The Haut de la Garenne Child Abuse Scandal: Senators Implicated; Ties to Rothschild, the Epstein Affair, Iran-Contra, BCCI, Iraqgate
"You are dealing with what is effectively state-sponsored pedophilia. ... We were having tremendous difficulties: black propaganda against us and that sort of thing."
~ |
Graham Power, Jersey police chief 2000-2008 and original head of the Haut de la Garenne investigation. [1] |
"97 allegations of abuse... more than 100 suspects... some could be described as members of the island's political and social elite."
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August 1, 2008, The Guardian, 'Jersey abuse inquiry'. |
"You are following some of the accounts that are given by the victims, and you are dealing with what is effectively state-sponsored pedophilia, which occurred over decades. ...
Graham Power, around 2008.
"What is particularly disturbing is that a number of [victims] I recall said, "I drew it to the attention of the police. I drew it to the attention of the proper authorities. It was all swept under the carpet. Nothing was done about it. Too many of [my] offenders were too well-connected. They knew important people. It was just made sure that I wouldn't get any justice." ...
"I'm not sure the issue of cover up has been addressed in a forthright way. ... I think there is still a perception ... that there may still be people in positions of authority who are associated even with [child sexual] abuse, who would cover it up. That is where people still feel uncomfortable and where more work is to be done."
~ |
Graham Power, Jersey police chief 2000-2008 and original head of the Haut de la Garenne investigation, in March 2011. [2] Power was highly regarded: he held a "Top Secret" clearance, received the Queen's Medal for distinguished service, and had been appointed as an assessor for the oversight body that selects chief police officers for UK constabularies/regions. [3] |
"The furnace was in the other wing and the archaeologists were of the view that the teeth and bones were there until they had to be moved as a new heating system was being installed. ...
"Strangely enough when the Sunday Times journalist David James Smith attempted to access this document [of the archaeologists] it had been removed under [debunker David] Warcup's leadership. David James Smith was told by the Press Officer that there had been a problem with the computer."
~ |
Lenny Harper, Jersey's deputy police chief 2002-2008 and effectively the initial "CEO" of the Haut de la Garenne investigation, on September 5, 2009. [4] |
Finally, it's done: an article about the Haut de la Garenne child abuse case. Being the first in 2007 to publish the full Dutroux X-Dossier file, including all the establishment names, after 1.5 years of research and writing, it was only natural to try and figure out if I could do the same with Haut de la Garenne when the case first made international headlines in 2008.
Looking around at the time for names of the accused, and preferably full police interviews with all the victim-witnesses, not much was to be found. One exception was activist senator Stuart Syvret, a person in contact with the police chiefs heading the Haut de la Garenne investigation: Graham Power and his deputy Lenny Harper.
Now, I would swear that at one point Syvret wrote on his blog - - that he had the names of all those accused in the affair. Considering Syvret is an activist, who doesn't mind a little jail time for dropping names, I contacted him through the blog he posted this on. This probably was in 2008, but may also have been in 2009 or 2010. No reply. I tried again on July 8, 2019. Again, no reply.
So, I tried. And I failed. At least for the time being. Still, now the world has a nice summary on the Haut de la Garenne affair.
Jersey: elite offshore banking paradise since 1962
Jersey is a small 5 by 9 miles (8 by 14.5 km) island located 14 miles (22 km) off France's Normandy coast. As a crown dependency of Great Britain, the island is governed largely independently, although the top of the judiciary, the "crown officers", still officially get appointed by the British government. During World War II, the channel islands, including Jersey and Guernsey, were the only British territory occupied by the Nazis, whom ended up purging it of almost all Jews.
Nothing much was going on in Jersey until in 1962 it established itself as an offshore banking paradise under the leadership of finance secretary and senator Cyril de Marquand (1902-1980). A 1988 publication summarized this rather obscure, but fascinating, piece of history:
"Probably nowhere in the British Isles, outside the City of London, do financial activities loom so large in daily life as in the Channel islands. ...
"The finance era was really ushered in by Jersey's decision in 1962 to abolish a usury law restricting interest rates to five percent. This was a calculated move by the then "chancellor", the late Senator Cyril Le Marquand, who is remembered today as the father of the islands' finance industry. Merchant bankers looking for a low-tax base [moved in en masse]. ... The first to move in were Kleinwort Benson, Hill Samuel and Royal Trust of Canada, followed not long afterwards by N.M. Rothschild and Hambros. ...
"Right [picture], Reg Jeune, as president of Jersey's finance and economic committee [also held by Le Marquand], controls spending. ...
"[Today] many billions are invested in the hundreds of offshore funds run from the islands, and yet more billions are handled by local trust companies." [5]
Senator Cyril's cousin, Senator John Le Marquand, was deeply involved in the Haut de la Garenne children's home. So was Senator Reg Jeune mentioned here. But more on that later.
Former "Jerseyman" John Christensen, born in 1956, has provided us with a facinating view of the island from a few decades later. He was born on the island, but left to study Finance in London in the 1970s. In London he began to work for Oxfam and ended up working for this NGO in India. Eventually, in the mid 1980s, he made his way back to Jersey, was employed at a subsidiary of what is now known as global accounting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, and became an expert in hiding vast sums of money for clients around the world in offshore shell companies.
The flight capital business took a toll on his consciousness so eventually Christensen sought out a job in government, trying to make a change. From 1987 to 1998 he was an economic advisor here to the Jersey parliament (the "States"), and also as an assistent to the country's leading economist, the Irish Colin Powell (not to be confused with the former U.S. general and secretary of state). However, he continued his interaction with the island's elite and on top of that maintained a prominent social profile on the island.
This is how Christensen described Jersey in the 1980s and 1990s, a good two decades after its establishment as an offshore banking paradise:
"Jersey in the mid-1980s was enjoying an extraordinary economic boom. ... The growth of demand for offshore services was too great for the island to handle. ... From my office window overlooking the Saint Helier waterfront I could watch Jersey's transition to an offshore financial center. Old townhouses and agricultural merchant stores were rapidly giving way to office blocks for international banks and accounting firms. ... Porsches, Jaguars, and BMWs were favorites on an island measuring a mere nine miles by five [with] a maximum speed limit of forty miles per hour. ...
"Local politics are dominated by property owners and business interests. The offices of Chief Judge and president of the States (the legislature) are combined in the post of the island's Bailiff, an appointment made by the British Crown, which means no clear distinction exists between the legislature and judiciary. Jersey's sole newspaper, the Jersey Evening Post, was for many years controlled by the island's most senior politician [Frank Walker]. ... A number of senior politicians sat on the boards of the companies they were supposed to regulate [through their positions on the] States Finance and Economics Committee [and in the] Financial Services Department. ...
"Approximately one quarter of the working-age population is directly employed in the island's offshore finance center, and most of the other residents depend on its revenues circulating through the local economy. In such conditions there is little scope for sustained critical scrutiny of what the policy makers are up to. This absence of the checks and balances required of a democratic state creates an ideal environment for incompetence and corruption, especially on a small island with a deeply embedded culture of conformism and secrecy.
"Civil servants we were expected to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil about the tax haven. This "three monkeys" attitude stemmed from constant fears that financial scandals would damage Jersey's reputation." [6]
Christensen also explained very well that Jersey's economic prosperity effectively is based on legalizing an enormous criminal enterprise that represents a serious tax problem to governments and less fortunate citizens around the world:
"[With firm like mine] the true identity of the real (beneficial) owner of the funds was kept strictly secret, and ownership of the offshore companies was disguised by nominee directors and shareholders. Very often the companies belonged to offshore trusts, which are wholly secret and not even registered. Elaborate measures were taken to maintain these walls of secrecy, including programming fax machines to give the appearance that the client companies actually ran functional offices in Jersey and endless precautions to ensure that outsiders would be unable to learn the true identity of the client. This was particularly handy for one client, a syndicate of stockbrokers in London, which used an anonymous offshore company in Jersey as the base for handling its very extensive insider trading racket with almost total impunity. The amounts involved in that company alone ran to hundreds of millions of pounds." [7]
In reality, Christensen has been a solid "liberal CIA" asset for decades, likely since getting in touch with Oxfam during his student days in London. Since 2003 he has been a leading light in the Oxfam- and Ford Foundation-funded NGO Tax Justice Network. More about these ties and finances in a PDF on Christensen.
It might also be worth your time to visit the biography of John Perkins in ISGP's list of 9/11-no-planers, where you will find similar "liberal CIA" financial ties. Christensen's A Game As Old As Empire (2007) basically was the sequel to Perkins' (disinformative) 2004 book Confessions of an Economic Hitman, which was massively pushed in conspiracy (disinformation) circles at the time. It might well be that the purpose of these two books has been help make the rather boring issue of flight capital and tax evasion more appealing to the "activist masses".
Sen. Stuart Syvret: Jersey's "liberal CIA" consciousness since 1990
The previous section discussed Jersey business and politics from the 1960s to the 1990s. What we see here is that in the 2000s very little had changed in Jersey.
Very fortunate is that the island has had at least one major political renegade since 1990: Senator Stuart Syvret, coincidentally a very good friend and political ally of lifelong "liberal CIA" asset, 1980s money launderer and 1990s States economic advisor John Christensen - whom we just met. That is, until an embattled Syvret publicly distanced himself from Christensen's Tax Justice Network in early 2007. Christensen got annoyed and wrote:
"You and I go back a long way. You regularly consulted me when I was an economic adviser to the States. We sat together on the Arts Trust and I supported you [all the time]...
"We have kept in regular touch throughout the past 9 years since I quit my job in Jersey and settled in the UK. You have frequently sought advice from me and my colleagues, some of whom rank amongst the top financial experts in their fields, and we have gone out of our way to provide analysis and advice. Time and again we have provided the ammunition you have used so effectively in the States. Don't delude yourself that other States members don't know this. They do. But the public doesn't, and it's the public you seek to deceive." [8]
Let's discuss the life of Senator Syvret here, because it sheds light on the manner in which Jersey was ran in the years leading up to the Haut de la Garenne scandal. Syvret actually came to play a major role in the scandal by allying himself with police chiefs Graham Power and Lenny Harper in trying to hold Jersey's establishment accountable for their decades-long covering up of widespread child abuse. "Liberal CIA" or not; Syvret has been important.
As for Syvret's background, he served as "deputy" ("congressman", "MP") from St. Helier from 1990 to 1993, senator in the 1993 - April 2010 period (the longest-serving at that point in time [9]), and a minister for health and social services from 2005 to 2007.
In December 2008 he was a major candidate for the position of home affairs minister, losing 18-38 to Senator Ian Le Marquand, who ended up becoming a huge opponent of the Haut de la Garenne investigation.
Syvret was controversial among the establishment for many years before the Haut de la Garenne investigation became public. Almost to the point of hilarity, he was a thorn in the side of 2005-2008 chief/prime minister Frank Walker in particular, as well as Senator Reg Jeune, an elitist tied to Haut de la Garenne and the Rothschilds. Let's look at Syvret's history a little:
- 1997: Ernst & Young and Price Waterhouse (now PricewaterhouseCoopers) "managed to persuade Jersey's senior politicians to fast-track legislation to create a variant Limited Liability Partnership." Protest arose within the States/Parliament under the leadership of Senator Syvret about the manner this new LLP legislation was introduced [10], in the process exposing the questionable role Senator Reg Jeune played in it. Syvret's financial expert friend, States financial advisor John Christensen, played a key role in providing the financial data.
- In February 2005 Syvret accused Senator Frank Walker, then still Policy and Resources Committee president, of "a deliberate attempt to cover up a population explosion that will result from a new immigration policy", this after Walker announced to Parliament that island's next census would be produced in 2011 instead of 2006. [11]
- In April 2005 Syvret again attacked Senator Frank Walker and his Policy and Resources Committee, which he had already done so many times in the past, of "acting out of self-interest in opposing the Freedom of Information Law." [12]
- In September 2005 a proposal of Syvret was defeated in Parliament 25-20 to give ministers more rights to speak out and go against the chief minister. Frank Walker was among those opposing the motion. [13]
- On February 1, 2007 Syvret wrote a sharp, sarcastic, but still fact-based letter to millionaire project developer Richard Brocken, after Brocken had claimed on air that Syvret was a communist. In part, the letter read:
"Dear Ritchie... You failed to mention in your attacks on me that the Health & Social Services department, whilst under my leadership, has refused to enter into a multi-million pound public-private partnership with you... I know, I know – it must seem so unfair [but] your scheme was economic only if it could piggy-back on the many decades of heavy investment by the taxpayers of Jersey...
"Just think of the opportunities: if you became 'Senator Brocken', you could pursue your interest in opposing "extremist political doctrines" and seek to establish a "House Un-Jersey Activities Committee". There would surely be no shortage of support in the States with many members willing to serve on it."
Most likely primarily with respect to his colleages, Syvret apologized by saying his words were "inappropriate and could have caused some offence" and that he would stop acting "in a manner which would bring the States or its members generally, into disrepute." In return for Syvret's bending the knee, by-then chief minister Frank Walker allowed him to keep his job as health minister. [14] - In mid 2007 Syvret learned about the ongoing and still secret Haut de la Garenne investigation on the island. In coordination with deputy police chief Lenny Harper, who oversaw the investigation, Syvret started talking to witnesses in an attempt to learn more and get their voices heard. [15] One can already guess the consequences...
Interesting things started happening. In August 2007 Iris Le Feuvre, the voluntary chairman of the Jersey Child Protection Committee (JCPC) and a 1990s Education Committee president, asked chief minister Frank Walker to fire his health minister - Syvret - for "his outspoken criticism of the children's service and child protection policies," this in relation to the ever-increasing amount of Haut de la Garenne victim-witness Syvret was listening to. Syvret fired Le Feuvre and explained that the "letter was a case of officers under fire [by witness statements] protecting themselves." [16] Syvret later explained that Le Feuvre was deeply involved in the covering up of sadistic child abuse on the island [17], alongside attorney general Michael Birt and other elites. [18]
As a result of the Le Feuvre firing, Syvret's long-time number two, assistant health minister Celia Scott Warren, resigned; chief minister Frank Walker initiated a vote of no-confidence, [19] and by November Syvret was an ex-health minister. He remained a senator though. And he kept pushing. - On December 5, 2007 Syvret attempted to discuss the issue of Haut de la Garenne and widespread child abuse on the island during the Senate's Christmas Speech. As Syvret explained the spectacle: "Members began to interrupt... Philip Bailhache cut my microphone and adjourned the meeting. ... I couldn't believe people would behave in that way – I thought "what a pack of animals."" [20] That day, the Jersey Evening Post read, 'States in chaos over Syvret speech'.
Interestingly, former attorney general Sir Philip Bailhache and his brother, the then-present attorney general, have both been accused of covering up child abuse on the island. But more about that later.
From mid 2007 until the investigation in Haut de la Garenne was effectively terminated in November 2008, Senator Syvret was the biggest political ally of police chiefs Graham Power and Lenny Harper. In September 2009 Lenny Harper even made a long guest post on his blog.
Starting in March 2009, Syvret ruined things for himself, ending his career as senator by April 2010 and repeatedly sending him to prison for breaking "data protection" laws [21] with regard to leaking a 1999 police report, including names, on a dangerous, abusive male nurse who seemed overly eager to assist depressed and semi-terminal patients in euthanasia and other forms of suicide. According to Syvret, who served as a member and later president of the Health Committee at the time, Jersey's attorney general and other elites covered up the affair for unknown reasons. [22]
It definitely seems like Syvret was railroaded over the "Nurse M" leak, but this is not really important in relation to Haut de la Garenne. Looking at all the abuse Syvret took, it mainly makes one wonder why he didn't make sure that some of the elite names surrounding Haut de la Garenne were not leaked instead. Seems more important.
But, let's face it, is it really a coincidence that Syvret was such a close friend of "liberal CIA" asset John Christensen? Or that anno 2020 he has become a prolific anti-Trump twitter troll who is pushing conspiracy disinformation and all kinds of other globalist propagandists? And that he is even "admiring" the ultra-creepy, elite-propped-up, 16-year-old climate drama-queen Greta Thunberg? [23] It can't get much crazier. "Liberal CIA" at work? It has to be.
Origins: a child abuse-infested island
In 2000, with Senator Syvret already making waves for a number of years, Jersey got itself a new chief of police, Graham Power. Two years later, another "mainlander" and "outsider", Lenny Harper, was appointed as his deputy. While Power was in charge, he always provided Harper with lots of leeway to run his own investigations in a manner that he saw fit. Certainly when it comes to the Haut de la Garenne investigation, Harper acted as "chairman", while Harper was the "CEO".
In 2004 and 2005, Harper ran an investigation into the island's Sea Cadets, an organization which repeatedly came up in child abuse accusations. According to Harper, testimonies were made at the time alleging the "lending out of children to members of the boating fraternity" [24] and of "children ... in effect being loaned out to people taken on yachting trips", sometimes to foreign or even international waters to avoid Jersey law. [25] The name of Paul Every, a commanding officer in the Sea Cadets and a one-time civil-servant, came up repeatedly in the testimonies of victim-witnesses. His name also appeared earlier in relation to Operation Ore, a 1999 child porn investigation. [26]
Despite the testimonies and the Operation Ore connection, in late 2004 Harper failed to obtain a search warrant for the headquarters of the Sea Cadets. In January 2005 he was able to arrest Every himself and discover that Every had run search queries for child porn on his home computer. It mattered little. The Sea Cadets refused to fire Every (that is, until Harper later contacted the organization's HQ in London), the attorney general's office expressing little desire for any type of prosecution, and the States Assembly failed to act. There also was no interest in setting up a registry in Jersey for sex offenders. In April 2006 a ton of overlapping child abuse information was provided to Jersey's Criminal Investigation Department (CID). Again, nothing happened. [27]
Eventually, in September 2007, police chiefs Graham Power and Lenny Harper, set up their own investigation. Sexual abuse allegations spanning many decades continued to emerge from care homes as:
- Haut de la Garenne;
- Les Chenes;
- "group home" Blanche Pierre;
- the Jersey Home for Girls;
- the Jersey Home for Boys;
- Victoria College (for boys);
- Clos de Sables Family Group Home;
- La Préférence;
- Greenfields;
- St John Ambulance;
- and the Sea Cadets.
Purely physical and emotional abuse was reported from even more locations. [28]
In November 2007 police officers spotted a News of the World reporter in the bushes at Haut de la Garenne. At that point it was decided to inform the public of the investigation.
Focusing on Haut de la Garenne
Haut de la Garenne, in operation from 1867 to 1986, ended up becoming the main focus of the investigation. It had the largest number of reported child abuse testimonies. In the early days, details in the media of the abuse and torture by the staff were generally limited to terms as "horrifying", "cruel", "sadistic" and "evil".
The 2017 Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report on Haut de la Garenne includes a 62-page appendix summarizing many dozens of individual victim accounts at all the above care homes. These testimonies reveal a pretty bleak picture, spanning many decades, of almost all of Jersey's care homes. As for Haut de la Garenne, the most consistent complaints in the report were:
- Tons of chores, leaving little free time.
- A chronic lack of staff.
- Some of the staff being decent, with others being nightmarish physical, emotional and sometimes sexual abusers.
- Senior boys being appointed to oversee the younger ones without much oversight, resulting is large-scale physical and emotional abuse, to the point of torture. (At the Jersey Home for Boys senior boys were even torturing younger ones with electric shocks to the legs and genitals.)
- Lots of gang-forming, with boys being pressured into sexually "experimenting" (one way or another) with girls.
- Boys being generally much harsher treated than girls, although girls not experiencing less sexual abuse.
- Kids becoming "street wise" - i.e., learning to steal cars and break into homes - through their peers.
Thus, from former residents of Haut de la Garenne a pretty bleak picture was painted most of the time (not always). Only one former staffer was willing to speak out about the home after controversy erupted. Her name was Christine Bowker and she was a volunteer staffer at Haut de la Garenne in 1972. Not noticing any kind of management, she remembered the staff being "ice cold ... [looking] like sick people - staring eyes and very tense." She noticed that a mere glance of a staffer could make a child withdraw into his or her shell, and would lead to the child being "frozen with fear". Within two months Bowker had enough of the home and left. Even though she claimed not to have witnessed any sexual abuse at Haut de la Garenne during the brief period she was there, she referred to it as an "evil" place and voiced her concerns to the authorities. As one would expect, no action was taken. [29]
Terrifying as it may sound, aspects of this situation make perfect sense. As any teacher knows, keeping a class of 30 kids together can be very tough. There are generally 1 or two boys in particular who are always being recalcitrant - and in turn have a bad effect on a number of other boys. And here you're dealing with kids who are generally raised in relatively stable, middle class homes...
Now imagine having 30 kids in your class who have been neglected and/or abused physically, sexually and emotionally at home. Or who couldn't be controlled in the first place by their parents. Now, at the new "home", they live among "peers" - fellow street rats - without proper parental oversight. Kids here were describing a "gang system" and having "no idea of the concept of consent" when it comes to sex. A situation like that would be extremely tough to manage, even more so in olden times with rigid religious upbringing and limited economic and educational means to be directed to these type of public homes.
That having been said, witness testimonies indicates children were being raped left and right at Haut de la Garenne alone. This happened throughout the building and also in the notorious cellars. We'll get back to the cellars and some of the related physical evidence at a later point though. This is more about the testimony and getting a sense of the persons involved in the abuse.
95% of suspects unnamed
Moving on, quite fascinating about the earlier-mentioned victim-accounts appendix of the 2017 Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report, is that it seems to be missing plenty of witnesses, or at least many details of their statements. Most certainly 95 percent of the suspected names are missing, including accounts of a "Fat Man" - Senator Wilfred Krichefski - abusing boys at the home. Let's see who is identified as an abuser in this file:
- Edward Paisnel: Known as "the Beast of Jersey" who terrorist care homes from 1960 to 1971, sexually abusing children while wearing a rubber mask and "nail-studded wrist bands, shoulders and lapels, all areas which a victim might attempt to grasp in self-defence." [30] Sentenced to 30 years for sexual assault, rape and sodomy in December 1971. According to a witness, Paisnel visited La Préférence in the 1960s.
- Tony Watton: Outsider who visited the home for sexual abuse. Arrested back in September 2001 over two charges of sexual abuse, one at Haut de la Garenne. He killed himself soon after while out on bail. [31]
- Thomas Hamon: Ran St John Ambulance Brigade and also affiliated with Haut de la Garenne. In 2005 Hamon "admitted abusing eight boys aged 10 to 15 between 1964 and 1989". He died in 2006. [32]
- Terrence Jarrett: Not mentioned by name in the Inquiry's appendix, but a person who sexually assaulted (Hat de la Garenne care home) friends of his son. Convicted for it in the early 2000s. [33]
- Michael Aubin: Not mentioned by name in the Inquiry's appendix, but a person convicted in 2009 to 2 years probation for sexually abusing boys at Haut de la Garenne while he was a "senior boy" here back in the day. [34]
- Gordon Wateridge: Inappropriate behavior with girls and repeatedly described as a nightmare of a man. Very abusive and violent. Convicted in 2009 for multiple accounts of "indecent assault". [35]
- Morag Jordan (1970-1984): Repeatedly considered extremely abusive and described as an "evil, evil woman." Convicted in 2011, alongside her husband, to 6-9 months in prison over physical (not sexual) assault. [36]
- Ray Williams: A staffer described in the summary file as "really wicked, really cruel."
That's four people exposed as child sexual abusers by name in this Inquiry file and 2-3 more as heavy-duty physical abusers. There are a few more names from other homes, but as for Haut de la Garenne goes, this is it.
Attorney generals protecting a "web of child abusers"
There might be an explanation for this lack of names having been exposed. According to deputy police chief Lenny Harper, in or around 2008, Jersey's attorney general, William Bailhache, tried to stop Harper from having charges filed against Gordon Wateridge, despite being repeatedly described as a "nightmare" of a man who used to be a violent, sexual abuser at Haut de la Garenne. As mentioned in the previous section, Wateridge was convicted for this abuse in August 2009.
Early on, a fellow-"mainlander" employed within Bailhache's attorney general's office came to Harper and explained that the attorney general was protecting a ""web of child abusers" who ... all knew each other" [37] This encounter was one of the reasons that Harper purposely started challenging the island's establishment.
Interestingly, William Bailhache is the brother of the Oxford University-educated Sir Philip Bailhache, a former attorney general (1986-1993), bailiff of Jersey (1995-2009), senator (2011-2014) and foreign affairs minister (2013-2018). Guess what? During the proceedings of the Jersey Care Inquiry on Haut de la Garenne, a former director of education, John Rodhouse, told the inquiry that "Sir Philip Bailhache, the then Attorney General, failed to pass on allegations of abuse to the police." [38] Covering things up must be a family thing.
Whether or not Geoffrey Bailhache, a European general counsel and managing director of the elite, Rothschild- and Rockefeller-tied Blackstone Group in London [39] is part of this family is impossible to say. On his LinkedIn, Bailhache certainly takes an unusual interest in Jersey. One of two dozen companies he follows is "Jersey Finance", one of whose articles he also shared on his LinkedIn. Then, two of six groups he follows are "Jersey in the UK" (254 members) and "Locate Jersey" (1441 members). [40] Nothing is certain though.
Anyway, here's what Lenny Harper said about Jersey's attorney general William Bailhache:
"Which brings me to another very inconvenient fact for Mr. Gradwell, which is this: All three [Haut de la Garenne-related] convictions so far have resulted from the work done by my team's enquiry. ...
"One has to wonder why the Attorney General, William Bailhache sent instructions to me not to charge Wateridge? It is fortunate indeed that I was a rather thick cop and "misunderstood" the instructions conveyed to me by a lawyer. Otherwise it is possible the now convicted Wateridge may never have even been charged." [41]
Already in mid August 2008, an internal letter of Lenny Harper accusing Bailhache of undermining the investigation made it into a small portion of the news, with Bailhache refusing to give a straight answer to the media. [42] The main subject of the letter was Bailhache insisting on having a team of his own lawyers overseeing (read: obstructing) the process of who was going to get charged in the Haut de la Garenne case, and how these lawyers subsequently started interfering in the questioning of a "Mr and Mrs Bonner [over] three Grave and Criminal Assaults" in late June 2008.
Former senator Stuart Syvret published the letter as a whole and commented on the affair with:
"Jersey's Attorney General – the brother of the Bailiff, 'Phil – "the real scandal is the bad publicity" – Bailhache', – and member of the same golf club as Danny Wherry, another suspect – has decided to not prosecute the two suspects who were arrested a while ago." [43]
Interesting: who is Danny Wherry? Turns out, Wherry used to be a cop when young. In the 1970s and 1980s he was a social worker who inspected the circumstances of children at care homes and foster parents. He had been arrested in June 2008 by Harper's police force on suspicions of "serious crimes" at Haut de la Garenne. [44] It appears he was released some time after without charges, because in April 2015 he provided his testimony to the Jersey Care Inquiry.
Ironically, the person he was giving evidence with that day, a former Haut de la Garenne care worker referred to as "Mr K", was accused of "slapping, smacking and touching children inappropriately," but nothing was said about Wherry. [45]
So, the prosecutor's office under Bailhache appears to have been responsible for the release of a certain Bonner couple, Danny Wherry and apparently also "Mr K", while attempting to stop the prosecution of Gordon Wateridge. It's a pretty bad look.
As for a few closing statements on this issue from Harper:
"Make no mistake about it. If it had not been for the national media I would have been shunted off the island long before I found anything. I have a number of e-mails which detail how Frank Walker was continually saying that he was under pressure to sack or suspend me. I know for a fact that [my superior] Graham Power told him, "Just you dare!"
"It was clear however, that many Jersey politicians did not approve of our efforts to tackle bullying [within the police force]. We were openly criticized in the media by these people and on one occasion were referred to as the "politically correct KGB stalking the corridors of Police Headquarters." At the same time however, it was clear that we had the support of the vast majority of the force [which led to increased morale]." [46]
In April 2011 Harper also said, upon being asked by Neil McMurray of Voice For Children, "Who do you believe are the real power and influence in Jersey? Is it the politicians?":
"No, it's not the politicians. It's absolutely not. ... No, the politicians are not the power base. Politicians do as they are told. ...
"The people that cause the most fear in Jersey, you have to look at the upper echelon of the legal establishment, in particular in the Law Officers' Department. That is where the real power lays. That, and the very fact of their position in Jersey society. And the fact that they also have got a foothold in the States [Parliament], allowing them to wield the real power.
"I mean, you could see their power everywhere in everything that I tried to do in the abuse inquiry. No matter whether I was to do with politicians or with policy, the Law Officers' Department were always in there as an obstruction." [47]
Personally, I only partly agree with this. Just because the Law Officers' / Prosecutor's Office is doing the dirty work, doesn't mean it's the power behind the throne. It's just another element of the same establishment. Politicians were attempting to obstruct with the same ferocity, the difference being that they have to manage and deal with public perception, as well as the media. The Law Officers' are able to operate with far less scrutiny.
That having been said, it is fascinating that the British government and royal family are directly involved in appointing the senior law officers in dependencies as Jersey and Guernsey. It is also true that the Law Officers are keeping all the dossiers and the evidence to either be used or not used against a particular individual. So it's obvious that people are afraid of this department, but in the end it does not operate as a separate establishment.
"Political and social elite" abusers, including Sen. Wilfred Krichefski
In contrast to the handful of names that made it out to the public, in August 2008 deputy police chief Lenny Harper was talking of "97 allegations of abuse" fingering "more than 100 suspects", including members of "the island's political and social elite." [48] The total number of witness and/or victim-witnesses actually was put at "more than 160". [49] Years later, in November 2014, while the Jersey Care Inquiry was ongoing and witness testimonies took place, the BBC reported:
"Some 140 former residents have come forward, the majority of them alleging physical and sexual abuse, the inquiry heard. They accuse 72 individuals, including 40 former staff, of carrying out abuse between 1960 and 1986."
A first question would be what happened to roughly 30% of the suspects between 2008 and 2014? Was the evidence not strong enough? Or is there some other reason for the shrinkage of the list of suspects? Nobody seems to have addressed this question.
The 2014 BBC report actually discussed a particularly interesting testimony, because it seems to have involved a member of "the island's political and social elite":
"Much of the initial evidence was so harrowing it was redacted. ... The witness [today] described a man who cannot be named, visiting the home most Saturdays. ... The man, described as a "well-dressed smooth-talker", was not staff but began taking the boy out for excursions in an expensive car [and soon started] violently sexually assaulting him ... at various locations around Jersey, including at sea on the man's boat. ...
"The victim said he was afraid to complain [to staff], but confided in a older friend who urged him to tell staff. That friend hanged himself whilst at the home..." [50]
This account belongs to "Witness 195", who also fingered St John Ambulance Brigade operator and Haut de la Garenne-affiliate Thomas Hamon as a sexual abuser, quite similar to "Witness 187" in the Inquiry appendix. How does the Inquiry's appendix file summarize the account of "Witness 195"? Well...
"Describes a harsh institutional regime at HDLG [Haut de la Garenne]. From a young age, had to clean drains and do heavy chores. Describes being taken out on weekends by a male visitor to HDLG, previously unknown to him, and sexually abused on several occasions, at different locations." [51]
That's it. Clearly this account leaves much to be desired, especially because this "male visitor" appears to be among those fingered by police deputy chief Lenny Harper as being part of the "boating fraternity" taking children on "yachting trips" to be sexually abused in national and international waters. [52]
"Witness 138" also provided the authorities with an interesting account. According to the Appendix file, this person ran away from Haut de la Garenne in the mid 1960s after experiencing "abuse" by two female members of staff. Age 15, he soon ended up with "an acquaintance" in St. Helier where "he was sexually abused and exploited by males whom he believes were part of a paedophile ring." Chapter 8: 'Reporting of Abuse', p. 483, identifies this individual as "Jeff Le Marquand" and that already at the time, in July 1966, this victim had a staffer at Haut de la Garenne report the activities of Le Marquand to the police. A few more details we find in a January 21, 2015 news updates on the Jersey Care Inquiry's website,
"138 said he was told by Le Marquand that he supplied children from Haut de la Garenne and elsewhere to "well-known people." [He] owned a clothes shop in St Helier and died in 2003..." [53]
Ironically, the Jersey Evening Post, owned for decades by then-chief/prime minister Frank Walker, reported on "witness 138" eight months later, but, similar to the Jersey Care Inquiry's final report, omitted the words "well-known" in front of "people", a not insignificant detail. [54] In another piece of irony, the previous account of "Witness 195" does not appear in Chapter 8: 'Reporting of Abuse', which is focused on mentioning the names of abusers.
One important question to ask would be if Jeff Le Marquand and the anonymous "well-dressed" man with the "expensive car" in the boat knew each other. And also if they knew Senator Wilfred Krichefski, accused of visiting Haut de la Garenne from at least the early 1960s until his death in 1974 and be offered boys for sexual abuse. [55] Together with his close friend and business partner Senator Reginald "Reg" Jeune - who happens to have been education president from 1971-1984 at Haut de la Garenne - Krichefski was the senior senator on Jersey Island.
More on these last two individuals later, but with names like this, especially if they all know each other, Jersey's abuse network could get a whole new dimension. In order to put the pieces together though, we need all the names and all the accusations.
As for other noteworthy flaws in the 2017 Inquiry appendix, already in 2012 it was revealed that BBC television actor Wilfrid Brambell (d. 1985) sexually abused two boys backstage that had been brought to him, one hailing from Haut de la Garenne. [56] That same year it came out that notorious pedophile Jimmy Savile, despite initial denials, had visited the Haut de la Garenne home, with charges having been leveled against him that he abused a 10-year-old boy here. [57]
Also quite strange, in the 2017 Inquiry's appendix, former Haut de la Garenne superintendent Colin Tilbrook is consistently described as "kind", a "friendly uncle" who gives encouragement and "markedly improved conditions" when he arrived at Haut de la Garenne around 1960. Yet, not one mention of Tilbrook being "repeatedly named as having roamed the corridors at night with a pillow tucked under his arm with which to stifle the screams of the children he raped." After these allegations came out, Tilbrook's daughter stated to the media to have been raped by her father since the age of 10. [58]
How does one manage to leave details like this out? As for Tilbrook, it might be because there are testimonies that he sent "bad boys" to a cellar [59], which ended up becoming such a political hot potato. No mention of such testimonies in the Inquiry's appendix file though...
Zionism-ties: Rothschild, Maxwell, Soros, Epstein, etc.
As mentioned in the previous section, the most eye-catching name of Haut de la Garenne is Senator Wilfred Krichefski. The only reason the name of this senator was mentioned at the time of the Haut de la Garenne scandal is because he died way back in 1974. Krichefski, a very influential man, was considered the "island legislature's senior member" [60], ran a large clothing store chain, founded the island's Channel TV (today part of ITV) in 1962 [61], and was known as the island's leading Jewish fundraiser. [62] Already in March 2008, The Times wrote about Krichefski:
"Police ... uncovered the first chamber in a network of alleged "punishment rooms"... The 12ft-square room at Haut de la Garenne is dominated by a 5ft deep communal bath or animal trough which has been described by many of the victims of abuse from the 1960s to 1986. On a wooden post behind the bath someone has written in black marker: "I've been bad 4 year & years." ...
"A leading member of Jersey's post-war political establishment was confirmed by police today as having been named as an abuser. Living members of the island's establishment have also been identified as suspects but cannot be named for legal reasons. Wilfred Krichefski, a senator in Jersey's government and chair of several committees, allegedly regularly visited Haut de La Garenne to abuse boys until his death in 1974. One ex-resident has claimed he was repeatedly raped at the children's home aged 12 by Mr Krichefski between 1962 and 1963. The man, now aged in his late 50s and living in the West Midlands, said that every month he and another boy would be taken into a back room at the home and abused by two men. ...
"The former resident said he would be woken by a care worker with the words "There is someone here to see you". He was presented to his abuser with the words "Here's a boy for you, sir." The alleged victim man said: "That man raped me and did despicable acts. I know he is dead but people need to know what he was really like." "He said: "I'm going to teach you to be a good boy. You've been wicked and no one wants you. Your parents don't want you - that's why you're here."
"The only person he told about the abuse was a psychiatrist on the island who warned that if he repeated the allegation he would be placed in a mental hospital." [63]
As it so happens to be, Krichefski's close friend and business partner, Senator Reginald "Reg" Jeune, used to work at Haut de la Garenne and also served as president of a parliamentary oversight body, the Education Committee from 1971 to 1984. Ironically, Jeune "refused to discuss the issue yesterday, but his wife confirmed he did work at the home." [64] Jeune and Krichefski two men were close; very close. In 1963 they co-founded the elite Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust [65], with the both of them continuing until the death of Krichefski in 1974. [66]
Anno 1972 Jeune was a director of S.G. Warburg & Co. in Jersey and Warburg Investment Management Jersey. [67] Deputy-chair and co-chair of Warburg at the time was a certain Lord Roll [68], a top elitist who was a as chairman of Bilderberg and furthermore involved in the Pilgrims Society, Kissinger Associates, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, Ditchley, the Atlantic Institute, the Bank of England, and The Times newspaper.
In addition, Senator Jeune also represented the Rothschilds, the Warburg Bank and Barings as a founding partner in Mourant du Feu & Jeune, which became one of the world's largest offshore law firms with offices in the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey, and London. [69]
Mourant du Feu & Jeune's history is very obscure, as are biographical details on anything Jersey really, including senators and deputies of past decades. Therefore it is impossible to say at this point if members of the Mourant and Du Feu families, in addition to Reg Jeune, were involved in Haut de la Garenne as well. Looking at the document above, however, this does appear to be the case, and gives us the impression of a rather small elite running the island.
Most importantly, already from 1962 on, both Senator Jeune and Senator Krichefski - around the time Krichefski allegedly started raping kids at Haut de la Garenne - were founding directors of the International Investment Trust Company of Jersey, together with Lord Jacob Rothschild of N. M. Rothschild and Sons; Georges Karlweis, the key money manager at La Compagnie Financiere de Edmond de Rothschild in Paris and chair of Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild (Karlweis also was a later key seed investor in George Soros); and Sir Henry d'Avigdor-Goldsmid, the chairman of Anglo Israel Bank Ltd. (later Bank Leumi UK since December 1973) and also chairman of Robert Maxwell's Pergamon Press. [70]
In addition, no later than January 1970, senators Krichefski and Jeune were directors of the Jersey International Bank of Commerce (JIB), together with Pilgrims Society member and British Rothschild representative Philip Shelbourne and two additional Pilgrims Society members: Clifford H. Barclay (with "alternate Mr. S. I. Barclay") and Peter Robin Kirwan-Taylor. Apart from serving at Rothschild's and as chair and CEO of the Samuel Montagu bank, Shelbourne also was CEO and chair of Drayton Group, which came to invested in the Jersey International Bank of Commerce by 1970. [71]
Le Marquand: offshore paradise founders tied to HDLG
There's some historical context here. It is not a coincidence that Krichefski and Jeune partnered with the British and French Rothschilds in the International Investment Trust Company of Jersey in 1962. This is the year that Jersey established itself as an offshore banking paradise under the leadership of finance secretary Senator Cyril Le Marquand (1902-1980) [72], something that was discussed near the beginning of this article.
Looking at any personal association between Le Marquand with Jeune and Krichefski, not much is found, apart from their continuous interactions in the States/Parliament of Jersey for several decades, where they are considered "prominent, even legendary, figures of post-war politics." [73] Reg Jeune, Cyril de Marquand and his former business associate, 2005-2008 chief/prime minister Frank Walker, have all served as president of Jersey's Finance and Economic Committee. [74]
It seems quite clear though that they were all rather friendly and at the center of Jersey's mixed business-political elite. No surprises either that chief minister Walker, in 2008, emerged as a major saboteur of the Haut de la Garenne investigation. One wonders how likely is that chief minister Walker didn't have clue what old associates as Wilfred Krichefski, and many others on the island it appears, were up to with children...
Turns out, Cyril Le Marquand had a particularly interesting cousin, a certain Senator John Le Marquand (d. 2009). Initially, both cousins worked for the family firm, Le Marquand Brothers. While Cyril became the financial wizard of the island, John became known as the "founding father of modern education in the Island", this as a regular member of the Education Committee from 1948 to 1951 and then as president from 1951 to 1969. [75]
This position alone is probably enough to make one wary that Senator John Le Marquand was very much part of the network that covered up child abuse. These suspicions only increase upon seeing that in the 1960s Senator Reg Jeune, by then already a Rothschild partner with his close, notorious friend Senator Wilfred Krichefski, served under him on the Education Committee.
Then one is reminded of the fact that on February 27, 2008 "the names of those running the [Haut de la Garenne] home were revealed [although] police refused to say if any of them are being treated as suspects..." [76] Featured names included not just Senator John Le Marquand, but also Reg Jeune, 1960s-1970s Haut de la Garenne superintendent Colin Tilbrook, a serial rapist and sadist who locked kids in the notorious "punishment cellars" that now "never existed"; convicted physical abusers Tony and Morag Jordan, and Jersey's director of education Mario Lundy. This last person was protected from police investigation (for physical abuse only) by Council of Ministers CEO Bill Ogley. As the Jersey Care Inquiry recorded:
"It became public knowledge that the Director of Education at the time, Mario Lundy, was suspected of the physical abuse of children. [Police chief] Graham Power said that, at a meeting attended by himself, Bill Ogley and Mario Lundy, Bill Ogley said: "If anyone wants to get Mario they will have to get me first." Graham Power said that the statement was met with applause by some of those present and he took this incident as indicating the closing of ranks by the "in crowd" against the "threat" of Operation Rectangle." [77]
As discussed, Reg Jeune refused to acknowledged he worked at the home, but his wife was kind enough to do so for him. The media did not have an interest in figuring out if Senator Le Marquand also indeed worked at Haut de la Garenne. A little looking around, however, reveals documents showing that both Senator John Le Marquand and Reg Jeune, through the Education Committee, were deeply involved in overseeing policy at Haut de la Garenne. For example:
- In 1961 Senator Le Marquand was part of a meeting in which a 14-year-old runaway claimed to have been sexually assaulted at Haut de la Garenne by a staff member (also present and eventually arrested). (PDF)
- In 1965 both were part of a policy meeting on Haut de la Garenne. (PDF)
- In 1966 Sen. Le Marquand recommended that a single mother should not be appointed as a "housemother" at Haut de la Garenne. (PDF)
To summarize, now also the close, senator cousin (John Le Marquand) of the senator (Cyril de Marquand) who brought the Rothschilds to Jersey in 1962 by turning the island into a new offshore banking haven - and thus put the Rothschilds in business with Haut de la Garenne-implicated senators Reg Jeune and Wilfred Krichefski - was involved in overseeing Haut de la Garenne.
As a final note, it is important to mention that "Le Marquand" is a very common name in Jersey. There is no evidence that the earlier Jeff Le Marquand, the St. Helier clothing store owner allegedly supplying children to "well-known people" in the 1960s is related to senators Cyril and John Le Marquand. The same goes for Senator Ian Le Marquand, a recent deputy chief minister and minister for home affairs, who virulently opposed the Haut de la Garenne investigation and in particular sparred with police chief Graham Power.
Ties to affairs: CIA, Mossad, BCCI, Iraqgate, drugs, "black network", etc.
Now, let's get back to the (solidly) Jewish aspects to be found on the boards of the International Investment Trust Company of Jersey and the Jersey International Bank of Commerce throughout the 1960s and at least until the early 1970s.
Here we have Lord Jacob Rothschild from Great Britain. We have Georges Karlweis as the top representative of the French-Swiss Rothschilds. We have Sir Philip Shelbourne, a top representative of N.M. Rothschild & Sons in Great Britain, a Pilgrim, and CEO of the Samuel Montagu bank. We have Sir Henry d'Avigdor-Goldsmid, a top representative of Robert Maxwell, and the chair of Bank Leumi UK. And we have two members of the Barclay family, the family that founded and ran the Barclays Bank for many decades. These are shockingly elite names.
When we look at these elements, there's only one source really that continually wrote about these names, this from 1970s until the 1990s: Executive Intelligence Review (EIR). Here's a citation from a 1978 article by EIR:
"Israel's Bank Leumi, controlled by Tibor Rosenbaum's business partner Ernst Japhet... Today, Bank Leumi, run by its underwriters, M. Samuel and Co., and S. Japhet and Co., the London merchant banks. Barclays took direct control over the Japhet family during the 1930s and 40s [which continues today through] Sir Robert Barclay [possibly "Robert Clifford Barclay" and certainly of the Barings Bank family] ... Ernest I. Japhet, is today the chairman of Bank Leumi and of all its international subsidiaries, including Bank Leumi Trust Co. of New York. ...
"Through Bank Leumi, by way of Union Bank, its wholly owned subsidiary [Japhet] exerts effective total control over the flow of uncut diamonds from [the Oppenheimers'] De Beers in London to India and on into the Hong Kong diamond market... Bank Leumi New York ... runs the diamond center in midtown Manhattan. Through its historical connections to South Africa and the Oppenheimer family, Leumi also finances large parts of the gold trade in these areas of the world." [78]
Taking EIR as your sole guide is not recommended, but anyone mentioned by them tends to fall into the category of "evil elitist". The problem is, this is getting far too complex for this article. The basic point is that Haut de la Garenne, through implicated senators Jeune and Krichefsi and the boards of various Jersey-based companies, directly tied into the most elite and infamous network of bankers in the world, to be found in strongly overlapping groups as the Pilgrims Society, the 1001 Club and various Zionist NGOs.
This network included the elite and controversial Banque de Credit Internationale (BCI) in Geneve that served as a key laundromat for the U.S.-Jewish mafia under Meyer Lansky throughout the sixties. Apparently the bank laundered an estimated $6-7 billion dollars for the mafia. The Rothschilds, both directly and through their (fellow-1001 Club) banker Alfred Hartmann, became deeply tied in the late 1980s and 1990s to the:
- Savings & Loan Scandal, by being a major business partner of Charles Keating, the person who caused it; [79]
- CIA-, Mossad-, terrorism- (including very strongly 9/11) and drug trafficking-tied BCCI-BCP scandal, by being a director of the former and chairman of the latter [80], with the most secret element here being "black network" serving as a "global intelligence operation and a Mafia-like enforcement squad" involving both the CIA, the Pakistani ISI and seemingly also Saudi intelligence and the Mossad; [81]
- BNL/Iraqgate scandal, along with Henry Kissinger; [82]
- laundering of billions in IMF funds to Russia in coordination with CIA- and Mossad-tied Zionists [83] by serving as vice chairman of Bank of New York-InterMaritime under the Zionist Bruce Rappaport [84], a regular golfing partner of CIA director William Casey, with all three men key players in the BCCI scandal; [85]
- financial aspects of the P2 anti-communist terrorism network and the assassination of banker Roberto Calvi, this through claims of Juerg Heer [86], described as "Baron Elie de Rothschild's personal assistant" [87] and later, after the British Rothschilds took over the Swiss branch amidst all the controversy, a subordinate of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and Hartmann at the Rothschild Bank AG in Zurich; [88]
- organizing of large-scale financial flight capital and the setting up of shell corporations through Rothschild Bank AG, also for mafia elements. [89]
ISGP's article on the 1001 Club and the chapter Where do elites fit into CIA drug trafficking of the A History of CIA Drug Trafficking article probably are the best place to start here.
Very relevant here is that Georges Karlweis, earlier named as director of International Investment Trust Company of Jersey alongside implicated senators Reg Jeune and Wilfred Krichefski, was operating right alongside Alfred Hartmann and members of the Rothschild family from Great Britain, France and Switzerland. Right at the time of the BCCI, Iran-Contra, Iraqgate, P2 and the beginning of the IMF money laundering scandals in the 1980s and early 1990s, Karlweis and Hartman both were directors of N. M. Rothschild & Sons [90] and the Rothschild Bank AG, along with many leading Rothschilds, as well as later (fugitive) whistleblower Juerg Heer at a slightly lower level. [91]
Unfortunately, but also tellingly, at this point it is impossible to confirm with certainly that Hartmann was a director [92] or even CFO [93] of the hyper-obscure BCC Holdings in Luxembourg - which owned the BCCI [94] - or that Karlweis was on the board of some these same controversial entities. [95] Despite all the media attention and the fact that a 1992 Senate report by John Kerry on the affair wasn't half-bad, it really appears nobody has really been too interested in digging too deep into the affair. Is that the "black network" at play? Or just the globalist movement? Or both? Good question.
There's a decent amount of controversy left though for Karlweis:
- Karlweis has operated as the key money manager of Baron Edmond de Rothschild since 1959. [96] By 1965 and he and Baron Edmond de Rothschild were enamored by a young Robert Vesco. Over the 1965-1968 period Vesco carried out his first take-overs and asset-stripping with financial backing of Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild. [97]
In 1968, at the instigation of Baron Edmond de Rothschild and Georges Karlweis, Vesco had a first meeting with directors of Investors Overseas Services (IOS) [98], the billionaire corporation which already in 1967 was publicly identified by Life magazine to be laundering billions of dollars of the U.S.-Jewish mafia through the International Credit Bank in Geneva of Mossad asset and close Rothschild- and Karlweis-ally Tibor Rosenbaum. [99] IOS' founder and chief until 1970 was Bernard Cornfield, about whom Karlweis explained to have been "influenced" by him in his money managing career. [100]
In 1970 Vesco took over IOS, pushed Cornfield out, and managed to collapse the corporation within 3 years by looting it for $1.5 billion in today's money. Despite the writing on the wall, and similar to Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Alfred Hartmann, and Rosenbaum, Vesco ended up becoming a 1001 Club member, this in 1972-1973. [101]
After Vesco went on the run in 1973, he ended up residing in Nicaragua and Costa Rica where he became part of a strange nexus of associating left- and right-wing militias, meanwhile becoming a major drug dealer in the region. [102] Initially he appears to have maintained an association with mafia kingpin Meyer Lansky [103], who a decade earlier laundered billion through IOS, the corporation Vesco took over, and the Rothschild/Rosenbaum-controlled BCI in Switzerland. In line with this mafia boss Santo Trafficante, a long-time favorite of the CIA, it appears the CIA tried to recruit Vesco as an asset for various drug- and arms-related operations. [104]
By the 1980s, allegedly, Vesco was running cocaine operations with Carlos Lehder of the Medellin Cartel while his contacts with Castro allowed him to buy back drug confiscated drug shipments by the Cuban government. [105] There's also evidence that in the 1980s Vesco, similar to the Medellin and Cali cartels, was part of, and protected by, the William Casey-, Oliver North-, George H. W. Bush-ran Contra-cocaine imports, leading to the Crack-Cocaine affair. [106]
- It would be nice to see how close the ties were between Georges Karlweis and his employer, Edmond de Rothschild (1001 Club), with Herbert Batliner (1001 Club), a fund manager from Liechtenstein seemingly close to Liechtenstein royal family (1001 Club). He worked in tandem with the controversial BCI of Tibor Rosenbaum (1001 Club) and himself too was accused of money laundering, in his case for German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Medellin Cartel boss Pablo Escobar, anti-communist Congo dictator Mobutu Sese Seko (yes, 1001 Club), Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, in addition to "Mexican drug gangs and a major Italian-American mafia family." [107] It all sounds a lot what Rosenbaum, Alfred Hartmann, and the Swiss Rothschild bank in general has been doing.
- In 1969 Karlweis founded Leveraged Capital Holdings (LCH) with the Rothschilds. That same year he invested in George Soros' Quantum Fund, which became Karlweis' most lucrative investment over the next few decades. [108]
- In the same period Karlweis invested in the business of another future billionaire, Michael Steinhardt [109], a top Zionist and neocon involved in various NGOs and companies, such as the Mega Group and the Genie Energy company, with former CIA director James Woolsey, Dick Cheney, the Bronfmans and Lord Jacob Rothschild. [110]
- Karlweis also maintained early relations with Michael Milken [111], the billionaire who a few years later ended up becoming the "junk bond king" and (briefly) went to prison for stock market fraud in 1989.
Isn't it amazing how these Rothschild-affiliated bankers have been terrible judges of character over the decades? Although, seeing how they have also been tied to the BCCI, Iran-Contra, Iraqgate, IMF money laundering and other scandals, in tandem with CIA directors and the Mossad, one might develop suspicions that much more has been going on behind the scenes than meets the eye. The Jersey branch of this network, linked to two senators suspected of vicious child abuse, is yet another indication of that.
Ties to the British royals, Drayton, MI6, and Jimmy Savile
The oversight in the previous section shows a company named "Drayton". This was the Drayton Group, a company represented alongside implicated Jersey senators Reg Jeune and Wilfred Krichefsi on the board of the Jersey International Bank of Commerce (JIB) by chief British Rothschild agent and Pilgrim Sir Philip Shelbourne.
The Drayton Group was as elite as the Rothschild bank and loaded with Pilgrims Society members directly tied to British royal family. Drayton also owned Lonrho, the controversial MI5 and MI6-linked mining company of Tiny Rowland tied to intelligence operations in Africa. The Drayton-Lonrho network stood out to such an extent that ISGP reserved a separate category of Pilgrims Society members for it.
That's not all. Apparently, Krichefski was a good friend of Angus Ogilvy and his wife, Princess Alexandra of Kent [112], a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II whose grandfather was King George V (1865-1936). Apparently, at one point Krichefski helped Sir Angus with a business contract on Jersey. [113] That does make sense, because Ogilvy is mentioned in the previously-linked Drayton-Lonrho oversight for Pilgrims Society members, because Sir Angus's older brother, David, the 13th Earl of Airlie, was a Pilgrims Society executive. David married into the financial family of Otto Kahn and ended up becoming chair of the J. Henry Schroder bank.
Sir Angus Ogilvy was a director of the Midland Bank and Samuel Montagu, two very elite banks. More importantly, in 1950 he joined the 117 Group / Drayton Group. He's the one who recruited the later controversial Tiny Rowland of Lonrho in 1960 for his 117 Group [114] and then lived next-door to him for many years, with the families sharing breakfast. [115] He himself remained a director of Lonrho, which, apart from a number of elites, also included MI6 asset and Cercle Pinay visitor Nicholas Elliot. [116] This situation lasted until controversy about the firm's support for anti-communist UNITA rebels in Africa and sanction breaking in relation to Rhodesia became a hot issue in the early 1970s.
Also not unimportant is the fact that Sir Angus Ogilvy and Princess Alexandra were very close to notorious serial pedophile Jimmy Savile, already mentioned as a visitor of Haut de la Garenne, with charges having been leveled against him that he abused a 10-year-old boy here. [117]
In 2009, after another charge of sexual abuse against Savile (that was kept quiet), he testified to the police that the first time he visited the Duncroft Approved School for Girls, in the late 1970s, was with Princess Alexandra: "I went there with Princess Alexandra, and Alex was a friend of mine anyway. Still is." [118] The relationship between the two and their activities go back further. In his 1974 biography, for example, Savile wrote: "Princess Alex is a patron of a hostel for girls in care. At this place I'm a cross between a term-time boyfriend and a fixer of special trips out." [119]
Keep in mind, Jimmy Savile's predatory sexual behavior was known for a long-time to many people, at least when it comes to rumors making the rounds. That much we know from a 1978 BBC interview with Sex Pistols frontman Johnny Rotten - which went unbroadcasted:
"On film, I'd like to kill Jimmy Savile. I think he's a hypocrite. ... I think he's into all kinds of seediness, that we all know about but are not ALLOWED to talk about. I know some rumors! I bet none of this will be allowed out. [Why worry?] Nothing I said is libel."
A soundclip of this old BBC interview was played for the first time during a September 25, 2015 ITV interview of Johnny Rotten on Piers Morgan's Life Stories. On the show, Rotten explained:
"Yeah [I heard the pedophile rumors]. I think most kids did, too. Most kids wanted to go at 'The Top of the Pops' [the most influential pop music show on British television at that time], but we all knew what that cigar-muncher was after. But I'm very, very bitter that the likes of Savile and the rest of them were allowed to continue. ...
"I did my best. I said what I had to. No [it wasn't aired]. Yeah [it got suppressed]. ["For legal reasons", Pierce adds...] I found myself banned from BBC radio for quite a while for my "contentious" behavior. They wouldn't state this directly. There would be other excuses. ...
"Not only him [got away with it for another 30 years], but a whole bunch of them. And these were the purveyors of good taste, ey?"
It's fascinating how Rotten doesn't mention the names of "the rest of them", and that Morgan isn't asking for them. Seemingly little has changed since the 1970s. What's certainly important to ask is why Princess Alexandra associated herself with Savile for all these decades in relation to orphanages, assuming she picked up on the exact same rumors as Johnny Rotten. God forbid that she witnessed it herself.
Of course, the obvious answer is that Princess Alexandra didn't care about the child abuse. And, let's face it, there is quite a bit of evidence of high-level child abuse being tolerated among elites. We have the case of Prince Andrew in relation to Jeffrey Epstein. We have the former royal butler, Paul Kidd, taking his underage victims for tea with the late Queen Elizabeth in the 1970s and 1980s. [120] We have child abuse accusations involving the Dutch royal family and the Belgium royal family. We have accusations against their Bilderberg friends. We have accusations against elites involved with the security services. And on it goes. There are just too many hints that high society hasn't been too worried about child sexual abuse, even when it is sadistic or murderous.
Krichefski having been named as a rather nasty child abuser at Haut de la Garenne in the 1960s, and his long-time friend and business partner, Senator Reg Jeune, having been Haut de la Garenne's education president from 1971-1984, fits into the same pattern. We most certainly have to wonder what their super-elite business partners - Lord Jacob Rothschild, the French Rothschilds, George Soros' seed investor George Karlweis, Robert Maxwell and his people, and Sir Angus Ogilvy and Philip Shelbourne of the Drayton Group and Samuel Montagu - knew (or know) about this abuse, or if they themselves have been involved in the same type of abuse. With the Drayton / Lonrho group, MI5 and MI6 ties are all over the place, with the Jewish members of the establishment having been suspected of, accused of, or known to have had Mossad / Israeli government ties.
Abuse cellars with children's bones
As for the cellar accusations, apparently there exist roughly 30 witness statements by former Haut de la Garenne residents of having been physically and sexually abused here. [121] Nothing of this is to be found in the earlier-discussed 2017 Jersey Care Inquiry appendix file, as are a number of claims of a child leaping out of a window in panic (without having been seen again) or children being dragged away in the middle of the night, also never be seen again.
Whatever the details of these testimonies, in the public we have statements of two housemaids at Haut de la Garenne in the 1960s who heard kids talk about a "punishment room", with one housemaid pointing out this was a "cellar ... under a room at the back of the property". At the time, this cellar accessible by going down a small staircase and through a "half-size door", into what was "almost like a big dark storeroom." [122] This entrance was later bricked up.
Also part of the public record is the Colin Tilbrook accusation regarding a cellar, first discussed in the mainstream media in March 2008. It's fully compatible with the account of the housemaids and the physical evidence:
"The superintendent [of the 1960s and early 1970s], Colin Tilbrook, and this particular member of staff made up Kevin's reception committee at Haut de la Garenne, on the Friday he recalls arriving. They told him what a bad person he was. He was bad news and would need cleaning up. He was dragged down to the cellar, pulled along by his hair and ears, and punched and kicked.
"The route to the cellar, then, was out the main entrance at the front of the building, round the side, back in through the double doors – the area now covered for the forensic digging – and down the stairs to the vaults.
"Kevin was put in the cellar straight ahead of him. There was a large bath in there. He was stripped naked and made to get into the bath, which was already filled with cold water. When the man with the torch left, locking the door behind him, Kevin was trapped in darkness for the whole weekend.
"This became a pattern. The perpetual darkness was barely tolerable. The same man would return late on a Sunday and open the door, all normal, like nothing had happened. ... It was just too surreal.
"Alas, this was not the whole story. When Kevin was naked and bathed, the man would touch Kevin's genitals while masturbating himself to a climax. When he had finished, he would kiss and be affectionate with Kevin, telling him what a good boy, a nice boy, he was. This, too, the contradictory behaviour, was difficult for Kevin to comprehend." [123]
This account was provided by Kevin O'Connell, who came to Haut de la Garenne age 12 with two brothers. All of them were regularly raped, with one brother eventually committing suicide by hanging. According to O'Connell, "I often heard other boys screaming. They said it was something going on in another part of the cellar." [124] Unfortunately, when the BBC did its special on Haut de la Garenne in March 2018, it didn't interview any other victims besides O'Connell. The Times at the time noted that O'Connell's bath in the cellar "has been described by many of the victims of abuse from the 1960s to 1986" [125], but it would be nice to have these testimonies in public.
What is certainly true though is that plenty of sexual abuse allegations have been made against Tilbrook at Haut de la Garenne and that even his daughter, soon after these reports came out, started claiming that her father raped her from the age of 10. [126] At least one of the "pillow"-accusations came from Paul Moed, who went to work at the home in the mid 1960s at age 18 as a Junior House Parent. Moed had the following to say to the BBC:
"I saw him in the dorminatory one evening, walking with a pillow under his arm. And I asked a colleague who he was and what he doing and they said, "Oh, that's Tilbrook. He carries the pillow around, so you can't hear the girls screaming. And I said, "I can't believe that you just said that!" And he said, "No, it's true. He's actually got one of our girls pregnant, a 14-year-old, and we had to take her for an abortion." ...
"I was told [by the police] in plain English, "We'll look into it, but don't say anything to anybody, because it will affect your life in Jersey: your family, you will be embarrased, your names will be in the papers, and it will make life very difficult for you." ...
"Things must have been known. We talked about it. I complained. Others complained. And for some reason they never took any action." [127]
The accusations surrounding an abuse cellar and especially children's bodies having been buried on the compound locally were extremely controversial ever since the investigation was forced into the limelight in November and December 2007. Contrived controversy around a piece of skull having been discovered started hitting international headlines on May 18-19, 2008. Deputy police chief Lenny Harper didn't care and kept throwing fuel on the fire, making the case particularly notorious internationally on July 30, 2008, when the following details were released to the public through his office:
"Officers revealed that 65 teeth and bone fragments came from victims aged between four and 11... Burnt clothing, toys and bed sheets have also been recovered. According to pathologists [they] had come from corpses of up to five children. [The] pieces had been cut and burned [in a furnace] before being concealed; they had then been moved, at a date no later than the early 1970s. ...
"Scores of people [have come] forward claiming to have been raped and beaten at the home, leading police to excavate four cellars, referred to as "punishment rooms" by some victims, where they found a large bloodstained bath as well as the teeth and bones. ...
"Police are looking into 97 allegations of abuse in Jersey dating back to the early 1960s. They have more than 100 suspects, and have indicated that some could be described as members of the island's political and social elite. Harper said yesterday that a new victim had come forward in recent days to make allegations against one of the 18 priority suspects. ...
"Yesterday's announcement is thought to intend to silence critics, among the island's political elite and among some London-based journalists, who have questioned the failure of the police to produce any bodies. Harper indicated several months ago that he was convinced children's remains had been concealed at the home." [128]
Cover-up of the physical evidence
Right when all the above details came out, it also was reported that the dating of the bones was "inconclusive", with a first test estimating anywhere "between 1650 and 1950" [129] and that a recovered piece of children's skull "ended up being a wood or part of a coconut." [130]
Unsurprisingly, already at that point deputy chief of police Lenny Harper, in direct charge of the investigation, had conceded that the constant treats and ridicule he experienced by the media made his job on the island - to which he had moved only in 2002 - "more stressful than working in south London, Glasgow, the Springfield and Falls Roads in Belfast." Since beginning the investigation, he had received "more than 140 poison-pen letters - one even threatening to burn down his house and firebomb his car." Letters also accused him of having an affair and of he himself being guilty of child abuse. [131] Many people continued to support him, but there was a very small but influential and vocal minority that always kept attacking him.
On August 31, 2008, a month after the reported breakthrough at Haut de la Garenne, Harper retired. This retirement had been in the planning all along, but it may not have been the best idea ever. Harper and his superior Graham Power resisted the political pressure; that stopped the minute they went out. Over the following weeks and months - years even - Harper was widely quoted about the investigation being dismantled and covered-up under the leadership of his successors, David Warcup and Michael Gradwell. [132] In November 2008, less than two months after Harper's retirement, this duo shared their "findings" with the international media. As The Telegraph reported it:
"In an astonishing U-turn, police revealed that "human remains" found at the former home were almost all animal bones, and that only three were "possibly human", which dated from between 1470 and 1670. ... Mr Warcup said that of the 170 bone fragments found in cellars beneath the home, all but three were animal, contrary to Mr Harper's findings. He said the milk teeth found in the cellars had come out naturally, not as a result of torture or abuse...
"I would like to repeat now that there are no people reported missing and no allegations of murder. There is no suspect for a murder and no specific time period for murder. ... There is nothing suspicious about the bath and no indication that it has been used in any offences. ...
"They said iron "shackles" found in a cellar are no more than rusty pieces of metal, a "bloodstained" bath has no blood on it, and a "restraint" is nothing more than a piece of random debris." [133]
A remarkable u-turn indeed. These new findings led to chief of police Graham Power, until recently Lenny Harper's supportive boss, being suspended by Jersey's Chief Minister, Frank Walker [134], one of the biggest opponents of the Haut de la Garenne investigation from the very start [135] and ironically also the owner of the Jersey Evening Post, the island's only significant newspaper. [136]
To provide a few more details on what was "debunked", let's cite from the official November 12, 2008 press release made available by Gradwell and Warcup:
"This bath in the under floor voids has no water supply and has not been used as a bath since the 1920's when a brick pillar was constructed within it.
"During the search a specialist search dog reacted to the bath and a presumptive test indicated positive for blood in a minute area of the bath. Following detailed forensic microscopic examination no blood has been found. There is nothing suspicious about the bath and no indication this bath has been used in the commission of any offences."
An extreme U-turn indeed. And, dare I say, many of of these new arguments do not seem to be overly thought out. Nevertheless, in the following section we'll be comparing arguments and find out who has made the better ones: Mike Gradwell and David Warcup, or Lenny Harper and Graham Power.
Elite "cover-upperers" today exposed as liars
After the retirement of Lenny Harper, the press statements of "revisionists" David Warcup and Michael Gradwell, and the subsequent suspension of Harper's former boss, Graham Power the consensus within the media and political circles became that Harper had ran a terrible and irresponsible operation. In other words, his name was completely trashed.
Interestingly, two later Metropolitan Police reports, a report by accountancy firm BDO Jersey into the financial aspects of the investigation, and a report by Queen's Counsel (QC) Brian Napier all found that Harper and Power led a responsible investigation and that "there were not valid grounds for [Harper's] suspension." [137] The 2017-published Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report took over the conclusions of these reports, although it seems too avoid stating this too clearly.
What the report does say clearly is that the biggest and most powerful opponents of Graham Power, Lenny Harper and the entire Haut de la Garenne investigation - namely chief minister and Jersey Evening Post owner Frank Walker, home affairs minister Andrew Lewis, and Council of Ministers CEO Bill Ogley - had been less than honest with their testimonies. Chapter 10 of the Jersey Care Inquiry report reads:
"David Warcup hoped that Bill Ogley and Andrew Lewis would be able to persuade Graham Power to help deal with Lenny Harper... In August 2008, David Warcup asked the Metropolitan Police to carry out a review of Operation Rectangle. [He] did not provide a copy of the report to Bill Ogley but set out in a letter his criticisms [and has now] accepted that it gave a misleading impression... David Warcup exaggerated to Bill Ogley the extent to which his own concerns were supported by the Metropolitan Police interim report [Note: he lied, hard; his claims were NOT supported]. ...
"Frank Walker (Chief Minister) said that David Warcup's letter was so damning in itself [even though it was a lie] that it would have led to the suspension of Graham Power, with or without reference to the Metropolitan Police review [despite the fact that] the Attorney General, advising on the content of a proposed press release, wrote [to him] "Surely you will need to have the full Met review in your hands [first]..." ...
"We cannot be sure why Frank Walker, Bill Ogley and Andrew Lewis acted as they did, or why Andrew Lewis lied both to the States and to us. ...
- Andrew Lewis lied to the States Assembly about the Metropolitan Police report, pretending that he had had sight of it when he had not. ...
- Andrew Lewis told Dr Brian Napier QC that he had discussed the suspension of Graham Power in October 2008, while telling us that he knew nothing about it until 11 November 2008. ...
- Andrew Lewis denied that he had discussed with Wendy Kinnard and Christopher Harris the possibility that Graham Power would be suspended. We do not accept his evidence in this respect. ...
- Andrew Lewis admitted to us that he knew ... the Metropolitan Police had said that the review was not to be used for disciplinary purposes. He saw nothing wrong, however, with using extracts or observations from it when deciding whether to suspend Graham Power.
"Dr Brian Napier QC presented a report to the States on 15 November 2010. In it he concluded that the decision to suspend Graham Power was procedurally flawed. Frank Walker told the Inquiry that he accepted Dr Brian Napier QC's view [that] the circumstances for immediate suspension did not exist and no consideration was given to alternatives such as special leave. [275] However, Frank Walker maintained that he had acted on legal advice that immediate suspension [still] was necessary..." [138]
One gets an impression of desperation from these men. They clearly knew that suspending Graham Power with nothing more than a twisted letter of a premature Metropolitan Police report was "procedurally flawed" and could get them in trouble. Yet, they still pressed on. One wonders why... Who was putting the squeeze on them? Who made them so desperate?
These conclusion spelled trouble for Lewis, who received a 29-16 vote of "censure" over it in the Jersey Parliament when media reports appeared that he had lied to the inquiry. [139] The rest pretty much got away with their conspiring, manipulating and lying.
Interestingly enough, the Jersey Care Inquiry report actually is unbelievably lenient towards the establishment that Walker, Lewis, Ogley and Warcup represented. Take a look at the following excerpts:
"Dr Brian Napier QC found no evidence of a conspiracy to oust Graham Power for some improper purpose. ... We recognize that there were, at the time of Graham Power's suspension, genuine reasons for concern [and the] working relationship of the police with attorney general's office and the media became "far better" after the removal of Harper and Graham. ...
"We have seen no evidence to indicate that the evidence-gathering role of the Police was hindered to any material extent by the bad relationship between lawyers and the Police. ...
"There is no evidence that Andrew Lewis or anyone else was involved in an attempt to derail Operation Rectangle or otherwise cover up child abuse by participating in the orchestrated removal of Graham Power. It was clear that Operation Rectangle was going to continue with or without Graham Power's presence; he had never, in any event, had a significant operational role in the investigation and, following the arrival of David Warcup, had been content to leave the running of the investigation to David Warcup and Michael Gradwell. Neither of them came from Jersey, and we have no reason to believe that they would have taken the opportunity of Graham Power's suspension to close down the investigation or to take any other steps that they would not have taken had he remained in post. ...
"Neither Lenny Harper nor Graham Power has suggested that the LOD or the Attorney General did anything in relation to the investigation that suggested an intent to cover up child abuse. ...
"We conclude that, following publication of the SCR of a child subjected to sexual abuse [Sen.] Stuart Syvret highlighted relevant issues which needed to be addressed to ensure the protection and safety of children in Jersey. His actions did not amount to political interference with Operation Rectangle. ... His public attacks on civil servants were inappropriate [because they] were a breach of the Ministerial Code ... and did not assist his cause. We accept that Frank Walker and Bill Ogley were genuinely troubled by his conduct in this respect, believing his behaviour to be incompatible with his duty as a Minister, and we do not believe that the moves to remove him were conducted with the intention of covering up child abuse. ..." [140]
This is pretty crazy. First of all, considering Graham Power and Lenny Harper conducted a proper investigation it actually should be men as Walker, Lewis, Ogley, Warcup and Gradwell that should be publicly questioned and shamed by the media (and in the history books); not the other way around.
Secondly (and ignoring the Syvret situation), Power and Harper have been cited at length claiming a cover up by establishment interests. Harper has been particularly bitter with Warcup and Gradwell and the above-mentioned politicians. Graham Power's primary sparring partner ended up becoming Senator Ian Le Marquand [141], the incoming Home Affairs minister when he was suspended in November 2008 and who kept attacking in the media and Parliament with reports that at this point have been thoroughly discredited. Fascinatingly, Senator Ian Le Marquand is not mentioned in the above-cited Chapter 10 of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report.
Lenny Harper has been quoted at length in this article, explaining in quite a bit of detail how the Law Officers Department (LOD) and attorney general William Bailhache most certainly covered up child abuse. As for Power's claims of a cover-up, he did so quite clearly in a March 2011 interview with Neil McMurray of Voice For Children. Incredibly, over the past 9 years, the very relevant part 3 of this interview has only received 426 views on YouTube! The previous two parts are only about 100 views higher. Hence, most readers are unlikely to be familiar with it:
"When the police force stopped minding its own business, it started to become a problem for certain interests. And Senator Le Marquand would represent those interests very well. And those interests are now trying, if you will, to put policing back into the box. .. He is the lawyer representing the establishment's case on this. ...
"I was guilty of it yesterday [when talking about the inquiry instead of the abuse], when I was interviewed by the BBC. ... You've got to give ministers credit where its due. They have very skillfully and very successfully deflected the agenda to talking about the abuse inquiry and managed to sideline the issue of abuse itself. ...
"In his statement, [home affairs minister] Andrew Lewis says, that he was told by these international experts that the inquiry, in his words, was a "shining example" ["glowing colors"] of how such an inquiry ought to be conducted. ...
"What I did at the very beginning of the historic Jersey abuse inquiry was ask the relevant UK authorities to appoint internationally recognized experts to come to Jersey to give advice to quality control the investigation, to tell me if I should be doing anything [and] also [to] sit down and brief ministers without me being there. ...
"You are following some of the accounts that are given by the victims, and you are dealing with what is effectively state-sponsored pedophilia, which occurred over decades. Now, I'm not saying that all these accounts are necessarily true. I'm not saying that there isn't some balance to be brought to some of the evidence. But this is a very serious matter....
"What is particularly disturbing is that a number of [victims] I recall said, "I drew it to the attention of the police. I drew it to the attention of the proper authorities. It was all swept under the carpet. Nothing was done about it. Too many of [my] offenders were too well-connected. They knew important people. It was just made sure that I wouldn't get any justice."" [142]
Again, this was in 2011. So how did the 2017 Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report conclude that Harper and Power weren't accusing "the establishment" of a cover up?
Then again, it is clear that the Inquiry was an effort - likely due to some pressure from "above" - to appease all parties and continue the agenda of making the affair go away. It's main achievement is that it exonerated Power and Harper and implicated all their opponents, despite the fact that little was done with it.
Suart Syvret indicated the same thing in a July 2017 interview with the Jersey Evening Post when he said about the Inquiry, "the establishment side had seven full-time professionals there during the hearings and there was not so much as one lawyer there representing the survivors." It's still a little odd though that so many witnesses did provide important testimony, with Syvret saying, "I could not give [the crucial evidence] because I did not have the [legal] protection to do so [and I might end up back in jail]." [143]
One wonders what the problem is with answering the questions of a commission. Whenever you want to drop names, just ask beforehand if you are allowed to do so. It's really not that hard. All we have now is another missed opportunity to get some of the elite names out. But... the inquiry most certainly was, in part, a cover up.
How the dig started: testimonies, workers and bones, cadaver dog
It's a strange turn of events, isn't it? One moment all the testimony and facts seem to come together and stack up in favor of large-scale child abuse, including a number of elite names, punishment cellars and a number of covered-up deaths. The next moment, all the evidence seems to come apart, contrasting many of the known facts. Even without access to later reports and interviews, already right at that point, from May to November 2008, it immediately smacked of a cover up, didn't it?
As for the physical evidence-side of things, any debates should have stranded with the November 12, 2008 press statement of Gradwell and Warcup, and Graham Power's subsequent suspension. However... retired deputy chief of police Lenny Harper in particular has done something very unusual: he has refused to shut up. The media has by and large refused to talk to him after his retirement, but Harper did write a number of lengthy letters/articles and comment replies for the blog of his ally, former Jersey senator Stephan Syvret. Here he has explained his point-of-view, providing quite a bit of key first-hand evidence in the process.
We'll get quite specific in the next few sections on various aspects of Haper's-words-versus-the-official-story. Here we focus on a number of key points that have generally been overlooked by the media in relation to the original Haut de la Garenne investigation. Through Harper it can be learned that:
- a cadaver dog called Eddie smelled human (and always ignored animal) death in all the spots - or sometimes at the end of a drain pipe - where soon bones and teeth were recovered. Harper even made a video available of the dog searches at Haut de la Garenne, and provided comments as to what exactly took place. [144]
- Billie the Cadaver Dog had been put through the wringer by Lenny Harper's police force. They would hide a drop of blood underneath the sand. They even buried a vial of sand from an Egyptian mummy's tomb underneath the sand. The dog found it all. Meanwhile, it never reacted to animal decomposition; only human, what is was trained for. Only the smell of human death triggered the dog.
- Construction workers, apparently in 2003, when Haut de la Garenne's cellar was closed off, had found bones here, which they thought belonged to young children. One of the workers went to compare the bones with pictures on the internet and now was even more convinced they were human. When raising questions, they were told to burn them and let "bygones be bygones" by the new owners [145], likely worried about any bad press.
This construction worker did not let it go, went to the police, leading to a pathologist investigation the bones. The pathologist was a believer, but her boss protested and had the bones destroyed. - These construction workers also told Harper's team beforehand that they would find shackles in the cellar. But more about that later.
Harper's team first heard the testimonies. While doing the investigation, they heard from the construction workers about apparently human bones having been found. Thus, Harper's team brought in Billie the Cadaver Dog, tested the dog extensively, and then videotaped it reacting extremely strong to the smell of human death at Haut de la Garenne. Only at this point did the police start digging at Haut de la Garenne. Coincidentally, they retrieved what looked to be children's bone fragments from the locations where the Cadaver Dog had been barking.
This is how the most controversial aspect of the Haut de la Garenne investigation started. How it really started.
Now, to be thorough and to include a number of additional details, let Harper tell it in his own words:
"We also studied in depth building plans and maps. It was during this process that builders who had worked on the site [closing off the cellar around 2003] told us that a few years before they had found bones they were convinced were human but had been told to 'forget them' and "let bygones be bygones." (This phrase became a catchword among my team whenever the subject of attempts at cover up would arise.) One worker was so convinced they were human he took them home to examine them against computer images which only strengthened his fears.
"Eventually these bones were examined by a Jersey Pathologist after police had called her to the home. She told the officer "I don't like the look of this," but was later to say she could not remember making that comment. She was "not saying it wasn't made, but just couldn't remember it." She took the bones to her boss whose extremely short (five lines) report said the bones were too large to be human but also stated that one of the bones "could not [be] identified." He gave the measurements of the bones and our anthropologist took issue with his findings saying that the size of the bone concerned was within the size range of a child. Unfortunately the bones were destroyed by the pathologist without being examined by an anthropologist. Our advice was that they should have been so examined as the pathologist was not qualified to rule on whether or not they were human.
"The builders told us that they had found two child's shoes with the bones. The pathologist told us that he had sent them for examination and had been told they were Victorian [19th century]. The person he said he sent them to remembered no such incident. Unfortunately the shoes too had been destroyed and were unavailable to us. ...
"At the same time as we were digesting this deeply puzzling sequence of events, we received a positive reaction from the dog trained to find traces of human remains. This reaction came at the same spot as the builders had found the bones mentioned above. [Cadaver dogs] are trained either to detect the presence of the scent of dead human flesh or blood. ... There were thousands of animal bones in that area and we recovered many hundreds. The dogs ignored them all. ...
"They are trained either to detect the presence of the scent of dead human flesh or blood. This they did, as in the cellar where they reacted and led us to all the bones and teeth. There were thousands of animal bones in that area and we recovered many hundreds. The dogs ignored them all. [Despite the limitations] I am a great admirer of the dogs and their handler. They worked long and hard hours. We carried out frequent tests on them and they succeeded every time. One such test was when one of the Anthropologists brought some sand which had been in contact with a mummy in another country. It was put on the beach and the dog went to it. Again, it was telling us there was something there to ask questions about. Nothing else. ...
"We had evidence from victims who said they were confined and/or abused in what they described as cellar areas. We could not find them until a local builder who had worked at the area came forward and said he knew where the entrance to these 'cellars' were. He showed us and we were eventually able to uncover them. Before excavating further we put the dogs into the area. As we did so, the Chief of Police arrived with the Home Affairs Minister, Wendy Kinnard. They were actually present when the dogs reacted strongly in the cellar and where we were then to find the charred bones and teeth." [146]
The most widely distributed criticism (read: ridicule) of the Haut de la Garenne case is that a piece of skull that was recovered from one of the cellars on February 23, 2008, by April was reported to be either a piece of wood or a coconut shell - and that the expert who initially identified it as a skull had now "changed her mind" as well:
"Mr Gradwell was selected from 27 experienced senior investigating officers in the UK to take over the day-to-day running of the historical child abuse inquiry ...
"On 31 March Dr Tom Higham [deputy director of] Oxford [University's] Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit told the States police that he believed the item found was not bone. ...
"Due to repeated references in the media to the item as being 'a skull fragment', Dr [Higham] wrote a letter to the States police saying that the technician undertaking tests on it had reported that the material did not behave like bone and that he and a Dr [Roger M.] Jacobi [an archaeologist and curator of] the British Museum had concluded that the sample was not bone, but was almost certainly wood.
"Further, it was more likely to be part of a seed casing, more like a small piece of coconut, and their conclusion was the sample was neither bone nor human. ... Mr Gradwell said that after speaking to Julie Roberts, the anthropologist who originally identified it as potentially a piece of a child's skull, and two scientific experts, he was satisfied that the item was not human. ... 'By 14 April the anthropologist who had originally identified the item as a possible child's skull fragment no longer gave that view,' Mr Gradwell said. ...
"[It] had [also] been uncovered in earth now known to have links with the Victorian era, Mr Gradwell said." [147]
The first thing that needs to be understood here is that massive media controversy surrounding this skull erupted on May 18-19, 2008, 1.5 months before the earlier-discussed announcement of Lenny Harper and the Jersey Police of many burnt and cut bones having been found in underground "punishment rooms" of Haut de la Garenne. Some might feel that Mr. Harper was being mighty difficult to the establishment by not taking the hint and just go with the opinion of "the establishment", namely that no matter what the evidence... there was never going to be no evidence...
So, what really happened here with this object? Well, one part of the truth is that this piece of skull indeed was found in a layer of earth that was soon labeled "pre-1940s" and went back as far as the Victorian era. Because of this, Lenny Harper and Julie Roberts already had decided to stop focusing on it by the time controversy erupted.
That having been said, the more important truth here might be that a piece of skull went to the elite Oxford University for carbon dating and what eventually came back to Harper and Roberts looked and felt very different to what they had sent. Was it a coconut shell or a piece of wood at that point? Impossible to say, as Gradwell and Warcup had the object destroyed. In the end it is impossible to escape the fact through that around March 27-28, 2008 the Oxford laboratory found 1.6% (badly degraded) collagen in what "the technician" herself described as the "Jersey skull". Fact is, collagen is only found in mammals, including humans; not in wood or coconut shells.
The problem, of course, is that the public was not informed about the initial collagen find. We only know about that because this is among the details Harper has made available. What follows is an email of March 28, 2008 from "technician" "Ms. Brock" at the Oxford laboratory to Harper's forensic manager, Vicky Coupland:
"Hi Vicky. Here are the details of the Jersey skull as discussed on the phone earlier. ...
"During the first acid washes we often get a lot of fizzing as the mineral dissolves. The Jersey skull didn't fizz at all, which suggested that preservation was poor, and which led me to test the nitrogen content of the bone. The Jersey skull had 0.60 nitrogen, which suggested that it contained virtually no collagen. ...
"Very surprisingly, the sample yielded 1.6% collagen (our cut off for dating is 1%). As there is no nitrogen it cannot contain collagen unless it is highly degraded. The chances are it is highly contaminated and any date we get for it might not be accurate. I have e-mailed the director and asked if we should proceed with a date." [148]
Apparently, about 5% nitrogen - which is tied to collagen content - is necessary to do decently reliable carbon dating. Thus, a reliable dating may never have been possible.
It is at this point though that controversy started to erupt. "The Technician" (Ms. Brock seems to be that, but apparently not) and either the director or deputy director started taking issue with the fragment being ID'd as a skull and making it available to others, including Dr. Roger Jacobi at the British Museum. As Harper describes another email from Ms. Brock on March 31, 2008:
"The Director had now expressed concern about what the fragment was. The Technician (who is not an Anthropologist) who was carrying out the process commented that it 'looked like a coconut husk.' She went on to say "If it isn't bone I am really sorry," but then finishes with "although it could well have been poorly preserved bone as I described it." [149]
On April 8, 2008, the Jersey police was informed by the Oxford lab that, "This one ain't bone," [150] with a letter around the same time reading, "We concluded that the sample was not in fact bone but almost certainly a piece of wood [or] a seed casing or a small piece of coconut. Our conclusion is that this sample is not bone and not human." [151] On May 17, Oxford lab deputy director Dr Tom Higham told The Observer, "We have tested it using a number of methods. They all pointed in the same direction." [152]
That's all nice and well, but why didn't the media focus on the March 28 email of the Oxford lab to the Jersey police? Harper claims to have even asked a number of follow-up questions, including the following one to which he never received an answer: "If you do not think it is bone how can you explain the presence of more collagen than is usually needed to date bearing in mind that collagen is found only in mammals?" [153] This seems to be a very logical question.
Another good question is what happened to the piece of skull while it was in the custody of the Oxford radiocarbon lab. Years later, Harper made the personal notes available of anthropologist Julie Roberts. These notes make it clear that she basically didn't recognize the piece of skull when it came back to her from the lab. That leaves us with the question if it is the same piece, or what happened to it. Did the basic chemical analysis ruin it? Was it dunked in acid or something? Who really knows. But something changed with the object during its stay at Oxford University:
"23 February 2008, 09.10 hrs: Examined JAR/6. Recovered from Context 011 Trench 3. Degraded fragment of bone thought to be human skull, probably from a child (see full inventory for details). Associated with mixed debris including animal bone, buttons and a leather "thong". Discussed findings with SIO Lenny HARPER and Forensic Manager Vicky COUPLAND. It was decided that the bone should be sent for C14 dating*. ....
"9 April 2008: On 8 April 2008 I read the C14 dating results relating to JAR/6. The report stated that the fragment was too degraded to obtain a date. ...
"On 8 and 9 April 2008 I re-examined JAR/6. Since I initially examined the fragment it had dried out considerably and changed in colour, texture and weight. These changes caused me to reconsider my initial observation that the fragment was human bone, although I cannot reach a definite conclusion without conducting further chemical analysis. I reported my findings to Forensic Manager Vicky COUPLAND and SIO Lenny HARPER and we discussed a number of options regarding how to proceed with the fragment. Our conclusion was that as the fragment had been found in the pre 1940's phase of the building, no further work would be conducted on it." [154]
You look at this situation and it is not hard to see why Harper kept referring to it as a piece of skull instead of dogmatically taking over the final opinion of the Oxford lab - for which he was attacked, of course. The identification of collagen would be the main reason. He is also right that Julie Roberts was the main expert to ID what the object was. Her biography reads that she is an expert in the "identification of human remains from scenes of crime [and] war zones ... Distinguishing between human and animal remains [and] estimation of age at death, sex, stature..." [155] The Oxford lab scientists were experts in radiocarbon dating and even Dr. Roger Jacobi only seems to have been an ordinary archeologist; not a "Forensic Anthropologist and Archeologist" with a specific degree in "Funerary Archaeology" as Julie Roberts. [156]
Have there been flaws in Harper's thinking? Possibly:
- He doesn't seem to understand why the 1.6% collagen, well above the "cut off" of 1%, was not enough to date the skull. Truth be told, I don't fully either, but it seems that the lack of nitrogen, which is tied to the collagen, showed that the collagen was far too badly degraded. As said though, I'm not really sure here either, and in any case the presence of collagen should prove that we indeed were dealing with a bone; not a piece of wood or coconut shell.
- In at least one of his interviews, Harper claimed the anthropologist determined that the object thought to be a skull had a "different shape, different size, different color [and] different context" than before it was shipped off. Looking at the anthropologist's notes, however, as made available by Harper, we only read that the object "had dried out considerably and changed in colour, texture and weight."
While I wasn't there to see it, this is a big distinction. A difference in shape, and a considerable difference in size (greater than due to water loss), would strongly indicate that someone had replaced the object. This is also what Harper has been insinuating, in-line with his claims of a broken chain-of-custody at the Oxford lab. However, a difference in "colour, texture and weight", at least in theory, can all be explained by (possibly an overzealous) chemical analysis. Remember, for instance, how the March 28 email explained how the skull went through various "acid washes".
None of these things really change the fact that it appears that the Jersey Skull indeed appears to have been a skull; and that the establishment has been Hell-bent on trying to suppress any evidence of children's bodies having been burt and hidden at Haut de la Garenne. But it remains important to look at the situation from both sides.
I'll leave the reader here with two interviews Lenny Harper has given three alternative media outlets, the only ones really who seem to have allowed him to tell the story from his side, without any censoring.
The first interview here was carried out in July 2018 by "former BBC and ITV journalist"-turned-whistleblower Anna Brees. Am I suspicious of her? Looking at some of the extreme conspiracy disinfomation sites supporting her, such as, the fact that she spreads establishment propaganda against Trump and Boris Johnson (and thus is pro-Third World immigration) [157], and her peculiar fascination and involvement in the 4Chan-spawned QAnon group (despite opposing Trump) [158], I don't see how she is not some sort of deep cover agent. Her explanation at 4:30 into the interview doesn't lessen any suspicions either:
"I worked for Rothschild's banking in the Channel Islands, but I wanted to be a journalist because I believed in holding power to account."
Really? The Rothschild bank? The one we discussed so extensively in a previous chapter? The one so extremely closely tied to child abuse at Haut de la Garenne? Not to mention the BCCI, Iraqgate, Iran-Contra, Contra-Medellin cartel money laundering, the P2, the Saving & Loan scandal, flight capital and what not? Yeah, suspicious.
Still, these interviews are about Lenny Harper; not who is interviewing him. And here is how Harper explained the "Jersey Skull"-situation in 2018, from about 7:50 on:
"It was bagged by a very well-respected anthropologist [Julie Roberts], who positively identified it as a human bone. And the bone of a juvenile. And she was in no doubt about that. And it was properly bagged. Properly labeled. Properly sealed. Signed for. And taken over to this laboratory in the United Kingdom, who examined it and initially found collagen in it. Collagen is only found in mammals, including humans. It's not found in wood. It's not found in metal. It's not found in coconut. ...
"So they found more than twice that amount to DNA trace it. However, in the mean time we had ruled it out of our inquiry, because it the area that it was found in, most of the stuff that was in there was just outside the realm of our inquiry [read: "pre-1940s"]. However, when it got over to the lab at that time ... they sent it on somewhere else. They opened it. They examined it. Found the collagen. And then just seemed to pass it around. And it got around passed to several sources without being audited. There was no record kept of its movement. There was no record kept of who was in possession of it.
"When it did come back, the anthropologist who identified it as human [Julie Roberts] said that it was a different shape, different size, different color, different context. And she could no longer say what it was without further tests. The suspicion immediately arose that it was not the same piece of material. We never-ever proved that it was and my successors [Gradwell and Warcup] destroyed it in any event. So we never will be able to.
"Apparently when it was being passed around in Cheltenham, somebody who was not qualified in any way to say what it was, said, "Oh, it looks to me like a piece of coconut." And there was the birth of the coconut myth. ... Of course, the Jersey politicians seized on that phraze with glee. " [159]
In 2011 Harper gave an interview to "Voice for Children", which quite clearly is tied to the Syvret and Harper-supporting blog At 2 minutes in, Harper starts explaining:
"Well, the truth of the matter is that I don't know 100% what it is. What I do know, and what the facts are as follows: this item was found by an anthropologist who is a very well respected anthropologist [Julie Roberts], who has worked all over the world in recovering human remains. And that anthropologist identified that item as a piece of a child's skull. She even told us where it came from on the morning she found it.
"It was kept in our store for a few days and it was eventually sent off to a laboratory in Oxford. But even that in itself disproves some of the stupid lies and misapprehensions that I have heard, notably by some of the Jersey media, but also by one or two journalists in the UK as well. Because they were saying that I was told that this was not a human skull the day after we found it. Well, the item was still sitting in our store the day after we found it and it eventually went off to a laboratory in Oxford.
"[Then] it came back and they said, "First of all, it is very badly degraded. We don't think we will be able to find any collagen in it." They kept referring to it at this stage as a "skull" and as a piece of bone. In fact, I think they referred to it as "the Jersey skull". Then they came back and said, "Look, we were wrong about this. We actually found 1.6 [percent] collagen. which is quite a bit of bone, the quantity of collagen that we need to date this thing. So we're quite comfortable that we will be able to date it now. We'll find out when this skull went into the ground, when it died." And then a few days later they came back again and said, "Look, we can't date it, because the collagen is very badly degraded." Which means either that A) it might not be skull, or B) the skull is so badly degraded that it is just impossible to date it. And that was the situation then as it was then. And as far as I am aware, I have never-ever been told that it has advanced from that. ...
"Now, the coconut nonsense came from a throwaway comment where this piece of evidence, which had been meticulously audited and tracked on our system, was being passed about by these people in the laboratory to others whose names we were never given, and rendered it totally useless as evidence in any event, who said, "Oh, it looks like a piece of coconut." But there was never any scientific substance to that. There was never any definitive information as to what it was at that stage.
"And when it came back, of course, our anthropologist was put in the [inaudible]. She changed her mind and it was no longer in her opinion a human skull. But, of course, I just proved this by showing her log, where she wrote on her log, when the item came back, that she really was "now not so sure, because the item had changed in size, texture, appearance." And that opened up all sorts of questions and if we would have tried to use that as evidence the defense would have run [inaudible] through it by saying we couldn't prove that it is the same item that went away. ...
"Besides, they have got the evidence to carbon date it. Not tell us what it was. They are not qualified to tell us what it was. The anthropologist who found the item, was very qualified to say what it was. And she thought at the time that it was a piece of human skull. And she identified the part of the human skull that she believed it came from. Now, when it came back, she said she could no longer be so certain. But that's a world of difference with what the media in Jersey were quoting her as saying: that she had changed her mind. And what I believe is that Gradwell and Mr. Warcup also were saying that she had changed her mind. And that was totally untrue. ...
"It could well be a human skull, but it may not be. And I suspect we will never know properly. ... It flies in the face of the fact that the laboratory said that they found collagen, which, of course, is not found in coconut. It is only found in mammals, including humans." [160]
And that's "the coconut skull" controversy.
As could be read earlier, debunking police officers Mike Gradwell and David Warcup claimed to the public in November 2008 "that only three [bones found at Haut de la Garenne] were "possibly human", which dated from between 1470 and 1670." Looking at the written notes of anthropologists, including Julie Roberts, digging at the scene at Haut de la Garenne at the time, this statement - surprisingly - doesn't seem to be correct either.
The first entry alone talks about 16 bone fragments already independently identified as human, with the archeological phase dating to the 1940s to the 1980s - not 300 to over 500 years ago. Other human bones were found in this layer, along with many other suspected-but-still-unconfirmed human bones.
The following entries have been selected from a longer list made available by police chief Lenny Harper. I'm not sure what "?human" means, whether that's a computer language error or the manner the anthropologists phrased an unconfirmed human bone. This is one of the reasons the list was cut short here, because the comment "?human" is found almost everywhere. This list should be enough though to show that Gradwell and Warcup may have some additional explaining to do.
- "KSH/137: Archaeological phase and Date: 3-4: 1940s to 1980s. Sixteen fragments of bone submitted to University of Sheffield and positively ID'd as human bone."
- "KSH/158: Archaeological Phase and Date. 3-4. 1940s to 1980s. Single fragment of bone resembling KSH/137."
- "JAR/30: 3-4; 1940s to 1980s. Two fragments of burnt bone one is fragment of longbone? Tibia. Submitted to University of Sheffield with KSH/158. Origin confirmed as human."
- "JAR/61: 183 Zone 4 East Cellar 3. 4 / 5: 1960s to present date. 23 Fragments of bone:
1. Burnt fragment which closely resembles a human juvenile mastoid process.
2. Burnt fragment of ?human mandible.
3. Fragments of burnt long bone x 3 measuring between 11.3 and 16.3 mm.
4. Fragments of unidentified burnt cortical and trabecular bone x 7.
5. Fragment of slightly burnt long bone measuring 33 mm. The cortex of the bone resembles human but it is quite thick and the trabeculae can not be seen because it requires cleaning. It appears to have been cut at one end. ..." - "Cellar 4 Context 169 (redeposited char material from fire elsewhere. Unsealed)"
- "1960s to present date. Fragment of bone ?human. ... Fragment of burnt bone. ?human mastoid process. ... Fragment of burnt bone ?human. ... Human tooth. Anthro exam – deciduous left maxillary lateral incisor. Age range 6 yrs ± 2yrs. ... Human Tooth: deciduous left maxillary first molar, age 9 yrs ± 3 yrs. Could have been shed naturally (Anthro exam)." [161]
Shackles and "I've been bad for years & years"
In the November 2008 press release mentioned earlier, Mike Gradwell and David Warcup claimed to the public that shackles found in the basement of Haut de la Garenne "in fact [are] rusty pieces of metal [and] these should [not] be described as shackles..." That's an interesting statement, because the "explanation" that these are "rusty pieces of metal" doesn't exclude the possibility that what was found were indeed (very rusty) shackles.
Key points here are the witness statements of this cellar having been used for the punishment of "bad boys", the recovered graffiti on the wall reading "I've been bad 4 years & years" [162], and the fact that it were the earlier-mentioned construction workers, who also informed Lenny Harper's police team of having found human bones in the basement, were the ones who told the police that shackles would also be found here.
What follows is Harper's response to Gradwell and Warcup in relation to the shackles. Images of what was found can be seen on the right, supplemented with a picture of traditional ankle shackles for humans, allowing readers to make their own judgments.
"I did not introduce the term shackles to the media. When builders heard that we were searching the area they had been working in, they went and told reporters that the police would find the 'shackles' they had found several years before when they were working there. Without knowing this, and with the evidence of victims in our minds, when we recovered these artifacts we all felt that the items were shackles. This means that the builders and ourselves, several years apart, came to the same conclusion; these items were shackles.
"I do not know what Mr. Gradwell showed to the media when he described them as something to do with roofing. I do know that never have I seen anything on any roof or gutter with a length of chain and a bracelet type affair at each end.
"When I emerged after being told of the find I was careful not to mention shackles. However when the media asked me what I had found and I replied that I had found some items which corroborated the victims evidence, one of them said, "Ah, so you found the shackles then?" It was to be several weeks before I admitted that we thought they were shackles as by that time it seemed rather daft to keep denying it." [163]
Personally, I'd say that describing them merely as "rusty pieces of metal" without properly explaining what they are, does smack like a cover up, especially looking at the context in which they were found. I haven't had these "rusty pieces of metal" in my own hands for analysis, but my first guess, at least in the top image (of what was found) would be a shackle, complete with some kind of plate to attach it to something heavy. If, in addition, a "length of chain" indeed was found nearby, this would only strengthen the case for both shackles and a cover-up.
Furnace: children's bones burnt, cut and moved; report missing
On several occasions now we have compared the account of police chief Lenny Harper with the ones provided by Jersey politicians and Harper's successors, Mike Gradwell and David Warcup. It must be said, in each case Harper comes out on top with the more plausible, rational and detailed answers.
Why not let Harper explain his side of the story, in his own words, on all remaining aspects of the Haut de la Garenne case? The words of Harper in the following sections have been compiled from several (lengthy) guest posts on the blog of former Jersey senator Stuart Syvret, Harper's long-time ally. Other aspects have been taken from the comment sections of this blog, where Harper also occasionally explained things.
Let's start with an explanation of why so many (human) bones found in the cellars of Haut de la Garenne were cut and burt. Lenny Harper:
"[After a careful archeological study of the different soils in the basements] we think we know how the bones ended up where we found them, and that was expertly laid out by Karl Harrison in his Archaeological Theory of Burnt Debris including Human Bone Fragments and teeth found in the East wing. His view was that the Solid Fuel Furnace in the West Wing was used to dispose of human remains and they were then transferred to the East Wing around 1960-1970. We included his report in the document we posted on our website.
"Strangely enough when the Sunday Times journalist David James Smith attempted to access this document it had been removed under Warcup's leadership. David James Smith was told by the Press Officer that there had been a problem with the computer. Of course there was! ...
"The furnace was in the other wing and the archaeologists were of the view that the teeth and bones were there until they had to be moved as a new heating system was being installed. They were then moved to the cellar area and deliberately buried. This was the view of the forensic archaeologist, not mine. His evidence is hard to argue with and no one has ever come up with an alternative." [164]
A summary-excerpt of this fuel furnace missing report, provided by Harper, has been attached to this article. It explains the archeology of the Haut de la Garenne cellars layer by layer.
Gradwell and Warcup explained in their November 2018 press statement that there were "no people reported missing [and] no allegations of murder." Hence, to them this proves that there couldn't be any bones of children in the basement of Haut de la Garenne and we should all stop asking questions.
This seems like an oversimplified statement. Let's not forget that there were reports of kids being dragged away from Haut de la Garenne and never been seen again. These children could have come from the British mainland. They may have been abandoned to such an extent no one ever asked questions about their whereabouts. Records may have been spotty in past decades. The police could have been involved in a cover-up - which they actually have been accused of - with the parents not caring. Who knows? Anything is possible really.
As for Harper, these are his words on the subject:
"I keep seeing criticism of our actions which mention that there were no bodies and no reports of children missing. ...
"In respect of no reports of children missing there are a number of things to be considered. Firstly, children were brought casually to HDLG and sometimes no one even knew they were there. Records of missing persons were only held until comparatively recently by the parishes. Unlike in the UK, the professional police had no involvement. Also, children arrived from the UK without proper records being kept anywhere. One example was the Local Authority in the West Midlands area of the UK who contacted us to say they had sent six children to the island's care system and had lost touch with them, never hearing of them again. ...
"There was evidence from one witness that a child had been chased by a member of staff through an upper floor corridor and in desperation had leapt out of a high window. The child had not been seen again. At that stage we had no name. (Mr. Gradwell was to say that over a year later he traced the child – perhaps he did. However at that time we had what we had.) We had non-specific information from a number of witnesses that they had witnessed children being dragged away at night and not being seen again. There was intelligence of illegal forced abortion and of a stillborn child." [165]
Bloodbath? And reliability of witnesses
Gradwell and Warcup claimed there was "nothing suspicious about the bath [and] has no blood on it." At the same time they stated that it had "no water supply and has not been used as a bath since the 1920's when a brick pillar was constructed within it."
All this seems a bit oversimplified, considering there's obviously nothing suspicious about a bath by itself, while a pillar in the middle doesn't prove somebody didn't grab a hose and filled it with cold water on occasion to make a few "bad boys" extra uncomfortable. After all, just about the only public testimony of a former resident about this cellar claimed this bath was filled with cold water.
Also with regard to the blood, it doesn't seem that anything, or anything much, was visible with the naked eye; only a cadaver dog still noticed a residual smell. Two full decades after the closing of Haut de la Garenne as a children's home, maybe there is not a whole lot to have expected here.
Anyway, let's see what Lenny Harper has to say about this aspect:
"Let me make it clear for all. There was a bath down there, and we had allegations concerning it, including rape and forced abortion. The dogs reacted in the area of the bath and inside it. Bedfordshire Police forensic experts tested it for blood and the tests were positive, yet Warcup and Gradwell said it was not blood.
"The victims did NOT make it up. Out of the several hundred who came forward we felt that 3 or 4 were perhaps not telling the truth. They were easy to spot. ... Let me say once again. The victims were telling the truth. My colleagues and I had many years experience in sorting truth from lies. It was not the victims who were lying. What Gradwell and Warcup (despite his later plea of non involvement in the row between Gradwell and myself) were saying, without any doubt, is that the victims were telling lies and that we were taken in. This is rubbish. There were terrible crimes committed down there, at the very least, indecent assaults and rapes. We will perhaps never know if there was worse. What we do know is that there were the remains of children there, no adults, just children, and that these remains had been burnt and deliberately concealed. Why?" [166]
The biggest shock probably that swayed me to the official side of things, if only temporarily, was upon learning that the cellars, including the location where the bath was situated, at most only was about 3.5 feet high in between the wooden support beams. This lack of height can be seen in the picture on the right. In that respect, Gradwell and Warcup were right when they wrote in their press statement:
"The cellars: These are floor voids. They are not cellars, and it is impossible for a grown person to stand up straight in the floor voids under Haut de la Garenne."
Again though, to not explain that abuse could well have taken place here, per the testimonies and quite a bit of physical evidence, is highly disingenuous.
The biggest flaw in my personal thinking, however, was assuming that something of a Eyes Wide Shut party was going on in the cellars of Haut de la Garenne. This has not been the case at all. Per the testimonies, it was simply a "hole" where "bad boys" were isolated and thrown in for "punishment". It's not hard to image a caretaker crawling in on occasion for some sexual abuse without any witnesses around.
Jersey member of parliament - locally termed "deputy" - Bob Hill actually went down to Haut de la Garenne in 2010 to check out the basement. He noticed how different cellars varied in depth. His estimate that one cellar was "around 7 feet deep", apparently the one he is standing in on the right, seems a bit questionable considering he describes himself as "5'8, 5'9, 5'10" (let's assume 5'8). This means that the cellar in question, which isn't properly videotaped, was about 6' (183 cm). And that's the deepest he could find. At the same time it is perfectly visible that the area in which the bath was located only was about 3.5 feet high, with some corners, looking at measurements done in the video of Bob Hill, were more like 5 feet.
As said though, looking at the available testimony and the available evidence, this does not disprove that physical and sexual abuse of children did not take place in this cellar. It only proves that there weren't any Eyes Wide Shut-type parties and that abuse in the cellar was just as likely to . In addition, adults born around 1900 were on average about 5'6 (168 cm), definitely making it a little easier for abusers in the 50s to the 70s to get in and out of those cellars.
The height of the cellar remains an issue though, as even a newspaper-published drawing showed that the cellar actually once had a door and that this particular space was 7 feet (213 cm) high. Maybe it quickly slopes down, who really knows? Because the problem is that proper imagery or video is not available to the public.
Lenny Harper did comment on the cellar height though:
"Why also would certain Jersey politicians and law officers try and deny that in the desperate and dishonest manner we have seen? Why did Frank Walker, Andrew Lewis, and Diane Simon remain silent when they knew that Warcup and Gradwell were at best mistaken when they said that it was not possible for an adult to stand up in the cellars? Why did they tell the Met that we searched HDLG on the word of a few unreliable disturbed people with criminal records. The public in Jersey now have to make their mind up. I hope Stuart Syvret and Bob Hill (when he does stand again) are returned with huge majorities. ...
"Yes [they could have seen that grown men could have stood in them]. All three were taken around HDLG by me. Lewis and Walker had the full 'official' tour which included seeing my team at work in the cellars and speaking to them. Walker also brought his wife for the tour. I pointed out to them where we had found the teeth and bones and where the human hair had been found at the roughly cut trap door into the cellar. They also had a viewing of the dogs at work and we set up a scenario for them with specks of blood which the dogs then found. All in all they expressed admiration for the team's efforts and clearly saw them working in the cellars, making no comment about height. It was clear to them that the height was greater than three feet. That was before the claims of Warcup and Gradwell of course. Diane Simon had a shorter tour but she clearly saw the cellars and of course when Robert Hall of the BBC did his programme the height of the cellars was there for all to see. ...
"[Extra:] SOME of the teeth COULD have come out naturally. TWO Odentologists, one from Jersey and one from the UK, said that some could not have come out naturally. This supported the findings of our experts who would come and give evidence at a public enquiry as I would. Let us hope that the promise to hold an independent enquiry untainted by the former AG's cronies is honoured." [167]
I remain skeptical. This is the first time I find myself questioning Harper's explanations, because he clearly criticizes the statement that "it was not possible for an adult to stand up in the cellars." Yet, we see the photos of the basement and it is 3-4 feet high in most places... Below is a screenshot from a video shot by the BBC in early 2008. Again, you can see how low the (main) cellars were. An adult could have moved about, but it would not have been comfortable.
Earlier we also cited a 1960s housemaid at Haut de la Garenne who clearly stated that the door into the cellar - indeed known as the "punishment room" among kids at the time - only was "half-size". [168] That seems to be very much correct.
What does this mean? It means we have a flaw in our thinking. Because this means: no Eyes-Wide Shut parties in the cellars; just a "hole" for kids to be thrown into as "punishment", with sexual abuse in this cellar being just as likely as sexual abuse in any other (slightly isolated) part of the building.
As for the officials not questioning the height of the cellars, this could well be if they were familiar with the testimonies and saw things in the proper context. Again, just a "hole" for "punishment"; not the only, specific, secret location in the building where kids were being tortured and raped by elites on the island.
Summary and conclusions: we need the dossier public
To continue right where we left off, one thing that certainly does need emphasizing is that Haut de la Garenne, and certainly not its 3-5ft high cellars, did NOT involve any elite Eyes Wide Shut-type parties. As usual, the media have been behaving quite strange on this. One moment they are fostering the all-too-common "Satanic Panic"; and the next moment they are aiding the undermining of a very legitimate child abuse investigation. Neither is productive, although the former does tend to draw global attention.
The thing is, the cellars were just WAY too small for "child abuse parties" and it doesn't fit any of the testimony - as far as we know. Testimony reveals that physical and sexual abuse took place throughout the building, with the cellars just being an uncomfortable dark "hole" at the back of the building to "punish" kids for whatever reason. Did sexual abuse take place as kids were thrown in and taken out of the cellar? It appears so. But it also took place everywhere else.
Sure, child abuse parties could have gone on with children picked up from care homes, which was a frequent occurrence, but we don't have full access to that testimony. In any case, Lenny Harper, who did have access to all the testimony, concluded this on the subject:
"Lenny Harper ... said that it was his impression that while there was no organised paedophile ring in Jersey, there was "a loose arrangement and more widespread than a single ring ... It was endemic through certain parts of Jersey society." [169]
Looking at all the evidence discussed in this article, it certainly is clear that Jersey politicians covered up what happened at Haut de la Garenne. We can only speculate whether that it is to protect establishmentarians or the reputation of Jersey as a tourism resort and banking paradise. What is not open to debate is criminal interference in the investigation.
Fact is, when one reads modern-day official accounts, or an - as usual - carefully constructed Wikipedia summary on the case, it's quite easy to go: "What am I reading? Where's the case? Where are the witness statements? Where's a discussion of the physical evidence?" It's all gone. All pushed to the wayside by the media, politicians, the attorney general and police chiefs Gradwell and Warcup. All that's left is an investigation of the investigation, but not an investigation of decades-long sexual abuse throughout Jersey Island. Graham Power sarcastically commented on this in March 2011:
"You've got to give ministers credit where its due. They have very skillfully and very successfully deflected the agenda of talking about the abuse inquiry and managed to sideline the issue of abuse itself." [170]
All that's left of the affair are a handful of prosecutions for physical and sexual abuse, but, as discussed, these involve cases that already came to light in the early 2000s or persons brought to trial by the initial police chiefs: Lenny Harper and Graham Power, and this in opposition by the attorney general, an elitist named William Bailhache. The latter person at the very least is responsible for releasing a certain Bonner couple, Danny Wherry, and apparently also a "Mr K", while attempting to stop the prosecution of Gordon Wateridge. That alone begs the question: how many other abusers got away?
Interestingly, already in March 2012 the Jersey government announced they would financially compensate up to £60,000 at least 43 victims of physical and sexual abuse in Jersey's care homes, with apologies having been issued to about 90 victims. [171]
That's great news, but it also sounds like a pay-off, considering it had already been determined at that point that the original Haut de la Garenne investigation was sound and that police chief Graham Power should never have been suspended. So the obvious step would be to - again - take all these (already provided) witness statements serious and reopen the investigation.
Many perpetrators are likely to be deceased, but such an investigation would still be important for the historical record, both for Jersey and - looking at a name as Senator Wilfred Krichefski, his connections, and the cover up - for countries internationally. The controversy surrounding a handful of buried children actually is secondary to all the witness testimony the world doesn't have access to.
My personal suggestion? Similar to the Dutroux X-Dossiers, someone needs to leak the full dossier, primarily all the uncensored witnesses testimonies (minus the full names of the victims). Without a doubt it will bring much more understanding of what has been going on in and around Haut de la Garenne and other Jersey care homes.
Haut de la Garenne - Epstein case ties
We already discussed how the more recent Epstein child abuse case overlaps with Haut de la Garenne. Jeffry Epstein and his partner-in-crime Ghislaine Maxwell both have been accused of recruiting dozens and dozens of underage masseuses in the 1990s and early 2000s that they tried to turn into prostitutes and child sex slaves, with some of the girls being fanned out to friends of Epstein.
More in the background, it also appears that Epstein's French friend, Jean Luc Brunel, regularly flew underage "models" into the United States that were sexually exploited by Epstein (and likely others).
Where this case overlaps with Haut de la Garenne is through:
- the fact that the British royal family has been involved in both cases, respectively through Jimmy Savile-friend Princess Alexandra of Kent and Epstein-friend Prince Andrew. It appears Princess Alexandra knew accused Jersey senator Wilfred Krichefski also quite well, along with her elite husband, Sir Angus Ogilvy.
- Epstein's complicit girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell and Ghislaine's father, Robert Maxwell, who was the employer of Sir Henry d'Avigdor-Goldsmid at Pergamon Press. D'Avigdor-Goldsmid was a director of the International Investment Trust Company of Jersey with Lord Jacob Rothschild and French Rothschild representative Georges Karlweis, as well as Haut de la Garenne-implicated senators Wilfred Krichefski and Reg Jeune.
- the Rothschild (and Zionist International) connection in general.
We can expand on the Rothschild connection. The Rothschilds have been friendly with Ghislaine Maxwell - including Lord Jacob's son, Nat Rothschild - and Epstein long-time lawyer friend and accused fellow-child abuser Alan Dershowitz, who at one point claimed/lied that he was first introduced to Epstein by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the wife of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild.
We met Sir Evelyn in this article not only as chairman of London's N. M. Rothschild & Sons above directors Lord Jacob Rothschild, Alfred Hartmann and Georges Karlweis, but also as the newly-installed head of Rothschild Bank A.G. in Switzerland after all the BCCI, Iraqgate and Medellin Cartel-Contra money laundering scandals started hitting the bank. Here also he continued to be in charge of the hyper-controversial Hartmann, as well as Karlweis. Of course, despite Karlweis being slightly less controversial, he does provide a direct connection to Jersey's child abuse scandal.
Rothschild Bank A.G. employer Juerg Heer, of course, in the mid 1990s claimed that Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Hartmann and Karlweis were pinning all the ills of the bank on him, in the process tying to bank to large-scale flight capital schemes and the P2 affair, but in the end the result was that all these top individuals, wherever they were accused of wrongdoing, walked away unscathed.
Of course, with Epstein and Maxwell we were dealing with individuals who were part of the Zionist International. Epstein wasn't so by birth, but after becoming a protege of Abe Greenberg and "Mega Group" member Leslie Wexner, he had made it to the top. A Trilateral Commission and CFR invitation followed quickly thereafter.
So, why did Epstein not get away unscathed? Well, the first reason seems to be surprisingly similar to Haut de la Garenne. Where in Haut de la Garenne we had police chief Lenny Harper absolutely refusing to go along with a cover up being initiated by attorney general William Bailhache in 2008, in the Epstein case it was Florida police chief Michael Reiter who went to the FBI protesting the manner in which of state attorney general Barry Krischer. This action led to Epstein being forced into prosecution. Epstein got off light, because of the infamous corrupt plea deal, but the prison time he received over child abuse made it much more acceptable libel-wise for the media to discuss the case.
With Epstein, of course, it was also that he was a billionaire who operated in such an extreme, open manner. He had recruited so many girls over the years that they all started to smell money when controversy around him emerged. One after another, they kept coming for the money, even though back in the day many had a great time and even were guilty of recruiting other girls. This is what kept the pressure on and eventually got Epstein arrested again in 2019, leading to his suicide in prison.
Of course, Epstein's neighbors over the years also witnessed all these girls hanging around the block. He was photographed on a number of occasions with seemingly underage girls, and even media comments existed, from Trump in particular, that he was always surrounded by young girls. Epstein really was a serial pedophile and basically flaunting it. Combine that with his wealth, the availability of the internet, the emergence of extremist feminism and the #MeToo movement,. and the local police not covering for him (which is not the norm with elite child abuse cases) - and that is why he was caught, no matter his connections. Remember how even New York City's Rockefeller-tied prosecutor Cy Vance, Jr. Tried to cover for him. It just didn't matter.
[1] | 1st sentence of quote, top source here. 2nd sentence of quote, bottom source here: *) March 17, 2011, Neil McMurray of, YouTube-uploaded interview, 'Graham Power QPM interview Part 3 (of 3)'. *) July 16, 2017, Neil McMurray of, YouTube-uploaded interview, 'Graham Power on Investigative Journalism and Blogs'. |
[2] | Ibid., parts 1 to 3. |
[3] | June 28, 2012, The Guardian, 'Jersey's 'secrecy culture' led to my suspension, says former police chief'. |
[4] | Compilation of: *) /2010/04/deep-questions-remain.html (published: April 22, 2010; accessed: January 8, 2020). Cited text involves Lenny Harper's posts in the comment section. *) lenny-harpers-guest-posting/ (published: September 5, 2009; accessed: January 5, 2020). |
[5] | 1988, APA Productions, 'Channel Islands', p. 81. |
[6] | 2007, John Perkins, Lucy Komisar, John Christensen, a.o., 'A Game As Old As Empire', pp. 41-62 (from John Christensen's chapter). |
[7] | Ibid., pp. 47-48. |
[8] | (Accessed: January 9, 2020) (PDF). |
[9] | October 26, 2009, Telegraph, 'Jersey politician charged with leaking police report 'to seek legal asylum''. |
[10] | 2007, John Perkins, Lucy Komisar, John Christensen, a.o., 'A Game As Old As Empire', pp. 59-60 (from John Christensen's chapter). |
[11] | February 1, 2005, Jersey Evening Post, 'Population 'cover up' claim over the census'. |
[12] | April 28, 2005, Jersey Evening Post, 'Senator attacks P&R and AG over secrecy'. |
[13] | September 21, 2005, Jersey Evening Post, 'Ministers: Free speech move is defeated'. |
[14] | February 8, 2007, Jersey Evening Post, ''Let's put it behind us''. |
[15] | August 30, 2007, Jersey Evening Post, 'Syvret: 'I need more time''. |
[16] | August 16, 2007, Jersey Evening Post, 'Minister sacks critic'. |
[17] | *) jersey-child-abuse-disaster/ (published: June 5, 2008; accessed: January 10, 2020): "I sacked [Iris Le Feuvre] when I discovered the truth of the [abusive] conduct of Jane and Alan Maguire [of the Blanche Pierre home] – and read in the files of Iris Le Feuvre's 1990 cover-up, and disgusting letter of "thanks" to the Maguires." *) "Someone mentioned that Iris Le Feuvre had been on BBC Jersey – she being the friend and protector of the child-battering and molesting psychopaths Jane and Alan McGuire."(published: November 2, 2010; accessed: January 10, 2020). *) bbc-panorama/ (published: April 17, 2015; accessed: January 10, 2020): "In 1990 – at the time of the major cover-up of the Blanche Pierre atrocities – the then President of the Education Committee was Iris Le Feuvre – a Jersey establishment icon..." |
[18] | the-jersey-authorities/ (published: May 10, 2009; accessed: January 10, 2020): "Michael Birt, in his capacity as Deputy Bailiff ... failed to declare his conflicts of interest – in that he was the Attorney General who let the child torturing Maguires escape prosecution – and who failed to prosecute those other criminals responsible for concealing at least 15 years worth of child abuse at Victoria College." |
[19] | August 18, 2007, Jersey Evening Post, 'Emergency talks on Syvret crisis'. |
[20] | July 25, 2017, Jersey Evening Post, 'Stuart Syvret interview: 'A systemic decades-long betrayal of the innocents''. |
[21] | November 4, 2013, The Guardian, 'Former Jersey minister Stuart Syvret to be jailed over blog allegations'. |
[22] | author/blogAdmin/page/17/ (published: March 19, 2009; accessed: January 10, 2019). |
[23] | *) June 17, 2017 tweet of @StuartSyvret: "[In reply to] [Mossad-tied "liberal CIA" asset] @Greg_Palast and @Thom_Hartmann ... What a reptile [Trump is]. How did the USA descend to this? How? Please, will the civilised regain democratic control of this once great nation?" *) September 24, 2019 tweet of @StuartSyvret: "If I didn't already admire the great good wisdom of @GretaThunberg I certainly would after watching this. Her expression as Trump walks in is priceless. Says all you could require of a good vs evil moment. #GretaThunbergOutdidTrump" *) January 4, 2020 retweet of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) by @StuartSyvret. *) January 5, 2020 retweet of @RATM [globalist propaganda band Rage Against the Machine] by @StuartSyvret: "Darn you we'll do *exactly* what we're told to..." *) January 5, 2020 retweet of @58bugeye by @StuartSyvret: "[Photo:] Trump just attacked Iran to get reelected: Change my mind." *) January 6, 2020 tweet of @StuartSyvret: "This is the bombshell Trump's team didn't want revealed: [CNN article on anti-Trump documents linked by the Soros and Ford Foundation-funded Center for Public Integrity]" *) January 7, 2020 retweet of @Newsweek by @StuartSyvret: "Trump is "more unhinged by the hour," U.S. Senator warns amid escalating Iraq, Iran tensions..." *) January 7, 2020 retweet of "The American Conservative" by @StuartSyvret: "When you threaten cultural heritage sites as military targets, it's a little hard to believe that all you want to do is liberate the wonderful Iranian people from an authoritarian government." *) January 7, 2020 tweet of @StuartSyvret: "This is worth watching, [major disinfo-peddler:] @joerogan of The Joe Rogan Experience discussing latest news re Jeffrey Epstein... [disinfo:] #epstiendidntkillhimself..." |
[24] | /2010/09/lenny-harper-guest-posting.html (published: September 22, 2010; accessed: December 24, 2019).. |
[25] | January 12, 2006, BBC, 'Lenny Harper tells Jersey Care enquiry corrupt police were not charged'. |
[26] | March 14, 2009, The Guardian, 'Home to something evil'. |
[27] | Ibid. |
[28] | Ibid. And the 2017 Inquiry's summary file. |
[29] | March 3, 2008, BBC, 'Jersey care home 'full of fear''. |
[30] | December 2, 1971, Jersey Weekly Post, 'The Paisnel Trial'. |
[31] | *) January 16, 2015, ITV, 'Witness evidence supports claim Savile was in Jersey in the 1970s'. *) April 6, 2008, News of the World, 'I got myself sent to jail to escape horror home'. |
[32] | April 6, 2008, News of the World, 'I got myself sent to jail to escape horror home'. |
[33] | Ibid. |
[34] | June 22, 2009, The Guardian, 'Jersey care home abuser given two years' probation'. |
[35] | August 20, 2009, The Guardian, 'Jersey carer convicted of abuse'. |
[36] | January 6, 2011, The Guardian, 'Couple jailed for Jersey care home assaults'. |
[37] | March 14, 2009, The Guardian, 'Home to something evil'. |
[38] | September 8, 2015, Jersey Evening Post, 'Abuse inquiry turns its focus on political forces'. |
[39] | (accessed: December 29, 2019): "Geoffrey Bailhache is a Managing Director and is based in London. ... Before joining Blackstone in 2010, Mr. Bailhache was a corporate associate at Weil, Gotshal & Manges' London office..." |
[40] | (accessed: January 5, 2019). |
[41] | lenny-harpers-guest-posting/ (published: September 5, 2009; accessed: January 5, 2020). |
[42] | +-August 17, 2008, Sky News, 'Jersey Abuse Investigation Obstruction Claims In Leaked Memo'. |
[43] | the-secret-report-from-lenny-harper/ (published: August 27, 2008; accessed: December 26, 2019). |
[44] | June 13, 2008, The Mirror, 'Ex-policeman arrested in Jersey children's home investigation'. |
[45] | *) April 16, 2015, ITV, 'Latest: Jersey Care Inquiry'. *) April 21, 2015,, 'Patrick Sadd Counsel to Jersey Care Inquiry'. |
[46] | the-secret-report-from-lenny-harper/ (published: August 27, 2008; accessed: December 26, 2019). |
[47] | April 26, 2011, Neil McMurray of Voice For Children interview with Lenny Harper, YouTube, 34:30 (integrated interview). *) (integrated interview; accessed: January 8, 2020). *) /2011/04/lenny-harper-interview-part-1-of.html (published: August 26, 2011; accessed: January 8, 2020). |
[48] | August 1, 2008, The Guardian, 'Jersey abuse inquiry: Remains of five children found, police reveal - but murder charges unlikely'. |
[49] | February 28, 2008, London EVening Standard, 'Ex-Jersey children's home worker 'tried to intimidate victim into keeping quiet''. |
[50] | November 25, 2014, BBC, 'Dozens accused of historical abuse at Jersey care home'. |
[51] | The 2017 Inquiry's summary file. |
[52] | *) /2010/09/lenny-harper-guest-posting.html (published: September 22, 2010; accessed: December 24, 2019). *) January 12, 2006, BBC, 'Lenny Harper tells Jersey Care enquiry corrupt police were not charged'. |
[53] | (published: January 21, 2015; accessed: January 8, 2020). |
[54] | September 8, 2015, Jersey Evening Post, 'Abuse inquiry turns its focus on political forces'. |
[55] | March 2, 2008, The Times, 'Picture: the Jersey 'child abuse cellar' uncovered by police'. |
[56] | October 19, 2012,, 'BBC's Steptoe star Wilfrid Brambell 'abused boys'' |
[57] | December 9, 2014, BBC, 'Jersey care inquiry: Jimmy Savile 1976 visit note shown to hearing'. |
[58] | March 14, 2009, The Guardian, 'Home to something evil'. |
[59] | May 4, 2008, Sunday Times, 'Within these walls: the Jersey childcare scandal'. |
[60] | December 20, 1974, The Times, 'Senator Wilfred Krichefski'. |
[61] | April 22, 2008, The Telegraph, 'Jersey care home police find children's teeth'. |
[62] | June 2, 1967, Jewish Observer and Middle East Review, 'Greater Crisis Than Suez: Jersey Senator's Warning', pp. 20-21: ""I live on a small island where there are only a handful of Jews [due to occupation in WWII]," said Jersey Senator Wilfred Krichefski, guest of honour at Leicester JPA's recent annual Supper. "How can I convey my feelings as our plane touched down on Israeli soil?" ... Jersey's minute community of just over 30 families gave [pounds]18,000 in cash at an emergency meeting at the home of Senator Wilfred Krichefski last week. "I have never seen anything like it," said Mrs. Margot Salomon, who looks after Jersey for the JPA." |
[63] | March 2, 2008, The Times, 'Picture: the Jersey 'child abuse cellar' uncovered by police'. |
[64] | February 28, 2008, Daily Mail, 'Ex-Jersey children's home worker 'tried to intimidate victim into keeping quiet''. |
[65] | 1964, first annual report, Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, pp. 1-2: "Trustees: ... The Earl of Jersey (President). Senator Wilfred Krichefski O.B.E. .... Council: ... Deputy R. R. Jeune... The [JWPT] has been in existence for one year." |
[66] | 1972, annual report, Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, pp. 1-2: "Patron: H.R.H. The Princess Anne. Trustees: ... Earl of Jersey (President). ... Senator Wilfred Krichefski... Council: ... Senator R. R. Jeune... Scientific Advisory Committee: ... [WWF co-founder] Sir Peter Scott..." |
[67] | The S. G. Warburg tie of Senator Reg Jeune and Lord Roll as chairman I personally found around 2008-2010 while having access to a large number of newspaper archives. I noticed what I believe was a 1972 ad of the Warburg Investment Management Jersey and S.G. Warburg & Co. in one of the newspapers. It mentioned all the directors. Both Jeune and Roll were to be found in the list. Unfortunately, I didn't cite or copy the ad. I only made a note of it. |
[68] | Ibid. I got the information on Lord Roll from the ad, but an independent source reads: April 2, 2005, The Independent, 'Lord Roll of Ipsden: Economist, civil servant, banker and formidable negotiator': "deputy chairman, S.G. Warburg & Co 1967-75, chairman 1974-83..." |
[69] | *) April 14, 2015, Jersey Evening Post, 'Former Senator Reg Jeune dies, aged 94': "Mr Jeune was a founder member of law firm Mourant, de Feu and Jeune in 1947, along side Clifford [du] Feu and Oliver Mourant [another source gives the name Helier Mourant]. Today the practice is known as Mourant Ozannes with offices in the British Virgin Isles, Cayman, Guernsey and Jersey." *) Also here, the names Rothschild, Warburg and Barings as clients I picked up from old newspaper clippings to which I have no access to anymore today. |
[70] | September 10, 1962, The Times, 'New Investment Trust for Jersey': "The International Investment Trust Company of Jersey was registered in the island on Saturday ... to carry on business in Jersey as an investment trust. Its chairman is Major Sir Henry J. d'Avigdor-Goldsmid, M.P., who is chairman of the Anglo Israel Bank Ltd. [Bank Leumi; also chairman of Robert Maxwell's Pergamon Press], Barro Equities Ltd., and other companies. On its board are the Hon. N. C. Jacob Rothschild, of N. M. Rothschild and Sons, G. C. Karlweiss, a director of La Compagnie Financiere [de Edmond de Rothschild], Paris [and later chair of Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild], ... and two Jersey company directors, Senator W. H. Krichefski, a member of the States' Assembly, and Mr. R. R. Jeune, a sollicitator of the Royal Court." |
[71] | January 15, 1970, The Times, 'JIB': "Following the acquisition by Star Investments Finance (Jersey) and Drayton Securities (Jersey) of a one-third interest each in Jersey International Bank of Commerce the board will comprise of: Senator W. H. Krichefski, Mr. C. H. Barclay [Pilgrims] (alternate Mr. S. I. Barclay), ... Mr. R. R. Jeune, Mr. D. A. Llewellyn (alternate Mr. P. R. Kirwan-Taylor [Pilgrims]), Mr. Philip Shelbourne [partner N. M. Rothschild & Sons 1962-1970 and Pilgrims] (alternate Mr. A. S. Rosen)..." |
[72] | 1988, APA Productions, 'Channel Islands', p. 81. |
[73] | October 22, 2008, Jersey Evening Post, 'Obituary: John Le Marquand'. |
[74] | December 2, 2008, Jersey Evening Post, 'Frank Walker: Ups and downs of a life at the top': "'When I was still in business, I used to meet Cyril Le Marquand, who was then president of the Finance and Economics Committee...'" |
[75] | October 22, 2008, Jersey Evening Post, 'Obituary: John Le Marquand': "Educated at Victoria College before entering the family business of Le Marquand Brothers, the West Park seed merchants, where he worked with his cousin, the late Senator Cyril Le Marquand. [He] took his seat along with such prominent, even legendary, figures of post-war politics as his cousin, Cyril Le Marquand, Wilfred Krichefski, JJ Le Marquand... He became a Senator in the 1960 election [and remained one until] 1987... He will be remembered principally for his 21 years as a member of the Education Committee between 1948 and 1969, and notably for his highly effective presidency of that committee for 18 years from 1951. ... [Known as] the founding father of modern education in the Island..." |
[76] | February 28, 2008, Daily Mail, 'Ex-Jersey children's home worker 'tried to intimidate victim into keeping quiet''. |
[77] | 2017, Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report, p. 752. |
[78] | November 21, 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, 'Israeli banking - British Intelligence operation'. |
[79] | October 5, 1991, Los Angeles Times, 'BCCI Official in Venture With Keating'. |
[80] | *) Ibid. *) September 13, 1991, Wall Street Journal, 'Close links existed between BCCI, BNL' *) December 1992, Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown, 'The BCCI Affair: Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate' (PDF). |
[81] | July 29, 1991, Time Magazine, 'The Dirtiest Bank of All'. |
[82] | *) September 13, 1991, Wall Street Journal, 'Close links existed between BCCI, BNL'. *) December 1992, Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown, 'The BCCI Affair: Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate' (PDF). *) November 10, 1993, Atlanta Journal and Constitution, 'Kissinger connected to loans for Iraq?'. |
[83] | August 22, 1999, New York Times, 'Russian Money-Laundering Investigation Finds a Familiar Swiss Banker in the Middle'. |
[84] | September 13, 1991, Wall Street Journal, 'Close links existed between BCCI, BNL'. |
[85] | December 1992, Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown, 'The BCCI Affair: Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate' (PDF). |
[86] | *) December 20, 1992, The Toronto Star, 'Scandal rocks secret world of a Swiss bank'. *) March 7, 2001, The New York Press, 'Money Changes Everything'. |
[87] | May 28, 1993, Globe and Mail (Canada), 'Surreal Estate'. |
[88] | 1993, Asiabanking Almanac, p. 422. |
[89] | *) November 3, 1992, Wall Street Journal, 'Rothschild Bank accused of helping flight of capital'. *) March 7, 2001, The New York Press, 'Money Changes Everything'. |
[90] | 1988, The Bankers' Almanac and Year Book, Volume 1, p. 1530: "N. M. Rothschild & Sons Limited. ... Directors: Evelyn de Rothschild [Chairman]. ... Non-Executive Directors: Richard Katz. Graham Barker. Jan Otto Van Boetzelaer [Leiden University: Minerva fraternity]. Sir Frank Cooper. ... Dr A. Hartmann ... Georges Karlweis. ... Eric de Rothschild. Edmund L. de Rothschild. Lord [Jacob] Rothschild." |
[91] | 1993, Asiabanking Almanac, p. 422: "Rothschild Bank AG ... Chairman: Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Board of Directors: Dr Alfred Hartmann, Dr. Peter Hafter [leading Swiss lawyer who created offshores for Baron Elie de Rothschild and Hans Heinrich Thyssen], Georges C. Karlweis, Bernard I. Myers, Jean-Pierre Rosfelder, Baron David de Rothschild .... Management Committee: Peter Benda, Dr. Jurg Heer [Juerg Heer]..." |
[92] | October 16, 1991, American Banker, 'N.Y. probes whether BCCI used First American to launder money'. |
[93] | EIR CFO |
[94] | July 2, 1991, The American Banker, 'Regulators at Odds over BCCI Stake'. |
[95] | EIR KW |
[96] | March 10, 1997, Bloomberg, 'The Rothschilds' Hedge Fund Guru; Georges Karlweis is courtly, conservative--and a big winner': "The Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild. ... Karlweis, 68, the bank's vice-chairman and top investment strategist, has been managing money for Edmond de Rothschild since 1959. ... Back in 1969, Karlweis launched a pioneering offshore mutual fund [with Rothschild funds], Leveraged Capital Holdings." |
[97] | 1974, Robert A. Hutchison (worked at IOS), 'Vesco', pp. 17-18. |
[98] | Ibid., pp. 23-24. |
[99] | April 9, 1975, New York Times, 'A Global Bank Tangle And Its Lost Millions'. |
[100] | March 10, 1997, Bloomberg, 'The Rothschilds' Hedge Fund Guru; Georges Karlweis is courtly, conservative--and a big winner': "Karlweis was also influenced by Bernard Cornfeld, the founder of International Overseas Services, a huge Swiss-based mutual-fund group eventually looted by financier Robert Vesco." |
[101] | 1974, Robert A. Hutchison (worked at IOS), 'Vesco', p. 246 |
[102] | 1999, Gary Webb, 'Dark Alliance', pp. 303-305. |
[103] | August 26, 1977, Washington Post, '31 Bales of Marijuana Seized in Rhode Island'. |
[104] | September 10, 2015, Consortium News, 'CIA and the Drug Business'. |
[105] | September 12, 1983, UPI, 'Vesco middleman for cocaine shipments'. |
[106] | 1999, Gary Webb, 'Dark Alliance', pp. 303-305. |
[107] | October 27, 2002, The Observer, 'Trouble in banking paradise as Uncle Sam's sheriffs ride in'. |
[108] | *) March 10, 1997, Bloomberg, 'The Rothschilds' Hedge Fund Guru; Georges Karlweis is courtly, conservative--and a big winner': "Back in 1969, Karlweis launched a pioneering offshore mutual fund [with Rothschild funds], Leveraged Capital Holdings. ... Karlweis got the idea for a fund of hedge funds in the late 1960s, when he was traveling to New York to place some of his bank's money with several hotshot young market players, including Soros and Michael Steinhardt. ... Fast-moving global "macro" funds, such as George Soros' Quota and Quantum, now make up 24% of LCH's assets." *) April 26, 2011, Arnaud de Borchgrave at Newsmax, 'Soros Backer: 'Widespread Moral Decline' Caused Debt Crisis': "Such was George C. Karlweis, the brain behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Edmond de Rothschild. His biggest claim to fame: George Soros and the launch of his Quantum Fund in 1969. An original $100,000 stake in Soros' fund was worth $150 million by 1994. Between 1970 and 2000, the return was 3,365 percent (for 10 consecutive years it did 42.6 percent per year)." |
[109] | Ibid. |
[110] | September 19, 2015,, 'Genie Energy Announces Additions to Advisory Board': "Genie Energy, Ltd., (NYSE: GNE, GNEPRA) and Michael Steinhardt, the Chairman of the Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) of Genie Oil and Gas, today announced that several distinguished leaders and public policy shapers have joined Mr. Steinhardt on Genie's Strategic Advisory Board. They are: Dr. Lawrence Summers, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Mary Landrieu and R. James Woolsey. ... The new appointees join the distinguished current members of the Board: Richard Cheney ... K. Rupert Murdoch ... Lord Jacob Rothschild ... Michael Steinhardt..." |
[111] | March 10, 1997, Bloomberg, 'The Rothschilds' Hedge Fund Guru; Georges Karlweis is courtly, conservative--and a big winner': "He also tells of severing LCH's ties with Michael R. Milken. ... So in 1983, he and Milken parted company--well before Drexel and the junk-bond market collapsed." |
[112] | Unfortunately, I do not have access anymore to old newspaper archives to fully confirm, but the included photo and Krichefski's status and connections do seem to indicate various online claims that he was close to Sir Angus Ogilvy and Princess Alexandra of Kent. |
[113] | Ibid. |
[114] | May 14, 1973, The Times, 'Who's who in the Lonrho board battle': "[Ogilvy] joined the 117 Old Broad Street Group (now the Drayton Group) in 1950; he was invited to its main board in 1956. Mr. Ogilvy first discovered Mr Rowland in Rhodesia in 1960 and chose him as the man to revive Lonrho. ... In 1961, Mr. Rowland's interests were injected into the London and Rhodesian Mining and Land Company which was part of the late Harley Drayton's 117 Old Broad Street financial group." |
[115] | November 1994, African Business, '"As a friend, I am good ... As an enemy, I am excellent."': "Ogilvy and Rowland were to be intimate companions for 15 years. Tiny and his young wife Josie, and Angus and Alexandra, had adjoining flats in a block close to Park Lane. Despite his host of other directorships, Ogilvy rarely missed a chance to fly with Rowland in his executive jet, to help extend Lonrho interests through one African country after another. This was the greatest friendship in Rowland's life. ... Despite all this [controversy], Angus Ogilvy had bestowed on Rowland a sense of total acceptability: considering the war years, it had been quite something, after all, to be sitting at breakfast with a princess, the queen's cousin, who had strolled across in her dressing-gown from the adjoining flat." |
[116] | May 14, 1973, The Times, 'Who's who in the Lonrho board battle': "How the board is split: ... Against [explanation: those who want to dismiss Rowland as CEO over the controversy]: ... Nicholas Elliott [and seven others] ... For [those who want to keep him]: Roland "Tiny" Rowland ... Alan Ball ... Duncan Sandys ... Edward Du Cann [and three others] ... Absent: Hon. Angus Ogilvy."" |
[117] | December 9, 2014, BBC, 'Jersey care inquiry: Jimmy Savile 1976 visit note shown to hearing'. |
[118] | February 2, 2014, Daily Mail, 'Police cover up Savile's claims to be friends with Queen's cousin: Paedophile 'visited school at centre of abuse allegations with Princess Alexandra''. |
[119] | October 20, 2013, Daily Mail, 'Police 'censored' 2009 interview with Jimmy Savile so it removed all reference to the Royal Family'. |
[120] | October 2, 2008, The Telegraph, 'Paedophile royal butler 'took victims to tea with Queen Mother''. |
[121] | April 22, 2010,, '"Deep" questions remain': "E-mail from Deputy [Bob] Hill to all States Members and Media. Dear Colleagues: ... According to the Home Affairs Minister it now appears that some of the voids could be almost 5 feet deep and 30 former residents have made allegations of abuse in the voids. As mentioned in the States on Tuesday I visited HDLG last week and measured and photographed the underfloor areas."" |
[122] | February 28, 2008, Daily Mail, 'Ex-Jersey children's home worker 'tried to intimidate victim into keeping quiet''. |
[123] | May 4, 2008, The Guardian, 'Within these walls: the Jersey childcare scandal'. |
[124] | March 31, 2008, BBC Panorama, 'Jersey: Island of Secrets' documentary. |
[125] | March 2, 2008, The Times, 'Picture: the Jersey 'child abuse cellar' uncovered by police'. |
[126] | March 31, 2008, BBC Panorama, 'Jersey: Island of Secrets' documentary. |
[127] | March 14, 2009, The Guardian, 'Home to something evil'. |
[128] | August 1, 2008, The Guardian, 'Jersey abuse inquiry: Remains of five children found, police reveal - but murder charges unlikely'. |
[129] | July 31, 2008, The Telegrapgh, 'Jersey care home: Murder inquiry into deaths 'almost impossible'. |
[130] | Ibid. |
[131] | May 23, 2008, Telegraph, 'Jersey inquiry: 'A child lies buried... I'm not going to walk away''. |
[132] | November 13, 2008, The Telegraph, 'Jersey home inquiry chief Lenny Harper accuses Chief Minister of interference after police u-turn'. |
[133] | November 12, 2008, Telegraph, 'Jersey police chief suspended as claims of child murders 'ripped up''. |
[134] | Ibid. |
[135] | November 13, 2008, Telegraph, 'Jersey home inquiry chief Lenny Harper accuses Chief Minister of interference after police u-turn'. |
[136] | *) (accessed: January 7, 2020): "Having founded his own advertising agency in 1969, he took over W.E Guiton Ltd, the parent company of the Jersey Evening Post in 1973." *) December 2, 2008, Jersey Evening Post, 'Frank Walker: Ups and downs of a life at the top': "It is true that his family have always had strong links with the ownership of the paper. In his own capacity he began as an apprentice, worked his way up through the company, left to set up an advertising agency and then returned to buy the company. WHEN he became a Deputy in 1990 he resigned as managing director and became chairman. 'It would have been quite wrong to combine the role of managing director with being in the States,' he said. This is one of a few subjects which clearly raise his temperature." |
[137] | January 27, 2012, BBC, 'Call for Jersey home affairs minister to resign'. |
[138] | 2017, Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report, pp. 771-773. |
[139] | September 12, 2017, BBC, 'Jersey deputy Andrew Lewis censured over 'lies' to assembly'. |
[140] | 2017, Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report, pp. 760, 763, 772, 774-775. |
[141] | *) July 12, 2010, BBC, 'Jersey police chief Graham Power 'exonerated''. *) March 11, 2011, BBC, 'Ex-Jersey police chief Graham Power in vendetta claim'. *) June 28, 2012, The Guardian, 'Jersey's 'secrecy culture' led to my suspension, says former police chief'. |
[142] | March 17, 2011, Neil McMurray of, YouTube, 'Graham Power QPM interview Part 3 (of 3)'. Also cited from parts 1 and 2. |
[143] | July 25, 2017, Jersey Evening Post, 'Stuart Syvret interview: 'A systemic decades-long betrayal of the innocents''. |
[144] | March 10, 2012,, 'Exclusive Footage of "Eddie" Cadaver Dog at HDLG.' /2012/03/exclusive-footage-of-eddie-cadaver-dog.html (accessed: January 8, 2020). |
[145] | November 17, 2008, Guernsey Press, ''Jersey politicians are behind the smears''. |
[146] | lenny-harper-a-witness-for-the-historic-record/ (published: September 5, 2009; accessed: January 7, 2020). |
[147] | November 12, 2008, Jersey Evening Post, 'Abuse inquiry: 'Skull fragment' almost certainly wood'. |
[148] | lenny-harpers-guest-posting/ (published: September 5, 2009; accessed: January 5, 2020). |
[149] | Ibid. |
[150] | May 19, 2008, London Evening Standard, ''Human bone' at centre of Jersey children's home inquiry is actually a piece of wood or coconut shell'. |
[151] | May 18, 2008, The Guardian, 'Bone found in Jersey abuse probe 'almost certainly wood''. |
[152] | Ibid. |
[153] | lenny-harpers-guest-posting/ (published: September 5, 2009; accessed: January 5, 2020). |
[154] | Ibid. |
[155] | (accessed: January 5, 2020). |
[156] | Ibid. |
[157] | Anna Brees seems to spent all her time tweeting. Obviously not too outspoken about it, but very much anti-"populist" and thus pro-Third World immigration. December 27, 2019 YouTube upload by "Anna Brees, 'The media in 2020 we must be aware': "My mum ... was talking about how important the BBC is, because we need to trust something. And there's a real concern maybe that certain politicians like Trump and Boris Johnson that they are trying to lead us into a situation where people do not believe anything and then we can easily be manipulated. ... There's a lot of questions being asked about the election and the impartiality of the BBC. We just don't just blindly now believe things." |
[158] | *) December 14, 2019 tweet by @BreesAnna: "If you're not keen on @realDonaldTrump or Lewis Carroll then is #QAnon #QAnon2019 for me?". *) December 15, 2019 tweet by @martingeddes: "I am speaking at this #QAnon event in Leicester, UK on 18th January, together with @BreesAnna. For details contact @martinplantt." |
[159] | July 9, 2018, YouTube upload by "Anna Brees", 'Exclusive interview with Lenny Harper BREESMEDIA', 7:50. (accessed: January 5, 2020). |
[160] | April 26, 2011, Neil McMurray of Voice For Children interview with Lenny Harper, YouTube, 2:15 (integrated interview). *) (integrated interview; accessed: January 8, 2020). *) /2011/04/lenny-harper-interview-part-1-of.html (published: August 26, 2011; accessed: January 8, 2020). |
[161] | lenny-harpers-guest-posting/ (published: September 5, 2009; accessed: January 5, 2020). |
[162] | March 3, 2008, London Express, 'Chilling message found in Jersey chamber of horrors'. |
[163] | lenny-harpers-guest-posting/ (published: September 5, 2009; accessed: January 5, 2020). |
[164] | April 22, 2010,, ' "Deep" questions remain', Lenny Harper post in comment section. /2010/04/deep-questions-remain.html (published: April 22, 2010; accessed: January 6, 2020) |
[165] | lenny-harper-a-witness-for-the-historic-record/ (published: September 5, 2009; accessed: January 7, 2020). |
[166] | April 22, 2010,, '"Deep" questions remain', Lenny Harper post in comment section. /2010/04/deep-questions-remain.html (published: April 22, 2010; accessed: January 6, 2020) |
[167] | Ibid. |
[168] | February 28, 2008, Daily Mail, 'Ex-Jersey children's home worker 'tried to intimidate victim into keeping quiet''. |
[169] | 2017, Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report, pp. 736-737. |
[170] | March 17, 2011, Neil McMurray of, YouTube, 'Graham Power QPM interview Part 1 (of 3)'. |
[171] | March 29, 2012, The Guardian, 'Jersey child abuse victims to receive compensation'. |