Alex Jones of Infowars Admits to CIA and "Army Special Forces" Family; Supports Death Squads, Dictators, Drugs, Disinformation ... and the CNP
"If it is necessary to turn the country into a cemetery in order to pacify it, I will not hesitate to do so."
Colonel Carlos Arana Osorio, president of Guatemala 1970-1974, backed by the American Security Council and Council for National Policy network in the U.S. Did the Guatemalan "government contacts" of Alex Jones' uncle William Hamman extend to Arana or his allies? 1 |
"The guerrilla is the fish. The people are the sea. If you cannot catch the fish, you have to drain the sea."
General Efrain Rios Montt, president of Guatemala 1982-1983, backed by the American Security Council and Council for National Policy network in the U.S. Did the Guatemalan "government contacts" of Alex Jones' uncle William Hamman extend to Montt or his allies? 2 |
"There's a left-wing CFR-funded conspiracy theory that says some group called the CNP runs everything [bored expression]. It's a total diversion... Absolutely [Howard Phillips and Richard Viguerie are excellent CNP mentors]. And Howard Phillips has been fighting the New World Order forever."
August 31, 2010, Alex Jones in conversation with fellow-no-planer Joel Skousen. Viguerie and Phillips were among the staunchest American Security Council supporters of dictators, death squad leaders and CIA drug-traffickers around the world. (mp3) |
"Hmm, big passenger liner, even if it hit, its engines would have hit 20 yards out, 15 yards out. You would have seen those smash up or make holes, but it didn't. It was just this 16 foot hole and later, you know, they came in and dumped sand everywhere to make it look like it was worse and you've got some spools there and the grass is doing just fine. ... Classic black op to shoot a missile into there and say it was an aircraft and have it fly low and the doomsday aircraft above. ... Any harassment you went through? ... What an incredible radio show today, wooh! David Icke, coming up!"
September 18, 2008, Alex Jones spreading the usual no-plane disinformation during his interview with curious Pentagon employee and 9/11 survivor April Gallop. (mp3) |
"We know that they had aircrafts, another Flight 93 that landed at an air base, at a NASA base [from where all passengers were "disappeared"]. ... The official story of 9/11 is fake! And we know there was all sorts of weird stuff on the bottom of two of the [WTC] planes. They didn't fit as passenger liners. ... And it ties back to this CIA-run base. We just sent reporters there. ... The FBI ... came out and said, "We looked at these so-called calls [from the planes], none of them were real." ... They gassed everyone..."
October 29, 2015, Alex Jones refusing to give up on replacement planes and pod theories that even his Loose Change friends deleted from their 2nd and Final versions. Like clockwork, Jones is hitting countless other disinformation points in this little talk: the Pinal air base, cell-phone calls being impossible, NORAD stand-downs, passengers being gassed to death (a giant exaggeration of hijackers using pepper spray) and the supposed impossibility of passports being found. (mp3) |
"So much is happening. We even had Lou Dobbs on today. He sent me an email and said: "I appreciate what you are doing." ... To see Glenn Beck now come out all the way about poisoning the water, massive extermination, death camps [is] so vindicating. ... Well, George Noory, I wanna get you on my official radio show from 11 to 2 in the next few weeks about all this UFO stuff. ... They've got this signal from another planet that looks like it's a communication ... There's no doubt that there's stuff going on. There's no doubt that Ezekiel and other books of the bible, like Genesis, talk about literal giant craft with fire coming out and guys with blue helmets on and giving people stuff, and genetic engineering, and Noah, and all the rest of it, but then to have Project Blue Beam, and I want you to finish up with this... I can't think of anybody whose voice and intellect and just overall radio presence is more powerful than Art Bell's, but overall you took Coast to Coast 6-7 years ago into a completely new direction, bringing in the hardcore [patriot] issues and I remember being on your show 6 years ago [initiating this]."
October 16, 2010, Alex Jones when George Noory calls in during his "Moneybomb Marathon". Apparently Jones believes aliens started the United Nations conspiracy. Some serious begging, bragging and ass-kissing is going on with Jones here, who appears to be trying to establish himself as the perfect Coast to Coast AM "asset". Seems he'll push whatever to get fame and fortune. Noory, in the mean time, is talking back to Jones about the "Illuminati", "New World Order", "cashless society", "false flags" and microchipping everybody. (mp3) |
"I wanna be clear: Infowars is the first wave in this [NWO exposing]. ... Somebody like Senator Barry Goldwater in the fifties, U.S. senator with classified briefings, with the Pentagon coming out and warning him there's a multinational banking cartel owned by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and others that wants to bring in a planetary, technocratic dictatorship. ... He said there is a plan to take over all religions, all banking, all family, all education, all industry. ... Just type in 'Barry Goldwater quotes on world government', 'Barry Goldwater quotes on Trilateral Commission'. And Americans listened to Barry Goldwater, they organized. People like [the CNP's] Phyllis Schlafly and others, they battled. They fought hard. [The CNP's] Pat Buchanan. Even Richard Nixon to a certain extent. ... Grandma was listening to Barry Goldwater. Ron Paul was listening to Barry Goldwater. I was really thinking about it the other day: Who is the most prominent person at the beginning of the real resistance to the globalists who really did the most damage to them in a chain reaction? ... Barry Goldwater, the first wave. Ron Paul, the second wave. Matt Drudge, at the end of the second wave. Alex Jones, at the beginning of the third wave."
February 12, 2016, Alex Jones on his own show, once again confirming what ISGP has been saying all along. Goldwater was a favorite of the murderous American Security Council and CNP. He and his good friend General Curtis LeMay, a person who tried to initiate WWIII with the Russians in the 50s and 60s, also spread Roswell UFO crash disinformation. What a role model to have for people questioning government, such as Alex Jones. |
"The first time I met Alex Jones, his radio show was just out of the tiny front room of his house... There wasn't much in the way of the angry, yelly guy and that character sort of developed over the years. Every time I'd see him, he'd be a little more entrenched into a characterization that would, you know, help propel ratings and keep the sponsors and grow his empire. He's a millionaire many times over now. So very much as he said in the divorce proceedings, "It's a character." It is definitely a character. That is not who I know, who I've had dinner with, and who I met that first time. He has developed that specifically in reflection to a growing fan base. ...
"I am dismayed at the character that he developed. ... I'm saddeded, because the last time I talked to him it seemed to be really hard on him. It seemed to be very wearing on him: all that energy he has to put out. All that rage that he has to muster that may or may not be genuine."
January 16, 2018,, episode 64 with X-Files and The Lone Gunmen actor Dean Haglund, 53:00. Haglund in a Dec. 1 2015 interview with Alex Jones: "The interesting thing that I had heard is that this [CIA influence] goes back to even before [Friends of Abe founding member and producer of the 2003 propaganda movie 9/11: Time of Crisis] Lionel Chetwynd. [X-Files creator] Chris Carter was at a cocktail party. And he felt very out of place. Apparently he was in a tuxedo, sitting in a corner. A psychic came over and said, "Whatever you are working on is gonna make you a ton of money. And that was just before he did the X-Files. Well, That psychic that he talked to, I go, "What were you doing at the Hollywood party?" She goes, "I was hired by the CIA to parties and then just go home and email what I talked about with people." So the CIA was tracking Hollywood parties since the 80s. ... So they wanna make sure that all the producers and the writers, that nobody is thinking anything so radical or doing a movie that will completely undermine their foreign policy plans." And they do that through sending women to parties and having them email [them]. It's the weirdest thing. It's kinda creepy. Everyone I tell in Hollywood, all my actor friends, have freaked out about it." |
For me personally it was in the 2001-2003 period that I first developed a few questions about the way our government worked, largely related to the live reports of huge explosions at the time of the World Trade Center collapses and the May 2002 assassination of would-be prime minister Pim Fortuyn (the Dutch Donald Trump). Then, in 2003, I was experimenting with a ketogenic diet, got amazing results, and began to wonder where all this mainstream science against saturated fat and cholesterol was based upon. When you see government-issued food recommendations with cake and meat both listed under "saturated fat" you know that the authorities aren't doing their homework.
When I first took matters into my own hands with regard to conspiracy in early 2004 and began to use the internet to look up information, it quickly turned out that others were asking similar questions, especially with regard to 9/11. Alex Jones' websites Infowars and Prisonplanet were impossible to miss, of course, and I soon found myself watching Jones' 2004 film 9/11: The Road to Tyranny, Googling just about every article he showed on screen and every claim he made. The rest is history: the process of creating ISGP was already underway.
9/11: The Road to Tyranny made a considerable impression on me for a number of reasons. Just learning about the concept and practical examples of false flag operations to get from the masses the reaction political leaders are looking for, or get them to exchange liberty for security, was a real eye-opener. I certainly was never taught about this in school or any other place, despite the fact that it is something that should be part of every citizen's first aid package of political knowledge. Sure, it's impossible to accuse a western government of these type of practices without some kind of opposing establishment voicing this opinion through the media and make it acceptable, but knowing about the false flag and liberty-for-security concepts is a lot better than nothing.
The amount of unanswered questions Jones brings up in his documentary also very much impressed me. Nobody ever informed me about Bush preventing the FBI from investigating his Saudi friends, including the questionable Bin Laden family; about long-existing plans to go into Iraq, that on the eve of 9/11 Bush was ready to sign papers to involve the U.S. in Afghanistan, or that the steel of the World Trade Center towers was illegally shipped off before the collapse could be analyzed. These are just four facts that we need more information about. And we can easily pose dozens of additional questions to both the 9/11 Commission and NIST. The mainstream media isn't doing it, and that's a mind-bender all by itself for anyone who has grown up thinking we live in a democracy with a free press.
Another subject from one of Alex Jones' early films that greatly intrigued me was government provocateurs mingling with protest groups only to purposely start violent riots. The result is an equally violent police break up of the protests while the media has a field day discrediting the protestors nation-wide, maybe even initiating debates whether or not the government should instate limits to the right to protest (such as the dreaded protest/free speech zones). Without a doubt, this is one of the most devious weapons in any modern democratic government's arsenal and there's definitely evidence, apart from what Jones has presented, that these type of tactics have been employed on occasion. Then again, it's entirely possible to argue that Alex Jones himself is an example of a different type of provocateur, one that doesn't use his fists, but discredits protestors and anyone open to conspiracy with his words and actions.
That brings us to some of the less praiseworthy aspects of 9/11: The Road to Tyranny. The reason I've never recommended or shown the film to anyone is mainly because of a number of viewpoints expressed by Alex Jones in the film. Well, "a number" hardly cuts it. Here are Jones' viewpoints that I had some issue with:
- Vague talk about a "New World Order" consisting of "megalomaniacal Satanists" being behind all the modern false flags discussed;
- the view that the Oklahoma bomb couldn't have done the damage that it did;
- a rather devout Christian perspective;
- the equating of liberalism and socialism, or even the idea of having any kind of government, with communism;
- the dismissal of health care programs;
- the equating of eugenics and genocide with the introduction of contraception, the legalization of abortion and (failed) projects to help stabilize population growth in the Third World in the same manner that it has almost stabilized in the First World;
- the extreme antipathy towards the United Nations, globalization, or basically any regional treaty;
- the dismissal of global warming and even the ozone hole as a United Nations plot to take over the world's resources; 3
- claims that vaccines are poisonous (thimerosal, squalene, cancer viruses) 4 and really are part of a secret United Nations plot to kill 80% of the world population;
- the related claim that "the United Nations is preparing to release massive plagues onto the earth, because the elite want the life-extension technologies for themselves."
- the ignoring of problems as overpopulation;
- the ignoring of the necessity of realpolitik agendas, if only as a deterrent to countries as Russia, China, North Korea, or possibly in the future, African countries;
- the promotion of unrestrained gun rights as the primary solution to the globalist take-over. 5
I was a very confused young man after watching some of Alex Jones' documentaries. It's not even that a naive social democrat from western Europe can learn a few lessons from strict constitutionalists as Alex Jones, but what the heck was this all about? The opinions are so extreme. While undoubtedly elites have entertained the idea of culling the Third World masses if the population situation gets too dire - at least one Rockefeller-funded scientist has proposed it 6 - Jones is blowing isolated facts completely out of proportion. He could have easily made many of the same arguments, if he voiced his concerns in a more measured manner. Then again, with some of his other opinions, like with vaccines or the ozone hole, he's purposely misrepresenting the facts. Or, more accurately maybe, leaving them out altogether. Considering it's obvious from other segments of his documentary that Jones is very savvy, why would he be doing this? Well, I'd never heard of the John Birch Society at that point, nor the Council for National Policy and a number of related ultraright Christian conservative groups, many of them tightly linked to national security. But now I have. And now I have a few things to write about.
In ISGP's 2014 Cult of National Security Trolls article already clear evidence was produced that Alex Jones is an asset of the Christian conservative ultraright who copied the John Birch Society bible on the "commie" Eastern Establishment, including Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the CFR. Because the world changed with the introduction of broadband internet, Jones added a number of chapters to the bible, including CIA drugs, Gladio terrorism, JFK and 9/11, subjects the John Birch Society never felt the need to touch. No one in today's conspiracy community can be credible without acknowledging basic serious questions surrounding these subjects.
The fact is, anybody with a decent amount of in-depth knowledge of political "intrigue" can see that Jones, apart from discrediting these subjects by behaving like a madman half the time, is always twisting the truth, and coincidentally always in the same manner as all other conspiracy gurus. His 9/11-related guests, for example, are promoting an endless stream of no-plane, basement bombs (falling elevators) and stand-down theories, all of which are obvious hoaxes. Searching the Infowars website anno 2016 for much more legitimate information on NIST's WTC 7 omissions as stiffener plates, support beams, shear studs, and proper seat widths, and there seems to be little to nothing there. It's the same story with all other conspiracies: emphasis is placed on disinformation and trivial issues.
You can't research on a Sunday afternoon what to leave out and how to effectively disseminate disinformation on so many different subjects. That requires a giant investment of time, day in, day out. In combination with the streamlined nature of conspiracy disinformation, this phenomenon alone really makes it seem as if Jones, directly or indirectly, is being briefed by the CIA, similar to how, for example, employees of El Mercurio, Chile's leading newspaper at the time of the 1973 Pinochet coup were briefed on what to put out, and how, by the CIA - ironically after David Rockefeller put the newspaper's owner in touch with Henry Kissinger at the National Security Council.
In preparation for this article, I actually more specifically looked for some of Jones' 9/11 theories by listening to clips of his radio show and also by rewatching a number of his documentaries. The situation turns out to be worse than suspected. First, and as the reader may have spotted in one of the opening quotes to this article, Jones is actually a vocal proponent of the no-757-at-Pentagon theory. In order to reach that conclusion one has to very strongly misinterpret/manipulate the available evidence and witness testimony.
On top of that, while for the first time really sitting down and watching the Jones'-produced 2007 film Loose Change: Final Cut and his 2008 documentary The 9/11 Chronicles, I was stunned at his active effort in distorting the truth about 9/11 along the lines that I just laid out. While some of the basic information is definitely accurate, all kinds of tricks are employed to steer people in the wrong direction. In addition, in The 9/11 Chronicles, Jones was promoting the freshly-established groups We Are Change and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. It's incredible to watch Jones and an almost teenage We Are Change founder Luke Rudkowski literally directing large 9/11 Truth crowds through New York City, as they've done in other years as well. This same duo was largely orchestrating the prominent 2007 "hit and runs" on presidential candidates and elites, often with hopelessly unproductive slurs as "Bilderberg scum" and "you're not going to get your New World Order!"
Watching these two films was quite the revelation. Now I know why I had such a bad feeling about firefighter John Schroeder that I never included him in ISGP's main article on the WTC collapses. He is one of two WTC witnesses used in both Alex Jones films to promote manipulative lobby/basement bomb theories. The other is the more well-known Willy Rodriguez, the only Twin Tower witness interviewed right on 9/11 to blatantly change his testimony in later years to make the case of basement bomb theories.
Although, the only one? While writing this article, I also took an additional look at the statements of firefighter Louie Cacchioli. Like Schroeder's, I always had questions about his testimony, largely produced in 2005 by no-planer and anti-Semite Greg Szymanski. If a person like Szymanski gets involved, something simply has to be wrong. But Cacchioli was already briefly interviewed on September 12, 2001 by People magazine, so I always kind of let it slide. Now, while rewatching Jones' three-hour 9/11: The Road to Tyranny it turned out he only devoted 48 seconds to questions surrounding the World Trade Center collapses. There's nothing about the extreme heat; just steel being shipped off prematurely and one on-screen example of a firefighter talking about explosives. Guess who that firefighter was? Louie Cacchioli. Coincidence? I doubt it.
I've read and organized virtually all available testimony of 9/11 firefighters of that day, know where all the fire chiefs and many of the firefighters were at which point and what they described seeing, so it's going to be very hard to fool me in this regard. Most individual accounts perfectly back up each other, but not the one of Cacchioli or Schroeder. With Cacchioli, I noticed the following issues:
- Already on September 12, he is talking about having escaped "the second tower" while he means the first tower: the North Tower. If he was assigned to the South Tower, he would be dead. Of course, this is a totally forgivable mistake.
- On September 12, he said that on his last trip up with the elevator (the only one that worked) "a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building." That's fine, but the "bomb" was actually the South Tower coming down. It knocked the North Tower's lights out for 30 seconds, as Cacchioli described, and stalled his elevator. A lot of firefighters in the North Tower were thinking a bomb had gone off at this point or were afraid that their own tower was coming down. So right on September 12, Cacchioli's account is still somewhat compatible with the facts.
- The 2005 Greg Szymanski's interview with Cacchioli is unbelievably flawed. Cacchioli saw smoke at the 24th floor - for which there exists an explanation (a wall of the elevator had been pushed out here due to debris and burning kerosene coming down, with a smell of kerosine everywhere). He still believed a "bomb" trapped him in the elevator, instead of the cause being the collapse of the South Tower. And he is the only one describing additional explosions and "floors pan caking on top of one another" while still 10-20 floors up in the North Tower. Reaching the end of the interview, I was amazed to read that Cacchioli was well out of the building when the North Tower came down. Like I said, his narrative doesn't fit any other account - and I've analyzed and organized dozens upon dozens.
I've made more detailed comments on Cacchioli's account in ISGP's Twin Tower collapse article. There I also discuss the one of fellow-firefighter John Schroeder. But let's summarize Schroeder's account here also, because it is important in understanding that Jones had no business putting this person in any of his films, let alone as literally the only "inside" witness apart from Rodriguez. Schroeder's false memory syndrome revolves around the following issues:
- He claims one of the lobby elevators "exploded" 5 minutes after arriving in the lobby. Not one single firefighter has described this, although plenty wondered if a bomb had exploded in one corner of the lobby. This turned out to be one of the express elevators (several came down actually) that crashed down along with burning kerosene. Just the fact that 9/11 "filmmaker" Gedeon Naudet walked into the North Tower with his camera either at the same time or slightly before Schroeder, proves Schroeder wrong on this claim.
- Schroeder also claims that the "Mayday" to evacuate the North Tower was in response to a second plane. This couldn't be more false. This was due to the collapse of the South Tower. The first firefighters were just beginning to ascend the stairs of the North Tower at 9:03 a.m. when the second plane hit.
- Schroeder conveniently claims to have been saved by one of the magic keys of scam artist Willy Rodriguez, whom I've not encountered in any other mainstream firefighter's account. Schroeder hasn't explained who the other team members were who were saved by Rodriguez. And is it really a coincidence that Rodriguez is an old protege of professional debunker James Randi, including all things 9/11?
- Also, is it really a coincidence that Schroeder is a disgruntled FDNY employee who was fired in November 2004 for failing a cocaine test? Looks to me he was still using at the time of the interview.
Willy Rodriguez and John Schroeder were "reunited" by Manny Badillo, a former neocon air force employee-turned-leading We Are Change activist who plays a prominent role in Alex Jones' The 9/11 Chronicles. In 2011, Badillo, in tandem with Rodriguez, accused 9/11 "truther" Phil Jayhan - a promoter of no-plane and smoke-machines-at-Pentagon claims - of pedophilia. Badillo claimed to have police records on Jayhan. Next thing you know, Badillo is arrested and eventually imprisoned for similar charges. The establishment-backed James Randi also has these charges of pedophilia against him, by the way.
That reminds me, in 2013, The 9/11 Chronicles-featured no-planer Richard Gage enthusiastically brought war veteran John P. Dinatale - with "five engineering degrees!" - on stage at a Rethink911 rally at Madison Square Garden. If Gage would have Googled Dinatale, he would have found out this person is a registered child molester. It appears Gage hasn't found out about this now 2.5 years later, because Dinatale is still listed among the Architect & Engineers for 9/11 Truth petition signers. Apart from his name, unusual mustache and facial features, Dinatale's A&E-listed address also corresponds with the one on the sex offender's flyer. I guess we have to assume it's him.
Richard Gage has repeatedly pushed very obvious disinformation during lectures or while being interviewed by the BBC in 2008, so it's not hard to see why Alex Jones has put him in his films. A summary of all disinformation in the Alex Jones-produced Loose Change: Final Edition and The 9/11 Chronicles can be found in a separate article of ISGP dealing with 9/11's no-planers.
The basic case I'm making here is that the usual pattern can be spotted here. Whenever one investigates the conspiracy community, almost instantly very peculiar characters with equally peculiar backgrounds, opinions, mannerisms, agendas and friends begin to pop up. Whether one investigates the network of Lee Harvey Oswald, the alternative investigators into JFK's death, or even today's "researchers" into the Dutch Demmink affair, twilight zone experiences with all kinds of bizarre individuals are going to ensue.
As already demonstrated to an extent, we see the same trend in Jones' film The 9/11 Chronicles. One example not mentioned is no-planer Abby Martin, who was part of the small team of truth activists. Soon after, she became a host on Russia TV - which invites an endless stream of these scammy individuals on air - and a director of Project Censored, the latter co-financed by the Rockefeller/Soros/Ford Foundation-allied Tides Foundation, Stern Fund and a few other more minor foundations. Project Censored is ran by Dr. Peter Martin Phillips, who, much like Alex Jones, became famous in conspiracy circles for his expose of the Bohemian Grove.
If we look at the Jones' film Terrorstorm, released in 2006, followed by a second edition in 2007, we see the same thing. Persons featured include Paul Joseph Watson and his brother Steve Watson; alleged MI5 whistleblowers David Shayler and Annie Machon; CIA veteran Ray McGovern; Michael Meacher, no less than Tony Blair's environmental minister in the 1997-2003 period; and Charlie Sheen. In addition, Jones is plugging people like Steven Jones, Robert Steele, Paul Craig Roberts and even Morgan Reynolds. Luke Rudkowski also appears for a split-second in some of the activism footage.
All these individuals have their peculiarities. For starters, Shayler, Machon, Sheen, Steele and Reynolds are confirmed no-planers, which readers can check by clicking on their names. We can put the Watson brothers in the same category, considering they are Jones' employees. And Meacher, despite being very well-spoken, very moderate with his accusations and consistently bringing up key points as PNAC, the ridiculously slow responses on 9/11 and the Pakistani ISI connection, has also demonstrated some anomalous behavior. For example, in mid-2006 he tried to show the 2nd edition of Loose Change to members of the British parliament. His support for the film was totally out of character for him. The 2nd edition of Loose Change very prominently tried to make the case that Flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon and that Flight 93 never crashed in Pennsylvania - the passengers of the latter plane disappeared by the U.S. government through a NASA hanger. If it wasn't for a law suit from the Naudet brothers to remove the Flight 11 impact material from their film, the 2nd edition may well still have included the ridiculous pod theories. This appears to have been part of an effort, first introduced by Dave von Kleist (whose former wife Joyce Riley has been spreading disinformation on Gulf War Syndrome for decades), to promote the view that none of the planes hit their targets, including Flight 11 and 175 at the World Trade Center. The 2nd edition of Loose Change also didn't include anything about the ISI connection, so it's hard to say what Meacher saw in it. He would have been way better off giving his own presentation to parliament. We can go on, but seeing that Meacher is the typical environmental "terrorist" and new leftist I'm pretty much assuming there was some Rockefeller "liberal CIA" in his genes.
Also, with some of the individuals just mentioned, the no-plane-at-Pentagon theory is the mildest they have to offer. At the time Jones' put out the first version of Terrorstorm, The New Statesman cited David Shayler, in the presence of an agreeing Annie Machon, as saying: "You won't see any plane debris on the Pentagon lawn. ... The only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes." Shayler wasn't just talking about the Pentagon: "Watch the footage frame by frame and you will see a cigar-shaped missile hitting the World Trade Center." Reynolds has been pushing the exact same theory and in addition teamed up with Dr. Judy Wood - another individual promoted everywhere - claiming that "scalar" particle beam technology destroyed the World Trade Center. She and Reynolds have tried to engage leading nanothermite promoters (all no-planers except Steven Jones) in a "rational" and "productive" debate on what went on in New York on the morning of 9/11.
Alex Jones might not promote these extreme theories apart from the no-plane-at-Pentagon, but by putting these persons in his movie he did help to establish them as icons of the 9/11 Truth movement, icons the mainstream media has no problem shooting down if the time is right. You can never tell beforehand what these seemingly rational individuals will say or do in the future. Charlie Sheen comes across as very rational in Jones' movie, but we all know what happened to him several years later. He had the biggest public breakdown of any Hollywood celebrity ever. I'm not sure if his ungodly amounts of money, cocaine abuse and blackmail over homosexual escapades fully accounted for that. After all, particularly his father, Martin Sheen, has been a long-time Rockefeller/Ford/Soros "new left" political activist. Martin Sheen was briefly interviewed in Jones' The 9/11 Chronicles and agreed with his son that there were questions about 9/11. He did rather safely stick to WTC 7 though.
Although not too many people know him outside of Great Britain, David Shayler's meltdown in 2009 was even worse than Sheen's. Around the time Machon went to live with someone else in Germany, Shayler renamed "herself" Dolores Kane, "a transvestite complete with false breasts, mini-skirt and ginger wig." This was immediately after he called himself "The Messiah [and declared] that the 'world will end in 2012'." You can't make this stuff up. Seeing how Jones' media rants have deteriorated since the one to CNN in which he is defending Sheen, it makes one wonder what we're going to see with him in the future.
Combine the motley crew of youthful 9/11 activists Alex Jones was working with in the 2005-2008 period alone, his continuous promotion of sophisticated and well-thought out disinformation, and it's not particularly reasonable to assume that he is an independent activist without ties to the security establishment. We might not be able to prove it, but Jones being independent makes very little sense.
While writing this article I notice that Alex Jones is actually a major promotor of the chemtrail theory. Back in 2009, right after the The 9/11 Chronicles, he even contemplated making a film about the subject. Jones:
"You've been brain damaged, myself included, but we're fighting through it. You can still focus and get some neurons firing there. You know? We're trying. ... "Worldwide terra-forming with deadly barium salts and aluminum dioxide, as now people 22-years-old are getting Alzheimer everywhere. Just, breathing, just ugh! Mass death, brain plaques, hitting us, hitting us hard! The globalists have special detoxes so they can remove some of it, but they're even insane. It's hurting them. I mean this mega-attack, total, and - in AP!! And I've got FBI calling the office, encircling the office, and provocateurs out the wazoo, and people attacking everywhere! And I'm the weirdo." 8 |
Chemtrails really is one of the most bizarre theories one can pursue, because they have an ordinary explanation and would be too massive a conspiracy to cover up. Chemtrails are completely based on presenting speculative, futuristic studies on weather warfare and geo-engineering (to counter global warming) as being papers describing present-day, implemented technology. The fact is, chemtrails are contrails. They're engine exhaust - undoubtedly with a little pollution - that condensates when it hits the freezing air in the upper atmosphere. The higher the humidity, the longer the contrail (quite similar to your own breath in cold humid air). In "ideal" circumstances the contrails can even become self-sustainable and turn into permanent cirrus-like clouds. Ironically, the days after 9/11, with all planes in the United States grounded, proved to be ideal to study contrails. In one case, as described in a PBS article, "six military aircraft flying between Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 12, 2001 [produced] contrails that grew to cover 7,700 square miles." 9 Maybe I should do my own observations a little more often just to be one hundred percent certain, but I can only remember once getting annoyed when contrails began to obscure the sun. And coincidentally that happened with every flight on that day. That's some conspiracy if all these international planes that day were secretly fitted with chemtrail sprayers. It just makes no sense to look for a conspiracy behind this - unless you're trying to muddy the waters.
In another coincidence (they keep stacking up), congressman Dennis Kucinich has played an important role in popularizing the idea of chemtrails. In October 2001 Kucinich tried to introduce the "Space Preservation Act of 2001" (HR 2977) in congress that would "ban" chemtrails, along with weapons based on particle beam, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, ELF and ULF energy radiation, mind-control and psychotronic technology. The bill was written by Carol Rosin and Alfred Webre 10, some of the most extreme disinformers imaginable to be found at the Rockefeller/Tides Foundation-backed Institute for Cooperation in Space, the Disclosure Project and Coast to Coast AM.
Kucinich is backed by the exact same "liberal CIA" interests. 11 It's actually so bad in his case that he, Al Gore and Deepak Chopra together sat on the Global Council on Spiritual Politics & Global Citizenship of the United Nations-affiliated World Commission on Global Consciousness & Spirituality. Meanwhile, this congressman appeared in several Alex Jones films, including The 9/11 Chronicles, as the go-to public representative who is going to confront Washington on behalf of the 9/11 Truth movement and turn things around. Sure he is. He and the tooth fairy. It should be clear from this example alone that "alt left" and "alt right" are secretly cooperation, something we also just saw with the cooperation between Abby Martin and Alex Jones.
As primarily discussed in the Cult of National Security Trolls article, alternative news outlets as the Alex Jones Show largely amount to a cult. All kinds of peculiar people with even more peculiar ideas are allowed on the air. They support each other, fight amongst each other, but outsiders are unable to join the conversation. My 2007 Beyond the Dutroux Affair article, which took 1.5 years to finish, is a good example of this. Despite having been published earlier and despite unique documentation that seriously implicated a former Bilderberg chairman, other leading "internationalists", and CIA-backed fascist aristocrats in child abuse networks, it was ignored in EVERY conspiracy corner on the internet. Worried about my own safety, especially in terms of getting sued before the information could spread, I gave Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson a $500 "bribe" to post my article as a news item on the front page of Prisonplanet, back then the most popular of Jones' sites, for two days. All of a sudden Rense and other conspiracy sites did pick up the article, although they unfortunately did have a tendency to include the word "Illuminati" in their own headings. After that article, the gates were closed forever. I did offer to pay $200 for the publication of my very unique 2008 Pilgrims Society article, which theoretically would be of incredible interest to anything from Alex Jones and Jeff Rense to the John Birch Society, but nobody would touch it. Only Alex Jones would, as a commercial for a day, which obviously didn't produce any hits. Considering Infowars and Prisonplanet were linking to third-rate blogs every other day, certainly in those days, it was an interesting choice to ignore ISGP.
For those still in doubt whether or not Alex Jones is an independent player, remember that he doesn't allow any discussion on conservative NGOs and think tanks. He only attacks the liberal "commie" Eastern Establishment. This author first experienced this in November 2006, when the first ISGP article in quite some time was refused publication by Alex Jones' Infowars. This was quite a shock at the time, because it was the best-documented and most unique article I had written until that point.
Looking back, the censorship is easy to understand. Instead of touching on the liberal Eastern Establishment, I wrote about Le Cercle, part of the ultraconservative Pentagon (CIA swings both ways) network that is protected by Alex Jones. The American Security Council, the World Anti-Communist League, the Council for National Policy, the Western Goals Foundation and Le Cercle are completely synonymous with the John Birch Society, despite the fact that the latter operates much more in the foreground, complete with a magazine, The New American, that often features relatively controversial theories purely aimed at politicizing the conservative masses. 12 The other groups have (or had) more ranking members and have always tried to remain as low profile as possible. Considering Jones is a huge supporter of the John Birch Society who has allowed more than a few members on his show, including John Birch Society president John McManus 13, it's not particularly surprising that he is covering for the other groups just mentioned. He himself perfectly demonstrated this during an August 31, 2010 interview with Joel Skousen when near the end a caller unexpectedly questions Skousen's claims that the Council for National Policy (CNP) is an innocent group where "no influential government policy is being made... They are rather dull [and] not secretive." Below I transcribed most of the subsequent narrative between Jones and Skousen, because it is very important what they say here:
JONES: Alright, alright, alright, we've gotta go to a break, but we'll come back. There's a left-wing CFR-funded conspiracy theory that says some group called the CNP runs everything [bored expression]. It's a total diversion, but we'll talk about it from the other side. ... I get these emails the last few years, you know, "You're part of the CNP." "You are part of a secret right-wing group more powerful than the CFR." So I went and researched it and it looked like the Hunt brothers were involved and stuff. And it looked like a right-wing attempt to get the government back from the globalists and then it got taken over by the globalists. Uh, but then I noticed it was big foundation money and like, Mother Jones and Rolling Stone were promoting it [and it became clear that] the government is infiltrating "conspiracy culture" and posing to then attack real people. And, you know, I hear Joel laughing during the break when I asked him about this, but here's Joel for two hours exposing the Republican takeover of the patriot movement and then the caller calls in and says: ... "The CNP!" And: "Are you part of it?" [Hugely condescending expression while making quotation marks with his fingers.] Joel, tell us about this. SKOUSEN: Well, I was part of the original CNP starting. I was there as chairman of the Conservative National Committee, so I have first-hand information about how it began there. I was working as executive editor of the Conservative Digest under Richard Viguerie, working with Howard Phillips, who is a real patriot. And frankly, we were making really headway in stopping the compromises the Reagan administration was involved in under the influence of vice president George Bush. So the CNP was started, in fact, just like [today's] Tea Party movement [but] big name Republicans moved in, like Bob Dole and New Gingrich and others, and tried to water down our movement which was to have a no compromise strategy in there. So the CNP became, frankly, kind of like a mimic of what the left was doing, but they had no conspiratorial tendencies except, and that's why they kept these things secret, because they wanted to have some heavy hitters in there and they charged a way amount of money, $1,000 or $2,000 a year, to be a member of the CNP. They did have some secrecy, but it wasn't anything, you know, conspiratorial in nature. Their basic movement was to co-opt our attempts to put some spine in the Republican Party. JONES: Yeah, but Joel, then there's the spin that the CNP runs the whole world now. ... It's a total distraction. ... I have seen globalist publications try to claim that the CNP is really like the CFR. SKOUSEN: Yeah, absolutely not true. It started out with real Goldwater-type Republicans trying to be more conservative with Reagan, but it quickly got, as I said, infiltrated by establishment Republicans, because these people had money. And anybody who has got money can project their point of view. That got the establishment pretty worried, so that got infiltrated, so they stopped that and it has become a very lackluster organization that doesn't really do anything except collect fees. JONES: Again, here you are exposing conspiracies, exposing the New World Order, and then you have a private group that tries to keep the Republican Party conservative. And it turns into this whole other conspiracy theory, put out by the Rolling Stone, who makes fun of things like the New World Order. It's ridiculous. But regardless, I have never been part of CNP, know almost nothing about it. Today it seems more like a residual thing, kinda like the Tea Party will be in 20 years if the globalists are successful in taking it over. SKOUSEN: Yeah, precisely, that's exactly it. It will just get watered down more and more as the Tea Party will with establishment Republican support of establishment Republican candidates - and that's all the CNP does. Now, I was never able to afford the membership dues, so I was never formally a member, but I was I there during the incipient meetings and so I knew the people - and boy, it was amazing to sit there with Howard Phillips and Richard Viguerie and point out - you know, I was kind of a novice in Washington - who the big wigs were and who the infiltrators were. And it was a real education. JONES: Absolutely. And Howard Phillips has been fighting the New World Order forever. SKOUSEN: That's right. And a very straight shooter. JONES: Well, you know, if Fox News was for real it be Joel Skousen, it be Howard Phillips - very well spoken; it be Ron Paul... (mp3) |
Skousen explaining that he is a protege of Richard Viguerie and Howard Phillips, with both Skousen and Jones expressing their vocal support for Phillips is just absolutely stunning. These are some murderous death squad supporting favorites of the American Security Council. We'll get back to these individuals later.
Why Skousen dislikes George H. W. Bush is pretty obvious. Bush is Skull & Bones, comes from an Eastern Establishment banking family, has held a position at the United Nations, worked with Gorbachev and Yeltsin to turn the former Soviet Union into a western-oriented democracy (the so-called original "New World Order") and stacked his administration with men from Kissinger Associates. George W. Bush is no better: he went with the pro-Israel neocons, which the religious "old right" and "new right" of the CNP and John Birch Society don't care for either.
Seeing Skousen oust Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich as infiltrators of the CNP is not a mystery either. Dole did attend meetings of the American Security Council and was even awarded by the group. But in the end Dole never was a strict (extremist) Goldwater Republican. Sitting president Gerald Ford picked Dole as his running mate in 1976 over his own vice president Nelson Rockefeller in an effort to appease the ultraright without losing too much support among the center and left. In later years Dole even grew very close to Bill Clinton 14, whom John Birch and CNP conservatives have always loathed. Clearly Dole was never extreme enough.
As for Gingrich, he has only been added to ISGP's Superclass Index a few months ago. I only took notice of him after seeing that soon-to-be Soros agent and new left guru Arianna Huffington was an advisor to him in the 1990s. Back in the day Gingrich used to be southern regional director for presidential candidate Nelson Rockefeller, who lost the election to his friend, Nixon, another conservative who "betrayed" the Goldwater types when he, the Rockefellers and Kissinger established diplomatic relations with the communist Chinese. Gingrich clearly benefited from these early ties, because today he has been involved in at least 21 different relatively important NGOs. However, there's something highly unconventional about Gingrich. Unlike virtually every other name in the Superclass Index, his allegiances are very hard to pin down. The NGOs he's been involved with are spread out among liberal globalist, neocon, purely national security, and pretty much no old/new right ones. This is very unusual and whatever his role in the CNP was, he would have leaked everything to the Rockefeller clique.
That brings us to the question what roles Dole and Gingrich actually played in the CNP, because unlike two of Skousen's relatives (whom he doesn't mention) and his mentors Richard Viguerie and Howard Phillips, Dole and Gingrich do not appear in the historical membership lists of the CNP. Gingrich has been a speaker and undoubtedly Dole also has attended one or more meetings in the past, but it appears they never played any significant role in the group. After a little additional digging it - unsurprisingly - turns out that by the mid-1990s Gingrich was considered an enemy of CNP leaders as James Dobson for all kinds of compromises he had made to Clinton. 15 So is that why Skousen picked Dole and Gingrich as the only two examples of CNP "infiltration"? Because they are irrelevant individuals within the organization?
Moving on for the time being, on December 28, 2010, five months after the Skousen interview, Jones invites Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt to his program to talk about Yale secret society Skull & Bones. Iserbyt is not just anyone. Her grandfather, Samuel Clifton Thomson; and her father, Clifton Samuel Thomson, were tapped for Skull & Bones, along with well-known individuals as Henry Luce, McGeorge Bundy, George W. Bush and John Kerry. According to Iserbyt, her grandfather worked for and was close to Sir Abe Bailey - and most likely Cecil Rhodes himself - while working in South African mining operations in the 1902-1914 period. Her father was born in South Africa. Iserbyt has related how about 15 Bonesmen were present at her father's wedding, how she knew some of her father's Bones' friends rather well, how her father occasionally visited reunions of Bonesmen, and also described the mysterious grandfather clocks Bonesmen are given. 16 [16] Apart from her experiences, Iserbyt appears to have actually been the person who secretly supplied Antony Sutton with photocopies of Skull & Bones membership lists from her father's collection. Within a year Sutton used these lists to produce his famous 1983 book America's Secret Establishment. 17
This aspect of Iserbyt's history does seem to check out. And, as expected, some of her father's closest friends - the ones who actually rose to prominence - were picked up by the Pilgrims Society. One is Charles D. Hilles, Jr., an IT&T vice president and director, as well as a friend of CIA director Allen Dulles. This fits well, considering IT&T's history of Latin American coups and CIA ties. Hilles' father was also a Pilgrim. 18 The other, including two younger relatives, is General Charles M. Spofford, who could be found at Guaranty Trust, the Free Europe Committee, the Carnegie Corporation, the CFR and the North Atlantic Council. 19 In addition, Pilgrims Society president Nicholas Murray Butler prominently awarded Iserbyt's grandfather with Columbia University's School of Mining award, just before he was asked to come to South Africa and work for the Cecil Rhodes group. 20
What I personally keep finding so interesting is that, in stark contrast to ISGP's truly grass-roots efforts, so much of the elite exposing over the years is actually done by individuals from either the same or an opposing establishment. Iserbyt here speaks for itself. Leading Skull & Bones author Kris Millegan, who (re)published the work of Sutton, Iserbyt and others, acknowledges quite freely that his father, Lloyd Millegan, was a ranking OSS, Army G2 and CIA officer. Completely as expected, Millegan, Sr. was acquainted with John Foster Dulles from a very young age, in his case after traveling from Shanghai to London via the Trans-Siberian Railway. A few years later Millegan, Sr. was recruited into the OSS and kept tabs on the notoriously fascist and stubborn General Douglas MacArthur as one of the general's staffers. A full decade later, in 1956, years before the Vietnam War broke out, he was partying with General Edward Lansdale and even a few North Vietnamese leaders in Saigon. Dulles, along with his brother, later belonged to the Pilgrims. MacArthur and Lansdale were favorites of the American Security Council. According to Millegan, his father claimed the Vietnam War was about drugs and that the Cold War really was a set-up ran by secret societies. While there certainly are a few mysteries to be explained and heroin clearly played one of several roles in the Vietnam conflict, I sincerely doubt Millegan, Sr. told his son the truth. Or that Millegan has told us the full truth of what his father told him. 21 [21]
Another key individual exposing Skull & Bones back in the early 2000s - due to controversy surrounding Bonesmen George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and John Kerry - was Scroll & Key member Alexandra Robbins. Sutton built up all kinds of similar elite ties in the 1968-1973 period as a research fellow at the elite, right-wing Hoover Institution. 22 By the time his 1973 book National Suicide came out, he was forced into the alternative genre because his material became a little too hot to handle for mainstream establishment circles. However, this is hardly different from the John Birch Society's relationship with more establishment ultraconservative groups as the American Security Council, Le Cercle, the WACL and Western Goals. Establishment conservatives can't go protesting Bilderberg or the Trilateral Commission, not too often and strenuously at least, or they risk being marginalized in the national media. That's why the John Birch Society and more than likely Alex Jones exist.
That having been said, many elements of the John Birch Society are considerably less rational than Sutton. Joel Skousen and Charlotte Iserbyt are perfect examples of this. Both claim that the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1989-1991 period was "fake", i.e. a plot on behalf of the Soviets and most likely the Rockefeller clique to lull the West into a false sense of security, only to infiltrate it and slowly take it over. 23 This is kind of the extremist wing of an already extreme John Birch Society which establishment conservatives are fine with, because it puts the fear of God in a certain very politically active conservative section of society, but at the same time can't openly affiliate themselves with these extremists.
Iserbyt is the perfect example why establishment conservatives prefer to keep a little distance between themselves and John Birch Society extremists. They can fall a little bit too much into their role. Iserbyt used to be a senior policy coordinator in the Department of Education in the Reagan administration, which fits perfectly, because the Reagan administration for the most part was run by a group of ultraright conservative extremists with all kinds of primitive ideas. And thus Iserbyt has been claiming that the U.S. education system has been overhauled to "deliberately dumb down" the masses, a policy that, according to her, just by coincidence happens to go back to Nicholas Murray Butler and his associate Daniel Coit Gilman, a Bonesman and fellow-Carnegie man and Pilgrim. While it's obvious that elites prefer the vast majority of the masses to not be too intellectually curious, it's not like anti-neocon Barry Goldwater conservatives have honestly promoted intellectual curiosity among the masses either. They just prefer to saddle them up with a different type of programming.
Going back to Iserbyt, in the mid-1990s she got mad when the Council for National Policy wasn't backing her plan for a nation-wide campaign, including post cards and car stickers, to get the United States out of the United Nations in order to prevent this alleged communist take-over. No one in the CNP was interested in backing this campaign. This is hardly surprising, because at the highest level of policy making, and certainly with a very popular Clinton in office, this strategy is just too extreme, unscientific and unpredictable - and conservatives would be ridiculed until the end of time over it. So Iserbyt became disillusioned with the CNP and voices her criticism on the group in the final minutes of her December 28, 2010 interview with Alex Jones calling the group "just as evil as the Council on Foreign Relations." She also expresses the belief that Reagan, a.k.a. "Red Ronnie", always remained a closet communist, if not a secret Soviet agent, a theory that couldn't be more extreme and incorrect. Despite that, Iserbyt does acknowledge her belief that the "Heritage Foundation, you know, turns out all these wonderful reports and everything, with 90 percent you could agree with." Jones all of a sudden is less outright dismissive than a couple of months before, providing conflicting viewpoints while stammering that "folks have just pointed this [CNP] out - I wasn't even really aware of it until the last decade." His basic idea at this point seems to be that genuine people are still involved in the CNP, but that the group has been "infiltrated and taken over" and that now "there's no doubt it's promoting a globalist agenda." (mp3)
Kudos to him, on the spot Jones decides to have Iserbyt back on the air to discuss the CNP, which transpires two weeks later, on January 7, 2011. While normally very quick to dig up information on any subject he needs to discuss, once again Jones professes to be largely ignorant on the CNP, for the third time mentioning only one single fact about the group, namely that Hunt brothers set it up:
"[Iserbyt] brought up the, uh, [pretending to think hard] CNP, which I haven't done a lot of research on. People have asked me about it, so I have done some. They, reportedly, the Hunt brothers set it up and things. And she was saying that that was not a real organization, or that that isn't a conservative group trying to take America back, or fight the New World Order, as they claim. ... "But is the whole CNP bad? Because, this is how I learned about the CNP: I've seen these little blurbs with the Hunt brothers. They sounded pretty good with trying to corner the silver market and get us out of the New World Order. But then I saw evidence of them being involved with the Kennedy stuff and Nixon. So I learn more as the years go on how foggy all of this is. And then I get emails: You had Pat Buchanan on. He's CNP. ... Well yeah, I have a lot of guests on. I've had a Rothschild on and scourged him on air. ... That doesn't mean I'm for him in the interview. "But then there's also been a lot of people who have been in the CNP, like a Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and he's grown, he's learned things. I've talked to him about it and he just says it's basically ineffectual. [loud protest from Iserbyt] Okay, well, then tell me, because you know him. ... "I know the CFR is bad, but a lot of their members are mid-level; they're brought in to be co-opted and be controlled. I, from my research, do believe that it was founded good, or got taken over, but certainly the CNP goes along with the whole neocon agenda and is bad. I just get emails saying, "Cover the CNP." So I have done research on it. ... I know they set up Heritage. You're saying you're sure [the Rockefellers and Richard Mellon Scaife] set it up [the CNP]? Wow, it's purely bad then. ... I haven't seen the proof of the John Birch Society. I've seen people claim that [that they've been infiltrated by the New World Order]... "Well, I'll tell you who talked about this briefly in an interview and I should have gone into more in depth, because, you know, his uncle is a conservative icon, he's very well known. He's Joel Skousen, of Cleon Skousen family. And he agrees with you. In fact, we went and interviewed him in a two-part interview on this subject and other subjects how the neocons control the conservative movement. ... "And that's why we're getting major traction, because of people like Charlotte Iserbyt over the years, and Dr. Stan Monteith and countless others, fighting the good fight against tyranny." (mp3) |
It's just amazing to see Jones descend into a stammering mess when he tries to spin unwanted information in precisely the same manner as he is always accusing the mainstream media of doing. In the three discussed interviews he alternately claims that the CNP:
- is a group he knows almost nothing about, so can't really inform his public about it;
- has been the victim of a "globalist" or "New World Order" disinformation campaign;
- started out "good", but has been infiltrated and taken by the "globalists" or the "New World Order";
- still has "good" elements in it;
- is ineffectual, irrelevant and therefore not worthy of studying;
- must be bad if the Rockefellers and Scaife indeed set it up (note: no evidence of that as far as I'm aware, certainly not for the Rockefellers).
So what is it? In the future Jones will most likely stick to theory number 3. If strong evidence emerges for 6 he'll probably go for that, along with the theory that a lot of unwitting, honest conservatives - most notably his guests - have been sucked in. This aspect is quite predictable because Jones will have to find the middle ground between protecting conservative interests and his own credibility in front of his audience.
However, no matter what he will claim in the future, the fact remains that certainly on August 31, 2010 Jones was blatantly trying to shield the Council for National Policy from scrutiny by his own audience. Clearly to him it is only acceptable that his audience asks questions about liberal Eastern Establishment and maybe purely neocon groups. That's a very different approach than one would expect from a truly independent person interested in getting to the truth of different conspiracies.
To dive a little into the specifics of his claims: indeed most visitors of the CNP are against what Jones terms the "New World Order". It's a conservative and even partly neoconservative group specifically set up in 1981 as a counterweight to the Council on Foreign Relations. 27 So when "globalist publications [are] trying to claim that the CNP is really like the CFR," to use Jones' words, this is an accurate comparison. With "globalist publications" Jones is referring to Eastern Establishment-backed media outlets as the New York Times, Washington Post, Rolling Stone magazine, founded by a "liberal CIA" and Rockefeller-allied philanthropist, and the Rockefeller/Ford/Soros-funded Mother Jones magazine. I've not seen any articles by these media outlets that have been even remotely supportive of the CNP, as Jones claimed at one point. All of them report it's a secretive group with a lot of influence. For example, in January 2004 Robert Dreyfuss, a curious liberal journalist who also happens to be very protective of the CIA, described the Council for National Policy in Rolling Stone as "little-known but vastly powerful ... a secretive group of wealthy donors that has funneled billions of dollars to right-wing Christian activists." The article detailed the absolutely key role of apocalyptic CNP founder and leader Tim LaHaye in opening the doors for then-presidential candidate George W. Bush to the entire spectrum of the Christian right. 28 In December 2005, Mother Jones copied an older quote on the CNP that read "the most powerful conservative group you've never heard of," followed by: "[It] was founded in 1981 as a project of top John Birch Society figures." 29 Not particularly supportive statements. These descriptions were nothing new either. In December 1986, right after the Iran-Contra affair broke and only five years into the CNP's existence, the Washington Post wrote:
"One key target of [Oliver] North's efforts within the movement was the Council for National Policy (CNP) -- an obscure, exclusive organization of millionaires, fundamentalist preachers, top New Right politicos and members of Reagan's California "Kitchen Cabinet." "The council is our hive, the greatest networking institution we have," said one participant. "Among its members, paying a $5,000 fee, are Nelson Bunker Hunt, Joseph Coors, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Marion G. (Pat) Robertson, Richard Viguerie, Paul Weyrich, Arnaud de Borchgrave and Henry Salvatori. Administration officials -- T. Kenneth Cribb, counselor to Attorney General Edwin Meese III; William Bradford Reynolds, assistant attorney general; and Gary Bauer, assistant secretary of education -- also have taken part in CNP activities this year." 30 |
Looking at the CNP membership, I don't recognize any Rockefeller influence whatsoever. What I do see is Mark Skousen 31, a more established brother of Alex Jones' guest Joel Skousen, an already admitted leading CNP member (but not listed anywhere by outside researchers). The uncle of Joel and Mark was W. Cleon Skousen, coincidentally an early CNP governor 32, who also used to be field director of the American Security Council in the 1961-1964 period, as well as an assistant to the similarly ultraright FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. The Skousens are quite the CNP family. Maybe Jones should have pointed out that they aren't exactly the most unbiased source on the CNP.
There's more. Cleon, a Mormon whose work in recent years was cited by presidential candidate Mitt Romney 33, actually managed to get pushed aside by the American Security Council for being too fringe or extreme. That's saying something - and clearly this did not end his role as a government disinformer at all. In 1970 he published the conspiracy best-seller The Naked Capitalist, which was largely a review of Carroll Quigley's classic book Tragedy and Hope. In the book Cleon wrote that JFK was killed by a conspiracy, but, predictably, Oswald and any unidentified shooters were part of a secret communist plot - certainly not CIA. In other words, naughty Cleon was spreading disinformation. Then, more than 30 years later, his nephew Joel Skousen, apart from the "fake" Soviet Union collapse theory, is among many promoting clear disinformation that a missile must have hit the Pentagon on 9/11. 34 Thus the naughty Joel can also be considered a national security asset. And certainly this family has largely been working through the CNP.
While discussing the CNP, Alex Jones also makes a reference to Dr. Stanley Monteith, another one of his guests, without mentioning that Monteith was a member of the CNP, along with his wife Barbara. 35 Many years ago, when I just started out with this type of research, I naively asked Monteith why he had attended meetings of the CNP. His answer? "To counter the propaganda." It's one of these answers: it's true and it's not true. It's true, because Monteith undoubtedly was frustrated with the neocon influences in the CNP, but it's untrue because he himself represented despicable and very primitive interests.
It's telling though that Monteith provided such an ambiguous answer on his CNP involvement. Certainly Jones would have been better off if he just completely distanced himself from the group. Quite possibly this article would have never been written if Jones had done so from the beginning, because his dismissal of the CNP in the manner that he did is what really got me looking into any possible evidence that he is a national security asset. And man, did I find a few things.
Mark Skousen and the Monteiths can hardly be considered the most important members of the CNP. Granted, most of the names I'm not familiar with, indicating they are only influential in national conservative politics and never played much of a role in the private supranational security establishment of the old American Security Council, Le Cercle, WACL and Western Goals. Despite that, more than a few names do stand out and quite quickly one has to come to the conclusion that the historical CNP membership features more than a few names involved in CIA drug trafficking and support of death squads. In other words, there shouldn't be any reason for Jones to shield the CNP from scrutiny if he is a honest conspiracy researcher and peace activist. Although technically Jones is right that the group started out opposing the "globalists" or "New World Order", never in its history did it even remotely consist of respectable, upstanding U.S. citizens - quite the contrary.
Maybe we should start with Howard Phillips, Joel Skousen's political mentor within the CNP. Skousen referred to him as "a patriot", with Alex Jones adding: "Absolutely. Howard Phillips has been fighting the New World Order forever." Phillips may have been fighting the New World Order, but he was also fighting poor Third World peasants. He was a founding governor of the CNP and later served on the group's executive committee. 36 A decade earlier, in 1974, Phillips founded The Conservative Causes (TCC), chairing the group until 2011. 37 In 1979 he played an important role in the founding of Moral Majority, along with a group of apocalyptic religious extremists as Paul Weyrich, Richard Viguerie and Jerry Falwell - all of them soon active in the CNP. 38 By this time Phillips already began to make a name for himself with statements as "we organize discontent" and "[we] must prove our ability to get revenge on people who go against us. ... We'll be after them, if they vote the wrong way. We're not going to stop after the vote's past." 39 By the 1980s The Conservative Causus maintained a very close working relationship with the American Security Council and the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) through men as Phillips and Jack Abramoff. 40 In another example, American Security Council consultant and CNP member Major Andy Messing, a close Iran-Contra friend of General John Singlaub, Colonel Oliver North and Dick Cheney, was executive director of the TCC from 1979 to 1984. 41
Considering the TCC's completely similar aims as the American Security Council, it was equally notorious for supporting Angola's UNITA rebels 42, South Africa's apartheid dictatorship 43, and Latin America's death squad leaders. In a particularly noteworthy example from 1987, Phillips was part of a joint ASC-TCC delegation visiting Nicaraguan death squad leader Colonel Enrique Bermudez. 44 This individual has already been discussed at length in ISGP's American Security Council article for standing at the basis of not just horrendous death squad activity, but also for being a key individual in starting the CIA crack-cocaine affair of the 1980s. 45 In the same period, a CNP meeting involving Phillips, Jack Abramoff and Colonel Oliver North was fingered as the start of the campaign to have secretary of state George Shultz (and his secretary of state John Whitehead, another very close friend of the Rockefellers) fired for not being supportive enough of these type of activities. 46 It weren't just Shultz and Whitehead that the CNP opposed. Starting in 1982, Phillips and the CNP tried to have James Baker III, a close Saudi oil friend of George H. W. Bush and the Rockefeller clique, dismissed as Reagan's chief of staff. 47 The year before, the CNP opposed the nomination of Sandra Day O'Connor to the U.S. Supreme Court. 48 The CNP also disliked Reagan's secretary of state Caspar Weinberger, who CIA director William Casey and his clique of private American Security Council / CNP Iran-Contra warriors tried to isolate from access to Reagan. 49
It's these type of activities that Skousen referred to when he talked about "stopping the compromises the Reagan administration was involved in under the influence of vice president George Bush." Then again, seemingly their only high-level government ally, CIA director William Casey, also had an establishment history involving the OSS and numerous Pilgrims Society business members (Shultz, Whitehead, Weinberger, O'Conner have all been involved with the Pilgrims, with still unverified claims existing about Bush and Baker). Luckily for Shultz, Whitehead, Weinberger, Bush and Baker, their Rockefeller friends in the media soon had a field day exposing the Iran-Contra affair in what really is a great example of domestic establishment warfare. The CNP / ASC on the one hand; the CFR / Pilgrims / Rockefeller crowd on the other. It should be clear by now in what camp Alex Jones and Joel Skousen can be found.
In light of Phillips' activities, we would almost forget about the other mentor of Skousen, Richard Viguerie, who was another founding governor and later executive member of the CNP. 50 He has almost the same biography as Phillips. Equally involved in Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), Moral Majority and the American Security Council, by the 1980s Viguerie was known as a propagandist for dictators and death squad leaders around the world. He is also known, for example, to have met with Nicaragua's Enrique Bermudez 51 and to have provided his El Salvadoran death squad colleague Roberto D'Aubuisson with an award at the Capitol Hill Club for "continuing efforts for freedom in the face of communist aggression." 52 He was one of the many collaborators in these circles with the Moonie Cult. It's amazing really that Skousen has dared to admit being a protege of Phillips and Viguerie. The New York Times already reported on it back in 1983 53, but if Skousen had not mentioned it himself in his Alex Jones interview, I would have completely overlooked it.
Howard Phillips and Richard Viguerie happen to be particularly closely tied CNP members to Jones and Skousen due to the information provided by the latter two. But this is far from the only controversy we can find in the CNP. So let's take a look at some the other members.
A first interesting name listed right under "A" is Jack Abramoff, a member of the CNP in the mid-1980s 54 when he also was promoting South Africa's apartheid regime on behalf of the American Security Council. As late as 2004, when Abramoff was finding himself in legal trouble that eventually landed him in jail, he was working with the old American Security Council leadership in Phillips' National Security Caucus Foundation, of which he was a director. What I personally find very interesting is that Jack Abramoff was the most visible foreign contact of the Dutch-Jewish-American businessman Robert Rubinstein in the 2012-2013 period, right when Rubinstein became a covert financier of Micha Kat, Holland's loudest and most obnoxious conspiracy activist. Kat, who can be considered the Alex Jones of the Netherlands, is part of a small but prominent conspiracy disinformation network with ties not just to Rubinstein and (possibly) Abramoff, but also the Republican Society, apparent CIA drug importers and elites as the Rockefellers and George Soros. See ISGP's articles on the Demmink affair and Republican Society for details.
Another interesting CNP name is Nancy Cline. 55 Briefly before her death she was appointed a director of the OSS Society, which, according to one insider, "runs the CIA from behind the scenes." 56 She was the wife of the Eastern Establishment-linked CIA officer Ray Cline, a strategy board member of the American Security Council who has been involved in every anti-communist death squad and terrorist aspect of the Cold War, from Taiwan to Europe.
Beurt SerVaas was also a CNP member. 57 ISGP has been familiar with him due to his presence at one point on the board of the OSS Society. An OSS veteran, by the 1960s SerVaas ran a shady domestic private intelligence firm with government connections. By the 1980s he was said to be a good friend of CIA director William Casey and linked to the Iran-Contra business.
As for Iran-Contra ties to the CNP, it gets considerably worse. Back in the 1980s General John Singlaub, today an OSS Society chairman 58; General Daniel Graham 59 and Colonel Oliver North 60 were sitting on the CNP board. These were absolutely key individuals overseeing the private war in and around Nicaragua on behalf of CIA director William Casey and President Reagan in the 1980s. They were doing domestic fund-raising while advising foreign governments on "counter-insurgency" (i.e. death squad) tactics.
More examples from the CNP board? How about Edwin Feulner, members of the Coors family and Paul Weyrich? 61 Together these men founded the Heritage Foundation. In a 1986 Belgian police report, the Heritage Foundation was accurately referred to as the main American branch of the Cercle and Opus Dei network. 62 In addition, Feulner is a Knight of Malta who used to be on the strategy board of the American Security Council with General John Singlaub and "retired" CIA chiefs James Angleton, Ray Cline and Daniel Arnold 63, the latter repeatedly mentioned as a CIA heroin trafficker. And while it might not necessarily mean a whole lot, it still is interesting to note that at one point Alex Jones was shipping pocket constitutions produced by the Heritage Foundation with all orders he sent out to his customers. I wonder if the Clinton Global Initiative printed a similar folder, if Jones would still accept and distribute them...
Another interesting example from the CNP board in the 1980s is Elsa Prince, whose family also helps finance the CNP. 64 Elsa is the mother of Erik Prince, an anti-Sadinista propagandist and Navy Seal of the 1990s who came to own Total Intelligence Solutions and Blackwater USA. In the post-9/11 world these two companies were used by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and "retired" CIA Counter-Terrorist Center chief Cofer Black to support CIA and JSOC assassination programs, carried out by special forces and drones. 65 Interesting detail? Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld have all attended meetings of the secretive Council for National Policy in late 1990s and early 2000s. 66 So much for "ineffectual". And thus we are forced to conclude that Joel Skousen and Alex Jones are at least partially helping to shield the Bush administration and its criminal War on Terror policies, apart, of course, from the murderous policies of the Reagan administration. Also, didn't we already discuss in Cult of National Security Trolls that Red McCombs, a key shareholder of the million-dollar Coast to Coast AM show, on which Jones has been so prominently featured since 2004, followed up Erik Prince as chairman of Blackwater? And that he was flanked by Bush's former attorney general and Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, a former deputy director of the CIA and head of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and the NSA? I believe so. It's such a small world at the top.
In recent years former CIA director and arch-neocon James Woolsey was named as a speaker to the CNP, one day before Frank Gaffney, the founder of the Center for Security Policy, a pro-neocon continuation of the American Security Council, was scheduled to have a debate with Alex Jones guest Pat Buchanan. The subject was Israel, thus this was a typical neocon versus old right/new right debate. 67 Woolsey is listed number two in ISGP's Superclass Index, immediately behind Henry Kissinger, with a confirmed involvement in 86 important NGOs. Gaffney features in the same index just outside the top 50 with a confirmed involvement in 20 NGOs.
Thomas Spencer is another member of the CNP who stands out, at least to ISGP. 68 This site is aware of him because of research into the secretive CIA-Opus Dei liaison group Le Cercle. In the 1994-2002 period this group was registered under Atlantic Cercle, Inc. at the estate of the most notorious CIA officer in the history of the Agency: Ted Shackley, who served as Atlantic Cercle, Inc.'s president. His friend and attorney Thomas Spencer was listed as secretary, treasurer and director of the group. Back in the Iran-Contra days Spencer served as attorney to General John Singlaub 69 and General Richard Secord 70 when they, together with Ted Shackley and other "Secret Team" members were accused of drug trafficking by the Christic Institute of Daniel Sheehan. 71 Interesting details? Sheehan has been a long-time Rockefeller flunky and the Christic Institute was financially backed by Hillary Clinton's New World Foundation, a foundation allied with the Rockefeller and Ford foundations. This is another aspect of the liberal versus conservative establishment war that was written about in the previous section.
Another very interesting name on a 1996 CNP list that has been overlooked is Alton Ochsner, Jr. from Louisiana. 74 His father played a leading role in the New Orleans establishment employing Clay Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and district attorney Jim Garrison, whose largely bogus investigation (fake witnesses, 6 shots fired, shooters in the sewer and Daltex building, etc.), financed by this same group, is still heralded by the online conspiracy community. Ochsner, Sr. was also a long-time chair of Tulane University where it is only reasonable to suspect an MKULTRA research and child abuse ring was situated with ties to the Rockefeller group, the Pilgrims Society and United Fruit. Oh right, I almost forgot: Alton Ochsner, Sr. also ran the Information Council of the Americas (INCA), a local ultraright anti-communist action group that overlapped with the American Security Council and Le Cercle.
Basically just about every decently well-known member of the Council for National Policy is controversial. Membership has included the apocalyptic high priests of Christian extremism: Tim LaHaye, a key founder 75; Pat Robertson, president and governor 76; and Jerry Falwell 77, in addition to a host of Moonie Cult supporters and senior CIA and Pentagon assets. 78 Finally, Nelson Bunker Hunt, from a family that has been sponsoring the John Birch Society from very early on 79, and himself a member of Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club, together with the Rockefellers and Rothschilds (but also the ultraright Murchisons), was CNP president in 1983 and 1984. Bunker Hunt indeed put up crucial funding to get the CNP going 80, so at least that aspect Alex Jones got right.
Clearly Jones has been overlooking numerous controversial ties to be found in the CNP. If we take away the thin layer of propagandist veneer, the whole shtick that the CNP used be some kind of genuine "patriot" or "Goldwater Republican" group for the masses makes no sense whatsoever. Many of the names mentioned above were involved either from the beginning or shortly after the group was founded. Also, Barry Goldwater was the darling of the pro-fascist American Security Council crowd with close friends as General Curtis LeMay, just one of a number of ASC members looking to start a "preventive war" with the Soviet Union. Between the two of them, it appears they have also been spreading a little Roswell UFO disinformation, with Jones and Skousen coincidentally being prominent no-planers with regard to 9/11. See ISGP's American Security Council and Cult of National Security Trolls for these facts about LeMay and Goldwater.
One is forced to assume that Jones is purposely ignoring the controversy to be found in the CNP (and related groups). How many CNP visitors have been among his guests apart from Joel Skousen, Paul Craig Roberts and Stanley Monteith? That's hard to say, because Jones doesn't seem to maintain proper archives for his radio show and also because quite a few individuals visit CNP meetings as guests of registered members. In recent years Alex Jones Show guest Jack McLamb, head of something called "Police and Military Against the New World Order", admitted to having visited the CNP at one point, together with former CNP governor James Dobson 81, a reasonably influential force in congress 82 and one of the promoters of the myth that Mother Teresa was a saint. The fact that he campaigns against pornography can only mean one thing: pornography is great.
Pat Buchanan, of course, has been identified already as a CNP member and Alex Jones Show guest. When Jones himself explained how he received some flak over this after inviting Buchanan to his radio show on August 28, 2006, he twisted the facts again when referencing liberal global warming activist David de Rothschild as an example that he doesn't necessarily agree with all the guests he invites. Whoever listens to the Pat Buchanan interview will notice that Jones was very respectful and that he was in total agreement with Buchanan, who was talking about the North America Union and immigration problems. During the Rothschild interview, however, Jones acted like an absolute raving lunatic to an actually very polite Rothschild. It was one of his many embarrassing performances. It's very clear that Jones has far less issue with a CNP member than a liberal global warming activist. On top of that, Jones, of course, doesn't want to hear anything about the enormous increase in CO2 levels over the past 150 years or the ever-rising sea levels, important problems that need to be discussed and dealt with.
Another very important former CNP governor who has been an occasional guest on the Alex Jones Show in recent years is John Bircher Phyllis Schlafly. 83 She wrote three books with American Security Council strategy board member Admiral Chester Ward: The Gravediggers (1964), attacking the Eastern Establishment; [Soviet] Strike from Space: A Megadeath Mystery (1966) and Kissinger on the Couch (1974). This last book made the case that Nixon and Kissinger were paws of the Soviet Union and that the CFR's only purpose is to turn the United States into some kind of communist-style dictatorship. Where have we heard that before? Right, Joel Skousen, Charlotte Iserbyt, Alex Jones, etc.
Interestingly, just over 1 hour and 40 minutes into Alex Jones' 2007 film Endgame, he features a clip of Phyllis Schlafly giving a speech at a CNP meeting, standing right behind a very large "Council for National Policy" sign. That makes his claim three years later that he pretty much knew nothing about the CNP - while at the same time dismissing and marginalizing it - only more suspect.
Let's face it, what other conclusion is there to draw that Alex Jones is a propagandist for conservative elements and almost certainly functions as a government disinformer? The only question really is who he is taking his orders from, because unlike more mainstream media figures, Jones is running his own enterprise and seems to have no bosses. But apparently he does have them.
Alex Jones' fondness of the John Birch Society and Council for National Policy reminds me of an interview he gave in March 2000 when he was overseeing the rebuilding of the Branch Davidian cult's church at Waco. Apart from expressing his support for the cult, which killed four ATF agents and was ran by pedophile psychopath David Koresh, he also plugged Admiral Thomas Moorer's recent call for "information warriors":
"Infowar is short for Information War and Admiral Moorer, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, just a few weeks ago, called for an information war and said that every American who is on the ball should know what is happening doesn't take action now ... we're gonna completely lose this country. They're building prisons everywhere. They're merging the military and the police. Out in Austin the old Robert Mueller Airport, they've taken one of the hangars and put bolts and chains on the floor and barbed wire... It's getting weird." 84 |
Jones was referring here to a recent article in, founded by CNP member Joseph Farah 85, in which Moorer called for "citizen reporters" and "information warriors" to set up the "New Media - specifically Internet and talk radio - as weapons of truth" and to counter the "false and inaccurate reporting from the establishment media." In a particularly catchy quote, Moorer stated: "In an age of 'information war,' every citizen is an information warrior." 86 WorldNetDaily itself was one of these ultraright online "new media" outlets that appeared at the time. So was Newsmax. Founded and headed since 1998 by Christopher Ruddy, yet another CNP member, major founding investors included Richard Mellon Scaife, as well as a daughter of controversial CIA director William Casey. 87 Scaife was a known ultraright CIA asset 88, who for some time was also financing the anti-Clinton operations of WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah. 89 WorldNetDaily and Newsmax basically are sister enterprises. What might surprise readers is that Newsmax chair Lord William Rees-Mogg, along with former CIA director William Colby and a number of associates, just like Infowars, have indulged in "gossip" involving the Clinton murders, Mena and Oklahoma. 90 The same goes for WorldNetDaily 91, which actually in a very subtle manner managed to promote the no-plane-at-Pentagon theory right from the start. 92
As I continue to look around, the surprises keep piling up. To continue, former Richard Mellon Scaife agent and founder Joseph Farah is a regular guest of the Alex Jones Show, where he enjoys talking to Jones about libertarian and Christian values. The two clearly have a great relationship. And this might have something to do with the fact that Jones is a former freelancer of WorldNetDaily who to this day is regularly plugged by the publication. 93 As for the freelancing, back in February 1999, less than three months before Infowars went live, it was reported that "Austin radio talk show host Alex Jones [is] on assignment from WorldNetDaily" to interview a San Antonio police chief who complained that Delta Force was trying to bribe local officials so they would allow its elite Night Stalkers unit to conduct urban training exercises. 94 At the time several of these rather bizarre, unannounced exercises were going on in different cities. 95 As long-time Alex Jones followers will probably remember, this footage made it into some of his early films. And it seems he has to thank WorldNetDaily, with its rather obvious CNP and conservative CIA ties, for that.
When we search Newsmax for reports that include Alex Jones, we find that they are relatively unbiased towards him 96, in contrast to liberal media outlets. There also aren't that many of them when compared to WorldNetDaily: several dozen over the years instead of several hundred. It is clear that Jones' connection to WorldNetDaily and Joseph Farah is much closer than Christopher Ruddy and his Newsmax publication. The only semi-legitimate ultraright news site Jones has a closer relationship with than WorldNetDaily is Matt Drudge of, which Infowars is continually linking to. Having a few degrees of separation between Infowars and Newsmax is very much to the benefit of Jones, because Newsmax is very elite and very closely tied to the security state. Apart from investors as Richard Mellon Scaife and the daughter of CIA director William Casey, CIA and Moonie Cult-tied individuals as Alexander Haig and Arnaud de Borchgrave could be found on the board. 97 We can argue that Newsmax might be more controlled by establishment individuals of the "new right" and neocon pro-interventionist camp, with Farah and Jones in particular belonging to the "old right" isolationist camp. Quite possibly this is why Scaife cut off Farah's financing in the late 1990s without ever providing him with an explanation. But then again, who really knows to what extent these actions are by design? The conservative national security establishment has always tried to distance itself from "old right" John Birchers, but in reality the latter has always been covering for the former. On Infowars we can find a reference to Richard Mellon Scaife being a CIA asset, but based on Scaife's middle name and rather hawkish security state associations he automatically has to be "New World Order" in Jones' eyes.
Speaking of CIA, one of Jones' favorite guests is Larry Nichols, who is a former liaison between the CIA's American Security Council and Contra forces in Nicaragua, including at least one high-level connection deeply tied to massive cocaine export to the United States. 98 In 1988, after Arkansas governor Bill Clinton was forced to fire Nichols due to an expose of the Associated Press, Nichols turned on his former employer. Throughout the 1990s Larry Nichols, Richard Mellon Scaife, Christopher Ruddy and CNP members Joseph Farah, Pat Matrisciana and Jerry Falwell were cooperating in undermining the Clinton presidency. 99 Their crown "achievement" was the notorious The Clinton Chronicles video, in which they regurgitated the old Barry Seal / Mena affair, stripped all references to the CIA and Reagan White House, and blamed EVERYTHING on a private clique involving Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Clinton's attorney general Webster Hubbell and a few other close associates of Clinton. While anybody who is familiar with the ins and outs of the Mena affair, involving Barry Seal's cocaine imports and the train track murders, knows that Clinton played a role in covering up the CIA and White House-ran activity, there's no evidence that Clinton was anywhere near the kingpin The Clinton Chronicles makes him out to be. The Clinton Chronicles actually turned the very serious Mena affair into a cheap liberal vs conservative mud-slinging contest, with liberal establishment outlets as the New York Times and Mother Jones defending Clinton but at the same time also blatantly covering up the involvement of the CIA, Reagan White House and the Justice Department.
Now, it is in these turbulent mud-slinging 1990s, that Alex Jones first becomes friends with CIA asset Larry Nichols of The Clinton Chronicles 100 and Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily and the CNP, who basically could be considered a CIA asset through Richard Mellon Scaife in this period. As already explained, Jones was even on assignment by WorldNetDaily before setting up his Infowars website. In other words, Jones is actually working with and working for individuals who are helping to cover up the CIA and conservative Reagan White House policies. So, espcially in light of all the disinformation Jones has spread since then, it's kind of hard to not go: who recruited this guy? It appears to be the same group that Larry Nichols and Joseph Farah were working for.
Because of the sudden, unexpected revelation (to me) that Jones has been so close to WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah, we got sidetracked when discussing Admiral Thomas Moorer. Clearly it's pretty much certain at this point that there is a connection between Moorer's call in February 2000 for "information warriors" in WorldNetDaily while Alex Jones was freelancing for the same publication just a year before, having founded in the mean time. One almost begins to suspect that Moorer is part of the same CIA and/or conservative security state clique of Farah and Nichols and may even have had a hand in vetting Alex Jones for his role as conspiracy disinformer.
As it turns out, Jones interviewed Admiral Thomas Moorer some time before his death in 2004. 101 In it, Moorer accused Rockefeller friend LBJ and defense minister Robert McNamara (Pilgrims Society, Ford Foundation and Rockefeller man) of covering up the 1967 Israeli attack on the U.S. spy ship U.S.S. Liberty. 102 Moorer did this on many other occasions. He has also been far from the only ranking navy insider to make that accusation. 103 Still, as prominent as the incident is in the alternative media and as strong as the evidence is for a deliberate attack by the Israelis on the ship, the mainstream media continues to shy away from the story for some reason. The U.S.S. Liberty incident truly is one of the most blatant cover ups in modern history. But while Alex Jones got at least one thing right, the story really has been exposed in its entirety without his involvement.
Despite the fact that Admiral Moorer was raising genuine questions about the U.S.S. Liberty incident, it hardly makes the mutual Jones-Moorer support any less worrying than Jones' protection of the Council for National Policy. While there is no evidence in the public domain at this point, it is possible, if not likely, that Admiral Moorer attended one or more meetings of the CNP at one point or another. Why? Because more than a few visitors are not listed as members; they come along with registered members (or look at Joel Skousen, for example: very prominent within the CNP, but not officially a member). And also because Moorer sat on the board of the American Security Council 104 and the Western Goals Foundation 105, has visited Le Cercle 106, and overall was one of the closest allies of CNP board members General John Singlaub, General Daniel Graham and Colonel Oliver North. In other words, Moorer provides additional circumstantial evidence of the kind of backing the Infowars enterprise has received.
One has to remember: Jones, nor any establishment, is interested in providing the public with any balance of facts. It's not like Henry Kissinger or David Rockefeller ever had the idea of sitting down with Jones and talk about the numerous death squad leaders, drug traffickers and Gladio terrorists the leadership of the American Security Council, Western Goals, WACL and Le Cercle have been working with. As Jones' Rothschild interview and his 9/11 Chronicles documentary demonstrate, he simply will not engage establishmentarians in rational discussion. They're considered the enemy: CNP and John Birch-style. And also Admiral Moorer-style. As the rest of Moorer's biography makes clear, he wasn't just a critic of Israel, he also was a major opponent of the Rockefellers and Henry Kissinger.
Before non-Eastern Establishmentarian Thomas Moorer joined the ultraright NGO circuit, he was chief of naval operations from 1967 to 1970 and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1970 to 1974. In these functions he was on the inside of the super-secret worldwide Navy spy group Task Force 157, a competitor in some respects of the CIA. Moorer became notorious during the Senate hearings in 1974 when the Watergate affair was at its height. It was found out that Moorer had been spying on Nixon and Henry Kissinger during their trip to China. Apart from a secure Task Force 157 communication channel that Moorer recommended Kissinger should use, later American Security Council board member, Admiral Yeoman Radford, at the time part of Kissinger's staff, was stealing documents that ended up with Moorer. 107 Moorer and allies, many of them to be found in the afore-mentioned NGOs, were of the opinion that the Rockefellers were using Nixon, Kissinger and the Council on Foreign Relations network to form a one world government with the communists in order to guarantee the family's continued domination over the financial markets. 108 Sounds familiar? There are actually indications that Moorer, along with the FBI's Mark Felt and the CIA's Richard Helms, all played important roles in initiating the Watergate affair. Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, for example, used to work for Admiral Moorer before he was approached by "deep throat", i.e. FBI COINTELPRO chief Mark Felt. 109 Meanwhile, CIA director Richard Helms refused a request from Nixon to block Mark Felt's FBI investigation of the Watergate incident 110 - a curious botch up all by itself 111 - with reporters Woodward and Bernstein working for the Washington Post's Ben Bradlee 112, a childhood friend of Helms. 113
While it is not at all certain that Watergate was a CIA-FBI-Navy coup against the Nixon administration (all for their own reasons), it should be clear by now that Admiral Thomas Moorer has been a long-time insider to Washington intrigue and shared Alex Jones' views on Kissinger, the Rockefellers and the Eastern Establishment before Jones was even born. The two shared other opinions: Moorer's American Security Council clique always hated FDR for the New Deal - which gave basic rights to workers and abolished child labor 114 - and U.S. intervention in World War II. That's the main reason for continuing claims that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor in advance, a theory Jones can't get enough of. The major Wall Street banks working with the fascist regimes pre-World War II is also a conspiracy that is acceptable to the conservative establishment, as long as it is left out that the conservatives of the American Security Council were much more devout and unrepentant fascists than the New York bankers.
To summarize, Alex Jones might be helping to expose the existence and influence of the Eastern Establishment, Henry Kissinger and the Rockefeller family, but at the same time it is clear that his information is nothing new. It has been promoted by powerful conservative interests since even before World War II. Jones is actually protecting the same powerful clique that General Dwight Eisenhower - a Pilgrims Society executive even before he became president and a close ally of the Dulles brothers and Rockefeller family - termed the "Military-Industrial Complex." This was a reference to the National Military Industrial Conferences ran by the American Security Council in the late 1950s and early 1960s 115, the same American Security Council of Admiral Thomas Moorer, General John Singlaub, General Daniel Graham and Colonel Oliver North. I've heard Jones shout the term "Military-Industrial Complex." a lot of times, but never have I heard him make the link with the National Military Industrial Conferences. Maybe that's not too surprising, because I seem to be the first to have explicitly done that.
What Alex Jones and Admiral Thomas Moorer also have in common is the Franklin child abuse affair. Jones loves to give attention to it while Moorer sat on the five-man advisory board of Washington lobbying firm Hill & Knowlton 116, founded and headed by Robert Keith Gray, who, according to information acquired by Senator John DeCamp, "reportedly [was] a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA." According to DeCamp, Gray's associate Edwin Wilson, earlier an employee of Moorer's Task Force 157, had taken over pedophile entrapment operations from Roy Cohn 117, whom Moorer knew from the Western Goals Foundation board. 118 At Hill & Knowlton, Moorer shared the board with Douglas MacArthur II, a sinister CIA and army-tied individual who can be closely tied to similar pedophile operations in the U.S., Belgium and through the Moonie Cult. These aspects are discussed in ISGP's American Security Council article.
Senator John DeCamp, an occasional guest on the Alex Jones Show, really is a very peculiar individual. He was a close friend and key protege of former CIA director William Colby. Together the men set up the Phoenix interrogation program in Vietnam, almost unapologetically described by DeCamp as "controversial, brutal, and at times horribly handled [but] also the singlemost effective, and most feared program the Americans carried out during the Vietnam war." Even his Nebraska senatorship after he got hurt in Vietnam, DeCamp has to thank to Colby, with whom he remained in continuous contact until Colby's bizarre death in 1996. 119 Since the mid 1980s DeCamp and Colby appear to have played a role in limiting the fall-out and/or spreading disinformation in the Franklin affair, Oklahoma, Waco, the militia movement and most likely other sensitive affairs. 120 This becomes an even stronger suspicion when we consider that DeCamp's ally in the Franklin affair and Oklahoma bombing was retired FBI officer Ted Gunderson. 121
Gunderson has been a promoter of just about every bogus theory one can come up with: Area 51, reptilians, the Illuminati, FEMA internment camps, a United Nations army taking over the United States, chemtrails, "pineapple bombs" at Oklahoma, no-planes on 9/11, the McMartin Preschool Satanic Ritual Abuse case (in which and he and his girlfriend at the time played a key role), and millions of children disappearing into Satanic Ritual Abuse networks. Most of his speeches will deal with evidence of cultic ritual abuse and invariably he will present his audiences with a copy of William Guy Carr's 1955 Pawns in the Game as the book that explains it all, i.e. the Rothschilds ordered Adam Weishaupt to set up the "Luciferian" Illuminati and take over the entire world along the lines of the (anti-Jewish) Protocols of Zion. Gunderson even refers to forged "Three World Wars letter" of Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini, two freemasonry masters. Every time he does this, I can't help but be amused. It's just so silly in this day and age of broadband internet. Gunderson really was one of the more extreme figures in the conspiracy circuit. It absolutely makes no sense that DeCamp would have cooperated with Gunderson in the Franklin and Oklahoma affairs. Then again, Gunderson was FBI chief of California at the time of his retirement in 1979 and certainly by the 1980s had developed extremely sinister CIA ties in the form of his apparently "inseparable" friend Robert Booth Nichols, who is generally described as "a very strange and dangerous guy", and the ultraright billionaire Murchison family. 122 This is the same clique that apparently suicided famous "Octopus" researcher Danny Casolaro in 1991. 123 Apart from the endnotes, the details of this are discussed in Gunderson's rather extensive no-planer biography. By the way, like the Hunt family of the John Birch Society and the CNP, the closely-tied Murchisons were also invited to Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club - yet another indication that the visible faces of research into child abuse networks and the Oklahoma bombing, Ted Gunderson and John DeCamp, were extremely closely tied to very sinister powers-that-be.
Despite the fact that he is much more coherent, DeCamp, knowingly or unknowingly, spread disinformation when he claimed that both William Colby and Henry Kissinger explained to him that there never was a Deep Throat that spilled the beans on the Watergate affair. 124 That was just before the world found out it had been top FBI COINTELPRO chief Mark Felt. His book The Franklin Cover-up also contains the extremely questionable information that MKULTRA was renamed Project Monarch and that a certain key person in it, "Dr. Green", came from a Nazi Germany internment camp. These aspects have been discussed in ISGP articles Beyond the Dutroux Affair and Beyond Dutroux ties to 1950s-era CIA covert operation. Plus: the mysterious "Dr. Green" identified. It's tough to find anything truly damaging on DeCamp (which might be a good thing), but as the sidekick of Bill Colby he maintained some top-level spook ties, including curious Ramparts journalists who converted from the new left to the neocon ultraright, MI6 asset Sir James Goldsmith, and a French-Vietnamese family that continued the covert war in Vietnam even after the U.S. involvement had come to an end here. 125
In interviews Alex Jones has conducted with DeCamp and Gunderson, he never asked these men about the Franklin affair's potential ties to ISGP's Beyond the Dutroux Affair. He also never asked these individuals about their worrying CIA and establishment connections, nor about the disinformation they have spread. 126 Could it be that this is because Jones himself secretly has ties to the CIA or the establishment and therefore promotes the same kind of disinformation? No, that would be too crazy, right? And certainly no evidence of that would ever be found? Right? Well, read on with Part III of this article.
While massively expanded here, the above information is basically how far ISGP took the subject of Alex Jones in the 2014 Cult of National Security Trolls article. Since then, and even before that, it turns out Jones has actually admitted on multiple occasions that he comes from a CIA and army special forces family, one which might well be directly linked to the above-mentioned members of the Council for National Policy and the American Security Council. That makes a lot of sense, of course, but hearing these admissions come from Alex Jones' mouth himself is still quite remarkable.
As of this writing, January 17, 2016, Alex Jones' Wikipedia page doesn't say a word about him having received any kind of inspiration about researching the Eastern Establishment from CIA or army special forces-linked family members. It only explains that Jones' father was a dentist, an occupation that can hardly arouse less suspicion of secret CIA and Army Intelligence plots. For the most part Jones' early years as described on Wikipedia are based on a March 2011 profile of him in Rolling Stone, in which Jones explains that local police corruption in the Dallas suburb he grew up in, as well as John Birch Society influences from neighbors since he was about two years old, put him on the path of exposing government corruption. His major breakthrough came when, as a teenager, he read the John Birch Society classic None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen, a book he found on his father's bookshelf. 127
It appears Alex Jones made a first brief transgression regarding his family history during an April 17, 2013 appearance on the Opie & Anthony Show, with comedian Jim Norton acting as a third host. Listening to the show, it once again become clear why I never could stand to listen to Jones. He's just ranting and raving non-stop, skipping from subject to subject, and literally doesn't properly answer a single question. It's actually even worse than it used to be. First the hosts are trying to figure out his exact opinion on the Boston Marathon Bombing. Jones goes from a few brief sentences involving a "90% percent" certainty of a "false flag" by the "military-industrial complex" to a rant of Obama ordering drone hits on weddings. Then for 10 minutes the hosts try to figure out any alternative Jones might have to the TSA and how exactly the TSA infringes on civil liberties. Jones never directly answers the questions. He just keeps ranting about Dachau, Auschwitz, TSA agents dragging children to private rooms and groping wives, MKULTRA, truth serum, elites plotting to destroy our economy, and finally "boiling baths of peanut oil ... to make sure there are no explosives in our testicles."
At that point a caller to the show, Lindsey, starts to confront Jones on one particular aspect of the Boston Marathon Bombing. Again Jones refuses to provide a direct answer, at least for the first several minutes. A partial transcript follows:
JONES: ... and the boiling peanut oil will neutralize the explosives, uh. HOST: Okay, listen, someone in Boston wants in badly. It's Lindsey, you're on with Alex Jones. LINDSEY: Hey, how are ye? I just wanna tell ye that this whole thing is fucking bullshit. My friend, Jeff Bauman, is lying in the hospital with his legs missing and all you conspiracy theorist douchebags are going around trying to say he's a wounded soldier that lost his legs in Afghanistan. It's fucking bullshit. JONES: Alright, let me stop you, ma'am. Ma'am, ma'am, this stuff is not all just black and white. So, did you ever think that the White House regulation [inaudible] 16 wrote not one but two papers at Harvard and Chicago Business the year before he was made... LINDSEY: I don't give a shit what happened. Because you wanna know why [I don't care about that?]... JONES: Because you are in the emotion right now. I'm telling you, blood drinking Easter bunnies are coming for you right now. Okay, I know this is about feeling good, feeling validated ... [Lot's of interruption] ... Take all your vaccines. ... Listen, they are gonna have schizophrenics - and I get this, the real question is what's conspiracy and what isn't. What has red flags, what doesn't. There are crazy people that think I am Bill Hicks, okay? Let's get something straight: He was a very funny guy, a great guy, anti-gun, I'm not Bill Hicks, okay? There are people that think everything is actors, that everything is fake. I think Sandy Hook happened. I think Aurora happened. There were some people on the news that acted very... LINDSEY: So why don't you comment on the people that are saying that my friend Jeff Bauman, who is lying in the hospital with his legs fucking missing... JONES: [Murmuring:] Well, you're very excited that it's your friend, I understand [that that is very exciting]. LINDSEY: ... is an injured Afghanistan vet. Why don't you comment on that? Why don't you comment on that? Why don't you put that to rest? JONES: Well, ma'am, number one, number one, have you ever been... Ma'am? Your lordship? Have you been to LINDSEY: No, I don't need to go to I know the person personally. Why don't you comment on what I'm talking about? ... If you have a shred of decency, you'll quell the rumor! JONES: Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am ... I'm saying the New York Times reported that the FBI has a history of [fielding] mentally ill and unstable people,whether they be left-right, right-wing, or Muslim, or whatever the case is. And they call it winding them up, giving them everything, being their commander, giving them money, saying that a getaway car will be waiting for you, we'll fly you out. You know, to the virgins, with mustaches, or whatever. HOST: [laughing about Jones' evasiveness - again]... LINDSEY: Oh my God... JONES: So what I'm saying is, they have a motive to get our control out of it. So I'm saying we shouldn't give up out liberties and we should look at all groups doing it and also criminal elements in government or foreign corporations, because they have a history of doing this sometimes." HOSTS: [More laughing:] But she's asking you to address one subject, Alex. ... [multiple hosts jump in]... LINDSEY: I went to Chelmsford High School with that person. His name is Jeff Bauman. Both my sister and I attended high school with him. We know him. And he's lying in the hospital bed and all these people are reposting that picture saying what a piece of shit he is and this and that and saying that he is a wounded veteran and he's not. ... And it really makes me mad ... that people are using my friend as a fucking prop. JONES: Please, for God's sake, what I'm trying to get at, ma'am, is this is the internet. There are 7.5 billion people, 3 or 4 billion of them are online. People are gonna say that the photo of your friend is real... LINDSEY: And a lot of them follow you and all you have to say is that it is not true. ... That's all you have to do. JONES: Well, you're not listening. Listen, listen. Ah, I understand, I understand. Listen, I have a tendency when a woman is kinda whining and not listen to kinda leave the room. Okay, ma'am, let me just calmly tell you something. The internet is billions of people. I cannot keep track of every cockamamie conspiracy theory going on on the internet and sit there and debunk them. I just told you... HOSTS: Alright, Alex! Alex! But do you believe what she is saying to be the truth? JONES: Absolutely, I'm not aware of what she is talking about, but I'm sure it's true, because they lied to us about WMDs and they lie to us about so many other things. A large portion of the people don't believe that anything is real. They take a crap in the toilet and they think it's a space alien. And I get that and I'm sorry and I'm sure that your friend did get his legs blown off and I'm personally sick of people attributing to me all the wild conspiracy theories that are out there... |
What is incredible here is that Jones actually admitted - to some degree at least - that he doesn't believe in a particular theory, but it took four people continually steering him back to one particular question for about five minutes. And even then Jones changes subjects at the blink of an eye. Even more worrying maybe is Jones' utter contempt for and complete lack of sympathy for the caller from almost the very first second. Her friend had his legs blown off and he's repeatedly mocking her and incoherently throwing 50 different unrelated conspiracy theories in her face instead of just answering the question. It's actually the hosts who have to ask how her friend is doing. While the caller is trying to explain the victim's situation, Jones just interrupts her and starts another random rant involving the "U.S. polio programme that has paralyzed 67,000 kids" and once again Obama's "1,000 pound bomb [that] kills 200 innocent people [at a wedding]."
He's behaving like an absolute madman. All he had to do was express a little sympathy and say something along the lines as: "I don't believe that theory at all and I cannot be held responsible for every theory that gets thrown around on the internet." The caller even admits at one point that Jones is not responsible for other people's theories and so do the hosts. From there Jones could have brought up a number of genuine questions surrounding the Boston bombing and explain in general terms that similar questions have been left unanswered in a number of previous terrorist attacks, most notably 9/11. This is basically how any sane person would have handled the situation. Jones, on the other hand, is enforcing the stereotype that conspiracy theorists are annoying, inconsiderate, asocial, irrational and obsessive-compulsive individuals who have no evidence whatsoever of a conspiracy.
The bickering between the caller and Alex Jones continues for another 10 minutes. Apparently a little flustered and frustrated, not knowing how to handle the situation, Jones at one point replies with:
JONES: Let me just tell you something. I grew up in Dallas, Texas, with my family doing things like, uh, helping take in East German defectors, okay? Whenever I go to a family reunion, half of the people in the room are former or retired CIA. And do you know what they tell me? They tell me I'm dead on, a hundred percent absolutely right. (mp3) |
Based on the ''What?!'' comment uttered by one of the hosts when Jones admits these ties, it appears he was thinking what most followers of Jones will be wondering when reading or hearing this admission: A) aren't these CIA ties suspicious? And B) why are we only learning about this now?
Less than two months after the Opie & Anthony interview, on June 10, 2014, and on his own radio show, Jones provided more detail on his family's CIA background. In this instance Jones was talking about his father, David Jones, a respected Austin-based dentist, having carried out dental work for high level CIA officers back in the 1980s. Apparently some of the dentistry was done without anesthetics and under supervision. Jones doesn't really expand on this, but apparently these procedures were done to prevent CIA officers from giving away any national security secrets while under the influence of anesthetics. Jones:
"Yeah, there's just all kinds of weird experiments going on and just stuff that is off the charts. And it's industrial level. "I'm not bragging when I say that when, in the 80's - because late 80's my mom and dad had multiple discussions - and my dad would say, "Let's talk about it privately," and stuff like that, with my mom, so I never heard all of it, and he won't talk about it today - where the CIA tried to hire him, because I had some family that did stuff for the CIA, to be inducted in Maryland into literal, below ground bases for a four-year secret tour. And they were hiring other top dentists that were pioneering implants. My dad pioneered implants and would, you know, taught it at medical school and all that. ... And it was literally, they just said, "It's cybernetics, it's highly advanced," and it was $400,000 a year, way more than he was making then, and he owned dental offices. And he said, "No," because my dad did work at the medical school. He was someone who would do medical procedures on high level CIA people. They would come to him and then they would not allow deadening. They would have people there watching while he did procedures on people, just because they can't be put under. That was back during the Cold War. And so my dad did do that. He'll probably get mad I'm even telling this. But the whole point is, what this guy was talking about, it's reportedly really bad what is going on. ... "And it, it, it's just, it's just, from what I've been told by high level people - not my dad, he was just, went and interviewed, and was told about it and, um, uh, it's just, it's just, it's just, we're not in Kansas is what I'm trying to tell people." (mp3) |
The show continued like nothing out of the ordinary was admitted. Additional disclosures were to follow another two months later and again on Alex Jones' own radio show. On August 8, 2014 he invited his cousin Buckley Hamman to talk about the situation in Guatemala in order to make the case to his audience that immigration from areas like these needs to be highly restricted (which I actually totally agree with). Back in 1993 Hamman helped Alex Jones get on the air and a few years later also served as a co-founder of the Infowars website and radio show. Hamman soon left for Chicago to work for more mainstream media outlets, but in recent years has joined the Infowars team again. These aspects are briefly mentioned during the podcast.
Just as important is information provided about Buckley's father, William ''Biff'' Hamman, who was an uncle to Alex Jones. Biff Hamman had died earlier that year, in January 2014. The discussion between Jones and his cousin went as follows:
JONES: So we're gonna talk to Buckley Hamman, my cousin, who helped start Infowars 19 years ago... So your dad is down there [in Guatemala] as a school administrator and also has lots of property growing coffee and a lot of his buddies moved down there after Vietnam so there was a lot of government people there as well. And he might have flown some planes for some folks as another job because he was pilot. So you have this government district... HAMMAN: I was born in 1974 in Guatemala City in the Aurora Hospital down there and I lived there until I was about 11 years old. We came back in 1986. ... The first story I'm going to tell is of some friends of my parents before I was even one year old. So one day the wife and the young boy [my friend] went down to the market and a bomb exploded nearby them and they were both severely injured. The little boy, Jonas, died. ... JONES: Was that a loving communist bomb that killed him? HAMMAN: Exactly, it was a loving communist bomb. Another story is that my mom and I were down town at one point, going to the bank if I remember correctly. We were in the bank and a car bomb blew up outside. All the plaster was coming off the walls, etc. ... Another story that I have is that we used to drive together in a sort of an armored car to go to school and one time we were coming off of an exit of a highway [and] a bunch of people just shot the car in front of us. Our driver went off the road and went off roading and drove off and we just saw the aftermath of that. ... My mom reminded me today, when we were driving around she played a game where she would say, ''Duck!'', and we would all have to duck, you know, and she was really just preparing us for the next time there was a fuselage of bullets and guns. JONES: And, of course, guns were banned there, but it was a total hell hole. Just like Mexico. ... HAMMAN: The second time my brother [Peter Hamman] was kidnapped was for political reasons, oddly. ... He was kidnapped by the ... left-wing military insurgents and their plan is that they wanted to have some of their local cronies from prison that had been captured. ... We were familiar there with some of the people in government there in Guatemala and he was kidnapped and basically they were demanding that they release some prisoners they had for his release. And the story that goes is that they made the exchange and they followed the people back to where their safehouse was and then they attacked the safehouse. They busted into the safehouse and they found plans to basically attack the neighborhood where we lived, which was full of military people and lots of middle to upper class people. [Subsequently] there was a big assault that happened in my backyard. The insurgents tried to get in [over the walls] and the military rebuffed them. I mean, there were a lot of casualties. ... I [also] remember there was a lot of fear in Guatemala regarding incriminations and different people who would attack other people. JONES: People would tattle to send the government after you? Those stories? They tried to claim your HAM radio stuff was terrorist or something? HAMMAN: Yeah, my dad had been a HAM radio [enthusiast] since he was young. Exactly, he was one of the youngest people to ever get a HAM radio license and obviously he operated a HAM radio down there with it [rolls eyes]. ... This was before the internet, before international phone lines even went down to third world countries like Guatemala, or were reliable. Uh, but yeah, that's true. People would say that he was working for the CIA. They would say he was working for the other side. It was just a very convoluted thing. And the government literally came and confiscated all of his equipment and made him shut down his HAM radio operation, you know. And he was really just an enthusiast. (mp3) |
Even before the HAM radio incident is mentioned, one can't help but wonder: was this guy CIA or something? Here we have an army veteran from Vietnam who becomes a well-to-do coffee plantation owner living in a Latin America country wrecked by continuous warfare between CIA/U.S. government-backed elements on the one hand and communist and nationalist forces on the other. He gets a Ph.D. in Latin American studies, has additional useful skills to special operations groups as a HAM radio operator and helicopter pilot, and, in addition, lives in a special high society American community in a country with only a handful Americans in it in the first place. The only doubt seeded here is by Jones and Hamman, who are very open about their father and the involvement of the CIA in Guatemala. While both are mentioned in William Hamman's January 2014 obituary 128, it appears no one had drawn attention to it at that point. They themselves are now responsible for the emerging controversy surrounding their father/uncle.
So, throughout 2015 the situation is that we're having suspicions that Alex Jones' uncle William "Biff" Hamman from Guatemala might have been some kind of CIA or army special operations operative back in the 1980s. Jones and Hamman deny this.
Then, on December 19, 2015, UFC of Fox 17 comes along, which coincides with a 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu event in Austin, organized by Eddie Bravo, at the new Onnit Academy of Aubrey Marcus. The careers of Bravo and Marcus have largely been built by UFC commentator and comedian Joe Rogan, a good friend of Alex Jones since about 1999, back in the day that Jones broke into the Bohemian Grove with Jon Ronson and was rebuilding David Koresh' church at Waco. Their friendship appears to have been built on a mutual interest in conspiracy and a mutual admiration for comedian Bill Hicks. A whole other article can be dedicated to Rogan's clique, but what's important here is that Jones decided to stop by, drink a few beers, and talk a little on Aubrey's podcast. Hearing that Jones had appeared on the podcast, I immediately looked it up to see if he made any interesting personal revelations. And did he ever. During the Nick Diaz-Michael Johnson fight, the following discussion went on:
SHANE STEINER: When you would come in during first period, first period, maybe like 8 in the morning, and he would sit down and go: ''I can't believe what I found out last night. Have you ever heard of Bilderberg?'' And he'd slide over a file folder. And I would think, ''Man, what class is this for?'' And he would go, ''Oh no, no, this is just a little thing I'm doing on the side.'' ... We were like seniors in high school. AUBREY MARCUS: How young did it start? Were you like 8 years old when you started making crazy shit up? Were your parents like doing it? ... EDDIE BRAVO: Yeah, how did you get into conspiracy theory? Remember your first memories? ALEX JONES: I'm gonna be honest with you. I'll tell you something... [Grabs mike.] A few times I would hear Shane later going, ''Oh, there's just no way that this is true. You ought to hear this one. That's good.'' [Note: Is that all?] BRAVO: [Intercepts mike, as Jones tries to give it back to Shane.] Yeah, yeah, but how did you get into - do you remember your first memories of conspiracy theories? What got you into it? Do you remember? For me it was... JONES: I remember my... STEINER: Your uncle or something. JONES: I remember [my cousin] Buckley [Hamman], whose dad passed away, my uncle, my mom's brother [William Hamman]. He was like an army commander in Guatemala and he was kinda like the Oliver North of the army. BRAVO: Who was that? Your mother's brother? Your uncle? JONES: Yeah, yeah. And he just told us a bunch of wild stuff, basically. So I grew up hearing about that and then some other people in the family. I bet [UFC fighter] Tim Kennedy can actually tell us a lot of stuff, because that's actually who they use in clandestine stuff. It's like army special forces people. They always have. So that's actually - it's not, like, James Bond out there killing people. It's army special forces. Yeah, exactly, it's Kennedy. Hey, we learned today he is a listener ... Yeah, so kinda grew up hearing about this stuff. I just had a bunch of family in the army, special operations, and so I kinda heard that. Here you go, Steiner. (mp3) |
Isn't that interesting? All of a sudden Alex Jones' uncle William Hamman is promoted from a relatively innocent "Christian missionary and school teacher" to "an army commander [who] was kinda like the Oliver North of the army." In other words, Jones confirms every suspicion the average person would have about his uncle: that in Guatemala he was acting on behalf of the CIA and/or army special forces community. Did he have the status of a Colonel Oliver North, who was directly in touch with CIA director William Casey and the top of the army special operations crowd? I sincerely doubt it. Hamman may have been an asset used as a liaison, helicopter pilot or geopolitical advisor, but he doesn't seem to have had the background for the really dirty work. But we already discussed this aspect. The new revelation is what matters here.
Let's have a little discussion about Guatemalan politics. When Buckley Hamman is talking about a "civil war" in Guatemala, with Jones clarifying Hamman and friends were victims of "loving communist bombs", they are essentially lying to their audience by not providing the big picture. Guatemala was about class war, not civil war.
When we read up on all the different administrations that ruled Guatemala since the 1954 combined Eisenhower-United Fruit-CIA coup, we find that just about every Guatemalan president, backed by different U.S. administrations, deployed heavy-duty death squats to keep the left out of power. For decades the Guatemalan population has been fighting one terrorist government after another - governments that were protecting the interests of United Fruit, foreign and domestic oil and mineral corporations, and wealthy land owners (Hamman seemingly among them), all of which were stealing as much land as possible from small-time farmers. These farmers and their families were expected to be slaves on the elites' giant banana, coffee and sugar plantations. If they protested, some plantation owners, like Knight of Malta Roberto Alejos Arzu, a key liaison of American Security Council and Council for National Policy representatives, had them tortured and murdered. 129
Of course, one expects that the Soviets supported the left-wing guerrilla to an extent, preferably the most extremist aspects, but they were simply capitalizing on the genocidal policies of the Guatemalan military leaders and their U.S. supporters. People weren't looking for a communist or capitalist style dictatorship; they just wanted basic human rights, a small piece of land to sustain their families, and free democratic elections. That's it. While terrorist attacks that cost innocent lives are always hard to justify, the bomb attacks Buckley Hamman was describing were focused on government buildings and major banks and corporations during periods of intense death squad activity aimed at the population. Only a portion of the resistance supported these bombings, but just about every poor person opposed the government. At the same time it has to be acknowledged that anyone who openly protested, risked being shot or, maybe worse, send to the torture chamber, along with their friends and family members.
In order for the reader to understand the situation in Guatemala, a basic summary of all Guatemalan administrations since the 1954 U.S. coup can be found below. There are no secret sources here. The Wikipedia pages of all the relevant presidents provide almost all the facts, including proper sources.
President and Term |
Details |
Col. Carlos Castillo Armas Sep. 1954 - Jul. 1957 |
Takes power in the infamous Eisenhower-CIA-United Fruit-backed coup (Truman had no interest) against Jacobo Arbenz. Bans illiterates from voting, constituting 50% of the population, and crushes the rights of farmers and all other leftists. He reestablishes the secret police. His National Committee of Defense Against Communism becomes Guatemala's first modern death squad, although these won't reach their full "potential" until the 1970s. In 1957 Armas is shot to death by palace guard Rameo Vasquez, who shortly after decides to commit suicide. Only with Armas' death does United Fruit get its land back that was confiscated by Arbenz. |
Col. Guillermo Flores Avendano Oct. 1957 - Mar. 1958 |
Minister of defense in the next government. |
Gen. Miguel Ydígoras Fuentes Mar. 1958 - Mar. 1963 |
Autocratic right-wing rule in close collaboration with the U.S. government. In 1960 military officers rebel and form to the 13th November revolutionary guerrilla to try and overthrow Fuentes. |
Col. Enrique Peralta Azurdia Mar. 1963 - Jul. 1966 |
Overthrows Fuentes to prevent his loss to a center-left political candidate. Green berets and CIA officers are send in beginning in 1965 to help subdue leftist guerilla elements. Death squads began to emerge again. |
Julio César Méndez Jul. 1966 - Jul. 1970 |
The only civilian Guatemalan president in the 1954-1986 period. Considered a puppet of the military and the U.S. Days after taking office, U.S. Colonel John Webber Jr. arrives in the country to train a 5,000 member anti-communist counterinsurgency army, greatly intensifying "white terror" death squad activity. Leading U.S.-backed death squads at the time include SCUGA, Mano Blanca, the New Anticommunist Organization, and the Anticommunist Council of Guatemala. |
Col. Carlos Arana Osorio Jul. 1970 - Jul. 1974 |
Major death squad leader under Mendez in the late 1960s. He is also appointed ambassador to Nicaragua, then under the right-wing CIA-backed Somoza regime. Despite minimal leftist activism, Arana instates a "State of Siege" months after his "election" and increases secret police and death squad activity to even higher levels than before. Infamously states: "If it is necessary to turn the country into a cemetery in order to pacify it, I will not hesitate to do so." |
Gen. Kjell Laugerud Jul. 1974 - Jul. 1978 |
Received military officer's training in the U.S. early in his career. Guatemalan delegate to the Inter-American Defense Board 1968-1970. Army chief of staff and defense minister under Arana's murderous regime. Subsequently his presidency is backed by all right-wing forces. Continues the usual death squad activity, albeit less intense than Arana, also in part due to a major 1976 earthquake that causes a lot of damage in Guatemala, giving people something else to worry about.. |
Gen. Romeo Lucas Garcia Jul. 1978 - Jul. 1982 |
Increases the death squad activity when widespread leftist protests against mineral and oil companies, as well as the suppression of farmers, increases. It soon approaches the level of the "State of Siege" under Arana. In response, leftist guerillas, with active support of a huge chunk of the population, begin to assassinate right-wing officers and land barons. In addition, by 1980-1981, government buildings, elite banks, commercial and agricultural centers become the target of leftist bombings. The Guatemalan government, aided by the incoming Reagan administration, cracks down even harder and becomes known as the worst human rights violator in the hemisphere. |
Gen. Efrain Rios Montt Mar. 1982 - Aug. 1983 |
Veteran of the notorious U.S.-based School of the Americas, which has trained a number of U.S.-allied Latin American death squad leaders. Played a minor role in the 1954 CIA coup against Jacobo Arbenz. Deputy Army chief of staff under the murderous Mendez regime in the late 1960s. Army chief of staff under the even more murderous Arana regime in the early 1970s. Minister in the California-based evangelical Church of the World since 1978. Overthrows Garcia in March 1982, which he apparently considers too weak to control the masses. Greatly intensifies death squad activity against leftist guerillas and all suspected leftist sympathizers. Instantly receives major support of his evangelical colleagues and friends: U.S. reverends Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, both of the Council for National Policy. In May 2013 Montt is convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity, but for the time being this has been overturned, largely due to his age and declining health. |
Gen. Oscar Humberto Meija Aug. 1983 - Jan. 1986 |
Defense minister under Montt and responsible for overthrowing him for many different reasons: 1) Montt was preaching an evangelical, messianic born-again type of Christianity; 2) he had alienated the middle class with the value-added tax; 3) he relied too much on a group of junior officers (the "seven dwarfs") at the expense of the old guard; 4) he was unwilling to seek compromise with the United States, which, at least officially, was unable to provide Guatemala with foreign aid since 1977, when Carter came into power. The week before the coup, Meija was meeting with high level military officials and the defense ministers of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, who all aided him in the coup. Despite the foreign help, death squad activity against the left will continue under Meija, although less intense because Montt has largely broken the resistance. At this point up to half-a-million peasants have been driven from their homes and forced to live and work in concentration camps and plantations of wealthy land barons. |
Vinicio Cerezo Jan. 1986 - Jan. 1991 |
Cerezo is not part of the military establishment. Soon after he becomes president, the Iran-Contra Affair breaks in the United States, paralyzing the Reagan administrations' support for Latin American death squad elements. Under Cerezo Guatemala slowly begins to switch towards a more normal political situation, although military-backed death squads remain active and on various occasions Cerezo is forced to appease this element. |
As the reader may have noticed when reading up on Guatemalan political history, the brief administration of Rios Montt is usually singled out as particular brutal. This is only because Montt was convicted of genocide in 2013. There really was little difference between Montt and just about every other Guatemalan presidency. That makes it all the more worrying that Buckley Hamman has admitted that his father was a coffee plantation owner close enough to people in the (murderous) Guatemalan government that leftist guerrillas thought it productive to kidnap Buckley's brother in order to try and blackmail the government. It very much appears as if William Hamman was supportive of the government's death squad activity or at the very least was content to look the other way. A few questions that I personally have about the elder Hamman:
- Why did he voluntarily come to a hell hole called Guatemala after Vietnam? Weren't he and his buddies not just relocated to take possession of economic interests (land) and help fight another covert war?
- Why did he stay there, with his family being subjected to bombings and kidnappings left and right?
- Why did the family, or parts of it, leave in 1986 when the Iran Contra scandal broke, all ultraright U.S. involvement in the region was forcibly halted, and, with the election of the civilian Vinicio Cerezo, death squad activity began to decrease? Things are finally getting better and the Hamman family leaves town?
- When was his HAM radio equipment seized? By the Cerezo government in 1986? Or by what officials exactly? Granted, different right-wing factions were plotting coups against each other and a lot of these dictators are ultranationalists, but what is certain is that all of Guatemala's military governments received backing from the U.S., thus a little additional clarification would be most helpful.
The fact that William Hamman was a "Christian missionary and school teacher" also does little to dispel suspicions of him having been an ultraright death squad supporter. Religious extremism has been a driving force behind violence for millennia. The American Security Council and Council for National Policy network had and has plenty of religious extremists among its ranks. In fact, as mentioned, the murderous Rios Montt went to priest-school and was a close ally of televangelists and CNP members Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Montt and his defense minister and presidential successor, General Oscar Meija, were also receiving aide from General Harry Aderholt, one of the closest colleagues and subordinates of General John Singlaub, through his Air Commando Association. 130 [130] Considering Hamman was both a Christian missionary and a pilot, it makes one wonder if he knew any of these individuals and to what extent he got along with them.
Furthermore, it would be interesting to know if the elder Hamman knew Guatemalan sugar plantation owner Roberto Alejos Arzu and his American Security Council allies General John Singlaub and General Daniel Graham, both governors of the Council for National Policy, along with Pat Robertson. Already back in 1979 and 1980, before Robertson and Falwell prominently jumped out of the fascist closet with their vocal support of Rios Montt, Singlaub and Graham were quietly cooperating with Arzu and Guatemala's murderous president General Romeo Garcia in developing ever more efficient "counterinsurgency operations" as part of an American Security Council "Task Force on Central America", which also included General Alexander Haig and General Richard Stilwell. 131 Interestingly, this group was flown around by helicopter, so once again we are forced to ask if possibly William Hamman was among these helicopter pilots - or maybe one of his buddies. It might be a long shot, but it's certainly not out of the question. Village Voice, 1991:
"When AmeriCares decided Nicaragua had earned assistance, rightist Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo went to the airport to receive the first shipment, and the well-connected Knights of Malta distributed it. President Bush's son Marvin was aboard the next AmeriCares flight, which arrived just days after Chamorro's inauguration. He was met by a Knights of Malta ambassador by the name of Roberto Alejos Arzu, who, beyond his recent role as an avuncular dispenser of charity, has a long history of association with some of Central America's most reactionary elements. ... "Alejos's links to the Reagan-Bush administrations go back to 1979, when he hosted a delegation from the private military lobby, the American Security Council (ASC). The group, led by generals Singlaub (later of Iran-contra fame) and Daniel Graham, met with the president of Guatemala and took helicopter tours of rural counterinsurgency operations. Alejos later came to California and met with Reagan. ... "Using tactics developed in Vietnam--and promoted there by AmeriCares advisory board member general Stilwell--the Guatemalan army has pursued a brutal scorched-earth policy, bombing and forcing the abandonment of whole villages. In 1983, more than a quarter of the 4 million Indians living in the highlands were pushed from their land, according to the Guatemalan Council of Bishops. Many tens of thousands have died, and the number of orphans is estimated in the hundreds of thousands." 132 |
The Knight of Malta-ran Americares "charity", largely overseen by the Bush family and of which Stilwell (along with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Colin Powell and other elites) was a director, and Covenant House, the Guatemalan branch counting old CIA asset Roberto Alejos Arzu as one of its most important patrons, has been linked to more than a few child abuse accusations. 133 Senator John DeCamp even wrote, "According to intelligence community sources, the purpose [of Covenant House in Guatemala] was procurement of children from South America for exploitation in a pedophile ring." 134Just one more indication that it would be really bad for William Hamman's reputation to have been affiliated with this crowd in one way or another.
Counterinsurgency operations, of course, were an euphemism for the usual death squad activity these men were promoting. As demonstrated by ISGP, the American Security Council has worked with an endless amount of death squad leaders. One of those that really needs to be mentioned here is Guatemala's Mario Sandoval Alarcon. 135 Alarcon had been thrown in jail in the early 1950s for trying to undermine Jacobo Arbenz's government. After Arbenz was overthrown by CIA asset Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas, Alarcon became his private secretary. 136 Since the 1954 coup his party, the Movement for National Liberation, which he described as the "party of organized violence", represented "the most conservative landowners and industrialists [and was] Guatemala's most powerful political force, though they never won the presidency." 137 [137] Alarcon is seen as a mentor to notorious El Salvador death squad leader Roberto d'Aubuisson (School of the Americas veteran, Western Goals patron and fellow American Security Council liaison). 138 In the 1974-1978 period Alarcon served as vice president in the death squat-supporting government of General Kjell Laugerud. Starting around this period the first batch of CIA-backed Nicaraguan Contras were trained on land owned by Alarcon. 139 In 1982 his presidential aspirations were thwarted by the coup of Rioss Montt, another clear favorite of the ultraright fascists in and around the Reagan administration. In 1986 Alarcon lost the election to a more moderate Vinicio Cerez, but even in this period he remained a feared man behind the scenes and the situation was anything but safe, even for Cerez:
"The terror is aimed at forcing people to vote for the right," said Vicinio Cerezo, the leader of Guatemala's Christian Democratic Party, a very brave man who has attended the funerals of dozens of his party workers over the years. But the only real question in the Guatemalan election on July 1 is which part of the right will win. Without army intervention, the winner would all too likely be the National Liberation Movement (MLN), whose leader, Mario Sandoval Alarcon, once described it as "the party of organized terror." "If elected, he promised a senior Western diplomat recently, his party would put all suspected subversives in front of a firing squad. A government led by Sandoval Alarcon would condemn Guatemala to international ostracism: "It'd be like trying to sell Hitler," a U.S. diplomat in Guatemala City said. "So the army, which has ruled Guatemala since the last more or less representative government was overthrown by a CIA-backed invasion in 1954, has moved to safeguard its power. It has created a new "official" party which will keep the self-declared fascists of the MLN and their 5,000-man private army in the background. Aided by total military control of the countryside, and an estimated 50 murders or disappearances a week in the capital since the death squads were unleashed again in February, the army's party is guaranteed to win." 140 |
While Alarcon never managed to rise beyond the vice presidency, he does represent additional evidence that there was no shortage of death squad-supporting Guatemalan presidents and presidential candidates who had aligned their interests with reactionary elements in the United States, elements that Alex Jones has been trying to shield from inquiry. Remember that despite official embargoes, elements of the Council for National Policy and American Security Council always backed the most violent political candidates. The fact that Jones is brushing under the carpet the kidnapping, torturing, raping and murdering of labor union leaders, intellectuals, students, or anyone vaguely defined as "enemies of the state" by ultraright, CNP/ASC-backed death squads, is extremely worrying and really should cause an outcry among his audience. Whether they are gun enthusiasts or not really shouldn't matter.
What is also important to note here is that this entire section was written well before I heard Alex Jones praise Howard Phillips and, indirectly, Richard Viguerie, two key CNP leaders and American Security Council-linked liaisons to Latin American death squad leaders and CIA drug traffickers. In case of Phillips and Viguerie, they are known to have met with Nicaragua's Colonel Enrique Bermudez and El Salvador's Roberto D'Aubuisson. Clearly there's a pattern here between Jones' family and the support he gives out for certain individuals. We definitely need to dig for more information.
In line with his protection and support of ultraright death squad leaders, one key thing about Alex Jones that people absolutely should understand is that he does not promote domestic democracy either. He's an advocate of unrestrained corporate fascism by opposing any kind of involvement of the state in the market, claiming that a completely free market, a ban on taxes, and an almost powerless government will solve all problems of mankind.
This is utter nonsense, of course, and one of the typically extreme opinions one only finds in the West in the United States, along with "pro-life" versus abortion and Darwinism versus creationism debates. The dreaded neoliberal "shock therapy" of the Rockefeller-Shultz-Milton Friedman-tied "Chicago School" is a "mild" form of strict anti-tax libertarianism and it wrecked absolute havoc in places as Chile under Pinochet - neoliberalisms first grand experiment - and Russia under Yeltsin. It resulted in overnight oligarchies and an extreme imbalance in wealth and living conditions among the masses until socialist measures were reintroduced after a decade or more. It might sound strange, but the middle ground, as with European liberal-socialism, usually works best.
Alex Jones is not "middle ground". He still is of the Cold War anti-"communosocialist" school and refuses to accept the gigantic differences between moderate socialism and communism. "Left", "liberal", "socialist", "communist": it's all the exact same to him. The fact that Fox News has the exact same approach should be a dead giveaway that it is nothing more than propaganda.
As for libertarianism, take away the state - and corporations will enslave the masses, initiating a race to the bottom. The corporation that treats its personnel the worst - the lowest wages, the least amount of benefits, the longest hours, the harshest spy and enforcement measures against unionists - will come out on top. Desperate people can be found in many parts of the country and certainly on this overpopulated globe, so they will have the masses work 15 to 16 hours a day for at least 6 days per week, just enough for them to not die of sleep deprivation. The wages of employees will be just high enough for them to pay their (exorbitant amount of) rent and prevent them from dying of starvation. Children as young as 5 or 6 will be taken from the classroom and send to the mines and factories to work for virtually free. People too old or too disabled to work will have to live with their family under the most horrendous and miserable circumstances. The average life expectancy will plummet by two decades. The wealthy will hoard every single last penny they can get their hands on and only transfer their wealth to family members and their most trusted corporate henchmen.
Can there be any debate about this scenario? We saw a lot of this in Pinochet's Chile and Yeltsin's Russia - and there still was a government there raising taxes. It has also been the situation during the industrial revolution and really during almost all of human history in all parts of the world. Things only changed in the last few centuries with the discovery of book printing, the steam machine, oil and gas exploration, and from there an incredible leap in technological advancements. The increasingly intellectual masses demanded that they benefit from these advances and began to protest. From there a solid middle class, complete with women's rights, began to arise. But there was also a ton of help from the top. FDR's New Deal program (with similar programs appearing in western Europe) was one of the most revolutionary programs in history: it established a minimum wage, a maximum number of working hours, abolished child labor, provided pensions, and set up watchdog agencies for banks and corporations. To a large extent it ended the age of the robber barons and is one of the cornerstones of our modern social democracy. After World War II the situation in the United States and - through the FDR-Truman Marshall Plan - in western Europe kept getting better and better for the common man.
Much more can be written on this subject, but this has now been done in ISGP's "conservative CIA" article, where the subject of neoliberalism and libertarianism are discussed in great detail. They are all elite economic movements with close ties to the Rockefeller clique, from the neoliberal "Chicago School" to the libertarian Cato Institute. The economics of Jones are as fake as his conspiracy "exposing".
As of 2019, ISGP has basically mapped and explained this aspect in its "conservative CIA" article and oversight, but one of the key questions that has always been very hard to fully resolve is to what extent the ultraright conservative establishment is actually managed by the liberal one through the CIA and private funds of the superclass. Ultimately key ultraright national security groups as the American Security Council, Le Cercle and the World Anti-Communist League were controlled by top CIA officers, which overall have been too educated at liberal Eastern Establishment universities to be McCarthyite.
To give a few examples: we're talking about Ted Shackley, a protege of Rockefeller-Kissinger friend Richard Helms, also of a Pilgrims Society banking family and rather close to the liberal elite Washington Post clique; James Angleton and Richard Bissell, both of the Pilgrims Society-allied Georgetown set in Washington, D.C.; an always very talkative Ray Cline, who spent many years working at the super-elite CSIS think tank in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., and a handful of others.
Even General John Singlaub of the WACL and American Security Council was a CIA veteran and acted on orders of different CIA directors. During Iran-Contra this was the hawkish William Casey, who also was an OSS veteran and long-time business partner of various Pilgrims Society members. As discussed, Casey's daughter, Bernadette, later played a key role in establishing the ultraright "conservative CIA" newspaper Newsmax, together with the notoriously ultraright financier Richard Mellon Scaife, a member a generational Pilgrims Society family with close ties to the Morgans and Rockefellers, which also played a huge role in financing the ultra-left psychedelics movement of Timothy Leary and Ram Dass.
John M. Olin, founder of the key "conservative CIA" Olin Foundation, was a Pilgrim, with leading Rockefeller agent John McCloy sitting with him on the board of the Olin Foundation.
We can also look at Rupert Murdoch, the owner of the ultraconservative TV station Fox News. You'll find Murdoch hanging out in surprisingly liberal superclass crowds, such as the CFR, the TED Talks-affiliated Billionaire's Club, loaded with leading atheist scientists; the Atlantic Council, and the Sun Valley Meetings. Rumors that he at one point was recruited in Australia as a CIA asset by Ted Shackley wouldn't be particularly surprising. 141
We can literally go on all day in which the superiors of McCarthyite extremists turn out to be pretty darn CIA-tied, and pretty darn liberal elite-tied.
Here's another example that used to be a considerable mind bender. Who do you think wrote the following text?
"There is an establishment in the United States. The word "establishment" is a general term for the power elite in international finance, business, the professions largely from the Northeast, who wield most of the power regardless of who is in the White House. "Most people are unaware of the existence of this "legitimate Mafia." Yet the power of the establishment makes itself felt from the professor who seeks a foundation grant, to the candidate for a cabinet post or State Department job. It affects the nation's policies in almost every area. "For example, the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City, subsidized by Rockefeller interests since 1927 boasts a membership of at least 90 per cent establishment figures." |
The author of these words was Edith Kermit Roosevelt in a 1962 newspaper column. 142 Half of Edith's family members were high-level CIA officers, the most well-known being Kermit Roosevelt II, a key 1953 coup plotter against Mohammed Mossadeq, the Iranian president who made the mistake of nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Intriguingly, the Theodore Roosevelt family (not FDR) not only was involved in the top of the CIA, various members have seemingly completely opposing establishment ties, from the usual ultraright industrial interests that sponsored domestic fascism before World War II - even, in contrast to the Eastern Establishment, after England was threatened - and the post-World War II John Birch Society, to the Rockefellers and the pro-CO2 and global warming campaign. This makes the Roosevelt family very similar to the Mellon family; these two families alone makes one wonder to what extent the liberal versus conservative debate in the United States is just a tool to keep the masses bickering over relatively unimportant issues..
Another interesting question to ponder is: what if Edith was provided with a right-wing "patriot" radio show and over the course of two decades would occasionally admit to the extensive CIA ties of her family, would that diminish any suspicions against her of being a CIA asset in any way? Unlikely. So why should it be any different for Alex Jones? From what we know, below is what his family tree looks like, complete with known, admitted and/or hyped ties to the security establishment:
Buckley's sister Verna Grayce Chao hasn't been discussed yet in this article. After receiving an MBA from the Rockefeller's University of Chicago, she first joined IBM, then Dell, as a senior marketing manager. Coincidence or not, what has to be pointed out is that the Watson family behind IBM has been generational members of the elite Pilgrims Society and not entirely detached from the peculiar Cult Awareness Network through family member and Pilgrims John Irwin II and the Bodman Foundation. Dell has been a firm through which the National Security Agency (NSA) - including Edward Snowden - has been operating. 143 Combine this with Chao's interest in cybersecurity 144, the adventures she had with her father in Guatemala, and the Infowars enterprise of her brother and cousin, and it's not entirely unreasonable to ask the question if Jones was referring to her too when he stated that half his family was in the CIA.
Here's another example for readers who might still be of the opinion that Jones cannot be CIA or some kind of superclass asset, because he exposes the Eastern Establishment. Who do you think wrote the following words?
"Keep in mind, when speaking of the CFR, the Washington Post, the New York Times, or Harvard University, that these are not left-wing, pinko organizations. They are instead Establishment organizations that desire a one-world government. Many among them feel that supporting world socialism in one of its forms will facilitate their own long-range goals... They run huge banks, multinational corporations, the nation's financial system, the State Department, the Treasury Department, and the better part of the entire world... The CIA during most of the years since its creation has been under CFR control, starting with Allen Dulles... "During the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, more than sixty CFR members held top-policy positions... Under Richard Nixon the number of CFR members in major policy positions leapt to a hundred, and the story of their selection is mind-boggling [states that Nelson Rockefeller and William Rogers were key in the selection process]... Perhaps the most blatant exercise of the power of the Establishment occurred in the selection of their 1976 presidential candidate [Carter, who was sponsored by the Trilateral Commission]... "Of course, the present United Nations organization is actually the creation of the CFR and is housed on land in Manhattan donated to it by the family of current CFR chairman David Rockefeller... For better or worse, the United Nations as we now have it, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the Bretton Woods monetary agreement were not the work of the United States government, per se, but that of the members of the Council on Foreign Relations carrying out the stated (and perhaps unstated) goals of that organization... "In 1970 a young Polish intellectual named Zbigniew Brezinski [sic] foresaw the rising economic power of Japan and postwar Europe. Brezinski idealized the theories of Karl Marx. In his book, Between Two Ages, as in subsequent writings, he argued that balance-of-power politics was out and world-order politics was in. The initial world order was to be trilateral economic linkage between Japan, Europe, and the United States. David Rockefeller funded Brezinski and called together an organization, named the Trilateral Commission, with Brezinski as its first executive secretary and director." |
While the message is the exact same as the one of Alex Jones, obviously these words are too measured and too composed to have been written by the Infowars host. This is saying something, because the actual author is religious fanatic, Council for National Policy president and notorious death squad supporter Pat Robertson in his 1991 book The New World Order. 145 As discussed earlier, Jones has been shielding the Council for National Policy, and therefore Pat Robertson, from negative exposure. Robertson's ideas in his book The New World Order also show a lot of similarity with Jones', although the two differ on their support for Israel and Robertson, being part of the conservative elite, for obvious reasons won't criticize the CIA. In his book, Robertson states:
- equates FDR's New Deal with communism.
- equates the modern "liberal" press with communism.
- voices skepticism over the Pearl Harbor attack which dragged the United States into World War II.
- is critical of U.S. military strategy in North Korea and Vietnam, which limited the scope of the war and made a victory over communism impossible.
- states his belief that the KGB was behind the 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II.
- supports the testimony of Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn, who still claims that the Soviet Union's split with China and its demise in 1990 are a carefully crafted ploy to deceive the West.
- claims Iraq was a "Soviet client state", without mentioning U.S. weapons sales to the same country.
- states George H. W. Bush purposely tricked Saddam into invading Kuwait in 1990.
- states that the United Nations, an Establishment organ, is out to destroy Israel by pressuring it to relinquish the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
We can go on with examples of conservative elites backing anti-"New World Order" and anti-Eastern Establishment books. Dr. D. James Kennedy, another one of the CNP's radical clergymen 146, is known to have promoted William T. Still's 1990 book New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. On the back cover of the book we can read Kennedy's words: "[Still] traces the historic role of secret societies and their influence on the 'Great Plan' to erase nationalism in preparation for global dictatorship." The book was one of an ever-increasing amount of anti-communist conspiracy books aimed at the Christian Conservative movement. However, one can't say Bill Still wasn't passionate. He is the producer and narrator of the three hour 1995 film The Money Masters, detailing the history of fractional reserve banking and families as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. It was one of the first conspiracy movies I saw and have to say, I was absolutely fascinated by it. Still's The Money Masters is definitely one of the works that ultimately inspired ISGP's Pilgrims Society article.
As one may have been able to guess, Bill Still was not born in New York City. He came from an Ohio air force family. His father used to be chief scientist for the Minuteman nuclear missile system and retired as a lieutenant colonel. Whether his father had direct connections to the American Security Council is unknown.
As for Dr. Kennedy, he was the founder and senior pastor of the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, where he mobilized people against abortion, gay people, and the theory of evolution. What's even more important here is that Kennedy used to sit on the advisory board of the low-profile Maldon Institute, an extreme-right, U.S.-based, anti-communist think tank funded by Richard Mellon Scaife, the Anti-Defamation League and the B'nai B'rith. 147 As already explained, Scaife was an ultraright CIA asset while the ADL and B'nai B'rith work together with Israel's Foreign Office and the Mossad. 148 Other officers of the Maldon Institute have included the shady CNP member Jack Abramoff; author John H. Rees, also of Western Goals; and W. Raymond Wannall, a COINTELPRO-type assistant director of the FBI with very close ties to CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton, who after his retirement became director of the American Security Council and president of the AFIO. Then there was Robert Moss, an MI6 agent and leading Cercle member who was in the business of labor union busting and black propaganda. 149
Obviously, when Still had his work promoted by Dr. D. James Kennedy, he was essentially backed by the CIA and army special operations crowd, the exact same group Jones claims his family has been involved with.
This brings us to an additional question: what exactly is CIA? In recent months, while studying the liberal "new left" establishment, I sometimes ran across insiders talking about working with "liberal CIA ... the best mafia you can deal with in the twentieth century" 150 or appealing to the "enlightened men of the liberal internationalistic wing of the CIA who were willing to provide clandestine money to domestic progressive causes." 151 Subsequently we see these persons and their cliques flock around foundations as Rockefeller, Ford, Soros, Mellon (not Mellon Scaife!), Tides, etc. Especially considering that the first two of these, along with the Carnegie Foundation and USAID, back in the 1950s and 1960s took over CIA financing of the important America-Africa Institute in order to prevent any kind of negative backlash 152, it very much makes me suspect that the Rockefeller family and their associates are CIA. They are not part of the bureaucratic institution, but they created the CIA and were close friends with various early CIA directors, most notably General Walter Bedell Smith, Allen Dulles and Richard Helms. Unlike the State Department, absolute control over the CIA directorship seems to have waned after that, but whether or not they are able to get the exact CIA director in office they prefer, the global network of branches and projects of these foundations form an indispensable intelligence and possibly even covert financing arm of the CIA (and U.S. interests in general). This network is so important as a global intelligence cover, not to mention a domestic political force, that any CIA director - and the president that appoints him - has to appease to the foundation heads at least a little. In fact, I would not be surprised if these foundation heads have a permanent working relationship with the CIA in which they stack their international branches and projects only with the most obedient or even radical employees to the point that they should be considered intelligence assets. It's a perfect cover and with a little luck the employees take radical independent action of the exact kind that is desired. The 2002 Pim Fortuyn assassination in the Netherlands by the superclass-financed and superclass-defended environmentalist Volkert van der Graaf, as well as a few other situations, is really what has made me wonder about this.
Looking at Alex Jones' comment that his father refused to work for the CIA as a full-time employee instead of a trusted asset and Buckley Hamman's slight criticism of the CIA in Guatemala, makes me wonder - apart from the fact that they are supposed to criticize the CIA - if their family has been part of a conservative CIA or army special forces clique that has been used on the operational end by the CIA but at the same time has maintained its own identity. This conservative CIA group works to advance U.S. national security interests domestically and abroad just the same, and works through a number of conservative foundations and think tanks, but at the same time aren't particularly fond of this "liberal internationalistic wing of the CIA", which actually founded the CIA, dominated United Fruit, and works through its own extensive network of foundations, think tanks and conferences.
So, instead of looking at the U.S. government through bureaucratic institutions, we look at it from an establishment model in which conservative and liberal cliques are pushing and pulling each other for control of bureaucratic institutions, with the golden rule being to keep this political model of society out of the school books and from evening television. This model certainly is applicable on a global level, in which international liberal, conservative and also Zionist elites dominate national politics and even ordinary United Nations, NATO and G8 gatherings, with nobody talking about this supranational level of politics. We know that domestically the liberal establishment to this day has a monopoly on the State Department, but for many decades now fierce competition appears to have arisen for less diplomatic national security institutions, mainly the Pentagon and the CIA.
Who knows, maybe the establishment model will one day also help to explain the international level of control over conspiracy disclosures. One question I personally have is why foreign powers as Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Al Qaeda, North Korea, or China have never used their resources to expose plots like JFK and 9/11, which would greatly hinder U.S. overseas military efforts. Russia TV is pushing both liberal and conservative disinformation ranging from Project Censored and Coast to Coast AM guests to Infowars and the pro-Nazi Rense network. And while Putin might be blackmailed with the Russian apartment bombings or information we know nothing about, what has been the excuse of the Soviets for not working to expose the JFK assassination during the Cold War? If Angleton and the American Security Council had got things their way, Oswald would have been used to attack both Russia and Cuba. Then we have Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, who prefer his favorite left-wing Rockefeller/Soros gatekeepers Noam Chomsky. 153 Osama bin Laden's bookshelf seems to reveal a conspiracy enthusiast lost in a maze of disinformation put up by shows as Coast to Coast AM and Alex Jones, as well as Chavez's favorite new left network. Authors whose work he read include Noam Chomsky, Greg Palast, 9/11 no-planer and chemtrails pusher Michel Chossudovsky, Antony Sutton, Rockefeller intellectual and 9/11 no-planer David Ray Griffin, the Tides Foundation-financed Bev Harris, the Tides Foundation-financed 9/11 no-planer John Perkins, CIA drug trafficking disinformer Michael Ruppert, Eustace Mullins and Illuminati bloodlines pusher Fritz Springmeier. 154 [154] He appears to have been a frequent Alex Jones Show and Coast to Coast AM listener. Then we have Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who never could get beyond Holocaust denial and Jew baiting. It's a truly astonishing world we live in.
As usual, the article became much longer than expected. It should be clear though, also due to ISGP's point-summary of Jones' ideas, that Jones is spreading little more than very systematic disinformation, year in, year out. Can it be proved that he does so on behalf of the CIA or superclass? Maybe not, but his family's past CIA and high level army special forces ties are beyond suspicious, of course, to the point that one can claim that Alex Jones is a government agent until the opposite can be proved. It doesn't make sense to go with the less than 5% chance that Jones is an independent player. In fact, I can't think of a universe in which Jones is not a puppet of forces behind the scenes.
Jones is far from the only player. We already demonstrated as much in ISGP's Cult of National Security Trolls article about Jones' new age sister show Coast to Coast AM or all the 9/11 "truthers" pushing no-plane theories.
If we assume for a second that Jones is an independent player, what should we expect from him? Well, Jones' primary objective all these years should have been to reopen the NIST investigation on the World Trade Center collapses, but with Jones refusing to consistently or even occasionally address the numerous key flaws in the report, and instead to focus on disinformation, unimportant information, or making superficial and incoherent rants, this is unlikely to happen in the near future. Jones is his own worst enemy and one wonders to what extent this is by design. Already years ago, ISGP published an article entitled The Media's Psywar Manual: 54 Tactics the Mainstream and Alternative Media Use to Undermine Conspiracy Thinking. Take a look at the identified tactics for the alternative media and think about how many you recognize in Jones. Probably more than half:
- Study major controversial events like conspiracy researchers would do, but look for points to manipulate and exploit so skeptics can debunk them and false debates can be created.
- Ignore new revelations and insights into a conspiracy as much as possible once false debates have been generated.
- Invent a conspiracy theory about every new news report.
- Only make use of publicly released documents. Don't do any unique investigative work.
- Limit the amount of new information made available to an absolute minimum.
- Protect your allies and bosses in government and the private sector.
- Keep it in the (dysfunctional) family, from fellow conspiracy theorists to skeptics-for-hire.
- Only allow questionable "insiders" to do the whistleblowing.
- Link conspiracy to anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.
- Link conspiracy to ridiculous cliches as the Illuminati, reptilians, the Anunnaki, and the NWO.
- Protect sitting administrations with the claim that a "rogue cell" or "shadow government" perpetrated a major conspiracy.
- Behave like a mentally deranged or highly obnoxious individual.
- Lump everything together: UFOs, the new age, geopolitics and conspiracy.
- Take witness testimony and physical evidence out of context.
- Come up with theories that cannot be proved nor disproved.
- Accuse someone of not being "open-minded" if they refuse to take your made-up theory serious.
- When a claim of yours gets effectively refuted, do not acknowledge this fact and instantly switch to other arguments and questions, preferably ones your debating partner hasn't gotten a chance to prepare for.
- Draw somewhat proper conclusions, but based on easy-to-discredit arguments.
- Have a prominent conspiracy advocate uphold the official story (mainly think respected leftists of the "liberal CIA" network).
Why Alex Jones has made the CIA and apparent army special operations disclosures about his family, is hard to say. He has been on the air for countless thousands of hours ranting about covert operations and conspiracy, so a few brief lapses in judgment on what to say and what not is all it takes to spill the beans. Then again, he may have become overconfident, because it hardly seems to matter what he says, considering only a handful of terribly designed and somewhat irrational blogs have picked up on his confessions. Anno 2016 a pair of specialized YouTube clips about his family's ties to the CIA stand at 771 and 3,550 views after well over a year now, so clearly not many people are taking notice. I doubt the Onnit podcast or this article will change that in the short run (update: claims that Jones is a government troll have become much more frequent since the Trump years, his fame, and his increasingly unhinged behavior).
It appears that Jones, despite being obviously proud of his family's heritage, is well aware that these ties are terrible PR; otherwise he would have mentioned them on many other occasions and at a much earlier stage. And even today he has not provided a full account and really seems to mention a few tidbits on occasion because he can't resist a little bragging, especially after a few beers. Questions that remain include:
- Who in the CIA was his dentist father treating?
- What was his uncle's true role in Guatemala?
- Who exactly in the Council for National Policy and American Security Council network was Jones' uncle (or father) familiar with?
- Which other family members is he referring to as having been in the CIA and army special forces?
Equally important to ask is the question to what extent Jones himself should be considered the Oliver North of the conspiracy industry. Along with partner-in-crime George Noory of Coast to Coast AM, today Alex Jones occupies the most sensitive position in all of conspiracy land. Millions upon millions of people have watched his documentaries and are listening to his radio shows. I have little doubt Jones built his enterprise almost entirely by himself, but without the connections of his family I suspect a lot of people and media outlets would not have accidentally or purposely crossed paths with him, never worked with him, and never promoted him. If he would have tried to continue as a truly independent player, he would have starved to death and only had a very small audience.
One of the things I notice day in day out since beginning ISGP is the endless stream of strange characters, some of them extremely well-connected right to the top of the CIA or my national government, playing mind games trying to latch themselves on to me or even my family. No, when you dive into the conspiracy business, you'll find yourself surrounded by an army of peculiar James Bonds in the shortest time possible trying to steer you in all directions except productive or correct ones. Some oppose you, some act deranged, some appear to be spambots, some pretend to be your biggest friend, a few even donate before trying to get you to change directions, but in the end all of them feed you BS. There's no way that an independent Alex Jones wouldn't have experienced the exact same phenomenon from the second he started out his conspiracy research. And yet, he has never talked about it; only that he himself comes from a James Bond family.
During all the abuses of the Bush years and in the early years of the internet, Jones actually was quite great to have around for the masses and quite detrimental to the West's economic and national security elites. Why? Because there was a decent core of truth that kept inspiring and intriguing people, more so than with Coast to Coast AM, which clearly aspired from the beginning to being "100% B.S." My initial conclusion with this article is that consciousness will probably grow in the long run, but these days I'm not so sure of that anymore. Some force out there is just fighting a total war on consciousness. There might be too much (underhanded) intimidation against conspiracy thinking, too much daily fake news role play, and too much stigmatization to overcome it. Besides, it looks like the white race will be splintered and destroyed by the hundreds of millions of Arabs, African blacks and Latinos pouring into the West. At the deepest level it all seems to be part of the same war: the war on consciousness.
Precisely one month after this article was uploaded, on February 17, 2016, Alex Jones conducted an interview with Dr. Steve Pieczenik, once a top State Department terrorist negotiator who worked for Rockefeller-allied superclass members Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Shultz and James Baker. All these men, except Baker, are confirmed Pilgrims Society members. In addition, Pieczenik was a direct assistant to later Kissinger Associates president Lawrence Eagleburger, who right on 9/11 was claiming that the U.S. government should invade Afghanistan. Pieczenik, of course, is a no-planer and comes across as rather incoherent in his online conspiracy writings - very strange for such an educated man with so many past top-level connections. It certainly doesn't alleviate suspicions from some of the 9/11 suspects fingered in ISGP's The Supranational Suspects Behind 9/11. I actually wonder how I could have missed Pieczenik, especially since he has also been popular on Coast to Coast AM - which instantly guarantees he's a scam artist all by itself.
In any case, during the interview Jones all of a sudden felt the need again to talk about his past CIA ties, which would have gone entirely unnoticed by me were it not for a number of his supporters who informed me about it. A transcript of the relevant sections has been provided below:
"Whenever I've been around recently retired generals, or former special forces colonels, or current Delta Force people, you name it - some of them have been here in the studio and other have been on the [radio] show - they'll actually ask me: "Hey, really, what intelligence agency are you with? What class are you? Did you get sheep-dipped out of high school?" Because a lot of people are recruited out of high school by these agencies. "And I'm like, "No, I've never been part of any agency. Any group. Two years of community college. Was about to go to UT [University of Texas] for RTF. They were teaching 10-year-old information. I went down on an access show, a local radio show [and] got into radio sales. Yeah, I'm nothing. Half the time it's unlistable. It's just that nobody else was organic and did this. And I'm just sick of, like, high level state people going over to my table in downtown Austin and asking me what agency I'm with. Police chiefs think I'm in some secret agency. Military people think I'm some secret guy. And I'm just an organic American and a Texan that has been defending the bill of rights and the constitution. And it's like people can't believe there'd be someone that could be successful. As if you've gotta be in some - like, they have all these kinda intelligence agency names and all this stuff. ... Now it's just endless agencies and just titles and guys speaking in their arms and, you know, with [sun]glasses, pulling up, trying to intimidate me. I just laugh at them. It's like they have gone from being real men to pretending to be real men. And then the real men in the military will see that [these agencies of today] are a joke and it's just a disaster. Well, but I don't need to rant, sir. ... "On the other hand, I do have branches of different agencies actually trying to couple with what we're doing to resist the globalists. And I'm not working with some agency in an official capacity taking orders. It doesn't work like that. It's just people that also wanna resist this. It's like V for Vendatta where everybody doesn't need to get orders. They'll just show up at the same time. You get what I'm saying sir? "I didn't get trained by guys in black sunglasses, okay? And I'm not saying there aren't some good people who have been trained like that, but you get put in a system and controlled and compartmentalized. And I'm not compartmentalized. I've been a wild man since the day I was born. And I am organic and real and that's why they've constantly claimed I'm a government agent, I'm CIA. I wouldn't wanna be in the CIA. People say it's like so prestigious. You heard Larry Nichols, in the army, working for those groups. He said he knows everybody was dying by 35. They were killing them. They were getting rid of them. I saw that happen, folks, with ma family. "Oh look, there's proof he's in it!" I told you, "I know it's bad. I'm not in it. See?!" So yeah, I guess that's one reason why I'm not an idiot. It's, I guess, because I'm from stock in Texas on both sides of my family - guh! - the government knew would get the job done. But that wasn't our government. That was criminals. You understand that? That's the difference. So yeah, I guess I do come from the stuff that gets stuff done. But I'm not in those agencies. We'll be right back, folks, stay with us." (mp3) |
It's not exactly like Jones is effectively answering any questions I posed or dispelling any rumors with this latest rant. In fact, he does the exact opposite. Where to even start? First, he wouldn't need to be "sheep-dipped" with the family background that he has. They'd go to his father or uncle first and it's entirely possible that this is his only tie to any kind of agency. Remember, Jones acknowledges that it was his uncle who inspired him to investigate conspiracy.
Second, Jones making fun of agencies as the FBI and CIA while praising "the real men in the military" only enhances earlier-voiced suspicions here that Jones is part of an army intelligence and special operations clique that is cooperating with McCarthyite and Goldwaterish conservative elements in the Pentagon, CIA and government. He even seems to confirm this when he - bizarrely - acknowledges to work with "branches of different agencies" in an unofficial capacity. Official or unofficial, are we allowed to learn who these agencies are, including his exact contacts and when he is meeting with them in "V for Vendetta" style? Also, why is Jones pretending that FBI and CIA agents only intimidate conspiracy advocates instead of completely infiltrating and taking over the movement?
The last segment of his rant also raises numerous questions and only makes him more suspicious. Who are the "good people ... trained by guys in black sunglasses" that he has in mind? What does he mean when he says he comes from Texas "stock" who "the government knew would get the job done"? And when he adds "But that wasn't our government. That was criminals." is he really saying that his family members were working for criminal elements at the level of government? One assumes that this is not what he meant to say, but it sure seems like it.
The fact is, Jones is committing treason every second he is on the air, because with his no-plane and WTC basement and lobby bomb theories alone, he is purposely spreading disinformation and confusion among the masses. That's both a crime and treason.
2016-: the Donald Trump and Roger Stone era
When this original article was finished up in mid January 2016, Donald Trump had only just appeared on the Alex Jones Show, this on December 2, 2015. At this point Infowars wasn't fully onboard the Trump campaign yet, despite the fact that Infowars' daily news feed for the most part consisted of Obama and Clinton bashing. Only over the course of February, with the election gathering steam, did pro-Trump reporting start to dominate the Infowars' headlines. When Trump was elected to the White House in November 2016 this trend continued, with Infowars coming to look like a Trump ad campaign.
Not a whole needs to be written about any Trump-Infowars connections, considering ISGP finished its "conservative CIA" oversight in April 2019. Alex Jones, Donald Trump, Breitbart News, Breitbart mentor Matt Drudge (interviewed repeatedly by Jones), Fox News - they are all listed in it, and then some. Every single one of these politicians and news outlets is right-wing controlled opposition. Once you see the financing, the CIA ties, and the streamlined propaganda points and opinions, it's quite easy to come to this conclusion.
Also listed in this "conservative CIA" oversight is Roger Stone, the political advisor, lobbyist and infamous dirty trickster for the political campaigns of Republicans as Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp and Bob Dole. Stone maintained close ties with Trump in the 1990s, advised him during his brief 1999-2000 campaign for the bizarre Reform Party of CIA-ally Ross Perot (also listed), and again in 2015 and early 2016 during Trump's Republican Party nomineeship.
Stone ended up establishing ties with Alex Jones and Infowars right in time for the Trump interview. Either his first, or one of his first, interviews on the Alex Jones Show took place on November 9, 2015. During this show, Jones was reminiscing how the two first met at a JFK memorial a few years before. At the time, Stone still was pushing his Clinton affairs book. During the remainder of the Trump campaign and the Trump presidency, Stone went to work for Infowars, with the two establishing a very prominent, virtual love relationship.
In this sense, Jones, Stone and Trump established a nice, little propaganda and fake news triangle between the three of them. Jones and Stone are obvious cases in this sense, but Trump too has had a long history of anti-"left" conspiracy disinformation pushing, from Obama's supposedly fake birth certificate and climate change being fake to the father of Ted Cruz participating in the JFK assassination. In addition, Trump is one of countless "populist" candidates in the West who refuse to rationally bring up ethnic crime numbers, racial IQ, or immigration-related poll statistics.
There's not much else to say here. We now have the "conservative CIA" article for that.
Opinions of the crowd he primarily appeals to:
- the Bible is the literal work of God and provides an accurate history of the world;
- abortion should be abolished, and maybe even all anti-conception measures;
- liberalism is the same as communism;
- New Deal-type socialism - which limits working hours, provides a minimum wage, abolishes child labor and establishes watchdog agencies for banks - is the exact same thing as tyrannical Stalinist communism;
- unrestrained access to guns for all citizens makes for a safer society and protects one from said tyrannical government.
Conspiracy stances:
- Every new terrorist attack is part of an elite liberal conspiracy.
- The liberal Eastern Establishment is behind every conspiracy since the birth of Adam and Eve.
- The liberal establishment's most treasured groups, Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR and even the Bohemian Grove, need to be shut down, along with the foundations that finance them.
- FDR was evil for allowing Pearl Harbor to happen and aiding the allies against the Nazis and other other fascist regimes.
- Liberal Anglo-American bankers were working with the fascist regimes before World War II. This one is actually true.
- Evil England continues to try to rule the United States through the Eastern Establishment.
Sustainable development - Global warming (CO2/methane rise; sea-level rise) doesn't exist.
- Chemtrails are part of an elite genocide program.
- The ozone hole is the result of chemtrails, or a United Nations plot, or not important, or doesn't exist.
- Vaccines are all contaminated and part of an elite genocide program.
9/11 (see the top of this article for sources and audio) - A missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11, not Flight 77 or even a plane.
- Remote-controlled drone aircraft looking like Flight 11 and Flight 175 were flown into the World Trade Center.
- Those good old and very bizarre pod and flash theories for Flight 11 and 175 are real, even in modern times.
- Flight 93 was a drone, with the real plane and its passengers having been diverted to a NASA air base and "disappeared". Also this theory Jones has continued to promote long after his Loose Change friends removed it from their Second and Final Edition for fear of losing credibility.
- The reported phone calls could not have been made by passengers of the various hijacked flights of 9/11. They were all fake.
- It would have been impossible for passports of hijackers to have been found at the WTC (firefighters at the scene observed otherwise).
- Pinal Air Base is most likely where the 9/11 hijackers were trained and/or the replacement drones were constructed, and is also where chemtrail spraying operations are organized from.
- Bombs exploded in the lobby and basements of the WTC towers on 9/11.
Alien and spirituality related - UFOs are described in the bible and more specifically in Jones' words (see opening quotes for audio): "Giant craft with fire coming out and guys with blue helmets on and giving people stuff, and genetic engineering, and Noah, and all the rest of it."
- Clearly also believes humans have been genetically engineered by aliens - Zecharia Sitchin-style.
- On the February 1, 2017 Alex Jones appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast, Alex Jones claimed that Buzz Aldrin told him Phobos contains an artificial Obelisk that ties back to Ancient Egypt, but forgets to mention Aldrin was playing with him and even accused Jones of being misguided with promoting such theories.
- On the same podcast Jones makes it clear he believes NASA whistleblower Raymond Teague whose "heart blew up" briefly before told Jones about a "secret space program" with "advanced technologies". Jones: "Raymond Tique was going to give me the secret of NASA. And then he couldn't get it out; he gave part of it up."
- Jones on the same podcast, from 1:56:00, went into a very unusual type of rant he has never really gone into before: "We're fighting a pedophile conspiracy. But beyond that, it's a vampire conspiracy in that they are interdimensionally sucking the essence of our youth and they believe they're possessed by an off-world entity. [Rogan: They do?] Yeah. ...
And we're on this planet and Einstein's physics show that- Max Plack's physics show that there's at least 12 dimensions. Now all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying it's a false hologram. It is artificial, the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected and gravity's bleeding in to this universe. That's what they call dark matter.
So we're like a thought or a dream that's a whisp. It's a computer program, some God's mind, whatever. They're proving all of it, it's all coming out. Now, there's like this sub-transmission zone below the 3rd dimension, it's just turned over to the most horrible things, that's what it resonates to, and it's trying to get up into the 3rd dimension that's just a basic level consciousness to launch into the next levels. And our species is already way up in the 5th, 6th dimension, consciously, our best people.
There's this big war trying to basically destroy humanity because humanity has free will and there's a decision to which level we want to go to. We have free will so evil's allowed to come and contend, not just good. And the elites themselves believe they're racing or using human technology to try to take our best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization, where they're going to merge with machines, transcend, and break away from the failed species that is man. Which is kind of like a false transmission because they're thinking what they are is ugly and bad, projecting it onto themselves. Instead of believing: no it's a human test about building us up.
And so, Google was set up 18, 19 years ago. I knew about this before it was declassified, I'm saying I've got sources, that they want to build a giant artificial system and Google believes that the first artificial intelligence will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activities of the hive mind of humanity with billions of people wired into what the internet is saying. And so, all our thoughts go into it and we're actually building a computer that has real neurons in real time that's also psychically connected to us, that are organic creatures, so that they will have current prediction powers, future prediction powers, a true crystal ball.
But the big secret is, once you have a crystal ball and know the future, you can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that control the future. And so, then it's the end of consciousness and free will for individuals as we know, and a true "2.0" in a very bad way. Hivemind consciousness with an AI jacked into everyone knowing our hopes and dreams, delivering it to us not in some PKD wirehead system where we plug in and give up our consciousness because of unlimited pleasure, but because we were already wired in and absorbed before we knew it by giving up our consciousness to this system by our daily decisions, that it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system.
There's now a human counter strike to shut this off before it gets fully into place. And to block these systems and to try to have an actual debate about where humanity goes, and cut off the pedophile psychic vampires that are in control of this AI system, before humanity is destroyed.
The pedophiles at whatever level, the devil, whatever you want to call it, this interdimensional thing that gives them advanced off-world technology. The fallen one, that's not of this world, is giving them advanced knowledge. Instructing these systems that have already been used on other populations.
It's not Satan like something that the stupid preacher tells you about who's totally controlled, or something you read about on the news or TV. But this is an inter-dimensional force that wants to influence us to build something that absorbs us and kills us. Rather than the divine free will we're given to build something much better that empowers the species. So, the species is now making a decision about its entire future.
That's what it is. I know, from looking at all the data, researching it, studying it, and watching the enemy. That is the big decision that humanity has now got before us."
Remaining - As per the Pizzagate controversy, words as "pasta", "pizza", hot dogs" and "walnut sauce" in John Podesta's emails totally are code for child sexual abuse.
- That the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, in which 20 children and six staffers died, was a "giant hoax" carried out by "crisis actors", a super-extreme theory that has also been pushed by no-planers James Fetzer and Dave McGowan. Only after he was being sued, did he disavow his belief in this theory, claiming it had been a "psychosis". 155
- Very strongly and continually pushed the theory of a second shooter immediately after the October 1, 2017 Las Vegas shooting, despite the fact that it was quite obvious that the secondary "flashes" in a video simply was a flickering light. 156 Next Jones' pushed the theory that a second gunman had been active at Hooters due to all the bodies emerging from there. 157 However, this was a location where the police directed the wounded to and where rescue personnel evacuated the wounded and (the by then) dead. 158
- Andrew Breitbart was murdered by Democrats over pedophilia-related tweets related to John Podesta.
- Obama's real father is the communist Frank Marshall Davis, a friend of Obama's father.
- Obama's birth certificate is fake.
Where Jones has drawn the line - In debate with Eddie Bravo in March 2017, Jones argued that the Earth most certainly is not flat;
- that dinosaurs most certainly have existed;
- and that the Moon landings did take place, but that part of the program was put in scene and that there also is a "secret, second space program."
- Jones takes the conspiracy theory (troll) that he is Bill Hicks really serious and strenuously denies it is true.
- On the February 1, 2017 Alex Jones appearances on the Joe Rogan podcast, at 1:18:00, Jones claims he never was into 2012 theories.
The following transcript is from the famous January 7, 2013 debate between Piers Morgan and Alex Jones on CNN. It clearly shows Jones twisting the truth in all possible ways in an effort to not acknowledge the enormous difference in gun murders between the U.S. and U.K. Piers is not an independent operator, of course, but one wonders who is Alex Jones' boss. The public? Doubtful. And would he really be allowed on CNN if he considered a huge danger to the establishment? It takes 4 minutes for Piers to get his first question in, by the way.
MORGAN: How many gun murders were there in Britain last year? JONES: How many Great White Sharks kill people every year, but they're scared to swim? MORGAN: Right, but how many gun murders were there in Britain last year? A very low amount. I already went over those statistics. MORGAN: How many? JONES: There was only a few hundred. MORGAN: No, no, how many gun murders? JONES: Well, uh, actually, actually, I did pull up the statistics. Well, let me pull 'em out right here. I'd figure you'd do that. MORGAN: Gun murders in Britain last year? JONES: Oh wait, 'UK violent crime capital of Europe'! London Telegraph! Let me give you more. MORGAN: It's a simple question. You are a very loud man. You make a lot of noise... JONES: Well, that's the oldest Perry Mason tactic to ask me some little factoid. MORGAN: It's not a little factoid. We're talking about country... JONES: I already said earlier, England has a lot lower gun crime rate because you took all the guns. But you've got hordes of people burning down cities and beating old women's brains out every day. MORGAN: What a ridiculous statement.... JONES: ... My god, you've got a total police state over there. Everybody is fleeing that country. You've had to flee here, bud. Yeah, you fled here. ... Why don't you go back and face the charges of the hacking scandal? MORGAN: Answer this question: how many gun... how many... how many... JONES: Why did you get fired from the Daily Mirror for putting out fake stories? You're a hatched man of the new world order! You're a hatchet man! And I wanna say this right here. You think you're a tough guy? Have me back with a boxing ring in here and I were red, white and blue and you can wear your jolly roger. MORGAN: Okay, let's try again. How many gun murders were there ... [interruption] ... in Britain last year? JONES: Uh, how many chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pin? [background laughing] I already went over those statistics. ... MORGAN: You said hundreds. It's actually 35... JONES: Well, the point is, you can... MORGAN: versus 11,000. Do you understand the difference between 11,000 and 35? JONES: Hey, yeah, England wants to ban knives now, because tens of thousands are getting stabbed. You're going to ban knives? The knife doesn't kill people. The gun doesn't kill people. ... JONES: Why do you have bodyguards? MORGAN: I don't have bodyguards. Alex... JONES: Yeah, I've seen you on the news with 'em. Don't you want to protect your wife from hoodlums? Or do you wanna call the police? ... MORGAN: What was the weapon used at Sandy Hook? JONES: I've already gone over that and I've already answered it for you. MORGAN: We haven't talked about Sandy Hook. JONES: No. Again... it's a 223 M4. Again. ... You're trying to scare people. There's no metal shark in the water. MORGAN: The same type of weapon was used in the last three mass shootings. JONES: No. Again... it's a 223 M4. Again. ... And Hitler used semi-autos to kill people. And so did Mao. Why is the government arming to the teeth against us. What about Fast and Furious? Why did our government ship guns into Mexico? To protect the second amendment? To have a false flag? Why'd they blow Building 7 up down the street here? MORGAN: Alex! Alex! ... |
My own ideas on gun legislation are described in ISGP's solutions section. As usual, it's absolutely stunning that no rational, factual debates are held on this subject. It really not that hard to do. For instance, my own basic calculations show:
"Let's look a little deeper at these statistics. In 2013 the total number of homicides in the U.S. was 16,121, so 11,208 : 16,121 gives us a 70% murder rate by firearm. Now, looking at the U.K., we have an average in recent years of about 550 homicides. Divide this by the earlier-mentioned 45 gun homicides and we have an 8% murder rate with guns. That means the U.K. only has 17%, or let's say 1/5, the homicide rate of the U.S. My seemingly obvious interpretation of this data is that guns makes it many times easier to kill someone." |
- April 4, 2008, Los Angeles Times, 'Too many links in a genocide chain': "About 200,000 Guatemalans, mostly Maya, were killed, most with incredible cruelty by paramilitary "death squads." "The guerrilla is the fish. The people are the sea," noted Gen. Efrain Rios Montt, who led the 1982 coup that precipitated some of the worst atrocities. "If you cannot catch the fish, you have to drain the sea." ... Rios Montt was simply building upon decades-old policy; in 1970, one of his predecessors, President Carlos Arana Osorio, made a similarly chilling comment: "If it is necessary to turn the country into a cemetery in order to pacify it, I will not hesitate to do so.""
- Ibid.
- 2004, Alex Jones, '9/11: The Road to Tyranny', words of Alex Jones, 2:15:00: "I challenge everyone to read the nightmare Kyoto treatment, a total United Nations take-over of the world's energy supplies. A huge taxing mechanism that controls the populations of the planet Earth. And the science behind it? There is no global warming! We have a regular 12,000 year cycle with 100 year sub-cycles. Then they have their chicken-little scenario of ozone thickness, using fear to get control of the resources."
- *) 2004, Alex Jones, '9/11: The Road to Tyranny', words of Alex Jones, 2:16:15: "Everything from cancer viruses to squalene and mercury has been found in vaccines. The entire vaccine supply has been contaminated. And what is the government doing? Mandating more and more injections of our children. Truth is stranger than fiction. Elites throughout history have always sought to control their peasants, their servants. ... Then they have their human waste reclamation centers, centralized, federalized, socialized health care systems, so they can cover up the mass poisoning of the entire population... "
*) These claims of Jones worried me a little, so I looked them up:
*****) Squalene, a naturally occurring organic compound with anti-cancerous properties, has only been added to Influenza vaccines since the 1990s to make them a little more potent. There's literally no evidence that this compound causes any kind of disease and if it does the chances really are minimal. Squalene was briefly notorious for some time, because of its potential link to Gulf War Syndrome. Despite the reality of Gulf War Syndrome, it appears squalene can be ruled out as the cause.
*****) Thimerosal / Thiomersal, an antiseptic and antifungal additive to vaccines, is the most well-known issue with vaccines. It consists of 49% mercury, a heavy metal which ordinarily has trouble leaving the body and causes serious health issues. However, Thimerosal is a biodegradable form of mercury. It quickly leaves the body and at most only gives some people a slight burning sensation at the location of injection. If thimerosal causes increased health issues, it only involves a very slight increase that is hard, if not impossible, to determine statistically. Only one preliminary study found an considerable increased risk in health issues, but the statistical variance disappeared when the data was fully analyzed. Despite a lack of data, thimerosal was removed from all children's vaccines in the 1999-2000. It's still included in flu shots in the United States (as well as many vaccinations developed when new pandemics arise), but is likely to be phased out over the coming one or two decades simply due to the public controversy. For the same reason modern Dutch vaccination guidelines advise not to give pregnant women vaccinations with thimerosal. The more modern Celvapan is recommended in those cases. IN the end we have to conclude that there's is ZERO evidence of Jones' claim/insinuation that mercury is included on purpose in vaccines to kill off the population.
*****) The cancer viruses accusation of Jones is the most serious, but also here there's no evidence of some kind of secret population reduction program. A portion of the Polio vaccines from 1955 to 1963 were infected with the cancer causing Simian Virus 40 (SV40), a virus that was only discovered in imported monkeys in 1960 from whose kidneys the Polio vaccine was derived. The problem was remedied in 1963, after which no more cancer viruses were discovered anymore in vaccines. - 2004, Alex Jones, '9/11: The Road to Tyranny', words of Alex Jones, mainly the introduction speech around 7:00 and from about 2:12:00: "The New World Order is run by absolutely ruthless individuals, hell-bent on dehumanizing the entire human community. Obsessed with total control, these megalomaniacal Satanists are absolutely sworn to the creation of a worldwide tyranny called the New World Order. ... And then, of course, the total goal: why the New World Order is pushing all of this. We know they want tyranny. We know there's global government behind it. They're now publicly talking about a New World Order. How do they get all this? And what's their final goal? A world population reduction of 80%, everyone crammed into compact cities. And yes, the United Nations is preparing to release massive plagues onto the earth, because the elite want the life-extension technologies for themselves. They know the technology is a double-edged sword. ... They know they are in a race against time, that their window of opportunity is closing. They've got to dehumanize us. They have got to enslave us here on the global plantation, now, or they're going to lose control. Get ready for more attacks. And yes, if we don't take the microchip, if we don't accept the microchip population, then we're going to be attacked again. ... The globalists, and they talk about it in their own policy papers, are not about to allow you and your family to have access to [these life-expansion technologies]. They are gonna herd you into the reservation. They are gonna control you with the new, advanced technologies that they are totally obsessed with. They are gonna exterminate 80% of you and then they are gonna live like gods on a Mount Olympus. My friends, it's in the policy papers, it's in the documents. ... They want hundreds of thousands of foreign U.N. troops on our streets. You're not for the terrorists, are you? ... Use you common sense and resist them. [So] whatever you do, never turn in your firearms. We have every right to defend ourselves and our families from this tyranny."
- *) American Association of Immunologists: (accessed: February 7, 2016): "Supported by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, Burnet spent 1932 and 1933 at the National Institute of Medical Research, London, where he began studying animal virology and made a significant contribution to the field by devising a method for cultivating viruses in chick embryos."
*) "Following his productive work in London, the Rockefeller Institute agreed to fund a new virus research laboratory in Melbourne for Burnet. He brought back a set of viruses from the National Institute to begin the basis of research in Melbourne. [53]"
*) March 10, 2002, The Age (Australia), 'Burnet's solution: The plan to poison S-E Asia': "World-famous microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet, the Nobel prize winner revered as Australia's greatest research scientist, secretly urged the government to develop biological weapons for use against Indonesia and other "overpopulated" countries of South-East Asia. The revelation is contained in top-secret files declassified by the National Archives of Australia, despite resistance from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade."
*) The above The Age article is shown in '9/11: The Road to Tyranny' at 2:15:00. While Alex Jones doesn't mention Burnet's Rockefeller connection, he does falsely introduce plural: "Microbiologists, Nobel Prize winners, were actually planning to release biological weapons." - February 14, 2010 YouTube upload, 'Alex Jones Acted Like An Ass To Other Pro 2nd Amendment Activists At Their Rally'.
- *) June 5, 2008, Alex Jones Show: "KEVIN BOOTH: Yeah, that's what's so funny about people out there that are going, "They're not doing chemtrails." Like, well, okay, your house is next to mine, so you're breathing the same stuff, so, you know, have fun when your child gets a giant brain tumor too. ALEX JONES: They're bastards, man! Stop killing us!"
*) August 4, 2009, Alex Jones on his Alex Jones Show: "Chemtrails are real. Until 1996 all condensation ice crystal trails only formed at 20,000 feet and higher, generally in the winter months and they faded out in a few seconds to the maximum of one minute. ... Then suddenly in '96, before anybody was even talking about chemtrails I would notice, "Man, why do those stay there?" ... But I'd be out there growing water melons and stuff [on my parents' land] and stomping around between the flowers and the bees and I'd go, "Man, that trail has been up there for an hour. It's getting bigger and turning into a cloud." What's going on? It's like cloud seeding. And then by '97: chemtrails, chemtrails. And they added it to the jet fuel. So it's compartmentalized; the pilots don't even know. And they have some others where they do know, spraying off larger amounts. And then all of a sudden government text books started admitting three years ago that they really were spraying the atmosphere to save us from the sun's rays and to fix the ozone layer. And Paul Watson, he wrote a big article six months ago or so where the government admitted them chemtrails and we had links to the government admitting , "Yes, we've got thousands of flights a year. We're spraying the atmosphere, testing, terraforming, to save the Earth from global warming. And then NASA admitted a few years ago that the Earth is 20 percent darker now than it was before 1995. And then you see the satellite photos of the chemtrail sprays everywhere. How all the lines, like spider webs, cover up cities. I mean, they are manipulating the planet. ... Okay, 'AP Newsbreak: Obama looks at climate enginerring'. Now, I want Paul Watson on this now. I want chemtrails every day. In fact, when I'm done with this next Obama film, I'm doing a chemtrail film. That's it. I've made my mind up. I was going to make the 2012 film, explaining how that is all a big globalist hoax, but tha can wait. And I want everybody to send by your chemtrail footage and we'll give you full credit and everything. ..."The president's new science advisors on Wednesday said that global warming is so dire the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool the Earth's air." ... Paul Watson, my chief researcher and writer, I have you here with a new mission if you choose to accept it. ... Not only one component is the terra-forming, they're also spraying poisons that sterilize you and brain damage you. I know, you don't wanna admit that in public, it's because you've been brain damaged, myself included, but we're fighting through it. You can still focus and get some neurons firing there. You know, we're trying. ... "John Holdren told the AP ... that geo-engineering the climate is being discussed. One such an extreme option is shooting pollution articles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays. Holdren said such an experiment measure would only be used as a last resort." It's already going on globally. The operation was launched worldwide in 1996. Worldwide terra-forming with deadly barium salts and aluminum dioxide, as now people 22-years-old are getting Alzheimer's everywhere. Just, breathing, just ugh! Mass death, brain plaques, hitting us, hitting us hard. The globalists have special detoxes so they can remove some of it, but they're even insane. It's hurting them. I mean this mega-attack, total, and: in AP!! And I've got FBI calling the office, encircling the office, and provacateurs out the wazoo, and people attacking everywhere! And I'm the weirdo. No, listen, I'm breaking people out of their trance. ... I'm going, "My God, they're terra-forming! My God, sodium fluoride in the water! My God, they funded Hitler!" You know, I understand what is going on! I've read their eugenics documents." - April 18, 2006, PBS NOVA, 'The Contrail Effect: Are vapor trails from aircraft influencing the climate?': "A contrail will form behind a jet if, as exhaust gases cool and mix with surrounding air, the humidity is high enough and the temperature low enough for liquid water to condense. The air needs to be supersaturated and the temperature generally below -40°F, something that typically occurs only in the upper troposphere, the atmospheric layer several miles up where airliners cruise. Under those conditions, water vapor from the jet's exhaust and secondarily from the atmosphere condenses into water droplets. Within a few tens of feet behind the aircraft, these droplets freeze into the snow-white particles that bring the contrail to life. How long a newly formed condensation trail sticks around depends on the ambient humidity. If humidity is low, contrails will rapidly dissipate, looking like a comet's tail. The ice particles sublimate—meaning go straight from ice to vapor—and you're back to blue sky. If humidity is high, however, contrails can persist—and those are the ones that trouble climatologists. If conditions are right, newly formed contrails will begin feeding off surrounding water vapor. Like vaporous cancers, they start growing and spreading. In time, they can expand horizontally to such an extent that they become indistinguishable from cirrus clouds, those thin, diaphanous sheets often seen way up high. These artificial cirrus clouds can last for many hours, and the amount of sky they end up covering can be astonishing. One study showed that contrails from just six aircraft expanded to shroud some 7,700 square miles."
- *) January 13, 2002, Rense, Key People Involved In Creating HR 2977 Space Preservation Act
*) "Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Alfred_webre_125_2 VANCOUVER, B.C. CANADA - Alfred Lambremont Webre, J.D., M.Ed. is known as the founding father of the Exopolitics. His book EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE is the evolution of Alfred's groundbreaking work as a futurist at the Stanford Research Institute, where in 1977 he directed a proposed extraterrestrial communication study project for the Carter White House. ... With Dr. Carol S. Rosin and many others, he is a co-architect of the Space Preservation Act and the Space Preservation Treaty introduced to the U.S. Congress by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to ban space-based weapons."
*) The "many others" are clearly board members of Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) with Laurance Rockefeller lawyer Daniel Sheehan and Edgar Mitchell as the most important players. - *) See funding of Webre and Rosin's Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), which involves former Laurance Rockefeller lawyer Daniel Sheehan, in ISGP's "liberal CIA" article. Webre and Rosin both are directors of the disinformative Tides/Rockefeller-backed Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS).
*) ('Biography of Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich'; accessed: June 15, 2002): "His advocacy of a Department of Peace seeks not only to make nonviolence an organizing principle in our society, but to make war archaic. His is a powerful, ethical voice for nuclear disarmament, preservation of the ABM treaty, banning weapons in outer space, and a halt to the development of a 'Star Wars' - type missile defense technology. [note: every single one a liberal new left Soros/Rockefeller/Ford-backed agenda] He has been recognized of his advocacy of human rights in Burma, Nigeria and East Timor. Together with the late Rep. Joe Moakley (D-Mass), he has led a concerted effort to close the School of the Americas, which has been an incubator of human rights violations in Central America. [note: liberal new left Soros/Rockefeller/Ford-backed agenda] On the eve of the World Trade Organization's Seattle conference, Rep. Kucinich organized 114 Democrats to help convince President Clinton to seek human rights, workers rights and environmental quality principles as preconditions in all US trade agreements. [note: liberal new left Soros/Rockefeller/Ford-backed agenda] Kucinich marched with workers through the streets of Seattle protesting the WTO's policies and with students through the streets of Washington, DC, challenging the structural readjustment policies of the IMF. Congressman Kucinich acts upon his belief that protection of the global environment is fundamental to preserving the life of all species. He has been honored by Public Citizen [note: Ralph Nader group, backed by Soros/Rockefeller/Ford foundations], the Sierra Club [note: financed by Soros/Rockefeller/Ford foundations], Friends of the Earth [note: financed by Soros/Rockefeller/Ford foundations] and the League of Conservation Voters as a champion of clean air, clean water and an unspoiled earth. He was an early critic of nuclear power as being risky economically, and environmentally, raising questions about nuclear wasted byproducts." - Examples of John Birch Society overlap with the WACL, Western Goals Foundation, American Security Council, Cercle and CNP:
*) 1983, Western Goals Foundation officers list (photocopy). Shows John Birch Society chairman Larry McDonald as chairman (and founder) of Western Goals, which was operating much more in the background than the John Birch Society and its magazine The New American. On the Western Goals advisory board we see names as Anthony Kubek, Admiral Thomas Moorer, General John Singlaub, Edward Teller, General Lewis Walt and Dr. Eugene Wigner, all names we also find on the board of the American Security Council, the World Anti-Communist League, the Council for National Policy and sometimes as visitors of the Europe-centered Cercle group.
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part II ~ H - M: ... Larry P. McDonald- U.S. Congressman. CNP Board of Governors (1982). Author, Chairman of the John Birch Society... Nelson Bunker Hunt - CNP President Executive Committee (1983); CNP Senior Executive Committee (1983-84); CNP Executive Committee (1988). Heir of the Hunt Oil Company fortune. Financial backer of CNP, CBN, JBS..."
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part III ~ N - Z: ... Dr. Charles E. Rice - CNP Board of Governors (1982) [and] member of the Editorial Board of the New American/John Birch Society. ... Scott Stanley, Jr.- CNP Board of Governors (1982). Editor of the John Birch Society... Robert Waring Stoddard - CNP Board of Governors (1982) [and] member of the Council of the John Birch Society. ... John A. Stormer - CNP Membership Roster (1996; 1998; 1999) [and] author, None Dare Call It Treason [1964], an anti-Communist book which was promoted by the John Birch Society. ... Sherman E. Unkefer - CNP Board of Governors (1982) [and] member of the CFR-founded John Birch Society, and its private intelligence agency, the Western Goals Foundation. Also, Unkefer served as an adviser to Chile's regime under Augusto Pinochet and reportedly worked closely with Chile's secret police organization, DINA."
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Nelson Bunker Hunt - Dallas, Texas - Hunt Energy Corporation [JBS financier] ... Mrs. Larry McDonald - Marietta, Georgia [wife of the JBS chair]..."
*) The Hunt family forms one of a number of important links between the John Birch Society and the Council for National Policy. H.L. Hunt was a huge supporter of the John Birch Society, with his son, Nelson Bunker Hunt, later ending up on the board of the council. Apparently the Hunts were also helping to finance both groups.
*) General Albert C. Wedemeyer once served on the advisory committee of the John Birch Society and, with American Security Council founder Robert Wood, also on the advisory committee of H.L. Hunt's Life Line radio program. Wedemeyer also was a director of the Shickshinny Knights of Malta, a strategy board member of the American Security Council and a director of the U.S. Global Strategy Council. His son, Albert D. Wedemeyer, became a 28-year veteran of the CIA's operations department and was a member of the AFIO.
*) Spruille Braden was a board member of the John Birch Society. He also served on the national strategy committee of the American Security Council and, with ASC president and CEO John M. Fisher, on the Citizens Committee For a Free Cuba, of which Braden was actually chairman.
*) April 24, 1993, the Guardian, 'Guns, Goons and Western Goals': "Western Goals was set up in Britain in 1985 as an offshoot of the US Western Goals Foundation, founded in 1979 by Representative John P. [Larry] McDonald, the former chairman of the John Birch Society. Its aim was to keep track of "subversives". One of its principal sponsors was Nelson Bunker Hunt, the Texas billionaire... The US foundation was wound up when the Tower Commission revealed it had been part of Oliver North's Contra funding network. But in Britain it rapidly established itself as a promoter of rightwing causes... [Vice president] Derby-Lewis then moved on to Brussels as Western Goals' delegate to the 22nd international conference of the WACL, when the organisation was renamed the World League for Freedom and Democracy. ... Despite official Conservative distaste for Western Goals' flirtations with neo-fascists ... [director Andrew] Smith continued his programme. In December 1991 he organised the visit to London of the Front National leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen. At the same time he was writing to Treurnicht offering his "international network of friends and allies" to promote the South African Conservative Party's interests [involving apartheid]. ... The president of Western Goals at the time was Major Roberto D'Aubuisson, infamously known as the leader of the death squads of El Salvador."
*) August 17, 1964, New York Times, 'H.L. Hunt: Magnat with a mission': "Mr. Hunt spent $150,000 to support ... Douglas MacArthur for the 1952 Republican Presidential nomination, $100,000 to back the Kennedy-Johnson ticket in 1960, and a wad of money to support the candidacy of Governor Wallace. ... One of Mr. Hunt's four sons says his father makes no contributions because "90 percent of the people he would support wouldn't be elected." ... [Hunt:] "I feel public affairs education--freedom education--is vastly more important than political action [contributions]." ... Mr. Hunt lists among those Americans whom he admires as patriots, Gen. Robert E. Wood [founder of the American Security Council] ... a member of the Life Line advisory board; Gen. A. C. Wedemeyer ... once a member of the John Birch Society advisory committee, and a Life Line advisory board member [Hunt's radio program]; Robert H. W. Welch, Jr., founder of the John Birch Society; ..."
*) 1964, Benjamin R. Epstein, 'Danger on the Right', p. 181: "of leaders of the John Birch Society — Tom Anderson and Clarence Manion of its national council; Spruille Braden [ASC], a former Birch Council member; and such endorsers of the Birch Society as Frederick G. Reinicke, [CIA asset] Archibald B. Roosevelt [1964, The Nation, volume 198: "Archibald Roosevelt. had furnished literature for distribution by the John Birch Society"]..." - *) March 23, 2009, Alex Jones Show with John McManus, president of the John Birch Society: "I've had you on a few times over the phone, but, Mr. McManus, it's great to meet you in person and I appreciate your tireless work for the John Birch Society over the last 40 years. Boy, I'll tell you, everything you guys have talked about has unfortunately come true."
*) Some of Alex Jones guests from the John Birch Society: John McManus (president John Birch Society), Phyllis Schlafly, G. Edward Griffin, Stanley Monteith, William Jasper, Dr. Michael Coffman (also in Jones' Endgame movie), Gina Parker Ford (in Endgame), Joel Skousen (son of Cleon Skousen, also of the ASC), Jerome Corsi (close to JBS leadership and a propagandist against Kerry and Obama who pushed for war with Iran), Paul Craig Roberts, Ron Paul (about the only dovish but fervant JBS backer). Also: James Tucker (until his death Jones' BB expert). Other guests: Ted Gunderson of the Liberty Lobby and John De Camp (cooperated in apparently limiting the fall-out of the Franklin child abuse scandal and in Oklahoma). - July 3, 2000, ABC News, 'Clinton and Dole: Such Good Friends': "It seems like just yesterday that President Clinton and former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole were duking it out on the campaign trail, but now the two former rivals can't seem to get enough of each other. ... In the last few weeks, Dole has turned up at four different events where Clinton was the main attraction. Some of these encounters have been at the most unlikely venues. In fact, two have been at fundraisers for Democratic candidates. Electorally, Dole proved no match for Clinton. But as the two have shared the stage more recently, it's clear that when it comes to deadpan wit, the senator still holds the upper hand."
- December 18, 2011, Soros-financed AlterNet, 'The Little-Known, Inside Story About How Newt Became the Man He Is' (excerpted from Max Blumenthal's book, 'Republican Gomorrah'): "When Clinton returned to the White House for a second term, Dobson redoubled his efforts against the Republican leadership, particularly in undermining Newt Gingrich, whom conservatives within the House Republican Conference and outside it had come to regard as chronically unreliable because of deals he had made with Clinton, despite his shutting down the federal government twice. [CNP members] Dobson and DeLay agreed that Gingrich lacked not only the lust for confrontation that they sought in a party leader but also the moral qualities to be "a friend of The Family.""
- *) 2004, Kris Millegan et al, 'Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society', p. iii: "DEDICATED TO MY FATHER. AT ONE TIME, HE PEDDLED SKULL & BONES IN HIS FRONT JOB FOR THE CIA. [picture of his father holding up a child skeleton that has been wrapped in cloths] LLOYD SIDNEY MILLEGAN. OSS/G2/CIA.
August 18, 1918 — February 7, 1990. Picture taken in Indonesia - 1951."
*) July 2003 Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt contribution to Kris Millegan's 2004 book 'Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society', pp. 25-32: "Sutton's book America's Secret Establishment is the only book on The Order which documents The Order's extraordinary influence in bringing what this author refers to as "the deliberate dumbing down of America." ... My grandfather, Samuel Clifton Thomson, The Order (Bones) 1891... The Thomson family had been involved in coal mining from the early eighteen Hundreds into the mid-twentieth century. Grandpa graduated from ... Yale University and from Columbia School of Mines with honors, in 1893. He received the School of Mines medal from the president of Columbia University, Nicholas Murray Butler. ... [Butler was important] in changing American education from its traditional academic orientation to a behaviorist (Wundtian/Pavlovian) orientation originating in Leipzig, Germany. This change was necessary for brainwashing... It was Butler's access to Daniel Coit Gilman, an incorporator of Skull & Bones, and a key activist in the revolution of education... Butler's book also refers extensively to the activities of [influential Republican] Charles D. Hilles, Sr. (not a member of The Order) ... the father of Charles D. Hilles, Jr. [Pilgrims], one of my father's closest Bones' associates... I rather doubt that [my grandfather] would have been invited to go to South Africa which took him to the pinnacles of the engineering profession and led him into a leadership role in the opening up of the gold mines. He had a close personal relationship with Sir Abe Bailey, who I believe was a South African Fabian socialist, and I understand he was an acquaintance of Cecil Rhodes. ... He arrived in the Rand in 1898 and spent twelve additional seasons (1902-1914) in charge of the mining operations of Norman and Company and Sir Abe Bailey... Upon returning to the United States, he explored Quebec, Canada and founded Noranda Mines in the early twenties. My memories of him are all wonderful. He was a most generous, unspoiled fellow who preferred to spend his evenings in the company of the less affluent on the West Side of NYC, eating hot dogs and drinking beer... My father, Clifton Thomson, is to the left of the table [in the photo], Hilles behind the table... My dad, Clifton Samuel Thomson [was] class of 1924 at Yale, Columbia law School, 1926, and aa Bonesman, was born in 1903 in Johannesburg, S.A., and lived there until 1914 when his family went to live in London for a while and then moved back to Englewood, N.J., U.S.A. Dad was also a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon while at Yale. This fraternity boasts many important members... Dad was, I believe, an unlikely candidate for Bones, being very down to earth, an individualist, honest to the core, and Christian. ... I knew three or four of his Bones classmates quite well: One, my sister's godfather, was I believe, instrumental in starting the Hemlock Society! This fellow who bounced me on his knees and told great stories... was the last person I would ever have thought to be involved in bringing euthanasia to America. Dad also spent a couple of weeks at Bohemian Grove as a guest of his very close friend, Edwin Blair, another Bones guy... Dad was not impressed by most of the activities at the Grove although he said a few presentations were noteworthy, food was excellent, and accommodations top of the line. ... Henry Allen, another Bones friend of Dad's, was a director of the American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU], set up by Amos Pinchot (The Order), and the daughter of his friend, Sherman Ewing, married a Rockefeller... In my opinion, the most important Bonesman in the Class of 1924, a close friend and roommate of my father's, was Charles Merville Spofford [Pilgrims], who rose to great heights in international law and politics... 'Davis, Polk, Wardwell, Sunderland & Kiendl, in which he became a partner in 1940. He is director of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York... is on the boards of the Free Europe Committee... the Carnegie Corporation... and the national council of the English-Speaking Union. He belongs to ... the Council on Foreign Relations. He went on active duty as a lieutenant colonel in October, 1942... ranking as brigadier general at his release in December 1, 1945. ... Chuck was ... elected chairman of the North Atlantic Council Deputies' ... There were other Bones friends of Dad's I knew fairly well but I don't have any interesting stories. I'd say only 3 or 4 out of the 15 were involved in important U.S. Government or international policy decisions. Dad always supported the Bush family in its election effords, while Mom... supported Reagan. The Order would solicit campaign contributions for Bush from its members. Dad attended the reunions on Deer Island, but not frequently. ... He had also told me several months before he died that he wished he had been a farmer rather than a Wall Street lawyer, and I really believe he meant that. ... My parent's wedding was attended by fifteen of his Bones friends who served as the ushers in 1926... I also inherited the beautiful grandfather clock which I believe is given to Bones members when they marry. Dad always insisted that the women in the family never, ever allow the clock to stop. We were never told what would happen if we forgot and let it wind down. Sounded like some occult monkey business at work. Interestingly enough, since I in herited that clock it has broken down numerous times no matter how intent I am on not letting it wind down! I also have the little Skull and Bones pin each member is given upon initiation." - *) 1983, Antony Sutton, 'America's Secret Establishment', preface: "Then a year or so ago I received an eight-inch batch of documents - nothing less than the membership lists of an American secret society." Iserbyt's name isn't mentioned anywhere, except that in the 2002 reprint of the book her work regarding the "dumbing down of America" is praised.
*) July 2003 Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt contribution to Kris Millegan's 2004 book 'Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society', pp. 25-32: Iserbyt doesn't identify herself as the Sutton's source for the historical Skull & Bones membership. She is also not identified in the book anywhere else.
*) Around 2005, Scott D. Lewis interview with Charlotte Iserbyt, 'Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets', 7 minutes in (YouTube): "I'm nowhere near as good an expert on Skull & Bones as Antony Sutton and some other people. ... I knew Antony Sutton well. ... Now, Antony's book here, I think, eh, he got the lists from me. Yes [the membership lists]. And I'll tell you how that happened. So, when my father was not well, one day the post man came and I was opening all my father's mail then, because he couldn't do all these things himself. And there were these three books. And so I went to dad and I said, "Here are these books of the membership of Skull & Bones, dad. They got it in book form." And, you know, even at that point I didn't really know how bad it was, because Sutton hadn't written the book yet. Sutton's book is THE book. ... Well, they should understand that when you have two presidential candidates like the last time around who both ... are members of the Order of Skull & Bones, you better start doing some research. ... So, yes, this is what arrived for dad. This is volume I, living members, and this is volume II, deceased members, and this one is, May of 1970, that's all [inaudible], I think that's the whole crowd. Yeah, dead and alive. And he said, "Oh, they've never done that before. This is the first time they have ever published these lists." This was in 1985 that they - I mean [inaudible], 1977, I don't know. Anyway, dad said that he's never seen them before. ... But it goes back to Germany and if you keep going back, keep tracing it back,. it goes really back here. It goes back to - this is an original, first, original copy of Proofs of a Conspiracy. It dates from 1798. ... It is by John Robinson. Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All The Religions And Governments of Europe Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies. ... George W. Bush's secret name is Temporary. His father's, George H. W. Bush, Bonesname is Magog." - *) Pilgrims Society membership lists:
---) Charles D. Hilles: 1940 Pilgrims list
---) Charles D. Hilles, Jr.: 1957, 1969, 1974
*) 1961 Allen Dulles - Charles D. Hilles, Jr. correspondence (PDF) - *) Pilgrims Society membership lists:
---) Charles M. Spofford: 1957, 1969, 1974
---) Charles N. Spofford: 1969, 1974
---) John S. W. Spofford: 1974 - See note 16.
- March 21, 2011, Kris Millegan at, ' Allegations regarding "Butch" Merritt, Watergate, Intelligence Agencies and "Crimson Rose, " Vol. VI': "My father, Lloyd S. Millegan, was associated with American intelligence gathering operations from 1936 until he left the CIA in 1959. On his 18th birthday, in August of 1936 he boarded a ship from Portland, Oregon to spend his sophomore year of college at the University of Shanghai. In August of 1937, he left Shanghai traveling to Vladiviostok to board the Tran-Siberian Railway and journey across the USSR, and Europe, eventually attending the 1937 Oxford Life and Work Conference, along with John Foster Dulles, before going back to Oregon to finish school. After college, my father was scheduled for graduate studies in 1939 in Switzerland, but finances and the kindling of WWII, sent him instead to Washington, DC. He was soon working in the basement of the Library of Congress under Archibald MacLeish, first as a research analyst for the Library of Congress, then with the Office of the Coordinator of Information, and finally moving on to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in mid 1942. Then in August of 1943, my father became involved in what Professor Peter Dale Scott calls "deep politics." Dad was inducted into the military, given the shortest training available, as a medic, but placed into G-2, and then joined General MacArthur's staff as the personal secretary to Dr. Joseph Hayden, who was MacArthur's Civil Advisor on Philippine Affairs. Part of my father's work was to report back to OSS in Washington about MacArthur and his aide Colonel Willoughby. Among my father's other duties was working with the Philippine guerrillas. After Dr. Hayden died, my father worked even closer with guerillas. He went into Manila ahead of the American troops to "sequester" the Japanese-puppet governments papers. For that act he was sued by the Japanese government and given the Legion of Merit by the US Army. He had became very friendly with the guerrillas and helped them set up a temporary government. When MacArthur returned, he found that many of the native Filipino oligarchs (who were his friends) had collaborated with the Japanese and been jailed by the guerrillas, who had actually fought the Japanese. MacArthur proceeded to let his friends out of jail, and soon someone came to replace my father, a Lieutenant Ed Lansdale. My father moved on to do research and analysis for the invasion of Japan, and then his final job in the military was to gather information and write a report on the Japanese use of opium and narcotics before and during WWII. This was a months-long project that including traveling and interviewing many political figures as well as the major opium players in East Asia. My father then came back to Washington, DC, first to work in the State Department and then the Central Intelligence Agency, where he worked overtly until April of 1951, his last position, serving as Branch Chief, Head of East Asia Analysis Office. He then went into "private business," setting up Pacific Books, Inc., and taking our whole family with him to Indonesia. After about a year we were back in Fairfax, Virginia, outside DC, where my father "worked" in public relations and advertising sales. Then in 1956, my father and mother took a 4-month long trip to East Asia. Us kids were told it was to gather information for a book. He never wrote the book. Late in 1957, he was asked to serve as the vice-president of Scarritt College in Nashville, Tennessee. Then, all of a sudden, in 1959, the president of the school quit, my father was asked to serve as president, he said no, and moved the whole family out to Oregon. He went back to college (as a student), but was soon teaching in a junior high school to earn income. I was ten years old, a kid just following his folks around. Then in the late 1960's my father asked me what I thought of the Vietnam War, and I gave him a flip teen-age answer, "You have some rice paddies, and a sack of hand grenades. You throw the grenades and win the war for the guys in the white hats." My father said we had to have a talk. Sometime later, in September of 1969, he said it was time to have that talk. By then I was married, had a young daughter, was a partner in a growing record store, and sponsoring rock and roll dances. On Sept, 21, 1969, the day before my 20th birthday, we had that talk. It was amazing, even though, I had no idea what was being said. My father seemingly had waited until a friend of his, Dr. DF Flemming (who was out promoting his new book, The Cold War and its Origins) was in town to participate. My father straight off told me, "The VietNam war is about drugs," and that there were secret societies involved. I didn't understand, and since it was the late 1960s, and I had long hair, etc. I deduced my father was having a "drug talk" with me. It all seemed so serious, what with some professor and all. So, I proceeded to sit up straight, and got ready to say, "yes, sir,: and was waiting for my dad to tell me not to smoke dope, etc. But that is not what happened. My father continued talking about his intelligence career. He explained, how he had first been debriefed by the State Department, when he was an exchange student, then his service in the OSS, being "sheep-dipped" into G2, and being put on MacArthur's staff. They also talked a bunch about the Viet Nam war. They both felt that "they" (the powers that be) were playing out a "lose scenario," because of the US actions taken so far. They talked about psychological warfare, about how the news wasn't the real news. That the stuff in the news was "sway pieces," and that when I had been told he was an advertising/PR salesman, my dad was actually helping to put together a daily high-level briefing. That he had left the CIA in 1959, and was talking to me now because of some paper he had signed, that didn't allow he to reveal anything for ten years. It soon became apparent that I had no frame of reference, and wasn't truly able to comprehend what they were saying. The meeting was over, and I went on with my life. I had some other conversations, and arguments with my Dad where I learned other things, but one of the most amazing came after he was gone. For even though I hadn't understood the talk, it had inspired me to investigate "CIA-Drugs." Going through my father's papers after his death in 1990, I found an itinerary for the 1956 trip and noticed that he had traveled to Chang Mai, Thailand. At that time I was very interested in the history of Chang Mai, because of the role the city has played in the opium/heroin trade. I had been told that the city had grown to a million people from a very small town in the 1950s, and was looking for information. Now, I could simply ask my mother. So the next time I visited my Mother, I asked her about Chang Mai. She said that, "Yes, it was a small village. The biggest thing in town was the church." She said she had some pictures in a book up on her bookshelf. I reached up to get the photograph album, and mom made a little aside, "That's when I stopped believing everything I read in the newspaper." That pricked up my ears, because I had asked my mother questions before, and she always just brushed them aside, saying she didn't know anything. So, I asked my mom, what did she mean? She said that in 1956 they had been in Vietnam before going to Thailand, and while in Thailand the newspaper reported on a battle in Viet Nam, right where they had been. She said, "There was no battle, we were having a picnic." I turned back the pages of her photo book from Chang Mai, and there were pictures of my parents, Ed Lansdale and a bunch of soldiers. They were obviously having a picnic. I borrowed the photo book and photocopied the page. One was a picture of my mother where she was so radiant and vivacious that it was later used during her memorial. Also in that picture you can see Ed Lansdale and others sitting around having a good time – a picnic. The interesting item, is what my mother had written in the margin next to the picture: "Eudora (my mother's name) out from Saigon with Col. Lansdale and North Vietnamese Military leaders." North Vietnamese Military leaders? Having a picnic? [photo of Millegan's mother with Lansdale and North Vietnamese officers in the background] Lansdale is the guy sitting with the flattop. And it is in the historical record that he fought fake battles in the Philippines. Could it be that he did something similar in Vietnam? (Fletcher Prouty's JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy has some amazing revelations about Lansdale's mock and fake battles) What else was going on in Viet Nam at that time? ... Posner does leave some of the story out. He lays the blame for the opium smuggling on our "allies," and the Triads, and leaves out a major player, Corsican Lucien Conein (who we will see plays a role in later events), but the basic history lesson is correct: The US took over the Golden Triangle opium trade from the French in 1955. The words my father used were, "The Viet Nam War is about drugs. There are these secret societies behind it." and then, "Communism is all a sham, these same secret societies are behind it. It's all a big game." And that "they" were playing out a "lose scenario." Later in a discussion/argument he told me that there was a plan to opiate the boomer generation. I didn't understand what he was saying, but I can now comprehend, somewhat, of how he came to those opinions. So, why would someone have a "picnic" and tell the world they were having a battle? It is a psychological operation – psy-ops. The action forces people to choose sides, and that's one of the first steps to being manipulated. "They" want you to choose a side, any side, they don't care. Sides can then hardened, and soon there is a "conflict." Then, American boys and girls are sent to "Hell," for one year. If they survive that year they get to go home. And a significant number of those boys and girls became addicted, and took their addiction home, where many became dealers to sustain the habit … and an "infection" began."
- February 1996, Antony Sutton, 'Memoir Concerning Events At The Hoover Institution, Stanford University In The Period 1968 - 1974', as included in Kris Millegan's 2004 book 'Fleshing out Skull & Bones', pp. 92-96: "In about 1970, I was contacted by a Colonel Samuel Clabaugh, who at one time had been U.S. military attache in London, a friend of Averell Harriman, and, formerly, with OSS and CIA. He was apparently in routine contact with Eleanor Dulles. Over perhaps a year or 18 months, we echanged letters and meetings (I went to his apartment in Washington, D.C. for luch). I was quite clear and definite: our policy is suicidal, developed by the naive of self-serving. ... About 1971, Hoover Institution wanted me to give a paper at Ditchley Park in England to a group of businessmen, bankers and academics. This is where I met M. Pinay, former Prime Minister of France [and founder of the Opus Dei-CIA liaison group Le Cercle, strongly tied to Stay Behind terrorism, pedophile entrapment networks and the like], who greeted me, "Tres bien; tres bien." At one point, the Chairman of Dunlop Holdings (who had built several plants in the Soviet Union) stood up and said, "Sutton's information is correct; we have built tire plants in the USSR for many years, and we will continue to build these plants even if it is my own suicide." Even today, I can't fully understand the motivation behind this statement. ... [In 1973] I told no one except Arlington House about National Suicide. It was written in three months and rushed through production in another three months. It was published [in 1973]... Some days after receiving my advance copy of National Suicide, I received a call to go to the Director's office (Glenn Campbell [director Hoover Institution]). I found a group waiting, including Alan Belmont, Dick Staar (CIA), Stefan Possony [American Security Council], and perhaps a few others. Campbell immediately launched into an attack, stating that I had plagiarized the text of National Suicide, and that I had no right to produce such a book. My reply was: (1) I cannot plagiarize my own work; (2) Hoover itself had asked me for the military sections to be removed from Hoover volumes, thus releasing the material; (3) We had men being killed in Vietnam... (4) I remember saying, "tell me where I am wrong on a single fact." No one ever did. ... Campbell asked me to have National Suicide withdrawn. I refused. End of meeting. ... I called Arlington, and they assured me they would not buckle or withdraw the book. Another meeting followed a few weeks later. Campbell said I had no agreement or contract with Hoover Institution, and I was no longer a Research Fellow. To stall for time, I said I did have a contract.... Hoover Institution then removed my name and that of my secretary from the Hoover personnel list. I became a non-person. ... One speech filled the Hollywood Palladium with standees at the back. At the end of the speech, I was called back three times to the podium. ... A group of anonymous airline pilots gave me (through a friend) a gift of $10,000. A Congressman inserted my speeches into the Congressional record. I had a call from Antoine Pinay, former Prime Minister of France. ... After leaving Hoover Institution ... I found it relatively easy to earn a modest living as an author (in spite of Campbell's prediction that my rice bowl would be broken)... I found regular bookstore distribution closed to my books. Campbell was right in this aspect. But apparently others were having their rice bowls broken, and a vast "alternative" book publishing industry is in great part due to the rise of new publishing houses scattered across the United States, handling the work of those who have been persecuted... About 1985, I wrote to Glenn Campbell (who had been Reagan's Chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board...) ..."
- Fake USSR collapse theory:
*) January 7, 2011, Charlotte Iserbyt on the Alex Jones Show: "We are merging right now with the Soviet Union. ... Communism is more alive than it ever was, before the phony fall."
*) April 4, 2015, Joel Skousen for, 'The Threat of War Is Real - But Beware the False Hype': "Most Americans don't know that the US recently removed 2 of the 3 nuclear warheads on the remaining 450 Minuteman III missiles, leaving a single warhead--a 66% reduction in nuclear missile response power, while Russia and China keep building new and more advanced missiles with up to 10 warheads each. The "why" has to do with a major globalist conspiracy to set the US up for a nuclear pre-emptive strike that, in turn, will drive the Western world into forming a militarized global government in response--ushering in the NWO order and the loss of liberty that conservatives have long feared, along with the destruction of war. Don't be lulled into false security by the establishment propaganda that "Mutually Assured Destruction" will keep nuclear weapons from ever being used. Both Russia and China are building huge factory bunkers (Yamantau Mtn) to not only survive a nuclear strike but to continue producing weapons of war. Our leaders are building a series of new and huge underground bunkers deep underground and you can bet it's not because of terrorism. ... Remember Pearl Harbor, and 9/11--both government planned provocations in order to get us into war. .... Remember that for the globalists to drive us into their militarized NWO, they have to appear the victim while encouraging Russia and China to strike by weakening our forces with constant global interventions and unilateral disarmament. ... The purpose of the phony "fall of the Soviet Union" in 1990 was to get the West to pour money into the bankrupt Eastern block, revitalize Russia's industry including oil and gas, and allow them to rearm using Western technology. Now that this is well on the way, Putin is riding the wave of anti-US sentiment in Russia and elsewhere (created by US global intervention) to justify his strong military resurgence of Russian power." - 1978, Eustace Mullins in Christian Vanguard, 'My Struggle against the Jews': "No one who has been martyred by the Jews should remain unknown. And no one who has been martyred by the Jews will remain unavenged. I became the object of the Jews hatred by events which moved in a straight line. Successively, I became the protégé of George Stimpson, the most respected journalist in Washington, who founded the National Press; and of Ezra Pound, the world-famous poet; and of H. L. Hunt, one of the world's richest men. Of the three, only Ezra Pound fought the Jews openly. And he suffered grievously as a consequence, spending thirteen years in a hideous, urine-soaked madhouse in Washington D.C. George Stimpson passed on to me many of the secrets of Washington, including the fact that Felix Frankfurter founded the Harold Ware Cell of Communists and the nature of the Jewish control over J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. H.L. Hunt fought valiantly to preserve the values of Christian civilization. But he was unable to deploy his money effectively in a battle which was outside of his experience. I was to visit Ezra Pound several times in the cell in which he was held as a political prisoner and which he aptly termed "the hellhole." ... After several weeks, I realized it as unlikely that I would get any work in Chicago [due to Jewish establishment pressure]. I began work on a book about Friedrich Nietzsche, and while doing research at the Newberry Library, I found a great deal of material on Ezra Pound's career. I wrote him suggesting that I do his biography. He immediately replied that he had been waiting for me to do this, and that I was to be his only authorized biographer. I then asked Henry Regnery if he could give me an advance on this book. He replied that he could not — though he owned the largest window shade factory in the world, a bank, and other holdings, worth eighty million dollars. He suggested, however, that H. L. Hunt needed someone to edit a book. I called Hunt and he agreed to pay me a hundred dollars a week. I said that I couldn't live on that. In fact, I was living on thirty-five dollars a week. Hunt now offered to let me live in his home. At that time, Hunt's income was ten million dollars a week, and he had accumulated a fortune of three billion dollars. I arrived at Hunt's home in Dallas with one battered suitcase and an old Plymouth, purchased a year before for one hundred dollars, with the entire front end smashed in. Hunt and I immediately established complete rapport, as he had lived for years out of a suitcase, traveling in the back-country picking up the oil leases which were the basis of his fortune. I resided in his best guest room, one which had always been occupied previously by Senator Joseph McCarthy when he came to Dallas. Hunt and I settled down to work on the book ‘Alpaca.' After several months of intensive work,the book was completed and I became restless. By this time, Hunt had installed me in an office next to his own, and whenever someone called him, he would say, ‘Why don't you check with Mullins on that?' I realized he was only using me for a buffer, but it was a flattering situation for a penniless writer to be referred to as the confidential assistant of the world's richest man. However, I remained a penniless writer, and he remained the world's richest man. I began to realize I should be getting back to work on the Pound biography, and one afternoon, I told him I had to return to Chicago. He was completely surprised, and I saw that he was hurt and disappointed by my decision. Nevertheless, I have always thought of him with affection and admiration, and he seemed well disposed toward me on later occasions when I talked to him in Dallas and in New York. Although I knew nothing of it at the time, my association with H. L. Hunt had driven the Jews into a furious campaign of ‘harassment' against my parents. The conspirators were terrified that Hunt might finance my publications or a political organization, although at the time I had no organization to which he might donate money."
- Ibid.
- *) General Douglas MacArthur deputies:
- General Charles Willoughby (chief of intelligence (G-2) for MacArthur; director Citizens Foreign Relations Committee; director Shickshinny Knights; International Committee for the Defence of Christian Culture).
- General Pedro Del Valle (USMC general; offered to become station CIA station chief in Japan, because Walter Bedel Smith thought he disliked MacArthur; founder and head Defenders of the American Constitution (included Gen. Claire Chennault on the board); co-founder and director Liberty Lobby; friendly with American Nazi Party head George Lincoln Rockwell; director Ten Million Americans Mobilizing For Justice; involved with Suvarov Union, a White Russian exile group; director Shickshinny Knights; president Christian Educational Fund; supporter of the Protocols of Zion, Rothschild theories and that Jews control Russia; in a letter referred to a "high command" that doled out orders).
- General George Stratemeyer (director Ten Million Americans Mobilizing For Justice; director Citizens Foreign Relations Committee; director Shickshinny Knights; co-founder and director Liberty Lobby).
- General Alfred Wedemeyer (gave air support to MacArthur's army in Korea; director For America; director Citizens Foreign Relations Committee; lots of correspondence with the Liberty Lobby).
- General Bonner Fellers (had been chief of psychological operations under Eisenhower; national director For America; chairman executive council Defenders of the American Constitution; vice chairman Americans for Constitutional Action (founded by Adm. Ben Morreel); John Birch Society; director Shickshinny Knights; said about him: "the most violent Anglophobe I have encountered").
- Another close friend of MacArthur was General Courtney Whitney (Born and lived in Manilla, Philippines, where he a lawyer; special operations aide and spokesman for MacArthur during the Korean War; retired when MacArthur was fired by Truman in 1951; supported MacArtur in the press against Truman; published 'MacArthur: His Rendezvous With History' in 1956).
- General Robert E. Wood (Wood ran MacArthur-for-President campaigns in 1944, 1948 and 1952; founder ultraright American Security Council).
*) John Birch Society: August 17, 1964, New York Times, 'H.L. Hunt: Magnat with a mission':"Mr. Hunt spent $150,000 to support ... Douglas MacArthur for the 1952 Republican Presidential nomination, $100,000 to back the Kennedy-Johnson ticket in 1960, and a wad of money to support the candidacy of Governor Wallace. ... One of Mr. Hunt's four sons says his father makes no contributions because "90 percent of the people he would support wouldn't be elected." ... [Hunt:] "I feel public affairs education--freedom education--is vastly more important than political action [contributions]." ... Mr. Hunt lists among those Americans whom he admires as patriots, Gen. Robert E. Wood [founder of the American Security Council] ... a member of the Life Line advisory board; Gen. A. C. Wedemeyer ... once a member of the John Birch Society advisory committee, and a Life Line advisory board member [Hunt's radio program]; Robert H. W. Welch, Jr., founder of the John Birch Society; Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker; Governor Wallace, Senator Goldwater and President Johnson."
*) Liberty Lobby:, shows photocopy of Liberty Lobby announcement of its founding, description: "Broad side EXCELENT condition announces the formation of THE LIBERTY LOBBY office to be opened in Washington DC lists Advisory Board including; Willis Carto, Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, Lt. Gen. Pedro del Valle, TAYLOR CALDWELL and more! " Proceedings volume of the Geological Society of America for 1960: "Bela was also a member of the Policy Board of Liberty Lobby, Washington, D. C., and his name appears on their letterhead along with such nationally known men as Lt. General George E. Stratemeyer, the Hon. J. Bracken Lee, and Lt. General P. A. del Valle."
*) Rense is an incarnation/off-shoot of the pro-Nazi Liberty Lobby - which goes a long way to explain his continuous support for the holocaust-denying Institute for Historical Review.
*) Terry Arnold: Rense columnist since 2002 and, more importantly, co-wrote two books with Neil Livingstone in the 1980s (and was part of Ted Shackley's CIA group). Livingstone was a CIA recruit of CIA counter-intelligence chief James Angleton (both on the board of the American Security Council) for the Israeli Desk. Livingstone has been a long-time private front for Iran Contra veterans, CIA directors as James Woolsey, as well as FBI directors. - August 28, 2004, New York Times, 'The 2004 Campaign: The Conservatives; Club of the Most Powerful gathers in Strictest Secrecy': "The council was founded in 1981, just as the modern conservative movement began its ascendance. The Rev. Tim LaHaye ... was a founder. His partners included Paul Weyrich, another Christian conservative political organizer who also helped found the Heritage Foundation. They said at the time that they were seeking to create a Christian conservative alternative to what they believed was the liberalism of the Council on Foreign Relations."
- January 28, 2004, Robert Dreyfuss for Rolling Stone, 'Reverend Doomsday: According to Tim LaHaye, the Apocalypse is now': "Rev. Timothy LaHaye, one of the most influential leaders of the Christian right, and a man who played a quiet but pivatol role in putting George W. Bush in the White House. If you know LahAye at all, it's for the his series of best-selling apocalyptic novels. You've seen the Left Behind novels everywhere: aboard airplanes, at the beach, in massive displays at Wal-Mart. In the nine years since the publication of the first novel, the series has sold 60 million copies. Next to the authors of the Bible itself, who didn't get royalties, LaHaye is Christianity's biggest publishing success ever. LaHaye is a strict biblical reconstructionist -- taking the Good Book as God's literal truth. ... LaHaye believes that Armageddon will be unleashed from the Antichrist's headquarters in Babylon. ... In 1981, he helped found the little-known but vastly powerful Council for National Policy, a secretive group of wealthy donors that has funneled billions of dollars to right-wing Christian activists. ... When the meeting with Bush ended, LaHaye gave the candidate his seal of approval. For Bush, it was a major breakthrough, clearing the decks for hundreds of leaders of the Christian right, from TV preachers and talk-show hosts to Bible Belt pulpit pounders, to support the Bush-Cheney ticket in 2000. "Bush went into the meeting not totally acceptable," recalls Paul Weyrich, the grandfather of the religious right, who has known LaHaye for thirty years. "He went out not only acceptable but enthusiastically supported.""
- December 2005 issue, Mother Jones, 'A Nation Under God'.
- December 17, 1986, Washington Post, 'Reagan Doctrine's Passionate Advocate'.
- *), Institute for First Amendment Studies archive, 'CNP member directory': "Skousen, Mark."
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part III ~ N - Z: ... Dr. W. Cleon Skousen - CNP Board of Governors (1982). ... Mark Skousen - CNP Membership Roster (1984-85, 1988, 1996, 1990)..." - Ibid.
- April 30, 2012, Mother Jones, 'Mitt Romney's Nutty Professor': "Meet W. Cleon Skousen: conspiracy theorist, slavery apologist, tea party icon. Mitt Romney says you should read him. ... Romney's embrace of Skousen came in an August 2007 interview appearance with Iowa talk radio host Jan Mickelson, a conservative talker Politico's Jonathan Martin calls "the Rush Limbaugh of Des Moines." ... "You and I have a common affection for the late Cleon Skousen," Mickelson started. Romney ... nodded in affirmation: "Mmm, yeah." Mickelson pressed on, alluding to a previous conversation the two had, in which Romney had mentioned that he had studied under Skousen while in college at Brigham Young. "Exact," Romney said. ... But Romney did recommend a Skousen book later in the discussion, when the subject turned to Mormon eschatology. "Cleon Skousen has a book called The Thousand Years," Romney told Mickelson. The Thousand Years is actually a trilogy that details the 4,000 years that elapsed between the creation of the earth and the birth of Christ. "
- February 14, 2005, Joel Skousen, as copied by Rense, 'Debunking The Debunkers': "The issues of the penetration hole and the lack of large pieces of debris simply do not jive with the official story, but they are explainable if you include the parking lot video evidence that shows a huge white explosion at impact. This cannot happen with an aircraft laden only with fuel. It can only happen in the presence of high explosives. Some witnesses saw a smaller aircraft, others saw the Boeing. One or two saw and heard a missile launch. Could all three have been present? I think so... [goes on for a while]... Only a missile could have penetrated that far. Was a missile on the smaller jet seen by witnesses used to prep the hardened Pentagon façade?" Predictably, Skousen goes on to list some of the conspiracies which happened under the "left wing" presidency of Bill Clinton: "In like manner, other programs have been produced at great expense to discredit the charges of government cover-ups in the Vince Foster and Ron Brown murders, the downing of TWA 800 by a missile, and the OKC bombing of the Murrah building."
- *), Institute for First Amendment Studies archive, 'CNP member directory': "Monteith, Barbara. Monteith, Stanley."
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part II ~ H - M: ... Barbara Monteith - CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1999). Eagle Forum of Ohio. ... Dr. Stanley Monteith - CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1999)."
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Barbara Monteith - Stow, Ohio. Dr. Stanley Monteith - Soquel, California." - *) (accessed: January 28, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part III ~ N - Z: ... Howard Phillips - CNP Board of Governors (1982); CNP Executive Committee (1984-85; 1988; 1994; 1996)."
*) Howard Phillips is listed as an executive committee member in a CNP officer's list from 1993. See document.
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Howard Phillips - Vienna, VA." - April 23, 2013, New York Times, 'Howard J. Phillips, Stalwart Conservative, Dies at 72'.
- *) May 6, 2013, National Catholic Register, 'Catholics Bid Farewell to Pro-Life Lion Howard Phillips': "Phillips then founded The Conservative Caucus in 1974 to continue his aim to "defund the left." He visited all 435 U.S. congressional districts to build his grassroots movement. He also worked with Weyrich and Viguerie to help Rev. Jerry Falwell form the Moral Majority and helped Judie Brown form the American Life League.."
*) (The Association for Religious Data): "Founder: Jerry Falwell, Paul Weyrich, Richard Viguerie, Robert Billings, Ed McAteer, Howard Phillips. Time Period: 6/1/1979. Description: The Moral Majority, with the help of radio and television preacher Jerry Falwell, helped mobilize a generation of conservative Christian voters. The secularization of public schools and the advent of federal protection for abortion rights roused evangelicals and conservative Catholics during the 1970s, leading to the formation of several Christian advocacy groups, including the Moral Majority in 1979. The Moral Majority supported Ronald Reagan in the presidential election of 1980 and was credited with part of his landslide victory over Jimmy Carter, formerly an evangelical darling in 1976. The Moral Majority's success turned Falwell into a household name, even as the organization became a victim of its own success the late 1980s."
*) November/December 1995, Mother Jones, 'House of God?': "Then, in 1979, at the urging of Ed McAteer of the Religious Roundtable, Weyrich and Phillips engineered the Moral Majority, drafting Jerry Falwell to front the first organization that built a mass following for conservative religious politics." - 1973, Committee on Political Education, AFL-CIO: "Hear the revealing words of Howard Phillips on other occasions: "We organize discontent ..." he said. "We must prove our ability to get revenge on people who go against us. ... We'll be after them, if they vote the wrong way. We're not going to stop after the vote's past." And hear the words of another spokesman for the New Right, Paul Weyrich, director of the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress: "We are different from previous generations of conservatives. We are no longer working to preserve the status quo. We are radicals, working to overturn the present power structure of this country""
- 1991, Russ Bellant, 'Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party', p. 82: "Another Coalition for Peace Through Strength member, the Conservative Caucus (which is also part of the World Anti-Communist League), works directly with South African government officials. Caucus Chair Howard Phillips cosponsors trips to South Africa (at a $4,000 fee) which offer "confidential intelligence and financial briefings" and meetings "with the very highest officials of government, business, banking and the military in South Africa." Also promised are "military intelligence briefings." Ads for such trips are placed in John Birch Society publications. [339]"
- *) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "F. Andy Messing Jr. - Alexandria, Virginia - National Defense Council Foundation."
*) F. Andrew Messing, Jr., Who's Who (digital): "Born in 1946. Commissioned 2d lieutenant U.S. Army Reserve, 1967, advanced through grades to major, 1987; platoon leader 1st Air Cavalry, Vietnam, 1967, 1st Air CAV, El Salvador, 1982-87, Grenada, 1983; Congl. liaison for Army as G-13, 1974-77; resigned, 1977; executive director Am. Conservative Union, Washington, 1977-79; president National Defense Council, 1978-80 [National Defense Council Foundation; Dick Cheney was a Congressional Advisor; Lansdale and Singlaub were other advsiors]. Consultant Am. Security Council, State Department; executive director Conservative Caucus, 1979-84; executive director National Defense Council Foundation, 1984—; consultant Department Defense, 1986, State Department, 1991-93.Visited over 27 wars worldwide, and delivered over 130 tons of food and medicine to refugees worldwide. Founder Vietnam Vets. for Reagan Committee; member Reagan Transition Team; member board regents James Monroe Law Office Museum and Memorial Library, 1986—; consultant to Bush campaign, 1988, 92. Member Council for National Policy." - 1991, Russ Bellant, 'Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party', p. 82: "The Conservative Caucus lobbies vigorously for UNITA and attempted to initiate a corporate campaign against Gulf Oil/Chevron for buying Angolan oil. [340]"
- 1991, Russ Bellant, 'Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party', p. 82: "Another Coalition for Peace Through Strength member, the Conservative Caucus (which is also part of the World Anti-Communist League), works directly with South African government officials. Caucus Chair Howard Phillips cosponsors trips to South Africa (at a $4,000 fee) which offer "confidential intelligence and financial briefings" and meetings "with the very highest officials of government, business, banking and the military in South Africa." Also promised are "military intelligence briefings." Ads for such trips are placed in John Birch Society publications. [339] The Conservative Caucus lobbies vigorously for UNITA and attempted to initiate a corporate campaign against Gulf Oil/Chevron for buying Angolan oil. [340]"
- September 8, 1987, Associated Press, 'Kemp Says Honduran President Supports Aid to Contras': "Rep. Jack Kemp, a presidential candidate, said Tuesday he was told by the president of Honduras that U.S. aid should continue to Nicaraguan rebels despite a new Central American peace plan. ... Shortly after arriving Tuesday, Kemp and a few other members of the group were taken to a Nicaraguan rebel camp in southern Honduras for a meeting with Col. Enrique Bermudez. ... Among those in the group are Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus; Lyn Bouchey of the American Coalition for Traditional Values; Republican fund-raiser Richard Viguerie, and Sam Dickens of the American Security Council Foundation."
- *) See Colonel Enrique Bermudez's bio in ISGP's American Security Council article.
*) May 3, 1991, New York Times, 'A Man of Hate Meets His Violent Destiny': ""My son was tortured to death in front of my eyes," she finally told me one day, "to force me to tell them where some students were hiding. ... I didn't know, but they killed him anyway. ... He was the one who burned out my son's eyes. Him." The picture was one of Enrique Bermudez."
*) August 27, 1996, NPR, 'California Reporter Alleges CIA Approval of Drug Ring': "GARY WEBB: ... The way it operated in was this - they would bring the cocaine in, in various means, through Miami, through Houston, along the coast of California. And they would distribute it and collect the money, and the money would be sent- at least some of the money would be sent to the Contras in Nicaragua. And the biggest part of the- the drug operation that we were able to find operated in South Central L.A. in Compton. ... Correct. And that's- You know, as you realize, there were several of- several guerrilla groups that we called the Contras. Actually, the biggest one and the one that was directly sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency was the FDN, the Nicaraguan Democratic Force, in English. And the fellow who was the- the Southern California distributor for this ring was a man named Denielo Blandone [Danilo Blandon] [sp], who was a former official of the Somoza government. And he arrived in the United States in 1979 and testified recently that he began selling cocaine in South Central Los Angeles in- in early 1982. After he had met with the military commander of the FDN, which was a fellow named Colonel Enrique Bermudez [sp], who, you know, as the Iran-Contra hearing showed, was on the CIA's payroll for almost a decade, probably even longer than that. ... What we found was that they were meeting with CIA agents - Enrique Bermudez, number one; Aldofo Colero [sp], number two. We- we found and printed a picture of Aldofo Colero, who was the political leader of the FDN, that was taken in June of 1984 in a kitchen in San Francisco, in the company of Norlind Menessas [sp], who was the Nicaraguan exile who actually ran the drug ring. He was Denielo Blandone's boss. As far as protecting the ring, I mean, this thing came very close to being broken by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in late 1986, and according to an affidavit for the search warrant that I found, the police knew that this ring was selling cocaine and funneling the profits to the Contras through a brokerage firm in Florida. It was a very, very detailed affidavit for a search warrant. They raided 12 to 13 locations, they arrested a number of Nicaraguans, but they didn't find anything. And when I asked the police department what happened- I mean, usually when you have raids of this magnitude, you go in and you find things. And the attorney for the police officer who led the raid said that the police had always believed that it was compromised by the CIA." - 1991, Russ Bellant, 'Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party', p. 83: "Phillips and Abramoff [who soon also set up the South Africa-financed International Freedom Foundation] have both supported campaigns calling for the dismissal of Chester Crocker and George Shultz from the State Department because they are seen as insufficiently supportive of South Africa. [341] The "Dump Schultz" campaign grew out of a meeting of the Council for National Policy, [342] a secret membership group that has included Phillips, Abramoff, then-National Security Council officials Oliver North [central Iran Contra figure as CIA director William Casey's assistant] and John Lenczowski, WACL chair John Singlaub [co-founder CIA; SOPAG chair at the Pentagon; ASC startegy board chair; chair OSS Society with all the top special operations and top CIA veterans], and many others with ASC interlocks. [343] CNP's secret quarterly meetings bring together right-wing funders (such as Joseph Coors) and foreign policy activists. [344] The June 1987 speaker was Richard Secord. [345] Secord was a major player in the Iran Contra-gate arms for hostages private network."
- June 5, 1982, New York Times, 'Briefing: Campaign Against Baker': "President Reagan recently rebuked Clymer L. Wright, his 1980 Texas finance chairman, for leading what the President called a campaign of ''sabotage'' against James A. Baker 3d, the White House chief of staff, who stands accused by the Republican far right of watering down Reaganism. Mr. Wright, a Houston lawyer, apparently does not intend to allow even Ronald Reagan to interfere with his campaign to plug the leaks in Reaganism. While the President and his chief of staff are in Europe, Mr. Wright is rallying conservative leaders in Dallas on Tuesday for what amounts to a Dump Baker meeting. The featured speaker is to be Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus. In a recent letter to the President, Mr. Wright described Mr. Baker as ''an amiable, uninformed, lazy, slightly confused politician'' who had undermined Reagan policies. He sent copies to hundreds of early Reagan supporters who, in the words of a source close to Mr. Wright, responded with a loud chorus of ''right ons.''"
- May 6, 2013, National Catholic Register, 'Catholics Bid Farewell to Pro-Life Lion Howard Phillips': "Phillips then founded The Conservative Caucus in 1974 to continue his aim to "defund the left." He visited all 435 U.S. congressional districts to build his grassroots movement. He also worked with Weyrich and Viguerie to help Rev. Jerry Falwell form the Moral Majority and helped Judie Brown form the American Life League. Phillips called abortion "the overarching moral issue" of American political life and testified against President Ronald Reagan's and President George H.W. Bush's respective picks of Sandra Day O'Connor and David Souter to the U.S. Supreme Court."
- *) July 31, 1987, Iran Contra hearings, Weinberger Tells Sen. Sarbanes About "People With Their Own Agenda": "Mr. [SEN. PAUL] SARBANES: Are you familiar with the PROF notes between North and Poindexter that appear in the Tower Report? When North suggested to Poindexter before departing for Tehran with McFarlane that he and Poindexter have a quiet meeting with the President and McFarlane without papers and that Poindexter might want to include the Secretaries of State and Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence, Poindexter responded negatively, "I don't want a meeting with Ronald Reagan, Shultz, and Weinberger." Secretary WEINBERGER: I became aware of it when I read it in that report. ... I think that people with their own agenda as I have said in the Security Council were doing everything they can and maybe their motives were good, I don't know, but were doing everything they could to put this agenda into effect and one of the ways they tried to do that was to keep away from the President views that they suspected, quite correctly most of the time, differ with theirs. I think it was a very bad procedure. I think it has been completely corrected now because we have totally different kinds of people who have a totally different approach."
*) June 23, 1987, Iran Contra hearings, 'Shultz on Casey's Power Grab': "Secretary SHULTZ: I meant that the battle to get intelligence separated from policy and control over the policy was very much in play and the Director of Central Intelligence wanted to keep himself very heavily involved in this policy which he had been involved in apparently all along. ... Well, I felt that we were in the driver's seat [on Iran policy] all right. On the other hand, obviously Director Casey had managed to go, after having agreed to something, and not calling-he didn't call John Whitehead back and say John, you know we agreed on that, but I think we ought to change it. He went to basically to the President and got it changed, and used a rather, I think, deceptive way of letting us find out that it had been changed. ... Nobody had informed me of this so-called 9- point agenda. But as far as I was concerned, our policy was clear. No more arms sales under these circumstances." - *) December 17, 1986, Washington Post, 'Reagan Doctrine's Passionate Advocate': "One key target of North's efforts within the movement was the Council for National Policy (CNP)... Among its members, paying a $ 5,000 fee, are Nelson Bunker Hunt, Joseph Coors, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Marion G. (Pat) Robertson, Richard Viguerie, Paul Weyrich, Arnaud de Borchgrave and Henry Salvatori."
*) (accessed: January 28, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part III ~ N - Z: ... Richard Viguerie - CNP Board of Governors (1982); CNP Executive Committee (1984-85; 1988)."
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Richard A. Viguerie - Fairfax, Virginia - American Target Advertising, inc. Richard Ryan Viguerie* - Hillsdale, Michigan." - September 8, 1987, Associated Press, 'Kemp Says Honduran President Supports Aid to Contras': "Rep. Jack Kemp, a presidential candidate, said Tuesday he was told by the president of Honduras that U.S. aid should continue to Nicaraguan rebels despite a new Central American peace plan. ... Shortly after arriving Tuesday, Kemp and a few other members of the group were taken to a Nicaraguan rebel camp in southern Honduras for a meeting with Col. Enrique Bermudez. ... Among those in the group are Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus; Lyn Bouchey of the American Coalition for Traditional Values; Republican fund-raiser Richard Viguerie, and Sam Dickens of the American Security Council Foundation."
- *) December 5, 1984, Washington Post, 'D'Aubuisson Honored by Conservatives at Capitol Hill Dinner': "More than a dozen conservative organizations last night honored Roberto D'Aubuisson... D'Aubuisson has been linked to death-squad murders in El Salvador by former U.S. ambassador Robert E. White and congressional testimony. ...YAF had arranged D'Aubuisson's campus appearance because D'Aubuisson "hasn't had a fair shake" in the U.S. media. "Death squads have a very negative connotation. He's not been able to get across his message of free enterprise, anticommunism, freedom of exports and imports," Mathias said. "We can't think coherently about El Salvador if we think of the primary antithesis to the government as being a death-squad leader." ... Groups that joined in presenting the plaque to D'Aubuisson included the Viguerie Co. ..."
- June 26, 1983, New York Times, 'Conservatives Disappointed With 'Shift' By Reagan': "Ideological conservatives, who provided the core of Ronald Reagan's support in 1980, have been deeply disappointed with his performance as President, especially what they regard as his growing moderation in advance of the 1984 campaign. ... [The CNP's] Howard Phillips, chairman of the Conservative Caucus, said Mr. Reagan, in adopting a ''nonconfrontational political strategy to mollify the Washington establishment,'' ...
Joel M. Skousen, executive editor of Conservative Digest, a monthly magazine published by [CNP member] Richard A. Viguerie, the conservative fund-raiser, said that ''Mr. Reagan is now seen as untrustworthy.''" - (accessed: January 9, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part 1 ~ A - G: Jack Abramhoff - CNP Membership Roster (1984-85. ..."
-, Institute for First Amendment Studies archive, 'CNP member directory': "Cline, Nancy."
- 1989, Barbara Honegger, 'October Surprise', p. 205: "[Beurt] SerVaas, [Iran Contra insider Gene] Wheaton says, was on the Executive Board of the Veterans of the O.S.S. (the predecessor organization to the CIA), which "runs the CIA from behind the scenes."" See OSS Society article.
- *), Institute for First Amendment Studies archive, 'CNP member directory': "SerVaas, Beurt."
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part III ~ N - Z: ... Beurt SerVaas - CNP Membership Roster (1984-85, 1988, 1996). Hudson Institute Board of Trustees. Officer, OSS/CIA (1941-45)."
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Beurt SerVaas - Indianapolis, Indiana - SerVaas Inc." - John Singlaub CNP membership:
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part III ~ N - Z: ... Major General John K. Singlaub(ret.)- CNP Board of Governors (1981); CNP Membership Roster (1981-98)."
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "John K. Singlaub - Arlington, Virginia."
*) May 3, 1985, Washington Post, 'Private Groups Step Up Aid to 'Contras'': "In the past month, Singlaub has made fund-raising trips to Fort Worth and Palm Springs, Fla., where he said he obtained about $100,000 in commitments from fellow members of the Council for National Policy. The 400 or so members of this group, headed until recently by Woody Jenkins, are religious, business and political conservatives including oil magnate Nelson Bunker Hunt, Christian Broadcasting Network chief Pat Robertson, singer Pat Boone and Robert J. Perry of Perry Homes. An aide to Hunt confirmed that he has donated funds to aid Miskito Indians; Hurlbut said Perry was a contributor to refugee aid, but Perry could not be reached. Much of Singlaub's 35-year military career involved classified programs and covert operations, starting with the Office of Strategic Services [OSS] in World War II and then as a CIA station chief in Mukden, China. He was deputy CIa station chief in South Korea during the war there [1950-1953], and during the Vietnam War he ran a classified covert operation from 1966 to 1968 known as Studies and Observation Group, or SOG. Using about 10,000 men, SOG ran secret raids, sabotage and psychological operations in North Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos." Article describes Singlaub's involvement in numerous other private groups and as a key fundraiser for the private war in Nicaragua after Congress blocked the Reagan administration from providing the Contras with U.S. aid.
1986, issues 25-30, CovertAction Information Bulletin, p. 33: "Its chairman, former Louisiana State Legislator Louis (Woody) Jenkins [8], maintains extensive ties to the Christian Right through his position as Executive Director of the Council for National Policy. The CNP Board of Governors includes Gen. John Singlaub, Oliver North (giving his address at the NSC), Pat Robertson (the current CNP President), Tim LaHaye (a former CNP President), retired Gen. Daniel Graham, Joseph Coors, and over three hundred others."
*) 1990, issue 34, CovertAction Information Bulletin, p. 17: "For $5,000, one can become a member of the Council's Board of Governors, which elects the executive committee of CNP..."< - *) (accessed: January 9, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part 1 ~ A - G: ... Lt. General Daniel O. Graham - CNP Board of Governors (1982)."
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Daniel O. Graham - Arlington, Virginia - High Frontier"
*) January 2, 1989, Institute for Policy Studies, Right Web, 'Western Goals Foundation': "Singlaub, Graham, and Jefferson are/were members of the board of governors of the Council for National Policy (CNP)... Other Western Goals members who are/were on the Council's board of governors include: Sherman Unkefer, Hans Sennholz, and Robert Stoddard. The group's financial backer Nelson Bunker Hunt is on CNP's board too, as was Larry McDonald. (22) ... 22. Council for National Policy, Officers list, 1982-1983." - *) Oliver North is listed in a CNP officer's list from 1993. See document.
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part III ~ N - Z: ... Lt. Col. Oliver North - CNP Executive Committee (1994); Board of Governors (1996); CNP Membership Roster (1984-85)."
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Oliver L. North - Sterling, Virginia - North American Enterprises."
*) December 17, 1986, Washington Post, 'Reagan Doctrine's Passionate Advocate': "One key target of [Oliver] North's efforts within the movement was the Council for National Policy (CNP) -- an obscure, exclusive organization of millionaires, fundamentalist preachers, top New Right politicos and members of Reagan's California "Kitchen Cabinet." "The council is our hive, the greatest networking institution we have," said one participant. ... One member, Blair, said North was more than a guest: "Sure, he's a member." CNP sessions are closed to the press and public. And North has always insisted, as a condition of appearing as a speaker, that his remarks be kept off the record." - *), Institute for First Amendment Studies archive, 'CNP member directory': "Coors, Darden. Coors, Holland. Coors, Jeffrey. ... Feulner, Edwin. ... Weyrich, Diana. Weyrich, Paul."
*) Edwin Feulner, Paul Weyrich and members of the Coors family are listed in a CNP officer's list from 1993. See document.
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Carin Coors* - Arvada, Colorado. Darden Coors* - Boulder, Colorado. Holland H. (Holly) Coors - Washington, D.C. (former wife of Joe). Jeffrey H. Coors - Golden, Colorado - ACX Technologies, Inc. ... Edwin J. Feulner Jr. - Washington, D.C. ... Diana Weyrich* - Alexandria, Virginia. Paul Weyrich, Washington, D.C. - Free Congress Foundation. Peter Weyrich* - Washington, D.C. - Free Congress Foundation."
*) (accessed: January 25, 2016): "[Feulner] is past director of the Sequoia Bank, the Council for National Policy..."
*) December 17, 1986, Washington Post, 'Reagan Doctrine's Passionate Advocate': "One key target of North's efforts within the movement was the Council for National Policy (CNP)... Among its members, paying a $ 5,000 fee, are Nelson Bunker Hunt, Joseph Coors ... Paul Weyrich..." - *) September 9, 1986, Gerard Bihay and Frans Balfroid, BOB / Belgian gendarmerie, result of Gang of Nijvel investigations, 'Report on the Opus Dei network': "DOSSIER OPUS DEI: ... 60) HERITAGE FOUNDATION: Lobby ultra conservateur american responsable en grande partie de l'election du president Reagan. Exerce une influence enorme sur la politique interieure et etrangere au USA. Est considere comme le centre nevralgique de la droite catholique sus USA. 61) BURTON PINES: vice president de l'Heritage Foundation. 62) C.S.U.: Filiale de l'Heritage Foundation. 63) FRANZ JOSEPH STRAUSS: Dirigeant de la CSU. 64) Fondation HANS SEIBEL: Filiale dela CSU. ... 66) U.S. COUNCIL for WORLD FREEDOM: section americaine du WACL. 67) et 68) ROBERT RICHARDSON et DANIEL O. GRAHAM: Generaux US membre de l'Heritage Foundation et instigateur du project SDI (guerre des etoiles). Ont ete delegues par l'Heritage Foundation a l'IEPS. ... 75) COMITE PINAY: Mouvement d'extreme droite ayant des liens tres etreite av la CIA, l'ISC, la P2 et le SDECE. Fonde par Antoine Pinay."
*) See Le Cercle article for details. This document emphasizes European Opus Dei connections. Ed Feulner and Paul Weyrich, founders of the Heritage Foundation, both were visitors of Le Cercle. - *) Edwin Feulner sources on American Security Council involvement: 1988, Russ Bellant, 'The Coors connection', p. 49: "The ASCF also created a "Strategy Board" in the early 1980's that included a number of persons with covert operations backgrounds Major General John Singlaub; the late Edwin Black ... Ray Cline; and Ed Feulner."; American Security Council, Strategy Board, 1984.
*) See American Security Council article for details. - *) Elsa Prince is listed in a CNP officer's list from 1993. See document.
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Elsa Prince - Holland, Michigan."
*) 2010, Max Blumenthal, 'Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party', pp. 87-90: "When Clinton returned to the White House for a second term, [James] Dobson redoubled his efforts against the Republican leadership, particularly in undermining Newt Gingrich, whom conservatives within the House Republican Conference and outside it had come to regard as chronically unreliable because of deals he had made with Clinton, despite his shutting down the federal government twice. Dobson and DeLay agreed that Gingrich lacked not only the lust for confrontation that they sought in a party leader but also the moral qualities to be "a friend of The Family." ... Dobson remained determined to dislodge Gingrich from his post. At a February 1998 meeting of the Council for National Policy (CNP), Dobson sought to mobilize the Christian Right for another coup attempt. The CNP is a highly secretive group that brings together top right-wing activists with conservative moneymen to shape political strategy. Its membership lists are never disclosed, and its meetings are strictly off-the-record. But Dobson's speech to the CNP resounded beyond the walls of the Phoenix hotel where it was delivered. And although he not address Gingrich by name, Dobson's audience clearly recognized his target. After an introduction by Elsa PRince, the kindly mother of Blackwater founder Erik and widow of Focus on the Family financial angel Edgar, whom Dobson had eulogized at his funeral three years before, Dobson appeared at the podium. ... A month later, Dobson summoned twenty-five House Republicans for a meeting in the Capitol basement. There he restated his threats, pledging to bolt from the GOP unless Congress acceded to his far-reaching demands, from eliminating the Nation Endowment for the Arts to defunding Planned Parenthood."
*) Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy (GRIID), 'Foundation Profile: Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation': "A few last notable groups that have received funding from the Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation are the Center for Military Readiness ($45,000) and the Council for National Policy (CNP) ($45,000). ...The foundation is primarily run by the children of Edgar & Elsa Prince, which includes Emily Wierda, Betsy DeVos and Erik Prince. The following information is based on the data we found from the foundation's 990s for 2009-2011." - *) November 23, 2009, The Nation, 'The Secret US War in Pakistan': "At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives, "snatch and grabs" of high-value targets and other sensitive action inside and outside Pakistan, an investigation by The Nation has found. The Blackwater operatives also assist in gathering intelligence and help direct a secret US military drone bombing campaign that runs parallel to the well-documented CIA predator strikes, according to a well-placed source within the US military intelligence apparatus."
*) See AFIO membership/biographies list for details. Look under "Pince, Erik", who was a speaker to the AFIO, along with Cofer Black. - August 28, 2004, New York Times, 'The 2004 Campaign: The Conservatives; Club of the Most Powerful gathers in Strictest Secrecy': "Mr. Bush addressed the [Council for National Policy] in fall 1999 to solicit support for his campaign, stirring a dispute when news of his speech leaked and Democrats demanded he release a tape recording. He did not. Not long after the Iraq invasion, Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald H. RUmsfeld attended a council meeting."
- May 2, 2002, ABC News, 'Inside the Council for National Policy': "When Steve Baldwin, the executive director of an organization with the stale-as-old-bread name of the Council for National Policy, boasts that "we control everything in the world," he is only half-kidding. ... For many liberals, the 22-year-old council is very dangerous and dangerously secretive, and has fueled conspiratorial antipathy. The group wants to be the conservative version of the Council on Foreign Relations, but to some, CNP members -- among the brightest lights of the hard right -- are up to no good. The CNP meets this weekend at a Washington location known to fewer insiders than the identity of the vice president's undisclosed chunk of bedrock. Look for them if you're at a ritzy hotel in Tyson Corner, Va. ... The 500 or so members will hear private, unvarnished presentations. ... (Depending on whose account you believe [of a 1999 audio recording of Bush's CNP speech], Bush promised to appoint only anti-abortion-rights judges to the Supreme Court, or he stuck to his campaign "strict constructionist" phrase. Or he took a tough stance against gays and lesbians, or maybe he didn't) ... A knowledgeable person lists former CIA Director James Woolsey as a Friday night speaker and says that on Saturday, Reagan defense official Frank Gaffney will debate former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan about Israel."
- *) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Thomas R. Spencer Jr. - Miami, Florida - Spencer & Klein, P.A."
*) Thomas Spencer's bio at (accessed: November 11, 2010): "Member, Presidential Student Advisory Committee, (Lyndon B. Johnson), 1966. Administrative Assistant, Congressman Charles E. Bennett, Florida 1966-1967. Intern, House Armed Services Committee. Arbitrator: American Arbitration Association, 1975-1990; Supreme Court of Florida qualified, 2005. Chairman, Keep Dade Beautiful, Inc. President, Society of Wig and Robe. Founder and Chairman, Film Society of Miami, Inc., Miami Film Festival. President, University of Miami Alumni Association: City of Miami Task Force (Chairman). Chairman, Players State Theater; Founding Chairman, Coconut Grove Playhouse. Member: Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce; British American Chamber of Commerce; American Security Council Foundation; Citizens Board, University of Miami; World Jurist Association; The Atlantic Circle; Martindale-Hubbell Preeminent Lawyers of America; Republican Lawyers Association; Council for National Policy..." - *) June 2, 1986, UPI, 'Rebel lawyer aiming for 'Watergate II'': "From the shabby quarters of the Christic Institute, 12 blocks from the marbled Capitol, general counsel Danny Sheehan hopes to direct Watergate II. ... Accused conspirators include John Hull, an American rancher in Costa Rica, John Singlaub, a former Army major general who now is a fundraiser for the Contras, Adolfo Calero, the best-known Contra leader... Former CIA officials Ted Shackley and Tom Clines are also named. Sheehan identifies the would-be Pastora assassin as Amac Galil, an anti-Khadafy Libyan exile allegedly recruited by the ring in Chile. ''We have this from an eyewitness report from a guy who was on the premises of John Hull's ranch where the bomb was constructed and where Galil spent a period of time...,'' says Sheehan."
*) June 16, 1988, Sun Sentinel, 'Mercenary Prefers Jail To Testimony In Suit': "Singlaub's attorney, Thomas Spencer. Hall said he will not testify to protect his boss, whom he called a hero. Avirgan was injured in a 1984 news conference bombing [La Penca] in Nicaragua that he blames on the alleged conspirators. ... The suit was filed in May 1986, six months before the Iran-Contra affair became public and many of the names it brought to light have been indicted or appeared before congressional committees investigating that case."
*) This case appears to involve disinformation on behalf of the elite-backed Christic Institute. More info in ISGP's A History of CIA Drug Trafficking article. - April 10, 1994, Miami Herald, 'Blame the lawyer, then blame ourselves': "Attorney Thomas R. Spencer Jr., senior partner with the firm of Spencer & Klein, has practiced business law in Miami for 25 years. Spencer, who is currently defending Gen. Richard V. Secord in connection with the Iran-contra affair, wrote this article for The Herald."
- See note 69.
- *) Not on 1996 CNP membership list.
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part II ~ H - M: ... Pat Matrisciana -CNP Membership Roster (1999). Owner and president, Jeremiah Films which has produced over 60 documentaries including Pagan Invasion and No Second Chance; chairman, Citizens for Honest Government which produced The Clinton Chronicles, The Death of Vince Foster: What Really Happened? and Obstruction of Justice; Academy Award nominee. Citizens for Honest Government Board Member, Carol Steinke, also sits on the board of a Scientology front, Citizens Commission for Human Rights (CCHR). Pat Matrisciana produced a video against 60 Minutes after the latter's expose of Scientology." - December 1998, Daniel Hopsicker's, 'Inside Richard Mellon Scaife's Conspiracy', interview with Pat Matrisciana: "Political operative Pat Matriciana [sic], who created the Clinton Scandals (as a media property at least) with his hugely-successful, millions-selling, President-laming "Clinton Chronicles" video, is the guy who clued me in. Let me be frank: I'm not a fan of Bill Clinton. Its [sic] simple: I've been to Arkansas, and I have conscience. But what I saw of the other side, the Scaife faction, in this seemingly permanent state of vicious contention for power, the whole damn American politicial system should be arrested and charged with being run as an ongoing criminal enterprise. For five years there has been an organized drumbeat of allegations questioning Clinton's very legitimaticy as President. Clinton and his organization, which some have dubbed the Dixie Mafia, have been charged by Scaife's minions with drug smuggling and murder. These are slightly more serious charges than dry-humping interns. ... This [retreat from drug smuggling charges aty Mena by the Scaife group] came early last December, a full month before Monica Lewinsky came on-line. And clearly, now we all know why. Monica is easy. Republicans rarely have sex, and then only for procreation. That's why they're Republicans. ... I first met Matriciana one clear winter day early last December at the redwood-beamed Mission Inn in Riverside California. I was there because, as reported by Salon magazine, he had amassed a $3 million plus war chest from sales of the Clinton Chronicles video, a hugely successful propaganda vehicle, whatever the merits or lack of them of the film itself, in which drug smuggling and allegations about Vincent Foster's death are prominently featured. I was having lunch with the slightly-oily likes of Pat Matriciana because I needed to persuade him to part with a tiny portion of his $3 million war-chest to help promote video sales of a 2-hour TV special I had just produced, "The Secret Heartbeat of America." I needed to sell it straight to video because when we took it to our big dog friend in Hollywood, he came back with the painted expression, "This show will not air while Clinton's President," he informed us sadly. ... So I went to Matriciana looking for salvation, the same kind he had gotten from Jerry Falwell, who hawked the Clinton Chronicles on evangelistic television until it was as well-known as the Jerry Springer show. ... Pleasantries aside, he asked about our background. ... "So I finished high school out of Berkeley," I told him. "Now, Pat, my turn: mind if I ask you a question?" "Sure," he answered confidently, scanning the room, scanning the menu, smiling at someone he knew across the room. I shot it at him: "Are you Agency?" I meant, of course, was he from the Company. The good 'ol bad 'ol CIA. But this is, apparently, not considered a polite question, though god knows why not because before he answered he coughed, and looked surprised. Maybe he¹s just not all that used to direct address. But at the end of the meal he said to me that for some reason he¹d told me a lot more than he was planning to, so I guess it was a successful tactic. "I've been to Berkeley, too," his reply began. "I was 'detailed' to Berkeley in 1965, to establish a countervailing force to Mario Savio's Free Speech Movement. While there I founded the Campus Crusade for Christ." And then it was his turn to grin: "I invented," he told me proudly, "Jesus freaks."..... "I was detailed to Berkeley" For anyone who has ever suspected, in a dark paranoid moment, that our culture--especially in the 60's--was somehow psycho-managed by the CIA, Matriciana' s offhand admission is enlightening, because it was clear he was in earnest, and I had no reason to doubt that he was telling me the truth. To me, its implications for the current scandal are staggering. Because Matriciana, when he made the Clinton Chronicles, wasn¹t an independent producer toiling in anonymity. He was an intelligence operative for Richard Mellon Scaife, himself an intelligence operative, with longstanding ties to the Central Intelligence Agency." (accessed: February 1, 2000).
- September 13, 2009, YouTube upload by MDJarv, 'Jack McLamb admits CNP membership on air .... attended secret meetings w/James Dobson': "I went with James Dobson to a CNP meeting one time, Council on National Policy..."
- *) August 28, 2004, New York Times, 'The 2004 Campaign: The Conservatives; Club of the Most Powerful gathers in Strictest Secrecy': "The council [Council for National Policy] was founded in 1981, just as the modern conservative movement began its ascendance. The Rev. Tim LaHaye ... was a founder. His partners included Paul Weyrich..."
*) Tim LaHaye is listed in a CNP officer's list from 1993 as founding president 1981-1982. See document.
*), Institute for First Amendment Studies archive, 'CNP member directory': "LaHaye, Beverly. LaHaye, Lee. LaHaye, Tim."
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part II ~ H - M: ... Beverly LaHaye- CNP Board of Governors (1982); CNP Board of Governors (1996). Wife of Timothy LaHaye and member of the Editorial Board of the Christian Inquirer. Founder and Chairman of Concerned Women for America (CWA). [Miller 6] Member of Religious Roundtable Council of 56. ... Timothy LaHaye- CNP President (1981); CNP Board of Governors (1982; 1996); CNP Executive Committee (1984-85). ... member of the Executive Board of Moral Majority, a member of the Editorial Board of Christian Inquirer, and a member of the Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable. ..." - (accessed: January 9, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part 1 ~ A - G: ... Dr. Jerry Falwell - CNP Board of Governors (1982)..."
*) December 17, 1986, Washington Post, 'Reagan Doctrine's Passionate Advocate': "One key target of North's efforts within the movement was the Council for National Policy (CNP)... Among its members, paying a $ 5,000 fee, are Nelson Bunker Hunt, Joseph Coors, the Rev. Jerry Falwell..." - *) "M. G. "Pat" Robertson" is listed as a past president for 1985-1986 in a CNP officer's list from 1993. See document.
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part III ~ N - Z: ... Dr. "M.G." Pat Robertson - CNP Board of Governors (1982); CNP Executive Committee (1985-86)."
*) December 17, 1986, Washington Post, 'Reagan Doctrine's Passionate Advocate': "One key target of North's efforts within the movement was the Council for National Policy (CNP)... Among its members, paying a $ 5,000 fee, are ... Marion G. (Pat) Robertson..." - Most extensive sources on past Council for National Policy membership:
- CNP officer's list from 1993. See document.
- 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF)
- Those worth mentioning in the files above that have not been discussed in this article include neocon Richard V. Allen; CIA- and Moonie-connected journalist Arnaud de Borchgrave; Knight of Malta and Pilgrim. J. Peter Grace; William Casey friend, CIA deputy director and Moonie business partner Max Hugel; Contra fundraiser Woody Jenkins; top superclass member Jack Kemp; Senator Jon Kyl; Governor Bill Richardson; Kathleen Rothschild of the WACL; General Gordon Sumner of the Moonie-sponsored International Security Council; and the American Security Council's hawkish nuke scientist Edward Teller. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is listed in the 1996 membership list. - *) August 17, 1964, New York Times, 'H.L. Hunt: Magnat with a mission':"Mr. Hunt spent $150,000 to support ... Douglas MacArthur for the 1952 Republican Presidential nomination, $100,000 to back the Kennedy-Johnson ticket in 1960, and a wad of money to support the candidacy of Governor Wallace. ... One of Mr. Hunt's four sons says his father makes no contributions because "90 percent of the people he would support wouldn't be elected." ... [Hunt:] "I feel public affairs education--freedom education--is vastly more important than political action [contributions]." ... Mr. Hunt lists among those Americans whom he admires as patriots, Gen. Robert E. Wood [founder of the American Security Council] ... a member of the Life Line advisory board; Gen. A. C. Wedemeyer ... once a member of the John Birch Society advisory committee, and a Life Line advisory board member [Hunt's radio program]; Robert H. W. Welch, Jr., founder of the John Birch Society; Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker; Governor Wallace, Senator Goldwater and President Johnson. Mr. Hunt says he has met Mr. Welch and talked with him by telephone. But he says he is not a member of the John Birch Society and never has attended its meetings [but apparently did finance it and certainly his son was an important council member]. ... Leaflets around the Hunt Oil office promote two pro-Goldwater books that are being distributed by John Birch Society members. They are "A Choice Not an Echo," by Phyllis Schlafly, and "None Dare Call It Treason," by John A. Stormer... Other leaflets are promoting anti-Johnson books, including A Texan Look at Lyndon," by. J. Evatts Haley [JBS member; associate LBJ; about Billie Sol Estes' and his claim that LBJ was connected to a number of murders.]. ... Life Line was organized in September, 1958, as the successor by a charter amendment to Facts Forum, Inc. ... Mr. Hunt and Life Line have been accused of being anti-Negro, anti-Jewish, anti-Roman Catholic and antiunion. Mr. Hunt has enjoined Life Line from criticizing minority groups or unions. He says he does not believe any of them represent a threat to American society. ... Mr. Hunt, after spending $3,5 million of Facts Forum, folded the venture in November, 1956, without explanation."
- *) Nelson Bunker Hunt listed as CNP president 1983-1984 in a 1993 officers list. Mary Reilly Hunt is listed among the present 1993 governors. See document.
*) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part II ~ H - M: ... Herbert William Hunt- CNP Board of Governors (1982). Multimillionaire and brother to Nelson Bunker Hunt. In 1981, William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt provided the start-up money for the Council for National Policy. ... Mary Reilly Hunt - CNP Board of Governors (1996). Order of Malta, Education Committee; President, Mary Reilly Hunt and Associates, Inc. [unknown if related to the Hunt brothers] ... Nelson Bunker Hunt - CNP President Executive Committee (1983); CNP Senior Executive Committee (1983-84); CNP Executive Committee (1988)."
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Nelson Bunker Hunt - Dallas, Texas - Hunt Energy Corporatio"
*) In more recent years, at least from 2008 and on, Nelson Bunker Hunt again was a CNP council member.
*) September 27, 1987, New York Times, 'The Hunt Brothers': "For a time, in the 1960's, Bunker Hunt was the world's wealthiest man, worth an estimated $16 billion. ... the three Hunt brothers are still among the world's superrich, with interests in more than 200 trust funds, corporations, partnerships and personal property... In 1973, Bunker and Herbert were indicted on charges of wiretapping several former employees who the Hunts believed had cheated them. The conservative [Nelson] Bunker [Hunt] - he has been on the John Birch Society national council and was a financial backer of the Nicaraguan contras - hired a civil liberties lawyer who had previously represented the black militant H. Rap Brown. After telling their side of the story to a Texas jury, Bunker and Herbert were acquitted. (Bunker Hunt was also charged with obstructing justice in an attempt to cover-up the wiretapping; he pleaded nolo contendere.)" - September 13, 2009, YouTube upload by MDJarv, 'Jack McLamb admits CNP membership on air .... attended secret meetings w/James Dobson': "I went with James Dobson to a CNP meeting one time, Council on National Policy..."
- 2010, Max Blumenthal, 'Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party', pp. 89-90: "[James] Dobson remained determined to dislodge Gingrich from his post. At a February 1998 meeting of the Council for National Policy (CNP), Dobson sought to mobilize the Christian Right for another coup attempt. The CNP is a highly secretive group that brings together top right-wing activists with conservative moneymen to shape political strategy. Its membership lists are never disclosed, and its meetings are strictly off-the-record. But Dobson's speech to the CNP resounded beyond the walls of the Phoenix hotel where it was delivered. And although he not address Gingrich by name, Dobson's audience clearly recognized his target. After an introduction by Elsa PRince, the kindly mother of Blackwater founder Erik and widow of Focus on the Family financial angel Edgar, whom Dobson had eulogized at his funeral three years before, Dobson appeared at the podium. ... A month later, Dobson summoned twenty-five House Republicans for a meeting in the Capitol basement. There he restated his threats, pledging to bolt from the GOP unless Congress acceded to his far-reaching demands, from eliminating the Nation Endowment for the Arts to defunding Planned Parenthood."
- *) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part III ~ N - Z: ... Phyllis Schlafly - CNP Board of Governors (1982). Schlafly is Chairman of the CNP "Family" Committee, is the National Chairman of "Stop ERA" and National President of "Eagle Forum". Schlafly graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1944. She received her Masters Degree from Harvard university in 1945, and her Law Degree from Harvard University Law School in 1978. She is a member of the Illinois Bar Association, a syndicated columnist with Copley News Service, and has been author of the Phyllis Schlafly Report since 1967. In addition, Schlafly is the author of some nine books - the more famous being A Choice Not An Echo in 1964. The Gravediggers, also in 1964, and Strike From Space in 1965. The latter two were co-authored by Rear Admiral Chester Ward (Ret.) - for 16 years a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)!"
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Phyllis Schlafly - Saint Louis, Missouri - Eagle Forum."
*) Schlafly interviews on the Alex Jones Show: November 10, 2014. July 16, 2015. November 9, 2015. - March 19, 2000, Jeff Davis interview with Alex Jones at Mount Carmel, YouTube, 'Jeff Davis Interviews Alex Jones At Mount Carmel Church Rebuild March 19, 2000 - The Phoenix Project': "[JEFF DAVIS:] I know that you have been the main driver of the funding and that kind of thing. [ALEX JONES:] Well, it's historical, Jeff, because, let's face it, Judge Walter Smith is a phony, preselected by Bill Clinton to white wash the wrongful death suit, as he did in the criminal trial back in '93 and '94 when the Davidians were found not guilty. But this being the New World Order, America, he just wants to throw them all in jail because he felt like it. Now he is not allowing them to have a jury and wrongful death suit. ... So I said, "Look," six months ago, "let's step up to plate. Let's build a new church, a memorial church for those that died out here and the 19th we'll have all the sheet rock in and the air conditioners ... but basically the building will be done, except for a few particulars. ... If people want more information, they can go to the website or and Infowar is short for Information War and Admiral Moorer, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, just a few weeks ago, called for an information war and said that every American who is on the ball should know what is happening doesn't take action now ... we're gonna completely lose this country. [Feb. 28, 2000, WorldNetDaily, 'Admiral calls for citizen 'information warriors: Look to New Media for truth, says former joint chiefs chairman'] They're building prisons everywhere. They're merging the military and the police. Out in Austin the old Robert Mueller Airport, they've taken one of the hangars and put bolts and chains on the floor and barbed wire... It's getting weird." Webarchive shows that was first set up in November 1999.
- *) (accessed: January 9, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part 1 ~ A - G: ... Joseph F. Farah - CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1998, 1999)... founder and editor, WorldNetDaily, a full-service Internet newspaper..."
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "Joseph F. Farah - Fair Oaks, California" - February 28, 2000, WorldNetDaily, 'Admiral calls for citizen 'information warriors: Look to New Media for truth, says former joint chiefs chairman'.
- For sources, go to the Newsmax entry in ISGP's "Conservative CIA" oversight.
- *) ISGP's Cercle article: "The CIA's Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) also approached him to reconstruct and commercialize their organization. [Brian] Crozier, however, turned down this offer as he was too busy with his other undertakings. He later did a study for the CCF, investigating its South American network. Some time after that study, in 1965-1966, he reconstructed the CCFs Forum Service, turning it into Forum World Features (FWF). John Hay Whitney [of the Pilgrims Society] was the one who took over the financial burden of FWF from the CIA when it was commercialized. Another billionaire CIA associate, Richard Mellon Scaife, later took over funding of FWF from Whitney. Scaife also funded Crozier's Institute for the Study of Conflict (ISC), which he founded in 1970, and showed up at gatherings of the Foreign Affairs Research Institute, an anti-communist and anti-terrorist propaganda group headed by several British Cercle members, including Crozier."
*) In his 1993 book 'Free Agent' Brian Crozier discusses how he tried to obtain funding from the CIA, but instead the CIA referred him to Richard Mellon Scaife. I resold the book, but remember being amazed at the admission. - Scaife backing Ruddy.
- 2006, Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, pp. 387-389: "At the time of his death, [former CIA director] Bill [Colby] was working with Britain's Lord William Rees-Mogg, and his American sidekick, James Dale Davidson, publishing a series of newsletters, on international events, financial opportunities, and politics. In fact, he was working on an article for one of those newsletters when he died. Rees-Mogg and Davidson are strange birds. ... Rees-Mogg still writes a weekly column for The Times, and is one of the major contributors to the newsletter, Strategic Investment. At the time of his death, Bill had emerged as Strategic Investment's leading "gee-strategist," writing a lengthy front-page article in almost every edition. (Since Bill's death, another former CIA Director, Robert Gates, has been coopted into writing a number of articles, occupying the space formerly reserved for Bill's words of wisdom.) But on several occasions, when I saw Bill or spoke with him during the last year of his life, I'd ask him whether I should subscribe to his newsletter, or, whether he'd just give me a few copies to look over. He always told me not to waste my money. "... Don't believe a word you read in that newsletter I'm writing for." Strange. But, then again, Bill Colby spent his entire adult life in the shadow world of spies and counter-spies. Maybe his involvement with Rees-Mogg was more complicated than I ever speculated. On at least one point, I know there was a savage difference between Bill and Lord Rees-Mogg and his crowd. Rees-Mogg is one of the most vocal detractors of President Clinton and the First Lady, and often devotes his Times of London columns exclusively to tirades against the American President. Strategic Investment, which goes out to a predominantly American readership, contains non-stop assaults against the Clintons. Not only was Bill's wife, Sally Shelton Colby, in a senior position in the Clinton Administration, but Colby himself had emphasized to me, repeatedly, that Clinton was a great President, and that it was urgent that he be re-elected.
And then I recall another incident, which I barely noticed at the time, but which now stands out in retrospect. Together with Rees-Mogg, the most savage press hound attacking Clinton was one Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, a Briton who has spent hundreds of hours in Arkansas "investigating" the President, and writing streams of articles in The American Spectator, the British Daily Telegraph, and other papers, attacking Clinton. Evans-Pritchard once called me, urgently demanding a meeting. I had never heard of him before, and so asked Bill if he had ever heard of this fellow, "Evans-Prickard, or something," as I put it, barely recalling his name. Bill answered, rather ominously, as I now look back, "His name is Ambrose EvansPritchard. And, he said, "be very careful."
A week after our get-together, in which Bill spoke so enthusiastically about his work and his travels, he was dead-under the most unusual circumstances, his death officially labeled an "accident." I did not believe it then, and I do not believe it now. But I do believe what Bill said: "If it's done right, you will never know how it was done, or who did it." And so, my dear friend, I wish you a last good-bye. I will do my best to carry out the final tasks you assigned me, as I always did, so many years ago, as a Combat Infantry Captain under your command, in the rice paddies and hamlets of Vietnam." - January 19, 2002, World Net Daily, 'Was FBI early arrival in Oklahoma City?': "The FBI's top counterterrorism agent checked into an Oklahoma City hotel nearly nine hours before a truck bomb nearly leveled the Alfred P. Murrah Building, according to a receipt obtained by WorldNetDaily, despite claims that he was in Texas the morning of the attack. The Embassy Suites Hotel receipt of Danny Coulson, then-director of the FBI's Terrorist Task Force and founding commander of the bureau's Hostage Rescue Team was dated April 19, 1995, with a check-in time of "00:20" – military time for 12:20 a.m. (Editor's note: His last name is spelled "Coulsen" on the receipt, but it indicates he is with the "FBI," located at "50 Penn Place, Suite 1600; OKC, OK.") The truck bomb exploded at 9:03 a.m., devastating half the building and killing 168 men, women and children. According to the receipt, Coulson checked out of his hotel – room 406 – April 27 at 11:16 a.m. The existence of the receipt and subsequent questions it raises surrounding the FBI's official denial of prior knowledge of the OKC bombing was first reported by J.D. Cash of the McCurtain (Oklahoma) Daily Gazette – a small-town paper that has been out in front of scores of OKC-related stories. "Since the bombing, officials at the Department of Justice have repeatedly assured victims that the FBI had no prior knowledge of any plot to bomb the Murrah federal building," the paper said Wednesday. However, "evidence of Coulson's clandestine trip fits squarely with a substantial body of details found in hundreds of pages of other official documents obtained [via Freedom of Information Act requests] by" the paper – "evidence revealing weeks of planning by an elite corps of drug and counterterrorism experts who were closely monitoring members of various far-right groups they considered religious extremists and threats to the safety and security of the nation." WorldNetDaily reported June 1 that Ricardo "Rick" J. W. Ojeda, a former FBI special agent involved in the original Oklahoma City bombing investigation, was given details of a relationship between convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh and members of a white supremacist group that may have helped McVeigh carry out the attack. McVeigh was put to death 10 days later. His accomplice, Terry Nichols, is facing state charges in Oklahoma for his role in the bombing after having been convicted in 1997 on federal charges. In his 1999 book, "No Heroes: Inside the FBI's Secret Counter-Terror Force," authored with Time magazine's Elaine Shannon, Coulson said he was in Dallas the morning of the Murrah attack. He said he and his wife were house-hunting and staying with friends: "We were finishing up breakfast with some old friends in Fort Worth when we heard the first news bulletin, something about a big explosion up in Oklahoma. … My pager went off, displaying a number I knew by heart. "It's the SIOC," I said. The Strategic Information and Operations Center at the Hoover Building in Washington. John O'Neil, the headquarters official in charge of domestic terrorism investigations, answered. His voice was flat. "I guess you heard a bomb went off in Oklahoma City. 9:02 a.m." "Yes, it's all over the news." "A lot of people have been killed and injured. We don't know what we have. Ricks needs help. Can you catch the next flight?" "We're right in the middle of thunderstorms," I said. "Nobody in Texas is getting on a plane. I'll drive. …" But according to the Gazette's investigation – aided by the discovery of the hotel receipt – Coulson was apparently already in OKC, "tied to an FBI investigation that … was part of a highly sensitive operation that few outside the criminal division of the FBI knew existed until long after it was disbanded." That operation, allegedly begun by then-Attorney General Janet Reno in August 1994, was dubbed VAAPCON, assigned the number MC-111 (Major Case 111) and was aimed at investigating "the so-called religious right in America and possible ties to violent acts," the paper said. Cash said he was unclear what VAAPCON meant, but he believes it has something to do with a Reno initiative to investigate violence against abortion providers. The paper also noted that Coulson referred to MC-111 as his initial reason for going to Oklahoma City, using the case number in a May 16, 1995, report filed he filed with the bureau. Others have also tied McVeigh and Nichols to white supremacist groups. WND reported June 27 that Indiana State University criminologist Mark Hamm, in a book published last fall, named former Aryan Republican Army member Mark Thomas, originally of Pennsylvania, and other members of his group as alleged coconspirators. Based on court records and other evidence, WND also reported similar connections May 30. Others, however, have said they believe McVeigh and Nichols were tied to Middle Eastern terrorists. Jayna Davis, a former investigative reporter for the NBC affiliate in Oklahoma City told Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly May 14 that she had gathered massive evidence pointing to a conspiracy between McVeigh, Terry Nichols and Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization. Davis said last year that she took her evidence – including hundreds of court records, 24 sworn witness affidavits and reports from law enforcement, intelligence and terror experts – to the FBI, which refused to accept the material or the leads. Some details may never be revealed. For example, travel records and vouchers for Coulson and fellow FBI agent Larry Potts, also assigned to investigate the OKC bombing, were listed as "missing," according to documents examined by WND. One for Coulson, in the amount of $1,313.80, was dated the day of the explosion – "4-19-95." "After this many years, the National Archives regularly disposes of these kind of records," FBI spokeswoman Barbara Miller told the Gazette.""
- March 11, 2002, Geoff Metcalf for World Net Daily, 'So where is the plane?': "Recently, an interesting French website [of Thierry Meyssan] has been asking questions about the crash of American Airlines Flight 77, which reportedly crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11. ... Click on the French link and let us know what you think. I have also viewed the MSNBC footage over two dozen times and I still can't see the plane. Can you?"
- *) February 19, 2011, WorldNetDaily, 'The Ten Commandments of the Anti-Christ: Exclusive: Ellis Washington analyzes progressive principles of George Guidestones': "In his 2008 documentary “Endgame: Elite’s Blueprint for Global Enslavement,” conspiracy theorist Alex Jones states his belief that the Georgia Guidestones were built by representatives of a secret society called the Rosicrucian Order or Rosicrucians, which call for a global religion, world courts and for population levels to be maintained at around 500 million, over a 6.5 billion reduction from projected levels in 2011. These Ten Commandments of the Antichrist are a veritable primer for 130 years of progressive policies and social engineering. With “commandments” 1, 2 and 10 in mind, could the Georgian Guidestones be a blueprint for a future progressive utopia where the majority of the world’s population is eradicated while the progressive elites live and rule in peace? Echoing Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, could the progressive revolution be one giant pivot away from society’s reliance on Christianity, Western civilization and Natural Law, or what Nietzsche called the “slave morality,” toward the “master morality” and Darwin’s brutal survival of the fittest? The leitmotiv is always the same: Humans are a cancer upon the earth and should be culled to maintain balance with nature. The term culling deals with a farmer selecting for slaughter certain animals from the herd that have undesirable characteristics. While this method acceptable for animals, what happens to society when human beings are culled for having undesirable characteristics? Geologist Dr. Leuren Moret informed Ventura of the uranium that occurs naturally in bedrock groundwater..."
*) January 7, 2013, WorldNetDaily, 'TSA Critic Alex Jones Detained by TSA: Threatened with arrest for refusing to take off his shoes': "Traveling to New York to appear on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, Jones had already showed his ID as he approached the metal detector. Jones and colleague Rob Dew noticed that a large number of people across all age ranges were not removing their shoes as they walked through the metal detector. The x-ray body scanners were not in use. As soon as he approached security, Jones was addressed by a TSA screener who said, “Hello Mr. Jones,” indicating that she knew who he was, and immediately ordered him to remove his shoes. When Jones refused, citing the fact that innumerable other people had not removed their shoes, the TSA screener claimed that only under 12′s and over 75′s were not mandated to remove footwear under TSA policy."
*) January 14, 2013, John Rocker for WorldNetDaily, 'Emulate Alex Jones': "It’s fitting that one of the few individuals to make a public stand against the gun-grab, and President Obama’s lapdog media, has been the incredibly outspoken and confrontational Alex Jones. Now, there are many areas where Alex Jones, the host of “The Alex Jones Show” and man behind, and I disagree politically, but having appeared on his show before I can say that his stance for freedom, American sovereignty and the Second Amendment deserves not just respect but emulation." - *) February 15, 1999, WorldNetDaily, 'Is the Army Invading Texas?': "One Texas police chief has complained of attempts to bribe him into letting the Army Delta Force into his town for training exercises. Other Texas towns have seen recent exercises as part of Operation Last Dance, and complaints from citizens are numerous. “End runs were done around various community leaders,” San Antonio Chief of Police Al Philipus told Austin radio talk show host Alex Jones, on assignment from WorldNetDaily. He was asked to host the exercises last May, but refused. ... “Then offers were made to give money, cash money to elected officials’ charities if they could get us to change our minds. As one of my deputy chiefs said, in some circles, that’s called bribery.”"
*) February 15, 1999, WorldNetDaily, 'Fear and Loathing in Kingsville, Texas': "Austin radio station talk show host Alex Jones went to Kingsville to investigate for WorldNetDaily. He arrived just in time to find work crews covering up the evidence of the extensive damage caused by the exercise. A former police station and an old Exxon office building were nearly destroyed. Evidence of bullet holes in walls, explosions from grenades, and other explosive charges could be seen. Fire damage was also extensive in at least one of the buildings. “There was a joint training session between the United States Army and the Kingsville Police Department,” Lt. Judy Hayes, third in command at the Kingsville police told Jones. ... Throughout the interview with Jones, two men in black SWAT team uniforms stood behind her. Jones believes it was an attempt to intimidate him. The Kingsville Fire Department was not given notice of the exercise, and it was not invited to participate in the alleged hazardous materials training, even though it would be called in if there were a real even of that kind. The fire department spokesman claimed officials were not aware of the event until they were called to respond to the telephone pole fire and the fire at the former police station. An elderly lady who lives in an apartment across from where the exercise took place told Jones that she was frightened to death and crying. She was sitting on a bench in full view of the area where the helicopters first appeared and where all the shooting took place. ... She described seeing many black helicopters with men in black coming out of them. She heard explosions and apparently machine gun fire. She said it lasted at least two hours." - February 15, 1999, WorldNetDaily, 'Is the Army Invading Texas?': "Operation Last Dance began Feb. 8 with an explosive exercise in Kingsville, Texas, near Corpus Christi. Community leaders have come under heavy criticism from residents who were badly frightened when Night Stalkers fired live rounds and set off explosions very close to innocent civilians. Army spokesmen have confirmed plans to continue with additional exercises in the Corpus Christi area until Feb. 20. Several reports of military activity throughout the area have been received by WorldNetDaily. The town of San Augustine had an unconfirmed military exercise within the past few days. Residents report they were frightened by black helicopters at night. Further details were unavailable, and local officials could not be reached last night. A confirmed exercise took place on Friday in the little town of Port Aransas. The mayor there claims he knew nothing of the exercise until it happened. Port Aransas Mayor Glenn Martin said he did not know what to say to the many angry residents who were calling to complain. Port Aransas is just outside Corpus Christi, and has a population of just over 2,000. The soldiers involved come from Ft. Bragg Army Special Operations. Military sources told WorldNetDaily the specific group is called the Night Stalkers, an elite group from the Delta Force. They are a secret group trained to get into an area quickly, kill, and get out."
- The Newsmax reports about Alex Jones don't resort to ridicule, as is the norm for the mainstream media. It makes for rather pleasant reading to be honest:
*) January 8, 2013, Newsmax, 'Who is Alex Jones? Radio Host, Conspiracy Theorist, Piers Morgan Combatant': "This isn't the first time Jones has surfaced with extreme philosophies about the world. And all things considered, he’s a pretty interesting guy. Though he has hypothesized that the government was behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, he says he’s not a conspiracy theorist."
*) January 9, 2013, Newsmax, 'Fact Check: Gun Stats Piers Morgan Used To Fight Off Alex Jones Questioned': "During the Monday night appearance, Jones nearly lost control in a tirade that referenced the revolutionary spirits of 1776. Meanwhile, Morgan touted a statistic that there were only 35 gun murders in Great Britain in 2011, a country where guns have been banned for nearly 15 years. Morgan put that number up against the 11,000 he said occurred in the U.S. during the same time period. "Do you understand the difference between 35 and 11,000?" Morgan asked Jones. ... Those numbers aren’t accurate, reported Ben Swann of Fox 19 in Cincinnati. According to FBI crime statistics that Swann pulled, there were 12,664 U.S. homicides during that period and only 8,583 were caused by firearms. And 660 of those incidents were reported by the FBI as justifiable homicides. The number Morgan cited for Britain was also inaccurate, off by about the same margin of error. In 2011, that nation of 62.6 million saw 59 gun-related homicides in 2011. Swann, noting that Morgan claimed there was less crime in Britain because there were fewer guns, pointed out that the U.S. has the highest gun-ownership rate in the world, but sits at number 28 in the world for gun homicides. However, Britain ranked as the most violent nation in the European Union, Swann reported, though gun deaths were statistically lower. There were 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people in Britain compared with the U.S. rate of 466 violent crimes per 100,000 people."
*) June 10, 2013, Newsmax, 'Alex Jones: BBC Disrupted by Conspiracy Theorist on Bilderberg Conference': "Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist and radio show host behind, dominated a BBC television broadcast Sunday resulting in the show's host eventually telling him to "shut up" and calling him an "idiot." The interview was on the recent Bilderberg Conference held last Thursday at the Grove hotel in Watford, England. ... The show began with a BBC clip of protestors at the Bilderberg Conference, where we see Jones leading several dozen individuals with a loudspeaker as a ventriloquist and man dressed in a clown outfit voice dire warnings about the goings on within the secretive conference. Throughout the interview, Jones sporadically interrupts the host – legendary British journalist Andrew Neil, with whom he trades multiple insults, and repeatedly refused to allow the other guest, British columnist David Aaronovitch, to speak. The conspiracy theorist began the show by accusing the Bilderberg of being behind the launch of the Euro, which "was actually a Nazi German plan to take over countries economically," Jones contends. ... Reacting to Jones frequent outbursts, the show's host Andrew Neill told him to "shut up" adding, "you're the worst person I have ever interviewed" while telling viewers "we have an idiot on the program today." Jones answered with a drawn out screaming tirade. "Hey Listen, I'm here to warn people!" Jones exclaimed. "You keep telling me to shut up! This isn't a game! Our government in the U.S. is building Fema camps! You have an [inaudible] where they disappear people now. You have this 'arrest for public safety life in prison.'" As Neil concluded the show, Jones yelled: "Liberty is rising! Freedom will not stop! You will not stop freedom! You will not stop the republic! Humanity is awakening!!"" - Alexander Haig could be found on the board.
- 2001, Gene Lyons and Joe Conason, 'The Hunting of the President', pp. 14-17, 19-21: "All the odd incidents that marked the 1990 campaign, perhaps the most consequential, in the long run, was the reappearance of a raffish but persistent local character named Larry Nichols. Like Sheffield Nelson, he carried a personal grudge against Bill Clinton, and he apparently saw Nelson's campaign as a vehicle for retribution. ...
In 1988, Nichols, a husky onetime high school football star from Conway, Arkansas, who recorded advertising jingles for a living, had landed a new job as marketing consultant for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA), the state centralized public bonding agency [which served] as an engine for local economic growth.
Nichol's brief career at ADFA was ill-fated from the start. When the governor's chief of staff, Betsey Wright, heard that Nichols had been hired by the agency's director, and that he had specifically invoked her name to get the job, she was furious. She had in fact instructed personnel directors at other agencies who asked her about Nichols over the years that he was a political opportunist and a "dangerous con artist," to be hired under no circumstances. For some reason teh ADFA director hadn't thought to ask.
It soon became clear that Nichols was preoccupied with issues more global than the marketing of Arkansas municipal bonds. He started telling other ADFA employees that he was a CIA operative working on behalf of the Nicaraguan contras. The CIA bit was fiction, but the claim wasn't altogether phony because he had gotten involved with the Coalition for Peace Through Strength, an organization headed by retired general John Singlaub--one of marine lieutenant colonel Oliver North's secret money conduits in the Iran-contra affair.
In that capacity, Nichols accompanied Tommy Robinson, leader of the boll weevil congressional Democrats who sided with President Reagan on the issue of U.S. aid to the Nicaraguan rebels, on a "fact-finding" mission to Central America. (The mercurial Robinson, no stranger to eccentricity, later warned aides to keep their distance from Nichols, whom he regarded as "a nutcase.") Nichols subsequently teamed up with one of Darrell Glascock, a roguish political consultant from Louisiana who had run campaigns for Tommy Robinson and former GOP governor Frank White. A notorious "dirty tricks" operative, Glascock had once gotten caught sending an imposter to attend court-mandated drunk-driving classes in his place. [The two] sold videotapes for the touted purpose of raising money for the contra insurgency.
For five months, Nichols devoted himself to the Contra cause while drawing a state salary, until the Associated Press dicovered that he head taken his politics to work. In September 1988, the AP reported that since coming to ADFA, Nichols had placed 642 long-distance phone calls, at state expense, to contra leaders and politicians who supported them, principally Tommy Robinson. He had also made 390 calls to his business partner Glascock. At first, Nichols claimed that the calls--including his conversations with contra leader Mario Calero--had somehow promoted Arkansas bond sales. That pretense collapsed after reporters called the same telephone numbers and made inquiries.
Although Clinton was traveling abroad on a trade mission when the phone-call story broke, Betsey Wright made sure he learned about it immediately. "I woke him up in Asia in the middle of the night an told him to fire Nichols." Asked by reporters about Nichols's pro-contra activities, the governor said, "It looks to me like he could hardly have been doing anything else." The next day state officials forced Nichols to resign. He left protesting his innocence and complaining about the "knee-jerk liberal reaction from Governor Clinton."
Nichols's embarrassment didn't end there, however. Days after his firing, the AP discovered that Nichols faced "theft by deception" charges in two Arkansas counties. He had allegedly taken payments from electronics dealers for satellite TV equipment he never delivered. He avoided felony prosecution by promising to make restitution, but later declared bankruptcy and never paid up.
So when Larry Nichols called a press conference at the Arkansas state capitol on October 19, 1990, his credibility was not particularly high among the assembled reporters. He stood on the capitol steps, handing out copies of a $3 million libel lawsuit against Bill Clinton. ... The governor had misused ADFA funds for "improper purposes," his legal papers charged; appended was a list of five alleged Clinton mistresses upon whom those funds had supposedly been spent: ... Gennifer Flowers ... Lencola Sullivan, a former Miss Arkansas, and Elizabeth Ward Gracen, the 1983 Miss Arkansas and Miss America. Another was Clinton's press secretary, Susie Witacre, and the fourth was Deborah Mathis, a Little Rock newspaper columnist and former anchor of the state's highest-rated television news broadcast. She and Sullivan were black, adding the spice of interracial sex to the charges. ... Reporters who contacted the women heard vehement denials from all of them [Later information: Clinton and Flowers had sex at least once; Ward Gracen later acknowledged to have had sex with Clinton 1982 or 1983, but a friend claims it was rape]. Three of them hired lawyers and threatened to sue if their names were used. Considering Nichols's dubious reputation, every media outlet in Little Rock made the same decision: The women's names were not published, and the lawsuit was ignored or buried on the back pages. ...
Two days before Election Day, Nichols tipped his hand. At a meeting in a diner with Clinton press secretary Mike Gauldin, he offered to settle his lawsuit if the governor arranged to pay off the mortgage on his house and give him an additional $150,000. Gauldin brushed him off. ...
During the late summer of 1991, Bill Clinton announced that he would likely seek the Democratic presidential nomination in 1992 if Arkansas voters would release him from his campaign promise to serve a full term as governor. ...
Meanwhile, with her tape recorder running, Flowers began a new series of phone calls to Clinton a few days after he revealed his presidential ambitions. ... Clinton asked if she would be willing to sign an affidavit. "It'd be extremely valuable, if they ever do run anybody by me....," he said, "to have an on-file affidavit explaining, you know, you were approached by a Republican and asked to do that." Flowers never answered. Instead, according to her tapes, she replied with a coarse joke about what she would tell inquisitive reporters. "I'll just tell them you eat good pussy." Whether Clinton actually heard that remark is unclear; again, there was a glitch on the tape. Printed transcripts describe his next six responses as inaudible."
*) April 22, 1988, Los Angeles Times, 'Cox Gets His Nicaraguan, but It's Mario, Not Adolfo': "In an area of Southern california renowned for its conservatism, where President Reagan's loyalty to the Nicaraguan Contras is not widely questioned, Cox had hoped to score points by bringing Contra leader Adolfo Calero to town for a headline-grabbing campaign appearance. ... Carlos Rodriguez, Cox's Sacramento-based political consultant who helped arrange the scheduled visit, acknowledged late Thursday that the Contra leader was not coming and that his younger brother, Mario, would appear instead."
*) 1987, Jane Haapiseva-Hunter, 'Israeli Foreign Policy: South Africa and Central America', pp. 151-152: "Terrell also said that Adolfo Calero's brother Mario had been to Israel to buy 10,000 AK-47s, said to have been captured in Lebanon. Contra leaders that they normally obtained arms from Israel through the Israeli embassy in Guatemala. ... Yet in addition to the visit by Mario calero, at least one other high-ranking contra, Julio Montealegre, a Miami-based aide to Adolfo Calero, went to Israel seeking arms--specifically Somoza's last consignment, which Israel recalled just before the dictator fell. ... It is interesting that the contras, whose Washington backers tried so hard to portray as "democrats," considered themselves entitled to weapons paid for by Somoza. ...
Well before the Iran-contra operation began, in late 1984 and early 1985, Al Schwimmer, one of Israel's premier arms dealers, an initiator of the Iran arms sales involving Washington, and a close friend and special assistant to Prime Minister Shimon Peres, had "made an undetrmined number of sales to Israeli-owned weapons " to the contras. Ya'acov Nimrodi, who figured prominently in the arms-to-Iran dealings, also handled arms shipments financed with a donation of several million dollars, given by the Israeli government to the contras at the request of CIA Director Casey." - Throughout the 1990s Larry Nichols, Richard Mellon Scaife, Christopher Ruddy and CNP members Joseph Farah, Pat Matrisciana and Jerry Falwell were cooperating in undermining the Clinton presidency.
- Now, it is in these turbulent mud-slinging 1990s, that Alex Jones first becomes friends with CIA asset Larry Nichols of The Clinton Chronicles.
- June 2, 2006, Alex Jones speech at the '9/11: Revealing the Truth' conference in Chicago: "The sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty and I researched this. I've interviewed many of the JAG officers involved, like Captain [Ward] Boston, who later became Admiral Boston. They were told to cover it up. They had the full details of what happened. I've interviewed the now late chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas W. Moorer. I have also, of course, interviewed many of the other admirals that were involved there." If I remember correctly, Jones put excerpts of these interviews in one of his films, but I can't remember or quickly find out which one.
- June 8, 1997 memorandum, Admiral Thomas Moorer,, 'America's HIghest Ranking Naval Officer Admiral Thomas Moorer (1912 - 2004) Former Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Rejects the Israeli Excuse': "America's HIghest Ranking Naval Officer Admiral Thomas Moorer (1912 - 2004) Former Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Rejects the Israeli Excuse MEMORANDUM: From: Admiral Thomas H. Moorer Subject: Attack on the USS Liberty June 8, 1967 Date: June 8, 1997 I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. I have flown over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thousands of hours, searching for ships and identifying all types of ships at sea. The Liberty was the ugliest, strangest looking ship in the U.S. Navy. As a communications intelligence ship, it was sprouting every kind of antenna. It looked like a lobster with all those projections moving every which way. Israel knew perfectly well that the ship was American. After all, the Liberty's American flag and markings were in full view in perfect visibility for the Israeli aircraft that overflew the ship eight times over a period of nearly eight hours prior to the attack. I am confident that Israel knew the Liberty could intercept radio messages from all parties and potential parties to the ongoing war, then in its fourth day, and that Israel was preparing to seize the Golan Heights from Syria despite President Johnson's known opposition to such a move. I think they realized that if we learned in advance of their plan, there would be a tremendous amount of negotiating between Tel Aviv and Washington. And I believe Moshe Dayan concluded that he could prevent Washington from becoming aware of what Israel was up to by destroying the primary source of acquiring that information the USS Liberty. The result was a wanton sneak attack that left 34 American sailors dead and 171 seriously injured. What is so chilling and cold-blooded, of course, is that they could kill as many Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperate in quelling any public outcry. I have to conclude that it was Israel's intent to sink the Liberty and leave as few survivors as possible. Up to the point where the torpedo boats were sent in, you could speculate on that point. You have to remember that the Liberty was an intelligence ship, not a fighting ship, and its only defensive weapons were a pair of 50-caliber machine guns both aft and on the forecastle. There was little the men could do to fight off the air assault from Israeli jets that pounded the Liberty with bombs, rockets, napalm and machine gun fire for 25 minutes. With the Liberty riddled with holes, fires burning, and scores of casualties, three Israeli torpedo boats closed in for the kill. The second of three torpedoes ripped through a compartment at amidships, drowning 25 of the men in that section. Then the torpedo boats closed to within 100 feet of the Liberty to continue the attack with cannons and machine guns, resulting in further casualties. It is telling, with respect to whether total annihilation was the intent, that the Liberty crew has reported that the torpedo boats' machine guns also were turned on life rafts that were deployed into the Mediterranean as well as those few on deck that had escaped damage. As we know now, if the rescue aircraft from U.S. carriers had not been recalled, they would have arrived at the Liberty before the torpedo attack, reducing the death toll by 25. The torpedo boat commanders could not be certain that Sixth Fleet aircraft were not on the way and this might have led to their breaking off the attack after 40 minutes rather than remaining to send the Liberty and its crew of 294 to the bottom. Congress to this day has failed to hold formal hearings for the record on the Liberty affair. This is unprecedented and a national disgrace. I spent hours on the Hill giving testimony after the USS Pueblo, a sister ship to the Liberty, was seized by North Korea. I was asked every imaginable question, including why a carrier in the area failed to dispatch aircraft to aid the Pueblo. In the Liberty case, fighters were put in the air not once, but twice. They were ordered to stand down by Secretary of Defense McNamara and President Johnson for reasons the American public deserves to know. The captain and crew of the Liberty, rather than being widely acclaimed as the heroes they most certainly are, have been silenced, ignored, honored belatedly and away from the cameras, and denied a history that accurately reflects their ordeal. I was appalled that six of the dead from the Liberty lay under a tombstone at Arlington Cemetery that described them as having "died in the eastern Mediterranean," as if disease rather than Israeli intent had caused their deaths. The Naval Academy failed to record the name of Lt. Stephen Toth in Memorial Hall on the grounds that he had not been killed in battle. I intervened and was able to reverse the apparent idea that dying in a cowardly, one-sided attack by a supposed ally is somehow not the same as being killed by an avowed enemy. Commander McGonagle's story is the stuff of naval tradition. Badly wounded in the first air attack, lying on the deck and losing blood, he refused any treatment that would take him from his battle station on the bridge. He continued to direct the ship's defense, the control of flooding and fire, and by his own example inspired the survivors to heroic efforts to save the ship. He did not relinquish his post until hours later, after having directed the crippled ship's navigation to a rendezvous with a U.S. destroyer and final arrival in Malta. I must have gone to the White House 15 times or more to watch the President personally award the Congressional Medal of Honor to Americans of special valor. So it irked the hell out of me when McGonagle's ceremony was relegated to the obscurity of the Washington Navy Yard and the medal was presented by the Secretary of the Navy. This was a back-handed slap. Everyone else received their medal at the White House. President Johnson must have been concerned about the reaction of the Israeli lobby."
-, 'Declaration of Ward Boston, Jr., Captain, JAGC, USN (Ret.): Counsel to the U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry's investigation into the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty'. Download PDF.
- 1984, American Security Council, Strategy Board lists Admiral Thomas Moorer, along with General John Singlaub and James Angleton. See American Security Council article for details.
- 1983, Western Goals Foundation officers list (photocopy).
- Cercle list: 1985 Washington D.C. (photocopy); Adrian Hanni (Admiral Moorer went again in 1987). See Le Cercle article for details.
- June 8, 2005, Counterpunch, 'Strange Bedfellows': "Within the offices of the National Security Council, and on secret missions to China, Kissinger's briefcases were rifled and his burn-bags ransacked. In all, perhaps a thousand top-secret documents were stolen and transmitted to Moorer's office (if not elsewhere, as well) by Yeoman Charles Radford, a young Mormon acting on orders of Adm. Robert Welander. Here, matters become a bit incestuous. Admiral Welander was an aide to Moorer. But he was also a mentor of Lt. Bob Woodward, whose commander Welander had been aboard the USS Fox. Reportedly, it was at the urging of Welander—who had yet to be implicated in "the Moorer-Radford affair"—that Woodward extended his tour of duty in 1969, going to the Pentagon to serve as Communications Duty Officer to then-CNO Tom Moorer. In that capacity, Woodward presided over the CNO's code-room, reading every communication that went in and out, while acting, also, as a briefer and a courier. This, he tells us, is how he met Deep Throat, while cooling his heels outside the Situation Room in the White House. It was 1970 and, according to Woodward, Mark Felt was sitting in the next chair. The Moorer-Radford affair is not usually considered a part of the Watergate story, though it deserves to be."
- Ibid.: "According to the yeoman himself, his "superiors" were of the opinion that Kissinger's foreign policy was "catastrophic" by design. His own espionage activities, he said, were intended to defeat a conspiracy conceived by "the Rockefeller family" and orchestrated by the Council on Foreign Relations. The purpose of this supposed conspiracy, Radford said, was to win the Soviets' cooperation in guaranteeing the Rockefellers' "continued domination" over the world's currencies. In return for this, Nixon and Kissinger were to construct a foreign policy that would ensure eventual Soviet hegemony and a one-world government. (3) Yikes! It's almost enough to make you feel sorry for Nixon. But not quite. It wasn't just Donald Stewart who was worried about a Seven Days in May scenario. The CIA, which was also spying on the White House, as well."
- Ibid.
- June 23, 1972, Nixon White House Tapes, discussion between President Nixon and his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman: "[Haldeman:] But the way to handle this now is for us to have [CIA deputy director Vernon] Walters call Pat Gray [FBI acting director from May 3, 1972, a day after Hoover's death, until April 1973] and just say, "Stay the hell out of his. This is--there's some business here we don't want you going any further on." That's not an unusual development. And that would take care of it. [President Nixon:] What's the matter with Pat Gray? You mean he doesn't want to? [Haldeman:] Pat does want to. He doesn't know how to, and he doesn't have any basis for doing it. Given this, he will then have the basis. He'll call Mark Felt [FBI deputy associate director under associate director Clyde Tolson, Hoover's lover whose health was failing, and director Hoover since July 1971; Felt's purpose was to rein in the power of William Sullivan, who reportedly carried out the FBI's blackests operations, including the assassination of Martin Luther King and assisting in the JFK and RFK assassinations; took over all of Hoover's incriminating files after his death in May 1972 and hit them from new acting director L. Patrick Gray; Felt was effectively in charge of the FBI due to the continued absences of Gray at the office; in 2005 Felt was confirmed as deep throat, the person who informed the papers about Nixon's ties to the Watergate break in] in, and the two of them--and Mark Felt wants to cooperate because he's ambitious. He'll call them in and say, "We've gotten a signal from across the river to put the hold on this." And that'll fit rather well because the FBI agents who are working the case, at this point, feel that's what it is: this is CIA. ... Well, [only] if they will [cooperate can we keep covering this up]. But then we're relying on more and more people all the time. That's the problem. And it does stop if we could, if we take this other step [of contacting the CIA]. [Nixon:] Alright. Fine. [Haldeman:] And they seem to feel the thing to do is to get them to stop. And they say the only way to do that is a White House instruction, and that it's got to be to [Richard] Helms and, what's his name? Walters. And the proposal would be that Ehrlichman and I call them in and say... [Nixon:] Alright. Fine. How do you call them in? I mean you just--well, we protected Helms from one hell of a lot of things. [Haldeman:] That's what Ehrlichman says. [Nixon:] Of course, this Hunt, that will uncover a lot of things. You open that scab there's a hell of a lot of things and we just feel that it would be very detrimental to have this thing go any further. This involves these Cubans, Hunt and a lot of hankypanky that we have nothing to do with ourselves. ... [Nixon:] [Mitchell] didn't know how it was going to be handled though [I think] -- with Dahlberg and the Texans and so forth? Well who was the asshole that did? Is it Liddy? Is that the fellow? He must be a little nuts. [Haldeman:] He is. [Nixon:] I mean he just isn't well screwed on is he? Is that the problem? [Haldeman:] No, but he was under pressure, apparently, to get more information, and as he got more pressure, he pushed the people harder to move harder -- [Nixon:] Pressure from Mitchell? [Halderman:] Apparently. [Nixon:] Oh, Mitchell. Mitchell was at the point (unintelligible) [that you made on this, that exactly what I need from you is on the... [Haldeman:] [Operation][Gemstone] Yeah. [Nixon:] All right, fine, I understand it all. We won't second-guess Mitchell and the rest. Thank God it wasn't Colson. [Haldeman:] The F.B.I. interviewed Colson yesterday. ... the F.B.I. guys working the case concluded that there were one or two possibilities... they think it was either a White House operation and they had some obscure reasons for it -- nonpolitical, or it was a Cuban and the C.I.A. And after their interrogation of Colson yesterday, they concluded it was not the White House, but are now convinced it is a C.I.A. thing... [Nixon:] Well, not sure of their analysis, I'm not going to get that involved. I'm (unintelligible). [Halderman:] No, sir, we don't want you to. [Nixon:] You call them in. [Haldeman:] Good deal. [Nixon:] Play it tough. That's the way they play it and that's the way we are going to play it. ... [Nixon:] OK., just postpone (scratching noises) (unintelligible) just say (unintelligible) very bad to have this fellow Hunt, ah, he knows too damned much, if he was involved -- you happen to know that. If it gets out that this is all involved, the Cuba thing it would be a fiasco. It would make the C.I.A. look bad, it's going to make Hunt look bad, and it is likely to blow the whole Bay of Pigs thing which we think would be very unfortunate - - both for C.I.A. and for the country, at this time, and for American foreign policy. Just tell him to lay off. Don't you? [Halderman:] Yep. That's the basis to do it on. Just leave it at that. [Nixon:] I don't know if he'll get any ideas for doing it because our concern political (unintelligible). Helms is not one to (unintelligible) -- I would just say, lookit, because of the Hunt involvement, whole cover basically this."
Helms and Walters refuse to cooperate with the request of Nixon and Halderman, however. And the FBI keeps looking into the case. - June 20, 2012, The Washingtonian, 'The Bartender's Tale: How the Watergate Burglars Got Caught': "While much of the story following their arrest is familiar—from the intrepid work of Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein and the secret tips of the anonymous source Deep Throat to the resignation of President Richard Nixon—the actual story of how the burglars were arrested has never been told. ... A number of break-ins and attempted break-ins at DNC headquarters in the Watergate had been reported in the weeks leading up to that June night. Security guards had periodically found tape on interior doors, put there to keep them from locking—but applied horizontally and therefore easy for security to spot and remove. The bright boys on the Watergate break-in team just kept replacing the tape. In fact, several doors up the stairwell had been taped in such ham-fisted fashion. The guard that night, Frank Wills—after removing the tape only to find it replaced 20 minutes later—had phoned in a report of "suspicious circumstances" to DC police just before 2 am. The undercover cops pulled up in front of the Watergate in their unmarked car and sauntered in. The three officers thought nothing odd at this point. Hell, most of the calls they received were false alarms anyway. The officer in charge that night, Sergeant Leeper, had on a golf hat and an old jacket bearing a George Washington University logo. At 33, he was a ten-year veteran of the force. Across the street in the Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge, a "spotter" for the burglars, Alfred C. Baldwin III, was glued to the TV watching a horror movie, Attack of the Puppet People, on Channel 20—oblivious to the situation developing across the street. Baldwin was holed up in a disheveled seventh-floor room with a window facing the Watergate. If squad car 80 had been in service and pulled up in front of the Watergate with lights flashing, siren wailing, and a uniformed police officer emerging from it, that surely would have pulled Baldwin's attention away from the horror movie and likely given him time to notify the five burglars via walkie-talkie so they could have escaped and the illegal entry gone unnoticed. Instead, by the time Baldwin noticed that things had gone awry across the street, it was too late. As Officer Barrett recalls, "We were up on the sixth floor of the DNC walking around with guns out" when Baldwin finally got on the radio and asked how Watergate burglar James W. McCord Jr. and his men were dressed. "We're wearing suits and ties," McCord replied. "Well," Baldwin said, "you've got a problem because there are hippie-looking guys who've got guns." ... The cops yelled, "Hold it! You're under arrest!" and five pairs of hands went up. One arrestee simply said, "You got us." The presence of five men—McCord, Frank A. Sturgis, Virgilio R. Gonzalez, Eugenio R. Martinez, and Bernard L. Barker—wearing business suits and surgical gloves and carrying electronic surveillance equipment as well as rolls of crisp, new $100 bills struck Leeper and Barrett as, well, weird. Also odd was that the burglars were all older men—in their late forties and early fifties. The officers had only two pairs of handcuffs, so four of the burglars were cuffed together and the other, Martinez, was simply escorted out. In the process, Officer Shoffler discovered a small spiral notebook in Martinez's jacket that had "White House" written in it. It was 2:10 am by the time the arrest eventually heard 'round the world was made. For quite a while, police reports noted it as "the burglary at Democratic National Committee, Sixth Floor, 2600 Virginia Ave., NW." It was some time before it was shortened to its infamous moniker, "Watergate.""
- April 30, 2012, The Guardian, 'Watergate: did Ben Bradlee doubt Woodward and Bernstein?': "But more striking is Himmelman's suggestion that Ben Bradlee, the pair's crusading editor at the Washington Post, harboured doubts about their famous accounts of meeting Deep Throat in an underground parking garage, arranging their encounters using a secret system of signals involving a flowerpot on the balcony of Woodward's apartment. Bradlee wonders: Did that potted [plant] incident ever happen? … and meeting in some garage. One meeting in the garage? Fifty meetings in the garage? I don't know how many meetings in the garage … There's a residual fear in my soul that that isn't quite straight. The stories you need to read, in one handy email Read more It should be noted for the record that Himmelman doesn't give any real reason for Bradlee's doubts about Deep Throat and flowerpots – but the moment when Himmelman confronts Woodward about them is gripping: Bob read silently for a while. "Where he's saying, 'There's a residual fear in my soul that that isn't quite straight,' what's …" He trailed off. He knew the news as soon as he saw it. Seven minutes after he'd started reading, he put the pages down and looked up at me. He was visibly shaken. "I'm not sure what …" he said, all vigor drained from his voice. Then, quietly: "What's the question?" Woodward disputes Himmelman's account, and, in a splendid bit of Watergateness, now claims that there is another as-yet-unrevealed Bradlee transcript that quashes any notion that the editor who ran the Watergate coverage might have doubted its truth. Still, Himmelman's piece is worth reading mainly for its generous servings of Ben Bradlee-isms..."
- 1991 version, (1979 original) Deborah Davis, 'Katherine the Great', p. 226: "In 1956, Ben and Toni Bradlee are part of a community of Americans who have remained in Paris after having been trained in intelligence during the war or in propaganda at the Economic Cooperation Administration. Many have now addressed themselves to fighting Communism, a less visible but more insidious enemy than Nazi-ism had been. Some of them, like Bradlee, are journalists who write from the Cold War point of view. Some are intelligence operatives who travel between Washington and Paris, London and Rome. In Washington, at Phillip Graham's salon, they plan and philosophize. In foreign cities, they do the work of keeping European Communism in check. Bradlee's childhood friend, Richard Helms, is part of this group."
- FDR's New Deal established a minimum wage, a maximum number of working hours, the abolishment of child labor, having a pension, and watchdog agencies for banks and corporations.
- *) November 1, 2005, [ASC president and CEO] John M. Fisher, 'History Milestones: American Security Council and American Security Council Foundation': "The result was the establishment of the Institute for American Strategy [the future American Security Council Foundation]. The first officers and directors were: ... Secretary, John M. Fisher [ASC president and CEO]; Chairman, National Military - Industrial Conference, General Robert E. Wood [founder and chair ASC]; Executive Director, Daniel Sullivan, Armour Research Foundation of the Illinois Institute of Technology; Program Director, Frank R. Barnett, Richardson Foundation. The initial funding of the IAS was a matching grant from the [CIA-linked] Richardson Foundation of $175,000 which was paid when the IAS raised another $75,000. ... The Institute for American Strategy (IAS) was organized to 1) manage the annual National Military - Industrial Conferences where, beginning in 1955, top military, business, education and organization leaders came togeth er in Chicago to analyze the growing threat of Communism and propose strategies to meet the challenge at all levels..."
*) 1960, Institute for American Security (later American Security Council Foundation) and the National Military-Industrial Conferences it oversaw (photocopy*) Blog of Gregg Hilton [of the ASCF board], 'A Brief History of the American Security Council': "Financial support for the National Military Industrial Conferences was provided by Sears, Roebuck and Company, Motorola, Marshall Field's, and Montgomery Ward's. The conferences would not have been possibly without a $50,000 grant from the H. Smith Richardson Foundation."
*) See American Security Council article for details. - December 7, 1981, Washington Post, 'Communications': "[Former U.S. Senator] Gale McGee ... has been named a member of the senior advisory board of Hill and Knowlton. He will serve on the committee with Douglas MacArthur II (nephew of the late general) ... Najeeb Halaby [FAA] ... Adm. Thomas Moorer ... and Edmond C. Smith [White House staffer]..."
- Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, pp. 178-179 (Feb. 2006 edition): "Said to be Harold Anderson's "closest friend in Washington," Gray is also reportedly a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA... Gray's associate [Edwin] Wilson was apparently continuing the work of a reported collaborator of Gray from the 1950's—McCarthy committee counsel Roy Cohn, now dead of AIDS. According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America's biggest cities, 'Cohn's job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn's job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.'"
- 1983, Western Goals Foundation officers list (photocopy).
- *) Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, pp. 277, 378-379, 384 (Feb. 2006 edition): "It is a little over four years since I, John DeCamp, wrote the words you have just read. My closest friend and mentor, Bill Colby, like so many others in the Franklin case, is dead; he was fished out of a river in front of his home, under the most questionable circumstances, in April 1996. ... In the new, final chapter of this second edition, I tell much more about my relationship to Bill Colby, who was, in my estimation, one of the greatest patriots this country has seen, from the time that he served as our country's Deputy Ambassador to South Vietnam (but, in reality, as CIA Station Chief), and recruited a young combat infantry captain named John DeCamp to be one of his chief assistants in Operation Phoenix, right through to his role in trying to blow open the Franklin cover-up. ... I vividly remember my first encounter with Colby-in the late 1960s. He discovered me by examining files of new, young officers being shipped to Vietnam, who might have "special talents." At that time, my ability to speak half a dozen languages [including Farsi, which he demonstrates in one of these videos]; my training in Airborne, Jungle, and Ranger Schools, as well as Vietnamese Language School, and the fact I was a graduated attorney when I was called into service. I volunteered for Vietnam as a Combat [unreadable] Captain, [unreadable] struck Colby's fancy-or at least his curiosity. Colby was officially deputy ambassador to South Vietnam at that time, but was in reality the CIA station chief. He ordered that when I showed up in Vietnam, I was to be sent directly to him. I was. Immediately, Bill immersed me in the planning of his own creation: a secret program which would later be one of the most controversial operations of the Vietnam War-the socalled Phoenix Program. Yes, it was controversial, brutal, and at times horribly handled. But by the admission of the North Vietnamese leadership after the war, it was also the singlemost effective, and most feared program the Americans carried out during the Vietnam war. It was Bill Colby, with his power and position as ambassador in Vietnam, in 1970, that made it possible for me to accomplish something never before done or after: to run for the position of state senator from abroad. I fought my entire election campaign from Vietnam, and won it-without ever setting foot on American soil. I ran and won, despite the fact that the top brass, from the Postmaster General, to the heads of the Army and Joint Chiefs of Staff, had tried to stop me, because I was saying, for the first time, that which Bill Colby and others thought needed to be told to the American people. That was: "Let us win or get out, but let's not keep conducting a charade, where we simply kill American boys to support a corrupt regime while the truth is hidden from the American people." Back in the States, years later, as I marched through my political life and began practice as a private attorney, I maintained the contact with Bill, and often sought his advice. He dared-when it was truly unpopular to do so-to come back to Nebraska and testify for me on controversial issues, such as the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in May 1986. ... I have very serious doubts about the description of Bill Colby's death that emerged from the police search and the subsequent coroner's inquiry. I do not possess any "secret information" about Bill Colby's final hours; I base my doubts on 25 years of near continuous contact and collaboration with the man, a collaboration which deepened in his final years. I knew Bill Colby very well; I knew his personal habits, his idiosyncracies. ... Furthermore, Bill had been the victim of a "robbery" in Washington, D.C., not too long before his death, in which he had been badly beaten, and easily could have died."
*) Youtube clip of an interview with Ted Gunderson, 'Ted Gunderson interviews John DeCamp', uploaded Dec 6, 2011: "[During the Franklin child abuse affair] I went and set down with my very good friend, mentor, and advisor, a guy with the name Bill Colby. ... He was the man I directly worked for in Vietnam [in the somewhat murderous Phoenix Project]. ... I sat down with Bill and to make a long story short, he told me to get the away from all this, that it was so much bigger and more dangerous and deadly and where it led and what it involved than anything that I had ever imagined. And that if I stuck around and do something about it, I'd get myself or my family probably killed. Or worse. ... [so DeCamp wrote a book and didn't dig too deep] ... One of the primary things Bill was doing the last years of his life - in fact, I was with him literally two weeks before his alleged falling out of canoe and dying. We had a very good chat. It was just after his 75th birthday. He was in the best health ever. He had just completeled a physical and was in he best health. ... He said: "I'll tell you what, John, either the last 5 years or the next 5 years [are the best years of my life]". I said, "Wait a minute, why?" "Because I'm really doing what I enjoy now. And even more than that, what I think can really make a difference." ... What he was doing now was traveling all over the world meeting with world leaders and top business leaders around the world and giving his analysis of where we were in the world, where they were, and how the pieces were fitting together. ... And that's what he enjoyed. ... So here I'm listening to the radio and television a couple of weeks later and supposedly he has violated every single rule that he followed all his life. In other words: walking out at night, canoeing [in bad weather], which he didn't particularly enjoy; leaving his food on the table, television and computers on. Come on! The man never had a hair out of place. ... You have to understand the character of a Bill Colby. Bill Colby was raised as a Catholic, super-strict. His entire life was rigidly following rules. ... So when they tell me that he goes out under these conditions, falls out of his canoe, then drowns and can't be found for ten days, and then ten days later, or whatever it is, they find him in the exact same spot where they've searched a thousand times but he wasn't there, then I say 'Ahah, right' and I say exactly what Bill always used to say: 'If it's done right, you will never know who did it or why.' ... I believe that for whatever reason he was a thorn in somebody's side and he had to be shut up." - *) Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, p. 171 (Feb. 2006 edition): "Bill Colby had ample reason to know the seriousness of the Franklin case. In secret, Colby had been hired a few months earlier by the Nebraska Legislature's investigative committee, to look into the single-engine plane crash, in which the Senate's private investigator, Gary Caradori, and his son were killed. [note: doesn't this alone sound like some kind of cover up or at the very least someone suspecting a top-level cover-up?] ... Squelching interest in an Iran-Contra connection to Franklin was also a topic of the hour, in that phone call I received from National Credit Union Administration official Fenner, back in the early months ofthe legislative Franklin probe. "Why would the head of the NCVA be wanting to talk to me?" I wondered out loud, when my secretary said that Fenner was on the line. The man on the other end of the phone said he knew I was a close friend of former CIA head Bill Colby, and that I also was Senator Loran Schmit's personal attorney. He quickly came to his point. "I know there are a lot of rumors, that Franklin was being used as a front for laundering money for the Contras and that a lot of the money that is missing from Franklin actually went to finance the Contras." I acknowledged that I had heard such talk, and told him, "I myself am one of those who wonder, if that is not a real possibility, in light of the way things have been shaking out on the Contra scandal." Fenner then gave me a flood of details on the secret Franklin accounts, and where the missing money supposedly went. No destinations linked with Iran-Contra were mentioned. "I know you recommended that Bill Colby be hired to investigate this matter," Fenner continued, "and that the committee rejected Colby. That was a big mistake. It is going to take someone of his ability and integrity, contacts and stature, to get to the bottom of this.""
*) Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, pp. 278, 343 (Feb. 2006 edition): "As a result of the first publication of The Franklin Cover-Up, as an attorney, I have become involved in some of the most famous legal cases now occurring in these United States, from cases involving the militia movement, to the Oklahoma City bombing, to the notorious Gordon Kahl shootout with U.S. Marshals, about which documentaries and movies have been made, to appearances before the U.S. Senate on all of these matters, including Ruby Ridge and Waco. I have appeared on all of the national TV networks, and on many national shows, such as Nightline with Ted Koppel, Good Morning America, CNN's Burden of Proof, America's Most Wanted, and others. So, I say, as I dedicate this second edition of The Franklin Cover-Up to my friend and mentor, William Colby... Then, certain [Oklahoma] bombing victims asked me to file civil litigation against whomever caused their injuries. Some of these victims were in hospitals at the time, severely injured, and able to speak only through writing notes to others to deliver to me. I immediately put together an investigative team to look at the event and to try to determine what had actually occurred. The head of that team was Ted Gunderson, the former Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the FBI's Los Angeles field office, who had had 800 agents working under him, and with whom I had collaborated in the Franklin case. Ted and his team arrived in Oklahoma before the dust had even settled from the explosion. Much later, after this initial work was completed, I became the attorney for a man named Hoppi Heidelberg, who was one of the federal grand jurors who had helped to indict Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols for the Oklahoma City bombing. Hoppi came to me because he believed the government planned to indict him for his work on the grand jury. It seems that"
*) 1996, Sherman Skolnick (note: a disinformative no-planer) for Conspiracy Nation, 'William Colby and CIA dirty tricks': "By 1995-96, matters intensified in which William Colby was implicated, in one way or another. The First National Bank of Cicero, dominated by mafia-CIA darling Bishop Paul Marcinkus, recent head of the Vatican Bank, had been taken over by Pinnacle Banc Group, the successor and alter ego of the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International. It was becoming more and more known, through items posted on Internet, and stories elsewhere, that the espionage operation, BCCI, dominated by CIA, had not, in fact, collapsed in July 1991; that Pinnacle was the new name and face. Four major, international news operations had the BCCI bribery list, how they bribed 25 percent of both houses of the U.S. Congress -- 28 U.S. Senators and 108 members of the House. Although the establishment news groups had the list and corroborated its validity, they decided not to go with it -- it would destabilize the U.S. central government. Strange, but the list, for 30 days, was a public record at the Bank of England! This writer received from a brave journalist the list and corroboration, and wrote a story about it in a right-wing paper in 1991. The publication received the list of names but deleted them from the published story. By 1995, the names were becoming more and more known and the result: an unusually large number of representatives and senators suddenly decided to resign, retire, and not run for re-election in 1996. Some of them had already arranged their re-election campaign literature. It was becoming more and more evident that former CIA Director William Colby was directly implicated in the dirty business -- now implicating the Clintons -- of Household International and Household Bank. Colby was reportedly directly involved in the BCCI/Pinnacle Banc Group espionage operations. The Roger D'Onofrio Affair in Italy [see CN 6.65] was not going away; he was a top American CIA official, residing in Italy, put under house arrest for being involved in arranging for the Vatican Bank, in conjunction with the Sicilian mafia, to launder dope and gun loot, smuggle gold, and sell nuclear bomb triggers to sworn enemies of the U.S. A member of the London Gold Pool, living near the First National Bank of Cicero, John Tarullo, was murdered in August 1995. His connections extended reportedly to the CIA, the Archbishop of Milan, the FBI Counter-Intelligence section, as well as the traditional Sicilian mafia. Tarullo's connections reportedly extended to Judy Baar Topinka, a close crony of the Bank [of Cicero] and Marcinkus; she was elected Illinois State Treasurer in 1994. Did the Vatican Bank now have their agent in charge of all the state public money of Illinois? (She praised that Bank and Marcinkus on this writer's public access cable TV show just prior to her election.) Also becoming clear was William Colby's role in trying to get an armlock on political dissent in the U.S. Notice the role of Colby's close crony John DeCamp, an attorney from Lincoln, Nebraska, in trying to throttle various financial possible scandals, such as Pinnacle Banc Group/BCCI, Household International, Household Bank, the Clintons and the strange death of National Security Agency operative Vincent W. Foster, Jr. at the time Foster was also a top Clinton White House aide. -- cronies of the so-called Independent Whitewater Counsel Kenneth Starr were reportedly trying to push John DeCamp to be in charge of Joseph Andreuccetti and his explosive group of court cases. Luckily, Joe [Andreuccetti] refused. -- John DeCamp reportedly played a role in attempting to control or manipulate Oklahoma Federal Grand juror Hoppy Heidelberg. Hoppy was attempting to persuade fellow grand jurors that the FBI and other federal authorities have to be compelled to bring before the grand jurors certain data about John Doe #2, or even #3, in respect to the Oklahoma City bombing case. A reputed government counter-intelligence agent, Lawrence W. Myers, became the chief investigative reporter -- if not actually the controlling force -- of a new, supposedly dissident publication, called Media Bypass magazine, that went from about 5,000 monthly circulation to near 50,000 in a very short time. The militia movement, the Freemen, the tax protester movement, and others like them, somehow got the impression that Media Bypass magazine spoke for them. Who checked Myers' background? He was reportedly highly skilled in counter-terrorism, an expert on bomb making, and had worked for the adjunct to CIA, namely, Wackenhut, on terrorist problems. Myers wrote four published books on bomb making including remote explosives detonators. The books were published by a reputed CIA proprietary, Palladin Press, reportedly supervised by William Colby and his cronies." - Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, p. 343 (Feb. 2006 edition): "Then, certain [Oklahoma] bombing victims asked me to file civil litigation against whomever caused their injuries. Some of these victims were in hospitals at the time, severely injured, and able to speak only through writing notes to others to deliver to me. I immediately put together an investigative team to look at the event and to try to determine what had actually occurred. The head of that team was Ted Gunderson, the former Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the FBI's Los Angeles field office, who had had 800 agents working under him, and with whom I had collaborated in the Franklin case. Ted and his team arrived in Oklahoma before the dust had even settled from the explosion."
*) Ted Gunderson has conducted an hours-long interview with primary Franklin Affairs victim-witness Paul Bonacci. He has also stated on multiple occasions that he is a good friend of John DeCamp. - *) Clint Murchison, Jr. was a board member of the very low profile company FIDCO company, which was filled with intelligence people, including Ted Gunderson's close friend Robert Booth Nichols. Investigative journalists Danny Casolaro and Carol Marshall saw FIDCO as a top player in "the Octopus".
*) 1994, Carol Marshall, 'The Last Circle': "But again I asked myself, why was an international arms dealer [Nichols] on the Board of F.I.D.C.O (First Intercontinental Development Corporation), a CIA front corporation, which offered three billion dollars to rebuild Beirut to President Amin Gamayel of Lebanon, whose chief of finances (Sami el Khouri) was shipping tons of heroin to Sicily for reexport to America, want to invest in "a method for induction and activation of cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes"?"
*) Directors of FIDCO consisted of the following principles:
- Robert Maheu, Sr. (FBI agent 1941-1947; as a CIA man working under Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell he ran an anti-Castro operation by enlisting mafia bosses Sam Giancana and John Roselli; CEO of Howard Hughes Operations; vice-president FIDCO);
- Michael A. McManus (assistant to the President Reagan);
- Robert Booth Nichols (born March 6, 1943; reportedly grew up a hitman for the Tong Yakuza in Hawaii; Reportedly laundered $50-200 million for Ferdinand Marcos; a FBI wiretap summary said Nichols used to be CIA and was linked to the Yakuza (as godson, business associate and former hitman for the intelligence-connected and to overseas Yakuza official Harold Okimoto in Hawaii, who in turn is said to have worked under Frank Carlucci) and to the Gambino crime family as a money launderer; CEO of R.B.N. Companies, International, a holding company for manufacturing and development of high technology electronics, real estate development, construction and international finance. Numerous U.S. and British intelligence links. chairman Meridian International Logistics (had Eugene Giaquinto of MCA - linked to drug trafficking - on the board; also Harold Okimoto), which had extensive business deals in Japan and Australia and also owned Meridian Arms of which Riconosciuto was vice president (Harold Okimoto and Glenn Shockley were directors); in partnership with Wackenhut and the Cabazon Indian Reserve, which developed all kinds of explosives, guns and was apparently involved in biological warfare research; Allan Boyak claimed Nichols' rum importing business a cover for Golden Triangle heroin import; named "Mr. Big" in the Medellin Cartel; claimed to have been asked to become minister of state security on Dominica, supposedly because the island was to become a CIA base; apparently tried to steal a government treasury bond for 2,500 metric tons of gold, worth $250 billion);
- George K. Pender (set up the architectural engineering division of General Aerojet Corp. in 1957; joined Burns & Roe Inc. in Oradell, N.J., as a sales representative in the 1960s; director of Pacific Ocean area of Burns & Roe, Inc., an international engineering & construction corporation with active projects on all seven continents of the world; said to be CIA; founder in 1970 and president and CEO of FIDCO; was most recently involved in a design engineering project in Cairo, Egypt; died in 1999);
- Kenneth A. Roe (chairman and president of Burns & Roe, Inc., a company his father had founded he joined in 1941; company involved in Project Mercury and Gemini space programs and built nuclear power plants; Burns & Roe Securacom was focused on security systems nuclear power plants and embassies);
- Frances T. Fox (former general manager of L.A. International Airport; former director of Aviation for Howard Hughes Nevada operations, now called Summa Corporation; city manager of San Jose, California.);
- Clint W. Murchison, Jr. (owner of the Dallas Cowboys NFL football team.); William M. Pender (licensed contractor, State of California.);
- Glen R. Shockley (Consultant to Fortune 500 Companies. Internationally known as financial consultant in funding. Partner in Meridian International Logistics, headed by Nichols. Said to be CIA. Said to have ran Jose Londono of the Cali Cartel.)
*) February 5, 2001, Insight on the News, 'The Plot Thickens in PROMIS Affair': "Booth Nichols also served on the board of First Intercontinental Development Corp. (FIDCO), a building/construction company. Among Nichols' corporate partners at FIDCO in the 1980s were Michael McManus, then an aide to President Reagan; Robert Maheu, former chief executive officer of Howard Hughes Enterprises; and Clint Murchison Jr. of the Murchison empire based in Dallas. Riconosciuto long has maintained that Booth Nichols and FIDCO were associated with U.S. intelligence agencies and used as a cutout. Again, whereas others summarily had dismissed this claim, the RCMP investigators pursued the lead, poring over documents from the long-abandoned Riconosciuto storage and in the files of U.S. law-enforcement agencies. For example, RCMP obtained FBI wiretap summaries of telephone conversations between Nichols and another of his then-partners in FIDCO, Eugene Giaquinto, who at the same time also was president of MCA Home Entertainment Division. The wiretap summaries reads like a who's who of alleged mob figures with close ties to the motion-picture industry. The Mounties also received substantial related information from classified internal FBI files."
*) 1994, Carol Marshall, 'The Last Circle': "On November 30, 1991, Ted Gunderson opened the door at his Manhattan Beach home and ushered us into a small living room cluttered with toys. He made no explanation for the toys scattered around the floor and the couch... A young woman, perhaps early thirties, entered the room brushing long blond hair, still wet from the shower... ... The following morning, at 7:30 a.m., I received a collect call from a man who identified himself as Michael Riconosciuto (pronounced Riconoshooto). Riconosciuto, calling from the Pierce County jail in Tacoma, Washington, said he had been informed by Gunderson that I was investigating a corruption/drug ring in Mariposa County. ... Ted Gunderson was one of the few "cooperating" witnesses at Michael's trial. Through his affidavit and testimony, Ted hoped to supply the defense with needed corroboration of Michael's covert government sanctioned activities. Unfortunately for Michael, Ted could not disclose numerous activities which had included Robert Booth Nichols. At one time Gunderson, Nichols and Riconosciuto had been inseparable, like the three musketeers. But, Nichols was currently under investigation by the Los Angeles FBI for alleged involvement in organized crime in the U.S. and abroad. Fortunately, however, Gunderson's resume added credibility to the provocative affidavit he entered into court on Michael's behalf. He had been Senior Special Agent in Charge (SAC) at Los Angeles FBI headquarters from 1977 to 1979 when he retired from the FBI and went to work as chief investigator for F. Lee Bailey, Esq. Prior to that, from 1960 to 1965, Gunderson was Special Agent Supervisor at FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.. Interestingly, amongst a prestigious list of positions nationwide, he was also SAC from 1973 to 1977 in Dallas, Texas (where he became friends with Clint Murchison, Jr., according to his livein partner, J.M.. J.M. stated in phone interviews that she and Gunderson attended parties with Murchison in Dallas, and Gunderson phoned him often from their Manhattan Beach home). ... I didn't mention that Riconoscituo had stated Kendall was Nichols' supervisor (CIA "handler"), or that J.M., Ted Gunderson's research partner, had found a brochure in Ted's files advertising for Swedish nurses at a medical research complex in Mexico. The brochure contained both Gunderson's picture and Sir Denis Kendall's. ... SPY also interviewed Allan Boyak, a former CIA operative now practicing law in Utah, who had known Nichols for 15 years. Boyak told SPY, "Nichols is lethal." A transcript of a conversation between Boyack, Michael Riconosciuto and former FBI agent Ted Gunderson, (which I had sent Connolly a copy of) described an occasion in which Nichols wanted to deliver a message to a mobster from Chicago. Nichols hung a man upside down on a hoist in an airplane hangar in front of a prop plane, then started the engine of the plane and revved it up, so that the man hanging on the hoist was sucked toward the propellers. According to Riconosciuto, "By the time Bob got finished with him, he wanted to die." ... Riconosciuto recalled, " ... So he [Marowitz] starts talking ... and Bob goes out of the room like this: `Oh my God, I don't want to hear anymore,' covering his ears. This Marowitz starts confessing to every hit he's ever done, including the Dorfman killings in Chicago. ... I mean, all hell breaks loose. All of a sudden Ted has found the torpedo in the Dorfman killings ..." After the "hanging" incident, Marowitz fled to Israel." .... [Michael Riconosciuto:] " ... And the bottom line here is Bob Nichols and Gilbert Rodriguez, Michael Abbell, whose now an attorney in D.C., but he was with the criminal section of the Justice Department and Harold Okimoto, and Jose Londodo, and Glenn Shockley are all in bed together. (Three years after this conversation, Michael Abbell was indicted for laundering money for the Cali Cartel)."
*) December 1992 / January 1993, Spy magazine, p. 65: "Gates has testified before the House Judiciary Committee that he has twice heard from informants that Nichols has put a contract out on his life. Alan Boyack, a former CIA operative now practicing law in Utah, has known Nicholss for 15 years and says, "Nichols is lethal." SPY has obtained the transcript of a conversation between Boyack, Michael Riconosciuto and a former FBI agent, Ted Gunderson, in which Riconosciuto describes an occasion in where Nichols wanted to deliver a message to a mobster from Chicago. He hung the man upside down on a hoist in an airplane hangar in front of a prop plane, then started the engine of the plane and revved up it up, so that the man hanging on the hoist was sucked toward the propellers. According to Riconosciuto, "By the time Bob got finished with him, he wanted to die." Casolaro was introduced to Nichols by Bill Hamilton, the Inslaw man. Hamilton seems aware that Nichols and Casolaro had grown close. In fact, on August 9, 1991, at 12:50 12 hours before Casolaro died--Hamilton called Nichols at his home in California. They talked for three and a half minutes. Hamilton claims now that he was looking for Casolaro, whom he hadn't heard from in a few days. "Robert Booth Nichols," Hamilton told SPY, "is a very strange and dangerous guy." Nevertheless, despite Hamilton's professed reservations about Nichols's character, the man who designed a program for tracking criminals and the man who has been linked by the FBI to two crime organizations communicate with surprising frequency. Last summer I visited Hamilton's office in Washington to get a copy of the phone records that would show his call to Nichols on August 9, 1991. He seemed reluctant. It took a fair amount of persuasion to convince him to turn it over--and what he gave me was a photocopy with all but that call blocked out. Shortly after leaving, I remembered that I had wanted to ask him something else and returned to his office. While I was waiting in the reception area, the phone rang. The receptionist buzzed Hamilton: "Robert Booth Nichols, returning your call." When I asked Hamilton about the call, he replied, "I call Nichols all the time. It was just a coincidence that it was right after you left." By July 1991, the relationship between Nichols and Casolaro had begun to deteriorate. On July 7, Nichols flew from Puerto Rico to Washington to meet with Casolaro. He stayed several days. These's no telling exactly what they talked about, but it was after this visit that Casolaro told Agent Gates that Nichols had warned him, "If you continue this investigation, you will die." One night, Casolaro and Nichols went out to dinner, accompanied by Wendy Weaver. "During the evening," she told SPY, "Nichols took exception to the imagined slight made to me by a patron at the bar. Nichols grabbed the man, slammed him against the wall and threatened to kill him. Later that night, Danny told me that Nichols really scared him." After that, Casolaro began trying to find out who Robert Booth Nichols really was. He found Gates and began asking questions, telling him where he was going and finally, three days before he died, asking whether he should take Nichols's threats seriously. But Casolaro was talking to someone else on the West Coast as well, a man named Richard Stavin, a former special prosecutor for the Justice Department who had been assigned to the MCA case. In his investigation of the MCA case, Stavin had unearthed documents about Nichols, who was also a target of his probe. On July 31, 1991, Casolaro had a 55-minute conversation with Stavin. Danny must have thought he had hit the jackpot: Stavin told him that Nichols had been a money launderer and that he was connected to the Gambino crime family and the Yakuza. But Stavin told Casolaro something else, something that upon reflection, he now says, "maybe I shouldn't have told him." Stavin told Casolaro that in the late 1970s, Robert Booth Nichols had offered to become a confidential informant to for the Department of Justice - in other words, a snitch. Stavin doesn't know whether any law enforcement agency accepted Nichols's offer. When the prosecutor asked other agencies, "we received denials across th board," he says, "but it seemed like a cover-your-ass situation." To some people, of course, it would be irrelevant whether Nichols had ever actually performed as a stool pigeon or not. But if John Gotti, for example, had ever found out what Danny Casolaro had found out, Nichols would be a dead man. Six days after speaking to Stavin, Danny Casolaro, who "still had a young man's vision of his immortality," according to his friend Larry Stitch, had a long phone conversation with Robert Booth Nichols. The next day, Casolaro was telling Agent Gates that Nichols had warned him to abandon the investigation. The folowing morning he left for Martinsburg, where two days later Barbara Bittinger saw his blood on a pair of towels underneath a hotel sink." - *) Articles on Danny Casolaro's death.
*) Late April 1995, Ted Gunderson Intelligence Report with Stew Webb and Gene "Chip" Tatum, 12:20 (words of Gunderson): "I talked to Danny about a week before he was murdered."
*) On August 7, 1991, FBI special agent Thomas Gates spoke to Casolaro, who informed him that Robert Booth Nichols had told him that "if you continue this investigation, you will die" and that he was afraid of Nichols. Three days later Casolaro was found in a hotel room bath tub, his wrists slashed, three fingernails missing and contusions all over his body. Cause of death? "Suicide".
*) December 24, 1993, Los Angeles Times, 'Judge Clears City in Man's Defamation Suit': "The city of Los Angeles has been cleared of liability by a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury in Glendale in a defamation lawsuit brought by a mysterious San Fernando Valley man who has claimed to have worked for nearly two decades on behalf of the CIA. Robert Booth Nichols had contended that his constitutional rights were violated when he was taken into custody by two Los Angeles police officers at the Palomino nightclub in North Hollywood in 1986. But the jury, in a case heard before Superior Court Judge Charles W. Stoll, found in favor of the city. ... Nichols' name first surfaced in a late 1980s' FBI investigation of alleged mob penetration into the entertainment industry. Last year, his name came up in a House Judiciary Committee report on possible malfeasance in the Justice Department during the Ronald Reagan presidency. The report said Nichols met frequently with Washington reporter Danny Casolaro--who had been investigating conspiracies ranging from the Iran-Contra affair to government skulduggery--shortly before the reporter's mysterious 1991 death." - YouTube upload, 'John DeCamp 4 of 5' (September 19, 2007 interview with John DeCamp): "Oh, this was in the 70s. Well, hell, [the Peace Talks] might have been in the 80s even. It started out, a friend of mine, a very close friend of mine, a Vietnamese friend, who happened to be the son of the man who had been elected president and then was assassinated. [Elected president of Vietnam] Vietnam. He then, and his family then escaped to Paris. His name was Tran van Tong. Tran Van was obsessed with getting the story of Vietnam War and things like what happened to his father and who really did what and everything else out and so he organized this thing for Paris, at exactly the same place and at exactly the same table where they had originally done the Paris Peace Talks. I'd say he got the 15 most involved people in that war that there were on the planet Earth, including Kissinger, Colby. Colby, you know, the head of the CIA over there and on and on. And interestingly enough, the generals from North Vietnam and South Vietnam, who had escaped and were now refugees. ... One of the least covered things in the United States and the most publicized thing in Europe and the rest of the world. And the deal was: they would give their little talk and then open it up to questions - and they kinda kept the press out pretty heavily, because it was gonna be one these open deals: we're gonna blow it out straight. We give our opinions, you know. I was one of the speakers, by the way, one of the 15 or 20. Yeah. had an hour talk from the perspective of a young soldier over there who became disenchanted, concerned. We weren't allowed to win, we weren't allowed to lose. That was my famed campaign slogan. And the fact that I had actually run, first and last in the history of the United States, to run for senator without ever setting foot in the United States and win the election. That's what I did. You know, I ran the campaign from Vietnam. But maybe the most interesting part for me was: I knew Kissinger had been the key man to fire Colby when Ford got elected president - or not elected president. When Ford got in as president because of Nixon's resignation. Kissinger, one of the first things he did was make sure he got rid of Colby. Why? I can only tell you what Colby told me: ... because [he] had exposed the sins of the war and the sins of the CIA, and gone before the U.S. Congress and said, "Hey, it is out of control and we need to change it." And embarrassed the administration and everything, so they got rid of him real quick. But anyway, when those agreed to sit sown over the lunch hour, which lasted about two hours, between the morning and then when the afternoon sessions started. I said, "Okay if I come along?" Colby says, "Okay by me." And maybe the most interesting revelation that I'm absolutely sure of is 100 percent true, even though I haven't really seen it anywhere else, that came out was: who was Deep Throat? ... You know Deep Throat and the great Watergate thing? And Colby says something to Kissinger like, "Well, the CIA spent a fortune on that and I think we have the answer." And Kissinger says, "Well, interestingly enough, Bill, I think we at the White House have the answer too. And then one said to the other: "Okay, who do you say it was?" And guess what the answer is? Colby says, "We at the CIA know there was no Deep Throat." Deep Throat was merely a combination of all the information these guys were getting from different sources, but they had to have something validate [for them to] give [to] the Washington Post [for it] to go forward. So they had this mysterious Deep Throat. ... Kissinger looks at him and he says, "Bill, I'm gonna tell you something. ... You just said the only thing you and I have ever agreed upon." And I thought, My God. And so started asking some questions myself. I said, "How could they do this and have a fictitious person?" And Kissinger says, "Young man, Colby is absolutely right and I'm surprised he and the Company reached that conclusion, because that is what the White House has known for a long time and we never disclosed it."... [It shows] kinda how great a reporter he [Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward] really was to have done this because he got the information and got rid of the president and everything else with a completely fictitious character. That's the God's truth. I'm not making any of this up. You can give me a lie detector polygraph test."
- *) Ibid.
*) Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, p. 380 (Feb. 2006 edition): "Colby told the truth again in December 1987, when he and I, and Henry Kissinger, and a couple of dozen prominent Americans, French, British, North Vietnamese, and former South Vietnamese leaders and journalists (Adm. James Stockdale [Gulf on Tonkin incident pilot]; Col. Harry Summers, Jr.; George Will; Al Santoli; Jean-Louis Arnaud; Ernesto Betancourt; Jacques Chaban-Delmas; Peter Collier; Sir James Goldsmith; Douglas Pike; Lam Ngoc Diep; Robert Komer; Olivier Todd; Nguyen Ngoc Quy; David Horowitz; Elliott Abrams; Tran Van Tong, to name a few) made our way to Paris, for three days, to sit around the very same table at which the Paris Peace Talks had been conducted 15 years earlier. There we all conducted our own International Conference on the Vietnam War. Though not heavily reported in the U.S., in the rest of the world the Conference was heralded as the first real truth session on what happened in Vietnam, on both sides, and why we ended up where we did." - *) Known John DeCamp interviews on the Alex Jones Show: July 21, 2004 and July 18, 2012.
*) Known Ted Gunderson interviews on the Alex Jones Show: April 21, 2010. - March 17, 2011, Rolling Stone, 'Meet Alex Jones, the Talk Radio Host Behind Charlie Sheen's Crazy Rants'.
- January 3, 2014,, 'In Memory of William Forrest ''Biff'' Hamman 1945-2014': "William Forrest ''Biff'' Hamman, 68, of Oakwood, passed away January 3, 2014 in Tyler, Texas. Graveside services will be 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at the Greenwood Cemetary in Teague. Biff was born July 25, 1945 in Dallas, Texas to Clyde William and Bennie Grayce Pope Hamman. He received his bachelor's degree from LSU, while also setting track records. He furthered his education by receiving a PHD in Latin American History from the University of Guatemala. He proudly served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War as a helicopter pilot. Biff married the love of his life, Lilian R. Cowart on December 9, 1970 in Fort Hood, Texas. He was a ham radio operator for many years, K50F0. He was an avid bicyclist and loved the outdoors. Biff managed a hunting lodge, enjoined making stained glass, tending to beehives and vineyards. He was, presently, ranch manager for Jones Brothers ranch. ... He was preceded in death by his father and son, Peter Hamman. Biff is survived his wife, Lilian Hamman; children, Buckley S. Hamman of Chicago, IL, Verna Grayce Chao (Peter) of Hermosa Beach, CA and Hester Blair Hamman of Brooklyn, NY; grandchildren, Honore and Alexander Chao; mother, Bennie G. Hamman; sister, Carol Hamman Jones (David) of Austin; nephew, Alexander [Alex] Jones and niece, Marleigh Jones."
- October 7, 1990, Newsday (Melville, NY), 'War for the Children Guatemala Covenant House confronts death squads': "In Guatemala, where New York's embattled Covenant House extended its social service empire 10 years ago, a new director's crusade against death squads was followed by the murder of a counselor and six children. The brutal counterattack began a year ago, human rights officials say, after Bruce Harris took the helm of Casa Alianza, as Covenant House is known in Guatemala. Harris severed the charity's ties to right-wing Guatemalan patrons and began to criticize official violence against children. He also fired 22 staffers and rooted out what he said was financial chaos and sexual abuse at Casa Alianza, in a campaign that was a strange mirror image of the unfolding sex scandal that ousted Father Bruce Ritter, founder of Covenant House. But it was Harris' decision to break Covenant House's silence and demand justice for Nahaman Carmona Lopez, 13, a street child allegedly beaten to death by police, that proved most fateful. It placed Covenant House in the line of fire of Central America's most notorious police force, human rights groups say. Members of Guatemala's security forces, which include municipal and Treasury police and the military, according to human rights observers, for decades have formed unofficial, right-wing "death squads." … After Harris brought legal cases against Nahaman's accused killers, more children died… In June, a former Covenant House counselor was shot in the head and killed, allegedly by a policeman. No one has been arrested in that case. "It is feared that the killing may be a reprisal against Covenant House for the role it has taken," noted an Amnesty International report in July, 1990. Those killings, and death threats against Harris and his staff, prompted Covenant House president Sister Mary Rose McGeady to visit Guatemala last month. Appointed months after Ritter resigned amid allegations of sexual and fiscal misconduct, McGeady is credited with recasting Covenant House's mission and purpose, both in the United States and overseas. … Simon, Grace, Macauley and Ritter are members of the Knights of Malta, an international, conservative Catholic organization with diplomatic status and ties to the Guatemalan right wing. The four also served on the board of Americares. None returned repeated phone calls. Both organizations came together in Guatemala in the person of a sugar plantation owner named Roberto Alejos Arzu. A Knight of Malta, Arzu agreed to ship hundreds of pounds of medicine and food from Americares to Casa Alianza and to broker private donations to the charity. Arzu is also a prominent member of Guatemala's right-wing aristocracy, say human rights officials and experts. In 1960, Alejos lent his sugar plantation to the Central Intelligence Agency to train Cubans for the Bay of Pigs invasion. Atkinson shrugged off talk of Alejos' background. "Roberto [Alejos] was the conduit for tons of supplies," Atkinson said. "He was a good man and I'm not going to condemn him on hearsay." Alejos, however, has also been linked to the abortive kidnaping of a Guatemalan cardinal in 1968 - in a 1982 report prepared by the Washington Committee on Latin America - and by local media to the death squad killings of workers on his plantation. Alejos could not be reached for comment. "When his workers complain, they end up in a ditch," said Allan Nairn, a longtime reporter in Latin America and a regional expert. "Soldiers would take the surviving children of the workers to local charities.""
- *) May 8, 2013, PBS, 'Guatemala: Why We Cannot Turn Away': "Then, we flew to Guatemala City, to observe the trial, and interview people on both sides of the genocide debate. Miles spoke with Ríos Montt's daughter Zury Ríos Montt; and with his longtime advisor Harris Whitbeck — who ran the regime's "Frijoles y Fusiles" (Beans and Bullets) aid program in the Guatemalan Highlands, and coordinated support with American Evangelical aid groups, including those led by popular television evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Ríos Montt was trained at the U.S. Army's School of The Americas; the Guatemalan government and Army received funding, military training, weapons, and essential equipment such as helicopters directly from the U.S. (and through our allies: Israel and Taiwan, among others). President Ronald Reagan was a staunch ally of Ríos Montt, even as other lawmakers in Congress and the Senate raised concerns about reports of human rights abuses against indigenous populations. In arguing for more military aid for Guatemala, Reagan once famously said at a 1982 press conference in Honduras that the General had received "a bum rap" on human rights. The question of who is responsible for atrocities that occurred during the Guatemalan civil war is not just a question for Guatemalans. ... Paid 20-page inserts by a pro-Ríos Montt, anti-genocide-tribunal group appeared in each week's Sunday paper: "The so-called ‘genocide' trial is a lie perpetrated by neo-Marxist guerrillas enabled by the Catholic Church," the headlines read. But the most challenging part of our reporting trip came when we traveled to the Ixil area, to interview Mayan survivors, including a woman who appeared in the tribunal as one of the appoximately 100 "querrelantes," or criminal witnesses. We spoke with José Ceto Cabo, an Ixil civil war survivor who runs a small NGO that works to aid fellow Ixil survivors, and we listened as seven Ixil men and women from Chajul, Cotzal, Nebaj, and other communties at the center of the genocide trial told us the stories of the atrocities they survived. In the courtroom back in Guatemala City, women covered their faces with traditional woven shawls as a gesture of grief and to hide the overwhelming pain and fear they felt as they re-lived their trauma."
*) (Institute for Policy Studies, Christian Broadcasting Network, last updated: December 31, 1990): "Guatemala: Within a week of the 1982 coup which brought evangelical Gen. Efrain Rios Montt to power, Pat Robertson flew to Guatemala to meet with the new president. (28) Rios Montt's first interview as president was with [Pat] Robertson, who aired it on "The 700 Club" and praised the new military government. (14) Robertson also urged donations for International Love Lift, a relief project of Rios Montt's U.S. church, Gospel Outreach. (28) Rios Montt said that Pat Robertson had offered to send missionaries and "more than a billion dollars" in aid from U.S. fundamentalists. Robertson, however, claimed that he hoped to match the earlier CBN donation of $350,000 in earthquake relief and send "a small team of medical and agricultural experts" to Guatemala. (14) CBN reportedly sponsored a campaign to send money and agricultural and medical technicians to help design the first model villages under Rios Montt. (4) In 1984, Operation Blessing and the Air Commando Association (ACA) set up a medical clinic in the conflictive northwestern region of Guatemala. (28) To quote ACA president "Hienie" Aderholt in the August 1984 ACA newsletter, it happened like this: "Early August, a call from Capt. Warren (USN Ret), Operations Officer for Operation Blessing who wants us to put a MED CAT into Guatemala ASAP. He pledged financial support and a photographic team to document the operation on tape for use on the Pat Robertson show on CBN [sic]."(37) According to an ACA press release, ACA established its Medical Relief Program at the invitation of then-president General Oscar Humberto Mejia Victores. "ACA will be joined in this program by the National Defense Council, World Medical Relief, International Aid, and the 700 Club's 'Operation Blessing'... as well as the Civil Affairs Department of the Guatemalan government."(38) A volunteer reported that, in addition to clothing and soap, they distributed five pounds of rice per person which had been donated by Operation Blessing. In all, Operation Blessing provided 45,000 lbs rice and $8 million in medications. (37,38) ACA president Aderholt said that these medical clinics provided medical assistance to "refugees returning to their homeland from guerrilla-enforced exile in Mexico or slavery in guerrilla camps in Guatemala."(38) In Guatemala, "The 700 Club" is shown in Spanish twice a day, at noon and late at night. Its counseling center received 1,918 phone calls in 1985, and 4,278 in 1986. (46) In a 1987 interview, the local "700 Club" administrator explained that Operation Blessing began in the country in May 1985 with the distribution of medicine donated by AmeriCares, food from International Aid and World Concern, and clothing from Germany. (40) In June 1985, Robertson personally delivered $1 million in medical supplies to the Guatemalan government. (5) Operation Blessing in Guatemala has received food from the Guatemalan government Ministry of Development. It also works with the military-linked National Reconstruction Committee (CRN). (40) A joint Air Commando/Operation Blessing medical project had support from the Civil Affairs Department of the Guatemalan government. (38) Operation Blessing has shared resources with Brotherhood of Nicaraguans and Food for the Hungry. All of its budget currently comes from the United States. Operation Blessing tries to combat malnutrition, but the administrator says that "the problem in Guatemala is not the lack of food but not knowing how to eat. We believe we can attack the problem of malnutrition by teaching people how to feed themselves.""(40) - 1988, Russ Bellant, Old Nazis, the new right, and the Republican party', p. 84: "The ASC Task Force on Central America included a handful of retired generals, including ]ohn Singlaub, Daniel O. Graham, Richard Stillwell, Gordon Sumner, William P. Yarborough, and Alexander Haig."
- January 8, 1991, Russ Baker for Village Voice, 'A Thousand Points of Blight'.
- See note 120 and ISGP's American Security Council article.
- 1996, Senator John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition', p. 180: "Lauded by the Reagan and Bush Administrations as a showcase for the privatization of social services, Covenant House had expanded into Guatemala as a gateway to South America. According to intelligence community sources, the purpose was procurement of children from South America for exploitation in a pedophile ring. The flagship Guatemalan mission of Covenant House was launched by a former business partner of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, Roberto Alejos Arzu, who had ties to the CIA, according to the Village Voice of Feb. 20, 1990. The Voice quoted Jean-Marie Simon, author of Guatemala: Eternal Spring, Eternal Tyranny: "It's like having Idi Amin on the board of Amnesty International." A top source of money for Covenant House has been Robert Macauley, founder of Americares, a service organization implicated in channeling funds to the Contras."
- December 16, 1983, New York Times, 'Foreign Affairs': "There are conservative ''think tanks'' in the Washington area that make a point of having good relations with such ultras as Salvador's Roberto D'Aubuisson and Guatemala's Mario Sandoval Alarcon, who are officially shunned by the U.S. because of their murderous reputations. Among them are the Council on Inter-American Security, the American Security Council, and the National Strategic Information Center, the last organized in the 1960's by William Casey, now C.I.A. Director."
- April 17, 2003, Associated Press, 'Former Vice President Mario Sandoval dies at 79': "Former Vice President Mario Sandoval Alarcon, a leading figure in conservative Guatemalan politics for decades, died Thursday at the age of 79, his family said. Sandoval served as vice president between 1974 and 1978 in the government of Gen. Kjell Laugerud, whose election victory over Gen. Efrain Rios Montt was widely questioned. He ran unsuccessfully for president himself in 1982 and 1986 for the National Liberation Movement, a right-wing party which participated in the CIA-organized overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz in 1954. Sandoval helped found the party and served as its secretary-general from 1958 to 1993, participating in several international anti-Communist organizations. A party biography said that at the time of the 1954 ouster of Arbenz, Sandoval was imprisoned because of clandestine organizing against Arbenz's left-leaning government. He became private secretary to Col. Carlos Castillo Armas, who took power after Arbenz was overthrown. Sandoval earlier had helped Castillo Armas break out of a prison in 1950. Sandoval also served as an ambassador and congressman and represented his country at the funeral of Spanish strongman Francisco Franco in 1975. The party biography said Sandoval had been named an honorary citizen of the states of Texas and Florida and of the cities of Jacksonville, Florida, and Houston, Texas."
- July 3, 1984, Miami Herald, 'Guatemalan Centrists Take Early Lead': ""We've had the first election in many years in which the Guatemalan people have been satisfied," said Vinicio Cerezo, head of the Christian Democratic party and a frequent critic of past elections. Unofficial results in the national races, with 2,432 of the country's 4,090 ballot boxes counted, including 793 in the capital, showed the following results: Christian Democrats, 17.6 percent; National Centrist Union, 15 percent; Movement for National Liberation, in alliance with the Authentic National Center, 12.1 percnter, 12.1 percent; and National Renovation party, 8 percent. Defaced or blank ballots accounted for 19 percent. The National Centrist Union, formed last year, appeared to forge its surprisingly strong first showing at the expense of several rightist parties. The share of the vote captured by three army-backed parties that formed a winning coalition in the 1982 presidential election dropped to 14 percent from 35 percent in 1982. The Union's success also appeared to came at the expense of the ultra-rightist Movement for National Liberation, which traces its roots and its name to the CIA-backed exile army that overthrew leftist President Jacobo Arbenz in 1954. Since then, the Movement and its leader, Mario Sandoval Alarcon, representing the most conservative landowners and industrialists, have been Guatemala's most powerful political force, though they never won the presidency. The Movement captured 12 percent of the vote Sunday in coalition with another rightist party, the Authentic National Center. The two parties' combined tally in the 1982 elections was 34.6 percent. Because of the system used to allot deputies to rural districts, the Movement could win more assembly seats than the Centrist Union, sources in both parties said."
- April 17, 2003, World News Connection, 'Guatemala: Alleged Death Squad Founder Dies in Guatamala': "The Guatemalan far-rightist politician considered by many the father of the modern Central American death squad movement died here Thursday of a heart attack at the age of 79, his family reported. Mario Sandoval Alarcon, revered by many radical anti-communists along the isthmus, had called his political organization "the party of organized violence." He was a mentor to, among others, Roberto D'Aubuisson, the late Salvadoran rightist believed to be the founder of his nation's prolific death squads blamed in the 1970s and early '80s for thousands of summary executions of suspected leftists. Sandoval Alarcon, known widely as "El Mico" (the Monkey), died at his home in Guatemala City, his family said. Holding the reins of the National Liberation Army (ELN) and in cahoots with the Catholic hierarchy, Sandoval launched a CIA-backed coup and overthrew President Jacobo Arbenz on July 3, 1954. Upon seizing power he formed the Nationalist Democratic Movement (MDN), which elected as president the head of the counter-revolutionary movement, Colonel Carlos Castillo, who was assassinated in 1956 as the result of internal partywrangling. In the 1957 fraudulent elections that were later nullified, MDN candidate Miguel Ortiz won the presidency. In the 1960s Sandoval consolidated his role as a political leader and changed his party's name to the National Liberation Movement (MLN), the so-called "party of organized violence." At the same time he was accused of organizing and leading death squads, such as the "White Hand," which tortured and assassinated popular, leftist political leaders and Marxist sympathizers. Sandoval, in an alliance with the Democratic Institutional Party, backed Colonel Carlos Arana's successful run for the presidency in 1970, while he himself went on to lead congress for four years. In 1974, Sandoval became vice president under General Kjell Eugenio Lauguerud Garcia. In 1982, he ran for president on the MLN ticket, but the election was nullified by the coup that put General Jose Efrain Rios Montt in power. The MLN's power began to decline soon after and it was eventually dissolved. Description of Source: Panama City ACAN-EFE in English -- Independent Central American press agency that is a joint concern of Panama City ACAN (Agencia Centroamericana de Noticias) and Madrid EFE "
- June 24, 1984, Gwynne Dyer, a member of RIIA and the IISS, for the San Diego Union-Tribune, 'Guatemalans have two 'right' choices'.
- December 19, 1982, Miami Herald, 'U.S. Bankrolling Sandinistas' Foes': "Sources confirmed the CIA had funded and watched over the activities of the contras, using Argentine and Honduran military officers as go-betweens. ... The Argentines' involvement with the contras began in early 1981, according to FDN sources, when former National Guard Col. Emilio Echeverri made contacts with a loosely knit group of Argentine intelligence agents and their collaborators in Central America. Buenos Aires officials became interested in Central America when many of Argentina's Montonero guerrillas turned up in Nicaragua after the Sandinista victory in 1979. ... Argentine military advisers trained the first group of Nicaraguan contras in neighboring Guatemala, sometimes on land owned by rightist poltician Mario Sandoval Alarcon, they said. About 70 former national guardsmen later went to Argentina in three groups of 20 to 25 for six-week training courses at an army counterinsurgency school, exile sources said."
- See sources for Fox News in ISGP's "conservative CIA" oversight.
- January 3, 1962, Amarillo Globe-Times, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, 'Finds Power Elite Has... Funnel Into Capital'
- August 15, 2013, Reuters, 'Snowden downloaded NSA secrets while working for Dell, sources say'.
- *) (accessed: January 3, 2016): "Verna Grayce Chao is a marketing and business development executive with 15 years of experience… Grayce is currently responsible for setting Dell's global marketing strategy in healthcare and Life Sciences industries. Prior to joining Dell , she spent 10 years at IBM in various marketing, sales, strategy and global innovation roles. Verna Grayce also held marketing leadership roles in aerospace and Internet start-up firms. Verna Grayce holds a BA from Boston University and an MBA from The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. She was born in Dallas, Texas, grew up in Guatemala City, and now lives with her husband and daughter in Hermosa Beach, California."
*) (accessed: September 5, 2010): "Verna Grayce Chao, director, Dell global security solutions, kicked off the session by asking us for our favorite security terms. ... People reeled off terms such as honeypot, snort, worms, hijack, Trojan, trampoline, phishing and ransomwear and more." - 1991, Pat Robertson, 'The New World Order', pp. 98-102.
- *) (accessed: January 16, 2016): "The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part II ~ H - M: ... CNP Membership Directory (1984-85, 1988, 1996, 1998). Senior Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church..."
*) 1996 CNP membership list, as distributed by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, and sent on August 1, 1996 from a email account to and (the Environmental Working Group of Drummond Pike (founder Tides Foundation), Laura Turner (daughter of Ted Turner) and Alicia Wittink (director Mother Jones)) (PDF): "D. James Kennedy - Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church." - *) October 26, 2000, Philadelphia Inquirer: "Since 1985, the Maldon Institute - relying on nearly $2million from Pittsburgh philanthropist Richard Mellon Scaife - has churned out monographs on everything from protests against the World Bank to rebel movements in Colombia and Uzbekistan... In the search-warrant affidavits, the state police quoted from a recent Maldon Institute report, citing unnamed sources, that linked protesters to Communist money."
*) "The Maldon Institute in 1993 claimed financial support from "public-spirited foundations including the Allegheny and Carthage Foundations, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith...." Both Allegheny and Carthage are controlled by Richard Mellon Scaife, who later funded several anti-Clinton investigations in conservative and hard right media. In 1993 Maldon Institute board members included three notable conspiracists: Dr. D. James Kennedy..." - Israel has a long history of cooperation with America's pro-Zionist lobby groups, a network largely set up by Mossad founder Reuven Shiloah. Israel has also engaged in spy operations on American soil, with the the Israeli intelligence gathering unit LAKAM being a particularly good example. It appears a lot of these operations had the consent of CIA officials as James Angleton and Ted Shackley. Angleton in particular backed Israel's secret nuclear program. Following are several news reports involving accusations that the ADL, AIPAC and Mega Group have been stealing U.S. national security secrets, apart from trying to shape U.S. policy. Also included is a report about the DOD warning its personnel about Israeli spy operations.
*) October 19, 1993, Washington Post, 'Jewish group's tactics investigated - Intelligence gathering methods of Anti-Defamation League at issue': "In April, San Francisco police investigators searched two California offices of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, a respected civil rights organization that they suspected had been secretly monitoring the activities of thousands of political activists They left with boxes of files a prosecutor later described in court as "contraband," including leaked copies of confidential law enforcement reports, fingerprint cards, driver's license photographs and individual criminal histories drawn from police records. They also seized pink copies of internal reports signed "Cal," a code name, police had been told, for San Francisco art collector Roy H. Bullock. When police questioned him, Bullock said he had worked for 32 years as one of the ADL's chief intelligence gatherers on the West Coast, carefully following the movements of Skinheads, white supremacists, Arab Americans and critics of the Israeli government. ... Prosecutors contend in court documents that the ADL had a network of friendly officers turning over confidential data. They also say the ADL has intelligence gatherers such as Bullock stationed in other cities. "In Chicago, there is an ex-police officer named Chi-3. In St. Louis there is Ironsides. In Atlanta, there is an Arab speaking man named Flipper. . . . There are other California code named employees such as Scout, Scumbag and Hot Spurs," an affidavit based on information from an ADL employee said. The ADL acknowledged that there are other field investigators like Bullock but insists their efforts are legal and benign. ... "I was an investigator for the ADL," Bullock explained. "I investigated any and all antidemocratic movements." His job, he told San Francisco police, was to gather "political intelligence" about groups that the ADL considered antisemitic or anti-Israel. ... Since news of the investigation broke, a group of Arab Americans listed in the ADL's files has charged in a civil lawsuit that the ADL invaded the Arab Americans' privacy with its "massive spying operation" and forwarded confidential information to the governments of Israel and South Africa. Evidence of the ADL's information sharing with the Israeli government is largely historical. In 1961, former ADL national director Benjamin R. Epstein wrote to a B'nai B'rith official that the ADL was following Arab diplomats and activists in America and sharing its information with the governments of Israel and the United States. In his 1988 autobiography, ADL general counsel Arnold Forster, who oversaw the fact-finding operation, described how "fact-finding and counteraction became the heart of the organization." He also wrote that he was often a "source" for the Mossad, Israel's CIA, in tracking down suspected Nazi war criminals. "
*) January 30, 1996, Washington Post, 'Defense memo warned of Israeli spying': "A Defense Department security office issued a confidential warning to many military contractors in October that the Israeli government was "aggressively" trying to steal U.S. military and intelligence secrets, partly by using its "strong ethnic ties" to the United States to recruit spies. ... "Placing Israeli nationals in key industries . . . is a technique utilized with great success," the memo said."
*) May 5, 2001, Israel Shamir for Media Monitors Network (Israel): "That is the last thing the bosses want. I would not be amazed if they discussed it yesterday, when they met in the Edgar Bronfman mansion in Manhattan. The head of the World Jewish Congress hosted a meeting of the 50 richest and most powerful Jews of the U.S. and Canada. There was no press coverage, no limelight, just a few lines in the newspapers... They agreed to launch a PR program under the Orwellian codename of 'Truth' [Emet] with the purpose of influencing American public opinion regarding Israeli policies. ... The megabucks call themselves 'Mega group.' This name appeared in the media a couple of years ago, as a name for the secret Israeli in the upper reaches of the U.S. establishment. It came up in an overheard phone conversation, later denied by the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. The newshouds and spook watchers got it wrong. 'Mega' was not an agent, Mega was the boss. ... Megabucks influence us, even more than they influence the U.S. Our politicians are as weak and corrupt as America's and they are easier to swing. ... The Megabucks can buy Israel with their spare change. If they wish, we would have peace in Palestine today. But they are not interested in Israel per se... Megabucks care for themselves, and they need Israel in order to keep the American Jews together, supporting them. This is why they do not mind bloodshed in Palestine, and even a bloody regional war does not scare them. ... In my opinion, Megabucks, rather than forces of Caballa, move the events in the Middle East. It is not magic, just money--but a lot of money. They do not rule America or Israel, but they exercise a lot of influence. Fifty multibillionaires united in one framework present a very real force in the world."
*) May 25, 2007, New York Times, 'New Effort To Continue Espionage Case': "Federal prosecutors have offered to provide more classified information in open court to keep alive their prosecution of two former pro-Israel lobbyists charged with violating the Espionage Act. The lobbyists, who had been with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC], are charged with illegally giving national security information to Israeli officials and reporters. Citing national security concerns, the prosecutors had tried to close from public scrutiny a substantial part of the information to be used at trial." - *) Public Research Associates (Ford Foundation and Tides Foundation-sponsored), 'The Maldon Institute: From a 1993 description at the back of all printed Maldon Institute reports', at (accessed: February 7, 2016): "The Maldon Institute was founded in 1985... Maldon Institute reports go to the United nations and its agencies, to the White House, Congress and to many involved with the political and corporate decision-making process. ... Maldon [is] funded by a wide range of of public-spirited foundations including the Allegheny Foundation, The carthage Foundation, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and private individuals. The president of The Maldon Institute [is] Michael G. Flanigan... Members of Maldon's Advisory Board include John Boland ... Paul Busiek ... Dr. James Kennedy ... Robert Moss ... Dr. Sulayman Nyang ... Richard A. Sandell ... and Raymond Wannall. ... The director of The Maldon Institute is Martha Powers."
*) February 9, 2011, Washington Post, 'W. Raymond Wannall, assistant FBI director': "W. Raymond Wannall, who headed the FBI's intelligence division under J. Edgar Hoover and later became the bureau's assistant director, died Jan. 29 of pneumonia at Fairhaven, a retirement community in Sykesville, Md. He was 92. Mr. Wannall spent more than three decades with the FBI before retiring in 1976. For all but five years of his career, he worked in the intelligence division at the bureau's D.C. headquarters. He was responsible for operations related to counterintelligence, counterterrorism, security and espionage. Among the many cases he worked on was the 1974 kidnapping of heiress Patty Hearst by the Symbionese Liberation Army, a guerrilla group. He also was one of the managers who handled Morris Childs, a disillusioned member of the American Communist Party who during the Cold War became a double agent for the FBI and penetrated the highest levels of the Kremlin. Mr. Wannall's book "The Real J. Edgar Hoover, For the Record" was published in 2000. Walter Raymond Wannall Jr. was born and raised in Washington. He was a graduate of McKinley Technical High School. In 1942, he received a law degree from what is now the law school at Catholic University. That same year, he entered the FBI as a special agent. During the 1940s and '50s, he worked on the bureau's Middle East intelligence desk. He held life memberships in several professional organizations, including the National Intelligence Study Center, and was a past chairman and president of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers. Mr. Wannall served on the boards of other organizations, including America's Future Inc. and the Maldon Institute, a group that analyzes information presented in the news media. He also lectured at the Alexandria-based Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies. Survivors include his wife of 70 years, Gertrude Crane Wannall of Sykesville; two children, W. Raymond Wannall III of Gwynn Oak, Md., and Anne W. Hart of Woodstock, Md.; a brother, former U.S. Senate sergeant at arms William H. Wannall of Tallahassee, Fla.; two grandsons; and three great-granddaughters."
*) From 1999-2003 Abramoff was secretary/treasurer of the Maldon Institute.
*) August 13, 1983, Associated Press, 'Grand Jury Subpoenas Right-Wing Editor in Police Spying Probe': "A grand jury probing police spying has subpoenaed an editor for a right-wing organization aided by a detective in building a data bank on alleged subversives, a newspaper said Saturday. John Rees, who edits publications for the Western Goals Foundation, was served Friday, the Los Angeles Times reported. The subpoena was issued through a court in Baltimore, Md., where Rees lives, it said, quoting unidentified sources. The grand jury is investigating alleged spying and misuse of confidential information by the Police Department's recently disbanded Public Disorder Intelligence Division. Rees, who also is the Washington correspondent for the John Birch Society's weekly Review of the News, said by telephone Friday he will claim protection from the subpoena under the California Reporters' Shield Law and the First Amendment." - 1983, Timothy Leary, 'Flashbacks: An Autobiography', p. 308: "[In Algeria] a psychiatrist took me to lunch to ask what I knew about mind-control and brainwashing, implying that I could find a good post behind the Iron Curtain, in a Czech or Hungarian Clinic. ... I wasn't interested in a scientific post in a Communist country. All this intrigue sent paranoia indices on a rapid climb. A charming English lady, a stringer for [the Washington Post-owned] Newsweek introduced us to a well-educated Algerian bureaucrat named Ali and his French wife Michelle, who had us over for dinner several times. He made no bones about his connection to the CIA. They were planning to migrate to Canada. I felt the moment had come to confide our hopes to someone. "Look Ali. We want to escape Algeria. How can we get out?" "You have two problems. First you'll have to get some other country to accept you. You can't just go to the airport and jump on a plane. And second the Algerians will have to let you go. Once you accepted that green political asylum card, you gave the Algerian government the right to decide where you'll be most useful." ... [Ali later on:] "Your exit visas will be waiting for you at the airport. I'll arrange it." In our hotel suite I lifted Rosemary up and swung her around in triumph. "Denmark, here we come." "Are you sure we can trust him?" she asked. "He's CIA after all." "He's liberal CIA," I said, "and that's the best mafia you can deal with in the twentieth century.""
- 1974, Warren Hinckle, 'If you have a lemon, make lemonade', p. 178: "Schwartz did not deny the CIA relationship. But he argued through most of the night that I shouldn't print the story. It would destroy the NSA [National Student Association]. The CIA would retaliate against the students. Innocent people would be hurt. The CIA money was used for valuable liberal projects, even helping organize Vietnam teach-ins. He might lose his draft deferment. And so on. The next day, in Washington, the same arguments were made by other NSA leaders to Sol Stern, who was writing the story. They actually advanced the intriguing contention that such a disclosure would be damaging to the enlightened men of the "liberal" internationalistic wing of the CIA who were willing to provide clandestine money to domestic progressive causes."
- Establishment backing/financing of Mother Jones magazine and its Foundation for National Progress is discussed in ISGP's "Liberal CIA" oversight.
- July 3, 2011, The Guardian, 'Noam Chomsky criticises old friend Hugo Chávez for 'assault' on democracy'. See Noam Chomsky's "liberal CIA" biography for details.
- (accessed: January 16, 2016) (book lists dominated by CIA-type conspiracy disinformers and "liberal CIA" assets): "
- America's "War on Terrorism" by Michel Chossudovsky ...
- The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast.
- The Best Enemy Money Can Buy by Anthony Sutton.
- Black Box Voting, Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century by Bev Harris.
- Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier. ...
- Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins.
- Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 by John Coleman.
- Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert. ...
- Imperial Hubris by Michael Scheuer. ...
- Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II by William Blum. ...
- Project MKULTRA, the CIA's program of research in behavioral modification. Joint hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, first session, August 3, 1977. United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on Intelligence.
- Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies by Noam Chomsky.
- New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin. ...
- Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins." - March 31, 2019, Vox, 'Alex Jones blames "psychosis" for his Sandy Hook conspiracies; He now admits the shooting massacre was not a hoax.'
- *) October 2, 2017,, 'Second Shooter? Footage Appears to Show Las Vegas Gunfire Didn't Come from 32nd Story''.
*) October 9, 2017,, 'Experts Confident There Were Multiple Shooters at Vegas Massacre; Special Forces veterans say gunshot acoustics point to multiple shooters'. - October 22, 2017,, 'Vegas Bombshell: Video Shows 17 Ambulances Pulling Bodies Out Of Hooters'.
- October 22, 2017,, 'Reports of second massacre at Hooters night of Las Vegas tragedy are false'.