Conspiracy Theories: What To Take Serious and What to Disregard
"We have come to a circular place. The CIA occupies that region in the modern mind where every truth is obliged to live in its own denial; facts are wiped out by artifacts; proof enters the logic of counterproof and we are in the dream."
August 16, 1976, Norman Mailer for New York Magazine, 'A Harlot High and Lowe: Reconnoitering Through the Secret Government'.
"The first thing we revolutionaries lose is our wives. ... [Then] we lose our freedom, our happiness, our means of living. We lose many things."
August 24, 1978, "Comandante Cero" Eden Pastora, while fighting the CIA-backed Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua. Later sold out to the CIA, but not nearly enough, apparently making him the target of the (unsolved) 1984 La Penca bombing. (August 25, 1978, Information Services on Latin America (ISLA), p. 87, 'Commander Zero')
There are two symbolic representations of true conspiracy research that I particularly like. One is trying to cross barefoot and without any aid the biggest and densest tropical rainforest on the planet. Even if you succeed in making it to the mountain top on the other side of the jungle, it's going to take a while. And apart from getting lost every five minutes, you'll encounter dangers and distractions all along the way: from creepy bugs and leeches trying to lay their eggs in every orifice of your body, preferably as close to the brain as possible; to comfortable Indian villages filled with beautiful, young, promiscuous girls.
However... if you truly desire the truth, you have to keep going; you can't get distracted for too long. Thus, better be careful with those girls, because, as Shakespeare wrote, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." In fact, the entire village is likely to come after you with their spears if you're looking for some much-needed "R&R" and then try to resume your quest. The natives, nor anyone else in your immediate surroundings for that matter, are unlikely to appreciate your need to indulge in the beautiful art of unpaid fact-checking, because, ultimately, "you need to be a breadwinner." So your place is alone, in the wild. With the creepy bugs, spiders and other dangers.
The other comparison I like to make is to archeology. As you're very slowly and very carefully excavating a newly-discovered structure, you gain more and more oversight and more and more insight into what it is that you've actually discovered. But it takes a long-long time before you can walk into the ancient buildings, analyze the ancient inhabitants' daily lives, and start to decipher the stone inscriptions left behind. Patience is key, possibly for a lifetime, and even then there are no guarantees that you'll have found the insight you're looking for. And if you have, it's very much the question if anybody else is really interested in hearing about it. Archeology can be a lonely quest, much like a lengthy jungle trip.
To get to the point, after writing about conspiracy and parapolitical affairs for about 20,000 hours at this point, having produced quite a bit of unique documentation and studied the spiders and leeches gathering around disinformation shows as Coast to Coast AM, the Alex Jones Show and, I'm quite certain that I can help the average newcomer to the conspiracy business a little on his or her way -- easily saving a decade of full-time study and organizing. I may not have reached the mountain top yet, but join me and we can comfortably dangle from a steep cliff somewhere halfway up. Or, if you prefer, you can join me in finding those stone tablets, because most of the buildings have definitely been excavated at this point.
Below the reader can find my personal opinions as to what conspiracies to discard or take serious, as well as the most important conspiracies that need solving and/or official acknowledgment. The links will take the reader to a relevant ISGP article for more information.
There's no comfort in the truth; pain is the whole you'll find.
I'm never gonna dance again."
Bogus conspiracy theories
ISGP considers the following widely-pushed theories absolute nonsense. Mind you, these conclusions were not reached on a Sunday afternoon, but over a period of 20 years of continuous research. This list has slowly been expanded over the years. Readers can follow the links, where available, for more information.
- Holocaust denial or "revisionism": Ever met a Nazi or Holocaust denier in real life? Most haven't, but online, they're everywhere. Ignore the many discussions about concentration camp Auschwitz. Instead, read about Babi Yar and the eastern European extermination camps of the Nazis and the Ustasa, or look up the visual evidence. You'll get the point.
Jew-hating - in its "deniable" form or not - is super-effective at pushing ordinary people out of any conspiracy discussions and at forcing censorship measures. Thus, like an ever-spreading virus, it remains very prominently present in conspiracy communities as 9/11 "Truth", conspiracy-related search engine results, comment sections of alternative news sites and conspiracy- or immigration-related forums. It's all over (the now defunct) as well - anywhere really where government-skeptic "misfits" might potentially try to express their opinions and start organizing. Let's not forget either that leading black supremacist and hip hop icon Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam is a major spreader of it, once again alongside conspiracy disinformation. Must be a coincidence.
The modern conspiracy Nazis go back at least to the General Douglas MacArthur-linked Liberty Lobby and its legacy of Holocaust-denying conspiracy publications: the Spotlight, with its long-time Bilderberg focus; the Institute for Historical Review and American Free Press. is the biggest conspiracy (disinformation) Nazi site over the past two decades and has also hosted the radio program of the prominent Stormfront forum. Security state trolls are everywhere here, pushing ordinary people out and perpetuating artificially constructed stigmas. - Fake Moon landings. To illustrate, most recently the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) project has been making pictures of the various landing sites. Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and especially Edgar Mitchell are compromised national security assets, however. Gordon Cooper, who testified to the bogus Disclosure Project, most likely too.
- Chemtrails.
- Hollow Earth.
- Flat Earth, a theory which, along with dinosaurs-never-existed, space satellites-don't-exist and nuke-bombs-don't-exist, has been making an internet revival since about 2015 through Eddie Bravo on the increasingly visible Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Both Bravo and Joe Rogan are CIA-tied.
This type of disinformation has led to more widespread trolling, including hurricanes-don't-exist, whenever online discussions take place when a new hurricane approaches the U.S. - as I personally first noticed in September 2019 with Hurricane Dorian. - Pizzagate "code words".
- Illuminati, Holy Grail and Templar bloodline theories. Historically there is some merit here, but not in the present.
- Freemasonry having any political significance in the present day, apart from the local level here and there. As with the Illuminati, Freemasonry and its esoteric variations do have their place in history.
- With 9/11: pod, hologram, 10-foot Pentagon hole, no-plane, drone, remote control, basement bomb and seismic spike theories. Any of the prominent talk about "nanothermite" is suspicious, although the much older suspicion of thermite is not. Also bogus is the famous account of Barry Jennings for WTC 7.
- Anything more than 4 shots with the JFK assassination, with shooters usually placed in locations as the Daltex building and sewer drains. Conspiracy icons in this area all are massive frauds: CIA lawyer Mark Lane, the New Orleans elite-funded Jim Garrison, the "liberal CIA" movie director Oliver Stone and everyone else. That having been said, Oswald's CIA ties and evidence of a second shooter are very legitimate research areas.
- A second shooter with the 1968 RFK assassination, and almost certainly the whole concept of a conspiracy. The second shooter theory is total, big media-backed disinformation - and even supported by proven disinformer RFK, Jr.! Fact is, there isn't even serious evidence that it involved a conspiracy.
- The CIA murdering Malcolm X in 1965. He was murdered by his own Nation of Islam, with Malcolm X saying beforehand that his time was up. This doesn't take away that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan - who at the time called for the murder of Malcolm X - has been spreading conspiracy disinformation on 9/11, etc.
- Ancient Aliens, the most (in)famous example being Zecharia Sitchin's Anunnaki from Niburu (Planet X).
- Lost continents as Atlantis, Lumuria and Mu ever having existed. Atlantis was a bedtime story invented by Egyptian priests to appease the Greeks for which zero tectonic, other geological, or archeological evidence exists anywhere inside or outside the "Pillars of Hercules" / the Straight of Gibraltar over the past hundreds of thousands of years.
- The Atlantis myth was revived by the Cayce Cult. Edgar Cayce believed he was the reincarnation of "Ra-Ta", an Atlantean half-god who built the Great Pyramid with anti-gravity technology 10,500 B.C. In turn, New York Times' best-selling author and the Coast to Coast AM-pushed David Wilcock considers himself Edgar Cayce's most recent "reincanation".
- The 1513 Piri Reis map showing Antarctica - unless one wants to believe that Antarctica started around Rio de Janeiro in that period. Instead, it shows an estimated, undetailed, totally incorrect, uncharted eastern coast line of South America.
- All the claims of Graham Hancock and allies, which strongly overlap with the Cayce Cult and include beliefs of the Ark of the Covenant and Atlantis:
- The existence of a large-scale ancient civilization before 3,500 B.C.
- The Great Pyramid or Sphinx being older than roughly 2.600 B.C., let alone dating back to 10,500 B.C. as the Cayce cultists and Hancock people claim.
- Any major South American ruins being older than roughly 2,000 B.C.
- That the Olmec heads of Central America represent African blacks.
- That Roswell involved an alien spacecraft, although the sheer number of locals conspiring in pushing the myth for so many decades is absolutely breathtaking.
- Alien Moon bases, Alien messengers, alien abductions, alien-human hybrids, "star children", the Bentwaters/Rendlesham Forest incident, Majestic 12, Area 51, the Dulce base and other UFO crash retrival or underground UFO base-linked stories.
- Crop circles, despite their complexity, being produced by supernatural or alien messengers. The evidence points to a very large-scale psychological warfare and disinformation campaign.
- Any UFO claims made by witnesses of Steven Greer's Disclosure Project.
- Any of the UFO claims of Tom DeLonge and the national security elites involved in his To The Stars group.
- Bermuda Triangle and Devil's Triangle.
- John Coleman's Committee of 300.
- David Icke's interdimensional Reptilians or Reptilian aliens.
- The Cathy O'Brien and David Icke's Queen Mother stories related to large-scale Satanic child abuse.
- Genuine high level Satanic conspiracies. Granted, there exist quite a few accounts of SM, snuff and ritual abuse-type practices, but it's impossible to say at this point what exactly is going on here. There's just too much disinformation, even in police files it appears.
- Thousands of children, or even more, permanently disappearing each year into snuff networks. The Ted Gundersons, David Ickes and even Joe Rogans of this world forget to mention that 90% or more of "disappearing" children are runaways who resurface within days or weeks.
- Everything that has come out of Ted Gunderson's mouth, starting with the McMartin Preschool Satanic Ritual Abuse case he played a major role in creating.
- That bankers as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world all by themselves. It must be said, though, both families have been very influential on history, with David Rockefeller being the primary person responsible for building the post-World War II supranational NGO network.
- People being poisoned with "mercury-laced" vaccines, or via other additives.
- Virtually all theories surrounding COVID-19 / the Coronavirus, which has spread the world since late 2019. There's been an endless stream of "tip-givers" to ISGP pushing a variety of these theories, with many countries having prominent "Corona conspiracy theorists", immediately telling you how important it has been to the superclass to create a disinformative "alternative narrative". Bogues theories on Corona:
- That is "just a common cold", with lockdowns and masks only being instated for "population control" measures. Granted, more studies are need to prove the efficacy of masks. And the amount of (Asian, but also white) people dutifully wearing them like it's a badge of honor is scary.
- That vaccines were introduced as "population control" measures, that they weren't working, causesd high numbers of deadly side effects, or were used to kill off the population. All these massive exaggerations and inventions only served to undermine genuine worries (seemingly permanent tinnitus would one of them), now or in future pandemics (contrived or not). Yes, deadly side effects did seem to happen, especially early on with one or two vaccine brands, and yes, it does seem the mainstream media underplayed them. At the same time, the "alternative" media blew everything completely out of proportion.
- Quite possibly the origin of COVID-19 from a Chinese biolab, located 300 meters from the fish market where COVID was said to originate. As later research seems to show, it's entirely possible the virus first spread at a sub-section of the "fish market" where exotic animals were traded. It's possible that the Chinese government originally did not know for certain if the biolab was the source. It also seems clear that the WHO displayed an unhealthy bias to the Chinese's government's narrative. In any case, if it indeed turns out that the biolab theory is not true, it would be much for fruitful to wonder why elitists as former MI6 Sir Richard Dearlove were promoting this theory quite virulently.
- All of Trump's conspiracy claims, including the one that there was voter fraud during the 2020 election.
- Little green men from Mars or any other planet in our Solar System.
- Elvis still being alive.
- Tupac or Biggie still being alive or having been murdered by the CIA.
- In other words, the kind of stuff that completely dominates the internet and "alternative" books and has been put out for years by the huge Art Bell/Coast to Coast AM show.
Credible conspiracy theories and cover ups: a full list of the most important
In contrast to the claims that can be found above, the following conspiracies are considered credible by ISGP. The most important and/or easiest conspiracies to expose are listed near the top, but this is not necessarily a rigid structure. The links point to a wide variety of mainly very extensive, well-sourced articles of ISGP.
- The guiding of the 9/11 hijackers by U.S.-Saudi-Pakistani elites, and the melting/blowing up of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 in 2001, leading to a new era in world history with a never-ending, continually-escalating War on Terror that greatly indebted the United States. The escalated terror threat - also due to relentless Arab immigration - has provided a never-ending excuse for increasingly extensive police state spy programs, especially in the U.S.
- The 1963 JFK assassination. At the very least everybody should be allowed to guess the location of the final shot based on the Zapruder film (clearly the right-front, from an upward angle; not from behind, from six stories up) and be made aware that countless witness testimonies pointing to the grassy knoll at the right-front were omitted from the CIA and Rockefeller-linked Warren Commission. Richard Helms' protege at the CIA, the notorious Ted Shackley, almost certainly coordinated the assassination.
- The "white replacement" or "white genocide" "theory". Not only has this one replaced 9/11 and the War on Terror as the most dangerous and destructive conspiracy of all time, it's also perfectly easy to spot just by looking at the collapsing white demographics in western societies (less than 50% in the U.S. around 2040), combined with the propaganda that we see and hear in the media on a daily basis. All the critical points for discussion are suppressed: racial IQ, ethnic crime numbers, cultural differences, poll data, and a discussion of the fact that only the multinationals financing groups as Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission stand to benefit: lower wages, division in labor, infinite stock market growth, endless expansion of trade zones, and a future police state.
- The "great replacement" or "great extermination" "theory" for Jews in Israel. For now, Israel's "wall building right wing" is limiting this problem, but the Jews of Israel are under the same attack as whites in the West in a conspiracy that involves the Ford, Soros and Rockefeller foundations, the United Nations and European Union all funding pro-Palestine and pro-immigration NGOs in Israel, primarily working through the left-wing, Soros-allied, LGBTQ-pushing, Hamas and Hezbollah-petting Meretz Party.
- The role of Ford, Soros, Rockefeller and other "liberal CIA" foundations in financing the "anti-establishment", "new-left" media and all the NGOs organizing massive, anti-"populist" demonstrations throughout the West and at Capitol Hill. These protests falsely continue to be portrayed as "grassroots" by the mainstream media.
- That radicalizing, organizing and driving ethnic minorities to the voting booths to vote in favor of open borders is a major aspect of "liberal CIA" foundations, working together with Hollywwood, Silicon Valley, and various other superclass corporations.
- Control by the globalist movement and the security services over the conspiracy media, including Coast to Coast AM, the Alex Jones Show and
- ISGP being spied on by the security services, penalized into oblivion by Google, and boycotted by the conspiracy community.
- The justice system in the West being *extremely* corrupt. Not only is this visible in the protection of Google, but also in the manner in which rather obviously innocent people are being sentenced. In the Netherlands this is made possible because audio recordings are banned from court, with it being policy that courts not even make raw, full transcriptions of sessions available to the lawyers of clients or higher courts - if cases go that far. Lawyers serve as little more than controlled opposition, because it is absolutely not-done to accuse your colleagues (the judges and prosecutors you used to drink under the table at your university fraternity) of manipulation or corruption. An article will be published on this in the future.
- Basically all prominent Hollywood actors and many musicians being strangely dogmatic in their open-borders propaganda and their pushing of conspiracy disinformation.
- The same being true for arguably the biggest rebels in our society: rock and heavy metal musicians.
- CIA-overseen "Stay-Behind"/Gladio terrorism in Europe during the Cold War.
- CIA, MI6 and Mossad training of and cooperation with the drug cartels and drug-dealing dictators.
- Past U.S. support of military dictatorships and death squad leaders, especially in Latin America and mainly to protect the interests of large multinationals.
- Responsibility of the West in purposely allowing the growth of ISIS/ISIL by looking the other way as Turkey, Saudi Arabia (through intelligence chief "Bandar Bush", his wife earlier accused by the FBI of funding a Saudi intelligence-linked handler of the 9/11 hijackers) and Qatar were equipping the most extremist anti-Assad militias, in no small part from Libyan arms caches looted after the West-backed fall of Gaddafi.
The West also pretended that "non-radical" Muslim militias it was arming wouldn't cooperate with "radical" Muslims - one of several fatal mistakes. A direct intervention over the deployment of WMDs by Assad, followed by a civil war would have been more humane - and put responsibility in the hands of the Syrian people. - Coincidence or not, Gaddafi's fall and the linked ISIS/ISIL rise caused huge refugee streams from the Arab and Sub-Saharan black world into the West, exactly what liberal elites - certainly Obama - have secretly been desiring. They have been actively aiding refugees to make it onto Europe's southern shores through NGOs, navy and coast guard ships, promoting flight and making these refugees much harder to send back. EU papers have already calculated that the continent needs hundreds of millions of low-educated immigrants to stave off white birth deficits, without their being any interest to do something about the latter.
- Collaboration of Chamberlain, western banks and multinationals with the fascist regimes before WWII in order destroy all forms of communism and socialism.
- The 1967 USS Liberty incident.
- Hoover's FBI denying that such a thing as the mafia existed until forced to admit it by Robert Kennedy, while the CIA had recruited its leaders to help overthrow Fidel Castro.
- Apparent voter fraud with the Bush 2000 and 2004 elections. Diebold is a suspect, as well as the practice of keeping minorities - which are being radicalized and organized by the globalist movement - off the voting rolls. Unfortunately, the choice tends to be between open-borders-globalists and war-mongering conservatives. No choice at all really. THis is also why "liberal CIA" journalist Greg Palast was assigned to make a big deal out of these election issues. When a presidential candidate finally did make an issue out of voter fraud - Donald Trump - the accusations were all bogus, of course.
- Apparent high level pedophile entrapment networks with potential ritual abuse.
- 1999 Russian Apartment Bombings.
- Reality of the UFO phenomenon and the existence of more than the physical, in both cases without anybody knowing the details.
It's important to note here that the pro-open borders "liberal CIA" wing of the media, the so-called "new left", to an extent has already exposed CIA drug trafficking and death squad activity. This is nowhere near the extent that ISGP has done. Also, this type of "new left" media is fully against the discussing of the more sensitive conspiracies, JFK and 9/11 on top.
More on credible conspiracy theories
The following point-summary is an alternate list of credible conspiracy theories that includes a number of more general issues - and describes them a bit more in-depth:
The existence of a supranational network of hundreds of key elites and more than 1,000 important NGOs - the superclass and its allies - that is dominating and streamlining national politics all throughout the West. It's extremely conspiratorial in nature, to the point of having set up its own private CIA operations to take over the media and politics, while hiding conspiracies and the full process of politics from the public. The basics have been described in ISGP's intro and "liberal CIA" articles.
Very often, outsiders use terms as the "globalists" and the "New World Order". These have become loaded terms, especially the latter, because the individuals pushing these terms tend to be huge conspiracy disinformation artists. However, an extremely conspiratorial globalist movement most certainly does exist; and, let's face it, the beast needs to have a name. David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski occasionally and somewhat incorrectly stated that they were accused of being "internationalists". They were proud to be called such, of course, which makes the more accurate and easier-to-pronounce term "globalist" all the more valid.
The term "globalist" is more accurate than "internationalist", because these elites are building a permanent, supranational political network and are striving towards large-scale political and economic integration. Even the term "New World Order" (movement) really isn't that bad, because in the end that's exactly what the globalists are striving for, whatever exact shape or form this "New World Order" will take. There also is a very cultic, world-religion-like, United Nations-linked aspect to the globalist movement, and they are extreme race-"integration" zealots without regard for racial IQ, ethnic crime, or poll data, so nothing should be ruled out. We just don't know exactly what the end game of the globalist movement is. -
Control over the "left" versus "right" political spectrum, with dogmatic, tightly-controlled political and "conspiracy theory" boxes being purposely created to play off against one another in an endless role play, all the while with the media pretending that the masses fall into these boxes. We're talking, for example, "liberal CIA" and "antifa" boxes versus "Libertarian" and "alt right" ones.
It's very important to realize that traditionally most European parties - the socialists, Greens, Christan Democrats, Liberals, etc. - all were shades of Bilderberg grey: they all hid key conspiracies and have been dogmatically open-borders. Only when this situation became untenable around the turn of the century did politics in Europe all of a sudden become "divisive", with peculiar anti-immigration "populist" parties arising, all to often with ties to conservative intelligence networks. Liberal-socialist parties that are strongly anti-Third World immigration - which is the will of the people, polls show - are peculiarly absent. -
David Rockefeller and his closest Eastern Establishment friends, as well as key NGOs as Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, all operating as private CIA assets and fronts. In reality this network controls the CIA and appears to be running its own privatized CIA operations.
Regular collaboration between gangs and intelligence agencies, certainly in the past.
- Deep involvement in drug and arms trafficking by the CIA to fund covert operations that the public/congress won't sanction. ISGP now has a specific article on this listing over four dozen cases of CIA/Mossad drug trafficking involving the Golden Triangle, the Medellin Cartel, Cali Cartel, Guadalajara Cartel, Afghanistan and much, much more.
False flag terrorist operations as a standard modus operandi for governments throughout history, the Reichstag Fire, the Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, the Strategy of Tension, the Russian apartment bombings, almost certainly 9/11, and, if Cuba had been invaded as a result, the John F. Kennedy assassination being classic examples. A government always wants to be argue to its own population that it was not them who one who began the conflict.
That the Russian government, with Vladimir Putin at the helm, was behind the 1999 Russian apartment bombing, without which he would not even remotely have gained the popularity to be elected president. His invasion of Chechnya, largely the price of his presidency, was secretly also over the new Caspian Sea oil discoveries.
That the cruise ferry Estonia was sunk with the help of explosives and that clandestine Russian arms shipments had a lot to do with its sinking.
CIA-mafia-Cuban exiles involvement in the JFK and RFK assassinations, most notably Ted Shackley and his team. And that the FBI and not-so-independent Warren Commission did a terrible investigative job, leaving out most of the witnesses who'd seen clear evidence of a second shooter at the knoll.
The powerful and disastrous influence of the Israel Lobby in the U.S. and its key role in bringing about the $3 trillion Iraq invasion of 2003, which in 2014 led to the rise of ISIS here. And, of course, that the Bush administration and its neocon army greatly manipulated evidence against Iraq to justify an invasion.
That the Israelis attacked the U.S.S. Liberty spy ship on purpose.
That the Israelis have obtained a considerable arsenal of nuclear weapons.
That the international Haganah/Zionist network has deep ties to the Jewish elements of the Russian and American mafias, and that in general the Zionist network is stacked with extremely criminal figures. Mind you, most Jews, such as in "liberal CIA"-controlled Hollywood, actually are ultra-liberal and allied to the globalist movement.
Voter fraud, even in the United States, at least during the election of George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. And that the controversial Diebold company has extremely deep historic ties to the CIA and U.S. national security establishment.
Potential short and long term economic growth problems due to a peak in the world's remaining conventional oil and gas supplies. However, more expensive shale oil for now has saved the world from the oil peak.
Sexual and pedophile entrapment operations by the CIA, starting out under Allen Dulles as an aspect of Cold War psychological warfare programs (at least, that was the excuse). There's a strong possibility that in the 1960s and 1970s a lot of this "research" went into creating, manipulating and/or using cults. I personally suspect the modern day conspiracy movement is an extension of cult manipulation, with the Cayce Association and Disclosure Project being prime examples.
That also the KGB/FSB carried out sexual entrapment operations, as the case of Yuri Skuratov clearly shows. Can't vouch for pedophile entrapment in their case, but the large scale and horrible Russian pedophile snuff ring exposed in 2000 by the Torre Annunziata prosecutor's office, clearly didn't make the slightest dent in the Russian press--and was almost immediately forgotten in the western media also.
Regarding 9/11:
- That Osama bin Laden organized the 9/11 operation, complete with his army of somewhat incompetent hijackers, but that U.S. national security elites cooperated with the Saudis, Pakistani ISI, and possibly a Russian-Ukrainian GRU firm Far West to make sure the attacks happened.
- That there was criminal negligence of Bush, Rumsfeld and General Mike Canavan at the FAA on the morning of 9/11 with regard to the extreme delays in intercepts.
- That the ties of Bush (his father of the CIA and Carlyle Group), Cheney (Far West) and Rumsfeld (best friend of Carlucci of the CIA and Carlyle Group) to the CIA and Saudis should not be overlooked.
- That FEMA, the 9/11 Commission and NIST have refused to explain the molten pools of steel, the temperatures of "more than 2,800 °F (1540 °C)" that took more than three months to cool down, and the heavy local sulfidation attacks on certain steel beams. Thermite is suspected.
- That it's impossible to brush off the fact that just about everyone present that day thought that bombs were located inside the WTC buildings, with both collapses being preceded by loud explosions. This was the case until mayor Giuliani and other authorities denied it.
- That the NIST report is extremely flawed for both the Twin Towers and WTC 7 to the point of criminal negligence and that no media outlet dares to touch this fact.
- That the 9/11 Truth movement is ran by spooks from A to Z who get all the big book contracts and access to the media. This is primarily obvious due to the fact that close to 100 percent of prominent and less prominent "researchers" back the bogus claim, based on contrived evidence, that Flight 77 couldn't have hit the Pentagon.
That Alex Jones is a Christian conservative activist/operative who refuses to talk about groups as Le Cercle, the American Security Council, the John Birch Society, the Heritage Foundation and the Council for National Policy. I actually experienced this personally.
That popular conspiracy disinformation site is an incarnation of the pro-Nazi Liberty Lobby - which goes a long way to explain his continuous support for the holocaust-denying Institute for Historical Review.
That Coast to Coast AM is ran by the security state from A to Z and that George Noory is a John Bircher.
That the same elite new age connections are true for the Disclosure Project. Steven Greer and lawyer Daniel Sheehan have extensive connections to Laurance Rockefeller, Maurice Strong and other members of the liberal establishment.
- There appears to be a core of truth in the claims of Kay Griggs about the sexual abuse network her husband, Marine Corps chief of staff Colonel George Griggs, was part of.
Not really a full cover up, but still very important: The unaccounted Pentagon trillions since its first mandatory audit in 1996, because it indicates tremendous and (economically) dangerous corruption, almost certainly involving many key defense contractors.