The World Economic Forum at Davos: Big Business-Funded Controlled Opposition Screenplay Towards "Global Government"

"The G-20 is a harbinger of global governance in the 21st century..."
Nicolas Sarkozy, president of France 2007-2012, at Davos 2004. 1 The G20 was pushed for by the secretive "Shadow G8" since the 1990s, involving Klaus Schwab's old mentor, Henry Kissinger. Sarkozy was a Davos "Young Global Leader" for 1992, alongside future heads of state Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Jose Maria Aznar, and Jose Manuel Barroso.
- Intro
Origins - Schwab's mentors: Henry Kissinger and Maurice Strong
- 1971 founding: Rockefeller influence abound; green agenda
Klaus the Perjurer - I. Schwab stole the "Stakeholder Theory" concept
- II. Schwab stole the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" term
Expansion - 1977-1985: Japan, China and India join
- 1982: the founding of IGWEL, the Bilderberg within Davos
- 1987: Russia joins: falling curtains, "shock therapy", oligarchs, mafia and false flags
- 1991-1992: Putin's "Petersburgers" host Davos, followed by oligarch visits
- 1992: Founding of the Young Global Leaders group
- 1992: South Africa joins: Davos turns Mandela from communist to neoliberal
- 21st century: a global "carnival" that invites the entire Third World
GLT/YGL group - "We penetrate the cabinets...": true, somewhat, even for GLT/YGL...
- 1993: 8 future heads of state, plus top globalists, in Davos' first GLT class
- Young Global Leaders: 1993-2020s: lists of major names
Controlled opposition - "Stakeholder Capitalism": Schwab's controlled opposition ruse
- Davos' "do-good" elitists: a myth
- Davos' core group: (still) endless CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission ties
- 2001: Soros attacked by Third World antifa in a debate at Davos
- 2001: Rockefeller-Soros ally Joseph Stiglitz dissents from World Bank; joins Davos
- 1990s-2012: Rockefeller, Soros, and Davos crowd manipulating Ugandan genocide
Truth or disinfo? - Disinfo: "The Great Reset"
- Truth: "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy."
Appendices - A: -
- Notes
- Sources: photocopies of historic Davos participant lists: 1989-2023
"[Dutch prime minister] Wim Kok has been named prime minister of the world government ... by the magazine Worldlink [of] the World Economic Forum."
Nov. 10, 1999, NRC, 'Kok krijgt pluim van 'Davos'' ('Kok is praised by 'Davos'').
"The Globe Project['s report] “Global Governance and the European Union: Future Trends and Scenarios (GLOBE)”, addresses the strategic priorities identified in the EU Global Strategy ... to identify the major roadblocks to effective and coherent global governance by multiple stakeholders in a multipolar world."
Founding mission statement of the Globe Project, with long-time Davos participants Pascal Lamy and Aleksander Kwasniewski on the founding advisory board, as well as former Russian foreign minister Igor Ivanov, a trustee of Ted Turner's United Nations Foundation and a close ally of Henry Kissinger and George Soros in the NGO network. 2
"The World is dividing into two blocs - the Plutonomy and the rest. The U.S., UK, and Canada are the key Plutonomies - economies powered by the wealthy. ... In
plutonomies the rich absorb a disproportionate chunk of the economy... We project that the plutonomies (the U.S., UK, and Canada) will likely see even more income inequality...
"We can see a number of potential challenges to plutonomy. The first, and probably most potent, is through a labor backlash. Outsourcing, offshoring or insourcing of cheap labor is done to undercut current labor costs. [This] leads to calls for anti-immigration policies..."
2005, Citigroup (PDF). Future Davos trustee and Justin Trudeau's vice president in Canada, Chrystia Freeland, pointed out this memo in her 2012 book 'Plutocrats', released immediately after the 2011 Occupy Wall Street Protests.
"Each year about a thousand businessmen, bankers, government officials, intellectuals, and journalists from scores of countries meet in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. ... They generally share beliefs in individualism, market economies, and political democracy, which are also common among people in Western civilization.
"Davos people control virtually all international institutions, many of the world's governments, and the bulk of the world's economic and military capabilities. The Davos Culture hence is tremendously important."
1996, Samuel Huntington, 'The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order', p. 57. This is an expansion of his 1993 paper, which does not mention the Davos element.
"Some people find Davos Man hard to take: there is something uncultured about all the money-grubbing and managerialism. But it is part of the beauty of Davos Man that, by and large, he does not give a fig for culture... If an idea works or a market arises, he will grab it. Like it or loathe it, that is an approach more likely to bring peoples together than to force them apart."
Feb. 7, 1997, The Economist, 'In Praise of Davos Man'. The term "Davos Man" is often attributed to Samuel Huntington, but it involves a 1997 transformation by The Economist of Huntington's 1996 term "Davos Culture". The Economist editorial effectively propagated the replacement of nation states by supranational structures as Davos.
"Now we need a concept of world order [involving] all parts of the world [with] actors ... that can disturb the equilibrium. ...
"President Xi's speech ... laid out a concept for globalization and some specific challenges and roads towards a solution. [But] China [is] participating in the construction of an international order.
"The Middle East is a component in which the international order as it was known has disintegrated. ... The first step [here] that has to be taken is to restore an equilibrium...
"There is sort of a general belief that Russia has been attempting to exploit weaknesses in the international system in order to enhance its own position."
Henry Kissinger via satellite link at Davos 2017, in conversation with his old protege, Davos founder Klaus Schwab. 3 Count the amount of times Kissinger talks about "world order", "international order", "international system" and "equilibrium", without actually saying anything new or insightful.
"If people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and has an agenda, and they're putting out disinformation, our First Amendment [i.e. freedom of speech] stands as a major block to the ability to just hammer it out of existence. ... Social media is just growing and growing. ... Democracies around the world now are struggling with the absence of a sort of truth arbiter, and there's no one who defines what facts really are. [So] it's really hard to govern today. ... People go and self-select where they go for their news, for their information. And then you get into a vicious cycle..."
Former left-liberal secretary of state and top superclass member John Kerry at a Davos meeting in September 2024, just before the U.S. elections that Trump won, largely due to social media. 4
First there was the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society, founded in 1902 in London and in 1903 in New York City. The same ruling interests making up the core of the Pilgrims of the United States - names as Morgan, Vanderbilt, Carnegie and Rockefeller - founded the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York in 1921.
In 1954, in a major evolution of the globalist network, the CFR founded the transatlantic Bilderberg group, or at least the American branch of it, with David Rockefeller being the most senior CFR member who would also continue visiting Bilderberg (almost) annually until 2013.
In 1973 David Rockefeller and allies founded the Trilateral Commission to make this new group the NGO they had envisioned Bilderberg to evolve into: also including Japan. And now, increasingly, the Far East as a whole.
Already in 1968 the Club of Rome was founded, giving the globalist movement a sense of responsibility for the planet in terms of making people aware that natural resources are limited. Through co-founders Aurelio Peccei, of FIAT Motors; and Max Kohnstamm, as well bankers Louis Camu and Baron Daniel Janssen, the Club of Rome can easily be seen as an off-shoot of Bilderberg. From 1988 on, well-known new age, United Nations and environmentalism-obsessed globalist Maurice Strong was a full member of the Club of Rome.
In 1991 Strong and David Rockefeller wrote the foreword of the Trilateral Commission report 'Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology', urging world leaders to take dramatic steps at the upcoming United Nations Rio Earth Summit to save the Earth's ecology.
The 1992 Rio Earth Summit started an 8 year process of developing and ratifying the Earth Charter, a process spearheaded by Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev and, as chair of the Earth Charter Commission, Steven C. Rockefeller, a son of David's brother Nelson Rockefeller.
Schwab's mentors: Henry Kissinger and Maurice Strong
This entire process of "Rockefeller globalism" is tied to the founding of Davos in 1971. On the surface of things it may seem that its founder, Klaus Schwab, created the World Economic Forum - as it is officially called - from scratch in the Swiss Alps, built it up by himself, and as result was invited to the Bilderberg steering committee in the 1995-1997 period.

Both Kissinger and Schwab, in turn, were proteges and close allies of David Rockefeller and brothers as Nelson (Kissinger) and Laurance (Strong).
As is always the case with the Rockefeller clique, nothing happens by accident. In case of Klaus Schwab, he was a protege of Henry Kissinger and Maurice Strong, from before and during the moment he founded his World Economic Forum. 5 Kissinger was the most important protege of David and Nelson Rockefeller, both in government and conferences as Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. Maurice Strong was a protege of the McColls, an elite Canadian oil family tied in with the Rockefellers. Strong first met David Rockefeller in New York City after the McColls had sent him to United Nations headquarters to spy on the United Nations Palestine Committee. 6 Nothing came of the spy operation, but the Canadian-Wall Street ties lasted, from 1951 through Dome Petroleum, which grew into America's biggest oil company at the time. 7
In case of Klaus Schwab, he met Henry Kissinger after he went to Harvard in 1966-1967 to get a Master of Public Administration, on top of two Ph.D.'s in engineering and economics that he already received in Switzerland. In fact, it specifically were the seminars on geopolitical issues of Kissinger that Schwab considered "life changing", at the same time developing a friendship with the still-rising Kissinger, apparently over their shared German background. 8 Schwab also became a protege of equally-rising superclass members Joseph Nye and Graham Allison, both professors at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government in the late 1960s.
After Harvard, Schwab went back to Switzerland. Instead of going into business, his major desire now was to go into "public service". In 1969 Schwab was hired by a person with the unpronounceable name of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn - a full member of the Club of Rome from 1974 on 9 and a partner of George Soros in Eastern Europe from 1989 on 10 - as a professor giving business strategy seminars at Geneva's Centre d'Etudes Industrielles (CDI) / Center for Industrial Studies. (known as the International Management Institute (IMI) from 1982 on). It is from here that Schwab organized his first Davos conference, under the presiding eye of Hawrylyshyn. 11
Coincidentally, looking in ISGP's index of over 2,000 NGOs, we find that Maurice Strong, a regular in Geneva for his United Nations work alone, was Centre d'Etudes Industrielles chair from January 1972 to September 1977. 12 It isn't known if Strong was a director or vice chair of Centre d'Etudes Industrielles before he was made chairman of this institute, but we do know that Schwab has indicated that Strong was a very early mentor of him as well, if not a co-founder of Davos:
"He was my mentor since the creation of the Forum: a great friend; an indispensable advisor; and, for many years, a member of our Foundation Board." 13
1971 founding: Rockefeller influence abound; green agenda
Apparently the first Davos meeting exactly had 444 individuals participating 14, and in general the number of participants is reported to have been around 400 to 500. Unfortunately, even anno 2022 it is only possible to identify 10 of those, at least when it comes to relevant names. Under the guise of an interested scholar, this author actually did ask the World Economic Forum for early membership lists, and specifically for information on the early role of Maurice Strong. The email was completely ignored, so 10 names will have to do for analysis.
Upon analyzing these names, which tend to be the more prominent ones of the event, we can quickly draw the conclusion that they were sent to Davos by the Rockefeller clique and that the only reason that Schwab's Davos project had any chance of succeeding is because of this elite support. The names and biographies:
- Klaus Schwab: While studying at Harvard in 1967, Schwab became a protege and friend of young professors as Graham Allison (CFR 1970-, Bilderberg 1970, TC 1978-), Joseph Nye (CFR 1970-, TC 1981-) 15 and, most importantly, key Rockefeller protege Henry Kissinger (CFR 1956-2023, director 1977-1981), whose lectures on geopolitics were a direct influence on him setting up what would become the World Economic Forum. 16 He was hired to the CMI/IMI in 1969, which soon came to be chaired by Rockefeller protege Maurice Strong, from where he organized the first Davos meeting in 1971 at age 32. Through Davos he started running a private diplomacy program towards China, Japan, India and other countries and regions, very much like David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger had initiated through the Nixon administration just a few years before the founding of the World Economic Forum.
- Bohdan Hawrylyshyn: President of the initial Davos meeting. Hired Klaus Schwab to the CDI/IMI, soon headed by Maurice Strong, in 1969. A full member of the Club of Rome, alongside Maurice Strong, since 1974. A partner of George Soros in Eastern Europe from 1989 on. Director of the International Academy of the Environment in Geneva 1996-1997, in which Maurice Strong also was involved. Always remained very Europe-minded, thinking the Scandinavian countries are a better model to follow for politics and economics than the United States. 17 He has also attacked the purely selfish "shareholder theory" of multinationals in the modern era. 18
- George P. Baker: Chair of the initial 1971 Davos meeting, after having befriended the young student Klaus Schwab at Harvard in 1967. 19 Member CFR 1946-1971, the final year under the chairmanship of David Rockefeller. Dean of the Harvard Business School from 1962 to 1969, where Kissinger, now Nixon's national security advisor, and various younger professors had been teaching and inspiring Klaus Schwab in 1967. In collaboration with the Sloan Foundation, Baker had been instrumental in setting up fellowships at a network of elite universities, including Harvard, that allowed black people come in. Baker was a Truman, JFK and Nixon advisor and a director of Mobil Oil (1964-) and Lockheed (1964-). 20 Not too many details are known about him though. His economics appear to have been somewhere middle of the road.
- John Kenneth Galbraith: Liberal-socialist economist at Harvard, who was one of the professors of Schwab. 21 Invited to the CFR in 1946, when the group had about 800 members. Remained a CFR member for 25 years, until 1971, when David Rockefeller had taken over as chairman and Galbraith visited Davos. In 1952 and 1956, together with big business elites as Averell Harriman and Bilderberg regular George Ball, he was part of Adlai Stevenson's "brain trust". A key advisor to the presidential campaigns of other left-wing Democrats: Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern and Edward Kennedy. An advisor to JFK 22, but opposed JFK's lowering of upper bracket taxes below 70%, advocating for "more steeply progressive taxes". 23 Aided LBJ in the creation of his "Great Society". Greatly opposed by the conservative William Buckley, Jr., who, similar to Milton Friedman, opposed any taxes higher than 25%. 24
In 1976 Galbraith wrote a review of the semi-official book on the Rockefellers of David Horowitz and Peter Collier, two key later "conservative CIA" crusaders through the David Horowitz Freedom Center. In the review he argues that the Rockefeller brothers', due to the recent economic crisis, have experienced a "drastic erosion in ... reputation, prestige—and power" and criticizes the "other robber barons" of old. He never mentions the CFR, Bilderberg, or Trilateral Commission though, nor his own Rockefeller association as a 25-year member of the CFR, which may explain why he appeared to know so many intimate details of the family. 25
While Galbraith was a CFR member for 25 years from 1946 to 1971 and did maintain quite a few elite ties, he was never invited to Bilderberg or the Trilateral Commission, nor did he develop any other significant elite NGO career. Comparing him to the later liberal-socialist economist Robert Reich, a major critic of Davos and "elites" in general despite only existing through grants from "liberal CIA" foundations as Ford, Rockefeller and Soros, seems quite accurate. - Altiero Spinelli: Member of the European Commission 1970-1976, in charge of industrial policy, under Jean Rey, the European Commission president contacted by Klaus Schwab for support in setting up Davos. 26 If Rey was part of the original meeting is not known, but he certainly was present at the 1975 gathering.
Spinelli was a pre-World War II communist imprisoned by Mussolini from 1927 to 1943, in the latter part on the political prisoner island Ventotene. As the main author of the June 1941 'Ventotene Manifesto', which was heavily spread in resistance circles, and then as the key founder in 1943 of the European Federalist Movement, Spinelli is considered one of the "founding fathers" of the European Union. However, it should not be overlooked that his clique, even while imprisoned, was heavily tied to the OSS and the Rockefellers through Albert Hirschmann, the brother of his future wife Ursula Hirschmann 27 who became an apparent CIA operative and then a major banking elitist in the U.S. post-World War II. Spinelli broke with Stalin in 1937 and became a liberal-socialist from 1943 on, after his liberation from Ventotene.
Invited to Bilderberg in 1968. Member European Commission 1970-1976, through which he apparently by happenstance became involved in Davos in 1971, also as a patron in subsequent years. His daughter, Barbara, which he had with Ursula Hirschmann, visited Bilderberg in 1980 and 1993. Member European Parliament 1979-1986. - Raymond Barre: Started out as an economics professor at the elite French university Sciences Po. Vice president of the European Commission for economic and financial affairs 1967-1973, through which Jean Rey brought him into Davos in 1971. Continued as a "mentor" to Klaus Schwab at Davos, eventually sitting on the board of trustees from 1992 to 2001. 28 Founding member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission in 1973-1976, and again from at least from 1985 to 2001. French finance minister 1976-1978, prime minister 1976-1981. 1983 Bilderberg visitor. Considered a neoliberal monetarist, but not nearly as extreme as Milton Friedman.
- Baroness Barbara Ward: UK economist and environmentalist pioneer. Carnegie fellow at Harvard 1957-1968, studying development assistance to Africa and Asia, and trying to overcome objections of Third World countries to environmental restrictions. When Robert McNamara became World Bank president in 1968 (until 1981), she and her "very close friend" David Rockefeller were key in both switching World Bank policy into a more green agenda as well as convincing major business leaders not to be afraid of this new policy under McNamara. 29 Published 'Spaceship Earth' (1966) and, with long-time Rockefeller University researcher Rene Dubos, 'Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet' (1972), arguing for environmentalism and global integration under the UN. First met Maurice Strong in early 1971, around the time of the first Davos meeting in preparation for the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, which dealt with pollution. 30 In 1972 she co-wrote 'Who Speaks for Earth?' with Rene Dubos, Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei, Lord Solly Zuckerman, with the foreword written by Maurice Strong. Professor of Columbia University until 1974. President International Institute for Environmental Affairs (today the IIED) from 1974 on, funded by David Rockefeller ally and Bilderberger Robert O. Anderson. By 1976 she sat on the board of the Conservation Foundation, founded by Laurance Rockefeller, with whom she also shared the board of trustees at the Natural Resources Defense Council by 1979. 31 Known to have been friendly with Indira Gandhi, Willy Brandt, Adlai Stevenson, John F. Kennedy, LBJ and Jimmy Carter. 32
- Jacques Maisonrouge: 1971 speaker on data and privacy, although as usual, no details are known about the speech. Vice president of IBM World Trade - a company controlled by the Watson family, involved for generations in the CFR and Pilgrims Society alongside the Rockefellers - 1962-1967, president 1967-, CEO 1973-, chair 1976-, director 1983-1984. Member of the Knights of Malta. Eventually as a director of Air Liquide, Moet-Hennesy and Philip Morris. Chair American Hospital of Paris and the Association France-United States in Paris. Visited Bilderberg in 1982, 1983 and 1985.

Searching the New York Times for "European Management Symposium" (a name permanently dropped from about 1980), no articles can be found dating to the 1970s and 1980s. Only four articles can be found under "European Management Forum" (apparently set up separately in 1972, but the name was only generally in use from about 1980 until 1987) dating to this period. In contrast to the 1990s and beyond, it appears Davos was not an often-discussed at the time in the media.
- Otto von Habsburg: One of the keynote speaker at Davos in 1971. Habsburg was an Opus Dei-allied right-winger who has always tried to use the European integration process to revive his family's Holy Roman Empire. As a key founder of Le Cercle Pinay in the early 1950s, Habsburg hovered at the center of an ultraright intelligence network involving the CIA, MI6, Vatican and intelligence agencies of mainland Europe. David Rockefeller was about the only "liberal" outsider in Le Cercle Pinay from 1967 to some time in the 1970s, with him eventually resigning - at least in a direct capacity - for it being considered too reactionary to be associated with for the Chase bank. 33
- Herman Kahn: The "Dr. Strangelove" who argued that nuclear war is both survivable and winnable, leaving the RAND Corporation in the ensuing controversy and setting up the neoconservative Hudson Institute in the process in 1961. From the start he and another Hudson Institute founder were important advisors to Governor Nelson Rockefeller, who promoted their idea of spending $20 billion on nuclear fallout shelters, 100 times the amount President Kennedy had in mind of spending. 34 Kahn - a CFR member from 1963 until his death in 1983, hence under the 1970-1985 chairmanship of David Rockefeller - also was in regular contact with Henry Kissinger over topics as the Vietnam War and nuclear proliferation. 35
In fact, at the time he participated in the first Davos conference, Kahn's Hudson Institute operated as a miniature Trilateral Commission, a group that still was in the process of being founded by David Rockefeller at that point. Future Trilateral multinationals such as Bechtel and Boeing were pouring in their money, as were Royal Dutch Shell, Gianni Agnelli's FIAT and the Wallenberg's Stockholms Enskilda Bank and Volvo. 36 "Fellow Members" of the Hudson Institute included Henry Kissinger, JASON Group nuclear physicist Freeman Dyson, and emerging neoconservatives as Irving Kristol, Albert Wohlstetter, hydrogen bomb inventor Edward Teller, also of the Center for Security Policy; and the neoliberal/libertarian economist Milton Friedman 37, the "Stakeholder Concept"-nemesis and at that point a key advisor to a young George Shultz at the "Chicago School". Among the "public members" were Nelson Rockefeller's son, Rodman Rockefeller; and Thomas Watson Jr. of IBM 38 - both from generational "Eastern Establishment" Pilgrims Society families. Hudson's "steering committee" members - all of this by 1972 - included Yoshizo Ikeda, head of Japan's all-powerful Mitsui zaibatsu, and discussed in ISGP's International Chamber of Commerce article; a representative of August Thyssen-Hutte A.G., with its Nazi and Bilderberg history; and Wallenberg protege Pehr Gyllenhammar 39, a 1001 Club member invited to the Bohemian Grove by his long-time friend David Rockefeller in this period.
As can be seen, there was a whole lot to Herman Kahn's Hudson Institute. It is clear it were his Rockefeller, Kissinger and other elite ties that saw him invited to the first Davos conference to represent "the right". Looking at Hudson's "Fellow Member" Professor Hans J. Morgenthau at the time 40, Kahn already was familiar with the staged left-right debate. As George Shultz recounted from back in the day that he was dean of the University of Chicago's "Chicago School", on the advise of Milton Friedman and his economic theory of "freedom", he begrudgingly allowed Morgenthau to address left-wing anti-war students on campus "about the terrible things of napalm and Vietnam and so [on]". 41
In any case, Herman Kahn's economic theories appear to have mirrored those of Milton Friedman, who once complained that "building codes [preventing collapses] impose costs that you might not privately want to engage in, [nor] wage and hour laws." 42 This can be deduced by hearing some of the few-surviving words of Kahn that date back to 1979:
"Now, you want to get especially angry when you are wasting money that has been given to the welfare of the poor. ... You wanna get angry when the small businessman is proud of business. Because he is kinda the yeoman of our society, the upper peasantry." 43
Per the usual, we don't really know what was discussed in the backrooms, whether it's at Harvard when Klaus Schwab was a student there, or at the CMI/IMI, or during telephone and personal conversations in the process of setting up Davos. All we know is the official version of events. And as always, it is clear that a few crucial details are missing here. It's clear that a 29- to 32-year-old Klaus Schwab was given crucial support for his project by the Rockefeller clique and that without this support his entire project would likely never have made it off the ground. That's not to say it's a guarantee the project would have succeeded, but without the support by definition it's very unlikely that Davos had been anything more than a one-off corporate garden party.
It's also clear that Schwab's mentors made sure he followed their guidance. Baroness Barbara Ward is a perfect example of that. Traditionally, 1973 Davos visitor Aurelio Peccei, and the subsequent 'Davos Manifesto' on the environment, is cited as the beginning of Davos' interest in the environment, arguably also because Schwab never identified "the environment" or "environmentalists" as a "stakeholder" in corporations in a 1971 manual he co-wrote, unlike what had been done earlier in 1963 at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).
Alternately, 1960s Bilderberg visitor Peccei is one of the pieces of evidence used that Davos started out as an outgrowth of Bilderberg, similar to Peccei's Club of Rome, which he founded in 1968. That may all be well and true, but Baroness Barbara Ward shows that the Rockefeller's planetary green and natural resources policy - not to mention the Third World aid-one - was imprinted onto Davos from the very start, over a year before Peccei and his Club of Rome even released its famous 'Limits to Growth' report. That's not too unexpected, because Laurance Rockefeller boosted the green agenda in 1948 by setting up the Conservation Foundation, following in 1958 with his American Conservation Association, all well before the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) and its affiliated 1001 Club. David Rockefeller helped introduce the agenda on a global scale.
It can't be denied that a number of key early guests at Davos - Barbara Ward, Altiero Spinelli and especially George Kenneth Galbraith, not to mention "Rockefeller greener and consumer advocate" Ralph Nader in 1976 - are more socialist-inclined than one would generally find in more elite groups as Bilderberg and the emerging Trilateral Commission. It should be remembered though that Davos is located in the heart of Europe and apparently was also expected from the start to include people from other parts of the globe. Generally people from any place outside the United States look at Republicanism, and in particular it's most conservative strains, as a pure alien force. Outside the United Sates, past presidents as John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton are timeless in their popularity, to a degree followed by Carter. Does this go up for corporations looking to make money? Maybe, maybe not. But any group that does not have a dominant group of Americans in them, probably would be wise to largely ban Republicans, in particular the more right-wing ones.
Why then, one asks, were Otto von Habsburg and Herman Kahn invited to the first meeting? There can be all kinds of reasons for that without having to brand Davos as "right wing". Otto von Habsburg, as the heir to the Holy Roman Empire with a history in the Paneuropa Union alongside Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, fulfilled an important symbolic role representing European history, was greatly interested in European unification, no matter what ulterior motives he had; and at the same time greatly added to the prestige to the group.
Without knowing what he talked about, Herman Kahn was an important futurist of the time and participants would have been fascinated to hear his words about Vietnam and nuclear war; likely even his views on economics. For friends like Kissinger, he would be a good pick to drive home the importance of European unification against the Soviet Union. Then there's always the element of left-right controlled opposition. With someone like Kahn attending, or later on individuals as Richard Perl, at least Davos can say that they include "all views". It also helps to stimulate debate in general, as contrived and controlled as it is.
Klaus the Perjurer
I. Schwab stole the "Stakeholder Theory"

Before being hired in 1969, fresh from Harvard, Schwab had written to the Centre d'Etudes Industrielles that he was looking to write a book. 44 Whatever book he had planned on writing, in 1971 he was one of two authors of a 10,000-word, German-language manual called 'Modern Enterprise Management in Mechanical Engineering'. Commissioned by Schwab's employer, the German trade association VDMA (Mechanical Engineering Industry Association), committee members represented corporations as Rheinstahl AG and IBM Deutschland. Its purpose was to teach association members modern management techniques in order to keep Germany competitive internationally. How much was written by Schwab, his co-author Hein Kroos, or brought in by various committee members is unclear.
These details are important, because as Schwab put it in a 2014 interview at Harvard, "I wrote a book [in which] I described probably for the first time what is called the Stakeholder's Theory." The Stakeholder Theory means that corporations shouldn't be singularly concerned about driving maximum profits to its shareholders, but should keep an eye out for other stakeholders in the company as well: customers, employees, suppliers, society as a whole, the government, the environment, etc. According to Schwab, it is this theory that was at the basis of him founding the World Economic Forum in Davos. As Schwab explained it:
"I wrote a book [in which] I described probably for the first time what is called the Stakeholder's Theory. ... The stakeholder's theory ... means a business should not just serve the shareholders, but all stakeholders - the employees, the government. And soon I felt, 'Why not create a platform where business leaders could meet their stakeholders?' And that was the beginning of what we call Davos. I wanted to do it only once, for fun. ... But it suddenly became such a success... Today the stakeholder theory for the [World Economic] Forum means something else: it means, in addition, that business in itself is a stakeholder of our global future. 45
In December 2019 he added:
"The stakeholder concept has prevailed despite criticism of Milton Friedman." 46
What do we do with these statements? Because it very much sounds like a bit of a salespitch, apart from the fact that Schwab definitely was not the first to discuss the stakeholder theory. That honor goes back to Marion Doscher and Robert Stewart of the Stanford Research Institute's Business Intelligence Program in 1963 and Swedish business professor Eric Rhenman at the Stockholm School of Economics in 1964. 47
SRI is a well known name, but the work of the latter individual should not be underestimated either. His 1966-founded Scandinavian Institutes for Administrative Research (SIAR) was partnered with Harvard in exchanging knowledge and professors, with Rhenman eventually becoming a visiting professor at Harvard in 1974-1976. It appears a toss-up between him and Marion Doscher who first introduced the word "stakeholder". More importantly, Rhenman's work involving the stakeholder theory was "dominant" in Scandinavian countries from the late 1960s on. Considering it too involved "Industrial Management" one has to wonder if Schwab didn't just copy his "interested persons" oversight from 1971 from Rhenman's 1968 original. Then we're not even talking about the shared Harvard ties of Rhenman and Schwab, although to this author it isn't clear if Rhenman developed these ties right from 1966 when he founded SIAR, or possibly even before that.
In another coincidence, or "coincidence", Rhenman's Stockholm School of Economics was founded by Knut Wallenberg in the early 20th century. 48 Future Bilderberger Jacob Wallenberg graduated from it in 1914. Future Bilderberger Marcus Wallenberg, Jr. graduated from it in 1920. Wallenberg protege and future Bilderberger Erik Belfrage graduated from it as well. Future superclass member Anders Aslund represented the school at Bilderberg in 1990 and 1992. While historical data on trustees, advisors and financiers of the Stockholm School of Economics is pretty much completely absent - making it impossible to say just how influential the Wallenbergs have been at the school - it is clear that the Wallenberg family has continued to fund various projects at the school all the way into the 21st century. 49 It should also not be overlooked that the Wallenbergs have dominated the Swedish economy for over a century, owning 40% of Sweden's entire stock market in the 1970s. 50 It's quite likely that Rhenman had ties to the Wallenbergs himself, but in any case his Stockholm School of Economics was well known in elite International Chamber of Commerce, Bilderberg and Trilateral circles - all groups with long-time Wallenberg involvement. That all makes it quite hard to believe that Schwab had no clue about Rhenman's work, and that all the "stakeholder theories" as an anti-thesis to Milton Friedman's work have been a mere coincidence.
Rhenman's 1964 and 1968 stakeholder models can be see below:

The same article by Stakeholder Theory authority R. Edward Freeman (and others) reads:
"The Swedish scholar Rhenman's 1968 book Industrial Democracy and Industrial Management represents efforts to apply democratic principles within the industrial setting. It also represents the first use of the word stakeholder in the management literature anywhere in the world. According to [Professor Juha] Nasi ... Industrial Democracy was the dominant management book across the Nordic region during the 1960s and 1970s and into the 1980s."
Apart from Rhenman's "Industrial Management" work and ties to Harvard, it also has got to be observed that SRI already at the time was a very elite institute (it is also where the JASON Group moved to) with a variety of friends and associates of Henry Kissinger. Hence, it is well within the realm of possibilities that Schwab at Harvard in 1967 learned about shareholder versus stakeholder debates, even more so because from 1962 on with his book 'Capitalism and Freedom', "Chicago School" economist Milton Friedman radicalized the whole subject by claiming that increasing profit is the only "social responsibility" of a business:
"There is one and only one social responsibility of business--to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it ... engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud." 51
The only shocker here is that Friedman is cautioning against "deception or fraud". Both a neoliberal and libertarian, Friedman loved "full deregulation", to the point of scrapping building codes, worker safety laws, maximum work hours, minimum wages 52 and seemingly also child labor and education laws - sooner or later putting us back in the time of the Industrial Revolution. Friedman and his "Chicago School" economics, Friedrich Hayek and David Rockefeller-ally George Shultz in particular, have been discussed in quite some detail in ISGP's "conservative CIA" article, because that is where it belongs. Hayek and Friedman were trolls, promoting the idea that anything less than "full deregulation" would bring about (communist) "totalitarianism." Except for a philosophical point-of-view and to promote corporate plunder, Friedman's work is not all that useful. Everywhere his theories were implemented - from Chile under Pinochet to Wall Street - massive wealth inequality, short-sighted speculation, corporate plundering, and cartel- and monopoly-forming ensued. Initially the "full deregulation" of communist and heavy socialist economies tends to work, but over time always some balance and moderation is needed to prevent the afore-mentioned issues.
Coincidence or not, seeing the Stakeholder Theory being taught from California to Sweden from 1963 on, a year after the release of Friedman's book, makes perfect sense, because it is the most normal thing in the world to point out that employees, customers, governments, society as a whole, the environment, as represented by environmentalists; etc. all have a "stake" in a corporation as well and shouldn't be marginalized purely to drive maximum profits to shareholders. Of course, there's a fine line and it's a choice that a company can make. And unfortunately it all too often pays to operate in Friedman's manner. But the "Friedman Doctrine" of how "the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits" is pure philosophy, pure "left-right" trolling, and basically purely focused on providing an excuse for corporations to plunder.
We do have to give Schwab some credit though. While a professor who studied the Stakeholder Theory concluded that, "Schwab's claim that his book is about stakeholder theory is ridiculous," 53 it has got to be acknowledged that the book does talk about "different demands and wishes of [a corporation's] interested parties" 54, spells out these "interested parties", and even included a visualization of stakeholders in a corporation. The thing is, of course, that this had already been done in 1963 in California and Sweden.
Schwab didn't present his "interested parties"-theory as anything unique, nor did he publish a separate paper on the subject. One would think if the Stakeholder Theory fully sprouted from his mind, that he would have very explicitly realized that and would have done so. After all, he was an Harvard-educated economist giving management courses to business executives at a prestigious Swiss institute. He never did. He just automatically implemented the theory, as if he had picked it up from other sources.
Also interesting is that Schwab himself repeatedly explained how the Harvard experience changed his entire career perspective. Instead of going into business, he now wanted to go into "public service", soon finding a balance between the two. All that indicates he was exposed to and susceptible to theories that Milton Friedman's "Shareholder Theory" was flawed; that there were other elements to business that needed consideration as well. One wonders how big the chance is that there never was any debate along these lines at the Harvard Business School between Schwab and all the professors he rapidly became friends with over there:
- Dean George Baker;
- the socialist-inclined economist George Kenneth Galbraith;
- Henry Kissinger;
- Joseph Nye;
- Graham Allison;
- and likely others.
None of these ever thought about the stakeholder concept in the sense that there is more to business than mere profit-making? None of them had picked up on the SRI courses? Heard the theory discussed? Were aware of business professor Eric Rhenman and his Scandinavian Institutes for Administrative Research (SIAR)? We're talking about the most elite, the most prestigious business school in the world... Nobody had a clue? It kinda stretches the imagination. The socialist-inclined economist George Kenneth Galbraith, also a founding participant in Davos, certainly gave a lot of thought to "stakeholders" beyond shareholders - without maybe actually explicitly writing it down in "stakeholder theory"-form.
If anything, one gets the impression that Schwab and the Harvard professors conspired to create an elite think tank that purposely represented the opposite of what Chicago School economist Milton Friedman stood for. And to help teach elite corporations these "stakeholder" values, especially in an era in which Bilderbergers David Rockefeller and Aurelio Peccei, the 1968 Club of Rome founder; were already deeply involved in trying to instill a planetary, ecologist mindset into the World Bank and elite Bilderberg corporations. Similar to Schwab mentors Maurice Strong and - maybe a little less outspoken - Henry Kissinger.
While documents of the time are not available, if one looks at the text of the 1973 Davos Manifesto, it immediately confirms the type of management Schwab was teaching at the early Davos meetings - one that is very compatible with what these men thought was necessary to develop to save the planet. The manifesto literally represents the opposite of what Milton Friedman was proclaiming, and here Schwab was teaching all these elite CEOs about these alternate values, alongside the likes of Maurice Strong, Barbara Ward and Aurelio Peccei:

Granted, we can't look into Schwab's mind. But it really appears as if the "insider" Rockefeller-Harvard clique was looking for someone "independent" to rise up and become "the opposite", "the antithesis" to Milton Friedman. Which would make Schwab merely a "frontman", similar to what Antoine Pinay was to Le Cercle Pinay or a Joseph Retinger to Bilderberg.
Moving on, while Schwab maybe, just maybe, didn't know in 1971-1973 about the SRI workshops and Rhenman's work, over the decades he's had plenty of time to compare notes with the likes of R. Edward Freeman, a premier Stakeholder Theory authority who never took credit for inventing the theory, but instead referred to SRI in particular as his original inspiration. 55 Nevertheless, even in later decades Schwab very purposely refused to acknowledge these older, more complete sources. It's so bad that in 2019 there was the strange affair of a high-level employee of the World Economic Forum rewriting the English Wikipedia entry on the Stakeholder Theory, inserting Schwab as the originator of the idea, while ignoring Freeman's references to the 1963 SRI workshops. A January 22, 2019 capture in the Wayback Machine of the Stakeholder Theory reads:
"Development: Numerous articles and books written on stakeholder theory generally credit Freeman as the "father of stakeholder theory."[4] Freeman's Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach is widely cited in the field as being the foundation of stakeholder theory, although Freeman himself credits several bodies of literature in the development of his approach [and] attributing the development of the concept to internal discussion in the Stanford Research Institute [in 1963]." 56
As the reader can see, Freeman is being humble about it: he created the Stakeholder Theory by combining the work of previous authors, something that only makes sense. At this point in time, Schwab, despite claiming everywhere, even in Harvard speeches, that he solely invented the Stakeholder Theory, isn't mentioned at all in the Wikipedia entry on the subject. By June a number of edits have been made, including the mentioning of Ian Mitroff, who discussed the Stakeholder Theory in a 1983 book. For the most part it seems unclear to Wikipedia editors if Freeman actually discussed the Stakeholder Theory in any detail in the 1960s.
On September 30, 2019 Schwab's name is rather forcefully added to the intro of the article by a certain 'Mikeh101' 57:
"It was first outlined by Professor Klaus Schwab in Moderne Unternehmensführung im Maschinenbau [5] (Modern Enterprise Management in Mechanical Engineering) in 1971. In that book, Schwab argued that the management of a modern enterprise must serve not only shareholders but all stakeholders (die Interessenten), to achieve long-term growth and prosperity. US authors followed, for example, [sic] In 1983, Ian Mitroff published "Stakeholders of the Organizational Mind" in San Francisco. R. Edward Freeman had an article on Stakeholder theory in the California Management Review in early 1983." 58
In other words, the 1963-1965 SRI workshops by the likes of Marion Doscher, which actually mentioned the word "Stakeholder", are completely ignored. Granted, Rhenman was not mentioned at all at this point on the Wikipedia page and neither were the dates of the SRI workshops, although one would think certainly the last point one would check before making the bold claim of being "the first". That "boldness" might make more sense upon reading the Wikipedia biography of 'Mikeh101':
"I was Editorial Director at the World Economic Forum since October 2010, and Senior Director, Communications, from July 2013 to October 2018. Before that I was ... a consulting editor with the Economist Intelligence Unit... Together with World Economic Forum managing director Adrian Monck, I wrote 'Crunch Time: how everyday life is killing the future' [2007] and 'Can You Trust the Media?' [2008]" 59
So a top decade-long collaborator and employee of Schwab's own World Economic Forum added Schwab to Wikipedia's entry on the Stakeholder Theory? While Schwab was writing his 2021 book 'Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet', apparently trying to solidify his claim to the Stakeholder Theory? (He never outright does so; he implies it and still never mentions the likes of R. Edward Freeman) It's a fascinating coincidence. Whether or not Schwab had a hand in this Wikipedia edit or not, one would expect better research from an employee of The Economist Intelligence Unit.
Looking at how cases of plagiarism end the careers of journalists one wonders why the entire western elite refuses to call out Klaus Schwab on this very similar case of claiming to have invented something that he clearly didn't. It's a very strange situation. Maybe elites don't care about Schwab drawing all the attention to himself, as it prevents them from having to invite and rely on outside experts on the Stakeholder Theory that they don't trust. The last thing these elites probably want is building up one of these outside experts in name and recognition only to them bash Davos' version of the Stakeholder Model. Klaus Schwab is a reliable minion.
II. Schwab stole the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" term
Another issue of "Klaus the Perjurer" came up upon reading his 2019 words to Russian president Vladimir Putin - who based his St. Petersburg Economic Forum on Davos:
"Some people call me the father of the fourth industrial revolution. I wrote a [Jan. 2016-released] book about this ['The Fourth Industrial Revolution'] and I want to give it to you." 60
It's a strange claim to make. "Some people" indicates hesitation or controversy. And he's clearly not the "father" of the "fourth industrial revolution", as that is a process vastly beyond he himself as a person. Instead, it seemed to the author he is claiming to have invented the term. Or that "some people" say he did. But if he really did, he would just say so. Or just let that aspect be.
A quick check reveals that there certainly have, once again, been mysterious Wikipedia claims along these lines. The "Industry_4.0" Wikipedia page has been merged these days with "Fourth_Industrial_Revolution" (which it should have been from the start), but here in 2020 we see that Schwab was being credited on the former with having invented the term "fourth industrial revolution" - with the "Industry 4.0" term having been decoupled from it:

Looking at the January 18, 2024 page, we can quickly figure out that, as expected, Schwab isn't the "father" of the term at all. He once again "borrowed" it, without giving credit. The term was first used in the 2011-2013 period by German researchers tied to the (very globalist and Davos-tied) Robert Bosch and McKinsey & Company multinationals who were advising the German government. The original 2011 article (ran through Google Translator) on the subject clearly mentions both the "industry 4.0" and "fourth industrial revolution" terms 61:

In 2013, the same group of scientists was featured on the website of McKinsey & Company, again mentioning "fourth industrial revolution" 62:

Again, notice how the terms "industry 4.0" and the "fourth industrial revolution" are used interchangeably. This is also what we see on the first August 16, 2013 Wikipedia page of the "industry 4.0" term:
"The term "industrie 4.0" refers to the fourth industrial revolution. ... The term was first used in 2011 at the Hanover Fair.[6] In October 2012 the Working Group on Industry 4.0 chaired by Siegfried Dais (Robert Bosch GmbH) and Kagermann (acatech) presented a set of Industry 4.0 implementation recommendations to the German federal government." 63
The Wikipedia page was first created on June 25, 2013. From early edits we can decipherer that it indeed strongly was linked to both "industry 4.0" and the original German researchers using the term - which makes sense, considering Schwab hadn't publicly picked up on the term yet:

By the time of the first March 2017 webarchive of though, 14 months after the release of Schwab's book 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution', and WEF editor 'Mikeh101' once again having been active on the page (likely with fellow-Davos allies), the original German researchers were removed though. In fact, there's no reference older than 2016 anymore. All the opening and other notes ("references") now are to Klaus Schwab:

The "Industry 4.0" Wikipedia page still is linked, but even over there for years "industry 4.0" all of a sudden would be decoupled from the "fourth industrial revolution" one based on peculiar nitpicking, and subsequently (and blatantly falsely) read that Schwab came up with the latter term. It fits the same pattern of Schwab falsely claiming he came up with stakeholder theory, the only difference being that Schwab's stealing of the term "fourth industrial revolution" is even quicker to prove.
In light of these facts, it is interesting again that Schwab has been protected by the international media from these acts of plagiarism. In fact, he has been allowed to write Encyclopedia Britannica's article on 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution'. 64
1977-1985: Japan, China and India join
Earlier we discussed the original 1971 Davos meeting and how many of its key participants could be tied back to names as Rockefeller, Kissinger and Maurice Strong. With 444 participants, that initial meeting was a considered a major success.
In subsequent years though, the forum - still going under the name "European Management Symposium" - had to prove to the outside world that it had staying power. This turned out to be the case relatively quickly. The second meeting only had 150 attendees, although it did retain a number of big names - such as Altiero Spinelli as official patron, and his European Commission colleague, Raymond Barre, in the process of joining the Trilateral Commission at that point, being another key presence. Controversial Bilderberger (due to his Nazi past 65) and Deutsche Bank chairman Hermann Abs, the planned chair for the meeting, had to cancel his attendance at the last moment, forcing Schwab to take over this position. 66

1973 brought quite a bit of attention due to the attendance of Aurelio Peccei holding a presentation about the Club of Rome's new 'Limits to Growth' report. It was timed with the release of the 'Davos Manifesto' - a photocopy of which can be found above - in which attending corporations promised:
"[To] assume the role of a trustee of the material universe for future generations. It has to use the immaterial and material resources at its disposal in an optimal way [and] the enterprise pays appropriate taxes to the community in order to allow the community to fulfill its objectives."
The word "timed" is used here, because it is unlikely that multinationals would sign such a manifesto on a whim, no matter its lack of specifics.
860 people visited in 1975, including the heads of Shell, Unilever and Philips 67, all three Bilderberg corporations. By 1977 prominent American and Japanese businessmen started entering what became known as the "Davos Club". 68
In 1979 China sent a large delegation to the "European Management Forum". In 1979 and 1980 the the "European Management Forum" sent delegations to China, with the 1981 annual meeting of "Davos" actually organized in China. 69
A first Forum meeting was organized in India in 1984. 70
The first official Japanese delegation came to Davos in 1985, with visitors, while not Trilaterals themselves, coming from corporations already involved for over a decade in the Trilateral Commission: Mitsui, Fujitsu, Nissan and Bank of Tokyo. 71
Japan and China joining Davos can of course be seen a private continuation of David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger in opening up China under the Nixon administration, with Rockefeller founding the Trilateral Commission in 1973, specifically with the intent of including Japan into the affairs of western Bilderberg and Trilateral elites.
1982: the founding of IGWEL, the Bilderberg within Davos
A small group of persons at Davos walk around with white holographic badges, and are considered to be the most prestigious of all. These badges belong to members of the Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders, or IGWEL 72, a group founded in 1982. 73 Unofficially IGWEL has been described as a "Davos within Davos" 74 and officially as a "closed-door, off-the-record meeting [that] allows for informal dialogue..." 75 Where have we heard that before? That's right: Bilderberg and a number of similar globalist groups like that.
IGWEL has been quite the secretive group, with very few facts being known about it. According to Mexican president Salinas, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Canada, the United States and Mexico started at IGWEL, although ironically even the official history of the World Economic Forum treats this as a rumor. 76
According to Schwab, also the 1992 Rio Earth Summit started at IGWEL. 77 While this could well be true, because Maurice Strong was among the insiders of IGWEL 78, we have already seen with "his" stakeholder theory that we cannot necessarily blindly trust any claims that Schwab makes. What we do know is that in 1991 Strong and David Rockefeller wrote the foreword of the Trilateral Commission report 'Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology', urging world leaders to take dramatic steps at the upcoming United Nations Rio Earth Summit to save the Earth's ecology. It is entirely likely that Strong and allies would have worked through IGWEL as well in organizing the Rio Earth Summit.
Each year IGWEL brings together about 100 political and economic leaders from around the world. A might be expected, there has been quite a bit of overlap with Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission. The unearthed members have included:
- Klaus Schwab
- Maurice Strong
- Raymond Barre
- Sir Peter Sutherland
- Carl Bildt
- Jean-Claude Trichet
- Larry Summers
- John Kerry
- Boutros Boutros Ghali
- John Major
- Boris Yeltsin
- Senator Lloyd Bentsen
- A. W. Clausen
- Kenneth Dam
- Pierre Trudeau
- Count Otto Lambsdorff
- Pieter Korteweg
- Onno Ruding
- Emile van Lennep
- Bill Bradley
- Gro Harlem Brundtland
- Islam Karimov
- Leonid Kravchuk
- Vaclav Klaus
- Lee Kuan Yew
- Hans van den Broek
- Karel van Miert 79
1987: Russia joins: falling curtains, "shock therapy", oligarchs, mafia, and false flags
The first official Soviet/Russian delegation arrived in 1987, the same year Davos changed its name to "World Economic Forum", with German foreign minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher urging the visitors of Davos to give Mikhail Gorbachev a chance. 80 In 1991 the World Economic Forum held a regional meeting in Moscow, immediately after a failed communist coup against Gorbachev and Yeltsin. St. Petersburg mayor Anatoly Sobchak, a Gorbachev ally whose primary deputy at the time was the still-unknown Vladimir Putin 81, opened the meeting. 82 Among Putin's duties were screening American businesses operating in St. Petersburg and accompanying Sobchak and his wife overseas to meet with a wide variety of famous and powerful westerners. 83

Soros-allied and -funded "shock therapy" reformers of Russian, Ukrainian and other East European economies already started trickling in from 1991, with names as Anders Aslund, Larry Summers and Jeffrey Sachs. 86 The latter two were proteges of Martin Feldstein 87, a visitor of Davos since 1989 88 and yet another person who would end up high in ISGP's Superclass Index.
Their closest Russian ally for decades to come, Anatoly Chubais, first visited Davos in 1993, alongside upcoming oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky 89, another long-time favorite of western elites. 90 Respected to this day and involved in many elite NGOs, Chubais has always played a curious double-role in the plundering of Russian state assets in the mid 1990s. Some argue that he was trying the keep the middle ground and basically was forced to along in the corruption due to Yeltsin and the other oligarchs. 91 Other sources claim both Chubais and even western elites allied with him had ulterior motives that weren't all that kosher. 92 The full reasons behind the fall of Russia and the corruption involved is a very complex subject that is beyond the scope of this article.
Soros, Sachs and Aslund, of course, have been among those accused of corruption. 93 However, they have made decent arguments that they could have initiated a successful transition towards a stable economy and democracy in Russia if Yeltsin in particular had followed their directives. Soros made his case in an article in The Guardian in 2000, underscoring the corrupting role of Berezovsky in particular. Fascinatingly, in the article Soros literally claimed that Berezovsky and Putin orchestrated the 1999 Dagestan invasion and essentially also the Moscow Apartment Bombings that brought Putin to power. It's not exactly an unknown theory, but Soros claiming to have first-hand knowledge of this is quite something. It's also quite something that an exiled Berezovsky by 2002 was running a campaign claiming the same thing, except editing out his own alleged role. 94
"On the flight from Sochi to Moscow in 1997, Berezovsky had told me stories about how he had paid off the anti-Russian military commanders in Chechnya and Abkhazia. So when the Chechens invaded Dagestan [on August 7, 1999], I smelled a rat. I set up a test: would [Chechen commander Shamil] Basayev withdraw by the deadline set by Putin? He did. ...
"Putin issued an ultimatum, announcing that Dagestan would be cleansed of terrorists by August 25. The target date was met. The Russian population responded to Putin's handling of the situation enthusiastically and his popularity [in the upcoming presidential elections] skyrocketed.
"Then there was a series of mysterious explosions in Moscow [from 4 to 16 September 1999, blamed on Shamil Basayev] in which entire apartments were blown up and some 300 people killed while they slept. In the panic that followed, fear and anger were directed against the Chechens, assisted by a carefully orchestrated campaign in the press and television. Putin invaded Chechnya and the [December 1999] Duma elections were held in an atmosphere of war hysteria. Very few candidates dared to oppose the invasion." 95
Aslund argued in more detail that Russia's problems included that Yeltsin failed when he kept a communist-dominated congress in place, as well as too many Soviet bureaucrats and FSB officers, leading to corruption and half-baked, "non-shock therapy" economic measures. Yeltsin also went along too much with the hopelessly corrupt Jewish-Russian oligarchs that surrounded him. 96

The failed economic measures, of course, tanked Russia's economy in the 1990s, to the point of dropping life expectancy by 6 years. It coincided with a rapid rise of the notorious Russian mafia. This was reflected at Davos in 1994, with a talk from an Interpol secretary general Raymond Kendall and Harvard professor Marshall Goldman about the influence of the Russian mafia on Russian businessmen, even overseas, and collusion with both FSB and CIA elements.
1991-1992: Putin's "Petersburgers" host Davos, followed by oligarch visits
While the Russian population started suffering in the early 1990s, not just the mafia, but also the Russian oligarchs did very well. The most notorious oligarch surrounding Yeltsin, Boris Berezovsky, first visited Davos in 1995.
The year after, 1996, was particularly heavy with Jewish-Russian oligarchs and saw the creation of the "Davos Pact": an attempt by Boris Berezovsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky to do what it takes to get a hyper-unpopular Yeltsin re-elected. It was an ultimately successful effort that George Soros took credit for, explaining he accidentally whispered in Berezovsky's ear that he would likely face retribution from political opponents if his candidate and co-conspirator, Boris Yeltsin, lost the elections. 97 Notorious oligarchs Mikhail Fridman, Vladimir Potanin and Rem Vyakhirev (chair and CEO Gazprom 1992-2001) were also visiting that year, as were new Moscow mayor Yury Luzhkov and Anatoly Chubais, both allies of these oligarchs. Also visiting that year was the Stalin-loving Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov, who everyone at that point thought was going to replace Yeltsin as president in the upcoming elections. He promised everyone at Davos a free market, only increasing the worries of Yeltsin and his allied oligarchs. 98
In the end, Davos can help shed light on what exactly happened in the 1990s in Russia. Putin and the "Petersburgers" were involved in Davos in 1991-1992, right after the fall of the wall and the election of Boris Yeltsin:
- 1991: St. Petersburg mayor Anatoly Sobchak, Putin's mentor at the time, opens the WEF's 1991 regional meeting in Moscow. 99
- 1992: Sobchak hosts a spring 1992 WEF regional meeting in St. Petersburg. His key aide, Vladimir Putin, attends as well. 100 So did Alexei Kudrin 101, a "St. Petersburger" tasked with economic development who became a 1998 Davos 'Global Leader for Tomorrow' (the precursor group to the Young Global Leaders); and Alexy Miller 102, the "St. Petersburger" appointed to head of Gazprom (and Gazprom-Media) in 2001, a position Miller still held in the mid 2020s, during Putin's war on Ukraine.
In subsequent years, mainly in 1995-1996, not only quite a few of the notorious Russian privatizers and oligarchs visited Davos, but some also became members of Davos' Global Leaders for Tomorrow group, a group known from 2005 on as the Young Global Leaders. We will discuss this group later, but the fact that it managed to recruit no less than 8 future prime ministers in its first 1993 group, amidst countless prominent globalists, tells us that the Global Leaders for Tomorrow group was more than just a gimmick. The Global Leaders for Tomorrow from Russia, in the years before Putin came to power in 2000, have included:
- 1993: Anatoly Chubais: The controversial privatizer.
- 1993: Boris Nemtsov: Co-privatizer who opposed oligarch corruption. Murdered in 2016 under Putin, whom he also criticized.
- 1993: Aleksandr Shokhin: Labour (1991-1992) and economics minister (Jan.-Nov. 1994). President Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
- 1994: Boris Fyodorov: Co-privatizer with Deloitte & Touche ties going back to 1988. USSR finance minister July-Sep. 1990. Director World Bank 1992-. Deputy PM Russia 1992-1994, 1998. Minister of finance 1993-1994.
- 1997: Vladimir Potanin: Major emerging oligarch allied with George Soros.
- 1997: Alexey Pushkov: Gorbachev speechwriter 1988-1991. Deputy editor-in-chief of the Moscow News Weekly 1991–1995. Foreign policy expert during the Putin decades.
- 1998: Mikhail Fridman: Major emerging Jewish-Russian oligarch. In the 2010s he ended up on the international advisory board of the CFR.
- 1998: Alexei Kudrin: A "Petersburger" who worked as a Yeltsin aide from 1996. Ended up in major positions under Putin.
- 1999: Andrey Kostin: First secretary, advisor to the European Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1992. Later, under Putin, a major banking overseer, banker and industrialist.
- 2000: Oleg Deripaska: Major emerging oligarch, eventually with close ties to the Rothschilds.
Despite not being overly welcome at Davos himself, Putin became very fond of Klaus Schwab. The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) was established in Putin's long-time city in 1997, and, according to Putin himself, was modeled after the World Economic Forum (Davos). 103 Putin himself had several interactions with Davos during his rule:
- 1992: Present at a regional meeting of Davos in St. Petersburg under his mentor Anatoly Sobchak. 104
- 2000: Russian visitors of the forum refused to discuss Russia's new leader, Putin.
- Oct. 2001: Putin visits the WEF meeting in Russia.
- 2009: Putin visits the 2009 Davos meeting in Switzerland.
- Nov. 2019: Putin meets with Davos founder Klaus Schwab in private. 105
Putin's old and more recent Davos ties once again raises questions for this author to what extent Putin isn't just effectively serving as "conservative CIA"-type controlled opposition - a question that started upon seeing how Putin's "state-controlled" Russia TV has been promoting typical western-manufactured conspiracy disinformation and even their promoters. Since then questions have only mounted. What is up, for example, with "Putin's (alleged) brain", Alexander Dugin 106, who engages in a whole lot of typical "Davos speak", equally mirroring the globalist agenda of secretive groups as the "Shadow G8" that for a long time have been pushing to expand the G7/G8 to the G20, followed by the G21 (all of Africa):
"New civilisations are on the rise, including Chinese, Islamic, Indian, African, and Latin American. ... The growing influence of the multipolar world order [is] signalling a weakening of Western hegemony, [with] the United States and Western powers ... resolutely clinging to the concept of unilateralism. ... Russia, under Putin's leadership, recognises that it cannot be one of just two poles in this world... Russia [is] rebuffing Western liberalism [though], including its promotion of the gay rights agenda and other Western ideological standards [note: why not mention Third World immigration?]..." 107
These questions have been discussed in more detail in ISGP's article on Russia.
1992: South Africa joins: Davos turns Mandela from communist to neoliberal
Predictably, Rockefeller-allied forces looking to end apartheid in South Africa ended up visiting the World Economic Forum. In 1989, for example, Harry Oppenheimer - a member of the family that for many decades controlled the mining conglomerates Anglo American Corporation and De Beers - was arguing against the policy of Apartheid. 108 The Oppenheimers, along with Anton Ruppert, not only were the dominant economic forces of South Africa, they had also funded (unpopular) anti-Apartheid political candidates and projects since the 1950s, in which they predominantly opposed the more dominant Dutch-heritage Boers. 109 In the 1970s and 1980s both were members of the WWF's 1001 Club, not just alongside the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bechtels, Prince Charles, Prince Bernhard, but also anti-communist dictator Mobutu Sese Seko and elements tied to the Shah of Iran and Indonesia's dictator Suharto. It makes one skeptical of any altruistic reasons.
Under enormous pressure from international sanctions and vilification, white South Africans, in a referendum set up by South African president F. W. de Klerk, voted in favor of ending Apartheid with almost 69% in 1992. Both South African president F. W. de Klerk State and African National Congress head, the recently released Nelson Mandela, visited Davos that year. For reasons of self-preservation, F. W. de Klerk has always denied the full extent of state repression, including violent torture-assassinations ordered by his administration, under Apartheid. 110 He was awarded a Nobel Prize though in 1993, accepted into a handful of globalist NGOs, and left the world in 2021 with a post-mortem-released videotape choking on his words and holding back tears, apologizing for "the pain and suffering and the hurt and the indignity that and the damage that Apartheid has done to black, brown and Indian." 111 It remains fascinating that someone who once ran the Apartheid regime, falls to his knees supporting the globalist narrative on white guilt right when he has nothing left to lose anymore. And also at a time when he has the perspective of knowing that post-Apartheid South Africa has been devastated by extremely high rates of murder, violent robbery and rape, with the same fate hanging over the West due to relentless Third World immigration.
In any case, if we go back to 1992, on his way over to Davos and during the conference, Mandela was turned from a communist who wanted to nationalize banks, mines and other key industries if elected, into a free market proponent open to inviting foreign investment. His speech at Davos was changed accordingly. As his chief economic advisor in the African National Congress (ANC), Tito Mboweni, recalled:
"We decided that the [ANC's nationalization] content [to be presented by Mandela] was inappropriate for a Davos audience. So I drafted a short message... about how the ANC intended to achieve social justice for the majority black people [with] the creation of a black business class. [Mandela] had some very interesting meetings in Davos with the leaders of the Communist Parties of China and Vietnam. ... They told him frankly as follows: 'We are currently striving to privatize state enterprises and invite private enterprise into our economies. [So] why are you talking about nationalization?'" 112
If anything, over time Davos appears to have become a giant global lobby for "free enterprise". If you have the connections, get investment, get positive press, likely get support from foreign intelligence agencies in keeping you in power, you just smile, say yes, and have these people take over your country.
Mboweni certainly was rewarded for his loyalty towards the Davos crowd. He became one of Davos' "Global Leaders of Tomorrow" in 1995, served as a governor of the South African Reserve Bank from 1999 to 2009, and joined Goldman Sachs' international board of advisors (a hub of Bilderberg activity) in 2010. Mandela, of course, was also accepted everywhere in elite circles in the West, getting pushed as Africa's wise old grandfather. In 1999, the same year he visited Davos for a second time, he was flown into Aspen to the secretive Forstmann Little Conferences where he was photographed putting his arms around Henry Kissinger and cocktailing with George Shultz, both key Rockefeller allies. Sir Evelyn de Rothschild was present too.
Thabo Mbeki, South Africa's president from 1999 to 2008 and a Davos visitor in 2006, continued Mandela's economic policies. In 2000 he helped set up the International Investment Council of South Africa, whose members included western superclass members as George Soros, Niall Fitzgerald and William Rhodes. By that time Soros, the IMF and the World Bank had already been attacked, at Davos no less, for holding South Africa's economy and government in a neoliberal stranglehold. It must be said though, the real cause of South Africa's economic problems may simply be that it is... Africa.
21st century: a global "carnival" that invites the entire Third World
Davos' influence is a little deceptive. Going through annual visitor lists, as far as they are available, maybe one in 35-40 names is recognizable to this author. Then you go to just about any other NGO, whether it be Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, or the Munich Security Conference, and the rate of recognizable names explodes, whether it be 1 in five or 2 in three. Considering this author has put together over 2,000 NGOs and looked at all the persons in them, the quick conclusion would be that Davos largely consists of "outsiders" to the core of the globalist movement.
Reading the following quote of repeated Bilderberg visitor and Trilateral Commission member Maurice Lippens, a major banker from Belgium, doesn't help either in looking at Davos as a powerhouse among globalist NGOs:
"I have never visited DAVOS and think it's one big carnival. I receive the membership lists and can, if I want to, call up anyone I'm interested in. I like to visit Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. Bilderberg is intense. There one has to work from the early morning to the late evening. The Round Table of Industrialists is interesting, but I'm not a member because I'm not an Industrialist. Talking about the future of the world is a difficult thing by the way. I do like to listen and network in Washington with the Trilateral Commission. You'll hear about interesting trends from first hand." 113
While "carnival" seems quite the accurate term compared to Bilderberg, with its roughly 120 elite annual western visitors, or the larger Trilateral Commission, with is roughly 500 members, we shouldn't overlook that Davos impresses in its own right. What it lacks in its concentration of key superclass members, it does make up, for example, in the number of global heads of state it has been able to gather annually. It appears there are more of them every decade:
- 1995: "Mrs. Ciller attended the conference in Davos with over 40 heads of state, 160 government ministers..." 114
- 2004: "[Represented were] 24 of the Fortune 50 top business [and] 31 heads of state, and 75 ministers, 52 heads of non-governmental organizations, 250 media and opinion leaders .. 28 religious leaders [and] 18 international trade unionists." 115
- 2005: "There will be about 20 heads of state or government in Davos, and some 70 top cabinet ministers." 116
- 2007: "Other attendees include ... 24 heads of state or government, 85 cabinet ministers..." 117
- 2008: "The 27 heads of states on hand will be outnumbered by 74 chief executives from the largest companies." 118
- 2009: "Some 40 heads of state and government, from Vladimir Putin to Angela Merkel, will be there." 119
- 2011: "35 countries are sending heads of state or government..." 120
- 2013: "Nearly 50 heads of state or government and more than 1,500 business leaders also attended." 121
- 2016: "Over 40 heads of state and government, as well as 2500 leaders from business and society will convene..." 122
- 2022: "More than 50 heads of government are expected to attend..." 123
The major difference with Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, of course, is that so many Davos visitors come from all over the world: Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, the Far East etc. Davos seems to be quite unique in inviting literally the entire Third World to come over and meet with not just western heads of state, but also a handful of Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission elites. All those Third World businessmen and government officials who simply are not relevant enough, or located in the right geographical region, to be invited to virtually all elite American or European conferences and think tanks, do have the ability to get in touch with these elites through Davos, at least with the handful of elites with a particular concern in developing the Third World, and at least in the past, the Second, former communist world. The same "free market" dogma that we find in Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, ultimately we also find at Davos, despite a little "stakeholder" window dressing.
"We penetrate the cabinets...": true, somewhat, even for GLT/YGL...
Davos founder Klaus Schwab can be quite the peculiar figure. We discussed this, for example, with his credit-taking for the term "stakeholder theory". Another example of that are his statements with regard to Davos' Global Leaders for Tomorrow / Young Global Leaders group. On several occasions in the 2010s Schwab stated that Vladimir Putin - whose Davos ties we already discussed - was a member of Davos' Global Leaders for Tomorrow / Young Global Leaders group. He said so during a talk at Harvard in September 2017. And he did so behind-the-scenes at Davos 2019, with the Costa Rican president Carlos Alvarado Quesada sucking up to him. In the latter case, Schwab responded:
"Yes! Mrs. Merkel, Tony Blair were all - even President Putin - they were all Young Global Leaders before." 124
During the 2017 talk at Harvard with David Gergen, Schwab explained:
David Gergen: "There are two countries now where the Young Global Leaders have emerged. Tell us a bit about that. ..."
Klaus Schwab: "When I mention now names as Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin, and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are very proud of now, the young generation now, like Prime Minister [Justin] Trudeau, President [inaudible, Schwab forgot or butchers the name] of Argentina, and so on, that we penetrate the cabinets. ... So, yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and ... even more than half of his cabinet are former, ours actually, Young Global Leaders. ... It's true in Argentina, and it's true in France now. I mean, with the president [Emmanuel Macron], with the young global leader."" 125
It took a long time to find all the old Global Leaders for Tomorrow / Young Global Leaders lists, but none of them showed Putin, Trudeau, or an Argentinian president on them... Blair, yes. Merkel, yes. Macron, yes. But none of the others.
To be fair, with "Trudeau", Schwab likely referred to the "Trudeau administration". His statement, "We penetrate the cabinets," certainly is accurate with the Trudeau administration, after Justin Trudeau became prime minister of Canada in 2015. At the very least Trudeau's finance minister and deputy prime minister Chrystina Freeland (2000), and foreign affairs ministers Francois-Philippe Champagne (2009) and Melanie Joly (2016) all came out of Davos' Global Leaders for Tomorrow / Young Global Leaders. The same might be true for some unknown Argentinian administration.
Schwab could do more housework though. As we shall see in the next chapter, instead of struggling so much with names, he could have just listed future French head of state Nicolas Sarkozy instead, or Gordon Brown, or the names of various other countries that saw a past Young Global Leader heading it: Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, etc. If Schwab wants to brag, the Global Leaders for Tomorrow class of 1993 is something to behold.
1993: 8 future heads of state, plus top globalists, in Davos' first GLT class
Despite Klaus Schwab's apparently occasional misstatements with regard to future heads of state having been Global Leaders for Tomorrow (1993-2003) / Young Global Leaders (2005-), his statement "We penetrate the cabinets" has, at times, been very accurate. Or should be say, "countries"? None more so than with the very first Global Leaders for Tomorrow class of 1993. Among the members:
- 1993: Jose Maria Aznar: Neocon PM Spain 1996-2004.
- 1993: Tony Blair: PM UK 1997-2007.
- 1993: Guy Verhofstadt: PM Belgium 1999-2008.
- 1993: Jose Manuel Barroso: PM Portugal 2004-2014.
- 1993: Angela Merkel: chancellor of Germany 2005-2021.
- 1993: Gordon Brown: PM UK 2007-2010.
- 1993: Nicolas Sarkozy: president France 2007-2012.
- 1993: Viktor Orban: "Alt right" PM Hungary 1998-2002, 2010-, still anno 2024.
- 1993: Mona Sahlin: 1994-1995 deputy PM of Sweden. Also a 1996 Bilderberg visitor who was groomed to become prime minister of Sweden in 1996 - this until the 1995 "Toblerone affair" derailed that. Swedish immigration minister 2000-2002.
- 1993: Larry Summers: Major globalist highly ranked in ISGP's superclass index.
- 1993: Bono: Frontman U2 and a major globalist.
- 1993: Edgar Bronfman, Jr.: Member of a Jewish-globalist Canadian family.
- 1993: Sir Richard Branson: Top globalist.
- 1993: Jacob Wallenberg: A member of the decades-long Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission family.
- 1993: Michael Dell.
- 1993: Vincent Bollore: Member European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) 1991-1993.
- 1993: Paul Desmarais, Jr.: A member of the Canadian political and business family, also involved in Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission.
- 1993: Bill Gates: Founder Microsoft in 1975.
- 1993: Jon Huntsman, Jr.: Governor of Utah 2005-2009. Ambassador to China (2009-2011) and Russia (2017-2019). Son of the billionaire Jon Huntsman Sr. Member Trilateral Commission, visitor Bilderberg in 2012, chair Atlantic Council anno 2014, etc.
- 1993: Joseph P. Kennedy II: Son of RFK. His brother, RFK, Jr., has spread disinformation about his father's assassination, claiming there was a second shooter.
- 1993: George Stephanopoulos: 1984 Rhodes Scholar. Senior advisor to President Bill Clinton 1993-1996. Eventually an American television host and political commentator. Visitor Clinton Global Initiative 2006-2007.
- 1993: Zoe Baird: Member CFR 1996-. Trustee Brookings Institution 1999-. Involved in many national security boards.
- 1993: Yo-Yo Ma: Musician invited to a lot of globalist think tanks.
- 1993: Christian Lacroix: French fashion designer.
- 1993: Anatoly Chubais: Chief Russian privatization overseer in the 1990s.
- 1993: Boris Nemtsov: Co-privatizer who opposed oligarch corruption. Murdered in 2016 under Putin, whom he also criticized.
- 1993: Aleksandr Shokhin: Labour (1991-1992) and economics minister (Jan.-Nov. 1994). President Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
- 1993: Atul Kirloskar: Globalist-tied Indian industrialist, whose Kirloskar Group was founded in 1888. The family, through Shantanurao Kirloskar, has had involvement in the elite 1001 Club.
- 1993: Mustafa V. Koc: Member of a Turkish Bilderberg family.
So in 1993, apart from a pretty long list of major think tank-affiliated globalists, Davos managed to include no less than 8 - and almost 9 - future European heads of among its first 200 Global Leaders for Tomorrow group? From "the left" to "neocon" and "alt right"? Anywhere from 3 to 14 years before they actually became head of state? It's just something that you need to see fully sourced to believe. 126
The closest similarity probably is the controversy surrounding Jimmy Carter, who after his 1976 election stacked his cabinet from front to back with Trilateral Commission members, of which he had been a 1973 founding member as well. The 1976 election was a very obvious big business coup through David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, and it was never repeated at the same strength, likely on purpose.
The Davos Young Global Leaders class of 1993 is just as big of a coup, but for Europe. The fact that future "alt right" icon Viktor Orban, or even a neocon Jose Maria Aznar, was part of the class, only makes the mystery more intriguing. One wonders if this could be achieved for the first Global Leaders for Tomorrow, why it couldn't be repeated for subsequent ones? Who knows. Maybe somebody went here too, "Let's take it easy with such a prominent take over of future governments."
Young Global Leaders: 1993-2020s: lists of major names
After the first 1993 class of the Young Global Leaders considerably less noteworthy names could be found each year (PDF), although, as a whole, many of the names still are very important to take note of. They range from emerging Russian oligarchs, to emerging Silicon Valley titans, to to people of the "liberal CIA" Soros crowd, to people that ended up being quite prominent in the globalist NGO network, to UFO and other disinformation-type persons.
Below all the most noteworthy names were picked from the lists:
- 1994: Benazir Bhutto: Prime minister Pakistan 1988-90, 93-96. Assassinated in 2007.
- 1994: Boris Fyodorov: Co-privatizer with Deloitte & Touche ties going back to 1988. USSR finance minister July-Sep. 1990. Director World Bank 1992-. Deputy PM Russia 1992-1994, 1998. Minister of finance 1993-1994.
- 1994: William J. Hague: Conservative British politician eventually involved in a number of think tanks, including the secretive Cercle group.
- 1994: Aleksander Kwasniewski: President of Poland 1995-2004. Major globalist in later years.
- 1994: Steve Rattner: Globalist banker. Trustee Brookings Institution anno 1999, senior trustee anno 2021.
- 1994: Marcus Wallenberg: A member of the decades-long Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission family.
- 1995: Paul G. Allen: Co-founder Microsoft.
- 1995: Steve Ballmer: Microsoft 1980-, president 1998-, CEO 2000-2014.
- 1995: Jeffrey Sachs: Top neoliberal economist who ended up becoming a close Soros ally and highest level "western imperialism"-hating economist.
- 1995: Paul Krugman: Major economist, involved from at least 1993 to 2016 with David Rockefeller, George Soros and Lynn Forester de Rothschild at the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), which also employed other top economists, such as Jeffrey Sachs and Joseph Stiglitz.
- 1995: Jean-Claude Juncker: Prime minister Luxembourg 1995-2013. President of the European Commission 2014-2019.
- 1995: Philippe Douste-Blazy: French foreign minister 2005-2007.
- 1995: Jose María Figueres: President of Costa Rice 1994-1998. Kept involved in the globalist NGO network.
- 1995: Thomas L. Friedman: New York Times journalist since 1981, who eventually got invited to a lot of globalist think tanks and conferences.
- 1996: Nathan Myhrvold: Key Microsoft tech developer.
- 1996: Nicolas S. Rohatyn: Son of Lazard banker Felix Rohatyn, also a Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG director, Trilateral Commission member and CSIS trustee.
- 1996: Marc Andreessen: Silicon Valley entrepreneur. Founder Andreessen Horowitz.
- 1996: Jamie Dimon: Liberal-oriented chair and CEO JPMorgan Chase 2005-2020s, and director of the Partnership for New York City (PNYC), both affiliated with David Rockefeller.
- 1996: Bran Ferren: Once President of Research and Development of Walt Disney Imagineering, who ended up on countless national security-tied panels, such as the CIA's National Security Advisory Panel, the NSA Advisory Board, the Army Science Board, the NRO Technical Advisory Group, the Executive Panel of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Advisory Group, and as a consultant to Northrop and Lockheed Martin.
- 1996: Jodie Foster: Actress.
- 1996: Lord Adair Turner: Member House of Lords since 2005 who has been invited to quite a few globalist think tanks.
- 1997: Eric Schmidt: CEO of Novell 1997-2001. CEO of Google 2001-2011, exec. chair 2011-2015. Exec. chair of Google parent company Alphabet Inc. 2015-2017, technical advisor 2017-2020.
- 1997: Lachlan Murdoch: Son of "right wing" Fox Network founder Rupert Murdoch.
- 1997: Joe Firmage: Co-founder USWeb and UFO disinformer.
- 1997: Ethan Nadelmann: Psychedelics expert and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, funded and formally backed by top elites as George Soros, Frank Carlucci, George Shultz and Paul Volcker.
- 1997: Vladimir Potanin: Major then-emerging Russian oligarch allied with George Soros.
- 1997: Alexey Pushkov: Gorbachev speechwriter 1988-1991. Deputy editor-in-chief of the Moscow News Weekly 1991–1995. Foreign policy expert during the Putin decades.
- 1997: Gamal Mubarak: Son of 1981-2011 Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.
- 1997: Felipe Calderon President Mexico 2006-2012.
- 1997: Kenneth Roth: Executive director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) 1993-2022.
- 1997: Patty Stonesifer: Worked at Microsoft 1988-1997, including as senior vice president. First CEO Bill Gates Foundation 2006-2008, then co-chair. Member CFR 2003-.
- 1998: Jeff Bezos: Amazon founder in 1994. Ended up becoming the second richest man alive, behind Elon Musk.
- 1998: Victor Chu: Hong Kong-based financier. Trustee of George Soros' International Crisis Group 2004-2008, and an advisor by 2011.
- 1998: Mikhail Fridman: Major then-emerging Jewish-Russian oligarch. In the 2010s he ended up on the international advisory board of the CFR.
- 1998: Evan G. Greenberg: Son of top globalist Maurice Greenberg, who has worked closely with Henry Kissinger in China-oriented think tanks.
- 1998: Aleksey Kudrin: A "Petersburger" who worked as a Yeltsin aide from 1996. Ended up in major positions under Putin.
- 1998: William P. Lauder: Member of the 2020-founded Council for Inclusive Capitalism (at the Vatican) / Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism, together with Lynn Forester de Rothschild and the heads of the Rockefeller and Ford foundations. Son of Leonard Lauder, in turn the brother of Ronald Lauder, the top Zionist billionaire who served as 1995-2005 chair of the Rockefeller's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). In 2007 Ronald followed up Edgar Bronfman, Sr. as president of the World Jewish Congress.
- 1998: Jorge Quiroga: President Bolivia 2001-2002.
- 1999: Michiel R. P. M. Brenninkmeijer: Member of a wealthy, originally Dutch Knights of Malta family.
- 1999: Andrey Kostin: First secretary, advisor to the European Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1992. Later, under Putin, a major banking overseer, banker and industrialist.
- 1999: Pierre Omidyar: Ebay founder in 1995. Major "liberal CIA" financier with his Omidyar Network.
- 2000: Oleg Deripaska: Major emerging oligarch, eventually with close ties to the Rothschilds.
- 2000: Joshua Cooper Ramo: Managing director, Kissinger Associates 2006-2011, vice chair 2011-, co-CEO 2015-. Fluent in Mandarin. Managing partner of JL Thornton, named after the top globalist and eventual mentor of the "alt right" Steve Bannon, in the mid 2000s, with a focus on China.
- 2000: Chrystina Freeland: Deputy PM Canada under Justin Trudeau 2019-, finance minister 2020-.
- 2001: Mathias Dophner: Regular Bilderberg visitor since 2006, steering committee since 2021.
- 2001: Mellody Hobson: Dated filmmaker George Lucas since 2006, married since 2013. Trustee Rockefeller Foundation 2018-. Trustee CSIS anno 2023.
- 2001: Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero: PM Spain 2004-2011, the political nemesis of old GLT member Jose Maria Aznar, Spain's PM from 1996 to 2004.
- 2001: Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden
- 2001: Fareed Zakaria: Elite CNN host and Washington Post columnist.
- 2002: Marc Benioff: Founder Salesforce in 1999.
- 2002: Van Jones: Top Soros agent.
- 2002: Jonathan Oppenheimer: From the Anglo-American family.
- 2002: Larry Page: Co-founder Google in 1998.
- 2002: Stefan Quandt: Of the BMW fortune.
- 2002: Sara Wolfensohn: Related to top globalist James Wolfensohn.
- 2003: Princess Mabel of Orange: Married into the Orange royal family. Deeply involved with Soros and his "liberal CIA" Open Society Foundations for many years.
- 2003: Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark: King 2024-.
- 2003: Lance Armstrong: Famous cyclist, who became the poster boy for doping in 2012.
- 2003: Samantha Power: In 1996 she had joined George Soros' International Crisis Group. First became a foreign policy advisor to future U.S. president Obama 2005-2006. Special assistant to the president and senior director for multilateral affairs and human rights at the National Security Council 2009-2013, and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations 2013-2017.
- 2003: Mark Shuttleworth: Founder Linux Ubuntu.
In 2005 the Global Leaders of Tomorrow group was reorganized into the Young Global Leaders. Similar to what happened during the first Global Leaders of Tomorrow class in 1993, the first Young Global Leaders class of 2005 was extremely stacked with emerging elites, although with apparently zero focus on recruiting future heads of state.
- 2005: Sergey Brin: Co-founder Google in 1998.
- 2005: Larry Page: Co-founder Google in 1998.
- 2005: Nat Rothschild: Son of Lord Jacob.
- 2005: Jonathan Oppenheimer: Of the South African mining family behind Anglo American.
- 2005: Jonathan Soros: A son of George Soros.
- 2005: Van Jones: Key black Soros/"liberal CIA" activist.
- 2005: Princess Mabel of Orange: key Soros ally.
- 2005: Crown Prince Willem-Alexander of Orange: Dutch king 2013-.
- 2005: Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark: King 2024-.
- 2005: Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden.
- 2005: Crown Prince Haakon of Norway. Son of King Harald V.
- 2005: Niall Ferguson: Top globalist.
- 2005: Mikheil Saakashvili: President of Georgia 2004-2007, 2008-2013.
- 2005: Miguel Forbes: Adopted son of the Forbes family.
- 2005: Samantha Power: Soros employee since 1996. Obama foreign policy advisor since 2005.
- 2005: Dina Habib Powell: Bush White House 2003-. Goldman Sachs 2007-. Deputy NSA Trump 2017-2018.
- 2005: Aerin Lauder: Billionaire Estée Lauder heir, as daughter of Ronald Lauder.
- 2005: Jack Ma: Founder of AliBaba (1999) and AliExpress (2010).
- 2005: Gavin Newsom: Mayor San Francisco 2004-2011, lt. gov. California under Jerry Brown 2011-2019, gov. California 2019-.
- 2005: Fareed Zakaria: Yale Scroll & Key. Columnist Washington Post, Newsweek, etc.
- 2005: Jerry Yang: Founder Yahoo.
- 2005: Marc Benioff: Co-founder, chair and CEO Salesforce.
The elite aspect of the Young Global Leaders dwindled rapidly though. Beyond 2007 it wasn't all that special anymore, and by the 2020s it was a shadow of itself:
- 2007: Prince Jaime de Bourbon Parme: Grandson of Prince Bernhard.
- 2007: Princess Mathilde of Belgium: Queen 2013-.
- 2007: David de Rothschild: well-known environmental activist.
- 2007: Rajiv Shah: Director Bill Gates Fdn. 2001-2009. Administrator USAID 2009-2015, under Obama. President Rockefeller Fdn. March 2017-.
- 2007: Peter Thiel: "Alt right" "PayPal Mafia" member, billionaire, Palantir co-founder, and Bilderberg steering committee member.
- 2007: Jimmy Wales: 2001 Wikipedia (co-)founder.
- 2007: Sheryl Sandberg: Larry Summers protege. Early McKinsey & Co. and Google background. COO Facebook 2008-.
- 2007: Ian Bremmer: Political risk researcher and consultant.
- 2009: Mark Zuckerberg: Founder Facebook in 2004. Owner Instagram and Whatsapp.
- 2009: Francois-Philippe Champagne: Minister of International Trade under Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau 2017-2018, foreign affairs 2019-2021, innovation, science and industry 2021-.
- 2010: Prince Khalid Bin Bandar Bin Sultan: grandson of Faisal of Saudi Arabia (1964-1975).
- 2010: Wyclef Jean: Famous rapper.
- 2010: Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway: spouse of Crown Prince Haakon.
- 2012: Crown Princess Mary Elizabeth of Denmark: queen 2024-.
- 2012: John Legend: black activist musician.
- 2013: Chelsea Clinton: Daughter of Bill and Hillary.
- 2014: Jacinda Ardern: PM New Zealand 2017-2023.
- 2015: Ivanka Trump: “Honored” by YGL in 2015. Daughter of the "alt right" / "conservative CIA" Donald Trump.
- 2016: Emmanuel Macron: President France 2017-.
- 2016: Sam Altman: Gay Silicon Valley guru of Y Combinator and OpenAI.
- 2016: Ashton Kutcher: Activist actor.
- 2016: Amal Clooney: Wife of activist actor George Clooney.
- 2016: Monica Yunus: Daughter of globalist economist Muhammad Yunus.
- 2016: Melanie Joly: Minister of Tourism under Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau 2018-2019, economic development 2019-2021, foreign affairs 2021-.
- 2018: Alexander Soros: Son and chief heir of George Soros.
- 2018: Joe Kennedy III: Grandson of RFK. Mass. congressman 2013-.
- 2018: Nico Rosberg: Mercedes F1 teammate of the ultra-woke Lewis Hamilton 2013-2016.
- 2020: Sanna Marin: PM Finland 2019-2023.
"Stakeholder Capitalism": Schwab's controlled opposition ruse
We need to go back a bit to Schwab's "borrowing" of the stakeholder theory. When we look at the actual manner in which he tries to apply "his" stakeholder theory, we quickly have to conclude that it is very flawed. To illustrate, in his January 2021 book 'Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet', Klaus promotes "his" "stakeholder capitalism" as a better alternative to the West's "shareholder capitalism" and China's "state capitalism", which has been exported to various other countries since. According to Schwab, the following "stakeholders" should come to play a role in balancing corporate shareholders:
- Governments: National and local.
- Civil society: "From unions to NGOS, from schools and universities to action groups, and from religious organizations to sports clubs."
- Companies: From large to small.
- "The International Community": The United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the OECD and ASEAN are singled out by Schwab as examples. 127
While subsequently making a good point that workers should go back to unionizing in order to prevent corporate exploitation, he completely overlooks that a tightly-knit network of multinational banks and corporations - traditionally allied with the CIA - is the financial backbone of "NGOs", "universities" and "action groups". And it is exactly these overarching big business ties that this website has been documenting for many years at this point. They also go, of course, for his own World Economic Forum, as well as the media, which arguably should be situated under "civil society".
This same network of multinationals also seems to heavily influence religion, from the Pilgrims Society-tied Anglican Church, to the latest big business-allied pope 128, who's been apologizing to minorities for white slavery and genocide 129, while supporting mass Muslim and other non-Christian Third World immigration into his own white Christian continent 130; to Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta during the Cold War 131; to countless Interfaith dialogues and even new age conferences 132 and your local book store's new age book shelves. 133
When we look at how a CIA-allied mafia controlled the Teamsters union in the past and got involved in manipulating elections 134, or how often the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and various European labor unions have popped up in elite as and the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg 135, or were working in tandem with the CIA, we would have to assume that that element is (often) penetrated as well by the usual CIA-big business alliance. In any case, labor unions have barely ever been represented in elite NGOs compared to the overabundance of multinational CEOs, presidents and chairmen.
Bringing it back to Davos, it's also not as if Schwab invited whole supply chains, complete with workers and customers of the corporations he invited. So his claim, "to create a platform where business leaders could meet their stakeholders" 136, is about as sketchy as his claim of having invented the stakeholder theory. At the very least his World Economic Forum has always been very selective with the "stakeholders" it invites. And just because the World Economic Forum occasionally invites individuals who claim or pretend to represent the rights of "the poor", "the consumers", "the workers", doesn't mean that these individuals actually represent those "stakeholders" in any meaningful or sincere sense. Everything that is going on in places like Davos is a kind of elite stageplay, for which we will see plenty of examples still.
The reality is that Schwab's "stakeholder model" is just another, more sophisticated version of globalist control over our society, with the traditional monarchies and robber baron societies being simpler variations. If anything, Schwab's "stakeholder capitalism" sounds like a live version of the global government model that one of Davos' earliest contributors, Bilderberg veteran and Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei, envisioned:
"[For our] survival, we must purge and purify our minds of the myth of sovereignty, which is a political and philosophical leftover from a dead past. [But] I do not think [that] global government would be a good way to bring peace. ... For the moment, the constitution of such a super government is quite unthinkable anyway [and there would be] difficulty of organizing and making it function democratically. We should not pursue the chimera of a central world government at all costs. ... We should take a hint from the world of nature [where] a multitude of large and small systems exists and interlocks ... and dynamic equilibria are maintained among them by mutual checks and balances. These are the ways of life." 137
If multinational corporations provide the source funding for all the other "checks and balances" - presidential candidates, big media, alternative media, elite think tanks and conference; and activist groups, including those "guarding" our "online privacy" and "freedom of speech" - we're still talking birthing "the chimera of a central world government". And that is exactly what Schwab's stakeholder theory comes down to.
Davos' "do-good" elitists: a myth
As already indicated earlier, not every western superclass member appears to feel comfortable visiting Davos. U.S. Republicans, especially the more right-wing ones, and anyone not particularly concerned with foreign aid, seem to be quite underrepresented. A list of some of the more prominent regular Davos visitors of past and present very much appears to be consist of "lefty" "do-gooders". The best examples of these would be:

- Shimon Peres: '94, '96-'97, '01-'02, '07-'09, '12-'13. Died in 2016.
- George Soros: '96, '98, '01-'20, '22.
- Bill Gates: '96-'97, '99-'19, '22, with his ex-wife Melinda also visiting regularly.
- Kofi Annan: '97-'98, '01-'02, '06, '11, '13-'14. Died in 2018.
- Nane Annan: '20. A member of the Wallenberg family. Wife of Kofi Annan since 1983, making Kofi a Wallenberg in-law.
- Hillary Clinton: '98, '02.
- Bill Clinton: '00, '02-'06, '08-'12.
- Tony Blair: '00, '08-'09, '13-'14, '16, '20. British PM 1997-2007.
- Angela Merkel: '06-'07, '12-'13, '15, '18-'22. German chancellor 2005-2021.
- Justin Trudeau: '16-'18. Canadian PM 2015-, who set up the first "gender-balanced" cabinet.
- Chrystina Freeland: Trustee anno '22. Deputy prime minister (2019-) and finance minister (2020-) of Canada under Justin Trudeau. Came to Trudeau's attention through her 2012 book 'Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super Rich'. Bilderberg '22.
- Queen Rania of Jordan: '02, fdn. board/trustee anno '05-'22; visitor and board FYGL anno 2007-2009.
- Al Gore: '08, '15, '20, trustee anno '16-'22.
- Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales: '09-'20.
- Joseph Stiglitz: '04, '06, '09, '13-'14, '20, '22. The "dissenting" chief economist of the World Bank in 2000-2001, exposed his grievances through "liberal CIA" journalist Greg Palast, meanwhile keeping his ties to people as David Rockefeller, George Soros and a large number of additional Bilderberg elites through the Peterson Institute of International Economics.
- Artists/actors:
- Shirley MacLaine: '89.
- Oliver Stone: '95.
- Michael Jackson: Part of the 1998 WEF-organized Southern African Economic Summit in Windhoek, Namibia.
- Peter Gabriel: Regular at least '04-'15, '20. Received the Crystal Award.
- Angelina Jolie: '05-'06.
- Brad Pitt: '06.
- Bono: '02, '05-'09, not in '10, but again in '11, '16.
- Quincy Jones: '04, Crystal Award.
- Sharon Stone: '05.
- Richard Gere: '05, Crystal Award.
- Lionel Richie: '05, Crystal Award.
- James Levine: Crystal Award.
- Michael Douglas: '06.
- Yo-Yo Ma: '08, to receive her Crystal Award; '20; trustee anno '21-'22.
- Jet Li: '09; Crystal Award.
- James Cameron: '10; film director.
- Mick Jagger: '12, publicly said he would go, but dodged the media and only stuck to private parties.
- Charlize Theron: Crystal Award, '13 visitor.
- Pharrell Williams: '15.
- Andrea Bocelli: '15 Crystal Award.
- Leonardo DiCaprio: '16.
- George Clooney and Amal Clooney: '17.
- Matt Damon: '17; Crystal Award.
- Forest Whitaker: '17.
- Shakira: '17.
- Gillian Anderson: '17.
- Cate Blanchett: '18.
- Elton John: '18.
- '18, '20.
- Nico Rosberg: '20; F1 and "green entrepreneur".
It would be a mistake though to refer to these people as "lefty" "do-gooders". Compared to the George W. Bush administration, its War on Terror, and American conservatives and their contrived rejection of human-induced climate change and abortion rights, or even American Democrats who did very little in terms of upping minimum wages and creating affordable healthcare; Europe in general seems "lefty". But these are all people, including the actors and artists, as should be clear from ISGP articles as '"Liberal CIA": Hollywood' - that are beholden to multinationals - if only through various foundations set up or financed by big business interests. As a result they always control, manipulate and move society along the following lines:
- Pushing Third World immigration.
- Pushing extremist feminism.
- Pushing LGBTQ.
- Pushing veganism and vegetarianism.
- Disavowing any genuine conspiracy.
- Controlling the religion-versus-atheism and agnotism-versus-the-new age.
There may be a lot of benefits to voting for these people over conservative right-wingers, but they are not "do-gooders". And they are no friend of the common person, certainly not a white one these days.
Some of the West-European visitors of Davos aren't even that "liberal-left" at all. The Netherlands, similar to Scandinavia, is universally seen as a beacon of "liberalism". That all sounds nice, but Mark Rutte, the Netherlands' longest-serving prime minister since 2010, despite having been described as a "poster boy" for Davos alongside Justin Trudeau, really is a Milton Friedman and Friedrich von Hayek-type neoliberal and Libertarian. That's the background of his VVD party.
Unlike what you see in the United States, Christian conservatism and outright climate denial doesn't fly in Europe. So what Dutch citizens get in Mark Rutte is an "everything-in-one" globalist prime minister. While hard-right on economics, he is all too eager in particular to compromise with "stakeholders" as (deep cover and "liberal CIA"-funded) environmental activists who, for example, force anti-nitrogen measures onto his government through the courts. This is literally Schwab's stakeholder theory in action.
Considering Rutte appointed a freshly "graduated" "David Rockefeller Fellow" at the Trilateral Commission as the first minister for climate and energy, it also shouldn't surprise anyone Rutte has visited the Trilateral Commission and has been a regular at Bilderberg. A much more extensive version of Mark Rutte's crooked prime ministership has been included in Appendix A.
Not that there is any time for it now, but we could individually study other western heads of state and find all the exact same patterns of how the population is being bamboozled by this "do good" crowd along the agendas we just laid out. The Netherlands is just an easy "off the shelf"-case, because that is the country this author hails from.
Davos' core group: (still) endless CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission ties
Ignoring that individuals as Bill Gates and George Soros fall in both categories, if we look away for a moment from Davos' rather prominent "do good" crowd and look at some of the past trustees and other regular visitors of Davos, we find quite a few business interests that have also been represented in the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission, and generally by the exact same individuals.
In that sense, nothing has changed from the first 1971 meeting that we analyzed earlier. The surviving members of the Rockefeller-Kissinger clique still are in charge of overall Davos policy. David Rubenstein in particular makes this clear, but there are other examples. With the following list, the provided visitor years are far as this author has been able to unearth them:
- Maurice Strong: Co-founder and key trustee, chair WEF council at least 1989-1996, member fdn. board anno '99-'02. Canadian oil and Rockefeller background.
- Sir Peter Sutherland: '94, '95 meeting co-chair; fdn. board anno '99-'05, visitor '13-'14. First director-general WTO 1993-1995. Chairman Goldman Sachs 1995-2015. Bilderberg 1989-1998 (joined steering committee in 1991), 2000, 2003-2007, 2009-2015. Member Trilateral Commission at least 1992-2002, European chair 2003-2009.
- David Rubenstein: '06, '08, '13-'14, '20, trustee anno '21-'22. Co-founder in 1987 and co-chair of The Carlyle Group. Director chair 2005-, vice chair 2012-2017, chair 2017-. Member Trilateral Commission 2002-2020, executive 2021-. Bilderberg 2017.
- Larry Fink: '14, '20, trustee anno '21-'22. Chair and CEO of BlackRock. Director CFR 2013-. Member Trilateral Commission 2019-.
- Joe Kaeser: trustee anno '22. Chair and CEO Siemens. Chair and CEO Siemens 2013-2021, advisory chair 2021-. Member Trilateral Commission 2014-2019. Visitor Bilderberg 2015-2016. Member international council JPMorgan Chase 2015-. Chairman advisory council Munich Security Conference 2021-.
- Jim Hagemann Schnabe: trustee anno '22. Chairman Siemens and Maersk. Member supervisory board Allianz until Feb. 2022.
- Andre Hoffmann: trustee anno '22. Vice chair Roche, and member of the family that has controlled this chemical concern for decades. Bilderberg 2019, with his firm having been represented in earlier decades.
- Christine Lagarde: '08, '13-'14, trustee '15-, still anno '21. Managing director IMF 2011-2019. President European Central Bank 2019-. Bilderberg '13-'14, '16-'17.
- Orit Gadiesh: at least '04-'10, trustee '16-, still anno '22. Jewish-American. Chair Bain & Company 1993-2020s. Bilderberg 1997-1998.
- Kristalina Georgieva: Trustee anno '22. Vice president European Commission 2014-2016. CEO World Bank Group 2017-2019, acting president Feb.-April 2019. Managing director IMF 2019-. Bilderberg 2016.
- Henry Kissinger: '80 opening address, '92, '08 (co-chair meeting), '13, '17 (video interview with his old protege Klaus Schwab), '22. Member CFR 1956-2020s, director 1977-1981. Visitor Bilderberg 1957, 1964, and regular 1977-2020s. Member Trilateral Commission since at least 1978, still anno 2022, mainly as an executive. Founder and head Kissinger Associates, with past and future secretaries of state and CIA directors on the board.
- Pascal Lamy: '89, '08-'09, '13, '16. Director-general WTO 2005-2013. Bilderberg 2000-2001, 2003, 2005, 2009.
- Jean-Claude Trichet: '89, '94-'95, '04, '08. Governor Bank of France 1993-2003. President European Central Bank 2003-2011. Bilderberg 2008-2010. EU chair Trilateral Commission 2012-2021.
- James Wolfensohn: '00, '08. President World Bank 1995-2005. Close to David Rockefeller. Regular Bilderberg visitor 1985-2017 and on the steering committee.
- Carl Bildt: '93-'95 (meeting co-chair in '95), '96, '08, '10, '14, '18, '20. Top Swedish politician and Wallenberg representative.
- Jeffrey Sachs: '93-'95, '05, '13-'14. Top neoliberal economist turned do-gooder who works closely with Soros. Bilderberg 1990. Member CFR 1994.
- George Soros: '96, '98, '01-'20, '22. Member CFR 1988-, director 1995-2004. Bilderberg 1990, 1994, 2000, 2002. Founded his International Crisis Group in 1995. Member Trilateral Commission from at least May 2001 to May 2005. Visitor of the Munich Security Conference since at least 2011, core group member anno 2015, and member of the advisory council until at least April 2021.
- Nat Rothschild: YGL '04-, '18. Name seldom mentioned, but partied with Russian oligarchs on the outskirts of Davos. Son of Lord Jacob Rothschild.
- Sir John Chipman: '04, '09, '13-'14, '20, '22. Director general and CEO the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) 1992-. Regular at the Munich Security Conference.
- Stephen Schwarzman: '06, '15, '20. Co-founder, chair and CEO of The Blackstone Group, where his junior partner, Peter Peterson, was a CFR chair 1985-2007 and past Trilateral Commission member.
- Lloyd Blankfein: '08, '13-'15. Chair and CEO Goldman Sachs 2006-2018, senior chair 2019-. Bilderberg 2007. Member CFR 2009-.
- Microsoft's Bill Gates: '96-'97, '99-'19, '22, with his ex-wife Melinda also visiting regularly.
- Google's Larry Page: '02- YGL, '06, '09.
- Google's Eric Schmidt: '05-'06, '14-'16. Member CFR. Visitor Bilderberg 2007-2008, 2010-2022,and part of its steering committee. Member Trilateral Commission 2013-2020.
- Google's Sergey Brin: '06, '17.
These names and associations demonstrate that Davos is more than just a stand-alone big business lobby, as it is often described. An "access-all-areas" badge may cost £450,000, but there's a method and long-term agenda to all the lobbying and networking going on at Davos each year.
2001: Soros attacked by Third World antifa in a debate at Davos
A variety of forms of controlled opposition surround Davos. One form of controlled opposition takes place within its gates. Another involves the activists outside the gates or those online in the alternative media. In the following sections we'll mainly be dealing with what we see going on within the gates of Davos, as it helps undermine the image of the "do good"-elites described earlier.
Earlier we talked about South Africa and Nelson Mandela joining the World Economic Forum in 1992, how the Forum turned Mandela from a nationalist-communist into a "free-marketeer" who allowed corporations represented at Davos to invest in South Africa. This did not exactly result in immediate results. In 2002 GDP per capita in South Africa was at the exact same level as it had been in 1979, with economic growth basically being flat. From 1995 until 2002 it actually decreased. As a result of the economic problems protests started to arise. Ignoring some of the older guests like "liberal CIA" greener Ralph Nader, it is here that this author ran into the first major case of controlled opposition involving Davos.

In 2000, George Soros became involved in the new International Investment Council of South Africa. 138 A year later, in 2001, he was listening at Davos to a live feed of Trevor Ngwane, a Marxist-anarchist activist speaking from the "alternative Davos", the World Social Forum, organized at the same time as Davos in Porto Allegro, Brazil. Ngwane was a former member of Mandela's ANC who was booted from the party for opposing privatization 139, something that Mandela changed his mind on literally while he was at Davos 1992. Ngwane co-founded the Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee in 2001, the Anti-Privatisation Forum in 2002, and already before that helped organize protests at the IMF and World Bank, most notably during the joined IMF and World Bank meeting in Washington D.C. in 2000. In January 2001 he was allowed to speak directly via satellite link to a four-man Davos penal involving George Soros and Soros' henchman, Mark Malloch Brown. Despite serving as rather obvious controlled opposition, Ngwane nevertheless made fascinating accusations. After Brown says with his most caring demeanor, "I would have liked to be at [the antifa camp at] Porto Alegre as well as here," Ngwane goes:
"Yeah, uhm, I think I heard someone complain that they had some black people lined up to join the Davos panel. I'm not surprised that they're not there. Because I think they are ashamed to be seen with the likes of George Soros. I come from South Africa. We still had a hope liberation and freedom would bring houses, would bring jobs, would bring proper health care, would bring good education for our people. But since our government got closer to people like George Soros, we have lost a million jobs. As I am talking now we had an outbreak of cholera, because the government was forced by the likes of Soros to introduce privatization of basic services like water and electricity." 140
Next an even more angry activist is allowed to speak, an Argentinean nun from Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo / Mothers of the Disappeared:
"When you look at the mirror, Mr. Soros, and you see it break, think of the millions of children that are dying throughout the world because of globalization. And the names of their mothers, who don't know how to read and write, don't know that Davos exists, don't know that Porto Allegro exists. They do know that every day one of their children will die. It's your fault, gentlemen, your fault. Because of hypocrisy, lies, our feelings are turning towards hatred. We hate you, gentlemen, because you mean death for our peoples."
In a subsequent interview with the filmmaker that seems to have had a role in setting up this confrontation, Soros acknowledged that:
"Well, tremendous anger [I saw], but I think that a lot of that was put on. They were playing a certain role. And I think that I was miscast, because they saw me as the representative of the multinationals, which I am not. [I am a philanthropist]...
"I can understand it [though]. I am myself very suspicious of philanthropists. ... Like Milkin, looking to be pardoned because of his philanthropic activities and so on, I'm a little bit ashamed of being a philanthropist now. So I actually understand that they can't see me the way I am. [My money] is definitely more than I need, so that is why I am ready to give it away. ... I do think there should be progressive taxation. I have spoken out against the abolition of the estate tax in the United States. ... I think that there has to be a way found for taxing capital more than we can tax it now [because] it is free to move around [the world]...
"She actually has a point. Because South Africa has to meet the requirements of international capital in order to attract capital, which you need in order to generate economic activity. So today South Africa is very much in the hands of international capital. ...
"Today South Africa ... I think South Africa is following pretty sound macroeconomic policies, but is not able to generate sufficient growth to satisfy the legitimate aspirations of the people. And there is something wrong with this ... Because actually, the global market, as it functions, is really an uneven playing field. The centre is much better situated than the periphery countries. And it is better situated not just because it is wealthy, but also because it controls the system." 141
At the time, Soros was accused of "talking left, acting right." 142 That might be true, but is it really that simple?
The above confrontation is fascinating of course. Here we have Ngwane and other Marxist-anarchist antifa standing up to what essentially comes down to "privileged, racist, white men" ruling the World Bank, IMF and World Economic Forum. Those words sound very familiar these days, as it is part of a subset of the globalist agenda whose prime financiers for decades have been the Rockefeller foundations, the Ford Foundation and George Soros' Open Society Foundations. Since Barack Obama was elected president of the United States and Black Lives Matter became a huge issue over the 2010s and 2020s, we've basically seen all multinationals jumping on board with promoting "diversity" in every possible way while countering concepts as "unconscious racism" (by whites). The agenda started no later than the Rockefeller Brothers Fund pouring money into Martin Luther King in the 1960s, but it took many decades, and a sharp decline in the white population, to really take hold.

We have to assume this was a contrived debate. Trevor Ngwane already was dogging the respective heads of the World Bank and IMF, James Wolfensohn and Stanley Fischer, the year before, in 2000, in Washington D.C., with the support of the antifa-inclined filmmaker Ban Cashden. In the subsequent 30 minute documentary, named 'Two Trevors go the Washington' (2000), Trevor Ngwane was able to confront South Africa's pro-neoliberal finance minister Trevor Manuel at the American University in Washington about all the damage World Bank policy was doing around the world. Trevor Manuel was the perfect person to confront on this issue, especially over South Africa's economic problems:
- Certainly at Davos 1994, where he was on a panel with the Soros-funded Bilderberg economist Anders Aslund.
- Finance minister of South Africa from 1996 to 2009, under presidents Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki and Kgalema Motlanthe.
- Chair of the World Bank's Development Committee anno 2000.
- Head of the Committee on IMF Governance Reform anno 2000.
- Minister in the Presidency for the National Planning Commission 2009-2014 under Jacob Zuma.
At a subsequent meeting with the Wolfensohn and Fischer, Ngawe was not able to enter the room, despite having acquired an invitation. He was forced to stay outside with the regular army of antifa activists. However, fascinatingly, inside Trevor Manuel was filmed confronting Wolfensohn with the question why the U.S. government, through the treasury secretary - in that period the emerging top globalist Larry Summers - is allowed to dominate World Bank policy. Just as fascinating, in his answer Wolfensohn clearly is not opposed to the idea of removing U.S. domination over the bank. The confrontation, of course, is rather friendly with a lot of laughter in the room. In the documentary Trevor Manuel also is a major proponent of debt relief, also very similar to Trevor Ngwane.
As the reader can see, there's a whole history to Trevor Ngwane being invited to confront George Soros at Davos 2001 in the exact same manner he had done in the months before with Davos participant Trevor Manuel in Washington, D.C., and had attempted to do with Wolfensohn and Fischer - other Davos participants. Who would be more receptive to an the antifa activist complaining about racism and elitism than him? And not just Soros, considering Soros' primary protege, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, then the sitting administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, was part of the same panel. Already at that point, Soros and Malloch-Brown's wife, Trish, were running the NGO Refugees International. Malloch-Brown would end up becoming vice president of Soros' Quantum Fund, co-chair of Soros' International Crisis Group, vice-chair of Soros Fund Management, and vice chair of Soros' Open Society Institute. Davos sure knew how to pick the perfect members for this panel.
If Davos wanted to be more realistic they could have pitted these activists against the heads of various multinational banks, oil firms, or chemical corporations, in particular corporations known to have played a role in scandals with regard to pollution and Third World exploitation. Why didn't they? Well, likely because none of these corporations would have accepted such a challenge. Confrontations like these are bad for the image of a company and bad for stock market value. That's also why in all other elite think tanks and conferences these multinationals are financing, you don't see any genuine, grassroots opposition being invited. Everything is about "us knows us". So why would it be any different at Davos?
We can only speculate why but it seems that Soros was used in that moment as a spearhead for change, to provide a "listening ear" to the Third World. Maybe because elites realized that locking Third World countries into unpayable debts and stalling their economies indefinitely was not a good long-term strategy. Certainly after all the necessary free market legislation is in place and these elites and their partners acquired large stakes in major Third World corporations that control governments and the economy, one would want to build up the economies of these countries as high as they possibly can. Ideally the European Economic Union is merged with Africa, the Middle East and Russia, while all of the Americas is organized into a renewed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). Not allowing the Third World to develop means you are not making nearly as much profit as you could, even more because white people are graying and dying out. Meanwhile, 60% of Africa is below the age of 25. For multinationals it makes sense to develop the Third World as much as they can, in the meantime making use of all the cheap, unsophisticated labor that is being offered while marginalizing their own white people. And it appears that that is the agenda George Soros is representing, also at Davos.
In this regard, let's also not forget that it was Sir Peter Sutherland, a Davos meeting co-chair in 1994-1995 and a member of the Foundation Board anno 1999-2005, who gave the following speech in 2012:
"It appears that young people throughout the world are going on strike and not having children [except in Africa]. ...
"[So] there will be 500 million working-age sub-Saharan Africans with a secondary or higher education [but] in Europe that will fall below 300 million... [This] will lead to the continued movement of people across borders for generations to come. I would argue this is a good thing...
"Vicious hate crimes have scarred societies from Norway to France, where this Spring a serial killer targeted both Muslims and Jews... Landlords refuse to rent houses to people of color. Immigrants are subjected to psychological and physical abuse. Employment is denied based on faith or ethnic origin. Police engage in racial profiling." 143
Sir Peter Sutherland, of course, was not just a Davos meeting co-chair, IGWEL member and trustee of the 1990s and 2000s. A shortened-yet-still-dizzying biography reads:

- European Commissioner for Competition 1985-1989.
- Visitor of David Rockefeller's Bilderberg group 1989-1998, joining the steering committee in 1991; 2000, 2003-2007, 2009-2015.
- Chairman Allied Irish Banks 1989-1993.
- Joined Goldman Sachs' international advisory board in 1990. Chair Goldman Sachs International 1995-2015.
- Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission from at least 1992, European chairman 2003-2009, continuing as an executive 2010-2018.
- Meeting co-chair of Davos in 1994-1995 and member of its annual, secretive IGWEL meetings. A member of the Davos Foundation board from at least 1999 to 2005.
- Director-General of GATT 1993-1994, and then the first director general of its follow-up, the World Trade Organization (WTO), in 1995.
- Director Ericsson, a Wallenberg-tied company, 1996–2004. The Wallenbergs have been generational Bilderberg members.
- Director of the Wallenberg-owned company ABB 1999-2001.
- Chair British Petroleum 1997–2009.
- Member of the secret Liberalization of Trade in Services (LOTIS) committee, an outgrowth of the British Invisibles that controlled the WTO, 1999-2001.
- Director Royal Bank of Scotland 2001–2009.
- Chairman of the Consultative Board of the Director General of the WTO 2003–2005.
- Consultor, Admin of Patrimony of the Vatican / Holy See, 2007–.
- Member of the international council of the Bretton Woods Committee 2007-, a group that involved Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros and just about every other major globalist.
- Director Koc Holdings AS 2009–. Koc Holding is an important Turkish Bilderberg company.
- UN Special Representative for International Migration 2006-2017.
Essentially Sutherland started as a politician for the European Commission and ended as a politician for the United Nations. Everything that he did in between though was openly in the name of the biggest Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Davos-tied multinationals, a.k.a. "Rockefeller CIA". And it very much appears that he was building a world in which white people are marginalized to safeguard the profits of the multinationals he represented.
Despite financing "the left" and even behaving like an antifa in his Davos speeches, George Soros has all the same ties as Sutherland. Besides making his own multibillion dollar fortune with international monetary speculation, he joined the CFR in 1988, regularly visited Bilderberg between 1990 and 2002, annually visited the conference of the Bretton Woods Committee from at least 1999 to 2020, was a member of the Trilateral Commission from at least May 2001 to May 2005, and would join the Peterson Institute for International Economics no later than early 2002, all putting him in regular contact with David Rockefeller, as well as close allies as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski - not necessarily known as the most left-wing of individuals. When Soros said he was not a "representative of the multinationals" in relation to the confrontations at Davos, he clearly was not telling the truth. The fact that he considers himself to be a "philanthropist" doesn't change anything to the picture.
However, when Soros said about the World Socialist Forum participants who confronted him, that "a lot of that was put on. They were playing a certain role. And I think that I was miscast..." he appears to be exactly telling us the truth: they are all actors.
2001: Rockefeller-Soros ally Joseph Stiglitz dissents from World Bank; joins Davos
In relation to Trevor Ngwane fighting the World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum and George Soros in 2000-2001, we shouldn't overlook the fact that in the exact same period, also in 2000-2001, we saw the World Bank's chief economist, Joseph Stiglitz, dissenting from the bank and leaking internal documents to "liberal CIA" journalist Greg Palast. 144 The various subsequent books and articles of Palast widely allowed the critiquing of the very same neoliberal "squeezing" policies of the World Bank and IMF in the Third World, that Trevor Ngwane confronted George Soros with at Davos in January 2001.
Coincidence? Unlikely. The thing is, in early 2000 Stiglitz joined the advisory board of the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), with people on the board of directors and advisors as future World Bank chief Robert Zoellick, Peter Peterson, David Rockefeller, George Soros, George Shultz, Maurice Greenberg, Conrad Black, Sir Peter Sutherland, Jean-Claude Trichet and economists as Paul Krugman, Larry Summers and Jeffrey Sachs. 145
Sutherland and Soros we just mentioned. The last person here, Jeffrey Sachs, we also already discussed. He is a famous neoliberal economist who closely allied himself with George Soros in helping (or "helping", as critics say) Russia and then the Third World, eventually becoming a rabid antifa America-hater and protector of the dictatorial regimes of Iran and China. 146
Bizarrely, anno 2022, both Stiglitz and Sachs are top 20 members of ISGP's Superclass Index. Stiglitz became a regular visitor of Davos no later than 2004. Sachs has visited since at least 1993.
1990s-2012: Rockefeller, Soros, and Davos crowd manipulating Ugandan genocide
These are not the only examples of Rockefeller-Soros controlled opposition at Davos. In 1995 both Yoweri Museveni and Olara Otunnu were invited to Davos. A favorite of the World Bank, IMF and U.S. military in the region to this day 147, Museveni, the president of Uganda from 1986 until today in the 2020s, pioneered the use of child soldiers and was rather genocide-inclined towards a rival Acholi tribe in the north of Uganda. 148 Joseph Kony's the Lord's Liberation Army (LRA), an Acholi rebel group that was equally violent against fellow-Acholi, was used as an excuse for this campaign.

Olara Otunnu represented the opposite camp at Davos. The author learned of him from an extremely obscure documentary on Museveni and the Ugandan genocide that was released around 2006/2007. 149 The title and the exact release date of the documentary were never figured out by this author. However, in it, in great detail, Museveni's genocidal policies were laid out, with even footage included of Museveni meeting with 1995-2005 World Bank chairman James Wolfensohn, a very close ally of David Rockefeller in various think tanks and conferences. The most important of these was Bilderberg, visited by Wolfensohn in 1985, 1987-2000 (joined the steering committee in 1987), 2002-2003, 2005-2015 (listed as steering committee anno 2010) and 2017.
Otunnu is briefly identified in the documentary, whose narrative he dominates, as "President LBL & Former Undersecretary United Nations". With the author already becoming aware of the ever-present controlled opposition phenomenon, a basic background search was done. Turns out, Otunnu is connected to the same Rockefeller (and Soros) clique as Wolfensohn:
- President of the curious JFK assassination-tied International Peace Institute (IPI) from 1990 to 1998, serving on the advisory board for decades after. Headquartered at 777 United Nations Plaza in New York City, the group has received funding from the Rockefeller, Ford, Bill Gates, Carnegie and Hewlett foundations, as well as Ted Turner's United Nations Foundation. Obviously quite a few elites have served on the IPI's various boards of the decades. Kofi Annan, Rita Hauser, Mortimer Zuckerman, Kevin Rudd and Prince Turki al Faisal all appear in ISGP's Superclass Index.
- As only learned while doing research for this article: Otunnu showed up at the 1995 Davos conference, opposite to his great nemesis, Yoweri Museveni.
- Trustee of the Carnegie Corporation between 1998 and 2007.
- In 2002 he became a full member of the Club of Rome, which through people as Maurice Strong and Aurelio Peccei has a shared history with Davos.
- Trustee of George Soros' very elite International Crisis Group from at least 1996 until 2000. He rejoined the group as an advisor from 2009 until at least 2012.
It gets stranger still, as this 2006/2007 documentary was incredibly prophetic. In it Otunnu explained:

"You know, when you speak about the war in northern Uganda, there is no war in northern Uganda. How many times have you heard about a battle going on between government forces and the LRA? ... They never engage each other. They brutalize the local population.
"Very sadly, very cynically, Mr. Museveni is using the LRA faction, the LRA presence, to provide a cover, a pretext, to conduct genocide in the [displacement] camps [for the Acholi tribe for the past two decades]. As long as the NGOs, the United Nations, and the governments and the media are going on exclusively about [Joseph Kony's] LRA and the abduction of children, bravo! The government applauds them... The eyes of the international community are then completely diverted from what the government is doing in the camps.
"Their commentators and journalists [of the NGOs, UN, governments and media], who got all the way to northern Uganda, and they met the children who have escaped from the LRA... They have been to interview them. Long stories [video of Invisible Children as an example]. Only a couple of miles away are the [displacement] camps. They have not set foot in the camps."
Various other witnesses backed up Otunnu, with sometimes even clips on-screen of Invisible Children co-founder Jason Russell. Isn't it fascinating then that in March 2012 Invisible Children and Jason Russell released the 30-minute-long super-propaganda film 'Kony 2012'? The most instantly viral "grassroots activist" film in history? And how it called on the populations of the world to force their governments into action on arresting Kony? In particular the Obama administration and U.S. military? How it was virtually left out that Kony had left Uganda 6 years earlier and was not a threat anymore? And how Uganda under Museveni was painted as an ally in this process? While, in reality, kidnapping, torturing and killing his political opposition?
That raises the question who funded and coordinated with Invisible Children the year before the 'KONY 2012' video was released? Well, the Davos network: "liberal CIA" foundations as The Omidyar Network, Oprah Winfrey Foundation, JPMorgan Chase Foundation, the Soros and Ford Foundation-funded New Venture Fund, as well as the UN Refugee Agency. Soon Invisible Children was running a "consulting practice" with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - which donated $750,000 in 2014 - "to teach others how to launch campaigns like "Kony 2012."" 150 The film itself was created together with Invisible Children partner The Enough Project of actor George Clooney and John Prendergast, a former "special advisor" to the president of George Soros' International Crisis Group. Clooney and Prendergast, both featured in 'Kony 2012', are known to have been playing basketball with sitting president Barack Obama, with the both of them admitting at one point that the film was little more than propaganda piece for Obama's re-election campaign. Prendergast was particularly forthcoming:
"You know, [Obama] needs a little political support in an election year. So now you have all these young people all across the United States who are captivated by the idea that the United States can help the African region." 151
Also fascinating is that all the "culture makers" and "policy makers" that 'Kony 2012' suggests watchers should harass over the film... all, or virtually all, are known liberal-globalist operatives we already know are fully allied with the agenda of 'Kony 2012'. They included politicians as George W. Bush, whom praised Museveni in the 2000s; Obama's future secretary of state John Kerry; and "culture makers" as Clooney and Oprah - who aided the creation of the film; Ben Affleck, a major think tank enthusiast who was a neighbor of famous antifa Howard Zinn in his youth; Bono, a known Soros and Bill Gates employee; Jay Z, who is known to have partied with George Soros; and CFR member Angelina Jolie, who had just begun her own little LGBTQ United Nations family. On it goes.
At this point, count the number of Davos people involved in 'Invisible Children' and 'Kony 2012' film: George Soros and Bill Gates have been annual visitors of Davos since the mid 1990s. Their joint employee at Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa (DATA), Bono of U2, has been a regular Davos visitor. John Kerry was as IGWEL participant in the mid 1990s already. Oprah, George Clooney, and Angelina Jolie have visited Davos. Multiple managers of the Omidyar Network have visited as well: Sushant Kumar, Katie Hill, Paula Goldman, etc.
So what are we looking at here? Well, the fact is that the atrocities in Darfur have been committed by a China-backed oil regime that allied itself with Joseph Kony in opposition to the U.S.-backed SPLA in South Sudan and the genocidal Yoweri Museveni in Uganda. All these politicians, "philanthropists" and celebrities have been falling in line with this complex, overarching geopolitical strategy that can only be overseen by the security state. Hence, we have to conclude they are assets, and-or fully part, of an "insider" national security or CIA network. And while Otunnu was directly attacking this network in 2006 - in an unusually low-profile manner for such an "established" individual - we have to conclude he too is employed by the same interests at the Carnegie Corporation, International Peace Institute and other places.
Controlled opposition, always.
Truth or disinfo?
Disinfo: "The Great Reset"
The "great reset" probably is the most often used phase with regard to Davos. In conspiracy circles it is meant to denote a sweeping, totalitarian change to a "new world order". Considering "the great reset" theme was introduced in June 2020, months into the global Covid-19 pandemic, it has also been heavily used by "conservative CIA"-type disinformers to make the claim that the Covid-19 virus and crisis was "manufactured".
Having listened to an entire 45-minute "Great Reset" talk between Klaus Schwab and maybe Sigrid Kaag and others around 2022, the only thing I was shocked by was the totally empty corporate-speak. I can't find this discussion back at the moment, but you see the same thing in various videos of the World Economic Forum promoting this concept.
A January 2021 WEF video, for example, promoted "The Great Reset" as meaning that "shareholders" should be replaced by "stakeholders" - interspaced with footage of Black Lives Matter protesters, Greta Thunberg and buzzwords as "inequality" and "diverse". 152 At no point do any of these videos make clear how exactly "stakeholder capitalism" was responsible for the China-caused COVID-19 outbreak, so it's just the same old Klaus Schwab propagandizing "his" "stakeholder theory": which is a controlled opposition ruse.
As far as we can tell, no matter what type of pandemic or other catastrophe would have befallen the planet, Schwab would always have the same mantra: replace "shareholders" with "stakeholders". Your car breaks down? Same message.
In that sense, the author has to agree with the formal statement of the spokesperson of Dutch minister of finance, Wopke Hoekstra, who was criticized after his leaked Davos invitation read, "The discussions will focus on shaping policies for the post-COVID-19 era under the theme of the Great Reset" 153 The spokesperson said:
"The great reset is in our view just a simple term, or if you like a metaphor to ask the question what we can learn from the crisis and can do better after the crisis. Most certainly it is not what conspiracy thinkers make of it." 154
Truth: "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy."
This phrase was part a presentation for Davos of Danish member of parliament and eventual 2022 Bilderberg visitor Ida Auken, whose parents both were Social Democrat members of parliament, and held other political positions.
The November 11, 2016 article of her, published on the Davos website in the section 'Global Agenda: Fourth Industrial Revolution: Values', was entitled 'Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better'. 155 In a November 18, 2016-published video presentation on the Davos Facebook page, this message was shortened to:
"Whatever you want, you'll rent. And it will be delivered by drone." 156

Looking at some of the other examples, clearly these predictions will still be maturing well beyond 2030, and they happen to be in line with globalist goals:
- Carbon tax.
- Having "to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees."
- "Western values will have been tested to the breaking point," with globalist point being to break them.
- A decline in power of the United States, with "handful of countries" dominating, which is in-line with the Davos-supported G20 concept.
- The printing of organs.
- Health research related to space.
- Climate change displacement.
It is unlikely that Davos and its Global Future Council would promote this vision if its corporations would be so objected to it. They also seem to be in a hurry, if a prediction for 2030 involves, "You'll own nothing." There certainly is little doubt that this is where society increasingly is moving towards. You see it in particular with software such as Adobe, which you can only rent at pretty exorbitant prices.
People also have drawn parallels with the housing markets, which exploded to such an extent in many western countries - due to overwhelming Third World immigration - that it is not feasible anymore for most citizens to buy a home anymore.
Time will tell, but it is likely a very much desired prophecy of Davos.
As for the author of this paper, Ida Auken: her father, Svend Auken, was a member of the Danish parliament from 1971 until his death in 2009, a leader of the Social Democrats from 1987 to 1992, and served as a Danish minister of employment (1977-1982) and the environment (1993-2001). Her mother, Margrete, who is still alive, was a member of parliament from 1979 to 2004, after which she joined the European Parliament.
Ida Auken's name appears on a 2022 Bilderberg list. Neither Bilderberg nor Davos are in the habit of inviting true opposition, so we have to assume that the future involves little to no personal possession.
- Jan. 27, 2010, New York Times, 'In Davos, Signs of Shift in Global Power'.
- (accessed: May 7, 2020).
- (accessed: Sept. 12, 2021; Jan. 20, 2017 post).
- Sep. 29, 2024, Fox News, 'John Kerry calls the First Amendment a 'major block' to stopping 'disinformation''.
- Nov. 29, 2015, Klaus Schwab at, 'Maurice Strong: An Appreciation'.
- October 1992 issue, Saturday Night magazine (published in Canada 1887-2005), pp. 19, 21 (interviewed Strong and elite associates for the article): "[Soon] Strong left Vincent to work for Bill [Richardson]. When Bill invited Strong to live in his home ..... Bill's wife, Mary [nee McColl], took an interest in young Strong, as did her father, John McColl, of the founding family of McColl-Frontenac, then the largest oil company in Canada. [Bill hired] Strong on his prospectus for New Horizons Exploration Ltd. [established] in April, 1947... Incredibly, the prospectus also claimed that Bill had access to RCAF [Royal Canadian Air Force] survey photographs of the Arctic - which surely would have been classified. ... Bill also got away with stealing mail from the offices of the Canada - USSR Friendship Committee...
That summer Strong took the bus back and forth between Toronto and New York [to the UN HQ]. He stayed briefly with [Noah] Monod: there the poor boy from Oak Lake met David Rockefeller, scion of the family that spawned huge oil companies such as Standard Oil (now Exxon) and Socal (Chevron), who handled the UN account for the Chase Manhattan bank.". - Ibid.
- March 27, 2014, The John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics (, 'Improving the State of the World: A Conversation with Klaus Schwab' (interview done by David Gergen): "When I was here at [Harvard's] Littauer Center, here, at the square, I became so interested. It was really for a life-changing experience, because I felt I should devote my life not to business [but] to public service.
[David Gergen: "You said when you came here it tranformed your life. Was there a course, a professor, who really made that difference for you?"]
Yes, there was one course, one seminar, of Henry Kissinger [waves his hand with a naughty look into the crowd], which really opened my eyes. I wasn't accepted to the seminar, but I sat in. I think he let me in, because I was German. And it was relavtively shortly after the war, there were not many Germans here, and this created a friendship that has endured until today.". - For old Club of Rome membership, including types of membership and the specific years, see: 1991, Peter Moll, 'From Scarcity to Sustainability', pp. 279-300. It's the only source this author has found.
- *) Bohdan Hawrylyshyn ran educational programs at the International Management Institute (IMI) 1960-1968, director 1968-1987. Founded a Soros-backed Kyiv/Ukrainian branch of IMI in 1989, while his 1989-founded Vidrodzhennya charity in Kyiv was also backed by Soros - and chaired its supervisory council until his death in 2016.
*) Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Family: (accessed: Sep. 22, 2021): "Christine Hawrylyshyn-Batruch, President of the Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Family Foundation, Senior Strategic Advisor to Lundin Petroleum. ... Ms Hawrylyshyn-Batruch has worked in the non-profit, academic and business sectors. She participated in the establishment in Ukraine of a number of non-profit institutions linked to the Soros network of foundations.". - Jan. 29, 2008,, 'Davos experience: Bohdan Hawrylyshyn': "In 1969 I received a letter from Klaus Schwab, the current president of the World Economic Forum. He asked for a job with the International Management Institute and said he wanted to write a book. I gave him a job after two of my colleagues listened to his 20-minute lecture. The institute's 25th anniversary was to be marked in 1971. Schwab suggested a large-scale conference in lieu of a big party in Davos. He also asked me to give him full organizing authority for the festivities on the institute’s behalf. I signed the letter and I presided over the first Davos conference in Jan. 1971, which was attended by 500 people. ... Encouraged by this successful beginning, we decided to continue the project.".
- 2000, Maurice Strong, 'Where on Earth Are We Going?', second-last page of the book: "International Management Institute, Geneva, Switzerland, January 1972-September 1977.".
- Nov. 29, 2015, Klaus Schwab at, 'Maurice Strong: An Appreciation'.
- 2006, Geoffrey Allen Pigman, 'The World Economic Forum: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Global Governance', p. 9.
- March 27, 2014, The John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics (, 'Improving the State of the World: A Conversation with Klaus Schwab' (interview done by David Gergen): "Yes, there was one course, one seminar, of Henry Kissinger [waves his hand with a naughty look into the crowd], which really opened my eyes. [David Gergen: "And then over time you got to know Joe Nye and Graham [Allison] is a friend as well."] Exactly. Joe Nye, who was a mentor. You, Graham. I would say certainly about 10%, if I look at all the people who contributed intellectually in Davos, I would say the Kennedy School and Harvard always was the most important.".
- Ibid.
- Jan. 29, 2008,, 'Davos experience: Bohdan Hawrylyshyn': "I often refer to the Scandinavian countries as an example to be emulated because we have used the United States as an example too much. But the Scandinavian countries are where you find true political freedom, economically effective societies, and social justice. There are very rich people but no poor people. There is access to education and health care. They have also realized that you have to co- exist with nature, not just exploit.".
- Ibid.: "There are 48 million impoverished Americans [and the U.S. has to] tell the rest of the world what to do. ... We have found ourselves in a phase of Darwinian capitalism. How can our large businesses continue to operate, knowing that their end goal and performance criteria lie in increasing the value of stockholders' shares? Very often chief executives who are dismissed are also given the so-called golden handshake, worth millions of dollars. But how are ordinary employees, now called human resources, dealt with? People are not a resource but an objective."
- 2009, 'The World Economic Forum – A Partner in Shaping History: The First 40 Years: 1971-2010', p. 16: "During his [Harvard] stay, he had forged a close friendship with the legendary [Harvard] Dean Baker and had met other prominent Harvard academics including Henry Kissinger and John Kenneth Galbraith, who would eventually become frequent Davos participants.".
- *) Jan. 28, 1995, New York Times, 'George Baker, Harvard Dean And U.S. Adviser, Dies at 91'.
*) Oct. 9, 1964, New York Times, 'Director Is Appointed By Lockheed Aircraft'.
*) Sep. 28, 1964, New York Times, 'Educator Named to Socony [Mobil Oil] Board'. - Dec. 2, 2005, Handelsblatt, 'Klaus Schwab: "Ich sehe mich fast als Künstler"': "He is drawn to America, to Harvard. Only a few Germans were studying there at the time. He listens to professors like Henry Kissinger or John Kenneth Galbraith - whom he later brings to Davos. "Harvard had a strong influence on me, expanding my horizons beyond the technical. The university opened my eyes to the world."".
- April 30, 2006, New York Times, 'John Kenneth Galbraith, 97, Dies'.
- Ibid.
- June 5, 1981, Firing Line with William Buckley: John Kenneth Galbraith debate.
- March 18, 1976, New York Review of Book, 'Into the Sunset: John Kenneth Galbraith'.
- 2006, Geoffrey Allen Pigman, 'The World Economic Forum: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Global Governance', pp. 8-9.
- *) Spinelli was the main author of the June 1941 'For a Free and United Europe: A Draft Manifesto', generally known as the 'Ventotene Manifesto', named after the Italian island of Ventotene, where up to 700 political enemies of Mussolini were held and where the manifesto was drafted. The 'Ventotene Manifesto' is considered a key document that initiated a federal Europe and the process of the European Union. Co-authors were Ernesto Rossi (Author), Eugenio Colorni (Preface; married Ursula Hirschmann in 1935; interned at Ventotene in 1939, where his wife stayed with him as a non-prisoner and eventually helped spread the manifesto; after Colorni's murder in 1944 she married Spinelli), Tommaso Padoa Schioppa (Foreword) and Lucio Levi (Contributor).
*) (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "When Colorni was arrested and exiled to Ventotene [island in 1939], Hirschmann followed him, and together the couple became acquainted [here] with other Italian intellectuals such as Ernesto Rossi and Altiero Spinelli. This meeting of minds resulted in the Ventotene Manifesto for a European Federation... After Colorni's murder, Hirschmann married Altiero Spinelli and continued her dangerous campaign against fascism and for European federalism."
*) December 23, 2012, New York Times, 'Albert Hirschman, Optimistic Economist, Dies at 97': "When France fell in 1940, he became an integral part of a rescue operation led by the journalist Varian Fry [of the Emergency Rescue Committee, which was supported by the director of the Rockefellers Museum of Modern Arts] that helped more than 2,000 people escape to Spain [and then into the U.S.]... By the early 1940s, he had moved to the United States and enlisted in the Army, which sent him to North Africa and to Italy as part of the Office of Strategic Services. ... Later, he worked with the Federal Reserve Board, focusing on European reconstruction under the Marshall Plan. In 1952, he moved to Colombia to be an economic adviser to that impoverished but rapidly developing country. A few years later, he was back in the United States, beginning a 30-year academic career ... at Yale, Columbia and Harvard."
*) May 16, 2013, The American Prospect, 'Rediscovering Albert Hirschman': "[At] the Ecole des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) ... in Paris [in 1933-1935], he found political mentors. The lover and later husband of his older sister Ursula, an Italian philosopher and socialist of range and depth named Eugenio Colorni, six years Hirschman's senior, became a cherished friend. Colorni, later a notable anti-fascist underground activist [who co-wrote the Ventotene Manifesto; after he was killed in 1944, his wife, Ursula, married Colorni's co-author Altiero Spinelli]... Hirschman chafed at the narrow confines of the HEC, and in 1935 he applied for a fellowship at the London School of Economics [Jomo Kenyatta was being tutored here in 1935-1937 with support from the the Rockefeller Foundation; David Rockefeller studied here in 1938]. There he encountered the great economists of the age, both left and right. ... After three months [fighting] in Spain [against Franco], Hirschman followed Ursula to Trieste. ...
Working with the American journalist Varian Fry, he traced out a refugee escape route over the Pyrenees. ... Hirschman followed the same path out in late 1940, armed with a fellowship offer from the Rockefeller Foundation.". - September 20, 2017, Boston College: Carroll School of Management, Klaus Schwab interview: "I remember quite a number of years ago, I had a mentor. His name was Raymond Barre, who was a French prime minister. ... Eric Schmidt in Davos said look, the next decade will be the fight between robots and humans, and I’m afraid robots will win."
*) 2009, 'The World Economic Forum – A Partner in Shaping History: The First 40 Years: 1971-2010', p. 14: "Reinforcing the European orientation of the 11-day Symposium was the patronage and strong participation of the Commission of the European Communities (the European Commission), particularly the presence in Davos of its Vice-President, Raymond Barre, who became a true friend and strong supporter of the Forum and served as a member of the Foundation Board from 1992 until 2001.". - October 5, 1983, The World Bank/IFC Archives, Oral History Program, Transcript of interview with William Clark: "Yes, because the three that you mentioned [David Rockefeller, Barbara Ward and Maurice Strong] were all, I think, older friends of mine than even of Bob's [Robert McNamara]. David Rockefeller and I more or less shared rooms at University of Chicago, and we were and remain very good friends. He was quite an influence on Bob, and, oddly enough, he was a very close friend of Barbara's. In the early days of McNamara's presidency, when he frightened the bankers of Wall Street, Barbara and David Rockefeller jointly gave a dinner for Bob to meet the top financial people..." curated/en /146261468322790429/text/ 789640v30TRN0C0on020October05001983.txt. - 2003, Nigel Cross, 'Evidence for Hope: The Search for Sustainable Development', opening chapter 3, pp. 19-21 (written by M. F. Strong): "I met Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson) when she visited Ottawa in 1971 to see [ex] Prime Minister Lester Pearson [PM 1963-1968] whose Chief of Staff, Tom Kent [in reality: Pearson's principal policy adviser 1963-1966; deputy minister of manpower and immigration in 1966, later deputy minister of forestry and rural development; Oxford-educated press baron and industrialist: worked for the Manchester Guardian and The Economist early on; editor of The Winnipeg Free Press 1954-59; head Devco 1971-77 and Sydney Steel 1977-79 in NS; dean at Dalhousie 1980-83] was a friend of Barbara's and had worked with her at The Economist. When I first met her in the living room of Tom Kent's home in Ottawa, I had just agreed to take on responsibility for managing preparations for the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and was eager to have her advice. At that time, developing countries were deeply suspicious of the emerging environment issues as a 'disease of the rich' which could impose new constraints on their central priority of economic development. Thus began one of the most important relationships and valued friendships I have ever been privileged to enjoy. It was key to the success of the Stockholm Conference.".
- 1979, Natural Resources Defense Council, 'Clean Air Special': "Board of Trustees: Stephen P. Duggan, Edq. Chairman. ... Lady Jackson, D.B.E. (Barbara Ward)... Joshua Lederberg ... President, The Rockefeller University. ... Robert Redford: Actor; Conservationist. ... Laurance Rockefeller, Esq. Conservationist.".
- (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "Among the world leaders whom she counted as friends were Indira Gandhi and Willy Brandt, as well as US presidents John F Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter, as well as several UK prime ministers and heads of state from Africa and Asia.".
- 2002, David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs', pp. 412-413: "I had first learned about it in October 1967 when Carlo Pesenti [Cercle Pinay], the owner of a number of important Italian corporations, took me aside at a Chase investment forum in Paris and invited me to join his group... The discussions were conducted in French, and usually I was the sole American present... Members of the Pesenti Group were all committed to European political and economic integration, but a few - Archduke Otto of Austria, the head of the house of Hapsburg and claimant to all the lands of the Austro-Hungarian empire; Monsignor Alberto Giovanetti of the Vatican and a prominent member of Opus Dei, the conservative Catholic organization; and Jean-Paul León Violet, a conservative French intellectuel - were preoccupied by the Soviet threat and the inexolerable rise to power of the Communist parties of France and Italy. ... My Chase associates, who feared my membership could be construed as "consorting with reactionaries," eventually prevailed upon me to withdraw.".
- 2014, Richard Norton Smith, 'On His Own Terms: A Life of Nelson Rockefeller': "More to the governor [Rockefeller]'s taste were maverick thinkers such as Hudson Institute director Herman Kahn... "He's always entertaining," said Rockefeller, "and he always got great ideas [when he visits]." ... For reasons obvious to everyone but [Nelson] Rockefeller, [in 1961 President] Kennedy was reluctant to meet with him in his capacity as chairman of the Civil Defense Committee of the Conference of Governors. Relying on the counsel of Edward Teller, Herman Kahn, and other hard-liners, Rockefeller estimated the cost of an adequate national shelter program at $20 billion, one hundred times the amount Kennedy had in mind.".
- *) June 19, 2005, The New Yorker, 'Fat Man Herman Kahn and the nuclear age': "Even Henry Kissinger, who was an admirer of [Kahn's] "On Thermonuclear War"..."
*) (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "Henry A. Kissinger Library: ... Annotated version of Herman Kahn's notes for Dec 19, 1967 meeting."
*) (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "Henry A. Kissinger Library: ... Meeting with Herman Kahn, Feb 16, 1968 [4 of 4]."
*) 2009, Jonathan Stevenson, 'Learning from the Cold War': "Draft Memorandum to Henry Kissinger from Herman Kahn re: “Vietnam,” June 27, 1969.". - 1972, Hudson Institute, 'The Corporate Environment' report, Appendix III, 'List of Participants' (lists corporations). For sources, see the Hudson Institute entry in ISGP's "Conservative CIA" oversight.
- Ibid., Appendix VIII, 'Fellow Members'.
- Ibid., Appendix VIII, 'Public Members'.
- Ibid., Appendix IV, 'Steering Group Membership'.
- Ibid., Appendix VIII, 'Fellow Members'.
- Nov. 7, 2002, George Shultz speech at Milton Friedman's 100th birthday ( (accessed: Aug. 9, 2023; PBS television series on Friedman)).
- June 1, 1992,, 'Interview with Milton Friedman'.
- May 17, 2015 YouTube upload by "David Hoffman", '1979 - Herman Kahn Looks At America - Outrageous'. - Jan. 29, 2008,, 'Davos experience: Bohdan Hawrylyshyn': "In 1969 I received a letter from Klaus Schwab, the current president of the World Economic Forum. He asked for a job with the International Management Institute and said he wanted to write a book. I gave him a job after two of my colleagues listened to his 20-minute lecture.".
- March 27, 2014, The John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics (, 'Improving the State of the World: A Conversation with Klaus Schwab' (interview done by David Gergen).
- December 29, 2019,, 'Das grosse Interview mit WEF-Grunder Klaus Schwab: 'Wir werden eine sympathischere Gesellschaft!''.
- *) Jan. 17, 2020, Infosperber (leftist Swss online paper), 'WEF-Gründer Klaus Schwab schmückt sich mit fremden Federn' ('WEF founder Klaus Schwab adorns himself with foreign feathers'). This is best summary on the subject. It also includes an interview with Edward Freeman. "In order to obtain external validity for the search for clues, the author of these lines interviewed the currently leading experts from US business schools worldwide. Here is ... Edward Freeman ... said on January 3, 2020: "The idea comes from 1963 at the Stanford Research Institute and their Business Intelligence Program (and a technical writer named Marion Doscher), and simultaneously from a Swedish theorist, Eric Rhenman. The story is clearly mapped out in both books. ... Many claimed to have invented it. I did not and have never made such a claim." ... He smugly notes: "... but maybe he [K. Schwab founded] the idea 12 years after the original founders did." ... Freeman was the first to systematize the existing contributions from the 1960s and combine them into a coherent theoretical structure when he went to the Wharton School as a postdoc in 1976 and worked there with the greats of the scene such as Ackhoff, Mitroff and Emshoff." (accessed: Sep. 22, 2022).
*) (accessed: Sep. 22, 2022; article uploaded in Oct. 2021 and based on an interview with Edward Freeman): "Freeman recalls that his early thinking was triggered by the work of Marion Doscher and Robert Stewart of the Stanford Research Institute (now known as SRI) and her colleagues in the 1960s, who had started using the term based on the Scottish notion of stakeholders in gambling. He also cites the theories of Eric Rhenman, a business professor at the Stockholm School of Economics in the 1960s whose work on stakeholders went into the development of the Swedish Model, an approach that also embraces government involvement in addressing the needs of all stakeholders in society. (A little later, in the early 1970s, the World Economic Forum began to use the term Stakeholder Capitalism.)". - (accessed: Oct. 2, 2022; website Stockholm School of Economics). See Knut Wallenberg's biography in ISGP's ICC membership list for citations and more sources on Wallenberg involvement in the founding of the Stockholm School of Economics.
- Ibid.
- March 12, 2016, The Economist, 'The Wallenberg group: A Nordic pyramid'.
- Sep. 13, 1970, Milton Friedman for the New York Times, 'A Friedman doctrine--The Social Responsibility Of Business Is to Increase Its Profits'.
- June 1, 1992,, 'Interview with Milton Friedman'.
- Jan. 17, 2020, Infosperber (leftist Swss online paper), 'WEF-Gründer Klaus Schwab schmückt sich mit fremden Federn' ('WEF founder Klaus Schwab adorns himself with foreign feathers'): "Jeffrey S. Harrison, Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Richmond (USA), who co-edited the 25 Years Stakeholder Book from 2010 at Cambridge University Press, and to whom the author of this text also gave the interview quotes from WELT and Blick replied on Jan. 4, 2020: "I bought his (Klaus Schwab) book and hired a German professor at my university to translate it. [...] Schwab's claim that his book is about stakeholder theory is ridiculous. ... However, Ed [Freeman] did the hard work of organizing all of these ideas, and many more, into a single coherent work about management that is both practical and theoretically sound." (accessed: Sep. 22, 2022). - 1971, Klaus Schwab and Hein Kroos for VDMA, 'Moderne Unternehmensfuhrung im Maschinenbau', pp. 20-23. This author translated the relevant pages to English and also the beginning of the report for analysis. WEF_KSC_CompanyStrategy_ Presentation_2014_DE.pdf (accessed: Sep. 22, 2022). - See the R. Edward Freeman statements to Infosperber and how Freeman's statements were summarized by, a couple of notes above.
- (accessed January 22, 2019 in
Credit for the author learning about this goes to: Jan. 17, 2020, Infosperber (leftist Swss online paper), 'WEF-Gründer Klaus Schwab schmückt sich mit fremden Federn'.. - title=Stakeholder_theory& action=history (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "07:57, 30 September 2019 Mikeh101 talk contribs 17,503 bytes +548 Added reference to Klaus Schwab's 1971 publication of stakeholder theory text. undo.".
- (accessed October 24, 2019 in
- (accessed: Sep. 20, 2022): "I was Editorial Director at the World Economic Forum since October 2010, and Senior Director, Communications, from July 2013 to October 2018. [Etc.]".
- Nov. 27, 2019,, 'Meeting with President of the World Economic Forum Klaus Martin Schwab' ( (accessed: Aug. 3, 2020; Google translated from Russian.)).
- (publishing date: April 1, 2011; accessed: Jan. 18, 2024).
- (publishing date: June 2013; accessed: Jan. 18, 2024).
- (accessed: Aug. 16, 2013).
- (accessed: Jan. 18, 2024).
- December 24, 1994, The Economist, 'The art of the obituary': "In Lord Roll's version, the notion that [fellow banker and Bilderberger Hermann] Abs had served the Nazi interest was dismissed as mere left-wing propaganda. [However] Abs was known to have taken part in board meetings of a poison-gas manufacturer, IG Farben, at which the use of slave labour had been discussed, and that he had been sentenced in absentia by a Zagreb court to a term of 15 years' imprisonment for war crimes.".
- 2009, 'The World Economic Forum – A Partner in Shaping History: The First 40 Years: 1971-2010', p. 14: "At the second Davos ... particularly the presence in Davos of [the EC's] Vice-President, Raymond Barre [was important]...
The Meeting Chairman, Hermann J. Abs, Chairman of Deutsche Bank and the most prominent European business leader at that time, had to cancel his participation at short notice. As a last resort, Klaus Schwab filled the vacancy. This was the first and only Davos for which Schwab himself would serve as the meeting chair." - Ibid., p. 21: "1975... 860 participants, with the CEOs and chairmen of the largest European companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, Unilever and Philips attending."
- (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "Notably, prominent American and Japanese business and political figures made the journey. ... Davos... was gaining the reputation of being something of a club."
- See:
*) (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022).
*) (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022).
*) (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022). - (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "Invitation to India. Less than a year later, the Forum convened the first India Economic Summit in New Delhi in cooperation with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)."
- (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "The first official Japanese delegation ... made the journey to Davos. [They involved the] chairman of Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co. [, the] Chairman of Fujitsu [, the] Deputy President of the Bank of Tokyo; and Takashi Ishihara, President of Nissan Motor Company."
- (accessed: Sep. 20, 2022; first Webarchive: July 27, 2012): "WHITE WITH HOLOGRAM: The most coveted badge in all of Davos is one with a shiny holographic sticker on it -- despite the fact that most attendees, and even some Forum employees, don't actually know what the sticker actually means. It's seen on the badge of every head of state, so some people thinks it means you are a head of state. It doesn't. In fact, the shiny hologram grants you entry to the hyperexclusive Davos-within-Davos known as IGWEL, or the Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders.
To get in, you need to be a senior government policymaker -- think finance minister, or trade minister, or one of their sherpas -- or one of a very select group of WEF employees. And in fact the exclusivity does seem to help: if anything useful has ever been achieved at Davos, it has probably been achieved at IGWEL, which remains one of very few occasions where international politicians can meet informally, off the record, to talk about their biggest aspirations. Mexican president Carlos Salinas once said that the idea of NAFTA first emerged at an IGWEL.". - (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "The First IGWEL..."
- (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "Many initiatives that were later officially undertaken by international organizations or governments were in fact “born” in Davos. Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, who spearheaded and negotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the United States and Canada, once said that the idea of the trade bloc had emerged at an IGWEL."
- Jan. 2021, Klaus Schwab, 'Stakeholder Capitalism', p. 150: "The first steps to organize the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro were taken at an Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders (IGWEL)..."
- (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "Many initiatives that were later officially undertaken by international organizations or governments were in fact “born” in Davos. Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, who spearheaded and negotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the United States and Canada, once said that the idea of the trade bloc had emerged at an IGWEL."
- Jan. 2021, Klaus Schwab, 'Stakeholder Capitalism', p. 150: "The first steps to organize the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro were taken at an Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders (IGWEL)..."
- Feb. 9, 1998 letter of James Gustave Speth, the administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, to United Nations secretary general Kofi Annan: "2. The Informal Group of World Economic Leaders (IGWEL) was more interesting than last year, I thought. We will certainly want to follow up with the "Trustees 21" idea (priorities for the new century); Maurice [Strong] is our best contact there." April 13, 1998 summarizing letter of Shashi Tharoor: "The UN should follow the "Trustees 21" (priorities for the next century) programme, with Maurice Strong being the best point of contact (Speth)." Photocopies of the letters can be found here:
- List of IGWEL sources with participants:
*) IGWEL 1984 members (Photocopy).
*) IGWEL 1994 annual meeting participants (PDF). - (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "Now, the World Economic Forum: ... Genscher’s appearance coincided with the presence of the first official delegation to Davos from the Soviet Union...".
- October 2000 issue, Vanity Fair, 'Russia's Dark Master': "According to former city-council chairman Alexei Belyaev, “[Putin] became a real shadow mayor, because he signed all the decrees when Sobchak was absent, and Sobchak was gone a lot.” Though Putin shunned the media, he soon became known as the “Gray Cardinal.” Nothing got done without his knowledge. “St. Petersburg was very open to American business entrepreneurs who came to visit,” says Philadelphia lawyer Jerome Shestack, who once held the account for the city of Leningrad. “Basically they were all screened by Putin in advance. His K.G.B. training came in handy.” Other visitors greeted by Putin ranged from Queen Elizabeth II to Ted Turner and Jane Fonda, and more than once he translated when Boris Yeltsin met high-ranking Germans in St. Petersburg. In 1996 he campaigned for Yeltsin. One of Putin’s duties was to look after Sobchak’s feisty wife, whom he accompanied to the U.S. twice. Once, they were in a small elevator in Monaco with an elderly relative of Prince Rainier’s.".
- (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "Before the putsch, the Forum had scheduled its first regional meeting in Moscow... The Forum was determined to proceed. In September, just 10 days after the unsuccessful coup, participants arrived... Anatoly Sobchak, the Mayor of St Petersburg..., who had faced down the anti-Gorbachev opposition in his city following the coup, opened the meeting.".
- October 2000 issue, Vanity Fair, 'Russia's Dark Master'. See above for citation.
- 2009, Anders Aslund, 'How Ukraine became a market economy and democracy' (Peterson Inst. publication), pp. 29-35: "At the request of philanthropist George Soros, Professor Oleh Havrylyshyn and I went to Kyiv in the second week of August 1991 [a good year after Soros and Aslund both attended their first Bilderberg conference] to evaluate Ukrainian thinking on economic concern. He opened all doors for us."
- 1995, Anders Aslund, 'How Russia Became a Market Economy', pp. 92, 91: "In September 1991 I went to Moscow twice. The first visit was with economist Jeffrey Sachs for a World Economic Forum meeting..."
- Based on 1989-1996 Davos conference papers, which are too large to upload at the moment.
- *) Jan. 13, 2019, Harvard Gazette, 'The economist who connected across politics': "At Harvard, Feldstein taught Ec 10, the introductory course in economics and one of the College's most popular undergraduate classes, from 1984 to 2005. Some of his students became influential policy economists themselves, including Larry Summers [and] Jeffrey Sachs.... Summers was a sophomore when Feldstein hired him as a research assistant."
*) April 5, 1998, Washington Post, 'Tiff in the Economists' Temple': "They met as graduate students, working side by side most nights at the university computer center. In time, they gravitated to the same dissertation adviser and published a paper together showing how to apply the mathematics of rocket science to economic analysis. They argued fine points of theory over dinner at each other's apartments and attended each other's weddings. And on the same day in 1983, Jeff Sachs and Larry Summers became the youngest professors ever to win tenure from Harvard University. [From there their careers went to Washington and internationally]...". - 1989 Davos Plenery Sessions paper: Felstein is part of the 5-man panel 'Assessing the US' World Role After the Elections', together with Bill Bradley and chaired by Maurice Strong.
- Based on 1989-1996 Davos conference papers, which are too large to upload at the moment.
- Search for Mikhail Khodorkovsky's name in ISGP's NGO oversight to see his deep involvement in elite western think tanks and conferences alongside persons as Zbigniew Brzezinki.
- April 16, 2000, George Soros for The Guardian, 'The means to an end': "I know Chubais well. In my opinion he is a genuine reformer who sold his soul to the devil in order to fight what he called the red-brown menace - a combination of socialism and nationalism - which he believed would come to dominate Russia unless he did something to prevent it."
- May 14, 1998, Janine R. Wedel for The Nation, 'The Harvard Boys Do Russia': "The program Chubais eventually carried out instead encouraged the accumulation of property in a few hands and opened the door to widespread corruption. It was so controversial that Chubais ultimately had to rely largely on Yeltsin’s presidential decrees, not parliamentary approval, for implementation. Many U.S. officials embraced this dictatorial modus operandi, and Jonathan Hay [and ally of Jeffrey Sachs and Anders Aslund] and his associates drafted many of the decrees. As U.S.A.I.D.'s Walter Coles, an early supporter of Chubais’s privatization program, put it, "If we needed a decree, Chubais didn’t have to go through the bureaucracy."".
- Ibid.
- March 6, 2002, BBC, 'Russian tycoon blames Moscow for blasts'.
- April 16, 2000, George Soros for The Guardian, 'The means to an end'.
- 1995, Anders Aslund, 'How Russia Became a Market Economy', pp. 91-92. See citations in ISGP's membership/biographies list for Bilderberg.
- April 16, 2000, George Soros for The Guardian, 'The means to an end'.
- *) March 17, 1999, Scotland Herald, 'Rise and fall of the last Russian oligarch': "It was Berezovsky who, in January 1996, summoned the six other most powerful oligarchs - Vladimir Potanin, Vladimir Vinogradov, Mikhail Friedman, Aleksandr Smolensky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and Vladimir Gusinsky - to a "support Yeltsin" meeting at Davos, Switzerland, during the World Economic Forum ... to prevent Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov [from being elected]."
*) February 6, 1996, (written by Mikhail Berger is economics editor for Izvestia), 'Communist Leader Steals Davos Show'. - 2009, WEF, 'The World Economic Forum: A Partner in Shaping History - 1971–2020', pp. 119-120.
- Ibid., p. 130.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Nov. 27, 2019,, 'Meeting with President of the World Economic Forum Klaus Martin Schwab' ( (accessed: Aug. 3, 2020)): "Here, in St. Petersburg, we hold the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, and in the Far East, in Siberia and in the south of Russia. So we're taking an example from you. And I hope we are you We do not let down, but we work, so to speak, in unison."
- 2009, WEF, 'The World Economic Forum: A Partner in Shaping History - 1971–2020', p. 130.
- Nov. 27, 2019,, 'Meeting with President of the World Economic Forum Klaus Martin Schwab' ( (accessed: Aug. 3, 2020)).
- Aug. 21, 2022, The Guardian, 'Alexander Dugin: who is Putin ally and apparent car bombing target? Ideologue’s views helped shape ideas behind Ukraine invasion, but his influence on Putin is disputed'.
- Nov. 7, 2023,, 'Aleksandr Dugin: My vision for the new world order and Gaza war').
- (accessed: Sep. 19, 2022): "Harry Oppenheimer, former Chairman of Anglo American Corporation, argued that the system of apartheid was fundamentally wrong and anticipated that the current instability in South Africa would lead to change."
- April 8, 1966, Time Magazine, 'South Africa: Forward with Verwoerd': "Only hint that a few South African whites were at all disturbed by apartheid came in the narrow victory of the Progressive Party's perky Mrs. Helen Suzman [Jewish; anti-Apartheid crusader, already in this period; later supporter of Nelson Mandela], who in the past five years has been the only voice of dissent in the South African Parliament. Supported by all major English-language papers and by gold-and-diamond Magnate Harry Oppenheimer, Mrs. Suzman carried her wealthy Johannesburg district by a bare 711 votes." In the 1970s and 1980s, he financed the anti-apartheid Progressive Federal Party, now known as the Democratic Alliance. Some people believe that he could have done more to end the regime, but within his sphere of influence he is believed to have done more than most of his fellow-businessmen. Together with 1001 Club member Anton Rupert, Harry Oppenheimer set up and ran the Urban Foundation since 1976, which had been founded after the bloody Soweta rebellion among blacks - which businessmen increasingly were seeing as bad for business because it was very hard to keep control.
- March 22, 2021, The Guardian, 'De Klerk seeks accountability. What about his own?.'
- Nov. 11, 2021, The Daily Beast, 'Dead President of South Africa Issues Video Apology for Apartheid'. The transcript is from watching the video.
- history/1992.html (accessed: Sep. 9, 2022; 'Mandela in Davos').
- Sep. 1, 2005,, 'Het geheugen van graaf Maurice Lippens' ('The memory of count Maurice Lippens').
- Jan./Feb. 1995, no. 148, Turkey Today, p. 3, 'Ciller attends World Economic Forum in Davos'.
- 2003/2004 annual report, Davos, p. 8.
- Jan. 24, 2005, BBC, 'Q&A: World Economic Forum 2005'.
- Jan. 24, 2007, Engineering News South Africa, 'Mbeki joins world leaders in Davos'.
- Jan. 22, 2008, New York Times, 'Shadow of U.S. ills hangs over Davos'.
- Jan. 26, 2009, Forbes, 'Great Expectations For Davos 2009'.
- Jan. 25, 2011, BBC, 'Davos 2011: adjusting to the world's new power balance'.
- Jan. 22, 2013, Business Wire, 'MC10 CEO, David Icke, Invited to Speak at World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos'.
- Jan. 13, 2016,, 'Who's coming to Davos 2016?'.
- May 19, 2022, Business Standard, 'WEF 2022: Over 50 govt heads, 1250 leaders from pvt sector to meet in Davos'.
- 2019 documentary, 'Das Forum - Rettet Davos die Welt?', behind-the-scenes Davos 2019 footage of Schwab talking to 2018-2022 Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado Quesada: "[ALVARADO:] We will be part of the Young Leaders Initiative. [SCHWAB:] Yes! Mrs. Merkel, Tony Blair were all - even President Putin - they were all Young Global Leaders before."
- Sep. 20, 2017, Klaus Schwab at the The John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics (, 'Strengthening Collaboration in a Fractured World-Featuring Special Guest, Yo-Yo Ma' ("Speakers: Klaus Schwab"; interview (again) done by David Gergen): "[SCHWAB:] I mention now names as Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin, and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum."
- WEF_GLT_ClassOf1993.pdf (accessed: Oct. 20, 2003; PDF backup from given url): "Baird, Zoe ... Aznar, José María ... Barroso, José Manuel ... Blair, Tony ... Bolloré, Vincent ... Bono: Lead singer of U2... Branson, Richard ... Bronfman, Edgar ... Brown, Gordon: [future] Prime Minister... Chubais, Anatoly B. ... Dell, Michael S. ... Desmarais, Paul ... Gates, William H. ["Bill"]: Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation... Huntsman, Jon M. ... Kennedy, Joseph P.: Chairman and President, Citizens Energy Corporation ... Kirloskar, Atul ... Koc, Mustafa V. ... Ma, Yo-Yo ... McNealy, Scott G.: Chairman, Sun Microsystems Inc. ... Merkel, Angela: [future] Federal Chancellor ... Nemtsov, Boris ... Orban, Viktor: [future] Prime Minister of Hungary ... Sahlin, Mona [Swedish PM 1982-1996, 2002-2011; deputy PM Sweden 1994-1995, leader of the Social Democratic Party 2007-2011] ... Santos, Juan Manuel: [future] President of Colombia ... Sarkozy, Nicolas: [future] President of France ... Shokhin Alexander ... Stephanopoulos, George ... Summers, Lawrence H. ... Verhofstadt, Guy [future Belgium prime minister] ... Wallenberg, Jacob..."
- January 2021, Klaus Schwab, 'Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet', Part III, Chapter 8, digital page 230.
- (accessed: Sep. 22, 2022): Contains the image with the pope standing in between to Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Desmond Tutu as part of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism (CIC). CIC is part of the 2014-founded Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism (CIC), loaded with heads and directors of Goldman Sachs, Rothschild, BNP Paribas, Schroders, McKinsey, BlackRock, Unilever, PepsiCo., etc.
- *) July 10, 2015,, 'Pope Francis Apologizes for Church’s Colonial Sins'.
*) July 29, 2022, NPR, 'In Canada, The Pope Delivers An Apology To Indigenous Peoples'. - *) Jan. 14, 2018,, 'Don’t let fear keep you from welcoming the stranger, Pope says': "Having doubts and fears is not a sin. The sin is to allow these fears to determine our responses, to limit our choices, to compromise respect and generosity, to feed hostility and rejection."
*) Dec. 5, 2021,, 'Pope Francis denounces Europe's migrant crisis as 'shipwreck of civilization'; 'Walls and barbed wire' are not the answer, pontiff says on visit to Greek refugee camp.'. - Reading ISGP's article on Le Cercle Pinay and 'The Real Opus Dei' would be best to understand the ties of Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta to the intelligence services.
- Interfaith groups are all listed in ISGP's NGO oversight.
- As for the influence of big business and the CIA on your local new age book shelf, it is best to visit ISGP's Coast to Caost AM article.
- A few example sources, mainly discussed in ISGP's JFK assassination article:
*) November 19, 1970, CIA document, 'Memorandum for: Director of Central Intelligence, Subject: Roselli, John' (located on New York Times website as a PDF): "In August 1960, Mr. Richard Bissell [of the CIA] approached Colonel Sheffield Edwards to determine if the Office of Security had assets that may assist in a sensitive mission requiring gangster-type action. The mission target was Fidel Castro. Robert A. Maheu [of the CIA] was contacted, briefed generally on the project, and requested to ascertain if he could develop an entrée into the gangster elements as the first step toward accomplishing the desired goal. Mr. Maheu advised that he had met one Johnny Roselli on several occasions while visiting Las Vegas. ...
During the week of 25 September, was introduced to [mafia boss] Sam [Giancana] who was staying at the Fontainblue Hotel, Miami Beach. It was several weeks after meeting with Sam [Giancana] and Joe [Santos Trafficante, another top mafia boss]... In May 1962, Mr. William Harvey [of the CIA] took over as Case Officer, and it is not known by this Office whether Roselli was used operationally from that point on."
*) August 21, 2009, Crime magazine, 'J. Edgar Hoover: Blackmailed by the Mafia?': "There was evidence of massive voter fraud by mobsters in Illinois and Texas. Those states threw the election to JFK. The Mafia was now looking for major favors, or at least leniency, from the Kennedys. But, under Bobby, by 1964 the Justice Department had increased Cosa Nostra convictions by 700 percent over 1960—according to Burton Hersh in Bobby and J. Edgar.
Bobby [Kennedy] had federal agents arrest New Orleans godfather Carlos Marcello and physically deport him to Guatemala. And he initiated action that landed mobbed-up Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa in a prison cell."
*) March 11, 1993, Houston Chronicle, 'Official and confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover/ Sources imply FBI sat on leads about JFK's murder' (Anthony Summers): "[Mafia boss Sam] Giancana's half brother has claimed the Chicago Mafia boss plotted the [JFK] assassination in concert with Marcello, Trafficante and CIA operatives. Frank Costello, the old Mafia overlord who helped Marcello build his criminal empire, said before he died that Oswald was "just the patsy" in the president's murder. Frank Ragano, the former attorney of Teamsters leader Jimmy Hoffa, said he was sent to discuss the president's murder with Trafficante and Marcello in early 1963.". - Just a few random examples that could be found in a few minutes can be found below. European labor union leaders can be found as well in Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission (they are at Davos too, seemingly in slightly larger numbers), but invitations are very random and don't consititute any type of organized representation of labor.
*) Founding 1973 Trilateral Commission list: "Lane Kirkland, Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO."
*) 1988 Bilderberg list: "Lane Kirkland, President ... AFL-CIO... [and] Jack Sheinkman, President, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, AFL-CIO, CLC..." The latter also was invited in 1989, 1990, 1992. Lane Kirkland was invited again in 1993. Etc.
*) 2000, Ben Cashdan, 'Two Trevors go to Washington', Richard Trumka, secretary treasurer AFL-CIO at 0:55, amidst antifa protestors to the World Bank and IMF during a meeting in Washington D.C.: "This is a fight between working families in all countries against an institution that has so far represented the rich, the well-to-do, the patent rights, the copyrights, but not human rights, and labor right.". - March 27, 2014, The John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics (, 'Improving the State of the World: A Conversation with Klaus Schwab' (interview done by David Gergen).
- 1984, Aurelio Peccei and Daisaku Ikeda, 'Before it is Too Late: A Dialogue', pp. 100, 102, 112.
- *) 2017 edition, IBP Inc., 'South Africa Business Law Handbook Volume 1', p. 275.
*) 2004/iic0617.htm (accessed: Feb. 15, 2022; 'President's International Investment Council, 18-20 June 2004, Cape Town'). - June 15, 2001, Mail & Guardian: Africa's Best Read (, 'Cashdan vs capitalism'.
- 2001, Ben Cashdan, 'Africa and Globalisation: Which side are we on?' One installment of this film series was recorded at Davos in January 2001. Cashdan also made the film 'Two Trevors go to Washington' (2000) - which actually is available on YouTube - about anti-globalization activist Trevor Ngwane and South Africa's pro-neoliberal finance minister from 1996 to 2009 Trevor Manuel and their dealings at the World Bank.
- Ibid.
- 2003 (second edition; first edition from 2001), Patrick Bond, 'Against Global Apartheid: South Africa Meets the World Bank, IMF and International Finance', Preface VII.
- June 15, 2012, Sir Peter Sutherland speech at the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, Ireland, as the UN Special Representative for International Migration 2006-2017.
- *) April 29, 2001, Greg Palast for The Guardian, 'IMF's four steps to damnation'.
*) October 15, 2001, The Nation, 'Stiglitz Roars Back': "Joe Stiglitz is no fan of Washington consensus-style globalization. Read “The Globalizer Who Came In From The Cold,” an interview with Stiglitz on the IMF, World Bank and WTO conducted by Gregory Palast." - (accessed: Aug. 3, 2002): "Board of Directors: Peter G. Peterson, Chairman ... Conrad Black ... David Rockefeller [anno 1993-2010]. David M. Rubenstein [anno 2003-2006; future CFR chair]. ... George Soros [not in 1996; certainly involved by 1998; not a director in Aug. 2001; director anno april 2002-until Dec. 2004]. Lawrence H. Summers. Peter D. Sutherland. Jean Claude Trichet. ... Paul A. Volcker ... Maurice R. Greenberg ... Honorary directors: Alan Greenspan ... George P. Shultz.
Advisory Committee: Paul R. Krugman ... Jeffrey D. Sachs [anno 1993, 1999-2016]. Nicholas H. Stern. Joseph E. Stiglitz [not in Oct. 1999, April 2000-2016]."
Robert Zoellick was on the advisory committee in 1999-2000. - *) January 20, 2020, France 24 France YouTube channel, 'US exceptionalism is self-destructive', Jeffrey Sachs tells FRANCE 24': "A lot of the US establishment has been obsessed with Iran for decades. Part of it goes back to the hostage taking 40 years ago, after all, in 1979, when the US-backed Shah of Iran fell from power. And with that obsession and actually so many things the US has done against Iran, including arming Iraq to go to war with Iran after 1979, in the 1980s, the relations have been frought. President Obama tried to normalize those relations and that was the right approach."
*) April 14, 2021, BBC Newsnight, Jeffrey Sachs interview: "I'm not sure why BBC started with listing only China's human rights abuses. What about America's human rights abuses: the Iraq War, together with the UK. Completely illegal and under false pretenses. The war in Syria. The war in Libya. The continued sanctions against civilian populations in Venezuela and Iran. Walking away from the Paris climate agreement for the last 4 years. Unilateral trade actions that have been deemed illegal by WTO. [So] we have very serious human rights violations by the United States abroad. Not to mention an insurrection on January 6th in our own country. Not to mention the continued massive racism, white supremacism and abuse and incarceration of hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S.: black African American; people of color. So I think that the whole premise of this story is a little bit odd. [Keep obstructing the BBC host]..." - March 11, 2021, Helen Epstein for, 'The Truth About Museveni’s Crimes'.
- March 6, 2015 YouTube upload by "Dr Aggrey Kiyingi", 'Genocide and atrocities in Northern Uganda under Dictator Museveni (Warning : Graphic footage)' (accessed: June 28, 2023) - Ibid.
- *) June 14, 2014, NPR, 'The 'Kony 2012' Effect: Recovering From A Viral Sensation': "Invisible Children also began a consulting practice to teach others how to launch campaigns like "Kony 2012." So far, they've worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation..."
*), 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donations made to Invisible Children': "750,000.00 ... 2014-3-16 ... to support Invisible Children..." - March 14, 2012 YouTube upload by ABC News, 'George Clooney [and John Prendergast] Discusses KONY and Uganda, Sudan and His Upcoming Testimony to U.S. Senate (2012)': "[Prendergast, who was in Kony 2012:] [Quoted] [Clooney, who was also in Kony 2012:] It's amazing what political will can do."
- Jan. 25, 2021, YouTube upload by 'World Economic Forum', 'What is the Great Reset? | Davos Agenda 2021'. (accessed: Nov. 25, 2016). - Dec. 21, 2021, Reuters Fact Check, 'World Economic Forum letters show 51st Annual Meeting invites'. The invitation letter is linked in this article.
- Ibid.
- (accessed: Nov. 25, 2016).
- videos/10153920524981479/ (accessed: Sep. 19, 2024; published: Nov. 18, 2016).
Sources: photocopies of historic Davos participant lists 1989-2023
The following historic participant lists, as well a hundreds of individual news reports, were used to compile an oversight of historic Davos participants over a period of about 70-80 hours, this in preparation for writing this Davos article. With such a large conspiracy community, often talking about Davos, it's quite interesting how hard/impossible it was to find visitor lists for many years, even with help from Webarchive. As the 2020 list here shows, the media actually annually receives planned visitor lists, but it has been extremely rare for them to actually upload the lists. All they tend to do is rattle off a few prominent names, mix with a few buzzwords as "elite", "hobnobbing", "networking", etc., and call it a day.
- Davos visitors 1989.
- Davos visitors 1990 - a few top names.
- Davos visitors 1991 - planned.
- Davos visitors 1992 - planned.
- Davos visitors 1993.
- Davos visitors 1994.
- Davos visitors 1995 - planned.
- Davos visitors 2006 - planned.
- Davos visitors 2008 - planned.
- Davos visitors 2011 - meeting co-chairs only.
- Davos visitors 2013
- Davos visitors 2014 - planned.
- Davos visitors 2015 - planned.
- Davos visitors 2015 - planned program.
- Davos visitors 2020 - planned.
- Davos visitors 2022 - planned.
- Davos visitors 2023 - planned.
- Davos Foundation Board 1998-1999.
- IGWEL participants 1984.
- IGWEL participants 1994.
- GLT-YGL members and sources 1993-2023.
- GLT-YGL names and sources (also board) compiled by ISGP before finding the above list.