just going to go, "Oh yeah, this is what you are supposed to do. Here you go." And you might not have needed a kill phase anyway. Point is, if you can restore motility again, you're good."
- "C C" describing his SIBO test: "You drink this [SIBO test] stuff that is basically a fake sugar [because] fake sugars don't get absorbed by your small intestine. They are non-digestible. That's why they are "zero carb". ... What ends up happening is, you just feed all the bacteria, because they can eat it. You can't, so you're not absorbing it through your intestinal walls - but they can. So they have a feast. So what happens, I drink this stuff. And within about 15 minutes, I was at a 10 out 10 [SIBO symptom wise]. I was done. In my brain, it was if I could have had a stroke. ... I was home alone and I was not sure if I could even breathe into the bags properly. So be aware of that. You have got to take these breath samples."
- "C C" on Reddit's importance: "I've been through all kinds of doctors. Geez, you've heard enough of it, right? ... The single most important resource I've ever had, to finally get better, was Reddit. It sounds ridiculous, but it is a freaking fact. ... There are subreddits for every disease you can think of, and they are just full of hundreds or thousands of constantly sharing their stories, and everyone kinda bouncing off each other. And if you observe it long enough, you start to see the repeating stories, and the repeating trends. And some of the outlying things to be worried about. It is not the end-all, do-all, but man, you really, really do yourself a lot of favors, if you have got a serious disease. ... One day, some guy did me the biggest favor of my life. And he went in there and he said, "If you have gastritis ... and you are never getting better ... you've gotta check out SIBO."
- "C C" on herbals: "They've also figured out that certain herbals that do statistically, apparently, as well as even as Xifaxan, at killing massive amounts of bacteria, like FC Cidal [Thyme and other ingredients], Dysbiocide [wormwood and other herbs], CandiBactin-AR [Thyme: 183mg, Oregano: 100mg, Sage: 75mg, Lemon Balm: 50mg], -BR [Berberine: 400mg, Chinese Skullcap Root, Ginger Root], some of these things. ... Ginger, if I remember, more stimulates the stomach; and artichoke more stimulates the small bowel. ... I found .... ginger and artichoke put together, into a singular pill, called Prodigest... It later got licensed off [and known as] Motility Pro. I ordered that. It wasn't even much money. And just, that was it - for me. But also for a lot of others. I see in the Subreddit, it has become quite popular. It is not the only thing, but it's a leading one. ... When you are taking this stuff, you are not gonna wonder whether it's working. You take it in the morning, so that it quickly gets through the stomach without wasting time and the acid eating it away. If you take it after food, it is going to sit in your stomach for a while. And you are going to taste it. You are gonna feel it. You are gonna have gurgle, gurgle, gurgle right in the dead center of your abdomen where you don't even remember what activity feels like. ... Everything started getting better. ... Everything is getting better. And it is staying better. And I had other benefits too. When I started taking that, I lost 35 pounds in a very short amount of time. ...
There's another popular one called SIBO MMC. I heard that one was even stronger. It is a different combination of things. I think ginger is in there too." - Fatty foods slow down digestion. So be careful with that if you have SIBO (note: at least in contrast with a lot of carbohydrates).
- Extra, not researched: herbal medicine (Rikkunshito and Daikenchuto) and anti-diarrheal drug (loperamide).
Gastrointestinal bugs: Parasites
- The protocols here for Helicobacter Pylori, Candida and Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) should be enough to at least get close to having a healthy microbiome. The only compound that hasn't been mentioned yet is NAC.
- In case of parasites, you might need to use or add a few very specific compounds to get rid of them. Natural compounds that are often-recommended include Wormwood, black walnut hulls and clove.
- A more powerful compound than all of the above likely is the drug Fenbendazole. It has very little to no side effects for the vast majority of people (apart from symptoms of a parasite die off), has very low toxicity, even at high doses; and is specifically designed to kill worm-like parasites. The only issue with Fenbendazole is that it is not for human consumption. It's for dogs, cats, horses and cattle. The version for humans is Mebendazole, but is not always available without a prescription and at least most of the time is considerably more expensive. A lot of people diagnozed with cancer take Fenbendazole due to its strong anti-cancer properties, but, of course, use at your own risk.
- One YouTube user comment also mentioned how zeolite powder flushed a large worm out of his intestines.
Gum bleeds
- You likely are suffering from scurvy, a disease that killed more than 2 million sailors from the 15th to 18th century.
- If that's the case, all you need is about 2 grams of vitamin C to fully replenish your body's stock for a number of weeks. Your body uses about 90mg a day of vitamin C and can store about 2 grams in various organs. Most mammals, such as dogs, can produce their own vitamin C, but humans cannot.
- Natural vitamin C is preferred over the cheap, synthetic version, but both will stop gum bleeds.
- In a personal experience, I got weak, bleeding gums after leaving my parents house back in the day, because I thought vegetables and fruit were too expensive to buy. 1,000 mg pills of synthenic vitamin C solved 90% of the problem within days. After my immediate vitamin C stock had been replenished, I did notice that a multivitamin pill with a full range of vitamin and minerals in it, and only one-tenth the dose of vitamin C, still improved the situation a bit more though, over merely just synthetic vitamin C.
- There can be a number of other causes: from hormonal imbalances to a lack of collagen. If the latter is the case, liver sausage contains an enormous amount of collagen per gram, so eating a few grams of that per day could improve the situation. Eating a bit more meat could be a solution there. Or taking collagen supplements.
- Once the situation has improved, put together a natural, well-balanced diet.
Gum infection
- Dentist hooks - for prevention: Having a set of dentist hooks - both the hooks and flat ones - for many people will be absolutely key in keeping tartar from building up in certain areas, hardening, and covering the gums - which will lead to gum infection. Your teeth's surfaces are very hard, but always make sure to scrape this surface as little as possible. Focus on removing the tartar. If you do this every few weeks, the tartar also still will be quite soft. Pay attention to how your dentist and dental hygienist work with these hooks.
- Dentist hooks - for acute infection: If you have an acute infection, after you've eaten and cleaned your teeth, dip a dentist hook in 70% or 96% rubbing alcohol and several times run the hook through the open, infected gumline. Without pressing too hard, do this as deep as possible and over the entire length of the infection and slightly beyond. You may need to do it a few more times over the next few days to fully heal it, but you'll likely see after the first time already that the infection, and corresponding treatment pain, is quickly diminishing.
- Waterpik plus salt water (or baking soda): Dissolve a pinch of salt water in a waterpik and blast it straight into the infection after each meal. It's the only thing for this author that has gotten rid of two gum infections situated deep in between two teeth/molars, with not even 96% alcohol-dipped dentist hooks being able to fully dissipate the infection. Is this method painful? Yes, but it is beneficial. Digging into the infection with dentist hooks will be painful too.
- Baking soda brushing - for prevention: In my case, with the aid of plaque coloring tablets, I noticed that baking soda very effectively removed plaque, much more effectively than toothpaste. It sometimes can irritate your teeth or gums though. If it irritates your gumline, you will likely end up with huge infections if you continue. You can also try to mix regular toothpaste with 25 or 50% baking soda. See what works for you.
- Paper towel wipes: Wipe off the teeth with kitchen towel paper after brushing them. In my case, with the aid of plaque coloring tablets, I noticed that a single wipe with paper towel very effectively removed plaque that largely stayed on the teeth after brushing with an electric toothbrush and regular toothpaste. With the paper towel you can also very easily get a bit into the nooks and crannies of your teeth along the gumline. Thinner toilet paper can be used too, but prepare for it to break apart in your mouth.
Heart disease
- Vitamin K2, and in particular its MK7 variant, has been demonstrated repeatedly to improve arterial flexibility, remove non-calcified plaque, and apparently, in the long run, also reduce calcification.
- Allicin in raw garlic has similarly been demonstrated to improve arterial flexibility and at the very least remove non-calcified plaque. It also is a great blood thinner and natural antibiotic (that also attacks bad viruses, fungi, and parasites).
- Turmeric, Cayenne pepper and Moringa all have abilities to bring various crucial blood values back into the normal range.
- Be careful of low calcium levels, because this appears to be a strong predictor of heart disease.
- There's likely more, from fresh greens to exercise, but this author hasn't researched those aspects yet with regard to heart disease.
- At least some people have testified that R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA) greatly lowered their cholesterol and other heart disease-associated values.
Heavy metals poisoning
- Heavy metal poisoning can happen from tainted foods, from tainted Tongkat Ali supplements to frequently consuming wild fish; to working in industry and construction (welding, lead paints, car battery factories, etc.). Even handling lead bullets without cleaning your hands for decades on hand, as is not unusual with hunters, can result in heavy metal poisoning.
- Heavy metal poisoning is no joke. People have committed suicide over it, because they ended up largely disabled, bot mentally and physically.
- Traditionally, chelation therapy is seen as the only solution and is used by the medical industry to remove heavy metals. This also removes all the necessary minerals though, can take a long time, and can be dangerous for health.
- Natural alternatives:
- The strongly negatively-charged zeolite has a cage-like structure which is known to vacuum up all "bad" positively-charged particles in the colon and blood that fit in it. This includes heavy metals, which are known to be excreted at higher levels from the moment zeolite is taken. Liquid zeolite mouth spray has also been considered very effective by some users.
- Raw garlic, onions, turmeric, ginger, chlorophyll, and NAC all detox heavy metals.
- Green tea can detox heavy metals as lead.
- ALA seems quite potent with many additional health benefits.
- DMSA with the Cutler protocol.
- NAD+: "I would also work on redox signaling. If you increase your NAD+ levels, it helps repair the DNA and detoxify metals..Without good NAD+ levels and redox detoxification is tough. I like a product called N-Stac and then I add shilajit and rutin."
- Milk thistle is decent for the detoxing of some metals.
- NBMI/Emeramide/OSR protocol of Boyd Haley. Reportedly very safe.
- Lugols iodine. Reddit comment: "Yeah I had symptoms of Mercury poisoning (odd pealing of skin in the palms) with Lugol’s. It’s really potent and I had to go slowly, but I think kekl13 is right it works. I’ve since taken comparable doses of Lugol’s and had no bad reaction, leaving me to think it got the metals out for good."
- Spiritulina: 'The Role of Spirulina (Arthrospira) in the Mitigation of Heavy-Metal Toxicity: An Appraisal' and 'Essential and toxic elements in commercial microalgal food supplements'.
- Sauna: lead that has been drawn into the skin will be pushed out.
- Activated charcoal: Stays in digestive tract, but removes heavy metals from here.
- "Selenium and Silica and Vit C detox heavy metals as well."
- "Add Glycine to the NAC, NAC + Glycine has been a miracle for dealing with iron overload side effects for me due to them letting my body amp up glutathione production. "
- Comment: "EDTA disodium is what I use. Be careful though, too much will kill you but it works good."
- Cilantro.
- Lemon water.
- Cayenne Pepper?
- Do blood work and fix any vitamin and mineral deficiences. These deficiences can sometimes lead to 50% reductions in testosterone levels, and related sperm production counts. This certainly goes for vitamin D and zinc, and possibly magnesium.
- Improve the gut microbiome, with anything from probiotics to "stomach bug"-killing and gut-lining-healing compounds, as well as heavy metal and microplastics detoxification.
- Take Tongkat Ali pills, but try to avoid the ones with heavy metal poisoning.
- Inject Chorionic Gonadotropin (HGC) to greatly increase your sperm production. It's a chemical route used all the time by bodybuilders, but it does grow the balls to just about any size you want and greatly increases corresponding sperm production.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- IBS can have a variety of causes: chronic nervousness, probiotic imbalances, food sensitivities, parasites, Helicobacter Pylori and Candida infections, heavy metals toxicity, and more - or a combination of them. Follow the links, as far as they are available, to see how to deal with each individual issue.
- In general, you can't go wrong with at least trying NAC and (preferably 500mcg) BPC-157 oral supplements, which tend to improve IBS. You also can't go wrong with smoothies containing the ulcer-healing "vitamin U" and healthy, bad bacteria-killing natural flavorings as garlic, onions, turmeric, etc.
- When it is nervousness, that's a whole different discussion.
Kidney stones
- Kidney stone incidents are on the rise, and at least in cats have been tied to food intake:
- content/kidneystones (accessed: May 29, 2024): "The prevalence of kidney stones in the United States increased from 3.8% in the late 1970s to 8.8% in the late 2000s. The prevalence of kidney stones was 10% during 2013–2014."
- 2017, Melanie Breshears and Anthony Confer, 'Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease' (Sixth Edition), chapter 11: The Urinary System: "Beginning in the mid-1980s, the incidence of feline calcium oxalate calculi increased to become the most common urolith type by 2002. Then, beginning in 2003, the occurrence of calcium oxalate uroliths began to decrease progressively, most likely due to reformulations of feline diets that reduce urine acidity and provide adequate concentrations of magnesium."
- Not researched in detail yet. There also are different types of kidney stones, tied to varying pH values of urine:
- Calcium oxalate hydrate: 70% of kidney stones. 182 Some sources say they develop in acidic urine with a pH less than 6; other say they can develop in more alkaline pHs as well. Looking deeper, the most abundant CaOx monohydrate (COM) crystals prefer an acidic pH. The less common (no percentages) CaOx dihydrate (COD) prefer an alkaline pH. These are created when calcium binds to oxalates.
- Calcium phosphate: 10% of kidney stones. 183 Mainly develops in alkaline urine with a pH higher than 7.5.
- Uric acid: 9% of kidney stones. Typically form in acidic urine with a pH below 5.5. Relative soft compared to calcium and cystine stones.
- Struvite: 10% of kidney stones. Caused by bacteria in an upper urinary tract infection (UTI). They make the urine more alkaline and can produce struvite stones, mainly cosisting of magnesium ammonium phosphate and calcium carbon-apatite.
- Cystine: 1% of kidney stones. Caused by a genetic defect. The first stones usually manifest before the age of 20.
- One thing you can do at home to get a sense of the type of stone you likely have is test your urine pH with a test strip.
- Causes include genetics, not drinking enough water, diabetes and obesity (increase acidity in the urine), foods filled with sugar, energy drinks with artificial sugar, and maybe other artificial food; various medicines, and continually eating high purine (organ meat, shellfish) or oxalate food (spinach, (roasted) almonds, etc.). Low calcium and high salt diets have also been pointed to as causes.
- People switching to health food high in oxalates (which also blocks iron absorption) are at increased risk of kidney stones. In particular, smoothies with spinach and carrots, plus a nut-rich diet (especially almonds), will quickly result in a huge increase of oxalates:
- Reddit comment: "The whole thing is frustrating. I used to eat like crap, then started eating healthy. Got kidney stones. Alot of high oxalate foods are healthy foods I've added into my diet and feel better with. Now I have to cut back on those. I cut back on the top 5 highest oxalate foods, but other than that I kind of gave up and decided to just eat what I want and increase my water and dairy intake. We'll see how it goes."
- Reddit comment: "Same. I ate terribly for years then added tons of spinach, sweet potatoes, almonds. And black beans to my diet. Bam, three kidney stones. So now I don’t eat those and feel I struggle to incorporate other healthy foods. I’m just drinking much more water, milk, and cut out soda. ...
No, one got stuck in the ureter and I had to have surgery. He got another one while there but I still have a 2 mm hanging out. I’m changing the diet to avoid making more or having the last one grow." - Reddit comment: "You could not have said it better. So much conflicting information out there [on the oxalate content of foods]. I started eating “healthy” due to having gout ant type 2 diabetes... Got 2 kidney stones. Most of the foods that are recommended for type 2 diabetes is on the high oxalate list or the "limit these foods if you have gout list"."
- People have used high alkaline baking soda water (half to one teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water) to not only purify the kidneys, but also to dissolve (high acidy) kidney stones in the long run. Even urologists recommended doing it. Possibly the baking soda also works against alkaline bacteria creating Struvite, but this speculation on the author's behalf.
- Reddit comment: "I just had a meeting with the kidney stone dietician and she said that my urine is too acidic and needs to be more basic. She said to drink 1/2 tsp of baking soda in water. ...
I have had 3 surgeries in my past from kidney boulders (so big in size that they never moved and gave me no pain). I have stones in both kidneys now after the last surgery that are growing again. I am also a gastric bypass patient that had the surgery 1.5 years ago." - Reddit comment: "My urologist prescribed sodium bicarbonate [baking soda] in tablet form. You can get a big bottle of tablets from Amazon.
- Reddit comment: "I have several kidney stones and after doing extensive lab work my nephrologist found that my citrate levels are too high and my urine is too acidic, which she thinks is causing the stones (along with genetics). She prescribed [a non working medicine, but] she said another option is to switch to sodium bicarbonate [baking soda]."
- Reddit comment: "I was experiencing heart burn and had nothing to cure the burn. I know it’s dumb, but as a home remedy I drank about a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in some warm water. Heartburn cured and I went to sleep.
Next morning, I peed and noticed it was brownish yellow. Really different for me, as I usually don’t have any urinairy issues. It was later that night I had my first bout of renal colic [kidney stone]. I’m wondering if baking soda helped it move, and if I should try again?" - Reddit comment (trucker): "I've had 5 or so. ... Usually, have to drink baking soda water and cranberry juice for a few weeks if it's bad. ... With uric acid I usually have to try and stick to a gout diet. ... If you can, get the stone tested after it passes. It'll help avoid a repeat of the suffering."
- Reddit comment: "I can only handle 1 tbs per 8 oz... and I chug it. Don't stop the chug until its empty it's brutal. I only do it if I feel dull pains in my side.. Haven't had a kidney stone in a year. Which is good but could be unrelated."
- Reddit comment: "I just had a meeting with the kidney stone dietician and she said that my urine is too acidic and needs to be more basic. She said to drink 1/2 tsp of baking soda in water. ...
- Cranberry juice is another frequently used home remedy by people who have repeat kidney stones:
- See above.
- Reddit comment: "Cranberry juice. Also prevent its growth by cutting sugars and oxilates out of your diet like spinach and increasing your water intake. You should be drinking at least 10 glasses a day when you have kidney problems. From a fellow stone tosser whose been weedling down 2 stones, it works."
- Apple cider vinegar (two tablespoons added to a glass of water) or lemon juice also is frequently used (possibly for another type of stone than the one that is dissolved by baking soda; unsure atm):
- Reddit comment (trucker): "Had stones while trucking. I stopped drinking energy drinks, got some Apple Cider vinegar and water and passed a stone a little bigger than a airgun bb."
- Reddit comment: "Did they give you Flomax? Drink the lemon juice. Jumping up and down has helped me a few times in the past [to pass the stone and take away the pain, as others confirm]. I hear that drinking beer helps."
- Reddit comment: "It does [work, Apple Cider Vinegar]! I did it by accident. I went from drinking energy drinks to 2 liters of water and a big glass of acv lemon water daily and I had two kidney stones after 3 weeks. ... I don't think it caused them, I think they were ready to come out and it pushed them through my urinary tract after quitting the energy drinks. I had pain right under my right rib cage in the front. Cramping that came in waves. If it's a very small stone, the cramping might suddenly cease with no proof or explanation. I went to the er twice the first time I just drove home because the pain went away when I arrived. The second time, they did ultrasound and I had hydronephrosis which is water backup in the kidney but the stone was so small it wasn't visible. I felt it pass though."
- People even mix apple cider vinegar and baking soda:
- Reddit comment: "Stones at least 3 times a year. This time been passing them for 3 months straight so far. Apple cider vinegar with baking soda is the only way I make it through most days."
- Marshmallow Root and Hydrangea have been used by people to clean out kidney stones.
- Litholyte and Moonstone are recommended by some urologists.
- Manboobs tend to be the result of high estrogen. Options to lower estrogen include:
- Lower fat percentage. Fat in the 20%+ range often give you moobs, even without having overly high estrogen. Fat around the waste does lower testosterone and elevate estrogen though. It's not great to have.
- Stop drinking alcohol.
- DIM / indol-3-carbinol has quite a strong estrogen-lowering effect. This means that eating 250-450 grams / 0.5-1 pound of cooked or uncooked vegetables as broccoli and califlower is enough to lower estrogen to acceptable limits. If not, taking DIM / indol-3-carbinol supplements can make life easier. Even moderate steroid-using bodybuilders have used it with success to lower high estrogen.
- Vitamin B complex has an estrogen lowering effect, in particular B6.
- NAC lowers estrogen as well, and might be necessary in supporting the liver to remove all the excess estrogen that is broken down by vitamin B and DIM.
- Lower copper if it has reached toxic levels. This can be done by cutting high copper food, and increasing zinc intake, generally no more than 40mg on a long-term basis.
- Calcium-d-glucarate lowers estrogen.
- Flaxseed, garlic, green tea, strawberries, raspberries, high fiber food as beans and whole grains, and fatty omega-3-containing fish all decrease estrogen.
- Potentially Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) can be used as a (milder) alternative than NAC.
Microplastics poisoning
- Anything that detoxes heavy metals might also grab microplastics. The strongly negatively-charged zeolite has a cage-like structure which is known to vacuum up all "bad" positively-charged particles in the colon and blood that fit in it. Microplastics usually are positively charged too, and would likely be considered "foreign" as well by the zeolite.
- Regularly donating blood and blood plasma respectively reduces microplastics in the blood by 10 and 30% a year, if 12 donations a year are given. 184
Myopia / near-sightedness
Prevention first
Before modern, mandatory education was introduced, apparently about 1-5% of people were myopic. In contrast, the Far-East Asian pressure system of education is so disastrous that 80-90 percent of modern people there are myopic because of it. 185 So first up are some quick, mostly uncontroversial, scientifically-backed tips to greatly reduce the chances of myopia development in school-age children:
- Give your child a diet with plenty of fresh greens and other unprocessed, natural food, including meat. Make sure all vitamins and minerals are in check. Vitamin A or other deficiences can result in vision problems, and health issues in general can create psychological stress that leads to reduced vision. Do bloodwork in case of doubts.
- Pick a school that has the most amount of daylight shine into the classrooms. And also have adequate lightning for dark winter days. Schools tend to be considerably better at this than in 1867, when it was first documented that "the number of myopes is proportional to the darkness of the classrooms" 186 Daylight-wise: the brighter the better.
- Make your kids play outside, or at least get one hobby that's outside, if possible for about 2 hours a day. In Taiwanese experiments, 40 minutes of extra playtime for schoolkids a day, resulted in a 23% reduction of new myopia cases. 187 80 minutes a day of extra playtime reduced this number by 53%. 188 "Tiger moms" started to protest near the end of the study that the researchers were "wasting" their children's time, and that they could use it to study more. 189 There's no need to be like that in the West.
- Outside activities that might be best in this regard involve playing and watching a ball game, where kids (and adults) have to follow a fast-moving object in the distance and from close-up to far-away very rapidly. Doing this on a daily basis very much prevents the eye muscles from locking the eyes into a nearby focus.
- As long as there's enough light, reading for fun is fine. In one study, Sydney-based children read more than Singaporean kids, because they did this a lot for fun; but only had 3% myopia at their age, compared to 29% for their Singapore counterparts. Another major difference was that Sydney-based children played outside over 10 hours a week more than Singaporean - who always are locked up by "tiger moms" to "study, study, study"... 190
- Hence, there doesn't seem to be an immediate need to limit regular studying hours for western educations, as long as certain adaptions in lifestyle are made.
- It appears that a lot of close-up work isn't necessarily bad, as long as you also get that daylight and some "long-distance visual action" each day. We do use smartphones a lot though these days though, so it might be wise to not expose children too much to them, in part because "it’s been found that for every year the onset of myopia is delayed, the ultimate severity of the condition is reduced by 0.75 diopters." 191 And so-called "high-myopia" of greater than -6 can lead to various additional eye problems, including blindness. 192
- Expect good academic results from your kids, but limit academic pressure and stress as much as possible. In other words, be an involved, caring parent with a healthy relationship to your children. This type of stress leading to myopia always was a major argument of William Bates. His work is very purposely ignored by "mainstream" eye researchers, but, in the view of this author, the data they have produced does seem to indicate that this type of stress is a factor.
- Teach your child to not be a nerdboy. Make him comfortable early on with dancing, flirting and the opposite sex in general. Teach him to work out and have a good body, etc. Also teach him/her to fight through MMA, BJJ, wrestling, or (Thai)boxing. Kids that end up being afraid of the world, cooped up inside with their books and worries, are bound to develop myopia. Apart from that, there really seems to be some kind of "emotional-intellectual makeup" issue tied to myopia, just by looking at the historical 50-80% rates of myopia among students of math, physics, and theology, or similar numbers from orphan homes. Granted, in this case these numbers are from the 19th century. 193 More modern numbers are not so clear, but glasses do greatly increase with the height of education. And behavior often seems to match it.
Restoring 20/20 vision
Mainstream Ophthalmologists and eye researchers tend to conveniently claim that restoring 20/20 vision isn't something that can be done in any known, natural, non-invasive way. Luckily though, as the research in the next two sections demonstrate, the ophthalmologist "geekboys" have had a bit of a "myopic" vision on the subject, and - by focusing so much on "genetics" - actually seem to have regressed in their insights on the subjects between 1867 and the early 21st century, when myopia levels in the Far East simply became so extreme that some more research just had to be done.
While I've always been too lazy to properly implement the Bates Methods for any period of time, I know of at least two people for certain who restored their eyesight to 20/20:
- One is my father, who for years had prescription glasses of -0.5 or -1.0 for driving at night. After maybe a decade he all of a sudden didn't need them any more - and was measured at being back at 20/20. Nobody, of course, really asked how that was possible. But it was.
- I discussed my glasses with an old colleague of mine at one point, and that there existed something as the Bates Method. He explained he used to wear glasses too, but after a 3-week summer vacation to France, during which he never wore his glasses, all of a sudden his eyesight was restored to 20/20. He never needed to wear glasses again.
The Bates Method is antiquated, long-winded and vague in its explanations, and has eccentric components. But let's see if we can find some positive success-comments with regard to Bates Method-type vision restoration programs as well. It's surprisingly hard:
- YouTube comment: "I tried bates method for like 5 days It did have a slight improvement but it was temporary lol."
- Work in progress.
Fact is, there may be better, more improved, more modernized systems than the Bates Method:
- One method is the Jake Steiner method of Dedicated people report improvements that slowly come over a period of months and 2-3 years. It's rare for anyone with serious myopia to go all the way back to 20/20 vision though.
- YouTube comment: "Bro I do both exercises and the things that you told me about 10 months ago my eye sight was -1 and -1.25 and now after doing this for 9 months my right eye has -0.25 and no number in left eye"
- YouTube comment: "I did it. It works. Seriously. Took about a year to get to true 20/20 from -2.0 diopter. Just takes consistency and incremental change."
- YouTube comment: "I started about 2 years ago with -2.75 and a bit of astigmatism now I see well with -1.25... can't wait to get to 20/20. Thanks Jake!"
- YouTube comment: "This really works! went from -5.5 to -4 in less than a year. Thanks Jake for your brilliance!"
- YouTube comment: "Started eye excersizes in 2020 and my vision has improved dramatically. I just did focusing near and far. Also I practiced slow blinking and focusing"
- YouTube comment: "-3.25D to now even night time city driving with -1.5D. It was a long journey of 5 years. All thanks to this gr8 human who introduced me to this concept."
- YouTube comment: "I went from -3 diopters to -1 with Jakes method. All the credits to his method, it works like a charm. ... On my last mile back to 20/20 vision I had to deal a lot with my (rather low) astigmatism which did not improve with active focus alone, even though I was already doing great with diminishing my myopia. ...
I actually did sniff in the Bates toolkit..., because I read some user experiences with Bates method curing their astigmatism and I was getting curious. I integrated additional eye muscle training at this point and this was the decisive element. My astigmatism was finally reducing and very quickly. I realized instant gains already after the first week. The monocular double vision in my right eye finally started to vanish. And it sticks more and more. I now get almost perfect, sharp outdoor vision for the first time, wearing just 1 diopter glasses without astigmatism (cylinder) correction.
To sum it up: If you wanna reduce your Myopia, go with Jakes method, it is way more efficient and very comfortable. And if your astigmatism was lense induced (so you had no astigmatism, before you got your first glasses), probably you don't need any eye exercises at all.
But if you experience monocular double vision (double vision just in one eye) and you have not much success with your astigmatism reduction by active focus alone and you get mad about it, give some additional eye muscle trainings a try. It seems, the muscles also determine the shape of the eyeball to a slight, and maybe decisive degree. It really helped me to finally get back to clear vision and feeling very happy with it. ...
It would be interesting which kind of people get success with Bates method. It probably addresses pseudomyopia pretty well. For lense induced axial elongation of the eye-ball (lense induced myopia), it is probably not the most efficienct method and active focus with reduced lenses (Jakys method) is addressing this issue to the point. " - (Salesman Jake literally says he only lowered his presceiption glasses, even also outside, and changed his habits)
- Mark Warren has an interesting modern approach with regard to Bates' old method of "swinging", whose method he redesigned and called "Active Focus", and then Automatic Focus". His primary idea is to learn to relax the eyes' ciliary muscles, leading to ever longer period of perfect vision. I tried it for some time, but have not had any symptoms or improvements yet - but some do report success stories:
- YouTube comment: "I found this video and it Changed my life. Right after watching this video I tried [active/automatic] focusing on a thing and noticing the moment in behind and in seconds I could now see 30 -35 feet away trees , objects clearly."
- YouTube comment: "I had my first breakthrough with active vision today. I felt strong stinging. I could see so clearly."
- Work in progress.
- Popular YouTuber Pigmie, 'How to Fix Your Vision In Only 5 Minutes! Follow Along' ( a lot of people in the comments report a quick improvement, but this is unlikely to get you to 20/20 all by itself.
- Nathan Oxenfeld, 'Bates Method 101: Why Eye Exercises Don't Work (and what DOES work)' (
- YouTube comment: "My eyesight got better from -1.5 in right eye and -2.75 in left eye to -0.5 in right and -0.75 in left eye.... After I started to understand the concept of his videos..."
- YouTube comment: "I am more like the mechanical way. I got rid of a negative one of myopia in one month and I really needed a lot of eye stretching after sunning and palming. Looking to the right and blink five times, then looking to the left and blink five times, then relax again and go over this for ten times. My vision is really good now. I think Dr. Bates teaching were improved by Meir Schneider although 90% of the credit for the method is Dr Bates for discovering how the eye muscles work and introducing the most important relaxation techniques like sunning and palming."
- YouTube comment: "It is always great to go from 20/60 to 20/20. Took 2 years."
History and details of myopia / near-sightedness
- In a nutshell, assuming you the main solution seems to be the Bates Method and more easy to comprehend evolutions of it - plus getting outdoors enough and getting enough outside-daylight into your eyes. There is no need to limit reading.
- In the absence of modern, forced child education system it appears that myopia affects somewhere between 1 and 5% of the population. This number is based on the fact that rural "village schools" in the mid 19th century had a 1% myopia rate, which didn't really manifest until the age of 15; and that the Inuit until a great reorganization of the education system in 1970s only had 5% myopia. As this type of mandatory education is introduced, and stretched out over more years (from 14, to 16, to 18, for example), myopia starts to increase in school children. Whatever the reason, the more intense the level of education, the more children develop myopia. We know, for example, that in the Far East "tiger moms" and "kiasu parents" place extreme pressure on their children to excel in school. Coincidentally, myopia has exploded to an unbelievable 80 to 90% in these societies: literally everybody is going blind:
- Aug. 22, 2023, Wired, 'The World Is Going Blind': "In Inuit populations, during the 1970s, myopia incidence increased from 5 percent to more than 60 percent prevalence in the span of one generation. Genetics couldn’t explain such a jump. The sharp increase in schooling among younger Inuits, however, might."
- July 1, 2016, Scientific American, 'A World Where Everyone Needs Glasses?': "Studies of military conscripts in Singapore [have] revealed a dramatic rise in shortsightedness: 26 percent in the late 1970s, 43 percent in the 1980s and 83 percent by the late 1990s. ... The same [situation] is true in China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea." ... “Even with the trial we did in Guangzhou [where we recorded a 23% reduction in myopia by letting kids play 40 minutes extra outside a day],” Morgan says, “by the end of the three-year period we were starting to get pushback from parents saying, ‘Look, you're wasting our children's time. If they weren't outside, they would be studying.’”"
- July 21, 2019, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 'Dose–Response Relationship of Outdoor Exposure and Myopia Indicators': "Myopia prevalence among children in East Asian and Western countries respectively is 80–90% [3] and 2–29.4% [1]."
- Sep. 14, 2023, (Netherlands), '62 percent of the population sometimes wear glasses'.
- In fact, with rising education levels, also in Africa, it is predicted that by 2050 half the world is blind. This likely means that the vast majority of whites will be wearing glasses, similar to Far East Asians today. The scholarly-educated Jews also suffer from high incidences of myopia.
- Feb. 11, 2016, Ophthalmology journal, 'Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050' (over 2x more myopia and almost 4x more high myopia predicted from 2000 to 2050): "We included data from 145 studies covering 2.1 million participants. We estimated 1,406 million people with myopia (22.9% of the world population...) and 163 million people with high myopia (2.7% of the world population...) in 2000. We predict by 2050 there will be 4,758 million people with myopia (49.8% of the world population...) and 938 million people with high myopia (9.8% of the world population...)"
- Historical knowledge about the causes myopia:
- Astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) noted in the early 17th century that myopia particularly was a problem among "young people who spend a lot of time doing close work."
- In 1844-1845 Wiktor Feliks Szokalski (1811-1891), the "father of Ophthalmology in Poland", documented how school children between the ages of 10 and 18 at College of Charlemagne gymnasium on average went from 0 to 12% myopia during these 8 years, with the physics and math "nerdboys" sitting at a whopping 50% myopia. Szokalski was following up on warnings from "the authorities in Baden", South Germany, about "the number of students in the gymnasia who wore spectacles." 194
- In 1861 Professor C. von Jäger, of Vienna, measured the eyes of 200 children and "found fifty-five per cent of those in an orphan house and eighty per cent of the pupils in a private school, to be short-sighted." 195
- In 1867, Hermann Cohn (1838–1906), a professor and eye specialist at Breslau University in Prussia, cited and confirmed the findings of Szokalski in his 1867 book 'Untersuchingen der Augen von 10060 Schulkindern' ('Investigations of the Eyes of 10,060 School Children'). In addition he showed evidence that a small portion of the myopia was genetic, and also that the darker a school's classrooms were, the more myopia would develop, concluding on the existince of a "law that the number of myopes is proportional to the darkness of the classrooms", conclusions made after "examining 33 schools". 196 It appears these conclusions in the importance of light-filled classrooms were internationally implemented, because most schools are separated from surrounding homes, with many also having an entire wall, from top to bottom, consisting of windows. Cohn did not mention the "light law" in an 1881 Popular Science Monthly, but did give the following three and again drove home the levels of myopia epidemic:
"After I had gone through thirty-three schools of all grades, up to the gymnasium, containing 10,060 children, [I believe] that I was justified in announcing the three following laws:
"1. Short-sightedness hardly exists in the village schools—the number of cases increases steadily with the increasing demands which the schools make upon the eyes, and reaches the highest point in the gymnasia;
2. The number of short-sighted scholars rises regularly from the lowest to the highest classes in all institutions;
3. The average degree of myopy increases from class to class—that is, the short-sighted become more so.
"In the village schools hardly one per cent [is myopic], in the elementary schools five to eleven per cent, in the girls' schools ten to twenty-four per cent, in the real schools [i.e. modern college-level prep] twenty to forty per cent, and in the gymnasia [high level university prep] between thirty and fifty-five per cent...
University students have so far been examined only in Breslau and Tübingen. I found in 1867 fifty-three per cent among the Catholic theologues, fifty-five per cent of the law students, fifty-six per cent of the medical students, sixty-seven per cent of the evangelical theologues, and sixty-eight per cent of the students of philosophy, to be short-sighted. ... Dr. Gärtner, between 1861 and 1879, examined six hundred and thirty-four students of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Tübingen, and found that seventy-nine per cent of them were myopic. ...
"It is evident that we are threatened with a great national affliction, which is likely not only to be detrimental to all peaceful occupations, but to impair the military efficiency of our people." 197 - 1909, N. B. Harman, 'The effects of school life upon the vision of the child. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 2 (Sect Study Dis Child)', pp. 206–16, 209: "This excessive incidence amongst the girls [with regard to myopia] may in part be accounted for by the fact that the boys played about in the clean, wide streets, sharpening their wits and their physical faculties, whilst the girls were kept at home to help in domestic duties. That is part of the condition that tends to produce this difference in visual acuity. The other part is the nature of the work done in schools: girls do finer work, boys do no needlework; so that in vision-testing boys have an advantage, for their accommodation muscles are in a better state of tone on account of their outdoor life, and at the same time they are less fatigued by their school work. (Harman,1909)"
- Despite the fact that Professor Hermann Cohn (1838–1906) and colleagues by 1881 had drawn the obvious conclusion that genetics (still) only plays a very small part in the cause of myopia, "genetics" still became the leading theory of myopia from 1928 on, after research on Jewish kids - a very genetically high IQ people due to a 2,000 year tradition with heavy emphasis on study and racial isolation - showed a degree of heriditary. This conclusion may well have become dominant because ophthalmology experts only make money selling glasses and lenses, and not by actually solving the root cause. Whatever the exact reason, research never really was elevated beyond conclusions drawn by 1867.
- In his 1867 work Professor Hermann Cohn (1838–1906) already pointed out that a portion of the myopia was hereditary, but much more strongly associated myopia with the years and level of education, and the amount of light in schoolclasses. By 1881 he had drawn the conclusion that "Myopy is seldom congenital. All experts remark that it is rarely found in children of less than five years of age. All agree likewise that it arises from a too steady application of the eyes to close objects, especially during the school age." 198 The attention of the authorities in Baden was directed to this fact forty years ago, by the number of students in the gymnasia who wore spectacles. Their inquiries were followed up by Dr. Szokalsky in Paris. He did not, however, consider his investigation extended enough to justify his drawing a general conclusion."
- Aug. 22, 2023, Wired, 'The World Is Going Blind': "In 1928, British ophthalmologist Arnold Sorsby surveyed Jewish boys in East London and discovered that they were more myopic than their non-Jewish peers. At first, he thought this was because of the extra time spent doing near work while studying holy texts. Eventually, though, he came to believe there was a genetic element to myopia. He conducted studies of twins that seemed to confirm this: The severity of myopia was more similar among identical twins than fraternal twins. The science of genetics was in vogue, and as Sorsby’s theory swept away Victorian concerns about the state of the schoolhouses, it became dogma for decades. ... In the early 1990s, researchers had found that ultra-orthodox Jewish boys are more myopic than their sisters—something that was likely due to the extra studying they have to do."
- July 1, 2016, Scientific American, 'A World Where Everyone Needs Glasses?': "For a long time, researchers attributed nearsightedness to genetics, but this could not explain why myopia rates were so quickly reaching epidemic levels."
- Similarly, despite Professor Hermann Cohn (1838–1906) in 1867 already discounting genetics and describing in great detail that low light conditions in school classes greatly excarbate myopia in pupils, news articles of the 2010s and 2020s have proudly sung the praises of eyesight researchers as Ian Morgan, Pei-Chang Wu, Kathryn Rose, Thomas Norton, who only very moderately expanded on research more than 130 years old. Partly in the process of torturing animals, they established that:
- bright sunlight has a habit of preventing myopia from developing;
- this may be related to dopamine levels the sunlight generates in the eyeballs;
- this method is not entirely foolproof;
- "... although children in Sydney actually spent more time reading and doing near work, only 3 percent were myopic compared with 29 percent in Singapore. Australian children spent more time outdoors: more than 13 hours per week in Sydney compared with just three in Singapore. “Children in Australia actually did more near work because they read for pleasure, whereas the children in Singapore read only for school,” says Morgan, who also took part in the study." 199
- Taiwan started to reverse myopia in elementary school children with its 2010-launched "Tian Tian 120" program, stipulating that children should spend two hours outside per day. Myopia peaked in 2011 with 50%. In 2015 it had dropped to 46.1%, only to increase again during Covid in 2020-2022. 200
- Important modern observations have nevertheless been made:
- "High myopia" (-6 or more) is dangerous, as it increases the risk of "retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma and other conditions that can lead to blindness" 201 and that "High myopia is now the leading cause of blindness in Japan, China, and Taiwan." 202 Considering the earlier-sourced prediction that almost 1 billion people are likely to be "high myopes" by 2050, the world quite literally is going blind.
- Research has shown that for every schoolyear that myopia is delayed, the end result later in life is 0.75 diopters less. This is also why in Taiwan's Yilan County screenings have been set up to look for "pre-myopia": the earliest signs of eyeball elongation. This is followed by a presciption of atropine combined with more outdoors play, and resulted in a "spectacular" 5% drop in cases of myopia in the county. 203
- The mentioned atropine is derived from Nightshade and Mandrake: "Nightshade has been known as “belladonna” because women in Renaissance Italy—and maybe even as far back as Cleopatra—used it to dilate their pupils to make them appear larger and more beautiful. Atropine paralyzes the ciliary muscle, which controls the size of the pupil and, for reasons scientists haven’t yet pinned down, also seems to slow down the progression of myopia. (Since 2008, new treatments have become available: miSight contact lenses and MiyoSmart glasses, which arrest the growth of the eye by manipulating light patterns.)" 204
- Traditional ophthalmology positions on the Bates system - which teaches correct vision habits in people who apparently lost these after developing myopia, and may well be the missing link in reversing the modern myopia epidemic - are negative. At the same time they continue to have a very doomy perspective of reversing eyesight back to normal, or even slowing the progression of myopia that already has started. It also seems they really want to keep the doctor-patient system in place with regard to eyesight, glasses or no glasses.
- 1951, The Michigan Optometrist: "Despite the fanfare and sensational claims beginning with the Bates method prior to World War I and that which reappeared during the last war, especially among some optometric groups, there has been no scientific evidence that myopia, or any form of ametropia, or color blindness could be ... altered significantly by any form of training. To the contrary, there have been two definitive studies in recent years which indicated that the degree of myopia was not materially affected by the vision training given."
- July 1, 2016, Scientific American, 'A World Where Everyone Needs Glasses?': "Sunlight can protect children from developing myopia, but whether it can slow down its progression in kids who already need glasses is unclear. “The results are mixed,” Saw says. Some studies have found that outdoor time has a modest effect on progression. Others, such as Wu's study, found that being outdoors did not significantly alter outcomes for kids who were already myopic. ...
In Africa, for example, technology has advanced rapidly in recent years. “People have gone from no landline phones directly to mobile phones, and children are spending more time with computers,” Naidoo says. ... Unfortunately, these regions currently have limited access to eye care. Proper prescriptions are crucial—leaving blurry vision uncorrected can actually worsen progression. ...
In Asian countries with a culture stressing academic achievement, interventions that take time away from studying may not be the best option. “Even with the trial we did in Guangzhou,” Morgan says, “by the end of the three-year period we were starting to get pushback from parents saying, ‘Look, you're wasting our children's time. If they weren't outside, they would be studying.’”"
- Ophthalmologists and eye researchers never seem to have clear answers when it comes to improving, or apparently even stabilizing myopic eyes.
- For some reason there has alwayhs been an incredible resistance to an acceptance of the Bates Method by modern "science", as well, more easily to understand, to the sungazing practice. Assuming bad eyesight simply was the result of "bad genetics" always was fine, but not the above. Despite that, it seems more and more the "scientists" are starting to draw similar conclusions.
- July 1, 2016, Scientific American, 'A World Where Everyone Needs Glasses?': "
More recent studies ... are converging around a different idea: bright sunlight helps to regulate normal eye growth, and too much time indoors—whether studying, playing video games or something else—derails this process. ...
The connection therefore seemed crystal clear: more education meant more time doing close work, thereby causing irregular growth. But a more detailed look at myopia research presented a hazier picture. Evidence emerged that it was the lack of time outdoors, rather than time spent doing near work, that was behind the myopia boom. A 2007 study by researchers at Ohio State University was one of the first to support this conclusion. Using survey data from the parents of 514 grade-schoolers, it found that once time spent outdoors and parental myopia were taken into account, the effect of reading hours disappeared. ...
In one study, which began in 2009, a group led by Pei-Chang Wu, an ophthalmology researcher at Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, conducted a clinical trial in Taiwan with 571 elementary school students. Half of the children got an extra 80 minutes of outdoors recess each day for a year. The result: only 8 percent of those students developed myopia over the course of the study, whereas 17 percent of those in the other group needed glasses. ...
Morgan and his colleagues conducted a similar trial in Guangzhou, China. They found that children who received an extra 40 minutes of mandatory outdoor time every day for three years were 23 percent less likely to develop myopia than those who did not. ...
Around the same time, myopia researchers in Singapore and Australia, led by Kathryn Rose, then at the University of Sydney, conducted another questionnaire-based study comparing the prevalence of myopia in six- and seven-year-olds with Chinese ancestry in Sydney and Singapore. They found that although children in Sydney actually spent more time reading and doing near work, only 3 percent were myopic compared with 29 percent in Singapore. Australian children spent more time outdoors: more than 13 hours per week in Sydney compared with just three in Singapore. “Children in Australia actually did more near work because they read for pleasure, whereas the children in Singapore read only for school,” says Morgan, who also took part in the study.
Indoors, light intensity is low—a typical office or classroom provides light levels around 100 to 500 lux. In comparison, a cloudy day can provide up to 15,000 lux, and a sunny summer day can offer up to 130,000 lux. “The current thinking is that the elevated outdoor light levels raise the amount of dopamine that is being produced and released in the retina and that this is counteracting the signals for the eye to get longer,” Norton says.
A group of eye researchers at the University of Tübingen in Germany was the first to find convincing evidence for this idea. In 2009 they found that exposure to sunlight (30,000 lux) and very bright artificial lights (15,000 lux) successfully prevented experimental myopia from developing in chickens. Then, in 2010, they discovered that injecting a drug (spiperone) that blocks dopamine activity into the eyes of myopic chicks could abolish the protective effect of light. Soon after, another group found the same protective effect of light in monkeys. But dopamine is unlikely to be the whole story. A 2011 study in guinea pigs found, for example, that drugs that increased dopamine activity did not consistently prevent myopia. ...
One idea they are testing is a glass classroom, a greenhouselike structure where students can get up to 9,000 lux of sunlight. Such edifices are expensive to build, so they are also investigating another, more cost-effective option: bright study lamps that can shine up to 10,000 lux of light."
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease typified by the formation of lesions in the central nervous system (plaques), inflammation, and the destruction of myelin sheaths of neurons.
- Experiences with management/curing include daily megadoses of vitamin D and vitamin B12:
- YouTube comment: "I take 8k [UI of vitamin D2] with a medium chain fatty acid (coconut oil 1 teaspoon morning and night). I get my potassium via food and herbs. Vitamin B complexes via Nutritional Yeast and a Modified Keto diet. Been in remission for my MS now for 10 years."
- YouTube comment: "If you’ve ever had Trigeminal Neuralgia, an excruciating facial nerve condition that’s nicknamed "The Suicide Disease," you wouldn’t think anything is too much when it comes to B12. Because of sublingual Methylcobalamin taken at 5,000 mcg dosage, my TN completely disappeared! It was nothing short of miraculous—keeping me from having to have a scheduled MVD surgery (brain surgery) at UCI in Irvine, Ca. Three years later, I am still symptom free! I still take sublingual 5,000 mcg every two days just to make sure the TN doesn’t come back. Back in the 50’s sublingual B12 was widely used for TN and MS as a first line of treatment. But then Big Pharma arose and… well you know the rest of that story. It’s an all-too familiar one."
- Oct. 5, 2021, Cureus, 'Impact of Vitamin D Supplementation on Multiple Sclerosis': "The findings from our review indicate a strong correlation between the insufficiency of vitamin D and the onset and progression of MS."
- A study showed that 60,000 mcg of vitamin B12 a day - which is very safe to do - could effectively be used to combat the symptoms of MS.
- It appears R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA) might be an even bigger candidate for stabilizing or improving MS, as there is an army of people testifying that it cured all kinds of neuropathy for them.
- Dr. Terry Wahls needs to be checked.
- There is an army of people testifying that R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA) greatly improved and fully cured their peripheral neuropathy for them.
- Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins might be important as well, as they can regenerate nerves in high doeses.
- Weightlifting increases bone densitiy.
- Running increases bone density of the hips and legs. Cycling does not - unless maybe you have a stationary bike that you set at high resistence.
- Vitamin K2, and in particular its MK4 variant, increases bone density. Various studies show 45mg a day of MK4 increasing bone density of subjects by anything from 0.14 to 9% over the course of a year, with 58 to 62% fewer fractures occuring. Many supplements contain 200mg or more of MK4. Make sure to also get some K2 MK7, as it greatly improves arterial health.
- Vitamin D, if needed with calcium, increases bone density, either through supplements or the tanning bed. Make sure maintain your levels around 95 nmol/L / 38 ng/mL, for which on average an 800 IU daily supplement is needed. A lot of people, especially old ones, have half those numbers, and sometimes even just 25%. Higher doses of 4,000 and 10,000 IU a day, as has been demonstrated, will only decrease bone mineral density and testosterone levels.
Pain: post-surgery
- Pain after surgery is often caused by inflammation.
- In one study, a mix of 300mg of turmeric (70% curcumin extract) and 150mg boswellia, 2x a day, reduced symptoms of (arthritic) pain more powerfully than 2x a day 100mg the NSAID Celecoxib (similar in effect to Ibuprofen) - without any of the long-term side effects.
- Jan. 4, 2019, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 'Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 to 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experience': "In the 1930s and 1940s reports were published describing the successful use of vitamin D in treating psoriasis [14]...
In 2010, a study from Ireland reported 25OHD blood levels measured before and after using narrow band UVB phototherapy to treat 29 patients with psoriasis in the wintertime in Ireland, and were compared to 29 age-matched untreated control patients with psoriasis [43].
The median baseline 25OHD level was 23 ng/ml, with a range of 9–46 ng/ml in the treatment group. All patients responded to treatment with phototherapy within 25–118 days with essentially complete clearing of their skin, at which time 25OHD blood levels were again measured. The median 25OHD blood level increased to 59 ng/ml in the treated group, with a range of 32–112 ng/ml, while no change in either disease severity or 25OHD blood levels were observed in the control group." - Some people have seen psoriaris reduce and go away with NAC.
Smelly breath
- Possibly what works for smelly feet, such as raw garlic (and only RAW garlic), also works for smelly breath.
- Alternately, celery juice has been reported to work miracles:
- Reddit comment: "Celery juice has literally given me back my life. I struggled with debilitating bad breath to the point that I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving my house. I now have a boyfriend and feel comfortable socializing. But if I stop drinking it for a couple of days, the smell returns. So there definitely is something in the celery juice that is effective. Just can’t say what it is or why it helps. I had tried about 100 other things over the course of 12 years to treat it any the only thing that provides temporary relief is this, and antibiotics. ...
It has to be ingested. The beneficial results are directly correlated to how much I drink. I’ve tried only having a cup or two per day - spread out over hours but the results aren’t as good. ... I know the bad breath is related to bacteria though since it went away while on a course of flagyl - but it returned right after."
- Reddit comment: "Celery juice has literally given me back my life. I struggled with debilitating bad breath to the point that I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving my house. I now have a boyfriend and feel comfortable socializing. But if I stop drinking it for a couple of days, the smell returns. So there definitely is something in the celery juice that is effective. Just can’t say what it is or why it helps. I had tried about 100 other things over the course of 12 years to treat it any the only thing that provides temporary relief is this, and antibiotics. ...
- Green tea has been demonstrated to work against bad breath, but only for about 20-30 minutes it appears. After an hour, all the compounds causing bad breath are active in the mouth at full force again.
Smelly feet
- Assuming the cause is microbial, two large cloves of fresh garlic could kill even the smelliest feet for an entire day, and continues to reduce smell for a number of days. The first time one may have to crush four cloves to reduce feet odor to absolute zero within the hour. The crushed garlic is easiest to consume by mixing it with a bag of nuts, or putting it in the dinner stove immediately before serving. Garlic powder does not work, because the active, anti-microbial ingredient here is allicin, which quickly degrades by heat or leaving it out in the open for a day.
- Misting the feet and shoes with regular 3 to 4% vinegar - a potent anti-microbial - kills the smell of feet for at least a few hours. If you do this regularly, it is advised to also regular rub some olive oil onto the feet daily to keep the skin from being damaged.
- Chlorophyll neutralizes body odor in many people, but if it stops smelly feet is likely a 50-50 success rate at most.
- Improving the gut microbiome, with anything from probiotics to "stomach bug"-killing and gut-lining-healing compounds, may help, or even be the solution.
Testosterone: low
- Normal testosterone levels for men vary from below 300 ng/dL (low) to about 1100 ng/dL (very high). Generally the higher the age, the lower the testosterone, although there are active, low fat people in their 60s with with testosterone well over 600, while at the same time there are plenty of young men in their early 20s - even those who work out - with testosterone below 300.
- Build muscle and, most importantly maybe, lose fat. A person with 22% body fat and a T level of 380, at least according to one study, should have a T level of about 524 at a bodyfat of 10%.
- Jan. 3, 2024, PLoS One journal, 'Percent body fat was negatively correlated with Testosterone levels in male': "Specifically, testosterone decreased by 11.97 ng/dL with every 1% increase in TPF [total percent fat], by 9.36 ng/dL with every 1% increase in APF [android percent fat - i.e. mid stomach fat, above the navel], and by 10.29 ng/dL with every 1% increase in GPF [gynoid percent fat - i.e. hip fat]. Furthermore, for every unit increase in A/G ratio [android to gynoid ratio - calculated by dividing the fat mass in kg/lb in A by G; example 1: A = 8kg, G = 10kg: 0.8 ratio; example 2: A = 20kg, G = 10kg: 2 ratio], testosterone levels decreased by 320.93 ng/dL [so mid/upper body fat is bad for T, also generally for health], while testosterone levels increased by 12.62 ng/dL for every 1% increase in LMP [lean mass percent]."
- Study: Healthy men 18-45 given 100 mg per week lost an average of 6% body fat in 8 weeks. Other studies show that testosterone enanthate is not anabolic yet at 100 mg per week.
- Do regular, strenuous cardio work outs.
- Do blood work and fix any vitamin and mineral deficiences. These deficiences can sometimes lead anywhere from 15-100% reductions in testosterone levels. This certainly goes for vitamin D and even more for zinc, and possibly magnesium. Low iron can also be an issue.
- Boron supplementation of about 10mg per day can increase testosterone.
- Tongkat Ali generally boosts testosterone in men by 20 to 100% if a potent enough source of eurycomanone ingredient is used. Watch out for the many potential side effects though. Bloodwork immediately before taking the supplement is necessary. From there maybe 10 days after. IF everything is fine, one or two months later again. You want to pay attention to estradiol, prolactin, and cortisol levels in particular.
- If all else fails: 120-200mg of testosterone cypionate a week, maybe with some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HGC) and DIM, should do the trick. Neither HGC or DIM might be needed at 200mg or lower doses. Don't expect to become giant on just TRT though. You will need to mix it with tren, deca, turinabol, or some other steroid along these lines, all with increased side effects.
- Dec. 1, 2001, American Journal of Physiology, 'Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men': "The administration of the GnRH agonist plus graded doses of testosterone [enanthate, once per week] resulted in mean nadir testosterone concentrations of 253, 306, 542, 1,345, and 2,370 ng/dl at the 25-, 50-, 125-, 300-, and 600-mg doses, respectively. Fat-free mass increased dose dependently in men receiving 125, 300, or 600 mg of testosterone weekly (change +3.4, 5.2, and 7.9 kg, respectively)."
Tongue: discolored
- A white tongue, the most common occurance, is related to Candida overgrowth. Go to that section for details on how to cure this.
Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Trigeminal Neuralgia involves an irritation of the trigeminal nerve, leading to intense, stabbing, electric shock-like pain that spreads across the side of the face that is impacted.
- It appears R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA) is an important candidate in stabilizing or improving Trigeminal Neuralgia, as there is an army of people testifying that it cured all kinds of neuropathy for them.
- Another experience with management/curing Trigeminal Neuralgia involves superdosing vitamin B12 - which is very safe to do:
- YouTube comment: "If you’ve ever had Trigeminal Neuralgia, an excruciating facial nerve condition that’s nicknamed "The Suicide Disease," you wouldn’t think anything is too much when it comes to B12. Because of sublingual Methylcobalamin taken at 5,000 mcg dosage, my TN completely disappeared! It was nothing short of miraculous—keeping me from having to have a scheduled MVD surgery (brain surgery) at UCI in Irvine, Ca. Three years later, I am still symptom free! I still take sublingual 5,000 mcg every two days just to make sure the TN doesn’t come back. Back in the 50’s sublingual B12 was widely used for TN and MS as a first line of treatment. But then Big Pharma arose and… well you know the rest of that story. It’s an all-too familiar one."
Vaginal yeast
- Baking soda has demonstrated it can kill vaginal yeast:
- Jan. 2024, issue #1, Zagazig Nursing Journal, 'Sodium Bicarbonate: A New Promising Home Strategy for the Treatment of Vaginal Yeast Infection' (a 2021 study showed the same thing): "The current study concluded that after using baking soda, all symptom of a vaginal yeast infection has been subsided."
- Assuming it is Candida, it would probably be wise to try to eradicate it from the intestines as well.
Vitamins: fat-solubleVitamin A- A definciency can, among others things, lead to eye problems: bad and/or blurry vision and dry eyes.
- In contrast to animal sources as liver, vitamin A from vegetables as carrots cannot result in toxicity symptoms, because vegetables conatin the precursor to vitamin A: beta-carotene.
Vitamin D
- 50% of the world is deficient in vitamin D when you look at blood levels lower than 50 nmol/l / 25 ng/mL (77% is below 75 nmol/l / 30 ng/mL, with 33-38 seemingly being optimal in case of testosterone levels and bone density):
- March 17, 2023, Frontiers in Nutrition, 'Global and regional prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in population-based studies from 2000 to 2022: A pooled analysis of 7.9 million participants': "We found that globally, 15.7%..., 47.9%..., and 76·6%... of participants had ... vitamin D levels less than 30 [12 ng/mL], 50 [20 ng/mL], and 75 nmol/l [30 ng/mL], respectively [and thus respectively "very deficient", "deficient", and "moderately deficient"] ...
The Endocrine Society designated the threshold of vitamin D deficiency at ≤ 50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL), the threshold of vitamin D insufficiency at 50–75 nmol/L (20–30 ng/mL), the threshold of vitamin D normal at ≥75 nmol/L (30 ng/mL) (12, 13). Nevertheless, all guidelines have reached the consensus that the value of serum 25(OH)D <25 or 30 nmol/l (10–12 ng/ml) should be averted at all ages (14)."
- March 17, 2023, Frontiers in Nutrition, 'Global and regional prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in population-based studies from 2000 to 2022: A pooled analysis of 7.9 million participants': "We found that globally, 15.7%..., 47.9%..., and 76·6%... of participants had ... vitamin D levels less than 30 [12 ng/mL], 50 [20 ng/mL], and 75 nmol/l [30 ng/mL], respectively [and thus respectively "very deficient", "deficient", and "moderately deficient"] ...
- Paradoxically, especially countries in the Middle East stand out as being vitamin D deficient, in no small part due to full body clothing, especially for women, with dark skin being 10x less effective at converting vitamin D from the sun than light skin:
- June 10, 2019, Arab News, 'Sun-drenched Middle East has a high vitamin D deficiency rate. Why?': "Research shows vitamin D deficiency prevalent among almost 81% of Middle East and North Africa's population. ... Cultural forms of dressing, which include covering major parts of the body, also may affect the skin’s absorption of sunlight, especially for women. ... A paper published in 2011 by Floor Christie of the University of Sunderland and Linda Mason of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine found that women with darker complexions require two hours of sun exposure to produce the same amount of vitamin D that a woman with lighter complexion can produce in 12 minutes."
- August 9, 2007, Reuters, 'Middle Eastern women may have vitamin D deficiency': "At the United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, [they] studied vitamin D levels in 90 women who were breastfeeding and 88 women who had never given birth. Many dressed to cover their whole bodies, including their hands and faces, while outside of their homes. Only two of the women, one in each group, were not vitamin D deficient at study."
- Vitamin D2 is plant-based, cheaper, and elevates vitamin D levels for a shorter duration than D3, which is animal-based. Furthermore, vitamin D obtained from the sun remains the longest in the body. Rough half-lives for vitamin D versions with blood serum levels around 50 nmol/L / 20 ng/mL (shorter half-life for values 2-3x as much):
- D2: 1 week.
- D3: 3 weeks.
- Sun: 6 weeks.
- High levels of vitamin D can decrease magnesium levels, potentially, if magnesium drops below the threshold, leading to muscle cramps and other magnesium-deficiency symptoms.
- Supplementing vitamin D is often done in conjunction with vitamin K2 to prevent any potentially increased calcium levels from D3, especially when daily supplementing with 5,000 or 10,000 IU.
- A small portion of the population doesn't tolerate vitamin D very well and develop hypercalcemia much quicker than the majority. Sometimes problems have emerged as low as 1,500 IU, leading to international lowerings of RDAs for vitamin D, which are not realistic for the population as a whole.
- In the modern era vitamin D levels generally are classified as follows:
- Deficient: Generally below 25 or 50 nmol/L (10 ng/mL - 20 ng/mL), although a lot of practitioners consider below 75 nmol/L (30 ng/mL) to be low. 205
- Normal: Above 50 or 75 nmol/L (20 or 30 ng/mL).
- Optimal: 125 to 200 nmol/L (50ng/mL to 80ng/mL), and increasingly up 250 nmol/L (100ng/mL).
- High optimal: 200-250 nmol/L (80-100ng/mL).
- Toxic: Somewhere north of 250 nmol/L (100ng/mL), although, as "the Endocrine Society's practice guidelines on vitamin D state", vitamin D toxicity "is usually not observed until ... levels are more than 150 ng/mL [375 nmol/L]." 206
- While the risk of complications increases as serum vitamin D levels go up above 250 nmol/L (100ng/mL), in one vitamin D supplementation study, with the mean vitamin D level reaching 298 nmol/L (119 ng/mL), with one subject hitting 962 nmol/L 384.8 ng/ml, no observations of hypercalcemia were made. 207 A 2011 study with 3,667 participants reported no adverse effects at blood levels "above 200 ng/dL" and suggested that up to 40,000 IU a day likely is safe. 208 Another 2007 estimated that only above 600 nmol/L (240 ng/dL) there likeley would be a major chance of "clinically significant hypercalcemia". 209 In cases of accidental massive toxicity (645 ng/mL, with calcium at 13.2 mg/dL; and another with 1220 ng/mL, and a calcium of 15.0 mg/dL), symptoms of hypercalcemia started disappearing and "calcium levels became normal" below 400 ng/ml. 210
- Vitamin D serum levels from various supplementation studies (keep in mind that tiny women can be at 240 nmol/L (100 ng/mL) with just 2,500 IU, while a 200lb man generally needs about 10,000 IU a day:
- 400 IU a day: 75 nmol/L (30 ng/mL) on average after 2.5 months, and an average max of 78 nmol/L (31 ng/mL) after 3 years or more of daily supplementing. 211
- 800 IU a day: 80 nmol/L (32 ng/mL) on average short term and around 95 nmol/L (38 ng/mL) long term. It is generally guaranteed to be above 50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL) for almost anyone. 212
- 1,000 IU a day: 85 nmol/L (34 ng/mL) levels on average after 2.5 months 213, with a 100 nmol/L (40 ng/mL) maximum after 5 months. 214
- 1,500 IU a day: Based on the other numbers here, estimated to be 90 nmol/L (36 ng/mL) on average after 5 months.
- 2,000 IU a day: Based on the other numbers here, estimated to be 100 nmol/L (40 ng/mL) on average after 5 months. However, some studies, at least from the Middle East, showed that 2,000 IU a was not enough to get many subjects above 75 nol/L (30 ng/mL).
- 4,000 IU a day: A 120 nmol/L (48 ng/mL) maximum in 5 months. 215, and an average of 168 nmol/L (67 ng/mL) after a year of daily supplementation, the full spectrum at that point ranging from 88 nmol/L (35 ng/mL) to 238 nmol/L (95 ng/mL). 216
- 5,500 IU a day: From 28 to 64 ng/mL in 5 months. 217
- 10,000 IU a day: On average 240 nmol/L (96 ng/mL) in 12 months, and 243 nmol/L (97 ng/mL) after 16 months, the highest number being 505 nmol/L (202 ng/mL) and a second dataset showing an average of 505 nmol/L (116 ng/mL). 218
- 11,000 IU a day: From 70 nmol/L (28ng/mL) to 220 nmol/L (88ng/mL) in 5 months. 219
- Chances of hypercalcemia (based on blood values, not on symptoms it appears) from various studies:
- 400 IU a day: 0% chance (serum calcium: >2.55 mmol/L). Calcium excretion in urine above 7.5mmol/day - considered "hypercalcemic" - still in 17% of subjects. 220
- 3,800 IU a day: Lowest dose that caused hypercalcemia in a few subjects after a three month period. 221
- 4,000 IU a day: 3% chance of hypercalcemia (serum calcium: >2.55 mmol/L), among 62-65 year olds over a period of 3 years. Calcium excretion in urine above 7.5mmol/day - considered "hypercalcemic" - in 22% of subjects. 222
- 10,000 IU a day: 9% chance of hypercalcemia (serum calcium: >2.55 mmol/L), among 62-65 year olds over a period of 3 years. Calcium excretion in urine above 7.5mmol/day - considered "hypercalcemic" - in 31% of subjects. 223
- (Proclaimed) health benefits of vitamin D are elusive:
- A lot of studies show that low vitamin D levels give you a higher risk of catching a cold compared to normal levels, although once you get it, ordinary vitamin D levels don't decrease the duration. Vitamin C supplementation reduces the duration with 8% in adults and 14 in children (unclear if natural vitamin C). Zinc supplementation lowers the disease duration by half in some studies, and zero in others.
- April 29, 2018, Hindawi: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 'Self-Care for Common Colds: The Pivotal Role of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea' (PDF): This study review demonstrates that a lot of studies show that vitamin D is effective in preventing the common cold. However, it also mentions the Jama-published study below that came to a total opposite conclusion: vitamin D makes barely, if any, difference. In any case it seems even low doses of 400-800 iu a day have a positive effect, with it generally not being necessary to go beyond 4,000 IU a day for prevention.
- June 15, 2016, Nutrients, 'Vitamin D Status and Quality of Life in Healthy Male High-Tech Employees': "Three hundred and fifty-eight men were enrolled in the study; mean serum 25(OH)D level was 22.1 ± 7.9 ng/mL (range 4.6–54.5 ng/mL). ... Every 1 ng/mL increase of 25(OH)D was associated with 9% reduction in the odds of reporting self-rated health as fair or poor. Poisson regression model demonstrated an association between physically unhealthy days and 25(OH)D levels (rate ratio 0.95, p < 0.001). In conclusion, serum levels of 25(OH)D were associated with self-rated health and with physically unhealthy days of HRQOL [Health-related quality of life questionnaire] in healthy high-tech male workers."
- Oct., 2012, JAMA Network, 'Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplementation on Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Healthy Adults': "Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted among 322 healthy adults... Participants were randomly assigned to receive an initial dose of 200 000 IU oral vitamin D3, then 200 000 IU 1 month later, then 100 000 IU monthly (n = 161), or placebo administered in an identical dosing regimen (n = 161), for a total of 18 months. ...
Results: The mean baseline 25-OHD level of participants was 29 (SD, 9) ng/mL. Vitamin D supplementation resulted in an increase in serum 25-OHD levels that was maintained at greater than 48 ng/mL throughout the study. There were 593 URTI episodes in the vitamin D group and 611 in the placebo group, with no statistically significant differences in the number of URTIs per participant (mean, 3.7 per person in the vitamin D group and 3.8 per person in the placebo group; risk ratio, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.85-1.11), number of days of missed work as a result of URTIs (mean, 0.76 days in each group; risk ratio, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.81-1.30), duration of symptoms per episode (mean, 12 days in each group; risk ratio, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.73-1.25), or severity of URTI episodes. These findings remained unchanged when the analysis was repeated by season and by baseline 25-OHD levels.
Conclusion: In this trial, monthly administration of 100 000 IU of vitamin D did not reduce the incidence or severity of URTIs in healthy adults."
- Bone density increases in old individuals with vitamin D and calcium supplementation and leads to half or less than half of the fractures - but only when it is a low dose of around 700-1000 IU a day max it appears. Mega-doses of 4,000 or 10,000 only decrease bone mineral density it turns out. Supplementation for children and healthy adults doesn't seem to make any difference.
- Sep. 4, 1997, New England Journal of Medicine, 'Effect of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Bone Density in Men and Women 65 Years of Age or Older': "We studied the effects of three years of dietary supplementation with calcium and vitamin D on bone mineral density, biochemical measures of bone metabolism, and the incidence of nonvertebral fractures in 176 men and 213 women 65 years of age or older who were living at home. They received either 500 mg of calcium plus 700 IU of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) per day or placebo. ... Of 37 subjects who had nonvertebral fractures, 26 were in the placebo group and 11 were in the calcium–vitamin D group (P = 0.02). ...
In men and women 65 years of age or older who are living in the community, dietary supplementation with calcium and vitamin D moderately reduced bone loss measured in the femoral neck, spine, and total body over the three-year study period and reduced the incidence of nonvertebral fractures." - Jan. 25, 2011, British Medical Journal (BMJ), 'Effects of vitamin D supplementation on bone density in healthy children: systematic review and meta-analysis': "From 1653 potential references, six studies, totalling 343 participants receiving placebo and 541 receiving vitamin D, contributed data to meta-analyses. Vitamin D supplementation had no statistically significant effects on total body bone mineral content or on bone mineral density of the hip or forearm. There was a trend to a small effect on lumbar spine bone mineral density (standardised mean difference 0.15 ...
In studies with low serum vitamin D, significant effects on total body bone mineral content and lumbar spine bone mineral density were roughly equivalent to a 2.6% and 1.7% percentage point greater change from baseline in the supplemented group. ...
Conclusions It is unlikely that vitamin D supplements are beneficial in children and adolescents with normal vitamin D levels." - Aug. 27, 2019, JAMA Network, 'Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D Supplementation on Volumetric Bone Density and Bone Strength': "Interventions: Daily doses of vitamin D3 for 3 years at 400 IU (n = 109), 4000 IU (n = 100), or 10 000 IU (n = 102). Calcium supplementation was provided to participants with dietary intake of less than 1200 mg per day. ... Conclusions and relevance: Among healthy adults, treatment with vitamin D for 3 years at a dose of 4000 IU per day or 10 000 IU per day, compared with 400 IU per day, resulted in statistically significant lower radial BMD [Bone Mineral Density]; tibial BMD was significantly lower only with the 10 000 IU per day dose. There were no significant differences in bone strength at either the radius or tibia. These findings do not support a benefit of high-dose vitamin D supplementation for bone health; further research would be needed to determine whether it is harmful. ...
Results: Of 311 participants ... 287 (92%) completed the study. Baseline, 3-month, and 3-year levels of 25(OH)D were 76.3, 76.7, and 77.4 nmol/L for the 400-IU group; 81.3, 115.3, and 132.2 for the 4000-IU group; and 78.4, 188.0, and 144.4 for the 10 000-IU group. There were significant group × time interactions for volumetric BMD. At trial end, radial volumetric BMD was lower for the 4000 IU group (-3.9 mg HA/cm3 [95% CI, -6.5 to -1.3]) and 10 000 IU group (-7.5 mg HA/cm3 [95% CI, -10.1 to -5.0]) compared with the 400 IU group with mean percent change in volumetric BMD of -1.2% (400 IU group), -2.4% (4000 IU group), and -3.5% (10 000 IU group). Tibial volumetric BMD differences from the 400 IU group were -1.8 mg HA/cm3 (95% CI, -3.7 to 0.1) in the 4000 IU group and -4.1 mg HA/cm3 in the 10 000 IU group (95% CI, -6.0 to -2.2), with mean percent change values of -0.4% (400 IU), -1.0% (4000 IU), and -1.7% (10 000 IU). There were no significant differences for changes in failure load (radius, P = .06; tibia, P = .12). "
- Sep. 4, 1997, New England Journal of Medicine, 'Effect of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Bone Density in Men and Women 65 Years of Age or Older': "We studied the effects of three years of dietary supplementation with calcium and vitamin D on bone mineral density, biochemical measures of bone metabolism, and the incidence of nonvertebral fractures in 176 men and 213 women 65 years of age or older who were living at home. They received either 500 mg of calcium plus 700 IU of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) per day or placebo. ... Of 37 subjects who had nonvertebral fractures, 26 were in the placebo group and 11 were in the calcium–vitamin D group (P = 0.02). ...
- Might prevent musculoskeletal pain in individuals involved in streneous tasks:
- June 2008, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 'Vitamin D Deficiency in Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain': "Seasonal variation in vitamin D deficiency associated with environmental sun exposure has been demonstrated in 165 normal individuals revealing deficiency in adults 18 to 49 years of age from 4% in the summer, to 32% in the winter.2 A study of 150 patients with musculoskeletal pain determined that 93% had vitamin D deficiency..."
- Deficient vitamin D levels can lead to a 10-25% lower testosterone level, but not all studies record this. See further below.
- Can relieve the symptoms of rheumanoid arthritis.
- "Three patients [who happened to have] psoriasis showed marked clinical improvement in their skin using 20,000 to 50,000 IUs/day."
- Asthma, skin lesions, psoriasis.
- April 7, 2023, 'Vitamin D supplements linked to lower risk of advanced cancer': "Among more than 25,000 men and women, those who were randomly assigned to take 2,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D each day for an average of 5.3 years were nearly 20% less likely than those who received a placebo to have an advanced cancer — defined here as one that metastasized (spread from the original tumor site) or proved fatal."
- Many other studies did not find any evidence for vitamin D lowering the chance of cancer. 224
- In fact, lowered vitamin D does not seem to have much effect on the prevention of major diseases as cancer, cardiovascular, or diabetes:
- Nov. 23, 2021, Nature Reviews Endocrinology. 'The health effects of vitamin D supplementation: evidence from human studies': "The VITAL, ViDA and D2d randomized clinical trials (combined number of participants >30,000) indicated that vitamin D supplementation of vitamin D-replete adults (baseline serum 25OHD >50 nmol/l) does not prevent cancer, cardiovascular events, falls or progression to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Post hoc analysis has suggested some extra-skeletal benefits for individuals with vitamin D deficiency. Over 60 Mendelian randomization studies, designed to minimize bias from confounding, have evaluated the consequences of lifelong genetically lowered serum 25OHD concentrations on various outcomes and most studies have found null effects. Four Mendelian randomization studies found an increased risk of multiple sclerosis in individuals with genetically lowered serum 25OHD concentrations. In conclusion, supplementation of vitamin D-replete individuals does not provide demonstrable health benefits. This conclusion does not contradict older guidelines that severe vitamin D deficiency should be prevented or corrected."
- A lot of studies show that low vitamin D levels give you a higher risk of catching a cold compared to normal levels, although once you get it, ordinary vitamin D levels don't decrease the duration. Vitamin C supplementation reduces the duration with 8% in adults and 14 in children (unclear if natural vitamin C). Zinc supplementation lowers the disease duration by half in some studies, and zero in others.
- Comments of random people:
- YouTube comment: "I keep my serum levels in the low to mid 90's ng/ml taking 10k iu daily for going on 10 yrs now, my wife takes 4k iu daily to keep her levels in the 90's. We also take magnesium, k2 and a few other supplements. What level does 2k iu D3 give you?"
- YouTube comment: "I was deficient under 30 [ng/ml] [75nmol/l] and always getting sick. I took 3000IU a day and over 18mths it’s slowly increased to just over 100 [250nmol/l]. I started noticing a difference around 50 but once I got to 90-100, that’s when I really noticed all the health benefits. Pretty much never get sick now when compared to before."
- YouTube comment: "I’ve been taking 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily for 2 1/2 years and the last time I had it checked it was 84 ng/mL. I also daily take 200 IU of K2 MK7. I’m a 72 year old male, about 220 lbs. I was able to find a naturally oriented doctor and she wants vitamin D between 80 to 100 ng/mL and would regard 50 as way too low."
- YouTube comment: "I am a breast cancer survivor and have been taking 10,000 IU for 15 years now without any toxicity."
- YouTube comment: "My wife cured her Rheumatoid arthritis in six months taking 200,000iu’s of D3, vitamin K2 magnesium and moringa. Started in June of 2019 and by Dec her blood levels for rheumatoid arthritis were 4. Her levels were 186. Now she’s on a maintenance dose of 50,000iu a day."
- YouTube comment: "I am 63 landscaper, hard work in hot Florida. A year ago thought I would have to find something else to do because I felt worn out tired with pain. Started taking 30 to 40k vit D3 daily for maybe a month. Since then I take 20,000 IU of vit D3 with 200 vit k mk7."
- YouTube comment: "I was taking about 20-30 thousand iu’s per day ….but here is the kicker: I only took that amount for about 3 weeks before the toxicity symptoms began to appear. Was frightening"
- YouTube comment: "I had my Vitamin D level checked 1 month ago and I was at 22ng/ml(low) [55nmol/l]. After finding out my low level I started taking 10,000 IU of D3 EVERYDAY and getting some natural sunshine. I just got my blood tested on Feb 1st and now I am up to 39ng/ml! [98nmol/l] I feel way better. No side effects from taking 10,000 IU/daily. Once I hit 60ng/ml [150nmol/l] I will lower it to 6,000 IU to see if I can sustain the 60ng/ml. I weigh 210lb."
- YouTube comment: "I take 8k [UI of vitamin D2] with a medium chain fatty acid (coconut oil 1 teaspoon morning and night). I get my potassium via food and herbs. Vitamin B complexes via Nutritional Yeast and a Modified Keto diet. Been in remission for my MS now for 10 years."
- YouTube comment: "I took 20,000 IU's for many months with k2. I then had D levels checked by doctor, wasn't high, normal."
- YouTube comment: "Living in Seattle, I was taking 3,000 IU of D3 every day throughout the winter and my blood tests confirmed I was still very low on vitamin D."
- Vitamin D has a controversial history 225:
- Everything was vitamin D fortified in the early 20th century after it was found out it, similar to sunlight, cured rickets, a childhood disease in which bones are warped due to being too soft.
- In the early 1950s these fortifications were reversed in many countries due to worries of hypercalcemic toxicity. The basis for these actions though appears to have only been a small sample study of children who happened to be overly sensitive to vitamin D, even at levels of 1,500 IU a day. Other worries were raised when extreme doses of 200,000-300,000 ui a day were given to arthritis sufferers. This quickly caused toxicity symptoms that took months or years to resolve, because vitamin D is stored in, and released from, the fat.
- As a result, 75 nmol/L (30 ng/mL) serum vitamin D levels were seen as the maximum safe limit. However, in later studies still no toxicity was observed at at 125 nmol/L (50ng/ml) in test subjects. 11 weeks of 1,000 IU a day supplementation resulted in 33.6ng/ml levels on average. New info says 150ng/mL basically lower limit to see any toxic effects. Another studyshowed that only one person with levels of 364ng/ml showed hypercalcemia. No evidence in general for increase in chances of kidney stones or calcification, certainly not below 4,000 IU a day. In fact, higher levels reduce chances of hypertension, stroke, and myocardial infarction. Toxicity for vitamin D is extremely rare and usually associated with over "50,000-100,000 IU/d for months"
- Due to internet doctor advice (such as Dr. Eric Berg), a lot of people today like to increase their vitamin D levels to between 200-250 nmol/L (80-100 ng/mL). The idea is that it makes people much resistant to diseases.
- However, we already saw that mega-doses of 4,000 or 10,000 IU only decrease bone mineral density compared to just 400 IU (noting in between was offered), as it turns out. The 400 IU, short and long term, would put someone around 78 nmol/L (31 ng/mL).
- Similarly, it is interesting to see that apparently both total and free testosterone levels start to go down again above roughly 95 nmol/L (40 ng/mL), a very respectable level and pretty much the maximum that is naturally possible for most people. Total testosterone drops harder than free, but, at least according to the above chart, it appears that at 225nmol/l (90 ng/mL) you have at least 11.5% less testosterone than optimal, and a similar level as an severely deficient 35 nmol/L (14 ng/mL). You likely are much healthier at that 225nmol/l (90 ng/mL), but apparently not purely testosterone wise. Hence, there's an argument to be made to stick at vitamin D levels of 38-50 if you have no particular health issues that may require higher vitamin D levels. This is theory, of course. Maybe bloodwork shows that there is no issue with you testosterone-wise going up to 200+ nmol/L (80+ ng/mL).
- In any case, a deficiency in vitamin D can lead to 14 to 25% lower testosterone levels from optimum, with zinc deficiency sometimes accounting for 50-75% lower levels. Once there is a sufficiency, additional supplementation dopes not lead to higher testosterone levels, and may actually slowly bring them down again.
- July 2012, Clinical Endocrinology (Oxford), 'Association between plasma 25-OH vitamin D and testosterone levels in men': "This is the fourth study to show positive associations between vitamin D and testosterone1-3. ...
The spline models show graphically that the positive association between [vitamin] D and total and free testosterone is linear at lower [vitamin] D levels, below approximately 75-85 nmol/l in the case of total testosterone and 75 nmol/l in the case of free testosterone (figure 2a and and 2b),2b), reaching a plateau at higher levels... [Between 25 and 80 nmol/L (10 and 32 ng/mL) the total testosterone rises by about 14%; it ever so slowly decreases from about 88 nmol/L [34 ng/mL] on, to about 5% lower at 150 nmol/L [60 ng/mL] [free T has declined 1-2% at 150 nmol/L]. However, in the chart with seasonal changes, when vitamin D goes up from 54 to 75 nmol/L [21 to 30 ng/mL] it causes zero fluctuation in testosterone. It even is 2-3% lower in summer than in winter.] The shape of the dose-response curves indicate that associations between 25(OH)D and testosterone are strongest in lower ranges of 25(OH)D. Unlike for vitamin D, we did not observe any seasonal variation of testosterone concentrations." - March 2011, Hormone and Metabolic Research journal, 'Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men': "Healthy overweight men undergoing a weight reduction program who participated in a randomized controlled trial were analyzed for testosterone levels. The entire study included 200 nondiabetic subjects, of whom 165 participants (54 men) completed the trial. Participants received either 83 μg (3,332 IU) vitamin D daily for 1 year (n = 31) or placebo (n =2 3). Initial 25(OH)D concentrations were in the deficiency range (< 50 nmol/l) [< 20 ng/mL] and testosterone values were at the lower end of the reference range (9.09-55.28 nmol/l for males aged 20-49 years) in both groups. Mean circulating 25(OH)D concentrations increased significantly by 53.5 nmol/l in the vitamin D group [so 103.5 nmol/l], but remained almost constant in the placebo group. Compared to baseline values, a significant increase in total testosterone levels (from 10.7 ± 3.9 nmol/l to 13.4 ± 4.7 nmol/l; p < 0.001) [i.e. 25% increase], bioactive testosterone (from 5.21 ± 1.87 nmol/l to 6.25 ± 2.01 nmol/l; p = 0.001) [i.e. 20% increase], and free testosterone levels (from 0.222 ± 0.080 nmol/l to 0.267 ± 0.087 nmol/l; p = 0.001) [i.e. 20% increase] were observed in the vitamin D supplemented group. By contrast, there was no significant change in any testosterone measure in the placebo group."
- July 20, 2023 YouTube upload by 'Connor Curtis', 'How I Increased My Testosterone 97% in 30 days with 3 everyday supplements': A relatively thin, not very tanned, 24-year-old Australian guy living near a beach right after summer, Connor Curtis, in 30 days went from a total testosterone level of 260 ng/dL to 511 ng/dL (+97%) by taking away his deficiencies with vitamin D, magnesium and zinc. His free testosterone went from 229 ng/dL (255 is low) to 392 ng/dL (+71%). SHBG went from 17 nmol/L to 28 nmol/L (+66%)
His estradiol (E2) though increased from 128 pmol/L to 149 pmol/L (50-150 is optimal, above 150 is high) - a 17% increase. This probably also explains why he responded so well to Tongkat Ali (which boosted his testosterone from 479 to 811) in later months, because that strongly decreases E2 and converts it to testosterone. His only vitamin and mineral supplementation:- Vitamin D3: 10,000 IU a day upped him from 42 to 212 nmol/L (16.8ng/mL to 85/mL), which is from "deficient" to "high optimal", something that almost isn't posisble to achieve naturally. He actually started taking 5,000 a day after, which dropped him to 180 nmol/L (72 ng/mL). He also supplemented with vitamin K2 at the same time though.
- Zinc: This sat at the absolute minimum acceptable value of of 10 ug/dL. 1 month of 1 pill of 20 mcg zinc brought it to 12 ug/dL. A second month of 2 pills for a total of 40 mcg brought him to 15 ug/dL. Only above 18 is potentially toxic.
- Magnesium: After supplementation with 250mg of magnesium glycinate a day 3.9 mg/dL, his magnesium levels increased from 3.9 mg/dL (below 4.2 mg/dL is deficient) to 5.8mg/dL (6-6.8 mg/dL is optimal).
- July 2012, Clinical Endocrinology (Oxford), 'Association between plasma 25-OH vitamin D and testosterone levels in men': "This is the fourth study to show positive associations between vitamin D and testosterone1-3. ...
- If you want to be a little higher with vitamin D, maybe aim for 125 nmol/L (50 ng/mL), which puts you in the high range of professional soccer plays in summer. It may possibly decrease your free testosterone by 1% and total testosterone by 2.5%, and slightly bring your bone density to baseline, but you *might* also just get that little bit of extra flu protection, and may just feel a bit better.
- Nov. 7, 2011, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 'Seasonal pattern of vitamin D in male elite soccer players': "The concentration of 25(OH) D3 was 111.5± 30.5, 92.3 ± 30.8 and 102.5±37.1 nmol/L (Average ± DS) in autumn, winter and spring respectively. The concentration of 25(OH) D3was 111.5± 30.5, 92.3 ± 30.8 and 102.5±37.1 nmol/L (Average ± DS) in autumn, winter and spring respectively. ... Parallel to the vitamin D reduction, there was another significance reduction (p<0.05) of BMC [Bone mineral content] from 3453.5 ± 339.4 to 3409.1 ± 278.0 g (Average ± DS) between autumn and winter."
- Insulin resistance (QUICKI and OGIS index) is a weird one as well it appears. In one study with "healthy men" with a baseline vitamin D level of 53.3 nmol/L / 21 ng/mL, supplementing for 12 weeks with 2,850 IU a day of vitamin D, did nothing significant for testosterone and actually made their insulin sensitivity worse. This is odd in all ways, because this supplement regimen should only have increased their vitamin D levels to roughly a peak optimal 100 nmol/L / 40 ng/mL. In contrast, a group of pre-diabetes subject receiving 8,500 IU a day for 12 weeks, improved their insulin sensitivity by 4%:
- Nov. 1, 2017, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 'Vitamin D and Testosterone in Healthy Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial': "Ninety-eight healthy men with TT [Total Testosterone] levels ≥10.4 nmol/L [≥300 ng/dL] and [vitamin D] levels <75 nmol/L [<30 nmol/L] completed the study. ... Subjects were randomly assigned to receive 20,000 IU/wk [2,850 IU a day] of vitamin D3 (n = 50) or placebo (n = 50) for 12 weeks. ... Vitamin D treatment had no effect on TT levels in middle-aged healthy men with normal baseline TT, but it significantly decreased ... quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI) ...
Results: In healthy men [... 39 years (±13 years); 25(OH)D level, 53.3 nmol/L (±18.3 nmol/L) [21 ng/mL] ; TT, 19.1 nmol/L (±5.6 nmol/l)] [551 ng/dL], no significant treatment effect on TT was found; however, there were significant effects on quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI) and a trend toward decreased Matsuda index." - Dec. 10, 2020, Cureus: Journal of Medical Science, 'Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplementation on Insulin Sensitivity in Prediabetes With Hypovitaminosis D': "The objective of this study was to assess the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on oral glucose insulin sensitivity (OGIS) index in patients with prediabetes and hypovitaminosis D. Methods We enrolled 120 individuals with prediabetes (ADA definition) and hypovitaminosis D (vitamin D < 30 ng/mL) and randomized them into the vitamin D supplementation (60,000 IU weekly [8,500 p.d.]) group and the placebo group. ...
Results [after 12 weeks]: ... Serum vitamin D levels (10.11 ... to 52.2 ... ng/mL...) and OGIS index (376.4 ... to 391.7 ...) increased significantly on per-protocol analysis in the vitamin D group. There was no significant change observed in vitamin D levels and OGIS index in the placebo group. ... Conclusions: The correction of hypovitaminosis D in subjects with prediabetes led to improved insulin sensitivity as assessed by OGIS index at 120 minutes, signifying the role of vitamin D in glucose homeostasis."
- Nov. 1, 2017, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 'Vitamin D and Testosterone in Healthy Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial': "Ninety-eight healthy men with TT [Total Testosterone] levels ≥10.4 nmol/L [≥300 ng/dL] and [vitamin D] levels <75 nmol/L [<30 nmol/L] completed the study. ... Subjects were randomly assigned to receive 20,000 IU/wk [2,850 IU a day] of vitamin D3 (n = 50) or placebo (n = 50) for 12 weeks. ... Vitamin D treatment had no effect on TT levels in middle-aged healthy men with normal baseline TT, but it significantly decreased ... quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI) ...
Vitamin E
- RDA is 12-15 mg / 18-22 IU per day. A lot of supplements contain 400 IU / 268 mg per tablet or 500 IU / 335 mg per tablet. 400 IU a day is generally considered the upper limit. Moringa leaf powder usually tests around 100mg per 100g.
- Natural vitamin D has a half-life in the body of anywhere from 24 to 72 hours, with various compounds only having 4-15 hour half-lives. In contrast, vitamin D3, also stored in the body's fat, has a half-life of 3 weeks. One study found a 55 hour half-life in smokers for vitamin E, versus a 72 hour half-life for non-smokers. 226
- Despite actual symptoms of (severe) deficiency being relatively rare, vitamin E is very hard to get enough of without supplements for most people. On a personal note, when this author investigated his own healthy diet (milk, crackers with butter and cheese, fruit, rice, meat, fresh vegetables) for vitamin and mineral content, it turned out that vitamin E sat at the lowest intake of all at the end of the day: just 27% of RDA.
- Tocopherol vitamin E:
- Similar to vitamin C, there are both natural (D-α-tocopherol) and synthetic (DL-α-tocopherol acetate or simply DL-α-tocopherol) vitamin E supplements. Petrochemicals are involved in synthetic vitamin E, which is less biologically available to the body. Synthetic vitamin E is estimated to only have anywhere 12% to 50% of the bioavailability of natural vitamin E, with there always being chances of additional side effects we haven't picked up on. The price difference between the two is negligible.
- Tocotrienol vitamin E:
- March 27, 2006, Life Sciences journal, 'Tocotrienols: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols': "In nature, eight substances have been found to have vitamin E activity: α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocopherol; and α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocotrienol. Yet, of all papers on vitamin E listed in PubMed less than 1% relate to tocotrienols. The abundance of α-tocopherol in the human body and the comparable efficiency of all vitamin E molecules as antioxidants, led biologists to neglect the non-tocopherol vitamin E molecules as topics for basic and clinical research. Recent developments warrant a serious reconsideration of this conventional wisdom. Tocotrienols possess powerful neuroprotective, anti-cancer and cholesterol lowering properties that are often not exhibited by tocopherols."
- An anti-oxidant, adequate Vitamin E has been tied to reduced chances of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer, eye issues, and more. It also has neuroprotective features.
- Joe Tippens supplemented his very successful fenbendazole anti-cancer treatment with vitamin E, because it possibly is the vitamin that supercharges fenbendazole in eradicating cancer.
Vitamin K (K1)
- Fat soluble vitamin predominantly found in leafy vegetables. Not to be confused with vitamin K2.
Vitamin K2
- Fat-soluble vitamin of which there are two variations: MK4 and MK7, each with their own benefits.
- MK4:
- Half-life of 2 hours. Produced by the human body and situated in many tissues. All vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 is ultimately converted to MK4.
- Various studies show 45mg a day of MK4 increasing bone density of subjects by anything from 0.14 to 9% over the course of a year, with 58 to 62% fewer fractures occuring among test subjects daily ingesting 45mg a day of MK4.
- MK7:
- Half-life of 3 to 3.5 days. Only produced by bacteria in fermented foods.
- Some studies say that MK7 has no effect on bone mass, even when taking it daily for 3 years. Other claim it does. 227
- Dec. 2019, Integrative Medicine journal, 'Highlighting The Substantial Body Of Evidence Confirming The Importance Of Vitamin K2 As A Cardio-Support Nutrient, And How The Right K2 Makes All The Difference': "The Rotterdam Study (2004) and the Prospect-EPIC Study (2008) were the first population-based evidence that a high dietary intake of Vitamin K2–but not vitamin K1–offered a strong positive reduction in cardiovascular risk. ...
Findings from this 10-year population-based study indicated that eating foods rich in natural Vitamin K2 (at least 32 mcg/day) resulted in 50 percent reduction of arterial calcification, 50 percent reduction of cardiovascular risk, and 25 percent reduction of all-cause mortality.10 In 2009, these findings were confirmed by another population-based study with 16 000 subjects (ranging in age from 49 to 70) from the Prospect-EPIC cohort population. After following female participants for up to eight years, the researchers found that for every 10 mcg Vitamin K2 (MK-7, MK-8, and MK-9) consumed—again, not Vitamin K1—the risk of coronary heart disease was reduced by 9 percent. Vitamin K1 intake had no effect.11 ...
Using ultrasound and pulse-wave velocity measurements (recognized as standard measurements for cardiovascular health), researchers determined that carotid artery distensibility was significantly improved for a 3-year period in the MenaQ7® group as compared with that of a placebo group, especially in women having high arterial stiffness. Also, pulse-wave velocity showed a statistically significantly decrease after 3 years for the Vitamin K2 (MK-7) group, but not for the placebo group, demonstrating an increase in the elasticity and reduction in age-related arterial stiffening, again, especially in women having high arterial stiffening. ...
A nutritional dose of Vitamin K2, in fact, promotes cardiovascular health. No other compound to date has been shown to deliver the same cardiovascular protection as Vitamin K2 as MK-7.12
Two studies in 2019 further strengthened (and reconfirmed) the relationship between Vitamin K2 and cardiovascular disease. ...
What the consistent, grim statistics usually hide is that poor cardiovascular health is not an issue reserved for the middle-aged or elderly. A 2019 study of 22 346 young adults, ages 30 to 49, undergoing coronary artery calcium (CAC) testing for clinical indications, found that 34.4% had CAC, and those with elevated CAC scores had significantly higher rates of coronary heart disease and coronary vascular disease mortality.15 ...
Further, Omega-3 has been recognized for cardiovascular support, with qualified health claims for the reduction in risk of Coronary Heart Disease in the US. While Omega-3’s mechanism of action is linked to supporting healthy inflammation, triglycerides, blood pressure, and the promotion of arterial health, it is not recognized for impacting vascular calcification. This is what makes Vitamin K2 a perfect complementary nutrient–providing the final piece of the heart-health puzzle."
Vitamins: water-solu.Vitamin B- Water soluble, B complex vitamins are strongly linked to the functioning of the nervous system.
- Most of them are easily secreted and can be taken in doses.
- B6: Particularly strongly linked to the lowering of estrogen.
- B12: Important for better focus, good nerve health, oxygenation of your brain, etc. Recommended Dietary Allowance: 2.4 mcg. Optimum Daily Intake (ODI): 10k mcg. A lot of stress, alcohol, or smoke requires much higher B12 levels. The amount needed for nerve repair: 1500-3000 mcg. B12 is extremely safe to supplement, because it is water soluble and easily discarded. Studies show that even astronomical amounts cause no issues. A study showed that 60,000 mcg a day could effectively be used to battle MS. B12 content in common food:
- 1 liter milk: 4.6 mcg.
- Salmon (100g): 4 mcg.
- Beef (100g): 2 mcg.
- Cheese (100g): 2 mcg.
- 500g yoghurt: 2.4 mcg.
- Egg: 0.8 mcg.
- Pork: 0.4 mcg.
- Experiences with B12 supplementation:
- YouTube comment: "When I was 65 my primary car physician during an annual health visit did a quick sensation check on the bottom of my feet. I could not feel it. My B12 blood test was normal although on the low end of normal. She recommended take a B12 supplement with 2000 mg. I did and within 6 days my feet had returned to pretty normal sensation. They continued to improve for more than six months."
- YouTube comment: "At the age of 35, one day at a very stressful job, I suddenly lost the feeling in the tips of my toes, fingers and the ability to taste also having lost the feeling in my tongue. I also developed a splitting headache, lost a lot of weight and noticed my hair falling out. My doctor instinctively tested for my B12 levels. My levels were so low, that they did not register on the test. She put me on weekly injections and was concerned if I might have developed permanent nerve damage. She said also that because I had premature grey hair, that it was very luckily that I did not absorb B12 well. Luckily, after 6 scary months, I gradually regained all the feeling back with no damage. More than 10 years have passed, and I make sure I take B12 almost daily now."
- YouTube comment: "If you’ve ever had Trigeminal Neuralgia, an excruciating facial nerve condition that’s nicknamed "The Suicide Disease," you wouldn’t think anything is too much when it comes to B12. Because of sublingual Methylcobalamin taken at 5,000 mcg dosage, my TN completely disappeared! It was nothing short of miraculous—keeping me from having to have a scheduled MVD surgery (brain surgery) at UCI in Irvine, Ca. Three years later, I am still symptom free! I still take sublingual 5,000 mcg every two days just to make sure the TN doesn’t come back. Back in the 50’s sublingual B12 was widely used for TN and MS as a first line of treatment. But then Big Pharma arose and… well you know the rest of that story. It’s an all-too familiar one."
- YouTube comment: "Thank you I was taking about 10,000mcg per tab I two little tablets because I needed the energy without taking caffeine. I was worried I would might be taking too much. Thank you again."
Vitamin C
- Likely the best known vitamin supplement on the planet. Unlike most mammals, humans do not produce vitamin C themselves. Whenever it is not taken adequately, usually the first symptom is gums that bleed very easily. This will progress into other signs of scurvy: weakness, fatigue, poor wound healing, and sore arms and legs.
- The body usually stores about 1.4 to 2 grams of vitamin C in the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and liver. If it drops below 300mg you are at near scurvy (due to vitamin C being necessary to make collagen). Anything above the 2 grams gets excreted quickly, but can certainly be of temporary benefit to the body, such as fighting off infections or protecting from sun damage ("liver spots" are a sign of vitamin C deficiency).
- Vitamin C not absorbed in the presence of sugar and insulin.
- Similar to vitamin E, two types of vitamin C supplements are sold: cheap synthetic and more expensive natural:
- Natural: In nature the "vitamin C complex" consists of ascorbic acid, copper enzyme, vitamin J (the anti-pneumonia vitamin – used with a lot of asthma cases), and vitamin K. Natural vitamin C pills contain Acerola or Rose Hip / Rozenbottel extract, two fruits with some of the highest vitamin C content on the planet. An alternative is Papaya leaf extract.
- Synthetic: Cheap ascorbic acid-derived vitamin C really is not vitamin C. It is chemically created from corn syrup, with the aid of hydrochloric acid and aceton an acid. Only in recent dictionaries has ascorbic acid been labeled as such. The process:
- Step 1-9 (Starch Hydrolysis): Corn starch is broken down into simple sugar (D-Glucose) by the action of heat and enzymes.
- Step 10 (Hydrogenation): D-Glucose is converted into D-Sorbitol.
- Step 11 (Fermentation): D-Sorbitol is converted into L-Sorbose.
- Step 12 (Acetonation): Acetone is added. L-Sorbose is also combined with an acid at low temperatures.
- Step 13 (Oxidation): The product is oxidized with a catalyst, acidified, washed and dried forming L-Gluconic Acid.
- Step 14 (Hydrolysis): L-Gluconic Acid is treated with hydrochloric acid forming crude ascorbic acid.
- Step 15 (Recrystallization): The crude ascorbic acid is filtered, purified and milled into a fine crystalline powder.
- Dr. Eric Berg, on his YouTube channel, explained he once had a patient who was injected in Mexico with megadoses of synthetic vitamin C. He ended up with the worst vitamin C definiency ever, resulting in fatigue, joints falling apart, heavy varicose veins (also on the nose) and hemmroids. Vitamin C's flavonoids are preventing varicose veins. Adrenal issues are common with high synthetic Vitamin C.
- A recently discovered fruit in Australia is the Kakadu Plum (Gubinge). At least when fresh, at about 3,000% RDA, it has the highest vitamin C content in the world:
- March 2023, Molecules journal, 'Bioactive Properties of Kakadu Plum-Blended Products': "The Kakadu plum contains a high concentration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and was identified as a bush plant nutrient by Aboriginal people [11]. In the first report, Kakadu plum fruit contained 2300–3150 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of fresh weight (2.3–3.1%). However, on a dry weight basis in another study, the ascorbic acid levels were recorded as 14,038 ± 701 mg per 100 g (~14%) [12]."
Plant compoundsChlorophyll
- Chlorophyll is a green pigment in plants that convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose.
- Ordinary vegetables tend to fluctuate between 0.01 and 0.085% chlorophyll content (0.1-0.85 mg/g). Spinach and chard range around 0.07-0.08%, broccoli and kale around 0.02% (with kale not retaining any after cooking), and Brussels sprouts, cabbage and lettuce all hovering around 0.005-0.015%.
- The green algae chlorella (vulgaris, the most common type in lab work and supplementation) has much higher chlorophyll contents. The natural, "wild type" appears to contain between 9 and 14mg/g (0.9 - 1.4%) of chlorophyll:
- Chlorophyll seems to be degraded to some extent by heat, especially by temperatures over 60 degrees Celsius. 228
- With supplements, chlorophyll can be taken in liquid and pure form, or as part of chlorella (vulgaris) tablets, the green algae. Both forms have people reporting on favorable effects.
- Chlorophyll / Cholerella detoxifies the body from at least some insectides:
- 1984, issue 1, Drug and Chemical Toxicology journal, 'Detoxification of Chlordecone Poisoned Rats with Chlorella and Chlorella Derived Sporopollenin': "Cholerella protothecoides accelerated the detoxification of chlordecone poisoned rats, decreasing the half-life of the toxin from 40 to 19 days. The ingested algae passed through the gastrointestinal tract unharmed, interrupted the enteric recirculation of the persistent insecticide, and subsequently eliminated the bound chlordecone with the feces."
- Chlorophyll / Cholerella detoxifies the body from heavy metals, although its effect in this regard might be milder than various other compounds:
- Feb. 2022, Journal of Applied Phycology, 'Quantitative evaluation of Chlorella vulgaris for removal of toxic metals from body': "Chlorella 500 and 1000 mg/70 kg HED [Human Equivalent Dose] showed significant reduction in whole body retention of strontium (26.05 and 46.40%, respectively) and thallium (18.06 and 38.39%, respectively). Chlorella treatment increased the excretion of strontium and thallium through feces and urine."
- April 16, 2019, Antioxidants journal, 'The Long-Term Algae Extract (Chlorella and Fucus sp) and Aminosulphurate Supplementation Modulate SOD-1 Activity and Decrease Heavy Metals (Hg++, Sn) Levels in Patients with Long-Term Dental Titanium Implants and Amalgam Fillings Restorations': "The long-term treatment with [chlorella] algae extract and aminosulphurates for 90 consecutive days decreased certain heavy metal levels (Hg++ [mercury], Ag [silver], Sn [tin], Pb [lead], and U [uranium]) as compared with basal levels. However, Hg++ [mercury] and Sn [tin] reductions were observed after 90 days as compared with untreated controls (without dental materials)."
- The most often reported benefit of chlorophyll is that it removes smell from sweat, but reportedly often also breath, farts, and genital areas. This works to a greater or lesser extent for people. For some people it removes acne, but also not for everyone. Experiences along these lines:
- Reddit comment: "I take chlorophyll capsules and it definitely helps with body odor! I take a stimulant for ADHD and sweat more."
- Reddit comment: "I kid you not. My poop doesn’t smell if I drink a lot of chlorophyll water the day before. So he’ll yeah I say it works for bo. Scentless farts ftw."
- Reddit comment: "My [new] tables are 100% chlorella. ... I take 1 every 6 hours... I have been showering regularly with chlorhexidine gluconate. ... Anyway this is used be people in extreme odour situations. It's supposed to kill bacteria for up to 6 hours after use. ... I know some people will leave a layer of the Chlorhexidine gluconate under their arms but I didn't really wanna go down that route. I eat onions and garlic and vinegar for almost every meal. I love cheese and eggs also. Eat a lot of vegetables but not much fruit. There was no way I was prepared to cut all those things out of my diet. So anyway I bought some broken cell wall chlorophyll tablets. Took half the maximum daily amount and have noticed a massive reduction in my body odor!"
- Reddit comment: "It definitely takes away all smell, sweat, breath, your lady parts. And it works almost immediately like same day. It’s not something that needs to build up in your system. I’ve done the unflavored and just mix it with a cup of cold water and chug. I just got pills of the same brand to try. We’ll see if it’s works as good as the liquid."
- Reddit comment: "I don't know if it's the chlorophyll, but once I started drinking it daily, my skin has gotten worse. I initially started drinking it for better digestion- I do 15 drops into a glass of water with some lemon juice and chug it. It has helped my digestion! (I deal with IBS-C) I didn't know that it makes your sweat not smell but that was one of the first things I noticed. Did a 12 mile hike the other day, usually my clothes would smell like sweat after... but they didn't have any smell at all! I was super confused in the moment then found out after that it was the chlorophyll."
- Reddit comment: "I’ve been using chlorophyll off and on for about 2 years now. I don’t have BO after drinking it for about 2 days. Your poop will be green. It didn’t change my life of anything but it definitely has a beneficial use."
- Reddit comment: "I’ve been taking it for a week and my pee smells HORRIBLE."
- Reddit comment: "It gets rid of body odors, makes your skin clear or glowing, and it makes you shit a lot cause of digestion so that’s how it could aid in weight loss."
- Reddit comment: "I take chlorophyll tablets to get rid of body odors and it definitely works in that regard."
- Reddit comment: "So I didn't even know chlorophyll has been a big thing. I bought some on a whim from Amazon (they have tons) about a week ago and within 3 days of taking it, the horrible breakouts I had on my forehead started to dry up and disappear. It wasn't until 5 to 6 days in of baby smooth skin that I realized it was the chlorophyll I've been taking. It's the only thing I changed. So I can attest that liquid chlorophyll does in fact work crazy miracles on acne. I was hoping it would dial down body odor too as it's summer now and I'm sweating way more, and it has, but just a little. It's done more for my skin than anything else and that has been a very pleasant surprise."
- Reddit comment: "I took liquid chlorophyll few years ago, does help to reduced the number of acne I had, but all my acne cured by taking zinc supplement."
- Reddit comment: "The only thing chlorophyll did to me was making my poop super dark green. I took it for body odor issue in the past, didn't see any result btw."
- Reddit comment: "Chlorella is great. Cleans out the gut and is very energizing. Puts the roses in your cheeks."
- Reddit comment: "100mg of chlorophyll 200mg of bismuth subgallate and champex for a month."
- Other reported experiences:
- Jan. 2024 Reddit comment: "Originally I started taking it for my acne, although it did fix most of it but the main thing it did was it got rid of my grey hair that I started getting at the age of 12. All doctors said you cannot reverse grey hair and there’s nothing you can really do. At 18 I’d say half of my hair were fully grey and it was one of my biggest insecurity growing up as a kid. (I’m 21 now and I have maybe 2-3 grey hair).
I started taking it beginning of 2021 and by the end of the year, most of my grey hair were gone, and that’s not even why I started taking it. For me this was more than I could’ve asked for. Keep in mind it wasn’t instant, I went through 2-3 bottles [of 250ml liquid chlorophyll each] and took about a whole year, but honestly I couldn’t have asked for more.
Some other things I noticed was that my sweat started to not leave a stench at all. Also around my crotch/genital area, some people may have a specific body odour, but mine completely went away, no matter how much I sweat it never smells like anything anywhere on my body. Also it did make me feel more energized and "awake" throughout the day, although this a was a minor change but nonetheless I felt it." Comment to it: "Maybe you had a copper deficiency which caused your grey hair: ... "A bit of a misnomer, liquid chlorophyll supplements are usually chlorophyllin, a semi-synthetic, water-soluble form of chlorophyll. Chlorophyllin is derived from chlorophyll but bound to copper instead of magnesium. So when you find liquid forms of chlorophyll supplements, you’re likely taking chlorophyllin." - Reddit comment: "I take 1-2 servings of LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL by Synergy once a day in my hydroflask during workouts, and drink the remainder after. I feel a huge difference in my workouts. ... Basically with it I don't feel the effects of lactic acid, and cramp up much less. Which allows me to workout longer, and more intensely.
I was about 38 and was starting to gain a lot of excess weight (235lbs). I decided to get back into shape around the same time my wife "forced" me to start taking Chlorophyll and Arginine. Skip ahead 4 years and now I workout 12-18 hours a week. 6'2, 210lbs, probably around 10% body fat. Not easy to keep the body fat down, but the Chlorophyll definitely helps. I have only used Synergy's chlorophyll..."
- Jan. 2024 Reddit comment: "Originally I started taking it for my acne, although it did fix most of it but the main thing it did was it got rid of my grey hair that I started getting at the age of 12. All doctors said you cannot reverse grey hair and there’s nothing you can really do. At 18 I’d say half of my hair were fully grey and it was one of my biggest insecurity growing up as a kid. (I’m 21 now and I have maybe 2-3 grey hair).
- Diindolylmethane (DIM) is the main anti-cancer and estrogen-lowering compound to be found in cruceferious vegetables. It can be bought in isolated form or as indole-3-carbinol / DIM content:, which breaks down to DIM after ingestion to the tune of 60-67% (so 250mg indole-3-carbinol would provide about 165mg DIM). Indole-3-carbinol / DIM can be extracted in the largest amounts from 3-day-old broccoli and califlower sprouts, which often have anywhere from 5 to sometimes 100x the the amount found in mature plants that can be bought in the supermarket. Reported supermarket concentrations of 20mg per 100g in broccolistill are not bad though, as plenty of people can't handle more than 75mg before side-effects show up related to low-estrogen: headaches, depression, and drying out of joints. In any case, there is a ton a variance among cultivator brands, so for consistent levels it might be best to buy supplements.
- July 2010 study: "Very low doses of DIM [100mg] as found as a component of foods with the necessary cofactors works in the gut and liver to manipulate estrogen detox and support healthy estrogen metabolite ratios to prevent estrogen dominance. … Indole-3-carbinol was studied extensively and found to be effective and beneficial for cancers but was shown to be very unstable [in that it mainly converts to DIM]. DIM was found to be more stable and more suitable for use in supplements. ...
Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) I3C is a labile compound in vitro, which readily rearranges to DIM, linear trimer (LTR), cyclic trimer (CTR), indoloc carbazole and other oligomers under acidic conditions ... in the stomach. … Greater than 50% dimerization of I3C into DIM occurred in 24 hours. At 48 hour, greater than 60% conversion was found. With 60% conversion, approximately 2/3 of the I3C will be converted to DIM. … I3C condenses into DIM at a ratio of 2:1… After 24 hours of incubation, at least 50% of the I3C initially added was converted to DIM. ... At the earliest time evaluated (24 hours) the extent of conversion of I3C to DIM was above 50%...The quantitative measurements indicate ... at least a 60% conversion of I3C to DIM (Tables III and IV)." - (accessed: April 26, 2024): "One 2009 study analyzed three broccoli cultivars and found I3C concentrations ranging from 75-121 mg per 100 g fresh weight. The levels were highest in the green Magic cultivar compared to the Beneforté and Lucullus varieties. Another study detected around 20 mg I3C per 100 g [5x lower] in standard broccoli heads purchased from a market."
- Sep. 16, 1997, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 'Broccoli sprouts: An exceptionally rich source of inducers of enzymes that protect against chemical carcinogens': "Extracts of 3-day-old broccoli sprouts ... were highly effective in reducing the incidence, multiplicity, and rate of development of mammary tumors in ... rats. ... Unexpectedly, 3-day-old sprouts of cultivars of certain crucifers including broccoli and cauliflower contain 10–100 times higher levels of [indole] glucoraphanin ... than do the corresponding mature plants. ...
Whereas inducer activity was high for sprouts of all crucifers examined, it was consistently highest for broccoli and cauliflower cultivars. Three-day-old sprouts of random commercial cultivars of broccoli (n = 26) and cauliflower (n = 28) produced inducer potencies ranging from 92,500 to 769,000 units/g fr. wt. (mean = 293,000 units/g fr. wt.) and from 50,000 to 560,000 units/g fr. wt. (mean = 251,000 units/g fr. wt.), respectively. Repetitive kilogram-scale harvests of 3-day-old broccoli (cultivar SAGA) sprouts yielded an average of 511,000 units/g fr. wt. (n = 14). ...
Although the indole glucosinolate composition varied considerably among cultivars and even among different samples of the same cultivar, indole glucosinolates accounted, on average, for 67% of the total glucosinolates in extracts prepared from 7 broccoli cultivars (DeCicco, Emperor, Everest, Excelsior, Green Comet, Green Valiant, and SAGA). In contrast, in most 3-day-old broccoli and cauliflower sprouts and seeds (>70 cultivars examined), less than 10% of total glucosinolates were indoles, and in many cultivars none could be detected (Fig. (Fig.4).4)."
- July 2010 study: "Very low doses of DIM [100mg] as found as a component of foods with the necessary cofactors works in the gut and liver to manipulate estrogen detox and support healthy estrogen metabolite ratios to prevent estrogen dominance. … Indole-3-carbinol was studied extensively and found to be effective and beneficial for cancers but was shown to be very unstable [in that it mainly converts to DIM]. DIM was found to be more stable and more suitable for use in supplements. ...
- It appears cooking doesn't destroy much of the indole-3-carbinol / DIM content:
- February 27, 2009, ACS Publications, 'Effect of Boiling on the Content of Ascorbigen, Indole-3-carbinol, Indole-3-acetonitrile, and 3,3 '-Diindolylmethane in Fermented Cabbage': "After 10 min of boiling, the content of free indole-3-carbinol and indole-3-acetonitrile stabilized at the level of about 80% as compared to the uncooked cabbage."
- People often take 100-200mg a day of DIM. Some avoid the side effects by going down to 75mg, while others, often steroid users, do fine on 400mg a day.
- Similar to vitamin B (B6 in particular) or NAC, DIM can serve as a powerful anti-estrogen inhibitor. It suppresses 17-beta-estradiol (E2), which is the strongest estrogen in the human body. The estrogen lowering aspects are so potent, that many moderate steroid / TRT users (120-160mg testosterone cypionate, for example, and nothing else is mild, with high estrogen effects showing up above that, anywhere from around 160mg to 400mg a week) can use DIM as a natural replacement of anastrozole (Arimidex). To aid the liver in breaking down all this estrogen, NAC can be used. Experiences:
- Reddit comment: "Hold off on the Anastrozole until you start getting estro sides, 200mg is standard in most clinics, I’m on 200 a week I take dim instead of Anastrozole to control any excess estrogen and I feel great being on trt for almost a year now!"
- Reddit comment: "[DIM] works for me. 500mg once a day [note: very high dose!] for 3 months. E2 dropped by 60 (from 210 to 150)."
- Reddit comment: "I legit got ED [estrogen deficiency] from 300mg Dim. I found 100mg-200mg every night is enough for me, anymore and I think my E2 goes too low."
- Reddit comment: "Lowered my e2 50 down to 40 using DIM [with] 400mg per day."
- Reddit comment: "Just got my results back, in January before dim my estrogen was 206 pmol/l, which is y I started dim, my recent blood work shows ny estrogen to be 100 so half of what it was, but my free testosterone and total is crazy high, free testosterone is 22.1 nmol/l on a range of 0.2 - 0.62 total testosterone of 520 nmol/l range 8.6-29.
Im only taking 125mg of testosterone per week split Mon wed Friday, in January I was taking 140mg and my testosterone was sitting perfectly, so it doesn't make sense that I've reduced my dose a little and my bloods are off the charts, I thought it was a mistake so got retested and they cone back the same, I take no other medication and blood was drawn on Monday with my previous injection being the Friday.
I'm thinking it has to be the dim messing with the blood test somehow, anyone got experience with this? Thanks." - Reddit comment: "It makes me piss amber/orange. Anyone else have that effect?" Reddit reply: "Yup right here."
- Reddit comment: "Yeah it did, [after taking DIM] I felt my libido go up after about a week and my face wasn't as oily, im getting blood work done in 4 weeks so I'll find out what the numbers say. ... It says 500mg on the front, the brand is body genix."
- Reddit comment: "I personally had a bad experience with 3-indole carbinol which converts to DIM in the body. After about a week in, my testosterone levels tanked for a month. There's no evidence that it lowers testosterone but damn I won't be touching that stuff again."
- Reddit comment: "DIM works for sure. It's not as strong as Anastrozole, but if your estrogen is just slightly high, it works well. I've used it for years. I used to take Anastrozole but dropped my dose of testosterone, and now the Anastrozole is too much, but I still need something for estrogen. That's where DIM helped. It's great. Just 200mg a day."
- Reddit comment: "I now take 200mg DIM a day, in one pill that contains nothing else. [It] keeps my nipples feeling normal."
- Reddit comment: "Flax seeds combined with low dosage tadalafil 2.5mg 3-4 times a week worked better for me than DIM."
- Reddit comment: "Dim was ok at regulating estrogen at the start of my test cycles / trt. After a couple months of use I had a whole list of dry/joint problems and thought it was from over working myself. After stopping dim joint dryness/pain went away."
- Reddit comment: "I reduced my e2 from 52 to 32 in 3 months with 100mg DIM + 1000mg CDG [Calcium-D-Glucarate] per day. But, 200mg gave me significant bloating that went away on cutting back to 100mg. Tried it 2-3 times for 3-4 days. I wasn't (still not) using any peds Or trts."
- Reddit comment: "Tried it...for a while. DID. NOT. HELP!!!! IDK what dim is supposed to do, but it didn't do it for me. not even close. I take anastrozole and it works great."
- DIM is used to reduce acne, which also has been useful to steroid/TRT-using bodybuilders:
- YouTube comment: "I've been taking DIM 100mg a day for 7 months and it cleared up my acne, also reduced my estradiol from 62 to 45ish. The craziest part is now [with TRT injections] I'm only on 75mg/week 2x a week and my last test numbers were 1042."
- YouTube comment: "Here's my experience of using DIM while on TRT: A dramatic reduction in acne side effects. That's it. When [I] stop using Dim acne side effects returned."
- YouTube comment: "Dim at 200mg daily for a year gave me joint pain and I never really felt energetic on it.. " [Answer:] "It was too much... try 100mg.. if that's too much just keep going down.. I had the same problem as u.. 75mg is my ideal dose."
- Reddit comment: "Okay, I’m going on record to say this: DIM has almost completely knocked out my bacne [back acne]. Basically I’ve been on a TRT dose of test (self admin) for the last year, and I’ve only blasted test a couple times before that. My acne had gotten out of control this last year and it got so bad on my back and shoulders I wouldn’t even wear a tank top anymore. My friend was in a similar boat and he told me about DIM a couple months ago and now it’s basically cured his bacne, I’ve been taking it almost a month now and I can safely say it has gone down about 90% and now the scars are starting to slowly get better it seems (thank god). So I take 200mg 2x day and it’s been working great. I have tried Aromasin and Armidex but I am very sensitive to AIs it seems and when I got my bloods done my e2 was barley in the high range. So I hope this helps anybody struggling with acne... I was seriously about to get on Accutane but I’m SO glad I tried this first. ...
Oh yes and my cruise dose is 175mg test/wk, no AI."
Vitamin U
- Plant enzyme known as S-Methylmethionine (SMM) or Methylmethioninesulfonium Chloride that first was suggested as "vitamin U" by Stanford professor Garnett Cheney in the 1949 paper 'Rapid Healing of Peptic Ulcers in Patients Receiving Fresh Cabbage Juice', and then again in the 1956 paper 'Vitamin U Therapy of Peptic Ulcer: Experience at San Quentin Prison'. It has not been accepted though as fitting into the "vitamin" category.
- The plant enzyme is extremely beneficial in the healing of gastric ulcers, but has not been studied much since the 1940s and 1950s.
- The original experiments focused on cabbage juice, likely because it was thought to have the highest levels of S-Methylmethionine. Also in 2013 it was determined that stand-alone, cabbage juice was much more effective at healing gastric ulcers that chlorophyll (chlorella) or kale, which have lower contents of S-Methylmethionine. However, when cabbage juice was mixed with either chlorophyll (chlorella) or kale, all of a sudden the efficiency of the mix shot up exponentially, now being (virtually equal, to the efficacy of modern pharmaceutical drugs as Cimetidinein in the healing of gastric ulcers.
- The exponentially increased efficacy of cabbage blends chlorophyll (chlorella) or kale, also indicates that there is more going on than just a tally of "vitamin U". It appears that two or more compounds are working synergistically in that case.
- Spinach contains roughly 50% higher levels of S-Methylmethionine ("vitamin U") even than cabbage, and has independently been verified as having anti-gastric ulcer properties. This seems to indicate that a spinach blend with cabbage, with in chlorophyll (chlorella) or kale, is likely going to be an even more potent mix in healing ulcers than the tested combinations without spinach. Due to a total lack of testing, this is not certain.
- A list of studies:
- Jan. 1949, No. 1, California Medicine (uploaded, 'Rapid Healing of Peptic Ulcers in Patients Receiving Fresh Cabbage Juice': "Thirteen patients with peptic ulcer were treated with fresh cabbage juice, which, experiments have indicated, contains an anti-peptic ulcer factor. ... The average crater healing time for seven of these patients who had duodenal ulcer was only 10.4 days, while the average time as reported in the literature, in 62 patients treated by standard therapy, was 37 days. The average crater healing time for six patients with gastric ulcer treated with cabbage juice was only 7.3 days, compared with 42 days, as reported in the literature, for six patients treated by standard therapy. ...
It is important to note that the cabbage is not the sole source of the anti-ulcer factor. It has been shown experimentally that it is present in varying concentration in a variety of fresh greens and cereal grasses as well as fresh milk, raw egg yolks, certain animal and vegetable fats and gastric mucosa.2 3 5 It has not been identified as any one of the known vitamins or any food factor which has been isolated. Large doses of ascorbic acid are protective against histamin-induced peptic ulcers in guinea pigs, 3 but ... The fact that the anti-peptic ulcer factor is readily destroyed by heat indicates that the preparation of food for human consumption by heating or cooking may completely destroy this factor. If this is so, it may become necessary to include certain raw foods in the diet of peptic ulcer patients, not only to promote the healing of ulcers which have already formed, but to prevent the development of lesions in the future. At present pasteurized or even raw milk cannot be relied upon alone to accomplish this purpose. Experimental studies which are going on at present strongly indicate that fresh greens, milk and eggs contain a great deal less of the anti-ulcer factor in the fall in California than they did in the springand summer. It is noteworthy that there is a high seasonal incidence of peptic ulcer symptoms in the late fall in northern California. ...
As 6gm. of leaves or 12 cc. [0.012 liter, 0.12 ml] of juice daily would protect approximately one kilogram of guinea pig, it was calculated on the basis of relative body weight that the amount of juice necessary to adequately supply a 60-kilogram patient with the anti-peptic ulcer factor would be about 720 cc. To allow for variability in body weights of patients and for other unknown variables, it was felt that a patient should receive more than this amount of juice, so that a liter per day was chosen as the standard dose. Occasionally a patient would take as little as 500 or 600 cc. daily for one or two days until he became accustomed to this rather unusual beverage. One patient, case 10, consistently drank at least 1,200 cc. daily. ...
All of the cabbage head was used. A juice press was employed to obtain clear cabbage juice. Usually about 2 kg. of cabbage was fed into the press to obtain 1,000 cc. of juice." - 1956, No. 1, California Medicine, 'Vitamin U Therapy of Peptic Ulcer: Experience at San Quentin Prison': "The first was a preparation of vitamin U concentrate, each dose of which was derived from a quart [0.95 liter] of freshly pressed raw cabbage juice. The dose amounted to approximately 50 cc [55 ml] per container and was flavored with syrup as previously described. [6] The second form of medication was made up to look and taste and smell like the first but contained no vitamin U. This was designated as placebo. ...
In all but two of the 26 cases in which vitamin U therapy was given, ulcer crater healing occurred within a period of three weeks-a "success" ratio of 92.3 per cent. As previously noted, the only two "failures" were healed at four and five weeks." - May 2013, Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 'Inhibitory Effects of Cabbage Juice and Cabbage-Mixed Juice on the Growth of AGS Human Gastric Cancer Cells and on HCl-Ethanol Induced Gastritis in Rats': "This study determined the effects of cabbage juice and cabbage-mixed juices on the growth of AGS human gastric cancer cells and their anti-gastritic effects on HCl-ethanol induced gastritis in SD rats. Cabbage juice showed the highest growth inhibition on AGS gastric cancer cells in vitro (42%), compared with chlorella (20%) and kale juice (21%). However, cabbage-chlorella and cabbage-kale juice mixtures (at a 7:3 ratio) showed synergistic effects (57% and 65% inhibitory effects, respectively) on the gastric cancer cells. Inflammatory genes (iNOS, COX-2, TNF- and IL-) were significantly down-regulated in the mixed juices. Tests of DPPH radical scavenging activity and acid-neutralizing capacity with the mixed juices also showed this trend, as cabbage-chlorella and cabbage-kale mixed juices showed synergistic effects compared to cabbage juice alone. The inhibition rate of acute gastritis induced by HCl-ethanol in rats was 46% with high amounts of cabbage (CH; 800 mg/kg), 71% with high amounts of cabbage and chlorella (CChH; 800 mg/kg), 74% with high amounts of cabbage and kale (CKH; 800 mg/kg), and 75% with [traditional heartburn and peptic ulcer inhibitor drug] Cimetidine (positive control) compared with the control. In addition, rates with CChH and CKH showed decreasing gastric secretions with increasing pH. These results show that cabbage juice and cabbage-mixed juices, especially with chlorella or kale, exhibit remarkable anti-gastritic effects and can be administered for a long period for the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer and gastritis."
- June 2015, Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 'Determination of Vitamin C, S -methylmethionine and Polyphenol Contents, and Functional Activities of Different Parts of Broccoli': "We studied the nutritional components and functional activities of 6 parts (flower bud, stem, lower main stalk, leaf stalk, leaf, root) of raw whole broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica). Flower buds showed the highest levels of vitamin C (188.2 mg/100 g) and S-methylmethionine (16.7 mg/100 g). The buds contained 64.9 mg/100 g of polyphenols. Moreover, they exhibited the highest histamine release inhibitory activity. The vitamin C, S-methylmethionine and polyphenol contents of the leaves were 18%, 29% and 3.1 times those of flower buds, respectively."
- Jan. 1949, No. 1, California Medicine (uploaded, 'Rapid Healing of Peptic Ulcers in Patients Receiving Fresh Cabbage Juice': "Thirteen patients with peptic ulcer were treated with fresh cabbage juice, which, experiments have indicated, contains an anti-peptic ulcer factor. ... The average crater healing time for seven of these patients who had duodenal ulcer was only 10.4 days, while the average time as reported in the literature, in 62 patients treated by standard therapy, was 37 days. The average crater healing time for six patients with gastric ulcer treated with cabbage juice was only 7.3 days, compared with 42 days, as reported in the literature, for six patients treated by standard therapy. ...
- Spinach stomach ulcer healing:
- May 15, 2008,, 'Spinach may cut stomach ulcer risk' (not attributed to "vitamin U"): "Joel Petersson was awarded his PhD by the University of Uppsala on May 9 for the study, which shows that rats fed on a nitrate-rich diet had a thicker layer of mucus lining their stomachs, protecting them from hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and cutting the risk of ulcers. ...
Petersson found that mouth bacteria play a vital part in the process. Nitrates in food are absorbed in the gut and enter the blood stream. From here they get into saliva but are reduced to nitrites by oral bacteria. After being swallowed, the nitrites are reduced to nitric oxide by stomach acid. Nitric oxide, an important signalling molecule, triggers an increase in the flow of blood to the stomach, helping to renew and thicken its mucus lining.
"We have wasted millions in trying to reduce nitrate levels in drinking water when there is no real evidence to show that it is harmful to humans" - Joel Petersson. When Petersson gave rats an antibacterial mouthwash to kill the oral bacteria, he found they were more vulnerable to stomach ulcers." - 2023, Scientific Reports journal, 'Accelerated wound healing induced by spinach extract in experimental model diabetic rats with streptozotocin': "To our knowledge, this is the first study to show the effect of spinach extract on diabetic wound healing enhancement which has provided novel data."
- May 15, 2008,, 'Spinach may cut stomach ulcer risk' (not attributed to "vitamin U"): "Joel Petersson was awarded his PhD by the University of Uppsala on May 9 for the study, which shows that rats fed on a nitrate-rich diet had a thicker layer of mucus lining their stomachs, protecting them from hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and cutting the risk of ulcers. ...
- More:
- Aug. 2013, Cancer Science, 'Cruciferous vegetable consumption and gastric cancer risk: A meta‐analysis of epidemiological studies': "Although infection with Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is strongly implicated in gastric cancer etiology, [3], [4] infecting 50% of the world's population, <5% of infected hosts will develop cancer, suggesting that such infection is not sufficient alone to cause this malignancy. [5]"
- The normal range for serum levels of calcium in the blood is a very tightly-maintained one by the body that ranges from 2.25 to 2.62 mmol/L (9 to 10.5 mg/dL). Often laboraties provide "normal" ranges of 2.15 to 2.50 mmol/L (8.6 to 10 mg/dL). These appear to be questionable, as Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) patients, both acute and stable, almost all appear to have levels below 2.45 mmol/L (9.8 mg/dL), peaking at 2.18-2.22. 229 Few people probably have elevated levels of calcium though, because it requires excessive supplementation.
- It's interesting that a calcium-CAD study, as a side-note, mentioned that "hypercalcemia was found to be an independent predictor of poor long-term outcomes in stable CAD patients surviving from a recent acute myocardial infarction." 230 This is interesting, because people supplementing with 5,000 or 10,000 IU doses of vitamin D a day generally worry about increased calcium levels leading to hypercalcemia in the arteries and other soft tissues. While a valid worry, and it does happen from anything to the joints to kidneys, it is interesting to see in the study above that basically none of the heart disease patients actually had elevated levels of serum calcium. In that sense, greatly elevated vitamin D supplementation - which requires considerable persistence - seems to be very beneficial, as long the line of 250nmol/L (100ng.mL) isn't crossed (too far).
- Used to kill intestinal bacteria as Helicobacter Pylori, which can cause ulcers and potentially even cancer.
- Used as an antacid to combat heartburn and acid reflux, indigestion, diarrhoea and feeling sick.
- Used to reduce joint pain.
- Up to 10mg per day has shown to increase testosterone.
- Experiences joint pain improvement:
- Online comment: "I had knee pain during squats. I started using boron 6mg over the past 2 weeks and noticed that I'm experiencing 70% less inflammation. ... It really driggin works."
- When you take zinc supplements, they tend to lower copper. Officially, the ideal ratio is an 8:1 zinc-copper ratio, but anything between 4:1 and 12:1 is fine. I personally took a 40:3 / 13.3:1 ratio (purely supplementation, without paying attention to food) for 6 weeks, with a subsequent blood test showing both zinc and copper near their maximum range. So the question is how strongly we need to adhere to these ratios.
- Especially in areas with copper water lines, there is a chance of copper toxicity. This is not very common, but something to keep an eye on.
- Iron is an important mineral in the human body.
- Normal values:
- Serum iron: Generally 60-170 mcg/dL or 10.7-30.4 umol/L is seen as acceptable ranges. Some source say only below 55 mcg/dL / 9.8 umol/L is iron deficiency. A Dutch lab says that the "reference range" is: 5.9-34 umol/L / 33.5-193 mcg/dL.
- Transferrin saturation: 20-50% is considered acceptable. Below 20% indicates iron deficiency.
- Half-life of iron is hard to figure out:
- (accessed: May 28, 2024): "The average adult male has about 1,000 mg of stored iron (enough for about three years), whereas women on average have only about 300 mg (enough for about six months)."
- Iron deficiency is widespread, also in the West, and especially among women (due to menstruation and childbirth). The worse form, iron deficiency anemia, also is widespread around the world. A lot people in the West appear to have borderline acceptable iron levels though, which might be one of the reasons many labs consider very low levels "acceptable".
- /knowledge/eisenmangel.php (accessed: May 29, 2024): "Five to ten percent of people in Europe suffer from iron deficiency. As women have an increased need for iron (due to menstrual bleeding (periods), for example), they suffer from iron deficiency more frequently. In Europe, 15% to 20% of women of menstrual age are affected. ... Some 10% to 15% of children in Europe are iron-deficient."
- July 31, 2023,, 'The Lancet: New study reveals global anemia cases remain persistently high among women and children. Anemia rates decline for men.': "Globally, in 2021, 31.2% of women had anemia compared with 17.5% of men. The gender difference was more pronounced during the reproductive years, ages 15–49. In this age group, anemia prevalence in women was 33.7% versus 11.3% in men. ... In 2021, Western sub-Saharan Africa (47.4%), South Asia (35.7%), and Central sub-Saharan Africa (35.7%) had the highest anemia prevalence. The regions with the lowest anemia are Australasia (5.7%), Western Europe (6%), and North America (6.8%)."
- April 2007, American Family Physician, 'Iron Deficiency Anemia': "The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia is 2 percent in adult men, 9 to 12 percent in non-Hispanic white women, and nearly 20 percent in black and Mexican-American women. Nine percent of patients older than 65 years with iron deficiency anemia have a gastrointestinal cancer when evaluated."
- Dec. 2021, Australian Prescriber, 'Non-anaemic iron deficiency': "A study of an Aboriginal community in Western Australia identified anaemia among 55% of women and 18% of men. ... The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 8% of preschool children, 12% of pregnant women and 15% of non-pregnant women of reproductive age in Australia have anaemia..."
- Dec. 2001, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 'Prevalence of iron deficiency with and without concurrent anemia in population groups with high prevalences of malaria and other infections: a study in Côte d’Ivoire': "The prevalence of iron deficiency was 41–63% in the women and children and 13% in the men, whereas the prevalence of IDA [anaemia] was 20–39% in the women and children and 4% in the men."
- There are two types of natural iron:
- Heme iron: Derived from hemoglobin and has 15–35% bioavailability. It is to be found in liver, meat, poultry and seafood. Dairy and eggs can block iron uptake. In order to boost blood iron naturally, a decent amount of meat is the best source. Per 100 gram: beef (2.47 mg), lamb (1.78 mg), deer (4.98mg).
- Non-heme iron: Has 1-10% bioavailability and comes from vegetable sources as legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, spinach, potatoes. If the diet is high in calcium, polyphenols (tea, coffee), phytates (legumes, whole grains, nuts), or oxalates (spinach, many vegetables, and essentially all nuts/legumes). In effect, almost anything not meat and fruit (the vitamin C enhances absorbtion again), inhibits iron absorbtion, on top of already not being good at devlivering iron to the body. Chili sauce also inhibits iron uptake by about 38%. So does the turmeric supplement, unless a special, modern high tech curcumin brand is used.
- Vitamin A and vitamin C help absorption of iron. Piperine (black pepper) likely also helps.
- Oxalates block iron absorption. Oxalate content per 100 gram often involves obscure, conflicting information, which other people have criticized too 231:
- Vegetables 0-1mg: white cabbage (3mg), iceberg lettuce (6mg), Sauerkraut (7mg), raw Chinese cabbage (6mg), cucumber (4mg), raw lettuce (5-330mg reported), romaine lettuce (5-210mg reported), .
- More: brown rice (27mg), baked potato (24-97), chips (75), French fries sweet (20-51), potatoes
- Fruits 0-4mg: apple (0.7mg), strawberries (4mg).
- Fruits 10-23mg: banana (10mg), kiwi (16mg), orange (23mg).
- Vegetables 10-30mg: mildly baked kidney beans (20mg), raw Kale (10-30 mg), raw broccoli (20mg), raw cauliflower (3-22mg), raw endive (20-110mg).
- Nuts: Nuts: almonds (435-491mg), cashews (175-263mg), peanut (96-148mg), pecans (12-66,mg), sunflower (12mg).
- Vegetables 30mg or higher: raw carrot (50mg), raw onion (50mg), spinach (550-950mg), cocoa powder (623mg), beet greens (610mg), turmeric leaves (500mg), Brussels sprouts (360mg), raw garlic (360mg), green cabbage (5-100mg), .
- 2011, issue 1, International Journal of Food Properties, 'Effect of Cooking on Soluble and Insoluble Oxalate Contents in Selected Pakistani Vegetables and Beans': "The total oxalate content of raw spinach, carrot, beet root, white bean, red bean and soybean, were found to be 978 ... 49 ... 67 ... 158 ... 113 ... and 497 ... mg/100 g of fresh weight respectively."
- 8 mg of iron a day is considered the minimum, but you don’t need a whole lot more over this number. The 18 to 22mg of iron you often find in vitamin supplements - at least in theory, ignoring other issues to be discussed - really is too high. 45mg is the upper daily limit for iron supplementation.
- Iron is attracted to damaged tissues. It will oxidize and rot if there’s too much. That's one of the reasons the body locks away excess iron into ferritin. The body also locks iron away in ferritin to prevent bad microbes from utilizing it when you're sick. This is why paying attention to ferritin levels is just as important as paying attention to iron levels.
- More on ferritin:
- It's a container and carrier of iron.
- Normal values for females: 40-125 ng/ml. And for males: 40-150 ng/ml. Some sources say that higher than 100 ng/ml often is associated with disease.
- Other sources say normal or acceptable ferritin levels are 30-565ng/ml. In the Netherlands 30-400 ng/ml often is considered a normal value. Mine sat at 292 ng/ml, with lowish blood iron. And that with no less than 30 mg a day of Iron(II) biphospate supplementation, and plenty of other iron sources. This was after a month of zeolite, but also after weeks of minor and occasionally big NAC bleeding.
- A YouTube guy went from 293 ng/ml to years later 639 ng/ml to yet 5 more months later 1,226 ng/ml. He suspected it’s due to cast iron cooking pans that can leach up to 8mg per meal iron into the food. BEsides getting rid of his cast iron pans, he introduced IP6, etc. to chelate it out of his body. His values quickly started returning to semi-normal levels.
- Ferratin is a much better marker than just blood iron marker. Ferratin can be very high, while blood iron is normal. High ferratin is considered an inflammatory marker, considering the body stores iron in ferritin to prevent the free iron from being used by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Low iron (due to intestinal blood loss), plus high ferritin can even be a sign of cancer.
- Phytic acid (IP6) is a very potent anti-oxidant that prevents iron damage and pulls it out of the body. Phytic acid is in nuts, seeds and vegetables.
- There have been multiple types of iron supplements, with the newer ones - iron(II) gluconate and especially iron bisglycinate - being better:
- Iron sulfate: Absorption rate: 5-20% (may go to 30% with iron deficiency). Unless improvements have been made to the release structure, according to some sources, even a single dose can start to damage the gut lining by oxidative stress, espeically in the presence of high levels of vitamin C. Considerably less effective than gluconate in a study.
- Iron(II) fumarate: Absorption rate: 2.5-18%. Reportedly more side effects for people with established GI issues than others.
- Iron(II) gluconate: Absorption rate: Said to be very low by some sources. However, in a study considerably more effective than iron sulfate in supplementation.
- Iron bisglycinate: Absorption rate: 15-30%. The newest, safest, and relatively highest bioavailable version. In various studies Iron(II) bisglycinate is either just as good as the others, with better ferritin levels; or up to 4x as effective.
- Studies on different iron supplements:
- "Oral supplements with ferrous salts (sulfate, fumarate, and gluconate) are better absorbed (10–15% bioavailability) than ferric salts of Fe complexes that are administered together with amino acids, polysaccharides, and proteins such as ovalbumin. However, high adverse gastrointestinal effects such as constipation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dark stools have been reported for ferrous Fe salts [16,17]. The amount of elemental Fe that is available to be absorbed into the body varies depending on the iron salt. Thus, the amount of elemental Fe is 20% for ferrous sulfate (FeSO4), 33% for ferrous fumarate, and 12% for ferrous gluconate. We must consider that if 100 mg of FeSO4 is equivalent to 20 mg of elemental Fe, this is approximately the RDA (18 mg/day). It has described that 50% of patients supplemented with oral Fe have gastrointestinal adverse effects induced by the direct toxicity of ionic Fe due to its caustic action on the intestinal mucosa [18]. ...
The animals were stable and followed the same diet, based on feed, provided by the animal. They found that the Fe serum concentration was significantly higher in rabbits in the Fe plus BioPerine® group (36.55 ± 9.97 μg/mL at 8 h) compared to the control group, Fe without BioPerine® (4.730 ± 0.94 μg/mL at 24 h); thus confirming that BioPerine® could be employed as a critical natural product to increase the bioavailability of elemental Fe." - Dec. 1, 2017, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 'The effects of iron fortification and supplementation on the gut microbiome and diarrhea in infants and children: a review': "In infants and young children in Sub-Saharan Africa, iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) is common, and many complementary foods are low in bioavailable iron. In-home fortification of complementary foods using iron-containing micronutrient powders (MNPs) and oral iron supplementation are both effective strategies to increase iron intakes and reduce IDA at this age. However, these interventions produce large increases in colonic iron because the absorption of their high iron dose (≥12.5 mg) is typically <20%. We reviewed studies in infants and young children on the effects of iron supplements and iron fortification with MNPs on the gut microbiome and diarrhea. Iron-containing MNPs and iron supplements can modestly increase diarrhea risk, and in vitro and in vivo studies have suggested that this occurs because increases in colonic iron adversely affect the gut microbiome in that they decrease abundances of beneficial barrier commensal gut bacteria (e.g., bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) and increase the abundance of enterobacteria including entropathogenic Escherichia coli. These changes are associated with increased gut inflammation. Therefore, safer formulations of iron-containing supplements and MNPs are needed. To improve MNP safety, the iron dose of these formulations should be reduced while maximizing absorption to retain efficacy. Also, the addition of prebiotics to MNPs is a promising approach to mitigate the adverse effects of iron on the infant gut."
- 2002, Journal of family practice, 'Are any oral iron formulations better tolerated than ferrous sulfate?': "Ferrous salt preparations (ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, and ferrous fumarate) are equally tolerable. (Grade of recommendation: A, based on randomized controlled trial.) Controlled-release iron preparations cause less nausea and epigastric pain than conventional ferrous sulfate (grade of recommendation: A, based on randomized controlled trials), although the discontinuation rates between the 2 iron formulations were similar. Ferrous sulfate remains the standard first-line treatment of iron-deficiency anemia given its general tolerability, effectiveness, and low cost."
- "Within each population group, no significant differences (P>0.05) in iron absorption were found between ferrous fumarate and ferrous sulfate. Mean iron absorption from ferrous fumarate vs ferrous sulfate was 17.5 vs 20.5% in women (relative bioavailability (RBV) =86), 7.0 vs 7.2% in infants (RBV = 97) and 6.3 vs 5.9% in young children (RBV = 106)."
- Nov. 2004, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 'Determination of iron absorption from intrinsically labeled microencapsulated ferrous fumarate (sprinkles) in infants with different iron and hematologic status by using a dual-stable-isotope method': "There was no significant effect of dose on iron absorption (P > 0.05). Geometric mean iron absorption was 8.25% (range: 2.9–17.8%) in infants with [iron deficiency anemia] IDA (n = 32), 4.48% (range: 1.1–10.6%) in infants with [iron deficiency] ID (n = 20), and 4.65% (range: 1.5–12.3%) in iron-sufficient infants (n = 20). Geometric mean iron absorption was significantly higher in infants with IDA than in infants with ID or iron-sufficient infants (P = 0.0004)."
- Jan. 2005, The Journal of Nutrition, 'Ferrous Sulfate Is More Bioavailable among Preschoolers than Other Forms of Iron in a Milk-Based Weaning Food Distributed by PROGRESA, a National Program in Mexico': "Iron absorption from ferrous sulfate (7.9 ± 9.8%) was greater than from either ferrous fumarate (2.43 ± 2.3%) or reduced iron + Na2EDTA (1.4 ± 1.3%) (P < 0.01)."
- Nov. 26, 2022, Journal of Education and Health Promotion (Iraq study), 'Comparison of the effect of ferrous sulfate and ferrous gluconate on prophylaxis of iron deficiency in toddlers 6-24 months old: A randomized clinical trial': "120 healthy toddlers are categorized into 2 groups: FS [ferrous sulfate] group (n = 60), toddlers received 2 mg/kg/day FS supplementation, and FG [ferrous gluconate] group (n = 60), toddlers received 2 mg/kg/day FG supplementation. ... Hb < 9.5 g/dL ... were excluded. ... Anemia was defined as Hb <11.0 g/dL. ... Comparison of iron status of FS and FG groups toddlers at baseline and after 6 months of supplementation showed that there was a significant difference in hemoglobin (Hb) (10.46 vs. 12.45, P = 0.001) and ferritin level (28.08 vs. 59.63, P = 0.001)."
- Jan. 2022, Nutrients journal, 'Efficacy and Safety of Ferrous Bisglycinate and Folinic Acid in the Control of Iron Deficiency in Pregnant Women: A Randomized, Controlled Trial': "In conclusion, ferrous bisglycinate with folinic acid as a multivitamin nutraceutical format is comparable to standard ferrous fumarate for the clinical management of iron deficiency during pregnancy, with comparatively better absorption, tolerability, and efficacy and with a lower elemental iron dosage. ...
The improvements in iron absorption and tolerability were also in agreement with previous evidence [12]. Previous research has demonstrated the effective absorption of ferrous bisglycinate in celiac patients [13] and similar hematological outcomes with much lower supplement dosages in pregnant women [7,14,15]. In a pilot study by Szarfarc et al., 15 mg/day of ferrous bisglycinate was found to be comparable to ferrous sulfate in terms of maternal blood parameters, while iron depletion was significantly less frequent [7]. Ferrous bisglycinate has also proven clinically effective for preventing iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in infants [6]. This comparative study reported that while 5 mg/kg (equiv. 30–48 mg/day) of ferrous sulfate was equally as effective as a similar dose of ferrous bisglycinate for improving hemoglobin levels, the bisglycinate form was superior in terms of plasma ferritin levels and overall bioavailability. This confirms an earlier study by the same investigators showing that 30 mg iron as bisglycinate is as effective as 120 mg of ferrous sulfate in preventing IDA in adolescents [16]. A more recent clinical study on iron-deficient school-aged children showed that 30 mg of either iron sulfate or bisglycinate supplementation resulted in similar improvements; however, the bisglycinate form showed more persistent correction of ferritin levels after six-month follow-up [17]. A clinical trial by Milman et al. [14] has shown that 25 mg/day of ferrous bisglycinate resulted in similar maternal blood parameters to women who took ferrous sulfate (50 mg/day). Similarly, a more recent clinical trial in pregnant women with IDA demonstrated that ferrous bisglycinate was more efficacious in increasing Hb level than ferrous glycine sulfate. Importantly, in three of the studies outlined here, ferrous bisglycinate was associated with fewer gastrointestinal side effects and high rates of compliance during pregnancy [7,14,18]." - Jan. 16, 2004, Nutrition journal, 'Iron supplements: the quick fix with long-term consequences': "Co-supplementation of ferrous salts with vitamin C exacerbates oxidative stress in the gastrointestinal tract leading to ulceration in healthy individuals, exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases and can lead to cancer. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) have been ascribed an important role in oxidative stress. Redox-active metal ions such as Fe(II) and Cu(I) further activate RONS and thus perpetuate their damaging effects. ...
Studies have shown that vitamin C intake above the RDA frequently occurs and is attributed to the increase in supplementation in addition to dietary sources. A recent report gave vitamin C intake levels with 1524% RDA (50 mg) in supplement users however even in non-supplement users the recommended levels were exceeded with an average intake of 210% [2].
A daily intake exceeding the RDA was also found for other key nutrients such as iron. The daily intake of iron was found to be 1874% of the published Korean RDA (18 mg) for supplement users in comparison to 62% RDA for non-supplement users. This dramatic finding pertained to some one third of the population. Elevated ingestion of ferrous iron leads to the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress [3]. High tissue concentrations of iron are associated with a number of pathologies including some cancers, inflammation, diabetes, liver and heart disease [4]."
- "Oral supplements with ferrous salts (sulfate, fumarate, and gluconate) are better absorbed (10–15% bioavailability) than ferric salts of Fe complexes that are administered together with amino acids, polysaccharides, and proteins such as ovalbumin. However, high adverse gastrointestinal effects such as constipation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dark stools have been reported for ferrous Fe salts [16,17]. The amount of elemental Fe that is available to be absorbed into the body varies depending on the iron salt. Thus, the amount of elemental Fe is 20% for ferrous sulfate (FeSO4), 33% for ferrous fumarate, and 12% for ferrous gluconate. We must consider that if 100 mg of FeSO4 is equivalent to 20 mg of elemental Fe, this is approximately the RDA (18 mg/day). It has described that 50% of patients supplemented with oral Fe have gastrointestinal adverse effects induced by the direct toxicity of ionic Fe due to its caustic action on the intestinal mucosa [18]. ...
- Important mineral, among other things, for preventing genetic mutations.
- Muscle cramps usually is a first sign that you have a severe magnesium deficiency.
- RDA for magnesium is 400-420mg per day for men, or 6mg/kg of bodyweight. 70kg male: 420mg. 100kg male: 600mg. 7-8mg/kg probably is really good to aim for, also to cushion any days with lower intake. Anything more than that, such as suggested by the pill pushers below, might be tough without dedicated supplementation. Only around 5,000mg a day (50mg/kg for a 100kg person) generally leads to toxicity.
- Sep. 1, 1989, Magnesium Research journal, 'Recommended dietary amounts of magnesium: Mg RDA': "Marginal primary magnesium deficit affects a large proportion of the population (15 to 20%), in keeping with a daily mean magnesium intake slightly over 4 mg/kg day versus the Mg RDA of 6 mg/kg day. ... Among the multiple interactions it is important to emphasize the maintenance of a Ca [calcium]/Mg ratio close to 2 in the intake."
- blogs/magnesium/how-much-magnesium-should-i-take (accessed: May 28, 2024; 2023 article; caution: supplement seller): "Current clinical data provides evidence that with magnesium intakes below 6mg per kg, per day, negative magnesium balance is likely to develop. At intakes above 10mg per kg per day, strong positive magnesium balances develop which can replete suboptimal tissue stores. ... If you’re a healthy individual with no obvious health concerns, aim for the lower end at 7mg per kg per day is fine. ... Daily intake for an average female should be at least 420mg per day and males 750mg per day."
- Personal analysis of daily magnesium intake: Mixed bag of nuts: 240mg. 1L of Kefir/milk: 110mg. That’s 350mg. In total I get around 800mg (without any flaxseed). Optimally I would get around 1,100 mg though it seems.
- Magnesium content per 100g of various foods:
- Flax seed has about 400mg per 100g. 33g would be 133mg more.
- Cashews: 292mg. (my bag: 5%: 28mg)
- Almonds 278mg. (my bag: 5%: 27mg)
- Peanuts: 168mg. (my bag: 48%: 161mg)
- Raisins: 32mg. (my bag: 40%: 25.6mg)
- Milk (1L): 110mg.
- Spinach: 79 mg.
- Whole wheat: 78mg.
- Peanut butter: 154mg.
- Brown rice: 42mg.
- White rice: 4-12mg.
- Beef: 21mg.
- Pork: 28mg.
- Cheese: 28mg.
- Egg: 10mg. Per 100g.
- Orange: 10mg. Per 100g.
- Supplementation:
- Magnesium oxide: 4% bio-availability, but the cheapest of all. Often sold in 400 mg tablets, with 16 mg bio-available.
- Magnesium Citrate: 15% bio-availability. Often sold around 1,500 mg, with 225 mg bio-available. It's a mild laxative.
- Magnesium Biglycate: 11.7% bio-availability. Often sold around 500 mg, with 58 mg bio-available. Mildest of all, digestion-wise.
- A shortage of zinc can lead to a 50 to 75% reduction in testosterone levels:
- May 1996, Nutrition journal, 'Zinc status and serum testosterone levels of healthy adults': "Dietary zinc restriction in normal young men was associated with a significant decrease in serum testosterone concentrations after 20 weeks of zinc restriction (baseline versus post-zinc restriction mean +/- SD, 39.9 +/- 7.1 versus 10.6 +/- 3.6 nmol/L, respectively; p = 0.005). Zinc supplementation of marginally zinc-deficient normal elderly men for six months resulted in an increase in serum testosterone from 8.3 +/- 6.3 to 16.0 +/- 4.4 nmol/L (p = 0.02). We conclude that zinc may play an important role in modulating serum testosterone levels in normal men."
- March 2023, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 'Correlation between serum zinc and testosterone: A systematic review ': "After preliminary searching of papers on databases, 38 papers including 8 clinical and 30 animal studies were included in this review. We concluded that zinc deficiency reduces testosterone levels and zinc supplementation improves testosterone levels."
- On average zinc has been documented to reduce the sick days for the Flu by 25%. Apparently some studies showed it to be closer to 0, but others closer to 50%. This makes it more effective for sick day reduction than vitamin C and likely vitamin D, although the latter can play a major role at prevention when high levels are maintained.
- For some zinc supplementation has reduced their acne.
- Zinc Carnosine:
- YouTube comment: "I've had inflamed prostate on and off for about 5 year. I started taking zinc carnosine for stomach problems about 3 weeks ago and boom, prostate problems completely vanished withing a week. It's great to be able to pee freely again lol."
FlavoringBlack Pepper- Black Pepper is often added to supplements, because its Piperine compound increases absorbtion of vitamins, minerals and other compounds by up to 20x. Turmeric is a good example of that. Black pepper consists for about 9% of Piperine.
- Also by itself, Black Pepper is considered a "superfood":
- 2013, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 'Black pepper and health claims: a comprehensive treatise': "The free-radical scavenging activity of black pepper and its active ingredients might be helpful in chemoprevention and controlling progression of tumor growth. Additionally, the key alkaloid components of Piper Nigrum, that is, piperine assist in cognitive brain functioning, boost nutrient's absorption and improve gastrointestinal functionality. In this comprehensive treatise, efforts are made to elucidate the antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, gastro-protective, and antidepressant activities of black pepper. Moreover, the synergistic interaction of black pepper with different drugs and nutrients is the limelight of the manuscript."
- Not research yet.
- Capsaicin has an inhibiting effect on pathogenic gut bacteria as Prevotella, other Bacteroides, and also Helicobacter pylori:
- Oct. 2007, Helicobacter journal, 'Anti-inflammatory effect of capsaicin in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric epithelial cells': "Capsaicin inhibits H. pylori-induced IL-8 production by gastric epithelial cells in dose- and time-dependent manner. Capsaicin as low as 100 micromol/L significantly inhibited IL-8 production in H. pylori-infected MKN45 cells (43.2% of control) at 24 hours incubation, whereas inhibited IL-8 production in H. pylori-infected AGS cells (70% of control)."
- Experiences with regard to anti-microbial effects:
- YouTube comment: "I had a situation where the sinus and an upper tooth were connected I had no results from antibiotics in fact I had more pain I put cayenne pepper in cranberry juice [which already is strongly anti-microbial] and drank it felt the germ killing sensations and cleansing the pain and sinus problems stopped after extraction same results after implant same results healing and cleansing."
- YouTube comment: "I’ve been using 1 tsp cayenne pepper, half fresh lemon juice, 1 tbs evoo [extra virgin olive oil] and 1 tbs of ACV [apple cider vinegar], add a little honey for my IBS... I was able to stop taking pantoprazole."
- Capsaicin in Cayenne Pepper has been linked to pain relief and a number of cardiovascular health benefits, although they may not be as strong, or differ from the benefits of garlic and turmeric:
- June 17, 2015, Open Heart journal, 'Capsaicin may have important potential for promoting vascular and metabolic health': "In rodent studies, capsaicin-rich diets have shown favourable effects on atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver, cardiac hypertrophy, hypertension and stroke risk. ... Dietary capsaicin ... in rodents ... promotes cholesterol export [and] stimulation of brown fat, raising metabolic rate."
- Experiences with regard to cardiovascular health:
- YouTube comment: "I'am a High blood pressure person been on medication for almost 14 years now, lately I was having chest pain, someone told me to buy this cayenne pepper, I took for 2 weeks and went in for my echo check up, to my surprise my results are normal no problem with my heart, and 1st time my bp came down to 132/78..."
- YouTube comment: "I grew up eating lots of all kinds of hot peppers from around the world only because I love the taste. Years ago I came to the conclusion that cayenne peppers are my favorite. I’m 70 years old, I pray to God daily, never been to a hospital, and eat cayenne pepper or franks red hot sauce almost daily. Didn’t realize it was so beneficial."
- YouTube comment: "I have been using cayenne pepper and other spices at a medicated level for 1 year. Around 1 tablespoon each day for 365 days. I had a number of health related issues. All related to my heart health and they are all gone. Also, I was way overweight, I lost 65 plus pounds."
- YouTube comment: "I doubled up on cayenne pepper and Turmeric for the cold winter months. Started to notice I would get light headed and dizzy when I stood up quickly. Checked my blood pressure (92/54) which is low. Went back to my summer intake and BP back in normal range (104/66). Seems like you can regulate and help keep BP normal range with these supplements. My light head and dizziness is gone. All Good!"
- YouTube comment: "I started to get pain in my right leg when walking. I'm 74 and after a bit of research found taking cayenne could help with circulation which I guessed was my problem. Well it did to my amazement reduce the pain. Also which appears to have happened, I am less tired in the day, so 2 benefits."
- Experiences with regard to allergies and stuffed sinuses:
- YouTube comment: "Cayenne pepper and turmeric. My top supplements. It also helps minimize allergies and hay fever." Reply: "Mine too!"
- YouTube comment: "Yes! Been taking cayenne pepper with lemon and warm water and its been helping with my allergies and sinuses and also digestion." Reply: "I can confirm this! After taking Green Tea, lemon and cayenne pepper every night in just 3 days I didn't experience congestion anymore. Since im allergic to anything dairy."
- Not researched yet.
- Anti-cancer characteristics:
- Oct. 3, 2022, Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute, 'Why cancer incidence in the Arab counties is much lower than other parts of the world?': "Cinnamon: Impaired apoptosis plays an important role in the development and progression of cancers. Increased evidence suggests that cinnamon as a therapeutic agent has an anti-cancer effect by affecting a number of apoptosis-related pathways in cancer cells [20].
c-Cardamom: The compounds in cardamom may help fight cancer cells. Studies in mice have shown that cardamom powder can increase the activity of certain enzymes that help fight cancer. The spice may also enhance the ability of natural killer cells to attack tumors [21, 22].
d-Saffron: It has selective toxicity against cancer cells, through inhibition of (ribonucleic acid) RNA and (deoxyribonucleic acid) DNA synthesis and increasing apoptosis. Crocin is considered the most important anticancer drug in saffron, which plays an important role in gene expression and apoptosis in cancer cells [23].
e-Nutmeg, black seed, dill, and sesame seed: Nutmeg compounds inhibits some aspects of the metabolism of cancer cells, by killing malignant cells while preserving normal and healthy cells cell. The compounds contained in nutmeg suppress inflammation by blocking molecular processes such as nitric oxide synthase [24]. Black cumin (Nigella sativa) (NS) is native to the Mediterranean and neighboring countries Pakistan and India. It is included in the lifestyle and daily diet as a spice and preservative. Black seeds have been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of illnesses and illnesses. Over the last 50 years, many scientific studies have confirmed and demonstrated the pharmacological quality of NS seeds. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antihistamine, and anticancer [25]."
- Oct. 3, 2022, Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute, 'Why cancer incidence in the Arab counties is much lower than other parts of the world?': "Cinnamon: Impaired apoptosis plays an important role in the development and progression of cancers. Increased evidence suggests that cinnamon as a therapeutic agent has an anti-cancer effect by affecting a number of apoptosis-related pathways in cancer cells [20].
- Garlic has a long history as a medicial plant:
- Nov. 19, 2002, Nutrition Journal, 'Effect of garlic on cardiovascular disorders: a review': "Some of the earliest references to [garlic] are found on Sumerian clay tablets dating from 2600–2100 BC. Garlic was an important medicine to the ancient Egyptians listed in the medical text Codex Ebers (ca. 1550 BC) specially for the working class involved in heavy labor [1,2]. There is evidence that during the earliest Olympics in Greece, garlic was fed to the athletes for increasing stamina [1]. In ancient Chinese medicine, garlic was prescribed to aid respiration and digestion, most importantly diarrhea and worm infestation [3]. Three ancient medical traditions in India i.e., Tibbi, Unani and Auryveda, made extensive use of garlic as a central part of the healing efficacy of plants [2]. The leading Indian ancient medical text, Charaka-Samhita recommends garlic for the treatment of heart disease and arthritis for over many centuries. In another ancient Indian medical textbook, Bower Manuscript (~300 AD), garlic was used for fatigue, parasitic disease, digestive disorder and leprosy [4]. With the onset of Renaissance, increasing attention was paid in Europe to the medical use of garlic. A leading physician of the 16th century, Pietro Mattiali of Siena, prescribed garlic for digestive disorders, infestation with worms and renal disorders, as well as to help mother during difficult childbirth [2]. In England, garlic was used for toothache, constipation, dropsy and plague [4]."
- Daily fresh garlic supplementation seems to lower the chance of getting a cold by 63%, and, if you still get it, to result in a 20% quicker recovery time:
- Nov. 11, 2014, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 'Garlic for the common cold': "This trial randomly assigned 146 participants to either a garlic supplement (with 180 mg of allicin content) or a placebo (once daily) for 12 weeks. The trial reported 24 occurrences of the common cold in the garlic intervention group compared with 65 in the placebo group (P value < 0.001), resulting in fewer days of illness in the garlic group compared with the placebo group (111 versus 366). The number of days to recovery from an occurrence of the common cold was similar in both groups (4.63 versus 5.63) [note: this is not "similar", it's 20% quicker recuperation for the garlic group]."
- After it has been absorbed by the intestines, garlic acts as natural antibiotic throughout the bloodstream. While effective in many ways, a good portion of its potency is lost though compared to how effective garlic's allicin fumes alone kill bacteria in its vicinity. In complete contrast to antibiotics, garlic actually improves the gut microbiome.
- Oct. 12, 2017, Molecules journal, 'Diallylthiosulfinate (Allicin), a Volatile Antimicrobial from Garlic (Allium sativum), Kills Human Lung Pathogenic Bacteria, Including MDR [Multi-Drug-Resistant] Strains, as a Vapor': "Allicin was synthesized (>98% pure) by oxidation of diallyl disulfide by H₂O₂ using formic acid as a catalyst and the growth inhibitory effect of allicin vapor and allicin in solution to clinical isolates of lung pathogenic bacteria from the genera Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus [MRSA], including multi-drug resistant (MDR) strains, was demonstrated."
- This author has noticed that it takes two large cloves of *raw* garlic (at 104kg / 230lb male bodyweight) to kill all stinky feet odor. You can let your feet marinate in tight shoes in the hot summer sun for hours on end, and there will be zero odor when you take them off. Even in a crowded cantine, you can take off your shoes and put your feet up on a chair or table without any smell. There's no smell, whatsoever. In contrast, in my case, without raw garlic, I would have superheavily stank up several square meters. Dried garlic powder was tried as well, because it is easier to take, but it did nothing for the smell. So it clearly is the allicin that did the work.
- July 27, 2021, Frontiers in Microbiology, 'Antibacterial Properties of Organosulfur Compounds of Garlic (Allium sativum)': "Several studies have evaluated the antibacterial activity of various garlic preparations such as crude or fresh garlic extract (FGE), and garlic paste. The antibacterial activity of garlic paste and FGE against commensal and pathogen enteric bacteria such as Escherichia coli, E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella species, Shigella species, Vibrio species, Campylobacter species, Listeria monocytogenes, Enterobacter, and Enterococcus species, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus species, and Clostridium difficile has been reported by various laboratories (Johnson and Vaughn, 1969; Kumar and Berwal, 1998; Ross et al., 2001; Gupta and Ravishankar, 2005; Vuddhakul et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2011b; Jain et al., 2015a; Roshan et al., 2017). ...
The causative agent of gastric ulcers, Helicobacter pylori (standard strains types and clinical isolates), was found to be sensitive to GP [Garlic Powder] and 1,000 μg/ml of GP inactivated H. pylori at 6 h in a time course viability assay (O’Gara et al., 2000).
Allicin-rich crude [garlic] extract exhibited better antibacterial activity against Mycobacterium phlei, Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis compared to [the usually assigned mainstream antibiotics] Isoniazid and Ethambutol. Also, disk diffusion assay with allicin-rich extract exhibited significant activity against MRSA [a.k.a. staph infections] (Viswanathan et al., 2014). Another study also found that FGE [fresh garlic extract] was effective against MDR strains of E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens, and MRSA in both in vitro and in vivo assays (Farrag et al., 2019). ...
Garlic was found to positively influence the gut microbiome and protect the gut microbiome damage from high-fat diet (Chen et al., 2019). Supplementing feed of farrowing sows and European bass with GO decreased pathogenic microbes from the gut microbiome (Rimoldi et al., 2020; Satora et al., 2020). Allicin treatment prevented high carnitine diet-induced dysbiosis to lower the atherosclerosis risk factor trimethylamine N-oxide that is produced by the gut microbiome (Wu W. K. et al., 2015). Oral administration of alliin, precursor of allicin, to rats resulted in decreasing the relative abundance of only Allobaculum genus in the cecum (Zhang C. et al., 2019). The gut microbiome was altered upon intragastric administration of DADS of rat, a low dose of DADS decreased Bacteroidetes phyla but increased Firmicutes phyla bacteria (Yang et al., 2019). Oral administration of propyl propane thiosulfonate [part of fresh garlic] restored the richness and evenness of gut microbiome lost due to dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis in mice (Vezza et al., 2019). In a small-scale clinical trial, aged garlic extract supplementation for 3 months increases the richness and diversity of the gut microbiome with increase in Lactobacillus and Clostridium species (Ried et al., 2018). All the studies indicate that garlic and its compounds have a positive effect on gut microbiome composition and richness. However, the mechanistic details still need to be investigated.
In a recent study from our laboratory, FGE exhibited activity against MDR Shiga-toxin producing E. coli (STEC) isolates from clinical and food samples (Bhatwalkar et al., 2019). In addition to antibacterial activity, garlic crude and aqueous extract exhibited anti-adherent activity against the standard strain type of Streptococcus mutans (Jain et al., 2015a)."
- Garlic, even its dried and powdered form, removes soft plaque from the arteries, and makes them more supple:
- Jan. 22, 2016, Daily Mail, 'Garlic REALLY is good for you: Extract 'reverses build-up of deadly plaque that clogs arteries and triggers heart attacks; Aged garlic extract reduces plaque buildup in arteries, a study found; Participants who took the supplement for a year had 80% less plaque'.' (Aged Garlic Extract (AGE) was used: article/pii/S0022316623005254 (accessed: April 29, 2024)): "Lead study author Dr Matthew Budoff said: ‘This study is another demonstration of the benefits of this supplement in reducing the accumulation of soft plaque and preventing the formation of new plaque in the arteries, which can cause heart disease.’ ... It also suggested garlic could even prevent age-related neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's."
- Feb. 2020, Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 'Effects of aged garlic extract on arterial elasticity in a placebo-controlled clinical trial using EndoPAT™ technology': "Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in the industrialized world, with the main risk factors being elevated blood pressure and blood lipid levels, leading to arterial stiffness and arteriosclerosis. In this study, we examined the effect of aged garlic extract (AGE) on arterial elasticity... This randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial examined 57 subjects over a period of 12 weeks, with EndoPAT™ measurements taken at 0 and 12 weeks; in addition, changes in blood pressure were analyzed. The positive effect of AGE on blood pressure values previously reported was confirmed. The results revealed a significant decrease in blood pressure in the AGE group... The AGE group exhibited a significant improvement in arterial elasticity, measured as AI75, by 21.6%."
- Jan. 26, 1998, Ohio State News, 'Garlic and arteries: Garlic Prevents Hardening of Aorta, New Study Shows': "Ohio State University [and] researchers from the Centre for Cardiovascular Pharmacology in Mainz, Germany ... measured the stiffness of the aorta in more than 200 German men and women, half of whom took 300 mg or more of standardized garlic powder in tablet form every day for two years. The subjects who took garlic supplements demonstrated a 15 percent lower average aortic stiffness than subjects who did not."
- Garlic can be used to counter the effects of Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia:
- March 2006, Journal of Nutrition, 'Garlic Reduces Dementia and Heart-Disease Risk.': "Inhibition of cholesterol, LDL oxidation, and platelet aggregation by AGE [Aged Garlic Extract], inhibits arterial plaque formation; AGE decreases homocysteine, lowers blood pressure, and increases microcirculation, which is important in diabetes, where microvascular changes increase heart disease and dementia risks. AGE also may help prevent cognitive decline by protecting neurons from Abeta neurotoxicity and apoptosis, thereby preventing ischemia- or reperfusion-related neuronal death and improving learning and memory retention"
- Aug. 2, 2018, Curtin University (, 'Could garlic hold the key to curing Alzheimer’s disease?': "Mounting evidence [is] suggesting [that garlic] is linked to breaches in the blood-brain barrier, ... The researchers later found that aged garlic extract, an odourless product widely available in Australian pharmacies and even some convenience stores, can completely prevent the breakdown of blood-brain barrier."
- The allicin in raw garlic, and maybe other components, is able to remove heavy metals from the body:
- Dec. 1987, Journal of Korean Medical Science, 'A study on the effect of garlic to the heavy metal poisoning of rat' (PDF; does show DMSA often superior): "When garlic (Allium sativum) was administered to rat per os [sic] simultaneously with cadmium, methylmercury and phenylmercury to detect the protective effect against the heavy metal poisoning, accumulation of heavy metals in liver, kidneys, bone and testes were decreased, and histopathological damages ... reduced. ... The protective effect of garlic was superior to those of 2,3 dimercapto-1-propanol (BAL) and D-penicillamine (PEN), and nearly similar to those of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine (APEN), the current remedies, while garlic was not effective as a curative agent for heavy metal poisoning."
- Feb. 2012, Food and Chemical Toxicology journal, 'Comparative study on the efficacy of Allium sativum (garlic) in reducing some heavy metal accumulation in liver of wistar rats': "This study was undertaken to compare the therapeutic efficacy and protective ability of garlic extracts on reducing toxicity induced by mercury, lead and cadmium in the liver. Rats were fed with rat chow mixed with raw garlic (7% w/w) while mercury (10ppm), cadmium (200ppm) and lead (100ppm) were given in drinking water. Garlic was administered either at the same time with the metals (group 2), a week after exposure to heavy metals (group 3) or a week before heavy metal exposure (group 4) for 6 weeks. ... Analysis between the groups showed that garlic treatment after exposure had a significantly (P<0.05) higher percentage protection when compared with other modes. These results suggest that garlic offered more hepatoprotective effect to cadmium followed by mercury and least protection to lead at the selected dose of each metal in this study through the processes of uptake, assimilation and elimination of these metals."
- May 2012, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology journal, 'Comparison of therapeutic effects of garlic and d-Penicillamine in patients with chronic occupational lead poisoning': "Previous studies on animals have revealed that garlic (Allium sativum) is effective in reducing blood and tissue lead concentrations. The aim of this study was to investigate therapeutic effects of garlic and compare it with [medical chelator] d-penicillamine in patients with chronic lead poisoning. ... Blood lead concentration (BLC) of 117 workers at a car battery industry were investigated. ... The workers were randomly assigned into two groups of garlic (1200 μg allicin, three times daily) and d-penicillamine (250 mg, three times daily) and treated for 4 weeks. BLC was determined again 10 days post-treatment. Clinical signs and symptoms of lead poisoning were also investigated and compared with the initial findings. Clinical improvement was significant in a number of clinical manifestations including irritability (p = 0.031), headache (p = 0.028), decreased deep tendon reflex (p=0.019) and mean systolic blood pressure (0.021) after treatment with garlic, but not d-penicillamine. BLCs were reduced significantly (p=0.002 and p=0.025) from 426.32±185.128 to 347.34±121.056 μg/L [a 19% drop in 4 weeks]and from 417.47±192.54 to 315.76±140.00μg/L [a 24% drop in 4 weeks] in the garlic and d-penicillamine groups, respectively, with no significant difference (p=0.892) between the two groups. The frequency of side effects was significantly (p=0.023) higher in d-penicillamine than in the garlic group. Thus, garlic seems safer clinically and as effective as d-penicillamine. Therefore, garlic can be recommended for the treatment of mild-to-moderate lead poisoning."
- Jan. 2015, Nutrients journal, 'Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity': "Table 2. Selected studies on the protective effects of edible plants against Cd [cadmium] and Pb [lead] toxicity. ... Garlic: ... 250 or 500 mg/kg b.w. garlic extract orally. [For] 30 days [to] male mice... Garlic decreased the Pb [lead] burden and recovered immunological parameters in the blood and tissues. ...
Garlic is also a well known medicinal plant. Garlic extract alleviates Pb-induced neural, hepatic, renal and haematic toxicity in rats and protects against Cd-induced mitochondrial injury and apoptosis in tissue culture models [73,74,75,76]. Based on these studies, garlic’s protective property against Cd and Pb toxicity can be attributed to (1) its antioxidative ability, provided by organo-sulphur compounds such as diallyl tetrasulfide; (2) its chelation ability, provided by sulphur-containing amino acids and compounds with free carboxyl and amino groups, which in turn promotes the excretion of Pb or Cd from the body; and (3) the prevention of Cd and Pb intestinal absorption, by its sulphur-containing amino acids such as S-allyl cysteine and S-allyl mercaptocysteine. Ginger and onion have similar antioxidant capacities to garlic, and supplementation with these food ingredients gave protection against Pb-induced renal and developmental toxicity and Cd-induced gonadotoxic and spermiotoxic effects in rats [77,78,79]."
- Similar to garlic, onions, and turmeric, ginger can detox the body of heavy metals as lead. 232
- Used with success by people with gastritis, because it stimulates the stomach. Often used in combination with artichoke for small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), because artichoke heavily moves the small intestine.
- Used in tea, because it serves as a natural paracetamol.
- No further research yet.
- No research yet.
- Similar to garlic, onions have many health benefits, including anti-cancer and anti-heavy metal effects. They are not as strongly anti-microbial as the more pugnant garlic it appears.
- Jan. 2021, Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 'The effects of Allium cepa L. (onion) and its active constituents on metabolic syndrome: A review': "Onions ... display broad-spectrum activities including anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, lipid-modifying, anti-obesity, antihypertensive, and antidiabetic effects."
- Nov. 2002, Phytotherapy Research journal, 'Onions--a global benefit to health': "Onions are rich in two chemical groups that have perceived benefits to human health. These are the flavonoids and the alk(en)yl cysteine sulphoxides (ACSOs). ... Compounds from onion have been reported to have a range of health benefits which include anticarcinogenic properties, antiplatelet activity, antithrombotic activity, antiasthmatic and antibiotic effects."
- May 29, 2023,, 'Stop the Tears: Why Onions Are Good for You': "A 2019 study found that consuming 35 pounds of onions and other allium vegetables every year may lower your risk of colorectal (colon) cancer by almost 80%. Most Americans consume about 22 pounds of onions in a year, according to the National Onion Association. ...
Additional studies suggest that an onion-rich diet may lower your risk of: Bladder cancer. Brain cancer. Breast cancer. Lung cancer. Ovarian cancer. Stomach cancer. ...
Onions are a rich source of prebiotics and fiber. “Gut bacteria break down insoluble or undigested fiber, causing fermentation,” says Culbertson. “In this way, onions serve as a prebiotic or food source for the bacteria, which aids digestion.” Unfortunately, this fermentation can also cause gas and bloating. “Cooked onions are easier to digest and less likely to cause digestion problems than raw onions,” shares Culbertson. ...
Another study suggests that women and people assigned female at birth (AFAB) over 50 who eat an onion a day may: Improve bone density by 5%. Reduce their risk of hip fracture by 20%." 2019 cancer study in question: Feb. 20, 2019, Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology, 'Allium vegetables are associated with reduced risk of colorectal cancer: A hospital-based matched case-control study in China'. - Jan. 2015, Nutrients journal, 'Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity': "Table 2. Selected studies on the protective effects of edible plants against Cd [cadmium] and Pb [lead] toxicity. ... Onion: ... 5 mL/kg b.w. onion extract by oral gavage. [For] 4 weeks [to] male rats exposed to 15 mg/kg b.w. Cd [cadmium]... Onion reduced testicular oxidative damage and alleviated spermiotoxicity."
- December 2008, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 'Protective roles of onion and garlic extracts on cadmium-induced changes in sperm characteristics and testicular oxidative damage in rats': "Cadmium (Cd) is known to exert gonadotoxic and spermiotoxic effects. The present study was performed to assess the possible protective roles of onion (Allium cepa Linn) and garlic (Allium sativum Linn) extracts on Cd-induced testicular damage and spermiotoxicity. ... Cd intoxication significantly (p<0.001) decreased epididymal sperm concentration and sperm progress motility, increased percent total sperm abnormalities and live/dead count [and other issues]. Both extracts successfully attenuated these adverse effects of Cd. Onion extract offers a dose-dependent protection. Our study demonstrated that aqueous extracts of onion and garlic could proffer a measure of protection against Cd-induced testicular oxidative damage and spermiotoxicity by possibly reducing lipid peroxidation and increasing the antioxidant defence mechanism in rats."
- April 2018, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 'Systematic study on active compounds as antibacterial and antibiofilm agent in aging onions': "
- Storage dependent study was done on six varieties of red, white and yellow skinned onion.
- Total phenolic and antioxidant activity increased after three month storage in all onion varieties.
- Antibacterial and antibiofilm activities increased in yellow and red type of onion [by about 10% after 3 months, but had declined 20-30% from its peak by 6 months].
- White type didn't show any antibacterial and antibiofilm activities. ...
In addition to quercetin, onion produces allicin, which is sulfur containing volatile compound and exists in intact onions. The antibacterial activity of onion is mostly due to the allicin (thiosulfinates) [40]. However, these volatile compounds have limited use regarding food preservation because of their strong flavor and biochemical instability [41]. ...
At the concentration of 50 μg/mL, extract of red onion showed the reduction rate of 59.5% and 61.5% against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. Activity of the yellow onion extract was found to be quite promising compared with white onion. The aged and deteriorated yellow and white onions did not show any inhibition against the biofilm formation."
- Medicial tree from India known as Havintha Azadirachta Indica.
- Few studies have been done, but Neem clearly is a (very) strong antimicrobial, and seems to be capable of inhibiting, and often a curing, candida and intestinal parasites:
- 2014, Brazilian Journal of Oral Studies, 'Antifungal efficacy of Azadirachta indica (neem) - An in vitro study': "Aim: To evaluate antimicrobial ability of neem leaf extract, 3% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) [i.e. bleach] and 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) [a popular oral antiseptic and disinfectant] against Candida albicans. ... There was no significant difference observed between Neem extract and 3% NaOCl. Conclusions: Efficacy of Neem extract is comparable to 3% NaOCl against C. albicans and it is significantly better than 2% CHX. ...
NaOCl and CHX at various concentrations have been proven effective against C. albicans but they have certain disadvantages [of killing everything]. In dentistry, Neem has been investigated due to its antimicrobial potential against oral microorganisms especially those associated with gingivitis and periodontitis [10]." - 2015, Journal of Parasitic Diseases, 'Anthelmintic efficacy of crude neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf powder against bovine strongylosis': "The present study was conducted to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy of crude neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf powder against strongyle infections in cattle. Based on copro-examination, 30 cattle positive for strongyle infection with at least 250 [eggs per gram (EPG) of faeces] were selected and grouped...
Group A was treated with fenbendazole (Panacur®) at a dose rate of 5 mg/kg body weight as a single oral dose. Group B was treated orally with a single dose of crude neem leaf powder @ 500 mg/kg body while the animals of Group C remained as infected untreated control. The approximate dose of neem leaf powder was calculated as per Ali (2005) who used similar dose rate and reported 53.6 % efficacy against Gastrodiscus in horse. The animals treated with neem leaf powder were kept under observation for 24 h. for any toxicity issue and no abnormal changes in their physiological parameters were detected. ...
The mean EPG [eggs per gram (EPG) of faeces] of the Group A, B and C on day 0 was 400 ± 25.82, 380 ± 19.44 and 395 ± 35.32, respectively. After day 7 post treatment the mean EPG was recorded as 60 ± 19.44, 85 ± 66.88 and 430 ± 37.42, respectively. These results indicated a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in EPG in Group A and Group B at day 7 post treatment. On day 14 post treatment the EPG was recorded as 0 in Group A, 5 ± 5 in Group B and 420 ± 35.90 in Group C which revealed that on day 14 post treatment the animals of Group B showed significantly low (p < 0.05) EPG as compared to that of day 7 post treatment. No infection was detected in Group A and B at day 28 post treatment but Group C exhibited an EPG of 430 ± 24.94. During the current study it was also observed that there was no significant (p > 0.05) changes in EPG of the animals of control group. Fenbendazole exhibited 85 and 100 % efficacy on day 7th and 14th of post treatment in Group A whereas crude neem leaf powder exhibited 78, 98 and 100 % efficacy on day 7th, 14th and 28th in Group B, respectively. The detailed findings of the present study have been shown in Table 1."
- 2014, Brazilian Journal of Oral Studies, 'Antifungal efficacy of Azadirachta indica (neem) - An in vitro study': "Aim: To evaluate antimicrobial ability of neem leaf extract, 3% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) [i.e. bleach] and 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) [a popular oral antiseptic and disinfectant] against Candida albicans. ... There was no significant difference observed between Neem extract and 3% NaOCl. Conclusions: Efficacy of Neem extract is comparable to 3% NaOCl against C. albicans and it is significantly better than 2% CHX. ...
- Good Neem experiences:
- YouTube comment: "I cured IBS with this trick.. [neem and curcumin balls]"
- Reddit comment: "I had Candida, SIBO and parasites for years about 5 years, I tried everything spend thousands seeing every specialist all told me bullshit, about cut this food diet all this bullshit. In the end I got better within 2 weeks using Neem & Turmeric Balls twice a day at morning & night killed every parasite killed all candida. Try it and thank me later. Have Fun."
- Reddit comment: "Pretty sure a month of Neem, berberine and allicin got rid of my methane SIBO. I use it occasionally for maintenance as well."
- Bad or less good Neem experiences:
- Reddit comment: "Took berberine for about 2 weeks and it was doing me so well. Was fixing my dysbiosis, and killing off mold in me. I then switched to neem and it wrecked my gut. More histamine and puffier face. "
- For most people Neem will taste terrible having to mix it into foods. However, making "neem balls", similar to "turmeric balls" (this author prefers to call them "pills"), make this compound much easier to swallow. Neem:
- Mix 1 (volume) part neem with .75 part water.
- For turmeric, mix 1.5 part turmeric with 1 part water.
- Stir and in about 10 seconds a clay-like substance starts to emerge.
- The above ratios make sure the "clay" is relatively thick and dry, and therefore easy to roll into various shapes with your fingers.
- Traditionally Indians rolled the neem and/or turmeric in balls, from which they broke pieces. This is possible, but you can also pre-make a whole bunch of pill-shaped neem and turmeric "balls".
- Don't make them bigger than general supplement pills. You don't want them to get stuck into your throat, especially not when dried up and hard.
- It seems the original recipe didn't account for curcumin only being fat soluble, and at the very least needing pepper to make it into the bloodstream. So eat these balls with a bit of fat and pepper, just to be sure.
- Radishes seem to have a lot of overlapping health benefits with onions and garlic.
- Great to get mucous out of the body, improve gut health, and very anti-cancer.
- Curcumin is the most important active ingredient of Turmeric root, a cousin of Ginger. In nature, only between 1 and 7% of the Turmeric root consists of Curcumin, the average being around 3%. This is the reason that Turmeric root extract or almost pure Curcumin is sold as well, because it is a lot more potent.
- Used a ton in the Indian kitchen as a spice, and generally with cooked foods and with warm milk, generally only a few teaspoons of Turmeric at a time are used for a meal feeding several people:
- YouTube comment: "As an Indian, we eat lots of turmeric everday, its practically added in almost all of our foods."
- YouTube comment: "It’s considered the best medicine in India for ages till now we all take turmeric with warm milk before we go to sleep. As an Indian I confirm that this do work."
- Normally Curcumin is barely absorbed by the intestines, and therefore very little of it ends up in the blood. However, by adding a little bit of piperine extract, to be found in black pepper at a rate of around 9%, a reported 20x more Curcumin is absorbed into the bloodstream. Studies vary on the exact amount, as well as the half-life of Curcumin-piperine, but generally it is fully gone from the blood in 7 hours. Newer formulas for increased bioavailability include Phytolistic Curcuma (a reported 40x), Nigella Sativa (a much longer Curcumin spike and slightly higher blood numbers than with piperine), BCM-95 (bonded to an oil similarly harvested from Turmeric root, and roughly comparable to Black Seed Oil), Theracurmin (200x or so versus piperine's 20x) and Theracurmin Super.
- YouTube comment: "There are now formulations that are more powerful. Curcumin formulation with nano-micelles containing Gelucire and polysorbate 20 (BioCurc) have the highest bioavailability in studies >400X unformulated curcumin. ... Omax HydroCurc Turmeric Curcumin Softgels on Amazon uses BioCurc now known as HydroCurc but you can use other brands too like the Life Extension brand etc."
- YouTube comment: "There are apparently better ways than pepperine (x20 bioavailability) such as miceller (x185 bioavailability) to deliver curcumin."
- Sep. 2022, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research journal, 'Micellar Curcumin: Pharmacokinetics and Effects on Inflammation Markers and PCSK‐9 Concentrations in Healthy Subjects in a Double‐Blind, Randomized, Active‐Controlled, Crossover Trial': "In this double-blind, randomized, crossover trial, 15 healthy volunteers receive micellar or native curcumin (105 mg day-1 ) for 7 days with a ≥7 days washout period. ... Micellar curcumin demonstrates improved bioavailability (≈39-fold higher maximum concentrations, ≈14-fold higher area-under-the-time-concentration curve, p < 0.001) but does not reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines in the chosen model. Subjects receiving micellar curcumin have significantly lower PCSK9 concentrations (≈10% reduction) after 7 days compared to baseline (p = 0.038)."
- YouTube comment: "curcumin + piperine is basically way old first gen delivery technique. We've moved into cyclodextrin bundling, lipids, micellar versions, etc. All have significantly better absorption than that first gen methodology."
- YouTube comment: "As piperine also increases bioavailability of EGCG in green tea extracts, does the combination potentially increase the risk of liver toxicity?"
- March 28, 2023, ACS Omega journal, 'Curcumin Formulations for Better Bioavailability: What We Learned from Clinical Trials Thus Far?': "First generation formulation: - Curcumin Piperine. ... Second generation formulation: - Meriva. Nano-curcumin. - Theracurcumin. HydroCurc. - LipoCurc. ... Third generation formulation: ... - Longvida. - CurQfen. - Curcuwin Ultra+."
- April 15, 2010, Food Chemistry, 'Curcumin inhibits influenza virus infection and haemagglutination activity' (result: roughly a 30% to sometimes a 50% reduction in sick days, with Theracurmin Super winning over Theracurmin (regular)).
- As Turmeric is fat-soluble, take it with at least 15 grams of fats. 8 grams of Turmeric or Curcumin n a day generally is considered the safe daily max.
- There's been a long-standing question whether or not Turmeric needs to be heated up for maximum benefit. This does not appear to be the case, looking at positive user experiences using Turmeric supplements. However, even heating up Turmeric to 180 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes or so, seems to keep around 80% if its beneficial effects in relation to Curcumin. In fact, it has been stated that various other compounds in Turmeric actually are enhanced when heated. There is talk that if the spice is heated, it becomes up to 12x more bioavailable. All in all, there still are a lot of unknowns when it comes to heating the spice.
- Jan. 20, 2022, Indian Times, 'Does heating and boiling destroy the health benefits of turmeric?': "The effects of Curcumin become more effective and a majority of the research conducted on the effects of heat on Curcumin speaks in favour of cooking the spice. Cooking turmeric generally improves the concentration of Curcuminoids by the body and also increases the antioxidant capability in the body," says S.N. Rao, Managing Director, Supreem Super Foods."
- Positive user experiences with Turmeric / Curcumin supplements - overlapping with studies - mainly involve:
- prevention and reduction of sick days and symptoms;
- reduction of chronic inflammation pain, anywhere in the body;
- reduction of arthritis pain;
- normalizing of blood values;
- improving and curing of intestinal problems;
- improving and curing anxiety, despression, migraines and brain fog;
- reducing allergies and asthma;
- and preventing and fighting cancer.
- Various studies also show Turmeric / Curcumin's ability to fight cancer:
- Aug. 24, 2020, BMC Cancer, 'Clinical effects of curcumin in enhancing cancer therapy: A systematic review': "The anti-cancer effects of curcumin include inhibiting the carcinogenesis, inhibiting angiogenesis, and inhibiting tumour growth. ... The results are derived based on several clinical studies on curcumin consumption with chemotherapy drugs, highlighting that curcumin increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiotherapy which results in improving patient’s survival time, and increasing the expression of anti-metastatic proteins along with reducing their side effects."
- April 5, 2024 version, (National Cancer Institute), 'Curcumin (Curcuma, Turmeric) and Cancer (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version': "- Extensive research over the past two decades suggests that curcuminoids, the active ingredient in turmeric (C. longa), interfere with multiple cell signaling pathways, providing support for the potential role of curcumin in modulating cancer development and progression.
- With varying formulations and doses tested in phase I clinical trials, there is evidence of bioavailability of curcumin and curcumin conjugates in plasma, urine, and tissue.
- Results from early-phase trials of curcumin-containing products in the chemoprevention of colon, oral, and hepatic carcinoma appear promising."
- Various studies showing Turmeric / Curcumin's ability to fight Flu viruses and Covid:
- April 15, 2010, Food Chemistry, 'Curcumin inhibits influenza virus infection and haemagglutination activity' (result: roughly a 30% to sometimes a 50% reduction in sick days, with Theracurmin Super winning over Theracurmin (regular)): "Our results demonstrated that treatment with 30 μM curcumin reduced the yield of virus by over 90% in cell culture."
- "This study aimed to investigate the effects of 12-week consumption of highly bioavailable curcumin (150 mg/day of Theracurmin Super [TS-P1] or Theracurmin [CR-033P]) on common cold symptoms [involving] 99 healthy Japanese adults... Each subject was randomly assigned to one of the following three groups: TS-P1, CR-033P, or placebo (n = 33 per group). ... No adverse effects were observed. Consumption of highly bioavailable curcumin, TS-P1 or CR-033P (150 mg/day), for 12 weeks reduced the number of days for which common cold symptoms persisted in healthy Japanese adults. ...
Table 3: Cumulative and maximum persisted days for which, and frequency with which common cold symptoms... Cumulative number of expression days: [TS-P1 Group:] 38.6 ... [CR-033P Group:] 39.4 ... [Placebo Group:] 56.8. [respectively 47% and 44% more sick days]... Maximum number of expression days: ... [TS-P1 Group:] 22.3 ... [CR-033P Group:] 27.8 ... [Placebo Group:] 45.2 [respectively 103% and 63% more sick days] ... Frequency of expression during the intervention period (%): [TS-P1 Group:] 45.7 ... [CR-033P Group:] 46.7 ... [Placebo Group:] 67.0 [46% more sick days]..." - Jan. 23, 2024, Virology Journal, 'A novel film spray containing curcumin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus infection and enhances mucosal immunity'.
- June 12, 2020, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 'The Inhibitory Effect of Curcumin on Virus-Induced Cytokine Storm and Its Potential Use in the Associated Severe Pneumonia': "Many studies have documented that curcumin disrupts the viral infection process via multiple mechanisms, including directly targeting viral proteins, inhibiting particle production and gene expression, and blocking the virus entry, replication, and budding (Wen et al., 2007; Basu et al., 2013; Ou et al., 2013; Du et al., 2017; Kannan and Kolandaivel, 2017; Yang et al., 2017; Dai et al., 2018; Praditya et al., 2019). A recently in vitro study has demonstrated that curcumin inhibits respiratory syndrome virus (RSV) by blocking attachment to host cells (Yang et al., 2017). In this study, curcumin was also found to prevent the replication of RSV in human nasal epithelial cells. Additional evidence suggests that curcumin inhibits Porcine reproductive and RSV (PRRSV) attachment, possibly by disrupting the fluidity of viral envelopes (Du et al., 2017). Curcumin also obstructs virus infection by inhibiting PRRSV-mediated cell fusion, virus internalization, and uncoating (Du et al., 2017).
For a century, different subtypes of IAV, H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, and H5N1 have been the leading cause of pandemic outbreaks in the world. It has been reported that curcumin and its derivatives have a high binding affinity to hemagglutinin (HA), a major capsid glycoprotein of influenza virus that mediates virus attachment (Kannan and Kolandaivel, 2017). Ou et al. (2013) have demonstrated that curcumin interacts with HA and disturbs the integrity of membrane structure to block virus binding to host cells and prevent IAV entry. In another study with cells infected by IAV, it was found that curcumin directly inactivates various strains of IAV, disturbs their adsorption, and inhibits their replication (Dai et al., 2018). ...
Numerous in vivo and in vitro studies have been shown that curcumin and its analogs markedly inhibit the production and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines... In line with this, Zhang et al. (2019) have observed that direct pulmonary delivery of solubilized curcumin dramatically diminishes pro-inflammatory cytokines... In addition, curcumin also decreases expression of many other inflammatory mediators...
Cytokine storm syndrome triggered by viral infections is the culprit of death. It is exacerbated by unchecked regulation of the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and ROS, leading to pneumonia, ALI, multiple organs failures, and eventually death. No effective therapy is available for the cytokine storm syndrome and associated lung and other organ failures. Curcumin is a natural plant extract with high safety and low toxicity such that people take it as a diet supplement, and growing evidence from preclinical studies demonstrates that it effectively inhibits viral infection, alleviates the severity of lung injury through offsetting the cytokine storm, inhibits subsequent fibrosis, and increases survival rates (Figure 3). ...
Funding: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 81560299 and 81660163), and Innovation and Entrepreneurship grant from Jiangxi Province Bureau of Foreign Experts."
Positive user experiences related chronic inflammation pain in the body, whether this is temporary due to a surgery, or more chronic, including from arthritis (there are way to many positive experiences to list here):
- YouTube comment: "I've been using turmeric for a few months now and have noticed incredible results from using it, mainly how my inflammation has diminished to nearly nothing anymore, my focus is better and many other smaller details that make quality of life for me a lot better."
- YouTube comment: "One of my African friends that knows a lot about this stuff said to mix with black pepper which opens it up. Even if I feel pain if I put in a SPOON, BLACK PEPPER ON TOP THEN OLIVE OIL & take that spoonful the pain or inflammation is GONE within 5 minutes."
- YouTube comment: "My doctor actually recommended that I take this supplement for joint pain. I've been taking it for several months and it has helped tremendously."
- YouTube comment: "CuraMed is specifically for inflammation, and CuraMed is for pain. Both contain curcumin but in different amounts. I never used Tylenol, etc, and use CuraMin instead for headaches, cramps, etc., and CuraMed for inflammation issues."
- YouTube comment: "I have been taking a turmeric supplement for a few years now everyday (except if I run out) . It has helped tremendously with inflammation and edema in my lower legs and feet..."
- YouTube comment: "Good ole arthritis is my constant companion, inflammation really bad in my body along with fibromyalgia. I started doing the turmeric chews, quite good but not helping at all. I’ve taken then for awhile, a chew morning and evening. So that means I need to switch to that [more pure Curcumin] Cura-med?"
- YouTube comment: "I’ve been taking it for arthritic knees and I definitely notice a difference when I stopped briefly"
- YouTube comment: "My specialist hair dermatologist had me use it for the inflammation on my scalp caused by my auto immune disease. Result: no more inflammation. I started my husband on it for his chronic knee pain. Two weeks later he was pain free and has been pain free ever since."
- YouTube comment: "I had severe all over joint pain since having my daughter. I’m talking in my knees, hips, lower back, everything hurt. I tried lots of things. I tried a cocktail of turmeric [with cayenne powder, apple cider vinegar, and honey]. ... I also take two pills at night. I have hardly any joint pain now, I’m able to workout now! When I stop taking it after a few days, I feel the joint aches again. I’m only 34 and relatively healthy."
- YouTube comment: "I have been taking turmeric with black pepper capsules for nearly two years. The reason I started to take it was because of my arthritis in my hands, knees and lower back pain. I am a 52 year old carer and I was in a lot of pain with my back and hands... I was taking 2 ibruprofen every day for a good few years which helped my back pain but did nothing for the arthritis. But i knew it was not good for me so I thought I would try turmeric instead. It took about 5/6 months before I started to notice the difference, I was so amazed. And now my hands and back feel sooo much better. I recommend it too lots of people."
- YouTube comment: "I have travelling joint pain from the AI I'm taking - turmeric (with pepper) has helped immensely. Takes about a month to start to kick in."
- YouTube comment: "I give curcumin to my 15 year old dog. He had a green fracture when he was a puppy and he developed arthritis in his leg. With the curcumin, he runs around pain-free. It's wonderful! The one time I ran out of curcumin and he was off it for a week, he started limping again."
- YouTube comment: "I have long used curcumin for my hands after bouldering. They’d get sore for a few days sometimes but curcumin resolves it. Was very noticeable."
- YouTube comment: "Tumeric has reduced CRP inflammation marker ! It reduces my muscle aches. The best form is Longvida Tumeric which is costly a bit, but best absorbed, it's without pepper."
- Positive user experiences with Turmeric / Curcumin supplements with regard to allergies and asthma:
- YouTube comment: "My allergic rhinitis virtually disappeared ever since I took turmeric supplements. I've been dealing with allergies for about a decade now, so this is amazing."
- YouTube comment: "Curcumin is amazing. Not only did it help my arthritis and joint pain but it has helped me not to react so badly to all the pollen in the air (I have asthma and pollen allergies)."
- YouTube comment: "Totally agree, I use this for my arthritis pain and allergies, 100 % works."
- YouTube comment: "I have been eating a teaspoon of tumeric powder every day since 2008. My asthma is gone, my allergies are gone, joint pain is gone." YouTube comment: "Turmeric with black pepper changed my life! No asthma, no allergies, no stomach issues."
- Positive user experiences with Turmeric / Curcumin regarding intestinal health:
- Reddit comment: "I had Candida, SIBO and parasites for years about 5 years, I tried everything spend thousands seeing every specialist all told me bullshit, about cut this food diet all this bullshit. In the end I got better within 2 weeks using Neem & Turmeric Balls twice a day at morning & night killed every parasite killed all candida. Try it and thank me later. Have Fun."
- Study: "One study indicated that the biomass of 38 strains of Candida was significantly reduced by curcumin (Khan et al., 2012)"
- YouTube comment: "I started on it over 20 years ago [when] I had erosions in my stomach and intestines, and it changed my life. I had to go on a soft food diet, antibiotics and antacids to kill the H. Pylori [bacteria], but the turmeric truly helped healing my gut, the pain and my stools went from diverticulitis to perfectly normal, and foods I couldn't eat without brutal pain I've eaten painlessly for 20 years now."
- YouTube comment: "Tumeric has basically cured my ulcerative colitis. My knee pain is gone also! It definitely works."
- YouTube comment: "I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitus3 years ago and prescribed (by a specialist) a drug to minimise the symptoms. My system couldn't tolerate the drug and it's side effects. I approached my G.P who suggested I try Tumeric tablets as where he was trained (South Africa) it is commonly used for all digestive problems and many other difficulties. I started on Tumeric tablets over 2 years ago and all my Ulcerative problems have vanished, along wth my Fibromyalgia symptoms. Strangely my skin has vastly improved also. I'm a 73 y.o. male. and cannot praise it enough."
- YouTube comment: "I have been drinking turmeric tea with black pepper for the past month now. The most immediate benefit so far has been with my digestion. My IBS is much more manageable now."
- YouTube comment: "Never knew all my problems would be solved by this one since I've had in my kitchen for months but I never use. I've had a recurring h pylori, prediabetic symptoms, stress intolerance."
- Positive user experiences with Turmeric / Curcumin regarding blood values:
- YouTube comment: "In 2018, I started using Ginger, Tumeric and pepper In chamomile and mint Tea 3x’s a day, honey and lemon. And it changed my blood levels so much my doctor asked what I did."
- Positive user experiences with Turmeric / Curcumin regarding anxiety, despression, migraines and brain fog:
- Shea Whitney YouTube video: "Another thing that I specifically noticed over the last 30 days of me taking Curcumin or CuraMed [concentrated Curcumin], is a dramatic reduction in my anxiety. ... I became so much happier. I wasn't worrying about things. ... I wasn't thinking, "What's gonna happen in the future?"..."
- YouTube comment: "I love turmeric, I take 1tsp/day (ground powder, organic, raw). Works for everything, especially brain fog/fatigue/anxiety. It seems to flush my gallbladder as well; it releases the pressure in that area."
- YouTube comment: "Been taking it for a few months (along with Magnesium) and I swear it’s helped so much. Hugely helped in aiding several chronic injuries as well as depression."
- Positive user experiences with Turmeric / Curcumin supplements with regard to cancer:
- YouTube comment: "My mom had breast cancer and the cancer broke through the skin. She put turmeric directly on the spot and it ate a chunk of the cancer over night. When the dr saw he called a bunch of other Dr's to show how much the cancer dissipated. She told them what she did and one of them told her that was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. She started to beat the cancer mentioning natural solutions introduced to her by my aunt. They then gave her medication that gave her a seizure and killed her."
- YouTube comment: "You’d need to read the British Journal of Medicine, can’t recall the year. It’s about a case study of a woman with blood cancer who only used 8 gm of curcumin/ day and no other medication or cancer treatments, for about a year and half and became cancer free. Cuz of its ability to cause apoptosis. I’ve had the best outcome from Tumeric Meriva!"
- YouTube comment: "40+ yrs. ago, I was diagnosed with Barrett's Disease. and told that I had a fair chance of developing stomach cancer in my later yrs. Also, some 25 yrs. ago, I had 2 types of skin cancer: Melanoma and Squamis Cell. and was told that I had a fair chance of developing Cancer. At that time, I started on Curcumin with Piperine. Now, at age 75, and in relatively good shape and told that I look some 10-15 yrs. younger than I am. My daily regimen of Turmeric will continue."
- YouTube comment: "It helped me to fight cancer. My doctor was surprised that it lowered carcinogen levels and kept it in a frozen level."
- YouTube comment: "I’ve been taking turmeric for years. I had three cancer scares last year - three biopsies. All benign. My dad, in his 70s at the time, took turmeric throughout his stage 4 liver and esophagus cancer. He’s 83, still cancer free, still taking turmeric."
- Positive user experiences with Turmeric / Curcumin supplements with regard to cancer:
- YouTube comment: "I found that turmeric with black pepper, in squeezed lemon and acv seemed to cure my urinary tract problems and prostate issues, along with low carb diet and exercise."
- Negative or so-so experiences with Turmeric / Curcumin:
- YouTube comment: "When I take it, I develop symptoms of iron deficiency. Tested it many times with the same results. Most common symptom is dizziness when standing. When I remove turmeric from the equation, symptoms are gone. I’ve looked it up and sure enough there are studies on this. Love the stuff and wish I could take it but unfortunately my body doesn’t agree. Worked great for my inflammation."
- YouTube comment: "Added raw to juices and smoothies. Turmeric has heat properties, so they do give burning in urine in me personally. Does also gives me thrush if had more than half tspoon. As an Asian we eat in our curries everyday but only add quarter tspoon."
- YouTube comment: "I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis last year, which causes severe back and leg pain. I was looking for natural anti-inflammatory and curcumin leapt out at me. It has definitely helped, but I have since discovered several other supplements that provide similar benefits and much more... alpha-lipoic acid, acetyl-L-carnitine, N-acetyl cysteine [NAC]."
- Curcumin can irritate the stomach by increasing stomach acid.
- To easily ingest several grams of turmeric without using "neem balls", similar to "turmeric balls" (this author prefers to call them "pills"), make this compound much easier to swallow. Neem:
- Mix 1 (volume) part neem with .75 part water.
- For turmeric, mix 1.5 part turmeric with 1 part water.
- Stir and in about 10 seconds a clay-like substance starts to emerge.
- The above ratios make sure the "clay" is relatively thick and dry, and therefore easy to roll into various shapes with your fingers.
- Traditionally Indians rolled the neem and/or turmeric in balls, from which they broke pieces. This is possible, but you can also pre-make a whole bunch of pill-shaped neem and turmeric "balls".
- Don't make them bigger than general supplement pills. You don't want them to get stuck into your throat, especially not when dried up and hard.
- It seems the original recipe didn't account for curcumin only being fat soluble, and at the very least needing pepper to make it into the bloodstream. So eat these balls with a bit of fat and pepper, just to be sure.
- If you don't mix Turmeric through your food, or take them in supplement form, you can make traditional "Turmeric balls" (or, as the author likes to call them, "Turmeric pills"). The same goes for Neem, another tradional Indian herb taken in the same manner:
- Mix 1 (volume) part Neem with .75 part water.
- For Turmeric, mix 1.5 part Turmeric with 1 part water.
- Stir and in about 10 seconds a clay-like substance starts to emerge.
- The above ratios make sure the "clay" is relatively thick and dry, and therefore easy to roll into various shapes with your fingers.
- Traditionally Indians rolled the neem and/or Turmeric in balls, from which they broke pieces. This is possible, but you can also pre-make a whole bunch of pill-shaped Neem and Turmeric "balls".
- Don't make them bigger than general supplement pills. You don't want them to get stuck into your throat, especially not when dried up and hard.
- It seems the original recipe didn't account for curcumin only being fat soluble, and at the very least needing pepper to make it into the bloodstream. So eat these balls with a bit of fat and pepper, just to be sure.
- YouTube comment: "Should the Turmeric Balls be made with Turmeric Paste instead of plain dry powder? I'm confused. Turmeric's beneficial Curcumin comes from heating the powder to release Curcumin. I make Turmeric Paste by mixing water and black pepper, bringing to a quick boil then simmering till it reduces to a paste. As it cools I add a bit of Ghee or Coconut Oil. Shouldn't Turmeric Balls be made from this paste instead of plain dry turmeric powder?"
VegetablesArtichoke- Artichoke extract is used by small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) to (heavily) stimulate the peristaltic movements of the small intestine, often alleviating all SIBO symptoms, as the increased movement makes the small intestine uninhabitable for a wide variety of bad bacteria. It is often used in this case alongside ginger extract, which stimulates the stomach.
- Cynarine is one of the major active components of artichoke. Research has tied it to be liver protective 233 and having various other benefits.
- No further research yet.
- Broccoli is a great source of the anti-cancer and estrogen-lowering compound DIM, not just for the supplement industry, but also when buying it in the supermarket. At an estimated 20 mg per 100 gram, which only gets destroyed 20% during cooking it appears, a therapeutic dose of 75-100mg is within reach.
- Raw broccoli has a decent amount of "Vitamin U", which cures intestinal ulcers, and will do so very fast in combination with raw cabbage, and likely at least as fast with raw spinach.
- Broccoli is a concentrated source of sulforaphane, which helps fight H. Pylori by preventing it from being able to latch onto the stomach lining.
- Cabbage juice has been shown to heal intestinal ulcers quicker than any other vegetable, with the possible exception of spinach. For details see vitamin U.
- Celery juice is sometimes used to kill candida. It may actually kill it. But apparently it doesn't fully kill Streptococcus bacteria.
- Experiences:
- Reddit comment: "Celery juice has literally given me back my life. I struggled with debilitating bad breath to the point that I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving my house. I now have a boyfriend and feel comfortable socializing. But if I stop drinking it for a couple of days, the smell returns. So there definitely is something in the celery juice that is effective. Just can’t say what it is or why it helps. I had tried about 100 other things over the course of 12 years to treat it any the only thing that provides temporary relief is this, and antibiotics. ...
It has to be ingested. The beneficial results are directly correlated to how much I drink. I’ve tried only having a cup or two per day - spread out over hours but the results aren’t as good. ... I know the bad breath is related to bacteria though since it went away while on a course of flagyl - but it returned right after." - Reddit comment: "Yes I take it with cabbage juice or on its own for h pylori. It kills that bacteria and treats gastritis. But you have to juice it consistently for three months to get rid of it. It’s a tonic that cleanses stomach and colon with liver and gallbladder."
- Reddit comment: "I had Candida, SIBO and parasites for years about 5 years, I tried everything spend thousands seeing every specialist all told me bullshit, about cut this food diet all this bullshit. In the end I got better within 2 weeks using Neem & Turmeric Balls twice a day at morning & night killed every parasite killed all candida. Try it and thank me later Have Fun."
- Reddit comment: "I wish, I can’t rid of candida, I’ve been doing the celery juice for well over a year. Not because of candida. That fun began a few months ago. Celery juice helps me in many ways but not for that unfortunately."
- Reddit comment: "Celery juice has literally given me back my life. I struggled with debilitating bad breath to the point that I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving my house. I now have a boyfriend and feel comfortable socializing. But if I stop drinking it for a couple of days, the smell returns. So there definitely is something in the celery juice that is effective. Just can’t say what it is or why it helps. I had tried about 100 other things over the course of 12 years to treat it any the only thing that provides temporary relief is this, and antibiotics. ...
- In combination with cabbage, very potent in curing gastric ulcers, which can lead to gastric cancer. For details see vitamin U.
- In combination with cabbage, very potent in curing gastric ulcers, which can lead to gastric cancer. Spinach seems more effective than kale, and even cabbage in this regard. For details see vitamin U.
MoreALA- Full name: Alpha-Lipoic Acid. For supplementation you need R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA), because it is a natural compound. S-ALA is synthetic, and has much poorer absorbtion. SR-ALA is a mix of synthetic and natural. Both aren't as effective as natural.
- R-Fraction Alpha Lipoic Acid reportedly is the most bioavailable version, with some reporting it does not give them headaches or any stomach upset compared to regular R-Alpha Lipoic Acid. It's hard to say at the moment if that is good or not, as so little is known about R-Fraction.
- ALA is one of the earlier alternative methods to detox heavy metals from the body. It has a brief half-life though, so you have to take it every few hours to prevent the heavy metals it has grabbed from depositing them somewhere else in the body, leading to potentially even worse health problems. It also takes many months and years to detox on ALA, so anything from garlic to zeolite might be a better first try.
- Comments regarding ALA detoxing heavy metals:
- Reddit comment: "No, I do not believe that one injection of ALA would cause permanent damage. What I do believe you experienced was redistribution symptoms of moving A LOT of mercury around your body at one time. ALA is one of the few chelators that bonds to mercury with a double bond, hence its ability to grab and remove mercury. But what happens is single doses causes the mercury to be gathered, and then as the half-life of the ALA degrades, the bond weakens and the mercury is eventually released before your body has a chance to dispose of it. That's why Dr. Cutler was an advocate of small doses (20mg every 3 hours for 3 days [4 hours apart at night]) to keep your body saturated with chelators that weren't degraded and were capable of binding to the mercury through the entire process of disposal. It's worth looking into! Good luck!"
- Reddit comment: "It's okay, ALA needs to be taken around the clock for heavy metal chelation and needs to be taken for years. ALA was made popular by a certain health practitioner or Dr [Cutler] years ago, but it's not that great for heavy metals bc it takes time and needs to be taken so often. Baths are more effective and easier on the body. Sodium thiosulfate and micronized pure zeolite baths will help detoxify heavy metals much faster and not risk retoxification. Omega 3 is decent, but won't do much for chelation."
- Reddit comment (2012): "I am currently chelating with ALA without doctor supervision. I use it in conjunction with DMSA which seems to minimize the side effects. I have found frequent low dosing (Cutler protocol) to be the most effective with minimal side effects. Chelators bind to the metals and then must be excreted by your body. If your excretory systems can't keep up, the metals are reabsorbed and you feel awful. After much experimentation, I have figured out a support program that makes the process infinitely more bearable. The basics: Vitamin C - very large doses, as much as your bowels will tolerate, liposomal is best Vitamin E - 1000 IU - in divided doses throughout day B Vitamins - B50 taken three times per day Minerals are very important but the particular ones needed are variable. Most metal toxic people do well with zinc, magnesium, chromium, and molybdenum is great for mercury issues. Cod liver oil -1g -3g per day. Energy issues: Tyrosine - I take two doses per day @ 1g each Acetyl-L-Carnitine - 1000mg per day Chelating is tough on adrenals. Adrenal cortex extract has been a godsend along with Siberian ginseng and rodiola rosea. Chelating sometimes creates digestive issues which I treat with digestive enzymes, betaine, and probiotics. The liver can become taxed so milk thistle and desiccated liver are very supportive. Chelating is a long, slow process. Don't rush it and ask for help when you need it. Check out the frequent dose chelation board on yahoo for info and feel free to PM me."
- Reddit comment: "Alpha Lipoic Acid - Amazing Improvement a Month Plus Ongoing. Nothing else worked. Why?"
- Considered important in rebuilding damaged nerves with people who have neuropathy, with vitamin B12 in particular possibly being a useful addition:
- YouTube comment: "I started on R-ALA 300 mg. One time per day, I started a month ago. After 10 years of brutal pain, my pain level has almost disappeared."
- YouTube comment: "I have neuropathy and burning at least 50% of my body I had tried Alpha liopic acid of and on and on for at least a year and felt nothing until I discovered it has to be R alpha lipoic acid and it absolutely helps. I just discovered Benfotamine. I just started it and read takes a week or two to feel effect it is a pre curse of B1."
- YouTube comment: "I’m an IED sharpnel survivor, and if this compound helped me and is relieving me of pain... After starting R-ALA I started sensing a HORRIBLE odor in my urine. Two days later I got spasms in my back that prevented me from walking normally. I pushed through and feel that as a chelator, the lipoic acid pulled something out of my kidneys, hence the horrible spasms. A few weeks later I realized I was loosing fat in my mid section, no more kidney spasms, and I could stand tall and not hunched over. When exercising my muscles feel fuller whereas I just felt myself damaging my muscles when I “worked out”. My skin looks simply awesome too."
- YouTube comment: "I had nerve itching and tingling in my feet...went to school on it, online, and learned about ALA...totally solved the problem. It was miserable at the time...interfered with sleeping, packed my feet with ice bags to get some relief till I discovered the ALA. Now, at the first sign of even the slightest symptom...I take 600mg. Works completely."
- YouTube comment: "I began taking R-Alpha-lipoic acid as a supplement in 2013. My peripheral neuropathy was in my entire body. When I began taking it I had two toes on each foot that I could wiggle. Now all my toes are working fine. It took five months of taking it on faith before I began to see major improvements. I will continue to take it until I die."
- YouTube comment: "I have Peripheral Neuropathy and have been taking ALA for 2 months and the pain and tingling are gone and I am improving everyday."
- YouTube comment: "I am a pre-diabetic who suffered from peripheral neuropathy. I saw this. I took your advice and started ALA. After the FIRST pill, the pain disappeared. And hasn't come back! Now I take 600mg ALA every day."
- YouTube comment: "I was admitted to hospital for nerve pains. I was given gabbapentin. It did not work. I then take ALA for a month and now i can walk again. ALA really works."
- YouTube comment: "I was taking [ALA] for my skin and I started feeling less pain. ... I have suffered with pain head to toe since I was in my twenties & I wish I had known this then. I’m now 72 & for the first time ever I don’t hurt."
- YouTube comment: "I recently came across Alpha-Lipoic Acid. After 3 weeks I was able to sleep without pain in my feet. Because of it, I also notice the tension spasm in my head have disappeared."
- YouTube comment: "I started to have numbness, tingling, and horrible itching in my thumb, which then started spread to the rest of my palm. I've been taking ALA for a few months, and it's completely gone away."
- YouTube comment: "I was suffering severe neuropathy burning sensation in my both the foot, now am very happy. ... 92 days I took 300mg Vitamin B1 Benfotiamine, and 600 mg Alpha lipoic acid. My severe neuropathy [is] gone."
- YouTube comment: "Have been taking ALA combined with B6 and B12 for 3 months now. Wow! The difference is very noticeable and quite astounding."
- YouTube comment: "My Neuropathy was getting worse and worse, and driving me crazy. I started taking this and other things he suggests, and now it is almost gone."
- YouTube comment: "I had peripheral neuropathy as a consequence of a cocktail between high level of stress, leaky gut and nutrition imbalance and deficiencies. I got full remission through eating bone broth, carnivore diet and l-glutamine, vitamin D3 , zinc, omega 3 supplements. Plus, I eliminated all kind of grains, flour, dairies, nightshades, sugar, etc."
- YouTube comment: "Developed neuropathy in my feet-started taking ALA, BEFOTAMINE AND VIT e. Ppain goes away within the hour. Also noticed if I eat red meat with grains (fajitas in tortilla) and peppers, not only does it flare up - but my knees ache, nightshades like peppers added to the above foods aggravate arthritis in people susceptible to nightshades-add magnesium!"
- YouTube comment: "Omg I’ve been a diabetic for 23+ years with neuropathy for at least 7 years. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this. Medical professionals are FOS. They push pharmaceutical products that they know doesn’t work. Shame on them."
- YouTube comment: "Believe or not, I started taking this and over night my foot and leg neuropathy pain of 20 years vanished..amazing stuff. Better to take it with food."
- YouTube comment: "Oh my goodness this stuff actually works!!! Finally I can get to sleep at night."
- YouTube comment: "So I purchased Alpha lipoic Acid 2 weeks ago and started taking it immediately. My neuropathy has miraculously stopped after about 2 weeks of taking it."
- YouTube comment: "I have had issues with peripheral neuropathy recently. I ordered the ALA above. When it arrived I immediately took one. The next day I was able to tell a marked improvement! It has now been 4 days. I feel so much better. My hands and feet do not ache and tingle. I can sleep at night without the blanket causing my toe tips to hurt. I can type without the dull ache that gets worse the more I do it. This stuff works! I was thinking weeks before I saw anything."
- Can improve diabetes and diabetic neuropathy:
- YouTube comment: "Update. I now take alpha lipoic acid once daily and after a month my glucose sugar levels dropped to normal range and some of the pains I used to have left me."
- Can improve cholesterol and heart disease-related complaints:
- YouTube comment: "I started taking ALA for neuropathy due to nerve damage originated in my spine. I have been taking it almost a year, have had no side effects, but haven’t really had any change to the neuropathy. However, an unexpected benefit is that it has lowered my cholesterol... I am 65 but at age 27 my cholesterol was slightly over 200 but I was in a low risk factor, probably from my active lifestyle. As my cholesterol climbed over the years I have been on various statins but my cholesterol stayed 260-280 but my risk factor was climbing and my A1C started rising to 5.7. ... My cholesterol was 160 five months ago and it has NEVER been below 200. Three months ago another specialist tested my lipid panel and my cholesterol is 143. My cardiologist says I can back off to yearly visits, my A1C is dropping and now 5.3. I am not diabetic. My PCP is amazed and is going to do more research as he is a huge believer of preventive medicine. If my labs remain, he is going to stop the statin on a trial basis, but after 30+ years of statins that never changed my labs, I attribute the improvement to the ALA. Mine might be an isolated case, but it is easy enough to try and reasonably priced, $20/240 capsules which is an 8 month supply. While my neuropathy hasn’t changed, the reduction of my A1C and lipid profile is worth taking."
- No research yet.
Baking soda
- Baking soda is great for a wide variety of cleaning, disinfection, and health reasons.
- Drink on empty stomach.
- Many people brush their teeth with baking soda with clean, white teeth as a long-term result:
- The baking soda is usually mixed with coconut oil and maybe a bit of salt to create an alternative toothpaste. After this author reading 600 comments of people doing this, the only spotted issue was teeth sensitivity with some. In my case, with the aid of plaque coloring tablets, I noticed that baking soda very effectively removed plaque, much more effectively than toothpaste. However, even 25% mixes would irritate the (healthy) gums around my teeth, leading to dark red circles around the teeth that quickly resulted in huge infections.
- A lot of people use baking soda for acid reflux. They tend to drink half a teaspoon of 100 ml / 4 ounces of water. Sometimes it makes the situation worse though, because the problem actually is a lack of acid. In case of combating acid reflux, some of the following comments are presented:
- YouTube comment: "My friend has a daughter with an MD! She is in her 80's and keeps on asking neighbors to take her into emergency every time she has upset stomach. She told me one day from emergency. I told her to put half a tsp of baking soda in the juice of half a lemon. Wait until the bubbles go away. Then fill up the cup with water and drink. She told me that was the best solution and she never had to go to emergency for her belly [again]."
- YouTube comment: "I have always used baking soda in water for upset stomach. It works better than a lot of other things. Learned about it from my mom and my mom learned it from her mother. They used it back in the 1800s for a lot of things."
- YouTube comment: "My Dad always had a box in his pickup, he would always use it for heartburn, he lived to 92 years old."
- YouTube comment: "Have been drinking a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with warm water every morning for a long time. It’s awesome! Alleviates any constipation, upset stomach, etc. excellent internal cleanser and ph balancer."
- YouTube comment: "I was on the verge of unalivng myself from my horrible stomach problems. YOU changed my life!!"
- YouTube comment: "I used to take a tea spoon of baking soda on a mug of lukewarm water against heartburn for numerous years. It helped and got me immediate relief, but I think the underlying causes aren’t addressed by it. As I know today, my heartburns were caused by poor diet + too much coffee + mental factors (stress, anxiety)."
- In case of combating candida and other stomach bugs:
- Jan. 2024, issue #1, Zagazig Nursing Journal, 'Sodium Bicarbonate: A New Promising Home Strategy for the Treatment of Vaginal Yeast Infection' (a 2021 study showed the same thing): "The current study concluded that after using baking soda, all symptom of a vaginal yeast infection has been subsided."
- YouTube comment: "The true benefit of baking soda is not its ability to alkalize but rather its profound candida crushing properties. It's abilities in this regard are actually documented as being a phenomenon. I was dealing with candida overgrowth in my gut, mouth, and sinuses and was able to restore the health of these microbiomes with not only essential oils such as tea tree and peppermint but also a strong baking soda and water mixture. My dental hygienist and dentist were astounded at the health of my gums in just one month time."
- Reddit comment: "I am using baking soda now. I found that it is working. My stools are more solid now. My bowel makes less noises. I don't feel like I must go to the toilet all the time. Nevertheless, it does not work if I would drink something else like herbal teas, tea, coffee. I must drink baking soda all day long. I add half a spoon of baking soda in a small bottle and that's it."
- Reddit comment: "I have only used it to brush, when my tongue was white etc. It helped."
- In case of combating mouth issues:
- YouTube comment: "I had a very sore throat... I have no tonsils so I noticed it was candida. So I put one teaspoon of baking soda in warm water and did a gargle and drank the remainder. My throat cleared within the hour. The razor blade soreness had gone. It is a wonderful product. My mum used it for indigestion."
- YouTube comment: "Also works for abscessed tooth. If you are in a lot of pain put a small chunk or pinch of baking soda on the infected tooth over night or for a few hours at a time and the alkalinity will change the ph of the infection and eventually clear the matter up. Stops the pain."
- In case of kidneys and urinary tract infection:
- YouTube comment: "Yes, baking soda surely helps urinary infection. I suffered too many times with this. I then used 1/2 tsp BS in cup of water every hour and my UI was gone. However, don’t delay getting antibiotic if not getting better!!"
- YouTube comment: "Hi, If I have a urinary tract infection/ burning when passing urine instead of buying over the counter Mx such as Ural I dissolve a small amount of baking Soda in water and drink it…works every time. It also helps with feminine freshness by regulating the Ph levels."
- YouTube comment: "Baking soda has been used in TCM for centuries for kidney health. My cat was diagnosed with kidney renal failure in early 2019 and mixing it in her water has basically stopped further deterioration looking at all the six monthly blood tests. She's 15 and looking likely to see her 18th."
- In case of improving general health:
- YouTube comment: "I've been putting it in my water 3x daily along with magnesium, potassium, glucosamine and calcium in the morning. After a week I could tell quite a bit of difference. Now 3 weeks in, I am amazed. So many of my health conditions have improved so much that it's nearly miraculous."
- In case of mixing it in with food:
- YouTube comment: "I’ve been adding 1/4 tsp baking soda to my morning coffee and now my coffee is no longer coffee without this ingredient. ... please remember not to add the boiling water too fast because it can quickly rise up frothing, and overflow. Just add gradually while continuously stirring..."
- In case of combating cancer:
- May 14, 2023 upload by 'Dr. Eric Berg DC' YouTube channel, 'The Dangers and Benefits of Baking Soda' (top comment with 930 likes on April 23, 2024): "A lady from church was diagnosed with colon cancer she started taking 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a 1 cup of warm water on an empty stomach for 3 weeks she also took charcoal tablets and drank lemon water after 3 weeks her cancer was gone and her doctor kicked her out of his office and didnt want to know how she cured her cancer."
- YouTube comment: "I'm a Breast Cancer Survivor of 6 years now... I met a Hispanic lady who had also been Diagnosed as to having Ovarian Cancer, the only thing is she couldn't get treatment at a hospital because she didn't have a Social Security Card. She said she was in extreme pain and was so desperate. She start putting a pinch of Baking soda, and Lemon. She drank that three times a day. She states her pain started to subside to the point where it practically disappeared. She went to the Doctor to see how far her Cancer had spread. That when the Doctor informed her that they didn't see any forms of Cancer in her Ovaries. The doctor then asked what did she do, the lady told the Doctor, then the doctor told her she shouldn't have done that...
I too was ever sceptical as well. But her sister came the next day, Then said "tell her what I did and how became healed" . The lady allowed her sister to talk. Come to find out her sister said that same thing." - "I have a history of bladder cancer and live a healthy lifestyle, I have used baking soda occasionally. Today I was given terrible news that I have several cancers in my bladder."
- In case of combating arthritis:
- YouTube comment: "I learned from a old gym rat to drink soda and water before workout, it does enhance your energy increase stamina , then moved on. 8 yrs ago arthritis got bad. Aches and pain everywhere, so went back to drinking baking soda 3 times a day, beginning as I get up still asleep. I take 12 Oz [350 ml] warm distilled water and one level teaspoon baking soda, u immediately go to the can and blow it out. The urine stinks like hell. I call it flush and clean, but ... I'm 80 [and] pretty much pain free now. Been 5 yrs 3 X a day steady use . Full of energy. ... No doubt in my mind that the arthritis came from the lack of nutrients and chemicals."
- YouTube comment: "This is a great post. A pinch or two of baking soda in 4 oz or so of cool water just makes you feel good instantly. Especially so if you have ankylosing spondylitis arthritis."
- In case of cleaning and removing odors:
- YouTube comment: "Another great use for baking soda is to remove stains from your hands. I discovered this by accident one day when I was trying to get rid of printer ink stains on my hands. Sprinkle some on wet hands and the stains cling to the baking soda and just wash the stains away!"
- YouTube comment: "I have been using it under my armpit for years. Works like a charm. It is the only deodorant that I use."
- YouTube comment: "I've used baking soda for my acid reflux but my favorite use is to deep cleanse my hair. I sprinkle it on my scalp (when its really oily) then work it in and brush it through. Then I take ACV mixed with warm water into the shower with me and drizzle it over my hair and work my hands through it until it's done fizzing. Then I rinse and shampoo/condition as normal. My hair gets so shiny and stays cleaner longer."
- Other reported uses of baking soda:
- YouTube comment: "My wife (an old army medic in the 80s) told me she treated poison ivy for the soldiers with a baking soda paste wrapped in gauze until it dried up. ... She told the docs what she did and they were blown away. All the rashes gone usually overnight."
- A bitter-tasting, yellow compound found in plants as the European barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, Oregon grape, phellodendron, and tree turmeric.
- A combination of strong antimicrobials Berberine, Neem and raw garlic's Allicin is often prescribed for sufferers of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), who have large amounts of bad bacteria that need to be killed off - and possibly replaced through probiotics as kefir. They target different bad bacteria in the gut in varying ways.
- Positive Berberine experiences for SIBO, are listed in that section.
- Less positive Berberine experiences:
- Reddit comment: "Berberine made my skin bad, also so much bloating, also affect testosterone level negatively. Does not change glucose level. Very big hype."
- The Boswellia sacra (Middle East, Horn of Africa, etc.) and Boswellia serrata (India and Pakistan mainly) trees. They are commonly called the frankincense tree or olibanum tree. The resin from these trees is used to make extracts from.
- Mainly studied for its anti-inflammation and anti-arthritis benefits (with a combination of turmeric/curcuma and boswellia being particularly potent), although promising studies have also been carried out on asthma and Crohn's Disease. Traditionally used for many other diseases as well.
- Studies:
- Aug. 29, 2013, Molecular Medicine Reports (Indian study), 'Clinical evaluation of a formulation containing Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata extracts in the management of knee osteoarthritis': "A formulation containing Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata extracts (CB formulation) was evaluated for safety and efficacy in osteoarthritic patients and directly compared with the selective COX-2 inhibitor, celecoxib. In total, 54 subjects were screened, 30 subjects were enrolled and 28 completed the study. The treatment was well tolerated and did not produce any adverse effect in patients, as judged by the vital signs, hemogram, liver and renal function tests. The CB formulation at 500 mg administered twice a day, was more successful than administering celecoxib 100 mg twice a day for symptom scoring and clinical examination. The formulation was found to be safe and no dose-related toxicity was found. ...
Boswellia gum resin and turmeric have been in active use in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Boswellia extract has shown promise for the treatment of asthma (14), rheumatoid arthritis (15), Crohn's disease (16), OA of the knee (17–19) and collagenous colitis (20). The biological activity of Boswellia serrata arises from the boswellic acids, of which the 3-O-acetyl-11-keto-boswellic acid (AKBA) is the most active (21–24). ...
The CB formulation consisted of 350 mg Curcuma longa extract (BCM 95®, Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd, Aluva, Kerala, India) containing 70% curcumin, 17% demethoxycurcumin, 3.5% bis-demethoxycurcumin and 7.5% turmeric essential oils and 150 mg Boswellia serrata extract (BosPure®, Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd, Aluva, Kerala, India) containing 75% boswellic acids and 10% AKBA in 500-mg hard gelatin capsules." - Nov. 17, 1998, European Journal of Medical Research (Indian study), 'Effects of Boswellia serrata gum resin in patients with bronchial asthma: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, 6-week clinical study': "The gum resin of Boswellia serrata, known in Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine as Salai guggal, contains boswellic acids, which have been shown to inhibit leukotriene biosynthesis. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study forty patients, 23 males and 17 females in the age range of 18 - 75 years having mean duration of illness, bronchial asthma, of 9.58 +/- 6.07 years were treated with a preparation of gum resin of 300 mg thrice daily for a period of 6 weeks. 70% of patients showed improvement of disease as evident by disappearance of physical symptoms and signs such as dyspnoea, rhonchi, number of attacks, increase in FEV subset1, FVC and PEFR as well as decrease in eosinophilic count and ESR. In the control group of 40 patients 16 males and 24 females in the age range of 14-58 years with mean of 32.95 +/- 12.68 were treated with lactose 300 mg thrice daily for 6 weeks. Only 27% of patients in the control group showed improvement. The data show a definite role of gum resin of Boswellia serrata in the treatment of bronchial asthma."
- May-June 2011, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 'Boswellia Serrata, A Potential Antiinflammatory Agent: An Overview': "The oleo gum-resins contain 30-60% resin, 5-10% essential oils, which are soluble in the organic solvents, and the rest is made up of polysaccharides. Gum-resin extracts of Boswellia serrata have been traditionally used in folk medicine for centuries to treat various chronic inflammatory diseases. ...
Three renowned ancient texts form the pillars of classical Ayurvedic Science, which has its roots in India: Charaka's Charaka Samhita (c.B.C. 700), the first fundamental medical text; Susruta's Susruta Samhita (c.B.C. 600), which attempted to amass the entire medical knowledge, with special focus on surgery; and the two-volume tome comprising Astanga Samgraha and Astanga Hridaya (c.130-200 A.D.), written by Vagbhata the Elder and Vagbhata the Younger, which synthesized the works of Charaka and Susruta and summarized the eight parts of Ayurveda in prose and verse forms.
The first two pillars of Ayurveda describe the antirheumatic (antiarthritis) activity of gugguls-the gum-resins of trees[16–20]. In addition to its beneficial use for arthritis, this gummy resin is also mentioned in traditional Ayurvedic and Unani texts as an effective remedy for diarrhoea, dysentery, ringworm, boils, fevers (antipyretic), skin and blood diseases, cardiovascular diseases, mouth sores, bad throat, bronchitis, asthma, cough, vaginal discharges, hair-loss, jaundice, hemorrhoids, syphilitic diseases, irregular menses and stimulation of liver. It is also diaphoretic, astringent, diuretic and acts both as internal and external stimulant.
Modern medicine and pharmacology strongly point out to its use as an antiarthritic, antiinflammatory, antihyperlipidemic (controls blood lipids), antiatherosclerotic (anticoronary plaque), analgesic (pain-reliever) and hepatoprotective (protects the liver)[15,21–24]. ...
Kulkarni et al. and Chopra et al. have reported clinical trials of Boswellia's antiinflammatory properties in combination with Withania somnifera, Zingiber officinate and Curcuma longa and the isolated effects of Boswellia on rheumatoid arthritis could not be revealed[50,51]. However, the clinical trials of gum-resin of Boswellia alone have shown to improve symptoms in patients with osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis[52,53]. The boswellic acid from Boswellia serrata, when tested on new model i.e. Papaya Latex Model, showed significant activity of mean 35% inhibition of inflammation. ...
In contrast to non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), which are well known to disrupt glycosaminoglycan synthesis, thus accelerating articular damage in arthritic conditions, boswellic acids have been shown to significantly reduce glycosaminoglycan degradation[40–43]. ...
A clinical trial conducted by Raychaudhuri and co-workers in India has shown that the extract of the plant, Boswellia serrata, can reduce pain and considerably improve knee-joint functions, in some cases providing relief even within seven days."
- Aug. 29, 2013, Molecular Medicine Reports (Indian study), 'Clinical evaluation of a formulation containing Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata extracts in the management of knee osteoarthritis': "A formulation containing Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata extracts (CB formulation) was evaluated for safety and efficacy in osteoarthritic patients and directly compared with the selective COX-2 inhibitor, celecoxib. In total, 54 subjects were screened, 30 subjects were enrolled and 28 completed the study. The treatment was well tolerated and did not produce any adverse effect in patients, as judged by the vital signs, hemogram, liver and renal function tests. The CB formulation at 500 mg administered twice a day, was more successful than administering celecoxib 100 mg twice a day for symptom scoring and clinical examination. The formulation was found to be safe and no dose-related toxicity was found. ...
- Activated charcoal is regular charcoal (carbon) that has been micronized, and in that manner has been made particulary porous. It is used in anything from walterfilters to gas masks, it is extremely good at absorbing toxic gases and liquids.
- Filtering air:
- Reddit comment: I have these sacks of activated charcoal that naturally suck up any stink or odour in a 90 sq ft [27m2] area. I keep one in my car under my seat and near my cats litter pan and they work amazing."
- Activated charcoal became somewhat of a social media trend in the 2010s, to the point that in 2018 New York City banned the sale of this type of icecream, because it interferes with medicines. 234 Looking at recipes generally one or two tablespoons of activated charcoal are used to make about 500 grams (1 pound) of icecream.
- In water filters with activated charcoal substances as fluoride and lead are removed 98-100%.
- In the body activated charcoal appears to primarily filter "foreign" elements, and not so much vitamins and minerals. Charcoal also doesn't leave the gastrointestinal tract:
- April 26, 2023,, 'Activated Charcoal': "No significant toxicity from activated charcoal exists as it is not systemically absorbed; however, adverse effects from the administration, as listed above, such as emesis, aspiration, and bowel obstruction, can occur."
- 2018, issue 7, Current Medical Research and Opinion journal, 'Is there a role for charcoal in palliative diarrhea management?' (received: July 26, 2017): "It was found that the main precursors of diarrhea include drugs and bacterial infection. Activated charcoal has a firm history in its ability to attract and expel ingested toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. It acts to prevent system absorption of these adverse entities, adsorbing them on the surface of its particles, making it a suitable diarrheal treatment."
- April 26, 2023,, 'Activated Charcoal': "Most ingested toxins will have decreased systemic absorption in the presence of activated charcoal, including acetaminophen, aspirin, barbiturates, tricyclic antidepressants, theophylline, phenytoin, and a majority of inorganic and organic materials.[13][14][15][14] It is important to note that activated charcoal does not effectively adsorb alcohols, metals such as iron and lithium, electrolytes such as magnesium, potassium, or sodium, and acids or alkalis due to the polarity of these substances."
- Feb. 1972, Journal of Animal Science, 'Effect of Prolonged Oral Administration of Activated Charcoal and of Ronnel on the Well-Being of Sheep': "The addition of activated charcoal of plant origin at the level of 5% of the total diet, as biweekly drench, or in combination with the organophosphate insecticide, ronnel, at the level of 1,000 ppm in the diet did not significantly affect the blood serum level or urinary excretion of total calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, inorganic phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, creatinine, uric acid and urea nitrogen. In addition no changes were found in the serum alkaline phosphatase and total protein levels nor in urine pH or 24-hr. volume."
- Jan. 1994, Research in Veterinary Science, 'Toxicity of aflatoxin B1 in broiler chicks and its reduction by activated charcoal': "Improvements in serum total protein concentration and ALKP activity (Jindal et al., 1994; Edrington et al., 1996), calcium and phosphorus concentrations (Jindal et al., 1994), and AST activity (Dalvi and Ademoyero, 1984; Dalvi and McGowan, 1984; Jindal et al., 1994) have been reported when activated charcoal was added to the diet."
- Studies show that activated charcoal has the following health effects:
- 1,344 mg of activated charcoal, 3 times a day, for just two days, improved symptoms of intestinal gas for 34% of participants, with ultrasounds being clearer due to a lessening of the gas. It is thought the gas moving through the charcoal pores is being neutralized. Other studies, including one for 10 days with 45 mg of simethicone and 140 mg of activated charcoal, again taken 3x a day, also showed great improvement in the amount of intestinal gas produced. 235
- At least in rats, in amounts of 4 grams per kilogram, it has repeatedly shown to reduce intestinal and kidney inflammation. 236
- It helps the kidney filter out toxins, in particular with regard to proteinuria. 237
- Activated charcoal has been recommended as being part of an anti-Candida treatment, to the tune of 20 to 35 grams a day, as it absorbs released Candida toxins, as well as any large Candida die off. Zeolite should be able to do it too.
- Then there are online claims of activated charcoal:
- May 14, 2023 upload by 'Dr. Eric Berg DC' YouTube channel, 'The Dangers and Benefits of Baking Soda' (top comment with 930 likes on April 23, 2024): "A lady from church was diagnosed with colon cancer she started taking 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a 1 cup of warm water on an empty stomach for 3 weeks she also took charcoal tablets and drank lemon water after 3 weeks her cancer was gone and her doctor kicked her out of his office and didnt want to know how she cured her cancer."
- Cranberry juice is strongly anti-microbial by itself, but this characteristic can be enhanced by certain combinations.
- Studies:
- Oregano oil, similar to Cranberry juice and certainly a respective 25%/75% mix of the two, can inhibit Helicobacter Pylori. Pure Cranberry juice is almost as effective against Helicobacter Pylori as the 25%/75% mix though, with pure Oregano oil slightly lagging behind. 238
- Experiences:
- YouTube comment: "I had a situation where the sinus and an upper tooth were connected i had no results from antibiotics in fact i had more pain i put cayenne pepper in cranberry juice and drank it felt the germ killing sensations and cleansing the pain and sinus problems stopped after extraction same results after implant same results healing and cleansing."
- This is the famous yellow flower that eventually turns into this grey fluff ball you see all over grassland in Europe and the U.S. They are part of the sunflower family.
- Every part of the dandelion is edible: flower, roots, stem, and leaves. They contain calcium, magnesium, iron, and vitamins A, C, E and K. Part of the plant turns more bitter once it starts flowering. The flowers are particularly popular in the Italian kitchin, where they're used in soups and traditional tortas.
- Anti-depressant and anti-cancer properties:
- Nov. 8, 2016, Oncotarget journal, 'Dandelion root extract affects colorectal cancer proliferation and survival through the activation of multiple death signalling pathways': "Dandelion extracts have been studied extensively in recent years for its anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory activity. Recent work from our lab, with in-vitro systems, shows the anti-cancer potential of an aqueous dandelion root extract (DRE) in several cancer cell models, with no toxicity to non-cancer cells. ... DRE could be a non-toxic and effective anti-cancer alternative, instrumental for reducing the occurrence of cancer cells drug-resistance."
- Experiences:
- YouTube comment: "My hoarse voice that came on suddenly a couple of months after the [cancer] treatment had ended was also fixed by fenbendazole. Fenbendazole is very like the white milk in dandelion stalks, in fact I met a lady recently that cured her cat cancer with dandelion which also cures cancer."
- YouTube comment: "I have continued to improve! I’d suggest drinking two cups of dandelion tea as well everyday (one in the am and at pm)! When I started drinking the tea with the moringa, all of the sudden I start to REALLY improve. I was at a pain level 8-9 almost everyday. Now I’m at a 5."
- Any health benefits here are attributed to raw, natural honey; not heated, processed honey. Raw, natural honey is opaque beige that doesn't flow all that easily. Processed honey is translucent bright yellow, and with considerably higher viscosity (more liquid).
- Unresearched as of yet, but many people swear by it for health benefits.
- Experiences:
- YouTube comment: "Raw Natural Honey is the best pain reliever out there for the blisters.. Ask me how I know this."
- Amino acid that transports fat into the mitochondria - the engine - of all human cells, to make ATP.
- Used by people to continue losing weight, have more energy, or better recovery. Gives more energy and helps remove free radicals due to the burning of fatty acids.
- It is also taken to protect the heart, whose cells have more than double the mitochondria, which for 90% burn fatty acids and only for 10% glucose.
- Experiences:
- YouTube comment: "I always use L-carnitine when I’m trying to lose fat. Nothing has ever worked so well. I think the injections or infusions work best. Acetyl l carnitine is amazing for energy and mental stamina. If you combine B5 and acetyl l carnitine it works to reduce acne."
- YouTube comment: "After just 2 days of [L-carnitine] treatment, my panic attacks, lethargy and sinus tachycardia have disappeared. My heart rate went from 105 resting to 79. Amazing amino acid."
- Acetyl L-Carnitine: Can cross the blood-brain barrier. Really helps decrease cognitive decline, reducing chances of Alzheimer and even brain fog from Lyme disease. Acetyl L-Carnitine converts easier to L-Carnitine than vice versa.
Lemon juice
- Unresearched as of yet, but many people swear by it for health benefits.
- Experiences:
- YouTube comment: "When using garlic in a recipe; chop fine, add fresh lemon juice leave for 10 minutes and add in the last minute of cooking to your food. This enhances the allicin and sulphur compounds..."
Mastic gum
- This gum is made from dried resin from a special variety of the mastic tree that only grows in the south of Chios, a Greek island in front of the Turkish coast; and Cesme, just across the water in Turkey. The reason the resin is only released by mastic trees here seems to be due to climate and soil factors. It is only systematically harvested on Chios.
- The resin can be chewed as a gum or bought in supplement form.
- Mastic gum can be used to fight a variety intestinal "bugs", the most important and widely spread being Helicobacter Pylori, which can cause ulcers and potentially even cancer. Studies have shown mastic gum can actually fully eradicate Helicobacter Pylori in people on its own, something that is near impossible by anything besides (very destructive) antibiotics:
- Dec. 24, 1998, New England Journal of Medicine, 'Mastic Gum Kills Helicobacter pylori': "Even low doses of mastic gum — 1 mg per day for two weeks — can cure peptic ulcers very rapidly... We have found that mastic is active against Helicobacter pylori, which could explain its therapeutic effect in patients with peptic ulcers. ...
The H. pylori strains NCTC 11637 (a standard reference strain) and six fresh clinical isolates (three were sensitive and three were resistant to [the antibiotic] metronidazole) were maintained... [We found that] Mastic killed the H. pylori NCTC 11637 strain and the six clinical isolates (reduction in the viable count by a factor of 1000)..." - March 2010, Phytomedicine, 'The effect of mastic gum on Helicobacter pylori: a randomized pilot study': "Our aim was to study the effect of pure mastic gum on Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication in patients suffering from an H. pylori infection. Fifty two patients were randomized to receive either:
[A:] 350mg three times a day (tid) of pure mastic gum for 14 days (Group A),
[B:] or 1,05g tid of pure mastic gum (Group B) for 14 days,
[C:] or pantoprazole 20mg twice a day (bd) plus pure mastic gum 350mg tid for 14 days (Group C),
[D:] or pantoprazole 20mg bd plus amoxicillin 1g bd plus clarithromycin 500mg bd for 10 days (Group D). ...
H. pylori eradication was tested by a UBT 5 weeks after completion of the eradication regime. Eradication of H. pylori was confirmed in: [A:] 4/13 patients in Group A and in [B:] 5/13 in Grour B. [C:] No patient in Group C achieved eradication whereas [D:] 10/13 patients in Group D had a negative UBT. ...
All patients tolerated mastic gum well and no serious adverse events were reported. Mastic gum has bactericidal activity on H. pylori in vivo." - Nov. 2023, American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 'Assessing the Efficacy of a Modified Triple Drug Regimen Supplemented with Mastic Gum in the Eradication of Helicobacter pylori Infection': "Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium that infects the stomach and small intestine. It is known to be the main cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers. The infection is common worldwide, with a prevalence rate of 50% in many countries. Eradication of H. pylori infection is crucial, as failure to do so can lead to serious complications such as gastric cancer. Treatment for H. pylori infection involves a combination of antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), and bismuth compounds. However, due to the emergence of antibiotic resistance, there is a need for alternative treatments.
This study had been a randomized controlled trial involving 180 patients with H. pylori infection. The patients had been divided into two groups: Group A received the standard triple-drug regimen (clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and omeprazole), while Group B received the triple-drug regimen along with mastic gum. The treatment duration was 14 days for both groups. ...
This study has investigated the effects of mastic gum on H. pylori infection. In a randomized controlled trial of 180 H. pylori-positive patients, mastic gum was found to be effective in eradicating the bacteria in 83 of 90 patients (92.2%) who received the supplementation Group B received the triple-drug regimen along with mastic gum, compared to only 57 of 90 patients (63.3%) in the group A (p < 0.001). Thus, a randomized controlled trial of 90 patients with H. pylori infection found that combination therapy of mastic gum and a triple-drug regimen resulted in a significantly higher eradication rate (92.2%) compared to a triple-drug regimen only (63.3%)."
- Dec. 24, 1998, New England Journal of Medicine, 'Mastic Gum Kills Helicobacter pylori': "Even low doses of mastic gum — 1 mg per day for two weeks — can cure peptic ulcers very rapidly... We have found that mastic is active against Helicobacter pylori, which could explain its therapeutic effect in patients with peptic ulcers. ...
- A plant or tree native to India, Indonesia and the Philippines that is used for health food and in medicinal practices. Apparently a huge amount of Indonesians are growing this tree in their backyard, with its cultivation having spread to Hawaii, the U.S. virgin island, Florida, Latin America and other places.
- Moringa has unbelievable vitamin and mineral content, to the point you have to worry about overdosing on iron (at over over absolute max daily intake per 100g) and calcium (close to 100% max daily intake per 100g). Vitamin A is very high, but mainly in the harmless beta-carotene variation. Vitamin C - always per 100g - only has 4-5x RDA in fresh leaves. In dried powder you're lucky to come close to 1x RDA, and often is less than 10% RDA. Vitamin E should be about 8x RDA. Magnesium is about 40-80% of RDA, but you can't get anywhere close to overdosing.
- It's probably best to keep Moringa supplementation anywhere from 1-2 grams to maybe 20-40 grams.
- List of vitamins and minerals in 100g moringa leaf powder (so NOT fresh leaf, or even full dried leaf):
- Vitamin A: 16.3-18.3 mg. RDA: 1,800-2,000%. It's almost all in beta-carotene, so the 3 mg upper limit per day doesn't apply.
- Vitamin C: 2-30mg. RDA: 0% should be counted, because it varies too much. Only fresh leaf is 4-5x RDA.
- Vitamin D: Zero.
- Vitamin E: 113 mg. RDA: 15 mg / 750%.
- Vitamin B1: 2.6 mg. RDA: 225%.
- Vitamin B2: 20.5 mg. RDA: 1,700%.
- Vitamin B3: 8.2mg. RDA: 55%.
- Vitamin B6: 1.2 mg. RDA: 80%.
- Vitamin B9: 40 µg. RDA: 10%.
- Vitamin B12 Zero.
- Calcium: 1,400-2,000 mg. RDA: 140-200%.
- Iron: 28-39 mg. RDA: 300-450%
- Magnesium: 368 mg. RDA: 40-80%.
- Zinc: 2-3 mg. RDA: 25%.
- Copper: 0.6 mg. RDA: 50%.
- Manganese: 1 mg. RDA: 50%.
- Phosphorus: 200 mg. RDA: 30%.
- Potassium: 1,300 mg. RDA: 28%.
- Chromium: -. RDA: -.
- Molybdenum: -. RDA: -.
- Selenium: -. RDA: -.
- Boron: -. RDA: -.
- Iodine: -. RDA: -.
- Moringa contains quercetin, also found in green tea / matcha, roobos tea, and onions. It helps protect against heart disease and cancer.
- The Moringa extract powder has a superbright green color and needs to stay in the dark to keep its potency. If the extract is dull-colored or even brown, the supplement is inactive and spoiled.
- People have used it successfully to increase their energy, improve their mood, lose weight and belly fat, control their diabetes, lower their blood pressure, and (sometimes fully) reduce their arthritis pain.
- Moringa experiences with arthritis:
- YouTube comment: "Moringa helped me for arthritis."
- April 11, 2018 YouTube upload by 'Big Family Homestead', 'My Arthritis CURE | 4 years so far': The man in the video was on a monthly $2,500 shot that kept his shoulder arthritis at bay, at least for 80-90%. When the couple's insurance changed, the shot wasn't covered anymore. Within a few months, the man couldn't lift his arms above his shoulders anymore, as it led to intense, crippling pain. Eventually Moringa leaf relieved 100% of the symptoms.
- YouTube comment: "Update. It's been 4 months now [on Moringa] and I realized this morning I have no shoulder joint pain... It took a bit longer than I thought it would but it really did work for me and I wanted to thank you for the relief I thought would never come! I take two every night before bed and that seems to be what I needed to do."
- YouTube comment: "Thanks to you this info saved me I am 80 years old and was almost bed ridden with arthritis pain. I am pain free for the most part [due to moringa] thanks to you wonderful folks."
- YouTube comment: "I have been dx with Rheumatoid arthritis with Plax psoriasis, just on the left side of my body, very painful with knots on the outside of my joints. I was dreading the RX I knew I was going to be prescribed. I love my YouTube searches. That is how I found your channel. I listened to what you had to say about this product. I made a [moringa] smoothie right away. You are not going to believe me; I didn't even believe what I was experiencing. Before I finished the smoothie, I felt some weird sensations in my legs. I thought oh my what have I done. but when I got up from my recliner, I did not have ANY PAIN AT ALL. The knots on my joint are much smaller and not painful. I realize. that what I was feeling in my legs was probably the Moringa dealing with the inflammation, and that in turn took care of the pain. Thank you so much for letting people know about this. My grandmother once told me that of all the diseases in the world God has put a natural cure in nature and it is up to us to find it. So, I give Him the praise for this."
- YouTube comment: "I have been bedridden for almost two years. On five strong meds and nothing works. I have tried EVERYTHING, including traveling to Brazil to a spiritual healer and being on a very strict vegan diet. I am extremely disciplined but still nothing. Started Moringa because of your video and so far—six days in— I’m starting to feel better. Mornings I can actually stand and make my own breakfast. Feeling hopeful for the first time in years. I can even dress myself. Still painful but manageable!!!" [Update, 2 weeks later:] "I have continued to improve! I’d suggest drinking two cups of dandelion tea as well everyday (one in the am and at pm)! When I started drinking the tea with the moringa, all of the sudden I start to REALLY improve. I was at a pain level 8-9 almost everyday. Now I’m at a 5. ... Only 2 weeks in and I have high hopes that this will work for me. I am going to start YouTube videos to document my progress. I have been searching FOR 12 YEARS for solutions..." [Update, 2 years later:] "I am still taking moringa everyday. However, it has not cured me. It got me out of bed and walking (pain levels went from and 8-9 to 6-7)! It has also helped me GREATLY with iritis and uveitis. Barely any flares since taking moringa (I used to get flares at least once per month, now it’s been one year and I’ve only had one flare!). I take 3-4 pills of moringa per day. I’d highly recommend moringa. Helped with hair loss and overall nutrition. Pain levels went down. While it didnt cure me, it certainly helps!"
- YouTube comment: "Well I guess I need to talk about my experience with moringa. I have had arthritis for years(I'm 63) and I started taking the pills about 2 and a half weeks ago. Within a few days, I noticed that my hips quit hurting along with my knuckles and knees. The pain was so bad in my hips that I could barely walk. Big thanks for the video you put out. I never would have found it on my own. Even showed my doctor the bottle and he was impressed."
- Other experiences:
- YouTube comment: "Am in Africa, specifically Namibia, one of the hottest countries, my mom grows this plant, my granny was on HPT medication and suddenly she stoped, because moringa did wonders."
- YouTube comment: "My husband has controlled his diabetes with Moringa."
- YouTube comment: "My mother replaced her diabetes meds with Moringa powder which keeps her blood sugar in check!"
- YouTube comment: "Moringa has provided me with so many benefits... helped with insomnia, weight loss, lowered bp [blood pressure], got cholesterol in check, my skin, my hair.... omg.... I have steeped the leaves in tea, the powder in smoothies.... Sorry [skeptical TV] Doc... you can't speak for me!"
- YouTube comment: "In South Florida this plant grows so fast and so easy and can become an enormous tree. It needs to be trimmed often and I see branches of it on the side of the road all the time. ... It helped cure my mom's diabetes and gives me energy and a mental boost."
- YouTube comment: "I m 61.. one month on moringa no more afternoon naps lot of energy."
- YouTube comment: "As a chronic insomniac, Moringa tea has work wonders, am getting 8 hrs of sleep."
- YouTube comment: "I started drinking moringa tea about 5yrs ago. I had sleeping problems but it has improved greatly. It burns belly fat faster than any other thing. It improves memory loss and gives me healthy bones. I love moringa."
- YouTube comment: "Moringa really works!!!!!! ... I started using the organic tea and my blood pressure dropped and I haven’t taken any blood pressure medication in two months!!!!!"
- YouTube comment: "I use the moringa seed powder and my blood pressure went 160/90 to 109/68 I'm a 71year old woman."
- YouTube comment: "I've used it daily, preferring the leaf powder. (tea when I'm late). Healthy weight, no longer on B/P meds. And grateful for all the benefits."
- YouTube comment: "When I was 10 years old, I got diagnosed with low hemoglobin at school. The doctor there asked me to tell my mom to have moringa at least 2 times a week. After a month when my blood was tested again, I had normal readings. Moringa is a miracle product. I am from India and we use it in our food often (sautéed moringa leaves)"
- YouTube comment: "Massive revelation here- the moringa latte just tried it and it tasted quite delicious might change my coffee routine with this."
- YouTube comment: "After years of stubborn research I finaly found Moringa and taking it since 3 months has effectively changed my life! My high bloodpressure was gone after 2 weeks, my period is normalised and almost painfree, no sour muscles, my joints aren’t bloated and painfull anymore, my migraines are less frequent, I lost some weight and although I have a stressfull life I feel great!!! The wonderfull thing about Moringa, except being highly anti-inflammatory and having almost all nutrients the body needs, is that it balances the hormones, it balances everything."
- YouTube comment: "I started taking Moringa and Turmeric every morning and my blood work improved. Inflammation down Cholestrol down. My Doctor said "whatever you are doing keep it up". So yeah I will."
- YouTube comment: "I bought some for my 16 year old son who has been suffering from sleep issues and lack of focus. It has really affected his life and school. He had his blood work tested and was low in magnesium, vitamin D3 and a little with B12. He's taking those supplements now along with Moringa everyday and let me tell you... he's a new person now! He's focused in school and not groggy and exhausted all the time."
- YouTube comment: "I recently started taking moringa. I'm an 82 YOF. ... My BP [Blood Pressure] before moringa was 140/90 on 2 BP pills, and after starting moringa it went to 90/61. I stopped one BP pill and it is now 113/69. May need to discontinue the med entirely if BP keeps falling. It hasn't made my arthritis disappear (after 2 weeks on it) but I do have more energy and less pain and have started doing more work around the house. I would see all that needed to be done, get overwhelmed just thinking about it. Now I'm actually just getting up and doing what needs to be done. NSAID's have never done that for me. It may not work for everyone, but if it does work, it works very well. And - there are absolutely no side effects in my case. I take two 1000 mg capsules of a 10:1 concentration each day, one in the a.m. and one in the p.m.
UPDATE: I am completely off BP [Blood Pressure] meds a week later with a BP of around 120/70 or 115/65. Seem to be sleeping better and having more dreams. My GERD is improving. I can't wait until my next blood work to check on cholesterol levels. This moringa is the first stuff that has ever done a thing for me."
- General health:
- YouTube comment: "I was born in the Philippines and moringa is always a part of our diet. My grandmother lived to be 102 yrs old and she was never admitted to the hospital and she was never sick nor experienced anything major aside from ordinary fever and common headaches and colds. We have a lot of moringa plants in our garden."
- YouTube comment: "I was born in the Philippines and my great grandmother lived to 104 years old. My grandparents lived into their late 90s. My mother is 62, im 42 and we are always mistaken for sisters. We both live in the U.S.A and i have two full grown Meringa trees and we both cook with the leaves and grind the seeds for seasoning and tea. It really is an amazing super plant. And, i can tell you, my great grandmother, grand mother, grandfather, uncles and aunties, my mom all have no grey hairs great skin."
- Moringa has been promoted as having an insane amount of vitamins and minerals. the numbers are all over the place though. The numbers reported in 2013 in the "Phytotherapy Research" journal (and copied by Bangladesh researchers and the like) - which are based on a 1981 Indian source and a publication of the "National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America" - clearly are overstated for vitamin C (slightly for fresh, massively in case of dried extract) and protein (it's 3.5x more, not 9x):
- 2013, no. 2, Phytotherapy Research journal (University of Texas and University of Florida study), 'Potential Uses Of Moringa Oleifera And An Examination Of Antibiotic Efficacy Conferred By M. Oleifera Seed And Leaf Extracts Using Crude Extraction Techniques Available To Underserved Indigenous Populations': "Gram-for-gram comparisons of M. oleifera leaves (fresh anddried) and other common nutritional plant sources reveals that M. oleifera provides more than seven times the vitamin C found in oranges, 10 times the vitamin A found in carrots, 17 times the calcium found in milk, nine times the protein found in yogurt, 15 times the potassium found in bananas and 25 times the iron found in spinach [9] [10]. The plant also has high concentrations of phosphorus, copper, α-tocopherol [vitamin E], riboflavin, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pyridoxine, and β-carotene [the precursor to vitamin A] [11]. Furthermore, the plant’s leaf structure contains significant quantities of the 10 essential amino acids [9] [10]. ...
9. Fuglie L. 2001. The Miracle Tree: The Multiple Attributes of Moringa. CTA Publication, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp 117-136 [Sic:] in Combating Malnutrition with Moringa.
10. Gopalan C., B.V. Rama Sastri & S.C. Balasubramanian. 1981. Nutritive values of Indian foods. National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad, India." - Aug. 10, 2021, International Journal of Food Science, study produced by members of the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR), 'Moringa oleifera is a Prominent Source of Nutrients with Potential Health Benefits': "Moringa [has] 10 times more vitamins [means vitamin A] than carrots, 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 17 times more calcium than milk, and 15 times more potassium than bananas [3]. ...
3. Rockwood J. L., Anderson B. G., Casamatta D. A. Potential uses of Moringa oleifera and an examination of antibiotic efficacy conferred by M. oleifera seed and leaf extracts using crude extraction techniques available to under-served indigenous populations. International Journal of Phytothearpy Research. 2013;3(2):61–71. [Google Scholar]." - April 11, 2018 YouTube upload by 'Big Family Homestead', 'My Arthritis CURE | 4 years so far': "One serving of moringa has 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 4x more vitamin A than carrots, 4x more calcium than milk, 78x the potassium of bananas, 7x the protein of yoghurt... Sorry, 2 times. ... 25x the amount of iron in spinach, 3x the vitamin E of almonds, and 50x the vitamin B3 of peanuts."
- (accessed: May 28, 2024): "It is often reported that moringa powder is rich in vitamin C however, this is inaccurate. While it is true that fresh moringa leaves are high in vitamin C (containing 200mg per 100g), when moringa leaves are dried to form a powder, the vitamin C levels diminish considerably. Dried moringa powder has on average around 2mg of vitamin C per 100g, which is not enough to be classified as a source (it would need 12mg per 100g). We carry out extensive nutritional analysis on all our products and aim to be fully transparent about the nutritional content of our range."
- June 10, 2021, Food Science & Nutrition, 'A complementary food supplement from local food ingredients to enhance iron intake among children aged 6–59 months in Benin': "Moringa oleifera leaf powder is recommended for food fortification because of its nutritional potential (Abioye & Aka, 2015; Boateng et al., 2019; Bolarinwa et al., 2019; Karim et al., 2013, 2015). It contains substantial amounts of pro‐vitamin A (624.4 µg retinol equivalent/100 g dw) and vitamin C (65.9 mg/100 g dw), protein (24.3 g/100 g dw), calcium (1,443.9 mg/100 g dw), magnesium (176.7 mg/100 g dw), and iron up to 53.7 mg/100 g dw (Hekmat et al., 2015; Kayalto et al., 2013). Nevertheless, its acceptability is limited when mixed with foods, such as porridges, due to its green color (Karim et al., 2013; Salem et al., 2013). Therefore, it is recommended to combine Moringa oleifera leaf powder with other food ingredients to suppress its herbal smell and intense green color (Oyeyinka & Oyeyinka, 2016)."
- 2018, no. 2, Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology, researchers from the University of Bahri in Sudan; University of Albaha and Sattam bin Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia; and the National Research Center of Egypt, 'Nutritional Values of Moringa oleifera, Total Protein, Amino Acid, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates, Total Fat and Crude Fiber, under the Semi-Arid Conditions of Sudan' (this appears to be some terrible quality extract; also, there are an enormous amount of grammatical errors in the abstract alone, where it doesn't even mention "per 100 g"; a lot of punctuation marks have been added for clarity): "The results of Moringa oleifera leaf extract nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)...:
- carbohydrates: 9.1g,
- dietary: fiber 2.1 g,
- fat: 1.7 g,
- protein: 8.1 g... [note: yoghurt has 7 g at the most; a virtually impossible 73g of protein would be 9x. However, Moringa bag label says 24 g of protein, which is 3.5x higher than yoghert; up to 38g have been reported though.],
- vitamin A: 80 μg [note: Moringa bag label says 668ug per 100g, so 8.35 more; this study may not include beta-carotene, which is listed separately in the study without a number.],
- thiamine (B1): 0.103 mg,
- Riboflavin (B2): 0.112 mg,
- Niacin (B3): 1.5 [mg]
- pantothenic acids (B5): 0.48 mg.
- vitamin B6: 0.129 mg
- folic acid (B9): 41μg
- Vitamin C: 8.6 mg ... [an orange has 53 mg per 100g; 7x more would mean moringa has 371 mg per 100g; update: this is possible, but only with fresh leaf.],
- Calcium: 99.1 mg [milk has 125 mg per 100g; 17x more would be 2,125 mg for 100g moringa; then again, other sources say 1,443.9 mg and 1815 mg per 100g],
- Iron: 1.3 mg [spinach has 2.7 mg per 100g; 25x more would be 67.5 mg for 100g moringa, 22.5 grams over the maximum safe dose; however, other sources say 39 mg and "up to 53.7 mg" per 100g],
- Magnesium: 35.1 mg [another study mentions 176mg and 378mg for 100g of powder],
- Mangenase [sic; Manganese]: 0.119 mg,
- Phosphorus: 70.8 mg,
- Potassium: 471 mg,
- Sodium: 70 mg,
- Zinc: 0.85 mg. [other sources, say 2.5-3.1 mg per 100g; and 0.57mg / 60% RDA copper.]
- Also rich in essentials amino acids (ug/ml):
- Threonine: 36.77,
- Valine: 22.1,
- Methionine: 2.13,
- Leucine: 20.50,
- Isoleucine: 31.8,
- Phenylalanine: 36.8,
- Histidine: 30.88,
- Lycine: 27.67,
- Argnine: 21.45."
- 2013, no. 2, Phytotherapy Research journal (University of Texas and University of Florida study), 'Potential Uses Of Moringa Oleifera And An Examination Of Antibiotic Efficacy Conferred By M. Oleifera Seed And Leaf Extracts Using Crude Extraction Techniques Available To Underserved Indigenous Populations': "Gram-for-gram comparisons of M. oleifera leaves (fresh anddried) and other common nutritional plant sources reveals that M. oleifera provides more than seven times the vitamin C found in oranges, 10 times the vitamin A found in carrots, 17 times the calcium found in milk, nine times the protein found in yogurt, 15 times the potassium found in bananas and 25 times the iron found in spinach [9] [10]. The plant also has high concentrations of phosphorus, copper, α-tocopherol [vitamin E], riboflavin, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pyridoxine, and β-carotene [the precursor to vitamin A] [11]. Furthermore, the plant’s leaf structure contains significant quantities of the 10 essential amino acids [9] [10]. ...
- N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a precursor to glutathione, the primary antioxidant produced by the liver, and therefore increases glutathione by the liver. It heavily breaks down anything from paracetamo, to sinus mucous, to a vast range of detrimental gut bacteria.
- Supplements are generally sold in 600-800mg pill-form. These days NAC is recommended by the FDA as semi-essential food supplement.
- Health benefits observed in studies include decreases in the chance of flu, heart disease, and cancer. It also detoxes heavy metals:
- 800mg a day of NAC given for 12 weeks to persons with previous adenomatous colonic polyps decreased the (Ki-67) Proliferation Index within colonic crypts from 0.45 (45%) to just 0.02 (2%), with no statistical difference in the placebo group. 239 The higher the proliferation rate in cancerous cells, the more aggressive the cancer, the quicker it spreads, and the lower the life-expectancy. 240 Proliferation rates of 20-30% are considered high.
- 600mg a day NAC supplementation resulted in a 40% reduction in polyp recurrence. Study: "In terms of bowel cancer prevention, just 600 mg/day, resulted in a 40% reduction in polyp recurrence (De Leon and Roncucci 1997). Homocysteine a marker for heart disease was lowered by 45% with the use of NAC in a Swedish study (Wiklund, Fager et al. 1996). NAC has been shown to effectively protect against influenza with one study showing a 54% decrease in the number of people experiencing flu symptoms (De Flora, Grassi et al. 1997)."
- "N-acetylcysteine has been shown to chelate toxic metals in animal studies as well as in human studies with little or no effect on essential metals. Mercury, lead, gold, and arsenic have been removed in humans although the studies are limited. The evidence for removal of lead is more robust because of a double-blind placebo-controlled trial [142]. Metal on metal hip prosthesis often results in increased chromium in the blood and NAC has been helpful in reducing levels safely [143]. Adverse effects of arsenic-induced hepatotoxicity in rats were countered by NAC [144]. In a case report of acute ingestion of a potentially lethal overdose of sodium arsenate ant poison, intravenous NAC reversed the clinical outcome of expected death [145]."
- Dec. 1, 2012, Biochem Pharmacol., 'N-Acetylcysteine ethyl ester (NACET): a novel lipophilic cell-permeable cysteine derivative with an unusual pharmacokinetic feature and remarkable antioxidant potential'.
- NAC doesn't fully prevent influenza, but has resulted in a 54% reduction in flu symptoms.
- Stimulates neurotransmitters: glutamate and dopamine.
- Glutathione, hence NAC, consumes estrogen and prevents testosterone from being converted to estrogen.
- Homocysteine, a marker for heart disease, was lowered by 45%.
- Helps regulate cytokines, which play a vital role in the immume system. Feb. 4, 2014, Plos One, 'Long-Time Treatment by Low-Dose N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Enhances Proinflammatory Cytokine Expressions in LPS-Stimulated Macrophages': "Previous reports have shown that high-dose N-acetyl-L-cysteine treatment inhibits the expression of proinflammatory cytokines in activated macrophages. Here, we have found that long-time N-acetyl-L-cysteine treatment at low-concentration increases phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 and AKT, which are essential for the induction of proinflammatory cytokines including interleukin 1β and interleukin 6 in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. Furthermore, long-time N-acetyl-L-cysteine treatment decreases expressions of protein phosphatases, catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase-2A and dual specificity phosphatase 1. On the other hand, we have found that short-time N-acetyl-L-cysteine treatment at low dose increases p53 expression, which inhibits expressions of proinflammatory cytokines. These observations suggest that long-time low-dose N-acetyl-L-cysteine treatment increases expressions of proinflammatory cytokines through enhancement of kinase phosphorylation."
- Experiences with NAC improving airways related to bronchites, asthma, Covid, pneumonia, etc.:
- YouTube comment: "I just got my 88 year old mom to start taking NAC after years of lung issues…in one day she saw a difference and in one week she is remarkably better."
- YouTube comment: "I had Covid last year. I had shortness of breath which seemed isolated to upper lobes and trachea seemed like i couldn’t breathe. I started taking NAC 1 tab per day then realized the dose for Covid was 4 tabs. After 3 days the shortness of breath was GONE!!!! And so was my cardiac arrhythmia"
- YouTube comment: "Unknowing of all benefits, I was using NAC for the past 3 years, someone just recommended it, just to support my lungs as I was a heavy smoker and had regular cough, I didn't realise that it not only eliminated my cough but potentially saved my life ...just perfect timing."
- YouTube comment: "I've been taking 1000 mg capsules for six weeks and I can't believe how much clearer my lungs are. The expensive inhalers I had tried didn't help, but now I no longer have a productive cough. I too became interested in NAC when they shadow-banned it during the "pandemic"."
- YouTube comment: "6-7 years ago I had bacterial pneumonia. Got that cleared but the producing cough persisted even after a month. Once my naturopath put me on NAC, the cough was gone within 5 days."
- YouTube comment: "I havent been sick for more than half a day since taking NAC for around 1 year now, pretty amazing stuff, used to have chronic bronchitis and would get sick if i came with 30ft of someone with a sniffle."
- YouTube comment: "2 Grams each Taurine, Glycine and NAC (1200MG) Boron 3mg shoot my T level from 350 to 850 in one month.i m 60 and on Trt Since 20years from my doctor due to testees problem and never had that T level that much in 20 years..i feel energetic. Hit the Gym very hard 4 days in a my life now more then when i was 30..i m smoker and used to cough a lot but no more cough. ...
I'm on low dose of 0.05ml [of testosterone] since 20 years and yes i have been smoking since 40 years and i m 60years young and yes NAC has clear all my smoking mucus in one week and i breath so well now without counghing. And before using NAC i always cough after every 10min and now no cough at all and even my kids says dad u dont cough anymore so i believe NAC has done job." - YouTube comment: "I've been taking it on and off (mostly on) for several years, about 1000 mg a day. ... It has dramatically improved my allergy symptoms, which were chronic throat clearing, nasal "stuffiness", and lingering dry cough whenever I had a cold."
- YouTube comment: "Started taking it after the granddaddy strain of COVID knocked me out in the beginning of 2020 - and my lungs have never been better. I have interstitial lung disease and NAC truly is a game changer. Also, it helps me to manage low-level chronic anxiety."
- YouTube comment: "As a lifelong asthma sufferer, I can attest too the fact that I am now at 1-1/2 years of not having to take so much as one puff off a rescue inhaler, or ADVAIR (Corticosteroid) thanks to NAC. As you stated it is a game changer."
- YouTube comment: "My father has COPD and had very bad, thick mucus to the point of being short of breath. Started giving him NAC everyday for the last 4 months. 90% better than it was, no more SOB. 02 levels 95-97 daily."
- YouTube comment: "I take 600 mg every day, have since January 2020. I had an upper respiratory infection and hate taking pharmaceuticals so did the research and found NAC. I took 3 a day, along with zinc and C. In two days I was feeling like a new person. Now I take 1 first thing every morning, along with ashwagandha, C and cranberry, all are water soluble. The ashwagandha is for anxiety, the cranberry is to prevent chronic UTIs. I haven't been sick once since January 2020."
- YouTube comment: "NAC worked perfectly when I ran out of Ivermectin for covid, though it took longer. I took 10,000 mugs at that time."
- YouTube comment: "I used give this to patients via nebulizer. I used to poor it down endotracheal tubes to loosen mucous. I had no idea I was having such a huge metabolic effect. I do remember patients who swore by it. Never saw a negative reaction to it over the 40 years I gave it. Of course I used bronchodilators often with the nebs."
- YouTube comment: "The added benefit of taking NAC was that it helped with my asthma symptoms and stopped my yearly bronchitis"
- YouTube comment: "I know we're not talking about it but NAC cleared my lungs that got crazy congested from covid. It definitely treated my lung congestion, no doubt!! I was able to get off my couch without fainting thanks to NAC."
- YouTube comment: "I took NAC when I had covid and it really cleared out my congestion. I was able to find it at the vitamin shoppe and I've kept taking it because of its health benefits. I also have had a pulmonary embolism many years ago. I was prescribed a daily aspirin a day but I think the NAC is a better choice! Thank you for this information!"
- YouTube comment: "I was so shocked that just when NAC seemed to be a helpful supplement for treating viral respiratory illnesses, it was pulled from US shelves/websites! I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but THAT was fishy."
- YouTube comment: "I always thought that NAC was about to get banned because it was effective against COVID and they didn’t want people taking that instead of getting vaxed."
- Personal experiences with NAC:
- This author: The first time I took NAC I began with 1 pill a day of 800mg. I actually slipped into non-reality trance states twice the first time, a symptom that likely is relatively unique to me, but at least it shows that it was doing something.
- This author: Taking 6 pills at once (an acceptable therapeutic dose) after roughly the 4th day, resulted in a slight cramp in the upper stomach for a brief second or two. Within 30 minutes I had to run to the toilet, because black fluid literally started to run from ass. The result was thin, black, explosive diarrhea - indicating blood release from the upper gastrointestinal tract. The second day, after taking another 6 pills, the stool again was pitch black diarrhea, but less watery. Hence, an improvement. After sticking to 1 pill a day again, the stool turned to its regular color again within 3 days. Conitnuing with one 800mg pill for 6 weeks, and again trying 6 pills at once after this period, resulted in no effect. The stool remained normal. It actually improved: it more often became brown than yellow, and actually sunk too. This could also be due to the Indole-3-Carbinol / DIM pills that were added though. I definitely should check what is/was going on in the upper colon though, but NAC clearly had an extreme purging effect.
- Other NAC experiences:
- YouTube comment: "i am 63 and using Nac restored my sight. i needed glasses 3+ and now i read the small text on products. i did not take it specific for my sight, it was a side effect."
- YouTube comment: "I have MTHFR genetic mutation ... MTHFR inhibits the body's natural detoxification processes and without NAC and a good sweat a few times a week I feel toxic and fatigued."
- YouTube comment: "Very informative!! Many people assume taking NAC makes glutathione but don't even realize they need sufficient quantities of glycine and glutamine and are totally unaware of the genetic MTHFR issue - and those are the people that REALLY need glutathione and suffer with chronic toxicity."
- YouTube comment: "there are multiple studies around that. one also showing glycine as a rate limiting factor as well. so if you supplement glycine, glutathione level is increasing as well. and because glycine is needed for a lot of other things too, like collagen synthesis, i take glycine and nac with a ratio of about 5 to one."
- YouTube comment: "At higher doses (2,000+mg daily) it has an antidepressant effect that I was completely unaware of, until I stopped taking it. It wasn’t good."
- YouTube comment: "I am hypothyroid and I became very sensitive to foaming agents in shampoos, toothpastes and fluoride. The latter would make my gums swell up and my face would become puffy. However, since taking NAC I can now use toothpaste with fluoride in. That being said, I still need to use a SLS free shampoo or I need up with contact dermatitis. Very strange! I believe the glycine and NAC have helped me sleep throughout the night, I now get 4 hours sleep without waking up rather than waking up every hour on the hour."
- YouTube comment: "I was dx with Pustular Psoriasis a decade ago. Palliative care was a cream steroid and to wrap my hands and feet in Saran Wrap every perpetuity. It only took one night to know I wasn't going to live like that. Long story short, I take NAC and frankincense every day. I have zero symptoms or signs of my rare type psoriasis. The last time I was at a dermatologist for a rash from a plant, she asked me how I knew I had pustular psoriasis bc there was no evidence on my body. I told her I had managed my psoriasis using NAC & frankincense. She said there was no way I ever had it then. I showed her photos of my hands and feet. She was incredulous. Then she told me to stop taking it bc it could possibly make my rash worse.... She's Pharma trained, so I expected nothing less. I can also vouch for the effects of NAC on the lungs (I have an allergic asthma). I take no pharmaceuticals."
- YouTube comment: "I took NAC to boost my immune system during covid but surprise! My hand tremor disappeared. Whenever I stop, the tremors will return in a few months. And I haven’t used an inhaler in 4 yrs."
- YouTube comment: "Been taking this every day for the past 5 years - why? Because in the winter I used to really feel the cold in my fingers, so much so that sometimes fingers would go white. Taking NAC at 600 mg per day has completely cured this. Don't even bother wearing gloves anymore."
- YouTube comment: "I swear NAC has made me look 10 years younger.... Glowing."
- YouTube comment: "Taken it for a month: the bags under my eyes that made me look the emperor in Star Wars are gone. I'm still an old fart but it makes me face look less haggard!"
- YouTube comment: "We have been using cysteine since the 1990s when my 7 yo son, who was poisoned with pesticide, had an amino acid test. Both blood and urine were low in cysteine, taurine, and phosphoethanolamine. L-cysteine [NAC] supplements raised his cysteine and taurine levels to normal and decreased his ongoing symptoms by about 70%. NAC also in Merck Manual for Tylenol poisoning and in NEJM 2006 article for gadolinium induced kidney damage from the contrast for angiograms."
- YouTube comment: "I take 600 mg in the morning on an empty stomach. It has cured my gut issues pretty much. Unreal!"
- YouTube comment: "It helped with the constant inflammation of my bladder and tendency to infection, too. Apparently it attacks biofilms. After about 3 months, I also noticed things like mood swings and lifelong rumination mellowed considerably. I took 700mg powder/day."
- YouTube comment: "I take NAC for neuropathy symptoms. It certainly doesn't cure it or take away the pain. It does reduce to pain to an almost manageable level though. I stopped taking it for a while and the pain got much, much worse. I started taking it again and the pain is reduced. I started giving it to my 2 autistic kids when they were sick. Not sure if it helped them feel better sooner or not but it has improved their moods significantly so they still take daily."
- YouTube comment: "Liposomal Glutathione seems far superior in my experience. Never have been sick since starting it."
- No research yet.
- Senna leaves extract eradicates Helicobacter Pylori extremely effectively.
- Sep. 24, 2015, Special issue no. 1 (S1:1), General Medicine: Open Access journal (L.A.), 'A Comparative Study of Natural Eradication of Helicobacter pylori vs. Antibiotics' (PDF)
- A blue-green algae like Chlorella.
- No research yet.
Tongkat Ali
- Apparently the strongest herb on the planet to not just increase libido, but actually increase testosterone with 20 to 100%.
- Eurycomanone, generally ranging from 2 to 10%, is the key active ingredient. Some people have a much better effect on 2% than 10% versions, so you are just going to have to experiment with it.
- Taking (proper, strong) Tongkat Ali actually very often causes physical sensations, from enormous heat around the kidneys to (mild) soreness in the balls due to increased testosterone production.
- Doing bloodwork before a first Tongkat Ali course really is quite essential. And, if you have the money, maybe doing another one 10 days into course. The reason is that apart from elevating testosterone, in many Tongkat Ali also drives down estradiol (E2), prolactin, and-or cortisol to problematically low levels. These side effects emerge in some people within 2 to 3 weeks, with it sometimes taking weeks or months to resolve - or, all based on user experiences, not at all. This is the reason you want to be on top of seeing how Tongkat Ali changes all these values.
- You may also want to drop the contents of 1 or 2 Tongkat Ali pills into a few milliliters of water, maybe heat it a little bit, and test the water for heavy metals. The reason for this is that for many years Tongkat Ali supplements from some manufacturers have been tainted with heavy metals. The reason is polluted soil in Indonesia and surrounding countries where many of the plants are harvested.
- User experiences:
- This author: Two pills of Tongkat Ali with 5% Eurycomanone resulted in a seriously upset digestive system. I had to go the restroom all day, having a bright yellow, almost-diarrhea-like stool. The next day the upset was less though and in about 2 weeks it was essentially completely gone, except maybe for a bit of extra farting. That would go away too eventually. Either my digestive system had to get used to the herb, or it was attacking various bad bacteria that garlic, NAC, powdered zeolite, etc. weren't able to get.
After taking it the first time my balls hurt a bit. That went away though, even after not taking it for two weeks and then starting again. I noticed the intense stomach and kidney heat, especially when waking up at night after taking it in the evening (falling asleep is no problem). It increases horniness, but maybe about by 25%. It's a different type of "plant-based" horniness that is too different a subject to explain in this oversight.
After taking the pills for about 18 days, with two to four days of no supplements, I started noticing that my wrists were frequently cracking. There was no pain, but it appeared to be a new observation. Having read so much beforehand, including people complaining after x amount of months of painful, dry joints, to me this was an indication that either estradiol (E2), prolactin, and-or cortisol was getting too low. A blood test already showed I was in the low-normal range for estradiol (E2) due to DIM (which I quit halfway through).
Today, I can take Tongkat Ali 2-3 times a week without my wrists starting to crack. In time I will do another blood test to see where my testosterone and other values are at. I don't really notice any increased alertness anymore. I only did so in the beginning. It seems that this has little relation to testosterone levels, and more is a result of your body and mind getting used to the substance.
- This author: Two pills of Tongkat Ali with 5% Eurycomanone resulted in a seriously upset digestive system. I had to go the restroom all day, having a bright yellow, almost-diarrhea-like stool. The next day the upset was less though and in about 2 weeks it was essentially completely gone, except maybe for a bit of extra farting. That would go away too eventually. Either my digestive system had to get used to the herb, or it was attacking various bad bacteria that garlic, NAC, powdered zeolite, etc. weren't able to get.
- The two types of vinegar are white vinegar, which is produced from alcohol and relatively cheap; and the more expensive, flavored apple cider vinegar.
- Both vinegars are strongly anti-microbial due to its 3-8% acetic acid. White vinegar is better for disinfection because it doesn't leave any stains. Regular white vinegar usually contains 3-4% acetic acid, while cleaning vinegar contains 7 or 8%. Both versions of white vinegar kill a wide variety of microbes.
- Machine washing with white vinegar to kill all bacteria:
- 100ml of 3-4% white vinegar not only works as a fabric softener, it also kills all bacteria during the laundry process. This author has seen personal proof of that, because he quite regularly accidentally leaves damp socks and underwear in the washing machine or dryer. In the past he always would be greeted by a cloud of white mold growing on the left-over clothing, but since adding a tiny bit of vinegar, there's literally zero growth, even after finding damp clothes after a month.
- In line with this: these days a lot of people wash their clothes at 40 degrees Celsius instead of 60 degrees. This is done to save time and energy, and also to lessen damage to clothing. However, a 40 degrees Celsius wash actually "barely kills 14 percent of bacteria" 241 compared to pre-wash levels, and continues to contain all the bacteria associated with poop and pee. This is why "doctors", "scientists" and "microbiologists" recommend that you "wash at 60 degrees to kill all the bacteria." 242 The alternative is a disinfectant, of which a bit of vinegar if perfectly fine. It costs a few cents.
- Machine washing with baking soda and white vinegar, instead of a laundry detergent, also works perfectly fine to clean your clothes. In fact, looking at the killed germs, it does a much better job. Do keep these substance separate though as much as possible as they occupy opposite ends of the pH spectrum. They react quite strongly when neutralizing each other. Misting the clothing with some vinegar, then using baking soda for the pre-wash and main wash, followed by white vinegar again for the anti-crease phase works perfectly fine.
- Removing odors from fabrics with white vinegar:
- When you put basic 3-4% white vinegar into a mist sprayer bottle, it may be a decent anti-microbial cleaning tool in terms of clean surfaces, but where it really shines is in removing odors. If when you spray it on anything from stinky socks to stinky bedsheets, it will permanently remove the odor after it has dried because the odor is caused by bacteria.
- In that sense, it is possibly to mist your stinky shoes with white vinegar. It will quickly kill all bacteria and odor. Then you can spray it again in your shoes and on your socks as you leave the house. The vinegar dampness will prevent the bacteria that cause the stinky smell from replicating, at least for one or more hours. If you have to do that regularly, it might be wise to also daily rub olive oil on your feet to prevent the skin from getting damaged or drying out.
- 3-4% vinegar is a very powerful and cheap replacement for very expensive medical eardrops that work slow, or often don't work at all because they are not powerful enough. It is not as strong as alcohol, but also considerably less aggressive. It is essential to press and massage the drops into very part of the ear, and to finish off with olive oil. If you don't use olive oil and for whatever reason you have to do a lot of vinegar dropping over multiple weeks, the skin will dry out and get damaged. At that point the only thing that restores the skin is oil coating, either olive or coconut.
- As for vinegar anti-microbial activity, it is effective against against just about all notorious bacteria: Candida, Staph (MRSA), Helicobacter Pylori, Tuberculosis, etc.:
- May 25, 2014, Scientific World Journal, 'Effectiveness of Alternative Methods for Toothbrush Disinfection: An In Vitro Study': "The toothbrushes were divided into 7 groups and were contaminated by standardized suspensions of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (L. rhamnosus), Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) [MRSA, i.e. Staph], and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The following disinfectants were tested: 1% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), 100% and 50% white vinegar, microwave (MW) oven, ultraviolet (UV) sanitizer, and mouth rinse-containing propolis (MCP). ... 100% white vinegar was the most effective method for S. mutans and S. aureus. NaOCl was the most effective for E. coli. Conclusion. This study showed that 100% white vinegar was considered to be effective for tested microorganisms. [In addition] Da Silva et al. reported that 100% white vinegar has good antimicrobial activity against C. [Candida] albicans and S. aureus for acrylic resins [21]. ... Komiyama et al. investigated the effectiveness of 50% white vinegar for toothbrush disinfection, and this solution was found to be effective for S. aureus, S. mutans, and Streptococcus pyogenes but not for C. albicans [9]."
- March - April 2014, mBio journal of the American Society for Microbiology, 'Acetic Acid, the Active Component of Vinegar, Is an Effective Tuberculocidal Disinfectant': "We found that acetic acid (vinegar) efficiently kills M. tuberculosis after 30 min of exposure to a 6% acetic acid solution. The activity is not due to pH alone, and propionic acid also appears to be bactericidal. M. bolletii and M. massiliense nontuberculous mycobacteria were more resistant, although a 30-min exposure to 10% acetic acid resulted in at least a 6-log10 reduction of viable bacteria. Acetic acid (vinegar) is an effective mycobactericidal disinfectant that should also be active against most other bacteria. These findings are consistent with and extend the results of studies performed in the early and mid-20th century on the disinfectant capacity of organic acids."
- Feb. 2015, Cardiology Research, 'An Alternative Approach for the Rising Challenge of Hypertensive Illness via Helicobacter pylori Eradication': "A colon clear by the natural senna leaves purge was employed for all patients as a primary step in order to eradicate the migrated colonic H. pylori strains [21]. All patients followed a natural remedy for gastric and colon care to complete eradication of abnormal behavior H. pylori strains; 20 cc of dietary white vinegar 5-6% mixed with a food staff (white cheese, mashed potato or yoghurt which is the best preferred food stuff for the vinegar to be mixed with), two times daily during meals for 7 - 10 days [21]. Confirmation of H. pylori eradication by urea breath test and H. pylori fecal antigen was done at end of natural therapy [20]. ...
All patients expressed dramatic relief concerning their dyspeptic symptoms and constipation was relieved in all patients after 3 - 5 days of treatment. All patients were confirmed negative for H. pylori after the natural therapy.
Fifty-seven patients (57.6%) were able to quit their medications and maintain normal BP values after the vinegar therapy. Thirty-three patients (33.3%) needed an additional 1 week of therapy with vinegar in order to resume a normal BP and quit medication. Six patients (6.06%) failed to get their BP lowered after therapy with both the vinegar and the purge; the three with overweight were not among them. Their failure to respond to therapy was attributed possibly to gaining new H. pylori strains due to misbehavior in food habits via outside-home meals. Three patients (3.03%) did not complete the study." - Sep. 24, 2015, Special issue no. 1 (S1:1), General Medicine: Open Access journal (L.A.), 'A Comparative Study of Natural Eradication of Helicobacter pylori vs. Antibiotics' (PDF): "The literature confirms that recurrence of H. pylori is hardly avoidable; whether it is gastric recurrence from colonization of the bacterium in dental plaques or fecal-oral recurrence from the colon. The study included three groups of patients suffering from dyspepsia associated with H. pylori; each group size was 100 patients. ... The first group was treated with vinegar therapy alone for one week to 10 days. The second group was treated with the senna purge alone once or twice. The third group was treated with both the senna purge once followed by vinegar therapy for one week. ... The senna leaves extract purge was found to kill and expel rather completely the colonic H. pylori strains. Three times dilutions and extreme dilutions of dietary vinegar (acetic acid 6%) were found directly lethal to H. pylori if added to its culture media [11-14]. ...
The success rate of treatment in the first group was 91%, it was 95% in the second group and 97% in the third group; while the best success rate of the current antibiotic H. pylori eradication therapies as demonstrated in literature was maximally 83%. Natural measures of H. pylori eradication employing the senna purge and vinegar are superior in efficacy to the current antibiotic strategies. Eradication of abnormal H. pylori strains using natural measures is simple, safe, costless, effective and decisive; it is worthy to change attitude of medicine in dealing with the challenge known as H. pylori." - Dec. 2020, issue 2, Galen Medical Journal, 'Effect of Proton Pump Inhibitor Based Triple [antibiotic] Therapy with Apple Cider Vinegar on Helicobacter Pylori Eradication' (a study that largely misses the point): "Results: 86% of patients in control group in comparison to 88% in apple cider vinegar group responded to eradication therapy (P=0.41). Conclusion: ... not statistically significant."
- Apple cider vinegar generally has 5 or 6 times the polyphenols that white vinegar has. These are antioxidants which help support your good gut bacteria.
- No research yet.
- Latin name is Artemisia absinthium. In Germany, where many supplements are made/distributed from in Europe, it's called Wermutkraut.
- Very toxic for parasites. Like garlic and walnut cloves. First do a day of bile salts to get those open first.
- Ultrafine volcanic rock formed through the interaction of lava and seawater. It is strongly negatively charged, cage-like structure attracts and locks in any positively charged particles, most notably heavy metals. Reportedly it also grabs microplastics (usually negatively charged) and kills bad bacteria and worms.
- Zeolite didn't seem to have any effect on zinc and copper supplementation with this author. Despite both being negatively-charged particles, both were very high after supplementation alongside zeolite, often taken around the same time. Studies confirm that zeolite largely leaves beneficial minerals alone.
- Experiences:
- This author: The first time I took half a teaspoon of powdered zeolite (of a particle size too large to leave the colon it appears), I woke up with a major headbuzz, apparently because heavy metal particles were being picked up and deposited elsewhere. The second night, after taking a full teaspoon of zeolite, I again woke up with a headbuzz. This time I was so disoriented I had trouble standing up straight on two legs. Two large teaspoons were taken the next day. From that moment on all symptoms disappeared. I didn't have any particular heavy metal issues as far as I knew. I just gave it a try, assuming I must have some heavy metals in my body.
- Experiences with liquid zeolite appear to be very positive:
- Reddit comment: "Have you heard of cliniptolite zeolites? I had heavy mercury poisoning 2 years ago - also high lead, and more. I spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to figure it out with a functional medicine Dr. before we finally did a metal test. We found I had Candida, was celiacs, and all these other things but I was still ill after treating those things. She recommended a different metal therapy but I joined a support group on FB and it was there that I saw a bunch of people improving rapidly with a zeolite spray in a blue bottle... I started spraying in my mouth once a day, increasing the doses. I immediately began to feel better the 1st month, and continued taking it for 2 years. I feel like a totally different person. I honestly don’t know why it’s not more well known given how common heavy metals and toxicity are. Here are test results between 6 months... shopline_category.html?category=Detox ... [the screenshot of before and after test results show greatly reduced mercury, but also lead and a bit of silver and aluminum]." - Reddit comment: "I have been taking zeolite for heavy metal detox and I can testify it works and yes it does work very well. ... I take liquid zeolite from PBX. I feel like my cognitive function is so much better; as there’s no brain fog. The biggest thing I can say really impressed me was the fact my gut health is SOO much more healthy. I couldn’t even eat food before without taking 2 bites and being full. I actually got my appetite back! Also I noticed it elevates my mood & prevents brain damage. ... So I can say it changed my life for the better! And yes I believe the liquid one is best for me, but I haven’t tried powder."
- Reddit comment (that needs to be looked into): "I successfully used DMSA for my former lead problem but used Cutler's dosing protocol and supporting supplements."
- Reddit comment: "Have you heard of cliniptolite zeolites? I had heavy mercury poisoning 2 years ago - also high lead, and more. I spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to figure it out with a functional medicine Dr. before we finally did a metal test. We found I had Candida, was celiacs, and all these other things but I was still ill after treating those things. She recommended a different metal therapy but I joined a support group on FB and it was there that I saw a bunch of people improving rapidly with a zeolite spray in a blue bottle... I started spraying in my mouth once a day, increasing the doses. I immediately began to feel better the 1st month, and continued taking it for 2 years. I feel like a totally different person. I honestly don’t know why it’s not more well known given how common heavy metals and toxicity are. Here are test results between 6 months...
MushroomsA. bisporus- Scientific name is Agaricus bisporus. Referred to as "white mushrooms" or "white button mushrooms" in the U.S., and as "Champignons" in the Netherlands.
- White mushrooms do not seem to contain many nutritional elements in terms of protein, vitamins, or minerals. They also haven't been investigated extensively. There do appear to be extra compounds in mushrooms with health benefits.
- Put white mushrooms, or slices of white mushroom, in the sun (or use sun-dried ones, which on average have 16.9 μg/g [640 IU of mainly vitamin D2 per dried gram... which is quite a lot]) for 20 minutes and they have converted very significant levels of sunlight into vitamin D2, generally close to RDA or even above it per 100 grams. Cooking them subsequently will keep about 85% of the vitamin D. 243
- In one anti-cancer study, 1 in 18 patients with recurring prostate cancer seemingly were saved, at least for a number of years, by simply ingesting 8-14 grams of white mushroom powder (fresh mushrooms or larger amounts may have yielded better results still):
- Sep. 1, 2015, Cancer journal, 'A phase I trial of mushroom powder in patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer: Roles of cytokines and myeloid-derived suppressor cells for Agaricus bisporus-induced prostate-specific antigen responses': "Each year in the United States, nearly 50,000 prostate cancer patients exhibit a rise in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, which can indicate disease recurrence. For patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer, we evaluated the effects of white button mushroom (WBM) powder on serum PSA levels and determined the tolerability and biological activity of WBM. ...
Results: Thirty-six patients were treated... The overall PSA response rate was 11%. Two patients receiving 8 and 14 g/d demonstrated complete response (CR): their PSA declined to undetectable levels that continued for 49 and 30 months. Two patients who received 8 and 12 g/d experienced partial response (PR). After 3 months of therapy, 13 (36%) patients experienced some PSA decrease below baseline."
- Sep. 1, 2015, Cancer journal, 'A phase I trial of mushroom powder in patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer: Roles of cytokines and myeloid-derived suppressor cells for Agaricus bisporus-induced prostate-specific antigen responses': "Each year in the United States, nearly 50,000 prostate cancer patients exhibit a rise in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, which can indicate disease recurrence. For patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer, we evaluated the effects of white button mushroom (WBM) powder on serum PSA levels and determined the tolerability and biological activity of WBM. ...
- In Japan, habitual 3x or more per week mushroom intake has been shown to decrease the long-term chances of prostate cancer (and likely other cancers and diseases) by about 10% compared to people eating mushrooms less than 1x per week:
- Sep. 4, 2019, International Journal of Cancer, 'Mushroom consumption and incident risk of prostate cancer in Japan: A pooled analysis of the Miyagi Cohort Study and the Ohsaki Cohort Study': "Finally, 36,499 cancer‐free men were used in our analyses... During a total of 574,397 (median 13.2, interquartile range 11.5) person‐years of follow‐up, 1,204 (3.3%) cases of prostate cancer were documented. ... Table 2: ... Incident prostate cancer (%) 3.42 [for <1 time/week], 3.26 [for 1–2 times/week] 3.11 [for ≥3 times/week]. ... The present study showed an inverse relationship between mushroom consumption and incident prostate cancer... This inverse relationship was especially obvious among participants aged ≥50 years and did not differ by clinical stage of cancer and intake of vegetables, fruit, meat and dairy products. ...
In vivo and in vitro evidence has shown that mushrooms have the potential to prevent several kinds of cancers (e.g., those of the breast, bladder, colon and lung), including prostate cancer. Extracts of mushrooms such as Agaricus blazei Murill,5 Agaricus bisporus,6 Trametes versicolor,7 Cordyceps militaris 8 and Coprinus comatus 9 were suggested to inhibit cell proliferation in human prostate cancer cell lines and to restrict prostate tumorigenic progression from the hormone‐dependent to the hormone‐refractory state."
- Sep. 4, 2019, International Journal of Cancer, 'Mushroom consumption and incident risk of prostate cancer in Japan: A pooled analysis of the Miyagi Cohort Study and the Ohsaki Cohort Study': "Finally, 36,499 cancer‐free men were used in our analyses... During a total of 574,397 (median 13.2, interquartile range 11.5) person‐years of follow‐up, 1,204 (3.3%) cases of prostate cancer were documented. ... Table 2: ... Incident prostate cancer (%) 3.42 [for <1 time/week], 3.26 [for 1–2 times/week] 3.11 [for ≥3 times/week]. ... The present study showed an inverse relationship between mushroom consumption and incident prostate cancer... This inverse relationship was especially obvious among participants aged ≥50 years and did not differ by clinical stage of cancer and intake of vegetables, fruit, meat and dairy products. ...
A. blazei
- The Agaricus blazei Murrill is an edible mushroom known under many names: Cyperus mushroom (scientific name), ABM, almond mushroom, almond agaricus, mushroom of the sun, God's mushroom, mushroom of life, royal sun agaricus, jisongrong in China, himematsutake in Japan, and Bladhoopchampignon in Dutch. Apparently the mushroom is genetically similar to the North American Agaricus subrufescens and the Europe-based Agaricus rufotegulis. Therefore the overall name is Agaricus subrufescens.
- It's the most commonly used health food in Japan.
- Reported health benefits including anti-viral activity, improving the gastrointestinal tract, increasing insulin production, lowering blood pressure, and suppressing cancer.
- In Japan, habitual 3x or more per week mushroom intake has been shown to decrease the long-term chances of prostate cancer (and likely other cancers and diseases) by about 10% compared to people eating mushrooms less than 1x per week. See White Mushrooms for details.
- Anti-cancer studies have been done. For the most part, in practice, taking supplements or the whole fresh mushroom, it doesn't seem to have partiocularly strong cancer fighting abilities. It only has those when compounds are isolated and injected.
- July-Aug. 2004, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer: Homepage, 'Natural killer cell activity and quality of life were improved by consumption of a mushroom extract, Agaricus blazei Murill Kyowa, in gynecological cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy'.
- 2013, no. 2, Journal of EcoAgriTourism, 'Therapeutically and pharmacological virtues of god’s mushroom – agaricus blazei murill. Inhibitory effects in infection, cancer and diabetes': "In the experiment conducted by a research group led by Professors Hitoshi Ito and Shimura Keishiro in Japan, the preparation of Agaricusblazei Murill was administered to mice implanted with cancer. Their complete recovery rate was found to be 90.4% and the rate of progress was halting 99.4%. The results were reported at the general meeting of the Japanese Academy of Mycology, Pharmacology and Cancer.
From studies done on mice, it was determined that the most effective preparation comprises the following extracts: 82% ABM, 15% Hericium erinaceum (Japanese:Yamabushitake) and 3% Grifola frondosa (Maitake), all three belonging to the same family of the Basidiomicettes. This reduced the number of bacteria susceptible mice infected blood and increased animal survival test. Following the success obtained in tests done on mice, have followed a series of tests on humans suffering from various diseases."- Closely-related to the study in question by the same persons: Nov. 1, 1990, Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, Keishiro Shimura, Ito Histoshi, a.o., 'Antitumor Activity and Some Properties of Water-insoluble Hetero-glycans from “Himematsutake,” the Fruiting Body of Agaricus blazei Murill': "After extraction of a hot-water-soluble polysaccharide (FI) from the fruiting bodies of Himematsutake (Agaricus blazei Murill), water-insoluble polysaccharides were obtained...
It is quite novel that the polysaccharide portion of the remarkably antitumor-active FIII-2-b obtained from Himematsutake was a (1-+6)-/)-o-glucan. In addition, it is worth noticing that the FIII-2-b was a polysaccharide-protein complex and it has strong antitumor effect on Sarcoma 180/mice by both i.p. and p.o. routes. (1, 9). ...
1. T. Mizuno, T. Hagiwara, T. Nakamura, H. Ito, K. Shimura, T. Sumiya and A. Asakura, Agric. Bioi. Chern., 54, 2889 (1990). ...
9. T. Mizuno, H. Ito, K. Shimura, M. Kawade, M. Kawagishi, T. Hagiwara and T. Nakamura, Japan Kokai Tokkyo Koho, 64, 66, 127; 64, 67, 194; 64, 67, 195 (Mar. 13, 1989); 2, 78, 630 (Mar. 19, 1990). ...
Table IV. ANTITUMOR EFFECTS OF FII-2-b 2 , FIT-2-b 3 , AND FII-2-b~ AGAINST SOLID SARCOMA 180/MICE, i.p.: 21.0 [to] 52.5[%]... [so not the study referred to above]..."
- Closely-related to the study in question by the same persons: Nov. 1, 1990, Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, Keishiro Shimura, Ito Histoshi, a.o., 'Antitumor Activity and Some Properties of Water-insoluble Hetero-glycans from “Himematsutake,” the Fruiting Body of Agaricus blazei Murill': "After extraction of a hot-water-soluble polysaccharide (FI) from the fruiting bodies of Himematsutake (Agaricus blazei Murill), water-insoluble polysaccharides were obtained...
- June 5, 2013, International Jounal of Oncology, 'Immunostimulatory properties and antitumor activities of glucans': "Finally, the efficacy of some types of fungal derivatives like lentinan, pachymaran, scleroglucan, curdland, grifolan and Agaricus blazei (1→3)-β-D-glucan resulted particularly high in various in vivo models of cancer. According to the reports, the tumor inhibition ratio in animal models range from 90.4 (scleroglucan) to 99.6% (lentinan) (119–122)."
P. cubensis
- Psilocybe cubensis are a class of psychedelic mushrooms, with the main active component being psilocybin.
- Psychedelic effects on health are not discussed in this oversight. It's a whole different type of discussion.
- Psilocybin has neuroregenerative characteristics.
- In Japan, habitual 3x or more per week mushroom intake has been shown to decrease the long-term chances of prostate cancer (and likely other cancers and diseases) by about 10% compared to people eating mushrooms less than 1x per week. See White Mushrooms for details.
- Not researched in any detail yet.
- Mushroom very popular in China, Japan and Korea for its health benefits.
- Yet another compound that has demonstrated in can kill cancer in vitro, but with limited real world studies have been done.
- In Japan, habitual 3x or more per week mushroom intake has been shown to decrease the long-term chances of prostate cancer (and likely other cancers and diseases) by about 10% compared to people eating mushrooms less than 1x per week. See White Mushrooms for details.
- Used in patients with AIDS and cancer to stimulate the immune system. Studies have shown it increases white blood cell counts and improves the function of lymphocytes.
- Reduces chronic fatigue.
- People are often limited to taking mushroom extracts while consuming fresh mushrooms has a many times more potent effect.
- Known as Xianggu in China.
- In Japan, habitual 3x or more per week mushroom intake has been shown to decrease the long-term chances of prostate cancer (and likely other cancers and diseases) by about 10% compared to people eating mushrooms less than 1x per week. See White Mushrooms for details.
- Lentinan, a tiny aspect of Shiitake, is a potent anti-cancer compound and has been recognized and implemented as such in China and Japan since the 1980s. It only increases life expectancy though for terminal cancer patients, and doesn't seem to actually cure any cancer. Shiitake mushroom extract also won't kill a cancer once it has developed.
- 2009, Anticancer Research journal, 'Individual Patient Based Meta-analysis of Lentinan for Unresectable/Recurrent Gastric Cancer':
- June 5, 2013, International Jounal of Oncology, 'Immunostimulatory properties and antitumor activities of glucans': "Finally, the efficacy of some types of fungal derivatives like lentinan, pachymaran, scleroglucan, curdland, grifolan and Agaricus blazei (1→3)-β-D-glucan resulted particularly high in various in vivo models of cancer. According to the reports, the tumor inhibition ratio in animal models range from 90.4 (scleroglucan) to 99.6% (lentinan) (119–122)."
- April 4, 2019, Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, 'Mushroom polysaccharide lentinan for treating different types of cancers: A review of 12 years clinical studies in China': "The antitumor property of lentinan was reported in 1960s. Biochemical studies indicate that immunocytes can be activated by lentinan through multiple signaling pathways... Though it has been approved as an adjuvant therapeutic drug both in China and Japan for treating cancers since 1980s, a systematic review of clinical studies of lentinan has not been conducted elaborately. In this review, over 9474 reported lentinan-associated cancer treatment cases are evaluated and summarized from 135 independent studies in China during the past 12 years (2004-2016)... Overall clinical data show solid effect of lentinan on improving the quality of life and on promoting the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiation therapy during cancer treatment."
- Oct. 2017, Cancer Medicine (Chinese study), 'Efficacy of biological response modifier lentinan with chemotherapy for advanced cancer: a meta-analysis': " This study was sought to evaluate the efficacy of adjuvant lentinan combined with chemotherapy for advanced cancer. ... No significant difference were found in 2-year survival rate. Adjuvant lentinan used with chemotherapy achieved improvements in 1-year survival rate, response rate, and adverse events in advanced cancer."
- Jan. 3, 2024, European Journal of Medical Research (Chinese study), 'Lentinan progress in inflammatory diseases and tumor diseases': "Shiitake mushrooms are a fungal food that has been recorded in Chinese medicine to nourish the blood and qi. Lentinan (lLNT) is an active substance extracted from shiitake mushrooms [and] plays an important role in the treatment of inflammatory diseases as well as oncological diseases. Moreover, clinical experiments have confirmed that LNT combined with chemotherapy drugs has a significant effect in improving the prognosis of patients..."
- At least once you have prostate cancer, basic, cheaper White Mushroom extract gives you a greater chance of stabilizing or removing the cancer (1 in 18) than Shiitake mushroom extract (0 out 61):
- Oct. 2002, Urology journal, 'Effects of a mushroom mycelium extract on the treatment of prostate cancer': "Objectives: To determine whether supplemental amounts of a polysaccharide/oligosaccharide complex obtained from a shiitake mushroom extract (SME) would lower the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level in patients with prostate cancer. ... the final results for our study patients were 0 with a complete response, 0 with a partial response, 4 (7%) with stable disease, and 23 of 61 with progression while taking SME. [Hence] SME alone is ineffective in the treatment of clinical prostate cancer."
Turkey Tail
- Turkey Tail mushrooms grows on almost all continents. The name isn't a reference to the country, but to the bird. In the Netherlands the mushroom is called Fairy Bench (Elfenbankje).
- It's a mushroom that a lot of people use alongside chemotherapy, because the idea is that it fights cancer. Most people in comment sections though either die, or one has to assume the chemotherapy, radiation and surgeries saved them. Some saw remission, but seemingly always in combination with chemotherapy. Hence, Turkey Tail mushroom might be similarly beneficial for cancer patients as has been demonstrated with Shiitake, and partly white mushrooms. It certainly is no Fenbendazole in terms of fighting cancer.
- Others use it to help prevent cancer, which a Japanese study showed other mushrooms can also do to an extent (10% less chance with pancreatic cancer).
- Experiences:
- YouTube comment: "I’m using a turkey tail tincture. After one day. I noticed my sciatic nerve issue has almost completely gone away. Now on day three. Still the same. I feel like it’s maybe resolving inflamed intestines which was putting pressure on my sciatic."
- Not a whole lot to be found.
- A peptide that can be found in human gastric juice in very small amounts. Together with TB-500 it is known as the "wolverine stack" and very popular among athletes, bodybuilders, and arm wrestlers.
- It is among the only peptides in the sports and bodybuilding world that can be taken uninterrupted for long periods of time without resulting in many side effects.
- Side effects, such a insomnia, headaches, fatigue, hot flashes, localized skin rash, or swellings after injections, do exist, but they tend to be relatively minor and resolve quickly upon stopping the injections. Some of the side effects could also be part of a healing process.
- BPC-157 is used a lot in the sports world for healing tendons in particular, which do not have a lot of blood circulation and therefore can be considerably harder to heal than muscles.
- BPC-157 also heals muscles, bones and open wounds, in the latter case often leaving no scar at all.
- More than a few users, especially those having taken oral pill forms, have commented how BPC-157 drastically improved any gastrointestinal issues they had. This has also been confirnmed by studies.
- May 1994, Life Science, 'The beneficial effect of BPC 157, a 15 amino acid peptide BPC fragment, on gastric and duodenal lesions induced by restraint stress, cysteamine and 96% ethanol in rats.'.
- Aug. 27, 2007, Surgery Today, 'Stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 in trials for inflammatory bowel disease (PL-10, PLD-116, PL14736, Pliva, Croatia) heals ileoileal anastomosis in the rat': "BPC 157 (BPC 157), which has been shown to be safe in clinical trials for inflammatory bowel disease (PL-10, PLD-116, PL14736, Pliva, Croatia), may be able to cure intestinal anastomosis dehiscence. This antiulcer peptide shows no toxicity, is limit test negative, and a lethal dose is not achieved. It is stable in human gastric juice. In comparison with other standard treatments it is more effective for ulcers and various wounds... Throughout the experiment, both higher doses of BPC 157 were shown to improve all parameters of anastomotic wound healing."
- Oct. 18, 2021 YouTube upload by 'Stipe Kapovic', 'BPC157 2 week results. The good and the bad': "I have recently been taken [injectable] BPC-157, in conjunction with TB-500, Ipamorelin, and CJC [1295]. ... I've been someone who has been riddled with IBS issues ever since I was 15-16. Probably too much information, but diarrhea, stomach aches, man I get them non-stop. I mean, non-stop. Every day. Every second day. Ever since taking BPC I have absolutely zero issues with my stomach. I mean zero. I've had no aches. I've had no digestive issues. ... That was pretty much unbelievable to me. It is something I absolutely not expected, but it happened. ... Have [the injuries] gotten better. Yes. [Quite a bit.]" Dec. 1, 2021 update: "I've ran out of BPC quite a while ago. ... For me it didn't really fix anything. Just flat out honest. It helped my stomach a bit. I've had IBS for quite a while. I believe my diet also was a lot better. I'd say my stomach is a litrtle bit better than it was before BPC and TB and all that. But is it perfect? No."
- Half-life of BPC-157 is just 30 minutes, compared to the 2-2.5 days for TB-500, a peptide that often is taken in conjunction with BPC-157. Therefore, the idea is that BPC-157 best is injected once or twice a day, while TB-500 generally is injected twice a week. That migth be true, but the fact is that personal experience makes it clear that a single dose of 750mcg of BPC-157 reaches peak intensity in local healing after 4.5 hours, continues at high intensity for at least 9 hours, and still is active 14 hours after. Hence, this author has to agree with one study that speculated that BPC-157 likely initiates a "chain of secondary events" that continues its effect beyond the half-life detected in the blood. It appears that all BPC-157 peptides migrate to wherever they are needed in the body in the first 2 hours, stay there, and initiate the processes for healing, without them being detected in the blood anymore.
- Dec. 14, 2022, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 'Pharmacokinetics, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of body-protective compound 157, a potential drug for treating various wounds, in rats and dogs': "After a single intravenous (IV) administration, single intramuscular (IM) administrations at three doses in successive increments along with repeated IM administrations, the elimination half-life (t1/2) of prototype BPC157 was less than 30 min. ... BPC157 reached its peak rapidly in rats... The prototype drug could not be detected 4 h after administration, and its elimination half-life was less than 30 min."
- March 1, 2010, Medical Science Monitor, 'Impact of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on muscle healing impaired by systemic corticosteroid application' (2008 study): "Considering that peptides generally have a short half-life but prolonged effects (BPC 157 is no exception; for review see, e.g. [17,24]), it may be that also BPC 157 can successfully trigger a particular chain of secondary events increasing its beneficial effect."
- This author: The experience is described in additional detail below, but looking at my notes, my first (large 750mcg) BPC-157 injection, in my left quad, was on April 11, 2024, 11:30 p.m. - 30 minutes before a TB-500 injection in my lower stomach (the following experience repeated later too without the TB-500). Next I did a minor 7 minute jog. Then, per my log:
"Around 2 A.M. I fall sleep. Right before falling asleep I feel a strange, intense buzzing sensation in the left-back heel, which is damaged from years back. ...
4:12 A.M.: I wake up to an overall buzz, in trance. [Let's skip a lot] I just feel warm and cocoony-like. The back heels [sites that never healed properly] are all warm and throbby. Spasm of my back muscle [which never properly healed too], like it's healing. Or trying to heal.
8:14 A.M.: I had an intense [...] dream. I just woke up. I'm having my feet on top of each other. They seem to be warmer than usual in the damaged areas. I feels cushiony. ...
1:04 P.M.: Last wake up. Again my heels, towards the soles, feel warm and relaxed. It's a very pleasant sensation."
- Quite a few people swear it has a strong local effect, and therefore is best to subcutaneously inject near the site of injury. Fact is, despite possibly having an enhanced local effect, BPC-157 strongly works systemically as well. Experiences on this issue:
- This author: Before going to bed, I injected a large dose of BPC-157 into my left-lower quad, as my lower quads were peculiarly injured: no pain during deadlifting, but clearly heavily damaged afterwards due to repeatedly lifting far too much weight. Two-and-a-half hours later, upon falling asleep, I have some warm buzzing in left back heel. 4.5 hours after the BPC-157 injection, I wake up in heavy trance (a side effect of many common supplements and medicines that is likely quite unique to me) with a very powerful sensation of warm "rings" or "cushions" around both of my heels. My heels actually involve a much older injury that never properly healed. I didn't feel anything in my quad tendons. This happened multiple times, and just based on that, it is clear that BPC-157 works very strongly systematically and appears to go where it feels it is needed the most.
The sensations around my heels, by the way, were the exact same when only injecting BPC-157, in the absence of TB-500. So I attribute them to BPC-157.
- This author: Before going to bed, I injected a large dose of BPC-157 into my left-lower quad, as my lower quads were peculiarly injured: no pain during deadlifting, but clearly heavily damaged afterwards due to repeatedly lifting far too much weight. Two-and-a-half hours later, upon falling asleep, I have some warm buzzing in left back heel. 4.5 hours after the BPC-157 injection, I wake up in heavy trance (a side effect of many common supplements and medicines that is likely quite unique to me) with a very powerful sensation of warm "rings" or "cushions" around both of my heels. My heels actually involve a much older injury that never properly healed. I didn't feel anything in my quad tendons. This happened multiple times, and just based on that, it is clear that BPC-157 works very strongly systematically and appears to go where it feels it is needed the most.
- Studies confirm BPC-157 powerfully heals muscles, tendons, bones, and wounds:
- July 2021, Alternative Therapies In Health And Medicine, 'Intra-Articular Injection of BPC 157 for Multiple Types of Knee Pain': "Results: Of the 16 patients, 12 had received only BPC 157 as an intra-articular injection. In this group, 11 of the 12 patients (91.6%) had significant improvement in knee pain [of all causes], whereas 1 patient (8.3 %) had no improvement. The other 4 patients received a combination of 2 peptide injections of BPC 157 and TB4. Of the patients who received both peptides, 75% showed significant improvement, but 25% had no relief of their knee pain. Overall, 14 of 16 patients (87.5%) had relief of their knee pain when BPC 157 or a combination of BPC 157 and TB4 was used."
- March 1, 2010, Medical Science Monitor, 'Impact of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on muscle healing impaired by systemic corticosteroid application' (2008 study): "We recently demonstrated that the pentadecapeptide BPC 157 accelerated post-injury muscle healing with full function restoration [5,6]. It also recovered transected Achilles tendon [7–9] and transected quadriceps muscle [6], and thereby the tendon-muscle unit. Importantly, it counter-acted negative aspects of corticosteroids [7,8,10] and corticosteroid impairment in tendon to bone [7,8] and thermal injury [10,11] healing. BPC 157 also seems to be of high physiological importance [12] as an anti-ulcer agent [10-14] effective in trials for inflammatory bowel disease (code name PL 14736, Pliva, Croatia), without toxicity reported so far [15–17]. Unlike standard peptides, it does not need a carrier and is resistant to highly degrading media [5–23]. BPC 157 actively stimulated early collagen organization even under very unfavorable conditions [5-11]...
The pentadecapeptide BPC 157, given without a carrier, improved the healing of transected quadriceps muscle. It also improved muscle healing in rats with muscle crush injury when applied systemically or locally. Importantly, it counteracted corticosteroid-impairment in tendon to bone healing. ....
After the gastrocnemius [i.e. calf] muscle complex had been injured, rats received BPC 157 (intraperitoneally or locally as a cream) and/or [the corticosteroid] 6a-methylprednisolone (intraperitoneally [i.e. stomach]) only once (immediately after injury, sacrifice [i.e., rat killed] at 2 h) or once daily (final dose 24 hours before sacrifice and/or assessment procedure at days 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14). Muscle healing was evaluated functionally, macroscopically, and histologically.
Results: Without therapy, crushed gastrocnemius muscle complex controls showed limited improvement. [The corticosteroid] 6a-methylprednisolone markedly aggravated healing [i.e., made the situation worse]. In contrast, BPC 157 induced faster muscle healing and full function restoration and improved muscle healing despite systemic corticosteroid treatment when given intraperitoneally or locally and demonstrated functionally, macroscopically,and histologically at all investigated intervals.
Conclusions: BPC 157 completely reversed systemic corticosteroid-impaired muscle healing."
- This author advises that before using BPC-157 or TB-500 to also make sure to get the blood flowing once a day. Many people may already get that from their work, or a daily bicycle commuter ride, but I wasn't at the time of injury. And incorporating that made all the difference. My experience:
- Author experience: For the time being I seem to be among a minority that didn't notice the slightest improvement injecting BPC-157 and TB-500 for close to a week. All of my lower quad tendons were ruined due to a few weeks of extra heavy negative deadlifting, apparently because whatever damage was done during lifting was not repaired in between. Going easy for over a month, and on physiothrapist advice, doing a bunch of slow 10-30kg leg extensions, only resulted in more problems: slowly but surely pain spread from (already overworked) tendons to muscles.
This is why I got over my fear of injecting myself and tried BPC-157 and TB-500. Despite heavy sensations during night wake ups, at least in my heels, where an older injury resided, I didn't notice the slightest improvements.
It wasn't until I decided to do a daily high-speed bicycle run that I started to improve rapidly: literally more per day than earlier in a month. Those blood flow from those bike runs also finally resulted in a similarly-recent shoulder tendon injury of mine starting to clear up rapidly. - Author experience: I experienced the exact same thing with a bruised rib injury. Just sitting in front of the laptop all day, "taking rest", resulted in zero improvement beyond a certain point. Weight lifting sessions didn't do much either. However, each time I did a run just before going to bed, even when it was just 400m around the block, the next morning the rib injury had noticeably lessened. Funny though, to make sure the injury wouldn't come back in a nagging way once every few weeks, I had to do 240kg+ shrugs and (negative) deadlifts - which soon led to the quad injury. Between 190kg and 240kg the injury kept flaring up, but less each time. Above 240kg it was fully gone.
- Author experience: For the time being I seem to be among a minority that didn't notice the slightest improvement injecting BPC-157 and TB-500 for close to a week. All of my lower quad tendons were ruined due to a few weeks of extra heavy negative deadlifting, apparently because whatever damage was done during lifting was not repaired in between. Going easy for over a month, and on physiothrapist advice, doing a bunch of slow 10-30kg leg extensions, only resulted in more problems: slowly but surely pain spread from (already overworked) tendons to muscles.
- Positive experiences with BPC-157 for tendon healing:
- Dr. Andrew Huberman: "I had an L5 compression and I was always like in pain standing up. Two injections of BPC-157, gone!" Late 2023 comment to it: "I tore L4-L5 a year ago that has not healed and is extremely painful. ... My UCLA doctor/orthopedic specialist has no idea what BPC is."
- YouTube comment: "I can confirm myself that this [BPC-157] fixed a torn rotator cuff that was injured for over a year, I couldn't even do a single push up without severe Pain, 6 weeks on peptides and bam! Completely back to normal... This stuff is truly remarkable and you will never hear any doctor or physio recommend it to you because guess what? It works!"
- Comment: "I had tennis elbow (i.e. torn tendon) for about 8 years. Tendons/ligaments don't at all heal like everything else as they don't have the blood supply. Subjectively, I went from pain/weakness being 9/10 to 5/10 over that 8 years. After just a few months of daily BPC-157 shots I went to 0/10 and have remained that way for 3 years now. I did directly inject into my upper forearm where the pain was (insulin syringe) but I'm not sure that was necessary as BPC is supposed to be systemic. Good luck!"
- YouTube comment: "Dealing with tendonitis and 7 months of debilitating tennis elbow that PT did little to help and OTC pain killers were just partially numbing. 5 weeks of TB500 and BPC157 brought the pain from an 8 to a 2 and I have full ROM now. Needless to say, it is a damn miracle.
- Comment: "I've had 20 years of knee injuries from basketball, tore my ACL in the left knee tore the meniscus in the right. I'm on day 6 bpc 157 with a oral supplement called cissus and have to say I feel 70% better already. No ligament locking no crackling in the joint, my improved range of motion."
- Comment: "Been using both BPC157 and TB500 at the same time. My elbows were horrible and have lower spine damage that’s unrepairable. After 2 injections my elbows were normal and knees felt like new. My back always hurt as it wont create spinal fluid but I was able to dead lift for the first time in 5 years and pulled 305lbs easily. I truly works but since all is well I plan on stopping as it may be a waste or counter productive."
- Comment: "by the way BPC is not systemic....TB500 is. I use both when injured and is magic!!"
- YouTube comment: "I’ve suffered from chronic brachioradialis and bicep tendinitis for 15 years. I weight lift, wrestle and do Brazilian jiu jitsu. In the last 3 years my tendinitis has become so severe that after 15 minutes of wrestling, I can’t even hold my cell phone. The pain is 10/10 unbearable. I’ve tried absolutely everything. I recently started taking BPC-157 maybe 20 days ago. I wrestled 4 times in the last week and for the first time in YEARS my tendinitis did not get inflamed. I’m absolutely mind blown. I now coach at my sons wrestling club and it was killing me that I wasn’t able to wrestle anymore. I have been searching for a remedy for 15 years now. I can’t explain how happy I am."
- YouTube comment: "I've had 20 years of knee injuries from basketball, tore my ACL in the left knee tore the meniscus in the right. I'm on day 6 bpc 157 with a oral supplement called cissus and have to say I feel 70% better already. No ligament locking, no crackling in the joint, my improved range of motion."
- YouTube comment: "BPC has taken my delayed onset muscle soreness from ultra marathon training from being sore for 4 days down to just 2 days of being sore, and the level of soreness has gone from a 7 out of 10 now to a 3 out of 10 during those 2 days, incredible!! And I also don't even get sore from strength training anymore which is almost unbelievable."
- YouTube comment: "I do 5 days of boxing with strentgh and conditioning and I am doing 2 hours each session. I healed some minor injuries with it but I need to emphasize that you won’t see good results without doing some mobility exercises and stretches specific to your injury."
- YouTube comment: "I’ve had a sore knee since 2005 after high-siding a race bike. Was always mild pain for years after a run or heavy leg workouts like deadlifts and leg press. I got bpc and tb500 during the summer to treat tendinitis in my elbows. I couldn’t bench 1 rep 40kg without severe pain. 3 months of peptides along with no upper body weights and collagen and elbows are like 95%, and back benching 100kg+. Also I took bpc first on its own as I only discovered tb500 while on bpc, so bpc 1 month, tb500 month 2 and 3, and my knees [are the] best it’s been in near[ly] 20 years, and elbows are near 100%. I’m running both peptides along with collagen type 1 and 3."
- YouTube comment: "Dislocated both knee caps and did some pretty severe damage to the surrounding areas, don't know what specifically, but my knee swelled to around 2x the size, black bruising all around the knees and hamstrings. Couldn't walk for 3 days, dependant on crutches for a further 4. Was given the all clear nothing was torn and it was just bad tissue damage, and strains and started BPC 157 3 days ago. 3 days of 250mcg 2x per day and I've already gained a huge amount of range of motion and have began walking off crutches, 5-10k steps per day with no pain. It's incredible."
- YouTube comment: "Had BPC 157 and TB500 for sports injuries and healed amazingly well."
- YouTube comment: "BPC-157 + TB 500 are the truth. You combine those with CJC 1295 + Ipamorelin, you will wind up healing up chronic pain and grow muscle, and lose fat. My lower back ( left QL muscle) was killing me.. for years it was inflamed and causing me great discomfort, even just lying around in bed. 2 weeks on that peptide stack my pain was subsiding, after 6 weeks the pain was completely gone. Finally After 12 weeks i felt better then i have since i was in my early 20s, and I'll be 35 this year."
- YouTube comment: "Had severe tendinitis of both rotater cuffs and took bpc157 and haven't had any problems since finishing a 2 month program."
- Apparent positive experiences with BPC-157 and cartilage:
- YouTube comment: "I had a torn meniscus last March. I was a month off of Sermorelin. Was trying to decide which next one to try... then I popped my knee... I’ve had near bone on bone force years. 24/7 pain. Different intensity at different times. But the torn meniscus was the deciding factor. My regular dr wanted me to get surgery. But I got BPC 157. And I’m completely healed. My doctor was stunned… he never seen anything like this.. I actually have more cartilage now.. way more.. I am in zero pain.. no crunching no feeling the need to favor it, or be careful.. it’s like it never happened and my X-rays look like it never happened… "
- Feb. 15, American Journal of Translational Research, 'Functional peptides for cartilage repair and regeneration': "Peptides able to mimic TGF-β activity have a promising role in cartilage tissue engineering due to their low costs, stability, long shelf-life, and ease of administration and controlled release."
- Positive experiences with BPC-157 with other issues:
- YouTube comment: "I had a cut on my hand a while back, I’m a professional composer/musician and I was actually wondering how I was going to work without a left hand anymore for the piano. Used BPC157-TB500 and I’m not even kidding.. you can’t even see where the scar would normally have been…healed in less than a week to the point where I could actually use the MFker. Stuff is crazy."
- YouTube comment: "[You] convinced me to try BPC-157. I'm 65 and have no sprains or breaks but I do have lots of aches and pains. 18 days later and I have no more aches and pains which is cool but the best thing is, and I was not expecting this. My right kidney has been very tender for the past two years. So tender that I have to lay just right to get to sleep. My urine was dark (dark as in almost brown) not only in the morning but all day. Well, that's gone too. Not my kidney but the tenderness and the dark urine. I mean I have zero tenderness in my right kidney. My urine is now yellow in the morning and mostly clear during the day."
- A peptide that is produced in the thymus. It's good for the eyes, lungs, brain, nerve regeneration, and wound healing.
- TB-500 often is used in conjunction with BPC-157. There's some speculation whether it is actually needed when using BPC-157, because its effects tend to be more subtle. Sometimes when BPC-157 doesn't have enough effect by itself, adding TB-500 can result in noticeable results.
- Similar to BPC-157, TB-500 is strictly used for healing. It is not for muscle building.
- TB-500 has a much longer half-life than BPC-157 though. This is about half a week, versus 30 minutes for BPC-157. However, as discussed, the actual effects of BPC-157 seem to continues for at least 14 hours.
- TB-4 is a popular variant.
- Experiences with (apparently) pure TB-500 are hard to find:
- YouTube comment (apparently pure TB-500, but not fully sure): "I work in construction and this stuff helped me recover a torn meniscus and other parts in my leg. I was almost vomitting in bed of the pain, and found this. After week 3 i doubled the dose and now i can walk, lift and jump. I was not walking normally for 6 months. I had a couple of mental breakdowns in the shower and in bed but now i can use my leg again. For everyone that wants to give it a works very good. When im done after this session i do another one. If you don't want surgery you can try this."
- Peptide that makes your body produce more growth hormone. It's a third generation Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide (GHRP), after GHRP-6 (gen. 1; causes intense hunger) and GHRP-2 (gen. 2). It's the mildest of them all, with the least amount of side effects.
- The most common reported benefits reported are a considerably smoother skin, as well as increased tendon healing, and maybe a slightly lower fat percetage.
GRF Mod-1-29
- Also known as CJC-1295 non-DAC. It has a half-life of about 30 minutes, many times shorter than CJC-1295 DAC, although, as discussed with BPC-157, it's secondary effects could last much longer (this author still has to study that aspect). Still, generally favored by anyone with money and does not fear frequent injections, because of worries that continually high HGH levels of CJC-1295 DAC are unnatural and will likely cause problems in the long run.
- GRF Mod-1-29 works in synergy with Ipamorelin and other Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptides (GHRP), enhancing the effect of both.
- 100 to 500mcg per day, or split up in two doses per day, is the general advice, always on an empty stomach, away from meals that decrease HGH and increase insulin. Before sleep and upon wake up are the most common times.
- A certain Dr. William Seeds recommended 1 mcg per kg of bodyweight once per day. According to him, 100 mcg is a saturation dose, over which there would be no more extra release of HGH. Far from everyone agrees with that position though.
CJC-1295 DAC
- Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH), often referred to as a "peptide", that signals to the pituitary gland to produce more human growth hormone (HGH). It can be used for healing tendons, reducing bodyfat, a modest increase in muscle, and better skin.
- CJC-1295 DAC works in synergy with Ipamorelin and other Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptides (GHRP), enhancing the effect of both.
- Due to a half-life of 6 to 8 days, and elevated HGH/IGF-1 until 28 days after a series of injections, CJC-1295 DAC works powerfully on its own though, increasing various blood plasma levels by anything from 1.5 to 10x compared to baseline after just a single injection:
- March 2006, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 'Prolonged stimulation of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I secretion by CJC-1295, a long-acting analog of GH-releasing hormone, in healthy adults': "After a single injection of CJC-1295, there were dose-dependent increases in mean plasma GH concentrations by 2- to 10-fold for 6 d or more and in mean plasma IGF-I concentrations by 1.5- to 3-fold for 9-11 d. The estimated half-life of CJC-1295 was 5.8-8.1 d. After multiple CJC-1295 doses, mean IGF-I levels remained above baseline for up to 28 d. No serious adverse reactions were reported.
Conclusions: Subcutaneous administration of CJC-1295 resulted in sustained, dose-dependent increases in GH and IGF-I levels in healthy adults and was safe and relatively well tolerated, particularly at doses of 30 or 60 microg/kg. There was evidence of a cumulative effect after multiple doses."
- March 2006, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 'Prolonged stimulation of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I secretion by CJC-1295, a long-acting analog of GH-releasing hormone, in healthy adults': "After a single injection of CJC-1295, there were dose-dependent increases in mean plasma GH concentrations by 2- to 10-fold for 6 d or more and in mean plasma IGF-I concentrations by 1.5- to 3-fold for 9-11 d. The estimated half-life of CJC-1295 was 5.8-8.1 d. After multiple CJC-1295 doses, mean IGF-I levels remained above baseline for up to 28 d. No serious adverse reactions were reported.
- CJC-1295 DAC is banned in more countries than Ipamorelin and certainly BPC-157 and TB-500 due to its performance-enhancing abilities, unpredictable long-term dangerous side-effects, which are bound to pop up if you keep using this around the clock. There also are worries of boosting existing cancer growth someone may or may not be aware of. In that sense, this author only includes CJC-1295 because, in combination with Ipamorelin, BPC-157 and TB-500, it can help heal injuries that otherwise you simply can't.
- Experiences:
- Reddit post: "8 years ago I stopped deadlifting because I developed some sort of weird rear rib pain that felt like the left side of my back was exploding during the lift. 6 years ago I stopped squatting because of rib and knee pain. 5 years ago I stopped being able to do heavy pulls motions of any kind because my brachialis was always in pain. Shortly after than I stopped training completely. I never thought I would train again even though it was the biggest part of my life in my earlier years. Now 5 years later at 30yo, I am 255lbs at 11%bf, I bench 465, deadlift almost 600, and squatting 645. I started lifting again only 8 months and 25 days ago. No juice, only peptides from peptidesciences.
I took BPC from nootroo back in April. It got me going, but what healed my body and let me start deadlifting and squatting again was GHRP and GHRH peptides, as well as IGF and MGF.
You are doing this wrong... you are accruing damage and THEN trying to heal it with BPC. Bruh, if you have elevated GH, you dont get "wear and tear" damage from lifting. I literally went through periods of time where I was deadlifting my max every day, and doing heavy bench every day. I can come close to a big injury, but you detect it during your set, and then you give it like 2 days rest and then its completely gone. There is no need for BPC."
- Reddit post: "8 years ago I stopped deadlifting because I developed some sort of weird rear rib pain that felt like the left side of my back was exploding during the lift. 6 years ago I stopped squatting because of rib and knee pain. 5 years ago I stopped being able to do heavy pulls motions of any kind because my brachialis was always in pain. Shortly after than I stopped training completely. I never thought I would train again even though it was the biggest part of my life in my earlier years. Now 5 years later at 30yo, I am 255lbs at 11%bf, I bench 465, deadlift almost 600, and squatting 645. I started lifting again only 8 months and 25 days ago. No juice, only peptides from peptidesciences.
OilsBlack seed oil- Oil manufactured from the seeds of the Nigella Sativa plant, a medicinal plant used a lot in Unani and Tibb, Ayurveda and Siddha systems. The seed and oil have antimicrobial effect against bacteria as candida and Staphylococcus.
- Not studied in detail.
- Studies:
- May 2013, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 'A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb'.
- Jan. 2015, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 'Effect of Nigella Sativa Seed Powder on Testosterone and LH levels in Sterptozotocine Induced Diabetes male Albino Rats': "Conclusion – Compared with normal rats the level of testosterone was decreased in diabetic rats, when it is treated with Nigella Sativa Seed powder the levels of testosterone increased significantly. ... Results – Testosterone(ng/dl) level of Normal Control rats was 82.78±8.26, Diabetic rats was 41.62±7.28 and treated with Nigella Sativa rats was 71.34±6.58. LH(mIU/L) [a 70% increase]..."
CBD oil
- Not researched in detail yet.
- Unlike many CBD oil, Rick Simpson Oil is high in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
- CBD oil often is sold in 30ml bottles. It is generally recommended you drop 1 to 4ml a day under the tongue.
- CBD oil compounds apparently make it harder for cancer to spread. Endstage metatastic cancer survivor Joe Tippens used non-THC-containing CBD oil in his successful treatment, but by far the main component that seems to have save him was Fenbendazole. He does, however, have some insights on CBD oil for cancer treatment:
- (accessed: Nov. 18, 2022; Joe Tippens' official site): "IMPORTANT: I will not receive any financial remuneration from this company for the sale of these products and I do not own any stock of the company. ...
Pathway 1: CBD Tincture: CBD has always been part of my protocol, but the new product will incorporate some important changes. As we have learned more about the potential benefits of hemp extracts we have discovered that the species of hemp, the methods of its extraction, the ratios of acidic forms of cannabinoids to non-acidic forms of cannabinoids all play a critical role in how well Hemp extracts can have on cancer outcomes.
In my research of Hemp extracts – Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 – product hits all of the important qualities for a hemp extract. First the product is cryoextracted, this preserves the terpenes and the non-decarboxylated cannabinoids. Second, this product uses a proprietary strain of cannabinoid that has actually been tested on cancer cell lines. And Third, they supplement the CBGa cannabinoid to standardize it up to 7mg per dose, something that I believe could be significant. Finally, they add in two other important ingredients, the first being Frankincense, an iconic material dating back to the biblical times and recently the topic of a ton of cancer research. The company’s work on Frankincense focused on a collaboration with Dr HK Lin, the iconic researcher who studied Frankincense as a supplement for cancer for more than a decade. Together they developed an approach that uses specific fractions of Frankincense that are the most beneficial, according to his research. Finally, a Nano molecule carrier, C60 has evidence to show that it could help significantly with low dose chemotherapy, reducing the rtoxicity of chemo to healthy cells and increasing the toxicity to unhealthy cells.
The Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 is a unique combination of Cryo Extracted Hemp, with Middle Eastern frankincense essential oils and the Nano C60 carrier, all in one tincture. Some people may wish to stay with the previously recommended Forgotten Trails CBD from Pharmacy Plus at and they will continue to supply that as well." - (accessed: May 27, 2024): "CBD Tincture: 750 mg Broad Spectrum [30 mln bottle]. Our broad-spectrum CBD tincture contains 0.0% THC, while still maintaining therapeutic levels of other naturally occurring cannabinoids, terpenes, and hemp-derived essential oils. Dissolved in a mixture of MCT, grapeseed, and hempseed oil, our unflavored tinctures provide the true “essence” of the hemp plant.
Suggested use: Administer 1ml oil under the tongue, holding for 90 seconds. Then swallow the oil as an herbal supplement. Or take as directed by a healthcare professional.
Ingredients: MCT, Broad Spectrum CBD Oil, Hempseed Oil, & Grapeseed Oil." .
- (accessed: Nov. 18, 2022; Joe Tippens' official site): "IMPORTANT: I will not receive any financial remuneration from this company for the sale of these products and I do not own any stock of the company. ...
- Rick Simpson Oil, which contains THC, has been credited with anti-cancer benefits as well. It is particularly recommended for brain cancer. However, the few videos I have seen of people treating themselves with Rick Simpson Oil all died. In all fairness though, it may well be that Kristina Marie, who lived for about 7 years after diagnosis with a pretty decent quality of life, was able to greatly slow the progression of the cancer with RSO treatment:
- Sep. 8, 2011 final YouTube upload by 'Alrishsurvivor', 'My Journey with cancer-Rick simpson oil#16': "I got my results back from my MRI. My tumor has doubled in size. The oil had no positive effects. Kinda sucks."
- March 31, 2017 YouTube upload by 'GBM army' (died 1.5 years later without after one continuous decline), 'Coping with brain cancer glioblastoma GBM G1GB talking about rick Simpson oil rso': "The Rick Simpson Oil makes my whole left side tingly. And the more I do, the more tingly it gets. ... That actually got a lot better when ... they started to taper off the steroids. ... It's still enough to keep me awake [though]."
- June 13, 2018, Lat YouTube upload by 'Kristina Marie' (died within year; diagnozed with a brain tumor in May 2012, and reported to have halted its rapid growth on June 1, 2015 with Rick Simpson Oil, after an MRI; reported feeling good on Triphala Guggulu, Chitra, and Ajwain seeds about 2 years before her death), 'June 12, 2018': "I just wanted to tell you that I'm doing a lot better. I'm on a ketogenic diet now, so I have been feeling SO much better. But going into that stage was like SO painful. ... But I still have issues. ... I totally have vitamins in my systems, taken [CBD] oil and smoking [weed]."
Castor oil
- Oil with antimicrobial properties.
- Often used for wound healing.
- A lot of women use it to hydrate their skin, and also to make their eyelashes and eyebrow hairs look thicker and grow a bit longer. Most report seeing results after 3 weeks to a month. Some mix it with rose hip. Some prefer rosemary oil instead.
- Experiences:
- YouTube comment: "I know use castor oil thanks to you! It’s gotten rid of a burn scar I had and I’m enjoying other benefits from it too."
Coconut oil
- Fat difference, per 100g / 100 ml:
- Coconut oil: 6g mono-unsaturated fat. 2g poly-unsaturated fat. 87g saturated fat.
- Olive oil: 73g mono-unsaturated fat. 11g poly-unsaturated fat. 14g saturated fat.
- Canola oil: 59g mono-unsaturated fat: 30g poly-unsaturated. 7g saturated fat.
- Sesame oil: 40g mono-unsaturated fat. 42g poly-unsaturated fat. 14g saturated fat.
- Corn oil: 28g mono-unsaturated fat. 55g poly-unsaturated fat. 13g saturated fat.
- Beef: 8.4g mono-unsaturated fat. 0.7g poly-unsaturated fat. 7.7g saturated fat.
- Pork: 7.6g mono-unsaturated fat. 1.4g poly-unsaturated fat. 6.2g saturated fat.
- Anti-microbial.
- Daily coconut ingestion can lead to joint issues.
- Research still needs to be "redone".
Olive oil
- Popular cooking oil. Its extra virgin oil is cold pressed, and often of the first press. Supermarket olive oil generally is considered terrible quality compared to much more expensive fully biological olive oil.
- Both extra virgin oilive oil (high quality oil likely better) and virgin coconut oil are able to kill "bad" mouth bacteria, giving credence to long-term oil-pulling benefits claims (it seems best to mix both oils, with a potential extra synergistic effect on top of it):
- 2020, vol. 8, issue 3, Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science (India), 'Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Effects of Virgin Coconut and Virgin Olive Oils on Streptococcus sobrinus and Lactobacillus case' (PDF): "In conclusion, the antibacterial effect of VCO [Virgin Coconut Oil] and VOO [Extra Virgin Olive Oil] is as effective as 0.12% CHX. Both oils show potential as alternative mouthwashes in dental caries prevention. The effectiveness of VOO [Extra Virgin Olive Oil] is at the initiation stage of plaque formation. However, once plaque has formed, the use of VCO [Virgin Coconut Oil] based mouthwash is advisable due to its superior antibiofilm activity."
- Olive oil is able to eradicate H. pylori, but only high quality oil:
- Sep. 2014, Integrative Medicine Research, 'Current knowledge on alleviating Helicobacter pylori infections through the use of some commonly known natural products: bench to bedside': "Romero et al3 examined the effect of olive oil on eight different H. pylori clinical isolates, including three antibiotic-resistant strains, and observed the potent anti-H. pylori activity of olive oil against all the tested strains. ... Contrary to the findings of Romero et al,3 Preuss et al4 reported that olive oil does not exert antibacterial effect against H. pylori; this conflicting finding could be attributable to the difference in the use of olive oil...
Based on the results of previous studies, Castro et al5 performed two different pilot clinical studies comprising 30 participants, identified as H. pylori-positive, per trial. In the first trial, all 30 individuals received 30 g of olive oil at two different time intervals—initially, washed virgin olive oil was administered for 14 days and then, after a 1-month gap, unwashed virgin olive oil was administered for 14 days. The researchers found that H. pylori infection was eliminated in eight of the 30 (27%) individuals after 4–6 weeks from the first clinical intervention, and at the end of the study, 12 of the 30 individuals did not show H. pylori infection. This result indicates that olive oil had cleared the H. pylori infection in 40% of the cases on completion of the treatment protocol. In the second clinical intervention, 30 g of different virgin olive oils was administered for 14 days to 30 H. pylori-positive individuals. Only three of the 30 (10%) individuals were H. pylori-negative after 4–6 weeks, and five of the 30 individuals (11%) were negative in 24–72 hours after administration of the last oil dose."
- Sep. 2014, Integrative Medicine Research, 'Current knowledge on alleviating Helicobacter pylori infections through the use of some commonly known natural products: bench to bedside': "Romero et al3 examined the effect of olive oil on eight different H. pylori clinical isolates, including three antibiotic-resistant strains, and observed the potent anti-H. pylori activity of olive oil against all the tested strains. ... Contrary to the findings of Romero et al,3 Preuss et al4 reported that olive oil does not exert antibacterial effect against H. pylori; this conflicting finding could be attributable to the difference in the use of olive oil...
Omega 3
- Three versions of omega 3 oil exist, with EPA and DHA mostly found in fish and ALA mainly in plants and seeds:
- EPA: Among its functions are serotonin migitation. Relieves depressive symptoms by limiting damage of toxins by gut cytotoxins. 2 grams per day is considered the minimum optimal by Dr. Rhonda Patrick.
- DHA: Half life on 6-12 months. Great for cell membrane in the brains.
- ALA: Plant-based, with flax seed (buy crushed) containing a whopping 23 grams per 100g and chia seed 17.5 grams per 100g. Sunflower, sesame, hemp, cumin seeds, hazelnuts and peanuts all contain next to nothing. EPA and DHA are very low in plant-based sources. ALA is often considered useless, although it still has some of the basic omega 3 benefits and is converted to EPA and DHA in the human body by the liver, albeit in small amounts. ALA to EPA conversion in men: 8% (1.8 gram per 100 gram flax seed). ALA to DHA conversion in men: 4% (0.9 gram per 100 gram flax seed). So 100g flax seed should provide 2.7 grams of EPA and DHA combined, a considerable amount. Even 1.35 grams at 50 grams is decent, especially when added to by other foods.
- In a wide range of scientific studies, Omega 3 (mainly in DHA and EPA form, but at least partially also in ALA form) has been tied to a wide range of health benefits: lowering blood pressure, reducing triglycerides, reducing risk of heart disease and stroke, reducing joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis patients, nourishing brain and eyes functions; optimal fetal development, helping to prevent and alleviate dementia, depression, asthma, migraine, and diabetes:
- Jan. 2012, Advances in Nutrition, 'Omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA: Health Benefits Throughout Life': "Studies have shown that EPA and DHA are important for proper fetal development, including neuronal, retinal, and immune function. EPA and DHA may affect many aspects of cardiovascular function including inflammation, peripheral artery disease, major coronary events, and anticoagulation. EPA and DHA have been linked to promising results in prevention, weight management, and cognitive function in those with very mild Alzheimer's disease."
- Dec. 2019, PharmaNutrition, 'Omega 3-metabolism, absorption, bioavailability and health benefits–A review': "It is positively correlated that consumption of EFA and prevention of heart disease, hypertension, inflammation, cancer prevention, neurological disorders etc. α-Linolenic acid (ALA) also known as omega-3 is an EFA found in plant foods. On consumption, ALA serves as substrate for the synthesis of EPA and DHA, which play a central role in the proper functioning of the nervous system like anti-atherogenic properties and favourable in lowering BP and heart rate and improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Protective cardiac effect of EFAs are related to BP, arterial compliance, improved lipid metabolism and anti-inflammatory properties."
- Oct. 2, 2022, Advanced Nutrition journal, 'Impact of α-Linolenic Acid, the Vegetable ω-3 Fatty Acid, on Cardiovascular Disease and Cognition ': "Meta-analyses of observational studies have shown that increasing dietary ALA is associated with a 10% lower risk of total cardiovascular disease and a 20% reduced risk of fatal coronary heart disease. Three randomized controlled trials ... have shown that dietary ALA reduced total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, and epidemiologic studies and some trials also have shown an anti-inflammatory effect of ALA... The role of ALA in cognition is in the early stages but shows promising evidence of counteracting cognitive impairment."
- Increased omega 3 (EPA and DHA)-filled fish oil ingestion leads to increased semen production, bigger loads being busted, bigger testicles, and higher (free) testosterone levels:
- Jan. 17, 2020, Jama Network, 'Associations of Fish Oil Supplement Use With Testicular Function in Young Men': "Findings: In this cross-sectional study including 1679 young men in Denmark, fish oil supplements were associated in a dose-response manner with higher semen volume and total sperm count, larger testicular size, a higher calculated free testosterone to luteinizing hormone ratio, and lower follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels after adjusting for confounders. ...
Results: Among 1679 young Danish men (median [interquartile range] age, 18.9 [18.7-19.4] years) recruited to participate, 98 men (5.8%) reported use of fish oil supplements during the past 3 months, of whom 53 (54.1%) reported intake on 60 or more days. After adjustment and compared with men with no supplement intake, men with fish oil supplement intake on fewer than 60 days had semen volume that was 0.38 (95% CI, −0.03 to 0.80) mL higher, and men with fish oil supplement intake on 60 or more days had semen volume that was 0.64 (95% CI, 0.15 to 1.12) mL higher (P for trend<.001). Similarly, testicular size in men with supplement intake on fewer than 60 days was 0.8 (95% CI, −0.2 to 1.9) mL larger and in men with fish oil supplement intake on 60 or more days was 1.5 (95% CI, 0.2 to 2.8) mL larger compared with men with no supplement intake (P for trend=.007). After adjustment, men with fish oil supplement intake had a 20% (95% CI, 9%-31%) lower follicle-stimulating hormone level and 16% (95% CI, 8%-24%) lower luteinizing hormone level compared with men with no supplement intake. There were no associations of intake of other supplements with measures of testicular function. … In addition, men who used fish oil supplements had a 20% (95% CI, 9%-31%) lower FSH [follicle-stimulating hormone] level, 16% (95% CI, 8%-24%) lower LH [luteinizing hormone] level, and 8% (95% CI, 0%-17%) higher free testosterone to LH [luteinizing hormone] ratio compared with men with no supplement intake (Table 3)."
- Jan. 17, 2020, Jama Network, 'Associations of Fish Oil Supplement Use With Testicular Function in Young Men': "Findings: In this cross-sectional study including 1679 young men in Denmark, fish oil supplements were associated in a dose-response manner with higher semen volume and total sperm count, larger testicular size, a higher calculated free testosterone to luteinizing hormone ratio, and lower follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels after adjusting for confounders. ...
- Recommended daily amount: 1.1 gram for adult women, 1.6 gram for adult men. This can be rather hard to obtain, unless someone eats quite a bit of fish (with all its long term heavy metal dangers) or adds something like 50+ grams of flax or chia seeds a day to their meals. Chia affects taste less, but is more expensive, so adding 2 grams of omega 3 per day, and doing it cheap, really isn't all that easy.
- Jan. 19, 2023, Frontiers in Nutrition, 'The influence of dietary and supplemental omega-3 fatty acids on the omega-3 index: A scoping review': "The majority of the population do not consume adequate omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FA), leading to global deficiencies, as evidenced by poor omega-3 status. An indicator of overall n-3 FA status, omega3-index (O3i) ≥8% has been associated with reduced risk of chronic disease, most notably cardiovascular disease. ...
Due to inadequate synthesis of EPA and DHA from ALA, many professional organizations have established recommendations for fish consumption. ...
Generally, the lowest doses shown to be effective in raising O3i to recommended levels were >1,000 mg/d of combination DHA plus EPA for 12 weeks or longer. Supplements composed of triglycerides were more bioavailable and thus more effective than other formulas. Based on the data evaluated, practical recommendations to improve O3i to ≥8% are consumption of 1,000–1,500 mg/d EPA plus DHA as triglycerides for at least 12 weeks."
- Jan. 19, 2023, Frontiers in Nutrition, 'The influence of dietary and supplemental omega-3 fatty acids on the omega-3 index: A scoping review': "The majority of the population do not consume adequate omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FA), leading to global deficiencies, as evidenced by poor omega-3 status. An indicator of overall n-3 FA status, omega3-index (O3i) ≥8% has been associated with reduced risk of chronic disease, most notably cardiovascular disease. ...
- Fish oil capsules, while not cheap, are a popular supplement. One pill usually gives one between 300 and 800mg of combined EPA and DHA omega 3. The problem is that a 2023 test of 72 fish oil supplements showed that at least 45% contained rancid (spoiled) oil, in particular those with flavorings in them. This has been a reported problem for more than a decade before that test. It could also be why at least 1 study failed to find any health benefits to taking fish oil supplements.
- Sep. 15, 2023, George Washington University (, 'Tests Find Many Popular Omega 3 Supplements Are Rancid; GW researchers find 45% of fish oil supplements may not be fresh enough to deliver the health benefits consumers are seeking': "The researchers found a total of 45% of flavored and unflavored supplements tested positive for rancidity, with 32% of flavored supplements testing positive and 13% of unflavored pills. However, added flavoring can mask the rancidity of supplements. ...
“Flavoring is potentially masking the freshness of omega-3 supplements in two ways,” Jacob Hands, lead author of the study and medical student at GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences. If fish oil supplements are fresh, they won’t have a fishy taste or smell, he explains. “Flavoring can mask those aspects but also makes it difficult for researchers to determine the level of oxidation and the quality of the supplement.”" - Oct. 2, 2023, New York Post, 'Why fish oil supplements are basically worthless: study': "Studies have shown that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon and mackerel provide health benefits, but the same has not been true for omega-3 fatty acids that come from supplement capsules.
- In a 2018 study of more than 15,000 people with diabetes, the risk of a serious cardiovascular event was no different between people taking an omega-3 supplement and people who were not.
- A 2019 study with more than 25,000 participants found that fish oil supplements did nothing to reduce the risk of a major cardiovascular event (such as a heart attack or stroke) or getting cancer." - Nov. 10, 2018, New York Times, 'Vitamin D and Fish Oils Are Ineffective for Preventing Cancer and Heart Disease; The largest study to test vitamin D and omega-3 pills...' (somehow, benefits did show up in a "secondary analysis): "One group took 2,000 IUs (international units) of vitamin D3 and 1 gram of omega-3s every day. A second group was given vitamin D and a dummy pill in lieu of omega-3. A third group got omega-3s and a vitamin D placebo. And the final group received two placebos. ... Participants ... were followed for 5.3 years on average. ...
Studies have linked low levels of the vitamin to conditions as varied as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease and depression. Many primary care doctors now routinely test patients’ vitamin D levels and declare them deficient, and supplement sales have skyrocketed in recent years. ... He said doctors had engaged in “magical thinking about vitamin D,” ... The Institute of Medicine in 2011 concluded that most Americans get enough vitamin D and that deficiencies have been overstated. ...
[However:] Secondary analysis of the data found, for example, a reduction in cancer deaths for people who took vitamin D for at least two years, and fewer heart attacks in people who took fish oil. ...
Dr. JoAnn E. Manson, an investigator at Brigham and Women’s Hospital who led the trial, said that since fish oil did not reduce strokes, it did not have an impact on the overall risk of cardiovascular disease, a measure that combined heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular deaths. But she said another analysis looking separately at heart attack found a 28 percent reduction among those taking fish oil, with a 40 percent reduction in people who eat little fish and a 77 percent reduction in African-Americans. She said the 28 percent reduction [already] was “pretty amazing. That’s what you see with statins.”"
- Sep. 15, 2023, George Washington University (, 'Tests Find Many Popular Omega 3 Supplements Are Rancid; GW researchers find 45% of fish oil supplements may not be fresh enough to deliver the health benefits consumers are seeking': "The researchers found a total of 45% of flavored and unflavored supplements tested positive for rancidity, with 32% of flavored supplements testing positive and 13% of unflavored pills. However, added flavoring can mask the rancidity of supplements. ...
Omega 7
- "Non-essential" fatty acid considered particularly useful to fight inflammation, reduce acne, improve skin, hair, and nails; combat dry eyes, and improve gut health and cardiovascular health. Most of this still needs to be proved.
- A lot of women use it as a moisterizer through sea buckthorn oil.
- Buckthorn oil apparently also is used in parts of eastern Europe and Russia as a folk medicine for digestive issues, and for its antimicrobial properties.
- Food sources:
- Sea buckthorn oil: 50% of the oil consists of omega 7. The oil is extracted from the berries (seaberries), leaves, and seeds of the sea buckthorn plant (Hippophae rhamnoides), which grows all throughout the colder climates of Eurasia, and has more recently been exported to North Anmerica. Dried seaberries contain about 3-4 grams of omega 7 per 100 grams, plus around 400-800 mg (500-1000% of RDA) of vitamin C, and a decent amount of other vitamins.
- Fish oil, various nuts as Macademia, and even olive oil contain small amounts of omega 7: about 1/10th of seaberries, and maybe about 1/500th of sea buckthorn oil.
- With regard to skin care, sea buckthorn oil doesn't work for everyone, or isn't particularly special compared to other oils. But for others, it makes all the difference. Experiences with regard to the latter:
- Reddit comment: "Why is Seabuckthorn oil SO underrated? It cleared my Comedones/stubborn little bumps so fast! Pure seabuckthorn oil worked just as well as curology, acne medication, etc. without the harsh effects. ... My breakout, that I’ve had on and off for YEARS cleared within days. I highly recommend it if all moisturizers break you out and if you are clogged pore prone. I believe the comedogenic rating is 0! All other oils break me out, even squalane."
Oregano oil
- Helps to greatly inhibit or kill the following antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains:
- Acinetobacter baumannii.
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
- Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). 244
- Oregano oil, similar to Cranberry juice and certainly a respective 25%/75% mix of the two, can inhibit Helicobacter Pylori. Pure Cranberry juice is almost as effective against Helicobacter Pylori as the 25%/75% mix though, with pure Oregano oil slightly lagging behind. 245
- The reader might want to look for alternatives first, because quite a few people are reporting online that using a lot of oregano oil in their self-treatments damaged their intestines. Apparently it is quite an aggressive oil.
ProbioticsKefir- Among the mosty perfect food sources of beneficial probiotic bacterial strains that are part of the human digestive tract. Natural, biological kefir has a few more bacterial strains than supermarket kefir and overall is more potent against pathogens, but it still is very beneficial:
- 2020, no. 1, International Journal of Food Properties, pp. 375–386, 'Comparison of traditional and commercial kefir microorganism compositions and inhibitory effects on certain pathogens' (PDF): "The inhibitory effect on some pathogens were examined. A diverse spectrum of bacterial generawere identified in kefir samples including: Lactobacillus (six species), Lactococcus (one species), Saccharomyces (one species) Streptococcus (one species), Bifidobacterium (two species). While traditional kefir had a greater inhibitory effect on Enterobacter cloacae and Escherichia coli [E. coli] pathogens than commercial kefir, commercial kefir had a greater inhibitory effect on Enterococcus faecalis pathogen than traditional kefir. In general, traditional kefir had most effectiveinhibitory effect on pathogens."
- Yoghurt or commercial beverages as Yakult often are promoted for their probiotic health. However, these commercial products usually only contain two or three - maybe up to five - probiotic bacterial strains. Kefir tends to have 12 or more probiotic strains, and 4-5 times more total "colony forming units" (CFUs) than yoghurt. Apparently natural kefir can contain up to 61 different strains and yeasts. Among the more common probiotic strains:
- Lactobacillus acidophilus: Also common in yoghurt. Likely the most widespread probiotic.
- Bifidobacterium bifidum: Also common in yoghurt.
- Streptococcus thermophilus: Also common in yoghurt.
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus: Also common in yoghurt.
- Lactobacillus casei: Also common in yoghurt.
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus: Sometimes in yoghurt. Studies have shown it has a positive effect on lactose intolerance, immunity, allergies and inflammatory bowel disease.
- Lactobacillus helveticus:
- Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens:
- Lactococcus lactis:
- Lactobacillus plantarum:
- Lactobacillus reuteri:
- Lactobacillus johnsonii: Often only in traditional kefir, not so much in commercial kefir.
- Bifidobacterium longum: Often only in traditional kefir, not so much in commercial kefir.
- Bifidobacterium animalis: Often only in traditional kefir, not so much in commercial kefir.
- Saccharomyces spp: Often only in traditional kefir, not so much in commercial kefir.
- Lactobacillus kefiri: Unique to kefir. Helps inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria as Salmonella, Helicobacter pylori, and E. coli.
- Candida krusei / Issatchenkia orientalis / Pichia kudriavzevii: A yeast tied to commercial kefir. 246 Alternately described as beneficial (in kefir) and a multidrug-resistent pathogen more deadly than its Candida albicans cousin.
- As for common kefir yeasts, studies have shown they can be very potent in preventing inflammation of the intestinal epithelium in ways that differ from probiotics as Lactobacillus. 247
- Kefir is 99% lactose-free, compared to milk or yoghurt.
- Antibiotics always wreck these yeasts and probiotic bacterial strains, killing them indiscriminately and causing digestive and health issues for life in patients having ascribed them.
- There exists something called "colonial resistance", meaning that existing colonies of bacteria in the human digestive tract can reject incoming probiotic strains. With some people - and likely residing strain variations - this resistance is higher than with others, meaning that probiotics work better or quicker for some than others.
- People's experiences with cures:
- This author: For over a decade I had a white tongue (candida) to the point brushing, even with baking soda, vinegar, or anything else barely helped. However, I didn't bother too much with it until just 5 Amoxicillin antibiotic pills resulted in a yellow tongue overnight, and also greatly upset digestion. Drinking kefir for the next few months initially resulted in a huge amount of acid reflux and belching. Over the weeks though this became less, and, quite unexpectedly, the tongue became a normal color: not yellow, and only very slightly white, to the point a bit of mild brushing resulted in a normal, pink tongue.
- YouTube comment: "Started with Kefir in July. Lost 5 pounds in a month . (218 down to about 213) Weigh myself near the beginning of each month. Added sauerkraut/kimchi a couple of months ago. Now 209. Oregano oil capsules a week ago 3X day. Started turmeric the other day, will add pepper corns today. I've noticed a decrease in candida film on my tongue and in my mouth when I wake up."
- Reddit comment: "Milk kefir. I went from craving and drinking 1.5 l of diet coke per day to having zero cravings and just cold turkey stopping. It happened about a week after drinking milk kefir daily." Reply: "I wonder if it was a candida thing. That can cause sugar cravings I think"
- Reddit comment: "I have started drinking water Kefir from a friends batch. At first it wreaked havoc in my guts but now I can drink it all I want. I noticed a more stable digestion since then but other than that not much."
- Reddit comment: "Fixed my IBS."
- Reddit comment: "Milk kefir has changed my life. When every [time] I eat spicy food on next day my rectum burns like hell. Sometimes I see undigested food in my poop. Milk kefir completely cured that problem. Now I have more energy than before, no more frequent headaches. I apply kefir face pack daily and my skins looks beautiful. Also I'm underweight. After drinking kefir now im looking much better. It's been nearly 5 months since I started. Now im going to try sourdough starter to eat healthy food."
- Reddit comment: "I drink 500ml kefir instead of dinner (and a protein shake). Keeps my weight down. I can also tolerate lactose quite a bit better now. I'm lactose intolerant, but it's gotten much better from regular kefir consumption"
- Reddit comment: "It has helped so much with my IBD, I am currently weaning off my medication as I am confident I don't need it anymore thanks to Kefir."
- Reddit comment: "No sounds now in my intestine. Better digestions."
- Reddit comment: "I feel like I have gotten sick (colds, etc) much less frequently. I've been drinking kefir for the past several years."
- Reddit comment: "I have been doing goat milk kefir and I feel like it makes a huge difference for me. I am regular, I stay more healthy than my peers, and I don't have as much depression when I am doing it daily. I have kefir grains and make it myself to save money."
- Reddit comment: "I was suffering from leaky gut for 6 months after the birth of my first child. I couldn't have dairy, sugar, gluten, fruit. I would have violent attacks from these things. I had rashes up and down my arms and legs. I couldn't use any skin product without breaking out in rash. I couldn't even eat bananas, sweet potatoes, and zucchini. It was really horrible.
- I started eating paleo for 3 months. While it did improve my symptoms, they were still present.
- I started making home made kefir at home from raw milk bought fresh from my a neighbor who is a farmer. I was desperate for a cure to my diarrhea attacks.
- I started drinking it and had a horrible 11 day healing/detoxing reaction. I was bloated and jumping between diarrhea and constipation. It was hell. I almost quit 3 times, but I kept reading that this detox reaction I was having was good for me.
- I'm so happy that I kept going because on day 12 I woke up feeling amazing. I could suddenly eat those foods again. My rashes and itching vanished. I had crazy energy and was addicted to my kefir.
- I continued to drink it for 6 months, until the cow I was getting the milk from dried up. Her cow was grass fed as well so that may have made the difference. I tried to make it from store bought pasteurized milk and my stomach doesn't like it. I will wait for raw milk again to keep making it.
For now I make homemade kombucha. Love it."
- Another probiotic. No research done yet.
Probiotic pills
- Probiotic supplements are popular. Pay attention to how many different strains are included though. They often include more strains than kefir or sauerkraut, possibly even combined.
- In contrast to drinking a liter of kefir a day, and in contrast to some people, this author never noticed any difference with taking pill supplements, even with the ones that were self-demonstrated to be "alive". This may have something to do with the fact that kefir contains about 10 billion "colony forming units" (CFUs) per ml. 1 liter is 1,000 ml, so you're talking taking (10 trillion) CFUs a day when drinking a liter of kefir daily. A pill supplement generally only contains 10-20 billion CFUs, so that might be the explanation that it is less effective. Another question also always is viability of the powdered bacterial colonies.
- To prove that supplement powder actually contains (a decent amount of) live bacteria, one can drop the powder in a small cup of milk (100 ml or so). Let it stand for a few days at room temperature, and see if it thickens. This often happens after about 2-3 days, likely right before the milk starts to spoil (the bacteria do inhibit this to an extent). If the milk never thickens, you know you've been sold dead probiotics.
- It might be an idea to thin commercial kefir with milk, or water, and drop the contents of the probiotic capsules in this. When you drink the kefir 2-3 days later (it stays good at least twice as long as milk), it should contain much more diverse bacterial colonies.
- Apart from a decent amount of vitamin C (25mg/100g, 33% of RDA), raw sauerkraut mainly is a potent probiotic containing a number of different bacterial strains than kefir, and also in different amounts. Strains can vary depending on the method of fermentation and the amount of time it is allowed to ferment, but usually the main ones are:
- Leuconostoc mesenteroides.
- Lactobacillus brevis.
- Lactobacillus plantarum. 248
- No additional research yet.
TeasEssiac Tea- Tea claimed to fight cancer, improve immunity, increase detoxification, and decrease inflammation. Not researched yet.
- Testimonies:
- YouTube comment: "Essiac tea is reviving my cat who has cancer and ate less than a 1/4 tsp of food for a week. Within days of being given 9ml of essiac tea by syringe 3x a day he began to drink a little tuna juice and is now at 10 days eating a few tbsps of wet cat food. And has the energy to walk around!"
Green Tea
- Green tea may or may not stain your teeth as bad a black tea or some other traditional teas, but it still does stain them over time. Solutions:
- Whole leaf tea leaves appear to release less tannins than the powdered leaf in the typical tea bags.
- Don't sip the tea for hours on end. Drink it relatively quickly.
- Rinse your mouth with water after drinking a cup of tea.
- Brush your teeth with baking soda on occasion.
- Regular professional dental cleanings get the stain off.
- Add a few tablespoons of milk to the tea. The casein in the milk attaches to the teeth-staining tannins, neutralizing them:
- Aug. 17, 2015, Daily Mail, 'Why a splash of milk in your tea keeps teeth white: Protein found in dairy prevents staining - and is BETTER than whitening toothpaste': "Casein, the main protein in milk, binds to the tannin and prevents staining [and bitterness]. ... 'The magnitude of the colour change observed in our experiments is comparable to the colour change seen by vital bleaching products and more effective than whitening toothpastes [used after the staining has taken place it appears].' ...
The news comes after a study found drinking tea reduces the risk of dying from causes unrelated to the heart by a quarter compared with those who don’t drink tea." - Nov. 2014, International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 'Prevention of tea-induced extrinsic tooth stain': "Milk significantly reduces the ability of tea to stain teeth (P = 0.0225), specifically in the L* and a* dimensions (P = 0.0182 and P = 0.0124, respectively) of the colour sphere. Casein ... is responsible..."
- Aug. 17, 2015, Daily Mail, 'Why a splash of milk in your tea keeps teeth white: Protein found in dairy prevents staining - and is BETTER than whitening toothpaste': "Casein, the main protein in milk, binds to the tannin and prevents staining [and bitterness]. ... 'The magnitude of the colour change observed in our experiments is comparable to the colour change seen by vital bleaching products and more effective than whitening toothpastes [used after the staining has taken place it appears].' ...
- Green tea drank while the flu is going round, lowers the incidence of sickness and also apparently aides recovery time: 249
- Feb. 21, 2011, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 'Effects of Green Tea Catechins and Theanine on Preventing Influenza Infection among Healthcare Workers: A Randomized Controlled Trial': "Eligible healthcare workers (n = 197) were enrolled and randomly assigned to an intervention; 98 were allocated to receive catechin/theanine capsules and 99 to placebo. The incidence of clinically defined influenza infection was significantly lower in the catechin/theanine group (4 participants; 4.1%) compared with the placebo group (13 participants; 13.1%) (adjusted OR, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.07 to 0.76, P = 0.022). The incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza infection was also lower in the catechin/theanine group (1 participant; 1.0%) than in the placebo group (5 participants; 5.1%), but this difference was not significant (adjusted OR, 0.17; 95% CI, 0.01 to 1.10; P = 0.112). The time for which the patient was free from clinically defined influenza infection was significantly different between the two groups (adjusted HR, 0.27; 95% CI, 0.09 to 0.84; P = 0.023)."
- Nov. 2, 2020, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 'Green tea consumption and influenza infection among Japanese employees': "We conducted a case-control study in a cohort of 4302 workers. ... Green tea consumption was significantly associated with decreased odds of developing influenza; the multivariable-adjusted odds ratio for green tea consumption of ≥5 cups/week was 0.61 (95% CI 0.39–0.95) compared with <1 cup/week (P for trend = 0.028). When analysis was restricted to cases confirmed using a diagnostic kit, the corresponding value was 0.68 (95% CI 0.39–1.18; P for trend = 0.16)."
- Green tea can help detox the body of heavy metals as lead. 250
- Green tea also has been attributed anti-cancer properties. This has not yet been researched by this author.
- Much of Green Tea's health benefits, including its anti-tumor properties, are ascribed to its main tannin, Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), as well as its antioxidants.
- Green tea has been demonstrated to temporarily work against halitosis (bad breath), apparently for about 20-30 minutes:
- Feb. 2008, Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 'Effect of green tea on volatile sulfur compounds in mouth air': "Halitosis is caused mainly by volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) such as H(2)S and CH(3)SH produced in the oral cavity. Oral microorganisms degrade proteinaceous substrates to cysteine and methionine, which are then converted to VSCs. Most treatments for halitosis focus on controlling the number of microorganisms in the oral cavity. Since tea polyphenols have been shown to have antimicrobial and deodorant effects, we have investigated whether green tea powder reduces VSCs in mouth air, and compared its effectiveness with that of other foods which are claimed to control halitosis. Immediately after administering the products, green tea showed the largest reduction in concentration of both H(2)S and CH(3)SH gases, especially CH(3)SH which also demonstrated a better correlation with odor strength than H(2)S; however, no reduction was observed at 1, 2 and 3 h after administration. Chewing gum, mints and parsley-seed oil product did not reduce the concentration of VSCs in mouth air at any time. Toothpaste, mints and green tea strongly inhibited VSCs production in a saliva-putrefaction system, but chewing gum and parsley-seed oil product could not inhibit saliva putrefaction. Toothpaste and green tea also demonstrated strong deodorant activities in vitro, but no significant deodorant activity of mints, chewing gum or parsley-seed oil product were observed. We concluded that green tea was very effective in reducing oral malodor temporarily because of its disinfectant and deodorant activities, whereas other foods were not effective."
- Matcha likely is the best type of green tea you can drink, with on average about 2-3 the EGCGs:
- A type of green tea that was grown in China, and was brought to Japan by Zen Buddhists. In contrast to regular green tea, it is grown in the shade rather than the sun, resulting in extra high concentraions of catechins, phenolic acids, quercetin, rutin, theanine and chlorophyll. Matcha has a much more intensely green color.
- Apparently matcha stains the teeth less than regular green tea - even without adding milk - and also seems more effective at killing mouth bacteria.
- Sep. 5, 2003, Journal of Chromatography A, 'Determination of catechins in matcha green tea by micellar electrokinetic chromatography': "Using a mg catechin/g of dry leaf comparison, results indicate that the concentration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) available from drinking matcha is 137 times greater than the amount of EGCG available from China Green Tips green tea, and at least three times higher than the largest literature value for other green teas."
- Dec. 12, 2019,, 'Busting the Matcha Myth: Does matcha really have 137 times more antioxidants (EGCG) than green tea? (Antiox Part 4)': "Consumers Lab reports EGCG in a typical cup of matcha contains 100/110 to 200/220 mg, whereas they found that a typical cup of green tea contains 40-80 mg (the range is from 1 to 2 teaspoons)."
Rooibos Tea
- The Latin name is Aspalathus linearis. Its South African name translates as "Red Bush". It only grows on the west coast of South Africa. Planting it in other parts of the country or world has failed due to its need for certain specific weather conditions.
- In contrast to traditional teas and especially black tea, Rooibos does not stain teeth, as it less acidic (higher pH) and contains almost no tannins.
- Contains many antioxidants, including aspalathin, luteolin and quercetin.
- Does not contain caffeine.
- Contains various polyphenols, including the extremely rare aspalathin and nothofagin. Rooibos actually is the only known plant source of aspalathin.
- Rooibos inhibits the influenza (flu) virus, at least in vitro, and has been suggested as being beneficial to COVID patients:
- May 3, 2021, Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research, 'In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Rooibos Tea (Aspalathus linearis) Leaves Aqueous Extract against Influenza Virus' (Sudan-based study): "The results reveal that the extract showed a significant broad spectrum of anti-influenza activityagainst both influenza A and B with 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 1.3 mg/mL, whilethe 50% cytotoxic concentration (CC50) was 40 mg/mL. ... The virus-induced cytopathic effects were significantly reduced. Plaque assays indicated that the extract markedly reduced virus infectivity in a dose-dependent manner. Results of this study indicated that the extract directly affected virus particles and disrupts the function of virus adsorption to host cells."
- Nov. 2021, Journal of Functional Foods, 'Rooibos, a supportive role to play during the COVID-19 pandemic' (above study not linked): "More pertinent to the current pandemic, Rooibos has displayed anti-hypertensive (through inhibition of ACE), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-viral, cardiometabolic - and organoprotective effects (Khan and Gilani, 2006, McKay and Blumberg, 2007, Yang et al., 2018, Nakano et al., 1997). ... Although the direct evidence for a Rooibos application in COVID-19 is currently unclear, numerous animal models and increasing human studies have documented its efficacy and safety in several relevant chronic non-communicable diseases, such as CVD [cardiovascular disease] and diabetes, oxidative distress, and inflammation as a support for general health and well-being."
- Rooibos polyphenols aspalathin and nothofagin have been credited with a stress-lowering effect, by lowering cortisol levels.
- Rooibos polyphenol aspalathin also reduces insulin sensitivity and in that manner can improve diabetes symptoms.
- Apparently six cups of Rooibos tea per day increases the body's main antioxidant, glutathione (see NAC), by 100%.
- Rooibos' antioxidants luteolin and quercetin are known to inhibited cancer growth in vitro. Rooibos tea extract also inhibits skin cancer in mice when applied topically. Another study showed Rooibos helps prevent cancer due to its anti-mutagenic effect.
- There are some worries that Rooibos is problematic to drink during chemotherapy, because it prevents certain drugs from working fully. On the other hand, at least one study has shown that Rooibos prevents damage to healthy cells during chemotherapy.
- It helps prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) by lowering LDL and helps inhibiting the enzyme that causes CVD.
- Rooibos helps prevent fatty liver disease.
- Much research still needs to be done, both by this author here, and in general by scientists.
- Experiences:
- YouTube comment: "This tea more or less cured my irritable bowel syndrome, it is awesome in taste & effects."
DrugsFenbendazole- Fenbendazole is a powerful, low toxicity antiparasitic for dogs, cats and farm animals, developed in the early 1970s by a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary and today spread by Merck under the Panacur brand, that various modern studies show has serious potential as an anti-cancer agent.
- Nov. 9, 2023,, 'Can Antiparasitic Drug Fenbendazole Treat Pancreatic Cancer?': "Fenbendazole ... has shown promise [and] may inhibit cancer cell growth and induce cancer cell death through various mechanisms, such as disruption of microtubule formation and inhibition of glucose uptake."
- Aug. 9, 2018, Scientific Reports - Nature, 'Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways': "Fenbendazole [FZ] is a safe and inexpensive ... drug... In our earlier work, we reported a potent [cancer] growth-inhibitory activity of FZ caused partially by impairment of proteasomal function. Here, we show that FZ demonstrates moderate affinity for mammalian tubulin and exerts cytotoxicity to human cancer cells at micromolar concentrations. Simultaneously, it caused mitochondrial translocation of p53 and effectively inhibited glucose uptake, expression of GLUT transporters as well as hexokinase (HK II) - a key glycolytic enzyme that most cancer cells thrive on. It blocked the growth of human xenografts in nu/nu mice model when mice were fed with the drug orally."
- Oct. 4, 2022, Plos One, 'Experience with and perceptions of non-prescription anthelmintics for cancer treatments among cancer patients in South Korea: A cross-sectional survey': "This survey included 86 cancer patients, aged 19 years and older, who underwent anthelmintic therapy for cancer. They were recruited from two online communities in South Korea through a structured questionnaire that was provided online. Cancer patients under non-prescription anthelmintic therapy for cancer in South Korea were mostly in their advanced stages and had started the treatment in 2019. About half of the cancer patients had taken non-prescription anthelmintics during their chemotherapy, and 96.5% of them did not inform the clinicians. These participants had a positive perception (79.1%) toward the effectiveness of anthelmintics, as they felt it improved their physical condition. [Study doesn't mention survival rates]. ... Moreover, patients (3.5%) who informed their clinicians about the therapy reported that they did not receive their support."
- Few studies have been done on Fenbendazole as an anti-cancer agent, and fewer still have been real-world useful. As far as available studies go, it appears that a Nov. 2008-published study is the first to talk about this connection, after the researchers by accident found out it suppresses tumors. The dose they used on the mice seems incredibly high, amounting to 15,000 mg of Fenbendazole for a 100 kg / 2020 lb person.
- Nov. 2008, Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 'Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins' (PDF):
"Pinworms are a common problem in rodent facilities4,16 and typically are treated with anthelminthics. 17 Fenbendazole incorporated in the diet is used often because it is safe—the oral LD 50 for rats and mice is in excess of 10,000 mg/kg 5—and labor-efficient, and adverse effects in research rodents have rarely been reported.20 [Note: so why wasn't Fenbendazole's tumor-suppressing characteristics discovered/reported earlier?] ...
This [method] usually results in 80% to 100% successful tumor growth within 21 d. However, during the facility treatment with fenbendazole, no tumors grew in 40 mice during the 30 d after injection. [Note: the study doesn't say how many mice were involved in this initial study that resulted in the effect.] ...
To assess the role of fenbendazole and supplementary vitamins on tumor suppression, 20 vendor-supplied 4-wk-old SCID [Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease] mice were assigned to 4 treatment groups: standard diet, diet plus fenbendazole, diet plus vitamins, and diet plus both vitamins and fenbendazole. Diet treatment was initiated 2 wk before subcutaneous fank implantation with 3 × 107 lymphoma cells. Tumor size was measured by caliper at 4-d intervals until the largest tumors reached a calculated volume of 1500 mm3. Neither diet supplemented with vitamins alone nor fenbendazole alone caused altered tumor growth as compared with that of controls. However, the group supplemented with both vitamins and fenbendazole exhibited significant inhibition of tumor growth. The mechanism for this synergy is unknown and deserves further investigation. Fenbendazole should be used with caution during tumor studies because it may interact with other treatments and confound research results. ...
This study was in part supported by Leukemia Lymphoma Society grant LLS6175-08, NIH grant CA57341, and by Johns Hopkins Research Animal Resources. ...
Tumors in the fenbendazole plus vitamin group were significantly smaller (P = 0.009) and delayed in initial growth compared with those of the control group (Figure 1). Tumor growth did not differ between control and fenbendazole-only (P = 0.12) or vitamin-only (P = 0.82) groups. The apparent trend toward increased tumor size (P = 0.12) in the fenbenda-zole-only group was due to a single outlier. ...
This study demonstrated that a combination of supplemented vitamins and fenbendazole in the diet inhibited growth of a human lymphoma [lymph cancer] cell line in SCID mice, whereas fenbenda-zole or vitamins alone had no growth inhibitory effect. The mechanism for this synergy is as yet unknown. However, likeother anticancer drugs such as taxanes,14 quinolones,3 and vincaalkaloids,15 fenbendazole inhibits microtubule polymerization.In addition, fenbendazole is a member of a large group of related anthelminthics, the benzimidazoles, and another member of thisgroup, mebendazole, exerts antitumor effects by inhibition of tumor-induced neovascularization.11 However, in the presentc ase, fenbendazole likely contributes to the antitumorigeniceffect through its antimicrotubule activity.
Supplemented vitamins included B, D, K, E, and A. Vitamins Eand A both have antitumor properties by virtue of their antioxi-dant properties. Vitamin E causes antitumor and antimetastaticeffects in several animal models of cancer; for example, it sup-presses the nuclear transcription factor NFκB in prostate celllines.13 NFκB regulates proapoptotic and prometastatic proteins;thus suppression results in antitumor effects. Higher intake ofdietary folate and vitamin B has been associated with lowerincidence of colorectal cancer in women. 22 Recent work sug-gests that hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF), which plays a keyrole in tumorigenesis by facilitating adaptation to hypoxia, isdiminished by microtubule inhibitors, 7 and some antioxidantsmay exert their antitumor effects through reducing HIF ratherthan by reducing genetic instability.8,10 We hypothesize thatthe combination of fenbendazole and supplemented vitaminantioxidants may have exerted a threshold effect, resultingin reduction of HIF and inhibition of tumorigenesis. Indeed,preliminary information from our laboratory confirms that fen-bendazole inhibits HIF transcriptional activity in cell culture in anadditive manner with other HIF inhibitors (data not shown)."
- Nov. 2008, Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 'Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins' (PDF):
- Only in 2021 did there appear a real-world anti-cancer study of fenben on humans. It only involved 3 subjects though. On the other hand, all three were cured of cancer:
- Feb. 10, 2021, Clinical Oncology Case Reports journal, 'Fenbendazole Enhancing Anti-Tumor Effect: A Case Series': "Background: ... Although there are no reported cases in the literature, there have been several anecdotal stories published on website blogs with individuals praising its ability to treat a wide variety of cancers.
Herein we describe the cases of three patients with various genitourinary malignancies who demonstrated complete response after receiving FBZ therapy as a single or supplementary chemotherapeutic agent. In two patient scenarios, they had experienced progression of metastatic disease despite multiple lines of therapy prior to initiation of FBZ. No side effects from FBZ were reported.
Conclusion: FBZ appears to be a potentially safe and effective antineoplastic agent that can be repurposed for human use in treating genitourinary malignanc"
- Feb. 10, 2021, Clinical Oncology Case Reports journal, 'Fenbendazole Enhancing Anti-Tumor Effect: A Case Series': "Background: ... Although there are no reported cases in the literature, there have been several anecdotal stories published on website blogs with individuals praising its ability to treat a wide variety of cancers.
- Instead of doing a proper follow-up study on the 2008, with additional (natural) vitamins and maybe on humans, a second study by Yale researchers only caused confusion:
- Feb. 2013, International Institute of Anticancer Research, 'Fenbendazole as a Potential Anticancer Drug' (study by three Yale professors): "Intensive treatments with fenbendazole were toxic to EMT6 [tumor] cells in vitro [but did not improve cancer death in combination with radiation or chemotherapy drugs, even causing additional toxicity.] Conclusion: These studies provided no evidence that fenbendazole would have value in cancer therapy, but suggested that this general class of compounds merits further investigation."
Positive user experiences with Fenbendazole:
- Most notably and much more interestingly, this author has never seen a longer list of people claiming not only that a drug/supplement worked, but that it actually fully cured their cats, dogs, horses, family members and themselves, in this case of something supposedly impossible: cancer. The fame of the drug really took off after an April 2019 news report on Joe Tippens, who cured his heavily metastasized endstage cancer in three months with Fenbendazole, after a tip from the owner or employee of the local pet store - whose network likely found the 2009 study on mice cited above. Rumor has it that the drug's anti-cancer potential already was known about in the early 2000s. This seems a bit early, but one presumes that certainly post 2008 a few pet store suppliers starting taking notice of Fenben's potent anti-cancer properties.
- April 26, 2019, YouTube upload by ABC's 'KOCO 5 News', 'Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer' (comments shut off): "
[JOE TIPPENS:] My neck, my liver, my pancreas, my bladder, in my bones. [The cancer] was everywhere.
[NARRATOR:] Two years ago Joe Tippens says he was told to go home, call hospice, and say his goodbyes. The doctors were unanymous that he was going to die of small-cell lung cancer.
[JOE TIPPENS:] Once that kind of cancer goes that far afield, the odds of survival are less than 1% and median life expectancy is three months.
Tippens says he went from 2020 pounds to 110. But that was January of 2017. Today Tippens is very much alive. ... Tippens says he got a tip. Not from a pharmacist, but a veterinarian. And in his desperation he turned from people medicine to dog medicine, specifically Fenbendazole, or what you give a dog when it has worms. [Holds up a packet of: "Prosense Dewormer Solutions ... 3 day treatment with three four gram pouches. Each pouch treats 40lbs. For dogs only."]
[JOE TIPPENS:] Truth is stranger than fiction, you know.
[NARRATOR:] Just three months later Tippens says his cancer was gone.
[STEPHEN PRESCOTT: President, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation:] I was skeptical, and maybe still am, about this one. But there is an interesting background to this. ...
[NARRATOR:] He says Tippens is not the first person to potentially benefit [from Fenbendazole], and maybe not the last.
[PRESCOTT:] Scientists at many credible places have done work on this for years. ...
[NARRATOR:] Prescott says he is now working with Tippens to organize a case study. ... Tippens took the medicine with daily vitamin E supplement and CBD oil. He was also taking an experimental cancer-fighting drug, but Tippens says out of the 1,100 patients on that clinical trial he was the only one cleared of cancer. Tippens says he was saved by the dog dewormer. ...
[JOE TIPPENS:] My insurance company spent 4.2 million dollars on me with traditional means, before I switched to a 5-dollar-a-week medicine that actually saved me. ... I've got now over 40 success stories other than me. ... I'm tired of answering that . If I have saved one other person than me, it's worth it.
[Studio host:] Interesting thing though, he mentioned $5 for that. He said it has actually doubled in price. Because when you type in Fenbendazole in Google, one of the first or second things that pops up is "cancer cure"." - YouTube comment: "I have to add....a friend of mine has had cancer multiple times. He was in the last stage and his wife found a Website where a cancer researcher testing mice with cancer was treating them with fenbendazole. (Animal dewormer) In the interim, she caught cancer and was in the last stage. She started to take the dewormer and in 8 weeks her scans were clear! My friend took the same dewormer and he too was clear in 8 weeks. He continues to take it weekly at certain doses and has been clear for 2 years!! ... [Reply:] My friend takes 1oz [30 ml] a day for 3 days then off 4 days. He does this every week. In 2 years he is cancer free. He takes it in his oatmeal. No side effects." Reply 1: "This is true!!! I saw a guy on an episode of 20/20 that did the same for himself!!!" Reply 2: "I likewise, have been taking Fenbendazole for just about 3½ months now, upon hearing about the guy who made this known world-wide, Joe Tippens. The guy was interviewed on a TV station and that 4-minute piece is here on Youtube, titled "Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer."
- YouTube comment (1 month old when I found it): "I started using Fenbenzadole 222mg daily for my stage 3 rectal cancer. After only 14 days, my tumor shrunk from 26.0 to 8.14, it's a miracle unconventional method. Do you want to live or die. ... I'm doing much better and hope soon my tumor will totally vanished. I'm glad I ran across Joe Tippens YouTube video, it sold me."
- YouTube comment: "Thanks to Dr Jones, my cat is alive after being diagnosed with lymphoma. The 'licensed' Vets wanted to start radiation and chemo right away; I said no and my research led me to Fenbendazole thanks to Dr Jones' videos. Today, 6 months later, my cat has increased her body weight by 50%, and ultrasounds finds no detectable masses in her intestine or kidney."
- YouTube comment: "My dog was diagnosed with large tumor on liver given 2 weeks to live. This was 1/26/2024 been using panacur and I am ready to schedule a full groom for him. Just saying."
- YouTube comment: "**Update** Both of my PET and MRI scans reveal that there is no evidence of metastatic disease present in my body! In four months, the eight lesions on my liver ranging in size from 4mm to 10mm are not present on my scans. The MRI states that the intense metabolic activity in my liver has resolved....praise Jesus!!! I started taking one gram of fenben along with chemo back in January. There is no doubt in my mind that the fenben [Fenbendazole] did the majority of the work."
- YouTube comment: "I have a friend with cancer who is taking Fenbendezole and iver Mectin. His tumors are shrinking and he feels great. My other friend is taking fenben for a prostate issue and it I has cleared up. An old friends mom just got diagnosed with cancer and just stated on the fenben, is improving, tumors shrinking and she is feeling better in just a month..."
- YouTube comment: "I'm an “unlicensed” throat and lung cancer survivor who has studied fenben for four+ years. I have been on it for, as of this date, 19 months and I'm cancer free. I've lost relatives and friends to cancer and have tried to get them to at least look at this. Because they believe so strongly in traditional methods they refuse and they have since died."
- YouTube comment: "This woman is misinformed and that's the nicest thing I can say about her. I have a cat who was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer in December 2021 and was given three weeks to live. Thank God your video showed up in my YouTube feed. Simba went on fenbendazole the day after diagnosis and, I am happy to report he is living his best life since then. He's sitting next to me as we watch this video"
- YouTube comment: "Rock on man. My stepdad just got diagnosed with colon cancer and a tumor outside the colon wall. We have a friend who's mom was dxd with colon cancer that had spread to her lungs. She's doing fenben and every checkup has shown a decrease in the tumor size."
- YouTube comment: "I followed your advice, and my dog, who has breast cancer, has 2 breasts removed and given a couple of weeks to live, is still going strong 1yr later. She looks great and plays like a puppy, gaining weight and loving life."
- YouTube comment: "I treated my breast cancer holistically under the care of a holistic doctor, and a dewormer [Fenbendazole] was part of the protocol. I'm in year five cancer free!"
- YouTube comment: "I’m taking it also for breast cancer. I didn’t use chemo or radiation, The radiologist argued that the mass on my hip was cancer after using Fenbendazole, The mass is gone! ... you get the powder packet kind 1 gram [note: only 22.2% / 222mg of active Fenbendazole], three come in a pack. And you use one a day for three days, four days off the next week you’ll do the same thing like pick Sunday Monday and Tuesday to use the fenbendazole and then off on Wednesday Thursday and Friday and Saturday. Some people with real aggressive late stage cancer have been using it every single day. You can also buy the liquid in you 2.2 mL every day you can even use it twice a day if you’re a cancer is very aggressive."
- YouTube comment: "My mother's friend was told by her oncologist to take fenbendazole 20 years ago [around 2003]. Let that sink in, 20 years. She had stage 4 cancer but was also in the operating room almost immediately after finding out (which I find a bit inconsistent with stage 4, but nonetheless). She's still alive today. Never heard her credit the fenbendazole to be clear, but I was more interested in the fact this was on the radars of some oncologists decades ago."
- YouTube comment: "Fourteen months ago I adopted a 32 year old white horse, with multiple melanomas under her tail head and vets said she had them throughout her body causing her to colic. Euthanasia was suggested due to age and prognosis. I put her on a daily dewormer, only to help with her gut issues, yet noticed about 8 months into her care, the melanomas have decreased in both size and numbers. She is running around the pasture with her herd mates and healthy. This was not expected, nor even considered, but what a wonderful side effect!"
- YouTube comment: "Thanks for the great video. My partner was diagnosed with bladder cancer and was basically told to have his bladder removed and live with a bag the rest of his life...oh yea...and take chemo and radiation as well. He declined and his doc told him he would probably be dead within the year...where do they learn this kind of patient care? He began Tippens protocol with panacur, cbd, quercetin and turmeric. That was 5 years ago and at 80 years young he's still going strong, walking 2-3 miles each day and eating a vegan diet. He certainly had nothing to loose by trying the Tippens protocol, but has gained a full life instead of the dire prognosis he was given by an uncaring medical doc."
- YouTube comment: "I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colorectal cancer in February of this year. I started taking fenbendazole along with my chemo treatment and, as of early July, I am 100% cancer free! Was told that it was a less-than 5% case that chemo alone yields a full response. When examining the area my tumor was previously present, they found no visual evidence that it was ever there (0 visually-evident scarring)."
- YouTube comment: "I started panacur about 2 years ago. I had lung cancer that was only spreading. I started immunotherapy at the same time. My first ctscan was three months later , the tumors were gone. I truly think it made the difference. I had nothing to lose by trying it. off immunotherapy 6 months now, still clear of cancer. continuing panacur."
- YouTube comment: "Our shepherd was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and given three months to live. We found the Joe Tippens story and followed his protocol. It worked and he was cancer free and lived for more than three years and died because of old-age degeneration (hip dysplasia and arthritis rendered him unable to get up or walk) at 13 years old."
- YouTube comment: "When my little dog was cured of cancer using Panacur, I became a believer."
- YouTube comment: "Fenbenddazole completely got rid of my dogs Lymphoma. That was all I gave her and she was at a 2700 cell count for cancer, after 6 months it started to go back to normal. She was cancer free with in a year!! Good Luck!!"
- YouTube comment: "Thank you Dr, my dog is cancer free thanks to your first video about panacur, Liver cancer gone & that was a year ago. Confirmed by three different vet's. God Bless." started to go back to normal. She was cancer free with in a year!! Good Luck!!"
- April 26, 2019, YouTube upload by ABC's 'KOCO 5 News', 'Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer' (comments shut off): "
- YouTube comment: "i live in arizona and had skin cancer on my arms...since drs are not at the top of my list, i decided to try fenbendazole...3 days on and 4 days off...first week, i noticed a decrease in size and reduced itching...2nd week, it continued to week 3, the cancer was skin level...week 4, all that was left was a slight discoloration of the skin...since i wasnt sure how deep it went, 2 more weeks were added...its been 6 mths and you cant even tell there had been skin cancer...i now keep a bottle in the fridge at all times just in case...way safer and way less expensive than going under the knife..."
- YouTube comment: "My brother had an esophageal tumor. I sent him the Tippins protocol video interview. He started on the protocol. His tumor shrank so much that the stent the doctors had put in his esophagus to keep it open for eating, drinking and breathing, fell into his stomach. There was only a scar tissue thing left where the tumor had been. I'm not sure (he lived in Montana) if he kept up the program or not, or if the cancer had metastasized. Communication with my brother was difficult for a variety of reasons. He did end up dying, but I don't know if it was from the cancer or something else. All I know is that both he and I were blown away by the tumor practically vanishing, and quickly, too. I know it doesn't work on everyone, but it worked on him for that tumor."
- YouTube comment: "I too heard about panacur and used that with melatonin for my pit bull with cancer. it’s been a year and 1/2 and she is cancer free. her protocol was supposed to b surgical removal and chemo. she had neither..."
- YouTube comment: "I'm a 245LB male, have nose/throat and kidney cancer that spread to my brain. Was suppose to die within days to weeks, from the cancer spreading to the Brain. In my desperation, I ingested an entire Panacure C Packet which was 888mg of a 4 gram total. I did get heart palpitations and heart fluttering, cold sweats, and constant diaheria for about 8 hours, so it was important to stay up on hydration and water to keep the anxiety level down. But I will say this, that 1 day was a complete 95% 180degree turn around from death. I've been feeling better day to day on lower doses of 444mg of a 2 gram packet. My body can manage 444mg better because of my body weight. For me though I focus more on my thyroid, not so much vitamin C, but I do take 600mL of vitamin D, 1mL of pure nacent iodine, along with 900mg of turmeric with black pepper, and CBD oil, along with a midsized apricot kernel to get the Latril that will convert to hydrogen cyanide. Keeping down inflamation is critical. Also because I am a juvenile diabetic, I have to stay away from carbohydrates after 1pm or it just becomes glucose uptake for the cancer cells when I am sleeping. Any one can beat cancer. They just need to know how their body functions, and how much toxin they are willing to take initially to cause enough shock to the tumors and masses."
- YouTube comment: "Used Fenben for colon cancer. Now cancer free no chemo no surgery. Took 222mg twice daily." Reply: "Please switch from nacsent to lugols iodine. Much more effective."
- YouTube comment: "I’m rotating fenbendazole, menbendazole, and ivermectin. Side effects are; a little nap, a big poop, and eliminating cancer. I’m very grateful to Joe Tippens. I have also quit alcohol, Quit sugar, quit toothpaste. I’m grateful to my surgeon. 3 years no doctors no chemo no checkups."
- YouTube comment: "My wife has had her breast cancer return in her spine after 13 years (could had been triggered from the COVID19 vaccinations), and in addition to the cancer drug (which will not remove the cancer but stop its growth), she is taking Fenbendazole (500mg) in capsule form, 1 caps twice a day along with Vit C & E, and hemp oil capsule. She has had no reactions to Fenbendazole. Her cancer blood markers came down from above 200 to 44, normal is 42. So, she is experimenting with Fenbendazole and she will see what occurs when she has follow-up scans etc probably in 12 months time. If the cancer is totally gone, it will be from Fenbendazole, and not from the cancer drug. Fenbendazole has not affected all her blood tests." YouTube comment: "It works. but i would up her dose...i started on 30mls of liquid fenben i mix with juice. One week in and my breast is shrinking, the pain is gone...i do take other supplements, but its the fenben...."
- YouTube comment: "I had stage 3 colon cancer had tumor removed and 28 lympnods after further study on my own. Refused chemo. Took dog [de]wormer and CBD paste cancer is gone."
- YouTube comment: "I treated myself with Fenbendazol (parasite med) for a breast tumor and it was dissolved. That was about the time I saw this vid. No tumor and feel great, better than before when I thought I was checking out. We also used FenBen on my dads cat, who was given a death sentence of feline aides/leukemia. She's cured, showed signs of progress within days of being treated."
- YouTube comment: "I was given 3 month "Best used date"! I started the Fenben after seeing this info on a vets tube channel. It went from my pancreas and onto a joy ride everywhere else. I went carnivore and regular fasting with fenben. That was a year ago and I feel great now and all my tumors shrank by 90%. Thanks."
- YouTube comment: "Diagnosed with esophageal cancer in April of 2022. Radiation, chemo and an esophagectomy to remove the tumor and half of my stomach. All clear until November of 2023 when scans showed that the cancer metastasized to my liver. I had eight lesions ranging in size from 4mm to 10mm. Started Folfox chemo Jan. 18, 2024 along with one gram of Fenben. No other protocols other than Vitamin C and D3/K2. My recent PET and MRI scans from 4/18/24 revealed that there is no evidence of metastatic disease and that the focus of intense metabolic activity in my liver has resolved. The MRI said that previous noted lesions from scan on 12/26/23 are not visible on this exam…. Praise Jesus!!! There’s no doubt in my mind that the Fenben did most of the work!! I have 5 chemo treatments left but I am telling the doctor that I am DONE!!"
- YouTube comment: "Joe Tippens saved My Life… Bladder cancer. Bladder was going to be removed. The tumor was into the wall of my bladder they always remove them… still have my bladder. Thank you Joe."
- YouTube comment: "My nephew was completely healed of stage 4 pancreatic cancer in just 3 months with taking FenBen 444 3 times a week. He had multiple large tumors in his liver and on the mouth of the pancreas. All gone."
- YouTube comment: "I first heard about the Joe Tippins protocol when I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2020 [so 3+ years ago]. I gave up chemo after one cycle and took Fenbendazole instead. I have now been in remission for 2.5 years. I'm also on keto diet. ... [4 months later:] I took 222mg daily for 3 days a week. I also follow a ketogenic diet."
- YouTube comment: "I've been using fenbendazol along with other natural alternatives for almost 3 months. The 2 1/2 inch tumor on my lung has shrunk by 90%! Thank you, Joe Tippens. The oncologists write us lung cancer patients as dead. ... I promised an update. I went for scans today and the oncologist couldn't find any new cancer! All he could find was a nodule on my lung that has changed shape but not in size! I'm thankful to God for my healing! And I'm thankful to God that I found the correct information from Joe Tippens on how to battle an incurable cancer! It's evidently curable with iver and fenbendazol tho!"
- YouTube comment: "Thank you For the podcast. I started the uncle Joey protocol in October 13th. On October 10th, I had my tumor markers bloodwork, they were very high, on November 7th, the tumor markers had dropped more than 50%!!! I have great positive feelings that this is going to be the best results."
- YouTube comment: "I had radiotherapy for cancer in my throat on the tonsil, yes that cancer was cured but radiation causes thyroid cancer, and when mine started blowing up a couple months after treatment I took fenbendazole and the swelling went down and hardness too - in the voice box using layman's words. My hoarse voice that came on suddenly a couple of months after the treatment had ended was also fixed by fenbendazole. Fenbendazole is very like the white milk in dandelion stalks, in fact I met a lady recently that cured her cat cancer with dandelion which also cures cancer."
- Website comment section comment: "I have used FBZ after the other remedies only cleared up some cancers in the body. And then the FBZ cleared the rest. But also I have seen people go to NED only using straight FBZ and nothing else. Not even vitamins. I’ve also seen FBZ not work. But this is not as common. Because I combine FBZ with other treatment modalities. And then some people won’t consider anti parasitics even when witnessing their friends having cleared C[ancer] with it. I have a family member that won’t do it as well after seeing me do this since 2009. Human psychology is a trip."
- Website comment section comment: "As a care giver thanks to Fenbendazole I was able to bring back a stage 3 Multiple Myeloma patient who correctly rejected a toxic chemo therapy/useless stem cell approach (harvesting his own stem cells) who was given a grim prognosis of 2 months to live to100 percent full remission in seven months. However, it called for much more than just Fenbendazole. I had to make sure that his glucose intake was eliminated ie - he enjoyed a few bottles of wine ever day that i convinecd him needed to be eliminated and substituted this with canaboid oil that also has some anticancer properties and had a way of relieving his anxiety. Substituting sugar with allulose was crucial. supplementing vitamins etc and the list goes on."
- YouTube comment: "Told a 49 year old female with stage 4 lung cancer..she takes it daily..cancer free after one year..her oncologist wants to write her up in a medical journal..I told her big pharma wouldn’t allow that!"
- YouTube comment: "i'm using it for stage 3 mestastizied breast cancer......i refused chemo; been using fenbendzole l so far two clean pet scans!!!"
Semi-positive user experiences with Fenbendazole:
- Fenbendazole doesn't always kill the cancer. At least sometimes it just stops it in its track, even at average or higher doses:
- YouTube comment: "I've been treating my American Bulldog with fenbendazole for cancer. She was given 2 months to live by the Vet oncologist almost 4 years ago. She's been terminal with metastatic aggressive anal gland cancer but she doesn't know it. She gets full deworming dose of Panacur C 3 days on 4 days off. No side effects and perfectly healthy, except the tumor is still there. I don't bother with any tests or scans, just monitor the tumor and giver her Panacur and a bunch of anti cancer food and supplements. I also fast her 36-48 hours once a week. She does't like fasting but it shrinks the tumor more than anything. The Vet oncologist measures her tumor and tests her blood every few months. He doesn't treat her cancer but prescribes Gabapentin for her arthritis because she's 13.5 years old. He's so fascinated the she's still alive and doing well because dogs don't live with this type of cancer even with the best treatment more than 2 years. We tried a couple of chemo drugs but they didn't work. Fenbendazole works. Joe Tippins has the human dosage."
- YouTube comment: "I was diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer. My psa level was 4.0 which is in the red flag area. I started talking fenbendazole and within 5 weeks my psa level dropped to 2.6. I really don't care what the medical community thinks or says. This particular drug is killing my cancer. ... My dosage is 1 gram of the powder (panacur c) to one bottle of water three consecutive days a week. Then off 4 every week. [After someone suggested 2000mg minimum and to take it with fat:] Who cares if it doesn't dissolve in water, 2nd, I was asked how I take it... I take it in the morning three days a week with food. ... [A few months later:] Just a quick update folks. I went in for another blood test 11-1-21 and my psa dropped another. .4 so now I'm down from 4.0 last year at this time to 2.2. This stuff is no joke it's a cancer killer. ... I don't have any side effects at all [from taking fenbendazole]. ... [The next February:] I went for a blood test 2/18/22 and my psa is still at 2.6. I thought it would be lower but I'm happy it's staying in the good range. ... [1 year later:] It was exactly the same size as it was from the start. So I can say that the fenbendazole has stopped it in its tracks." Reply: "TAKE VERY HVY. DOSES. HAD PSA OF 600. HAS BEEN UNDETECTABLE FOR 14 MONThS. 0 SIDE EFFECTS."
- YouTube comment: "My aunt was diagnosed a month ago with the same cancer that Joe had, exactly. She has now been on Fenben for almost 2 weeks, and we are thanking God for leading us to this protocol. ... [Update 3 months later:] Unfortunately, my aunt had another complication. She developed small lesions on her brain, which the doctors did not believe were due to the cancer, but possibly from the chemo, they couldn't be sure. The lesions caused inflammation and swelling in her brain, and she passed away from that. The tumors appeared to remain the same without advancing. For me personally, I would opt out of chemo. I would add MMS [Miracle Mineral Supplement] and DMSO [Dimethylsulfoxide] to the Fenben protocol."
Failed user experiences with Fenbendazole:
- Failure stories are surprisingly hard to find, although the earlier cited South Korean study indicated that only 79.1% of persons taking Fenbendazole reported positive effects. "Positive effects" doesn't mean "cured", and it appears that for at least 20.9% Fenbendazole did nothing. Now, it must be said that many optimistic cancer-suffering YouTube users starting their Fenbendazole self-treatment, do not give additional updates, even when asked to do so by other users. I've yet to see an account of such a person that contains any signs of life a few years beyond when they reported starting their self-treatment. Who knows? Maybe they lost their login, as I have so often. But you have to assume the worst. As I look deeper, I do find more and more people for whom fenbendazole did not save them. In some case, the fenben worked, but only temporarily. Even doing keto, fasting and fenben together is not a guaranty. I've yet to find a person combining a purely anti-cancer greens diet with fenben, but it's clear fenben is a not a cure all. But even in cases where it doesn't work, it does seem to very often improve the quality of life and buy extra time.
- YouTube comment (a bit of a success story, but claims fenben didn't cure it): "Dude, I just got out of surgery for my tongue tumor. Which the plan was, before I shrunk my cancer tumor, was to take out all my teeth and to cut out 2/3 my tongue. I did dog dewormer [fenbendazole] amongst everything your doing, which I'm sure helped. I got to physically see my cancer every day. I really witnessed a stop of growth and a coming back of tongue tissue when I started MMS, chlorine dioxide, (water purifier). Taste like pool water, I did not die, but the cancer was dieing.
So they left my teeth and only took out less than half my tongue, along with 70 lymph nodes which the doc said PET scan did not look good and would be over 50% cancerous along with my salivary gland. They came back no cancer 0/70.
I was battling this for a year, with nothing stopping the cancer growth accept for MMS [Miracle Mineral Supplement - chlorine dioxide]. If I did not have surgery I feel this would have completely abolished the cancer. Now looking forward with my recovery in hindsight, I feel I would have healed without surgery. I went from stage 4 tongue cancer to only localized tongue cancer. I will not leave home without MMS, also convinced my family members to take it (they also witnessed the miracle). The cause of my cancer parasites, mouth parasites called Pirokeets, environmental stress, mental stress, and a toxic body. YOU NEED MMS." - YouTube comment (person already on death's door, but apparently lived for quite some time still): "Just sent my dad home on hospice so i just started giving him the fendbendazole and between it and God its our last hope. ... [Update:] Ahh thank you for asking [for an update]. He was getting weak, cause he looses blood on the inside somewhere, like his blood count was 5.7 and he didnt wanna go to a hospital anymore. And I said pops please, and i kinda argued with the hospice nurses, cause it seems to me that they wanna let him die without saying so. ... [Update 2 months later:] Well it still seems up an down. We havent had no looks inside him to see if there is any shrinkage. ... I give him 3mg [likely 3000mg / 3g] every day for 21 days and take 3 days of. [Update another few weeks/months later:] He passed this morning 8/23/20 at 228 am."
- YouTube comment (on death's door, still apparently a halting of further growth): "My girlfriend was diagnosed with brain cancer 5 weeks ago and the prognosis was bad. I asked god for help and then i came across the joe protocol. 4 weeks in and after seeing this podcast im filled with hope. [Update 3 months later:] From getting her prognosis to dying took three months. If only we had caught it earlier. Whilst on the fenbendazole her tumors stopped growing so i saw in real time it was working. The sad part was she had so many complications and eventually became unconscious so couldn't carry on taking her medicine. I would tell anyone who gets a cancer diagnosis to take fenbedazole straight away."
- survivingpancreaticcancer2510 YouTube account (her last post was on Aug. 28, 2020, after reporting a "huge increase" in turmors, so she likely died): "Description [video]: My journey surviving pancreatic cancer using Joe Tippens protocol, fenbendazole, prayers, and a very positive attitude.
- Diagnosed in October of 2018 - Stage 1 Adenocarcinoma (tumor at the head of my pancreas).
- Folfirinox Protocol - Nov 2018 to Jan 2019.
- Gemcitabine w Radiation 3 weeks straight.
- No Treatment in March in preparation for surgery.
- Whipple Surgery April 2, 2019.
- June of 2019 - 20-25 Metastases to my liver. Began Gemcitabine and Abraxane Chemo. 2 weeks later began Joe Tippens Protocol. 3 months later 16 of 25 tumors were dead.
- Stopped chemo to check efficacy of JUST fenbendazole. [Note: understandable, but maybe not advisable]
- December 2019 - increase in tumor markers (two tumors growing back).
- Began Gemcitabine in Jan 2020. tumor markers still increased.
- Added in Abraxane In Feb 2020.
- Tumor markers slowly still increasing - current March 2020.
- 2508 [Aug. 25?] current CA-19-9 (still on fenbendazole as well).
- [Last post: Aug. 28, 2020]." - May 25, 2024 YouTube upload by 'Tony's Everyday Life', 'Fenbendazole is not working! Now what? Stage 3 Rectal cancer' (his protocol is very extensive: already does 6 months of keto, over 1 month carnivore (his ketosis meter shows he's not in ketosis half the time despite only eating meat); 1x multivitamin, 1x coral calcium, 1x vitamin E, 1x berberine, 3x clear lungs (peppers), 3x 1,000mg turmeric, omega 3, fenbendazole 222mg (Sinair: had them tested), 1x CBD (knocks him out to sleep), CBG RSO 1-3x a day, 1x Indica vape, 1x sweetpeas CBD 2500mg bottle; injects CBD right onto the tumor in his asshole; always notices less bleeding after): "Back January to March this tumor actually grew ... about 12.5%. ... March to May it grew 30% more. ... That is not exactly what I was hoping ... fenbendazole would do." Feb 22, 2024 YouTube upload by 'Tony's Everyday Life', 'Is Fenbendazole and CBG saving my butt? Results of CEA tumor marker revealed': "Ever since I started the fenbendazole, the bowel movements for the rectal cancer have gotten better, seeing a little less blood. ... The frequencies to the bathroom are starting to diminish. At first when I started to take the fenbendazole, I did start to gain weight again. Recently I have lost some weight [but] I have completely cut out sugar and carbs. I'm down to 1 gram of sugar. The reason I say that is because you just can't avoid it. ... And the carbohydrates, I'm probably down to 5 to 6. ... Starting to watch the net carbs. I've upped my fenbendazol. I'm up to 3 capsules a day. ... I feel like I'm getting my strength. ... The neuropathy in my feet really has just diminished my strength."
- Reddit comment: "I collapsed with something similar—central brain glioma, only otherwise ever confirmed in babies—in 2011, when I was 23. Still here, over a decade later, having had a noteworthy career. ... I declined chemo and radiation. I’m too rare for applicable trials to exist. I tried keto and starvation before my second craniotomy, and I’ve continued with keto. My medical team isn’t sure whether it helped, but it didn’t hurt. Tried fenbendazole: no difference. Now on Lamictal to block glutamate, and still seeing slow growth."
- YouTube upload by 'Tumor Tales - Scot Pekarek': Born 1973, loved long-distance running and cycling, diagnozed with grade 2 glioma (brain cancer) on Aug. 17, 2019. Died on Jan. 6, 2022 at age 48, one assume from the cancer. In his last Nov. 26, 2021 he was looking pretty good, relaxed, spoke out against Covid lockdowns (earlier also called it the "plandemic"), and didn't mention any health issues. He seems to have a had pretty good quality of life in the 2.5 years that he lived and was taking daily fenbendazole (up to 4 grams a day, although not sure if this is the powder or purely active ingedrient), except probably from the last few weeks. He had an MRI update after the first few months, while doing keto and fenben, at which point the cancer hadn't grown. It appears he didn't post any more MRI updates after that anymore, and didn't seem to know anything about progress - which probably means he didn't do them anymore:
- Aug. 17, 2019, 'Morning before the Tumor was Found 8/17/2019': Just did a 5 mile run. Explains he has a spiritual existential crisis. Looking for meaning in life. He has an old skin for his age. Explains he drank to much recently, and was ashamed of it. Apparently he went to the hospital in an ambulance that day.
- Sep. 30, 2019, 'Day 0 Introduction to Scot Pekarek and his Brain Tumor battle': In a video on the same day he says: "I have a grade two glioma - brain cancer. I have documented this journey, this fight, where I am gonna kick its ass, and I'm gonna do it through non-conventional treatment. ... I'm gonna share all of this with you - bring you all along on this journey, where I am going to win this battle against cancer using methods that most of you have probably never heard of."
- Sep. 30, 2019, 'CANCER KILLER: Trying out Pancur C / Fenbendazole, ie. Canine dewormer 9/24': Refers to Joe Tippens. Grade 2 Glioma. Has been starting his keto as well.
- Oct. 1, 2019: various forms of turmeric/curcuminm, liposomal vitamin C, magnesium citrate, baking soda (keep body more "alkaline"), milk thistle, true cinnamon, St. John's wort, Black Seed extract, fenbendazole, ginger root, etc. He has been eating 4 garlic cloves a day.
- Oct 9, 2019, Scot Making Some Snake Juice! Thanks to Cole Robinson Snake Diet!: "Keep my body in a ketogenic state, and also starve the cancer of glucose, glutamine, all the things that cancer loves. So I do what is called snake juice, Cole Robinson's snake diet, and basically this electrolites, salt, and stuff to keep my body from cramping up while I'm doing a 24, 48, or 72 hour fast. My first fast I did go 8 days. It was epic. I did not realize I could do something like that. ... I've done dry fasting and stuff. ... This is some Himalayan [pink] rock salt. ... Then you put in potassium chloride. I usually put in half a tea spoon to a full tea spoon... Then I put in apple cider vinegar, organic... about 4 table spoons. ... lemon juice ... cayenne pepper... Cancer likes an acidic environment, so the idea here is adding a little baking soda."
- Dec. 15, 2019: Second video with fenbendazole in title ('Healing from Cancer: foods-supplements I'm eating (fenbendazole included!)'). Shows it alongside two dozen supplements he has bought and researched in the previous 4 months. Among the supplements he shows are sodium bicarbonate (to try and keep his body "more alkaline"), Hawaiian spiritulina, astragalus, ashwagandha, ginseng, basic turmeric with black pepper extract, OHEA-M, St. John's wort, sambucus elderberry, echinacea, graviola, vitamin D, zinc, liposomal vitamin C, Ceylon cinnamon, paw paw, boswellia, supermarket mushrooms, baby spinach, brussels sprouts, broccoli sprouts, kale, cilantro, celery, and avocado; fresh ginger, fresh garlic, garlic powder, Core Warrior Greens, milk thistle, coconut oil, baking soda, CBD, monkfruit extract: "Berries. If you are going to have fruits, watch the fruits. Lots of sugar. Cancer likes sugar. ... I've been told to stay away from potatoes. ... If you put fenbendazole on any videos, it gets way more views. I know whyyy. Same reason I am taking it. ... I take it food now all the time." Has also been using Chaga mushrooms.
- Dec. 18, 2019, 'Brain Cancer News from the battlefront! Mayo Clinic': "The good news is, there has been no growth in the tumor. That's good. We have stopped the progression in the course of 4 months. The other news is that it hasn't noticibly shrunk either."
- June 15, 2020, 'Fenbendazole Brain Cancer update and next MRI schedule': "I'm doing about 4 grams of fenbendazole, 4 times a week. I'm doing the vitamin E, curcumin, garlic cloves, 2 closes, twice a day; ... Ginger ... in a smoothie... blackberries... Triple fairy mix. ... The black pepper with the curcumin. Turmeric, basically. That's pretty much it. Vitamin D. Vitamin C.... moringa... ashwagandha ... Some CBD oil..." Comment by a "Kabib": "I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and was so worried about the potential for cancer I was using a lot of the same supplements as you for prevention I was shocked to get my bad news. The only thing I keep telling people is at least it’s not cancer. I’m not sure which is worse other than the fact you have a greater potential to kill ur disease than I do. It’s easy to get depressed and I look forward to listening to you for positivity. Good luck on your journey my friend. I’m gonna be in it for the long haul. I’ll be following your success story !!!"
- Nov. 16, 2021, 'Fenbendazole and Eggs! Yum': "I have yet to get sick. And I've gone to work basically every day. ... This is a 1 gram packet. Sometimes I do 2 or even 4 gram packets. ... And yeah, I think this stuff is working. ... If I'm dead in two years, I guess it didn't work."
- YouTube comment (a bit of a success story, but claims fenben didn't cure it): "Dude, I just got out of surgery for my tongue tumor. Which the plan was, before I shrunk my cancer tumor, was to take out all my teeth and to cut out 2/3 my tongue. I did dog dewormer [fenbendazole] amongst everything your doing, which I'm sure helped. I got to physically see my cancer every day. I really witnessed a stop of growth and a coming back of tongue tissue when I started MMS, chlorine dioxide, (water purifier). Taste like pool water, I did not die, but the cancer was dieing.
Fenbendazole dosing, manufacturer, misinfo/disinfo and more:
- Doses (it almost has no side effects):
- Joe Tippens used a dose of 222 mg a day, 7 days a week (3/4 days he considers a potential "maintenance dose", which he did not take and does not prefer), of Fenbendazole (1 gram Panacur-C, with 22.2% active FenBen ingredient), or about 4.5mg per kilogram (kg) of bodyweight. This is an extremely low dose compared to what you are supposed to give for deworming animals. Apparently he used turmeric/curcumin from the start or early on, at a dose of 100mg per 10lb / 5kg bodyweight (he probably used basic turmeric or a less potent version of curcumin; he later recommended the very potent Theracurmin, followed by the even more potent Ultracurmin), so about 2,000 mg. He certainly used CBD oil, and recommened the THC-free Forgotten Trails CBD oil ( You can drop this CBD under the tongue for best absorbtion. 2-3ml daily per 10lb / 5 kg bodyweight. He also initially used a vitamin E supplement, but later removed this from his protocol due to worries of actining as a blood thinner. In later years he also recommended modern blood-available versions berberine and quercetin (in onions, green tea/matcha and rooibos tea), and pills with EGCG (in green tea/matcha), .
- (accessed: May 27, 2024; Joe Tippens' official site; in later years he links to "Onco Pathways" (explained he has no financial connection), which is going to set you back thousands of dollars over 3-4 months. 4 pathways: "Current price is: $422.69". ): "THE PROTOCOL: Update from October 28, 2021:
- Fenbendazole 222 mg (1 gm of Panacur™ or Safeguard™) per day every day. Note if you are using liquid - most liquids are 100 mg/ml. You would take 2.2 ml of the liquid.
- Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 1™ - 2-4ml 2 times a day depending on your weight. [CBD oil with Nano MCT oil: $275 separate for 30 ml.]
- Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 2™ - 3 capsules 2 times a day only when you are off chemo. ["Brown Rice Protein-Curcumin-Quercetin Complex ... UltraCur": $54.50 for 180 capsules.]
- Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 3™- With each meal - 1 (one) capsule with a light meal and 2 (two) capsules with a heavy meal capsules 2 times a day if you are trying to starve your cancer of sugars. ["Whey Protein - Berberine Complex (Berberine HCL)": $57 for 120 pills.]
- NEW - Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 4™- 2 Capsules twice a day." ["Fisetin [and] EGCG [and] Resveratrol - Brown Rice Conjugate]": $68 for 120 pills.] - (accessed: Nov. 18, 2022; Joe Tippens' official site): "IMPORTANT: I will not receive any financial remuneration from this company for the sale of these products and I do not own any stock of the company. I have a significant announcement to make. Several months ago, I was introduced to a researcher who collaborates with other PHD’s, MD’s and researchers globally in the pharma and nutraceutical space. They have developed some patented technologies that they apply to specific classes of plant extracts and botanicals that dramatically enhance delivery of those ingredients into the bloodstream at exponential levels. Over the months we have met together, and I have performed extensive due diligence on what they can offer. We’ve discussed a 3-pathway approach and philosophy for cellular support through supplementation that I believe will complement fenbendazole greatly.
Pathway 1: CBD Tincture: CBD has always been part of my protocol, but the new product will incorporate some important changes. As we have learned more about the potential benefits of hemp extracts we have discovered that the species of hemp, the methods of its extraction, the ratios of acidic forms of cannabinoids to non-acidic forms of cannabinoids all play a critical role in how well Hemp extracts can have on cancer outcomes.
In my research of Hemp extracts – Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 – product hits all of the important qualities for a hemp extract. First the product is cryoextracted, this preserves the terpenes and the non-decarboxylated cannabinoids. Second, this product uses a proprietary strain of cannabinoid that has actually been tested on cancer cell lines. And Third, they supplement the CBGa cannabinoid to standardize it up to 7mg per dose, something that I believe could be significant. Finally, they add in two other important ingredients, the first being Frankincense, an iconic material dating back to the biblical times and recently the topic of a ton of cancer research. The company’s work on Frankincense focused on a collaboration with Dr HK Lin, the iconic researcher who studied Frankincense as a supplement for cancer for more than a decade. Together they developed an approach that uses specific fractions of Frankincense that are the most beneficial, according to his research. Finally, a Nano molecule carrier, C60 has evidence to show that it could help significantly with low dose chemotherapy, reducing the rtoxicity of chemo to healthy cells and increasing the toxicity to unhealthy cells.
The Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 is a unique combination of Cryo Extracted Hemp, with Middle Eastern frankincense essential oils and the Nano C60 carrier, all in one tincture. Some people may wish to stay with the previously recommended Forgotten Trails CBD from Pharmacy Plus at and they will continue to supply that as well.
Pathway 2: Curcumin: Curcumin has always been part of my protocol, but even the product that I have previously recommended, Theracurmin HP, simply does not tackle the problem of absorption into the blood stream. You all know I have recommended Theracurmin for some time as being the best, most highly bioabsorbable Curcumin I had found. What I didn’t know about was Ultra Botanica’s LPS technology UltraCur (UltraCurcumin). Data shows better absorption above Theracurmin by at least 6X and their consumer experience proves this out. Their product by itself is a game changer in curcumin and I would have left it at that except the science behind Quercetin, an equally important polyphenolic compound as Curcumin also using their LPS technology to make it absorb into the body. Previously I had been reluctant to recommend Quercetin (also recommended by Jane McClelland and many others) as it had the same problem as Frankincense and Curcumin in absorption into the blood stream. Why take something that simply isn’t being utilized in the bloodstream? UB’s LPS technology solves that problem and they have added the convenience of taking them together with one product.
Specifically, Onco Adjunct Pathway 2 is a combination of 300 mg of Clinical Grade UltraCurcumin, 200 mg of Clinical grade UltraQuercetin and 100 mg of Frankincense powder. There is a lot I could share about the cellular pathways that Curcumin, Quercetin and Frankincense affect, I will leave that to another time. Pathway 3: Berberine: None of you have heard me recommend Berberine up to this point, even though many researchers have recommended it. Much like Frankincense, Curcumin and Quercetin, Berberine also is not bio-available into the blood stream. Something this company’s LPS technology solves. In evaluating the new curcumin and new hemp options I had the opportunity to take a fresh look at Berberine. As most people know, cancer cells are devourers of sugars / glucose in the body. In fact, cancer cells are glucose monsters. Jane McClelland and many cancer coaches strongly recommend starving your cancer cells by ketogenic diets, and Care Oncology recommends Metformin in its protocol for the same reason. For those of you that are serious about starving your cancer cells from glucose, adding in Pathway 3 to your regime could help. Berberine in its soluble LPS form modifies glucose metabolism in much the same way that Metformin modifies glucose metabolism. The scientists in India proved that Fenbendazole is effective in interrupting cancer cells’ ability to metabolize sugars and I believe by adding in UltraBerberine as Onco-Adjunct Pathway 3 you further diminish the ability of cancer cells to devour glucose, weakening them and putting their survival at risk.
You can learn more about ONCO Adjunct and order the products at the following Onco-Adjunct™ Product Page. The reason I am not linking the direct products here, but rather giving you a link to their page is due to FDA regulations. I need to make it clear that the information you’ll find on their site is fully compliant with the FDA regulations which prohibit them from saying specifically what the products can do that is cancer specific. Their manufacturing facility is an FDA cGMP facility held to the highest quality standards possible." - (accessed: May 27, 2024): "CBD Tincture: 750 mg Broad Spectrum [30 mln bottle]. Our broad-spectrum CBD tincture contains 0.0% THC, while still maintaining therapeutic levels of other naturally occurring cannabinoids, terpenes, and hemp-derived essential oils. Dissolved in a mixture of MCT, grapeseed, and hempseed oil, our unflavored tinctures provide the true “essence” of the hemp plant.
Suggested use: Administer 1ml oil under the tongue, holding for 90 seconds. Then swallow the oil as an herbal supplement. Or take as directed by a healthcare professional.
Ingredients: MCT, Broad Spectrum CBD Oil, Hempseed Oil, & Grapeseed Oil." .
- (accessed: May 27, 2024; Joe Tippens' official site; in later years he links to "Onco Pathways" (explained he has no financial connection), which is going to set you back thousands of dollars over 3-4 months. 4 pathways: "Current price is: $422.69". ): "THE PROTOCOL: Update from October 28, 2021:
- Reddit comment: "Cimetidine also has noted anti cancer properties but for me it's main purpose is to enhance the bioavailability of the mebendazole I take."
- Merck's Panacur Fenbendazole 500 has 10 tablets, each with 500mg, with the active ingredient actually being 500mg. The pills are designed to be broken into two when needed, so you can easily take 250mg a day. In contrast, Joe Tippens and others used the Merck Panacur C 1 gram / 1000mg powder packets which contain 22.2% / 222mg of Fenbendazole as active ingredient.
- Traditionally 5mg/kg a day has been seen as the lowest (very) effective Fenbendazole dose against worms in a wide variety of animals, with 1,000x this dose still considered safe. 222mg at 5mg/kg per day would only be suitable for a 44kg / 98 lb individual. However, as an anti-cancer treatment spread out over weeks and months, Fenbendazole seems to be very effective even at around 2mg/kg. The modern-day recommendation for dogs is a whopping 50 mg/kg per day (5 grams per day for a 100kg person, 2.5 grams for a 50kg person), but with this high dose only a 3-day course is generally needed before every last worm is killed. It may not be that simple with cancer.
- (accessed: May 27, 2024): "Nonhuman Primate Therapeutics: ... Fenbendazole: 50 mg/kg, PO, once daily for 5 days, repeated in 2 weeks. Ivermectin: 200–300 mcg/kg, SC, IM, or PO, repeated in 14 days. Mebendazole: 22 mg/kg, PO, once daily for 3 days, repeated in 14 days (for Giardia sp)."
- Joe Tippens used a dose of 222 mg a day, 7 days a week (3/4 days he considers a potential "maintenance dose", which he did not take and does not prefer), of Fenbendazole (1 gram Panacur-C, with 22.2% active FenBen ingredient), or about 4.5mg per kilogram (kg) of bodyweight. This is an extremely low dose compared to what you are supposed to give for deworming animals. Apparently he used turmeric/curcumin from the start or early on, at a dose of 100mg per 10lb / 5kg bodyweight (he probably used basic turmeric or a less potent version of curcumin; he later recommended the very potent Theracurmin, followed by the even more potent Ultracurmin), so about 2,000 mg. He certainly used CBD oil, and recommened the THC-free Forgotten Trails CBD oil ( You can drop this CBD under the tongue for best absorbtion. 2-3ml daily per 10lb / 5 kg bodyweight. He also initially used a vitamin E supplement, but later removed this from his protocol due to worries of actining as a blood thinner. In later years he also recommended modern blood-available versions berberine and quercetin (in onions, green tea/matcha and rooibos tea), and pills with EGCG (in green tea/matcha), .
- A small number of people report having side effects to Fenbendazole:
- Typical YouTube comment: "I've been using 225 mgs for 3 months with no side effects at all. I also don't have cancer (that I'm aware of.) ... I've taken about 3 days off in that time."
- James Victory, who tried Fenbendazole in January 2020 without having cancer, didn't notice much his first day, but did have to go to the bathroom twice in the night, with his stool being "darker than usual", almost black", and in the morning he had an unusual appetite. Black stool indicates blood release in the early part of his digestive tract, and the symptoms likely mean that something bad was killed off in his intestines. Some people report feeling bad and symptoms like these in the first days or weeks, and then improve.
- YouTube comment: "My husband was taking a gram of fenbendazole a day for stomach cancer. Unfortunately he's one of the .03% of people who develop anemia [hemoglobin deficiency] from it. We are using Rick Simpson Oil as well, so he has stopped the fenbendazole. He's also using ivermectin and colloidal silver. Make sure you keep track of your numbers. We are bummed that he can't take fenbendazole because he was having good results, tumors shrinking cancer disappearing."
- YouTube comment: "200lbs male (stage 4 colon, operated, having metastases in liver only).. Tried Fenben three times, 1) 444mg/day dissolved in flaxseed oil.. chased with Curcumin, after 3 days had constipation even with strong abdominal pain leading to extreme nausea but not vomiting.. laxative solved it quickly so that seemed to be a minor effect overall, i was not sure it was related to Fenben at all.. but i took a break from all meds for a few days.. 2) another try: 444mg/day dissolved in flaxseed oil, chased with curcumin, day 3 had the same constipation with nausea + abdominal pain which evolved into a full blown food poisoning situation, with fever, continued abdominal pain for 4 days. treated with laxative, no food for two days, extreme muscle weakness, laid in bed most of the time.. this time my suspicion was firming up, but i thought perhaps 444mg was too much especially since dissolved in Oil it would ingest very well into my body while the "low toxicity" in Fenben spec was based on generally poor absorption into body (!!) because it is totally water non-soluble. 3) several days break again, and tried 222mg/per day prepped same way+chaser, day 2 got moderate abdominal pain+ pretty strong kidney pain, was able to overcome that in about 1 hr with water and a bit of massaging to get blood flowing a bit.. But my conclusion is Fenben is too toxic for me. Went back to Meben 100mg/morning+100mg/evening."
- Apparently Fenbendazole is removed in a low-profile manner as an off-the-shelf available medicine in some countries:
- Panacur Fenbendazole is for canine use and freely available. If you you want Fenbendazole for human use, such as Albendazole, you generally need a prescription.
- July 29, 2022,, 'Animal medicine seizure notice: Jubilee Pharmacy trading as Meditech': "The following veterinary medicines were seized... In July 2019 Fenbendazole, the active ingredient in this product, was removed from the list of approved actives for products manufactured under Schedule 6 of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations (Exemptions for small pet animals)."
- YouTube comment: "Get yer fenbendazole before its off the shelves permanently. Reports that its been removed over in U.K. already..."
- YouTube comment: "Mad because i am in the UK and needed some can't get it at all even in Europe! Wonder what to do only cream form which is no good."
- YouTube comment: "It’s off the store shelves in US as well, had to buy online."
- YouTube comment: "They have already taken the reviews away from Amazon."
- Disinformation always is very worrying. You mainly have a number of "conservative CIA" people running around claiming that the Joe Tippens Protocol dose of 222mg/day is much too low. This author noticed this too, but the fact is that you are not doing a 3-day full-colon deworming. You are allowing the Fenben to be taken up in the blood stream and fight cancer throughout the body. The more you take, especially when you take it for months or years on end, the higher the risk of side effects, such as liver toxicity.
- Twitter post by @ssg_q with an image that reads 'Celebrate MAGA Pride Month' (at Joe_Tippens_Protocol/, the no. 1 site in Yahoo, but removed in Google): "You're first time you took 222mg of febendazole which is a microdose. SO while your cancer went away, you may not have eliminated the root cause. I'd consider 30-50mg/kg this time and alternating with Ivermectin every 2 weeks essentially. Doxycycline or Mesosilver also be beneficial along with high dose C, D, and Zinc."
- Twitter post by @SkyEcho with an image that reads 'Celebrate MAGA Pride Month' (at Joe_Tippens_Protocol/, the no. 1 site in Yahoo, but removed in Google): "Is Joe Tippens [controlled opposition], under-dosing us on purpose. That would be VERY effective, because it would lead to: - massive failure. Many people dying of their cancers. - Totally dispelling the "conspiracy theory" of fenbendazole being a cancer cure. - Breeding parasites that are resistant to the meds. Ask yourself why he's so big in China, or why he isn't sensored [sic]... Fenben works, but the doses need to be right, and weight-based."
- Joe_Tippens_Protocol/ (accessed: May 27, 2024): "Additionally, the proper fenbendazole dosing for primates, (which a human would take), can be seen here: MERCK Veterinary Manual. To put this into perspective; the proper dosing for a 150 lb person is 3409mg. Joe recommends a dose of 222mg, which is 15 times less than the proper dose. Watch Mr. Tippens being interviewed here: BitChute: Channel restricted... Contains Holocaust Denial. Contains Incitement to Hatred."
- May-Aug. 2021, Case Reports in Oncology, 'Drug-Induced Liver Injury in a Patient with Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer after the Self-Administration of Fenbendazole Based on Social Media Information' (this article, tied to big pharma, is a total and complete hitpiece, more obsessed with social media than anything else; the patient was 80yo, used 4.5x the Joe Tippens fenben dose, possibly involving some fake Chinese knock off brand; and the liver markers might well have indicated that something was happening, considering the tumor did not progress; in any case, a lone case like this is fear mongering): "An 80-year-old female patient with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was started on pembrolizumab monotherapy. The patient experienced severe liver injury 9 months later. An interview with her and her family revealed that she had been taking fenbendazole for a month, solely based on social media reports suggesting its effectiveness against cancer. After discontinuation of the self-administration of fenbendazole, the patient's liver dysfunction spontaneously resolved. The antitumor inhibitory effects of fenbendazole have been reported; however, she did not experience tumor shrinkage. This is the first case report of a patient with advanced NSCLC who self-administered the anthelmintic, fenbendazole. Twitter and Facebook are online social media platforms which have been constructively used to exchange information among cancer patients. However, sources of medical information on these platforms are often unproven...
They are popular and have now spread to every corner of the society. It has been observed that the information diffusion power of social media is much greater than conventional media such as newspapers, magazines, and TV. Social networking sites have made it easy for nonmedical individuals to disseminate complex medical information; however, this involves the risk of spreading unproven medical facts. ...
When she was next seen on August 13, 2019, blood tests showed elevated aspartate transaminase (AST) [etc.] ... Initially, we suspected liver injury as an immune-related adverse event. For this reason, pembrolizumab monotherapy was temporarily discontinued, but after interviews with her family, it was discovered she had been taking oral fenbendazole since early July 2019. She and her family had become afraid of cancer progression since her CEA levels had increased. She had purchased and started taking oral fenbendazole, which was marketed as an anthelmintic for dogs, based on information from social media sites stating it was effective against cancer. She stated her fenbendazole schedule consisted of 1 g/day PO for 3 days, followed by 4 days off, and this schedule had been maintained for approximately 1 month from early July until her August visit. We stopped fenbendazole administration immediately, and her liver function parameters gradually improved. Subsequently, pembrolizumab was recommenced, and there was no relapse in liver dysfunction. ...
Fig. 2: Chest CT images during fenbendazole administration. a CT findings just before the oral initiation of fenbendazole on July 1, 2019. b CT findings on August 15, 2019, after taking fenbendazole for approximately 1 month. [Note: no side change; didn't progress, didn't get smaller.]. ...
Twitter is a major, globally ubiquitous social networking website where messages of up to 140 characters called “tweets” are exchanged between users. In a recent report on cancer-related tweets, the most common users who tweeted about cancer were a “family member or friend,” which accounted for 49.3% of users [20]. The tweets by a “cancer patient” and “cancer survivor” accounted for 8.7% each, “news organization/journalist” was 10.1%, and the “healthcare center” was 6%. Another report indicated that the most common conversations related to kidney cancer on Twitter were about support (29.3%) and treatment (26.5%) [21]. In our case, the patient and her family received information on fenbendazole from social media sites, after which they purchased the medication and the patient orally self-administered. Interestingly, fenbendazole was marketed and sold as an antiparasitic drug for dogs." Conflict of Interest Statement: T.H. obtained research grants from Ono Pharmaceutical, Novartis Pharma, Chugai Pharmaceutical, Eli Lilly, Taiho Pharmaceutical, AstraZeneca, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Clovis Oncology, Eisai, Takeda Bio, Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma, Abbvie, Merck Serono, MSD, Kyowa Hakko Kirin, Daiichi Sankyo, and Astellas and has received personal fees from Ono Pharmaceutical, Novartis Pharma, Chugai Pharmaceutical, Eli Lilly, Taiho Pharmaceutical, AstraZeneca, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, Clovis Oncology, and Bristol-Meyers Squibb. All other authors have no conflicts of interest." - Nov. 7, 2023, Dr. Colleen Huber (a COVID vaccine skeptic) at 'Street Meds for Cancer? Repairing the Liver After Fenbendazole' (this article is an unbalanced hitpiece).
- Fenbendazole was patented in the early 1970s by the Belgian company Janssen Pharmaceutica, already owned since 1961 by CFR (and later Trilateral and Davos financier) Johnson & Johnson. Fenbendazole always was seen as a safe, potent anthelmintic (anti-parasitic), later sometimes used in combination with Ivermectin. As for the Panacur brand, which at least in the 21st century is the main supplier of Fenbendazole, since 2010 it is controlled by Merck. The package in the Netherlands says the (licensed?) producer is Intervet (old name) / "MSD Animal Health" (name since 2011), which in the U.S. and Canada is known as "Merck Animal Health'. From 1961 to 2007 AkzoNobel controlled Intervet, which has Fenbendazole on its website as being created in the 1970s (without mentioning Janssen Pharmaceutica or Johnson & Johnson):
- July 1, 1974, Biologica journal (German), pp. 753-754, 'Fenbendazole: A new, highly effective anthelmintic' ('Fenbendazole: A new, highly effective anthelmintic'): "At a dose of 5 to 10 mg/kg PO ["per os", Latin for "by mouth"], fenbendazole acts on all major gastric and intestinal nematodes [worms], including some organ nematodes of pigs, sheep, cattle and horses, not only the adults, but also the developmental stages that are difficult to influence with chemotherapy (O. ostertagi [medium stomach worm / brown stomach worm]) can be virtually completely eliminated. With extremely good tolerability (up to 1000 times the therapeutic dose) and no teratogenic effects, a promising anthelmintic could be developed."
- (accessed: May 24, 2024): "Fenbendazole was first developed in the 1970s by Janssen Pharmaceutica, a Belgian pharmaceutical company that is now part of the Johnson & Johnson group [actually, already since 1961]."
- (accessed: May 24, 2024): "1961: Koninklijke Zwanenburg Organon (later AKZO NOBEL) neemt Intervet over. ... 1970s: ... Ontwikkeling van anthelmintica fenbendazol (Intervet). ... 2007: Schering-Plough neemt Organon Biosciences (Intervet en Organon) over van Akzo Nobel. De diergezondheidsdivisie heet vanaf nu Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health."
- June 29, 2011,, 'Merck Announces New Name for its Animal Health Division': "Merck’s (NYSE: MRK) animal health division, formerly known as Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, announced that effective today it will begin using the new name, Merck Animal Health. It will be known as MSD Animal Health outside the United States and Canada."
- Jan. 4, 2022 YouTube upload by 'Adam Payne', 'Q&A Session with Joe Tippens' (annoying aspect of the show: they keep talking about "pathway 1", "pathway 2", "pathway 3", "pathway 4" without respectively saying CBD, curcumin, berberine and gree tea extract): "[HOST:] We have a question from Victoria: What are your reasons for recommending Merck versus pure Fenben products? [TIPPENS:] Boy, that's a loaded question. At least one of the other products I had tested, and it is not pure Fenben. Some of them are fraud products. The other reason I recommend Merck is because I know Merck is manufacturing everything in an FDA approved GMP facility. I have yet to get confirmation that the competing products are manufactured that way. [The there] are the legal aspects of offering non-FDA approved drugs to humans...
The question is: is it possible to determine how long it takes for Panacure to start working? Boy, there is a great question, because we have seen all the way from 4 weeks at the earliest to 18 months at the latest. Don't ask me why, because I really don't know. I can tell you that with some of the most amazing cases, with 7 stage 4 cases of pancreatic cancer, in 5 of those the cancer was held at bay and people were able to resume a normal lifestyle. But it never eliminated the cancer. The cancer was always there; just kept at bay. But in two of those cases, after 18 months they became NED [no evidence of disease.], which for 4th stage cancer is unheard of. So I tell people, if you've got cancer, take it 7 days a week indefinitely. Don't stop. And then, once you are NED, if you are lucky enough to get there, then go into a maintenance mode. ...
I'm unique. I had whole brain radiation as a preventative measure, and that wiped out 40% of my short-term memory. The chemo wiped out my hearing.
[HOST:] Did the Endolift at all help you? [TIPPENS:] I don't know. I just started. [HOST:] Yeah, we do have another product though called Endolift and it helps to rebuild neurotransmitters in the brain. If anybody has chemobrain...
[TIPPENS:] Let's all remember what Fenbendazol is doing. It has 3 pathways. Number one, it is knocking out the microtubials that allow cancer cells to replicate and divide. Number 2, it is spiking production of new, healthy P53 - the cancer-killing gene. And number 3, it is interrupting the cancer cells' ability to metabolize sugar. So combined with berberine, which is lowering the blood sugar and is interrupting the cells' ability to metabolize sugar, you've got a dual whammy there. ...
[TIPPENS:] He says: how many milligrams of Panacur-C does a 250lb man need each day for pancreatic cancer. Let's talk about that, because I've always just recommended 222mg a day, regardless of weight, because the weight dependency, if you are trying to kill intestinal parasites, matters. But at the cellular levels for cancers I'm not sure that it matters. Now, having said that, there are thousands of people out there that have taken it upon themselves to increase the dosage from 2x to 3x ... and they've had successes. I just haven't recommended that, but if people want to try it ... there's lots of people having success doing that. ... No, I don't so [that I heard any downsides]. ... There has been a toxicity clininal trial with the sister Mebendazol at Johns Hopkins. And they determined that 500mg long-term is safe. And I don't think Fenbendazole is that much different. ... The recommendation is 222-250mg a day. But many people are doubling or tripling that dose and you want to watch your liver enzymes if you do that. ... Again, the research that shows ... that Fenben could actually negatively impact the liver, we know from the Johns Hopkins toxicity trial that 500mg a day long-term is safe. And very few people that stay at 500mg or below, have any problems with their liver. ANd I'll add that the research that caused that concern and they did that research at 1,000x the dosage. Instead of 500 mg, take 500,000 mg. ... Let's differentiate between cancer on a liver and liver enzymes from possible interactions with Fenbedazole. We know that it workd liver cancer. And we know that it works for pancreatic cancer. And in fact in most cases we know that it keeps the pancreatic cancer at bay while not necessarility eliminating the cancer all the way to NED. ...
There's still hope [when your cancer is growing on Fenben, Sir, even though taken 2,000mg of Fenben a day]. And I tell you why. We've seen quite a few cases where the cancer got worse, right before it got better. [note: maybe he observed "pseudoprogression".] Don't ask me to explain why. It doesn't make any sense to me. But it can happen. So if it is not causing any problems, stay with it indefinitely, 7 days a week. ... [note: maybe he could have suggested adding vitamins/minerals, extra supplements (pathways), go on keto, and fast...]
I don't practice what I preach. I preach that you should eliminate sugar and anything that converts to sugar - and then I go eat candy. So I really believe if you are really serious about it, go on a plant-based diet with eliminating as much carbs as you can, but also these protocols help lower than blood sugar availability as well. ...
I'll just say again, this isn't a cure-all that will solve every single cancer immediately. We don't know the denominator and we do know that there are failures. I just know that the downside risk is so low [that] there's no reason not to try. ... I have not heard that before from anybody. If you are getting joint [or bone] pain ... I doubt it comes from Fenbendazole...
In our success database, we do know of people who didn't do the curcumin, didn't do the CBD - and only did the Fenben and had the success. If you are afraid or - of the pathways, there is no reason not to try the Fenben alone. ...
I'm in the camp that is skeptical of Ivermectin and cancer. A lot of people said it works for Covid and other things, but I'm not a believer that it has an impact on cancer. ...
Here's what I know. We have dozens of cases where, "3 months to live, nothing else we can do." And that was 3 years ago. ... The downside risk is literally zero, so why not try. ...
Yes, there have been successes reported in on virtually all of the blood born cancers. ...
Yeah, some really amazing ones [success stories with skin cancer]. In fact, a local businessman pulled me aside at a country club and wanted me to show his son's white metastases before and after [not properly audible] It was very exciting. And we even had people have success topically by buying the paste-form - I think it's for goats - and applying it topically as well. ...
"Oncologists are suggesting Fenbendazole comes back stronger and more vigilant." Well, I can't answer that. I know a lot of oncologists that say just the opposite. ... I am NED for 5 years and I am the sole data outlier in 45 years in my hospital. ...
Believe me, with thousands reporting in [at the moment?], there's only one where we don't know if it works or not and the rest of them we have successes."
- Ivermectin first rose to fame and infamy in 2020 as an alternative drug to treat COVID. This makes the subject susceptible to both rent-a-skeptic / government and "conservative CIA"-type disinformation.
- Similar to fenbendazole, which appears to be very effective against all forms of cancer in many or most people, it originally strictly was an antiparasitic drug, often used alongside fenbendazole.
- Ivermectin is often mentioned as aiding in the eradication of cancer:
- YouTube comment: "Since I have been treating my chickens with Ivermectin monthly, I have lost zero to cancers and those horrid respiratory infections. Just saying."
- Anti-cancer studies related to ivermectin show that it at least can be used effectively in a cocktail:
- May 5, 2021, Oncology Times, 'Use of the Anti-Parasitic Drug Ivermectin to Treat Breast Cancer': "In these studies, 40-60 percent of animals treated with the ivermectin plus anti-PD1 antibody combination completely eradicated their tumors. They were able to fight off the cancer again after it was reintroduced. It's the two drugs working together that is the magic. Either drug alone has almost zero effect, but together they have a powerful synergistic effect."
AvoidArtifi. sugars- First off, stevia needs to be discussed separately. Maybe Monk Fruit as well. While Stevia is a natural sugar substitute with the vast majority of studies showing it is safe, some people have still reported getting headaches from it, similar to artificial sweeteners. The same also goes for China's Monk Fruit, whose processing into a sweetener was patented by Trilateral firm Procter & Gamble in 1995.
- The main artificial sweeteners - or better said, non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) - include aspartame, acesulfame, sucralose, saccharin, erythritol, and neotame.
- Aspartame was discovered by a G.D. Serle scientist in 1965. In 1974 aspartame was approved for dry foods. In 1975-1976, Searle was caught by the FDA and congress heavily falsifying its data on two drugs: Flagyl, Aldactone, with apparently somewhat less 11 falsified studies on aspartame. From 1977 until its 1985 merger with Monsanto, G.D. Searle's CEO and president was Donald Rumsfeld. In 1983 the FDA approved the use of aspartame on the food market.
- April 8, 1976, U.S. Congress: House, 'Preclinical and Clinical Testing by the Pharmaceutical Industry, 1976: Joint ', Statement by Alexander M. Schmidt, M.D., FDA commissioner 1973-1976: "In testimony before these Subcommittees on July 10 , 1975 and January 20, 1976, I described disturbing evidence of quality control problems in the performance of animal studies of drugs and food additives intended for human use by and for the G. D. Searle Co. Today I would like to report to you the final results of the Food and Drug Administration's detailed investigation of animal studies performed by Searle and by Hazleton Laboratories under contract of Searle and the actions that are being taken as result of that investigation ...
It is certainly the first time that such an extensive and detailed examination of this kind has taken place. We have never before conducted such an examination as we did at Searle. From time to time, we have been aware of isolated problems, but we were not aware of the extent of the problem in one pharmaceutical house. ...
We have noted that Searle has not submitted all the facts of experiments to FDA, retaining unto itself the unpermitted option of filtering, interpreting, and not submitting information that [FDA] would consider material evaluation of the product. Some of our findings suggest an attitude of disregard for FDA's mission of protection of the public health by selectively reporting the results of studies in a manner which allays the concerns of questions of an FDA reviewer. ...
Searle made a number of deliberate decisions which seemingly were calculated to minimize the chances of discovering toxicity and / or to allay FDA concern, including:
- Designing protocols which call for fewer animals to be examined histopathologically in certain groups than were available;
- using fixation in-toto with necropsy at a later date, possibly resulting in greater loss of tissues to autolysis;
- excising tissue masses from live animals, in some cases without histologic examination of the masses, in other without reporting them to FDA;
- selecting statistical procedures which used a total number of animals as the denominator when only portion of the animals were examined, thus reducing the significance of adverse effectsl ...
- presenting information to FDA in a manner likely to obscure problems ...
- delaying the reporting of alarming findings;
- reporting one pathology report while failing to submit, or make reference to another, usually more adverse, pathology report on the same slide.
- reporting animals as unavilable for necropsy when, in fact, reports indicate that the animals were available but Searle chose not to purchase them. ...
- too few data were collected or lost;
- tissue masses reported in antemortem observations, as as the day of necropsy, which were not reported at necropsy; ...
- clerical or arithmetic errors which resulted in reports of fewer tumors." - April 9, 1976, The Argus (Fremont, California): "The Food and Drug Administration disclosed yesterday it has recommended a federal grand jury investigation of the G.D. Searle pharmaceutical firm for allegedly falsifying test results on drugs.
FDA Commissioner Alexander M. Schmidt told a joint hearing by two Senate subcommittees the Justice Department has been handed the Findings of a special agency task force which accused Searle of "an attitude of disregard for FDA's mission of protection of the public health." He said FDA has asked "that grand jury proceedings be instituted..."
Schmidt said the agency also has started a company-by-company investigation of drug testing on animals to determine if there have been additional violations of federal regulations. The task force report said that, among other things, Searle sought to minimize chances of discovery by the FDA that drugs it was testing could be poisonous. It said the firm cut tissues and other tissue masses from live animals without testing them or reporting them to the agency.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, presiding at the hearing, commented: "Those findings must be alarming to every American who takes prescription drugs." - June 1987, U.S. GAO, 'FDA: Food Additive Approval Process Followed for Aspartame: Report to the Honorable Howard M. Metzenbaum, U.S. Senate': "At your request, we have reviewed the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA'S) process for approving aspartame- a sweetener marketed under the brand name NutraSweet. This report discusses FDA'S (1) process for approving aspartame, (2) review of the scientific issues raised concerning the aspartame studies, and (3) monitoring of current safety concerns on aspartame. ...
Purpose: Since 1974, aspartame, a food additive marketed under the brand name NutraSweetB, has been the subject of controversy. Concerns have been raised about the quality of the research supporting its safety...
Searle submitted nearly 170 studies or analyses to support aspartame’s safety. FDA considered seven of these studies crucial t.o aspartame’s GAO believes that these crucial studies met FDA'S requirements for the types of studies needed for a food additive approval. FDA reviewed all of the studies submitted and concluded that they demonstrated aspartame’s safety. ...
Results in Brief: FDA adequately followed its food additive approval process... Twelve of the 69 scientists responding to GAO'S questionnaire expressed major concerns about aspartame’s safety. However, FDA and others have sponsored over 70 completed, ongoing, and planned studies on aspartame, including its effects on neurological behavior, children, and pregnant women. GAO believes that FDA's and other scientists’ planned and ongoing research, and FDA'S monitoring of adverse reactions, should provide FDA with a basis for determining what future actions, if any, are needed on aspartame. ...
Quality of Searle’s Studies: In 1975, an FDA task force investigating Searle laboratory practices questioned the quality of the data in certain aspartame studies. The taskforce concluded that in some Searle studies, it was difficult to draw conclusions on safety. As a result of the task force’s findings, detailed investigations of 15 aspartame studies, including the 7 crucial studies, were begun in 1977 by FDA and a group of university pathologists. After reviewing 12 Searle aspartame studies, the university pathologists noted that although they found a number of minor discrepancies in the studies, there were few, if any, discrepancies that would significantly affect the studies’ results. For the remaining three studies, FDA stated that data problems noted would not alter the conclusions. FDA concluded that the studies were of sufficient quality to be used to assess aspartame’s safety.
Current Concerns on Aspartame: FDA has analyzed about 3,000 reported adverse reactions. However, FDA concluded that it cannot definitely state whether aspartame is or is not associated with the reported reactions. Most of the reactions reported are mild or moderate, such as headache and dizziness. ... In GAO'S questionnaire, 28 out of 69 scientists indicated areas where they believed more research is needed on aspartame to resolve their con- cerns. The areas most frequently mentioned were neurological functions, brain tumors, seizures, headaches, and adverse effects on children and pregnant women. ...
FDA Established a Task Force to Review Searle’s Studies: ... certain types of tumors noted on raw data entries of Flagyl tumor studies were unaccountably changed. Also, Searle had submitted to F'DA an incomplete report on the number of tumors seen in animals who had been given Aldactone. ...
PBOI Selected to Address Issues on Aspartame’s Safety: ... While examining aspartame animal studies in FDA’S files in 1978, Dr. Olney found 12 brain tumors in 320 dosed rats as contrasted to none in 120 control rats. Dr. Olney explained this many brain tumors in rats was rare, citing several references in support of his claim. After CFSAN and the objectors agreed to the issues, each nominated five individuals to serve on the PBOI. Searle, as a participant, also nominated five individuals. ... The PBOI members agreed with CFWN and concluded that the ingestion of aspartame, either alone or together with glutamate, cannot. be expected to increase the incidence of brain damage. ...
The Centers for Disease Control Reviews Adverse Reaction Reports: The number of adverse reaction reports on aspartame increased from 108 in the first 6 months of 1983 to 248 in the last 6 months of 1983. CFSANsuspected this increase might be related to widespread media attention on possible “side effects” of aspartame after the carbonated beverage approval, CFSANconcluded that the adverse reactions, such as headaches, dizziness, and mood changes, were generally not severe and showed no clear-cut association with aspartame consumption."
- April 8, 1976, U.S. Congress: House, 'Preclinical and Clinical Testing by the Pharmaceutical Industry, 1976: Joint ', Statement by Alexander M. Schmidt, M.D., FDA commissioner 1973-1976: "In testimony before these Subcommittees on July 10 , 1975 and January 20, 1976, I described disturbing evidence of quality control problems in the performance of animal studies of drugs and food additives intended for human use by and for the G. D. Searle Co. Today I would like to report to you the final results of the Food and Drug Administration's detailed investigation of animal studies performed by Searle and by Hazleton Laboratories under contract of Searle and the actions that are being taken as result of that investigation ...
- All original research demonstrating the safety of non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) is based on sponsored studies of the multinationals controlling them, and their joint lobbying and corrupting powers over the FDA - and apparently the EU's counterpart as well. A lot of later "research" has been sponsored by this industry as well.
- Sep. 8, 2016, PLoS One, 'Relationship between Research Outcomes and Risk of Bias, Study Sponsorship, and Author Financial Conflicts of Interest in Reviews of the Effects of Artificially Sweetened Beverages on Weight Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Reviews' "There is some evidence of funding bias in original research studies. Walton has reported that among a sample of studies of aspartame, 100% of the industry sponsored studies concluded that aspartame was safe, and 92% of the independently funded studies identified adverse effects of aspartame consumption [43]. Millstone observed that in a recent re-evaluation of aspartame safety by the European Food Safety Authority, 97% of the studies that reported no harm were industry sponsored, while 100% of the studies indicating possible harms were non-industry sponsored [44]."
- 2010, issue 1, Journal of Food Law & Policy, Jason Iuliano (Cambridge University), 'Killing Us Sweetly: How To Take Industry Out Of The FDA' (PDF).
- The first scientific review paper on sucralose that this author read on Google Scholar, turns out to have been funded by the corporations most benefiting from the widespread sale of artificial sweeteners. The paper was funded by something called the "Calorie Control Council". Upon checking what this is, it turned out that (paying) members included Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and a host of artificial sweetener producers. Clearly there should be legislation here to force indirect donors into the 'Financial Support' section of papers, and maybe be listed at the top of papers:
- Aug. 2017, Food and Chemical Toxicology, pp. 323-355, 'Critical review of the current literature on the safety of sucralose': "Confirms conclusions of regulatory agencies globally that sucralose is safe...
Financial support was provided by the Calorie Control Council, Atlanta GA, to the employers of the authors for the preparation and publication of this review." - (accessed: May 22, 2024): "Members include: ... Archer Daniels Midland Company. ... Cargill ... Coca-Cola ... PepsiCo ... [sucralose discoverer and patent holder] Tate & Lyle ... [aspartame producer] SinoSweet ... [saccharin producer] JMC Corporation..."
- Also relevant is that the pharmaceutical firm Johnson & Johnson, a major funder of globalist think tanks as the CFR and Trilateral Commission, played a key role in monetizing sucralose from the late 1970s, and owned it until 2015.
- Aug. 2017, Food and Chemical Toxicology, pp. 323-355, 'Critical review of the current literature on the safety of sucralose': "Confirms conclusions of regulatory agencies globally that sucralose is safe...
- Earlier studies had also pointed out not just issues with artificial sweeteners as sucralose themselves, but also indicated that crooked studies were being sponsored by the artificial sweetener industry through the 1966-founded lobby Calorie Control Council:
- Oct. 1979, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 'The Conflict Between Individual Freedom And Social Control: Saccharin And Food Additives': "If you were a soft - drink manufacturer and had the Freedom of Choice between two ingredients -- one which cost about six cents per gallon of syrup concentrate and the other about a dollar per gallon, * ... which would you choose? ... * In speaking with several people in the soft-drink industry who did not wish to be identified, 16 times more sweetening expense per gallon, case, bottle, was the lowest estimate of the relative cost of sugar to saccharin. Others said sugar was more than 25 times higher. ...
Unless your primary concern was something other than profit, you would choose the low-priced ingredient, saccharin, rejecting the high-priced sugar. Health risks and benefits aside, for the moment, the American soft drink industry, led by its well-oiled Calorie Control Council, fought hard and successfully for this freedom of choice for industry and thus deprived the American public of its freedom of choice. **... ** In Canada, with No Calorie Control Council, according to information given to me by Dr. Alex Morrison, Chief of the Health Protection Branch in Canada, the entire Canadian government received only 500 letters protesting the saccharin ban. ...
In Canada, were the use of saccharin in soft drinks and other processed foods was banned, consumers for the first time are being given a choice between the usual sugar-laced soft drinks and safer, much lower calorie saoda, (some with less than five calories per ounce), none containing a known carcinogen. In the U.S., because the FDA was prevented from banning saccharin in soft-drinks, consumers do not really have a choice between two safe (at least as far as cancer risk) products." - Oct. 2019, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 'Revisited: Assessing the in vivo data on low/no-calorie sweeteners and the gut microbiota': "Over the last two decades, safety concerns about low/no-calorie sweeteners (LNCS) have been described in the archival scientific literature including elevated risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, excessive weight gain, cardiovascular disease, safety, and disruption of the gut microbiome. A recent review by Lobach, Roberts, and Roland in Food and Chemical Toxicology examined 17 research articles on modulation of gut bacteria by LNCS along with other selected publications. In the conclusions of their paper, they claim that LNCS 1) do not affect gut microbiota at use levels and 2) are safe at levels approved by regulatory agencies. Both of these claims are incorrect. ... Scientific studies on the sweetener sucralose, used here as a representative LNCS, indicate that this organochlorine compound unequivocally and irrefutably disrupts the gut microbiome at doses relevant to human use. Results of dozens of additional research publications added and reviewed here also raise significant and extensive concerns about the safety of sucralose for the human food supply. ...
Scientific research studies and systematic reviews have concluded that some LNCS cause significant alterations in the composition of the gut microbiome and that dysbiosis occurs at levels approved by regulatory agencies (Abou-Donia et al., 2008; Schiffman and Rother, 2013; Suez et al., 2014; Bian et al., 2017; Uebanso et al., 2017; Frankenfeld et al., 2015; Ruiz-Ojeda et al., 2019). ...
The publication by Lobach, Roberts, and Rowland was financially supported, and reviewed prior to journal submission, by the Calorie Control Council, a special-interest trade group funded by sweetener companies. " - 2010, issue 1, Journal of Food Law & Policy, Jason Iuliano (Cambridge University), 'Killing Us Sweetly: How To Take Industry Out Of The FDA' (PDF): "FDA leaders' close ties to the very [artificial sweetener] industry they were supposed to be regulating present a startling picture. Ignoring warnings from both independent scientists and their own review panels, FDA decision makers let greed guide their actions. They approved carcinogenic sweeteners such as saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose while simultaneously banning the natural herb stevia be- cause it would cut into industry profits."
- Oct. 1979, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 'The Conflict Between Individual Freedom And Social Control: Saccharin And Food Additives': "If you were a soft - drink manufacturer and had the Freedom of Choice between two ingredients -- one which cost about six cents per gallon of syrup concentrate and the other about a dollar per gallon, * ... which would you choose? ... * In speaking with several people in the soft-drink industry who did not wish to be identified, 16 times more sweetening expense per gallon, case, bottle, was the lowest estimate of the relative cost of sugar to saccharin. Others said sugar was more than 25 times higher. ...
- Despite this obviously being not true, the safety of artificial sweeteners also is aggressively defended on Reddit chemist, science, and nutrition subforums, or by other "skeptics". Interesting here too is how all critical comments are to be found at the bottom, the least upvoted, even those based on personal experience. Crooked supermoderators, managing many different subreddits, often are responsible for the dogmatic views on various Reddit subforums.
- Fact is, all artificial sweeteners, similar to sugar, change the gut microbiome in a variety of ways. 251
- Artificial sweeteners as acesulfame and sucralose even negatively affect the gut microbiomes of offspring:
- June 20, 2019, Frontiers in Microbiology, 'Maternal Exposure to Non-nutritive Sweeteners Impacts Progeny’s Metabolism and Microbiome': "Human exposure to NNS begins early through breastmilk, infant rehydration solutions and medications (Freedman et al., 2010; Sylvetsky et al., 2015). To date, a higher infant BMI at 1 year of age has been associated with maternal NNS consumption during pregnancy in a recent epidemiology study (Azad et al., 2016). Studies in animals suggest that acesulfame-K crosses the placenta, and in utero exposure results in increased sweet preference in adulthood (Zhang et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2013). In other animal studies, sucralose exposure during pregnancy showed no deleterious effects on fetal organogenesis (Kille et al., 2000) but increased the risk of hematopoietic neoplasia in male offspring (Soffritti et al., 2016).
In light of the reported NNS effects on the gut microbiome (Abou-Donia et al., 2008; Cowan et al., 2013; Palmnäs et al., 2014; Suez et al., 2014; Bian et al., 2017b) and metabolism (Brown and Rother, 2012; Cowan et al., 2013; Simon et al., 2013; Swithers, 2013; Palmnäs et al., 2014; Suez et al., 2014; Bian et al., 2017b), it is important to investigate the relationship between NNS consumption in pregnancy and lactation and the offspring’s microbiome and metabolism. Indeed, transmission of the microbiome from mother to child is a key factor, which influences metabolic regulation from early on, and is related to an increased risk of obesity, asthma and celiac disease (Faith et al., 2013; Bäckhed et al., 2015). ...
WWe exposed pregnant and lactating mice to NNS (sucralose, acesulfame-K) at doses relevant for human consumption. While the pups’ exposure was low, metabolic changes were drastic, indicating extensive downregulation of hepatic detoxification mechanisms and changes in bacterial metabolites. Microbiome profiling confirmed a significant increase in firmicutes and a striking decrease of Akkermansia muciniphila. Similar microbiome alterations in humans have been linked to metabolic disease and obesity. While our findings need to be reproduced in humans, they suggest that NNS consumption during pregnancy and lactation may have adverse effects on infant metabolism." - March 31, 2020, Gut Microbes, issue 4, Chinese study, 'Maternal sucralose intake alters gut microbiota of offspring and exacerbates hepatic steatosis in adulthood': "Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered to be associated with diet and gut dysbiosis. Excessive sucralose can induce gut dysbiosis and negatively affect host health. Maternal diet shapes the microbial communities of neonate and this effect continues in later life. We aimed to investigate the effects of maternal sucralose (MS) intake on the susceptibility of offspring to hepatic steatosis in adulthood. ... MS intake inhibits intestinal development, induces gut dysbiosis in offspring through down-regulation of GPR43, and exacerbates HFD-induced hepatic steatosis in adulthood."
- June 20, 2019, Frontiers in Microbiology, 'Maternal Exposure to Non-nutritive Sweeteners Impacts Progeny’s Metabolism and Microbiome': "Human exposure to NNS begins early through breastmilk, infant rehydration solutions and medications (Freedman et al., 2010; Sylvetsky et al., 2015). To date, a higher infant BMI at 1 year of age has been associated with maternal NNS consumption during pregnancy in a recent epidemiology study (Azad et al., 2016). Studies in animals suggest that acesulfame-K crosses the placenta, and in utero exposure results in increased sweet preference in adulthood (Zhang et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2013). In other animal studies, sucralose exposure during pregnancy showed no deleterious effects on fetal organogenesis (Kille et al., 2000) but increased the risk of hematopoietic neoplasia in male offspring (Soffritti et al., 2016).
- In May 2023 a study was published that explained that all past research up to 2000 that led to the legalization of sucralose has been extremely flawed (or crooked), and that since studies have completely reversed all safety assumptions (and even showed evidence that sucralose impacts the health of offspring). It also did its own experiments, showing that sucralose is geno- and gut-toxic. This mostly is due to the impurity and metabolite sucralose-6-acetate, but also due to sucralose itself:
- May 29, 2023, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 'Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose-6-acetate and its parent sucralose: in vitro screening assays' (PDF): "Sucralose-6-acetate is an intermediate and impurity in the manufacture of sucralose, and recent commercial sucralose samples were found to contain up to 0.67% sucralose-6-acetate. Studies in a rodent model found that sucralose-6-acetate is also present in fecal samples with levels up to 10% relative to sucralose which suggest that sucralose is also acetylated in the intestines. ... The amount of sucralose-6-acetate in a single daily sucralose-sweetened drink might far exceed the threshold of toxicological concern for genotoxicity (TTCgenotox) of 0.15 µg/person/day.
The RepliGut System was employed to expose human intestinal epithelium to sucralose-6-acetate and sucralose, and an RNA-seq analysis was performed to determine gene expression induced by these exposures. Sucralose-6-acetate significantly increased the expression of genes associated with inflammation, oxidative stress, and cancer with greatest expression for the metallothionein 1G gene (MT1G). Measurements of transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and permeability in human transverse colon epithelium indicated that sucralose-6-acetate and sucralose both impaired intestinal barrier integrity. ...
These historical studies [until 2000] made the following 6 claims regarding sucralose and constituted the rationale for its regulatory approval:
1) Stability in vivo: Passes through the intestine unchanged.
2) Gut Microflora: No effect on gut microflora.
3) Intestinal Barrier: No effect on intestinal tissue.
4) Bioaccumulation: Does not bioaccumulate.
5) Metabolism: No effect on metabolism including blood glucose or insulin.
6) Biological/Toxicological Impact: Not genotoxic with no associated biologically significant consequences, and is heat stable. ...
Many scientific research investigations since regulatory approval, however, do not corroborate any of the 6 early historical claims regarding the biological fate or safety of sucralose.
Stability in vivo: Two acetylated sucralose biotransformation products were found in urine and feces of rats dosed with sucralose (Bornemann et al. Citation2018), and this finding is inconsistent with the historical claim that sucralose is stable and excreted unchanged (i.e., not metabolized) in the intestine. The more abundant acetylated metabolite was identified as sucralose-6-acetate (Werness and Schiffman Citation2020)...
Gut microflora: Ingestion of sucralose by humans and/or animals within approved ADI levels was found to disrupt the microbiome in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) (Abou-Donia et al. Citation2008; Bian et al. Citation2017; Méndez-García et al. Citation2022; Suez et al. Citation2022; Zhang et al. Citation2022). Maternal ingestion of sucralose in pregnant and lactating mice also impacted their progeny’s microbiome (Dai et al. Citation2020, Citation2021; Olivier-Van Stichelen, Rother, and Hanover Citation2019). Sucralose has also been detected in human breast milk samples from lactating women which indicates it is ingested by nursing infants (Sylvetsky et al. Citation2015)... Intestinal barrier: Sucralose also impacts the intestinal tissue. Sucralose ingestion induced histopathological changes including lymphocytic infiltrates into the intestinal epithelium, glandular disorganization, and epithelial scarring (Abou-Donia et al. Citation2008), increased bacterial infiltration into the ileal lamina propria in Crohn’s disease – like ileitis (Rodriguez-Palacios et al. Citation2018), elevated % CD3+T cells, CD19+B cells, and IgA+ plasma cells in Peyer’s patches (Rosales-Gómez et al. Citation2018), significantly increased levels of fecal chymotrypsin and trypsin and reduced fecal β-glucuronidase (Li et al. Citation2016), initiated lymphocyte aggregation in the ileum and colon (Zheng et al. Citation2022), and promoted inflammation and colitis-associated colorectal cancer risk (Guo et al. Citation2021; Li et al. Citation2020; Wang et al. Citation2019). Further, maternal ingestion of sucralose inhibited intestinal development, disrupted barrier function, and induced Paneth cell defects in offspring (Dai et al. Citation2020, Citation2021). In vitro studies demonstrated that sucralose enhanced biofilm formation along with bacterial invasion into gut epithelial cells (Shil and Chichger Citation2021) and disrupted tight junctions and barrier function in an intestinal epithelial model (Shil et al. Citation2020). ...
Bioaccumulation: Sucralose was found to bioaccumulate in adipose tissue of rats and was present two weeks after cessation of a 40-day feeding period even though it had disappeared from the urine and feces (Bornemann et al. Citation2018). An in vitro study reported that sucralose increased lipid accumulation and expression of adipocyte differentiation genes in cultured adipocytes (Azad et al. Citation2020). ...
Metabolism: Consumption of sucralose was noted to alter glucose and/or insulin concentrations in the plasma of some human subjects when delivered in liquids or capsules (Lertrit et al. Citation2018; Méndez-García et al. Citation2022; Pepino et al. Citation2013; Romo-Romo et al. Citation2018; Schiffman and Rother Citation2013; Suez et al. Citation2022) and when accompanied by carbohydrate (Dalenberg et al. Citation2020) or another non-caloric sweetener (Young et al. Citation2017).... Maternal ingestion of sucralose during pregnancy impacted the progeny’s metabolism including downregulation of hepatic detoxification mechanisms and changes in bacterial metabolites (Olivier-Van Stichelen, Rother, and Hanover Citation2019). [There's more]
Biological/Toxicological impact: Additional independent research investigations since regulatory approval reported toxicological findings including genotoxicity and cancer risk following sucralose exposure. Sucralose, administered in feed beginning prenatally through the lifespan, induced hematopoietic neoplasias such as leukemias in male mice (Soffritti et al. Citation2016). Significant elevation in the number and size of colorectal tumors was detected in a murine model of colorectal cancer after sucralose treatment (Li et al. Citation2020). Four different studies utilizing a comet assay found that sucralose damaged DNA (Pasqualli et al. Citation2020; Raya et al. Citation2020; Sasaki et al. Citation2002; Van Eyk Citation2015). Sucralose also enhanced antimicrobial resistance and mutation frequency of E.coli (Qu et al. Citation2017). Further, heating sucralose with glycerol or lipids was found to generate chloropropanols, a potentially toxic class of compounds (Rahn and Yaylayan Citation2010), and this finding was supported by subsequent investigations that also reported thermal instability of sucralose accompanied by generation of hazardous polychlorinated compounds even in mild temperature conditions (De Oliveira, de Menezes, and Catharino Citation2015; Eisenreich, Gürtler, and Schäfer Citation2020). ..." - May 31, 2023, North Carolina State University press release (, 'Chemical Found in Common Sweetener Damages DNA' (same as above study): "Susan Schiffman, corresponding author of the study and an adjunct professor in the joint department of biomedical engineering at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill [explains:] "Other studies have found that sucralose can adversely affect gut health, so we wanted to see what might be happening there. When we exposed sucralose and [its metabolite] sucralose-6-acetate to gut epithelial tissues ... we found that both chemicals cause ‘leaky gut.’ ... We found that sucralose-6-acetate is genotoxic, and that it effectively broke up DNA... We [also] found that gut cells exposed to sucralose-6-acetate had increased activity in genes related to oxidative stress, inflammation and carcinogenicity. ... It’s something you should not be eating. ...
To put this in context, the European Food Safety Authority has a threshold of toxicological concern for all genotoxic substances of 0.15 micrograms per person per day,” Schiffman says. “Our work suggests that the trace amounts of sucralose-6-acetate in a single, daily sucralose-sweetened drink exceed that threshold. And that’s not even accounting for the amount of sucralose-6-acetate produced as metabolites after people consume sucralose.""
- May 29, 2023, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 'Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose-6-acetate and its parent sucralose: in vitro screening assays' (PDF): "Sucralose-6-acetate is an intermediate and impurity in the manufacture of sucralose, and recent commercial sucralose samples were found to contain up to 0.67% sucralose-6-acetate. Studies in a rodent model found that sucralose-6-acetate is also present in fecal samples with levels up to 10% relative to sucralose which suggest that sucralose is also acetylated in the intestines. ... The amount of sucralose-6-acetate in a single daily sucralose-sweetened drink might far exceed the threshold of toxicological concern for genotoxicity (TTCgenotox) of 0.15 µg/person/day.
- Personal experience of sucralose being detrimental to intestinal health:
- I always avoided artificial sweeteners except stevia, but at one point I got lazy, because I found my daily dose of natural "kwark" / "quark" (thick yoghurt, but not similar to the U.S. cottage cheese) absolutely terrible to eat, and mixing it with a fresh orange also was too much work. In hindsight, I could have just tossed half a teaspoon of honey in, or blend it with my daily bag of mixed nuts/raisins, but at the time, out of sheer desperation, I decided to try 500 gram "kwark" cups with the artificial sweetener sucralose in it. For a while, it was heaven. Very tasty and not too expensive.
However, after eating 1-2 pounds (500-1000 grams) a day for about 6 months, all of a sudden I developed a painful intestinal burn in my upper stomach area, this for the first time in my life. Every time I left the sucralose-laced "quark" alone, I had no issue.
Now, I still don't know why I didn't do any research beforehand, but looking into sucralose a bit I was shocked to find out that it actually could be used as an insectide to blow up the intestines of bugs. Five years later, I also ran into a typical article that explained how "new research shows" that sucralose tends top cause leaky guy, leading to symptoms as "a burning sensation, painful digestion..." 252
- I always avoided artificial sweeteners except stevia, but at one point I got lazy, because I found my daily dose of natural "kwark" / "quark" (thick yoghurt, but not similar to the U.S. cottage cheese) absolutely terrible to eat, and mixing it with a fresh orange also was too much work. In hindsight, I could have just tossed half a teaspoon of honey in, or blend it with my daily bag of mixed nuts/raisins, but at the time, out of sheer desperation, I decided to try 500 gram "kwark" cups with the artificial sweetener sucralose in it. For a while, it was heaven. Very tasty and not too expensive.
- Coincidentally, a huge amount of complaints can be found that sucralose indeed causes intestinal upset in many people after some time. More universally with artificial sweeteners, many people also report headaches. Let's start with the stomach upset comments:
- Reddit comment: "Stomach pain & bloating from sucralose? Has anyone else experienced stomach pain, discomfort & indigestion after eating sucralose containing products for a while? I've been experiencing these symptoms recently and I'm pretty sure its due to increasing my intake of sucralose in quark yogurts, it's not something thats immediate after eating but I think it could be due to a build up of sucralose leading to it disrupting the gut microbiome so I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same experience?"
- Reddit comment: "I developed serious gut issues due to prolonged ingestion of sucralose . they dissipated within a week of quitting. for me, gut health is a serious priority, so I am not a fan... especially when Stevia exists."
- Reddit comment: "Yes for me, modified sweeteners wreck me, including sucralose."
- Reddit comment: "Yuup, sucralose messes me up. Bloating, and if I have too much over several days I get 'sour stomach' which feels as bad as it sounds."
- Reddit comment: "For me, bloating and slow digesting from sucralose. Very noticeable when eating skyr sweetened with sucralose. It's amazing that the effect is THAT noticeable. Tried it several times with weeks in between. But the results are always the same."
- Reddit comment: "Sucrolose (aka Splenda) gives me THE WORST headache and stomach ache. 100% of the time. I avoid Splenda as much as possible."
- Reddit comment: "Sucralose is the worst. I check everything I buy that says sugar free and if it contains sucralose it doesn't make it into my home. Causes gastric distress. It took a while to figure out what was causing it."
- Reddit comment: "I think that many people have negative effects to artificial sweeteners even in smaller servings, I have always gotten a little bit of an upset stomach from them."
- Reddit comment: "My gastro Dr said to avoid it as it "wrecks your gut.""
- Reddit comment: "I’m pretty sure it causes me to bloat. I quit my energy drink addiction recently and I lost about 10 pounds of water weight within a few days."
- Reddit comment: "Based on anecdote I’d buy the theory that they may cause bloating and water retention. Whenever I drop my energy drink habit my face seems to lean out and I drop 5-10 pounds of water weight."
- Reddit comment: "It gives me and members of my family explosive diarrhea, along with accompanying terrible intestinal pains. Not large amounts, just a "serving" in my case a teaspoon of coffee creamer. Thats it for the anecdote part."
- Reddit comment: "All I know is anytime I have anything with Sucralose I am having severe stomach cramps with no resolution for sometimes 4+ hours. All it takes is one sip of an energy drink which has Sucralose, and 3 hours later I’m in pain."
- Reddit comment: "Sample size of 1 but [sucralose] gives me horrible diarrhea. It definitely does something, idk what. " Reply: "Omg same!!!! Everyone thinks I’m insane. I can’t have any artificial sweetener… sucralose, stevia, etc. it all gives me diarrhea."
- Reddit comment: "Nothing inherently wrong [with sucralose gum], but if you have a lot it may upset your stomach. Even small doses don't agree with me."
- Reddit comment: "Six packets of Splenda a day would alter my gut in several unpleasant ways. Half a packet in my cup of coffee seems to be fine."
- Reddit comment: "I used to be addicted to splenda and literally everything had to be sweetened. Now I've got my taste buds back and didn't realize how my body was compensating. That's just me though."
- Aspartame (and overlapping acesulfame, sucralose, etc.) criticism that it causes migraines:
- Reddit comment: "I found out aspartame was a trigger when I got pregnant... I'd been drinking diet coke regularly and stopped drinking soda while I was pregnant... headaches went away! Started drinking diet coke again after giving birth and immediately started getting headaches, so I stopped. Sucralose is, unfortunately, also a trigger for me... but that one seems less common."
- Reddit comment: "I cut out aspartame (and swapped to non-estrogen bc) and my migraines went from 4-5 migraine days a week to only a few a month. If only they somehow made the flavor of aspartame free sugar free gum last more than 2 minutes."
- Reddit comment: "Scientifically I can’t speak to this, bc I’m a biologist, but I can say I know a few people that are allergic to aspartame and for me if gives me the runs lol."
- Reddit comment: "I can attest to this. I went through a period of drinking a lot of Crystal Light lemonade. My migraines got worse. When I stopped drinking it, they got better."
- Reddit comment: "My migraines started from nerve damage in my face and CRPS inside my nasal sinuses and aspartame makes the soft tissue in my mouth and throat and soft palette a bit puffy and itchy similar to an allergy so I avoid it when I can, but I also get a bit flushed and increased heart rate."
- Reddit comment: "Years ago, I used to drink a diet pepsi at night as a treat and I would get small headaches. I didn't think much of it because I've always issues with my head. Once I stopped drinking them those headaches stopped."
- Reddit comment: "Aftertase AND violent shits for me. Actually most artificial sweeteners make me pretty ill except sucralose."
- Reddit comment: "I mean personally I can't drink anything that contains aspartame or asculfame as it results in an istant migraine. I think sucralose mashes me up as well."
- Reddit comment: "I personally feel worse having soda with aspartame than one with sugar."
- Reddit comment: "I get an instant headache (different from my usual migraines) if I have even a sip of something with aspartame in it, so I already avoid it! Not surprised it's a trigger [for you too]."
- Reddit comment: "One sip [of an aspartame drink] is a direct trip to Headache City. Not a regular migraine, but still very painful and unpleasant."
- Reddit comment: "Absolutely one of my biggest triggers is artificial sweeteners & not just aspartame - I avoid them all."
- Reddit comment: "Hasn't this been known for years and years? I remember my dad (he was also a migraine sufferer) telling me to stay away from aspartame and [flavor enhancer] MSG [Monosodium glutamate] cause they're migraine triggers, some 10 years ago."
- Reddit comment: "Yes!!! I can smell that shit too!!! Always got sick on any artificial sweetener!!"
- Reddit comment: "I became aware of aspartame when I was a support worker. Another support worker had told me to always buy coffee sweetener with no aspartame in as it can cause headaches. Non of the other staff took her seriously except me, so I always ensured he got no aspartame sweetener. She then left and my shift was changed so I didn’t take him shopping anymore. I ensured everyone knew what to buy. About 4 months later he’s suffering from headaches every day and every one just thinks he putting it on but I knew something wasn’t right. I tracked it back to when I stopped taking him shopping. I went and checked his sweetener and it had aspartame in. I told the manager and she said it’s fine, I asked her to please just give no aspartame sweetener a try and she reluctantly agreed. Within a few days his headaches stopped. Just goes to show what an impact it can have. Might be worth a try for someone out there. Especially if you have epilepsy or a brain injury. ...
Just to add he also had 3 epileptic seizures and a couple of weird episodes in that time which was unheard of for him. He usually had one every 4 months on average. As soon as he stopped having those sweeteners his seizures went back to normal. Also interesting to know." - Reddit comment: "I'm the same... Just sweeteners generally give me a sore head (not sure which ones) but I'm also not so keen on the taste either."
- Reddit comment: "Same here... After a month or so [into my diet] I started drinking Pepsi Zero..., but unfortunately it has Aspartame & I’ve noticed about an hour after drinking it I’ll usually get a throbbing migraine + feel jittery due to the caffeine (I did this 5 days in a row to confirm). After doing more research you genuinely start to wonder how is this stuff even legal? Sucralose, High Fructose Syrup, Aspartame & Caramel Color are all so bad for us yet found in many different foods we consume daily. I looked into the UK regulations & turns out so much of the ingredients commonly found in artificial foods here are flat out banned over there due to health consequences/concerns. Insane."
- Reddit comment: "Aspartame is a big trigger for me, but Splenda and stevia are okay."
- Aspartame causing a worsening of migraine symptoms in some people actually already was documented in studies from the 1980s:
- Feb. 1988, Headache journal (, 'The Effect of Aspartame on Migraine Headache': "Recently, three pilot studies have proposed that the addition of products containing aspartame to the diets of migraine headache sufferers may produce a significant increase in the frequency of their migraines. The present study was a controlled thirteen-week, double-blind, randomized cross-over study comparing the effect of aspartame to that of a matched placebo on the frequency and intensity of migraine headache. The results of this study indicated that the ingestion of aspartame by migraineurs caused a significant increase in headache frequency for some subjects."
- Erythritol criticism:
- Reddit comment: "Erythritol absolutely jacks me up which is a shame because it tastes So good."
- Reddit comment: "I just recently saw an article about study that looked at a possible link between Erythritol and heart disease. I cut everything out of my diet that used Stevia/Splenda/anything with Erythritol."
- Many people even complain that Stevia is giving them migraines (questions have been asked about Stevia's safety as well):
- Reddit comment: "Stevia actually gave me horrible gut issues within a week of consuming it daily. It was the first substance that I consumed that ever gave me almost instant side effects."
- Reddit comment: "OMG, I thought it was just me! I can't have any fake sugars, and I swear I can smell them! Even stevia can trigger a migraine."
- Reddit comment: "Yeah, Stevia or Monk Fruit extract are both non-starters for me."
- Reddit comment: "Same!! Even stevia, if I have more than the tiniest bit, will screw me up."
- Reddit comment: "One of my biggest triggers is artificial sweetener. I have to read every label these days because they are so common but stevia, monk fruit, etc they are all so triggering to me that I can basically smell something and tell you if it's going to make me sick. They're getting harder and harder to avoid these days. Long live regular Coke!"
- Reddit comment: "I cannot have any sweeteners other than sugar (white/brown/powdered/etc) and honey. This includes "natural" sourced sweeteners like stevia leaf extract. If I do, I get a massive migraine until the substance processes out of my body. Same effect as having nitrates (meat preservative, found in dark leafy greens)."
- Reddit comment: "I’ve used Stevia for years (at least 10), and while my migraines had started well before that, I now wonder if over time the use of Stevia became one of my migraine triggers - because I haven’t gotten any since I’ve stopped using it. Of course it could just be a coincidence, but I’ll be more than happen if I unknowingly eliminated a major trigger."
- This author has seen several comments in which people mentioned that fruits would not give them any problems with their health, from joint pain to general neuropathy. I should have backed up these comments earlier, but let's add them here for now:
- YouTube comment: "I reduced my white sugar intake (candy, cookies, doughnuts, cake, ice cream, soda, etc.) and my symptoms [of neuropathy] decreased by 95%. I now understand I can never go back to eating foods that contain high refined sugar. The natural sugars in fruits have not caused any adverse problems for me. I eat lots of fruit with no problems."
Seed oil
- Controversial oils: soy, corn, rapeseed (traditionally 40-50% erucic acid, which is considered bad for the heart; in the modern EU rapeseed oil is the same as canola), canola (genetically-modified rapeseed with erucic acid and (pungent) glucosinolates largely breeded out, and higher omega 3), cottonseed, grapeseed oil, safflower, and sunflower.
- A whole lot of people report getting nauseous and sick of seed oils, including but far from limited to Canola/rapeseed:
- This author: It appears that any product that has any vegetable oil in it, makes me somewhat nauseous. While rapeseed oil might be the worst, I also have it with sunflower and olive oil in products as mayonnaise. They all seem rancid. Fresh extra virgin olive oil is not an issues.
- Reddit comment: "Sluggish, mentally and physically. My A/B test is i eat a fast food burger and fries compared to a homemade one. Homemade I feel fine."
- Reddit comment: "I started having heart palpitations after eating certain foods. After tracking for quite a while (also for gut issues, likely IBS), I started to suspect oils as the culprit. ... I tried grapeseed oil due to high smoke point, and had the worst flare up of gut issues I'd had in many months, including mouth ulcers which I later discovered can be a symptom of digestive issues."
- Reddit comment: "Joint pain is the first thing I notice. Especially hands and knees."
- Reddit comment: "I tend to experience inflammation and brain fog and most notably IBS and a burning discomforting sensation in the gut followed by minimal nausea."
- Reddit comment: "I have a rare skin disease, HS of the scalp. If I have too much seed oil, it can feel like someone is stabbing me in the head with knife, quite literally within minutes."
- Reddit comment: "Brain fog for me."
- Reddit comment: "My eczema comes back."
- Reddit comment: "Glyphosate interferes the pathways in our helpful gut bacteria which in turn negatively impacts the gut brain access. It is used to harvest rape seed. I would never touch rapeseed oil (it’s in so many products) and I’m a farmer - and yes, we grow rapeseed."
- Reddit comment: "Stop using canola oil and hydrogenated oils. i have stopped using those above oils and almost never have heartburn anymore unless the food from a restaurant or if somebody else cooks then almost within an hour i start having symptoms. instead of canola or hydrogenated oils swap for animal fats and animal butters instead. sometimes with avocado oil i have mild symptoms. olive oil i think it’s better."
- Reddit comment: "Acne 1:1 correlation."
- Reddit comment: "Everything hurts, my muscles cramp, brain fog."
- Reddit comment: "Heaviness in my stomach. And tired after a meal instead of having more energy like I should from food."
- Reddit comment: "Soybean is really bad on my gut. All the others basically just never make me feel full. Oh yeah and my skin looks way worse when I eat them."
- Reddit comment: "Anxious, racing heart, low HRV (confirmed by pixel watch), insomnia."
- Reddit comment: "My teeth start to hurt, my skin flares up, and I feel less than optimal overall. I tend to react immediately to them." Reply: "I never realized teeth pain could be related to this, I have that happen sometimes too."
- Reddit comment: "Swollen face/eyes, brain fog, legit 5 months pregnant bloating that I can barely sit down comfortably, snooze a million times in the morning."
- Reddit comment: "Stomach ache, skin issues, bloating/gas, and I personally believe it makes my mental clarity less sharp too."
- Reddit comment: "The worst that I felt was when I did extreme keto and I was metabolising my pufa [polyunsaturated] ridden body fat. I had a crotch rash and oily spots on my back. It took me a while to learn that pufa body fat elimination takes years not weeks."
- Reddit comment: "Joint pain, fatigue, and diarrhea."
- YouTube comment: "I struggled with gas and bloating for years and just couldn't figure out the culprit. ... Eliminating seed oils got rid of the stomach issues."
Rapeseed/canola oil
- Fat difference, per 100g / 100 ml:
- Coconut oil: 6g mono-unsaturated fat. 2g poly-unsaturated fat. 87g saturated fat.
- Olive oil: 73g mono-unsaturated fat. 11g poly-unsaturated fat. 14g saturated fat.
- Canola oil: 59g mono-unsaturated fat: 30g poly-unsaturated. 7g saturated fat.
- Sesame oil: 40g mono-unsaturated fat. 42g poly-unsaturated fat. 14g saturated fat.
- Corn oil: 28g mono-unsaturated fat. 55g poly-unsaturated fat. 13g saturated fat.
- Beef: 8.4g mono-unsaturated fat. 0.7g poly-unsaturated fat. 7.7g saturated fat.
- Pork: 7.6g mono-unsaturated fat. 1.4g poly-unsaturated fat. 6.2g saturated fat.
- Rapeseed oil and canola are the same, and yet they are not.
- (accessed: June 4, 2024): "Rapeseed has been a traditional part of Asian cuisines for over 4,000 years. Canada started producing rapeseed during the Second World War when it was needed to make engine lubricant. ...
Rapeseed contains erucic acid, which has been connected to heart problems, and glucosinolate, which gives it a bitter or pungent taste. Back in the 1970s, researchers at the University of Manitoba ... bred successive generations of rapeseed plants, always selecting the offspring with less erucic acid and glucosinolate. In 1974, the first rapeseed variety low in both those troublesome compounds was registered and in 1978, it was dubbed canola — "can" for Canadian and "ola" for oil. Canola was developed a full 20 years before the first GMO entered the food supply. ...
In 1995, genetically modified canola engineered to be tolerant of the herbicide glyphosate was introduced to the Canadian market. ... Incidentally, herbicide-tolerant GMOs are made by the same agrichemical companies that produce the accompanying weed killers. It's a profitable business model that drastically increases the amount of chemicals sprayed on farmland, leading to the rise of herbicide-resistant “superweeds.”
Farmers quickly adopted GMO canola, but the crop proved hard to contain. ...
Canola seeds are tiny — about 1 mm wide — and pollen can travel long distances on the wind. The plant readily self-seeds, generating volunteer or feral plants. This combination of factors was a perfect storm for the virtually uncontrolled spread of GMO canola. According to the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, contamination was pervasive within seven years of GMO canola's introduction. Seed growers could no longer guarantee their canola seed as non-GMO and organic grain farmers on the Prairies abandoned canola altogether. Today, Canadian farmers grow non-GMO canola in geographically isolated areas to prevent contamination. ...
GMO canola contamination isn't limited to Canada, either. Global trade routes have driven the spread, with contamination events reported in Australia, Japan and Switzerland."
- (accessed: June 4, 2024): "Rapeseed has been a traditional part of Asian cuisines for over 4,000 years. Canada started producing rapeseed during the Second World War when it was needed to make engine lubricant. ...
- Industrial preparation of canola/rapeseed oil:
- Seed Cleaning and Preparation: Cleaning, crushing.
- Conditioning and Flaking: Heating to about 95-100°C (203-212°F) to maximize yield. The flaking also is done to increase the yield..
- Solvent Extraction: Hexane extraction, desolventizing.
- Degumming: Removing phospholipids.
- Neutralization: Neutralizing acids with caustic soda / lye.
- Centrifugation: Removal of the caustic soda / lye.
- Bleaching: Removing pigments. Either with bleaching clay or activated carbon.
- Deodorization: Removing odors and flavors.
- Winterization (Optional): Removing waxes.
- Packaging: Final product packaging.
- Dec. 3, 2010 airdate, Season 16, episode 10, segment D, Discovery Channel (Canada) / Science channel (U.S.),'How It's Made'. March 11, 2012 YouTube upload, 'How It's Made - Canola Oil' ( accessed: June 4, 2024). Comments to the YouTube video are one standing running joke. They include:
- 5,500 likes: "I love how this went from "one of the healthiest cooking oils" to chemical washes and bleach. Lmao."
- 5,000 likes: "Wow, this was a great satirical piece. The whole “canola oil is healthier than olive oil” part was hilarious!"
- 4,400 likes: "Amazingly, AHA recommends this as the healthy cooking oil. That's why everyone of us here in US is in a good shape, free from heart disease and diabetes. Great job AHA."
- 2,300 likes: "My parents, coming from Europe, cooked with lard exclusively. They lived into their 80's and everything they made tasted fantastic. You can keep your chemical extracted, bleached canola oil."
- 549 likes: "My great grandfather always loved bleaching and deodorizing his canola seeds back in the old country. He learned to do so from his father who learned from his. Videos like this stir up great emotions about the traditions we've lost over the years and it's nice to see that some still remain."
- 654 likes: "If you have to work this hard to extract oil from a seed, that's nature's way of saying "you shouldn't be eating this."
- 560 likes: "I worked at a testing lab for years. One of our clients wanted to test frying pans. And the test was something along the lines of 100ml of canola oil until it reaches flashing point. For a cycle of over 1000 for each pan. The absolute rank, tar like, disgusting residue canola oil additives left on the pan after every 1 cycle. Yes 1 cycle, made the entire lab not eat anything cooked in Canola oil ever again. It was still by far the worst thing I've witnessed in a test lab. We had to wear level B gas masks after 500 or so cycles."
- 434 likes: "Olive Oil: Press, filter, ready to eat. Canola Oil: Press, solvent extraction, sodium hydroxide wash, centrifugal filtration, cold wax extraction, bleach recoloring, steam deodorization.... OK, now it’s ready for you to eat, it’s “healthier”!"
- 225 likes: "The beauty of seed oil is that, it won’t make you sick right away until after a few decades of consuming it."
- 149 likes: "The comparison to Olive oil was hilarious! First we wash it in acid, then soak it in some other crazy chemical and finally we bleach it before depositing the purified GMO goodness in a plastic bottle to let it absorb a few more chemicals."
- 117 likes: "It’s mind blowing that this was once thought to be healthy."
- 109 likes: "As someone who grew up in a small town with a canola oil processing plant, I can say they definitely forgot the part about the absolutely horrific smell this process gives off. Makes the whole town smell horrible, all the time."
- 26 likes: "I just got a job in a canola oil plant , it's dirty af in there and we add silica and clay bags on the refining side , we have to wear masks but most guys don't , I guess it's cancer causing , my gf says I smell like burnt popcorn when I get home from work."
- 17 likes: "Notice when the canola flakes are washed in “a solvent” for 70 minutes, she doesn’t name the solvent. This solvent is hexane, a known neurotoxic compound."
- 6 likes: "Can we also talk about it also being sold for animal feed AFTER the solvent and no mention of it being washed for use as feed?"
- Refined canola oil has a high smoke point of 400°F (204°C), one of the reasons why it is popular.
- Studies on rapseed/canola oil, which are greatly lacking, have been removed here and moved into the main article as sources. In 1975 it was linked to growth retardation and heart problems. After that, it was assumed this was purely due to acid levels in the plant. So this was breeded out even more. However, studies to show rapeseed/canola actually is safe now, have never been done. In fact, several studies from the 2010s show it is less heart healthy than olive oil, and even causes brain deterioration - in contrast to olive oil.
- More relevant studies:
- Nov. 10, 2015, Advances in Nutrition, 'Increase in Adipose Tissue Linoleic Acid of US Adults in the Last Half Century': "We identified 37 studies... Publication dates ranged from 1959 to 2008... The best-fit line for adipose tissue LA increased from 9.1% in 1959 to 21.5% in 2008, representing a 136% increase. ... At the same time that the LA content of adipose tissue has been increasing, the United States has experienced substantial changes in disease prevalence. Cardiovascular disease risk has declined (52 [note: study talks about a decline in heart disease mortality, not cases, and only from 1995-2009, and more superficially 1988-2013]), whereas the prevalence of obesity (53), diabetes (54), and asthma (55) have increased."
- 54: Sep. 24, 2014, JAMA, 'Prevalence and incidence trends for diagnosed diabetes among adults aged 20 to 79 years, United States, 1980-2012': "data from 1980 to 2012 suggest a doubling of the incidence and prevalence of diabetes during 1990-2008, and a plateauing between 2008 and 2012 [except in] non-Hispanic black and Hispanic subpopulations and those with a high school education or less."
- Sep. 26, 2018, Open Heart journal, 'Omega-6 vegetable oils as a driver of coronary heart disease: the oxidized linoleic acid hypothesis': "The intake of omega-6 vegetable oils, particularly soybean oil, began to increase in the USA starting in the early 1900s at a time when the consumption of butter and lard was on the decline. [1] This caused a more than two-fold increase in the intake of linoleic acid, the main omega-6 polyunsaturated fat found in vegetable oils, which now makes up around 8% to 10% of total energy intake in the Western world. The omega-6 fat linoleic acid should not be confused with conjugated linoleic acid found in pastured animal foods.
A systematic review of studies measuring the changes in linoleic acid concentration in subcutaneous adipose tissue in the USA revealed an approximate 2.5-fold increase in linoleic acid increasing from 9.1% to 21.5% from 1959 to 2008.2 Importantly, the concentration of linoleic acid in adipose tissue is a reliable marker of intake as the half-life of linoleic acid is approximately 2 years in adipose tissue. The authors of the study also noted that the increase in adipose tissue linoleic paralleled the increase in the prevalence of diabetes, obesity and asthma. [2] ...
The most prevalent fatty acid contained in LDL is linoleic acid. On LDL oxidation, linoleic acid is converted to hydroperoxides, which can then be converted to hydroxy acids, such as 9-HODE (9-hydroxy-10,12-octadecadienoic acid). 9-HODE is extremely prevalent in oxidised LDL and is a good indicator of lipid peroxidation. In fact, 9-HODE is 20 times higher in young patients with atherosclerosis compared with healthy volunteers and 30-fold to 100-fold greater in patients with atherosclerosis aged 69 to 94 compared with young healthy individuals.14 9-HODE levels may be a novel way to determine someone’s cardiovascular risk and further studies should be performed to test if 9-HODE could be a good risk factor for coronary heart disease, particularly in those over the age of 50.
In 1952, Glavlind and colleagues published a paper showing that aortic lipid peroxides positively correlated with atherosclerosis.25 These findings were confirmed in 1970 by Brooks et al who found large amounts of 9-HODE and 13-hydroxy-9,11-octadecadienoic acid (13-HODE) derived from linoleic acid hydroperoxides in aortic plaques.22 In 1991, Wang and Powell found increased amounts of 9-HODE and 13-HODE in the aortas and LDL of atherosclerotic rabbits.26 That same year, Belkner and colleagues found oxygenated cholesterol esters (cholesteryl linoleate) in atherosclerotic plaques of human aortas, the degree of which correlates with the stage of atherosclerosis.21 To sum up, the increase in linoleic acid hydroperoxides in atherosclerotic plaques coincide with a greater severity of atherosclerosis versus normal regions. In other words, the more oxidised linoleic acid you have in atherosclerotic plaque, the worse the severity of CAD.
In 1987, Halliwell and Grootveld found that many diseases were hallmarked by an increase in lipid peroxidation products. [27]"
- Nov. 10, 2015, Advances in Nutrition, 'Increase in Adipose Tissue Linoleic Acid of US Adults in the Last Half Century': "We identified 37 studies... Publication dates ranged from 1959 to 2008... The best-fit line for adipose tissue LA increased from 9.1% in 1959 to 21.5% in 2008, representing a 136% increase. ... At the same time that the LA content of adipose tissue has been increasing, the United States has experienced substantial changes in disease prevalence. Cardiovascular disease risk has declined (52 [note: study talks about a decline in heart disease mortality, not cases, and only from 1995-2009, and more superficially 1988-2013]), whereas the prevalence of obesity (53), diabetes (54), and asthma (55) have increased."
UnsureAmygdalin/B17- Cyanide-releasing compound mainly found in the seeds of apricots, bitter almonds, apples, peaches, cherries and plums, and in the roots of manioc.
- Possibly there is a difference in quality between various Amygdalin supplement suppliers.
- It has been used as an anti-cancer treatment since at least 1845 in Russia. In the 1920s it was used in the United States as well, but was considered too poisonous.
- Wikipedia has a lengthy article on Amygdalin (B17). It summarizes various studies over the decades demonstrating that the compound is completely ineffectual to treat cancer, and even dangerous to one's health. At the same time though, Arab and Chinese sources in particular have documented various tumor-suppressing effects of Amygdalin in vitro, and would like to see it integrated into modern chemotherapy cocktails. The question, of course, seems if those in vitro results translate to the real world, and to what extent.
- (accessed: May 27, 2024).
- Jan. 28, 1982, The New England Journal of Medicine, 'A Clinical Trial of Amygdalin (Laetrile) in the Treatment of Human Cancer': "One hundred seventy-eight patients with cancer were treated with amygdalin (Laetrile) plus a "metabolic therapy" program consisting of diet, enzymes, and vitamins. The great majority of these patients were in good general condition before treatment. None was totally disabled or in preterminal condition. One third had not received any previous chemotherapy. The pharmaceutical preparations of amygdalin, the dosage, and the schedule were representative of past and present Laetrile practice. No substantive benefit was observed in terms of cure, improvement, or stabilization of cancer, improvement of symptoms related to cancer, or extension of life span. The hazards of amygdalin therapy were evidenced in several patients by symptoms of cyanide toxicity or by blood cyanide levels approaching the lethal range. ... Amygdalin (Laetrile) is a toxic drug that is not effective as a cancer treatment."
- Aug. 2014, Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics (study by two CHiense doctors), 'Advanced research on anti-tumor effects of amygdalin': "In recent years the development of antitumor drugs has been gradually transformed from cytotoxic drugs to improving the selectivity of drugs, overcoming multidrug resistance, development of new targeted drugs and low toxicity with high specificity drugs. Amygdalin is a natural product that owns antitumor activity, less side effects, widely sourced and relatively low priced. All these features make the amygdalin a promising antitumor drugs, if combined with conditional chemotherapy drugs, which can produce synergistic effect."
- Feb. 15, 2016, Life Sciences journal (German study), 'Amygdalin delays cell cycle progression and blocks growth of prostate cancer cells in vitro'.
- Sep. 1, 2018, Bentham Science Publishers (study by 4 Arab doctors), 'Amygdalin from Apricot Kernels Induces Apoptosis and Causes Cell Cycle Arrest in Cancer Cells: An Updated Review': "Results: Data collected from already published articles revealed that apoptosis is a central process activated by amygdalin in cancer cells. It is suggested to stimulate apoptotic process by upregulating expression of Bax (proapoptotic protein) and caspase-3 and downregulating expression of Bcl-2 (anti-apoptotic protein). It also promotes arrest of cell cycle in G0/G1 phase and decrease number of cells entering S and G2/M phases. Thus, it is proposed to enhance deceleration of cell cycle by blocking cell proliferation and growth."
- June 2019, Cancer Medicine journal (study by Chinese doctors), 'Recent updates and future perspectives about amygdalin as a potential anticancer agent: A review': "Amygdalin is known to have an antitumor effect in solid tumors such as lung cancer, bladder cancer and renal cell carcinoma by affecting cell cycle, inducing apoptosis and cytotoxicity, and regulating immune function."
- Nov. 12, 2021, Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (study by two Arab doctors), 'Role of Amygdalin in Blocking DNA Replication in Breast Cancer In Vitro'.
- Some modern people have claimed it controlled or cured their terminal cancer, with various users on YouTube stating they use it to try to get their cancer under control.
- There is a major red flag though. The two main persons cited to have cured their cancer with Amygdalin (B17) are Dr. Carl O. Helvie, in the 1970s; and Sandy Rog, in the 2010s. Dr. Helvie followed various protocols besides taking B17. He was juicing fresh vegetables daily, adding tons of supplements, and engaged in occasional fasting. Among other things, he didn't just cut out all carbohydrates, but also all meat. Most worrying though is that Dr. Helvie's protocol came from a Cayce Cult doctor, with his work essentially being a new age promotion of this Cayce Cult. As late as 1997 he co-published with Charles Thomas Cayce of the Cayce Foundation, a nest of ancient alien conspiracy disinformation since the 1990s tied in with Coast to Coast AM:
- 2012, Carl O Helvie, 'You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions', pp. 45-56: "In July 1974 I awoke from a dream telling me to go for a chest x-ray. ... They found a spot on my lungs... It was a malignant tumor... I spoke with Ursula who was in my Search for God Group. A non-denominational group interested in developing spiritually these groups use material from the Edgar Cayce readings... Ursula also introduced me to several people locally who had successfully used laetrile (vitmaine B17 or Amygdaline) as an alternative method of treatment for cancer and gave me the name of a physician in northern Virginia who had successfully treated many patients with it. ... My plan to forgo surgery and use alternative treatments was based upon: 1) the reading from the psychic who independently identified the tumor and advised against surgery ...
[His] usual plan included: 1) B-17... 2) Nutritional Supplements... 3) Diet: Mainly fresh uncooked fruitm vegetables, grains and nuts. Avoidance of animal protein, including dairy... 4) Detoxification ... through frequent fasting and or enemas.... My specific plans follows... A juicer is expensive but an important tool... A good basic salad sauce is 2 parts of olive oil and 1 part lemon whipped until creamy. ... " - Oct. 1997, Carl O. Helvie and Charles Thomas Cayce for the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 'Alternative Treatment for Lung Cancer and Irregular Heartbeat: Two Case Studies': "The authors share their successful use of alternative treatments for lung cancer and irregular heart beat in the hope that this knowledge might be useful to others. ... Successful treatments used for lung cancer included a special diet supplemented with laetrile and vitamins, meditation, prayer, psychic healing, visualization, and stress management."
- 2012, Carl O Helvie, 'You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions', pp. 45-56: "In July 1974 I awoke from a dream telling me to go for a chest x-ray. ... They found a spot on my lungs... It was a malignant tumor... I spoke with Ursula who was in my Search for God Group. A non-denominational group interested in developing spiritually these groups use material from the Edgar Cayce readings... Ursula also introduced me to several people locally who had successfully used laetrile (vitmaine B17 or Amygdaline) as an alternative method of treatment for cancer and gave me the name of a physician in northern Virginia who had successfully treated many patients with it. ... My plan to forgo surgery and use alternative treatments was based upon: 1) the reading from the psychic who independently identified the tumor and advised against surgery ...
- The other person who claimed Amygdalin (B17) cured her cancer was the feisty, very religious Mormon, Mormon Sandy Rog, who in 2013 posted a Youtube video entitled 'I Beat Cancer With Vitamin B17'. In 2019, after stopping B17, the cancer came back and lodged itself around the spine in her neck, in a place impossible to operate. She died on May 5, 2022 at age 51. Her story may not be untrue at all (and maybe B17 is able to kill or suppress cancer when it still is in a very early stage), but she does come across as a bit of "Amygdalin (B17) or bust" propagandist. Her story:
- Oct. 29, 2019, Sandi Rog at her "Now for my updated account of how I can today celebrate seven years of being cancer free.
On November 1, 2010, I was diagnosed with Stage Four Non-Hodgkins T-cell Lymphoma when my oncologist found a tumor in my head. He gave me radiation for this tumor, which continued to light up on all the PET scans for the rest of my treatments, but the growth had stopped. Within a year-and-a-half I was given eight rounds of chemo ..., 35 treatments of radiation, a stem-cell transplant ..., and numerous amounts of drugs and one magnesium vitamin.
Despite this aggressive protocol, all these traditional cancer treatments failed. After this, I was left with three tumors: one in my ribcage and two in my spine. By October 2011 they did radiation on these tumors in order to stop the growth.
In the beginning of November of 2011 I saw a naturopathic doctor who gave me high doses of Vitamin C (via an IV), a slew of vitamins, and I got on Vitamin B17 [through a tip of her husband it seems]. ... The B17 worked, and by the end of December of 2011, I was [actually] declared in remission.
At this time I was taking 70 pills a day, which included drugs from the oncologist and supplements from the naturopathic doctor, including the B17. It was too much for me, so I got off all the supplements (including the B17), but continued taking what my oncologist prescribed. Then in February of 2012, the cancer came back, revealing a tumor in my pelvic bone. Again, I got radiation, but I still didn’t take any more of the supplements, including the B17.
Then in June I got another PET scan which revealed more tumors. The tumor in my pelvic bone still lit up (just like the one in my head did until the end of December 2011), I had another tumor in my rib cage, and three in my lymph nodes. By this time we were defeated. I was going to die. My oncologist, Dr. Myint from Colorado University Hospital, said all he could offer was more chemo, and sent me home to think about it. By this time, I had nothing to lose. I decided to slowly wean myself off the immune suppressant drugs (namely the Tac), along with all the other drugs the oncologist had me on, and I read up on Vitamin B17. At my next appointment with my oncologist, I refused the chemo (if I was going to die, I’d rather die strong than with my head in a toilet) and told the nurse practitioner that I was going to take Vitamin B17. Dr. Myint came in later, and when I asked him if he’d heard of B17, he puffed up his chest, and said, “Yes, of course.” But that’s all he said, and normally, he’d go on and on about the quackery of other alternative treatments we (my husband and I) had mentioned in the past, but this time he said nothing. They were willing to monitor me on this, and I was to return in eight weeks for another PET scan.
In August of 2012, I got on Vitamin B17, 500mg twice a day. Eight weeks later, these were the results of the PET scan: the tumor in my pelvic bone was gone; the one in my ribcage was gone; and the three in my lymph nodes, one was gone, the other was almost completely gone, and the other had shrunk so much my oncologist wasn't worried about it (by this time I had a new oncologist who was unaware that I was taking B17). After doing the math, I figured by ten weeks, all the cancer was gone.
Vitamin B17 wiped out my cancer on two separate occasions: December of 2011 while taking the immune suppressant drug (Tac) and in October of 2012 when I was off the Tac. This means the Tac had no affect on the cancer, and I could not have experienced a “spontaneous remission” as doubters believe. I've been free of cancer now for SEVEN years since October 2012, all because of God's stuff, His vitamin B17, a concentrated form of bitter apricot kernels. All the glory belongs to my Father who is in Heaven. Praise His Name!
Genesis 1:29, “Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”" - March 29, 2021, Sandi Rog at her "It turns out I DO have lymphoma again. Last year I quit taking the B17 (it was causing my blood pressure to significantly drop), and now I have a tumor that’s 10x8x8cm. It’s wrapped around the spine in my neck and pressing on the nerves that lead to my right hand and arm (so I have little to no function in my right hand and arm), and because of its location, it’s too risky to do surgery to take it out. Anyway, the tumor is too big IMO for the B17 to attack fast enough, so I agreed to do the following. My oncologist put me on an “immunotherapy” called Brentuximab. This is supposed to be a “targeted” therapy, which means it will only release the chemo into the cancer cell. Well, and even though the following wasn’t supposed to happen, I am losing my hair. As a "targeted therapy" it shouldn't affect my hair. My doc looks at me strange and doesn’t know why I’m losing my hair. He said it must be stress. ...
Anyway, what I realize now, but didn’t realize a year ago when I quit taking the B17, is instead of stopping cold turkey, I simply should have gone back to the brand that originally wiped out my tumors. It didn’t cause my blood pressure to drop so low. So I’m now back to taking (two 500mg a day) without any problems. You see, I had switched to a brand by Apricots from God whose B17 was more “pure.” Only thing is, because of that, it had an adverse reaction on my blood pressure. Now because my tumor is so big, I don’t think the B17 will be able to work fast enough to knock it out..." - April 30, 2021, Sandi Rog's husband at her "Good news is the large tumor in Sandi’s neck/back has not grown and seems to be inactive. Doctor says it resembles something like scar tissue. We were hoping that the radiation would give us a head start on killing the cancer. And now, Lord willing, the B-17 and other supplements can take it from there. There are a few, very small new spots: one in the lung and one in the lymph node in the right armpit. But, the doctor is not sure what they are. But, it is something to keep an eye on. The tumor has broken part of Sandi’s C-7 vertebrae...
We are taking this as giving us a head start on killing the cancer and with the Lord’s blessing we will continue with His supplements (B17, blushwood berries, MMS, and Paw Paw)."
- Oct. 29, 2019, Sandi Rog at her "Now for my updated account of how I can today celebrate seven years of being cancer free.
- Jan. 2015, JAMA Surgery, 'Increasing Disparities in Age-Related Incidence of Colon and Rectal Cancer in the United States, 1975-2010'.
- May 2013, Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 'Inhibitory Effects of Cabbage Juice and Cabbage-Mixed Juice on the Growth of AGS Human Gastric Cancer Cells and on HCl-Ethanol Induced Gastritis in Rats'.
- Jan. 1949, No. 1, California Medicine (uploaded, 'Rapid Healing of Peptic Ulcers in Patients Receiving Fresh Cabbage Juice' (it talks about "vitamin U", these days known as methylmethioninesulfonium chloride).
- 2014, Brazilian Journal of Oral Studies, 'Antifungal efficacy of Azadirachta indica (neem) - An in vitro study'.
- Aug. 29, 2013, Molecular Medicine Reports (Indian study), 'Clinical evaluation of a formulation containing Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata extracts in the management of knee osteoarthritis'.
- 2015, Special issue no. 1 (S1:1), General Medicine: Open Access journal (L.A.), 'A Comparative Study of Natural Eradication of Helicobacter pylori vs. Antibiotics' (original title: 'Helicobacter Pylori: Impact on Human Health'.
- April 9, 2023 YouTube upload by 'Dr. Eric Berg', 'The Amazing Properties of Wormwood', top comment with 514 likes (accessed: June 6, 2024): "I have to add....a friend of mine has had cancer multiple times. He was in the last stage and his wife found a Website where a cancer researcher testing mice with cancer was treating them with fenbendazole. ( Animal dewormer) In the interim, she caught cancer and was in the last stage. She started to take the dewormer and in 8 weeks her scans were clear! My friend took the same dewormer and he too was clear in 8 weeks. He continues to take it weekly at certain doses and has been clear for 2 years!!".
- Nov. 25, 2022 YouTube upload by 'Enrico Tartarotti', 'What Happened To Google Search?', comment section with over 16,000 comments (comments without upvotes were posted 10-12 months later): "[566 upvotes:] "Putting Reddit at the end of search queries has saved me thousands of times. It's one of the most effective ways you can find something nowadays."
[491 upvotes:] "My process usually involves: *Searching, with straight up wrong results. *Doing the quotes thing, to get specific words prioritized and then ending up with no results instead. *Putting reddit at the end of the first search and getting an immediate result."
[366 upvotes:] "It's so weird. These days, if you want an actual human answer from someone not trying to peddle you something, you almost always have to put 'reddit' after your search. :("
[14 upvotes:] "Google is a good search engine for reddit."
[No upvotes:] "Glad I'm not the only one to find that the workaround for searches (which isn't just Google btw) is to add reddit at the end of the query. ... Things have stopped progressing and have actually regressed thanks to a few companies' stranglehold on the internet."
[1 upvote:] "Almost every search I do these days ends with 'Reddit'. Only rarely does a normal google search matter, usually if I am shopping for something."
[No upvotes:] "I never even knew other people were doing it, but over the past 5 years I've appended "reddit" to the ends of necessary searches. Wow."
[No upvotes:] "I didn't even think about it but when I search for something specific I always add reddit to the end, now it make sense why I do it.". - Sep. 13, 2023 YouTube upload by 'Dr. Eric Berg DC', 'Dr. Berg Gets Censored (Silenced)': "If any information related to health doesn’t agree with the World Health Organization, the [YouTube] video won’t necessarily be taken down, but it may be hard to find. This is supposed to protect viewers against misinformation and promote high-quality health information. But, their definition of misinformation is anything that opposes their viewpoint."
- May 20, 2024 YouTube upload by 'James Victory', 'Fenbendazole Day 28A [an experiment by a non-cancer person]_this is a reload from March 11, 2020': "The policy and the guidelines which I had violated was that, "Content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts the World Health Organization or local health authorities' info about cancer treatment [in this case]."
- (accessed: May 28, 2024; May 16, 2024 comment; 'My rectum’s battle with doctors, Fenbendazole vs Cancer? CT results revealed'.
- Oct. 14, 2022 YouTube by 'Institute of Human Anatomy', 'What EXACTLY Are Muscle Knots? And Why Do They Happen?'. (accessed: May 29, 2024) - Feb. 25, 2016, Environmental Working Group (, 'Food Lobby Spends $101 Million in 2015 to Avert GMO Labeling'.
- 2005, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe in the 'We Feed the World' documentary: "... the NGOs, who bang on about declaring water a public right. That means that as a human being you should have a right to water. That's an extreme solution. The other view says that water... should have a market value.".
- Aug. 31, 2023, Reuters, '3M's $10.3 billion PFAS settlement gets preliminary approval'.
- June 29, 2023, (Dutch state news), 'Plassen en sloten in wijde omtrek Chemours-fabriek zwaar vervuild met PFAS' ('Water and ditches in the vicinity of the Chemours factory heavily contaminated with PFAS': "13 thousand times above the safe standard in new construction district")
- Sep. 17, 2008, American Contact Dermatitis Society, 'Formaldehyde, Aspartame, and Migraines: A Possible Connection'. Also see the next source.
- 2010, issue 1, Journal of Food Law & Policy, Jason Iuliano (Cambridge University), 'Killing Us Sweetly: How To Take Industry Out Of The FDA' (PDF).
- June 1987, U.S. GAO, 'FDA: Food Additive Approval Process Followed for Aspartame: Report to the Honorable Howard M. Metzenbaum, U.S. Senate', p. 66.
- Ibid., p. 68.
- Ibid., p. 2.
- April 8, 1976, U.S. Congress: House, 'Preclinical and Clinical Testing by the Pharmaceutical Industry, 1976: Joint', Statement by Alexander M. Schmidt, M.D., FDA commissioner 1973-1976.
- Ibid.
- April 9, 1976, The Argus (Fremont, California).
- June 1987, U.S. GAO, 'FDA: Food Additive Approval Process Followed for Aspartame: Report to the Honorable Howard M. Metzenbaum, U.S. Senate'.
- June 1987, U.S. GAO, 'FDA: Food Additive Approval Process Followed for Aspartame: Report to the Honorable Howard M. Metzenbaum, U.S. Senate', p. 39.
- Nov. 29, 1987, New York Times, 'Pervasive Chemical, Crucial to the Body, Is Indicted as an Agent in Brain Damage'.
- *) June 1987, U.S. GAO, 'FDA: Food Additive Approval Process Followed for Aspartame: Report to the Honorable Howard M. Metzenbaum, U.S. Senate'.
*) Nov. 18, 1996, CNN, 'Study suggests link between aspartame and brain cancer'. - Sep. 2006, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention journal, 'Consumption of Aspartame-Containing Beverages and Incidence of Hematopoietic and Brain Malignancies', p. 39.
- June 1987, U.S. GAO, 'FDA: Food Additive Approval Process Followed for Aspartame: Report to the Honorable Howard M. Metzenbaum, U.S. Senate', p. 5.
- (accessed: June 7, 2024): "After Daniel Searle had all but run his family’s company into the ground, Rumsfeld took over and began cutting costs across the board. After selling off the majority of Searle’s non-pharmaceutical business with the exception of the Pearle Vision chain, Rumsfeld’s trimming helped Searle turn a profit of over $120 million in 1982. The real success of Searle under Rumsfeld, however, came with the FDA approval of Aspartame, the artificial sweetener that became popular and very profitable for Searle during the 1980s diet craze."
- (accessed: June 7, 2024): "4/13/1981 - 9/11/1983."
- May 7, 1985, Congressional Record: Senate, p. 10804: "Nonetheless, in 1981, ArthurHull Hayes, then Commissioner of Food and Drugs, approved aspartame for use in dry foods and as a table-top sweetener. ... Soon after Dr. Hayes left the agency and took a job as senior medical consultantfor Burson-Marsteller, a public relations agency that represents Searle."
- May 29, 2023, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 'Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose-6-acetate and its parent sucralose: in vitro screening assays' (PDF): "Sucralose-6-acetate is an intermediate and impurity in the manufacture of sucralose, and recent commercial sucralose samples were found to contain up to 0.67% sucralose-6-acetate. Studies in a rodent model found that sucralose-6-acetate is also present in fecal samples with levels up to 10% relative to sucralose which suggest that sucralose is also acetylated in the intestines. ...
Many scientific research investigations since regulatory approval, however, do not corroborate any of the 6 early historical claims regarding the biological fate or safety of sucralose." - *) June 20, 2019, Frontiers in Microbiology, 'Maternal Exposure to Non-nutritive Sweeteners Impacts Progeny’s Metabolism and Microbiome'.
*) March 31, 2020, Gut Microbes, issue 4, Chinese study, 'Maternal sucralose intake alters gut microbiota of offspring and exacerbates hepatic steatosis in adulthood'. - Sep. 2007, Environmental Health Perspectives journal, 'Life-Span Exposure to Low Doses of Aspartame Beginning during Prenatal Life Increases Cancer Effects in Rats.' Study conducted at the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center of the European Ramazzini Foundation. Confirmed the finding: April 12, 2021, Environmental Health Perspectives journal, 'Aspartame and cancer – new evidence for causation'.
- May 9, 2016, Reuters, 'Artificially sweetened beverages in pregnancy tied to higher infant weight'. This study involved 3,000 pregnant mothers.
- Sep. 17, 2008, American Contact Dermatitis Society, 'Formaldehyde, Aspartame, and Migraines: A Possible Connection'.
- May 15, 2023,, 'WHO advises not to use non-sugar sweeteners for weight control in newly released guideline'.
- Ibid.
- June 2010, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 'Gain weight by “going diet?” Artificial sweeteners and the neurobiology of sugar cravings'.
- April 6, 2016, CBS News, 'Diabetes cases nearly quadruple worldwide'.
- *) Ibid. 8.5% for 2014.
*) (accessed: June 8, 2024): 8.5% for 2011. - (accessed: June 8, 2024).
- Ibid.
- June 2010, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 'Gain weight by “going diet?” Artificial sweeteners and the neurobiology of sugar cravings'.
- May 30, 2018, Scientific Research Publishing, 'Artificial Sweeteners as a Cause of Obesity: Weight Gain Mechanisms and Current Evidence'.
- April 1, 2015, Scientific American, 'Artificial Sweeteners May Change Our Gut Bacteria in Dangerous Ways'.
- Sep. 24, 2021, Frontiers of Nutrition, 'Artificial Sweeteners: History and New Concepts on Inflammation': "... many studies have described aspartame as inert..."
- Aug. 2017, Food and Chemical Toxicology, pp. 323-355, 'Critical review of the current literature on the safety of sucralose': "Confirms conclusions of regulatory agencies globally that sucralose is safe...
Financial support was provided by the Calorie Control Council, Atlanta GA, to the employers of the authors for the preparation and publication of this review.". - (accessed: May 22, 2024): "Members include: ... Archer Daniels Midland Company. ... Cargill ... Coca-Cola ... PepsiCo ... [sucralose discoverer and patent holder] Tate & Lyle ... [aspartame producer] SinoSweet ... [saccharin producer] JMC Corporation..."
- Oct. 1979, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 'The Conflict Between Individual Freedom And Social Control: Saccharin And Food Additives'.
- (accessed: May 30, 2024): "1976: ... Sucralose, the no-calorie sweetener was discovered by Tate & Lyle in partnership with researchers at Queen Elizabeth College, University of London. Tate & Lyle went on to develop the product in partnership with McNeil Nutritionals LLC (a Johnson & Johnson company) to create SPLENDA® Sucralose."
- Aug. 25, 2015, Bloomberg, 'Johnson & Johnson Will Sell Splenda Sweetener to Heartland Food'.
- March 24, 2016,, 'Researchers Find That Splenda May Cause Cancer': "The researchers performed tests on more than 850 mice, feeding the test subjects different dosages of sucralose over a period of 12 days. The researchers ultimately concluded that mice fed higher doses of the sugar substitute were more likely to develop malignant tumors and hematopoietic neoplasms that can lead to leukemia and lymphoma. Although the potentially fatal dosages were four times higher than the recommended daily amount for humans, it is believed by some health experts that something that causes cancer in high doses can also cause cancer in lower doses [with much longer exposure]."
- Oct. 2019, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 'Revisited: Assessing the in vivo data on low/no-calorie sweeteners and the gut microbiota'.
- Sep. 8, 2016, PLoS One, 'Relationship between Research Outcomes and Risk of Bias, Study Sponsorship, and Author Financial Conflicts of Interest in Reviews of the Effects of Artificially Sweetened Beverages on Weight Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Reviews'.
- 2010, issue 1, Journal of Food Law & Policy, Jason Iuliano (Cambridge University), 'Killing Us Sweetly: How To Take Industry Out Of The FDA' (PDF).
- April 16, 2008, New York Times, 'Merck Wrote Drug Studies for Doctors'.
- /insights/leading-companies-maltodextrin-industry-218 (accessed: May 30, 2024).
- (accessed: May 30, 2024).
- June 18, 2004, NBC News, 'ADM settles corn syrup case for $400 million': "Last month, Cargill Inc. won federal court approval for a $24 million settlement stemming from accusations of conspiring to fix prices of the corn syrup. Cargill, based in St. Paul, Minnesota, was accused of teaming up with ADM and A.E. Staley Manufacturing, a unit of British-based Tate & Lyle Plc."
- Aug. 7, 2012,, 'US: ADM, Cargill to answer “false” corn syrup advertising claims'.
- Feb. 1989, Alcohol, Clinical and Experimental Research journal, 'Beef fat prevents alcoholic liver disease in the rat': "Liver pathology was evaluated in rats fed ethanol and [pig] lard or [beef] tallow or corn oil over a period of 2 to 6 months. ... Rats fed tallow and ethanol developed none of the features of ALD, those fed lard and ethanol developed minimal to moderate disease, rats fed corn oil and ethanol developed the most severe pathology. The degree of histopathological abnormality correlated with the linoleic acid content of fat in the diet (tallow 0.7%, lard 2.5%, corn oil 56.6%)." Credit goes to Dr. Eric Berg for brining this study to the author's attention.
- Nov. 10, 2015, Advances in Nutrition, 'Increase in Adipose Tissue Linoleic Acid of US Adults in the Last Half Century'.
- Sep. 26, 2018, Open Heart journal, 'Omega-6 vegetable oils as a driver of coronary heart disease: the oxidized linoleic acid hypothesis'.
- See the previous 3 notes.
- May 7, 2021 YouTube upload by 'Dr. Sten Ekberg', 'Your Doctor Is Wrong About Cholesterol'. - March 27, 2021 YouTube upload by 'Dr. Eric Berg DC', 'Dr. Berg's Wife Has Crazy High Cholesterol of 261..' - *) (accessed: May 30, 2024): "U.S. Canola Suppliers: SEED: Archer Daniels Midland Company ... BASF ... Bayer CropScience ... Cargill, Inc. ... DuPont Pioneer ... Monsanto (Bayer CropScience) ... OIL: Archer Daniels Midland Company ... Cargill, Inc. ... CANOLA BIODIESEL: Archer Daniels Midland Company . ... MEAL: ... Archer Daniels Midland Company ... Cargill..."
*) July 2, 2018,, 'ADM, Cargill complete agreement for soybean joint venture in Egypt'.
*) May 4, 2021, (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency), 'Vegetable oil and fat sector in the Netherlands': "In the Netherlands, the vegetable oil and fat producers include: - ADM. - Cargill." - *) July 2, 2018,, 'ADM, Cargill complete agreement for soybean joint venture in Egypt'.
*) May 4, 2021, (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency), 'Vegetable oil and fat sector in the Netherlands': "In the Netherlands, the vegetable oil and fat producers include: - ADM. - Cargill." - arh32/canola_oil_good_or_bad/ (accessed: June 4, 2024; original: Jan. 19, 2010)
- Jan.-Dec. 1975, Acta Medica Scandinavica, 'Physiopathological Effects of Rapeseed Oil: A Review': "Rapeseed oil has a growth retarding effect in animals. ... The effects of rapeseed oil on reproduction and adrenals, testes, ovaries, liver, spleen, kidneys, blood, heart and skeletal muscles have been investigated. Fatty infiltration in the heart muscle cells has been observed in the species investigated. In long-term experiments in rats erucic acid produces fibrosis of the myocardium."
- July 1975, Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science, 'Cardiac lesions in rats fed rapeseed oils.': "Fully refined rapeseed oils containing different amounts of erucic acid (1.6%, 4.3% and 22.3%) were fed, at 20% by weight of diet, to weanling male and female Sprague-Dawley rats for periods up to 112 days. ... Focal myocardial necrosis and fibrosis occurred in male rats fed rapeseed oils containing different levels of erucic acid for 112 days. ... There were generally fewer lesions in rats fed those oils having the lowest levels of erucic acid."
- May 11, 2021, Food Science & Nutrition, 'Erucic acid concentration of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) oils on the German food retail market'.
- Dec. 3, 2010 airdate, Season 16, episode 10, segment D, Discovery Channel (Canada) / Science channel (U.S.),'How It's Made'. March 11, 2012 YouTube upload, 'How It's Made - Canola Oil' ( accessed: June 4, 2024).
- Dec. 7, 2017, Scientific Reports, 'Effect of canola oil consumption on memory, synapse and neuropathology in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease'.
- June 1, 2013, Nutrition Reviews, 'Evidence of health benefits of canola oil': "After 15 years of continuing research on canola oil since the latest review by Dupont et al.,2 evidence shows a number of potential health benefits of canola oil consumption (Figure 2). Canola oil can now be regarded as one of the healthiest edible vegetable oils... Funding. This work was supported by the Canola Council of Canada and the U.S. Canola Association."
- (accessed: June 4, 2024).
- July 2014, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 'Health benefits of plant-derived α-linolenic acid': "The total- and LDL-cholesterol–lowering effects of ALA are well documented in studies that used walnuts (27), flaxseed (28), or rapeseed/canola oil (29)... 29. 'The dietary alpha-linolenic acid to linoleic acid ratio does not affect the serum lipoprotein profile in humans.' J Nutr, 135 (2005), pp. 2799-2804."
- 2005, The Journal of Nutrition, Dutch study, 'The Dietary-Linolenic Acid to Linoleic Acid Ratio Does Not Affect the Serum Lipoprotein Profile in Humans': "The control [group] fat consisted of a mixture of 30.4% sunflower oil, 33.1% olive oil, 11.5% rapeseed oil, and 25% hardstock made from fully hydrogenated palm kernel and palm oil. The experimental fat low in LA [linoleic acid] was composed of 63% olive oil, 9% rapeseed oil, and 28% hardstock. The fat rich in ALA [alpha-linoleic acid] consisted of 20% sunflower oil, 5% olive oil, 52.5% rapeseed oil, and 22.5% hardstock. ... In conclusion... Only the diet with a small increase in ALA intake caused a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol and apoB concentrations."
- June 1, 2013, Nutrition Reviews, 'Evidence of health benefits of canola oil'.
- April 2015, Food Policy, 'Functional food choices: Impacts of trust and health control beliefs on Canadian consumers’ choices of canola oil': "Trusting people are more likely to buy GM/GE food. ... The authors acknowledge funding support for this study from Genome Canada, Genome Alberta and the Consumer and Market Demand Network. Travel funding support from National Natural Science Foundation of China..."
- (accessed: June 4, 2024): A deputy director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Another a vice president of Alamos Gold Inc. There's a former director of Petro-Canada and senior vice president of Suncor. And also a Chief Scientist – Biosciences, Shell on the Scientific advisory board.
- Oct. 31, 2015, BMC Trials journal, 'Effect of consuming novel foods consisting high oleic canola oil, barley β-glucan, and DHA on cardiovascular disease risk in humans...': "The trial is financially supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)... The authors acknowledge the Alberta Barley Commission ... The Canadian International Grains Institute... the Richardson Oilseed Limited [and] Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada..."
- March 10, 2022, Nutrition and Food Science Technology, 'Transgenic Canola Oil Improved Blood Omega-3 Profiles': "[Either] canola oil ... or placebo (corn oil). ... Funding: The study was funded by Nuseed®. Conflict of Interest. JB, AB, XL, and DV are employees of Nutrasource Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Services Inc., a contract research organization. BH is a consultant for NuseedⓇ"
- March 12, 2008, BMC Artery Research journal, 'Canola oil decreases cholesterol and improves endothelial function in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease — a pilot study'.
- Oct. 17, 2014, Cambridge University Press, 'Can rapeseed oil replace olive oil as part of a Mediterranean-style diet?'.
- Sep. 9, 2020, Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 'Canola oil compared with sesame and sesame-canola oil on glycaemic control and liver function in patients with type 2 diabetes: A three-way randomized triple-blind cross-over trial': "Conclusions: SO [Sesame Oil] consumption appears to improve glycaemic control markers in males and serum GGT [gamma-glutamyltransferase] in females compared with CO [Canola Oil] in patients with type 2 diabetes."
- 2018, supplement 1, Progress in Nutrition (Iranian study), 'Canola oil and olive oil impact on lipid profile and blood pressure in women with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled trial': "Objective: ... This clinical trial was done to compare the effects of CO [canola oil] and OO [olive oil] on serum lipids and blood pressure in women with type 2 diabetes. ...
Results: After treatment, SBP [systolic blood pressure] (p=0.02), TG [triglycerides] (p=0.01) and VLDL-C [low-density lipoprotei] (p=0.02) were significantly decreased in OO [olive oil] group. None of the variables had significant changes in CO [canola oil] or SFO [olive oil] groups. There were no significant differences in the blood pressure and lipid profile among 3 groups. ...
Conclusion: Although we found no differences between the effects of CO [canola oil], OO [olive oil], and SFO [sunflower oil], it seems that replacing CO [canola oil] and SFO [sunflower oil] by OO [olive oil] may have some beneficial effects on SBP [systolic blood pressure], TG [triglycerides] and VLDL-C [low-density lipoprotei] in women with type 2 diabetes. ...
Table 4. ... LDL -C (mg/dL): [olive oil before:] 81.5... [olive oil after:] 90.7... [olive oil increase:] 9.2. ...
[canola oil before:] 80.08. [canola oil after:] 79.73. [canola oil decrease:] -0.3461. ...
[sunflower oil before:] 86.32 [sunflower oil after:] 90.32 [sunflower oil increase:] 4.00." - Dec. 7, 2017, Scientific Reports, 'Effect of canola oil consumption on memory, synapse and neuropathology in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease': "In recent years consumption of canola oil has increased due to lower cost compared with olive oil and the perception that it shares its health benefits. However, no data are available on the effect of canola oil intake on Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis. Herein, we investigated the effect of chronic daily consumption of canola oil on the phenotype of a mouse model of AD that develops both plaques and tangles (3xTg). To this end mice received either regular chow or a chow diet supplemented with canola oil for 6 months. At this time point we found that chronic exposure to the canola-rich diet resulted in a significant increase in body weight and impairments in their working memory together with decrease levels of post-synaptic density protein-95, a marker of synaptic integrity... Our data do not justify the current trend aimed at replacing olive oil with canola oil. ... On the other hand, studies have consistently demonstrated a beneficial effect of olive oil in different mouse models of neurodegeneration [11–13]"
- Nov. 27, 2020, Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases, 'The effects of Canola oil on cardiovascular risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis with dose-response analysis of controlled clinical trials'.
- Jan. 29, 2021, Lipids in Health and Disease, 'The effects of canola and olive oils consumption compared to sunflower oil, on lipid profile and hepatic steatosis in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a randomized controlled trial'.
- instructor/flanagan/ (accessed: June 7, 2024): "Alan is a member of the Heart UK Medical, Scientific & Research Committee."
- 2022 annual report, HEART UK - The Cholesterol Charity, pp. 3-4, 11-12.
- Dec. 7, 2017, Scientific Reports, 'Effect of canola oil consumption on memory, synapse and neuropathology in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease': "In the UK and Ireland, Flora has worked with cholesterol charity, HEART UK, on a range of initiatives to encourage people to make heart-healthy choices. Results from Flora pro.activ Testing the Nation roadshows were analysed and published in 2008 by Oxford University under the auspices of HEART UK. The fndings helped to inform the development of national policy on cardiovascular health.
STAKEHOLDER VIEW: “We applaud Unilever UK and Ireland’s industry-leading efforts to cut trans and saturated fats from its products and to raise consumer awareness about the risks of raised cholesterol.” MICHAEL LIVINGSTON DIRECTOR, HEART UK – THE CHOLESTEROL CHARITY." - March 3, 2023 YouTube upload by 'The Proof with Simon Hill', 'Is Canola Oil Bad for You? | Dr. Alan Flanagan | The Proof Clips EP 227'.
- Ibid.
- Nov. 4, 2015 YouTube upload by 'TosTinMan EasyCooking', 'Does Canola Oil go Bad or Rancid from Sitting? Here's My Experience with Old Cooking Oil' (granted, his canola oil was a few years old, but certainly tasted horrible).
- July 20, 2022 YouTube upload by 'The Proof with Simon Hill', 'Cholesterol Denialists Are WRONG | Dr Alan Flanagan | The Proof Podcast Bonus EP'. Top comment as of June 7, 2024.
- Nov. 25, 2023 YouTube upload by 'The Proof with Simon Hill', ' What is Canola Oil? Exploring Its Composition, Production, and the Truth About Toxicity | The Proof'.
- July 20, 2022 YouTube upload by 'The Proof with Simon Hill', 'Cholesterol Denialists Are WRONG | Dr Alan Flanagan | The Proof Podcast Bonus EP'.
- Ibid., opening words.
- 11/17/lipoproteina-causality-and-checkmate-on-low-carb-cholesterol-denialism/ (accessed: June 7, 2024; website of Dr. Alan Flanagan).
- 14vunon/realworld_consequences _to_misinformation/ (accessed: June 7, 2024; post by Dr. Alan Flanagan: July 10, 2023).
- /richtlijn_76_621_eeg_van_de_raad_van_20 (accessed: June 4, 2024; original: 20 juli 1976): "1. Uiterlijk met ingang van 1 juli 1979 mag het gehalte aan erucazuur van de in artikel 1 bedoelde produkten, berekend op het totale gehalte aan vetzuren in de vetfase, niet meer bedragen dan 5 %. 2. De [EU] Lid-Staten stellen in ieder geval met ingang van 1 juli 1977 een erucazuurgehalte vast dat niet hoger is dan 10 %."
- Ibid.
- *) May 16, 2002, Health Council of the Netherlands (gezondheidsraad): Committee on the Safety Assessment of Novel Foods, 'Rapeseed oil with phytosterols and vitamin E; Second opinion regarding consumer safety, in accordance with European Regulation 258/97 concerning novel foods and novel food ingredient': "Het erucazuurgehalte van de nieuwe raapzaadolie is volgens de aanvrager ten hoogste 5% van het totaal aan vetzuren. De olie voldoet hiermee aan Richtlijn 76/621/EEG..."
- May 11, 2021, Food Science & Nutrition, 'Erucic acid concentration of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) oils on the German food retail market': "The measured erucic acid concentrations of the investigated samples ranged from a minimum of 0.17 [0.02%] to a maximum of 9.68 g/kg [0.97%] (Table 2). All of the examined rapeseed oil samples (Table S1) thus met the legal requirements of a maximum level of 50 g/kg [5%] for vegetable oils with regard to EU Regulation 696/2014 (European Commission. Commission Regulation, 2014), which was valid at the time of this investigation, as well as the new maximum level of 20 g/kg [2%], as established at the end of 2019 by EU regulation 2019/1870 (European Commission. Commission Regulation, 2019a). ...
Around 80% of the samples (80.3%; 241 samples) were even below 4 g/kg [0.4%], and thus below the maximum erucic acid concentration for infant and follow‐on formula which was only quite recently changed (during the execution of our investigation) from 1% [10 g/kg] to 0.4% in 2019 (European Commission. Commission Regulation, 2019b)." - June 16, 2017, SciCom: Wetenschappelijk Comite van het Federaal Agentschap voor de Veiligheid van de Voedselketen (Belgium), pp. 12-13: "[Meestal] is het gehalte in zaden van geteelde koolzaad voor voeding typisch lager dan 0,5% (EFSA, 2016). De aanwezigheid van erucazuur werd eveneens gerapporteerd in gebak, cakes en opvolgmelk voor baby's en in bepaalde diervoeders waarin raapzaad‐ of koolzaad meel werden verwerkt (EFSA, 2016) ...
Bij ratten werd een stijging van myocardiale lipidosevastgesteld met een dosis van 1 g erucazuur/kg lichaamsgewicht per dag of meer. Bij pasgeboren biggen werd een stijging van myocardiale lipidose vastgesteld bij een dosis van 1,1 g erucazuur/kg lichaamsgewicht per dag of meer. De "No Observed Adverse Effect Level’ (NOAEL) voor lipidose bedroeg 0,7 g/kg lg per dag in eenvoederstudie gedurende 7 dagen bij jonge ratten en gedurende 2 weken bij pasgeboren biggen. Volwassen varkens kunnen hogere gehalten van erucazuur verdragen dan jonge dieren. ...
"Bij de mens werd het mogelijk verband tussen kanker en de blootstelling aan erucazuur bestudeerd, maar er konden geen conclusies worden getrokken. ...
Aangezien er onvoldoende gegevens bestaan voor debeoordeling van de dosis‐respons bij de mens, heeft het CONTAM [Contaminanten in de Voedselketen]‐panel van de EFSA [European Food Safety Authority] (EFSA, 2016) de studiegegevens van proefdieren onderzocht om de referentiepunten in kaart te brengen. Het CONTAM‐panel van EFSA heeft gekozen voor een NOAEL [No Observed Adverse Effect Level] voor lipidose van 0,7 g/kg lg per dag als referentiepunt voor de risicobeoordeling. Deze is gebaseerd op een voedingsstudie gedurende 7 dagen bij jonge ratten en gedurende 2 weken bij pasgeboren biggen. Op basis van deze NOAEL heeft het CONTAM‐panel een TDI opgesteld van 7 mg/kg lg/dag voor erucazuur waarbij een onzekerheidsfactor 100 toegepast werd teneinde rekening te houden met intra‐ en interspecies verschillen. Het CONTAM‐panel heeft genoteerd dat deze TDI lager ligt dan de erucazuur dosis van 100 mg/kg lg per dag, waarbijer hematologische effecten optraden bij ALD‐patiënten die behandeld werden met Lorenzo's olie." - Sep. 1, 1999, Christian Science Monitor, 'Bitter dispute over an all-natural sweetener'.
- (Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board) (accessed: June 4, 2024; undated, but first webarchive: Sep. 30, 2020): "For rapeseed oil use in food products, the law states that erucic acid levels must not exceed 5%. The current maximum level in most contracts is set to 2%. The European Commission plans to change the legal food standard to 2%.
The detection of higher than expected levels of erucic acid in seed grown from some double-low varieties recently, with some deliveries exceeding the 2% level, is a concern.". - March 18, 2020,, 'Canada Celebrates 25 Years of GM Approvals': "Canada is celebrating 25 years of GM crop approvals after the commercial release of two genetically modified (GM) herbicide tolerant varieties of canola on March 14, 1995. The two GM canola varieties were AgrEvo Canada's glufosinate ammonium tolerant canola and Monsanto Canada's glyphosate tolerant canola."
- June 26, 2014,, 'EFSA gives carte blanche to the uncontrolled spread of Monsanto’s genetically engineered oilseed rape'.
- Dec. 2021, Biology journal (Basel), 'A Review of the Unintentional Release of Feral Genetically Modified Rapeseed into the Environment'.
- Feb. 25, 2016, Environmental Working Group (, 'Food Lobby Spends $101 Million in 2015 to Avert GMO Labeling'.
- April 1, 2022,, ' Industry accuses FDA of favoring big pharma in NAC row '.
- Nov. 14, 2004, New York Times, 'Despite Warnings, Drug Giant Took Long Path to Vioxx Recall'.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Nov. 14, 2004, New York Times, 'Despite Warnings, Drug Giant Took Long Path to Vioxx Recall'.
- Ibid.
- June 8, 2004, (Union of Concerned Scientists), 'FDA’s Drug Safety System Fails to Protect Public'.
- media/doc/111804dgtest.pdf (accessed: June 3, 2024). 'Testimony of David J. Graham, MD, MPH, November 18, 2004'.
- April 24, 2005, New York Times, 'Evidence in Vioxx Suits Shows Intervention by Merck Officials'.
- Ibid.
- (accessed: June 3, 2024).
- Ibid.
- Nov. 14, 2004, New York Times, 'Despite Warnings, Drug Giant Took Long Path to Vioxx Recall'.
- (accessed: June 3, 2024).
- Ibid.
- Nov. 10, 2007, PBS, 'Timeline: The Rise and Fall of Vioxx'.
- 2021 annual report, PEER, p. 14: "PEER was supported by 769 individual donors this calendar year. Foundation Partners: ... Seattle Foundation ... Park Foundation..."
- (accessed: June 3, 2024; '2006 UCS And Peer Survey Of U.S. Food And Drug Administration Scientists').
- Copy-pasting this amendment into Google Books, shows this exact quote to exist in countless publications, including congressional ones, from at least 1961 on, and into the 1990s, when the FDA banned the safe Stevia compound.
- April 1987, Vegetarian Times, 'Sweet Herb or Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana)'.
- Sep. 1, 1999, Christian Science Monitor, 'Bitter dispute over an all-natural sweetener'.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- 2010, issue 1, Journal of Food Law & Policy, Jason Iuliano (Cambridge University), 'Killing Us Sweetly: How To Take Industry Out Of The FDA' (PDF).
- Ibid.
- April 16, 2008, New York Times, 'Merck Wrote Drug Studies for Doctors': "Dr. Joseph S. Ross of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, said... “It almost calls into question all legitimate research that’s been conducted by the pharmaceutical industry with the academic physician,” ... because the ghostwriting practice appears to be widespread. ...
In an editorial, JAMA said the analysis showed that Merck had apparently manipulated dozens of publications to promote Vioxx. “It is clear that at least some of the authors played little direct roles in the study or review, yet still allowed themselves to be named as authors,” the editorial said.". - (accessed: June 1, 2024).
- Dec. 2022, Cancers (Basel), 'Understanding the Link between Sugar and Cancer: An Examination of the Preclinical and Clinical Evidence': "Preclinical studies and studies of people with MetS show that high-sucrose or high-fructose diets activate several mechanistic pathways, including inflammation, glucose, and lipid metabolic pathways, suggesting a causal link between excess sugar consumption and cancer development and progression that is independent of weight gain."
- Feb. 2017, Federal Practitioner journal, 'Ketogenic Diets and Cancer: Emerging Evidence'.
- Ibid.
- Jan. 31, 2014, Lewis C. Cantley of Cornell Medical College, BMC Biology journal, 'Cancer, metabolism, fructose, artificial sweeteners, and going cold turkey on sugar': "Cancer cells are typically utilizing glucose at 50- to 100-fold the rate of the normal tissue surrounding it...".
- *) (accessed: May 31, 2024; "Medically Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD, MPH on July 10, 2023. Written by Linda Rath"): "Cancer cells use about 200 times more than normal cells. Tumors that start in the thin, flat (squamous) cells in your lungs need even more glucose to fuel their growth."
*) July 31, 2018, BMB Reports of the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 'Cancer stem cell metabolism: target for cancer therapy': "... cancer cells uptake glucose and glutamate at a rate of more than about 200 times that of normal cells.".
*) April 2022, Biochemie, 'Glucose deprivation using 2-deoxyglucose and acarbose induce metabolic oxidative stress and apoptosis in female mice bearing breast cancer': "Cancer cells generate energy primarily by increasing the rate of glycolysis by 200 times that of normal cells of origin. ... This difference can be used as a target for cancer therapy by glucose deprivation." - /dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/radioactive-glucose (accessed: May 1, 2024): "When used with PET, radioactive glucose helps find cancer cells in the body.".
- *) Oct. 1, 2014, International Journal of Cancer, 'Ketone supplementation decreases tumor cell viability and prolongs survival of mice with metastatic cancer': "Previous studies indicate that unlike healthy tissues, cancer cells are unable to effectively use ketone bodies for energy. ... Dietary ketone supplementation with BD and KE prolonged survival in VM-M3 mice with systemic metastatic cancer by 51 and 69%, respectively (p < 0.05). Ketone administration elicited anticancer effects in vitro and in vivo independent of glucose levels or calorie restriction."
*) Feb. 2017, Federal Practitioner journal, 'Ketogenic Diets and Cancer: Emerging Evidence'. - Feb. 2017, Federal Practitioner journal, 'Ketogenic Diets and Cancer: Emerging Evidence'.
- Sep. 11, 2023, Brain Sciences, 'The Role of Ketone Bodies in Treatment Individualization of Glioblastoma Patients': "They found nine relevant studies showing an overall survival increase (in half of the analyzed studies), as well as the quality of life (in 25% of cases), in patients who were administered ketogenic diets, and only in one quarter of the cases the quality of life decreased [63]."
- Nov. 5, 2018, Neuro-Oncology, 'Cbmt-25. Anti-tumor Effect Of VEGF Inhibitor Plus Ketogenic Diet Therapy For Glioblastoma'.
- June 5, 2014, Cell Stem Cell journal, 'Prolonged Fasting reduces IGF-1/PKA to promote hematopoietic stem cell-based regeneration and reverse immunosuppression'.
- Nov. 30, 2018,, 'Cancer cells' use of sugar holds the key to their destruction'.
- Nov. 2008, Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 'Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins' (PDF).
- June 7, 2019, Molecules, 'Benzimidazoles Downregulate Mdm2 and MdmX and Activate p53 in MdmX Overexpressing Tumor Cells'.
- Ibid.
- Feb. 10, 2021, Clinical Oncology Case Reports journal, 'Fenbendazole Enhancing Anti-Tumor Effect: A Case Series'.
- Aug. 27, 2022, Forbes, 'Oncologists Were Paid To Prescribe Generic Chemotherapy (Here’s Why It Didn’t Change A Thing)'.
- Feb. 8, 2024, (Erasmus University), 'Pharmaceutical companies often continue to charge high prices for cancer drugs despite indication expansion'.
- *) Jan. 25, 2016, Fred Hutch Cancer Center, 'Cancer, bankruptcy and death: study finds a link '
*) Referred study: Jan. 25, 2016, no. 9, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 'Financial Insolvency as a Risk Factor for Early Mortality Among Patients With Cancer'. - (accessed: May 26, 2024; original: Nov. 16, 2022).
- June 5, 2014, Cell Stem Cell journal, 'Prolonged Fasting reduces IGF-1/PKA to promote hematopoietic stem cell-based regeneration and reverse immunosuppression'.
- Oct. 21, 2019, (promotes "fat is beautiful", interracial sex, etc.), 'Waarom vasten voor kankerpatiënten volgens experts een slecht idee is'.
- June 5, 2022, New York Times, 'A Cancer Trial’s Unexpected Result: Remission in Every Patient'.
- April 25, 2021 YouTube upload by 'The Apples', 'My Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis at 33 Years Old (Adenocarcinoma)'.
- I've seen various additional "My family member ate super-healthy, was a vegan, but she has died of cancer"-comments that I can't find back. Maybe there's something to it. Maybe there is not. We'll see at a later point. *) April 25, 2021 YouTube upload by 'The Apples', 'My Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis at 33 Years Old (Adenocarcinoma)' (complaints started right after second pregnancy; she died in 2023; there's clearly an LGBTQ aspect to her seemingly male partner): "We were surprised by this diagnosis because I'm a pretty healthy person. ... I have never smoked. ... I'm vegan."
- Oct. 13, 2023 YouTube upload by 'The Apples', 'It has been Difficult-A Very Hard Week-Stage IV Cancer-NSCLC', 13:30: "I have my own complete, clean nutrition energy drink. It was recommended by my oncologist that I keep drinking as much healthy protein as I can. And my sister found me this 2 years ago, when I was first ... diagnozed."
- Sep. 11, 2023, Brain Sciences, 'The Role of Ketone Bodies in Treatment Individualization of Glioblastoma Patients': "They found nine relevant studies showing an overall survival increase (in half of the analyzed studies), as well as the quality of life (in 25% of cases), in patients who were administered ketogenic diets, and only in one quarter of the cases the quality of life decreased [63]."
- (accessed: May 1, 2024).
- (accessed: May 1, 2024).
- (accessed: May 1, 2024).
- (accessed: June 1, 2024).
- Aug. 17, 2009, Journal of Clinical Oncology, no. 12, 'Pancreatic Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy Compared With Gemcitabine-Based Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer.'.
- Feb. 9, 2010, no. 2, Oncology, 'Gerson Regimen'.
- (accessed: June 1, 2024): "His nutritional research received substantial financial support from Procter & Gamble and Nestle.".
- Aug. 17, 2009, Journal of Clinical Oncology, no. 12, 'Pancreatic Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy Compared With Gemcitabine-Based Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer.'.
- (accessed: June 1, 2024).
- July 2012, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 'A woman with recurrent calcium phosphate kidney stones': "Kidney stones composed predominantly (50% or more) of calcium phosphate constitute up to 10% of all stones and 15%-20% of calcium stones, 80% of which are composed of calcium oxalate."
- Ibid.
- April 1, 2022, JAMA Network journal, 'Effect of Plasma and Blood Donations on Levels of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Firefighters in Australia: A Randomized Clinical Trial'.
- July 21, 2019, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 'Dose–Response Relationship of Outdoor Exposure and Myopia Indicators'.
- 1867, Prof. Hermann Cohn (1838–1906; Breslau University, Prussia), 'Untersuchingen der Augen von 10060 Schulkindern' ('Investigations of the Eyes of 10,060 School Children').
- July 1, 2016, Scientific American, 'A World Where Everyone Needs Glasses?'.
- *) July 1, 2016, Scientific American, 'A World Where Everyone Needs Glasses?'.
*) Aug. 22, 2023, Wired, 'The World Is Going Blind'. - July 1, 2016, Scientific American, 'A World Where Everyone Needs Glasses?'.
- July 1, 2016, Scientific American, 'A World Where Everyone Needs Glasses?'.
- Aug. 22, 2023, Wired, 'The World Is Going Blind'.
- Ibid.
- May 19, 1881, Popular Science Monthly, 'Eyes and School-Books'.
- May 19, 1881, Popular Science Monthly, 'Eyes and School-Books'.
- Ibid.
- 1867, Prof. Hermann Cohn (1838–1906; Breslau University, Prussia), 'Untersuchingen der Augen von 10060 Schulkindern' ('Investigations of the Eyes of 10,060 School Children').
- May 19, 1881, Popular Science Monthly, 'Eyes and School-Books'.
- May 19, 1881, Popular Science Monthly, 'Eyes and School-Books'.
- July 1, 2016, Scientific American, 'A World Where Everyone Needs Glasses?'.
- Aug. 22, 2023, Wired, 'The World Is Going Blind'.
- Aug. 22, 2023, Wired, 'The World Is Going Blind'.
- July 1, 2016, Scientific American, 'A World Where Everyone Needs Glasses?'.
- Aug. 22, 2023, Wired, 'The World Is Going Blind'.
- Ibid.
- Jan. 4, 2019, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 'Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 to 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experience'.
- Aug. 8, 2020, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research journal, 'Vitamin D supplementation: upper limit for safety revisited?'.
- Jan. 4, 2019, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 'Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 to 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experience'.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Aug. 27, 2019, JAMA Network, 'Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D Supplementation on Volumetric Bone Density and Bone Strength'.
- Aug. 8, 2020, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research journal, 'Vitamin D supplementation: upper limit for safety revisited?'.
- May 2015, Mayo Clinic, 'Vitamin D Is Not as Toxic as Was Once Thought: A Historical and an Up-to-Date Perspective'.
- Aug. 8, 2020, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research journal, 'Vitamin D supplementation: upper limit for safety revisited?'.
- Ibid.
- Jan. 4, 2019, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 'Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 to 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experience'.
- Jan. 4, 2019, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 'Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 to 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experience'.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Aug. 8, 2020, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research journal, 'Vitamin D supplementation: upper limit for safety revisited?'.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- (accessed: April 24, 2024; 'Vitamin D and Cancer '.
- May 2015, Mayo Clinic, 'Vitamin D Is Not as Toxic as Was Once Thought: A Historical and an Up-to-Date Perspective'.
- Dec. 1, 2001, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 'Vitamin E kinetics in smokers and nonsmokers'.
- Dec. 2019, Integrative Medicine journal, 'Highlighting The Substantial Body Of Evidence Confirming The Importance Of Vitamin K2 As A Cardio-Support Nutrient, And How The Right K2 Makes All The Difference'.
- Jan. 2010, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics journal, pp. 63-70, 'Heat-induced disassembly and degradation of chlorophyll-containing protein complexes in vivo'.
- *) Nov. 9, 2020, Open Med (Wars), 'Serum calcium levels correlates with coronary artery disease outcomes'.
*) July 2020, Iran Journal of Public Health, 'Association between Serum Calcium and First Incident Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Cross-Sectional Study'. - Nov. 9, 2020, Open Med (Wars), 'Serum calcium levels correlates with coronary artery disease outcomes'.
- qeovzs/oxalate_in_nuts_highly_contradicting/ (accessed: May 29, 2024): "[Reply 1:] Oxalate lists differ wildly. ... [Reply 2:] this is a road ive been down, and it will make you go nuts ( pun intended hehe) there is so much conflicting info... [Reply 3:] I think the Kidney Dietician, Harvard, U of Chicago have the most trustworthy lists. [Reply 4:] personally ive said fuck it. nobody knows what theyre talking about when it comes to oxalate content. every single place has a different measurement, its fucking useless."
- Jan. 2015, Nutrients journal, 'Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity'.
- Dec. 1, 2022, Hereditas journal (Chinese study), 'Mechanisms of Cynarine for treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease...'.
- June 7, 2018, New York Observer, 'Bye-Bye Black Food: New York City Prohibits Activated Charcoal in Food and Drinks'.
- Jan. 23, 2024, Medical News Today, 'What are the benefits of activated charcoal?'.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Dec. 2005, Applied and Environmental Microbiology journal, 'Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori and Associated Urease by Oregano and Cranberry Phytochemical Synergies'.
- Dec. 1, 1999, Cancer Letters journal, 'N-acetylcysteine suppression of the proliferative index in the colon of patients with previous adenomatous colonic polyps'. (accessed: April 23, 2024). - May 31, 2023, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 'Are we using the right cut-offs to obtain maximum information from Ki-67 in patients with early breast cancer?': "Values of Ki-67 were divided into 5 categories: 0-9%, 10-19%, 20-29%, 30-39%, and more than 40%. Results: ... Disease-free survival rates at 5 years was 96% for patients with Ki-67 0-9%, 90% for patients with Ki-67 10-19%, 80% for patients with Ki-67 20-29%, 75% for patients with Ki-67 30-39%, and 72% for patients with Ki-67 more than 40%."
- Oct. 7, 2013,, 'Wassen op 40 graden doodt amper 14 procent van de bacteriën'.
- Ibid.
- Oct. 2018, Nutrients journal, 'A Review of Mushrooms as a Potential Source of Dietary Vitamin D': "Analysis of vitamin D2 and ergosterol content of 35 species of dried mushrooms sold in China revealed they contained significant amounts of vitamin D2, with an average of 16.9 μg/g DM (range of 7–25 μg/g DM [48]). No details were provided on the method of drying, nor the time since the initial drying. ...
As demonstrated in two studies, nutritionally relevant concentrations of vitamin D2 (10 μg/100 g FW) in whole mushrooms can also be effectively achieved with a commercial pulsed UV lamp within a very short time period of 1–2 s (3–6 pulses) [41,42]. In contrast, it can take several minutes to generate the same concentration of vitamin D2 using a UV fluorescent lamp." - Oct. 5, 2018, issue 9, Frontiers in Microbiology (Front Microbial), 'Bactericidal Property of Oregano Oil Against Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Isolates'. (accessed: April 22, 2024). - Dec. 2005, Applied and Environmental Microbiology journal, 'Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori and Associated Urease by Oregano and Cranberry Phytochemical Synergies'.
- June 2010, issue 2-3, International Journal of Food Microbiology, pp. 102-108, 'Down-regulation of intestinal epithelial innate response by probiotic yeasts isolated from kefir'.
- June 2010, issue 2-3, International Journal of Food Microbiology, pp. 102-108, 'Down-regulation of intestinal epithelial innate response by probiotic yeasts isolated from kefir'.
- May 2018, Foods.
- *) Oct. 2011, Journal of Nutrition, 'Green Tea Consumption Is Inversely Associated with the Incidence of Influenza Infection among Schoolchildren in a Tea Plantation Area of Japan'.
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