Jacques Vallee: biography, Theories, Diary Extracts

1. | Intro |
2. | Coast to Coast AM appearances |
3. | Jacques Vallee background and sources |
This page is a subsection of ISGP's article Cult of National Security Trolls: Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM. As that article details, shows like Coast to Coast AM promote virtually nothing but very organized and systematic disinformation.
As basically the only Coast to Coast AM visitor, for the longest time I actually was on the fence with regard to Vallee. Then I find out he wrote the foreword for the March 2017 book Sekret Machines: Gods: Volume 1 of Gods Man & War of Tom DeLonge, a very obvious UFO disinformer but one with extremely high level Lockheed, DOD and CIA ties. Now things make sense again: Vallee cannot be trusted the slightest.
Coast to Coast AM: September 17, 2007; February 12, 2008; October 24, 2010; July 27, 2014
Jacques Vallee background and sources
- Born in 1939. BS in mathematics, Sorbonne. MS in astrophysics, University of Lille. Began his professional life as an astronomer at the Paris Observatory in 1961. Moved to the United States in 1962, where he began working in astronomy department of the University of Texas at Austin. Here he worked at the McDonald Observatory on NASA's first project making a detailed informational map of Mars.
- Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern 1967. At Northwestern, where he was situated from 1963 to 1967, he assisted J. Allen Hynek (a future Roswell crash disinformer) with his Project Blue Book UFO investigation for the U.S. Air Force, which was shut down in 1969. Created the first UFO sightings computer database in this period.
- Sighted a UFO in 1955. In 1961, while on staff at the Paris Observatory (part of the French Space Agency), Vallee allegedly witnessed the destruction of tracking tapes of UFO orbiting the earth. He also claimed the staff witnessed UFOs on other occasions. Vallee's first UFO book dates back to 1965 with Anatomy of a Phenomenon: Unidentified Objects in Space. 1966: Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma. 1969: Passport to Magonia. 1975: The Invisible College and The Edge of Reality. Was portrayed in Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind in 1977. 1979: Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults. More books followed.
- Senior researcher at the DARPA-funded Augmentation Research Center at the elite, Bechtel-dominated Stanford Research Institute (SRI) since the late 1960s. At SRI in 1971 when the Remote Viewing program was founded at SRI, of which he became an unpaid consultant. Became good friends with Hal Puthoff, Ingo Swann, Pat Price and other team members and began to interact with all the other characters in this network: Andrija Puharich, Edgar Mitchell, Uri Geller, etc. Tons of bizarre disinformation trolls that later ended up on Coast to Coast AM came from SRI.
- Principal investigator on the large National Science Foundation project for computer networking at the RAND and Ford Foundation-created Institute for the Future 1972-1976 (ARPANET, precursor of the internet).
- iftf.org/what-we-do/history-of-the-future/ (accessed: February 25, 2017): "Founded in 1968 by a group of former RAND Corporation researchers with a grant from the Ford Foundation..."
- The Rockefeller Foundation has been providing the Institute for the Future with regular grants in the 2010-2016 period.
- Just about the most skeptical of the believers in the UFO field, who criticizes most well known supposed UFO phenomenon. Still extremely cozy with all the disinformers, however, and the field cases he mentions (as well as his UFO sightings at the Paris Observatory) fail to convince. His primary theory is that there's an interdimensional and deceptive aspect to the UFO phenomenon.
- Coast to Coast AM, Jacques Vallee, guest biography: "Dr. Jacques F. Vallee was a senior researcher at the DARPA-funded Augmentation Research Center at SRI at the very beginning of the RV [remote viewing] program initiated by Dr. Puthoff and Russell Targ in 1971. Given his long-standing interest in consciousness research, he became informally associated with the program and is credited by Ingo Swann for suggesting the approach that led to the coordinate remote viewing protocol.
In the mid-eighties, Dr. Vallee was brought back to SRI as a consultant. He was cleared for Grill Flame, went through formal training with Ingo Swann, and contributed to the methodology research that Dr. Ed May later led at SAIC. ...
Dr. Vallee also has long been interested in the UFO phenomenon and has earned the reputation of being one of the most rigorous and credible researchers in the field. He was the model for the French scientist figure played by Francois Truffaut in Steven Spielberg's classic film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."" - Vallee's books 'Anatomy of a Phenomenon, Unidentified Objects in Space - A Scientific Appraisal' (1965), 'Challenge To Science; The UFO Enigma' (1966) and 'Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers' (1969) were published by Henry Regnery of the American Security Council, a joint CIA-FBI-Pentagon front group, along with the books of J. Allen Hynek and some of Raymond Drake, Friedrich A. Hayek and Ludwig von Mises.
- Dr. John Mack and Jacques Vallee have given speeches at Edgar Mitchell's IONS events.
- nidsci.org/personnel.html (accessed: June 22, 2000): "Scientific Advisory Board & NIDS staff Science Advisory Board: Warren Burggren, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board Douglas P. Ferraro, Ph.D. Albert A. Harrison, Ph.D. Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D. Melvin Morse, M.D. Martin Piltch, Ph.D. Harold E. Puthoff, Ph.D. Theodore (Ted) Rockwell, D.Sc. John F. Schuessler, M.S. Peter A. Sturrock, Ph.D. Jessica Utts, Ph.D. Jacques Vallee, Ph.D. Jim Whinnery, M.D., Ph.D. Staff: Robert T. Bigelow, President and Founder Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D., Deputy Administrator, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry John B. Alexander, Ph.D., Discreet Project Scout."
- April 3, 1999 forum post: "UFO Research Personalities Bob Wood (Psi-Tech co-founder), his son Ryan Wood, Dr. James Harder, Psi-Tech co-founder Ron Blackburn, J. Allen Hynek associate Fred Beckman (Jacques Vallee's mentor), "UFOLOGY" author James McCampbell & former USWeb CEO Joe Firmage will be on hand April 18, 1999 for a special MUFON Field Investigator Training Seminar."
- September 17, 2007, Coast to Coast AM, Jacques Vallee program description: "One of the most quoted authors in the field of Ufology, Silicon Valley entrepeneur Jacques F. Vallee... Vallee will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming Remote Viewing Conference in Las Vegas. ... Vallee discussed his long-standing friendship with Ingo Swann...
Vallee, who distanced himself from ufology for a number of years, said the study of UFOs became less focused on science and more embroiled in a debate over belief systems. He spoke about first witnessing a saucer-shaped craft in 1955, and his years working with investigator J. Allen Hynek. Over time, Vallee began to doubt the extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs. He looked at the unusual sightings dating back centuries, where such incidents were thought to be associated with ghosts, demons or supernatural forces. ..." - February 12, 2008, Coast to Coast AM, Jacques Vallee program description: "He spoke about his investigation into a 1977 wave of sightings in the Brazilian Amazon. People were terrorized by small and large aerial objects, some of which shot out harmful beams. Intelligence officers from the Brazialian Air Force were brought in during the incidents, and a doctor treated around 40 people who were exposed to the beams, he reported. Too much emphasis has been placed on the Roswell incident, which has a lot of contradictory testimony, Vallee commented. ... His study of the Billy Meier material led him to believe that models were used in his photographs and films. And the 1980 Rendlesham/Bentwaters case fits the pattern of a military psychological warfare experiment rather than true contact, he said."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 301: "Belmont. Wednesday 2 July 1975: ... At an SRI meeting this past week I had a chance to talk to Saul Paul [Sirag] as well as Hal, Russell and Arthur Hastings. I heard that Tim Leary (recently visited in jail by Carl Sagan and Drake to discuss non-human intelligence) had recorded a series of statements. So Janine and I drove up to Cotati to listen to these tapes. Sarfatti began expounding about physics while one of his barefoot acolytes made a beeline for the potato chips, sat in a corner and went to sleep. Saul Paul Sirag came with Elizabeth Rauscher. A lively crowd assembled. Leary's tapes are brilliant, controversial, hard-hitting. He points out that evolution is simply too complicated to be explained by Darwinism.
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 301: "Belmont. Saturday 21 June 1975: ... In New York, business tycoon George Vila, chairman of Uniroyal, drove us to IBM headquarters in his little red car. Vila is a big forceful man who drives like a Mexican cabbie, going through red lights and frequently commenting on the varied sex appeal of passing women, to the horror of the more dignified Roy Amara. The headquarters of IBM are a big white castle on a grassy green hilltop. We met their executive VP for industrial relations and his two assistants."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', pp. 390-391, 402: "Friday 5 August 1977: ... When Allen [Hynek] and I had dinner with his son Paul last night, all he talked about was the Center [CUFOS]. ... Ed May and Russ Targ were so disappointed with Allen's presentation they got up and left the auditorium, saying Allen was "out of focus." ...
The most notable fact was a breakfast invitation from Trammell Crow [business partner of David and Winthrop Rockefeller since 1969 in building San Francisco's Embarcadero Center; friend of James "Mac" McDonnell, a known friend and business partner of Laurance Rockefeller; a rare "Green Republican"; CFR; Trilateral Commission; bought Ingo Swann's paintings and known to have hung out with SRI's remote viewing group; his son Harlan Crow was a member of the Bohemian Grove and sat on the board of the George H.W. Bush Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute; Dallas-based billionaire real estate tycoon considered the largest land lord in the U.S. in the 1970s and 1980s; fortune sank from $775 million to $300 million in the late 1980s; key patron Dallas Petroleum Club, with the Murchisons and Hunts as members, since 1986], a friend of Mr. Mac" McDonnell the aerospace tycoon [and a friend and business partner of Laurance Rockefeller]. Seven of us attended this private meeting: Anne Gehman, Harold Sherman, Al Pollard, Ingo Swann, Allen Hynek and me, as well as Stephen Schwartz, who tries to apply psychic research to archeology. Mr. Crow asked me to come to Dallas in one month to repeat my lecture before "a few of his friends." ...
An animated debate followed [at the Crow meeting]. The IBM executive took me aside: "Have you discussed this with [IBM founder and head Thomas] Watson?" As if I could pick up the phone and call the chairman of the largest computer company on Earth to discuss flying saucers?
Trammell Crow is an impressive man. ... "What a beautiful building," I said sincerely, staring up in awe at tapestries that floated down from the 20th floor. "Thank you," he replied. It took me a few seconds to realize he had built the complex and supplied the art himself." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', pp. 236, 238-239, 391-392, 398-399: "Hal's contact is a boyish fellow, Dr. Christopher Green nicknamed Kit, a dynamic bespectacled young man of medium build with alert brown eyes. He holds a doctorate in biology, exudes optimism and refreshing humor. Dr. Green wasted no time...
Belmont. Tuesday 26 February 1974: ... I had lunch with Pat Price and Hal Puthoff. A temporary clearance is being setup to enable me to visit Kit Green next month in hopes to better understand the chessboard. ... As I extend my contacts in Washington it is that precious freedom that I must preserve above everything else. ...
Belmont. Thursday 11 August 1977: Kit [Kit Green of the CIA] and I spent two hours arguing yesterday at The Little Store in Woodside, closed for the afternoon. ... I proposed to attack the UFO system by moving upstream along its own feedback loop. ... Something bothers me about such conversations with Kit: We speak past each other. I try to make him see the reality of the phenomenon because he's one of the few people in a position to bring the subject up before decision-makers, but he continues to deny it, in academic terms that don't take the facts into account. ...
Washington. Friday 30 September 1977: Stanley Scheider [assistant to the science advisers of Nixon, Ford Carter and Reagan; senior science writer at the National Science Foundation; sssistant to the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission; director of executive communications at Bell Laboratories and AT&T 1982-1987], who received me on the third floor of the New Executive Building across the street from the White House ... confirmed NASA had the task to centralize UFO information. The Carter Administration didn't want another Condo fiasco, and it didn't want to turn the problem back to the Air Force that did such a bad job in the past. ... I spoke to Kit at Dulles. We ended up at the coffee shop of the Marriott, where we had once met with "Smit." ... Kit was skeptical that NASA could study UFOs. "They don't have the resources to do a good job," he argued. "... We're the only ones with those resources [but] we can't do it until the Executive tells us to study the problem." Yet Schneider had told me he'd never trust the CIA to do a reliable study: "The information that the Air Force and the CIA collect never sees the light of day again," he had said angrily, confirming my own suspicions. "The twist everything to suit their own political schemes. Even when the White House asks for it, it's like pulling teeth to get them to release anything, and you never know if those guys tell the truth or make up false data." I think Kit is a bright scientist with an open mind but he is the exception in a bureaucratic empire that smothers research. ... Schneider told me he'd received numerous offers for help, including a proposal to deploy sophisticated equipment to detect UFOs. Allen Hynek called him just the day before my visit, but he had not told me about it, which was childish. It could have been an opportunity to strenghten our common cause by presenting a credible team. Instead Sturrock, Hynek and a few others are acting on their own, pushing their own agenda. People see conspiracies everywhere." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 392: "Belmont. Sunday 14 August 1977: ... Admiral [Stansfield] Turner, current director of the CIA, has answered a recent article on psychic spying by John Wilhelm with a tongue-in-cheek statement: indeed, he said, about 1972, some experiments had been conducted with [a remote viewer called Pat Price], but he died and "no contact had been made since then!"
Note (*) Actually Pat died in mysterious circumstances in a Las Vegas hotel room. His body was buried before an autopsy could be conducted, yet another suspicious death of a psychic researcher. According to Ryan Dube, an independent researcher (quoting a 1977 report by Kenneth Kress, the project manager at CIA) Price's summer 1973 exposure of an intelligence facility near Washington triggered an intense investigation of the SRI researchers. After a raid against the offices of the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles, the FBI had discovered that Price was used by the scientologists as a spy against the CIA." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 306: "Belmont. Sunday 17 August 1975: ... On Wednesday night I attended a meeting of contactees at the Bechtel International Center on the Stanford campus. Eight serious people said they had abandoned everything in life to follow a middle-aged couple, "the Two", Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles, who believe they will soon leave the earth, trancending death in the process, transforming themselves from caterpillar ro butterfly, becoming eternal. The surprising fact to me was the feverish feeling that spread through the audience. Some 40 people swarmed over "the Two", begging them to reveal how to transcend reality, to reach a higher level. ... I was amazed at people's willingness to become converts."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 315: "New York. Monday 27 October 1975. Frank Pace [Princeton; Harvard; secretary of the army 1950-1953; CEO General Dynamics 1953-1962; administrator of the Eisenhower Ten, a top secret Continuity of Government group under Eisenhower 1952-1960; founder with David Rockefeller of the International Executive Service Corps in 1964 and became its president; first chair Corporation for Public Broadcasting 1968-1972; member advisory council SRI"s Strategic Studies Center], a Trustee of the Institute, member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, received me today in his office on a high floor of a tower suspended above Manhattan. ... I threw myself into a succint exposition of the UFO subject, arguing for its gravity, its urgency... "Where would you look for the money? NSF? The Air Force?" We discussed various scenarios. I mentioned the Rockefeller Foundation. He was adamant: "No, you should only undertake the research under official funding, a formal government grant."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', pp. 317, 322: "Belmont. Tuesday 18 November 1975: The science attache to the French Consulate, Alain Deroulede, relays and inquiry from a highly-placed lady in Paris, Simonne Servais, who has read Invisible College. He describes her as beautiful and holding the rank of ambassador. She is a former member of De Gaulle's Cabinet and spokesperson of the Elysee, a close confidante of President Georges Pompidou (51). She is interested in psychic phenomena and UFOs, he said, so she instructed the Consulate to arrange a meeting with me. This should be an interesting trip indeed. ...
The lady herself was intense, beautiful indeed, and in control. She praised my book in a few words, without flattery. Some questions were gnawing at a corner of my mind, however. It had been quite a curious coincidence for her to find a copy of the volume in an unrelated package from the publisher. ... She insisted our contact was a coincidence.... She told me that she had extensively investigated parapsychology and was a student of the Gurdjieff tradition..." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', pp. 441-442: "Boston. Tuesday 14 November 1978: Last night I gave an informal lecture at the home of some friends of Ira [Einhorn], who spends a few months as a Visiting Fellow at the Harvard Institute of International Politics. The house belonged to Gunther Weil and the audience included Izhtak Bentov who specializes in psychic medicine, and his Russian-born wife who seems to be one of Ira's sources about Soviet research. Ira took me aside: the CIA had sent a man to see him, a former scientific director at IBM who asked what he knew about the Soviet interest in Tesla's work. This man now serves as coordinator of advanced projects at the Pentagon. I tried without success to get Ira to tell me what he knew about the firebombing of Puharich's house. Bentov said that he had given up studying UFOs and Uri Geller when he had understood how the whole phenomenon worked. ... "ufonauts are low-level entities that play with their victims. They amuse themselves by possessing mediums like Geller." "Have you ever encountered them yourselves?" I asked. 'Yes," he answered matter-of-factly, "but I chased them away through meditation.""
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 337: "Saturday 22 May 1976: ... I met Marcel Vogel today. He is a massive block of a man, a jovial fellow, an expert at IBM where he studies plant telepathy and other paranormal topics. He made so many millions for them with his discoveries in magnetic recording that they leave him alone, with a far salary and his own lab. He was anxious for me to examine what he called a piece of a UFO found in the Santa Cruz Mountains, so we went to his room. It was a silvery fragment, light and plastic in appearance."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 336: "I got an interesting call from a vice-president with Environmental Systems in Van Nuys who'd read Invisible College. As early as 1955 he belonged to a UFO group at Douglas Aircraft in Santa Monica. He worked there with Wheaten (now at Lockheed, in the submarine division), Ted Gordon, Klemperer and Dave Crook. They were asked by Douglas management to assess case from Blue Book, complete with photos and films. Their conclusion, which they were asked to "forget," was that the objects used multi-dimensional physics. He now claims they found no less than 2,000 sites in Owens Valley alone, including places where objects seem to go in and out of the solid ground. All this encourages me in a direction that takes me farther away from the ufologists, who really know nothing and understand nothing, but it also leaves me puzzled, and a little apprehensive about the next steps in my fragile research."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', pp. 334-335: "Saturday 8 May 1976: ... I am in Philadelphia to meet a group of businessmen who have hired Ira Einhorn as their consultant to revise the positioning of their company. ... Our meeting was held in a chalet owned by an executive of the company for which Ira was consulting. I spoke about the medium-term business future as a backdrop to their decisions: demographics, needs and opportunities for new industrial producs, the predictable impact of the fast-developing computer industry, with the erasing of management hierarchies to the benefit of networks. Ira had also invited Shel Gordon, president of the investment division of Lehman Brothers to speak about capital markets. ...
It was fascinating to see Ira operate among the nine executives who were listening to us, dynamic business types, facing both a crisis and an opportunity. The key was drastic reorganization which meant firing their own CEO. Ira was an unlikely catalyst for such a decision: a radical leader from the Sixties, he sat there with his long hair, bushy beard, bare feet, yet he proceeded to give them a brilliant , lucid analysis of their problems...
After the meeting we got back to Ira's apartment, sitting on the floor around a game of GO, discussing Uri, publishers and books. He showed me his poems entitled 7818-7880. Ira has a unique lifestyle: no television set, no car, no radio. He doesn't own a tape recorder or a record player, hasn't owed taxes for 10 years since he has no significant income. ...
We dropped in on a party given by artists in a Chestnut street hangar and spent the evening talking about women. "I lived with Holly for three years," Ira said, "but things became impossible. Now we only see each other once in a while."" - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 238: "Saturday 23 February 1974: Noted inventor Arthur Young, credited with key developments for the first helicopter, brought together the psychic elite of the Bay Area at his house in Berkeley last evening: writer Jeffrey Mishlove was there with theoretical physicist Saul-Paul Sirag...
Psychic Ray Stanford bragged about his exploits. He gathered a group around us and said the saucers were material, not psychic. "We've established they originate on several worlds," he said, raising his voice. "Just the other day I was with Uri [Geller] on a yacht in the Mediterranean. A hawk materialized in the bathroom, a golden bird, a big hawk flapping its wings! When Uri arrived he observed it like something sacred. The hawk is a symbol of Hoova."
Everywhere there are such clusters of breathless believers with stories, real or imagined. Saul-Paul owens a small box that contains a key broken by Geller, a twisted spoon, various flattened utensils. A hush fell over the audience. People touched these relics one by one. Jim harder showed up late... Then Trixie, who had told me of her sighting a year ago, called from her ranch in Petaluma. She'd just seen a strange light that turned into a mandala." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 134: "Belmont. Sunday 21 May 1972: When I took Aime Michel to Anton [LaVey]'s house last night he reclined happily in Rasputin's chair and prepared to be entertained."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 164 "On Thursday, a man passed in the hallway, popped his head into the office and asked the way to the coffee machine. "That was Captain Edgar Mitchell," Hal said with a note of deference after he had turned the corner, adding: "the astronaut. He's here incognito, to attend our first series of experiments with Uri Geller, which begin on Monday. He's covering $15,000 and SRI contributes another $10,000. But we've had some leaks. Many people are asking what we're up to." Puthoff, a serious scientist who doesn't want to take any chances, said again he wanted me to monitor the experiments from outside, without Uri's knowledge: he proposed that I scan the sky in case something unusual shows up. An old wooden tower rises over the building where the tests will take place. It has an unobstructed view over the roofs of Menlo Park.
Belmont. Sunday 12 November 1972: Hal called me at home early this morning, greatly excited: "Geller is really good. We've got things appearing out of nowhere. It's time for some tests. We're going into the lab at 10 A.M. Can you cover us?" I grabbed a compass and my camera, drove down to SRI and climbed up to my tower in time to see Hal and Russell arrive in the company of Geller, New Age researcher Andrija Puharich and their entourage, which included Ed Mitchell, a blonde woman and two other fellows." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', pp. 165-166: "I spent an interesting morning in Russell Targ's office. Uri Gellerwas there with Andrija Puharich and a girl, and Wilbur Franklin, a physicist from Kent State.
Geller didn't make a convincing impression. He is an intense young man with long wavy hair, very personable. I was told he kept producing extraordinary phenomena outside the lab, but none of the recordings made at SRI under controlled conditions show paranormal evidence. He makes rings disappear, bends spoons, closes his hand on a rose petal and opens it on a blooming flower. Since I have just read Sixty Years of Psychical Research, by Houdini's trusted associate Rinn, I am skeptical of any such effect. Puharich inspires even less confidence than Geller. Uri told me he himself had no power, everything came from the saucers. What I find striking is the way in which blind belief is spreading among scientists who are ready to embrace it uncritically, just like Ted Serios' alleged psychic photos a few years ago (22). I spoke to Wilbur Franklin for over an hour. He's a small fellow with short hair, a hearing aid ...
165: Monday 20 November 1972: "Evidently you inspired confidence to Uri right away," said Puthoff today as we went to lunch. "He has instructed me to tell you everything. So here it is: he's seen UFOs all right. He's been contacted by their occupants; he believes he's been chosen to demonstrate certain powers. In coming years they will contact us openly, he says. By then, either we'll have accepted their existence, in which case contact will be easy, or we'll have rejected it, in which case they will go away forever to avoid destroying our civilization..." "Surely you realize none of this makes any sense," I told Hal. [166:]
Puthoff told me that Geller's telepathic ability interfered with the science: "This guy warms up by writing numbers on a piece of paper and asking us to think of some digits. And the number we come up with generally happens to be the one he wrote down beforehand. Everything works as if he could force you to think what he wants."
Allegedly they did shoot a movie showing a spoon hanging in a glass cage with no force applied to it, but nothing is proven. The head of Hal's department, Bart Cox, thinks that Geller tricks everybody. Uri says he isn't sure that "his space contacts" do want him to provide scientific proof. If the phenomena remain magical effects, those who choose to believe are free to do so, while others always have a rational explanation they can hang onto. Uri is bright, very quick. The geraniums we brought back from Boney Mountain are growing in dense red bushes. Everything works as if he could force you to think what he wants." ...
Last Tuesday we watched Uri perform at Jeffery Smith's house in Portola Valley. Even Bart Cox [senior SRI leader] and Doug Engelbart [head SRI's Augmentation Research Center] had come over. Edgar Mitchell did the introductions, explaining how Puharich "discovered" Uri in Israel, how Geller left the army in 1968, went into show business. He needs a crowd to focus his powers.
Uri proceeded to give a series of telepathic demonstrations. The first test consisted in reading a color, a three-digit number (I immediately wrote down 726 as I heard this) and a city name that a volunteer from the audience would write on a board. A woman got up and wrote "Blue, 725, Washington." Uri only missed the city name. He may have listened to the sound of the chalk on the board and recognized the words, but why had I written 726 beforehand? Had he "planted" a number into our minds? After another successful test, he attempted psychokinesis and failed. His only achievement was to bend someone's spectacles, but it was obvious that he was exerting a force with his fingers. Even Elmer came away skeptical: Uri had changed the time on a watch but he had been holding it in his hands, clearly twisting it." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 168: "The first [alien abduction] took place when [Uri Geller] was with Puharich and a woman, driving in the desert near Tel Aviv. A craft came down. He doesn't know how he got in. He recalls finding himself in a hollow space. He came back semi-conscious, holding an object "they" had given him, an ordinary fountain pen. "Last Sunday I succeeded in dematerializing it," he said."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 225: "Also at the meeting was Sir John Whitmore, a former leftist radical who told me that Puharich hypnotized Uri three years ago, producing a tape where Geller's voice changed into that of a being who forecast a major change in earth history."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 231: "I had dinner with Puharich, Arthur Young, Tom Bearden and Ira Einhorn, and then drove Charles Muses back to his hotel. Among the whole group, I feel closest to him."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 232: "Psychic researchers Lee Sanella and Andrija Puharich were talking about Geller in a room furnished as a medition center. Leaning against cushions, we listened to Andrija telling weird tales of space messages that vanished as soon as transcribed. Uri channels tensor equations that Andrija can't reveal. ...
In another breathless tale, Uri left Puharich's house at Ossining and went shopping in Manhattan. As he left the shop he claims he was abducted by a flying saucer and projected to the house 30 miles away." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 265: "He's working with Puharich in his post-Uri period. They're studying a healer who serves as a medium between Puharich and a mysterious Encore group, picking up where Uri left. Encore is supposed to be linked to Spectra, Hoova, the Nine and something called Rhombus 4D. They're all going crazy."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', pp. 330-331, 346: "Belmont. Friday 2 April 1976: Lunch in Woodside with [Andrija] Puharich and [J.J.] Hurtak. Andrija, more excited than ever, claimed he was getting coded extraterrestrial messages on his watch; the fine chronometer he was wearing would suddenly stop, and the position of the hands would be decoded to get specific warnings. Both Hurtak and Puharich are convinced that a mass alien invasion is imminent. Their willingness to jump to conclusions leaves me breathless. ...
Brendan told me that Puharich had money from Sir John Witmore for a study of medium Phillis Schlemmer, who charges ahead where Geller stopped, and for a new project with Jim Hurtak. ...
Thursday 22 July 1976: On Monday I had lunch with Sir John Whitmore who spoke of his adventures with Andrija Puharich and medium Phyllis Schlemmer. He swears she's the third medium sent over by "Spectra." The second one was a Florida healer who tried to commit suicide. John follows Phyllis' instructions on behalf of The Nine. Whenever her "voices" tell her he should be in Cairo, Tel-Aviv, Warsaw, Helsinki or Moscow this group rushes to buy airplane tickets (with Whitmore's money), and off they go!" - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 433: "[August 1978:] I reminded her that two years ago Puharich had already predicted massive landing "within 18 months." Later on he revealed that "The Direction" had decided to land invisibly! Always the same absurb stories."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 434: "Someone has firebombed the house of Puharich in Ossining, in the Hudson Valley, North of New York City. Andrija was in Mexico, but the house was full of kids, psychic subjects he had collected. I have been reading Albert Speer's Journal"
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', pp. 162, 262: "I asked Puthoff: "You've mentioned Scientology several times, and so has Ingo Swann." "I took the training," Hal answered. "I've reached the stage we call Clear. Ingo too." We walked back to SRI... Janine and I drove down to the Scientology church in Palo Alto to attend Hal [Puthoff]'s wedding with his girlfriend Adrienne Kennedy."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 146: "Wednesday 9 August 1972: Mil, my friendly neighbor, is a white witch in her late forties, a former National Security Agency employee. ... I often drink herb tea with her... Today Mil introduced me to a young Rosicrucian who is helping her decipher ancient texts."
- 2015, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science - Volume Two' (digital): "27 October 1972: At the Hilton desk I found a note from Puthoff with instructions to call a certain "locator number" and to ask for Howell McConnell [of the NSA]. I was supposed to say I was referred to him by "R.T." I have just called the locator, which rings inside NSA and left a message. ...
28 October 1972: Howell McConnell does work at the National Security Agency, one of the most secretive components of the Intelligence Community whose initials are said to stand for "Never Say Anything" or "No Such Agency." He arrived looking like a jovial math teacher, a rotund character with spectacles and gray mustache, oddly sweet for a man in the spook business. We sat in the dining room, ordered a pot of coffee, and spent the whole morning there. I was ready for almost anything, except for that discussion about mysticism, he nature of the universe, poetry, cosmic consciousness...Bureaucrats are just like your scientists," he said. "I work for a bunch of bureaucrats whose tendency, too, is to deny. But an Agency like ours can take no risks. So we keep an eye on things. If something does happen, they'll be able to say they were aware of the situation, that one of their analysts was informed, his documentation up to date..."
He asked me if I'd ever heard of a group based at Wright-Patterson, which is supposed to do secret analyses on behalf of the Air Force. He's heard that the office in question confiscated UFO negatives in order to analyze them secretly. Perhaps we should continue this discussion in my room," I suggested, aware that a group of people had come in, sitting down at a table close to us. Howell laughed. "In a hotel like this the rooms are equipped with listening devices. The security men need to find out about any improprieties. Who knows who may be paying them to get information? We're much more private here, right in the restaurant. That remark threw me into a world of new questions. I thought back about the incident of the previous night.
In the rest of our discussion we went deep into the topics of psychic reality. I told him about my computer compilation. "This catalogue of yours is more important in terms of the consciousness evolution it represents than as computer data..." That remark led us towards psychic phenomena, where he knew a great deal, and mysticism, his favourite topic. "What an unfortunate word, mysticism!" he said. "I prefer to speak of contemplation. Nothing exists in itself, only in relationship to other entities, so if you think about it, everything goes back to the triad, the Trinity."
This turned our talk to religion. He belongs to the Charismatic Community, which strives to reach a higher level of consciousness through prayer, miraculous cures of the sick. He compared my catalog to prehistoric paintings of animals on cave walls, a magical representation of the hunter and the hunted, except that my own magic was that of the computer. He added: "If you ever need help, don't hesitate to call me." But I don't plan to require help from the NSA." ...
21 February 1973: "Hal has come back from another trip to Washington. After our failure to get anywhere with well-intentioned McConnell, who evidently knows nothing, Hal has spoken to other "Government officials in a position to discover the true state of affairs" about UFOs. ...
3 May 1973: Two letters have arrived, both touching on the topic of evil. One is from Aime Michel and the other from Howell McConnell...Howell's letter revolves around a classified meeting he recently had with Geller, presumably in the Washington area. ... Howell sends me some books by Christian novelist C.S. Lewis, who uses science-fiction as a vehicle for ideas about the grand cosmic fight. Then he asks for detailed biographies of Geller and Ingo Swann! I don't intend to play along. Doesn't NSA have its own channels to get that kind of information? ...
16 October 1973: Today I had lunch with Hal Puthoff...I told Hal about my frustration with NSA and McConnell, a nice guy with strong religious beliefs but no hard data...
2 February 1974: ... In a recent letter McConnell mentions a delightful story he found in a book by Thomas Merton about the Fathers of the Desert. ...
2 February 1974: ... The most important thing I learned was that Green had counterparts in every branch of the Executive. Like Howell McConnell they mainly operated "out of personal interest."" - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', pp. 238-239: "Tuesday 26 February 1974: Television reporter Jean-Claude Bournet called from Paris to interview me. He said Robert Galley, the French defense minister, had just stated it could no longer be denied that there were unexplained observations and radar trackings."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 311: "Hollywood. Saturday 27 September 1975: ... At the AIAA I spoke after Bob Wood, a Douglas aircraft engineer of the "nuts and bolts" school who flatly equated all psychic phenomena with hallucinations. "
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 325: "Thursday 22 January 1976: When [Brendan O'Regan] came back [from Ireland] he bought a used Porsche but someone broke into it, stole $3,000 worth of jewels that belonged to his friend, Paul Getty's daughter. ... "Do you work for the CIA?" I asked him directly. He swore to me he did not, although he had been indeed "approached," as I had surmised. Brendan and I share the same reaction to the Intelligence community: Some fascination, mixed with disgust. "These guys are unreliable, their contacts can't be trusted," I said. "Not only that, but they keep playing games," he replied. "You're right to stay away.""
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Two: Journals: 1970-1979', p. 330: "Allen [Hynek] finds reassurance in the [sloppy Flickener] report because it places the burden for [cattle] mutilations on a few hypothetical satanists, thus pushing the topic away from ufology. Things are not so simple. From my own analysis, which runs contrary to Kit [Green]'s conclusions, only a small number of cattle mutilations can be attributed to cults or predators."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', pp. 199, 200, 226, 228, 234, 243-244, 247, 255, 262-263, 276, 313: "Hyde Street. Wednesday 24 July 1985: Hal [Puthoff] and I had a lot to talk about. ... There was a meeting on frontier subjects in Washington recently. When Hal [Puthoff] arrived he discovered the topic was UFOs, and the overall project was structured in multiple layers, like an onion [the Secret Onion]. The meeting was classifed above top secret, under a codeword. Fifteen attendees reviewed cases like Kirtland AFB, Cash-Landrum and Tehran. They included Howell McDonnell [of the NSA's "fringe" desk] and John Tyler. Kit [Green of the CIA's "fringe" desk] had been invited but couldn't attend. Two aspects of the meeting were ironic, Hal said. First, attendees were there because they ran programs that were impacted by unidentified signals but they were not necessarily interested in the UFO phenomenon itself. Second irony: they came to the conclusion there must be a secret UFO project, somewhere else! Does the government have in its custody some saucer fragments? Perhaps it does not know what to do with them, someone suggested. Perhaps American industry should be access to the supposed hoard of alien treasures? Perhaps it already has? In the absence of any hard facts this remains wild speculation, even at such high levels of government. ...
Tuesday 30 July 1985: Bill Calvert, one of my most trusted sources, called me on Friday with some urgency. "I've heard about a new group in Washington," he began, "a high-level project headed up by John Alexander, an Army expert. They study UFOs. Fifteen participants are positive; five are negative about UFO reality. One of them is John Gardner [director of systems division of SDI], who controls billions of dollars, probably for Star Wars. Creation of the group seems to have been precipitated by rumors started by the Soviets. They have hinted to their friends in Washington that they had pieces of a saucer and didn't know what to do with them."
"How did you learn all this? I asked, astonished that the supposedly classified group ("above top secret" Hal had told me, swearing me to silence) was already compromised.
"I heard it from Jack Houck, an engineer at McDonnell in Huntington Beach. He is a student of a woman friend of mine, a medium in L.A. He keeps bringing her some CIA types who give her coordinates and ask her what she sees. The sites they give her are always in the Soviet Union. Everybody knows that Puthoff and Swann are doing this at SRI and that the government has gone operational with it. You know how it is. Jack Houck also believes there's a giant UFO base in Brazilian jungles."
So I called Hal, suggesting lunch, and I confronted him with the leak of his "supersecret" information. Hal was shocked when he heard it: "After all the care we took to define the secret according to different layers of the Onion," he said, "we've already failed! The idea was to dangle our collective skills before whoever is running the Big Project. Now that will never happen; we blew it again!"
I reminded him that anything known to more than five people couldn't be kept secret. The French Résistance relied on groups of three. I also pointed out the Soviet game was far from clear in all this. Perhaps they dangled their supposed "saucer hardware" to see what reaction they would get in Washington: who would rise to the bait; a cheap way to flush out the experts. "At least you've got to admit my own information is pretty good," I pointed out as he left. ...
Saturday 8 March 1986: ... Hal [Puthoff] promises funding from the Secret Onion [for my UFO research], but I am not holding my breath. ...
Sunday 23 March 1986: Over dinner with Hal on Friday I learned that the Secret Onion wasn't quite dead: a briefing was recently given to McMann, number two man at CIA [deputy CIA director John N. McMahon 1982-1986, a long-time supporter of the remote viewing program], who seemed to favor releasing some funds. He was asked two questions: (1) Would a study of UFOs be useful to the Agency? and (2) Are other groups already doing it? McMann answered yes to the first question and no to the second. This surprised us: there must be an investigation somewhere and if McMann doesn't know about it, who does? ...
Wednesday 16 April 1986: ... I expect nothing from my recent visit to the Elysee [to Francois de Grossouvre], as I expect nothing from Hal's project with John Alexander and the Secret Onion. ...
Sunday 18 May 1986: Kit [Green] and I only had two hours together at Detroit airport. He shares my concerns about the Secret Onion: some of the participants seem increasingly willing to believe any wild rumor they pick up from ufologists, without checking their reliability. ... "There are two communities involved," he said. "On the one hand are the scientists, together with the paranormal researchers like you and me, Hal [Puthoff] and Dick Haines, Sturrock, Niemtzow, Schuessler; we represent a small community, 20 at most; on the other side are the analysts, who come from Intelligence. ... The folks from the government side come from Star Wars [SDI]; they are used to enormous budgets, so they have escalated their ambitions. ... At the core is a group of bureaucrats from DoD running the proposed budget. The next layer would include scientists like you and Hal. You'd know everything except where the funds come from. The next layer would be composed of mission specialists with particular assignments. The outer layer of the Onion will be made up of consultants."
There were many problems with this concept when I reviewed it in my mind. For one thing, the core members include high-level analysts who have a religious agenda. The subject attracts fundamentalists of every stripe, from those who believe they are in contact with Aliens, to men who want to save America for Christ. Kit has observed the same thing...
Another problem I have with the Onion has to do with its supposed secrecy. These people are giving briefings left and right throughout Washington, looking for money. So isn't the confidential nature of the project already compromised? This would explain the recent attentions directed at me: Francois de Grossouvre has asked for my personal address, and other folks in France have asked precise questions about my background and career. It seems many people are compiling dossiers.
Sunday 22 June 1986: ... [Hal Puthoff and I] spoke of Ingo [Swann], who believes he acquired his talents after a close encounter: "I hope he'll tell you about it some day," Hal said. "He keeps it very private."
"So what's new with the Secret Onion?" I asked. "Is it just another club, people who want to talk about flying saucers?" "No, they're completely serious. The committee now includes the president of an aerospace company. He is willing to analyze any hard samples. The project comes before Lieutenant General Abrahamson on July 2nd; he is supposed to give us a charter, as I told you." "What if he doesn't?" "Then it's a major setback, but we're working on other leads." ..
On Tuesday I leave for France, with a stop in Washington. I will see Simonne Servais and also Mr. de Grossouvre at the Elysee for a second time. ...
Sunday 20 July 1986: ... Hal told me yesterday that the Secret Onion briefing to Abrahamson had been postponed until August 7th. Saturday 20 September 1986: ... Hal Puthoff tells me that the big Secret Onion briefing of September 5th has been sidetracked: a highly placed official decided the Abrahamson committee was the wrong venue. ...
Spring Hill. Friday 28 November 1986: Hal tells me that the Secret Onion project is dead. After all those high level meetings, someone who was even higher threw a monkey wrench into the gears. I believe they became visible prematurely. The ludicrous episode with Jack Houck has demonstrated that they were incapable of maintaining confidentiality.
[March 1987:] ... Separately, Kit [Green] and Hal [Puthoff] have assured me that plans for the Secret Onion were being revived in Washington. A budget "niche" has been found, but someone has requested that the group brief the Air Force on their plans. The Space Command gave an enthusiastic green light. Already, arrangements are made for investigators to dig into some cases, but the first targets would be dead horses like the Bentwaters incident, Ummo, or the Prieure de Sion, all that conspiratorial stuff that obscures the genuine mystery. I have no doubt they can easily spend millions of dollars on such wild goose chases and come up with nothing. All this reinforces my suspicion that nobody in or out of government has taken the measure of the real problem. If there is a real research group it is very well hidden, away from normal structures. ...
[Last half of 1987:] Hal, who has news about the Secret Onion project, tells me the latest briefing went to the top of the SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) staff, who asked for the Air Force's advice. Briefings were set up for the Space Command. "There's only one more step, Jacques, for a really massive project to begin," Hal said. "All the cutouts are set up, covers for the funds. We've started a physicist on a study of advanced propulsion." "Does he know anything about UFOs?" I asked. "Of course not," Hal answered laughing, "he doesn't even know there's any connection. We're in the middle of your Alintel!" ...
Sunday 6 March 1988: ... We also caught up with news of the Secret Onion. As I had surmised, John Alexander is expected to serve as the operational head and the Army will be in charge, having finally obtained the agreement of its Science Board. Dick Haines was brought in for a briefing about pilot sightings but wasn't told about the full scale of the project. Hal's impression is that the Intelligence agencies do not have a genuine interest in the nature of the UFO phenomenon but only in the peripheral incidence on their own missions. ...
Sunday 29 May 1988: ... [Hal Puthoff and I did] discuss the Secret Onion project, ill conceived from the beginning." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', pp. 227, 230, 252: "Saturday 15 March 1986: The first person who reacted to Alintel was none other than Francois de Grossouvre, Miterrand's Eminence grise. He sent me a note suggesting a meeting. He is in charge of liaison between the Elysee and French secret services. ...
Paris. Thursday 10 April 1986: Responding to the invitation from Mr. de Grossouvre I went over to the Elysee palace today. ... Simonne [Servais] warned me: "Don't wait two years to follow up. De Grossouvre is not going to stay in that position." ... Simonne told me that all her former political colleagues had gone back to high responsibilities, even Jacques Chaban-Delmas, and [Jacques] Foccart. ...
4 July 1986: Once at the ranch I though about my three intense days in Paris, where I had met Pierre d'Alancon, the assistant to M. de Grossouvre. This young man works at CGE, a large French company whose close connections to the corridors of power are notorious. He serves there in "international public relations," hence his assignment to the subject. As I tried to describe to de Grossouvre what the witnesses reported he broke in: "All these people who see saucers that leave traces on the ground, don't you think they ought to consult a shrink?" The discussion went nowehere.
The next day, at the invitation of Simonne Servais, I had lunch Chez Marius with general Henru de Bordas, former president of the Foundation for National Defense Studies (the current president is Admiral Lacoste, who headed up French secret services until he lost his job after the Greenpeace scandal). ...
Henri de Bordas is a much-decorated aviator, Compagnon de la Liberation and a man of the Right. He has read Alintel and said he wished I had further developed the last 10 pages, because he is fascinated by the manipulation angle. At the end of the meal he made some suggestions: I should see M. de Saint German, the chief of staff of the Defense Minister, or M. Perget, the Controller of the Armed Forces. All that revolves around the DRET agency that oversees military research." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', pp. 253, 255, 258, 273: "Tuesday 8 July 1986: ... I enjoyed having luch with Ed May and Beverly Humphrey at SRI yesterday. Jim Salyer was there; they asked me to come back to work for the project. Oddly enough, they have a lot of money now, while Hal's departure and Ingo's separation from the project left them in a state of technical stagnation. ...
27 July 1986: ... Now there are changes in the SRI parapsycholohy project: Ed May, who came over for dinner Monday, asked again that I return to the Institute as a consultant. Russell Targ now works as a research engineer with Lockheed, applying lasers to the detection of aircraft wind shears. ...
Sunday 24 August 1986: The paranormal research project at SRI has entered a new phase. I went there on Friday to plan for the application of expert systems to the remote viewing data... Ed May led the discussion...
Friday 6 February 1987: This afternoon I met with Ed May, Beverly Humphrey, Gary Langford, their team of analysts and remote viewers. My SCI clearance (for "Sensitive Compartmented Information") has been reactivated in the context of our project to investigate the phenomenon." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 254: "Sunday 20 July 1986: ... Hal told me yesterday that the Secret Onion briefing to Abrahamson had been posponed until August 7th."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', pp. 262-263: "Saturday 20 September 1986: ... I had lunch with Steve Millard, president of Metricom and friend of my mentor Paul Baran [RAND Corporation; DARPA; Hughes Aircraft]. ... He suggested starting a small UFO working group in Silicon Valley."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', pp. 267-268: "Spring Hill. Monday 10 November 1986: Yesterday Janine and I attended a meeting of an exclusive UFO study group assembled in Silicon Valley by Steve Millard [national security-oriented Silicon Valley entrepreneur and venture capitalist; trustee Wharton and School of Public Policy UCLA; fellow National Defense University]. It was an opportunity to present a series of well-research cases and get their advice. The group included John Hanes, former undersecretary of state under John Foster Dulles [1001 Club member John W. Hanes, Jr., whose father was a Pilgrim; assistant to Pilgrim John McCloy in Germany 1950-1952; CIA 1952-1953; staff assistant to Pilgrim John Foster Dulles at the State Department 1953-1957; advisory board of the elite, hard-right and CIA-tied National Strategy Information Center (NSIC) in the 1980s; trustee Nature Conservancy in the 1980s; part of the "get LaRouche" group in the 1980s; part of Iran-Contra in the 1990s and the "Get Clinton" campaign in the 1990s]; Charlie Rosen, the founder of Machine Intelligence and a luminary of American robotic science [developed the first AI-driven robot at SRI in 1966; chairman of SRI's Artificial Intelligence group in the early 1970s]; Attorney Bruce Garrett; and a group of high-tech engineers and entrepeneurs. Charlie Rosen gave an enlightened critique of my work. He forcefully encouraged me to continue this research. He also made the interesting observation that the humanoid form of the ufonauts was the strongest argument against their extraterrestrial origin: not only would the biology of another planet be unlikely to produce beings adapted to our atmosphere and gravity, but an advanced civilization would have used genetic manipulation to engage in space travel.
Spring Hill. Friday 28 November 1986: Our Silicon Valley UFO group met again on Monday. This time the audience included General "Johnny" Johnson, former head of communications for the White House, and rear admiral Bill Houser, former deputy chief of naval operations [1972-1976; then a telecommunications executive and a Bohemian Grove member]. The group wants to do something concrete, so Houser will ask the Navy to analyze the photographs I brought back from Costa Rica. We have put the Euro-America partnership into motion, in a flurry of phone calls and meetings with the lawfirm I selected." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 65: "[Mid 1981 or 1982:] Lunch with Hal [Puthoff] ... One of SRI's clients, an intelligence agency, has slipped the coordinates of Pat Price's four mountains among a test list for remote viewers. One site in Australia is well known locally for peculiar lights. The remote viewers correctly identified all four places as mountains and described underground installations. One of the said: "I am surrounded with leading-edge technology... like a prehistoric man sitting in an automobile. This site has something to do with transportation." We went on to draw up specifications for a computer program that would analyze Ingo's sessions."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 65: "Then we left the restaurant and once we were alone Hal told me about an incident that bothered him. It concerned a friend of his, a physicist with Sandia. This man is married to the niece of an older physiciat who is said to have studied a crashed saucer in the fifties. Allegedly he analyzed the propulsion system and duplicated an antigravity device. Now this man, the uncle, has been found hanged, his hands tied behind his back, his lab in shambles. ... Now Hal's friend is panicking. His house has been burglarized several times. He was studying an alleged energy device..."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 65: "Lunch with Allan Lundell, publisher of Infoworld and former neighbor of Puharich at Ossining. He says Andrija's house was set afire by arsonist from a Christian sect, the Children of God, who believed that parapsychology research was evil."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 139: "Tuesday 20 March 1984: Hal [Puthoff] and Bruce Maccabee continue to research the crash rumors: is someone in government guarding a captured UFO?"
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 150: "October 1984: ... Companies large and small are swept in the current, and a feeling of gloom hangs over venture firms. Even the Rothschild funds, which I visited last month in New York, have felt the impact. I have just spoken to Astrid Merlo (still with Olivetti in Paris) who expacts further shocks. This is a rough awakening after the Euphoria of the success of Apple and other firms. Many a young programmer may have to sell his Ferrari and relearn programming."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 220: "Paris. Rue de la Clef. Saturday 14 December 1985: I had dinner with Jean Pineau (the no. 2 man at Air Liquide) [president Air Liquide] to discuss venture capital. At the next table were three tall Black men who spoke nothing but extraterrestrials! Pineau ... has read my books..."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 225: "15 February 1986: General Namphy has seized power in Haiti following the departure of Baby Doc. We had met him over dinner in Port-au-Prince."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 226: "On Thursday to .. a group of New Age researchers to discuss planet Mars, and more significantly the face-like mountain they speculate must have been sculpted by an Alien race. They asked me if I agreed with their assessment [and I made joke]. Unfortunately New Agers take themselves to seriously to see the humorous side of their craziness."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 228: "Sunday 16 March 1986: ... On Friday Kit [Green] was in San Francisco, wearing the presidential Medal of Intelligence at his buttonhole. He received it from Reagan for his work on "Yellow Rain" in Indochina. I had lunch with him in the financial district. We spoke of his friend [intelligence operations author Sterling] Seagrave (23), of John Fowles' novels, and his old boss Ed Gregor."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 228: "Sunday 23 March 1986: Over dinner with Hal [Puthoff] on Friday I learned that the Secret Onion wasn't quite dead. ... We also discussed the ongoing SRI work, which has moved behind locked doors in the secure section of the Institute. The work now centers on psychokinetics. Ingo [Swann] is no longer financed by the project: he made the tactical mistake of taking sides by supporting the Army project against Jim Salyer and the DIA just as the vagaries of the bureaucracy shifted that group under DIA control. Hal is afraid that Pentagon bureaucrats might try to block industrial applications of his discoveries. Unfortunately other countries are worse: in France, petty politics stifle creativity at every level. I told Hal he would be better off seeking counsel from an eminent businessman with technology background, a David Packard or a Robert Noyce."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', pp. 229-230: "New York City. Wednesday 9 April 1986: I stopped in New York for dinner with industrialist Pierre Simon [industrialist in the electronics and aircraft industry; director Children's Blood Foundation], a friend of [successful venture capitalist] Fred Adler and the Dassault family. His apartment is across the street from the Metropolitan Museum and gives a splendid view of Fifth Avenue. ...
Paris. Thursday 10 April 1986: Responding to the invitation from Mr. de Grossouvre I went over to the Elysee palace today." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 235: "Wednesday 16 April 1986: ... Hal [Puthoff] has become fascinated with [Zecharia] Sitchin's theories of ancient astronauts. Sitchin thinks everything began with the Sumerians. On the contrary it seems to me that Sumer was only the end of something, a culmination. The Gilgamesh Epic tells about a contact with space-born intelligences in a distant past."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 200: "He seemed fairly astounded when he saw how much ground I'd covered without funding and without fanfare. He left with a proposal that he will take to the Washington group (which I now nickname the "Secret Onion") on August sixth"
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 381: "Hal tells me this results from official reactions when it became obvious that news of the Secret Onion's existence had somehow leaked to his New Age friends. The group has now given a briefing on UFOs to the Under Secretary for Defense."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 199: "Hyde Street. Wednesday 24 July 1985: Hal [Puthoff] and I had a lot to talk about. He is leaving the area... Neither Ed May nor Jim Salyer or even Ingo [Swann] are aware of it: there wil be an abrupt transition."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 288: "[Second half 1987:] Back at SRI where I worked with Gina Trask on the classification of remote viewing sites, we spread out some 200 slides over light tables. Ed May confirmed that some of the operational remote viewers have described UFOs and occupants. Satellite imagery used as target showed real objects, but the team was never able to find a trace of them in the official files when they checked with the responsible agencies."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 310: "I found Colonel Alexanderlucid, open, and friendly but I wasn't especially impressed with what he told me of the ongoing research in the field. He is one of the military leaders behind the Secret Onion project, which is still stumbling along."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 203: "Hal [Puthoff] sends me a note from Texas, where his own institute is now established. He tells me that my proposal is included in what we still jokingly call the Secret Onion, because of the layers of increasing secrecy around the core people. Leaks have been stopped. John Alexander's horse had already fled the barn..."
- 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', pp. 401, 457-458: "Thursday 18 May 1989: [1001 Club member] Crown Prince Hans-Adam von Liechtenstein was in town yesterday with his consulting engineer from Toronto, a man named George Hathaway who helps him study the phenomenon with the hope of discovering new forms of energy production. ...
Monday 26 June 1989: George Hathaway, the Canadian engineer who works with Liechtenstein, tells me he has been making contact with all leading UFO researchers who had ideas about energy or propulsion systems at the request of the Prince, who is also quietly sponsoring studies on abductions. That group tends to discount me because I have written Dimensions. ... He gave me some insight into his (and the Prince's theory): there is an extraterrestrial force that is monitoring and controlling man's drive into space... The Prince seems to be aware of covert studies going on "at his level" (that is, at Head of State level) around the world. ... Hal Puthoff tells me that he's met a couple of times with the Prince, a sophisticated aristocrat in his late forties. Liechtenstein is excited about energy concepts, to the point of setting up a The ...
[Late 1989 at the castle of Prince Hans-Adam II in Liechtenstein:] Prince Hans-Adam told Janine he had become interested in the subject of UFOs following a sighting by one of his aunts near Munich in the fifties. A few months later a cousin also observed an unsual object. ... [Hans Adam is] heavily biased towards the abductionist view: he insists it seems we are visited by a race that lacks certain vital features. Aren't they aiming at creating hybrids of human, animal, and insect life? ... Prince Hans-Adam is spending small amounts of money (a few tens of thousands of dollars, he said) validating experiments in free energy that, he claims, are generating more watts than are put in. George Hathaway, who is well-qualified, is in charge of these validations. ...
"And what about Jesus Christ?" asked the Princess, catching me off guard. I had almost forgotten that ladies of royal blood were still likely to have been raised in a convert or a school run by Sisters. Catholic religion is the ultimate reference of the aristocracy: "I have my faith," was a statement she made several times whenever our discussion probed the outer limits of man's place in the world." - 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', pp. 383, 395: "[Bill] Moore leveled with us right away. He said he knew that we had connections as high as Hal Puthoff and Kit [Green] did. Still fishing, he said that my reputation in "those circles" was impeccable. "You should know that I have been used as a source or as an informer. I was never on the payroll; they always paid me in cash." "Did they ask you to provide data on cases, or on individuals?" "They mainly wanted information about people in the UFO movement. People like you and Fred Beckman." 'Where did the information go?" "It went up to the Pentagon through people like Barry Hennessey [the Air Force's director of security, counterintelligence and special program oversight] and Bob Gates [Robert Gates; recruited by the CIA while in university in 1966; Ford and Carter administration National Security Council staffer whose bosses were national security advisors Kissinger, Scowcroft and Brzezinski 1974-1979; CIA's national intelligence officer (NIO) for Soviet affairs at the time of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979; director of the CIA's Strategic Evaluation Center 1979-1981; accused of having been a supporter of the anti-Carter October Surprise; CIA director of the executive staff 1981-1982; deputy director for intelligence 1982-1986; named as being in the loop of CIA drug smuggling in this period alongside the Israelis; deputy director CIA 1986-1989; deputy national security advisor 1989-1991; CIA director 1991-1993; secretary of defense 2006-2011; since the 1990s a solid superclass member] who is now on the NSC," he answered matter-of-factly. "What puzzles me is that they also used me to put out false information into the community itself. They were disinforming their own counter-intelligence folks, all the way up the line! I still think about that; it makes no sense." "What about John Lear, Bill Cooper, and all those obviously fabricated Alien stories I hear?" "It all comes from a single source, and that single source is Paul Bennewitz at Kirtland." ...
[June 1989: ... Hal Puthoff and I] walked all the way to Denny's and he brought me up to date about his contacts while I told him bluntly what Bill Moore had said in Lyon, about being in touch with Kit [Green] and Robert Gates. "The man's on a fishing expedition," I said. "Did any of his information ever check out? Have you found any source that has in fact seen an Alien, or done an autopsy? I hear that you took Condor and Falcon to Washington to see a Congressman." He stopped me: “That's another silly rumor. I have not taken anybody to Washington. There's a Congressional aide who's willing to talk to Falcon or Condor if they have serious information to offer, but so far nothing has happened. I did talk to a number of people, in part thanks to Moore. They all tell extraordinary stories, but when I ask them to report only about what they have seen themselves, the data evaporates."" - Febrary 12, 2007, 5:15 p.m., author Sterling Seagrave post on educationforum.ipbhost.com: "Danny Casolaro drove from Washington, DC, to West Virginia to meet members of "The Enterprise", checked into a hotel room, and was later found dead in the bath tub, wrists slashed. I've discussed his death and autopsy with Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green, who at the time was the chief forensic pathologist at the CIA. Green participated in the Casolaro autopsy, and closely examined his hotel room. Green told me that the room showed obvious signs of a violent struggle, and that there was negligible blood in the bath tub or around the tub. Therefore, Casolaro was already dead when he was placed naked in the tub and his wrists slashed." .