"Conservative CIA": News Sites, Think Tanks, Politicians, Foundations, John Birchers, Nazis and Terrorists -- "Liberal CIA"/Soros Opposition
- Intro
Basics - "Conservative CIA" explained
- "Liberal" and "conservative CIA" "boxes"
- "Alt Right" is Old Right - and "Conservative CIA"
- Buckleys & Birchers: all historical conservatism is "conservative CIA"
- Liberal-socialism is amazing
"Chicago Boys" exporting the "freedom" of fascism - Hayek and Milton Friedman's libertarianism/neoliberalism
- Elite ties of Hayek and Friedman: Rockefeller, Shultz
- Pinochet: murder, torture and Friedman-style neoliberalism in Chile
- Milei: Friedman-Hayek-loving, socialist-hating, "former" globalist, Argentine fascist - who wants to privatize nature
- Bolsonaro I: expressions of Brazil's anti-nature fascist
- Bolsonaro II: "Chicago Boy" Paulo Guedes as his financial chieftain
- Bolsonaro III: a John Birch Society-type cabinet of "Carvalho Cultists"
More - The neoliberal and libertarian Mont Pelerin conspiracy
- UK and Dutch neoliberalism and populism: Mont Pelerin?
- Donald Trump, the CNP and "conservative CIA"
- The "Rockefeller CIA" left-right paradigm
- Notes
Foundations and other donors: defunct
1. | Carthage Foundation (Scaife) | 4. | Hunt family |
2. | Castle Rock Fdn. (Coors) | 5. | Murchison family |
3. | Donner Canadian Foundation | 6. | Olin Foundation |
Foundations and other donors
1. | Bradley Foundation | 14. | Roe Foundation |
2. | Coors Foundation | 15. | Rumsfeld Foundation |
3. | DeVos-Prince foundations | 16. | Scaife foundations |
4. | Donner Foundation | 17. | Searle Freedom Trust |
5. | DonorsTrust | 18. | Simon Foundation |
6. | Donors Capital Fund | 19. | Uihlein family |
7. | Du Pont family | ||
8. | Earhart Foundation | Mainly lib. elite or Jewish-neocon | |
9. | Gleason Family Foundation | 20. | Achelis and Bodman Foundation |
10. | Koch foundations | 21. | Becker Foundation |
11. | Mercer Family Foundation | 22. | Smith Richardson Foundation |
12. | Randolph Foundation | 23. | Templeton Foundation |
13. | Regnery family |
"Populist" politicians and close allies
1. | US: Unabomber | 3. | US: MAGA Bomber |
2. | US: Timothy McVeigh | 4. | 4chan/8chan/8kun activists/terrorists |
Online news
1. | American Spectator | 11. | Townhall |
2. | Breitbart | 12. | TruePundit.com |
3. | Tucker Carlson | 13. | Truth Revolt (defunct) |
4. | CNS News | 14. | WorldNetDaily |
5. | Daily Caller | 15. | Washington Times |
6. | Daily Wire | ||
7. | Fox News | Netherlands | |
8. | FrontPage Magazine | 16. | Dagelijkse Standaard |
9. | National Review | 17. | GeenStijl / PowNed |
10. | Newsmax | 18. | The Post Online |
Research sites
1. | ActivistFacts.com | 7. | Media Research Center |
2. | CapitalResearch.org | 8. | NewsBusters.org |
3. | Conservapedia.com | 9. | NY TimesWatch.org (defunct) |
4. | DiscoverTheNetworks.org | 10. | Project Veritas |
5. | InfluenceWatch.org | 11. | Watchdog.org - Franklin Center |
6. | Judicial Watch |
Conspiracy (disinformation) outlets
1. | John Birch Society | 5. | Rense |
2. | Liberty Lobby | 6. | Newspunch.com / YourNewsWire |
3. | Infowars of Alex Jones | 7. | Intelligence Summit |
4. | Mike Cernovich |
Gore websites
1. | Rotten.com | 3. | LiveLeak.com |
2. | Ogrish.com | 4. | BestGore.com |
Alt-right and Neocon anti-immigration NGOs
Nazi network
Groups (timeline-ordered) | People | ||
1. | Liberty Lobby | 1. | Willis Carto |
2. | National Alliance | 2. | William Luther Pierce |
3. | The Turner Diaries | 3. | Richard Spencer |
4. | Anti-Globalization Action Netw. | 4. | William Regnery II |
5. | Charles Martel Society | 5. | Eustace Mullins |
6. | National Policy Institute | 6. | 9/11 "Truth" Nazis |
7. | Rense.com | ||
8. | Stormfront.org | Associated | |
9. | Daily Stormer | 7. | Timothy McVeigh |
10. | AltRight.com | 8. | Nation of Islam |
11. | LL/Barnes Review confer. | 9. | Hollywood: Friends of Abe |
12. | Bestgore.com |
Anti-feminist NGOs
1. | Independent Women's Forum |
Think tanks: national security and economics
1. | American Security Council | 14. | Goldwater Institute |
2. | American Enterprise Institute | 15. | Heartland Institute |
3. | AEI's New Atlantic Initiative | 16. | Heritage Foundation |
4. | Cato Institute | 17. | Hoover Institution |
5. | "Chicago School" of economics | 18. | Hudson Institute |
6. | Center for Security Policy | 19. | Institute for Contemporary Studies |
7. | Club for Growth | 20. | Manhattan Institute |
8. | Council for National Policy | 21. | Mont Pelerin Society |
9. | David Horowitz Freedom Center | 22. | National Strategy Inform. Center |
10. | Federalist Society | 23. | PNAC |
11. | Fdn. for Defense of Democracies | 24. | Rockfort Institute |
12. | Foreign Policy Research Institute | 25. | State Policy Network |
13. | Freedom House |
As veteran ISGP readers might already suspect, this oversight and article is a mirror of ISGP's "Liberal CIA" article. Its purpose is the same too: organizing large amounts of information into a single page to prevent duplicate content from spreading throughout the site. And secondly, to identify a core structure within the conservative movement, making it easier to figure out who or what exactly the power behind the throne is here.
Although sources can always be found by clicking on the links to the individual point-summaries, notes in the following chapters are limited for now. This is not just due to time constraints, but also because it is not clear yet how much tweaking and adding still needs to be done. Time will tell.
Strictly put, the terms "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" have been introduced by ISGP to denote anti-establishment controlled opposition movements with ties to a certain set of foundations which are historically said to serve as conduits for CIA operations. On the liberal "new left" side the classic examples have been the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations - today supplemented with Open Society (Soros), Bill & Melinda Gates, NoVo (Warren Buffett) and many others.
As for the right, we're traditionally talking about the hardly acknowledged alliance between Christian conservatives, both establishment and "anti-establishment", and neocon Zionist elements. 1 All of them traditionally share extremist anti-communist views and, except for certain Christian anti-establishment groups, also an extremist pro-War on Terror stance. Much of the funding for this network comes from a number of Christian-Zionist (neocon) foundations as Olin, Bradley and Scaife. The Olin Foundation is defunct now, but a good number of others have picked up this gap, most notably the Mercer Family Foundation, which played an important role in bringing Donald Trump to power in 2016. Foundations as Olin first arose in the 1970s as a counter to (Rockefeller) democrat Jimmy Carter, during which time inflation rose from about 4.5% to 11% and anti-"free enterprise" views increased in prominence. JFK and LBJ of the 1960s also played a role. So did the anti-Vietnam War protests and partly all the CIA investigations of the 1970s, all of which helped shift public attitude towards the left.
Considering the right is very much plugged into national security, ties to the DOD and CIA are considerably more direct than with its "liberal CIA" counterparts, where in first instance we always have to remember that the Eastern Establishment's "new left" Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations fronted for the CIA since the start of the Cold War 2, and never effectively ceased doing so upon formally being forced to sever that tie in the 1960s, considering all the persona and think tank ties remained in place, and all the same type of projects continued to be sponsored. The Rockefeller family itself - at the core of the Eastern Establishment through the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and other globalist NGOs - also fronted for the CIA, as well as largely controlled the CIA by being the effective kingmakers of American presidents and their cabinets, whether Democrat or Republican. ISGP's article 'Managed Democracy' is fully dedicated to that aspect. ISGP's Pilgrims Society has a chapter talking about the Rockefeller and other elite families' ties to the CIA and national security.
Here, of course, we land at the issue that we-the-people still are totally confused as to what exactly "CIA" means. Is it just a bureaucratic organization that switches leadership every four to eight years and is not active domestically? And for the rest just counters terrorists and foreign enemy governments? Or is the "CIA", similar to the State Department, more like a cog in a shadowy, fully private Eastern Establishment machine that is fielding its own left-right intelligence operations through the media, think tanks and political parties it infiltrates, sets up, and controls? In this scenario, Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the CFR on the "left" (really "elite" and globalist", but they are often manipulatively accused of being "leftist") - similar to the American Enterprise Institute, Hoover Institution and Council for National Policy on the "right" - are as much CIA front organizations as vice versa: the core network here controlling the CIA and appropriating its capabilities for use in the private sector. The evidence is very clearly pointing to the latter scenario, but it's next to impossible to wrap one's head around how private superclass intelligence operations can be kept so completely secret while they are clearly being deployed at an enormous scale throughout our western society.
It should be made very clear that the terms "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" do not refer to establishment Republican and Democrat candidates, nor to known superclass members that we find in various elite think tanks: anyone from a Senator John McCain to a Henry Kissinger or Madeleine Albright. These people are known to be "elite" and do not really pretend to be otherwise.
In contrast, "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" denote individuals and groups that present themselves as "opposition" to "the establishment" - but, through a combination of their (dogmatic) opinions, past and present friendships and employment, and funding sources coming from various "liberal CIA" foundations (or the CIA itself), can be identified as "controlled opposition".
"Liberal" and "conservative CIA" "boxes"
A few months before the original publication of this article, this author put out ISGP's Boxes Model of Politics. Over the past few decades the United States in particular has seen an endless stream of activists and terrorists that rather easily can be classified in very distinct boxes of political thought. We're talking anything from Howard Zinn and the Weathermen (antifa), to Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader and Bernie Sanders (social democrat / "new left" / "liberal CIA"), to the John Birch Society, Alex Jones, the Unabomber, the 2018 MAGA Bomber and Rense ("alt right" / "conservative CIA"). The political boxes are summarized as follows:
"Liberal CIA" are well-behaving social-democrats for the most part, who are always criticizing "big business" and its ties to "establishment" Democrats and Republicans. The antifa do the same thing, but are far more violent and unhinged (communists, anarchists, black revolutionaries), prone to conspiracy theory/disinformation, and basically "deep cover" operatives in the sense that the regular "liberal CIA" foundations seldom can be directly tied to them. Very sneaky, similar to establishment Democrats and European liberals: all of them are rabidly in favor of "the great replacement" of European whites by a mix of Latinos, Arabs and African negroes. And none of them expose very obvious conspiracies as the JFK assassination and 9/11 - in which case we, of course, are talking about legitimate questions. We're not talking about theories as "JFK's driver turned around and shot JFK" or 9/11's no-plane and pod theories.
As for "conservative CIA", these are the boxes below "Rockefeller Republicans", "Neoconservatives" and the "Christian Conservative lobby", namely the "Libertarians" and what today has been labeled the "Alt Right". A first thing that needs to be mentioned here and which is ultra-sneaky, is that all these establishment conservatives also happen to be fully in favor of "the great replacement". The only difference is that liberals are always emphasizing the social aspects, while (the equally NAFTA-loving) conservative pundits - usually only when pressed on it - prefer to highlight the economic aspects.
Even the Libertarian movement is divided on the Third World immigration issue. There is a huge establishment aspect to the Libertarian movement. The Cato Institute, which has received backing from anyone from Rupert Murdoch on the "right" to George Soros on "the left", has been arguing in favor of Third World immigration, extremeist feminism and weed legalization on the basis that it is against the "principals" of Libertarians to put restrictions on anything that hampers the free flow of the economy. Very, very sneaky, and very similar to how the communist antifa have been turned from economic communists (a giant historical threat to anything corporate) to race- and gender-equality-obessed "cultural communists", who with that, once again, do the bidding of the multinationals they claim to oppose.
"Alt Right" is Old Right - and "Conservative CIA"
We'll get back to the Libertarian movement, but clearly it's a very mixed bag that contains lots of establishment interests. That leaves us with the "Alternative Right", i.e. "Alt Right", a term that only became mainstream in the 2015-2016 period when Trump rose to prominence. Inconvenient as it is, originally the "Alternative Right" wasn't even recognized as a movement, except maybe for calling them "Libertarians", "John Birchers", "crazies", or "conspiracy theorists". Not allowing a movement to have a name aids in marginalizing it.
Fact is, the "Alt Right" pretty much mimics the Old Right, which pre- and more marginally post-World War II advocated for isolationism, anti-intervention, Christianity, "small government" and libertarianism. Already back then it opposed the Eastern Establishment. The "Alt Right" adds a belief in a number of modern conspiracies - in some corners at least - and for the rest is the only political box in the United States that opposes Third World immigration. Sometimes, or partially, at least. Already in ISGP's 'Boxes Model' article examples have been given that "alt right" pundits as Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones and Elon Musk very much weaken down the immigration debate by not talking about ethnic crime and ethnic IQ.
Unsurprisingly maybe, this "Alt Right" is a hotch potch of crazies, John Birchers, conspiracy disinformers, Holocaust deniers and outright Nazis. In fact, it was Richard Spencer, a major Trump supporter and president of the Regnery-funded Nazi outfit National Policy Institute, who in 2010 registered the urls AltRight.com and AlternativeRight.com, today the home of an inactive Nazi-esque news website. That should tell us just how new this term is. And also that, as usual, Nazis have actively been appropriating a very generic term - "alternative" - that really stands for "anti-establishment right".
It should be clear that it is with the "Alt Right" where the term "conservative CIA" really comes into its own. As readers will quickly find out by analyzing all the entries here, there's really no point calling the "Alt Right" the "Alt Right". It should either be called "Old Right", or, more accurately, "conservative CIA". Similar to the "liberal CIA" social Democrats and the antifa, it's a completely artificial creation, meant to pervert and neutralize huge anti-immigration sentiment among the white populations and prevent any kind of decent, honest research into conspiracies as JFK and 9/11. If you are against further Third World immigration - which easily 70-80% of whites are and 60% of minorities - or open to conspiracy, you are literally forced to take refuge in this pre-created political box and get behind one of the gurus here. Otherwise you and your opinions essentially don't exist.
Obviously only a small aspect of the "Alt Right" is Nazi, with other elements complaining regularly about this mischaracterization by the mainstream media. However, none of this means that the remaining elements - generally Old Right as Infowars and neocon as Breitbart - actually are independent. Far from it. It's just roleplay with a number of different layers.
Buckleys & Birchers: all historical conservatism is "conservative CIA"
Pre-World War II, in the United States, there already was an anti-"liberal elite" bias amongst the population, certainly against the emerging Rockefellers. After World War II, the conservative rebellion continued against the "Eastern Establishment". Key was the 1951 book God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of "Academic Freedom". Written by William Buckley, Jr., the book was critical of the atheist, socialist and Keynesian teachings at Yale and other Eastern Establishment universities, even more so because not all students agreed with them. Buckley's book proved influential when in 1955 he founded the National Review and established himself as the leader of the "anti-establishment" conservative leader of the United States. In 1966 he also was the founder and presenter of Firing Line on television, a position he held until 1999.
The thing is, as many people are aware of these days, Buckley was as elite as they come. His family largely derived its wealth from a lucrative oil exploration deal William Buckley, Sr. struck with the Rockefellers' Standard Oil in 1938. 3 At Yale, Buckley, Jr. was a member of the controversial Skull & Bones secret society. In the 1951-1952 period he was a (later) self-described "deep cover" CIA agent in Mexico City, whose handler was E. Howard Hunt 4, reportedly the only conservative CIA officer in the Agency and later, among other things, extremely notorious over the Watergate affair of 1972-1974. Obviously, no one in the public was aware of Buckley's active CIA employment when they were reading God and Man at Yale - but the book, quite literally, was a CIA creation. Which in turn says a lot about the National Review and Firing Line. Buckley's relationship also continued with Hunt, all the way to Watergate, as Buckley became "godfather and guardian to the four children of Mr. Hunt and his wife". 5 Between the Buckley recruitment and Watergate, Hunt was a consultant and "personal friend" to CIA director Allen Dulles 6, with later CIA director Richard Helms having Hunt's novels strewn around his office. 7 In 1970 Helms and Buckley wrote letters of recommendation that got Hunt his first job outside of the Agency. More information and sources on the Hunt-Buckley-CIA relationship are given in ISGP's CFR article, in the section 'Was the CIA indeed "top Ivy League"-dominated in the 1950-1970s?'.
As the decades passed, Buckley's establishment ties only became more visible. In 1965 he attempted to join the Council on Foreign Relations, but was rebuffed by unknown members. That same year he started a campaign to boot the John Birch Society out of the conservative movement. The John Birch Society always has been an extremist Christian conservative group, and was an early conspiracy disinformation pusher. So much is clear from its February 1962 article Marxmanship in Dallas, in which the case was made that Oswald was a Soviet agent assigned to kill JFK. How convenient for the ever-pro-war faction in the CIA and its American Security Council allies.
It appears that this was not the main reason for Buckley's dislike of the John Birch Society, however, but really that there was too much truth in the Society's teachings. They were relentlessly attacking the Rockefellers, the Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg, followed later on by the Trilateral Commission. While things turned silly by calling the Eastern Establishment "communist" day in, day out, in the end the John Birch Society was not entirely wrong that the Rockefellers did allow technology transfers to the Soviet Union - as discussed by Hoover Institution fellow Anthony Sutton. They were also not wrong that there is a very strong open borders and one-world-government agenda in place surrounding the Rockefellers and the afore-mentioned think tanks. If one can put the John Birch Society's teachings in perspective, they actually are extremely useful to the average, unaware person. In any case, Buckley wanted nothing to do with it. He was seeking to join the elites the John Birch Society was deriding.
Then again, John Birch Society founder Robert Welch's brother, James; and nephew, James, Jr., were to be found on the board of RJR Nabisco from the 1960s to 1987, sitting here alongside top globalists as Pilgrims executive and three-time Bilderberg visitor (1971, 1980, 1998) Sir Ronald Grierson; Rockefeller Foundation trustee and Bilderberg steering committee member Vernon Jordan; and Pilgrim, Rockefeller Institute trustee and Atlantic Council vice chair John Macomber. 8 James, Jr. actually became vice president in 1971, president in 1979, CEO in the early 1980s, and then chair in 1986 of Nabisco Brands. 9 Robert had been in business with his brother since before the Great Depression, and retired a rich man in 1956 to set up his magazine American Opinion in 1956, and the John Birch Society in 1958. In 1963 the family's candy company, James O. Welch and Company, was sold to RJR Nabisco 10, whose board, by a 1974 study for U.S. congress, was determined to have two "interlocks with the Rockefeller family." 11 It's an odd coincidence. Jew-hating conspiracy icon Eustace Mullins, who had his fascist poetry mentor Ezra Pound in common with Eastern Establishment CIA counter-intelligence chief James Angleton, certainly was somewhere close to the truth when he said during an interview:
"The John Birch Society was set up by Nelson Rockefeller. I knew two people at the original meeting. They needed a right-wing, anti-communist organization. Nelson Rockefeller decided that Robert Welch was the man to run the John Birch Society, so [in 1963] he arranged for the sale of Welch's Candy Co. at a highly inflated price, and Welch was given an income to run the John Birch Society.
"Revilo Oliver was a good friend of mine and he was one of the founders of the John Birch Society [alongside John Hooker and Robert Welch]. He and I were sitting in his living room once and he told me that he knew Nelson Rockefeller ran the Birch Society because he had a revolving fund at Chase Manhattan Bank, and whenever Welch needed a quarter million dollars to meet the payroll, he'd go to Chase Manhattan Bank and withdraw the money.
"[He] himself [told me that] - one of the founders. Can't ask for better authority than that." 12
Revilo Oliver was the author of the John Birch Society disinformation article 'Marxmanship in Dallas' 13, and would later break with the John Birch Society in favor of the more pro-Nazi National Alliance. So in that sense it is clear he would have found a lot of common ground with Mullins. It remains anybody's guess though whether or not the direct Rockefeller tie of the John Birch Society is true. But that organization too always has had all the hallmarks of being a controlled opposition outfit.
In any case, likely in part because of his strong disavowal of the John Birch Society, William Buckley was able to join the Council on Foreign Relations in 1974, at that point chaired by none other than David Rockefeller himself. A year later he received an invitation to Bilderberg, whose most important and most long-term leader from its founding in 1954 until the 2000s was David Rockefeller. Buckley again was invited to Bilderberg in 1996, still as a representative of the National Review. Being staunch, wealthy Catholics, at some point Buckley and his brother James were invited to the elite Knights of Malta 14, notorious for its close partnership with both Opus Dei and the CIA. At the turn of the century, Buckley was to be found on one of the boards of Conrad Black's super-elite Hollinger Group, along with the likes of Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Volcker, Gianni Agnelli, Lord Jacob and Sir Evelyn de Rothschilds, and more openly-known neocon elites such as Richard Perle (and Black himself). 15
Looking at all these CIA and liberal elite ties of William Buckley, Jr. throughout his lifetime, isn't it odd that he continues to be revered in conservative corners? Even the Council for National Policy, with its historic John Birch Society ties and more recent Alex Jones and Donald Trump ties, has a dedicated "William F. Buckley Jr. Council".
Of course, what we're observing here is part of a familiar pattern. Both the John Birch Society and the pro-Nazi Liberty Lobby - the go-to watchdogs for the Eastern Establishment during the Cold War - received backing from elements involved in the American Security Council and the Western Goals Foundation. In fact, the John Birch Society's second president, Congressman Larry MacDonald, was chairman of the board of the Western Goals Foundation, with board members including then-Donald Trump lawyer 16 and accused pedophile (blackmailer) and suspected Mossad or CIA operative Roy Cohn 17; the CIA- and Iran-Contra-tied General John Singlaub; and conservative FBI agent Dan Smoot, who wrote the anti-CFR book 'The Invisible Government'. 18 MacDonald also was part of an American Enterprise Institute telecast of the 1976, which equally featured CFR, Bilderberg and Trilateral elites as Samuel Huntington, Melvin Laird, Paul Unitize and Jack Kemp. 19 And we're not even talking about the earlier, deep globalist ties of the John Birch Society to RJR Nabisco.
It all comes down to analyzing what society wants and needs - and then handing it a controlled, diluted, perverted version of it.
Liberal-socialism is amazing
Before writing anything on libertarianism and neoliberalism here - which are economic policies that definitely play an important role if implemented at the right time and in moderation - it might be pertinent to mention that this author is from the Netherlands; not the U.S. Hence, there is a bit of a different perspective here. Similar to all other North-West European countries, post-World War II baby-boomers and their children have been living in liberal-socialist paradises. Third World immigration, with its massive crime numbers, as well as (Bilderberg-pushed) neoliberal "deregulation" and continuous tax reductions for upper incomes, has been dramatically changing the situation, especially since the 1990s, but for the longest time countries as the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Germany have enjoyed:
- national debts around 30-60% of GDP, very comparable to the U.S. until things got out of control when the U.S. entered the "War on Terror" (above 100% now);
- about 150-200% the effective U.S. minimum wage, looking at absolute numbers and living expenses; arguably 300% with expensive states as California;
- 36 to 40 hours per week as a maximum;
- experiments now with 6-hour work days with same pay (productivity has gone up, according to early experiments);
- 4 weeks of vacation per year, apart from holidays;
- no problems with going on vacation 3 or 4 weeks at once;
- investment profits up to $125,000 not taxed (at least a decade ago; not sure now);
- crypto-profits at infinity taxed about 1% per year;
- strong social security;
- strong, uncorrupted labor unions (no Italian or Jewish mafias running them);
- low-cost government-issued medicare for all (huge bureaucratic waste and high prices now - despite/actually since 2003 privatization);
- virtually zero police abuse (in fact, in the Netherlands they are next to useless, left the streets, don't show up for anything involving loud music, barking dogs, etc., don't fine for this; and are harassed by immigrants);
- no doctor-prescribed, pain pill-popping culture;
- great public schooling (non-immigrant-dominated schools still are);
- free college in some countries;
- no above-ground power, telephone, or internet lines;
- high quality road system, both for cars and bicycles;
- great public transportation: buses, trams, metros, trains;
- high-quality, UV-filtered tap water (no chlorine or fluoride);
- very effective gun control (you can get a gun if you want to hunt);
- no corporate marijuana, etc. drug tests;
- legalization or semi legalization of weed (smells!), shrooms, Salvia, Ibogaine and more;
- no out-of-control commercialism, such as 7 minute commercials just to watch the last minute of a miniseries, or commercial breaks every 5 minutes;
- decent consumer protection laws, from banning tons of herbicides still legal in the U.S. to forcing phone manufacturers to bring back replaceable batteries;
- no homeless people sleeping in the streets;
- little (black, etc.) ghetto-forming or - traditionally - blacks having their own "subculture", including (lack of proper) speech;
- no black minority humorously race-baiting the white majority in comedy TV specials;
- little race-baiting overall, although cultures have always isolated themselves from each other.
The cost of having these benefits is higher taxes for the middle and upper classes than you see in the United States. For the Netherlands this is roughly 50% for the highest bracket versus 37% for the lowest. Although... going over the numbers, it actually turns out that pretend-"populist" prime minister Mark Rutte has been pushing the highest bracket down (from 52%), and the lowest bracket up (from 36%). Looking deeper, similar to more serious anti-immigration "populists", Mark Rutte - almost an annual visitor to Bilderberg and also a visitor in 2011 of a regional meeting of the Trilateral Commission - and his VVD have a long-standing neoliberal heritage in line with the Mont Pelerin Society and Friedrich von Hayek. This seems to be just one of these elite schemes to force people to accept Third World immigrants: moderate liberal-socialism apparently is not allowed to co-exist alongside anti-immigration.
Anyway, going back to how things are/were, looking at the fact that the Netherlands, Canada and Scandinavia have topped the World Happiness Index for decades at this point, it's hard to make the case that "socialism" doesn't work. Arguably these countries actually have been ahead of the United States in its level of social development. Despite that, many U.S. citizens do not seem to have a grasp of the word "socialism" at all. Just the other week I was listening to a Joe Rogan podcast - forgot which one - and heard Rogan - by no means a right-winger - saying something along the lines as, "Yeah, socialism just never really worked anywhere." Okay, how about North-West Europe? How about Canada or Australia? How about any other country in the West besides the United States? Those countries are very socialist and have been going strong for a good number of decades. In fact, they have been liberal-socialist, which means "free market" with rules in place to shave off some of the sharp edges of the capitalist system. In that sense, the United States is "socialist" too, just a little less.
The problem here seems to be America's conservative movement has been demonizing anything to the left of corporatism, neoliberalism and libertarianism. Just because John Birchers, Fox News and the Chicago School of economists often say so, doesn't mean that liberals and socialists actually are "communists" and "collectivists". The Soviet Union, China and Cuba were communist/collectivist countries. Even by cutting defense spending, these economies indeed did not work. But moderately socialist countries in ethnically stable, high IQ societies, as found historically in North-West Europe, have worked enormously well.
In the end, socialism is nothing more than employers, employees and the government looking to find common ground and establishing certain base rights, especially for employees. This is amazing - because if it is done right, you develop a large, happy, stable middle class that consumes and develops a dynamic culture that pushes society forward. Social security, a minimum wage, a maximum amount of working hours, a police force protecting you from criminals, a government taking care of public transport, etc. all are examples of socialism. Also, for example, a government having experts looking into the music industry and, by law, making sure that artists receive a certain percentage of profits, or can't be locked into 5 album deals before they have even released their first, would be an example of socialism - and also one much needed in the United States in particular in past decades.
I feel silly for even writing this section. This basic lecture on socialism is quite literally what I learned in high school. Everybody knows this, right? Right? Then why don't so many Americans?
Hayek and Milton Friedman's neoliberalism
Studying the conservative movement, it doesn't take long to observe that it is less versatile than its "liberal CIA" counterpart. In fact, it really hasn't evolved much since "Rockefeller CIA" man William Buckley wrote God and Man at Yale in 1951, criticizing socialism, Keynesianism, and the removal of God from academics. It's basically a religious, militaristic and economic movement. The Christian conservatives primarily represent the first two; the Zionists and neocons the latter. Labor rights, the environment, online privacy - these are all issues "conservative CIA" foundations haven't been pumping a whole lot of money in to put it mildly. Onlyt "liberal CIA" foundations as Rockfeller, Ford, Carnegie and Soros do that. As for neocon and Christian conservative economics: it all comes down to neoliberalism and libertarianism, which comes down to giving free reign to monopolies and cartels.
Without spending another year studying all the nuances, neoliberalism is basically one strand of libertarianism - and in practice all of them are unbelievably shortsighted and selfish economic practices. That makes sense, because they are particularly useful for elites to plunder the economy through cartel- and monopoly-forming, and suck the life out of the lower and middle classes. Milton Friedman, both a neoliberal and libertarian, loved "full deregulation", to the point of scrapping building codes 20, worker safety laws, maximum work hours, minimum wages 21 and seemingly also child labor and education laws - sooner or later putting us back in the time of the Industrial Revolution. Other libertarians, including many associated with the conspiracy community, have been campaigning for the abolishment of the IRS. 22 This would get rid of government as a whole, and give full power not to the masses and a "free market", but to the existing mega-corporations and banks. In fact, it will lead to the total disintegration of western society: no more public roads, no more army, no more police - except for those privately set up by the mega-corporations and banks. It will be total anarchy.
Quite possibly the major problem with neoliberalism and libertarianism is trying to figure where the practice is differing from the preaching. It should be clear that the networks we are dealing with are extremely manipulative. The usual battle cries are "liberalism", "freedom", "personal freedom", "free markets" and "small governments". But libertarians and neoliberal really never seem to refer to anything "social" - the worst word imaginable - in these instances. Semi-secretly, they use these buzzwords to denote "no rules":
- no minimum wage;
- no workplace safety rules;
- little to no taxes;
- no restraints on quashing labor unions or upcoming rivals by any means necessary;
- no limits on financial speculation, cartel-forming or monopolies, etc.
In other words: the rich stay rich, the poor remain poor. Simple as that. And it's all done under the guise of "freedom".
Neoliberalism itself started out as a lie. It was first written down in book-form by Austrian economist Friedrich von Hayek in his 1945 book The Road to Serfdom. A condensed version of the book was published by the ultraright leadership of Reader's Digest, associated with anything from pre-World War II Nazi promotion, to the American Security Council and the American Enterprise Institute. Later this condensed version was also distributed by General Motors, one of the largest investors in pre-World War II Nazi Germany 23 alongside its owner, Du Pont; the Rockefeller's Standard Oil 24, IBM 25, Wall Street banks and London counterparts as Lazard Brothers, Hambros, J. Henry Schroder and the Bank of England 26 - all in an effort to make maximum profit and keep the anti-corporate communists out of Europe. These same corporations, at least the American ones, also had been identified as nororious labor union busters by U.S. congress. 27 Almost hilariously, the book and the condensed version tried to make the claim that Hitler and fascism were creations of the "socialists", "collectivists" and "communists":
"Long before the Nazis, too, the German and Italian socialists were using techniques of which the Nazis and fascists later made effective use. The idea of a political party which embraces all activities of the individual from the cradle to the grave, which claims to guide his views on everything, was first put into practice by the socialists. It was not the fascists but the socialists who began to collect children at the tenderest age into political organization to direct their thinking...
"It was the socialists who first insisted that the party member should distinguish himself from others by the modes of greeting and the forms of address. It was they who, by their organization of 'cells' and devices for the permanent supervision of private life, created the prototype of the totalitarian party. By the time Hitler came to power, liberalism was dead in Germany. And it was socialism that had killed it. To many who have watched the transition from socialism to fascism at close quarters the connection between the two systems has become increasingly obvious, but in the democracies the majority of people still believe that socialism and freedom can be combined. They do not realize that democratic socialism, the great utopia of the last few generations, is not only unachievable, but that to strive for it produces something utterly different – the very destruction of freedom itself. It is disquieting to see in England and the United States today the same drawing together of forces and nearly the same contempt of all that is liberal in the old sense...
"Totalitarianism is the new word we have adopted to describe the unexpected but nevertheless inseparable manifestations of what in theory we call socialism."
Looking at North-West Europe and Canada in particular and how they evolved from when Hayek's book was written until roughly the turn of the century, these words of Hayek come across as rather ridiculous. Hayek actually confirmed his love for colonialist-fascist regimes in a July 11, 1978 letter he wrote to the London Times:
"In Modern times there have of course been many instances of authoritarian governments under which personal liberty was safer than under democracies. I have never heard anything to the contrary of the early years of Dr Salazar's early government in Portugal...
"I have not been able to find a single person even in much maligned Chile who did not agree that personal freedom was much greater under Pinochet than it had been under Allende."
"Personal freedom"? What is Hayek talking about? Salazar was a pro-colonialist fascist whose Portugal was ran by banking and corporate monopolies. Pinochet was murdering left-wing political opponents by the thousands, tortured tens of thousands and had roughly 100,000 political prisoners locked up in concentration camps throughout the country. So what is Hayek talking about with his go-to phrase "personal freedom"? At the very least he could have said "economic freedom", although even that is questionable because a dictatorship is unlikely to allow the rise of economic interests that will work against it. It generally prefers cartels and monopolies that dominate the economy and work with the security services. This was also the case in Chile.
Fascinating is that Hayek's close friend for about two decades at that point, Milton Friedman, was closely tied to the 1973 Chilean coup. The so-called Chilean "Chicago boys" - tied from anything to the World Bank and the Rockefeller Foundation to CIA-penetrated social clubs and newspapers - were the ones who introduced neoliberal "shock therapy" in Chile under Pinochet. These were mostly taught by Friedman and a leading assistant of his, Dr. Arnold Harberger, at the University of Chicago's economists department.
We leave the details of the Chilean adventure to a separate section, but one only has to look at a few random comments of Milton Friedman to get a similar sense of the extremism of traditional neoliberalism as one gets from Hayek. The idea of a "free market" being more effective than a government in many respects is widely accepted. But Friedman too was more of a corporate monopolist - most likely explaining why, similar to Hayek, he took his Nobel prize-winning "free market" theory to its ultimate, almost purely philosophical, extreme - and then sugar-coated it with veiled explanations and words as "liberty" and "freedom".
For example, already in 1970, three years before the Chile coup, Friedman wrote an article for the New York Times that today is often referred to as the "Friedman Doctrine". It absolved corporations from any and all "social responsibility": from the environment to their employees' working conditions, with managers and their employees only having one purpose: maximizing profit for the shareholders of the company:
"The businessmen believe that they are defending free enterprise when they declaim that business is not concerned "merely" with profit but also with promoting desirable "social" ends; that business has a "social conscience" and takes seriously its responsibilities for providing employment, eliminating discrimination, avoiding pollution and whatever else may be the catchwords of the contemporary crop of reformers. In fact they are ... preaching pure and unadulterated socialism [and] undermining the basis of a free society... Insofar as his actions in accord with his "social responsibility" reduce returns to stockholders, he is spending their money." 28
Clearly Friedman and many of his Chicago School allies have been dead-serious about the issue of zero corporate responsibility in the corporate domain. It's just pure social Darwinism. It also appears that Friedman never changed his views by much. During a 1991 interview with the Federal Reserve of Minneapolis, he stated:
"Tyranny, restrictions on human freedom, come primarily from governmental institutions that we ourselves set up. ... Similarly, building codes [preventing them from collapsing] impose costs that you might not privately want to engage in, [minimum] wage and [maximum] hour laws—and on and on." 29
This type of thinking, while it has its merits, such as the "hidden hand" concept of the masses automatically sorting out their own affairs based on their needs, is just shocking in its primitivity. It's a type of thinking that hasn't really had a place anymore in the West, apart from conservative and libertarian Republican circles in the United States. Then, upon realizing how much of a fan Friedman was of Senator Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, and things start to make sense again.
Very important to mention, though, is that this type of "right-wing", "conservative" thinking is being introduced again by anti-immigration "populists" in western Europe. All of a sudden the environment and the reality of CO2 increases in the atmosphere are "out" again with this new breed of "populist" leaders. This development appears to be part of a concerted effort to split public opinion into very radical camps, and keep juggling the masses between them, ad infinitum. In fact, it is entirely possible that this has been the purpose from the start with neoliberal extremists as Hayek and Friedman, just by looking at their elite ties and propagandist wording that they've used throughout their career to sell their theories. They may just have been "conservative CIA" all along.
Milton Friedman's ideas became the dominant economic thought at the World Bank and IMF under the Reagan years. Davos' 'stakeholder concept' was set up in the early 1970s as the polar opposite to the Friedman way of thinking. Probably niot a surprise either, Davos founder Klaus Schwab had pre-existing ties to Henry Kissinger and seemingly also Maurice Strong, two of the most important Rockefeller allies.
Elite ties of Hayek and Friedman: Rockefeller, Shultz
At this point, it might be interesting to look a little deeper into whether or not Hayek and Friedman had any elite ties. For right-wing extremists to become so famous that they continue to be part of respectable mainstream narrative and global World Bank and IMF policy, that generally doesn't happen by accident.
Lo and behold, going all the way back, in 1930 the Austrian Institute for Trade Cycle Research received a five-year Rockefeller Foundation grant. 30 The institute had been founded in 1927 by Friedrich von Hayek, who served as the director until 1931 31; and fellow "Austrian School" (libertarian) economist Ludwig von Mises. 32
Mises stayed in Austria and during World War II ended up being close to Otto von Habsburg, the last heir of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, an Opus Dei chieftain, and key founder of the hard-right, intelligence-ridden and rather sinister Le Cercle Pinay group in 1952. 70 years later, in 2009, Otto von Habsburg, came to the Mises Institute in Alabama to give a remembrance speech of Mises. 33 David Rockefeller was among the invitees to Le Cercle for some time in the late 1960s, but was prevailed upon to withdraw from the group due to its "reactionary" nature - which essentially was comparable to the far less prestigious Mises Institute.
Already in 1931, Hayek went to work at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), whose economics department was much more conservative than the rest of the school. 34 LSE had been founded in 1895 by the Stalin- and Hitler-admiring faction of the elite-tied Fabian Society. Together with the Rockefeller-founded Chicago University and the Rockefeller-financed "Austrian School" of Mises and Hayek, the London School of Economics, which was among the heavier-financed universities at the time by the Rockefellers 35 (producing, for example, CIA-tied African nationalist Jomo Kenyatta) and served as the leading international opposition force to the emerging Keynesian method. 36
To explain, when the Great Depression hit in 1929, the U.S., Japan and other countries increasingly switched to Keynesian economics. This came down to temporary government deficit spending and other interventionist measures to either continue or re-ignite the economy. It worked for Japan. It somewhat worked for the United States - although nothing brought back fate in the economy as the preparation for World War II. With the Keynesian system it all comes down to when and how severe the government intervention is in the economy, whether or not one can speak of "socialism" or "communism". If the intervention is too soon, too severe, or not well-thought out, then arguably the government might indeed be supporting businesses that really have no business of existing anymore. They should be allowed to collapse, with more efficient corporations taking over.
Generally, the neoliberal / libertarian / Chicago School of thought presents the opposite extreme, one with absolutely zero intervention, or even oversight, by the government. Without a doubt, many of these economists would even have protested the successful $15 billion stock buying spree of Beijing and Hong Kong in 1998 to protect their economies from a shorting attack by George Soros, who earlier had ruined the Thai and Malaysian economies. Clearly, government intervention is not all black and white. Unfortunately, it is often presented as such by this camp.
By 1937 Hayek actually was tutoring David Rockefeller on economics at the London School of Economics 37, the foreign school so heavily funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. In his biography, Rockefeller explains his fondness of at least the theoretical philosophy behind Fabian socialism, how its purpose is to create a welfare state purely because it's "the right thing to do", and not just for the "reward in the afterlife". 38 Interestly, he also writes "I found myself largely in agreement with [Hayek's] basic economic policy", yet soon after explains that various (later) "Chicago School" professors, as well as he himself, "would have objected to Friedman's cavalier dismissal of corporate social responsibility" 39 - which essentially is the same thing Hayek has always done, certainly in his rather grotesque 1945 propaganda book The Road to Serfdom. True, Hayek apparently believed in "certain modest social programs", an opinion that got Mises so heated at one point that he "stormed out the room, calling [Hayek and] other [founding Mont Pelerin Society] members a bunch of socialists." 40 In any case, he lists Lionel Robbins as his favorite economics teacher at LSE. Based on the recommendations of Robbins and Hayek, he ended up continuing his studies at the Rockefeller-founded University of Chicago, another rare neoliberal bastion, containing George Stigler and other well-known economics professors. Milton Friedman came to the University of Chicago in 1946. Hayek arrived in 1950, but was paid by an outside foundation.
Other important names were to be found at the Chicago School. The Rockefeller Foundation-financed economist D. Gale Johnson arrived in the mid 1940s and ended up as chairman of the economics department in 1971-1975 and 1980-1984. It is in this latter period that Johnson joined David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission and also came to serve a leading role in the (then) Rockefeller-linked and later neocon-dominated American Enterprise Institute, along with a number of other Chicago School economists. In fact, AEI neocons as Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz formed a lasting alliance with Chicago School economists as Gale Johnson and Thomas Sowell, which is still going on during the present War on Terror era, with the notorious Project for the New American Century essentially being a 1997 AEI offshoot.
There's more. Not only did John D. Rockefeller set up the University of Chicago as his first main philanthropic effort 41, the Rockefellers continued their involvement over the next century. David Rockefeller sat on the board of trustees of the University of Chicago from 1947 to 1963 and then served as life trustee from 1966 to 2007. 42 His nephew, John D. "Jay" Rockefeller IV, joined the university's board in 1967 43 and certainly was on the board until 1978, alongside provost D. Gale Johnson, the Trilateral; trustee Peter Peterson, another Trilateral with (future) close ties to David; and life trustees David and a person named William McCormick Blair 44, a Skull & Bonesman whose cousin, Harold Fowler McCormick Sr., was married to John D. Rockefeller, Sr.'s daughter Edith.
In 1957 a young George Shultz came to the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business. Initially just an economics professor, from 1962 to 1968 Shultz served as dean of the school, forming a close, lasting friendship with Milton Friedman and other economists as George Stigler. 45 In fact, Milton Friedman became Shultz's lifelong economic mentor. 46 Shultz, who became a top superclass member, developed close ties as well to Chicago University trustee David Rockefeller. Part of these ties continued to run through the University of Chicago. David Rockefeller already had his own chair here. 47 And when in 1987 the University of Chicago also set up a chair in honor of Shultz, the contributors and participants in the related ceremony included David, Kisisnger and other superclass friends:
"The University of Chicago, where he was dean of the Graduate School of Business, is setting up a chair in [George Shultz's] honor.. Among those expected at the black-tie dinner is a group of Shultz's powerful friends and associates, who also have contributed to the chair. They include ... Henry Kissinger; Stephen D. Bechtel Jr. ... Milton Friedman ... David Packard ... David Rockefeller ... and former treasury secretary William E. Simon." 48
This is an important list of names, considering David Rockefeller, the Bechtels and Henry Kissinger all had long-standing experience in arranging combined CIA-big business coups 49, with George Shultz, the Bechtel president who served as Reagan secretary of state from 1982 to 1989, having to be seen as an insider to that process as well. In fact, Milton Friedman's "Chicago Boys" in Latin America have been accused of the same thing.
Shultz joined the Nixon campaign and then the administration itself as an economic advisor. From 1972 to 1974 he served as Nixon's Secretary of the Treasury. This is an interesting period, because it was during this timeframe that Nixon; secretary of state, national security advisor and 40 Committee chair Henry Kissinger; and CIA director Richard Helms not only were "squeezing" the Chilean economy under the Marxist-socialist Salvador Allende, but actually massively infiltrated the country, making possible the September 1973 coup of the fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet. As already mentioned in the Pilgrims Society chapter Early CIA ties, the "Company" and corporate coups, David Rockefeller, aided by his direct access to Kissinger and Helms, played a key role in the corporate push for the coup, in no small part through the Americas Society he founded.
By 1975, 1.5 years after the coup, a group of "Chicago Boys" that included Dr. Arnold Harberger, educated at Shultz and Friedman's University of Chicago through grants from USAID and the Rockefeller Foundation, introduced harsh neoliberal economic policies in Chile with the approval of Pinochet. Nixon advisor Friedman personally taught some of these individuals and went on a brief tour of Chile in March 1975, meeting with Pinochet. It's a fascinating set of coincidences. As already said, Pinochet's Chile has its own chapter here.
Shultz and Friedman played leading roles in the "Nixon Shock": the 1971 decision to take the U.S. dollar off the gold standard, making it impossible for foreign countries to swap their dollars for gold. A person with the name Arthur R. Burns, a CFR member since 1959 and chairman of the Federal Reserve System from 1970 to 1978 under Nixon, Ford and Carter, also played a role in this decision. Burns was Friedman's leading mentor. In 1932, at age 20, Friedman was picked up at Rutgers University by Burns, a visiting professor from Columbia University who was 8 years his senior. Throughout the rest of his career, Burns remained his primary patron. In 1937, Burns brought Friedman onboard as a fellow-staffer at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) 50, a very elite body already financed for years at that point by the Rockefeller Foundation 51 and Carnegie Endowment - and therefore was criticized alongside the CFR and Foreign Policy Association by the McCarthyite Reece Committee of 1954 for being part of "something of a Frankenstein ... indoctrinating our students with radical internationalism [and the] globalism concept." 52 The Brookings Institution was similarly funded and thus criticized, and is where Friedman's other "closest and most valued friend" and mentor alongside Burns, Homer Jones (at least still by 1976), received his M.A. 53
Initially, in 1964, Friedman was an economic advisor to the failed campaign of American Security Council favorite Senator Barry Goldwater, a notorious McCarthyite. Then, clearly under the tutelage of Burns and Shultz, he also became an advisor to the "conservative" President Nixon, during which he and two dozen of his proteges became involved in the great neoliberal experiment that was Pinochet. Looking at all the ties Friedman had to American Security Council and Cercle Pinay favorites, support for a murderous dictator really is nothing unusual at all. In fact, it has been the norm in these networks. It also was the norm with Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, both of whom Friedman also advised.
It should be clear at this point that the neoliberal "Chicago School" of economic thought - which included Friedman, Hayek, Burns, Trilateralist George Shultz, Trilateralist D. Gale Johnson, Trilateralist Peterson of the Peterson Institute for International Economics (with David Rockefeller, George Soros, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, etc. as directors), Trilateral Commission founder David Rockefeller, Senator Jay Rockefeller, and additional names as Thomas Sowell of the American Enterprise Institute - has been closely linked to the Rockefeller interests. The same is true of the Austrian Institute for Trade Cycle Research, where Hayek and Mises started their career in 1927, the London School of Economics, the National Bureau of Economic Research, to repeat, the University of Chicago; and eventually the neoliberal Chilean adventure with Pinochet. In other words, wherever there are anti-"liberal establishment" libertarian economists, we have also found the "liberal elite" Rockefeller interests, plus some CIA ties.
That forces us to conclude that Friedman and his social Darwinist neoliberal, libertarian economic theories simply have been propped up by the right-wing of the Rockefeller establishment. Without approval coming from that corner, it is unlikely anyone would ever have heard of Hayek, Mises, or Friedman.
Pinochet: murder, torture and Friedman-style neoliberalism in Chile
A number of readers might be interested in learning more about the link between Milton Friedman, the CIA and the Pinochet regime. Much controversy has surrounded this subject, and it most certainly has parallels with ISGP articles on the American Security Council and Le Cercle. It might be interesting to look at the subject of U.S. corporate coups from a purely economic standpoint, so let's summarize this situation a bit.
In the late 1960s, right before the 1970 election that got the Marxist-socialist Salvador Allende in power, "284 enterprises controlled each and every one of the subdivisions of Chilean economic activities," most of them owned by one or a handful of individuals. In addition, "51 percent of the largest 160 firms were effectively controlled by global corporations." 54 Allende, with the support of the people, began a huge nationalization effort, in no small part because these businesses had been trying to undermine his elections. Nixon and Kissinger in Washington, alongside American big business, under the leadership of Americas Society founder David Rockefeller, were horrified. Crippling economic sanctions were leveled against Chile. And after the 1973 coup of Pinochet almost all of the nationalizations were undone.
Once in power, Pinochet appointed two economists, Raul Saez and Fernando Leniz, who attempted a slow transition back from Allende's Marxist-socialist nationalizations to a market economy. A number of "Chicago Boys" served as their advisors, but that was about it. However, by March-April 1975, amidst continued hyperinflation problems, he elevated the "Chicago Boys" to the positions of economics and finance ministers, as well as head of the Chilean Central Bank. This group of "Chicago boys" had been fostered through the Instituto de Economia at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, created in the 1950s in partnership with the University of Chicago and the ever-present USAID. Roughly 25 such neoliberal economists were trained at the University of Chicago through this exchange program. 55 Looking at key names of the "Chicago boys" 56, we don't just find the University of Chicago and tutors as Milton Friedman and key protege Arnold Harberger (married to a Chilean woman 1958-2011), we also find the Rockefeller Foundation paying for the exchange program 57, or individuals brought to the United States as Fulbright Scholars, or persons working for the World Bank in Washington, D.C. before and during the coup, or contributors to the CIA-penetrated El Mercurio newspaper, or members of the Cofradia Nautica del Pacifico Austral / Maritime Brotherhood of the Southern Pacific, a key social club where the coup was plotted and where "Chicago Boys" and allies oversaw the creation of the neoliberal economic blueprint "El Ladrillo" (1972). According to Orlando Leletier, formerly Allende's right-hand, in a prominent August 1976 The Nation article, Pinochet and Friedman's "Shock Therapy" came down to the following:
- Import tariffs were canceled.
- Nationalized businesses under Allende were given back to their oligarchical owners.
- Many other businesses were auctioned off to domestic and foreign owners, often to business families that already owned large swaths of the economy.
- Monopolistic businesses were not broken up and diversified whatsoever.
- All financial regulations were removed.
- Healthcare and social security were privatized.
- Minimum wage and almost all other labor laws were done away with.
- Labor/trade unions were banned, with Pinochet imprisoning, torturing and murdering any and all labor organizers. 58
The question is how biased and truthful Leletier's account was. Chile under Allende wasn't doing as well as he claimed in the article. Fact is, the economy was slumping a bit under Allende, although it held up decently well in light of large-scale nationalizations, U.S. economic "squeezing", and massive CIA-backed political infiltration and destabilization. 59 Certainly after the coup, Chile experienced a full-scale economic meltdown, with runaway inflation and hunger on a scale that the country had not experienced before. The question is: how much are the "Chicago boys" to blame for that?
First of all, there has been the "Chilean miracle", a reference to the huge economic growth Chile went through in later years, especially in light of the rest of Latin America. Generally this economic boom is credited to the "Chicago boys" and used as evidence that full-scale neoliberal "shock therapy", as devised by Friedman, works wonders. At the same time the "Chilean miracle" is meant to convey the message that "socialism", communism and nationalizations are the work of the devil and don't work. There's been some contention here. Individuals on the left side - or "liberal CIA", such The Nation - of the spectrum often argue that the economy crashed massively in the two years after the Pinochet coup, blaming the "Chicago boys" for this situation. They have also argued that the second catastrophic economic crash in Chile of 1982-1983 was caused by neoliberal speculation and cartel practices, that it resulted in the ouster of the "Chicago boys", and that it wasn't until 1988 - after 18 years! - that Chilean GDP had finally grown 10% over what it had been in 1970, at the start of the Allende presidency.
While it's usually the right-wing that is doing the blatantly obvious manipulation, we really have to give "the left" some "credit" here as well. Also, as is not unusual, they are both too biased and extreme in their positions. First of all, while they did have ties to U.S. and domestic coup plotters, at least to a degree, the "Chicago boys" did not run the economy until 1.5 years after the coup: partly from July 1974 and fully from April 1975. Hence, they cannot be held responsible for the huge crash and hyperinflation after the coup. On the other hand, you also can't blame the Marxist-socialist-inspired policies of Allende. Why? Because the U.S. devastated the Chilean economy the second Allende came in power in 1973. The Church Committee, in a 1975 report entitled Covert Action in Chile: 1963-1973, explained how the U.S. government purposely made Chile's economy "scream":
"The [CIA's] "scare campaign" [of presidential candidate Allende becoming a new Stalin] contributed to the political polarization and financial panic of the period. Themes developed during the campaign were exploited even more intensely during the weeks following [the] September 4 [1970 election that Allende won], in an effort to cause enough financial panic and political instability to goad [former] President Frei [who lost] or the Chilean military [of Pinochet and allies] into action. ...
"The United States cut off economic aid, denied credits, and made efforts--partially successful--to enlist the cooperation of international financial institutions [World Bank, IMF] and private firms [invested in Chile] in tightening the economic "squeeze" on Chile. ... The combined effect of the foreign credit squeeze and domestic copper strikes [of workers now demanding 25-38% higher wages after nationalizations, with 32% increase putting Chile's copper price at global levels] on Chile's foreign exchange position was devastating. ... The Allende government [lost the] ability to purchase replacement parts and machinery for the most critical sectors of the economy: copper, steel, electricity, petroleum, and transport. ... By late 1972... almost one-third of diesel trucks at Chuquicamata Copper Mine, 30 percent of the privately owned city buses, 21 percent of all taxis, and 33 percent of state-owned buses in Chile could not operate because of the lack of spare parts or tires.
"The Allende Administration consciously adopted a policy of beginning to diversify Chile's trade by expanding ties with ... European countries, and Japan... [But] in 1970, U.S. direct private investment in Chile stood at $1.1 billion, out of an estimated total foreign investment of $1.672 billion. U.S. and foreign corporations played a large part in almost all of the critical areas of the Chilean economy. Furthermore, United States corporations controlled the production of 80 percent of Chile's copper, which in 1970 accounted for four-fifths of Chile's foreign exchange earnings.
[All the while] the more extreme fears [of Nixon, Henry Kissinger and allies] about the effects of Allende's election were ill-founded: there never was a significant threat of a Soviet military presence [and] the "export" of Allende's revolution was limited..."
It should be clear, Allende was never given a fair chance. At the same time, his nationalizations were not without reason. As mentioned, there was a lot of cartel forming in Chile, a lot of it involving U.S. corporations. Most controversial of all was Anaconda Copper, a major topic of contention during the 1970 elections. Anaconda was owned by U.S. Pilgrims Society elites, it had worked with the CIA in undermining the Allende election, and managed a huge chunk of Chile's copper reserves. Predictably, it was accused of underpaying and otherwise exploiting Chilean workers. To take the edge of the criticism, in 1969 the Christian Democrat Frei government arranged a "negotiated nationalization" with the U.S. copper companies. This deal was not popular and seen as bowing to American imperialism. When Allende decided to fully nationalize these copper companies in 1971, there were worries about a U.S. response, but no one in congress protested. It seems clear that similar cartel-forming and exploitations by other Chile-based U.S. corporations fueled a strong sense of socialism, communism and nationalism among the population.
Having said that, it's unlikely that Allende's Marxist-socialist economy would ever have been able to compete with a "free market" system, even with full support of the United States. It would have had to transform to much more moderate European socialism, and arguably break up cartels and monopolies even more. Of course, it never got that chance. At the same time, it can't be argued that the "Chicago boys" weren't effective in curbing Chile's hyperinflation and stabilization the economy. Initially, from late 1973 to early 1975, "regular" economics Raul Saez and Fernando Leniz oversaw a gradual reintroduction of capitalism in Chile. "Chicago boy" Pablo Baraona was an advisor to Leniz, but did not have a dominant influence. In July 1974, Pinochet appointed "Chicago boys" and "shock therapy" enthusiasts Sergio de Castro and Jorge Cauas to aid Saez and Leniz in reconstructing the economy. By January 1975 the Chilean economy hit its bottom. Milton Friedman visited Chile and Pinochet in March 1975. A month later, on April 21, Friedman wrote a letter to Pinochet with additional recommendations on how to deal with hyperinflation - which was still running rampant. This was the same month that the "Chicago boys"-devised, Pinochet-approved El Plan de Recuperacion Econemica (The Plan for Economic Recuperation) was implemented. It called for "shock therapy", fully overseen by "Chicago boys" Sergio de Castro and Jorge Cauas, with Pablo Baraona now installed as president of the Chilean Central Bank. In his letter, Friedman wrote:
"Unfortunately, Chile only faces a choice between evils: a brief period of high unemployment or a long period of high--though slightly less high--unemployment. I believe that the experience of Germany and Japan after World War II, of Brazil more recently, of the post-war readjustment in the U.S. when government spending was slashed drastically and rapidly, all argue for shock treatment. All suggest that the period of severe transitional difficulties would be brief--measured in months--and that subsequent recovery would be rapid."
Over 1975 Chilean GDP saw a moderate improvement, and then took off in the 1976-1982 period. Unemployment? That's another issue. The problem with this neoliberal economic fix has been that it led to high levels of poverty, unemployment, low pay, long working hours, slum-forming and the destruction of the education system - of course all complete non-issues to strict libertarians and neoliberals as Milton Friedman. Very recognizable and very reminiscent of Wall Street, neoliberal deregulation in Chile also appears to have led to huge banking speculation and the issuing of many bad loans (many "Chicago Boys" ended up as bankers, some later accused of mishandling funds). In the November 1981 - January 1983 period, coinciding with a giant economic crash, many of Chile's leading banks had to be bailed out by the Pinochet government - a type of government intervention neoliberals seldom seem to oppose. In his biography, Friedman claimed that the only issue was the Chileans - actually under "Chicago boy" Sergio de Castro - pegging the Chilean peso to the U.S. dollar, causing a crash when Reagan brought down inflation and strengthened the dollar. The peg was removed in August 1982 and "rapid real growth resumed." This is followed by a few lines in which Friedman is basically painting Pinochet as a well-meaning Democrat and that "the new [Democrat] government has largely continued the free-market economic policies".
Friedman might be cutting a few corners here. Strict neoliberalism was curbed a bit by Pinochet after the 1982-1983 crisis led to failing banks and large-scale protests. A degree of regulation was put back in place at this point. In 1984-1985, during the earliest recovery phase, there even was Keynesian experiment being implemented under former IMF director Luis Escobar Cerda. Veteran "Chicago boy" Hernan Buchi, minister of finance of Chile 1985-1989, kept neoliberalism in place, however, until the end of the Pinochet regime in 1990.
Unfortunately for Pinochet and the "Chicago boys", their regime only produced 20% growth from the start of the Allende government in 1970 all the way until 1990. There is no telling if this would have continued under strict Milton Friedmanite neoliberalism: we could well have seen a mild version of what happened in Russia in the 1990s - another neoliberal "shock therapy" experiment with a small band of oligarchs quickly dominating and choking the country's economy. The facts will always be that it wasn't until the early 1990s, when democratic rule returned to Chile, minimum wages were increased, labor unions were strengthened, and education was improved, that GDP exploded. We might be able to forever argue whether the GDP explosion is due to, or despite of, these socialist measures. Between 1990 and 1996, poverty decreased from 39% to 23%, bringing these numbers from "high" among Latin American countries to "average". Friedman, of course, will most likely always argue that this simply is due to GDP increase and that probably even higher growth numbers would have been achieved without the implementation of these social measures. Despite major social improvements, the gap between the rich in Chile and the poor continued to increase in the 1990s, indicating that neoliberalism here still needed a little additional curbing.
Friedman and Arnold Harberger's name popped up again in mid 1980 in Bolivia, while neighboring Chile's GDP was riding high from its initial round of "shock therapy". In June 1980 General Luis Garcia Meza Tejada came to power here through a - once again - CIA-backed "cocaine coup". Soon after, the general appointed a certain Marcelo Montero as director of Bolivia's Central Bank, a "Chicago Boy" whom Friedman and Professor Albert Harberger, were delighted to have. 60
In the end, the policies of Allende and the "Chicago Boys" represent extremes: communism versus unrestrained capitalism. If they would have met in the middle, early on, right now you would probably have something in Chile close to North-West Europe; quite possibly something even better.
Javier Milei: Friedman-Hayek-loving, socialist-hating, "former" globalist, Argentine fascist - who wants to privatize nature
With the November 2023 election of Javier Milei this author thought that maybe a little updating of this article would be in place, considering virtually all of the above was written in early 2019. The story in the media was that a "loco" libertarian economist had been elected in Argentina, where two decades of heavy socialism led to a collapse of the economy and runaway inflation at over 100% per year. We're not talking ordinary socialism either, but about the "woke" version we see in the West - and also, as we shall see, in Brazil that was countered by the very similar Jair Bolsonaro in 2018-2022. At least, "wokeness" is the instant impression we get upon seeing how a 'Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity' was created in Argentina back in 2019.
In any case, a quick check of what Javier Milei was about was a bit of a shock to this author, because it was so prophetic. Here are some facts surrounding Milei and his campaign:
- Milei has named his dogs "Murray, Milton, Robert and Lucas [after] the free-market economists Milton Friedman, Robert Lucas and Murray Rothbard." 61
- He is against abortion, LGBTQ, (extremist) feminism and apparently/maybe "diversity". 62
- He considers climate change "a socialist lie." 63
- He wants to do away with the Ministery of the Environment, privatize rivers 64, and allow corporations to pollute rivers as much as they want, because the value of water is "zero" - with the subsequent argument that water's value will be "above zero" when clean water is becoming scarce... 65
- His running mate in particular. Victoria Villarruel, is an outspoken fan of General Jorge Videla, the military dictator of Argentina who tortured and killed up to 30,000 left-wing "dissidents" in the 1976-1981 period, and also allowed former Nazis to hide in his country. Videla operated within the CIA-backed Condor Network. Villarruel has done what she could to shift the blame for the atrocities toward "left-wing terrorism". 66
- In an interview with Carlson, Milei sounded like an absolute madman and someone who wouldn't mind be a military dictator implementing right-wing death squads. He's completely obsessed with stamping out "socialism" and in this regard almost comically expanded on the famous "Friedman Doctrine" that the only social responsibility of a business is to maximize profits for the shareholders. Below is only a portion of his diatribe against "socialism" to Carlson:
"Everywhere and always socialism is a violent, murderous and impoverishing phenomenon. ... I want to say it clearly: the socialists' hands are stained with blood. ...
"Milton Friedman used to say that the social role of an enterprise is to make money. But that is not enough. Part of their investment must include investing in those who defend the ideals of freedom, so the socialists can make no further advances. And if they don't do it, they will get into the State, and use the State to impose a long term agenda that will destroy everything it touches. So we need a compromise of all those who create wealth, to fight against socialism, to fight against statism. Since they try to leech of others, without working, they are tireless in their pursuit. ... So this battle must be waged unceasingly. We cannot take a day off. ... [Trump] should continue his fight against socialism." 67 - In the 2010s, Milei worked as chief economist of Corporacion America, one of Latin America's largest airlines, 68, with his 2023 campaign having a ton of corporate backing.
- Certainly in 2013-2014 Milei worked with Marcus Wallenberg, of the family that for 70 years has shared Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission membership with the Rockefellers; Blackstone founder Stephen Schwarzman, and executives from BlackRock, KKR, KPMG and Nestle - all of them involved in the CFR, Bilderberg and-or Trilateral Commission. He did so through the Business 20 (B20) advisory group to the G20 and the Economic Policy Group of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), also an advisor to the G20. 69
- He visited Davos in this period, apparently in 2016. 70
In short, Milei represents everything with regard to Hayek, Mises and Friedman that we talked about in earlier chapters, and did so years before anyone ever heard of Milei.
Bolsonaro I: expressions of Brazil's anti-nature fascist
The Javier Milei addition in December 2023 led to this author also taking a look at the Jair Bolsonaro campaign and administration of 2018-2022 in neighboring Brazil. Although the Milei administration in Argentina occurred later (2023-), Bolsonaro and Brazil required so much more work, also by doing a chapter on the country's "liberal CIA" networks and administrations - research largely dating back to 2019, but never published - that these Brazil chapters are placed after the Milei one. Also with Brazil it should be clear that the "Chicago School" discussion and effective prediction was shockingly accurate.
In the "liberal CIA" article we discuss how Brazil's left-wing president of 2003-2010 and again from 2023, Lula da Silva, has pre-existing ties to the elite element of "Rockefeller CIA", and throughout his rule cooperated with its allied "liberal CIA" foundations, including George Soros' Open Society Foundations. That goes a long way in explaining "Lula"'s long-time acceptance and promotion of "anti-racism" and "diversity"-type propaganda in Brazil society, including the eventual implementation of racial quotas in places as universities. This was despite all the good ("liberal CIA"-type) things that he did, such as protecting the Amazon and greatly aiding the working class. Lula actually is a great example of how neoliberal wealth generation can be used to benefit society as a whole. His party ally and former Marxist terrorist, Dilma Rousseff, continued his policies from 2011 until her ouster in a variety of payoff scandals in 2016, but never reached Lula's popularity.
The above paragraph summarizes Brazil's early 21st century "left". Now, considering "the left" is so controlled by Rockefeller-Soros elites in Brazil, it only stands to reason that these elites also have created the usual "right-wing" surprise packages for Brazilian society. The heavily neoliberal Michael Temer (2016-2018), certainly through his finance minister Henrique Meirelles, similar to Lula part of the elite "Rockefeller CIA"-ran Inter-American Dialogue (IAD) since the 1990s 71, was one of these - and was wrapped in an "establishment"-type package. But immediately after we also saw the rise of the "alt right", or "anti-establishment right", in Brazil in the form of Jair Bolsonaro, the president of Brazil from 2019 to 2022.
We're going to divide the Brazil section here in three chapters. In the first we document Jair Bolsonaro's public expressions to get a good sense of his political beliefs. That might seem a bit tedious, but many of his expressions are so politically incorrect, they actually are hilarious and deserve to be organized and sourced properly in one place. In the second Brazil chapter we talk about Bolsonaro's "Chicago Boy" financial advisor and finance minister, Paulo Guedes. And in the third Bolsonaro chapter we tie everything together by seeing how these two persons, and other Bolsonaro administration officers, actually were part of the anti-globalist conspiracy cult of Olavo de Carvalho, effectively a John Bircher who not only lived in the U.S. since 2005, but around this time also was invited to speak at the conservative elite and also "conservative CIA" Hoover Institution.
This represents the order in which this author, over a period of about 5-6 days, was able to decipher the Bolsonaro administration, when finally researching it in December 2023. It wasn't until finding out about Olavo de Carvalho that everything fully started making sense.
As for Jair Bolsonaro's historical "expressions" - establishing him as a fake ultraright "anti-establishmentarian" - they are as follows:
- Congressional member for the conservative Social Christian Party 1991-2018. As a former soldier, he mainly represented military causes, such as higher pensions for retired military personnel. In January 2018, in preparation for his presidential run, he switched to the far-wight Social Liberal Party. Already at that point Bolsonaro had many years of far-right controversy behind him, so the fact that his political parties always had "social" in their names is profoundly fascinating.
- In 1999 Bolsenaro, an unrepentant supporter of past military dictatorships, was quoted saying that the only way to clean up Brazil was to "start a civil war here", adding that they might have to kill the sitting president in the process:
"[We should be] doing the work that the military regime didn't do: kill around 30 thousand [people], starting with [President] Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Don't let it be. No, killing. If some innocent people are going to die, that's fine. Whatever, it's war, innocent people die." 72 - In 2009 Bolsonaro was photographed and cited by the BBC as the main congressman crusading against racial quotas in Brazil's universities, pushed for by the "left-wing" Lula and Rousseff governments in coordination with Soros and Ford Foundation-funded NGOs supplying money for activism along these lines:
"What are you going to say to a teenager who goes to do a university entrance exam and gets a high mark, but doesn't get through, but another teenager has passed with a much lower mark because they have a dark skin? What would be the legacy of that for future generations?" 73 - In 2011 he told Playboy magazine, "I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I prefer that he die in an accident." 74 In later years he said he doesn't want Brazil to become a "gay tourism paradise" 75 and that people needing a transfusion should have a choice whether or not they want "gay blood" 76 He also told a journalist that he has "a terribly homosexual face [but] that is not against the law", immediately after referring to the journalist's mother as a prostitute for his father. 77
- In 2014 he received more international attention for repeating the comment that congresswoman Maria do Rosario is "not worth raping. She is very ugly." 78 Actually, the "ugly" part he tossed in the second time in 2014, which is when he ended up in judicial trouble 79 and was forced to pay a $2,500 fine. 80 All this generated a degree of international headlines.
- In April 2017, at Rio de Janeiro's Club Hebraica, a Jewish community center, he quipped: "I have five children. Four are men, and then in a moment of weakness the fifth came out a girl." 81 In August 2019 he joked along with a Facebook commentor that the wife of President Macron of France was uglier than his own wife. 82
- As for his love of Third World immigrants, in 2015 Bolsonaro reportedly said that immigrants from Haiti, Senegal, Bolivia and Syria are "scum of the world". 83 In 2017 he criticized Brazil's new Migration Law, arguing that it would open up to country to all sorts of Third World immigrants, whose "behaviour, their culture, is completely different from ours." 84
Around the same time, in April 2017, he remarked "I visited a quilombo and the least heavy afro-descendant weighed seven arrobas [105 kg]. They do nothing! They are not even good for procreation." 85 In August 2019 he criticized the French soccer team for being almost all black:
"I see some imbeciles saying, ‘Look at France, what a beautiful thing, a multiracial team. Let's put here 10 million Venezuelans or North Africans to become [World Cup] champions maybe in 2022 or 2026. That's great. Let's put 20 million more people here, with completely different politics like when they filled Sao Paulo with [black] Haitians."
Months later, in January 2020, he was sued for publicly saying, "More and more, the Indian is a human being like us" 86 - During his election campaign, Bolsonaro explained that he was going to try to roll back the race quotas at universities. He also explained blacks sold is their own slaves, which is something ISGP wrote about in early 2016 already based on a book from 1799, either as the first or one of the first. Somehow Bolsonaro didn't touch on IQ or genetic IQ.
"What debt? I have never enslaved anyone in my life. ... If you really look at history, the Portuguese didn't even set foot in Africa. It was the black people themselves who handed over the slaves.
"Is it fair for my daughter to be a quota member? The black man is not better than me, and I'm not even better than the black man. At the Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras, several black people graduated with me. Some below me, some above me, no problem at all. Why quotas?... I can't say that I'm going to achieve it [get rid of the quotas], because it depends on Parliament. At least reduce the percentage. I'll propose, who knows, reducing the percentage." 87 - Bolsonaro seldom outright denied global warming, but scrapped and defunded all climate-related government departments. 88 He appointed a creationist-oriented foreign minister, Ernesto Araujo, who in 2019 ranted and stuttered to the elite and "conservative CIA" Heritage Foundation in the U.S. that there is no proof that climate change is man made, and simply one of the pillars of "globalist ... cultural Marxism". 89
- Bolsonaro allowed farmers to steal and burn down Amazon lands. 90 Numbers vary, but it appears there was a 2 to 4 times increase in destruction of Amazon forest during the Bolsonary years compared to the low of 2012-2015. Problems along these lines increased in 2016 with the right-wing Michel Temer coming to power, but not to the extent of Bolsonaro. 91
- Bolsonaro continually praised Brazil's past military dictatorships. He even reinstated the annual commemoration of the 1964 coup against the socialist president Joao Goulart 92, which was organized by the CIA in cooperation with ITT, USAID, AFL-CIO labor union (close to the Rockefellers through the later Trilateral Commission and such), Brazilian big business and the military. 93 In fact, even David Rockefeller was lobbying for that coup at West Point at the time 94, similar to what he did with the socialist Salvador Allende in Chile to prepare for the 1973 CIA coup. 95 The Goulart coup resulted in two decades of military dictatorship.
Bolsonaro's support for the military dictatorship extended to Colonel Carlos Brilhante Ustra, the former head of Brazil's DOI-CODI unit where he oversaw several dozen murders and hundreds of tortures. Ustra was convicted for this during a 2011 Truth Commission, but could not effectively be sentenced anymore. According to testimony, Ustra resorted a lot to electroshock torture and "would insert rats and cockroaches into the vaginas of captive women, and torture them in front of their infant children." 96 When Bolsonaro cast his vote in April 2016 to have President Dilma Rousseff, a former Marxist-terrorist stuck in Ustra's torture basement for 3 years 97, removed from office, he did so while saying, "You lost in 1964 and now in 2016. [This vote is cast in] the memory of Colonel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, the terror of Dilma Rousseff." 98 Already in 2008 he stated that "the dictatorship’s mistake was to torture and not kill." 99
After his election, Bolsonaro stacked his cabinet with ex-generals 100, more doubled the amount of military veterans in the lower rungs of the various government departments, and made sure to allow them to have all the benefits in the world, in contrast to the civilian bureaucracy. 101 - When asked in 2017 about 20 police officers having killed a total of 356 Rio de Janeiro citizens, apparently people from the favela, Bolsonaro answered, "a police officer who does not kill is not a police officer”, and added that the police officers should be decorated. 102
- Similar to the network surrounding Donald Trump (to this day), Bolsonaro denied Covid was a major health treat and only took very late measures 103, for a long time going, "We have to stop being a country of faggots. ... All of us are going to die one day." 104 His trusted foreign affairs minister, Ernesto Araujo, on April 22, 2020, amidst coronavirus deaths mounting and having the worst preparation possible, posted on his personal blog that the "communavirus" was just "the first step towards communism [within a] globalist project." 105 With that the Bolsonaro government went full Alex Jones-esque. His stance on the Coronavirus, and its consequences for Brazil, led to Ernesto Araujo being forced to resign in May 2021.
- Days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Bolsonaro visited Putin at the Kremlin, stating "We are in Solidarity with Russia." 106 He did not denounce the invasion after it happened. 107 When his vice president did, he stripped him of the authority to make any additional such statements. 108
- Similar to Trump, Bolsonaro made an untrue claim of election fraud 109, leading to ten of thousands of supporters marching in protest, setting up roadblocks 110 and eventually storming the Brazilian congress a week after Lulu was inaugurated as the new president. 111 Busses were used to haul supporters to congress, indicating an organized effort. 112
Looking at all this information, it has to be concluded that Bolsonaro was a dangerous military dictator in the making, exactly what "the left" has accused him of being.
Bolsonaro II: "Chicago Boy" Paulo Guedes as his financial chieftain
Before we make any additional interpretations about Jair Bolsonaro, it is important to look at the following fact: namely that the chief economic advisor during his 2018 election campaign was the Milton Friedman-educated "Chicago Boy" Paulo Guedes 113, who continued as minister of finance during Bolsonaro's entire presidency, from January 2019 to December 2022. The two apparently first connected in November 2017, or slightly earlier, when Bolsonaro was looking for an acceptable candidate to him, found Guedes, and had "two conversations, in total 8 hours" with him. 114
That's not all. Guedes perfectly fits all the other "theorizing" that has been done in previous chapters - in terms of "Chicago Boys" loving right-wing dictators. After studying at the Univeristy of Chicago in the 1974-1978 period, on a generous scholarship provided by a right-wing military Brazilian government 115, Guedes ended up as a professor at the University of Chile where the "Chicago Boys" were busy with their initial neoliberal experiment under dictator Augusto Pinochet. 116 In fact, in October 1981 he and Arnold Harburger gave a seminar ar the University of Chile. 117
By 1983 Guedes was back in Brazil, becoming one of the partners in the founding of Bank Pactual 118, eventually the biggest investment bank of Latin America. Right from the start in 1983 George Soros handed Bank Pactual funds for them to invest, although only in 1992 was the investment there to really build a solid relationship. 119
Moving on to 2005, this is the year that Guedes was a co-founder of the libertarian think tank Instituto Millenium. It turns out to be one of these countless libertarian think tanks that have spread all over the world, similar to the Instituto Mises Brasil, the founding president of which since 2007 is a certain businessman named Helio Coutinho Beltrao 120, also a co-founder with Guedes of the Instituto Millenium. 121 Helio Coutinho Beltrao is the son of Helio Marcos Pena Beltrao (1916-1917), a minister and president of the state oil and gas company Petrobras under several military dictatorships. Helio's sister has been the presenter of the Brazilain Oscars on TV O Globo since 2006.
The leadership of the Instituto Millenium is an interesting mix of dictatorship-loving libertarians and persons with a more liberal bend. In the latter category seems to be Arminio Fraga, an economist partly trained by Guedes in Brazil after he came back from the University of Chicago. 122 The Princeton-educated Fraga ended up becoming managing director of Soros Fund Management in New York from 1993 to 1999, at which point he was appointed chair of the Brazilian Central Bank, a position he held until 2003. 123 In this period he also was invited to the elite and very globalist Group of Thirty. By 2006 Fraga was to be found heading the "endowment fund management committee" of the Instituto Millenium 124 and never left the management of the institute, similar to Guedes and Beltrao. 125 Eventually, in 2022, he did come out in support of the socialist Lula da Silva though. Other past central bankers and leading economists did so as well, prompting Bolsonaro to upload an Avengers meme to his Twitter / X account that went:
LOKI: "We have "[Arminio] Fraga, [Henrique] Meirelles, Edmar [Bacha], [Pedro] Malan, Ciro and Persio Arida."
TONY STARK: "We have Guedes." 126
So Guedes ended up being the only major economist standing by Bolsonaro in 2022. He seems to have been made for that though. While others above graduated from Princeton, Yale, MIT, UCLA, or attended Harvard, Guedes is the only "Chicago Boy". In 2005 he also wrote the first three articles of Instituto Millenium, the first one heavily criticizing third world immigration into Europe, calling it a "virus". That may not be the most inaccurate analogy looking at ethnic crime numbers and other issues, but similar to what other alt right candidates throughout the West have been doing, it is unnecessarily harsh and hurtful, and also oddly unprofessional from a top economist who otherwise seems to be perfectly in control of his expressions. On the right, the article intro has been screenshotted after running it through Google translator. 127
Guedes may well have been the main reason that Bolsonaro stood a chance. From the start in 2005, Guedes' Instituto Millenium linked the webpages of the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, the CFR's Foreign Affairs magazine, the Mises Institute, the George Shultz and (later) Henry Kissinger's Hoover Institution, the CIA-type foreign intervention NGO Freedom House, and even the Kissinger- and Brzezinski-dominated CSIS think tank. 128 The Mont Pelerin tie, of course, we already discussed. Certainly the linked media, including Forbes, the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, all were very interested in covering the Guedes-Bolsonaro campaign in 2018. One assumes there's been considerable interaction as well with the linked think tanks. Brazilian big business too, including all its media ties, really liked the idea of a Bolsonaro government, at least with Guedes in charge of the economy. 129 Even at Wall Street, it was said that apart from Guedes' economic agenda, "None of the other stuff [from Bolsonaro] matters to us." 130 When Guedes agreed to stay in government in 2021, the stock market immediately bounced back up. 131
Whatever exactly is the story behind Bolsonaro, without him embracing Guedes or playing the "conservative CIA" game, it is hard to see why any media would have given him attention in the first place. Censorship and total silence with regard to ISGP is exactly how the media keep ISGP from ever becoming an issue to worry about. You can't vote on something you don't know exists. The usual "silence" tactic, also raises the question why Jair Bolsonaro and Paul Guedes were welcome at Davos in January 2019. 132 Why even go there if you're supposedly that "anti-globalist"?
Then again, that may be explained again upon seeing Guedes, in January 2020, quietly present at Stanford University for a meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, explaining his neoliberal and libertarian reforms plans for Brazil to the likes of George Shultz, Shultz's protege Condoleezza Rice, and other guests as Niall Ferguson and Peter Thiel 133, the latter the billionaire Silicon Valley "alt right" guru who had been on the Bilderberg steering committee for years at that point. And once also was very criticial of Third World immigration.
It may not be known the personal ties that Guedes developed in 1974-1978 at the University of Chicago to trustees David Rockefeller and Jay Rockefeller, or to George Shultz, the lifelong devoted Friedman disciple, who continued his association with the "Chicago School" for decades to comes, despite moving to government and big business. Answer may lie there. But something odd certainly is going with the Bolsonaro-Guedes alliance, also looking from a historical perspective.
Bolsonaro III: a John Birch Society-type cabinet of "Carvalho Cultists"
Only after the above two sections were near 100% written and sourced, did this author stumble on a person with the name Olavo de Carvalho. Soon after, he had a whole separate entry on this page, because there was quite a bit to study.
Carvalho was a long-time magazine and newspaper journalist, columnist and editor who on the side became anything from an astrologist to a self-taught philosopher. His name is totally unknown in the English-speaking world, but certainly after writing three popular books in the 1994-1996 period, he became a bit of a household name in Brazil. Carvalho was a rabid "anti-leftist", "anti-globalist", "anti-establishment" right-winger, essentially completely similar to a classic John Birch Society author in the United States, and certainly also completely similar to then-congressman Jair Bolsonaro.
How exactly the Bolsonaro relationship began is not known, but it likely was in place no later than 2015-2016, with Carvalho supporters walking the street in "Olavo is right" t-shirts protesting the left-wing Dilma Rousseff presidency 134, and with Jair Bolsonaro and his son eventually both casting their impeachment votes against Rousseff. Certainly at the time of Bolsonaro's election in 2018 Carvalho was fully ingrained with the president-elect:
"In his first address to the nation, Mr. Bolsonaro placed several books on the table in front of him, including the Bible, Brazil's constitution and Mr. de Carvalho's 2013 best seller, "The Minimum You Need to Know to Not Be an Idiot." 135
More shockingly still, Carvalho even was responsible for Bolsonaro picking Ricardo Velez Rodriguez - who received a Theology degree from a Jesuit-ran university - as his education minister and Ernesto Araujo - who also held Christian creationist beliefs - as his foreign minister. 136 Staunch Carvalho-follower and close Araujo ally Felipe Garcia Martins, who co-edited the anti-"woke" news site SensoIncomum.org 137, aided Bolsonaro during his election campaign and subsequently became Bolsonaro's 31-year-old "international advisor". 138 Appointed as an advisor at the same time was Arthur Braganca Weintraub 139, whose brother, Abraham, took over from Velez Rodriguez as education minister in April 2019. In August 2020 Abraham Weintraub - described as "my friend" by Carvalho alongside Salles and Araujo 140 - became executive director of the World Bank for the "15th district", despite being yet another Carvalho collaborator. In November 2020, for example, he proudly posted about a podcast with his brother and Carvalho entitled, "Get out of the MECHANISM (Matrix)!" 141 The Weintraub "brothers helped Bolsonaro with his studies on pension reform since the beginning of the pre-campaign." 142
There still were more Carvalho followers in and around the Bolsonaro government. Upon his death in 2022, not just retired foreign minister Ernesto Araujo attended Carvalho's funeral. So did the Brazilian ambassador to the U.S., Nestor Forster (2019-, and into the subsequent Lula administration since 2023-), and the similarly-U.S.-based Brazilian Allan dos Santos, a long-time reporter for the ultraconservative Catholic news site ChurchMilitant.com, headquartered in Michigan. 143
Just as surprising, the extremely educated "Chicago Boy" economist Paulo Guedes also behaved as a disciple of Carvalho. When Jair Bolsonaro, Paulo Guedes, and foreign minister Ernesto Araujo all went to the United States in March 2019, Carvalho was a very prominent member of the team. When Carvalho at one point complained about a potential military coup against Bolsonaro back home, Guedes "bowed before the president’s guru, [saying] "You are the leader of the revolution."" 144 The meeting in the United States was organized by Steve Bannon 145, who also showed a documentary based on Carvalho's 1995 book 'The Garden of Afflictions'. 146
The Bolsonaro-Carvalho clique's beliefs essentially are the same as Donald Trump and the allied QAnon group: they're pretending to fight "the globalists" and "the deep state", but make the very subtle "mistake" by saying this involves a "left wing" conspiracy that can be solved by their own disinformative, pro-big business, pro-fascist "right wing" thinking. To illustrate the similarity between the Trump and Bolsonaro camps, below is a September 2019 speech of foreign minister Ernesto Araujo to no less than the elite and "conservative CIA" Heritage Foundation:
"I would say that Trump and Bolsonaro are part of the same insurgency - [an] universal insurgency against bullshit. ... It's a revolt against ideology. The realization that we have been lied to. That we have been despised by an elite that tries to rule us and bait us in the name of "social justice", or in the name of "European integration", or in the name of a "borderless world" - [all] there to impose a certain power structure into reality. ...
"The West opened the ground for the emergence of ... "globalism". ... Globalism is what came to be the amalgam of the globalized economy with cultural marxism infiltrated into the institutions. So essentially economic globalism hijacked by cultural marxism. ...
"Globalism works through three main instruments: one is climate change... Another is gender ideology. And another is what some people call oikophobia [fear/dislike of one's own culture], to distinguish from xenophobia. It's the hatred of one's own nation, and as part of that the [concept] of a borderless world. ... Everything that it can use, basically, to divide the people and to subjugate the people, is good. It's curious, because at least for some time, in theory, the left wanted to unify the people. Or so they said. But now they realize that the people are against them. So they try to fragment the people, to destroy the unit of nations. To destroy the family. And to destroy the unity of human thinking itself. ...
"But let's concentrate on what is more pressing today, which is climatism. ... What is the challenge, the big threat ... that our civilization now faces? Some people would say climate change, but that is absolutely not true. ... Is there climate change? Yes, certainly. There has always been. Is it man made? Eh, many people say, "Yes." We don't know for sure. The computer models, based on the assumption of a high sensitivity of temperature to CO2, are almost all of them wrong. According to Dr. Patrick Michaels [of the Cato Institute] if I'm not mistaken. [Rambles on about this.]" 147
Reading these words doesn't tell the whole story. On several occasions he goes, "Climate change [propaganda], what I call "climatism"", pretending he has given some deep thought to the subject. But whoever watches or listens to the actual speech, can tell from the word-cracks, mumbling and rambling that Araujo is very nervous, has little conviction, and absolutely doesn't understand his own speech at all. In fact, this is how the author got on the trail of his weird, loopy mentor, Olavo de Carvalho, because it is clear that somebody set foreign minister Araujo in a room and briefed him on what to say - without him, in the end, really *getting* the message he has to convey. He does it, but as said, it's just hesitant, empty rhetoric without conviction.
The thing is, as might be expected, more and more CIA and "conservative CIA" ties prop up when researching Olavo de Carvalho. In 2002 he was in correspondance with Constantine C. Menges 148, the "national intelligence officer for Latin American affairs at the CIA" and soon its counterpart at the National Security Council during the Reagan administration. 149 Considered a close ally of CIA director William Casey and "a principled conservative", the fact that "at the time of his death, Dr. Menges was a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute" 150, might go a long way in explaining why Carvalho, who moved to the state of Virginia in the United States in 2005, by 2010 reported to have "spoken at the Hudson Institute, the Atlas Foundation, and the America's Future Foundation..."
The Hudson Institute, founded in 1961 and presided over by the hard-right Herman Kahn until this person's death in 1983, is an interesting institute to be tied to. Kahn had Nelson Rockefeller's ear and served as the neoliberal/libertarian controlled opposition at the first Davos conference in 1971. Henry Kissinger, Nelson's son, Rodman Rockefeller; Thomas Watson, Jr. of IBM, future chancellor of Germany Helmut Schmidt, Milton Friedman, the equally hard-right Edward Teller, and other American elites all were "public" and "fellow" members of the Hudson Institute back in the 1970s. It still has a lot of "conservative" elites on its various boards. Trump's CIA director and secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, for example, became a "distinguished fellow" at Hudson immediately after these terms in government. 151
The story of Bolsonaro's rise is becoming easier and easier to understand. His mentor Olavo de Carvalho had top-level, conservative CIA, National Security Council and Hudson Institute ties through Constantine Menges by 2002, was invited - likely through Menges - to speak at the Hudson Institute some time later, and also spoke to other neoliberal / libertation / "conservative CIA" institutes. He moved to the U.S., near Washington, D.C., in 2005. In 2009 he founded his obscure Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, which certainly by 2012 had as a contributor Jeffrey Nyquist, who wrote doomy "sources tell me that advanced China and Russia nukes are coming for us" articles for "conservative CIA" outlet WorldNetDaily.com and also repeatedly appeared on the conspiracy disinformation radio shows Coast to Coast AM and and the pro-Nazi Rense.com. In 2018 Carvalho, still living in the U.S., hand-picks Ernesto Araujo as Bolsonaro's foreign minister, who in September 2019 ends up at the Heritage Foundation spewing QAnon-type disinformation. In between, in March 2019, the Carvalho-Bolsonaro-Araujo clique, flanked by a Carvalho admiring "Chicago Boy" Paulo Guedes meet up with Steve Bannon and President Trump's clique. A year later Paulo Guedes is at the Mont Pelerin Society with George Shultz, Condoleezza Rice and oither elites. And in between Bolsonaro and Guedes are at Davos 2019.
It seems quite obvious that there's more to be found. The author suspects that the CIA ties to Brazil's military regime never were fully severed, and that it is within this network of (ex-)generals and colonels that Carvalho and Bolsenaro were picked as some of their favorite frontmen. But even without being able to prove that aspect, it has been demonstrated that the Jair Bolsonaro administration fully ties into America's "conservative CIA". And that means one thing: they are actors.
Looking how Carvalho didn't just deny global warming and the mortality rate of Covid, only to die from the latter at the tail-end of the pandemic; but also left open the door to Flat Earth theories in 2019 152, that already seemed obvious. The real mystery remains how exactly these eccentrics managed to capture the highest offices of the Brazilian government. Although looking at Trump's and Elon Musk's relationship with Alex Jones, maybe we shouldn't have been too shocked of an international equivalent having surfaced.
One thing that maybe also shouldn't be overlooked with Carvalho is his 2010 debate with Aleksandr Dugin, a fascism-inclined mentor and certainly representative of Putin. A quick look at Dugin's history shows that he has a habit of engaging controlled opposition groups in the West on the left and right, with a 2023 article of him, 'Aleksandr Dugin: My vision for the new world order and Gaza war', completely ignoring the influence of globalist NGOs and seemingly thinking it's wondeful that the Third World becomes "equitable" with the West and Russia. It's very odd, but a subject for another day. A bit more information is contained in the Putin entry here.
The neoliberal and libertarian Mont Pelerin conspiracy
From Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman to "Chicago Boy" Paulo Guedes of the "alt right" Bolsonaro administration in Brazil, on a number of occasions at this point, the Mont Pelerin Society has been mentioned - the peculiar conservative society led by the likes of George Shultz, Edwin Feulner and Shultz's protege Condoleezza Rice. Certainly in the Milei and Bolsonaro chapters we started getting the impression that the neoliberal / libertarian agenda "to litter the world with free-market think-tanks" is in no way overblown. Mont Pelerin offshoots include:
- 1955: Institute for Economic Affairs, London: Founded by Antony Fisher.
- 1964: Philadelphia Society: Described by Milton Friedman as a U.S. domestic branch of Mont Pelerin, which organized annual meetings all over the world.
- 1974: Fraser Institute, Vancouver, Canada: Co-founded by Fisher.
- 1976: Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney, Australia: Co-founded by Fisher.
- 1977: Manhattan Institute in New York City: Founded by Fisher and future CIA director William Casey.
- 1977: Adam Smith Institute, London. Founded by Madsen Pirie and brothers Eamonn and Stuart Butler. Eamonn Butler worked for Edwin Feulner at the Heritage Foundation since 1974. Feulner was co-founder and president of the Heritage Foundation, as well as a Knight of Malta and Cercle visitor. Stuart went to work as vice president of Heritage in 1978. In October 2016 the think tank changed its description of being "libertarian" to "neoliberal".
- 1978: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, San Francisco: Founded by Fisher. Anno 2019, Sally Pipes is president and CEO.
- 1981: Atlas Economic Research Foundation / Atlas Network, Washington, D.C.: Founded by Fisher.
- 1983: National Center for Policy Analysis, Dallas, Texas and later in Washington, D.C.: Founded by Fisher.
- 1983: Centre for Research into Communist Economies, London: Project of Fisher's IEA. Its 1988 conference put neoliberals as Hayek and Fisher in touch with soon-to-be key Russian-Zionist Yeltsin era "reformers" as Yegor Gaidar, Anatoly Chubais and Pyotr Aven. Reforming Russia through neoliberal "Shock Therapy" ended up in apocalyptic-scale looting.
- 1984: Citizens for a Sound Economy (Tea Party): Founding financed by Mont Pelerin Society member Charles Koch. Ron Paul was its first chairman.
- 2004: FreedomWorks (Tea Party): Outgrowth of CSE. Key founder and chair until 2012 was Mont Pelerin Society member Dick Armey.
These are only some of the most prominent Mont Pelerin Society offshoots. There are over a hundred more of such international think tanks, including a Chilean offshoot that introduced Pinochet to neoliberalism in the 1970s. It's possible to find a lot of these offshoots simply by checking historical grants lists of "conservative CIA" foundations as Olin, Scaife, Bradley and Mercer. They have been financing all the above groups, plus a lot more. The Charles Koch Foundation plays a role too, but, certainly for its infamy, is not as dominant as one would expect.
Looking at a leaked 2010 list of the Mont Pelerin Society, the founding names were gone at that point. Despite that, it is still possible to find quite a few of the above institutes being represented. As for the important names here: Charles Koch, a leading libertarian "philanthropist", has been a member since 1970. Superclass member Edwin Feulner joined the Mont Pelerin Society in 1972 and has alternately been president, vice president and treasurer over the decades. Madsen Pirie and Eamonn Butler of the Adam Smith Institute respectively joined in 1976 and 1984. Sally Pipes of PRIPC was invited in 1986. Dr. William Sumner, a co-founder and 20-year chair of the Atlas Network, became a member in 1998. Dick Armey, a Tea Party leader from 2004 on, also joined in 1998.
The Mont Pelerin Society features very few of the traditional superclass members. The only really major names on the 2010 list are Edwin Feulner, Friedman's long-time ally George Shultz, and Otto von Habsburg. Edwin Meese III and maybe Lord Howe also are not insignificant. Feulner and Meese are top leaders of the Christian Conservative movement. Both can be found at the Heritage Foundation and the Council for National Policy. Dick Armey used to be a member of the CNP as well. Lord Howe, formerly Margaret Thatcher's private secretary, ended up becoming a Pilgrims Society executive and J.P. Morgan director.
George Shultz has always been considered an odd bird by ISGP, because among top liberal elitists close to David Rockefeller, over the decades he has been the most comfortable appearing in NGOs with a strong pro-Israel Jewish neocon bend. Kissinger, Haig, Brzezinski, John Whitehead have done it as well to an extent, but there really aren't that many elitists who are both active in nuclear weapons disarmament schemes and even new age globalist groups as the Gorbachev Foundation and its State of the World Forum, while at the same time hanging out with generally very pro-(nuclear) war Jewish neocons. The long-time involvement of Shultz in the Mont Pelerin Society is just one more example of him strongly crossing establishment lines.
Along with Shultz and Feulner, Otto von Habsburg is the most noteworthy name in the 2010 Mont Pelerin Society membership list. Habsburg joined all the way back in 1960 as a formal member. As traditionally it has been a requirement that prospective members attend two or more Mont Pelerin meetings before formal membership is accepted, this indicates that Habsburg started attending meetings in the late 1950s. Considering he was a good friend of Ludwig von Mises and a similarly reactionary thinker, this does make sense.
As mentioned before, Habsburg was the key behind-the-scenes founder of the super-secretive Cercle Pinay group in the 1952-1953. It started out as a Europe-wide Opus Dei-tied operation to turn the emerging European Union as much as possible into a new Holy Roman Empire. In the late 1960s Le Cercle started making overtures to David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger, who considered the group a bit too "reactionary". By the mid 1970s, leading CIA and MI6 officers started taking over leadership of Le Cercle, most notably the notorious Ted Shackley and friends. Le Cercle was deeply tied to all the most sensitive conspiracies, from drug trafficking to the Strategy of Tension, and dominated by the intelligence services.
Looking at the very systematic approach in which Mont Pelerin Society founders have been setting up more than one-hundred neoliberal and libertarian think tanks in countries around the world, and one is tempted to think that a conspiracy is afoot here. Seeing, in addition, all the behind-the-scenes ties, from the Rockefellers, Bechtels, Arthur Dean, Kissinger and George Shultz on the one hand, and Otto von Habsburg's global security service clique on the other, the impression that there is more than meets the eye to Milton Friedman and the "monetarists" / the neoliberals / the libertarians only is strengthened.
UK and Dutch neoliberalism and populism: Mont Pelerin?
Only as he was putting together the original article, this author began to realize the influence of the Mont Pelerin network at his hometurf in the Netherlands. Prime minister of the Netherlands since 2010 is Mark Rutte, head of the VVD party (Folk Party for Freedom and Democracy). Turns out, the VVD was founded in January 1948, months after the creation of the Mont Pelerin Society, its founding principles strongly based on Hayek's neoliberal theories (direct ties with Mont Pelerin are unknown). It has continued to be a neoliberal parties for all these decades, with this author not really becoming aware until seeing how VVD prime minister and pretend "populist" Mark Rutte has lowered the taxes for the highest income bracket and upped them for the lowest. Soon after, it turned out that Rutte has a lot of affection for the likes of Friedrich Hayek and Ayn Rand. At the same time he and the to-be-discussed Frits Bolkestein deny that something as "neoliberal" economic theory exists, claiming its an invention of the left. It must be said though that wholesale deregulation as prescribed by Hayek and Friedman is unlikely to be introduced here, but you can see that the VVD is clearly, and a little covertly, leaning towards the upper class of society.
Fascinatingly enough, anti-immigration "populist" candidates in the Netherlands also lean heavily on neoliberal economic thought and often are a spin-off of the VVD. From the late 1980s until the early 2000s, leading light of the VVD was Frits Bolkestein. A former Shell manager stationed all around the world, Bolkestein entered politics in the late 1970s. A decade later he served as minister of defense under Ruud Lubbers, a first-rate open borders Rockefeller globalist who later went to work for George Soros' International Crisis Group - as would his successor, Wim Kok. Bolkestein was a Bilderberg regular in the 1996-2004 period, a member of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA / Chatham House) in London, and, most secret of all, one of maybe 3 or 4 Dutch Mont Pelerin Society members, certainly in the 1990s. In that period, Bolkestein basically was the first prominent politician to oppose Muslim immigration. Fascinatingly, but 2004 he was brought on board as an advisor by Bank Menatep of questionable Russian-Zionist oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a very close ally at the time of Jacob Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski in the Open Russia Foundation and the International Crisis Group of George Soros.
The still very unknown Geert Wilders, Holland's leading anti-Muslim "populist" candidate from 2006 to 2018, was a low-level protege of Bolkestein in the 1990s - and over the years quietly received key funding through the Jewish neocon David Horowitz Freedom Center and the Middle East Forum, which in turn are financed by "conservative CIA" foundations as Scaife and Bradley. His political campaigns were also pushed by the CIA (director) and Mossad-dominated Intelligence Summit, one of the more bizarre elite NGOs to ever emerge. Like all other populists, Wilders doesn't focus on rationally bringing up ethnic crime numbers, racial IQ, or immigration-related poll statistics. For the most part he is just quiet and occasionally makes headlines with statements as "less Moroccans!" It's not productive and strongly plays into the "Islamophobia" and (irrational) "xenophobia" narrative that the dominant liberal establishment likes to push.
Earlier, in 2002, an ally of Dutch anti-immigration "populist" Pim Fortuyn, a certain Eduard Bomhoff, also used to be a friend and ally of Bolkestein in the early 1990s (today, strangely, Bomhoff thinks Bolkestein "spreads fear" about Muslim immigration). This was in the same period that Bomhoff joined the Mont Pelerin Society. By the 2010s, Bomhoff was one of only two Dutch Mont Pelerin Society members, with just one online-available Dutch news article identifying Bomhoff as such. Similarly, only one indisputable online-available source exists that Bolkestein ever was a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. It's all a bit overly coincidental and small-circle.
The tie between pro-open borders neoliberalism and anti-immigration "populism" certainly seems to be strong. In the Netherlands we also had Fortuyn and Wilders ally Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch Somali who fled the country in 2004 after the Muslim who butchered Pim Fortuyn-ally Theo van Gogh also threatened Ali (with a note stuck on Von Gogh's chest with a knife). In no-time she found employment at the neocon American Enterprise Institute, became a CFR member and Hoover Institution fellow, married leading superclass member Niall Ferguson, attended Rothschild birthday parties, and eventually, in 2010, also was made a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. One wonders, how does something like that happen? Also when you look at the Dutch intelligence ties of Van Gogh's father, or other strangeness surrounding this person, you just get a very strong sense of things being "scripted". If anybody gives off the "Illuminati bride" vibe, it's Ali.
With Holland's newest "populist", Thierry Baudet, it probably is only a matter of time before elite ties pop up. The "scientific bureau" attached to his Forum for Democracy, the Renaissance Institute, already is copying the David Horowitz Freedom Center in particular with its latest hotline to "turn in your leftist teacher". This is a very, very clear move of splitting the Netherlands between the "left" and the "right" in exactly the same fashion as the United States. Chairman of the bureau is arch-atheist Paul Cliteur, formerly of the Bilderberg and Pim Fortuyn-tied Republican Society. Extremist opinions surrounding immigration, feminism, left versus right, atheism versus religion: it's all meant to divide... and conquer.
Fascinating to see also was that Britain's infamous anti-immigration congressman of the 1960s and 1970s, Enoch Powell, not only was among the country's leading neoliberals, he also was a visitor of the Mont Pelerin Society (until an anti-Semitic freak-out at the 1972 conference) and a major promoter of the Society's neoliberal economic policies in Britain. It was only a matter of time though, for this "coincidence" popped up. I only learned about Enoch Powell and his semi-prophetic "Rivers of Blood" speech about 6 months ago, while writing ISGP's Hollywood article. At the time I was scratching my head why I couldn't find any unusual establishment ties to Powell. Well, here they are.
ISGP already discussed the ties between anti-immigration "populists" and national security in ISGP's Cercle Pinay article. Certainly looking at Otto von Habsburg, the Mont Pelerin Society almost can be considered the economic counterpart to Le Cercle and the American Security Council. It represents the sugar-coated fascist-colonialist plundering of so many of the regimes that Cercle and American Security Council members have supported.
Donald Trump, the CNP and "conservative CIA"
In case of Donald Trump, he very strongly is a product of NGOs that are financed by "conservative CIA" foundations, including Bradley, Scaife and Mercer. He's pro-Israel neoconservative, NGOs of which are financed by said foundations. He's Christian Conservative (this time around), NGOs of which are financed by said foundations. Very uniquely, he's also an anti-immigration "populist", NGOs and media outlets are financed by said foundations. Also the conspiracy and Nazi networks he has trouble distancing himself from: all financed or tied in some way to individuals or NGOs financed by said foundations.
Where to even start? Key administration officials as secretaries of state, defense secretaries and national security advisors - namely Rex Tillerson, Jim Mattis, General Mike Flynn and John Bolton - have demonstrated ties to the Hoover Institution, American Enterprise Institute and other elements of the pro-Israel neocon network, complete with recommendations from Bush era administration officials. Trump CIA director and secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has less of these ties it appears, but does have a long history with the "conservative CIA" Koch brothers, not to mention defense industry giants as Lockheed and Raytheon.
Most important to mention here though is that literally the only media support Trump has been enjoying is "conservative CIA", from Fox News to Breitbart and Infowars. This network is responsible for the 5 percent "positive news" received by the entirety of the media in 2017, compared to 22% for the vastly more destructive (for now) Bush administration, or a whopping 42% for media darling Obama. In addition, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway, both backed by the Mercer Family Foundation, ran Trump's presidential campaign in its final two months. Bannon and Conway both were Council for National Policy, with the Mercers being the CNP's largest donors in the pre-Trump era. In addition, Bannon was chairman of Breitbart, backed by Mercer, and Conway was to be found at the anti-feminist Independent Women's Forum, financed by Bradley, Scaife, Koch, Randolph and other "conservative CIA" foundations. Trump's education secretary, Betsy DeVos, a sister of Erik Prince, the founder of CIA front firm Blackwater, comes from the exact same CNP network. Both sides of the DeVos-Prince family have included CNP leaders.
His controversial (anti-)immigration positions Trump is said to take from the Center for Immigration Studies, financed by Bradley and Scaife. Comparing it to ISGP's Center for Responsible Immigration, the CIS doesn't seem to do a whole lot of practical, in-depth studying though. Along similar lines, Scaife used to finance the Diversity Alliance for a Sustainable America / Alliance for a Sustainable USA. It was just a ridiculously low-quality endeavor, hardly more than a few semi-prominent names and a crappy website with a few basic statements.
Also looking at how Trump, similar to all other "populists" in the West, refuses to rationally bring up ethnic crime numbers, racial IQ, or immigration-related poll statistics - instead resorting to very occasional emotional rhetoric - also should make one wonder to what extent Trump and his Old Right / "alt right" following really are interested in stopping Third World immigration. Unlike the one of Viktor Orban in Hungary, for now it is not exactly like his wall is getting build, in the quickest way, for the lowest price - or that it will ever stop immigration. We really have to be prepared that all this ineffectiveness is by design.
We can go on. Trump and his father were supporters of Senator Barry Goldwater, a favorite of the American Security Council. Chief lawyer of the Trump family was Roy Cohn, a director of the Western Goals Foundation, which, similar to the American Security Council, ties back to a number of "conservative CIA" foundations, as well as corporations. Trump may not have looked like much of a conservative throughout the 1990s, 2000s and early 2010s, his family certainly does have a long-standing history tying back to this national networks. Also, in 2000, Trump was a political candidate of the Reform Party, founded by former presidential candidate Ross Perot, who loved to party at the OSS Society with retired CIA directors and the leadership of America's special operations community. The Reform Party has been stacked with misfits of every kind over the years, from "liberal CIA" Ralph Nader to the AFIO's Robert D. Steele.
More peculiarities surrounding Trump, including his penchant for conspiracy disinformation, is to be found in his point summary bio. However, the main point here is that all these anti-immigration and even pro-Nazi populists, and the small media and activism networks surrounding them, seem to be purposely split off from slightly more mainstream conservative and neoliberal groups for very specific purposes of controlled opposition and disinformation. It's not like you find moderate liberal-socialist with anti-immigration opinions anywhere in the West really. One has to assume that this peculiarity, especially when looking at anti-immigration polls, is completely by design.
The "Rockefeller CIA" left-right paradigm
Initially, there wasn't much of an interest here to create point summaries on a number of elite think tanks, the reason being that we already know that they are elite and propagandist. The purpose of this "conservative CIA" oversight is to identify media outlets and other supposedly grassroots organizations as having semi-clandestine "conservative CIA" foundation backing. Still, it can be useful to observe how "conservative CIA" foundations as Bradley, Scaife and Mercer fund both elite NGOs and supposedly "grassroots" NGOs, similar to how, for example, the Ford, Hewlett and Rockefeller Brothers Fund foundations used to finance the super-elite Trilateral Commission alongside "new left", "grassroots", "liberal CIA" protest groups and anti-establishment media outlets.
For this reason, I picked a number of elite think tanks that appear the most consistently in grant lists of "conservative CIA" foundations. The first I picked was the Hudson Institute, the second the American Enterprise Institute, and the third the Manhattan Institute. Then the Hoover Institution was added. To my own surprise, similar to the CFR, Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, Asia Society, Dartmouth Conferences, US-USSR Trade and Economic Council and so many other "globalist" NGOs, Rockefeller influence has never been far away with these key conservative / neoconservative think tanks either. Added to the list below are a few other peculiarities, namely William Buckley, Jr. and foundation-tied ones that I had earlier picked up on.
- The Hudson Institute was founded by Herman Kahn and RAND Corporation allies, but not without deep involvement of Nelson Rockefeller, whose house advisor Kahn became and who was just as excited about spending a massive $20 billion ($170 billion in 2019) on building fallout shelters as Kahn himself.
- The American Enterprise Institute was a key NGO revived in the late 1970s "neocon revolution". Key AEI promoter and fundraiser in the late 1970s, when big business and "conservative CIA" foundations as Olin and Scaife were getting onboard, was Willard Carlisle Butcher, the president of Chase Manhattan Bank under chairman and CEO David Rockefeller. Butcher took over from Rockefeller as CEO in 1979, soon followed by chairman as well. In 1979, already a major AEI promoter, Willard became AEI's chairman of corporation fund-raising; by the late 1980s he was serving as trustee chair of AEI. Mind you, the 1997-founded New Atlantic Initiative, dominated by hawkish neocons as Eastern Establishmentarians under Henry Kissinger, was an offshoot of the AEI. The Project for the New American Century, another hawkish neocon project founded that same year, also, in part, was an offshoot of the AEI, mainly through AEI senior vice president John Bolton. In the late 1990s, Dick Cheney was vice chair of the AEI, and came back after serving the full eight years as Bush's vice president.
- The Manhattan Institute was an offshoot of the Mont Pelerin Society, founded and maintained by a key network of neoliberal economists with considerable direct and indirect Rockefeller family ties - and more directly to Bechtel man George Shultz.
- The Hoover Institution has been one of the homes of Milton Friedman for a long time. It represents the "conservative" establishment, but has very close ties to the Rockefeller interests through overseers and scholars as Stephen Bechtel, Jr., George Shultz and more recently Henry Kissinger. For the longest time, leading "conservative CIA" financier Richard Mellon Scaife was an overseer, after his death followed by Michael Gleba, the chair and CEO of the Sarah Scaife Foundation. The "conservative CIA" Mercer family, which brought Trump to power, joined as overseers in 2018. Earlier, William Buckley, Jr.'s brother, James, was an overseer. Thus, "conservative" and "conservative CIA" interests have been strongly represented for many years, but always right along the Rockefeller ones. Unlike the AEI, Jewish neocon scholars have not really been part of the Hoover Institution - which happens to be staunchly open borders - very explicitly for economic reasons.
- William Buckley Jr., the founder of the National Review and arguably the most prominent leader of the conservative movement, had a family fortune based on the Rockefellers, in addition to joining the CFR under chairman David Rockefeller, Bilderberg under the de facto leadership of David Rockefeller and eventually the board of Hollinger, loaded with David Rockefeller friends as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Volcker and the Rothschilds, as well neocon elites as Richard Perle and Hollinger chief Conrad Black (Pilgrims Society). Buckley denounced the John Birch Society before joining the CFR. He and his brother James were Knights of Malta, with William having belonged to Skull & Bones. Quite possibly that is why he was such a supporter of the Bush family.
- The key initial neocon foundations, Olin and Scaife, maintained huge Eastern Establishment ties. Olin, amongst others, through Rockefeller man John McCloy, formerly of the Rockefeller and Ford foundations (uber-"liberal CIA" Ford Fdn. also featured Steven Bechtel, Sr. 1961-1970); and Scaife through his relatives, the Mellons. The Rockefellers, Mellons and at least four Olin Foundation officers, including the founder, were members of the Pilgrims Society. In 1985 the Bradley Foundation became an outgrowth of the Olin Foundation through Michael S. Joyce.
- A number of additional "conservative CIA" foundations had or have major Eastern Establishment ties. The Donner Foundation and Donner Canadian Foundation were closely tied to the David Rockefeller-founded Trilateral Commission since at least 1980. Similar to the Scaife foundations, these foundations too were/are based on the Eastern Establishment Mellon fortune. They mostly fund environmental and other more liberal establishment projects though.
- The Achelis and Bodman Foundation has countless elite Pilgrims Society members on the board, but finances a group of neoconservative think tanks, including James Woolsey's extremely neocon and extremely anti-immigrant Gatestone Institute.
- The conservative Randolph Foundation merely is an offshoot, in family and as a foundation, of the H. Smith Richardson Foundation, over the decades linked to the CIA, DOD and a "conservative" foundation that has been making large donations to anything from the AEI and Hudson Institute to the Trilateral Commission, Brookings Institution, Peterson Institute, and CFR. Smith Richardson is a total Eastern Establishment foundation.
- The neoliberal policies of the Rockefeller and Shultz-tied Milton Friedman were strongly adopted by the World Bank during the Reagan years. From 1999 on, the leading dissenter to Friedman and the World Bank policy to supposedly undress Third World countries with privatization and deregulation has been economist Joseph Stiglitz, who did so through prominent "liberal CIA" asset Greg Palast. Stiglitz, who spoke at "liberal CIA"-backed Occupy Wall Street, has become a superclass member who is a very close ally of George Soros and the Rockefeller clique through NGOs as the Institute for New Economic Thinking (Soros and David Rockelller-financed), Progressive Agenda (Jonathan Soros), Peterson Institute for International Economics (David Rockefeller, George Shultz, Conrad Black of Hollinger (included Friedman), Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Larry Summers and many other close Rockefeller allies), etc.
Apparently reformed neoliberal "shock therapist" Jeffrey Sachs, who pioneered World Bank and IMF debt relief programs with Bolivia in 1985, also is deeply part of this Rockefeller-Soros network, as is a similarly Soros-allied protege of his, Nouriel Roubini. Sachs successfully helped reform the Polish economy, but he also was there with Hayek and Fisher liaising with the corrupt Russian-Zionist reformers under Yeltsin that handed all economic power to a small clique for bargain prices and utterly destroyed the country. Stiglitz blamed the rigidly of neoliberalism; Sachs et al blamed the corrupt oligarchs. Point is, Stiglitz is loved by the "liberal CIA" media and loathed by NGOs as "Chicago School"-dominant American Enterprise Institute. But it really doesn't matter whether you go the neoliberal or Keynesian road: the biggest names in the field have been surrounded by the Rockefeller network.
You sit back and look at how this liberal and conservative NGO network was founded - and you can't help but get the impression that the Rockefellers and their closest establishment friends, in coordination with the CIA, have been fielding think tanks and conferences with seemingly radically opposing views, yet always managed to keep key conspiracies as JFK and 9/11 under wraps, all the while pushing open borders. Free markets, free media, the voting process - it's all a giant, multilayered sham. On the "liberal CIA" new left, Soros, the Ford Foundation, Warren Buffett and Bill Clinton have been strongly interlocked with David Rockefeller, and certainly the various "liberal CIA"-oriented Rockefeller foundations. However, David Rockefeller's best friends have always been corporate coup plotters: CIA director Allen Dulles and Henry Kissinger are the most classic examples, with Richard Helms having been a good friend as well. The hawkish Zbigniew Brzezinski, with whom he founded the Trilateral Commission, was a close friend and has maintained a lot of ties to neocons over the years. George Shultz, whose chief protege is Bush era national security advisor and secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, definitely was a friend as well, from Shultz's leadership position at the "Chicago School" in the early 1960s to the 2010s at the Peterson Institute. Apart from overlap through NGOs, the ties between Shultz, Kissinger, Rockefeller and James Woolsey still are a bit fuzzy to this author at this point. These ties are key in trying to understand the purpose of the Jewish neocons, who have major historic CIA and DOD ties.
Similar to the initial "liberal CIA" oversight, once again it has been Executive Intelligence Review as the only publication, conspiracy or otherwise, which managed to observe the exact same controlled opposition phenomenon. Here is a segment of an August 1977 article of the publication, which this author ran into while creating a point summary of the National Review:
"The Rockefellers' goal, both at home and abroad, on the other hand, is looting, the destruction of industry and labor power to prop up their collapsing banks and financial interests. They use their "left-right" agents internationally to sabotage opposing policies. Such monetarist "surrogate warfare" pitting manipulated Papists versus manipulated anti-Papists ... and, today, the Institute for Policy Studies and allied Social Democratic factions versus the Buckleys, has been the principle counter-revolutionary device used by monetarist banking forces to contain the development of humanism and maintain their empires." 153
As usual, I don't agree with everything in the article, nor do I think it's written in the most coherent fashion. But EIR is the only publication - and very early so - to occasionally have mentioned the nature of the grand controlled opposition conspiracy that we face in our modern society - and on top of that provide a number of key examples. Over the decades the "new left" Institute for Policy Studies, founded by former aides to McGeorge Bundy (Yale Skull & Bones, like Buckley; president Ford Foundation 1966-1979) and Rockefeller man John McCloy (chair Chase National Bank 1953-1960; chair CFR 1953-1970; chair Rockefeller Foundation 1946-1949, 1953-1958; chair Ford Foundation 1958-1964; trustee Olin Foundation late 1970s-1980s), has received millions from "liberal CIA" foundations as Ford, Rockefeller, Turner and Soros. While there are literally hundreds of important "new left" groups these days funded by the same network of "liberal CIA" foundations, the IPS definitely has been a very important player.
McCloy, of course, also sat on the board of the Pilgrims Society-dominated Olin Foundation, which initiated the "neocon revolution" in the late 1970s, not to a small degree in opposition to Carter's (economic) "despotism". This was much in the same way that the elite-embraced William Buckley, Jr. launched his conservative revolution in the early 1950s. As discussed in detail in ISGP's intro article, the Rockefeller influence has been working through all Democrat and Republican administrations from Truman to Obama. The NGO and activism circuits do not seem to be much different. More research is needed though. But it does seem clear: we are being had. Big time.
- By far the best summary of the Christian Right and Zionist-neocon alliance to be found (and a view fully shared by ISGP):
matthewnlyons.net/works-hosted-on-this-site/christian-rightists-and-neocons/ (accessed: April 6, 2019): "Christian Rightists and Neocons: A 25-Year Alliance, by Matthew Lyons. This talk was part of a panel entitled "War and the Christian Right." The event took place on 27 October 2005 at the William Way Center in Philadelphia and was sponsored by the Philadelphia Anti-War Forum.
[Lyon speech:] It's particularly impressive that Christian rightists and neocons have been able to work together more or less continuously for so long, because in a lot of ways, these are two very different political movements. ... The Christian Right is a mass movement that has grown by actively involving millions of supporters — primarily middle-class suburbanites. The neocons aren't a mass movement at all — they're a small network of intellectuals who depend on elite patronage and who have always been pretty ambivalent about grassroots organizing. ... The neocons are disproportionately Jewish or Catholic, and although some of them are religious they're united by a basically secular ideology that's rooted in anticommunist liberalism. ... The neocons' core agenda is to reassert U.S. global dominance through an aggressive foreign and military policy. The neocons generally share the Christian Right's hostility to feminism and gay rights and their call for a return to "traditional values," but they don't emphasize these themes as much...
The neocons were mainly a reaction to the [1960s-1970s] antiwar movement, Black Power, and the leftward shift in the Democratic Party; the Christian Right started mobilizing mainly as a backlash against the growth of feminism and gay rights activism. ... In the 1970s and eighties the neocons and Christian rightists found several key areas where their politics converged. The most important of these was anticommunism... This anticommunism was tied in with an expansionist form of nationalism — a faith that "American free enterprise" was the greatest system in the world, and that the U.S. had both the right and the responsibility to project its power around the globe to repel and destroy the totalitarian Red menace. In terms of foreign policy, neocons and Christian rightists also shared a strong support for the state of Israel — for very different reasons — which I'll talk about later. ...
When the Soviet bloc collapsed, this anticommunist glue no longer held and the conservative coalition started to fall apart — especially around foreign policy. The neocons argued that the U.S. should continue to have a strong interventionist policy to "promote democracy" around the world. But other rightists, who called themselves paleoconservatives, disagreed. Paleocons such as Pat Buchanan argued that the U.S. should now avoid foreign entanglements, oppose free trade, stop supporting Israel, and sharply limit immigration from non-European countries. Paleocons also promoted an explicitly Christian form of moral traditionalism with strong White nationalist undertones. They accused the neocons of being empire builders and closet liberals. Neocons accused the paleocons of being isolationists and antisemites. ... In the faction fight between neocons and paleocons, the Christian Right was caught in the middle. The Christian Right was closer to the paleocons on social policy issues, and a lot of rank-and-file Christian rightists shared the paleocons' critique of immigration, globalization, and free trade. ...
Christian rightists support Israel — specifically, right-wing Zionism — because they believe that a strong Jewish state is part of God's plan...
Both neocons and Christian rightists had been mostly excluded from the administration of George Bush Senior (and of course that of Bill Clinton), but George W. Bush welcomed them. Neocons were appointed to several key second-tier posts in the Defense Department and other agencies. The Christian Right's main representative in the Bush administration was Attorney General John Ashcroft, who left office in early 2005. ...
For the neocons, September 11 provided the new global enemy they'd been looking for since the collapse of the Soviet Union. ... Neocons demonized "radical Islam" as the embodiment of pure evil. ... Both of them embraced the Bush administration's so-called war on terrorism and the decision to invade Afghanistan. ... [But] some Christian Right groups criticized repressive measures such as the USA PATRIOT Act." - April 27, 1976, New York Times, 'C.I.A. Secretly Owned Insurance Complex and Invested Profits in Stock Market': "The [CIA] agency was involved to some degree in nearly half of all charitable grants by American foundations exclusive of the Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie organizations, known collectively as the "Big Three.""
- 1961, The National Cyclopedia of American Biography, p. 110. "Buckley, William Frank [Sr.], oil executive [born on] July 11, 1881. ... In 1938 he entered into a contract with the Standard Oil Company of Venezuela to explore and develop..."
- *) 2007, New York Times, 'E. Howard Hunt, Watergate Figure, Dies at 88': "He moved to Mexico City, where he became chief of station in 1950. He brought along another rookie C.I.A. officer, William F. Buckley Jr., later a prominent conservative author and publisher, who became godfather and guardian to the four children of Mr. Hunt and his wife..."
- *2007, New York Times, 'E. Howard Hunt, Watergate Figure, Dies at 88'.
- Very seldom mentioned. 1980, Harrison Evans Salisbury (New York Times journalist), 'Without Fear Or Favor: The New York Times and Its Times', pp. 578, 597: "Long before Hunt left his New York post (he was a close friend of Allen Dulles and went to Washington in the early fifties and then to Paris, where he stayed through 1958 in charge of clandestine operations) the arrangement started to run down. ...
I am particularly indebted to Carl Bernstein and former CIA Directors William Colby, John McCone and Richard Helms and so many CIA officials (more past then present)... James Angleton ... Howard Hunt..." - Feb. 8, 1974, Tad Szulc for the New York Post, 'The Strange Career of E. Howard Hunt: Compulsive Spy'.
- 1994, Michael Useem, 'Executive Defense: Shareholder Power and Corporate Reorganization', p. 184: "Table 6.2. The board of directors of RJR Nabisco, before and after its leveraged buyouit in 1988 by ... KKR... 1987 board of directors (before buyout): ... Ronald H. Grierson ... Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. ... John D. Macomber ... James O. Welch, Jr."
- *) Aug. 11, 1981, New York Times, 'Nabisco\s Merger Sparks Revamping': "Mr. [James] Welch [Jr.] started in business with his family's candy-producing concern, the James O. Welch Company, which was acquired by Nabisco in 1963. He became a Nabisco vice president in 1971, president of the international division eight years later and president and chief operating officer last May."
Jan. 13, 1987, New York Times, 'RJR Nabisco Move Possible': "Separately, the company said yesterday that James O. Welch Jr., vice chairman and chief executive of Nabisco Brands Inc. since September, had been named chairman of the unit. Mr. Welch, 55 years old, will continue as Nabisco's chief executive and as a senior executive vice president and director of RJR Nabisco." - Feb. 1, 1985, New York Times, 'James O. Welch Dies at 79; Founder of Candy Company': "In 1963 the National Biscuit Company, now Nabisco Brands Inc., bought Mr. Welch's company. Mr. Welch was a director of Nabisco from 1963 until his retirement in 1978. His son, James O. Welch Jr., of Short Hills, N.J., is president of Nabisco. ... An older brother, Robert H. W. Welch Jr., founder of the John Birch Society, died Jan. 6."
- *) Nov. 1974, Dr. G. William Domhoff (UC Santa Cruz) and Dr. Charles L. Schwartz (UC Berkeley), 'Probing the Rockefeller Fortune: A Report Prepared for Members of the United States Congress', p. 36.
*) Dec. 1974, U.S. Congress: House, 'Nomination of Nelson A. Rockefeller to be Vice President of the United States', p. 1087. - July 8, 2003, Rense.com interview with Eustace Mullins.
rense.com/general39/EUSTACE.htm (accessed: April 14, 2024). - Feb. 21, 1964, Charlotte, N.C. News, 'Revilo Oliver, Right-Winger': "It has struck most Americans by now that the John Birch Society is cuckoo... The February issue, however, is one for the records. In it, Revilo P. Oliver [wrote] "Marxmanship in Dallas" ... The article claims that Mr. Kennedy may have been shot because he was falling behind in the Communist time-table for a domestic take-over. Oliver goes on to charge that the late president had planned to subvert and sabotage the nation's defense; that the CIA and the FBI conspired with Kennedy and Castro to set up a fake invasion at the Bay of Pigs..."
- July/August 1983, Mother Jones, 'Their Will Be Done': "And who are the American Knights? Mother Jones managed to obtain part of the secret membership list. On it we found some familiar names... William Buckley, Jr., a former CIA operative and the editor of the National Review, is a member, as is his brother James, a former senator from New York and now undersecretary of state for security assistance."
- 2000 annual report, Hollinger Inc., pp. 77-81.
- June 28, 2017, Vanity Fair, 'How Donald Trump and Roy Cohn’s Ruthless Symbiosis Changed America': "Donald [Trump] calls me 15 to 20 times a day,” Roy Cohn told me on the day we met. ... It was 1980."
- More about Roy Cohn in ISGP's American Security Council article.
- March 1983, WGF letter and board (photocopy): "Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald, Chairman. ... Western Goals Advisory Board: ... Roy M. Cohn, Esq. ... Adm. Thomas Moorer ... Gen. John Singlaub. Dan Smoot. ... Edward Teller..."
- 1977, American Enterprise Institute (booklet "declassified" by the CIA in 2004 with number "CIA-RDP88-01315R000100180001-7"): "- The 1976 series of AEI telecasts included: ..." See the American Enterprise Institute entry here for the exact quote.
- June 1, 1992, minneapolisfed.org, 'Interview with Milton Friedman'.
- Ibid.
- May 16, 2013. LP.org (Libertarian Party), 'Abolish IRS, end income tax, slash government spending, says LP executive director'.
- Jan. 7, 2007, Edwin Black for San Francisco Chronicle (SFGate.com), 'Nazis rode to war on GM wheels'.
- May 1, 1941, Congressional Record, p. A2054, Congressman Bernard J. Gehrmann of Wisconsin, 'Rockefeller's Anguish'. See ISGP's ICC article for a quote and more sources.
- Feb. 27, 2012, Huffington Post, 'IBM's Role in the Holocaust — What the New Documents Reveal'.
- 1942, John Hargrave, 'Montagu Norman', p. 217. See ISGP's Pilgrims Society article for the associated quote.
- 1936-1941, U.S. Senate, La Follette Civil Liberties Committee, 'Violations of Free Speech and Rights of Labor', key paragraphs and graphs from a 1939 report (PDF).
- Sep. 13, 1970, New York Times, 'The [Only] Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits [for the Shareholders]'.
- June 1, 1992, minneapolisfed.org, 'Interview with Milton Friedman'.
- 1930 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, pp. 224-227: "The Austrian Institute for Trade Cycle Research, at Vienna, has been engaged since 1927 in research on current economic conditions in Austria. Results have been published in a monthly bulletin, which has been favorably reviewed in many quarters. ... With the aid of a five-year grant made by the Foundation in 1930 it will be possible to bring some of these basic investigations through to completion."
- nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/1974/hayek/biographical/ (accessed: Dec. 12, 2023): "He founded and served as director of the Austrian Institute for Business Cycle Research before joining the London School of Economics in 1931. ... 1927-1931: Director, Österreichisches Institut für Konjunkturforschung (Austrian Institute for Trade Cycle Research)."
- uni-freiburg.de/university/university-at-a-glance/outstanding-achievements/nobel-prize/friedrich-von-hayek/ (accessed: Dec. 12, 2023): "From 1927 on he served as director of the Austrian Institute for Trade Cycle Research, which he had founded together with Ludwig von Mises."
- 5–6 February 1999, Mises Institute (founded in Auburn, Alamaba in 1982), Otto von Habsburg speech, 'The Mises I Knew: The Manifesto of Liberty': "You see, this university is in the great state of Alabama. ... My first meeting with Ludwing von Mises waas during the second World War. ... " A lot of rambling, but seems to say he and Mises were lobbying in the U.S. with regard to the old Austro-Hungarian Empire that used to be headed by the Habsburgs."
- 2002, David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs', pp. 75-76: "The economists at LSE were much more conservative than the rest of the faculty. In fact, its economists comprised the major center of opposition in England to Keynes and his Cambridge School of interventionist economics."
- *) 1929 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 304: Shows a $100,000 [$1.9 mln in 2024] appropriation with $20,000 paid in 1929. Other, smaller sums to LSE appear as well.
*) 1931 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 234: "During the year 1931 the following appropriations were made for institutional research programs: University of Chicago: $875,000; Brookings Institution: $262,500; London School of Economics and Political Science: $710,000 [$15 mln in 2024]. University of Stockholm $130,000; University of Oslo, Institute of Economics: $50,000. American University of Beirut: $30,000." - Ibid.
- 2002, David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs', pp. 75-76: "My tutor that year was Friedrich von Hayek [founder of the Mont Pelerin Society in 1947]... I found myself largely in agreement with his basic economic policy... My favorite teacher at the LSE was Lionel Robbins, later to become Baron Robbins of Clare Market [supporter of the theories of Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises]..."
- Ibid., p. 75: "My senior year was occupied with writing my senior thesis on Fabian socialism... Fabian Socialists, under the leadership of Beatrice and Sidney Webb, took the opposite view [of doing good to be rewarded in the afterlife]. They saw the provision of a minimum standard of living for everyone as a basic right..."
- Ibid., p. 88.
- 2008, Alfred S. Regnery, 'Upstream: The Ascendance of American Conservatism', pp. 30-33. This happened according to Milton Friedman.
- 2002, David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs', p. 12.
- March 21, 2017, news.uchicago.edu, 'David Rockefeller, University trustee and descendent of UChicago’s philanthropic founder, 1915-2017': "First elected as a trustee of the University of Chicago on May 8, 1947. He served as a trustee until 1963, became an honorary trustee until 1966, then was a life trustee until 2007 and was a trustee emeritus at the time of his death."
- Oct. 1967, Chicago Today, 'University Notes': "John D. Rockefeller IV, great-grandson of the University's founder, was elected to the Board of Trustees."
- 1978, University of Chicago, 'Announcements: Graduate Programs in the Divisions', p. 1: "The University of Chicago. The Board of Trustees: ... Life Trustees: William McCormick Blair ... David Rockefeller ... [Regular trustees:] ... Edward McCormick Blair ... Peter E. Peterson ... Jay A. Pritzker ... John D. Rockefeller IV... Officers of the University: ... D. Gale Johnson, Provost..."
- November 7, 2002, George Shultz speech at Milton Friedman's 100th birthday (freetochoose.net/media_02_1.html (accessed: Aug. 9, 2023; PBS television series on Friedman).
- Ibid. And: June 18, 1998, The University of Chicago, 'Rose & Milton Friedman: A Celebration', speech of George Shultz (freetochoose.net/tribute_shultz.html (accessed: Aug. 9, 2023; PBS television series on Friedman)): "I’ve often been asked, “Who do you think has had the most impact on the world?" The answer is very clear to me: Milton Friedman. ... I was getting more and more under Milton’s spell... Rose and Milton, you’ve taught us to respect the market and to have confidence in freedom. ... I feel so much in your debt for all the sense you’ve pounded into my head, and for all your friendship and love. I love you too. Thank you."
- Dec. 20, 2010, IMF.org, 'Press Release: IMF Appoints External Review Panel to Assess the Fund’s Risk Management Framework': "Jacob A. Frenkel, Chairman of JPMorgan Chase International... and former David Rockefeller Professor of International Economics, University of Chicago (1973-1987)."
- April 17, 1987 , Washington Post, 'Personalities'.
- The long-standing Bechtel ties to the CIA, alongside the Rockefellers' Standard Oil and Saudi Aramco, have been summarized in the biography of CIA director John McCone - also of Bechtel-McCone - in ISGP's Managed Democracy article. The Rockefeller ties to the CIA have largely been summarized in the Pilgrims Society article in the chapters 'Early CIA ties, "the Company" and corporate coups' and 'The Cold War Rockefeller CIA network'.
- *) Who's Who (digital), Arthur F. Burns: "research associate National Bureau Economic Research, 1930-31, member research staff, 1933-69, director research staff, 1945-53, chairman, 1967-68;".
*) nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/1976/friedman/lecture/ (accessed: Dec. 12, 2023; Friedman's 1976 Nobel Prize speech): "In economics, I had the good fortune to be exposed to two remarkable men: Arthur F. Burns, then teaching at Rutgers [where I got my BA in 1932] while completing his doctoral dissertation for Columbia; and Homer Jones ["M.A. from Brookings Institution, and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago..."], teaching between spells of graduate work at the University of Chicago. Arthur Burns shaped my understanding of economic research, introduced me to the highest scientific standards, and became a guiding influence on my subsequent career. ... On [Jones'] recommendation, the Chicago Economics Department offered me a tuition scholarship. ... Arthur Burns and Homer Jones remain today among my closest and most valued friends. ... The National Bureau of Economic Research, where I went in the fall of 1937 [until 1940] to assist Simon Kuznets in his studies of professional income. ... In 1945, I joined George Stigler at the University of Minnesota, from which he had been on leave. After one year there, I accepted an offer from the University of Chicago... Chicago has been my intellectual home ever since. At about the same time, Arthur Burns, then director of research at the National Bureau, persuaded me to rejoin the Bureau’s staff and take responsibility for their study of the role of money in the business cycle." - 1929-1931, 1934-1939 annual reports of the Rockefeller Foundation all list grants to the NBER.
- May-July, 1954, U.S. Congress: House, Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations (Reece Committee), 'Tax-Exempt Foundations - Part 1', pp. 175-177, 963.
- See two notes back.
- August 1976, Orlando Leletier, formerly Allende's right-hand man and now employed at the "liberal CIA"-backed Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), for the "liberal CIA"-backed The Nation, 'The 'Chicago Boys' in Chile: Economic Freedom's Awful Toll' (Leletier would soon be assassinated in the U.S. by Pinochet's people).
- May 9, 2017, Butler Scholarly Journal (BSJ), 'Interview with an Ex-Minister of State: Rolf Luders': "In the 1950's, under the auspices of USAID, the United States' official aid agency, our university, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), entered an agreement with the University of Chicago (UofC) to establish an Economic Research Centre at PUC and to provide graduate training in economics in Chicago to about 25 Chileans. To staff the Centre, which today is our Institute of Economics, initially four UofC professors were hired, who were replaced by Chileans once these latter finished their graduate studies. Around 1973, the year of the military coup, about 10 Chilean UofC graduates were working full-time at the Centre and their accumulated knowledge on the Chilean economy was already very significant. Once in power, the military did not want to continue with the type of protectionist and interventionist economic policies which had prevailed in Chile since the 1930's and therefore turned to the PUC economists, who had a more liberal approach. Initially these UofC economists who joined the military government were called Chicago Boys. Later, this nickname was also applied to other Chilean liberal economists."
- Leading Chilean "Chicago boys":
- Hernan Cubillos: Advisory board member of the CIA-penetrated El Mercurio newspaper who recommended the "Chicago Boys" to the coup-plotting Admiral Jose Toribio Merino, a member of the Cofradía Nautica del Pacifico Austral / Maritime Brotherhood of the Southern Pacific who was looking for economic experts within the Christian Democrat party of Eduardo Frei. Jorge Cauas, active in Frei's party, may also have recommended the "Chicago boys" to this Navy Commander.
- Sergio de Castro: Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Member of the Maritime Brotherhood of the Southern Pacific, at the core of the 1973 CIA-Pinochet coup against Allende. Co-leader of the 1972 "Chicago School" free-market blueprint for Chile entitled El Ladrillo, implemented by Pinochet after the coup. Minister of economy 1974-1976.
- Hernan Buchi: University of Chicago graduate. Co-leader in the production of the 1972 blueprint El Ladrillo. Economic advisor to 1976-1978 Minister of Economy and fellow-"Chicago Boy" Pablo Baraona. Undersecretary of Economy of Chile 1979-1981. Minister of Finance of Chile 1985-1989, bringing back "Chicago Boy" economics during a brief 1984-1985 Keynesian spell of Luis Escobar Cerda, a 1970s director of the IMF.
- Jorge Cauas: 1961 MA in economics from Columbia University on a Fulbright Scholarship. Leading figure in the CIA-backed government of Eduardo Frei 1964-1970. Director of the Center for Development Research of the World Bank, living in Washington, D.C. 1972-1974, this under World Bank president, Pilgrim, and key Ford and Rockefeller man Robert McNamara. Supported the Pinochet coup of 1973. Vice-president of the Central Bank of Chile in May-July 1974. Ministry of Finance July 1974 - December 1976, working closely with De Castro in implementing Friedman's "Shock Therapy" in Chile. Chilean ambassador to the U.S. 1977-1978. President of Banco Santiago 1978-1983, when it collapsed. Directors of Center for Public Studies (CEP), presided over from 1985 to 2015 by "Chicago Boy" Eliodoro Matte, and co-financed by the CIA-tied National Foundation for Democracy (NED) and Ford Foundation.
- Rolf Luders Schwarzenberg: Studied at the University of Chicago in 1968, writing a thesis on Chile's economic history. Milton Friedman and Arnold Harburger were his thesis advisors and the Rockefeller Foundation and Brookings Institution paid for his study. Minister of Finance and Economine, Development and Reconstruction 1982-1983, upon Pinochet's request, when Chile's economy crashed. He requested that "Chicago Boy" Alvaro Bardon become his second-in-command.
- Alvaro Bardon: Columnist, initially anonymously, since 1971 at El Mercurio, whose column section was the first section to be penetrated by the CIA. President of the Central Bank of Chile 1977 - 1981. Undersecretary of economics to Rolf Luders 1982-1983 at the request of Luders.
- Pablo Baraona: MA from University of Chicago in 1961. Leading member National Party, which was CIA-backed. Economic advisor to Fernando Leniz, Pinochet's Minister of Economy, Development and Reconstruction of Chile 1973-1975 who previously, from 1966 to 1977, was general manager at the CIA-penetrated El Mercurio. Together with Raul Saez, Leniz followed a gradual transition towards neoliberalism. Vice president Central Bank of Chile 1974-1975, president 1975-1976. Minister of Economy, Development and Reconstruction of Chile 1976-1978.
- economia.uc.cl/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/cv_rluders-2009.pdf (accessed: April 2, 2019): "Rolf Lüders Schwarzenberg: ... Department of Economics, University of Chicago. Doctorate in Economics (1968). Studies in International Trade and Public finances. Thesis: "A Monetary History of Chile 1925-1958." Expenses paid by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Brookings Institution."
- August 1976, Orlando Leletier, formerly Allende's right-hand man and now employed at the "liberal CIA"-backed Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), for the "liberal CIA"-backed The Nation, 'The 'Chicago Boys' in Chile: Economic Freedom's Awful Toll' (Leletier would soon be assassinated in the U.S. by Pinochet's people).
- 1975, Church Committee, Covert Action in Chile: 1963-1973. See ISGP's "liberal CIA" article for a point-summary of this report.
- September 2, 1980, Executive Intelligence Review, 'Washington, IMF legitimize Bolivia's drug economy': "Conveniently, Bolivia's new Central Bank director Marcelo Montero is an avowed Friedmanite trained by the Chicago School boys at Chile's Catholic University. Reached yesterday at the University of Chicago, Friedman's top aide, Professor Arnold Harberger, remarked that Montero's name "has good vibes to it." The IMF's Bolivia desk officer raved about Montero's "competence.""
- Nov. 20, 2023, New York Post, 'Argentina elects libertarian economist Javier Milei, who cloned his dog, as president'.
- Dec. 1, 2023, El Pais, 'Climate denier in the Casa Rosada: Milei’s arrival puts Argentina’s environmental agenda at risk'.
- Nov. 24, 2023, Merco Press, 'Milei plans to privatize Paraná-Paraguay Waterway': "...bidding documents have already been drafted..."
- Sept. 4, 2023, Gale.com, 'Milei is criticized for suggesting the privatization of water'.
- Dec. 10, 2023, Al Jazeera, 'Victims of Argentina’s dictatorship see step backward in Milei’s presidency'.
- Sep. 15, 2023 X post of @TuckerCarlson, Javier Milei interview (427 mln on Dec. 11, 2023).
- weforum.org/people/javier-gerardo-milei/ (accessed: May 3, 2016 (first webarchive) - Dec. 11, 2023).
- *) 2013, B20 Business Russia 2013, 'B20–G20 Partnership for Growth and Jobs: Recommendations from Business 20', pp. 2, 6, 64-65.
*) July 2014, 'G20: The Official ICC CEO G20 Advisory Group Publication' ("In-depth read on the topics that will be address at this years G20 Business Summit in Sydney."), pp. 8, 41. - weforum.org/people/javier-gerardo-milei/ (accessed: May 3, 2016 (first webarchive) - Dec. 11, 2023; not a 2014 or 2015 list, so he may visited in early 2016).
- thedialogue.org/ (accessed: April 2000; 'members'-section; 52 U.S. members, 4 Canadanian members, and 56 from Latin America and the Caribbean): "Brazil: ... Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva. ... Henrique Campos Meirelles ... United States: ... Peggy Dulany [daughter of David Rockefeller] ... [top Henry Kissinger protege] Brent Scowcroft ... [top Rockefeller protege] Cyrus R. Vance ... Jimmy Carter ... A.W. Clausen ... Sally A. Shelton [Colby, wife of former CIA director William Colby]... [Etc.]"
- Oct. 10, 2017, Buzzfeed Brazil, '‘Em 1999, Bolsonaro defendeu tortura e guerra civil "matando uns 30 mil"’'.
- Nov. 1, 2009, BBC, 'University race quotas row in Brazil': "[Photo:] Mr Bolsonaro says the quotas approach is a form of reverse discrimination. ... A question mark hangs over the quotas system after a legal challenge mounted by state congressman Flavio Bolsonaro."
- May 7, 2016, New York Times, 'Conservative’s Star Rises in Brazil as Polarizing Views Tap Into Discontent'.
- April 26, 2019, ThePinkNews.com, 'Brazil must not become ‘gay tourism paradise’, says Jair Bolsonaro'.
- Dec. 21, 2019, Independent, '‘You have a terribly homosexual face’: Brazil’s president launches homophobic attack on journalist'.
- Dec. 21, 2019, Independent, '‘You have a terribly homosexual face’: Brazil’s president launches homophobic attack on journalist'.
- July 23, 2018, BBC, 'Brazil far-right politician enters presidential race'.
- Dec. 16, 2014, The Guardian, 'Brazil's attorney general files criminal complaint over rape taunt in Congress'.
- Sep. 18, 2015, The Guardian, 'Brazilian congressman ordered to pay compensation over rape remark': "Congressman must pay $2,500..."
- Sep. 29, 2019, AP, 'A look at offensive comments by Brazil candidate Bolsonaro'.
- Aug. 27, 2019, The Independent, 'Macron furious after Jair Bolsonaro mocks his wife’s looks'.
- 2023, issue 3, Third World Quarterly, pp. 478-495, 'Refugee recognition in Brazil under Bolsonaro: the domestic impact of international norms and standards'.
- Ibid.
- Sep. 29, 2019, AP, 'A look at offensive comments by Brazil candidate Bolsonaro'.
- Jan. 24, 2020, TeleseurEnglish.net, 'Bolsonaro: ‘More and More the Indian Is a Human Being Like Us’'.
- July 31, 2018, noticias.uol.com.br, 'Bolsonaro criticizes quotas and denies debt owed to black people: “I didn’t enslave anyone”': "[Photo:] Mr Bolsonaro says the quotas approach is a form of reverse discrimination. ... A question mark hangs over the quotas system after a legal challenge mounted by state congressman Flavio Bolsonaro."
- Jan. 22, 2019, Science.org, 'Brazil's new president has scientists worried. Here's why Jair Bolsonaro nixes agencies working on climate change and appoints a minister who flirted with creationism.
- Sep. 11, 2019 YouTube upload by 'The Heritage Foundation', Reuters, ' Brazil Is Back: Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Ernesto Araujo'.
- March 12, 2021, France24.com, 'The 'agricultural mafia' taking over Brazil's Amazon rainforest'. The 15 minute documentary shows how under Bolsonaro a massive incursion into native Amazon lands started. Farmers just come in, put up fences preventing anyone from entering (shown on film), and start cutting and burning everything down. The Bolsonaro government does nothing about this.
- Aug. 27, 2019, France24.com, 'Brazil Won’t Accept US$20 Million G7 Aid to Tackle Amazon Fire'; July 19, 2022, Die Welt, 'Amazon deforestation soared in 2021'; Oct. 2, 2022, Die Welt, 'How has the rainforest fared under Bolsonaro?'; Nov. 3, 2022, 'Bolsonaro loses election but finds big support in Amazon Arc of Deforestation'; Oct. 3, 2022, Vox, 'Earth’s future depends on the Amazon. This month, it’s up for a vote.'.
- March 26, 2019, TelesurEnglish.net, 'Bolsonaro orders celebration of Brazil military coup: spokesman'.
- *) nsarchive2.gwu.edu/ NSAEBB/NSAEBB465/ (accessed: Dec. 18, 2023; 'Brazil Marks 50th Anniversary of Military Coup; On 50th anniversary, Archive posts new Kennedy Tape Transcripts on coup plotting against Brazilian President Joao Goulart').
*) 2005, Adm. Stansfield Turner (former CIA director), 'Burn Before Reading: Presidents, CIA Directors, and Secret', Chapter IV: "Harold Geneen, ITT's president, appealed to his friend [CIA director] John McCone. McCone involved the CIA in waging what resembled a psychological warfare campaign. It included press releases that smeared Goulart, a joint effort by CIA and the Agency for International Development (AID)..." - 1977, Jan Knippers Black, 'United States Penetration of Brazil', p. 78 (book details big business coorporation with the U.S. government and CIA in subverting leftist politics in Brazil through a military coup): "At a military and academic conference on Latin America at West Point in the fall of 1964, David Rockefeller of the Chase Manhattan Bank told a discussion group that it had been decided quite early that Goulart was not acceptable to the U.S. banking community, and that he would have to go. [1] ... [1] Edwin Lieuwen, in conversation, 19 July 1976, Albuquerque, N.M. Lieuwen had been present when the remarks were made.".
- 2002, David Rockefeller, Memoirs, p. 432.
- October 28, 2018, Louis Amis and Juliano Fiori for the Los Angeles Review of Books, 'The Torturer'. Also: April 20, 2016, El Pais Brazil, 'Elogio à tortura, dupla moral e enrolados na Justiça em nove votos na Câmara' ('Praise for torture, double standards and legal entanglements in nine votes in the Chamber').
- April 19, 2016, The Guardian, 'Dilma Rousseff taunt opens old wounds of dictatorship era's torture in Brazil'.
- April 21, 2016, BBC, 'Brazilian vote-pledge stirs memories of military rule'. Also the next source.
- April 20, 2016, El Pais Brazil, 'Elogio à tortura, dupla moral e enrolados na Justiça em nove votos na Câmara' ('Praise for torture, double standards and legal entanglements in nine votes in the Chamber').
- Aug. 9, 2021, Latinoamerica21.com, 'The militarization of the Bolsonaro administration'.).
- Jan. 10, 2022, The Intercept, 'Bolsonaro Gave Brazil’s Army New Powers. The Generals Won’t Give Them Up Easily.'
- Nov. 27, 2017, Veja.abril.com.br, 'Bolsonaro: ‘Policial que não mata não é policial’' (spoken at a Veja live event).
- Oct. 27, 2021, Human Rights Watch, 'The Toll of Bolsonaro’s Disastrous Covid-19 Response'.
- Nov. 11, 2020, GayCityNews.com, 'Bolsonaro Accuses Brazilians of Being “Maricas” About COVID'.
- April 22, 2020, O Globo, 'Covid-19: Ernesto Araújo denuncia 'comunavírus' e ataca OMS' ('Covid-19: Ernesto Araujo denounces 'communavirus' and attacks WHO; Minister criticizes China and says that philosopher Slavoj Zizek shows that 'globalism replaces socialism as a preparatory stage for communism''): "Araujo posted on his personal blog, in the early hours of Wednesday, a long text in which he denoucnes a "communist plan" that would take advantage of the Covid-10 pandemic... [It] would be "the first step towards communism" of a "globalist project". Entitled "The communavirus has arrived"..."
- Feb. 17. 2020, Folha de Sao Paulo, 'Bolsonaro: "We are in Solidarity with Russia"; Presidents meet in the Kremlin amid the Ukrainian crisis, which was not openly mentioned by a Brazilian'.
- Feb. 24, 2022, Reuters, 'Bolsonaro won't condemn Putin, says Brazil will remain neutral over invasion.
- Feb. 24, 2022, Reuters, 'Brazil's Bolsonaro disauthorizes vice president who condemned Russian invasion of Ukraine.
- Nov. 23, 2022, Reuters, 'Bolsonaro challenge to Brazil election result seen stoking protests'.
- Nov. 4, 2022, Reuters, 'Pro-Bolsonaro roadblocks lose steam in Brazil; Lula transition begins'.
- Jan. 9, 2023, Reuters, 'Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazilian Congress'.
- Jan. 9, 2023, BBC, 'Brazil Congress: Mass arrests as Lula condemns 'terrorist' riots'.
- April 2, 2018, Bloomberg, 'Chicago Boy Helps Calm Bankers’ Fears About Brazilian Election Wild Card': "Guedes advises Bolsonaro..."
- Nov. 27, 2017, Folha de Sao Paulo, 'Bolsonaro conversa com economista Paulo Guedes para a Fazenda' ('Bolsonaro talks to economist Paulo Guedes for Finance').
- Oct. 9, 2018, Folha de Sao Paulo, 'Economista de Bolsonaro, Paulo Guedes viveu mudança radical em Chicago' ('Bolsonaro economist Paulo Guedes experienced radical change in Chicago').
- Oct. 30, 2018, Bloomberg, 'Brazil Super Minister Shoulders Weight of Bolsonaro Economy: Paulo Guedes...'
- 1983, Luis A. Riveros (published by: Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Chile), \La gran depresión en Chile': "Seminario: sistemas tributarios alternativos. Articulos de Felipe Lamarca, Arnold Harberger, Michael Boskin, Edgardo Favaro, Paulo Guedes, Vito Tanzi, octubre de 1981."
- April 2, 2018, Bloomberg, 'Chicago Boy Helps Calm Bankers’ Fears About Brazilian Election Wild Card': "..."
- infomoney.com.br/perfil/andre-jakurski/ (accessed: Dec. 14, 2023; 'André Jakurski: conheça o fundador do Pactual, que já operou para George Soros e há 22 anos está à frente da JGP'.)
- facebook.com/HelioBeltrao10/ (accessed: Dec. 13, 2023; 18k followers): "Helio Beltrão é o presidente do Instituto Mises Brasil. ... contato@mises.org.br."
- institutomillenium.org/quem-somos/ (accessed: Feb. 14, 2006; first webarchive): "Who we are. Founders: ... - Hélio Beltrao, businessman. ... Paulo Guedes, economist and businessman."
- Oct. 30, 2018, Bloomberg, 'Brazil Super Minister Shoulders Weight of Bolsonaro Economy: Paulo Guedes...'
- Feb. 3, 1999, New York Times, 'Brazil Names A Soros Ally To Head Bank'.
- institutomillenium.org/quem-somos/ (accessed: June 21, 2007): "Who we are: ... Endowment fund management committee: Arminio Fraga..."
- institutomillenium.org.br/ institucional/quem-somos (accessed: Jan. 1, 2016): "Chamber of Founders and Curators: ... Eduardo Viola ... Helio Beltrao ... Paulo Guedes ... Rodrigo Constantino. The Chamber of Maintainers: ... Arminio Fraga."
- poder360.com.br, 'Bolsonaro ironiza apoio de economistas a Lula: “Temos o Guedes”: Armínio Fraga, Edmar Bacha, Pedro Malan e Persio Arida publicaram nota conjunta nesta 5ª feira (6.out)' ('Bolsonaro jokes at economists support for Lula: "We have Guedes"; Arminio Fraga, Edmar Bacha, Pedro Malan and Persio Arida have published joint note this Thursday (6th Oct)').
- institutomillenium.org (accessed: Dec. 6, 2005; Guedes published the first three articles of the institute, the first cited here).
- institutomillenium.org (accessed: Feb. 2, 2006; links to like-minded media and think tanks).
- October 10, 2018 Financial Times, 'Brazilian bankers warm towards Jair Bolsonaro; Business leaders find much to like in front-runner's economic policy'.
- Jan. 21, 2019, Americas Quarterly, 'Dear Davos, About Bolsonaro...'.
- Oct. 21, 2021, Bloomberg, 'Brazil Markets Halt Drop as Economy Chief Stays, Defends Aid... Guedes says he didn’t quit...'.
- Jan. 21, 2019, France24.com, 'Bolsonaro to present 'new Brazil' in Davos': "Bolsonaro said the heavy lifting at Davos was to be done by his economy minister, Paulo Guedes... The president's speech, written and revised by Guedes and "many ministers"..."
- *) Jan. 15-17, 2020, A Special Meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, 'From Past to the Future: Ideas and Actions for a Free Society', p. 537 (Guedes' speech is fully hidden; the meeting was at Stanford University): "Chairs: ... Edwin Feulner ... George P. Shultz [opening speaker]... Speakers: ... Paulo Guedes, Minister of Economy, Brazil. ... Condoleezza Rice ... Niall Ferguson ... Ayaan Hirsi Ali ... Arnold Harberger ... Sally Pipes ... Peter Thiel..."
*) Jan. 24, 2020, Research Centre for Innovation and Economic Growth (rnh.is), 'Mont Pelerin Society Meeting in Stanford, January 2020': "Paulo Guedes, Milton Friedman’s student at Chicago and presently Brazil’s Finance Minister, described his ambitious economic reform programme over dinner on 16 January." - Jan. 26, 2022, New York Times, 'Olavo de Carvalho, Bolsonaro’s Far-Right Guru, Dies at 74'.
- Ibid.
- March 25, 2019, The New Yorker, 'Jair Bolsonaro’s Southern Strategy: In Brazil, a budding authoritarian borrows from the Trump playbook.': "Two current cabinet ministers were appointed on his recommendation: the education minister, Ricardo Vélez Rodríguez, a conservative theologian; and the foreign minister, Ernesto Araújo. Both subscribe to Carvalho’s notions that “cultural Marxism” has contaminated Western society and that climate change is a Marxist plot."
- SensoIncomum.org stopped being active in Sep. 2022. The articles in the top slider in Dec. 2023 are Feb. 2022 articles entitled 'The curious position of Olavo de Carvalho in the philosophical canon', 'British troops are forced to stop training for ‘inclusion day’', 'Founder of BLM sentenced to prison by illegal vote', 'American college students demand ‘crying room’ to offended'.
- Jan. 3, 2019, Folha de Sao Paulo, 'Bolsonaro escolhe 'discípulo' de Olavo de Carvalho como assessor internacional' ('Bolsonaro chooses Olavo de Carvalho's 'disciple' as international advisor; Felipe Garcia Martins edits conservative website and has support from president's children'): "... a close ally of two of the ministers chose by Bolsonaro: Ricardo Velez (Education) and Araujo."
- Ibid.: "Bolsonaro also chose two other special advisors, Arthur Braganca Weintraub and Ricardo Peixoto Camarinha. ... Arthur is the brother of Abraham Weintraub, who was chosen by the Minister of the Civol House, Onyx Lorenzoni, as his executive secrtary, The brothers helped Bolsonaro with his studies on pension reform since the beginning of the pre-campaign."
- Jan. 26, 2022, BBC, 'Olavo de Carvalho é enterrado nos EUA em funeral com Allan dos Santos e Ernesto Araújo - BBC News Brasil' ('Olavo de Carvalho is buried in the USA in a funeral with Allan dos Santos and Ernesto Araújo'): "Before he died, about a month ago, he complained that "my friends", such as Araujo, former Minister of the Environment Ricardo Salles [resigned in June 2021 amidst multiple investigations regarding allegations that he obstructed a police probe into illegal loggings.] and Minister of Education Abraham Weintraub [resigned in June 2020 to become executive director of the World Bank Group for the 15th district], had been removed from the government and stated that the election of 2022 was already lost for Bolsonaro."
- Nov. 14, 2020 Instagram post of @abrahamweintraub (611k followers anno 2023): "Get out of the MECHANISM (Matrix)! Live "The origin of the Mechanism with the Coup of 1889" with: Professor Olavo de Carvalho, Luiz Philippe Bragança, Arthur and Abraham Weintraub. This Sunday, 7pm, on my YouTube channel."
- Jan. 3, 2019, Folha de Sao Paulo, 'Bolsonaro escolhe 'discípulo' de Olavo de Carvalho como assessor internacional'. See two notes back.
- Jan. 26, 2022, BBC, 'Olavo de Carvalho é enterrado nos EUA em funeral com Allan dos Santos e Ernesto Araújo - BBC News Brasil' ('Olavo de Carvalho is buried in the USA in a funeral with Allan dos Santos and Ernesto Araújo'): "Before he died, about a month ago, he complained that "my friends", such as Araujo, former Minister of the Environment Ricardo Salles [resigned in June 2021 amidst multiple investigations regarding allegations that he obstructed a police probe into illegal loggings.] and Minister of Education Abraham Weintraub [resigned in June 2020 to become executive director of the World Bank Group for the 15th district], had been removed from the government and stated that the election of 2022 was already lost for Bolsonaro."
- *) March 18, 2019, Huffington Post, 'Brazil President’s U.S. Visit Kicks Off With Steve Bannon-Sponsored Paranoia Fest'.
*) March 18, 2019, O Globo, ''Você é o líder da revolução' , diz Paulo Guedes a Olavo de Carvalho' (''You are the leader of the revolution', says Paulo Guedes to Olavo de Carvalho' - Ibid.
- March 25, 2019, The New Yorker, 'Jair Bolsonaro’s Southern Strategy: In Brazil, a budding authoritarian borrows from the Trump playbook.'.
- Sep. 11, 2019 YouTube upload by 'The Heritage Foundation', ' Brazil Is Back: Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Ernesto Araujo'.
- olavodecarvalho.org/english/ texts/menges_letter_en.htm (accessed: April 22, 2003; 'Constantine C. Menges’ Letter to Olavo de Carvalho'): "On September 17th, 2002, in the forum http://www.brazzil.com, I read some unbearably biased comments to Dr. Constatine C. Menges’ article “Blocking a New Axis of Evil”. I decided to intervene in the debate, sending the editor of the website some lines... A few hours afterwards I received a kind email from the editor, in which he informed me of his intention to publish my text and, en passant, also gave me Dr. Menges’ email address, since I decided to send him a copy of my message. Yesterday, September 19th, Dr. Menges sent me a reply with four attachments, which I post below.
"Mr. de Carvalho, Thank you very much for sending me your thoughtful and eloquent analysis of the current political situation in Brazil. As you know, one of my brief articles, “Blocking a New Axis” has circulated widely by email – I am told more than 400,000 brazilians have received it. It has led to an active but nonfactual protest by many supporters of Lula.
I thought you would find it interesting to have the text of my analysis on Brazil and on the Chavez regime in Venezuela – where I correctly warned about his radical political actions in 1999. Also, I think the list of participants at the lastest Lula organized Foro de Sao Paolo in Havanna is very indicitive, as you discussed in your analysis.
Very important is Lula’s statement on September 14 opposing Brazil’s continued participation in the Nuclear Noproliferation Treaty. I am enclosing that in Portuguese as well as a just-published O Globo story saying the truth that Lula supports Brazil’s having nuclear weapons – a fact that seems virtually unknown to most voters in Brazil.
With all good wishes. Dr. C. Menges". - July 20, 2004, L.A. Times, ' Constantine Menges, 64; National Security Aide for Latin America'.
- July 14, 2004, Washington Post, 'Constantine Menges'.
- hudson.org/node/43628 (accessed: Dec. 21, 2023; date published: Jan. 26, 2021; 'Michael R. Pompeo, 70th U.S. Secretary of State, Joins Hudson Institute as a Distinguished Fellow'.
- May 29, 2019 @opropriolavo (official 'Olava de Carvalho' channel) tweet: "I didn't study the subject of flat earth. I've only watched a few videos of experiments that show the flatness of water surfaces, and so far I haven't been able to find anything that refutes them."
- August 23, 1977, Executive Intelligence Review, 'The Buckley Family -- Part 1: Wall Street Fabians In The Conservative Movement'.
- Founded from the Adolph Coors Foundation with a $36.6 million grant in 1993. It merged back into the Adolph Coors Foundation in 2011. The Coors family was deeply tied to the CIA, Reagan, the Contras, the WACL, the John Birch Society, the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, etc.
- castlerockfoundation.org/Board.asp (accessed: October 14, 2002): "Board of Trustees: William K. Coors. Ambassador Holland Coors. Jeffrey Coors. Peter Coors. Reverend Robert Windsor."
- In contrast to the Coors Foundation, the Castle Rock Foundation appears to have made the important think tank donations, at least while this foundation was active. It most consistently donated to the Heritage Foundation, which was co-founded by the Coors family in 1973; followed by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
- 2003 annual report, Castle Rock Foundation: "Mission: ... - Promote a better understanding of the free enterprise system. ... - Uphold traditional Judeo-Christian values. ...
American Enterprise Institute: ... $50,000. ... CATO Institute: $50,000. ... Federalist Society: ... $60,000. ... Heritage Foundation: ... $200,000. ... Independent Women's Forum: ... $50,000. ... Manhattan Institute: $35,000." - 2005 annual report, Castle Rock Foundation: "American Enterprise Institute: ... $60,000. ... Federalist Society: ... $50,000. ... Goldwater Institute: ... $25,000. ... Heritage Foundation: ... $200,000. ... Media Research Center: ... $50,0000."
- 2003 annual report, Castle Rock Foundation: "Mission: ... - Promote a better understanding of the free enterprise system. ... - Uphold traditional Judeo-Christian values. ...
- Neocon foundation, which served as the sister foundation to the U.S.-based William H. Donner Foundation, both founded in 1950. The latter still exists and continues its (often) neocon grant-making through directors that also used to be involved in the Donner Canadian Foundation. The Donner Canadianb Foundation had a basic website from late 1998 to to late 2008.
- Similar to the William H. Donner Foundation, the Donner Canadian Foundation is tied into the Mellon family's fortune, which also spawned the "liberal CIA" Mellon foundations and the "conservatiev CIA" (Mellon) Scaife foundations. The Donner Canadian Foundation website failed to mention the Mellon link, however, as it failed to list its officers.
- donnerfoundation.org/tocframe.html (accessed: December 2, 1998): "William Henry Donner (1864-1953), the founder of the Donner Canadian Foundation... President of the Cambria Steel Company and Chairman of the Board of the Pennsylvania Steel Company. In 1916, he founded his own company, Donner Steel. He retired in 1929 following a merger, arranged by Canadian industrialist Cyrus Eaton, which saw his company join three others to form the Republic Steel Corporation. ...
The Donner family chose Canada's centennial year, 1967, to embark on a course of professional grant-making that has contributed over $75 million to more than 600 projects across Canada. The Foundation's grant-making continues under the guidance of a Board of Governors composed of the Donner family and eminent Canadians from a variety of fields."
- donnerfoundation.org/tocframe.html (accessed: December 2, 1998): "William Henry Donner (1864-1953), the founder of the Donner Canadian Foundation... President of the Cambria Steel Company and Chairman of the Board of the Pennsylvania Steel Company. In 1916, he founded his own company, Donner Steel. He retired in 1929 following a merger, arranged by Canadian industrialist Cyrus Eaton, which saw his company join three others to form the Republic Steel Corporation. ...
- Officers and trustees (never listed them on the website 1998-2008, except, obscurely, executive director Patrick Luciani):
- donnerfoundation.org/tocframe.html (accessed: December 2, 1998): "Patrick Luciani, Executive Director, Donner Canadian Foundation... Toronto, Ontario."
- 1994, Dun & Bradstreet of Canada, 'Canadian Key Business Directory': "Donner Canadian Foundation: ... Devon Gaffney Cross, President."
- 1997, Corinne R. Szymko for Resources for Global Sustainability Staff, 'Environmental Grantmaking Foundations', p. 169: "Officers and directors. Officer: Allan Gotlieb, Chairman; Mrs. Devon Gaffney Cross, President. Director: Sir Graham Day, Robert Donner, Jr., Allan Gotlieb, Timothy E. Donner, Sandy MacTaggart, Sally C. Pipes, Robert D. Spencer, Hon. Curtin Winsor, Jr.
History and philosophy. The foundation was established in 1950 by the American industrialist and philanthropist, William H. Donner, who also founded the William H. Donner Foundation."
Overlap here with the William H. Donner Foundation in the United States:- donner.org/trustees.html (accessed: June 25, 1998): "Trustees: [none.] Officer: ... Robert Donner, Jr., Vice President and Assistant Treasurer. Curtin Winsor, Jr., Secretary [president by the early 2000s]. ..."
- donner.org/thisyear.html (accessed: February 8, 2007): "Officers for Fiscal Year 2007: Robert D. Spencer, President [just appointed to this position]... Trustees: ... Robert Donner, Jr. ... William M. Spencer, III ... Curtin Winsor, Jr. ... Curtin Winsor, III..."
- 1999, Associations Canada: An Encyclopedic Directory: "Gaffney Cross, Devon, Donner Canadian Foundation, 416/593- 5125 (8451)."
- Key figures of the Donner Canadian Foundation:
- Allan Ezra Gotlieb: Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University. UCLA, Berkeley and Harvard-educated as well. Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. 1981-1989. Engineered many of the interventionist policies of Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau (1968–1979, 1980–1984), who was close to Maurice Strong and Power Corporation network. Gotlieb also grew close to Reagan administration officials as George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger, James Baker III and vice president George H. W. Bush. He and his wife Sondra Gotlieb, a contributor to the Washington Post who apparently liked slapping her secretary around, threw large parties for these elites.
Leading Toronto elitist in the late 1980s and the 1990s. Chairman of the Canada Council for the Arts 1989-1994 and chairman of the Ontario Heritage Foundation. Chairman of Sotheby's Canada. By 1993 North American deputy chairman of the David Rockefeller-founded Trilateral Commission (note: William H. Donner Foundation used to finance the Trilateral Commission since at least 1980) under close Rockefeller friend Paul A. Volcker. Publisher of Saturday Night magazine when it was owned by the super-elite neocon Conrad Black, on whose international advisory board Hollinger board Gotlieb sat until his death in 2000, along with Gianni Agnelli, Lord Jacob Rothschild, Richard Perle, with members of related boards including Lord Carrington, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and other elites.- 1993 Trilateral Commission membership list: "Paul A. Volcker, North American Chairman. Allan E. Gotlieb, North American Deputy Chairman. ... *Gotlieb, Allan E., Chairman, Canada Council; Chairman, Burson-Marsteller, Toronto; former Canadian Ambassador to the U.S."
- 1998 Trilateral Commission membership list: "Paul A. Volcker, North American Chairman. Allan E. Gotlieb, North American Deputy Chairman. ... *Gotlieb, Allan E., Consultant, Stikeman Elliot; former Canadian Ambassador to the United States."
- 2000 annual report, Hollinger Inc., pp. 77-81: "Officers: ... Conrad M. Black ...
Senior International Advisors: ... Baroness Thatcher .... Valery Giscard d'Estaing .... Lord Carrington ... Henry A. Kissinger ... Zbigniew Brzezinski ...
International Advisory Board: ... Gianni Agnelli ... Dwayne O. Andreas ... William F. Buckley, Jr. ... Dr. Martin Feldstein ... New Gingrich ... Allan E. Gotlieb ...Richard N. Perle ... Lord Rothschild ... Robert S. Strauss ... Paul A. Volcker ...
Hollinger International: ... Conrad M. Black ... Richard Burt ... Henry A. Kissinger .... Marie-Josee Kravis ... Shmuel Meitar ... Richard N. Perle ... Robert S. Strauss ... Alfred Taubman ... James R. Thompson .... Lord Weidenfeld ... Leslie H. Wexner ...
Telegraph Group Limited: ... Conrad M. Black ... Peter N. Buckley ... Lord Carrington ... Viscount Cranborne ... Paul Desmarais ... Rupert N. Hambro ... Henry N.K. Keswick ... Sir Evelyn de Rothschild ... Raymond G.H. Seitz ...
The Spectator (1828) Limited: ... Conrad Black ... Lord Tebbit ..."
- Devon Gaffney Cross The sister of top neocon Frank Gaffney. Director of research of the H. Smith Richardson Foundation in the 1980s. Involved in the European American Institute for Security Research (EAISR). Advisory board member of the Center for Security Policy, founded in 1989 by her brother Frank. Signed of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Defense Policy Board (2001-2008). Involved in various other neocon NGOs.
- September 21, 2011, Mother Jones, 'Rick Perry: God Commands Us to Support Israel': "Devon Gaffney Cross, a former member of the president's defense advisory board under George W. Bush and sister to noted anti-Islam activist Frank Gaffney... Cross said she was "jumping for joy at the thought of a candidate who was going to speak so forcefully, and so articulately, what Americans feel—which is unswerving support for Israel.""
- April 9, 1989, New York Times, 'Devon Gaffney, Research Director, Engaged to Marry Jay Cross in June': "She is the director of research at the Smith-Richardson Foundation in New York, which awards grants for public-policy research."
- centerforsecuritypolicy.org/about-us/advisory-council/ (accessed: February 24, 2019): "Devon Gaffney Cross, President, Donor's Forum on International Affairs, Member of the Defense Policy Board."
- Frank Gaffney: Neocon superclass member. Founder Center for Security Policy in 1989. Involved in Council for National Policy (CNP) debates. Member of the Committee on U.S. Interests in the Middle East and later the Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf in the 1990s. Signer Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Member American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus in the 2000s. Member of the Third Committee on the Present Danger and board member of the officer of Coalition for Democracy in Iran, alongside James Woolsey and others. Involved in the Jerusalem Summit and the Intelligence Summit. Involved in many other neocon NGOs.
- Allan Ezra Gotlieb: Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University. UCLA, Berkeley and Harvard-educated as well. Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. 1981-1989. Engineered many of the interventionist policies of Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau (1968–1979, 1980–1984), who was close to Maurice Strong and Power Corporation network. Gotlieb also grew close to Reagan administration officials as George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger, James Baker III and vice president George H. W. Bush. He and his wife Sondra Gotlieb, a contributor to the Washington Post who apparently liked slapping her secretary around, threw large parties for these elites.
- Major force of conservative grant-making in Canada, starting in 1993. However, it has also been making planty of liberal grants, including to environmental causes. The U.S.-based William H. Donner Foundation appears to have taken over both its conservative and liberal grantmaking in more recent years:
- 2003, Murray Dobbin, 'The Myth of the Good Corporate Citizen: Canada and Democracy in the Age of Globalization', p. 208: "Right-wing foundations in Canada used to be a minor force relative to their counterparts in the U.S. The main player in recent years has been the Donner Canada Foundation, the tenth largest in the country with an endowment of close to $100 million. Established in 1950 by American steel magnate William Henry Donner, who had taken an interest in Canada, the foundation was until 1993 "the epitome of middle-of-the-road Canadian liberalism." [64] But since it was taken over by conservative Donner family members, it has become one of the principal funders of right-wing propaganda in the country.
Under the direction (until late 1996) of American Devon Cross, former editor of the libertarian journal The Idler, the foundation gave out $2 million a year, almost exclusively to right-wing causes. By giving $400,000 to the Fraser Institute, bestowing large sums to fund the charter school lobby, bankrolling the conservative journals Next City and Gravitas, funding the market-oriented Energy Probe and its various spin-offs, and coming up with the cash to launch the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, the donner is a major actor in the campaign to "change the ideological fabric" of Canadian society. The Donner Foundation has adopted the strategy of its Ameircan cousins with a very focussed [sic], deliberate promotion of vehicles for the dissemination of neo-liberal ideas." - donnerfoundation.org/tocframe.html (accessed: September 6, 2006): "Selected Grants 2005: ... Atlantic Institute for Market Studies: $10,660 [and] $22,692 [and] $60,000 ... Fraser Institute: ... $20,000 [and] $15,000... Montreal Economic Institute: ... $65,000 [and] $35,000 [and] $15,000. ... Canadian Ditchley Foundation: ... $10,000. ... Princeton University ... $60,600. ... Stanford University: ... $40,000. ... Stanford University (Hoover itution): ... $69,500.
Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute: ... $21,500 [and] $55,983 [and] $50,000 [and] $13,000. ... Doctors Without Borders: ... $43,000. ... $69,300. ... The American Assembly: ... $15,000. ...
Nature Conservancy of Canada ... $53,856 [and] $59,300. ... Tides Canada Foundation: ... $80,000.
- 2003, Murray Dobbin, 'The Myth of the Good Corporate Citizen: Canada and Democracy in the Age of Globalization', p. 208: "Right-wing foundations in Canada used to be a minor force relative to their counterparts in the U.S. The main player in recent years has been the Donner Canada Foundation, the tenth largest in the country with an endowment of close to $100 million. Established in 1950 by American steel magnate William Henry Donner, who had taken an interest in Canada, the foundation was until 1993 "the epitome of middle-of-the-road Canadian liberalism." [64] But since it was taken over by conservative Donner family members, it has become one of the principal funders of right-wing propaganda in the country.
- Billionaire Texas oil family behind Hunt Energy that was influential througout the Cold War and a few decades beyond.
- H.L. Hunt (1889-1974):
- Poker player who tried to run various businesses and initially lost a fortune due to stock market manipulation. Managed to make a huge fortune right through the Great Depression of the 1930s.
- In the late 1920s he had two wives with a total of 7 children, with neither of them knowing of each other's existence. He later added a third wife, which he also kept secret. Many of his children were hard-working and successful.
- In 1952, along with Clint Murchsion, Sr., H.L. Hunt backed the Constitution Party and MacArthur-For-President, which opposed Eisenhower and were very much into "preventative nuclear war" ideas with the Soviet Union.
- Major behind-the-scenes supporter of the John Birch Society from the 1950s, despite never officially joining the society.
- Financed the anti-Federal Reserve and anti-Eastern Establishment book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve (1952) of raging Jew-hater and former Senator Joseph McCarthy staffer Eustace Mullins.
- Known as an anti-JFK agitator with suspicions he may have played a role in the 1963 death of JFK. For example, Hunt was a member of the Dallas Petroleum Club, along with Lee Harvey Oswald (CIA) handler George de Mohrenschildt and Texas School Book Depository (from where Oswald fired at JFK) owner Harold Byrd. He also was a member of the CIA-tied Crusade for Freedom.
- Acquired a field in Libya in 1961 which soon turned out to have the largest oil reserve of the country, resulting in a $16 billion fortune.
- Nelson Bunker Hunt (1926-2014):
- Member of the secretive, elite 1001 Club from the 1960s on, along with the British and French Rothschilds, David and Laurance Rockefeller, John Murchison, the Bechtels, Henry Ford II and many European royal houses, including the Oranges and Windsors.
- Council member of the John Birch Society from 1976 to 1985 (two years after the death of his father) and then from 2007 until his death in 2014.
- Co-financier and co-founder of the powerful Council for National Policy in 1981. CNP president 1983-1984 and executive committee member for some period.
- Attempted to corner the silver market with his brother Herbert from the 1970s on. In early 1980 the price of silver had been driven up several times over, with the Hunt brothers owning roughly half of all silver. At that point the price of silver collapsed. When the oil market also crashed in the 1980s, the Hunt family's fortune was wiped out.
- By the 1990s the Hunt brothers only still had their personal trusts of roughly $175 million. Nelson Bunker Hunt ran Bunker's Hunt Exploration and Mining, with interests in Pakistan, Australia, the Philippines, Nicaragua, and other places.
- Ray L. Hunt (1943-):
- Chairman of Dallas-based Hunt Oil. Net worth is estimated at $2.3 billion.
- Involved in the American Petroleum Institute and National Petroleum Council, over the years with the Bechtels, Murchisons and major oil corporation chiefs.
- Trustee of the (liberal) elite Urban Institute 1981-1985, his time overlapping with Robert McNamara (chair), Washington Post owner Katharine Graham, pre-Coca Cola owner Warren Buffett, future CIA director John Deutch, etc.
- Anno 2014 a trustee of the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation, with the likes of Kissinger protege Brent Scowcroft (also president), James Baker III and William Draper III.
- Member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) / President's Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB).
- Advisory board of the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth, with his son Hunter serving as director.
- Similar to the Hunts, a billionaire Texas oil family that was primarily notorious in the 1950s to 1960s. Its relevance continued for a few decades longer.
- Clint Murchison, Sr. (1895-1969):
- In 1952, along with H.L. Hunt, Clint Murchsion, Sr. backed the Constitution Party and MacArthur-For-President, which opposed Eisenhower and were very much into "preventative nuclear war" ideas with the Soviet Union.
- Involved in the JFK assassination saga:
- Hoover and LBJ were annual guests of the Texas oil men Clint Murchison, Sr. and Sid Richardson at Hotel del Charro in California and the nearby racetracks. Senator McCarthy, Eisenhower and Nixon were among the other guests.
- Member of the Dallas Petroleum Club, along with his sons, families as Hunt, and along with Lee Harvey Oswald (CIA) handler George de Mohrenschildt and Texas School Book Depository (from where Oswald fired at JFK) owner Harold Byrd.
- Major financier Ochsner Foundation Hospital of Dr. Alton Ochsner, also linked to the JFK assasination saga.
- Along with H.L. Hunt and Harold Byrd, a financier Crusade for Freedom, Texas, whose local and national chapter was strongly linked to the CIA. Crusade for Freedom raised money for anti-Castro Cubans.
- Involved in the Information Council of the Americas (INCA), also linked to the JFK assassination.
- John Murchison (1921-1979):
- Member of the secretive, elite 1001 Club from the 1960s on, along with the British and French Rothschilds, David and Laurance Rockefeller, Nelson Bunker Hunt, the Bechtels, Henry Ford II and many European royal houses, including the Oranges and Windsors.
- Clint Murchison, Jr. (1923-1987):
- Owner of the Dallas Cowboys NFL football team.
- Back in the day, a very close friend of J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI director who refused to fight the mob, and paid some of his travel expenses. In turn, Hoover was a close friend of George R. Wackenhut and Permindex founder Mortimer Bloomfield.
- Major supporter of Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s. Together with Hoover and like-minded businessmen, Murchison, Jr. supported Dwight Eisenhower, LBJ, and Richard Nixon for political office.
- Became affiliated with the circle of Robert Booth Nichols, a notorious yakuza, mafia and Danny Casolaro death-tied CIA officer; and former FBI special agent-turned-massive conspiracy disinformer Ted Gunderson. Investigative journalists Danny Casolaro and Carol Marshall saw Nichols and Murchison's low profile company FIDCO as a top player in "the Octopus", a term they used for the shadow government.
- December 24, 1993, Los Angeles Times, 'Judge Clears City in Man's Defamation Suit': "Nichols' name first surfaced in a late 1980s' FBI investigation of alleged mob penetration into the entertainment industry. [Another] report said Nichols met frequently with Washington reporter Danny Casolaro--who had been investigating conspiracies ranging from the Iran-Contra affair to government skulduggery--shortly before the reporter's mysterious 1991 death."
- 1994, Carol Marshall, 'The Last Circle': "On November 30, 1991, Ted Gunderson opened the door at his Manhattan Beach home... At one time Gunderson, Nichols and Riconosciuto had been inseparable, like the three musketeers. But, Nichols was currently under investigation by the Los Angeles FBI for alleged involvement in organized crime in the U.S. and abroad. ...
[Gunderson] was also [FBI] SAC from 1973 to 1977 in Dallas, Texas (where he became friends with Clint Murchison, Jr., according to his livein partner, J.M.. J.M. stated in phone interviews that she and Gunderson attended parties with Murchison in Dallas, and Gunderson phoned him often from their Manhattan Beach home)." - 1994, Carol Marshall, 'The Last Circle': "But again I asked myself, why was an international arms dealer [Nichols] on the Board of F.I.D.C.O (First Intercontinental Development Corporation), a CIA front corporation, which offered three billion dollars to rebuild Beirut to President Amin Gamayel of Lebanon, whose chief of finances (Sami el Khouri) was shipping tons of heroin to Sicily for reexport to America, want to invest in "a method for induction and activation of cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes"?"
- February 5, 2001, Insight on the News, 'The Plot Thickens in PROMIS Affair': "[Robert] Booth Nichols also served on the board of First Intercontinental Development Corp. (FIDCO), a building/construction company. Among Nichols' corporate partners at FIDCO in the 1980s were Michael McManus, then an aide to President Reagan; Robert Maheu, former chief executive officer of Howard Hughes Enterprises; and Clint Murchison Jr. of the Murchison empire based in Dallas.
Riconosciuto long has maintained that Booth Nichols and FIDCO were associated with U.S. intelligence agencies and used as a cutout. Again, whereas others summarily had dismissed this claim, the RCMP investigators pursued the lead, poring over documents from the long-abandoned Riconosciuto storage and in the files of U.S. law-enforcement agencies. For example, RCMP obtained FBI wiretap summaries of telephone conversations between Nichols and another of his then-partners in FIDCO, Eugene Giaquinto, who at the same time also was president of MCA Home Entertainment Division. The wiretap summaries reads like a who's who of alleged mob figures with close ties to the motion-picture industry. The Mounties also received substantial related information from classified internal FBI files. ...
Meridian International Logistics, owned by Robert Booth Nichols, a self-proclaimed CIA operative and licensed arms dealer ... investigated by the FBI for suspected mob-related money laundering of drug profits and for stock fraud. ...
In a January 1992 letter obtained by Insight on Wackenhut stationery, the company's director of corporate relations, Patrick Cannan, writes that "John P. Nichols had first introduced Riconosciuto to Wackenhut (Frye, V.P. of Wackenhut, Indio, Ca., office) on a May 1981 trip to the U.S. Army installation at Dover, N.J., where Nichols, Zokosky, Frye and Riconosciuto met with Dr. Harry Fair and several of his Army associates who were the project engineers on the Railgun Project. Riconosciuto and these Army personnel conducted an extensive and highly technical 'theoretical' blackboard exercise on the Railgun..." - Board members of FIDCO:
- Robert Maheu, Sr.: FBI agent 1941-1947. As a CIA man working under Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell he ran an anti-Castro operation by enlisting mafia bosses Sam Giancana and John Roselli; CEO of Howard Hughes Operations. Vice-president FIDCO.
- Michael A. McManus: Assistant to the President Reagan.
- Robert Booth Nichols: Born March 6, 1943. Reportedly grew up a hitman for the Tong Yakuza in Hawaii. Reportedly laundered $50-200 million for Ferdinand Marcos. An FBI wiretap summary said Nichols used to be CIA and was linked to the Yakuza: Apparently he was a godson, business associate and former hitman for the intelligence-connected, overseas Yakuza official Harold Okimoto in Hawaii, who in turn is said to have worked under then CIA deputy director and later Carlyle Group and top superclass member Frank Carlucci. Nichols is also said to have been a money launderer for the Gambino crime family. CEO of R.B.N. Companies International, a holding company for manufacturing and development of high technology electronics, real estate development, construction and international finance. Numerous U.S. and British intelligence links. Chairman Meridian International Logistics (had Eugene Giaquinto of MCA - linked to drug trafficking - on the board; also Harold Okimoto), which had extensive business deals in Japan and Australia. It also owned Meridian Arms, of which Riconosciuto was vice president (Harold Okimoto and Glenn Shockley were directors). Meridians Arms maintained a partnership with Wackenhut and the Cabazon Indian Reserve, which developed all kinds of explosives, guns and was apparently was involved in biological warfare research. Allan Boyak claimed Nichols' rum importing business was a cover for Golden Triangle heroin import. Reportedly once named "Mr. Big" in Pablo Escobar's Medellin Cartel. Claimed to have been asked to become minister of state security on Dominica, supposedly because the island was to become a CIA base. Apparently tried to steal a government treasury bond for 2,500 metric tons of gold, worth $250 billion.
- George K. Pender: Set up the architectural engineering division of General Aerojet Corp. in 1957. Joined Burns & Roe Inc. in Oradell, N.J., as a sales representative in the 1960s. Director of Pacific Ocean area of Burns & Roe, Inc., an international engineering & construction corporation with active projects on all seven continents of the world. Said to be CIA. Founder in 1970 and president and CEO of FIDCO. Most recently was involved in a design and engineering project in Cairo, Egypt. Died in 1999.
- Kenneth A. Roe: Chairman and president of Burns & Roe, Inc., a large international construction company his father founded in 1941. Company involved in Project Mercury and Gemini space programs and built nuclear power plants. Burns & Roe Securacom was focused on security systems of nuclear power plants and embassies.
- Frances T. Fox: Former general manager of L.A. International Airport. Former director of Aviation for Howard Hughes Nevada operations, now called Summa Corporation. City manager of San Jose, California.
- Clint W. Murchison, Jr.
- William M. Pender: Licensed contractor, State of California.
- Glen R. Shockley: Consultant to Fortune 500 Companies. Internationally known as financial consultant in funding. Partner in Meridian International Logistics, headed by Nichols. Said to be CIA. Said to have ran Jose Londono of the Cali Cartel.
- Foundation in existence from 1953 to 2005.
- May 2007, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'Safeguarding a Conservative Donor's Intent: The Roe Foundation at 39': "The most dramatic solution involves a strategy of depleting an endowment over a period of time until it's gone. That's what the industrialist John M. Olin chose to do with his fortune. He told the board of directors of the John M. Olin Foundation not to let the foundation survive more than a generation beyond his death. Olin passed away in 1982; his foundation held its final board meeting and closed its doors in 2005."
- A conservative foundation that stood at the basis of the neocon movement that arose in the 1970s. Nevertheless, the foundation had major Eastern Establishment ties. Founder John M. Olin was a member of the Pilgrims Society. So were 1970s and 1980s directors as Olin Industries director John W. Hanes, key Rockefeller man John J. McCloy, and Knight of Malta and Heritage Foundation board member William Simon - the Olin Foundation's president. There's an interesting history that can be read in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article.
- 1995 annual report, Heritage Foundation: "Board of Trustees: Honorary Trustees: Joseph Coors ... Henry Salvatori. Board of Trustees: ... Richard M. Scaife. ... Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr., President... Midge Decter ... William Middendorf II ... Thomas A. Roe ... William E. Simon ... Dr. Robert Krieble..."
- The large and important Bradley Foundation, at least since 1985, essentially was an outgrowth of the Olin Foundation, one that is still relevant to this day. Michael Joyce, a Knight of Malta and the executive director of the Olin Foundation, switched over to the Bradley Foundation in 1985 where he became president until 2001.
- 2010, Andrew Johnstone and Helen Laville, 'The US Public and American Foreign Policy': "John Olin, the founder of the Olin Foundation, had spoken in the 1970s of the need to fund a "counter intelligentsia" of scholars, think tanks and publications to promote conservative ideas in the face of what he saw as the liberal establishment and the legacy of the 1960s."
- October 16, 1978, People.com, 'Ex-Treasury Secretary William Simon Fears That the Economy Hasn't Got a Prayer' (while president of the Olin Foundation): "The Republican Party ... is inert—reduced to spineless inconsistency by a half century of compromise on principle. Americans do not need a dime-store version of the new despotism when they've already got the real thing in the form of the Democrats [under Jimmy Carter]. The only thing that can save the Republican party is a counter-intelligentsia that will fight the bureaucratic despots in Washington. ...
Clearly Ronald Reagan is the front-runner. I most certainly would support him if he is the nominee, as I would Gerald Ford if he is the Republican candidate. ...
Stop asking for handouts [is the key]. The concept of a free lunch is of relatively recent origin in our 202-year history. These "free" goods and services are anything but free. They are simply extracted from the hides of our neighbors. In the full context of human history, individual liberty was a bizarre new idea, but not as bizarre as the idea of a free market—the discovery that allowing millions upon millions of individuals to pursue their material interest as they choose, with a minimum of interference by the state, will unleash an incredible outpouring of prosperity. If we return to that philosophy, our problems are licked. ...
Most Americans have been trained to see the state as economically omniscient and to blame all evil on "business." The sadly ignorant public really believes that the bureaucrats and politicians in Washington have the keys to the economic kingdom. Should a great economic disaster come, out of panic they will demand a takeover of the major means of production by the state. ...
We have plenty of legal precedents for such a [business] takeover [by government]. Then this economy will be exactly like the socialist British economy—stone-dead.
Everybody is a villain in this piece. At Treasury I watched businessmen run to Washington for handouts. Lockheed wanted federal money to bail them out. Bankers like David Rockefeller demanded bailouts to protect them from their ill-conceived investments. Network chiefs like William Paley did what they could to block the emergence of competitive pay-TV. All of this has fueled the kind of government interference that is wrecking the economy and threatening our liberties. ...
Before leaving office I presented President Ford with a blueprint that would get rid of all deductions and have each taxpayer pay a flat percentage—say 16 percent. Just as much revenue would be raised, and it would be much fairer. ...
Richard Nixon is a brilliant man, and our working relationship was warm and cordial. I remember that final, sad Cabinet meeting at the climax of Watergate, where we all stared down at our laps or off into space as Nixon's eyes beseeched us for support, almost begging us to say he had done no wrong. But no one said a word. He resigned two days later."
- Foundations respectively founded in 1940 and 1945. They always coordinated their grants, but were only formally merged in 2015. Endowment of about $38 million in modern times.
- In 1969 the Bodman foundation financed the UN's Temple of Understanding.
- Officers over the years:
- Guy Rutherfurd, the lawyer of both the Achelis and Bodman families forged the friendship between the two families and chaired the board of both foundations at some point. In the early 2000s, after half a decade of service to the foundations, he was made honorary chairman. He was a grandson of Levi Morton.
- Trustees 1987-2003 (at the very least) Bodman / Achelis Fdns.: Walter Curley Jr. | Peter Frelinghuysen | John Irwin II | Anthony Drexel Duke | Mary Phipps | Leslie Lenkowsky (resigned in late 2001) | Mary B. Braga (apparently widow of Virginia sugar baron B. Rionda Braga; resigned in 2002).
- Board 2017: John Irwin III (executive chair) | Russell Pennoyer (president anno 2017; already pre-2003) | Peter Frelinghuysen | Mary Phipps (trustee emeritus).
- Decidedly neocon in its "Public Policy" financing.
- achelisbodman.org/grants/category/policy/year/2018/ (accessed: February 27, 2019): "American Enterprise Institute: $100,000. ... Anglosphere Society: $25,000. ... CO2 Coalition: $50,000 [anti-global warming measures]. ... Global Warming Policy Foundation: $50,000 [anti-global warming measures]. ... Hoover itution...: $50,000. ... Hudson Institute: $50,000 [and] $200,000. ... Jamestown Foundation: $50,000. ... Manhattan Institute: ... $150,000. ... Middle East Forum: ... $50,000."
- 2016, Form 990PF, Achelis and Bodman Foundation: "[Grants:] CO2 Coalition: $50,000. ... Council on Foreign Relations: $30,000. ... Henry Jackson Society: $80,000. ... Hudson Institute ... Manhattan Institute..."
- achelis-bodman-fnds.org/docs/grants_15.pdf (accessed: December 30, 2016; 2015 grants list): "Rockefeller University: $250,000. ... Gatestone Institute: $25,000. ... Hudson Institute: $75,000. ... Independent Women's Forum: $15,000. ... Jamestown Foundation: $50,000. ...
Secretaries' Innovation Group. Fiduciary: Work First Foundation, Washington, DC. To support activities concerning the legalization of marijuana. $50,000. Smart Approaches to Marijuana: $75,000." - achelisbodman.org/docs/grants_14.pdf (accessed: June 8, 2017; 2014 grants): "Rockefeller University: $200,000. ... Anglosphere Society: $15,000 ... Council on Foreign Relations: $30,000. ... Freedom House: $50,000. ... Hudson Institute ... Manhattan Institute ... "
- achelis-bodman-fnds.org/docs/grants_13.pdf (accessed: December 30, 2016; 2013 grants list): "American Islamic Forum for Democracy: $25,000. ... Federalist Society...: $15,000 ... Gatestone Institute (Fiduciary: Middle East Forum): $15,000."
- achelis-bodman-fnds.org/docs/grants_12.pdf (accessed: December 30, 2016; 2012 grants list): "Hudson Institute ... Manhattan Institute ... George C. Marshall Institute ... Middle East Forum: $10,000. ... Philanthropy Roundtable: $25,000 [the usual]."
- achelis-bodman-fnds.org/docs/grants_11.pdf (accessed: December 30, 2016; 2011 grants list): "American Islamic Congress: $50,000. ... Atlas Economic Research Foundation... to support the Iranian Think Tank Project: $50,000. ... Federalist Society: ... $15,000. ... Alexander Hamilton Society: ... $15,000. Hudson Institute ... To support the Center for Religious Freedom. ... Renewed support for the Center on Islam, Democracy and the Futureof the Muslim World.: $75,000 [and] $50,000. ... Jamestown Foundation: $25,000. ... National Endowment for Democracy: $50,000. ... Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center: $50,000."
- achelis-bodman-fnds.org/docs/grants_10.pdf (accessed: December 30, 2016; 2010 grants list): "Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government: $25,000 [and] $25,000. ... Acton Institute ... Atlas Economic Research Foundation ... Hudson Institute..."
- achelis-bodman-fnds.org/grants0001.pdf (accessed: February 6, 2004; 2000 and 2001 grants): "Acton Institute...: $15,000. ... English-Speaking Union of the United States: ... $15,000. ... Federalist Society... $15,000. ... Alexis de Tocqueville Institution: ... $15,000. ... Philanthropy Roundtable: ... $20,000 [and] $25,000 [and] $75,000... Manhattan Institute: ... $75,000 [and] $25,000 [and] $100,000. ... Hudson Institute: ... $50,000. ... Harvard University: ... 2000, $100,000. ... 2001, $100,000. ... American Family Foundation: ... $50,000. ... American Enterprise Institute: ... $50,000. ...
[Liberal:] Urban League of Hudson County: ... $250,000. ... Rockefeller University: ... 2000, $100,000. ... 2000, $100,000. ... 2001, $150,000. Rutgers University: ... 2001, $75,000. ... Doctors Without Borders USA: ... 2000, $15,000. ... Black Alliance for Educational Options: ... $50,000 [and] $100,000. ..."
- Group of foundations consisting of the Newton D. & Rochelle F. Becker Foundation, Newton and Rochelle Becker Family Foundation, and Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust.
- Newton D. Becker does not appear to be founded by anyone with major superclass ties, at least on the surface. However, his long-standing interest in renewable energy makes it likely he was spotted at one point by the neocon clique of former CIA director James Woolsey, whose activities Becker has been financing to quite a degree. This includes the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security / U.S. Energy Security Council.
- January 5, 2012, The Plain Dealer, 'Newton D. Becker': "Newt, 83, was born in Cleveland, OH, in 1928. ... The chairman and founding investor of Luz International, at one time the leading developer of solar energy electrical plants, Newt took his passionate leadership of the solar industry all the way to the halls of Congress, arguing for tax benefits that would allow renewable energy to be competitive with fossil fuels. Newt was also prescient in his advocacy for electric automobiles, serving as Chairman of the Board of Electrical Fuel, a company that made batteries for electric cars.
Educator and entrepreneur, Newt was also a visionary and philanthropist. ... Heavily influenced by Eric Hoffer's seminal work, The True Believer, Newt became a major funder and lay leader of organizations that battled such extremism."
- January 5, 2012, The Plain Dealer, 'Newton D. Becker': "Newt, 83, was born in Cleveland, OH, in 1928. ... The chairman and founding investor of Luz International, at one time the leading developer of solar energy electrical plants, Newt took his passionate leadership of the solar industry all the way to the halls of Congress, arguing for tax benefits that would allow renewable energy to be competitive with fossil fuels. Newt was also prescient in his advocacy for electric automobiles, serving as Chairman of the Board of Electrical Fuel, a company that made batteries for electric cars.
- These foundations primarily donate to Jewish neocon NGOs:
- conservativetransparency.org/donor/newton-d-rochelle-f-becker-foundation/ (accessed: February 24, 2019; only a few repeat donations included]: "2002: ... United Jewish Fund ... Middle East Forum ... Middle East Media Research Institute ... American Jewish Congress ...
2003: ... Center for Security Policy ... Foundation for Defense of Democracies ... Hudson Institute ... Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs [JINSA] ... Zionist Organization of America ... Bnai Brith Youth Organization ...
2004: ... American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee ...
2005: ... Palestinian Media Watch ... American Council For World Jewry ... Center for Near East Policy Research ...
2006: ... Wexner Foundation ... Media Watch International ... David Horowitz Freedom Center ... America Israel Friendship League ...
2007: Center for Security Policy [$50,000] ... Foundation for Defense of Democracies [$250,000] ... Middle East Media Research Institute [$97,000] ...
2011: ... Institute for the Analysis of Global Security ...
2012: ... American Enterprise Institute ... American Foreign Policy Council ... Christians United for Israel ... Clarion Fund ... Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America ... Endowment for Middle East Truth ... Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ... Middle East Forum ... Middle East Media Research Institute [$496,500] ..."
- conservativetransparency.org/donor/newton-d-rochelle-f-becker-foundation/ (accessed: February 24, 2019; only a few repeat donations included]: "2002: ... United Jewish Fund ... Middle East Forum ... Middle East Media Research Institute ... American Jewish Congress ...
- Founded in 1942. Today more than $800 million in assets.
- History of the Bradley Foundation as described in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article: "The Olin Foundation [which included Pilgrim as key Rockefeller man John McCloy] hasn't been the only important conservative financier in existence with peculiar Eastern Establishment ties. One of its chief partners has been the Bradley Foundation, which in 1985 all of a sudden became very relevant when its assets jumped from $14 million to $290 million overnight.
Apart from their very similar funding activities, the Olin and Bradley foundations were particularly closely linked through Michael Joyce, the executive director of the Olin Foundation from 1979 to 1985 and then the president of the Bradley Foundation from 1985 to 2001.
Looking at his other NGO involvement, Joyce, a Knight of Malta, was particularly close to [Pilgrims Society executive] William Simon, a fellow Knight of Malta and premier Olin Foundation chief; CIA asset and neocon godfather Irving Kristol, also a close partner of William Simon; Irving's equally influential Jewish neocon son Bill Kristol; and the Bush 43 administration, for which, in 2001, Joyce set up the Americans for Community and Faith-Centered Enterprise. Joyce also was a signer of the PNAC statement of principles, along with scores of neocons. [247]
True, in contrast to the closely-allied Olin Foundation, the Bradley Foundation really didn't have any Eastern Establishment-linked individuals on the board except, maybe, Michael Joyce. In fact, most names aren't particularly recognizable." - Officers and trustees:
- bradleyfdn.org/board.html (accessed: September 1, 2000): "Board of Directors:
- Allen M. Taylor, Chairman.
- Michael S. Joyce, President & CEO [1985-2001; executive director Olin Fdn. 1979-1985 Knight of Malta].
- Reed Coleman [later vice chair; vice chair of the Bradley-created National Commission on Philanthropy and Civil Renewal (NCPCR)].
- Terry Considine.
- Mitchell Daniels.
- Michael W. Grebe [President and CEO of the Bradley Fdn. 2002-2016; CNP member anno 2014].
- J. Clayburn La Force.
- I. Andrew Rader.
- Thomas L. Rhodes [vice chair; later chair].
- Wayne J. Roper.
- Brother Bob Smith.
- David V. Uihlein, Jr. [later vice chair; father married into the Bradley family back in 1945.]" - bradleyfdn.org/board.html (accessed: September 1, 2006): "Board of Directors:
- Thomas L. Rhodes, Chairman ["Dusty" Rhodes; Wharton classmate of Midge Decter; vice president Goldman Sachs 1977-1982, vice chair 1982–1985, and partner 1986–1992; president of William Buckley's National Review 1992-2000; board Heritage Foundation 1993-; co-founder in 1999 of the anti-tax and anti-global warming measures-focused The Club for Growth].
- David V. Uihlein, Jr., Vice Chairman.
- Michael W. Grebe, President & CEO.
- Terry Considine [co-founder in 1999 and director Club for Growth].
- Pierre S. du Pont [IV; worked at E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. 1963-1970; Delaware congressman 1969-1977; Delaware governor 1977-1985; Chair Hudson Institute 1985-1987; chair 1991-William Buckley-founded National Review Institute 1994-1997; chair National Center for Policy Analysis in Dallas, Texas]."
- bradleyfdn.org/board.html (accessed: September 1, 2000): "Board of Directors:
- What Bradley funds:
- Annual report 2017, Bradley Foundation: "Acton Institute... $150,000. ... American Islamic Forum for Democray: ... $75,000. ... Capital Research Center: ... $250,000. ... Council for National Policy: ... $25,000. ... Donors Trust: ... $50,000. ... Hudson Institute: ... $35,000. ... Manhattan Institute: ... $200,000 [and] $125,000. ... The Philadelphia Society: ... $10,000. ... Center for Competitive Politics: ... $150,000. Center for Equal Opportunity: ... $175,000. Center for Immigration Studies: ... $10,000. ... Freedom Foundation: ... $500,000. FreedomWorks Foundation: ... $250,000. Goldwater Institute: ... $175,000. Independence Institute: ... $185,000. Institute for Justice: ... $200,000. ... Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund: ... $25,000. ... Public Interest Legal Foundation: ... $300,000. ... Federalist Society... $525,000. ... Atlas Economic Research Foundation: ... $50,000. ... CATO Institute: ... $200,000. ... Greenhouse Solutions: ... $200,000. ... Hoover Institution: ... $125,000. ... Manhattan Institute... $200,000. ... National Bureau of Economic Research: ... $150,000. ... Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy: ... $75,000. ... Tax Foundation: ... $100,000 [and] $150,000. ... Texas A&M University: ... $100,000 [and] $60,000. ... Reason Foundation: ... $75,000. ... University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. To support the George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State ... $150,000. ... American Enterprise Institute... $100,000. ... Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa: ... $30,000. ... CO2 Coalition: ... $50,000. ... Daily Caller News Foundation: ... $100,000. David Horowitz Freedom Center: ... $185,000. ... Ethics and Public Policy Center: ... $300,000. ... Foundation for Cultural Review: ... $200,000. ... Independent Women's Forum: ... $200,000. ... Manhattan Institute.... $75,000. ... National Review Institute: ... $200,000. ... Princeton [to] support the James Madison Program: $75,000. ... Stanford [to] support the Religious Liberty Clinic: $50,000. ... University of Arizona: ... $30,000. ... University of Wisconsin-Madison: ... $145,000 [and] $110,000 [and] $56,000. ... William F. Buckley, Jr. Program at Yale: ... $15,000. ... American Enterprise Institute... $100,000. American Foreign Policy Council: ... $100,000. ... Carnegie Mellon University: ... $127,000... Foreign Policy Institute: ... $50,000 [and] $45,000. Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: ... $100,000. Hudson Institute: ... $175,000. Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis: ... $65,000 [and] $65,000. National Bureau of Asian Research: ... $230,000. Heritage Foundation: ... $80,000."
- Conservative foundation founded in 1975 by the Coors brewery family, from the family which co-founded the Heritage Foundation in 1973.
- coorsfoundation.org (accessed: March 31, 2002; first webarchive): "The Adolph Coors Foundation is a private family foundation established in October, 1975 with funds from the Adolph Coors, Jr. Trust. Adolph Coors, Jr. was the son of the founder of the Coors Brewing Company in Golden, Colorado. ...
The Board of Trustees includes William K. Coors, Ambassador Holland Coors, Jeffrey Coors, Peter Coors and Reverend Robert G. Windsor."
- coorsfoundation.org (accessed: March 31, 2002; first webarchive): "The Adolph Coors Foundation is a private family foundation established in October, 1975 with funds from the Adolph Coors, Jr. Trust. Adolph Coors, Jr. was the son of the founder of the Coors Brewing Company in Golden, Colorado. ...
- Fielded the Castle Rock Foundation in the 1993-2011, starting with a $36.6 million initial grant. The Castle Rock Foundation primarily financed the Heritage Foundation, followed by the American Enterprise Institute. The Adolph Coors Foundation continued this trend, respectively donating $800,000 and $900,000 in the 2009-2014 period.
- Family members and connections:
- Adolph Coors, Jr. / II (1884-1970): Invited to Cornell's secret Sphinx Head Society as a student (1907). Peter Coors became a member 1969. Second president of Coors Brewing Company.
- Adolph Coors III (1916-1960): Phillips Exeter Academy. President of the Quill and Dagger society at Cornell. Kidnapped and murdered by escaped convict Joseph Corbett, Jr., who used to be a Fulbright Scholar.
- Joseph Coors, Sr. (1917-2003): Son of Adolph Coors II (1884-1970). Co-founded the Heritage Foundation, seed funding it with $250,000, and served as a trustee. Financially supported the John Birch Society, the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) and the Council on National Policy (CNP), of which he was a governor. Friend of Reagan and trustee of the Reagan Foundation in the 1980s. Contra financier after meeting Col. Oliver North through CIA director William Casey, a Knight of Malta. Advisory board member of the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC), founded by future CIA director William Casey. Served on the board of the American Security Council Foundation in the 1980s. Visited the Bohemian Grove.
- November 30, 1980, Washington Post, 'Reagan's Team on Foreign Aid Reflects the New Right's Influence': "Heading the [Reagan transition] team is Edwin J. Feulner [visitor of the CIA and Opus Dei-dominated Cercle group], executive director of the Heritage Foundation [considered the U.S. branch of Opus Dei in Belgian police files] here, which was founded by Paul Weyrich [visitor of the CIA and Opus Dei-dominated Cercle group] [and] receives its principal financial support from [co-founder] Joseph Coors..."
- November 8, 2000, New Straits Times (Malaysia), 'Group of shadowy power-players with mind set on one-world control': "In the 1970s, Weyrich and Coors made appointments and set up political contacts on Capitol Hill for Franz Joseph Strauss, Bavarian head of state who helped emigre Nazi collaborators [and Cercle visitor and close ally of key (unofficial) Opus Dei and Knights of Malta leader Otto von Habsburg]."
- January 10, 1989, AP, 'Former Congressman, Coors Added To Witness List': "Coors made the $$65,000 contribution to the Contras after meeting with North in 1985... At a meeting in [CIA director and Knight of Malta's William] Casey's office in the old executive office building next to the White House, the CIA director "said Ollie North is the guy to see," Coors said in 1987 in congressional testimony on the Iran-Contra affair."
- June 24, 1985, Miami Herald: "Also involved in the anti-Sandinista [Contra] effort are several of Reagan's millionaire friends including beer tycoon Joseph Coors and industrialist [and Knight of Malta] J. Peter Grace..."
- May 3, 1985, Washington Post, 'Private Groups Step Up Aid to 'Contras'': "Colonel Albert Koen, who was USCWF [U.S. chapter of the WACL] treasurer until May 1984. Koen said conservative Colorado businessman Joseph Coors was one of the group's few early backers and remains a staunch supporter."
- 1991, Russ Bellant, 'Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party' (digital version): "CNP's secret quarterly meetings bring together right-wing funders (such as Joseph Coors)..."
- Peter Coors (1946-): Sphinx Head Society at Cornell. Visitor of the secretive Forstmann Little Conferences. Member of the elite Augusta National Golf Club, Georgia of the Bechtels, George Shultz, Warren Buffett, etc. In 2004 he signed a letter of the Americans For Humanitarian Trade With Cuba (AHTC), along with David Rockefeller and friends, including former top CIA officers as Frank Carlucci and James Schlesinger. Trustee of the American Enterprise Institute.
- Jeffrey Coors (+-1946-): Council for National Policy involvement.
- Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation: The first of these foundations, founded in 1970. The DeVos family is worth roughly $5.3 billion and with that, one of Michigan's most wealthy. Richard "Rich" DeVos is a former finance chair of the Republican National Committee. More importantly, the Dick and Betsy DeVos Family Foundation has donated to the Council for National Policy, with Rich DeVos having twice served as the president of the Council for National Policy. When Rich DeVos died in September 2018, former president George W. Bush spoke at his funeral. Meanwhile, Dick DeVos serves on the board of William Buckley, Jr.'s National Review Institute.
- 2014 Membership Directory, Council for National Policy, p. 3: "Past Presidents: ... The Honorable Rich DeVos: 1990-1993 [and] 1986-1988. ... The Honorable Edwin Meese III: 1993-1997 ... "Pat" Robertson: 1985-1986. ... Mr. Nelson Bunker Hunt: 1983-1984."
- nrinstitute.org/about-nri/board-of-trustees (accessed: February 25, 2019): "Dick DeVos, The Windquest Group."
- Dick and Betsy DeVos Family Foundation: founded in 1989 by Richard's son, Dick DeVos ("Rich" vs "Dick"), and his wife, Betsy Prince DeVos (b. 1958), whom he married in 1979. In February 2017 Betsy DeVos was appointed Donald Trump's secretary of education.
- Prince Foundation: Founded in 1979 upon the marriage of Dick DeVos and Betsy Prince DeVos. Betsy DeVos is the sister of Erik Prince (b. 1969), the Navy Seal who in 1997 founded Blackwater USA, the CIA front firm (really openly "borrowed": former CIA Counter-Terorist Center chief Cofer Black was vice chair 2005-2008, with former CIA Near-East Division chief Robert Richer serving as VP of intelligence until Jan. 2007) that became notorious during the early stages of the War on Terror for atrocities in Iraq and involvement in the CIA-JSOC terrorist assassination program in places as Pakistan.
- Erik Prince was deeply tied to the rise of Donald Trump in 2016 by aiding Project Veritas to infiltrate more effectively in Democrat campaign, labor unions and allied NGOs, and by supporting the Pizzagate conspiracy disinformation/psyop.
- The parents of Erik Prince are also into ultraconservative financing:
- Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy (GRIID), 'Foundation Profile: Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation' (Grand Rapids is where the DeVos-Prince family resides): "A few last notable groups that have received funding from the Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation are the Center for Military Readiness ($45,000) and the Council for National Policy (CNP) ($45,000). ... The foundation is primarily run by the children of Edgar & Elsa Prince, which includes Emily Wierda, Betsy DeVos and Erik Prince. The following information is based on the data we found from the foundation's 990s for 2009-2011."
- The Donner Foundation was founded in 1950, and served as the U.S. branch of the Donner Canadian Foundation, founded at the same time..
- Based on the fortune of Pennsylvania industrialist William H. Donnor (1864–1953), whose Union Steel Company was financially backed by the elite (Pennsylvania-based) Mellon family. In later decades the Mellon family became important financiers of "liberal CIA" and liberal elite causes. However, through the Mellon Scaife branch of the family, the Mellons also became even more key "conservative CIA" financiers. The Donner foundation allied itself with Mellon Scaife interests.
- donner.org/aboutwilliam.html (accessed: June 25, 1998): "About William H. Donner: ... Eventually, he sold all his tin plate interest to the American Tin Plate Company. Mr. Donner's next venture was in steel products. With the Mellon brothers and Henry Clay Frick, he founded a rod, wire, and nail enterprise, known as the Union Steel Company, of which he was President. Union Steel was based in Donora, Pennsylvania, a town whose name derives from those of Mr. Donner and Nora Mellon. The company was merged with the Sharon Steel Company in 1902, and was purchased in 1903 by the United States Steel Corporation. Mr. Donner later became President of Cambria Steel Company and then Chairman of the Board of the Pennsylvania Steel Company. ...
Following his retirement from business, Mr. Donner spent much of his time in Montreal, where he supported the pioneering work of Dr. Wilder Penfield, then Director of the Montreal Neurological Institute. In 1950, Mr. Donner established the Donner Canadian Foundation, which today is one of the largest national foundations in Canada. William H. Donner died in Montreal in 1953." - 1940, Best Books, 'Pennsylvania: a Guide to the Keystone State': "Donora [was] an important industrial town founded in 1900. ... It is named for William H. Donner and Nora Mellon, wife of Andrew W. Mellon. Chief products are iron, steel, and zinc."
- donner.org/aboutwilliam.html (accessed: June 25, 1998): "About William H. Donner: ... Eventually, he sold all his tin plate interest to the American Tin Plate Company. Mr. Donner's next venture was in steel products. With the Mellon brothers and Henry Clay Frick, he founded a rod, wire, and nail enterprise, known as the Union Steel Company, of which he was President. Union Steel was based in Donora, Pennsylvania, a town whose name derives from those of Mr. Donner and Nora Mellon. The company was merged with the Sharon Steel Company in 1902, and was purchased in 1903 by the United States Steel Corporation. Mr. Donner later became President of Cambria Steel Company and then Chairman of the Board of the Pennsylvania Steel Company. ...
- Trilateral Commission financier:
- March 31, 1980, Trilateral Commission report, p. 10: "Current and Former Major Financial Supporters in the United States (since founding of The Trilateral Commission in 1973).
Foundations: William H. Donner Foundation... Ford Foundation ... Hewlet Foundation ... Luce Foundation ... Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
Corporations: ... Bechtel ... Boeing ... Coca-Cola ... Exxon ... General Electric ... W. R. Grace ... IBM .... Procter & Gamble ... Standard Oil ... Time ...
Individuals: ... David Packard. David Rockefeller."
- March 31, 1980, Trilateral Commission report, p. 10: "Current and Former Major Financial Supporters in the United States (since founding of The Trilateral Commission in 1973).
- Officers over the years:
- donner.org/trustees.html (accessed: June 25, 1998): "Trustees: James Balog*. Peter B. Cannell. Alexander B. Donner. David W. Donner. Joseph W. Donner**. Nicholas Eberstadt. Stefan Halper. Louise Oliver. William D. Roosevelt. Curtin Winsor, III.
Officer: James V. Capua, President. Robert Donner, Jr., Vice President and Assistant Treasurer. Curtin Winsor, Jr., Secretary [president by the early 2000s]. William D. Roosevelt, Treasurer." - donner.org/thisyear.html (accessed: October 16, 2017): "Rebecca D. Winsor, President. William M. Spencer, III, Vice-President and Assistant Treasurer. Alexander B. Donner, Esq., Secretary. Curtin Winsor, Jr. Treasurer.
Alexander B. Donner, Esq. David W. Donner. Deborah Donner. Joseph W. Donner, Jr. Joseph W. Donner, III. Timothy E. Donner. Anita Winsor Edwards. Stephanie Hanson-Batanov. Sharon W. Lainhart. Brittany D. Roy. Dillon Roy. Aaron D. Spencer. Kaila B. Spencer. M. Hunter Spencer. Robert D. Spencer [past president]. William M. Spencer, III. Cristina Winsor. Curtin Winsor, Jr. Monica Winsor. Rebecca D. Winsor."
- donner.org/trustees.html (accessed: June 25, 1998): "Trustees: James Balog*. Peter B. Cannell. Alexander B. Donner. David W. Donner. Joseph W. Donner**. Nicholas Eberstadt. Stefan Halper. Louise Oliver. William D. Roosevelt. Curtin Winsor, III.
- Conservative foundation founded in 1999 that is used as a conduit for more well-known conservative foundations, including Koch, Bradley, DeVos-Prince and others. In that sense it is roughly similar to the "liberal CIA" Tides Foundation.
- Conservative foundation founded in 1999 that is used as a conduit for more well-known conservative foundations, including Koch, Bradley, DeVos-Prince and others. In that sense it is roughly similar to the "liberal CIA" Tides Foundation.
- Old, famous industrial family. Added here because of Peter Du Pont IV's presence on the board of the Bradley Foundation. Also to be found at the Hudson Institute, the Council for National Policy, the American Enterprise Institute and the AEI's New Atlantic Initiative.
- Low-profile, conservative foundation founded in 2006. Based on the Gleason Corporation, a privately held machine tool manufacturing company.
- Officers:
- edreform.com/edreform-university/resource/gleason-family/ (accessed: February 27, 2019): "Tracy Gleason is the President and CEO of the Gleason Family Foundation which is currently based in Kentfield, California. Her father, James, is the Foundation's Chairman and her mother, Janis, its Vice President and Secretary Treasurer. ...
Ms. Gleason joined the Board of the Gleason Family Foundation in 1995 and became its President in 2000. In 2007 she married Jeffery Robinson. Jeff is now a Director of the Foundation. Tracy and Jeff live in Marin County, California."
- edreform.com/edreform-university/resource/gleason-family/ (accessed: February 27, 2019): "Tracy Gleason is the President and CEO of the Gleason Family Foundation which is currently based in Kentfield, California. Her father, James, is the Foundation's Chairman and her mother, Janis, its Vice President and Secretary Treasurer. ...
- Granting:
- 2016, Form 990PF, Gleason Family Foundation: "The Philanthropy Roundtable: ... $45,000. ... Goldwater Institute: ... $100,000. ... Manhattan Institute: ... $75,000. ... The American Spectator: ... $35,000. ... Heritage Foundation: ... $125,000. ... CATO Institute: ... $90,000."
- Involves the David and Charles Koch Foundations, the latter seemingly the most active. The family's wealth is derived from Koch Industries, focused at oil refining and chemical processing.
- Charles Koch Foundation: Founded in 1990 by the libertarian-inclined Charles Koch, who, by June 2018, had a reported estimated net worth of $50.7 billion, making him the 8th wealthest person in the world. Koch has been co-owner, chairman, and chief executive officer of Koch Industries since 1967. In the mid 2010s he sat on the national council of the American Enterprise Institute.
- David Koch Foundation: David Koch serves as executive vice president of Koch Industries.
- Established in 2004 by computer scientist. Didn't become active politically on the conservative front until about 2008, at which point Mercer's conservative daughter started taking control. By 2015 the foundation had a net worth of $24.5 million, but this appears to have increased since.
- Fortune based on the work of computer scientist Robert Mercer, an AI developer at IBM in from the early 1970s to mid 1993. The last IBM project he was working on involved automatic translation program, which would later be incorporated in Google Translate. He received DARPA financing for it:
- March 27, 2017, The New Yorker, 'The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency; How Robert Mercer exploited America's populist insurgency': "When I.B.M. failed to offer adequate support for Mercer and Brown's translation project, they secured additional funding from DARPA, the secretive Pentagon program. Despite Mercer's disdain for "big government," this funding was essential to his early success."
- In mid 1993 he joined Renaissance Technologies, a very successful technology-oriented hedge fund that benefited enormously from trading algoritm's developed by Mercer, who eventually became co-CEO. Despite this, forced to step down in November 2017, after the Trump election and Brexit, after media controversy (in part through a Democrat Jew working at his firm) over his political stances. Mercer's fortune is estimated at several hundred million dollars.
- Mercer has been an anti-government Libertarian and a huge supporter of anti-Democrat and anti-Clinton conspiracy (theories) since the 1990s that were financed by the Scaife foundations in particular. Mercer was reading the Scaife-funded American Spectator at the time, but it is not known to what extent he was part of the same network at the time.
- March 27, 2017, The New Yorker, 'The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency; How Robert Mercer exploited America's populist insurgency': "One of Trump's biggest financial backers: Robert Mercer, a reclusive Long Island hedge-fund manager... Caddell told me that Mercer "is a libertarian—he despises the Republican establishment," and added, "He thinks that the leaders are corrupt crooks, and that they've ruined the country." ... People who know him say that he is painfully awkward socially, and rarely speaks. ...
During Bill Clinton's Presidency, [Mercer recruiter at Renaissance Nick] Patterson recalled, Mercer insisted at a staff luncheon that Clinton had participated in a secret drug-running scheme with the C.I.A. The plot supposedly operated out of an airport in Mena, Arkansas. "Bob told me he believed that the Clintons were involved in murders connected to it," Patterson said. Two other sources told me that, in recent years, they had heard Mercer claim that the Clintons have had opponents murdered.
The Mena story is one of several dark fantasies put forth in the nineties by The American Spectator, an archconservative magazine. According to Patterson, Mercer read the publication at the time. David Brock, a former Spectator writer who [switched camps and no is a Ford Foundation-funded "liberal CIA" propagandist at Media Matters is now a liberal activist, told me that the alleged Mena conspiracy was based on a single dubious source, and was easily disproved by flight records. ...
Patterson also recalled Mercer arguing that, during the Gulf War, the U.S. should simply have taken Iraq's oil, "since it was there." ... Another onetime senior employee at Renaissance recalls hearing Mercer downplay the dangers posed by nuclear war. Mercer, speaking of the atomic bombs that the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, argued that, outside of the immediate blast zones, the radiation actually made Japanese citizens healthier. The National Academy of Sciences has found no evidence to support this notion. Nevertheless, according to the onetime employee, Mercer, who is a proponent of nuclear power, "was very excited about the idea, and felt that it meant nuclear accidents weren't such a big deal." ...
Mercer, for his part, has argued that the Civil Rights Act, in 1964, was a major mistake. According to the onetime Renaissance employee, Mercer has asserted repeatedly that African-Americans were better off economically before the civil-rights movement. (Few scholars agree.) ...
Patterson clashed with him over climate change; Mercer said that concerns about it were overblown. After Patterson shared with him a scientific paper on the subject, Mercer and his brother, Randall, who also worked at the hedge fund, sent him a paper by a scientist named Arthur Robinson, who is a biochemist [and a hardcore Christian conservative in every way], not a climate expert. "It looked like a scientific paper, but it was completely loaded with selective and biased information," Patterson recalled. ...
Magerman told the Wall Street Journal that Mercer's political opinions "show contempt for the social safety net that he doesn't need, but many Americans do." He also said that Mercer wants the U.S. government to be "shrunk down to the size of a pinhead." Several former colleagues of Mercer's said that his views are akin to Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Magerman told me, "Bob believes that human beings have no inherent value other than how much money they make.""
- March 27, 2017, The New Yorker, 'The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency; How Robert Mercer exploited America's populist insurgency': "One of Trump's biggest financial backers: Robert Mercer, a reclusive Long Island hedge-fund manager... Caddell told me that Mercer "is a libertarian—he despises the Republican establishment," and added, "He thinks that the leaders are corrupt crooks, and that they've ruined the country." ... People who know him say that he is painfully awkward socially, and rarely speaks. ...
- From 2009 to 2013, Mercer donated $50,000 annually to the powerful Council for National Policy, apparently making him the largest and consistent donor to this group in this period. In 2014 the amount was lowered to $25,000. After that, no more donations were made. Thus, the total amount donated over 2009-2014 is $275,000. It is not clear if Mercer ever formally belonged to the CNP, as his name does not appear in a 2014 membership list.
- conservativetransparency.org/donor/mercer-family-foundation/ (accessed: February 26, 2019): "2012: ... Council for National Policy: $50,000, 2012 [and] 2011 [and] 2010 [and] 2009..."
- 2013, Form 990PF, Robert Mercer Foundation: "Council for National Policy: ... $50,000."
- 2014, Form 990PF, Robert Mercer Foundation: "Council for National Policy: ... $25,000."
- 2015 and 2016, Form 990PF, Robert Mercer Foundation: No donations to the CNP.
- In 2012, Council for National Policy member Steven Bannon, who followed up Andrew Breitbart that year as executive chairman of Breitbart News, started to (additionally) advise Robert Mercer and daughter Rebekah on political donations. Bannon persuaded the Mercers to invest $10 million in Breitbart.
- 2014 Membership Directory, Council for National Policy, p. 19, 45: "Mr. Stephen K. Bannon ... Contact Information. Email steve@arc-ent.com.
Mrs. Kellyanne Conway, Esq." - March 27, 2017, The New Yorker, 'The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency; How Robert Mercer exploited America's populist insurgency': "As far back as 2012, Bannon was the Mercers' de-facto political adviser. ... It was Bannon who urged the Mercers to invest in a data-analytics firm. He also encouraged the investment in Breitbart News. ... He put ten million dollars into Breitbart News, which was conceived as a conservative counterweight to the Huffington Post. ... In an interview, Bannon praised the Mercers' strategic approach: "The Mercers laid the groundwork for the Trump revolution. Irrefutably, when you look at donors during the past four years, they have had the single biggest impact of anybody, including the Kochs." ...
Bannon and Rebekah Mercer have become particularly close political partners. Last month, when Bannon denounced "the corporatist, globalist media" at the Conservative Political Action Conference, in his first public appearance since entering the White House, Rebekah Mercer was part of his entourage. ... The Wall Street Journal has described Bannon joking and swearing on the deck of the Mercers' yacht, the Sea Owl, as if he were a member of the family. ...
[On the advice of Bannon] Mercer also invested some five million dollars in Cambridge Analytica, a firm that mines online data to reach and influence potential voters. ... The firm, which is the American affiliate of Strategic Communication Laboratories, in London, has worked for candidates whom Mercer has backed, including Trump. It also reportedly worked on the Brexit campaign, in the United Kingdom [in donating services to Nigel Farage]. ... In promotional materials, S.C.L. has claimed to know how to use such data to wage both psychological and political warfare. "
- 2014 Membership Directory, Council for National Policy, p. 19, 45: "Mr. Stephen K. Bannon ... Contact Information. Email steve@arc-ent.com.
- In 2014 Rebekah Mercer joined the board of the powerful Heritage Foundation, tied to CIA-linked groups as the Council for National Policy, Opus Dei, the Knights of Malta and Le Cercle. From 1985 to until his death (from cancer) in July 2014 Richard Mellon Scaife was a trustee of the Heritage Foundation, since at least the early 1990s as a vice chairman. This is the person who financed the "Arkansas Project" against the Clintons that Robert Mercer had been such a fan of. Rebekah Mercer actually actually was the first new trustee to be brought on-board of the Heritage Foundation after Scaife's death, indicating the Heritage Foundation was looking for a new, long-term, reliable financier - and that the Mercers became it. The
- heritage.org/article/board-trustees (accessed: August 24, 2016): "Vice Chairman: Richard M. Scaife, Heritage Trustee Since 1985. Deceased July 4, 2014. [No Rebekah Mercer visible]."
- heritage.org/article/board-trustees (accessed: Septmber 26, 2016): "[Scaife has been removed. The only new board addition over last month is Rebekah Mercer, at this point still without profile picture and with incomplete bio. All that is available is:] Rebekah A. Mercer, Heritage Trustee Since 2014. Owner, Ruby et Violette."
- In September 2018 Rebekah Mercer and her sister Jennifer "Jenji" Mercer joined the board of overseers of the "freedom and free enterprise"-focused Hoover Institution, a traditional home of George Shultz and his chief protege Condoleezza Rice, as well as the likes of Rupert Murdoch.
- hoover.org/about/overseers (accessed: September 11, 2018): "Michael W. Gleba [chair and CEO Sarah Scaife Foundation] ... Jennifer L. 'Jenji' Mercer, New York, NY. Rebekah Mercer. ... K. Rupert Murdoch [of Fox News], New York NY* ... *Executive Committee member"
- The Mercer Family Foundation gave rather focused, for Conservative CIA networks very high amounts to a small number of donors. From 2008 to 2012 $3.2 million to the Heartland Institute (climate change denial) and $7.5 million to the Media Research Center (online media influence), followed by $4 million to the foundation of George W. Bush and $88,000 to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation of Frank Carlucci (CIA deputy director; chair Carlyle Group; part of George H. W. Bush's private CIA clique):
- conservativetransparency.org/donor/mercer-family-foundation/ (accessed: February 27, 2019): "[2005-2007: science-related grants in the $4-$60,000 range]...
Heartland Institute: $1,000,000, 2008 [and] $500,000, 2009 [and] $370,000, 2010 [and] $444,000, 2011 [and] $912,000, 2012. ...
Media Research Center: $500,000, 2008 [and] $1,000,000, 2009 [and] $1,194,000, 2010 [and] $1,800,000, 2011 [and] $3,000,000, 2012. ...
Council for National Policy: $50,000, 2009 [and] 2010 [and] 2011 [and] 2012 [and] 2013...
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $50,000, 2009 [and] $100,000, 2011 [and] $284,225, 2012. ...
George W. Bush Presidential Center: $2,000,000, 2010. ...
George W. Bush Foundation: $1,000,000, 2011 [and] $1,000,000, 2012. ...
9-1-1 Veterans Inc.: $25,000, 2010. ...
Special Operations Warrior Foundation: $85,000, 2011 [and $2,905, 2012. ...
Goldwater Institute: $100,000, 2011 [and] $250,000, 2012. ...
Federal Enforcement Homeland Security Foundation: $50,000, 2012. ...
Citizens United Foundation: $2,000,000, 2012. ...
Cain Foundation: $500,000, 2012. ..." - 2013 Form 990, Mercer Family Foundation: "Heartland Institute: ... $877,000. ... Media Research Center: ... $2,972,420. ... [CNP] ... George W. Bush Found. ... $100,000. ... The Stony Brook Foundation: ... $1,263,938. ... Manhattan Institute... $400,000. ... Citizens United Foundation: ... $1,000,000. Foundation for Cultural Reviewing the New Critereon: ... $125,000. ... CTR for Defense of Free Enterprise: $550,000 ... Reason Foundation: ... $50,000. ... Heritage Foundation: ... $500,000. ... Texas Freedom Network, Austin... $5,000. ... State Policy Network... $50,000. ... Federalist Society: ... $1,600,000."
- 2014 Form 990, Mercer Family Foundation: "Heartland Institute: ... $885,000. ... Media Research Center: ... $3,000,000. ... [CNP] ... George W. Bush Found. ... $1,000,000. ... The Stony Brook Foundation: ... $2,904,636. ... Manhattan Institute... $300,000. ... Citizens United Foundation: ... $550,000. Foundation for Cultural Reviewing the New Critereon: ... $150,000. ... Reason Foundation: ... $50,000. ... Heritage Foundation: ... $500,000. ... Texas Freedom Network, Austin... $5,000. ... State Policy Network... $50,000. ... Federalist Society: ... $2,050,000. ... Patton Foundation: ... $100,000. ... CATO Institute: ... $300,000. ... Gatestone Institute: ... $50,000. ... Reclaim New York: ... $75,000."
- 2015 Form 990, Mercer Family Foundation: "[Grants:] Heartland Institute: ... $100,000. Museum of Natural History: ... $575,000. Media Research Center: ... $3,000,000. The George W. Bush Found. ... $5,000,000. The Stony Brook Foundation: ... $2,099,970. The Barry Goldwater Institute: ... $300,000. ... Manhattan Inst. ... $300,000. Citizens United Foundation: ... $250,000. Foundation for Cultural Reviewing the New Critereon: ... $100,000. ... Reason Foundation: ... $50,000. Heritage Foundation: ... $500,000. ... Federalist Society: ... $2,300,000. ... CATO Institute: ... $300,000. ... Gatestone Institute: ... $100,000. Reclaim New York: ... $1,250,000."
- 2016 Form 990, Mercer Family Foundation: "[Largely the same grants. Of special interest:] Heartland Institute: .... $800,000 ... George W. Bush Found.: ... $1,972,245 ... Media Research Center: ... $2,000,000. ... Heritage Foundation: ...$500,000. ... Gatestone Institute: ... $100,000. ... DonorsTrust: ... $2,250,000. ... Ctr. for the Study of Carbon Dioxide ... $125,000. The American Conservative Union: ... $250,000. CO2 Coalition: ... $150,000."
- February 18, 2018, MAPS, 'Mercer Family Foundation Grants $1 Million to MAPS for PTSD Research in Veterans': "- New York philanthropist Rebekah Mercer to help complete funding for Phase 3 clinical trials of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD.
- MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD has received Breakthrough Therapy Designation from the FDA."
- conservativetransparency.org/donor/mercer-family-foundation/ (accessed: February 27, 2019): "[2005-2007: science-related grants in the $4-$60,000 range]...
- Created in 1972 as the H. Smith Richardson Charitable Trust, a spin-off of the older, CIA and national security-tied H. Smith Richardson Foundation, which even at the turn of the century had trustees as Donald Rumsfeld, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington and Fred Ikle. In the early 1990s the H. Smith Richardson Charitable Trust was renamed the Randolph Foundation, becoming a full non-profit in 2002.
- President of the Randolph Foundation is Council for National Policy governor Heather Higgens (nee Richardson), a granddaughter of the founder of the Smith Richardson Foundation and a daughter of the person who headed it later on.
- 2014 Membership Directory, Council for National Policy, p. 6: "Board of Governors: ... Mrs. Heather R. Higgins."
- June 15, 2015, ricochet.com, 'A Life That Made a Difference': "My father, Randy Richardson, died, fittingly, on Memorial Day. ... In 1973, Dad became the head of a foundation his father had created with an eye to keeping strong the country that had made so much opportunity available to his own family: the Smith Richardson Foundation."
- What it funds:
- November 26, 2014, insidephilanthropy.com, 'Look Who's Funding This Top Conservative Women's Group': "The Randolph Foundation, which supports libertarian outfits like CATO and FreedomWorks (not to mention the National Navy SEAL Museum), recently awarded $340,000 to the IWF. The IWF [International Women's Forum] also received $10,000 not long ago from the Bochnowski Family Foundation..."
- conservativetransparency.org/donor/the-randolph-foundation/ (accessed: February 27, 2019): "2012: ... International Women's Forum, $300,000. ... Harvard College Fund: $150,000. ... Middle East Forum: $30,000. ... American Spectator Foundation: $25,000. ... Hoover Institution [$150,000 total] ... Middle East Media Research Institute: $25,000. ... CATO Institute: $20,000. ... Council on Foreign Relations: $20,000. ... FreedomWorks Foundation: $20,000. ... Philanthropy Roundtable: $20,000. ... DonorsTrust: $10,000 [and] $10,000. ... Manhattan Institute...: $10,000. ... Yale University: $10,000. ... Doctors Withour Borders: $7,000. ... Temple of Understanding: $7,000. ... Acton Institute...: $5,000. ... Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $5,000. ... Council for National Policy: $5,000."
- Founded in 1968 by Thomas A. Roe (1927-2000).
- May 2007, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'Safeguarding a Conservative Donor's Intent: The Roe Foundation at 39': "Earlier this year the assets of the Roe Foundation, which was created in 1968, were valued at roughly $39 million. A five-member board of directors meets each February to consider proposals submitted the previous fall and award grants. At its last gathering, the foundation pledged about $1.8 million."
- Thomas Roe was one of the early financiers of the Knights of Malta-, Opus Dei- and Cercle Pinay-linked Heritage Foundation, alongside the Coors and Scaife family foundations. Roe continued to serve as a trustee of the Heritage Foundation until his death in 2000. In the final years of his life he had also become a member of the Council for National Policy.
- 1997, Lee Edwards, 'The Power of Ideas: The Heritage Foundation at 25 Years', p. 71: "The [Heritage] foundation moved into its new headquarters on schedule and without cost overruns in the summer of 1983. ... It was, as Truluck says, "a very bold decision," made possible only because Joseph Coors, Richard Scaife, Thomas A. Roe, Arthur Spitzer, Lewis Lehrman, and Robert Krieble (and his wife Nancy) had confidence in what Heritage was doing..."
- 1995 annual report, Heritage Foundation: "Board of Trustees: Honorary Trustees: Joseph Coors ... Henry Salvatori. Board of Trustees: ... Richard M. Scaife. ... Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr., President... Midge Decter ... William Middendorf II ... Thomas A. Roe ... William E. Simon ... Dr. Robert Krieble..."
- 2014 Membership Directory, Council for National Policy, pp. 8-9: "In Memoriam: ... Mr. Thomas A. Roe." Roe's name does not appear in a 1996 membership list of the CNP.
- Thomas Roe was active in the Mont Pelerin Society and the Philadelphia Society, which have the authority to oppose the foundation's grants:
- May 2007, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'Safeguarding a Conservative Donor's Intent: The Roe Foundation at 39': "[We] immediately came up with the Mont Pelerin Society and the Philadelphia Society [as a solution]. The by-laws authorize them, plus any individual director, to challenge the [Roe] Foundation in state or federal court if it makes a grant to an organization "whose activities or public statements reflect a belief in a collectivist [communist] world or any view inconsistent with the foundation's announced principles. ... During his life, Roe was active in both groups."
- Granting (doesn't fund Jewish neocon think tanks):
- May 2007, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'Safeguarding a Conservative Donor's Intent: The Roe Foundation at 39': "In 1986, Roe started the South Carolina Policy Council. It was one of several state-based think tanks formed independently at about this time. Others included the Independence Institute in Colorado, the Heartland Institute in Illinois, and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Michigan. Starting in 1987, these organizations began meeting regularly as the Madison Group (so named because they gathered at the Madison Hotel in Washington, D.C.) to trade information and discuss strategies. Roe believed that these get-togethers were so helpful that they should be formalized through a professional association that would host annual conferences, provide services, and improve communications among its members. In 1992, the State Policy Network was born. Roe was a major financial supporter of the network and its founding chairman."
- conservativetransparency.org/donor/the-roe-foundation/ (accessed: February 25, 2019): "1999: ... The Philadelphia Society ... The Heritage Foundation ... CATO Institute ... Manhattan Institute ... Judicial Watch ... Leadership Institute ... James Madison Institute...
2011: Mont Pelerin Society ... State Policy Network: $100,000 ... Philanthropy Roundtable ... James Madison Institute ... Goldwater Institute ... Acton Institute ... Heritage Foundation: $125,000 ...
2012: ... Heritage Foundation: $125,000 ... South Carolina Policy Council: $225,000 ... Atlas Economic Research Foundation..."
- The foundation of Donald Rumsfeld, founded in 2007, immediately after Rumsfeld stepped down after secretary of defense.
- Rumsfeld is a top superclass member with involvement in dozens of leading NGOs. His best friend since college is fellow superclass member Frank Carlucci, a CIA deputy director and secretary of defens, who became chairman of the notorious Bin Laden family-tied Carlyle Group, which also employed George H. W. Bush. Rumsfeld is most notorious for being 9/11's secretary of defense who went AWOL during the entirety of the attack, simply watching CNN alone in his office from before the second impact until the third strike hit his Pentagon building on the other side.
- Back in the 1990s, until 2000, Rumsfeld sat on the board of governors of the H. Smith Richardson Foundation, together with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington and Fred Ikle.
- This network of foundations was primarily overseen by Richard Mellon Scaife (1932-2014). In contrast to his Rockefeller, Pilgrims Society and "liberal CIA"-tied predecessors of the Mellon family, Scaife and his siblings always funded the "conservative CIA" network: ultraright national security and domestic policy NGOs and think tanks.
- July 4, 2014, Forbes, 'Conservative Billionaire Publisher Richard Mellon Scaife Dies': "He inherited his wealth from his grandfather, Richard Beatty Mellon, brother of Andrew Mellon, a banker and industrialist who built a vast fortune. Scaife's sister Cordelia Scaife May was a member of the Forbes 400 list of Richest Americans until her death in 2005."
- The Mellon Scaife foundation network:
- Allegheny Foundation: Awarded over $36 million in the 1985-2006 period.
- Carthage Foundation: Awarded over $68 million in the 1985-2003 period. Merged into the Sarah Scaife Foundation effective December 31, 2014, after the death of Richard Mellon Scaife.
- Sarah Scaife Foundation: Awarded over $235 million in the 1985-2003 period.
- 2003, p. 1093: "Sarah Scaife Foundation, Inc. ... Donor(s): Sarah Mellon Scaife. ...
Officers and Trustees:* Richard M. Scaife [Heritage Foundation trustee and financier], Chair; Michael W. Gleba, Exec. V.P.; Barbara I. Slaney, V.P. and Trea.; R. Daniel McMichael, Secy; T. Westray Battle III; William J. Bennett [Reagan's education secretary and Bush 41's drug czar]; T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. [member CNP 1990s, CNP president 2004-2007]; Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. [president Heritage Foundation 1977-2013, 2017; executive committee CNP 1990s; Knight of Malta], Allan H. Meltzer, Ph.D., Roger W. Robinsin, Jr., James M. Walton, Arthur P. Ziegler, Jr."
- 2003, p. 1093: "Sarah Scaife Foundation, Inc. ... Donor(s): Sarah Mellon Scaife. ...
- Scaife Family Foundation: Awarded over $77 million in the 1985-2001 period.
- Colcom Foundation: Effectively also part of Mellon Scaife network. It established in 1996 by Cordelia Scaife May, a sister of Richard Mellon Scaife worth roughly $800 million at the time of her death.
- Mellon Scaife is known to have been on the referral list of the CIA and financed CIA fronts, including, reportedly "The 61" / 6I, a private intelligence network tied to the CIA, MI6, mainland European intelligence services, and the Vatican.
- 1993, Brian Crozier, 'Free Agent': Talks about how he was referred to Richard Mellon Scaife at CIA headquarters when he asked if the CIA would fund his Institute for the Study of Conflict.
- ajweberman.com/monica.htm (accessed: November 23, 2002; dates back to 1999; good summary, confirmed by Brian Crozier in his Free Agent (1993) biography): "In mid-1966, Forum World Features was bought by John Hay Whitney, then
publisher of the New York Herald-Tribune and part owner of the International Herald-Tribune. Whitney was yet another CIA collaborator. Forum World Features was now a commercial enterprise which had cut its ties with [the CIA-backed] Congress for Cultural Freedom. On January 31, 1975, Richard Mellon Scaife bought Forum World Features. ...
The London-based Foreign Affairs Research Institute (FARI) [coordinated] attacks among conservatives against the World Council of Churches which South Africa considered to be one of its most effective adversaries ...
In June 1978, FARI co-sponsored a conference in Brighton, England with the CIA-connected Institute for the Study of Conflict [of Le Cercle's Brian Crozier]. Among those who attended was Richard Mellon Scaife. Also attending the conference was William Casey, who would later be appointed head of the CIA by Ronald Reagan." - May 1, 1995, The Persbundel, 'Pioneer for the Truth' (translated from Dutch; clearly part of the Cercle network): "From 1979-1989 the members of 'The 61' [including Crozier] did all they could to fight the communist, anywhere in the world. The costs on average were 1 million dollars a year, coming from fortunate friends as Rupert Murdoch, Sir James Goldsmith and Richard [Mellon] Scaife."
- Scaife was a long-time financier and board member of the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei and Le Cercle-linked Heritage Foundation think tank, along with the Coors family and founders of the Roe Foundation and William E. Simon Foundation. In addition, decades long Heritage Foundation president Edwin Feulner Jr., a Knight of Malta, joined the board of the Sarah Scaife Foundation in 1988.
- 1997, Lee Edwards, 'The Power of Ideas: The Heritage Foundation at 25 Years', p. 71: "The [Heritage] foundation moved into its new headquarters on schedule and without cost overruns in the summer of 1983. ... It was, as Truluck says, "a very bold decision," made possible only because Joseph Coors, Richard Scaife, Thomas A. Roe, Arthur Spitzer, Lewis Lehrman, and Robert Krieble (and his wife Nancy) had confidence in what Heritage was doing..."
- 1995 annual report, Heritage Foundation: "Board of Trustees: Honorary Trustees: Joseph Coors ... Henry Salvatori. Board of Trustees: ... Richard M. Scaife. ... Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr., President... Midge Decter ... William Middendorf II ... Thomas A. Roe ... William E. Simon ... Dr. Robert Krieble..."
- The Scaife foundations probably have been the most notorious financiers of America's ultraright since the early 1980s, peaking in notoriety during the late 1990s with Richard Mellon Scaife's "Arkansas Project", aimed against the Clinton family.
- Foundation set up in 1998 by Daniel C. Searle, the CEO and president of G. D. Searle & Co 1970-1977, and chairman 1977-1985. During the 1977-1985 Donald Rumsfeld (Donald Rumsfeld Foundation) served as CEO and president. In the period, Rumsfeld decreased the number of employers with 60%, while the company started bringing the controversial aspartame sweetener to the market.
- Daniel Searle has been a trustee of the Donors Trust .
- Endowment of $150 million in 2014. The foundation is scheduled to be phased out by 2025 to prevent it from being taken in any other political direction.
- Grants:
- conservativetransparency.org/donor/searle-freedom-trust/ (accessed: February 27, 2019): "2012: ... The Heritage Foundation $100,000. ... State Policy Network $297,000 [and] $200,000 [and] $20,000 [and] $30,000 ... Reason Foundation: $688,000 [and] $200,000 [and] $82,500. ... Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: $150,000 [and] $100,000 [and] $150,000. ... Hudson Institute: $150,000 [and] $50,000. ... Goldwater Institute: $75,000... FreedomWorks Foundation: $75,000. ... Freedom Foundation: $50,000 [and] $50,000. ... Federalist Society...: $170,000 [and] $225,000. ... DonorsTrust: $338,500 [$1 million+ total]..."
- William E. Simon Foundation: Foundation of Knights of Malta member, Heritage Foundation trustee, and Pilgrims Society executive William E. Simon.
- William E. Simon, Jr. Foundation: Foundation of William Simon's son, a trustee of the Heritage Foundation since 2008.
- Globalist elite national security-focused "neoconservative" foundation.
- Endowment of $521 million in 2013. In 1990 it was $265,650,040.
- Founded in 1935 by H,. Smith Richardson, Sr. (1885-1972), the son of Lunsford Richardson (1854-1919), a pharmacist who founded the Vick Chemical Company (later Richardson Vicks Inc.) around the turn of the century.
- srf.org/our-mission-history/ (accessed: February 28, 2019): "Established in 1935 by H. Smith Richardson and his wife Grace Jones Richardson. Mr. Richardson['s] firm, the Vick Chemical Company...
The Foundation seeks to help ensure the vitality of our social, economic, and governmental institutions. It also seeks to assist with the development of effective policies to compete internationally and to advance U.S. interests and values abroad."
- srf.org/our-mission-history/ (accessed: February 28, 2019): "Established in 1935 by H. Smith Richardson and his wife Grace Jones Richardson. Mr. Richardson['s] firm, the Vick Chemical Company...
- H. Smith Richardson, Sr'.'s daughter, Grace, married Eugene W. Stetson, Jr. in 1935. Stetson, Jr. was Yale Skull & Bones 1934 and a member of the elite Pilgrims Society by the 1950s. His father was Eugene W. Stetson, Sr., a (Morgan) Guaranty Trust executive director and chairman. Obscure as this information is, Stetson, Jr. aided H. Smith Richardson, Sr. in setting up his foundation. His son, Bill Stetson, has been sitting on the Smith Richardson Foundation board since at least 1994 as a result.
- February 2, 2007, Westport News, 'Grace Stuart Richardson Stetson' (obituary): "Grace Stuart Richardson Stetson... the daughter of H. Smith and Grace Jones Richardson... Married Eugene W. Stetson Jr. in 1935, and raised their four children in Southport. The marriage ended in divorce... She leaves behind her children: Nancy P. Stetson of Boulder, Colo.... E. William Stetson III of Norwich, Vt.; a brother, R. Randolph Richardson of New York... She was predeceased by... her brothers, John P. Richardson and H. Smith Richardson Jr."
- Smith Richardson financed the 1955-founded National Military-Industrial Conferences, out of which the term Military-Industrial Complex grew:
- Blog of Gregg Hilton [of the ASCF board], 'A Brief History of the American Security Council': "Financial support for the National Military Industrial Conferences was provided by Sears, Roebuck and Company, Motorola, Marshall Field's, and Montgomery Ward's. The conferences would not have been possibly without a $50,000 grant from the H. Smith Richardson Foundation."
- In 1958 the Smith Richardson Foundation played an important role in setting up the Institute for American Strategy (IAS) out of the National Military-Industrial Conferences and the American Security Council (ASC), all of which were dominated by the CIA and DOD.
- November 1, 2005, [ASC president and CEO] John M. Fisher, 'History Milestones: American Security Council and American Security Council Foundation': "The result was the establishment of the Institute for American Strategy [the future American Security Council Foundation]. The first officers and directors were: ... Secretary, John M. Fisher [ASC president and CEO]; Chairman, National Military - Industrial Conference, General Robert E. Wood [founder and chair ASC]; Executive Director, Daniel Sullivan, Armour Research Foundation of the Illinois Institute of Technology; Program Director, Frank R. Barnett, Richardson Foundation [later founder and president of the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC)]. The initial funding of the IAS was a matching grant from the [CIA-linked] Richardson Foundation of $175,000 which was paid when the IAS raised another $75,000. ... The Institute for American Strategy (IAS) was organized to 1) manage the annual National Military - Industrial Conferences where, beginning in 1955, top military, business, education and organization leaders came together in Chicago to analyze the growing threat of Communism and propose strategies to meet the challenge at all levels..."
- The Smith Richardson Foundation has been accused of involvement in the CIA's MK-ULTRA, in Iran Contra, and certainly has a close relationship with retired CIA officials and foreign policy specialists, not to mention (child) psychologists and behavioral scientists.
- April 18, 1981, John S. Friedman, 'Culture War II', Nation 232, no. 15, pp. 452- 453: "The Smith Richardson Foundation, which has C.I.A. officials among its consultants reviewing grants, provides management training to C.I.A. and Defense Department employees through an affilate [apparently the Center for Creative Leadership]."
- 1991, Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, 'George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography': "The H. Smith Richardson Foundation was organized by Eugene Stetson, Jr., Richardson's son-in-law. Stetson (Skull and Bones, 1934) had worked for Prescott Bush as assistant manager of the New York branch of Brown Brothers Harriman. In the late 1950s, the Smith Richardson Foundation took part in the "psychological warfare" of the CIA. ... In this period, the Richardson Foundation helped finance experiments at Bridgewater Hospital in Massachusetts, the center of some of the most brutal MK-Ultra tortures. These outrages have been graphically portrayed in the movie, "Titticut Follies."
During 1990, an investigator for this book toured H. Smith Richardson's "Center for Creative Leadership" just north of Greensboro, North Carolina. The tour guide said that in these rooms, agents of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Secret Service are trained. He demonstrated the two-way mirrors through which the government employees are watched, while they are put through mind-bending psychodramas. The guide explained that "virtually everyone who becomes a general" in the U.S. armed forces also goes through this "training" at the Richardson Center. Another office of the Center for Creative Leadership is in Langley, Virginia, at the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency. Here also, Richardson's center trains leaders of the CIA."
- Smith Richardson Foundation governors from the 1990s and 2000s:
- E. William "Bill" Stetson III: Grandson of Morgan banker Eugene W. Stetson. Grandson of Pilgrims Society member Eugene W. Stetson, Jr. and Grace Stuart Richardson, a daughter of H. Smith Richardson, Sr.. Married a granddaughter of IBM founder Thomas Watson. Into global warming activism.
- James Q. Wilson: UCLA and Harvard professor. Chairman of the Council of Academic Advisors of the American Enterprise Institute. Member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 1985–1990.
- Douglas J. Basharov: Georgetown University. Scholar American Enterprise Institute. First director of the U.S. National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect 1975-1979.
- Christopher DeMuth: Long-time president American Enterprise Institute. Back on the board anno '19-22.
- Fred Ikle: Under-secretary of defense under Reagan, close to covert operations. Superclass member tied to CSIS, the IISS, Le Cercle.
- Gen. Edward C. Meyer: Former Chief of Staff U.S. Army.
- Samuel Huntington: Well-known geopolitical strategist tied to the American Enterprise Institute and other think tanks.
- Donald Rumsfeld: Board member Smith Richardson Foundation until at least 1998 and would have left upon joining the Bush administrtation as secretary of defense in January 2001. Leading right-wing superclass member with his own Rumsfeld Foundation. Member of the Pilgrims Society in the 1990s.
- Michel Oksenberg: Travelled to China as a National Security Council member with Rockefeller men Cyrus Vance in 1977 and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1978. Major U.S.-China policy advisor to every president since Carter.
- L. Richardson Preyer: Grandson of Lunsford Richardson, the father of H. Smith Richardson, Sr. JFK appointed judge 1961-1963. Senior vice president of North Carolina National Bank (now Bank of America) 1965-1968. Democrat Congressman from North Carolina 1969-1981. Member House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) that looked into the JFK assassination.
- Lunsford Richardson: Another grandson of the founder of the Vick Chemical Company.
- Isabel V. Sawhill: Senior fellow and vice president at Brookings; Cabot Family chair.
- Ben J. Wattenberg: Important during the election campaign of Nixon. Served on various committees under Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr. PBS host. Senior fellow American Enterprise Institute.
- Martin Feldstein: Superclass member tied to Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the Group of 30 and the National Committee on United States-China Relations. Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution.
- Roderick MacFarquhar: Born in Pakistan. RIIA fellow. British MP. Harvard Professor. China specialist.
- Dr. Edward F. Zigler: Yale psychology professor emeritus. Founder Zigler Center in Child Development and Social Policy.
- Jane Preyer: South-East director of the Environmental Defense Fund since 1997. Executive of Biofuels Center of North Carolina. Former member, NC Legislative Commission on Global Climate Change. Environmetalist author.
- James Woolsey: Former CIA director who became the biggest neocon superclass member.
- Governors sources:
- 1994, National Guide to Funding for the Environment and Animal Welfare, p. 54 (22% of governors is CFR): "H. Smith Richardson Foundation: ... Officers and Trustees: H. Smith Richardson, Jr., *Chair and Governor; Peter L. Richardson, *Pres and Governor; R. Larry Coble, *Treas.; Arvid R. Nelson [still governor anno '22], Secy.; Donald Kagan, Governor [CFR 2001-, but his son Robert since 1985]; Edward C. Meyer, Governor [CFR 1979-]; L. Richardson Preyer, Governor; Adele Richardson Ray, Governor; Heather S. Richardson, Governor; Lundsford Richardson, Jr., Governor; R. Randolph Richardson, *Governor; Stuart S. Richardson, *Governor; Henry S. Rowan, Governor; E. William Stetson III, Governor; James Q Wilson [CFR 1981-1991], Governor; Edward F. Zigler, Governor."
- srf.org/New Governors.htm (accessed: April 29, 1999; 29% of governors is CFR): "Zbigniew Brezinski [CFR] ... Fred C. Ikle [CFR]... General Edward C. Meyer (Ret.) [CFR] ... Michael Oksenberg [CFR] ... H. Smith Richardson, Jr. Lunsford Richardson, Jr. Peter L. Richardson. Stuart S. Richardson. Honorable Donald Rumsfeld [CFR 1974-1979; Pilgrims 1990s]. ... E. William Stetson."
- 2003 annual report, Smith Richardson Foundation, p. 44 (35% of governors is CFR): "Governors: ... Zbigniew Brzezinski [CFR] ... Christopher DeMuth ... Samuel P. Huntington [CFR] ... Fred C. Ikle [CFR] ... Roderick MacFarquhar [CFR through his late wife and later, his son Rory] ... General Edward C. Meyer (Ret.) [CFR] ... Lunsford Richardson, Jr. ... Peter L. Richardson ... E. William Stetson III ... Ben J. Wattenberg [CFR] ... Chairman of the Board, President: Peter L. Richardson..."
- srf.org/trustees/ (accessed: Sep. 6, 2015): "Trustees: Peter L. Richardson, Chairman of the Board. ... Governors: Honorable Zbigniew Brzezinski [CFR]... Dr. Paula J. Dobriansky [CFR]. Lunsford Richardson, Jr. Dr. Martin Feldstein [CFR]. Peter L. Richardson. General Jack Keane [CFR 2006-] ... Adele Richardson Ray. Honorable R. James Woolsey [CFR]."
- 2009 annual report, p. 54: "Honorable Zbigniew Brzezinski. Christopher DeMuth. Dr. Martin Feldstein. Stephen Goldsmith. Dr. Fred C. Ikle. General Jack Keane (Ret.). General Edward C. Meyer (Ret.). Dr. Arvid R. Nelson. Adele Richardson Ray. Lunsford Richardson, Jr. Peter L. Richardson [chair]. Dr. Lawrence Sherman. E. William Stetson III. Dr. Ashley J. Tellis. Dr. Grover J. Whitehurst. R. James Woolsey. Dr. Edward F. Zigler."
- srf.org/trustees/ (accessed: March 11, 2022; 29% of governors is CFR): "Peter L. Richardson, Chairman of the Board. ... Governors: ... Christopher DeMuth ... Karen Elliott House [CFR 1978-] General Jack Keane (Ret.) [CFR 2006-] ... Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster (ret.) [CFR 2004-] ... Peter L. Richardson ... Tyler B. Richardson... Adm. James Stavridis [CFR 2005-] ... E. William Stetson III ... John Taylor [Dr. John B. Talor, CFR 2012-; his CV in addition lists: "Member, Smith Richardson Foundation Grants Advisory Committee, 2016-"]..."
- Granting:
- 2003 annual report, SRF, grants: "["Conservative":] Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs: ... $100,000. ... American Enterprise Institute: ... $25,000 [and] $120,000. ... Hoover Institution: ... $112,400. ... Jamestown Foundation: ... $65,661 [and] $98,048. ...
[Liberal-globalist and "liberal CIA":] Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.: $40,000. ... Brookings Institution: ... $100,000. ... Asia Society: ... $49,600. ... Aspen Institute Berlin: ... $75,000. ... Aspen Strategy Group: ... $50,000. ... Carnegie Endowment...: ... $100,000. ... [Soros'] International Crisis Group: ... $125,000. [The Soros and NED-funded] Internews Network: ... The Open Media Fund for Afghanistan. ... $50,000. ... the National Committee on United States-China Relations, Inc.: ... $92,000. ... Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]: ... $54,495 [and] $172,000 [and] $100,000 [and] $50,000 [and] $75,000. ...
[MORE:] American Foreign Policy Council: ... $50,000... The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies: ... [to] assess whether some ofthese Muslim communities have ties to radical Islamic groups. $50,000. ... ANSER Institute for Homeland Security: ... $100,000. ... Center for Media and Security, Ltd.: ... $100,000. ... Center for Security Studies: ... $ 16,500. ... Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments: ... $500,000. ... The Center for the Study of the Presidency: ... $200,000. ... Dui Hua Foundation: ... An Unofficial Dialogue on Human Rights and Political Detainees with the People’s Republic of China. ... $150,000. ... Foreign Policy Research Institute: ... $60,000 [and] $60,000. Freedom House: ... Nina Shea will examine the spread of sharia law, a legal codebased on a literal reading of the Koran. She will conduct fieldresearch, prepare country case studies, and organize twoc onferences. The project’s findings will appear in a series ofreports and a book. $75,000 [and] $100,000. [and] $125,000. ... Global Policy Exchange: ... $50,000. ... Institute for International Economics: ... $70,833. ... Institute for International Studies: ... $225,000 [and] $49,372. ... International Center for Religion & Diplomacy: $100,000. ... The Investigative Project Washington, DC: An In-Depth Investigative Analysis of the Structure of Al Qaeda and Militant Islamic Terrorist Groups in the United States. ... $250,000. Monterey Institute of International Studies: ... $100,000. ... National Endowment for Democracy: ... $20,000. ... National Institute for Public Policy: ... $75,000. ... National Strategy Information Center, Inc.: ... $250,000. ... The Nixon Center: ... $25,000 [and] $100,000. ... Pacific Forum CSIS: ... $120,000. ... The Project on Transitional Democracies: ... $50,000. The Rand Corporation: ... $100,000. ...
Harvard University: ... $84,887 [and] $157,151 [and] $50,000 [and] $75,000. ... Yale Law School: ... $300,000. ... Yale University: ... $351,267. ... Johns Hopkins University: ... $200,000 [and] $350,000. ... Columbia University: ... $58,520 [and] $219,317. ... University of Chicago: ... $119,350 [and] $60,000. Duke University: ... $93,491. ... University of New Mexico: ... $55,000. University of Pittsburgh: ... $137,266. University of Washington, Seattle: ... $100,000. ... U.S. Naval War College: ... $49,875. ... Tufts University: ... $35,000. ... Stanford University: ... $109,900. ... Stevens Institute of Technology: ... $150,000. ... Pepperdine University: ... $75,000. ... Naval War College Foundation, Inc.: ... $36,994. ... George Washington University: ... $129,845. Georgetown University: ... $50,000. ... Boston College: ... $50,000. Boston University: ... $58,652. Brandeis University: ... $49,977." - conservativetransparency.org/donor/smith-richardson-foundation/ (accessed: February 28, 2019): "Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: $150,000. ... Royal United Services Institute [RUSI]: $150,000. ... RAND Corporation: $150,000 [and] $175,000 [and] $200,000 [and] $200,000 [and] $212,264 [and] $50,000 [and] $50,000. ... Jamestown Foundation: $150,000 [and] $300,000 [and] $80,000 [and] $49,875. ... Harvard University $150,000 ... German Marshall Fund of the United States $150,000 [and] $250,000. ... Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]: $150,000 [and] $150,000 [and] $175,000 [and] $115,000 [and] $100,000 [and] $80,000 [and] $25,000. ... Center for a New American Security: $150,000 [and] $200,000 [and] $50,000. ... American Enterprise Institute...: $155,100 ... Freedom House: $165,000 [and] $41,250. ... Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics: $200,000. ... Institute for the Analysis of Global Security: $200,000. ... Hudson Institute: $200,000 [and] $120,000 [and] $100,000 [and] $100,000 [and] $75,000 [and] $60,000 [and] $50,000 [and] $44,495. ... Manhattan Institute...: $50,000. ... Brookings Institution: $250,000 [and] $100,000 [and] $100,000 [and] $65,000 [and] $50,000 [and] $50,000 [and] $50,000. ... National Bureau of Economic Research: $268,824 [and] $216,156 [and] $100,000 [and] $68,393. ... Institute for the Study of War: $275,000. ... Harvard University: $298,296. ... Yale University ... Princeton University ... Urban Institute: $500,000. ... Council on Foreign Relations: $200,000 ... Hoover Institution...: $120,000. ... America Abroad Media: $100,000. ... Middle East Institute: $100,000. ... Spirit of America: $60,000. ... American Foreign Policy Council $50,000: ... AmeriCares Foundation $50,000. ... Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: $50,000 ... Center For Media And Security: $50,000. ... Washington Institute for Near East Policy [WINEP]: $50,000. ... Atlantic Council: $49,909... Filmmakers Collaborative: $200,000. ..."
- 2003 annual report, SRF, grants: "["Conservative":] Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs: ... $100,000. ... American Enterprise Institute: ... $25,000 [and] $120,000. ... Hoover Institution: ... $112,400. ... Jamestown Foundation: ... $65,661 [and] $98,048. ...
- The Randolph Foundation was founded in 1972 as the H. Smith Richardson Charitable Trust. Today it is headed by Council for National Policy member Heather Higgins (nee Richardson):
- June 15, 2015, Heather Higgins for ricochet.com, 'A Life That Made a Difference': "My father, Randy Richardson, died, fittingly, on Memorial Day. ...
In 1973, Dad became the head of a foundation his father had created with an eye to keeping strong [this] country... the Smith Richardson Foundation.
In the 20 years Dad ran the Smith Richardson Foundation, SRF provided seed capital for the development of supply-side and monetarist economics and for early neo-conservative efforts, as well as supporting free-market, pro-democratic, and anti-Communist movements that led to the Reagan revolution and the end of Soviet Communism. ...
The foundation ran leanly, deliberately choosing offices with exposed pipes in unglamorous neighborhoods to keep overhead low. ... A small like-minded board was made up of family members and policy experts, including, most notably, James Q. Wilson, Robert Bork, and Jeane Kirkpatrick...
SRF provided start-up and ongoing funding for pioneering organizations like the Federalist Society, the Manhattan Institute, the Foreign Policy Research Institute, the Law and Economics Center, the Institute for Educational Affairs, the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Committee for the Free World, the Center for Individual Rights, and the National Humanities Center.
Irving Kristol gave credit to Dad not only for initial and ongoing support for The Public Interest, but also for the original grant to that journal's internship program — which made Dad neo-conservatism's Godfather's godfather.
Other early start-up funding went to a tiny publication in Bloomington, Ind., The Alternative, which grew up to become The American Spectator, as well as publications like The National Interest, This World, and The New Criterion."
- June 15, 2015, Heather Higgins for ricochet.com, 'A Life That Made a Difference': "My father, Randy Richardson, died, fittingly, on Memorial Day. ...
- Founded in 1987 by John Templeton, Sr.
- Focused on religious and spiritual knowledge, especially at the intersection of religion and science.
- John Templeton, Sr. founded the organization in 1987 and ran it until his death in 2008. Templeton's son, John Templeton Jr., ran it until his death in 2015, at which point Templeton Jr.'s daughter, Heather Templeton Dill, became president.
- CNP tie:
- 2014 Membership Directory, Council of National Policy, p. 155: "Dr. John M. Templeton, Jr. ... Work: Chairman and President John Templeton Foundation."
- Granting:
- Rather liberal elite-oriented, with large amounts to Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown Pew Charitable Trusts, the Center for a New American Security ($200,000 in 2011), etc. But definitely not "liberal CIA" or overly national security-focused. Quite a few Christian-oriented donations.
- conservativetransparency.org/donor/john-templeton-foundation/: (accessed: February 28, 2019; offered CSV sheet): "2011: ... Atlas Economic Research Foundation: $1,035,000 [another million+ in 2010] ... Philanthropy Roundtable: $650,000 ... Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies: $472,875 ... Hudson Institute: $144,000... Quilliam Foundation: $174,248. ...
2010: ... Acton Institute...: $200,000 [and] $200,000 [and] $5,000. ... American Enterprise Institute...: $300,000 [and] $300,000 [and] $10,000. ...
2009: ... Manhattan Institute...: $15,000. ... Media Research Center: $200,000 [$300,000 in 2007]...."
- The Uihlein family, consisting of David V. Uihlein Sr. (1920-2010) and now David V. Uihlein Jr. and cousin Richard "Dick" Uihlein, is regularly mentioned as a "GOP megadonor".
- June 7, 2018, New York Times, 'The Most Powerful Conservative Couple You've Never Heard Of': "Few political donors are as influential, yet little known, as Liz and Dick Uihlein. The Midwestern couple has joined the upper pantheon of Republican donors alongside names like Koch, Mercer and Adelson. They have spent roughly $26 million on the current [Trump] election cycle, supporting more than 60 congressional candidates, working outside the party establishment to advance a combative, hard-right conservatism, from Washington to the smallest town."
- In reality, the family falls under the Bradley Foundation umbrella:
- David V. Uihlein Sr.: Married into the Bradley family in 1945. His son, David V. Uihlein Jr., is a grandson of Bradley Foundation founder David Bradley and became vice chairman of the Bradley foundation in 2006.
- Richard "Dick" Uihlein (b. 1945): Great-grandson of Edward Uihlein, a Princeton graduate and a member of the family that founded the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company in 1849 (defunct in 1999) (the Uihleins were nephews of founder August Krug). Son of Edgar John Uihlein, Sr. (1877-1956), who was a vice-president and director of the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company (same company David Vogel Uihlein Sr. became a director of in 1972), and Paula Huck, a member of Chicago's Marshall Field family (Marshall Field company was a co-founder of the American Security Council in the 1954). joined the national council of the American Enterprise Institute.
- More family history:
- 1976, New York Times, '': "Robert A. Uihlein Jr., chairman and chief executive officer of the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company and a member of one of the country's most prominent brewing and banking families, died Friday night at Milwaukee County Medical Complex...
Mr. Uihlein, who was once described as "one of the beer barons who made Milwaukee famous," was the fourth generation of his family to head the 127year-old Schlitz company. His great-great uncle, August Krug, founded the company in Milwaukee in 1849, and it grew into what has been described as the nation's second largest brewing concern. ... When Mr. Uihlein became president of Schlitz in 1961, he succeeded his uncle, Erwin C. Uihlein, who was named chairman. ...
He graduated from Phillips [Exeter] Academy at Andover, Mass., in 1934, from Harvard University... He was a trustee of the Milwaukee Art Center, a member of the National Business Committee for the Arts and a director of the New York Philharmonic."
- 1976, New York Times, '': "Robert A. Uihlein Jr., chairman and chief executive officer of the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company and a member of one of the country's most prominent brewing and banking families, died Friday night at Milwaukee County Medical Complex...
- Protectionist-oriented, right-wing, independent presidential candidate in 1992. Eventually received 19% of the vote. During the campaign, Perot sometimes garnered higher poll numbers than Bush. However, after dropping out, only to re-enter later, his popularity never recovered.
- Third party presidential candidate in 1996, for which he created his Reform Party of the United States in 1995. Received 8% of the vote during the election.
- Prominently anti-NAFTA -- which, by the way, destroyed the Mexican economy, turned it into a failed narco-controlled state, and pushed millions upon millions of Mexicans into the U.S.
- Member of the super-elite Alfalfa Club.
- Ross Perot has been partying for many years at this point with CIA directors and special operations commanders at the OSS Society, of which Perot has been a donor and honorary co-chair.
- October 2, 2010, OSS Society booklet, 'William J. Donovan Award Dinner Honoring Ross Perot': "Honorary Chairmen: Porter J. Goss ... James R. Schlesinger. William H. Webster. President George H.W. Bush. Amb. William J. vanden Heuvel. Ross Perot. ... R. James Woolsey."
- Perot's Reform Party is dominated by "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" veterans, including as Rockefeller greener Ralph Nader, conspiracy disinformer Jesse Ventura, and former CIA officer and present conspiracy theorist Robert Steele. In fact, in 1999-2000 Donald Trump was a candidate for Perot's Reform Party as well.
- Billionaire businessman who was elected as an anti-immigration "populist" U.S. president in November 2016.
- Similar to all international "anti-establishment", anti-immigration populists, in 2017, according to Pew, Trump received only 5% positive news (probably just Fox News and a few "alt-right" outlets). Even more telling, 62% of all coverage has been negative, with only a relatively small margin left for neutral news. With Obama it was largely the reverse (worship), with coverage on Clinton and Bush - both tied into the globalist superclass and thus agree on open borders and conspiracy suppression - being in balance. A 2018 study, although less neutral, showed even worse numbers for Trump (although very recognizable):
- October 10, 2018, Investors.com, 'Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study': "For its report, the [Bradley, Scaife, etc.-funded] Media Research Center did a lot of visual spadework. It viewed some 1,007 evening news stories about the Trump White House on ABC, CBS and NBC from June 1 to Sept. 30. That's the equivalent of about 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
What they found was, as Trump himself might say, sad: "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."
Moreover, the very focus of what the media cover is highly selective. Some two-thirds of the Trump coverage came from five topics, including the Russia investigation, immigration, the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, North Korea, and U.S.-Russia relations. ...
Over the four months the MRC watched network TV for all of us, less than 1% of the coverage was on the economy. To be more precise, it was 0.7% of the entire coverage, or 14 minutes."
- October 10, 2018, Investors.com, 'Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study': "For its report, the [Bradley, Scaife, etc.-funded] Media Research Center did a lot of visual spadework. It viewed some 1,007 evening news stories about the Trump White House on ABC, CBS and NBC from June 1 to Sept. 30. That's the equivalent of about 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
- Trump's Rockefeller elite ties:
- May 9, 2007, The Guardian, 'Happy Birthday Barbara': "Court documents in America have shed new light on an infamous surprise 60th birthday party thrown by Lord Black for his wife, Barbara Amiel, in December 2000... Lord Black [Bilderberg steering committee, Pilgrims Society, 1001 Club, etc.; his Hollinger board contained just about every elite] ... was surrounded by the Vogue editor Anna Wintour ... Sir Evelyn de Rothschild's spouse, Lynn [Forester de Rothschild], and Henry Ford II's widow, Kate. ... Lord Weidenfeld was there - as was [Nelson Rockefeller widow] Happy Rockefeller... Michael Bloomberg ... Donald Lauder ($3bn) [and] Leonard Lauder ... Mort Zuckerman ... Alfred Taubman ... Arriana von Hohenlohe and Ahmet Ertegun ... Barbara Walter ate with Drue Heinz, widow of the ketchup boss HJ Heinz II... New York Review of Books' founder Robert Silvers, the legendary gossip columnist Aileen Mehle who used to go by the pen-name "Suzy" [with her column syndicated to 100 newspapers] and Midge Decter...
[Barbara's] table included ... Henry Kissinger, who was a Hollinger director... They exchanged pleasantries with Donald Trump, the news anchor Peter Jennings who subsequently died in 2005, the former New Yorker editor Tina Brown and Bill Clinton's one-time close adviser Vernon Jordan. ...
Oscar de la Renta passed the time with Robert Maxwell's daughter, Ghislaine, and a prominent New York chat show host, Charlie Rose. ... Jeffrey Epstein, a mobile phones millionaire on table three...
Hedge fund pioneer Dixon Boardman rubbed shoulders with private equity tycoons John Veronis and Don Marron... The late editor of Time magazine, Henry Grunwald, sat alongside Elaine Wolfensohn [James Wolfensohn's wife]...
Lord Black invited his Spectator columnist Taki Theodoracopulos... Richard Perle..." - May 16, 2019, BBC, 'Conrad Black: Trump pardons ex-media baron 'friend'': "Black, 74, was convicted of fraud and obstructing justice in 2007 and jailed for more than three years in the US."
- May 9, 2007, The Guardian, 'Happy Birthday Barbara': "Court documents in America have shed new light on an infamous surprise 60th birthday party thrown by Lord Black for his wife, Barbara Amiel, in December 2000... Lord Black [Bilderberg steering committee, Pilgrims Society, 1001 Club, etc.; his Hollinger board contained just about every elite] ... was surrounded by the Vogue editor Anna Wintour ... Sir Evelyn de Rothschild's spouse, Lynn [Forester de Rothschild], and Henry Ford II's widow, Kate. ... Lord Weidenfeld was there - as was [Nelson Rockefeller widow] Happy Rockefeller... Michael Bloomberg ... Donald Lauder ($3bn) [and] Leonard Lauder ... Mort Zuckerman ... Alfred Taubman ... Arriana von Hohenlohe and Ahmet Ertegun ... Barbara Walter ate with Drue Heinz, widow of the ketchup boss HJ Heinz II... New York Review of Books' founder Robert Silvers, the legendary gossip columnist Aileen Mehle who used to go by the pen-name "Suzy" [with her column syndicated to 100 newspapers] and Midge Decter...
- Red flags pointing to Trump being a "conservative CIA" asset:
- Trump's father was close to the CIA- and DOD-dominated American Security Council favorite Barry Goldwater, whose network of national security operatives turned (rabidly) pro-Israel neocon in the late 1970s.
- Trump and his father also were close to Jewish lawyer Roy Cohn, a director of the neocon national security-dominated Western Goals Foundation, which overlapped with the CIA- and DOD-dominated American Security Council, Le Cercle and the OSS Society. The controversial Roger Stone met Donald Trump in 1979 through Roy Cohn, while Stone was working for the Reagan campaign.
- In 1999-2000 Trump was a candidate for the bizarre Reform Party of Ross Perot, who has been partying for many years at this point with CIA directors and special operations commanders at the OSS Society, of which Perot is a co-chair. The Reform Party is dominated by "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" veterans, including as Rockefeller greener Ralph Nader, conspiracy disinformer Jesse Ventura, and former CIA officer and present conspiracy theorist Robert Steele.
- Trump has always been very prominent and very popular in entertainment circles, which are 100% Democrat. In line with this, Trump has also always been more liberal than during the campaign that made him president:
- October 24, 1999, Donald Trump on Meet the Press: "I'm, very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still, I just believe in choice. And again, it may be a little bit of a New York background because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and you know I was raised in New York and grew up and work and everything else in New York City. And I am strongly for choice, and yet I hate the concept of abortion."
- May 7, 2016, New York Times, 'A Trump Sampler: His Changing Views' (not nearly as bad as the New York Times makes it out to be): "2012: "Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. ... I really like her and her husband both a lot. ...
1999: "I would tax people of wealth, of great wealth, people over $10 million, by 14.25 percent [note: that's almost nothing really for European standards]." ...
[March 2015:] "I hate the concept of [refugees], but on a humanitarian basis with what's happening, you have to." [quickly changed this]...
2000: "I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.""
- In 2004 Trump was looking to run as a Democrat with the curious Jesse Ventura as his running mate.
- January 7, 2018, The Guardian, 'Woody Harrelson: 'I used to have my head up my ass'': "He met the president once, when his friend, [later conspiracy disinformer] Jesse Ventura, was governor of Minnesota and Trump was hoping he'd become his running mate, on the Democrat ticket, in the 2004 election."
- Dee Snider, a friend of Donald Trump, described him as always having been a Democrat and Rockefeller Republican (i.e., a globalist):
- December 10, 2015, us103.com, 'Dee Snider May Stop Donald Trump From Using 'We're Not Gonna Take It'': "I know the man's not a racist. He's a friend of mine. But when you've got white supremacy groups aligning themselves with you and you don't denounce them [...] that's a problem for me. ... I have to call Donald. ... My Donald Trump is pro-choice. My Donald Trump is what they call a Northeastern [Rockefeller] Republican, you know, fiscally conservative, socially liberal. But that's changing."
- Operated the Donald J. Trump Foundation from 1988 to 2019. It was pretty much a-political, even donating to the Clinton Foundation. The first conservative donation, to the Billy Graham Evangelical Association was made in 2012, but even in 2015, the year Trump's presidential campaign started, his foundation did not reflect any major conservative bias. He has given token-support to a handful of (national security-tied) conservative NGOs, but it has all been really mild:
- August 28, 2016, Politifact.com, 'Says "Donald Trump himself contributed $100,000" to the Clinton Foundation.': "It's not clear if Trump himself made a personal contribution, but tax forms show that the Donald J. Trump Foundation (which Trump controls) donated $100,000 to the foundation in 2009 and reserved a table at the Clinton Foundation gala for $10,000 in 2010.
Trump's daughter Ivanka is also listed as a donor who gave between $5,001 and $10,000 and her father-in-law, Charles Kushner, gave between $250,001 and $500,000.
Trump's gift amount places him in the top 0.2 percent of the foundation's donors. Most of its 300,000 donors (85.5 percent) gave less than $250." - 2010 Form 990, Trump Foundation: "[All non-political donations:] NASCAR Foundation ... NFL Care Foundation ... New York Presbyterian Hospital: ... $100,000... DNA Foundation: ... $10,000... Palm Beach Police Foundation: ... $100,000. ... [except:] William J. Clinton Foundation: ... $10,000."
- 2014 Form 990, Trump Foundation: "[Mostly non-political:] Anti-Defamation League: ... $26,500 ... Citizens United Foundation [conservative group ran by David Bossie, who became Trump's Deputy campaign manager in 2016]: ... $100,000 [used to attack an opponent of Trump]. ... Special Operations Warrior Foundation: ... $5,000. ... The Economic Club of Washington D.C.: .. $6,000. ... UJA-Federation: ... $15,000."
- 2015 Form 990, Trump Foundation: Media Research Center: ... $5,000. ... Project Veritas: ... $10,000 [and] $10,000. ... The American Spectator Foundation: ... $5,000."
- August 28, 2016, Politifact.com, 'Says "Donald Trump himself contributed $100,000" to the Clinton Foundation.': "It's not clear if Trump himself made a personal contribution, but tax forms show that the Donald J. Trump Foundation (which Trump controls) donated $100,000 to the foundation in 2009 and reserved a table at the Clinton Foundation gala for $10,000 in 2010.
- In contrast to past and present Republican leaders, Trump very uniquely represents conservative "anti-establishment", controlled opposition networks (the fake news-dominated Old Right / Alt-Right / Libertarian Right), the most prominent example being CIA-tied conspiracy disinformation guru Alex Jones. This is basically the only network allowed by the establishment that is anti-Third World immigration.
- However, Trump has also been supported by a combination of national security-obsessed neocons, including former CIA director James Woolsey, the number 2 in ISGP's Superclass Index, and his first national security advisor, General Mike Flynn. Pre-Trump election Flynn sat on the board of the neocon anti-Islamic immigration group Act! for America, together with Woolsey and other hardcore neocons as Gen. Paul Vallely, Robert Spencer and John Loftus. ALl these individuals are disliked by the so-called "alt-right".
- Trump's initial secretary of state in 2017 and early 2018, Rex Tillerson, chair and CEO of ExxonMobil from 2006 to 2017, came with a long-set of elite Bush era recommendations (with CFR president Richard Haass being considered for the no. 2 spot at State):
- December 15, 2016, Politico.com, 'Richard Haass under consideration for State Department deputy': "Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haass ... was in Trump Tower last Friday, the day before Trump met with Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson and finalized his plan to nominate him as secretary of state, and spent an hour last summer briefing Trump on foreign affairs. ... Trump has praised Haass... Haass also met with Trump privately in 2015 in Trump Tower to brief him on global issues. "I've spent an hour with him there. I've seen him a few times on and off golf courses," Haass told NPR. ...
Haass is also an acquaintance of his potential boss. He hosted Tillerson at the Council on Foreign Relations in 2012 for a conversation in which the Exxon CEO delivered extended remarks on energy security and climate change. Tillerson landed the nomination on the recommendation of former Bush national security officials Bob Gates and Condoleezza Rice, who also happen to be former colleagues of Haass, who worked for Gates at the National Security Council in the George H.W. Bush administration and remains a personal friend of Rice's. (Gates and Rice have done consulting work for Exxon.)" - December 14, 2016, Politico, 'Rex Tillerson's 3 a.m. phone call': "The nomination came packaged with supportive statements from [Bush era administration officials] Robert Gates, [key George Shultz protege now at the Hoover Institution and such] Condoleezza Rice and Stephen Hadley — a trio of George W. Bush-era heavyweights who represent the Republican Party's realist wing. (Their consulting firm, RiceHadleyGates, has done work for Exxon.) Tillerson also has the strong backing of former Vice President Dick Cheney [a former vice chair and more recent ordinary trustee of the American Enterprise Institute], a longtime confidant of the Exxon chief's predecessor, Lee Raymond [chair and CEO ExxonMobile 1993-2006 and vice chair American Enterprise Institute], and an avowed foe of the realists.
Accounts depict Tillerson, a personal friend of arch-dealmaker James Baker, as an aggressive but polished negotiator, the kind of wheeler-dealer Trump sees in the mirror. "He's ruthless," said a former Western diplomat who has dealt with him. "But not like Raymond. That guy was fucking ruthless."
- December 15, 2016, Politico.com, 'Richard Haass under consideration for State Department deputy': "Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haass ... was in Trump Tower last Friday, the day before Trump met with Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson and finalized his plan to nominate him as secretary of state, and spent an hour last summer briefing Trump on foreign affairs. ... Trump has praised Haass... Haass also met with Trump privately in 2015 in Trump Tower to brief him on global issues. "I've spent an hour with him there. I've seen him a few times on and off golf courses," Haass told NPR. ...
- In April 2018 infamous pro-Israel neocon John Bolton became Trump's national security advisor. Bolton used to be senior vice president of the American Enterprise Institute and a signer of the Project for the New American Century before he entered the Bush administration.
- Due to Trump's sudden evangelical positions, the Christian extremists of the Council for National Policy and formerly American Security Council - which are allied with the Zionist neocons - also came on board with Trump. Betsy DeVos as
- Trump's initial CIA director 2017-2018 and then secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, came from the Koch brothers-partnered Sentry International, of which he was president. Even before that, he was a co-founder (with other West Point graduates) of Thayer Aerospace, in which Koch Industries had a small stake. Clients of the firm included Raytheon and Lockheed.
- Trump's initial national security advisor, General Mike Flynn, and son, were pushing the completely bogus Pizzagate affair right before the elections - and even after it. Alex Jones and other CIA-tied conspiracy disinformers were doing the exact same thing, of course.
- Stephen Miller: Senior policy advisor to the Trump campaign on trade and immigration. Senior Advisor to the President Jan. 2017-.
- Background: Russian-Jewish heritage. Born in 1985. In his teens, he tried to get David Horowitz to speak at Santa Monica High School and then Duke University. President of the Duke chapter of David Horowitz's Students for Academic Freedom. Accused poet Maya Angelou, a darling of the liberal left and George Soros, of "racial paranoia" while at Duke. At Duke he also helped fellow Duke Conservative Union member Richard Spencer, the future prominent Nazi backing Trump, with developing his immigration policy. Spencer later claimed he mentored Miller at Duke, but Miller, while working for Trump, stone-cold denied this. Miller worked for Steve Bannon during the Trump campaign and presidency.
- In line with his "conservative CIA" / neocon background, under the guise of "patriotism", Trump actively supports military death squad leaders:
- Sep. 21, 2018, New York Times, 'Why Is Trump Tacitly Supporting Corruption in Guatemala? The administration’s silence empowers President Jimmy Morales to continue ruling with impunity.' It talks about Trump supporting the dissolution of the (left-wing, UN-backed) International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala that started targeting Morales, as well as detah squad leaders of the past; in exchange dor Guatemala supporting a more limited immigration policy towards the U.S.
- Dec. 27, 2019, The Guardian, 'Navy Seal pardoned of war crimes by Trump described by colleagues as 'freaking evil''. Article talks about colleagues of the Navy Seal, Eddie Gallagher, testifying against him in tears for butchering an ISIS teen with his knife and also for sniping a schoolgirl and elderly man - and being proud of it.
- Trump has pushed a ton of bizarre conspiracy disinformation himself over the years, much of it also pushed by conspiracy disinformation outlets as Alex Jones' Infowars and Rense, such as vaccines, Obama's birth certificate, Scalia's death, climate change, etc.
- September 13, 2018, Businessinsider.com, '19 outlandish conspiracy theories Donald Trump has floated on the campaign trail and in the White House': "
- Questions about Ted Cruz's father's potential ties to President John F. Kennedy's assassin. ...
- Questions about President Obama's birth certificate. ...
- Questions about a former Bill Clinton aide's suicide... Vince Foster...
- Questions about Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's death. ...
- Questions about whether childhood vaccines cause autism. ...
- Questions about the legitimacy of climate change. ...
- Questions about whether asbestos is a "great con." ... [1992:] "One of the great cons is asbestos," Trump said. "There's nothing wrong except the mob has a strong lobby in Albany because they have the dumps and control the truck." Trump has more recently embraced the reality. ...
- Claims that Joe Scarborough killed one of his interns ... "And will they terminate low ratings Joe Scarborough based on the 'unsolved mystery' that took place in Florida years ago? Investigate!" ...
- Claims that voter fraud in the 2016 election cost him the popular vote...
- Retweeting anti-Muslim conspiracy videos. In November 2017, Trump caused diplomatic havoc by retweeting three videos posted by Jayda Fransen of the ultra-nationalist, anti-Muslim organization Britain First that purportedly showed Muslims in Europe committing crimes and destroying Christian icons. [note: Trump could easily have retweeted videos not tied to Britain First]...
- Claims 3,000 people didn't die in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and that Democrats inflated the death toll." - July 31, 2019, The Daily Beast, 'Twitter Suspends Conspiracy Account After Trump Retweet': "Trump retweeted the account, which used the display name "LYNN THOMAS" and the handle @LYNNTHO06607841... Before the suspension, the account enthusiastically pushed Qanon conspiracy memes [such as North Korea's leader being controlled by the CIA] and bizarre theories about prominent Democrats murdering children to harvest their pineal glands."
- January 2, 2020, Daily Beast, 'Trump Throws Fresh Fuel on Dangerous QAnon Conspiracy Theory': "Late last week, Trump ... retweeted a message of support containing the "WWG1WGA" hashtag, a reference to a QAnon motto. In total, Trump retweeted QAnon fans more than 20 times on the same day."
- Keeps pushing the Epstein-was-murdered line, similar to conspiracy disinformation assets all over the net, from Alex Jones to Joe Rogan:
- August 4, 2020, CNN, 'Trump defends wishing Ghislaine Maxwell well and questions if Epstein's death was suicide': ""Well, first of all you don't know that [if she is guilty [Trump is being weird here, because the reporter only said that Maxwell stands accused]," Trump said to the allegations of child sex trafficking. "Her friend or boyfriend [Jeffrey Epstein, whom Trump knew] was either killed or committed suicide. She's now in jail. Yeah, I wish her well [. I'd wish you well. I'd wish a lot of people well. Good luck. Let them prove somebody was guilty. ...
"Her boyfriend died in jail and people are still trying to figure out, how did it happen? Was it suicide? Was he killed? And I do wish her well. I'm not looking for anything bad for her."
- August 4, 2020, CNN, 'Trump defends wishing Ghislaine Maxwell well and questions if Epstein's death was suicide': ""Well, first of all you don't know that [if she is guilty [Trump is being weird here, because the reporter only said that Maxwell stands accused]," Trump said to the allegations of child sex trafficking. "Her friend or boyfriend [Jeffrey Epstein, whom Trump knew] was either killed or committed suicide. She's now in jail. Yeah, I wish her well [. I'd wish you well. I'd wish a lot of people well. Good luck. Let them prove somebody was guilty. ...
- At the end of his term, Trump pardoned a group of black gangsta rappers:
- Jan. 19, 2021, Variety, 'Outgoing President Trump Pardons Roc Nation CEO Desiree Perez, Lil Wayne, Kodak Black, More': "Snoop Dogg, a former Death Row recording artist, was reported to be lobbying for Harris’ release in the days before Trump’s presidential term came to an end. ...
Perez was arrested in 1994 for drug possession and in 1998 for grand larceny and possession of a firearm. In 2019, she was named CEO of Roc Nation...
In total, Trump issued 73 pardons and commuted the sentences of 70 additional individuals, including his former adviser Steve Bannon, former Republican National Committee chairman Elliott Broidy, former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and Ken Kurson, the former editor of the New York Observer. ...
At the urging of Kim Kardashian West and other celebrities, Trump had also become interested in using his pardon power to curb excessive drug sentences in some cases." - March 11, 2015, New York Daily News, 'Damon Dash wary of Jay Z associate and A-Rod advisor Desiree Perez': "The story that spooked Dash revealed how Perez, the wife of longtime Jay Z wingman Juan Perez, became a cooperating witness for the DEA in the 1990s. After her 1994 arrest for possession of 35 kilos of cocaine, Perez struck a deal with the feds, agreeing to wear hidden wires to record her meetings with major cocaine traffickers. Her undercover informant work won her courtroom praise from federal prosecutors after she helped them break up major drug deals in Puerto Rico and Colombia.
Dash said the story made him hesitate to do business with Jay Z, given the fact that federal law enforcement has come down on Dash’s friends and acquaintances through the years." - June 20, 2021, moguldom.com, 'MAGA Comes Through For Death Row Records Co-Founder Harry-O, Commutes Sentence Of Ex-Detroit Hip-Hop Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick'.
- Jan. 19, 2021, Variety, 'Outgoing President Trump Pardons Roc Nation CEO Desiree Perez, Lil Wayne, Kodak Black, More': "Snoop Dogg, a former Death Row recording artist, was reported to be lobbying for Harris’ release in the days before Trump’s presidential term came to an end. ...
- September 13, 2018, Businessinsider.com, '19 outlandish conspiracy theories Donald Trump has floated on the campaign trail and in the White House': "
- Meanwhile, Trump hasn't reopened the 9/11 investigation related to the 9/11 Commission and NIST. In fact, on 9/11 itself he was among those claiming/suspecting explosives brought down the WTC. Meanwhile, he has refused to release all remaining files on the JFK assassination.
- April 27, 2018, AP, 'Trump boasted he'd open all JFK files, but now says he can't'.
- Like other international "populists", Trump refuses to rationally bring up ethnic crime numbers, racial IQ, or immigration-related poll statistics that will empower the masses with facts and force globalists to somehow counter with facts instead of purely appealing to or ridiculing with emotion.
- Trump did not expose that a "liberal CIA" Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-financed federal judge blocked his Muslim immigration ban. In fact, only ISGP has reported this fact.
- Trump has also not been effective for the time being with his number 1 promise: to build a wall on the southern border. Instead of using his presidential power to push through funding for the wall, he has allowed Democrats to shut down the government.
- He has not properly distanced himself from the Nazi and white supremacist protests, nor does he ever point to evidence of controlled opposition with this movement.
- Apart from all this and the media bias against him, Trump most certainly makes a huge amount of questionable and irrational comments. He's extremely self-absorbed and out-of-touch in many ways.
- During Trump's post-presidency impeachment trial, all his lawyers quit, disagreeing on strategy. Next he brings in two new lawyers to head his defense: David Schoen and Bruce Castor Jr., booth of whom are controversial:
- Feb. 1, 2021, CNBC, 'What to know about Trump's new impeachment trial lawyers, Bruce Castor and David Schoen': "- Two trial lawyers, David Schoen and Bruce Castor Jr., will head the legal team defending him in the Senate against the charge that he incited the deadly invasion of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
- Multiple outlets reported that Trump's previous impeachment lawyers departed after he asked them to focus on his unfounded election fraud claims. ...
Schoen ... previously represented Trump's longtime ally Roger Stone, and Castor, a former district attorney [is] known for declining to prosecute Bill Cosby [in 2005]...
Schoen also reportedly met with accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein on Aug. 1, 2019, days before Epstein's death... Schoen was considering whether to become Epstein's lead attorney. ... Before the New York medical examiner made [any suicide] determination, Schoen told the Atlanta Jewish Times, "I don't believe it was suicide ... I think someone killed him." [told Fox the same thing]
In a more recent interview with the outlet, Schoen said he has represented "all sorts of reputed mobster figures: alleged head of Russian mafia in this country, Israeli mafia and two Italian bosses, as well a guy the government claimed was the biggest mafioso in the world.""
- Feb. 1, 2021, CNBC, 'What to know about Trump's new impeachment trial lawyers, Bruce Castor and David Schoen': "- Two trial lawyers, David Schoen and Bruce Castor Jr., will head the legal team defending him in the Senate against the charge that he incited the deadly invasion of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
- Over the course of 2023, despite all his legal problems, Trump again was propped up directly and indirectly by a network involving Elon Musk, Alex Jones, UFC owner Dana White, Tucker Carlson and Andrew Tate.
- Despite not having done anything about Third World immigration the first time, in late 2023 Trump started making even more shocking anti-immigration statements than in 2015-2016:
- Dec. 19, 2023, The Hill, 'Senate Republicans recoil at Trump ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ remarks': "Senate Republicans on Monday recoiled at former President Trump’s comments at a rally in New Hampshire over the weekend, where he said the thousands of immigrants streaming into the United States on a daily basis are “poisoning the blood of our country.”"
- Best known as mayor of New York City 1994-2001 and 2008 Republican candidate.
- Trustee Reagan Foundation throughout the 2010s, alongside Steve Forbes, Rupert Murdoch, T. Boone Pickens and George Shultz (whose associates have dominated the Trump government):
- July 21, 2010, Regan Foundation press release, 'Jeffrey R. Immelt, Chairman and CEO of GE, Joins Board...': "The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation's Board includes Mrs. Ronald Reagan ... Mr. Joe Allbritton ... Mr. Steve Forbes ... The Honorable Rudolph Giuliani ... Rupert Murdoch, The Honorable Ted Olson ... Mr. T. Boone Picken ... The Honorable George Shultz ... The Honorable Pete Wilson."
- September 30, 2014, Form 990, Reagan Foundation: "[Trustees:] Nancy Ragan ... Steve Forbes ... Rudolph W. Giuliani ... Jeffrey R. Immelt ... Rupert Murdoch ... T. Boone Pickens ... George Shultz ... Pete Wilson ... John M. Huntsman, Jr."
- Dec. 2019, Ronald Reagan Institute (and Foundation), 'The Contest for Innovation', pp. 4, 30: "Roger Zakheim: Director, Ronald Reagan Institute. ... Trustees: ... Steve Forbes ... Rudolph W. Giuliani ... Jeffery R. Immelt ... Rupert Murdoch ... Theodore B. Olson ... Pete Wilson... Susan R. McCaw... George Shultz* ... Pete Wilson... *Lifetime Members."
- Over 2016-2021 he emerged as one of the most visible supporters of the (supposedly) anti-immigration Donald Trump, something that is very unusual for establishment figures. Even more interesting, back in the day Giuliani praised immigration at the United Nations, at the same time honoring David Rockefeller.
- In 2018 Giuliani became Trump's lawyer. Eventually he helped push a number of obviously bogus election fraud claims after the November 2020 elections, claiming such things as that overnight bumps in Democrat votes in Milwaukee (mainly black and latino districts) were suspicious. Newspapers and officials actually tried to talk around the fact that Latinos and blacks vote Democrat to the tune of 72-95%, depending on the election. I had to check the charts and demographics of the city myself.
- December 24, 2019, Business Insider, 'Rudy Giuliani insists he's 'more of a Jew' than George Soros, who survived the Holocaust': ""Don't tell me I'm anti-Semitic if I oppose him... Soros is hardly a Jew. I'm more of a Jew than Soros is. ... He doesn't belong to a synagogue. He doesn't support Israel; he's an enemy of Israel," Giuliani added. "He's elected eight anarchist DAs in the United States. He's a horrible human being.""
- November 9, 2020, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 'Ballot clerks asked for help. Lawmakers didn't act. Disinformation followed.': "Between 3:26 a.m. and 3:44 a.m., Biden's share of votes in Wisconsin jumped by 149,520 and Trump's by 31,803. The vast majority of the new votes were due to Wisconsin's largest city, Milwaukee...
Giuliani repeated the deceptive claim. "In Wisconsin, mysteriously at 4 in the morning, 120,000 ballots appeared," Giuliani said. "Here come these ballots. Well, we have no idea if they really are ballots." ... His misleading tweet was shared tens of thousands of times."
- Past elite and questionable ties:
- On September 14, 1994, Rudolph Giuliani held a speech at the Business Council of the United Nations, sitting at the table of "guest of honor" David Rockefeller and giving a speech alongside him, both fully and completely focused on allowing in Third World immigration.
- Sep. 14, 1994 speech of Rudy Giuliani to the Business Council for the United Nations at the "28th annual U.N. Ambassador's Dinner", as broadcasted by C-Span on Sep. 16 (video available on C-Span.org as of Sep. 6, 2021): "I love to tell the president that Washington is the capitol of the United States, but New York City is the capitol of the world. And one the reasons that New York City can say that is the presence of the United Nations in the City of New York. David Rockefeller and the United Nations are names that appear and reappear in the pattern of events that since the end of World War II has endeavored to bring peace to the world. David Rockefeller helped build the [United Nations] institution.
The whole purpose of this [United Nations] institution is to create a world in which we have peace, a world that is regulated by law, and fair play. That's an ideal. ... [And no one has chased such an ideal] better than David Rockefeller and his family. It's been the high privilege of New York City to have been the geographical host for the partnership between David Rockefeller and the United Nations. ...
This year ... we've had events here that brought people together from all around the world. And I greet them at Gracy Mansion and City Hall, and I haven't found one person yet who has come from any continent on Earth, or any place in the world, in which I can't find someone in New York City that speaks their language, the dialect of their language... understands their religion, and probably came from the village they came from...
New York City is the home to 2,500 foreign companies, employing more than 100,000 people. More than 350 foregn banks are here in New York City. According to a study... American multinational corporations, the larger and more global the company, the more likely it is to be headquartered in New York City. Now, these are the things that we have to continue to do for this city. The United Nations here makes that a reality for us.
But even more important than the business that is here ... is the people that are here, the diverse population of this city. In the last decade over 800,000 immigrants settled in New York. The same thing that my grandparents brought to New York City hundred years ago. Or maybe your grandparents. ... But maybe if you go to Kennedy Airport and you watch people coming here from all over the world, you see in their eyes the same thing that built New York and built America. ... It is a city that understands the value of immigration. ...
The Rockefeller family understood that and foresaw that New York was the inevitable home for the United Nations. The geographical center of the voice of humanity. In a brief video introduced by the United Nations secretary general Boutrous Boutros-Ghali, and containing some exceptional footage, the connection between the United Nations, New York City and the Rockefeller Foundation is clearly drawn. If we can play this video..." - In true antifa-sense, David Rockefeller added a few minutes after Giuliani: "The United States, as the the saying goes, is a nation of immigrants. ... The reprehensible slave trade of the 17th and 18th centuries brought Africans... Yet, African Americans today have become an essential and positive strand in the fabric of our nation. Most recently ways of Latinos and Asians have contributed new elements to our rich, cultural ethnic diversity. ...
This present window of opportunity [after the collapse of the Soviet Union] during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be build, will not be open for too long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global cooperation.
I refer here to those ruthless advocates of ethnic nationalism who seek to break apart existing nations, as well as to militant fundamentalists who want to subordinate or even eliminate anyone who refuses to comply with their own rigid ideological beliefs."
- Sep. 14, 1994 speech of Rudy Giuliani to the Business Council for the United Nations at the "28th annual U.N. Ambassador's Dinner", as broadcasted by C-Span on Sep. 16 (video available on C-Span.org as of Sep. 6, 2021): "I love to tell the president that Washington is the capitol of the United States, but New York City is the capitol of the world. And one the reasons that New York City can say that is the presence of the United Nations in the City of New York. David Rockefeller and the United Nations are names that appear and reappear in the pattern of events that since the end of World War II has endeavored to bring peace to the world. David Rockefeller helped build the [United Nations] institution.
- On September 11, 2001, it was Giuliani who told inquiring (establishment) members of the press that there was no evidence of bombs at the World Trade Center site, quashing that line of narrative in the media for good.
- The World Economic Forum in Davos was moved to New York City in 2002, with Giuliani welcoming founder Klaus Schwab at the airport. Giuliani was also present at the meeting and praised New York City's "diversity":
- 2002 annual report, WEF, words of Giuliani: "We can't think of a more appropriate, courageous and optimistic milieu for the Davos Meeting to be held than in the most diverse city in the world, which also happens to be the financial capital of and a global economic partner to the world."
- Speaker to the Commonwealth Club of California in 1987. Speech to the Council for National Policy (CNP). Speaker tot the Herzliya Conference (IPS).
- On September 14, 1994, Rudolph Giuliani held a speech at the Business Council of the United Nations, sitting at the table of "guest of honor" David Rockefeller and giving a speech alongside him, both fully and completely focused on allowing in Third World immigration.
- Trump's initial pick as national security advisor in 2016. Only served for 22 days in January and February 2017, being almost instantly ousted over the Trump-Russia collusion charges that in the end - predictably - were simply not true. Why Flynn didn't just admit to the legal conversation with the Russian ambassador to ease existing tensions with the outgoing Obama administration still is not known.
- April 19, 2019, New York Times, 'Mueller Report Shows Depth of Connections Between Trump Campaign and Russians': "The report of Robert S. Mueller III... revealed at least 30 more contacts beyond those previously known. However, the special counsel said, “the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges.”"
- February 19, 2020, USA Today, 'If Michael Flynn's 'crime' is all Robert Mueller has, it is time to move on': "On Friday, President Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about a perfectly legal conversation he had during the presidential transition with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak [advising Putin not to overreact to Obama-imposed sanctions, because Trump wouldn't take the same line]. ... Flynn should not have lied, and why he chose to remains a mystery...
The Trump transition team feared, for good reason, that the lame-duck Obama administration was poisoning the well with Russia, and pursuing spiteful anti-Israel policies on the way out the door. Trump asked Flynn, his soon-to-be national security adviser, to open a semi-official channel to Russia through its ambassador to discuss future cooperative efforts against the Islamic State and the United Nations vote on an anti-Israel resolution. As lawyer Alan Dershowitz argued, "Not only was that request not criminal, it was the right thing to do." ...
This was not, for example, on the level of colluding with shadowy Russian intelligence contacts to create disinformation to try to swing the election, as the authors of the Clinton-connected Trump smear dossier did. ...
We have come down quite a way from the hyperventilation about Russia "hacking the election" a year ago. What happened to Democratic Sen. Mark Warner's claim, later promoted by Hillary Clinton, that there were 1,000 Russian agents planting anti-Hillary fake news stories in key swing states? Or that Russians had delivered Wisconsin to Trump? All the conspiracy theorists have so far are a few Facebook ads that can't credibly be shown to have changed even one vote."
- As a "conservative CIA" actor, similar to Alex Jones and Donald Trump, Flynn manipulates the Christian conservative movement:
- August 5, 2020, westernjournal.com, 'Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: This Is My Letter to America': "It's Marxism in the form of antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement versus our very capable and very underappreciated law enforcement professionals, the vast majority of whom are fighting to provide us safe and secure homes, streets and communities. ...
As Christians, shouldn't we act? We recognize that divine Providence is the ultimate judge of our destiny. ... Action is ... required in the economic, media, clerical and ecclesiastical realms. Churches and houses of worship must return to normal."
- August 5, 2020, westernjournal.com, 'Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: This Is My Letter to America': "It's Marxism in the form of antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement versus our very capable and very underappreciated law enforcement professionals, the vast majority of whom are fighting to provide us safe and secure homes, streets and communities. ...
- This also explains why Flynn and his son were such adamant pushers of the bogus Pizzagate affair during the Trump campaign of 2016.
- Flynn has countless elite ties:
- Close to George Shultz through the advisory board of Spirit of America. Shultz was on the board from 2010 into the 2020s. Flynn was on the board from late 2015 to mid 2016, before getting involved in the Trump campaign. His close friend, general Stanley McChrystal was on the board from 2012 into the 2020s. General Jim Mattis - familiar with Shultz (and Kissinger) through the Hoover Institution as well - was on this board from mid 2016 to January 2017, when he became Trump's secretary of derfense. General H.R. McMaster, Trump's national security advisor in 2017 and 2018, joined the advisory board of Spirit of America in 2019.
- Close to top neocon James Woolsey, the former CIA director, through shared membership of the advisory boiard of ACT! for America in mid 2016, when both started talking to Trump, with Flynn becoming the most visible supporter.
- Long-time friend of General Stanley McChrystal and General David Petraeus, both rapidly rising in ISGP's Superclass Index - and both great opponents of Trump.
- Protege of General Stanley McChrystal, himself a protege of future CIA director David Petraeus. Director of intelligence for Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in Afghanistan and Iraq July 2004 - June 2007, under General Stanley McChrystal, the commanding general of JSOC September 2003 - February 2006 and commander until August 2008. Flynn then was director of intelligence, United States Central Command, 2007-2008. Director of intelligence, Joint Staff, July 2008 - June 2009, with McChrystal serving as director of the Joint Staff August 2008 - June 2009. Director of intelligence, International Security Assistance Force, Afghanistan 2009-2010, again under McChrystal.
- Additional biographical details in the AFIO list.
- Flynn actually tried to talk Trump into a bogus coup plot to hold on to the presidency, per the suggestions of "the left" for all these years. Also in later months he kept supporting a coup:
- December 21, 2020, Yahoo, 'Trump is reportedly meeting with Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, asking about martial law idea': "President Trump held a heated, chaotic meeting in the Oval Office over several hours Friday night, and the senior White House officials present were alarmed that Trump was entertaining extreme ideas to overthrow an election he lost by more than seven million votes and 74 electoral votes, several sources told The New York Times, Axios, and CNN. Fringy lawyer Sidney Powell was there pushing her international conspiracy theory about voting machines, and recently pardoned former national security advisers Michael Flynn was also in attendance, the sources said.
Two days before the meeting Flynn had suggested on Newsmax that Trump essentially declare martial law, sending the U.S. military into "swing states" to make them "rerun" the election. "At one point in the meeting on Friday, Mr. Trump asked about that idea," the Times reports. "It wasn't clear whether Trump endorsed the idea," CNN adds, "but others in the room forcefully pushed back and shot it down."" - June 1, 2021, CNN, 'Flynn says he didn't endorse Myanmar-style coup after he appears to back plan in video exchange': "For months, QAnon and Trump-supporting online forums have celebrated the deadly military coup in Myanmar and suggested the same should happen in the United States so Trump could be reinstated as President.
Flynn made the comments at an event in Dallas on Sunday that was attended by prominent peddlers of the QAnon conspiracy theory and the Big Lie. "I want to know why what happened in Minamar (sic) can't happen here?" a member of the audience, who identified himself as a Marine, asked Flynn.
"No reason, I mean, it should happen here. No reason. That's right," Flynn responded."
- December 21, 2020, Yahoo, 'Trump is reportedly meeting with Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, asking about martial law idea': "President Trump held a heated, chaotic meeting in the Oval Office over several hours Friday night, and the senior White House officials present were alarmed that Trump was entertaining extreme ideas to overthrow an election he lost by more than seven million votes and 74 electoral votes, several sources told The New York Times, Axios, and CNN. Fringy lawyer Sidney Powell was there pushing her international conspiracy theory about voting machines, and recently pardoned former national security advisers Michael Flynn was also in attendance, the sources said.
- Vice president of Goldman Sachs 1987-1989, tasked with expanding the bank's business in the entertainment industry. Founder and head of Bannon & Co., which specialized in media deals, 1990-1998. Best-known for having a stake in the wildly popular Seinfeld comedy series. Producer of 18 films, including Sean Penn's drama The Indian Runner (1991).
- Old protege of John L. Thornton, a former co-CEO and co-president of Goldman Sachs who became chair of the Brookings Institution and involved in countless other NGOs. Also tied to Erik Prince and anti-communist Chinese billionaire Miles Kwok:
- September 22, 2017, New York Times, 'In Beijing and Abu Dhabi, Signs of Bannon's Continued Influence': "In Beijing, Mr. Bannon spent 90 minutes with Wang Qishan [vice president of China since 2018]... John L. Thornton... helped arrange Mr. Bannon's meeting with Mr. Wang..."
- October 14, 2018, The Times, 'Gold mine boss digs in with Bannon': "[Picture:] John Thornton, third from left, was pictured lunching with Nigel Farage and Steve Bannon at Brown's in Mayfair."
- July-August 2019, Socialist Review, 'The Brink': "The film breaks down the idea of the far-right representing a working class movement. It shows how close Bannon is with John Thornton (former president of Goldman Sachs), Erik Prince (founder of Blackwater) and Chinese billionaire Miles Kwok."
- May 25, 2019, Forbes, 'Steve Bannon Is Ready For His Closeup. Are You?': "After a debate between Bannon and David Frum in Toronto last November [at the super-elite Munk debates], Klayman captured John Thornton, a former president of Goldman Sachs, telling Bannon that he has more power than President Trump because he's the "intellectual horsepower of the movement.""
- March 27, 2019, Vogue, 'I Watched the New Steve Bannon Documentary, The Brink, So You Don't Have To': "What isn't so easy to understand is where Bannon got the money to fund his global anti-globalist campaign... He's too scared, of course, to fess up about it, even when directly asked, but speaks in reverent tones about (and with) two men: John Thornton, a former Goldman Sachs president who chairs the world's largest gold-mining company and has a long history of investments in China, and Miles Kwok, a.k.a. Guo Wengui, a Chinese billionaire forced to flee China after allegations of bribery, kidnapping, money-laundering, fraud, and rape before settling in the United States and joining Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach. (Spoiler alert: At the end of the film, we learn that Kwok has funded a Rule of Law Fund to the tune of $100 million. Who manages the fund? Bannon, of course.)"
- April 22, 2019, followcn.com, 'Why Miles Kwok is challenging the three richest men in China at this very moment?': "In the past week or so, Miles Kwok has charged Li Ka-shing, Terry Gou and Jack Ma, the richest men in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland respectively. ... Miles said in his latest whistle blow, "Li Ka-shing is deeply involved in the Work Group to Eliminate the Whistle-blowers [which is] led by Sun Lijun, Meng Jianzhu, Wang Qishan and Jiang Zhicheng. Second, Terry Gou has seriously threatened the safety of 23 million Taiwanese people with his presidential bid and other crimes. Third, Jack Ma is ... involved in selling fake products and other commercial frauds. ... The CCP has made mainland China a hell. And you are [helping it with] turning Hong Kong and Taiwan into a hell too. I must stop your crimes!""
- Co-founder of Breitbart in 2007 and became chairman of the "alt right" news outlet in 2012, after Andrew Breitbart's death.
- Member of the powerful Council for National Policy before Trump was in sight as presidential candidate:
- 2014 Membership Directory, Council for National Policy, p. 19, 45: "Mr. Stephen K. Bannon ... Contact Information. Email steve@arc-ent.com.
Mrs. Kellyanne Conway, Esq."
- 2014 Membership Directory, Council for National Policy, p. 19, 45: "Mr. Stephen K. Bannon ... Contact Information. Email steve@arc-ent.com.
- Along with Andrew Breitbart, a dominant force in the Friends of Abe, Hollywood's only organized conservative opposition to the dominant liberal elite here. While opposing George Soros and Third World immigration, Friends of Abe also tend to be extremely militaristic and have included prominent Holocaust deniers and conspiracy disinformers among its ranks. To summarize: Friends of Abe is/was controlled oposition.
- Closely allied with Robert and Rebekah Mercer and their Mercer Family Foundation, through which he played a major role in getting Trump elected to the White House in November 2016.
- Chief strategist of the Trump White House January - August 2017. Eventually he was dismissed in the week after the curious white supremacy-dominated Unite the Right rally.
- Already in January 2017 Bannon was a founder of The Movement, an attempt to unite all North American and European "populist" parties - specifically in opposition to George Soros. Bannon's attempt was largely rejected though, being seen as a U.S. attempt to control the populist movement.
- Similar to alt-right figures, makes plenty of bizarre and unproductive statements when interviewed by globalist-oriented liberal journalists:
- April 11, 2019 YouTube upload by 'Magnolia Pictures & Magnet Releasing', '[STEVE BANNON'S] The Brink - Exclusive Clip - Guardian Interview' (former Trump aide Steve Bannon interviewed by reporter Paul Lewis): "[BANNON:] Have you seen [my 2018] Trump @War? ... This is not a persuasion film. It's a piece of propaganda, right? I consider propaganda to be positive. ...
[LEWIS:] Is the term globalist an anti-semitic slogan? [BANNON: "Absolutely not."] There are people who would argue that it is. [Immediately moves on:] George Soros, that is widely accepted as an anti-Semitic trope; the suggestion that George Soros is somehow ALL-controlling. He's influencing - everybody knows... It is not something to disagree with, because it is an anti-Semitic trope. [BANNOM: "No, just because you stated that doesn't mean it is true."] "George Soros is controlling the world!" [BANNON: "I didn't say controlling the world. I say he's the financier backing the NGOs."] So you aren't aware that many people will read that as being a nod and a wink towards anti-Semitism?"
- April 11, 2019 YouTube upload by 'Magnolia Pictures & Magnet Releasing', '[STEVE BANNON'S] The Brink - Exclusive Clip - Guardian Interview' (former Trump aide Steve Bannon interviewed by reporter Paul Lewis): "[BANNON:] Have you seen [my 2018] Trump @War? ... This is not a persuasion film. It's a piece of propaganda, right? I consider propaganda to be positive. ...
- Bannon's 2018 movie Trump @War is the usual alt-tight propaganda on how "the left wants to undo America," bashing liberals and socialist protest groups as the Democratic Socialists of America. Trump's inauguration is filmed: "We will reinforce all the alliances and form new ones, and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from the face of the earth completely. ... From this day forward it is only going to be America First."
- Trump @War only has 50 votes on IMDB as of July 14, 2021, with a surprising 6 as average: 16 1-star, 17 10-stars, and 2 2-star reviews. The remainder are 13 reviewers rate the movie between a 5 and 9, with most (5) rating it a 7. It has been banned from its YouTube link provided on Bannon's (why only put it there and not update the link?).
- It's not hard to see why Trump @War has been banned from public viewing and discussion:
- The film starts out with endless footage of left-wing activists harassing and beating up Trump supporters in public.
- Mixed in is January 2018 footage of black CNN news anchor Don Lemon with his fake outrage saying things as: "You also might want to do some self-examination. What does it say about YOU, that no matter what, you continue to make excuses for this man? For his VILE behavior? ... Doesn't that make you just as bad, if not worse, than him? ... [Trump] is a racist. And for all of you who over the last few years have uttered that tired, lazy, uninformed, uneducated ignorant response of calling me and others who point out racist behavior "racists"—you know what you can do? ... People of color who are attacked by their fellow citizens, who feel emboldened to be publicly racist - because the president is."
- Mixed in: Antifa activists yelling in a black Trump supporter's face: "Get away from us. ... We don't want anything to do with you. You are a fash."
- Mixed in a comment: "The discourse is over."
- Mixed in: black Californian congresswoman Maxime Waters in a very unhinged manner yelling to street protestors: "You tell them they are not welcome."
- Mixed in: Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks saying: "We are not going to be polite anymore. We are gonna fight back."
- Mixed in: comedian Kathy Griffin holding up a severed, bloody Trump head.
- Mixed in: Robert De Niro yelling at the January 2018 Tony Awards, "Fuck Donald Trump", while throwing his fists in the air after the crowd starts cheering.
- Mixed in: Actor David Harbour yelling to a January 2019 SAG Awards crowd (as part of a long, super-unhinged, fake-outrage speech) that they will, "Punch some people [meaning Trump supporters] in the face."
- Mixed in: June 6, 2016, Huffington Post, 'Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any'.
- The films shows mainstream media pundits in 2015 and 2016 laughing at the idea that Trump is a serious political candidate and could actually win the election, putting him away as a "loudmouth', "bigot" and "racist". George Clooney is filmed as saying, for example, "There is not gonna be a President Donald Trump."
- It continues to some the meltdown of the mainstream media as they realize Trump is elected, soon followed by the propaganda campaign to try to "prove" that Russia is responsible for Trump's election.
- The film starts out with endless footage of left-wing activists harassing and beating up Trump supporters in public.
- Bannon has openly supported Alex Jones, similar to Trump himself:
- May 10, 2021, Infowars, ''Never Discount Alex Jones' Brilliance': Steve Bannon, Raheem Kassam Praise Infowars Host': ""He's kind of a showman," Bannon, President Trump's former White House strategist, noted. "Never discount Alex Jones' brilliance, his smarts," he added."
- Created one of the largest companies in New Mexico in the late 1980s after a contract with Intel to deliver microchips. Libertarian-inclined Republican governor of New Mexico 1995-2003. Officially a Republican until 2011; then a libertarian. Ran for U.S. president in 2012 and 2016. Ran for Senate in 2018, just to try and stop Trump.
- His policies as governor were ultra-right:
- Privatization of prisons.
- Privatization of the education system.
- Doing away with social security as much as possible.
- Cutting taxes for the wealthy.
- Harsher sentencing laws.
- Certainly later on: pro-Third World immigration with the libertarian excuse of "small government" and "individual liberty to go as you please" for everyone on Earth - similar to the position the elite libertarian CATO Institute takes.
- Board member of the predominatly "new left" Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) from 2005 until at least 2017 - which clearly played a role in him later promoting himself as an "ally" of the "left". The DPA's boards have been stacked with the likes of George Soros, Frank Carlucci, George Shultz, Paul Volcker and Richazrd Branson:
- drugpolicy.org/about/keystaff/boardofdirec/ (accessed: December 26, 2005): "Board of Directors: ... Ethan Nadelmann, Executive Director ... George Soros... Honorary Board: ... Harry Belafonte ... Walter Cronkite. Ram Dass. ... Arianna Huffington. Former Governor Gary Johnson. ... Nicholas Katzenbach ... Kurt Schmoke".
- drugpolicy.org/staff-and-board/board-directors (accessed: April 6, 2017): "Jodie EvansCo-founder, CODEPINK. ... Ethan Nadelmann ... George Soros ... U. S. Honorary Board: Harry Belafonte ... Frank Carlucci ... Deepak Chopra ... Ram Dass ... Arianna Huffington. Former Governor Gary Johnson. ... Kurt Schmoke ... Alexander Shulgin [1925-2014] ... George P. Shultz. Russell Simmons. ... Paul Volcker. ... International Honorary Board (In Formation): Richard Branson ... Vaclav Havel [1936-2011]. Sting."
- Additional sources:
- September 6, 2016, Jacobinmag.com, 'Gary Johnson's Hard-Right Record': "Gary Johnson [said] he'd taken a quiz ... to see which other candidate's views aligned most with his own. [That] was Bernie Sanders. "It's about everything but economics," he said, adding that they [Johnson] has consciously broken from fellow libertarian Ron Paul by emphasizing his common ground with those who lean left, rather than right. ...
It's disingenuous for him to suggest that economics can be set aside as a discrete category. What he downplays as "economics" is actually the core of his political philosophy...
After inaugurating New Mexico's use of private prisons [as governor, etc.]... In 2002, the libertarian Cato Institute could only lament that the Democratic legislature was standing in the way of Johnson's bold agenda." - August 16, 2018, Las Cruces Sun News, 'Gary Johnson: Trump's actions on immigration, trade spurred US Senate run': "[He] gained national attention as one of the first mainstream politicians to call for the legalization of marijuana...
Johnson [said] his candidacy was a longshot, but he felt he had no choice given Trump's unacceptable actions on immigration and free trade. ... "If I were elected to U.S. Senate, I'd be the swing vote." ...
New Mexico Democrats immediately dismissed Johnson's entrance in the race Thursday and focused on his record as governor. "New Mexicans haven't forgotten the damage Gary Johnson's extreme agenda had on our state – from cutting the social security net, to vetoing minimum wage increases, to trying to privatize our education system," Democratic Party of New Mexico Chair Marg Elliston said...""
- September 6, 2016, Jacobinmag.com, 'Gary Johnson's Hard-Right Record': "Gary Johnson [said] he'd taken a quiz ... to see which other candidate's views aligned most with his own. [That] was Bernie Sanders. "It's about everything but economics," he said, adding that they [Johnson] has consciously broken from fellow libertarian Ron Paul by emphasizing his common ground with those who lean left, rather than right. ...
- It took three or four years for this author to add Elon Musk to the "conservative CIA" oversight, because he's largely focused on business and his political positions are often relatively subtly expressed. It wasn't until April 29, 2023, after seeing Musk being fawningly supported by Bill Maher, of the CIA- and neocon-dominated Justice for Kurds Network of Student Ambassadors; and paleo-conservative Tucker Carlson with regard to labeling (the CFR and "liberal CIA") NPR as "state-affiliated media" on Twitter (this was peddled back on April 10, 2023) that it really was about time to start organizing all of Musk's peculiarities over the years.
- Details will have to wait. Readers are invited to check out Peter Thiel, a similar conservative CIA asset of the old "Paypal Mafia".
- As a technology expert, in the first half of 2021 he pretended not to know for a considerable amount of time that Bitcoin used an unsustainable amount of energy and also was disastrously slow compared to so many other crypto coins. He also pushed the completely useless Dogecoin.
- In 2023 Musk was continually tussling with his "liberal CIA" counterpart Mark Zuckerberg for an MMA match which, which never manifested.
- On Dec. 10, 2023 podcast (youtube.com/watch?v=pf71SeOu1cY) between Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, Alex Jones and other guests. This was to celebrate Elon Musk having brought back the CIA-tied top conspiracy disinformer Alex Jones to his Twitter/X platform, with the obvious intent of getting ready for another potential presidential run of Donald Trump or another alt right candidate:
- Dec. 10, 2023, Forbes, 'Elon Musk Celebrates Alex Jones X Return In Chat—Joined By Controversial Figures Andrew Tate, Mike Flynn, More': "Joining the conversation at various points were the controversial social media star Andrew Tate, who faces charges of rape, human trafficking and organized crime; GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy; former Trump White House national security adviser Michael Flynn, who has helped promulgate the QAnon conspiracy; and the alt-right pundit and conspiracist Jack Posobiec."
- Dec. 10, 2023 podcast, opening: "[TATE:] I'm in the middle of a poker game, but since is the battle for humanity against the Satanists and the matrix, with its constant deception of the populous, I would jump in and say hello to everybody. ...
[JONES:] I'd rather hear [Andrew Tate's] thoughts on Elon Musk being the biggest maverick of the last 500 years. ... You definitely got the system scared, so everybody needs to support X.
[TATE:] Alex certainly is a friend of mine. I have known him for a long time. And I'm extremely happy he is back. I celebrated that publicly. But Alex nailed it: Elon is taking the biggest risk here. ... This simple purchase of a website has literally cracked the matrix in real time and it becomes extremely difficult now to run the psyops now that they were previously running and enslave the populous, which is their primary goal. So Elon is our hero. ... [JONES:] There's a three letter agency running this. It starts with a C and it ends with an A. ... [TATE:] Yes, absolutely. And there's liberal NGOs that sponsor agents of the matrix, that sponsor females that will end up at a house party and lie to put you in a Romanian jail cell. ... It's very scary world in which you are only trying to tell the truth, and they are going to punish you for it using endless lawfare. [MUSK:] Yeah, well, I guess, some people are afraid to die. But I am not. [TATE:] Yeah. ... They were asking about [the asset] seizure [I endured]. How they took all my houses, all my money, all my cars, blah-blah. And I said: you never truly own anything anyway on this earth. You can have a piece of paper that says that you own it, but if you piss off the government structures they just get a judge to stamp a new piece of paper, and you no longer own it. The only thing you own is your soul and your integrity and this is the one thing they cannot take away from you, no matter what they do to you. And that is the best feeling on Earth. You can sell your soul to the Devil and repeat what they want you to say, but then you truly own nothing. And I think if history books look back on this pivitol moment, when X was finally freed, and the information of the world could finally be spoken freely, I really do believe we are on the right side of history. And if you were to ask me: is there anything worth dying for, it would be for the freedom of humanity and to be on the right side of history. I don't think many people at home understand that this war cannot be avoided. I have a lot of people who understand why they threw me in jail in Romania and undersood I've done nothing wrong. And they said, "Why do you take up this fight? Why don't you just delete your Twitter and disappear and drive a Ferrari all day?"" And I explain that this war cannot be avoided. You are either on the frontline and are fighting for something or you are sitting waiting to die, for the Mongol to come over the horizon and chop your head off. [JONES:] I totally agree." - Dec. 11, 2023, Infowars, 'Elon Musk: “Really Important” to Encourage People to Have Kids': "Musk asked Jones if he had children... sparking a mini-competition between himself, Andrew Tate and Alex Jones as to who would have the most." Musk has been making these type of comments since at least 2022. ISGP has been making them since 2016, also emphasizing "white people need to get more kids", a in Africa they already get 5 to 7 kids per mother.
- On Feb. 7, 2024 it came out that Elon Musk was financing Gina Carano's lawsuit against Disney for her 2021 firing from The Mandalorian. Fact is, before her firing, Carano started spreading unnecessarily harsh "conservative CIA" propaganda. At The Mandalorian she also worked under the politically-very-quiet Jon Favreau - a former actor who became director of 'Iron Man' (2008), 'Iron Man 2' (2011), 'Cowboys & Aliens' (2011) and other major titles - who is tied into "conservative CIA" Hollywood through Vince Vaughn, whom he has been best friends with since 1993.
- Feb. 7, 2024, The Independent, 'Gina Carano sues Disney over The Mandalorian firing in lawsuit financed by 'Elon Musk'.
- Political advisor, lobbyist and dirty trickster for the political campaigns of Republicans as Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp and Bob Dole. Later also Donald Trump.
- The favorite and famous modus operandi of Roger Stone is to "Attack, attack, attack. Never defend. Admit nothing, deny everything, launch counterattack." It apears that this goes for the media as a whole when it comes to opposition to Third World immigration or certain conspiracies.
- June 2, 2008, The New Yorker, 'The Dirty Trickster: Campaign tips from the man who has done it all.'.
- In a bizarre plot twist, Roger Stone, who has represented misfits (read: CIA-tied, including Arlen Specter in 1995 and Donald Trump in 2000) political candidates since the 1990s, resurfaced on the Alex Jones Show at Infowars.com at the time the Trump election was gathering steam. In this period, Stone also served as a political advisor to Trump, who would join Alex Jones on air on December 2, 2015. Stone continued as one of the most important Infowars contributors and a close Alex Jones friend for years after. Alex Jones, of course, comes from a CIA- and special forces-tied family, going back to the same American Security Council and Council for National Policy network that has been employing Roger Stone in the 1970s and 1980s.
- November 9, 2015, Alex Jones Show: the first, or one of the first, appearances of Roger Stone on the Alex Jones Show. Jones is reminiscing how the two first met at a JFK memorial a few years before. At the time, Stone was pushing his Clinton affairs book.
- December 22, 2018, Huffinton Post, 'Twitter Users Can't Unsee Alex Jones Feeding Roger Stone Helicopter-Style'.
- January 25, 2019, The Week, 'Roger Stone seemingly called Alex Jones at InfoWars before he even left prison': "After being pulled out of his Florida home on seven charges from Special Counsel Robert Mueller and subsequently posting bond, Stone promptly called into Alex Jones' show InfoWars to break down what happened."
- Early history of Roger Stone:
- Born in 1952. Hungarian-Italian genes. Started his political campaigning through lies at the age of 8 while in elementary school: "I remember going through the cafeteria line and telling every kid that Nixon was in favor of school on Saturdays ... It was my first political trick."
- Part of the 1964 political campaign of conservative political candidate and American Security Council hero Barry Goldwater.
- In the late 1960s, a teenage Stone served as a protege of Connecticut governor John Davis Lodge, a (future) Pilgrims Society member and brother of Pilgrims Society executive and Vietnam War-era ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. In 1967 John Davis Lodge introduced Stone to soon-to-be America's president Richard Nixon, with whom he eventually would develop a close relationship.
- By 1972, while a student at George Washington University, Stone was head of the District of Columbia's Young Republicans chapter. After invited Jeb Magruder, the head of Nixon's notorious Committee to Reelect the President (CRP, or mockingly, CREEP), Stone left the university to take a position here. At CREEP he worked alongside the infamous Watergate burglars leadership team: CIA operatives E. Howard Hunt (whose old CIA asset, William Buckley, Jr., founded the Cold War conservative movement through the National Review and the like) and James McCord, attorney general John N. Mitchell and former J. Edgar Hoover ghostwriter and Plumbers Unit founder G. Gordon Liddy. CREEP was running all kinds of dirty tricks, mainly against Democrats, such as the hiring of hippies to disrupt public conventions or having black activists call up people in the middle of the night.
- July 22, 1973, New York Times, 'Dirty Tricks'.
- March 4, 2017, CNN (Library), 'Watergate Fast Facts'.
- July 22, 1973, New York Times, 'Dirty Tricks'.
- In December 1973, with the Watergate scandal heading to a climax, Stone went to work as an aide to Kansas senator Bob Dole, a favorite of Barry Goldwater and the American Security Council. Dole reluctantly booted Stone out in June 1974 after liberal columnist Jack Anderson exposed him as one of Nixon's "dirty tricksters". Within two months of the Stone's exposure, Nixon is forced to step down as president of the United States over the Watergate affair. The operations of Stone were considered one of many sidetracks to the affair.
- June 15, 1974, Garden City Telegram (Kansas), 'Dole Charges 'Dirty Tricks' Info Leak'.
- Stone claims that it was tough to get a job for about 2 years after Watergate, but his conservative allies continued to hire him. However, already in 1974, while getting fired as Bob Dole aide, Stone and his wife - whom he married in 1974 - were growing close to leading conservative fundraiser Richard Viguerie.
- In 1975, Stone (alongside Vigueri and others) co-founded the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC), which would become one of the leading "new right" political fundraising and PR groups that would bring Reagan to power in 1980. Viguerie played a role in the group's founding, with Stone ending up as NCPAC's treasurer. In old literature, NCPAC is continually mentioned in on breath with the Josep Coors-funded Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress and a number of other ultraconservative groups that were opposing the Rockefeller Republicanism of Eisenhower and Gerald Ford (whose vice president was Nelson Rockefeller). Viguerie's direct mail system was key in this group's fundraining efforts. It does not appear to be known, however, what major interests directly funded Stone's NCPAC.
- 1983 Senate report, 'Campaign Finance Reform Proposals of 1983': "Mr. Viguerie was one of the founders of the National Conservative Political Action Committee in 1975, although the NCPAC founding group was substantially larger than the two-man team that set up Independent Action."
- June 16, 1986, Washington Post, 'The Rise And Gall of Roger Stone': "After [really "while"] serving as Ronald Reagan's "youth director" in 1976, he became close to conservative fund-raiser Richard Viguerie. His wife was working for Viguerie at the time. [In 1975] with his friends Terry Dolan and Charlie Black, Stone formed the National Conservative Political Action Committee, serving as its treasurer."
- November 19, 1981, NY Books, 'The Triumphs of the New Right': "In 1979 and 1980 Jesse Helms's Congressional Club raised a gross figure of $7.9 million, Terry Dolan's National Conservative Political Action Committee [NCPAC] raised $7.6 million, Paul Weyrich's Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress [CSFC; funded by Coors] raised $1.6 million, and the Gun Owners of America, a group to the right of the National Rifle Association [NRA], raised $1.4 million. All of these are Viguerie's clients [of his direct mail business].
Viguerie could claim to be the founder of the New Right, since it was he who brought the first circle of organizers together in 1974 for the purposes of creating a new conservative movement." - 1988, Russ Bellant, 'The Coors Connection' (published by "liberal CIA"-funded group Political Research Associates), p. 16: "Weyrich, Viguerie, and Howard Phillips ... were trying to create a new center of political action to the right of the Republican Party, which they saw as too moderate. ... Viguerie, along with [Heritage Foundation co-founder - with Coors - and a Cercle Pinay visitor] Paul Weyrich and the late Terry Dolan of the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC), worked closely on campaigns and issues..."
- May 1975 edition, Homefront magazine of the Institute for American Democracy, p. 25: "The Joseph Coors-backed Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress sent $5,000 to Dr. Ron Paul..."
- In 1976 John Sears, a former Nixon presidential campaign strategist and later staffer, hired Stone as the national youth director for Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign against Gerald Ford and Ford's vice president, Nelson Rockefeller. The campaign failed. In 1980 Reagan tried again, with John Sears halfway being replaced by none other than OSS veteran and future CIA director William Casey.
- Also in 1976, Ann Stone, Roger Stone's wife, who came out of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), went to work for Viguerie Co., the earlier-mentioned key direct-mail corparation that Roger Stone's NCPAC worked with. Ann still worked as Vigueri's right hand in the 1980s, pushing the Contra (death squad) cause.
- March 20, 1986, AP, 'Conservatives Using 50s-Style 'Soft on Communism' Tactic in Contra Aid Fight': "Conservative supporters of the Contra forces in Nicaragua are gearing up a 1950s-style campaign labeling opponents of U.S. aid as "soft on communism." "We are saying either they are fools or they are collaborators," said Ann Stone, a conservative fund-raiser. ...
Ms. Stone and Viguerie are flooding the mails with millions of letters urging people to send money and also call their representatives or senators urging them to support President Reagan's $100 million aid package for the Contras fighting the Sandinista government of Nicaragua."
- March 20, 1986, AP, 'Conservatives Using 50s-Style 'Soft on Communism' Tactic in Contra Aid Fight': "Conservative supporters of the Contra forces in Nicaragua are gearing up a 1950s-style campaign labeling opponents of U.S. aid as "soft on communism." "We are saying either they are fools or they are collaborators," said Ann Stone, a conservative fund-raiser. ...
- Viguerie is best known to ISGP as a leading member of the 1981-founded Council for National Policy and also as a person who was part of a 1987 American Security Council-linked support delegation to notorious Contra death squad leader Colonel Enrique Bermudez. In addition, Bermudez was the boss of Danilo Blandon, the main contact for Freeway Ricky Ross, the central figure in the CIA crack cocaine affair of the 1980s.
- In addition, Viguerie was a member of the seemingly CIA-ran George Town Club of Robert Keith Gray - whose pedophile entrapment operations Roy Cohn allegedly took over. That is, according to information obtained by Senator John DeCamp.
- In 1979, as a 26-year-old aide in Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign, Roger Stone, was sent to New York to set up Reagan's campaign here. The most useful person he makes contact with here is Roy Cohn, soon a director of the CIA and DOD-tied Western Goals Foundation, among other positions in this field. When Stone enters Cohn's office, he is "finishing up a meeting with Fat Tony Salerno," the earlier-mentioned head of the Genovese crime family that Trump also was involved with. Looking at Salerno's words, "Roy here says we're going with Ree-gun this time", one gets the impression Cohn instructed the Genovese mafia to do what it could to tilt the election in favor of Reagan. In addition, hours later Stone first got to know Donald Trump through Roy Cohn.
- May 2, 2016, The New Yorker, 'Bad Old Days: The political provocateur Roger Stone talks about his long friendship with Trump.': "Roy told him yes, we're with Reagan. Then I said to Roy that we needed to put together a finance committee, and Roy said, 'You need Donald and Fred Trump.' He said Fred, Donald's father, had been big for Goldwater in '64. I went to see Donald, and he helped to get us office space for the Reagan campaign, and that's when we became friends.""
- Founder of Washington, D.C. lobby firm Black, Manafort and Stone, along with Charlie Black and Paul Manafort. Hired early on by Trump to help take care of construction and dredging permits and the like. It's an association that continues into the 1990s. Stone also represented Trump in the decades long war he had with Steve Wynn over the Atlantic City casino business, a war that also ties back to the founder of TruePundit.com, a dirty trickster who worked for Wynn.
- In the 1980s, during his beloved Reagan years, Stone served as a chief strategist for Thomas Kean's campaign to become, and later remain, governor of New Jersey. Kean comes from a Pilgrims Society family, was Henry Kissinger's successor as chairman of the 9/11 Commission, and is a solid superclass member these days.
- In 1987-1988 Stone served as senior adviser to the presidential campaign of Jack Kemp, another top superclass member with deep national security ties.
- In 1995 Stone was president of Republican Senator Arlen Specter's campaign for the 1996 Republican presidential nomination. As a mid 1960s Warren Commission staffer credited with having devised the beyond questionable single bullet theory, Arlen Specter has been accused of covering up the JFK assassination.
- Advisor to the campaign of Bob Dole in 1996, but forced to resign after the media found out he was posting ads in swingers publications for him and his second wife.
- In 2000, Stone served as campaign manager of Donald Trump's canceled presidential campaign on behalf of the Reform Party. Ross Perot, the founder of the Reform Party, has deep ties to CIA through the OSS Society, with the Reform Party having fielded all kinds of misfits "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" candidates.
- In February 2010, Stone became campaign manager for Kristin Davis, a madam who exposed Eliot Spitzer as a client of her prostitution business, in her bid for the Libertarian Party nomination for governor of New York in the 2010 election.
- Prolific author since 2014, much related to Alex Jones-type conspiracy talk, whose show he first joined in 2015, right in time for the Donald Trump presidential campaign:
- The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ (2013).
- Nixon's Secrets: The Rise, Fall and Untold Truth about the President, Watergate, and the Pardon (2014).
- The Clintons' War on Women (2015).
- Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family (with Saint John Hunt, the son of CIA officer L. Howard Hunt, the handler of William Buckley Jr. when the latter started the founding of the conservative movement) (2016).
- The Myth of Russian Collusion: The Inside Story of How Donald Trump REALLY Won (2019).
- Libertarian presidential candidate. While not backed by the dominant liberal establishment media, Ron Paul was a hugely popular presidential candidate in the run up to the 2008 elections in particular, both by left-wingers and right-wingers active in conspiracy circles on the internet.
- Despite his calm, honest and friendly demeanor, however, Paul is an extremist Libertarian who essentially wants to do away with all government and have the United States withdraw from the world into its own shell.
- About the only prominent "dovish" John Birch Society supporter around. The John Birch Society, of course, was supported by "conservative CIA" financiers as Coors and Hunt over the years, because Libertarianism benefits the mega-rich in particular.
- 1998, John Birch Society, 'The United Nations: A Look Into the Future', 30 minute documentary: "They are very much involved in population control, which means that they are pro-abortion and they support abortion worldwide. ...
[Those] who believe that we should have the right to own and bear arms, ought to be concerned what is happening in the United Nations. Because they are a threat to us. They will confiscate out guns. There have been proposals made at some of their conventions where they would literally repeal the second amendment. Individuals who believe in the right to own property ought to be concerned. ...
It is severely threatened by our own government. And it's gonna be a lot worse if the United Nations gets involved. They believe in welfare distribution, in socialist redistribution, and everybody owns everything. And they would take from the wealthy and give to the poor to get an equal balance." - December 20, 2016, ronpaulinstitute.org, 'Ron Paul Rewind: John Birch Society 50th Anniversary Speech': "In 2008, Ron Paul, then a Republican House of Representatives member from Texas, spoke at the John Birch Society's 50th anniversary event in Wisconsin. ...
"[Ron Paul:] Over these many years, what the John Birch Society has done, is planted a lot of seeds.""
- 1998, John Birch Society, 'The United Nations: A Look Into the Future', 30 minute documentary: "They are very much involved in population control, which means that they are pro-abortion and they support abortion worldwide. ...
- He has also been a favorite of "conservative CIA" funding since the 1970s:
- May 1975 edition, Homefront magazine of the Institute for American Democracy, p. 25: "Last May 3rd, the Joseph Coors-backed Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress sent $5,000 to Dr. Ron Paul, a relatively obscure Houston, Tex., obstetriciian, judged to be pregnant with political potential. Twee weeks later the Committee sent him another $1,000."
- June 26, 2015, Sydney Morning Herald, 'Activism fomented by Koch brothers turns against them': "Back in 1984 the Koch brothers founded Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) [now FreedomWorks, which was given $250,000 in 2016 and 2017 by the Bradley Fdn.], which described its mission as "to fight for less government, lower taxes, and less regulation". Ron Paul was installed as its leader."
- August 3, 2015, Daily Beast, 'Ron Paul Headlines One Koch Brothers Event—as Rand Paul Skips Another': "#YALcon15, run mostly by former Ron Paul staffers, is mostly sponsored by the Koch brothers. And while Ron Paul served as the headliner for this Koch event...
The "Platinum" sponsors for #YALcon15 are: The Charles Koch Institute, founded by Charles Koch; The Leadership Institute, which is bankrolled by the Koch brothers [Bradley Fdn.: annual donations 2001-2017, usual of $25,000]; Students for Liberty, also funded by the Koch brothers [Bradley Fdn.: $10,000 in 2015]; FreedomWorks [Bradley Fdn.: $250,000 donations in 2016 and 2017, etc.], founded by the Koch brothers in 1984 as Citizens for a Sound Economy..."
- Ron Paul associates with radical Catholic holocaust deniers:
- November 6, 2013, Huffington Post, 'Ron Paul to Speak at Holocaust Denier's 'Gala Dinner Fundraiser'': "Ron Paul's association with Fatima Center leaders, including Fatima Center head Father Nicholas Gruner [John Bircher; regular Coast to Coast AM conspiracy disinformer 2003-2013 about the "Fatima Secrets" and warning of a "New World Order" under United Nations control] — who has espoused Holocaust denial, traces back at least as far as 1998. ...
Fatima Center ... has in the past published writing suggesting that Jews should be stripped of certain civil rights — a suggestion also once made by one of the speakers, Father Paul Leonard Kramer, who will join Ron Paul...
Paul responded to MSNBC correspondent Wagner's challenge by flatly refusing to reconsider his planned appearance at the Fatima Center conference and by accusing Wagner of "Catholic bashing.""
- November 6, 2013, Huffington Post, 'Ron Paul to Speak at Holocaust Denier's 'Gala Dinner Fundraiser'': "Ron Paul's association with Fatima Center leaders, including Fatima Center head Father Nicholas Gruner [John Bircher; regular Coast to Coast AM conspiracy disinformer 2003-2013 about the "Fatima Secrets" and warning of a "New World Order" under United Nations control] — who has espoused Holocaust denial, traces back at least as far as 1998. ...
- Son of Ron Paul, who, for the time being, isn't nearly as popular as his father Ron Paul, who has been supported since the 1970s by "conservative CIA" financiers as Coors, Hunt (through the JBS), Koch and Bradley.
- August 3, 2015, Daily Beast, 'Ron Paul Headlines One Koch Brothers Event—as Rand Paul Skips Another': "[Rand Paul's] absence [from a Koch event] was made all the more puzzling by the fact that he a) is fundraising poorly and could use a billionaire to help him out; and b) was panned for his performance at the last Koch summit, in January. There, he gave what Politico's Ken Vogel characterized as "rambling and sometimes unpopular answers," and wore his signature outfit of blue blazer, jeans, and cowboy boots, a look some super-wealthy donors found offensively casual."
- In 2014 spotted Rand Paul visiting the Sun Valley Meetings with billionaire Libertarian Peter Thiel, who also happens to be CIA-backed and is a Bilderberg steering committee member.
- Co-founder of PayPal in 1998, and leader of the old "PayPal Mafia", alongside his close ally Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, SpaceX and other ventures.
- foundersfund.com/team/peter-thiel/ (accessed: March 26, 2018): "Peter Thiel is an entrepreneur and investor [and main founder of Founders Fund in 2005]. He started PayPal in 1998, led it as CEO, and took it public in 2002, defining a new era of fast and secure online commerce. In 2004 he made the first outside investment in Facebook, where he serves as a director. The same year he launched Palantir Technologies, a software company that harnesses computers to empower human analysts in fields like national security and global finance. He has provided early funding for LinkedIn, Yelp, and dozens of successful technology startups, many run by former colleagues who have been dubbed the "PayPal Mafia." He is a partner at Founders Fund, a Silicon Valley venture capital firm that has funded companies like SpaceX and Airbnb. He started the Thiel Fellowship, which ignited a national debate by encouraging young people to put learning before schooling, and he leads the Thiel Foundation, which works to advance technological progress and long-term thinking about the future."
- In 2003 one of two founders of the secretive Palantir data-mining firm that received start-up funding form the CIA's In-Q-Tel firm and was given access to Washington, D.C. through Richard Perle and former Total Information Awareness chief Admiral John Poindexter. Thiel has been serving as chairman of Palantir, while his partner, Alex Karp, has been serving as CEO.
- First investor in Facebook in 2004 and a director of the company alongside Mark Zuckerberg since this time.
- Annual visitor of Bilderberg since 2007 and soon joined the steering committee, this together with long-time Google CEO Eric Schmidt and later also his Palantir partner Alex Karp. Close Silicon Valley ally Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, became a Bilderberg regular in 2011. Facebook, as well as Facebook-owned Instagram, has been represented at the Trilateral Commission through lower-level leadership.
- Libertarian politicas:
- Early history as an anti-Moveon.org and anti-multiculture crusader.
- January 12, 2008, The Guardian, 'With friends like these ...': "A philosophy graduate from Stanford, in 1998 he co-wrote a book called The Diversity Myth, which is a detailed attack on liberalism and the multiculturalist ideology that dominated Stanford. He claimed that the "multiculture" led to a lessening of individual freedoms. While a student at Stanford, Thiel founded a rightwing journal, still up and running, called The Stanford Review - motto: Fiat Lux ("Let there be light").
Thiel is a member of TheVanguard.Org, an internet-based neoconservative pressure group that was set up to attack [the Soros-funded] MoveOn.org, a liberal pressure group that works on the web. Thiel calls himself "way libertarian". ...
Thiel's philosophical mentor is one Rene Girard of Stanford University, proponent of a theory of human behaviour called mimetic desire. Girard reckons that people are essentially sheep-like and will copy one another without much reflection."
- January 12, 2008, The Guardian, 'With friends like these ...': "A philosophy graduate from Stanford, in 1998 he co-wrote a book called The Diversity Myth, which is a detailed attack on liberalism and the multiculturalist ideology that dominated Stanford. He claimed that the "multiculture" led to a lessening of individual freedoms. While a student at Stanford, Thiel founded a rightwing journal, still up and running, called The Stanford Review - motto: Fiat Lux ("Let there be light").
- Just about the only prominent Donald Trump supporter in Silicon Valley - which not even Alex Karp does.
- October 20, 2016, Vanity Fair, 'Jeff Bezos: Peter Thiel is "a Contrarian," and Contrarians "are Usually Wrong": "Thiel, who sits on the board of Facebook and Y Combinator, among other jobs, ignited a fierce debate in Silicon Valley earlier this week when it was reported that he had donated $1.25 million to Donald Trump's presidential campaign. Some called on Y Combinator to part ways with Thiel, prompting YC president Sam Altman to defend Thiel's right to hold unpopular opinions. Facebook C.E.O. Mark Zuckerberg also stood by Thiel's board membership, remarking in a leaked internal memo, "We can't create a culture that says it cares about diversity and then excludes almost half the country because they back a political candidate.""
- Has visited the Sun Valley Meetings since at least 2012. In 2014 he was spotted here with fellow-Libertarian Rand Paul.
- Early history as an anti-Moveon.org and anti-multiculture crusader.
- Endless ties to controlled opposition networks:
- Peter Thiel, along with Goldman Sachs and super-globalist and open border-pusher George Soros, have been in business with Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of President Trump:
- May 3, 2017, Daily Mail, 'Jared Kushner is in business with George Soros, Peter Thiel and Goldman Sachs and has personally guaranteed vast borrowing from European banks - but never declared his financial secrets': "Jared Kushner didn't report on a government financial disclosure form that he is the part-owner of a real estate start-up [Cadre] that counts Goldman Sachs clients and billionaires Peter Thiel and George Soros among its investors. The Wall Street Journal first reported the connection, pointing out that the president's son-in-law and White House senior adviser, continued to have a stake in Cadre... Kushner's Cadre stake was one of many interests that the Journal found unreported in Kushner's disclosure firm, which also included loans totaling at least $1 billion from more than 20 lenders, including Deutsche Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland. President Trump's son-in-law also provided personal guarantees on more than $300 million worth of debt. Kushner's attorney Jamie Gorelick told the Journal that Kushner's stake in Cadre is under the umbrella of another company he owns called BFPS Ventures LLC, which is reported in his financial disclosures. ... Kushner, Gorelick said, 'resigned from Cadre's board, assigned his voting rights and reduced his ownership there.'"
- January 27, 2017, The Real Deal, 'George Soros is the secret financier behind Kushner-backed startup Cadre; Investor's family fund issued $250M credit line: sources': "George Soros' Soros Fund Management has quietly been financing the Kushner-backed real estate finance startup Cadre with a substantial credit line, according to sources familiar with the matter. A source familiar with the financing arrangement told The Real Deal that "Soros has had a long and productive relationship with the Kushner family." ... Business Insider first reported the existence of $250 million credit line in June, but didn't mention its source. ..."
- cadre.com/about (accessed: May 21, 2018): "Cadre is a technology-enabled real estate investment platform that provides qualified individuals and institutions access to fully vetted commercial real estate opportunities. ... Investors: Andreessen Horowitz. BreyerCapital [of billionaire Jim Breyer, a co-founder of the pro-Third World immigration FDW.us outfit]. Ford Foundation [mega-pro-Third World immigration]. Founders Fund [of Peter Thiel]. General Catalyst. Goldman Sachs. Khosla Ventures. SL Green Realty Corp. Sound Ventures. Thrive Capital [of Jared Kushner]."
- Thiel financed the second major crypto and the first DAPP/smart contract crypto. Despite being initially negative, he later irrationally helped push Bitcoin, an old, slow crypto of whom nobody knows who even created it (!), to extreme heights, this despite the fact that there were dozens of better alternatives available.
- June 6, 2014, Cointelegraph.com, 'Ethereum Founder Awarded $100K Thiel Fellowship': "Buterin, from Toronto, is currently working full-time on developing the Ethereum project, will receive US$100,000 over the next two years as a fellow." Ethereum would increase thousands of times in value over the next 3.5 years.
- September 26, 2013, CoinDesk, 'Who is right? Winklevosses for, Peter Thiel against bitcoin'.
- January 3, 2018, kitco.com, 'Billionaire Peter Thiel Buys $20M Worth of Cryptos, Compares Bitcoin To 'Gold''.
- October 26, 2017, CNBC, 'Bitcoin potential 'very underestimated', billionaire Peter Thiel says'.
- March 16, 2018, bitcoinist.com, 'Peter Thiel is 'Long Bitcoin' and 'Neutral to Skeptical' of Everything'.
- Thiel tie to Sean Parker, the CIA-recruited Napster programmer, who got Thiel to invest in Facebook and Spotify, and to this day serves as an important advisor:
- September 21, 2011, Forbes, 'Sean Parker: Agent Of Disruption': "At 15 his hacking caught the attention of the FBI, earning him community service. At 16 he won the Virginia state computer science fair for developing an early Web crawler and was recruited by the CIA. Instead he interned for [Harvard-graduate, former Lazard Freres Media Group VP, and Bain & Co. associate] Mark Pincus' D.C. startup, FreeLoader [note: already interned at age 14]... Parker made $80,000 his senior year, enough to convince his parents to let him put off college and join Shawn Fanning, a teenager he'd met on a dial-up bulletin board, to start a music-sharing site that became Napster in 1999 [with Pincus the first investor withy $100,000]."
As of early 2019, this CIA tie is not listed on Parker's English Wikipedia. This author specifically went looking for it for a number of reasons, not the least in relation to Thiel's ties. - February 6, 2010, Vanity Fair, 'With a Little Help From His Friends': "In 1999 [Sean Parker] became rather notorious, at 19, for helping an even younger teenager named Shawn Fanning create Napster. That free song-sharing service upended the music industry. More recently, Parker played an indispensable role as the founding president of Facebook... Had he not joined founder Mark Zuckerberg in Palo Alto in the summer of 2004, when the fledgling Facebook was just five months old, the service almost certainly would not be the colossus it is today. ... Parker is widely considered a Web oracle; more than a few acquaintances and colleagues use the word "genius" to describe him. ... He was pushed out of Facebook after an arrest for cocaine possession in 2005. (No charges were filed.) Even among his many supporters, he has a reputation for being an erratic party animal. ...
Back then Parker apparently believed even more passionately in the company's potential than did Zuckerberg himself. Peter Thiel—the billionaire hedge-fund manager and co-founder of PayPal, who became Thefacebook's first investor—says that around that time "Sean consistently argued that Facebook was going to be really big. If Mark ever had any second thoughts, Sean was the one who cut that off." In late August 2004, Zuckerberg and Parker went into a branch of Silicon Valley Bank to open a business account. With only two weeks before the fall semester, Zuckerberg was still talking about returning to Harvard, and the two argued over it right then and there, according to Ken Loveless, a senior vice president at the bank. Parker was adamant that Zuckerberg shouldn't go back. (Zuckerberg dropped out.) ...
In the financing that Parker negotiated with Thiel, as well as a much larger deal signed seven months later with the Accel Partners venture-capital firm, Parker was able to negotiate for Zuckerberg something almost unheard of in a venture-funded start-up: absolute control for the entrepreneur. Because of that, Zuckerberg, to this day, allocates three of Facebook's five board seats (including his own). Without that control, Facebook would almost certainly have been sold to either Yahoo or Microsoft, whose C.E.O., Steve Ballmer, offered $15 billion for it in the fall of 2007—only to be met with a blank stare from the then 23-year-old Zuckerberg. ...
Reid Hoffman, a longtime friend and the founder of LinkedIn, who sits with Parker on the board of Gowalla—a location-based social-media service—remembers Parker suggesting an intriguing new concept for the company while the two of them were chatting in Davos, Switzerland. ...
"Sean is a genius, no question," says [globalist-oriented actor] Ashton Kutcher, whom Parker advised while the actor was developing his own Net-oriented production company. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales met Parker in 2008 and the two started hanging out." ...
Actress and activist Trudie Styler, who is married to [globalist musician] Sting, invited Parker and his then girlfriend to a retreat for philanthropists and activists that the couple hosted at their Tuscany estate last year. ...
Parker also fraternizes in the most elite precincts of global governance and policy—but in his own way. At the World Economic Forum in January, he was disappointed in the quality of the nightlife in Davos...
Today, Parker spends most of his time finding and managing investments for Founders Fund, Thiel's venture-capital shop. His current passion: a London-based music company called Spotify, which he thinks can finish the job that he and Fanning started with Napster—this time, legally." - October 6, 2011, Forbes, 'Sean Parker And Shawn Fanning's Secretive Airtime Gets Big Backers': "[Napster founders] Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning are back together. ... [Parker] made $2.1 billion as Facebook's first president, and joined the board of Daniel Ek's Spotify (a music site out to challenge Apple's iTunes) ... Parker and Fanning tell me they've raised roughly $8 million in Series A financing from a roster that includes: Founders Fund, Accel's Jim Breyer, Yuri Milner, SV Angel with Ron Conway as a special advisor, Andreseen Horowitz, Michael Arrington, Marissa Mayer, Ari Emanuel (William Morris Endeavor Entertainment), Scott "Scooter" Braun (Justin Bieber's manager), plus celebrity investors like Aston Kutcher and The Black Eyed Peas' Wil.i.am."
- May 29, 2012, Tech Crunch, 'F50: A Different Kind Of Tech Conference': "In between this barrage of formal tech conferences, I briefly popped into F50 earlier this month... Founders Fund's first attempt at a tech conference, F50 is the ultimate "un-conference," where fifty of the technology industry's "most promising" engineers and entrepreneurs were brought together on the Hawaiian island of Lanai. Founders Fund partner Bruce Gibney... The mentors, who flew in on a different plane along with Founders Fund partners Peter Thiel, Ken Howery, Luke Nosek, Brian Singerman, Bruce Gibney and Sean Parker included Yelp's Russell Simmons, Palantir's Stephen Cohen, World Economic Forum CTO Brian Behlendorf, and Airtime co-founder Joey Liaw."
- September 21, 2011, Forbes, 'Sean Parker: Agent Of Disruption': "At 15 his hacking caught the attention of the FBI, earning him community service. At 16 he won the Virginia state computer science fair for developing an early Web crawler and was recruited by the CIA. Instead he interned for [Harvard-graduate, former Lazard Freres Media Group VP, and Bain & Co. associate] Mark Pincus' D.C. startup, FreeLoader [note: already interned at age 14]... Parker made $80,000 his senior year, enough to convince his parents to let him put off college and join Shawn Fanning, a teenager he'd met on a dial-up bulletin board, to start a music-sharing site that became Napster in 1999 [with Pincus the first investor withy $100,000]."
- Ties between Peter Thiel and anti-NSA encryptor James Dolan of the Freedom of the Press Foundation:
- James Dolan developed SecureDrop with the Y Combinator-supported Aaron Swartz - a Soros and "liberal CIA"-linked social justice warrior who aided the founding of the (eventually) giant Reddit.com forums. After working for the Soros-Rockefeller-Ford Foundation, etc.-supported Freedom of the Press Foundation, implementing SecureDrop in many different places, Dolan went to work for Classy in 2015. Wondering if classy has any peculiar ties, it soon turned out Peter Thiel had become the primary financier of the company earlier in 2015. Swartz and Dolan both ended up committing suicide.
- January 30, 2015, Business Wire, 'Classy Partners with Leading Technology Investor Mithril to Power the Next Generation of Social Impact Organizations': "Classy, the leading cloud-based fundraising platform that helps nonprofits and social enterprises mobilize and empower communities, today announced several major milestones, including an $18M growth round of funding led by Mithril Capital Management, the leading technology growth capital firm founded Ajay Royan & Peter Thiel. ... Mithril led Classy's growth round, with investors Salesforce Ventures, Bullpen Capital, Venture51, Galileo Partners and Rethink Impact also contributing. ... Classy is now working with over 1,500 of the world's top nonprofits and social enterprises including Oxfam, National Geographic ... Michael Young, the former Chief Technology Officer at Redfin and Plumtree [and Lead Program Manager at Microsoft], is also joining Classy as its first CTO."
- classy.org/company/team (accessed: March 24, 2018): "Board of Directors: Scot Chisholm: CEO & Co-Founder Classy. Pat Walsh: Chief Impact Officer & Co-Founder Classy. ... Paul Leggett: Managing Partner [of Peter Thiel's] Mithril Capital Management. Brian Hersman: General Partner JMI Equity...
Advisory Board: ... Elizabeth Gore: Resident Entrepreneur United Nations Foundation [chair Global Entrepreneurs Council and also worked for Ted Turner-Rothschild-Maurice Strong ran UN Foundation; previously a Peace Corps volunteer who managed a USAID grant; no relation to Al Gore]. ... Ajay Royan: Co-Founder & Managing General Partner [of Peter Thiel's] Mithril Capital Management."
- Thiel tie to social justice warriors, the brothers Eric and Bret Weinstein:
- Eric Weinstein: Managing director of Thiel Capital. Research fellow at the Mathematical Institute of Oxford University. Member of the Edge Foundation. Expert at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, which since 2011 has an official partnership with the George Soros-funded Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), linked to cryptocurrencies Ethereum (kickstarted by Peter Thiel in 2014) and IOTA. Guest on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and the Sam Harris podcast.
- August 8, 2017, CNBC, 'Google is teaching my girl that 'complaining to HR [Human Resources]' is path to success, says Peter Thiel-linked investor': "The comments, made by Eric Weinstein, the managing director of Thiel Capital, come after Google fired engineer James Damore for circulating a memo that argued biological differences were the reason for the shortage of women at the company. Many employees in Google were outraged by the memo. ... And then the Thiel Capital managing director likened Damore's dismissal from Google to firing a biologist for making a factual comment on biology but accusing him of sexual harassment."
- Bret Weinstein: Professor at Evergreen State College until 2017, when he refused to leave on its "Day of Absence", in which, in protest of the Trump administration, all white people were supposed to leave campus (instead of the minority ones, as had been practiced for decades). Despite being reasonable and rational, it led to Bret being targeted by extremist antifa students that drove him out, along with his wife. This despite white supremacists of a group named Patriot Prayer rolling onto campus to support the dissenting professor. The clashes received national attention and soon Bret went on to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, as well as the one of Sam Harris, to provide his account.
Looking into Evergreen, it turns out that it has founding Trilateral Commission ties and that since at least the early 1990s it has received millions from the Ford Foundation, the Tides Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trust, and the Hewlett Packard and Kaiser Family foundations. Corporations as Microsoft and Warren Buffett's Coca-Cola have also chipped in. This may explain its ultra-liberal, globalist bent and the college leadership-supported antifa protests against Bret Weinstein, the brother of - coincidentally - a Peter Thiel employee.
Appointed a 2019-2020 James Madison Program Visiting Fellow at the elite Princeton University.- June 18, 2020, Joe Rogan Experience podcast, 'Bret Weinstein Argues for an Andrew Yang/William H. McRaven Presidential Ticket': "
[JOE:] Let's vote independent. They don't have a monopoly on the distribution of information anymore, and that is terrifying to them. Because they used to be able to count on the shills on the left and the right to get the word out for them. But they don't have that anymore. You have so many people that really don't have an ideological foundation in either one of them - that are talking and that are reacing millions of people. That's a rare moment in time. And this is, in my opinion, the best time for someone to step in [who] doesn't need that policy machine behind them. Or the political machine behind them.
[BRET:] Well, I've got a plan. But we would have to find a really big podcast to gain enough momentum.
[JOE:] There's none of them out there though... No, they don't exist. ...
[BRET:] [So my] Dark Horse Duo Plan. ... We draft two individuals. One of them is center-left and one of them is center-right. ... They will govern as a team. And only in cases where they cannot reach an agreement or when something has to be decided on a very short time scale, like a military decision, does the person who inhabits the role as president govern alone. We draft these folks and then 4 years down the road, they switch. And the one who had run for president, now runs for the vice presidential spot. ... So we have a patriotic team governing together.
My propasal would be Adm. William McRaven on the right [McRaven: fired from Seal Team Six by Richard Marcinko in 1983 for being too rigid; deputy to Gen. Stanley McChrystal; commander USSOCOM 2011-2014, succeeding Adm. Eric Olson; responsible for the operation to kill Osama bin Laden; member CFR 2014-; trustee of Soros' International Crisis Group anno 2020; anti-Trump campaigner; anno 2020 on the honorary board of the International Spy Museum, John Negroponte, George Tenet, James Woolsey, Robert Gates and globalist Hollywood actors Robert De Niro and Harrison Ford.]
On the center-left ... Andrew Yang [2020 Democrat presidential candidate who is pro-Third World immigration when it involves skilled workers, but not so much when it involves unskilled/illegal workers (marking him for attack from extremist antifa "liberal CIA"-type candidates); very anti-Russia; etc.].
[JOE:] I'm down with that! I like what you are saying now." - June 29, 2020, Fox News clip of Bret Weinstein interview uploaded to YouTube by Bret Weinstein, 'Bret Weinstein Introduces the Unity 2020 Plan on Tucker Carlson Tonight'(continuation of his Joe Rogan podcast explanation).
- June 18, 2020, Joe Rogan Experience podcast, 'Bret Weinstein Argues for an Andrew Yang/William H. McRaven Presidential Ticket': "
- Eric Weinstein: Managing director of Thiel Capital. Research fellow at the Mathematical Institute of Oxford University. Member of the Edge Foundation. Expert at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, which since 2011 has an official partnership with the George Soros-funded Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), linked to cryptocurrencies Ethereum (kickstarted by Peter Thiel in 2014) and IOTA. Guest on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and the Sam Harris podcast.
- Thiel has a link to CNN dissenter-turned-psychedelics guru Amber Lyon. Lyon's psychedelics website, Reset.me, was built by Toi.io, the same webdesigner who counts Peter Thiel as its chief client. She also has ties to the Rockefeller and Soros family, but these are all discussed in ISGP's Psychedelics & Elitism article.
- Peter Thiel, along with Goldman Sachs and super-globalist and open border-pusher George Soros, have been in business with Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of President Trump:
- Rhodes Schilar who became CIA director 1993-1995, one notoriously shut out by Bill Clinton. Likely already CIA in 1967-1968 when he was an antiwar activist and founder and president of Yale Citizens for Eugene McCarthy for President. Otherwise likely to have been CIA when he was a defense industry lawyer. Democrat.
- Involved in over 90 NGOs, with that being listed as number 2 in ISGP's Superclass Index, immediately behind Henry Kissinger and considerably above famous names as David Rockefeller (not counting foundation financing), George Shultz, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger.
- While obviously elitist, Woolsey is listed here because he has been involved in more neocon NGOs than any other neocon. And... he's not Jewish. Not even a Republican: Woolsey is Democrat with early ties to the liberal Eastern Establishment through think tanks as CSIS, etc. As discussed elsewhere, "neoconservativism" appears to be an artifically-created construct, with leading Jewish neocons as Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Michael Ledeen historically having been little more than intellectual hitmen fronting for CIA-Mossad operations. Jewish neocons never held the top posts in U.S. administrations. Those positions were reserved for non-Jewish neocons as Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and James Woolsey - all of whom with major ties to the "liberal" Eastern Establishment (similar to Perle) as well.
- Similarly unusual, James Woolsey has been deeply involved in new age disinformation networks surrounding Coast to Coast AM.
- Special forces operative and commander in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Took part in retalatory operations against civilian Palestinian targets in 1953 as the founder of Unit 101, at the orders of David Ben-Gurion.
- Brilliant military career that nevertheless was endlessly marked by ignoring orders. In October 1973, after having been recalled back to the army, he was able to win a decisive battle against Egypt during the Yom Kippur War with very unique strategies never before seen, but nevertheless opposing orders of his superiors.
- 1973 founder of Israel's Likud Party under his political mentor Menachem Begin, the former Irgun militia leader whose Herut party was a successor to this militia. Likud in turn was the successor of Herut. Yitzhak Shamir, who used to head Lehi / the Stern Gang, was part of Herut and then Likud since 1969.
- Minister of agriculture 1977-1981 under Begin. Minister of defense 1981-1983 under Begin, with former Lehi militia leader Yitzhak Shamir serving as foreign minister 1980–1986. Minister of industry, trade and labor 1984-1990 under prime minister Yitzhak Shamir (1983-1984; who kept serving as foreign minister), Shimon Peres (1984-1986) and again Yitzhak Shamir (1986-1992). Minister of housing and construction 1990-1992 under Shamir. Minister of energy and water resources 1996-1999 and minister of foreign affairs 1998-1999 under Benjamin Netanyahu. Prime minister 2001-2006, with Netanyahu as his neoliberal finance minister.
- Dominant Likud politicians Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and Ariel Sharon were rather supportive of terrorist acts against Palestinian civilians, including women and children. Begin never took any kind of responsiblity for the horrific Deir Yassin massacre of 1948, carried out by his Irgun militia (he wasn't present, and previously the Irgun did try to prevent casualties fighting the British), together with Yitzhak Shamir's Lehi militia. Ironically, the April 1948 Deir Yassin massacre was responsible for the 1948 Arab–Israeli War with Arab countries, and caused over 700,000 Palestinians to flee towards Jordan, making it easy for the Jews to take over most of Israel after winning this war. To this day, the "right to return" issue plays in this regard.
- 1977, Menachem Begin: "The enemy propaganda was designed to besmirch our name. In the result it helped us. Panic overwhelmed the Arabs of Eretz Israel. Kolonia village, which had previously repulsed every attack of the Haganah, was evacuated overnight and fell without further fighting. Beit-Iksa was also evacuated. These two places overlooked the main road; and their fall, together with the capture of al-Qastal by the Haganah, made it possible to keep open the road to Jerusalem. In the rest of the country, too, the Arabs began to flee in terror, even before they clashed with Jewish forces. Not what happened at Deir Yassin, but what was invented about Deir Yassin, helped to carve the way to our decisive victories on the battlefield ... The legend was worth half a dozen battalions to the forces of Israel."
- Sharon founded Unit 101 in 1953 on the orders of Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion. It was specifically tasked with carrying out retalitory attacks against Palestinian military and civilian targets in response to Palestinian terror. In that regard, Sharon is seen as guilty of the Qibya (army protected) village massacre that same year. Despite later claiming he did what he could to avoid a massacre, his original order actually said to achieve "maximal killing and damage to property". To be fair though, without forceful attacks like this, there may have been even more attacks on Israeli citizens by the Arabs.
- As defense minister under prime minister Menachem Begin, he was responsible for the Sabra and Shatila Massacre of 1982, also in that case quite clearly knowing full well what the Christian Phalange militias were planning to do and not intervening as women and children were massacred, saying to U.S. secretary of defense that they were "all terrorists".
- September 16, 2012, New York Times, 'A Preventable Massacre'.
- Sep. 26, 1982, New York Times, 'The Beirut Massacre: The Four Days'.
- Sharon appears to have been quite deeply involved in Israel's secret government:
- June 11, 1987, New York Times, 'Nimrodi gives a party and all the big guns come': "[Shaul Eisenberg friend, top Mossad agent and liaison to the Shah of Iran until 1979, and top arms dealer during and after his work with the Shah] Yaacov Nimrodi ... invited 1,500 of his most intimate friends to his daughter's wedding reception Tuesday night. ... [Shaul Eisenberg friend] Al Schwimmer, an American-born Israeli arms dealer who has been subpoened to testify in the Iran affair, was there, rubbing elbows with the former Foreign Ministry director general, David Kimche, also under subpoena. Mr. Nimrodi, who has his own subpoena, greeted each guest with a warm smile and a gentle embrace. The photographers had a field day when Rafi Eitan, the man who ran Israel's Washington spy, Jonathan Jay Pollard, sidled in and started shaking hands with one and all. ... President Chaim Herzog was there too, along with Industry Minister Ariel Sharon, Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and their Cabinet colleagues Ezer Weizman, [Netanyahu mentor] Moshe Arens, Chaim Corfu and Gideon Patt. ... The reception was held at the luxurious Tel Aviv suburb of Savyon in the football-field-sized front lawn of Mr. Nimrodi's house, which is a smaller replica of the White House. The theme of the evening, which cost more than $200,000, was the Wild West."
- 1987, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi (University of Haifa), 'Who Israel Arms and Why', pp. 12-13, 56, 68: "In November 1981 another defense minister, Ariel Sharon, visited secretly, and an agreement was reached for Israel to train the special Presidential Brigade [of murderous dictator Mobutu]. An Israeli-interests section in the Canadian embassy in Kinshasa was opened in January 1982, and full diplomatic relations were reinstated on May 15, 1982. ... In January 1983, during an official four-day visit by Sharon, an agreement was reached to increase the Presidential Brigade from 3,000 to 7,500 soldiers, under Israeli supervision, and 'In and Out of Africa' for the training of the Kamanyola Brigade in Shaba province (for-merly Katanga) by Israel. ...
According to French sources, Israel had twelve military advisers in Chad during the fighting in 1983-1984, but they were removed in early 1984, lest they be captured by the rebels (Golan, 1984). Ariel Sharon first paid a visit to Chad in January 1983, just before leaving the Defense Ministry. His visit symbolized Israel’s readiness to become more involved there. ...
According to some reports, Ariel Sharon advocated an Israeli military intervention [in 1979] in order to prevent the downfall of the shah [whose secret police Israel had been training for over two decades]. ...
Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, during a visit to the United States in May 1982, was the first to disclose that Israel had sold military equipment to the Khomeini regime, valued at $27 million. In a news conference in Paris on September 28,1983, Sharon said that Israel was selling arms to Iran with the consent of the United States. Israeli ambassador to the United States (and later defense minister) Moshe Arens said in October 1982 that Israeli arms supplies to Iran were taking place in coordination with the highest levels of the U.S. govern¬ ment. The logic behind these supplies, according to Arens, was to keep channels to the Iranian military open, with the ultimate aim of bringing down the Khomeini regime (Frenkel, 1983b)."
- Likud Party polician. Prime minister Israel 1996-1999, 2009-2021. Chair Likud 1993-1999 and 2005-.
- Lived in the US 1956-1958, 1963-1967, with his father teaching at Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Graduated high school in the U.S. in 1967 and moved to Israel to join the IDF. Served in the IDF as part of Sayeret Matkal 1967-1972, and again briefly in 1973 to serve during the Yom Kippur War. Studied at MIT 1972-1976, graduating at the top of his class and considerably earlier than normal. His brother Yonathan died in 1976 during Operation Entebbe, an anti-terrorist Sayeret Matkal operation.
- Netanyahu initially ties to America's right-wing (and the CIA, MI6 and Mossad) through the Jonathan Institute, which he founded in 1978 in honor of Benjamin's fallen brother Yonathan Netanyahu (in 1976). Benjamin founded the institute with his father and played a management role in it over 1978-1980. The 1979 and 1984 conferences of the Jonathan Institute were visited by all kinds of top CIA-, MI6-, Mossad-tied neocon elites, with political elites of Israel sitting on the board of the Institute. Sources:
- 2013, Dr. Lisa Stampnitzky (University of Sheffield), 'Disciplining Terror: How Experts Invented 'Terrorism'', pp. 112-126: "The Jonathan Institute had close ties to the Israel state, as illustrated by an administrative committee dominated by current and former members of the government. Its honorary president was Israeli president [1973-1978] Ephraim Katzir; former prime minister [1969-1974] Golda Meir served as chairman; and other members of the "public committee" included the prime minister [1977-1983], Menachem Begin; the foreign minister [1977-1979, after serving as defense minister 1967-1974], Moshe Dayan; the minister of defense [1977-1980], Ezer Weizman [also president Israel 1993-2000]; the minister of agriculture [1977-1981], Ariel Sharon [defense 1981-1983, foreign affairs 1988-1999, PM 2001-2006; founded Likud in 1973 with Begin]; a former prime minister [1974-1977, again 1992-1995], Yitzhak Rabin; and a former minister of defense [1974-1977, again 1995-1996], Shimon Peres [foreign affairs 1986-1988, 1992-1995, 2001-2002; PM 1977, 1984-1986, 1995-1996; president 2007-2014; protege David Ben-Gurion]. The event received significant media attention [goes on to list all the sources], and was attended by ... future vice president (and president) George H. W. Bush, writer George Will, Richard Pipes [and] representative of AEI [and] CSIS... Senator Henry Jackson ... Ray Cline..."
- May 6, 1980, The Gleaner, 'Soviets and terrorism': "The Jonathan Institute of Jerusalem, Israel, has published a pamphlet on "International Terrorism: The Soviet Connection". The pamphlet consists of a number of presentations made at the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism held July 2-5 last year... Contributor[s include] Richard Pipes ... Brian Crozier ... Ray S. Cline [former deputy director CIA; member WACL; founder of the US Global Strategy Council in 1981 and headed it from 1986 to 1994] ... Robert Moss [Le Cercle], Editor of the Economist Foreign Report [and MI6 propagandist], Congressman Jack Kemp, Major General George J. Keegan [head Air Force Intelligence 1971-1977; retired in 1977; directly after his retirement claimed that the USSR was working on charged-particle beam weapons; vice chair Coalition for Peace through Strength 1980-1993], and Senator Henry Jackson [who employed half a dozen later-prominent Jewish neocons in his office]..."
- April 25, 1986, New York Times, Review of 'Terrorism: How the West Can Win' by Benjamin Netanyahu: "This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Jonathan Institute, a research organization founded in memory of Jonathan Netanyahu... Among its other activities, the institute has organized two conferences on terrorism, in 1979 and again in 1984. ''Terrorism: How the West Can Win'' is a symposium based on the [1984] proceedings... Contributors include[d] Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Senators Alan Cranston, Paul Laxalt and Daniel Patrick Moynihan..."
- Number 5, 1985-1986, The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, 'International Terrorism, Recent Developments and Implications for Australia': "Lord Chalfont ... chaired the Second Conference on International Terrorism hosted by the Jonathan Institute in Washington in June 1984."
- April 1987, Issue 13, Lobster Magazine, Book review of the Jonathan Institute's 'Terrorism: how the West can win': "This book is mostly junk, mere propaganda. I had it with me to read on the train when I visited Colin Wallace [Northern Ireland psychological warfare specialist for Army Intelligence]. I showed him the list of contributors and mentioned the Jonathan Institute. "Oh, a Mossad front, you mean", he said, and put it down. A Mossad front? I don't know. But misinformation at worst, wilfully partial at best, this sort of crude propaganda can only do the Israeli state harm in the long run."
- More early U.S. ties of Netanyahu (and Likud in general as well):
- June 18, 1996, Salon, 'Bibi's American friends' (doesn't mention the Jonathan Institute or George Shultz ties): "With the exception of New York Times columnists William Safire and A.M. Rosenthal, who have long written warmly about him, Netanyahu's American backers labored behind the scenes [since] the early 1980s. ...
Stephen Friedman ... a 50-year-old attorney from Philadelphia, serves as the lawyer for the Likud Party in the United States [since 1984]. He is one of Netanyahu's oldest childhood pals... Friedman arranged meetings with government officials, businessmen and financiers...
One of those Netanyahu met at this time and brought into his inner circle was Merv Adelson [not related to Sheldon], ex-husband of TV journalist Barbara Walters [and a director of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces NGO anno '00]... Adelson became Netanyahu's Hollywood connection. In 1991, he convinced Netanyahu, then deputy foreign minister, to attend a dinner party at the Holmby Hills home of Barbra Streisand. Some of the guests, like Streisand, were outspoken supporters of Peace Now, a bête noire of the hawkish Netanyahu. ... "I know for a fact he greatly impressed Barbra." ... The next year, Streisand, who is also close to Adelson, failed to give any money to Peace Now, the first time she had missed a contribution since 1988. ...
Another member of Netanyahu's inner circle is Ronald Lauder... The two met at one of the New York gatherings that Friedman had arranged and quickly discovered they shared hardline views about Israeli policy and the need for the Jewish state to privatize its economy. ...
The names that most frequently crop up are Jay Zises [president Friends of the IDF anno '00] and Henry Kravis, both influential New York investors; Murad Zamir, a wealthy New York diamond dealer; Sam Domb, a New York Likud activist, and Steven Wynn...
With the exception of Zises, all declined to be interviewed about their friendships with the new Israeli prime minister. Zises reluctantly described his as "a close personal relation in which we go to movies together, we talk about current events..." Netanyahu is a familiar face on Capitol Hill, where he enjoys relations with some Republican lawmakers, as well as Democratic Rep. Gary Ackerman of New York and Sens. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. But he is viewed warily at the State Department, from which former Secretary of State James Baker banned him in 1991 after he accused the United States of policies towards Israel "based on distortion and lies."" - April 27, 1998, New York Magazine, 'America's Jews Israel's Lost Tribe?': "It was July 1996, and Ronald Lauder ... was hosting a small gathering [for] newly elected Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ... Netanyahu had also come to personally thank [here] Arthur Finkelstein ... Mort Zuckerman [director Friends of the IDF], and entertainment-business moguls Marvin Josephson and Merv Adelson. ... Josephson [is] chairman of Friends of the Israel Defense Forces. ... David Bar-Illan [is] Netanyahu's top aide..."
- 2018, Anshel Pfeffer, 'Bibi: The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu', pp. 150, 157-159, 166-167, 171, 197: "Netanyahu had his supporters, particularly among his new friends in Washington. One of them, William Safire, actually wrote, in his New York Times column...
Having regarded American Jews, at least those he met as a teenager in Philadelphia, as weak and feckless, in New York he met the leaders of the big Jewish organizations, the mega-donors and political players. It was shake-up time in major American Jewish organizations, especially those dealing with Israel. Getting used to Likud in power was not easy for Jews who had supported Israel during its long Labor period. For many, the heady right-wing cocktail of Likud and Reagan was difficult to stomach. Tom Dine, the savvy, liberal-leaning executive director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), courted Republican donors, who would make AIPAC both more right-wing and more influential. Netanyahu would become a star of AIPAC conferences, his presence assuring Jewish Republicans that the organization was on the right side. The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, another group shifting rightward, hired the hawkish Malcolm Hoenlein as chief executive in 1986. Hoenlein and Netanyahu became friends and collaborators. Hoenlein would introduce Netanyahu to many of the millionaires who would become his supporters.
Another important American Jewish leader he met in those days was Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the “Lubavitcher Rebbe,” leader of Chabad Hasidism. Schneerson was ideologically opposed to secular Zionism but nevertheless supported Jewish statehood, and senior Israeli politicians frequently visited him in New York. His views on the Israeli-Arab conflict were ultra-hawkish; he was adamantly opposed to any territorial concessions. During the Yom Kippur War, he suggested that Israel continue its push on the Syrian front all the way to Damascus. One of Netanyahu’s former Matkal soldiers, a secular kibbutznik who had become a Chabad Hasid, took him to see Schneerson in Brooklyn in late 1984, shortly after Netanyahu’s appointment to the United Nations. ... Netanyahu introduced himself, and Schneerson, to everyone’s amazement, stopped to talk to him for over half an hour. According to one Hasid there, the Rebbe told Netanyahu that in each of Israel’s wars, politicians had squandered the military gains, and that “when the goyim [nonJews] come and demand parts of Eretz Yisrael, we must stand forcefully and deny them.” Netanyahu frequently brings up another message of Schneerson’s he remembers from that night: “You will go into a house of lies [referring to the United Nations]. Remember that in a hall of perfect darkness, if you light one small candle, its precious light will be seen from afar, by everyone. Your mission is to light a candle for truth and for the Jewish people.”3 At the time, Schneerson was just another leader of American Jewry whom Netanyahu was courting. Twelve years later, the Lubavitcher’s disciples would play a pivotal role in Netanyahu’s ascendancy. ...
In June 1984, while Netanyahu was still deputy chief of mission in Washington, the Jonathan Institute was resurrected for another international conference on terror. This time, Netanyahu was promoted from organizer to star speaker; he opened the conference before handing the mic to the keynote speaker, Secretary of State George Shultz. ...
[Ronald] Lauder and Netanyahu closely cooperated on the Waldheim case [in 1986-1987]. The allegations against Waldheim caused a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Austria, and Lauder, who described himself as having been a “three days a year Jew,” reconnected with his roots and became involved in Jewish philanthropy and politics. For the next two decades, until their falling-out, Ron and Bibi were close friends. Lauder introduced him to his own circle of New York millionaires, many of whom were not Jewish. That was when Bibi first met the brash real-estate entrepreneur Donald Trump, an old friend of Lauder’s. Netanyahu and Trump were never close, but they remained in contact. Years later, Trump appeared on a list that Bibi compiled of millionaires upon whom he could rely for various favors. ...
Shamir wasn’t amused at the hasty departure of his ambassador, but many in Likud were fascinated by the shiny new creature. The party’s leader tried to befriend Netanyahu. Levy had met him in New York and was offended by his lack of respect. Sharon invited him for a meal at his farm and remarked later that he didn’t trust him. As Arens’s protégé, Bibi was expected to join the Shamir-Arens camp, but he tried to pass himself off as a nonaffiliated candidate. His small and dedicated team included his former press officers [etc.] Netanyahu’s American friends had already donated handsomely to his campaign fund, and the team set about arranging a marathon of meetings with as many of the 2,200 Central Committee members as possible.
He had no job at the time but was taken care of. Bibi and Fleur lived in a central Tel Aviv apartment owned by an Australian property developer, John Gandel. The campaign used a room in the offices of a local tech firm. A Chabad Hasid who was a wealthy diamond dealer put a car and driver at Netanyahu’s disposal. ...
One of Bibi’s donors had hired an air-conditioned RV, and there he met members of the Likud Central Committee while the rest sweated outside. As evening fell, the results were announced. Netanyahu, who had arrived from the United States only four months earlier, came in first with 1,408 votes, overtaking Begin, Arens, and Sharon. ...
Netanyahu and Begin had ranked higher than the princes in the Likud list. Shamir didn’t care. He refused to appoint rookie MKs as ministers. An enraged Benzion Netanyahu visited the prime minister demanding that Bibi receive a cabinet post; Shamir refused point-blank. Arens agreed with Shamir, but he took pity on Bibi, who was calling him “three times a day.” He wasn’t prepared to spend time as a backbencher. Arens suggested that Netanyahu be made deputy at the Foreign Ministry. Shamir relented. ... His new role didn’t give him power over the diplomats, and, mindful of how Netanyahu had treated their colleagues in Washington and New York, they avoided him, as did key advisers on Arens’s staff. Arens brought him into meetings and occasionally took him on foreign trips, but the first months were frustrating. ...
This group is his brain trust, and three prominent members are mentioned in the acknowledgments to his book. The eldest of them was David Bar-Ilan... a prolific writer of pro-Israel columns in the American press. He was introduced to Netanyahu in 1985, when Bibi needed someone to organize the Jonathan Institute conference in Washington. They remained close friends, and Bar-Ilan became a fixture of Bibi’s New York circle. Returning to Israel, in 1992 he became editor-in-chief of the Jerusalem Post. The venerable establishment newspaper, which had traditionally been aligned with Labor, had recently been bought by Hollinger, a media company owned by the right-wing Canadians Conrad Black and David Radler. Under the new ownership, the paper veered rightward, leading to a walk-out of its best journalists led by managing editor David Landau. They refused to accept editorial interference. Netanyahu had a small part in this when, as deputy foreign minister, he had been angered by an interview with him and intervened through the owners to make changes. As editor, Bar-Ilan took the paper even further to the right, writing his own weekly column lambasting the left-wing Israeli media. ...
The third was Yoram Hazony, who researched the sources for the book and helped produce the manuscript (transcribing what Netanyahu dictated). A year later Hazony became a founder of the Shalem Center, a right-wing think tank and later a private college sponsored by Netanyahu’s American donors, including Ronald Lauder. Shalem, they hoped, would become the vanguard of a new ideological movement in Israel."
- June 18, 1996, Salon, 'Bibi's American friends' (doesn't mention the Jonathan Institute or George Shultz ties): "With the exception of New York Times columnists William Safire and A.M. Rosenthal, who have long written warmly about him, Netanyahu's American backers labored behind the scenes [since] the early 1980s. ...
- Deputy chief of mission at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. 1982-1984 under ambassador and long-time mentor Moshe Arens, whom he initially briefly met during his MIT days. When Arens was recalled to Israel in February 1983 to become the new defense secretary to replace the disgraced Sharon, Netanyahu was the unofficial ambassador to the U.S. for several months, until the new ambassador arrived. During this time period Netanyahu developed a close working relationship with George Shultz, and managed to turn him towards the "anti-terrorist" side. In 1984, Shultz would speak at Netanyahu's Jonathan Institute. In 1986-1987 he would help promote Netanyahu's subsequent anti-terrorism book to wealthy conservative fundraisers. Netanyahu would meet Shultz again in 1989, working under Arens as deputy foreign minister. Arens at this point was deeply involved with all of Israel's shady arms dealers and Mossad operatives. He even went to work for one of the most important ones in 1992: Shaul Eisenberg of the Israel Corporation.
- January 8, 2019, Jerusalem Post, 'Tribute: Wrestling with history, Moshe Arens and modern Israel': "In 1981 Menachem Begin wanted to appoint Arens minister of defense, but Arens refused, and thus paved the way for Ariel Sharon’s appointment. [Arens did so] because he refused to oversee the evacuation of the Sinai [brokered with the help of Henry Kissinger and which brought peace between Egypt and Israel], to which he was opposed. ... Moshe Arens never thought of himself as a leader of the masses. That is why in 1992, when he was a natural candidate to succeed the resigning Yitzhak Shamir, he left the arena for his protégé, Benjamin Netanyahu. ...
In 1987, on behalf of prime-minister Shamir, Arens torpedoed then-foreign minister Shimon Peres's London Agreement with King Hussein, in a meeting with secretary of state George Schultz. Had Arens taken Peres's side, would the first intifada that erupted later that year – and which in many ways is raging to this day – have never broken out? ...
Lastly, as defense minister in 1991, Arens thought the IDF should attack Saddam Hussein’s missile operation in west Iraq, but was overruled by Yitzhak Shamir." - 1998, Ben Kaspit and Ilan Kfir, 'Netanyahu: The Road to Power', pp. 103-113. "Ambassador Moshe Arens remained supportive of Bibi and did his best to help soften the Reagan administration's stand on Israel, which was very hostile during the Lebanon war. He was aware that certain foreign officers in Jerusalem felt that Bibi was overstepping bounds in his criticism of the Reagan administration and in his attempts to recruit American congressmen.
Bibi's obsession with garnering support for Israel, which included making TV appearances and briefings to commentators and columnists, sometimes caused the Israeli embassy to overlook Washington's inner political activity. Thus it happened that the embassy was caught off guard when it learned of a plan proposed by the administration which called for Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon and arrangements for evacuating the terrorists. In protest of Israel's bombing of West Beirut, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger - one of the sharpest critics of Israeli policy - announced a halt in the supply of American F-16 fighter jets to Israel. Moshe Arens tried to reduce the damage. [However] Arens's warm personal relationships with George Shultz was of no use in this instance. Political tension between and Washington had reached a boiling point, and not even Netanyahu's media magic could change this. Only after arrangements had been made to evacuate the PLO from Beirut, and Israel announced that it was withdrawing its forces from the region as the first stage of redeployment in the security belt, did the relationship between the two countries return to normal.
At the beginning of 1983, Israel published the conclusions of the Kahan Commission on the massacre at Sabra and Shatila, the two Lebanese refugee camps where Christian Phalangists murdered Lebanese Muslim refugees. The commission declared that Israel's minister of defense, Ariel Sharon, had had ministerial responsibility for the events prior to the massacre, and recommended removing him from his position for not intervening. ...
After many demonstrations and protests - including a Peace Now demonstration... - Ariel Sharon resigned from the government, most unwillingly. Begin offered the post of minister of defense to Moshe Arens. The ambassador considered the proposal, and after some hesitation accepted. In the same breath, he suggested appointing his political attache, Benjamin Netanyahu, ambassador to Washington. Begin and Foreign Minister Shamir were not enthusiastic. They respected Bibi but felt he was too young and inexperienced for such a post, and they looked for another candidate.
In the meantime, Bibi filled in for Arens, who had returned to Israel [to become defense secretary on 23 February 1983]. For six months, Bibi Netanyahu carried out the duties of Israel's ambassador to Washington [On April one Arens' successor was named: Meir Rossene, who was sworn in in June 1983]. He continued to cultivate a special relationship with Secretary of State George Shultz, and the two found a topic of common interest--terrorism.
"One day," Netanyahu recalls, "Shultz invited me into his office in the State Department and told me how worried he was about the spread of terrorism. He showed me some classified information, belonging to the CIA, on terrorism in Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Iran." "Those terrorists," Shultz said, "are wild animals and human beings. I have decided to change American policy toward terrorism." Shultz told Netanyahu about the sharp debate between himself and Caspar Weinberger, who opposed the use of American and international force against terrorism.
[For] eight months [Bibi] served as acting ambassador, convinced he would eventually be given the job. But Yitzhak Shamir, then foreign minister, had doubts about Bibi's youth and inexperience. Despite pressure from George Shultz and Arens, Shamir, an extremely stubborn man, continued to refuse to elevate Netanyahu. He appointed Meir Rosen [as ambassador in 1983]...
At a Jewish charity event in which two thousand enthusiastic, wealthy Jews gathered in New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Geogre Shultz, a guest speaker, told the audience how Bibi's book on terrorism and the lectures at Bibi's conference brought about a change in American foreign policy." - January 3, 1989, JTA, 'Arens Due in Paris for Meetings with Shultz, Soviet and Egyptian': "Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Arens will meet U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz in Paris early next week. It will be the first American-Israeli contact at the ministerial level since Shultz announced Dec. 14 that the United States would open talks with the Palestine Liberation Organization. ... Arens and Shultz will meet at an extended working breakfast here. The Israeli foreign minister will be accompanied by Deputy Foreign Minister Binyamin Netanyahu."
- August 7, 2019, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, pp. 95-98, 'In Memoriam: Moshe Arens (1925–2019)': "From 1992–99, Arens took time out from public service and began to work in the private sector. He accepted an offer by a leading Israeli industrialist, Shaul Eisenberg, to head the Israel Corporation, a conglomerate encompassing hundreds of companies that was traded on the Israeli and international stock exchanges. Arens stayed with the concern until the death of Mr. Eisenberg [in 1997]... In 1999, after his work with the Israel Corporation ended, Arens returned to public service and was appointed defense minister for a third time."
- June 11, 1987, New York Times, 'Nimrodi gives a party and all the big guns come': "[Shaul Eisenberg friend, top Mossad agent and liaison to the Shah of Iran until 1979, and top arms dealer during and after his work with the Shah] Yaacov Nimrodi ... invited 1,500 of his most intimate friends to his daughter's wedding reception Tuesday night. ... [Shaul Eisenberg friend] Al Schwimmer, an American-born Israeli arms dealer who has been subpoened to testify in the Iran affair, was there, rubbing elbows with the former Foreign Ministry director general, David Kimche, also under subpoena. Mr. Nimrodi, who has his own subpoena, greeted each guest with a warm smile and a gentle embrace. The photographers had a field day when Rafi Eitan, the man who ran Israel's Washington spy, Jonathan Jay Pollard, sidled in and started shaking hands with one and all. ... President Chaim Herzog was there too, along with Industry Minister Ariel Sharon, Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and their Cabinet colleagues Ezer Weizman, Moshe Arens, Chaim Corfu and Gideon Patt. ... The reception was held at the luxurious Tel Aviv suburb of Savyon in the football-field-sized front lawn of Mr. Nimrodi's house, which is a smaller replica of the White House. The theme of the evening, which cost more than $200,000, was the Wild West."
- March 1, 1996, jweekly.com, 'Moshe Arens labels Peres views on Arabs naive': "Arens ... asserted that Prime Minister Shimon Peres and the Labor Party were only riding a "wave of sympathy" among Israelis following Yitzhak Rabin's assassination Nov. 4. ... The international media no longer label Palestinian Council President Yasser Arafat a terrorist, but Arens believes otherwise. "Obviously, he's a terrorist," Arens said. "People at his age, do their characters change totally?" At age 70, Arens certainly hasn't. His hawkish stance on Israel's security has remained firm throughout his political career and subsequent retirement."
- January 8, 2019, Jerusalem Post, 'Tribute: Wrestling with history, Moshe Arens and modern Israel': "In 1981 Menachem Begin wanted to appoint Arens minister of defense, but Arens refused, and thus paved the way for Ariel Sharon’s appointment. [Arens did so] because he refused to oversee the evacuation of the Sinai [brokered with the help of Henry Kissinger and which brought peace between Egypt and Israel], to which he was opposed. ... Moshe Arens never thought of himself as a leader of the masses. That is why in 1992, when he was a natural candidate to succeed the resigning Yitzhak Shamir, he left the arena for his protégé, Benjamin Netanyahu. ...
- Israeli ambassador to the United Nations 1984-1988. Became a friend of Fred Trump, the father of Donald Trump, in this period.
- Israel moved from a very strongly socialist state to a very neoliberal one, starting in 1977 when the economy stalled and the neoliberal Likud party came to power. They came with heavy shock effects, with it not being able to implement the full package due to worker class opposition. In the long run the positive results have been:
- Continued growth in GDP.
- High-tech and other exports greatly increased.
- Low public debt.
- High level of foreign exchange reserves.
- High credit rating.
- The negatives of these neoliberal policies, especially since the 2000s, have also been:
- No more investments in research universities since the Ben-Gurion days.
- Third World levels of education in many areas, in particular among the ultra-Orthodox Jews (the largest-growing demographic) and Muslims.
- A huge gap in wealth inequality, especially since the early 2000s under finance minister Netanyahu.
- May 15, 2018, Die Welt, 'The problems with Israel's economic miracle': ""Poverty and income disparity in Israel are among the highest in the developed world. Half of Israel's population does not even reach the bottom of the income tax scale and pays no income tax at all. Nearly 90 percent of Israel's total income tax revenue is earned by just 20 percent of the population." ...
The rents in metropolitan Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are becoming almost unaffordable for ever more Israelis. ... For decades, little was invested in infrastructure. A public rail transport system is barely a shell and roads are clogged. ...
The education sector is just as bad complains Ben-David: "Many of our schools are at the same level as developing countries — and half of our students attend such schools."
The reason why Israeli universities continue to be the world leaders in research lies in the fact that the country is still benefiting from the investments and development work done by the 'pioneer generation' after independence, according to Ben-David. ... In the 1950s and 1960s, Israel was a country of poor immigrants; nonetheless universities with research institutes were founded and roads were built. "In 1973, we had seven universities with leading research institutes. Since then more than four decades have passed and the population is more than two and a half times the size it once was. The country is much richer, gross domestic product per capita has more than doubled. Yet no additional research university has been founded," criticizes Ben-David.
To keep the country's current high standard of living, many economists point to the need to invest in education. "Research universities are the key to our future prosperity. This is something that the founders of Israel understood, but it looks like the government of Israel has forgotten this lesson.""
- Neoliberal economists came in with Likud from its election in 1977, with more and more support of Chicago School economists, including Milton Friedman and Stanley Fischer. George Shultz and eventually Benjamin Netanyahu (and the other neocons of the Jonathan Institute) played a major role in this development.
- May 20, 2017, Bloomberg, 'The Shocking Election That Saved Israel's Economy': "No detail was to small for the [Ben-Gurion] socialists: In 1964, the government banned the Beatles...
Begin, who had spent an instructive year in a Siberian gulag during World War II, was skeptical of such power. He had simple instructions for his finance minister, Simcha Ehrlich: Free the economy... The Israeli media [soon] began calling [Ehrlich] a follower of Milton Friedman... But Ehrlich, who couldn't read or write English, didn't know Milton Friedman from Kinky Friedman. ...
[Ehrlich:] "Israel is too small and too poor to maintain a welfare state." ... As welfare states went back then, [compared to the communist ones] Israel was pretty good. It provided free public schools and cheap university tuition... [Despite opposition from Keynesians in the Finance Department] Ehrlich plowed ahead with his agenda: deregulating foreign currency, lowering import barriers, allowing the Israeli pound to trade freely, cutting government spending, shrinking the bloated bureaucracy, and weakening the power of the labor by introducing mandatory arbitration.
As a free market plan, this sounded good. As a practical matter, it provoked an epic fiasco. Only a few small reforms were put in place. Foreign currency moves were popular. Small businesses were intoxicated. But the budget cutting didn't go over well with the Likud's base of working class voters. ... They complained loud enough for Begin to hear. He told his finance minister that government spending cuts were no longer a priority. Shortfalls could be covered at the printing press.
Inflation had been a problem in Israel since the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Rebuilding the army and air force required the kind of money Israel couldn’t print. And, in the wake of the oil boycott, fuel prices drove inflation to about 30 percent -- which helped put the Likud in office in 1977.
Unfortunately, the Likud had no answer. Within two years, the Israeli pound was inflated by 110 percent, and Ehrlich was [out]...
During this time, Begin focused on making peace with Egypt, planning the destruction of the Iraqi nuclear reactor, building settlements and infrastructure in the West Bank, and fighting the Palestinian terrorism emanating from across the northern border. On the eve of the 1982 War in Lebanon, the Ministry of Finance, now under its fourth minister, warned about the economic burden of a military campaign. Begin shrugged, and quoted Napoleon: "The cavalry charges ahead, while the supply mules follow behind."
The ministry, however, had a point. When Begin retired in 1983, inflation was about 300 percent and rising. After new elections, Labor and Likud finished in a near tie and, in 1985, formed a government of national unity led by Peres, now of Labor. He and Likud Finance Minister Yitzhak Modai put together a bold and politically fraught plan to stabilize the economy. It called for deep budget cuts and a deficit reduction, wage and price controls, and another new currency -- the "new shekel," which came with 20 percent devaluation and limits on the freedom of the Bank of Israel to print more.
Amazingly, it worked. In its first year, the plan lowered inflation by half, and it reached a manageable 10 percent within a decade.
It pained the socialist Peres to make a deal that would, in effect, end the Labor Zionist dream of a centrally controlled egalitarian workers’ democracy. But Peres clearly saw what Ehrlich had dimly perceived -- that free market global capitalism was the irresistible wave of the Israeli future." - June 22, 2013, blogs.timesofisrael.com, 'Could Bank Of Israel Governor Come To The Fed?': "Israel was battling inflation threatening to hit 500 percent in 1985 when it asked Washington for $1.5 billion in emergency assistance. Secretary of State George Shultz called in two colleagues with whom he shared links to MIT and the University of Chicago, Fisher and Herb Stein, to examine the Israeli economy and make recommendations to help stabilize it. [The] recommendations were accepted by the Israeli government and incorporated into a successful reform program that revived the Israeli economy and led the way to dramatic growth in the years ahead."
- March 4, 2009, ambassador John C. Holzman interview for the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project: "HOLZMAN: My next assignment was as the economic officer on the Israel desk in the Office of Israel and Arab-Israeli Affairs in the Bureau of Near East and South Asia. I was there for three years. I was the economic officer for Israel the first year and the Deputy Director the last two years. It was a good assignment, and ... I had an opportunity to meet some terrific people, one of them being Herb Stein who had formerly been, I think, the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers during maybe the Nixon administration. George Shultz was the Secretary.
Q: This was from 1986 to '89.
HOLZMAN: Yes. George Shultz took a great interest in Israel and particularly in their economy. He brought on Herb Stein and a man named Stanley Fischer—an MIT economist who later became one of the high level people in the IMF, the governor of the Bank of Israel, and now the Vice Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve—as his consultants on the Israeli economy, which was having a lot of trouble at the time. I got to work with them. That was a terrific opportunity. It also gave me the opportunity to have some access to Shultz. I prepared most of the papers. One of the more interesting parts of the assignment was that the Israeli Prime Minister at the time was Yitzhak Shamir and as far as I could tell he took little interest in the details of the Israeli economy. If he had had nearly as much interest in the economy as George Shultz, Herb Stein and Stanley Fisher, it would have been in better shape than it was. ...
Q: And Herb Stein and Stanley Fischer, what was their position? They were advisers to the secretary of state?
HOLZMAN: They were advisers to the Secretary—they were volunteers, I believe. Their expenses were covered, of course. I don’t know if they were paid. We had a consultative group between Israel and the United States on the Israeli economy. They were basically the people who told me what to do in terms of preparing the papers for those sessions which took place twice a year, I think. ...
It has done well since but at the time, I was working directly on it ’86,’87, it was not. During the first half of the ‘80s Israel nearly went into a hyperinflation. To fix that problem, they devalued their currency, linked it to the dollar, went through a wrenching macroeconomic adjustment that drove up unemployment to much higher levels than Israel had ever experienced before, and provoked all sorts of problems with their unions. Israel has a socialist background and the union movement was strong there, so a lot of political difficulties arose with the adjustment process. The U.S. financed the entire economic adjustment with substantial amounts of supplementary aid over and above the $3 billion Israel received annually. By the time I came along the Israelis were definitely doing better but not doing nearly as well as they should have been. Inflation was down to low double digits or high single digits versus triple digits previously, but economic growth was still stagnant. The other significant event that happened while I was there was the beginning of the first intifada in 1987. That started almost from nothing. There were always frequent confrontations between the Israelis and the Palestinians but they became more and more frequent until after a few weeks we realized the stone throwing and confrontations were happening daily and people were being killed daily. That continued long beyond the time I was there." - 2018, Arie Krampf of the Ben Gurion University of the Negew (Israel), 'Israel’s Neoliberal Turn and its National Security Paradigm' (published in Polish Political Science Yearbook): "Israel adopted neoliberal and neoconservative ideologies, imported from the United States, due to external political and economic pressure (Svirski, 2006; Ram, 2006; Filc, 2006; Maman and Rosenhek, 2011). Indeed, there is a historical basis for the claim that the 1985 Emergency Economic Stabilization Plan, which initiated the neoliberal turn, was a product of American influence. Moreover, there is evidence that since the 1990s and especially the early 2000s, Benjamin Netanyahu, as finance minister and prime minister, played a leading role in introducing neoliberal policies, which were often justified by neoconservative ideology (Ben-Porat & Yuval 2007). ... Since the early 2000s [under finance minister Netanyahu and prime minister Sharon], Israel has adhered to a particularly virulent strain of economic neoliberalism which has led to an unprecedented rise in nationwide levels of poverty and inequality. ...
"We are going to do it. In the next four years, we will begin the long-term process of gradually reducing the level of your generous economic assistance to Israel" (Netanyahu, 1996). From 1997, civilian aid to Israel, some $1.2 billion a year, gradually decreased and came to an end in 2008. However, the Israeli government was not prepared to turn down military aid, which has only increased Israel's Neoliberal Turn and its National Security Paradigm235over the years and now totals more than $3 billion a year. As of 2019, it is expected to swell to $3.8 billion, following an agreement between Netanyahu. ...
In January 2015, for example, following the decision of the International Court of Justice in Hague to probe Israel’s conduct in the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, Netanyahu told the Israeli cabinet: "My emphasis on markets in the East is not because we want to give up the other markets, but because we definitely want to cut down our dependence on certain markets in Western Europe is undergoing a wave of Islamization, anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism [...] and we want to ensure that the State of Israel has diversified markets all over the world in the years to come" (Harari, 2015).
Similar comments have been made by Naftali Bennett, who during his term as minister of the economy was one of the leading promoters of hawkish neoliberalism in Israel and made an effort to attract investors and boost exports, especially to non-Western countries in East Asia, Africa and Latin America." - June 29, 2005, New York Sun, 'Out & About': "[At] the first annual awards dinner for the Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress ... at [New York City's] St. Regis Hotel.... the economist Milton Friedman [said] "Israel has the potential of being the Hong Kong of the Middle East." What has kept Israel from realizing its potential? "Too much, too rigid, and too intrusive a government," Mr. Friedman said, citing socialist policies, a high level of government ownership, and private monopolies.
As minister of finance since 2003, Mr. Netanyahu [present at the awards dinner] is moving Israel toward a free-market, free-price system. The government has cut taxes, reduced spending, and privatized state-owned enterprises such as El Al airline. Israel is also stimulating its economy by building new roads and a fast rail system.
[Also present:] William Kristol ... Abraham Foxman..." - July 17, 2005, Haaretz, 'Milton Friedman Backs Reforms [of finance minister Netanyahu]'.
- March 23, 2020, ynetnews.com, 'Israel's economy needs resuscitation, not Netanyahu's outdated ideals': "At the same time though, Netanyahu expresses his absolute refusal to raise government spending during the coronavirus pandemic, claiming it could cause inflation. A lesson in economics the prime minister learned from the teachings of conservative economist Milton Friedman.'"
- May 20, 2017, Bloomberg, 'The Shocking Election That Saved Israel's Economy': "No detail was to small for the [Ben-Gurion] socialists: In 1964, the government banned the Beatles...
- The monopolies created by Likud and Netanyahu's neoliberal economic policies over the decades eventually led to mass protests in 2011, which Netanyahu eventually was able to use in his favor:
- November 13, 2019, promarket.org (a publication of the Chicago School's Stigler Center), 'How Israel's Antimonopolists Helped Take Down Benjamin Netanyahu': "[Israel's] economy is divided into two segments. There is the tech sector... Then there is the rest of the economy, which is that of a small nation-state strangled with monopoly distributors controlling everything from packaged goods to automobile imports. Israel’s prices are quite high, and a small number of politically-connected people are getting very rich off those high prices. ...
In 2011, Israelis poured onto the streets in massive protests, partially inspired by the Occupy Wall Street-style movements... In its first few weeks, the protests received a lot of positive coverage from the media, which led to rumors at the time that they were ginned up by the oligarchs, who owned most of the Israeli press, to go after Netanyahu.
As the protest continued, however, something strange happened. The tenor of the protesters changed. A business newspaper called The Marker [owned by the ultraleft Haaretz], started by legendary Israeli financial journalist Guy Rolnik1, had been reporting on the reason for the high cost of living since 2008. The problem, he argued, was that the non-export economy was controlled by a small group of oligarchs, each of whom owned or allied with a bank or insurance company around which was a satellite of companies placed into holding companies. ...
At first, the protesters were whipped up and encouraged by the press as a curiosity, as a large group of people upset with the [Netanyahu] government. Soon, however, protesters began attacking oligarchs, and something weird happened-the media coverage changed. As the New York Times reported, "A television journalist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the delicacy of the matter, said his station would probably not do a program on wealth concentration to avoid upsetting the station’s owners."
Despite Netanyahu’s right-wing leanings, he had reasons of his own to dislike the media monopolists. "But many of the moguls are somewhat to Mr. Netanyahu’s left on foreign policy," wrote the Times. "And their newspapers can be merciless on him. Other newspapers accuse the prime minister of being in bed with the rich." Netanyahu’s perspective wasn’t crazy; in 1995, the Israeli Antitrust Authority declared the main newspaper in Israel, Yedioth Ahronoth, a monopoly.
This newspaper is controlled by the secretive media baron of Israel, a man named Arnon "Noni" Mozes, and served as a protection racket for the other tycoons. Mozes was able to port this newspaper to the web, and his website is read by roughly 25 percent of Israelis every day. And Mozes had been fairly vicious towards Netanyahu.
Faced with mass protests on the one hand over the cost of living and jeering oligarchs on the other, the far-right wing Netanyahu decided to side with the protesters. ...
Netanyahu taking a committee he had created in 2010 but that had laid dormant, a committee with important Israeli thinkers that had the capacity to research the Israeli monopoly problem. ... Later Federal Reserve Vice Chair Stanley Fischer was on it [and actually created it with Netanyahu]. Antimonopolists demanded this committee act, and it did. Netanyahu then went after the Israeli telecom sector, introducing competition into the telephone and data markets. Consumer prices dropped by 90 percent, and Israel went from one of the most expensive telecom markets in the world to one of the least expensive. In 2013, the Knesset passed the Anti-Concentration Law, formally titled "A Law for Promotion of Competition and Reduction of Concentration," which was passed by every party in the Knesset with no objections.
This law eliminated the heavily-indebted pyramid companies that had allowed a small number of families to control the Israeli economy. It also restructured the banking system, establishing a separation between banking and commerce. The anti-monopolist went further, sending several of the tycoons to jail. ...
Then, two years ago, Netanyahu reversed course. He backed away from the antimonopolists, and began to cast them as left-wing rabble-rousers. This strategy shift was part of a deal he was trying to cut with Mozes. He and Netanyahu hated each other, but Netanyahu realized that Mozes could be useful to his ambitions."
- November 13, 2019, promarket.org (a publication of the Chicago School's Stigler Center), 'How Israel's Antimonopolists Helped Take Down Benjamin Netanyahu': "[Israel's] economy is divided into two segments. There is the tech sector... Then there is the rest of the economy, which is that of a small nation-state strangled with monopoly distributors controlling everything from packaged goods to automobile imports. Israel’s prices are quite high, and a small number of politically-connected people are getting very rich off those high prices. ...
- Netanyahu was very pro-Trump and very anti-Soros:
- July 10, 2017, Reuters, 'Israel backs Hungary, says financier Soros is a threat': "Israel's foreign ministry has issued a statement denouncing ... George Soros, a move that appeared designed to align Israel more closely with Hungary ahead of a visit to Budapest next week by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ...
In the latest case, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has backed a campaign in which Soros is singled out as an enemy of the state. "Let's not allow Soros to have the last laugh" say billboards next to a picture of the 86-year-old investor, a campaign that Jewish groups and others say foments anti-Semitism. ... Many posters have been defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti, including the words "stinking Jew" written in magic marker.
Israel's ambassador to Hungary issued a statement denouncing the campaign, saying it "evokes sad memories but also sows hatred and fear"... But hours after the ambassador made his comments over the weekend, Israel's foreign ministry issued a "clarification" saying that Soros was a legitimate target for criticism. "In no way was the statement (by the ambassador) meant to delegitimize criticism of George Soros, who continuously undermines Israel's democratically elected governments," said foreign ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon, adding that Soros funded organizations "that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself"." - February 4, 2018, Times of Israel, 'Soros spurns ‘false' Netanyahu claim he's behind anti-deportation bid' (a Soros spokesman denied, but said Soros does not agree with the deportations): "Netanyahu made the comment about the progressive Hungarian-born businessman during a meeting of ministers from his ruling Likud party, in response to Science Minister Ofir Akunis, who had said the local aid organizations are funded by foreign governments and foundations.
"George Soros is also funding the protests," Netanyahu said, according to leaks from the meeting carried by Channel 10 and Haaretz. He reportedly added that former US president Barack Obama "deported two million infiltrators and they didn't say anything."" - April 1, 2018, i24news.tv, 'Netanyahu: Soros behind report of Likud sponsored bot network': "Netanyahu's comments were directed at a report by New York Times and [Noni Mozes'] Yedihot Ahronot on Monday, which revealed that an Israeli watchdog group has discovered a network of hundreds of fake social media accounts used to wage an online smear campaign against his political rivals. "It's a fake investigation by a left-wing organization supported by (George) Soros. A million Likud voters are not bots," Netanyahu continued." ... Netanyahu said [this] before introducing one of the people behind the alleged fake accounts."
- July 10, 2017, Reuters, 'Israel backs Hungary, says financier Soros is a threat': "Israel's foreign ministry has issued a statement denouncing ... George Soros, a move that appeared designed to align Israel more closely with Hungary ahead of a visit to Budapest next week by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ...
- In the mid 2010, Netanyahu independently complained about Noni Mozes being part of a "vast left-wing conpiracy" to undermine Israel's right. Mozes is the publisher of Israel's largest newspaper (also the largest in the 1980s, under his father), Yedioth Ahronoth, and, after a bit of checking by this author, happens to have ties to George Soros, one business tie through Noni's sister and another through Soros' International Crisis Group:
- Chief Columnist for Yedioth Ahronoth, Nahum Barnea, joined the board of Soros' International Crisis Group in 2010:
- crisisgroup.org/en/about/board.aspx (accessed: Nov. 5, 2010; one of the first webarchives where Barnea appears): "Kofi Annan: Former Secretary-General of the United Nations... Nahum Barnea: Chief Columnist for Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel. Samuel Berger... [Gen.] Wesley Clark... Jan Egeland: Director, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs; Former UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs... Joschka Fischer... Carla Hills... Javier Solana... Executive Committee: ... George Soros... Morton Abramowitz... Stephen Solarz..."
- crisisgroup.org/who-we-are/board (accessed: Jan. 15, 2018; one of the last webarchives where Barnea appears): "Nahum Barnea: Political Columnist, Israel... Carl Bildt ... Wesley Clark ... Wolfgang Ischinger ... Wadah Khanfar: Co-Founder, Al Sharq Forum; Former Director General, Al Jazeera Network. ... Wim Kok ... Thomas R. Pickering* ... Javier Solana ... Alexander Soros ... George Soros* ... Lawrence H. Summers..."
- March 13, 2012, Globos (Israel), 'Soros, Rakib, Mozes to invest in Brazilian mobile venture': "Sources inform ''Globes'' that high-tech tycoon Zaki Rakib and Judy Shalom Nir Mozes are teaming up with George Soros to jointly invest $500 million in a 4G mobile venture in Brazil's Sao Paulo State. The move comes after Rakib abandoned his investment in Hebrew daily "Ma'ariv" and hooked up with Shalom Nir Mozes, the sister of Noni Mozes, the owner of rival daily "Yediot Ahronot"."
- March 16, 2015, The National Post, 'Benjamin Netanyahu claims 'worldwide' conspiracy trying to unseat him in last-ditch effort to rally support': "In an extraordinary message posted on Facebook, the prime minister wrote: "The government of the right is in danger. Leftist activists and the foreign and international media are conspiring to get Tzipi and Buji [Tzipi Livni and Isaac Herzog, the founders of the Zionist Union party, which existed Dec. 2014-Jan. 2019] elected via illegitimate means, using innuendo and foreign money.
They'll withdraw to the 1967 boundaries and they will divide Jerusalem — just as Tzipi and Buji promised they would do. They know that unlike Tzipi and Buji, the Likud and I will never surrender to pressure."
In the message he also implicated Noni Mozes, the publisher of Israel's biggest-selling newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, in the alleged campaign, which he labelled "Anyone but Bibi [Mr Netanyahu's popular nickname]."
He told an Israeli radio station that the campaign against him was being funded from Scandinavia, while Yuval Steintz, his close ally and Israel's intelligence and strategic affairs minister, said money was also flowing in from the United States.
Mr. Netanyahu's claims were bolstered by Israel Hayom, a mass circulation free newspaper that supports him and is owned by Sheldon Adelson, an American casino tycoon who is close to the prime minister.
The paper reported that a U.S. Senate committee planned to investigate allegations that an American non-profit organization, OneVoice, had broken the law by funding another group that had been campaigning for a change of government in Israel." - January 13, 2021, Globes (Israel), 'Sheldon Adelson's death the end of a conservative era?': "There was a severe blow to [Sheldon Adelson's] involvement [with Netanyahu] when the recordings of the conversations between Netanyahu and Arnon (Noni) Mozes, publisher of Hebrew daily "Yedioth Ahronoth", were revealed. Being distributed free, "Yisrael Hayom" had severely damaged "Yedioth Ahronoth"'s previously dominant position among Israeli newspapers, and Netanyahu was heard offering Mozes legislation that would curb "Yisrael Hayom" in return for favorable coverage in "Yedioth Ahronoth". The Adelsons were furious, and cut ties with Netanyahu, but after a while it appeared that the unreserved support had returned."
- January 12, 2017, Jewish Business News, 'Netanyahu promises to go after Media Mogul Mozes if He pummels him during election, Report': ""According to sources close to the case, Mozes explained to Netanyahu that the attacks against him in the press, which are authorized by him (Mozes’s—ed), are the result of him not being able to sit quietly while the prime minister tries to destroy his family's work, " Gidi Weitz reported."
- June 26, 2020, Haaretz, 'Netanyahu: I Negotiated With Newspaper Publisher Out of Fear He'd Push My Kids to Suicide': "He held the secret conversations [he recorded] with Arnon Mozes [between 2009-2014], the publisher of Yedioth Ahronoth, out of a fear that Mozes would smear his children publicly to the point that they might commit suicide."
- Chief Columnist for Yedioth Ahronoth, Nahum Barnea, joined the board of Soros' International Crisis Group in 2010:
- The wall on Israel's southern border that Netanyahu built:
- January 7, 2014, Jerusalem Post, 'Illegal infiltration to Israel: It's the economy, stupid!': "The majority of infiltrators are coming from Eritrea and Sudan, and do not meet the criteria for refugee status... Most of them, including people who passed through the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) explicitly stated upon arrival that they had come to Israel in search of work. (A minimum-wage salary for one month in Israel is the same as the average salary for three years' work in Eritrea.)...
In 2011, Israel absorbed 10 times as many infiltrators as France, 20 times as many as Italy and 100 times as many as Spain. ...
The mass demonstrations we witnessed this week only prove that protesters are not seeking asylum, but the right to work in Israel and to eventually receive permanent residential status." - November 19, 2017, Die Welt, 'Israel to deport 40,000 African refugees without their consent': "The asylum seekers, mainly from Sudan and Eritrea, entered Israel through Egypt's Sinai Peninsula [until Netanyahu's wall/fence was finished. They are largely men.] "This removal is enabled thanks to an international agreement I achieved that enables us to remove the 40,000 remaining infiltrators without their consent. This is very important," Netanyahu said at the start of his Cabinet meeting."
- March 21, 2021, Jerusalem Post, 'Netanyahu fixates on African migrants – but Likud has no policy': "About 31,000 migrants remain living in Israel, despite the government's various attempts at convincing them to leave, including detention upon arrival and blocking access to part of their income until they depart – both of which the Supreme Court vetoed – and offering to pay them to leave. ...
Netanyahu ... was asked about the Nation-State Law, a 2018 Basic Law that defines Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, which many Israeli Arabs and Druse citizens saw as discriminatory.
The prime minister said the proposal came up "in connection to the danger of a flooding of illegal immigrants from Africa that flooded Israel. I built a fence that saved us all – and then I was told, if someone climbs the fence, he has an automatic right to be a refugee.
"So I decided to pass the Nation-State Law... It was not meant to be against any citizen within the [borders]," Netanyahu claimed." - April 2, 2018, Times of Israel, 'Netanyahu: 16,250 migrants to resettle in 'developed countries,' rest will stay; PM says 'political difficulties' prevented intended deportation to Uganda and Rwanda, brought about new deal with UN; vows to rehabilitate south Tel Aviv': "The government said it had scrapped a controversial plan to deport African migrants and replaced it with a new one, quietly negotiated with the UN, that would see thousands sent to Western countries. ... Netanyahu stressed that "legal constraints as well as political difficulties on the part of [Uganda and Rwanda]" led to the cancellation of previous deportation policies. ...
Under the agreement, which Netanyahu said was "the best possible," the asylum seekers who remain in Israel will be dispersed in areas across the country outside of south Tel Aviv, where a majority of them currently reside. Netanyahu vowed to prioritize rehabilitating the neighborhoods of south Tel Aviv..."
- January 7, 2014, Jerusalem Post, 'Illegal infiltration to Israel: It's the economy, stupid!': "The majority of infiltrators are coming from Eritrea and Sudan, and do not meet the criteria for refugee status... Most of them, including people who passed through the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) explicitly stated upon arrival that they had come to Israel in search of work. (A minimum-wage salary for one month in Israel is the same as the average salary for three years' work in Eritrea.)...
- Jean-Marie Le Pen and daughter Marine have been the leading anti-immigration "populist" political candidates in France from the 1990s to the 2010s.
- They are known to be anti-Semitic, with their party, the National Front / National Rally, tying back to Le Cercle and thus the CIA and underground Nazi militias.
- Prime minister of Italy October 2022. Anti-immigration, favoring a naval blockage to keep refugees out fot he country.
- Born in 1977. At age 15 in 1992 she joined the neo-fascist Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) party. Her views are predominently anti-"woke":
- Sep. 26, 2022, Reuters, 'Nationalist Meloni set to smash Italy's glass ceiling, become premier': "In her 2021 autobiography, 'I am Giorgia', Meloni says she found a new family aged 15, when she joined a local youth section of the Italian Social Movement (MSI), created in 1946 by supporters of the disgraced fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.
Hard-working and feisty, she soon caught the eye of party activist Fabio Rampelli, who organised courses to train what he hoped would be a new generation of conservative politicians. "My idea was to imagine a right-wing government, which had nothing to do with the (fascism of the) 1930s," said Rampelli, who is deputy head of the Brothers of Italy in parliament. "Meloni was blonde, blue-eyed, petite, easy-going and witty. She was also very concrete and not ideological. All the characteristics we needed to take the Italian Right to the next level," he told Reuters. ...
The MSI was folded into a new body called National Alliance (AN) in the mid-1990s before merging with a mainstream conservative group created by former prime minister Berlusconi. In her biggest political gamble, Meloni and a contingent of AN veterans left Berlusconi in 2012 and co-founded Brothers of Italy, named after the opening lines of the national anthem. The party maintained the old flame symbol of the original MSI group and Italian media occasionally publish photographs showing fascist memorabilia in the offices of some Brothers of Italy regional politicians. ...
[She] distanced herself from comments she had made as a teenager praising Mussolini...
"Yes to natural families, no to the LGBT lobby, yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology, yes to the culture of life, no to the abyss of death... No to the violence of Islam, yes to safer borders, no to mass immigration, yes to work for our people, no to major international finance," she continued, speaking in Spanish, her voice raising to a crescendo of red-faced anger. ... She is opposed to diversity quotas to boost female presence in parliament or the boardroom, saying women have to get to the top through merit. ...
Whereas her allies Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi joined forces with the centre-left last year to form a unity government under Mario Draghi, Meloni refused, saying appointing an unelected former central banker was undemocratic. ...
She has reassured Italy's establishment, touting a strong pro-West message, vowing to boost defence spending and undertaking to stand up to Russia and China." - Sep. 26, 2022, AP, 'How a party of neo-fascist roots won big in Italy': "Meloni, who proudly touts her roots as an MSI militant, has said the first spark of creating Brothers of Italy came after Berlusconi resigned as premier in 2011, forced out by a financial crisis over Italy’s soaring debt and his own legal problems.
Meloni refused to support Mario Monti, who was tapped by Italy’s president to try to form a technocratic government to reassure international financial markets. Meloni couldn’t stand what she believed was external pressure from European capitals to dictate internal Italian politics." - Nov. 23, 2022, Jerusalem Post, 'Will Italy's new prime minister move its embassy to Jerusalem? - Opinion': "Giorgia Meloni and her political allies have shown closeness to Israel, supported Israel's right to defend itself, and condemned the BDS movement."
- Sep. 26, 2022, Reuters, 'Nationalist Meloni set to smash Italy's glass ceiling, become premier': "In her 2021 autobiography, 'I am Giorgia', Meloni says she found a new family aged 15, when she joined a local youth section of the Italian Social Movement (MSI), created in 1946 by supporters of the disgraced fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.
- In no small part is due to the 2022 energy crisis and Italy's climate change-tied scorching summers and floods, Meloni, rather uniquely among "the rigth", has set open the door to addressing climate change, as long as it doesn't harm economic growth. However, that is little more than token support, as her entire government has predominantly engaged in climate change denial, despite the country literally burning down and washing away:
- Oct. 20, 2022, Politico.eu, 'Italy’s Meloni aims to make climate change a right-wing issue': ""Greta Thunberg's ideology will lead us to lose thousands of companies and millions of jobs in Europe," Meloni told a crowd at a June forum of right-wing parties in Spain. [But] we now realize that our energy dependence is dramatic and that the transition to electric without controlling the raw material will make us even more dependent on China than we are on Russia. ... Meloni and her Brothers of Italy party signed a declaration by right-wing parties to respond to the challenges of a warming planet. The declaration says: "We must collectively do much more to combat the threat of climate change..."" It also marks a break with other right-wing parties..."
- August 2, 2023, 'Beset by fire and heat, Meloni’s government flirts with climate denial; Italy’s PM says the right things to Joe Biden, but downplays the dangers of climate change at home.': ""It’s hot, yes, without a doubt. In summer it’s hot, in winter it’s cold,” Transport Minister Matteo Salvini joked on Sunday...
Last week, Environment Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin said “if the climate is changing, it is because of the climate … I do not know how much climate change is due to man and how much to the Earth's [natural] climate change.” ...
In July, Meloni told a rally of Spain’s far-right Vox party via a video clip that “ultra-ecological fanaticism” was a threat to the economy. Her colleagues have been making similar statements, with Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, national secretary of Forza Italia, saying he opposed the “ideological vision of a fight against climate change.” Meanwhile, Meloni’s partner, the journalist Andrea Giambruno, has downplayed climate change on his television show." ...
Meloni's government also picked a fight with Brussels over EU efforts to ban the production of cars with internal combustion engines by 2035. ...
Meanwhile, the country is being battered by extreme weather. Last week, the island of Sicily suffered huge wildfires. Floods have submerged parts of the north of the country, while extreme heat in the south in recent weeks would have been “virtually impossible” without climate change, according to scientists. ... A study published last month estimated that 18,010 Italians died as a result of extreme heat during the summer of 2022 — the most in Europe."
- Meloni still allows Third World migrants and doesn't seem to talk about white Italians needing to get babies, or limiting the rights of migrant workers with vastly increased crime numbers:
- Dec. 6, 2023, Reuters, 'Italy's Meloni talks tough on migrants while opening up to foreign workers': "Meloni, who rose to power in October last year on a staunchly nationalist agenda, has captured global headlines with her vows to clamp down on unauthorised arrivals from North Africa with harsher immigration laws, restrictions on sea rescue charities and plans to build migrant reception camps in Albania.
At the same time, though, she's throwing open the door to hundreds of thousands of migrants to work in Italy legally in an effort to plug yawning labour gaps in the country, which has one of the world's oldest and most rapidly shrinking populations.
By 2050, Italy will have almost 5 million fewer people, and more than a third of them will be over 65, national statistics office Istat predicts.
Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, who signed a three-year deal with Tunisia in October that simplified visa and residence permit procedures for up to 4,000 Tunisians per year, says the government is not opposed to immigration per se.
"We want to choose who enters Italy and Europe, and not leave the choice to traffickers," he told parliament on Nov. 21.
Giuliano Cazzola, a labour market expert and former conservative lawmaker, said economic and demographic realities were tempering the government's anti-immigration stance.
"I am absolutely convinced that immigration is the easiest tool to repopulate Italy," he added. "A baby who is born today will enter the labour market in 20 years' time, whereas someone who arrives here is 20 and can be put to work immediately.""
- Dec. 6, 2023, Reuters, 'Italy's Meloni talks tough on migrants while opening up to foreign workers': "Meloni, who rose to power in October last year on a staunchly nationalist agenda, has captured global headlines with her vows to clamp down on unauthorised arrivals from North Africa with harsher immigration laws, restrictions on sea rescue charities and plans to build migrant reception camps in Albania.
- Meloni coming out of the MSI instantly is problematic, because during the Cold War the MSI counted the involvement of numerous prominent CIA- and SISMI-tied inviduals organizing coups and terrorist attacks against communist and socialist governments.
- 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in Belgium' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 175: "In late 1975, the [of violent child abuse-accused, CIA- and Belgian 'Strategy of Tension'-tied, Nazi black] baron [de Bonvoisin] organizes, together with Emile Lecerf, Francis Dossogne and Albert Lambert, a meeting of the European right in his family castle in Maizeret. On the list of the invited are the heads of the Italian MSI and Ordine Nuovo, the French Parti des Forces Nouvelles, the British National Front and the Spanish Fuerza Nueva. On the agenda are the expansion of 'Eurodroite' [the European right] and the countering of communist subversion."
- November 18 1990, The Observer, 'Secret army's war on the Left': "In many other countries the secret societies have been moribund, but not in Italy, where all hell broke loose over charges that the CIA had conspired with Italian intelligence chiefs and Christian Democrat leaders to install a military dictatorship on the lines of the CIA-Colonels coup in Greece. This was to be achieved through a 'strategy of tension' to combat the 'Red Brigades' with bombings and assassinations on IRA lines. The purpose was to dishearten the Left and open the way to a takeover. Indeed, there were atrocities over the decades. ...
William Colby, CIA chief of the day, claimed recently that his agency had spent nearly dollars 100 million 'supporting politicians'. But Moro the loner was not for sale. Meanwhile, the inquiries have shown that Italian secret services successfully penetrated the Red Brigades, Moro's captors. 'Poor Moro had to go,' says a Communist party MP. 'We had 40 per cent of the national vote. We regarded the Brigades as mad extremists who were destroying the Left. It was easy to focus Red Brigade fury on Moro for leading the Communists into the capitalist camp. And once the Communists got into the cabinet, they could discover Gladio.' That Moro felt certain he was being sacrificed is evident from his last letters.
Andreotti said that 139 secret arms dumps had been gathered in over the last decade but 12 were mysteriously missing. In the course of training partisans for the War That Never Was, hundreds of men had been flown from Sardinia to Corsica in blacked-out aircraft. Andreotti admitted that Gladio, born in 1951, was still active. ... One of Casson's visitors was former Defence Minister Paolo Taviani, who said frankly that during his time in office (1955-58) the Italian secret services were bossed and financed by 'the boys in Via Veneto' ie the CIA agents in the US Embassy in the heart of Rome.
Declassified secret service papers reveal that Ted Shackley, deputy chief of the CIA station in Rome in the 1970s introduced the notorious Licio Gelli head of the neo-fascist P2 masonic lodge and for years a fugitive in Argentina to General Alexander Haig, then Nixon's chief of staff, and later, from 1974 to '79, Nato Supreme Commander. P2 was a right-wing shadow government, ready to take over Italy, that included four Cabinet Ministers, all three intelligence chiefs, 48 MPs, 160 military officers, bankers, industrialists, top diplomats and the Army Chief of Staff. After meetings between Gelli, Italian military brass and CIA men in the embassy, Gladio was given renewed blessing and more money by Haig and the then head of the National Security Council, Henry Kissinger. Just how those and later funds were spent is a key point in the investigation.
Casson's dossier will be presented, along with a large batch of similar evidence compiled by another judge in Rome, to a parliamentary commission on terrorism. Together, they have revealed a long line of ghosts from Italy's post-war traumas. From the seven-hour testimony from Admiral Fulvio Martini, secret services chief, to parliament last Thursday, it is clear that the Gladio army had been readied since the Fifties not merely to intervene when the Russians came, but also in the case of the Left winning a general election.
Italians have also learned that General Giovanni De Lorenzo, as secret service chief, compiled secret dossiers, including tapes and photographs, on some 150,000 people; that his successor, General Vito Miceli, received an dollars 800,000 handout from the Americans; that Miceli was linked to an abortive coup in 1970 led by Prince Valerio Borghese, a war-time mini-sub commander. De Lorenzo and Miceli received parliamentary immunity as MSI (neo-fascist) MPs, while Borghese [also of MSI] was spirited out to Spain by ex-Nazis." - 2003, Stuart Christie, 'General Franco made me a terrorist - part 2', p. 235: "[Summer of 1960:] The shift to the 'centre-left' (as perceived by the reactionary right) in European politics causes alarm and concern within conservative circles, particularly in Italy. The Vatican hails authoritarian Christian Democrat Prime Minister Tambroni as the 'wise and strong man'. The fascist Movimiento Sociale Italiano (MSI) is sufficiently confident to convene a national party conference under the chairmanship of Carlo Emanuele Basile, a former fascist prefect of Genoa whose name had figured in the list of war criminals. Twelve people are killed and many hundreds are injured in the anti-fascist riots that follow in most industrial cities throughout Italy. Stefano Delle Chiaie (SDC) [also of MSI until 1958, after he and other MSI members founded Ordine Nuovo; considered a major fascit terrorist], a member of Pino Rauti's Nazi Ordine Nuevo (ON) organisation, later claimed it was around this time that he was recruited by an officer of the (Christian Democrat-controlled) Ministry of the Interior's Bureau of Confidential Affairs under Federico Umberto D'Amato to undertake covert operations against anti-fascists and left-wing militants."
- No further research yet.
- Dutch neoliberal politician with neocon leanings who has shows up regularly as a mentor to future "populists": Geert Wilders, Joshua Livestro and Derk Jan Eppink come to mind. Through Livestro's Edmund Burke Stichting, Thierry Baudet also was part of this early network.
- Career at Shell, headed by Bilderberg and Chase Manhattan Bank international council member John Loudon, 1960-1976. Stationed in East-Africa 1960-1964, Honduras and El Salvador 1965-1968, London 1968-1970, Indonesia 1970-1972. These postings almost make one wonder if he wasn't doubling as an intelligence asset. Coordinator for the Middle East, Asia and Australia for Shell Chemie 1972-1973. Director of Shell Chemie in Paris 1973-1976.
- Member of congress 1978-1982, 1986-1988, 1989-1999, which was founded on (rather secret) neoliberal policies, which Bolkestein and later VVD head Mark Rutte have tried to deny. Secretary of state for economic affairs, tasked with foreign trade, 1982-1986. Minister of defense 1988-1989. Head VVD 1990-1998. European commissioner for the internal market 1999-2004.
- January 10, 2017, Wiardi Beckman Stichting (Science bureau of the PvdA), 'De VVD: neoliberaal tot in de vezels': "Publieke intellectuelen [as] Frits Bolkestein ... verdedigen nu al jaren de stelling dat het neoliberalisme niet bestaat. Sterker, dat de term een uitvinding is van ... primary leftist...
In dit [1988] boek zet de [Teldersstichting] bij monde van onder anderen Frits Bolkestein, Uri Rosenthal ... uiteen dat de voornaamste taak van de staat bestaat in 'de regelgeving en de handhaving daarvan die noodzakelijk is om de zelfregulerende orde in goede banen te leiden'; een opvatting die de auteurs expliciet ontlenen aan Hayek. ...
De VVD werd in januari 1948 – negen maanden nadat Hayek de Mont Pèlerin Society leven inblies – opgericht door Pieter Oud... Wat direct opvalt is dat dit [founding VVD] artikel punt voor punt de neoliberale kritiek op de klassiek-liberale filosofie enerzijds en de collectivistische filosofieën anderzijds herhaalt. [In addition] Pieter Oud, tijdens zijn openingsrede voor het jaarlijkse congres van de VVD in 1952, [noemde] de ideologie van zijn partij als het 'neo-liberalisme'... Zes jaar later schreef J. Alers, in een door Oud geredigeerde bundel over de partij-ideologie van de VVD, lovend over [Mont Pelerin members] Hayek en Röpke: ... 'Veel, maar niet alles, van wat de VVD op economisch gebied wenst, hebben zij theoretisch uiteengezet.' ...
Mark Rutte, neoliberaal: ... " - October 3, 2011, Trouw, 'Mark Rutte, durf te denken!': "Premier Rutte beroept zich graag op neoliberale denkers als Friedrich von Hayek, maar houdt zich doof voor kritiek op hun werk. [This also includes] Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman en Friedrich von Hayek...
Bolkestein [just published a book in which] communisme weer flink over de kling gejaagd. ... Maar ook rechts kent fellow-travellers, en daar rept Bolkestein met geen woord over."
- January 10, 2017, Wiardi Beckman Stichting (Science bureau of the PvdA), 'De VVD: neoliberaal tot in de vezels': "Publieke intellectuelen [as] Frits Bolkestein ... verdedigen nu al jaren de stelling dat het neoliberalisme niet bestaat. Sterker, dat de term een uitvinding is van ... primary leftist...
In dit [1988] boek zet de [Teldersstichting] bij monde van onder anderen Frits Bolkestein, Uri Rosenthal ... uiteen dat de voornaamste taak van de staat bestaat in 'de regelgeving en de handhaving daarvan die noodzakelijk is om de zelfregulerende orde in goede banen te leiden'; een opvatting die de auteurs expliciet ontlenen aan Hayek. ...
- Bolkestein, besides being a member of the conservative Mont Pelerin Society, visited Bilderberg in 1996 and from 2002 to 2004, was a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA; Chatham House) anno 1999, spoke at the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI) in 2000, spoke at the 2001 annual meeting of the Trilateral Commission in 2001, spoke at the CFR in 2003-2004, joined the advisory board of the Nexus Institute, loaded with other globalist-oriented Bilderberg veterans such as future Bilderberg co-chair Victor Halbertstadt, no later than 2003. In May 2005 he joined the international advisory board of Mikhail Khodorkovsky's Bank Menatep / Group Menatep Limited, the holding company of the giant Yukos oil firm. In the Open Russia Foundation, Khodorkovsky was a co-trustee of Henry Kissinger and Lord Jacob Rothschild, the latter whom received his Yukos shared after his arrest by Putin in 2003. In 2002 Khodorkovsky had joined the board of the International Crisis Group alongside Zbigniew Brzezinki.
- 1999, no. 9, Bulletin of the European Union, pp. 13-14: "Frederik (Frits) Bolkestein: ... President of Liberal International. Other details: Chairman of the Amsterdam Bach Soloists. Member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (London) and of the Mont Pelerin Society."
- Bilderberg lists reveal Bolkkestein visited in 1996 as "Parliamentary Leader VVD (Liberal Party)"; in 2002 as "Commissioner, European Commission"; and in 2003 and 2004 as "Commissioner for the Internal Market, European Commission".
- 2001 Trilateral Commission speaker at the annual meeting in London.
- 2003 or 2004 CFR speaker:
- 2004 annual report (July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004), CFR, p. 44: "This year’s schedule included ... a conversation between Frits Bolkestein, the European Union’s commissioner for internal market and taxation, and Representative Michael G. Oxley (R-OH), the chairman of the House Committee on Financial Service."
- Invited in 2005 to the international advisory council of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Leonid Nevzlin's Menatep Group, the owner of Yukos; Khodorkovsky, a Russian Zionist mafia oligarch, was a close partner of Jacob Rothschild and Henry Kissinger through the Open Russia Foundation. He also joined Soros' International Crisis Group with Zbigniew Brzezinski in 2002. This was before Putin threw him in prison.
- May 24, 2005, Volkskrant, 'Bolkestein adviseur van moedermaatschappij Yukos': "[Other advisors:] Stuart Eizenstat [and] Count Otto Lambsdorff [German CFR, European CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, etc.]..."
- Anti-immigration critic, especially with regard to Muslims, since the 1990s:
- November 14, 1997, Trouw, ''De islam loopt zeshonderd jaar achter bij het christendom': "Bolkestein [leverde kritiek op Derde Wereld immigratie] op een conferentie van de Teldersstichting, het wetenschappelijk bureau van de VVD."
- March 3, 2017, Elsevier, 'Frits Bolkestein: 'Islam niet verenigbaar met westers liberalisme''.
- Famous pro-Israel, Muslim-baiting populist Geert Wilders was Frits Bolkestein's protege back in the 1990s:
- February 27, 2017, New York Times, 'Geert Wilders, Reclusive Provocateur, Rises Before Dutch Vote': "He arrived in The Hague, the Netherlands, in 1991-92 as a parliamentary assistant in the mainstream conservative party then led by Frits Bolkestein [Dutch conservative standards, far more moderate than American standards]. Today Mr. Bolkestein likens Mr. Wilders to "[his] sorcerer's apprentice...""
- Bolkestein was known as quite Euroskeptic and also for being against taking climate measures and criticizing Muslim immigration. His successor, Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister since 2010, turned around and became a champion of Europe, the lowering of CO2, and massive Third World immigration by signing the UN Migration Pact:
- November 9, 2018, NOS (YouTube upload), 'PREMIER {Rutte]: Kabinet positief over migratiepact van Marrakech'.
- December 5, 2018, DutchNews.nl, 'Dutch set to back Marrakesh migration pact next week'.
- December 4, 2018, De Dagelijkse Standaard, 'Woedende Frits Bolkestein maakt ruzie met Mark Rutte en eist: teken dat zelfmoordpact van Marrakesh NIET'.
- Fellow Mont Pelerin Society member Eduard Bomhoff, whom Bolkestein tried to make minister of finance in 1994, ended up as one of the closest allies of peculiar Republican Society member and anti-immigration "populist" Pim Fortuyn, who was assassinated a week before the elections in May 2002, elections Fortuyn most likely would have won. Bomhoff briefly joined the CDA, which won the elections, but was fired within months and had to emigrate in order to receive any decent work. Bomhoff, known to bend to the will of multinationals, soon was fully in favor of Islamic immigration and accused Bolkestein of "spreading fear".
- August 2005 issue, HP/De Tijd magazine, interview with Eduard Bomhoff: "Na de verkiezingen van '94 werd Bomhoff – tot eind mei 2002 overigens PvdA-lid – gebeld door Frits Bolkestein. "Frits en ik waren indertijd heel goed; Janneke en ik gingen nog weleens uit met hem en zijn vrouw Femke. Hij zei tegen me: word onmiddellijk lid van de VVD, want we zoeken een minister van Financien. Ik weet, want dat vertelde hij me, dat hij het echt heel moeilijk vond om binnen de VVD een geschikt iemand te vinden. Ik heb bedankt. Toen werd het Zalm, ja." Ze zien elkaar niet meer. Bomhoff verwijt Bolkestein angst te zaaien. "Hij zet al zijn talenten in om stemming te maken tegen Turkije en te beweren dat de islam over Europa heenspoelt en zo. Een zwak verhaal, maar hij weet dat er veel stemmers mee te trekken zijn. Ik vind dat niet erg mooi, moet ik eerlijk zeggen.""
- Mont Pelerin member Eduard Bomhoff, one of two from the Netherlands in 2010: Columnist NRC Handelsblad newspaper 1989-2002 and at one point considered a likely heir to leading Dutch conservative Jerome Heldring. (May 2, 2017, Elsevier) Economics professor Erasmus University in Rotterdam 1981-1994 and the same at Nyenrode University 1994 - July 2002. Member of Mont Pelerin since 1990, which appears to be ignored in just about all newspaper articles about him over the past three decades.
- Only newspaper to apparently have mentioned Bomhoff's Mont Pelerin Society membership: July 17, 2002, Reformatorisch Dagblad, 'E. Bomhoff (LPF) : Vice-premier, Volksgezondheid': "The man who is going to take care of Public Health and for the LPF also become vice prime minister of the Balkenende cabinet, is one of the great surprises in the group of people standing besides the queen on Monday [with Fortuyn assassinated]. ...
This spring the former Catholic Bomhoff had a vigirous discussion on the opinion page with the Leidse atheist philosopher Herman Philipse. That discussion involved the belief in the physical resurrection of Jesus, which Bomhoff defended. ...
Bomhoff's membership of the Mont Pelerin Society..." - In 1994 Frits Bolkestein (leading Dutch politician, Bilderberg, Mont Pelerin member, anti-Muslim, mentor to neocon "populist" Geert Wilders, etc.) asked him to join his VVD and become Dutch minister of finance. He refused, because his kids were still in school and it would have been too much for the family. (May 2, 2017, Elsevier) In 1995 he erected NYFER, a privately-financed research institute that became a competitor of the age-old Centraal Planbureau (CPD) / Central Planning Bureau, a government institute that carries out economic studies for the Dutch government (sounds communist, but it isn't). Since then, plenty of evidence has turned up that NYFER is on the take for the big business interests that hire the institute to produce favorable reports.
- In the 1990s in his NRC columns Bomhoff continually pushed the hyper-expensive maglev train idea of Siemens, which was quietly sponsoring his NYFER institute and also was represented in Mont Pelerin. Pushed the Betuwelijn project, marred with corruption and cost overruns.
- 2000, NYFER, 'Regulation versus Innovation': In this report NYFER controversially made the case that opening up the cable internet market to more than two players - NYFER's clients UPC and Casema - would actually hurt the consumer. The report was totally against (neo)liberal policy, ignored, and opening up the market greatly increased speed, service and price.
- In 2002 Bomhoff praised the Socialist Party for its plans to invest a lot of money in healthcare, while not disclosing that he was working on a report for the Society of Dutch Hospitals and the Order of Medical Specialists.
Political career: PvdA (Labour Party) member and economist until 2002. Wife became a member of the List Pim Fortuyn (LPF) in early 2002. Bomhoff spoke with Fortuyn and agreed that he would become the LPF minister of public health. Fortuyn was assassinated a week before the election and instead Bomhoff joined the cabinet of Jan Peter Balkenende in the same position July - October 2002. There was tons of infighting, mainly because only Fortuyn wanted to limit immigration, and he was quickly booted out of the cabinet for which he had left all his other positions. Left the Netherlands, because he couldn't get a job anywhere anymore for his association with Pim Fortuyn.
- The first strictly anti-immigration "populist" leader of the Netherlands who arose in 2001 and 2002. Assassinated one week before the elections by "liberal CIA"-tied and -financed environmentalist Volkert van den Graaf - released from prison again in 2014.
- Pim Fortuyn was a member of the curious, low-profile Republikeins Genootschap / Republican Society, filled with about 200 establishment and non-establishment "radicals" in Dutch Society: green, socialist and communist activists; anti-Bilderberg and anti-Prince Bernhard authors; a pedophilia advocate, etc. Also included were a tiny handful of neocon advocates as Pim Fortuyn, his friend Theo van Gogh (publicly butchered in 2004 by a Jihadist) and famous conspiracy author Tomas Ross, who spread disinformation on the Fortuyn murder regarding a non-existent second shooter. Even the lawyer of assassin Volkert van der Graaf was a member. At least three Republican Society founders were involved with Bilderberg.
- These details regarding the Pim Fortuyn assassination and the Republican Society are completely unknown in Dutch society and have only been discussed in detail by ISGP.
- Ruud Lubbers and Wim Kok:
- 2013/04, Centraal Planbureau, CPB Policy Brief, 'It's lonely at the Top; Hoger toptarief levert niets op': "Van 1969 tot aan 1989 schommelden de tarieven rond de 74%. Het hoogst gemeten effectieve toptarief bedroeg bijna 76% in 1972. ... Allereerst zijn op advies van de Commissie-Oort de toptarieven in 1990 teruggebracht van 72% naar 60%. Bij de Belastingherziening 2001 zijn de toptarieven tijdens het tweede Paarse kabinet verder verlaagd van 60% naar 52%. Bij deze belastingherzieningen zijn ook diverse aftrekposten beperkt, waardoor de grondslag voor de belastingheffing wel is toegenomen. ...
Het opbrengstmaximaliserende toptarief is volgens berekeningen in deze Policy Brief in Nederland ongeveer 49%. Het huidige toptarief van 52% is daarmee iets hoger dan het opbrengstmaximaliserende toptarief. Verhoging van het huidige toptarief van 52% levert waarschijnlijk niet meer, maar juist minder belastingopbrengst op. Dat geldt ook als het toptarief wordt verhoogd vanaf een inkomen van 150.000 euro. Het opbrengstmaximaliserende toptarief wordt bepaald door de inkomensconcentratie bij de topinkomens en de mate waarin de belastinggrondslag reageert op het toptarief. Hoe lager de inkomensconcentratie aan de top en hoe sterker de krimp van de belastinggrondslag bij hogere toptarieven, des te lager het opbrengstmaximaliserende toptarief. Het opbrengstmaximaliserende tarief is relatief laag doordat de inkomensconcentratie aan de top in Nederland zeer laag is, na Denemarken de laagste in de wereld. ...
... aanvullende informatie [hier is van] de CPB Lecture 2013, uitgesproken door Emmanuel Saez (Berkeley) [wie belastingverhogingen van 70-90% aanbeveeld] met als onderwerp ’Top Incomes and Top Tax Rates’." - April 11, 2015, AD, ''Geef werkenden belastingvoordeel van 1500 euro'': "The highest [tax] bracket for a long time stood at no less than 72 percent, but declined in 1990 to 62% and under Wim Kok in 2001 with another tien percent [60% in 2000 and 52% in 2001]."
- A quick calculation by this author shows that a person with an income of 80,000 euros a year was able to keep 5,153 euros more (45,001 versus 39,848 euros) in 2001 than in 2000, which is 12.9% more. In contrast, a person making 20,000 euros a year, was only able to keep 591 euros more in 2001 than in 2000, which is 4.7% more.
- A person in 2023, at the end of the "neoliberal" Rutte cabinet, making 80,000 euros was able to keep 49,026 euros, which is 9,178 euros more than in 2000, or 23% more. COmpared to 2001, it is 4,025 euros more, or 8.9%.
- 2013/04, Centraal Planbureau, CPB Policy Brief, 'It's lonely at the Top; Hoger toptarief levert niets op': "Van 1969 tot aan 1989 schommelden de tarieven rond de 74%. Het hoogst gemeten effectieve toptarief bedroeg bijna 76% in 1972. ... Allereerst zijn op advies van de Commissie-Oort de toptarieven in 1990 teruggebracht van 72% naar 60%. Bij de Belastingherziening 2001 zijn de toptarieven tijdens het tweede Paarse kabinet verder verlaagd van 60% naar 52%. Bij deze belastingherzieningen zijn ook diverse aftrekposten beperkt, waardoor de grondslag voor de belastingheffing wel is toegenomen. ...
- Second "populist" politician the Netherlands saw. He is far less concerned with anti-Third World immigration than he is with crusading against its Islamic component in a rather stigmatizing way.
- Since 1998 Wilders was busy in Dutch Parliament to increase anti-terrorism measures against Islamic immigrants and also limit immigration from these areas of the world:
- 2001 Geert Wilders interview met EO met Andries Knevel interview: "[KNEVEL, BEING CONDESCENDING WITH HIS OPENING QUESTION:] Gaat u hier nu vanavond zitten als de man die het allemaal al gezegd heeft.
[WILDERS:] Nee, zo is het niet. Het is ook niet het moment om je gelijk te halen na dergelijke afschuwelijke gebeurtenissen, dus ik zit hier niet van, "Ik wist het al." Wel is het natuurlijk zo dat we veel meer hadden klunnen doen...
[KNEVEL, AGAIN BEING CONDESCENDING:] Hoe kan het nou dat u het al allemaal wel wist? ...
[WILDERS:] Ja, ik ben er in 98 mee begonnen en ik heb het een jaar later bij de begroting in de kamer van Buitenlandse Zaken aan de orde gesteld, zowel het terrorisme als het gevaar van Moslimextremisme. En ik ben daarvoor de wereld rondgereist. Ik heb daarvoor verschillende landen in het Midden Oosten bezocht. van Iraan tot Syrie, tot Israel. Maar ook terrorisme experts en Moslim extremisme experts in Frankrijk en de Verenigde Staten.
[KNEVEL, AGAIN BEING (EXTREMELY) CONDESCENDING:]Is dat een hobby van u? Waarom doet een normaal mens dat?
[in mijn motie] stond dat Moslimextremisme een gevaar was, als een gevaar moet worden beschouwd cvoor de vrede en veiligheid... Ja, ik vind het ook onvoorstelbaar [dat links zelfs dat afwees]. ... Toen, als nu, geef ik aan dat het de VVD niet te doen is om de Islam. Wij vinden de Islam een te respecteren godsdienst. En de meeste Islamieten in de wereld, en ook in Nederland, net als u en ik, moeten niks te doen hebben van terrorisme. Het gaat mij alleen om de kleine groep - de relatief kleine groep - van terroristen en fundamentalisten."
- 2001 Geert Wilders interview met EO met Andries Knevel interview: "[KNEVEL, BEING CONDESCENDING WITH HIS OPENING QUESTION:] Gaat u hier nu vanavond zitten als de man die het allemaal al gezegd heeft.
- Emerged in 2006 as leader of the Partij for de Vrijheid / Party for Freedom (PVV).
- "Tot gisteravond heeft de VVD geprobeerd Geert Wilders binnen boord te houden. Nu zijn ze boos op hem, omdat hij de zetel niet wilt opgeven. [Interviewer on site:] Het is de eerste keer dat een kamerlid uit de fractie breekt. Het was een goed kamerlid en iedereen mocht hem, dus ze hebben er gewoon de pest in." Maar ze hebben ook het idee, "Het kon eigenlijk niet anders." Maar het heeft wel een andere belangrijke vraag aan de orde gesteld: Hoe groot is de vrijheid van individuele kamerleden om standpunten in te nemen. Kijk, in 2002, het succes van Fortuyn... sindsdien kregen mensen als Geert Wilders alle ruimte om op rechts te spelen. Als Geert Wilders tegen Turkije mag stemmen, en misschien later ook nog tegen de kieswet, waarom zouden de andere leden van de kamer dat dan niet mogen. Binnen de korste keren heb je ellende, heb je een kabinetscrisis. En dat was de reden dat fractie-voorzitter Van der Aartsen bij Wilders de teugels probeerde aan te trekken. Nou, dat was bij WIlders al te laat.
- While the PVV has been very popular over the years, Wilders never became prime minister due to overly anti-EU stances and regular, unneccssarily harsh outbursts against Arab Moroccan immigrants in particular. With that he perfectly fit the stereotype of a "populist" and stigmatizer - alienating a large part of the population.
- Like other international "populists", refuses to rationally bring up ethnic crime numbers, racial IQ, or immigration-related poll statistics that will empower the masses with facts and force globalists to somehow counter with facts instead of purely appealing to or ridiculing with emotion.
- Largely lost face in the run up to the March 2017 elections. Despite leading the polls with a wide margin in late 2016, by early 2017 he all of a sudden hid in his basement for weeks on end, refusing to take part in any debates, all with the excuse of not wanting to deal with the "fake news". As a result, the lead he had in late 2016, in part due to the Trump election, was fully reversed. He copied this accusation from Trump, but in contrast to Trump refused to do any campaigning. In the mdist of this, it coincidentally was also revealed that a Dutch-Moroccan police officer was involved in plot to assassinate Wilders. In this same period, Thierry Baudet and his Forum for Democracy rose up, splitting the "populist" vote.
- December 21, 2016, Telegraaf, 'Peiling: PVV loopt verder uit op VVD' ('Polls: PVV extends its lead over the VVD'): "PVV [now] has 36 seats, the VVD loses two and keeps 23 [and sits at number 2]."
- March 21, 2017, kiesraad.nl, 'Officiële uitslag Tweede Kamerverkiezing 15 maart 2017' ('Official result House of Commons election 15 March 2017'): "VVD: 33. PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid): 20. CDA: 19. Democraten 66 (D66): 19. GROENLINKS [Green-Left]: 14. SP (Socialistische Partij): 14. Partij van de Arbeid [Labour Party]: 9. ChristenUnie: 5. Partij voor de Dieren [Party for the Animals]: 5. ... DENK [Islamic Party]: 3. Forum voor Democratie: 2. ...
The remaining participating parties were not able to capture any seats: ... GeenPeil [of the controlled opposition news blog site GeenStijl]. Pirate Party [controlled] ... Libertarian Party [always controlled]... Jezus Leeft [Jesus Lives]..." - February 27, 2017, New York Times, 'Geert Wilders, Reclusive Provocateur, Rises Before Dutch Vote': "He wants to end immigration from Muslim countries, tax head scarves and ban the Quran. ... Last week Mr. Wilders delighted in publicly referring to "Moroccan scum" before a gaggle of reporters. He has called the hijab a "useless piece of cloth." ...
Geert Wilders, far-right icon, is one of Europe's unusual politicians, not least because he comes from the Netherlands, one of Europe's most socially liberal countries, with a centuries-long tradition of promoting religious tolerance and welcoming immigrants [note: total lie; globalist PMs as Ruud Lubbers, Wim Kok and those after them simply forced this onto the population, together with media and business elites]. ...
Living under threat since the police discovered plots against him in 2004... In recent years, because of the apparent threats against him, Mr. Wilders has become progressively more isolated. ... Last week, he suspended his campaign appearances altogether after reports that a member of his police security detail was suspected of leaking his movements to a Dutch-Moroccan criminal gang." - Coincidentally, a protege of Dutch politician, Mont Pelerin Society member, and four-time Bilderberg visitor Frits Bolkestein, formerly a top advisor to top Russian Zionist oligarch Mikhail Chossudovsky, a long-time key ally of Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Lord Jacob Rothschild.
- February 27, 2017, New York Times, 'Geert Wilders, Reclusive Provocateur, Rises Before Dutch Vote': "He arrived in The Hague, the Netherlands, in 1991-92 as a parliamentary assistant in the mainstream conservative party then led by Frits Bolkestein [Dutch conservative standards, far more moderate than American standards]. Today Mr. Bolkestein likens Mr. Wilders to "[his] sorcerer's apprentice...""
- Surprisingly friendly with 2010-2024 VVD prime minister Mark Rutte, an almost annual Bilderberg visitor who allowed huge amounts of Third World immigrants into the country:
- November 9, 2023, Geert Wilders on SBS6's Shownieuws NL, two weeks before the elections Wilders would win, with Rutte having announced to not be electable again: "His policy I'm definitely going not going to miss. I think he has done a lot of wrong things in the Netherlands. But yeah, I once was his mentor. He doesn't like to hear that, so that's why I repeat it a lot. [When] he was State Secretary for Social Affairs [2002-2004], he also briefly still was a member of parliament [Jan.-May 2003]. And that's when I [taught] him - But mentor is a big word, of course! I am just teasing himn with that. I just showed him how he needs to turn in questions and such. [Jokingly:] But still, I was his mentor! But yeah, we have been water and fire as long as he has been prime minister. But still, when he announced his departure, I did praise him, because I am genuinely convinced that he, from his own vision, thought that he was doing the best thing for the Netherlands. Not everyone thanked me for having made that compliment, but I do not regret it. Because he does deserve that. Now, I'm not going to drink a beer with him, no. But we do sometimes have contact per app, or SMS. A few years ago we did have dinner together in the Torentje. I have been opposition leader in the past few years, and then such contact has to be reduced, because you to keep each other in line. The man is an enormous workaholic. And wherever he gets the energy, I think it's really special. Because he also travels the world on top of that. THen he is in Israel, then he is in America, in between two parliamentary debates. So whatever I might think of him politically, he does do that. And that is quite impressive. Absolutely. It also good that goes, of course. I have to add that. He probably will get a great job at NATO or something. I don't mean that in a spiteful manner. It is good that a premier after a number of elections goes. He himself thinks that too."
- Ultimately, Geert Wilders is the usual neocon with deep U.S. and Israeli ties. Not just that, Wilders is receiving large amounts of favors, overt financing and seemingly even a lot of covert financing from cash neoon "conservative CIA" circles, including the Gatestone Institute of former CIA director and top neocon James Woolsey:
- Campaign promoted in the late 2000s and early 2010s by the Intelligence Summit, a neocon CIA-Mossad conference. Observed by author at the time, but not visible anymore in Webarchive.
- May 5, 2015, Trouw, 'Wilders zoekt geld in de VS': "NRC Handelsblad schreef enige jaren geleden dat Wilders per avond in de VS 'met gemak' 25.000 dollar ophaalt. Toen Hero Brinkman in 2012 afhaakte van de PVV, bevestigde hij dat de PVV via 'lobbykantoren in het buitenland', met name de VS, 'grote bedragen' binnenhaalt. De namen die rondgaan als sponsors zijn die van Daniël Pipes, directeur van de conservatieve denktank Middle East Forum, en Pamela Geller, de organisator van de tentoonstelling in Texas en door Wilders eergisteren in zijn toespraak één van zijn weinige helden genoemd. ... Dat geldt komt terecht bij de Stichting Vrienden van de PVV."
- February 14, 2017, Politico.eu, 'Geert Wilders' American connections': "Pamela Geller ... first invited [Wilders] to the U.S. in 2009 in the wake of the controversy over his 2008 film "Fitna," which has a strong anti-Islamic message and at one point likens Islam to Nazism. She brought him to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington in February 2009, and soon after, Arizona Senator Jon Kyl [co-chair with former CIA director James Woolsey of the Center for Security Policy and otherwise deep CIA and elite national security ties] screened "Fitna" at the Capitol."
- April 10, 2014, NLTimes.nl, 'Wilders will still speak at controversial CPAC Hungary despite ban on many journalists ': "Many international journalists have been denied entry to the event, scheduled for April 25-26. A message sent to the journalists in question read, "As organizers, we must abide by one of the conference's ironclad rules: CPAC is a NO WOKE ZONE." ... Wilders has second billing on the upcoming event's website, next to the main speaker, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. ... "I would have chosen a different conference. But I have different political ideas." Pieter Omtzigt of the NSC said."
- July 2-9 issue, The Nation, 'The Sugar Mama of Anti-Muslim Hate': "In late April, Geert Wilders arrived in New York City... Perhaps the world's most prominent anti-Muslim populist—was poised to release Marked for Death: Islam's War Against the West and Me, a memoir just out from Regnery, the right-wing US publishing house, in which he recounts his courageous efforts to stop the "Islamicization" of Europe. On his US tour, Wilders proudly portrayed himself as a man on the run—a round-the-clock security detail guarding him against radical Muslims...
Upon Wilders's arrival in New York, a little-known think tank called the Gatestone Institute rolled out the red carpet for him. On April 30, before a select crowd that according to Gatestone's website had paid $10,000 a head...
He quotes Zionist forefather Theodor Herzl and boasts of his more than forty trips to Israel, where he once toiled on a rural kibbutz. Wilders, in fact, has made a special friend of right-wing Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. ...
Wilders's seamless fusion of anti-Muslim bombast and pro-Israel cant was gratefully received by the Gatestone Institute's founder and director, Nina Rosenwald, whom he acknowledged at the top of his jeremiad as another of his good friends. An heiress to the Sears Roebuck fortune [which ties back to the American Security Council]... Besides funding a Who's Who of anti-Muslim outfits, Rosenwald has served on the board of AIPAC, the central arm of America's Israel lobby..." - May 22, 2017, Trouw, 'Wilders' Amerikaanse volgelingen zien Europa als hun voorland': "Thus he was in the United States from July 10 to 27, 2016 to give speeches. "Tickets and hotels were paid for by the International Freedom Alliance and The Gatestone Institute,', he informed the Home Office. ...
This is something different from a Parliamentary speech. ... No one walks out. No one looks at his phone until it's over. ... Then there is cheering and yelling; then sometimes there is a standing ovation, in the middle of his story. ...
In the Netherlands the idea exists that the party of Geert Wilders is breaking bank with American donations. His friendship with American foundations do appear to back that up, but especially due to a rumor the PVV-departed Wim Kortenhoeven floated in 2012. 'Wilders receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from the US'. During his time with the PVV, Kortenhoeven heard about 'suitcases with cash' that Wilders would be taken clandestinely from the United States. ...
Because the PVV doesn't receive subsidies, the party is dependent on outside funding. ...
Not for nothing the evening has been opened by a rabbi. Not for nothing Wilders is making clear the essential role Israel plays." - February 27, 2017, New York Times, 'Geert Wilders, Reclusive Provocateur, Rises Before Dutch Vote': "He receives funding from at least one American conservative group. ... [Spoke] at the Republican convention in Cleveland, where he spoke at the "Milo Yiannopoulos Wake Up Party," a gathering of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people for Mr. Trump. ... He has also traveled on many occasions to Israel, for which he developed a deep affection after spending months on a kibbutz as a young man. He is described by political compatriots as friendly with Benjamin Netanyahu, the right-wing Israeli prime minister."
- December 27, 2016, NRC, 'De PVV leunt op deze Amerikaanse 'godfather van de anti-moslimbeweging'': " That Geert Wilders has been convicted for group insulting and aanzetten to discrimination for his 'less Morocccans' statement is "a disgrace for every democracy", says David Horowitz. Wilders is "a hero" and "the Spinoza of our time", thinks his primary donor. ...
Last year [2015], Horowitz' foundation, the David Horowitz Freedom Center, donated 108.244,24 euros to the PVV. ... A year before [2014] Horowitz would have donated a solid 18,000 euros, [also] through the foundations Friends of the PVV. From an inquiry at the foundation we learn that still other sums have been donated at other points: 75,000 dollars [more] in 2014 and 75,000 dollar [more] in 2015. This year [already] 25,000 would have been donated: 175,000 dollars in total. Why these numbers don't add up to the filings of the PVV, Horowitz doesn't know. Representatives of the party don't respond to calls of an explanation...
[Note: if you take the averages for 2014 and 2015, one ends up around 125,000 euros in both cases]. ...
It is unknown what Wilders' American adventures have netted him personally. Until 2013 political parties did not have to make donations public. The PVV was the only one to oppose that law. [And] now that that law exists, it seems that the party is being careless with it, to put it mildly. ...
Daniel Pipes, the director of the neoconservative think tank Middle East Forum [same network; same "conservative CIA" donors], which earlier donated funds to Wilders [said] he only wanted to contribute to a "discussion about the Islam, not about Moroccans".
[Somehow, the newspaper can't figure out who the donors are to these foundations.]" - January 15, 2021, Hartvannederland.nl, ''Wilders gaf donatie van 175.000 euro voor 'minder Marokkanen'-rechtszaak niet door aan de Kamer'': "[Google-tied] Onderzoeksplatform Follow the Money (FTM) meldt vrijdag dat Wilders het geld ontving van de Amerikaanse International Freedom Alliance Foundation (IFAF), een stichting die Wilders zelf oprichtte.
FTM onderzocht de belastingaangifte van deze stichting en kwam erachter dat in 2017 213.686 dollar (175.000 euro) was overgemaakt naar een advocatenkantoor in Nederland. Het bedrag had als bestemming ‘een individu in zijn strijd voor de vrijheid van meningsuiting’. De naam Wilders wordt niet genoemd, maar FTM concludeert dat het geld voor de zaak van Wilders was bestemd.
Wilders plaatste donderdag een screenshot op Twitter van een e-mail waarin de FTM-redacteuren hem het onderzoek voorleggen. “Ik sta al tien jaar voor de rechter in een politiek proces omdat ze me de mond willen snoeren. Dat kost tonnen aan advocaatkosten. Ben blij met de steun van velen uit binnen- en buitenland. Heb zelf nooit één cent ontvangen. Ga wat nuttigs doen @FTM_nl!”"
- In 2009 Geert Wilders was interviewed by Glenn Beck, who soon after attacked him for being a "fascist":
- Feb. 24, 2009, Fox News, 'Geert Wilders Faces Jail Time for His Stance on Islam': "With me now is a Dutch lawmaker, Geert Wilders. He is facing jail time now in the Netherlands for his viewpoints on Islam. He's also just been barred from entering Great Britain to attend a screening of his new film. Good to see you, again, sir. How are you are, sir?
GEERT WILDERS, DUTCH LAWMAKER BARRED FROM U.K.: Good to see you, Glenn. It's a pleasure to be on your show.
BECK: How surprised were you that you couldn't go into the United Kingdom?
WILDERS: Well, I'm very surprised. I really thought that the United Kingdom was a democracy with freedom of speech high on the agenda. I was — one month before, in December of last year — a guest of the House of Lords, preparing the visit and the showing of "Fitna" and nobody banned me at that time."
- Feb. 24, 2009, Fox News, 'Geert Wilders Faces Jail Time for His Stance on Islam': "With me now is a Dutch lawmaker, Geert Wilders. He is facing jail time now in the Netherlands for his viewpoints on Islam. He's also just been barred from entering Great Britain to attend a screening of his new film. Good to see you, again, sir. How are you are, sir?
- Geert Wilders also was attacked by U.S. conservatives and neocons. While Wilders went unproductively far with his film 'Fitna', at the same time it should be realized that the neocons are just hidden globalists:
- March 9, 2010, National Review, 'Video — Glenn Beck: Geert Wilders Is A Facist?': "Beck discussed the incoming economic collapse of Europe that will trickle down around the world and US. However, he went to say, that when there is economic unrest, there will be the rise of the extreme left (communists) and extreme right (fascists). And who did he idiotically point to as a fascist? Geert Wilders."
- April 2010, NewCriterion.com, 'Islam vs. Islamism: Is there such a thing as moderate Islam?': "At issue was Wilders’s campaign against the “Islamization” of Europe, particularly in the Netherlands. “What he says,” Dr. Krauthammer charged, “is extreme, radical, and wrong”: "He basically is arguing that Islam is the same as Islamism. Islamism is an ideology of a small minority which holds that the essence of Islam is jihad, conquest, forcing people into accepting a certain very narrow interpretation [of Islam]. The untruth of that is obvious. If you look at the United States, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the U.S. are not Islamists. So, it’s simply incorrect. Now, in Europe, there is probably a slightly larger minority but, nonetheless, the overwhelming majority are not." ...
What is the exact nature of Wilders’s tort? Well, in 2008 he wrote and sponsored a short film called Fitna, which juxtaposes verses from the Koran with contemporary images of violence perpetrated in the name of Islam. In its opening minutes, for example, the film flashes the text of Sura 8, Verse 60: “Prepare for them [i.e., for us] whatever force and cavalry ye are capable of gathering to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies.” The cavalry in question was United Airlines Flight 175, which is shown plowing into the South Tower of the World Trade Center as crowds of terrified people scramble to escape the carnage." - March 14, 2010, Washington Examiner, 'Diana West: Stop Mau Mauing Geert Wilders': "When Glenn Beck, Charles Krauthammer and Bill Kristol each from their respective Fox News perches branded Dutch political phenom Geert Wilders as beyond the political pale, it was shocking and outrageously so, and for several reasons.
One. I've grown used to Fox News and all other media ignoring not just the Wilders story but also the cultural story of the century, altogether -- namely, the Islamization of Europe, something Wilders, a great admirer of Ronald Reagan and a committed supporter of Israel, is dedicated to halt and reverse. ...
Better safe (politically correct) than sorry (subject to potential boycott or worse), our media prefer frittering away precious powers afforded by the First Amendment. This motto seems to go double at Fox ever since Rupert Murdoch, for reasons unknown, sold what is now a 7 percent stake of Fox's parent company News Corp. to a scion of the Shariah-dictatorship of Saudi Arabia, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal."
- Wilders' PVV was the leading party throughout 2016 and early 2017 - during the inauguration process of Donald Trump - but threw away a guaranteed prime ministership in the elections of March 2017 because in the weeks precvious he literally refused to campaign or give media interviews:
- Aug. 29, 2016, ewmagazine.nl, 'Dankzij Pechtold en Rutte wordt het een makkie voor Wilders': "PVV-programma op één A4-tje. Geert Wilders, al een jaar leider in de peilingen... Het PVV-programma is wel duidelijk: weg met de islam, stop de immigratie, uit de EU, huren omlaag en zorg omhoog. ...
D66-programma van 232 pagina’s... VVD-leider Mark Rutte maakte zijn excuus aan de VVD-kiezers, over gebroken verkiezingsbeloften (geen geld naar de Grieken, 1.000 euro voor werkenden, handen af van de hypotheekrenteaftrek)." - Jan. 10, 2017, GeenStijl.nl (predominant alt right news site of the Netherlands), 'RECORD - Geert Wilders stijgt naar 41 zetels': "2012: ... VVD: 41. PVDA: 38. PVV: 15. SP: 15. .CDA: 13. D66: 12. ... GroenLinks: 4. ... 10-01-2016: ... PVV: 41. ... CDA: 19. ... PVV: 18. ... D66: 16. ... GroenLinks: 15. ... SP: 15."
- March 4, 2017, Het Parool, 'Wilders kiest unieke strategie en voert nauwelijks campagne': "Waar is Geert Wilders? Hij zegt het ene na het andere debat af en geeft nauwelijks interviews aan Nederlandse media. De PVV-leider spot met alle campagnewetten."
- March 6, 2017, GeenStijl.nl, 'Goedemorgen Nederland' (show PVV is still in the lead, but only by 1 point over the VVD of PM Mark Rutte): "[Comment 1:] Sinds Rutte heeft gezegd dat een coalitie met de PVV er sowieso niet gaat komen en zich ook wat Wilders'retoriek heeft eigen gemaakt en zich middels reclame als een energieke politicus profileert, is Wilders zetels aan het verliezen. Hij heeft dat deels aan zichzelf te danken omdat hij niet bij de debatten aanwezig is. Mensen willen zien en horen wat hij zegt. Dat kun je niet compenseren door steeds met je twitteraccount aan de slag te gaan. ...
[Comment 2:] Wat dacht je van het feit dat de PVV geen of nauwelijks campagne voert en dus niet of nauwelijks op de tv te zien is? Je vergeet hoeveel mensen er tv kijken en hoeveel mensen hun stemkeuze baseren op die debatten. Geert vermijdt alle debatten en houdt het lekker afstandelijk vanaf Twitter met leuke oneliners, want Geert wil helemaal niet regeren. Geert wil lekker betaald van belastingcenten weer 4 jaar kunnen jennen in de Tweede Kamer waar hij lekker tegen de kar kan schoppen zonder verantwoordelijkheid te hoeven nemen. Geert is die irritante luidruchtige collega die tijdens vergaderingen altijd tegen alle plannen is maar zelf nooit met een plan op de proppen komt. De eeuwige tegenpartij, heb je he-le-maal niks aan. Er zijn genoeg punten die de PVV aandraagt die van meerwaarde voor Nederland zijn (AOW bijvoorbeeld), maar aangezien je van enige invulling totaal niets van Geert hoeft te verwachten heeft het net zoveel waarde als een politieke partij die belooft dat het alle dagen van het jaar mooi weer gaat worden. Hoe? Geen idee, maar we willen minder, minder, minder regen. ...
[Comment 3:] Er gaat veel te veel mis in de campagnes van de rechtsliberale en anti establishment partijen. De PVV voert nauwelijks campagne hoewel ze meer dan genoeg mensen hebben die erg geschikt zijn en het in de kamer goed doen (Bosma, Beertema, van Dijk, Agema, Grauss). De partij blundert door geen commentaar in de stemwijzer te geven. Er is veel te weinig weerwoord tegen het offensief van de linkse media, te weinig aanwezigheid in debatten en te weinig weerwoord tegen kritiek op het programma / A4tje. ... We glijden af richting een links-collectivistische pro-EU overwinning...
[Comment 4:] Die peilingen blijf ik vreemd vinden. Ik werk zelf in het onderwijs. De meesten die zich hardop uitlaten over hun politieke voorkeur stemmen op partijen die het al jaar en dag voor het zeggen hebben. Als ik onder vier ogen vraag aan andere collega's (en dat zijn er véél meer) wat ze stemmen, dan geeft een groot deel schoorvoetend toe dat ze PVV stemmen (of iets anders, rechts georiënteerd). Ze geven daarbij altijd aan dat ze hier niet openlijk voor uit durven en willen komen en of ik het "onder ons" wil houden. En eigenlijk niet vreemd, want de enkele collega die dit wel openlijk verkondigd wordt daarna nog weinig serieus genomen." - April 7, 2017, BNNVara.nl, 'Teleurstellende verkiezingsuitslag noopt PVV tot bezinning': "De vreugde in de Europese Unie bij de uitslag van de verkiezingen van 15 maart was enorm. De Duitse regering was blij dat de opmars van het populisme in Nederland was gestopt. ...
Wilders kwam in de campagne niet voor als een strijdlustig politicus. Eigenlijk deed hij niet mee. De concurrenten voerden ruim drie maanden campagne. Wilders verscheen slechts enkele keren in de openbaarheid. Hij probeerde de problemen rond zijn beveiligingsteam uit te buiten. Dat is mislukt. ...
Ook in de media verscheen Wilders niet als vitale politicus. Hij deed slechts mee aan twee debatten. Dat is te weinig. Ook gaf hij slechts één tv-interview. Wilders weigerde om buiten het parlementsgebouw vragen van journalisten te beantwoorden. Deze weigerachtige houding van Wilders is bestraft door de kiezers. Pim Fortuyn was bij alle debatten aanwezig. Ook stond hij veelvuldig media te woord: radio, tv, kranten et cetera. ... Wilders verbond zich te veel met Donald Trump, de president van Amerika. ...
Weliswaar vertegenwoordigt Trump vraagstukken die ook in Nederland de gemoederen bezighouden: immigratie, islamitisch terrorisme, mondialisering, internationale handelsverdragen et cetera. Maar de belangen van Amerika en Trump komen niet altijd overeen met de belangen van het Nederlandse volk. Een goed voorbeeld hiervan is meer bijdragen aan de NAVO. Een hogere bijdrage aan de NAVO betekent minder geld voor de verzorgingsstaat. ...
Wilders heeft zich ook verbroederd met Marine Le Pen."
- Aug. 29, 2016, ewmagazine.nl, 'Dankzij Pechtold en Rutte wordt het een makkie voor Wilders': "PVV-programma op één A4-tje. Geert Wilders, al een jaar leider in de peilingen... Het PVV-programma is wel duidelijk: weg met de islam, stop de immigratie, uit de EU, huren omlaag en zorg omhoog. ...
- Since then, other very populair "anti-establishment" candidates have refused to run:
- Aug. 21, 2023, YouTube upload by 'BNR', The Daily Move - BNR Nieuwsradio, 'Pieter Omtzigt wil geen premier worden en roept op: ‘Stem niet te veel op Nieuw Sociaal Contract’': "[Host Liesbeth Staats:] Mensen moeten ook vooral niet teveel op hem stemmen. Met die boodschap zet Pieter Omtzigt zijn nieuwe partij, Nieuw Sociaal Contract, in de politieke markt. Of die nu wilt of niet, in de peilingen staat Omtzigt op maar liefst 46 zetels. En met het kleine clubje dat hij nu in dienst heeft, ziet hij dat niet zitten, zei hij tegen de NOS. ... Omtzigt zegt dat hij niet de grootste wilt worden. En hij will ook geen premier worden. Is dat een slimme zet, zo'n mededeling? ... [Gast:] "Als je denkt dat je met 2,5 persoon plannen hebt die klaar zijn voor heel Nederland en alles kunt doen, nou, dat is niet serieus."
- ...
- More information to be found in ISGP's Pim Fortuyn article.
- Dutch-Somali whose 2002-2003 parliamentary campaign revolved around the fact that as a young Muslim girl her genitals had been cut. Member of Dutch Parliament for the VVD 2003-2006, in the wake of the Pim Fortuyn assassination and coinciding with the rise of Geert Wilders.
- Her key collaborator, Republican Society member, former Pim Fortuyn ally and anti-Muslim agitator Theo Van Gogh, was publicly butchered by a Muslim in 2004. During the act, the Jihadist perpetrator used his knife to stick a note on Van Gogh's chest, which read that Ali would be next:
- April 22, 2016, The Observer, 'Why Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Criticism of Islam Angers Western Liberals': "Ayaan Hirsi Ali can recount in virtual slow motion the events of November 2, 2004—the day Theo Van Gogh, her collaborator on a film about abuse of women in certain Muslim societies, was assassinated. The Somali-born women's rights advocate and writer, then a member of the Dutch Parliament, had herself received innumerable death threats for writing the film, entitled Submission. The Dutch Minister of Interior informed her of what had occurred: Mr. Van Gogh was shot eight times and left on an Amsterdam street with his throat slit and a large knife stuck in his chest. The killer used a second knife to attach a note to Mr. Van Gogh's chest, warning of violence to Western nations and to Jews, and pronouncing a death sentence against Ms. Hirsi Ali."
- Intimidated, Ali fled to the United States in 2006 and just happened to immediately land a job as visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, home to neocon extremists as Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen and others. Since then, she has been a poster girl of the evils of radical Islam:
- December 22, 2007, The Humanist, 'Absolute Infidel: The Evolution of Ayaan Hirsi Ali': "Since September 2006 she has been a resident fellow of the powerful American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC..."
- July 12, 2017, hoover.org, 'Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the West, Dawa, and Islam': "She must live with round-the-clock security, as her willingness to speak out and her abandonment of the Muslim faith have made her a target for violence by Islamic extremists. Ayaan Hirsi Ali was named one of Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People" of 2005."
- Eventually she married key superclass member Niall Ferguson with whom she attended Nat Rothschild's 40th birthday party in 2011.
- Niall Ferguson: Munich Security Conference, Institute for Strategic Dialogue, Hudson Institute, Herzliya Conference (Israel), Tomorrow: The Israel Presidential Conferences, etc.
- July 9, 2011, The Telegraph, 'Montenegro hosts billionaire Nat Rothschild's birthday bash': "The guest list was meant to be secret but was thought to have included the historian Niall Ferguson and his Dutch-Somali wife, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, members of the Guinness and Goldsmith families, Tony Hayward, the former BP boss whose name was tarnished by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Roland Rudd, the head of the public relations firm Finsbury and Princess Florence von Preussen, 27, the great-great granddaughter of Kaiser Wilhelm II, who has an "on and off" relationship with Mr Rothschild. ...
Mr Rothschild and his father, Lord Rothschild, gave speeches, followed by dancing till 5am, with the music provided by DJs and a female singer in a glittering silver dress with a miniature disco ball in her hair. A fleet of six haulage trucks had brought five tonnes of food and wine all the way from the UK. ...
Mr Munk's huge yacht, Golden Eagle, was one of two dozen docked in the marina, with the largest, the Queen K, belonging to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian aluminium oligarch and close friend of Mr Rothschild's who also has a stake in Porto Montenegro."
- Over the years, while filling in ISGP's NGO list, Hirsi Ali has been spotted in a variety of places. She's listed as a researcher at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and Harvard's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, a very elite group with board members and advisors as Nat Rothschild, Russian oligarch and prime Rothschild business partner Oleg Deripaska, former CIA directors James Schlesinger and John Deutch, and some of David Rockefeller's closest economic advisors and friends.
- belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/experts/2635/ayaan_hirsi_ali.html: "Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Fellow, The Future of Diplomacy Project. ... Ayaan is a Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and The Harvard Kennedy School."
- belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/about/international-council.html (accessed: September 9, 2008): "Ambassador Robert D. Blackwill ... Oleg Deripaska. John M. Deutch. ... Ambassador Thomas Foley. ... Nathaniel Rothschild ... James Schlesinger ... Paul Volcker..."
- belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/about/international-council.html (accessed: December 10, 2015): "Ambassador Robert D. Blackwill ... Michael Chertoff ... Oleg Deripaska. John M. Deutch ... Thomas Kaplan ... Sam Nunn ... Nathaniel Rothschild ... Craig Stapleton ... Paul Volcker..."
- Hirsi Ali is a minor contributor to the OpenDemocracy Foundation, along with George Soros, who also helps finance the project along with the "liberal CIA" Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund:
- opendemocracy.net/author/ayaan-hirsi-ali: "Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Dutch-Somalian author, filmmaker, and former MP of the Dutch parliament. In 2004, with controversial Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, she made the film Submission about the oppression of women in Islamic cultures. Click here to read her blog." Note: only co-wrote one 2006 article for OpenDemocracy.
- opendemocracy.net/author/george-soros (wrote a 2004 and 2005 article).
- Ali also became a member of the CFR and a fellow at the Hoover Institution:
- thefederalist.com/author/ayaanhirsiali/ (accessed: March 13, 2019): "Ayaan is a fellow at The Harvard Kennedy School, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations."
- Ali became a member of the libertarian-oriented Mont Pelerin Society in 2010, a year after she and her soon-to-be husband, Niall Ferguson, gave speeches:
- March 20, 2009, hayekcenter.org/?p=600, 'crisis: PDFs & MP3s from the Mont Pelerin Society's Special Session on the Global Crisis, March 5-7 - See more at: http://hayekcenter.org/?p=600#sthash.hJijoM2b.dpuf': "Speakers include Deepak Lal, Amity Shlaes, Niall Ferguson, John Taylor, Gary Becker, Antonio Martino, Hannes H. Gissurarson, Henry Butler, John Greenwood, Martin Wolf, Timothy Congdon, Peter Boettke, Edwin Feulner, Greg Lindsay, Steve Forbes and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. (pdf)"
- Spring 2010, volume 61, The Mont Pelerin Society, 'Report on the 2010 General Meeting in Sydney', p. 1: "Welcoming remarks were given by Greg Lindsay, followed by keynote presentations by Steve Forbes and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. We are particularly pleased that Ayaan Hirsi Ali was able to join us for this meeting. It was a remarkable experience to have her speak about eco - nomics and how she has been affected by Friedrich Von Hayek, not to mention her own personal challenges with fundamentalist Islam."
- 2013 Membership Directory, Mont Pelerin Society: "Australia: ... The Hon. John Howard: ... 2010... United States: ... Ayaan Hirsi Ali: ... 2010. ... George Shultz ... Edwin Meese, III ... Charles G. Koch [etc.]"
- Third leading anti-immigration "populist" politician after Pim Fortuyn and Geert Wilders. Emerged in early 2017 as the leader of the Forum voor Democratie / Forum for Democracy, right when it was looking that fellow-"populist" Geert Wilders - a protege of elite Bilderberg visitor Frits Bolkestein - was going to be Dutch prime minister.
- Went to the Edmund Burke Stichting "summer school" in the early 2000s, the Pfizer- and Microsoft-funded lobby that tried to turn the Netherlands into an elite William Buckley-type neoliberal/libertarian conservative paradise for multinationals - devoid of "conspiracy theories" about elitists. The Edmund Burke Stichting is heavily tied to the Dagelijkse Standaard news site.
- May 31, 2019, Dekanttekening.nl, 'Bart Jan Spruyt: ‘Had Wilders maar geluisterd’': "Of Thierry Baudet de ideale conservatieve politicus is? Daarover staat Spruyt in dubio. Hij en Baudet kennen elkaar erg lang: Baudet bezocht de zomerschool van de Edmund Burke Stichting toen hij nog student was. Spruyt heeft waardering voor Baudets recente essay, waarin de FvD-voorman de abortus- en euthanasiepraktijk en het individualisme in Nederland ter discussie stelt. ... Toch is Spruyt ook kritisch. ‘Dat geflirt met alt-rechtse ideeën’ noemt hij onverstandig."
- Like other international "populists", refuses to rationally bring up ethnic crime numbers, racial IQ, or immigration-related poll statistics that will empower the masses with facts and force globalists to somehow counter with facts instead of purely appealing to or ridiculing with emotion.
- Bizarrely, Baudet not just mixes anti-immigration with an anti-EU stance, but also denies global warming and soon became an anti-vaccine/lockdown crusader in relation to the Corona virus, completely in line with U.S. conservatives. Apart from being a flawed idea, this type of thinking simply did not previously exist in the Netherlands, a country in which even a minor sea level rise will have absolutely apocalyptic consequences.
- Sep. 4, 2016 Thierry Baudet tweet: "Over 30,000 scientists say 'Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' is a complete hoax and science lie - http://naturalnews.com..."
- April 12, 2019, erasmusmagazine.nl, 'Two-ring boxing match between ‘climate denier’ Baudet and ‘climate mafioso’ Rotmans'.
- March 2, 2022, De Dagelijkse Standaard, 'Interview Thierry Baudet over zijn nieuwe boek Het Coronabedrog: "Ik ontdekte de ene na de andere leugen"'.
- Party tied to radical atheism, military intelligence, anti-terrorism spy programs, the Russian Alfa Group (Russian-Zionist mafia, tied to the top of the CFR; through a former party candidate), and the curious Republican Society of Pim Fortuyn.
- In October 2017 he had a 5-hour hotel meeting with Jared Kutcher, an ally of Richard Spencer in the National Policy Institute and the international "alt right". It appears Baudet is partly moving towards the Nazi and John Birch Society element of "conservative CIA", while Geert Wilders remains pro-Israel neocon.
- December 20 2017, NOS (Dutch public news), 'Baudet sprak vijf uur met Amerikaanse racist Jared Taylor': "Thierry Baudet heeft op 12 oktober een ontmoeting gehad met de Amerikaanse racist Jared Taylor, meldt De Correspondent. Volgens het journalistiek platform hebben drie getuigen hen samen gezien in het Ambassade Hotel in Amsterdam, waar ze met een groepje anderen vijf uur zouden samen hebben gegeten, gedronken en gesproken. Taylor bevestigt tegenover De Correspondent dat de ontmoeting heeft plaatsgevonden.
Taylor is een van de inspiratoren van de extreem-rechtse Alt-Right-beweging. Hij was in oktober in Nederland voor een congres van de extreemrechtse beweging Erkenbrand.
De 66-jarige Taylor waarschuwt al tientallen jaren lang dat 'het blanke ras' door 'rassenmenging' aan het uitsterven is. Ook beweert hij dat 'het zwarte ras' de laagste intelligentie heeft, waardoor volgens hem zwarten er overal een puinhoop van maken. Verder stelt hij dat Joden "extreem handig zijn in het exploiteren van onze zwakte".
Baudet heeft zich de laatste tijd van Erkenbrand [labels itself part of the "European New Right" and the "Alt Right" has a rather militaristic/Nazi-like logo; still a terrible website, founded in late 2017; 1,000 Twitter followers as of February 2019; almost certainly controlled opposition], Alt-Right en extreem-rechts in het algemeen gedistantieerd, maar heeft in het verleden uitlatingen gedaan die sympathie voor Alt-Right doen vermoeden. Zo retweette hij in januari een afbeelding van Pepe the Frog, de mascotte van de Alt-Rightbeweging en liet hij zich in mei nog positief uit over Erkenbrand." - December 6, 2018, De Telegraaf, ''PVV en FvD hanteren extreemrechtse samenzweringstheorie'': "[They push] the idea that the government is purposely working towards "the destruction of the white European population" ... The PVV has "a clear line", namely that the extreme-right is not welcome. According to them the FvD is less clearly distancing itself from extreme right organizations... According to the [Anne Frank] Institute the followers of extreme-right clubs as Voorpost, NVU, Erkenbrand, Pegida en Identair Verzet also flock to FvD meetings. [hilarious Twitter poll of Telegraaf: "Anne Frank Foundation: 'PVV and FvD promote extreme right conspiracy theory'... 22% True. 78% Not True."
- December 20 2017, NOS (Dutch public news), 'Baudet sprak vijf uur met Amerikaanse racist Jared Taylor': "Thierry Baudet heeft op 12 oktober een ontmoeting gehad met de Amerikaanse racist Jared Taylor, meldt De Correspondent. Volgens het journalistiek platform hebben drie getuigen hen samen gezien in het Ambassade Hotel in Amsterdam, waar ze met een groepje anderen vijf uur zouden samen hebben gegeten, gedronken en gesproken. Taylor bevestigt tegenover De Correspondent dat de ontmoeting heeft plaatsgevonden.
- Continuing where Geert Wilders left off, FvD has started to divide Dutch society in the exact same fashion as the U.S. has been divided between the extreme left and the extreme right:
- February 6, 2018, kafka.nl, 'Paul Cliteur to scientific institute FVD' (Kafka.nl is Dutch antifa).
- February 8, 2018, Telegraaf, 'Paul Cliteur naar wetenschappelijk instituut FVD': "The first investigatiion of the the Renaissance Institute was already started by the previous chairman, Paul Frentrop. That one is about the costs of immigration." Cliteur, a leading atheist, was a member of the Republican Society in the early 2000s, along with the assassinated "populists" Theo van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn.
- March 27, 2019, rtlnieuws.nl, 'Meldpunt 'geef je linkse leraar aan' van Forum voor Democratie roept woede op' ('Hotline 'turn in your leftist teacher' of Forum for Democracy causes anger'): "Leftist indoctrination in the education."
- April 14, 2019, Geenstijl.nl, 'Thierry Baudet: 'Fascisme is een linkse stroming'' (narrative of big business-backed neoliberals as Friedrich von Hayek, Milton Friedman, et al. after WWII).
- Similar to Wilders has regularly done in the past, in February 2020 Thierry Baudet, with a little help from "two girlfriends", started throwing in his own windows, coincidentally right after reports his party had the most amount of members:
- December 31, 2019, 'Forum voor Democratie is op haar na de grootste partij van Nederland'.
- January 27, 2019, NOS, 'Forum voor Democratie partij met meeste leden'.
- January 31, 2020, @thierry_baudet post on Instagram: "Vanavond zijn twee dierbare vriendinnen ernstig lastig gevallen door 4 Marokkanen in de trein. Aangifte doen natuurlijk volstrekt zinloos. Oh lieve, kinderlijk naïeve Nederlanders! Stem nou toch eindelijk voor verandering. Breek los uit politiek correct gelul. Red dit land! #FVD"
- February 5, 2020, Algemeen Dagblad, 'Baudet na Marokkanen-tweet: 'Ik heb een fout gemaakt'': "Al snel bleek het incident heel anders in elkaar te zitten. Volgens de Nederlandse Spoorwegen weigerden de vrouwen hun plaatsbewijs te tonen toen drie conducteurs en een agent in burger de kaartjes aan het controleren waren."
- January 31, 2020, @lians.an (3 followers) reply to @thierry_baudet post on Instagram: "Beste Thierry, ik zat in die trein naast je desbetreffende "Vriendinnen" de situatie was als volgt: Er werd door de conducteur omgeroepen dat er een controle in burger zou gaan plaats vinden door veiligheids medewerkers, met de vraag of iedereen zijn vervoersbewijs wou pakken voor deze controle. Ik zag dat er een jonge jongen op de 2 dames afstapte en om hun vervoersbewijs vroeg. Dit had hij ook al bij mij gedaan, hij deed gewoon zijn werk werk namelijk, het controleren van vervoersbewijzen. De 2 vrouwen wouden niet hun vervoersbewijs laten zien, hierop kwam er nog een collega van de jongen bij (gewoon een Hollandse jongen) Hij heeft zich met 3 verschillende passen aan de 2 vrouwen gelegitimeerd. Hierop hoorde ik de vrouwen zeggen: Ja die passen kan ik ook wel thuis maken. Zij hebben deze vrouwen niet lastig gevallen de 2 vrouwen wilde met moeite meewerken aan een controle. Toen kwam er inderdaad nog een persoon er bij met een buitenlands uiterlijk, het bleek een agent te zijn. Toen pas werkte de 2 vrouwen mee. lk vind het bijzonder dat jij dit gebruikt om het "Marokkaanse volk" zwart te maken... De controle werd gewoon gedaan door veiligheids medewerkers. jij als politicus zou iets beter zijn bronnen moeten chekken voordat jij iets zonder enige eigen constatering op Instagram gooit om meer volgers te krijgen..."
- February 7, 2020, Nu.nl, 'Gooit Baudet met 'Marokkanen'-tweet eigen glazen in?': Pieter Heerma (CDA): "In algemene zin geldt dat het überhaupt lastig samenwerken is met politici die ondoordachte, domme uitspraken doen die onnodig polariserend zijn." ... Joost van Spanje, als politicoloog verbonden aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. "Het lijkt erop dat Forum zijn eigen glazen aan het ingooien is. ... Ik krijg nu sterk de indruk dat Baudet er alles aan doet om zich te isoleren. ... Tijdens de formatie in 2017 trokken VVD en CDA een streep door regeringsdeelname met de PVV."
- On October 12-13, 2023, Thierry Baudet and Ralf Dekker were part of a major MAGA event in Florida, together with Roger Stone, Eric Trump and General Michael Flynn:
- Oct 12, 2023, Forbes, 'Prominent Far-Right Event Features Antisemitic Speaker Alongside Eric Trump': "A “ReAwaken America” tour event scheduled to be hosted at Trump National Doral in Miami is set to feature Eric Trump, Lara Trump, other notable far-right speakers and Ian Smith—a fitness influencer who spreads antisemitic propaganda and gained notoriety after he refused to close his gym during the Covid-19 pandemic. ... Other speakers at Friday’s ReAwaken America event include My Pillow CEO and Trump supporter Mike Lindell, and Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security advisor...
In May, two speakers—Scott McKay and Charlie Ward—both had their speaking engagements at ReAwaken canceled after reports of their antisemitic views surfaced from Media Matters [which] also reported on Jason Dean, a scheduled speaker at the Las Vegas ReAwaken tour who had previously “praised Adolf Hitler for having a ‘vision,’”... " - thrivetimeshow.com/reawaken-america-tour: "LOCATION: Trump National Doral Miami. ... Thursday – October 12th 2023 PASTORS FOR TRUMP – Prayer and Healing Service In the Ivanka Trump B – Ballroom. ... 6:15 – 2024 Elections – Roger Stone. 6:35 – War In The Middle East – General Michael Flynn...
Friday – October 13th 2023: ... 8:20 AM – 8:30 AM – General Flynn Leads Us In the Pledge of Allegiance... 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM – Pastor Brian & Jessi Gibson | Make America Christian Again. ... 9:15 AM – 9:30 AM – Ann Vandersteel & Thierry Baudet | Practical Solutions to Protect Your Sovereignty and the Sovereignty of the United States. ... 9:45 AM – 10:00 AM – Seth Keshel | How to Restore Integrity to Our Election Process Biography – President Trump has referred to our next speaker as a “Highly respected Army intelligence captain.” ... 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM – Doctor Mark Sherwood | How to Not Die from COVID-19... 10:15 AM – 10:45 AM – Mike Lindell | Why We Must Expose Election Fraud and Get America Back to God. ... 10:45 AM – 11:00 AM – Marty Grisham | A Prayer for Those Have Been Deceived the Narrative of COVID-19 / The Great Reset. ... 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM – Dr. Bryan Ardis | The 100% Effective & Affordable COVID-19 Therapies and Treatments. ... 11:30 AM – 11:45 AM – Thomas Renz | Are COVID Vaccines Now Being Put Inside Our Food? ... 12:00 PM – 12:15 PM – Seth Holehouse | Now Is the Time to Put On the Armor of God | We Are Witnessing a Battle of Good Versus Evil. Biography – This man teamed up with his wife to build the EPIC Man In America Youtube Channel whose videos have been personally tweeted and pinned by President Trum p because they accurately exposed the TRUE agenda of Great Reset, the attacks of the Marxist, and the America hating Globalist DEEPSTATE. ... 2:30 PM – 2:45 PM – John Richardson (Head of Edward G. Griffin Foundation). ... 3:20 PM – 3:40 PM – Julie Green | God Is Not Done with America Yet ... 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM – General Flynn, Andrew Sorchini & Clay Clark – What Is the Agenda Behind Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies? ... 4:45 PM – 5:15 PM – Lara Logan | What Is the Uni-Party? Biography – Lara Logan is an investigative journalist who is not owned by multinational corporations, big pharma or anybody else. A woman who is not a fan of tyranny and the Host ‘Lara Logan Has No Agenda” show on FOX Nation. ... 5:30 PM – 5:45 PM – Pastor Bernadette Smith | What Is God’s Plan for America? ... 6:40 PM – 7:00 PM – General Flynn | What Is the Path Forward for America? ... 7:30 PM – 8:00 PM – Eric Trump | Why the Trump Family Has Committed Their Time, Treasure and Talents to Save This Great American Republic Biography- As the Executive Vice President of The Trump Organization." - Oct. 15, 2023 @thierrybaudet tweet: "Just had a meeting with @EricTrump [the third child of Donald Trump: "Executive Vice President of The @Trump Organization."] and spoken about an international cooperation of anti-globalists. It is amazing to meet so many like-minded people! Together we can build a world of free, independent nations. ["Het is geweldig om zoveel gelijkgestemden te ontmoeten hier! Samen kunnen we bouwen aan een wereld van vrije, onafhankelijke naties.""
- Oct. 15, 2023 @ralfdkkr (Ralf Dekker): "De naam is Vandersteel. Ann Vandersteel. Wát een powerhouse! Organiseert giga-conferenties voor de MAGA beweging. Niet te geloven wat zij voor elkaar krijgt: de absolute top van de Amerikaanse Trump-beweging, hier in Florida. Zeer vereerd dat ik met @thierrybaudet ben uitgenodigd om acte de présence te geven. Waanzinnig om te horen dat men Nederland zo nauwgezet volgt. 22 november is ook voor hen een cruciale datum. Laat dit het begin zijn van nog veel meer samenwerking!"
- Oct 12, 2023, Forbes, 'Prominent Far-Right Event Features Antisemitic Speaker Alongside Eric Trump': "A “ReAwaken America” tour event scheduled to be hosted at Trump National Doral in Miami is set to feature Eric Trump, Lara Trump, other notable far-right speakers and Ian Smith—a fitness influencer who spreads antisemitic propaganda and gained notoriety after he refused to close his gym during the Covid-19 pandemic. ... Other speakers at Friday’s ReAwaken America event include My Pillow CEO and Trump supporter Mike Lindell, and Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security advisor...
- Baudet is quite adept at spreading Russia-linked disinformation, in-line with the unfortunate idea that the "alt-right" is pro-Russia:
- February 16, 2017, New York Times, 'Fake News, Fake Ukrainians: How a Group of Russians Tilted a Dutch Vote': "Harry van Bommel, a left-wing member of the Dutch Parliament, had persuasive allies in convincing voters that they should reject a trade pact with Ukraine — his special "Ukrainian team," a gleefully contrarian group of émigrés whose sympathies lay with Russia. [already looked at for years as intelligence plant in the Dutch Socialist Party]...
Mr. Baudet posted a Twitter message saying that Ukraine "is not a nation state" and retweeted a false report that Ukrainian soldiers had crucified a 3-year-old Russian-speaking boy in eastern Ukraine. ...
The video was quickly dismissed as a fraud and was later linked by [the Soros-funced group] Bellingcat ... to a so-called troll factory in St. Petersburg... Baudet ... denied spouting Russia propaganda and said he was merely trying to counter what he called "Europe's remarkable Russophobia"..." - April 16, 2020, Volkskrant, 'Baudet ging in zee (misschien zelfs tegen betaling) met Russische propagandist': "Thierry Baudet, leider van Forum voor Democratie, heeft zich rond het [2016] Oekraïnereferendum ingelaten met een Russische propagandist. Hij stond in nauw contact met deze Vladimir Kornilov, van wie hij wist dat die banden had met het Kremlin.
Baudet hintte er bij partijgenoten op dat Kornilov hem betaalde en verspreidde valse theorieën over de doodsoorzaak van demonstranten in Kiev, evenals een complottheorie over de aanwezigheid van de Oekraïense geheime dienst in Amsterdam. Baudet was ervan op de hoogte dat de informatie over de Oekraïense geheime dienst in Amsterdam niet klopte, maar dat weerhield hem er niet van erover te praten bij EenVandaag.
Voormalig partijgenoot Henk Otten heeft Baudet meerdere keren gewaarschuwd niet met Kornilov in zee te gaan. ...
Uit gelekte mails bleek al eerder dat Kornilov contacten heeft tot in het Kremlin. Hij wordt in mails genoemd met Sergej Glazijev, adviseur van president Poetin. De inlichtingendienst AIVD was in 2015 en 2016 'geïnteresseerd' in het gedrag en de contacten van Kornilov, vertellen ingewijden. Zijn plotselinge komst naar Nederland, zijn uitlatingen, manier van werken en contacten met politici als Baudet en ook SP'er Harry van Bommel deden sterk denken aan een Russische beïnvloedingsoperatie.
Ook Baudet leek dat al snel in de gaten te hebben. 'Een Rus die werkt voor Poetin' en een 'heel invloedrijke figuur', zo omschrijft hij Kornilov na een eerste kennismaking tegenover partijgenoten. Later zegt hij: 'Ik werk me dood aan die Kornilov.' Het is onduidelijk wat hij daarmee bedoelt. Nadat hij bij EenVandaag heeft gesproken over 'vijftig man' van de Oekraiënse geheime dienst in een pand aan het Rokin, vraagt Henk Otten of hij dat hard kan maken. Baudet: 'Nee. Info komt van Kornilov. We gaan er totaal niet meer op in, laten het doodvallen. Mediastrategie van Trump.'
Als Baudet zijn baan als politiek commentator bij PowNed opzegt en krap bij kas zit, appt hij: 'Misschien wil Kornilov wat extra betalen' en 'Daar kan geen Kornilov met al z'n geld tegenop'. Beide berichten zijn voorzien van een smiley: knipogend en lachend." - April 16, 2020, Trouw, 'Thierry Baudet weer in beeld als Kremlinvazal': "Thierry Baudet wilde Nederland uit de Navo [in 2016] onthulde het programma Zembla donderdagavond. De politiek leider van Forum voor Democratie werkt nauw samen met pro-Kremlin-activisten, onder meer om desinformatie te verspreiden, volgens de makers van de uitzending. ...
In de appjes [van Baudet] wordt meermalen gehint op betalingen door de Russen. Een hoge Amerikaanse Pentagonadivseur en Ruslandkenner noemt Baudet in de uitzending een 'controlled politician'. Harde bewijzen van financiële banden heeft Zembla alleen niet gevonden. ...
Poetin ziet hij als bondgenoot. Baudet was daarom tegen de sancties na de annexatie van de Krim en trok de onafhankelijkheid van het onderzoek naar de ramp met de MH17 in twijfel. FvD lijkt met deze Poetin-liefde op andere Europese rechts-nationalistische partijen, zoals Lega in Italië of FPO in Oostenrijk.
Zembla vestigt onder meer de aandacht op de invloedrijke rol van John Laughland, door Baudet 'een visonair' genoemd. Laughland is een Poetin-apologeet (en een ontkenner van Srbrenica) die tot voor kort werkte voor een met Russisch geld gefinancierde denktank in Parijs. Hij verschijnt regelmatig op Russia Today, het Engelstalige propagandakanaal van het Kremlin. Na aanvankelijke weerstand bij anderen binnen Forum groeide Laughland dankzij Baudet uit tot partij-ideoloog, medewerker van de Europese fractie en docent op het Renaissance-instituut van FvD. Laughland ziet de EU als een soort nazi-ideologie, een oorlogsproject. Een opvatting die Baudet ook uitdroeg in het debat over de EU-begroting."
- February 16, 2017, New York Times, 'Fake News, Fake Ukrainians: How a Group of Russians Tilted a Dutch Vote': "Harry van Bommel, a left-wing member of the Dutch Parliament, had persuasive allies in convincing voters that they should reject a trade pact with Ukraine — his special "Ukrainian team," a gleefully contrarian group of émigrés whose sympathies lay with Russia. [already looked at for years as intelligence plant in the Dutch Socialist Party]...
- Also in and around Dutch parliament an LGBTQ freak show of controlled opposition has been going, similar to the United States:
- Sep. 20, 2023 YouTube upload by 'Forum voor Democratie', '"Wat zegt u tegen slachtoffers van de transgender-ideologie?" | Baudet VS Paternotte (D66) APB 2023' (2023 Dutch parliament clip of a formal debate between Thierry Baudet of the FVD and D66 member Jan Paternotte): "[BAUDET:] Am I a woman?
[JAN PATERNOTTE:] *Long annoyed silence and sigh* I don't think Mr. Baudet identifies himself as such, right? And spends a lot of time on social media that he doesn't identify himself as such.
[BAUDET:] I ask that question, because D66 is one of the biggest supporters of people having the ability to determine their own gender. That has led to Jordi, who previously identified as a male, being allowed to shower with the girls at the soccer club. And it is led to countless athletes - women - who cannot win anymore in their own sports, because males who identify as female, with their male metabolism, of course much stronger and better operate in that [winning the competitions]. What does Mr. Paternotte say to all the girls and all the women that suffer due to the obsession of a number of people with a mental disorder *Brief, loud protest murmer in the room* who are male but feel themselves women?
[FEMALE CHAIR:] Do you want to mind your words here? You are not here to insult people.
[BAUDET:] No, it's not an insult. It's an observation.
[FEMALE CHAIR:] No, no, no, no, no.
[BAUDET:] Genderdysforie is opgenomen in het DSM, de index voor geestelijke aandoeningen.
[PATERNOTTE:] *Gasping with open mouth, pretending it's an outrage what Baudet says* Chair, it is these type of things that really hurt a lot of people who are now watching along, because once again they are put into the corner really hard. Because they are told that they are not allowed to be who they are. Ik wil in een land leven waar we weten dat iedereen verschillend is. Dat niemand hetzelfde is. EN dat Dhr. Baudet niet hoeft te bepalen in welk hok iemand zit. That you are visibly allowed to be yourself. Mijn moeder had in de jaren 80 heel veel contact met Pedico Hen [?]. Nederland was toen 1 van de landen waar de meeste kennis over genderdysforie werd opgebouwd. En waar we het mogelijk maten dat wanneer je geboren bent in een lichaam waarin je voelt dat je anders bent, dat we die ruimte daarvoor bieden. [Etc.] *Lots of banging of the benches in applause*
[BAUDET:] [But] what do you say to all these women that have to shower with men at sports clubs? To all these women who can't excel anymore in their own sport? What do you say against Iris of 15 who due to propaganda of the NPO and School TV and children's books, too hormone blockers and now forever will be infertile? ANd has a lot of regrets? All the hundreds of children being poisoned in this manner by their parents? What do you say about that? Of all the victims of the transgender ideologie? That is my question. Not if you can expound your little song of inclusivity to promote a niche group, an extreme niche group? What do you say to the hundreds of thousands of people that are being affected by that policy?
[PATERNOTTE:] Chair, I am saying that I'm distancing myself a lot, a whole lot, from the manner in which Dhr. Baudet is abusing just ordinary Dutch people - transgenders - for his own political purposes." - Nov. 2, 2023, YouTube upload by 'Forum voor Democratie', '"Wat is non-binair?" Baudet (FVD) CLASHT met Jetten (D66) in debat over LHBTQI+'. NOS/NPO state TV debate between David Rockefeller fellow of the Trilateral Commission Rob Jetten and the alt right Thierry Baudet of the FVD. NOS/NPO literally confronts them with a lomg-haired, light-make up-wearing, feminine "farmer boy" in farmer pants and a psychedelic sweater who claims he's "non-binary". This is about 3 weeks before the elections.
- Sep. 20, 2023 YouTube upload by 'Forum voor Democratie', '"Wat zegt u tegen slachtoffers van de transgender-ideologie?" | Baudet VS Paternotte (D66) APB 2023' (2023 Dutch parliament clip of a formal debate between Thierry Baudet of the FVD and D66 member Jan Paternotte): "[BAUDET:] Am I a woman?
- More information to be found in ISGP's Pim Fortuyn article.
- Young Thierry Baudet:
- 17-year-old gymnasium student Baudet won third prize in minister Roger van Boxtel's 'My World in 2040' competition (broadcast on national television), with an essay that read: "People came to the insight that freedom was not as important at all as it had always seemed. The post-democratic era was announced. ... When Margot Hetbird, the American president from 2024 to 2032 announced this to the world, nothing [no protests] happened. From that moment on the NATO countries [with] Russia and China, as leaders of the world, would restructure, democratize and undesert the countries in Africa and Lain-America as fast as possible. Be it through terror, be it through war."
- March 16, 2021, mareonline.nl, Leids Universitair dagblad, 'Xavier Baudet, de neef van Thierry, wil niet langer zwijgen: hij is destructief': A piece of Thierry's cousin, Xavier Baudet, who basically humiliates him by describing him as egocentric, unloved, eccentric in his youth - and stabs him in the back globalist-style: reasonable and deserved, but seemingly as part of some kind of roleplay. Excerpts: "'The last time I had contact with him, was in 2019, when that FvD hotline for leftist indoctrination by teachers ended up in the news. I apped Thierry: "Are you really surprised that people call you fascist when you do these kinds of thing?" He denied the existence of the hotline. "Oh no, man, that is all embellished by the media, ad fundum. Check your sources," he wrote. I did. It was literally on the site of the party. ...
What he does now, is destructive. His virus-position is lethal.'"
- A congressman of the 1960s, Enoch Powell was the first strictly anti-immigration "populist" leader of the Great Britian.
- Added here after learning that Enoch Powell was part of the Mont Pelerin Society (until 1972) and its British off-shoot, the Institute of Economic Affairs, founded by leading Mont Pelerin member Sir Anthony Fisher.
- 1998, Milton Friedman, 'Two Lucky People: Memoirs', p. 335: "One of the most unusual events that has ever occurred at a Mont Pelerin meeting [was right after] the [1972] massacre of the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics... Gunter Schmolders, past president, was in the chair when the news was passed to him. He interrupted the meeting to report the news and then asked for a moment of silence to express our sadness. At this point, Enoch Powell [from Northern Ireland] arose and, with the appearance of a madman, opposed the moment of silence, screaming something like, "Why do we not have a moment of silence for the people being killed in Ireland?" The audience was horrified... Powell left the room and never appeared at another Mont Pelerin meeting."
- 2005, Roger Hewitt. 'White Backlash and the Politics of Multiculturalism', p. 24: "Enoch Powell, Conservative Member of Parliament for the midlands industrial town of Wolverhampton, was, as it happens, amongst the few senior Conservatives at that time to consistently argued for free-market economics from the 1950s onwards. He was also an occasional sojourner in the Mont Pelerin Society and a frequent contributor to the work of the Institute for Economic Affairs."
- Interestingly, Enoch Powell also was invited to Bilderberg just one time: in 1968, 6 days after his infamous "Rivers of Blood" speech.
- Fact is, Enoch Powell's anti-immigration positions in the late 1960s were extremely prophetic. So much is clear from his supposedly notorious "rivers of blood speech", which has been taken completely out of context. The full speech was relatively hard to find, but the most important parts have been included here:
- November 6, 2007, Telegraph, 'Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech' (April 20, 1968): "[This citizen] continued: "I have three children, all of them been through grammar school and two of them married now, with family. I shan't be satisfied till I have seen them all settled overseas. In this country in 15 or 20 years' time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man." ... Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that his country will not be worth living in for his children.
I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking - not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history.
In 15 or 20 years, on present trends, there will be in this country three and a half million Commonwealth immigrants and their descendants. ... There is no comparable official figure for the year 2000, but it must be in the region of five to seven million, approximately one-tenth of the whole population, and approaching that of Greater London. Of course, it will not be evenly distributed... Whole areas, towns and parts of towns across England will be occupied by sections of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population. ... It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. ...
I am going to allow just one of those hundreds of people to speak for me: "The immigrants moved in [to her neighborhood]. With growing fear, she saw one house after another taken over. The quiet street became a place of noise and confusion. Regretfully, her white tenants moved out. ... [For refusing to rent to blacks] windows are broken. She finds excreta pushed through her letter box. When she goes to the shops, she is followed by children, charming, wide-grinning piccaninnies. They cannot speak English, but one word they know. "Racialist," they chant. When the new Race Relations Bill is passed, this woman is convinced she will go to prison." ...
Now, at all times, where there are marked physical differences, especially of colour, integration is difficult though, over a period, not impossible. ... But to imagine that such a thing [integration] enters the heads of a great and growing majority of immigrants and their descendants is a ludicrous misconception, and a dangerous one. ... 'The Sikh communities' campaign to maintain customs inappropriate in Britain is much to be regretted. ...
As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."
That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century."
- November 6, 2007, Telegraph, 'Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech' (April 20, 1968): "[This citizen] continued: "I have three children, all of them been through grammar school and two of them married now, with family. I shan't be satisfied till I have seen them all settled overseas. In this country in 15 or 20 years' time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man." ... Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that his country will not be worth living in for his children.
- Prett much fully forgotten outside of Great Britain, but the British do remember him:
- November 12, 2014,BBC's Question Time, debate between Russell Brand and the Euroskeptic, anti-immigration Nigel Farage: "I sometimes almost feel worried about you, Nigel Farage. ... Farage is pointing at immigrants and the disabled and holding his nose. Immigrants are not causing the economic problems and suffering that we are experiencing. ... He is a poundshop Enoch Powell and we ought to watch him. ...
"[We've seen] cuts against the poorest among us, the disabled, people that we need to be looking after. We need to close tax loopholes that are exploited by big corporations."
- November 12, 2014,BBC's Question Time, debate between Russell Brand and the Euroskeptic, anti-immigration Nigel Farage: "I sometimes almost feel worried about you, Nigel Farage. ... Farage is pointing at immigrants and the disabled and holding his nose. Immigrants are not causing the economic problems and suffering that we are experiencing. ... He is a poundshop Enoch Powell and we ought to watch him. ...
- Farage was the incredibly charismatic head of the Euroskeptic, anti-establishment UK Independence Party (UKIP). Strangely, as soon as the Brexit vote came through in 2016, Farage stepped aside. One would have assumed that he knew liberal elites would put up a tremendous fight to make actual Brexit as tough as possible.
- Despite being extremely well-spoken, like other international "populists", Farage has refused to rationally bring up ethnic crime numbers, racial IQ, or immigration-related poll statistics that will empower the masses with facts and force globalists to somehow counter with facts instead of purely appealing to or ridiculing with emotion. He did have an amazing anti-Soros speech at the European Parliament, however, in 2017.
- As discussed in ISGP's Cercle article: "We can comfortably say that 4 out of 6 top financial resources for the Referendum Party to [its incarnation as] UKIP were and are linked to British intelligence..."
- Ally of top globalist John L. Thornton, a former co-CEO and co-president of Goldman Sachs and also an old Steve Bannon mentor:
- October 14, 2018, The Times, 'Gold mine boss digs in with Bannon': "[Picture:] John Thornton, third from left, was pictured lunching with Nigel Farage and Steve Bannon at Brown's in Mayfair"
- Minister of defense of Slovenia 1990-1994, June-November 2000. President-in-Office of the European Council Jan.-Jun. 2008. Prime minister of Slovenia 2004-2008, 2012-2013, 2020-.
- David Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission and other elite ties:
- Ally of prominent anti-communist neoliberal economist Ljubo Sirc, a founding trustee and president in 1983 of the Centre for Research into Communist Economies (CRCE) together with famed neoliberal authority Friedrich von Hayek, Sir Anthony Fisher, and the MI6-tied Lisl Biggs-Davison. CRCE were the first western contacts for (later notorious and deeply elite-tied) Russian reformers Anatoly Chubais and Yegor Gaidar, and advised other east European former communist countries on neoliberal reforms.
In 2004, both Sirc and Jansa were co-founders of the SDS heavy Slovenian NGO Zbor za Republiko (Assembly for the Republic), which also included Knights of Malta. Sirc joined Jansa's Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) in 2010, with Jansa speaking at Sirc funeral in 2017:- 2010 membership list, Mont Pelerin Society: "Dr. Ljubo Sirc, 1965, Life Member."
- Late Winter / Early Spring 2011, No. 40, CRCE newsletter, 'Ljubo Sirc's Russian Award': "Ljubo Sirc, Founder President of the CRCE... Ljubo Sirc’s Acceptance Speech:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Russian Friends! The man whom I would most wish to remember is Yegor Gaidar who sadly died just over a year ago. I was introduced to him by Anatoly Chubais, the other leading reformer, whom I met at a [CRCE] seminar on economic reforms in Hungary in 1988. On their invitation, I travelled to Moscow and St. Petersburg with Lord Harris of High Cross, founder and director of the Institute of Economic Affairs in London...
In 1947, Hayek founded the Mont Pelerin Society at a gathering in Switzerland. ... In the United States, its endeavours were strongly favoured and complimented by the work of the Heritage and Atlas Foundations and the CATO Institute. Encouraged by these developments, Lord Harris, Sir Antony Fisher and I founded CRCE, the Centre for Research into Communist (later, Post-Communist) Economies, whose research and advice Hayek himself encouraged by consenting to the Honorary President of its Advisory Council. The Centre organises various events including seminars discussions and an annual conference. It has maintained an extensive publication programme of books and papers, and an academic journal, "Post-Communist Economies". These activities have been expertly handled by Lisl Biggs-Davison, the Executive Director, who has also helped with the Russian contacts. As I am from Slovenia many of CRCE's events have taken place there."" - zborzarepubliko.si/o-zboru: "The first signatories of the initiative for the establishment of the Assembly for the Republic: ... 5. Janez Janša .... 18. dr. Ljubo Sirc."
- Jan. 28, 2017, reporter.si, 'Jansa: Ljubo Sirc je opozarjal na parazitske ostanke komunizma' ('Janša: Ljubo Sirc pointed out the parasitic remnants of communism'): "Dr. Sirc and Dr. Pucnik thoroughly marked the most crucial time in the history of Slovenia. Without this energy, we would not have succeeded," says Jansa."
- March 31, 2017, nova24tv.si, 'In Memoriam: ‘Because you loved Slovenia, the Slovenian government sentenced you to death! How could anyone understand this?’': "'He also said that he was 90 years old and that his decision to join the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) had been well thought-out because today he was not naive any longer and did not view the Slovenian political landscape in the same way as 20 or 25 years ago,' revealed Janez Jansa."
- bledstrategicforum.org/ index.php?id= 5&lang=en&PHPSESSID= a72d750974f00870 6aae0cce2f5702ad (accessed: Nov. 3, 2007; the meeting was less prestigeous in later years than right after its founding in 2006): "Speakers: ... Carl Bildt ... Bruce Jackson ... Janez Jansa [also visited in 2006 and sometime slater years] ... Dr Robin Niblett, Director of Chatham House, London ... Mikheil Saakashvili ..." Google, Microsoft and Facebook have been among the sponsors of this Slovenian conference.
- culturaldiplomacy.org/ index.php?en_advisoryboard (accessed: May 31, 2011; founded by long-time Bilderberg steering committee member and IFRI founder Thierry de Montbrial, who served on the (main) advisory board until early 2010): "The Hon. Janez Jansa [Nov. 2010-, still anno 2022]... Michael Chertoff [Jan. 2011 at the latest]: Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security... Amb. Paula Dobriansky [Early 2011 at the latest, still anno 2022]... Admiral James Milton Loy: Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security..."
- November 17, 2018, Nova24TV.si (Far right Slovenian media outlet co-founded and co-owned by Jansa and members of his SDS party; co-financed by Viktor Orban), 'Janez Jansa na srečanju Trilateralne komisije med uglednimi in vplivnimi gosti iz celega sveta!' ('Janez Janša at the meeting of the Trilateral Commission among distinguished and influential guests from all over the world!'): "The 42nd European Meeting of the Trilateral Commission is taking place in Ljubljana from Friday to Sunday... The Trilateral Commission is a non-governmental, private organization founded in July 1973 on the initiative of David Rockefeller. ...
"[Screenshot Trilateral agenda:] Session Framing Note: TITLE: Europe: one speed, two speeds, low speed? TIME: November 17th, 8:45 - 10:30. ... MODERATOR: Jean-Claude Trichet. PANELISTS: - Mario Monti ... Alain Juppe ... Jose Manuel Barroso ... Janez Jansa..."" - July 13, 2021, seenews.com, 'Slovenia to appoint ex-Uber manager as minister in charge of digital transformation': "[Boris] Andrijanic was head of public policy for Central and Eastern Europe at Uber between 2019 and April 2021, when he was named appointed head of the Slovenian National Digitalisation Council."
- 2017-2019 Trilateral Commission membership lists: "David Rockefeller Fellows: ... Mark Boris Andrijanic, Public Policy Associate (CEE), Uber Technologies, Warsaw." Extra note: Uber is one of the more "open borders" companies, even in Silicon Valley.
- atlanticcouncil.org/expert/mark-boris-andrijanic/ (accessed: Feb. 9, 2022): "Master’s in public policy from the University of Oxford... Prior to joining Uber, Mr. Andrijanic was a Visiting Fellow at the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies in Brussels, where his research focused on EU's foreign and energy policy. Mr. Andrijanic worked closely with Members of the European Parliament and senior officials at the European Commission on some of the key foreign policy issues facing the EU. Before coming to Brussels, he advised the Government of Sierra Leone on natural resource governance reform. In his native Slovenia, he co-founded and led some of the leading NGOs aimed at promoting active citizenship and entrepreneurship. ... He became a David Rockefeller Fellow at the Trilateral Commission in 2017."
- Ally of prominent anti-communist neoliberal economist Ljubo Sirc, a founding trustee and president in 1983 of the Centre for Research into Communist Economies (CRCE) together with famed neoliberal authority Friedrich von Hayek, Sir Anthony Fisher, and the MI6-tied Lisl Biggs-Davison. CRCE were the first western contacts for (later notorious and deeply elite-tied) Russian reformers Anatoly Chubais and Yegor Gaidar, and advised other east European former communist countries on neoliberal reforms.
- Despite these elite ties, Jansa is a radically anti-left, anti-immigration, anti-Soros, pro-Trump "populist" who pushes very obvious "conservative CIA" propagandists:
- June 4, 2018, Die Welt, 'Anti-immigration leader Janez Jansa to form Slovenia government': "Jansa's Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) secured just under 25 percent of votes – giving it 25 seats in the 90-strong parliament. The anti-establishment List of Marjan Sarec (LMS) party, headed by comedian-turned-politician Marjan Sarec, came second with 12.7 percent and 13 seats...
Jansa (L) is an ally of Hungary's right-wing, anti-immigration Prime Minister Viktor Orban (R). Former premier Jansa (main picture) had raised anti-immigration slogans during the election campaign, pledging to toughen measures for migrants seeking to enter the country from the Middle East and North Africa. Some 500,000 migrants crossed through Slovenia in late 2015 and early 2016 along the so-called Balkan route, since largely closed by patrols and fences. Slovenia, however, did not take in many refugees. It rather acted as a transit country. ...
Jansa is also an ally of Hungary's right-wing, anti-immigration Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Some media reports claim that Jansa's media campaign was boosted by investments from Hungary's conservative groups. "Thanks to its (migration) policy, Hungary is a safe country while Belgium, due to its wrong policy, isn't," Jansa recently claimed on Twitter." - July 16, 2018 retweet by @JJansaSDS of @Thomas1774Paine: "PUTIN: Hillary Clinton Pocketed $400 Million Illegal Contribution in Tax-Free Russian Money During 2016 Election."
- Sep. 30, 2019 retweet by @JJansaSDS of @KragelNadja: "George Soros Emerges as Key Funder of 'Global Climate Strike' ... @BreitbartNews'"
- Sep. 30, 2019 retweet by @JJansaSDS: "Very directly about real motives behind leftist #ClimateChange agenda: 'The Left in the European Parliament @Left_EU, Nov 28, 2019'.
- Jan. 19, 2020 retweet by @JJansaSDS of @AmyMek: "SOROS EXPOSED: Viktor Orban slams EU for punishing Hungary & Poland for not accepting Soros plan to create a new Europe w/o a Christian identity using mass Islamic immigration. Christian Hungary suggests a 'European Alliance of Christian Nations'. FULL VID https://rairfoundation.com /hungarys-vikto...
- The RAIR Foundation USA, which originally stood for "Resistance Against Islamic Radicals (RAIR)" (later awkwardly changed to "Rise Align Ignite Reclaim"), translated the video interview of Orban. RAIR is ran by Amy Mekelburg, ashady, unhinged "conservative CIA" propagandist at various times endorsed by Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Pizzagate-pushing general Michael Flynn:
- Jun. 7, 2015 tweet of @AmyMek: "Europe is Gone, America is Next -> 500k Muslims will Invade Europe this Summer."
- Aug. 5, 2015 tweet of @AmyMek: "Obama is a Muslim, like his Prophet, he would LIE, Kill & Rob 2 further the political ideology of Domination & Conquest!"
- Jun. 7, 2018 tweet of @AmyMek: "The Marxist Media & Muslim Brotherhood have formed a dangerous alliance..."
- Sep. 7, 2018 tweet of @AmyMek: "Infowars & Alex Jones were BANNED permanently from Twitter now... Next, they will ban those who retweeted posts associated with Jones."
- Aug. 12, 2020 tweet of @AmyMek: "Soros Attacks Poland. For months, several times a day, hundreds of LGBT agitators belonging to an NGO funded by Soros, have been provoking Catholics. Soros and his international media assassins want to destabilize Poland by eliminating Christians & God"."
- May 14, 2021 tweet of @AmyMek: "Exposed: Vaccine Scam. Virologist Reveals New Covid Cases Appearing in Vaccinated Patients in French Nursing Homes."
- Jul. 30, 2021 tweet of @AmyMek: "Psychological Torture! Western Countries are Modeling Covid Restrictions After Chinese Torture Methods. Once mentally broken, the government can more fully control its citizenry."
- Jun. 12, 2018, splcenter.org, 'Unmasked anti-Muslim troll Amy Mekelburg connected to Chris Gaubatz': "In 2016, [Amy Mekelburg] was invited by Sen. Ted Cruz to testify at a Senate subcommittee hearing titled, "Willful Blindness: Consequences of Agency Efforts to Deemphasize Radical Islam in Combating Terrorism.""
- Jun. 1, 2018, Huffington Post, 'Trump's Loudest Anti-Muslim Twitter Troll Is A Shady Vegan Married To An (Ousted) WWE Exec': "She was supposed to be a Russian bot. That seemed like the best explanation for @AmyMek. ... For five years, the mysterious Twitter account -- which has more than 200,000 followers, including Sean Hannity, Roseanne Barr and the personal account of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and has earned endorsements from Donald Trump and Michael Flynn -- has tirelessly spewed far-right propaganda and, above all, Islamophobia. ...
[Mekelburg posts endless] memes about Sharia executions and child rape, genital mutilation and Muslims torturing... What made @AmyMek special was her industriousness. She never took a break.
"She's a major cog in the Islamophobia machine," said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the [Hamas terror group and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors financed] Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim advocacy and civil rights organization that @AmyMek often attacks. ...
In 2014, she also started using neo-Nazi terms like "cultural Marxism"... She encouraged her readers to follow Jared Wyand, a white supremacist and anti-Semite who openly praises Adolf Hitler and denies the Holocaust happened. [Mekelburg is a Jew and does not deny the Holocaust]...
The 45-year-old resident of Fishkill, New York, grew up in a Jewish family in East Brunswick, New Jersey... Mekelburg [had] gotten to know [Paul] Cortez before the murder and spent a lot of time with him. Mekelburg and [her boyfriend Salvatore "Sal"] Siino created a nonprofit organization dedicated to overturning Cortez's conviction [of having having nearly decapitated one of his girlfriend's with a knife]. ... According to 2007 tax records, Siino donated more than $56,000 to hire Jeffrey Lichtman, a criminal defense attorney best known for keeping mobster John "Junior" Gotti out of prison. Lichtman was unable to win a new trial for Cortez. ...
But the convict still had Mekelburg, who was devoted to him [and kept meeting him in prisons while living with Saul Siino]. ... Siino ... moved to Los Angeles to launch a doomed internet media startup called WeMash with Quincy Jones III, son of the famous music producer [and "liberal CIA" asset]. ...
In February 2017 ... Siino found a new job with the WWE, the Connecticut-based pro wrestling entertainment company co-founded by Linda McMahon, who now works in the Trump administration. [He] became a senior vice president responsible for global content distribution and business development. Mekelburg told Galasso that the WWE knew about @AmyMek and had asked Siino to keep his connection to his wife quiet. ...
In the early part of 2018, the WWE and Saudi Arabia finalized a controversial 10-year deal to bring pro wrestling there. Siino was negotiating TV deals in the United Arab Emirates, according to the WWE. Back in Fishkill, his wife was casting Muslims as subhuman filth. ...
"No," said the WWE spokesperson. "Now that it has come to our attention, Sal Siino is no longer an employee." ...
On Wednesday, she emailed this HuffPost reporter -- not to answer questions or address or clarify any of the information I’d gathered about her. She wanted to muscle me. "My attorney, Martin Garbus (cc’ed on this email), will contact you tomorrow morning," she wrote. Martin Garbus is a high-profile attorney who has represented Daniel Ellsberg, Nelson Mandela and Don Imus, among many others. Two of his current clients, Paul and Chris Gaubatz, are major Islamophobes. When Garbus did not call me at the designated time Thursday morning, I called him. "I don’t represent that woman," he told me and then hung up the phone."
- November 4, 2020, Euronews, 'Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janaa congratulates Donald Trump despite no election result Access to the comments': ""It’s pretty clear that American people have elected Donald Trump and Mike Pence for four more years," Janša tweeted on Wednesday. "More delays and facts denying ... [the] bigger the final triumph for the President. Congratulations to the Republican Party for strong results across the US". ...
Donald Trump declared a premature victory at the White House and described the election process as a "major fraud on our nation"." - Dec. 8, 2020, gov.si, 'Prime Minister Janez Janša and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the importance of innovation for the future of the two countries'
- May 10, 2021 tweet by @JJansaSDS: "Israel has the unequivocal right to defend itself against Hamas' attacks. Their rockets are landing in civilian communities. We stand with Israel. @netanyahu. #Israel"
- Aug. 21, 2021 retweet by @JJansaSDS of @V4Report: ""Among these NGOs, Soros's Open Society stands out. Twelve of its employees have become judges in Strasbourg, and it funds the other six NGOs in question. The massive presence of judges from same NGO network shows hold of large foundations & private NGOs on ECHR. #V4 #Poland [V4 Report: "Defending Visegrad and CEE nation states from Merkel and EU"]"
- Sep. 19, 2021 retweet by @JJansaSDS: "The term #neoliberalism was developed to mask the #totalitarian tendencies of those that name themselves #liberals."
- 2018, transform-network.net, 'Analysis of the neoconservative movement Slovenia', p. 32: "Angelca Likovic ... is one of the most recognizable faces of neoconservative movement in Slovenia. In her speeches, she often emphasizes that she was a teacher of Janez Jansa, the president of the SDS. ... In 2001 she was State Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. For a number of years she was considered as an important member of political party SDS, with which she was also closely linked through business. For example, between 1996 and 2001, she held a share of the Company for Investment and Development (DIR) Grosuplje together with Municipality of Grosuplje, Silva Predalic, former wife of Janez Jansa... This construction company bought a plot of land from Janez Jansa in 2005 in Trenta at a high price."
- July 13, 2021, seenews.com, 'Slovenia to appoint ex-Uber manager as minister in charge of digital transformation': "[Boris] Andrijanic was head of public policy for Central and Eastern Europe at Uber between 2019 and April 2021, when he was named appointed head of the Slovenian National Digitalisation Council."
- July 17, 2021, ansa.it, 'Slovenia: Jansa loses the referendum, 87% against water law': "The law, passed by the parliament at the end of March, extends the possibility of operating on water, coastal land, and lake areas, authorizing plants and structures for public use. But ... with inevitable risks of pollution of groundwater and drinking water [and a loss of access to public water]..." The campaign against was led by "liberal CIA" NGOs under the banner "Movement for Drinkable Water", including the feminist-oriented Institut 8. Marec.
- Nov. 5, 2020 retweet by @JJansaSDS of @Thomas1774Paine: ""Under no circumstances should he concede" - Hillary Clinton."
- Oct. 15, 2021, Eurones.com, 'Janez Janša pushes far-right anti-Soros conspiracy theory in Twitter attack on MEP Access to the comments': "Sophie In 't Veld, a Dutch MEP since 2004 and leader of the Democrats 66 political party in Brussels, was pictured alongside 13 others, some of which are no longer MEPs... Jansa's tweet referred to the 13 as "Soros puppets in the EU parlement (sic)." Jansa's Twitter rant comes as In ‘t Veld and a delegation of MEPs visit Slovenia to investigate the rule of law and media freedom, which critics allege have worsened since he was elected in 2020. ...
"Antisemitism has no place in the EU," a Commission spokesperson said. ...
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte responded to Janša on Twitter on Thursday night, calling his comments "tasteless". "I condemn it in the strongest possible terms. The government just conveyed this same sentiment to the Slovenian ambassador in The Hague," Rutte wrote. ... In June, Rutte suggested Hungary leave the European Union after Budapest passed a controversial law banning the depiction of homosexuality and sex reassignment in school material and on TV." - Oct. 14, 2021 tweet by @EP_President (Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament Jan. 2022-, so changed Twitter name): "We urgently call on @JJansaSDS to cease the provocations against members of the @Europarl_EN. Attacks on members of this house, are also attacks on European citizens."
- Oct. 15, 2021, euractiv.com, 'Slovenian PM's 'Soros puppets' tweet causes EU-wide political storm': "Before his 'Soros puppets' tweet, Jansa also attacked the leftist opposition LEVICA party on Twitter, saying its members represent "the political wing of the terrorist #antifa" ... Jansa has also described as "legitimate", an anti-EU declaration recently signed by far-right parties from 16 EU countries, including France's Rassemblement National [until 2018 known as the National Front, founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen], Poland's PiS [of right-wing president Andrzej Duda and the Kaczynski brothers], Hungary's Fidesz [of Viktor Orban], and Italy’s Lega. ...
Some accused Jansa of anti-Semitism, including the Dutch MEP Malik Azmani, who described the image as a "despicable, anti-Semitic trope". Vice-president of Renew Europe, and German Green MEP Daniel Freund said Janša "peddles Orban-style anti-Semitic conspiracy theories". ... "This has no place in any democracy and certainly not in the EU!" Verhofstadt tweeted."
- June 4, 2018, Die Welt, 'Anti-immigration leader Janez Jansa to form Slovenia government': "Jansa's Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) secured just under 25 percent of votes – giving it 25 seats in the 90-strong parliament. The anti-establishment List of Marjan Sarec (LMS) party, headed by comedian-turned-politician Marjan Sarec, came second with 12.7 percent and 13 seats...
- Prime minister of Hungary 1998-2002 and again since 2010. Still anno 2024.
- Accused of introducing "soft fascism" by the liberal media for suppressing opposition parties. This may or may not be an overstatement.
- In contrast to Trump, actually a populist who gets things done:
- Constructed a fence along the southern border of Hungary in 2015, which effectively halted illegal and legal immigration into his country during the height of the immigration crisis.
- Initiated social programs in 2019 to up the native birth rate (suggested as a major part of the solution since 2017 by ISGP's Center for Responsible Immigration).
- Banned LGBTQ education to kids and anything promoting homosexuality and trannyism in July 2021, something that massively triggered EU leaders.
- Vocally against George Soros:
- November 27, 2017, VPRO (Dutch state television), 'Report: George Soros new scapegoat in Europe' ('Reportage: George Soros nieuwe zondebok in Europa'): "The Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban is pushing a hate campaign against speculator and philanthropist George Soros. [He] is being held responsible by Orban, for example, for the incursion of millions of refugees into Europe. Correspondent Tijn Sadee is making a report about the origins of the hate against Soros."
- Still added as a "maybe" to the "conservative CIA" oversight, because of Orban's earliest ties to George Soros and Davos, followed in 1997 by the American Enterprise Institute and a continued shared history here with future Polish foreign minister and Bilderberg steering committee member Radoslaw Sikorski:
- parlament.hu/kepviselo/elet/o320.htm (accessed: March 6, 2018): "Dr. Orbán Viktor: ... From April 1988, supported by the Soros Foundation... From September 1989 supported by the Soros Foundation with a scholarship at Oxford's Pembroke College to study the history of liberal political philosophy [with Hegelian political philosopher Zbigniew Pelczynski, who also taught Bill Clinton and Walter Isaacson];"
- 2013, US-UK Fulbright Commission and Oxford Thinking, 'Extending the Fulbright Legacy', p. 4: "Former Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, and current Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski [Bilderberg steering committee anno 2020] ... received tutorials from Dr Zbigniew Pelczynski, who also taught former President Bill Clinton while he was studying at Oxford."
- April 17, 1999, The Independent, 'New Kids on the Bloc': "Snapping at the heels of politicians such as Viktor Orban and Tamas Deutsch is an even younger generation of would-be MPs and political leaders, in their 20s, or even their teens. In Poland they study at the School for Leaders, in downtown Warsaw. It was set up by Professor Zbigniew Pelczynski, who taught at Oxford University for 40 years and was a one-time tutor there to Bill Clinton and Viktor Orban."
- In 1993 Orban was part of the first batch of "Global Leaders for Tomorrow" of Davos, together with an absolutely shocking list of emerging globalists and future heads of state: Bill Gates, Sir Richard Branson, Jacob Wallenberg, Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Bono of U2, Larry Summers, Jose Maria Aznar (PM Spain 1996-2004), Tony Blair (PM UK 1997-2007), Guy Verhofstadt (PM Belgium 1999-2008), Angela Merkel (chancellor of Germany 2005-2021), Gordon Brown (PM UK 2007-2010), and Nicolas Sarkozy (president France 2007-2012). 154 Davos was founded and headed by Henry Kissinger- and Maurice Strong-protege Klaus Schwab.
- In 1997 Viktor Orban was on the founding advisory board of the American Enterprise Institute-founded New Atlantic Initiative. Orban was flanked here by the elite of the elite, both neocon and traditional liberal establishment, all of them chaired by Henry Kissinger. The founding executive director was Radoslaw Sikorski, the future Polish foreign minister and Bilderberg steering committee member who studied under old Bill Clinton Oxford teacher Dr. Zbigniew Pelczynski, together with Orban.
- Viktor Orban quietly seems to dislike Jews and kind of like past leaders who helped kill them:
- January 28, 2022, Politico.eu, 'Viktor Orbán's anti-Semitism problem': "After Orbán came to power in 2010, he appointed Andras Levente Gal to direct the Holocaust Memorial and Documentation Center in Budapest. According to Paul Shapiro of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, "Gal's first proposal was to eliminate mention of [wartime Hungarian leader] Miklos Horthy's alliance with Adolf Hitler and participation in the dismemberment of three neighboring states — Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia — as 'irrelevant' to the Holocaust."
Gal's second proposal, Shapiro recounted, "was to sanitize the record of Hungarian participation in the ghettoization and deportation of the country's Jews and place full blame for the destruction of Hungarian Jewry on Germany." Even though the resulting international outcry led to Gál's dismissal, Orbán's government went ahead anyhow and built a "Memorial to the Victims of German Occupation" with the same message.
Orbán has persisted in rewriting history. He has praised Horthy for reconquering lost territories. Several towns have erected statues or placed plaques on buildings in the wartime leader's honor. Busts of Horthy still stand across the country, despite his record of virulent anti-Semitism.
In Budapest, the Orbán-sponsored House of Terror recounts the "terror" of totalitarian regimes, communist and Nazi alike. But it has only one room on the Holocaust and around 20 on the communist period... The exhibition also carries the undertone that communists were Jews."
- January 28, 2022, Politico.eu, 'Viktor Orbán's anti-Semitism problem': "After Orbán came to power in 2010, he appointed Andras Levente Gal to direct the Holocaust Memorial and Documentation Center in Budapest. According to Paul Shapiro of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, "Gal's first proposal was to eliminate mention of [wartime Hungarian leader] Miklos Horthy's alliance with Adolf Hitler and participation in the dismemberment of three neighboring states — Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia — as 'irrelevant' to the Holocaust."
- In Feb. 2024 the Orban government was hid with a child abuse scandal related to the (heavily pro-Soros) Pope Francis:
- Feb. 11, 2024, BBC, 'Hungarian President Katalin Novak resigns over child abuse pardon scandal': "The controversy which led to the resignations came after the names of 25 people pardoned by Ms Novak in April last year, as part of a visit to Hungary by Pope Francis, were made public by Hungarian media last week.
On the list of convicts was the deputy director of a children's home near Budapest, who had been jailed for three years after forcing children to retract claims of abuse against the director of the home.
The director had himself been jailed for eight years over abusing children at the government-run facility. ...
Judit Varga, the former minister of justice who approved the pardon, has also resigned..."
- Feb. 11, 2024, BBC, 'Hungarian President Katalin Novak resigns over child abuse pardon scandal': "The controversy which led to the resignations came after the names of 25 people pardoned by Ms Novak in April last year, as part of a visit to Hungary by Pope Francis, were made public by Hungarian media last week.
- First met with Ted Turner in July-August 1994, during Ted Turner's Goodwill Games in Moscow. He did so alongside his mentor Anatoly Sobchak:
- March 5, 2001, Fortune, 'Turner's New Game: Russian Roulette': "... the two have met twice before, once when Turner staged the [July-August 1994] Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg (Putin was then a key aide to the city's governor) and again last May, when Turner attended the opening of Mikhail Gorbachev's presidential library."
- Klaus Schwab has repeatedly claimed that Putin was a Young Global Leader of his Davos group. Fact is, Putin does not appear on any historical list of the Global Leaders for Tomorrow (GLT) / Young Global Leaders (YGL), a project that was first initiated in 1993 and did include scores of future prime ministers and even a number of ranking Russian oligarchs and "St. Petersburgers" close to Putin. Putin's mentor, St. Petersburg mayor Anatoly Sobchak, opened Davos' 1991 regional meeting Moscow. It is not clear if Putin was present here, but it is quite likely he had some involvement in organizing it. Only about 8 to 9 months later Sobchak and Putin both were present at a spring 1992 regional meeting of Davos in St. Petersburg. Putin certainly was involved in Davos in 2000, kept very friendly ties with Davos founder Klaus Schwab until at least the 2022-initiated Russia-Ukraine War, and explained to have mirrored the 1997-founded St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Davos:
- Sep. 20, 2017, Klaus Schwab at the The John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics (iop.harvard.edu), 'Strengthening Collaboration in a Fractured World-Featuring Special Guest, Yo-Yo Ma' ("Speakers: Klaus Schwab"; interview (again) done by David Gergen) (none of the people mentioned actually are (known or listed) YGL alumni; all they did was visit Davos before they became head of state): "[GERGEN:] There are two countries now where the Young Global Leaders have emerged. Tell us a bit about that."] When I mention now names as Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin, and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are very proud of now, the young generation now, like Prime Minister [Justin] Trudeau, President [inaudible, Schwab forgot or butchers the name] of Argentina, and so on, that we penetrate the cabinets. ... So, yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and ... even more than half of his cabinet are former, ours actually, Young Global Leaders. ... It's true in Argentina, and it's true in France now. I mean, with the president [Emmanuel Macron], with the young global leader."
- 2019 documentary, 'Das Forum - Rettet Davos die Welt?', behind-the-scenes Davos 2019 footage of Schwab talking to 2018-2022 Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado Quesada: "[SCHWAB:] You are a young population. You are a relatively well-educated population. You can use the fourth industrial revolution to create, let's say, a fast-track course for your country. [ALVARADO:] My commitment will be to add value. We will be part of the Young Leaders Initiative. [SCHWAB:] Yes! Mrs. Merkel, Tony Blair were all - even President Putin - they were all Young Global Leaders before."
- cn.weforum.org/communities/ygl-alumni/ (accessed: Jan. 18, 2024; Putin, Merkel, Trudeau, Macron and 2015-2019 Argentina president Mauricio Macri all not listed).
- Nov. 27, 2019, Kremlin.ru, 'Meeting with President of the World Economic Forum Klaus Martin Schwab' (kremlin.ru/events/president/news/62145 (accessed: Aug. 3, 2020)): "Vladimir Putin: Mr. Schwab, allow me to warmly greet you, I am glad to see you again. ...
The pace of global GDP is declining. Trade in general, according to the WTO, instead of the predicted four percent, will probably be 1.2 percent. Therefore, such an international platform as yours - the World Economic Forum in Davos, of course, is in demand and brings significant benefits, supports people in their desire to work openly within the framework of current international law, and promotes the establishment of contacts between business people and government officials. Therefore, we have always maintained relations with your forum, of which you are the founder, and will continue to do so. ...
For our part, we are holding similar events, which, of course, are aimed primarily at establishing business contacts with Russian partners. You know, here in St. Petersburg we are holding the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, and in the Far East, and in Siberia, and in the south of Russia. So we take your example. And I hope that we do not let you down, but work, so to speak, in unison.
Klaus Schwab (as translated): Dear Mr. President, thank you for the warm welcome. ... Our goal, as you have already said, is to help strengthen cooperation between “business people” and government agencies. ... I would also like to express my positive emotions; I spent two days in Moscow. And some people call me the father of the fourth industrial revolution. I wrote a book about this and I want to give it to you. " - 2009, WEF, 'The World Economic Forum: A Partner in Shaping History - The First 40 Years: 1971 - 2010', p. 103: "Before the [Aug. 1991] putsch [against Gorbachev], the Forum had scheduled its first regional meeting in Moscow... In September [1991], just 10 days after the [attempted] coup, the first group of high-level business leaders from the West arrived in Moscow. The[re were] 150 participants at the event... Then, one after another, the key economic and political figures of the struggling nation crossed the street to address participants at the Forum gathering in the elegant Hotel Metropol. Anatoly Sobchak, the Mayor of St Petersburg (which had just dropped its Soviet-era name, Leningrad) who had faced down the anti-Gorbachev opposition in his city following the coup, opened the meeting."
- 2009, WEF, 'The World Economic Forum: A Partner in Shaping History - The First 40 Years: 1971 - 2010', p. 114: "The Forum reinforced its global reach with 17 regional or country meetings. It organized its first Summit of the Black Sea Economic Zone and Central Asian Republics in Istanbul. ... The first Europe/East Asia Economic Forum took place in Hong Kong in October [1992, because its the "1992" section] in partnership with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. The success of such a regional approach led the Forum to hold similar regional meetings for Southern Africa in 1993, the Middle East and North Africa in 1994, and Mercosur in 1995.
To familiarize its members with the economic potential of the “new regions”, the Forum decided in the spring [of 1992 it appears, because this is the "1992" section] to charter a plane and send members on a series of round-trip visits to important cities in a number of countries. The first destination was St Petersburg, where many local businessmen participated in a one-day meeting with Mayor Anatoly Sobchak. Removed from the pressures of Moscow’s charged politics, the northern city had been making an effort to attract foreign investors. It offered less bureaucracy and more tax breaks and eventually succeeded in luring companies such as Unilever, Cadbury, Gillette and others into manufacturing joint ventures. At a brainstorming lunch, three young men who would rise to prominence within the next decade were present: Alexei Kudrin, Deputy Chairman of St Petersburg’s Committee for Economic Development and now Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation; Alexei Miller, Head of Department of the city’s External Affairs Committee and now Chairman of Gazprom, Russia’s largest company; and Vladimir Putin, Deputy Mayor of St Petersburg and Chairman of the External Affairs Committee, who would succeed Boris Yeltsin in 2000 as president of the Russian Federation and then become prime minister in 2008."
- Putin and "state media" as Russia Today (RT) has been surprisingly lenient towards typical western conspiracy disinformers, and on top that seem way too inspired by typical "woke" - "anti-woke" western politics:
- From Abby Martin's 9/11-no-planer bio: "Abby Martin has been Russia TV (RT.com) Breaking the Set host. Invited to Breaking the Set: James Corbett, Steven Greer, Graham Hancock, Michio Kaku, Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, Amber Lyon, Bob McIlvaine, Joe Rogan, Jamie Kilstein (later Joe Rogan assistant), Michael Ruppert (including a tribute), Oliver Stone, Jesse Ventura and Immortal Technique (associated with 9/11 Truth, including Craig Ranke)."
- Noticing the international Russia Today (RT) internet ban was lifted as of April 1, 2024, the frontpage of Russia Today was adorned by Scott Ritter. 155 Conventially known as a United Nations weapons of mass destruction inspector in Iraq in 1991-1998, in later years Ritter emerged as a "liberal CIA"-type anti-neocon propagandist who surrounded himself even with 9/11-no-plane disinformers.
- "Putin's brain", Alexander Dugin, sounds a whole lot of a mix of "alt-rightism" and a Soros- and Ford Foundation, pro-Third World, anti-white, anti-Jew globalist. He certainly seems to ignore globalist NGOs in his political analyses - NGOs that strengthen the Third World and weaken the West. He also has a habit of opposing and dealing with controlled opposition groups propped up by the CIA and western globalists:
- Nov. 7, 2023, en.majalla.com, 'Aleksandr Dugin: My vision for the new world order and Gaza war': "What we are witnessing is a shift away from a unipolar world, which emerged following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the disintegration of the Soviet bloc, towards a multipolar world. The foundations of this multipolar world are becoming increasingly evident, with key players including Russia, China, the Islamic world, India, and potentially Africa and Latin America. These entities represent distinct civilisations, many of which are united within the BRICS group. Notably, after the 2023 Johannesburg summit, this group expanded to include significant countries from the Islamic world, such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Egypt, as well as Ethiopia, bolstering the African perspective, and Argentina, further solidifying the presence of South American nations.
This expansion underscores the growing influence of the multipolar world order while signalling a weakening of Western hegemony. The United States and Western powers are resolutely clinging to the concept of unilateralism. At the forefront of global leadership, the United States, in particular, is determined to maintain its dominance across military, political, economic, cultural, and ideological realms. This ongoing pursuit of unipolarity stands as the central contradiction of our era, marked by the intensifying struggle between unipolarity and multipolarity. ...
Russia [is] rebuffing Western liberalism, including its promotion of the gay rights agenda and other Western ideological standards [note: why not mention Third World immigration?]...
Russia, under Putin's leadership, recognises that it cannot be one of just two poles in this world, as was the case during the Soviet Union era. New civilisations are on the rise, including Chinese, Islamic, Indian, African, and Latin American. Russia sees them as potential allies and partners in a genuine and equitable multipolar order—a perspective not yet widely acknowledged by the rest of the world."
- Nov. 7, 2023, en.majalla.com, 'Aleksandr Dugin: My vision for the new world order and Gaza war': "What we are witnessing is a shift away from a unipolar world, which emerged following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the disintegration of the Soviet bloc, towards a multipolar world. The foundations of this multipolar world are becoming increasingly evident, with key players including Russia, China, the Islamic world, India, and potentially Africa and Latin America. These entities represent distinct civilisations, many of which are united within the BRICS group. Notably, after the 2023 Johannesburg summit, this group expanded to include significant countries from the Islamic world, such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Egypt, as well as Ethiopia, bolstering the African perspective, and Argentina, further solidifying the presence of South American nations.
- Putin's illegitimate daughter, Luiza Rozova:
- Another interesting observation this author made in May 2021 is that Luiza Rozova (also known as Elizaveta Krivonogikh), in 2020 exposed as a secret daughter of Putin by American elite- and "liberal CIA"-affiliated 156 Russian media outlet Proekt, is strongly drawn towards western trends. On her Instagram, on which she always kept her (extremely-Putin-like) face hidden, she followed, amongst others, actress Megan Fox and Fai Khadra, the long-time model bestie of Kendall Jenner in particular, but also the Kardashian sisters. She displayed some of the same likes and fashion trends: from astrology to snakeskin to Cupids (Megan Fox, Gigi Hadid, Kylie Jenner, Madison Beer, etc. displayed them or variations from Boys Lie in that period) to YSL to Alexander Wang. It's quite clear she wants to walk the runways of major New York fashion shows. Alexander Wang may have given porn star Lana Rhoades a shot at the prompting of Fox, the Jenners and their secret friends as Rihanna, but it is doubtful he would be able to legally do that with Putin's daughter. Especially after the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
- Speaking of which, Rozova stopped posting on her Instagram on October 1, 2021, suspected due to posts that helped reveal she was situated in Monaco. 157 On March 7, 2022, after the invasion of Ukraine and a hail of heavy political trolling 158, the account was deleted 159 and Rozova disappeared from public sight.
- Of course, his daughters' likes don't exactly immediately reflect on Putin. If anything, it shows he didn't try to control her too much. It does make one wonder and worry though if the children of powerful foreign leaders are purposely targeted by the globalist movement surrounding the likes of George Soros for "conversion" away from "anti-globalist thought". As a teen girl living in Monaco apparently worth $100 million, it's not too odd seeing Rozova gravitate towards expensive fashion, but all the fashion brands that she has been promoting are heavily tied into western elites. Also, Beyonce and her husband Jay Z, who discovered Rihanna and are close to the others just mentioned, are known to have partied with George Soros. 160 And it would be right up his alley to recruit someone as Rozova with a few quiet fashion deals and connections.
- Putin has been battling western "liberal CIA" and "foreign intervention" NGOs:
- Oct. 19, 2006, Washington Post, 'Russia Halts Activities of Many Groups From Abroad': "Russia on Thursday suspended the activities of Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Republican Institute and more than 90 other foreign nongovernmental organizations [including] adoption agencies, the National Democratic Institute ... two branches of Doctors Without Borders, the Danish Refugee Council and the Netherlands-based Russian Justice Initiative ..., saying they failed to meet the registration requirements of a controversial new law designed to bring activists here under much closer government scrutiny. ...
Vladimir Lukin, Russia's federal ombudsman, speaking at a Moscow forum hosted by the Council of Europe." - Sep. 19, 2012, BBC, 'Russia expels USAID development agency': "Earlier this year, President Vladimir Putin alleged that protests surrounding his re-election were orchestrated by US-funded NGOs. Among the groups likely to be affected is Golos, whose exposure of electoral fraud at last year's parliamentary elections helped spark huge anti-Kremlin street demonstrations. Golos is partly funded by USAID."
- Dec. 18, 2012, Anders Aslund (Bilderberg 1990, 1992, 1996, 1999) and Moscow Times, 'Rise and Fall of Russia's Economic Think Tanks': "In the 1990s, many impressive independent think tanks were formed [in Russia], largely with Western financing. George Soros' Open Society Institute was the pioneer. ...
The big blow was the arrest of Khodorkovsky on October 25, 2003. Through this single act, the Kremlin sent an instant message to the oligarchs: You must not offer financing to independent think tanks. Most of the domestic private financing disappeared. Meanwhile, the bulk of the foreign financing had vanished because private domestic financing was plentiful and Russia had become rather wealthy. ...
USAID has been kicked out, though it has hardly contributed to economic think tanks. The Ford Foundation stopped all funding to Russian institutions in September, leaving Carnegie Corporation and MacArthur Foundation as the only significant private foreign donors. Carnegie Moscow Center has closed its economic program and domestic politics program, remaining a mere shadow of its former self." - July 8, 2015, TASS (Russian state media), 'Russia’s upper house sends NGOs ‘stop list’ to foreign, justice ministries, prosecutors': "Russia’s upper house of parliament adopted on Wednesday a petition to the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Foreign and Justice Ministry asking them to consider the patriotic stop list of foreign NGOs for possibly including them to the list of undesirable organizations.
The petition, backed unanimously by a total of 156 senators, reads that Russia "has faced the greatest attack on its national interests, values and institutions over the past quarter of the century."
Its key goal is to influence the domestic political environment in Russia as well as to "undermine the patriotic unity" of people and also disrupt integration processes involving Russia on space Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
"The unprecedented involvement in this activity of nonprofit organizations, which are also funded by the state budgets of foreign countries, allows speaking about a "soft aggression" against Russia," the text of the petition obtained by TASS says." - July 9, 2015, TASS (Russian state media), 'Russia’s ‘stop list’ of undesirable NGOs may be expanded to 20 — reports': "The patriotic "stop list" of 12 foreign NGOs adopted this week by Russia’s upper house of parliament will soon be expanded to a total of 20 organizations, the Izvestia newspaper reported on Thursday citing a high-ranking Federation Council source.
The Khodorkovsky Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Eurasia Foundation, the Jamestown Foundation, the Albert Einstein Institution and others will be added to the list, according to the newspaper. ...
The patriotic "stop list" consists of the Soros Foundation, the National Endowment for Democracy, the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the MacArthur Foundation, the Freedom House, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Education for Democracy Foundation, the East European Democratic Center, the Ukrainian World Congress, the Ukrainian World Coordinating Council and the Crimean Field Mission on Human Rights." - July 10, 2015, Yahoo Finance, 'Dissent in Putin’s Russia Just Got More Dangerous': "For most Americans, hearing the MacArthur Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation all mentioned at the same time would likely trigger thoughts of National Public Radio fund drives. But in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, those and other foreign non-profits are not seen as benevolent grant-makers or global do-gooders, but rather, according to state-run media outlet TASS, as part of the “many-tentacled” network of foundations “that carry out the policy of the U.S. State Department.”..."
- Nov. 30, 2015, Reuters, 'Russia bans George Soros foundation as state security 'threat'': "... the Hungarian-born Soros urged the West earlier this year to step up aid to Ukraine, outlining steps toward a $50 billion financing package that he said should be viewed as a bulwark against an increasingly aggressive Russia."
- July 4, 2017, balkaninsight.com, 'Russia Bans Romanian-American Democracy Organisation': "The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, a democracy aid organisation established in 2007 by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was declared ‘undesirable’ by the Russian government on Tuesday under a controversial law targeting alleged foreign political influence, together with several US non-governmental organisations. ...
According to the German Marshall Fund’s website, the Black Sea Trust does not have any projects in Russia, and only funds initiatives in Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
The Black Sea Trust is funded by several US-based institutions and organisations such as the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the Ford Foundation and the Mott Foundation, as well as the Latvian and Romanian governments.
The banned list also contains several American organisations, such as the Open Society Foundation..., the [NED], the US-Russia Foundation for Economic Advancement and the Rule of Law, [the NDI and IRI], the Institute of Modern Russia and the London-based Open Russia.
Russian lawmakers recommended in June that Russian state financial regulators and law-enforcement authorities examine a new proposal that would broaden the criteria under which NGOs could be deemed ‘foreign agents’ according to a 2013 law imposing strict measures on organisations that receive funding from abroad and are deemed to be engaged in political activity.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry also warned in June that it expected the US to “ramp up the activities of its non-governmental and non-profit organisations ahead of the Russian presidential election” in March 2018 that is likely to give Vladimir Putin his fourth presidential mandate." - April 18, 2022, carnegieendowment.org, 'Statement on the Closing of the Carnegie Moscow Center': "After twenty-eight years, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was forced to close its Moscow center at the direction of the government of the Russian Federation. ... Said Tino Cuéllar, president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: “The Carnegie Endowment was the first independent think tank to open in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union...""
- Oct. 19, 2006, Washington Post, 'Russia Halts Activities of Many Groups From Abroad': "Russia on Thursday suspended the activities of Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Republican Institute and more than 90 other foreign nongovernmental organizations [including] adoption agencies, the National Democratic Institute ... two branches of Doctors Without Borders, the Danish Refugee Council and the Netherlands-based Russian Justice Initiative ..., saying they failed to meet the registration requirements of a controversial new law designed to bring activists here under much closer government scrutiny. ...
Russia’s upper house sends NGOs ‘stop list’ to foreign, justice ministries, prosecutors
- Hard-right, "alt-right" president of Brazil Jan. 1, 2019 - Jan., 2023.
- The Brazilian-U.S. John Birch Society-type guru behind the Bolsonaro administration was (CIA-tied) Olavo de Carvalho, who was responsible for successfully suggesting various key members of the Bolsonaro cabinet, including his minister of foreign affairs Ernesto Araujo. (invited to speak to the Heritage Foundation in 2019, to which he gave a QAnon-type "anti-globalist" speech).
- Continually bashed feminism, LGBTQ, Brazil's black community; opened up the Amazon to exploitation by big business; and praised past CIA-backed military dictatorships, including its most notorious torturer. Read the main Bolsonaro chapter in this article for a summation and sources.
- The chief economic advisor during Bolsonaro's election campaign was the Milton Friedman-educated "Chicago Boy" Paulo Guedes, who continued as minister of finance during Bolsonaro's entire presidency, from 2019 to 2023:
- April 2, 2018, Bloomberg, 'Chicago Boy Helps Calm Bankers’ Fears About Brazilian Election Wild Card': "Guedes advises Bolsonaro..."
- Strangely, Guedes too behaved like a subject of Olavo de Carvalho:
- March 18, 2019, Huffington Post, 'Brazil President’s U.S. Visit Kicks Off With Steve Bannon-Sponsored Paranoia Fest': "Carvalho ... was at the Trump International as the guest of honor at an event organized by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon... At the embassy dinner Sunday night, Brazilian Economic Minister Paulo Guedes, the University of Chicago-trained economist who serves as the de facto leader of the Bolsonaro government’s neoliberal economic wing, bowed before the president’s guru. You are the leader of the revolution,” Guedes told Carvalho."
- March 18, 2019, O Globo, ''Você é o líder da revolução' , diz Paulo Guedes a Olavo de Carvalho' (''You are the leader of the revolution', says Paulo Guedes to Olavo de Carvalho').
- In 2005 Guedes was a key co-founder of the libertarian think tank Instituto Millenium, writing the think tank's first articles on its website:
- institutomillenium.org/quem-somos/ (accessed: Feb. 14, 2006; first webarchive): "Who we are. Founders:
- Antonio Carlos Pereira, journalist, State of São Paulo.
- Carlos Pio, Professor of Economomia International Politics, UnB.
- Eduardo Viola, Professor of International Relations, UnB. [unclear if there's a relation to the CIA-backed 1981 Brazilian dictator Roberto Eduardo Viola; Member of the Academic Council of CADAL. kellogg.nd.edu/people/eduardo-viola (accessed: Dec. 14, 2023): "Senior research fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Sao Paulo, and professor of international relations at the School of International Relations, Getulio Vargas Foundation (Sao Paulo). He retired from the University of Brasilia in 2018 after 39 years (27 years as full professor)... A former Kellogg Institute visiting fellow..."]
- Gustavo Franco, businessman and economist.
- Gustavo Marini, businessman.
- Héctor [R.] Leis, Professor of Political Science, UFSC. [Co-author of Eduardo Viola and similarly tied to the Kellogg Institute. kellogg.nd.edu/people/hector-ricardo-leis (accessed: Dec. 14, 2023): "Affiliation: Former Kellogg Doctoral Student." Communist-Peronist background it appears. Died in 2014.]
- Hélio Beltrão, businessman. [Helio Coutinho Beltrao: The son of Helio Marcos Pena Beltrao (1916-1917), a minister and president of the state oil and gas company Petrobras under several military dictatorships. Co-founded the Instituti Millennium and is the founding president of the Instituto Mises Brasil since 2007. Helio's sister has been the presenter of the Brazilain Oscars on TV Oglobo since 2006. institutomillenium.org.br /autor/heliobeltrao/ (accessed: Dec. 14, 2023): "He is the founder and specialist of the Millenium Institute and founder-president of the Mises Brasil Institute. He is also a member of the board of directors of Grupo Ultra, Le Lis Blanc, Artesia Investimentos, the advisory board of Ediouro Publicações and Lab SSJ."]
- João Accioly, university.
- Jorge Maranhão, publicist and director of the Institute A Voz do Cidadão.
- Luiz Eduardo Vasconcelos, businessman.
- Maria José de Queiroz, writer.
- Paulo Guedes, economist and businessman. [Studied at the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman. Wrote the first article for Instituto Millenium. Chief economic advisor to Bolsonaro's campaign and then his finance minister throughout his 2019-2023 term.]
- Raphael Tosti, journalist.
- Rodrigo Constantino, economist and writer. [Media figure historically tied to O Globo and Jovem Pan. who has criticized Brazil's Black Awareness Day and defended the privatiation of Petrobas. Anno 2023 he is the co-host of the 'Paulo Figueiredo Show': Nov. 20, 2015, El Pais (Brazil), 'The ultraconservative Brazilian partner of Donald Trump: Paulo Figueiredo...': "The Brazilian partner of Donald Trump, baptized by John Paul II for 33 years, is the grandson of the last president of the Brazilian military regime and this is his cover letter: “When I was born my grandfather I was president of the Republic. I met [Ronald] Reagan, Bill Clinton..." Paulo Figueiredo Filho, grandson of João Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo (1979-85), who prepared Brazil for democratic opening, is what the Brazilian would call an ultra-right guy, although he prefers the term “liberal conservative”."]
- Walter de Mattos Júnior, businessman.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR [Lists herself as president]:
- Patrícia Carlos de Andrade, economist. [daughter of Evandro Carlos de Andrade: managing editor O Globo 1971-1995 and director TV Globo's News Center 1995-2001; ]"- linkedin.com/in/patricia-carlos-de-andrade-25759421/ (accessed: Dec. 14, 2023): "Patrícia Carlos de Andrade: ... University of Pennsylvania: ABD PHD, Economics 1987-1992 [and] Master's degree, Applied Positive Psychology 2010 - 2011. ... Research Analyst, Banco J. P. Morgan, Apr 1993 - Aug 1995, Sao Paulo Area, Brazil. ... Founder and President of the Board of Directors, Instituto Millenium, Jan. 2000 - Jan. 2010."
- imil.org.br/artigos/quatro-anos-do-instituto-millenium/ (June 8, 2009; accessed: Dec. 14, 2023; author: Patricia Carlos de Andrade): "I should begin my reflections on the four years of the Millenium Institute mentioning the pride I feel for having been ahead, since its creation, first as director, then as chairman of the governance council, of an institute that today gathers names of weight..."
- institutomillenium.org/quem-somos/ (accessed: June 21, 2007): "Who we are: Executive director: Patrícia Carlos de Andrade, economist. Governing board: Luiz Eduardo Vasconcelos, president. Eduardo Viola. Gustavo Marini. Consulting board: Claudia Costin. Helio Beltrão Filho. João Roberto Marinho. Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter. Paulo Guedes. Pedro Henrique Mariani. Pedro Novis. Roberto Civita. William Ling. ... Endowment fund management committee: Arminio Fraga. ...
Founding Members:
- Eduardo Viola is a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the University of Brasília, and has a doctorate in Political Science from the University of São Paulo. He was a visiting professor at the universities of Stanford, Colorado, Notre Dame and Amsterdam.
- Gustavo H. B. Franco holds a ... master's and doctorate from Harvard University. [Former] secretary of economic policy (deputy) at the Ministry of Finance, director of international affairs and president of the Central Bank of Brazil. He participates on several boards of directors, advisory boards and corporate events as a speaker.
Gustavo Marini ... was CEO of Santander Brasil Asset Management and Santander Brasil Private Equity, executive director of Banco Bozano Simonsen and executive of Banco de Investimentos Garantia.... MBA from COPPEAD / UFRJ and an M.Sc. in Business from MIT...
- Luiz Eduardo Vasconcelos was executive director of Organizações Globo and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Infoglobo and the Editorial Board of Organizações Globo. ...
- Fernando Veloso is an economist, professor, coordinator of the Master's in Economics at Ibmec/RJ, Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and author of several articles. ...
- Gustavo Ioschpe is a political scientist graduated magna cum lauda from the University of Pennsylvania – Strategic Management (B.S., Wharton School), Political Science (B.A., College of Arts and Sciences), and Master in Economic Development and International Economics – Yale University. ...
- Mario Cesar Flores is Fleet Admiral (Retired), former Minister of the Navy and of the Secretariat of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic." - institutomillenium.org.br/ institucional/quem-somos (accessed: Jan. 1, 2016): "Chamber of Founders and Curators: ... Eduardo Viola ... Helio Beltrao ... Paulo Guedes ... Rodrigo Constantino. The Chamber of Maintainers: ... Arminio Fraga. ... The Chamber of Institutions: ... the Atlantic Institute. ... the Liberal Institute. the Freedom Institute."
- institutomillenium.org (accessed: Feb. 2, 2006; links to like-minded media and think tanks): "Links To Links: ...
- the Financial Times
- Foreign Affairs
- Foreign Policy
- Freedom House ...
- Hoover Institution ...
- International Institute for Strategic Studies ...
- the Mises Institute ...
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Washington Post...
- the Atlas Foundation
- The Liberal Cause
- Center for Democracy Development and the Rule of Law
- Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]
- Endeavor...
- the Getúlio Vargas Foundation
- International Fundación para la Libertad...
- Imani
- the Independent Institute
- Index of Economic Freedom
- Institute of Political Studies
- the Liberal Institute
- the Freedom Institute...
- La Nación
- La Tercera
- Le Figaro
- Libertad and Desarrollo...
- The State of S. Paulo
- The Globe
- Opinion Journal
- PUC-Rio Economy
- the Royal Elcano Institute
- Stockholm Network
- Trends." - institutomillenium.org.br/institucional/parceiros/ (accessed: Feb. 26, 2015): "Maintainers and Partners: ... the Associated Group: Evora Holding Company. Bank of America Merrill Lynch. MPA: Motion Picture Association. ... National Partners: AmCham Brazil ... Columbia Global Centers Latin America... Collaborators and employees: Arminio Fraga ... Jayme Garfinkel..."
- institutomillenium.org/quem-somos/ (accessed: Feb. 14, 2006; first webarchive): "Who we are. Founders:
- Antonio Carlos Pereira, journalist, State of São Paulo.
- Paulo Guedes:
- institutomillenium.org (accessed: Dec. 6, 2005; Guedes published the first three articles of the institute, the first cited here): "Published by Paulo Guedes: ... The virus that arrived in Brazil. 22 November 2005. Why do young descendants of immigrants burn cars in France? Why did the wave of disturbances unleashed on the outskirts of Paris quickly slambed Belgium and Germany? Why do similar acts of violence surround the periphery of large European cities? In recent weeks, the world has been discussing the situation of immigrants in Europe: Moroccans in Spain, Turks in Germany, Islamists in the Netherlands, North Africans in France and Belgium."
- March 19, 2019, institutomillenium.org.br, 'The government in the hands of Guedes': "More than any other minister, Guedes became, at the same time, a guarantor and a bet for the Bolsonaro government in the market. He is the one all eyes were on yesterday in Washington. ...
Several ministers and members of the government suffered defamatory attacks promoted by Bolsonarista militants on social media, for political or ideological reasons. Neither the Ministers of Education, Ricardo Vélez, or Minister of Justice, Sérgio Moro, were spared. Guedes was – although his differences with the nationalist wing of the government are the most pronounced among everyone on the Esplanada.
Guedes is a classic liberal, he aims for Brazil to be a Great Open Society, a concept by philosopher Karl Popper that inspired billionaire George Soros' Open Society, a kind of beast for Bolsonarists and national populists around the world. His view of the world and international trade – “America is just a big market for multinationals” – would allow any detractor to call him a “globalist”. ...
The attacks on Guedes have come from where they have always come from: left-wing parties and economists, who consider him the incarnation of “neoliberal” ideology, which failed after the 2008 crisis. ... Without Guedes, the government collapses, losing all economic consistency that makes the market and productive sectors give a vote of confidence to a politician who had never managed a market kiosk. As a bet, it's understandable." - Sep. 21, 2018, novaresistencia.org, 'Paulo Guedes is George Soros' lackey': "Paulo Guedes is the “economic guru” who will take care of Treasury in the event of Bolsonaro becoming president of Brazil. But is Paulo Guedes? In short, the founder of Bank Pactual, the institution responsible for managing George Soros' interests and investments in Brazil. All of Soros' operations here, including some of the most reported in the past (such as acquisition of part of Petrobrás and Vale), are carried out by Banco Pactual.
Interestingly, Armínio Fraga, who is part of the “council of technicians” organized by Guedes to the Brazilian economy in the event of electoral victory, being in addition to president of the Central Bank in the FHC government was also director of the Soros Fund Management.
Another follower of Soros in Bolsonaro's campaign is Sérgio Werlang, responsible for adapting the adaptation strategy — developed by Soros — of Brazil to the Washington Consensus, during the FHC government.
In addition to being the founder of Banco Pactual, Guedes is also founder ofthe Instituto Millenium, one of the main liberal think-tanks in Brazil, which was recently by honoredOpen Society, Soros' foundation (hs main instrument for fomenting color revolutions and influencing the media around the world), with recognition of its importance.
The proximity is natural, sincesi-born Armini Fraga, a Soros employee, is one of the main figures at the Millenium Institute. Among the financiers of the Millenium Institute are corporate conglomerates such as Abril, Gerdau and Globo Organizations. José Roberto Marinho is, heir to the Marinho clan and current vice president of Rede Globo, is one of the most important associates and of the supporters Millenium Institute. The recent meeting, organized by Paulo Guedes, between Jair Bolsonaro and José Roberto Marinho should not be read any other way.
Defender of the myth of the “Open Society”, Paulo Guedes follows a mixture of Popperian and Sorosian ideas and defends a linear development of Brazilian “democratic institutions” towards progress that would culminate in the “end of history”.
All of these connections are linked to the international activities of the Atlas Network, an NGO offers to spread libertarianism, and receives from the Koch family, which is truly responsible for the creation of the MBL and other liberal or libertarian organizations around the world.The Atlas Network was also directly involved and active in the Ukrainian Euromaidan.
If we dig deeper, we will find even more connections, but it already seems already what real interests are behind Jair Bolsonaro's candidacy.
Paulo Guedes, remember, was also responsible for convincing Bolsonaro to defend the privatization of ALL state-owned companies and that there is no such thing as “strategic state-owned companies”.And everything indicates that Bolsonaro was convinced quite." - Oct. 30, 2018, Bloomberg, 'Brazil Super Minister Shoulders Weight of Bolsonaro Economy: Paulo Guedes...': "Bolsonaro, who’s admitted he has only a “superficial understanding” of economics, has said he’s placing full control over the nation’s finances in the hands of Guedes...
Guedes wasn’t always a free-market champion. He considered John Maynard Keynes his hero when he left Brazil for [the University of] Chicago [1974-1978, received his Ph.D.]. There, he studied under economic thinkers redefining the field, like Milton Friedman. He converted to liberalism and returned to Brazil to proselytize. Eager students, including one who went on to become a central bank governor, Arminio Fraga, soaked it up.
“Paulo had just come from Chicago and was super sharp, and his views were very complementary to those we had at the time, which had more Keynesian inspiration,” Fraga said in an interview. “Paulo stimulated me and other students to invest in techniques I’ve always thought were essential tools, even for young researchers like myself at the time.”
Guedes took a job teaching at the University of Chile at the same time General Augusto Pinochet’s Chicago Boys were testing their liberal prescriptions on the Chilean economy. One day, upon returning to his hotel, Guedes found intelligence agents had scoured his room. He said that gave him a scare, then an earthquake gave his wife another, so they returned to Brazil. He spent the following decades quietly building his fortune, first with the founding of Banco Pactual SA and then helping to create the asset-management firm JGP Gestao de Recursos Ltda. ...
Guedes, a founder of Rio de Janeiro-based private equity firm Bozano Investimentos, has campaigned for free and efficient markets in Latin America for decades, establishing the Instituto Millenium think tank to promote liberal economic theories espousing less government interference. It’s an ideology that runs counter to beliefs Bolsonaro championed until only recently, and still held by some of his closest allies. ...
Some doubt Guedes will have free rein. Monica de Bolle, an economist who’s director of Latin American studies at Johns Hopkins University’s school of international studies, said Bolsonaro will be torn between several groups vying for influence, including the generals in his cabinet who have statist instincts. That will detract from Guedes’s power, said de Bolle, who’s spoken out against Bolsonaro and urged others to vote against him. ... There’s also doubt about how long two strong personalities like Guedes and Bolsonaro can coexist, Garman said. The fact Guedes sought out a candidate to latch onto early suggests this is a long-considered process in which he’s invested." - Oct. 9, 2018, Folha de Sao Paulo, 'Economista de Bolsonaro, Paulo Guedes viveu mudança radical em Chicago' ('Bolsonaro economist Paulo Guedes experienced radical change in Chicago'): "He entered the doors of the Department of Economics in 1974 as a Keynesian ... but came out in 1978 as an ultra-liberal, free-market enthusiast. ... The current defender of the minimum state had its four years of study partially funded by funds from the Brazilian federal government. ... Over two years, the reconomist received #2,330 per month, (R$ 8,756.61 at the current price), as part of a scholarship from CNPQ (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) [assigned during the reign of CIA-allied military dictator Emílio Garrastazu Médici (1969 - March 1974) or military dictator Ernesto Geisel (October 1974 - 1979)]. He also received funds from a scholarship from the University of Chicago and FGV-Rio. ... He was a student of Milton Friedman... In the preamble of [his Ph.D.] work, [Guedes] thanks his advisor... to Israeli Jacob Frenkel (now president of JPMorgan Chase International), the American mathematician William Brock... As naivety was never a characteristic attributed to Guedes, there are those who believe that his association with Bolsonaro is a search for late recognition - the same that would have motivated him to accept a chair at the University of Chile in the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006), alongside former colleagues of studies in the US.".
- 1983, Luis A. Riveros (published by: Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Chile), 'La gran depresión en Chile': "Seminario: sistemas tributarios alternativos. Articulos de Felipe Lamarca, Arnold Harberger, Michael Boskin, Edgardo Favaro, Paulo Guedes, Vito Tanzi, octubre de 1981." Translated: "Seminar: alternative tax systems. Articles by Philip Lamarca, Arnold Harberger, Michael Boskin, Edgardo Favaro, Paulo Guedes, Vito Tanzi, October 1981."
- Mont Pelerin ties:
- Jan. 15-17, 2020, A Special Meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, 'From Past to the Future: Ideas and Actions for a Free Society', p. 537 (Guedes' speech is fully hidden; the meeting was at Stanford University): "Chairs: ... Edwin Feulner ... George P. Shultz [opening speaker]... Speakers: ... Paulo Guedes, Minister of Economy, Brazil. ... Condoleezza Rice ... Niall Ferguson ... Ayaan Hirsi Ali ... Arnold Harberger ... Sally Pipes ... Peter Thiel..."
- Jan. 24, 2020, Research Centre for Innovation and Economic Growth (rnh.is), 'Mont Pelerin Society Meeting in Stanford, January 2020': "Paulo Guedes, Milton Friedman’s student at Chicago and presently Brazil’s Finance Minister, described his ambitious economic reform programme over dinner on 16 January."
Guedes policies:
- May 28, 2018, Reuters, 'Advisor to right-wing Brazil candidate says privatise it all': "[From] Banco do Brasil to oil company Petróleo Brasileiro SA... "Sell it all," he said in a late Friday interview at his office in Rio de Janeiro. "Privatising cautiously, bashfully, just won't do." ... Privatising all state firms would raise around 800 billion reais (161.50 billion pounds), he said — enough to reduce federal debt by a fifth."
- May 24, 2019, Reuters, 'Brazil economy minister threatens to quit if pension reform diluted: report': "The bill wending its way through Congress aims to save 1.237 trillion reais ($307 billion) over a decade by raising the retirement age and increasing workers’ contributions [towards their retirement, which are withheld from their salaries]. ... Guedes acknowledged there will be room for negotiation, which could reduce eventual savings to 800 billion reais."
- Jan.-March 2019 edition, Centro Brasileiro de Estudos de Saúde (CEBES), Saude em Debate publication, pp. 5-14, 'Pension reform: the fatal blow to Brazilian social security': "(1) The lack of discussion of the reform with society. Despite the claim to defend workers’ interests, trade union centrals were not incorporated into the process of elaborating the proposal, an unprecedented fact in all governments since the re-democratization. ...
(2) ... the withdrawal of funds from social security through the Decoupling of Union’s Revenue (DRU) and the widespread evasion and exemption of taxes and contributions granted to companies. Solutions to these three aspects could improve the ‘cash register’ of social security without major changes. The government had a net impact of about R$ 1 trillion in revenue with the reform, but did not present the calculation base that generated such value, which raises mistrust concerning the real gain for the public accounts. Likewise, there is no guarantee that the revenue obtained from the reform will be used for the benefit of the population, in investments in health, education, security, and infrastructure, as the explanatory memorandum of the proposal states. ...
(6) ... The project considers the life expectancy of 76 years for Brazilians, when it is known that it can be much smaller in poorer regions and in the population with worse life conditions...
The capitalization regime was first adopted in Chile by the Pinochet dictatorship, generating numerous problems. ... For Chilean economist Andras Uthoff [7], “capitalization has transformed middle-class adults into poor seniors”, and has not brought benefits to society, since about 40% of the resources of the workers’ fund are invested abroad. The characteristics of income, work, and employment in Brazil, in addition to our very high in equality, are not at all promising for such a regime." - Oct. 23, 2019, 'Brazil's Senate Approves Pension Reform: "This victory, which opens the way for our country to take off forever, is yours!," wrote Bolsonaro': "In more than eight months of negotiation, Paulo Guedes (Economy) and Rogério Marinho, Secretary of Social Security and Labor, were the protagonists. Despite the concessions made in the process, the main pillars of the reform, such as minimum age and progressive contribution, were maintained. This expected savings changed from R$ 1.2 trillion to a maximum of R$ 800 billion in ten years. Those who are already active will be able to retire before their ages, respecting the transition rules: there are five for INSS and two for those in public employment. The vote reverberated in the stock market, which reached a record high of 107,381 points."
- Oct. 15, 2022, MoneyTimes.com.br, 'Paulo Guedes doubts that Armínio Fraga and Malan are liberals, after supporting Lula': "According to the edition of Folha de S.Paulo this Saturday (15), the trio's support for the candidacy of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva , in the second round of elections , led to the Ipiranga Post of president Jair Bolsonaro , who is running for re-election , questioning whether, in fact, they follow the economic liberalism manual . Guedes says that Fraga, Malan and Arida are “late liberals”.
“Were they really liberal? I remember the time when they advocated price freezes, that they were not in favor of privatizations, flexible exchange rates. I think they had a late conversion to liberalism. They were always social democrats, never liberal democrats”, Guedes told journalists in Washington, where he participated in the annual meeting of the IMF (International Monetary Fund)." - June 10, 2022, 'Bolsonaro mocks economists' support for Lula: "We have Guedes": Armínio Fraga, Edmar Bacha, Pedro Malan and Persio Arida released a note declaring their vote for the Petista member' ('Bolsonaro ironiza apoio de economistas a Lula: "Temos o Guedes": Armínio Fraga, Edmar Bacha, Pedro Malan e Persio Arida divulgaram nota declarando voto no petista'): "President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) mocked this Thursday (Oct 6) the support of economists Armínio Fraga, Edmar Bacha, Pedro Malan and Persio Arida, former Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles (Union) and former Ceará governor Ciro Gomes (PDT) to the Lula-Alckmin ticket in the second round of the presidential elections."
- 2014, Cristiane Correa, foreword by Jim Collins, 'Dream Big: How the Brazilian Trio behind 3G Capital - Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles and Beto Sicupira - acquired Anheuser-Busch, Burger King and Heinz', p. 9: "It was not easy to make the decision to leave Garantia. Fernandes took three months’ leave in September 1982, but before going, he told Lemann he might not be coming back. He took advantage of the time off to realize an old dream: attend a meeting of the International Monetary Fund. “I had never gone because Jorge was totally against the idea and thought it was just a gathering of halfwits,” he said. He met two market acquaintances at the IMF meeting, the economist Paulo Guedes and Renato Bronfman. They began discussing the possibility of setting up a new business. A fourth person, André Jakurski, who was also an economist, joined them shortly afterwards. In January the following year, Fernandes told Lemann he intended on setting up a securities distributor. Banco Pactual was founded in 1983 with US$ 200,000. The name came from the initials of its three largest partners, Paulo, André and Cezar (as Fernandes is known on the market). Garantia bought back Fernandes’ shares to be distributed among the partners, mainly the younger ones."
- infomoney.com.br/perfil/florian-bartunek/ (accessed: Dec. 14, 2023; 'Florian Bartunek: conheça a trajetória e a filosofia de investimento de um dos gestores mais badalados do mercado'): "In 1990, the year he graduated, he got an internship as an investment analyst at Pactual bank (today BTG Pactual)... The Rio-based financial institution was little known at the time. The main partners were banker Luiz Cesar Fernandes, manager André Jakurski, Renato Bronfman and economist Paulo Guedes, now Minister of Economy. ...
George Soros was one of his clients at Pactual – Bartunek even managed a custom-made stock fund for the tycoon. The manager also took care of the Andrômeda funds, the best-rated stock fund in Brazil for three years, and Infinity, considered the best offshore stock fund in the country for two years. ...
In the 1990s, Florian Bartunek managed highly successful funds at Pactual bank and a portfolio of shares for the Hungarian-born American investor George Soros. Later, in 1998, he founded Utor Investimentos alongside billionaire Jorge Paulo Lemann..." - infomoney.com.br/perfil/andre-jakurski/ (accessed: Dec. 14, 2023; 'André Jakurski: conheça o fundador do Pactual, que já operou para George Soros e há 22 anos está à frente da JGP'): "He has operated for mega-investor George Soros, was one of the founders of Pactual bank, together with the current Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, is among the mentors of banker André Esteves and for 22 years has been the main manager of JGP Asset Management...
With no interest in working in the government, he interned at Esso (the name given in Brazil to the American oil company Exxon), but left the company because he believed it would have no future, as the company was shrinking in the country. ...
At the age of 35, he left Unibanco to found Pactual with Luiz Cezar Fernandes (who left the partnership at Jorge Paulo Lemann's Garantia bank) and economist Paulo Guedes, until then a partner and professor at Ibmec. ... Hungarian-American mega-investor George Soros became interested in investing in Brazil in 1987, amid economic instability that would lead to a series of unsuccessful plans. Jakurski had only had one contact with him in 1984, during a visit to Ibmec, shortly after the founding of Pactual. At the time, Soros had stated that he did not know why Jakurski and company were opening a bank, if Brazil was going to fail. Jakurski argued that there was money to be made in any situation, and believes that this stance was responsible for Soros looking for Pactual three years later. The bank would start managing an amount for the investor.
Two months after the agreement, however, Jakurski decided to return the mega-investor's money, who was surprised by his attitude. The Brazilian explained that the market was very bad and it wasn't worth taking risks with such a high chance of losing. Later, Jakurski learned that the mega-investor had approached two other institutions, and that both had losses on their bets. Pactual would start managing a portfolio of Soros shares in 1992."
- Feb. 3, 1999, The Independent, 'Former Soros aide to head Brazil central bank': "... in the wake of the country's currency crisis. Arminio Fraga, who used to run the emerging markets fund at Soros Fund Management, flew to Brazil from New York to become the country's third central bank governor in three weeks. He immediately joined talks between the government and an International Monetary Fund team. ... Mr Fraga, a Princeton-trained economist, worked at Salomon Brothers after his doctorate. He ran the international finance division of Brazil's central bank in the early 1990s before joining Mr Soros. He has recently taught at Columbia University in New York."
- som.yale.edu/blog/interview-with-arminio-fraga (accessed: Dec. 14, 2023; date of publication: December 28, 2013): "Mr. Fraga earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University in 1985... President of the Central Bank of Brazil from March 1999 to December 2002. From 1993 until his appointment as governor of the Central Bank, he was managing director of Soros Fund Management in New York. From 1991 to 1992, he was the director responsible for international affairs at the Central Bank of Brazil. Earlier in his career, he held positions with Salomon Brothers and Garantia Investment Bank. Mr. Fraga has taught at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, the Graduate School of Economics at Getulio Vargas Foundation, the School of International Affairs at Columbia University and the Wharton School. He is a member of the Group of Thirty and of the Council on Foreign Relations... Mr. Arminio Fraga is the founding partner at Gavea Investimentos, an investment management firm he founded in August, 2003..."
- cebri.org/en/especialista/26/arminio-fraga (accessed: Dec. 14, 2023): "Trustee at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI). ... He was a trustee of Princeton University."
- Columbia Global Center Rio de Janeiro, member of the advisory board (since 2013
- institutomillenium.org/quem-somos/ (accessed: June 21, 2007): "Who we are: ... Consulting board: ... Helio Beltrão Filho. ... Paulo Guedes. ... Endowment fund management committee: Arminio Fraga."
- institutomillenium.org.br/ institucional/quem-somos (accessed: Jan. 1, 2016): "Chamber of Founders and Curators: ... Helio Beltrao ... Paulo Guedes ... The Chamber of Maintainers: ... Arminio Fraga."
- Jan. 29, 2020, Instituto Millenium, 'Armínio Fraga: “The Brazilian state is still fat, broken and inefficient”': ""We have a fat, broken and inefficient State, incapable of producing a minimum degree of opportunity to reduce inequality. This makes the country an easy victim of populism, creating a vicious cycle between culture, money and religion," said Fraga this Tuesday, during a conference on investments in the capital of São Paulo, alongside two other former presidents of the Central Bank: Gustavo Franco and Pérsio Arida."
- Libertarian prime minister of Argentina since December 2023, after many years of leftist Peron governments. Background at elite globalist NGOs, including Davos, in the mid 2010s.
- Milei is an ultraradical, brainwashed neoliberal and libertarian, apparently looking to remove any and all state influence and protection over society, including over nature. Similar to a classic South American military death squad leader, he is completely obsessed with slandering and fighting "socialism":
- Nov. 20, 2023, New York Post, 'Argentina elects libertarian economist Javier Milei, who cloned his dog, as president': "Four of [his] mastiffs— Murray, Milton, Robert and Lucas — are named for the free-market economists Milton Friedman, Robert Lucas and Murray Rothbard. ...
At the last minute he ditched a promise to allow free markets in human organs and in children, who he had previously said were “being trafficked anyway.” [He] also scaled back some of his most inflammatory rhetoric in a campaign ad before Sunday’s vote: “We’re not going to privatize healthcare. We’re not going to privatize education. We’re not going to privatize soccer. We’re not going to allow the unrestricted carrying of weapons.” ...
[He] promised to take a chainsaw to Argentina's bloated government bureaucracy. ... He has boasted of threesomes and Tantric sex [as a Tantric teacher] -- and called climate change "the socialist agenda." [or "a lie of socialism" and referred to "cultural Marxism" right after in a Spanish-language interview] ...
Milei, 53, ran an upstart campaign against Massa, the Peronist establishment candidate, promising to adopt the dollar and abandon the peso to stem 124 per cent inflation as well to re-criminalize abortion and to privatize the country’s rivers as a way to stop pollution. ...
Milei’s campaign capitalized on how decades of rule by the Peronist center-left had left the country impoverished, with two in five below the poverty line, and the whole country facing unchecked inflation on which interest rates above 100% has had no effect. ...
He picked up votes among the young particularly, in a country where the minimum voting age is 16. Young people in particular responded enthusiastically to Milei’s showmanship on social media and in TV interviews...
Milei had also called China an “assassin” for its impact on the Argentinian economy, and said he wanted to cut ties both with Beijing, and Brazil, Argentina’s other largest trading partner." - Nov. 24, 2023, Merco Press, 'Milei plans to privatize Paraná-Paraguay Waterway': "...bidding documents have already been drafted..."
- Sep. 15, 2023 X post of @TuckerCarlson, Javier Milei interview (427 mln on Dec. 11, 2023): "[CARLSON:] He's ... a libertarian economist. He's not a typical libertarian in the American sense. He wouldn't fit into the Cato Institute, which has attacked him for liking Donald Trump too much. He's libertarian in the tradional sense. He believes people should have the maximum amount of freedom they can be given. ...
[MILEI:] The problem is that Argentina began to embrace socialist ideas over 100 years ago. ... Everywhere and always socialism is a violent, murderous and impoverishing phenomenon. ... Never embrace the ideals of socialism. Never allow yourself to be seduced by the siren song of social justice. Don't be caught up in that terrible concept that where there is a need, there is a right. ... [Socialist] have no problem getting into the state... seducing artists, seducing the culture, seducing the media, or meddling in educational content. You need to be very careful. Cut off their funding and force them into a fair fight. At the same time, we have to raise awareness among the business sector that the masses are... Milton Friedman used to say that the social role of an enterprise is to make money. But that is not enough. Part of their investment must include investing in those who defend the ideals of freedom, so the socialists can make no further advances. And if they don't do it, they will get into the State, and use the State to impose a long term agenda that will destroy everything it touches. So we need a compromise of all those who create wealth, to fight against socialism, to fight against statism. Since they try to leech of others, without working, they are tireless in their pursuit. ... So this battle must be waged unceasingly. We cannot take a day off. ... [Trump] should continue his fight against socialism. ... I want to say it clearly: the socialists' hands are stained with blood. ...
[CARLSON:] You're a Catholic, you said. You're really just defending the Catholic life principle. The pope, the current pope, is from Argentina. I would think he would support you. But he has instead criticized you and you have called him a communist.. [MILEI:] The pope plays politics. He has stronmg political influence. And he has shown a great affinity for dictators such as Castro and Maduro. ... Yes, that's right. He has an affinity for murderous communists. In fact, he wont' denounce them. ... He is also lenient toward the Venezuelan dictatorship. He's lenient towards the entire left, even when they are true criminals. ... He also takes social justice as a central elemtn of his vision. That's difficult, because what is social justice, truly? It's stealing the fruits of one person's labor and giving it to someone else. ... One of the 10 Commandments is, "Thou shall not steal." To support social justice is to support stealing. The other problem is that it creates unequal treatment under the law. And I don't think it's fair for some people to be rewarded [i.e. low taxes and social benefits] while others are punished [i.e. high taxes and no social benefits], all through the power of the state that wields a monopoly on violence." - Dec. 10, 2023, Al Jazeera, 'Victims of Argentina’s dictatorship see step backward in Milei’s presidency: Critics accuse Javier Milei’s running mate Victoria Villarruel of denying atrocities that killed up to 30,000 people.': "She pushed for hefty increases to the military’s budget on the campaign trail and has called to abolish the memorial and museum at the Argentine Naval Petty Officers School, a former torture site. “It brings you the worst nightmares,” said Agustin Cetrangolo, whose parents were kidnapped and tortured during the dictatorship. His father never returned. ...
The daughter of a prominent military family, [Villarruel] has asserted that military leaders were fighting a “dirty war” against left-wing militant groups, rather than carrying out a systematic campaign of violence against civilians. In 2006, Villarruel founded the Center for Legal Studies on Terrorism and its Victims, which uses human-rights rhetoric to shift attention from the dictatorship to the victims of left-wing “terror” attacks. She also raised eyebrows for her 2013 trip to visit the late military leader Jorge Rafael Videla in prison. He served as head of state during the dictatorship." - Sept. 4, 2023, Gale.com, 'Milei is criticized for suggesting the privatization of water: "The contempt he has for the commons is regrettable".': "Article preview: "A company can pollute a river as much as it wants". With these words, the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza (LLA), Javier Milei, referred to water and pollution. In front of the audience of the Argentine Economic Congressin La Rural, he said that there is plenty of water and mentioned that it would be beneficial to privatize the watercourses, because in the event of a shortage, the resource "would cease to be worth 0 and pollution would end". "In the case of a company that pollutes the river, what is not well defined is the property right. That company can pollute the river as much as it wants because it is a company where it has plenty of water and the price of water is zero," he said. And he considered that, in the event of an eventual shortage of water,"someone will take care of appropriating that river, (the resource) would cease to be worth 0 and the contamination would end"..."
- Oct. 4, 2023, Reuters, 'In Argentina, election fight brews over women's rights and abortion': "Javier Milei, opposes abortion and wants to hold a referendum on whether the 2020 legalization of abortion before the 14th week of pregnancy should be repealed. He also wants to shut the ministry of women, gender and diversity..."
- Dec. 10, 2023, Reuters, 'Zelenskiy talks briefly to Hungary's Orban in Argentina': "... while attending the inauguration of Argentine President Javier Milei... The men were shown conversing back and forth for about 20 seconds as they mingled with other guests..."
- Nov. 20, 2023, New York Post, 'Argentina elects libertarian economist Javier Milei, who cloned his dog, as president': "Four of [his] mastiffs— Murray, Milton, Robert and Lucas — are named for the free-market economists Milton Friedman, Robert Lucas and Murray Rothbard. ...
- Javier Milei abolished countless ministeries in order to reach a budget surplus:
- Feb. 20, 2024, Sky News Australia, 'Javier Milei delivers Argentina's first monthly budget surplus in 12 years': "[Opening video Milei:] Ministry of Tourism and Sports: out! Ministry of Culture: out! Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development: out! Ministry of Women, Genders, and Diversity: out! Ministry of Public Works: out!"
- Certainly in 2013-2014 Milei was closely working with CFR / Bilderberg / Trilateral elites as Marcus Wallenberg and Stephen Schwarzman and CFR / Bilderberg / Trilateral multinationals as BlackRock, KKR, KPMG and Nestle through the Business 20 (B20) advisory group to the G20 and the Economic Policy Group of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), also an advisor to the G20. On top of that, he was a Davos visitor, filled to the brim with people as George Soros and Bill Gates that oppose his (later) libertarian views. In fact, Davos' "stakeholder theory" was set up to counter Milton Friedman and libertarianism.
- 2013, B20 Business Russia 2013, 'B20–G20 Partnership for Growth and Jobs: Recommendations from Business 20', pp. 2, 6, 64-65: "This White Book represents the final recommendations from Business 20 to the G20 Leaders. ... B20russia.com...
Address to B20 Leaders by Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. ...
List of contributors: Investments and Infrastructure: ... Co-Chairs: ... Marcus Wallenberg, Chairman, ICC G20 Advisory Group, Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken. ... Members: ... Klaus Kleinfield, Chairman & CEO, Alcoa. ... Rory O’Connor Managing Director, Blackrock Alternative Investments Group. Stephen Schwarzman, Chairman & CEO, Blackstone. ... Gao Xiqing, Vice Chairman & President, China Investment Corporation. Eduardo Eurnekian, Chairman & CEO, Corporacion America. Javier Milei, Head Economist, Corporacion America. Abdullah Almobty, Chairman, Council of Saudi Chamber. ... Jurgen Fitschen, Co-chairman, Deutsche Bank. Mark Weinberger, Chairman & CEO, Ernst & Young. ... Suma Chakrabarti, President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)... Gerard Mestrallet Chairman & CEO, GDF Suez. ... Philipp Freise, Director, KKR. Michael J. Andrew, Chairman, KPMG International. ... Darya Borisova, Partner, McKinsey & Company. ... Paul Bulcke, CEO, Nestle. ... Mikhail Shamolin, CEO, Sistema JSFC." - July 2014, 'G20: The Official ICC CEO G20 Advisory Group Publication' ("In-depth read on the topics that will be address at this years G20 Business Summit in Sydney."), pp. 8, 41: "Contents & Contributors: ... Publisher: Chris Atkins. ... Welcome Notes: Terry McGraw, Marcus Wallenberg... Contributors: Andrew N. Liveris .... Javier Milei; Jean-Pascal Tricoire.
Javier Milei is a Graduate in Economics (Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina), has two master degrees in Economics (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and CEDES/IDES).Is currently Head Economist at Corporacion America and a B-20/G-20 Advisor. As from 2012, leads the Department for Economic Studies at Fundacion Acordar, an Argentine think tank. ... Senior Economist at HSBC Argentina, and Argentine Government Advisor to the ICSID (2005-2007). Is the author of more than 50 academic papers ... and three books." - weforum.org/people/javier-gerardo-milei/ (accessed: May 3, 2016 (first webarchive) - Dec. 11, 2023; not a 2014 or 2015 list, so he may visited in early 2016): "Senior Economist, HSBC, Argentina; Adviser of the Argentine Government, ICSID. Currently, Head Economist, Corporación América. B-20/G-20 Adviser and Member, Group of Economic Policy, ICC/G-20. Since 2012, leads the division of Economic Studies, Fundación Acordar, a think tank of national scope."
- Foundation for Economic Education: fee.org/people/javier-milei (accessed: Aug. 20, 2022 - the first webarchive): "... como miembro del B20, miembro del Grupo de Política Económica de ICC Internacional (asesorando al G20 en el diseño de políticas económicas) y miembro del World Economic Forum [in Davos]..."
- 2013, B20 Business Russia 2013, 'B20–G20 Partnership for Growth and Jobs: Recommendations from Business 20', pp. 2, 6, 64-65: "This White Book represents the final recommendations from Business 20 to the G20 Leaders. ... B20russia.com...
- Real name of the Unabomber is Ted Kaczynski. From 1978 to 1995 the Unabomber carried out 16 mail order bombings to individuals who represented some kind of modern technology. In 1979 Kaczynski even tried to bring down an airliner with 72 people on board, a plot that failed due to a faulty timer.
- His manifesto, Industrial Society and its Future, was published by the New York Times and the Washington Post on September 19, 1995, in return for a promise to cease sending additional bomb packages. Kaczynski's sister recognized his writing style, leading to his arrest.
- The Unabomber's manifesto is generally tied to worries about technology getting out of control. However, upon reading his manifesto this author was shocked to see little more than cookie-cutter "conservative CIA" propaganda, of the kind that has only become more entrenched today, mainly due to Third World immigration. The beliefs of the Unabomber on these issues are essentially the same as the (CIA-tied) MAGA Bomber of 2018.
- September 19, 1995, Unabomber Manifesto in the New York Times and the Washington Post: "One of the most wide-spread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism... Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. ...
Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors... When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said about him (or about groups with whom be identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is pronounced among minority rights advocates... Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may not be as strong and as capable as men. ...
Today, in those universities where leftists have become dominant, they have shown themselves ready to take away from everyone else's academic freedom. (This is "political correctness.") The same will happen with leftists and technology: They will use it to oppress everyone else if they ever get it under their own control. ... Leftism is a totalitarian force. Wherever leftism is in a position of power it tends to invade every private corner and force every thought into a leftist mold. ...
With regard to revolutionary strategy, the only points on which we absolutely insist are that the single overriding goal must be the elimination of modern technology..."
- September 19, 1995, Unabomber Manifesto in the New York Times and the Washington Post: "One of the most wide-spread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism... Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. ...
- Obviously Kaczynski was accurate if we look at Silicon Valley companies as Facebook, Instagram, Google, Apple, etc. They all engage in censorship in favor of "leftism", but the manner in which the Unabomber - supposedly with an IQ of 167 - describes this agenda only deserves to discredit and ridicule - similar to what "conservative CIA" basically always is doing. "The right", when it becomes too powerful, will similarly enforce its views on universities and the rest of society. The problem here in the globalist movement and "liberal CIA" funding.
- The Unabomber has been discussed in much more detail in ISGP's Psychedelics & Elitism article, including his Harvard and MKULTRA background.
- Conservative extremist named Cesar Altieri Randazzo / Cesar Sayoc who in late October 2018 sent semi-working bomb packages to a variety of leading Democrats: Barack Obama, Obama's former vice president Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, billionaire globalist George Soros and the super-globalist Hollywood actor Robert De Niro, former Obama CIA Director John Brennan and other globalist-Democrat elites. Another target was CNN.
- Bizarrely the MAGA Bomber was riding around in a van plastered on all sides with "conservative CIA" propaganda that should basically have immediately attracted the full attention of the FBI, CIA and any local Florida police services (people were photographing it all over the place). On his sticker compilations, the MAGA Bomber featured top "liberal CIA" assets Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Van Jones and Michael Moore all in crosshairs. Most people also would have mistaken the "Native Americans for Trump" flag with the one of Germany (Nazis).
- A video also surfaced of Sayoc at a Donald Trump rally rabidly screaming with a group of fellow-activists "CNN Sucks! CNN sucks! CNN sucks!", fists in the air. This is suspicious of "conservative CIA" propaganda. Already over the year before I wondered why CNN was singled out so much by known conspiracy disinformers as being the source of all evil, the CIA-tied Eddie Bravo in particular coming to mind.
- In various videos of his downloaded by people before his social media accounts were taken down, Sayoc is kinda hard to understand and incoherent, giving off a forced happy-go-lucky vibe - but only when alone it appears. He might well have been on anti-depressants.
- Acted as the usual incoherent Twitter and Facebook troll, of which there are many thousands. These people literally come across as a combination of brainwashed Manchurian candidates and spambots.
- Screenshots of a variety of social media posts of Cesar Sayoc.
- October 9, 2018, 3:49 a.m. post of Cesar Altieri (Sayoc), @hardrock2016 on Twitter: "We Unconquered Seminole Tribe,Hard Rock, Millions upon millions customers Seminole vets,Seminoke American Top TEam MMA.(Absolutely say no way ever to Progressive democratic high taxes and High Crime.Gillum can't handle his own city Tallahassee Fl Leon county highest crime everc"
- October 19, 2018 post of Cesar Altieri (Sayoc), @hardrock2016 on Twitter: "You biggest piece crap media TMZ , that were complete silent Obama separating kids . Shut your hole TMZ before u end like media slime Saudi Arabia. No one deserves it better than fake fraud Washington Amazin owned post . We Unconquered Seminole Tribe agree"
- October 19, 2018 post of Cesar Altieri (Sayoc), @hardrock2016 on Twitter (retweet of picture, so not incoherent): "Back by George Soros: Democratic candidate for Florida Governor, Andrew Gillum, admits he takes money from Soros." In 2018 Andrew Gillum was the favorite (black) "liberal CIA" political candidate of Black Lives Matter and rappers as P. Diddy to become governor of Florida "Liberal CIA" asset Bernie Sanders endorsed him as well.
- Conspiracy disinformer with all the usual theories:
- October 30, 2018, CNN, 'The radicalization of an alleged domestic terrorist': "He tweeted about a wide array of baseless conspiracy theories, including "Pizzagate;" "chemtrails ["The Chemtrails Must Stop! Geoengineering Must Be Terminated!"];" birtherism, and a number of posts regarding billionaire and liberal philanthropist George Soros. ...
He tweeted 50 times about Parkland shooting survivors in 2018, including spreading the false conspiracy theories that shooting survivor David Hogg was a crisis actor working with Soros and that he wasn't in school at the time of the shooting, and also tweeted digitally altered pictures of Hogg in a Nazi uniform. Sayoc sent at least four threats to at Hogg. ...
Sayoc occasionally seemed to copy the president's rhetoric. ... Sayoc, in a tweet directed at Fox News' Chris Wallace wrote, "The Press is enemy.""
- October 30, 2018, CNN, 'The radicalization of an alleged domestic terrorist': "He tweeted about a wide array of baseless conspiracy theories, including "Pizzagate;" "chemtrails ["The Chemtrails Must Stop! Geoengineering Must Be Terminated!"];" birtherism, and a number of posts regarding billionaire and liberal philanthropist George Soros. ...
- So unprofessional that Googlers immediately found the account of the Cesar Sayoc after the first pictures of the bomb packages were made available by typing the full name on one of the packages: "Joseph Robinnette Biden Jr." It led them straight to a month old Twitter death threat of Sayoc to Biden:
- September 18, 2018, 2:55 p.m. post of Cesar Altieri (Sayoc), @hardrock2016 on Twitter, in reply to a tweet of Biden: "Piece slime trash. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.U like make threats run mouth wannabe tough guy.We Unconquered Seminole Tribe going answer your threats.We have Air boat tour of our Swamp,Everglades4 U.Hug your loved son,Niece,wife real close everytime U walk out your home" Screenshot of the post and those who discovered it.
- The MAGA Bomber can actually be tied to the CIA. In the hours before Cesar Randazzo's Facebook account was removed, a September 16, 2016 post of him could be observed in which he wished a friend a "happy birthday and lifetime from CIA." Based on the phrasing, it appears that Randazzo was giving out a happy birthday as a fellow (ex-)CIA asset/officer part of a group of such individuals. The post was accompanied by pictures from military school, probably of the two men together.
- September 16, 2016, 6:12 p.m., Cesar Randazzo (MAGA Bomber) post on Facebook: "I would like to wish my great friend from Academy 9 yrs military school Ricki a happy birthday and lifetime from CIA. Congrats on your invention many successes my brother."
- By the time this author went looking, Cesar's Facebook page already was deleted, so it was impossible to figure out who this "Ricki" is or even to 100% confirm that this post was made. However, two completely separate sources were found who screenshotted the post in question when it was still accessible (based on the online conversations going on). Through Webarchive and other sources it was possible to figure out that profile and other pictures on Cesar Randazzo's account completely matched the one found in the screenshots of the post in question. Thus, there's little doubt that Randazzo indeed wished a friend a "happy birthday and lifetime from CIA."
- Update: while writing this oversight, it turns out that the second screenshot (I believe from a desktop instead of a mobile phone) is corrupted, quite possibly because I downloaded it straight from the net instead of screencapturing it. The internet is too clogged now to find it back.
- Whether or not the MAGA Bomber indeed has an official or unofficial CIA background remains the question, although his cookie-cutter Conservative CIA activism suggests he had some form of Agency ties. Someone must have been employing him as a troll.
- This bombing attempt hit very close home to ISGP for a number of reasons, all of which could be used as an excuse by search engines to lower ISGP's ranking (Google has done so - endlessly):
- It was just a week before that ISGP's Liberal CIA: Hollywood article was published, in which De Niro's globalist propaganda is extensively discussed.
- ISGP's liberal CIA biographies on Hillary Clinton and especially Barack Obama were finished in 2017 and updated here and there in 2018.
- Joe Biden's pedophile tendencies and hypocrisy regarding a #metoo-tied PSA on sexual abuse had only just been added to ISGP's bio on Lady Gaga, still very low-profile at the time of the MAGA Bomber affair.
- A few weeks earlier, this author wondered on digital paper why George Soros in particular has never been targeted by this supposedly giant army of gun-loving "patriots" that exists in the United States, especially now Soros has become the villain of the "alt-right" over the past few years (for good reason, although there is a much wider network at play). Every act of "resistance" has always come from total crazies, if not intelligence assets, from Timothy McVeigh to the Unabomber. This type of (low-profile) philosophizing was removed for a number of reasons, but a few weeks later: Bang! There's the MAGA bomber.
- On November 2, 2019, after several months of down-time, 4chan/8chan was revived 8kun:
- October 25, 2019, Slate, '8chan Is Trying To Come Back As '8kun.'; Its Founder Is Trying To Stop It. For deep-state conspiracy theorists, 8chan's return could bring "the second coming" of QAnon.'
- November 11, 2019, Slate, 'Where 8channers Went After 8chan': "8chan went offline in August after the mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. ... On Nov. 2, 8chan came back online [under] 8kun, and it's run by the same owner, Jim Watkins."
- 4chan is an "imageboard" that was founded in 2003. The aspects ISGP has observed the most over the years - due to occasional incoming links, mainly from its /pol/ subforum - only reveals a forum with anonymous user posts and completely riddled with conspiracy disinformation and racist / Nazi extremism.
- 8chan / Infinitychan was created in October 2013 by computer programmer Fredrick Brennan, this after 4chan started to clamp down on some of these extremist elements, from Gamergate activists to pedophila/jailbait subforums. 8chan's /pol/ subforum is just as extreme's as 4chan's, with posts being copied all the time to Reddit and Voat by allied members over here.
- ISGP has been writing about 4chan since January 2017, after noticing how the bogus Pizzagate conspiracy theory was born on this anonymous messaging board. Since then, all types of activists and terrorists have emerged from 4chan and 8chan. This goes back even further, to 2011, when the "liberal CIA"-linked Anonymous hacktivist group emerged from 4chan. A list:
- October 5, 2016, The Guardian, 'Future of 4chan uncertain as controversial site faces financial woes': "It has birthed global movements: the hacktivist group Anonymous originated here, and the group is named for the "Anonymous" tag attached to 4chan posts.
More recently its anonymous message boards, especially the far-right leaning politics board /pol/, gave early succor to GamerGate and its spawn, the so-called [Trump-allied] alt-right movement... It produced Pepe [the Frog], the frog meme that was picked up by white supremacists and trolls..." - #GamerGate started in August 2014, with 4chan/8chan members attacking and doxxing feminist, politically-conscious female game developers - and on a wider scale conducting activism against anti-sexism measures in videogames.
- October 27, 2014, The Intelligencer, 'Gamergate Supporters Partied at a Strip Club This Weekend': "8chan boasts roughly the same gut-wrenching mix of casual bigotry, nerd obsession, shock photos, and hardcore pornography as its progenitor [4chan]. ... Critics have received death threats and harassment from gamergaters. Even 4chan banned the movement's supporters. But 8chan welcomed gamergaters with open arms, hosting a dedicated board for them. As a result, 8chan traffic has surged. ...
[One partygoer] declared himself a sworn enemy of social justice warriors. ... So he has spent the past weeks emailing about a half dozen corporations like Samsung and Intel that run advertisements on websites that have been critical of Gamergate, and tweeting pro-Gamergate propaganda from a Twitter account he created for the purpose." - February 22, 2015, bustle.com, 'I'm Brianna Wu, And I'm Risking My Life Standing Up To Gamergate': "I am calling on the Obama administration to arrest and prosecute Fredrick Brennan, the owner of 8chan. 8chan doesn't just host child pornography, it also runs Baphomet, the most hardcore doxxing and swatting site on the Internet."
- October 27, 2014, The Intelligencer, 'Gamergate Supporters Partied at a Strip Club This Weekend': "8chan boasts roughly the same gut-wrenching mix of casual bigotry, nerd obsession, shock photos, and hardcore pornography as its progenitor [4chan]. ... Critics have received death threats and harassment from gamergaters. Even 4chan banned the movement's supporters. But 8chan welcomed gamergaters with open arms, hosting a dedicated board for them. As a result, 8chan traffic has surged. ...
- Pizzagate originated as ridiculous, anti-Clinton, conspiracy disinformation-tied trolling on 4chan in October and early November 2016. It soon got a life of its own through Reddit trolls and the CIA/AFIO-tied website TruePundit.com.
- Throughout 2017 actor Shia LaBeouf, a Soros-allied open border propagandist, was involved in a harassment and capture-the-flag battle in both the U.S. and Europe with members of 4chan. This went as far as 4chan members checking cloud patterns and driving around cars in the middle of nowhere honking their horns to locate the live stream of Shia's He Will Not Divide Us flag - and flying a flamethrower-equipped drone over Nantes, France to burn Shia's flag, posted high on top of a building.
- QAnon was born at 4chan in October 2017 through posts by a forum participant, but made huge through constant attention from big media, from the Daily Beast to Washington Post. QAnon believes in a "deep state" coup against U.S. President Donald Trump involving Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and George Soros. The idea basically comes down to Trump being the savior of the white/human race from the globalist cabal of pedophile Satan worshippers. While this sounds somewhat reasonable on the surface, we shouldn't forget that Trump is "conservative CIA" with many elite ties - who also happens to support QAnon. And also that the movement's theories are riddled with disinformation. Many, if not all believe in the bogus Pizzagate affair, and theories include how "[Trump] pretended to collude with Russia in order to hire Robert Mueller to secretly investigate the Democrats." Predictably, QANON is active at Trump election speeches.
- December 19, 2017, New York Magazine, 'The Storm Is the New Pizzagate — Only Worse': "A new conspiracy theory called "The Storm" [later QAnon] has taken the grimiest parts of the internet by, well, storm. Like Pizzagate, the Storm conspiracy features secret cabals, a child sex-trafficking ring led (in part) by the satanic Democratic Party...
This story begins with a post on ... 4chan ... On October 28, someone calling themselves Q began posting a series of cryptic messages in a /pol/ thread titled "Calm Before the Storm"..." - January 2, 2020, Daily Beast, 'Trump Throws Fresh Fuel on Dangerous QAnon Conspiracy Theory': "Late last week, Trump ... retweeted a message of support containing the "WWG1WGA" hashtag, a reference to a QAnon motto. In total, Trump retweeted QAnon fans more than 20 times on the same day."
- January 4, 2020, Daily Beast, 'QAnon Believer Teamed Up With Conspiracy Theorists to Plot Kidnapping, Police Say'.
- December 19, 2017, New York Magazine, 'The Storm Is the New Pizzagate — Only Worse': "A new conspiracy theory called "The Storm" [later QAnon] has taken the grimiest parts of the internet by, well, storm. Like Pizzagate, the Storm conspiracy features secret cabals, a child sex-trafficking ring led (in part) by the satanic Democratic Party...
- Andrew Anglin, the founder of the Nazi news site The Daily Stormer, used to be an anonymous troll on 4chan around 2006-2007. In his teens, Anglin was an antifa-activist. He later started pushing extremist David Icke reptilian disinformation, allied himself with leading conspiracy disinformation site Infowars of Alex Jones, and eventually became a full-blown Nazi who founded the Trump-supporting Daily Stormer.
In a "coincidence", 8chan founder Frederick Brennan actually posted his pro-eugenics article on The Daily Stormer. Granted, Brennan made very good points here: parents at great risk of producing offspring with major heriditary diseases should be enticed to voluntarily sterilize themselves. - Alek Minassian, the person behind the April 23, 2018 Toronto Van Attack - during which he ran over 25 individuals, mainly women - referred to 4chan right before committing his terrorist act: "Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 000010, wishing to speak to Sgt 4chan please. C23249161. The Incel Rebellion [""Involuntary Celibate" Rebellion"] has already begun!"
- August 4, 2019, Wall Street Journal, 'El Paso Murder Spree Renews Spotlight on 8chan Online Forum': "John Earnest, the accused shooter in April's synagogue shooting in Poway, Calif., announced his plans on 8chan minutes before the attack took place."
- The May 15, 2019 Christchurch attack in New Zealand in which 69 Muslims were killed during prayer in a Mosque was carried out Australian 8chan board member Brenton Tarrant. In fact, immediately before the attack, Tarrant announced it in the 8chan /pol/ section, providing his manifesto and pointing people to his Facebook live stream where those interested could watch the mass murder. In the post he wrote: "It's been a long ride and despite all your rampant faggotry, fecklessness and degeneracy, you are all top blokes and the best bunch of cobbers a man could ask for. ... I will carry out and attack against the invaders, and will even live stream the attack via facebook. ... If I don't survive the attack, goodbye, godbless and I will see you all in Valhalla!" There was a surprising amount of support in the comments. These people also are not "cobbers". They are either insane government propagandists or insane independent individuals.
Turns out, Tarrant was an Oswald Mosley and Chinese communism-loving eco-fascist. While driving to the mosque he was playing the pro-ethnic cleansing song Serbia Strong / Remove Kebab. He donated to the Austrian white supremacist Identitarian movement. In addition, he managed to disparage not just guns, but also 3D shooters (explained Fortnite prepared him) and cryptocurrency (his BitConnect was the biggest example a crypto scam) with his manifesto. - 'Authorities believe the 21-year-old posted a manifesto on the online forum 8chan, which listed "the Hispanic invasion of Texas" as one of the motivations for the attack.': ""
- October 5, 2016, The Guardian, 'Future of 4chan uncertain as controversial site faces financial woes': "It has birthed global movements: the hacktivist group Anonymous originated here, and the group is named for the "Anonymous" tag attached to 4chan posts.
- The August 3, 2019 El Paso shooting by Patrick Crusius killed 22 people, with 24 more being injured. Crusius specifically targeted Mexicans. Looking deeper, we find familiar patterns. Once again, we find that Crusius announced his attack on 8Chan, through which also his manifesto, An Inconvenient Truth, was published, in part by an ultra-crazy, white-hating, open borders antifa. From the manifesto we learn that Crusius was inspired by The Great Replacement manifesto of New Zealand shooter and fellow 8Chan participant Brenton Tarrant. Similar also to Tarrant, he's a bit "in between" of "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" propaganda, in the sense that he is a hardcore pro-Trump/Bill O'Reilly supporter who also is concerned about the environment.
- August 4, 2019, Wall Street Journal, 'El Paso Murder Spree Renews Spotlight on 8chan Online Forum'.
- The manifesto has weird, gun-fetish elements, but also makes extremely good points. In fact, similar to Tarrant, they are points rather uniquely and in-depth discussed by ISGP back in 2016-2017: "My motives for this attack are not at all personal. Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement. ...
The natives didn't take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what's left is just a shadow of what was. ...
Due to the death of the baby boomers ... and the ever-increasing Hispanic population, America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. ... The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democratic stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election. Although the Republican Party is also terrible. [They are] pro-corporation = pro-immigration. ...
My whole life I have been preparing for a future that currently doesn't exist. The job of my dreams will likely be automated. Hispanics will take control of the local and state government of my beloved TExas, changing policy to better suit their needs. ... The environment is getting worse by the year. If you take nothing else from this document, remember this: INACTION IS A CHOICE." - Twitter of the Patrick Crusius (twitter.com/outsider609) shows few tweets, but definitely a hardcore Trump rhetoric and even Bill O'Reilly supporter: "[April 19, 2017:] RETWEET To Thank Bill O'Reilly for decades of Libetal Tears & some of the Best News of our Lifetime !! We'll miss YOU Bill! ... [January 28, 2017:] Breaking: President-elect Donald J. Trump just arrived in Washington to pay his respect to our veterans. ... [November 11, 2016:] Breaking: President-elect Donald J. Trump just arrived in Washington to pay his respect to our veterans. ... [January 5, 2017:] So true. Learn to spell though dumb cuck."
- Additional info on 8chan founder Frederick Brennan:
- February 28, 2018 tweet by Fredrick Brennan (@HW_BEAT_THAT): "You underestimate prosecution: non-cooperative free speech boards are obviously a threat to ALL elites and governments. All it takes is leaked nudes of someone connected to bring prosecution as happened to Nido."
- Extra: Connor Betts, the perpetrator of the August 4, 2019 Dayton, Ohio shooting (hours after the 8chan-linked El Paso shooting) that killed 10 people (Betts was killed by police in about 30 seconds), had pro-gun control, anti-white, antifa convictions:
- twitter.com/iamthespookster/: "[July 21, 2019 retweet of a Mexican-Puerto Rican:] "you can't go on Tucker Carlson's White Power Hour *and* be anti-fascist. ...
[Aug. 3, 2019:] I fuckin' dare someone to tell Jello Biafra that telling Nazi punks to fuck off makes him just as bad as the Nazis. ...
[Feminist Proper Gander (@dappergander) retweet:] The last 72 hours of #QAnon vs the debunking community, in convenient cut-and-paste comic form: ... "Q says DECLAS [declassification] is coming tomorrow" ... [QANON (Q-anonymous source): 8chan-linked conspiracy theory that Trump and Mueller were actually working together in secret to expose corrupt high-level Democrats instead of Trump's ties to Russia.]
[Aug. 1, 2019 retweet:] "don't teach kids about climate change because it'll scare them" is a weird take to hear from the "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd [comment on a Paul Joseph Watson (Infowars) video "Stop traumatizing children with your hysterical nonsense"; great comment, because it involves as 12-year-old climate protesting girl crying her eyes about the end of the world due to climate change, but still crazy because Watson/Prisonplanet don't believe in climate change]
[Aug. 2, 2019 retweet from "Black Aziz aNANsi" [name mixed with Muslim and Black African flags]:] Share this post if you are ready for Cold Boy Winter [image of antifa and blacks punching KKK people].
[Aug. 3, 2019:] Millennials have a message for the Joe Biden generation [old white people apparently]: hurry up and die ... " - August 5, 2019, The Daily Signal, 'Dayton Shooter's Twitter Account Includes Pro-Antifa, Pro-Gun Control Comments': "The account showed support for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., a presidential candidate, as well as tweets supporting Satan. ... @iamthespookster retweeted a photo identifying alleged KKK members attending a rally in Dayton in May. "Know your enemies," @iamthespookster wrote in the tweet."
- August 5, 2019, The Daily Beast, 'Classmate Says Dayton Shooter Targeted Her in High School: 'We Predicted He Would Do This'': ""He had a kill list that was mostly guys and then a rape list that was mostly girls," Masseth said, adding that he also texted her the list to prove she was on it. "The lists basically had any girl who turned him down, any girl who thought they were above him, and any guy that was competition or was seen as a threat." ... "Everyone knew he was not right."" .
- twitter.com/iamthespookster/: "[July 21, 2019 retweet of a Mexican-Puerto Rican:] "you can't go on Tucker Carlson's White Power Hour *and* be anti-fascist. ...
- Conservative monthly magazine founded in 1924, with a very basic news website. One the outlets notorious for attacking the Clintons in the 1990s. Published by the Regnery family 2003-2012 until a dispute emerged.
- Funding:
- March 8, 1998, The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Washington), 'Man Behind The Mud Billionaire Digs Deep To Fund Crusades Against Clinton': "When the editor of American Spectator magazine decided in late 1993 that he wanted to dig deep into the political muck of Arkansas for dirt on President Clinton, he phoned reclusive right-wing billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife.
The call netted the American Spectator $1.7 million in Scaife foundation grants over the next four years and helped the magazine produce stories about alleged philandering, corruption and cover-ups during Clinton's governorship." - conservativetransparency.org/org/american-spectator-foundation/ (accessed: February 18, 2019): "Donald Rumsfeld Foundation: ... $20,000, 2010 [and] 2012. ... $5,000, 2011. ...
Bradley Foundation: ... $10,000, 2011. ...
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation: ... $10,000, 2010 [and] 2011 [and] 2012 [and] 2013. ...
William E. Simon Foundation: ... $25,000 [and] $1,000, 2012. ...
JM Foundation: ... $25,000, 2010. ...
Donner Foundation: ... $9,000, 2010. ...
Donors Capital Fund ... DonorsTrust ... Abstraction Fund..." - February 23, 2012, CNS News, 'Conservative Al Regnery Resigns as Publisher of The American Spectator': "He had served as publisher since 2003. ... R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., editor-in-chief of The American Spectator, said that Regnery had been "a very positive force" for the magazine, "but he's moved on." ...
The American Spectator was founded in 1967 and grew to become a staple for conservative readers in the 1980s and 1990s."
- March 8, 1998, The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Washington), 'Man Behind The Mud Billionaire Digs Deep To Fund Crusades Against Clinton': "When the editor of American Spectator magazine decided in late 1993 that he wanted to dig deep into the political muck of Arkansas for dirt on President Clinton, he phoned reclusive right-wing billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife.
- Libertarian conservative news site founded by Andrew Breitbart (unexpectedly died in 2012 at age 43) in 2005, who had been working as an assistant to Matt Drudge of The Drudge Report almost from the start in 1995, after contacting Drudge through email. Breitbart continued to contribute to The Drudge Report even after 2005.
- March 1, 2012, Forbes, 'Huffington, Drudge and Beck on Andrew Breitbart's Death': "In the first decade of the DRUDGEREPORT Andrew Breitbart was a constant source of energy, passion and commitment. We shared a love of headlines, a love of the news, an excitement about what's happening. I don't think there was a single day during that time when we did not flash [instant message] each other or laugh with each other, or challenge each other."
- It might not be insignificant to mention that by 1997-1998 The Drudge Report was allied with the historically Olin, Bradley, Scaife and Mercer-funded David Horowitz Freedom Center (then known as the Center for the Study of Popular Culture). In early 1998 this Center set up a legal defense fund for Matt Drudge to protect him from a Clinton administration law suit.
- In 2005-2006 Breitbart aided in the creation of the "liberal CIA" "new left" Huffington Post news website, which is quite fascinating considering Arianna Huffington already fronted for George Soros with the 2000 Shadow Conferences, with the launch of the Huffington Post tied to Soros employees as well.
- March 25, 2011, New York Magazine, 'Arianna Huffington Finally Turns on Andrew Breitbart': "It was always an eyebrow-raising relationship: Arianna Huffington, the Republican turned ultraliberal, palling around with Andrew Breitbart, the Matt Drudge acolyte who grew into his own rabble-rouser of the right. Huffington brought on Breitbart to help develop her fledgling website, the Huffington Post, back in 2005. Drudge had introduced the two, back when Arianna was on his political team...
After the Daily Caller published an interview [yesterday] in which Breitbart called former White House adviser [and top black "liberal CIA" agent] Van Jones a "commie punk," a "cop killer-supporting, racist, demagogic freak," a "cockroach," and a "human toxin," Huffington agreed to take his works off the HuffPo homepage."
- March 25, 2011, New York Magazine, 'Arianna Huffington Finally Turns on Andrew Breitbart': "It was always an eyebrow-raising relationship: Arianna Huffington, the Republican turned ultraliberal, palling around with Andrew Breitbart, the Matt Drudge acolyte who grew into his own rabble-rouser of the right. Huffington brought on Breitbart to help develop her fledgling website, the Huffington Post, back in 2005. Drudge had introduced the two, back when Arianna was on his political team...
- In 2007 Breitbart's childhood friend, the Russian-Jewish Larry Solov, became general counsel to Breitbart News. After Andrew's death in March 2012, Solov became the main owner, CEO and president of the news site, with director Steve Bannon becoming executive chairman of Breitbart that same year.
- Similar to the "conservative CIA"-funded David Horowitz Freedom Center (originally known as the Center for the Study of Popular Culture), which was backing Andrew Breitbart's Drudge Report in the late 1990s, Andrew Breitbart was primarily interested in discussing liberal influence on western culture in places as Hollywood and higher education. Under Bannon, the focus rapidly shifted towards daily politics. Key staffers of Andrew Breitbart left the paper as a result.
- January 10, 2018, Breitbart, 'The monster Steve Bannon created at Breitbart.com was not what Andrew Breitbart wanted'.
- An undercover "underage prostitution operation" of Breitbart at ACORN in 2009 led to the shut down of this NGO in 2010. Andrew Breitbart's famous tweets at the time, including "underage sex slave op[eration] cover-upperer" and tells you immediately the type of fake news conservatives love to put out.
- U.S. Alexa rank of 259 in December 2018.
- Bannon started to politically mentor Robert Mercer, the ultraconservative conspiracy disinformation-pushing founder of the Mercer Family Foundation, persuading him, among other things, to invest $10 million in Breitbart, which, for the rest, has been a very successful news site, despite a degree of (the usual) fake news and endless accusations of "xenophobia", etc.
- March 27, 2017, The New Yorker, 'The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency; How Robert Mercer exploited America's populist insurgency': "As far back as 2012, Bannon was the Mercers' de-facto political adviser. ... ... He also encouraged the investment in Breitbart News. ... He put ten million dollars into Breitbart News..."
- CNN commentator 2000-2005 and co-host of CNN's Crossfire 2001-2005. Host MSNBC's Tucker 2005-2008.
- In 2010, Carlson co-founded and served as the initial editor-in-chief of Bradley Foundation-funded The Daily Caller.
- Joined Fox News in 2009. Turned into an anti-Eastern Establishment, anti-immigration paleoconservative journalist with his own show at Fox, Tucker Carlson Tonight, since 2016. Unexpectedly fired in April 2023:
- April 18, 2023, Business Insider, 'Fox News settles Dominion's defamation lawsuit for $787.5 million just as the trial was about to start': "Dominion CEO John Poulos criticized Fox for broadcasting lies about the company and thanks election officials throughout the US. ... [This settlement] means that Fox News's many detractors won't get to see the right-wing media network's biggest executives and stars — including Rupert Murdoch, Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity — grilled on the witness stand."
- April 27, 2023, Business.com, '7 theories for why Tucker Carlson got fired from Fox News': "Tucker Carlson's abrupt departure from Fox News sent shock waves across America this week. ... here are some of the reasons why Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch may have decided to pull the plug on Fox News' highest-rated host.
1. Dominion lawsuit: Fox settled the lawsuit last week for $787.5 million, the largest publicly disclosed defamation settlement in US history. The suit said Fox broadcast baseless claims that Dominion's machines changed votes for then-President Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Carlson made numerous unsubstantiated claims about election fraud on his prime-time show and allowed guests to do the same. Carlson departed days after the Dominion settlement. In addition to the wider embarrassment around the settlement, text messages sent by Carlson and reviewed by Dominion lawyers became increasingly problematic as some of them became public. ...
2. The c-word: ... Carlson repeatedly used the c-word to talk about Sidney Powell, the right-wing lawyer behind many of the 2020 election-conspiracy theories he frequently broadcasted. He was quizzed specifically on his use of that word by Dominion's lawyers. According to The Daily Beast, which interviewed several people close to Fox News, this was a key factor in Carlson's demise. ...
3. Grossberg lawsuit: Carlson's departure came a month after a separate lawsuit was filed by a former colleague centering on his workplace behavior. ... After Carlson's ousting, lawyers for Grossberg told The Wall Street Journal: "Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News is, in part, an admission of the systemic lying, bullying, and conspiracy-mongering claimed by our client."
4. His Christian faith "freaks" out Rupert Murdoch. ...
5. His divisive Ukraine coverage and Russian support. ...
6. Insubordination: ... Sources told the Journal that Carlson was increasingly becoming an "island" who believed he was bigger than the company — something the outlet called a "cardinal sin" in Murdoch's empire. (The Wall Street Journal is also controlled by Murdoch.) Carlson's messages, which showed contempt for both management and his colleagues, were a major factor in his removal, according to the Journal. His anger at Fox for failing to publicly defend him also sparked friction, the paper reported. ...
7. The Murdoch kids got sick of him: ... Sources told The New York Times that Lachlan, Rupert's eldest son and heir apparent, viewed cutting Carlson as a "business decision," just as he did with the Dominion settlement. It could also be an attempt by Lachlan to appease his siblings, Elisabeth and James, who are thought to dislike Fox News' conservative bent. ... When Rupert Murdoch dies, Lachlan will need the support of his siblings to keep running the company because of the structure of the family trust." - April 25, 2023, CNN, 'Fox News’ sudden firing of Tucker Carlson may have come down to one simple calculation'.
- April 24, 2023, YouTube short post of Fox News' MegynKelly, 'Megyn Kelly on The View's "Disgusting" Reaction to Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News': "Let's talk about what the ladies on The View are saying. It is somewhat stomach-turning. But we have a clip. Let's watch. [Whoopi Goldberg on The View:] Word has ust come down that Fox News media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. [Loud female-dominated cheering of the audience] [Celebratory] wave! [More celebratory fairy-type waving]."
- Elite ties and double dealings of Tucker Carlson:
- June 20, 2021, New York Times, 'Tucker Carlson Calls Journalists 'Animals.' He's Also Their Best Source.': "One question you may be asking, if you are a New York Times reader, is: Why are you exchanging texts with Tucker Carlson...?
The answer is one of Washington's open secrets. Mr. Carlson, a proud traitor to the elite political class, spends his time when he's not denouncing the liberal media trading gossip with them. He's the go-to guy for sometimes-unflattering stories about Donald J. Trump and for coverage of the internal politics of Fox News... I won't talk here about any off-the-record conversations I may have had with him. But 16 other journalists (none from The Times...) told me on background that he has been ... "a great source." ...
Brian Stelter, the host of the CNN program "Reliable Sources," told me that "you can see Tucker's fingerprints all over the hardcover" edition of his 2020 book "Hoax," which excoriates Fox News for amplifying Mr. Trump's falsehoods. ...
Mr. Carlson['s] father was a reporter in Los Angeles and San Diego before Ronald Reagan appointed him director of the Voice of America, and the son grew up with a generation of elite Washington journalists. "I've always lived around people who are wielding authority, around the ruling class," he said in a 2018 interview. A former New York Observer media writer, Sridhar Pappu, recalled to me that when he first traveled to Washington to cover the White House Correspondents' Association dinner in the early 2000s, it was Mr. Carlson who asked him, "Do you have an invitation to Tammy's?" referring to the annual brunch for media insiders co-hosted by Tammy Haddad, the well-connected former MSNBC producer.
Mr. Carlson has said he turned against his fellow elites after the 2008 financial crisis. His political shift also transformed his long journeyman's career as a magazine writer and MSNBC conservative, and made him Fox's leading tribune of the pro-Trump masses. ...
The Anti-Defamation League recently called for him to be fired from Fox News for warning that Democrats are plotting to "replace" the current electorate with "more obedient voters, from the third world.""
- June 20, 2021, New York Times, 'Tucker Carlson Calls Journalists 'Animals.' He's Also Their Best Source.': "One question you may be asking, if you are a New York Times reader, is: Why are you exchanging texts with Tucker Carlson...?
- Tucker Carlson is the son of Richard Warner "Dick" Carlson, a member of the elite Pilgrims Society and an old pro-Reagan, pro-Iran Contra propagandist:
- Richard Warner Carlson's name appears in the 1995, 2002, 2014 Pilgrims Society lists (not in a 1990 one; in 1995 David Rockefeller still was a member, as were Henry Kissinger, George Shultz and other elites).
- Associate director of the U.S. Information Agency (USIA) and director of its Voice of America 1986-1991, both regularly considered CIA fronts.
- November 11, 1988, Los Angeles Times, 'It's a Different Story Now for Ex-Newsman': "Whether it was the anti-Vietnam War movement, the emergence of the Black Panthers or Soviet trawler-spies off the Golden Gate, Carlson was often the first with the most. His story linking San Francisco Mayor Joe Alioto to the mob ended Alioto's political dreams (and spawned a libel suit that helped kill Look magazine). ...
Of late, Carlson has been jousting with free-lance writer and ex-VOA staffer Carolyn Weaver... Weaver asserts that the VOA, which broadcasts to 130 million people around the world, has been one-sided and pro-Administration in its reporting on Dan Quayle, Iran-contra, apartheid and Central America.
Weaver alleges the VOA was cozy with Oliver North and may have played Rod Stewart records and Russian folk tunes to send secret messages. She implies that Carlson eased out (or allowed to be eased out) a correspondent seen as too sympathetic to the imprisoned South African activist Nelson Mandela."
- Positions taken at Fox's Tucker Carlson Tonight 2016-2023 (spotted issues: hides "liberal CIA" funding of media as NPR, doesn't mention ethnic crime and IQ numbers and thinks "race politics" in general should be banned; and doesn't mention the CFR, Trilateral Commission, the globalists, instead blaming everything on the Democrat Party):
- April 27, 2023, twitter.com/TuckerCarlson (official channel), first video, two days after his sudden Fox firing, 23 million viedo views by April 30 with 77 million tweet impressions and 94,000 comments (meanwhile, the author can't find this unedited video on YouTube or find it in Google without non-stop third party edits and commentary): "One of the first things you realize when you step outside the noise for a few days is how many genuinely nice people there are in this country. Kind and decent people who really care about what's true. .... It's gotta be the majority of the population. ... The other thing you notice is when you take a little time off, is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. ... At the same time ... the undeniably big topics, the ones that will define our future, get virtually no discussion at all: war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, natural resources... When is the last time you heard a genuoine debate about any of those issues? It's been a while. Debates like that are not permitted in American media. *Both* political parties and their donors have reached a consensus on what benefits *them*, and they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it. Suddenly the United States looks very much like a one-party-state. ... When honest people say what's true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. At the same time, the liars who have been trying to silence them, shrink and they become weaker. That is the iron law of the universe. True things prevail. ... There aren't many places left [for truth]. But there are some. ANd that is enough. As long as you can hear the words, there is hope."
- June 9, 2020, Fox News, 'Tucker Carlson: Black Lives Matter is now a powerful political party and has nothing to do with black lives': "The most telling moment, though, came just before that, when the woman in sunglasses threatened to defeat the mayor in the next election. What does that tell you? It tells you that Black Lives Matter is in fact a political party, maybe the strongest political party in the United States. Its members believe they can reshape this country and so far, they're proving to be right. ...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is a skilled trend spotter if there ever was one, is already acting as if defund the police -- again, a proposal that no sane person even mentioned in public just last month -- is now the defining civil rights issue of our time. You'd have to be a bigoted dinosaur, a bad person, to oppose it. ...
Democrats have no intention of abolishing the police. Listen carefully and you will hear them admit that. Instead, they want to replace the police -- take the people who currently have badges, many of whom, by the way, voted for Donald Trump and swap them out for new people, people who hate Donald Trump and hate the people who voted for Donald Trump.
Remember 35 years ago when Democrats were constantly attacking the U.S. military? We don't hear that anymore. Why is that? It's very simple. The left took over the Pentagon. No reason to attack people you control, which they do. And they plan to do the same thing to your local police department." - Jan. 23, 2023, Fox News, 'Tucker Carlson: Antifa is the armed militia of the Democratic Party and is back in force; Tucker Carlson slams CNN's coverage of the Atlanta protests': "Whatever happened to antifa? Ever wondered that? ... The moment Joe Biden was inaugurated, Antifa seemed to disappear. Nobody asked any questions where they went. Much less about who they were. Or who was paying them. They served their purpose and then they left. So in retrospect it is very clear who antifa was - and is. Antifa is the armed instrument of the permanent Democratic establishment in Washington. Their job is to mobilize when politically necessary. Now, this is a new thing in the United States. But militias are a common feature in Third World politics. They are a staple in Haiti. In our country, however, only one party has them: the Democratic Party. [Well] antifa is back in force. And that is probably not a very good sign for Joe Biden [because] antifa has a solid track record of getting rid of sitting presidents."
- July 26, 2022, Fox News, 'Tucker Carlson: The party of diversity is led by people who strongly prefer all White neighborhoods'.
- April 18, 2023, Fox News, 'Democrats want race hate and violence; Tucker calls out failure to condemn crime': "When you let the mob loot, you are doomed. This is why we used to shoot looters... The new [black] mayor of Chicago [Brandon Johnson], who is an ideologue and a racist, understands that these stupid children are his militia. When they destroy what others built, he becomes more powerful. Their destruction has a political use, so he refuses to criticize them. They're stealing because they're hungry, he told us..."
- May 16, 2022, Fox News, 'Tucker: No race politics is better than others - it's all poison; Tucker responds to the Buffalo shooting - and its fallout in the politics of race': "Over just two days, at least 104 Americans were shot to death in major American cities. ... For perspective, on the single deadliest day of the Iraq war, that would be January of 2005, a total of 37 Americans died. ... Dallas, Milwaukee, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, many other metro areas recorded murders over the weekend. That's typical now. In St. Louis, 13 people were shot, five of them fatally. In Chicago, 33 were gunned down, five of those died. In Laguna Woods, California, a Chinese immigrant from Las Vegas walked into a Presbyterian church and shot six elderly Taiwanese parishioners. ...
What is hate speech? Well, it's speech that our leaders hate. ... According to Politico, "Biden has taken to telling his aides that he no longer recognizes the GOP, which he now views as an existential threat to the nation's democracy." ... Biden is likely to use racial wounds in order to make his point. There is no behavior worse than this. All race politics is bad, no matter what flavor those politics happen to be. No race politics is better than any other. All of it is poison.
Race politics subsumes the individual into the group. It erases people. It dehumanizes them. Race politics elevates appearance over initiative and decency and all the other God given qualities that makes every person of every color unique yet morally equal to every other person. And above all, race politics always makes us hate each other and always in a very predictable way. ...
Identity politics ended in genocide in Rwanda that killed 800,000 people, and in response to those horrors, the Rwandans did something that we might learn from. They moved in the opposite direction from one that Joe Biden is currently taking in the United States. "Ethnicity has already been stripped out of schoolbooks and rubbed off government identity cards," reported The New York Times. "Government documents no longer mention Hutu or Tutsi, and the country's newspapers and radio stations steer clear of the labels as well. Most dramatic is how Rwanda's 8 million people now shun the identifications, the racial identifications, that seem to loom so large 10 years ago as Hutu extremists began their mass killings." ...
They have deemphasized race in Rwanda intentionally and systematically. Rwandan citizens are citizens first, members of racial or tribal groups, second or not at all. Result? There have been no more genocides in Rwanda and that could easily be the path forward for this country, too..." - June 16, 2021, Fox News, 'Tucker Carlson: Government agents may have helped organize the Jan. 6 Capitol riot': "This weekend, police in Columbus, Georgia arrested a 39-year-old man called Justin Tyren Roberts. Over the course of a single day, Roberts shot five separate people in two different states. ... In his confession, police say, Roberts, "explained [that] throughout his life, specifically white males had taken from him." So he decided to kill them. In one case, Roberts walked up behind a white man, a total stranger, as he was getting out of a car and shot him in the back.
If we wanted to — and we don’t — we could do a whole show on crimes like these. Nor are they especially surprising, when you think about it. If you really believed the propaganda from the Democratic Party and BLM are telling you — that white males are intentionally destroying the world — you might be motivated to hurt someone. Why wouldn’t you? What’s striking is how little attention Justin Tyren Roberts’ shooting spree has received. Imagine if the colors here were reversed. ...
multi-racial country can only survive if it self-consciously deemphasizes race — if it treats every person as an individual and not a member of some larger group that’s guilty or innocent. That should be the goal, it’s our history, and we should get back to it as soon as we can. ...But that’s not what our leaders are doing. They’re doing just the opposite. They’re working hard to divide us into warring camps with lies. They’re telling us a story that is completely — and very much intentionally — disconnected from reality. They’re claiming that something called white supremacy, a term they never define, is the greatest threat we face. A greater threat than Al Qaeda or ISIS. Our thoroughly craven attorney general told us that very lie today.
MERRICK GARLAND: "In the FBI's view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race."
That was the Attorney General of the United States stating a fact backed up by the FBI. So it’s fair to ask the obvious questions. ..." - 2022, Tucker Carlson documentary (on Fox Nation), 'Hungary versus Soros: The Fight for Civilization'.
- Aug. 4, 2022, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Interview with Balazs Orban: "[CARLSON:] A year ago today we were in Hungary and we had a chance to speak to ... Viktor Orban. And we were deeply impressed by that conversation. ... He has embraced strong families, national sovereignty - the foundations of of which all thriving countries are based. Saying that out loud has made him the most hated leader in the world, for more than, let's say, Xi, of China, who runs a fascist ethno-state. On CNN on SUnday, plagiarist Fareed Zakaria, once again tried to smear Viktor Orban [arguing] Hungary is on its way to become Nazi Germany. ... So Viktor Orban is niw a Nazi because he wants national borders?
[BALAZS ORBAN:] We are under constant heavy pressure from the globalist elite. They think that if somebody is speaking against mass migration, that he or she should be racist or anti-Semite. Or whatever. It's crazy, but our policy is based on common sense. ... We are very proud of our Judeo-Christian heritage and we want to preserve it in that way. And to do so, you have to be able to protect your borders. It's so simple.
[CARLSON:] When you go there, it's basically America 2005. It's a very moderate place, with more bounds for your press than we have. That's for sure. And this caricature than it is China... You see these descriptions of your country that are just insane.
[BALAZS ORBAN:] Currently we are hosting 1 million refugees for Ukraine... Everybody knows that these people are fleeing from war, so there is no problem with that. Meanwhile, from the southern border we have illegal border crossers from other civilizations, from other parts of the world... and you have to say no to illegal borders crossers. It's so simple..." - April 7, 2023, Fox News, 'Transgenderism is the most dangerous extremist movement in the United States': "White House Spokesperson [the black] Karine Jean-Pierre defends trans operations on minors at a press briefing."
- April 6, 2023, Fox News, 'NPR has always been kind of awful: Tucker roasts the 'state-affiliated media'' (this was after Elon Musk bought and gutted Twitter and its staff; not a word about NPR's CFR and "liberal CIA" ties): "On Tuesday, two days ago, Twitter slapped a warning label on all tweets from National Public Radio. Going forward, NPR will be identified for users of Elon Musk's social media site as "state-affiliated media." That is the same category as Russia Today or China Central Television. It means that NPR is not that different from the Tehran Times...
Have you listened to it? It has all the hallmarks: repetitive dishonesty, authoritarian politics, unwavering devotion to the party in charge. Of course, that could describe virtually all media in this country. The difference is the state actually pays for NPR. NPR was created more than 50 years ago by a law signed by Democrat Lyndon Johnson. It was called the Public Broadcasting Act and from its very first day, NPR was wholly dependent on tax dollars in order to exist, and it still is. ... Every year, NPR lobbyists head to Capitol Hill to demand more tax dollars. "Democracy can't exist without us," they screech... NPR is the radio station of permanent Washington. That's who pays for it. That's who benefits from it. By adding three simple words to NPR's tweets, Elon Musk exposed that forever to the world. Such is the power of truth." - Feb. 17, 2022, Fox News, 'Tucker Carlson: What does Joe Biden's 'Russia is Bad' class teach? It was wrong about Russia attacking Ukraine on February 16 - what else is it wrong about?' (Russia invaded on Feb. 24): "Russia is a very comfortable topic for Joe Biden. He enjoys talking about it much more than talking about, say, inflation, or crime, or fentanyl deaths or about how half the population of Haiti appears to be showing up in Florida in leaky boats. ..
The Soviets wanted peace. Joe Biden told us that repeatedly in the 70s and 80s. Russia, by contrast, just wants war [he says]. ... But here's the funniest part of all: There was no invasion Feb. 16, 2022 was yesterday. Nothing happened. Vladimir Putin did not invade Ukraine. Now, if Joe Biden noticed the lack of an invasion, he didn't acknowledge that. ...
Doddering old Joe Biden, who even before he was senile, was widely considered a moron in Washington, has been played by Vladimir Putin, who may be evil but definitely is not stupid. If Putin bluffed an invasion of Ukraine to make Biden look ridiculous, it worked. ...
Maybe there was something else going on. Maybe Putin still plans to invade Ukraine. It's hard to know, but as you just heard, Joe Biden doesn't know because he refuses to talk to the Russians. The Russians are too immoral for Joe Biden. ... According to Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin is not someone you can ever talk to because he put bounties on the lives of American troops in Afghanistan. How does Joe Biden know that happened? ...
or months now, they told us Russia is definitely to manufacture a pretext for a Ukraine invasion. So finally, a lone AP reporter bravely asked "How do you know this?" And they immediately accused him of working for Putin." - Feb. 23, 2022, Fox News, 'Tucker Carlson: Americans have been trained to hate Putin, and will suffer because of it': "Since the day that Donald Trump became president, Democrats in Washington have told you it's your patriotic duty to hate Vladimir Putin. ... Hating Putin has become the central purpose of America's foreign policy. ... Very soon, that hatred of Vladimir Putin could bring the United States into a conflict in Eastern Europe.
Before that happens, it might be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious: What is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs? ...
The administration assures us this has nothing at all to do with ripping Joe Biden's personal debts to Ukrainian oligarchs. Not at all. It's completely and totally unrelated. " - May 11, 2022, Fox News, 'Tucker: Our leaders believe protecting Ukraine is more important than protecting you; Tucker exposes how much money is being spent on Ukraine': "Food is getting expensive in Ukraine, so we're going to spend $760 million to fix that just in this check and not just in Ukraine. Congress, who was feeling kind of sporty, also added $150 million for something called the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program because while we're feeding Ukraine, why not feed the rest of the world? ...
Then there's another huge chunk of cash to "combat human trafficking." Now, not combat human trafficking in Texas, where it is now ubiquitous thanks to the open border with Mexico, but to combat human trafficking in Ukraine, because it's sad what's happening there. ...
In other words, you can't afford to fill your truck, but you now get to pay the living expenses of anyone who shows up in your country claiming to be from Ukraine and you will." - Feb. 28, 2022, MSNBC, 'The real reason Tucker Carlson supports Russia's Putin: The Fox News host has provided cover for Russia's invasion. But calling him a "traitor" misses the point.': "In the run-up to the invasion, Carlson persistently downplayed the severity of what Russia could be doing and pushed back against the prospect of American involvement. He characterized the situation as a “border dispute”... Carlson and his ideological allies, like Steve Bannon and Donald Trump, see in Putin someone with a shared worldview — authoritarian, fiercely nationalistic, happily bigoted."
- Feb. 20, 2023 Fox News,'Tucker Carlson: Zelenskyy is an instrument of total destruction; Tucker dissects Biden's Ukraine trip and explains why Trump was right on foreign policy': "A Russia-China axis would be not just more powerful than the United States, but much more powerful. ... Companies like Ford and Toyota pulled out of Russia. They had to. Remember that? So, what happened next? Chinese automakers stepped in. Chinese carmakers once made less than 10% of all cars bought in Russia. ... Zelenskyy himself is a very dark force. ... Who could not see that? This man is a destroyer. He banned a Christian faith in his country and arrested nuns and priests. Oh, but he's a hero, claim our leaders from Chuck Schumer to Mitch McConnell."
- Feb. 24, 2023, Fox News, 'Russia's invasion of Ukraine was the endpoint of a much longer story; Tucker claims the DNC's lies about Russian hacking paralyzed the Trump administration and expanded the national security state'.
- Aug. 4, 2022, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Interview with Balazs Orban (after Orban left): "So, apparently, the war in Ukraine continues. It's draining our Treasury. And the Ukrainians appear to be losing. Nothing has gone as promised. And yet the United States Senate has decided to make things even worse to enmesh the United States even more deeply into this craziness by voting to expand NATO. Only a single senator voted against NATO expansion. He joins us straight ahead."
- April 5, 2023, Fox News, 'War against Russia will be the last war we can afford to fight; Tucker voices concerns about the value of the dollar': "We thought at the time that the real threat to our future wasn't just the billions we were sending to Zelenskyy. That was reckless, but probably not going to end America. The real threat was the unprecedented economic sanctions that Joe Biden was allowed to, in fact, encourage to impose. Those sanctions, you'll recall, were supposed to hurt Russia, but even in March of last year, it seemed obvious they were going to hurt the United States much more than they hurt Russia. ...
We should prepare to lose our position as holder of the world's reserve currency. That is happening in slow motion. It's unmistakable. ... Joe Biden was up there at the State of the Union bragging about how he took 30 points off the Russian ruble in a single day. Hurray. Good for us, but once we stop celebrating our win... You have got to wonder, is there a downside to this? Could it be a pyrrhic victory? Let's see. ... These policies have driven Russia, China, India, Turkey and other countries to accelerate their flight from the U.S. dollar. Let's be clear. That's the majority of the global economy. ...
Biden and his Republican allies described sanctions against Russia as morally essential. We seized oligarchs’ yachts at anchor. We closed the Apple Store in Moscow."
- In November 2023, 7 months after Carlson's firing from Fox, at the peak of Donald Trump's legal troubles, and at the start of a new round of elections, UFC president Dana White and Kid Rock escorted Trump and Carlson into the UFC 295 arena. Dana not only pushed Carlson and Trump on the podcast of Theo Von, a popular comedy friend of Joe Rogan, he also defended conspiracy disinformer Robert Kennedy Jr. on it. At the same time, on December 10, 2023, Elon Musk unbanned key Trump supporter and conspiracy disinformer Alex Jones on X, celebrating the unblock with Andrew Tate and former Trump national security advisor Gen. Mike Flynn. Two days before, on December 8, Carlson posten a 1.5 hour interview with Alex Jones on his X channel:
- Nov. 11, 2023, New York Post, 'Donald Trump arrives at MSG to attend UFC 295 flanked by Kid Rock, Dana White and Tucker Carlson'.
- Nov. 14, 2023, YouTube upload by 'Theo Von', 'Dana White | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #470', 38:00: "[DANA:] You gotta do Trump. I'll get you closer. I'll get you Trump if you wanna do him.
[VON:] Yeah, we would love to have him.
[VON:] You guys are part of William Morris, right? I worked with them, right? They are pretty woke. [DANA:] Woke as woke can be. Youh, I believe it's Woke Morris Entertainment, or something, right. *Dana laughing* It should be anyway. Yeah, they are always crazy. We had Tucker Carlson on the other day and they were all fucking - putting on their maxi pads. ...
[VON:] I love Tucker too. ... I'm actually going to dinner with him here in the next few weeks. ... I don't judge people by their politics, or their race, or their religions, or any of that shit. You're either a douchebag, or you are not a douchebag. ... If you are a good person, I don't care who you vote for... [Theo saying he is fascinated by all the different ethnicities in the UFC]
[DANA:] What's wrong with him? The giy is fucking brilliant. The guy is a smart... I've never met him. I only watched his stuff. ... He's a Democrat with common sense. ...
[VON:] Oh, Peleton was - we just got an update - Peleton is the one who wanted their ad out. ...
[DANA:] Peleton sells stationary bikes and they got a fucking problem with Robert Kennedy. Fuck you, Peleton. Who the fuck are they? ... Do we have Peletons in the gym? ... We're getting rid of them. ... That's what you do. ... [DANA:] [As for] this whole Budlight deal [with its super-controversial woke campaign]. People are talking shit now: "Sell out, and all this shit." Believe me, I'm the furthest fucking thing from a sellout. Budlight is the right move for me [and] we are very aligned as far a core values go. ... 65,000 Americans they employ. That right there should be enough. Would you want to put a bullet in that brand? Off of one fucking thing? They take care of veterans. They take care of veterans' families. Of first responders who have fallen. And the list goes on. Almost a billion dollars a year with U.S. farmers! That alone is the reason you should be drinking Budlight!" - Dec. 8, 2023 X post of @TuckerCarlson, Alex Jones interview, 20-25 minutes: "[JONES:] So the Left wants to divide us all, according to race and ... that inherently being white is bad and teaching five-year-old white children that they are inherently bad because they're white. That is wounding their brains and really creating racial division.
[CARLSON:] Why do people put up with that? ... I don't understand... I grew up in a world where judging people on the basis of their skin color was totally immoral - and I still believe that. But if you told me 20 years ago that we would live in a world where people get on TV and just be like, "I hate white people. They're bad", Oh no, it's totally fine. Like, why do people put up with that? There should be zero tolerance for that. I don't get it.
[JONES:] The Democratic Party founded the KKK. And when the majority were whites, in the south, in some areas, they played the race card for political power. Now that the majority in most areas are not white, they are playing the good old fashion race card. Tell whites, "Stand down. Let people take over your society. Your culture. Give up your culture. It's embarrasing to be white." ... And the left is now trying to convert all these minority groups, that are now the majority in most areas, into race-based systems. That is a very effective system... [CARLSON:] You are not allowed to attack people on the basis of their race. I'm sorry, not in a country like this. Because the country will fall apart. And it's immoral. But nobody says anything. ... [JONES:] I totally agree. The reason they've done this, most of the enforcers are white liberal women, 45 or older [Tucker goes: "Fair!"], just a fact - and their cucked husbands. ... So if you get around these white liberals, they live in the whitest areas. They are totally scared of a man with a brown skin, but they virtue signal constantly and say, "Yes, the white people are bad." ... Xi Jinping ... is literally following a race-based agenda that is taking over the world, that owns the majority of Hollywood, that has paid off the Democratic Party. And when you look at all these anti-white shows you see funded in Hollywood, almost all of it, has majority literal communist Chinese government backing that is funding this. So it's real simple: China looks in and sees this diverse culture and they say, "We're going to use that to split the country up and balkanize it. And that is what they've done. So Communist China, together with the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the ADL and all these groups, see America's weakness, and they literally are coming in saying, "White people are inherently bad because of the color of their skin. They have inherently cheated people, hurt people. White people invented racism." None of that is true. It's really just tribalism. And then they organize all these other groups into race-based groups to then unify them under the Democratic Party to attack who is left, who tends to be more conservative, and that is some white people in this country. And they are panicking, because more and more black people are voting Republican. More and more hispanics are starting to vote Republican. They are starting to figure this out. So now they are in panic mode. ... So they are importing a new enforcement class against the American people. And they are setting it up along racial lines. Not us. They're making it racial. ... So it's the left, and the think tanks, and the communist Chinese that look at the U.S. and have seen our weakness as race and they are excarbating it."
- Conservative news site launched in 1998 by the Media Research Center, a conservative NGO financed by foundations as Bradley, Allegheny, Mercer Family, etc. and many smaller donations through DonorsTrust.
- mrc.org/about (accessed: February 17, 2019): "MRC launched CNSNews.com with the mission to report the news the liberal media refuse to cover. [It was put] under the skillful editorial stewardship of long-time conservative writer and Pulitzer Prize nominee Terry Jeffrey..."
- News site founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson - the son of a Pilgrims Society member - and a policy advisor to Dick Cheney. Alexa rank of 743 in December 2018.
- dailycaller.com/about-us/ (accessed: February 17, 2019): "Founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson, a 20-year veteran journalist, and Neil Patel, former chief policy advisor to Vice President Cheney, The Daily Caller is one of America's largest and fastest-growing news publications. ...
The Daily Caller has a licensing agreement with The Daily Caller News Foundation, a Delaware 501(c)(3) non-profit news organization."
- dailycaller.com/about-us/ (accessed: February 17, 2019): "Founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson, a 20-year veteran journalist, and Neil Patel, former chief policy advisor to Vice President Cheney, The Daily Caller is one of America's largest and fastest-growing news publications. ...
- Funding:
- conservativetransparency.org/recipient/daily-caller-news-foundation/ (accessed: February 17, 2019): "Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation: Daily Caller News Foundation: $80,000 [and] $26,248, 2014. ... $50,000 [and] $11,064, 2012. ...
DonorsTrust: ... $25,000 [and] $15,000 [and] $20,000, 2014." - 2014 annual report, Bradley Foundation, p. 24: "Daily Caller News Foundation: ... $100,000."
- 2017 annual report, Bradley Foundation, p.14: "Daily Caller News Foundation: ... $100,000."
- conservativetransparency.org/recipient/daily-caller-news-foundation/ (accessed: February 17, 2019): "Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation: Daily Caller News Foundation: $80,000 [and] $26,248, 2014. ... $50,000 [and] $11,064, 2012. ...
- Conservative news site founded in September 2015 by Ben Shapiro.
- Past and present funding:
- Ben Shapiro: Editor-at-large Breitbart News 2012-2016. Founder of Truth Revolt in 2013 on behalf of the historically Olin, Bradley, Scaife and Mercer-funded David Horowitz Freedom Center.
- July 31, 2018, TYT.com, 'Ben Shapiro 'Owns the Libs' ... But Who Owns Him?': "Shapiro ... founded the Daily Wire with funding from its owners, brothers Farris and Dan Wilks, Texas fracking billionaires who supported Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ... Shapiro told TYT that his support for Cruz predated his relationship with the Wilks brothers. ...
Two organizations that promote Shapiro—Turning Point USA and Young America's Foundation (both heavily pro-Trump)—are propped up with cash from... Charles Koch, Education Sec. Betsy DeVos and her family, Robert and Rebekah Mercer, Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, prolific GOP megadonor Richard Uihlein, Home Depot cofounder Bernie Marcus, and Wyoming gubernatorial candidate Foster Freiss. ... "I've never met the Kochs, DeVos[es], Mercers, Rauner, Uihlein, or Marcus, and I've only met members of the Bradley family and Freiss in passing," Shapiro told TYT. "Not a single one of these people, or any of our funders at Daily Wire, have ever exerted an iota of editorial control. My opinions are my own, and they'll stay that way."
- Ben Shapiro actually has largely been a Trump opponent, even after the Trump's election:
- 2018, Steve Bannon, 'Trump @War' documentary, Ben Shapiro clip from 2015/2016: "Because as entertaining as Donald Trump is, Donald Trump is a liar."
- May 3, 2016, @benshapiro tweet: "We all have a line beyond which we will not go. Donald Trump is far past my line."
- October 29, 2018, The Hill,'Ben Shapiro slams Trump for 'enemy of the people' tweet, says this 'has to stop'' (reference to Trump calling the media the enemy of the people).
- October 20, 2020, Dan Bongino Show, 'Ben Shapiro: I Didn't Vote for Trump in 2016, But Here's Why I Will This Year'.
- Ben Shapiro instantly recruited Gina Carano after she was fired from 'The Mandalorian' - where she had been recruited by director Jon Favreau, who came up alongside curious Hollywood conservative Vince Vaughn - after she all of a sudden turned hardcore QAnon/Trump-supporting, disinformation-pushing consersative and was fired over that:
- February 11, 2021, Deadline, 'Gina Carano Hits Back, Announces New Movie Project With Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire: "They Can't Cancel Us If We Don't Let Them"'.
- Conservative-inclined news aggregation/link website founded in 1995 by the Libertarian Matt Drudge, who hired a 2.5 years younger Andrew Breitbart later in 1995 as his chief assistant (for the next decade). Possibly the most horrible-looking successful website in the history of the internet: it basically hasn't upgraded in design since the 1990s, but still has a huge U.S. Alexa rank of 119 as of September 2018.
- Drudge is son of a staff attorney for U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy (major "liberal CIA" family, with RFK, Jr. even spreading conspiracy disinformation related to his father's and uncle's murders) until sickness in the early 1980s forced her to resign. No clear tie between his mother's job and Drudge later appearing as a "conservative CIA" asset. Raised Jewish, but not a Jew. Horrible childhood.
- September 3, 2007, New York Magazine, 'Watching Matt Drudge': "About the time Drudge failed bar mitzvah, his mother left her job as a staff attorney for Ted Kennedy, where she had worked on health issues... [Around April 1982] when Drudge was 15, crisis rocked the family. His mother was hospitalized, and a few weeks later [June 18] Drudge was arrested [for stalking/harassment]."
- Didn't go anywhere career-wise. His father bought him his first PC, on which Drudge created his website in 1995, often uploading gossip notes he found in the trashcan at his low-level day job at CBS.
- By 1997 he was posting a good amount of conservative smear stories on the Clinton family. In early 1998 he broke the Lewinsky Scandal by reporting that Newsweek was sitting on a story of Bill Clinton's affair with a White House intern - forcing Newsweek to publish the story. After more smear stories he was sued by the Clinton administration, magically prompting the historically Olin, Bradley, Scaife and Mercer-funded David Horowitz Freedom Center (then known as the Center for the Study of Popular Culture) to set up a legal defense fund for him and Horowitz making the rounds in the media to promote Drudge, who soon became a famous figure. This entire network was the key driver behind all the Clinton conspiracy mongering, some of which accurate, some of which completely overblown, and some of which simply invented.
- cspc.org (accessed: February 9, 1998): "Matt Drudge, the Internet gadfly who broke the Clinton scandal, is under attack. Matt Drudge Defense Fund and Information Center."
- cspc.org/drudge.htm (accessed: February 9, 1998): "When the Clinton White House slapped Drudge with a $30 million libel suit last fall as part of its standard operations policy of deny, defy and, above all, act quickly to silence opposition by any means necessary -- it was the Center that rallied to his cause. The Center provided Drudge with its own staff attorney, Patrick Manshardt, and its legal adviser Manuel Klausner to be his defense team on a pro bono basis. The Center established the Matt Drudge Defense Fund and Information Center (800-752-6562) to provide the facts in the case and to establish a battle station for the war.
The DRUDGE REPORT (www.drudgereport.com) is a one-man, $30,000 a year operation that has won national attention as a media upstart. ... Drudge had reported irreverently on the President's reelection campaign in 1996. But the real crime that made Drudge the focus of White House attack was that Drudge was also the reporter who broke the original story of Kathleen Willey, the woman Clinton groped in the Oval Office who was observed by Linda Tripp, who thus became a witness in the Paula Jones case and a confidant of Monica Lewinsky.
It was shortly after his scoop appeared that the White House tried to silence Drudge for good. The occasion was his report that Republicans were claiming they had information that former left-wing journalist and now Presidential aide Sidney Blumenthal had been involved in spousal abuse. Drudge reported the rumor and also the White House allegation that it was "pure fiction." Within hours, he received a letter from Blumenthal's attorney demanding that he reveal the source of the allegations.
Drudge refused to disclose his sources, as any reputable journalist would, but immediately removed the story from the Internet, and issued a retraction. But the object was to get him, not to get an apology, and within days Blumenthal, acting with the consent and approval of Bill Clinton and Al Gore, filed a suit for $30 million in damages."
- Provided with a Fox News televesion show in the June 1998 to November 1999 period called Drudge. Eventually the two parties split up after Drudge was going too extreme and manipulative with his anti-abortion propaganda.
- From 2000 to September 2007 Drudge hosted his own radio program, The Drudge Report, on Premiere Radio Networks (owned by the CIA and Blackwater-tied Clear Channel, today known as iHeartMedia). In this period he guest hosted for Rush Limbaugh and was frequenly mentioned as a source by neocon extremists as Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage.
- October 1, 2003, Salon, 'Matt Drudge, GOP scourge?': ""Oh, how we wish he [Reagan] would descend from St. Cloud Street and save us from this monster government that's being created -- under Republicans!" Drudge told his radio audience on Sept. 20. "The consolidation of this government and the expansion of this government, the databasing of our lives, the cameras being put all over -- is, is creeping me out.""
- This author first heard about The Drudge Report in the mid 2000s after seeing the CIA-tied conspiracy disinformation guru Alex Jones repeatedly fawn all over it and linking to it. It wasn't until 2015 that Matt Drudge appeared on the Alex Jones Show, which is fascinating considering Jones' extremely irrational bahavior and bizarre conspiracy mongering. Then again, Donald Trump appeared a few months later on the Alex Jones Show.
- October 7, 2015, Matt Drudge on the Alex Jones Show, 9:45: "Not everyone is cut from the same genetic background as you or I, Alex. Of being brave and being able to stand up. You are on the camera. I'm not. You are more brave than I am. ... You have done a wonderful arc, almost over decades now, explaining why people are, and have become, so sick. I would just like to wake people up.
Stop playing in THEIR background! ... People are willing to be made over in the image of these corporations. ... [With YouTube] you are playing in Google's Hellpit. Make your own place. ... The internet allows you to make your own dynamic, your own universe; gravitating towards somebody else's universe. ... Between a Slate or a Salon or a BuzzFeed or a HuffPo — what is the difference? There isn't any! ...
I had a supreme court justice tell me to my face that it's over for me. "Matt, it's over you. They have got the votes now to enforce copyright law. You are outta there. They are gonna make it so that you can't even use headlines." ...
I can't be controlled. There are no interests here but what I see as the world events. Period. ... I've never placed an ad anywhere. This has all been a true, organic reader to reader to reader [website]... Yes, I dabbled in the corporate with the Fox News show and the ClearChannel radio show for 9 years. But even then, the website was on its own terms."
- Conservative news station and news website, founded in 1996, and part of a larger entertainment network owned by Rupert Murdoch and sons.
- A rumor exists that back in the early to mid 1970s Rupert Murdoch was recruited by the CIA's most notorious black operative, Ted Shackley (who eventually oversaw the notorious Cercle group), while still a small newspaper man in Australia. Shackley was involved in the region until 1972 as one of the overseers of the Australia-based Nugan Hand Bank, which (allegedly) was laundering heroin profits for the CIA.
- By Sterling Seagrave, Aug 22 2007, 06:43 PM educationforum.ipbhost.com post: "[OSS man and later CIA director] Bill Casey was one of the key men in the acquisition of media after WW2. It was one of his proteges (a young German immigrant to the US) who was sent back to Germany after the war to take over Bertelsmann and build it up. Rupert Murdoch was very tight with [Ted] Shackley, which is how he got launched on his global acquisitions and has now taken over the WSJ. Murdoch was running a failed national newspaper in Australia while Shackley was station chief in Oz. Then suddenly he becomes a US citizen literally overnight and goes on an endless buying spree. Shackley's pockets were infinitely deep. At the time, Murdoch was facing the likely closure of his newspaper THE AUSTRALIAN. His ticket out was Shackley. This also explains why Murdoch was allowed to break all the rules in acquisition of media in America.
[David McLean addition (unverified): "In the run-up to the 1972 election, Murdoch's paper The Australian was a keen Whitlam supporter, donating some $75,000 in free advertising. By 1975, with Peer de Silva, John Denley Walker and Milton Wonus CIA station chiefs, Murdoch had turned savagely against the Labor government, to the extent there were demonstrations outside The Australian's Sydney offices. Murdoch's role was part of a longer-term CIA operation to destroy Labor's powerful leftwing and install Bob Hawke and his CIA-affiliated cronies in the NSW Right faction, who hosted Bernie Houghton and the merry band called Nugan Hand. Shackley and Walker particularly despised Whitlam who had tolerated the left and believed in Australia's sovereignty!"" - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 228: "Sunday 16 March 1986: ... On Friday [CIA science directorate officer] Kit [Green] was in San Francisco, wearing the presidential Medal of Intelligence at his buttonhole. He received it from Reagan for his work on "Yellow Rain" in Indochina. I had lunch with him in the financial district. We spoke of his friend [intelligence operations author Sterling] Seagrave (23), of John Fowles' novels, and his old boss Ed Gregor."
- By Sterling Seagrave, Aug 22 2007, 06:43 PM educationforum.ipbhost.com post: "[OSS man and later CIA director] Bill Casey was one of the key men in the acquisition of media after WW2. It was one of his proteges (a young German immigrant to the US) who was sent back to Germany after the war to take over Bertelsmann and build it up. Rupert Murdoch was very tight with [Ted] Shackley, which is how he got launched on his global acquisitions and has now taken over the WSJ. Murdoch was running a failed national newspaper in Australia while Shackley was station chief in Oz. Then suddenly he becomes a US citizen literally overnight and goes on an endless buying spree. Shackley's pockets were infinitely deep. At the time, Murdoch was facing the likely closure of his newspaper THE AUSTRALIAN. His ticket out was Shackley. This also explains why Murdoch was allowed to break all the rules in acquisition of media in America.
- In 1981 Thatcher helped Murdoch buy up 40% of the British press, including The Times, in return for favorable editorials:
- April 28, 2015, The Guardian, 'How Thatcher and Murdoch made their secret deal'.
- Then, in January 1983, CIA and possibly Mossad asset Roy Cohn - a director of the ultraright Western Goals Foundation (and close to the Donald Trump family, as well as Roger Stone) - brought Murdoch to the Reagan White House, where a deal was made that Murdoch would build a conservative media empire that would support the fight against the Nicaraguan Sandinistas and that would counter the extreme liberal bias of the media.
- June 19, 2016, Consortium News, 'How Roy Cohn Helped Rupert Murdoch'.
- There are also reports of the Rothschild and British intelligencet-tied Sir James Goldsmith visiting the Reagan White House with Rupert Murdoch from 1983 on:
- October 9, 1998, John Pilger for The New Statesman, p15: "... a meeting in the White House in March 1983. Attended by Murdoch and the late Sir James Goldsmith..."
- November 2, 1990, Executive Intelligence Review, ''Green mole' Sir James Goldsmith becomes top ecofascist warrior': "A former senior Reagan National Security Council (NSC) staffer recalls giving a private briefing to Sir James and media mogul Rupert Murdoch on U.S. arms control policy in the office of Kenneth deGraffenreid, then head of Intelligence Programs at the NSC."
- Reported financier of "The 61" / 6I, a private intelligence network tied to the CIA, MI6, mainland European intelligence services, Le Cercle Pinay, and the Vatican.
- May 1, 1995, The Persbundel, 'Pioneer for the Truth' (translated from Dutch; a publication clearly part of the insider Cercle network based on its ultraright bias): "From 1979-1989 the members of 'The 61' [including Crozier] did all they could to fight the communist, anywhere in the world. The costs on average were 1 million dollars a year, coming from fortunate friends as Rupert Murdoch, Sir James Goldsmith and Richard [Mellon] Scaife."
- It's very interesting that Rupert Murdoch has always been so at home at the predominantly liberal Democrat Sun Valley Meetings - for decades at this point, bringing his sons annually.
- One of these sons,. James, even joined the ultraliberal ("liberal CIA") Vice Media board after the Murdoch family acquired a 5% stake.
- November 21, 2013, Hollywood Reporter, '21st Century Fox Deputy COO James Murdoch Joins Vice Media Board': "Vice Media, in which Fox this summer acquired a 5 percent [$70 million] stake."
- The wife of Rupert Murdoch son James apparently is the half-sister of one of the earliest leading 9/11 "Truth" disinformers Eric Hufschmid.
- Also interesting is that Murdoch, since the time of Al Gore's hyper-prominent 2006 movie, supported the issue of countering man-made climate change. And also that at the time he was hosting a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, another issue that is not exactly popular among conservatives. At the same time, Murdochs media outlets have been very wishy-washy on climate change, even more than ten years later.
- November 17, 2006, Columbia Journalism Review, 'Murdoch Goes Green, and His Empire Follows': "At a Tokyo press conference last week, the conservative media mogul announced that he is now in favor of an international treaty to halt the progress of global warming. ...
Cassidy's 8,000-word feature was centered on a fundraiser that Murdoch held for Hillary Clinton at News Corp.'s Manhattan offices... Cassidy also reports that Murdoch has donated over half a million dollars to the Clinton Foundation's Climate Initiative, and that he has declared his intention to make News Corp. a "carbon neutral" company." - January 19, 2016, reneweconomy.com.au, 'Rupert Murdoch is marrying a climate hawk': "We have the actress and model who had four children with the Rolling Stones' Mick Jagger (and who has argued "climate change is the biggest threat the world has ever seen") getting engaged to ... Rupert Murdoch [whose] NewsCorp empire, which includes Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, "[has] become the nation's leading source of disinformation about climate change.""
- November 17, 2006, Columbia Journalism Review, 'Murdoch Goes Green, and His Empire Follows': "At a Tokyo press conference last week, the conservative media mogul announced that he is now in favor of an international treaty to halt the progress of global warming. ...
- Ultraconservative magazine founded in 1988, as the main publication of the historically Olin, Bradley, Scaife and Mercer-funded David Horowitz Freedom Center - also founded in 1988.
- David Horowitz has been the main force behind this magazine for all these decades. Ann Coulter was among the columnists of Frontpage Magazine in the 2000s.
- Frontpage Magazine is probably the premier publication attacking George Soros as a key financier of "the left" (instead of "liberal CIA"). At the time of Occupy Wall Street, the Tides Foundation was also regularly attacked.
- Issues of white guilt have been prominent with the publication since the 1990s. This conclusion was drawn after looking at 1990s versions of its page in web.archive.org. Unfortunately, going back to grab some of this in 2024, resulted in web.archive.org saying, "frontpagemag.com: ... This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine."
- Old guard conservative magazine and website, founded in 1955 by recently "retired" deep cover CIA agent William Buckley, Jr. The publication has always been only moderately conservative and served as a somewhat acceptable buffer between the Eastern Etablishment (of which Buckley solidly became part in the mid 1970s) and the more fanatic Christian conservatives with their anti-Eastern Establishment John Birch Society thinking. Hence, the National Review has always been nearly as criticial of Donald Trump as the dominant liberal media.
- The website has a U.S. Alexa rank of 1,400 as of February 2019.
- William Buckley, Jr. (1925-2008) was a key founder of the traditional Cold War conservative movement, initially based on his book God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of "Academic Freedom", in which - while, incredibly still a deep cover CIA agent - he argued that the Yale leadership was far more socialist, atheist and Keynesian than many of the students. The book became widely-read and resulted in Buckley becoming the face of the moderate, establishment conservative movement as founder of the National Review in 1955 and later, in 1966, as Firing Line founder and presenter, a position he held until 1999.
- March 4, 2007, Los Angeles Times, 'My friend, E. Howard Hunt': "I met E. Howard Hunt soon after arriving in Mexico City in 1951. I was a deep-cover agent for the CIA -- deep-cover describing, I was given to understand, a category whose members were told to take extreme care not to permit any grounds for suspicion that one was in service to the CIA.
One was informed which single human being in the city knew that you were in the CIA. That person would tell you what to do for the duration of your service in that city... The man I was told to report to (by someone whose real name I did not know) was E. Howard Hunt. ... He would here and there give me special minor assignments, but I soon learned that my principal job was to translate from Spanish a huge and important book by [communist] defector Eudocio Ravines. ...
My book, "God and Man at Yale," was published in mid-October 1951 [when I was a deep cover CIA agent]...
In early spring of 1952, when the project with Ravines was pretty well completed, I called on Howard to tell him I had decided to quit the agency. I had yielded to the temptation to go into journalism. ...
[Later] she and Howard were joining the Catholic communion, and they asked me to serve as godfather for their children. ... Then came the Watergate scandal [and] the dreadful accident [or "accident"] over Midway Airport in Chicago that killed Dorothy in December 1972. ... Then I had a phone call from Howard, with whom I hadn't been in touch for several years. He asked to see me [to tell Hunt about a probably BS Nixon plot to kill liberal columnist Jack Anderson]."
- March 4, 2007, Los Angeles Times, 'My friend, E. Howard Hunt': "I met E. Howard Hunt soon after arriving in Mexico City in 1951. I was a deep-cover agent for the CIA -- deep-cover describing, I was given to understand, a category whose members were told to take extreme care not to permit any grounds for suspicion that one was in service to the CIA.
- Buckley, Jr. was an incredible elitist, apart from his CIA "deep cover" position under E. Howard Hunt in the 1951-1952 period: Yale Skull & Bones member, Knight of Malta, CFR member and Bilderberg visitor. In the final years of his life he was to be found on one of the boards of Conrad Black's super-elite Hollinger Group, along with Kissinger, Brzezinski, the Rothschilds and more openly-known neocon elites as Richard Perle (and Black himself).
- July/August 1983, Mother Jones, 'Their Will Be Done': "[William] Casey and [Alexander] Haig are both members of the Knights of Malta, a legendary Vatican order dating back to the Crusades... There are many other knights with CIA connections. Clare Boothe Luce, for example... William Buckley, Jr. ... is a member, as is his brother James... "It has no political function," asserts former CIA director William Colby, who declined an invitation to join the illustrious order. ("I'm a little lower key," he confessed.) ... John McCone, a member of the SMOM and [1960s] director of the CIA..."
- Buckley, Jr. was invited to the CFR in 1965, but unknown (anti-conservative) members blocked it. Eventually joined in 1973. Source can be found below.
- Buckley, Jr. visited Bilderberg in 1975 and 1996, the latter time as "Editor-at-Large, National Review. ...
Pope Pius' [1944] decoration of Wild Bill Donovan marked the beginning of a long-standing, intimate relation-ship between the Vatican and U.S. intelligence that continues to the present day." - 1988, John B. Judis, 'William F. Buckley, Jr.: Patron Saint of the Conservatives': "In 1974, he had accepted an invitation to join the Council on Foreign Relations, the organization that had always epitomized for the far Right the eastern upper class's hold over foreign policy. .. Buckley had been nominated for membership in the Council on Foreign Relations in 1965, but was blackballed--by whom, Buckley never found out. ...
Under Burnham and Kissinger's influence, Buckley no longer shared the Right's enmity toward Nelson Rockefeller. When Gerald Ford nominated Rockefeller to be his Vice-President in August 1974, Buckley, who had urged him to nominate former U.N. Ambassador George Bush [fellow Skull & Bones and fellow-CIA], nonetheless defended Ford's choice. Buckley argued that Rockefeller was a good choice precisely because of his appeal to Democrats and Independents, which would help Ford to "stabilize" the country after the "great dislocation" of Watergate. And he defended Rockefeller against his conservative critics." - 2000 annual report, Hollinger Inc., pp. 77-81: "Officers: ... Conrad M. Black ...
Senior International Advisors: ... Baroness Thatcher .... Valery Giscard d'Estaing .... Lord Carrington ... Henry A. Kissinger ... Zbigniew Brzezinski ...
International Advisory Board: ... Gianni Agnelli ... Dwayne O. Andreas ... William F. Buckley, Jr. ... Dr. Martin Feldstein ... New Gingrich ... Allan E. Gotlieb ...Richard N. Perle ... Lord Rothschild ... Robert S. Strauss ... Paul A. Volcker ...
Hollinger International: ... Conrad M. Black ... Richard Burt ... Henry A. Kissinger .... Marie-Josee Kravis ... Shmuel Meitar ... Richard N. Perle ... Robert S. Strauss ... Alfred Taubman ... James R. Thompson .... Lord Weidenfeld ... Leslie H. Wexner ...
Telegraph Group Limited: ... Conrad M. Black ... Peter N. Buckley ... Lord Carrington ... Viscount Cranborne ... Paul Desmarais ... Rupert N. Hambro ... Henry N.K. Keswick ... Sir Evelyn de Rothschild ... Raymond G.H. Seitz ...
The Spectator (1828) Limited: ... Conrad Black ... Lord Tebbit ..."
- National Review founder Buckley, Jr. did what he could to protect the liberal Eastern Establishment by serving as a buffer between them and the more hardcore Christian conservatives and their John Birch Society thoughts about the Eastern Establishment.
- June 1, 2017, National Review, 'Buckley Captained Conservatism Before It Was Hijacked': "Buckley famously said he would rather be governed by the first 2,000 names in the Boston telephone directory than by Harvard's faculty, but he briskly defended the Council on Foreign Relations from "those American right-wingers who specialize in ignorance." "All his life," Felzenberg writes, "Buckley walked a tightrope between elitism and populism," never resolving the tension between them. If only he had."
- March 18, 2005, National Review, 'George Kennan'S New Views': "It is a rule at the Council on Foreign Relations that one may not write about what any member says at one of its meetings."
- 1988, John B. Judis, 'William F. Buckley, Jr.: Patron Saint of the Conservatives', pp. 368-369: "In 1974, he had accepted an invitation to join the Council on Foreign Relations, the organization that had always epitomized for the far Right the eastern upper class's hold over foreign policy. .. Buckley had been nominated for membership in the Council on Foreign Relations in 1965, but was blackballed--by whom, Buckley never found out. ...
Under Burnham and Kissinger's influence, Buckley no longer shared the Right's enmity toward Nelson Rockefeller. When Gerald Ford nominated Rockefeller to be his Vice-President in August 1974, Buckley, who had urged him to nominate former U.N. Ambassador George Bush, nonetheless defended Ford's choice. Buckley argued that Rockefeller was a good choice precisely because of his appeal to Democrats and Independents, which would help Ford to "stabilize" the country after the "great dislocation" of Watergate. And he defended Rockefeller against his conservative critics." - October 8, 1973, Lawrence Journal-World, William F. Buckley Jr. (originally for the Washington Star Syndicate), 'Buchanan Punctures Probe of Watergate': "The New York Times, in high hysteria over the devastating performance of [John Birch Society ally Pat] Buchanan, excreted an editorial called "Anatomy of a Smear" [denouncing Buchanan who said] that the foundations in this country are, for the most part, left-minded, and tend to favor left-minded people and enterprises. Buchanan then named the Ford Foundation, its support for the Institute for Policy Studies, and the IPS's support of an underground-type radical paper called the [pro-feminist, Black Panther, etc. - and thus rabidly-antifa] "Quicksilver Times." Well, it transpires that the Ford Foundation only gave a few thousand dollars to IPS, back in 1964, and that IPS hasn't given any money to "Quicksilver Times.""
Fact is, the Institute for Policy Studies had solid Rockefeller and Ford foundation ties through the elite employers of the founders. It also received millions from foundations as Ford, Soros, Rockefeller and others in later decades, certainly from the 1990s. Also, the Eastern Establishment most certainly is liberal elite. Buckley is simply doing basic "debunking" here, refusing to look at the bigger picture. - An association with the Heritage Foundation, but not too deep.
- The basis of the Buckley family's fortunes go back to William Buckley, Sr. (1881-1958), an oil explorer who became particularly rich from selling his oil to the Rockefeller family's Standard Oil, this after a 1939 or 1940 handshake deal, an unsual compromise made after five days of negotiating.
- 1991, Ellen Sue Blakey, 'To the Waters and the Wild: Petroleum Geology 1918 to 1941': "William Buckley, former lawyer and independent oil operator in Tampico, headed the Pantepec Oil Company of Mexico. He was accused several times of plotting to overthrow the Mexican Government, which did not see eye-to-eye with his interests. He was expelled from Mexico in 1921 as a result of his political maneuverings. [His family says Buckley was the only trustworthy oilman around and was forced out of the country due to political schemes of Standard Oil and the likes.]"
- 1987, Donald Carl Baldridge, 'Mexican petroleum and United States-Mexican relations, 1919-1923': "In 1913 he founded the Pantepec Oil Company of Mexico. Although a relatively small operation, the profits did not have to be shared and 42 Buckley soon accumulated a fortune. ... For a time in 1921, Buckley published his own news bulletin. Mexicans, he said, except for the "better class," lacked capacity for any occupation other than laboring for others. The constitution of 1917 particularly displeased Buckley who described this charter and the Revolution as the work of bandits. Because of the threat to private property in Article 27, Buckley maintained, the Constitution must be eliminated before it in infected all of western civilization."
- 2008, Reid Buckley, 'An American Family: The Buckleys', pp. 143-145: "Father had a low opinion of the Seven Sister, as Big Oil used to be alluded to in his times... He fought Standard Oil in Mexico and then later in Venezuela, on several levels. There is besides a persistent suspicion that it was a Mexican-based official of Standard Oil who hired the bandits who abducted him and Cecilio Valasco with the intention of killing them. But Father did not harbor grudges...
He liked to tell the story of his negotiations with Standard Oil in 1939 or '40, to which he wanted to sell the oil he had discovered in eastern Venezuela (and later under Lake Maracaibo). ... It was David negotiating against Goliath. Standard Oil arrived at the offices in New York in the person of a vice president and, I think Father said, not fewer than three lawyers. [Father] knew that Standard Oil wanted his Pantepec oil as much, or almost as much, as he wanted to sell that oil to the company. ... On the fifth morning, Father had yet another contract ready, which again totally unacceptable to the Standard Oil lawyers... [Now] there appeared then ten-president of Standard Oil (or of that division of Standard Oil). I do not recall his name. ... When the lawyer had ceased shouting, this man said to Father, "Mr. Buckley, I think I know what you want, and I think you know what we want. What do you say we shake on it." ... "And there has never been a contract between us," he would say proudly. "There has been no written contract between Standard Oil and Pantepec all these years, but both companies have kept their word." ... This deal was an unheard-of anomaly in the oil business. ... "There was never a dispute of which I am aware until Pantepec ran out of oil to sell." (I should add that many of us are largely still living off the fossil-fuel royalties..."
- Conservative online newspaper founded by Christopher Ruddy, its long-time CEO, in 1998.
- U.S. Alexa rank of 9,000 in early 2019, having dropped 2,000 over the course of a year. Back in July 2016, right before the Trump election, it was 676. Certainly anno 2021, it is rare to find Newsmax via Google, with similar search queries in Yahoo or DuckDuckGo often leading to Newsmax popping up right at the top.
- In the 1990s Ruddy was an anti-Clinton operative of the CIA-tied Richard Mellon Scaife, who put up much of the money to create Newsmax. Another initial invester was the daughter of controversial former CIA director William Casey, Bernadette Casey Smith. Similar to her father, she's a Knight of Malta and member of the OSS Society, where she continues to hobnob with past and present CIA directors and the top of the special operations community. By the late 2000s Scaife and Ruddy were the sole owners of Newsmax.
- March 6, 2014, Bloomberg, 'The Next Ailes: Newsmax's Chris Ruddy Preps TV Rival to Fox News': "In 1998, [Christopher] Ruddy raised $300,000 from investors—his first $25,000 was from Central Intelligence Agency Director William Casey's daughter Bernadette—and launched Newsmax.com."
- June 2, 2010, Media Matters for America, 'The money behind Ruddy (and maybe Newsweek): Richard Mellon Scaife': "Earlier today, Karl Frisch highlighted the interest of Newsmax's Christopher Ruddy in buying Newsweek. While Newsmax makes rich Republicans its target demographic -- according to Talkers magazine, 20 percent of its readership claims a net worth of $1 million or more -- it likely doesn't throw off enough money for Ruddy to purchase Newsweek without help. Enter Richard Mellon Scaife. Scaife, that longtime right-wing sugar daddy, has been Ruddy's benefactor for well over a decade, since Ruddy brought his Clinton conspiracy-mongering to the Scaife-owned Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. When Ruddy started Newsmax in 1997, Scaife was among the original investors, and by 2002 he was the third-largest shareholder. Today, all the other shareholders have been bought out, and Scaife and Ruddy are the sole owners of Newsmax, with Ruddy holding a majority stake."
- Lord William Rees-Mogg - formerly editor of The Times 1967-1981, vice-chair of the BBC's board of governors 1981-1986, and a Pilgrims Society member since 1995 - served as chairman of Newsmax 2000-2005. After that he became chairman of the advisory board. Former CIA director William Colby actually warned about Sen. John DeCamp about sticking his nose too deep in the affairs of Rees-Mogg and associates, implying they were dangerous, manipulative, intelligence-tied individuals.
- December 29, 2012, 'Lord Rees-Mogg, Former Chairman of Newsmax, Dies at 84': "William Rees-Mogg, one of Britain's leading journalists and a founding board member and chairman of Newsmax Media, has passed away in London at age 84. Lord Rees-Mogg served as Chairman of Newsmax's Board of Directors beginning in January 2000 through 2005, then becoming chairman of the company's international advisory board. ... Christopher Ruddy [is] CEO and founder of Newsmax Media...
Rees-Mogg co-authored three bestselling books with James Dale Davidson, founder of the National Taxpayers Union and also a founding board member of Newsmax." - 2005 (second edition), Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up', pp. 387-388: "At the time of his death, Bill [Colby] was working with Britain's Lord William Rees-Mogg, and his American sidekick, James Dale Davidson [also of Newsmax], publishing a series of newsletters, on international events, financial opportunities, and politics [Strategic Investment]. In fact, he was working on an article for one of those newsletters when he [Colby] died [under strange circumstances].
Rees-Mogg and Davidson are strange birds... After all, he [Rees-Mogg] used to write that in the coming age of society, an elite of 5% of the total population would rule over the other 95% as virtual slaves. But Rees-Mogg is not just nasty-- he represents great power... On several occasions, when I saw Bill or spoke with him during the last year of his life, I'd ask him whether I should subscribe to his newsletter, or, whether he'd just give me a few copies to look over. He always told me not to waste my money. "Ask me about any situation your interested in, and I'll give you as thorough a briefing as I possibly can. But don't believe a word you read in that newsletter I'm writing for."
Strange. But, then again, Bill Colby spent his entire adult life in the shadow world of spies and counter-spies. Maybe his involvement with Rees-Mogg was more complicated than I ever speculated...
And I recall another incident... Together with Rees-Mogg, the most savage press hound attacking Clinton was one Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, a Briton... [he] once called me, urgently demanding a meeting. I had never heard of him before, and so I asked Bill if he had ever heard of this fellow.... Bill answered, rather ominously, as I now look back, "His name is Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. And," he said, "be very careful.""
- December 29, 2012, 'Lord Rees-Mogg, Former Chairman of Newsmax, Dies at 84': "William Rees-Mogg, one of Britain's leading journalists and a founding board member and chairman of Newsmax Media, has passed away in London at age 84. Lord Rees-Mogg served as Chairman of Newsmax's Board of Directors beginning in January 2000 through 2005, then becoming chairman of the company's international advisory board. ... Christopher Ruddy [is] CEO and founder of Newsmax Media...
- Rather notorious superclass member, Kissinger protege, CIA insider, Knight of Malta, and Reagan secretary of state Alexander Haig served on the international advisory board of Newsmax:
- February 20, 2010, Newsmax, 'General Haig: A Great Warrior for Freedom Passes': "He also served on the international advisory board of Newsmax Media. ...
Nixon, impressed with both the political and military skills of Kissinger's young aide [Haig], eventually tapped him to be his White House chief of staff." - 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies', p. 74: "[Licio] Gelli [was] instructed ... to set up an anti-Communist parallel government in Italy in close cooperation with the CIA station in Rome. 'It was Ted Shackley, director of all covert operations of the CIA in Italy in the 1970s', an internal report of the Italian anti-terrorism unit confirmed, 'who presented the chief of the [P2] Masonic Lodge to Alexander Haig'. .... Nixon's National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger 'authorized Gelli in the fall of 1969 to recruit 400 high ranking Italian and NATO officers into his lodge'. (60)"
- February 20, 2010, Newsmax, 'General Haig: A Great Warrior for Freedom Passes': "He also served on the international advisory board of Newsmax Media. ...
- Columnists included CIA-tied individuals as Paul Weyrich and Arnaud de Borchgrave:
- newsmax.com/pundits/de_Borchgrave.shtml (accessed: June 27, 2003).
- newsmax.com/pundits/Weyrich.shtml (accessed: June 27, 2003).
- Apart from Christian conservative War on Terror propaganda, "Hot Topics" of the 2000s included "immigration/Borders" and [liberal] "Media Bias".
- Mentioned the Council on Foreign Relations over a 1,000 times in its articles over the decades:
- February 22, 2001, 'Rockefeller-led u.s. delegation cozies up to Castro': "The delegation, composed of members of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), often described by critics as a conspiratorial group covertly attempting to create and dominate the so-called new world order, praised Castro for his alleged knowledge and ability... Citing its vast influence over U.S. foreign policy, critics note that every U.S. secretary of state since at least the 1930s has been a CFR member.
To these so-called realists, we never should have ventured into Iraq to depose the regime of Saddam Hussein in the first place. As Scowcroft hectored U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in a semi-public forum three years ago, "at least with Saddam in power, we've had 50 years of peace."" - November 28, 2006, 'Should U.S. Hold Direct Talks With Iran?': "Talking to the funders and the strategists and the weapons-suppliers of the terrorists who are trying to kill us is called getting "real." And yet, a lot of very influential people, including two former National Security advisors, Brent Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brzezinski, and virtually the entire Council on Foreign Relations, believe that is what we should do."
- February 6, 2013, 'Geithner to Join Council on Foreign Relations Later This Month'.
- March 4, 2016, 'US Faces Market Crash, Political Upheaval, President Trump or Not ': "The Donald apparently did not have time to get miseducated by the Council on Foreign Relations or to hob knob with the GOP inner circle in Washington and the special interest group racketeers they coddle."
- December 24, 2013, 'Ray Kelly to Join Council on Foreign Relations': "Outgoing New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly will start work in January as a distinguished visiting fellow at..."
- December 15, 2016, 'Report: Trump Considering Richard Haass as No. 2 at State Dept.': "Trump is considering Richard Haass, who heads the Council on Foreign Relations, as deputy secretary of state, according to news reports."
- February 22, 2001, 'Rockefeller-led u.s. delegation cozies up to Castro': "The delegation, composed of members of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), often described by critics as a conspiratorial group covertly attempting to create and dominate the so-called new world order, praised Castro for his alleged knowledge and ability... Citing its vast influence over U.S. foreign policy, critics note that every U.S. secretary of state since at least the 1930s has been a CFR member.
- Ultraconservative news site founded in 1995 by the Catholic Heritage Foundation, a Catholic think tank historically deeply linked to Opus Dei, the Knights of Malta and Le Cercle - and thus the CIA. In 2006 Townhall was acquired by the Salem Media Group, whose co-founders, Stuart Epperson and Edward Atsinger, both served on the board of the CIA- and Pentagon-tied Council for National Policy. In fact, Epperson served as president of the CNP.
- townhall.com/aboutus (accessed: February 17, 2019): "In 2005, Townhall.com split off from The Heritage Foundation... In 2006, Townhall.com was acquired by Salem Media. Townhall.com is part of the Salem Web Network."
- salemmedia.com/about-us/executive-management/stuart-epperson/ (accessed: February 17, 2019): "Mr. Epperson has been Chairman of the Board of the Company since its inception. ... As co-founder of the Company..." This bio does not mention his Council for National Policy membership.
- December 2005, Mother Jones, 'A Higher Frequency': "Salem's founders, Stuart Epperson and Edward Atsinger III, have a far grander goal: spreading the word of the Lord. ... Both have served on the board of the Council for National Policy..."
- 2014 membership list, CNP: "Officers: President: Mr. Stuart W. Epperson."
- U.S. Alexa Rank of 1,823 as of February 2019.
- Trump-supporting news site registered in March 2016, with the first webarchive dating back to June 22, 2016, a few days after its founding and right before the elections.
- Included here for a number of reasons:
- TruePundit's founder, the for the longest time anonymous Michael D. Moore (not the liberal), used to be a protege of shady "Agency"-tied U.S. Marshall Richard Callaghan, who later in life was president of the AFIO's New Mexico chapter. Considering all former CIA directors and many deputy directors have been leading AFIO members, with the notorious Ted Shackley have played an important role as well in the AFIO, it should be immediately clear that TruePundit is not exactly "grassroots".
- Moore also is an ally of former FBI Counter-Intelligence Division unit chief and CIA liaison Robyn Gritz, who was worked out of the bureau in the 2013-2015 period, with her only public support being her long-time JSOC ally, Gen. Mike Flynn, the first national security advisor of Donald Trump. In November 2017 Moore and Gritz both appeared on a "Crowdsource the Truth" podcast to attack the FBI, this in the midst of the FBI-backed attack on Donald Trump in relation to claims of Russia collusion.
- Now it starts to make sense why Flynn and Flynn, Jr. pushed TruePundits' November 2, 2016 article that, apart from 4Chan, initiated the bogus Pizzagate affair. And why Blackwater's Erik Prince of the Council for National Policy-tied DeVos-Prince family pushed very similar information to Breitbart on November 4. It should be clear that there is more to the TruePundit founder than meets the eye.
- TruePundit.com has many claims to "fame", having been frequently featured in the mainstream media that tries to counter its claims:
- TruePundit already received a tiny bit of notoriety with its September 2, 2016 article 'NYPD: Hillary Clinton Was Wearing "Invisible" Earpiece To Receive Stealth Coaching During Live NBC TV Town Hall' that was retweeted that same day by actor James Woods, who commented "She literally can't help herself. She's the kind of sociopath who will lie even if the truth were more beneficial." The thing is, Hollywood actors are ultra-corrupt, with James Woods to be found among its tiny "conservative CIA" wing.
- TruePundit.com was the subject of an October 3, 2016 article of New York Magazine entitled 'Explaining the Viral Rumor That Hillary Clinton Wanted to Drone-Strike Julian Assange'. In the process, it received a nice domain rank-generating link by New York Magazine. Checking the url on Feb. 21, 2019, the link doesn't have any affixes excluding search engine link juice. Even then it would generate temporary domain rank boost for TruePundit over the increase in traffic it drives to the site.
- Really became notorious for its November 2, 2016 article 'BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury', the same day of the 4Chan post 'PODESTA IS A FUCKING PEDO' that initiated the bogus Pizzagate affair that helped undermine Hillary Clinton's election campaign.
The TruePundit article was retweeted by Trump's incoming national security advisor General Mike Flynn, the former JSOC intelligence chief and ally of former CIA director James Woolsey in the neocon Act! for America outfit. On November 4 Flynn's son also endorsed the article.
Also on November 4, it was Erik Prince of the CIA-dominated mercenary firm Blackwater USA, also a member of the "conservative CIA" multi-billionaire DeVos-Prince family that has played a leading role in the Council for National Policy, who referred to the exact same "New York Police Department" sources and made the exact same allegations as those in the TruePundit article, in his case to fellow-conservative propaganda site Breitbart.com ('Erik Prince: NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case').
The specifics here are discussed in ISGP's Pizzagate article under the heading A JSOC-Blackwater-CNP coup? General Mike Flynn, his son, and Erik Prince. - TruePundit again became notorious (although less) with its July 17, 2018 article 'FBI: Lisa Page Dimes Out Top FBI Officials During Classified House Testimony; Bureau Bosses Covered Up Evidence China Hacked Hillary's Top Secret Emails'. The story was shared over 22,000 by Trump-supporting social media trolls, prompting "liberal CIA"-backed fact-checking sites as politifact.com found the story necessary to debunk again, in the process putting active links to relevant TruePundit.com and Newspunch.com (formerly YourNewsWire.com) article, only driving more traffic to these disinformation websites and aiding them in their domain rank. Again: a February 21, 2019 check of the urls shows that no affixes have been used to exclude link juice.
- Fascinatingly, in September 2018 TruePundit.com peaked around global Alexa rank of 20k, which would roughly give it a U.S. Alexa rank within 5,000. It steadily dropped after that to a U.S. rank of 11,170 by February 21, 2019. One wonders why Google just doesn't downrank this site, similar to it has done with ISGP. Or why the media talks about TruePundit, but not ISGP.
- Little information existed for the longest time about TruePundit's creator. Only after some time it was found out that it was the creation of Twitter user @Thomas1774Paine (Mike 'Thomas Paine' Moore). This account started tweeting on July 4, 2015 with simple comments every few days to Trump and other politicians. He had zero likes or feedback until the spring of 2016. Thus, previously, this Michael D. Moore was nothing more than a basic Twitter troll.
- As of February 21, 2019, Moore has 197,124 Twitter followers, but - "strangely" - has pretty much the same engagement in likes compared to June 2016 when he started the site, had about 16,000 Twitter followers, and wasn't known - at all - yet. It looks as if he has fake followers for the most part - probably similar to tons of other troll accounts.
- The creator has always tried to remain anonymous, but was partly exposed by Buzzfeed on August 27, 2018. Michael D. Moore immediately countered on his TruePundit.com with a number of interesting revelations that have already been summarized earlier, most notably that he was groomed as a "dirt digger" by a CIA-tied U.S. Marshall and also worked under a former head of the FBI's New York Office in digging dirt on rivals of billionaire Steve Wynn, including on Donald Trump at the time. On top of that, he is very close to Trump's first Nationl Security Advisor - who helped his website with pushing Pizzagate-type disinformation on the Clintons - through FBI whistleblower Robyn Gritz, with whom he was running an anti-FBI operation ti help protect Trump in 2017 and 2018. Moore's "intelligence" ties remain vague though.
- August 27, 2018, buzzfeednews.com, 'Revealed: Notorious Pro-Trump Misinformation Site True Pundit Is Run By An Ex-Journalist With A Grudge Against The FBI': "Paine has also talked publicly about leaving journalism in the late '90s to work in "intelligence." During that same time period, Moore created a company called Dig Dirt that he described as an investigations service. ...
He was arrested by federal agents [FBI] in November 2011 for running two websites that sold pirated hockey DVDs and downloads. Months earlier, FBI agents executed a search warrant on his home and carted off the equipment he used to pirate hockey games and other content.
Moore pleaded guilty to one count of copyright infringement in June 2013. He was sentenced to time served of one day in prison, a year of house arrest, and three years of supervised release." - August 27, 2018, TruePundit.com, 'FBI Raid Thomas Paine's House, Point Guns At His Young Children; How an Award-Winning Reporter Became Thomas Paine': "My name is Michael Moore. No, not the Lib movie guy Michael Moore (Now you understand why I use a pseudonym) I have won numerous awards in journalism... A Certified Fraud Examiner too, I worked for Citi [Citibank? Citigroup?] running its anti-money laundering Ops in three states. Until the FBI ruined that career. ...
The seeds of True Pundit were sewn shortly after Barack Obama's election in 2008, when Holder started to grab the reigns of the Justice Department. And the FBI pointed guns at my sons and wife.
During the interrogation by FBI agents I referred back to some "federal" training I had after I left journalism in 1996 at the Bergen Record in Hackensack, N.J. My Intel godfather was Dick Callaghan [president of New Mexico's AFIO chapter] a north Jersey and New York legend who literally wrote the fugitive apprehension manual for the U.S. Marshals before he took on assorted, more complicated assignments for the Agency [CIA?] and other clandestine folks. Callaghan lured me out of journalism... Dick was more like a father to me than a mentor. I mimicked his old school way of intelligence gathering based on the main tenet: Never Rat on Your Friends, Colleagues. Always have their six. ...
I am convinced at this point that some job I did for the feds went sideways and I've been compromised. Or someone in my group got leaned on and gave me up, divulged some of the sensitive things we worked on. We pulled many jobs, mostly for the federal government and top brass in the FBI and many other agencies. If you are familiar with Fusion GPS in 2016-2018 [intelligence-tied firm that researchers political candidates as Donald Trump], I was the grandfather of that type of hybrid Intel operation where we combined feds with retired journalists and rained holy hell on private targets. That was in the mid 1990s, long before Fusion GPS. Name a government agency and we worked for it, along with Fortune 100 companies. We could glean corporate Intel from under-used databases, nab public records, or get our hands dirty. ...
We ran an Intel arm for Steve Wynn's Mirage out of Las Vegas. Wynn and Trump were embroiled in an epic legal battle. ... These two magnates had a team of Intel and ex FBI, CIA on their payrolls digging dirt on one another. We were up to our necks in anti-Trump dirt, working for Wynn's security Chief Tom Sheer, former FBI SAC of the New York FBI [head of the FBI's New York office around the late 1970s to the mid 1980s, while it was rounding up the mafia]. My crew was on Team Wynn and we were battling Team Trump. ... Once at breakfast at the Four Seasons in Philadelphia, Sheer complimented me on the group's performance for gathering Trump Intel for Wynn." - November 24, 2017 "Jason Goodman" YouTube upload, Crowdsource The Truth podcast, 'Live with Former FBI Special Agent Robyn Gritz and Thomas Paine of True Pundit': "I left journalism at that time [in the late '90s] and I moved right into intel. ... We were in New York City and we were in, like, our twenties. So we were always into trouble [going out]...
[Gritz:] What Thomas just said actually is probably the reason: it's these political animals starting to get into place [in the 2000s]...
General Flynn, I met him when he was Colonel Flynn in 2005, and worked significantly throughout my career with him on counter-terrorism operations, assisting him where the FBI could - him and General McChrystal, the head of JSOC 2003-2008. ... I would say he is bluntly honest. ...
I had filed an EEO complaint. Within 5 days Andy McCabe [deputy director FBI 2016-2018 who clashed with Trump over Russia charges; fired in March 2018 by Trump's attorney general Jeff Sessions 26 hours before being eligible to receive a full FBI pension, forcing him to work - somewhere - for another 6-7 years] signed off on the OPR investigation against me. ... I got removed from a GS-15 [pay grade] detailing position to the CIA ... and I was relegated to a unit back in FBI headquarters.
[The thing is, I] shouldn't be attending FBI meetings as I was [accused of]. I had to be at the CIA when they needed me. ... CIA does all your taskings. All your time and attendance. All your travel. ..." - December 5, 2018 letter of former FBI agent Robyn Gritz to Judge Sullivan in support of Gen. Michael Flynn: "I served as ... Unit Chief, and a Senior Liaison Officer to the CIA. I served on the NSC's Hostage and Personnel Working Group and brought numerous Americans out of captivity... While serving at the CIA, detailed by the FBI in January 2012, I was responsible for overseas investigations, as opposed to Continental United States-based (CONUS) cases. Unfortunately, during my assignment at the CIA, I encountered extensive discrimination by two FBI Special Agents and subsequently, in 2012, I filed an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complain... CTD Assistant Director Andrew McCabe chose to authorize a retaliatory Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) investigation against me...
I met Michael Flynn in 2005, while working in the Counterterrorism Division (CTD) at FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ). ... I was commended by Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Gen. Keith Alexander (NSA Director), and LtG. Michael Flynn as well as others for leading [this FBI] interagency operation.
[Flynn] has been a mentor and someone I trust... The day after I resigned from the FBI, while I was crying, Mike reached out and congratulated me on my early retirement. I really needed to hear that from someone I respected so much. His support for the last 13 years has been unparalleled and extremely valuable in helping me get through the trauma of betrayal, unethical behavior, illegal activity executed against me and to rebuild my life. ... Our continued friendship and subsequent friendship with his family has helped all of us cope...
[Council for National Policy member] Thomas Fitton of [the Scaife-funded propaganda outlet] Judicial Watch commented to me that the "Process is the punishment." This is the most accurate description I have heard regarding the time Mike has gone through..."
- August 27, 2018, buzzfeednews.com, 'Revealed: Notorious Pro-Trump Misinformation Site True Pundit Is Run By An Ex-Journalist With A Grudge Against The FBI': "Paine has also talked publicly about leaving journalism in the late '90s to work in "intelligence." During that same time period, Moore created a company called Dig Dirt that he described as an investigations service. ...
- Represented by an Republic Party lawyer with a peculiar ACLU history:
- March 6, 2018, TruePundit.com, 'Lawyer Hammers Twitter For Unauthorized Tampering with Security Settings to Damage Traffic of Conservative News Site True Pundit': " True Pundit's legal counsel Harmeet Dhillon..."
- June 2013, Darthmouth Almuni Magazine, 'The Outsider': "After she graduated with a degree in classics, Dhillon began work as an assistant editor at the Heritage Foundation's Policy Review magazine. ... She's a former president of the nation's largest chapter of the conservative and libertarian Federalist Society, one-time law clerk for Paul Niemeyer on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, and active campaigner for Republican presidential candidates from Jack Kemp to Romney. [What] absolutely unhinges the party priests is the three years she spent as a board member of the American Civil Liberties Union. [She] joined the board of the northern California chapter of the ACLU in 2002. [She's also relatively pro-immigration]."
- Additional tweet examples:
- June 17, 2016 tweet: "Islam: A Religion that unites people to test their faith and foot speed. #trump #neverhillary #Orlando #truepundit"
- June 18, 2016 tweet: "Reply to @Cernovich: no jet fuel in Building 7. Once you realize, learn, discover what was warehoused in 7, may shed light on why it didn't survive."
- June 18, 2016 tweet: "When your %s are > than @Nero [Milo Yiannopoulos] The message is resonating. Been Tweeting politics for less than 3 months. THX FOLKS! [Screenshot reveals: a 90% increase in followers to 16.2k, a 181% increase in "tweet impressions" to 3.15m,and profile visits increase of 155.3% to 149k. Meanwhile, most of his tweets get 1-4 likes and about 50 on average for tweets with pictures] "
- June 19, 2016 tweet: "TruePundit.com @true_pundit is working on a National story for Tuesday that is quite disturbing for all Patriots. Developing #FBI"
- June 19, 2016 tweet: "[Picture of the Clinton couple:] Alligators never get the people who really deserve it."
- Truthrevolt.org is/was a conservative news site founded in 2013, owned by the historically Olin, Bradley, Scaife and Mercer-funded David Horowitz Freedom Center.
- August 13, 2013, Breitbart, 'Breitbart Editor-at-Large Shapiro to Launch Anti-Media Matters Counterpunch with David Horowitz': "Beginning next month, Breitbart News Editor-At-Large Ben Shapiro will be leading the launch of a new project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center: TruthRevolt.org, an activism program designed to "unmask leftists in the media for who they are, destroy their credibility with the American public, and devastate their funding bases.""
- davidhorowitzfreedomcenter.org (accessed: February 17, 2019): "Film writer Mark Tapson manages TruthRevolt [for us], a Center site that attracts 2.5 million visitors a month and introduces them to a battle many are not yet aware of."
- Anno 2019 even pushes Paul Joseph Watson, the long-time employee of famous CIA-tied conspiracy guru Alex Jones.
- March 7, 2018, CNN, 'Video: CNN Attacks Paul Joseph Watson! CNN is like a jealous ex who won't leave us alone.': "I don't know if you noticed, but [for] the past three years, I've debunked conspiracy theories. Here. Here [''Demon' Caught on Camera During Obama Visit']. Here ['Revealed: The Truth About Hillary's Handler']. Here ['Walmart Death Camps Martial Law Takeover']. Here. Here. Here. Did I believe in some out there conspiracy theories when I was younger? Yeah, then I grew up. ...
I didn't push the conspiracy theory that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. ['Experts: Iraq has tons of chemical weapons'] A conspiracy theory that led to hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, thousands of dead and maimed U.S. troops, a ruined country, and the rise of ISIS. ...
I didn't promote the conspiracy theory that Libyan militias and moderate rebels in Syria were "freedom fighters", when in reality they were Islamic Jihadists: Al Qaeda and ISIS fanatics - a conspiracy theory that led to two ruined countries, the destabilization of an entire region of the world, and an international migrant crisis. ...
I didn't promote the conspiracy theory that socialism, which has caused untold misery everywhere in the world where it is being tried, is coooool! [Note: what about western Europe, Canada, Australia, or even the U.S.?] ...
We really make so much money off YouTube ads at this point. Like, 90 percent of our content, already is demonitized anyway."
- March 7, 2018, CNN, 'Video: CNN Attacks Paul Joseph Watson! CNN is like a jealous ex who won't leave us alone.': "I don't know if you noticed, but [for] the past three years, I've debunked conspiracy theories. Here. Here [''Demon' Caught on Camera During Obama Visit']. Here ['Revealed: The Truth About Hillary's Handler']. Here ['Walmart Death Camps Martial Law Takeover']. Here. Here. Here. Did I believe in some out there conspiracy theories when I was younger? Yeah, then I grew up. ...
- Conservative newspaper founded in 1982 by Reverend Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Moonie Cult, tied front anything to General Douglas MacArthur, Japan's Black Dragon Society and the American Security Council to the CIA to the International Security Council.
- May 25, 2011, Huffington Post, 'Why the Reported Sale of the Moonies Washington Times for $1 Requires Greater Scrutiny!': "The Washington Post has recently reported that Moon is personally trying to buy the Washington Times back from Unification Church International (UCI), after having turned it over to his son, Hyun-jin Moon in 2006. Sun Myung Moon, through his loyal agent Doug Joo, has made an agreement to purchase the paper in a deal expected to be finalized within a month. ...
The Moon organization owns United Press International, as well as the conservative Washington Times. Its founding editorial page editor, William Cheshire, resigned his position in 1987, charging that Unification Church executives controlled the Times' editorial policy. Moon himself said in a 1991 speech, "Literally nine hundred million to one billion dollars has been spent to activate and run the Washington Times." It has been estimated that at least another billion has been spent on the Times since then. One has to ask, why spend this kind of money on an unprofitable newspaper, if not for political influence?"
- May 25, 2011, Huffington Post, 'Why the Reported Sale of the Moonies Washington Times for $1 Requires Greater Scrutiny!': "The Washington Post has recently reported that Moon is personally trying to buy the Washington Times back from Unification Church International (UCI), after having turned it over to his son, Hyun-jin Moon in 2006. Sun Myung Moon, through his loyal agent Doug Joo, has made an agreement to purchase the paper in a deal expected to be finalized within a month. ...
- Conservative news site founded in 1997 by Council for National Policy member Joseph Farah as part of this Western Journalist Center. It was spun off as a separate entity in 1999.
- The Western Journalist Center was a recipient of major Richard Mellon Scaife funding with the purpose of attacking the Clinton administration. It also received other foundation funding.
- March 8, 1998, The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Washington), 'Man Behind The Mud Billionaire Digs Deep To Fund Crusades Against Clinton': "In 1995, a Scaife foundation donated $230,000 of the [Western Journalism] Center's total receipts of $501,318. Its sole mission, according to founder and director Joseph Farah, is questioning the official [Vince] Foster findings."
- conservativetransparency.org/recipient/western-journalism-center/ (accessed: February 18, 2019): "Castle Rock Foundation [Coors]: ... $98,500, 1997.
Donner Foundation: ... $37,500, 1998. ... $75,000, 1999. ... $37,500, 2000."
- WorldNetDaily actually was involved in pushing 9/11-no-plane disinformation early on:
- March 11, 2002, Geoff Metcalf for World Net Daily, 'So where is the plane?': "Recently, an interesting French website [of Thierry Meyssan] has been asking questions about the crash of American Airlines Flight 77, which reportedly crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11. ... Click on the French link and let us know what you think. I have also viewed the MSNBC footage over two dozen times and I still can't see the plane. Can you?"
- Alt right Dutch news site that has a huge focus on daily affairs in parliament. To this author it seems the newspaper only gives attention to "Manchurian candidates" from both sides of the spectrum.
- April 27, 2010, Dagelijkse Standaard.nl, 'Sargasso vindt Nazi vergelijking Wilders ok' (typical article, including a reference to an ): "Het zat er natuurlijk in en het is er inderdaad van gekomen. Het linkse goedpraten van het programma van Zembla is begonnen. Een Nazi-vergelijking moet immers best kunnen anno 2010. Aldus Carlos van het weblog Sargasso..."
- Headlines on the frontpage as of Dec. 23, 2023: "'Linkse mediahysterie: Nu.nl zet aan tot paniek over PVV als grootste partij' ... 'Dijkgraaf [of The Post Online] onthult verspilling: Belastingbetalers betalen 250 tot 270 euro per dag voor hotelkamers' ... 'Minister Kuipers noemt 60-plussers "dom": De arrogante elite slaat weer toe!' ... 'Teruggehaalde jhadisten in Nederland: Een tikkende tijdbom door falend beleid' ... 'Trump in 2024 niet op stembiljet in Colorado: een schaamteloze aanval op de democratie'...'Peiling! PVV op monsterscore (48 zetels!), VVD totaal vernietigd (13)'..."
- Dec. 23, 2023, Dagelijke Standaard, 'De huren gaan omhoog: maximaal 5,8%' (perfect example of a twisted fascist-type libertarian Milton Friedman-type "solution"): "De maximale huurstijging voor sociale huurwoningen is vastgesteld op 5,8% voor volgend jaar. Op het eerste gezicht lijkt dit een meevaller [Note: in contrast, that's unbelievably high], zeker in vergelijking met de angstaanjagende inflatiecijfers die we tegenwoordig zien. Maar laten we niet te vroeg juichen. ...
Dan hebben we nog de 'beperkingen' voor huurprijzen in de vrije sector. Tot 1 mei 2024 mogen deze met 5,5 procent stijgen. Een schijnbaar genereus gebaar van de overheid, maar laten we wel wezen: dit is slechts een tijdelijke maatregel. Minister De Jonge werkt aan een nieuwe wet om de huurders 'te beschermen' na deze periode. Beschermen? Of ketenen aan een verstikkend overheidsbeleid?
Laten we duidelijk zijn: huiseigenaren zijn geen filantropen. Zij willen winst maken op hun investeringen. Door hen te dwingen zich te conformeren aan prijslimieten, verstikt de overheid het enthousiasme om te investeren in nieuwe woningen. Dit is geen oplossing voor de wooncrisis, dit is een recept voor stagnatie.
De oplossing? Simpel. Laat de vrije markt haar werk doen. Geef verhuurders de vrijheid hun eigen prijzen te bepalen. Dit stimuleert investeringen en leidt tot meer woningaanbod. Alleen dan kunnen we de echte problemen in onze verstikte woningmarkt aanpakken." Even regular commentators started criticizing this suggestion.
- As is quite usual, anno 2023-2024 virtually all of the Dagelijkse Standaard article commentors are "left is bad"-type trolls, who could easily be replaced by AI (if a portion isn't that already). A test-comment of this author exposing corruption of one of the site's major enemies, days before the elections, and based on transcriptions of secret recordings, got 1 upvote, in contrast to all the "the left is bad!" comments, which went up to 18 upvotes.
- Founded in 2009 and owned until 2016 by Joshua Livestro: Educated at elite Leiden University (where the royal family also goes) and the University of Cambridge. Got to know the "corridors of power" as a political advisor to leading Tories, working from the London headquarters of Conservative Party. Became an evangelical Christian. Employee of then-European Commissioner (and "conservative" Bilderberger) Frits Bolkestein in Brussel from October 1999 until 2002. In this period he was among those trying to introduce an American-type of "anti-left", pro-growth" Christian (neo)conservativism in the Netherlands:
- Sep. 8, 2000, B. J. Spruyt (Livestro's ally in the new Edmund Burke Stichting) for the Reformatorisch Dagblad, 'ChristenUnie moet kerntaken overheid definiëren': "Er staat veel in het beginselprogramma van de ChristenUnie waarin een conservatief zich kan vinden. Maar de sociaal-economische paragrafen en de uitspraken over het milieu zijn op z'n minst discutabel. Joshua Livestro, christen en persoonlijk assistent van eurocommissaris Bolkestein, legt uit waarom. Hij hoopt dat zijn kritische kanttekeningen tot een „gewetensvol zelfonderzoek” bij de ChristenUnie zullen leiden.
Joshua Livestro (1970) studeerde politieke wetenschappen in Leiden en schreef bij de docent rechtsfilosofie dr. A. A. M. Kinneging een scriptie over ”Nietzsche en het aristocratische ethos”. Na een mastersopleiding politieke filosofie aan de universiteit van Cambridge, leerde hij de Londense „wandelgangen van de macht” kennen als medewerker op het hoofdbureau van de Conservatieve Partij. Hij was daar politiek adviseur van leden van het schaduwkabinet van de Tories. Sinds oktober 1999 is hij in Brussel persoonlijk assistent van eurocommissaris F. Bolkestein. ...
Door een ingezonden stuk op de opiniepagina van de Volkskrant vestigde Livestro begin dit najaar onverwacht de aandacht op zich. Het artikel was een geloofsbelijdenis en een aanval op EO-directeur Andries Knevel [who condescendingly interviewed Geert Wilders post-9/11], die kort daarvoor had gezegd dat christenen hun boodschap beter moesten laten aansluiten op de postmoderne cultuur die Nederland in haar greep heeft. ...
Livestro is geen lid geworden van een christelijke politieke partij. „Ik kom uit een echt VVD-nest en dat zit diep geworteld." ...
Livestro noemt het een misverstand dat conservatieven zich niet voor milieuvraagstukken zouden interesseren. ... "We moeten ons uitgangspunt niet nemen in de vraag hoeveel natuur en delfstoffen we nog overhebben. Het rapport van de Club van Rome uit 1973 kon geen uitgangspunt van beleid zijn en hoefde dat ook niet te zijn. De bevolking is inderdaad gegroeid, maar de voorspelde rampen hebben zich niet voltrokken, omdat we met elkaar nieuwe ideeën hebben ontwikkeld om van de natuur gebruik te maken." ... De paragrafen over het milieu uit de diverse documenten van de ChristenUnie zijn mij te pessimistisch. Zij lijken te suggereren dat rentmeesterschap en economische groei niet samen kunnen gaan, dat we dus omwille van de schepping terug zouden moeten naar het nulgroei-denken van de jaren zeventig."
- Sep. 8, 2000, B. J. Spruyt (Livestro's ally in the new Edmund Burke Stichting) for the Reformatorisch Dagblad, 'ChristenUnie moet kerntaken overheid definiëren': "Er staat veel in het beginselprogramma van de ChristenUnie waarin een conservatief zich kan vinden. Maar de sociaal-economische paragrafen en de uitspraken over het milieu zijn op z'n minst discutabel. Joshua Livestro, christen en persoonlijk assistent van eurocommissaris Bolkestein, legt uit waarom. Hij hoopt dat zijn kritische kanttekeningen tot een „gewetensvol zelfonderzoek” bij de ChristenUnie zullen leiden.
- Bolkestein also is the mentor of the alt-right future Dutch prime minister Geert Wilders, and himself also was quite neoconservative right-wing. However, at the same time Bolkestein was Shell manager in the 1960-1976 period, visited Bilderberg in 1996 and from 2002 to 2004, spoke at the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI) in 2000, spoke at the 2001 annual meeting of the Trilateral Commission in 2001, spoke at the CFR in 2003-2004, joined the advisory board of the Nexus Institute, loaded with other globalist-oriented Bilderberg veterans such as future Bilderberg co-chair Victor Halbertstadt, no later than 2003. In May 2005 he joined the international advisory board of Mikhail Khodorkovsky's Bank Menatep / Group Menatep Limited, the holding company of the giant Yukos oil firm. In the Open Russia Foundation, Khodorkovsky was a co-trustee of Henry Kissinger and Lord Jacob Rothschild, the latter whom received his Yukos shared after his arrest by Putin in 2003. In 2002 Khodorkovsky had joined the board of the International Crisis Group alongside Zbigniew Brzezinki.
- Co-founder of the Edmund Burke Stichting / Foundation in December 2000, while working for Bilderberg man Frits Bolkestein, its purpose being to introduce libertarianism / neoliberalism in the Netherlands along Christian conservative and neoconservative lines. It received a lot of funding from Pfizer and Microsoft until the heavily anti-Islam Geert Wilders left Bolkestein's VVD Party in 2004. In this period, even future FVD party leader Thierry Baudet visited the Edmund Burke Foundation:
- Oct. 14, 2005, Groene Amsterdammer, 'De Amerikaanse lobby': "Samen met een groep sympathisanten begonnen Joshua Livestro, de toenmalige medewerker van eurocommissaris Frits Bolke stein, en Bart Jan Spruyt, voormalig politiek redacteur van het Reformatorisch Dagblad, een denktank naar model van de Amerikaanse Heritage Foundation. Naam: de Edmund Burke Stichting. Doel: het verspreiden van het conservatieve gedachtegoed in Nederland. ...
De scheuring binnen de neoconservatieve Edmund Burke Stichting is mede veroorzaakt door het Amerikaanse farmaceutische concern Pfizer. Dat bedrijf financierde de stichting met in totaal 470.000 dollar, in de hoop dat ze het politieke klimaat in Nederland in gunstige zin zou beïnvloeden. Maar toen directeur Bart Jan Spruyt zich verbond met de uitgetreden VVD’er [Geert] Wilders besloot Pfizer afgelopen zomer de betalingen te staken. Pfizer overweegt nu over te stappen naar het European Independent Institute, een afsplitsing van de Burke Stichting. ...
De financiële middelen moesten komen van particuliere geldschieters. Aanvankelijk waren dat alleen Nederlanders. Twee startsubsidies van de gebroeders Baan, van het gelijknamige softwarebedrijf, zetten de eerste zoden aan de dijk. Het «conservatieve moment», zoals ook de kop luidde waarmee Livestro in NRC Handelsblad het startschot gaf voor de denktank, bleek inspirerend genoeg om, op het hoogtepunt, rond de 250 geldschieters te vinden. Met dat geld kon de stichting een pand aan het Noord einde in Den Haag betrekken en vier medewerkers in dienst nemen. Maar onderweg is er iets fout gegaan. De donaties van Nederlandse sympathisanten liepen snel terug. Die afvalligheid kwam in een stroomversnelling toen Spruyt in 2004 een openlijke samenwerking aanging met de uitgetreden VVD’er Geert Wilders. Voor haar budget, intussen gegroeid tot 330.000 euro, werd de stichting voor het overgrote deel afhankelijk van Amerikaanse sponsors: de multinationals Pfizer en Microsoft." - July 10, 2003, Nederlands Dagblad, 'Burke Stichting ontslaat Livestro': "Mededirecteur Bart Jan Spruyt neemt de taken van Livestro over. ... Volgens het bestuur van de Edmund Burke Stichting, die in Nederland het conservatieve gedachtegoed wil verspreiden, ligt de reden van het ontslag ,,in de zakelijke sfeer''. Er zou geen sprake zijn van verschil van inzicht over de te volgen koers. ... Bestuursvoorzitter P. Bouma zegt het ,,jammer'' te vinden dat Livestro is ontslagen. ,,Maar de omstandigheden lieten ons geen andere keus.
Joshua Livestro (1970) is in april door het bestuur op non-actief gesteld. De in Brussel woonachtige Livestro is lid van de VVD en is voormalig medewerker van eurocommissaris Bolkestein. Bart Jan Spruyt heeft een SGP-achtergrond en was voorheen werkzaam bij het Reformatorisch Dagblad." - Sep.-Oct. 2018, dewitteraaf.be, 'De opmars van het nederconservatisme': "In februari 2001 verscheen een al gauw veelbesproken essay in NRC Handelsblad. Daarin werd vol branie gesteld dat het ‘conservatieve moment’ was aangebroken. De auteur van het essay was Joshua Livestro, de toenmalige speechschrijver van Eurocommissaris Frits Bolkestein. ...
Twee maanden eerder had Livestro samen met andere conservatieven een conservatieve denktank opgericht: de Edmund Burke Stichting, genoemd naar de grondlegger van het conservatisme, Edmund Burke. Zijn essay kon op bijval rekenen van Paul Cliteur, net als Livestro een teleurgestelde VVD’er en betrokken bij de Burke Stichting. Cliteur pleitte – opnieuw in NRC – voor een heuse conservatieve revolutie. ...
Bart Jan Spruyt en Michiel Visser – medeoprichters van de Burke Stichting – publiceerden in 2003 het spraakmakende Conservatief manifest. ‘‘Links’ heeft ons land oneindig veel problemen gebracht en nu is het tijd dat ‘Rechts’ zijn wortels herontdekt om de schade te herstellen,’ schreven Spruyt en Visser. ...
In dezelfde periode vond ook in Vlaanderen een opleving van het conservatisme plaats. In augustus 2003 publiceerde de toen nog relatief onbekende Bart De Wever van de N-VA een lofrede op het conservatieve gedachtegoed van Edmund Burke in De Standaard." - May 31, 2019, Dekanttekening.nl, 'Bart Jan Spruyt: ‘Had Wilders maar geluisterd’': "Of Thierry Baudet de ideale conservatieve politicus is? Daarover staat Spruyt in dubio. Hij en Baudet kennen elkaar erg lang: Baudet bezocht de zomerschool van de Edmund Burke Stichting toen hij nog student was. Spruyt heeft waardering voor Baudets recente essay, waarin de FvD-voorman de abortus- en euthanasiepraktijk en het individualisme in Nederland ter discussie stelt. ... Toch is Spruyt ook kritisch. ‘Dat geflirt met alt-rechtse ideeën’ noemt hij onverstandig."
- Oct. 14, 2005, Groene Amsterdammer, 'De Amerikaanse lobby': "Samen met een groep sympathisanten begonnen Joshua Livestro, de toenmalige medewerker van eurocommissaris Frits Bolke stein, en Bart Jan Spruyt, voormalig politiek redacteur van het Reformatorisch Dagblad, een denktank naar model van de Amerikaanse Heritage Foundation. Naam: de Edmund Burke Stichting. Doel: het verspreiden van het conservatieve gedachtegoed in Nederland. ...
- In June 2016 Livestro sold the Dagelijkse Standaard to his editor/employee Michael van der Galien, who continued the paper:
- August 14, 2009, HP/De Tijd, 'Mafketel De Dagelijkse Standaard zou een fatsoenlijk-rechts weblog worden, zo beloofde hoofdredacteur Joshua Livestro (ex-Buitenhof, thans Telegraaf-columnist) in februari in De Wereld Draait Door aan Matthijs van Nieuwkerk': "Maar afgelopen weekeinde liet redacteur Michael van der Galiën zich toch verleiden een persoonlijke vete – met de als links [note: temporarily/all of a sudden] bekendstaande collega-blogger Bert Brussen [of The Post Online] – uit te vechten op DagelijkseStandaard.nl. Van der Galiën, die vanuit Friesland blogt over Amerika en wist te vertellen dat ‘linkse knokploegen’ aldaar ‘stelselmatig rechtse burgers in elkaar slaan’ [i.e. antifa], werd door Brussen neergezet als ‘geestelijk gestoorde’ en schreef een zuur stukje onder de kop ‘Bert Brussen uit de bocht’."
- In 2014 Livestro founded Jalta.nl, bringing the whole (Bilderberg) gang together again, and eventually steering it in an "anti-conspiracy" - including no "white genocide" direction:
- jalta.nl:80/columnisten/ (accessed: Dec. 2, 2014): "Joshua Livestro ... Bart Jan Spruyt ... Frits Bolkestein ... Thierry Baudet ... Pieter Omtzigt [major prime ministrial candidate in 2023] ... Annabel Nanninga ... Bart Schut..."
- jalta.nl/columnisten/ (accessed: March 18, 2015): "Overzicht van al onze Medewerkers: Redactie: ... Joshua Livestro, Hoofdredacteur ... Annabel Nanninga, Adjunct Hoofdredacteur ... Bart Schut, Redacteur ... Columnisten: ... Frits Bolkestein ... Thierry Baudet ... Pieter Omtzigt ... Derk Jan Eppink [Kabinetsmedewerker Frits Bolkestein (Europese commissie) 1999-2004; vicefractievoorzitter Europese Conservatieven en Hervormers 2011-2014, 2019-2021; Lid Europees Parlement namens FVD 2019-2020; MP for JA21 2021-2023, BBB Sep.-Dec. 2023] ... Bart Jan Spruyt ... Carel Brendel ... Tim Engelbart ... Anna Grebenchtchikova [Cambridge University, Utrecht University council 2010-2011, chair pension committee and exec. comm. CNV Youths labor union 2014-2016, active for D66 2015-2016, Goldman Sachs intern June-Aug. 2017, consultant McKinsey & Co. 2021-] ... Dieuwertje Kuijpers [Follow the Money]... "
- By 2017 Livestro was using the mainstream media to prop himself up as a "mainstream conservative" similar to the (elite CIA operative) William Buckley (and arguably his Bilderberg mentor Frits Boklkestein), distancing himself and Jalta.nl from any "elite" or "white genocide" conspiracy theories promoted by "modern John Birchers" as Thierry Baudet, Geert Wilders, or even Jan Roos of PowNed:
- June 3, 2017, Joshua Livestro for the Volkskrant, 'Jalta-hoofdredacteur is klaar met paranoïde samenzweringsverhalenen en idiote racistische theorieën': "Het discours op de rechterflank wordt gekaapt door complotdenkers, stelt Joshua Livestro, die in het verleden verschillende van hen een kans gaf op zijn opiniesite Jalta. Tijd om een grens te trekken.
In januari 1962 kwam in Palm Beach, Florida, een klein gezelschap van prominente Republikeinen bijeen. Onder hen waren de oprichter en hoofdredacteur van het conservatieve tijdschrift National Review William F. Buckley, en de toekomstige Republikeinse presidentskandidaat Barry Goldwater. De bijeenkomst had tot doel het ontwikkelen van een strategie om de Republikeinse Partij te vrijwaren van invloeden van de extremistische John Birch Society (JBS). ...
Buckleys methode sorteerde het gewenste effect. Bijna een halve eeuw lang zou de hoofdstroom van de Republikeinse Partij gevrijwaard blijven van de samenzweringstheorieën waarop de Birch Society het patent had. Totdat de gebeurtenissen van 2016 de Republikeinse vrede ruw verstoorden. De aanhang koos voor een man wiens politieke agenda dicht aanschuurde tegen het Bircherisme. Donald Trump grossiert in samenzweringstheorieën: Obama had zijn geboorteakte vervalst om president te kunnen worden; de vader van zijn Republikeinse rivaal Ted Cruz was betrokken bij de moord op Kennedy... Hoe het conflict ook wordt genoemd - 'burgeroorlog' (Janmaat-biograaf Joost Niemöller, vorig jaar genomineerd voor de Prinsjesboekenprijs voor het beste politieke boek), 'clash' (AD-journalist Wierd Duk), ja zelfs 'doodsstrijd' (FvD-Kamerlid Thierry Baudet) - het beeld is dat van Nederland en Europa op de rand, waarin nog maar één keuze resteert: strijden of ondergaan. Dus waarschuwt men voor een 'revolte' (PVV-leider Geert Wilders), of benadrukt men de wenselijkheid van 'vechten voor het vaderland' (voormalig VNL-lijsttrekker Jan Roos), een 'staatsgreep' (GeenStijl-redacteur Marck Burema alias Pritt) of een 'revolutie' (oorlogscorrespondent Arnold Karskens). ...
Erger is dat de analyse die aan het ondergangsdenken ten grondslag ligt verdacht veel lijkt op samenzweringsdenken. Verreweg de populairste samenzweringstheorie is die van de 'omvolking', ook wel 'white genocide' genoemd. De autochtone bevolking zou 'vermengd worden' (Joost Niemöller) tot er 'nooit meer een Nederlander bestaat' (Thierry Baudet). Zij dreigt daardoor te worden tot 'minderheid in eigen land' waarbij het 'voortbestaan van ons volk' op het spel zou staan (Geert Wilders). Waar slachtoffers zijn, horen ook daders te worden aangewezen. Ondergangsdenkers wijzen naar 'de elite'. Die wordt door een van de belangrijkste vertolkers van deze theorie, Thierry Baudet...
De naderende ondergang van het Westen is dus geen toeval, maar kwade opzet. Het is een opvatting die onder veel van de hierboven geciteerde auteurs leeft. De schuld wordt vooral gelegd bij instellingen die gelden als 'elitebastions' bij uitstek. Zo verklaart bijvoorbeeld Joost Niemöller: 'De VN stort ons in de ondergang. Welbewust. En in het geheime overleg in Davos wordt dat met applaus onthaald.' Of GeenStijl-redacteur Bart Nijman, architect van de GeenPeil campagne die uitmondde in het Oekraïnereferendum: 'De EU moet kapot worden gemaakt voordat de EU Europa kapotmaakt.' ...
En een spraakcode die ervoor zorgt dat 'niets meer mag worden gezegd' - de welbekende politieke correctheid. Die is uiteraard ook een product van een elite-samenzwering, ditmaal die van het 'cultureel marxisme', een academische stroming die tot doel zou hebben de westerse cultuur te vernietigen door haar belangrijkste begrippen zo te herdefiniëren dat ze alle traditionele waarde verliezen. Dit is een door Anders Breivik berucht gemaakte theorie, in Nederland gepopulariseerd door Sid Lukkassen, historicus en VVD-raadslid in Duiven. ...
Verlammende, tot geweld verleidende ondergangsfantasieën. Een post-rationeel discours waarin redelijke verklaringen moeten plaatsmaken voor schimmige samenzweringsverhalen en alles verklarende waandenkbeelden. Het zijn niet eens de bedenkelijkste elementen van de intellectuele agenda van deze auteurs. Die worden namelijk gevormd door opvattingen die met geen ander woord kunnen worden aangeduid dan 'racisme'."
- June 3, 2017, Joshua Livestro for the Volkskrant, 'Jalta-hoofdredacteur is klaar met paranoïde samenzweringsverhalenen en idiote racistische theorieën': "Het discours op de rechterflank wordt gekaapt door complotdenkers, stelt Joshua Livestro, die in het verleden verschillende van hen een kans gaf op zijn opiniesite Jalta. Tijd om een grens te trekken.
- Still a work in progress. GeenStijl, Powned and The Post Online editors and contributors in particular strongly overlap.
- The best known Dutch "alt right" "shock blog". Arguably also the best among the propagandists, as they have regularly posted on ethnic crime numbers and made various other revelations.
- Besides Ambroos Wiegers, it was founded in 2003 by Dominique Weesie, a former Rotterdams Dagblad intern (1991-1993) and political reporter for the "slightly rightist" mainstream De Telegraaf newspaper from 1991 to 2006. In 2003 he founded GeenStijl.nl as an extension of the Telegraaf. Posting under the pseudonym "Fleischbaum", he remained general director and editor-in-chief of GeenStijl.nl until setting up and chair PowNed in 2009, yet another bastion (however small) of "alt right" thinking in the Netherlands (which anno 2023, nice and "woke", has hired a Moroccan reporter).
- Through News Media, in 2006 the "slightly rightist" De Telegraaf bought a 40% stake in GeenStijl.nl, upped to 100% in 2008. News Media also co-founded Dumpert.nl (2007-) and PowNed (2009-), which it has sold in the mean time.
- Dec. 23, 2008, GeenStijl.nl, 'POWNED! GeenStijl start Publieke Omroep': "GeenStijl start een publieke omroep. ... Voor 1 april (geen grap) dienen wij te beschikken over 50.000 leden, die ook nog eens allemaal bereid zijn 5,76 euro neer te leggen. ... De twee overige te nemen hobbels zijn een formaliteit. Zo dienen wij minister [Ronald] Plasterk [van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap] ervan te overtuigen dat wij, als POWNED, een bepaalde stroming in de samenleving vertegenwoordigen. Dat lijkt ons geen probleem. Derde hobbel is dat wij een vereniging moeten oprichten zonder winstoogmerk."
- June 25, 2011, NOS, 'PowNed: zo snel mogelijk uit publieke bestel': "PowNed ziet niets in de plannen van minister Bijsterveldt om de omroep over een aantal jaar te laten fuseren met een andere. Liever gaat de omroep verder als productiehuis voor een commerciële zender. ... PowNed moet van de minister in 2014 minstens 150.000 leden hebben, anderhalf keer meer dan nu het geval is. Als dat lukt, kan de omroep samengaan met een andere. Huisjes ziet niets in dat plan. "Wie dat heeft bedacht, is niet goed bij zijn hoofd. Natuurlijk gaan wij geen leden verzamelen om vervolgens te fuseren. Leden zullen wel gek zijn: 15 euro betalen voor een omroep die toch verdwijnt." "We zijn in het publieke bestel gekomen om het anders te doen. Dan gaan we ons zeker niet aansluiten bij een oude omroep. Fuseren is hetzelfde als opheffen."
PowNed werd opgericht door het weblog GeenStijl en De Telegraaf. De omroep is sinds vorig jaar te zien op televisie met het satirische nieuwsprogramma PowNews. Huisjes trad in januari aan als hoofdredacteur van de omroep. Daarvoor was hij misdaadverslaggever van De Telegraaf."
- In June 2017 the Belgian Mediahuis bought GeenStijl. The chairman and controlling shareholder of Mediahuis, Thomas Leysen, similar to his father earlier, is a member of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT), which historically has had considerable overlap with Bilderberg. From the moment of the sale, and after feminists trying to undermine GeenStijl's advertizing revenue, Mediahuis was looking to sell GeenStijl. After no one apparently wanted to buy it, Mediahuis handed it for free to the top 2 editors-in-chief, Marck Burema and Bart Nijman, In November 2018, and provided them with additional cash as well:
- ert.eu/members/thomas-leysen/ (accessed: Dec. 23, 2023): "Thomas Leysen is also Chairman of Mediahuis..."
- linkedin.com/in/gertysebaert/ (accessed: Dec. 23, 2023): "CEO Mediahuis nv Nov 2013 - Present. 10 yrs 2 mos. ... Member of the Advisory Board, Medienhaus Aachen GmbH: Jan 2022 - Present. ... Member Of The Supervisory Board, Mediahuis Nederland: Jun 2017 - Present..."
- June 23, 2017, De Standaard, '‘Als het ons niet lukt, zal het niet veel anderen lukken’': "De druk is van de pers: Telegraaf Media Groep maakt voortaan deel uit van Mediahuis, de uitgeversgroep van onder meer De Standaard. [Photo caption:] Mediahuis-ceo Gert Ysebaert en voorzitter Thomas Leysen."
- Sep. 15, 2020, FD.nl, 'Thomas Leysen Dirigeert Zorgvuldig de Veroveringstocht van zijn Mediahuis': "Ik spreek altijd af met Gert (Ysebaert, ceo van Mediahuis, red.) en het management hoe we het verdelen.'"
- June 24 2017, De Telegraaf, 'Nieuwe eigenaar TMG wil GeenStijl en Dumpert verkopen': ""We zijn geen moraalridders, maar er zijn grenzen." Met die woorden maakt de nieuwe eigenaar van Telegraaf Media Groep (TMG) duidelijk dat hij GeenStijl en Dumpert wil verkopen.
Gert Ysebaert haalt volgens de NOS onder andere het beruchte seksistische artikel aan waarin GeenStijl vraagt of "u een Volkskrant-journalist zou doen". Ysebaert: "Dat kun je alleen maar veroordelen. Mijn persoonlijke visie is dat Mediahuis [owner Telegraaf Media Groep] allicht niet de groep is waar GeenStijl zich verder zal ontwikkelen."" - Sep. 11, 2018, Villamedia.nl, 'Hoofdredactie neemt GeenStijl over van Mediahuis': "De hoofdredactie van GeenStijl neemt de website over van eigenaar Mediahuis. Dat melden bronnen rond de uitgeverij. De overeenkomst wordt naar verwachting later dit jaar beklonken. De hoofdredactie, bestaande uit hoofdredacteur Marck Burema en adjunct Bart Nijman, betaalt niets voor GeenStijl. Ze krijgen zelfs wat geld mee om de eerste periode te overbruggen. Over de details wordt nog gesproken.
Het videoplatform Dumpert maakt geen onderdeel uit van de overeenkomst. Het was al langere tijd duidelijk dat het moeilijk is een koper te vinden voor GeenStijl. De website is regelmatig in opspraak vanwege de toon en inhoud van de stukken. De reden voor Mediahuis om van GeenStijl af te willen.
Daarnaast zijn de inkomsten gedaald nadat vorig jaar adverteerders werden opgeroepen de site te boycotten. In een interview met Villamedia zei Bart Nijman daar recent over: ‘Mensen mogen van alles van ons vinden. See if we care. Maar je gaat níet aan de inkomsten van een ander medium zitten.'" - Sep. 27, 2018, De Telegraaf, '’GeenStijl moest kapot, we waren te gevaarlijk’': "GeenStijl zette deze week een punt achter een turbulente periode door het eigen weblog over te nemen. Hoofdredacteur Marck Burema en adjunct Bart Nijman staan te popelen om achter het stuur te kruipen. „Hoe vaak komt het voor dat de kassamedewerker de hele supermarkt kan overnemen?”"
- Columnists have included Jan Roos, later best known as a reporter for PowNed; and Annabel Nanninga. Guest posters have included the pro-Palestine antifa Harry van Bommel and Geert Wilders.
- Expose article on VVD trolls from 2008. Looking at the biographies, the trolls continued their career within the VVD:
- Sep. 5, 2008, GeenStijl, 'Netwerk van VVD-trollen opgerold': "Omdat we een zooitje trollende VVD-professionals gevonden hebben, via Sargasso. Het uitschot overlegt dagelijks op hun Hyvesgroepje hoe- waar en wanneer ze het beste hun VVD-propaganda in de comments kunnen plempen, zonder dat iemand dat doorheeft natuurlijk. 'want anders krijg je een ban'. ...
Laten we het trollenclubje eens ontleden, te beginnen met Cindy Schneider, VVD-raadslid te Schagen en de meest actieve. lees maar. Ze is op GeenStijl actief onder de nickname Cindy1974. Verder hebben we Maarten Prinsen, van Vereniging Eigen huis en werkzaam als ambtenaar, woonachtig in Wassenaar. Tot slot hebben we Marc Thiessen van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en golfmoeder Sylvia Suzanne, actief bij de VVD van Landsmeer. Dit zijn mensen die, zodra ze even tijd hebben de boel lopen te verstieren bij GeenStijl, Sargasso," - linkedin.com/in/maartenprinsen/ (accessed: Dec. 23, 2023): "Volunteering: Ledenraadslid in het bestuur: Vereniging Eigen Huis May 2008 - May 2012.... Lid Partijcommissie VVD: Oct. 2010 - June 2015. ... Ministry of Foreign Affairs: ... Program manager Democracy: Jul 2005 - Jun 2008. ... Project director and kwartiermaker Home for Democracy and Law State (Prodemos) ... Manager Afdeling Beleid en Wetgeving, Programmadirectie ID-management en Immigratie, Ministry of Security and Justice: Jan 2011 - Oct 2013. ... Manager, hoofd Organisatiebeleid bij Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties: Apr 2021 - Present..."
- April 18, 2017, EW Magazine, 'Strategisch VVD-directeur Thiessen begint eigen bureau': "Digitaal strategisch directeur bij de VVD Mark Thiessen (34) verlaat de partij na zeven jaar. Hij begint een eigen campagnebureau: Meute. ‘Goeie campagnes betrekken mensen erbij en zorgen zo voor verandering,’ zegt Thiessen, die VVD-lijsttrekker [and then PM] Mark Rutte op Facebook in debat liet gaan."
- Dec. 27, 2023, NRC, 'De oogverblindende leegte van de politiek': "Mark Thiessen is campagnestrateeg en oprichter van platform De Nieuwe Vrije Eeuw." denieuwevrijeeeuw.substack.com/about (accessed: Dec. 23, 2023): "Daar lees en schrijf ik over. Ook hier: over politiek, democratie, de vrije samenleving."
- Sep. 5, 2008, GeenStijl, 'Netwerk van VVD-trollen opgerold': "Omdat we een zooitje trollende VVD-professionals gevonden hebben, via Sargasso. Het uitschot overlegt dagelijks op hun Hyvesgroepje hoe- waar en wanneer ze het beste hun VVD-propaganda in de comments kunnen plempen, zonder dat iemand dat doorheeft natuurlijk. 'want anders krijg je een ban'. ...
- Founded by the anti-immigration, Telegraaf group-controlled website GeenStijl.nl in 2009, in particular by Dominique Weesie, a long-time political reporter for De Telegraaf who also founded GeenStijl.nl. Anno 2024 Weesie still is chairman and editor-in-chief of PowNed.
- Initially GeenStijl was able to gather 50,000 paying members to start PowNed a public broadcast. Soon after the Dutch government upped the barrier to 150,000 paying members (arguably a huge and ridiculous number in a country with then-16.6 million people, and really under any circumstance) in 2014, it ended up being given a slot on state TV (NPO):
- Dec. 23, 2008, GeenStijl.nl, 'POWNED! GeenStijl start Publieke Omroep': "GeenStijl start een publieke omroep. ... Voor 1 april (geen grap) dienen wij te beschikken over 50.000 leden, die ook nog eens allemaal bereid zijn 5,76 euro neer te leggen. ... De twee overige te nemen hobbels zijn een formaliteit. Zo dienen wij minister [Ronald] Plasterk [van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap] ervan te overtuigen dat wij, als POWNED, een bepaalde stroming in de samenleving vertegenwoordigen. Dat lijkt ons geen probleem. Derde hobbel is dat wij een vereniging moeten oprichten zonder winstoogmerk."
- June 25, 2011, NOS, 'PowNed: zo snel mogelijk uit publieke bestel': "PowNed ziet niets in de plannen van minister Bijsterveldt om de omroep over een aantal jaar te laten fuseren met een andere. Liever gaat de omroep verder als productiehuis voor een commerciële zender. ... PowNed moet van de minister in 2014 minstens 150.000 leden hebben, anderhalf keer meer dan nu het geval is. Als dat lukt, kan de omroep samengaan met een andere. Huisjes ziet niets in dat plan. "Wie dat heeft bedacht, is niet goed bij zijn hoofd. Natuurlijk gaan wij geen leden verzamelen om vervolgens te fuseren. Leden zullen wel gek zijn: 15 euro betalen voor een omroep die toch verdwijnt." "We zijn in het publieke bestel gekomen om het anders te doen. Dan gaan we ons zeker niet aansluiten bij een oude omroep. Fuseren is hetzelfde als opheffen."
PowNed werd opgericht door het weblog GeenStijl en De Telegraaf. De omroep is sinds vorig jaar te zien op televisie met het satirische nieuwsprogramma PowNews. Huisjes trad in januari aan als hoofdredacteur van de omroep. Daarvoor was hij misdaadverslaggever van De Telegraaf."
- Has a habit of attacking "the left" and interviewing typically "conservative CIA" political candidates.
- No later than 2023 PowNed hired an Arab reporter increasingly was mixing subtle anti-immigration pieces with woke race-mixing propaganda, as can be seen in the screenshot above.
- Interestingly, the YouTube comment section of Pow Ned always properly levels criticism against the antifa, such as pointing out that the antifa activists continually seem to look like bums, come across as mentally handicapped, very often don't even speak the Dutch language, resort to intimidation of the press, have trouble expressing their political positions, and increasingly don't allow ordinary protestors to talk to the press, with even dedicated "spokespersons" often refusing to do that. However, when ultraright "nationalist" activists have the same issue, the comment section is quiet about it.
- April 25, 2024 YouTube upload by 'Pow Ned', 'Antifa-gekken verstoren Willem van Oranje-herdenking!' (youtube.com/ watch?v=QXUh0CTxWf0; the title too is biased). The beginning of the piece films a small group antifa under police escort waving flags, including a large one reading 'Antifa Enternasyonal' (Turkish), blowing horns, making pointless noise, and, per the usual, absolutely refusing to talk to the media, even punching the reporter's microphone. One yells in heavily-accented Dutch (maybe Belgian): "Nobody is going to talk to you." and others keep repeating the mantra: "Quit provoking!"
Next the reporter interviews four "nationalists". The first is a Belgian one surrounded by militant-looking guys in bomber jackets, leather jackets, brown trench coats, brown pants, and old German army caps, some of it rather fashionable. He is quite eloquent, but barely understandable to Dutch people, because he's from Flanders.
The reporter interviews three additional, middle-aged "nationalists" remembering "Willem van Oranje", but none can mention a single fact about him, including the apparent spokesman, who tries to hide it by countering the reporter non-stop: "But what do YOU know about him? ... What he has done? Eh, what do YOU think?" The third guy wears a batch with the name "Voorpost", an ultraright group with a history of Nazi supporters and Holocaust deniers. The guy seems to have a speech impairment. When asked why is against the EU, he stutters, and comes out with the following two apparently recited sentences: "Eh, they try to decide everything for us. Our sovereignty we are losing." And he falls silent again. The comment section though: - May 7, 2024 YouTube upload by 'Omroep PowNed', 'Extremisten met leraren terug bij UvA: 'Schande van de politie!''. At 3:30 the reporter tries to interview an old eccentric-looking female professor of the University of Amsterdam that is making pictures of chanting hobo-looking antifa students who seem to have come from all over the place. Next a 35-year-old-or-so decently handsome University of Amsterdam professor is interviewed. He says the students shouldn't have been evicted by the police. When countered with "... after fireworks and stones were thrown at the police", the professors gets a look outrage and indignition on his face, and says, "I'm not going to comment. I wasn't there yesterday-evening." He keeps at that argument.
Next a woman is interviewed chanting "Cops of campus!" with a group of others, less than 1 foot away from the police. She only speaks American English and seems Muslim. Next the reporter interviews an Arabic-looking woman who says she speaks Dutch to which the reporter replies: "How chill that you can speak Dutch here for once." She has a very thick German accent though. When asked about the fireworks that force the police to remove the protestors, she says, "But it also a little how the media spins it. ... It was avery peaceful protest and then ZIonists came... masked men who came to throw fireworks onto the protestants. And the police stood next to it and did nothing." The reporter goes: "I have also seen two Jewish people, not Zionists, who were being beaten up with a stick... what is twisted about that story then?" She responds: "I think that the way you are asking me questions, is that you want to get a certain answer from me. You are not going to get them. Not that you use video with me." Next she turns it around saying she wants the University of Amsterdam to sever all ties with Israel. - May 8, 2024 YouTube upload by 'Omroep PowNed', 'Halsema na 24 uur overstag: UvA-extremisten geveegd door ME!'. Around minute one an independent man from the street is interviewed. A young man with Arafat scarf and a woman with rainbow colors stand in the background, observing him. The woman keeps making mocking faces. The guy does the same, but varies it a bit more. The man says, "We have it here about Free Palestina. I fully agree with that. [guy in background heavily nods in confirmation, but then mockingkly smirks and looks away again as the man continues:] But in order to come to a solution it may also be handy and good to let these people [hostages] free." Next the reporter interviews the two activists. They refuse to say anything. Next a tall youth invades the space of the journalist, to intimidate him and block the cameraman, right in front of the police. He too says nothing, except purposely yawning, to mock him.
Next masked activists walk up to the reporter, who says he received word that activists are specifically looking for Telegraaf and Pow Ned reports, to stick paraplus in his face. They block the camera in front of the police and go, "Call press information. ... We are just walking here too. We do not touch you! You touch us!" The police doesn't say or do anything, as the reporter is driving back 60 meters (likely on orders).
Next a representative of the antifa "organization", who is walking around a VVD MP (of the party of prime minister Mark Rutte) and to whom the reporter is continually referred, ignores the reporter and walks off.
Street stones have all been taken out of the street. Graffiti on monumental buildings read things like "No borders, no nations!" Activists are all chanting "Revolution!" A ton of activists dress like hobos with Arafat scarfs. Almost all are white. - May 10, 2024 YouTube upload 'Omroep PowNed', 'Halsema over aanval op PowNed: 'Ingrijpen was niet mogelijk!'': Protestors hold up signs, "Being against genocide has fuck all to do with anti-semitism, loser. Cease fire now.", "All eyes on Rafah!", and "Palestine with be free! From the river to the sea! Fuck Israel!" A Palestinian guy talks to the press, but is reprimanded from doing that. A white guy holding up the first sign eventually does talk to the media, actually is well-spoken and decently normal (a rarity), and explains protestors are afraid of their words being twisted and have not been treated the best by the media (which actually is not true).
- May 10, 2024, Het Parool, 'Paroollezers over UvA-protest: ‘Dat de UvA met gemaskerde activisten in gesprek gaat, is een gotspe’'.
- May 10, 2024, Nu.nl, 'Studentenraad UvA eist aftreden van universiteitsbestuur om aanpak protesten'.
- May 10, 2024, De Volkskrant, 'Universiteit en overheid, wees trots op betogende studenten'.
- '‘Herhaal wat ik zeg’, klinkt het ’s nachts op de campus van de UvA. ‘Vertel de politie niets. Raak niet in paniek’': "Bezetting voor Gaza: Het pro-Palestijnse protest op het terrein van de Universiteit van Amsterdam is bijzonder strak georganiseerd. Maar het trekt demonstranten van allerlei allooi. Van minirok tot bloemetjesjurk. Van passanten in poloshirt tot ‘high risk people’."
- April 25, 2024 YouTube upload by 'Pow Ned', 'Antifa-gekken verstoren Willem van Oranje-herdenking!' (youtube.com/ watch?v=QXUh0CTxWf0; the title too is biased). The beginning of the piece films a small group antifa under police escort waving flags, including a large one reading 'Antifa Enternasyonal' (Turkish), blowing horns, making pointless noise, and, per the usual, absolutely refusing to talk to the media, even punching the reporter's microphone. One yells in heavily-accented Dutch (maybe Belgian): "Nobody is going to talk to you." and others keep repeating the mantra: "Quit provoking!"
- June 13, 2024 YouTube upload of 'Omroep PowNed', 'Ali B woest en in tranen na opstaan nieuwe getuige: 'Ik ben moe!'' (youtube.com/watch?v=Maw7v9neCW0). I made a comment to this video, saying I didn't think Ali B. was fully innocent, but also that the prosecutors' office (OM) and the judges will conspire in pushing the accounts of all his female victims as absolute, pure truths, no matter the lack of evidence or inconsistencies (what Ali B was complaining about), as they have been doing so for at least the last 20 years. And that this also explains why recently it came out that a man had been falsely convicted for stalking only because an initially symppathetic media outlet found out the woman had completely forged all evidence of "stalking". Most notably, without a doubt, is that I commented, "You should see what [Geert] Wilders and [justice minister Dilan] Yesilgoz have in their email boxes but aren't telling the public."
I don't video or screenshots of this case of censorship, but I have documented this with video with Nu.nl, for example, the Netherlands' largest news outlet, which is globalist and antifa-inclined.
- June 17, 2024, 'Omroep PowNed', 'Meisje (14) aangerand door azc-tuig: 'Niks van politie gehoord!'', comment section: "-
[608 likes, the most upvoted comment:] @volk_vaderland: "Ja dit is t nieuwe normaal van Links Nederland!" ["Yeah this is the new normal in Leftist Netherlands!"]
[118 likes:] @the4thindustrialrevolution225 [has a 'Neoliberal Aktion' logo [associated with anarcho-capitalism], similar to antifa logos, and has Armenian genocide and related videos on its channel]: "Als je afgelopen verkiezingen op de VVD, D66, PVDA/GL en CDA hebt gestemd, heb je Bloed aan je handen."
[477 likes:] @KimYoungUn69 [prominently has created a 'fuhrer' playlist, the first song in it being the 'Deutsches Soldatenlied "Die blauen Dragoner"', and containing other military march songs, such as the 'Preußens Gloria (prussia glory march)'.]: "Welkom in Nederland 2024." ["Welcome in Netherlands 2024."]
[150 likes:] @the_w189 [subscribed to 'PVV Gelderland', 'PVVpers', 'Ben Shapiro', 'Candace Owens', 'Conservative Twins', 'Michael Franzese', 'Amazing Atheist', 'Sky News Australia', 'A Voice for Men', 'Ex-Muslim Chronicles', 'Pow Ned', 'Ongehoord Nederland', 'Rebel News', 'Joe Rogan', 'Russell Brand', etc.]: "Wat hebben we toch binnengehaald. Bedankt d66 stemmers, GroenLinks stemmers, pvda stemmers, volt stemmers, cda, christen unie, vvd stemmers. Jullie wisten dat dit gebeurde, en toch stemmen op die partijen, iedereen die op deze partijen stemde is hier mede verantwoordelijk voor."
[150 likes:] Realist713 [profile is the quote, ["When injustice becomes law, resistence becomes duty"]: "Aangifte doen is nutteloos. Oog om oog. Dat zijn ze gewend."
- Alt right Dutch news site:
- TPO headlines on the frontpage of Dec. 21, 2023 all reveal a (non-critical) "alt-right" direction: "'Argentijnse president Milei: ‘De verandering van Argentinië begint vandaag’ ... 'Viktor Orbán: ‘Is militaire operatie in Oekraïne wel een oorlog?’' ... 'Zwitserland wil verbod op ‘racistische symbolen die haat aanwakkeren’' ... 'Het is tijd om te stoppen met aardig zijn voor Iran' ... 'Frans parlement keurt migratiewet goed met steun van Rassemblement National, linkse partijen woest' ... 'Elisha Wiesel [son of top globalist Elie Wisel]: ‘Waarom spreken niet meer mensen zich uit tegen antisemitisme?’' ... 'Houthi’s zweren schepen in Rode Zee te blijven aanvallen' ... 'President Argentinië [Milei] dreigt met hard optreden tegen wegblokkades actievoerders' ..."
- Specifically set up on October 1, 2009 to counter the nearing start of the "antifa/new left" Joop.nl opinion site that was founded on November 3, 2009 to counter "the dominance of the right opinion on the internet", Joop.nl's example being the "liberal CIA" Huffington Post news site, which ironically also was the inspiration for what became TPO.nl.
- DeJaap.nl was founded by alt right Geenstijl.nl "shock blog" veteran (2005-2006, 2010-2012) Bert Brussen. DeJaap.nl largely had the same "drunk posh fratboy"-style of writing as GeenStijl.
- In late 2012, when the site became known as The Post Online (ThePostOnline.nl, later TPO.nl), the Telegraaf Media Groep, also the owner of GeenStijl and Powned, was the quiet seed financier. TPO co-founder and old Bert Brussen colleague Mark Koster has a lengthy mainstream journalism career, with his "anti-establishment" Follow the Money website having received a degree of "liberal CIA" funding:
- March 23, 2010, BNNvara.nl, 'Dagblad De Pers schorst columnist Mark Koster': "Mark Koster verwierf faam als adjunct van zakenblad Quote [of the Quote 500 richest people] onder [famous TV personality] Jort Kelder. Na diens vertrek werd hij korte tijd hoofdredacteur van Revu. Hij is tevens oprichter van de studentenzender Campus TV. Samen met Eric ‘Nina’ Smit lanceerde hij deze week de site Follow the Money [which received a degree of "liberal CIA" funding from Google and the Soros/Ford Foundation-allied Adessium Foundation."
- Nov. 27, 2012, VillaMedia.nl, 'Koster en Brussen starten The Post Online': "Mark Koster (ex De Pers) en Bert Brussen (ex-GeenStijl en De Jaap) zijn samen een nieuw journalistiek avontuur op internet gestart: The Post Online. ... Koster en Brussen, die elkaar nog kennen uit hun tijd bij Nieuwe Revu, staan uiteindelijk een website voor naar ... Amerikaanse voorbeelden van The Huffington Post en The Daily Beast. ... Uit het uittreksel van de Kamer van Koophandel blijkt de geldschieter de investeringsmaatschappij van de Vereniging Veronica te zijn, die in 2010 nog het ANP kocht. Veronica was niet bereikbaar voor een reactie."
- Dec. 14, 2012, radiowereld.nl, 'Sanoma wil Radio Veronica overnemen': "Sanoma Media wil zich inkopen in de radiomarkt. Goed ingevoerde bronnen melden Radio.NL dat de uitgever interesse heeft om Radio Veronica en mogelijk de hele Sky Radio Group over te nemen. De Sky Radio Group, eigenaar van beide zenders [inclusief Veronica dus] is momenteel in handen van Telegraaf Media Groep (TMG) en de Vereniging Veronica. ...
Op de achtergrond blijkt SBS een rol te spelen in de overname. Het kwakkelende SBS Broadcasting is eigendom van Sanoma en Talpa (John de Mol). De Mol is reeds eigenaar van de 538 Group (538, Slam FM en Radio 10 Gold). Door de regelgeving in Nederland is het zeer onwaarschijnlijk dat SBS Broadcasting de overname zal doen. Een overname door Sanoma betekent echter wel dat de Sky Radio Group in handen komt van een met De Mol bevriende partij."
- After leaving GeenStijl, Bert Brussen developed a lot of ties to the "leftist" mainstream media (that has censored and even bullied ISGP): HP/De Tijd, Nu.nl (owned by Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission company Sonoma at the time), Volkskrant, etc. In 2010 he was rehired by GeenStijl.nl as a contributor:
- Sep. 1, 2012, GeenStijl.nl, 'Bert Brussen weg bij GeenStijl': "Hiero, met de wayback machine terug naar 2005 wordt Bertje geïntroduceerd door Ome Fleisch [pseudonym of GeenStijl and PowNed founder Dominique Weesie] (ook al deaud). Na een schitterende carrière op dit webplok gaf Bert er in december 2006 de brui aan en ging in retraite. Tot op de dag van vandaag is er onduidelijkheid over de whereabouts van Brussen in die periode. ... Bert gaat zich vanaf nu fulltime richten op De Jaap. ... Het gerucht gaat dat een Dikke Chinees zich voor tonnen heeft ingekocht in het sympathieke opinieblogje voor studenten van 8 tot 88 jaar."
- Oct. 24, 2009, HP/De Tijd, 'Uitgelekt: de Vrijspraak van 7 november': "Bert Brussen (33). Blogger en columnist bij Revu en Nu.nl."
- Aug. 24, 2009, Bert Brussen for Nu.nl, 'Zomergasten: Alexander Pechtold': "Volgende vraag: noem een bekend politicus die veel praat maar toch niks zegt. U zegt: “Alexander Pechtold”. Juist."
- March 31, 2010, GeenStijl.nl, 'GeenStijl koopt internetfenomeen Bert Brussen': "Persbericht van huishoudelijke aard. Weblog GeenStijl heeft vandaag internetfenomeen Bert Brussen als nieuwe blogger aangenomen. ... Op de vraag of met de keuze voor Bert Brussen niet een knieval is gedaan voor de linkse GeenStijl-lezer reageert de directie van het shockblog vrolijk: "GeenStijl is niet links, ook niet rechts, GeenStijl is gewoon vervelend."
- Aug. 5, 2010, Nu.nl, 'Journalist moet retweet verantwoorden bij politie': "Journalist Bert Brussen, die in het verleden onder andere werkzaam was voor HP/De Tijd... "
- dejaap.nl/about/ (accessed: Dec. 16, 2009): "DeJaap is een groepsblog zonder ideologie of dogma’s. DeJaap is beslist niet progressief of op andere wijze van zijn eigen moraal overtuigd. Iedereen mag een mening laten horen op DeJaap*, ongeacht politieke richting of opvatting. Omdat DeJaap gelooft in de absolute vrijheid van meningsuiting, schuwt DeJaap geen enkele opinie."
- Jan. 13, 2012, bnnvara.nl, Paul & Witteman, 'Bert Brussen (13-01-2012)': "Bert Brussen, volgens weekblad Nieuwe Revu en een van de dertig invloedrijkste online Nederlanders in 2010, is niet weg te denken in het debat op het Nederlandse internet. Hij schreef als journalist onder meer voor de websites Flabber, Geenstijl en DeJaap. Behalve fanatiek twitteraar en blogger is Brussen sinds 2011 ook columnist voor de Volkskrant."
- Sep. 17, 2012, Villamedia.nl, 'Paternotte van HP/De Tijd naar DeJaap.nl'.
- Dec. 23, 2023, Nu.nl, 'Mark Koster verlaat The Post Online': "Mark Koster vertrekt bij nieuws- en opiniewebsite The Post Online. Koster richtte de website samen met Bert Brussen op."
- April 25, 2013, VN.nl, 'Interview met Bert Brussen: ‘Ik werd ziek van de verzuring in mezelf’': "Jarenlang was hij een van de prominente schrijvers van GeenStijl, en berucht om zijn verbeten tirades op Twitter (12.539 volgers) en zijn eigen blog, waarbij de ‘linksmensch’ doorgaans zijn favoriete doelwit was. Vrij Nederland en hij zijn ... een soort natuurlijke vijanden....
Vorig jaar september ging hij weg bij GeenStijl. Een paar maanden later werd zijn website DeJaap, ooit begonnen als pesterijtje jegens VARA-site joop.nl, omgevormd tot nieuwsblog ThePostOnline. Samen met journalist Mark Koster zwaait Brussen daar nu de scepter. Waar het GeenStijl-motto ‘Tendentieus, ongefundeerd en nodeloos kwetsend’ was, huldigt ThePostOnline de slogan ‘Voorbij het eigen gelijk’. ...
Brussen, zegt hij zelf, is er helemaal klaar mee om het icoon van de GeenStijl-generatie te zijn. Niet dat hij omkijkt met spijt. ‘Ik denk dat de hoogtijperiode van GeenStijl en andere shockblogs een beetje voorbij is. Maar ik geloof echt dat het mede hun verdienste is dat bepaalde vastgeroeste meningen van links doorbroken zijn, en het minder een taboe is geworden om sommige zaken aan te kaarten. Een krant als de Volkskrant is enorm opgeschoven, opener geworden, en dat lijkt me een goede zaak. ...
Een boegbeeld? Liever niet. ‘Gelukkig ben ik dat steeds minder, en volgens mij heeft dat ook te maken met de opkomst van PowNed. Als je weet wat mensen zoals Rutger Castricum, Dominique Weesie of Jan Roos aan bedreigingen binnen krijgen, dat gaat echt heel ver. Iemand als Rutger heeft daar niet zoveel moeite mee, die is gewoon niet bang. Maar ik ben een heel ander persoon.’ Zelf kreeg hij ook met bedreigingen te maken, naar aanleiding van de rechtszaak die tegen hem werd aangespannen toen hij een doodsbedreiging aan het adres van Geert Wilders had geretweet onder het kopje ‘Wilders bedreigen doe je zo’. ... Dus kreeg ik allemaal mails van: zal ik jouw kop er eens komen afsnijden. Ging ik terugmailen dat ze het verkeerd hadden begrepen, dat ik het juist opnam voor Wilders. Dat begrepen ze dan uiteindelijk wel, en rationeel gezien wist ik dat ik niet echt gevaar liep, maar toch was het heel heftig. Ik ben daar te gevoelig voor, sliep er slecht van.’ ...
Ik reageer nou eenmaal heel impulsief. Eigenlijk zou ik geketend moeten worden, zal ik maar zeggen. Iemand als Theo van Gogh had het nog een miljoen keer erger. Een ontzettend charmante man, totdat je ruzie met hem kreeg. Zelfs voor zijn beste vrienden is dat nog altijd een raadsel."
- TPO.nl co-founder and deputy editor-in-chief Bas Paternotte - who also contributes to GeenStijl.nl - is a cousin of D66 congressman Jan Paternotte, a hopelessly propagandist pro-LGBTQ crusader whose party leader, Rob Jetten, has been a David Rockefeller Fellow of the Trilateral Commission since 2020 or 2021. Jan Paternotte has been cited in the Thierry Baudet section here due to a "debate" he had in congress with Baudet. In that "debate" Paternotte mentioned that his mother was involved in some kind of LGBTQ activism.
- July 2021 Trilateral Commission membership list: "David Rockefeller Fellows: ... Rob Jetten, Parliamentary Leader, D66 (Democrats 66); Member of Parliament, The Hague."
- Sep. 10, 2020 tweet of Jan Paternotte (@jpaternotte): "Het is echt een topweek voor Bas Paternotte. In actie tegen stuntprijzen op routes naar coronabrandhaarden vanochtend in de Metro én tegen racisme in de zorg dinsdag bij het vragenuur. Ik weet dat het familie is en ik bevooroordeeld bent, maar toch: TROTS OP BAS"
- petjeaf.com/narejongens (accessed: Dec. 23, 2023; 'Nare Jongens Podcast De podcast van Bas Paternotte en Jan Dijkgraaf'): "Bas Paternotte (1976, Friese Wouden) en Jan Dijkgraaf (1962, Rotterdam) kennen elkaar nog uit de tijd dat Dijkgraaf haar op zijn hoofd had. Bij Panorama, NetGeneration, Metro en HP/De Tijd werkten ze tussen 1998 en 2010 samen aan mooie en leuke dingen voor de mensen en daarna bleven ze online samenwerken."
- stichting-jas.nl/2022/05/briefje-van-jan-aan-robbert-dijkgraaf.html (accessed: Dec. 23, 2023 through Google cache; 'Briefje van Jan: Aan Robbert Dijkgraaf'): "27-5-2022 by Jan Dijkgraaf. by Jan Dijkgraaf. Aan Robbert Dijkgraaf. Beste Rob(b)ert,
Sinds jij als minister toetrad tot het kabinet-Rutte 4, krijg ik steeds vaker de vraag of wij familie van elkaar zijn. Natuurlijk weet ik het antwoord op die vraag wel. Maar omdat ik een hekel aan liegen heb, draai ik er altijd maar een beetje omheen. Ik bedoel: je bent een D66’er. En héél Nederland weet dat! Met terugwerkende kracht snap ik hoe familieleden van NSB’ers zich na de Tweede Wereldoorlog moeten hebben gevoeld. Ik kan niet blijmoedig roepen “dat we werk en privé in onze familie altijd scheiden”, zoals mijn podcastgabber Bas Paternotte altijd doet met zijn neef Jan, die bij dezelfde beweging zit als jij. Dat komt misschien ook wel omdat jij meer schade aanricht dan Jan Paternotte, die alleen maar tekent bij het kruisje. Jij staat een stapje hoger in de hiërarchie van die beweging. Jij maakt de wetten waaronder Bas’ neef zijn krabbel zet.
Afgelopen tijd heb je (bij één van je eerste wetsvoorstellen) de Tweede Kamer voorgelogen. Wat is er gebeurd? Je wilt MBO’ers op Bonaire die geen Nederlands spreken ook op niveau 3 en 4 toestaan om in het Papiaments examen te doen. Het zou volgens jou gaan om een enkele opleiding (kok), bedoeld zijn voor banen in de regio (Bonaire) en gediplomeerden zouden géén toegang krijgen tot hoger onderwijs in ‘Europees Nederland’ (HBO). Nadat de Tweede Kamer dit voorstel besproken had, bleek dat je de Kamer verkeerd hebt geïnformeerd. Élk MBO-4-diploma geeft altijd recht op toegang tot het HBO. Normaal gesproken zou je zo’n wetsvoorstel dan intrekken. Dat deed jij niet. Jij regelde via je coalitievriendjes van VVD en D66 een derde termijn, op een moment waarop de meeste Tweede Kamerleden al van een lang Hemelvaartsweekend aan het genieten waren. Bij die derde termijn kwam naast je partners in crime Zohair El Yassini (VVD) en Kiki Hagen (D66) alleen Harm Beertema (PVV) opdraven. Kiki Hagen zweeg als het graf. Harm Beertema doorzag welke truc je uithaalde. Zohair El Yassini ook. Die speelde echter met liefde de nuttige idioot. Die hielp jou uit de brand na je politieke doodzonde door een motie in te dienen waarin de Tweede Kamer je oproept om de uitsluitend Papiaments sprekende MBO’ers voor ze een HBO-opleiding in ‘Europees Nederland’ even snel een cursus Nederlands te geven. Een cursus die ze mógen volgen, maar niet hóeven te volgen. Want dat MBO-diploma geeft ze récht op toelating tot het HBO (en de bijbehorende pot met geld). Ieder weldenkend mens snapt dat het op het HBO een drama wordt met die ‘studenten’ die geen woord Nederlands spreken of even snel een bijspijkercursusje hebben gevolgd (à 9500 euro). Ieder weldenkend mens snapt dat die MBO-3- en MBO-4-opleiding in het Papiaments op Bonaire een slap aftreksel wordt van de MBO-3- en MBO-4-opleiding hier. Want wie gaat de schoolboeken in het Papiaments vertalen? Wie gaat de lessen in het Papiaments geven? Wie gaat de examens in het Papiaments maken?
Het is om te janken. Evenals het feit dat een lid van de familie Dijkgraaf de Tweede Kamer onjuist heeft geïnformeerd en daarna met zo’n nitwit van de VVD de boel gaat lopen ‘repareren’. Dit gepruts van jou heeft maar één voordeel. Neef Elbert en ik zijn niet langer de zwartste schapen in de familie. Groet, JanD." - Dec. 27, 2012, Bas Paternotte for the ThePostOnline.nl, 'RTL-correspondent aangegeven bij Israëlische geheime dienst'. This article is on the frontpage of the first webarchive of ThePostOnline.nl.
- thepostonline.nl/f-a-q/ (accessed: Jan. 4, 2013): "[Q.] Ik mis de Israël-paragraaf. [A.] Voor Israelische aangelegenheden kunt u zich wenden tot Bas Paternotte (via twitter)."
- tpo.nl/author/bas-paternotte/ (accessed: Dec. 23, 2023): "Bas Paternotte (1976, Friesland) is adjunct-hoofdredacteur van ThePostOnline. Eerder werkte hij als parlementair verslaggever voor verschillende media in Den Haag."
- June 12, 2015, Volkskrant, 'Nieuwssite The Post Online ontslaat redactie': "Alleen hoofdredacteur Bert Brussen en adjunct Bas Paternotte worden voortaan nog betaald. Vanwege tegenvallende resultaten is er voor de rest van de redactie geen geld meer."
- As can be seen above, Bas Paternotte's podcast partner, Jan Dijkgraaf (PowNed history as well, including for two months as editor-in-chief in 2010; editor-in-chief Metro 2002-2006; etc.), not only confirmed that Bas is a cousin of (politically opposing) D66 congressman Jan Paternotte (working under the Trilateral Rob Jetten), or that he himself is cousin of Ebert Dijkgraaf, a congressman for the strongly Christian SGP party from 2010 to 2018. He also confirms that he himself is family of Robbert Dijkgraaf, from 2022 to 2024 the D66 Minister of Education, Culture and Science in the VVD cabinet of frequent Bilderberger Mark Rutte. Jan Specifically criticised how his minister relative has been manipulating congress to allow blacks from the Antilles into higher college education without speaking the Dutch language.
Interesting detail, from 2012 to 2022 minister Robbert Dijkgraaf was director and trustee of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton in the U.S., together with Google's long-time executive chair Eric Schmidt (Bilderberg and Trilateral), Carlyle founder, Trilateral and CFR chairman David Rubenstein, and othe rother globalist elites:- stichting-jas.nl/2022/05/briefje-van-jan-aan-robbert-dijkgraaf.html (accessed: Dec. 23, 2023 through Google cache; 'Briefje van Jan: Aan Robbert Dijkgraaf'): "27-5-2022 by Jan Dijkgraaf. by Jan Dijkgraaf. Aan Robbert Dijkgraaf. Beste Rob(b)ert,
Sinds jij als minister toetrad tot het kabinet-Rutte 4, krijg ik steeds vaker de vraag of wij familie van elkaar zijn. Natuurlijk weet ik het antwoord op die vraag wel. Maar omdat ik een hekel aan liegen heb, draai ik er altijd maar een beetje omheen. Ik bedoel: je bent een D66’er. ... Dit gepruts van jou heeft maar één voordeel. Neef Elbert en ik zijn niet langer de zwartste schapen in de familie. Groet, JanD." - ias.edu/people/director (accessed: Dec. 12, 2012): "Robbert Dijkgraaf, Director of the Institute for Advanced Study and Leon Levy Professor since July 2012... Past President (2008–12) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and Co-Chair of the InterAcademy Council (since 2009)..."
- ias.edu/people/trustees (accessed: Jan. 7, 2013): "ROBBERT DIJKGRAAF, Director and Leon Levy Professor... MARIO DRAGHI, President European Central Bank ... VARTAN GREGORIAN, President, Carnegie Corporation ... NANCY B. PERETSMAN ... DAVID M. RUBENSTEIN ... ERIC E. SCHMIDT, Executive Chairman, Google Inc. ... Trustees Emeriti: ... SIDNEY D. DRELL ... JAMES D. WOLFENSOHN, Chairman Emeritus""
- ias.edu/about/trustees (accessed: Jan. 6, 2022): "Robbert Dijkgraaf, Director of the Institute for Advanced Study and Leon Levy Professor since July 2012... Past President (2008–12) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and Co-Chair of the InterAcademy Council (since 2009)... Robbert Dijkgraaf: Director and Leon Levy Professor... Mario Draghi: Former President, European Central Bank... Nancy B. Peretsman, Managing Director, Allen & Company LLC. ... David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, The Carlyle Group... Trustees Emeriti: Eric E. Schmidt [Google head] ..."
- stichting-jas.nl/2022/05/briefje-van-jan-aan-robbert-dijkgraaf.html (accessed: Dec. 23, 2023 through Google cache; 'Briefje van Jan: Aan Robbert Dijkgraaf'): "27-5-2022 by Jan Dijkgraaf. by Jan Dijkgraaf. Aan Robbert Dijkgraaf. Beste Rob(b)ert,
- In 2018, the above elite-connected Jan Dijkgraaf - who in 2016 was a candidate for the GeenStijl.nl-derived political party GeenPeil - became the editor-in-chief of the new paper version of The Post Online, The Post Offline:
- Jan. 30, 2018, Parool, 'The Post Online komt met papieren uitgave': "The Post Online krijgt ook een offlineversie. De papieren uitgave van het medium wordt een 'verzetskrant', opgericht 'in de strijd tegen de aantasting van de VvMU en de VvMV"... Jan Dijkgraaf wordt hoofdredacteur van het medium dat The Post Offline gaat heten."
- Jan. 30, 2018, Villamedia.nl, 'The Post Online verschijnt binnenkort ook op papier': "Tijdens een persconferentie hebben The Post Online-hoofdredacteur Bert Brussen en Jan Dijkgraaf plannen voor een nieuwe krant onthuld..."
- Despite claiming to be maximally open-minded, the site - quite understandably at this point - ridiculed conspiracy from the start, also genuine conspiracy:
- thepostonline.nl/f-a-q/ (accessed: Jan. 4, 2013): "[Q.] Hoe zit het met de illuminati, Joris Demmink en de Bilderberg-groep? [A.] Voor alle conspiracyzaken (ook voor al uw kwakzalverij) kunt u via twitter contact opnemen met Annabel Nanninga. ...
ThePostOnline is een platform zonder ideologie of dogma’s. ... Iedereen kan en mag een mening laten horen op ThePostOnline, ongeacht politieke richting of opvatting. Omdat ThePostOnline gelooft in de absolute vrijheid van meningsuiting."
- thepostonline.nl/f-a-q/ (accessed: Jan. 4, 2013): "[Q.] Hoe zit het met de illuminati, Joris Demmink en de Bilderberg-groep? [A.] Voor alle conspiracyzaken (ook voor al uw kwakzalverij) kunt u via twitter contact opnemen met Annabel Nanninga. ...
- Website that went live in March 2014, funded by the Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE). Until early 2014 CORE was known as the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF). It discusses many different "green" NGOs, exposing their financing coming from "liberal CIA" foundation as Packard, Hewlett, MacArthur, Ford, Rockefeller and more.
- activistfacts.com/about/ (accessed February 19, 2019): "This site, created by the Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE), is committed to providing detailed and up-to-date information about organizations and activists. We have analyzed scores of media clippings, official statements, and government documents to create this database.
The organizations we track on this site are tax-exempt nonprofits, many of which engage in anti-consumer activism."
- activistfacts.com/about/ (accessed February 19, 2019): "This site, created by the Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE), is committed to providing detailed and up-to-date information about organizations and activists. We have analyzed scores of media clippings, official statements, and government documents to create this database.
- The CCF/CORE has received millions in donations from corporations as Philip Morris, Coca-Cola (ironically Warren Buffett's company) to discredit the environmental movement. However, it has also received a degree of financing from the Bradley Foundation and possibly other such "conservative CIA" foundation.
- May 9, 2017, prwatch.org (a publication of the "liberal CIA" CMD), 'Bradley Foundation Bankrolls Front Groups of Discredited PR Spin Doctor Richard Berman': "According to [our] Bradley Files, Bradley [Foundation] has given [anti-union, anti-environment, anti-wage increase] Berman groups at least $6.5 million. ... Berman's "Center for Consumer Freedom," a front group created to undermine public support for food-safety and animal welfare groups, $625,000 between 2009-2013. ... "Activistfacts.com and CREWexposed.com, projects of the Bradley-supported Center for Consumer Freedom" (Meeting of [Bradley's] Implementation and Impact Committee, October 14, 2014)."
- Research website in operation since at least March 1997 as part of "America's Investigative Think Tank", the Capital Research Center. This NGO was established in 1984 to research liberal elite foundations as Rockefeller, Soros, Ford and others.
- capitalresearch.org/crc/about/ (accessed: March 7, 1997): "The introduction of President Johnson's Great Society programs in 1964 helped spawn a new type of non-profit organization in America: the self-identified "public interest group." Today thousands operate at the state, local, and national levels. Some are high profile and well known. Others work in near obscurity to achieve their goals."
- capitalresearch.org/about/ (accessed February 19, 2019): "The Capital Research Center was established in 1984 to examine how foundations, charities, and other nonprofits spend money and get involved in politics and advocacy..."
- CapitalResearch.org doesn't have a particularly systematic approach of figuring out liberal NGO funding, but over the years it has produced a good number of interesting reports in this domain revealing "liberal CIA" foundation funding facts that were, or still are, hard to find anywhere else. Examples of this include:
- January 1998, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'The Tides Foundation and Center: Unusual Philanthrophies Funnel Money to Activist Groups'.
- January 18, 2005, Capital Research Center, 'The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Rockefeller Family Fund: How a Great Capitalist's Fortune Came to Fund Anti-Capitalist Causes'.
- February 2014, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'The Joyce Foundation Betraying donor intent in the Windy City'.
- January 9, 2015, Capital Research Center, 'Trendsetters of the Left'.
- September 18, 2017, Capital Research Center, 'George Soros Names New President of Open Society Foundations: Does a change in leadership signal a new direction for the Open Society Foundations?'.
- The leadership of CapitalResearch.org includes a number of major conservative figures.
- capitalresearch.org/about/board-of-trustees/ (accessed February 19, 2019): "Michael Franc, The Hoover Institution. Hon. Edwin Meese III, Fellow, The Heritage Foundation."
- capitalresearch.org/about/national-advisory-board/ (accessed February 19, 2019): "[Top neocon superclass member] Midge Decter ... Adam Meyerson, President, The Philanthropy Roundtable. ... P.J. O'Rourke, Author and Columnist. Dr. Kenneth R. Weinstein, President & CEO, Hudson Institute."
- Funding:
- 1992, Taft Group, 'Corporate and Foundation Grants: Volume 1', p. 290: "Capital Research Center, Washington, DC — general operating support: $200,000 from Scaife (Sarah) Foundation. ... $25,000 from Stranahan Foundation ... $117,500 from Donner (William H.) Foundation ... $5,000 from Koch (Charles G.) Charitable Foundation."
- May 9, 2017, prwatch.org (a publication of the "liberal CIA" CMD), 'Bradley Foundation Bankrolls Front Groups of Discredited PR Spin Doctor Richard Berman': "Bradley [Foundation] funds the "Capital Research Center" [which] received $2.5 million from Bradley between 1998-2015."
- Online encyclopedia founded by Andrew Schlafly, the son of archconservative activist lawyer Phyllis Schlafly. Bios:
- Phyllis Schlafly: Harvard-educated. John Birch Society member, whose books were promoted by the Society: A Choice Not An Echo (1964), The Gravediggers (1964) and [Soviet] Strike From Space (1965), the latter co-authored with Admiral Chester Ward of the American Security Council and the CFR. Founder of the conservative and anti-UN, anti-feminist Eagle Forum in 1972, an organization that still exists. By the 1980s a member, governor (1982) and chair of the Family Committee of the notorious Council for National Policy (CNP). In the 2010s a regular guest of conservative CIA" conspiracy disinformation outlet Infowars of Alex Jones.
- Andrew Schlafly: Graduated from Harvard in 1991 with a J.D. in the same class with future U.S. president Barack Obama. From 1989 to 1991, Schlafly was an editor of the Harvard Law Review.
- With the help of "a large group of home-schooled teenagers" gathered at his home, Andrew Schlafly founded the website in November 2006 after observing what he called a "liberal bias" of Wikipedia admins (i.e., pro-abortion, etc.):
- March 11, 2007, Toronto Star, 'Conservative wants to set Wikipedia right': ""Wikipedia has been taken over by liberally biased editors," Schlafly declares. "It's mobocracy." ...
Look up a topic on Conservapedia and you'll often get a search result that tows a Christian religious line, even if the subject has, at first glance, little to do with religion. ... An entry on vaccines – a subject Schlafly's mother Phyllis, a prominent conservative activist, has written about ... Included is this line: "Some Christian groups have objected to the use of such vaccines since they could potentially encourage promiscuity in children."
Similarly, the entry on homosexuality in Conservapedia is led by biblical views on its sinfulness and disproving any genetic basis or appearance among animals. ...
The site was born with the help of a large group of home-schooled teenagers Schlafly assembles near his home in northern New Jersey to teach such topics as world history and economics. ...
Since launching three months ago, it has accumulated 3,800 articles and counting, compared to nearly 1.7 million on Wikipedia. In recent weeks, however, its notoriety has exploded among bloggers. "We had a lot of vandalism, which was shocking," Schlafly says. "And I thought liberals believed in free speech!"" - June 19, 2007, Los Angeles Times, 'A conservative's answer to Wikipedia': "Take the Pleistocene Epoch. Most scientists know it as the ice age and date it back at least 1.6 million years. But Conservapedia calls it "a theorized period of time" -- a theory contradicted, according to the entry, by "multiple lines of evidence" indicating that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old, as described in the Book of Genesis. ...
A hike in minimum wage is referred to as "a controversial manoeuvre that increases the incentive for young people to drop out of school.""
- March 11, 2007, Toronto Star, 'Conservative wants to set Wikipedia right': ""Wikipedia has been taken over by liberally biased editors," Schlafly declares. "It's mobocracy." ...
- Dissenting, liberal-oriented editors at Conservapedia.com, after being banned by Schlafly, in May 2007 created the liberal-oriented rationalwiki.org, operated since 2010 through the RationalMedia Foundation (it's largely a troll site):
- June 19, 2007, Los Angeles Times, 'A conservative's answer to Wikipedia': "Dr. Peter A. Lipson, an internist in Southfield, Mich., repeatedly tried to amend an article on breast cancer to tone down Conservapedia's claim that abortion raises a woman's risk. The site's administrators, including Schlafly, questioned his credentials and shut off debate.
After administrators blocked their accounts, Lipson and several other editors quit trying to moderate the articles and instead started their own website, RationalWiki.com. From there, they monitor Conservapedia. And -- by their own admission -- engage in acts of cyber-vandalism. In recent months, Conservapedia's articles have been hit frequently by interlopers from RationalWiki and elsewhere. The vandals have inserted errors, pornographic photos and satire...
The vandalism aims "to cause people to say, 'That Conservapedia is just wacko,' " said Brian Macdonald, 45, a Navy veteran in Murfreesboro, Tenn., who puts in several hours a day on the site fending off malicious editing." - wiki/User:Tmtoulouse (accessed: April 2, 2020): "My name is Trent, I edit over at wikipedia as tmtoulouse and I edited over at conservapedia as tmtoulouse as well. ... I am a doctoral candidate in Psychology with particular interests in neuroscience, neural modeling, and brain imaging. I have undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Biology and an intense interest in the overlap of human behavior and evolution. ... Due to my arcane and magical powers I can alter things on the site server."
- rationalwiki.org/wiki/RationalWiki:What_is_a_RationalWiki_article%3F (accessed: April 2, 2020): "1. RationalWiki is not neutral. ... A RationalWiki article is not afraid to clearly state that some idea is bullshit. ...
2. Snarky Point of View: Humor (humour, humeur) plays an important part of what differentiates a RationalWiki article from an article at Wikipedia..." - rationalwiki.org/wiki/Laura_Knight_Jadczyk (accessed: April 2, 2020): "Laura Knight Jadczyk (hereafter referred to as LKJ) is a batshit insane blogger and crank... It seems LKJ never met a piece of pseudoscience, she didn't like, and she's a crank and moonbat par excellence in a political wilderness. ... LKJ is not a fan of this site. In Cassiopaea, she had this to say about us: "I just had a look at an entry about me on "rationalwiki". ... I suspect we get a lot of readers sent our way from there!""
- rationalwiki.org/wiki/RationalWiki:Saloon_bar (accessed: April 2, 2020; comments range from March 31 to April 2, 2020; the nicknames, language and trouble these trolls have with punctuation marks and capital letters indicate they are rather young): "St.~Emi: ... Can someone please help me critique this [ISGP] site it has obscure ideas as well as a strange political compass that seems to be socially conservative and pushes racial IQ bullshit but is economically leftist. It pushes a "Liberal CIA" conspiracy meaning that the liberal party aka the Democrats control the American media and numerous other things it also has an opposing "conservative CIA" conspiracy theory. I can't critique anything beyond it making loose connections between things and the fact that it fails to look at the whole picture. I should also mention that it has numerous conspiracies about child abuse cases by elites that I cannot validify because I know nothing about it.
Jeh2ow: ... If it looks like a shitty website, it is a shitty website. Also, they think that leftism supports eugenics and has a whole page dedicated to talking about random think tanks so they can blame everything on the Rothschild family. It's just Infowars, only it fails to look in any way compelling.— Jeh2ow Damn son! 21:52, 31 March 2020 (UTC) ...
AMassiveGay: [ISGP] seems to largely focus on one world government/illuminati, with a lot of racist/anti immigrant stuff. nothing really out of the ordinary for that kind thing. nothing that hasn't been said before in one form or another. the liberal cia vs conservative cia thing is likely the conservative stuff is based on conspiracies going back to the 50s when the cia was in the business of toppling leftist regimes. the liberal cia thing is something akin to deep state, and now instead of toppling Marxists, it's stirring up minority groups ie. non white/immigrants, lgbt, 'extreme' feminist, because this splits the white vote and black people vote for who they are told. ... not keen on alex jones though. so theres that. this thread is likely the most attention they have ever had, so a deeper look is probably not required...
all these conspiracy theory require child sex rings these day. sexual deviance goes way back as a evidence that someones a wrong un. people can take or leave the political intrigue, its all very abstract. but tell them what the illuminati like to put their dicks in, and watch the self righteous rage explode. the templars where branded homosexual when they were dealt with. but gayness isn't shocking anymore, but so child abuse is to go to indicator of evil for made up conspiracies. its not just their politics that dodgy, but they fundamentally evil, the slightest and spurious indication and there are child sex rings. unless you like them, then they could be caught balls deep in a toddler and everyones overreacting... ... There is quite a bit that is wildly wrong (Bohemian Grove is listed as a "liberal NGO", Comet Ping Pong is described as a "homosexual and heterosexual sex club of some sort at night") not to pursue any further, particularly since this guy seems to have an obsession with racialism and sex (especially child sex). " - rationalwiki.org/wiki/Haig's_Law (accessed: April 2, 2020): "Haig's Law states: "The awfulness of a website's design is directly proportional to the insanity of its contents and creator." A corollary to this states: "If a website still runs on Netscape, there is a high probability it was designed by a crazy person."
- June 19, 2007, Los Angeles Times, 'A conservative's answer to Wikipedia': "Dr. Peter A. Lipson, an internist in Southfield, Mich., repeatedly tried to amend an article on breast cancer to tone down Conservapedia's claim that abortion raises a woman's risk. The site's administrators, including Schlafly, questioned his credentials and shut off debate.
- Website launched in 2017 by the Scaife, Bradley, etc.-funded Capital Research Center to serve as a more systematic research site of "liberal CIA" funding than its 1997-launched site CapitalResearch.org.
- December 22, 2017, prwatch.org (a publication of the "liberal CIA" CMD), ''Influence Watch' Website Launched: Berman, ALEC, Heartland Copy CMD's Sourcewatch.org Site'.
- influencewatch.org/about-us/ (accessed February 19, 2019): "Capital Research Center conceived of this project after identifying a need for more fact-based, accurate descriptions of all of the various influencers of public policy issues."
- Ultraconservative online encyclopedia founded in 2005 that in great detail discusses all the "new left" race, LGBTQ, feminist and related NGOs, and, most importantly, figures out their financing - which usually comes from foundations as Soros, Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Gates, MacArthur, Knight, etc.
- DiscoverTheNetworks.org itself, however, is a creation of the historically Olin, Bradley, Scaife and Mercer-funded David Horowitz Freedom Center.
- Seems to be heavily penalized by Google, looking at how hard it is to get any of its information to pop up in the search engine. Also very, very seldom linked to, even by sister publications as Frontpage Magazine, which prefers to focus on Soros only when discussing the financing of these "liberal CIA" networks.
- Conservative government watchdog group founded in 1994. One of many Scaife-funded groups that relentlessly attacked the Clinton administration. Later popped up in 9/11 Pentagon impact debate and the DIA prediction of ISIS' rise 2-3 years before it happened.
- Tom Fitton:
- 2014 Membership Directory, Council for National Policy: "Mr. Thomas Fitton... Work: President, Judicial Watch, Inc."
- judicialwatch.org/about/board-of-directors/ (accessed: February 26, 2019): "Tom Fitton is the President of Judicial Watch... Tom Fitton has helped lead Judicial Watch since 1998 [appointed president in August 1998] and overseen its tremendous growth and success in recent years. ...
He has been quoted in TIME, Vanity Fair, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Associated Press, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Post, and most every other major newspaper in the country. He has also appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX News Channel, C-SPAN and MSNBC."
- Bizarrely, Judicial Watch rose to fame in the conspiracy community in 2006, because this is the group to which the DOD released two Pentagon impact "videos". Equally biazarre, the Judicial Watch president (then and now), Council for National Policy member Tom Fitton, stated that "we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77." The "video" - no more than a handful of blurry gifs on which no plane is seen - is no proof of anything.
Flight 77 most certainly impacted the Pentagon, but the apparent refusal of authorities to release videographic evidence of this, in addition to the release of a handful of bogus gifs that only fueld speculation, and one has to assume that Judicial Watch was the conduit of a psychological warfare program to keep the truth about 9/11 hidden.- May 17, 2006, CNN, 'First video of Pentagon 9/11 attack released: Watchdog group says video will end 'conspiracy theories": "Video showing a plane crashing into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, was released publicly for the first time Tuesday, a judicial watchdog group said.
The Justice Department has handed over tapes showing American Airlines Flight 77 striking the building outside Washington to Judicial Watch, a public interest group that requested the video, the group said.
The video is available on the group's Web site, according to a news release from Judicial Watch.
At least two tapes were released, from different security cameras. The two cameras, from the same Pentagon checkpoint, show the building from different angles. (Watch what the cameras caught as the plane slams into the Pentagon -- 2:21)
Previously released still photographs from those cameras show the Pentagon on fire, but no images of the Boeing 757 striking the building have ever been made public.
The video released Tuesday was the source of those still photos.
In one clip, a police car passes in front of the security camera before a ball of flame and smoke erupts from the Pentagon in the background.
"We fought hard to obtain this video because we felt that it was very important to complete the public record with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77. As always, our prayers remain with all those who suffered as a result of those murderous attacks." ...
Some conspiracy theorists have maintained the aircraft was shot down in flight, and that the Pentagon was struck by a missile."
- May 17, 2006, CNN, 'First video of Pentagon 9/11 attack released: Watchdog group says video will end 'conspiracy theories": "Video showing a plane crashing into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, was released publicly for the first time Tuesday, a judicial watchdog group said.
- Director of Investigations & Research at Judicial Watch, Chris Farrell, even appeared on the Alex Jones Show over the Pentagon video.
- May 18 2006, Chris Farrell, Alex Jones' Prisonplanet, 'Judicial Watch Says More Pentagon Tapes To Come Farrell admits entire issue potential intelligence honey pot operation': "Appearing on the Alex Jones Show, Farrell conceded that his organization could be the water carriers for a honey pot operation, in which the government attracts overwhelming attention to the Pentagon issue, making it the cornerstone of the 9/11 truth movement, and then blowing it out of the water by releasing clear footage of Flight 77. "Let's just call it a baited trap, it draws somebody into a situation in which they're compromised," said Farrell in describing the tactic of creating a honey pot. He agreed that we should expect to see clear footage of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon released soon. ... Many suspect Judicial Watch is being used as a conduit for the dissemination of carefully staged government propaganda. When the subject of Operation Northwoods was raised, Farrell became noticeably evasive and began to talk about government incompetence as if reading from a prepared script."
- In 2015 Judicial Watch made the news with regard to the DIA report that predecited the rise of ISIS. At the time, the DIA was headed by General Mike Flynn, who became Trump's first national security advisor in 2016-2017.
- May 18, 2015, Fox News, 'Military intel predicted rise of ISIS in 2012, detailed arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria': "The DIA report, which was reviewed by Fox News, was obtained through a federal lawsuit by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch."
- See ISGP's The Rise of ISIS article for more information on this DIA document.
- Financing:
- June 10, 1998, CNN, 'Scaife's Money Aids Judicial Watch': "Larry Klayman, leader of the group Judicial Watch, calls himself a conservative watchdog. He denies he is in it for the money and says he is just after the truth about the Clinton Administration. ...
Tax records show Klayman's tax-exempt group, Judicial Watch, was just a shoestring operation in 1996, with total revenues of less than $68,000. But now it comes out that Judicial Watch received $550,000 in 1997 from the Carthage Foundation, funded by Pittsburgh billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife." - 2001 annual report, Carthage Foundation: "Judicial Watch, Inc. $500,000."
- March 30, 2016, Washington Post, 'Judicial Watch, pursuing the Clintons like Inspector Javert for two decades, scores again': "According to news reports, confirmed by [president Tom] Fitton, the Scaife Foundation, set up by the late conservative billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, is among its larger funders..."
- June 10, 1998, CNN, 'Scaife's Money Aids Judicial Watch': "Larry Klayman, leader of the group Judicial Watch, calls himself a conservative watchdog. He denies he is in it for the money and says he is just after the truth about the Clinton Administration. ...
- NGO founded in 1987 by L. Brent Bozell III that does exactly what it says - from a radically conservative perspective. Launched CNS News in 1998.
- Bozell III is a member of the executive committee of the Council for National Policy:
- 2014 Membership Directory, Council for National Policy: "Executive Committe [and] Gold Circle Members: ... Mr. L. Brent Bozell, III. ... William F. Buckley Jr. Council Directory."
- Bozell III has two uncles who were Knights of Malta: William Buckley, Jr. and James Buckley. He is a son of Patricia Buckley Bozell, who is the daughter of Standard Oil-tied oil explorer William F. Buckley, Sr. (1881-1958). This makes Brent Bozell the nephew of Yale Skull & Bones member, CIA "deep cover" agent, Knight of Malta, 1955 National Review founder, CFR member and Bilderberg visitor William Buckley, Jr. (1925-2008). Buckley, Jr. served as a buffer between the Eastern Establishment and the really extreme John Birch Society-inspired Christian conservatives.