Amber Lyon: CNN Dissenter Turned Soros and Rockefeller-Backed Psychedelics Guru
![Amber Lyon in the media.](misc/conspiracy-disinfo/coast-to-coast-am/amber-lyon/amber-lyon-infowars-joe-rogan-rt-cnn.jpg)
1. | Intro |
2. | Amber Lyon appearances |
3. | Amber Lyon background and sources |
This page is a subsection of ISGP's article Cult of National Security Trolls: Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM. As that article details, shows like Coast to Coast AM promote virtually nothing but very organized and systematic disinformation.
Coast to Coast AM: September 28, 2013
Alex Jones' Infowars: September 28, 2012.
Joe Rogan Experience: October 4, 2012; March 18, 2014
Amber Lyon background and sources
- Coast to Coast AM bio: "Amber Lyon is a three-time Emmy Award-winning author, journalist, filmmaker and photographer obsessed with hackers, human and animal rights, and revolutions. She is the founder of the investigative news site"
- Defected from CNN in 2012 to warn the world about CNN censorship regarding the oppressive Bahrain regime, which has been backed by leading neoconservatives as a platform for a war against Iran. Beginning in 2013, she became a psychedelic guru and the founder of the website By early 2014 she had Alexander Soros, a son of billionaire financier George Soros, on her Facebook, as well as Wyatt Rockefeller, a grandson of Laurance Rockefeller.
- Backed in her CNN defection by Rhodes Scholar and New York Times columnist Nick Kristof:
- November 18, 2011, Twitter, Nicholas Kristof tweet (@NickKristof): "I wonder why CNN-Int still hasn't aired the #Bahrain iRevolution documentary by @AmberLyon. Intimidation?"
- October 4, 2012, Amber Lyon on the Joe Rogan Experience, 38:00: mentions support of Nick Kristof and that her CNN boss Tony Maddox asked her about this tweet during their second meeting.
- Nicholas Kristof biography: Born in Oregon, both of his parents professors. Harvard. Worked on Harvard's Crimson newspaper. Studied at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. Studied Arabic in Egypt 1983-1984. Joined the New York Times in 1984, spending time as a correspondent in the Far East. Has traveled to more than 150 countries. Rose to associate managing editor of the New York Times. Op-ed columnist for the New York Times since November 2001. Seen as a human rights advocate. Praised by Bill Clinton and Desmond Tutu. One of his articles inspired Bill and Melinda Gates to begin their philanthropic efforts. This article is framed in the gallery of the Gates Foundation. Member board of overseers at Harvard. Trustee of the Association of American Rhodes Scholars. Questioned the Iraq War before and after it occurred. Accused Bush and Cheney of purposely not having tried to normalize relations with Iran and warned against a military strike against the country. Spoke at a June 2007 meeting of the American Iranian Council, to which Congressman Dennis Kucinich and Senator Chuck Hagel were also invited. DAVOS/World Economic Forum 2010. CFR.
- Backed in her CNN defection by Glenn Greenwald, who brought the story of "liberal CIA" asset Edward Snowden to the world but eventually appears to have been paid off by Snowden's employer in the form of Pierre Omidyar. September 4, 2012, Glenn Greenwald for The Guardian, 'Why didn't CNN's international arm air its own documentary on Bahrain's Arab Spring repression?'
- October 4, 2012, Amber Lyon on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, 18:00: "For about a week or so it was very easy to get coverage, but then Bahrain started calling and complaining. ... And eventually three months later we finished our documentary and we found out that it wasn't going to be airing on CNN International, which is the most viewed English news station in the region. It aired once on CNN U.S., but never on CNN international to the target audience. ... My bosses directly above me were dumbfounded. ...
My producers were very, very upset. I mean, they had risked their lives to tell this story. Our sources had risked their lives to tell CNN their story. One guy, he worked for Doctors Without Borders [note: advisory board chair 1989-2010 was the psychedelic-inclined Dr. Richard Rockefeller, son of David Rockefeller], his house was burned down after he talked with us. And our main source in the documentary, he's in prison right now. ... And he's a peace activist, who has a picture of Ghandi on his cell phone. ...
I kept people writing me and calling me and telling me: you need to look into this, there's a much bigger story here. ... I started looking into it and realized that Bahrain is actually a paying customer of CNN. They are literally paying the network for programming. ... [Not] commercials. They're actually airing hour-long programs on CNN, paid for by the Bahrain regime. Not only Bahrain, we're talking Georgia, Kazakhstan, and other regimes. And this has been going on for decades. And it bothers me, because people are being lied to. .. If there were journalist police, I would arrest them, but it is legal. But is it right? Because when they air some of these programs, Joe, they don't let the viewers know that that is paid for by the government. ...
They have their host, Richard Quest, they have him live at the race track for a week in Bahrain, telling how wonderful the country is and how progressive it is. And he interviews the crown prince and calls him a reformer. And this is the same crown prince who was in power when troops shot and killed in broad daylight - these tanks just shot out into a crowd of protestors and killed them. ... This is the prince that CNN was telling the public two years earlier was great, was progressive, a reformer. " - Anti-Israel/pro-Iran/Palestine propagandist, as is the norm in "liberal CIA" circles: October 4, 2012, Amber Lyon on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, 24:00: "That's why - another - reason I came forward urgently, because this is about much more than just Bahrain and the systematic cover up of what is going on in Bahrain only tells you what is potentially going to happen in the future and in the near future and that is an attack on Iran. Or, potentially, some people, if you go to the far side, who have really analyzed this, say this could potentially become a World War III. ...
Well, they are gonna tell, if you talk to people who are very pro-Israel. And, once again, I don't really have a particular opinion on that area. I try to cover that objectively. I have covered stories in the West Bank and Israel. But they're gonna tell you that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said he will wipe Israel off the map. And they're gonna repeat that stuff over and over, because that's their four word propaganda that they're gonna start feeding to you and they already have for years. And actually if you go to that speech that they're actually referring to, Ahmadinejad never said that. It was mistranslated, but instead they rolled with that and the U.S. media has continued to roll with that.
[Rogan: "It wasn't nice, but more like, if Israel attacked Iran."] ...
It was more of a saying that they want the regime out of Israel. They want that government out. It was more rhetoric than physically, like we want to go in and murder you all and kill you. It was more like, we want you to be kicked out of office. ...
They say if Iran gets a nuke, they're gonna send it right in and wipe Israel off the map. So that's what they're trying to use it for. And everyone needs to understand: it is propaganda. ... And guys, this could potentially get us into a conflict with much more permanent and damning implications than Iraq and Afghanistan ever were. ... We have Russia and China to worry about as well if we go in. ... I just hope the American people realize that they are being fed propaganda with the Iran situation now and the same people behind Iraq are now behind this push to get into Iran. ...
You know what, I wanted to laugh [about Netanyahu's Wile E. Coyote], but it was so sad, because I just see the lack of logic and how they're actually able to get that to work. ... That tells you what they think of the intelligence of the American public. That they think he can go up with some stupid-ass cartoon and try to feed us that bullshit to get us into another war. Does he think that the American public is that stupid?" - As a journalist who should know her facts, Amber Lyon is surprisingly lenient towards President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, who most definitely should have been considered a major national security threat towards Israel. Looking at many different speeches and actions of Ahmadinejad, it is very clear that he is a holocaust denier who wants to see Israel destroyed. That's not to say that the U.S. should immediately go war, but a bit of balance wouldn't be bad. Some examples of Ahmadinejad's speeches:
- (Ahmadinejad's presidential website): "The Zionist Regime of Israel faces a deadend and will under God's grace be wiped off the map. ... The Zionist Regime that is a usurper and illegitimate regime and a cancerous tumor should be wiped off the map."
- October 5, 2011, Washington Post, 'Did Ahmadinejad really say Israel should be 'wiped off the map'?': "Cole said this week that in the 1980s Khomeini gave a speech in which he said in Persian "Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved." This means, "This occupation regime over Jerusalem must vanish from the arena of time." But then anonymous wire service translators rendered Khomeini as saying that Israel "must be wiped off the face of the map," which Cole and Nourouzi say is inaccurate. Ahmadinejad slightly misquoted Khomeini, substituting "safheh-i ruzgar," or "page of time" for "sahneh-i ruzgar" or "arena of time." But in any case, the old translation was dug up and used again by the Iranian news agency, Cole says. In fact, that's how it was presented for years on Ahmadinejad's English-language Web site, as the Times noted in a somewhat defensive article on the translation debate. But the story doesn't end there. Karim Sadjadpour, an Iranian specialist at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, notes that Iranian government entities began to erect billboards and signs with the "wipe off" phrase in English. Joshua Teitelbaum of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs compiled an interesting collection of photographs of these banners, such as one on the building that houses reserve military forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. "Israel should be wiped out of the face of the world," the sign reads in English."
- Ahmadinejad: "Some European countries insist on saying that during World War II, Hitler burned millions of Jews and put them in concentration camps. Any historian, commentator or scientist who doubts that is taken to prison or gets condemned. Although we don't accept this claim, if we suppose it is true... If the Europeans are honest they should give some of their provinces in Europe – like in Germany, Austria or other countries – to the Zionists and the Zionists can establish their state in Europe. You offer part of Europe and we will support it." (December 8, 2005, BBC, 'Iran's president says move Israel')
- Ahmadinejad: "People in Palestine are getting killed every day by the new rulers of Palestine. As a consequence of the Holocaust, the Europeans took land from the Palestinians for a Jewish state. I don't care whether the Holocaust took place or not, but it is illogical to give a piece of Palestine for compensation. Some people make an awful fuss about that Holocaust, make a myth of it. […] Countries that themselves have nuclear, chemical and biological weapons should not raise an outcry when Iran wants access to peaceful nuclear technology." (December 14, 2005, BBC, 'Iranian leader denies Holocaust')
- Ahmadinejad: "Thanks to people's wishes and God's will the trend for the existence of the Zionist regime is [headed] downwards and this is what God has promised and what all nations want. The Zionist regime will be wiped out soon the same way the Soviet Union was, and humanity will achieve freedom." (December 12, 2006, Haaretz, 'Ahmadinejad at Holocaust conference: Israel will 'soon be wiped out')
- At a Holocaust conference at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran on 27 January 2009, Ahmadinejad stated: "Today the Zionists dominate many of the world's centers of power, wealth, and media. Unfortunately, they have ensnared many politicians and parties, and they are plundering the wealth and assets of nations in this way, depriving peoples of their freedoms and destroying their cultures and human values by spreading their nexus of corruption."
- More anto-Israel propaganda/disinformation from Lyon: October 4, 2012, Amber Lyon on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, 29:15: "[Rogan brings up the video in which an Israeli lobbyist is suggesting that we need a false flag to bring the U.S. into war with Iran.] And they did try to do that in 2007. Perhaps the most hunted whistleblower is not Julian Assange. It's a woman named Gwenyth Todd, who worked in the administration. She was an advisor to the military and she actually blew the whistle on a 2007 false flag event where they were gonna try to do exactly that. That was Bush's last thing before getting out of office. They wanted to take out Iran. And she blew the whistle and potentially saved thousands of lives. And she is in Australia hiding. ...
No, no, there was a story done on it. A couple of stories. I'm not trying to get her in trouble here. But she's a real hero and they really did try to do that in 2007. ... Well, that's what worries me, because Gwenyth says that the same forces behind that and Iraq are now behind the current push to into Iran. And I trust her, because she risked everything to come forward and reveal that and now is in hiding in Australia. And I don't know all the details about it, but I do know that they were going to try to make it look like Iran had blown something up or attacked one of our U.S. bases. ...
Just look up "Gwenyth Todd" ... It's a pretty unbelievable story. I tweeted about it if you go to @amberlyon. I tweeted about it a couple of days ago. ... And it was huge. They were going to try to start a war with Iran. And this is the U.S., making up lies. And one thing they were gonna do is use these protestors in Bahrain and make them also look like terrorists if this attack had succeeded. And it would have worked, because most people haven't been to Bahrain. They don't know."- Gwenyth Todd is actually an extremely questionable whistleblower for the following reasons:
- The Washington Post is the ONLY newspaper who did a lengthy expose of Todd's alleged whistleblowing. For the rest she has worked through Veterans Today, apart from another, later article in a major Australian newspaper after she fled to this country.
- Todd sits on the editorial board of Veterans Today, a bizarre top-level international spook network and conspiracy disinformation outfit that works with all enemies of the west, including the Russians, Serbs, the Pakistani ISI (jihadist terrorist "godfather" and ISI chief Hamid Gul), and the Mujahideen. It spreads massive disinformation on 9/11 with a strong anti-Israel bias through authors and documentary producers as Dr. Kevin Barrett, Dr. James Fetzer, and Ken O'Keefe (battled with Israeli commandos during the Free Gaza flotilla incident).
- The exact time Todd's scenario took place differs a little from publication to publication. The Washington Post placed it in 2007. Two different Veterans Today articles placed it in 2005 and 2006.
- She attacked a person, commander of U.S. Central Command, Admiral William J. Fallon, who actually tried to prevent an attack on Iran.
- During an interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, a major 9/11 disinformer, she bizarrely claimed that the neocons did not benefit from the 9/11 attacks.
- In Australia was hired by the elite Zionist Lowy Institute for International Policy (LIIP), which ISGP has tied to the events of 9/11 and in any case is tightly linked to the Israeli national security state.
- Todd comes from a solid Eastern Establishment family and appears to have been a hardcore Georgetown University-educated spy, who in the 1990s worked at the Defense Department under Dick Cheney and Rhodes Scholar Walter Slocombe. August 21, 2012, Washington Post, 'Why was a Navy adviser stripped of her career?': "Gwenyth Todd was from a long line of American diplomats, bankers, spies and scholars going back to Revolutionary times. Her first 17 years had been spent following her father, Kenneth Thompson, a career diplomat, and mother, Eve Tyler, granddaughter of a renowned art collector, through embassies in Malta, Turkey, West Africa, England and Spain. Summers were spent at the family chateau in France, where the bloodline led back to Napoleon.
But Washington was home. Her maternal grandfather, William Royall Tyler, had been an assistant secretary of state in the Kennedy administration and director of Dumbarton Oaks, the estate and center for Byzantine and pre-Columbian art studies. The estate's original owners, Robert and Mildred Bliss, were intimate friends of her family. "When we weren't overseas, I spent much of my time as a child playing in the gardens," Todd said during one of several interviews in the past year.
She graduated Phi Beta Kappa in Near and Middle Eastern studies from the University of California at Berkeley, then earned a master's in Arabic and international affairs in 1990 at Georgetown University.
Bright, brash, tall and sexy — she had modeling jobs between Berkeley and Georgetown — she seemed destined for a promising career. But she also revealed an early penchant for intrigue. She recounts how, studying Arabic in Syria in 1989, she had drawn the attention of the secret police, who suspected her of being an American spy, apparently because of her romance with a dashing young U.S. Army officer, Maurice "Lin" Todd, attached to the U.N. mission in Damascus. Tipped by a Syrian student that her arrest was imminent, she said her boyfriend suggested they marry immediately so she could escape with diplomatic immunity as a spouse of a member of the U.N. mission. The marriage lasted only six years...
She had worked in the office of Defense Secretary Dick Cheney in the first Bush administration... Two years later, she was back on more familiar turf, as Pentagon desk officer for Turkey, Spain and Cyprus. Clearly on a fast track, she was appointed special assistant to Walter Slocombe, undersecretary of defense for policy." - Todd had child with Robert Cabelly, a long-time Africa expert and back-channel for the U.S. government who became a lobbyist for oil-rich African countries, including Libya's Gadaffi and Sudan's Omar al-Bashir. Cabelly made her a consultant to Global Crossing, a partner firm of Enron. (all discussed in the Washington Post article) When both Global Crossing and Enron controversially collapsed in the early 2000s, Todd ended up having an affair with the billionaire Nuri Colakoglu, "a Turkish steel and shipping magnate ... who showered her with jewels and spun her around the Mediterranean on his yacht."
A cousin of Colakoglu, also called Nuri, is one of the chiefs of the Dogan Group, Turkey's largest media conglomerate that also controls CNN Turkey. Todd's billionaire boyfriend Colakoglu was shot to death in 2008, which she claims was a government assassination.
January 28, 2008, Hurriyet Daily News (Turkey), 'Businessman found dead': "The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) will continue talks today on rewriting parts of the Constitution in an effort to lift the headscarf Ali Nuri Çolakoğlu, 56, one of Turkey's prominent businessmen, was found dead on Saturday, shot in the head. Çolakoğlu was one of the founders of Turkish Economy Bank (TEB). According to police, Çolakoğlu was left by his driver in Istanbul's Beykoz district, where he started walking. After a few minutes, a gunshot was heard. Citizens informed the police, and the businessman was found lying on the ground with a bullet wound in the head. According to preliminary reports, Çolakoğlu committed suicide, but an investigation has been launched into the incident. Çolakoğlu was also one of the owners of the Çolakoğlu Metallurgy, based in Gebze." - May 2013, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 'The Incredible Tale of Gwenyth Todd and The "Naïve" Neocons', pp. 42-43: "Earlier this year, an effort was made to interest a number of prominent alternative media outlets in just such a "whistleblower" story. According to the professional-sounding pitch, an American contractor named Gwenyth Todd, while advising the Bahrain-based U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet, had single-handedly foiled a plot involving "a few select high-ranking members of the U.S. Navy" to provoke a war with Iran. "Fearing of the powers she had obstructed, and fearing for her own safety, Todd left Bahrain moving to Australia," wrote the anonymous promoter. "For her honesty, bravery, and service, Todd has been sought after by the U.S. Justice Department for prosecution and pursued by the FBI. Nearly all in the corporate press have chosen to ignore her case."
But not only has Gwenyth Todd's case not been ignored by the corporate press, it has in fact been the subject of a five-page Washington Post special by "SpyTalk" blogger Jeff Stein. Moreover, Stein's Aug. 21, 2012 piece entitled "Why was a Navy adviser stripped of her career?" uncritically touts Todd's conspiratorial narrative solely on the basis of interviews with Todd herself and "a half-dozen Navy and other government officials who demanded anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, many parts of which remain classified." Then, six months after having her story featured by one of America's most influential pro-Israel daily newspapers, Todd was the unlikely focus of an even more credulous Iranian state television production. In February 2013, Press TV released "Untold Truths," a half-hour-long program that introduced her as a "Middle East specialist" and "former U.S. government consultant." The production began with a dramatic assertion: "In 2007, the U.S. tried to wage a war against IRAN. One person stopped it. This is her story."
In the Washington Post and Press TV versions, the alleged conspiracy to start a war with Iran is said to have occurred in Bahrain in 2007. However, in a June 2012 article, Todd's "senior editor" at the notoriously unreliable and ostensibly "anti-Semitic" Veterans Today (VT) website—with which Todd has "long worked" and currently serves on its motley editorial board of directors—sets the narrative two years earlier, and in a neighboring country. "Gwenyth Todd of the National Security Agency, close associate of Paul Wolfowitz and Condi Rice," wrote Gordon Duff, "back in 2005, discovered a White House plot to stage an attack on American forces in Qatar."
Confusing matters even more, another VT colleague and enthusiastic promoter of Todd's story, Kevin Barrett, claims in a September 2012 piece first published by Press TV, "She stopped a 2006 neocon plot to stage a false flag attack in Bahrain intended to trigger war on Iran, and had to flee for her life to Australia."
Although Todd presents herself as an "appalled" critic of the neoconservatives and the broader Israel lobby, there are good reasons to doubt her credibility on this point as well. In a Sept. 12, 2012 radio interview with Barrett, for example, she made the extraordinary claim that 9/11 was a "setback" for the neocons because it supposedly upset their plans for regime change in Iraq. According to Todd, their plan was to restore a pre-1958 type friendly regime, ruled by Ahmed Chalabi, with Iraq then serving as a base from which to launch regime change in Iran. In that same interview, she further claimed that the neoconservative agenda for Iraq had nothing to do with Israel. As if unaware of the fact that neocon Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz had once been investigated for having passed a classified U.S. document to an Israeli government official, she proffered as evidence, "Didn't Wolfowitz admit to having affairs with Palestinian students?"
It seems highly unlikely, however, that a former top Middle East analyst such as Todd claims to be would be unfamiliar with Oded Yinon's seminal 1982 article, "A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s." "Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets," observed Yinon. "Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria." And it seems even less likely that she would be unaware of "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm." That influential 1996 report, prepared by a group of mainly American neocons for then-incoming Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, recommended "removing Saddam Hussain from power in Iraq—an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right."
Five years later, these right-wing Zionist policy advisers, many then members of the Bush administration, would seize the golden opportunity presented by the 9/11 attacks to turn this hawkish blueprint for Israeli expansionism into U.S. Middle East policy.
Todd's seeming ignorance of Israel's longstanding strategic designs for the breakup of Iraq is even harder to believe in light of her claim to have been "personally recruited" by the "Clean Break" study group leader. In the Sept. 12 radio interview with Barrett, she recounted a conversation with Richard Perle—who, like Chalabi's other chief booster, Wolfowitz, has also been caught passing classified material to Israel—that supposedly took place at the end of George Bush's pre-inaugural candlelight dinner in January 2001. "Paul's going, Paul Wolfowitz is going to be the deputy secretary of defense," she claimed Perle told her. "You know what we are going to do in Iraq, and we need like-minded people in the Pentagon so we can make it happen."
When the interviewer expressed amazement that she had been approached directly by the so-called "Prince of Darkness" himself, Todd not very convincingly replied: "Yes, well, when I'd met him on a couple of...I'd been in conferences with him before."
Presumably in an attempt to explain how the reputedly Machiavellian Perle could have been so naïve as to have tried to recruit someone he'd only met at a few conferences, Todd recounted a car journey with Perle in the 1990s during which he supposedly raved about the analytic prowess of her predecessor at the Pentagon's Turkey desk—based solely on the analyst's rumored ability to talk to cab drivers in Turkish. ...
Notwithstanding Todd's claims to have been persecuted for thwarting a neocon-backed false flag designed to provoke war with Iran in December 2007—or was it in 2005? or 2006, perhaps?—she was asked in November 2010 to write a report on Turkey for Australia's leading pro-Israel foreign policy think tank. Yet this past February, a mere week after she left little doubt in a social media conversation that she was fully aware of the founder and chairman Frank Lowy's Israeli connection, Todd first feigned ignorance and then surprise in the comments section of The Passionate Attachment blog when this writer pointed out the Lowy Institute's widely known close ties with Israel.
And as for the alleged unwarranted pursuit by U.S. law enforcement, it may have much less to do with her claimed success in preventing war with Iran than with a mysterious sum of money of uncertain origin and unclear purpose. When questioned by the FBI in 2007 about $30,000 she had received from her daughter's father, Robert Cabelly—who would be indicted in 2009 for conspiring to act as an illegal agent of Sudan and to violate sanctions against the government of Omar al-Bashir—Todd said she told the federal agents that the money was for "emergency surgery" in Bahrain. By a strange coincidence, this just happened to be the exact same amount she told The New York Times in February 2011 that she had once spent out of her own pocket to buy gifts for the children of the poorest Shi'i families. Todd said she had been ordered by a commanding officer, fearful of upsetting the ruling Sunni Al-Khalifa royal family, to renege on a promise made on behalf of the Navy.
Indeed, the more one looks into the incredible tale spun by Gwenyth Todd, the more likely one is to agree with the former commander of U.S. Central Command, Admiral William J. Fallon—who in 2007 vetoed a move by the Bush administation to send a third carrier group to the Persian Gulf, vowing that an attack on Iran "will not happen on my watch." Cast as an unlikely villain in Todd's narrative, the retired four-star admiral was asked by The Washington Post's Jeff Stein to comment on her conspiratorial allegations; Fallon's terse e-mail response—"B.S.""
- Gwenyth Todd is actually an extremely questionable whistleblower for the following reasons:
- October 4, 2012, Amber Lyon on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, 29:15: "Right now, [Obama] has been subpoenaing journalists for their sources and he has gone after more whistleblowers and journalists than any president in history, including one journalist, James Risin, of the New York Times, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist. ... In effect, he's turned journalism into a criminal behavior. ... NDAA, that's another fear. [Journalists] have a fear that it will be against journalists, because we're not giving our sources they will consider us to be aiding terrorists or terrorism and lock us up as well."
- October 4, 2012, Amber Lyon on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, 73:00: "I don't even know how much [I can say]. ... This is really one of the first times I'm talking about the Wikileaks issue, but that was another hands-off, red tape type story as well. And it was difficult to get coverage of that, especially with any kind of leaks. This is what's happening now: someone comes forward with a leak to the mainstream media. Now because of Obama' subpoenas, they have to analyze the legal aspect and whether they are willing to pay the money if it is potentially subpoenad. And so that makes stories more expensive when it comes to leaks. Also, that I found very difficult to cover -- I see you have a [Guy Fawkes] mask over there: Anonymous -- that became really difficult to cover because pretty much the FBI came out last winter and talked about how they feel cyberterrorism is one of the biggest threats to the country. Robert Mueller [was pretty much] referring to Anonymous."
- May 19, 2011, Al Jazeera, 'Anonymous and the Arab uprisings': "Anonymous's rapid rise from the depths of geekdom to becoming a catalyst and nerve centre for real-life revolutionaries is one that has taken even some of its own members by surprise.
The loosely-knit hive brings anonymous techies, hackers and, increasingly, activists together under a single appellation, united in their non-violent but often illegal collective action.
With high-profile campaigns, centred on "distributed denial of service" (DDoS) attacks that knock target websites offline, it has been transformed from a fringe group of law-breaking pranksters that emerged in 2006 into an international movement that draws new recruits by their thousands.
In an interview with a group of Anons conducted on their home turf, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), they tell Al Jazeera that they are fighting, above all, for the free flow of information. ...
Widney Brown, senior director of international law and policy at Amnesty's international secretariat, told Al Jazeera that Anonymous' outrage over government and corporate pressure against WikiLeaks underlined the hotly contested power dynamics that surround information. ...
In the parallel, more manicured universe of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has insisted that users make their real names known or face deletion, a principle that internet activists condemn as potentially life-threatening for activists in many parts of the world.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange recently called Facebook an "appalling spy machine", condemning the way in which the social network stores such extensive information on its users, information which can potentially be used against them by authorities. ...
While mainstream media was slow to tune in to the revolutionary drumbeat that has been rising in the Arab world, Anonymous was present from the beginning.
Tunisian Anons collaborated with their international counterparts on Operation Tunisia, which was launched on January 2 - well before most Western media outlets had clicked onto the fact that there was a revolution underway.
"We did initially take an interest in Tunisia because of WikiLeaks, but as more Tunisians have joined they care more about the general internet censorship there, so that's what it has become," one Anon told Al Jazeera in the midst of the DDoS attacks on selected Tunisian government sites. ...
Al Jazeera spoke to the founding member of Anonymous Iran, who says his group has around 15 dedicated members, mainly Iranian nationals living overseas, who are joined by hundreds of "seasonal" supporters whenever it launches a campaign. "We don't accept users from inside Iran because of the risk," he says in an email interview. ...
Anons in the West found they shared a common goal with those fighting oppression elsewhere in the world. And crucially, she says, regardless of nationality, religion or politics, Anons the world over are avid geeks. Jacqui True, an associate professor of international relations at the University of Auckland, affirms that Anonymous' involvement in the Arab Spring has been an exceptional case of kindred spirits meeting in cyberspace." - January 13, 2012, CNN, 'CNN Presents: Amber Lyon profiles 'Anonymous'': "Correspondent Amber Lyon reports on the elusive international movement, "Anonymous," a leaderless collective of computer hackers, and street and video activists who say democracy in the U.S. has been corrupted by greed – and themselves as vindicating those victimized by governments and corporations. Using the Internet, Anonymous has flooded and crashed corporate and government websites, exposed embarrassing photos of a San Francisco Bay area public transportation employee after the system began blocking cell phone signals of regional anti police protestors, and joined and supported 'Arab Spring' and Occupy Wall Street demonstrations with various disruptions. Lyon speaks with people inside the movement to dispel rumors and report what really motivates the movement and its supporters."
- Amber Lyon on YouTube show Buzzsaw: "I spent a lot of time figuring out Anonymous and the more I meet the activists involved, the more I realized what an intelligent movement it is, how powerful it is, how much it scares authority, because these people can't be bought. ...
Although they have tried [to decapitate Anonymous]. I mean, Barrett Brown is now sitting in a cage, facing potential 100 years in prison. He is a journalist colleague of mine. I think he was targeted, because he was effective within Anonymous. He was also effective in pointing out the relationship between these private security companies and the U.S. government and their joint efforts to try to kill activism - and journalism for that matter." - January 22, 2015, The Daily Dot, 'Here's the speech Barrett Brown will deliver at his sentencing': "[Barrett Brown:] Consider, for instance, that I have denied being a spokesperson for Anonymous hundreds of times, both in public and private, ever since the press began calling me that in the beginning of 2011. So on a couple of occasions when I contacted executives of contracting firms like Booz Allen Hamilton in the wake of revelations that they'd been spying on my associates and I, for reasons that we were naturally rather anxious to determine, I did indeed pretend to be such an actual official spokesman for Anonymous, because I wanted to encourage these people to talk to me. Which they did. Of course, I have explained this many, many times, and the government itself knows this, even if they've since claimed otherwise. In the September 13th criminal complaint filed against me, the FBI itself acknowledges that I do not claim any official role within Anonymous. ...
Journalists are especially vulnerable right now, Your Honor, and they become more so when the FBI feels comfortable making false claims about me. And in response to our motion to dismiss the charges of obstruction of justice based on the hiding of my laptops, the government claimed that those laptops contained evidence of a plot I orchestrated to attack the Kingdom of Bahrain on the orders of Amber Lyon. Your Honor, Amber Lyon is a journalist and former CNN reporter, who I do know and respect, but I can assure Your Honor that I am not in the habit of attacking Gulf state monarchies on her behalf. But I think it's unjust of them to use this court to throw out that sort of claim about Miss Lyon in a public filing as they did if they're not prepared to back it up. And they're not prepared to back it up. But that won't stop the Kingdom of Bahrain from repeating this groundless assertion and perhaps even using it to keep Miss Lyon out of the country. Because she has indeed reported on the Bahraini monarchy's violent crackdowns on pro-democracy protests in that country, and she has done so from that country. ...
Your Honor has received letters from editors who have published my journalistic work, as well as from award-winning journalists such as Glenn Greenwald, who note that they have used that work in their own articles."
- May 19, 2011, Al Jazeera, 'Anonymous and the Arab uprisings': "Anonymous's rapid rise from the depths of geekdom to becoming a catalyst and nerve centre for real-life revolutionaries is one that has taken even some of its own members by surprise.
- An ally of Glenn Greenwald and Barrett Brown of Anonymous against Palantir, while Palantir is the biggest customer of, the same web design firm that created Lyon's psychedelics website.
- Amber Lyon's website on psychedelics,, has been built by, a web design firm whose most prominent client is progressive Bilderberg steering committee member Peter Thiel. As describes it on the website, "We're Peter Thiel's agency and we design for The Thiel Foundation, Thiel Fellowship, Breakout Labs, Mithril, Thiel Capital & more." All these foundations and enterprises belong to Peter Thiel, who made his initial fortune as a co-founder of Paypal and then, in 2004, as the first outside investor in Facebook. In the same period, also in 2004, he became the founding chairman of Palantir Technologies, a company funded by the CIA's In-Q-Tel and plays an ever increasing role in cyber-defense, detective work, intelligence, and anti-terrorism for all branches of the U.S. defense apparatus. Maybe this should make one wonder about indirect ties between In-Q-Tel and Facebook that generated a bit of controversy in 2011. Strangely, this rather direct tie wasn't discussed at the time. Thiel is a major nouveau rich philantropist in the areas of artificial intelligence and anti-aging. He is also a key financier of anti-aging researcher Aubrey de Grey, like Amber Lyon, a guest of the Joe Rogan Experience.
- June 24, 2013, The Guardian, 'How Barrett Brown shone light on the murky world of security contractors': "[Barrett] Brown [Amber Lyon's ally] made a splash in February 2011 by helping to uncover "Team Themis", a project by intelligence contractors retained by Bank of America to demolish the hacker society known as Anonymous and silence sympathetic journalists like Glenn Greenwald (now with the Guardian, though then with Salon). The campaign reportedly involved a menagerie of contractors: Booz Allen Hamilton, a billion-dollar intelligence industry player and Snowden's former employer; Palantir, a PayPal-inspired and -funded outfit that sells "data-mining and analysis software that maps out human social networks for counterintelligence purposes"; and HBGary Federal, an aspirant consultancy in the intelligence sector. The Team Themis story began in late 2010, when Julian Assange warned WikiLeaks would release documents outlining an "ecosystem of corruption [that] could take down a bank or two.""
- March 18, 2014, Amber Lyon on the Joe Rogan Experience, 13:00: "I believe 2012 was symbolic for an evolution of consciousness that were going through that we're finally starting to end this madness as a species and evolve towards a more conscious species that is more aware. Even since the last time I did your podcast, Joe, how much awakening has happened across the country. ... Now we have the NSA revelations. [People realize:] This really is happening. There's a reason why your [Lyon's] phone keeps shutting back on and you may be in some foreign country, but your geotracker is working perfectly, even though you don't have cell service - which happens to me a lot. It freaks me out. But above all, I think we are shifting and people are awakening at this point."
- March 18, 2014, Amber Lyon on the Joe Rogan Experience, 33:00, 43:00: "But I did take you seriously that day on the podcast when you told me that mushrooms could change the world and really planted a seed in my head that sprouted this journey that I have been doing around the world investigating these medicines. That never would have happened - my life wouldn't be at such a amazing state as it is in now if it hadn't been for you having the gumption to talk about this and start this dialogue in our country as psychedelics have been so taboo. ... I did 7 [Ayahuasca trips]. I went down. I was feeling really stressed out in life throughout my career. ... I remember you telling me. I had written you after the podcast about mushroom, because I looked up psilocybin and I could not believe all the lies we have been told about magic mushrooms. I mean, psilocybin is single-handedly one of the most incredible healing chemicals for the brain. Some people call it 30 years of therapy in one night. So I looked up psilocybin and I'd written you and you recommended trying Ayahuasca. And so I kinda kept that in the back of my mind and then when I got to this point in the spring where I felt like where I having so much anxiety, constant butterflies in my stomach, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. It was like I was in an anxiety purgatory. And something in my brain, I just remembered that email and I remember reading all this positive research studies... and I knew I had to just go down to the jungle. And I didn't even prepare. I just bought a ticket and went down two days later. I was so out of it at the time. ... I don't even know how I found my way to the airport. It was like this magnet was drawing me to the jungle because I was just so anxious and I had so much adrenaline rushing in so many flashbacks happening that it was really hard to even drive. ... I remember looking up at the sky just thinking, Oh my God, if there's a rock bottom in life, I've hit it. And just thinking there's no way out. Ayahuasca, I mean, this is my last hope. And I'm getting on the plane and I'm heading down there. ... I was by myself and didn't know where the hell I was going. I just found this center online really quickly. ... I remember seeing this guy sitting behind me, and he kept looking through the airplane seats at me. And I said, what is this creep doing. I must look like shit. He will not quit looking at me. And right when we get up, he comes up and says, are you Amber Lyon? And I was like, fuck! Like, the only time in my life when I don't want to be recognized, when I completely want to disappear from the world, this guy recognizes me. So we ended up becoming good friends. This guy is now my business partner, but yeah, this whole plane was headed to the same retreat center [in Iquitos, Peru], which was about a two hour ride to the Amazon."
- Facebook page of Amber Lyon shows Alexander Soros and Wyatt Rockefeller in her friends list. Soros is listed much higher. (accessed: May and June 2015). Facebook friends of Amber Lyon, as accessed on May 5, 2015: Alexander Soros (top 20; son of George Soros); Wyatt Rockefeller (around 250th position; grandson of Laurance Rockefeller). Also: Abby Martin (close to the top); Daniel Pinchbeck (100-150th position). Others: CNN employees; Al Jazeera producer; employees of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), which has been working with the son of David Rockefeller; Galactic Federation of Light, Global Paradigm Shift, The Planet Earth's Internet.
- March 18, 2014, Amber Lyon on the Joe Rogan Experience, 53:00: "[LYON:] No [I haven't used DMT yet], but I had an Ayahuasca experience that was very similar to what people have described having when they smoke DMT. I'd been fastening for five days and had this Kambo Frog medicine which really detoxifies you, so I was ready to just absorb the DMT and I went where a lot of people have described with smoking DMT on the Ayahuasca. [ROGAN:] For folks that don't know, Ayahuasca essentially are the same drug, it's just that DMT is not orally active because your body produces something called Monoamine Oxidase [MAO] which breaks down Dimethyltryptamine [DMT] in an oral form. So they figured out how to do something where one plant has DMT in it and another plant has Harmine, which is a natural MAO inhibitor, and mix the two together... And they use different ones in different cultures, don't they? Different types of plants that have the same sort of ingredients. Like, different plants that are very rich in DMT, and plants that very rich in Harmine, or something similar. [LYON:] Yeah, you mix different types of leaves as long as they have DMT with the Ayahuasca, because what the Ayahuasca does is just help your body absorb that DMT. Particularly where I went they used Chacruna leaves and mix that with the Ayahuasca that they had growing on the ground."
- March 21, 2015, Amber Lyon Facebook post: "Monsanto is evil! This horrific company is relentlessly poisoning our beautiful Earth and our children. Please eat organic foods."