Found ISGP useful? Be a miniature Rockefeller Foundation and make a "grant" to ISGP.
- PayPal
- Bank: Euros
- Bank: U.S. dollars when transferring from inside the U.S.
- Bank: U.S. dollars when transferring from outside the U.S.
- Bank: U.K. pounds
For PayPal, click the image below or transfer manually to the email adress listed. Alternately, click here. Once you have an account, PayPal also allows transfer via debet or credit cards:

At least with the author, trying to transfer money on PayPal with Free Adblocker Browser for mobile phones, results in an error. Other (regular) browsers do not have this issues. If you encounter any issues, let me know.
PayPal has higher fees than regular bank transfers. On the upside, convenience - and transactions and purchases are insured.
Bank transfer: Euros account
For (very) low fees, a regular bank transfer might be preferable. For Euros, the needed information is as follows:

- Account holder: Joel van der Reijden
- Residence account holder: Rotterdam, Netherlands
- IBAN: BE91 9674 7255 6276
- BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX (the three X's are correct)
The BIC is only necessary when transferring Euros from outside the EU. The residence of the account holder shouldn't be needed anymore, at least not within the EU.
Bank transfer: U.S. dollars account for inside the U.S.
When the sender is located inside the United States and would like to transfer in dollars, use the following ISGP account:

- Account holder: Joel van der Reijden
- Residence account holder: Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Account no.: 9600010004668865
- ACH/wire routing no.: 084009519
Bank transfer: U.S. dollars account for outside the U.S.
When the sender is located outside the United States and wants to transfer in dollars, use the following ISGP account instead:

- Account holder: Joel van der Reijden
- Residence account holder: Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Account no.: 8312555505
- Routing no.: 026073008
- Swift/BIC: CMFG US33
Bank transfer: British pounds account for inside the U.K.
When the sender is located inside the U.K. (not outside), direct transfers in pounds may be preferred:

- Account holder: Joel van der Reijden.
- Residence account holder: Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Account no.: 60896328
- IBAN: GB64 TRWI 2314 7060 8963 28
- Sort Code: 23-14-70
Additional currencies
More currencies will be added in the future.
When it comes to promoting ISGP, I make the following suggestions:
Rational online responses. No ranting, lengthy copy-pastes, caps or undue swearing.
- While there's nothing to stop you, if you promote anything along the lines of the Illuminati, Anunnaki or anything in the following list, you are not representing the point of view of ISGP.
Preferably use reply sections of mainstream news websites or maybe forums.
Conspiracy-tinted Youtube videos, forums and websites are not particularly ideal, even if the rules are adhered to, because you'll find massive opposition in the form of trolls. If you think you are up for the task, go for it. Just keep this in mind: online forums, especially conspiracy ones, are a terrible representation of the population as a whole. Besides trolls, there are loads of young children and socially inept persons to be found. Normal people really can't survive here in the long run. When you post here, remember, it's just about getting things in the cache of Google and Bing and generating links to ISGP. You'll get massively frustrated trying to convince others. It's not their job or they don't have the intellectual capacity.
Politely contact public officials as congressmen, senators, governors, mayors, foundations, etc. They almost certainly won't do anything, but privately might be interested. And awareness of the networks discussed on ISGP is always good in the long run.
Contact Hollywood stars, musicians and athletes. Looking at the recently exposed close ties between the U.S. government and CIA with movie producers as Sony as well as a whole bunch of other evidence, it's unlikely that any serious movies will be produced in the conspiracy arena, but again, gradual awareness might slowly change things. It's also hard to blame people at the top, because there are potentially severe repercussions to promoting this type of information.
Contact small and mid-sized corporations, not just for awareness, but also overt or covert financing of ISGP. A lot of companies have a small fund available for the church and local charities.
Try and have the media cover ISGP. They can debunk the site all day long. Bad attention is a lot better than no attention at this point. Anybody who takes a good look at ISGP, will support it anyway.
Potentially very effective might be the distribution of small, cheap paper flyers in your own neighborhood or major city centers. You won't see me do that. I'm not exactly the most confrontational person. But some of you might love it. Wear acceptable clothing, comb your hair and shower. That's a terrible order of doing things, but you get the point.
Try to unban and keep unbanned the Beyond the Dutroux Affair article from Google. The police, international Justice Departments and leading lawyers thought it was acceptable enough, but now we have private citizens complaining to Google, Bing and groups as the International Association of Internet Hotlines (InHope, financed by Microsoft and the European Union) to ban literally the only visible (censored and very limited) evidence of snuff networks and large scale sadistic child abuse networks. That's what they call 'zero tolerance': just wipe everything under the carpet that might motivate people to demand action. Cathal McMahon of The Mirror in Ireland is just one of them (Hi Cathal!). He irrationally attacked a national musician who linked to ISGP by slandering him with the claim that he was supporting child pornography, this because ISGP contains the Beyond the Dutroux Affair article. If that's not blatant protection of the networks described in this article then I don't know what is.
Call in to the Alex Jones Show, Coast to Coast AM or really any radio or television show. Bring up an ISGP-related matter and mention the website url. If you really want Alex Jones to cry for his mother, have another friend call in every day, tell Jones how much of a hero he is, how you want to help fight the "New World Order"... and then ask him to talk about Le Cercle, the American Security Council, or even the Council for National Policy. Mention ISGP, of course. He'll go nuts and probably start working with some kind of delay in the broadcast, but it will be fun to watch and hear while it lasts. And his own personnel might turn on him, which would be a good thing also.
If you are a person of some standing you can give me something to quote you on. You'll remain private, as you can see, but it will help provide credibility and authority to the work of ISGP and help keep away any debunkers. Of course, I could invent a few statements considering they're all kept anonymous, but that's simply not what ISGP is about. And you know why NLP works so well? It's because lying causes stress--and I don't like stress. All quotes listed on this site are genuine.
"Yours is a legacy of service to those in need, protection to those in distress and strength to those who are overpowered. ... "Your reward is spiritual growth and an active role in the scheme of totality." |